1913 Minutes 227 r / Grand Island ,NebraS1cR,tTanu.ary 1 "1913. The Council met in regular session ,His Honor, the Mayor ,presiding, PI' esent ,B'roacdwelll, absent ,BoCk ,Hanna ,HeYde ,KniCkI' ohm ,Me.ver ,Rasmussen and V1eregg, there being no quorum present the Counoil adjourned to Thursday eveni~,\ranuary 211191.3', at 8 P.M. ~~-<:~~ C 1 ty Clerk.. ~,c,,,- ,., GraJnd Island ,NebraskR,cTanua.'r:y 2"1913. The Council met pursuant to adjournment ,His Honor, the Mayor ,presid- 1 ng ,pX06sent, BroRdwell ,Hanna1,HeYde ,Kn1ckrehm ,:Meyer and Vier' egg ,absent BocX and Rasmussen. The Uinutes of' the m.eeting 01' December 1&"1912 Were read and approved. A communication trom the Falrlllont oreamery Company in re:ference to putt.ing in a s1x1nch waiter connection :foxt the supply f'or AutoIl1alt1c Sprinkling SysteHi to be installed: by them was readLand on motion of' HeYde the ma~ter was referred to the Water Committee to 1nves- ttgate an.d report;. Oommunications from the BeCl'etary of' the NebraSka League o;t' MUnicj,- pali ties werte read and Placed on f'11e and the appointing ot' Dele- gates lei't with tihe :Ma~or. oommunication fro~ Upperman & Leiser prJing to sell Gasoline Engine ~ Was read and on mption of Heyde re:t'erred to the la' er & Light Com. Oityprop~rty Com~ittee riled written report recommending the alloW'ance or the [Bill' of Kenna, & Kenna fOl' repairing the Oity Hall: Building: On motion of Vieregg the report was adopted and the bill allowec.l in the sUpl of $1853. '7~on roll call ,Broadwell ,Hanna.',HeYde, KniCkrehm,Meyer and Vieregg voting aye,nay none,absent Bock & Rasm- UBsen. ~~c~JiA. --.,., f\on motion of Hanntlc the Light Oommissioner was instructed to confer wi th the Telephone Oomp,any in rei'erence to Using their poles in extending the line on South Locust stree~. and to report at the next meeting. Spec1:fications f'or three new wells were read and on motion of Hanna, adop.ted and the OlerlC instructed to advertise :for bids for putting them in;Bids to b$ received at the first regular meeting in February. :Bills against 1"01' list see C1 ty were 1'eant and on mot1on 0.1' Hanna' allowed.') 228 Pe t 10n or Ai. Dar li ng e tal. :Cor ano ther Hydr ~n t on Ea s t FOUl' t h street was read and on motion of Hann~ referred to the F1re Oomm1 ttee An Ordlnanc$ creating Sewer District NO.33 was p:vese.nted, being Ordinance No. 536'. Moved bY Vieregg that the Ordinance be placed on its first ---.,., reading: Oarried on roll call)Broadwell,Hanna~HeYde,Knlckrehm,Meyer and V1eregg voting aye ,nay none ,absent J~oCk and Rasmussen: The Ordina1noe was read. and deClaredi passed its :Cirst reading. Moved by Broadwell that the ru.lf~s be suspended and the Ord1nance be placed on its second reading by its title: Carried on ~011 call , Br'oadwell , 1Dlnna' , HeYde ,Kniekrehlt,MeYer and. Vieregg voting aye,nay none,absent BOCk and Rasmussen; The Ordinance was read by its title and deC.iared ~8sed its !\.. .c......... ~,-:,'~ passage: Oarr1ed on roll call, Broadwell ,Hanna ',HeYde ,Knlc.krerun ,MeYtfr . ancl V1c"regg voting aye ,nay none ,absent BOCk and RaslIiUssen: Th0 Mayor deaiiared the Ordilnance f1nallY passed and approved the saBle. The report of the Weighmaster for December 1912 was read and On motion of Knic~ehm referred to the Finance Oommittee. Reports of Depository Banks were read and placed on file. ~.......- Adjourned. ~~~ :--.,., ,:;.......;............~...... ~--::-,',.,-- - ~- ..~.., ~.;r- ';'".:"- --;,i{_-~ salaries streets & Allays ~~ewe.:r s Lights Inciclentals Parks Imp:r.ovemen t s Merchandise Expense Improvements MerchaT'ldlse Expense i'" 229 Repo~t of Olerk o~ Approprtatioa$ and Expenditures to .January 1 flU. 913- Ge mer a1 . Fund Appropr1ated *4-,300 10,000 3,000 8,000 It-,OOO ,500 Balan.ce $2866.67 4-670. 72 ~ 1563.35 7989.90 2812.79 281.70 #:20185.13 _ ':if f' 7~ ~ #29,800 - Expendad! *14-33.33 5329.28 14-36.65 10.10 1187.,a (2) 218.30 ~ .,4_!~,.dfc_ #9614-.87 Po11/c e ~'und $9,000 $2835.39 $6164-.61 camet ery Fund $2, CWO Fire Fund $11,000 $669.95 $ #1901.25 9098.75 Water Fund ''I !~1+5, 000 $11138.98 1290.99 $i*~3':~1"'--- $J204-.1~5 . Light Fund *55,000 $1+634-.79 4698.58 1r1-9. 21 2 . 2.?___ ~a8552.59 $3614-1+7.41 #6529.27/ .~I6mn paving Fund .$16,475 #9945.73 Baving Dist,r1ct FundS 13294-2.54- .3214-9.93 #792.61 sewer District Funds $2345.94- #2169.88 #176.06 Monument Fund. $1+500 $36 $4-461+ TotalS $197,063.1+8 $93,769.89 '1'O3,293~59 Bond & Interest Fu.nd .11,300 Special occupation T~~ Fund Re\specttul1Y sUbm1 t, teet A~11::~ # 10.5, 230 ,., Grand Islani ,NebraSka, Januar~r 15"1913. The Oouncil met in regular session, 1118 Honor, the Ma-yor ,presiding present,Bock,Broadwell,KniCkrehm,Ueyer,Basmussen and Vieregg,8bsent Hanna and HeYde. The Minutes of meetings of .January' I" and 2" 1913': wert'} read and approv\ed~ ,,/,\oommunlcation t'r<.W/1'I, the Wa:terloo Drillil"f; Co. in reference to using Oook points on new wells was received and t'iled. Report ot' Liglit ,Comrols$ionerof expense ot' construction of.' 8 Line to the Sugar ractory was read am. on motion ot.' Vier egg ref'erred to the Light Oommittee. The later Oommittee reported the neW pump received but that the same Was not liP to the weight promised by something like:%o ,000 pounds. The Wa1ter OOInmittee made report as follows,: To the Honorable Mawor and Oi ty Oouncil, Oity of Grand Island,Nebraska. Gentlemen: We,Your comraittee on Fire,Light and water.beg leave to make the following repor~ on FaIlrmont Oreamery Service. ~ Tha,t the Company be allowed to make 8' six inch eDnnec1.ion with the Oi tj" water main on Front street at their expense;,under the direction of the 'a~er Oommissioner,and a minimum rate be charged them of #25.00 pe~ ~ear for the first one thousand sprinkler heads. and one and one haLt cents ror each additional head per year. RespecttullY s~bmitted. J. E~ Hanna' E.H. V1eregg G.W.Broadwell John Knietrehm,OoIT@1ttee. on motion of V~~regg the report was adopted. j~ Bills against tne Oi tjr were read and on motion of Knickrehm f!l:J.lOWed, for 11st see Olaim ~egister. Reports of the Clerk and POlice "Tudge ror December 1912 Were read and placed on f~le. Report of the Clerk of APpropria,t1ons and E.xpenditures to Janua 1.''1 1"1913 was read and n;.aue a part of the :Minutes. A(il journad:', %:f~~ 01 erk . 231 Report or' OlerK or Appropriat1ons and Expehdltures to and including February 1 "191.3.. General Fund Salaries Streets & Alleys Sewer s Lights Incidentals Park a ,Appropriated ,#1+ ,300 10,000 3,000 8,000 4,000 . /j00 #129,800 Expe nded #23~:r;67 6380.80 143-(.15 15.85 3144..5 3 218. 30 $13.518.30 Balance .,1:97$.33 (8) 3619.20 1562..8.5 7981+.1.5 I 855.1+7 281.70 ~16281.70 I~'".",,~ ~t~ .., polJce Fund $9000 . cemetery Fund '2000 . Fire Fund *tll000 . ,4071.26 $837.95 $2.591.20 $4-928.74 $1162. 0.5 $84.08.80 . Wa t eX' Fund '$>+5,000 $16050.43 1350. 72. p5~9:'lf.2 - .'-, #25!13~.'~ Improvernents Merchandise Expense .21069.43 Light Fund j5852.83 5706.19 _....J-1 09]._~Jj2_. '226.50.87 *32,349.13 Impl'ovements Me}1~ c haneli s e Expense Paving Fund #'16,1+75 #10017.88 $6457.12 Paving District FUnds #~291+2.5lJ. #32149.93 $792.61 sewer District Funds .231+5.91+ $2169.88 #176.06 Monument Fund #4500 #36 4 44.61+ Ilonel & InSlerest ...~ #11,300 Special occupat ion Tax Fund ReC8:l[;i'1 tulat10n #105 $208,063.1+8 #111,973.84 $96,089.64 Above total. appropria!t1on does not 1nclude the amount flpproW1ated f'OP payment of' Bonds & Interest and the SP~cial Occupation Tax paid 1s not inclu(led in totals a$ those items would prevent the account :from ba.lancj.ng. RespectfUllY sUbml t ted. Grand Island ,NebraSktl,FebrUnry 5"191.3;' ~~~ 232 >'.".,,~ ~jsJ' Grand ISland . NebraSKa ,February 5"1913. The Council met in regular session ,His Honor, the .M:ayor ,pre- si(ling and all mem[)ers present ~ roll call. The minutes o:f the meeting of cJanuar~r 15 "19lj; were read and approved. The res1gnatlon of D.A. T!'ivelp1ece as a Member of' the tlbra:.ry Board was read and on motion of Broadwell accepted. Oommunication :f'rom t.Tollll W. Tulleys was read and placed on :rile. Bids of William Kelly & Co. of Grand Islalu and E.C.Arch1bald of' Council BlUf'f's.Iowa were read and on motion of Hanna~ referred to the Water committee,for putting in, weJ:l~s. BidS 01' Miller.of' Hast1ngs,K1.mball Bros.o!' LinCOln and Paine MarblA Co. ,01' Gran~ Island,ror putting in Monument were read and referred to the City Property Oommt ttee to investigate and report at the next meet ing., A Oommunicatidn from the Grand Island Electric co.. Was read and on motion of 11a:nna' fPlaced on file. Heyde brought :up the matter of' neVi paVing districts to be established this y~ar and on his motion the matter was referred to the street cornmittiee and the Oommerc1tU OlUb to investigate and report at the next meeting., The Ligrlt COIDp.li ttee reported as follows: i- ..,.,. G Grand Island, Nebr. Feb. .5 "1913. "VU' ~ ..,. To the Honorable M8~or & City Oouncil: We,your OOJlllaittee on Fire.Light and Water,beg leave to maKe the following recorr~endations to improve our Light Plant. .~ We recommend the City p,urchase a 500 K~ w. turbine ,and that the City Clerk be instructed to 8clvertise for bic18 for same ,each bidder to i~rni8h P1ans & specifications to the Oity Council of the machine he 1s bidd~ng on JlJash bidder to fUrnish 8;: certi1'ied cheCk or ?" % of the probable cost of said machi:ne.B:!.ds shall be on f11e wi tJ;J, the City ClerK i not later. than March. 5th 5! P.M.. The City Council reserve the right t~ reject any and all bids . c.T .E. Hanna ,Emil H. Vier egg ,G. W. Broadwell ,John Knickrerun. On motion of BrOadwell the report was adopted. On motion of V~eregg the Water Commissioner was instructed to place a HYdrant on *ast J'ourth street near the Sale Barns at such point as the Water Gornm1ttee shall direct. I ! , , i 233 ,.~.,.- ~~.;~'\"':~i'-' -. --: ~_-_-<-T-",~ .,., Olaims against the Oity were read and on motion of HeYde allowed ~or list see Ola1m Register. The Mayor brought UP the matter of paying the e:x:penses of W. R. t.Tensen ,whO was injured. while on duty as :Merchant t s pOlice-. tncurred for Physicia:o.and for Hospital service in the SUIll at' *151.50 and on motion of HeYde the same was allowed and a warrant ordered drawn ;Cor the payment of same tn said amount. On ,motion of Hanna the City Property Corom1 ttee was instruc~ ted to look up a' new location for an Emergency Hospital. Report of the City OlerK of appropriations and expenditures to date was reac1 and Illade a part 01', tl'le minutes. . Report ot' the Oi ty Treasurer and the approval of the Finance COITiluittee endorsed thereon was read and placed on file. Report of the Weighmaster was read and placed on file. Reports Depos:!. tory BanKS were read and Placed on file.. AdjOUrned. ~c)4//~ city ClerK. . . .., t~~'-=- 234 / Grand Island, NebraSKa, February 19 "1913. . The Council'met in regular session,His Honor ,the Mayor, presiding and al;l. members present at 1'011 call.. The minutes of the last meeting were read anq, approved.. .A corr~unication fro~ Thomas M.Di110n,Chief of the Fire Department asking for the purchase oi' 500 feet more fire hose was read and on motion of Heyde referred to the Fire Cormaittee. lvtl".Douglas Was present with samJ)le of metallic Election Booths . and addressed the Oouncil: On motion ot: HeYde the mat- ter of purchasing ~uch election booths was referred to the Elections Cowaittee to investigate and report. On motion 01' Heyde the Olerk was instructed to notit:y the Contractors who paved Districts Eight and Nine to remove the sand therefrolll wii thin ten days if pos sible. The C1 ty Property Corumi ttee made report as follows':: To the Mayor and C1 ty Council of Grand ISland ,Nebraska: )\ We ,your Oommittee on City PropertY,report that we :rind the bid of the patne-Fishburn Granite CompanY,of Grand ISland, Nebraska, :for the ~rection of the SOldier s 'Memorial Monument for the City of Grand ISland,to be the lowest and best bid and recomrr~nd that same be accepted on the following basis:' The monument to be o:f seven natural divis10ns as shown on blue print of the arch1 teet I s plans therei'or. , ~"""~ ~-"'-~~ l~'" The bronze statue to be i'igure 01' soldier at parade rest, 71- feet h1gh and oast of material and workmanship required bY specit:ications,photographs thereof to be submitted to and ap- proved bY the Coun.cil before same is cast. Emblems to be let- i{.;"'~ . 0'" tered 8S required: bY speci:f'ications ,drawings of same to be SUibll11tted and approved before same are cut in stone. The granite to be the best Barre granite furnished by Barkley Brothers,ot Barre,Vermont,axed surface with ten cut. same to be complet~d as per Plans,specit:ications and contract bY september 1st ,1913. price completed as above $14-,197. John Knickrehm J .E.Hanna" Aug.Meyer, R.W.BocK,Conooittee. rebm the report was adopted. On motion of' ~~:;,,~ 2:35 ~ The Water ': Oommi ttec made report as follows; To the Hon.Mayor & oity OounclljGrand ISland ,Nebraska: Gentlemen: Your Water Oommittee has to report on the bids i'or' putting in two twelve inch and. one ten inch wells that they find it in-expedient to put in the ten inch well and that the bid of William Kelly & Oo.,covering a lump bid f'or the three wells is the onQ.y bid coming any where hear the spea:ificat:1ons and leaving out the ten inch well they will put in the two twelve inch wells for thesuIil of $1025.00 and we recommend that their bid be accepted and contract be awarded to William Kelly & Oompany Eor p~tting in the two twelve inch wells as per speci- fications for the sum of $1025. Respectf'Ully SUbml tted. c.T .E.Hanna,E.~. Vier egg ,G. W. Broadwell ,John Knickrebrn, OomIlli ttee. On motion ot' Vier egg' the repo:ct was adopted. Water Oomm.ittee also made report as t'ollows: Grand ISland,N'ebr.Febr.l9th 19l3~ To the HoncDrable, Mayor and Oi ty Oouncil. We your oorim~i ttee on Light Fire & Water recommend tl1at the Oit~r Clerk be in\Structed to adVertise :Cor two 12" deep well turbine Motor dr1ven pumps. Bidders to fUrnish their own speci- fications. . R~specti'UllY sUbmi tted.. made. J .E.HannR,E.H~ Vieregg ,G. W. Broadwell, John Kn1clcrelun, Oomilli t tee. On motion of Hanna t'he report was adopted., The Water Oommittee presented Plan f'or improving the water distribution servlice by extending the 18" main on Fourth street t'rom Locust to Cliark street ,connecting wi th 12" main on Olark :Crom Fourth to Sebond and a 10" main from Second as far South as the system ext~nds. On motion 0:C Vieregg the Plan Was adopted. On motion 0+ Vieregg the Olerk was instructed to adverti$e :Cor bidS for Wat~r main and fittings according to said Plan, from Locust to Elm on Fourth and t'rom North side ,Of.' ~hird to South side ot' First on Clark, also putting in larger main on Third street from i Clark to Washington streets,1ncluding the 1 aYing ot' t he same!. Oemetery Oomm~ttee presented verbal estimate for water system at the Oeme~ery and on motion of: Broadwell the Oommittee was instructed to ~ave specifications prepared and have 1$vels r ,u_ "~ u . I i i ! 236 On motio~ or Broadwell the matter or changing Oemetery lots within the citr'cle was referred to the Oemetery Committee to in- vestigate and report. BillS against the City were read and on motion or Vieregg allowed~ 1'or list aee Olaim Register. ~ petition or J.A.Woolstenholm,etal.t'or the paving of Third stroet from tue East line of Elm street to the East line or Lincoln Avenue Was read and on motion or Vieregg referred to the Committee ion streets & Alleys to investigate and Report. petition 'of W.H. Thompson etal.:Cor the paving of Second street from the West line of Wheeler Avenue to the East line of Madison str;eet was read and on motion of Vier egg referrod to the street & .A!llCEY Committee to investigate and report. Petition iof'W1lhelm stelk,etal.for sewer through BlockS 28 & 29 of' Charles Wasmer's Addition was read and onmot1on of Vieregg reterrcd to the sewer cownittee to investigate and report. Reports ot the pOlice JUdge and City Olerk for January were read and on motion of KnicJ.<rehm Placed on tile. The street & Alley Ommmittee made report as follows: To the Honorab~e Mayor and 01"ty Oouncil of' the Oity or Grano. Island t Nebr. Goo tlemen: We ,your Commi ttee on street,s and Alleys to whom was referred t:t:j.e petition for the paying or Third street !:rom Elm street to Lincoln Avenue have to report: That we have ex- ronined said pe~ition and find the same to be in due form and find that the owners of more than three-fifths f'oot frontage eff'ected by sa1:d peti tion for paving have signed said pet1 tion and recommend tihat the prayer or said petition be granted.. All of which is respectfUllY sUbmitted~ Albert HeYde,G.W.Broadwell,E.H.Vieregg,R.p.Rasmussen,Oommittee. Moved bY Heyde !that the report be adopted and tha,t the Oi ty Attorney prepar~ an Ordinance m'eating or establishing such i district: motion carried on roll caill ,Bock ,Broadwell ,Hanna, HeYde,Knickreb111~Meyer,Rasmussen and Vieregg voting aye..nay none, and the report Was declared adopted.. ~'<~ 4..0.,~' >.I";k....,'.3......... ;. ~;;;,ye;- _"c::,Jl,f 7~ C?~_ ",; r,"' 237 The COmIni t tee on stree ts & Alleys made repor t as fallows: To the Honorable Mayor and Ci.ty Oouncil. of the city of Grand Island, Nebr. Gentlemen: ~ We,your Committee on streets and Alleys to whom was re- ferred the petition of W.B. Thom.pson and others for the paving of Second street fI'om Wheeler Avenue to Madison street report that we have examined said petition and find the same to be in due form and find that the owners of more than three fifths f'oot :frontage ',affected, bY said petition for pav,1ng Clave signect said petition ~nd recOillmendthat the prayer of the petition be granted. Respect.fUllY submitted. Albert HeYde ,Ei. H. Vleregg, G. W. Broadwe.ll ,R. P. Hasrnussen, Cammi t tee. Moved bY Heydel that the report,be adopted. and the Oity Attorney be instructed ita prepare an Ordinance creating ami establishing SUCll District:' motion carried on rOll call ,BOCk ,Broadwell , Hanna!,- HeYde,KniCl<rerun,Meyer ,Rasmussen and Vier egg voting aye ,nay none. and the report i, was declared adopted.. Tl:1e Sewer! Coromi ttee made report as :follows: To the Hon.:M:a.'Y<!>r & Members Oity oouncil, city of' Grand Island,Nebr., we,your committee on sewers to whom was referred the petition of Malvord J.~den and others :for the laying of a sewer in B:.LoCkS' 37,38,39,1+0,4-1 & 4-2 Wheeler'S Addition beg leave to report that we find said petition to be in due :form and that the same is signed by majority of the resident :Cree holders inaaid sewer district and recommend that the prayer of the petition be granted. Respectfully. G.W.Broadwe~l,E.H.Vieregg,J.E.Hanna,Colmnittee. on motion of Broadwell th~ report was adopted , on roll call all voting aye. X The City A~torney presented an ordinance,No.53T,creating or establishing paying District NO.IO, embracing second street from Wheeler AV~nue to Madison street. Moved bY Heyde that the Ordinance be placed on its First reading: Carried oniroll call,BoCk,Broadwell,Hanna,HeYde,KniCkrehm, Me~rel1 ,Rasmussen land Vieregg voting aye,nay none: The ordina~ce Was read and declared passed its t'ir st readins:. ! 'j i ~i'< '.~ ~- - ~ ~t:~. -" '238 Moved by Bock that .the rules be suspended and the Ordinance be placed on its second reacting by its title: Carried on roll call ,BoCk ,Broadwell ,Hanna,HeYde ,Knickrehm., Meyer,Rasmussen and Vieregg voting aye,nay none: The Ordinance was read by its title and declared passed its second re~ding: Moved by Heyde that the rules be suspended and the Ordi- .nance be Placed on its third reading: Oarried on roll call., Bock ,Broadwell ,Hanna,HeYde ,Knickrehm., Meyer,Rasmussen and Vieregg voting aye,nay none, The Ordinance was read and declared passed i t.s third reading. I ]!oved by Wie~egg that the Ordinance be Placed on its fin~l passage: oarried ofl. roll call,BoCk,Broadwel'I,HaTlna,HeYdetKniCkrehm, Meyer ,Rasmussen and Vieregg voting aye,nay none: The Mayor; declared the Ordinance :rinally passed' and approved the same. '!\... The Oity ).,ttorney presented an ordinance ,NO.538,creating or establishing Paving District No.ll,embracing Third street from Elm stre$t to Lincoln,Avenue . Moved by ~eYde that the ordinance be Placed on its first reading: Oarried 0111 1'011 call ,BOCk,Broadwell ,Hanna ,HeYde ,Knickrehlil, Meyer,Rasmusse~ and Vieregg voting aye,nay none: The OrdirJa!nce was read and deC.lared passed its firstreadin;t: Moved by Vieregg that the rules be suspended ani the Ordinance be Placed on 1 tiS second reading bY its title: Carr ied on, roll call ,Bock, Broadwell, Hanna tHeYde t,Kn1ckrehTll, Meyer, Rasmussen: and Vieregg voting fl1,;Ye ,nay none: The Ordinance was read bY its title and declared passea its second reading. Moved by Rasmussen that the rules be suspended and the Ordinance be Pl~ced on it s third read1ng: Oarried on'roll call, BOCk ,Broadwell ,Hanna ,HeYde ,Kn1ckrehm, Meyer,Rasmussen,and Vieregg voting aye,nay none: The ord1naIfce was ,read and declared pa'ssed its third reading Moved by R~smussen tbat the Ordinance be PlaCed on its final passage: Oarried calltBOCk,Broadwell,Ha:;nna,HeYde,KnlCkre!tllIi, 239 Meyer,Rasmus nand Vieregg vo~ing aye,nay none: The Mayor aeclared the OrdlnancerinallY passed. and approved the same. The OitYAttorney presented an Ordinance NO.539,creating or establishing Sewer District NO.3lf,crnbracing Blocks 37 to lf2 o1~ Russel Wheelen IS Addition. Moved ,by HeYde that the Ordinance be Placed on its first ,i-'....... '-"". ..-.-., f;_ passage: Oarried qnroll call ,BoCk, Broadwell ,Hanna,HeYde,Knickrehm, Meyer ,Rasmuss~n and Vieregg voting aye, nay none: The Mayor'deClared the ordinance f'inallY passed, and approved.: the same. Ad jour ned'. ;;.:",,' """'-' .., ~--t: g#:~ 01 ty Olerk. 240 Grand Island ,Nebraska ,March 5"1913. The Counc~l met in regular session,His Honor,the MaYOr, presiding and ~l~ members present at roll call.. The min.utes ot' the last regular meeting of February 19"'1913' '';:''~. "'>..'" ~"it~ ,~ were read and approved.. Dr.p.C.Ke~IY aSked permission to place steps to his new hospital on the sidewalk and on motion or Vieregg the matter Was ret'erred to the street COlrrmittee. A cOlIlmuni~ation from Alice B. Bryan in rererence to lease at' lots at an increased rental was read and on motion 01.' Hanna i re1.'erred to the Oommittee on Oity Property. A Oommuni~ation :from Paine-Fishburn Granite 00. enClosing one from Barclay BrOs.. 0:C Barre vt.in reference to Monument was, read. Peti tion of' J .M.Hewi t t etal. aSking t'or an election dis- trict at West Jl,awn was read and JvJl'.Hewi tt addressed the Oouncil in re1.'erence to same and on motion 01.' Vieregg the matter was re:ferred to th~ Oormni ttee on Elections.. Bids :Cor two deep well pumps ,motor driven,were opened and read and on mot.ion of' HeYde re:Cerred to the Council as a OOInilli t- tee ot' the who]e. Bidsi'or 500 KW Turbine Generator were opened and read and on motion of'Hannaref'erred to the Oommittee of' the whOle Oouncil to investigate 'and .report. Bid.s for Wiater Maine and laying were opened and read and on motion of' Meyer re1.'e1"1"ed to the Council as a Committee ot' the whole.. ~.,' ~- .,~ <--~' The matter: of' a drain under the tracks of' the U.P.E.:E.Oo. at Vine st .was ~ain taken up and on motion of' HeYde referred to the City Attorney to take up with the Oompany further. The Fire Cbmmi t tee reported recomm.ending that .5>00 f'eet ot: cotton,rubber lined Fire Hose be purcllased and that the Olerk ad vert iee i'or b~dS :Cor sam.e and on motion of' HannaTtihe repOl"t was adopted. The Fire 09.mrni ttee .made report as f'ollows which Was read., :241 Grand Island,Neb.MarcIl ;, 1913. To Mayor & Co~ncil: We,Your pommittee on Fire ,Light & Water,who were instructed to purchase g, hor sa for the fire department, beg leave to maKe the fallowing reportt: lrtr.Ed.Borders ,of this CitY,has a young horse weighing about 1500 1bs. and after hitching him up with one of the fi~e horses we find him to be a good worker & fi' good mate to the c~ty'S .fire horse ,and can be bought .for $180. We recoIT@end pur~hase of the same. ~) ~J . E . Han1\1a ) G. W. Broadwell) Conuni t tee. on motion ~ H~Yde the matter Was referred to the Council as a Committee ai' the whole.. The Ceme~ery Co~aittee reported recommending that some record" bOOkS 'in the ClerlC's of.fice be used at the Cem.etery to keep a1reCOrd of burials and on motion of Broadwell the report was. adopted ana. the 'Commi ttee instructed to have the records writ ten uP.. on motion of Rasmussen the Clerk was instructed to a dverti~e for bids for an examina:tion of the bOOKS and accounts o.f the Traasurer,Clerik,Police JUdge,and Weighmaster for the current M'Unic~paa. year:,bids to be in by April 16"1913. The Bond :Committee reported .finding the Bond of P8:;lne-Fish- burn Granite iCO. to be proper in form. and the sureties sut'!icient and, on m.otion Of' Rasmussen the report was adopted and bond ap- groved.. Bills aga~nst the City were read and on motion of Rasmussen .<..~ ..~ , allowed,for list see Claim. Register. Report of the Weigrunaster was re~d and placed on file. Reports of Depository Banks were read and placed on file. The Ci ty ~ngineer presented Plans ,specit'icai'ions and es- timates for seVfers in Sewer Districts: Nos.33 & 3lt and .for Malin in Vine street! to connect with Sewer in Di strict No. 34- amd on motion or Bro~dwell the same Were adopted and the Clerk instr- usted to advertise for bids .for same. On motion lOt' Heyde the Clerk was instructed to noti.:t.y the H. P. R. R. 00.' to ira1se sidewalK on<~ s1deSof' Pine st. to the Curb. The Matter ot.putting in storm sewer was referred to the sewer Commi tted and Engineer on m.otion of Hanna,. Ad journed. ~~~. 242 Grana. Island ,Nebraska ,lvf.arch 19"1913. The Oouncil met in regular session,His Honor, the Mayor presid- ing and all member s present at roll call. The Minutes of the meeting of March 5"1913 were read and approved. Oommunication from Alice B. Bryan not11~ying the Oouncil to vacat.e her lots now usedi'or a Hay Market was read and on motion of Broadwell, ....,., the request was granted,to vacate April 1111913. Oommunication from the U.P.H.H.Oo.in reference to Electrolier lights to be inst~11ed was read and Placed on file., OOIrlmunicatio~from 'Henry H.J.i'al1.dori' reQiUest1ng privilege to use part of street' While building on Lot 7 Block 65 Was granted. B1VlS of Willi~m;Ke11Y & 00., Grand Island Plumbing 00. ,and of' the Grand Island oontract 00.1'01' putting in sewers in Districts 33 & 34, and the ex~ension of Vine street ma:in we:ce read and on motion of Knick:reh~ referred to the Sewer Oorrlll1i ttee. Bids f'or 500 teet of Fire Hose were read and referred to the Fire Oommittee on motion of Knickrehrrl. HeYde called ~he attention of the Oouncil to the necessity of lowering the pa~ing at the intersection or Locust & First streets and on motiion of HeYde the matter was rererred to the street Oommittee wfth power to act.. On motion of Rasmussen the Hay Market Was located in the stUb t~<......... / of Kimball Avenue .' . ~df -- . ...~ The Water Oommittee reported as follows: Grand Island ,Nebr. ,March 19"1913. HOl1. :Mayor & Oi ty Oouncil: K We,you:r Oommittee on Fire,JJight & Water,beg leave to report that we recommend that the prnposal No.1 of the American Well Works of Aurora Ill. ,be accepted in the sum of $1255. 00 and that they be required to furnish ~ond as a gua~antee that the pumps speci:t'ied.w111 deliver 500 gallons of water per minute using not more than' 10 h.p.each. ..T. E. Hanna, G. Wi. Broadwell, Emil. H. Vier egg ,..Tohn Kni ckrehm, . Oommittee. Ort motion of Vier egg the report Was adopted and the Oontract awar- ded accordingl~r. The Water Oommi made report as tollows:: 243 March 19" 1913. We, Your committee recommend that the :furnishing at' the pipe ane. .ft ttj,ngs for the extension at' Water mains be . awarded to William Kelly & Co. ,be1ng the lowest and best bid. J.E.H~nna,John Knickreh, G.W.Broadwell,Corilluittee. On motion o.f Hanna: the report was adopted and the contract awardecl accordinglY. The Water Cornmi t tee made report a.s follows:. Grand Island.,Neb. ,March 19"1913. ". ..