1912 Minutes
ouxi.Um.' at. ":r/o"o.loelt,'j;~. ';afsa.iiB~~i.'~"
I .'. . .'l . '. .
I .
1zation,1'or t~& ~l'l)QS.e o~ EQuail.1z.1l1t 'an4 Assess1ngthiil bene:t'1J,
i .
aQcru..e1%1i ~O tF real eata te embraced 1n sewer D1str1ct NO. 2'.6
'by reason of t/heOOBeruct1on 01' a sewer therein atldil.evt1ng 8J .
i '.~0
tax to pal' thel expiense O~ said Oons~uct1on: His Honor-. the ma:W,(!jIt.;
] ~ . - ,'-,- ,. -', - :-,:'-
I '.':
I' .,....
PI' as 1ded"pr ea~ntl':srQadWell, Hanna ,HeYde,Knieltre1:l;m, Rasmussen, BGU~.keX
and V1eregg, i
The OOU~C1l rema1ned 1n sess10n unt1l 8 O'clocK and no
I .
one apPGlaring ItoObjSQt to or protest against theW()P:0sed':
Assessment Of~en$~its and~evy of tax to paw the same .
whereupon the laeweroomm1ttee presented thefollOwingresolU-
tion and BrOad.~eJ.l moved.. 1ta adGpt10n:
Motj,on ca~r$ed. on roll call1:aroad:well)HannajHeYde,Kn1ckre~
I . .
RaSmlllllSen,Rour~eand V1eregg.,vot1ng aY8,naw.none1absent M1ner.
Theua:ror lc1eOlaredthe resolution adoRted and same 1s as
I ~esolut10n
Be it resolved ,ythe :Mayor and. Oouncil 0:2 the Oity of Grand
Nebra8k.a,.:s1tti~ as a Board. of EQual:tz,ation for
due notice giVe~ a~ ~ov1ded bY law:
That we do I find. the total expense:' of the construction ofa:rii
Sewer in sewer ~ist1'1ctNO.. 2") otsaidOity to be the swn ot .11i~';;
and wef1nd the I total bene:t'1ts accrue1ng to the reaJ. estalteembr~
aced in said. D1$t1';lct to be the sum of $17lf.5l,and we do :fUrther
t',ind that the ~enet'1ts accrue1ng to therespect1ve lotsoz- traot.l;'
of land embrace. 1n said. Distr1ct ar e as set opposite the res~
i u '
pect1ve descriPTio~sthereOf as ~ollows:
Lot 1 Block I 83'alJ.1ehS t Add1t1.on,
.Lots '2.;:3:; fnSlocx 8,'8.1.110hS' Add.
I :(
Lot lilt 1.n. :Bl.... .f. Ok.......o..... I,. -i."al..1..1. ahS.' .A.dd1 t.10.... n.....
Lot .5 in BlfCK; 8Wall1chs 'Add1tion.
Lots 6& 7 fn J.UOAlC 8.Wal11chs'Add.
Lot &rin Bl~C1tt8wal1ichS'Add1t1on;
I -. . . ..'
Lot 9 1n BlrCk........ 8Wall1ehs 'Add1 t:1on,
Lot ~o in B oek 8 Wall1chstAdd1t1on,
I ' .
,2. Sft . the sum ot.3~.9
105.6 ft .the sum ot .69J~,lf
52..8 ft. the sum ot .3~.90
52 .8tt .t,he sumo;!; .31Jl.~Q}
105.6 ft. the sum ot$~f..."
52.8:stt.the sum ot .3~:.9~
52.8 ft.the sum ot'.3~.'~
52.8 tt .the sum. ot t,
:Lots lt2,;J,'+&!.5 111 B10CE:9,Wal1ichs'.Add.26lJ.:f't.'tIle sum of' $174-.50
Ilots6 & 7 in :El1ocJ.{9 Wallj.chs 'Addition..lOt:; f't. tbe sum of 69.80
Lots B & 9 j.n Block <) at' WallicIlS tAdd1t,10J:l.~J.OPj. 6 :ft. 1/ 69~8Q
Lot. .;:LO in Bloc~ <:) of Wall1cha 'Addition
Lots 1 & 2 in BlocK~Oo:r Wa.l11cl1s'.Acldition,105~6 :ft. II
Lot ";) j.n BlOCK 10 ot' Wa.l11eJ1s 'iidd;1 tion
52.8 ft. It
Lots l.j. 8: S in Block ao of WalllcI:H3' Adc11 tionJ.O~h 6 ft. It
Lots 6" 7.& 8 in :Slock 10 Wallichs I Addition lS8.l.f. ft. II
IJots 9 & 10 in Block lQ VrallichfPAd(Ution loS.6:ft~"
Frac. I,otsJ.. & 21n :Block T( WallicllsAddi tton wi t:tl
. Frac.I,ot 1 inBIoek 2 of ROllirm'Add. 105,.6 t't. 11
Lot ? tnB.loct 7 ~a:ll1ch.s ',Addition
Lo1~ 4.. in BlOck. 7 Ot' Jia:j111chs f Add1t:Lon
Lot ~ in Block 7 or Wall1chatJ~dit1on
Lot 6 in BlOCk .7/ o1'Wa1.110hs 'Mdl t10n
Lot 7 in BlocK 7 ot Walllchs 'Add1ti()tl
52. 8f't. 1I
5 2 .. B .f't. "
52 .8f't. II
52.3f't. II
5 2 . 8 f't. It
Frae. JJot 8 in Block 7. of ~raIIlchs' Ad,U tion and
Frac.IJot Lot 8 Block 2 ot: RollintlPAdd. 52.8 f't."
F'rac.JJot 9 in Block 7/ot Wal11cha 'Add1tj.on. and.
JrlraC:.IJot 9 B10.ck 2 Rol1ins'Addit1on 52..8 f't. II
]':rao. TJotlO B~ock 7 Wa1l1chs'Add1tj.0l1 and.
Fl"ae..r~ot 10 Block 2 BOl11ns'Addj,tj.on 52.8 :ft. II
LotI in BloCk l~': o.f H.G. Olark' SAddition 52.8 :t't. fR
Lots 2 &3 BloCK 13 H.G.Cla~Jt:'~ Jvid.ltion lO':h6i't. ft
IJot 4- in Bloc~ l3
Ilot 5 in Eloot13
H. G.Cla.rt's Add 1 t10n
H.G.Cls:.rk's Add1t:l.on
52.8 f't. '1
52.8 ft. "
IJots 6.,T~8 & 9 BlOCk 13of'H.G.Olark's Addition
w'jth LotsJ.~ 2;3t 11- & 5 in Block 1., ROllins'
Ad.ditionbelrJg platted as Oottage Place as
riot 1 cot tege Place
flot 2 aottage Place
Lot 3 oottage Place
Lot it ootta~e Place
82.8 t't. fl
82.8 t't. IJ
82.8 :ft.',
5J? . 8 t't. '6
Lot .5 oottagePlace 52.8 f't. 11
All ot'sa1d Aciditions beltng to and. 1:n the Oity 0;['
ISland} Nebraska.
The m1nutes of' the meet1ng otthe Counc:tl as a BoardOI'
Equalization were reac'land approved..
. .
34.. 90
Grand Islalld:,Nebraska, Januar~r 3 ttl9~
The Council met at 7 o'elock pt .:M.as a Boax'd of E'lv.al:ization
l~or tlH, p:urpose of EqUaLizing and, aflsess:1ng the o o llt'1t'i ts aCC'J;'u.e1m
to tho real estate embraced.:1n Sewer District No.2,'O{ bY reajsan
of' the constr'1.lCtion of' a Sewer therein andlev;sr1ng; a ta.x to pay
the expense 0;(' said cons truct1 on: His Ho:nor .the :M:ayor :p;r 6siding.,
. PX' esent .,Ex'oadwell ~Hanna ,JYIeycJ. e'jKnjQIO;> eh.ru.'$l~aSlli1H;H;lfiJn, RourKe arKl V~ fU'(Jg
the oouncil l'emaln€)d in S61.'3S ion u.ntll 8 0 t cJ,.o(,~lC and. no one a:pne~
:in9' .to Obj8rtt to or p;PQtest against the p:J?oposed ASS8i.\ISment ot
berurrf':its and levY of' tax. to Play the same,the Sawel" Oommittee pr'e-
sented the fo110w:t,;ng Easolut:ion arre1 Broad.\vell moveo. its adoptjoon.
Motion carried on :rOll call'iBX'O?dwel1,Hanna.,I-IaYde,KnlCKrehm,
Rasmussen"Rou:rke and Vieregg, voting aye',nroY,none"absent Miner.
The MaY01") declared the resolut:ion adopt ed."! A.S follows:
Be j.i~ resolved by the Mayor an,l Oity oounc:il ot' the Oity of' Granel
Island,NebraSka,s1ttl:ng as a Board of Equalization roI' said purpos@,
afte:r' due notice gj.ven as p;rovidedbY law:
'fhat we dO find the total expense of the construction of' fa'
sewer in SeWe1~ D1str1 ct NO.27 of' said Oi ty to be the sum o:e $1671+.66
a:nd we find the total benefl ts accrueing to the real estate embraced
in said District to be the sum o:f #1671+.66 and we do :further i'ind
tllat trle benefits aocrue1:ng- to the rexpect:L V'e lots or tracts of land
embraced in said Di~3trlc:t are as set opposite the respect1V'e (1138-
cx':!.pt1ons thereof as :Collows:
IJots 3,4 & lQ in BlOCKl,voitle'S Nid1t10n 1;:0 :feet tht;3Sum ct'$lOQ.;.12
Lots;) & {X,1n BlOCk 1,voitle's Addit:ion,132 feet,t:b,e sum o.f #91..65)
Lot <] Block l"voltle I S Aricli tion,
18 f'eet, the sum ot 1.2...,0
:Lots 3. & 2 in Block 2,VQ1tle1S .Addi t1on, 132 f'eet, the smu o;f' 91..6,;
IJO t s :3 & 4. in Block 2,Voitl.e'g Addition,132 .feet, the SlJ.ffi of 91..65
IJots 5& is in Block 2,voitles Add:1. t1on, 132 :reet.; the surn. of 91..65
Lot 6:):1n Block 2 Voit1e'S Addition., 66 f'eet,the sum o:f 4.5..82
I.Jot 7 in Block 2 Voitlets Add. it ion , 66 :Ceet,the sum at' 45.82
110 t s , 1 , 2 , .3 , & lJ. BlOCk 3~Voj.tleiS Add1t:lon,264 feet, the sum of 123.,30
J.Jots :; & 6 in Bloek 3,Voitle'g Addit10n,132 i'eet,the sum of' 91..65
IJot 7 in BloCl< 37 ,Voltle's Addi ti on, 66 f'eet,the sum ot' It,..82
Lot 8 1n Block 3,Vo1tle'soAddition, 66 :fee t , the sum. oi' 1+5.82
Ilots 1~2, ".. & g in Block 1+., Voi tIe I S Addit1on,261+ feet, the sum of $183.30
Ilots 4& 5 in Block lJ.,Voitle'g Add1tion,132 feet ,the sum of 91. 65
Lots 6 & 7 in BloCK 1t, Vo j. t 1. e t s Add1tion,132 .teet, the S Ulll of 91. Q5
Fract.i onw.;il lots 1 8: 2 and Lot 8,BloCk 5:;, Voi tle,,~ Add. the sum of 91.65
FJ:actional Lot 6,BIOCK 5, Voitle 's Addit1onFractional Lot 6
Block. 132 o:f the Union pac:Lfic:: Rettlway Oompany I s Second
. Addition, 66 f'eet}the sum Of
Lot Tin Block7i, Voitl8 I t],/l.cldition,
Fractional Lot 2 in Block 132,U.P.RY.CO.21k Adc1.66
Lot '3 j.n Block. 132"jU"P.Ry.OO.20 Add1tion,66 feet
Lot l~ in RIocle 132., tr.P. RY. 00. 20 A<idi tion, 66 feet
Lot l)tn Block 132.U.P.RY.9o.21l Ad.d.1tion,66 :feet
the sum 01:
the sum o:f
the sum of'
the sum of'
the sum of'
1~5. 82
All ai' s~d!1 Ad.d1 tions l)elng to and in theOity at' GrandJ:sland.,.
The M:tnutea of' tln.e meeting of the 010 ty OounG11 as a Board: o:f
:mQual:J.zation we:re react and approved.
Ad:; out'! ned'"
o!W Clerk.
Grand Island, NebJ?askar,J~nual' if 3"191~ ,70 · clOCk "P.M..
The Oouncil met as a Board of' EQuslizat10tl fox> the purpose of'
Equalizing ancl. Assessing the benefits accl"uelrw.;t.o the real estate
emlJl)8.ced in Sewer DistrJnt No..28 by reason of' the construction at'
f:l' seWeI' therein and levYing a tax to pe:}! the expense of smid oon-
struct1on:His Honor:, the.mayor p_reslcl1ng ,p;resent..Bl'oadwell )H.anna,
H8Yde.Kn:Lckre11ln.BasrITnssen.Rout'ke and. Vieregge Tl1e Oou.ncil rema1nad
in session until 8 o.eIoel< and no one uUDear1rltr to Objec,t to
or Pl'otes \1':, agaJnsl. the proposecl assessment ot' benef':l ts and levy
o:c tax to paw the same .~ the SewsI' C0lillJ11 t tee Pt"t'lsal'lted tbefollow:tnr
HARolution and Broadwell moved its adoption.
Frac. Jlot 2 BlocK 12 Grand ISlandw1 t;h FI'ac.IJot 2
Block l~l,H.G.OlarkIS Addition 66 f't 1l-7.1B
Lot ':5 Block 18 H.G.Olarl<ls Add,it1on
rIot, 1+ 131oeJ.{ IS- H.G..Olal"kig Addition
Lot l) Block 18 H. G. Clark I S Add 1 t10n
FraC'Ilot 6 Block 18H.G.Cllax'kts Addition with
Jj"rac. l,ot 6:> Block 12, Grand Island
Frac"lot 7 Block 12:~Grand Island,wlth Frae.
lot 7 Block 18 H.G.ClarKlg Ad.ctlt:1011\
Ilot 8 Blocl\~ 12r; Grand Island,
66 f't 4-7.18
66 ft. 4-7.18
66 f't. 4-7.18
66 ft. 47.18
66 :ft. 47.18
66 ft. 47.18
IJot 1. Blocle 19 H.G.OlarK,s Addl t:Lon
52.8 ft. $37.71l,
52..8 ft. .37.74-
52.8 ft. .37.74-
52.8 ft. 37.7'+
5a.8 ft. .37.74-
66 ft. 4-7.18
66 ft. 1+7.18
l,ot 2 BlocIt 19H.G.Olar1<'s Add 1 tion
rIot ";) Block 19> H. G. Olark' 8 Add.ition
I.ot. 4- Block 19 H. G. Olark 1 s Ac1d.1 tion
Lot ~ Block 19 H.G"OlarK's Addition
]';r'ac.IJot 6 BlocK 19;1 H.G.Olar'K's Addition
with Frae.lot 5 Yot ROllins'Addltion
W4...&tt <;"
Fracn.I,ot 1/B10Cl<19:H.G.018!>kIS Addition
with ]':t'ac.IJot 6vof Bol11ns'Addition
;8 ~-d: L
'The south 80 feet of Free.lots 8 & 9.: in
Block 19,H.G.OlarkSIAddition and lots
7 & 8 in Block 6 of HOllinSilofAddition
The 1Torth 52 feet of Frac.lots 8 & 9' in
Block 19:' of' li.G.OlaJ?;K's Addition and
Lots 7 & 8 in Block. 6 of ROllins' Add.
All of said Additions being in and to the city Of Grand
:Motion carried OUI"oll call.,BroadWell.,Ha~nna,HeYde,Kn1ck1*ehm,
Rasmussen.;ROD.rlCe and V.ieregg, voting aye"nay none;absen't,Miner.
rrhe Mayor dee.iar'ed the resolution g):1o};:rted.
The minutes ot the meeting o~ the Council as aBoard o~
Eaual:lzat1on. were rean and approved.
IJot 1. Block 19 H. G. Olark., S Add:!. tion
l,ot 2 Block 19H.G.Olarkts Add.i ti on
riot 1 Block 19 Ii. G.. Olark' s Add.1tion
Ilot, 4. Block 19 H. G.. ClarK IS Addition
Lot 'j BlocK 19 H. (f. OlarK IS AcIdi tj,on
52.8 ft. $37..74
52..8 :ft. 3'7.. 71~
52..8 ft. 37.74
52.8 ft. 37.74-
5,S.8 ft. .37. 74
,66 ft. 1+7.18
66 f't.. 47.18
]'raC.Ilot 6 Block 19;1 H.G.Ola1:>k'g Addition
wi th Frac .lot /5 Yot' ROllins' Addi t ion
~d~1i' '"
J:!'rHcnI,ot 7/Block 19H.G.Olax'}(ls Add.it1on
wi th lPrac.IJot f?7Vof' ROllins' Addition
~ehe south 80 :feet of Free.lots 8 & 9, in
Block 19~H.G.Olarks'Addition and lots
7 & 8 in Block 6 of' Hollins.,Addi tion
The North 52 :feet of Frae.lots 8 & 9', in
BIoDle 19 o:fB. G. OlaJ:'k IS Addi, t ion and
Lots 7 & 8 in BlocK. 6 of ROllins'Acld.
All of' said. Ad.elf t10ns being in and to the Oi tyo:f' Grand
Matton Cl-1.rl"ied on l~oll call.,Broadwell,Hanna..HeYde,Kn1ClQ>enm,
RaSTIIUSSen,RourlCeand Vieregg, voting aye,t'na;r none;absentj,Mine:r.
trhe Mayor dee:la:red the resolution adop.ted.
T116 minutes of tlH,; Il1eetinFs' ot: the Council as ai' Board. oJ:
Eaualtzation were read and approved.
AcljOUrned. .
. o~rk"
Grand Is1and,NebraSka,\,,~Ta:nuary 3ft1912.
l1'f.1e Ooune11 met 1nreR:u:Lar sess:lon..."atg' Honor , themaYor~
!lPAF; i o tn.. " p:"eSA:rl t ,Bt>oadwell,~ Ha:nna,He~rde~;Kn1C1Q:>ehm, Hasmussen,
Raul' ke and Vi el~ egg I a be en t Miner.
The minutes of' the last meeting were read and almroved"
Al'I Ql:'dinam.c8 plac:tnfl' tl18 North halt' at.' Block 69, of. the
OJ.t&t:lna-l r.rovm,nowOitY~O:f GrandIRland in the F1:r@ Limits was
Pl" esented., being No.503.
MOV(~d bY HeYde that the Ordtnance be plased ani ts :first reaeLl-
:1 r1/?; :
Oarried on ROll Cal1..Broadwell,Hanna ,HeYde ,Kniclcrehm,RasmUsS6l"Jot
HourKe and vtBl'egg..voMnSl; aY6,nay none,
T1Je 01"dtnanc8 was read and. declared passed 1 ts first .reading.
lvroved by Hffvde that the ,rules be suspended, and t:he Ol1dJnftTICe
l)c placed on its second read:inJ?: bY its title:
Oar r i e t1 on roll call.,; Br oadW ellj Hamna\, Ht:rYd~,!,Kn 1c:};;J;' ehm , Rasr.a:uss en,
HOU1'l..:e and Vjerer~g votjng aye ,naY' none:
'TIle Ordinance was read bY its title and declared. passed lits
seeond reading..
l!tOvcd bY Broadwell that the rules be suspended and the Ordi-
nance be placed on its third readj.ng:
oar' I' j, ed on roll call ~ Broad.'W ell, Hanna, He yel e.~ Knickx' 811m, Rasmussen,
Rourke and Vieregg voting aye"na.y none: .
TIle 01"d1nanC8 was rcad. and declared passed 1 ts thi:r?u reading.
Moved by Heyde tha.t tIle ordinance be placed on its :final passa~
Oar'!' ied on Roll call,;Broadw'ell"Hanna.,HeYdefjKniCkrehm ,Rasmussen,
ROllI'ke and Vieregg voting aye'~nay none.
The Mayor declared the Ordinance t'inallY passed and approved
the same.
An Ordinance,No.j;jOlj,~IlevY1~ SkH"lctal sewer Dist:p1ct taxes in
Sewcr District NO.26 was presented.:
lI,wvccl bY Broadwel,l tllat tli8 Ox'ui,nancG 1')6 ulaGedOn :J ts :f'lrst
r cad~ln,Q; :
Oarriecl on roll call "Broadwell ,Hanna~He:Yde,Kn1cl\r'el)J'):\.Rasmussen.~
H,?Ul'ke and Vj. eX' egg vat:;, us!. aye ".naY none. a bse.ntMinet' ..
The Ord:Lnance was 1>t3ad and declal"ed pasHed t tfl f'tl'str'eadiWir.
Mov(:)cl bv Vj, eI' eg,Q: tba t the rules biD SUSP6Ilde)d and the Orclj,nanoe
be p.laced on :1 ts second. J?eadl~ bY its ti tIe:
Carried on rOll
'rt\.e Orclinance was X'eacl 'by "it,s t:L tIe and do(}la:r'Od "passed 1ts
Second rea,UrlP:.
Moved bY H(,~Vde tb.at ,tho r'uJ.es be suspended and the Ord:ina:nee
1')0 placed on j.ts thil'd l'eadixJ$I;:
a a:cr ied anI' ol.1eaJ.l" Br oa(lwel1.~Hanna,.B:eYd.e"iKni Ckl' ehm/~ HaFmllJHHen,~
Boul'J<:e and. V:te:r'e~r.t4",vottDj;l' aYB,o;naY.l1one: absent ]ffj,ner:
The OrdinanC-:0 was read anc} ct)elared passed. its third .1'(i}actlru.t.
lWved bV Broadwell tlla t tlle 01>dlnancebe 'Placed on its final
t\assa~e :
Carried on 1'011 call ,Broadwell,~Hanna,.H~Y(leiKnickrebJ11,RaSmus8en,s
R()l'l1~Kfl and V1el'egrJ.'. vat 1n,Q: aYe..na~r none. absent :Mine:x;:
TbeMaYOr decJared tl1e Ol~dinancei'1nal:LY 'Dass8cI a11.d sPP:l"oved,
tjhe sa.me.
An Or(:linanee.,No"SO~"fLeVY1np.; Special SewBl'D:1.str1ct taxes in.
8eVVC"';fi: DJsty'j.ct NQ" 27 was 1')reSEil1.ted:
1,1oved liY 'EJ.l-;>oadwell that the Ordlnano"~ be ulacflcl on jt.af1J'st
I' ead~lnn:':
C f:1X"p j, en on roll eal 1 '7,' Hr oad.Vi ell ~, Nanna '. Heyd e ,,,Knt C\kr ",hm,.. RasmUSSill
Roul'1<:e and VjereFf4 vot:tlW ave~naY non@.~absent .lttiner:
The Or'd,t nancw} was read. and tieclarecl p,8.ssed i t8f:!1.r~l t reac!vtrl.2.'.
Moved b:.'ir HeYde that the rUl€38 hi." suspended and tbe Ordinance
rJ,laeed on :its second read.ir.~ bY' its tJtJe:
Oarr'j cd onr 011 call" Rr oadWelJ ~,:rlanna.. HeYde ."Kn1ck:rehm.. Basmuss en;,
1101]:['1<e and V:lfrree:<>r.-;votjns;raye."'na:v...., none" absent ~Miner:
~,'lle O.'rdinanne was :read b~r1 1;.8 t1t.1.e aneJ decla;red passecl jts
se eond readi nP'~
]\iToved hYBroafiwell that tb.e T'ulas b€~ R1JSpen08o snd the Ordinana
be 'pla.eBcl on t tR th:L:r'd readin,Q::
Carl:,ted on Roll cal1iB:r'oadwell"Hanna:'iHeYde~Knickrehm., Rasmussen"
R01JJ?ke and yj.erep;g vot1nR a~r~,.nay,nOne,absent1l/f1ner:
~I:tl.e Ordtnance wasreac'J. and declarecl pf:Issed 1Its thil)d reading.
:Moved rJ;}" Vj.eregg that the Ordinance beplaceo" O'fl 1 ts "f'ina1
ma.s S 13g e :
carried on rOll call, Br'OaoV1011.,Hl1IJnna\HeYctei.:Kllic1\I'e..hl1L..Basmussent
Rourke and Yleregg voting aye, na;y' none; absentl{inel1:
TJ,1f} )\:tilY01" declared the Ox'('ltnanc(n: finallY passed. and apPTcrvecl
the same.
'An Ordj,nance-TNo.5Q6,LeV'Y:lng Special Sewer District 'llaxHs ;i.n Sewer
D:1.str:i.el; NO.28 was present,E-Hi:
MOVF;(l rlYHffvd €i) that t11B Or.j:fllancf" be Placed on i tSl.'ix'st
x~ EJElC.l :1.n;;: :
Oa:rr:ted ouro]l callTBroadwel1, H8:rma,HeYde,Kr!j.Ckrehm,.BasmU8SelJ
ROlu'1\e and MieJ:'egg vot1n.g- aye ,nay none.,l3'i.)st.;ut :Miner:
TIle Ol'(ltnanc:e was read and (joc.laJ'cd passed itsf:trHt read11JJ,?::
Moveo bYBI'oaclwel1 that the '.r'nles be suspended. and the 01.~ctj-
nanee be placecl on its sec011d. reacling bY it.s t.1tle:
Oarried. on ;roll call'iBrOadVlel.1,.Ha:nna,~HeYclt."..Kn:jG'Jl;;rebm,~,Hasrnusse~
RourKe and Viereg.o: voting aye,na:v nonf?'9'Sbslilnt Miner:
The O:t?dd.nance was!'eact b:vl ts title and deolared passed jts
s C,0 c;onrl rea,cliuR':
Moved hY Broadwe:D that thf.J rUle~i be suspended ~na. the O:rdi1.-
nance be placed on its tLt1ra read:l.raJ;r:
o a1'T'1ed onI' 011 naIl ,:ElI' oadW Bll~.Hanna.. Hay" re,Kn.1clQ;> ehlll. Rasmussen..
HOU1~Ke and Vif'..r'cV-B: 7 vot,jna ay";,..nay no:nfn,~ ~bsent, Minel':
The OI'cl1nannA was read and declared passectits t111ra read1r;s:!;'.
Moved bY Y:i.6.\J:egg that the QI>clina.n.ce be placed on :1 tst'lnal
P.~fS sag e :
Ca::'I'ted on rol]. cal:l~ Hl:'oad1j\Tell""Hm:lna,.Hevde.Knic1<rehm .:RasIUussen..
"RO'lU":ke and VJer'crr.ft. vot1n.Q." aY8i,fnay none~absent ::Minar:
Irh€J JI!ra-yOl~ dcnlared the O:t'd~tnance :finally uasBed and ap1'J!'o'{f)d
tIle $ame.
'JIbe Bond Ccmmrl.ttee .re:ported.f,1n(ti.rli~ the Bonda of' Will G..partr:1.-
(1.R:e as O:itv TreaHlfr'fJT' anE1Grant HacUocl< as Polioemen.:in p:rol),er
f'oI'm and t.llfi sureties ther'eon Auffto1ent an,,1 recommended the1r
aPl.lI'Oval,;and on motj.on Of' Rasmussen the report was approved and
adoP"ted and. tIle l)onds apl:lt'oved.\'l
:WL1"1 s wer'e allowed as per e.lai.m rc,g-tster.
The at t:v At tOl'noY presented the fOllowing l?CPOI't:
To thf3Honor'able NJ.ayor andC1ty Oounc11 o:f Gran(.t Island"NebJ?
Under iXlst.ructions f'ro:m YOUIIHono:rable body I have
f~xar/lined thB Dlats 0.f the variousadc11tions to the 0i ty 0;('
Gz~an'l Island. and f'incl yOU
have two s t.v e e tsname(l "~T ohn II street
and three streets cal1ed"Geo;rge"st'l?(Hilt and that th.e stl'e\?ton
the south steie o.f Section No.tli.jgllt ,,,Townshlu :NO. elevenUorthol'
RfH1.~:e '!\To.nine hl;ts no name at all.
r suggest that sajd S.er:t1on J,:tn@ {10 named Oameron street
t118,t, what is now nanled. IIGeOl.'ge" street in Loan's SUbdivis:!.OIl
be named l10an stJ:"eet~ that what j8 named IfGGor~c1!f in BOf.w;$ &.
HtlJlf{ Addit,:l.GiIl be named SchourUD Bt]1<ei!}t.~.thF1t. what. ts named
\'John street tn Boggs & Hill's Addi tj.on be naI11ed Clear'y street.
Respeet:f'U1IY sUbmitted:
AI' tJ lYUJ.' 0 .JIa Y €lr
OJ, t Y At t 01'1'). e~r.
.Albert. ITaYo€')
Jas. ROtlr Ke
Emil H. Vier egg
J .:m.Hanna
On mot:1.on of lIeycle the :report was adopted.
Report of' the WeiJZhmaster :('01' JJen61mber 1911 was I't}ad and on
moti"Ju of' BroaIi.well re:ferreo. to th.e Flnance OOImn1t;tee.
Report o:C Water &- Light corrunisstoner for Dacembel'> was retlcL
am] .onmQt1on of Broac'lw€ll.1 plaC(00' on t'11e~
HepOl"t.80;f depos:1.toI'Y ban1<.a wer.\? :roadanci placed on file..
on motion of' Basmu8st\m t.b.@ O.tty OJ,e:rk was instructed to
nottfv tru;s 0..11..& Q,,,lL R, 00. to place Arc 1..jgbts at Ule intersec-
t.tons O'f. thetl' l::1;ght of waY W1th ;t'Qux'th a.nd. e:tp;hth strc.ets at
Ad jour ned,:
01 ty (llGJrk.
Grand Is1am.t,NebrasKa,JanUary 17111912..
rrtH3 Council met in regular session~ His Honor, the maVGJ11
PI" e s idin,g 'iP1' ea en t , Br" oadwel1i Hanna ,Knl ekr e11111, 111T1n0.1" ,Rasmus s en, Raur'Ke
and V:Lere{';g ';I*1bSent Heyde..
Tl:H3 minutes at' tlle las.t meet:ing were re9'1 and apPl'oved..
Oomrm.1Yllcatiol1 l"rom the Capi tal lTI1ectrie Oo..was ~.read"
'1111e May01~ called attention to the apPoi,ntment of a Sca"v....
erlF:'e.I' clesi~i?ed by a Oommi ttee 1li"1l0 had vrai ted upon l:lim..
rrJ1e Oit;v Pl~operty Oommittee made report that to pJ"OP€:31?lY
place names :for the streets would require at least !.J.OO signs and the
tol;al expense wcmld be from $1),,00 to $5-00.. On motion of' Hanna the
m,atteJ? of'placing street names was de:Cer:reeJ to some :future meeting..
ROU1'ke suggested tb,at the lJIJesteJ:'n Union 'relegrapb Oompany
would .01ace a cloCk in th.e water WOl"ks station ami f'Urrr1s11 the
cox"rect time f'or same :.t"or the sum of' one dollal' per month and on
1J1Otion of' Knickrellm the proposi tion was accepted..
KnickJ'el1ffi aSKed that three arc lights be placed on North
I,OGust Gtreet and Rasmussen aSked that thBee be placed ~illast of the
13",& Jlit. tracks amI on motion o:f Vier egg the matter was re:ferred to the
IJigrlt OomIni ttee..
.J.H..Gorxnan presented petition an (1 bond f'or .A:uct:loneer's
Licenp,e and on motion of Rasmussen the Bond 1Nns aTmrovecL and License
11111s were read and on motion ot' Rasmussen allowecl$ (f'01' list
sC':('j Olaim Hegister..)
HepOl"ts o:f' POlice JUdge and. Olerk for December were read and
'ref'eT'~ced 1~0 the Finance Gommi t 'tee..
Heports o;t' Depos1 tory Bames were react and placed on ,file..
Adjom"ned ..
01 'ty Olel'k.
Report of' Oity OlerK of' APpropriations
and Expendi tuX' es to F.'€fbrUary 1 "1912..
General Fund
APpl'opria'tecL lUxpended
str'oets &
sevH31' s
$4300 $1849.99
Alle'ys 7000 1/.199.. S8
2000 115..01
7000 18..40
3500 2593..13
500 200..30
_ ,_,_~___._~_._.___~_.=,_..~..,~,__~~_~""n'~~__~"h"'._,.~;....,,,,~~,_,..-,-. .,__,.,.., -_"_-.~-'_ ~"''''O'. .
$24300 $8976..41
1884;.. 99
6981.. 6D
.".,"=Sc,. ,_""_~''"' -" ,.,~~,>."_~",, ,_"._~._,..,-,"'_ '.-'",',",-- .
Qp15323.. 5)9
police Fund
~)9100 $3366" 3.5'
Oemetery Fund
~11113.. 40
:[1'11' e Fun,!!.
$11200 $23'4..81
$8845,,, 19
lHat 131' Fund
BUildings & IInpJ?ovements
::Mer' cl1and1se
:mxp ens e
5:949.. 68
Lcbgl1t Fund
BUj.ldings & Improvements
Mer chandise
~~2015e 47
paving Fund.
$ 3484
paving District No.. 6 Funct
$6556..60 $6468.28
Sewer District ]unds
Di s ts.. 2.6,27 & 28 $417'1+.. 28 ~t.4056..96
~~117 ..32
Summar Y
<iI'90 890 90
~f' ,. ..
ReSP6c-:t:fu11Y submt t tecl
01ty 01erk..
Grand ISland,NebraSk8. ,FebrUary "(11191.2"
The Ootcncil met :tn regulaJ:' session~ :H:Ls Honor. the maJror,
pr es:ld:Lng: present at rOll ca:ll,Broadwel1.~ Hanna) He;YclE:l.,KnieKrel1nl,
HaSffillE1sen and V:teregg,B.bsent ,Mj.ner an.d, RonrKe..
~e:rle IvLtnutes Of' the l~.,st meetlng VH;)I'O re::?d a.nd F.1.PPI'o'V'ed"
A COl1lmunj.catiol1 ;C'x'om I\!L.V..OlJJTlmine;s Vl~;3-S reacl aSl<tng permission
to place build:tng in South Locust f.3treet wh:i.lebuild:lng and on
motton of' Br'oad:well the l'eGuest was €;:t'Hntec.L.
rrl1e Ole:rk l'epor'l~ed that AnnB A..Lee,througll hel' Ftttorneys,
Sn:lCl!:J!' 8:: BJ.'UG1.1I1181irl & Jl... G. AIJbot t ,on t;l1e 3011 ot' t.Tanuary' 1912 :C:tlec1.
'\Ill!.;]:). lLtm Olatm. ::Co1' Damo.g(1S caUEH:id by i'allj,ng on the S:lcleWal}!2:
oppos:lte the Heddie Bu~il(i:l.ng on Locust, stx'eet in the sum ot' $25,00.
and the e1.e,.':i.Irl waf) !'ead and on mot,ion of Bl10f.~d-,N(;;)11 x'o::fEn'l'od to
the G'lt,~r At1JOl'ney..
D1ocU'Jc11 spetrnnall asKed per'miSfjj.Qn to cmmect with t1'1e HYd:rant
tn t:t:te 500 Blocl<:: on West IJiviBton street to get water to spr'j.nkle
the street..
On IiIotton of' J:3:roadwe:Ll the m8..~teI' 'was re:f'ex'J:>ccl to the Water
o OlEIn i t tee '"
i3upt,,:Blgnel1 0:(' trIo C..B,,& Q,.Haill'oD.cl Oompany '\fros present and
asKed Iwrrir1ssion :['01' the Oompany ttO plac(;J100 Watt; ItfWrps at t.lls
lpl 8: 81t street cI'ossing:s j.nstead. of the Ar'c lights f\:Bsu:cing the
Oonm~il that they would give satisfaction.
OVfJ.11g Hesolutiol1 was> Pl"~jsentecl and. KnielCl"chm movedf
1 t s adopt;:i o:n:
Whe:t>eR8 a petit::i.on d.~j being circulated :fa!' the PU:1?pose of'
having fo1 pal't. of' };1ourtl1 street and a part o:f Pine f{t!>eI2d~ :Ln:
t'l:1e OJ. t~r o:f Gr'aTld. Island ~ J~rGl)raska paved. with some permarwnt
paving HIlCl WhOl'CHS it :t.s clefrLrable tl1at tl1at P8:J:1t, erf P,tne Stl'''eet
in :f'l'c.mt of' Lo~ No..8 :in lQoek 1+2 of' the Or:i.glrH2tl frown,now Oity
of' G~I:an(t IslalldCKnOl/il'l as the Water' W01:ks and l!aect,ric. I,ight
G t tJ. t:t on) 1l e pfjNe(l~
J:'h61'fff"OT'e;}je it resolved that the lIlfayox' 0:[' this C1ty be
iJ:lE.ltl'uc~ted and 8.l1thor:iz,ed to sign saj.d peM"tion on behalf' of'
S}3,.ic.l ai t,'~l f'Ol' Lot [5 1.n J310c1< 1+2 for 132 :Ceet :Cr'oD,tage on Pine
tTohn Krllel<:rehm
EmilH.. V1 er' egg
J.. lG .. }18:nna..
11.. P. RaSmUSf.H:3l1
G.. W"Broadwell
:Motj_on e81"'T'ied on roll call,Broad'Wel1jHannajHeycle"Kniel<::pehm,
HafUli.11f3Sen a.nel Vieregg votlng: aye,n::;l'~r none,absent,lliUner B;, HouX'Ke.:
On motion o:f V1ol'egg the ]'1re & Water' 00111mJ.ttce and tIle
t, e:c C;om:rn:LSfJioner VH,:)l' e :Lnst;ruc:t ed, to h'l.ves t j.ga t.e the necessity
0:1' or\1urg:Lng tb.f;; W;3,tex' mad,lis Erne. report at tIle) next Ineetlng...
B:L11;3 agai:n,frt t.lle c:Lt~y wore rOf!.ci 8.nc1 on mot.ion 0:[' J31'02rclv:rel1
'OLl'J ny' "'(~' (,1"')'1" ll"' ~~, t
(;I" ,,_......PJtJ""t, "J.\;~"", ,.!..;;.\
01 a:1In Heg:L s t er' )..
'The i'ol1owing Resolution was pl'eBEmted and Kn:LeJ!\:l:'ellIIl moved.
j. t s adop:tj. on:
\ivhereas the statu.tasoi' the stat.e ot' Nebraska provide that'
the rate of 1n'teres't on sewer district taxes s11all [)0 not to
exceed T per centum. peI' annum prioX' to their 1:H3COming d.elinqnent:
And Wlloreas t,he fjtatute also PI'ov1des that V'{arrant8 issued bY
the OJ. ty aga:Lnst; said sewer DistriGt Levy stual1 bear1nterest at
the rate of Tper centum per fJ,nl1um:
Now rrl:1 e1" e:for e
Be it 1"es01 ved b~' the Mayo.1'" and Oi t:,r OOlJnc::L1
of' t.t1,e 01 ty of' G~t'an.d, Island" NebraSKa" that the Oourrty r.rx'easul'er
bt": and, he lwrebY is instructed to charge ane]. col1ett:t on all (3ewer
D:1::5tr::Lct rraxes levted 111 Sewel' Dis tr::Lcts, :tTos.. 26) 27 & 28,8.nd. all
subseqUent levies j.n Distl'ic'ts now or' Jleroa,:cter' estab11sl1ecl , in-
tores.'t at the rate of' ~30'Ven per centum POJ:' annum until saicl
t~3:xes B1'lfJ,11 lJe8iOme cl.elinquent <:md a:cter clelinquent suell .I'ate
tli:1 is P.!'Oyj.ded by law..
Q,.. W.. Broadwe11
S ..1;;.. Hanna
~rol1n .Kn1,cla'ohrn..
lli!Ot;j.on oarr:ted on X'Oll oall all }:)l'osEmt 'itoting l!.:rye..
An O:t'd:lnHl1ce pl'ov1ding for a. 'tax on Pool H~';l;11f3 and l'epea1ing
07.'d:tnan.ce No..1I..o5: waG pr'8semted:
Moved by HeYde that the Ox'd:1:nonce be Placed on :tts fir'at
l' e 2h1.
Carrtc<l on roll cal1,Broaclwell 'jHanna,He:~tcle,~Kni(;~~X' e11m, Ht:l.SIfl11.S-
SeJl:1 and. VlerQ::gg voting a'Ye~na'y none,absont M:Lner and Haul'Ke:
~r.JJ,e OJ:'dinance was read and d.cclal~od passed its Fi.J'st I'eading.
]"iroved bY Heyclo that the rtlles be suspendecl and the Ord1.nance
be placed on :1 ts Eleeonct :r'ef:1cUng bY' its tttle:
Cal~1nJ.6d on IioJl cal1,Bl">oadwe11jHaJma;HeYd,0;Kn1clcrehm,RasInnSsel':t
eregg v0t~lng 8YEl,nay non0Jabsent ,Mine!' and HO'ux'ke:
TIle 01"d1na.nee was reacl by its tltle
Second reading.
An O:r>dinance providing i"0J:> a ta.x on !:Jkat:i.:ng RinkS and l~(-)pealing
01"clinanee NO~ 4.09 WHS presentecl;
M~oved b~1' He~'d.e that the Orcltnance be plaeecl on j.ts f'iI'at l'fJac1:lns;
Car:Ftec1. on 1>011 Gall.~ Bl~oad.welJ.$Hanna .,HeY'd,e"Knie}~reh.m) Rasmussen;
and Vieregg vottng aye,nery nonej8bsenti M.lner and, ROlu'Ke:
The OrclinarlC;8WaS read, ancl ctec.l~:;;:r>e(l passed 1'ts f'ix'st rcadint:s.
JlJOV'Ell 1::)-;;/ Heycle tl'J.a t the rules 'be suspencled D,nd the 01'clinance
be pl8.c:ecl on j"ts second !'8ading by its ti tle:
08J:"1'led on x'oll call) Bl'oadwell)J'Ianna,HeYde,Kni eKrellIo, HaSJllUSSen
anc1 Vd.e:cogg voting aye~rmy none,abSf3Dt IJrtner & nal1J~Ke;
The Ol>(]inance 'vms ):,eacl b'Y ita title am!. ciecl8,l'ed passed ;Lts
seoond I'ead:Lng..
An Ol'cUnance p1"'crviding :for a tax on .House 1iI}:overs ancl re,peal1ng
')T' '1'1"' '''' 't" (... e ~'~o tfr"\~~,' ,,-r., q 'COY> <.'<" "'nt '''c' .
~_.... c ,.~.r\,(.A......\,.i" J~J, e t'-.,J t', ~1(,1.'~, _...,J..I. "'jW\.,~ 1.,"; J....
Moyed b~V' V1.eroggtlmt the Ordd,nance be placed on j.t::J :fix'st
J" ef1 (jj. ng :
Cf~J:>r:Led on rOll (;all) Broadwell~Harl.n8.1HeYde,KnicKrel1m~Hasrm.:\.ssen
and V'i.er'eg'g; voting aye:nay none,absent M'ine!' .and ROIl1'ke:
IrJi.e Orcl:inance vms readancl declared passed :t1~s i':1rst x'erading.
Moved [)y Broad-vvol1 that the rules be f:3uspended ancl the O:rc1::l.nance
be placed on j. ts second reacting 'byi t,s td. tIe:
Of:l.J:'rj.ed on roll call '$Broadwell,B:amlf3.,HeyctejKnicJ{rehm,Basmussen
and Vteregg voting aye~nay none~abSf:mt J\II:1ner and Rourke:
Q:'J'10 01~dinance \Iv-as read b~; its ti tIe ~.3J1Cl declal"'ed passed tts
se concI l'e(),(lj.ng..
