1914 Minutes
Grana; ISland tNebrS1Sl<a,t181UU8lrY, 7"1,l4;.
The OOlm 11'met at se~en 0' cloCk P..M. as at Boardl ('Ji: lIQlUaa.1_1t:1.0~
::r t~:~r:::i::~ t:::1::~:::S:;S:~: 1:h:~:e:~::r::::~~lf
by reason of the eonstructl!on or a, sewer through s$1d D1str1c't ,His
. .
Honor the 11181 or ,:preS1d1ng'Pr'esent, soek ,srOaQWell ,Hehnke.~Heyde,
I:nl(tl(rehm,MeJ roand B_rnuss~n, absent Hamntlll.
The soun/c1~ reIJj81ne<1, ~~, S e ss10n 1'r om ssv~n 0 I clOSk ,I' .J{.
e1ght ()tOlo ai\d no PierSOn; SlPpearlng to Obt~ect .to or protest
. .; .
net the :grop, seclAlssessment: and. l16V'Y "whereuPolal S:roadwell
. ." I ~
ot'i'ered the 101J;ow1ng reso~ut1on anct lnoveciL 1its::~ $1oy$10n:
I .'. !
o1.~ed1 by the ~awor and Oity Oounail
. i
; i
eb~Q:"Ska!,s1tt1~ as gj13oa'l"dt or llQ!Ua;11zat1on,
dUe and letall not1ce as~ p:rov:1.declJ. by law>:
. I
";. i
0;t'1nd the to/tal expense~' ot.'the aonstlUlbt1on ot' a\
. .' .... I
lewe:r throughSe;_erD1st:r1clt :l0.1I-Il. of the 01:ty of Grand. ISland.
Ne'QraSktl\ to 'b tbesum o~ ~828.'OO;
. I to
o 'It"1nd the toltal bener1 ts accrue1ng the ownerso~
real. estate i sra-Jld. Sewer ~strie;t No.lta bJ' reason ot' the c.onst-
, !
ewrer through ~tilid Ji1str1ct to be the sum o.t.' .S~ut
and that e*:r1t8acCrU~ngt() the respect1ve tracts) or la:nC1
1n sad.d $str1at ara-j; as set oppos:1.te the respeet1ve de,so,..
, !
o;fi as .t'ollOWSr::
Lots::; 1 ,~tj;, ij;1~, ~,~, 7,S, ~'& 101 1n Block 11 II.G-. Ol81"Jt 's
. .
2i'1n Block l~:o-rK.G-.Olark's "ddit10n eacm
Fractdonau Lo i.3!.1n1~10ek t1Jl at.' Fad.rv.4eW parK Addt1.tlon
inCi.Udl lpac:tional lpt .31 BlOCk 12, Olartlt '8= ,jddlt'10nl
; J
Lot 41; lniBJ.:'be li, 0-1' Fad.rV1~W Park Atdd.1t10n 1ncluc.t1:p;g
th81t per 10ft; 01" Lot. 3; ~n Bleek 12 oi:: H.G.Olamc(' s
Ad.d.1tion: WeBtGot the ]J~sterlY line. 01' s8i1d' Lot 1#
1-r' e,~ten edi to the A1.l,y runn1ng through sa1w Blk.
: '0,-:.',
Lot 55 BloeIt 1.) Fi\1rv1ew Par* Addition'
. : : - ~
i .
. .,. I.
:r.t'action8l1 Lo s 11 & 6.'; in Bl$Ck 19';0t' F"a.rv'1ew ParK ~dit10n
and Fra-a:t onaaLots 5) + 6 1n Block 12=' of Olar,lt's3 &idtl.t1on
~ i
All ofsad.d " d1$1ons being l:1.n fllnd to the 01ty 01.' G-rand ISlanditNab:r..,
" -,- . !, - :
Besolution a o~ted on rOll[ call Bi~i,~~d~g~]~"~t~'.~'. .' .....
In1ekrenm,Me er 1&. Basmusse~ vet1ngThe lhnuteswere read ll'nd~prQ~e~
;1 .1\. ." ", ..';
lhereu~n-r,th~Jl.Q'11 ad,OO~nectLt1~,"Boa~dLot 'IClU3I11Ztitt10tlt..,'
~"'~:""" .,
-..-;--- ....- ...--: ..-'
\ .
\ '
Grand ISland t Nebraska\tJanUary 7,"'1911#.
The Oouna.1il . met at 7' 0' C10Ckt .P.M. as a Board1 o~ Eq;uaJ.1B&,tlon
:for the purpose! of' EqiUaeJ.izlng and Assessing the bene:f1 ts aceruelng
to the resp.ec:t1Ive tracts:~ of' land in Sewer District No.. No.40 by
. reason of' the ',construction ot: a Sewer there1n,H1s Honor, the MtIDyor
presiding ,presept, :sock, Broadwell, HeYde, l:nic);t'ehmtMeyer and
Rasmussen, abse~t Eann~ and Hehnka.
The Oouncl+ remained 1n sess10n trom '1 o'clOck,F.M.unt11 I
o'cloCk and no person appear1ng to ob~ect to or protest ~g$1nst
the proposed) levy and assessment , Whereupon, Broadwell
o:fferred the fo~10.1ng Resolut1on, and moved]. llts adOpt1on:
Be it reso~ved by the Mayor and Oity Council of theOity o:f
Grand ISland;, Neb~a'Skaj" s1 t t1ng as a Board 01: BCZUal.1ut1on :for sald
p:urpose, at'ter dUie and legal not1ce: g1 ven aSl Rrov1dedi bY law,:
ThaiL \'/6:>do fip.dthe total. espenseo:f the oonstruct10n of 8 Sewer
through Sewer D~str1(!;t No.40 Of the 01ty ot Grand ISl.andt,NebraslCa:,
to be the; sum ot:! f420.80.That wado f1nd the benef1t~ accrue1ng
to therespect1v, tracts or parc~els of land embraceu, 1n sa1d SewEJr
D1strict by reaswn O:f the constru~t1on 01' a sewer there1n, to be
eQJU9?! and un1tor~ aS3:per :foot front1ng 0 r a.butt1ng upon the Alley
runn1ng through Isa,j,d Sewer D1str1c;t and that the tota\l. benef1ts
are the sum 01' t420.80,and that the benef1ts accrue1ng to the
i . ~
several tracts; or! parcels of land 1n said D1str1ct by reason ot:
the oonstrue:t'10n 01: sa'd.d Sewer are: as' set oppos:1 te; the respe~t1 ve
descr1ptions: therp-or as:: followa:-::
Lot Ona 1n Bloci{: Ten o:f Bussft~ 'heeler's Addition the sum or #42.08
Lot Two in BloClt Ten of' Russel Wheeler' s- Add.i t10n the sum of '4.Z~08
Lot Three 1n BlOClt Ten 01: BUsse.l Wheeler's .ldaUi t10n the sum at flJ.2.08
Add1 tion the SWl Ot',4.2~OS
A.ddit1ontthe sum o~ .4Z.08
Add1t10n the sum 01' .42.08
Lots 7i & (f 1n lUOe.lt Ten Bussel Wheeler's Ad.d1t10n the sum ot' .84-:.16
Lot, N1na> in Bloc1c Ten Russel Wheeler,s Addit10n the sum ot .~2.08
Lot Ten 1n :BloCk T~n ot: Russel Wheeler' s .Addi t10n the sum of *42.01:
Sa1c1.Addi t10n be1~ to and in the C1ty 01: Grand lSiand:,HaQ,1. ooumty,
NebI' aeka...
Lot Four in BloCk Ten ot: Bussel Wheeler'S
Lot F1ve 1n Bloak \TBn o:f RUssel Wheeler's
Lot Six in BloCk (Ten 01' Blssel Wheeler. s
;- -'-.;-0'1
, ..~,~
i '. j C,
Resolut1on adoP)t'edJ on 1'0111 call, BOCk ,Broadwell ,HeYde:;,Xrl1ckrehm,
Meyer and Rasmusjsen vot1ng aye,nay none',Stbsent Hanna and Hehruce'O.
There be1ng no :f'1urther bus1ness the Oouncil adjoUrned as a Boardl
ot EqUaa.1za,t1on.
Oity Clerk
Grand lSiand,J5jebraska',JanUary 7"11914.
,The council met as a Board, of Equa11z8,t,1on lilt; seve,n
otClOCk,P.M..fO~ the purpose of EQUa11a1ng and Assess1ng the
benef1 tSe aCCrUGfng to the real esta-,te embrae,eeL. 1n Pav1ng Dis t-
r1ct NO.lO. by reason of the pa:v1ng o:f the same ,H1s Honor the;
Mayor presid1ng ~pre-sent, BOCk ,Broadwe~l ,Hehnke,HeYd6;,lhiciCrehm,
Meyer and Rasmu$sen,absent Hanna.
The Counc1~ remained> in sess10n rrom seven oteiock P.M.
unt'1l 8 0 f cloCk, and no p:erson appear1ng to Object to or pro-
test against the proposed assessment and l.evy He:yd6c presentedi
the following R~solut1on and 1n1e.krehm moved tts ado~t10n:
RES 0 1 UTI 0 N.
B19 1 t resolv~d by the Mayor and C ~.ty Cauncil fIIf' the City
ef' Gran:d Island. ~€)brask.a . sitting as a Board 0f' Equaliza ti0R
after due and leg~l notice thereof as provided by law, fer the
purpese ef equali$ing a.nd assessing the benefits aocruing te
the several pieC8$, tracts and parcels of land .embraced in Pav-
ing District Numb~r Ten (10) 0f said City by reason 0f the :Pav-
ing and curbing tl1ereot" and levying a taxte Pay t'heexpense
thereof; That w~ do find:
l!' 1rst: That! thEll entire oost af paving and cUJ1bing dene
in said paving Di,trict ohal'geable to the propeJ1ty benefitted
thereby 18 the 8~ of $35t524.0ff.
T~t the benefits accruing to tho real estate in
said D1striot lie. i Ten. ( 10) by rea.sen af the :paVing thereof' are
equal to said 00St and expense and that the benefits aocruing
to the respective i tracts t pilioes and parcels of land are as set
apposite the reap$ctive descriptions th8reafand we dCll a.sse8S
saHt b@nefj.ts agatnst saidrospeotlve tracts. pieces or parcels
of land as set ap~osite therespectivEl descriptiel'1s thereat'
as follows:
All i of said described r@al estate being in and
,,~.., -
a part of the sa j.q. City of' Grand Island, Nebraska..
Satd descriP1iensand ameunts assessed against each. traott
piece or parcel o:t1' laRd are as f'ell€lws:
The following Lots fire in the
Original Town, Now ICity of
Grand Island, Nebraiska.
Feet Cost Feot CO~lt Total
Curb- Curb- Pav- Pav- Cost.
ine; . tng. ing. ing. '"
$ $ $
79.80 25 .5lJ- 66.00 .363.00 388.5lJ-
Tho Southerly One Half ( I) 2)
of Lot No. Eight (~) in Block
No. Sixty Four (6lJ-):
Lot No. Six (6) in :Block No..
Sixty Four (6lJ-) anq Lot No.
S even in BLock No. iSixty Foux
( 6lJ-) !
G.RAND ISLAND, NEBR~SKA. 132.0@ .Q.}.2.2Q. 1.32.00 726.00 76s.2lJ- .
Lot No. Five (5) iJi. Block No.
Sixty Four (6lJ-) i
HERBERT H. GLOVER 66.00 .363.00 363.00
Lot No. Seven (7 )~n ElockNo.
Sixty Three (63) aqdthe
lSIDutherl:sr Forty FOllr feet( 4-1+)
of Lot. No. g in Bl~ck No.(63)
l32.00 726.00 1tbfo. 'lJ),p
EUBt Thirty Nlne(~9) foetof
I~ot No. Six (6) inlBlock No.
Sj.xty Throo ( 6.3 ) i
39.00 21lJ-.50 21lJ-.50
Lot No. Five (5) and the Wost-
erlyTvrenty Seven (i27) feet
of Lot No. Six (6) ij.n Block
.No. Sixty Three (6~)
ANSON R~ GRAVES, B~SHOP 9.9S 3.14 93.00 511.50 514.64-
Lot' No. Eiglrt (S) ~ndthe
Eastorly One-Half qf Lot No.
Seven j.l1 Block No. ISixty Two
( 62)
GEORGE D. HE'rZEL 10.00 3.20 99.00 5lJ-lJ-.50 5lJ-7.70
Lots Nos.. Five (5) ~nd Six
( 6) and the westerlfy One
Ha If of Lot NO. Sevlen (7) in
E lock No. Sixty Two! ( 62)
NELLIE B. HOGE . . 22.S0 7.30 165.00 907.50 91lJ-.8'0
Lot No. Soven and Lpt No.
Eight (7 & g) in Bl~ck.NO.
Sixty One (61) i
129.70 41.50 132.00 726.00 767.50
Lots Nos. Five (5) ~nd Six
( 6) in BloCk No. S :ijxty One
(61 )
lJ-.50 1.41~ 1.32.00 726.00 727.1~4
Lot No. One (1) in ~loCkNO.
}~ighty One (31) I
MASONIC BUILDING ASISOCIA~ION 66.00 21.12 66.00 36.3.00 334.12
The Easterly two-thlird.s( E2/3)
of Lot No. Two (2) block No.(gl)
CHARLES KLOSE' 44.00 14. 03lJ-4. 00 242.00. 256. OS
The Westerly One tll~.rd( WI} 3 )
of Lot No. Two (2) ;tnd the
Eastefly Two ThirdsL(E~ 21.3)
of' Lot No. Three (31) in Block 66.00 21.12 66.00 363.00.3g4.~e
No. E.:igllty One (gl)
The Westerly OneT~ird (Wl/3)
of Lot No. Two (~)iand the
whole of Lot No. F~ur (4)
NEB#'dKA (In Block No. gl)
rlNO. One (1) in Blook No.
JE:il.ghty Two ((12)
Lot No. Two (2) in Blook No.
E igrlty Two (iS2)
Lot No. Three (3) tn Block No.
E igllty Two (S2)
Feet Cost Feet Cost Total
ourb- Ourb- pav- PtlV- Oost.
ing. ing. ing. ing.
104.40 33.41 gs.oo 4ff4.00 517.41
66.00 363.00,363.00
66.00 363.00 363.00
66.00 363.00 363.00
Lot No. Four (4) irt BlOCk No.
Eighty Two (ff2)
JOHN ALEXANDER S.oo 2.56 66.00 363.00 365-56
Lot No. One (1) in Block No.
Eighty Three (ff3)
66.00 363.00 363.00
66.00 363~00 363.00
66.00 363.00 363.00
66.00 363.00 363.00
14.20 4.54 264.00/1452.00 1456.54
The foilovving Lots lara in Railroad ;.
AdcJ.ition to the Ci~y of Grand Island
N ebra:3ka. '
Lot No. is (Eight) ~n Block
No. One Htmdrod Eight (lOS)
Lot No. Seven (7) ~n Block
No. One Hmldred E J.~ht (lOS)
Lot No. Six (6) in ~loCk No.
One Htmdl"od Eight (jlOS)
Lot No. Five (5) lq Block
No~ One Hundred Eight (lOS)
16t NQ. One (l)an~ Lot No.
Two (2) in BlockN~.One
Hundrod S eV,en ( 107)1
Lots Nos. Three (3)! and Four
( ~-) in Block No. onje Hundred
Seven (107)' I
93.09 30.05 66.00 363.00 393.05
66.00363.00 363.00
66.00 3~3.00 363.00
95.60 30.59 66.00 363.00 393-59
4.60 1.47 132.00 726.00 727.47
132.00 726.00
, 3~~
Feet Cost Feet Cost Tota 1
Curb- Curb- Pav- pa,v- Cost.
. ing. ing. ing.
.50 30.56 66.00 363.00 393.56
Lot No. Eight (3) ,in Block
:No. Ono Hundred FOR-trteen (114)
Lot No. Seven (7) 1n Block
No. One Hundred F ohrt sen ( 114)
66.00 363.00 363.00
. ;
Lot No. Six (6)ini Block No.
One Hundred Fourto~m ( 114)
Lot No. Five (5) ih Block No.
One Hu:ndred Fourtebn ( 114)
66.00 363.00 363.00
66.00 363.00 363.00
Lot No. One (1) ini Block No.
One H1.U1dred F ifteeh ( 115 )
NANCY BAHNES . 66.00 363.00 363.00
Lot No. Two (2) inl Block No.
One H1.U1dred F ifteep (115)
and Lots Nos. thre~ (3 ) and
four (4) in Block No. One
Hundred Fifteen (1!5) 193.00 1089.00 1089.00
Lot No. One ( 1) an~ the East ar1y
Sixteen (16) feet ~f Lot No.
,two (2) in Block N~. One Hun-
dred Seventeen (1117)
JAMES B. LESHER . 9 40 3. ql: 8'2.'00451. 00 454.01
The Westerly FiftYI(50) feet of
Lot No. Two in Blo~k No.
Om.e Hundred Sevontpen (117)
50.00 275.00 275.00
Lot No. Threo (3) flu Block. No.'
One Hundred S eventf;on ( 117 )
Lot No. J!'our (4) i:p Block,No.
One Hundred Sevont~en (117)
66.00 363.00 363.00
66.00 363.00 363.00
.... ........
Lot No. Eight (g) ~n Block No.
One Ihmdred Eig]lte~n ( 11g)
CHARLES E. MODESITt 10 70 3.42 66.00 363.00 366.42
Lot No. Seven (1) ~n Block No.
OnoHundred Eighte~n (lIS')
66.~0 363.00 363.00
Lot No. Six (6) iniBlock No.
One HU11dred Eighte~n (118')
Lot No. Five (5) i~ Block No.
One Hundred Eighte~n (llS)
FrlictionalLot No. ! One (1)' ~n
B lock No . Ono H'tUldtod Twenty
(120) Railroad Addttiol1 and
f'l"actlonal Lot No.iOne (1) in
Block No. Twenty (~O) Anlold
and Abbotts Addltiqn.
MARGARET A~ GARRETt 11 00 3.52 66.00 363.00 366.52
! .
66.00 363.00 363.00
'~6t (f~.lt
Cub- (J~~....
l11i. ;tn;g.t
r~a otlena 1 Lot N~.fW'f1j (2) . .tft
Dloelt l~..Tw$'nty if ~o )A~<:>ld
and Abbott. sAetd.~ t;L4)D atnd
F.~ottona.l Lot nllt.. TWO (2)
1n Blook l~O. Ona !UWAdl'ed *r'fentv
(1.20) Rul11.oa(;1 .A(~d!t1on.
.!' he fft) 11ovl1ng 1(f)1$. a:t'~ 1n
A:cnoJ..tl. &: Abb.ot t.,. A4dj..t1ol'h
1he Jl1~ ster11'$1X~Y. t (0) t'get
of' fr.a 0 tlo:na 1 LO' Jow fhrf$G.
( .3) in B ll1>a k . .No. . i Twe:rrtf~ t Wj:t11
e(1111)11montamr t':l."'4 ct1~n
BELLE Sit }!l. S5n!;lt~IN
ThaW.e~torlY $1X Ie 6) . toat f.:Jt
t'l.--aot-';.o_J.Lot~l(h ThJ1'~ C J )
:I. n Block No..Tll~l1ty (ao) W'1:t.h
oompl1rnen.talV f~et1on and.
tr;~i\.QtJ,ona" Let l{-ij. fr1oUl" (4)
jen Bj.ook NOt !w.~ty. ,Yl1th 1t.
()o1Upl1nVJut ' i
l!:LM!ft VrILL I AMS . 4. 10
Lot NQ. I;: 1~ht (8') in 13 .l.(:)ok, N4il.,
JP1ghtoon . ( 16) 1
<UtORtlE v ALERltfS 1J..70
J$Ot J1Q .SaVGn( 1) in 13 ~Qk.lto.
Jilj,glrt e011 ( .u1) i
LGt No. 81,:(( t.)) tn 13100k. lf~.
iighteell ( J.6) :
lA-MESA. MITati:lt~
L,~t No. F.1v~( 5 ) IlltlBlo e-kN$.
Ej.ght$$n (.lell i .
L. M. fALUA.f1.}u ; '.00
L. 0.- t.17.0_. E., i€).t1.-t...C 8:~..irt B10Qt ~re.
s evonto€un ( 17.) 1
0.6.00 ,6~~oo ~63.0Q
~C>:, 0- - .... -. ,
60.00 3.30,OO;3<'hOO
1.141 12,00 196.oo )91.)1
!'t74 66.QO ,;6;S.00 J66.7'
66..0036,. 00 ~'''. 00
66.00 3)6,;.00 36J.QQ
, -. .
2, ... ........
Lot:. Melth.1 CBeV$n)~nd t'rtit6~t1o~1 .
Six (6) 'l11thooinn.1.1ruGntarr f'1'<;t>oi:t0n.
~if tF: .~$11~1y*~:t;r:~i:~ ;:~~na-
F1'f.1.O. { 5.'. t 1.. nnl..(!).......~....1t......I......'.......... s. .'1.. e.l1t~~n C~..7J
of AJ!110 ldanti Abl:fot~ h, !ddl t10!l\if1th
~t1mpl1!11on~ry f~et1Qn, tbe. f8fAfn~ l:m.1ng
aomucfh . of'tho so'Utl!1.;$a~t~uaJttt~l.. of . thEJ
South. wef3tQt~>>~~~.fag1.14Pt~h03WlI41
~f Sriot1on ~le.J~tJft,~n (i.4l'P0wn~h11) ~TQt
E lovan (~J..) "JfQ):rt~: otnan~e 1'1Q, Nine { 9 }
~H).... Vlt....l..l.:.1lfl.......t1h ~........ i....... T~. ~J?t...........y. .....T...~'f...~... .......<....:.....~.... _.(1..d. ............0. .n. ....~..
Slitl!!'2 1.'> .fe,t. ~k..a. :r~.tangula~
1) j.ooeofi;~~~W'l4.; lt1 thTll1J,"ty,.1r'uo .anCiQn~-
l't~Jlf" :foet J .~.2..... 11.. a..... J. 1I!.f.uat.ns.J!). c.".QU. d .
stroot. AlnJAMq~aAlJ.'H.l64.; 52.-64 164-50 90.4.15 9".)9
.1'. .:1.10 . tV.. ..€I-. 8. t......o. r 1..1........... 3.......~........ .~J.. 2....... ....t:. (1l...~....t.>...... .O'...i:.............t......~......ia. c.......t..........l....Q.... n.al.
Lot Ne.-51n BJAtHitlt 17,r;l~lJ~ld ~nd
Al:lP0tt', :Ad~U.tj.l'nl... w.! t:ll()Q1l1p~:tmeliv~a~ .'
..:f'.....~.a(rt1.. {\ .n,.;"_..l.U. $._ f;jtl... :1..1\1.....6... ()...............l.;.tt~h....... O.t......t.ih.....6.,.... e......m.. lJ:4
f!}:J: .th$ SW'114.. 11};f Ii.. ..16, ~ T.l~.No~t~ 01
~~f:J~~i;~:h~<:;~;.:i~t~ &t\1
gltOUlld\'1~lh"!J tt~tt"tl~'i\l:~4 ,,_
Glnd,132 te~tln' :.Ih;. . . '.' ." .. .'
, -<
2.81666.QO,63,.OQ, L$6~.'1
66.00 363.00 .;6J..oO
f-:' /_~~..
!j~i~~i-~t~~;i~:~~~,iit~2~~~:)~il&~:.;~-,;:~~:;,~:-~T~:,:-~;.-i, ;-,"-k ".., ~~: - ~ ~,-~.
.. ,
FEEt Cost Foet COst To ta.l
C1J.l->b- Curbo- Pav- Pav-' Cost
j.ng. tng. ing. Lng.
33.60 10.75 132.00 726.00 7~f;.75
The following Iota iare in
Arnold's Place . .