- ...,., TO the Mayor & Council: 7\ Wo,your qomrn1ttee on Fire ,Light & W~ter ,beg leave to ma.ke the :following neport: As the time has a.rrived when we'a.re to make a set tlement witth E.J,.:(vferkle & Co., .for the new Pump a.t the Water WorlCS,will say ',Vla-ha.ve tested the pump and. .find. it very satisf'@c- tory ,and as E.!t..T . Merl<:le &' co. ha.ve :fult'illed their pa.rt of the con- tract with the City of Grand Island ,we I' ecommend tha.t the City Oouncil a.ccept, said pump and settle for, the same. J .:E1'. Hanna.,Joihn Knickrehm, G. W. Broadwell" Oommi t tee. On motion of Halnna t'he report wa.s adopted. Vieregg caRled a.ttention to the blocking of pine street by trains beyond the time provided in the Ordinance and on his mo- tion the Oity Orlerk was instructed to ca.ll the a.ttention of' the agent of the U.lP.R.R.Oo., to the Ordinance and insist upon its enforcement. The Bond otr The Gra.nd Island Oontract Oompany cover ing their Contract tror putting in water mains was read and. on motion of' ~,:t -- Ras1i1U ssen approved. petition and. BonG! of E.R.Jenkins :e'or Auctioneer's permit was read and onmot10n of R~smussen the petition was granted ,bonQ approved and pe:rmitt ordered granted. On motion of Broadwell the petition for sewer through BloCkS 28 & 29 otr wasmer's Addition was referred to the Oity Engineer.. On motion o:f13roadwell the ma.tter ot' complaints of the sewer near otto Kirschke's residence not working satisfactorilY was ref'erred to the wewer Cornmittee. "i :~:....... S'4L:~j""'" ..., ~ii~ ~:~ 244 nted Dr. George sutherland it member 01: the Library Board :fill the vacancy caused by the resignation ot' D.A.'rr1velp1ece and" ltfrS.Lizzie M.Abbott,1v.D:'s.Frano1s Cleary and 1vtr'.Bayard 11;.pa1ne to succeed themselves and on motion of' Vieregg the appointments were cont'irmecr. , BillS against the City were read and on motion of Hanna allow- ed,for list see the CJlaim Register. "Report of the Treasurer for ]'ebruary was read and on motion ot' Broadwell Placed on :file. The Report of the Ci ty Clerk t'or February w~.s read and t'ileC4.i. The Report Of the pOlic~ JUdge for FebrUary was read and on moti-an ot' Hanna Placed on file.. . On motion of Rasmussen the Oity Olerk Was instructed to noti- 1:y the "dealers in marlt,sPirituous and v1nousliquors that a license :fee of' #1000 must be paid by the retailer and a t'ee of' $1000 must also be paid by the wholesaler ,and the two coulcl not : " 8 be combined and sold under one license.t'ee of' $1000.00 On motion 91: Knickrehm the Oity Attorney was instructed to prepare an Ordinance det'ining and separating the wholesaling and retailing amd providing license therefor. Heyde called attention to parties on South Oak street and Ashton Avenue who wanted the City Electric Lights and on motion of Broadwell the m[tt ter was referred to tlle Light OOmIni t tee. Adjourned. ~~~.,f Ci ty Olerk. ,. 24$ l\eport at' 01er:K of Appropriations and Expend1tm'es to March 31"1913. Salaries st.& Alleys sewer's Lights Incidentals parles General Fund Appropriated ~~4300 10000 3000 8000 li-O 00 00 '\ 29800 , ~~:h~, --.,., pOlice Fund $9000 ~~5084. 47 3915.53 oemetery Fund $2000 Fir e Fund ~~11 000 *~961. 70 ~~3178. ~o $1038.30 *~7821. 20 Water Fund ~~45 ,000 Improvements Mer chand. i se Expense $2111-7'2.66 1678.77 .. 8260.5P. $31lj.11.99 $13588.01 Light Fund $55,000 Impr ovemen t s Merchandise Expense ~p66lj.9 .13 6775.1l+ ,,]..-2:1:23_9.. .3Jt... ~28363. 65 $2663().35 paving ]"und #16,47~ ~~l0017. 88 $6lt57.12 . Paving Distri ct Funds .32,~42.51t $32,202.58 $739.96 sewer District Funds $231~5. 94 $218lt.53 $ 161. ltl Monument Fund }--.,., ~P+ 500 Bond & Interest ~~ll ,300 Special Occupa'titop. Tax Fund (Fire Department) d:'L' I. ~5 '1i'~'"t.~ l.-J.1lr5' h I, h 'il' r t" ? '"t? d.l05. <9 ." Recapi tUlation or 'fotals. $ 208 , 63 . 48 $~27 ,864.17 ~~80,199.31 Totals danot ilnclude APPl'opr1ation fOI' Bond & Interest Fund nor amount expend'ed! f'or S~ecia1 Occupat ion Tax Fund. Respec~fullY SUbmitted A~~ ~46 Grand I81and ,NebrasKa ,April 2"1913. The Council met in regular se~sslon,H18 Honor, the Mayor ,pre- siding and all members present at roll call. ~:he minutes of the rneeting of March 19"1913 were raadand approved. . Geer-Harrison Co. asked permission to use a part of Locllst street to Place building material while building on North 22 feet of Lot 8 BlOCk 80 and on motion of Broadwell the request ",.~ .~ was granted. ~~,>.; - Bids of Tpeodore p.Boehm,J.William~ and Lyde Jerome for si te :Cor Em.ergency Hospital ,were read and on motion of :HeYde referred to the City property COIDlilittee. BidS for furnishing lamps for the coming year were opened and referred to the Light COlilulittee ;the COIDlulttee retired,examined t he bids and brought in the followir~ report: Hon.:M:a~Tor & C1 ty Council; Vfe,your Oommittee on fire,lights and water beg leave to re- port that we reco.lmnend that the contract for electric lamps 1'or the ensuing year be awarded to the J.R.Lehmer Co. J. E.Hanna,E. H. Vieregg ,t-Tohn Knickrehm, G. W. BroadWell, Corami t tee. On mot'ion of Hanna\ the report was adopted and the contract awarded accordinglY . Petition Of property owners in paving District No.lO desig- natin& brick on concrete base as material to be used in paving said District wafI'read and on motion 01.' Heyde; the desi,gnation was approved ort roll call t all'being present voted; aye. on motion at Broadwell motion designating or a'pproving ofc the designat:l.ol1 of' material for Paving District NO.IOw8.s recon- sieler ed. petitions iOi' property owners in paving District No.11 design- at1ng BriCk on Concrete, base, and DOllarwaY,respectively were read. On motion :of'HeYde,petitions designating material to be used in paVing pavin:g Districts 10 & 11 were reter-T'ed to the street committee to investigate and report. K On motion :01.' Hanna; the Mayor was authorized and directod to execute contraCit for putting in deep well machinery wi th the Arilerican flell Wprks ot' Aurora ,Illinois.c 247 The Fire oommittee reported having sold the discarded fire horse for the sum of $105.00. The Fire OOlJ1Inittee reported as follows: Grand Island, Nebr. April 21f '1913. Honorable Mayor & Oouncil, Your comm:l. t.teeto whom tbe bids for Fire Hose Was re:Cerre,d recommend tIle biel of the Bi-Lateral Fire Hose co. ,for t11e11" Uno Single Jacket prand of Hose be accepted at 85; c, 2% 10 da'ys. I , ''').~.. . "'.--"".--'-".- ~;--:'",. ?~ ~T .E.Hanna,G. W. Broadwell ,E. H. Vieregg ,trohn Knickrehul, Commi ttee. ~ On mot'ion of KniCk:eehlll the report was adopted. 1].'he Water Oormni t tee Inade report as f'ollows: Grand ISland, Nebr. ,Apr. 21f1913., Honorab~e Mayor & Council; we,your committee to whom the bidS for laying water mains was refer'I'ed recoJimne:nd the' bid: of the Grand Island: Contract Co. be accepted.- ,J .E.~anna,E.H. Vieregg ,G. W. Broadwell ,John KnickrellliJ.,Oom. On motion of R$SIDUssenthe report was adopted. On motion of' Vieregg the Light oommittee was instructed to investigate and report on bids for Kenerator as soon as possible. pOlice Oommittee reported that contractor failed to remove dead animals promptlY. On motion of Vieregg the Olerk was instructed to return all cheCKS filed wlth bidS for repair of the Emergency Hospital. On motion of Vieregg the question of having an extra man put on to have the alleys cleaneduP,etc. Was referred to the Commi ttee on Ordinances to investigate and. report.. On motion of v1eregg the Ordlnance Committee and the city Attorney were instructed to have proper Ordinance prepared and presented reg1!llaiing travel on the streets. The Oity Engineer reported on the feasibility of putting in sewer throu$'h BlockS 28 & 29 of' WasJt1er I s Acidi t10n and on Illa- tion ot' Vieregg the report was referred to the Sewer OOIiUmi ttee. The PaTk 00111mi ttee reported that'. they had again employed: I.H. Waldron to care for Ptlioneer Park at a sailarry ot' $lm per month COJ.llinenc1ng Apr~l 1"1913. Bills against the 01 ty were read and on motion at' BOCk 'i" >:>-':'.0 ~:~~~4/:--~' . .~ ~llowedl,for 11$t see Ola.<1mReg1ster. 248 On mati of HeYde bill of William KellY & Co. for balance on contract for P"dving District No.8 was referred to the street Oommittee. Petition of Stephen S.Hayman etal.t'or sewer through Fra'c.... tiona~ BlockS 20 at' Wallichs'Addition rund ~ of Bonnie Brae Addi- . tion was read and on motion at' Broadwell referred to the sewer Oormnittee to :Lnvestigate and report:: The Oommittee reported at once finding that the petition was in due form and signed by the requisi tenurober o.f owners o.f lots in said blocl<s and rec.~ ommending that' the prayer of'the petition be granted and the oiity . Attorney prepare a' proper Ordinance establishing same into 8" sewer District:. The 01 ty At torney presented an Ordinance NO. 54-0 cI)eating sewer, District NO.35, as d:lirectecl by the Oouncil: Moved by (Broadwell that the ordinance be. Placed on 1ts f1rst . reading: Oarried on roll call ,BOCk ,Broadwell ,Hamna,He~:de,Kn1ckrehlij, Meyer , RaSl11USSen and Vieregg voting aye ,nay none: The Ordinance was read and declared passed its first reading. Moved by~roadwell that the rules be suspended and the Ordi- nance be placed on its second reading by its title: Oarried o~ roll call ,BOCk ,Broadwell ,Ha\nna,HeYde ,KnickrebJn, Meyer,RasIDusse:p. and Vieregg vot ing awe,nay none: The Ordinance was read by i.ts ti tIe and declared pa:ssed its' second reading. l!fOved by Vieregg that the rules be suspended and the Ordinance be placed on its third reading: Oarried on roll call,Bock,BroadWell,l~nna,HeYde)Knickrehm, Meyer, Rasmussen and Vieregg voting aye ,new none; The Ordinl:lnce was read and d ecl.ared :passed it s third reading. :Moved by .Knickrehm that the Ordinance be placed on 1 ts final E:L~ ......~ 1L.:,~i - rc~ passage: Oarried on roll call ,BOCk ,Broadwell ,Hanna,,}IeYde,Knickre:tun, Meyer, RasIDu ssel1 l!\ind Vieregg voting aye ,na,y none: The Mawor idealarGd tIle Ordinance finally passed and approved the saIne.. An Ordinanice No. 541 granting right at' way :.for sidetrack to the Union pacit'jic Ra'ilroad Oo:rnp.any was presented: I i , I I ! . i 2l.J:9 Moved bYl Broadwell that the Ordinance be placed on its first reading: Carried on roll call,BOCk,BrOadwell,Hanna,HeYde,KnickrebID, Meyer,RasJlluss~n and Vieregg,voting aye,nay none; The Ordinance was'read and declared passed its fir st reading: Moved by Heyde that the rUles be suspended and the ordr.1.nance be placed on its second reading by its title:: tI'- . oarried on roll call ,BOCk ,Broadwell ,H~nna\,HeYde,KniclCrehlil1, Meyer , RaS1l.1ussen and Vieregg voting aye ,na'y none~ The Ordinance was read by its ii tIe and declared passed 1 ts second read1ng: }!oved by:RaSlnussen that the rules be suspended and the Ol'di- nance be plac~d on its third reading: Oarr1ed on rol:!,. call, BoclC,Broadwell ,Hanna,HeYde,Kn1cJ:crehm, Meyer,RaSIDussen and Vieregg,voting aye,nay none~ The Ordinance was read and declared passeci 1ts third reading.. Moved by :Rasmussen that the ordinance be placed on its fjnal passage: Oarr1ed on roll call ,BOCk Broad';'H~ll ,Hanna "HeYde,KniClCrehID, Meyer, Rasmussen and Vieregg voting a;ye,nay none:: The Maw-or declared the Ordinance finally passed and approved, the same.. An ordinance' in regard to the retailing and wholesaling of :Illl~lt~spirituou$ and vinous liquors was presented.: Moved by ~eYde that th~ Ordinance be ~laced on its ~1rst reading: Carr-ied on roll call, BOCk, Broadwell ,Hanna,HeYde ,Hn1ckreh1io., Meyer,RaSIDussen and Vieregg voting aye,nay none: The Ordinance was read and declared pa'8sed iltS :first reading. Reports oil Olerk and WeigbJnaster were read and filed.. Reports of Depository BankS were read and referred to the Finance COlluni ttlee. Prince & WelKer were present with specimens of gravel found in the Koehler 'tra.ct. on ~ot1on of Rasmussen the Oity Attorney was instructed to take UP wit,h .th~ o. B. &: Q. R. R. co. the question of pav.1ng Plum street from Fourth Strf3et to their. depot.. .~ i On Illation of Hannat,AdjOUrned I ! 250 Grand Island,NebraSKa,APr11 7/"1913. The council met as provided by law f'or the purpose of' canvassing the returns of' the election held on AprilJ. fI'i913, His Honor,the lKayor,presiding and a11 members present at roll call. 'r'he returns of' said election were opened and canvassed as 76 52 I 24 f'011 OWS: Districts. one TWo Throe Four Five Six Total ,/>,~ c~ For 11ayor Charles G.Ryan L..S.Moore: Carl Willard W..s..ReiniCke ___COleman Treasurer L. R. Brininger', o. F. RUss Oity Oler~ Henry E.Clifford Will partridge A.L.Joseph 11+8 1 J. FOl' llt-O 3 1. 1 141+ 1 , For councilman First Ward a.A.Brayton 46 RUdolph Heher 37 Rasmus P.RasIDussen 87 Second Ward Her:rnan Helmke, Jr .. Fred IUapproth John Oornelius George pea.rson Theodore Jessen :n..rax Eggs i j Third Ward Albert HeYde Fourth Ward George W.Broadwell Members of' Board Of' Education Walter EricKsen 52 A.B.Harriott 42 c.R.Heusinger 54 J.A.Mitchell 29 B.R.:MCGrat'.h>( 121 Grace B. Pad.n~ 111 Jennie S.. suuman ~ 107 ll.H.WilKin~ 59 :t;" "~ .,. 85 108 ,57 5il..8 1 27 1 1 58 8lf 51 5.31+ 1 86 114: 87 109 89 107 1 I 1 1 1 58 35 41 21 38 49 23 50 60 31 1930 20 1+9 66 32 63 96 23 57 85) 20 33 40 30 58 87 50 " 539 1 1 46 37 87 196 1 1 1 1 1 58 89 44 133 22 26 197 34 28 214 38 16 249 24 12 134 68 22 358 81 '54 428 79 52 400 29 25 216 Moved by Broadwell that in-as-much as Charles G.Ryan,for Ma.1YOr, L.R.Brininger ,for city Treasurer ,Henry E.Olifford,for Oity 01erk1 . Rasnms p.RaSJllUSsen, CouncilIDan ,Fix'st Ward , Her Ji11an Hehnke ,~rr. Council- man second Ward Albert HeYde, Oouncilman Third Ward) George w..BroaltWe11 Counc i1ilan :for Four th Ward, Benjamin R. :Ili1cGrath, Grace Bentle~~l1.n$ ,:for Members of the Board of Education ,have each o:f the votes mist at the ensufl18" MUniq:~p..aa. said respective offices ,that they 9.Jnd' each of and ~Jennie s. received: a' Election fo!' ~......'.'.~ ~ '~J.\....iIIIA. ~~ --"r:-- 251 the ensuing term. Ad journed ~~ ~--~, <3 Grand ISland, Ne)}raska:, ApI' 11 7"1913.,8-, P.M. The Council Illet p_ursuant to adjourrunent,H1s Honor , the Mayor pre siding and all 1l1ellber s present at roll call.. The C1 ty PIU:rnb1ng Company presented petition for. Plmnber I s License and on motion of Broadwell the L1cense Was granted aIm to be issued upon the f'iling and approval bY the Mayor of a To the Mayor ~nd City Council of Grand Island,Nebraska: GentleJaen Your COL1IDittee to whom was referred the petition re- ferring to the material to be used in Paving District No.lO beg leave to report: That we find a majority of the front feet have pet1 tioned 1'01' briCk with asphaJ.. t filler, there being 6336 feet in the District and 3751 feet havir~ been signed for briCk with asphallt filler. RespectfUllY submitted. MaJ. S83! feet. Albert HeYde,.E..H. Vier egg , R. P. Rasmussen, G. W. Broallwell Com. on motion of HeYde the report was adopted on roll ~ll; BOCk, Broadwell, Hanna,HeYde.,Knictrehln ,Meyer, Rasmussen and Vieregg voting aye ,nay. none.< The street Cormni t tee made repor t as f'ollows: TO the Ma~or and Oity Council,of Grand ISland,Nebraska: Gentlemen: we,your Committee to whom was referred the petition relating to the kind of material to be used in Pavir1g District No.ll,report tl)at we find the District to contain 26>+0 feet and f'ind 15il.8 feet signed for briCk with asphal t :rilleI' . that being a; majori~y of the :reet in that district for that material. Maj.l98 :reet. RespectfUlly sUblnitted.. Alber t Heyde ,E.!H. Vieregg, R.P. Rasmussen, G. W. Broadwell, oom.. {~"c ........'" --..., L~~ -~ 'r" . ~?c:,.~".--';'-:'""_"-,.,,.,~<..c~, "F' <_.c~.-. ! 2;2 On Illation of Broadwell the report was adopted on roll call; BoCk ,Broadwell, Hanna'sI-IeYde,KnicJcrehil.ltreyer ,Ra.6Jl1USSen a.nd ViDregg voting aye,naw none. On Illation of' Broadwell the Oi ty Property OOImni ttee was in- structed to have trees planted around the lot of' the Oi ty 8Jt the corner of' 7" & Elm streets,between the sideWalk and curb. Rasmussen called attention to hogs being kept on East Fourth street ,and on his Illation the Ohiet' at' Police Was instructed to have them re]/lOVed and the yards cleaned uP. HeYde reported the purchase of' a Gasoline Engine,suitable :for running the rattler in testing briCks used :for pa:ving~ AdjOUrned to TUei3dayeVe~111~ April 8" 19,13, at B 0 'cloCk. ~~~~ .........................~. . . ~".....----~ -.,., . :..-... :;40j/,;_~ f~ 253 Grand Island,NebraSka,April 8lf19IJ,8,P.:M. The Council met pursuant to adjournment and as provided by law for organization,His Honor the MaYOr,presiding,present,Bock, BrOatlWell,Hanna ,Hehnke ,HeYde,Knickrehm,lliIeye:r and Rasmussen. Bond of' Charles G. Ryan ,Mayor elect, was 8Jpproved ,having oa>th of office endorsed tllereon and he tQO~ his seat as Mayor for the ensuir~ term and approved the bonds of' Councilmen e~ect, RasmLlsse ,He.hn1<e ,HeYde and Broadwell,and administered the oath at' oL't'ice to them. On motion of Rasmussen the Oouncil proceeded to an informal ballot for President of' the Oouncil for the enSUing- year,.Arthur O.Mayer,Oity Attorney,acting as teller. On the informaj. ballot ;Cor President, 11:r.Hanna received three votes and. Mr.Heyde: f'ive: On motion of Hehn}{e the informal ballot was IDa(ie formal and Mr.Heyde declared elected President of' the Council for the ensuing year., The Mayor appointed the :Collowing Commi t tees: Finance: Printing: streets & Alleys: 01 ty Propert~r: I,iA'ht s tF1re & Water: Ordinances and Elections: Oemetery: Police & Board of Health: Kn1clCrehm,Meyer ,Hehru~e. RasIITllssen. / Hehnke,}~Yde,Rasmussen,BQCk. HeYde,Broadwell,Rasmussen,Hehnke. Khickrenm.Meyer , Hanna ,BOCk. Hanna', Broadwell ,Meyer ,Knickrehm. Bock.Knickrellin, Heyde ,Rasmussen. Meyer ,Broadwell ,HeYde ,BOCk. HaSInussen,HehnlCe ,BOCK ,Hanna. Purchasing & AUditing Cla1ms:Hehnke,Kn1c~rehm,HeYde,Meyer. Bonds & Licenses: sewers: ParIes: Rasmussen, Broadwell ,Hehnke ,Heyo.e. Broadwell ,Hehnke ,Hanna, BOCk. Bock t Hanna., Kni ckr ehm ,Meyer. C!1 t~r Attorne~l': The :Mayo!' made the :fOlloWing appointments: Oity Engineer: stree t Conunissioner: Oity Pbysician: We1gmnaster: t.Tani tor Oi ty Hau.l: AX'thur C.liluyer. Hurls. W.Kibbey. Jasper Eggel'S. Dr. Leo Phelan. John ffallichs. John Paulson. C.Tames A. SprOUl. 254 Fjremen: Ray Fern and Harr:y HOdgson. '''.~. "., water & Liglit COliuniss1.oner & Sewer Inspector: J. H.:Miller. Assistant: John MCAuley Lineman: P.K.Keegan. Boarel ot' Health:: W.B.Hoge,n.R.:rvr.CGrath,Thomas Vallier. Caretaker of' Park: Isaac H. Wtaildron. Chief of' Fire Department: Thomas M.Dillon. Firemen: H.B.Alexander. Wm. F. Gulzow. Toney Fleischer. William Burger. On motion of' Heyde tb.e appointments were conf'1rmed. The City'Engineer presented estimate of' the cost of' con- struction of' sewer in Sewer District No. 3.5 ,and on motion of' Broadwell Plans,specif'icat1ons and estimate were adopted and the Oi ty Clerk instructed to advertise for bids for constructing said sewer,motion being adopted on roll call,all voting aye. *'- AdjOurned. \ +-on motion Of~it is ~~~-<' Oity Clerk. ordered that all claims against the 'L...... "., city be :filed with the City Clerk by the saturday preceding the regular meeting to enable the several OOTI@ittees to cneck them over more efficientlY. 255 ~-~",~~",:,~~~~-.".,..,.....<..,...",.-~ Grand Island.Nebrask8,APril 16 "191.3. The Oouncil met in regular session,His Honor,the mayor presiding' and all members present at rOll call. The Minutes ot: meetings ot: APril 2" 7" & 8" were read and approved. '~:,-~ :Bids 1'or examination ot' the booKS and accounts ot: the vari- ous o1't'ice8 1'or the past year were opened and read and on mot- ion ot: Hanna\ ret:erred to the AUditing Oommittee to investigate and report: The t:ollowing parties :filed bids: John 'IT. Tulleys ,H. G. Eell and F. O.Hanaf'ora: Be F.D. stone. The street Oommittee recommended that Men & teams worKing on the street be allowed an increase t:rom If.,O to If.5) cents p.er hour and men without teams be increased from 20 to 22t per hour and that the salary ot: the street Oommissioner be increa4ew .5-..00 per month,and Heyde moved that the recommendat'ion be adopted. BrOadwell moved as an amendment that men and teams be allowedl the same as heretot'ore and that they be allowed: to work ten hours per day i:f they desire. on roll cal~ BD4>adw4l111K: Hanna,Knickrehm and Rasmussen voted aye,:BoCk,HeYde,Hehnke and Meyer voted naw,the vote being a tie the Kayor voted aye am. 41eclared the amendment carried. Or1gina[ motion aa;amended then carried un~n1mouslY. on mot1on ot: Meyer the Emergency Hospital was ordered closed and the keeper diSCharged.' beginning wi th May Ij"191j.. The Light Oommittee made report as :follOWS: Grand ISland,Neb.APJ:'.l6"l-913. ...........~ .., To the Mawor & Oity Oouncil: ~. We,your Oommittee on Fire.Light & Water ,to Whom the bids t:or a\ 500 k.W. steam Turbine was re:ferred "maKe the :following report: We recommend the bid. ot.' the Al11s-0haJ.mers 00., be accept- ed and the 01ty Attorney be instructed to draw UP . a, contract :for same. J.E.Hanna,G.W.BrOactwell,John KniCKrehm,Aug.Meyer,Oom. On motion of ~roadwell the report was adopted on roll call, all members being present voted aye. Bills against the city Were read and on motion o:f Broadwell allowed,:for l1st see the Ola1m Register. ~;;>~ ...~ ", .- .~ :?57 The Ordinance was read and declared passed its i'irst reading. Moved by Broadwell that the rules be suspended and the ordin- a~nce be placed on its second reading by its title: Oarried on roll 'calll .BOCk ,Broadwell ,Hanna,Hehnke ,HeYde, KniclCrehm,Mel'er and Rasmussen voting aye.nay none: The Ordinance was read byi ts title and declared pa1ssed its' second reading. Moved by Rasmuss6n that the rules be suspended and the Ordi- nance be placed on its third reading: Oarried on rOll call . BoCk ,Broadwell ,Hanna,Hehnke . Heyde , Knickrehm.Meyar and Rasmussep voting aye,nay none: The ordinance was read and declared passed ilts third reading. Moved Heyde that the Ordinance be placed on its i'ina~ passage: Oarried on roll call ,Bock ,Broadwell ,Hanna:,Hehnke ,HeYde ,Knickrehm. Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye,nay none; The Mayor de,elarecl the Ordinance i'inallY p$ssed and approvedl the same. An ordinance NO.54lJ.,was presented,creating sewer District 37 embracing BlOCkS 22 & 23 in :Russel Wheeler's Addition: Moved bY Hanna that the Ordinance be Placed on its i'irst reading; Oarried on roll call ,Bock ,Broadwell ,Hanna"Hehnke ,Heyde ,KnickrehIQ,. Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye ,nay none: The Ordinance was read and declared passed its i'irst reading. Moved by Bock that the rules be suspended and the ordinance be placed on its second reading by its title: Oarried on roll Call,BOCk,Broadwell,Hanna,Hehnke,HeYde,Kn1ckremrr, Meyer and Rasmussen ,voting aye ,naw none: The Ordinance was read by its title and declared pa.ssed its se~ond readiLng.. Moved by Knickrehm'that the rules be suspended and the Ordi- nance be placed on its third. reading : Oarried on roll call,BocK,Broadwell,Hanna,Hehnke,HeYde, Knickrehm,Meye:ro fUn Basmussen voting aye ,nay none; The Ordina.nce was read and declared passed its third reading. Moved by Broadwell that the ordinance be Placed on its fina~ pa-s sage: Oarried on roll ca21.BoCk,Broadwell,Hanna,Hehnke.HeYde,Kni Meyer and Rasmu,ssen vot 1ng aye, nay none: The MaJyo:r deQlared' the Ord.1nance t'ina.Qly \"....~ -~ 2.5'8 the same. Report at' The 01 ty Treasurer :ror Mwrch and the report of the Finance Camm1 t tee endor sed thereon was read and plaeed on file. Reports at' the C1 ty Clerk am pOlice Judge of cOllec:t1ons for 111a1"oh were read and placed on :r11e.. ~.Fred I.Ashton asKed permission to use the City drag to drag west Koenig street at'ter each rain w1thmut expense" to the Oitya"nd on motion at' Heyde the request Was granted. On motion of Broadwell the Oouncil adjourned to Tuesday evening APril 29"\' 1913: at a O' cloCk. - '~'//~/r' ~.?/' /J ~ ~ / L::::=>/ ;,?L--~r . // Oi ty Olerk. j)(,,,.:-_",,-- .~ 259 Report of Appropriations and Expendit.ures To April 28"1913. Ge ner al Fund. ,~ ....~ Appropriated *4300 10000 3000 8000 lJ.ooo 500 #29800 Balance #1089.99 28lf9.25) 1535.4-0 7975,.60 213.42 281.70 #13945.36 Expended #3210.01 7150. 75' 146lJ.. 60 2lf.1+0 3786.58 218.30 #15851+.6lf Salaries streets Be Alleys sewer s Light s Incidentals Parks Police Fund .9000 . #5783'.16. #3216.84 oemetery Fund . $2000 #1058.70 #94-1.JO Fire FUnd #11000 $3622.23 #7377.77 Water Fund #45000 ImProvements Mer cl1andise Expense .22196. 27 i 1897. ~iO 896..2.59 # ,33003.36 #11936.64 Light Fund #55000 $6801.84- 7229.89 16'265.08 #30296.81 Improvements Merchandis8} ExpenS6J #24703.19 pav iug Fund $16475 #10076.88 #6398.12 paVing District Funds #32942.54 $32402.58 #5.39.96 Sewer District FUnds #2345.9lJ.; #2184.53 #161.1J.l -*' Monument Fund #4500 '.44.55 $4455.45 Bond Be Interest ;i~.>)- .~ #11300 Special Oc. Tax, (Fire Dept.) $i05) Totals .208963.~ #134,387.44 #73,676.04 Totals do not inclUde Appropriation tor Bond & Interest nor amount expended tor Special Occupation Tax (Fire Dept. ) Respecttul1Y SUbmitted. /~?:~~~ ...,---- ~ " n -.,., .-;~'- ~. 260 Grand ISland,NebraSka,APri1 29"1913:,8,P.M. The Oouncil met p-ursua,nt to adjOurnment ,ma Honor t the Mayor presiding and all members present at roll call. Bid of Grand ISland Plumbing Oompany for putting in sewer in Sewer District NO.35 was opened and read and on motion of Broadwell referred to the Oommittee. The 00nlli1ittee on Bor~s made report as follows: Grand Ialand,NebraSka,APril 29"1913. Your Oommittee on Bonds has to report that they have ex-- amined the petitions for License to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liQ'!-lOrs of' the parties named below and find the peti tions are all in proper form, are ~ach signed by the requisi te number of freehOlders, due and legal notice of filing said p:eti tions has been given,as per proof of RUblicat10n on- f'ile. Leases of satd APPlicants are on f'ile) with the Olerk in each case requiring same,each apPlicant has: given bond in proper form and with suf:ficient surety and we recommend tha t the several peti t10ns be granted, bonds approved and License ordered issued, all of said Licenses are to be :for sale at retail except the licenses of Bernstein-Nietf'eld Oompany and The Anheuser-Bush Oompany of Nebraiska,which are to be at WhOlesale, The Names ase: as folloWEH: Daniel Bushhousen R. L. Word Theodore Kuhlsen Henry Schumacher NiCk Weinrick August Moll L.G.Luebben N&i$lsen &.Petersen AXt &. Paulsen W.O.GibbonS George T.Baumann Kaumans & Scheibel Jensen &. Larsen peter Sorensen Charles Kloppenberg H.A.Buenger Cornelius &. Roby Joseph t.T .Klinge A.T.Yarrter F. P. Orouse !trad R.Mandeville Eberl &. Krueger Ronnf'eldt &. Krehmke Bernstein -Niett'eld Oompany Anheuser-Busch Oompany, of' Nebraska.. Hugh Johnson RespectfullY SUbmitted. .R.P. Rasmussen G.W.BroadWell H.Behnke ,Jr. Alber t Heyde On motion of BroadWell the r,port was adopted ,the bonds all. apPl'oVed Oommittee. and Licenses ordereid !ssued to the respect! ve apPlicants.. ,~- The Bond a~mmittee made report as follows: Grand ISland, Nebra sl<a , APril 29111913:. Your Bond Oommittee has to report that they have examined the Bonds of the fallowing named officers and employees of the city artd find the bonds in proper form and the sureties suff1c.1ent in each case and recommend that the said several bonds be approved, as follows: ltc, .- L.R.Brininger,City Treasurer, Henry E. Clifford, City Clerk, Hurla W.Kibbey,City Engineer, John Wallichs t Weighmaster, Jasper Eggers,street Commissioner, Arthur C.MRwer,City Attorney, Thomas M.Dillon"Chief of Fire Department t J.H.MillerjWater& Light Commissioner & sewer Inspector, toT. C.McAuley ,Assistant Water & Light Commissioner & sewer Inspecto~;j J.J.owen,Ohief Engineer,water & Light Plant~ Rae W.Edwards ,Assistant Engineer t Watter & Light Pl$Ut, Mar ion D. Arbogast, Ohief of police:, Claude vance,policeman, Joseph .ouPP ,policeman, Grant Hadlock,policeman. John p~ulsen,Janitor, We have also examined the Plumbers & Drainlayers Bonds of -~. (;,~.