Home Rule Charter I o H ART J: Ii o I ! Y 0 r G a A B D I S L A 11 D, If J: 13 R A S It J. I ADOPTED BY THE o I 'I Y erG Jl A I D I S L A I Xl, I I BRA S lC A A P R I L T H IR D, 1 9 2 S II10JlOI J U lET B I R D, 1 9 a s I I I I 1 1:(sT 0 It I OAL On the 19th dar of llay 1926, at a Keeting of the Kayor and the C1iiy 00u011 of the Oity of Grand Island. lebraska., Councilman Henr7 H.J'alldorf presented the and moved its adoption: ..RESOLUTION The Oity of Grand Island is new a Oity of approx- imately 17,000 people. It is governed by a Charter whioh applies not only to the Oity of Grand. Ieland. but to tbose cities having a population of 8,000 to 25,000 people. The cond1tions in the various oities are divergent. It must be apparent to very member of the Oounoil that the system of government under whioh we are working is not entirely satlsfaetor7 to the people of the 01ty of Grand Island.. Tbe Constitution of the State of Nebraska prov14.. a way in whloh this may be changed. The Jeople of the Oity of Grand Islami may, if they so desire, adopt thelr own charter, whU.. caa be made to fit the needs and oonditlons of Grand Island, In view of the foregoing facts, therefore, BE 17 RESOLVED by the Ka10r and 01ty Oounoil of the Oit7 of Grand Island, .ebraska: Seot10n 1. That the Hon. Kayor appoint a Oommittee ef not less than three nor more than five of the members of the Oity Oouaoi1, in oonjunotion with the Oity Attorney, to investigate the feasibility of calling a speoial election of all the qualified electors of the Oity of Grand Island, and of submitting to them the question of whether ox not a Oharter Oonvention shall be oalle4 in aoc~rdanoe with the terms of Artlcle Xl of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, .tor the fXUllng of a Home Rule Oharter for this City. Henry H. 'Illldort The Resolution was duly adopted and the Mayor appointed a Committee oonsisting of Oounoilmen L. C. Williams, O. H. Justice and H. H. Fal1dorf. On July 7th, 1926, the Oommittee made report aa follows: I I I a W upoa, We, your Oommittee, to whom was referred the proposition of submitting to the voters the question of whether or not the Kayor and Oity Oouneil should call a Oenventionfor the purpose of adopting a Bome Rule Oharter, do hereby report tha.t after having made diligent inquiry, and having held meetings at whioh interested parties might appear, that in our judgement said proposition should be submitted to the electors of the Oity of Grand Island, and we, therefore, aublni t an ordinance calling said special election for the consideration of the Oouncil. L. O. Williams O. H. Justice On motion of Williams the report was adopted. September 15th,l921, Ordlnanoe No. 1159 was pre- sented and passed, calling snEleotion on Tuesday, November 2) 1926, to submit . proposition to call a Home Rule Oharter Oon- vention as follows: FROM ORDINANOE BO.1159 "Shall the Kayor and Oity Counoil of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska.. call a oonvention of fifteen freeholders, who shall have been at least five years qualified Electors of said Oity, to be elected by the qualified voters of said Oity at a speoial election to be held on April 5, 1927, to frame a Oharter for the Ci~y of Grand Island, )lebraska, in acoordance with the provisions of Section 2, Article Xl of the Oonstitution of the State of Nebraska; Oandidates for the office of Kember of sa14 Charter Oonvention to be nominated in the manner and form provided for the nomination of a Kayor of said Oity. and those fifteen candidates of the number nominated receiving the highest number of votes at sai4 election te be declared. elected as members of such Oharter Oonvention?" Said. Ordinance 10. 1159 was duly published in the Grand Island Hera.ld, as per pro.f of publica.tion on file. Not.ice was duly given by pUblication in the Grand Island Herald and the Grand Island Independent for five weeks prior to said Election an4 I I I 3 posting Notices two weeks prior to sa14 Elect10n in three ef the most pUb1io and oonsp1ouous places in eaoh of the six voting Districts in Grand Island, .ebraska, as per proofs of sai4 Pub- lishing and Posting new onf11e. The Returns of said Election held on November 2, 1926, were duly oanvassed by the Oity Oounoi1 on the 9th day of November,l9SS, and it was found that a,103 Electors ot the Oity of Grand Island had voted for said Proposition, and 1,034 aga1nst said proposition and said proposition was deolared to have been adopted. January 19, 1927 an ordinanoe 10. 1176 was passed oallingan Eleotion to eleot 15 delegates to the Oha.rter Oonven.... tion, said ardinanoe being amended on Ka.rch 16th, 1927, by Ord- inance No. 1183. Ordinanoes Nos. 1176 and 1183 were eaoh pub- lished in the Grand Island Herald one time as per proofs of pub- lioation on file. On. Karoh 16, 1927, the Hon. Kayor and Olerk issued an Eleotion Proclamation, as provided by said Ordinance No. 1176, amended by OrdinanoeNo. 1183 calling for the Eleotion on April 6, 1927, sf 15 Kembers of the l10me Rule Oharter Oonvention; sa1d Proclamation being published in the Grand.Island Herald. for three weeks aa4 oop1es thereof posted in three .f the most public aad conspicuous plaees 1a eaoh of the six Eleotion Districts in said 01ty at least ten days before the date of said Eleotion, as per proofs of said Publioa.'tion and Ppsting now on file. !henomination by Petition of SS persons for Kembers of said Charter Oonvention were made and submitted at said Eleotion. The aetu~s of said Eleotion were canvassed by the Kayor and Oounoil on the 11th day of April 1927, ana it appearing from said Returns that tbe following named persons received the highest number of Totes; viz: O. A. Abbett, Jr., 'I. J. Arrasmith, I. J4. Augustine, J'red I. Babel, Homer Bowen, C. W. Burdiok" W. B. Olayton, J. L. Oleary, B. E.01lff0rd, Oharles Oer48, B. J. OUnn- lnghUl, A. J. DeUlan, JohnA. ferguson, lufus lI. a.er, and. David Kaufmann. They and each of them were declare4 duly elected Kembers of the .8ai4 Charter Oonyention. I I I " Certificates of Election .e~e 4ul7issuea to e~ch of the Kembers elect of said Oharter Oonvention, and. the Clerk asked them to Bleet for organization on April 21, 1921' at e P. K., at the Ceuncl1 Ohamber. The Delegates to the Charter ConTention met at the Council Ohamber on April 21, 1928 as peroell; Were called to order by.H. I. Qlifford,Oity Clerk, oamotion O. A. Abbott, Jr., was elect.. Temporary Oha.i.rman and. I... Augustine, Temporary Secretu1. en motion J. L. Oleary was eleete4Permanent Ohairman, navld.la,t,fllu, Permanent Vice Chairman I. K. Augus~lne, Permanent Secretary John ~ Ferguson, Assistant Secretary SeTeral meetings of the Oharter Oommittee were he1t later at call of the Chairman. 0..1. Abbott, Sr., was employed. t. formulate &ad pr~sent a Charter embraoing as far as practicable the present State law app11cable to Oit1es of thls clas.. Several meet- ings were had i. oonference with the Compiler and resulted 1n the writing anGi presenting. on August 2, 1927 of the Oharter herewith writtenaati 3S copies thereof,'with Prefatory Syaopsis and Inde. attached to Report. Said Charter with Index, Prefatory SynopSis, Report of Oharter Oonvention and Oertifioate of the Oity Olerk was published ia the Grand Island Iade~eadent, the offie1alpaper of the City, _. the 8th, 15th and Sand days of lebnary, 1925, as per Proof 8f Pub11 oat ion on file. Karoh 1, 1925 Election Proclamation was issued eall1ng an Election for the adoption or rejection of sait aharter on the 3rd day of April, 1928. Said ProolamatioJl wa.s pUb11shed in the Grand. Island Independent, the offioial paper of the Oity, on the 2nd, 9ta, 16th, and 23r4 days of Karch 19a5, and on the 19th and 80th days of Karch 1925. Oopies thereof were posted in three of the most public and oonspicuous places 1n each of the line Eleotion Distriot. of the City, as per Proofs of Publication and Posting on flle. Said Charter proposition was submitted 1n said Proclamation 1n form as follow.: "Shall the Oity of Grand Island a.dopt the Home Rule Oharter prepared by the Oonven~ tien of Fifteen. and now on file in the eff1o~ of the City Olerk, as and for the Charter of the City of Gre~d Island?8 I I I 5 !he returne of said IlecotioD. were duly canvassed \)1 the Mayor an4 Oity Oouncil, of the said Oit" on the 9th day April 1925, and the following Resolution was presented and adopted: USOLUTIOI Whereas at the Municipal Election held. on the 31'4 day of April, 1928, in Grand Island, Nebraska, the following proposition was submitted to the Electors of said Oity: "Shall the Oity of Grand. Island adopt the Home Rule Oharter prepared. by the Oenventi(!)tL of Fifteen, and now on file i. the office of theOity Clerk, as and for the Charter of the Oity of Grant Island?' And Whereas at said Election 191 Electors Toted Hyes" on said proposition and 698 Electors voted "neB 0n sa.id proposition. low Therefore Be it Resolved by the Kayor and Oity Council of the Oity of Grand Island, lebraska,_ that we do find and sa.y that said. proposition was ratified and carr1ed, and said Home Rule Oharter was a40pted as and for the Charter of the Oity of Grand IBland,Nebra.ska;Sixty days after said Ratification. Chr1.s Michelsoa I I I 6 C E R T 1.1 IC A t ~ We, the ua<<.reigned, being the membefs of the Ohar- ter Conyention as were eleoted by the qualified voters of th~ Oit1 8f Grancl Island, Hall Oounty, lebraeka., a.t the general eleotion held on the 5th day of April. 1927, to prepare and propoee to the electors of said Oity, a Oharter for the government of the Oity of Grand Island, hereby submit the following oonsisting of a Prefator7 Synopsis and Sixty typewritten pages, together with an Alphabetical Index, as the Oharter prepared by us to be submittea to the tuali- lie4 eleetors of the Oity Of Grand Island for approval an~ we hereby oertify that the following ie the original of the Oharter prepared by us fer the consideration of the electors of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, and hereby submit the same together with 25 cor- reat copies thereof, to the Oity Olerk of the Oity of Grand Island to be filed in his offioe as by law required. Dated this 2nd day of Al1g11st, 1927. J. L. Olear~ Ohairman. DaTtd Kaufmann Vice-Chairman .. I. 14.. .Aup:ustine Secreta.ry e. A. Abbott" Jr. W. J. Arra.smith Fred E. Babel '~,h.... .H.omer Bowen . Olarence W. Burdick w. E. Olayton H. E. Olifford O. J~ Oords B. J. Ounnin~haDl A. J. Denman John A. Fer~son Rut})., 14. ~eer I I I 7 PREfATORY SYNOPSIS In drafting the Oity Oharter proposed herewith, theOharter Oonvention has oonfined its efforts largely to a compilation of the existing leneral laws of the State appli- cable to cities of the class of whioh Grand Island is one. In adapting the general laws of the State to the Oity of Grand Island speoifioally, it has been possible to omit consi4erable verbiage without altering th~ legal ef- fect of their provisions. It has been the endeavor of the Oharter Oon- vention to draft a Charter that wlll present to the voters solely the issues of.hether or not they desire a Rhome ruleR Oharter for the Oity. TG that end it has seemed desirable that no radioal changes be proposed at this time that oou14, in any way, be used legitimately to confuse the issue thus sought to be presented. Attention 1s oalled to the oatcbheads appear- ing at the head of each Article, Seotion and Sub-divis1on of a Seotion of the proposed Charter whieh, under its termst oonstitute no part of the Charter itself for the purpose of legal cons*ruction, but are inserted as a matter of praoti- oal oonvenienoe, substantially serving as a synopsis of the Charter. Article I oontinues in existenoe, the exist- ing municipal corporation, the Oity of Grand Island, ita oorporate lim1ts, Its rights and'118,b111ties,its ordinances, resolutions, orders and re~latlons not in confliot with the proposed Oharter and its existing elective offioers until the election of their successors as 1n the Oharter provided. I I I e Artiele 11 reserving to the Oity all powers conferred by Sta.te law, provides in a. general way that the Oity can sue and be sued., purohase property, preserve peacae and good order, borrow money, provide for the genera.l welfar.e, make eo... tra.cts and exereise right of eminent domain. Article 111 provides for oity officers, their election, pay, powers and duties, time of eleotion and~erm. nomiaations, apPOintment of officers, manner of voting, quali- fications of voters, oanvass of votes and prohibits oity oi- fieere oontracting ..iih the City. Artiole IV proTides for the meetings of the Oity Counoil, what constitutes . quorum, the prOVisions for a Preai- dent of the Oouncil, the enactment of ordinanoes and publioation thereof; the provisions for calling witnesses before the Oouncil and with reference to the exeroise of anoillary powers by the Counoll. Artiele V sets out the revenue provisions, taxa- tion, speoial assessments, oooupation taxes, dog taxes, &'Ad payment of judgments, bonded debt and interest. Article Vi sets out the provisions with referenoe to the eorpol'a.te limit. of the Oity, extending or <ii.oonneoting territory, additions to the Oity, defines what is "contiguous" lands, the manner of platting and layingout.aew additions and the vaoa.tion and manner of pla.tting.the same; the prerequisite for pla.tting and the va.cation of streets and alleys and the title to land so vacated. Article Vll gives the Oit1 genera.l control of streets, paVing, forma"ione! paving <i1strlets,purehase by Oity a tax sale, bond issues for paving distriots, term and payment of bonds. by owners of property, intersection 'bonds, payment of paving contracts, estimates of oost of City Engineer aad graveling street.. I I t , Art1ele Vlll preseribes for.gra.deof sIde- walks and the manner of oonstruetlon a.nd repa.ir by own.ers &r 01ty, and penalties. Article lX provides for the regula~ton ud oontrol of street traffio by vehiCles; safety rules, speed and parking, for appointment of a Board to issue permits to drivers, fixing fares, routes and taxing common carr1er vehicles. Article X oontinues cemetery now owned by the Oity and provides for Sexton, conveyanoe of lots, their upkeep and restriotions, the oare and polioing of the oeme- tery and makes prOVisions for privately owned cemeteries amt "heir oontrol and regulation by the Oity. Article Xl gives the Oity control of all parks now owned or leased by the Oityand power to acquire, oontrol and ornament other parks, plalsroua4s, boulevards. submit bond issues therefor to voters, punish trespassers and provide. for oare takers. Art.iole Xll empowers the Oi ty to abate nui- sanoes and regulate slaug~ter houses, stock yards, feet yards, and other nuisances adjaoent to City limits, to re- gulate keeping of animals and fowls, the removal of teat oarcasses, to abate holes, pits, ponds and stapant wa.ter, to provide for colleotion and removal of gaxbage, the des- truction of weeds, to regulate or suppress disorderly houses, pool halls and other games and practices subjeot to police regulation. Article XlII makes provision for the fire department, establishment of fire limits, the 1nspeetion I I I 10 aud. :egula.tion of thea.tres, cluee halls and quasl publ1. p1aees and build.ings and for d.uties of fireme.. Artie1. XIV empowers City to lay aewers, establish sewer distriots. provide for sewer outlets out- side of the 01ty, operate and extend disposal plants, leyy speoial taxes or assessments therefor and iasuanoeof sewer bonds. Article XV contianee the ownership aaA eontrol of the water, ioe, power and light plants by the City and provides for the extension and improvement there- of, prohibits sale Of Oit1's public utilities without a vote of the electors, provides for bonds for payment there- of when authorized by voters and speoifying how inoome from utilities sha.ll be applie4. Arti.leXVl defines the fiscal year, calls for an annual apprep~1atlon ordinance for SUIIlS neaesear,. for expense. and liabilities of the City for the ensuimg yea.r, makes funds arising from ro84, bridge taxes and lev- ies for public ways, sewer or wa.ter main extensions con- sidered appropriated by the ordinanoe creating such improve- men.t or extension tilistrict, inhibits contraets and expen- ditures by Gouncil, officers or committe. unless appropr1~ tion shall have been previously made. Article XVll provide. procedure aDd manaer of making 01a1ms against the Oity, appeals from 4isallowanoe of 01a1u by olaimants or from a.llowance of ala.~m b1 1iax payers and appeals by City from judgments and prOVides Oity shall not be liable in damages for defective streets, walks, publiC parks, and pla..:es ules8 notioe of the injury is give.. to the Ka.yor or Clerk and prescribes duties of the Olerk 1a referenoe to suoh notice. I I I 11, Artic18 XVlll continues the p~blio library under the control of the City an~ provides for the exten- sion of the building, the addlng of aaart department and oounty historical .apartment and issuance of bonds therefer by vote of the 81eotors and for making rules for the libra%J by the Councilor approya1 of rules a40pted by the Library Board.. -,. Article XIX adopts that part efOhapter 4' of the 00mpl1ed Statutes of the State of K.braska for the year 1922, insofar as the same is not inconsistent with the proposed Oharter, as a part of sueh Oharte:r:. Artiele XI makes the Charter effe.tiY. Sixty day. after ratifioation by voters of the Oity aa4 provides that oatohheads in th.Charter are for convenience of the reader and not to ba eonsidered. in construing terms. I I I D PREAOLI We, the people residing in the Oity of Graad Is- land, lebraska, under and by virtue of the Constitution of the Sta.te of Nebra.ska, 40 hereby ortla1ut establish ad adopt the following Oharter tor the better government of the 01" of Grand Island: ARTIOLE Ol(E Prior Oorporate Entitr Preserved. 1fame 1 - The municipal corporation now existing and known .. The Oity of Grand Isl... shall remain and oontinue a body publio and corporate, by naae theOity of Grand Island, and as suo~ shall have perpetual suooessioa. All processes affecting the 01ty shall be served on the Mayor or aoting mayor, or in the &bsence of both of said officers, on the Oity Clerk. Boundarie. S -Tnecorpora.te 11.ite of the 01ty shall be those ex- istingwhen this oharter becomes effeotive, and the Oouncilmay thereafter by ordinance alter the same to the extent and in the .anner provided by law, and up- on oonditions in suob ordinanoe prescribed. atght.and J,.i~bLllf 1iles, Exist.1ng()l'di1'lances.an~ Officers. L 1 Oharter takes effect, and. not inoonfliet w1thits provieioJ(ls, shall remain in force',unti1 amended or, repealed; .. and the terms of eleot1 va offioers in of- fice at the t1me thia Oharter gges into effect shall end upon the election and qualif1catio~ of their succe.soreaS in this Oharter provided. 1 ,I .' e. 13 I I I .14 polioemen and offioersas it may from time to time deem necessary, presoribe thei.r duties and fix their oompen- sat10n. ..Borrow . )loney:. 6 - To borrow money on the cred1t of the01ty and pledge the credit and revenues of the Oity for the payment thereof when authorized in the manner and for the uses and purposes hereinafter provided. .. General Welfare: 7... fo make all suoh ordinances, by-laws, :rules and regula- tions in addition to the speoial powers in this Charter granted and enumerated - maintain the peaoe, good govern- ment and welfare of the City, its trade, commerce an4 manufactures, and to enforce all ordinanoes by imposing forfeitures and by inflicting fines and penalties for the violation thereof not exceeding one hundred dollars for anyone offense reooverable ."ith oosts, and. in de- fault of pa)'D1ent toprovid.e for oonfinement in the Oity prison or Oounty jail, with or without hard labor, upon the streets or elsewhere, for the benefit of the Oity until suoh fines and penalties are pai4. Oontraots: 8 - To make contraots and do all acts relating to the pro- perty and oonoerns of the OitI necessary or inoident to the exercise of its corporate powers inclUding the . power to execute suoh bonds or obligations on the part o.f the 01 ty as may be required. in Judicial prooeedings. ..lrn1nent Domain: 9 - To exeroise the power of eminent domain and to take private property for publiC use for the purpose of: 15 I Ca) - The opening, extending or widening streets, alleys, avenues or pub110 ways. (b) .Theerect10n or extens10n or enlargement of any pUb110 buildings. (e) - The establ1shment or enlargement or publio . parks, driveways ani playgrounds for the pleasure and health of the public within or without the City. (d) - The establishment of landing places for air- planes or flying machines. Ce> - The construction of viaducts over or under any ra11road traoks. (I) - The Qonstruction of any sewer or outlets therefor within or without the Oity. (,) - The establishment of quarantine hospitals for the care of persons suffering from oontagious, infeotious or malignant disease within five miles from the Oity Limits. (h) - To establish oemeteries. (i) -For suoh other purposes as may from time to time become necessary in the government and-control of the 01ty; PROVIDED, always, thatln all such oases the Clty shall make the persons or corpora- tlons, whose property shall b$ taken or damage4 thereby, adequate oompensation to be determined as provided by law for condemnation br railway oompaa1es. I I 16 I ARTIOLE-TBREl Offioers, Elections. Powere and Duties 1 - The general Oity election in this Oityshall be held on the first Tuesday in April, annually. The polls shall be opened at such place in each ele~ tion district as has been heretofore or may hereafter be established by ordinance and shall be kept open between the hours of nine o'clock A. 1[. and seven o'clock P. K. and no longer. .Time oiEleotion and Ter.m a.... On the odd n~bered years, a Kayor, Treasurer, Olerk and Polioe Magistrate shall be eleoted for the term of two years by a plurality vote, who shall hold their respective term of office for two years thereafter. There shall also be elected at the same time and annu.... ally thereafter, one Oouncilman for each ward who shall hold his'office for the like term of two years. S,ecial Ilections ~ _ The Kayor and Council ma.y provide for the holding anci regulation of speoial elections, the return oanvass of votes cast thereat, and to pay the expenses of the same. .OfficerstQ;uallfloa.tions 4 - The elective offioers of the City shall be residents thereof and qualified eleotors therein and citizen. of the United states of Amerioa. Nomina.tion of Offioers S - The nomination of all elective officers, in wards, shall be made as heretofore b1 petitions signed by not less than 50 eleotors and nomination of the City officers by petitionssig.ned by not less than 200 electors and filed with theOity Olerk at least 35 I I 17 I 4a18 before suoh eleotio.. The nomination may also be made in such other ways and manners as are pro- vided by the general law of the State. Kayor to Appoint &- Tbe Kayor by and with the approval of the Oouncil may appoint a Oity Engineer. Oity Attorney, Ohief of Fire Department, Oity Physioian, Ohief ofPolioe, Weigh... master, a Janitor, (City Hall), a Sexton for the oemetery and a Oommisaioner of Water, Light and Ice and with the oonourrenoe of the Oouncil he may r~ move the same at pleasure, except 'the Ohief .ofPolice who may be removed without the oonsent of the Council. Elections to be blBallot 7 - All speoial or general eleotions shall be by printed ballot prepared ~d printed by the Oity Olerk whioh shall oontain the names of all eleotive offioers nominated by petition and at least one blank line whereon any elector may write the name of any per- son he may desire for suoh Gffio... Qualifioationof Voters S'" The qualifioation of all voters in the several wards shall be the same a.s is required for electors under the la.ws of the State - T~ey shall be oitizens of this 8ta.te, over the age of.2l years and shall have be.n at the date of any eleotion - residents of the State for six months, residents of the Oounty for forty (40) days and residents of the eleotion dis- trict for ten (lQ) days. Oanvass of Votes 9 - At a meeting of the.Oounoil on the first Konday a.fter any Oity eleotion ~he returns shall be canvassed by I I I I I 18 the Counoil and they shall cause the City Olerk to make out and deliver oertifioates of eleotion to the persons so found ;0 be e1eoted. All appointed of- fioers shall take their offices on the first da.y in Kay following the eleotion and after suoh appoint- ~ent is confirmed and bonds approved. Such offioers so elected or appointed shall qualify and give suoh bonds as may be provided 'by law or by ordinanoe and upon failure to so qualify .uch office may be de- clared vacant by ;he Kayar and Council and suoh vacancy may be filled by appointment of the Ka.yor by and with approval of the Council. Offioer Interested in 01t1 Oontract loa No offioer of theOity shall be lnteresteddlrect11 er indireotly in any oontraot to whioh the (ll ty or an1 one for its benefit is a party - such interest in any ~ontract shall avoid the obligation thereof on the part of the Oity. lor shall any officer of the Oity directly or indirectly sell or furnish any material to any contractor, sub-contraotor or to any employee of the Oity, to 'be used or whioh shall be used by any suoh eontraetor, sub-oontractor or employ.e of the Oity in the performance of any suoh oontract. Violation of the provisions of this sec- tion shall avoid the obliga~lon of such oontract on the part of the Oity and defeat any recovery for any material so sold or furnished and an1 officer ef the Oity who shall violate the prOVisions of this section may be removed from offioe b1 the Kayor with the oonourrenoe of the Counci1. I I I 19 Duties of Offioers 11- The Oit7 may ~ ordinanoe presoribe the powers and duties of all officers so elected or apPointed from t1me to time and ohange the. same at pleasure. .. Powers and. Duties 12- The _&'101' shall preside at all the meeting, of the Oity COUDcil and shall have a oasting vote when the Oouncil is equally divided, except as otherwise herein provided, and none other, and shall have the superintending oontrGl of all the officers and af- fa1rs of the Oity, and shall take eare that the ord1nanoes of the Oity and the provisions of th1s Oharter are complied with, and may administer oaths, and.;tshall sign the commissions and apPointments ef all the officers appOinted in the Oity. yeto of erdinances~ Eto. 13- The Kayor shall have the power to approve or veto any ordinanoe passed by the City Counoil, and to apw prove or veto any order, by-law, resolution, aW8.1'd of or vote to enter into any oontract, or the allow- ance of any olaim: PROVIDED, any ordinanoe, order, by-law, resolution, award or vote to enter into any oontraot, or the allGwance of. any claim yetoed by the Mayor, may be passed OYer his veto by fA. vote of two-thirds of all the memQers eleQted to the Oouncil, notwithstanding his veto, and should the Kayar neg- leat or refuse to sign any ordinance, order, 'by-law, resolution, awa.rd or Tote to enter into any oontract, or the a.llowanae of any ola.im, and return the same with his objeation in writing at the next l;egular I I I so 14- meeting ot theOounoil. the same shall become e. law without his signature: PROVIDED, the Kayor may vete any item or items of any appropriation b11l, and ap- prove the. remainder thereof, and the item or items so vetoed m81 be passed by the Council over the veto as in other oases. Remiltin~ Fine - Pardons The Mayor shall have power after conviotion to remit fines and forfeitures, to grant reprieves and par- dons for all Gffanses arising under the ordinanoes of the City. Pay. of Officers IS- The payor oompensation of the Mayor and Oounoilmen shall remain as heretofore; the Jlayor$SOO.OOper annum, Oounoilmen $200.00 each per annum - and the Kayor and Council shall have power by ordinance to fix the payor oompensatien of all other offioers, and change the same at plea.sure by a three-fourths vote of the Counoil: PROVIDED, the payor compensa- tion of any offioer so fixed by the ordinanoe shall not be increased or diminished during the term of office to whl~h he was so elected or appointed. . Engineer 16- The City Engineer shall make a reoord Of the minutes of his surveys and of all work done for the City, in- oluding sewers, extension of water system and hea.ting system, electrio.light and sewerage system and power plant, and acouratelymake such plats, seotions, pro- files and maps as may be necessary in the prosecution 81 of any publiO work, which shall be public reoords and belong to the City and be turned over to his sucoessor. 