Loto NOs. One ( 1) ~nd two
( 2) in Block No. Fqur (lJ-)
Lots Nos. Threo (3) and
Four (lJ-) in Block l'{o.F our (lJ-)
Lot No. One (1) in IBlock No.
ThroG (3)
1.89 132.00 726.00 727.89
~: ."........
15.20 lJ-.86 66.00 363.00 367.86
F ractj.ona 1 Lot No. !Two (2)
i-11 Block No. Throe I( 3) Arnold
P lace and fractionall Lot No.
Two (2) in Block F ~ve (5)
Spalding & Gregg's !Addition
66.00363.00 363.00
F ractiorlu 1 Lot No. b.!.hree (3)
j. Block No. Five (15)
S:rpllding 8: G'regg's iAddition.
Lot No. Four (4) 14 Block No.
Fivo (5) of Spaldi~g & Gregg's
Addttion , .
GOTTFRnm ,0. FRITS~HEL 4.10 1.31 66.00 363.00 364-41
66.00 363.00 363~00
Fractional Lot No. !Ej.g;ht (8)
in Block No. Two (a) Arnold
8. Abbott' B Addi tiod and frac-
iional Lot No. Eig~t (S) in
Block No. Two (2) $paulding &
Gregg's Addition' .
WALTER ERICKSEN lJ-.60 1.lJ-7. 66.00 363.00 364.14.7
The followinr:; lots larEl in
S~~lding & Gregg's !Addition
Lot No. Seven (7) ~n Block No.
Two (2) !
66.00 363.00 363.00
Lot No. Six (6) in ~lOCk No.
Two (2) .
Lot No. Five (5) ~d Blook No.
Two (2) :
M. M. COATES 94~50 30.24 66.00 363.00 393.24
66 . 00 363 . 00 363 . 00
Lot No. One in Bloo~ No.
S ix( 6 ) !
1.60 66.00 363.00. 364.60
Lot No. Two (2)
S ix (6)
in Block No.
66.00 363.00 363.00
Lot No. Three (3) 1h
S ix (6).. I
Blook No.
66.00 363.00 363.00
Lot No. Four (~) -ini Bloqk No.
. S ix (6) i
Lot No. Eight (8) 1b Block No.
Three ( 3 )
1.28' 66.96 363.00 36lJ..28
66.00 363.00 363:00
;~ __ _,_ _ ,~,~<,,~ ~.~~.'" _ _ ~~_~",~,_,c'-_'~_"o~"''':'''''''c___-'C''_-<''-:''':~ -~!,-"---'-----' ""
- ~----"""----~'-"',,",,--~~
-r~'- ;
Lot No. Seven (7) ~n Block
IT o. Thro 0 (3)
Lot No. SLx (6) in iBlock No.
Throe; (3)
Foot Coc't Foot Clost Tota 1
Curb- Curb- Pav- Pav- Cost.
ing. ing. ing. ing.
66.00 . 363.00 363.00
66.00 363.00 363.00
Lot No. Five (5) iq Block No.
T rtro 0 (3)
ETHEL VI. HATFIELD 96.6030.91 66.00 363.'00 393.91
Lot No. One (1) in IBlock No.
Seven (7) .
LETTIE E. HONEYWELD 95.00 30,4-0 66.00 363.00 393.IJ(1
Lot No. Two (2) in !Block No.
SeVen (7) ,
A. J. WINDOLPH 66~oo 2l.~2 ?66.00 363.00 3g4.12
Fractional Lot No. i Throo (3)
in Block No. sevonl(7) ~f
Spalding & Gregg IS iAddi tion
and FraGtional J.Jot INo. .Throe
. (3) in Blook No. N:1lnotoenof
Kernohan & DeckerlQ Addition 66.00 21.12 66.00 363.00 3g4-.12
F ractiona 1 Lot No. Ililour (4) in
B lock No. Seven (7) of Spalding
& Groe~g I s Additj.on land fraction-
a.l Lot No. Four (4) in Block No.
Ninotoen ( 19 )of Kqrnol1tlrJ. 8: .
D OC1(01'S Addition .
HELEN J. SPALDING 66.00 21.12 66.00 363.00 3g4-.12
Lot No. Eight (g) ~n Block No.
lil our (1+)
WILLIAM J. HEFFLIN! 95.00 30.4-0 66.00 363.00 393.40
F I'i:).ctionalLot No. ISeven (7)
j.l1 Block No. FouI' (ll.I-) of
Spa lcling 8: Gregg I s IAddi t ion
and f':r'i:Lct ionu 1 Lot iNo. seven
in Block No. Ten (~O) of
Kernohcm & Doekel->ta Addition
66.00 21.12
303.00 3g4.12
The following lots iare in
Kernohan & D8okerl~ Addition.
Lot No. Six (6) in ~lock No.
Ten ( 10 ) <
66.00 21.12 66.00 363~00 3g4.12
Lot No. }live (5) in! Block No.
Ton ( 10)
21. 12
~{r' /'/, I /*/7 B
Eesolution adoptedl on roll Call . Bock: ~Oad.Well ,H8hnke.,He.yd.e. ,Xni~rehm,
Meyer and. Rasmussen voting
The Minutes at' the! meeting
aippro'V.6ct, Whereup.onl the
aye.;,nay none.,absent Hanna.
as a Boarel at' Jq,ua1izat1on
were react: a..nd.
oouncil ad!JoU1'necll. ~rd V;;:~
~~ Clerk.
Grand Island, Nebrask9.,JanUellry 7;tI'191lt..
The Oouncjl! met in regular session, His Honor, the Maw-or presiding,
p~esent tBOCk,Brbadwell,Hehnkft~HeYde,XniCkrehm,Meyer and Rasmussen,
absent Hanna.. .
The minutes! 01' meetiDgs' 01' December 17(11 & 22" 1913; wer e read and
.... ...
ttle Oreamery pro*erty aneL on motion 01' Broad.Well :turther . time. was:\
given the oommittee.
on'motion of Inic1Crehm the Olerlf was:: instructed.L to wri ta
$;000 more Insur$nce on, the water &. Light Pltllnt ,increasimg the.
portion on, lllectJjaic.aa.. Machinery 1'rom #5000 to . flOOOO. .
on motion ot Rasmussen the Bond ot' Ernest G.ll'oger as:: POlice;
JUdge for the en~uing year was tl1pprovecL.,
BOCk report~d tha't the Ladies park Association wantect. to be,
. relieved :Crom f1l, portion of the e~ense: o:C installing Electroliers a-
round and 1n the !Pa-;rk and on motion of He-yael; the matter was:; re:Cer-
red to the oornmi~tee on parkS to settle the ma'tter.
Moved by He:Ud"; that aJ.I part:ies not hawing pa'id :Cor the'1nste;11":'
ing 0:C E1ectroli~rs bY January 1.5J"19llh be eharged interest ft the.
rate of' seven pe!1 cent :from that datetOarr1ed:...
>\ On motion off Dlickrehm the Water & L1ght Commissioner was
instructed. t 0 ~ndeavor to m~e arrangements to h81Ve lower lights
on the Jllectroli~rs at' the park turne.dJ 01'1' att midnight and the
other at day l1~ht..
Bill,S agaoin~t the Oi ty were react and on motion of Broadwell
allowedl,:t'or list !see Ola1m Reg1ster.
. peti t10n :Cor! sewer was presented and read and on motion Of'
Heyde:,re1'erred to! the Comm1ttee. on Sewers.,
An or <t1nancef: NO. 5)67 tleVY~ a, $pec1.a>l tSlX to :pay .for the
constructl1on of ~ sewer .through sewer District No.lJ,O Wag, presented.1::
Moved' by :sro~dwell tha't. the orcllnance be placed' on 1 ts :f1:rS,tL
r ead1ng :
Carr1edi on rPll ca~1,BoCk,:sroadwell,Hehnke,HaYda)Ih1Ckrehm,
Meyer and Rasmuss~n vot1ngaye:~n.a~ none., absent Hann81:
The o:rd1nanc~ Was read atld;dec1M?e~ lla'8secii('1:$'S'i:,j'i~s~icr~acllng.
Moved, by He-.y~e.~ . that the rUles. be suspend.ed; and the Ordtt.nance
'!' -
~~_..~ .. _~_. ..~:::~~.~~:::r:::~:~~&~:~:~1~.~~~"... ...." "
'--..-'---", - -.--_......... --
eX ~:J:j;;;:;-~t.;:f..~:~~r~~1}~i:i
Oarried 00!rOl1 ca'J.1 ,BOCk ,Broadwell , Hehruce , HeYde:;,J:niCkrehm,
Meyer and Basmu~senvot1ng aye,nay none,~bsent Hann~;
The ord.inatlce was read bY its title and c.1.7c'larett.i passed, its]
seC.ond reading. !
Moved, by :t*icKrehIn that the dills. be suspended and the Orct:1nan:ee
be placed; on it~ third reading:
Oarried on !roll call ,BOCk ,Broadwell, Hehnke ,HeYde ,Knio.krehm,
, ,
Meyer and Rasmu~sen voting aye, "naq none ,absent Hanna',;
The ordinarlce was read and deGlared p-.a1Ssech lits;; third, reacling.,
Moved by Rasmussen that the OrdJinance be placed, on its, :t';inal
~:' ,-.";j "'-
oarr ied on 11'011 call BoCle ,Broadwell ,Hehnke, He)de"KniCkrehm,
Meyer and Ra8rnu~sen vot1ng ft'ye ,nay none.,a'bse'nt Iifmna:
The Mawor djeClaredthe Orc.Un$nce f1naJ.ly c.arried and approved;
the same.
.An Ordlnancle NO.;J68,leVYing g, spec::1al tax to pa<y the e::onstruc:t;,-
ion of e' sewer t~Ough Sewer District No.~l w~s3presentem:
MoV'ed:i by He!Yde that the Ordiinance be placecb on i:ts :first reading:
Oarr ied) on ~oll cail, Boole ,BrOadwell ,Hehnke,HeYde,KniClerehm,
Meyer and Basmus!seo voting 81ye ,na,y none:,.Slbsent Hanna:
The ord1nanpe was read and declared) r.a:ssed i,ts First reading.
MoveQ bY K~1atrehm that the rules be suspended and the Ordi-
nance be placed bn i:ts second reading bY its title::
Carriedi on rOll call ,BOCk ,Broadwell , He:htlke ,HeYdtl;,XniclCrehm,
Meyer and RaBmus~en voting aye,nay none~absent Hanna:
The ordinanpe was read by its title $nd dec.laredi pessed.i.
its seCDnd readipg.,
MOVed.; by Ra$mussen that the rUles be:: suspended: and the Ord:1nanca::
be: placec't on i tSj! third. reading:
Oarriecb on ~Oll call ,BOCk ,Broadwell ,Hehnk6::',He:urde:)KniCkrel1m,
Meyer and RaSmu.s~en voting aye, naw none, absent Hanna!:
The: Drdinange was:; read and de<tlaredi passec:t its thiro. reac1:1ng:
Movecr by He~nke that the Ordinance be plaeero on its:: finacr. passage)
Carr ied on 1."1011 csll ,BOCk ,Broadwell ,Hehnke::,HaYd&:;,Knickrehm,
Meyer and. Rasmusslen voting s;ye.,nau none, absent rIanna:
The MfJwor de!eiarect the Or"Ul.nance t'inail.lY p,assect anGt approvecti
the same..
An Orctinanc, NO.569:. levying a; sp-Bc:1aa. tax to PSlY t'or Pav1ng
paving District *0.10 was presentedJ:
Moved bY Hetde ~h.at the Ordinance be placed on :tIts t'irst:, reacUng::
carried on Jf'Oll ea.ll ,BOCle ,Broadwell ,Hehnke,HeYde,Kniclerewns
Meyer and Rasmus~en ~otingay.;,nav noneJab~ent Hanna:
l1fle ord1n81n~e was read and declared, paJssed 1its first reading.
Mov-ed bY KntCXrehm that the rUles be suspended and the ord1-
nance be placed Qn its seeDnd reaa-ing by its title:
ca,rriect on~ ~Oll call ,BOCk ,Broadwell ,Hehnke ,l':f$ydC"KniclCrehm,
Meyer and Rasmus$en voting aye~nay none"absant Hanna:
The orcu.nan$e was read;, bY its' ti tIe and declaredl pa'ssedJ its
secDnd reading:: !
Moved by Heyde: tha t the .rules be suspen4ed; and. the orcU.nance
be plaeee];. on its i thir4 readiI1i":
Oarried on ~Oll ca:ll ,Bock,BrOadlJell.Hehnka,Heyde ,KniCkrehm)
Meyer and Rasmus~en voting aye,nay none4absent Hanna:
The ora1nande was read ana dealarew p$sse~ 1~s Third reading.
Moved by Me~er that the Oretd.nance be placed on its t'inal pas-
Carried oni !tOll caJll ,BOCk ) Broadwell ,H, ehnke ,HeYde ,Knickrehm)
Meyer and :Rasmus~en voting aye,na.:"y none ,absent H$nnal;
The Mawor d~CiarBdj the Ordinance t'inallYCarried and approve~
the same.
BillS agailn~t Sewer Districts ~'IX 1411 were presented and on:
motion at' Broadwelll auloWec.t,t'or list see Claim Register.
ReJ;lOrts ot' t~e pOlice JUde; and Weighmaster t'or DeC6,1l1ber 1913)
were read and pla!ced.: on :f'lle,on motion ot' Knickrehm.
Reports of' D:epository Ban1eS were read and placeQ on :f'il~.
Moved: by BrO~dVle1l, that the City At torney be instructedl to
prepar e a, peti tioh for g, Paov'ing District to embrace Fourth Street
- I
t'rom Locust stre~t to Walnut street,walnut Street .:from Fourth
street to First s~reet and First street t'rom Wheeler Avenue to
the ,14100 BlOCk on! West First street.
<:QZZ. '/I'
City Clerk.
-I '
~eport ell' city Clerk of APpropr181t1ons and
F.jxpenditures ix'om Nov.12"1913: to Jan.201/1914.
denex'al Fund
$1398 · 95;
to 1-20-04 257(.97
1/ 254:2.04
__...19_0_!..2.~~_. $6040 . .2JL. .
.. $13851..01
Bao1E.mce '26148.99
111gh t Fund
. $55000
Improvements tal NOV.121/1913 $12880.29
:Mel' c11andl S8 f/ 1034 T~ 59
Expense ,1/ ____J~.9~3__'30195.. 81
B1dg . & MaCny) I~pj, fI to 1-20-1914 5671. ?If:
ou ts1de Irnwovel. 1/ 1/ 1111.50
Mer clland1 se . 1/ II
Merchandise-, Labor 1/ 1/ 769.36
Plant DPIerat t g ~XP. 1/ " 376l.J.~ 78
Maintenance E~P!" II 1399.2:6
Office Expense~. i 1/ 1/, __..2g6.~~I.J.839..<h.5... ~
48 !j95,. 34
Balance ,6404.66
$18883~92 $ 6456.08
$100, 3Q>;. OJ. $7(5,336.971
3lJ., 75;:[ . &i2
7:, 507 . 40
lJ.;, 250.00
f1lJ.7 , If.ll. 85)
APPl'op,r1a,tion Expended,
street & Alley!
Sewer s
11g11 ts
park s
-~--- $29800--::-'-'
675). 70
- '0'$10199.06)
$ 6.33.60
3lJ.39. 3.3
~ater Fund
Improvements ~O NOV.12f11913
Merchandise .,
Expense I 1/
B1dgs. & Machy ~ InlP. 1/
Outside ImprOV$mentsl/
Merc-handise' fI
Water SerVice I f/
Plant oper.EXpJ II
Maintenance EXY. II
officeE~pense! II
paVing Fund
I $173 , 6>+0
pav~ng DistrictlFunds
Sewer District Funds
Monument Fund !
Permanent Cemet$ry FUnd v Transfer
Grand Total of ,arrants drawn
~espect~u11Y SUbm1ttew.
3136" 81
285'7. 77
$19600. 9>+-~ ~.
r\'-'J;:F;:n;'~'CF-_~~'T."":'::":'~:~>~''--'-:'~''~:' "c~-"'~.~"'--''':~''':~''-~'->:-'>'''~';''''F'''''I'''''"~'>-- -- -""'7~"'~_"-__~
'--;''''_''__:'~;'_'_~;'''--- ~. .,---,'-- --.-e;<'.'",.~,> .cc:..::.~-k,,'.;-_.>5"-,.,,' -_':C,~~~--,__._.._:__..=-_:.,--::",,,,,-~-_--<-:._ ,~'"'~~~~:,",'=""-f""~~ _"".---="'- ,~:w""'.,. ,.'<~~
{~t1';"'-- .
p~t1ea o~~ng lots in University Plaqe were present and
complained tha~ the streets in their vicini ty were fenced, up:
On motion of l3f'oaawalli the mat tel' was reterred.: to the OOIiJllli t tee
on streets & A~leyS and the Oity Attorney with power to ac;t:"",
Fred Rothi asked. permi ssion to place~ a par t ot' his building
in North Wheel~r A,venue adJoining his property whil,e building
i ,
thereon and tited consent ot property owners thereto and on mo-
tion of' HeYde-~ the request was granted.
Ml' .,f,Iaofne<si aisked1 permission to pay Billiad & POOl Hall License
:!'or the remad.nder of' the :Munic1pa:;1 year wi th the payment of' a pro-
rata\ amount ot the annual tax and on motion at: HeYde the reqUest
was granted;.,
The E.D.T~ner Oonstruction Oom.p-any aSked i1' it would be
agreeable to h~v:e the BriCk tor PalV1ng District NO.ll placed.
aJ..ong the Cll!'b~ng in, salid District aond on motion of' HeYde; the
consent was g1~en to so place; them atter Marcn l.5";1, 9LlJ.,..
on motion iot lianna1 the Olerk Was: instructed! to purchase; two
copies ot' the OiompiJ.:ect statutes :for 1913' <?t' t-he better binding.
H~nn$ reported that the Auto-Fire-TruCK waain Oolumbus and
WOUld be broughit here the last ot this week
Olaims aga1inst the Oity were read and on motion ot Meyer.
- ...,.,
a~lowe~,tor lisF see Olaim Register.
The 01 ty .Ai~torney reported that the Alley in, Block 5'9 ot'
Wheelert8Addit~onwas made to run north & south insee:ad oteast
and west l1ke- ~lleyS in other bloCks; and that the owner was- wll-
ling to hawe th~ sbme changectwithout e*pense to him.on motion of
BOCk the maJtter I ot changing or replat ting sRid BlOCk was reterred
to the street t1)oIfimi t tee and 01 ty A,t torney wi th power to ac;t att
am eKP.ense: ot' ncilt to exceed ten dOllars.
Report ot: 1h6 Olerk tor December 191)) was,: read and riled...
Report ot: ~1erk ot' APpropriations and E:5pencU tures was't'ilecL.
R~-smussen .t1eported the B.& M.unloacUng material tor gates.
On motion qt BOCk the :fire OOInmi t te to care t'or tau w.hile
testing Auto-Fi e TztuCk. AdlJourned..
327' .
Grs'nd ISlsnd,Nebras~a',JaJ:lUary z-6111914;..
The Oounc~l met in special session pursuant to the :follow1ng
call) which 'was I read and made a part 01' the minutes.;:
To the Me*bers 01' the Oity Oouncil,
Grand ISland ,Nebraska,
A spec::l.au. j meet1ng o:f. the 01 ty Oouncil ,Ot.' Grand IS'land,NebnaJslCt\1,
1s hereby caill~di to meet at the 01 ty HfHI in the Oouncil Olnm.ber
at Grand ISlan~. ,Nebraska,on Mond~Y)J~nuary z6th 19l~,ax... a1ght
o t clOCk ,P.M. ,teDr the purpose, of' taking up and considering the
acceptance: of' I the Anderson Fire TrucK heretof'ore purcrhasedJ, by
s~id Oi ty and p-8'ssing upon aill ma.tters in connec:tion therewi tn..
AlLSO, for the ~urpose of taking UP and considering the purchasEa-;
or acceptance qf' the condensing apparatuS':. and vacuum pumpj and~
turb:insJ purchased by said Oity ;Crom the Allis-Ol:l.alrners Manuf'ac,:..
turing OompanyJot Milwaukee,Wisconsin,and for tatingsuch action
relat1 ve there~o as the Oouncil may,ait SUCll tima,decide to take.
D$ted Grand iISland,NebraskR', t.Tanuary 2-6th,19llJ....
. Ohas. G. Ryan ,Mayor.
We harebry aocept service of' the above call on this 26th day of'
JanUary,191~. G.W.Broadwell
R. W. BoCk
I . H.H.Hehnx6-)Jr.
J .E.Hanna\
t.,Tohn Knickrehm
Albert V.D.HeYd6"
Aug .Meyer
His Honor,the ~ayor presiding,present at rOll call ,BOCk ,Broadwell ,
Hannai,FleYde,Knijcltrehm,Meyer and Rasmussen, absent UehnlCe.
The Fire OOfnmittee presented the :following report:; which WaSl
read! and on mO~10n of' ,KniCkrehm. adopted on rOll CalJ,L,BOCk,
Broadwell,Hanna1pa:e,Yde,KniClCrehm.,Mey.e.e and Rasmussen voting aye.,
nau nona:,a:bsentj liehnk6.
On motion~f' Hanna speed' limit 0;(' Auto-F1re-TruCk was set at
20 m1lesper ho*r When going to tires.
on mot-10n ~f' Meyer the 01 ty Attorney was instructedt to wri te
the Un10n, Ptro1t'+c: Ra1lroad OompJ~ny to t'1x up their P1ne street
Orossing a t onc~..
On motion ~:f Hanna the matter 0;(' putting more Fire Fighting
A,pparr>ff\tus in th~ Fire room at t11e City Hall was,' rei'erred to the
. FireOornmi t tee ~d Ohief to 1n vest igate and report' at next meeting..
7{f j .
To the Non.MayO~ and Oity Oouncil
Grand ISland,Ne1:jraSka
Gentlemen '
YourF1ire Oonuai ttee has to report that the Auto-Fire-
Truck has arriveld and been tested by tIle Oommi ttee and F1remen
and is all rightl according to Oontract, except that the S1gnal
Horn is not wOrkiing just r1ght and the rear wheels are only
temporary onespjuton while the wheels contracted: f'or a1'e being
made; We rec.ommerd that tIle same be a....cc6Pted: COlfldi t1onaJ.1y and
put into use apd tna t the same be paid f'or as soon as the Signau.
Horn ia,prOperlY~i t.'ixed and the wheels contracted :for arrive and
are PJ.lt .on the tuck'.. Allot.' WhiCh 113 respectt'UllY submi ttedl.
Grand ISland,Neb aSka,Januarny 26 "191,lJ,:.. J.E.Hanna,
I John Kn1Ckrehm
j G.W.Broauwell
Aug .Meyer.
~ .L~..,\...<..Oj,t~o~e~k.
Grand IS100d,Nebras1Ca, FebrUt1lnY 1j.;"i91~.
The oounc~l met in regular s6ssian,H1s franor;, the Maiyor pre-
siding and allimembers p.1'esent atLroll Call.
The m1nut~s 01' the last regularr meeting January 2ltl! and the
special meetir$ o;f JanuariY 26~"" 1911f were read and approved..
On mot:ion of Heyde the Clerk was:: instructed; to 01'0.61' ~. new,
steel broom.
The oity property Cornnittee reported: that the Horses ha~
been ta~en out and Euall11IUirollll1lI& the stau.ls taken down and some o:f
the oW lumher sold.;.
. on motl1on o;f Kn1ckrehm new lumber was ordered purchased 1'01'
a new :flOGI' 1n the :f1re station, the Fir'eruen o1'f'erring to lay it:...
The Fire qornml ttee reportem. thatL the: horses had been soldL
and recomrnendectl~ that: some. of the Fire APPa\r:Rt.US be now placed
in tJ.10 station.1
, ,
The Bond Clornmittee reporte~recommend.ing the approval o:f the
bond! of t) .H. Gor~m;J:n as: Rn Auctioneer and granting of a lic'8ns([. and
on motion o;f Ra[SmUssan report:. was~ adopteGli,boneV approved:, and 11cense~
gr an t oct..