~ - ~-~ Committee On motion of Rasmussen the report was adopted ,said bonds approved, and said Plumber' s & Drainlayer 'sLicenses ordered issued. 26:1 Claims against the Oi ty were read and on motion ot.' BrOadwell allowed,:ror list see Claim Register. Heyde brought UP the malt tel" of a retaining wall at Niel Nielsen I s place and on motion ot.' Heyde the mat ter was rei'EH'red to the street Committee with power to act. The Water Conwittee reported that parties owning lots on Walnut street South of' Fourth street wanted! ai Waiter Main laid trom Fourth street South on WaQnut Street and on motion at.' Hanna ~~--~<< ~ t11e request was granted. On motion ot.' Hanna the Clerk was instruct' ed to advertise for R! Condenser and switchboard,bids to be :riled ~y May 21u"1913. Broadwell called up the matter ot.' relaying sewer between West Charles & Louise street and on motion of Heyde the matter was referred to the Sewer Committee to make further investigation and report. The Mauor reported that in cont.'erence with of'ficials of' the U.P.R.R. Co. they, objected to Planking their crossings f'or the rear- son that planking made the crOsSil1g dangerous and very unsa tisf'ac- tory. On motion or Rasmussen the Cle~k was instructed to retain all leases f'iled with applications t.'or Licenses to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors. BOCk called UP the matter'or the extension of' the Light line on south Oak street and Ashton Avenue and on motion of Broadwell the matter was rererred to the Oommittee with power to ac_~t. - --~ '."~ ;~-., 263 Grand ISland, Nebraska ,:May 71"'191.3). The Council met in regulaw sess10n,H1s lionor, the Mayor. presiding and all members present at roll call. The Minu'ttes of meetings of APril 16" & 29" 1913 were read. and approved.. A corrununicatiorr on behalf' of' the Ca'tholic Congregation was read aSking that section AOt' the new part ot' theOemetery be set apart for the burial of Oatholics and. on motion of Broauwell the same was rei'erred to the Oemetery COIDITlittee. .A1f'onzo Darling made verbal compla;int Of the Curbing pu.t in a~ an approach to his property on Fourth street in Baving Dist- rict No.8 and on motion of' Hanna the matter was referred to the street Committee f'or settlement. Heyde reported that Washington TownShip proposed to grade -' Wheeler Avenue out towlWd the S.& S.Home and the Section line East of the S.&:, S.Home as.' f'ar east as the property used bY the ~..-r Oi ty for a dUInP..lng ot: garbage :Cor the sum of 1\..#125- to be p;aid by the Oity and on motion of HeYde the QI'oposition was acce:ated. on motion of Heyde the street Comrnittee was instructed to purchase two road drags at an expense of not to exceed f25, each. -~/.J on motion of' Heyde the matter of passing an Ordin~nce p~~ viding and regUlating the putting in of' street curh1ng Was re- f'e~ ed to the street Committee,Oity Attorney and City Engineer to prepare and present a proper Ordinance.. On motion of Kniclerehm the street Oommittee,Oity Attorney and Wa'ter Oommissioner were instructed to nrepare a proper Ordi-- nance providing Sprinkling Districts in the Oity. On motion of Rasmussen the Water Oommissioner was instructed to hav'e Water Orane erected at the Water WorkS station for use: of the party sprinkling the streets. On suggestion at Heyde the City Attorney proceeded to read; Sp~cif'ications for Baving Districts NUmber Ten and Eleven. Moved by HeYde that the Specifications for P~ving District NUmber Ten be adopted. as read: Carried on 1'011 call ,BOCle .Broadwell ,Hanna, Hehnke,HeYde, Knickrehm,Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye,naw none. and the Mawor deClared the SPiecJJl1ications adopted. ~:i{~;~~.'~. . ;C~ Moved that the SPlec1:rications "d>~ ".""':~~-'j-~ -~ ..... >-C""k~ !-~~- 264 NUmber Eleven be adopted as read: Oarried on roll call, BOCk, Broadwell ,Hanna,Hehnke ,HeYde, Knickrehm,MeYBr and Rasmussen voting aye, naw none, and the Mayor declared the Specit'ications adopted. on motion o;f HeYde the city Engineer was instructed to prepa~e estimates o;f the cost ot' pa~1ng pawing Districts ~en and Eleven and p;:resent the same at the next meeting. The cemetery Cow~1ttee reported having had some trees at the cemetery transplanted. The AUditingcornmittee reported as ;follows: Grand Island, Nebraska ,May 7(111913 '1'0 the Hon.Mayor & city Council: We,your Cow~ittee have examined the various bidS ;for aUdit- > ing the accounts and ;find the bid o;f F.C.Hanai'ord and F.D.Stone the most satist'actory amd recommend that same be accepted. H.Hehnke,Jr,John KniCkrehm,Albert HeYde,Aug.Meyer,Committee. On motion ot' Hehnke the report was adbpted. The City Plumbing Company presented petition and bonds t'or Dra,inla;yers and Plumbers Licenses and on motion ot' Rasmussen the :M:ayor was authorized to a'pprove the bonds upon his being satist'ied that the execution o;f the Bond by the surety Company was authent1ci. The Grand Island Plumbing Company presented Bonds ;for PITlinb.ers and Drainla1yers Licenses and on mot ion af Rasmussen the Bonds were approved and Licenses granted. The Bond at' the Grand Island contract Oompanycover ing their oontract t'or putting in water malins was react and on motion ot' Rasmussen approved.. The BOnd o;f the American Well WorkS covering thenr Contract t'or furnishing Cen11ri;fugal pumps was read and on motion at' Hanna. approved. petition and Bond ot' DiCk Bros. to obta1n a Wholesale Liq;uor Dealer'S License was presented and on motion or Rasmussen the Petition was granted,Bond approved and License ordered ilssued.. On motion ot' BroadwelL the bids ot' the Grand Island Contract Company :for constructing sewer in Sewer Districts Numbers 33 & 314- and theV1ne street Main Extension were accepted and contracts awarded '.f'................ ~:,;./t........ "'"., ~,c./- r...., 265 On motion of Broanwell the Bid of the Grand Island Plumbing Oompany for putting in Sewer in District NUmber 35 Was accepted and contract awarded accordingly. Broadwell, presented the following Resolution and and moved its adoption: Resolution Be it resolved ~y the Mayor and Oity Oouncil of the Oity of Grand Island ,Nebraska, that the Oity Treasurer be and he is hereby authori~ed and directed to consolidate the tunds paid in' in 9:J.l sewer districts now in existance or hereafter created and te pay the tunds out on Warrants against said fund in the order ot' their presentation. G.W.Broadwell. Motion carried on roll call,aill members being present and voting aye. Bills against the Oi ty were read and on mot ion ot Hanna; allowed, for list see Olaim Register. Bill of L.R.Brininger,Oity Treasurer ,tor collecting paYing District taxes for the past year was read and on motion of Heyde the same Was allowecL in the sum of 15:0.00. Bills of the Water & Light Oommissioner tor water and light for the various services were read and on motion of Knickrehm referred to the Water & Light Oommittee and the Finance Oommittee. petitionot Thomas M.Dillon a~nd others for water ma\in on West :Ninth street i!'om Olark to Gr'een streets was read and on motion ot' Hannai the prayer at' the petition was granted. peti tion of George Oowton and others for sewer to .be laiid .r ttlrough BlOCkS 16',17 & 18 of Kernohan & DeC.ker I s Addition to the Oi ty ot: Grand Island, Nebraska,was read and on motion 01' Broadwell re:f'erred to the sewerOommittee: Tb.eSewer Oommittee made report at once t:inding that the petition was signed by the requisite " number ot' lot owners in the District ,tha;t the petition was in proper form and recommending that the prayer of the petition be granted. On motion of Broadwell the report was adopted and 'Uhe Oity Attorney instructed to prepare p,roper Ordinance. creating the same into aJ sewer District,on 1'011 call all voted aye. The Oity Attorney presented an ordinanC6)No.5~5) oreating said bloSkS into Ql sewer Dlstrict,being No. 3B Moved by Broadvrell tbat the Ordinance be placed. on ita rirst reading: Oarried on roll cai1.l,BOCk ,Broadwell,Hanna:,Hehnke,HeYde, Knickreb1D.,Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye,nay none: The Ordinance was read and declared passed its ~irst reading. Moved by HeYde that the rules be suspended and the Ordinance be placed on its ,second reading by its title: Oarried on rOll call ,13ook,Broadwell ,Hanna"Hehnke,HeYde, Kniokrehm,Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye,nay none:: The Ordinanoe was :bead by its title and d(eclared passed its second reading. Moved by Hehnke that the rules be sus:Qended and the Ordinance be placed on its third reading: Oarried on rOllcall, BOCle, Broadwe,J,l ,liannai,Hehnke ,HeYde t Knickrebm,Mey(\J;' and Rasmussen voting awe:naw none: The Ordinance was read and declaredp:assed its third reading. Moved ,bY Hahnke that t~e Orginance be placed ouits ~ina~ passage: Oarried on r(j)11 oall,Bock ,Broadwell ,Ha)nnal,Hehnke ,HeYde;, Knickrehm,Meyer and Rasmussen voting aue,nay none: The M~yor declared the Ordinance finaa1y passed. and approved: the same.. Knickrehmpresented the t'01low1ng reso1ut ion 81l1d moved its Ad. op.t i on: Resolved that the Oity Treasurer be authorizBd. and instruc~ ted to place a1l..1 monies colleotedi on account o~ palV1ng District. :Cunds (excepting those collected t'or Plaiving District NO.~) into one consolidated paV:ing District Fund and to use smid :funds in the payment o:f the bonds and warrants o:f salld PGJving Districts:'~ May 7.:''' 191]). John KniC1Crehm.' Resolution adopted on roll ca11,all being present and voting aye. AnnuaQ report or the street Oo~nissioner was read and on motion o:f HeYde placed on ~ile~ Report of' the Olerk :for APril was read) and on motion o:f Hanna; referred. to the Finance Oommittee. MonthlY report or the Weighmaster was read! and on motion or KniCkrehmpef'erned o the Finance Oommittee. ~~-, ?~~~~ Oity Olerl<. --~ Adjourned. t:~;.~\ .~ "" 268 Gr~nd Island) nebraSl<a, Mar 14"191.3. The Council met in Special-Session,His Honor ,the MaVGr,pre- siding and a.ll members present except Broadwell,pursuant to the :Collowing ca~l which wacs read and made a Part o:C the minutes: c fro the Members o:C the Oity Council Grand Island Nebraska: .;,.>. ;... ........ .. .-0:......... -., (;.,;,,:~ - ~~. 269 Voss & wife conveying to the 01 ty port ions o:r land 1'or the purpose of widening Charles street,and on motion of HeYde the said quit Olaim Deeds wer'e accepted and the Olerk instructed. to have the same recorded. >L....- ~-.. 1:tr'. Oonnors, secretary of the Oommercial OlUb reported. that they had the contracts for an electrolier lighting system signed up by nearlY all of the property owners in the busi- ness section and that the time had arrived for the Oity to be taking hold of the matter: on motion at' HeYde the matter was referred to the Light Committee and the Oity Attorney to prepare the proper papers. On motion of Hanna Ge.orge Bartenbach is to be allowed to retain his electrolier lamps as noW located,one in front of his Bacheler Rooms and one at the corner of 2" & Locust streets ,he to maintain and operate the same at his own expensa. :ful!'. Ashton,Pres1dent of the oor.unerc1al Olub advised the Oouncil that Richard Goehring and Fred Roth had each rei'used to sign UP for the electrolier system until they were ,in 8.1 meas- ure,relieved from having all the dray teams standing along their property on Wheeler Avenue between 3" & Front streets: On motion of Hanna, the .rnatter of removing said. dray teams or relieving the s1 tuat ion was referred tottle Oomm1 t tee on Police; and Board:. of Health to adjUst in somernanner. Ad journed. ~~~ ;;~~~.~ 270 Grand renand, NebraSKa ,May 2l"l9l3~ . The Oouncil Inet in regular session,His Honor, the lllIa'yor pre- siding and all members present at roll call. The minutes of meetings of May 7" & 14" 1913 were read and approved. BidS forOomenser and awi tchboard were opened and. read and ""~ ....~ on mot ion of Hanna referred to the Oouncil as'a Oomrni ttee of the whole to be considered at an adjOUrned meetitg ~t 9 o'cloCK to- morrow morning. On motion of KniCkrehm the Oouncil to meet at the Light statj.on to-morrow morning at 8-3(;) to examine location for Oon- denser etc. f:rhe Oemetery Oommi t tee reported as fOllowS; To the Honorable Mayor and 0 i t:{ Oouncil) Gentlemen; . We,the Oemetery COMnittee,to whom has been referred the petition of tIle Oatholic: Congregation to grant use of Section A of the Grand Island Oemetery ,on same conditions as part of section G; respectfUllY recommend that,atpresent,no action be tal{en for the reason that there are not enough lots sold in Section G to justifY. granting the above request. 1ft RespectfUllY SUbmitted. The Ooooni ttee. Aug .Meyer , Albert HeYde, G. W. BrOadwell, R. W. BOCk. On motion of' Broadwell tIle report was adopted. oemetery Oormni ttee reported that tl:1ey were about I'cadY to SUbmit report on water s~rstem :for the Cemetery and on motion of HeYde trle Oouncil voted to have Iileeting any time upon request 01' said Oommittee. \~n"~ ~ on motion o~ Rasmussen the Ohief or po~ice was instructed to notif'Y party having a pen of' dogs on BlOCk 54-, to remove the same. petition & Bond of' TheR.H.Mc.Alliste:r Oompany i'or Dra1nlayers License was presented and read and on motion of' Rasmussen the Petition was ~rant-ed ) Bond approved and permi t ordered issued,. Petiti on for Plumber'S Permit of the R.I-I.:McJJ.lister Oompany was read and. on motion of' Rasmussen the same was granted, and permit to be issued upon filing of' bond approved bY the Mayor. 271 Bills against the Oity were read snd on motion o~ Hsnna allowed ,for list see Olaim Register. First estimate of the City Engineer on account of paving Oontract for pa;ving paving District NO.7 was r~e?-d and on motion of' Heyde allowed in the sum of #2000.00 and warrant ordered drawn j. ..c.........~ . ~ ,., on the paving !'Und in said amount in favor of William Kelly & 00. /< Several petitions for the appointment of a1 Garbage Inspector also one f'rom the Woman's Civic League aSking that two women be appointed to inspect places where food products are kept for sale and for the establishing of a district where all must connect their buildings with the sewers,were read and on motion of Hanna refm'red to the Committee on Ordinacnces and the Oit~l Attorney. The Mawor suggested the propriety of excluding Peddlar's t HaWkers and street Venders of all ~inds from Third street ~nd the congested portion of the Oity and on motion of' HeYde the matter was ref'errfld to the Mayor to use. his discretion in the matter., ~ The Light 00mI111ssioner reported on a list or cable necessary to install the proposed ElectrolierLighting system. The Oity Engineer presented estimates of the exPense' of PaWing in paVing Districts 10 & 11 and on motion of Heyde the same were referrl;Jd to the Oommittee on streets. The Oity Engineer presented estimate of cost of putting irr Sewer in Sewer District NO.37 and on motion of Meyer the same was adopted and the' Oi t;,{ 01erk instructed to advertise for 'IoidS for constructing same. The Oity Engineer presented estima,tes etc. of the Oonstruct- ion of Sewer in Sewer District NO.38 and on motion of Broadwell the same was adopted and the Olerk instructed. to advertise :for bids i'or same. The street & Alley Oommittee presented a reSOlution con- demning sidewalkS in the Oity as follows: " ~ --,., ~72. Resolution. ;~~ .,.,., '\~L,~ --.-...., 273 And along the Nort11 side or Lots If. & If. in Bloe:K 13 Olar:KS Addition, On the West side of Wheeler Avenue along the East side of Lot 10 in BlO~ 25 of Russel Wheeler's Addition, On the South side of Eleventh street, Along the North side of Lots 1,4 & 5 in BlOCk 26 of Russel Wheeler's Addition, and Along the North side 'of Lots 4- & 5 in BlOCk 27 of Russel Wheeler' Addition, On the West siae of Oak Street along the East side of Lot 10 in Block 30 of Russel Wheeler's Addition, on the West side or Vine street 11l10ng the East side of Lots 1 & 10 in BloCK 31 at Russel Wheeler's Addition, On the West side at' Kimball Avenue along the East side of Lata a in BlOCk 29 of Russel Wheeler's Addition and in BlOCk llJ.lJ. of' the Union Pacific Railway Company's Second Addition, On the West side at sycamore Street along the East side' at Lots' 1 & 10 in Block 28 of Russel Wheeler'S Addition, On the South side of Ninth street along the North side of Lot 4-. in Block 132 of the Union Pacific Railway Oompany's Second Addi t ion, On the North side of Eighth street a.J...ong the South side at IJots 5,6,7 & 8 in BlOCk 2. at' Voi tIe "S Addi tion, On the North side of Fifth street along the South side of ~ part ot.'Lot 12 of the Oounty SUbdiVision at.' part of Sect-ion 10 in Town- Ship Eleven Range Nine, On the North side or Second Street along the South side of Lots 7 & 8 in Block 13 of Kernmhan & DeCker'S Addition, On the south side of Second str~et along the North side of Lots 1 & 2 in BlOCk 17! of Kernoham & DeCker's Addition.. '~" -~ >" .......... .~ . On the East side of' Madison street,along the,West side of Lot 8 in BlOCk 11 of Kernahan & DeCker's Addition, On the south side of First street a,:long Lot One in BIOC~~ of' Palmer's Addi tion~eing between Madison & Jefferson Streets , on the West side of' Monroe Street along the East side at.' Lot 8 in Block 17 Of' Kernoh$n & DeCker'S Addition, On the South side of Division Street aQong the North side ot" Lots 2,}& 4- in BlOCk 11 at.' Wasmer's Addition, including complement in Pau.1ller' s ion, . 274 On the South side of Division stI'eet aQong the No!> th side o;f! c;~;:,~ ,y Lots 1 a 2 in BloCk 2 of' Elm Place, and along the North side of Lot 4 BloCK 3 Elm Place, On the South side Of' Oharles Street aaong the North side of Lots 1 & 2 in BloCk 2 of WindolPh's Addition, lUnDt on the South Side of' Oharles street along the North side of Lot 1 in Block 1 ot' Windolph's Addition wi th complement ,making a :full lot, on the South side ot' Ohariles Street ail..ong the North side, o:t: Lots 3' & 4~ in BloCk A. of Boehm'S SUbdivision, On the North side of Louise street ~long the South side, of' Lots 7:& 8 in Block A,of .Boehm's SUbdivision, On the West side of Oleb~ne Street along the East side ot' Lot 1 in Block 1 Of W1ebe'~:t Addition, On the South side ot' LOuis6.Street e;long the North side o:f Lot 4, in Block ~ of Windol~h's Addition, On the Easttside of:~'L6dl:lst streetai1.ongt.t:1'rettfestsid.e Of L0tJ;,)5, &. 6 1nBlbc1t'.~ ot'RUssel~ Whe~ler,tsAddft1on. All of the foregoing and above being in the Oity of Grand ISland, Nebra!ska. Said sidewalks to be laid to the established grade and to i'iIe laid in accordance with the provisions ot' Ordinance NO.237 of the: Oompiled Ordinances of saud Oi ty tl'nd of a;ny Ordinance3 amendatory .. thereof: All work to ~e done;under the sURervision of the Oommittee on streets and Alleys. Al bert Heyde G. W.Broadwell ~. ~ -4 , 1l~;"'I~"'.~',"''' l'l6!l Oommittee. ^ ..a. ~'-ch~__':/:--" ..,-~~';,"".,~ R.p.Rasmussen ~~:iOt.~~~~~',o..~:"'~<"""~'~'.~W~,".~~~_..;l:!IW "W., .-.",:- H.BehnKe Jr. ~'$.. .4111 . _ _. J_~.= ~.t~~'-'i;:."';>4";<<@'-_i"':';'~"0>_:r.-<,";;;>e,"_"-~~';T",",-~~';_\~~"'_~ HeYde moved that the :ttesolution be adop.ted: Oarried on roll call, BocK ,Broadwell ,Hanna,HehnKe ,HeYde, } ,Knickrebm,Meyer and Rasmussen voting ave, The Mayor declared the reSOlution $dopted and the Olerk was' instructod to have the same pUbliShed" as provided by the Qrdinances. 275 The ardina-nee Committee presented an Ordinance,No.51t6,pro- viding ~or Licensmng Drays and locating them : Moved by Bock that the Ordinance be Placed on its first reading: ~'.j,,/ ~ .,., Oar'ried on roll call ,BoCie ,Broadwell ,Hanna.Hehrlke ,HeYde, Knickrehm,Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye ,nay- none: The Ordinance was read and declared-passed its ~1rst reading. Moved by BOCK that the rUles be suspended; and the Ordinance be placed on its second reading by its title: oarried on roll call ,BOCk ,Broadwell , Hanna,HeYde ,Hehnke, Kn1cKrehrn,Meyer and Ras~ussen voting aye, The Ordinance was read b]1r,c). 1.ts"! :tlitille'andr'de<blared passed its second reading. Moved by Rasmussen that the rules be suspended and the Ordi- nance be placed on its third reading: Oarried on 1'011 call"BoCl<,Broadwell,Hannai,Hehnke,HeYde, Knickrehm,Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye, nay none; The Ordinance was read and declared passed its third reading. Moved by Heyde that the Ordinance be placed on its final passage:: Oarried on, roll call ,BOCk ,BrOadwell ,Hanna~,Hehnke ,HeYde, Kn1ckrehm,Meyer and Hasmussen voting aye ,narY" none: The Mayor declared the Ord.d.na'nce. :finally pa,ssed and approved the same. 1913 at 9 otcloCk. ~~ on motion the Council adjOUrned to to-morrow morning Jliray 2211 ~.,~ -.,., 2.76 "j~ ~~~ ~ Grand Island t NebraSKa ,May 22"1<913,9 t A. M. The Council met pursuant to adjoUrnment ,His Honor ,the Mayor presiding ,present ,BOCk ,Hanna, HehnlCe ,Knickrehm ,Meyer and Rasmussen, absent Broadwell and HeYde. The Oommittee on City property through its Chairman Knickrehm reported in :favor of buifuding an extension to the present Light Plant building to accow~odate the Condenser,etc.about to be in- stalled. On motion said report was referred to the Light Cornmi t- tee to have Plans etc.prepared and to report baCk at the next meeting. The oouncil then tOOk up :ror consideration bids :for SWitch- board and representatives of' the various bidders Were heard,. The Oouncil then considered the bids for Condenser and representatives of the several bidders appearedbp~ore the Oouncjl. On motion all bids were re:ferred to the Light Commi ttee -:Lor further consideration and report. On motion the Council adjourned to Wednesday evening ~~y 28 "1913" at 8 0 t clOCle. ~~~~ City Clerk. ;".'>'~ "i.~ .~ .._._~, ~j~.... 277 -- c~~ Gra;nd ISland,NebraSlka,JUne l/-fl1913. The Counc1l met in :regular session,His Honor, the Mayor ,presld'ing and all members preesent at rOll ca.:ll. The minutes of meetings of :May 21fl & 2211 1913 were read and approved. A cOIomunic~,tion f'rom the Couney Clerk was read notit'ying <ot' the dis-allowance' ot' Claim of $56.56 t'or anti-toxin pa'id for by the C1 ty and the ,same was placed on file.. The President and Executive Committee of the Commercial OlUb was present in reference to the Placing of Electroller Lamps and presented ai list of contracts signed: by property owners agreeing to pay the exp.ense of putting them in and 1:tt>.AShton and others addressed the Oouncil in ret'erence to same ,urging that the Oiity Council now take the matter in hand and install the laun.p;s;. On motion of HehnlCe the contracts were ret'erred to the City Attorney and the Committee on Lights to invest1gate and report. Bids of' Gr~nd ISland Contract Oompany and of the Grand Isla'nd Plumbing Company for sewer Districts- 37 & 38 were opened and read! and ref'erred.to the CODunittee; The Committee' reported baCk recommen~ing the ac- ceptance of' the bids of the Grand ISland Oontract Oompany and on motion of' Broadwell the report was adopted and contracts awarded accordingly. ~~.Sothman asked permission to use a portion of Koenig street while building and on motion of' Heyde the request was granted.. On motion of Rasmussen the OlerlC was instructed; to notit'y W.S.King, who had the Contract f'or PaVing District NO.9 to repain ~'tl..,-- .,.-.r and re-surface the same. K Oscar Kirschke, presented ])u.ans and estimate of' the contemplB'tea.' addition to the Water & Light Plant Building and on motion of KniCkrehm the same was referred baCk to the Oommittee to maKe an et't'ort to reduce the expense ot' the con templalteO. building. ;<-,The. Light Oomrni t tee reported recommending that( the bid or the Allis---Chalmers Oompany for Oonden.ser in the sum of $3800 and for Swi tchboarc1J in the sum or $776 be accepte~ and contrac:ttl awarded.: accord.1ngly and on motion ot' Ha:nna the report was adOpted contrac:ts awarded: and the Olerk 1nstructed: to return the checlts of unsuccessfUl bidders and notifY Allis-Ohalmers Oompa1ny of acceptance ot' their bidS~ ... 278 The O!td1nemee Dommi ttee Pl1esented a Hs-elt Fare Ol1dinanee ant on motion 0:C Bact the same was re:Cerred bact to the Oommittee . On motion of Rasmussen the Bond of the Grand Island Oontract Oomp~ny coverihg their contract for putting in Sewer Districts 37 &. 38 and the Vine street extension was approved. Bills against the Dity were read and allowed, on'motion of Hanna, :Cor list see the Olaim Register. ;>~ ~- Bill of Glide Road Machine 00. for road drags in the sum of ~ For ty Dollars ,less freight paid, in the sum 0:C #7.20, net $32.80 wasa110wed and warrant ordered drawn for its payment. petition of Susan MCGrath,etal. for Sewer from Eddy Street to Lincoln Avenue ,between 10" & 11" Streets was read and on mot ion of Broadwell re:Cerred to the Sewer Oommittee. Heyde presented the fOllowing Resolution and moved! its adoption: "Whereas ,the work of paVing in Paving District ~ NO.7 of the Oity ~>>~ ~ of Grand ISland, Nebraska', is nearly completed, ,and Whereas, the Oi ty of' Grand ISland will issue District paVing BondS to paiY for the pav'1ng and curbing ,excepting the intersections in said District; Therefore ,be it resolved l'that the Oity Olerk be and he is herebY instructed to advertise for a period of six days for bids for 31+ District paVing BondS of $500 each in the sum ot: seventeen Thousand DOllars,IDore or less,to be received at his ot::Cice up to 8 O'clock P.bI. of' the 11" day at' "Tune A.D.1913, Said bondS shalLw dated as of the III day or JUly 1913 and shaill bear interest at the rate 0:C six per centum ,payable annually , due in ten years, from the date of issue and payable at any time at the option of the Oity. Such bondS shall be issued in denominations Of $5,00 each and shall be redeemed lnthe order in which they are numbered and shall be paya1;lle at the of':CiC6: ot' the Oi,ty Treasurer ot' sa'id City. Albert Heyde." Oarried' on roll call,all members being present and voting aye and t he Mayor declared the reSOlution adopted. ~ Reports o:C the City Clerk and Weighmaster for MaiY were read and placed on file. The Reports of Depository BUn!(s :Cor May were read and :Ciled., The ClerK: reported that the Bartenbach and the Lyric had paid their respective OCcup2{ltion taxes tor the year and on motion of HeYde proper permi ts were oJ:'dered issued. 2.79 F.C.Hanatord and F.D.Stone presented their report of the AUdit of the Accounts of the various offices for the past year. The AUditing Commi ttee made report as follows,: "Tothe Hon.Mayor & city Council, Grand ISland,Nebraska "~."~' '.':"<)>'- .-. , ~;i'~'-" - - ---..- ~ Gentlemen we,your AUditing Oommittee recommend the acceptanae ot' the report af the Accountants,Hanaford and stone and recommend the pay- ment for their work done as per contract. '^' We further recommend that a general ledger', which has been a long felt want,be installed in the office of the Water &. Light Oom. so as to keep all accounts ina business like manner and to. enable the Water &. Light Commissioner to make a monthlY statement of the exact condition of all business transactions pertaining to that ~,... ~~ office)in order to enable him to give correct account and to keep the bOOkS in proper :Lorro we deem it nesessary that all business transactions of' all nature be done through the'Water &. Light Com- missioner's office and that Mr.F.D.Stone be emPloyed to assist the water &. Light Commissioner in installing saieL Ledger. H.Hehnke ,Jr .,John KniciCrehm, Albert" HeYde, Allg . Meyer , Commi t tee. On motion r:r Hehnlte the re~wt was adopted. On motion of' Rasmussen the Ohief' of' Police was; instructed to close the Empress unless their OCcuP2l'tion Tax Permit 1s paid by saturday ,June T"19l3~. On motion at' Hehnl\e the Olerkwhs instructed to report. an es- timate of' cbstg:~ ' of'printing g'eomp1n;\'tion ot' thecOi ty Ordinances.. AdjOurned ~~~~ ~.., ':'~t;~ ~~};- 280 Grand ISland,Nebl~aSKa,JUne 9"1913. The Council met in Special Session,His Honor, the MaYOr pre- siding and all Members present pursuant to the fallowing call which was read and made a part of the Minutes: <f- To the Members of the City Council of Grand Island ,Nebraska: A special meeting 01~ the City Council of Grand ISland, Nebraska is her'oby called' to convene at the Oouncil Chambe:r's of the C1 ty Hall in s8:1d Oity on MondaY,June9th,1913,at 8 O'clOCk,P.M. for tJ1e pur- pose of considering and taking aotion upon the report of the Cemetery COmmIl:J.ttee relative to the installRtion of a water workS system in said Oemetery;also, to consider and' take action upon the report of the Committee on City Property relative to building an 3cldition to the 01 ty Water Works Plant; also to consider and take action upon the report Of the Oommittee on Fire,Lights and Water relative fa the installation of an electrolier lighting system in sa1a City; also to consider and take action upon the reports of the Committee on Sew- ers and to es tablish new sewer Distr icts 1n said C1 ty; also to 1'0..