An Ord1J18lYlCe pl'ovicling' a tax on OpeNl Houses an(1 Shows E3tC.
and 1~ epealing o:r'cl:1rl8.tlG8 NOil.68 & 94, was presented:
:MI.)ved. bY' Fleyde tIH:l't the Ordinanc e be placed on its f'ix'st J::'eadj,ng:
Oarr i C'Jd on Roll call,BroaclweI1, Hanna,HeYd,ejKll1ekJ:>elu!1, B8:f,:\TlmSSen
anclVierf:;gg voting 8.:\re,nay none,absent lvrineI' and BouJ.'l\:e:
The OJ:'d:lna'nee was reac1 and decla:.r'ocl passed :Lts :Ci,!'st, readir1g.
1,iIoveci by :E:lroactwel1 that the rules be suspenclecl and tIle 01'd.inance
be placed ot! its second read:Lng bY its ti,tle:
oax'J"ied on roll eall,Bx'oadwell, Harma,HeY'de,Knickrehm, Rasmussen
and i.t:te:r'eg'g voting aye~n8,y none,a:b;:;Hmi~ J\JUner and, Raux'Ke:
:[111e Ox'clinance vms read by :i ts title anci declared passed its
t:lecond. reacting-e,
An Ordinance p;roviding a tax on Auctionc0r3 andrepeal:t.ng
Or'dtna1'1.ce No~. (51 & 217/ was :Pl~esent6d:
lVf.oved bY Bl'08t'!V;rel1 tl"1at the Ox'cti,nanee be Placed on its fl:t'st
Oarl'j.e(i on 1'011 cal1$BI'oadWell ,Hi1rma,HeYcLG ,KnickX'elm~l':(aSIllussen
and 't;Tj.e:I'egg voting a;V$)nay' none,absent Minex' 9.11(.1. .l:;:OU]~}f,):
TIle OI'dtnance vms r eael and. deelar'cdpaEli:30cl its fl.x' s t, I'eqcJJ.l1;;\l; ~
:Mov(':;cl t)y Broadvrell t,hat the I'1:1.1e8 'be suspencled anci the Ordinance
1:1(;; placed, on its secotKJ. reaciing b~r t ts tll;1e::
Cr-rr'T'ied on roll caD. )}3road.well,Hanna,HeYCle,Knic}'~rehm, Hasmu8sen
and V1(:J:r'egg voi;ing a~re,nay: none,rbsent Mtnel' a net ROU!1ke;
'The Ol'd.i.nance vv-as J'enc1 by its title ar:1.d cleclfJI'ecJ passed its
second. 1>(:8cl1.ng*
An OX'cU.YlanCe p::r'ovidtng a tax on Pawn Hr'okeJ:>s and, T'0pealj.ug'
01"dtnance No. 51 vms ].'ill" esented.:
Movc:cl by Vieregg that the Ordinance be placed on it,s t'lr'st
read. tng:
08.J:<pjec1 01'1 I'oll eallj1:S1'Oacl'well,Hanna,HeJl'de-,KniC::lG>ehm,RaSffiUfJSen
and. V:teregg vot.ing a~~re$ni.?..;:Y none,absent Mine!' and HOU1-1ke:
T't1001'(linance 'was r eacl and declared pf).ssed j.ts :Cj,r 8 t l' eading:
Moved by J3:l:'oadwel1 that the rules 'be suspended. Emcl the Orclinance
placed on its second reading b~r its title:
Oarl':tecl on roll call ,Bl'oaciwell ,I1anna,Heycie ,Kn1Cl<rellm,}~asmussen
and 'Vlel'egg voting aye ,rlaynone , ab;3ent llEi:ner and Rourke:
T110 ordinance was reac1 by its title and declared passed its
::; e condo read.:t ng '"
:Report 0:1:' 'tlH.:i OJ. ty 01erl( 01' the appropr'iat:LoYls a!lcl expendl tures
to :February 1"1912 was read amJ macle a part of the minutese(page 109
Eeports of the Police Judge ancL Weighlnaster' 1'01' ...Tarrua:p~r were
1'(3:::3(5. and x'ofe:r'red. to the :finance conm1tteG$
Reports of' tIle ])'LY'st Nat1,onal }Jani( and. the 0011lLlerc:ta'l state
B~nl{ :Cor t,hUluary VH.;l' e y' eael anei placed on flle..
01 ty Olerk"
n:rend Island, NebrasJ;:a, February 21111912..
The Connetl met :1.n regula!' sesshil1, His Ho:no!', the mayor
p:rc;sic.Ung and all members pl"esent at .1::'011 cal14
'Ftle m:Lnutes o:C the lastmeetj.ng were roa(1 and approved,.
A OOIDIillintC8.'t j.on f'rom t]ae Sewer InspeCttor in r ef'erenee to
rnaJcing COnYH'3C"1j1oY1.S wlt1:1 Sei,lTer Main in J.JoeUElti street wa::1 :reElCl ami on
motion of \':l.eregg l'of'e:cred. to the city Attorne:>T and the SEJv,rer Oomm.:it-.
tee to j.1'1Vest;igate and report the.1'eon.
Hen:r:'y :AJehlent' asl<:ec1 permission to lay side'viTalk outside of
rr I' 0'\11 of tr.' ees along his propert:v. on Wes t, Louisa Stl'eet.. On motion
of' l{e~lde the matter' was ref'err'ed to the street Cormn~Ltteo*
r:Phe Water Comrnj.ttee repoJ:>!,ed. Plans and Speei:ficat:ions :t'or
well Pl.tS Vle:re preparecl an(l on motion of' RourKe the 01e1"l\:wHs j,1'1-
structccl to ad,Vertise :fox' bids ::Co1" seune.
~z. On motton. of' Vie1"'ogg the J.Jight Oommissioner Was lnstrlJCted
to pUI'chase and jnstall Edghtoen Series Turv'S'sten Lam:ws and Hooels
8..11C1. :i.nHtall thorIl in t1:1(j bUsJ.ness portion of' the 01 ty to try them..
o:n. motl.on o:f Br'oac1well tlle Water OOlIill'Jj ss10ner was ins tructud
to pJe.ce meters at all places where watex' 1s tal<en f'X'om the mains
J:~OJ:' r3tx'cet Sprinkling P;t12'poses..
'rhe Cemetery Oommittee made report acl.vising the la~ring out of'
the portions of' Sect1.ons D and Gr wi tl1j.11 the G2.rcle and s elling' them
at ~n~jo.. 00 per lot witJ:1 :permanel'lt care provided 1>01" anc! th.e laying out
of' mIl of' Sectj.o:n 0: On moti.on of' J3roadvvoll the report. waf'!, aclopted
and ,[;1:u) Ci ty Act tarne:y tnstruct ed to p:r>epare a p:rop er Ordinance P1'O--
v 1 (1:1.
:for the sale and terms of sale ,etc..ot' said lots..
13111[1 against the Oi ty VleT'e read and on motion of' RourKe allOilUld\..
Feti tion :fox' paving
portions of' Locust and othor streets
read and on mot:Lon o:C HeYde referred to tllo Oi1~y Attorney
l)etitioll :fo:r' pl=xvi:nga port:i.on oi' West Second 8t.:r-eet vms 2"e8.c1 and
0.1'1 rnot:Lon o:f R01U'}\.O l'eferrod to the 01 toy Atto:l'uey.
AnOrcl:Ln:.::rnee pl'ovid:Lng i'01: an Occupationr.1:r"1x on. s'l1ows in tonts
ete. vrar:! Pl'0sEmtecr:
]</loVcd l\Y Vioregg th.at the Ordinance 1:)(:') Placed on its ]j11rst
COJ?l'jec'L on Holl (jaIl al1membe:r'ij being pr#esent 'Vot"3d aye..
11'110 OX'dinanee was rea<l and ctec:la:C'ecl Paf:Jsed its 1PiI'St Reaclt:ng.,
Moved by J3roadw:el1 tll~t t,l1e I'uIcs be sUSpen(led an(1 the Orclin,a<n.Ge
"()e :PlD
. on :1ts second read:l:ng bY :Lts t1tle:
08J:'1':i eel on roll 011 allm.ember's l:>eing p!'Gsent and vot,ing awe:
1:21'1e O!ldtnanc;e Vlr:iS 17f;Hlcl. bY 1 ts ti tIe 8nc1 cleclarecl
3ect :its
fwecmd :readin.g...
I11J10 :foJ.low:lng re3solution vms presented and on motion of' Viel'ogg
atlop1jed on x'oll calls all rnembers being' present and. 'Voting aye;
X uvYtUJ:r'f.')EW the Oit,y of (;l'l'ancI Island l1as paiel :for tl1e s.treet paving
ad;jaGent to til1e lovernment site in the Ci1;y oJ' G'l'c3.nc1 ISland t'he sum,
'''-''1;;7 1 ')
anc1.I/!herer'U3 we .feel thEre tll.t:3 sum SllGulcl be re:CU!1ciecl l)Y
tl1e crntt,13cI st,ate8 Govornment ~ thor/:~3f'cy:t'e 1)e it :resolved that the Oit.;y
A.ttm'ney' call 0110 attenttcm o:C OU):> ReprefHimtatJ'll'OI3 111 (J01''lE;l'OSS to
thj"s :fact nrld ,rec!,uest them to 'lIse all llono::r>able ef':co~r'ts to SOClJJ?e
to tll:tS O:l ty a x'efuncl :f'rom t"ne Gove::rnillent of' the arrlOunt so expended
Albert; Y~d~ Heyde, l!::milH" V:i eregg ,}j;..Miner, ,Jan ~Hou:r~}(e"i
II ~ J? ~ HammJssen~ .John KnicKrehm ~ toT ,,}[].. ,Hanna) (t. Vi .. I3roe,d.'I'!el1.. lJ
Hep01:'-ts 0;[' the Water 8:. U.ght Oommt sto:neI' ancl the Oity 010:1'1;:
weru 1~e8cl and on motj,on of' I~.asmus::H:Hl .1:'e1'er1'c)(l to the J?inarwo Oommittee..
Hepm't of (}rand Island IlJations.l Ban]\: :for ~JanlHn>y 1912 was read anti.
l' eel to t11.e Fim-:l,:nce CJommit.t8e~
^ (1 ., (")1 "l'f' ^'" pel'
GJ.:'Emd ISlanrJ, NebraS]{H 1:M:ar'(~h 6!1191~~..
T1H3 Cmmc11 rnet inregulaT' seSf31on,J'ij.s Honor, tl1emayC),l' FC(;S:tcJ.-
C:3crn.t (3X,C~tjI)t JZOlll~}ce-~
e tea of the last meeting were read and approved..,
Rid W::i.111arn Ke11:;; & CiO~:f'o:r' well p:Lts a.nel cmKIui ts was
Ot)onod ane]. rc)acl
OT} m.otj,c1n or V:iOI'
I'Cf'eI'I'cc1 to tIle
t~ e1~
c tt;c;()t';
e CJt:i'eet Com.L"littee l:,,(:;:.'ported on therequer3t 0:[' He:ru:;V MehleX't
~C ():lJ J)
r.w:Lon to lr,tY s:l.clewalX out ofl:tnE.; orl Hccount oJ' tll.e:ve
1;)0 some 1E1.1'{';e tI'oes in tIw V'ia";l l'ocormn.encUne: 'tl:tat the r0141Ief..rt be
D.ntc(j. upon his 01H~cutiDf; an agreen:lITnt as
()V{ r:~ :
lPJ1:CLl::3 agl~t:;.ement made and enterecl into l)Y Henry Ivrel:l1.ex't lparty of' tlw
fi2S'G paI't.,and the O::lty of G.rand ISlancl,party oftl1.EJ seconcL part..
":"'T''I'!rT'(~n'!''IT1rI.. 1"'I'l'"'t 'Ir'^C'~'eas.' -"1'li"' .r,.;~.{..t 1),:>mtv 1"" "'1" 0"'1"1 ,,'Y' (yr' I")to J\TQ
W ...L',~",,:'L_:!t)(),.~\J.,r:,..~ LX <~. ~11.:~tL ~~IC, '" , t.l.. ...1 J. ..L.J.. W. _.:,_(:,I,..t." ftY. t':J t.J J.e lJV<l,"_b"L ...1. ~Jl. #"', .~----.
r J']'l J'::11f""("'l" 2 -i"^ViT1'''''b'''~'~ AI",,-I''''j''n i'C) '('I]"', nit'T (),r> G'.r'<C''''l''~ It.:'J~~"';;"d'..
() ~"_ ~,..I .l,j.,/.:). ._ .J...L.L ~'f- I,j _ \0;1 ~,;,) . .J}...l.J..IJ."...\...1 ,1.1 ]1,1...\.1 ",/~" .r'!.) "J. .. 0..l.\',t, ,O:~C\.lJ.W'2<
ane! tLas made a reque:3t to sa j.d s8conclpa1'ty to 1a;y' a p.(;3I'rna:tlent s:Lde-
\ivaI1\: on t,he south f3:1r18 of said prom:i.ses out 0:[' l:1:n,e VIi th the s:tcle
'1i<falK :3.l1 Jstcen t tl1HX't'rto, amI wlwreas t t would 'lJOGOme necesf3D.r;":l to rJes-
tJ:o~y u nU.lnbe:t' oJ' large s]:l8.cle tre,Jes )were such s1clfJVJal:K: placocl on a
1:1ne VV:i.tll t,11GINalK:3 f3.cl;jaCent liD satcl PI' BGs:'rilere}{:Jore ll)C~'lt
agreed that permission be ,aDd the same iB herebY granted said first
p(j{J' t:!/ to la's" HH ':~J.IJ{ hI. a mannex' tJla t saj,cJ. t:r- ees will not be
...,..,t' "1. ."oj4"'l". ')'" " .,...,oj.t-..;,.y,. 1"'y~r".-o']'" .t "'f 'l'"J ""'l'y,"t "Y'>"l',t'li" ,.,.0<-'1 "," ""'"
.1 L j E',,( VV ~. .v.l , l.n COlll1.,. ".I. ~,,~l jJ. <:' " e v v.:: . l , ,:J (~. C. J. ." ,~';) 1..;,,",Ct.!. 1,.1 If J"J. ,.. .rUTilO Vb
OX' CallSr:: to be remo\J'EKL ,sa:w slclevval,j{ ,HlJCl lID piltHCe l,rl.e fHUilO o:n. the
(:01'1' OGt; }j,ne to be g:t ven J.lim by the Oi ty JDngineer ) at time he ma y
be so :r'eClIJ(::[;tecl bY the second pal?t~V ,at Ilis own expense, witl10Ut
Cl1l:),T'g'e to [;I~".1j)::'t ctty.. Done t1"lJs 6th eJ.8.Y of }i[al'Gd1IA~D~191?.. It
ro.uU.Oll of Heyclo the l'eport VIas adoptcct.
t ()l) of Vi 01"
tl1e Jnatter o:r open:Lng ,Je:Cfe:pson st.l'cct between
J'st an.cl:D:Lv:lston i:3tireets was rofe:;r::r'oc1 to trH) s'treet C
t i~c() to
investigate and report..
O:n mot:l em of VJ.er ee'{i~ the ClerK W(:.\S 11).S tl'1.JC too. to EHlve.l:"t j,sefor
Met ::Lv. ect 'DJnctgt en 01' l\iIad.zelen lailIps fQI' the GOElt:ng y'eal' ,"0
On mottO)l of vtcn:' g tho EJ.atter o:r Pl"'Ocul':ing a r
at 01'" for thE)
t CUJ?1:'ent was referI'od to tho I,ight OOInmi ttee to :J.lIJrestif,cate
cend report..
On Iwt:Lon of Jrro{JcJ.wel1 tll.C Dewe:r committee 'Ii\f8.S jnstx'uctcocl to irrves-
tlg;ate tIle iSewer bet,ween II'ourttt and No:rtll :IPron:t f3t:t"eets amI reI10rt
eat! S(: o:C GOm,plD.ll'1ts"
On mot:Lon 0:[' Hanna t.b.EJ requust 01' part'1.es ovmt
Janel neal' the
I:J,. &. 8,. Emile to dr-a
SGlid la:nd tnto the i;3e"i'v"E~1" 'fNEUJ J:?ei'61'red to the
fj E/'N c.r commt t t e f} to tnvOf-l t j.ga t e and. r epor t.
w er e l'
~;md o.n Tnot:ion o:C Broadwell allowed:
e 01atrn
Hog-:Letex' .for l~ist,..
I)f.3t:it t on :Cor :pa.virig P01't tons of West Firs;t ::3 t:reetwflS reacttlnCl
on rnotiorr of Heyde
An Ordinance ,1\fO" 507 ~ f'ixj.nEr priCDEl O:C10tD bl Sections 0 8: D
POl' t tons of G' t:n G:1'n
IsJ.anCl oemet/e:ry lim.s pJ'cE3onticcl;
'by Broadwell t t the OrctLnancG be plac
on its f'1T'B t;
l' :1
on 1'011 call,BY'oa,clwel1,
) I{(~~'flclo -~1(11.1(~kl';l
nel' ~ Has-
)jTtt L;\ ::':7; e 1:"1. :3
,Tt e-l~
'v'oting ,).Yo, .n.D.Y Y1.C)J:le ~ abs Cilt HO'l..lJ?K (;) :
e O):'dJ,nc:nlCGlji!as rea.c1. and. clGc1D't'BCI, Pp,i3EJed i.ts:Cirst readilJg'.
:Movcd (JOY V:'Leregg that t1:.1.1:3 rU10i':1 be fJw:3pencHjel. :.::c:ncJ the Ordinance
Y'lr ., ., '1 ti, '.; t'" <, .',' ,.. .. ''') + .y,-~", "1" 'Y' ',....
b) (H.I c;;(. "'" n .~. :U) t,) C. (; U .LnlA. J. ';,I",C.l... . J,,:, O,y
:tts .tttJ.e:
Oarried on roll call, BroadwelllHannBI
~ Krrl. CkI' eJ:J.Ii1 , l"H.'7r j
HanmllH8(;Tl and Vier
jTIffY nOnojabssnt Bourke:
~tnl(;) c:rc1inance vms J'8:3.o. b~r its ti t:Lo anCi decJ.a:r'c;(j
sed its
second read:J.:ng"
bY HoYde that the rules be
endo(1 an.d the C),rclinEtnCebe
pJ~;\Cc)(l on :i t~:l
o 3r1' i
on Hall
"I }"1" ')'" ")".r ~'.l'l ,'3..,'1"1...." 'ti'""'Uf'l c, ,,1<"]"-; ,..,:Irr'
~ ,,:.J- Ct:j.I....~\ll; \:;~._. _,LJ.c.tJ",J.Lo".r ~~f,1 \;A.~> ,,'\. JA"I~.",);\.
,Mi ner' .~
1::8SLll1.L3S0n ~U1(j" Viel'Ci:g v01J;i,ng a:v'e,nay none,(,':t{)f.l(;nt HOlJr'Ke:
The OX' cLi I' :::111C e
1"eacl and fieela:recl pa:::HJed i tn trl:Ll"cl l'egrl:L:ng.,
Move:d l')~r Hamnussen that t.he Or ell. naJ1C e bf) P1UC}13d o.n ::L tEl:r:Lnal
:PflS S
0::n':('10c1 on I'o11 ca112BJ.:'oadVJel1 )lIann3,HeYde~KniCJ.(J'
neT' ,
HamillJ S f:3 en:::md V:l e1'
, ~-'3,1) S t;H1 t n OUl"f~ e;
e IvYaYOI' cie ar eel
c; OX'dJ.nance.
rl~111. ~r I)EtS S Gct
appr'ovucl the
S Ct1Tl tj e .
An Ordinance ,No.508,providl
an OccuP8.tion 'rax on C:trc1.ujes
()tl1fjj? s"rl()'~VF.1 trl. t(~r"tts ijvGS Et{;'~Jtr1 ~pJ?f.3~Jf.:~rltG(I.:
:ivloved bY Bx'oadwell that tl:1.C OticUnance be placed, on :1 ts t1:1:Lrll
l' GD.r:ii
Oa:J:I:('ied on 1'011 c2111::B1'oadwoll ,Hanna , Heycl,e ,Kr1:LcKrellm,M:incr,
Rr.::t Slnus s en anci '"Tier
voting Ctye,nay nonC,a1)i3ent HourJ.;:e;
~elJ.e Orct:tnarlce 1N8.f:l 1'cad. unci. cleclarec1 P8Bsecl j.ts tllird roa(11.11[.'.\.-
Movecl 'bY HeYde ttlat tIle Orcti:nanc;o be pla.cecl on :Lts :f.j,nal passage:
Oar1':1 ;:)(1 on rOll cal1",J3l'OadYTel1"Ha:nna, :He',Y'rle ,Kn1cl\'J'
~:rvI1net' ,HH8mlui3-
sen H
VJ e1"
vot it'll:?: Bye ,:021-;"1 nc,me ,abs e:nt Rourke:
;;) l;[O.yoJ.' cleclax'ucl the 01~cLLnanGe :C:in.sG.ly pur:;;;::HXl
approved tt!.e
E, el III EJ '$
or(Jj:nflrlGe}N()$E509~taxJ.ng Qpora.Hotlses and Halls was agaj-n presentee!:
Movc~d bY' !3poo.cnJ
t1la'~ tJle Ol'cUnanCt3 be Placed on lt2J .th:Lr~t roa(tf~1g:
C ~11) i: :L
on roll call~BrQadwell
e ~KntG}:::r.'
~Mlner $:n~)f::mlUS-
e:c'egg 'v'ottng
none, fJ ent PouJ:Ke;
OJ'dj,nanCCJ V!fU::: J::'
f)'TiJl cle (;lD.l? eel l;JStS S (3-(,1 j~ t~ s t 11 ~.tI;d. j? (~n,cl:t l'15i' .,.
:LlOved. b;V ITe;\TrJ.e th,at the 01'ctinance 'be p1acocL em ltsftJH'\,l r)aSiJ~J.ge;
C ~:lr 1~ :i
0'''1 ,r011 (:a11 ~Broadwell ~
,HeYde ~Kn1cK:t'e:t'lm. ~
! I{8.SII1Us-
;:3 em Dnc:l Vj"er'
vat j.ng a
~nay '(Lone, a't:)S myt; BourKe:
'j:'Y.\C :r'layoJ> 0,0(;18,1'(')(1 1:.tl.e Q.rclj.nance :final1Y p~;t8secl Emd app:t'ovE~cl the
s ~:nne ~
On rilo'tion of B:t:,oaclvrelJ. th.e 01:'dinaJlce levYing arl. Occupatlon ~;ax
on Pool
VIU fl. amenc1ed to 11'1c1
a tax. on BowLing Alleys of
f11 ell :D011 ::.;\:e;::i
An 01>clinan(~e ~ No. :)10~ 1. 8vy:Lng f:ln occupation tax on 1\uct :l.mH:H3X'~'j
IN' (3. t:::1 D.k:?: (:;(
1:) 'Y Vi el'
tb,a t tla8 orcl1l''taYlCH;; be placerl on t ts tl.!J.I'd X'ea(i:~.ng:
o ~/1Ji<:e ::L
o:n 1'011 cal1jBrOa<:5.v1ll'Jl1,Ha.nna:
j :Mlniijl-, l::t1.s...
IHU:3cen tlnd Vtcl'
.'{ 0 t :L
$rlHY 110:0e, atlse;nt Hou:r'}ce:
nne e 'wn;75 l'
tt~0 thlrd I'eac.i.J.1.1fI..
lilOVCcl t"v '\r:teJ'ogg
t tt:J. e OI';l:i.nan.c e LH;
(:t (~
orl :LtiB
C 8.J~ r~ :L
on r
(31:' ~
r,;lillJ E-l (;)0:n a:n.cJ \7':1 elJ
voting aY6,nay none,
fjC~Jl.t li,c)'ll~t^)k\:e:
clecl9J:'ccl 1;'1:18 OrcLi:nanCG finallY passed and a:pprov('~cl tlle
s f~Inc ~ .
01>(ttn.ei.nco,No$511~ I,cvy:Lng an OCCUpt1'Cton ~rax on. T-IoUse Jlilovers
IJr~ e s e:n. t
e(l V'J e:regg t11tl..t Ul/.'.J OrCL:Lnance be plac(Jcl em :t tf~ ttLtxci :readtng:'
c ~))..]? j.
on. roll
1.~ O:J,CiWul1 ~
~Heycle ~ J\:ni Ck.l:> el1m 5 '[vIj,ner,
Gser.J ::._l.;
.~ :na:i none, abi3ent, R.OIU'Ke:
Tl1 e O'r
(~ ~V\ID S x~ e D d_ u. riel
ared passc-:;cJ. it.s th.trct :eeact'Lng Ii
l\Y HaBlrtllB ::;)(::)]:l tlurt tlJe: O1'2(Llrlance be
on its :final
E3 f~\ t;; C'~ :
, IIe:'ld e >
Kn:i el(rehm ~
1 r .
J\!J.:t:n er' .~
J:\r:.. Snl1l}3 a crt
'\.T j" f) I~
voti:Lng fJye~nay rlone.~abse:nt nou.r'kO:
e li1'a.VClJ'
In,reel. tbe 01' nanc.:ef'tnal1y
approved tlJ.e
S Eun e ii) ,-
by 13X'Of1.c.TWt';11 that livl'len V'fO
;,JOlll'n It be to one weeK fl'OlTl
.to-nlg1qt ~ carY.':Led..
Pot :tt jorl of n~ A. O<lUEl: eteU.1!Ol'
]'4,..1'l"'CI rd' +'Vlt.'>
..1 nO ~-;~)~. l,; .~. (J 1,1 tJ Ll.. (>
a o:rrlf:'l' of 10lf YOnJ)flll
VJDS J:'e~3.(1 ~J,ncl on motion 0:[' Bl'OE1C1.1\JCll l'ef'c:crecl to the r,j,ght OormJ1:Lt;tce~
t j t:L on oJ' j\.lrnft Dottmmn etal. for I'()f'10Vc;il of 'bu:Llcling' at COT-nor
of GEnrcmtJ.'i. ;'I.nd p:Lrlc) streets 1vas 1'08C]. an,(], :C'e:C'err'ecl to B:rofnftwo11..
~fWPOJ't o:c W8.tel~ OOF!T1JefJte>r\eJ'COI' FelJ'l'UHT'Y Wf;lf.:l r
(In I'Jot:ton
1(~; "
()1~ t
the OJ. t;v
J. () J "1 ;:;~
81~Y W8:3 l'
[;i. rid
OT'i :iHC)t:L()li, ()LI; 1~2tE5JtnJfJCJerl:tl
o~,J t ()
e 1i':1. rl,GJ1(~ (~1 G ()r.nr.~l:t t t. Of:) 'W
"I" '""I-f"
',' \.,,],
Yf f} t- el~~
G C~ln.lL1:l S H -L ()ri. e'J? 'Vl~~:L s J? c,~ [;1.(1
Oll. nl:otJon
erJ. to
Jr:t ri,8.J1C e CC)Jl1JaJ t. t~ ec) Ilt
ij S
tIle Jfix-'st, N~rtlonaJ. Ban1\:
tl~,e O()EljEC1:C'(~t-Et]~ ntEj~tje
T' ~"~- 'VI 'r
.",,! cl. j : J\.
:f"clJIilHU'Y 1912 wcr,o;::r.o~)O ann 'f)
on ftle"
Hellor'f; of O:lty 0IerI\'. of"
AP:PX'op!'tat.:1cms ami :PJxpendli tures to [met
j.n.eluding JH8.J::'ch 1 "1912..
(i. en ]\lnd
p f).I~]{ S
(f~ t')-f).... "1' :;" "'7
<c\.' i-. C,,,J"'.:J ii> ).J
, lJ 1." /" '0',..,
1"'1...1'-,: 0 'ib ()
163$ LP1'
~1,2EGg 6 ~ 6-r
2573.. 92
In\-I'~'" r #'
. 0.)0. :;d:)
6 C..l -I' (.1, (~r;1
'" .l p,'$ T,.~,
6'J 7; 77
~ ,~ .;' ~ ..
',>C)C) 70,
t..N> .,' ~,,(t f
Ap i)T' o:px':i. 8't (;el
(3 :1. or:; ~j)4'3 00
u & Alleys 7000
S 8 2
J!"J V"'f' 0
~p r:.., r'_> ,j
~;;9912,~ 53
). ..,.,-i<'" 1'-,
1"':}() f ~ f"'
1::'01 ~L G e Pnn.d
'T? )4.( ll'] .'] 0
(j~) ,,) 1.-"", 'iiI' -,', "
~~lPl5g ~ 90
~~ 91 0 0
o omet Ul':i! Ii'uneJ
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't"C "(,,,.. I.-
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" I' If
~p -, 9 0 3 e Lf7/
W01t OJ':> J?u:ml
1~ 4.5 0 DO
}ru j J.d:lngs 8:. Irnp:r.'o,\rement s
Mer clu1Ji,d 18 e
~.:} -1. () () "",;:; f~ ~
" 1026.4.0
-("'"1':2; (Ol.r-e
~1)1~$7~ ~38 ~ 22
iJ~26:~61" 78
J.1$:,(4.1u"t;; Ij'uncl
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~~1l'5 00 0
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PHv:tngD:l.stll':t.ct No.. '6 Ii1und
$6:)50" 60
b[\. ('0
if"..)'f'UO ('
..:ij) ('J, (:I, :i i"'J
~}OO * ~...J{.....
f:Jewel' D:lst:r>:Lcts
<:J ( ry-:t fA:
("1'1711. 2""
~~f3 r I .61' 'I! .~- (,:"
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<"'''f.lJ 1 (),. ". \)
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Reap t~ullY submitted
07 ~d~'P
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(,1], t~ c)lurL.
J"t.'1 r. '1 IT''' -.", ,,1rr 1~"", ....1..\
..;;.~drH ';.i.\UO,L dcu...d-:~ \lCrr c.".
13 !t191~;.
1'l1!;;.OOtlIW21 met J1U!'Suant to ac1;jolJ.rnluenti\H:i.t3 B:onOX'$'~11e
pl'os:ld j"ng..~ P1:~ CJ,Sen t ,Bl'oaclvIel1.~}reY(le ~ Kn:l(~H:rcllmi
"''P''l1 <;, C' ("'r'] 1;) "'., '1-,.,1'" I."
I.~)_d "~!.,)!,,),,c/, ,$LtC...t,.1.y..>. ,,3.
ex' ~nJs en t J[an:n~t and 1'liner..
~ E)]~2'-~ 1/J'FlS.
B (3)'").t ed pl'ovirLing for'
:n.t,ment o:f
t.J1J.(i{~ e s
ee 1:.1 OD.
o:tty elec.ttc)Jlf:1 ~
TIf~=l(1 E; t1.)_~;~ t
e Drd1 ru~e be placed on its
s t x~-e(1cl :Lrl!?~:
ort I'O}]" CELLljB1'0()cl,Vf
't"(">Y'C-ln '. "'''''fl"l '..,J....-r., ~;I'I"'''. ''':In """Yl'l CI'" '''''1 '[)"'IJ]""j,r ",
~,J~~Lv . ",~.,J.'~>_ J..\....,).,.., t,I.L.,lr,l ~<t-\(:.,,~:,),LI.~ .'\'l~;};;:;~(~'r. ~ ._1,~)""'" .,~"",t;1
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; .L1.C;,,'.,) ,) y,' .1... (..., '; ""..,1,- t;;;) ...!J. ,j
a. n,el lvCL n er :
The OJ:'ci.:tnF1T\.ce 'vlm.s .1'oD.(l and d.eclar
S1 (~(J. :Lt s
t "}'~
() 'Y' 'V:1 tJJ:'}
t, the 1.''lJleB be suspe:nclecl ancl tl:1.e Orcl
p1EtC(;:KJ. Of, itiJ Eic~coml J>e~Hling by 1GB tJ,tle
1'1 on 1'011 ca.l1)BroadvleJl,HeYc1e,KniC~1(1"811m,;HaSlmlnfl(m~Bou:r:'}(601 finel
aye ~n.sty none,
S t3Jl, t. }Ief~nIU3.,- - 8.1:1,(1
Y1 e~c' :
OI'di.ru:tncG wal!' X'OL0.d by tt;s tit,1e i).nel dec:la:r'cd. pr:\:::;sed i.t,a second
th.u t tlHa .ruleD ()e H1.Ui.\.!:J encl eel. anc1. t.Il0 O:r'cL:i.nsmc~e
'placed on :L'~8 t,IliJ;>d l'ef1d:i.ng:
CL\('f'led on :poll cal1~ oacJ,wel1,
S C:;1'l, Hc.)'u:rJ\:e
stnd. "lTt t31' p; vot :tUB;
none ..~ ,1't)S en t
Tl (~I;j :
e V{%:JS 1: ef1d {?..Yl(l. c]
sed i t~} tl.lJ_rct I'8a(jj.ng~
by Heyde tJ:lat t,
O:rclJnance be plac
on :1 ts ftrl.al P1?lfJElEJ,p;e;
:), 0(1 on l'()ll C,311 I oD,elwell.,
e~Kn:t cl<::rellfl11 HaSllTl18 i3 e:n~ HOUJ:'}~:{)
::11")(1 Viel'e:glToting aye~r)D,y none,~a1:)se:nt 'nanna and M:ine:t::
':rJ.'!. e :rE(;J:~rOl> (1 ecle,l' eel the Ord ina1i(:;tJ
,y passed and upP:t'ov
E3 ~ln1 e l'
':i'he VJD.te,r Oommittee maclc :report 8S :['011
. .
e IT () t1 ()X~ ::::-1. '[i J.. (:;,
(Et~ Xl 't~ :1 {2: 1Tl. () 1'1. :
YOll!' oonmrtiitec on PJ.l'D'jLigtLt {}:
L(;.iJ.' 1;;0
VmEJ 1'0-
ceI t11e '):)
ttl.e constrlJctton of C011cllLits 6:. pump pj,
1J e{~ l-OG,'V()
that the bid of Kelly & 00 be ace
t I' Cl ct :E1'iiVaJ:' c1-
t () ::1
Re:1:Pf)(; t:Cul1Y
. ',;:( OUr'}( e
J. IT ~ "iT:L e1'
R~-P~ T'ta.BJI1:U.f3E>C:;!1
,J olln
t~ t- ec:
'.K:n.i cl<:: l'
tl'1e l:>SPOX.t w'aEi aU.opt
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sald election on said proposition that the
},O~;'t., Inot~J.()11 88rI~i
on 1'011 caD.) 1 vol, p; aye"
e f~'tx~ee't 0
tent ton to the flood. of wa tex' ;\;orth
Scot 1t1 the cst part
~:3 ,"rl d
r3W)E!.sensen cn11ecl a en,t.1.on to
wat e1~ on Jjlas t :rPou:r'th
S eet '(lenr tIle B~
R~ H~ GrOSE:1
on mol~:i. on
I\D STEll. f1 ;~':~ 01'1 t 11 e
t er~ s v\rC~J~ e Ji<
e fJ 'trJ (0
ttos to jnv8sti to
]" (,POI' t $
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<InKl I,:1rJ01' fur' 1;11e l[1ytrlt~
W\~'1 tell
u. s r) e:p :0']< a.rl S flJl(l
j"ftc:;atJons em file :L:n the
1 B ()f~:r~t (~e e
1;1 () t; :1 on o;C v:i. or
o:report WTlS ac1cJP't,
:LrU':;t the ott;v- \(iJtjJ:'O P:('t:l ent
on TflD t :i
:r()X~ JH:1 f3 t EJ C ()
]. tC;.8 [J erl :C()l~ (;[3_:r;'
(:,lC t:;1, C.:;,'l F\(~()tJ~i.~r')
'the sum
:~~ (;> () t) "\j1;;:1 E,
n (3:n t~
bY BOlD/}ee; 1;11a t
Btl.l be
~:i ~S - . ~} Y1 ::J r;'J
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,,~.l ~J
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~ () ()
t,11 () 1)0
C~ fJ "1.) e (1.1. S fJ ~L :I ~ 'C)V:J
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:ion as HTi!e:ndcc1 tIleD
c.~ ~J :r? -T~ ~J
e; ElIIJ"
t:rle f:l iJ.In
Dt~peot ~\N"B.B .~pl/eser'lti-j{1
CiJl ID.C)t:i.C)]1 ():2 \l.tc;r~
x'ef'l!)l'l' ed.
+-. ()
the City Attorney.
e ~JJo.~1~3~ta.x
s ot C~~ i,NH,
08 en t e(1
1., t11 (} IJ-r'
CD 'be r)l(lc~
':)11 :L t n 'C
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Cl_Y'f) :
Vlf;,S 1~
j~ 1:~ 8
l~nt "(~
,L $,
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hJ ..,/
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::LnaY1.ce "(:)(;
C)rl .1, t..1.3 i3
l' eacJj,
by it!:) t;j.,tlc~:
Oarrl.8(J. ()n rol.}, 00
e:P8 "b
es(;)):tt fUKl vot
()1~clj..rlD.'11(;e: Vlcrf::1 l~eD"cl 1J~r j~ ts t,t tl.o D..1:1(1 (1
Ejet. 1)a~.S;3 eel j~ t fit'
() !~'lrl (; oS f) <3
n 01'(1.:1 Xlf:t.n.c e 1,) (;
Heed on its th r
CicI:eJ':ied on "1:'
C811 8
(}:t" s ()
prese:nt b
e was read and declared. p,ass
i. l: (1 XJ e a (1 ~t. :rL~J; $
1;) Y Has rau ~:; f:3 e 1:1 t, 11 n. 'r;
e Ol'ctinanc e be :p 1 a
()'1'1 t t s :Cl
o n.".e J:~ t
Ii 1
~Bt'Oaclwel1 ~
e ,Kn j~ (.;1<.:1'
'\Tot tng aye, nay no:no..
nel tlJ.(:'J OJ'd j. lUJ nc ('1 :et nal1 ~'/ :.oat1 f:.\
ovecl the
E~, fJ 1/1 f:) !t}
Jl~~!..-r.'lC e: :1
ion tax on Saloons WUB PI'
Broadw"cl1 that i:
nSfJICe 1)0 pJJ3.ced on j ts
:-; .J~.
;;-:, ti
oa~riod on roll call~Br
nl11IJ . :r"tL n ex',
8JItl.J.S sell j I~,()l}.l'~}\.f;) r1 X1(1 \T:t eJ~
V....'t'" "~N nltA '\'"\'"1'\' '1 ~)'''l''.
, l..i .L.i 16 O'.J'""',. L\C.~' J l .I",;>.
rrl1 e ():t~ (1..'1.. :n.frYl(~~ e \fv8t f) .J:~
f.:"~1c1 cleclal'
:t t S :C:L:r.J ~3 t :t" 'e~n, (1
}}'()V'OfJ l)~/
ell thr~t't
t 1")" C~ ()1& c1
be placed on its s
by tts tt'tle:
'L :~) tl r~ () 1 :'1..
J~ ) C) ~':J d, \q
'V'C) t:
e .~nou:r1{ ()
V' J, ()I.I
()C))1S V\TSt'E,1
e 1)0
aeOG Oll its first l'
OD,T'r~ J.
011 l'
eI~S 1.)u
~px~ (j :.:.j c:n t
e Or nar).(~e was reG;]
(1 c; rJ 1. El_l'J
:L t~ f)
[;~ l~ :r~
-l):l ,,\Tj., eX'
t ti10 1'111 ()f:l 1)(')
(1 :1
() 0
:1 ts d
lJY' j.,.t~s t:l.'tle:
by the :fall
r~r~l (j ~
1. ~ 1.\:'11 t
fm.l1J. ;OJ ~.:) en and, H.(YUl'.Ke
'V () 't le; l\~.:\. ~l ~
:Lt 1)0
us t
~:j ~':~rlS (0 o::c t ~3
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t:tl~l-t J. t1
C (3-J1;3 Ot:1
:..:~ e1'1S eg
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eel t()
th 01'
f:i ::~ f~
~:; :L e f:1 ;::i E~
I~rj)C~JTI~lf3 (0B ()C~Cl11:)t
E~, S i:1
cL ~l,x:; DC 't.1 ":Jr .i']'~ O~[D t
()vrn. r~, ~;:~ () .~C
f~ :Cce t() 88:j.d.. :p::r'
tBCf-i 0
on 1'013. ca11
t/,,,-- ,.J... .~
U:F 1
E1 ex'!.
, IIeyd e
j" rLC~
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;10'111")'1 l t '(:Ic! to next
C E3 C18~:~t
('1'\] (~rj
27 91
ca):'J:,iecj ~
e :L'Ol'
81'iY 1V8rS .J~ eat:l
t 0 tl1 e
Eli nanc e C
t t (;.(~ ~
r{ (,11) ()!:l t
-'V-rD rt rJ
1. c3(1.~
r,yA tl~or;ney J' 01' t eel I'8COi
n 271.\i C.1?
t~e't'1 c t eel t (\
a:n.t IJ(;]:-ID ::1.. t
B C}1YOr" <.:!.OY1Y'l,
t ('i.n. t ()
t f;J C;(J't. ~
t tl:Je;
:l OX.\
'{" e, c~ () rIt,~. !:::~
'L :1 () Xl \fiTD. fJ
ij ,':; 'i (\- "1'y~ '( t~)d .
,f._'-l" .,d..,.,,, .".'."':' .. /~ ::~
d~.,/ y~/ /
~. 7' ~D,-~/ 7' ~j:<5---Pl
Cj.i~.~t C1
], 2\3
r' 1'''' ")(1' "T",,1 r'y (1,TJ(~".r' ,."ple"-jlil"'''''C,,>l'\ 07 ir' 9'1""" r'
\.:r.. r.:l~J" ",L J:;';."", .;A.... 1. ~.t ,.~ .~\ ~/~...J _1.;A'.,~1\.~ > .t~, ,...If.j..c^~l. ..,.:.1. J.. L'.....; _..L" .. . c..,. ---"',~ C} f/. 4-
.;.' \;' , --" ;if IJ
TIle OOl.J:nc-l1 met rrursuant to
~ I)r (38 i clerlt
serLt I-I{):y'-clf.; 8~ VJc}rC){;'t!,e
~[111eJ' c: b 0:1116.1,'
E~ E t~JI 't
t ()
e 'Y/, e 11 j,.?-} {:\~
29"1 ~/
o t t,:y~ G1 o~!?J< ~
Grand Island ,Nebraska/~MarcJ.l29tt19l2.
The Council me:t ptl.:rsuant to adjotu~nme:nt His Hono!',the ma:yor 1'1"e-
sid:tng' and all members Pl'es6nt..
O1'<:11113:n06 NO.. 514~leV~t1ng an Occ'UPa;.tion ta~ upon Li~,uor Dea1ers
was aga~n taken up
:Moved; bY Broadwell tha,'t the l'ules be suspended an,\1 the Ordinlli!nce
be placed on its S6Qond reading:
Ca:r'J:,,1ed on roll (Jal1.,Broadwell.~ }Ia.'nna~}IeYde ~KnicJ.a>eh:mtMlne:r'
RagnIDSsen$RoU1~ke and Vieregg voting awe~nay nons!
The Ordinance was read and deClared passe-J. its second reacting.
Mo~red by HeY(le that the 1'>1:11168 hI:? suspended and the 01"01:1nano6"
'be Plaiced on tits 't:hird reading:
Oal'l?j,ed on rOll cal1.~ :BrOad'Well.~ H83nna'~ HeYde ~KniCKre1'l1n>>:M1ner,
RasIlIusSen,R01.lrke and V'ieJ:'egg ~ voting a:ye,nai'Y none.;.