Bills agaifist the Oi ty were read and on moti en o:f Hehnke:
aQlOWe~,:for lls~ see Cl~imReglster..
A communlck;tu.onf'rioro 1111' .Bayard I1.paine: on behal:f of' the Library
I .
Bosrd! in I' eferep((.tti' to payme.nt of PaVing Ta1t; was' read: and on motio n
of HG.Yde a wart an t was ordered: drawn in the sum o:f .#517'. 4<1 on
the I)av1ng Fund;i of the Ci ty to pa~r the srume.
A communicljrtion :from 8J. C1 tiZ::en in re:ference to pUblic toilet
stationswas.,re*d.and :filedc. Petit10n of. Theo. Binger :for w~ftter
main in Fifth Slreet :from B. & M. road to st. PaUl roatL was: readl.
Reports o:f i the Wruter Commi t tee rec.ommending granting 01' the;
pet:i tions f.or ~ater mains in South Grand ISland and .on F1:t'th
street b,etween Ithe B.&M.R.R.andthe St.Paul 1\.R. were aG1iop~tedJ
and the Clerk i4struc~tedJ to adr{ertise :for b.d.ds :for putting them 1n..
peti tion otj E. O. WSllker ,atal :for waterrnain :from 1"1ne, to Plum
street on Tenth iwas.;re:acL and re:f'erred to the Committee.
Report of' tlhe Clerk and We1ghmaster :for Januany w~re read.
and 1"1led... Also !:reports o:f Depoa1 t'ory BankS:: were read a nd :filed;..
The MaYOr sjuggested that the U.P.R.R.Oo.hacl:; written h1m
that' they were rieacty
roact thrOUS:h pa~lt Q:f
I .
to dedicate streets on 'botrl sides of the:1r
the C1 tv.,.
Grand Island,Nebrasta,FebrUar,y 18"1914...
~he. counc11 met in regular, sefr1s1on.,His Honor the MaYOr pre-
stdtng, present ~OCk ,Broadwell ,Hanna',HeYde,Kn1cl<rehIn,Meyer and
RaSInUsson,absentl Rehnke.
After ca:ll~ng the Oouncil to ordel' the IvIaYOr called President
HeYde to the Ohaj:ir and retmred.
The :M1nute~ of the last meeting were read and approved,..
Blds for 1jurn1shing the pipe and 'laying wat'or mains or
Wlllliam Kelly & Oo.and
Gralnd Island Oontract Co.
were opened and ~eac.t and on mot1on of Kn1ckrehm referred to t.l1e
Wet er COlillni t tee.l
on mot1on b:r, Rasmussen the Ohief' of POlice was instructed
to notifY the o~ntractor for the Y.:M.O.A.., Building to cleal!' ot';!'.
tIle sidewalk b.y ~a1d building within three days.,
BOCk called; attention to o'ther Obstructions on the street and
the Ohairman cr !the street Oommittee said they would be attendedi to.
Hasmussen reported that' tIle gates had been put in at the
crossings bY theIE'.&, U.B.R.Go.as required and that Supt.Eignell
WOUld be here at an early day to inspect' the same Vi 1 th the Mayor
and Oouncil.
An ordlnanc~ 'to conserve the general health at: the 01 t~r and
a'pDointinp; Inspeptors was presented:
Moved by Ha~na thatthe Ordinance be placed on its f1rst, r'ead*ng:
Carried on roll call ,BOCk ,Broadwell ,Hanna, HeYde, KniCkrehrn ,Meyer
and Hasmussen v~ting aye ,nay none,absent Hehnke:
The ordinan~e was:read and dec~ared passed its first reading.
BillS again~t the Oi ty were read and on motion d: Hanna aJ.lowedi,
:for list see thelOla1m Reg1ster.
A petition +Sking for the construction o:f a sewer thx'ough Block
8 of ROllinsIAdd~tion,frorn EddY to Olebux'u,between 5" & 6" streets
Was presented an4 read and on motion of Kn1ckrehrn accepted and
the Oi ty Attorney instructed to prepare a proper Ord1nance carry-
ing out the p,ra~er ot' the petition.
Peti tlon of i:Retail Liq;uor Dealers was read aSking f'or the
appointment of' 8:j man to assist in en:forceing the Ord1nances
and on motion of iBOCl{ the request was granted.
."......:~.-.'":,-..:""'~....,.~- - .-..,:."'-....,...,.-..-;.--~,,~,...._~ -=~.-'""'-,-''''.,-- -.
The Financel Oommittee presented the :following Resolution gnd
Kn1cl<:I'ehm moved ~ts adoption:
"Be it resoll ved by the Mayor and Cit~r Council ot' the Oi ty at:
Grand Island ,Nebraska, that the 01 t~r 'rreasurer be and he herebY is
instructed to as~emble the ;('unds collec:ted to the Oredit of' all,
the paVing Districts into one f'und. and in, paying oft' the out-stand-
ing obligations to have regard to the District or Districts h8i'v,ing
paid in the ma~o~ portion thereo:C.
Gr'and ISland,Neb*aslea,FebrUar,y 18"19li~.. John Kn1clex'ehm,
Aug. Meye.r ,
R. P. Ra smu s s en . "
ReS01ut::l.on auopt~d on rOll call ,EoCk ,Broadwell ,Hanna,HeYde,KniCkrehm,
:MaYAI' and Rasmus$en voting aye ,nay noner,absentfIehnke.
The Finance !Cown1ttee presented the :fOllowing ReSOlution and:
Rasmussen moVed ~Its ado:Qtion:
"Whereas trlelje has been drawn on the Lj.g1:1t Fund 0:C the Oi ty
VU3.rr~Ylts to the iamount of 1P17,000 and more in pa~rIilent fo;tJ,. labor
and mater1al 1'01' !which the 01 ty will receive :Crom pr1vate part1eS
an amount eqUal tlo said sum:.And. the Charging o:f salid. sum to tlle
Light Fund APpropria,tion has depleted said. :f1.lnduntil it is. nearly
exhausted. and sai~ items so paid 1'01' Ere not pr.operly arl~r part of'
said approPJ?iatior:
NoW theref'or~ be it reBol ved by-the Mayor and. City Oou.ncil
01' the Oity of' Gr~nd Island.,NebrasJ<a,tbat the Oit~' Olerk be and. he
herebY is instructed- to add said sum ot' ill?, 000 to the Light Fund:
. APpropriat1on f'or i 1913 &"1914; on the. bOOKS and accounts ot' tl1e Oi ty ,
mm.'\{1 rlR the total .ppropr1a,tion of said :fund ~72, 000.00.
Grand Island ,Nebr~Ska,.FebrUary 18"'1914.> ,John Kn1Cl<rehm,
Aug .:Meyer
Resolu tion adopte4 on 1"011 call bJ the fOllOWing vote, BOCle ,Broadwell,
Hanna,HeYde,Knickrjehm,:MeYe!' and RaslDussen voted aye,nay none,absent
Report: at'
the City Tr easul' eX' 1'01' January Was I' cad and t'iled.
the! POlice l.Tudge ;Cox' JaQ"lUal"Y Was read and. t'iled.>
Hehrl.1<e. .
lieport of'
The Wa~er oo~nissioner reported a list of' those having failed.
t. i i
o pay 1'ox' Elec'trop. er 11gJ:lt installation.
Reports of' the Water Oorol.o.issioner t'or "Tuly & August 1913 Were
read and on motionl of BroadWell :Ciled.
Oh1 et' ot'.~r e
ot' Meyer the matt
to 8€$..
,a Cellar Nozzle and.
lire a.omnli ttoe with
R~port of "1 ty ClerK ot: APproprla'.t1ons and
extpenct1 tures to March 1"\1,914.
Genera~ Fund
streets & Alle~rs
. Parl<S
,Appropr ltl,t lons
. 500
'- f~~3QO
1253. 4.9
.._.~-~-~ $~ 649iJ:.? 5.
Police Fund
Oemetery Fund
~t l:J.ooo
Fire Fund
Water Fund
Improvements to NOV.12"1913
Mer cl'J.and i s e "
Exp ens e "
BUl1dings & :M.~chinery
Outside Improvements
:r,{erchandise !
Water serViGe~
Plant Operating Expenses
Maintenance E~pense
Oi'l'ict'~ lDxpense
l,igh t Pund
IUlProvements t,o Nov.12"1913
M:erchandise "
Expense "
BUildings & J!J~achinerJ, Improvements, -
Outs ide Imoro"l~ements'
M€rchandise~ i
MerChandise,La~:or ,
Plant Operati:ng FtXpenses
Maintenance Exvenses
Office EXpenses
Paving Fund
paving Dl st!' let Funds
Sewer District Funds
JVlonument Fund
Permanent oemetery Fund, Tr. anst'er
Grand tota~ at Warrants drawn
Respect:ru11~1 sUbmit ted,
Expend eeL
~~5.389. 06
$795lJ.. lJ. 3
~'"'!J31jq'. 11=5'
P" ..,......t .
$.3272__ 90
$ 30 lJ.5;. 57'
lJ.717J'.97) $7810.03
421.lJ.4. 9lJ.83.24.,
~17293.27 -
6967.93 $30195.81
6001'. .39
105)6. 8Z~
7209. 74.:
2219 . 4.8
~02'.11: l~~ ~a~': ~ A
$170-," 6lJq. 95,
o i ty 01erk.
Grand Island ,Nebraska, March 4"1911+.
The OOUJi~1.l met in~ regUlar session,H1sHonor, to.e Mayor ,pre-
siding and a~l members present except Hanna.
The min11)tes of the meeting of February 18"i9l4,were read
............../ .
and approved... i
Thestr~et OOlnInittee reported that a bridge on the sewer
.road at 111'. st elk · s place needed I' epairin' and on Laotion of KniCk-
. i .
rehm the rnatt~r was ret'el'red to the streetOoHunittee and the Oity
. Attorney to il1v,estigate and report.
RaslillH3sen Icalled attention to need of having the at.Paul,
RGad graded fir-OIl the B. Be M. TraCleS to 12" street and on Lilotion ot'
.his motion thel matter was ret'erred to the Oommittee to have the
same graded..
BOClC caJ..lled attention to I+6ed of a light at the orossing at'
the B.8: M. R. R. ~t Thiru' street and on motion ot' BoCk the Oi t~7
Attorney was i~structedto taKe the matter up with t11e R.R.Oo.
on motioni ot' R~M3:mussen the Clerk was instructed to noti:CY
tl1e Grand Islahd Oontract 001lJ.pany to finish up their sewer
. I
jOb on east loi" street.
on motioni ot' Bocle the Light COlRmissioner W8'f! instructed
to have a clOCf installed at the City part to turn 011 and ot't'
the lights.
The Mayor 1 appointed Theodore Xuhlsen, a Spec1al POliceman
as reqp eat ed., br the petition of tile Saloon !Ceepers, they to pal'
him :for his seJ!'vicea.,and Oll 1J.1otion ot' BOCk the apPointment
was cont'1rmed._1
The Wa<ter! Oommittee reported as .follOVUlt::
To the Hon.May~r & Oity Oounc11, Grand ISland,Nebras!Ca::
Gentlemen: :. Y~ur Wat er Oom:mi t tee has to report that they have
examined. tlle ljlldS received: t'or t'urnishing cast iron pipe and :Lox'
furnishing all material .g<nd labor t'or la,ying the sameauel. have
:bo I' eport'.: I .
. That we :r~nd the bid ot' William Kelly & Company 1'01' tJae
furnishing th~ cast iron pipe to be tae lO.west and best bid!
a:md recommend 1 that their bid. be accepted. and contract awardec.t
to them acCord~nglY: We t'ind tIle bid ot' t:t:J.e Grand ISland Con-
tract Oompany ttor t'urnishing all lead., jute and labor and irtstall-
1ng said water i11a1ns to be the lowest and best bid and rec.onunenClt
that their bis ibe accepted and contract awarded to themt'or
la~ring said wa~'er ma1 ns as per their bid;..
iRespec,tfullY submit tech.
G. W. Broati.well
Aug.Merol" Committee.
t.Tohn KniCk:rehrn.
un l--~~.
on motion ot' Knic~:rehm the report Was ado}illted on roll call,8'11
pr~sent voting ayq.
1311113 aga1nS~ the City wer e read and on motion or Broadwell.
allowed,for list ~ee Claim Register.
The Heal th Orldinance was again taken up:
Moved bY ReYdle that the Ordinance be placed on its second
Carried on 1'00-1 call, ,BOCk ,Broadwell ,HehnKe,HeYde,Knictrenm,
Meyer and R8smussep voting aye,nay none,absent "Hanna:
The Ordinance': was read and declared passed its second reading.
The City Engi~eer presented a Plat ot a Re-Survey of Blocl<
59 o:C Wheeler & Bernet t t B Addition to Grand ISland, and Meyer
i .
moved its; acceptance and adoption and that the sarne be recorded
with the Register ?f Deeds of this Oounty:
Oarried on roil call ,BoCk ,Eroadwell ,Hel1nK8,HeYd6,KniCKrehIll., .
Meyer ancl Rasmusse~ voting aye,nay none, absent Hanna.
The Mayor dec~ared the motion carried and the Plat accepted~
and ad.op t ed.
An ordinanceJto. 5070 ,re-locating the Alley in and r:e-sU!'vey-
1ng BlOCk 59 of Whqeler & Bennett's Addition was presented:
}.!1.oved by Broadiwell that the Ordinance be placed on its ;first
carried on rOlP. ca~l , BoCl< )J3roadwell ,Hehm<e,Heyde,lQl1Cl<rehm,
Meyer and Rasmusse~ voting aye,nay none)absent Hanna:
The OrcUnance was read and declared passed its t'i:rst reading.
]/J.oVed. by RaSlilu~sen that the rUles be suspended and the Ord:L-
nance be placed on +.ts second reading by 1 ts tl tIEl:
. Carr:1. ed on r01+ C811 ,BoCk, Broadwell ,HelmKe ,HeYde ,Knic;}(rehm ,.
Meyer and RaSID.Usseniivotlng aye,nay none,absent Hanna:
The Ordinance lias read by its tl tIe and declar,ed passed, 1 ta .
second reading::
Moved by KnlCkrlehm that the x'ulea be suspended and the Ordin-
fHlce be placed on itla thirctreading:
carried on rOlli, call ,BOCk ,BroadWell , Hehnke ,HeYde ,lCn1ckrehlp.,
Meyer and Ra5.ffiUSSen (Votlng aye, nay none, absent Hanna:.
, ,
The Ordinamce wr1S read: a'nd declared; passed llts thlrd readlng.
MOVed by Ha'5mU,s~en,that the Ordlnance be placed on :1. ts :rinal
Carried on rOl+ I ca'll ,BOCk, Broadwell ,;H:ehniC,e,HeYde ,Kl:liCkrehrn.,
Meyer and Rasmlllssen voting flJre,nay none,absent Hanna:
The :Ma~yor decmal' ed the Ox'dinance finallY passed, and a9proved,
the SfWTLe.. .
An orcl1nanceNo.571, cre~l'ttlng Sewer Dlatx'lct No. 4-2 01' the
. ,
Oity .a~ preseited:
Moved by Wroadwell that the Ordinance be placed on i t8 first
Oarried o~ roll call,Bock,Broadwell,Hetinke,HeYde,Knickrehm,
lIeyer and Rasm~s sen voting aye, nay ,none, absent HanIU~1:
The ord,lnfince was read and dec'lar ed passed i,ts .first reading.
Moved bY ~OCk that the rUles be suspended, and the ordinance
be pl~aced on ~ts aecund reading bY its ti tlei.
Oarried oq rOll: ca'11,BOC}l;:,BrOadwell,H6h:rai.1:~,He~rde,KniCkrehm.,
Meyer ~nd RasliUjssen voting aye ,nay none, aibsent Hanna:
The ordinance was read by it5 title and declared passed. its:
i . -
second reading.!
:bJ1.oVed bY ~nic}l;:rehm that the rUle5; be suspended and the
Ordinance be Pl!aced on 1ts third reading:
I .
oarried:o~ roll ca,ll ,BOCk ,Broadwell, HehnKe,HeYde,Knickrehftl,
Meyer and Rasmu~sen, voting aye,nay none, absent Hanna:
The ord1na;pce was read and deClared' passed: 1It,8 third reacting.
. Moved.~ by Ueyer that the Ord.inance be placed: on its final
Oarried oni roll C,t:Hl ,BOCk ,13roadWell,HehnlCe"HeYde,KniCKrehffi,
:Meyer and Rasmu~sen vot1ng a~re ,nay none,absent Hanna:
The :Mayor declared the Ordinance i"inal1Y pa'ssed. and approvec1
the same..
The Report of the Olerk of APpropriations; and Exp.endi tures:
to MaI'clrl'~19J.L4- was read and made a part or tbeI1l1nutes..
The report lot' the Olerk of. oollec.t'1ons; :Cor February was read!
2c....-. c.....,. .
-~-- --~
and placed. on :r~le..
The report IOf the Weighmaster f'or February 1914 was Tread
and placed. on .f~le.
Report o:f Diepos1 tory BanKs were read and Placed on rl1e ..
G.rand ISland, Nebraska ,March 18"1191lf.
The Counc:1l i met in regular session,His Honor s the Mayor ,presid:-
.ing and BOCk ,Br~adwell ,Hanna,HeYde,:Meyer and Broadwell present at
roll call,absentlHehnKe and KniC1<rehm.
'rhe minutes Qf the last meeting were road and approved,..
Mr. O. E. Fuhre~ me.nag-er of the Fairmont oreamery Oompanywas
present and addr<!3ssecl the Oouncil in reference to the. approach
to or grad1ng up i to the plat:form in YineStreet at the Plant and
on motion of Hey4e the Oouncil deferred ac:t1on in the matter
until the next; m~eting.
Ml'.Fuhrer a~so calle(l attention to the charge :f'or water for
tIleir sprinkler ~ystem and on motion of Hanna taG matter was :re-
f'eJ'l'ed to the Wtlter Omnmittee and the Water Oommissionerto in-
vestigate and re~ort', at the next meeti!':€,.
He~'de call~d( the Oouncil's attention to the grad,ing oi' the
Bt.Paul road. :fromlOl/ to 12" streets and on h1s mot10n the matter
was re:Cerred to ~he Oonuni t tee wi th power to act..
He~r(te report~c.t tl1at the Oity Attorney had investigated the
matter o:f the Br1ictge across the ditcll at StelK's place and ad-
vised that there IVvas no 11ab11i ty on the .part of' the 01 ty to re-
~ ~
.: --.,
pa,l:r or rebuild title bridgEr.
Hanna called! attention to the need o;c better lights at the
Railroad orossing!g, and on motion of Hanna the matter was ret'er'red
to the Water & Li~ht Oormnittee and the Water & L1ght Oommissioner
to Inves tigate anti report:, at the next meet1ng.
'rho Oemeter~ri OOliUni~tee mac.te report as follOWS:
'1'0 the Ho n.MavOl' & 01 ty Oouncil
, Grand ISland, NobraS.ka:
.-Nentlemen i'
/ \ Your i Oemetery Commi t tee has to :ropor t that they have.
lnvest1gated' i the installation ot' a water system at the Oeme...
tery and recblmnend the follow1ng: .
1 48" X 24' Steel i pressure tank, 2260 gallons capac1 ty, set on;,proper
size concrete! rests on floor of tank room.
Tank room to r:08IX 8'X 30' inside measurements,same to be made
ot' 8" briCk W lIs laid in cement mortar.. Floor of same to be ot:
lp' concrete w th cement top:... ROof of same to be t'lat and made ot'
6'1' l'ein:forced:i concrete with steel door in same. A gOOd heavy
Wood stair 1 e$.d1ng from dioor to floor ot' tank room.
In bot tom of' fank room there 1s to be a pi.t 6' in diainet er and
20' deep :Cor lac'1ng a OentrifUgal pump... This pit is to be
circular and ul1 t ot' 8" briCk wallsla1d in cement _ mortar
W1 th lp' concr,te t'loor..
'Yert1cal sUbmerg~d centrifugal pump No. 2. Same to be properly
connected to Pressure Tant includ1ng all necessary val res;:
f1ttings and ~1J11ng. Also suitable foundation t'or Motor to
be coruH3ctediwlth Yertlc_aJ. SUbmerged: oentrltugaJ. pump..
~.'" .
, m".,
6'''' Wrought iron well put to the depth ot' approximatelY 60' b'ellOWi
theg:round l~veJ... same is to have a 16' poi nt' made' by d1'111 i:ng
the ViI'ell, wralPping same wi th copper wire and enca,s1ng same
wi th a heavy iweigl:lt sheet copper jac:lCet.
Inside this 'Well there is to be a 3" Gal v iron pipe t'or
, suction conn+c:ted to Oentrit'ugal pump . same is to extend to
the prop.er d~pth as to insure ample sUPPlY to centrit'ugal pump..
Air Compressor i 0;[' sut'i'i'cient size to furnish pressure to pressure
tank ot' not ~ess than 4-5 pounds. same to be placed,; on prop.er
:toundation ar\.d securelY stayed'.
The Water Pi:ging through the cemetery is to be put in accor-
ding toplan~ and specifications, drawn :for that purpose and
at tached he:rq.to, being Sec;tlon No. 4-, at.' said Plans..
Ttle Tank Eoor4is to be Pl~lced in the grouna. so that t,he roof
ot' same Will Ibe at or near the ground level. ' .
Estimated cost ot furnishing and installing above 1s, $1859.75.
Eespecttiu1lY submitted..
Aug. Meyer
Albert HeYde Oommittee
\ R.fi.Bock
On motion ot' [Meyer the report was adopted.
on motion of tMeyer the Oi ty Clerk was instructed to ad"vertise;
f'or bidS t'or :f:Urn!ishlng the material andlnstalling wate:r system
, 1
as per above r epor t,._
Bond ot' Theodpre Kuhlsen as Spec~ial Policeman was; pr,esented and
on mot ion of' RasmllSS en approved..,
On motion ot' BfoadwelJ. the Sewer Oommi ttee in conJunction wi th
William KellY wasl ins truc.t ed; to have plans preparOd roI' the relay-
i:ue-; of' sewer in the Alley between Front & Fourth Btreets and f'rom
Locust to Tine st.reet..
Bills against the Oity were read and on motion of' Broadwell
allowed; For list sce Olaim Register.
Petition ot' ,T.L.OlearY,et al.asl<l:ng that the name of' Sec:ond
street be changed.: to that ot' Linc.oln Way w~s read;. Moved by Hanna
that no aetion be talCen: Moved 'by Meyer as an amendment that the
Peti t ion be r ef'erlt ed, to the street Oommi t tee; motion to amend. waa;
put ana three TOtclcl aye and three nay, the Mayor voted aye and de-
clared the motion rc:arriec.1i: The original motion as. amended was; then
put and the Oounc~l 'foted three aye and three. nay, the Mayor voted:'
aye and declared ~he motion carried: and the Peti tion was ret'erred.
to the street aOlm~ittee.
Petition t'or slewer through BlOCkS 36 & 37/ at' Oharles Wasmer's
Addition was read ~nd on motion ot' Eroadwellret'erred to the Sewer
OOlfJ111 t tee.
Peti tion at' H~nry Hamn at al.:t:or extension ot: Water Main in
r '
south Pine street ~o Koenig street. was read and on motion ot' Hanna:
~l~;; :i;;:~.ii"~;!;:"$,;.&-"",c.,'':';'''' '",,:L,-,,__:~;"_:,.;=>~?~;;"'iit€~~J:,;';;l~d~h~l:~~~;fi~~:i;;;;'li~"~~~~;~;",c:;;j~i~~.,}';'~~~":'0 ",~,;..,;;'.;..~[~". ";,,,~l; -
refeI'red to the Water Oonunittee.-
HeYde presellted Plat ot' "Heyde's Addition to Grand ISland,Nebr.1I
and asked that tihe same be acceptr'-)d and app:roved::On mot<ion ot BocJ{
the Plat was acqepted and approved and the Mayor & Olerk instructed)
to ma}~e the prop!er endorsement thereon..