- cei vo appointments of a" Garbage Inspectdlr and POlice Officers in said OitY,and thettransaotion of suctl other business as'may come before said meeting. This meeting is called in pursuance wi th the order of Adjourn- ment made at the meeting of' June ~th 1913. Dated June 9th,1913. Charles G.R;yan,Mayor. The Cemetery Committee made verbal report in presentlr~ Plans, speclflcat'lons and estimatss,prepared by W.E.Donner,Engineer,for put- ti1.~ in Sf water system at the.Cemetery: Moved by Meyer t:tmt the plans'{SpeC.1:f,1catlons and estimates be adopted and the Clerk instructed to advertise for bidS for the con- struction of so much thereof as is embraced in estimates 1,2,3 &. 4, said bidS to be in bY JUlY 2 "1913. Motion: carr ied on rOll call all members being present and voting aye. The Oity Prope:r'ty Committee reported that .f:IJ:'ctlitect Kirschke had been able to reduce estimate of cost of' addi th;n to Water 0: Light Plant Building to $3500 or $3600 and on motion of KniCkrehm the . matter was referred back to the Committee to have the said Plans and estimated and when so done the Commi ttee to take them to ,the City ClerK and he to then advertise for bids for construction at the bullding,bidS to be in b:' Jufl:Y"'21'.:I1~;li~'.. The Light Cormai ttee made report as follows: "Ju ne 9-1913. To the Hon.Mayor andOity Council: K Your Comraittee on Fire,Light and water, to whom the matter of . purcllasing posts for the electrolier system Was referred ,beg leave to report that We recommend the City advertise for bids tor 131.,more or less ,electrolier posts,to be delivered F.O.B. Grand Island and that the C1 ty Clerk be instructed to adver tise. for bids; All bidS to be :filed in the erIt 's office not later than June 24., the C1 ty Coun- cil reserve the I' to reject any and all bids. ..T. E.Hanna', G. W AUfJ . Meyer tJohn Knlckrenm 281 On motion of Hanna the repor t was adopted, on roll call al~ being present voted aye. 1'he Light Oommittee also presented tne following report: "June 9-1913. To the Honorable Mayor and O'i t y Oouncil: Your Oommittee on Ldlght)F'ire and Water to whom the matter of' purCl16sing wire for the electro1ier system was referred) beg leave to rODort: That we recommend that the Oi ty 01erK be instructed.: to advertise for bidS for cable to 'be delivered )F.O.B. Grand Island. .....:.iiA. ., On motion of Hanna the report was adopted) on roll call,all members being present and voting aye. The Engineer presented estimate of cost' of' material to be used in construction of electrolier system and on motion of' Hanna the same was adopted. The oity Engineer presented. estimate of cost of constructing sewer in District No.36 and Plans for same and on wotion of Broad- well same were adopted and the Olerk instructed to advertise t'or bids for the construction of said sewer. of the Peti tion be granted : On motion of Broadwell the report was adopted and the Oi ty Attorney instructed to PBepare a,propol' Ordi- nance establishing sama into a sewer District. The Oi ty At torney presented an Ordinance creating Sewer District :Number 39,being Ordinance Number ~7: :Moved by Broadwell that the Ordinance be placed on its first reading: ~~lJ}>~ ... :'~,., Oarried on roll ca~l.l ,BoCk, Broadwell, Hanna , Hehnke ,HeYde)KniCk- rehm.Meyer and Ra.smussen voting aye.nay none: The Ordinance was l'ead by its title and declared passed its second reading. Moved by Rasmussen that the rules be suspended and the Ord1nanc~ be placed on its thira~eading: 282 Oarried on roll call,Bock,Broadwell,Hanna,Hehl'lke,HeYde,Knickrehm Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye,nay none: The Ordinance was read and declared passed its third. reading . Moved bY Heyde that the Ordinance be placed on its i'inaJ. pa:s- sage: ;J';~ --~ Oarr led on roll call, Bock ,Broadwell, Hanna, Behnke ,HeYde :.Kni ckrehm, Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye ,na'y none; The Mayor declared the Ordinamce f'inallY passed and approved the same. TIle Oi ty Bngineer presented plans, specif'ications and estima,te of the cost of' construction of' of sewer District No.39 and on motion of Broadwell; the same were adopted ,on roll ca1.1 all voting aye ,and the Olerk instructed. to advertise :for bids f'or construction ,. at' same. On motion of' Hanna. the Water Maine were ordered extended one Block f'u.rther west on 10" street.. ~:LJ,.:.illA.. ~M~ The Committee on streets reported back the estimate of the Oi ty IDngineer of' the cost of c:onstruction o:f Pav,ing in Paving District ~o.lO at $2.18' per square yard and on motion of Heyde the same was adopted on roll call ,BOCk ,B.roadwell,Hemna,Hehnke ,HeYde ,Knicla'ehm, Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye ,nay none ,and the Clerk was instructocl t08dvertise for bidS for P8iVing said Districi\bidS to be filed; by July 16~ The o~r reported: back tbe estimate of' t:he 01 ty Engi- neer of the cost of' construct'10n of' Paving in paving Distr ict No.ll at $2.15, per square yard and on motion of' Heyde the same was ado:gted on roll, call ,BOCk ;BrOadweJ,.~anria,Hehnke ,HeYde,Knickrehm,Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye,nay none,and the Oity Clerk was instructed to advertise i'or bidS to be i'iled by JUly 16" 1913 :for said P~wing.. Moved by Heyde that the Oouncil sit as a Board of' Equalization on the 20" da~r of' June 1913 between the hours of' Seven o'cloClC ,P.M. and Eight 0.' clock ,p.Jvr. of said day f'01' the purpose 0:(' EQualiz,ing ~u1d AsseSSing the behe:fits accrueing to the respective tracts at' land or lots inp8ving District No.Seven bY reason of' the PaVing of' same and levying a tax to pay the expense ot' said cons truct'ion) carried,. On motion of' Heyde M:r.Hann was granted) permission to remove some trees stand.ing in the extension of' Koenig street throu~rh the Hann's park property. 2fi3' On motion ot' Broadwell the OlerK was instructed to actvert1se f'or bids :Cor putting a cement siciewalk around the lot used t'or a voting booth on West Sixth street in the 6" voting District,and -,. ~ an approach to the doop of' salel building. On motion of' Rehnke Contractor Voss was allowed permission to use part of' South Wheeler Avenue while building., The Mayor called the at tent ion of' the Council to the encroach- ,Xi~ .~ ment of' various buildings on the sidewa:lk aind suggested ttlat the Council express their sentiments in the matter as a guide .:Cor his action in the f'uture. On motion of Broadwell the Council expressed it as their opinion that no further encroacmnents of that kind should be allowed. 'I'he MaYOr appointed James Snodgras as POliceman and on motion of Hanna t'he appointmen twas conf'irmed. The Mayor appointed John Murphy a special of'f'ioer to collect the dog taxes and to inspect the various aLleys and groundS and have them cleaned UP. Tile Mayor suggested the death of' lvTr.James A.Sproul,sexton of' t'he Grand Island Cemetery and the at tendanc'C-r of as many as could at his funeral to-morrow at 2-30 P.M. On motion of Meyer the Council voted to attend said :runeral in a! bOdy. On motion of Broadwell proper :flowers were ordered for the occasion of the :funeral of M:r. SprOUl. Moved by Bock that the Ordinance limiting the speed of .AUtos be amended by changing the 6 mile speed to 10 miles and the 12 ~',.~ .~ SUbstitute motion lost by the 1'ollowing vote;Broadwell,Hanna and Knickrehm voted aye , Boct ,HehrUCe,HeYde ,Meyer and Rasmussen voted nay. original motion then carried by the :following vote t ,Boct ,Hehnlce, HeYde,Kn1ckrehm)1vreyer and Rasmussen voted aye,Broadwell and Hanna vot ed nay. H.E.C11f'~ord,C1ty Clerk,asked 1'01' 1'ive weeks leave of absence to commence about toTune 23", and on motion of Hanna, the 284 On motion of Broadwell the Sewer Omrnnlttee Was instructed to report on the advisability of employing aninspector'to inspect~ the various sewers while being put in. Moved by Heyde that when we adjourn it be to Wednesday evening June 1111 1913 at 8 o'ClOCk, Oarried. On motion of' Broadwell the Oouncil adjourned.., ~ -~ ~~~ 01 ty OlerIC 1.... ...~ 285 (d~ --., Grand ISland,NebraSlCa,June 11"1913,8,P.M. The Council met pursuant to ad journmen t ,.His Honor, the :Mayor presiding and all members present at roll call except Meyer. Tlle Olerk reported that no bidS had been received for the Bonds of paviing District NUmber 7 and that the time had expired i'or recei- ving bids as per advertisement . 1\ Moved by Knickrehm that in as much as nO/bids had been received ;for the purchase of bonds o:C Paving District J:1'Umber 7,drawing inter- est at the rate of 6% per annum, that the rate of interest o;fferred. be changed to 7~ and the Olerk instructed to advertise for bidS for 3l1-,ffiore. or less ,paNing District Bands of' paving District No. T,Of the denomination of #500 eaca, bearing interest at the rate of 7% per annum payable annually, said bonds to be dated July 1" 1913,and bids to be in by June 18"1.91.3 at 8 o tcloClt ,P.M. . Motion carried on roll call ,BOCk ,Broadwell ,Hanna,Hehnke ,HeYde, Kn1ckrehm and Rasmussen voting aye,nay none I absent Meyer. -x On niotion of' Hanna the Independent was . instructed to print 500 copies of' the report 0;[' accountants Hana.ford &. stone .for the total sum of $lO.oo,to be in pamphlet form. .on motion oi'HeYde the motion of Broadwell at the last meeting instructing the Clex'k to advertise Tor bids for Sidewalk -arouna the voting house .in the Sixth voting District was re-considered and the street Oommi t tee instructed to have the work done. The Mayor brought up the matter of the estimate and appropria,- tions for the ensuing :r-ear and the same was discussed by the members 01' the Coumzil.. ~;~,~,- . ~ Ad j ourned.. ~-e~~ 01 t:/'COferl{. 286 REPORT OF APPROPRIATIONS t>,- iY .F' Sala:r iea streets &: Alleys Sewers Light s Incidentals Parks AlIlD EXPENDITURES To June 1.4u3.913. General Fund APPROPRIATED #14.300 . 10000 3000 8000 4000 500 r._."",,,-~ .- .".7.....7"1" $29800 EXPENDED #3573.33 87&.69 4011-9. 60 5614.92 4487.85' l.J.23..90 "'VJ,. .1I---"!-.. ... "'<;;' $26871.29 BALANOE #726.67 1278.31 -1049.60 2385. 08 -487.85> 76.10 ~-=--"- #2928.71 POlice'; Fund. #9000 $7164.67/ $1835~33 ,:- OeTlletery Fund #2000 $1486.85 #513.15 Fire Fund $11000 #792.17 $10207. li3; Wa t er Fund $45 J 000 Improvements Merchaniise Expense #3124-4:.73 .3033.78 _10_255.40 f~~533.91 . #466.09 Light Fund .55,000 IriJ,provements MerChandise Expense #7567.66 8708.72 18420.75 '34697.13 f~,302.87 Pay ing Fund #16,475; #12,211.23 #4-263.77 Paving District Funds $.32,942.54. $32,402.;8 #539.96 Sewer District Funds #2345.94 $2184.53 $161.41 Monumen t Fund $4-500 $4-4-.55 #4455.45, !C.)..,:........ .. "'*':11111111111111 - Bond &: Interest Fund %ill ,300 Special Occ. Tax (Fire Dept.) #10.5, #208,063.48 $171,804.517 #36,2.5:8-.91 Totals TotaIls do not inClUde APpropriation t'or Bond. &: Interest nor amount eXpendedt'or Special Occupation Tax Fund. .RespectfUIIY SUbmitted ,~~ne 14u1913. ~~~ Oity Olel'Jt .. ~,~, iiii-i....... ~,., ~;,:t!:,~f{i '~ . ~~~ Grand ISland. Neb:ra>sk8',June ~gtJi!l.91J:'. The Oouna1lmet in regular session ,His Hono~, the Maw-or presiding and all member s pre:sent a t' roll call. The minutes ot'meeting ot' June 4',9' &: II' 191.3; were read and approved. Mr.Oonnors,Secretary of the Oommercial OlUb was present with parties interested in the location of a\ tanne:ry here and addressedl the Council. The Woodmen ot' the World asked permission t'or conducting ot a Oarnival by the Rice &: :Dore Walter Carnival Oomllany and on sugges- tion the matter was reter:redto the Mayor. Bids ot' the Home savings Bank,Grand ISland N$tional Bank and First Na:tiona;l Bank, t'or Bonds ot' P6lVing District NO.7( were oRsned, read and on motion of' Heyde ret'erred to the Finance Oommittee. The Finance Oommittee sUbmitted report as: tollow~: To ths;Hon.Mayor and Oity Oouncil ot'the City of Grand Island. Gentlemen: we,your Finance Oommittee to whom was referred the various bids made t'or the Ilurchase at' the District paVing BondS ot: District NO.7i recommendi that the bid~ ot' the Home Say,ings Ba1I'lk ot' G:rand ISland be accepted on the basis of ~1r and acc:rued: interest on said bondS) besides ~ p:remium ot: one third: ot: one per cent of the bonds so deliv- ered. John lCnickrehm, AUg . Meyer ,H.Hehnke ,Jr. R.P. Rasmussen. Finance Oommittee. On motion ot' lnickrehm the report was adopted and the bondS awarded; to the Home savings Bant according to their bid;.. A CornmunicationfI'om W.S.King was read and Placed on file. Heyde, called; the attention ot' the Council to the necessity ot' having the sideWalkS on paVing District NO.7' brought to t'l: proper grade. . The Mayor called up the matter ot: the un-sanitary condit ions where the sewer enters into Wood River :on motion at' Bocle the natter Was ret'e:rred to the Oommittee to have the same remedied. on motion ot Rasmussen the NebraSka Telephone Oompany was in- stl'ucted to see that the Fire &: POlice Alarm boxes were tested at.least onC6'a week so that the same ma, be sure to be in, proper aoncUt1on all,the "'"tA.'- ~"::'-'>';~' ~-~;-;- - - - ---., ~2~~-X~ . '~ ~.gg On motion of Heyde the street Oommissioner was aut hor1zed to purahase two scrapers. The Bond Oommittee reported t'1nd1ng the Bond_ ot: W.O.I:ens1nger t:or covering his Housemov1ng perm1t,1n proper form and the sureties . sufficient and recommended, its approvaL and on motion of Rasmussen the report was adopted; and bond approVed.... The Bond Oonun1ttee reported, finding the Bond of James W.Snodgrass Policeman ,in :Qroper form and the sureties sut::C1c:1ent and recommended" 1 ts approval and on motion ot: R2l'smusse:n the report Wa'S': adopted:1. The PWk Oomm1ttee reported having had some trees at the park, tr 1mmed. BillS agalnst the 01 ty were read, and on motion ot: Hannal aalmwa:cli, :Cor list see Olaim Register. The Report ot: the po11ceJUdge forM8JY was read and: on motion ot' xnickrehm placed, on file.. The Report ot' the 01 ty Clerk aI' APpropriat10!t&; and Dpendi tures~ to JUne 111-"1913, was- read and made tl part of' the minutes.. Moved by Heyda that when WEt ad1Journ it be to Frida;y evening June 20"11913' ati r; O' clOCk t _ Oarr 1ed.. on motion ot' Broadwell the Oouncil ad.1ourned.. ~~~ 01 ty Olerk. ~~I;&i- .. ...~ ijEk;};:~" . Grand ISland,NebraSl<a.,June 2DII~913, 7,P.M. The Council met as 9;, Board of EQuaJ.1Ila,tion tor the purpose:ot' eQUaliz1ng and assessing the benet'i tsaccrueing to the various, lots and. tracts of lB3nd. embraced in Plli'ving District No. I- ot' sl:dd City by reason ot' the W;8ving thereof and levying a tax to pay the expense ot'sad.d pa,ving; His Honor, the Mayor :gresiding and all Members present at rOll caILl: The Oou.ncil remained in session' until 8 o'CloCk P.M. as such Board of Equau..iz.ation: and no p.erson appe~edl to ob 3ect to or protest against the equalizing and assessing the benefits accrueing to the respeative lots or tracts of lsmd in- said District by reason of the Pl:Ilving thereof and levying a tax to pay for same., whereupon on motion of Hanns\ the Oouncil ad.Journed as such Board;. of Eque;rLiz8'tion to Monday evening June 23" 1913 8:t <i O'ClOCk. ~~~~ Oi ty/6le;ie. 2"90 ,~ -~ Grand ISland,Nebras~a,June 20tl191J.8 ,P.M. The Oouncil met pursu~nt to ad30urnment,His Honor,the Mawor presiding and all members present at 1'011 C8:11. Various bias for ElectrOlier posts and Oable were op.ened and read and on motion of Hehnke the same were referred to the Light Ooromi ttee and water & Light Oommissioner to examine and reporti. BidS for the putting in of sewers in Sewer Districts Nos.3~ and 39 were op~nedand read and on motion of Hanna~eferred to the Sewer Oornmittee. The sewer Oommi t tee made verbail. report upon the bids t'or construction ot' sewer in Sewer Districts ';;6 & 3:9 finding thatL the bidS of William Kelly & Oo.were the lowest and best bidS and on motion ot' Broadwell the report was adopted and Oontracts awarded; to William Kelly & Oo.for putting-in Sewer in District No.36 t'or the sum ot' $504:. 80 and in No. 3:9 for t he sum of *806. 90. The Water Ooromi t tee presented the fOllowing ReSOlution and Ham- na moved its adoption: K Be it resolved by the Ma,yor and Oi ty Oouncil ot''' Grand ISland, Nebr. ) that the sum ot' .3033.12. received and COllected from the sa1.e ot' Merchandise- in the Water Department be duly credited., to the Water Fund and added to the APprop:ria\tion in said :Cund and that -- the sum of .3000.00 be temporarilY borrowed, from the Electric:; Lig~lt Fund and ~edited, to and W:id into the water Fund for use therein and that the Olerk be instructed to add and carry said amounts in said w~ter Fund on his bOOkS and warrant register. ...T .E. Hanna,John Knickrehm,.AUg . Meyer ,G. W. Broadwell. Motion carried on 1'011 call tall members being present and voting aye. BillS against the Oity were read and allowed,on motion' of Hann~,t'or list see the Olaim Register. George J. Baumann asged permission to use a part ot' East Third street whiil:e builaing and on motion of Broadwell the request Was granted. Henry Falldorf aSked permission to use a part of west Third.; street while building and om, motion ot: Broadwell the request was::: ", ,,' ......." ~~:~':_~ << _..~ granted~, 291 '..~.' ci.1~~""'_- , ....., H~nn$ brought UP the matter or changing the stand pipe into a, 00011ng Tower and on motion of' Broanwell the matter was rererrecL back to the OOmlllittee to investigate turther and report the approx- 1malte cost of making the change. Heyde asked leave ot' a~sence tor the period, of three months to make a visit to the t'ather la-Ud and leave was gra;nted:. On motion ot' Kn10ltrehm adjOurned to l[onday evening .June 2~. at ~. ? Clock. /~~~ 01 ty Olerk. ,~:>~ 292 Grand ISland, Nebras!lc8., June 23"'191:3,8, P. M. The Oouncl1 met pursuant to aoijournment as a Board) of EQua1- iza:t1on for th.e pUl'pose of Equaa.izing and assessing the benet'i ts accrueing to the respective ,tracts o:C real estaute in Pdl.'ving District Number Seyen by reason of the Pu,ving thereat'" H1s FIonor the. Ma;yoI' pres1dihng and BOCk ,:Broadwell ,Hanna,EIe1lnk8,Kn1Ckrell1JJ.., , Meyer and Rasmussen present at roll call,a-;:bsent HeYde.. The city Engineer made report ot'the expense, of the OonstrucJ- ion of the paving and Ourbing in paVing District Number Seven : Moved by Knickrehm that' the report be adop,tea: Oarried on Roll Cf,nl ,BOCK ,Broadwell ,Hannl:Jicl HellrlJ<e ,KniCl<rehra, *~~-~-. ~ Meyer and Hasmussen votingaye,l1"~~,,","" !).one ,a'bsent Heyde.. ; r The street Oommi ttee presented the :f'OlloW1ng Resolution and Knickrenm moved i,ts adoption: Resolution: Be J. t resal ved by the IvLalyor and Oi ty Council of the 0 ity of a'rand ISland,NebraSka,sitting as, a ;BoP..rd of' EqUalizatiorl,a:rter d'Lle and legal notice thereof' as provicled by law,:Cor the purpose: eQualiZ',ing and assessing the benet'i ts accrueing to the several pieces, tracts and pm"cels of land embraced in PaVing District Number Seven of sa:id 01 ty by reason of' the paVing and curbing thereof and levying a tax to pay the expense thereo:C; That we; do find: First': That the ent ire cost o;f' paVing and curbing done~ in said ~ PaV::d.ngDistrict chargeable to the property benef'i t ted thereby is the sum of 4j: 1903'6.88. Se cond : That the benefits accrue1r~ to the real estate said District N1.lJflber 7 by reason of t116 paVing t:ta.ereof are eCl'ual to said cas t and expense' and tl1at the benet'i ts accrueing to t1le respective tracts jpieces or parcels 01"' land are as se.t opposi te t116 respect:! ve descriptions; tllereof and we do assess srt1d bene:t'its' aga:d.nst sal1d respective tracts ,pieces or pa!r'c~ILs . ot' land as set opposite the respective descriptions thereo:D as~ follows:: .All at' said describedrea.1l. esw~~e being part at' the said Oity o:f G~,andIsland,!\febraS1K;a.. Said desCl1l:gtions and aiffiQUnts:assessed.i against eacll >',,> - . ... piec6,;'b:r ,:pa:'l.~cel 'o:C'land, are. as'i'ol19WS:; -,' 293 ~ <:;:~ ~,,~ \ -=t \. ~ '-< ~ + ----t- J.o:k I ri Ute 0 ::' J. ~i :1. 1;;.'{ 'I t 0 ','r:~, t; t)";'.'r l' c' C J. t 7/ ',' 1. U ~:\~;,:1 I C ,I ':( .C ~:i" iT c :.:':r"~ ;_~ }:::1 . l~ 0 t No. 1 in wostorvolt1s Subdivision of Lot N . 6 .; 'i" 't,},) (' C r .. 1 '[", "L" v,I" ,-;; , '0' (" J' "\J' J' f>" (\ -,,[. n f' 't )" ,,, J~,! ' _:_ _~ .' \..) l. c ... './ ~.) I..A... ,_.1. .. -v' J~ -' t __, _oo ' ~ <. 'oJ 1'.1 (" e<t 1 J <) c' 011 th-"rt"<"'" .1" Ji " (~O C' -,' ,; (")""1 : r ,,~ / U' ....... l-., l....'). .~ ~ d u 0 1...1 Lf-, \....) J ...,...Loo':, --::J ~ 'Tl'-):rn("')J'-~ 'L'L "'l"';r" R",,"'!('in 0 )( ~",T.,",",-,1, .,V ,.. a".fJ :,,~'l.'Uv /. JI\-\..~ COUN1'Y1j~ JJJ-, g J 0 O~ J8~.4- I V I n the 0 :J:'if:;!r~:..~.1 t;; vIn, n()'J: ~:hc 0 j, t y 0 r (''-''l)',tl l",q,'''-'1 ~T",},-,,,,"olr'~ lo,.t l\Jn 1 ~j J~t..... . ,<. \....'.- -'-_ 10.-.' ___'I..-\" ..,J.,,--,- '.. l'i ...~ ........... ~l ':J_:_~..~ ~ ... I J,' 1'~.J. In the CO'L1.rt hOlHle ACIOJ.tlon t,o tho City of,' GI'dl1ci Is.lcw\l, l'IODl'aSKa. l,/[AHY !t. F AL1JDORP . /8 bl 1-5 ,Il'j, "'tl}c OTI~~;;;j.~:-~Lll t{)~.t"rl'~, 'r~~():,~T' t.!1C C_;.t:t Gi' C" T"'I v', " T 1~'L' ,', '" ~l 1'--1 f'h1"'" n'17',0 L('j t" 'r\lo' '.) .1...... L.. J,. A ~_'.. :t ~l ~ ,(\. 1 !.':::".'_ , fJ ~~ ~..... __ ...... p...' -,--,..[:.. . - I ~ .- L- in the Court Heuso Addition to the City of Gl'ii neiI sland, N OiJI''El (3ka . HENRY H. FALLDORF. ( ,/ ~7-.r T .c;, t rlc (} :'"l J. r:~ 11'~~';.l ' t- ,.:-~;~.-,.~, ~'~(,; l.,~:' t }.~ c C:L t ;/" (' ~r c nmd I cIa 1:B:-,-1-1cbr;:, ct.a. 'l'rlC no I'th-, erly 122 feet of Lot NO.9 of the County SUDcU.vj.uion of' the West 1/2 of c,' Q~ 11 {'l'\-'\:ro. 0+, 11'1 S (',('"'i' j 1',',"1 lr; 'T'nWl1 'l'('1 iT' '- _.....'._, -..II.,) v Li_'~' .r.....-:.,.J - ....... ,../., ......,...~. ~/..:- ....~.....' 11, Rf1.I;.t~;(~ 9. EMILIE HEYDE AND ALBERT HEYDE. '.5 J K111--1--- f' '''i, ", lc,-')-r, .. ~'-? - , 'G:rnnd Icl:,'.:d, NoiJJ:';:LC]o:::;t. Tlle Boutrl- orly 60 feot of Lot No. 9 of tho C CI" n' 'j' -,IT .. q '11'-;' r:! 'J" '\( 'J' C< J' tJ. '1'1 0 i-" "i' '1-1 C'" ]V (,~ C:,d 1 I L') 0" f I __....,.l _,l..i l,......" ~ ,',___. '. ~ t,} ~ ~ J '._ ~ ~ -,~ v ..-. tho South-went 1/4" SocU.on 15, ~Covrn- ship 11, Ra 0 9. MARGARETHA LINDEMANN. 1 - } ~I ~() l-n tIle, (1rJ.girl~ii to>!TrI., !~O':,r the City of C ~ca r:, d , T f' 1[; l' r::t 1 N CD :r:'d. ''t ~l.'l~ ,e ~:UlpJ3,-,19C I,:: No 1 of Hannis Addit1on.~utot N6:1 and the northerly ha If of Lot Ne. 2 cl.nd 'tIle r;oI'tllCl'ly 2 and IJ 2 f'f:;ct of the soutrI8J:<ly halt' ot' Lot. No.2. O'l'TO KIBSCHKE. .; I U- In, the O1'j.(';11\<:11 t()'.'TL, 11'YV! tl'lo Cj.-t7: cf' G:;:,s.;,( Ir;.1..hnd, NcbrL(Dta. ']~11C south-. erly 26 feot of Lot No. 2 and tho northerly 14 foet of Lot. NO.3 in j B lock No. 1 of Harm I [) Add! tior: to tl'w City of' Gran6 Inland, NerJraska. BERTHA LANGMANN. . i tI I\- 0 \. /1 -'=> \ ~ \> I f ........'-. ~ ~ ~ ; { .J utJ 1 4 g 10 80817Q J.~?>j3 k 1 ~ 1,1 ( 2 r 3 r3 115 : IJ Sol ~o 533 \ (iff 'Y 6> J .30 1 & :; "~f :, j~?) 10 ~83' j'(j); I 1 L\- 'Yo I T if ~D ~ '1 ,.:5' ..J..,,~ i) 0, l.~ L., LX:: 5 .~ ~\~. X C\ # I. :u* f :u;t f r , # I .::::::.::0 ~ ~~ '<:../ ""'" ~ In tho O::ej.ginal tOVTJJ'l nOT' the Cj.ty of C}J:'dnd Ig~Lhnd, NOiJl'afJka. SOUtll bLLi' ot . Lot No. g in Block No. gO. GRAND ISLAND GENERAL bOSPITAL. / 6(" .Jss K J5"Sv'6g In tlio O:cip;innl tOiJim, nOr\' the City oJ. G ra n d I'f3l.a n d 1 N () U l'clfJ ka . Lot II o. 7 ~ in Bl.ock No. go. GRAND ISLAND LAND COMPANY. b ~ J 114- b~ 355 o&, ~l.lta..1:.. In the Orip).na 1 tavm, navr tl1.e City or G:ea. Iulancl, Noin'clBk,a. Lot.s NOB. 5 ~~c'l 6 ].~ r3-L0~k N(' MO 120 -l~0~t a'n , Cl...l:~ ..+ ....,.1... _ ....J \J." _ .;. 0.. .:JL. "..'-J,~ 1-... v Ii'i:ect street at ;1;;5. TJOJ:' 1'001.:,.----- ~Mu Jf~tL-vL' .. , BENHY VIIi:RJi.~G(}. 30tf7 gJJ~ HI{- 1#-1-0 15 08 ;~~; 11"1 tho Orie;i:na.1 tovm, now tho C i tv 0 :r.' G-rtlrl(i Island, Nebr'Elf:lka. Conlmenoint~ at the North-west oorner of Block No. 89 aIHi running Bouthorly 66 Tout along tho Ea8t line of Wheeler Avenue, thenc~ ea t3 t OJ:' ly a tI' tgrrt, d. 1i2;10fJ 10& root, thof)ceno:cthe:cly at rJ.F;rlt angles 66 feot, thenco westerly at. rt t a 108 100 i'cot ba ck to tho pIa co of' bogJ.rulinf2. 109 feet on F j.rGt S tract at g; S .'13 '001' )' " .. f :foo t------~f~ / / ", . ., . pr" 1 A" i (' sJ8 DO root on ~noo_orvonuo U~ ~ - l foot-------'1? HENRY MlDllIj]i;H T . J) e:c Jf t J1 ifJJ /1/-f. 73fp/).; 11 JJ ' ~ In tllO 01"1g1na1 tOiMn, now the Cit.y of G I'a 11 d Isla n d , 1:1 0 IJ l~cl 81<:a . 00 c J at the; Nort.rl-.oaGt corner of' Block No. SS! d,ne] I'unntng tlle:nce wOfJtc:rly along; tho South lino of Ftr8t street 150 feet, thmwo Bout.!w:cly at J:>j.gllt a .l.e8 ~h feet. thendo easterlY at right . a~alOD 't~eDce re her~r 51 ~t to thE v' c\-.J....t:" .-'~, :..I...,. jot ,I .l.-l ,.. j S ,,- place or jJCe;j.nllJ.ng. 150 foet on F iJ:'Dt street a t ~; S pOI f'oot-----$ f:' t. . I h IL.3sr 5.1 :feot on Locus S trec)t a '\:. ~? '1 - per :CO()t------~? '" -)~ HEHBF]HT 11. G-LOVIGR F:':P ALS TRUS1'It:Ji:S. }j-S- ~5 ~S /02-1 J&. I 0 !Jt"~1 t3 ~ fc~3 ,. "} f,\ ,I. 'J; l j :' f\ ,j,\ ~dd~-t- the City of Gr. 'a" 1'" (1 I" "I.an1(d .~e'I)T'.Q ska' Intl'lG" . .. ", ~ 0 -~v_-rui' - ,. . 'J. ...--- <...... ~. . -.. ."". v sttffiO block D:C ....~ :pI'e~oding pror::'.ioet'}~ IJot No. It- and the southerly 1.J..3 :feot of' Lot No. ,3. LAURETTA CAMPBELL. "'1'. 1\ u . ~ ':.1,;- 295 ~ ~ i 1- .----------.-- 'i c.::::<? . 3 1J.-5- 310 J4- IDo In t11.o 0''''1 me .f }/f,q 1 ').1-- 1-08 . Addition as tho preceding premisos, all of Block No.2. GRAND ISLAND AERIE NO. 373 FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES. . ..(.. rf' .; .I He:, 1'1 I .I ,,, v" "- _ ~n rL T ccJ c~ n_,-'l 11,T ". h" 'Y.>n ." n '''. Jy ,....q" 1.0" 0/ f" 0" 0' 1:, ~\.::r:lPt..~. --X-O~~~f... ...- f'r'ontJ.ng, on. LOClwt stroot arld. lJoing in t'he South-west oornor of Lot No . 10 in tho Courlty Subdivision of tho \Vent ha If' of tho 80uth-wGfJt cfoEtrter of 8octJ.on 15, TownshiTl 11, Range 9. HENHY HANN. In the Original to~m, noW the City of crr'and, 18lan.d, No))ras~:"a. Commcnoj.ng at a point on tho northerly line of .tl~e al1ev J'l~ nl()nk "jcrO . 00 100 foet. '.1.j ~__/<! .......J..J '.J_.. \) . v/' 0 .._\....J_~ Eaot of tho west lino of said block. v 'tho{!(;o northerly and parallel with ' IT~0plpr AVenue 88 fcot, thence oaster lyat rightangles to the Wast line of LOOUBt S tl~eet, thEJnCO South to tho plaoG of beginning. RU'l'H A. MORIARTY. 1/3- '''; , . "i 'rt;--0.j;'S-yv:f' IJot No. 13 1n tJ-w samo County SubcU.vj.S1.on a f3 t1'ie foregoing promises. :F'RE~DERIOK NLE~NCK. 2.3 IN 71/00- ITl t11G Or'j.p;jJldl tovn.t,now the C1ty of' Grand. IBlaIid, Noi)I'aska. commonctn2; at a potTIt on tho South sido of tho alley 50 feet in a northeasterly di- rection from tho North-west cornor of Lot No.5 in Block No. 89, thonoe running in a northeasterly direction j a lol1.p:. t1w GOut}l IJ.no of sa ld a. lley 136 feet to 10CU8t stroot, thonoo S 0 11 'tV! 51 f ('C'd- th f"no o ",TO Q t (~l" 1 'IT r)Cil"<:'- l... ,.;, 1 _ __.J..I.... ,,}, (. _.In 1.1../ 10..,.- .1- ~ ,1 .t:. - ;~ 1101 with said alloy 128 feot,thence a t :right a 1013 l!