1 ,Estimates, Oi ty En~ineer tollue 17- The Oit1 Engineer shall, when requested by the Kayar er Oity Oounoil,ma.ke estimates of the cost of labor and materialswhioh may be done or furnished by eon.... traot with the 01ty, and ma.ke aJ.l surveys, estimate. and oaloulations neeessary to be made for the estab- lishment of grades, building Of culverts, sewers, electric light syst~"n, waterworks, power plant, public heati:o.ssystem, bridgE!El, ourbing .and gtltters, and the 1DiprOTement of streets and ereotion and repair of .bU11d1ngs, and shall perform such other duties as the Council may require. Before the Oity Council , sha.ll ma.lce any oontract for building.waterworks or any part thereof, or any sewers, eleotric light eye... tem or power plant, public hea.ting system, bridges or work on streets, or any other work or improvement to oost over one thousand ('1,000.00) dollars, an estimate of the cost thereof shall be made by the Oi ty Engineer and submitted to t.he O()une1lt and no oontraot shall be entered into for any work or im- provement for any price exeeedlngsuoh estimate; and in advertising for bids for any such work, the council shall cause lhe amount of suoh estimate to be published therewith. Such advertisement shall be published at least ten (10) days in some news- paper of general ciroulation published in the City. .B 1 -I as I <. - ~. _ O~fio1 alBC>l1de lS-All officers or servants, elected or appointed in pursuance of this Charter, shall be required to give bond and security for the faithful per- formanoe of their duties. 10 offioer shall be- come seourity upon the offioial bond of another 9r upon any c0ntraotor's 'bond, license, or ap- peal bond given to the City, or under any ordinange thereof, or from conviction in the police Oourt. I I I I I 23 ARTICLE FOUR Keetings.. of Qouno1l - ~orwn 1.... Regular meetings of the Council shall be held. a.t such times as may be fixed. by ordinane e, and. special meet-- ings whenever called by the Ka.yor or any fC!)ur oouncil- men. Two-thirds 0f all the members elected to the Oouncil shall constitute a qu0rum for the transaction 0f any business, but a less number may adjourn, from _.. to time, and. oompe1theattenclanee of abseat members. President of Council . -. f. . .. . . - . ~" 2- The Oouncil shall eleot one of their own body who shall be styled the "President of the Oouncil" and who shall preside at all meetings of the Council in theabsence of jhe Kayor, and, in absence of the president, to elect one of their own body to occupy ~he plaoe temporarily, and who shall be styled "Aeting President of the Oouncil"; and the president and acting president when occupying the plaoe ofllay-orshall have the same privileg~s as other members of the Oouncil and all acts of the President or aotingpresident while so acting shall be as bindingu~ on the Oouncil and upon the Oity as if done by the Kayor. lnactmentofOrdinanee. All ordinances shall be passed pursuant to such rules 3 - and regulations as the Oounoil may provide, and all suoh ordinances may be prQved by the oertifioate of the Olerk under the seal of the Oity, and, when printed or pub- lished in book or pamphlet form and purporting ~o be published by authority of the Oity, shall be read and reoeived in evidenoe in all courts and places without further proof. The passage, approval and publication or I I I 24 posting of said ordinance shall be sufficiently proven by a certifica.te under the seal of the Oity, from the Olerk thereof, showing that such ordinanoe was passed and approved, and when and in what paper the same was published, and when and by whom and where the same was posted up. When ordinanoes are published in book 01' . pamphlet form, purporting to be published by authority of the Oity Counoil, the same need not be otherwise published, and such book or pamphlet shall be reoeiTed as evidenoe of the passage and legal publioation of suoh ordinanoes, as of the dates mentioned in such book or pamphlet, in all courts without further proof. Enaotment of Ordinance. Oontinued 4 - All ordinanoes and resolutions or orders for the appro- priation or payment Qf money shall require for their passage or adoption the conourr.noeof a ~jority of all members eleoted to the Oouncil. Ordinanoes of a general or permanent nature shall be fully and distinctly rea4 on three different da.ys unless three-fourths of the Counoil shall dispense with the rules. Ordinanoes shall oontain no subjeot whioh shall ~ot be olearly expressed in the title, and no ordinance or seotion thereof shall be revised or amended unless the new ordinanoe oontains the entire ordinanoe or seotion a.s revised or amended, and the ordinanoeor seotion so amended shall be repealed: PROVIDED, for an ordinanoe revising all the ordinanoes of the Oi ty , the only 'i1 tIe neoessary shall be "An. ordi..... nanoe of the Oity of Grand .Island, revising all the ordinanoes of the Oit1"; and, under suoh title, all the ordinanoes may be revised in sections and chapters, or otherwise, a.nd. corre.oted, added to, and any part suppressed, I I I 2S and may be repealed wi tll or without saTing clause ae to the whole or any part, without other title. StYl. QfOrdinanoe-Publio~tion 5 - The style of ordinances shall be: oBe 1t ordained by the Kayor and Oounail of the01t1 of Grand Island. and all ordinanoes of a-generalnatu1"e shall, within one month after they are passed, be published in some new$-!- paper published within the Oity, or in pamphlet form, to be distributed or seld, as may be provided by or4i- nance, and every ordinanoe fixing... penalty or forfeiture for its v10lat10n shall, before the same takes effeot, be published for at least one week in some manner pre- soribed: PROVIDED, in ease of riots, infeotious diseases or other impending danger, or any other emergency r.. qu1ring its immediate operation, suoh ordinance shall take effect upon the proolamation of the lla.YQr immedi- ate11 upon its first publioation as aboTe prOVided. W1tnesses Kay Be 9a~\!d and Examined bI Oouno~~ 6 - The Oounoil or any committee of the members thereof shall,have power to compel the attendanoe of witnesses for the lnvestigation of matters that m~y oome before them, and the presiding officer of the Counqil, er ohairman of such oommittee for the time being, may ad- minister suoh requisite oaths; andsuoh Oounoil or Oommittee shall have the same authority to compel the gj.ving of testimony as is conferred. on oourts of 3ustice. Anol1laryPower Gfth. Oo~oll 7 ~ When by this Oharter the power i. oonferred upon lhe Kayor and. Council to do and perform any act or th1ng,and the manner of exercising suoh power is not specially pointed out, the Kayor and Council may provide by ordinanoe the details necessary for the full exercise of such power. 2i ARTICLE"IVJ I Revenue and Taxa:tion, 1 - The City shall have the right to levy taxes for general reveaue purposes on all property within the corporate limits of the City. taxable according to the laws of the State of Nebraska. Therevea\le of theCi.ty for general pu.rposes shall not exceed 18 mills on the dollar in any one year, aad the number of mille shall be certifi.ed to the Oounty Board to be l."ied on all the real and per- /' sona! property within the 01ty Limits not exempt from taxation by some general laws of the State. Speoial Assessments' '" a - The Oity may levy other taxes er special assessments as provided by the ordinance. of tneOity or as autho- rized by law. I OeouJ)&tion Taxes 3 - The Oity may levy aad collect lioense or oocupation taxes on any person, partnership, oorporation or busi.... ness within the limits of the 01i1 and regulate the same by ordinanc. which taxes shall be uniform in re- spect to the classes upon which they are imposed. PROVIDED, however, that all scientifio and literary lectures and entertainments shall be exempt from such taxat.lon as well as concerts and all other musioal entertainments given exclusively by residents of the Oity. I "Dog .Tax 4 - The Oity may provide by Qrdinanoe for 8. license tax of not less than one or more than taree dGllars upon the owners or harborers of any dog and enforce the same by a.ppropriate penalties and to cause the des- truction of any dog, the owner or harborer of whioh, shall refuse or neglect. to pay such tax, and may regu- 21 I late or prohibit the running a. large of dogs and guard against injuries or annoyanoes therefrom and to authorize the destruction of the same when ru.. ninga.t large contrary to the provisions of suoh ordinanoe. I Judgments and Bonded Deb:l" 5 M In addition to leTY of the tax of 18 mills for general purposes the City may 1eTY such additiona.1 tax upon all the real and personal property within its limits, not exempt from taxation by some general. la.w of the State, as ma.y beneoessary to satisfy and disoharge any judgment against the Oity and to pay interest on any bonded debt of the Oity and to pay suoh portion of the prlnolpa1of suoh bonded iD.debtedness ma.tur1ng during the f1soal year or maturing within six (6) months thereafter when suoh bonded debt was inourred by virtue of a vote of the people at a general or special e1eotion authorizing the same. i'undingBonds 6 - The Oity shall haTe the right to provide for issuing bonds, for the purpose of funding any and all inde'bted- ness now existing or hereafter oreated, of the OitYt now due or to become due; floating indebtedness shall on1y be funded by authority of a vote of the people, but the Kayor and Council may by a two-thirds vote issue bonds to pa.y any bonded debt, without a vote of the people, at a rate of interest not exce.ding 8ix per oent per annum. I a8 ARTIOLE SIX I I I I I I at the board of commissioners: PROVIDED, the right of such owner or owners of such traot or t1:'a.ctsof land to malte a.pplica.tion in the first instance to the Kayor and Council of such QitJ shall not be lost or waived beoause of any delay in making suoh applioation. "Oontiguous" Lands Defined. 2- Land shall be deemed. "Contiguous" to the Oity, notwithstandinE any stream, embankment, or strip or pareel of .land not more than two hundred teet in width, whioh may lie between suoh land and the corporate limits of the Qit7- Addition .... Kanner '. of .:Plat,ti~an<i Lal'ing Out New Additlotl. 3.. The proprietor or proprietors of any land within the oorp0rate limits of the City, or contiguous to the same, may layout said land into lots, b1ocks,streets, avenue., alleys and other grounds under the name of ...... Addition to the City of Grand Island" and shal10aus8 an accurate map or plat thereof to be made out, designating explioit1y the land so laid out, and par- ticu!arly descri~1ng the lots, blocks, streets, avenues and al- leys, and other grounds belonging to such addition; the lots must be designated by numbers, and streets, avenues and other ground.s, by names and numbers. Suc~ plat shall be aoknowledged before some offioer authorized to take the aekn-.ledgements of deeds and shall oontain a. dedicat.ion of the street., alleys and pUb1io grounds therein to the use and benefit of the public and have appended a survey, made by some ,competent surveyer withe. ce1"titioa.te attached. certlfying,that heha.s accurate.ly surveyeel such addition and *hat ,the lots, blocks, streets. avenues, al- leys, parks, cGJDmonsand other grounds are well and accurately, staked off and marked; and when such map or pla.t is so made out, ack:nowledged and oertified, and has been approved by the Mayor and Council, the same.shall be filed and recorded in t11e oftice of the Register of Deeds of the County,and thereupon suoh plat shall be equivalent to a deed in fee simple to the Oity I I I 30 from the proprietor of all streets, avenues, alleys, publio squares, parks and commons, and of suoh portion of the landa. 