An ordinance! NO.5TZ prov1cUng t'or the appointment ot Special
Po.1icement was presented,:'
. MOVed. by 13ro~dwell tl'D t the Ordinance be placed on itst'irst'
Oarr 1ed on rpl-l call ,BOCk ,Broadwell , Harina , HeYd6:,Meyer and
Rasmussen voting! aye,nay none.,absent Hehnke and Knickrehm;
. i
The Orctlnanc~ was read and declared: passed its :f'1rst reacting.
Moved by Eoc~ that the rUle~3' be suspended,; and tIle Ordinance be
placed on its second reading by i te t1 tIe::
Oarried on r~nl CaJ.l,13oCk,BroadweJ.I,l-ianna,HeYde:,Meyer and
Hasmussen votingl aye ,nay none,absent Hehnke and KniclCrellm:
The ordinance was read by its t1 tIe and declared passed. its
aecond roacHng. !
Moved bY BasI1lussen tm t the rUlesVte suspendecl and the Ordinance
be placed: on 1 tsi thl:rdi reacting:
oarried on r~ll call ,EoCk ,Broadwell ,Hanna,Heycte,Meyer and
Ra srnu s s en TO t i ng! aye, nay none" ab s en t Hehnk e and Kni okr ehm :
1J:he Ordinance was read and declared passed: lts third readJing..
r "
Moved, by Heyq.e that the Ordinance be plac.wd on 1 ts' t'inal passage:'
Oarr ied on rqll Call,130Cl<;13roactwel1 ,Hanr18',HeYde,Meyer and
RaSlInlSSen voting !aye,nay none,absent Hehnke and Kn1ckrehm:
The !\layor deq:laJ?Gd the Ordinance t'inallY pe1:ssed and approved the
";-. ---:.:.........
The ]\:1:ayor re~orted a cont'erenoe w1th the Oft'icials of' the
U.P.R. Ii. 00. in r~t'erence to opening North & south Front streets
parallel with thd1r right ot' way and, with assura!nce that the same
WoUld be done in laue season.
The 01 ty Engilneer reported
District No. 4-2 a'~ on motion ot'
an estimate of cost ot Sewer' in
Broadwell the same was accept {~d and.
adopted: an~ the O~erk instructed to advertise: :for bidS for same.
Report of' P01~ce JUdge and ot' Depos1 tory Banks were read ana
placed on file.
On mot'ion ot
~annathe Oounc;11 aaijourned to Macreh 25"'l91J';,8,P.:M.
,'-!'::-" _:>;'<_ :",,::~~"","'~_~:-:-;~_,..,,-~:~~,:::;:".' ~"':"~-- ~:-'\-: ~"'~;;'k:-'_;~;~;-.::":~i<",_:c~"7"~'.'~.:
'"' Y"'-'C~'-l' ',:'
- -. --'":,")!:"-~ :"---'~':" '_'~_?~S7';??!0""-~i;~:",~"_'__'~-:,'<;-"'~"'""_ ~~- ",' ::C'-~_;?-'_-:'::"-',:,Yi~'t:,:':-;_,;~T~~~-<"'7.-:.:--r:~~
~~_:~------ ,
Grand Island, Nebraska ,March 25f'1911t.
The Oounc.11 ~let pursuant to adjoUrnment ,His Honor, the :M~l:Yor .
'- .1,:
presiding andal(l members present at 1'011 O'd11: except HeYde.,
, I
ltrrs. Ida G. wJt'ts presented an 8PPl1cati'on :Cor a deed to be
iSS'LlOcl' to the esltate of her mother Susan A. Hunt,:ror lot lWO in
Row Ten of the Grtmd ISland Oemetery the same having been bought
amd paid I'or by h~r mother prior to the purchase of the Oemetery
by the Oity and bn motion ct BOCk the request was granted and
the Mayor and Clerk instructed to execute and deliver to her a
proper deed as re~uested.
:M!>.J.W.Rose p:feSentod his resignation as a member at' the Library
Board, and on motion ot' Broadwell the same was accepted.
tToseph Martini asked permission to move the West building into
Walnut street white building on their lot and on motion of' BOCk
wt th the pav,ing olil said strc et.
the request was gJj>anted ,the same not to, be allowed to inter':fere
Harry OldsonlaslCed permission to move.frume building into
Walnut Htreet an4 on motion ot: Knickrehm p.evmission was granted
providecl saine srlould not in t erf'ere with the paving at' said street~..
.An ordinanccl No. 57''3 defining the bound8:tlies of' the Oi ty was
pr es en t ed,:
Moved by Kn~ckrehm that the Ordina,nce be Placed on its first
Carried on ,lrOll: call ,BoCk ,Broadwell ,Hanna ,He:t?1ke,KniclCrehm,
:;~~.,..>-: -- -...-
:g~:.- .
Ueyer and Rasrnusslenvoting aye,nay none,absent HeYde:
'rhe Ordinance was read and reclared' passed iots first reading..
Moved by Knilckrehrn that the rules be suspended and the OrcUnance
be: Placed; on 1ts Isec~md reading by i t8 title:
Oarried on rioll call ,BOCk ,Hanna,Hehnke,KniclCrehm,meyer and
The Ordinance wasl read bY its t1:t1e and deciaTed passed i 1;s aeenna
RasIITussen voting ~ye,naY none,ab.sent Broadwell and HeYde:
Moved by Ra'stnussen that the rUl eS, be suspended and the Ordi-
nance be placed or i tsthird reacting::
Carried on rpll call ,DOCie ,Hanna,Hehnlee, Knickrehm,Meyer and
Rasmussen voting fl-ye.,naynOne-,Ubsent Broadwell and HeYde.:
The ord1nancF was read and deciared passed: 1its third reading.;
Moveo. bY Hetm1\etha t the Ordlnance be placed. on 1 ts tlnal passage:
oarr ied on ;ROllca'll ,;BoCk ,Ha,nna,HehnKe ,Knickrehffi,lLeyor and Ras-
mussen voting ay~,nay none, absent Broadwell and Heyde:
. I
The l!a~Or d~e.lm'.ed ,the OrdinancetinallY passed and approved.
the same.
. ,
KniCKnehm r~ported: ~ha t the Hoole & Ladder TruCk and one oJ: the
Hose cart,s had b~en placed in the Fire station at t'he City Hall and
that t11ey needed!pa1nting: on mot'ion ot' Hamna' the matter ot painting
them was referred!.' to the Committee with power to aet..
Financial r~port o:fWater C'orrunissioner :Lor October was read
and placed on fi~e>..
BoCk called I the attention 01' the Oou.ncil to the traveling Doctors
and suggested th$t some Ordinance b.e passed regulating them.
H:illsmussen Cl:]illed llP the matter at: establishing regular tares:
ot rates :for Taxica Cabs' and Automobiles carrYing passengers,1.n
the Oity and onih1s motion the matter was .referred to tw Cormnittee
on Ordinances an4 the C1 ty Attorney to investigate and report,,-.
The uayor s~.ggested that he had been interviewed by a party
, -1
open a Oi tYMark et.
- .
01 ty' Clerk.,
who desired to
i Report of C1 ty Clerk 01' Appropr{1at:10ns and
fE;xpemd1 tures to APr11 1 "'1914.
General Fund.
'" 500
"~."'.'.".'''''' '
. --...,
streets & Al~eya
Sew ex's "
Inc1dentails i
POl1ce Fund.
C erne t er' Y Fund
1!'ire Fund.
. Water Fund
j #40000
Bui1d1ngs & MaChinery
outside Improvements
Jl1erchand1se :
Ksrber Serv1 c~s
PI an t Opel" at ~ ng B.xp ens e
:u:a1nt enanC6-; ~xpense.
at':fice Expen~e
, Light Fund
! $72000
BUildings & uach1nery,Improvements
outside Impr~vementa
Mer chahdi B e i
Mer chand.i Sft, ~a'bor
Plant opera!tq.ng Expense
lirain t ena'nce1lJxpen'se
Of'f1ce lJJXpen$e
pavr1. rJg FunEi
! $190)6lJ.0
paving Dist~lctFundS
Sewer D1str~ct Fund~
llonumen t Fundi.
Perm~nent c~metery Funa,Trans~er
Grand Total qt Warx'antsdrawn
716. 70
1~6a26. 66
2245. 51!,;
$60870. z6
$l9401..3.3> #59.38.67
#1.31) 408.06 #59,2.31.9'+
JIf:;l 7!811m 2;
L .'..
R~specttu11Y sUbmitte~.
,NebraSKa, APril III 191~.
in regular session ,His Honor, the; Ma,~ro:r ,presida.ng
s present a t rOll call.,
es of meetings of lv1arch 18" & 25,11 191~,were read
. Bid
~'he Council
Grand Island Plumhing Oompany for c:onstruc:ting
:_::._~.;-- - .' -
::~::-!k' -
Sewer in District No.4-Zwas openett and read. and on motion
ot: Broadwell eferred to the Sewer OOlrl1u1ttuG:
tion ot'
llittde v~rbal report rect.:munencll.lng tIle accept-
Grand ISland Plumbing Oompany for construc,.
through Sewer Dis trict: No. 4-2 and on motion of'
ance of
Broadwell the report was adopted.: and contract~ awarded a ccorciiing1y .
Bids of
Island Plumb';1.ng Oompany and of' Willi;am Kelly
& Oo.f'or putt ng in water system at the Oemetery were opened and
The Cemetery
of Meyer referred to the Oemeter~T OOrlllni ttes;.
read and ():tl
TO the Honor
we, the
:f.'or ins t
of the Wra.
the lowest
We ther
be accept
enter into
report as :fOllows:
Grand ISland, NebrasY-a , API'il 1 "'1914-.
e Mayor & Oity Oounc1~ of Grand ISland,
ery Oommi t t ee , to whom has been r ete:L'red the bid.fL
a water plant at the Cemetery,t'1ndthat the b1d
y & Oo,includlng 12 inch wall 1'01' ;1719.00 iS2
best bid.
e I' ecmmn9nd tl1a t the bid at' the above; named t11r,m
that the 1ILa~Tor and Oi ty OlerlC be autho:riz.eCi to
act wi th said firm.
Albert Heyde
G.W. Broadwell
On Illotion
the report was adopted.
McGraw 00.,. TIle KOrsmeyer Co. ,and Bryan & MaJ:'sh
Lamps were opened al'ld read and on motion of
Hanna ret'err
the Oommittee:. The oommittee retired and
To t1'le
We, the
that the
be awarded to
be authorized
as follows:::
e :Mayor and 01 ty Cou,nc'il, of Grallid ISland,
ers at' the 00mm1 ttee on Light & Water ,recommend.
for Incandescent Lamps tor the enSUing year
Brya;n & l\~arsh and that' the Mayor and 01 ty Olerk
o enter into Oontract with said :firm.
J . E . Ha.nna, Ohairman ,
<<John KXlicl<rehrn
G. W.Broadwell
Aug. :Meyer.
the report was adopted.
of HeYde the street Oommittee was instructed to
laole over the ldewalks condemnect last year, and to be condmnned
this year at the next meeti:r:ag.
i '
TIle Viater & ~ight Corronittee made report' as follows:
To the Hon.MaMo~ & City Council,
Grftnd ISland,Nebrasta:
ThiS! beil~ the last regular meeting of the present
Oounc.i1 ,we,JTo~r committee on Fire,L1ght and Water ,wiSh to
make the fOllOWing report and recommendations i:n regard to
SOIne of' the i~ilproverIlents that have been made; and others that
should be made 1 this year.
We recor(llnend putting in two 12 inch Electric; Motor
ctriven wells:: 'fha,t the l8'"water ma,ins be extended Weston
Fourth street ~o Clark street; The 121' inch Usins shOUld be
put l.n Clark s~reet :Crom Fourth street to Third street;
A s.1x incl1 Vlat~r main shOUld be laid in FOUl?th street from
Clt3.l'k street o~e block West ,replacing a lJ:fI water ma1n: What
wailer 1llf!l1ns havle been ordel~ed 1n should be installed,
Wi thin th'e las t two years the,re has been expended tor
in1Proitements at\ the water & light plant ,for water main,r,exten-
sions, :I.nclud1nt the add1t'1ons necessitated 'b~r the new pump
and the new tur~ine ,more than $70,OOo.oO,bes1des the purc:hase
of a. new [:r1re tJJ.UClc.
It has be~n the Committeets aim and desire to give to t
tIle C1 tizens be~ter :Cire protection and more ligr1t and water.
TOday our 'Ilight and water plant is one ot' the best,
equipped in tIle istate and,woas representatives of the people
Q:f the C1 ty of' ~and ISland ,u~r the :M'lm,ieipa1 form oi'
govermrnent1in th~ :future as in the past ,will witl1 tIle help
of' the tax payer~ push the business interestso! our light
an.d 'Ii.rvater Plant l~nd as servants: of the peOPle will worle
haxld in ha'nd wi tp. each other for
l1tltd.onim l:lla.nt1nw.j.tbre&~anC1tlIRa:tlQ~ the betterment o:f' all con-
di tions in ~nd fpr Grand Island.
:Re~pectf'UI1Y submitted.
...T . E .J-lanna
August :Meyer
...Toh:o. KniCkrehm
~"J r..... ","...- .'1'(" l
G. W. Broadwell
I!t:l ",:
On motion at' ~roadwell
the minutes. I
ttle report was rece1 Vea. 8Xl,t made a part ot
~lY ~-
~. . f' c' .: ~--"'~',,",,'." .
. ~
The olty!:engineer made report and estimate 01' the castoi'
ex t end:i ng
Seller :Crom Alley between otlarleS & J.Joulsa along Jet'-
to \Theeler.
On motiod of HeYde the 01erK was inst:r'ucted to notif:Y the ~
Grand ISland pu.urnbing Co., to repair some settlings, along the
0181'k str eet dtain.
BillS aga~nst the City were read and on motion at' Hanna,
aCl..lowed as reaf,:ror list see Claim Register.
The Healttl Inspec't1on or(Unance,No..571t,was aga.in presented,:
Moved by ~niC1<.:renm tha t the Ordinance be P14fPSd 0:1:i 1 ts third
carr ied ot roll call ,BOCk ,Broadwell,Hanna ,Hehl'l.ke ,He~rde,
KnickrelllTl,lvl:eyerr and Rasmussen vot1ng aye,na~r none;
The ordiru:rnce was read and' declared passed. its tl1ird reading..
J\lfoved by !~eYde that the ord1nance be placed Oft its :Cinal
passage: .
Carr ied or} roll call ,BOCk ,Broadwell , lianna, Hehnke ,HeYde,
Knickrehm,Meye~ and ItaslHussen voting aye; nay none:.
The Majror IdeClared the Ord:inance :CinallY passed and approved
the Salae.
. Report of' : the Weighmaster ,i'or MaTch ,or the Clerk of APPl"O-
prlations and
E~pend1 tures to
p~aced on file..
APril 1'" and at' the Deposi tory bankS
vte:p e .read and'
On m6t:1on p:c KniCkrehm the matter or establishing Sprinl\ling
I and Ci ty Attorney
Districts was tet'e.rl1cd to the street Committee to investiga.te
and :vepor t,:.
~;t(; 1 t y Olerk.
!.L~i ----
, ~,'
Grand IS1and,Nebraska,APr1l 131!'l91lt.
The Coumc1l met pursuant to J~aw to CanvaiS the retul~ns at'
the JlUnic1pa~ J!~lection held Aprtl 7f/19llJ.,His Honol',the Mayor
presiding ,pr$s.ent ,BOCle ,Hanna,Helmke,HeYde ,KniclcreJ:Ul1 and Me~ler,
absent Broadwell and Rasmussen.
The Returns of the Election Boal~ds of the several Districts
wex'e opened ~nd canvassed and :found to be as f'ollows::' t'he vote
in the respe~t1 ve Districts, being set fOl'tl.L as :Collows,;t:
Fir s t, Second, FIh11'd, Four th, Fifth, Six th, Total.
For Councilman
Firs t Ward
71 71
62 91 153
1 1
49 lt9
79 lJ.3 122
, ,.; ,".-. ~.,
83 61 123 39 61 4lt 411
75 lt9 98 38 84 lJ.l 385
36 lJ.e 50 30 l7 32 273
81 66 116 lJ.2 79 44 l~28
1 1
trames E.Hanna
Second Ward
August Meyer
Lee Ett1ng
':Phil'd Ward
Rudolph W. BocU<
li"our th ViaI'd
For Uemb er S olf tll
Board; ot EdUCU t 10
O.A.Abbott ,.-Tri. '1\.
I.Tames E. Lyl e i ?\
William SCl1er~'el
Gimon E. Sinke! ?\
F.1JI.U11lik~~nI, I
l.lOved by I Heyde that inasmuch as .James E.Hanna has rece1 ved
a majority ot'! the votes cast :for Oouncilman of' t11e Fir s t Ward,
August lieyer,qr the Second Ward,Rudolph Vi. Bock o:f the Third
Ward am A. O.l~enck 01~ the Fourth Ward, that they be declared
duly; elected I Counc:11meri from the respect1 ve WardS for ttle
tel'rn at' two y~ars, Oarried.,
I<loVed by iHanna trlat inasmuch as O.A.Abbott ,t.T1'. )tJaInes E.Lyle
and Simon E. sllnke have eaCLl 1'ece1 ved a major1 ty of' the votes cas t
for N:embers ofi the Board ot' Education that they each be declared
].lla~ro.r and counlC;il ot' tIle services ot
retires :L:t'om tpeoounciJ.:
thankS was ext ntted to
s er Jr:tc ", '
and on motion of HeYde a rising vote or
. !Cni CKrehln.t'Ol''ta i St~lt:b.~~a;no..e!<>.rl ea.ent
cilmen elect apd they took their seats as Uembers of' the
C1 ty Council.
At roll 0*11 ,BOCK ,Broadwell ,Hanna,HehnlCe,HeYde,MenclC ,Meyer,
and Bas-mussen Were present.
HeYdenonlina'ted Hanna: :for President of the Council t'or the
Grand Island, Neb.raS.Ka ,April 14f1l911.J;.
The aounc~l met as provided bY T..aw for organizatio!l)His
Honor t the 1I.ayor presiding.
The Mayor approved the bonds of' the aounc1lmen electas
f'ollows:::James :iE.Hanna of' th.e First Ward,August Ueyer ot'the
Second Ward)Ru~olPb W.BOCk of' the Third Ward and A.C.Menck of
tlle Fourth War?t,adm1nistered the Oath of Of'fice to said Ooun-
"'................~<>. .
- ......,.,
ensuing. ~rear a1f1.d moved that the rules be suspended and he be
el Gcted b:Y acc~amat1on) carr ied unanimously and :M:r .Hanna was
deCla1""edelect~d Present :for theen,suing year.
rrhe Mayor I appointed t'he following Commi ttees :for the yew::
Rasrnussen,Meyer) Hehnke,Hanna.
Printi1.1.f:: I Hehnke) Broadwe1l,:Menck ,Rasmussen.
streets .~Alleys: HeYde,Hasmussen,Hehnke ,Menck.
City PrpP:4rty:
Broadwell ,Hanna ;ueyer ,BOCl{.
L1gh ts, FiIte & Wa.ter : Hanna , Herlnk s,Ueyer, BroadWell.
Ordinance~ & Elec;tions:' ManCK, HeYde,BoCi{ ,Rasmussen.
Cemet ery:, i
Police & ~oard at' Health:: Behnke,Broad.well ,Hanna,HeYde.
pu:rchas1ngi & AUd1 ting
Claims:' Bocl< ,HeYde ,Meyer ,llenck.
Bonds' & L:1.ieenses:
Menek "Rasmu ssen, Hehnke,He~rde.
Sewer s :
Broad.well ,Hehnke, Hanna, J3oek..
Park S ::
BOCl< ,lieyer ,Broadwel1,Hanna.
The Mayor tn8de the t'Ollowing appointments I Cbie:f ot: Fire
Departwent, Thom~s M.D11lon,Firemen I W. E. Burger ,H.B. Alexander,
~Vm.F.GUlzow and! lfilton Brooks a,d on motion o:f Broadwell the
appointments wete confirmed.,
The Mayor then declared the Counc'll :fUlly organized,.
Adjourned'. '
Grand ISland, Y;'ebraska.,.A.priJ.. 15Jt191!.j..
met in regular session,His Honor,the Mayor pre-
IDeIilbers present.
of meetings of' April 1",13" & l!.j.fI 1911J; were read
siding and
and approved..
Belle Shoemaker presented an af'f' i eta vi t and request that li
dU}.)ljcfite d.eedibe; given to her mother,Sarah Sh.oemaker f'olt lots-
31 &3Z in Rowi Fi1e of' the Grand Island Oemetery and. on motion ot:
Broactvroll the Jlteq'uest was granted and the Ml.'l'YOr IX Olerk instructed)
. I .
to execute dGe~ t'or sa'id lots as requested..
Finance C~Imnittee reported: having checked- up reports of' the
Oity Treasurer !t'or February and :March 1914t and their reports; and
the Treasurer a ~ reports t'or sald months Were tiled....
The wateri& Light Oommittee preSG!lted report as t'Ollows:
To the Iion.MayQr & Oity Oouncil,
i Grand ISland, :tiebraska:
Gentlemen i . .
- K Your Oommittee on Fire,Light & Water would reCDITImenct.
that two twel v~ inch wells be pla'cect.: along l'4'orth Locust street
and the Olerk ~e instructed to advertise ror bidS ror two pumps
and wells as Pqr sp'ecit'ications on file. in the Olerkasotfice.
Respec't:CullY sUbmi t t ed..
J .E.Hanna
H.Hehnke,Jr. Oormn1ttee.
Aug. Meyer
On Dotionof' Broadwell the report was adopted and the Olerk
instructed to ~dvertise f'or bidS f'or same.
Water oomn1ittee presented estimate of cost of' putting in
2* BlockS of' 18i" Water U:ains on West Fourth street and the taking
up of' One EloCk! ot ita' water mains and re-laying wi th 6" pipe and
on motion ot Hef~ma the estimate was adopted and the Clerk instru-
cted to advertilse I'or bidS I'or the f'urnishing all material and
.......... ,
,.......,. .
;;;-..,'._c '-', ,.
-'...';',<c:-' .
labor and puttiing in saj.d Water }lains.
On motion pi' BOCk the Oity Olerk was instructed to adVertise
t'or bidS tor an accountant to examine the accounts ot the of'f'1cers
for the currenti year.