_L~ f'eet to tb.o plaQe of' begLn;.Jnp;. ALVENA HERMANN. '1~ 'Yo IK S! -" ~ . 11'1 :-' '1/, 0 Ij '11 tJ5 So 105!. J.'J y 13 l t fo~ Jf~ ~ to "-?-vl/ L,./- ~~ i f ~J- J !)- --Ii, 'c. Jll1 $~ 4(~' 01 '1 ;2- t. '1 ~.. ,to ~ I'~ IH :hifa.l iv l/-~~'i :2... 'if ? 10'8 " ;~ 1, In the O:eLg1naJ. town, now GI'a Is1and;NcDrdSlG:t. v crly one-third of Lot No. No. ca. aHAS. A. HOFMANN. tho City or 'rllO no :1:'th- <5 in Block 296 ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ "C~~ ~ ~-? ~ ~ ~~ f Sf s I ~ } g In the O:Cigul.:.tl town, n.ov! tho OJ.ty 01-' Gr"tt{lcl IDl.::Jr).cl, -No}Jr~(,tfJ}Cti. j~P}l.f; nOll crly two-th:i.:t'i.J.u of Lot No. g ill Blucl'": v No. 81. NIELS C. NIELSEN AND CHRISTEN N. RASK. Jl~ In the O:I'igin.altown, HOVT the 01 cf GTHlld Island, Neuru.ska. ~rlw WCE Cl'l"!l tWO~tJIJ.:I'(JS of Lot No. l~ J.n Bloc}, v 1'Jo. t)-O. JACOB S. JOHNSTDN ET ALS TRUSTEES A; O. U. W. OF NEBRASKA. . In tIle .01'i Grdnd I glan.d, -/08. t)10 City or BlocK No. ..L town, now lTo[)l'ilBKa. SCHOOL DISTRICT OF GRAND ISI,AND, HlBBR, ,jJ b~ Jif/,& q} g~ 13 Y S-\~ d.,,) } & {o rto ';:'" ~~it~{ i):C' Lot No. 1@ J.T: Blucl: No. 90 in tliC Ruj.l Road v AdcU.tHnl to Gl'and Island, NoiJrnnJG1. GO'I'TLIIGB HJUDKAlvIP. 17J-'J' 5D oj J3v ~* '1.:..1\+).. n :c..lf';;i. ;L't-J......- tow::, ;'~ :: 'cr t 11 ;~ C j.;~ -:;T .:ri' ~n:i-I-+~ 1"I..;,""hT':l~~. Lot No. S ~ in Block No. 9& ~n the Rail Road AdcHtion. to Grarld Ir;lancl, }\Ie:Cd . JOirr~p~~~ ~s~ ~ /1-fJ;--r~~1Q f'f:!:J- ~~~!f::~ f' , _~" t. _~_ I.~ ~,,~." .~ _ , .. ~: ".. ij H kcl . Lo t B ~N () fJ . 1 and 2 in Blook No. 105 in the .! PaLL Road Aclditj.o,n to Gr'H.nd I 81iOl.rld , 1\10 1) ~eL1. Bk8.. . LOUIS VEIT, ESTATE. Igo J) ').0 lo(,tf: v' 01 / s-; -M-"bfl e tH i fcS Llkci::", -t I:'J ~i " ;~ ~'" " 1 ~ ;~ '. ~: ~ '1' ~nd I~:d:.&ttd:,"'~)::'~~Hllm. LotB NOB. 0/ ;.' 't"j -7 'J" ., 'p 10 ,-, '~I.J (")' 'L () 5 J' n .t. '.I'.',i.. (~ V ''':-',''~"- .:~.1 ~-'.: _. . vr:~ \ ~ ~ _.~: ",' ., Ha LL Boa (1 ACLCl,J. t J.O.lL '[,0 a'l'd. nei. I D.U:.l n(l, N C[)I'Ei sl\.a . ! g, ~ WILHELM BIELFELDT AND THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. SL/- ~ JJI , ..'.'....1 I' I' = ~. p ~~ ~ ~ 'Z:: ~ -'---ff ~~ ~ ~ ..er ~ 4 r~ ) .4::1, if/^ W,~,N' I U ,fp''l,ii ~ lf~ €J 15fJ to 41J I $:),; },;,~, 7 If} fro ? h() ,'Ar ~/O!'~ t, J" 7 J7 !'~~';7' fir gg 1f;:3 Lf- 710 I?) jj7 trf/ {,.qn 297 I () tl--lO (; I'1. gJ.na.1 tali/n., no;;'{ 'tri.e C J. tv 01 Gl\ind I:<La , Ncbra,'";}::a. COLlLc:nc 0\:1 the ~iouth line of Block No. 89 at., a poj.nt 50 feet f'J:'om t:r1e South- west corneT of said block, thonco in a NOl'tll-1:VOH t cUrection and IJEU'a llel with V!l"loc<Lc)J: Avenuo 66 f'c,:ot, thenco ilortheaDterly dnd pal~allo11qJ.tbFlrst v' 8.1,1"p..";,'" 1.'111 'fp"",t. +-" L'OC'llQ.t. (~l".l'nni' !... l.J "-'_ __ \..1 lor 'r __ ,j t..... .,,1 U . .- r...... ~". -'- \,,,", \./ ~. , thonbe South 100 foot, thence along tho South side of said block 65 feet to tbe "))16100 of iJeg1lJli.n2;. F HI,:D BEBE:mn s s. I pf'!:: 3J loo~' ?J~o')j tf3 (Po ~, . All of 'Block No. 97 :Ln tIle Hailroad Addition ,I to t~\O C.ity of Grand Island, NeiJ:c. MP/~t.*~W!!.A~'J~)J~~WJ. ).b I ;L.O j,'" ~"'j3r b'frbo In tho O:ciglnal town, n.OVi i~ 81 of Gnulel Icldnd, Ne Hka. COlIunonoJ.ng at the South-west corner of Lot NO.4 tn Block No. 8"9 ,md rllc,nlng tllence ea8t~rly along tho northerly lj.no of tho alley therej,n, 10S f'c) , tlwnco no:c'trHJrly at rj.p;ht arlglof1 66 f'cot t thence ~ostorly at right los 108" f'oet to Wheeler Avenue, tllOnco south- er ly at rJ.2;ht it nglos to the pIa ce o:f b og:i.llr~t ];MMA NIESS. 3.ffa - IOJi-'f J-S&- f 7-(,. H, 13 4-1 ~L Jss 08 8/ In the Orlginal town, now the Oity of G:C'and Island, Ncb:edska. Commonc a t the Nort1l-wost corner of Lot No. 5 in Blook No. Ei9, tlwDCG eaBtoJ:'ly along tIl0 NOTtYl 1:1.no of' na1.d Lot 50 v feet, thence southerly at right a los 66feot, thence wosterly at r:1.gtlt angles 50 feot to the place of' l)eglnninis.. WILHELMINE BREDEMEIR. SI ~ ~~ c~7 3 ',r 1)-1 io ~~ JSS 08 J lO.i 1 23 41 In the Original town, n01N the City of Grand. Island, Nebraska. The south- erly half of the westerly 50 f'eet or , Lot No. 5in Block No. g9 with 50 ~ foot on Division street and 66 foot on Wheolor AvemJ.o'. CARL B. DAHM. 13 ~ qo 3,S 0 j 8 J... "-. jl ;1;0 In tho Origlnal town, now tho OJ.ty 0.1:' Gran d I SILl n (1 , NOD I'd U lca . Lot No. 1 v in BloC:k No. 61- MASONIC BUILDING ASSOCIATION. 11q~ 41 71 /31-- l~ ;0;,;) .' '-.. \.. .-:.: ~ ll'loo7."83 298 'rhe resolution was adopted on roll cail.l ,BOCk ,Broadwell ,lianna, He11rlke ,Knickrehm,Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye,nay none, absent HeYde.,and the Mav-or approved the same.. The Minutes as a; Board. of Equalization were them read and app.;- rovedl. Adjourned) ~~~~ o it y 01 erk . , ','.' 'jl jL:;-\.; -':_:':.7 '-;lU1 ~;~~t>, 'S; ttf I 't., I'f ..,:a ,Y,'tw'r."'% , :4-- " I .:' L, - r~; .-..... ....,. _' _,:0:_ "-",:.,','C"c y :\ ~;\ " ; ~'- , '.. ~o'. ~', 299 Grand Island. Nebraska ,June 23"1913,B,P.M. The Oounc11met pursuant to ad journment ,His Honor , the Mayor pres1d1ng,present at 1'0110' all,BoCk,Broadwell,Hanna,HellnlCe,Kn1ck- rehm,Meyer and Rasmussen,Absent,HeYde. The minutes or meetings or June IBII & 20U 1913 were ~ad and approvedi. [".,.~ ._~ .An Ordinance NO.548,prov1ding roI' the issuance or PaVing District BondS or Rl.JVingi.01str1ct NUmber Seven or tae 01 ty or Grand ISland, Nebrasm, was read: Moved by Kn1<ekream that the Ordinance be placed on its first reading: Oarr1ed on 1'011 call ,J3o~ ,Broadwell ,Hanna,Hehnke,Kn1ckreiJ.m, Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye,nay none,absent Heyde:: The Ordinance was read. and reclared passed its r1rst reading. Moved by Boc~ that the rules be suspended and the Ordinance: be placed on its see.oncLread1ng by its title: Oarr1ed on roll call,BoOk,Broadwell,Hanna,Hehnke,Kn1dkrehm, Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye.nay none, absent HeYde: The Ordinance was read; hy its title and declared 'passed; its seeond readI1ng. Moved b.y Rasmussen that the rules be sUSpended. and the OrdJ1- nanc6;be placed' on; its third reading: Oarr1ed: on rOll C~ll,BOOk,BrOadwell,Hanna,HehnkejKn1okrelun, Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye,DaW none,absent Heyde; The Ordinance was'r ead and dec.iared passed its third reading. Moved by Broadwell that the Ordinance be placed on its fina~ passage: ,~; . ....... "fr.'>'..._....._...,-'...- _ ~~~;:L~.; ,.~ Oarr1ed on roll o all ,Bock ,:Broadwell ,Hanna.,Hehnke.RBtcmerehm-" Meyer and. Rasmussen voting aye~,na\y none ,absent HeYde: The Mayor declared the ordinance finallY passediand approved the same.. Specifications for the Ourbing in Paving Districts Ten and Eleven were read : Moved by BOCk taat the same be adop)teG1i:: Oarr1edon ROll call.Bock,:aroadwell,Hanna,HeEmke,Kn1Ckre.h.In, Meyer and Rasmussen voting aY6,naw none,absent Heyde. ..~ ~ ''''< - ~ 300 An ordfnance,No.5~~ Levying a Special ~~ang Tax to pay the expens6;of paving paving District NO.7 was presented;: Moved 'bY KniCl<rehm that. the Ordinance be pltlced on its first reading: Oarried on rOll ca1l.11 BOCk ,Broadwell ,Hanns:.,Helmke,Knickrehm., Meyer and Rasmussen voting ayet,nay none, absent HeYde.: The Ordinance was read and declared :Rassed i:ts f'irst read- lng. ved. the same., - BAllS against the Oity contracted on account of the Pav- ing of Paving ,District ~fo. 7. were read and on motion of Rasmus- ,sen allowed and Warrants ordered drawn for their paJYment:., ~200 being deducted r.rom William Kelly & oo.bill until accepted. Petition for sidewalks on south Locust street and across the Belt line was read and referred to t:t.le Str'eet Oommi ttee The sewer, Oonunittee and the Mayor made verbal report 01: worle done at trhemouth of the Sewer. Adjournecr. ~~~ Oi ty Olerk. 301 .........~ -,., Grand Island., Nebraska, July: 2., 191;3:..8 HU&.. The meeting was called to order bY His Honor the Mayor, who appointed A.a.. Mayor clerk :for the me@ting in the absence of 01 ty 0IerK,011fford. All members Gf the Oouncil were present eXC8l?>t Heyde.. Minutes of the last meeting werct read and a)J)proved. . ~ of the BOllTtV of.' EQual1ft;t1on :for bllme1'1 tse der1 vod bY the several prop~rt1es: 1n pav1ngDistrlct No. 7 were read and approV:ed~ Henry H. Fal~or4r inquired as to the assossmento:f Henry Horstman. The 13oal'd 0f' J;;qUa11Zation having ~ and no ]ll'otost laaving bllu,n f'iled .in time, no action was taxen u:pon M.'r. Falldor:f'se cpmpl atl.-nt'i.. BidS o:f Willie.mKclly &Oompany, and Gilbert &. Son for the Water Works Plant at the ocmetery:werll opened and roi'erred to the ~:k;ji'- .,., 1er g10bes was adop~ eel. ( 302 ~ On ntdt1on10f' HasmuBsen the re,ort 1~~ t,. ~:m. eomm1tt.. r'CGm- mending that, i.. eentractL 1'01' th.e~Vof' cable 1'01' .lectro11er system was ado,ted. On motion Gf.' Rasmussen thee :'Oh1li\ G:f Po11cCb "was..1I.nsitritlGted to notif.'Y the arayman to comply with the Ordinance concerning the business of.' draying by July 15. All bills read Were allowed. For list S88 claim register. The resolutions ]1)re13airod by the cemetery Oommittee upon the death of.' James A. s~roul wtJr(D adc>pted and the ClerK was instructedI to send a co13~ of.' t~e same to the widOW. Th.e resolution dirocting the Mayor to deliver .36 ~aving bonO to the Home savings Bank upon the payment 0f.'#18,060 was ado}1)ted.. The request of'J.A.R1chie f'or the use of.' part of' Locust and First streets f'or the piling of.' buil~ing material while the Y.M.O.A. building is in the course of' constructi€>n was granteds such. how.v~r, at the direction of' the streot and D.ley COlfulli ttee. Reports of' Weighmastfljr, City Treas:urer and Commercial state BanK were l' ead and ordered ]placed on f'il.. ~~Sf;"~ An open and :free discussion was then had as to the estimate of' the coming f'isca1 year. :Ml:'. Hanna r.po!'ted that the new pumps were Jaor. and would be installed at one., and UJ.lDon, his moticm the Oouncil adjourned until! WedneSday, JUlY 9. ... ,;/- -~, -,+-:' j' ii:.:.;~ ~ J-~ .~ i~~;;'~ ~-.., . 303 Grand Island,Nebraska, JUly 16, 1913. Minutes ot t.h~ meetlng of the 01 ty Council. The meetlng of the City Council was called to order by his Ho:nour the Mayor, On roll call all members being present excepting .~ Heyde. In the absence of the City Clerk, A. C. Mayer was appointed to keep the minutes of the meeting. The minutes of' the last meeting were read and approved. Bids of three (3) bidders for :the extension of the Water- works Building waslof't to the Committee on City Property. And four (4) bids on paving in Districts Nos. 10. and 11 were read and left to the street & Alley Committee. J~: Bids of various 01 tiz:ens for extension of wa ter mains on . 'i~' West 11th street 'Na'S left to the Fire, Lj.ght and Water Corrunittee. His Honour thO! Mayor called attention to Memorial Tablets sent outrJY the United States Government made of metal recovered from the Battleship Main, whereby Henke moved the adoption of the motion asking for at Memorial Tablet S'X14" to be placed, if possible, upon the Soldiers atld Sailors Momul1.ont soon to be erected by the t o i tV. The report of the Committee on finance on the appropr1a tions for the coming municipal year wasadOl)tod and ordered advertised a s required by law. Upon motion of Hanna, the Olerk was authorized to pUblish for bids for three hundtred (300 ) tons , per month, more or- less, of Wier City Nut Ooal ,to be delivered at the Oity plant when needed. ~eyer moved t~t the Committee on ~ire, Light and WaDer be empowered to take down a bou t thj.rty ( 30) feet of the standpil)e alid convert tho same j.nto a cooling. tower. Upon matj.on 01'1 Rasmussen, each policeman i.n the service of' the City for more than one yea.r was granted a vacation of two weeks. Henke brought up the matter of' the Water & Light bills not having the o. K.of' the Water Commissioner. Nothj.ng vms, however, done in the matter. City Engineer Kibbey reported that tho work in sewer Districts Nos. 33 and 35 was completed and the sevrer main on Vine Street had been laid. All bills on the Glerks table were ! d and allowed. For ).-- ~;~,>;';.;" - ~ .~ 304 bills soe Olaim Register. Henke moved that the City Attorney correspond with the surety upon a bond of Contractor King in reference to the defective con- eli tj.on of the DOllar-way pavement. The motion was lost as the Council desired to grant the contractor two week:;:; more time. in whioh to do the work. Peti tion for extension of W'd, tel' mains on West 9th streot was left to the Committ~e on Fire & Water. Monthly report$ of the Police Judge of the First National Bank and the Grand Island Na tlonal Bank, and the quarterly reports of said banks were read and ordered placed on file. His Honour the Mayor then delivered his message .to the Council whioh message was ordered, received and plaoed on t'ile. Kniokrehm called the attention of the street and Alley Committee to the condition of the ditoh 1n the interseotion of Walnut and 7th street. The Council then adjourned until ThursdaY, July 17, at ten A. M. 305; Grand Island, Nebraska, July 17, 1913. -- Minutes of th~iadjo'LU'rredmeettng of' the City Council. The Counctl was called to order by his Honour the Mayor, all members being pl~esent excepting Heyde. q;;-~~ -.,., ~The report of the Commit tee onextontion to the \Va terw'orks BuLlding was adOl)ted and contract let to Walter Erickson. The Committee on streets & Alleys rel)Orted tha t the bids of theE. D. Tyner Construction Company for the paving of Districts Nos. 10 and 11, see!t1ed to be the lowest bids, 'but ask, for further' time before making def'ini te report. , The report was ad01Jtedand further time granted.. Upon motj.on of Knickrehm, the estimates and appr01Jriations for the YE'l1r 1913-1<)14 adOl)ted last evening were reconsj.dered. Upon motion of Kniokrehm, the appropriation for paving of street and Alley intersectj.ons '''laa upon roll call reduced from $25,000 to $22,000. C1eI'k was instructed to return the checks in his hands to unsuccessful btdders, Prince & Walker, William Sothman and Charles Lefler. ~~i>-'" "., 306 Grand ISland,NebraSKa,JUlY 30"1913. '['he Oouncil met in special sesslon ,His Honor, tIle Ma~ror pre- siding and all members except Heyde pDesent at roll Call pursuant to the following CHIl which was read and OO1e a !tart p:f the minutes:: To tIle Members 01' the Oi ty Oouncil, 01' Grand ISland) Nebraska I Gentlemen: ;(;~,~~ .",,-.:.,jr:~~,;;~ -~ A specia.l meeting of' the Oi ty Oouncil of' Grand ISland, Nebrasta, is hereby called to meet in the Oouncil Chamber at the Oit~r HlIlill in sa1d City,at 8 o'cloCk P.M. on WednesdaY;~TuIY 30th, 1913, f'or the purpose of' passing an Ordinance termed The Jihnual APpropria,tion Bi11:Jand making the Annual a;pprop.1tiu,t10n f'or the next f'iSC81 ye~ :for said Oity,a~so,to receive the report of the Oommi t tee on streets and Alleys on the Bias for Paving Distr iCtS3 10 and 11 ,in said Oity,and taking action thereon. Also to take action upon and. :pass an ordinance regula,t:ing the running ot: auto- mobiles and vaJaiCles f'or h1.1:'e in saiid City and the transaction ot such other busi:Qess as; maw come bet'ore said meet ing, inCl.Uding the consicleration ot': and. acting upon a proposed, Ordinance relative to the disposition ot' Garbage in said Oity. Dated JUly z9th,19l3'~ OlJ.arlesG.Ryan,Ma.YOr. The 00rn.m1 t tee on streets & AlleyS made report as :follows:::: To the Hon.M:a;yor & Oi ty Oouncil, Grand [sland,Nebrask~: Gentlemen: c~ W"e,your Oommittee onst;r>eets & Alleys to whom was ret:er- reeL the matter ot Oontract of E.D. Tyner Oonstruction 00. o:f Kansa.s Oity Jlifo. ,Beg lea\te to report :thataf'ter invest'igating s8'id Oompany we reCOInmen<l that ai Oontract be awarded to said Oompany a\ccordi:ng to bids on f'ile~.. G.W.Broa.dwell,R.p.Rasmussen,H.Hehnl<e,Jr. On motion ot' Broadwell -the re,port was adop:ted: on roll calli, BOCk, Broadwell, Hanna" Hehnke ,KniCl<reJ:'llIl ,Meyer and Rasmussen vat ing aye,nay none,abs~nt HeYde. Nt Ordinanc~. providing f'orthe running of' .&1tomobilea and paying an occupa~ion tax wgwn :run for hi:re, being NO.550 was; ~\ Pl'>esented. 307 Moved by IQ1iCkrehm that the Ordinance be Placed on its rlrst reading: Oarried on roll call, BOCk ,Broadwell ,Hanna\,HehMe ,Knickrel1m, Meyer a'nd Rasmu$sen voting aye, nay none,absent Heyde: TheOrd1nance was read. and dec.il.al'ed~ passed i,ts r1rst reading. Moved by Knickrehm that the rules be suspended a,nd the Ordi... nance be placed'on its second reading by its title: ;~;,"'" .,., Oarried on roll call, BoClC ,Broadwell ,Hannai,Hehnke ,Knickrehm, Meyer & Rasmussen voting aye,m:w none,absent HeYde: The Ordinance was read by its title and declared :r:a'ssedl its", second reading: Moved bY Rasmussen that the rules be suspendedi and the Ordinance; be Placed on its third reading: Oarr ied on 11'01.1 call, BOCk, Broadwell, Hannal, HehnI< er, Knic.krehm, Me;'{cr and Rasmussen voting aye,naw none,absent Heyde: The Ordinance was read and declared passed its third reading. Moved by Hehnke that the Ordinance be Placeci on its rina1 pas-- sage): Oarried on 1'01:1 call ,130ClC ,Broadwell, Hanna, Hehnke,KnickreJoo, Meyer & Rasmussen voting aye ,na,y none,absent Heyde: The Ma,yor declared the Ordinance :finallY pa,ssed and approved the same. An ordlnance~No.551,providing :for the disposition 01' Garbage was presented: Moved by Meyer that the Ordinance be placed, on '1 ts :first read- ing: ~~d~ Oarried on rOll call,BoCk ,Broadwell ,Hannat,Hehnke,Knickrehm, Meyer and RaslIIIJssen voting aye,nay none,absant HeYde: ~1e Ordinance was read and deClared passed its :first reading. ]J1oVed by Helmke that the rules be suspended and the Ordinance: be placed on its saaond reading by its title: ......~ Oarried on roll caJ.l ,'Bock ) Broadwell ,Hanna,Hehnl<e,Knickrehrn, Meyer and Rasmus~en voting aye, na~r none ,absent He~Tde: The ordi,nance was read by its title and declared' passed i:ts second. reacl1ng. Moved by Eo that the rUles be suspended and the Ordinance be PlaceeL oni ts 308 oarried on :1:"011 call ,BOCk ,Broadwell ,ffi:lnna,Hehnk:8 ,Kn1cltrehm, Me~ler and Rasmussen vot 1ng aye ,nay none, absent Heyde: The Ordinance was read and declaredLpassed its third reading. }lOved b'jr BOCk that the ordinance be placed on its f'inaJ. pas-. sage: -<"- {t~~ c~ Cm'ried on roll call , BoCk,Broadwell ,Hanna,Hehnke,Knickl'ehm, Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye,nay none,Wbsent Heyde: The Mayor declared the Ordinance ;finally passed and approved. the same. The Ohief of the Fire Department made report as t'ollows: Grand ISland,NebraSka,JUlY 3:0,1913. To the Honorabile Mayor and City Council, Oi ty at' <)l-rand Island, Grand ISland, Nebraska. Gentlemen:: Since the 15th at' JUIY,1912 to the 15th of' JUlY,19l3 we have answered rj7 t'ire alarms. Goi~ to and coming from fireti- we have gonel02} Blocks ,or 68 miles. We 11ave used 174-. gallons of' cllem1cals, and' have used water through 10600 f'eet of' f'i:re hose. Yalueloi' buildings Insurq,nce on BUildings Damage to buildings Value ,at' contents Insurance on contents Damage to contents #l4-:6!J'D 5,. 00 71050.00 10033.00 8014-5. 00 l+8270.00 12:1.85).00 I also wish ..to call your a.ttentiOli to the condition of'the hose on the outside carts. The hose on the carts is from 6 to ll+, ,;.~.. ~,,",,,--.--,.,,.-.. -. ~o..s;;,~ years old and as you all know at the ;fire of' July the 11th, this old hose will not stand the fire pressure which you now have. ,It, WOUld, take 1.500 feet ot' new hose f'or these carts and ~ a cost ot: about $1300.00. Hoping that you will give this your earliest a,ttention and ~ consiclerat;l.on, Yours very trUIY.Thos.M.Dillon,Fire Ohief'. On motion of Hanna the report was received and made apart ot' the minutes. Jlanna ca1led the ~tention of' the Oouncil to the inability 01' the present fire department to properly protect the property oi' the whOle City and on motion of' Knickrehm the matter was referred to the Fire Oomrai t tee to invest igate and report baCk at the next meetlng of the 0 1., 309 1,.#~ .....,., On motion 'of Hehnl\e the OlerIC was instructed to return to the respective bidd.crs all checKs covering bidS for paving Districts 3.0 & 11 excep.t those of Whe E"D" Tyner oonstruction O()lllpany" On motion of Hehnke the matter of dama~es to street Orossings by reason of crossing them with heavy engines: ete.without proper.1Y protecting same was referred: to the Oity Attorney to prosecute:.. On motion of Rasmussen the Oity Attorney was instructed to prepare an Ordinance. requiring all haUling of dirt and otrier ~oose ma:tter c on the paved streets to be done in tight boxes to prevent litteri'mg the street paving". K Bill of N~brask~l Leagult of Municipalities for &nnu:al duesi was read and on motion of Hanna allowed,in the SIDn of #20,,00. Moved bY Re,smussen that when we adjou.rn it be to meet' to- morrow morning t,Q exam.ine and' accept paving District No. 71 as a: commi ttee Of the WhOle., carried" The Mayor appointed Mrs"NiCk Lahan and ~s.A.O"Lederman Sani tary Inspectors to 3JCt in conjunct ion w~th the Board of' Health and the pOlice Department\and on motion of' Hanna the appointments were confirmed,.. Ad. ~1ourned'" ~-o/~ Oity Olerk. ~~/......... --,. 31Q Grand ISland,NebrasKa,August 6"i913. The Oouncilmet in regular session,His Honor, the Mayor ,presiding and all members present at roll call except HeYde. The mintil.tesof meetings of JUly 16,17 and 3;0" were read and app- roved. The fOllowing corrrmunication was read and on motion of Broad- well adopted; una111;imouslY: --., "Grand Island ,Neb. ,August 6"1913:., Honorabl!e Mayor and Oin;)' Oouncil, Oi ty of Grand iISland, Grand Island, Nebraska. Gentlemen:- ~ Realiz-ing that w8:have made quite extensive improvements. in our munic1paJ. light and w8'ter plant and will be i'UllY equipped.: to do a, greater volume of business we therefore recorrrmend that the citizens of Gran4i Island form an orga:nization for the p-urpos@; to increase the business of' our municipal plant. RespectfUllY SUbmi t t ed!, J .E.Hannal Aug .Meyer R.P.Rasmussen e.. TN. Broadwell John Knickrehm H. Hehnke ,Jr. R. VV. BOCk Bids for fUrnishing coal for the water & light plant for the en- SUing year of the following named pa~ties were opened and read and on motion of Bro~dwell referred to the Oommittee on Fire ,Light & Wate~ The Ohicago Lumber oompany J. H. Yost Lumber Oompany Gu nn-qu eal y Ooa1 Oompa-ny The Oommi ttee ret1red examined. the bidS and brought in report as fol- J. OW s : To the Mayor and Oity Oouncil: tii; -. --., We ,your Commi!ttee on Fire & Water to whom is referred the bids for coal beg leave. to report after examining the several bids find the bid of' the Ohi!cago Lumber Co. the lowest and best bid ; theref'ore recommend the bid, of' the Chicago Lumber Co. be accepted for the sum of $1.92~i' F.O.B.Mines. J .E. Hanna"Aug . Meyer ,G. W. Broadwell, John Knick:rehm. On, motion of' Hanna- the report was adopted.' s. S. Hayman ad4iressed the Council asking that a large tree at his ~la-ce,extendi~ beyond the cunb line be lef't standing when the street is paved apd on motion of' KniclCrehm the matter was referred: ; 311 I- I i ! i i to the street Oomtnittee with power to act. Rasmussen called attention to a' place in paving District NO.7i where high water was liK'elY to undermine the brick and suggested that the samd be brushed out and some cement pui in and on motion ot' Rasmussen the matter wasref'erred to the street Oommittee with power to act'. Meyer brought up the matter of' furnishing water to the Oemetery tram the Oity Plant or t'rom a separate plant and the matter was On motion Of: Hanna the Memberstot' the paid 'Fire Department were each given two Weeks vacation ,the time thereof to be arra~red by ~- ....... ~ti"" ~ d.:t.scussed. the Ohief. On motion of Rasmussen the bond of Walter Ericksen covering his contract :Cor extension to the Light Plant BUilding was approved.. Broadwell brought up the mat t er of trouble at the mouth of the sewer by changing i the course ot' the running water and on motion at: Hehr~e the matter 'was referred to the Oity Attorney to advise as to the legal status at: the case.- BillS against the Oi ty were read and on .iilOtion o:C. Hanna', allowed, for list seeOlairn Register. Broadwell pr$Sented the following Resolution and. moved its adoption: WHEREAS,The o;ty of' Grand ISland,Nebraska,,1s about to enter into ao contrqct f'or th$ laying ot' a large amount of' pavement, the cost - of' which must be met, by taxation - against the property benet'itted there- bY, except for intersections Which must be paid for by the pUblis; at, large,and, WHEREAS,we b~lieve it to be 1'or the best interests ot' the Oity and i t8 people to. keep as muoh ot' the money expended: for such ps;ive- ment at home aspq>ssible through the employment of local labor and the purchase 01' ~uch materials as are prOduced in and about Grand Ialad TliEREFORE, ]3e 1 t !\esolved that it is' the sense ot.' this Council that the laborers 'and teamsters o:f Grand ISland,NebraSk3J,shoUld be gi ven tIle p~eference in employment in all pm-lving and PUblic work .done in G:rand Island ,N~braska,and that as much of' tIle materials as possible..; shOUld be purchased f'rom or throu~h our resiq,ent dealers and Ilhat a,. COpy 01' this reso~ution be sent to the Tyner Oonstruction Oomp,any, 'li.........~. \.~.<-:.',...-'./-- -.- ~~:,:., {~ i of' Kansas Oity ,Mi~souri,Oontractors for sa1id pttb'Vement. Dated gust 6,lIh 1913.G.W'.Broadwell. 312 Resolution adopted on 1'011 call,aiLl present voting awe. .An ordinance, No. 552, Levying Taxes :Cor ensuing year was prese nted : Moved by Knickrehm that the Ordinance be placed on its f'irst \{,~ -~ Oarrioo. on ~Oll call ,BOCk ,Broadwell ,Hannai,HehnKe ,Knickre:hrn,Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye,nay none,absent Heyde: The Ordinance was read by its title: and declared pa,ssed its second reading. Moved by Rasmussen that the rules be suspended ani the Ord.inance be placed on its ,th:l.rd re$P.ing: Oarried on 1'011 call,BOCl{)Broadwell,Hanna,HehnKe,KniClCrehln, Meyer and Rasmussen vat ing aye, nay none, absent Heyde: The Ordinance was read and declared passed its thiJ;>d reading. Moved by Broadwell that the Ordinance be placed on its final passage: Oarried on rtoll call ,BOCk, Broadwell, Hanna,HehnJ:ce ,Knj.CJ:erehm, Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye,nay noile,absent Heyde: The Mayor declared the Ordinance finally passed, and approved the same. An Ordinance ,No.5.53,being the Annual APPlb~priation Bill"was presented: Moved bY Rasmussen that the Ordinance be placed on its f'irst reading: ~~~,~ --.., Oarried on 1'011 call,Bock,Broadwell,Hanna,Hehnke,KniCkrehm, Meyer and RasmusSen voting aye,nay none,absent Heyde: ll'he Ordinande was read and deciaredL passed its first reading. / Moved bY KnilCkrehm that the rules be suspended and the Ordinance be placed on its second reading by i-ts title: Oarried on 9a~1,BoCk,Broadwell,Hanna,Hehnke,Knickrehm, Meyer and Rasmus voting aye,nay none,absent Heyde: The 01'0.1 Was read by its title and declared, passed its second reading. 313 Moved by Knick:r>ehm that the rUles be suspended' and the Ordinance ~ be placed on its ,",hird: reading: Oarried on roll call ,BoCk ,Broadwell , Hannai,Hehnke ,Knicl<rehm, Meyer and Rasmussen votiAA aye,nay none,absent HeYde: The Ordinance was read and declared passed. its third reaaing. Moved by RaSIp.usSen that the Ordinance be placed on its final passage: "'... <.'._-:0.'.,...;.:;..-'.