1s therein set apart for pUblic and city use or is dedioated to oharitable, religious, or eduoational purposes. All additions thu.s laid out sha.llremain a part of the 01ty, and all additions now or hereafter laid out adjoining or contiguous to thecor- porate limits shall be included within the same, and be and be- oomethereupon a part of !:Juch Oity for all purposes what.oever, and the inhabitants of such addition shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges and subjeot to all the laws, ordi- nances, rules and regulations of the Oity to whioh said land is an addition: PROVIDED, the Mayor and Council shall have power by ordinance to oompel the owners of any such addition to lay out streets, avenues and alleys so as to have the same. oorrespond in width and direction, and be oontinuations of the streets, ways and alleys in the Oity or addition 'hereto, oontiguous to orneax the proposed addi t10n, and no addition shall ha.ve any validl ty" right 0,1' privileges as an addition unless the terms and oond1tions of such ordinance are complied with, and theplat thereof submitted to and approved by the Kayar and Council, and their approval endorsed thereon. , Vaoating Pla.t a.n~ite'Plattinp: ,- Power is herebygigen to the Oi ty through its layor and" Oouae11 l:>yproper ordinanoe therefor duly enaoted to vacate any suoh ex... isting pla.t and addition to the Oity or suoh part or parts there- of as suoh 01~y may deem advantageous and bestial' its interests, and the power hereby granted shall be exercised by the City upon the petition of the owner or all the owners of lots or lands in suoh plat or addition. Such ordinance vaoating suohplat or addition shall :,peeifl whe'...r,and., if any. what public high- ways, streets, alleys and publicg~ounds thereof are to bere- talned by suoh Oity; ,.'~ otherwise such waY8,street$ and public g~ounds shall upon such vacation revert to the owner or owners of lots or lands abuttlngthesame in proportie>n to the re- 31 .. speotive ownerships of suoh lGts or grounds. In case of total or pa%tial va.cationot such pla.t or addition theordinanoe providing therefore sha.ll be - at the cost of the owner or owners -certlfi4.d to the office of the Register of Deeds and be there recorded by the owner or owners. Whereupon said offioer shall note such total or partia.1 vacation of suoh plat or'addition by writing in plain and legible letters upon such piat or portion thereof so '9'&0&1.4, the word 'vacated', and also make on the same refer- ence to the volume and page in which said ordinance of vaction is reoorded, and the owner or owners of the lots and lands in a Pla.t so vaoated shall oause the same and the proportionate j)&1"t of the a.butting highway, .treets, alleys and pUblio grounds 80 vacated to be replatted and numbered by the City or Oounty Suxveyor; and when suoh rep~at so exeouted is aoknow- 1edged by suoh owner or owners and is reoorded in the offioe of the Regis~er of Deeds of suoh Oounty suoh property so re- platted may be oonveyed and assessed by the numbers given 1n such repla.t. Platting ))rereau!.1 te to Subd1 vi4i~i,T!1l1'ld 5 - 10 owner of real estate within the oorporate limits of the City shall be permitted to subdivide sa.id. rea.l esta.te into b100ks and. lots, or paroe1s, without having first obta.ined from the City Engineer a plat or plan for the avenues, stre~ts) and. alleys to be laid out with1n 01"aOr088 the same, and suoh plat or plan of the avenues, streets, and alleys shall be made so that suoh avenues, streets, and &11eY8.,80 far a.s praoti- oable, shall oorrespond in w1dth, name anddirectlon and __ oontinuous of the avenues, streets and alleys in the Cltyconw tlguous or near the real estate to be subdivided as aforesaid; and the Kayor and Counoil shall have power to oompel the owner of .suoh real estate, in subdividing the same to layout and I I I I I I 32 dedicate to the public the avenues, streets and alleys to be within or across such real estate in accordance with said plat or plan, and shall further have the power to prohibit the selling or offering for sale any lot or parts of suoh real estate not subdivided and platted as herein required. Any and all additions to be made to the City shall be made 80 far as the same relate to the avenues, streets and alleys therein, under and in aooordance with the provisions of this Oharter. V,cati~ Streets ~d ~lleYs - Title to .~d 6.... Upon the vaca.tion of any streeti, avenue or part of either, the same so vaoated shall be and remain the property of the Oity, 'but may be sold and oonveyed by the Oi ty for &l).y prioe that sh.a.ll be agreed upon by the ~ayor and three-fourths of the Oity Counoil. When an a.lley 1s vaoated the same shall revert to the owner of the adjacent real estate one-half on each side thereof, exoept that when any alley 1s Wholly taken from one or more lots upon the vacation thereof, it shall revert to the owners of the lot or lots from whioh it was originally taken. 33 I ~T..~O~ SiVElf . . Streets. Avenues. and Publicv'fays 1. The Kayor and Oity Oouaoil shall have the oare, super- vislon and oontrol of &11 streets, avenues, alleys and public wars and shall keep the same open, in good re- pair and free from all obstructions. General Oontrol of Streets 2 - The Oity shall have power by ordinance to name, rename, extend, widen and improve any street, avenue, alley or pUblio way now exlstlngH1n the Oity or that may here- after be opened or established, and. g;rade, pa.ve or im,-.. prove the _ame, establishing and re-establishing g;ra.des, and assess the eost thereof upon all the lots, tracts and parcels of real est.ate wi thin sueh paving or im- provement distriot in such way and manner as may be provided by the ordinanoe creating such paving or im- provement distriot. Paving District - How Formed I - The Oity shall have the r1g~t, power and authority to pave, re-pave or gravel any street or streets, avenue or avenues, alley or a},leys, or other pUblio wa.y or any part of such street, aVenue or publio way in the Oity and for that purpose to oreate suitable paving or improvement distriots,1hioh shall be consecutively numbered in oontinuation of the pa.vingo~ improvement distriots heretofore created and the work of so paving or improving the same shall be done by oontract. Any paving or other improvement distriot may inolude portions of different streets providin~ they abut upon each other or provided any part of such street so i~ eluded shall abut on paving already lald. I I 34 I The Mayor and Oouncil shall first by ordinanc$ create e. paving or other improvement district and the Ka.y-or . and 01erk shall after the passage, approva.1and publi- oation of suoh ordinanoe pUblish notioe of the creation of any such distriot one time eaoh-week, for not less the twenty (aO) days in a daily or .eekly newspaper of general oirculation published in the Oity. If the owner of the reoord t1 tIe represen'tiq.. a. maj 01'1 ~y of the abutting owners, who were owners at the time the ordinanoe oreating suoh distriot was published, shall file with the City Olerk within twenty (20) days from the first publication of said notice written objection to the paving or other improvement of such paving dis- triot, the work shall not be done in said district but said ordinance shall be repealed. If said objeotion be not filed against such Distriot in the time and manner aforesaid, the Kayor and Oouncil shall prooeed forthwith to oonstruotsuoh pavement. In advertising for bids for paving or other improvement. the Kayor and Qounoil may provide for bids on d.ifferent materials and types of oonstruotion and shall in addi- tion prOVide for asking bids on any material or materials that may be sugg~sted by petition of the owners of re- oord title representing twenty-five (a5~)per oent of the abutting property owners of such distriot if suoh petition is filed. with the Oity Olerk before adver- tisement for bids 18 ordered. On opening of bids for paving or other improvement in any suoh distriot, the Mayor and Oouncil shall p,ost- pGne aot1on there.on for not les8 than ten (10) days. I I I I I 35 During suoh postponement the owners of the record title representing a majority of the abutting pro- perty owners in such district may file with the Oity Olerk a petition for the use of a particular material for paving, in which event a bid on such material shall be accepted and the work shall be done with th.at ma- terial~ PROVIDED, the above regulations flS to ad- vertising for bids and opening of bids and postponing of" action t~.reon and the right of selection of ma- terials shall not apply incase of graveling. In oasesuoh owners 8ha11 fail to designate the material they desire used in such paving or other improvement district, in the manner and within the time above pro- vided, then the Kayor and Council shall determine upon the material to be used - .PRQVI DED, the Kayor and Oouncil marin any event at their option reject all bids and re-ad,vertiee, if in their judgment the public interest so require. o.lty~yhrehase at TuSale 4 - The Oity may purchase at public or private tax sale, any tra.ct, pieoeor parcel of land sold or offered far sale for any delinquent tax or assessments levied or assessed against the same as a part of the oost of any paving or improvement district and may ee11 or dispose ,of the same at public or private sale at such price as may b~ fixed by the Kayor and Council and without any vote of the people thereon. or may re- tain. hold or use the same for any public purpose. Ai.essing Ooat of Paving District 5 - The cost of pavi~ repaVing.. graveling or macadamill- tng the streets and alleys within any pav1ng, repaVing I I I 3S graveling or maoadamizing distriot shall be assessed upan the lots and lands specially benefited thereby in suoh districts ~n proportion to such benefits to be determined by the Kayar and Oouncil under the pro- visions of this chapter. The assessment of the spe- cial tax for any of said purposes herein provided for, shall be as follows: The total cost of the improvement shall be levied at one time upon the property andbeoome delinquent as herein provided. One-tenth of the total cost shall beeome delinquent in fifty (50) days after such levy; oDe-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one- tenth in three years; one-tenth in four years; one- tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one-tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight yeare; one-tenth in nine years. Eaoh of said installments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate not exceeding seven percent (?~) per annum from the time of the levy aforesaid, until the same shall become delin- quent, and, after the same shall become delinquent, interest at the rate of ten per cent (10%) per annum shall be paid thereon, a.s in case of other special taxes. Lot - Definition S - The word "lot" as used herein shall be taken to mean "lotI as desorib.ed and designated l1pon the record plat of any such City, and in case there is no recorded plat of any suoh City, it shall mean a lot as described and designated upon any genera.l recognized map of any suoh City. The word .Bland' 3' I shall mean any subdivided real estate: PROVIDED, it ~he lots and real' estate abutting upon that part of the street ordered paved. repaved,g".e.veled or maoa- damized,as shown upon any recorded plat or map, are not of uniform depth, or. 1f for any reason,! t shall, appear just and proper to the .ayor andOounoil, they are authorized and empowered to determine and estab- lish the depth to which suoh rea.l estate shall be charged and assessed with the c08t of the improvement whioh shall be determined and established. according to the benefits 'accruing to the property by rea.son of suoh improvements. Real estate maybe so oharged and assessed to a greater depth than lots as shown on any suob plat~r map. PavingOos1:s- ~Pr()p$rtY'Inoluded, 7 - The Kayor and Council may, in their discretion, in- oludeall the real estate to be charged and assessed with the 008t of suoh paving, repaving, g~ave11ng, maoadamizing or improvements in the paving or other improvement districts hereinbefore provided for, but are not required to dQ so, and the Kayor and Oounoil may, in their dieoretion, in determining.wheD.er the requisite majority of owners who are here1nbefor~ authorized to petition for paving, repaving, graveling orma.cadamiz1ng, and to obj ect t.o the paving, repaving, graveling or maoadamizing and to determine the kind of material to be used therefor, ha.ve joined in suoh peti- tion determination or objeotions, consider and take into eonslderationa11 the owners of real esta.te to be I I 0\- I I I ~. 38 charged and assessed with the oost of any of said improvements, or only suoh as own lots, part of lots, and real estate that, in fact, abut upon the part of the street or a.venueor alley proposed to be so improved. The provisions of this section, in regard. to the depth to which real estate may be oharged and assessed, shall apply to all special taxes that may be levied by the Kayar and Oouncil in proportion to tnefront foot. Bond Issues 8... For the purpose of pa.ying the oost of such paving or improving suoh streets, avenues or publio ways in any such paving-or improvement district,exolu- sive of the interseetions of streets or avenues and the apace opposite the al1e1s therein, the Kayor and Council shall ha.ve power and may bJ ordinanoe issue bonds of the Oity to be oal1ed or designated ae "Diatrio", Paving Bonds of Distriot 10. '.pay- able in not exoeeding ten (10) years from the date thereof and bearing interest payable annually at not exceeding six per oent per annum .ith interest coupons attaohed and in suoh.oases shall oonstitute a sinking fund for the payment of such bonds, PRO- VIDED: the entire cost of suoh paving or improvement of any suohstreet, avenue or publio way properly ohargeable to any lot or tract of land within such paving or improvement distriot may be paid by the owner of suoh lot or land within fifty (50) days from the date of sueb levy and thereupon such lot or tract shall be exempt from any lien or charge therefGr. 