The Orclinance was read and d ec.2ared: p,a!sSed 1 tstl1i:r'd :reading.
Moved by V1eregg that the Ordinance be placed on its t'inal1 passage:
Oal:'r1ed ort roll ~l jBroaciwell,; rJ1!ilJ1nal,H6Yde,Knio.k:rell1n"M:1neI'j
RaS1Y111SSen~Bour:ke and Vieregg voting aye'jnay n <be:
The Mayor declared the O"x'd1na11ce f'1na:l1Y passedi and approveQJ
t he same..
An 01"dina.<nce in re:ferencOe to Leasing bUildings used f'ox- sale
Of' L1(f,11Uors was presented.i:
J\lfOved by Broadwell theft the Ordinance be placed on its f'1rst
r (3ad111g :
Oairr1ed on rOll ca'llj, BroadWellj$'xma:,HeYde,Knickrehm,M1neI',
Easmussen,RoUrk:e and V1eregg voting aye,uay none:
The Ordinance was read and decll.arod 1'a,ssed its
The Ir:1ght Oommi ttee made report as :fOllOVfS::
:f'irst reading.
!flro the Hon..:Mawor and Council:
YOU:!' 001Tll111 'tt ee to whom was r e:fel'red the bid8 fOl' Electric
MlJJllIJB 'beg to recommend that the 111(1 of' the J.. 11.. Lehmel' 00.. be accept-
ed an,l tIle bid of Western Electric' 00.. be also accep:tec.ilI and the'
Clerk be instructed' to not1f'Y the above Parties ot the same.
t.,Tas.. ROll.rke
E. li. Vier egg
John KnlCl<;r'ehm
on motion of' V1eregg the report was adop:terl.
Bills of the JUdges andOle!'ks of Election serving at the
SP€llbiail. Election h61<:1 on 1vIarc1119~ 912 were p:resentect; ;
On motion ot' Visl'egg the sa1d Bills wer's allowed in the sum
of' ~rhr.ee Doll€t[>s eanh.
Bills iN61'e Pl'8sentectx and on motion 01' Rasmussen a:llowectLj):f'orl1st
see Olaim Register.
Rasmussen called at tenti.Qu to bad condition at' t:he Alley between
8f~ &; 9!t streets whe:re the sewm" was put in running to theSchooJJ
House on East 8JB> street and on his motion the Olerk 'WRS 1ns~ruct8d
1;0 not~if'Y the contre:cto.:rs, t:h.6 Grand Island contrac.t OomPlffiny to
rix the same.
a1ty ~
GJ?a.nd Island" Ns'brssl<:a ,Ap:l?i1 3"1912..
T,he oouno:11 met 1n regular sess10RtHis Honor, tl1t1 mayor presldlng
and. all melAbors pl~esent..
Tlw minutes of' t:he meet:tngs o:f M:al~cl1 20" ~27f1 & 29iJ 1912 were read
and approved.
Daniel T..JJ'unkel px'esented 111s resignation as street COIi1lIli.tiBioner
to take e.f.:Cect not later than Apr'il 15)11 1912 and on motion o:t' Hanna'
the same was accepted..
131ds 3':01:' Water' Malin exten,sions,(~11anrses and 1mp!'o'V'ements ilfe:re p!.e....
scrltocl: W:1:11,1am I(ell.Yr~o:f t.hi:} r1:rnl or W11.11aJfi Kelly & OO&r$'P:1.cJ.clex)s:,
Oh;ji.';,ot:ecl to the consideration of' any 'birls :filed a1"'ter 5; 0 w c10ckP..1[.
0:1:' to-da~r, tJhat 'being the t.1me set in the not1c':€: :f'or filing bids :Th8
Ole!'k being aSKed as to tJ:1et1me for f'11:lng bids advised tl'lat three
b:tds I!.ad been filed arter' .5 0 t clOC,.1( P.M. and Oll mot ton of' Vj.eregg
all bldB .filed af'ter .5) o' ClOCk P.M.wex'e not t1ons1dered alld 'the 01eI']{'.
Itlag inatl'ueted to return tl1em to the bidders.
1'3:1,<13 of' Grand Island Plumbing Compiany and
William Kelly & Oompa-my
1'orWatc}r .:M:3Jins; were opened and l"ead and on motion elf' B.roadwell ro1'-
errod to the Water Co~~ittee.
lvI!'"Ballard again m~de complalr;t as -to outlet, i'rom his property 1n
the stanle;.}' Place . No a:ct:lon taKen.
"MX'.Oooms called attent.ion to t~he PJ:'oposed Cllal'ge :fo~~ water used,
,fOl'Ol 8p.1'il'l1~ling st::r>8ets and, aSl{8ci the Council to re-consid.ex' their
actlon J.n tl1s matter ;on motion o:f Vier'egg no act:lon w'as ta,ken.
:tI/Tr.Dolu>n called attention to the sid.ewall( out of' l:tne at 11is place
ami on mot:Lon of' l-Ia:J:ma: the ma!ttel' was :N3:f'erred to the Council as a
body to go and view the samE'.:o
The street GommJ't:i)ee reported recoFlIlJ.:nlding t116 rip:-.rapping of'
:POJ:'t:tons of tho Sellver road.
The L:1gJ:1t Oomm:1.ttee made :report as follows:
'I Iro the Honorable MayoJ? ~ o 0'11 no 11 :
Gentl amen: Ref'srl'1,ng to tb,e mat 1j er 01' increasing the numbel"' o:f
s1::;)."oot 11ghts:Your Oonmlittee recolnmends that the Plan as proposed
and noW' in the 'fatel' & Light Oormn1sa:ioner v S of':fice be 1nstal1ecb and.
that the Oler'k be instructed to advertise :for bids f\11' poles afiReI'
spe(~1f'lca'C1o:ns to be f'Urnished "bY the Water & Light Oornmissioner.
Respectr.ullY Ja'B. Rot1I'ln~ t John Kn1 c::kJ;'ellm $
F,Imil H. V1eregg ~R. P.Rasmussen."
on motion oT Broadwell the report wasadopted$
On mot ton o~r V1el'egg the Cle:r'k was lnstl'ueted to aclv8x.tlse roI'
bids ror examination of' the accounts or the various Oity Of ricers for
l:;l1e past yeal$.
BillS agains.t the 01 ty were :read and on motion of Broaclwell aQ-
lovJed:for list see CIRlm register.
Bill o:f'Geol"ge A.Hoagland :111. the sum of' ~f1t,.1tO :Co,r coal was react'.
and on motion. of' HeY,le allowed.
An Ol'd1nane8 1n re:fer'ence to Leasing and ownership of buildings
used f'oJ' saloon purposes was again preserrted:
JlIo'Ved bY Broadwell that the 01'ld111ance ]:)8 Placed on 1 ts second:
l'eadlng: On rOll call Broadwell,Hanna',Knickr'ehm and Rasmussen voted}
a(ve-~He~Tde,lUiner2Rourke ami Vieregg '\Toted n21lY,; the 'Vote being a tie
t.Ilt} lv!3:yor 'vot edaye, and declared the mo.t1on carried! and the Ord1na:l1Ce
VffiS Placed on its 8t~Gol'ld l"eadj.ng and read.
Report o~ the Weighmaster for March was road and referred bo
the Finance Oommj.t tee.
~rtle :Heport o:f the water & Lj.ght Oommissioner was road and :Qlacecl:
on :Cilelil
MonthlY ul'!.cl QuarterlY r'oPol't~3 of' the F,1rl2l't Nat~1onGJl Ban1\: and. the
CommErr'ctal sta.te Banl< were read and Placed on :f1lth
Request of' the Geer'-Harrisonoo..:f'or pel-mission to store building
mate!1ilail in sou:tH1 Locust street between Fil',St ancl Second streets
wl111e bulld1ng was granted.
Adj.oo~ur~ ~':/ ??~. '., ;/
01 ty CleX'k ~
Grand Island, '~l\TebrasJ:Ca"$.A.IJ!~11 8f11912, 8tP ...:fuT..
'rlw Oouneil' met as Pl'ov::Wect by law to c:an'tlass tIle x'etuJ:ns of
the lvrunleJpliX;l 81oGtj.on l1eld on Aprtl 2111912~lUl::1 JiOnor' ~ the mayaT.'$
1')'1"1 ':1"~ 'I c; j 1" c^ ..
J:' "., t...J !...,~ ,:iI~ .}. ol-. I.t:) '"$
presen t ~Broa(iWe11,Hanna:JHeYcle IKniekrOlnil) RaSmUSElEm 8.11,(1
Vie:r'egg ..
T118 l'etU1:'W3 of' said $I;Jlectioll wore on~mod ancl canvassed and Were
as :Cc'11ows:
IJ:L s t!, ;1,c t fl
o :l't y ry,11" ea SUI' e:t'
Luoiu~l Roy 13:r>:1.n:ingex"
98 14" 1~7.;9 71 196 109, T1 f))
, (;~ , ./.,
28 15' 10 10 38 ~2 17.."Z
..' ' ..J:;
Wlll tJ* Pttr' t.].j,dg e
C ouneJ. lrLlSU1Fil';S t WaJ:'d
<t,Tamef3 E. Hannt)..
o o"(J,nc:1.1man S~:;;cOl1d. Wa1'd
AUgU;3 t; ]i1:eyel"
81 0.3' ., "14'
;; , J., Ii - ...
. J'
8,' 76 161
Hen:rJ! t,T.. Voss
Counc11rMln T1:t:lrd War'd
RUdolph W..BocK
o ounc11rnan JfOU!'Ul Ward.
t1' ob.n Kn:1 CloCI' el1m
177 89
D..A" ~'rj:velpieGe
80 62
Membe.I'S; ()f the BoaX'd of' Erlucation
AUglJ.s1; ~J e Bauma,rm J\, 65 cq 117 It 7 1]'2 110 609
.t' o)
o 1Il.1\... J3x'a:vt; on 81 65 70 11-3 111 83 1+53
tJ'OS R.. Pul ton 96 81 115 53 Ih,6 102 601."
.-' '., j.
~T exw HtiHmJ'u seen 100 '77 105 53 1,53 9B 586
Moyed, by Bl'OaOJIle11 that lna8111uch as ZLue::!.ue: ROY' Hr1ntnger 11as
rfJGe:lv6cl the lal"igest.; v'ate f'Ol' 01 ty 1tr easure:r'jJames 1iL.Ha;nna f'0l'i Coun-
cilman 1'0:1:' tIlt} F:ll'Sti Wal'd~:Eugust; Meyer>>f'OJ? t.he Second Ward~Rudol.P~ln
W..11oeK :['0;1:' tJ1e 'I'h:trd W'arcl and John Kniclcr-ehm i'o!' 1a1e Foux'th Ward,
and AllgUst~ ,I'.. BaUm9Jltl:Joseph R..Fulton and tJens :R~fsmussenhave each
x'f;:ce1.,\redi t;11e ltn":gest "f'ar }J[emli0l' at' the ]30a1l."uio:t" Ed;Uca'~iot:r>> that they
eacrh lH:'l de(~lar'ed, elected to the aa1cl 1"8Spect:Lve o:ff':i.ces.
AdjOUrned: ~~~~
% c?t'{ Clerx.
Grand, Island ~ NebrasKa ,.p...pl'il 8 "191.2$
The OOllnej,l met j.n Hp0G:lal SC'!Gsj.O!l,H:i.s BonO!' ,t;l16 maYOI'~PDes1d-
:tng ~ present; ~Br()a(lwel1~Banna ,HeYde tKlllelu'erilll tRasmussen and Viereggt
pursuant; to 1;11e f'OlJ,owing call>> whieh was read and maC.8 a P2iI't of 1:;.l1e
mintrt es:
!ft 1""11,,"
,L ,j
1:.h,e Hon.May'O!' o:f the C11;~r of' G!~and Island $ NebJ' .
YOU fi:!'e 11e1'81)'y reqUested, t,C) call ft special meeting at' theO:!. ty
Counej.li of Grl'arHl I:nancl~ NebX'.. f'Ol' Monclay A:pl'il ti ti: 1912 at 8-15) P.M. fOl'
t}:U::e P:ttt'pose of c:onsldel':!.ng i;11(~ :report; 0:1' the Oommtttee on. F1.re and
VJate:r'~let'1;tng' t:t18 Oontl'Etct :for 'tIle construc't:Lon of watcl' mal,us and
for i3lW11 othel"" lms1nesH as may come 'bei'ore said meet:lng.
Al1H3,rt; HeYde ~
G.. Vi" BI'ondwel1)
~T .. :m ~ B.anna.~
John Kni cl<rerilll;;
E" H.. Vlf31'Ogg,
Said IvJ:eetj,ng is her(fb~r Galled, Chas" G'.. By'an,lvlayo:.r- Q Iti
rrhe Wst'l~E)!, Comml ttt;O presented l'epol't as i'ollows:
"~Co the Ho:noI'al)le Jv1a~ro:r' and Council ~
Ge,ntlemen, --~=-
We,YOUI' Oommittee on Light,F1:r'e & Water to whom was re-'
:Cel'l'ed. t:!'le b:tc1.S 1'01' the la~ring of' wa tor malns, beg leave to l'epOJ.'t
tb.H t~we f'lnd tllat, t.he bid of the Gl'anci Island Plumbing Co"' to be
the loweHt 'bid and recommend that thej,l' b:l..d be accepted and contract
aVifal"ded to that Company.. Respectt,'Ullysubmitted..
.John Knt clG'e11m
E OJ H..17{i er egg
R~ P..Hasmu(,wen.. fl
On mo'1~l(m of V1.61'egg the :J;'epo~(,'t was adoptocl",
Ad. ;Journe(t'
01 t~r 01 el'}{"
Gr't'md ISland, Nebraska,Ar>:r119"1912,*
Irhe Courw:i.l met as pl'ovldecl by law ,i'o1' o:rgan:izatlon~Hls
Hono:!:' j) the :Ma~yor poc'6sj,Q,lng: px'osent ~ Bock ~ Ex'oadwell ~Hanna ,HeYde ~Knl(n~I'el'lll1$
Me:vex' ~Jiasmussen and V1ereggfll
lJ?h@ M2wor approved the 0011(28 o::C OOUl'lc:1.1men elect >>Hal1na: ,Meyer' ..$
Boe1\:: anti KnieKrerJID ~adm:Ln18teJ:'ed the oatIl of o:ff:tce to trwm antI. t:lJ.ey
tool< the::tXt seats wi trl the Council III
On motion of Hanna thEl Council nX'O(;eccled to the electJ,on of' a
Pr'f38:ldent by bacllot: :l'he .fix's.t ballot :r'esul t ed,Broactwell 6, Heyd e 1.
antl iltel'egg 1, Broadwell having !'ecej..ved a majOl"l tjr of' all votes
cast the lVfJi\yor' decla:r'ecl bJJrl elected :PI'os1dent C.t' the Ooul1cj.l i'or the
ensu:lng y~)alt..
~rl:le ]'!la~tor' 1~:twn appointed the :fOllowing standing Oomm1 ttees ~
lrlnance Kn1C:K:rebm)Me-srer ~ Vier egg 2 Rasmus a en *
Px':i.ntj..ng Mejfex" ~HeYde ~ B,(lsmussen~J30Ck"
streets & Alleys HeYde II Vi. Gr egg ~B:r'oadwel1 j Ra:smtlssen..
C j t;y F.,!'p()(n;,t~r KnicKI'ell1Tl~:Me:)le:r ~Hanna ~ BocK..
J....:tghts ,1P11'e & Water; FA3mna:',V1eregg $ Broaclwel1 ~Kn1ekrehm.
Orc1.j,nances & El ect ions: BoeR:, Broarlwell, He~rde ,Rasmussen..
C f..mll::;:tel'~' Broadwell ,Meyer ,HeY'de ~Bo(,-:K..
pOlice & Board of Healtb.: Vieregg$HaBIIlussen,Hanna,Knickl'elnn..
:PUX'c11Hslng & Aud1 tin€?; Claims: l1asmu8sen..,Boc:.k ~MeYel"IIHeYde...
BOnetS & I.lic.enses
Hasmussen tEl'oadwell ~:H;:;tnna$HeYde..
Bx'oadwelJ. , Banna:~ ViOI'egg,BoCk..
V1ersgg,Hanna ,Meyel',Kn:J. Clcl'ohm.
The M~iYQl' alJpohlted 'rl1om~ls M.Dil10n, Cllte:f of' the Flx'e DEf@13..1?tment
and. Will1a.tIl .F.. GU12?OW .~:touj.s Co'Wton$W1.11iam E..BU1'geI' and l.rorHnr Fleisehe:t'
F:lz'emen and on motton o:f Broadwell the appointments Wel~e con.:C11'med..
~rJle MRYOl' appointed .Jasper Eggers $ street Oornm1ssionel' ji anet on
mot ion. o:f' HeYde the appolntmen twas conf':1:rmed.
Repo:r't of' t;11o street Oomri11ss1on{~!' :for. the past 'year' was read and
on motion 0:1' Barma z'eferred to the Finance Oonun:!. t;tee..
. 01 t-sr OJ.. e:r>:1\:.
Gx'ancl Island'ilNebr::.rsRa.$.Apr11 10fb'1912<j)
The COluwtl met :1,n sP,ec::lal fH3ss:1,on ,Hls H0l10l~ ~ tile maticI'
pr e:0 J cl :1.ng
all lnerrfbers P;N3:~l[mt at l'011 (~1.11 ~pur'SuHnt tJ'o t:l'le :('01-.,
low:J,rlB: ca11 wh1r.:ll W~.iS !'ead: and mae!.e a p.art, (l,r the jiJ,:tnl!.tes:
ItOal1 .f01' sPl3e:lal meet:ing of' 01 tjr Gunnei:t"
~['() GeoI',s;e B:Po8J'1,wel1j;..ToJm Kntc.:KI'ehm, J ..lG..Hanna~Has
rjsen ~Emil
V1e:r'egg~Aug'U.st :&Je:yer, er't, V",R~..~rde fLru:l R..W..BOGKtMembers of'trle
01 ty (j(XHlC:t1 01' GI'fU1d Islancl,Nebr'asKa;
.It f~~ ~p e(~ ~l aJ~ rn if; e
o:c tILe 01 t~{ (Jouneiljl o~e (;1-!')~Jld, IS.lL:ti:m':~d,~;N~;'bl'/-
o'q'l(Cil J'';'~
Ct\l,.;il~.~I'~ ~ ..k'
h6J:'el)Y mUlec\, to meot a1: tlH~ Connell 011aml)er lJl the c::tty
Hall in s~J'ld 0:1- ty,~ at a 0 ~ cloCK P<llM" 3011 W"ednes<i8.::r ~AP1:'
:f01' t.he P'lJ!'PO~3e o,f t;n1<1.ng up and p8.sslhlhg upon cel'trrt:n Ol'd1.nanc6s
now pend1,ng be:fox'6 sa:1d body r>ela t:t \te to IIJ.q:UOl' I,j, Gel1.~H'Jfj anc1 o'Chell
nend:l:ng OrdinanceEl and to approve bonels of' of':f'te:ials
i'o:1> any
o-the!' PtiI'POSEf O:P btls:tn~3E1S Mlat may p;co:pel'l;y" eOlIlI::1 before said meetirlig...
Dated ,Ap1":l1 1()th~191.2.. Cli:lar1es G..RY~'fn'liMa~/'ol'$
TNe f:)cc:.EnJt~ f.:e:J'vice of the f:t'/J5ove not,ice on l;ll1.a .:l.Ot!l day 0:[' ;,;,);')1'11191:24.
Alb~):r>t Heyde
Ji1.. H.. VjeI' egg
Aug "lVIeyel'
H.. 1:"'* HaB1YUlsHen
liJ olm Kn 1 CAr t31Ull
\CT,,]).. H[:.'fnna
G... W" Bx'oadwell
1v!cnted t)y He:JtdfJ 'l~h8 t, the OJ'cl'irianCt:; j.rl x'el'ol'encf> to 1,8ases o:f
but J.lt:tng s; tUg
:1'01' fJaloon JllUr'pO~HjB be la!1d on i~}lE; table:
"bY L:::pomiwel1 a8 a snbst:t'tute tl1at the Ord;tnance 'be
(,n :H8 trllr'd reading:
l'vfOt; Jon los'f~ on 1"011 eal1 by'l~he i'o11ow:tng vote: Hl'oad.well ~Hanna:
en voted Hyet~ :BocK:HeYde$K:nickrohm~:MeYel' anti. V:1.ex'e€(g
yot naw'..
iLD Ox'cl:lnance lJ.m:iting tIle No..o:f' 8aloom~ was aga:ln taJ<en u,p:
MO'V'txl by VleI'egg t.l'1a t t.he Ol'(,tlnance r.H; placed on i t~1 Sec,oncl reacLing:
Ofl.:CJ':teCl on .1:'011 call ~:Boel{;$HeYde~:n!re={el' and V:i.f.;:l'egg: voting a:ye~.
lJI'OEHlwell )Hanna~Kn:Lc:k!'el1m and Rasnrussen voted na~rt the Oouncil belng
a 'tie '(;]]e ]j[~xYOI' votecl aye and deolax'ed t116 rhot:ton ea:r'T'1
IThe O:Nl.:J.rlfu'we v'fas l~l1C:Jl1, Jiead and decla:rc:d }i8:SSElcl j.ts seGoncl reading.
MOV'E::O. l)JI Viel"egg tllat the 1''I).1e8 "be E-n:uspemd,E';(l a.nd the Or'cl.inancer
be p],ac
on :1 ts th:l.,I"d :;eea.cUng:
l,ost on J'011 call ~BOG}:: ~m~Yde~MeYe:r ancl V1e:regg vot :Ln.g awe,~
Bl'OHdwel1 $l~[anna;~Kntnlcr'ehII1 8:11(1 Rasmussen votecl nay..
,Ml O.rdinanee levying an Oceupat:tonTaxon Pawn I\1"ol<o:NJ NO$,15
'NaB presented:
Mov-ecl 't)y v:tereggtllat~he x'uIes "be sU8p;encied and the OX'(linance
'tH:l placed on :lts :!:weond J:'6t:Ht:lng:
(j #:ll'll J' ~i
r,,:"",! "'>1)'11 c':;,}"'" "G:I(") ',"P', T,1::r..n""~1r,re~"1-1 .. ''0''8.', >~'rl'"" ):";""'1':';", 'hf,'''.'v''',''', K;"I"j "'1;"'~'''':111'[J
_L ,;., _" ,0.. ,._ $ .I.'" ez. ~.t; . \.- L1.u "v '",.1..... ',.t;\ ", ''''>> ,Lbo) G...., ~J"L'J<l U,,I. ~ .",..,J. C".,..., U ., ''$
F~t:St s lnlJ g tJ t~ YJ,
'''>(i'l)' .'try'\'~ 1'\ 9," <;':'\,*'. ..;'" ""~\}' ""j ,..,.".~ 0
t;ibt,l v \.'" W..,!;." ""(:;II ('-;if"'.,;.' J~ J.1!.i:::f.u ,l._..i",.J,J..l~"'",
9:'t!.8 O;pc1.1narwe 'VIas r'Bad and declal'ed p.ass0cl :lJ:;B seccmcl I"OfH,t::l,Ylg:
M:ovedbY lie:lde that "Grin rules be 8v.spmld
and tl1e O:r'(l:tnane€J be
PIP-XC ed on 1, t, f:j th:trd l~E:l::<(ltng-:
Oarl'~icd on rOll cf\,lLs :r~OGl\:.~ 13X'o8l1wel1 ~Harl1'la\im:.::.Y"(te,~Kn:tcln'elllTl'iMe~ler ~
Re.s:rnJfH3erl and V1eregg 'lirot:i..ng aye.~na:'y' none;
':Phe O:r'dlru:mce was !'oad and declal~ed Rassell 1tf:1 thJl~d reading$
Moved b~l HHBIllussen 1~!J,at '~he OX'dinanee be Placed on :Lts fjnal
p~::rssage :
Oa!'.r>ied on :1:'011 cal1~BoC1{ ~IjJ:'oan\Vel1 ~Hanna ~HeYde $Knic]{!'el:nl1~:MCY":.11~'li
Hi3f~mU:3Sen md Vier'egg votlng ~xVe ~:m:ry nCn1E,\:
~rt:t6 hte(~/or cle(~ll?,r'ec1 t,11e Ordinance f':Lnailly p:asSf\cl ancl (1;pproved the
~, alue '3
On motj"on o.f Rasmussen the Bond of' Jasper Eggers f:iS St,X'CH::ltJ 00lll-
nlss1,one:x' W8.S al')PJ:>oved.
On mot;1011 of Itl?Oaclwell the .Ju(lg:es an(lC1Ei!l~kS of' Elect,ion for the
:Mlmlctp;al J~lect1on held on AP(l:'il 2 111912 Wt;1~e 8;1Ch allowed t11e su:m
oT 'r11:rt~e Dollars and war'rants were O1'de.:r'od draW'!1 :["01' each 0:1:' them
;[1.1 sa1ct sume
Ad j OU1':n eel,
(t%f.,1:.Yj'.(.1 To"] t~"Ivl 111""1)1"'''' 01."'., . J, ')'\1"j"j "1.. -,''',,11."1, 91~>..,"
.... ~;.. _1". ..J...O."","" ..\..""- ~ .t.\)~)', ~::A~~~.!:")~(,t ~ -,J!tl':" .k",~;J. .J.." ""'~....
1~lH3 oOUn(}:tl Ine}t, :1.n rogula!' sess :ton slI;is Hono:t's tIle rmlYOX'
pre;;; icU.ng ilnd all memLH;:t'~J
'the IJLtmJ'tes of meetlngg
31.&n,9n & 10" 1912 were raad
1.1n6 t-1.pPl'OV
W:!.111elm. Sell.ej"1:el
ed p}x:l'In:LSs:!.on to use P01?ttons 0:[' J'Jl:l.x'st and,
Gyc~mJl():J;"e Dt:.peet s Wh::L18 building' and on IrWt,lC)xl o:f I)I'oadwel1 t;110 J:'(3-
quest; iNCJf5 'gronti
1;1) 88]<:ed 'peJ:'m1.s~:don :fOl' t.he Union :Fae
OOmpfjrl~i t,o place ~rUntP3t:'(:Jn I,ampB
the VGI'1oUB S ec:t Gl'OSB'1
s tend. of 1;he P1I'/::1S on'!~ ,Al'G I,:Lghts :Cor teItlPOI'llX''Jl tr:l. al PUI'POSE'IS lJnd,
on mot
of' V'tel"eg'g t. [.1 Cl l'eQUest was granted..
The et' Omrnn:t't 'tee I'e.m:n:~t~ed recommen(Hng ttm t Wm..KelJ,~/ & 00..
rJ C~ enl;) ~L
lJut j,n the two pumps in tb.e wells f:md on mot,j,on 0:1.'
Bl"on.c1:W'el1 1:.1'16 mat,ter was I'{?f'ex'X'ud 'to the Oomm:tttee w1t:J:1 power' t,o act..
Haamuss~m J:'cP01..t;ecl that laH:.~ 13..& 1IfL.BlOE.. 00" had Placed ~Pung'S.ten
T.JmnPfiat tl1eil" street ar'0f:3Sil1,gs and that t.tJ.e~r
eo to 1) e .g:tv'lng
sat if!:.fnct~j,on..
Bo:nd o:f (}l:'ond ISlan(l E1JJ.D'lbj.ng aom.pan~r cover-ing theil' Ciont;;ruct
tOl' Wat eX' :Ma:tn extensions and :improvements was read amI on motlon of'
H~smtu3 Hen apP.l'ovech
1::1111s wer'e ref:Hl and on m.ot:l.on o:f' liroadvife11 allowed; ,]'IO!' lisrt ~:;!ee
Claim Heg ts tel' ""
Petition t'o:r> Wa,te:r MajJ:ls on WOgt. I.ou:i.se stx'eet, WOB
:0.Hcl on
Hlt)t:.i.on o:fV:leJ:'ogg :r'ef'el'J.'cHl to the Water Clomm:l..t'tee..
T'110 l~'HYO!' !'epox.'ted tl1f.:d.i
had been cal1ecl upon bY a OOlilwi t toe
o:f t
8u"tiool Boal."d tn x'egard 1';0 x'eQU1!"ing ~VholefW.l(;:J 1,1(11101"
't c,
OU. t;, g. f.{ epc1:!' ate
Cenl::HZ; f':t'om thlZ~ He'/;e:Lle:r and that he had
suggested t;o tt,,;: OOIlUu:tttee ttlat ;t't m~gJlt 'be :In-a(J.Yd.~Ja'ble to d.o so
;['1'0111 a 1Jusiness stan<jpolnt. b,avlng the gooel Qf' the OHiY :;t~} a 'INl101e
:lXl (J()rlS
fiSked. tile opinion of' t.J:w Counetl :lrr: tIle ma t ter~
expressed. thell" v:1ews in t
I"HJt, tel' but no aetlon was 'taken...
Report o:r the J:Jolie C'i ~Tuage
lvl:l1ilrij;11 was !'eacl and. rere:r'.:c'ecl to 'tIle
}T:lnnnc(~~ Committee"
HepOJ't of' the (~!'and. Island National Banlc f'OT' t1J.eMontb. ['In(l quar.tel:'
WHl' e l'oad and plac
on :1':'1.1 e@.
:[l11e Oi ty Englneer' repol'tec.l on tIHi:l West F01Jrtl1 Q'rade..
l':tle OJ.t~}' I~ngineeJ:i also I'epo:t~ted tllat Sewer Dj.str':tc'ts 26 8: 28
htHi now been comPleted l:>eadY f'ol~ aCCGPt,ance b'Y
9.1her Mayor reportedtllatlle hacl granteel ['!lomas Jlrf.Dj.llon,Olltef' of'
the ]\'U?e DepaJ't:nlent peI~miBs:ion to go to the 'b edsic1(-'j of 1.L:::t::J i.'a tJ1Err.:tn
Il?OqUO:ts ~ OsnlCldal $110 being ]:'epor'~ed 'to be d:letng <l
Orl L:w'tion 0:1:' I;:aSlHW3;1H31l tho OIrtef" ot' PoLl.ce was i:nBt:r'tJCtccl to not1.-
fY' all :B:Lll:::l.nrd. & Pool}IaiLls 'to pa~r the'],!" Occupation, taxes'li
Moved. OJ' BX'OCH!l.wel1 that when we adjOUrn tt rJE) to AP1'j.1 26tt1912
at.8 0 ~ cloCk :P*M<li $ OaJ'I':ted ~
lll(J;E.{ J'ox' J!,:ud:tttng the booKs and, accounts o:f' tIle 'V8.!}lous Ctt~1 01'f'1-
CEH'S f'or t,he pt2rst 'Yeal' wore
enetl and l'CI:1d and I'o:Cex'l'oct to
Aua:l t :ing C ofllm1. t t, e e '"
])'d,;jO'L.L.I' .J.l.e.~(b.
d ~Pr'/
City ClejL~
G-:t~ancl ISIEtn.j>> J:Jeln'(1SKa.~ ,AP:r':ll 261t1912~
'rhe C01.UlGll mel; purauant to tt(lj01J.'l:'n.li1fmt, l His Honol" l t,lH3 ma~/oI'
JXPt:::s:1.ding <:.Inci all mefIlbers Plf6~f:Jenti'
Ji (~ (}r;J111'l..rr1 :t. () fl t,
-CI~ (JJfl
Western Union 111e1
CJomp;J.n:~r in 1'0,-
'1;1 un of Oc
ton tax wa~;\ X'cDd an:] tIle Clex'kwH8 in'-
iJ 1~e(t to ac1vj.se the l\itana~::,-uc Oct' the Oompany t;J1at. the Oounetl d:itj
:not; conB:1.cle:r t11fJ ta:x
V:T0l11ct al10'w i'~ t,o s
tIle Gl?und Island PI
iIJ.g Oompany
Plumbcfr':3 &
DJ:'(l'Lnlctlver' I ~,~ J,1Cm1JH'H3
WO'1'e I'ea,d and Bonds cove:J:':i.ng
4.. 1,.." .."";.
;,3alIle j,J} t;
::} 'LL Tl1 ~~.~ () :f ~~'~ :(~ (") () 0
$500 rosPE)ctiveJ.y and on motioI1
[::Jon the
:1 C [1 t ,t c)~ns weI~ (3
EtIl t e (1
~B();rlCl tj
til1(1 t
(: ~):rl i:,i ();3 ()1.:~ C. el~
Boru1 of W.O.Kensingor
l!(J'tl s (:~In (rv t :ng; ~L 1 c e.xl s e :1fJ Ert? ()
1? ::; D. (1
l~a. srnl18 :~; ell
:Lon V{(1i;3 grant
1.11c ens e
~3J? c C1.. .1 fJ
~T 11 (3
o ()IllYfi j. t tee; })J'; e 13 frf.1 t eel
lJ)Vving' 1:'
'C :
I{() Yl e
Dn.(l 01 t,y Oouni:11 ~
GJ'~~,n(l ,Isl~:inci)
YOU1' ,All::1'i ttJ.'lg 0 omrn1 t t (;(;
to J'OPOI't on
l<Leta ,fox'
~Ll:n.g~ tt!.fJ l')()C)J(f~ ft:r1Cl D.(~C()lJrlts
>\la:t'J i ()tJ 8 (}l~=Ct c s
r)~a s t
~)rea!' tl][~jt t1:1eYf':t:nd t'i'lO O:td
H$ (}.
C)1,~ Ornei.11Fl::) :t~Jel)ra's}~a ~
tn t
." '11' I ,~l "I 0 il
b ~',l o:~: ,i'LC \.,.
,jotngt11(;: fl3nt e TfvorK t~o 'be
J~ <:rw' e~ B 't
bo::.;t, (.)],',1 and. :r'0eommeml the aCc'~3ptance
~3 t3.1Jl.(; e
ec,'.~ t.'f\ll.l;l ~rut)1rl1. t 1~
I~.. P.. 11.asmlH:J i:3 e:o,
t t ~:)e
.f~JJg~ <.)
():C IIE<ilct (;
report was adopted..
\'r'~1123 t~JEt t &;)11 0 ()nlnl~i t t e (1
.11 Cr}01;~ t CiS :Cc)J~l,()'~Yf~:
~ f~ 6
j >"- -C.~
8: (j1 t:;t )"-1
\We1:~rou:r' Oommj.'Gtee on. :F';1:r'e,~IJ.gt1t & Water' 'beg IGave to l'OpGl~t.
t. 1[iT(3 .1'ftGommenu
't .10n
H ax)!.) 20 II 'valves '~o be 118
11 e a1"
e,t~l '~Y()l~}!~ 8
t ()1:'1
l'\.Hbe high pl'essure
'leg :1.n--
gt. ot' f:31~f:nlc1,al1cl. ,and. tIle amount of $l+02..()Obe cieduc:t,;;d fl'Olll t't:l.e
amount or tiw G",X.PlmTIb:l.ng OO'B.r:ont:r'['lct and ttl.8 VhlteX' OOIDnttss
~t)(: :i.rlstI~.tl(~
to ol'clor them. cUr'eGt"
tT ~ :m,. Hanna' )
mmil H. V::l et'i)gg
.John I{nic.Kl'ehrl
G" TN" Bro8.d"ir'lel1
Oomrnittoe; on Bonds mrH,l.e j:'epol'L
~rJo Hon~l'J.Inyor' tl:nct OH;y Ooune:t1 ~
G-rnXl.l1 :r~31an,1 ~ Nel:n:'GsKa:
G'f;]ltl, e~Jj){,jr).:
o OIIlm1t tee on bonds
to report that they
ApPl1.eati:ions of
fol1oviT:lng :nmnml pal'tics :t'm> r.:tquor'
IJ:ieenElo ancl:C1n(1, thai; the sait! apPlications are in cl,ne f'01:Inilf.ire
8ig'ned 'bY' 'tIle I'equ1sj:ce numl)er o:t'
oeholder8'$due not:lce of' tIle f'111:n.g
fj n:PPlic,ations 1l.aH been gJ"\ten, they hav'C) eacll.fjJ.ed 8, good,end
sLu:,'f:l,eJ,01rL honel and we recommend that;
l;1\..ippl tea tj,CJ!'J.f3 be
bonds lH':) appI'o\/eKi and
eE)!'lJ:H.;\ hHmed:
Honl'Y .A,o SieveJ'B
,Pet€:fr' SOY' enson
\i1tl1'lHJll He::tcIKamp
W:tlJ..'hllrJ. ,A.xt;}~J:t'$& GustaV' Pa:ulse1l2 (Axt: & pau1scn)
F'red R"Mandev1"11e
O!'cru se 8: AcKelso.n
Kamnans & 8Gllei'j:Jol
AU.gUB t~ Moll
~Josep11 .] ..K1:tnge
Hem'y' Sel:n.l.TnsGhe.r'
Vi' G a" G:LbbOTHl
Tlleoclore scllEnrmann
...1 alm Ku}:}l s en
Hugl1 ~JOrmflon
V(f':L11iam OaY'l'ut,h.cx's
J.1" G.. I;ueb
R. 1J.. WOJ'd
a hOJ;' 1 CiS Iel () PP EHlher' g
Georg: e ..T.. Gumb
C $ 0" Havens
tTeILsen &: Ijttt~f)orJ
.mJtt]" t (fC~ E:r 1 C l{ [4 (~Jl
G'Gorge "j ..Ebe1'''l & Gl.:I.St;tlV Q"I{J;.ueger
ewJ.ng Compa.rl~r o.f' Nelrt'o
Be:t'nstetn-N:let.feld. 00"
NiCk VVe:t:nJ:,lcl1
}:{ It I> ;0; !it:}::3 JTill S S (3 Jl
A,lbert Heyde
...)' . r~ $ HHnna
G. W'" Broaclviell
On moti-on 0:(' RfHlmt:U3sen the report vms adopted ttl.e app11cat::Lons
f:J'"V' ~:" 'Y'l "1" (:, '1 t 'h e,
:.)"J... "~"<.' ) ....It ,..$.......f.:'j
1,,1 t;V(01'8.1 1"
eet:1. ve Bonds H'PPXIO'\fOd
and ]~j.CGrH:H~t$ OJ'derod
i S 811
1:; ()
8 i.0'\1' (:~:r fl1, r (3SP~J2)-Ct: ,t V',::) [1})}") 1 t(~til1 t fj Iti
tl()Il 101'1 ~b(711a::L.f
the I\O[j[:;! Inv [0
t;, GOTilPSLll:l aSKed
to In:;'
Ip' 'tncll'vlateI'
1) f) t rtg' 't e, Xl
'La,}\: (~
'C .1 () ::(1 t ()
t ~r ~ ():r:c E.:~1? ll'l[~ t ()
1;'/ la~'
SE1Ine. :
motlon of Hanna
mat tel' Vias J:"
t t~ (),~r (; (>1'11111 j, t 'I~ e e' ~
Ej eVl ffr: C ()JHIn:t t '(~ ~.) c~ If
S i:2;V; e:1il 8
t ~:i
(') to. (;
% \.... () i,yZ
by tl1(~ G!'and Island J?ltuJH)j,ng COnlP8J'l:Y'
i~ 0 the
g J. s~CEtc..t:l ()rt
(}r.t 1Tl() 't:1 0.Y1
11:t. 0 b(}I,\[ e :11
l' ep OI't
VhlS adopt; ed ~
n,n :m.otiorI of Hey'cle the OIer'1\: 'wag :lnstJ:'tlC::t;od. to
tiee :Cox'
:f~Cll'J t;11E; s'treet fJVrre
f~ ~
() Xl Tn () 'C ~:L (}[l
.t116 matter
J)l El(~,
't 11f~;}
~L () t E!, a. t 't~
S8 j,n tb,e 3" & 5.~r D~stricts W'~lEJ 13
(1(tto the
O~L tN' pJ'opel't::/ OomII1:it.tee..
On. mo tl on o:C He~d e
'.;1....4, ~~,!
mat t;f:\l:'
pJ.,i3nt :ing
4~ ",.../1 /,~ C;, C"
trl"lw L~t~3
t:tle1.~ :3 u
D':L ;:3[:, I' :t c t~ I~ng:
HCllHH3 p,PO Pell' t yw a 151
tJ Olty
t t Ii e c~ w t 'th
tC) fl~::te Il}..
Wa,te;p & I,1ght. Comm:lsstonex' we:r'e :x'eacl and on 1T]\)I;,::Lon
{:J~t1 eg"f~ f~111 {)1!V $ (
c1" ~}
~J.J.~ t;:.t
:F?, (;;g" :1 ~~, t~ e 1~ f& )
1t1on of ahr1B~
el1,>> etEi.l :CO.'1.'1' J..;f:t-'te;I~
.3 fJW' Cft~
t. to If;ilc1..V f.r~reet ~b~)'t1fJ"een 10" & 111/ Gtd:'(3frts WEu::. r
Jon of Broadwell y'e:Ce]:"'l'(:(l to the SEl'We:r Oommi t tiC) 13"
Pt:rtltlon of ~r8.Gotl Zt:J.lm.e:.t'1:1'01' water' UlfJ1ns tn West ~Jorm: Bt:reet
f.'J:'O)]]U Ad,u.ms 1:,0 Oeda:r' 8
t~)\i{as l:'ead. anci on mot;ton of \tioJ'egg
X' dI'1~ed
'tl1C1 VV'a.tfrr OC)Innlit,te(31$
'1'1:16 Gtty Att01'lH3~Y I'{,;pnr'tecl on
01 r;3.tm. of.' ,Anna .Pi.,.
:e'Ol~ (l-B.:rn~',~
(j'B t
flWBYlO 11
lity on the part or the
t~, and (11):.
:t on
l'epor't. "~'V"as ado11t
tl1.(7J (;1
y, ," "1 f.' .", 4- '''' Ij
~:~ ',1 (;J ~,.J \." 'J '0.....' $:
Dr "B..H.JvfCGJ'a't1LpPres:ld.erl1j of title Boa:r'd ot' Ed,lwat:to:n ca.l1oct 'the
at t errtto:n o.f tIle Council to tht;~ g:r-ant;:tng O.f' L1emlses
c1 DP.'3 witl10Ut st;at1.ng Wllotl1el' at Vtl:lo1cwal.e OI" l'et.a.il"
HCPi? esen 1;a t t'ilf:.H::1 oi' tIle W'flS t, LaVHl L111p;r.'ovemen't Comp2in;\t W(':)]" E;
t~j C;") {~} Xl !~
:i n vi t eel t
'Mii1ym' & OOllne:Ll. to ::1' lJanQuet to be, tH';tld.
at WeBt !AxWn on. .i~pli":il 2911 1912 ancl on raotio:n 01." lJEt:nniJ' t
t; ion was acceptecl...
Ad;; OllX'!lE7(l..
~, c~~
to of 0.'1 t~~l en
of A:ppr'opr1[ln,~1 and Expencr1. til.rres
rro May 1"1912 {}
al Furd
'L eel
'F:XP eD,d. oel
i3 tl~ r:3 S E'< 1\.11
7'-' nr,
t t)\j\,.;'
~3!':; OC)
1967 B It.lj.
90 ~ .~)5
:7. ^In
...) ~ i \oJ
8 e\V tJl';' i:3
't f~l.
td.eTl'!; S
__."__,_~_~.~_~'". "c. _,~,., ",..' ~,~~~"",_",,,", ...,_~~'",_~~"M__..._~",-'....~m'.""",,,~"""'"'" .w"',"-=.L....""-'-"'_..,,"O""'._"'.,,'''~'-',.., "
$.~ ,I') l') (\ f) f1 ,.. 1~1!..