The Oity Epgineer presented Plans,Spec;it'ications and esti-
mates tor takin~ up and relaying the sewer between l'forth Front
and Fourth stre~ts t'rom Vine to Locust with 12 or 15;' inch pipe:
On mot ion of' ~roadwe11 the Plans &, Spec:if'icatlons l:\'nd estim.ate
;Cor 1;5," inch se,er were adopted and the Olerk instruc:ted to ad-.
vertise for bid. t'Orlaying the same.
i '
The Street I OOmmit tee pr esented the fOllowing Resolution:
Be it resol vied by the }\lay or and Ci ty Council at the 01 ty of
Grand ISland, NebriasK3, that a sidewaH: be ,wi thin f'it'teen da~Ts t'rom
and after the firist publication hereot" or the personal service
her eat' lJpOn the owner of said lots, order eO. cDnstrl.1cted on the
. North side of' Easit Fourth street along the South. side of Lots I
7.,8 8: 9 in Block P.6 of' Evans'Addition,
On the North Si~e! o i.' F1.fth street along the South side of partEr I
of Lots 10,11 8: 1,2 in the county SUbdivision of' part ot' the
West half of the south West quarter of' Section Ten in Township
Eleven ,North 01" R~nge Nine West ot' the 6" P.M. in NebrasKa. border-
ing on the Northi side at s~dd Fifth str'eet,
On the North Sidel of Sixth street alor~ the South side of Lot I
Six in Bloc~ Two! at Nagy's Addition,
On the West side Of O~ street along the East side of Lot Ten in I'
Block 30 Of'Russel Wheeler IS Addition,
On the West sid,e ~f Kimball Avenue along the East side of J.Jot
Eight ,partlY in 13tock l41j. of the Union pacit'ic Railway Oompany's i
Second Addi tion a*d partlY in BlocK 29 of Russel Wheeler's Addition,
on the West and ~outh side of Lot Six in Block Nine of Gilbert.s
Addition being on the ~orth side ot" T.ent~and the East side at
Greenwich Avenue,
On tlle East Side of Lot One in Block Fourteen of Wallich' s .Addi- . '/
tion being along the W8Bt side of' Adarns street,
On the. 'We.st. side 9f Adams street along the East side of' Lots 1/
One and Eight in hOCk Ten of' lalllch's Addition,
On the Sou t11 side of Wes t Four th street along tlle I'l'Orth side of f
IJot Five in BloCk: Eleven and JJots One, Two and Three in Block Ten '(
of Bonnie Bra,e Adc.p tion.,
On the West side 61' Oedar street along the East side ot" J~ot 8
. - i
BloCk 103 of Koen~g & WiebelS Addition,
On the West side: qf Oleburn street along the East side of Lot One ~
in Block One at' W~ebe' s. Addi t1on,
On the East side qf Greenwich Avenue along the West side of' Lot A
Four in BlOCk IfA"'iof Boehm's Addi tion,
South '
On the llWlUbh side lot' Oharles Street along the NODth side of :2.-
J.lots 3' & 144 in BlO~k "A" of Boehm'S Addition,Lot one in Block One
- I
of Winctolph's SUbdiviSion or Addition.,J~ots One and TV/o in BIOCl{
26 of Oharl es' w~smer.s Addi tion and Anne.JC, r~ots' One, Two, Three and
J.i'our in Block 2e of Oharles Wasmer' s Addi tion,
On tlle West side of Washington street along the East side at' .~
Lots One and Ei~ht in Block z6 of Oharles Wasmer.s Addition,
On the East sid~ of cJef':t.'erson street along the West side of J~ot ~
Lot 5, in BlOCl< Q Spaulding & Gregg 'S' Add.i tlon ancl Elm Place,
On the South s1C~e of Dl vision street a1ll.ong the North side of' Lot.s ?
one,Two,Th-ree a:rid Four in 13lOC1< TWo at' Elm Place and Lot Five in
BloCl< Three Elm IPlace,
On the South s14e of' Second st!- eet along the North side of J~ots ~
One, Tvvo and Tbrde in Block 81 of' the Original Town ,now Oi ty ,at'
Grand ISland,
On the West sidle of J~ocust streot along the East side at' Frac'- ~
tional lots Severn and Eight in Elock Eight of' Wlelle.'s A(tdi tion
On the south sid~ o:c Division Street along tlle North side ot'
Lots 2,3',lJ.:,& 5 ih BlOCk Eleven at> Oharles Wasmerts Addition,
in and a part o:jf' the 01 ty of Grand ISland ,Nebraska.
All of the above and foregoing being Add.itions,and SUbdivisions
Said sidewa1Ks to be laid to the established grade and in
accordance with ~'he provisions of' Ordinance NO.237 of' t'he
Compiled. Ord1nan~es of the said Oi ty and of' any Ordinance all
amendatory there~f ; All WOI'l< to be done under the superVision of'
rtthe OOlili;tittee on Istreets and Alleys.
f Albert Heyc~e
1.r.liehplq~ . Jl? &
~, A. Q.~nQt"" ..
,~.,=.,~c.;aa~Jl1J I Ur7D
!J liif
"- w-.v
On motion of H~Yde the Resolution was adopted and the Olerk ins-
tructed to havd the same printed as provided by the Or<.il.Jinances
of' theOity. Thr Tote OR roll call being, aye ,Eroadwe11,iOCk,
Hanna)Hehnke,H~Yd.e ,1lenClC,Meyer and Rasmussen., aay none.
. .r'~" -
Pet1 t10n ~f Clyde V. "rury etaJ. tor sewer Was reac.1 and on motlon
. ~Ufetelly-
of Behnke re1'elfrcd. to the . .. .OoIIlm1ttee to investigate and
report: thereon.:
BillS agajmst the 01 ty were read and. on motion of' Hanna allowed,
f'OT' list see Q1a1m Register.
On motion !ot' Hanna the Oity Attorney was instructed to inves-
tigate the 11aibil1ty of' parties who have:l.nJured two of the Elec-
the damages ther'eto.
T.G.C~Uciel etal aSking :ror Lights,Vrater ete.in.
was read and on lllotion ot' HeYde filed.
Rasmussen the OitJr Attorney was instructed to
in rei'er ence to use or gates at Railroad
troller posts'
prepar e an
croBsings,. and
ecting same. .
l~ar c;h Wer e I'
and Police ,-Tudge of' collections for
and placed on tile,on motion of Hanna.
Reports of Depos1 tory BankS were read and filed on motj.o!l ot:
On motion
Hanna the Council adjourned to .A;pril 29'''1914-,
. g P.Jl..
City Olerk.
...,.. " ;;'\
Grand ISland ,Nebrask8',APri1 Z9u 1911f..;,8,P.M.
The Ooundl met pursuant to adJournment. his Honor, the MaYor,
presiding and ~:11 members being present at 1'011 ca-~l.
Bids for ~xamining the accounts of the Oity officers for the
pa"st year of H.!G.Bell & HanaI'ord & stone were o:p.enecL and read and
on motion of Heyae re:f'erred to the AUditing oommi ttee.
An ordinanc6:,NO.51,5), in reference; to gates,etc.at R.R.Ol'ossings
was presented!:
Moved bY BrOadwell that the ordinance. be plffcecL on 1 ts first
oarr1 ectl on roll call, BOCK, RroauWell, Hanna,HehnKe ,HeYd.a,ltI:enet,
lleyer and. Basmu!ssen voting aye ,naw none,
Theorctll.najnce was readJand declared p3:\ssed.: its f'irst reading.
Moved by ~cK thalt the rules be suspended: and the ordinance'
Placed on its s!e~ond reading by its title:
Oarried o~ roll c:an.l ,Bock. Broadwell ,Hanna,Hehnke ,HeYde:,MenalC,
Meyer and Rasrnu!ssen vot1ng awe ,nay none,
The ord1na~ce was read by its title and declared passed its
sec.ond reading. i
Moved by Heyde thet the rules be suspended and the Ordin~nce
placed on its thlrd readirrg:
Oarried on roll call ,Bock ,BroadWell , Ha'\l1na\Hehnke ,HeYde,Menck,
Me~rer and. Rasmussen voting aye,nay none:
The Ordinance Was read and declared palssed its third reading.
Moved by M~yer that the Ordinance be pJ.aced on i ts:f1na:J. pas-
sag e :
Carried on'roll call ,Boale tBroadweJ.l ,H8\nna,Hehnlce ,Heyde ,Men OX ,
Meyer and Rasmu~sen voting awe, naw none:
The Maw-or Cfleclared the orcUnance finally pa'ssed and approved
the same.
BillS agtrt*st the City were read and on motion of Hanna< lrellowe<l,
for list See Olaim Register.
The cornmitlee on Bonds & Licenses presented report as' :follows
which was read~
.tLD ~
To the Hon..MaWor & Oity Oouncil;
irahd ISland,NebraSka:
:;;,. ... ,"
Your ~ommittee on Bonds Be Licenses has:: to report: that
they have examined, t,he Petitions for LiQuor Licenses o:f the :fol::.-
lowing namedlpatt1es:
For Reta1! Licensa'
Q9.t'n+lius & Boby ,121.f1, South Locust St~eet'tSac:on(.t Warc1~
N1clc I We1nr1Ck, 30B Westf,hird street ""
George If. Baumann, W ,. Lot g-, Bl.ocK ;-,6 '-'
pete* sorensen, 11~ North Locust street u
Henry Schumacher. 113; south Wheeler ,Ave. u
Bern~tein Be White ,204i West Third street, "
J.J.~1nget 214 West ~h1rID street. '-'
R. L. ltord, 121J;, North Locust street, If
Axt ~ Paulsen. 118 South Locust street, "
Daniel BUshhollsen,209 West ~1rd street,- "
Jens~n Be Larsen, 220 West Second street, '-'
Her~ A.Buenger, 116 East !h1rQcStreet, Third Ward,
AUgU~t Moll, 119 East Front street t "
W.C.~1bbOnSt 12Y North Locust street, "
ROY ~.Frye, 112 North Pine street, "
Alex IBcheibe1, 105) North Locust street, H
noa~ p.Orouse, 124 North Pine street, H
L.&.r.pebben, 116 West Second street, If
Adolpih At'.J'ohn, 116 West Third street t "
lr111i~m Stokes, 205, East 'rh1rd street,,. If
Jacobi T.Kaumans, 107 East Third street, '-'
Ohl-1s!t W.Bonnt'eldt ,127) East Third Street, "
Eberl! & Krueger, 216 North Pine street, FoU1'th Ward,
For Wholes~e Licanse,
Dick iBrotherSBrew1ng oom~altVT12~ North Olehern street,
storzf, Brewing 00. 118 North Locust street,
Fred ;K:rUg Brewing 00. 122 North Pi-ne street,
Anheu~er-:ausch companY,o:f l\febr. Lot 8 BlooJt 55),
Fremont Brew1ng o omp any , Block 11-1,
Blatz,l. o omp any , 201 North Wheeler-, Ave.
we :rind sa_1d p;et~tjons al'e in proper :form,N'e eaah signeclL by the
re<luis1te numberi o:f Freeholcrers ot' the proper Ward;due and legal
notice of the :f1~1ng of the several p.at~tions has been given a~
reQjl1r~d bylaw ~ndj proper proo.f o:f saad. notices 1 a:, on r11e. in
each cas6:ieachhas given a, good a;nd su:C:C1c1ent bond in proper
form and w1th g~od and su:C:ficient sureties: We theret'ore reoommendl
i '
that the prayer ~t' the sa-:1d several peti t10ns be granted~ the sa;1d
respeotive bonds I a1Jproved' and. Licenses granted, as praued. '!'or.
, '
We :further Irecommend that the respective pavties be: herebY
not1f'iec1i that: in! C8l;Jethey sellout Sheil' llusiness during the License;
Year, that the pU~ehaser thereof will be reQlUired.J to take: out anotn-
$~ :t.ta,ense: and -qay the '!'ee as:' r$<lUired; by la"J and they w11~ not be
allOWed, to oontinue the business
o:f the seller. R1spectt'UIIY sUbm1ttecll.
in the name of and under tbe License
A. 0 .MenCk ,
Alb . HeYde. aOll1D1ittee.
on. motion dx- Bt'oadwe11 the :report was~ a dopted ,bondS e:pproved
and J..icenses g:r$ted.
:M:r .Martin ~slCect p:ermission to place buildings in'l'hird and
Wa.lnut streets ~hile building and on motion of Hainntlll the ma;tter
was referred to ithe street & Alley Oommittee to investigate and
with power to adt.
on motlion df' HeYde the matter ot' pSJV\1ng the intersection ot'
'Third street and! Lincoln Avenue Was re:CerredJ to the 0ity Aittorney
and the street olommittee to investigate and report.
The Maryor ~a1n callee! attention to the extension f'ronts put
in bY some oftbJe property oWners in the business portion and on,
;>, . .:.........
motion ot' Broad~ell it was expre8s~as the sense of' the Oouncil
that no more extlension :Cronnts be allOWed to be put in and Where
considerable rep~1rs are needed to extension !'ronts already in
that they be ordiered taken oution roll caal all Oounc;i1men voted;. a,ye.
141" . fIann8J C~l ad aot t en t i on to the need. of a;; car 01.' pol es and
presented pricesl Which the Water &L tight Oommissioner had been
o:Ci'ereo. them :roW: On motion o:r Hehnke the Water .: Light Oommiss:1oner
was instructed ito purClilase: a: car loa-u 0;(' Poles>.
On motion or :Menek the Bond of the Grand Island Oontract Oompany
covering their opntract t:or RUtting in Water Malins was:: 8tpprovedi..
On motion of MenolC the BondS ot: the Oity Plumbing Oompany
t:or Dra1nlawer t ~ and Plumber's Licenses Were approVed, and.. Licenses
order ed~ 1 s sueer.
On motlon of JaBmussen the Bonds or OlAyde Eit08ntr~1 :Cor
p~umbt?.:r' s and. nr~:tI.nlayer' s Licenses were approved. and Licenses',
ordered; issued\.
On mot:1on
Broadwell the Oouncil ad::~ourned to saturday
May 2 "l 91 1+-, at 9 · e.lock ,~:M.
Grand ISland. Nebraska .May 2"1914t, 9. A..M.
The Oouno;;!11 met pursuant to ad;Journment .His Honor. the Mayor
pres1ct1ng .pres~t ,BOCk ,Broadwell . Hau1na,Hehnke ,lvtenCk ,Meyer and
:Rasmussen J abse,pt HeYde.
The Oonun1t~ee on Bonda & L1censes reported) :t'1nc1t1ng the
pet:lt1on ~ J.$.Ourt1s 1'01' Sail.oon Llcensfl'to be in proper :form
am s1gned; by the reQu1s1 te number or :Creel101ders:' or the Ward J
that ~ue and l~gal notice ot' the t'iling ot' the petitlon ha~
been given as ~er p,ttoo:C ot' PUbl1ca:t10n on .file). that a gooa and
aut:C101ent bon~t.lth suti'lclent surety ha~~been r11e~ and
reCommended th~t the Petlt10n be granted the bond approvedi
ana Llcens8'J gr~ntec.ti.
On motion :or .Br08uwell the report was adopted and Llcansa
ordered lSSUec1..i.
John Dohrn! . Manager ot: the Oh1cago Lumber Oompany was pres-
ent and aSkediP>>rmlss10n to Locate the1r scaiLes ln North Front
street ad~acent! tOPln e street and on mot1onot' ~Oadwel~
t!ermlsslon Was granted W1th & prOViso that in OSsa:! the 01ty
Scales Were ou~ or order at any time the 01ty to halve the
W1Vjl1ege ot: wetghl.ng on their saales W;lthout ellarge.
01 ty Olerk.
'1+0 ~
Grand Island, Nebra>skSl, MQJY 6"1914;,
The Counq11 met 1n regular sess10n,His Honor, the Mayor,
presiding and ',all members wesent at roll 08.'J.l.
~e minutes ot" meetings 01: .APril l~tf & 29" and May 2"l911j.;
were read; and :8Pproved.,.
A OOlIUIlUn~0.,t10n l'rom O.E.Norr1s 1n rel'eren08.: to a lot in,
the Gra,nd Isl~nd oemetery was read and 1"el'erreclt to the Olerk.
A. cornmun1l0ll\t~:1on :Crom Henry Thiessen in re.ference; .to build.-
ing sidewalk ~as read: and rel'errem to the Oity Olerk.
Htllll Lioerlse~: was',: ordered issuedi. to G.I.L1ederkranz;.
Bids. 01' W~lliam KellY & Co.and 01: Grand Island contract Co.
1'01' taking UP '!and. re-laWing sewer between Front &. Fourth fi'om
LOOU.st to Vine wera op;.enelt: and read:, s'na oni motion of Bl'oadWal1l.
re~erre~ to t~e sewer Oommittee.
:sidS ot" Griaind Island }l)lum'bing Co. Grand Islana Contract 00.
tmd 'illimn X8~IY at: oo.for 'ster pip.e and la.ying were read and
on motion 01' ~nn~reterredl to the Committee.
Bids for W~11s were opened and read and on motion 01: Broadwell
13ids 1:01' rFnisning two PUmps 1'01' wells were read and on
motion of Hann~ re,ectedJ and the 01erk instructed to advertise::
again :for bidS~.
Petition ;CQr FtiV.1ng East Sec.ond street :f'rom Sycamore street?
to Plum street' was read. and on motion o.f He~de re:ferred to the )
~ Ba~mussan the Oity Olerk was instructed to noti~
~ Oontractor who PJwew P8Jvlng D1stricrt NO.9)
ths1t the S&1Ile over-hauling.
The Yfaoter Ligh t Corom1 t tee reported' recommenct1ng aS3 :follows:
TO the' Hon. & City Counct11,
Grand ISland, Nebrtl\skre:
tedthat the matter of Mr.Ua~tin moving hia
the streets while building hadl been 8djustem
to ion ot: a'11 parties,_~ interested,.
tIla tall addi t
Oommittee on Light &:"8"ter wish to recommend.1.
:C1reman at the Water &f Light Plant be employ-
plaJOed on an flight hourshi:ft ,except While
on V8C.flJtion
each have to worle 12~ hours. Each
i 4fJI'
fi:re'lUaI1 to rebe1ve sixty five: (6~h 00) Dollarfl; per month.
~esp;ectfUllY submitted~
J .E.Hamna
H.Hellnke, Jr. Oommittee.
G. W. Broaliwell
On motion ot lBroao.well the report and recommendation was::' actop:ted.,
on mot10n ot' Behnke the Olerk was 1nstructed; to notlfjy the::
Nebraska: Telephone Oompany to pl$ce. the Alarm Boxes parallel
with the streets as t'ormerlY loc8:itect and not at r1ght angles;
wi th the streets.,
The Sewer i Oomm1ttee raported.: t'1nd1ng thepet1tion ot' Olyde..
V.Jury snd o.thers 1:01' a sewer through :Blocies:,36 Uli 31 in .asmers
Addl t10n to b~ in, proper t'orm and prop'.erlY signed 8'nd recornmendecii.
that the prawer ot the Pet1 tion be grantecti &nd oni motion ot :Broad-
Well the report was:: adop:tedJ. and the Oi ty attorney instructe<L to
prepare: 81 proper Ordinance estal:111shing a sewer District.
5ills3 against the Oity were read and on motion ot Bro8.idwell
allOWed]; :for list see Ola'im Register.,
Reports ot the Oi ty Olerk and Weighmast er ot' collec::t1ons t'or
AJP!t"il were read am Plalceq)on :rile.
Beport of tihe Olerk ot: APprop:ria1t10ns and li,m>endd.tures to
Ma>y 1 "191Jf. waS reaelL and pl8.lced! on t'11e:.
Repor ts> of Depos1 tory BankS:; to May 1-19114; were read almd filed...
The M$yor !&ppointed Mrs-:.;. S.D.Eoss $. Member ot' the Library
Board to t'ill .flj. vacancy caused by the r eS:ignat 10n of Mr. Rose>
5Jl1d onmotionot' Hemna: the appointment was contirmew.
X The Meyor CliPpolnted Ray Fern Assistant Engineer ot' the Walter
&- Light Plant and on motion ot: HeYd6' the appointment was eon:t:imned~
NdlCk BOnso~ askecL_ Rermission to r~ise hilJ curlt to corresponct
wi th the elevation or his grounds~ and on motion or :BOCk the re~
~uest was granted.
The ma.tter! of caring :Co!" the waste paper boxes was re:Cerred;
to the Oity Pr~perty Oommittee.
o it Y 01 erk .
- -,.,
~""7C;~ :::~c::c'rt'?">;.~,-,,~,-,_;:X'---?~,~);, ,-<o~"-"''.;;.F':;;;;C~.c.,';''7'';7~'~;;.7'~"-''!''''i~~5-~_''T~f':_:--:"""-''"''''':~''Y'-~7't-~Y'''~~~~' ,,<
, :
.'. "-,--.,',,,",_~;...,- .""". .-'-,-~,_.._'~_> ,-,,,,,'-__2'>,~_.w=~__''i-''';'' /:o:..___,_,-,_~""",~ 'C'___'.
Rep~t of 01 ty Olerk' ot APpropr1a;t ions and
~ EXP~1'l.(11 tures to May 1 "1914,
JGeneral Fund
street & Alley
APpropr,'1a\t1ons-Expend1 tur es-
lJ.300 JOZ8.34,
9000 6835>.39
lJ.SOO 866.20
7500 6135.32
4000 186lJ.i.7T
500 219
2164. ~
3'633~. 80
:29800 18949.02
j POlice Fund
8500 6659.35)
oemetery Fund
4000 911.9~
[ 71re: Fundl
· 11000
Respectrul1y sUbmitte~
0ity 01erIC
~,-- -", -- -
~,;' '.
, \fa.t er Fund
. 40000
BU11tdings & Ma0l11nery
outside Impr9Vements
Mer chand1s 6-'
Waiter Se~vlces'
Plant Operating! E~P6l'lS111:
Ma1ntenence bplense.,
Ot't'1 ce. Expensa
. Light Funcr
: 72:0bO
BUildings &~Maahinery, ImP.
OU tsidEt Improvements
:Mer Chand! Se' .
Mer chan<t1 sa. LS1tipr
Flant Opera!tingi Expense'
M~1ntenance Expense
Ot':f'1ce Expense; i
! Faving Fundi.
. 2531W
Summar~i' ,
. 190,614-0
ptavang D1strlctJ FunCis~,
sewer District ,unda
Monumen t Fund .
Permanent oemet~YFUnd
~289. 37(
lJ.95>.3'. 14:.
1 7;1. 7 . 30
rg228,. '!f~
.1_6.2.6.. 'sa
n. 1182.72
6~941. O~ .
19lJ.01 .33
5)0297. 75;
iii'- .
Graind ISland, Nebraska ,)lay 20 "19114;..
The Council IDet 1n regular session,His Honor, the Mayor ,pres1d.iing
a?nd all: members I present at roll except Heyde..
The minuDes 01.' the meeting ot' :M:a\Y 6"'19114.; were read and approvedl.
Henry n.FtI~ldor1.' a:sleect permi:ssion to use 8: part 01 Th1rcL a>nd
WallnutBtreets Wh1le 'bu11ding 1.'01' MM't1n a:nd on mot1on 01.' :BroadwellL
the request was I granted1..
en mot'lon ~1.' Rasmussen the Ch1ef' at' POlicer was; instructect to
notifY ~ll the picture Bhows that- their Occupet1on taxes must be p~id
by June 1'191~..
on motion 61.' Ha,nna the City Attorney was 1nstructedi to see the
o:ri'1c1als or th~ Un10n P3lc1r1c; Railroact; Company e;nd not1::CY them to
have prop-er llbglb.ts pl&cec.L at the street crossings.
on. motion <Pi' Hanna' a Fire HYdrant was ordered! Placect aitJ the
Hord Elevator.
Meyer reportedi that the water system at the cemetery wa&J nean1ng
completion and Qnh1amot10n the Oomm1ttee and the W~ter Oomm1ssioner
Were 1nstructed, to purahaset:: a: 71 horse; power motor .for said s~stem.
The AUditing Cormn1ttee made report affi I'Ollows:
To thca; Hon.Mayolt & C1 ty Councl1:
Your Audit1ng Oommittee has to report rec:ommend!l.ng the accept-
ance ot: the bidi!of Hana~ord Ie Btone t'or AUdit1ng the Eooles :for the!
past srear for #300 as' the best bicll. R. W.:BoCk:
A. O.Menck Oorom! t t ee.
on motion of' the report was. adopted.
on motion
MenCk the Eonc:tioI' Ray Fern a1liAssistant Engineer
was approv'edJ...
Plumber-s &
order ed i"ssuedi.,
MenCk the !londs ot' William Xelly & Oompany t'or
Licenses were each approve<t and Lic&nsEts
the bids 1.'01" re~lawing seWer between
Fourth and Nor Front streets fiom T1ne, to Locust ,were rejectew
and 1nstructedJ. to advertisEl; again 1:01" bidtS~.
the Oity were read! and. on motion 01.' metie.
ed,1:or list see Olaim Register.
ttee reported recDmmencling the accep,tan$ 01' the
1.'01' Walter :Mains ana laying and. on mot10n
o-r :erOadwel~ the report was acloptecL and Oontrac_t awardect. acaorclinglr..