39 Oreation of Distriots - Petitions '--"., I 9 - Whenever the owners of lots or lands abutting upon any street, avenue or alley within the City, repre- sentingthree-fourths of the feet frontage thereon shall petition the)(ayor and Oouncil to pave,re~ pave, gravel or ma.cadamize suoh street, avenue or alley without cost to the Oity, and to assess the entire cost of any suoh improvements in any suoh street or avenue or alley, inoluding interseotions of streets or avenues and "paces opposite alleys, against the private property within such improvement distriot or districts, it shall be the duty of the Kayar and Oouncil to crea.te the proper improvement district or distriots whioh shall be consecutively numbered, and to pave, repa.ve, gra.vel or maoadamize the same and to proceed in the same manner and form as hereinbefore provided for in other paving and improvement district.: PROVIDED, the Kayer andOouncil shall have power to levy the entire cost of such paving, repaving, gravel- ing, or maoadamizing.. of any suoh street, avenue or alley, including interseotions of streets or avenues and spaces opposite alleys, against the private pro- perty, within suoh distriot, and to issue 'District I Paving.Bonds of District No. ~to par for such I paving, repaving, graveling or maeadamisingi.D the same manner and form as here~naefore provided for in other district paVing J>Qnds. Such bonds shall be issued to cover the entire cost of so improving such streets or avenues, the intersection of the same,and _:,-~- I ~. I I 40 spaces opposite alleys. The aforesaid bonds shall not be sold for les8 than their par value, and, if the assessments hereinbefore provided for, or any part thereof shall fail, or for any reason shall be invalld,the Mayor a.nd Oouncil may make other and further assessments upon suoh lots or lands as may be required to oollect from the same the cost of any paVing, repaving,. graveling or macadamizing, properly ohargeable thereto, as herein provided. Intersection Paving Asseesment~ 10 - The cost and expense o:f grading, filling, paVing, pa.rking, culvertlng, ourbing, guttering or otherwise imprOVing, oonstruoting o~ repairing s~reets, ave- nues;and sidewalks, at their interseotions, may be included in the special tax levied for the oonstruo- tion or improvement of anyone street, avenue, alley or sidewalk, as may be deemed best by the Council. In~erseotlon Bonds 11 ... For all paving.. 01: improvement of the interseotions of streets, avenues. or public ways and the area.s op- posite to alleys and one-half of suoh streets, ave- nues or public ways a.djacent to the real esta.te owned by the United States or by the 01ty, the assessment. shall be made upon allth8 taxable pro- perty in the City and for the paving or other im- provement of any such street, avenue or other public way, the Mayor and Oouncil are hereby authorized to issue paving bonds of the City in such denominations as they ma.y deem proper to be d.esignated as "Inter- seotion Paving Bonds" payable in not eaoeeding 20 4 I I I I I I 42 years from date thereof to bear interest not to ex- ceed six per cent (6%) payable annually or semi- annually and not exoeed in amount the oost of the same and such interseotions, area opposite alleys and one-half of the streets adjaoent to the real es- tate owned by the United States or by the City. Partial Payments on Paving Oontracts 12 - ror the purpose of making partial payments as the work progresses on any paving contraots, warrants may be issued by the Kayor and Oouncil upon certi- ficates of the Oity Engineer in charge, showing ~he amount of the work completed in a sum not exceeding eighty per cent of the cost thereof, which warrants shall be redeemed and paid upon the sales of the bonds issued for the whole work. Final Aooeptanoe 13 ...;. When any paving or other improvement mentioned in this article is, finally completed acoordingto con- traot, it shall be the duty of the Oity Engineer to carefully inspect the same and if the work is found to be properly done, he shall aocept the same and shall promptly report his aoceptance with his reoommendation to the Kayor and Oounoil who may confirm or rejeot the same. Estimates of Cost bY 9i ty ~ineer.. 14 - Before t~e Oity shall enter into any oontract for the paving or other improvement of any street, ave- nue or publiC way, theOity Engineer, upon request by the Kayar and Oouncil, shall make and submit a. full detailed estimate of the entire cost of I the ..1fork and materials neoes~ary therefor and shall file suoh estimate in the offioe of theOityOlerk and no oontract shall be entered into fer any sum in exoess of suoh estimate. Assessment on.Publio Oor~orate Bod~ ~~oDert1 15.- If, in the Oity there shall be any real estate be- longing to any oounty, sohool distriot, oity, muni- oipal or other quasi-munioipal corporations a.butt- ing upon the street, a.venue or alley. where~>n paving or other speoial improvements have been ordered, it shall be the duty of the oounty board, board of edu- cation or other proper officers to pay.suoh speoial taxes, and, in the event of the neg:leet or refusal of suoh board or other offioers to pay sueh taxes, or to levy and oolleot the taxes necessary to pay for such improvements, the City may reoover the amount of such special taxes 11'1 a proper aotion, and the judgment t~us obtained may be enforoed in the usual manner; and the signatures of suoh Oorpora- tions, to all petitions, shall have like foroe and effeot as that of other owners. Assessments of ~ds of Persons U~der J2isabIli~ieJl 16 - If, in th.e Oi ty governed by the provisions of t111s Oharter, there shall be any. real estate of any min- or or insane person, the guardian of suoh _inor or insane person may sign, any petitIon herein referred to without a.uthority and suoh sIgnature shall have like foree, and effeot as that of other owners. I I 43 44, years. I Tu.. L1enE!n pronrtr 19 - In every case, of the levy of special taxes, the same shall be a lien on the property on whieh lev- ied from date of levy and shall be due and payable to the City Treasurer tbirtY(30) days after suoh levy when not otherwise provided; and, at the time of the next ce~tification for general revenue pur- poses to the Oounty Clerk, if not previously paid, the speoial taxes, except paVing, repaving, gravel- lng,m&oada.mizing, and curbing or cuxblng and glltter1ng shall be certified to the Oounty Olerk and by him be plaoe4 upon the tax list and be oolleoted II as other real estate taxes are collected, and be 45 I pa.id over to theOity 'l'l'ea$\1rer, and paving, re- . paving, graveling, maoad!lmiz1ng and. elubing, or curbing and guttering taxes may be $0 certified and oollected by the Oounty 'l'reasurer at the op- tiGnQf said City. I I I I I 46 ARTIOLE EIGHT ,Sidewalks. Oonstruction ~4ReJ)a1l 1";" '1'118.18.yor and Oouncil may 0)1 ordinanoe regulate and control all sidewalks laid or to be laid, prescribe the width thereof and the material to be used in . the construotion of the same. Oonstruotion 2... The Ma.yor and Counoil may. by oJ,"dinanoe when deemed necessary require the owner or owners of anY lots or lands within the Oity to construct sidewalks, opposite their respeot1velots and lands and to keep the same in good repair and free from ioe, snow and other obet~otions, aooumulating thereon. Grade 3 - The Oity may fix the g;~4! On whieh the same shall be laid and t.he distanoe between the sidewalk and the lot line. Oity .' hyBuild or Repair. 4 -In the event any owner of lots or lands within the City shall fail, neg~.ct or refuse to construct or l'epair the sidewalk in front of his said lots or lands, when so required, within the time designated and of the material spec1fied, the City may oause the same to be constructed or repaired, as the case may be. and assess the costs thereof upon such lot or lots and the amount of such tax or assessment shall be a lien en such lats or lands. Penalties 5 - The Mayor and Council may also provide that any per- eon who shall fail to ~o oonstruot and keep the 47 I si4ewalk opposite his said lot or lands in good order, and free from snow. ioe or>other obstructions, shall be primarily. liable to any person suffering or dama- ged by such neglect or failure on his part to repair and keep in repa1r suoh sidewalk abutting, on his pro- perty when so ordered or required to construot or repair suoh aidewalk or .re.... any snow, ioe or other obstruotion aooUmulatingthereon. I I 48 I I I 49 I The routes to be taken where designated streets are to be used by such oarri ers . - and tax eub vehicle engagetdin suoh traffic. lIotor Vehicles Slngf..Tr~J)s 6 - Th.ey may supervise and control allmoter vehl- eles not using designated streetsbutma.king single trips on oall. fix their fares to pas- sengers and issue permits for each vehiole and tax each vehiole so using suob streets. Koto~and Other Veh~Cles Oarriers of Goods ? - They may supervise and oontrol all motor and other vehicles oarryingg()ods for hire, fix their prioes for such service and issue per- mits for eaoh vehiole and tax each vehicle holding suob permit. I I I I I 50 ARTIOLE TEN Oemeteries The Oemetery g~ounds now owned by the City shall r_eme.1n under the oare. custody and cont.ro1 of the Mayor and Council as heretofore and be in the oare of the Sexton and such assistants as may be necessary from time to time. _Oonv., Lots Therein The Mayor and Counoi1 shall retain. the oare and control of the same and apply the proceedS of the sale of lots therein to the upkeep and orna- mentation thereof and may also oontro1 the erection of monuments and markers on lots owned there1n by private persons, and restrict the use thereof to bur1aland interment purposes only. .Ownership - Restrictions.__ 3- They may restrict the number of lots to be con- veyed to anyone person or to one family and con- trol the use and ornamentation of suoh lots by the purohasers and may receive funds in trust for 1 - 2- the perpetual oare and upkeep of suoh lots, whioh funds shall not be diverted to any other use or purpose. Tresptsseri! 4 - The Kayorand Council may provide walks and drive- ways and ornament the same and ma.y by: ordinance punish all trespassers therein or thereon and the Police Kagistr..te of the Oity shall have authority I I I 51 to hear all oomplaints and punish all persons in- juring. destroying or defacing any monument or marker thereon or destroying .or injuring any trees, shrubs or flowers planted therein, to the same ex- tent as though such offenses had ocoured within the City Limits. A~:{)roaehes_ The Kayor and Council may by ordinanoe take oharge and improve and ornament. all approaohes thereto in such way and manner as may be provided by ordinanoe and the Sexton or his assistants shall have autho- rity to care for and protect all trees, shrubs or other ornamentation. PrivatelY Owne~ 6 - The Kayor and Oounoil may establish other oeme- teries near the Oity and may also have authority to control, regulate, ornament and oare for the same and so oare for, ornament a.nd oontrol any cemetery grounds owned and established by pri- vate persons and protect them from trespassers. 5 - I I I 52 ARTIOLE ELEYEN. Parks ~ hb~ic Ground!_ 1 - The Kayor and Council shall have full control of all parks, boulevards and public grounds now own- ed or leaaed by the 01 ty and sha.ll have power and author1ty to acquire such other parks, boulevards andpub11c grounds in or near the City as 'they may deem necessary from time to time and to provide for the ornamentation thereof and for the plant- ly,g and care of aJ.l trees. shrubs and flowers therein.~ Driveway, _ 2 - The. layor and Oounoil shall have power and autho- rity to acquire and ornament publiC driveways within or without the limits of such Oity and may acquire all l~ds necessary therefor under the right of Eminent Domain, if necessary, or by purchase or donatlonanCl may submit the pur- ohase or establishment of such driveways to a vote of the people of the City. Bond Issue B -. I - In the event of the purchase of additional parks. parkways and dri.veways, they.may b, ordinance submit to the voters the~lssue of bonds not in excess of '75,000.00 for such pur~hase as and 4 - w~en deemed necessary. Punish Tre$p~ssers The Mayor a.ndO~uncil may by ordinance provide for the pun1$hment of all persons trespassing therein or any persons injuring or damaging any I I I 53 tre~s, shrubs or f10were g~owing or planted there- on and the City Magistrate shall take jurisdiotion to punish all suoh offenders without as well as within theOity. . Oare Takers ..... . 