It ~'. __.. '. ... , I
pol:t.ce li'lmd
(t:,;, ("'" ..." t'"\
~p )".I..UU
j1" ,f ".,., ~
Oem.etoI'Y Jrund
~l ;v:.(')rt .
t~ ..l!.o ......J ",-' '",;
'if "L..L
~.~~ 0
:W:i.I' eFtmd
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4kCl'O]] / Q.
'il'O j'....d" ,-;)0
",,I, r: (~'in
~~'l LT,:) )- \..1 \)
Bllll(l:Lngtl & Improvemen.ts
~3 ~)
,.f~ h r ,"'" f"'('
~tJ '+:) \) 1,) J
,IlnI)J:' ()"'Tt)m.6J1 t ;:1
let No.. (') FUTHl
5 t5 $ 60
E1 ({WIn' III i3t;:r 1 cts
') () ~) rf. ,;,
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FllJl (1 s
e'k 11-1 '.., 11
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(11'110'" I:: ," /
~~} 1. ',v@ 1~)
'il' J"\.' .. 't',::,
Respectftl.l1Y SUbmitted
~ 0.1 ,"*;> :.!
: ; ~ 'i-
~~5 8 ~.\O ~l
]~ '77 {j
$s 7) t) 'X) '1
fl...p '\.., _-' ",-l~ til
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!ft;gS ~ ?52
1J;J " '7 -1",)
~i"""~ I <>jC.
The U..P..H..H.Oo..p:r'esented .8. Lease to the Oi1~Y :ror the PUllpose of'
laying Water 1lila:l.n in Uleir right of' wary and on motion ot' Broadwell
the sam.e was x'ef'er:X'ed to the Water OOInmi t tee..
:Mr..G.eor'ge Wadctowner of' the s}mtlng ;rj,nit was present and asked
tIle the Oity TreaStU'EU' be 1nstructed to accept for past due occu-
pat~j,on taxes at the same rate tIle new OI'dlnance prov1des~ v1.z: #:10
pex" yea.!' and on motion of' Broad.well the request was grantecl and,
the 01 t.:y' Tl'easlu'er' instructed to accept h1s past due taxes at the
I'ate of' $50 per YeaI'..
Itfr..Fred W...Ashton on behalf' of the executive Oommittee 0:1:' the
Oommeroial OlUb brought up the matter of "GOOa. R,oalli.sll leading lnto
t'tw OJ. t.~' ancl introduced 1.fr.. Oonnors , Secx'otary (If' the Olu.b ~Vr110
addressed the the Council and after a genel?ul discussion of the
matte!' hY Inembers of' the Oouncil and Ott1zens present on moti.on of'
Hanna; the matter was referred to the street Oommittee to confer wit!l
the oammi ttee of' the Oommerc::J..al Club.
li/!l' ..Dunham asked the Broadwell Avenue be op:ened south. to the
right of' WH~r of the Union Pac:lfic Bail,road Oompany' and on mati,on Of
Vieregg the matter was y'eferred to the Oommi ttee on streets and the
01 ty At tax-nay..
:M:r.. SotIilllan asked permission to use a port, ion of Seeond street
WIllIe bUj.ld1ng on the soutt! part or. IJot 5) in Block 67 and on motion
of Heycle the request was granted..
Y-... M:r.Hanna: of' the Fire Oomm1ttee suggosted that another hOl'se was
needed and asked the Oouncil to cont:i1der' the PUl'Cr16Se of' an auto
truc:k :for' :fire purposes and on motion of' HeYde the Olerk was 1n....
stl"uctod to advert18e for bl.dS :for an Auto 'llruc1:C~als0 for bidS f'or
the :purc.n1ase of' the truck now in use; vote on r'011 call belng
as f'oI1oW8,BOCk,HeYde,Kntckrehm,M.eyer & Vim'egg v'oted a~rejBroadwel1,
Hanna and., Rasmussen voted nay $
Applj,oation or Isaac H.Jay :for House Moving permit was read!
and boncl covering same ,and on motion of Rasmussen the application
was gl"'ant ed~ bond approved and permit ordered issued...
APplj,catlons and bonds of Olyde E.. Oantrell f'or Plumbers and.
Drainlayel's L1censes:t'or the enstlJ.ng year were read and on motion oi'
:RasmlISf3en tl1e appllcati.ons were gra.nted:~ bonds approved and IJicenses
OI'c1.8X'ect issued..,
The Of'fic:j,al Bond of' L..R..Brin1nger >>City Tl'easure:r' elect was
presented and on motion of' Hasmussen approved..
I'eti tion of' ~T..D.. stovritts etal :Cor the removal of Obstructions
in 1 Ttl & 18" streets 1n Gilbert i s Addi tion was Bead and on motion of
Knlckr'ehrn re:ferl'cd to the street Oommittee..
An ordinance~No.516~limit1ng the Number o:f saloons for the retail
sale of: Ij,.quo:r was again taken uP.:
Moved bY Vier'egg that the Ordinance be placed on its Third Readlng:
Oarried. on I'oll call;BoclC ~ Hanna, Heyde ,Kl11ckl"ehrn,Meyer,R.asmussen,
and V:L:e:r'egg voting aye.; Broadwell voting nay:
The Ordinance was read and d,eclared. passed its third reacting:
JA:oved bY V:1eregg that the ordinance 'be placed on :1 ts f'ina1 :Ras-
oarx'led on roll call ,BOCk, HannUl, Heycte ,Kn1ckrehm,Meyer , Hasrnussen,
and Vleregg voting aye,Broadwell voted nay;
1,1:'he Mayor' d.eclaredthe Ordinance finallY passed and approved the
JVleCarth~r & F..a'J,rman asked for a Show permit an(1 haVing pa:td the
:fee of' f'ift.y dollars tIle permit was ordered issued..
The Board 01' Directors oi' the Y.M"C.A..asKed perml.ss1on to bloW
tht3 fire Wl11stle upon getting SUbSCI'ipt1ons to the new building
!J,Foject tmd ai'ter some discussion of' the matter it was le:t't in the
hands 0:1' the Chief' 0:1.' the Fire Depal)tment.
AdjOUrned to Monday evening May 6~'tJ.912..
01 ty Olerk e
Grand, Island ~Nebra8Ka~N[ay 1~5"191.?
INtEl Counej,l met in l'eguIR1' sesston; His Honor ~ tbe mayor,p;resld1ng
and. all Jnembers p:r>esentat :1"011 eal1 &
TrH~::Mtnutes o:f the meeting of' May II1J. 912 W'c;re read and approved,.
A eommll11:teattoll :f:t:'orn the Bet,ail MerCIlant,s Assoctatiion VTaS read
:In I'ej"e:r'ence to Cl1argj.ng :for water ,f'ol' aPI'inkling st,reets and on
. motj. on of' Vi Elregg it was rei'erJ'ed 'Co tho Wa'i;f:;I' Oommit too, 1:m' inV'(H3-
t :tga t10n a:nr5. :repo.rt $
BUt of' the Hoss IrnrofrCment Oompany :for the street STftToepi.ngs 'was
:cead and on mot:ion of KnJ.el<;,]'ehm I'efeI'reclto tIle street Oommittee..
Show Pel'Illi t,9 Wel'O applied for b'Y the FOllowing partles) the
r'espe(~'t:t;le foes 'hav:ing
en pal,j:
11'r'fmJ:~ G'l'(~ene, The T..yr:le
~~ ~:' 0
William }i"~P1erson ~ frhe PJ:~inGess :50
(}eorge I3a1:'tenbac.h, The Ba!'tenba(~rl 2f-J
},fat ~Ja.rvis ~
The A1J:>dome
On .mo't:l.on or Bx'oaclwell permits were gl'anted:, the one :for the
.1d.:t'c1ome :cwt to be in ror'ce until 13;' spec:1al Committee had tnvestl...
.teet ti.f3 to UlO safl13it~r of the GonstJru(~t:ton o:f the ld,l"'ciome&
J.!t1:'..H..J.Palme:t:' protested. aga1ns1~ the plac:ing of a \lm.tel' cJ:'ane
fox' sPl"'lnJ<:U.ng stl'eet.s~tn :r:r'OJir~ of' h1~5 lots on West Thirci Gt:reet and
on motj,on oJ' ]3'rmxlwe11 tbe St1me was O1'dered p1aeecl on the Stl'eet
l"'l.1.nnJ.:ng Nox't;h & South..
Ml'..B:.O..Jf1.gh and. otherH p:rot,('Jstrxl aga:Lnst t'l'18 cond:ttlon j.n
WlLich VJeDt 111(.l1u'tI1 street was le:ft alCte,r being pB..l"tiallyrepH.iJ?ed"
1.111" $ Rtclla1"'c1 Goehi'ing protest. ed, HgaInst hallltng clil:,t away f'rom
arounc( hIs lots on West :!P.:!?ont street and. on 111ot:lon of KnJcKreb.rI1
t~11e matter WFAfJ ro:f'errocl to tJw street OorrlIu:L ttee.
On motelon of KnicKPel1m J,H31'ITlti:lslon 'If{as granted 1Ji1> $ Tuttle to HEll:)
.(J.: port,lon of the St~1~eet 'i,YbjJ.G buildl11E; at the G01?ner of POUJ'tJ1. ami
Wheeler' .
:t..ff.]'.Ohax'les L. Ht:-lllX p:roPoscd. to give the C1 l.~y a sIna11 'blljJ.cUng:Cor
use of t:tlO Ca:t'ettll~(3!' of the Par'.K and on mot:.ton o.f V:t e2:g the same
'WTH3 accepted ancl a, votle of' t11anKE1 extended, to Mr..JlaUX for l1i~3 gift.
l.r'rle Wrxter OommIttee called the attent,ton of the Oounoil to the
fact 1;,11[:;( t t,JleMotOl)8 obtatnecl i'm' tIle pllTIlplng :Cram the new wells
fH:wmnd to be not la:r.'ge enougll fmd on mot:Lon of V:ioI'egg tJle matter
of gett5.ng l}1X'gOl' MotO:l?S was l?ofe:r>red to the Oommlttee ViTitl1 POWEll'
to (3,cl~"
':[1110 street Committee submitted tIle :follOW!!l!? report:
lI'a t,.!:w Hon01't":.tble M~yor and City Oounc:ll~
Cf:.rand Island, Nebl" ..
Gentlemen :~-
Yo'ur Oommlttee to WrlOffiW-9.S .1'e:forred the request of'
J\iLt'.. :Dunham to open t1:le ~1treet lying between BlOCk 3~in Ke:rnOll.an &
DeCker I~:J Acldi tion and Bloc;}< 17 of PaeH:el' .& Bar':r.1 B SeGond Ac1.cli t:ion
:r(1SPo~t~f:'1J11Y I'oport t'h9,t we haV'6 car'e:Cul1y gone ovex' tIle m,>em:Lses
and recommend that no action be takenfny' the rea0:10n that tbepeJ:'sons
O'\'vn:Lng the .1'eales.ta t e ad ;Jacent to saj,ci street have not jolned, in,
8u:UI x'eques't;" J]'lurthe.:t>mol'e )j\[l!'.. ,James > w'~:). owrrs :Lot 1 in Bald BlOCK 3)$
ha:;;l ag'l'oec1. to set ]:L1.8 :Cenee baCl{ upon the l:ine :running on the South
s1d.e 0:[' l\jo:i."th 1Pl:"ont. street s'\IIlllic:h: in the opinion 0;1' '~rOU:r Omnmlt t eo t
'rt1r:/"11 3.Gcomp:Ush the sumepurposc 8.'3 lNOV1(1 bEl"ire been accolTlPl1r."hsct
J18:c1 Mr. Dlln]1am IS x'oCl11est been aCeeedG(j, to..
Hespccti'UIJ.y SUbm1tted..
Al her17 I1eycle
Ii] . If. Vl eII egg.
On ElOtton of He~Tcie the ropor;t was adontecl..
X On Inotion of' Vie:eegg the Nebrf~.sKa'11elephone Compan~1' ,SttcceSfJ01'S
o,f the Grand Island Telephone Oompan~r,were granted"" to ma'J{c change
in tIle Fi:l?e &: Police Ala,l:"ill 8~Tstem) suggest eel "bY 111m~ anr:lthe MiRv-or
hU3truct(:)d to enter into contract with. 13131(1 Oompany :for the balance
o:c the unexp:LI'od term of' the Cont;ract with tl1.0 satd Grand Island
~J:ell.':;pJlOne company tlto Charge :f'or eacl1 Alarm box to be $2.00 ,pel"
l"l'OY'I';.l"I'j"'IQ",'.>'~'r' c':t:. 1i:.2.. h.'O "..lC' 1rJ."'J".."tTPO.....:t.<'>
~ ....lo v,.,j~ __J.....'k.J tI".;./I:.}..'..J. ~ i:i -f(! :;J., - c.\.o L...t:', t.;..or \.., d.. ,"~l",,/ 4l
:[llw matter 01' o:otaining prope:!:' s.pparat!.18 f'o.t' rnfi1<:.:Jng Use o:f.' the
Bertilion system of' detecting cl'imlnalsW'Rsl'ei'erred to the Oormn1tt,ee
on 1?o11c:e.
On mot:iO'n of Haslrru.ssen the Bun<ls of William Kelly & 00. for
Plumber ~ s & Dr'alnla~rer ~ S Lieenses were a;PP1'oved and Licenses O1'clel"od
On motlon of'HannaBi,ll 0:1" lJ. :I:. OOOIW:;;S in t:rw 8um of' ~~2.. 00 :fo1'
sPl'ln.Kl:i.ng around tlle at tYHaJ..l :BUilding :Cor tJ:18 montr,l of' APW11 was
allowed anG1, warrant O1"d.e:red clrawn for its p.aYIuent.
B11:L 0.:(' W..G-..parrtx'j,c1ge,ex city TY'S8SU1'Gl' ,:C'o:r eol1ecting Paving
~iaxes 'was 1"8:':1d and re:Cer'l'cdto the 01 t~rAt torney..
Bills agatnst the Oity 1'tl.i:J'e x'oad and allowed,f'o1:' :U.st see the
O:U:ctHl Jieg:l.steJ'.
1?et1:1..~~lorl fo,!' 8C1"\t1Yer t:h,1')t1l1g11 }1]~iJck ~14 o~t~ R():tl1rls'.l~ctcl:it1_on V{flS reaCt
and on Ji'(ot/~i.C)n 0:1: Broactwell roJ'(H'recl .to tIle Sewer Comrn:l t teo.
:petlt:1.on of' Dj.et:r:tcl1. Br'HB6 etHl.:C'm' Wate:r Main on West
Louise 8t:r>eot :['l'om Ilomurt to Wasl11ngt.on Vi/'as r'oad and on motion of'
iTf e:!:' egg :r'Of/.3!'!' eel t.o the W'atf3'J:" Comm:l.t tee"
Pettttonof Ml's.,T.:t!jL.Pierce etal.f'Ol" Water Ma.i.n on West Eighth
8t1'ooL :CX'OItI: lihe 800 Block to the 1400 :Block was read and on rnotion
oJ' 'V'te:Y'egg re:['errec1 to the Water OommJlitee.
Hepol'tH G;t:' Demosi to.!'y' :88.111<:8:(,'01' Ap:r:t1 wero read and PIt-teed on ;t':l.le.
Ropox'1;S o:f 'the Oity Cle,rkand. POl:l.oe Mag:lst:ra!j)e :f'oX'Apri.lwex'e x'ead
and plac:;tJd on rile..,
Tb,ematte1" of l1CqnLt":Ln,,' an Eme:r>ge11GY Hosp:Ltal in cmnjune1:;j,on
wt t 11 t,'he County G,t' JIall was d1SC1J8f:l 8(:1..
lrhe lTlHtter 0:(' ,pav:i.ng the streets of tb,e Oity aecm'dj.ng to the
selter'HI :petitions Pl'c;sentod was taJ:~en up :1'01' an 1m'oI'mal dlsctlss10n;
MOITc;;cl 1:)Y He~r(le 1jO get; an ex.p!'ession t'xf t;he OOllnc:l.l on the sU'b;jE}c;t o,f'
a Bond. j.:='H3l10 to pa'iifie street :1n,tersectionH 1I t,lw.t; t:;11eM:a:.tOJ:> be j.nstl'uet-
eei to ::LaHue a CEtl1 :Cor an elf~Gtj.on tio ';rotio Pt1.v:lng Bonds tn the sum
"f" dk'\,,,).. "'10 "')"T )."." ')'!' '1'"CY1']
o. 'i~"h,'~ ~A., ~ 1,)9, . .....,t ,:;:i lJ t, . .,.. ..~."
f"""- )',. :t......':> . (':>"Tp'" . ii"'".,,,(~..,. ..-t'j 0" .:>.
v,..,.11..BCCk ,hE-Yell.. ~M,_.~~:r & v It'x (.fbb 'VU,..111;;> aYE,\!
Bl'oacjJlJ' ell ,Hanna,Knickl"el1m and Ras1J1usuen 'Voted m!nl, the
vote be:1.ng
a! t:tn the Mayor 'V'Ot,ed nay ami declaI'eci '~11e mot:1.o:n 108'1;..
On l'lctton of" HeYd.8 tlle Petitton to Pa've POJ;"tlol1 o:f Soutl1. Locust,
80Ut;Jl Wl'.leeler [4n<1 West Fix'st streets Vias aceep1"'1'7cl and trJ,e 01 ty Attor-
l1e;~r :Lnstl:,uet.ed to PJ'epar's proper Orclim,Ulc.e estG.fJl:L8hhlg the neces-
fH:l.1" Y 'Pa'\ri ng JJ:J. s tr' i G t ,.
Ad ;iou:r.'!1E.'>:l'
. ~~~~
ot ty 01 0r>1<..
Grancl Island t NfJbrasJr.[). i tTu.ne .5 "1
e Gor:r!c:l1 m.et :1."n 7'
s0ssion,his IWnor~tllo ma~or, esidil1g,
~px~ e s t:::ti t~
,1IeYcte . Kn:1 CK1'
r. :r::;.asnnJ S f.3 c)n an cl VI eI'
trl.c:)' 1nc;t, rnoctt
1 <5 If } liT el' e X' cad
cJ. ['1
H..: en.:!.' ],_(){"Jcl ():'C })()J.ef:3 (),C t
ties were opened
FllId 1" eut) an.a on. Hi 0 t J c.n. uf
tcJ;:rohm I'
l' eel t () t
I.,lglJt; C
~r}lJ?C;(.) Dta,tei::J 0 f)l~ OC)lTIT)arl:;r
eo.r) ()]" i. s ~ J\jrt:nJ-1. ~
ctlJ.cago 1,Ll!ot!e:r'
Gr :Jncl
a Yl c1. , J\Tf3 '/:) IJ P" f.31(r~, ~
Ch:j(.iI'fi'f': I'. '.Denton Oor(!pf;\.n:r.
011:1 (~f1g>() ~ 111. \J
,,} iio ITe ':{() 8 t I1J.ln'tJe:r CC)n1J~~lYl'Y
Gr an.cl Islan (1, ,
F1. Erg:. a.
k?;'e ,,0,_,~
GJ?E1,,'(l,cl ,IBJ.,:;:lncl ~ 'N"elJJ}C\B.t:n.
}~ ~
OrJ[1rlGt. ~ J:J'f;l),r-fJ. ;:3]{6.
VT ~
.:t S ()Tl
G::r~ ;.: \. 1''1 (1 :[ s :L Ei Yl (1 ~
W Ci3 t,c:tnKLe ctrtc: Company
On1ab.D. Nebr3s}(8.
Ttl.e KOrEiHleYCr
J~:l It
) I:Jo l)J~ n. ~:;~l{ ~:J
tli.e 1'o:J..JOW iJ:1g' nanled pal.' tt e::;: f'GI' OOTnb:Lnatlon J\JJ.to Ftr(;
T~Pll<.~J( T;el~C~ (,I.'
8n(1 road f.md on mot:lon
Fccl. to t
11' C) (J
L}i(n't) ,j'i':tx'o .A.ppaX'o t1.1 s Cmnpci:ny
:1 B J J\lti nn. $
j,1 e Co
spr1'ngf1eld) S8~
T]}l~e:}~~ts(Yn I:} R.fJld. ,A.lltC) C.()
Ial,ftr}c)" ,
n Fj 1\.{:.1 ~
rC~r)<e C
o OInp~) n.\l
"~n.~'ru B ~ ()rlj, c." j
t ()j;'i JT' j,]~ (~ j':~ ~p ~q i:l.'P a~ 1~ 1,1 ;3 0 OIl1.!)
k) ~-' $
_.~. ....~ TilT r)
1. i:s .i "!it.!,t,, ~
(::1' I':Lr'i3 ch {}.: 00.
J((:lYl H (} 8 C i., t:V ~ lvtZ) Ii
.AJ1ClnX'f::j011 CouplJYJg [}. iJupply 00
a. 8 0 ~l t, y" } j\{() tj ",
nobi..nson )'i'ltro .J\ppfu'e,1;uf;; :Mfg ~ 00.
8 t. :(,011 j ~),
VI! *' Tf\! ~ J3Ft :.t? ]"1
Denve:r'.~ GOI0J"adO,
Fl'D.nce Ftre ]'i;ngjne .CJO
Te1.:r;1.j,T'EI'1J\T~ y~ ,Chi.eago, Ill..
Mr~I!eo.13~nt"uln' rnacJ.e compJ.Eri1'lt of oxcec3Btvf; vrater' '!Jil1anci on J:)JO--.>
tjon of Hanna ttl.e JIl.attcr was refex'y()(] to tl10 Water' CJOJ;jJuj.t:tc:o t()
fi.; a tJ e BYl c1 r~ e]) C)J4 t, 8
~i.1be Wa t, OJ' Oonun:i.ss:!on(3J' I'eport,ed t;llat,
~H~~J~P8.J..UieI' Oh;ject
t'h e
~3..c:tng o:C "itfat!':;):'
ant' ad;j
1;, to [rIs
ce and on m.oticJ11. of "\lte....
tr:t('?; SE',TIlC: '\IV-tiE? OJ?d.erc;c],
fl('jed C3C,}'1()[3S
fJtroct :CT'OITl b:ts place and
ar.J:Jac:ent to tJ]O Ohrtst:1aYl O1mrcl1 1)1' er't',y"
) .1\ :r
enol':tat:tvc of H f'lufll~eI' :('exr r>avocI 8til'e()t~j ViTa:3 p:r'e~H:)nt an,cl
e:::~secl UlO OouneH, arKl on tnat j on of HeyClC tYle matter' was I'
the street Oommitteo.
I.r inTo tor C OlilTf,] t. tee rm:ulo l' OPOI' '1;. D f\ fOl1owa:
G.ral1d Isle:rld,IJ"ebr$
e :)-~19J..::\~
O~ and aitycouncl1.
(}Ci:n t.1 r:~rn.eJl :
:y (}l J.._r~
1Jt.nf~ ()ll 1~11~t:-))
t~ B D,JlC).. VJ"{:t-i;~ c.~..r~ 1)
1 C F\. V. E;',~ t~ C:' J~ 01; ()T' t t tL~1 t;
Vl e :r
t v,r2di(;X' m~.~\j.:n,8 b10; laJd em V1Tf;~:lt Fj:ft1:1 8 e
t () I2.1~ ()ac]:vi
AVA. }{nd COTll').ected to t
()Tl lPt:ft~t.l;,J CC~ t
J3J<i () ~:1, cljg f:} :;. J\. '\7 () $
~;;O orl WeBt [3
II and
stStl t()
AV0~ f~Y\d GOI'lna(~ting
(: ;r;.\Js() orj rrhJl'teel1tb ct:r-ec,t f:r'om
t. ('j
r.c ;
S() t,n Il()1J..t.se [11'.', ~
()In :L()C~ll~:.:~t t() .It(lali.}S Bt ~ ~3Jl.(l
80 In, ,John nte
f~om W8 1neton 8t~to
B()]1 (~t f;
l~ ec~
that the request
1,1:1C 1'(()f:]f:', Irnrei),
t Go. ari.d
() t l:, I~IP Fi
:iT :1.1'\. A8rlton.
~ from Locust st.to
fl, (~.11i CJ ~3 E;
ct. tIt)
f~:' ,"{. B. Xi '0 e (1 '-Ii
tto CJt ty to fllJ'n:l. sn. t
,., ,,,,(1
\."- J 1"',~~
J:1 (; C~ I,:~) S ;,::,
:rt t t
tl Iy_ (j, t
petitioners to pay
OJ~ f;:; t (~ If.
1 Uyj
():f t tlCJ fJ~'3.Jnt~};
aLL woJ:<K t.) 'be ctone unc1 01:' t
tI10 Water OOIilFltS::,:lonor.
alHO I'C:.(\OT;!J!lfmd that a
n be laid :n 9" street
t ()
nnci a1;:1O one ()n floutl} :Pine
First street to the south
fJ f3(3t/ ~
or ......,
e1 * .,tlj Ii.
'\r~t eJ~ g' , c,
:t, , G()IfUni t tee-ii
t: .~w c}S f:1CJ.. ():p t
:j ('~' ~('l fJ
F'~ FUI,].e:r
Vif ~ 1: $ Er,:t 'Cte :f" ()I~
e t~:l ()llCrC;!
1fT err.' :1:"
o:n, .mot :lcll'
Hac;TLllJ .ssel1 apPJ>ov(3cl ancl p.ey'ml t cl'cleJ'(3d :1.[:1
I~5 () n, 0.. r~
})11JE1'beJ' D; Dra :1.nlayel" 13 I,jccm,t~()s WC~.T T'(:acl amI
()1'1 IG()t:L (;)'} ()J~
Ii:l (~(~rt e
8eVf(;.f:'i G
t t ()ii}
c' '.'l? eTI ()',P' t J? e
;r A.
MCJ:r :r' J. ;~~or\ e tal
8 eVil' CoJ' fr em] GJ:'
to IA1ncoJ,-11, 8 Ge-t
F ~) strf'~Gts and
1 ;.:'~
s c3rl
oj :f\n' 8 ew or fr 011.< IG(,[ cJ ~l 8 tr e (:) t 1.~ 0
f;blJJ.>:n.E:l strl.."Jet
bet ell 1 !r & 11" 8trf~ots be
anted and tb,e city Att
j" tl ;:i tXJll C t eel t ()
e:l"~ <if" r!. HJl C 0 S C () '\7 ;;:Yr~ :1" 't'} g S a In f';, a Yl (1 0 Xl Tn () t i. () fl
1~ '~) ():r t~ Vif Cl f) t c,~ (1 $
r3c.."it{c;',-e -0 ()lTUYlJ t te}(J Y; nr~tecl cl :j.. :r:Cj~c"u J.. t~)l 1Nt tll
oj' j-,'he ]\ff.a:tn FJewoJ' D,nel onmotj.C>T1 o:C n:eyde t
matt.eI' VH,-l .1'ef'e:t':re<1 to ttre'
newel' Oommi tt.ee w:tth power to act ~
r.rhe St.y, (:let Oornmi.t t e epr esen ted the f'ollowing resolut :llJn:
Be tt I'Elsolve(:l 1?Y the J;fl1~"Ol'" end, C
J of th e a j, 1~ Y 0::[' G.]:' and
I,':Jlancl. ~
sJ(~;i., ;
:P'tJa 1;; 'W fH:3J' e HB t
\~)Vv'r{ I. k
:Ln :CJ'ont,
01~ ad. .j""'''''-'I'''t
.. .\ t..;A,.{,"'.\c.....o4,,"".
to the :ColJow:'lng- d.et3Gribect p:rer:lj.ses ~ to-vIi t:
011. t:tLe lifnrtl1, sid,e 01: :EigJJth street along tr.Le Sout,11 Hide o:f Lot,~
nand 9 :'vn BloCK 12 of H. GQ en,fIX'}:,' f4 AcLd,l t~jon~
OtL t.he West l:\icle of :Bc1Jl';{ ntx'eet along t:l1f'JmaBt; 81(113 oJ' Ilot 10
Bl()(;]{ l;.g of Hl,lssel Wl1eelert::l J\f1cUt,1ons
On the oout~h Sj.c1t:' o:C 'J.1en'cll S't:l'fH;jt a1cmg tbe
h side of' r~ot
Iroru" In .1'{j,ocJ< 13:1.x of' J{e Gh Olax'k t s Ad(tttj,on,~
On t,lle No:]:" th s:1de of' rpenth stJ:'eet aJong the Sou th side 0;[' I,ot 8tx
:in oeK 2:.L o:f' HUf)!3c;lW1H';EJle!" S ACld:U;j,on,
On ttle NO:,l;'t;ll s1ele of' JiJlevent,ll. street along the BOUtXl sicle of' I,Ot
:mi,gllt. Bloc}\, 39 c:f HUGsel Wlleele:r i s i\cId:tt:h:iY1, ~
On tb.e Soutll gj.cle of :ml('fventl1 street along the Nortll sL,ie
~2}3 a:nd 5 :I.n BlocK .32 of Russel WheelfjI"S Ac1d.1tj1on~
On the ]J~),t3t stele of' Oak 8treet a1011g the West s),de of' lJo1; II':i.ve
in Bloc;\( J).f.} cf' the Union Paci:f:le Raj,lway o OlTlpanJlI s Second ,Ac1.dttj,on,
O:n. t11e Nbl.t11 8:Lcle of' N:i:nth ~:Jt,r'eet alo:ng the south sj"de of' r,ot~ ]'1v'(1
j,n Blocl;;: One :I-l'Ul'ld,J;'e('l lror't~l r:nn:'oo of' tbe Union Pael:f':tc F:H::!.lwt1t\i
sC)mlJan~/IS Second Acldj,t:Jcl:nij
Orl tlHJ }:lm:'tl'l f:3:idu 0:[' Fj:f'tl:! and TG1ghtl1 fitI' eet s and the Sou t11 Bj,\';Le
i3e'Vent.ll Gtl:>eet am'oss tbe rjgllt of' wa~/ of' tlle (l'ht c:ago j Elu1'1:1ne:tOTl
f:.?,: QUj,no;y natlroacJ.. o omp any ,
on t,lie fjCJ1Jt.tl stele of Seventl1 Bt:!'e
ong tlle No.:eth Silj_ t;l of T,nt
]'O'U1' in :rnoeK T1NO o:f.' Nagg~n~3 iH5(ltt:Jo:n~
On the f:lolJt;h s:lc1.e 0.1' lPoux'tl1 street, alont; tl1.e North s1e18 of Ilot
'II."~I'('" ,-l',y,'l. "t.,)"l.I")r'.'",'~' ";:7 c')f' t"]l '''. ('-'''1'''j g']' Vl'~l rj1C")'W'I'j "') nY' 1"'l1 t"'I' rYf GI"a'" C' '1"'1 C'~Ylr'l
,<'.J ..1:' '-, .t\.;,) " f._~;,.I..}, ,~.-..~J,,\CA .. _viJJ.".t..",,;nd "oJ""..}~ "'''~, _-~r~ CJ.t~. ,,,,,i-:Jl.._(.t ,...,{~
(JJl t]~:Le
t stele o:f Wasb:tngto:n, stx'eet along the ,E8f,t side of' riot
O:n.,t:~ nnd :CrHc:.tj,onal lot~ :Ei:1.ght Al"'nolcl,
fr(~(7~ f.:1rld. 110t 1,6, ()~r ttl1(~ O()1Jrlt~t
SlftxU'\rt ()l'l of part; of t11e SOlJt;h lJal:f 0;[' the EJout;h Bast q'u~).,rteJ'
o.L' the DCJ"uth West QltEtJ't4el' oJ' 8ecttc,llll6)}~C.l1!, .9..
All of the above being in the Oity
n ~" "J .n ,,1 T Q 'J. '''', ",' r1 "I"C '>'" 1" " <>h't'"
i..:'(:!,. ('}., ",t..:{ .3.. L,;',., C;t,d.tt j . .\<l~j U . c:l o:r\.",1 "
ljas been cOJldemned and m'del'ed COl'tstr'1.1ctecl an.tl clue not,tee
s been
g:Lven 7:;~f! PJ'ov:tded b~Y OTilcltrlHnee Hl'J,d mOT'e t~ha:n t;l1:i.J:,ty Cli:lYB has
f:~:1.nGe t.1"l.e giv:tngof s~r1d not:l.ce a,net
1:'1<)1;, been constY'lJcted:Now the!'efoI'e~tbe Olty Eng:lrleer of ~:mj,d. o;tt,;y'
:l. ~ l](:H' e'tJ;:l m"dered to Bit onc..e pr epm?e m') est ima.t e o,r the
sjc1,eWHIJ{~:~ g:i.vtne: t
f~~XI)(:~rlse ():C t
~;3 ::td~ f}vV(11-}I~ ()})})() g. t 'L. iJ
'a t}
:1. () 'C .;;) ;';:5 :.t) ~:.Lr:/ ,~;'I, t
to r)-J?
;:~ .1.... {...).
,_-'...t.. \,,'
'1. (~Z:t 1~ 1 ()Jl ~:;, :f' ()I- a H_nl(j
) 1',]:1(:)
B F1JC: t;_~) t () 1.:)
(:; (~ ';1 (~'?J t~ :1.
t 'I) o'r: :1 1. e(l
t ~~:'1 t
1 (~ rJ
""'1 ~l
(~ t~ ,"t () 11
;'3 ()(l d :in t
!.:~ (.:,( ,'I-
....; I<j ,~'
e:1..xl ~
}) t:=~ ,',P 1~
}{J.~ VJ{;
"1 "D
-,,, $ , .,
::3 S (";1'1 $
!:.".~,() 't,
HeY'de; t
1"(':1301'i,!t;Jor\ \i'lD;J
; ()tt ~e ()
~'.;..L ..I., '>
n,{l }
~ J't{,J
(:~lil (1~~^f, 4i~ V' () t
~ nay none..
t t
VI 81'" e ~1:j
} .t't C.J Ii 1. ~t t:~ t H C,: c~ 1<1
Dt t~~~/ 11,'t t(;_rl1f~V" r'uJ)()~t-;) t
():rt t
:n ~t ], 1.
Vi. ~ G,~
1 f:~ (~t;'-_.
:J J1G; ct 1 ~,) t c: t
e::; ~~{ :r~ t:) (~,
t t
~? Fti:n (:: 1) (;
~L env ()cl j 11 ~;f
i:J \L:~U
;(t~ ~: () ~ fJ ()
()',(l ITl(] t :;~ ()'j'1
l{e ~l(t t '}') e Y" fi X) ():r" t, V{;J, g H
!J 11 ~L
()-~r;) c;cJ J r,l :_i t':ll (1. Hl:J .In ~
mJYt, :Lon
o t t~:{ -,ltt-t
f~3 t; J~'lJ (~ tr
(;.r~ i:1]:~ (:;
8 :C
Y of the OJ ".;y
eo,s'ux'! OJ? t1 t ~3 ~_
SlJ.1Tl t~ ()
toe c~()11ectj~(){1
o. ::1 rj i c t L, ~~t ,.K \:-:~ ~:J ~
(t:J.- 't1.f:\t.1.Ce ('~,:rt){lt~:1.
1)1 s t,',P:l
f~];~ l t, (,
():C f3 ()l'l t ;~'l 1;0 (.:j1J_S t r:5 1;.. J~ r~ (~~ t fJC)lJ
VITI1 e \:3 =L ~'~rr.'
(~,n1Je ~irlc1
't'. ,-
f) -J ,11'
t t:]
. It.
(j (~
Cl S (J',('l t~
the,t the
nan00 be plaoed on 1ts f at r
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Report of Oity Olerk or
APP.l:'opr lations and Expenditures to .June 1"191~~.
Gen el" 13.1 Fund
Appropl' 1a't ed
CltI'oets & Alleys
sewer 8
Lj,gJl t 8
Pa:r>}{ s
-::(0 00
" 6014.94-
#.:7,u1 l.Y7
,J {)C -- ~-
:J.. 65
1'1.010 i........,
-c"{)U,, :' ,
d' 1,
~1l2153.. 98
Pol j c e Puml
'';'(0. 70' 0':'
~!9 ,,+' ",ob
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~1 8C'0
'if'.... j
li~12'1"7 ,( h
1" -,1"\)/'
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Bu ildtngg 8: Irnpr OV emen t s
1860. '74
4'22"1]'0; l-:;Z:
'iP .)... .0", ?,j
:L1gJl t Jilmd
, $l.i.5000
Buj.lcl1ngs & r:mprovements
181) 1+9,. 69'
'W 0" ~"'o
Pa.ving Flmd
$ 3481+
Pav:Lng Di:strict NO.. 6 Fund
$64,68" 28
f3evu.:;1' IHstr1et8 26,27 & 28 Fund.s
<I' 1 'J 7lr oC;
"tP'i". I r. ~,o
SUII1Iflt11' ~r
$150, 61l~" Bg
$iG82 7;r:,
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~t1897.. 2'7
~;21881" 47
~~ Oi''' 7.:'1
't!' () ,,) ~ _,f t:~.
%: 1'1 '7 ~1' "
tP~...... ~ ;JC"
$100,598..03 $50~016..~,f5,
I\6sP eet; 1"1111 YEH.lbm:i t t sd
Ci1~y Olerk..
Grand Island ,Nebras}';!3. ~June 19 "1912.
The Oouncdl met in ttegular sessio!l~Hig HonoT~ the mB:'SIP:J:'l' p:NJsid1ng and
all memlJers RX'esent at roll call..
The minutes of the last meeting were l'eac.i and approved..
Oommunica t10n f'r'om Byron .Jackson Iron Worl<:s aSking :for return ot'
C'l.1<:1(';}( ~ror $80.00 deposited with bldsf'or pumps in JulY 1911 was r.ead
and on mot:Lon o~f Hanna the 01e1'1( was 1.nstructed to l'eturn th€3 same.."
There 'being onlY one bid for coal the same was returned to the
b 1c1de:r \/11 thou t opening...
The Water & l.Jight OOlillnj.ssioner asked :for :further instructions in
reg-ax',! to lOGating water crane as the Ohristian Cl'hux'ch people were
making object:1ons to same and. he was dil'eetedto p,ro(~eed as previously
1YT.r"H"G..Bel].~aecountant emPlOyed to C1180l'i: UP tIle accounts of' the
O:i't:i" officers presented his report.,
On motton of' Bock tile printing oommittee~vas instructed to procUl:'e
a stock book i'or use in the Water' & Lj,gIlt Oommj.ssloner is of'fice..
The Mayor read the rollowlng message:
To the Cli'ty' Council of' Grand Island:
I have delay'eel sUbmi 'I; tlng a m~wsage to your Honol'able Body-fOI.
some tlme:!iawai tlng the report of the ex.per-t accountant now aUdi t1.ng
our booIes so Vie coult'i take up some special :t:'eatlu'Ss 01' same with a,
vj.evr of possible improvements of' the system of' aCGounts relat1ve
to t.he oP6I'at1on ot' our water and light plants so as to ascertain
t1'H~ actual expense 0:.(' OP,eratlng eaell Plant and the east :Q8r :f'1xed
'tln1'~ OX' measure or pumpc!ng water j.nto the mains and putting elec-
tric CUr.1~fmt on the\'flres$ I have aSJ{ed the accountant to prepare some
dat.r:1 along these I1nes )but as his report 1s not :ready it will be ta1<en
up ~3,:t 1:3. fU tll!' e mee t ing..
'rhe w~~te.r and li,ght plant is by :f61' our most :tmpoI'tant pUblic
utiLlty and lts ope!'fi't1on should be thorougl11y systemat17Led with
a view 01' co,rrecting :eaults, 1:1 any are d1scovered>> and maa<;:ing 1,mproVf3-
menta wherever demand exists and good business jUdgmant warrants..
'I_JJJ.ring the past year we have expend.ed over $22,000.. (including con-
tI'HCts let f01~ wOI'1< not yet completed) on extensions and improve-
ments to our water worl<:s.. These inelucte two new wells withelectrlcal1Y
d.:ri ven centx'1f'ugal pum:g::s having a tested maximum capac1 ty 01'" 900
gallO'.r.ls per mlnute,which we conf'1dently believe, will supply enougl1
water to meet all demands and thus l'el1eve our peoPle 1^'rom
t:J.on Oi' wate,r :famlnes during the dry summer' months.. ~Pllisinc:r'eased
supplY 2 togethex' wi '~h the larger mains now being laid ~ will 1nclden tal11!:
inc:r:>ease tJ:1G pressur e at all service pj,pes and eXPlains the 181"gCl'
wate:r' 1:>i1:1s about which some o:f OU1. c1 t1zens have recentlY
1'1 w:ise :public pOlicy bas 1"1xed an exceedingly low l'ate :fox' water in
Grand Island :Cor' the PU1'pose of' oneall.raging 1 ts generous USe.. This 1s
lmpoI"tant :ror sanitary !'casana as well a8 :C01" the growing lawns an(l
t.:pees and thf' result has just:tfied om' courSt,).. When the extensions
and :tmprovements now making are completf~c13we will be better able to
give watel' sel'vice at lowex'rates than any c1 ty in the state:; wi th
whose service I am familiar.. It 1s a matter ot' c.0!lgratulatlon that
this has 'been accomplls11ed without the large 'bond iBsue ait one time
con t emplat e(t;~
~.'. I recommend that you investigate the advisabi11 ty of' installing a
new 11igh pressul'e PUlllP at the water plant l'or emel'genCY and :t'j.:r e
P,tlrIJ()ses" This j.s not so much ofa neceBs1 ty as a precaution>> an.d will
probablY cov'er all extruOl'cllnarry ex:pendl tures at the wa tel" plantf'or
the comlng Year"
2'he plans for street lightlng have 'been reV'1sed>>ne1JlT and moreeconom-
ieal lamps adoPcted,and,when iru~talled~a8 now planned,w11l greatlY extend
th:1.s system and geneI'Gusly light our streets and. pUblic grounds.. ~'he
Electrol:ler street I,igh tins System,i'or' business streets ,has nrovenhig11-
ly sa.'tisf'act01.'Y in many cities, being both at t:nactl ve and eff'icient..
In most instances thai.!' lnstallat10n have been at the joint char'ge oJ:
tb,e e1.CY~ the adjacent OWne2'S and mercllants. Placed 116 :feet apar'~ with
ormnllental f':1"ve light pOles and Ul1(ierground conau1 t service, they will
east ~Jout $125 pel' station pole.. Ii' satis:Caetory arrangements can
be madE~ wl101'eby the expense 01' 1nstallatlon can be divided into three
parts as above indicated, I think they wiil prove sat1s:facto:r'y in our
bus:Lness sec~t1on*
.A.n arbitrary sum is now charged :for lighting our Oity Ha:ll,aD..leys,
hose houses and polling places" I recommend th8;1t a meter be placed
in the Oity Hall and,!f' practlcal~on the other servlce,so we can .fix
the actua51 cost af' this service..