Price roI' 18" D.Pipe #29.65 per tonjLawingt911.1t5.
TltJ. e waJt er
The Water oommittee reported as :follOWS:
To the Honoratde !MaYOr & Oi ty Oouncil,
We,l'ouroommittee on Fire & Water beg to submit the :following report:
Ie have exam~new the bid.,as :rurnish~_ by the American Welll Work~
on the variouss~z.8fl:; of pumps ,and would recommend, the purchase; ot:
two (2) Seven hunared and :fit:ty (750) Gallon,NUmber twelve (12)"
TYP-'~ :M.M.D. Three' (3) stage High P.r essure Pt.lmps :Cor '13911;.
G. W. :Elroadwell
Aug . Meyer
on motlion of H811~e the report was adopted.
On motion or! ~nn~ the Oommittee with the mayor were authorized
to purchas8': two mptors su1 taba.e to run the sl!Il1d. two Pump;S3.
~roadwell pr~sente~, the :fOllowing Resolution ~nd. moved its
:Be 1 t resolved by the Oity Oouncil ot' Grand. Island. ,NebraSka, that
the mayor ot' said 01 ty be and 1ll.srebY 1s authoriz:ecL to s1gn on behaJ.t'
0:C said Oity $ petition :for PaVing 'a~unt street in s~id Oity pasa
Lot ~. in BloCle 811 in the Or1g1ruIDl '1!own now 01 ty 01: Grand Islam, Nebr-
aska said. lot beipg owned by said. 01 ty and. usedc as; a\ L1 brary 81 tEL.
Dated.:M&~ ZO-~9llj;~
G. ".BroadWell..
Mo t.1 on carried oni rOll call, :BoCk ,Broa€lwell , Ha1nll8?\, Hehnk e , Menek ,Meyer
and Rasmussen vot+l1g aue:. nay none, flibsent HeYde..
RaS1IR1SSen p.resent~'L the ;following resolution 8lnc1moveEli 1:ts adopj;11on:
Whereas the Worle ot: Palvlng D1strict NO.ll o:f the Oity ot' Grlmd~
18;land~ NebraSlCtl:, lis ab:ou t done: and
Whereas the );law1.ng aontract: with Messrs 'l'yne:r & 00. .ror st1il1d'
worle prov.ldes :for! paqment 1:or sa1d worle to be made as soon as SM.d
work is cOIIlPletedland acceptedi and
Whereas the C1ty will issue D1str1ct PaN1ng BOnds to Paw ;for
the pav1ng and curh1ng in sadd Distr1ct ,excepting tor the inter-
s eat..! 0 ns',
Theret:ore be lit resolveCil that the Oi ty Oler1<: be and he is::
herebY instructe4 to advertise ;for aper10a! o:f ten days :for bidS
~or thirty D1stri*t PaNing Bonds or '500 each,in the sum ot' Fi:fteen
'l'hOUS!l1l1d DOllarS::)llore or less. to be received 8Jt his orf1ce; up to
8. o' ciock P.M. on t the 3- dSlY 01: June 191~; Sa:1c1 bOndS shaul: be
dated as of the f1nst day o~ JUna)19l~)shalll beap lnt~est at the ~Qte
of seven per c~6n~um ,paWa'ble annua:1ly ,due in ten years trom the da,te
of issue ~nd p.~i8<ble at any time at the o~tion or the Oity.
saJ1.d bonds shall be issued in denominations ot: .5100 each and
shail be redeemectL in the order in which they are number eUt amd shall
be payable at thd o:ft'ice ot' the state 'I'reasurer in Lincaoln,NebraSka~
Motion carriedl or! rOll call1,!oCk,:BroadWell,Hanna',Hehnke, Menak,
Meyer ano. RasmusSen voting aye,new none;,absent HeYde,aJrld. the
Resolut~1on was declared adopted.
Report ot' t~e Oi ty 'I'reasurer t'or .APril. and report o~ the Finance
Oommit tee thereon! was react and on motion ot' Rasmussen :filedJ..
Report ot' POl!ice JUdge 1'01' A'Piril was read and :fileClll.
The street &: Alley Oommittee reported :finding the Petition o:f
S.N.Wolbach,etarr..! :ror paWing East Sec:Ond street :from the East
line' of' sycamore ~treet to the East line 01' Plum street, in Pttop:er
:form ands1gnec1i b~ the requisite number ot: property owners allong
the street and re~ommended that the way-ell o:f the Petition ba
I .
granted and thait' the Oity Attorney be instructed to :Pl'epare_' an
Ord1namce ereat1~ a Pav\ing Distric,t asC] prawed :for.
On motlion ot! Rasmussen the report o:f the Oornm1ttee was ado:wted.!.
on roll call ,BOClC rSroartwell ,HailUla:"Hehnk&,MenCk ,Meyer a>nd Rajsmussen
voting aY&:,naw no~a;,absent HeYda.
The OitYAittorney wesentect an Ordinance,No.5)76~creat'ing a
Pa\v1ng District a~:; instructed!, b'.eing PatV:4.ng District No.lZ::
Moved by BroeldWe1J.L that the Ordinance be pl.aced on its i'1rstt;
Oarried on rOllI, call, BOClC,Broadwell,Hamnai,Hahnke, Manak,Meyer
and Rasmussen voti!ng aVS':,nSlY nonel:'t8.'\bsent HeYd6_:
The Orcmnance, was. read ana declared passed i:ts :first reading.
Moved by Hehr4ce that the rUles be susp.ended and the Ora1nance
be placed on HiS siecond reading by its title:
Oar.ried~ on rOfl call ,BoOk ,~roadwell , Mannal, Hehnke,MenCk ,]!eyer
and Rasmussen vot:ingaye, nay none,aibsent Heyde:
The Ord1nance !was read. by its title and declared p8JsseC:ti. its
seaond reading.
Moved by Heh~eu that the rules be sUspe:11d.edt and. the Orddnance;
be placed on its t1l.1rd;readlng:
Oarried! on ti'o11 ca'O..l,:BoGle Eroadwell ,Ha:nna\,Heh~e,MencK ,Meyor
and Rlll\smussen v~ting aY&.MY none: absent Heyde:
The Ordinance was read amd declared passed ~ts third reactlng.
Moved,: by Rasmussen that the Ordin8)nce be placed., on lts i'1rult\l
p8issage: :
Carried:. on ',rOll ca-il..l,130ClC , 13,rolll\dVlell ,Hamna',Hehnke,MenCl{ ,Meyer
and Rasmussen voting ays;,naw none,absant Bayda:
The Mlltyor declared:. the Ordd.n~nce :finaillY ptl1SseclL and approved,
the same.
The Sewer donunittee reportedt :finding the Petit10n o:f ClYde; T.
Jury etal.1'or sewer through the Alley running through l3locka',36 Be
37 o:f Oharies Waismer' S Add 1 tion to be 1n PJ'oper :form &\Jnd slgned'.bY
the requlsi te number o:f PJ'operty owners and recommended that Jlhe
prayer of' the Peit1t10n bt grantedJ: On mot10n 01' BrOadwelJJ the report
was adOpted a~ndi the prawer ot: the: pet1 t10n grante<J1.i and the 01 ty
.Atttorney 1nstruc:ted,to prep;are a prop:er Ord:1namce creat1ng sa-l1d
Distr1ct; on rlOl1 Cli'll ,BoCle ,:BroadWell , Hamna" Hehnke,MenCk ,Meyer emd
Rasmussen votingi awa,nay none.;absant Hayda.
The 01 ty Attorney Pl"esentedi an Ordlnance nO.,771 creatl1ng s9Jidi
Sewer D1str1cts, the same be1ng No.lJ.3:
Moved by Hehnke that the Ordinance be pIa-cedi on its :CJtrst
Oarr led on Jl'oll cail ,130ck ,BrOadWell , HaiJ.'lnat, Behnke,:MenCk ,:Meyer
and Rasmussen vo~1ng a:YEt~n3.iY none,absent HeYde::
The Ordllnan~e was reach ana decia-redl p-8'Bsedi 1 ts :fir st reacting.
MOVed biY BoOk that the rules:: be:: suspended..; and. the Ord..1na:.nce
be placed: on its second'reading by its t1 to.e::
Carried) on Itoll c~l ,130alC ,J3rOauwell ,liamntID,Hehnke ,MenaK ,Meyer
and Rasmussen vo~1ng aY8:,na,y non-e:;absent HaYde:
m The ord1mnQe was reac.U by 1ts title' and declared: passed) 1:tSJ
second' read1ng..
Movea; bY Ras~ssen that the rules be ,suspended and the OrcUnamce
be placed) on 1 ts ~h1:r4i read1ng:
Oarr1edonroll call,13oCk,BroadWell,Hamna',Hehnke,MenalC,MeY4:r
and Rasmussen vot aye, nay none',absent HeYde:
, The
waa;read~and de~aredl P~ssed; 1ts thir4 readini.
Moved bY H~hnke that the OPdJ1nance be placed: on its rinal
pag sage::
Oarr1ed on ~Oll Call.!oCk,J3roadwell ,H::l'llnal, Hehnke,Menck ,Meyer
and Rasmussen voting aye:,nay none,absent HeYda:
The Mauor d:eclared. tIle Orctl1nance :t1nallY pa'Ssectt and approvedi
the same.
Adjour neGtl
Oity Olerk.
Report of 0ity Olerk of APpropriat1ona
and Expenctitures to June:; 1" 1914;~
General Fund.
APRroP7ia:t'ions-ExpencU tur esci- Balanc8:;
l4-300 3210.01 1089.99,
9000 769~h69 1304;.31
~500 95l4-.55 35l4-5.l4-5
7,-ce. 8lJ;96.17r -996.171
11-000 2094:.78 1905,.22
500 325). 175.
29800 22776.20 7023~gO
POlice Fund.
8.5J00 7296.98
BaJ.ar 1es
street lie Alley
" , ,',....-...
Oemetery Funct
4000 l127.~1
F 11' e Funct
~1000 9310.68
Water Fund
2872. 75
>>Do 00
J3Ui1d1 ngs~':" Mad11n~y
Outside Irr~rovemen~s
Wa'ter Services
Plant operating Expenses
Maintenance E~pens~
01'i'ice Expense-:'
206~h OEJ
1111. 7;"
BuildingS': " Mad1ine;ry. Imps:
OUtside Improvements
Mer <tihtrendi s e '
Mer ehandd. s e, Labor
Plant operating Expense
Mainten8nce ~pans~
Office- Expense-:'
19983'. 41
paiVing Fundi,
, ---.,
190,640. 158,6~4.~~31,965.~Q
Paving District FUnds , 34:, 1,Jlo;t~~
Sewer District Fun4s 7 ,522. &.~o
Monument Fund 4i, 5;.3r1. 68
permanent Oemetery lFund 600.
GrQind Tota'U.,Warrants issued.! 206,121.25
RespectfullY 8Ubmitte~
. JlI&
G~Qnd Island ,Nebraska ,June 3u191~.
The oounc~l met in regular session,His Honor,the M~yor pre-
siding8nd 811 'members present at roll call.
The minutes o~ the last mee~ing were read and approved.
COIl1municat!ion :from D.li. Tantine:: in re~erence to sUbscrip)t10n
to new Oity D1~ectory was. read; and. on motj.on o~. Meyer the 01ty
Oouncil agreed 'to purchase. three Directories 8Jt a price ot.' Three
DollarS'-. each.
Nelson L~ber Oompany aSlcedp:ermission to use a~. ~rt of' Third
street while ~ild1ng the ~1ne BUilding and onmot1on ot.' Broadwell
the request wa~granted.
Oommunicati1on :from Superintendent B1gnell o~ the C. B.& Q.R.R.
Co.in referencei to 1nstallation of light at their Th1r~ street
Crossing was re~d and p18iced. on file.
Bids 1'01' :the DUrchas6; of' the Pa'VIlng District No.ll Bonds.:,
wer e opened andi read and on motion o~ BroadWell! re1'erred to the
F1nance Oommitt~e. The F1nance Oommittee withdrew and. brought in
; .
report as follows::
To the HOnOrahl~ Mayor and City couhcil,
We ,your Finance Oommittee , to whom was~
ref'erred the s~-u.e of' 30 Paving BondS more or less f'or PalvJ.ng
D1str'ict NO.ll,lj>eg leave to repm't that we ~ind the bim 01~ the
HOIDe SaVings B8itlk , to be the best bid, and recomme.ucLthat said..
bid be accented; B1d being pan,accrued interest and a Prem1um
ot' #5Q.
H.1iehnke. ,Jr. Oommi t tee.
AU'Ii:.;MByer ,
On motion of' Brcpadwell the report was adopted., on roll callI all
voted aV$;,a'J.lb!eing present.
Bids t.'or r$lawing sewer between North Front street and Fourth
street in the AJ;.ley !'rom Vine to Locust street: WeI'e opened) and. reaa.t
and on motion at Hanna. referred to the Sewer Oommittee
The .OommitteerepoI'ted verbally recommending the acceptance 01.'
the b1d; or William Kelly & 00. 1.'01' re-lawing said Sewer ~or the
sum of' .3-5'28.00 and on mot1on at' Broadwell the report was. Q:dopt eel
a;nd Oontract awarded accordinglY.
Mr.Fuhrer qi' the Fairmont Oreamery Oompamr was present and
proposed; to pa~ one: hailf' ot' the exp:ense ot' purchasing the neces~7
tiling it' the di ty WOUld put the tiling in and. grade the street;
On motion o-rHa*a
p;roPos1tion wag; accep,ted..
_ "."'._._"'" "_,""-W!'-'~_,:o~~;"n-':'"'':'-\'''''-'"''!''~'",'''''.c:'.~..<,,,,.,,,,,,;
';'-:'~'''--<'4F",::<":""~,,,,,~''':'''''.~''''~'~T~>'.'7'~'''~'- ',-
, "
The street Oommittee reported that the Oontractor had
his oontract for Paving PaViing District NO.ll and recornmendedc that
the same be aCGepted: and on motion of Heyde the report. wa-s adopted;
a:nd sad.dPaVi1ng accepted;'.
Moved: by HeYde. thai: the 01 ty Oouncil sit as, 81 Board.:. of' Equaliz;,..
at10n at the 00unc11 Ohamber in the Oity of' Grand Island,Nebraska~
on WedneSdal',J1.ltne; l7,1I'1914"between the hours ot' 7/ o'cloCk P.M. and.
a'nd assessing
8 o' ClOck P.M. !i'or the purpose o:t EqUa-lizingl\ thebenef'i ts accrueing
to the respectf!ve. pieces of' Property in Pav:ing District No.ll by
reason of' PffVI,1~ the same and of' le:vying 8! taiX to Paw :.Cor the
expenee:) ot' sa:id construction: Oarried,. on nolI caa.l ,Bocl< ,Broadwell,
Ha:nna; ,Hehnke ,He~de ,Menele ,Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye, nay non$;.
on mot~on Of' Heyde the Olerk waa.instructed; to PUblish i'or
ten da.ys notice',o:C the meeting Q:f the City Oouncl1 as:: such Boa.r<iL
of' Equa'lizat1on.-
on motion of Heyde the matter of purchasing a light grader was:;
ref'erredi to the:Street Oommittee with power to act.
on motion ot.' Hehnkethe members of' the street Committee :from
the d1t't'erent wards are to investigate and report to the Oouncil
a't tl1e next meet1ing suCh sidewailks as are to be laid...
on motion o~ Broadwell a ahut orr vaive was ordered placed 1 n
the sewer 1nthe' Basement of' the 01ty H~ll.
On mot1on at Ueyer the ma;tter of: papering and. repa1r1ng rooma-:
in the janitor's residence in the basament. was referred to the
COIDIEittee with power to act:.
The WRter Oonunittee asked. that a, PUblic: drinking ruunt~in be
placed in the street near the W8'ter &: L1ghtStation M'ld on motion
of' Heyde the matter was referred: to the Oommittee with power to a~ct.
The Water Oorrun1ttee made report as :Collows:
To the Hon.Mayor !& City CounCil,
, Girana Island,Nebra-ska\
"., ,..........
Gentl emen
~;~ -
Your iatier Committee has~ investigated the charge at' #25).00
per thousand head'S :Lor the f'irst 1000 and one a>,nd ., cents per head
f'or all Olver that!,made to the Fa1rmont Oreamery Company,and .finQl the
charges are faa.r reasonabla and recommend: that no Change be made.
sUbm1 t tech
Allg.Meyer Oomm1ttee.
On mot:ion ot'
The Water oommittee made report as :follows:
Grand Is:J.and ,Neb.June:; :;;,19.1).#1-.
TO the Honourableo; Ma<yor &c 01 ty Oounc'il,
IlL we, the Light & Wa:ter Committee,recommend that the saa.ary of'
:miss Ethei Miller be increased to #45).ooper month.
J . :m. Hanna'c
H. Hehnke, ,11'.
on motion ot: H8r).ntlJ the report was adopted.
Re$pectf'uIlY SUbmitted:.
The cemetery Committee presented the :following report:
To the H~n.M~YoV & Oity Councjl
We,Your Cemetery Committee recommen~that Geo.E.Watson,Sexton,
be allowed! the sum 011 #10.00 per month :Cor the use of' his team of'
R. W . BOak
Albert Heyde
On motion a:f B:roau:well the report was ad:Opted.
on motion a~ Hehnke the Ohief of Police and each Policeman who
has been in serv~ce one year is to be 3'11 OW eGti two weeks vacation
the t11ne :for taklng same to be arranged by the Ohiei' of POlice.
Hahnke brought UP the matter o:f plac1ng some cells in tIle City
Jad.l and on motion of Meyer the matter was. ref'erredt to the Polic83
Oommittee to investigate and report banK at the next meeting"
On motion of Rehnke the Mayor was instructed to appoint a
special offi car to aollect the Dog Tax.
Moved by Boene that the act:1on of' the Council ajt the last meeting
in awarding the oontraat for AUdi tingthe Books to HamICord & stone
be re-CDnsidered.:! Carr1ecli.
Moved by BOck that the Oontract :for AUditing the Accounts -for
the palst year be.awarded to Ranaford &t stone i'0X' the sum of' $215.00
Peti tion o:f 'Oharles BrYSin and others i'or Water Ma'in on East
Seventh street was read] and on motion of' Hf:lnn8.\ ret'erred, to tIle
Bills agalnst tIle City Were read and on motion 01' Hanna> allowedl)
i'oI' list see
.Monasmith a>nd o.there for abf::t:tement ot.' swarms
on motion ot: MenCk :riled.,
ot.' Bees was I' ead
The following Resolution Was presented,. and Menck moved, lIts ,
Be it resolvedl by the Mawor and city oouncil of the Oity of
Grand ISland ,Ne~raska, tha,t the Oi ty Olerk; be and he 113 hereby inst-
ructed to add ~o the Light P'Und APproprtil'tiom on the stubs of' hiB
Walu:.ant"S{and:~ntb1s r'eportatTIe sum of #18000 to cover expenses~ not
contempla:ted whf'n the appropriation was made:: making sa'id APpro:Qr1:a!-
tion read:, the s~ ot#90, 000.
Grand ISland, NelOral3l<B,June 3 "'1 91lJ;., R.P. Rasmus sen.
Motion carried; Qn roll cail ,Boct ,Broadwell ,Hanna:,Hehnke.,Heyde,Menck,
. .
Meyer and Rasmu~sen voting aye,nay none:,and the resolution waS': de-
clar od) adop:t ed..
An Ordin~nd:e No.;q8 provid1ng for the issuance of parVi.1ng
Distriot Bonds in Paving Distriot NO.II was presented:
MoVed! b.y Hey-deL that the Ordd.nance be placed. on 1 ts fir st reading:
Oarried ort ,roll call ,BoClC,Broadwell ,Hann8:\,Hehnke,HeYde:,Menex,
:Meyer and Rasmussen v(bt1ng aY6.nalY none.:.
The Ordinance was read and dec.laredi pa1ssed iits first reading..
Moved.. by Broadwell, that the rules be susp.ended~ and the Ord1inance;
be placed! on its! second readl1ng by its title',:
oarried] on roll ca>J.I ,BOClC ,BrOadwell ,Hannal,Hehnke,Heycte,MenCK,
:Meyer and RaS'1'fiUS'San Vi6ting aye::,na,y none.
The Ord.11nam'ce was read; by iitS title and declared paswed' :tts_
second reading..
Moved by HehnKe that thc~nles be suspended~and the Ordin$nce;
be Placed on its! third reading:
Oarried on roll caill~Bock ,BroaUell ,Hannt:Il,Hahnke,HeYde::,lvtenct,
Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye,na~ none:
The Ord:tl.nant$: was' read and deolared' palssecll its third reading.
Moved by BroadWell that the Ordinance be placed on its final
Car.ri~d on ~011 caQI,BoCK,Broadwell,Hanna,Hehnke,Heyde:~MenCk,
Meyer and RasmUssen voting aya,nay none:
The !~~or d~clared, the Ordinance rinallY p~ssedand approve~
the same..
The Est1ma~e or the S1ty Eng1neer or the ex~ns~ or construct1on
of' Sewer in Sewe~ District No.1l-J was read) and on motion or 'Broa'dwell
au opt adl and the
Reports ot:
erk instructed to advertise: f'or bids :for S8-me.
Oity Olerk,We1ghmaster and ot' Depository BankS;
were read: and
ct.l'aa4 island.,.Neb;'.JCfiltJUne 17/111914.
The Qoune11 ..t as.:. a; Board. or Equa11latlona' 7.0. 010CtJt :j
P.M. tor 1ihoPUfPose. ot Equ.al1l'1-nB am ASSesa1ng. the
benet1 ts faoOl~uelng to the IJe$:peat1vo traots of Ian<< :in
Pav1ng Dls1;l'~et NO.ll bY reason of p~v1ng.am. an4
levY1ns a. t.~ to p~ the e~p.ns" ofstl'1<1 Qon,1truet1on.
1fl. Honor ,th~ M_or pres1c1lng and. all Members present
at 1'011 Qall.
Pl-oft ot Publication otNotlce cnUl1ns .to'J: meeting
.. Board or ~a1.1zat1onwas read and plaoe4, on, rile.
Who 01ty J:r\gineer presentec1:report as rOllowS:
.rand., ISJ.an<1.NebrUlCa,JUne S-19llfi..
To the l!a'Yol' land Clty aouneil 01: the 01ty ot
Grand. Islancl,NebrasXa:
:ael~ yoU, Wl1lt1n4 tota1oost o-tPaYins 1)111;1'1Q'
NO.ll, aiso llLat ot wope.rty owne:rs and. eaohon.sSlUU'e as,
well $. the Q~ty":
l~Og 11n~al .teet ralse CUlt_ ~ 2..50
38.6 -: ..
}fa gu~ter plates (i ,6.;0
367:;,.5 sCl.Y<is.psv1ng ~ tl.91
lns-pe0$ 1:ng
P.r1nt1ng 'ot :SondS'
. J.02.00
1~. 00.
, .;to.oo
.~, .........
. Prope:rtu owner s
1039. 7l1~n.fl'ltee. (Ulr'b <il32 0..320.70
1J2J.18 ~q.f<1s.p.Vlns' fjj fl. 91 lj98T..t7r
stakes 7.60
J?ubl~catlon Z6.oG
InSPf3ct1ng lfo.oQ
Epglneer:ti:t)i 135:.00
. Inter!esi on $1.5.000 ,50 d.ays ~ 7' 14;.73
~1ntilng o~ BOn\lS . .. i~.OO
tlij3.1. 60
l019.1ll11lea;L rest (l1llll1 (j 320 '14~~~:~g ,
To tap. .. eos t
Respoott'UllY 'Ubm.lttec1.
1tlJ>>lfliW..I:Uifbev, 01ty JlJ)C~n.e.
rQl' I Jjls~or. proP4Wt, Qwn~8r.t'er:re({. t,o 1nrep..t.
,e., :r.:t..Ol'UJlon t"OllOW1ns: . .