5 - They may employ oare takers in all parks and puow lie grounds wh"ther within or without the City, who in the care of the same may have the autho.. rity to keep the peace therein and to arrest on sight all disturbers or trespassers and take them before the POlioe llagistra.te for punish- ment. I I '\ I 54 .A.RTIOLE.TRLVE Protect -.Health and Abate Nuisanoes 1 - The Kayor and. Oouncil may make regtllations to seoure the general health of the Oity and presoribe rules for the prevention, abatement and removal of all nui- sanoes and may provide for the looation and regula.- tion of all slaughter houses, stoak 1$;ds, feed yards and other plaoes where putrid or offensive matter is likely to be kept or to aooumulate within the Oity or within two miles outside the City Limits. Animals and Fowls 2... The Mayor and OOUAoil may by ordinance regulate the keeping or feeding of animals or fowls within the Oity and may prohibit the running at large of any animals and to cause suoh animals to be impounded and sold to discha,rgethe eost and penalties prG- . vided in suoh ordinances. Dead Oa.rc~sses. The Kayor and Oouncil may by ordinanoe prevent any person from bringing into the Oity or depositing or 3 - having upon or near. his premises or elsewhere in the Oity any dead oaroass or other putrid beef, pork, fish, hides or skins of any kind or any other unwhol- some or offensive matter and to oompel the removal of the same. PO.dS - Stagn~tWaterH t- The Kayor and ~ouaoil may by ordinance prevent the -exoavation of holes, pi is and allowing the same to be or remain open and uncovered or exposed or allOW- ing stagnant water or rubbish to aocumula.te therein and to provided fQr filling the same. 55 I Gubag.... 5 - And may provide by ordinanoe tor the oolleotion and removal of all garbage. waste and ether offensive, unsightly or useless matter and regulate the dumping or destruotion thereof and fix fines and penalties therefor. I I ~ 58 houses, practioes and iamts, prohibit and suppress all lotteries and fraudulent devise. andpraoticee and all kinds of public indecencies. I I I 57 I 'e~late Public Bui14ins:s Oq_ 3 .... . The Kayor and OC)~eil shall have power and authority to regulate, license and inspect all halls, theater buildingiJ, school buildings, dormitories, dance halls, moving pioture houses and all other halls and plaoes used for the assembly of larg~ numbers of persons and to cause them to be provided with sufficient and ample means of exit, entranoe, such fire .',capes as may be needed, and to be supplied with a.ll necessary and appropriate applianoes for the extinguishment of fires and the esoape of persons therefrom in ease of fires and to prevent overcrowding and to regulate the 58 I pla.oing of seats, oha.1rs. benehes, seenery, cur- tains, blinds, soreens therein - and in the event of the failure of the proprietors or persons in oharge of suohbui14ing. to take all neoessary pre- cautions or in ca.se of failure, neg~ect or refusal to oomply with all such regulations, to close all such halls, buildings, and places of assembly un" t11 such requirements are complied with. 1l'1remen on Dutt 4.. The Jlayor and Council shall have power to regtllate and oontrol the employees of the Fire Department and fix the hours of service and duties of all firemen. In anyemergenoy the Kayor and Ohief Of POlioe 'hall eaoh have authority to call on any able bodied oitizen to aid in the proteotion of life and property and may enforce his oompliance with suoh call by appropriate penalties. I I 59 I ARTIOLE [OURT;!!:. Sewers a:n.dSewerpl~triete 1 - The Kayor and CounoilmaT by ordinanoe layoff or divide the 01ty1nto suitable distriots for the purpose of establishing therein a system -of sewer- age and drainage and to establish sucb system and regulate the construction, repair and use of the same with power to compel all proper connec- tions therewith; to provide branches to other streets, avenues and alleys and from private property and to regulate and control all pUblic or private COB- neotions therewith; to provide penalties for the ob- struotion thereof or for the improper use of the same, .01' any failure to oomply with the rules and regula.tions prescribed for the use thereof. Outlets of Sewer. a - The City may provide for proper and necessary out- lets therefor and for suoh purpose may acquire rights to extend sueh sewers to points outside the City and may b,. exercise of the right of Eminent Dome.1n ac- quire necessary land. therefor and may also acquire by the power of Eminent Domain the rig~t to befoul running wat$r for suoh outlet. Sew~e Dispos~ P~ants 3... The lIttyor and Council may oontinue the us.e and op- eration of the existing sewage disposal plant and may enlarge or extend the same from time to time or may oonstruot other similar plants and employ other methods of rendering suoh sewage innocuous or inof- fensive or as nearly so as may be. I I 60 I I I 81 I I I sa I extensions and improvements may be made thereto from time to time as may be deemed neoessary and such utilities, their plants and applianoes shall remain under the oontrol, operation and management of the City and shall not 'be sold or disposed of without a vote of the eleotors within the City. Inoome fromPublioUtilitiee 5 - The lnoome reoeived by the City from suoh public utilities shall be first applied to the payment of the current expenses thereof and for the liquida- tion of any expense for the purohase or extension thereof. and the Kayor and Oounoil shall have the power to fix rates of oharges for all such publio utilities and make all neeessary rules and regula- tions for the management. use and oontrol of the same. I Interest on Bonds - Sale of Bonds v 6 - No bonds issued by th.e Oi ty for any purpose shall draw interest at a greater rate than five per cent (5%) per annum. and no bonds shall 'be sold for less 7 - I 63 I struoting, or aiding the oonstruotion of, extending or adding to, the sewerage system, either sanitary or storm sewer, or sewerage disposal plants, the lighting system or light plants, the water works sys- tem or water plants, and ioe plants; PROVIDED, how- ever, before suoh bonds shall be issued for such purpose~ the question of the issuanoe thereof, to- gether with the purpose therefor, shall be submitted to the eleotors of the City and authorized by a majority vote of suoh eleotors voting thereon at a general election or special eleoti()1'l,_oal1ed for that purpose. I Buildin~ and Zoning Districts 8 ~- The Counoil shall have the power by ordinance to regulate and restriot the size, height and number of stories of buildi~gs and other struotures, the peroentage of lot that may be oocupied, the size of yards, oourts and other open spaoes, the density of population and the location and use of buildings, struotures and landfor trade, industry, residenoe or other purposes; and establish set-baok building lines in residential distriots; to enact a build- ing..oode and to oreate or appoint a Board or officer having oontrolthereof, and defining the powers and duties of suoh board or .officer and providing the method of prooedure and authorize the imposition and enforcement of penalties. I I I I &4 J.RTIOLESIXTEEN Fiscal Year 1 - The fiscal year of the City shall commence on the second Monday in August. Annual A~proJ:).!iations 2 - The Mayor and Council shall within the last qua:rter ofeaoh fisoal year pass an annual appropriation ordinanoe in and by whioh the 01ty may appropriate such sum or sums as may be deemed neoessary to de- fray the expenses and liabilities of the City for the ensuing year and not exceeding.in the aggre- gate the amount of the tax levy authorized, speCify- ing the object and purpose for whioh such appropria- tions are made and the amount of each of such objects and suohappropriationsehall end with the year for whioh they are made. .Fun.dsDeemed Appropria.ted 3 - All funds arising.~from road, bridge taxes and lev- ies for the improvement of public ways, sewer or - water main extensions shall be deemed appropriated by the ordinanoes oreating such improvement or ex- tension distriots but this shall not prohibit the appropriation of other money in the annual appro- priation bill for streets, grades, water and sewer mains or extensions. Emer~en9Y Expendit~~es 4 - If an emergenoy arises which calls for a greater eumthan #500.00, an eleotion shall be oalled to authorize such expenditure by a vote of the people. I Oontracts Based on Appropriation 5- 10 contract shall be made by the 01ty Oounoil or any member Or oommittee thereof and no expense shall be inourred by any officer or department of the Oity whether ordered by the Councilor not, unless an appropriation shall have been previous- ly made therefor, except as herein otherwise provided. I Vote on Grant ofOontract 6" On the passage or adoption of every resolution or order to enter into aoontract, or aooepting of work done under oontract, by the Mayor or Oounoil, the yeas and nays shall be oal1ed and entered upon the reoord, and to pass or adopt any by-laws, or- dinanoe or any suoh resolution or order, a con- currenoe of a majority of the whole number of the members elected to the Oouqcil shall be required. I 85 SE I I I I I I I' Clerk and by g~ving a bond conditioned for the pay- ment of costs by the party so appealing similar to that required of olalmant; PRQVIDED, when by ordi- nance the Council provides for the pUbl1eat1Qn of the lists of all claims allowed or disallowed giving the amounts allowed and the names of the persons to whom allowed in a newspaper printed and published. in the Oity, such appeal may be taken by tax payers at such time after such publioation as may be fixed by such ordinanoe. Ole;k to Kake and File Transcriet 3 - The Clerk upon suoh appeals or either of them being taken and beingpUd the proper fees therefor, in- cluding the fees for filing such oase in the District Court, shall ma.ke out a transoript of the prooeeding of the Mayor, Oouncil or other offioer as relate to the allowanoe or disallowanoe of such olaim and shall file the same with tneClerk of the Distriot Oourt within thirty (30) da.ys after the dec1sion so allow- ing or disallowing such claim and paying the proper oommenoement fees. Suoh appeal shall be tried and determined as appeals from justice Oourts. In case an appeal is taken by the 01ty to the Supreme Oourt from the decision of the District Oourt. no appeal bond shall be required of the Oity and any judgment so appealed from by the City shall be stay- ed pending suoh appeal. lotioe of 01aim to be G1ven.01tz 4 - .The 01ty shall not be liable for d.amages arising from. defective streets, alleys, sidewalks, pub110 S8 I parks or other public places within such Oity unless actual notice in writing of the acoident or injury oomplained of, with a statement of the nature and extent thereof and of the time when, and plaoe where the same oocured, shall be proved to have been given to the Kayor or Oity Olerk in writingwithln thirty (30) days after the ooourrence of such aooident or injury.. and it is hereby made the duty of the Clerk to keep a. record of s.uch notices showing the time when and 'by whom such notice was giveni,and describ- ing the negligence complained of and tofl1e suoh notice and at once report the same to the City Coun- cil before its next meeting; PROVIDED, no costs shall be recovered against such City in any action brought against it by reason of negligenoe of suoh Oity in any aotion brought against it which has not been sub- mitted to the Oity Oounoil to be audited and a~lowed; nor upon claims allowed in part unless the reo overy shall be for a greater sum than the amount allowed with the interest thereon. I I ~ :~, I I I 6~ ARTIOLE ElpH'l'E}1I. Public Library l... The Public Library as now existing shall be and remain under the oontrol and regul~tion of the Mayor andCouncilbl.1t the City ma.y by a. vote of the people inorease or extend suoh building and may also add an art department and a County His- torical Department to the present bulld1ngand issue bonds for such payable as fixed by the or.... dinance or by the vote of the people. Cit, Kake Rules to Govern 2.. The Mayor and Council may make a,11needful rules and regulations to govern and control the same or approve suoh rules and regulations made by the Library Board as they may approve and reject any rule or regulation adopted by the Library Board. as they may disa.pprove. 