I have made sonre investigation of' the use af crude ail on PUblic
highways andt'1nd that when properly apPl1ecU on solI slmilartoOUl'S,
it J1t~,s 'been sati sfactory'.bet'a>re your
on pl"eYl,ous occasions and you have resolved against iits usee. PossiblY
there are objections not known to me,but if' an expex'imental test cOUld
be macte on some much used street,outs1de o:f the proposed pa,1vlng area:;
j. t mj.gl1t be :t'ound practice:! and be 01' great assistance in keeping our
sami~r :3011 within the street 1imj,ts and thus greatlY reduce fUture
maintenance chargGs~ Tllis 1s merelY a' suggestion and 1n no event dO I
recomlllend extensive 'Workunt11 it has 'been thoroughlY t.ried out on
one or two outlying main streets~
I am in :favor of paving our streets,but not spasmodically. To pave
street :intersections will cost the city :from $1000 to $1200 each,ac-
cor'd:1.ng to the mat e1'ia13 used~ A :rour mill l1:f.nntIal levy, wi t,h othel- ap....
p,ort1onments available :for this f'und;will raise about $10,000 per year
:for this purpose.T11is polic'tr ~1:;t'" adolrtedtwil1 enable us to Pfi1ve one dis....
trict caell year ~ w:1 thout voting bonds"Wll1eh should not be done exc0I\ft
:1.n cases o:r urgent RUb:llcneed.. BY paving one district each year ~we
will lla~ve an annual. exp;enditure o:f :from $40000 to $.5:0000 ~much of which
will go ;('01' la'bor and eventuallY :find 1ts way into tIle channels ot'
tl~ade$ 'rhi swill glv'e protracted emploYIDent to our home laborers
extending OVer a number of years and keep more of' our money 8,'t 'home
tlUUl t,o :install 8'11 our conternp;lated paVing in 3,1 single season t 1mpor t
much o~f' the labor needed ln80 laTge a work~ and then rema:in dormant
;for- a num'bel~ of' years wai tine :for :f'Llrther demands. Again, i tis som{~....
"that 'IOU b li:fU1 it' a $lW,OOO bond issue WOUld be author1z:edbyour
people. I think they will pwefer to pay for these improvements as they
are made I'ather than burden themselves and their :future with a'. long
tlme bond lssue,with li;.ttendant interest charges.,
Aside f1.wm pUblic water service and sewerage f'acili ties ,nothing
improves c1 ty property,1'o1' both sale value and private use,so much as:
paved streets and alleys. our people will appreciate :1 ts need and val~-
ue with extended use and ,bY ado;Rt1ng the course above outlined!, I
tllink we can ,with ft 11ttle additio na2 tax burden ,in al :few yearsjhave
our principal streets paved and ,at the same time'j give continuous enr-
PI0Y'111ent to our home labor ,bUSiness to our merchants and. avoid the
burden of more bonds..
The assessed valuation
at' all taxable Pl'Opel~ty 1n Grand Island
:for 1912 is
1'01' 1911 1 twas
mak1ng an increase
1 .55
This increase should be taken into account in making the levy' ror
the next :fiscal year.. The total appropriaJtlons for all Pill'poses :for
the past :fiscal year were $l.50,61~..88. Thls~sum includes the earnings
:from aQl pUblic utilities and the amounts paid by the oity for its
uti,li ty servlce,making the total bUdget some:1vhat delusive.. This
matter wi,ll be taken up mOI'e in detail in the f'Utlll'"e meeting above re-
ferred to . OUr present bonded debt is $166,000. While this is not
excess1 '(Ie, I think we should a.dop:ta pOliCY Of' SUbstantial reductiol1
every yeal" and recommend a' two mill increased levy f'OI' this purpose..
The argument,sometlmes used; that we shOUld p-ass these burdens down to
:future gene,rations~wllO will enjoy the :facilities pm"cl1ased 'with the
bond,s '$ d,ces not sound in good Imsiness jUdgment. We hOld the :present
in trou.at and should not mortgage our children i s :fUtll1"e. They will hawe.
their' problems to meet and demands to satlsf'Y, while a low bonded debt
and I'easonable tax rate will do much to advel'tlse our Oity as a desir-
able place ror new business enterprises and investments.
In this connection,we have one of' the best Oommerc1al Olubs in the
state~made up ot' PUblic spirited men who are giVing largely of' their
t:tme and money 1"01". the general good..
We should advise and heartilY co-operate with that bOdY,w1th1n
legal llmitatlo11S tWhenever possible..
The ll1cl'tsased earnings f'1>om our wa:ter plantt by reason of' our vastlY
iner'eased :facill'ties above ref'el"red to; together wi th i~he :fact t;llat
we will not be eal1ed. upon :for much eXPt.'mdj. tUl"e on the plant th1s
~rea:r' ,Will enable US tOl~educt~ the IffV';Y' :for that department and pos-
sibli1' 1'01" the ltght depe.rtment enough to cover the p;r'oposed increase
recOIfUnen(led, 1'01" paving and the p.aymento:f'bonded debts. Oons1del~j.ngtlle
:incrsanBd taxable values and 'tIle $7,000 IlGr yea!' ou:r.~ new occupat:ion
tax ord:1,nf.':tncewilJ. prOduce) thlscan be done wi t1).Out incl"easlng of the
total lev.y mId, I th1nk~w1th strictecronomy j,n atlJ. departments$a; decrease
can be ef'r'ected...
In urg:tng economy in pUblic expend.:1, tux'os) I do not have in Tl11ndany
crlti,elsIns of the past ,but only to remj,nd you that we are spendlng the
mOXlfJY of' tIle PUbliCj who, have entrusted us with a; duty which iSP.a':t...a-
mOUll't, j.n evm"'Y. case )Wltl1 our prl 'late interests 811dWllich shoulci l"ece:i.ve
01.1.1" ,first cons1derat1on...
T116 pl?act:l.ce of' realty' companies ,haVing close assoc1atj,on with
breweries and w110lesale liquor :+ntel'ests ~hold1ng
number of' buildings used 1:01" $.loon purposes, is in direct
the [)tate law governing the saleo:floquOl"S.. It l"1asbeen be:foI'6 your
bodY' and actj,oll tllereon de;ferred:.. I believe :it is the opinlon 01' a
mii't;Jor~l. ty of' t,his bod;Y' that str1.ngent measures be taken to prevent
1;1118 v101at:i.on o:f law an(1 I suggest t.bat j,t be done fi:t an eal'ly date
so it w:111 not aga:in con:t'lict with the granting of' licenses Ma:y' lst~191j
1'he state lawprovideH3 :foJ> the appointment of' at 01 ty' Inspector of'
Bu11cl:1.ngs ;for the. pu;r'pose of decreasing f'1re llazards.. Whenprop;er'lY
emp~owel'e(t such inspeetoI' 11as authorl ty to enter and lnsn~~ct al1buil.....
dings and I l'ecornmend that the 0111e;f' o:f tlle ]'1.re Department be mane
EX'!-Oi"~f'1cio Inspecto!l,without additj.ona-l salax'Y',. ]lr~D111on has done
cons1c~el"able work along this line ,at IilY' reqUest ,during the past yea!'))
and I have f'ouncl his services sat:isfacto!'y'. PerSonallY, r would be glad
to have 8.n Insp'ectol" look over my buildings as a precaut1oI1 aga1.nst
:Clres and I think aill nroperty owners would welcome such exam1na:;t1.ol1S..
In conclusion ,gentlemen,1 wish to thank all of' you f'or the constaer...;.
at::ton I have reGelv~. .f'r.QmyoU'sind:l.Y:1.duaJ.lY and as a body jdUl~ing the
past ~real'.. I know tllat your work is done fa:!. thf'UllY and at eons1der-
able naG!'1:t:'jee o:f' ~TOU:r pr1'rate business 811d r feel sure tllat t,hepeo-
pile f'ul1y appreciate YOU!' ef'i'orts on behalf' of' the PUbl:tc..,
Dated ~rune 19th ~l912..
Respecti'ull~~ submi tted...
Oh8.8.. G.. :&:yan ~ Mayor.
on motion of' Broadwell; tile message was received and sp.:eead upon tile
minutes and the llGCommendatlons therein cOIlcu.rredin so :far as possible..
st.reet Gommi ttee !'eported on bid 1~or stx'eet sweeptngs:
On mot:lon of' Broadwell the bid oi:' Ross Investm.ent Oompany :Cor tIle
sweep;1ngs was accepted for all to spare at'ter f'1111ng up~ seVE',raJ.
places the comm! ttee 118d1n m1nd..,
~lhe Illght Commit'tee made !'Gport as 1'0110W8:
Grand .rslandiNeb.~iune 18 1912..
To tlle Hon..Mayor &. Council:
Your ComnLi ttee to whom the bids :for 260 5~ inch 30 .t"oot and. 1m
6 inch 35 t"oot pOles was re:ferred beg leave to Il0Port that weflnd
t11e b:tcl of tT"R.LellIner 00. the lowest and best 1:I1d 8.11(1 we
mend!; tl1eir' bid. 'be accepted...
t.T.. E.. Hanna'.
E . H~V1 eJ:-egg
John Knickrehm
G.~ W"Broadwel1
On mo~tiLon of' Hanna the report was adopted and cont;rlact aWareec.l ac-
T1HJ Fix'Ci Oommittee maclereport as follows:
Grand Islarl.d,Neb,. )cJ""Une 19 1912..
1]10 tho Hon..MayoI' and Gounel1:
X Your Oommittee to whom the bids for Auto Truc::lC (',: Fire Apparatus w
was ,referred beg leave to maXe t.he following I'eportL: We recommend
p1ll"'el18tstng an Auto TruCk and Fire Apparatus : We also l'ecommend tha.t
a: COIrnu.ttt;ee be appo:lnted :from the JJ1ght~F1re and Wa.teI' Clomm:tttee
and that the Ohj,ef o:C the FJ.re Department 17H, includ.ed :In said OO1T'JIllttee
they' to 'trislt places where Auto Trucks are in use and make a, thor-
OUgll 1n'O"08 t igatlon and l~epor t to trw 01 t~,. Oouncil.
,; .E..Hanna ~
JTI..H" Vjeregg
f.Torm Kn1 ck:r'ehm..
Mcyed, l)Y Hanna'that tIle repo:r.t be adop.teel: Carried on :roll cal1.~
. Bock ~HalJ.na~HeYde ~KnickT'ellIll~Meyer, and Vieregg voting aye ,'Broadwell
and F1HSInUSSen voted nay: The Mawor vetoed the measux'e In ~} message
as :follows':
Gentlemen oi' the Council:
I l1el'obY' disapprove anc1 veto your !'epol't and x'esolui.i1on f'avor...
1ng the .pur(~hase oi' a motol' t;r'uCk f'01' use of' the Fire Department
at th:ts tjme f'or the reason that we now have a hOI'SO ci!'avm true1\: t,J;lut
1s Cf;)mp~;;):'a,tiveiy new and has cost 8:' gJ:'ea,t deftl of m.oney wh1c:l1 would
be sac:rl::ficed if' a new truckwel'e rrw'cllased. It will probably cost
$5000 0:1' $60QO and as we a'e contempJlat:lng larger expencUtu1"es j.n some
(YClle!- dep!:l:I'tments r tl11nl< tll.is is an unwax'ranted eX>PEmso. J\ga1rJ. :i.t:1s
doub'C:Cul whetllox' l.t WOlJ.ld be successful dur lng bad weather ~ wb,8n tller'a
:1s deep ~moW' or' mud in the street s.. For tr.lese l'easons I disapprove
the mEH3.sur'O..
June 1911 1912..
OhHS.. G.Ryrrn~Ma,yor..
Movecl bY Vleregg tha.t tl1e said. 1'''aport be adopted the veto of' the Mayor
to the contrar'y nohllthstaucUng:on :roll call the vote stood.~a:\r('J~,HeYde$
Kn:icKrel1.m. and Vlerogg ~nay Bocl< ,Hanna ,Meyer ,Broadwell & Rasmussel1l1
T'he ma:y-ol' declared the motion lost,and tIle veto message susta1.nect..
Hanna bl~oug:t'1t UP the matter of' tIle long hours of' WOlak by the men
at the wateJ.' & ltght plant and moved. that they be each giv-en pay:for
tW(j hour's extra each daY',no second. On motion of' B:t>>oa(iwell tJ:J.0 matt,er
WE\.S J'ef'e~rr'0d to .the Cormnittee and City attorney to investigate and
l' epcl't"
On Inot:i.on of' Broadwell the City Engineer was lnstI'ucted. to prepare:
spec:lf'icatlons 1'01' a mall1lOle in the sewer at real" o:J:C111cagoIJ1l1Ilber co.
On motional' V1,eregg the matter ot' rais1ng the salary of the Clllef
of' Police 'Was rei'c;X'x'ed to the Oity Att;o:r-l'lsy and the Oommittee..
:Bills agair~st the Oi.ty were l'ead and on motion o:f Br08clwell a:l.:1owed.},
for ltst see the Olaim Register...,
AJl OI'dinanc0,No...518 creating Sewer Distrj.ct :No.. 29 was presented:
Mer'ted bY B!'oadwel1 tl1at 'Che 01'dlnance bt~ placed on its :t'lrst reading:
Carr'led on roll call, BOCk, :r.:lrOadwel1,Hanna:~HeYde ,KniCkrel1m ,Meyer.,
Rasmu.ssen and Vj.eregg voting aye j,nay noYH?'t
. 1,'he O:r'd1nance was read and declared. pas\~u}d :1 t s f'lr st I-eading..
Mcrved by VieI'egg that triO l'Ule8 be suspended and the Or'dinance rH3
placeti. on its seeond l'ead:1ng by :t'ts t1 tIe:
Oarr:ted on roll call~ BOcle, Br'oadi'wll ~ HannasHeYde ,KnicKre111Ll ,Meyer s
Hasmussen and V:l.eregg voting a'ye~n€ry none:
The Ordinance was !'eacl1'>Y It!st1tle and cleel8,l"'ed passed 1ts second
r 0;:3. d 1:ng' :
:Moved b~r B:J:'>oadWe11 that the rules be suspended and the Ordinance
1)8 placed: on :1 ts third ;x-eading:
Carl'j.ed on roll call ,BOCk ~ Broadwell ,F..anna,HeY'd.e ,Knickrehm ,Meyer,
RasmU:3sen a11(1 V:Leregg votlng aye" Nay none:
~?he OrcU.nancEl was read and. declared passed :1 t~1 thi.rd reading..
Moved by Broac'lvwl1. that tl1e Ord:tnanc;e be placed on 1 ts f'lnalpassage:
013.1'1'1. f:'lCl on rOll mHl, BoCl< ~ Broactwell,Hanna, HeY'de ,Knickreb.m~}J.teil"el' ,
Rasmussen and Vieregg 'Votlng aye~nay none:
The Mayor declared the 01'dinance f'jona11Y passed and apPl'oyed the sa~
An. Ordinance NO., 519 ~ creatj.ngSewer D1st:r-i c:t No,. 3D was presented:
Mov-ed 'by J:3roadvJoll t1':mt the Ordinance be placed 011 its t'irst reading:
aarl'iecl on x'011 call ,BOCk ~BI'oadwelJ: ,Hanna.~HeYde ~Kn1Ckrehm ,MeY.el" ~
Rasmussen and Vleregg vot:.l.ng ay(~ ~nay none:
The Ox'ctj,nance was read and d. eClared paSS0c.l its :t'lrst rea(iing~
Moved bY Rasmussen that tlle J?ules be suspended and tIle OJ:>d.inance
placee'!, on 1 t s seconcl 1?ead1ng by' 1 ts tl tle:
Oarried. on l~oll call,BoCk ,Broadwell ,H.anna', HeYde ,KniCJcrehm,Meyel',
RaBillus-sen and Viel"egg voting aye ,nay none 1
TIH3 0];'c11n8;nGe was read by its ti tIe and declared passed j.t8 third:
r eacUng Ii
:Moved b'Y Heyde that trw rUles be suspendecl and the Ol'ct1nal1ce be p19.--
ced on :its third !'ctHi1ng:
CaY'rled on roll call , Bocl< ~Broadwel1 ,Hanna',HeYde,Knicl{:retlm,MeYe:r.~
nasmussen and V1rergg voting a yo, nay none:
'1111e Ordi.nance was road and declared passod 1 ts thi.:rd l'oading:
Moved. 'bY Rasmussen t,lta t tIle Ordinance }:)6 placed on 1 tEl:t'1nal pas-
sug;(~ :
0[U'1':1.ed on I'oll calli BOCl<~B!'oadvlTell $ Hanna., HeYde,~KniC:kre:r.JJ1~MElyel',
Rasmussen and V:1.eregg vot:l.ng aye ~nay none:
T'l:1f~ :Mayor' o.eclared tllS O!'cUnaneB f':lna.lly passed and apPJ:'o'ved the sEnre
An Ordinance In I'e:ference to salary o:f the Oity Treasurer was pro-
JitTOVed b~~ l:1roaclwell truat the Oretinanee be placed on its :fj,rst I'eading:
08.1'1':1.e(1 on roll call ,:socK ,B!~OadWell ,Hanna$HeYde ,Kl11cJ\:relllil'.Meyer~
Rasmu.i3fJen and Vieregg voting aye ,nay none::
T"Ns Ol'c11nanoewas l:'lead and declarod passed j,ts f'jJ:'st readi1".g.
A.n OI'd.lnance creating Paving D1str>j.ct No.. 7, Ordinance No" 520
was again taken up':
la:o"Vedb~" HeYde the Ol'd:tnance be placed on its third. reading:
Oarx':ted on roll call ,BOCK lBrOadwell ,Hanna. ,HeYde ,Knickrel'Cffi ,:MeYel'~
ReslTll,{ssen and Vi,eregg vot::tng aYe~nay none:
The Ol'd1nance was r'ead and declared passed 1 ts third reading:
lv.roved bY Bl'Oactviell Hw ordinance 'tH3 placed on 1 ts final. passage:
Cm'J:'led on roll call ,BOCk ,BI'oadwell ,HannajHeYde~Krlickrehm,:MeYer,
Rasmussen and Vieregg voting aye~nay none:
The l\11$.YO:r Q,eclared the 0I'dihatiee :finally :Rassed and approved tlw
same III A:
'rhe City E:ng1neer PJ'6sented SPec:i;t'ications and Est1ma'te ot' the cost
o:t' constr'uction oi'sidewalKs as required at the last meeting 0:1' the
Oouncil and on motion of' Broadwel.l the S:Pecl:f1cat1ons and lUstj.maYtes were
adorrtocl and t116 Clerk instl'uetect tel advel'tise :for blcls :COl' t11e1r con...
Report o:c the secretary of'the LlbI'ary Board fOl' the past yearVVaS5
:.r'ead and p:1J)ced on :file..
Repox'ts of' the Police Judge, We1ghmasterand Cit~1' Olerk x'or May and
of th,ll'} D~1:posl tm:ry banks :fO!' May were .:r>eadend on motion o:C Broadwell
j;'e:f'fH'.Y'ecl to tIle Finance Cammi tteee
Mayor Ryan announced that he was about; to take a trip abroad and
v(oUld 1)(;) absent ;f'l'om tb.e 01t~l and state untl1 about the :f1rst of' Oct-
ober next'.
~~ AdjouJ?nedi
/~~~ City' 0161'1<:.
GraTItj, Island.~ NebrasKa, June 21 "1912"
The Oouncil met in specIal session ,President Broadwellpr*sslding,
in the ab8ence of' the MaY'OI' and all membel' S of' the 01 t~r Council
p;resent p;'U1"suant to the following Gall Wlllch was I'ead and rrade a part
of' the m1.nutes:
Gr and .Island. j Neb;r'2fSkH:, ,-Tune 20181912..
To the members of' th.e 01t~r Council t
G:r'and Islanrfj Nebl'!3 sl\a:
A special meeting oX'the 01 ty Ootmcil oi' the 01 ty of' Gx'and.
Island ~NeIJl'a81<a' 1s r.l.01'ebY called. f'o!' to-morrow mo.t'ning ~Tune 2:1. II 8.t
10 0 S clOCK ,A..M.. at t11e Oouncil Cl18Jnber' to consider the lease f'o!'
Water ltain with the U..P..R"I=t"Oo.. and to taKe such act:lon in ref'eJ?ence
1~11.el'eto as tl1eOouneil may tl'J.inl\ best and to do any other bus:1ness
the Coune:!.l may wish to consider and act upon..
Ge W" Broadwell ~Act 1ng Mayor'..
No't:l..ee of (:al1 aeceptecl
E"H~ Vjel~ogg
;:r 01111 1\:111c1O:' stun ~
Al bcr t HeYde
t.T ~]].. Hanna
Aug ~ 1:Jey el' ..
A P:tpe IJine .Agreement wi tl1 the Unj.on Pac1f':1c Ra'11I'oadOompanIlI'
giving the O:l.ty pel'mission to extend a Wa-ter main two i'eet :l.n d1ameter
.:f'romthe Water Madn :l.n Flue str.eet' a't a: pOl,nt 6 :feet SOUtll at' tIle
Water WOI'KB tracK $ so called>> to 6,c point west of' t11e Wa:tEfl> IX Li,ght
Plant l.:mild:tng and then t.o cross sa1d water WOJ:'l\.s ~l'racl\ and entel'
the g;pound:s of' ttle Clty west of said bUl1dlnB',was'PI.esented and :reael
and a:fter going over the ground and f'ul1y considering the same tI.l.e
CO,(l:rJ,c:j,l 'by a) unanimous vote lnstl'UGtcd tlw May'or to sign the same"
Report of' 01 ty DIeX'1\: of'
App!'opr1a,'tions 8ll1Cl Expenditures to J'lGy 21119121i
f3t_:l~eet 8 & ,t\~J,,:lE:;~lEj
HI:Jwer ;3
rrlC:td.t~n tal s
P~lI' J{ S
g,en Ell' aJ.. lPund
~,h 'lOa
'li~ 't- ~, .J
d~"ZD11' 99
'I' );1 't.~
39.35.. 22
~~ 24064 ~.51
13n1anc e
~~3.g 5,,, 01
248 ~ Ip+
- l,l35 " 22
~P<- +.:h \.
POI i C~'j'; Fund.
'Oemetery' Fund
Fil' e :Fund
Wa t er Fund
BUll(11ngs & Improvements
2~~88" 68
U-.._--~, ,..-~....
"~3//"Z "'0
P.) OO~7.. u
I,jgh t Funcl
Build.ings ,& Imp:rovemfmts
'''170.':: "0
~'1i I () () ~ I "
~~214.~ 20
$1119@ o<{
"1715" 70
201fJS.. 70
;rr:;-;:: , _w-';,._oc___.,
'Il/320-+3" 72 $12956.. 28
paving Fund
Paving B1st~~ Fund
~t3ll-8 4-
$lj.17l.j.~ 28
q~4.056(j 96
Sewer Slstr1cts NOS..26,27 & 28 ~lnds
Summar y
$150j 611t$88
$117.. .32
$119,277..30 $31t337..58
EeBPeet;fully' aU.hm1 t ted"
O:l t~r ~e;k...
Grand If.Haml,Nfioraska;fJ'l1ne 2111912.
a.rand !sland,NebraSka$tJU1Y 3!91912..
1']:10 Connell met in l"egular sess:Lo1'l$pres:ictent Broad:well pJ:'oaldjng
an(l mefLl!:.)f.)l'k1 Pl'(;;~H3n't at :r>o11 CHll..
Tt.e I1tnutc~3 ox' the meetJngs of' Juno 191! and 21111912 VitiI'e :eead
and app;povccl4>
.A commun:1ca t:Lon f'x'l:ilUl i'he ADS t:l.n West ern Co ~ L I tde g:LV1.ng PI'j.ce~j
01' 'lJl'OOlUB to be used on street sweeper was read and. on mot:l..on 0:('
HeYde the Olel"'1\: 'Was j..nstruc:t,ed .to oro.e1' a steel broom at a: PI-ice
of' $1.10,. 00 ~ F" o. :134 Cal'S f'aotor~r..
Tlls1pBteJ:' Oomln1ss1onel' asked fo:r~f'urtl1el' 1nstructj,.cm in !'eg81?d. to
placing a water eI~aJ:le on EddY st!'eet opposite thoC1u'ist;:i.3:1t1 OIlUJ?cl1
~;md. on 'lJlot;ton of Hanna: tJ"'J.8 act:toI1 0:1' '!;he Oounc111ocati.ng said crane
at t11at; place vms I'e-constcJ.ex'ed and. the C:r'i:tIl.e order'eel located on t,l'lG
li1ast ~1:l..cle o:e ]Jcld~l str'eet jur:!t, Hortl1 of the ,Alley NOJ:'t,h 0:1:' Thil'cl streeet..
W.II..Kearney macle complaint of' the rougJ:l condition of' West 8"'\ st.
and. was assux'ecl theft tIle samewoUlCi '!:J6 attencled to at once..
'rIle Finance Oomrni t tee p:.t'8sented est:[mHt(~ 0:[' 8:xanmsen :f'01~ the next
:Ciscal ~rEla!'as t'ollo'Wf:t:
EI{t:Lmate oJ' J1;xpenditur'es f'or tJ:le f':Lscal J/(;aro:C 1':912"
rro tb,e l:l:on01'acl)le :MttY'Ol~ and, O:tty' Counc:U ai' Gl'and lsland~Nebl'a~tka'i
GeT;. t 1 omen: .~,
Your Oommtt,tee on f'1nance report t11e :fol1owlng estimate of'
the :Cul1 expenses to (~onduct the arJ.'a11"s 0.1' 't11e O:t ty of' G.:r'andIs1andi
Nebl'~)~31(aji'Ol> the :C:tsca.l yearcommenc1ng on the B6cond Monc1a~r ;In AuguS.t
1.n 1
,~lf3 shown undex' th.Be[lpt:ton of t;l1e va:r1cms :func~s:
Bond. sand lIrter e f:lt ..
To p.a~r 1.u 1~ E')1~ e s t~ on
~ro nay' lntex'sst on
'To p.rl~' :i.n't oX' e s!~ on
11'0 I~:iJ;l(l :i.nterest on
':f10 pay p~1'1nG~lPal on
$.11 OJ 000.. refund.lng borK1S at 4' $.~4.~ LWO"
8~OOO" :r' ef'und1ng 'boncls e.t'~ Sf0 lmo$
35$ 000" Ligtrt .& Power Ilonds at 4i%
1'7 ~ OOGe IntcJ!' sectton P~iv1ng BondS
~t t~ r~, d.7) i')
~" .... ",
:COUl"' refunding bonds at $1000.. each
4,. o.o~~
"1'1 Q2C=;
1~' .1.. ~ '- <..'"
General Fund..
1;1,10 p~a~l the HalaJ;ttefl 01' City' O:C:fIDC(~rS
For' st1.'eet 8 and. AI1EJ'~l8, s1clewalJ<:s and. othel~ PU1.1poseslO~ 000..
PO!' f'lU8hj"ng sewers ~ extend:Lng maing ~etc..
2.~ 000..
For l:1.gbttng streets ~al1e~rs ami publd.c "bUjJ"ctings,
Fox' incidental expenses
]'or Ct111 e 01'" Pe-.l'!C
POlice Ft1ncL
~'O 1);;;;1:9' Hfl.1cu'l es ami j,nc:lden taleXP(imt3€ilS
:till!' B lfunCL.
To pay r:lala:r'les~ 1ue:1(lental expenses ~b.~ld1'[i.nt
rental anCi :foJ:' Suppl1
n''''''''! I')t}'l""v, ~)VDt'>"lqr,>q.
.... ..I. 4U, '" . l:..J.JU ~'do"l..,;,.~J' ....!,,\- l<,p \..~ ~ ~
Oem e t f::rI'Y }!'uml ~
To pa~' St~ILrt'lEJg~ jmprovomonts and ine:Ldental eXPEHlseslr,SOO
Id bJ:' f:?tl~Y Fund
'1'0 Pl::q{ salF,rie1i:J~ supplteH ~ :inc:ld,!'jntal eXPf,;lHSOS; etc..
Vi at e1' Jf'LJl1cl.
rr.:o 1'),;;;:\/ "''''1J' r-n'; ,71'''j .... ....e.pHti 'r>q .ext (.'~ns 'I. ons
"" .s: "" /ill ;..J~.J ~"'''''"_ ,h..Vf-., jlJ.. -..""v_,',..... i",. ~ ' ..I, ,""
~ nd t;. Q1 d 1 "" i ')"l~'
a '"~ "". v_\..... ,;;> $
and. :C'0:1' incidental eXpelH3f:H3 in oPier't\ t:t{]g Plant $
't J'~ _, .'
Ll,ght Fund $
r,I'.lo 1'.~:r.'\r (l~;ec1 ':P"'j <::',q '''pYlai:r'57l, (l)vt't,W1s10v;<o a'''l'd, afl(~.:ttiorl.S
- .,t-'V".iJ t.J(A.,..'i..~w4...~"~!'j,.",;&.&.. j.t.~.. _-,,,,,,,;A't-, l;;~,I..-li '. .".;J~, ~!
and. :1.' OJ:' :i.:nclctental expenses j.n opeI'ati.ng plant4
LIS ,000
:Pa vi ng JPJJnd '"
PO!' 'the p.r1vtng o:C atr net in't e1' see tj,qns aucl spaces
o~pposite alley openings lL~OOO
OoldJ.e:r ~ 8 Monument Fund..
For tlv.? oI'GGtion of' a ;301dle:r'~s monument
'dJ,'177.. ..5 ')h
~l I;)~ c.9 '"
All 01' wh:tcl1 is r'e8pectf'u.ll~l submit ted,
John Knickrelrm
Aug "Meyox'
Oormnj, t t eo on ]'tnanc e..
'rhe SeWfH' eormn:ttteElbrougl1t Upt:rI0 matte:!' o:t: lJ11P~t:td sewel'talC>
due tho fJe'hool Dj;stxi:tct
:('x'om ]],.. F~ sta:p:t' 'f0.:J:' newerpu t 1.n between
5!t & 6!~ stx"eet;g casto:f t:tH;) Howard, School andorl mot.1.on 01? Ifn:nm5i}
the mat; tor'waE~ ret'or.r'ecl to the Oity At .to!'ne~r to colleil:tt,.,
Qn .1I~oi~ton ot' Viol'egg 'bj.11 01' E..:Miner i'oX' Ilvel1hil'e l,n the surn o:t'
$21~ 2.5 1!\rtHJ allovrccl and tl1e Clel~:K instr'uctec'l. to present bill to the
U~:P..H..J~..OO..:f01' 1.10.,00 the:r'eo:t'..
Bi,lls were allowed as pe.:!:' 01aim Register list.
Pet;j~ t:ton of' ~ll11iam HehnKe (atal"toJ:' water' main j,n Loulse:Stl~eet
:CX'Olli Ad.ems to Ma:dls()u was read and'on motion ot' Viel'egg ret'erroll
to t;11e Oommit tee.
l)eti t1011 of :nrad'st:t"eet-Ol(;,mens Oompan~T t3t<3.1. "fOl" paYing :m~~,st Fom"'tl1
fHiJ?0et :t:l'om the W'esC side oi' PIUl1l street to the 8t"Pa:Ul t:raGk was,
react and on mot:ton of' Heycle "tlH;; petit:Jon was granted a:.n,d.,. the OJ:!. t~l
,A:ttoz'ney instrtwtect to proepal'C p,r'opel' O:;t>clinance earl'~ring out the
reQlH3s,t of tIle Pet:tt:Lon"
~:.tle Ol t~l Attol'ne'y Pll?esented an or'o.i,nance rats1,ng sala.1l:"im3 of' some
ot' the a:ppolntElI3s and on motion of' V'ieregg the same was r'ef'erred to
tJ;1e O!'d:tnance Oorlilllittee to 1~nvestigate and repo1'1p<iI
P.epOI"t o:f t;he Clel'lc a:ncl We:l.gllInast er o;{' collections f'or June
WC1"C read and on mot:lon 'of' V:1.e.J::'egg I'e:f'sI'red to the Finanee Oommittee..
RepoJ:,t 0:C t;J1.e Olt-)J;'k of' ApproP'x'j,a1;:!,ons.~and :F~xpend:ttures to -IJulJl 21!
1912 1N~U;1 x'ead am:l on motlon o:f UamHh :fl1ecL anCi rnadea par"t 01.' the
mlnu't es~ s,ee pagt3 162 11eroo.:t' fj
'Rep01'ts 01: Depos:1~ol"Y Banl<~1 wer'o l'EiaU and plDced on fj.le~
1;1J.e 01 t:v Eng:.l.neer' l'epoJ?tecl plans and estlmat{:\d :f()1~ tIle construc-
t:ton of ~.leWers in Sewe:!' D:lstr':1cts Nos" 29 and 30 and. OIl mot:1.,ol1 of'
Vie:r'egg the same were adopted and t;he 0181'1< instructed to advertiser
1'01' b:tds I'm' thai!>> GonstJ:,uct::tOIlG
The 01 ty' ]Dng:l.neel'pI'esEmted plans and. estimate 0:1' GO~;tt of"eatch":"
bas:tn to be put :in alle~' j,:n: Syeamc),r'e stroot between ]'our't,11 ~a!nd IPront,
SliKl on motloll at' EIsmna the ma t'te:.!:" 'Illas referI'od tattle Sewel' Oomrnit tet:J
with POW61:' to act.
'l''l:le GC!' €let Oommi t t eo r'epol'ted the la,y:Lng o:ff'ai' aJ.l b.el:p except
one man and teD.In untj,l t;r16 nexrc apPl'opl"biation :in ava:i.la'ble"
Watex' Oommj. tt,ee l'epOl,.ted 'baCk t.he claim 0:[' Leo :B.stuln' t'oJ:' ex-
eess:lve vrr:l.tex' rent x'ec:ommel'ldj.ng no action be taken and on motion of
BO.::;:l{ the l~epO!.t was adoPited..
'J}he J,JigJrt Oomm1tteerepcxr'1;edthat OWing to an advance j.n grlce.,ot'
poles ~J" I~" I,ohmer 00" 'toW!lOID contI'act was awaI'ded r'ef'1Jsed to comply
1t{iththeLt~ 'bid and tl1ey had aWal'@6cltlw contract to the next lowe:srC
b1ddeI'~WjH~Hal'rlfJon ana. on motion 01' 130C:!;; tIle act:ion of' tIle Oormnitt,ee
was app!'oved..
On motj.zm of' 'V1eregg the Cler}'.;:was instI'ucte(tto adYoJ:"c.1,se
b:lds;f'Ol' llppx'oximatelY' .3'00 tons PCilJ:' montl1 of' ste:am eoal to 'be used;
the enSUing ym~l'<il
^ On mot,ion ot' Vi,Gregg- the OlerK was instructed t,c; a(lve:r"~:tse !!tOl?
ajI'UIl1p of a capae1. t~t 01' at leaat 3"J)C~OOOgal1ons
sui 1~able:f()J? 'both dIDmest1c and ftr'6 uses.
On motion of Heyclo lIerrnan Nelson was grant;ed pormj,s81onto use
'" II;;; 'yr' )'1' ,1 'V. ~,.,-
J., &. '''''U . .L.I. '" LI
antI 1" :feet of Locust 13t,x'oet wll:l1e building~ he
to Keep the
tel'S clear and. t.o romo'vo all builcUng mater1-
re<l'fll::n3ted on three days notlc'~;.
A"'l j ("\'L': "~r' c,.,'l
u .I .~,...~"'"..
01 t'S''' 01er'K~
I 81 Etn(i s J\rel)}7f.~li:'{1{ [t. ~ ,~Jlll,~~r ]~ 7 U}, 91. 2 Ii<
r{'l! iJ C011ncJ1 met
aJ~ se~:),':3J():n ,'PlilfjS
t :r:31J()n,,(lvi(;]~J.. p!~e<c'~
~i :1(1
l t lIe Jill~'iYO:I' b etng a en t ,[1:'OJTl t
to, ]"
c~ G ;:..,;;, fi l~
'(t"1. e;J~c
t, e ~~.J
1 D. n "!:~ f:l e, f:~ t ll"1[{ Vi e:e e 1'i
EiJl c1 Ell) 1') I' () '\,T e (I Gi
A com,rnuntcf,~ t ton
onl tllC. O()rrrm.e,T~C't
C l:uJ)
n.pp:t'cc:l.at :!.c)n
C. c: .<;~
at t.
t.11 oJ' ~ruly Celcbr'ntton was l~
C)l'1 .In () t t ()l'l
,,!;~ C (~tlt;1<):(l r'.1?OlIl t:l1{~~ Sei:).1')eta:l~~r o~c tX1C (JOlTlIL'(~Jiej,~J.:l (;1,'U.1J (}n<.--
0;:3:1 orV3 :C':r'om the Ch.tef I1C2Jut;y JJ1tJ'C OOInm:tSgj,oner\lvas reac1 ancl
() 1'1 In () t~ ,t () rl
'" ..
\J' L1
comrrri.ttee; on OJ'(tinanc,es~
,At COiT~mtl CFJ t,1 on :f':!:'om
Wi.lC c;!' ,& J.Jigtrt Oomml s stoner was J'oacl
Hnti on lTwt~ lon at' vter
1:.; () 'to
Aurl:Lt tng Oomm.t I~J $
Wstel' Oommt ssj. on en:' in 1:'eg::.n~d t,otu:r'ning
tCH"w.'rH0I'C vmte:t~ rent hag not been pH:l.cl $was :t't'JDc:l
on rnotj.on
ncd;io:n 0:0 the Wf,ptcJ' 00lmntSEJ:toneI' Rust
I3 8
tho Oonst::euctlo.n
E;e1F!O.:r~a 1,11 IJtstlj1:t S ~~~;) lx 30 Vrr(1.r~t3
(:;nuiit and read and on mot'tcm o.:C
c;}~1'4elnll l~e~f~el?llre(j, tC) t
Sew' er
I] omELi t, 1;,;:;0 t O::JJ1'VGS t igat e and 1" cpo!' t .
.1'0::[' t
for t
Vfa t eJ~ /:.1:
J'l f.l~n: 1;
'iq e.:p () :P I.?'~:n
and read
fOl1OVtT.1Jlg naTil,f';Xl
t j., f5 ~'3 :
C]::LLC;;\.go T,umbcr OOffiP:srny I
,T $ H. Yo fj i~
O(XFroa:n~r O.l'ict
Coa1 0
oJ' Kn
e1111'1 t~110 t)~i.{lS Vt~::;.I.l'e' 14eJ~eJ)Y~(3(i t()
T~r q '1~. {.::'.i 'td
t~ t~ (-3 e t~ 0 tl1'V' f~n 't iri:a, t e a.J1cl 1? fjlJ()Ji 't to
jl!l}? .. 1\11.E1 ~3
fj,(l,-clJI- f) S s eel t 1! e~ 0
:t l:Ln r'
Cl (1
co to enable the burning
't C;jI) i~~ Is ~t [~ 11 t~.
J?l Ftr~ t
k111 the same;
l)'J{ Hanr18.
ma t t e1' lJ e
r~' e :1~'t e.t"l~ ect t () t
& Light Oommittee
th power to nct: 0
~Ha8mllElSen and V1el'egg,5,yottng aye,In'oa!.1Jl:Wel1 :::ulCl
! 2, vot,
r~a:Jr $
t~/ crvvnf~J:'S owntng a maj01.~:1. t~v o:C the .feet
ont abutting on
Pav'1ng J:)j.st;:clct NO.7 expl'C:3f3
In wrJ. ting thetr cleterm1na tion to
11BC:; Ilpt
131o(;l{sona Caner (j't e betH, :co:r I).!:liv1.ngsalcl
s'tJ'J.ct, arKl
00 "!.JJ.l:(;
as thEl mat; er:t.al to
on mo(~ton of Hthrclo sa:td d m:'n,tnatd.on\l1ms apPl'ovecl 1::>yttJ.e OJ,ty
;~ :t
~l{) 7
On mot Jon of Knicl,:reIJJTl the City' Coune:U der:rlgnatocl and
. J3.1cic:,}::s
upo:n ic}': o:n,
OOJ1C.XJ Ot~t1 t)arif~ as 1~
mateI'lal to tiC US
:D 1. s 't r 1 C~ t; T\TLl1.n [) f~]?' ~3 ~
On mot;lon of HeYde the C:i. ty EngineeI' wafl j.J'lstJ:'uctod to PI'()pal'e ~
"l-I~,n'\ ,;t >':::''-J' (.:'(' ,..I {"'I c.,,; 'J' ,~ nr' ,,;, "'(ld ," ':1 7'1' 1J'I'''1". ,,,," 1"'0'['
1.'- ..- 'C''...l..iI. !hJ' ~ ~.;!; .;:~ -,..I ",.1 .,l~ ,.j, J,. "',,-' I, .~. .,;J .il. 1"-.> .... & fl.) ';:;.!.".J. "'. t._l ...;'I \,~ '" ... JoCL ...... C~J~::t ..J..., ~"""
paVing o:c ,Pa\Ti
:0:1. s tr :1 Co t s
f1 "7 8:: 8 and t() have them l'eady':f'oI' presf:;n'Cat:l.on 'CO
C) O'!1/lc:tl :Momla.Y' m.o:.rnlng (Ju.ly ;;) 2 fl1912 a tI0 0' eloGk ll,l.. :M<I>
On ruotton of '\l1c;I'ogg trHJ Oi'ty 0101'K \I'1aS :inst:ructccJ. to fJclve:rt1.se
f01:' b.:I.cli3 :Cor ViTater Mains anel :fittings ac.corcUng to tl1t7 J'epor't oC
the w~rteI' OOlUIulttee nciOpted "Tune 511 191'~~$an1..1 alsofOJ' btcis 1'or la;V1:ng
S~jm.e "
:ton of Hsrnna the membel'S o:f' the Fire DepEtl't;ment on clu.ty Vi'f31"'O
gl'i:rnt;od H two weoks vaeatlon t,ho t.jJne
to be
bY' tJ.1C) 01Li.e:C..
~Jl t}r~ f~e.~€.r C,fl]~l
UP tihe matter of co11ec't:ton of Dog rr1axes b~r Mr>",A..
Brooks :7,nel on motj,on of' He~rd.e t116 J\itayoX' was j"nstl'uctC)(j to c:ontlnue
the e:nnJloyment of' Mr"BI'oot8 :C01' sa:t(1 PU:J:'pose,.
the at ten t jJ)Tt
(Jounc11 to need of' Got f5 in
mi'ttee on Pol
the O1'1te1' w:1.th po'\!reI' to act..
the ;jf:Ld,l and on mol;lon of' }IHYlnCt the lIla 01' 'liaS x'o:r:orI'e(l to the Oom~.
1311113 agajJ'lErij the ait~y VH:'il'(3 1100d. and. on motj,on
1\11.:1 ckl' eh1:\1 131<-
10"f{ecl$:COl' Ij,s't see "CJla:Un Heg1si;m'"
em mot:ton
IIeycle the Specl:ficat1ons he1"eto:Co:ro acl()p~ed :for
fJ tr~eet, eft? os> sj. B .\j\TeI~ e 1"
edto the COlmnittee t;o tnvest:igB,t,e and
r epo:r- t ~;vt an f;;ld~jol'i:r'nEKl meo'ljj,ng to be held ,:nll~r 22u1912 ~ 9 ~A..l\!r..
Pe ttt:i. o:n of l\iIr s~ H.. I-L Gl OY (n" :[":n~ Wa
:1n onW'es t Koenig 8tl"eet
f'l"om lv[onr'oe to H5U'l'isol'l street was rea,l uncl on mot;1on of J-Ieycle re-
rc~l to tho Water" OORJ1ll1t.tee..
Petttlon of'M8.l':1a> JL..Baumnnn etal..:fo:r Sewe:r' :from
'!i 0 :ILc1 {j, ~r
otx'f:;;ctEJ ]Ji3tv;een Nlntl1 & Tentl"l was read and on nw'I;:ton of Kn1c;k!'ohm
l' 0:1'er1' 1.';0 C01TlInj, tit eo"
Petj,titon of George J3arJtenb~'lGh etale foX' sewe:r' :Crom ,~Tacl<;:8on t;o
rrtl(len Gtro(}ts l)E;ltwoen Dtv:i..aJ.on & Koen1g streets waSJ:'oad emd. on
motion 0:[' Heyde reJ'erreci to the (jewel' Oammi t to
An inance" b03:1ng the Annual App:r' op:rj,atl on B:tll'fll8.s p.re8entedtNo$521~
M:oved by HeYde tl1at;tfle OX'ci:Lnancebe pHlc~e<1 oni ts fir I3t J:'eadlJJ.g~
Oar'l':leet on roll call ~BI'Oa(lwell ) Hanna ,Heyde ~KntckI'e11Jll, MeyeX' > Rasmus~-
3011 and vte:r'egg voting aye $ na;.f none .absentBock:
J~ -6 E~
111Jw Ox'(tlnance 1N8.fl l~ead and cleelaJ:'ed passeclit,s fil'Elt reading..