~-'~"9...Yct.. tho report WtaS84op-tecl.on POll oal1
1'11. Qouno11 ,rema<1neCl in session UJl$1, a 0 'Q3,O,*.F.U.
MCl no jpe.rscm appearlng to Ob~eot to or pro"est as;>>.lns\
the p.r~po$e<L asseasmemt end. equa1J.1ztiftlon .n<l J.ev~r
where'U.J?on IIefete presented. thet"ollow1ng B$8Qlu'U.on ._
lno~ed:' :U.s adop tlon
Resolved that the Mayor and ~ounc1l of the Oi ty of
Grand Ie~and~ Nebraska, s1 tt1ng as a :Soard of Equalization,
after due no~ice as prov1ded by law, for the purpose ot
assessing the benef1ts to the several pieoes, tracts apd
parcelS of laind liable and subject to the payment of the
cost of pa.v1~ and curb1ng of "pav1ng Distr10t No. II" of
the 01 ty ot Girand !sland, Nebrasl<:a, after full 1nvestiga-
t10n, does f1~d,
The entire cost of pav1ng and curb1ng q.one
upon said Pavi1ng District No. 11 Ohargeable, to f~he.tprOp-
erty b enafl t~d thereby 1 s the sum of ~.J.1f.A ~J/L~ __.
Second: l That the beneti ts received by the several
parcels,tract~ and lots and lands ab utting upon said
paving distri.ct and. jUstlY liable for the paving of the
same is equali and uniform per foot frontage for pavin g,
and equal andl un1form per foo t for curbing done.
Third: i we fur tIler find that the amounts justly
chargeable toi each of the several pieces, tracts and par-
cels of land abutting on said paving district is in the
several sums ~ere1nafter set forth, and we do assess the
benef1ts to e~ch of the said severalp*eoes, traots and
parcelS of land at the follow1ng sums, to-wit:-
All of the follow1ng described property being in the
City of Grand: Island, Hall Oounty, Nebraska.:-
The following lots are
si tua to in The Original:
Town, now Ci ty of Grand
Islan d, Nebl1aska.
L~t NelL8, R. .'N. Dill
Lo t NO.7, R. :N. Dill:
Lot No.6, L. ,0. watson
Lot 5, C.A.D$lstrom'
BLOCK NO. ,61.
NortherlY 87 ift.of Lot
No.1. W.R. LouckS
Lot No.2, A.' Finch
Lot No. 3,J.R.Dolan
Lot lJ.,J. A. WOoflstenholm
29 .00
Feet Cost
Curb- pav-
ing. ing.
3.59. O:'+',
359 .olf.
Cost Total
OUr'\:):- Co st.
.359. O~.
359. Ol~-
66.00 359.0'+ 21.12 380.16
96.20 359.0lf. 30.78 389.82
90.50 .359. Oll- 28.96 388.00
m~O}ti2.i61i2b'. 9310533'. 09"
11. 70 359. 0lJ.
The follOWing lots are
situate in Ralilroad Add-
ition to Grand ISland.
13LOCI{ NO. [108.
Lot No.l,E.E.!Brawster
Lot No..2,E.E.Brewster
EasterlY 37 tit .of
Lot No..3. C.]1. INYke
wester~ 29 feet of
Lot No.3, W.R.iHarrison
Lo t No.14- ~ w. 11 .'Harri son
BLOCK NO. 109.
Lot No .8, W.H.iQ,uillin
Lot lfo. 7 , W .R.Quillin
Lot No.6 ,E.A.,palmer
Lo t NO.5,E. A.Palmer
BLOCK NO. ,113.
Lot NO.8, FiJ:tst
Christian ChUrch
Lot No.7, A.~iokett
Lot N 0.6,S.q.Huston
Lot No.5,S.C.Huston
BLOCK NO. '11lJ.,.
LO t No. ;J. , J.E. Di 11
Lot No.2, 'T. ~ . Alden
Lot No. 3,E.M;.paine
Lot No. lJ.,E.lt.paine
Lot No.l,J.A.~enman
Lot No.2, s.MUtton
Fractional Lot 3 in
Block 118,Railroad Add.
wi th cOD1I>lemeintary" frac .
Lot .3 in BlOCk 19 Arl'lold
& Abbotts Add.,O.Rouse 66.00
Fractional Lot l~ in blo cle
118,Railroad iAddition with
complementa~ frac. Lot lJ.
Block 19,Arnoild & Abb otts
Addi tion, W. !Connow 66.00
Frac.Lot 8 in BloCk 119
Railroad Addi,tion with com--
plementary f~ac. Lot 8 in
Block 11, Arl~ld& Abbotts
Addition,B.M.~ountaine 66.00
5i-r \AJ,to. r <l. 19i.lJ.'. bo~-
359 . 0)4-
5.30 359.0lJ. 1.70
5.~ .359.0lJ. 1.7.3
.359 .01J.
, .359 . Ol~
12.80 .3.59.01l- lJ..IO
66.00 .359.0~ 21.12
Brough t Forward
Fractional Lot 7 in
Block 119 Railroad
Addi tion with icomplem-
entar,y tractiqnal Lot 7
in BloCk 11,Atn old &
Abbotts Add.A~Fleischer
Lot 6, G.suth$rland
Lot 5, M.O.ScUdder
The tOllowing,lots are
si tuate in Arnold &
.Abbotts Addition to
Grand Island, tB'ebraska.
Lot No .8, F .1vL: sawyer
Lot NO.7, W.R.!Walters
Lot No.6 ,B.A.tGardner
Lot No.5,D.H.~ishburn
Lot No.1, christian
Science Church
Lot No. 2,E.Hayman
Lot No.3, J.Jj.K1inge
La t No. 14-;, J.:t. Klinge
Lot No.8. W.Sielott
BLOClt NO. 17.
Lot No. 1, M.~.Oarey
To tal
Feet Cost Cost Total
CUrb- Pav- Ourb- Cost.
ing. iM. ing.
i ,# $
3777.90 lOlt12.l6 120.93 1053.3.09
66.00 359.014- 21.12
66.00 359.0~ 21.22
66.00 95.;0 359.04- 30.;6 389~60
66.00 66.00 359.0~ 21. 12 380.16
66.00 66.00 359.0ll- 21.12 380.16
66.00 9;..50 359 . o~. 30.56 389.60
66.00 93 . lJ.o 359 .014- 29.89 388.93
66.00 55.20 359.014- 17.66 376.70
66.00 .359.014- · 359'.014-
66.00 359.0ll- 359.04-
,28.90 9.25 9.2;
.29..30 9.379.37 '
20'1-0'.00"-'1039 · 7~.30U;O 13~. 70 f'lJ69lJ..,30 . ,
llQSO:Ltlit1Qn WtoP't-e401\";t.l. _11. _~eu.__.
llfi1l.n~..nWi(Jj.}.l:tSi'i~tlt:~ and.Ro,B~.S$n VO~~nI Uit.mw ....
lb.' d_~ trE....u.~tjng~. ftBOUfl f)I .~~.'''oa
w~e i'_id.. mnd $'!l1'P~'V..
Wh.Ml~l1 'tttlil Conne11 a4=ou~M4.
.i ~~~
Grand Island ,NebraSl<a ,June 17(1/1914.
The Counciil met in regular session,His Honor, the Mayor,
preseiing and all members present at roll cRll.
The mimit.es of last meeting ,June 31/1914;,were read and
A communication from Dr.Rich was read and on motion 0:('
Broadwell re:Cerred to the street Committee.
Request oW Nelson Lumber 8: Supply 00. for permission to use-
e. PaJ'?'t ot: Wheell.er Avenue while re-modeling the Grand. Island Nation$l
Eanl< Building' was referred to the str'eet OOlIuflit.tce with power to
act. Request Of Henry H.Falldort: for permission to use a part of
Third Ik Locust i Str eets While re-modeling the old Oi tizens NationlIDl
J3Uild.1ng was,otl motion of Bocl< ,referred to the street Oommittee
vii th power to e:ct..
Bids :Cor Sewer Distr ict No.43,0:f the Grand Island Plumbing
Co. and o:C Will1am Kell~r & 00. ,were openel1 and read and on motion
of' Broadwell re:Cerred to the Sewer Oornmi ttee:
The Oormittee reported: back recommending the acceptance of' the
bid of the Gra~d Island Plumbing Company and on motion of' BrOl'lJd-
well the report waS' adopted and contract awarded to the Grand ISl-
and Plumbing O<j:lmpany :Cor construction of' Sewer in Distr ict No. 43
for the sum Of'i $71l2r.89.
:Ml'.Harry W. Yates presented t!! new stYle of' Protectograph and
exibi ted. to tme Council its manner oi' working and on motion ot'
Hanna the Council purchased one :for the sum of #35).00 the old
machine to be surrendered f'or the sum of' #9.00.
On motioniaf' HeYde the Oity Attorney was instructed to take
up with the C.~.& Q.R.R.Co. the ma,tter of' draining the water east
of' their line and sounh of' the right ot: w~y .of the U.P.R.R.Co.
RasIDussen,called .attention to the muddy cnndition of' Sixth
street adjacent to the B.lk M.Depot and on his motion the matter
Was referred to the street Com.mittee f'or attentian.
On mation :Ol' Meyer the street Committee was instructed to
investigate the matter of' putting a catch basin in the Clark st.
:!. ....-..
OOlllirrittee on City Property reported having had the c.Tsmltor'sc
liv'ing rooms. in! the basement fixed up.
water Oonunittee .reported that one of' the new wells was con,plete.d.
and 1NorlC was biaing d.one on the second one and tha t the PUlllpS were
readY to be shipped,.
Water reported that drinKing fountain at the Water Wor]{s Sta'tion
was installed and recommended putting in two more at p~int8 on Second
and Third streets to be designated by the COHllllittce and on i'or
horses on East First street at tr.l.e rear end oi' the Y.M. C.A.Bldg.
K Moved bY;Hanna that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare
an ord.1nance prOViding for the cutting off' of Electric CU1'rent by
all Electric: Plants in the city in case of' severe Electrical storms
at d.irection of the Mayor ,motion car'ricd on roll call, p.:.anna.tHeyde,
MenCk,Meyer and Rasmussen voting aye,BoClClBroadwell and Hehnke
voting nay.
On motion of MenclC Bonds of the Grand Island Plumbing Company
to Obtain Plumbers and Drainlayer' s Licenses .were approved and
License ordered issued.
On raotion! of Mancle bond ofJ .B. Turner as Spec:ial Police Oi'ficer
wa s approved.
Bills aga:i.nst the City Were read and on motion of Hanna; alloWedJ,
for list see Claim Register.
<Petition of property owners in BloCk 11 College Addition to
West Lawn,in reference to sidewalk was read and on motion o~
Broad.wellreferred to the Stl~'eet Corrunittee.
Communication .from. R.J .Dill in re:i'erence to streets between
the Koehler Addition and the Joehnck Addition was read and on
motion of Braadwell referred to the street Cormnittee.
Petitionot f.W.Lewis etal ror street Lights was read and on
motion of Hanna: referred to the Light Committee.
The City ~ngineer' reported Sewer District No.42 completed
and on motion of Broadwell the Council set WedneSday t.TUly 1 "1914
between the hou;r of seven oclOCk,P.M.and 8 o'Clock P.M. to sit
as: a Board ot' lljqualization for the purpose of EqUalizing and
asseSSing the benefits accruing by reason of construction of
said sewer and levying a tax to pa~y 1'OI' same.
Report of the Police Judge for May 1914 was read and filed.
Hepor t
st National Bank Was read and filed.
- -,.,
'fL... The Mayor up the me t tar o;f the Oi ty €lssis t ing in building
one mile or the Lincoln Highway outside of the bounda~ies of the
Oi ty and on motion of Meyer the mat tel" was I' eferI' ed to the Mayor,
city AttoI'ney,znd ]~.A8hton,the local OonsUl of said Associa~1on
to investigate and report.
An ordinance,No.579,levy1ng special taxes to pay for paving
Paving District No.ll was presented:
Moved by Broadwell that the Ordinance be Placed on its first
Carl'ied on 1"011 call ,BoCk ,BroadWell ,Hanna:,HeJJ.nke,He~rde,~ltenck,
Meyer and Rasmussen vot ing aye, nay none::
The ordin~nce was read and declared .passed its first reading.
Moved by ~eyde that the rules be suspended and the Ordinance
be placed on itis second reading by its title:
Oarr ied on, roll call ,Bock , BI'oadvvell ,Hanna,Hehnl<e ,Heyde ,Menek,
Meyer and Rasmu'.ssen voting ayert1naynone::
The Ord1nancre VIas read by its title and declared passed its
secon~reading. "
Moved by Rasmussen that the rules be suspended and the Ordi-
nance be placed) on its third reading:
Carried on., 1"011 call ,Bock ,BroadWell , Hanna,Hehnke ,HeYde ,MenCk,
Meyer and Rasmu$sen voting aye,nay nona;
The Orciinance was read and declared passed its third reading.
Moved, bY Broadwell that the Ordinance be placed on its final
Bill$ againE:lt said PaVing District No.ll were presented and'
Carried on roll call,Bock,Broadwell,Hanna,Hehnke,HeYde,MenCk,
Me~rer and Rasmussen voting a1re, nay none:
The Mayor declared the Ordinance finallY passed and approved.,
the same.
read and on motilpn of' Heyde a>ll OW ed ,except that #200 'of the bill
of' E.D. Tyner Con$truction Co. to be retained f'or i'u.rther adjUstment.
:for l6st of' said! Claims see Claim Register.
Rasmussen presented the :fallowing Resolution and moved its
l/Ee it re801 ved by the Mayor and 01 ty 00unc21l of' the Oi ty of'
Grand Island lNebras~a, tha't the Mayor and Oity Olerk be and they
~e hereby in~t.ructGd to deliver to the Home Savings Ba~{ of'
Gl'and ISland,Nebraska,Twenty Nine Bonds of.' Paving District NO.II
of the face v~lue of' #500 each uPon the payment by said bal~ of'
. the
par,accrued interest and Ii Premium on said bonds hid by saild
BanK. Grand I~land,NebraSka,~J\lne 17"1914.'..
R.P. Rasmussen
'- :.........
ReSOlution auopted on roll call,BOCk,Broadwell,Hauu~a,Hehr~e,
HeYde,MenCk,],{eyer and Rasmussen voting aye,nay none.
Ad journed,'
Oi ty c~.-----
Gt'and ISland $ NebraSl\R$t.Tune 26 "191l.f...
The Council m.et in special 8e8E3ion ,His Honor, th.e Mayor ,presiding
pl'esent at roll cal1,Eock,Broadwe"HeYde,MenCk,Meyer amd Rasrrrussen,
absent Hanna and Hehnke,pursuant to the following call which was
r'ead and mad.e a part of the minutes:
~M,2.;'- .,
liTo the Member s of tIle City Council of
Grand Island ,Nebraska,
A special meeting of tIle Oi ty Oouncil of Grand Island ,NebraSka:,
is hereby called to meet at the Oonncil Chambers in the City Hall
of said City ,at 8 0' clOCk ,P.M. Friday toTune 26th ,191l+,for the pur-
pose of consider~ng and taking action upon the petition and apPlii-
cation of The G~and Island BreWing Oompany ~or a 11~uor License
in said Oi ty .Als<j), for the purpose of autllOriz:ing a contract be-
tween said Oity and the Arn.erican Beet sugar Oompan~r to build a/pole
line through the latter's premises and for such other business .
as: maw come before saj.d meeting.
Dated toTune '24tll,1914:.
Oha:tlles G.Ryam ,Mayor.
We hereb~r accept notice o:f the above call.Dated t..Tune 24th,1914.
Aug. Meyer ,
G. W.Broadwell)
Albert HeYde)
H. HetJ.J1k e, Jr. ,
R. W. BOCk,
R. P. Rasmussen.
The Oommit ee on Bonds reported :finding the Application of
The Grand Island BreWing Oompany :for Wholesale Liquor License to be
in due form, that due notice had been given of' the filing of said
APplication in t~e manner and ~or the time required by law and a
gOOd and sUff'icient bond had been filed and recomInended the grant$ng
of sa~id petition,approval o:f said bond and granting ot' said License:
On motion o:f lvrertcla the report was adop,ted,Bond approved and License
Same cOlnmittee reported :finding Bond o:f W.O.Kensinger for House-
mOVing License, to be in pr'oper :form and Sureties SUfficient and.
recofGlnended. grantiing the License: On motion of Mencle the report
'Was adDpted,bond approved and license granted.
On motion of'!HeYde the Mayor and Oity Olerk Were instructed.
to execute contrapt :for pole 11ne privilege across the property
of' the American Beet Sugar Oompany.
On motion
Broadwell the stveet & Alley Corami ttee was inst-
ruct ed to have the str eet running dir ectlY to the New l!'air Grounds
on motion or HeYde the City Attorney Was instructed to write
the Union pacific Railway Company requesting that the crossing near
the New Fair GroUnds be made the :fUll width of' the str eet..
,~""""",., "'''&,
~.....'--" .. ~.
. .. -- .
~--~. '-..
Sa-lar iee
street & Alley
Sewer s
par' k s
. Report of City Clerk o:f ~propr1a't1ons
and Expenditures to July lit 191>+..
General Fund
APpropria;t ions,..Expend1 tur e~s---Ba1ance
'+.300 3391.67: 908.33
9000 8670.99. 329.01
4500 1056.55 34>+3.>+5
75bO . 8'+97.82 -997.12
'+000 3583/" 82 '+16.18
5DO 375.~O 12l+.5D
"....."".~"""""-_."'- - "'----_.__...,. _~ ~l ~~
~9800 25576.35 '+223.6.5'
'1~4;"-- .
Pol i c.e Fund
8500 79'+3.78
Cemetery Fund
'+000 2983.35
F 11' e FUnd
11000 9670..63
Water Fund
. >+0000
Buildings & Machinery
outside IIfJ.prOVenH~Ylts
Water Services
Plant operating ]lxpenses
Maintenance Expense
Office Expense
IJight Fund.
Buildings &: Machi!nery, ImP.
ou t sid e Impr OV emein t s
Mer cf1andise ,I..abor'
Plant operating Ejxpense
Maintenance Expense
Ot'fice Expense
2.7729. 76
· Pawi ng Fund
6131.. 871
7~i~~ : ~~: --
2'+0556. 02~-
Paving District Funds
Sewer District Fumds:
l;f.ouurn.ent Fund
Permanent Cemetery Fund
Gl'and Total Warrants Issued,
Respecti'UllY submitted
- --,.,
Grimd Zslanc1, NebraS1<:a . Jul}1, 1 "191lfi', 7f, P.M.
aet as, 8' Board. ot E<lua'J.izat1ontor the ~urPOSfJ;
or E'lUal1z1ng anc1 ASsessing the benefits accrue1ng to the res-
pecti va traets or lena ellbra aeEt: 1n sewer District lfo.42 bY reason
or the cDnstruetion of a sewer therein and. levying II! ta,x,'to Po_
tor satd. 00nstruct1on ,H1s Honor, the ~es4" ,pl'es1di1ng ,present at
rOll oa1.1l BO~ ,BrOadwell ,Hanna,Hehnke ,Menak and. Meyer, absent
Heyde and Jasmussen.
the: 00une-11, rematnedl 1n sess10n from 7/0' cloek ,P.M. until
8 o'cloCk,P.M. ,and. no person appeat'1ng to Object to or protiest
against the ~opose4.assessment and levy, whereupon the 1"olloW-
moved. ~ts adoption:
1ng Resolut1on\was presentecU and Behnke
Be 1 t resolved by the Mayor and Oounc11 ot the 01 ty ot Grand
ISland. ,Neb:raSk$~s:1tting as. 83 Board, ot' EQlUaJ.izQ;t10n! as providec1L by
lalli,atter g1v1ng llue and legal not1CEr: thereot' as per proof' 01" pUb-
11cation.on t1JJett 'lhat we dO t1n1 the total.. e.ost of the Oonstruc-
tion Ot'fll, Sewer! 1n Sewer District No.412c ot sald oity to be the .sum,
ot t4}0,that we: dO tind the bene1"1ts accrue1ng to the respective
tracta;ot land! 1n sadd D1str1ct by reason of the Oonstruct~on
ot 8:: sewer throV.gh the Alleyrunn1ng through saud D1str1ctt to be
eQUSJl and un1to,fm as per foot :O:'omtage on the Alley runn1ng
through sadd. D1str1ot and the total benef1ts to be the sum of'
.430.00 and we t1nd the benef1ts accrue1ng to the respective
tracts of land i1n saUd D1str1ct by reason ot the Oonstruct1on
ot a\ sewer ther~1n be as set oppos1 te sal1d several descriptions
thereof as tol~owa:
Lot'. 1 in', BlOek 8 ot Rol11ns~.Mid1t10n to Grand ISland,. "lJ.J.oo
Lot Z'in Bld01t8 ot ROll1nS1 Addition to Grand ISland, 4.3'.00
LotJ;; in Blolek 8 ot Bol11ns~Addit10n to Grand Island, 43.00
Lot 4 1n Blolek 8 ot Rol11ns ,Add1t1on to trand. ISland, 4.3.00
Lot 5 in Blo:clC '8 ot: ROl11ns.Atid1tion to €f.rand. ISland, 43.00
Lot 6 in BlOpk 8 otRollins,Add1t1on to Grand ISland. 43.00
Lot 7 in Blo:ck 8 of -Rol11nsl Addition to Grand ISland, 43.00
Lot 8 in BloOk 8 ot Roll1ns'Addit10n to &rand ISland, 4.,3.00
Lot 9, 1n'BloCK 8 01" ROI11ns'Add1t~on to Grand Island. 4..3.00
Lot 10 1n Block 8 ot Roll1ns'~d1t10n to Grand ISland 4,.OG
G.V.Broadwell t43Q.oo
Resolution adopted on roll call BOck ,Broadwell ,Hanna,HehnKe,
MenCk and Meyer ,TQt1ng aye,nay none,absent Heyde and. ;agsmussen,
The minutes :of meet1ng as a Board of Equaa1zat10n were read
and approvea:.
Ad jour ned.J
Grand island ,Nebr a SK8 ,JUlY' lU19l~.
'!he gOUnell met 1n regulSll" sesslon Pres1dent Hanna pres141ng,
wes~nt at rOlJi ctiJ.l ,1'OCk ,Broadwell ,Hanntll,HehnlCe,MenCk and Meyer,
absent Heyde ,and Rasmussen.
The m1nutes of meet1ngs.of June 17. & 26u 19l~ware rea~
am approved.
The Clerk read a. eornmun1ca,t1on trom the E.D. iyner Construc....
t10n Com:gany, 11n rei'erence to balance o~ .200 reta1necU on the1r
contract for paYing and on mot1on o~ BrOadwell . Warrant was
ordered draw~ to pay sa;id ba18,nce 1n the sum of .200.
Recwest of ,M;r .X1ehelson to hft.ve tee pa1d tor show L1c~ens8:
for 191~ on Platce abandonedl app11ed: :for the nellt year wacs 1'6'"
.tarred to the 01ty Attorney.
:Mr. Glharl~S H. 'FUllY addressed_ the 00unci1 1nb~hfilr 01' the
L1brary Board, aSkingtha t the .APpro~r1at1on tor the ensu1ng
year be 1noreafled to at least .3'000 and on mot1on ot Bock the
~tter was re/erred to the Flnance Oommlttee.
The Llghl Oommittee reported ha~vlng come to an Understand.ing '.
With the Unlo~ Pa'C1t1c: BatJ.roacL 00I.nPafly1n regSlrdi to L1ghts at; the
p1ne,Sycamore 'and Walnut street cross1ngs and that sfllt1sta:etorY
l1ghts would 1'.le 1nstaolled; ln the near tuture.
Bl11s agat1nst the 01ty were presented and on mot1on or
BrOadwell 8'llQweciJ,tor l1st see cla1m reg1ster.
Ch1ef EnJ1neer OWens reported that a new E~elter was needed
fr:t the Pl81nt and on mot1on at Broadwell the matter was referred
to theOomm1ttee .