70 I I 71 I AR1'IOLETWEN'l'Y WhenOharter in Effect 1 - This Oharter sha.ll become effective at the end of sixty (60)4ays after its ratificatiQn by the voters of the City. Purpose ofCatohhea.ds. 2 - The catohheads appearing in oonneotion _ith the foregoing Artioles, Sections and sub-divisions ofSectlons are inserted solely for the conVen- ience of the reader, and t.o serve in some manner as ani'dex of the oontents and they shall be wholly disregard$d by any person, court or other tribunal in const.ru1ng the terms and provisions of this Oharter. I I ALPHABETIOAL INDEX TO CHARTER A. I Advertisements- Jor bids .01' paving Addit10ns to oity- Oontiguous lands defined Manner of platting Method of extending limits Subdividing Vacating Air plane landing fields A11eys- Oare of Garbage 1n In new additions Owner to clean Paving Vacation of An1mals- Dead Oarcasses Running at.large Annual appropriation ordinanoe I Appeal- By oity, no bond required By claimant Disconnecting tracts of land From allowance of claim I ApPOintive off1cers Appropri a ti ons-. Annual ordinance Oontracts based on Funds deemed appropriated Veto by Mayor Assessment, certified to Oounty Board Assessments, special- Against publio property For paving, according to benefits For paving, when payable Graveling streets Intersections, paving Lien on property Lot defined for purposes of Of persons under disabilities Paving Property included for paving Sewer districts Sidewalks Street improvements Vehicles Water Attorney- Mayor to appoint Power to employ 7~ Art. See. Page 3 17 21 7 3 33 6 2 29 6 3 29 6 1 28 6 5 31 6 4 30 2 9 15 7 12 6 12 7 6 1 33 5 55 5 31 7 55 2 33 6 32 12 12 16 3 54 2 54 2 64 17 17 6 17 3 67 1 66 1 2S 2 66 3 6 17 16 2 64 16 5 65 16 3 64 3 1319 5 1 26 7 15 43 7 5 35 7 5 35 7 17 44 7 10 40 7 19 44 7 6 36 7 16 43 7 3 33 7 7 37 14 4 60 8 4 46 7 2 33 7 6 36 15 2 61 2 3 1 13 6 17 73 Automobiles (see vehicles) Avenu.es (see streets) Art. Seo.page B. 1 Ba11o-t- Oanvass of General election Names of candidates Bond- Oity officers Oity exeoute in. judicial prooeedings 01aims on On appeal by city, not required Bonds- Graveling Streets Interseotion Levy tax to retire maturing Light Parks,. boulevards, drives Paving Pub1io utility Sewer district Sewer distriot :5 9 17 3 7 11 :5 7 17 :5 9,18 17, 22 2 8 14 17 1 66 17 :5 67 7 17 44 7 11 40 5 5 27 15 7 62 11 3 52 7 8 38 15 7 62 14 1 59 15 5 62 2 6 14 .1 Borrow money- Boulevards (see streets) Boundaries of oity- Oontiguous lands defined Existing oity limits oontinued Platting new additions Vacating plat Bui1dings- Building distriots Fire inspeotion In fire limit district Lines, to establish Zoning regulations 6 2 29 1 2 12 6 :5 29 6 4 30 15 8 63 13 2 57 13 2 57 15 8 63 15 8 63 O. Oatohheads,disregarded in oonstruotion Oemeterr- General prOVisions Private Sexton 20 2 71 10 1 50 10 6 51 10 1 50 13 1 57 :5 6 17 3 6 17 13 4 58 3 6 17 6 1 28 1 2 12 17 1 66 :5 1 16 2 9 14 1 3 12 1 3 12 2 9 14 1 1 12 I Ohief- Fire department Fire ohief, appointment Polioe, appointment Calling bystanders to assist Removal of Oit1- Adding and exolUding territory Boundaries Olaims aga.inst Eleotions, when held Eminent domain Existing liabilities continued . Existing rights preserved Hospital Name preserved I Oity- Powers outside of Oharter Property, sale of Tax sale, purahase a.t Olaims- . Against oity verified Appeal from a.11owance Notice of veto by Mayor 01erk- Ballot, to prepare Certificate of eleotion, to issue File app1ioations to disconneot lands File nominating petitions Process served on Term of office Council... Approve appointments Ancillary powers Appropriations Annual appropriation ordinanoe Animals Building districts ~orrow money for sewer and water Borrow money generally Oanvass elections Cemeteries Dead. ca.rcasses Disorderly hoUses Dog tax, to assess Disposal plant Elections Emergenoy expenditures Extend boundaries of city Enactment of ordinanoe Fire regulations Fix sa1a.ries of offioers Ga.rbage and refuse co11eotion Health Light plant Lioenses Nuisances Parks, oare and control Park bonds Pa.ving bonds President of Publication of ordinances Ocoupa.tion tax Ordinance, passing over veto Quorum of Salaries of officers, fixed by Sewers Sidewalks Special elections Stagnant wa.ters Streets Tax for judgm.nt and bonded debt Vacanoies in office to fill Vehicles Vaoation of streets Wa.ter system Weeds Zoning districts OQuncilmen- Election Interest inoity contracts forbidden Nomination Salary Term of office I I ~--~-- 74 Art. Sec. Page 19 1 70 2 4 13 7 4 35 17 1 S6 17 2 86 17 4 67 3 13 19 3 7 17 3 9 17 6 1 28 6 5 31 1 1 12 3 2 16 3 6 17 4 7 25 3 13 19 16 2 64 12 2 54 15 8 63 15 7 62 2 6 14 3 9 17 10 1 50 12 3 54 12 8 55 5 4 26 14 3 59 3 1 16 16 4 64 6 1 28 4 3 23 13 1 57 3 15 20 12 5 55 12 1 54 15 1 61 5 3 26 12 2 64 11 1 62 14- 2 59 7 8 38 4 2 23 4 5 25 5 3 2S 3 13 19 4 1 23 3 15 20 14 1 59 8 1 46 3 3 16 12 4 54 7 1 33 5 5 27 3 3 16 9 1 48 6 6 32 12 1 54 6 6 32 15 8 63 3 2 16 3 10 18 3 5 16 3 15 20 3 2 16 75 Art. Sec. Page a 9 14 3 6 17 Oondemnation of property . Commissioner of water, appointment Contraots- Based on appropriations Paving Power of city to make 16 5 65 7 12 42 2 8 14 D. Disorderly houses 12 5 I Dog tax E. Eleotive officers Eleotors, qualifications Eleotions- Ballots Bonds, sewer or water Bonds, park Canvass of votes Oertificate of eleotion .Polls open Public utility bonds Special eleotions Electric plant (see light plant) Eminent Domain ;; 15 11 3 3 3 15 ;; I Engineer- Acoeptance of paving Appointment Duties Estimates by Plat streets in subdivided lands Record of surveys F. Fines and penalties- Oemetery trespassers Dog tax Garba.ge Not to exceed $100 Officer interested in city contract Power to impose Remitting by Mayor Refusing to aid in fires Fire department- Cbief of Districts Fire escapes and inspection fire limits Firemen General provisions 8 55 4 26 ;; 3 2 16 8 17 7 17 6 62 3 52 9 17 9 17 1 16 6 62 3 16 2 9 14 7 13 42 3 6 17 7 14 42 7 14 42 8 5 31 3 16 20 10 4 50 5 4 26 12 7 55 2 7 14 3 10 18 2 7 14 3 14 20 13 4 58 ;; 6 17 13 2 57 13 .3 57 13 -'2 57 13 4 58 13 157 I G. Garbage and refuse collection General welfare 12 2 H. 12 2 Health, publiC Hospital, eminent domain 5 55 7 14 1 54 9 14 I. 76 Art. Seo. Page 15 14 (4) 62 I Ice plant Injury, claim filed 30 days Interest- Oity bonds 01aims Paving bonds Interseotions- Bonds Pa.ving 15 17 7 17 J. Jails, confinement in Janitor, city hall apPo1ntment Judgment, levy tax for Jurisdiction, 2 miles beyond limits 2 :3 5 12 L. I Lease, property purchased for taxes Light plant- Bonds In general Levy- Certified to County Board Lien on property Limit of 15 15 Lioense- Dog Oooupation taxes Light plant- Bonds Oommissioner of, apPOintment Operated by city 15 :3 15 M. lay 01'- A.oting Mayor ApPOintment of officers Election and term Grant pardons and rep+ieves Powers and duties Prooess served-on Remit fines Removal of offioers Salary Veto ordinanoes 4 67 6 62 5 (1) 66 a 38 7 11 40 7 10 40 7 14 6 17 5 27 1 54 a 4: 13 6 62 1 61 5 1 26 7 19 44 5 1 a6 5 4: 2e; 5 :3 26 6 62 6 17 1 61 1 1 12 :5 6 17 :5 2 16 :3 14 20 :3 12 It 1 1 12 :3 13 19 3 6 17 :3 15 20 3 13 19 I I. Notioe, on olaims Nominations of officers Nuisanoes- Abatement of Public ways to be kept free from 17 3 12 7 4 67 5 16 1 54 1 33 77 Art. See. Page o. I Ocoupation taxes Offioers- Appointive Duties prescribed by ordinance Elective Elective, qualifications Interest in city contraots Nominations of Pay of Police, power to employ Ordinances- Additions to oity Alleys Anima.1s Approaches to cemetery Bonds of oity officers Bounda.ries of oity Cemeteries Disorderly Houses Eleotions Enforoement by fines Excluding territory Existing ordinanoes preserved Fire department Levy taxes Lioense and occupation tax .Kayor to enforce Nuisa.noes Pa.ving Parks Passing over veto Powers and duties of offioers Salaries of ofticers Sidewalks Streets Vaca.ting plats and r eplatting Veto of, by Mayor 6 3 26 I 3 6 17 3 11 19 :5 6 17 3 4 16 3 10 18 3 6 16 3 15 20 2 6 13 6 3 29 12 7 55 12 2 54 9 5 48 3 7 17 1 2 12 10 1 50 12 8 55 3 1 16 2 7 14 6 1 2a 1 3 13 13 1 57 5 1 26 5 3 26 3 12 19 12 1 54 7 233 11 1 52 3 13 19 3 11 19 3 15 20 8 1 46 7 1 33 6 4 30 3 13 19 P. Pardons, Mayor may grant Parks- Bonds for Oare and oontro1 of Oaretakers Eminent domain Trespassers 3 14 20 11 3 52 11 1 52 11 5 53 2 9 14 11 4 52 I Paving- Aoceptance of Advertising for Bids for Estimates of cost Objections to Ordinance for Paving bond issues Tax sale for Paving districta- Advertisement of Bond issues How formed Property included in Penalties (see fines) Petitions, nominating 7 13 42 7 3 33 7 :5 33 7 14 42 7 3 33 7 3 33 7 8 38 7 4 35 7 7 7 7 3 33 8 38 :5 33 7 37 3 5 IS 78 Art. See. Paage 639 I Plats-additions to city Po1ioe- Ohief, appointment Power to employ Police Magistrate, term of Polls, open when Property- Condemnation of City m~y purchase or lease Real estate, purchase by city Real estate, purchase for taxes Prostitutiou- 2 2 7 2 12 1.8 Publio Library Q. Qu&1ifioations- Of eleotors Of officers R. I Reprieves, Ma.yor may I.rant Real estate- City may purchase or lease Oontiguous land defined Ownership by Qity continued Purohase for taxes Purohased for taxes, may be sold Sale of by city Subdividing, platting prerequisite Vaoating streets- title to land Revenue- Appropria.tions Borrowing money Emergenoy expenditures Fisoa1 year Funding bonds General levies Inoome from pub1io utilities Interest on bonds Interseotion bonds Levillg tax Levy certified to county board Oooupation tax Paving bonds Sale of bonds Sewer districts Tax on dogs 3 a 3 3 G 17 5 13 2 16 1 16 9 14 3 13 4 35 4 13 8 55 1 69 3 3 8 17 4 16 3 14 SO 2 6 1 2 7 6 6 6 3 13 1 2S 3 12 4 13 4 35 6 32 5 31 6 32 16 ,2 $4 2 6 14 16 4 64 16 1 64 5 6 27 5 1 26 15 5 62 15 6 62 7 8 38 3 1 16 5 1 26 5 3 2S 7 8 38 15 6 62 14 5 60. 5 4 26 I S. Salaries, Oounoil to fix Saving clause Seal, City 19 2 Sewer- Assessments Bonds Disposa.l plant Eminent domain Funds from taxes Outlets 14 14 14 2 16 14 3 15 20 1 70 a 13 4 60 3 59 3 59 9 14 3 64 259 Sidewa,lks- - Assessment.s Grades In.genera1 Notice to build Penalties I Sinking fund, paving bonds Speoial assessments- Discharging lien of Interseotion paving assessments Paving Sewers Sidewalks Streets Water Streets- Arteria1.highways Care of Eminent domain Engineer to plat in subdivided land Funds from taxes Grading Graveling In new additions Paving Speed and parking on Traffic on regulated T. I Taxes Dog For judgments and bonded debt General, certified to county board Graveling streets Levy of Lien on property Limit of Occupation PavinK interseotions Property inoluded in taxing distriot Sale for Sewer Special assessments Waterworks Treasurer, term of v. Vehio1es- Common carriers, Drivers Rules for Speed regulations regulations w. I Warrants, partial payments, paving Water and Waterworks- Bonds Commissioner appointed Districts Service rates Vote of eleotors necessary to sell 79 Art. S S 8 8 8 7 Seo. 4 3 1 4 5 8 Page 46 4$ 46 46 46 38 7 8 38 7 11 40 7 5 35 14 4 59 8 4 46 7 2 33 15 2 61 9 2 48 7 1 33 :8 9 14 6 5 31 16 3 64 7 2 33 7 17 44 6 1 28 7 3 33' 9 3 48 9 1 48 5 4 26 5 5 27 5 1 26 7 17 44 5 1 26 7 19 44 5 1 26 5 3 26 7 10 40 7 7 37 2 4 13 11 4 52 3 2 18 15 2 61 3 2 1E> 9 9 9 9 49 48 48 48 7 4 2 :3 7 12 42 15 3 15 15 15 6 62 5 16 2 61 3 61 4 61 80 I I I I I State of Nebraska, ~ Oounty of Hall, ~ City of Grand Island,) I. H. E.Olifford, City Olerk in and for said City of ss. Grand Island, in the Oounty of Hall and State of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the within and forego1ngts the Original Report of the CharterOonvention heretofore elected in said. Oity and contains the OHARTER PROPOSED BY SAID OONVENTION, the ALPHABETICAL IIDU THEREOF and THE PREFATORY SYNOPSIS THEREOF, as provided by law. Witness my hand and Officia.l Seal this 10" day of January, 1926. H. E. CLIFFORD City Olerk fSEAL) I State of Nebraska. l County of Hall, SS. Oity of Grand Island, ~ I, H. E. Clifford, Oity Clerk in and for said City of Grand Island, in the Oounty of Hall and State of Nebraska, do hereby oertify that the within and foregoing is the Original Report of the Charter Convention signed by all the members thereof and that the. same oontains the Original Prefatory Synopsis, the Original Charter as proposed by said. Convention and the in- dex thereof, and that the same was duly filed in my offioe on the Seoond day of AU~$t, 1927, with 25 copies thereof and more than thirty days thereafter the same was published three times and a week apart, being on the 8th, 15th and 22nddays of February, 1928, in the Grand Island Independent, the offioial paper of said City; And that more than thirty days after the said publioation, a proolamation was issued for the submission of said proposed Oharter to a. vote of the Electors of said Oity of Grand Island, on the Third day of April, A. D., 1926; Said Proolamation was duly published in said official paper for four weeks, being on the 2nd, 9th, 18th and 23rd da~s of Kareh, 1928, and true oopies thereof posted in three of the most public and oonspicuous plaoes in eaoh of the Nine Election Distriots in said Oity more than ten days prior to the date of said Eleotion and at said Election, 795 Eleotors voted for the adoption of said proposed Charter and 698 Eleotors voted against the adoption of said proposed Charter. and upon the Ninth day of April, 1928, the returns of said Eleotion were d~ly oanvassed by the Mayor and Council ~f said Oity and said Oharter was deolared duly adopted as and for the Oharter of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska. II TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I haTe hereunto set my hand and affixed the Offioial Seal of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, this 25th day of April, A. D. 1928. I I (SEAL) H. E. OLIFFORD City Olerk I I IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I HAVE HEREUNTO SET MY HAND AND AFFIXED THE OFFIOIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY OF GRAND ISLAND AT MY OFFICE IN THE CITY HALL OF SAID CITY THIS 15th DAY OF MAY, A. D.1928. RtC~?ifJ City Clerk I I AMENDMENTS TO OHARTER OF THE OITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA AMENDMENT NO. ONE Amending ARTICLE SEVEN of the Oharter of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, by adding thereto Section 20 as follows: I OREATING LIGHTING DISTRIOTS Sec. 20- The City Council shall have power to create ornamental lighting districts for the purpose of acquiring and installing ornamental lights, includ- ing poles, fixtures, wiring, underground conduits and all necessary equipment and accessories, in or along any street, public grounds or avenue, within the city, the cost thereof to be assessed proportionately to the benefits on the property benefited thereby, within said district. The total amount of the special assessment shall be levied, one-fifth thereof to be delinquent in fifty days from the levy and one-fifth annually there- after; each of the installments, except the first, to draw six per cent interest from the date of the levy, payable annually, until due and one per dent per month after due until paid. PROVIDED, however, that if with- in twenty days after the publication of the ordinance creating said district, a majority of the abutting prop- erty owners within said district shall file, with the City Clerk, written objections thereto, said work shall not be done but ~,said ordinance shall be repealed. I I state of Nebraska. ) County of Hall ) City of Grand Island ) I, H. E. Olifford, City Olerk in and for ss. said City of Grand Island, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Amendment No. One of the Charter of the City of Grand Island, duly submitted to the Electors of said City on the second day of April, A. D., 1929, and adopted by the Electors by a vote of 954 "For" and 824 "Against"; as found by the Mayor and Council of said City upon the canvass of the returns of said I Election on April 8th, 1929. Witness my hand and official seal this 23rd day of April, A. D.