- ...,~-- ~ Oarried on roll call ,BOCk ,BroadWell ,Hanna\,Hehnke,KniCkrehm, Meyer and Rasmusse.n voting aye ,na,y none ,~l'bSent HeYde: The Mllwor declared the Ordinance .f1na:il.ly passed and approved. the same... An ordinance ,iNo. 55lJ.,regUlating use of paved streets was presented: Moved by }rehnKe that the Ordinance be placed on its first reading: Oarried on roP.1 call , Bocle ,Broadwell , Hannar,Hehnke ,KniclCrehm,Meyer and Rasmussen vot:ing aye ,nay none ,absent Heyde.: The ordinance': was read and declared passed; its :first reading : Moved by BOCK. that the Rules be suspended and the Ordinance be placed on its secJ)~d reading by its title: Oarried on I' 0:).. I call ,BOCk ,Broadwell , HannaJ,Hehnke ,Knicln>ehm., Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye ,nay none ,abse.nt Heyde: 1he Ordinance was read bV its title and declarod pa'ssed its second reading: lvtoved bY Rasmu~sen that the rules be suspended and the Ordinance, be placed on its third reading: Oarr ied on rOllcall , Bocle , 13roadwell ,Hanna,Hehn1<:e,Kn1ckrehm, Meyel' and Rasmussen voting aye ,nay none ,absent Heyde: The Ordinance :was read: and declared passed its third reading. " Moved by Rasmu'ssem that the Ordinance be placed on 1 ts final. ';;"".- -~ passage: Oarr ied on rolll Ga.ll,BoCk ,Broadwell ,Hanna;, Hehnxe ,KnlClCrehlu., Meyer and Rasmussen! voting aye,naw none ,absent Heyde: The Mayor decl~red the Ordinanc.e finally passed: and approved the same.. The report of' the city Treasurer .for July was read and refer- red to the Finance CiJormnittee. The Repor t of' ~he wej.ghmaster 1'01' July Was read: and refeT'redi I to' the Finacnce oonm4ttee.. ~~"'~ -.r -.:}r- ~'2;C<"""" --., 314 The Oity Engl1neer madl' report as t'ollows~;: Grand Island,Nebrask3,Aug.6th 1913. To the :tvrayor and 01 ty Council, Grljlnd ISland, Nebr. Gentlemen: I wish to report that sewer Districts no. 53. No. 31+:. NO. 55,. NO.56. and NO.39 are completed. Also the main sewer,or extension ot ma1nfrom the alley between lOth.and 11th. to the alley between 11th. and 12th.. on Vine street is completed~ I have computed the cost ot each of these Districts,also the cost per foot in each , and the cost per lot 11l each. Yours trulY, Hurla '.KibbeY,Oity Engineer.. On mot10n ot: 'BrOadwell the report was adopted and the Oouncil set WednesdaY,AUgujst 20" 1913: between the hours ot' 7 O'CloCk,P.M. and 8 o'clock P.M., as the t1me for sitting as a Board:[ ot' EQ.uaJ..1za.tion t'or the purpose ot EQUali2i,ing and Assessing the benefits accrueing to the respective lots in the respective Districts by reason ot' the construction ot: sewers therein and the Olert was instructea to PUbli sh notice ot: said sit~ing. ~ Reports ot: Depository Bants for July were read and placed on t'ile. On motion ot Knickremn the matter of a standbY the Y.W.C.A.for s.how day was referred to the Mayor to alfrange :for. On motion of Knickrehm the Council adjourned to Monday evening August 11 It 1913,. at 8< O'ClOCk. .~~~ C1 t~T Clerk. ~The street & Alley Commi ttee made report as t'ollows: rro the Hon.Mayor and City Council; Grand ISland,Nebraska: Gentlemen: Your st~eet & Alley Committee have to report that we find PaV111g District NO.7 completed according to contract and reco~nend the acceptance of' same and that the balance ot: $ZOO held baCk on their contract be 'paid to William Kelly & Company. Respecttully,Submitted. G.W.Broadwell ,R. P. Rasmussen,H.Hehnke ,Jr. On motion ot RasmUfssen the report Was adopted and the District accep.tectJ. i 315; -'"X~ .-~ Grand ISlandtNebraat~tAUgust llu191J)atp.u. The Oouncilmet pursuant to adJournment,H1s Honortthe Mayor presiding an('l aill members present bt.1.t HeYdei. The matter or entering into Oontracts with The E.D.Tyner Oon- struction Oomp2ll!lY :ror Pa1Ving Districts 10 &: II, W8.1S brought up $nd E\1 general discussion of.' conditions was-; inclulged;tln by E.D.'l'yner, Geo. L. OaInp-en,R. R.aorth~Harry JienClte: and others whereupont Hanna; moved thalt When we ad.1ourn it be to WedneSday evening AugUstL 13''' 1913 at 8 otClOC1<!,.to.'aIDliow.Mr~J1encke to have his briQk here t.'or a'rattler test. Motion carriedJ. Bills agadnsti the Oity were read and on motion, ot' Broadwell allowed~t'or list see Ola1m Register. The OemeterY'Oomm1ttee made report as~tollOWs~ To the Hon.Mauor ~ Oity Oouncil Grand Island,NebraSk~, Gentlemen X, Your Oemetery COTmuittee has to report that at'ter investi- . gat ion they find it is best that the water :ror the Oemetery should be supnlied trom the water workS system of' the Oity rather' than :f'rom an indepanctent sY$tem and recommend that the Oity Olerk be instructed! to advertise t'or bidS t'or l.J.1t37 t'eet ,more or less, ot' 6 inch cast iron, wtreter pipe and 3'97fj) teet ,more or less ot tour incm cast iron waiter pip,e 11a\id in the iground. The 6 ineh pipe to be lalid in First, Second,Division or, Koenig street to the sugar Factory and the t.'our inch pipe to be Jj.ald :!'rom there' tio the Oemetery . We :rurther recommend that the Oity Attorney be instruc;ted to look UP and it' necessary contract :ror at rig};lt ot' way to reach the Oemetery wi th sa~d water line-.~ RespectfUllY submitted~ AU~.MeyertR.W.BOQkt&.W.Broadwell,Oommittee. on motion ot' :Meyer tbe report wa13 adopted'. Hanna caileclt,up the matter ot :roundation :ror the Turbine a\t[ the Light Plaint ajndsuggestedthat the OontraGttor now putting up. the building WOUl~ put in sadd t'ounda~ion :ror.17~.00: On motion ot' Eroauwell the matt:er was ret.'erredto the Light Oommittee with power to act. Reports ot' tbie Olerlt were read and placed on :rile. /;,-~ -~- ~-~ AdJOijl'~~ _~ ~lel'k. 116 Grand IS1and,Nebraska,AUgust 13"1913,8,P.M. ( ~,2..~.~ -~ The.Oouncil met pursuant to adjournment ,His Honor, the Mayor presiding and BoCk ,Broadwell ,Hanna', Hehnke ,ICnickrehm,Meyer and Rasmussen presen'ti at roll call,absent HeYde.. The street & Alley Oommittee made report as follows: . TO the Mayor and d.ity Oouncil of Grand Island,NebrasKa: Your Oommittee or streets ana Alleys,to whom was referred the matter at the bidS .ot the paving ot D1stricts No.lO and 11 1n - said city report that we find the bid of the E.D. Tyner OonstrU03- tian Oompany of ~ansas Oity Mo. the lowest and best hid for both D1stricts and re4rommend that it be aWardedi. the Oontracts theretor, the briaK to be u$ed; therein to 'be vertical f1brewire cut vitri- ;fied; paving br1./ as required by spec.1:t'ications,said briCK to be equal to the samp~es ot "But'f'alo" br1Ck submitted and tested! ,aQl ot' sa;1d bria1{ to ,stand a "Rattler Test" showing not more than ~ r1fteen (15)) per dent loss tbru the Rattler now in use) in said Oity and to be tes,ted as: required: by said spee.1t'icationsJ.. G. W. BroadWiell ,B. P. Basmussen,H.Hehnke ,Jr.Oom.mittee. Moved by :Broadwell that the report be adopted;: Oarried on rO~l call ,Bock,Broadwell ,Hanna',HehnKe,Kn1Ckrehm, Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye,naw none,absent Heyde. The Mauor dectared the report ad.ottted and the Oontracts award- ed. accordinglY.' On motion ot ~asmussen the Oontractor was required to give a bond with good and SUfficient' surety in the sum Of ,f30,,~0'j) , '. " covering Oontract ~or pawing District 10 and ~ii2U)),<m2(j) :Cor District 11.. Adjourned. ",,,.>~ ~~-~---~-:-- - -- ~Z~~ Oity Olerk. -~ "1- __u ~- -- -- i I \ J17' Repopt of APPPoPP1at1ons and Expenditupeg Fr9D1 June 1~"1913 to August 10" 1913/, The end of the FiSCal Year. GenerEIJ. Fund. \ $45-00 Bd,-nd & Interest FUnd .11.300 Special1... Occupation Tax (Fire Dept) $1 05~. '227,099.42 #21.1,843.22 '13,256.20 T~.ta~s do not include appropr la-tion t'or Bond. & Int- er,es~ nor expended for Special fcoupation. Tax Fund RespectfullY submitted: AUgust 11 fill 913'. · ~&~.~- Pll~...., t..,..... ,., APP,ropr ia1ted salaries .~300 streets & A11e~s 10000 Sewers 3000 Lights 8000 Inoidenta1s 4000 parks 500 '29800 pchlice.Fund. '9000 Expended.L ,4-~61. 65~) '~339.42 4093.3" 5614.,92 ~716. 7fJ', 572.60 $29798.69 $8617.94 Oemetery Fund #2000 t2l2J'. 80 Fire Fund ill 000 *10915.. 74; water Fund .45900 '35239~33 3558.79 _ 12710.94 ~5].509. 06 Improvements Mer ohandi se Expense L1ght FUnd .55000 $8156. OJ, 11170.42 215:7li). 21 J40901. 66 Improvements :Merchandise Expense paving Funt1 .1647!T .164'.5: Paving District FUndS .51979.~2 '51272.25} Sewer District FundS ~i~t;r~~i'~- - .2345) Monument Fund $2184.53 - -..,., .4-4.55) To t all.. s Balance -161. 65) -339.~2 -1093.35) 2385).08 -716.75- - 72.60 t1.31 $382.06 -123.80 .84:. 26... -6509.06 $ :I,:l.~O 9 8 . 34, $707.11' $161.41 #445!h ~5) (> ...0...- -,., ii_;iL~~;>i~' . --,., 118 Grand IslandtNebraska~August 20u19l3,7,P.M. The Council met as a Bot11'ld of Equa.;li~9:t ion flo,.. the pU1"pose o~ Equalizing and,A$sess1ng the Benefits ~ccrueing to the respectiwe tracts of land in Sewer District Number 33 by reason of 'the con- strti1.ction of g' sewer through the same,His Honor j the Mawar presia.;.. 1ng and BOCk,Brqadwell ,Hann81iHehnke~,Meyer and Basmussen, present at raIl oall,absent HeYde.,and Kn1ckrehm. The Omln01lremained in session as suoh Baard of Equaliza~ion until 8 0' oloOK ~.M. ,and no one appearing to ab ;lect to or pratest against the propO!sed Equail.iZR,tion amd ASsessment the follawing Resalution was' priesentedi and. Hanna' maved its ad.aptian: Reselut10n. Be it resa~~ed py the;Mauor and Oity Oouncil of the city of Grand ISland,NebraSkajS~tt.1ng as 81 Board at' Equa.u.ization for s&-1d purpose at'ter due notice €;iven as provided by laW;That We do .find the total expense af the cpnstruotion af a3 sewer through Sewer District No. ) 33 of said City ta be the sum of t15ffO: That we 0.0 find the ben- ef'its aocrueing to the real estate in salid Sewer District NO.33 by reason 0" the ~anstruct',ion of said seWer through saad District to be the 'total s*m ot' t15ilO.oo and that the benefits accrueing ta the respective tr$cts of' land embraced in sta\id Sewer District are uniform as per t'oot abutting on t,he Alley running thraugh salid res- pective tracts and the benefits to the respective tracts are as set opposite t,he" ltespec;ti ve ~d.escriptions thereat' as :follows: Lots l,Z,3-,lf-,5),6,7',8,9 & 10 in BlOCk ~; of ROllins',Add.each *3l.1to Lots 1,2,3,lf,5i,6,7,8,S & 10 in BloCk 10,Rollins'Add. eaclr #31.40 Lots,1,2',J;,lf;,.5),6;~,8,9 & 10 in BlOCk 1l,Rollins'Add. each "31.4;0 Lots 1 & 2 in BlOQk 12 of ROllinstAddition,inoluding Fractional lots 1 ;& a in BloCk 18 Wallichs'Addition Lots 3';,4,5,6& 7!!in BloCk ~8 Wallichs'Addition, each FractionaQ lot g iln BloCk 18 WalliChS'Addition, inClUding Fraotion~l Lot 8 BloCk 12 ROllinS'Addition, ..i!'.l<u,ctionaa. Lot 9 il1 Black 12) Ra11ins'Addition, inc1.udj.ng Fraction~ lot 9B1o<?Jc l~ Wallichs' Addi tion, Lot 10 in Block lZfROllinstAddit~6h Lots 1.,2,3,4,.5),6,7,8,9 & 10 BloCk l' Walliohs'Ad.d., each $62.80 .31. 40 $31.40 *31.40 *31.410 .31.40 All of sa:t.d Additi?ns being to and in the Oity ot' Grand ISland,Nebr. Resalution adap;tedl ant raIl oa1.1,BoCk ,Broadwell,Hann8JiHehnke__~, . ! . and KniCkrehm, Meyer and Ras:musse~ voting aYe,n~y nane,absent HeYde.A..Tlle minutes of I meeting at' Council I as a; Baard of EqUaD..izat ion were read and approved I Adjourned~~, ~ , -.....-.... t-~ Grand ISla:nd,Neoraska t August 20"3.91$,7"P.M. The Oounell met as a: Board of Equ9.iizatlon for the purpose of Equalizing and Assessing the benefits accrueing to the respective tracts of land in Sewer District NO.3~ by reason of the construction Of a Sewer throUgh the same,His Honor,the Mauor presiding ,present, BOCK ,Broadwell ,Ha-nna1,Hehnke,Ibl:lhmJOnftbnl,Meyer and Rasmuswen,absent Heyde. The Oouncil,rema:1ned in\ session as such Board of' Equalization untchll 8 o'clOCK ,P.M. ,and no person appearing to object to or prot- est against the p..roposed Equalization a~d Assessment,tne followi~ 119 --,"" moved! its adoption: Islanct"NebraS:KRjsitting as tal Board of EquaQ.iz8,tion f'or sa:id purpose, a:rter due notice given as provided by la.w: That we do :rind the total expense of the cop.structionpf' a sewer through Sewer District NO.,34: of' said Oity to be the sum ot' t11Wi..~: That we.: do f'ind the bene:fits aucrueing to the real esta~e in said Sewer District NO.34 to be equal and unitorm, as per :root ~bU t t ing upon the Alley running : and the total beneti ts to be: f171t6. 60 through said Sewe>> District" and that the benefits accruing to the respective tracts! of' land in: said District are as set opposite the respective def$criptions thereof as folloWSl Lots l,2,3,1t,2>,6,8,9 & 10 in BlOck 37 RUssel Wheeler's Add.each $29.11 ~ . The East haili' of J40t 7 in BloCk 37 Russel Wh.eeler' s Add. .14.56 \ The West haD.to ot llot 7 in BloCk 37 ot: Russel Wheeler's Add. $14.55) LotSl,2,3,4,?\,6,1:,8,9 & 10 in BlOCK 38 of' RusS~l Wheeler ,Add ea.29.11 Lot 1,2,3', 1t,,2J, 6,7 ,i8, 9 &: 10 BlOck 39" Russel Wheeler's Add. each #29.11 Lots 1,2,3~1t,?),6,7!,8 & 10 in Block 4o,Russel Wheeler'S Addition , each *29.11 East 21.2 f'eet ot tot 9 in Bloc!t l.J:O of RUssel Wheeler'Add.mamlll tll.69' West 31.6:feet ot Lot 9 in Block 40,of' Russel Wheeler'S ASS. *17.42 Lots 1,2,3,11-,2),6, 7~8t9,10 Block 41 ,Russel Wheeler's Add."eaCh .29.11 Lots 1,2,3,4,5),6,7, ~ ,9 & 1-0 in mock .. lt2 of' Russel Wheeler Add. , each '29.11 AIl of' said Addition being to and in the said Oi ty of Grand ISland, NebraSka.. Resolutio~ adopJtedon .:rOll call)BQCk,BrOadwell,Hanna"Hehnke) JelOJtJ}$~}$m,Meyer and '!Rasmussen voting aye, nay- none absent HeYde am Kn1ckrehrn., " The Minutes of ',the meet1;ng as a Board at: EqUaliza;tiQn' were read. ~it,.-~ . a.nd 9PPToved. Ad ;Jour ned. . ~K~~ C 1 ty/ cfierlC. 120 ,,",.....J...... ~';>:i.~ ...., G:rand Isla:nd ,Neb:r~fska ,.AUgust 20"1913,,7r,P.M. The Oouncil, met ase. Board of' EQ;U8l.izst1on for the purpose of E<lUR11z1ng and ASsessing the benef'1ts fl'ccruel;rJg to the respect- ive tracts of' land in sewer District No.35. bY reason of the const- ruction of a sewe:rthroUi'h the same: His Honor, the Mayor presiding and Bock ,Broadwell ,Hanna,Hehn1ce ,Meyer [md ~aslllussen present at roll call,absent Heyde and KnicKrehm. The Council remained. in session as. such Board of E~ua11r.at ion until 8.0'CloCk,:iP.M. ,21.nd no person a:pp:earing to protest 8.Ba.inst or to Object to the proposed Equa'lizaition and Assessment , the i'ollow- ing Resolu tion w~:s presented and Bock moved its adoption: ~esolution. Be it resol~ed bY the l~yor and Oity Oouncil of' the City of' Grand Island,NebrlaSka,sitting as a Board of Eq;ualiZ'a:tion for said purpose, after due! not ice given as provided by law:: That we do find the total expensel of the construction of a; sewer through Sewer District No. 35/ of said. Oi ty to be the sum ot: #380.00: Tha,t we do find the bene:r~ts accrue1ng to the real estate in said S~yer District NO.3?' to be equaiJ. and uniform as per foot frontage abuttj.!lg on the .Alley running through said Sewer District and tha't the total bene:rit~ accrueing to the real estate in said District to be the sum ort380.oo and that the bene:rits accrueing to the respective tracts io~ land ~ilbra~ed in said sewer District NO.3~ are as set opp1si'tie the respective descriptions thereof as t'ollows: Lots 1,2,3,4, & 5, iin Block 20 of Walliclls'Addition each $3$:.00 Lot s 6 & 7( in Bloek 20 ot' Wall i chs ' Addi t ion ,inCluding Fractional Lot!S 6 fI 7 in Bloc~ 4; Bonnie Brae Add. 4i:76.oo Lo~ g in Block 20 of Wallichs'Addit10n,including F.ractional lot': 8 in Block 4; Bonnie Brae Add. #38.00 Lots 9 & 10 in BloqK 20 Wallichs'Addition,including F.ractionaa lot~ 9 & 10 in Block If, Bonnie Brae Add. i.,~.."~.." ~;,:"-.'>- ". ~ ~ '76.00 All o:f said Additiqms being to and in the said Oity of Grand ISland, Nebra:ska. Resoluticj>n adopted on. roll call tROCk ,Broadwell ,Hanna:, HehnKe ,Meyer and ~smussen voting aye,nay none ,absent KniC:krehm and Heyde. .).... The minutes of :the meeting as ~ Board of EqUalization were read and approved. Ad. Jour ned:. ~~~~ city Olerk. 1; : Grand Island ,Nebraska ,AUgust 20111913,7 ,P.M. The Oouncil met as at. Eoard of Eqpalization 1'01" the purpose of EqUalizing and Assessing the Benefits accruaing to the respec;-. tive tracts 01' land in Sewer District NO.36 by reason of the con- struction 01' a; Sewer through the same: His Honor)the M~yor pre- sieling ,present$t roll call , EOCk ,Broadwell ,Hanna , Hehnke ,Meyer and Rasmussen)a1:l>sentHeYde and KnickrehIll. The Oouncil remadned in session as such Board of Equalization unt il 8 o' clock ~ P.M. ) and no person appeaJring to Object to or protest against the proposed EClUa>liza.tion and ASsessment , the 1'Ollowing Resolution was presented and Hanna, moved iffisadoption: Resolu t ion. Ee it reso~v~d by the Mayor and oity Oouncil of the Oity of Grand ISland) Ne'ejraSka', si t t ing as:' a Board 01' Equalization :ror said purpose,af'ter dU;e notice given as provided by law; That we do find the total expen~e of the construction of' @.j Sewer through Sewer District NO.3'6 10I' sa<1d Oityto be the SULl of' ~54-2.37:That we do :rind the ben~f'its accrueing to the real estate in said Sewer Bistrict ~ro.36 lare equai and uniI'orm as per foot fronting or abutting on said] Alley and the total benefits to be the sum of ~54-2.37i and thati the benefits accrueingto the sa;id respective tracts of' land are as set opposite the respective descriptions thereof' as folloWs:: I . I I , I .l21 J ;: ........ "",',,,-, -.., Oharles Lots 1,2 & 3 in !BlOCk 2~Wesmer's Addition Lot 4. in BlOCk 28 Oharles Wasmer ts Addition *81.36 $26.7T .c. . ....... ~~;--H~ '.~ Lots ,', & 6 in mpck 28 of Oharles Wasmer' s Add. each .27.80 Lots, 7,8,9 & 10 !Block 28, Ohar;les Wasmer' s Add. each *26. 77 Lots 1,2 & 3/ in ~lOCk 29 ,Oharles Wasmer's Add. $81.3' Lots 4- & , in BlpCk 29,Oharles Wasmer's Add. @Rl{Dinm .,lJ..42 Lots 6 & 7 BloCk! 29) Charles Wasmerts.Addition '54-.4-2 Lots 8,9 & 10 Block 29,Oharles Wasmerts Addition $81.36 Said Addi tion bell.ng to and in the Oi ty of Grand Island ,NebraSka. Resolution adopted on roll call bY the following vote: Aye, Bock, Bro8,clwell )Hanna,,~ehn1<e ,Meyer and Rasillussen,nay none ,absent Heyde and Kn i clCr ehm. The minutes of the meeting as e. Eoard of Equalization wer'e I' ead and appr oveqt.. Ad ;Journed. ~~~~ 322 The C Grand Island,NebraSka,AUgust 20"1913,7,P.M. met as a Board of EQua1izat ion for the purpose ~~1;~ --,., of Equalizing ana. ASsessing the benefits acc.rueing to the respec,," tiVe tracts of l!and embraced in Sewer District NO.39 by reason of the construction of a sewertbrough same: His Honor ,the Mayor pres1ding,present at roll call,Bock,Broadwell,Hanna,Hehnke,Meyer and Rasmussen,ab~ent Heyde and Kn1ckrehm. The Council remained in session 8S such Board of E~ua11zat1on until 8 o'CloCk ,P.M. ,and no person appear1ng to object to or pro- test against the i proposed Equalization and Assessment , the follow- ing resolution w<jls presented and Meyer moved its adoption: Resolution. Be it resolVed by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Gramd ISland,Neb:rl>aska,s1tting 8S a Board of Equalizt!i-t1on for said purpose,8["ter dU~ and legal notice given as provided by law: That we do find the total expense of the construction of fl.' sewer through sewer Di~trict NO. 39 of said Oi ty to be the sum o:f $895.71 That we do :find the benefits accrueing to the respective tracts of real estate embraced in satd Sewer District NO.39 are equal and un11'orm as per fQot :r.rontage or abutting on the Alley running through sa;id District and the total benefits are the sum of $895). 71 and that the ben~:rits acc.rueing to the several tracts of land in said District arie as set qppos1 te to the respective descriptions thereof as folloW!s:: Lots 1 & 2 in Bloick 2 of H.G.Clarkls Add1tion,includ1ng F.raction~l Lot 2 in BlOCk g of GIDlbertls Addition *7lJ.. 65~ ;7lJ..65, 'C'..~. ~i.'~::-~5~ -.,., Lots 3 & lJf, in BIalek 8 of Gilbert's Addition Fract10nail Lots 5! & 6 in BloCk 8 ,Gilbert I s Addition, . inclUding Frractional Lots ,. & 6 in BlOCk 2 of H. G. Clark il S Add i t :lion, Lots 7/ & 8. in BlOpk 2' of H. G. Clark t s Add1 t ion, each Lots 1,2,3" ll-,.5), 6,7,8,9 8: 10 BloCk9 Gilbert IS Add. each $ 7.lJ.. 65; #37/.32 29.88 LotSl,2:,},lJ.,5,6,7,S,9 8: 10' in Block 10 ,Gilbert IS Add,ea. $29.85 All of said Add1t~ons being in and to the City ot Grand ISland, Nebraskt'h Resoluti.on adopted; on roll call bW the tOllowing vote: Aye ,BOCk , Br'oadwel+ ,:H.anna ,Hehnke ,Meyer and Rasmussen,abY none, absent,HeYde and lnickrehm. The minutes at the meeting as a Board of Equalization were . ,-~" - - . ".' -'..- -' - ' - -. ..-- . . '---'~-' ,.-.....-. ,- -- . -. '::::'-.;.C;__:C_~:"," 'o'J<-.'..'_-.':'_o'-:.-':-<.o.~'_' ?o:i:';;"""'-"":i[^~,;,-' 2:_'~ _ ,,: .:r _'''<~ read and approved~, AdJourned,. ~~~ u~~ .-., 323 Grand Island ,NebraSk&,August 201'1913. The Councl1 met ln regular sesslon,Hls Honor,the Mayor,presld- ing' and BOCk ,Bro~dwell ,Hanna"Hehnke ,Meyer and Hasmussen,present at roll call,&bSent HeYde and Knickrehm. The minutes, of' meetings of' August 6" ,11" & 13" 1913 were read and approve<i:l. Charles ~Toeltmck addressed the Council in ref'erence to having a, bridge put in a:cross the ditch in, the Joehncks'a.:ddition and ont motion of' Broadw~ll the.matter was referred to the street Con~ittee. H~nn$ reported the purchase of' 1000 f'eet of f'lre hose . On motion ot Rasmussen each Policeman who had been on the f'orce f'or & periOd of' one year was allowed a vacation of two weeks and the ~Tani tor was also allowed two weekS vacat ion. on motion o~ Broadwell the Mayor was instructed to take UP with Mr. Kuester tine matter of damrning WOOd River attb.e mouth of the sewer.. Bills agains;t the City were read and on motion of' Broadwell al1owed',for list Isee Olaim Register. On motion of' iRaamussen claim of' W.S.King f'or balamce due on paVing District ~0.9 contract was alloweoo in the sum of' *100.00. Petition of' ITh~nas M.Dillon etal.for sewer f'rom Greenwich Avenue to Eddy StJreet between 8" & 9" streets was read and on motion of Broadwe~l referred to the Cormni ttee. Reports of' the Water & l..ight Commissioner for May & June 1913 were read and placecton f'i1e. The Report Of the Olerk of APpropriations and E~penditurea to the end of' the fi~cal year was read and made a J:a'rt of the minutes. On motion of', Hehnke the matter of' need of' more flre HYdrants on West First and'Second streets was ref'erred to the Committee. An ordinance.No.555,levying Special Sewer Tax,D1str1ct nO.33 i ~ 'li.'igii';/- ~ was pI' esented: lliIoved by Broadwell. the.,t t he or di nance be. pIa ceo. on its :f'ir s t reading: Carried on I' call ,BocK,J3roadwell ,Hanna,HehUl\,e .Meyer and Rasmussen voting , nay none ,absent HeYde and KnicKrelJJrl.: The was read and declared paiS sed; its first read1~g. Moved by that the rules be susDended and the Ordi- nance be Placed second reading bY i:ts title:. .:J24 Oarried on J;toll call ,Bock ,Broadwell ,Hanna ,Hehnke ,Meyer and. Rasmussen voting'a~e,nay none,absent Heyde and KnlcKrema: The Ordinance was read b;V; its title and reclared passed 1 ts second reading. Moved bY HennKG that the rules be suspended and the Ordinance be plaeedlon its third reading: ;~i~ ._~ Carried on 11011 call ,BOCle ,Broadwell ,Hanna.,Hehnke ,Meyer and JRasmussen voting laye ,nay none ,absent Heyde and Kniclerehm: Tlle Ordinance was read and declared passed iits third reading. Moved by RaSmussen that the Ordinance be placed on its ~inal passage: Carr ied on 1"011 call, BOCk, Broadwell ,Hanna ,HehnKe ,Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye ,nay none ,absent Heyde and Kniclerehm: The Mayor de!clared the Ordinance ~inaa..lY passecf and approved t1"le same.. An Ordinancei No. 55n,LeVying Special Sewer District Tax, Distr let No. 3>+, wa~ presented: Moved bY BJ>o~dwell that the Ordinance be placed on its first reading: Carried on roll caIll ,BOCle ,Broadwell ,Hanna, Hehnk8 ,Meyer and Rasmussen vot ing ~ye, nay none ,absent Heyde~ arid KniCkrehl11: The Ordinanc!3 was read and decj.ared' passed, its first reading.. Moved by BOck that the rules be suspended and. the Ordinance be placed on its second reading by its title: Carrieg, on roll call ,BOCk ,BrOadwell.Hanna,HehnlCe ,Meyer ,and Rasmussen voting $iye, naw none ,absent HeYde and KniCkrehIn: The ordinanc~ was read b~r its title and decl-ared passed its second reading. \ i ~~;.>"- .~-~ '~... r--.>.::..._~("_: .: .'. . -.-' ~'...'~ An Ordi No. 5.57 , Levying Speciai. Tax Sewer District NO.35 was presented: Moved by H~nna' the ordinance be placed, on its t'irst reading: Carried on! roll caiLl ,BoCk ,Broadwell , Hanna'"Hehnke ,Meyer and Raslaussen vot1ns- aye,nay none,a-bsent He;yde and Knickrehm: The ordinaltlce was reacl. and declared passed its t'irst reading. Moved by Hanna, that the rules be suspended and the Ordinance be placed on its second reading by its title: Oarrie'd on: roll call, BO ck., J3roadwell.~Hannai,Hehl1ke ,Meyer and , HAsmussen votinet aye,,,llaY none ,absent Heyde and Knickrehm: The Ordinamce was read by its title and declared passed its second reading. ' Moved by aehnke that the rules be suspended. and the Ordinance be placed on it~ tb.ird:reading: Oarried on 11'011 ca1l,BocK ,Broadwell , Hanna,Heh!1l<e ,Meyer and Rasmussen yoting aye,naw none,absent Heyde and Knic.krehm: The ordinance was read and declared passed its thir<i x>eading. Mo~ed by ~ehnke that the Ordinance be placed on its t'inal passage: Oa.rried on frOll caill,BOCl<,Broadwell,Hanna-,Hehnke,MeYer and Rasmussen voting1 aye, nay none ,absent Heyde and Knickrebm: The Mayor diecuarc'd the Ordinance t'inaillY pa\ssecL and approved! the same.. An ordinance,No.55~,levying Spec1a~ Tax Sewer D1st~ict NO.36 was presented: Moved by Brpadwell the ordinance be placed on its t'irst reading: Oarried on tOll call ,Bock ,Broadwell , Hanna;,Heh!1l<e ,Meyer and Rasmussen vot1nglaye,nay none,absent Heyde and Dlickrehm: The ordInance Was read and declared passed its first reading. Moved by BOCk that the rules be suspended and the Ordinance placed on its second reading by its title: . I Oarried on ~oll caRl,Bock,Broadwell,Ha?na,Heh~e,MeYer and Rasmussen votingjaye,nay none,absent HeYde and KnicKrehm: 'Xhe Ord.inan~e was read by JUs t1 tIe and. Ciec1.ared passed its second reading. Moved by Rasmussen that the rUles be suspended and the Ord1..:. nanca be Placed qn its third. reading: i Oarried on ~ollcaILl ,BOCk, BroactwelIL,Hanna,Hennke,Meyer aoo ! Rasmussen vmting laiY~ ,nar l2e' The ordin~nce Was read and declared passed its third reading. Moved. bY Mehnke the Ordinance be Placed on its finai passage: Oarried on rOll call ,BOCk ,B.roadwell ,Hanna,Hehnlee ,Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye,nay none,absent Heyde and KniCkrehm: The Mayor deal~ed the Ordinance finally passed and approved the same.. An Ordinance ,NO.5.5,9,Levying Special Tax Sewer District NO.39 was presented': ........ ..,., Moved by B~oadwell that the Ordinance be placed on its :irst reacting: Garried on! roll Cal1J,Boct, Broadwell ,Hanna.,Hehnke ,Meyer and Rasmussen votins aye..nay 110ne,absent Heyde and Knickrehm: The Ordinance was read ani declared passed; its first reading: Moved by Bqck that the :rlUesbe suspended and the Ordinance be placed on i t$ second reading bY its title: Oarried on. roll c all, Bock, Broadwell ,Hanna,Hehnke ,Meyer and Rasmussen votin~ aye ,nay none ,absent Heyde and Knickrehffi: The Orciina1tl.ce was read by its title and deClared passed; its second I-eading. Moved by R~smussen th~t the rules be suspended,and the Ordi- nance be placed on its third reading: Garried on rOll calll ,BOck.,J3roadwe.ll ,Hanna,Hehnke ,Meyer and Rasmussen vot1~ aye,nay none,absent Heyde and Knickrehm: fYne Ordinance was read and declared passed i,ts ttlird reactlTJ.S'. Moved by Rasmussen that t1:le Ordina'ncebe placed on, its final passage; f4:..~ ..~ Oarried on rOll ~ll,Bock,Broadwe~l,Hanna,Heh~e~MeYer and Rasmussen voting aye:,nay none ,absent HeYde and KnickreluIl: The Mayor deClared tue ordinancet'inallY passed and approved. tJle same. A communication t'r,om the Gity Engineer was read in re:f.erence to drainage of'P;:tving Distric.t No.~O a-nd on motion at' Broadwell the Gity Enginee~ was instructed to make estimate ot cost o~ a storm water drainage South ;Crom the Distr1ct. ^~ The Ma~or called attention to the lamentable accident at the recent fire : and the dmgers t'rom the Electr 1c: wires. Rasmussen suggested that the man at the Emergency Hospital was expecting to!move away. i i Adj01lrned~Af~ :1.27 Grand Island ,Nebraska, September 3111913. The Oouncil met in regular sessionc)His Honor, the Mayor ,presiding present ,:aroadwell,Hanna,Hehnke"KniCkrehIn,Meyer and Rasmussen, absent BOCk 8: He~rdle. The minutes at' t.ne last meeting ,,august 2011 ,were read and ~~; ~ - -.., approved~ The Mayor brcpught up the matter of' the materiai. to be us eO., as a filler in paring Districts 10 8: 11 and read several communi- cations and telegrams received in ret'erence: to the u.se o:r sarco: On motion ot: Knic~rehm the mattero:r kind. at: material to be useo.j :ror a filler in p~ving Distr icts 10 8: 11 was 1ett with the Maffor and street Coramit~eew~th power to act. Rasmussen brQught up the matter ot: the lamentable accident occurri!