'b;! el'cgg thEft; the :rules lJe suspencled and thf\ OJ'(,1.1n,ance be
pIa on its secf)ml X'eacl:lng b~/' i'ts t;:ttle:
Oarl':1cdon 1"'011 'call ~BrOa(lwe11 ~Hanna s Heyd,e sKniGl\J:' ollm,lvlEnl'er sRrJlf31I1USSen j
and V:le.1"eg'g ~ vot:l.ngaye ,nr:1Y none ,absent Boc};; s
The Ordinance was read by its title and declared passed its second
J~ e ':Lr1L~ ~
M~ved bY Heyde that t
x'uI e B
su (mded anct the Ordinance
01'1 its thil'c'l. reeld:Lng':
C ed, on .I'olJ ca11 ~BX'oadwell ~Hanna ,HeYd,esK:nl
oI'egEs vot:Lng fl'Y'(~ sYlay none s~1tJsent\lL,a':1gg;
ohm s:Iv.'[eYCl:K' ,Hasmusscfn
Ttle OJ'd:iJ'lanCeWaEl 1:'6ac! anel cieclared passed its tbJJ':'\1 rC3HcUng"
:Movocl 1JyRasmussen tTlf:l.t~ tl:1/,";r OI'tiinanC8 be Placod on its :finf:\l PEl
Oarx":Lecl on roll e8.11 ~Bl'Oactwel1) Hanna ,HeYde',Kl11C'1\:x'cllrD. ,Meye:t' ~ Hasrnussen
c:1J'lcl V:l.e:r'cigg votjJlg ayo}nay none,aJJs{mt 13oe1<:
PJ:>esi(len1; l:lrOHciWl311ltlct1ng as M~lYOX' ~the M:ayox' belng out of the
stat e ~ (le(~l~i..red t,11e 01'cltnaYlce :finally passed amI ap:pJ'oveci the same"
. . -
,A.!'1 OJ:' d
e 1 (:)vying t a}{cs i'Ol~ ttte
~YE~O.:r VIta,s I)~'t.J eE:J erl't
MG'\/::lcl 1111' He~v(j,e tl1at tho OI'cllnfl.,nce be plaeed on i tf:3 f;tt'~3trem:Ung:
Oa1'1'10c1 on 1'011 c all ~Broad'lrell )}IB.nnf~~) HeYdo ,I{nj.GICrellnl :Me~re'~' s HaEilIlUSSen
arl(l 'V"ier'er;g i/o'tirig aye~na~r none,3.t:Jsent, BOGk~
The ord:l.nance vms l"(w.cl and declal'e<:l
:t t,s 1:':Ll"'st read.jng~
Moved bY Vier-egg that the rUleg 'be suspencied and the 01"(t1.1'1,a1'1C8 be
p1a (':m::ttd:1 second J'ead:lng bY its t:ttle:
OGJ'l':tecl on 1;011 Gall ~ Bl'oadwel1 , IIanna ~He~lde ~Kn1ck:r'el1m $Meyer ) Ha.smussen
and V:teret~g ~ voting aye ~l1ay none ,absent BOCk:
The o.t'(lj,nanee was ~('ead bY its t1 tIe and cleelared passed. its second
]:;' e :Ltlg_<t
Moved bY Heycte l that the rules be~lUSpi!mcled and the 0:1:"c11,!H\nee be placed
on its third reading;
Garl'iecl on l'0J..1 call) Broadwell) ,R'3.nna ~ HeYde. KnicKrehm ~MeYer ~Ra8mussen
Sl.ncl V:1.eregg voting aye,J'la:v ywne,absent; :DOCK;,
~elle O:r'd1nance wag J:>ead andcl.eelaJ'ed pl:-lssecl its tJ:l:i.t'dr'eactlng"
lW'\'J'ed by JleYd:e'that the Or.dlnance be placecl on
Oar'rtf3d on roll call.BroaclweJ..l,Hanna ,HeYde .Kn1i::::krerJ1l1 ~Me~Ye:r' , RaanIu.ssen
and \r:leregg V'ot:tng ayo$nay nOnt'il,al)Sent~ Bock;
PJ.'ssident :Broadwell,act:lng as Mayo!' ~ th.e Maym:' lJe1ng out of
d.eclarad the Ordinance :final1Y passed and flPp:r'oved.. the same$
An or'(J.lnanGe'JNO~:)23t0sta1:Jl:18'[1:Lng Pav:Lng Distl'j,ct No,.9 'W(;;lf:} pI'usentccl:
Ii) tl:1H t the QI'o.:lntinC e,
on tts f:i.J'i3t l~eG,(llng:
on I'
C;[111 J
(;;':. tKn:J.eKI'
e1' I
nrnl18 :3&311
\l () t,
t riEl :l 1'1 ~Jl1 (~ $ fl
(~t~; ~W'8S .J?
e(l l)[:l, fJ. ~3etl j, t s
st .'!~
:1 rlf~~ $
-1- .,i"
'.J b
C~ n '}) (; fElt181)
f:Lncl t
Or'd:Ln,aY'.lc~e b
'n 1~) eJ ()Jl ll:, ~j
its t:.ltl,c;:
() eI;J }'} ~i.
()Jl '';'J
1 ~ }I21Y1JJ_ft t
{:; ~
~ r~CtS1IlU_88"f.3rl
11()J'lf1 . ~ f~ (~fIl t
cc, Via.S Jll
1)'~/ its t:1tle
t'ts 8
8IIl1J8SCn1 't'tle0-'~~tlle~~ 0(3
'() (;
pIa on its third re 1ng:
C FtI~ 1'~ J.
on x'o11 CEllI j
~JFi.(~vvel1 ~ IJf3"rlJ1~1 ~
f~ ~ ,K.t1 i c;l\~X~
~ Jinfilntt8 SeJl
I::.~J:CO (:.:)g' g~ 'V () t j.. Yl,g'
2rltJ,~'( )]c!rt(3 ~ft t)Ylt
()I~ r1 f(l11 (~(} ill'B. ,3 !~
~1rl(1 d~
ed its thil~d re 1ng~
1) Y '\rt E:;.:[~
t lli:'i. t the 01' cJ
()1.1 1. t s :f t Ilti 1 I)g.S
C f)'~PIq::1 (1(1
'" ~
O~:'l(iVv ell~ :t
He;vi t:r t Kn icKY'
ft Xl cl
a,:{f.~ >>
Y1 ()fl e: ~ 6,1:) S (:)1'1 t
1, t
Mayor be
fJ t t e ~' (1 (:)
J_ ~r 1)8d3 S
8Blne ()
'E{ {:) :P ():r~ t
t Cf;3
\.J1J Xl f;j VV' D. . G 1'i e f1 (1 flll,Cl . () J1 Ill. () t :t () 11
()X1 I, {~; ~
(3n\1 on
'-..JJj 1
~~1!1eJ, 111. S J::i
a. t f1_1")
die to ~ix UP the
"." r\
t,fl \tVF1S fr,1"1'8.n~
t e(l t c~ pllr.
tho same..
t~f:{ t tirJ.1n ()1:
[3 (1 S 1) (; IYUJ? (~ lla s (:;; (1
'I; amI tt the pl'esenC 'team l'JO solct::Lofit on roll cal1~t}:tSinna;j
'\j() t~
aye >>Broa~v\fel1 p'frtJYd.e pKniekl"
i3rrru 8 ~3 (::;]1
'~l () t
t t tyJ.O Oomml t tee 1<)0J( UP on(:; good llllfl!,so
Oommt'ttee on
priliperty was instruct
n ".,1 "'.'1 ,-t{(~' B,'" l~) '(:.~,:J..,"i".
"""l"j" \p" ",_ J
at tl1elr meeting on t
.and1 tctk:e up
rnr:l't t C;Ji<
'C)" ") n' '1 ,"\--1- 'no '.';' D l' '*';0 1. "
(.;t i'J\.'....,,4,,~,[ -.." ~J:o. ,'. Ii; ",J,. .;&
Kn1 (>;kl'
;jOUl'YH3d to lvTonda;y Mo.r'ILlng .July' 22" 1912 ft
o 1..~ J a:t orl{.~
,.:L U ~
S..}: B. ~
y 22!f1912>>10,A.M~
tfCU:ll'l t, t ()
tj O'LLl~ rrt11 {J 11 t J
pI' es1,dlng
Iri. t
~J. t) 8C}Xl(~ '8
\...,.~ .1.
:f:r~ () 111 t
E~ta:.-tt~ ~
(;1~18 r~];?C8t3Jlty- '~lt
:r 1
B_1~,1 es
.". ~
<f.. 4-
u ",(
S 1V("JS
J~ C)
())J EnC) t, j. (IIi
VV'f1}j a.c
s :1. c~- 't;
'~i[~~l t: J}X' (5801"11;
1) ;:.:;
~'; c
():n :L t s
s t, 3? ('; [1 d, 1 J1{~~ :
() ~Jl:l";\ 1
!J I-h~il1-n.F1_ il
(~ ~
Tl J.. (; I"
n,()r.~fJ ;
e' Wf3.S J?
})rl S S f}(] j,.'L J3
d tJ I~ e
'V" i fj J~ (:~ [1' [~~
E{"Ll S
j~ t S. S(jC;
j.ts t:i'tler:
a Ell? ,:p J.
o:n .1:,) 011
1( ) I~ra ()E{(l~NGl, 1. }) II(111rtcl_ f, }IE;"~Id(~ ~ I{Tl:1
el11H I
;:3 in '~~X ;:~
V'i (;1~
'\NHB 1:'
1)~,r :tts t.i
j" t~ S }j()
1:-" Cj
8.n111 s ~3 e; 1'1 t t.t [1 {j
f;S "tjC1 E~'lLS
anti t
(Jl1 t t; f:;.
5.Tl{S :
C eI~:r~ t
() Xl :L~ () J.o J..
() ::) rJv\T e 1 J_ ~
He~rd e i
r;.:a,i:::~,lL'L) C'l i()r~ E111Cl
fl~r f;. ~
()J~~ c1
'IJV' Ei S I'll
all (1 O. (}
~p D~ SS
i 1; s t l11.rd. I'
I"1FtBl111JS 8 orl
t t
O.r~ c1
ft C {:~c1 OTt J t~ c,::
G f:l.:e 1" :t t:; (t () r1 J?
i Bl'ODctw
l:; ~
'}? n s rnl1 :~3 fJ ~a rr.
$ Xl, f:l'~f 1"1 cn'1 ~j :
1, ~ EJ (~'t~ trLg 2~ s
;::! en t, f:r' om
S flTi'l t3 .
l( E~Itf ~. e
t er.(~
C)ti:K fjtr eet~
'V:1. s
~ '~
et 1~()
t,()J1 J1,.ve:n1J.8 WIn.S
ClXl JJlC) 't 1. ()1:\
OomIIl:i. t.tc:G.,
t e;'r~
(: J! ep (Xt~ t, 1'~
enI :t
I.;tlI111)eI~ 0 ()ILlJJE'ttry
Goal for t
l[vatc{J:' 8: IJ:lgl1t Plant
:c (xrJ t..
C1Xl mot;:t on
t VTe~s
()rl ~~;(:t-
tf'tt{] fJe:vlcI;; C ttee r ortE~(i. x"
t l1t~ 8, (~C ~':'~
t, Island Oo:ntI'Hc'l; Company
(:onstr'uction 0:[" Sewer's
Dts :Lets 29 and 30 a:ncl on mo'tton ot: V:te2~egg tIle :repol't: vras
t~~t ()Vlrt{;J~g :t~E)prC;SC;rltJ.!"1g" n, l)()!..tJ,,{):n.
]J 1. S tX7t 't ~N~() Q
t.::E3 t!
use of Bj_1.~u.m1nous Gonc!' e
''{lC~J.ne:]:l.t a,c~,~
~'>'f ,_""'y';r;, ,:/f
'lj '",''';. '.1",
(~~J t, :1-. ()Y1 S
tIl::t 8 (;I,~)Hg
(;()1'1 S
En,X!) C)2'l t
}{(3 iJ()I,tl t.:1. ()l'1. 'fjJ'fJ 8 })!J E) 8 ell t eel
(~ ~~)_ t
~o,e f;,Yl ~p.r;; f; S 0:11 t eel t;,
J~': (:'S t :l 't :1 () 1'1 ~j
'b~r -t/"PJ;'1 ()llS
(~1~ t, ~r ()V:J ri: (~1~ s l'# c~ q 1I (3: f':; t-
<9 i
.k. '-:'-"i
~;f 0 (:r!. C::l:i e t f:~ 1')8. "\1' f31Tl€;~rl t ~1i
.Pfjt ttC):tl 18
(}:t~ :i
C)'VV- rl ("'J:r f3
t:. t~
efQ tl :I'
.~, ':-, :C'f;
o cnJ.r\c~ ~L], t)
~":' S~:l
:t t :1. on
~'" 6~J
,,) 1.,.1
!~ ()
..J;, .,*',
L, Q.::
a8 t
:f ():'t~ t
(1 el' S
1 Tl l..'i{';; :1.. t J, ()11
Jl 1,7' ,-flt' 1. ~~:: w
+- '''fT "'t'\
>.0' \; ~ 'J...J-&
RB> :p~
t j, () 11 (~ n.1~ J~ :.1
f':~$ ~ J'1-..1" ~:t ~ cJ~: J Bll: 0 f:1 d 'Vtr () J.l ~
:t C']{I~
SIITU. tj S (;J1
,nay' none, tIll:: Mayo!' deelar'c;d tb.e
T):eeS(;;Tl'tccl SP
[d~:ions f"Ol'
S '1~"xi :1
',,_,,-J '"
:t () tl
e r
ttee to investigate
():f? t at Ftll
,July ?Lf
8 I'~llI$
YI'~.C;' t t (':1''\, <J:C
t Cl tJtl ]~~l
U]~9]~2~E1 PG
O:i t:y 0],
GJ~ f:iIl(l
is s:.)'ul J(
II] ::;' r:1 'p 'H
_.' <v_, O!; ~L ;;>\.l.V,I.~,
a ()u.r~c~ J..:1
P11t' Efuant to "H1
l?~rs - e - f5 e,~ I1. tIn? 0 ~1 (I-vIr
J. :t],1 t
_ e:nD'4;
(j CJ:lt,y
C~C~:J.? 1)r~f3se)rlted. 3})e(~
c a, t J ()}l,E$
t OB
.. '<<1
,'~ l.y ~:;r
el7JS Sia'\f'"()J1 aYlcl
t~ f).ri~j, t
S f{]Tl ff
(; r~o
::1rlcl ()11
,'~ ,; '/" \.
",. ,j. '3;;
CI~ E11.[3() Pl')(JSe'1'11;
C.[-:\. 't~ tons
;::1 :1
s r:r:n () 'Vv' el~ e :r e Ei_ (I
Vi f~l is
1 a ~l Jk -8 B,ec~(),r(l:lrlg t~J ~~.rJf)
~;?J t- X) tl C, t
::K ~)
t, .1'
tf~~; ~trl
)'" 'i ~:"f 4>> 1"<\i
I.), ".,,,~) t&,,J,
t~ s
f~~2; ~
1~ 8: ;~~ 'Df:.j,
t, tor)
e City
tt()O ~[(3.S
ctecl t()
t f:n~l 13~ 1
t ta)~ t
to t.
'\/ (~~ a
']. ~r'~; 11
1- Vf,- "L_..:ii
ri31~ i;:~f~}eY; t r,le
f3:C ():C
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Grand IslandJ Nebraska ,August 7111912.
~I'he Caunetl met in. regular session ~Presldent Broadwell presj.ding
and all members present at roll call.
r211e minutes of' meetings of' JUlY 17 ~22!1 & 21pl 1912 were read and
up P1' aT! eel.
Oomnu.mieatton :from the Sec-Treas.of the American League of' M.\micj.-
paLl. t:l.es in ;r'et"erence to annual meeting at Buf:falo was read and on
motJo.n o:f Hanna P1aCe(1 on file.
Oommlmlca-tlon from Ross Investment Do.asking :C01' the closing o.:C an
a.iLley in Koehler Plaee Acldltion was read and on motion of Heyde re:fer-
y'ed to the stx'eet & Alley Cammi t tee to investigate and repor t..
Oommuntcatton :fJ:'0111 property owners in PaVing District No., 9 aSking
that s8.id D1Btrict be pa-ved with a "l"'ive inoh concrete base with 9.;!
bi tum:tnous or DOl1arway top", was receivec! and on motion of Vier egg
re:f'erred to tIle street & Alley 001iUn1 t teea
Riels of' Will tam Sche:f'i'el ,Ea H. Baker $ Prince & Walker and Oharles .Fe
Hennlngs)for putting in street & Alley crossings were read and on motion
of' Heycle ref'errecl to the street & Alley Oornm1ttee to investigate and
r e po:!:> t ..
Bid8 f'oI' ~~[atel" main extensions of the following named parties wer'e
op,ened and read:
Grand If Hand Pltunb1ng Oompany) Granc'l Island t Nebraska,
Grand Island Oontract OompanY,Grand lslandJNebraska,
Wil1ll'.unKel1y and CompanJr,
Grand Island ~ Nebraska ~
The KU<horn Oonstruction Oompany ,JJ"Temont, Nebraska ~
TJn:1.ted states SUpply Oompany,
U.S.Oast Iron Pipe a Foundry OO$Ohlcago,Ill1no1s~
toT.:6. ClOW & Son,
Kansas OitY~M1ssour1$
.Amer::l.ean Cast Iron Pipe CompanY,Kansas Oity ,MIss0Ul'i,
On motion of Hanna) the bids weT'e rS.ferred to the Water Oommittee
to invt:3stlgate and l"eport.
BIds ;for' :f'1.1rn1sh1ng pump of' 3,500,000 ga,110n capacity of tIle follOW-
ing namecl parties 'were opened and read:
E.~j.MeI'kle &: OOmpany, Kansas Oit~tJ:M1ssour1~
Reeves & Skinner :Machj.nery Co.. II
The n~cl.dlaw.p,r)unn-G'o;r.dOn OO:n1PS,!lY $
..IU1:t s--Ohalmer s Company,
~n,'j'i,~~~~,::::~}~~nQ~::::.:~n~aQ. and on motion of Vleregg referred to the
fJ:'he Oommt t tee on Ptl1~chasing and AUd:'i ting Olaims made repo.t'tas
:e()J~l()WS :
Grancl Island ~ Neb. Aug .7r,19l2
fro the Honora<ble Mayor' and 01 ty Oouncil
Gen tl emf:l!1:
A p,l'opoSl tlon was mad,e to purchase an old mower ot' the 01 ty fox' the
sum o,f etght ,dollars and on matton o:f V1eregg the matter was referl'ed
to the street Oommittee with power to act~
Oomrnj, t i;'ee on Wat er :repol' t ed ver'ballY on the peti tion :fox' extens:ton
at' Water Mains on West Koenig street recommending that no actj.on be
tnJeen anl1 on the potion tor Water Mains on south Oak street the Com~
ml ttee asKecl for :f'1J!'ther time and on mot;1on of' Vieregg the repox't was
On motion 0:1' Vieregg the Fire Committee was ::tnstructe(l to purchase a'
nevI Nozzzle..
BrO/.3.clwell oa11e(1 attention to deep d:itc:h at the ROllins Block and
on motion of V1eregg the matter was rererred to the street Oomm1ttee_
The Ordinance Oommi ttee reported a new Occupation tax Or'dlnance and
on motion o:f HeYde the same was laid over until an a(ijoul~ned meeting on
August 12"1912$10,A*M*
Br'oaclwel1 repol't ed that tlle Nebraska Telephone Oompany had asked
permission to tr:i.ffi t'h.8 trees on the west line o:f. the Cemeter:y- ami on
mot ton of' Heyde the matter was rei'el'.recl to the Commi t tee with powsx' to
BoCk &. Heyde calledattent10n of' the Oouncil to the trees 1n the
grove at the Oemetery being in *11 bad s11ape and man~r o.f them dieing..
On motion of V1eregg each member 01' t116 Police ,fares was allowed.
two weeks vacation at times to be arranged by the Ohler.
on motion of V1eregg each Patrolman was allowed the sum or Five
Dollar's :Cor extra service perf'o:r:'med out oi' the regUlar t.1me of their
duty and warrants were ordered drawn in favor of each of them in said
sum of f'i ve dOllar~n
Broadwell c:alled attentj.on to cond1.t1on at the Place where the
sewer runs into Wood River and on motion of Heyde the matter was
re:f'erred to the Sewer Commit/tee and the Oity ,Attorney w1t;h power' to a~;t*
Bl11f:l agalnst the 01 ty were read and on mot'ion of' Hanna, alllowed>>
for :U.st see Olaim Register.
Reports of the Clerk and Weighmaster for JUlY were read and placed~
on :file and reports 01" Depository Banks :for July were also read and
On motion of' HeYde the Council adjourned to Monday morning .August
J.'f,:L,1912 at 10 O'clock.
Gram! ISlancljNebraska)AugUst, 12111912)10,A..M.
The Oouncil met Pllrsuant to adjoUrnment I President Broadwell pres:td-
ing in the absenne of' the la-ayor from the stateranct all members p,!.esfmt
at roll call.
Bj,ds for Paving paving Distr'icts Nos.. 7 & 8 twere opened and reaa: ot'
the following named pm'ties:
Hast:tngs, Nebraska~
Gl'and Island I Nebrasl{a l
Oedar Rap:lds t, Iowa,
Omal:la', N e bra 81<:8 ,
Grand Island l Nebraska I
t.TacKson &: MCKenzie>> Omaha INebraska.~
On motj.on of Vleregg tb.e bids were ref'erred to tIle City Oouncil as a
o onn:nH; tee o:c the whole to lnvestiga tie and report baCk to the 01 ty Ooun-
The street & Alley Committee macle report as :follows:
liTo the Hon.M:ayoI. &: 01 ty Council ~
Grand Island~Nebraska:
E.R. Vieregge
On motj.on of' Heyde the !.eport was adopted and contract aVtTaT'ded accordi-
nglY ~
Bills against tJ:H.'l 01 tJr were read and on motion of' V1eregg allowed,
f'or list see Claim Register.
On motion of' :Hanna the Council adjour-ned to to-morx'ow morni,ne: I
August 13"1912 ~at
Grand Island I Nebraska ,August 13"1912,9 ,.A$M*
The Oouncil met pursuant to adjournment ,president Broadwell presid-
lng and all members present at roll call"
as folloW8:-! HeYd.e and Knickrell1n voted aYe I 130ek ~Broadwe11,Hanna'IMeyer
Rasmussen and Vi Gregg voted. nay,.
The several bidS were ,Uscl1ssed b~l tbe Oouncilmen and Oitizens
present vlhEU?EmpOn Hanna. moved a reconsideratJon of the rejeotion of'
},/l!'aHeYdeis motlc>1l,and 'by viva VOce vote the motion carrj.ed*
].'Ioved by V1e.regg all bids lIFe rejec:ted,carried..
~,1:Oved bY Nanna; tl1at tb.e Plans and spec1.fications be allowed to stand
as at present and t1'lat each bidder be asked to :fU:rnj.sll at least 20
1)1'1c1\ 'blocks as samples with 'bids to be reeelvecl fuat!lmJ1l,car,:rled on
roll cal,l ,.Bock ~BrOa(lWell, Hanna"Meyer "Kntckrerlffi, :Rasmussen and Vier egg
votlng aY'e~ He~rde voted nay. HeYde explained. his vote as :Callows:
he said tbat the re,fusal of' the Couneil to strike out th.e f'o11owing
elause j.n the sPf.7cif'tcat1ons !l! An~r briCk that has not been 8uecess:f1.1l1W:
used on o t;. lJ ex' pavements will be I'ejecte(i.. II ,eliminated competition..
Moved by Vier egg t1'1at the Clerk be tnstrueted to advertise :for
bids :1'01: paN'ing and curbing in Pa-vlng Di.stricts Seven and Eight ~carrled..
Moved by HeYde trJat th.e time :fOl" r'ecelvlng bids be up to 9 o'clOCk
.A..M..ot' MondaY,August 26"1912'tcar:r1ed,_
Prj,or to the rejectlon of' all bids as above sta.ted~some o.f tJ:le
property oVmel'S :tn Paving Districts 7 & 8 :filed peti ttons with the
Counc:.11 asklrlg them t.o accept the lowest bid i'OI' the respective dls-
tl' i ct fL,
On motj.on of, Vieregg the fallowing clause was ordered inse!'ted in
the p$v:i.ng specd:Cicatlons :for Districts '7 &: 8:
II t1111e OontJ"actor shall begin h1s work at such Places and, at 8u.ch a
t:Une as designated by the street and Alley Committee. "
Report o:f CH ty Olerk of
ApPI'opriat tons a,nd Expendi tures to end of' Fiscal year
August, 12"1912..
G,eneral Fund,
Expended Balance
streets & Alleys
PB1'k s
$ 4-3 00
$3914~99 $385~Ol
7246.4l -2~6.4-1
1973.19 26.81
7006.80 -6.80
4-04-6.87 -546.87
, _~L9ldg_.,.,.,.,_,JL~,~~Q..,.
~~24681. 66 -381.66
Police Fund
$8299.34 $800.66
Oameter:r Fund
-95" 155
Fire Fund
$10614-~Q1 $585.99
Wa t e1'" Fund
Bu:Lld,:lngs & Improvements
$21~6',4-. 24-
I,1g11 t Fund
Buildings & Improvements
MeJ'clland 1 s e
--_'-J!;'?3J. .P.?" .3.}_.,.,",..
~~6136. 2)+
P~v1ng Fuml
PaVing D1striet NO_ 6 Fund.
$88. .32
Sewer Dj.s tl'1cts Nos. 26,27 & 28 Funds
$417It.. 28:
$4056.96 $117.32
Summar ~r
$150) 611+. 88
$133~ 771.02 $16,81t3.86
ReSP8ctrullY submitted
01 ty Olerk
G.rand Island,NebraSka,August 16u191Z:a
Q.rand Island ,Nebraska ) Augus t 21 ih 1912..
The Oouncil met in regular sess:ion ,presicient Broadwell presiding
and all members present except Vieregga
Th.e minutes of t.he meetings of A1Jgust 7$1 12" & 1311 1912 were
read and approved.
On motj.on of f[e~lc..te the 01 ty Engineer was clirected. to have the
Rattler repaj,red so as to be ready to test brick blocks Monday
mo:r'ning August 26111912..
Tl1e Stl'eot &. Alle~r Oommi t tee made report as follows:
1'0 the Hon .lifayor &. OJ, ty COl.mciJ. l
Grand IsJ.and lNebras}~a:
Your ~treet & alley Gomm1ttee have to report that they
Ilave hrvestlgated the petition of Ross Investment Co.for the
vacat:Lon of the alley at the rea!' of' BlOCk One of' Koehler Place
and recormnend. that the request be not granted.
Respect:['1.111:l SUbmitted.
Albert Heyde
G. VI. Br'oadwell
On motion (if He~rcte the report was adoptud.
'l'he street Commi ttee rcpgr:t,ed on the petition of' property
. rh..t,,'A.
owners tn paving distr1cy NOa~):for the nseot' a ":['j,ve inch.
concrete tHlse with a 'bituminous or dollarwatl toP!' that said pe-
t1tion was signed bY a majori ty of' tIle f'eot :f'ronti.ng on said
distl':ict and recorDmcnded that the request o:C said peti tioners
be grnnted and ~aid district ordered paved wi th the mater-fal
so l?eQUested. On motj.on oi' HeYde tIle report was adopted 011
r'o11 e&ll.BoCktHanna,HeYde,Knickrehm and lvfeyel' voting aye;
Broaclwel1 anti Rasmussen voting nay.
On mot~::Lon of' HeYde the 01 ty Engineer was j.nstrtlctecl to prepare
plans ~spec1.f':i.cat1ons and eEt1matE} 1'01' th.e paVing of paVing District;
Numh e1' Ni 11 e e
On mot:lon 01' Knickrehm the City Engineer was instr'ucted to report
on said s1Je(;i:Cicat1ons~est1mate~etc. on Monday Morning August 26"1912
at 91.A.aMa
011 motion of' Heycie the city ClerlC was tnstructed to noti:ry ]';1l'..
E.H..B8.1({3J:' the contractor putting in sidewalk a1"'ound the South 2/3
of Lot !land the East 8 f'oet ot'lot 6 in BloCk 67 at' the Original Town,
now Oity,of' Grand Island ,Nebraska ,to put said walk to grade.
On motion ot' Hanna th.e Engineers and Firemen at the Water & Light
Plant were each gT'anted a two weeks vacation.
The Cemetery Comm:lttee reported having had the trees at the Ceme-
t er:y' pl'operlY cared :for.
Moved bY Rasmussen tl1at in all cases wh.ere J .A.M'i tchell, who
has contract to remove dead animals,:fal1s to do so, that the expense
of removing them be charged to him and deducted ~om his contract
price. Carried.
On motion of Hanna the Chie:f of pOlice was j.nstr'ucted to ent'orce
the ordinance forbidding ricUng at' bic-y-c1es on the siciewa1k.
Sewer Corruni t tee macie verbal report on petition of propert.y
owners for sewer through Blocks 13,14 & 15:; of' Oharles Wasmer' s Addi-
tiO:t.1 On motion of HeYde no action was taken on said peti tion.
On motion ot' HeYde the Clerk was instructed to notit'y the st.
t.Toseuh and Grand Island Railroad Company to repair their crossings
across Koenig & Second streets.
On mot ton o:f Bock the American Beet SUgar Company was requested
to clean the drainage ditch on the same terms as on preVious Jl'ears.
Bills were read. and on motion o:f BoCk allowed,f'or list see
Claim l'egister.
Bill of' eJohn H. Hein for repayment of' money paid the second time
~or a cemetery lot was read and on motion of' Bock allowed and an order
ord.el~ed drawn on tIle Oemetery :f'und to repay him.
On motion 0;[' Heyde the Bill of Charles F.Hennings :for putting
in sidewalks was re:ferred to the street Committee.
Petition of' RUdolph Reher for the extension of' the streets in
Pleasant Hill Addition to connect with streets in the Loan Addition
was r fled and on motion ot' Heyde ref'erred to the st:r'eet Committee.
Petition of' W.W.Lewis etal.i'or lights along the street running
to the Brand Island COllege and the S.& B.Home was read and on motion
of' Knickrehln re:ferrcd to the Light Oommi t.tee.
The C1tJr Engineer reported estj,mate t'or construction of' sewer
in sewer District NO.31 and on motion o:f l~Yde the same was adopted
and the Clerk instructed to advertise :for bidS :for its construction.
Report of Police Judge and Clerk were read and filed.
Adjourned to Mon4a~
Mor~~..t 26"1912,9,A.M.
~~~C1tY Clerk
Grand Island ,Nebrask$,Aut,"Ust 26"1912,9 ,A.M.
The Oounc11 met pursuant to adjOUrnment ,pres1dent Broadwell pre-
s1dlflR' and 2tll member s p:e:esen t on roll call.
Oommi ttee reported as :follows:
Granc! Island ,Nebr. Aug. 26/12
Hon.Mayor & Oity Oouncil,
We,your committee on Fire,L1ght & Water ,to whom was re-
- --,.,
:Cetted, the btds for pipe.fittings and labor 1'01' laying water mains
beg leave to recommend that the contract :for piRe and :fittings be
awarded to Wm.Kelly & co. and the contract 1'01" laying the same as
per advertisement to the G.I.Oontract 00.
RespectfUllY SUbmitted.
t,T .E.Hanna
t,Tohn Kn1ckrehm
On motion of Kn1ckrehm the report was adopted.
A communication from property owners in paving Dlstl~ict No.9 des-
ignatj.ng Briel< BlocKs on a concrete base 1'01' Paving said District
vms read and on motion of' Rasmussen plaeed on :rile.
On motion of Hanna
the llight Oommj.ssioner wf!s instructed to pur-
chase 01' the NebraSka Telephone Oompany such poles, in Place, as can
be usecl and can be Pill'Chased at R'reasonable .figure.
The Oommi ttee on \1ater aSKed Instrll.ctlons o:f the OO1Jncil as to
visiting Mason City ,Iowa; to see an Allis-Ohalrr.ers PUlnp in operation
at t,hat place and on motion of MeYer the Oommittee and the Water Oomm-
iss10ner Were instructed to
mal<e salld visit.
Bids .for paving Paving Districts Seven and Eight o.f the fallowing
named parties were read:
Ford P~Vlng Oompany,
Grand Island ,NebrasKa ,
9mana,Nebr.& Oedar Rapids,Ia.,
Grand Island,Nebraska,
William KellY & Co.
Prince & WalKer
Abel &. Robert,s
Omaha, Nebraska, anci
Llncoln I Nebraska,.
On motion of Knlekl'ehm t'tle bias were rei'erred to the Oouncil as a
Oommittee of the whole.
On motion of HeYde a recess was taken until 3< 0 t clOCl{ P.M.
At 5-30 P.M. the council again ~ssemb1ed.
Movee! b~r Vleregg that the bid of William Kelly & Company ;for
paving and curbing Paving Districts Seven and Eight be accepted anci
t,llFt cont:raets for same be awarded to them at the price of' $1.9l1t
per s~uare yard for paving and 29 cents per lineal foot for curbing
in the .respect! ve Districts. Carried on roll calli Bock ,Broadwell,
Hanna l Knickrehm,Meyer, Rasmussen and Vieregg voting aye J He~'de
vote(t nay~and the Mayor de~lared the Contracts awarded accordinglY.
On motion of' Vieregg the bond of' William Kelly & Co. covering
their contracts for pav1n~ districts seven and eight
to be in the sum of #5000 in each case.
On mot ion o.f Vier egg tIle Oi ty Olel'k was instructed to retw-n the
1s required
C!le(~K~ oJ: all un-success1'yul bidders in paving districts seven and
On motion ot' Hanna the Grand Island Oontract OompanY was required
to ;furnish bond in the sum o:f #1000 covex'1ng their contract :('01" laying
and taking up water mains,etc.
Moved by Heyde that na brick
shall be allowed to be unloaded
from the cars f'or paving d.1strlcts seven and eight unti~ the Sarrie
have been tested by the Oommittee and the 0ity Engineer. --0l1",'"",~/
_.~..;.~_:,-~-'..o-,-__c~,*-_~~~.............-:.~;...._.:.~~.~:"~~...c..__.>_.._,....:-"...-"'___-<.."--"..,_>.~,~~_...~___...._;.~"'_,_"'___"~.-;.O._._~~_~~_ ~_~.....".~_._<__.~_._ ._~_,_~~.-c.....~, '
Grand Island ,Nebraska .September lpt19l2.
The Council met in regUlar session,Pres1dent Broaclwell presiding
and all members present at roll call.
~J.1'he minutAs of' the TIWAtJngs of' AUR"ust 21" & 26" 1912 were read
and 9.PT)roveda.
Bids f'o1' the construetlon 0:1' sewer in Distr'ict NO.31 were open-
Cd RPd r.o::'F1(i: b~r t.b~" fn} 'I Of,Vol 'riP" '(Hlm(~d Dart 1 8R;
Grand, Island Plm;J:hing OOIUDany antI
Grand Island Contract Oompany,
On mot:1on of' Kn:l.cKrehm the bidS were referred to the Sewer Oommtttee.
The Sewer Oommittee reported :finding the bid of t110 Grand Islanet P1umb-
lng OO:fljHlny to be the lowest and 'best bid and on motion of BOGle the
rr)PQPt'fl8.S adopted and the Oontract awarded to t:he (Jrand Island P1umb-
ing Company f'or the construction of sew",r tllt'OUR'h District NO.31 i'or
t ]'1 e t (> t ~,'11 Hum o:f . $; 5 73" 40.
On motion 01' HeYde peti tion heretoi'ore referred, to the street
Commi tt ee :for opening streets :from Pleasant~l::.tto Loan IS Adcl1 tion
was referred to the Oity Attorney.
HeYde reported that Geer & Harrison wanted permission to place
platf'orm scales 1n the street adjacent to their Lumber yard on Oak
Stl~eet and on motion of' HeYde the request was granted an(l the at t~r
Attorney instructed to prepare pJ>oper lease at a; rental of' one
dollar per year.
The street, COffiFit'ttee re]rorted verbally that tt18 Viailks put in
()y Mr.Ollarles :F\Hennlngs under h1:8 contract 'fll1th the City on the
south s1lie of' Fourth st:reet a10M the North side of' Lot Two in
Block 37 of' the Original Town~owned bY BOUqUette,and on the East
slae o:C G1"oenWiCrl Avenue along Lot 7:' in Block 117 of' Ra1lroad Adct-
1tlon,owned by Kerr, had been accepted by the Committee and recom-
mended the acceptance by the Counctl. On motion of HeYde the report
was adopted and a warrant ordered drawn in the sum o~ $102 to pay
for said s1clewalks.,
Heycle reporteel the I,ocust street Brj.dge tn bad cond1tj>on and on
motion of' Bock the street OowJuittee was instructccl to have the same
put in gooci condi tion at once.
The Lj,ght Oommittee reportfld light extensions wanted on East
and West 13" ,1l.J.'t & 1511 streets,lead1ng :Crom Pine street ancl on mot-
ion of V1eregg the matter was referred to the Light COIT~1ttee with
power to act..
Tr16 Water Oommittee mane report as follows:
Grand ISland~Neb.sept.4, 1912.
To the President and Council,
we,your Oo~nittee on F1re,Light and Water to whom the bids for
purchanlng a pump was rei'errect beg leave to sUbmit t11e following re-
port: We have examined all bids and find. t.he btd ot: E. J .Merkle (~ co.
the lowest best bid and we recommend the contract be awarded to the
t.1 .E. Hanna
G. W. Broadwell
~T ob.n Kn i ckX' eOO
Vieregg filed minority report as fallows:
Hon.:Mayor & C1 ty Council,
sept. 4/12
Grand Island,Nebr.
Gentlemen: In regard to bids on pumps I beg to report;that in my
est1.matton the bid. of the Allis-Chalmers 1s the best biCb and reCOn1-
mend that they be awarded the contract for the same.
In comparing the various bids a gl'eat number of important di:f'-
forences will be round.
To begin with the steam necessary to drive the pump according
to bid of the Plat t Iron WorkS will be I5D pounds which is more
tlwn will be Obtained to dr1 ve tl'i6 rest 01' the electric ma:ehinel'lY
at the Draper rate of speed while the AlliS-Chalmers pump reQU1roes
only 125, Ibs.
This 1s only one of the important parts relative to the opera-
tion or these pumps and the rest will be presented to your Honorable
RespectfUllY submitted..
Emil H. Vieregge
Viel'egg moved trle adoption of' the minority report; No second.
Hanna moved the adopt:ton 0.1' the majorl ty report: motion carried by
the following vote on 1"011 call,Bock,Broadwell,Hann~,HeYde,J(nickrehm,
and Rasmussen,6,voted awe,Vieregg voted nay, Meyer aSked to be ex-
cused :from voting.
on motion o:f' Hanna the Olerk was instruct. ed to return the cheCks
of un-successfUl bidders.
The Bond Committee reported ~1nding the Bond and Oontract of' the
Grend Island Oontract Oo.)covering their proposition for laying and
taking UP watfJr ma'1ns, to be in proper :corm and the surety sufficient
an,l on motion of Rasmussen the report was adopteel and the bond approvec4
The Bond ComIni ttee repartee! the pond and contract 01' William
Sche:f.1'el .1or' laying street CI'osstngs to be in proper form and the
surety su.rf'1cient and on motion of Rasmussen the report was adopted
the bond approved.
Meyer brought up the matter of' the petition of George Bartenbach
etal. :f'o:t' sewer through BlockS 13~11+ & 1.5, or Wasmer' s Addi tion and
moved a reconsideration of the action taken at the last meeting,
"that no action be taken'J motion carried.
On motion of M:e~rer' the peti tion was again x'ei'erred to the Sewex'
Cormnittee,in conjunction with the Oity Attorney.
Petition 01 Toney Balletto etal. for Lighting Sixth street rrom
the Howard Sehoal Building to the Burlington Depot was read and on
mot:l. on of' Bock x'ef'erred to the I1J.gh t COITIIui t t ee.
Pet1tton of' Gus.E.Neunan nj\t'or the grading of' JJinc.oln Ayeim8
north or the U.P. right of' WSY
Was read and on motion o:f KnicK-
rehm referred to the Committee.
Bill s were read and on motion 01' KnicKrelm allowed.
Reports ot' the City Clerk and Weighmaster :for AU~lSt we~e read and
re~erred to the Finance Oommittee.
Reports o~ Depository Banks were road and. placed on :file.
The City Engineer reported the sewer in sewer District No.30 had
been completed according to contract and on motion at' Hanna the same
was accepted and Wednesday september 18"1912 between the hours of
SeYon O'clock and Eight O'cloCk P.M. ,:fixed upon as the time :for sit-
ting as a Board of Equalization ,i'or the purpose ot' EqUaliz;ing and
Assessing the expense,' of' constructing said sewer and laving a tax
to pay f'or the same.
The Oity Engineer brought UP the matter of' mating a drain aD..ong
tIle nort'h side of' East Fourth street East of' the at. Paul track to
tal<e ca.!'e of the drainage :from PaVing District NO.9,and on motton of
Heyde the matter was ref'erned to the street Oonmlittee and the Oity
Grand ISland,Nebraska,September 11"1912.
The Council met in specia~ sess1on,President Broadwell p~esiding
present,BoCk,Hanna,HeYde,KniCkrehm,Meyer,& Rasmussen,absent Vieregg,
pursuant to the l'ollowing call which wa$ read and made a part of the
Grand ISland,Nebraska,Sept.lou1912.
To the Members of the City Council
Grand Island,Nebraska
A special meeting of the City Oouncil of the Oity of Grand
ISland ,NebraSka , is herebY called at the Oounci1 Ohamber in the Oity
Hail for to-morrow WednesdaY,September 1"1912 at the hour of 9-30
A.M. for the purpose of accepting and adoPting the specifications
for Paving District NO.9 of said C1 ty and advertising for bids f'or
same and for the purpose of taking UP and acting upon any other
matter or business wh1ch the Oouncil may wish to consider.
G.W . Broadwell ~Mayor.
The Oity Engineer presented specifications and estimate of paving
District NO.9 and the same were read by the Olerk.
On motion or Hanna the said Speci:f'ications were amended to provide
that gravel must pass over a l/B inch mesh.
on motion of' Rasmussen said Specit'ications were changed to pro-
vide the proportions ot' sand and gravel shall be one part cement,
two parts sand and three parts gravel :1.nstead of' two parts sane and
four parts gravel and that all reference to broKen stone be stricken
from Specifications.
On motion or BOCk the word Dollarway was striCken trom the
Specif'ications and in lieu thereof & provision for Bitumen that
shall contain at least 70 per cent ot' refined Asphalt inserted.