~ 1929. A't~~ City Clerk. I AMENDMENT NO. TWO Amending Section 15 of ARTICLE THREE of the Charter of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to read as follows: I PAY OF OFFICERS Sec. 15- The payor compensation of the Mayor and Councilmen shall be as follows: the Mayor $750.00 per annum, Councilmen $300.00 each per annum, and the Mayor and Council shall have power by ordinance to fix the payor compensation of all other officers, and change the same at pleasure by a three-fourths vote of all mem- bers of the Council: PROVIDED, that the payor compens- at10n of any officer so fixed by ordinance shall not be increased or diminished during the term of office to which he was so elected or appointed. I State of Nebraska ) ) ) SSe County of Hall City of Grand Island I, H. E. Clifford, City Clerk in and for said Oity of Grand Island, do hereby certify that the above -- and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Amendment No. Two of the Oharter of the Oity of Grand Island, duly submitted to the Electors of said City on the second day of April, A. D., 1929, and adopted by the Electors by a vote of 951 .'tFor" and 836 "Against.'; as found by the Mayor and Council of said Oity upon the canvass of the returns of said election on April 8, 1929. Witness my hand and official sea.1 this 23rd day of April, A. D., 1929. ~~ City Clerk. AMENDMENT NO. THREE I The Airways Division of the Department of Oommerce of the United States, agreed to lease all of their equipment at the emergency landing field to the Oity of Grand Island, if the City would property light and maintain the same as a suitable landing field, but that they would be required to abandon the field entirely if the city did not take it over. Do you approve of the action of the Mayor and Oouncil in taking over and maintain this airport as a field for emergency landings for mail plans, and for general commercial purposes. State of Nebra~ka Oounty of Hall Oity of Grand Island ) ) SSe ) I I, H. E.Olifford, Oity Olerk in and for said Oity of Grand Island, do hereby certify that t.he above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Amendment No. Three of the Charter of the Oity of Grand, duly submitted to the electors of said Oity on the 2nd day of April, 1929, and adopted by the electors by a vote of 954 "For" and 824 f1Againstrt; as found by the Mayor and Oouncil of said City upon the canvass00f the returns of said election on April 8, 1929. Witness my hand and official seal of this 23rd day of April, A. D. , 1929. H. E. 01ifford Oity Clerk I I I I State of Nebraska County of Hall City of Grand Island ) ) SSe ) I, F. S. Whlte,duly elected City Clerk in and for the City of Grand Island, do hereby certify that the following is a true and correot copy of the amendment to the City Charter, repealing Section 6 of Article 15, as was presented to the electors of the said city at a special election held on the 6th day of April, 1937: PROPOSITION NmIBER 2 To amend the City Charter of the City of Grand lSland, Nebraska, by repealing Section 6 of Article 15, and by adding to said charter'a new amendment to be numbered Amendment No.4, said amendment to read as follows: Amendment Number 4 INTEREST ON BONDS--SALE OF BONDS. No bonds issued by the City for any purpose shall draw interest at a greater rate than five per cent (5%) per annum, and no bonds shall be sold for less than par or face value, and no bonds shall be issued for a period greater than twenty (aO) years, and shall be redeemable at the option of the City at any time after five (5) years from their date of issue. All bonds heretofore authorized by the voters of the City of Grand Island, registered by the State Auditor and now outstanding, which have been issued for internal implDovements in said city and where no objection to the proceedings leading up to the issuance and sale or the form of such bonds has been filed by any tax payer prior to the completion and acceptance of the improve- ment by the municipality, are hereby legalized and confirmed and declared to be the binding obligation of the City of Grand Island, and all act done in respect to the issuance of such bonds are here- by ratified, confirmed and made legal. I further certify that after the votes were canvassed by the Mayor and City Council there were 2,171, who voted in favor of the proposition and 1,657 who were opposed to the said proposition. Witness my hand and the official seal of the City this 17th day of April, 1937. /d~ J City Clerk AMENDMENT NO. FIVE '"", ~. "Shall Section 5, Article 7 of t;he Home Rule Charter of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be amended to read as follows: The cost of paving, re-paving, graveling or macadamizing the streets and alleys within any paving, re-paving, graveling or macad- amizing district shall be assessed upon the lots and lands specially benefited thereby in such districts in proportion to such benefits to II be determined by the Mayor and Council under the provisions of this chapter. The assessment of the special tax for any of said purposes herein provided for, shall be as follows: The total cost of the improvement shall be levied at one time upon the property and become delinquent as herein; provided. One- tenth of the total cost shall become delinquent in fifty (50) days after such levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one- tenth in three years; one-tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one-tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years; one-tenth in nine years. Each of said installments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate not exceeding four per cent (4 per cent) per annum from the time of the levy aforesaid, until the I same shall become delinquent and, after the same shall become delinquent, interest at the rate of six per cent (6 per cent) per annum shall be paid thereon, as in case of other special taxes." STATE OF NEBRASKA COUNTY OF HALL CITY OF GRAND ISLAND ) } SS. } I,F. S. White, duly appointed, qualified, and acting City Clerk for the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, hereby certify the foregoing to be a true and correct copy of proposed amendment to the Home Rule Charter of the City of Grand Island, as presented at an election held September 27, 1955. I further certify that. the voters voting "Yes" were Four thousand eight hundred and five (4,805)( the voters voting "No It Seven hundred fifty one (751)~ and that our Home Rule Charter stands amended as per the wishes of the ,voters of the City. In W~tness whereof, I set my hand and the City of Grand Island, this 25th day of affix the official seal of October;S'~ F. S. White City Clerk I NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELBC'~~ON STAT.E OF NEBRASKA ) ) COUNTY OF HALL ) 55 ) CITY OF GRAND ISLAND) I,F.S.White,duly elected,qualified and -acting City Clerk of the City of Grand Island,Nebraska hereby certify that the Mayor and City Council of said City of Grand Island ~~XX&K did,on tne 2nd day of April,1958 at the regular meeting of said Mayor and Council, pass Ordinance No. 3338 calling for a Special Election to be held on the 13th day of May, 1958, for the purpose of submitting to the votetls of the City of Grand Island a proposed amendment to the Home Rule Charter of said . City. The proposed Amendment is B;s _follows~ II , "Shall Section 15,Article 3 of the Home Rule 0harter of . the City of Grand Island,Nebraska,approved by the electors of said City on the '2nd day of Apri~,1929, be amended to I read as follows: The payor compensation of the Mayor and Councilme~ shall be as follows: The 'Mayor $1500000 per annum, Councilmen $600.00 each per annum-and the Mayor and Council shall have the powwr by Ordinance to fix the payor compensation of all other officers,and change the same at pleas}U'e by a three-fourths vote of all members of the Council; PROVIDED, that the payor com- pensation of any officer so fixed by Ordinance shall IN 1, not be increased or diminished during the term of office f' s~iL ~~ _~~i:~ ~:_~~s _;~_~_~;c~:c:..~::__~~p~~_~~e~ :~:_~" ~~. K>~~"'''''''' / /8. F.S.White, City Clerk. April 9-16 & 23,1958. Two, Proofs. 01' (, ~~. /~, l;/r t\~ ~ r ~[' \ .,~ It.... ~ 1 \ ~ V r ! ()\ 0' i((' , {~ v\ V ,. (' ARTICLE TWO General Powers of the City Saving to itself all other rights and powers that are now or may hereafter be given the City by General law, the City of Grand Island shall have the right and power: ARTICLE SIX Territorial Limits - Extending or Disconnecting Territory - Additions 1 - The corporate limits of the City shall remain as heretofore and the Mayor and Council may by ordinance include therein all the territory contiguous or adjacent, which has been by the act, authority or acquiscence of the o"(,'mers sub-divided into parcels containing not more than five acres, and the Mayor and Council shall have power by ordinance to compel the owners of lands so brought within the corporate limits, to layout streets, ways and alleys to conform and be con- tinuous with the streets, ways and alleys of such city, and vacate any public road heretofore established through such land when necessary to secure regularity in the general system of its public ways. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I, F. S. WHITE, duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, hereby certify the foregoing to be a true and correct copy of that portion of the Home Rule Charter pertaining to that portion of Article Two, General Powers of the City; and that portion of Art1.cle Six, Territorial Limits - Extending or Disconnecting Territory - Additions, as adopted by the Electors of the City of Grand Island on the 3rd day of April, 1928. IN WITm~SS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of the City of Grand Island this I/d day of ~. 1961. (1g~~ F. S. WHITE CITY CLERK --~._-------,-:---:r_._-- ORDINANCE NO. 3990 An Ordinance repealing the City Charter of Grand Island, Nebraska, amendments thereto; providing for a certified copy to be filed with the Secretary of State and also in the archives of the City of Grand Island; adopting all of the Ordinances now in effect in the City of Grand Island not in conflict with the State laws. WHEREAS, on the 2nd day of April, 1963, a question of the repeal of the City Charter was put to the legal voters of the City of Grand Is~and and, WHEREAS, the results of the said election indicated 4532 votes for the repeal and 2002 votes against the repeal. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: Section 1. That the Home Rule Charter of the City of Grand Island be, and the same is hereby repealed in accordance with the general election on April 2, 1963. Section 2. That the Ordinances now 1n effect in the City of Grand Island be retained in full force and effect except for those Ordinances that are in direct conflict with the Statutes of the State of Nebraska. Section 3. That the City Clerk certify a copy of this Ordinance and affix his seal thereto, and send a copy to the Secretary of State at the State Capital Building in Lincoln, Nebraska, to be filed with the said Secretary of State. Section 4. That the City Clerk file a copy of the said Ordinance in the archives of the City in accordance with the Article Xl, Section 2 of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska. Section 5. This Ordinance shall be enforce and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. -. y. '\I ,V Page 2 ORDINANCE NO. 3990 cont'd Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council, this J1i4 day of ~ ' 1963. \ aJ~/; ~ MAYOR ATTEst: ~s.~ , CITY CLERK state of Nebruka ) County' of Hall ) a. Clty of Grand Island ) CerUt1eatlont It F. s. White, the duly e18O'Wd, qu.alitiect and acting City Cl.1"k of the City of Grand Island, N.bra8ka. hereby oeri1fy th. fo....sotngto 'be a tru. and. oo:noeet copy of Ol"dinanee No. '990 or t.he ~nano.. or lUoh City of Grand. Xeland, as pa..ed by the City Coune11 and appl'OVed 'by the M~r or.aid City t .eUng in regular ....ion on the 17th day of Apri.l, 196,. In w1tn... whweot, I .et my band and atf1x the ott:leial .eal ot the City of Grand Ielat>d. !IlibnL8ka. th1e l8tb do:Y at April, 196'. :;:r: ~ City Clerk It --) i~- . , ' ~, . -St.-/i/'0 e-f ' {ih'~ e, . 1;,;};.:<lp' I, r; (1(3 ~' ~{7 lit.< II: ,. ~. :-...~.".._. ._.. & C _...:_