~ at the ~O" street crossing of the C.B.& Q.R.R. and the qU est ion ofsa:I'egqards against the recurrence o:f same was, discus- sed,whereupon on motion of' Hanna the City Attorney was instructed to take the matter up with the railroad ot':ficia1s with a view of having gates placed at the lp' 8: 1011 street crossiDBs. On mot ion aIr BroadWell the City Attorney was instructed to lOOk up the right lof wayconneoting with the county road: west of' the Oity. On mot-ion of HeJln.ke the Oommi t tee on str eets 8: All eys was instructed to make: report on walKs condemned and not laid. The Light Cownittee reported the need of a car load of' poles: and on motion ot' Knlckremn the matter was ret'erred to the Light and the Light' Oommissioner Committee to inves~igate and report. The Water Co~nittee reported recomm.ending 1aying ot' six inch water Mains on., wes~ sixth and Ninth streets tram the present mains to Broadwell Avenue and presentedl plans and estimates o:r the Engi- neeI' of -the cost at same: on motion of Hanna. the report w'as: adopted estimates approveu1 and the Olerk instructed to advertise :for bids ~ ;Cor same., The Fire & VlaterOomm1ttee made report as follows,: Grand ISland ,Neb. sept..3,19l3. TO the Hon.Mayor a1'Jld City- Council: We, the Light ~lnd Water Oormni t tee J to Whom has been r starred ., the matter at: PlaC~ng a Fire HYdrant near the. Dodge Sg.hoolHo"Use ! Li eder~r~n~~9P~~ty"g~~t~ 32e "h 1" ,...a. ~ In looking over the ground We rind that this section or the city is very poorly protected from fire. We thererore recommend, that the Water Oonirnissioner be instructed to place a Fire Hydrant on the Oorner of iFirst and Walnut streets. , Respectf1ullY sUbmitted. tT. E.Hannaj',Aug.Meyer ,John Knickrebm, G. \1. Broadwell ,Oommittee. On mot ion of' Hehnkie the r epor t was adopt edj. - The Fire Oornrnlittee made report as t'ollows: To the'Hon.Mayor & Oity Oouncil Grand ISland)Nebraska: Gentlemen we)your oommittee on Fire beg leave to make the fOllowing recommendation: X We recomm:end that the Oity ot: Grand Island purchase a combination hose aind chemical Auto-TruCk ot: not less than 60 Horse Power and th~t the Oity Olerk be instructed to advertise for bi(is: Bidders 'to include in their bigs the taKing of the hose and chemical 'truck now owned by the 01ty in exchange. All bidS tb be fiJ.ed with the Oity Oler;k not later than September l7r11' 19l3'~ The' Oi,ty OounciL to reserve the right to reject any and all! bids. Gr and Island > Nebra~1Ca) Sept ember 3" 19l~.. J.E.Hanna Aug. Meyer John Knickrebm G. W. Broadwell Oommittee. .....'.~ On motion or Hanna,1 the report was adop.ted. Hanna' called o/11.e attention of the Oouncil to ai lot ot: old. lamps and other discarded material that was in. the way and of no present value tq the Oity and on his motion the Water & Light Oomraissioner was irlstructed to dispose of same to the best adVan- tage possible.. , On motion oriRasIfIussen the Light Oommittee was instructed , to place one of th~ lights taken down t:or the installation ot: the Electrol1er system lat the corner of Oak & Fo~th streets. On motion or Blanna the 01erk was instructed to advertise for bids for a t:eed wa:tierpump. on motion ot' $:smussen the BondS Of' The E.D. Tyner Oonstruc- i tion Oomp,any ,coveri~gtheir Oontracts for PaVing Districts ; 11 and ma'intenance' ~On.dS t:or same were I" ~29 On motion Hanna- the matter of tree roots growing in the ed to the Sewer oonunittee and Inspector- to in- sewers Was I' 'f ",,,AlIiiiIIiiio. ~:~:,~~~;j"" u,~ vestigate and report:. Bills againist the oity were read and on motion of Rasmussen allowed: for J.iSit see Olaim :Register. Bill 01: BJ.alck & Rhodes for removing dead horses from their stable was 1ad.dlover till the next meeting.. Reports 01: :Depository BanKs 1:or August: 1913 were read and Placed on rile.. ! Heport: of the Weighmaster for August was read and riled.. ~ The Mayor a~p"01nted Olyde OampbelL fireman in place of Wilhelm Gull&OW ,r~signed,and on motion at' Hanna: the. appointment Was con:C1rmed . The Maw-or aI?po:l.ntedJ George Watson,sexton at the Oemetery' and ; on motion of Hann~ the appointment was confirme~. On motion oil Broadwell the Sexton was instructed} not to re- ceive any money ~or anything done at the Oemetery but to instruct aD-l that they mus!t go to the 01:f1ce' of'. the Oi ty Olerk and pay him. Tne Engineerl reported pl~S and estimate for drainage t'rom paving Districts ~O & 11 South and on motion of Knickrehm the same were adoptedland the Olerk instructed; to advertise for bids ro1' p.utting same ~n upon being fUrther advised by the street Oommittee. .Ad journed;. . ~~--e' Oi ty Olerk.' ~':~ -~ 330 Grand. ISland., NebrasJ<a, sept ember lO "l91..3, 8 ,p.l\1r. The Oouncil met in special session,His Honor,the l[ayor,pre- sidj.ng ,and BOCk, Broadwell ,Hanna:, Heh11k e ,Meyer and. Rasrnussen,present at rol}. calLl,abaent Knicl\rehm and HeYde, pursuant to the fOllowing call wnich was read and made a part of the minutes: TO the Members of the OLty Oouncil of Grand ISland Nebra15ka !f~'u~ -"., A special meetfng of the Oity Oouncil of Grand ISland,Nebr.is hereby ca:U.eci to meet .in the Oouncil Ohamber in sa,id Oity on Wednesday sept ember 10,1913 at 8 0 t clock P.M. for the purpose: of dec1d:ing upon and selecting a filler to be used in Paving Districts 10 and 11 in sa:id, Oity ,alSO to take and pass upon the qUestion of installing a d..rain or storm wa',ter sewer in Olark street in sa,id Oity; Also to t~ke UP and pass on the natter of' purchasing poles.. for the Light D~partment and for such other husiness as. may come before said meeting. Dated sept.8,19l}. Ohas. G. Ryan ,M8iyor. We acceptservi~e of above call aind notice. H.Hehnke ,Jr. ,R. vt. BOCk, Aug . Meyer ,R. P. Rasmussen,John KnickI' ehm , G. W. Broadwell,J.E.Hanna. The Oity E~ineer presented profile and estimate of cost of put ting in drain or storm sewer in South Olarrk street from Third to John street ~~he estimaited cost being $ On motion, 'of Broadwell the plams ,specifications and estimate were adopted and the Oity Olerk instructed~ to advertise for bidS for its construction. on motion of Hanna the matter of the purchase of' Poles for the Light Department was referred to the Light Oommittee with power to ac:t. .~c\.:.:, - '..~ A communic~tion from the Bupt.of' the O.B.& q.in ref'erenca to placing gates at the 1+" & 10" Sl1reet crossings was read and filed.. The matter of filler to be used in paving Districts 10 "&11 was tal\en up a'nd :M.:r.Reed addressed the Oouncil in behalf of "Texico" and 11/I.1'. S chaumb eI1g in b ehal f' of "Sar CO" . on motion of Broadwell the matter 01' :Liller to be used in Dis- tr~ct 10 was lett with the street Oommittee with power to act. On motion qf Broadwell, the sum at' Ten Dollars was appropr1ated to decorate the Oi ty HarLl.L dur 1ng the fair or festival to be held next weeK.. ,!ll1Jou:rn~. ~~~~ ~~_ooo~_.__~___ 'I I 1 i i 331 Grand ISland, Nebraska, September 17"1913.. The Counc11 met in regular session,His Honor ,the Mayor presiding,present at roll call,BoCk,Rroadwell,Hanna,Hehnke, Knic1Crehm,Meyre and Raslllussen,absent Heyde. T11e minu tesoi' meetings held on september 3 u & 1.0 II 1.91.3 w'ere r cad and approyed.. Superintel'-dent Bignell of' the O.B.& q.R.,R.Oo. was present "i'i~ 0-., and add!'essed the Oouncil in ret'erenct to sa:tJty installations at street Cros$ings and on Illation at' Rasmussen the matter was ref'ernod to th~ street Oommittee f'or fUrther conf'erence with the Railroad Company. The street Oommittee reported that worK was being done on Paving District No.10 . The Stree~ Oommittee reported that the matter of' f'iller to be used in pav~ng District No'.lO had been adjUsted.. BillS against theOity were read and on motion of' Broadwell allowed,f'or li~t see Olaim Register. BidS of' W~lllam Kelly & 00 and The Grand ISland Oontract Co. 1'01' putting in !water mains were opened and read and on motion of' Knicl<rehm .ref'e~red to the water Committee. BidS 1'01' -qolier f'eed pump of the following parties were read and on motion of' Hanna ret'errod to the Viater & Light Oommittee an d the JEngineer tq investigate and report:_ Merl<le-Hi~es,MeChinery 00.718 Scarrett Bldg.Kansas Oity Mo., ~rhe Gardener Governor 00. Quincy, Ill. Battle oreel<,Mlch. . Advance Pujmp & Oompressor 00., Hep~y R.Wo~thington,925 Scarrett Bldg. Kansas OitY,Mo. Joseph R.L'ehmer 00., Omaha, Nebraska. BidS for Oombination Hose & Ohemica~ oart,Motor-drawn,or the f'ollowlng n~med, parties were read: Arilerican-Lf:lFrance Fire Engine 00. Elmira,New York, The Anderspn OouPling & Fire SUPPlY 00. ,Kansas OitY,Kas. ; k~r~ ~~ The Beagrave oompany, OOlumbuS,OhiO, Phl1adelPh1a,pa. tJames BOYd' & Bro. Inc. Harrison & Reid Auto OO~ Grand ISland ,Nebraska, Kansas OitY,Mo. George C.Hale, On motion of Knickrehm the bids were re1'erred to the Oouncil as a Ooromi ttee <1>1' the whale.. 132 Report of' the Treasure!' ,police Judge ,& Oi ty Ole!'k :f'O:fl August were read and on motion ot' Broadwell placed on file. Broadwell called the attention or the Council to the street Curb at the residence or F.J. Ooates in Paving District -.~ No.lO not at grade and on motion of' Hf:tnna tne matter was ret'erred to the street Committee with power to act. 'rhe Council then took UP the bids for ]lire Apparatus ref- erred to the Oouncil as a Oommi t t ee of the whole and and the representatives of the several bidders were given five minu.tes each time to address ,the Oouncil and the i'ollowing addressed the Council; N.P.Oornell (yf the American:LaFrance Fire Engine 00. O.J.'Andersd:u of' the Anderson Ooupling and SUPply Co, JUlius Pear!se of' the Seagrave oompany) O.O.Pingrey of' the James BOYd & Bro. Inc. and BeedHarrison of the Harrison & Bied Auto Co. On motion ot HehnKe the Oouncil adJourned to September 24"1913 at 8 O'C10Ck,P.M; A&~~ C1 ty Clerk. !~,. .~~ Sep t milb er 18 "191.:.3 ,9 , A.:M. EidS :for lPirei, APparatus ot'. the t'OJ.lowing nalIled partuies were received: Andrew Murph~ri & Son,Omaha,Nebraska. The Martin Oali'riage Works, York ,Pa~ ~ ~i_'''. .~_ ,..'. . _ t~,',.- 333 Grand Island., NebraSka, Septcli.lber 20111913,8,P.M. ':[111e Cou neil met in special sess ion ,His Honor, the lJ:ayor ,presid- ing ,and Bock ,B.1'Oad.\Nell ,Hanna,Hermke ,l!8yer and. HaS.lllussen px'osent at roll cal1,absent Heycle and Knicl<rehm,pursuant to the :Collowing call wtlich was 1" ead and m.acie a par t or t'he painu t es : c;.<:...... - --,., TO theOity 001Jnc1l of Grand Island, Nebraska; A special meeting of' the Oity Oouncil of Grand ISland ,Nebraska , is hereb~r called to meet at the Oity Hal1,in said OitY,september 40th, 1913 at eight 0 I clOCk, P.M. ,:cor the pux'pose of passing upon the paving briCk and tests made thereon 1'or paving'Districts NO.10 and 11 in said Oi ty, and for such other business as Tilay properly come b 81'ore said meeting. 'Dated September 20th,1913. Chas.G.Hyan,Mayor.. The street Oommittee reported having tested two car load of' brick Which the Oontractor p~oposed to use on paving District NO.IO and that tbe s~me did not come up to the contract requirements. 1J.ovecl by M~yer tha t the two car load of br iCle be reJected: Oarried on roll call, BOCK, Broadwell ,Hanna,Hehnl<e ,J.\ileyer and Has11lussenvotin~ aye, nay none ,absent Heyde and Knickrehl1l. AdJourned. ~~~ Oity Olerk l{~,~ --,., " ~34 (}rand Island )Nebraska, Septemb0X" Zl+"J.9l3,8,P .:M:. The OounciGl met pursuant to acijournm~nt ,H1~ Honor, the Mayor pr' esidirlg ,pr~}sent , BocK ,Hanna)Helmke ,KniCKrehm ,:Meyer & Rasmussen, absent Broadwell and Heyde. Trle Grand ISland Plumbing Company and The Grand Island Oontr~ct Oompany for putting in d.rain on South Olark street were opened and read BidS ot' ;~J:''''''' --~ and on Iilot:1j6n of' IH~nna ref'e.rr'ed. to t'he Sewer Committee who re- t:l.red and examined said bidS and brought in report as f'01.10WS: Grand ISland, Neb l' . Sept. 24th 13. (ro the Honol'abl e :Jw:ayor and 01 ty Oouncil) Oity of Grand Island,Grand ISland,Nebr. We you!' cpnirni ttee on sewer beg leave to make the following report, that we t'i!nd tJ:1e bid ot' the Grand Island Plumbing 00., for the construction ;ot' tile storm sewer to be the lowest and best bid and reCOlllInend that. the OOIltract be awar ded to tl1em i'or the con- struction of' same~. H. BehnKe, e,.Tr. e,.T. E. sanna, R. W. BOCK, CamIlli t tee. On rnot10n 0:1' Knic~rehm the report was adopted and the Contr8ct aWaJ'c.lGCt to the Gr$nd Island Plumbing Co., for ~2383.oo. The Wat~r Oom,rnittee made report as f'ollows: Grand ISland,Nebr. 8ept.2~ 1913. . To trie Honorable l~aYOr a. 01 ty Oouncil: ,K\ We your Oonml~ttee to whom the bids :for al/Boitler Feed pump.' Were referred recommend the bid of Merkle-Hines Machinery Oompany r)e accepted being lthe best b1d. t,.T .E.Hanna,t.Tohn Kn1ckrehm ,Aug.:Meyer. on motj.on of' !Rasmussen trie report was adopted and Contract awarded for the sum of' '330.00. 1"ho water oommi~tee made report as follows: Grand ISland, Nebr'. Sept. 21t 191.5:. ~J.10 the Honorable M~yo:r & Oity Council: Your COlftTni t tee ~o whom the bids for wat e.r pipe & .;Layd:ng sali~e v~s referred recommend the bid of the Grand Island Contract 00. be accepted being ithe lowest b1d.. c.T.}Ij.Hanna,Aug.M~eYer ,J.KnicKreluL. On motion at' Klnicl<rehlll the report was adopted and contract awarded a CC01'dingJ.y, t'or the sum of' :.p30.l5' per ton :Cor pipe and ~;760.oo :Cor laying pipe,setting hydr'ants & valves and t'Urnishing all lead and jute for same. ...l..~ 135 The street OOllJuittee repor'ted havinghaQ a con:rerence Wlth Supt.13ignell of' the O.B.~~ Q.l'1.1,.00. and (lad arranged 1:01' t11e installation of' an Alarm system at their lPourth str'eet crossing on tr iaJ.. On motion ot: .B:anna the report at' the Oommittee was adopted. Tbe atl' eet Oommi ttee r.spor t ed havlbng tested several cars , ~ -.. of' bricK f'or Paving District No.lO and 1.'ound them satiSf'acwry and on motion of' Rasmussen the Committee was instructed to make t'Urther tests at' thecal's of' briClC'tleretot'one rejected; as not coming up to the requirements. Adjourned. PC~-C 01 ty 01 erY:. "t~ -.. /136 Heport of APpropriations and Expenditures to October 1"1913. Genoral Fund ~;"~ salaries street & Alley Sewers Incidentals Lighting Parks At)prop~1at eet ~~300 .9000 ~I)OO >+000 7500 500 ~;29800 lilxpended ~181. 67 881.30 406.95 324.64 4.20 61.05 ~U859. 81 Balance #4118.33 8118.70 4093.05; , 3675:.36 7495.80 4-38.95 $279~0.19 '<( _~ .........~~"..,""_...,,"''--''''"~:''"O,.~~_''".., ~ Pol ice Fund ~8500 '772.54 '7727.46 COJUet cry Funcl ~*ooo ~281.35 $3718.65 Fire Fund ~~110oo $532.05 ~10467.95 Water Fund $~QOOO ;~~1280 . 40 1244.80 --.,. 24Q2.l!J..5-,-.:..._ ~~9.30.35 $35069.65 LOlght Fund ~~91H .13 6622.89 , 28Q.9_.3.L__ ~10379.35 $4~620.65 paving Fund Impr ovemen t s Mer chandise JGxpense ~.~55:000 Improvements ll1Ter chandise }1]xpense ~22000 ~nl Us. 58 ~i'20881. 4-2 ~n 70,300.00 ~)19 t874.03 $150,425.97 Summary ,;t......... Sewer District Funds .~ ~~~966. 09 Pa.ving District FundS ~~138 .15 ~24)978.27 Qrand Total expended Respe.ctfu11Y sUbm1 t t ed ~~~~ Oity 01 erk t~?~ ,., 'i.~ 337 Gr~nd ISland.Nebraata,october le1913. The Oouncil met in regular session,His Honor ,the Mayor pre- siding and BOCk, .BrOadwell ,Hanna,Hehnke ,Knickrehm and Rasmussen present at roll call,absent Heyde and Meyer. The minutes of meetings held on september 17',20u & 2~u 1913 were read and approved.. The Oity property Oommittee reported addition to the BUilding at t:he Light Pl.ant about completed readY ror the machinery._ The street Oommittee reported the work on Paving District No. 10 'Was progreSsing. On motion ot' Broadwell the Oity alert was instructed:. to advertise ror 15>,more or less ,concrete stone street Orossings. The Ma,yor reported tl1at he was:' advised by the ot'fic1als ot the U.P.R.R.OO. that the drain in Vine street wOUld be put in at onc.e.. On mot:ion ot Rasmussen the Ohiei' ot' POlice was allowed:. the sum ot' #10.:00 and each regUlarly appointed Policeman #5,.00 :Lor extra: timeserved.and warrants ordered drawn tor said amounts:~. The Park O,ommittee reported that the Womans Park Association wanted the Oi ty: to stand a part ot: the expense; ot installation of Electroliers. Bills agaipst the Oity were read! and allowed as read) on motion ot' Knickrehm,t'or list see Olaim Register. On motion ot' Rasmussen the bill ot' BlaCk & RhOdes t'or remOVing dead animals trom their stable atter the tire was reJec;ted.,. petition ot L.J.Banchett,etal .for sewer through BlOCk 10 ot' Russel Wheeler' s Addition was read and on, mot:1.ou ot' Broadwell; re:Cerred to the Oommittee. Report ot' the Oity Olerk or APpropriations-, and ExpenGUtures to OctOber 1'191 3 was r4ad and nata a part ot' the minutes. Report ot' the Weighmaster t'or' september Was react and :riled.. MOVed by BItoaa.welJJ. that theOi ty Oouncil sit as a BOaI'd, o:f EQUalizatlon on:Wectnesday October 15f1191J;,between the hours ot' TO' clock P.M. and 8 0' clOCk ,P.M. ot' said day :for the purpose: of' equalizing and assess1ng the benet'its accrueing by reason or the construct"1on ot' ,sewers through Districts: 37 & .38, Oarriea. ..~ ~3g ...........................~.."".. ,n~ .~ Broadwell presented the following Resolution. itnd moved: its adop:tion: Whereas the worle at: Pavl1.ng District' No.lO at' the Oity of Grand ISland,NebraslCa,ls progressing satisfactorilY and about one third thereat is COlnPleted; and Whereas the Oontract with Messrs ~ner & 00. ,t'or sa.ia. worle provides tor plalyments to be made every thirty days upon Est1ma'tes turnished by the Oity Engineer and Whereas the Oity will issue District PaVing BondS to Pal'Y t:or the paving and purbing in said District excepting tl~ intersections. There~ore Be it Besolved that the City Olerle is herebY instruc- t. ted to advert1sa i"orfit per10d ot ten dayS tor bidS' t'or 7j,'6D1stric,t Paving Bonds Of #5;00 each in the sum of Thirty Eight Thousand Dollars,more or less, to be received at his ot'1'1ce up to 8 o'clock P.M. on the l~u day ot OctOber 1913; Said BondS shall be dated aa of the :rirst daf ot November ,1913"s11al1 bear interest a t the rate of seven per c~ntUIll,payab~e annUally,due in ten years) :cram the date of issue and patY~hle_at any time at the option at' the Oity. Such bondS sha1~ be issued in denominations of *~oo each and shall be. redeemed in the order in Which they are numbere~ and shall be pa,:able at the ot'f'ice at the Oity Treasurer of' said Oity " Of' Grand Island. G. W. BrOadwell, motion carr ied on rOll ca-ll,Bocl< ,Broadwell ,Hanmt,Hehnke ,KniCkrehm and Rasmussen voting aye ,nay nona',absent Fleyde and Meyer. Ad Journec[!. ~~~-d ill<>~' ~'"'~ -.., 3 '329 Grand ISland ,Nebraska ,october 15 "1913. The Oouncil met as a Board ot Equalization :Cor the purpose of EqUalizing: and Assessing the benefits accrueing to the respec~ tive tI'acts or lots ot la,nd embraced, in sewer District NO.37 bJ' reason 01.' the Oonstruction of a sewer through the same, His Honor, the Mayor ,presiding ,p!'esent BOCl<, Broadwell ,Hanna. Knickrehm,Yeyer and RasIDussen,absent Hehnke and HeYde. ~~-~ -~ The Ooun~1l rema:ined. in session from To' clock ,P.U. to 8 OJ clock P.M.. and no person appearing to obJec;tto or protest against the proposed levy and assessment whereupon Broadwell ot'terred the ;fOllowing resolution and moved its adoption:' ReSOlution Be it re$ol ved by the Ma,yor and Oi ty Oounci1 ot' the Oi t.y 01' Grand ISlaM ,Nebraska,si tting as a Board ot' EQua1i2iation f'or sa.id purpose atter due amd legal notice given as' prov.ided by law: That we do t'ind the to$al expense_ ot' the construction o:t:' a sewer thro~gh said Sewer District NO.31 of the Oity of Grand ISland, Nebraska to be the sum ot' '.593.40: TJaat we~ do f'ind the benefti ts accrueing to the :bespecti vo trac,ts of rea~ estate embrace'd in sa:id District NO.37 to be equal and unitorm as, per :foot :frontage or abutting on the Alley running through said District , and that the total benet'itsaccrue1ng to said real est.;te~, is' the sum of *.593..4,0 and that the beneI:i tSl accrue-. 1ng to the several tracts ot' land in sa!ia. District are as set, OPIlosi te the r~spective descriptions thereof' as follows,:: Lot One in, BloCk 22 ot' Russel Wheeler's Addition '29.67 Lot Two Lot Three f1 " 29.67 29.67 59. 3,4, " II w'" ,.....-... '4.>-~ Lots .Four & Five f1 " ~'-.r Fraction Lot SiX in Block 22 ot' Russel Wheeler'S AdditionpnC1Ud11!lg Fraction in 01ark'S Add. Lot' Seven in BlOCk 22, Bus sel Wheeler's Addition Lot Eight u f1 29. 67' 29.67/ 29.67 WesterlY 40 feet ot' Lot 9 in BloCk 22 of Russel Wheeler'S Addition 22.48 EasterlY 12 :feet 0:[;' Lot 9 and lot 10 in BlOCk 22 ot' RUssel Wheeler'S Addition 36.86 q.tJ 330 Lot 'rhr e e II " Lot Four 1/ .. Lot F1ve; II "" Lots S1x & seven II fI' Lots E1ght,N1ne & 'ren fJ II Tota~ Lots One and TWo in Block 2Z,Russel Wl".l.eeler's .A.dd.\i5}9..3~ 29.67' 29.61 29.67 59.34 _,.. 89.0;1.;. ~59.3.40 ~~s~ ..~., Resolution 'aaop;ted on roll call BOCK ,Broadwell ,Hanna , Knickrehm, Meyer ~ Rasmussen n~y none, absent Mehnke and HeYde. The M1nutes ot" the meet1lllg as a Board: ot' Equalisationwere read Vot1ng eJye;, and approved.' Whereupon the. Oouncil Ac1JoUJ:tned. .. ~~ 01 ty Clerk. ;:".>~ iI.o:'<'..~ ~..~ ;f' 331 !'Jc~ u~ Grand IS1and,Nebraska.,october 1,."1913. The Oounc11 met' as a Board o:t: EQua11sat1on tor the :purpose, or EqUal1~ing and Assessing the Benetits aceI' ueing to the res- pect1ve bract:s oI' real estate in Sewer D1strlct NO.38 C1t: sa,1d 01ty by reason otthe OO:tlstructlon at a Sewer through s8!id Dlstr1Qtcj H1s Honor, the Mayor ,pres1d1ng ,present BoCk ,Broadwell ,Haxma, KnickrehIn,:tlerer alil.d R~smussen,absent Behnke 8lZld HeYd~. The Oounc11 remained in sessioR from seven 0 I cloCk P.M.. until eight 0' elocki,p.M. and no perscm. appearing to ob:ect to or protest again~t the proposed assessment Whereupolil. Broadwell presented the following resolution and moved its adoption: Hanna ReSOlution: Be it re$olVed bY the Mayor and Oouncil of the Oity ot: Grand ISland .Neb:ras~ ,a1 ttlng as fa Board ot' Equalizat10n :C'or ~1d pur- pose atter due not1ce given as provided by Law: That we dO find the total eXp~nse of the construction ot' a sewer through sewer Dlstrict. NO.3$ ot' said Oit y to be the sum o:C f999.5.8,That we do t1nd the benefits accruei:ng to the respective tracts Q.f real estate ~mbraced in said sewer Distr1ct NO.38 to be equal and unltorm aSe per:Coot :t"ron ting on the llley running through said D1strlct and that the total benetits accrueing to the real estate elmbraced in. SlZlid Distr1ct by reason ot' the 001\1,- stJ:>uct1on o:f a swwer therein are the sum of 4999..5Z and tihe benef:1ts accruei:ng to the respect1ve tracts ot land in said District are as set opposite the several descriptions thereof as :follows:: c, _~ :~~L:L':~ -., Lots one, two, tjhree ,four ,seven and eigllt in Billmck Sixteen of Kernohan & Decker's Addit10n each ,11-1..6, Frac..Lot Five i19. Block 16 Kernohan & Decker's Acldition inC1Udiu:Jg Frac:.Lot .5 BlOCk 1 Wasmer's Addition 41.65, FraC.Lot slx ih BlOCk 16 Kernohan & Decker'S Add1t1on includimgFraC.1Dt 6 BlOCk 1 Wasmer 's Addition 41.65 "" Lots one,two,tl;1ree,f'our,t'ive,s1x,seven and eight in Block Seventeen ot' Kernohan & DeCker'S Addit~on,each 41.65 The East two thirdS of Lot one and the West tWQ thirdS of' lot two 1n Block JS at J:a:snoha.n & DeCker's Add. 5.5.52 'rheWest . ot of lot one and the East one third n BlOCk 18 ot' J:eBmonfAa Adlieeker's Add. ,t'~ve,six,seven and e~ght in Block 18 & Decker's Addition, each 27. ]6 41.65' "" 332 read and approved. Whe.l'eUPOIl the Oouncll ad Jour.mea.,. -., ". .~ l;,~ ~--., ~, -')1::3 ~;J Grand Island , NebraSl<.:a , October 15"1913.- , The Oounoil met in regular session ,Nis Honor, tne lr.ayor presiding a:r.\d :soek ,Broadwell ,Hanna, KLlickr ehm ,Meyer & Rasmussem. present at rOll eall,abse:at Hellnke and Heyde. TrIe MinuUes at' the last meeting, Octol)er 1 "1913 ,wer'e read aIid 'fhe bidS ot' prl:nce & Walker and of' Willia'm Schef't'el tor street approved:. .~ ~'-.r and Alley ~rossings were read a nd on motion at' Hanna ret'er'red to the street Oommittee. '1'11e BidS 01' tl1e Home savings Balilk, Grand Island Nat i011& Bank and the First National Bank were read and on motion of' Rasmussen ret'erred: to the Flnanee Oommittee. The F1na'.11.ce Oom.mi t tee made repor t as tollOY/s::' To the Honorable' Mayor and 01,ty Oouncll, Grand ISland, Nebr. we,your Oommittee on Flnanee ,to whom was referreo. the bldS of the several bidders t'or the pa'wlng BondS of' paVing D1strict NO., 10 ti:nd that the bld; of' the First National BanlC of Grand ISland, Nebraska,at P8JI",~ccrued' interest and a premium at Fl:Cty One Dolla!'a~ for s8r1d bomds is the ~st b.id and we recolllinend that said bid be aocepted. John KniCkrehm,R.p.Rasmussen,Aug.Meyer. On motion of Kln1ckEehm the report was adopted on roll ca,ll ,al~ present voting' aye. The Light 00rmrr1ttee reported that the New Turbine had aI'rived and bad been uinldaded and placed on, 1ts foundation. On motion ot' Hanna tt~e 01 t1 Cilier.k was 1ns tructed to cU'aw warran.ts as :rOllOws~.t'or J.J.owens,'50.oo,Rae W.Edwards ,lJ.5.00, Ray Fern '35.00 and H.P.Hodgson #3.5. 00 ,l~or extra services pert'or- med a:r.l.d in. lieU of' a vaca.,tioll of' each of' them.. '. '.;..a. --.r On motiOla ot' Broadwell. the Oity Olerk was instructed to draw warrant for Ja$per Eg~ers,street OOI~llssioner, in the sum ot' s1xt/ntllarst'or extrasenices pert'ormed by him.. Tlle Sewer Oommi t tee repor ted present ing a proi"ile made by William KellY .,showing the outline aI' sewer 1n SeVier Dlstr:l.et 15 as la:1<1.. On motion of' Knickrehm the 1$ t ter was rererr cd., to trle 01 ty Engineer to i11restiga te and report.. The sewer ttee reported finding the petition of L.J. Hanchett etal,for Sewer trom Vine street to Plum street betwee~ 10" & 11 II streets, to be in proper .form and signed bY the req,uis1 te number ot' property owners and recommended tb.at the prayer 01~ the peti tion be granted. on motion at: BroadINe11 the repor t was adopted, and the C1 ty .At torney instructed to prepal'e a proper Ordinance in the matter.. On motion of BOCK the City AttOl'ney was instructed to noti.fY the U. P.:H. R. 00. to p1aGe a Ligl1t a t the Elm street Crossing. BillS agai~st the city were read and om motion at' Broadwell allowed,for 11st see Cla1m Register. On motion ~f Meyer the Fire Committee was instructed to visi t some of the places having Auto Fire r.rrucks in service. On motion oE KnicKrelWl the ma t tel' ot' tlle purcHlase 01;' an Auto ]Iire TrucK was deferrod to the next meeting. Meyer presented the fOllowing resolution and moved. its adoption: Wllereas the property owners and the Oi ty are expending' a 1,srge sum of money installing the E1ectro1ier Lighting 8ystem,and, Whereas, the lighting effect o.f this system will be materia1~ 1y destroyed iIt any obstructions are permitted to remain upon ~"~"""'.~' '. -.,' --.- '. ,. ..-.. , .~ or above the siqewalks, Now,There~dre, Be it Resoived,that the Chief at Police: be instructed to at once not1t'y all parties maintaining posts, signs,bill boards,awn1ng posts or other obstructions on the sidewalks in the business district covered by the Electro1ier System to remove the same within ten days :Lx'om this date., - An Ordinance No.,,60,CllJ18ting Sewer District No.ltO was Pl'esen- .Aug .1\1reyer. , Motion carried on roll call,all Pl'eest voting aye. ;;;o.>~, --,-~.,~~ .~ ted: Movecl by Hanna that the Ordinance be placed on its '1;'irs t" reading, Carried on rOll Gall, Bocle ,:Broadwell ,Hanna,Kniclerehm ,Meyer and Rasmussen vot1ng aye ,nay none,absent :rrehnke and IieYde: The Ord1nance was read and declared passed its rirst reading. Moved by BOek that the rUles be suspended and the Ordinance ,be Placed on its second reading by its title: Carried on call,BoCk,Broadwe11,lianna,KnicKrehm,Meyer and 8Ye,na:y nOn&',1t;b8ep.t.l1:eJill~ ea~l:ld Ue:yde: '_.