On motion of He~de the Specifications were changed by p~ov1ding
that tIle Oement mixture shall be watered and tamped the same as is
provided in Specifications for Pa~ing Districts 7 & 8.
and estimates
on motion of Rasmussen the Specifications ^ as amenaed were
accepted and adopted and the Olerk instructed to adVertise for bids
:for paving District No. 9-, the same to be received by 9-3.0 A.M..of
September 23"1912.
on, motion of' Harma the Water Oommi t tee was instructed to have
for bUild1ng for new pump prepared. Adjourned
_~~~~-?5r'~ e~
Grand Island .1'1ebraS1<a,september 18"191&
The Council met as a board of' J!jqua11zation at 70'clOclC P.M.Pres-
ident Broadwell presiding and aJ.l members Present at roll call
i'or the purpose ot' Equalizing and Assessing the Benei'its accrueing to
the r6al estate errillraced in Sewer District No.30 by reason of the
Construction of a sewer through said District and levying a tax to
pay the expense or said Oonstruction; The Oouncil remained in session
until g o'clock P.M. and no person appearing to ObJect to or protest
against the p~oposed assessment and leVY of tax to pay the same
'i ~
presented tile fOllowing Resolution and
moved its adoption;
Be it resolved bY the Mayor and Oi ty Oouncil of the C1 ty of' Grand
Island ,Nebraska)si tting as a Board of EqUalization for said purpose.
after due notice given as provided by Law:: That we do t'ind the total
expense ot' the construction ot' a sewer in Sewer District NO.30 to be
the sum o~ Four hundred fifty two 20/100 Dollars (#~52.20) and we dO
tind the total benefits accrueing to the real estate in said District
by reason Of said Construction to be the sum of $452.20 and we dO
;further find that the benefits accruelng to the respective tracts
ot' real estate in said District by reason ot: the construction of said
is uniform as to the foot :frontage abutting on said alley and that
the benefits accrueing to the respective tracts is as set :forth oppo-
site the several descriptions thereot' as :follOWS:
Lot One in Block Fourteen ot' ROllins'J..ddlt1on the sum of
Lot Two in BloCk Fourteen ot' ROllins'Addition the sum of
Lot Three Block Fourteen of Rollins'Addition the sum of
Lot Four in Block Fourteen ot' Rollins'Addition the sum of
..... Lot Five in Block Fourteen of Rollins'Addition the sum of
Lot SiX in Block Fourteen ot' ROllins'Addition the sum of
Lot Seven Block Fourteen of Rollins'Addition the sum of
Lot Eight Block Fourteen of ROllins'Addition the sum of
Lot Nine in Block Fourteen ot' Rollins'Addition the sum of
Lot Ten in BloCk Fourteen ot' Rollins'Addition tbe sum of
4, . 22
45. 22
Resolution adopted on roll call all voting aye.
Whereupon the minutes were read and approved~~nd the Oouncil then
~~::-If.v~/ ~
AdjOUrned. OitY~rk.
Grand I81and~NebrasKa,Septcmbor 18"1912.
The Oouncil met in regular session,president Broadwell presid-
ing and all members present at roll call.
Tl1.e minutes of' the meetings of' September 4" & 11ft 1912 were read
and approved.
A communication rrom E.J.Merkle & 00. aSKing i'or return or Oerti-
fied. checK presented with bid was read and on motion of Hanna trle
Clerk was instructed to return the check.
On motion o:f HeYde} William Kel1~r & Co. were instructed to commence
with Paving District No.8 :first.
The Bond Oommittee reported finding the Bond. o:r William KellY & 00.
covering tlleir contl'acts .for paving Paving Districts 7 & 8 in proper
f'orm and the Burety su:r:ricient and recommended its approval and on
motion of Rasmussen the report Was adoptect and the Bond approved.
Vleregg reported that several of' the Oouncilmen wi th the Eng;1neer
of the a.B.& Q.Railroad Co.had been looking eVer possibilities for fl,
storm seWer in the south part of town and a:Cter some discussion en
motion of Heyde the 01 t~r Engineer was tnstructed to prepare Plans,
specifications and an estimate :for storm sewer in south part of' town.
On motion of Rasmussen the matter of putting In another catch
basin at the corner of Fourth and Vine streets was referred to the
Commi t tee and. the Engineer with power to act.
V1eregg called attentlon to;t:innge done at the mouth of the
sewel~ and the same was lef't to the COlnmlttee.
Bills against the ai ty were read and on motion of Hanna allowed,
:Cor list see Claim Register.
Ordinance NO.526 levying a special sewer tax to pay I'or the
construc:t1on at' a sewer in Sewer District No.30 Was presented:
lffoved by Vleregg that the Ordinance be placed on its first read-
oarried on roll call aill members being present and voting a~;ee;
The Ordinance was read and declared passed its f:l.r st l~eading.
)"i~oved by V1eregg that the rules be suspended and the OrdJnance
be placed on its second reading by its title;
Oarried on roll call all members being present ycted aye;
The Ordinance was read by its title and declared passed its second
Moved by Heyde that the I'ules be suspended and the ordinance be
placed on its third reading:
Oarried on roll call all members being present voting aye:
The Ordinance was read and declared passed its third reacting.
Moved by V1eregg that the Ordinance be Placed on its final passage;
Carried on Roll call all mambers being present and voting aye:
Tl'18 acting Mayor dselared the Ordinance finally passed and ap-
proved the same..
Ells against Sewer District No.30 were read and on motion of' Bock
allowed;for list see Olaim Register.
Reoprt of the pOlice t.,Tudge fOI' August was read and on motion of
Rasmussen referred to the Finance Oommittee.
Repor t of Deposi tory Bank was react and on motion of' Rasmussen
placed on f'ile.
A cornmunica tion fDDm Oi t~. Engineer Kibbey in re:fer ence to water
courses in t'l'JEl paving district was read and on motion Of Kniekrehm
referred to the Committee with power to act.
On motion of' Knickl'ehm the street Cornmlttee was instructed to
investigate and l'eport sidewalks fo!' cond.ernnation.
Ad.jOlU'ned to Monday Sept.23111912,9,A.M.
city Olerk.
Grand Island,NebrasKa ,Sept. 231t1912) 9 ,A.M.
The Council met pursuant to adjOurnment ,president Broadwell pre-
siding and all members present at roll call.
Bids or W.S.King or Omaha Nebraska and Midwest Engineering oo.or
Omaha ,Nebraska ,for paving PaVing District NO.9 were opened and
!10ved bY Hanna that in-as-much as the bid or W.S.King 1s the
lowest and best bid that the Oontract be awarded to him to pave paVing
Distriet No.9 according to trle specifications for the sum of $1.45'
per square yard or paVing and thirty cents per lineal foot rOD all
curbing put in, and that he be required to enter into Oontract and
give a bond in the sum of #5Doo.oo,motlon carried on roll ca11,a11
members being present voted aye.
On motion or Hanna the Olerk was instructed to return the check
of the un-succeSSfUl bidder.
Moved by Heyde that Henry Mehlert be employed as Inspector of
paVing Districts 7 & 8 during .construction at
$2.50 per day, Oarried.
Moved by Rasmussen that another catch. basin be placed at the
a compensation of
intersection of Fourth and Vine streets at once, Oarried.
Moved bY Vieregg that catch basins be placed on Fourth street ,one
at Pine and one a~ Sycamore street: Carri~d:
On motion of HeYde the Chief' or Police was instructed to strictlY
enforce the ordinance against placing manure in the alleys.
On motion of Vier egg the prayer of George Bartenbach etal for
sewer through BloCkS 13,1~ & 15 or Oharles Wasmer's Addition was
An ordinance,No.527, creating Sewer District NO.32,embracing
BloCks 13,1~ & 15 in Oharles Wasmerts Addition was presented:
Moved by Vieregg that the Ordinance be placed on its rirst reading:
Carried on roll ca11,811 members being pwesent voted aye:
The Ordinance was read: and declared passed its first reading.
Moved bY HeYde that the rules be suspended and the Ordinance be
placed on its second reading bY its title:
Carried on roll call,all members being present ~oted aye:
The ordinance was read bY 1 ts title and declared paszied its second
J..._._.~".___~~'~_'~."",-,",---,_.~'-""~~.~~..;',~,....._.",'..~'_ ."""._ ~ _.'~._.:.c.'-'-'__~~~_'_"-__'_'-'_"_~__ "-:-_
Moved by Heyde that the rules be suspended and the Ordinance be
placed on its third reading:
Carried on rOll call,811 members being present voted aye:
The ordinance was read and declared passed its Third reading.
Moved by Vleregg that the Ordinance be placed on its ~1nal passage:
Carried on roll ~ll ,all members being present voted aye:
The Mayor declared the Ordinance f'inallY passed and approved the
. .....
Hanna reported that the trouble at the mouth of' the sewer was being
r emedi ed.
on. motion of' Heyde the Oomm1 t tee on C1 ty property was 1nstructed
to have the walls of' the 01ty Hall BUilding repaired at once.
on motion of' Rasmussen the 01 ty Property Coromi ttee was ins.bructed
to have the Emergency Hoslltital repaired.
on motion of' Hanna the Oity Property Oommittee was instructed to
ascertain what the East ~ of' Lot 7 in Block 66 adjoining the Oity
1~11 BUilding could be purchased for.
On motion of Hanna the Oouncil ad.lourned.
01 ty Olerk.
Grand ISland,NebrasKa,September ~1"l912,8,P:M.
The Council met in special session,president Broadwell presiding and
all nembers present ,pursuant to the following call which was read and
made a part of the minutes:
Grand Island,Nebraska,Sept.27"1912.
To the Mell1bers of' the Oit~r Oouncil,
Grand Island,Nebraska.
A I=lpecial meeting ot' the Oi ty Oouncil of the Oi ty of' Grand
Island,NebraSlCa 1s hereby called for this evening at the Oounci~
Ohamber at 8 o'Clock,for the purpose of approving the bond of W.8.
King,contractor of PaVing District No.9 and f'or the purpose of taking
UP and acting upon any other matteI' or business that the Oouncil
Ir'ay wish to consicler.
G.W.Broadwell, Acting Mayor.
The Bond Committee reported :finding tlU3 Bond at' W.8.K1.ng,Covering
his con tract :for PJlving paVing District No.9, to be in proper f'orm and
the surety sufficient and on motion of Rasmusson the report was adopted,
and the Bond approved.
On motion of Rasmussen the Olerk was instructed to notifY Boquette
to Place grate or door over his area way at NO.2iJlEast Third street.
On motion of Heyde the Chief' of pOlice was instructed to notifY
ttJe Contr'actor putting in the new front at the Cleary BUilding to
clean up the sidewalK wi thin three da~1 s.
lQ'>.Black asKed permission to move his buiihding into the street
while building and on motion 4>l!e request was granted.
Pet1 tion of' o. R. Niemann ,C. H.Menck and 11l"8. Anne NeUbert f'or water
main on JJouisa street from Madison to Morwoe was read and on motion of
Vleregg referred to the Water Oommittee with power to ~ct.
om mot ion of' Knickrehm the Oouncil at:JjjOUrned.
/~4/ ,
~ /r:4~~~/(
otty OlerK.
....<....-. .~ -~..~.,-~_..---.,~~...--.'~'--'- ~.->'~~-~-~-
--- .._.._....~~.,~~,,--.~-~
Grand Island,Nebraska,October 3"1912.
The Council met in regular session ,His HanOI' ~ the Mayor presiding
and all members present at 1"011 call.
The minutes o:f meetings of' September 18"~23" & 27" 1912 were
r eael and approved.
The water & Light Commissioner presented the following communi-
cation which was read:
Grand Island,Neb.October 1"1912,.
To t.he Honorable MaYOr ami 01 ty OounciiL
of the City o:f Grand Island~Nebraska~
)(.. I herewith submit to you :for your consideraticn ,estimate
and sKetch for ornamental post lighting for the business section o:f
Grand Island, Posts all to be spaced equal distances apa!'t~excePt
w}'lere the alley prevents tl1is :form o:f construction.
The sketch will show where lights are placed and method
of wiring,. One course ot' briCk is to be taken UP next to the curb
line and in the street where it is necessary to cross same,cables
laid j.n ttlis space and the space :filled UP wi th concrete ,level with
the briCk. Acld1.ng to ,or taking :from a few of these posts will not
materiallY change the cost per post,.
The cost o:f the system :for one hundred thirty three
posts, including all labor and material,complete readY to light
Respectfully SUbmitted..
J.. H.Miller ,W,. & L.. Oom.
HeartilY endorsed bY the Commercial OlUb. A.M. Oonnors ,SeeY..
on motion of Heyde the COIT&unicatlon Was ref'erred to the Com-
mercial Club for their consideration with advice that the 01 ty
Will :furnish the electric current for the s~rstem and keep it in
repair 1:f the citizens or property owners will stand the expense
of its installation.
HeYde reported that three cars of brick :for paving District
No..8 had arrived and were being tested,.
Knickrehm reported that builders were to COlumence the repairs
to the walls of the Oity Hall Building at once.
Hanna reported Plans,specifications and estimate for the build-
ing o:f addition to the Water & Light Plant Building to house the
new pump and on his motion the same were adopted and the Olerk
instructed to adver tise 1'01" bidS .for same to be rece1 ved bY 5) 0 I clOCk
P~~iI.of' October l61tl912~
Hanna reported the Sewer at its mouth had been properly re-
paired and was now in satisfactory condition~
Vieregg reported that the LiederKranz society woUld want a show
license before the next meeting and sUggested the possibility of
getting it for the balance of the MU.nicipal year Without the pay-
. ment of an annuaIl. fee.. On motion of BOCk the Olerk was instructed
to issue the License for the balance of the MUniclpa'l year' at one
half the annual fee.
Bills were read and on motion of }Ianna al10Vled, for list see
the Olaim Register..
An OrcUnance levying an Occupation Tax on Ped.dlars was pre-
s en t eel:
:Moved by Bock that the Ordinance be Placed on its :first reading:
Oarried on 1"011 cal1,a11 members being present ~oted aye.
The OX'dinance was read and declared passed its first reading..
Report of the Treasurer for August Was read and on motion of
KnicKrehm Placed on fils..
The Oity Engineer presented est1mate,etc.for' Sewer D1str'1ct No..
32 and on mot1on ot' Vier egg the same was adopt ed and the OlerK
instructed to adVertise for bidS for same.
The report of the Weighmaster for September was read and on mo-
tion of Broadwell referred to the Finance Committee.
Report ot' the Clerk o~ Collections for September was read and
on motion of' Broadwell referred to the Finance Oommittee.
Reports of Depos1tor~r BanKS were read and on motion 0;(' Vieregg
referrecl to the Finance Committee..
Oit}T Olerk.
Grand ISlaJld, Hebr'aSl\a, October 16 "1912.
~Phe Council met in regular session~H1s Honor, the Mayor ,presicUng,
present ,BOCk ,Broadwell,Hanna,Knlckrel1m,Rasmussen and Vlererg,a:bsent I
HeYde and Mey.er.
The minutes of tlle last meeting I Oct. 2" 1912,were Y'oad and appro-
v eO. .
Specli'lcatlons :for a Soldiers & Sailors Monument were presented
and on TJotion of' BI'oaciwell referred to the Oi ty proPcl.ty Commi t tee
and the 01 t~r Engineer.
Mrs. H. C.1fl11e.l' ~ and several other ladies were present on behalf'
o:f the Viomans Pm'k ASsociat1on,ancllIiIr'S.:Miller,acl<l1>eSSed the Council
in regarc! to their assisting in placing Electrolier lights at each
CoY'ner of pioneer Pal'}<: On motion o:C Broac.twel1 the matter was ref'er-
r cd to tile Park Comni t te e.
Mr.Hennings called attention to Ilis unpaid 13111 for putting in
slclewalks acr'oss the J3~& M.R. R.grounds ,and was advised that his bill
WOul,.l be allowed under the proper head.
~W.Renin~ brought up the matter of a division line between his
property ami that 01' :M.r.Stebblns ane1 was advised that the matter was
not w:tthin. the juriSdiction of the City Council to settle.
Rids of the Grand Island Contract Company and the Grand Island
Plumbing company :ror' putting in sew-ex' through SeWer JJistrict NO.32
were opened and I'cad and on Illotion 0:[' Vleregg reforro(l to the Sewer
ComJr1itt(:~e: The Sewer Committee reported bacK :finding th.e bi~ o:f the
Grand Islaml Plumbing Oompany to be the lowest and best bid and rec-
ommencti.ng that the contract be awardee! to them and on motion Of 13r08c1-
well the report was adopted and contract awarded accor'dingl~,r.
Y BidS of Charles E. V{alKer ,~Tens Rasmussen and Kenna & Kenna 1:'01'
building addition to the Water & Light Plant building to accommodate
the new pump,wer'e opened and read and on motion of' lIanna~ referred to
the Water Committee to 1nvestigate and report: The Committee reported
baCK :fincUng the bid Of Kenna & Kenna to be the lowest ancl best bid
and recommending that the contract be awarded: to them : On motion of
KnickI'ehm the report was aCiopted an(i contracted awar'ded to Kenna, &
Kenna to build said addition according to plans and speclf'jc:atlons
:for the sum 01' ~n275.oo,trwy to complete the work within six Weeks,
8.:nd. to furnish a goad and SUfficient bond in the sum of' $.5JOO.OO.
Rasmussen called attention to the rlood or water likely to accu-
mUlate at the intersection of' Vine & Fourth streets after tl18 paving
is in anel on his motion the matter was ret'er:p,ed to tIle street Oommittee.
The at tentlon of the Council was again called to trw Area Way ot'
Boquett on east Third. street Which at a preVious meeting was order-
ed COYerecl and on motion of Vieregg the mat tel' was re:rerr'ed to the
street Committee.
Bills against the city were read and. on motion or Broadwell all-
owed ,:fOl' list see claim register.
The PedcUint Orcl1nance Was again presented and BOck moved that
the same be placed on its second reading:
Motion lost on 1'011 call) BOCk ,Broadwell and Vlel'egg voting aye)
and Hanna,Kn1clCrehm and Rasmussen voted nay,absent HeYde ancl Meyer'.
The Report o~ the Police JUdge was read and re~erred to the
Finance Commlttee.
Repor ts of' Depository Danks were read and on motion ot :Broad-
well placed on file.
.aP~:;;:/~~c ~
",7'y c L'-c7b;1
Oity erk.
errand Island ,Nebraska )October 25 "1912)3 ,P.M.
Tlw Council met In speclal session ~ his Honor, th.e Mayor pI'osid1.ng
and 00l:mc11men HocK ,Hanna ,Knickrehm ,Meyer ,Rasmussen ami Vier egg I present I
pur SlJant t.o the :f'ollnwing call. wtlich was read 8.1"c1 Inacle a part of the
"Call foY' special meeting of Cj. ty council, ai' Gr~:nd ISJ.nnd,
To tIle Memllf<rs of the 01 ty ocmnciJ. ,of'
G-l'and Island I NebrasKa.
A Speci.al meeting of the 01 ty Council ,of G.rand Island) NelJI'9Ska,
1s [leJ'(')bY called to meet at tIW Cj.t~' Hall :Ln satel Oity ,on ]'J'idD~r,
Octo11er 25tll,1912 at tlrr'(),:;: o'cloCk P.JJ. ,to (;onsictm' trle matteI' of bu11-
ding n fcn.:mcw.tion fOl' the new PUInp and eng:tne at the water works and
to let t.he contract ttier-CrOl', anci :for suell otl1e:r' purposes anel 1:Jusj.ness
as may come before. saiei I:leetlng. Datec1 October ?5tl1,19l2.
Ohas. G. Hyan ,MayOl'. II
Movod. by Hanna that contract be ente)~ed into wIth Kenna &. Kenna
to put in cem.ent foundatlon for t.he new pump :for the sum of 30 cents
pel' cutdc foot to be paid on est1.mates a.~3 the work progresses ,as PCI'
drawings flnd specJ,f':i.c8 ttons.
081.'J:'ted er. .1'011 call ,BOCK ,Hanna ,Knlckrehm ,Meyor ,Rasmussen and Vie-
rei:::C vottng aye ,nay norfe ,absent Broadwell and HeYde.
The Bonel C0JT11ui t tee repol' teclftncUne; the Bond of Kenna & Kenna i'oX'
putting up aclcUticn to watex' works building to be in proper .forn and
the surety su.fficient ancl on motion of Rasmussen the report was adopted
and tl1e Bond approvec1~
Bradstreet & Olemens asked permission to place Plati'orm scaJ.es in
East Fourth strfletJ opposi te their place of business and on motion of'
Rasmussen the request was granted , they to pay an annual rental of one
dollar per ~real' and to remove the same upon 30 days not1cec amI to give
a bond guarantee:tng ttmt In case of removal of the Scales the space will
be paved to COl'J'flSp :nd W1t1:1 the rest of the str'eot paving.
GI'flncl Islancl > Nebraslca. ,November 6"1912.
The Cmmc:tl met in rogular sef3s1on~]Us Honor,tlw Ma.Y01:.,Pres:l.c:iing
and a11 member s proseI'. t eX\::(~Dt Vi~I'egg.
rrrle T!1.~:'l~tos of' mJ~ettng:; of Octobe:;:> 16" & 25" !1912 were react a.rl<1
A COlnn1micatlon :from (T.W.J3isllOPlsrleSFJanl Was reacl eml')Odying several
proI}o:31 t:1.ons for put U.ng in iron fence at tl1e Cemetery ancl on motion
of Kn:LG;~rehm trle same was refcrl'ccl to the. Cemeter~r Comnt t te,e.
.A communieation ,from the Deput;).r FJre
Con,m1['~s:loner was react and
on not ion of Br'08.ClweJ 1 the recornmencla t tons t,1'1eJ'ein expr essed were
conC'ltl're0. J11. nncl to be em-riecl out as fsr as nc,ss:tble and tIle COIrHTnl1.-
n1catjcm placed onftle..
IJn motion o~2 Hf)~r(te b:111 of Vfjlliam KellY & 00. for' paving interseG~
ti.on~3 :tn Dtstrict No.8 was allowed in trle stUG o:f ~~1~680.oo.
on mot J on of He~rde the 01 ty At tCY'neY Was tnstructed to not1.i'Y t:tw
UnJ.Ol1 paciftc Ra11ro8.cl COIn.canY to put in a 12 1no11 culvert under their
road Rt its intersection with Vine street.
em mot ton of' Knickl:,ehln the Water Commt ttee was instruct,ed to PU1'-
chase t be naceR sa:r~r f1 t t ings for the new pump.
Rill s aga:lnst the 01 t~:yr were reed nr~d on motion of Hanna l\11owe(1
for' 1 i f-3t see t.he Claire Reglatr;r.
Pet:ttton 0:1' Olyrle V.ITUl'Y ;['01' exten~ion of Water :M:a1ns in. West (Tohn
street :crom IJefferson to Madison was read and on motion of' Broaclwoll
referred to the \lI1n.tFJr Oommlttne.
RF.lPor't 0.1' t
We1.gbmaster :('01' October was read a.nd placed on file.
J~0port S oJ' Deposi tory Banks wer'f~ rf.iacl and pJacocl on :rtle..
The J.\irayoJ> appointed Heetor AlexanclOl' a Fireman I to :rn.l a vacancy,
and on motion of Broaclwel1 tihe appointment was CC'1Lfirll1ed.
Movecl t)~r He~lcle that when we adjourn it bo to meet on Wednesday
evening November 13"1912 at 8 O'C10Cl<,P.lvf. Carr'leci.
The OJ. t~,r :E:ngj.neer reported that tl1e sewer in sewer District NO..'31
was completed as p:cn contract and on rnotton of' Br'OHclwel1 the OOlUlCl1
set Weclnesday November 20"1912, between ttt8 hours of 7 0 I CloCk and 8
o'cloel<: P.M. as the t1me .for sitt::1.r.g as a BOfU'cl 0:(' Equalization to
Equali7,e end A8S0fJS the bonof1 ts accrueing to the real e8ta iJe in said
D:1 str i ci; l)S rea son of' the Con struct Jon of said sewer' anel the ClerK was,
:lnstrtl cted to g1 ve publ i.c not ice of said meetj.ng.
Ad;jOUrnect ~ ,/ _;;/' .~..~
~/'{:' City Clerk.
Grand ISland, Nebraska ,Noverrtber 13"1912.
r.rhe Oounc:Ll met pursuant to acijOUrnment ,His Honor, t'ho Mayor
PI' esidlng ami all mem.ber s present except Heycte.
Communication :from the Secretary of' the Nebraska League of Munie-
lpal.:Lt:1.f~8 W8.S read inviting the Council to send a representative to
meet at a conf'orence to be hole! in Ltncoln on November 20" 1912.
Oorlmlttee presented estlrflate and spoCi:ficatlons for repairs neected
at tl1e J;Jlillergenc~ Hospital amI they were read and on motion o:f Vieregg
rol'e>rEhl bacl<: to the Oommi ttee to revise and complete and to advertise
i'o1' rJlds :for same.
Hasr:1Ussen sutgested painting names of' streets on the curbing 1n
the paved sections and on motion o:f Knickrehm the matter was re:ferred
to the street OOInmi ttee to investigate and report.
BroElllweJ.l presented tIle :fol1ow1ng resolution and moved its adoption:
f/T/HH':lreas the paving in PaVing District Number Eigllt of' tl1e 01 ty
of G.rancl Island ~Ne(n)aSka, is nearly completecl ami ,
VfherOHB t,-ne Oity o:f Grand Islancl will issue District paVing Bonets
to pay J'OJ? the paving and curbing ,exeept the inter'sections in sale1
/ 'rl1eJ'e:forc,Be It Resolved: that the City Olerk be,ancl OilS is hereb~r
tnstr'y::tccl to aci'rertise f'or the period of' 6 days for ()1e18 :for 54-
District paving Boncls of' $500 each in the SllIn o:f 'I'wenty Seven Thousand
D011ar8,more or less,to be received at 11is of'i'ice up to 8 o'cloCk,P.M.
of' tllG 20ft clay o:f November A.D.19l2. Sa1cl Bonds s11a, 1 1 be elated as
0;[' the I" (la~l of DeCerrlCJO!',1912, ami slw.ll bear interest, at tl1e rate ot'
seven per centum ,payable annually, clue in ten ~Tears :from cta te of' issue
and rrvable at any t tme at the opt :ton of' the 0 i ty. Such bonds shall be
i8suecl :in c1.enorninat ions o:f Five Hunclred DollHl'S eaell ami shall be ro-
deemed. :In the orcler In WhiCh ttley are numbered and shall be payable at
the o.r:r:lce of th.e C1 ty Tl1easurer o:f saiel C H,y. G. W. BroBdwell. II
Motion cRrried on roll call,al1 present votlr~ aye.
Ad j ourned.
Gl' a.nd ISla.nd, Nebra ska , Novemb er 20 "1912 .
The Council met as a Board o:f Equa11zation :for the purpose of'
equalizing and assessing the benefits a.ccruelng to the respective
t:r'acts or lots of' Lelan in SeVier Di strict :Number 31 by reason at'
the construction of a Sewer through the same,His Honor the Mayor
. r
pres:iding ,present, ROCk) Broaciwell ,Hanna, HeYde tKn1ckrehm ,Meyer,
Hasmussen and Vieregge
.. .~..
Af'ter remaining in sessicn t'rom 7 O'clocK P.M. to 8 o'cloCk P.M.
and no person appearing to object to or protest against the proposed
equalj.zation and assessment o;f benefits Broa<lwell
ofi'er ed the
fallowing Resolution and moved its adoption:
Be 1 t resolved by the lfayor and 01 ty Council of t.he 01 t~. of
Grar~ IslandtNebraska,sltting as a Board of' Equalization f'or said
pu;rpose,a:fter due notice given as provided by law; That wado :rind
the total expense of the construction of a sewer through Sewer Dls-
tr'ict NO.31 of' said City to be the sum of' ~64.1.40,and we dO :find
the total benefits accrueing to the real estate in said District
by reason of' the constr'uction of' a seWer through same to be the
sum of Six hundred ;forty one 4.0/100 Dollars>> and that the benefits
accrue1ng to the respective tracts in said District alJO as set
opposl te the respective des.criptions tl1ereof as fo!l:llows;;:
Lots One,TWo,Three,Four,Flve,Six,Sevon,Eight,Nine and Ten
in BlOCk Five of RaG.C1ark'S Addition,
rr1he NWh$hNDlY [l.:L feet of' Fractional Lots one and TWo
in BlOCk Six of H. G. OlarK' s Addition, inclUding
Fractional BloCK 19 or Russel Wheeler' s Addi tion
The Southerly _YL.... feet of Lots One and TWo in BloCk
Six of H.G.Clarkls Addition
Lots Three,Folir,Five,Slx,SevontE1ght,Nlne and Ten in
BlOCK Six of H.G.Clark's Additd>ont
$32. aT
All of said Addi tions being to the Or'iginal TOVln ,now
C i t~. of Grand ISland, Nebraska.
Yet.ion carried on roll cal1,al1 present voting aye.
TrlEl Minu tea of the meeting as a Board o;f Equalization were road
and approved,whereupon on motion the Oouncil adjourned.
Grand Island ,Nebraska ,November 20"1912.
The Council met in regular session,His Honor,the mayor pre-
sicLLng and "all membel's present It 1'011 call.
The minutes of meetings o:f November 6" & 13" 1912 were read
and approved.
Bids for the purchase of Bonds of Paving District Number 8
of th€3 following parties were openecl and read and on moti~m of
Broadwell referreci to the Finance Oommi t tee;
v{. S. Hayman, Grand ISland, NebraSka,
First National Bank of Grand Island,
Home savings Bank of Grand Island.
Amendecl specifications .for repair of the Emergency Hospital
were prcsenteci and reacl ami on motion of Broadwell referred to
the oommittee.
The water OOJIHni t tee present ed repor t as fOllows:
Grand ISland,Nebr.NOV.20/12
Hon.Mayor & CIty Council, Gentlemen:
We~Y01Jr committee on fire lights and water to whom Were
refel'J'sci the several app11cat:tons for water extensions beg leave
to report that we reco~nend that water extensions be laid on
West l>Tohn an'i west Louise streots .from t;Te.f:ferson to Monroe and
th3t the Oity OlerK is herebY instructed to advertise for bids
for the necessary pipe and .fittings and also :for the laying of
t he same . The work to be completed not later than }.1:ay 1st 1913.
Respect:fuIIY yours.
t! .E. Hanna
On motion of Hanna the report was acloptecL
The Water Oo~~ittee reported a leak in the joint J.f the Water
MaJn oppos1 te the Plant ~recentlJ" put in by the Grand Island. Plumb-
ing Company: Referrocl to the 01 ty At tm:'ney to notifY them that
unless 1 t was .fixed at once the Oi ty WOUld procecci to fix it arul
cIlarge the expense to them.
~ Hanna C8.11ed the attention o.f the Oouncil to the necess1 ty
oi' putt1ng in two more electrical dr1ven wells and on motion
of Knj,ekl'ehm the matter was re:rerl'ed to the Committee to j.nvest1-.
ga tJ e a.nrl :r epor t.
On motion of Broadwell the Grand Island Oontract Company Was
instructed to proceed wi th their contract for construc1~1on of
sewor> In District NO.29 at once.
Communications from the H.P.R.R.Oo.ln reference to paving their
rigrlt of way on East Fmlrth street and also in reference to placing
Culvert under their tracKs at Vine street were referred 10 the Oit~r
At torney.
On motion of' Heyde the bill 01' W.S..King in the sure. of' *1773.26
fOI' paving inter sections in Paving District No.9 Was allowecl am!
Wa:r:roant ordero<i drawn on the Pavtng Fund to pay the same.
On motion of Meyer Bill of Kenna for repairs on the City Hall
Butlct1ng was allowed in the sum of $500 an'! the balance of bill
de:ff;rred until later date and for an itemized statement.
Olaims against tIle Oi ty were read and on motion 0,1' Broadwell
allowed ,for list see Olaim Register..
Petition o~ H.K.Bevler for Lights to his place was read and
on motion of Broadwell referred. to the Oomilli ttee.
Broadwell presented the :following Resolution and moved its
Whereas the paving in Paving District NUmber Nine of' the
01 ty 01' Grand Island ,NebrasKa! is about completed and
Whereas~the City of Grand Island will issue District Paving
Bonds to pay 1'01' the paving and cUrbing in said district ,except-
ing the intersections.
Theref'ore,be it resolved that the Oity Olerk be ,and he is
hereby instructed to advertise f'or the periOd of' 10 days for
bidS for twenty (20) bonds of #700 each in the sum of' ten thousand
dollars more or less! to ['le received at his o1'1'1ce up to 8 o'cloCk
P..M. of the 4" day of' December ,A.De1912.
Said bonds shall be dated as of' the 18 day of' Decelnber 1912
and shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent payable an-
nuallY,ciue in ten years :from date of issue and payable at any
time at the option 01' the City. Such bonds s'hall be issued in
denominations or #500.00 each and shall be redeemed in the
order in which they are numbered and shall re payable ai the Of':rice
ot' the Oity Treasurer of' said City.
Oarriecl on roll call)a11 votlng aye.
G. W. BroadWell.
Ordinance No~ 528, I,evYing Speciar sewer Distr let Taxes for Dewer
DistY':lct NO.31 was presented:
Moved by Broadwell t,ha t tb.e Ordinance be placed on its fir at
l' eacllng :
Oarriec1 on roll call,al1 members being present and votl.ng aye~
The Ordinance was read a t length and cleclared passed i,ts first
read :1.ng .
Moved by Vier egg that the rUles be suspended and the Ordinance
be placed on its sec.ond reading r)y its title:
Carried anI' 011 call all members being present and voting aye:
Tl1e ordinance was read by its t:l.tle anci Cleclared passed its
second reading.
Moved bY IIe~(le that the rules be suspende'l and the Ordinance
be placed on its third reading:
Carrie'l on roll call,al1 members being present aUf! voting aye;
Ti:18 Or'linance was read anc1 declared passed 1 ts third reading.
Movocl by Broadwell that the Ol'cl1nance 1)0 Placed on 1 ts final
Oarrif}d on X'011 call )a11 members being pr'esent voted aye;
The Mayor deClared the ordinance :finally passed and approved.
the sarJe.
B111s :for expense incUJ':rccl in construction at seWel" in Sewer
Dlstr:1.ct NO.31 were read and on motion o:r Broadwell allowed> and
Warrf:l.nts orciered elrawn :for their payment<tfor list see Claim Regtster.
01"ciinance No. 529! in re:forence to Leas:1.ng proper tilT :ror Saloons
was again taken UP:
Moved bY Broaclwell seconded r)y Hanna that the Ordinance be
placed on its third reading: Protests against the passage or said
Ol"clj.nance sighed by OVlners 01" saloons and also by owners oi'
property rented for saloon purposes Were read:
Motion carried on roll cal1!Bock!1~oadwell,}~nna)Meyer,Knlckrehm
and RaslT.ussen voting aye! HeYde and Vieregg voted nay';
The Ordinance was read and declared passed its third reading.
Movoa, by Rasmussen that the Ordinance be placed on its :final
Oal'T'ied on 1'0.11 ca11! BOCk) P.roadwell ! :Hanna , KniclCrehm ,Meyer I and
Rasmussen voting aye~He~de and Vieregg voted nay.
The Mayor delclared the 0I'd1r.ance f1r.al1~l passed and approved.
the sarrie.
Reports or the POlice JUdge and Clerk for October were read and
on motion of' Broadwell refen'cd to the Finance OomIni t tee.
MonthlY report of' Grand Island :National Bank was read and :filed.
Moved bY Broadwell that the Oouncil sit as a Board of Equal-
1%at~lon en. Wednesday December 4111912~betweel1 the hours or 7 o'clock
P.H.and 8 o'CloCK:P.M.Of sa1el day for the purpose of equalizing and
assossing the benefits accrue1ng to the property embraced in paving
Dl str :lct No.9 01' saiel 01 t,y by reason or t.he PaVing of the street
in sald District and levY'ing a tax to pay the same ane1 also for
'the purpose' of equali~ing and asseSSing trH~ boner1 ts accrueing to
t he real. estate embraced 1n Sewer District NO.. 31 by reason of ttLe
const!'uct-:1on of a sewer tb.rough said District and lev,&ing a tax
to pay for said constr'uction, motion caJ'ried:.
On motion of Broadwell the Oouncj.l ad journed to Thur Bday ,
November 21" 1912 at 9 o'ClocK,A.M.
Grand nUand ,Nebraska, IifovemlH31' 21"1912.
The Oouncl1 met pursl:ant to adjOUrnment at 9 o' clocl< ,A.M.Hls
Hefnar ,the mayor presiding ,present Hanna,HeYde ,Knickrehm,Meyer,
Rasmussen and Vleregg,absent 13ocl< and Broadwell.
'1'he F'lnanc6 Corumi t tee reported, finding the bid or the Fir at
Nat:Lonal BanK of Grand Island ,Nebr'aska ,o.f a premium of' $75,.00
h. .,,'<'
:for tr18 54. bonds or PaVing District No.8 to be th6i'l.~.e;a.;t and best
blci and recornaend.cl.ng that it be accepted; On motion ai' Kn1CJ<I'ehm
the reYlort was adopted and the bonds declared sold to said First
Na tj. onal Bfilnk.
On motion of HeYde the Oouncil s9t WedneSday December 4-"1912
between the hours of' 7 O'ClOCk P.M and 8 o'clael, ,P.M. as the time
:for 81 t t ing as a Board of Equalization l fo!' the purpose of Equa117f:lng
ftnd Assessing the bGnsfi ts aecr'ueing to the property in Pav::.ng
District. Ho.f; bY reason of the p.aving of same and levlr.g a tax to
pay f01' said paVing..
Ac.tjou::rned to Tuesday even:l.ng November 26" 1912 at 8 P.M.
01 ty Olerk..
Grand Island, Nebraska, December 4-"1912.
'fr16 Oouncil met 88 a .Board of' EqUali~~ation :for' the 1;;u.rpose
of Equaltzin& and Assessing ,the bene1~1 t.s accrueing to the respec,....
tive tracts or lots of lanel in Sewer D1strtct Number 32 b;Y- rea-
son of' th.e construGt:i.on 0:1' a sewer ttil'ougl1 tIle same) His Honor,
the !vr.ayor pres1cUng ,present ,Broaclwe11 ,}1~nna, HeYde ,Knickl'>ehm,
Meyer and. Rasmussen ,absent BOCk and V:ieregg.
Ai'tf.cr remaining in" session from 7 0' clocK ,P..M. to 8 0 I clOCk
:2.14. ancl no person appearJ.ng to Object to or protest against said
F;qua1izat:ion and Assessment 0:1: benef:1 ts as proposed ,Broac11Ncll
o:f:fered the :Collowing Resolution and moved its aCiOption;
ne 1t x'esolved by the M.ayor an,l city Council of' the Oit~l of'
Granc1 Island ~NebraSka) 81 t ting as a Board of' ];QU8.lization i'or said
pur[Jose,1:3i'ter due notice given as provided by law; That we do i'ind
tlle total expense of the constructjon 0:[' a sewer through Sevler
District NO.32 of' said Oity to be the sum of ~~868.36: That we d.O
f1ml the benef'tts accruej,ng to the real estate in satd D:!.striet
bY reEl.son 01' tl1e construction of' a sewer tJU'ough the same to be
the sum of {f868. 36, anc! that the benef'j, ts accrueing to th.e respec,..
t 1 ve tracts OJ' lots of land in Sa1(1 Distr 1 ct , by' reason of the
construction of a sewer through the same a:ae as set opposite
the J'8f.lpective descripti.ons thereof as :folloWS:
Lot One 8ncl the East half' of lot 2 :tn BlOCk 1.3 Waslner' s Aclct. $lt3.86
West half of' JJot 2 a11(l the ]]8st hali' of' Lot ;Ji BlOCk 13
Wasmer's Adell tjon $28.51
West halF. 0;(' Lot 3 and J",ots 4 & 5 Block 1.3 Wasmer's AO.cl
Lot 8 (; &. 7 anC:l Vies t 'half' of Lot 8 Blook 13 Wasmer's Adcl..
$72 36
I' .
East halJ' o:f lot; 8 and lots 9 & 10 Block 1.3 JIasmex' I s Acid..
$;72 36
,> .
rIot s 1 ~ 2,4 & 5 BlOCk 14- "Bsmer I s AdcU t ion
rIot .3 .Ln Block 1'+ Wasmer's ArWitton
]~oi~s 6,7 & 8 in Block 14 Wasmer's AClcU1iion
IJot 9 in Block 14 Vlasmerls Adclition
Lot 10 in Block 14 Wasmer) fJ AddJ tj,on
~~28. 51
~~29.. 60
Lots 1,2,3,lt,5,6,7:8,9 & 10 ir. Block 15 Wasmer's A(j(iit.jon
;~ ?fl:1.- .41:
:~868. 36
]Cotlon carried on 1~o11 caD. ,all present 'voting aYA..
The Minutes of' this meeting wcpe
then read and approved amI
C01;;.ncil then adjourned..
Grand. Island, NebraSKa ,December 4"1912'
The Ooune1,J. met as a Boa:rc.L o:f Equa117.atlon at 7 o'CloCk
P.M:. :fOl' the purpose of TGQUa117,lng and Assessing the bEme,f1 ts
accrlletng to the real estate in pav:tng District NO.9 by x'eason
of the paving an,l curbing thel'eof )His Honor, the Mayor p:resic1-
lng! present! Broadwell, Hanna" He~rde ,Kn1ekr e11111 ,Meyer & HaslIlussen J
absent BOCk and V1eregg.
Afte:r remaj,ning in session until 8 0' clOCk P. Atf. on motion of
Heycle the Oouncil: adjournecl: as a Boa1'(L of Equalization to Wecl-
nesday evenj,ng December aolt 1912 at T O'CloCk and the Clerk was
J.nstrUGted to give notice :f01" ten days that the Counc.;LlwoUlci
sit as a Board of EquaJ.:l.zation between the hours of 7 O'ClOCk
and 8 O'clock P.M of 811.1d day for the purpose of Equal iZ"111ls ~nd
ilSflc8s1ng the benefi ts accruelng to the respecttve tY'Rcts or
lot s of 1 fma.
't1y l'cason o:f tbe pavlng and e11t'oing or 8a:1,1
Paving D:Lst:rtct Number Nine.
~ /~:!C L ~
GI'anll 181an(1, Nel):raskfi ,December' 1t."1912.
'l'''18 Council met as a Boarel oJ' }t~qua:U.zat:ion at 7 O'ClOCk P.M.
1"'01' t he purpose of }~qualizing and Assessing the l)fme.fJ ts acc:rueJng
to tbe real estate in PaVing Dtstr1ct Number 8 by reason of tIle
paVlng and curbing thereof' ,HiS Honor, the Mayor pres1cUng ,present
Broad.well ,H0nna,HeYl1e ,Knicl<rehm,Ueyer ,am1 Rasmussen ,absent BOCk
ami Vier egg .
Af'teT' rema,ining in session until a.fts]:, 8 o'eloCk,p.M. and no
pe.T'80n appearl.ng to Object to or protest against the proposed
H~:;jS8fji3ment ani levY:Heyc.le presente(l the following Resolution and
moved tts adoption:
X (}:rand Inland Nebranlm DocmnboI' Ill! 1912.
Res11ved that the Mayor and Council of the City of Grand. IslftHd
NoOraska,nitting as a Board of Equa.1i~ation, i'.lf'tor due Ii .tice a.n 11rovided
by J..a1fT;f()l~ the purpose of' assEu3~ing the benefits to the several l)ieces
tracts and lJarcels of land liable and sul)joct to tho Pc(.I,rl;lOnt of tho
cost of' pavJ.ng and curbing of Paving District Dintrict No. g of the
Oi tv of Grand IGl..'1.nd Nebraska aftor full invostj.gation,does find,
First tho entire cost of pavirig/ourbing done upon said Paving
District No.8' directly chargeable to tho property benef'j. ted. thereb~T, is
th e Suill 0 f$ 24 I 119. 49 .