~---'------'-~'~~,"--'-- I ., ! iJf .3.35 The Ordinance was read by its title and reClared pas.sed its 1t.........,~ ~ second reading. Moved by I{asIDussen that the rules be suspended and the Ordi- nance be placecL on its third reading: Carried on 1'011 call,Bock,Broadwell,Hanna,Knickre1lln,Me.ver and Rasmussen voting aye ,nay none, absent Herm.Ke and HeYde; The Ordinance was read and declared passed its third reading. Moved b,y B;roadwell that the Ordinance be plaC"eeL on its tinal passage: carr ied on 1'011 call, BOCk ,Broadwell ,Hanna,Knic:Kre11m,lleyer and Rasmussen voting are ,nay none,absent Hehnke and Heyde: The Mayor (1e~lared t'tLe Ordinance t'inallY passed. and approved the same. An Ordinance ,No.561, levying a special tax to }Day for t:tD.e construction at' sewer District NO.37 was presented:: Moved by B1;"oadwell that the Ordinance be placed on its i'ir st reading : Carr 1ed on 1'011 call, BOCk, Broadwell ,Hanna ,KnickrehIIl ,Meyer and Hasmussen voting aye,nay none,absent Mehnke and HeYde: The Ordinance was read and deClared passed iits t'irst reading.. lJoVed by B~CK that the r.ules be suspended and the Ordinance be placed on its second reading by its title: carried on roll call,Bock,Brqadwell,Hanna,KnickrehIn,Yeyer and Rasmussen voting aye ,nay none ,absent Helmke and HeYde: The Ordinance was read b.y its title and deCl.ared passed its second reading.. Moved b~r Br:oadwell that the rules be suspenaed. and the Ord1- nance be placed .on its third reading: '.~ Carried on 1'011 call, BOCK ,Broadwell ,Hanna, Kn1C.krehm ,Meyer and Hasmussen vo1iing aye,nay none,absent FIehn.ke and HeYde: The Ordinare e was read and declared passed its third reading. :MOVed by Broadwell tro t the Ordinance be placed on its :f'ina1 w . .......-.. ~c~,~ passage: Carried on rOll call,BocK,Broadwell,Hanna,Kn1c.krehm,Ueyer and Rasraussen voting: aye, nay none ,absent Iiehnke and rIeyde: The :u:ayor d$clared the Ordinance t'inallY passed and ap}DrOved' , the same.. ,"'-- 'T-~""~~-:~~--. I i 3~b An Ordinance No. 562, levying a: special sev.rel" tax to pa~' f'Ol" the construction 0:C a sewer in Sewer District 38 was presenteca:: Moved by Broadwell that the Ordinance be Placed on lts.f1rst" rending: ,~/,~ ..~ Oarr ied on roll call tBOCk )Broadwell , Hanna, ICnickrehm ,Meyer and Rasmussen voting aY6tnay none,absent Hehnke and Heyde: The Ordinance was I' ead and re clared passed its f'ir st reading:' Moved by Htinna that the rules be suspended and the Ordinance be placed on its second reading by its title: Oarried on roll call ,BOCk ,Eroadwell tHannatICn1Ckrehm,Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye t nay none tabsent Hehnke and Heyde: The Ordinance was read by its title and declared passecl its second reading. Moved by Broadwell that the rules be suspended and the ordinance be placed on its third reading: Oarried on roll ~QltBoCktBroadwell,Hanna,ICnickrehmtMeyer and Rasmussen voting aye ,nay none ,absent Hehnke and Heyde: The Ordinal1ce was read and declared passed its third reading. :Moved by Hasmussen that the Ordinance be placed. on its final passage: Oarr ied on 'roll call, Bock ,Eroallwell ,HannatKnickrehIQ.,Me~rel' and Rasmussen voting aye, nay none,abssnt Behnke and Heyde: The M.ayor declared the Ordinaince :O'inallY passed and approved the same.. 'h~ ~-.,., An Ordinance amending Ordinance 51t9,leVying special tax in paVing District NO.7 was presented: llOved by Maye!' that the Ordj.nance be placed on its t'irst reading: Oarried on roll call,BoCk,Broadwell,Hanna,Kn~c~rehmtMeyer and Hasmussen vOlting aye,nay none,absent HehDke and HeYde: The Ordinance was read a nd declared }pjeased ita f'irst reading.. on motion ot Hanna: the orGUnance was ret'erred to t he street Oommittee to make f'Urther investiga.tion and report.. Reports of the POlice JUdge and Clerk and of the Depository BanKs were read and. :f'iled. Adjom>ned: , ... ~p~ Oity Olerk Bills aga1nst Paving Districts 31 & 38 were read and. on motion ot' Broadw~lL allowed.,.. 3~7 Grand Island, HebrasKa, october 29f1l9l3.. The Council IJliet in special sessto.n ,His Honor the Mayor p;residJng and all members present tt rOll call,pursUal1t to the t'ol- lowing call which was read and made a part of the minutes: 'fo the ]~.embers of the Oity Council of' Grand ISland ,Nebraska,. Gentlemen: ~...~ ",c-:. --_:;?>--- . ., A special meeting ot' t.Ile Oi ty Oouncil 01' Grand ISland, Nebraska,is hereby called to meet at Council Ohamberin said City, at eight 0 I clock ,P.M. on Wedneso.ay October 29th,1913 :fa!' the purpose 01' passing an Ordinance authorizing the due execu- tion and registration and delivery as by law providec'L ,ot' ~38 ,000 of pavine: bomls 1'or Paving Dis tr 1ct Number Ten o:C said C1 t.y , and to do any and all other' acts nec:essal'Y tn connec;t1on with tlw s1gn1ng,execution 'and reg1strationand delivery thereot' and to transact any and all other business wh1ch may properlY come before said meeting. Dated at Grand ISland,NebrasKa,0ctober 28th,1913. Chas.G.Ryan.lfayor. VI'e hereby accept notice 01' the above call and meet.irJg' this 28th day of October,1913. Aug .);fe~ler ,B:. Helmke, Jr. toT . E. Hanna, Albert Heyde ,John ltniCkrehm, Ras. Rasmussen ,H. Vi. BOCK, G. W. Eroad\\lell , .Members of' the 01 ty Oouncil. ordinance No.,63, direct.ing trle execut ion and reg istra t10n ot' ~38,OOO 0:(' paving District No.lO Bonds was presented.: l:foved by Broadwell that the Ordinance be placed on its first :t' eacling: .. ',...-.0.. ~>--~ ~ Oarr ieo. on 1'01:1. CaJ.I, BoCk ,Broadwell ,Hanna ,HehMe ,HeYde ,KniCk- rehm ,:Heyer and liasffi'ussen vat ing aye, nay none: The Ordinance was read and declared passed its first reading. Moved by Kn1ck:rehm that the rules be suspended and the Ordi- nance be placed on :l.ts second reading by its ti"tle: Oarr fed on 1'011 call, BOCk ,Broadwell ,Hanna ,Hehnl<e ,HeYde ,Knick- rehm,Ueyer and Rasmu.ssen voting aye,nay none, The Ordinance Was read by its ti ile and declared passed its second reading. Moved by Rasmus$en that the rules be suspended. and the Orc1:1- nallce be placed on i sthirct read ins: Jf 338 Carried on 'roll C all ,BOCk ,Broadwell ,uanna , Hehnke , He~rde, KnicKrehm,Ueyer and. Rasmussen voting aye ,nay none;. 'I'he Ordinance was read and declared passed ith third reading. !Javed b~r Heyde that the Ordinance be placed on its' final passage: Carried on 1"011 call ,BOCk ,Broadwell ,Hanna,Hehruce ,HeYde ,ICnick- rehm,lJ.eyer and. ~smussen voting aye,nay none: The In.ayor declared the Ordinance finally passed and approved.. ".~ rT,., the same. On motion olf Knickrehm the street Commi t tee was authori~Led to make tests at PaVing :sricJc:f'or paVing District Number ten and to I'eject al1Y and all bJEiclCS not coming up to the required il es t . Hanna repo!'ted that the Condenser t'or the Light Plant had ar- rived. and WOUld be un-loaded at once. On motion or Heyde the Clerk was instructed to notit'y the secretary o:f the Cowmerc1al ClUb to proceed at once to COllect pay i'or the Elecltroliers installed and p~jW the same to the proper officer o~ the City. Adjou.rned ~6~~ City Clerk. ~~ ~,.,~ ~... ..,., ';C-.' ~Ji>- c-..,., 3~9 Grand. ISlana. , Nebra'S.ka'tNoVember 5"19113'. The Oounc~l met in regular session,His Honor,the Mayor pre-. siding and all membel"s present a t roll call. 1'he minutes of meetings ot' october 15,11'191.3 and October 29u'i 1913 were read and approved.. Heyde reported the completion at' seven blOC.kS of' Pa,ving 1n' District No.lO.. Moved by Heyde that aill bidS :ror street & Alley orossings be rejected: O(ll'ried on roll ca:ll ,Boct ,l-Ianna,Hehnke , Heyd6.;,Knictrehm amd Meyer vot1ng aye, Broadwell and Easmussen voted nay.- .. Heyde repOI'ted having"ordereel a culvert :ror John and one for Anna street in extension of the Drainage belng put in in 01 art street. on motion at' Heyde the Olerk: was ins tructed to notit'y the Grand ISland Plumbing Oompany to have the Alley in Bloct 65 replaced in gOOd cond1tionat once. on motion or Rasmussen the 01 ty .At torney was instructed to notifY the U.P~R.R.oo.to have the Vine street drain under their traCkS put in b>y ~.Tanuary I "i 9llt., On mot:lonot' Heyde the Fire OonuJittee was given further time to report on bids for Auto Fire TrUCk: and instructed to visit such places as have such trUCkS at the expense' ot' the Oi ty. :611ls against tr.le Oi ty were read and on motion aI' HeYde allo- wed,for list see Claim Register. Bill of' H$S tings FoundrY and. 14:achine ,00. f'or Elec;trcblier Poles Was read i and. on motion of' Hanna allowed.. in the sum of' ;1.500 and the [i>alfimce carried ooger to another meeting. On motlon:of' Hanna the matter of' Closing windOWS on west side of' Oity Hall b-41ld.ing when build.ing is done on adJoining lot and. aa.so the root' <treinage ot' said building Was ret'el'red to the Oom- mi ttee wi th po~er to act. A communioat:1on t'rom the Associat,ion at' Manufacturers aSking the C1 ty to jo~n tlle Associa t'ton was read and. on. motion at' Hanna t he same 'Was rece1 ved and t'iled. The j,ffayor lbrought up the ~matter at' o11ing some at' our streets and the same wafs' discussed.; . An ordina~ce NO.,-6lt creating SeVier District No.41 at' said , C1ty was. presenlted.., , 3{~ Movea. by :a;roadwellthat tlle Ord,1nance be placed on its first y....... c',."',--'>'.-'- " w',c:'-."-.,:/" " "'-~T CU., ~OV6d by Broadwell that the rules be suspended and the Ord~- nance be Placed. on its third. reading: Oarried on roll call,BoCk, Broadwell ,Hanna,liehnlCe,HeYde ,Kniclt- rehm,Meyer and R$.smussen voting aye ,nay none:: The Ord1nan~e was read and. declared passed its third read.1ng. Moved. by BrOadwell that the Ordinance be placed. on its i'1nal passage; Carried on 1'011 cal1,BoclC ,Broadwell ~Hanna;,Hehnke ,Heyu6,Knick- rehm,1Jfeycr and Ha.sIUussen voting aye, nay none~: TIle Uayor declared the Or'11nance 1'1nallY passed and approved t'he same.. lreYde and BrOadwell presented the following Resolution and neyo.e moved its adoption: Whereas according to the estimates :furniShed by the City Engineer Messrs TJ,rn.er and Oompanjr are cnti tIed. to #19884.00 on t'he labor and materials :furnished, on their contract wi t.h the Oi t,y of Grand ISland on Pav~ng District No.lO Theretlore be it resolved that the Uayor and. Oity Olerk be in- structed to deliver totrlt3 First Natlonatl Bank o:f the Oity ot' Grand ISland, 40 bondS elm the denomination ot' #.500 each with premium and. a'CCl'uect: interest to date and pay the proc.eeds thereot' over to the Oi tJ' Treasurer to be placed to the cred.i t or- Paving District No.lO to be cUsbursed thru warrants regUlarly drawn upon said :fund. Alber t He~td.e, Geo. W.13roadwell.. Oarr1ed on roll call, BOCk ,Eroadwe1l ,Hanna,F1ehn.ke ,HeYde ,KniC.k- rerun ,Meyer and RasmUssen voting aye ,na)' none.. On mot-lon at' Jtranna the 01 ty Engineer Was instructed torev1se ;~',< -. --"-"'" 'f :ru ture . .sa _ . 3~1 to be exposed, at a t 1me. An Ordinance in regard to Peddling ete.was again taken up: Moved by Meyer that the Ordinance be placed on its second read~ ing: Oarried on roll call, BOCl< ,Broadwell,Ranna,Hehnke, HeYde~KniclC- rehm,MeYer and Rasmussen voting aye,nay none: TIle Ordinance was read and d eClarod paf3sed its second reading. Y..~ -';t'>~::,~ -,., }~Ved by Knic~rehm that. the ordinance be referred bac~ to the Ordinance co~n~ttee again: Oarried on 1'0:11 call, Broadwell ,1ianna,Heyc:te.,Kn1ckrehm and. Rasmu ssen voting aYB, BOCl< ,HehnJ<e and ]\,reyer voted nay. The 01 ty Eng i.m.eer presented spec.ii'icat ions and e stima.i:es ror the omnstructlon otSewers through sewer Districts ~O and ~l of the 01 ty and on mot1on ot Broadwell the saIne were adop.,tecl anc.l the Clerk instructed to advertise i:'orb14s t'or construct1rig the same. Reports ot' the 01 ty Olerit anfi Weighmaster ot collections made in October 191.3 werle reaci and on mo t ion ot' Hehnke Placed. on 1'11e. lieports ot Depbs1tory banks tor October 1913' wer'e read. and on motion ot: Hehnke plased on 1'11e.. AdjOUrned, ~~~~ Oity Olerk. ~" - ~ 3{;- RepoI't of APpl'Opriat1ons and EX;J)eneVltWes' to November 12"191}: General FUl'ld Salaries. Street & Alley Sewer s Incidentals J~lgh t j ng Par k s #4-.300 9000 4500 4000 7500 .500 '29800 ~1070 2116.92 498.70 694.81 11.80 14:1.05 ;:32.30 'l688.3.08 . 4001.}0 .3.305;.19 7488.20 Z hB q h...) :;J"/ .."/ ( f453.3,28 #25266.72 ,.~ ~ Police .FLl.nd"}'( #8500 ;226". 91,j;~~3':4-.:'(09 Oemetery Fund $4000 ,470.5D.f.3529.50 ]'11'6 ]vnd #11000 $25l-J.5,. 98 ~8454... 02 Water Fund ~40000 Improvements Mer ch.andi se Expense- #1398.95; 1697 .1~ 4 7}'.3__.:).J~ $7810.03 #32189.97 Light Fund ~55000 Irnprovemen t s 1.O.er e11 and i se EX1)ense f12880.29. 10347~ 59 - i 6 9~.ll...:__ '30195.81 ~24804.19 AC1.d r e :['11 no. Paving Fund $22000 . 33#1} #25~;O ~n2515.;.32 #94-84-.68 3.340 112824-.68 SUlillflat' Y ~17.3.640 '603.36.8.3 '113,30.3~17 Sewer District .Funds ,'...... ;;;6337.9.3 Paving District Funds #20054.2.3 ]vfonument Fund * 45:00 fJ 3012', ~148B Grand Total Expended $89740.99 RespectfUllY sUbmitted; ~-C~::::. ""'----."",,,,, \~.l~ ~ ~ Grl:,b1d IS1llnd)Nebraska)November 19"1913.. 'rhe Council met in regular session,H1s Honor, the Mayor ,presid.,... i rig ,present, Bom< ,Hanna,Hehnke ,Kn1cl\rehrn ,Meyer and Rasmusse n, absent 131'Oaclwel1 and HeYde. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved:., Bids of' th~ Grand ISland Plumbing Oompany and the Grandli ISland Oontract Company :ror c'onstruction of' sewers J.n Sewer Districts l.J.Q & l.J.l were opened and read and on motion of' Hehnke referred to the Oommittee; the OOlllwittee retired,examined the bit1Si and reported! as f'oll ows;: . To the Honorable Mayor & City Council, Gentlemen:' We your Commi t tee on sewers beg to mal<e the f'Ollowing report:. That we recommend that the bid ~or laying sewers in Districts l.J.0 and lJ.a. of' the Grand Island Plumbing Co. be accepted and contract awarded to them. H.Hehnke,Jr. tT . E . Ha:l1i'1 a1 , R.W.Bock. On motion of'. Hehn1<e the report was adopted on 1"011 call, Bock ,Hanna ,Hehn~e ,KniC}jrehm,Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye ,nay none, absent Broadwell and Heyde. The Fire Oommittee made report as follows:: To the Mayor and City Oouncil of' Grand Island ,Nebrasl<a. X We ,your Oommittee on I..ight ,Fire and water, to whom the bi<;'l.s :for the purchase of' an Auto Combination Fire Truck was ref'erred beg lief to report, that we v1si ted OIilalha ,LinCOln, Oouncil Bluf't'S and Nor th pla,t te and inspectHd f'our dir:ferent makes of' trUCkS: and we; :r6lCommend that the bid of' the Anderson Ooupling and Fire Supply Company be acc~pted , the trUCk to be furnished bY sa'id Oompany according to said bid and specificationsi, e~cept that' the same shall be equippedJ w~ th dOUble-cushioned: baCk tires and that said TrUCl( shall! ,be nicKle f'inisl1ed:. Price $5700 ,F..O.B. Grand Is- 1and,01d trUCk and harness to be tal\en in f'or ~1550,F.o.B.Grand ISland, bal. $l.J.18)0. RespectfUllY sUbmittecL.. J..JiJ.Hahn8,Aug . Meyer ,John Knickrehm. On motion of Knickrehm the--report was adopted on roll call, BOCk,' Hanna,liehnke,KniCkrehm and Meyer voting aye,Rasmussen voted nay, absent Broadwell and Heyde. 3{4 Bills agatnst the 01 ty Were !leaeL and on motion of Hasmussen allowecL,for llst see 01a1m Heg1ster. petition for Walter :Ma1n on Second street etc..ln South Grand Island was read and on motion of Knlckrehm referred to the Oom- mlttee. Report of the pOllee JUdge for octOber was read and referred Oity Olerk. t~'"'(. ...... ---., to the Finance Oommittee. The report of' the Olerk of' APproprlat1ons: and ExpencU tures to November 15"'1913' was read and onmotlon of Knlckrehm made a par t of the minu.tes:.- Ad journscb. ~~~ ... ~0."- ---,., J 3l+5, Grand Ieland tNebraska )December 3111913. The Oouneil met in J:,egular session tHis Honor t tIle 1vJ:ayorpresltd- 1ng and all members present at rOll e~all., 'Ehe minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.. Henry Hann. presented a Platt of' "Hann's SeconcLAdd1tion to ";........~ .~ Grand ISland, II 1'01' approval by the 01 ty Ooune.1l and on motion 01: Heyde tll(~ same was approved,on roll call all vot1ng aye,and. the Mayor and 01 t Y Clerk 1nstr'ucted to make proper eeJ:>tii'1cate ot' said APprov,al.. The 01ty Broperty Oommittee reported a building being built on the Vvest adjoim.i:ng the Oi ty Hall BUilding and encroaching upon the Oi ty property and on m.otion ot' Hanna the matter was J:>eterred to the Oormni t tee ,Mayor and A~ torney .to investigate and report:. The SewerCom.mi ttee reporteC/. having arranged with the new Brewe:ry Oom.panY' :for putting in a, seweJ:> , the Oity to stand a shal'e of' the expense: On motion of' Heyde the aC.tion of' the Oom- mittee was approYGd and tne City Attorney instructed to drat't a proper Ordinance cl~eati:ng a Sewer District ana prOViding that when the pt'operty owners connect with sarae they must pay the Oi ty t S sllare ot: said expense.. An Ord.inance Plt'.ovid.l:ng a retund in portit ns of' PaVing Dis,- tr1ct NO.7 was again presented: Moved by B:roadwell that the Ordinance be Placed on its secona I'eading: .~ Carried on roll <>>11 ,BOCk tBrOadwell ,Hanna, Hehnke tHeYde;t~d:eyer , Knickrehm and Rasmussen voting aye, nay none, The ordinalilce was read and declared passed its sec:ond' r eaat;t;lg'. Report s ot' the Oi ty Olerk and Weighmaster ror November were read and Placed on t'ile.. Reports ot' Deposi tory Banks :for November were read and filed.. HeYde presented the fallowing ReSOlution ana moved itsadop- ~ ....-.. ~~i~;~\~ t ion. Resolution. Wl1ereas,uccord1ng to the est1matetNo.3,o;f' the City Engineer, the E.D.Ty~er Construction Oompany 1s ~nt1tled to the sum of ~34.15>.29 ala account of labor and material furll1shed o~ their Oontract vrith tl~e Oi ty at: Grana IslalQd , Neb.ra~lCa )Ola paY:irag 3!6 Dlstr1ct No.lO: c:b~. -~ Therefore, Be it resal ved t.t1at the Mayor and 01 ~y Olerk be lrtstructed to deliver to the First National Bal~ of the Oity ot Grand ISlanc.l seven Bonds in the denomination of' $5;00 each wi tih premium and accrued interest to date ,and pay the p.1aoceeds thereat' to the Oi ty Treasurer to be pla,ced to the Oreai t of Paving DistrictJ NO.IO fund to be disbursed thrDl Warrants reg- Ularly drawn on said fund. Grand Island, Nebraiska ,December 3 u191,J.. Albert HeYde. .. Motion carried on roll call,all voting aye. .The Mayor brougJ:lt up the matter of' having Oard l"OOLlS 1n con- nection wi th B1111aTd & Pool Halls wllere gambling was carried on and on mot ion of' Kn1ckrehrn the ma tter was ret'erred to the 01 ty Attorney to dva.ft a proper Ordinance covering the matter.. AdjOUrned. ~~rI 01 ty 01e.1:'K. >..... ............... """;:_(-':,'~ ~"., 2,,-~ ~ Grand Island. ,Ne brss;t a', DeceIIlber 1711191.3'. The Cc>unO.1l met j.n regular sessj,en,His HOnCiJr,the llaV(i)r pwesiding and aill me<mbers:; but Bee1\: present at roll cau.l. Tb.e minutes G:f the last meeting were read and appreivecii. lieyde rep(!)rtedi P@.lving District Nei.10 neaning C01llPleti@n. HeYde:'; calledj attent1jon of the Council to a necessity or &\ reta'ining Waill in Vine street at the Fanrmont creamery Co. property and of gra~ng down the street to properlY carry orf the w8:ter and on hiS? moti(l)n the matter was r 1:eferred, te the st- reet Oommit~eeto report ~t the ne~~ meeting. The relllDw1:ng res01ution was presented! and on motion 0:f Broadwell adGpted: Be itreS01vedi by the Yaw or &nd Oity Oouncil of the city or Grand ISlandtNebra:slCa. that the acti<!>n far the 0ity 00uncil on }laW' 29" 1907"N0vember 6"19:07{ and Ju.ne 22" 1910 fixing fI;nd establish- ing rates to beehar~edl :Cor electric; a:urrent to consumers using more than 500 lilG)wa:ts per ID@nth be rec.:1ndeCi:.,SO :Car as~ the same ~8 now intGrc&,and the Light Committee be and 18 herebY instru- cted; to) maace 8j thoreugh invest1gatic>n 0:C the matter of rates for suCh ODnsumers and repE>rt their :r1nd1ngs baCk: to the 0ity Oouncil for actlon, thereon. J.E.Hanns; John XniclCrehm Aug . Meyer G.W.Broadwell Htfnn8) repez'tecl;: that lJl>>. TaWlGlr, ,representing palrties putting ~2,';'-"\ ,., in tJ; We11' near i"oed River Village wanted., the llayer and Oity O~no- oil to visit the same and see it in op~rat1on. Bills a~~1nst the c1ty wer~ read and en moti@n or Br@adwell allowedl.:t'or list see Ola1m Register. lCnickrehm presented the t'oll<l>wing Resoluti@n Slnd on hia: mot- ion the same waSt, adJ&p:tedi:: Resolution Be it resQlve(1;_by the }lavor and 0ity Oouncil of the Oity ot.' Grand Island ,NebraSka:, that the sum or Six, Hundred Doll~s.i ($600) new, in the Special oemetery Fund ,Pa;id in, t'.$r the R:ermanent cara of Oemetery Lo-ts', be trans.:ferred.. to the BoP.d &, Interest Funw of, the Oi ty and be:; USed; te apply on the pa-vment of some ef the lil:0nds due and G1I1ng bY the 0ity et Grand ISland,1t;nC1thfltthe Oity Treasurer b~ and herebY is instructedl to' make SeUd ;iranst.'er (\)n his: b00ls; a. ...s:.1.aoeV'8 '. cU.'. l' e..... c. ..te.'d:\. -.- .....-- -.- -.'- "'-.-,'-- '-.- . '.' . '-. . .. ii,:;~ .~ ,>...~., . ~-~:~~::<;:-" - - ., ~"'<4".. . ~ Be 1. t t'1.1r~hel' 1'8SCi)1 V8d' that: Whereaa, the t'und ra1sedi tG> erect at Soldiers and Sailors:; 1l0nuraent haa.; s\ smau.ll balance: therein and all billS 1neurrect. on accGunt or the erect1Gn 01' said monument h~~e heen tUllY Rad~: Tl1at the 01 tyTreasurer be and he hereby is 1nstructecti till trans;.. tel' the unexpendedr:, balance; thereoI' tQl the Bond 8{r InterestL Fundi to be usedj in the p~yment or the outstandi1ng bonds or interestr thereon 01' the Oity:: Jmd,Be it turther resolvectith~t any and 8:11 sums herealf'ter recei ved~ by the 01 ty Trea:-surer ,eli>11ec.tedl 1'01' or en ac~unt fl1t the levw ma'de i t. rad.se' sa'1d llonument Fundt be crectl ted to se:1d BGlnd and Interest Fund] bY the Oi ty Treasurer as 1'130&1 ved::. by him.. Grand Island ,N~braska', December l7?fl19J.i.l. John ~niClCrehm.. An orcUln~ce3 No.~6" regula,ting the running of' Bill1aa:adI & p~0r_ 1[&11s was I presented:: Ue>ved by Heyd,e tb.a,t the Ordinance be rrla,cect: oni its t'irst ,read1ng: oarr1ed on r@ll caill, BrQadWell ,Hanna',1-Iehnke,HeYde,J:n1ctrehm J lleyer and :Rasmussen voting aye,nay none, albsent Bocle; The. ordinance was reag. and dec1.ar:ed, passed; 1j1;s 1',irst reading. Uoved by lnidtrehm that the rUles be suspended; ihd the Ordl1- na,nce be Plaee4!:l on 1Jt s second reading by its title: Oarr ied. Gn 1'611 call ,BrGadWell ,Hanna),Hehnke,ReYde--,l:nictrehm, Yeyer and Basmussen VGting ~ye,naw nGne,absent E0CX: The Ordl1nance wase read by 1 ts tl tle and. declared passed its seC.€>nd reading. llfDved: bY Rasmussen that the rUles be suspended, and. the Oreti- nance be paBced'on 1ts third reading: oarr"eti @n 1'911 cail EreaD.well ,Hanna,Hehnke ,HeYde:,l:nicltra<hm, Yeyer and Basmussen veting aye ,new nGne, absent B()~: The ordinance was read and deal~eGU re~ssedI its th1rd reading. MfDved' bY !r@adwell that the Ordllnance be Placed., @n ita 1'in8ll p.8ssage :: Oarried en rCtnl call,BIUJadWe3.1,Ha~,Hehnke,HeYde,l:nicltrehrn, Yeyer and Rasmussen vet1ng aya~nav nene~absent BOat: The l1aYE!)r 'dee2areCi the Ord1nance t'lnallY Pa:s sed. , and app~evedi the same. '~<i>~ WI' J 34~ An ordinance ,NG.5:;66,Retunding GVer-Pfwment in P81v1ng Dist- rict NEI..7f was agal1n taken URl l{oved bY Heyde that the Ord;i na'nce be. pla'Ced on it s~ thirdi. reading: O~ried elxroll call.Br$adwell.Hanna,.Hehnlte.HeYde~.li1iClCrehm. Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye .naw nene,absent ~Cl:: 'l'l~e Ord1ru:u'l,ce was" read! and Ceclarec1:. IY3\Ssed its th1J3d.:i reading. lCoved by BrGtgctwell that the orci1namce be placed en its t'inaa. pas saga: Oarried €llnroll ctl'll Broadwell.Hanna.HehnlCe,HeYde.,.I(,n1ckrehm.. Meyer and RasmuSsen voting aye ,nay none , absent Bodt. 1. The }Lay or ci:ec.lared. the; ord1nance t'inailY passed, and approved1 the same. Reports 01' the P011ce>JUdge and oity 1'reasurertor NoVember 191.;3':' were read and Pliact3d'3'On tile. On motion 01' Rasmussen the 01ty Attorney was instructed to write the B.& li.'R.R.Oo. in reterence to delay in putting 1n gates or guards at their ~u &.10" street cross1~s::. lloved by~oadwell that the llayor be aslted! to c~ll $. meeting 01' prorrerty owne!>s In a P.!'op.osedj PaVing District oover1ng portions ot' Fourth &, Waanut~treets ete:. Oarr1ed. Adjournedi to llondaw evening Dece:mber 22 "191:3 att g~ 0 t c-loCX . ~~~ 01 t~r Olerlt. ~ 350 '.\.'...............'.~ ;;;:f~ ... . . ,., Gr and. ISland., New aSka', December 22 "191.3, '!'he oounc;l.l met Plursuant ,to adjournment at g otCiOC:t,P.lL. His Honor ,'the: )Lavor ,presiding ,present ,BOCl: ,Broadwell ,Hamna"H6Yda:., Hehnlte and Ra'6mussen,ab:sent XIl10krehm and lleyer. The street Oomm1ttee presented the rOllOW1nr report an~ on) mo- tion of Broadwell the same was adopteell.:' To thaHono~atrle,U~yor ~n4 Uembers of 01ty Oouna1l of Grand ISland,NebraSlta' we,Your Oomm1 ttee on streets and Alleys; resp:ec,ttulliY l'6i)ort:y that W6':.' have gone over the palvament la1d. b:y Tyner 8& 00. in palYll1ng D1st1'1c:t No.10 anct we: recommenc1; the accep;tamc6:' of the same.. we f'Urther recommenaL tha:t the sum of TWo hunttreCili. Doll~tl3 be reta1nectL t'rom the sum s:till 4U6:: sa.1d TYX1er 8& 00. until such timeJ as: saUd pa\\ll,ement 1s cleamea: an~ some m1nor Changes.; have been made\:; bY the o6ntractorfll. .u bert HeYd.6:, G.W.Broadwe.1.1 R.P.Rasmussan H. H&hnt6.;, Jr . The FollOW1ng Resolution: was presentecil antll He~4e; moveGli lIt83 attolrt 10n: Reaolut!1on (tslj;';'=- . t-"W' a:CCO~EUl.ng ,to Whereas~ the finau. est1matre of the 01 ty Eng1neer there:; 1s st111 due the fE.D. Tyner Oonstruction Oomp.ny on their Oontraatt, :Cor ~~ng Pa:\1i4ng D1st:rict No.lO) the sum Of ..l.',4i9~.6L of which the sum o;c jlO,9-30.7(f) is:: properly chargeable to sS11cl Dis~tr1ct No.lO and other chtmgea; and 6S.penses;J 1ne:identail. to PatV71111 s31tt D1 s tr i c1;- 1n the S.um ot' abou tL .500 alr e d.ue ama ow,.ing , NOw Therefore: Be 1:Lt Resolvew by the llayor anGl 01ty Ooune1lL ot' the 01 ty o-r Gran4 ISlan~ t NebraslCfX', that the ll81yor and City Olerlt~ be',and they are herebY instl'uctecl to 4eliver to the First Nati1onel. Bank of Grand. ~laJlQt[,Nebra13ka, 23 BonctsJ ot' saiGl P~1U1ng District: No.. 10) ot' the de=m~1n8.lt1on ot' #500 each upon the payment 01: the, fa'C:e acc:ruedi interest ancl: premium: by s~,1cl ba~ bifi1, a'n~ to deIl.1 vel' the; :RJ'oceec1S=; thereOf to the Oi ty Treasurer to be3 placed! to the Ored!1 t of said. ~fl1'V1ng D1strict No.10 Funl!1. Be it tul'ther resol vecttthat the Mawor and. Cllerl: be in- structed.:; to canCel the remainer of s81id Bon4SJ rema1n1ng un- de11vere4i. M. her t. .H&:;d 6J G. .. . Broa(1we.ll IP 3tNJ. ,~". .4liiiiiiiii... ~~l-::""" ,., Adop;.ted on roll <Sill, BOCl, Broadwell ,Haml8,He<hnlCe ,l'{eYde, a;nc1 RasmusseJlt vot1ng 81'EL,nav none.. Bils incurre~ on $ccount o~ construction o~ paving District No.lO were react and on motion 0'1 BroanwEr~lj au.l '0111,S were) allowelll as:; rea41 except the bill or the E.D. r,ryner construction Oompany,o~ Which the sumioi' .200 1s to be held. baCk aS3 prCXV\1d.edl .bY report(, 01: the street oomm1ttee heretlOtore adop;teEli.. on mot1on of Heyde the Oounc11 set Weanesclav JanU$l!~ 7:"" 19JJt;, between tne hours of 71o'cloCX antS o'elocIt P.ll. a8~ the tlme for g1 t tins as:'. at Boar4J of Equau.1ea:tlon; 1'or the purpose; 01' Equau.iz:ing an4, Asse:ssion the benefLts accrueing bY reaSDn of thai pRtV4ng ~ Pa.ving District NO.IO anal bY reason of putting 1nSewers 1n: S~wer D1str1c_ts, 4.0 and. J4flL and. levy1ng 8l taS\. to g8lY for sa>1d constructiions. On mott1on or Hayela. the mat ter of hav1ng dress1ng placed.l on P10neer par-It w~s) referreEl to the PalrJC Oomm1 t tee with power to act.. on mot10n of Bro8ldWe3.1 the mat ter of replacing at Oross1ng move4l b,y the Gran€l 1S1&'n4 Oontract Oompany W818:.; reterrecii to hhe sewer Oomm1ttee. A4~ ourne4t. ~~~ ;',.iAt.. -,.,