Second,trlLtt the benefits received by the several parcols,tracts
and lots and lands abbutting 1/1,i)on said Paving Dj.strict and justly liable
i'or the pavj.ng of' the f',arue is equal and uniform per foot f'rontage for
paving,and equal and uniform per foot for curbing done.
Third,and we further find tllQ.t tho amounts juctly chargeable to,
ffich of' the sevol'al pieces, tracts and parcels of land abutting on said
l1El. Vhlr; district is J.n tho severa 1 8umB hereina:C'tor Bet t~orth~t, an d wo
do assons the bene:fi ts tn each of' tho said several pj.eoes, traots ano'
l"la.rcels of' land. u t the following sums, to-wi. t :
All of' the saj.d property being in tho Original town, now, Ci ty
pi' Grand I Bland, Nebraska :
The fo llowlng dOt ,crioed. pl'Om1SeD are H 1.1. 81 tuv. to in
the Origl.nul '.!?ovm, now 01 t..Y'O:i:' Grand Island, Hall county, Nebraska.
Blook 26.
Lot No.5
Gd :l. :1.'1.1)
Brown E.I/2
A:ye:r:f,3 W~ lJa
Blook 27.
'llhu"I" nag e 1
~!(/) . -{/t//"}/. "/>f1IJ~(_0-'(l.,
CW 11SCil)
Epley .m.1J3
w. 2/;
g. 2/3
w. 2/3
D~)t\ n
stewart E. 113
Park or
VI. 1/:;
E. aJ3
Blook 29
!tQ t
weaoot t
Beeco tt
Seamann vrof'ltm>ly 2J3
Bask .BaHtOl"lY 1/3
Hask vrorstel'ly 1/3
RobertB :EastorJ.'Y 2J3
Feet. Feot. Coat (loat T1)t81
Feet. Paving CUI'b1ne; 'Pa1f1ne; Curb1n~.008
6 66
1 :33
7 33
3 66
'1 66
61 66
7 66
g 66
; I 22
; i 4l/.
6 I 2~
7 i 44-
7 I 22
S I 22
S I 44-
5 i 66
7 44
7 22
1$0 .1~O
~2. 2~ I
10.8'9 I
28. 191
21.71$ I
22 22 120. 27 7- 26
44 73 21$JllJ,. 5l$. 24. 09
22 22 120. 27 7. 26
44 44 2J!;O ,. 5t~ 34. 52
44 44- 24.0. 54 14. 52
22 22 120. 27 7. 26
22 22 120. 27 7.26
44- 1'.9 / 2~O. 54 24. 3et
-3 (, 3 03
:3 b 0 179
J q I IZ9
38'J 58
"3q~ t4ll
38;'. rr
'38 ;z..jS7
/27 Sd
1;Z 1l5~
I Z 1'tS3
) /J 4- 92
38~ r7
S 22 221. 120.27 ! .33 I zo (;0
'l~t lfl4. 13. 7 2l!.Q. 5lJ. 124. ';2 l- 64 81J
==,~_. _'_...__,.-'~~__'_-'C 1=/S7c72. 77ti8~ZZ- ..- v /30199
I \ \ : i '
66 95.8 ,60..79
66 66 ,60.7'
66 66 360.Y9
66 95 360.79
360.79 31.65
360.19 21.1g
240. 54 114.26
Block 3.1..
M0n~,k 'Lot 5
~irilor W08!:i~t
l~.'.~m!i~ ,Eaaterly
1/3 6
Kn10krehm 1 & S~J.32
Slock 30~ I
Lambert 5 a 6r1:52
Darl.tt.ne 7 & St132
Blook 4.2 I
Gaendel 1 & ati:J2
.rot tine :; 8: 41132
Grand I nl,md 8'11;2
Bloak '13
CILLe..ago IJ1r;noer. Co I
SO".th erly 1J 2. 5\ 66
a. I. Eleo. co. II
1Cd.~8 1.2.3.& l~ 396
Kruse .1~or. It\h erl., I
1/2 o~~. Lot; I 66
Blo(\k 44 I
JaOObBon 1,ot l I
JaoObson EastorJ,y I
23 ft. Lot:3 I 23.
Mayer westerlY I
43 :ft. Lot 2 I 43
, & lJ.11;2
Blook lJ.5 i
1 I 66
Rloke:t:t WesterlY
1/2 Lot 2
: 2'2:
I .J ;.J
sv,en1ngaen EaBtor~,
1 2 Lot 2 ; 33
Gar11 ".3 i 66
~njJ ~ htvhd! 6/
'~tt~. f0
F0et Fe~t COat Oont Curbj,n/:'l'
! . ' ..'U
Paving !Ourb:1ng Pa.,t~
9.; tkf77Z.77 3j/}.22
66 tJ. .,60.79 t3.~
l'3Ef .1
TOfa I LOs!-
'2 40 ~1
i .
I Z 0127
723 63
1!~1}', 16
~ o~.
l...... . ,/
:~3 . 09
I 66
66 360.79
455 · 1} 2161;..14
66 360.79
66 94..4 360. 19 ~l. .1.;
23 23 12;. 74 7. 59
43 1;.3 23!5 . O~ 14- 19
:1.32 93 121.;8 ';0. 69
/33 3
219 24
75:Z ;~7
66 6.2 360.79 2.04- 362-83
33 ltfO.1J.O /80 1()
33 12fO.l}O 18(J 40
66 66 360.79 21.75 38z 57
66 95 360.79 31.35 39?/~
_n.__.____"_.___ ~----.,~- -.-------------"--
---...._-----_.------------ H""."___ -~IeT/f-8 ki-C
1'7318. G8 83fJ. 06
Block 46.
Ha.nt~ Lot 1
Moff'1tLot 2
Blako " .5
('j .leery" 4
B lccf~ 47
Ra Bf:HUtH1 ~:;en Lota 3. &: 2
'eot ! COBt Icost.
Curb1ngJy Paving .. CU!'fJ;Lf1g
'9(/'7318.0of 830. os"
95.1 360.79 3J..38
66 360.79 21.75
66 i 36Q.79 21.78
. i
i 6
9~.g; .5 0.79 31.30
7fllal CQsf
392 :/7
382 57
382 7
39.2 09
I 392;01
i r
772 IS
382 67
Union Pao1f1n R. R. co.. . all () f' the. t part. ot the r1gh iof' way
of' the Unlon ~icj.t1c R~\:i.l:t"oad Com llEtll1 In Pine street J.,y1ng
gouth of: Blook 42 and 1~3. extend.ingaouth 185.6 t'ee~, a.lso
the. t l^-'cl.:r.t. of' said rieht of 'i1>!tlY in said Pine st.r6ot,~llr:.lne north
ota point 62 ;e'aet. north of'Block54 and 55, a.nd extending
a rU:::'lt,'.lioe of 86.2, Qonta1ning,all told, J.380.955 sq}.tare yards
Feet ! (':CH~t ! oost
i OU)?b1~: ~v.Lng .. i CUJ:'b lng
1 ~39.80+~~~~1;,J}~Z'~*
153.25 I 721.;8 I ;0..57
66 360.79 I 21.7g
94.6 I ~6o.79 I 31.22
! "f
(' ,.
Al f) er t H(; y,:l e
;::4/19 1-{j
Motion carried on ~foll (:a11 jBroaclwe11jHanna jJ-IeYfle )KniCkJ:'ehn)
Me~Ter ancl nasnmf3S vot tng a~Te ,DRY none j8bSen t BOCk ami Vie:regg.
'l"'he m:~:'1ute8 of the} meetj,ng as a Boar,j of F,Qualtzat1on were
I' eacl anci aIJPr'oved) wb.ereupon on mot ion trlB (Jounci1 ad journecl:.
o i t y aIel" k .
Grand Island ,Nebraska,Decemr.H3J' 41t1912~
'rhe Council met In rt~glJ.1ar session,H1sH.onor', the M,ayor
preslcUng ,present. Broadwell ,Hanna ,Heycte ,KnicJ<rell1i1,Meyer and,
RasmURssn,absent Bock and Vlersgg.
~:he n:irultns of the JTleetings of Novmnber 20'/ & 21'1 1912
were read and approved.
BtclS of the :fOllowing nnnlf.1(l parties :for furnls11.1ng and
laytnp.;'vrator n:a:1.ns were opened and reacl :
Grand 181:;'111.(1 Con tract O()m:pan~r
Cr:rancl 1813n(1 PluIflbtng Oompany
William Kelly & Oompany
On mof,:Lnn o.r Bro8,clwell the bi,!s we:c e refe-r'recl to the COlami t-
tee to .lnvestigl1te anci report,.
Bid of Home Savings Bank for paving District Bonels 0:1:
Paving District NO.9 ,offering par an(l a premi1url of Threo clol111rs
per Tl10usanrl W8S oponec"1 anc1 reflcl ancl r),e1ng toe only biel on motion
of Broadwell the bid was accepted.
A communicatton fr'om t"he Water & JJ1ght Oommissioner glY1ng
fJf~t:Lmate of cost of l:1ne to the Sugm' }leet .1i"flctory Was road and
on ,~[l()t. ion of Broadwell refeY'red to t'hfJ Ligh t Oornmi t tee..
A conUilunJcation :from the merchants .::lo:tng businesi3 on 'rhi1'c'i
st~r:~f;t~ F\8J<:1.n,g tha t teEnns 1Je all ()\if3Cl to sta11d.. ()n Th:Lrcl stx'eot in
t,tle winter m,onths f:md inClement weatllOr w'as read and on mot:lon of
Kl1j,cK:J"8h.m rofel'rocl to the POlic:e OomlTli t tee and the mlleJ'.
Spec1ficat:ions for repfl:irs or the Emel'gency Hospital fiS
m:-ltmcJ.ecl were read and, on mot:1on o:f Kn1c}G'ehm Rcloptecl and the Cl(?1'.k
instructed to flc1vertj.se .Cor bids saiel repa'1]"f~.
The Wat8r Oorrnnlttee reportecl as :fOllOws:
Granci IBland JNebI' .Dec. 3"1912.
,Hon.Mayor anci 01 ty Oounctl:
We, your Oommi t tee on FiJ' e ~ J.Jigl1 t & Wa t er
to whom wasrei'eJ'J'(7cl the matter reg8.l'cUng more wells for the water
clep::lrtment beg leave to re,)ort t}1at we l?eCOIilr"1encl that the 01 ty
01e1':I< be j.nstructed to flclvertise 1'01' the sinKing at one 10"wel1
an(l two 12'1 'wells according to plans ami specifications on :rile
in Oity Olerk's of:rlce.
RespectfUllY Yours.
~T .E. J{qnnR)Emil H. yj.eregg )tJobn Kntckretnm) G. Vi. Broadwell)
On mot:ton of' B!)oadwell the report was adopted ancl the ClerK
lnst.ructeej; to adiTc.rtise for bids to be recel'T8d the f1:"st regular
mee t.l.ng in t)anuary 1913.
Trw water cornmj.ttee reported t'he building and :foundation
for pump completed and ready :for the pump.
On motion o.f HeJ'cie the matter o.f putt:lng in a water pUr:lping
station at the Cemetery was refeJ'recl to the Cemetery Comraitto(;
to .i.nvest1gate 8.rllt report..
On mot;ion of HfJycie the mat tel' 0[' put, tine up a chapel at the
Cemet.eJ'Y was rof'orred to the Oenotery COlfl1nittee to report.
The Bond Oommj,ttee reported flncUng t'he bond of Rractstreet &
Clernmens Co. covering thei:r putting scales in street ~in propel' f'arm
uncl the sureties stlf'ficlent ami recOlrlmencled its approval and on
motion o:f RasJf.lussen the report was 8.cloptccl and. the bonJ approved.
T'he Bond OOJiHfltttee repol'f,ed :Cincl1ng the Petitton and Bonel 0,1'
.F'ralicK FUI'n1 ture 00.. for Auctioneers LtceYl.'3e in proper .form and
tIle su,!'et:t0s sUff'icj,tmt, and on motion o:f Rasmussen the report was
adm)tl;3cl and the bond approved..
The O:tty 'Engineer reported Sewer DiGtrtct NO.29 complnted anci
on rilOtion of Brop.clW(nl ttu-:: Council set We(ineBcla~r ~DeGemJ)el' 20"1912
betwolm the hours of 7 o'cloCK P.llT.Hnd 8 o'cloCk ?M.as the time
fOl' si t tine; as a :508.r>d of ];qual1zatJo:n.
BiLls agains t to.e 01 ty were read ancl on mot:ion 01' Hanna a1<-
lowed ,:[01:' list see Olaim Hegister.
Petion oJ' G.O.BundY etal f.m~ sewer was reHct and on motton o.f
Hanna l~Arer'I'ed to thA sewer Cm1T111tt,ee.
Ordinance No.530 levying tax to pay the expense of a sewer
t11J'ough Sewer Dist,l'ict No.32 was presented:
].llovec1 'bY Br'oHdwelJ. that the Ordinance l)e P1HGed on 1 ts fj.!"st
read j, ng :
CHl':r1ecl en HoD, call ~Broaa'V;ell, J:ranna~ Heycte ,KniCKrehm ,Meyer
and Rasmussen votlng aye,nay none,absent BocK and. Yioregg:
The ordinance waa re&(l ami declared pasBed its 1~1T'st :reacllng.
]"jlvecl by BroHclwell that t 1]e rules be susperHlecl and the 01'(11-
nance I'J<3 pJ.aced on its second reacting by its tttle:
Oarr:ied on roll calJ" Bl'OFlctwell )H3nna ~HeY(ie ,KnickJ'ohm ~Meyor
and HaSIWJSf,tJn vott:'lg aye ~nay none )Rbsent BoCK & Vieregg;
The OI',iinance was rea,;1 by 1 ts t:l tIe anci declared passt-xi its
seccmcl recul.1ng.
Movec1 bY TI(:\smuBsen that the rules be suspenclecl ancl the OI'dln-
anCf-.lbe rJ~aGed on jr, 8 third reading:
Carri eet on rOJ 1 call ~BI'oa(lWell , Hanna, Heyele: KnickI'ehm )}t!eyer
a:nd Hasmussen voU.ng aye ,nay none labsent BOCk and Vleregg:
'rhe Orclinance was rea'l an'l declaroc! passed i!tB third rea3ing.
Moverl by Heycle that trle Ordinance be Placee1 on its final
OHy'ried on .roll call I BrQB.ct'weIJ )};[anna ,HeYde ,Knickrehm,lvTeyer
ancl Rasmussen vot:tng aye',nay none ,absent BOCk and. Vleregg:
The Mayor declared the O!'dlnance finally passed ancl approved
the same.
R:i.lls cantractea in the cunstruction of Sewer District No.32
wm'e PY'f)SBnted and read and on motion 01' Broadwell allowed"fo:r
list see Olaim Register.
OI'clinance No.531 author1zoing the ]I.d:ayor and OlerK to execute
and deliver to the First National Bank of' Grand ISland,Pav1ng Dist-
r1ct Bonds of PaVing District No. 8 was presentecl:
Moved 'b~r HeYde that t118 Ordinance be PlaGed on its first
Carriecl on roll call,Broadwell, Hanna, HeYde ,Knj.ckl'ehm ,Meyer
anel HBsmussen vat ing aye ,.nay none ,absen t BOCk am.i Vier egg:
The Ordinance was read ::mcl eleclar(ld passed 1 t s fir at reading.
];Loved b~' Heyde that the rules l)e suspended and the Ordinance
be placeel on :Lt1:'J second reading by its title:
Oarried on :roll call calJ.,Broa<iwell,rianna',HeYde,Knickre1117l,
)\,[e,yeY' and Hasrr"',3en voting aye,nay none,absont BOCk anct Vierec;g:
The Ordinance was read by its title and declqred PBB30d its
second reading..
Moved by Broad1NeJ.l tllat the rules be suspended and the C:f1(11-
nance be placed on its third reading:
Oarried on roll call, Broadwell ~Harrna,JleYde ~Knickl'ehm ,Me~re:r
anci RaSlr~ussen voting ays,nay nonelabsent BOCk and Vier'egg:
T1:1e ordinance was read and df~clared passed, its th11'>d r ""di
. -~ . Ch ng.
Move,i by Heyde that the, Ordinance be placee! ()n i
ts :final pas-
Carri ed on roJ.l calJ, Broaelw ell, lIanna ,1ie~T(ie ,KniC1<rehm ,Meyer
and Rasmussen voting aye ,nay nome;,8bsent BOCK and Vier egg :
'1'1'18 Mayor c!eclarecl. the Ordinance finally passed and approved
the samee
;~epor t 0;[' t'he weigllJU8ster for Novembo,r 1912 was r(]ad an(! on
mot Jon of Kn1cKrehm refe:rred to the lilinance OamIlli t teee
Heports of cieposi tory banks were read and. on motion of KnicK-
r0hm placed on 1'118e
On motion of Broadwell the Oouncil adjOUrned to Thursday
morning December 5"1912 at 9 0 I c1ocl<.
Ci~y Olerl\.
Grand Island ,NebrasKa ,December 5 "1912,9 ,A.lld:.
'rhH OOlmcj.l met PUl'SUfUlt to 8ctjOUrnment ,.His Honor, the Mayor
presiding ,present ,lIanna,Heycle ,Knicl<J"ehrn,Meyer ,Rasrr.ussen and V1ersgg
angent Bock and FJroadwell.
X Movecl bY KnicKrehm that t,he aclcl1tton to the wats.r' WorKS
rjul1..d:ln.g buil t bY Kenna upon Oont:ract be accepted and thei.r bill
fa:;' same in the sum of *130~.30 be al10wecll Oarried on roll eall,
Hflnna,Heyde, KniCki'elllilIW:lyer l RaSffilJ Sfwn an1 Vic:r>egg voting aye I
nay none ,absent BoCK anei Broactwell.
Ad jo'Urned..
01 ty Olerk
Grand Island,Nf.lbraSka,Df.lGf.lffiber 13"1912.
The Oounc:!.l met in special session ,Hi:, Honor ~ the Mayor ,Px'csici-
ing a1'ld BroRciwe:U_ ,Ha.nna',Knickrel1m,Meyer ~Rasmussen and V1.eregg ,pres-
ant H t :r>oll CRll, absent, BOCk and HeYde, pursuant - to the :following
call Which was read and macia a part 0:1' the mim.lites:
Grand ISland, Nebraska ,December 13 "1912-.
To the Member's o:f the city Council ,or
Grand Is~and Nebraska:
A special meeting o:f the Oity Oouncil o:f Grand ISland,
NebJ'qts herebY called to meet at the Oity HaQl in Grand Island~
Nebras}<8, in the Oouncil Chamber thereo:f on Friday December 13"1912,
at 8 o' clock P.M. 01' said day ,for the pu:r'pose o:f aut-horiZ:ing the
delivery to the pUl'c.haser thereoi' o.f t-he paVing Bonds :1'01' Paving
DtBtriet 18,0i' said OitY,levying the tax and cl'eat1ng a :Cund there:for,
aLlowing bills of' contractors and others :for such pavement and to
p~)SS all Ordinanees Reso1u.tions and other measuz'os needed in CDm-
necU.on therewith. Also to pass all Ordi:lances ,ReSolutions and meas-
urea necessary relat:lve to the execution ancI delivery of' p8lVing
bonds for PaVing District 1# 9 in sa::td OitY,and to transact S1.wh
other 'business as may come rJef'ore said meet1:ng.
Oha:l1"les G.Ryan ~Mayor..
We hereby aceept notice o:f the above meeting this 13" day of' December
Ct.. W.Broadwell
R. W.. BOCk
F;ml1 H. Vier egg
Aug.. Meyer
~Tohn Knlckrehm
.J .1:1.. Hanna.
Broadwell presented
the :following Resolution and moved its
. .....
Reaal ved that the Mayor and 01 ty Clerko1' the 01 ty of' Grand
Island be and they are hereby instructecl. and directed. to deli ve.!'
to the Fl1"st National BanK o:f G;rqnd Island For'ty Nine (l.J,9) Bonds
of the denomina,tlon o:f' #5,00 eaell of' "Paving District No~ 8 01' the
C1.ty of Grand Island ,Nebraska, " upon trle payment by said First Nati-
onai BanK of' the sum of' $24-575. and the accr'ued interest on said
bonds _from the date o:f trw1r issue to the date of' said delivery.
Deoember 13"1912.
Motion carried on roll ca11,a11 present voting aye.
-- ~,-_,~--~--,--,-~--~,~=-~~,-,--~-",-~,-"""_:,,,,,,,,,,'-~-~~';""'-"'""-"'-.'.~",",,"
Ordinance No~532, levying a special tax to pay the expense or
pa1V:tng 01' Paving Distrl ct No~ 8 was presented,:
Moved r)y Vieregg that the Ordinance be placed on its :first
:r e~(l1ng:
oarried on roll call ,Broaclwell ,Hanna,KnlCkrehm,Meyer ,Rasmussen
and Vim'egg voting aye,nay none,abaent,BoC}l,: and HeYde:
The ordinance was read and declal"ed passed :1 ts :fir at reading.
Movod by Knlckrehm that the rules be suspended and the Ordinance
be placed on its second reading bY its title:
Oarriec1 on roll call ,Broadwell ,l:lanna1,KrliCkrehm,lvreyer , RasmuBsen
and Vier egg voting aye, ,nay none ,absent BoCk and Heyde:
The Ordinance was read and cleclared passed its second reading.
MDved bY V1er-eelel that the rules be suspendeci and the orciinance
he placed on its third rea(Ung:
Oarried on 1'011 call tBrOa(iwelllHanna'~KnicKrehm~Meyer ,RaBffiussen
ancl VieJ"egg voting aye ,nay none ,absent Bock and Heyde;
The Ordinance was read and declared paSS8(1 its third reading.
MOV8Cl bY Rasmussen that the Ordinance be placed on its i'inal
Oarried on 1'011 call ,B!>oadwell ,Hanna,Kn1CKrehIn,Meyer' ,Rasmussen
ami V1eregg voting aye ,nay none ,absent BOCK and .HeYde:
The Mayor d.eClareci the Ora:1nanee f'inally passed and approved
the same..
BlllS against the 01 ty for paVing PaVing District Nnw'bel" Eight
:lncluding the intersections also inter sect:ions of Plum & Fourth
ami Pine and South Front and Oatch Basins etc~ in said District
'Wel's read and on motion or Vleregg all Bills were flllOWCClrith
the exception that *200 of Wm.Kelly & 00,,8 Bill to be retained un-
til some 11 t tIe changes are made and the p8.ttring is cleaneti ofr..
Ordinance NO.533 pl'ovia:1ing :ior the delivering of' paving BondS
o;f paving District No.9 to the Home Savings Bank was pltesented:
:Moved 'bY Br'ou(iwell that the Ordinance be Placed on its :first
Cal"ried on roll call ,Br'oadwell ,1!9.nna',Knickrehm,Meyer ,Rasmussen
and ViDregg voting aye,nay none,absent BOCk & HeYde:
The Ordinance was read and declared passed its :first reading:
Moved by Broadwell that the rules be susperHled and the Ordinance
be :placed on its second reading by its t:1tle:
Carried on roll call ,Broadwell , Hannu,KniCkrehm ,Meyer ,Rasmussen
and Vieregg vot:1ng aY6,nay none,absent Bock & HeYde:
The Ordinance was read by its ..title and declared passed its
third reading.
Moved by Vleregg that the rUles be suspended and the Ordinance
be placed on its third reading:
Carried on roll call ,Broadwell ,Hanna,Knlckrehm,MeYd13 ,Rasmussen
and Vieregg voting aye,nay none,absent Bock & Heyde:
The Ordinance was read and declal'ed passed its third reacting.
Moved by Meyer that the Ordinance be Placed on its rinal pas-
sag e :
oa;rr1ed on roll call,B'roadWell,Hanna,KniCkrehm,Meyor,RaSmussen
and Vie.regg voting aye ,nay none ,absent Bock & HeYde:
The Mayor declared the O.t'dinance f'inallY passe<i and approved
the same.
Ad :jolll'ned
~/ .::?~ /1;
. ..:Ch;::;:/ '/ ;/
&... / "C;/:" 0F- /- .. ..~.
,- ,",' -....,. //j--; _ - ~_/2'.---L
/ ,:>- L- ?// .
01 ty Olerk.
Grand Island ~ l~ebl.Hska ,Dt,cember 18111912.
The Council met as a BoaNi o:f Equalization
for the purpose or
EQualiz'1.ng and ABS8sS:ing the benefits accruei:ng to the property elU-
tJ:raced in Sewe:J:' Distriet Ni.1ml)1t~r 29 by reason of the construction
01' a sewer therein ,His HonoI', the 1,iJ.t:iyor ,presidixlg ,pl'esen t ::t roll call
Broadwell ,Heycle ,KniC:Krebm ,MI.J~l(-)r .Rasmussen ami V1erEJgg ,absent Bock
and H$nna..
After remaining In sei3~31on from.
7 0' clo01( P.M:. to 8 p' clock ,Po Jvt. and no per 8011 appearing to Ol)Jeet
to o.r protest against t'he proposed assessment ~ Broadwell
o:t':Ce:r' I' eel tll.8 fol1ow1.ng resolution and moved. its adoption:
Be it resolved bit the :Mayor and Oity Conneil sitting as El'
BOt:1J'd o:f EQual:ization for said Pu]'pose ,uf'ter due notice given as Pl'O-
videc!. 'bY law; That we do f'ind. the total expense of the c:onst.ruction
of a sewer tt~ough sewer District Number 29 of the Oity of Grarlli
Island ,Nebraska, to be the sum 01' #383.98, That we eto find the 1')en01'1 ts
accJ'uei.ng to the real estate :Ln said Distr1et to be the sum of'
;~3g3.. 98 ,and trm t the benefi t s acerueing to the I'aspecti ve tl'acts
01' Janet embr'aced in said DistJ.'ict are in t118 respective sums set
oppos1 te the ref3pecti'Qe descriptions tllel'eo:(' as :follows:
]~ot One in BlOCk 21 o.t' Russe.1 Wl1celer' s AClcl1t ion
IJot '1'\'10 in Block 21 of Russel Wheelel" t S Addi tion
J~ I. -.
]rl'act:Lon lot Thr'ce in BlOCK 21 Hussel Wheeler, s
AcLU t:ion lnclucUng :E'ractional lot 3 in BlOCk
One of R.G.Olark's Addition
Fract:ional lot Four In Block 21 01' Russel Wheeler t s
AddJ. tion inclUding Fractional lot Four of
H. G-. Olark' s Addition
Lot, F:i vo :Ln BlOCk One of H. G.. Clark I s Acldi t'lon
IJot. Six in 13loCk one of' H. G.. Clark' S Acldi tion
@38 .. '+0
. $~381f.()o ----
Both 01' sa1(1 Actdi t10ns being to and in the O:t ty of' Grand Island,
Nebraska.., The minutes of' the IDfleting as a 'D^ard l' E '
J.}V o. ,,,Qual1zat1on Wel'e
J.lot Beven 1n BlOCk One of' H.. G.. Glark t S Ac1di tion
U)t Eight ln Block One 01' H. G. Clar}< t a Adcti tion
IJot N:lne in .BloCk One of H. G... Olark t s Ad(H tion
~i; 38 .4,0
read and. approved~ ~f'he Council then adjourned..
/f~ / ;7 '<:7
/ /;1 ~~k~/:47//,
Grand IslHnd~NetJras}(a ,December 18"1912.
'rhe Council met in regular session, His Honor>> the Mayor preSiding>>
pre:vmt ~ Broactw ell >>He~''C1e ,KniclCrehm ,Meyer ,Rasmussen an(j, V1ert~gg ,absent
BOCK an(l Hanna..
The Minutes of meetings of December l.P' ,5" and 13" 1912 were
rea<l ana approvec!.
BidS or MarK Kent and 01' Prince & Walker for repa,1ring the
Emergency Hospi tal were opened, and read and on motion of Knic1<rebm
rererred to the Oommittee.
On moticu of Heyde the Bill of Kenna & Kenna for x'epalr:lng the
01 ty Hall was re:fer'red to the city Property Oommittee.
Speei,fica tions :for a s. & S..:Monument were read and on motion of'
Heyde adopted and tlle Ole.rK instJ"ucted to ac!Vertis6 for bids to be
rece:1.ved at the first meeting of the 01t~r Council in Febl'U,a.ry 1913.
The Water oommittee submitted the :following report:
Gra.nd Island tDeC.18"1912.
To the J'ira~Tor and 01 tJ" oouncil
we I your Cm:lffiit tee on Flr'o>> I.1gJlt & W8':ter to Whom the bids i'or
f'urnifJl1ing and la~'1ng water mains was referl'ed at the last regular
meet:tng ;beg leave to make the following report:
we recommenci that the cont!'act be awarded to the Grand Island
Contract Co. their'S being the lowest and best bid.
.J. J~. Hanna ,E. H. Vieregg >>G. W. Broadwell !Kn1Cl<rehm ,Conuni t tee.
On motion of V1eregg the report was adopted amt contract awarct-
ad accorcUngly.
Bills against the 01 ty Were read and on mot1cn ():f Broadwell
allowed ,1'01' list see Olaim Register.
on motion 01' Broadwell it was eXpressed as the sense of the
Mayor and Council that the Qr'dinance regUlating and limiting the
speed of motor dr1ven vehicles should be strictlY enforced..
Petition of O.C.BUndY etal. for Sewer between Fifth and 81xtb
streets from Eddy to Adams streets was Granted and the Oity Attorney
tnstJ'ucted to prepare the proper Ordinance estab11s.hlng a paVing
1)1 s t:r':t etas prayed :1'01'.
petition of :Ma.lver'd ",T..Alden etal.for Sewer between 11" & 12"
str'f:H:ltr. .......om Vine to Wh<:>el -n W d d
~ J..I,. I. . 'J 0..1.) as rea an on motion of Knickrehm
rei'eJ'l'ed to the Sewer Commi ttee.
Pet1t.ion o:f 'I19S.Ballard,etal..:ror Water Mains on West Sixth
streot from FAdy to Broadwell was road and on motion o:f Kn1ckrel~
re:fery'ocl to the Committee.
ordinance N095314. levYing a special Sewer District 'I'ax :for
sewer District No.. 29 was presented:
Moved,b~r !n?oadwell that the Ordinance be placed on its first
Oa:!:'r1ed on roll call >>Broadwell ~HeYde ,KnicKrehm,Meyer ,:Rasmussen
and Vieregg voting aye ,nay none ,absent. BOCk and Hanna:
Trle OX'ciinance was read and declared passed its .first r~ad1ng.
:Moved by Heyde>> that Ule rules be suspended and the Ordinance
'be placed on its second rf-md1ng bY' its title:
- "W'
Oarr led on roll eall, Broadwell ,HeYcle ,Kni cl<rehm ,Meyer' .Hasmussen
and V1eregg voting aye ,nay none ,al)sent Bock and Hanna;
The orcUnance was reac1 bY its title and. declarfld passed its
second reading.'
Moved by Rasmussen that the rules be suspencied and the Ordinance
be plaeec1 on its third. reading:
Carried on roll call ,Broadwell ,Heyete ,Knl ckr'ehm ~Meyer >>Basmussen
ancl Vieregg voting aye ~nay none ~al)Sent Bock and Hanna:
The Ordinance was read and declared passed its third roading.
Moved, by Rasmussen that the Ordinance be placed on its final
Carried on roll 011 tBroadwelJ. ,HeYde ,KnicKl'ebm,Meyer ,Rasmussen
and V:!.eregg voting aye ,nay none ~absent BOCk and Halma.:
The M.8yor declared the Orcl1nance .finally passed and approvec'!
the same.
ordinance 1I10.535,levying a spec~.al paVing d1stl'iet tax to pay
the expense o:f constructing paVing in PaVing JJistr1ce No.. 9 was pre-
}!f.ovod by Bro8c1well tlm t the Ordinance be placed on its :first
r' ea(i1ng:
Carried on roll call ,Broadwell ~HeY(le ,Knickrehm~:M'eYer ,Rasmussen
an<i vt{-lregg voting awe ~nay none ,absent Bock and Hanna.:
The Ordinance was read and declared passed its f.irst reading.
Moved by He~rde that the rules be suspencled and the Ord.lnance
be D18ced on its second reacting l)y its title:
Carried on roll Call,BroadwellJHeYde~Kn1ckrehm)Meyer,RasmUS5en
and V.ter'egg voting aye ,nay none >>8bsent Bock and lIanna,-;
~rhe Ordinance was read by 1 ts t1 tIe an<! <ieclared passed 1 ts
second reading:
Moved by Rasmussen that the rUles be suspended and the Or'd1nance
be Placed on its third reading:
Oarried on roll call.BroadwelJ, ,HeYde ,Knickrerl1n,Meyer ,RasmuBsen
anci V:1er'egg voting aJ'e ,nay none, absent Bock and rfanna;
The Ordinance was read and declarfld passed its third reading.
.Moved by JJ:roadwell that the OX'dinance be placed on its ftnal
carried on roll ~ll.Broadwell .:HeYde .Kn1elU.'ehm ,Meyer ,Rasmussen
anci Vieregg votlng aye .nay none ,absent BOCk and lJanna.
~rhe MAvor> df<'l('l~u'P,d the 01"'cnn9JlGf; :ftri81J.Y pnsBc;cl Hnd aPP1'ovcd.
the same~
Bills againat 13ewe:r District NO.29 and against PaVing DIAtrict
No,. 9 ware ref Hi find on Motion oJ. Vie:regg ail. 1 owed ,ret,aln:tng $100
of' the 1)111 of' W,. S,. King untill the sand is removed :f:rom Paving
DiBtr18t No.9. For list see elaim :reglster~
H~F1mu,c.~sen presented the ,t'ollowine reSOlution Hnd Heycle moved
its A.cloption.:',
Be t t r esol ved that in pursuance to Ordlnaneeher eto.foI'C
P::l8Sfld 'by the Oity' Counc:i1 o:c the O:l.tJ' of GPanu 181and~Nebraska)
t'he Mayo.r and Oity Olerk be and they are hereb~r instructed to de-
IJveJ' to the Horne i38V.tMs Bank o,f Grand. IS1and>>Neb:r.. E1.ghteen
Bondn oJ' #'100 eR.Gh 01' pav:lng Dist:r:lGt .No..9 01' said oity upon
payment 0:(' the f:Hua #9027 and acci'uecl interest i'rom DecembeJ' 15"
1912ancl to pay sa':Ld money to the 01 t~r l"'reasuJ' e1' ~ to be by him
Gr{~[Lt ted to saiel Pav:lng D1Bt:r~-iet No. Nine..
R. P. RasmufHH1n..
Resolut:ton adopted on roll cail ~Broac!wel1 )HeYde~Knicl0"dllln~
. -.......
1\iTe~!OJ> % Rasmussen and Vlo:!"egg vot:ing aye ~nay none .absflnt HOcK and.
Reports of' Police ~Judge and 01e:1'k ,for November wer'e read and
on mot:ton 0,1.' Br'oad.woll placed on :fl1e.
The ]'.i!:ayo,r appointeri ",.r.tJ:HaaCk>>Me:rchant's POl1eeman, dur:ing' the
ahSfH)0.P ITf' Vi ..1\.. .T~nAen. and on motion oJ: }1rOadwell ttu? appointment
wan con:r:1rrnerh
Oity Olerk.
Grand ISland,Ne'bJ:'aska~J)ecember 18111912.
'rile Oouncil met in special session as a Board o:C Jl~quall~a)t:Lon
fOX> the purpose of' JiJqualj,:?,1r).g aml A;sesslng the bene:Cits 8,lcerue:Lng
to tht~ :resP8ctt'\Tf} tI'act,g ami lots or land In Paving District No~ 9
of tr1f'l Oi-tv or Grand ISlanu,NebraSka,bY reason of the palv1ng 01' the
st:.rfH~t; and. Curbil!R along the lota in said Dlst.:rlct ein aCeOrdJHlCl;}
wi'th not'! ee hereto:foregiVen as provlde(l1J~T law:
His Honor ,the Mawol' ,presid1ng ~.p:reBent ) B:roadwel1.HFlYde.
KnJekr'ehm .Meyer ~R8.Smussen anfJ. Viel'egg ,al,)8(mt Bock and Hanm:l:i..
A.fter remaining in session i'rom 7 o'cloGK,P..M. to [5 O'clock
P..M$ and no person appearing to object to or protest against the
p:rm)o~"od assessment and levy > Hey(le presenterl the following
resolut.:Lon and. :aroadwel1 mOVOtl its adoption:
H 0130 IvocJ tlla t trlO Mayor and CouncLt of tIle C j. ty or Grand Island
N obra or"a , sj, t tj.rL;?; aD 1.'l. B arci of' JI;qua 1t28. U.on ,aftcJ' dun lJ.O t loc
au p:r.'ovtclcri j,)y lavr,for tho purpose of cWf)QfH)j.n2~ the (Jone:flts to
t.I10 nove:rctl pj,ecoB, trclcts i:lnd })i:U'oo1s of land .U.ul)lc and 8ul)-
ject to tho IlaYl,.;O]i.t of tIl0 cont of pavinp; and curbj.ng of
"Pavj.np; Ilif.~trj.ct No.9" of the CJ.ty of GJ:and Island,Noo:canka,:f.'
artm' full invostiga tj.on, do Of.) n.nd,
}i' irnt 1 tho en tj.ro co s 0 r r.a. vlng ancl curbing done; upon
f'lC.J.ct Pav:i.ng IHntJ:J.ct No.
9 chargoalJlo to tJ1C property bono-
of ~; g f L ~-;.-'"
n.ted. tlwretJy in tho SULl
S ccond, tha t tIle benofi in rocci vod by the ccvera.J. llarcolfl
tractn and loin and. li::tnc1s aj)uttj.ng upon ['.,aid. pi:lvj.ng dJ.strict
and justly .U.ai:Jle 1'0:1.' tho pavlrlg of the flaL10 J.B oqual aw't.
~~/1Cvw . 1f11f~~/Y1A)~..
. and o(}l1.al 8.L.d unii:orm pOI' i'oot i'or onrbing done.
Tflil'cl, vTe fnrtllnJ:' 1""].no. tll.at tIle amounts justly (JY1arge-
a blo to each ai' the several pj.CC(;fl, tJ'act.u and J)(lrCelB of .land
al.m.tt.ing on fJEl,id PRYing cUstrict in in the nevcral m.UliS here-
j.naf'ter sot forth,and VIe do arlnCSU the bonofitn to oaoh of
tho fRtj.d several l)iocos,tr.::l.Ctfl and l)arcels of land at tho
fo 110v,r:i.ng Bums, to-wi t :
All o:f tho 1'ol.Lowing described p:eupo:r:ty oeJ.ng in the OJ. ty
0:1.' Grand Inland,hal.t County , Nctn'R Dk.a :
Paving Ourbing
feet feet
52$8 '230.10 81.~ '24.5~ '254.76,
IlJ. 61.01 IlJ. 4. 20 65'$ 21
In ,BlocK: No.14 I~vans ,Addi t ion
Lot 6 Anna, Rourke
westerlY 14 feet lot ~
Anna" Rourke
EnRtnrly ~R.8 feot lot ~
o. A. Kilian
Fraet, ~j at 8 " prOj8eJtion
In Block 15.
.Lot NO$lO }iJd..Bordors 52.8
" 9 Peter Jenson 52.8
WcaterlY fml,f lot t5 Elsie Lamb26.4-
End teJ'lY 11alf lot 8.T. H. FJ1dingJ'ield
Lot NO$7August Moeller
II 6 '110m" Hraclstreet
In BlocK No" 16.
llot No.10 A.Dar1ing 52.8
"9 " 52.8
II 8 " 52.8
" 7 fraction II 21.6
r~ot No..14 of' the Ooun1~y Subdi v:t s:ton
of the Wes thaI!' o:C tIle south West
QUHl't.eJ' of SectIon 10 ~ownsl11p 11
NOl't11 of RanR'e q Wes t 6" Pc M.
A.DBrlin~ 17~4
I,ot 13 :In sa1{1 CO.8UbdlY1s1on and
trmt part of lot 12 in said 00..
SUlxUv. as is deseri'bed 1n BOOK
46 at oag e 329 :l n t:he Deecl He cords
in the offi ce of the Recorder 0,['
Deeds in RBI1 Gount~f,NebraFlka
NOl't ]"l'-Hob1nson-Dean Co.. 106
~i'hat PaI't oi' sa1(! lot 12 clesC!'lbecl
in Book 45 at page 212 in said
DOdd. HecoY'clS front1!lg 41 :f.'eet on
North side of 4u street
Bradstreet & Clemens 00.
1+0. 10 1. T
230.10 82..2
115...05 26.4 7.92
230..10 52.a15~84
230.10 81.90 24.51
11. 6~:.
230.10 81.9 24.57
230.10 52.8 . 15..84-
230.10 52.8 15~84
94.14 21.6 6.48
75). 83 1 7 . 4-
5~ 22
41. 21
"r-l+ "7/
Co..:J .,.:)
24,:;:.. 91+
254.. 6"7
245.. 91J.
81. 05'
20.18 482.13
Lot 8 and f'ract lot It in BlOCk 25
0:1: Nagy's Addl t ion to Grand Islan(l
alBa 'fl'Het.lot 7 and lots 5 and 6
in Block Number Twenty five (25)
Hl o:rlginal Town1now Oity of"
G:rancl Island: also a parcel o1~ land.
fronting 'on 4" street 27.6 .feet wide
1yln~ west of lot 5.B1oCk 2~.RroreSRld
}{lOW a PO.I't of the Chicago ,BUl'ltngton
and qu1.ncy Railroad'right 01' waw 291.6 1270..79
Tnt S 2.3 a net 4: in BloCk 4-8 O.r
the OX':!.I2.'inal Town,now Cit~r 0:('
Grand Is:land ,also a: parcel of' ,
land 27 feet wiele .fronting on
4" street lying West ofsal~
.lot 4(now a pa.rt of Oh1cago~
Burlington & Ql11ncy HEEilroR<l 225
:Lot 1 :in RIoel< 48 of the
Origl;H:11 r.rown ,now CJ tJr 01
~rqnd TR1Rnd';s[1 of that part
0:1' .sa1el lot 12 l;ying sou th o.f
4" Htreet; also lots 1,2.3,4
and ?, 1 n Bloet 17 in said JiJvans
Afl<li t.tnn also fractional piece of'
lanc1 lying Westerly of' said lot 5)
in BlocK 17 and EasterlY of' lot 1
in Bloc:k 48 afore8alct.
Bradstreet & Olemens 00 179
232 4:11
178 . 68
780.08 780.08
1011.05224.82 67.45 1078.50
In Block 18 of Evans Addition
Lots 4 ami 11 BJ'acl" & Olemens 00..105:..6 460.20 134..98 4.0..4q 5,00.60
II 3 Jlent'Y Seaman 52.8 230.10 52. 8 15..8~ 245* 94-
" , 2 Auguste Ewoldt 52.8 230..10 .52.8 1:"-84 24-5.9lt
1/ 1 ]'. W..Ma(ier 52.. 8 230,,10 81..9 21+.5'7 25lf... 67
In BloCK 19.
F:r!3et1onai. J-,ots No.. 4- and .5
Edit."h M. Cllng(~r
propor t ionallY
AliwJ't HeYCle.
104-.33 24..84. 7.22 111..5~
'rota] $8823~ 05i
Resolution adopted on roll cal1)J3rOfHiwell)H~Y(le,Knj,clu'ehm)
:Mf''Jror , HasmuBsen and V1eregg vottrl.P: aye tnay n one ~aosent BOCk
amI Hanna..
The Minutes or meeting as a Board 01' JiJqUfl,lizatlon were read
and approved.. .
. Ad jam'nea.
. ~/~.. -~ /J
Oity (2J ~..