1\eport of the Clert of APproprlat1o'ns and Espend1tures Was
read and matte $' pat'-t or the m1nutes,.
:Report ot. the We1ghmaster f,or June was read and t'1led';.
Hehnke presented the fOllowing :Resolut1on and moved 1itS
. .~'
~-~~~~/-. .
Be 1t Be$olyed by the Mawor and 01ty oounc1lL or the 01ty ot'
Grand Island ,Nebra:ska. f.h8JtL.Y#~er~asthe s1dewalk ln :front of or
adjacent to t~e rollow1ng ~esar1bed~premlses,to-wlt:
North slde or East Fourth street along the South slde or Lot
8 1n Bl oak 16: ot' ETtmS' Add.l!. t lon,
Eas tt,
North S1de ot' S1<<th streett aQong the South s1de of Lot 6 1n Bl-
OGlt Z' of Nagy's Add! t 10n,
West s1de of 1:1mb8illl AYenue a10ngthe East s1de of Lot a_,partlY
1n BlOCk ll+4i or the Un10lt pacir1c; bd.lwaw Oompany's Second: Add1-
tlon a~ ~tlY 1n BloCk 29 ot.Bussel Wheeler'S Addit10n,
West s1de of '1ne street a[ong the East s1de ot Lots 1 . 10 1n
BloCk ]a ot B\!1ssel Wheeler's Addlt1olt,
Along.:: the South S1de of Oharles Street 8O.ong the North slde of
lots 1 & 2 1n BloCk 26 or Oharles Wasmer's ~~t~fon and Anne~,
West s1de of '~sh1ngton street ~ong the East s1de ot Lots
1 ..8 1n Blo~ z6 or Ohardes Wasmer's Attd1t+on and Anne~,
South slde ot': West D1T1s10n street a1l.ong the North s1de: of'
Lots::. 1 ,Z',35 It If, 1n Block 2?,Elm pl3lce';,Add1t1on,
south s1de ot ; Second. street allong the North slde ot Lots 1,22
ft,: 3 1n BlOCk &l,Orl1g1naiI.L lown ,now- 01ty ot G-rand ialand1:.
South s1de Qf'D1Tls!on Street along the North s1de or Lots ~,7,
lj.;, It ,> 1n BlOolt 11 of Oharles. 181smer's Addltion,
South s1de' 01" iF1:rst stree.t along the North side ot Lot lL 1n
BloClt_ of P81me~" s Add 1 t10D: being between ManJ1sou af- Jer1:er-
son streets,
south slde of :Oh~~es3 street a1l.ong the North s1de:; ot Lot~ 1< 1n
BlOCk ~.ot W1~d01P.h's Aad1t1on)
North slde of i!8nth street tIllong the south s1de or Lot 6 BloCk ,
ot G1lbert's Add1t1on,
~u~~I. Q,-Of.1l'..QU. ,..:p..th s St:r eat A8l.0na- the North 81deof Lots 1 ,Z'A 3
~ee -~G-ll,
1n Bloat lOot' Bonnie Bra~ Addlt1on,
West slde ot Atams street along the. East stde or Lots. 1 A 10
in BloCk29 or ,.mmma ... Add1tion,Lot 1 Bloat 6 Bonn1e Bra:e:
Add1 t10n ancl Lot 1 BloCk llH Walll1ohs::,Add1t1on.
.' .....
~ <........
West side ot EdidY street along the East side ot Lot 1 ln Bloak
16 at ftollinsl'Addition,
III of S!1jid Add;i tions: and Anneiles being to and in the Oi ty of
Grand Island., Nebras1Ca.
Mong the West _1de ot lkldy street :Crom the South line of North
Front street to the North l1ne of South Front street ,across; the
r1ght of waw of' the un10n P8ci.fic !l8'1lroad Oomptmy.
.All of the aboT~ be1ng in the 0ity of Grand Is.1tmd,lia!ll county,
ha'&:; been condenmedJ and ordered constructed and due notioe; thereof
has been g1Yen ~s herein p:roY1deai,and more than thirty days haTe.:
elapiSad! slnce:' the gil!1ng of sadd noticlI) and sa\id s:1d8W81lk ha180
not been oonstructed:. aa; therein orderedi.;;
Now there:t'~re, the Qity Engineer or Sfl\id Qity is hereby orderedi
to at onae~ prep,,~ an esti.te of the eapense; ot eonstru",ting
said sldewaG.k&J,giT'tng the dpenSG;; ot the sidewaak opposite) each
lot separ~tely,.nd to prepare general spec1r1cat1ons ror the
S8Ee and. where ia' new W8U.k is to 'De CGnstructeclt the matieri31l
. '
" ,'---.,
therefor to bEl; .1100 material a 8::; the Oounoil msy order ln sa1d
resolution): Such est1maJte to be :t'11ecti as. soon as preparedt 81m with
the spec1t1cat:ld,ns to be filed. in the office of the Oity Clerk tor
the :1.nsp:ect1on o~ all persons interestedi therein..
~esolut1on adopted on roll call,BoCk,~oadwell,Hanna,H8bnke,
MenCk and Meyer Toting aye,mw none ,absent Heyde and. Rasmussen.
An ordinanoe levying a' special tax in sewer Di.strict No.42
being orcU.rnmce! 1(0.5:80 was presented:
Moved Q~ ~oadwell that the Ordinance be placed on its
first reading:
call ,BOCk ,Broad.Well ,Hanna,HehnlCe ,Menalt and.
none,flb.sentHeyde and l'tasmussen:
was read and declared pa'ssed its first reading.
that the rules be suspended and the Ordinance
lts title:
MOVed by
be Placed on it
Cflill,Bo01C,BroadWell,Hmm.,HehnlC8,:MenOlC and
none)ab~ent ~Yde and Basmussen:
Meyer, voting
Whe ord.inajnc6 was read bY its tit1.e and declaredi p,ltssed 1t1is
second reading.
Moved bY Broauwell tha1i the rules be suspended and. the Ord1....
nance be pla,cec!, on its; third reading:
Carried on roll calltBOC~tBrOadWell,H~nnatHehnke,Menak and
Meyer voting aye ,naw none ,absent Heyde and Rasmussen:
The Ordin8'hce was read and. declared p~ssed i'its third reading.
Moved bY H~Me that the ordinance be plssed on its :.rinea
carr ied oni roll call ,BOck ,BromWell ,Hanna,Hehnke ,UenOlt and
Meyer voting fliY';, nay none,absent Heyde and !asnIUssen:
'lZhe Qrdd.nance was deciar ad, t1nel1lly p,a;ssecl;, and the Mayor
ooming in' later approved. the same.
Bills aga!l-nst Sewer Dietr1ct No.42 lIere read and on motion
of BrOadwell aalowe~: For list see Olaim Register.
An Ordil18.lnee"authoriS'ing the Mayor to d1rect the shutting
ort: o:f Electr1e:'ourrent in the Oity in case 01' severe storms
wass p.resentecl:
MOTed bY :sqC}{ that the Orcll!la'nce be placed on its i'irstt
Oarried on roll call,Bock,Broadwall,Hanna,Hehnke.UenOk
and Meyer voting, aye ,nay nona,81bsent Heyde and. Rasmussen::
'l'he ordinance was read and declared: pS1ssed its i'irst reading.
Moved bY Meyer that the rules be suspended and the Ordi~nce
be placed on its second reading bY :!its title:
Motion lost on roll call,Hanna:,Menctc and Meyer 'Voting a~re.
:Bock ,Broa.well and Hehnke Toting nay,absent Heyde and Rasmussen.
Ad jour ned)
01ty Olerk
A communlcation from the Betal1 Merchants Assoclation lnvlt-
lng the Mayor 'and Council to a:ttend their 6J11nUau. picnic 8Jt SChimmer.s
lake on J'UlY23';l9lJ4 YlffiS read. and on motlon ot Meyer accepted.
Mr.13ayard H.Pa=ine addressed the Councl1 lnbehalf at' an in-
crease or the 8Pprowi8t10n for the Llbrary.
Grand Island ,NebrSlJka .JulY 15"119l~.
The Oouncll met in regulars6ssion.His Honor, the Mayor ,pre-
siding .presen~at roll call ,Bock ,Broadwell . HehnlCe ,HeYde ,Menck,
Meyer and Rasmussen.~bsent ~nna~
The minutes of the meeting Of' JulY 1 "'19114; were read and.
..C.'.'.. .."........
./_;~ ; . .,'.. ;>;;i
The Bond Commlttee reported on the Bond, of Thomas; Shannon
for Plumber's Llcense recomrnendlnd that the peti t10n be granted.
Bond approved and Licensee 1ssued; and on motion 01' Manek the report
was adop.ted and License, 1ssued;.
The Oemet$rY Committee reported that the Water System at the
Cemetery was completed; and worked :f1ne.
The Police Oommittee mane verbal. report upon the ma,tter of:
cellS 1n the Ofty J~il and on motion of HehUke the Clerk was
instructed to p;urchase> two cells.
On mot1onot Heyde the street Oommittee and the Oity Engi-
neer were instructed to investigate the matter of: law1ng.a' sewer
in Sewer Dlstrlct No.4z;&nd to de1'inltelYlocate the 11ne o~ same.
Ol~lms aga~nst the 01 ty were read and on motion or He.hnKe
a-il.lowect,t'or list see Olaim Register.
on motlon of Hehnke the several policemen and Firemen who
haNe been on d.u.ty .:for one year were each granted tl1 vac81tion
the Chle:C e:C Police and Ohle:C ot: the Fire Department to arrange
tor the dates ot sald vacst/lons.
on mot~on ot' Meyer the 01ty Clerk was 1nstructeQ to adVertise
f:or bids :for 3J~O tons p,er month.ffiore or less ,of: Welr 01ty Nut coail.
on motion of Meyer the Olerk was lnstructed to advert1se;t'or
bids :Cor $ l~ ~110wat steam dr1vonExc1ter Sett.Bidders to turn1Bh
thaiI' own Spee:l:Ci.lcat10ns.,
Reports o:C Depository :Banks Were readl and :fllew_.
Reports 0 f: Oity Treasurer .Pol1ce.Judge and Olerk :Cor June; and,
Annual report of Chief or Fire Department Were read and f1ledi.
~<<~:' .
The Strea & Alley Oommittee presented the t'OlloWing ResOlu-
tion and HeYde moved 1ts adopt1on:
Whereas Paving Distr1ct NO.12 ot the Oity ot Grand ISland h~lS
heen duly organtzedcomPPising the lots abutting and adijOining o~
SeCOnd street in s~1d 01ty ~om the East side ot' SYc~more Street
to the East side or Plum street;!.
And Whereas the p~rsons owning lots 1n said ~v1ng D1str1ct
were g1ven thil1'ty daws :Crom the passage ot: the ard:d.nance organlz,1ng
said District to select the kind ot P~vlng desired by such persons;
And Whereas more than thirty days have elaJpSed si't1fe s~id
ordinance has been 1ni effect;
And Whereais the property owners 1nsa1d Paving D1strict hf!live
t~iled to selec~ the kind ot' pavlng desired by them and ha~
tad.led. to noti~ the 01ty Oouncil ot' the kind ot ~Ving so de~
s1llett, theret'ore
Be it reSOlVed. that hiving District NO.l2 0;(' the Oi'ty 01:
Grand Island be ordered P8'Vedj wlth standard vitr1t"led vertical.
:C1bre. briCk With :Cour inch concrete base B'nd cement grout rille:r.
Be it fUrther resolVed that the Oity Engineer be instructed;
to p~epare Plsms and speclt"1ca.t1onS1 and. estlma:tes t'or such p~vement
aind SUbmit them to this Oounoi~, aa~; soon a"'S POSSible..
Albert HeYde,
H.HehnlCe ,Jr.
R.P.Basmussen Oommittee
~'- -.
motion carried on rOll C811,BOOk,Br08dwell,Hehnke,HeYd6,MenCk,
Meyer and. RasDlU$Sen voting aye ,nay none ,a'bsent Hanna1,&nd:bhe ReSolu-
tion was declaroct-~ adopted.
The 01 ty E:hg1neer presented Plans ,Spec.1t'icatlon 8'nd Est1mates
ror the Oonstruct1on or paVing in Paving D1str1ct NO.lZ' 8'nd the
Sante were read:
Moved by HeYde th81t the Plans ,Speclt'ications:; and Estlrna:tes
ot" the 01 ty Eng1'neer 1'01' PaV1ng D1str lct NO.12 be adopitedi as read.!.
and the 01ty Ole,t'k be instructed to advertise ror bids t'or the
PUtting in, or saiic1 P&"V\i1ng; CllIrriec1 on, rOll caJ.l,Boak ,BroadW6l11 ,
Behnke ,HeYd.,MenCk ,Meyer and Basmussan voting aye ,nay none ,Slbsent
HaMill, "nd the ll$Yor c1e<llar Cd the Pl81l8, Specifics. t:ions alll1 Es UlIIJI\t ss
dUl Y adoRt ech
; ;'it .;....iIIA..
The F.1re committee made repor't as fOllOWS): ,
To the Honorable Mayor and Members ot.' the Oi ty Oounci.l:
0:C the Oi ty of' Grand Island ,Nebraska.
We,Your Committee on Fire and Water to whom Was re:Cerrecl
the eialm ot: 1ft"s.Annie Fleischer :Lor the surno:t: one thousand 0..01-
lSlrS damages c!l.a11rnech to have been sustained.:. by her thru the
injur;y and death of' ~ony Fleischer ,Whil e in the emplOY, sa; a
rireman,o:f the City beg leave to report that we have examine~
into the merits or sa1dCla1m and into the racts:o surrounddng
the death or sald ~oney Fleischerr 8300 we recommend that said claim
be a-J.loWedl 1n the sum of one thouStMld dollars ami that a warrant
be drawn and delivered to said cla1,m$,nt :for that smoun&..
RespectfullY SUbmitted.
H. Hahnke ,Jr .
G. W. Broadwell.
Moved by Broadwell that the report be adopted and the b1l1 allowed:
Oarried., on, roll call ,Bock ,Broadwell ,Hehnke,HeYde.MenClC ,Meyer 81nd
Rasmussen voting aye,naw none:,abLsent Hamna..
~he Finance Oommittee presented am Estima.te o:f the expenses
of' the City :for the ensuing Fiscal yeSlr 8Jnd the same waa; reaCih
Whereupon Rasmussen moved that. the same be adopted and spread
upon the minutes and a copy thereo:f PUbli,shed:t:or one week:
Motion carriedJ on rOll call ;BoCk ,:aroadwelL,Hehnlce ,HeYde ,MenCk,
Meyer and RasIm.l.Ssen voting aye.=.n81Y none,absent :r:rsrma.
88\id Estimate: 1s as rOllow&::
Estimate df' expenditures tOI" the Oity ot Gra1ld Isla>nd,
Nebrf:1s~a ,for the Fis eal yeal' 19l1l-.
To the Honorable Mauor andOity oouncil of' the 01ty ot
Grand Island , Hail 1 oounty, Nebrasktih.
We,your ~omm1ttee on Finance ,report the tollowing
estimate of' the tull exp,enses f!))nd needs to c.onduct the fit'tairs
ot the Qity of'G-rand Island ,Nebraska, for the next Fiscal yealr,
c.ommenc1ng the second Monday in August 19l1h,tollit: A/UguSltL loth,
191~, as shown under the cap:iJdon of the various fUndS:
BondS and Interest~
To p~W' interest: on .110,000 retunding bondS ~ 4' t~~,400
To Pi9Y interest on ' .3.5 ,000 light & power bondS Cl4-!,u ,5)75
To P.aw interest on '16,000 1ntersee;.paving bonds.5f 880
To pllfY wina1p$>~ on one. intersectionpa1V'ing bond~ 1.000
_ , ---'7 , 77fJJ$7 , 775,
General Fund: -
To pay sala?ies of Oity officers .~,}OO
For streets ,alleYe ,sidewalkS ,crossings ,etc. 9,000
For flUShing sewers ,extending mins and relawing
For lighting st;reets,aileYs and pUblic buildings
For incidental :e~penses of city
For car e pt parK
Tot aU.
-- #34,300f3lJ.,JOO
pOlice Fund:
To p~y ea'lar1es: and 1nej,dental expenses
Fire fund:
To pay salar1es',1ncidental ex>penses ,hYdrant rentals,
and tor SUPPlies and other eJliPenses of.' department #17i,000*17,~OOO
Oemetery Fund:
To pay s~laries' and for imp~ovements,extensions or
water system and incidental expenses,inC1Ud1ng ~ll
revenues derived !'rom oemetery, .
Library FUnd:
To :gay saltm1esf,f.'or hOOkS and supplies, 1na1dental
expenses and repairs, 2,500 '2J~00
. Wa t er Fun<t:
ToPSJY' saiar1es,for repairs ,m8,1ntenance and
ogeration of Pl~t,extensions and incidental
expenses ,includP-ng all revenues der1ved theretrom 35),000 t3S,000
Light Fund:
To pay s,aiaries:,for repairs,ma;intenance and
op:erat1on ({)f P!l~nt, extensions and incidental:
expenses,inc1Ud1ng all revenues der.ivect.; theref.'rom 70,000 #70,000
pal'l\lng FuncL:
For p$ving street intersections ,spa.ces oppos1 te alleys
and in tront Of,' pUbliCo: bUildings 1~)J,OO~5.000
MaKing 81" total o-r 1"193',575)
All, of whi ch is r esp.ec:t:t'UllY sUbm1 t t adJ.
Dated JulY 15th,1914.
H. Hehnke ,Jr.
*9,000 *9:,,000
3,000 *3',000
oommittee on Finance.
.Ad.j ourned:i
01 ty Olerk.
Bepor't ot alert ot.'APpropr1at1ons& Expendltures
_to August lu1911h,
Gener- al Fund
Appr opr ia1t ed
95i1. 8. 34t
4-~,. O~ ..
277 .722
- 999.82
4-4-. 95)
Street & Alley
i~... .......
Police Fund
8500 . 863-1.85,
Oemetery Fund
4000 3lf60.1~
Fir e Fund
11000 11070.48
Water Fund
BUildings & Ma:clainery
outside Improvements
Mel" cJn.andise
Water Services
Plant operating Expense
Maintenance Expense
Oi'fice Expense.; .
19,97 . 55~)
124-05). 70
3158. .11
. PaVing Fund
25340 25331.33
208640 191620.62
paving District FundS 4-9530.09
SeWer Distr ict Fums 793~7.14-.5'
Monument Fund 4-539.68
Permanent OemeteJi'Y Fund 600.00
Grand Total Warl>ants IssueclL 2514-227.84
BUildings &, Machinery, ImP.
outside Improvements
Mer chandis 6;
Mer ahandise,Labdr
Maintenance E~pens6
O:ff'ice Expense;
171019.. 38
RespecttullY SUbmitted.
Grand. 181anc1,Nebraska ,AU8ust 51'11. 91l+,.
The Oouncil met in regular session,His Honor, the Mauor presiding
and Bock ,BroadWell ,HannatHehnketHeYde ,MenalC anct :Meyer present.
K The Mayor suggested the death or Counc:ilman Rasmussen since.
the last meeting or the Oity Council a~ suggeste~ the ~ppoint-
ment ot: 81 corom;tttee to drat:t suitable ReSOlutions and on motion
o:f Boall: the Ma.yor apPOinted HamSJ,Menck ,Meyer and Heyde:' auoh Com-
~;,------'-- -
The min'lites of' meeting ot: July 15J"191lJ.; were read and a-pproved.
A communication t:rom Ed.R.Evans Greater Show Co.asking that
the Occupation Tax or .25).00 per day be reducedl Was read and on
motion of' Heyde the request was rei'Used~
Bid o:f C.:R.Hi tcJ::1coCk :Cor unJ.oaning coal was read and on mo-
tion o:f HaYde re:Cerred to the water & light Oommittee.
The Mawor suggested: that he had askedi contractor ,J. VI . Fauble::,
to examine the Al toonat Hotel ancL his report was :presented; and
read as :CollOWS:: Grand ISland,Neb.7;<;.27-1911#
Hon.Mayor & Oity Oouncil,ot: Grand ISland,Neb.
Dear sirs:
On examination or the Al toona\ Hotel I :find; the
building badly set tIed} & crackedc & think it shOUld be rodect.
I dO not consider the building dangerous. Yours Respy.
Jas.W.Fauble, Grand Island.,
On motion 01' Hanna1 the matter was re1'erred to the ~ilding Oomraittee
Bid o:f Merkle-Hines Machinery Oo.t:or Exciter sets Was opened1
and read and on motion ot: Hehnke re:ferred to the Oommittee.
BidS :ror ooal :ror the enSUing year were opened and read ot:
the tollowinK named parties:
l;,~", .........
George A.Hoagland & 00.,
The Ohicago Lumber 00. t
OQaJI. Hill Ooal. Oompany,
..T .H. Yost Lumber 00.,
GraJld ISland, NebraSka.
Omaha1, Nebraska~,
Grand ISlandtNe~ra8ka~
Onmotlon or BI"oadwell the bids were rererred to the water & light
Oommittee: The ,Committee retired,examinecli the bids and brought in
verbal '~ort recommending the acceptance o:f the lJlctL ot: the Ohlcag.o
Lumber Oomp;an:v t:or Weir Oity Nut Ooal at #1.8~ F.O.B.cars at the
mines,t:reight to Grand ISland,#2.0,,"__
On motion O:fHanna'l the report was adopted and contract awa'1'-
dod a
Bide or William XellY & OO,Grand 151and,Nebra~~a and
The E.D.Tyner Oonstruction Oo.of Kansas Oity Mo.
:for paiVing paYing District No.l2 were op:ened I~-nd on motion or
Hehnke ret'erred, to the street & Alley Oommittee to investigate and'_
report at the next meeting..
The street & ,Alley Oommittee made report as rollows:
To the Mawor and Oi ty Oounail of Grand Island ,Nebr.
We, the undersigned:, Ooromi ttee on streets and Alleys) report
that we ha"Ve in connec;tion with the Mayor and Olty Attorney ,had
a' coni'erence with representatives oi' the O.B.& Q,..R.R.Oo. relative
to the caring' for the suri'ace water that accwnulaJtes at and near-
the tract of said Oompany at the East end of 2" and3rd streets
in said Oity arid after care.fullY considering sar1.d rna:tter with
s~ld Oo:mp:any l:tt has pwopo-sed to pay the sum oi' #75:0 to the Oity
i'or the PUI'Pos~ of extending the dra1inage sewer f'rom its termi-
nation on Vine street south across J1' ,2" ,1" ,Division and Koenig
streets upon Plans and specii'ications to be prepared by the Oity
Engineer: That said dria1n shall be t:or surt:ace water drainage
and so laid that it will take the water on East Third street
from the Ra;Llroad track West to Vine street and. WE[, recommend
that said p~opos1tion be accepte~ and the OitYEngineer instrue~
ted to prepare Plans therei'or.
Albert HeYde.
A.O.Menck OOlnmittee.
On motion of Hanna the report Was adop;ted, the proposition of the
Railroad) oompsn~ accepted and the Oity EngineEr instructed 00
prepare proper plains ,specifications and. estimate tor same a\1'ld
report at the next rneeting.motlon carried on. rOllca-lli,:sOCk,
Broadwell .Hannai,Hebnke ,HeYd e,Menck and Meyer vo t ing ave.. nay none.
Olaurns against the Oity Were read and on motion oi' Hehnke
aillowed~t:or list see Olaim Register.
peti~ion oi' Richard. Guendel and others aSking for the appoint-
ment ot' RudOlph Reher as Oouncilman frmm the First Ward to till
tIle vacancy caused by the (leath of Oouncilman Rasmus P.RlaIsmussen
was read ,on motion of Heyde the prayer of the 'Qatltion was grantedl,
Rudolph Reher,dU1Y appointed and confirmed Oouncilman i'rom the
First ward to~all the vacancy.
An ordinance" NO. 561 levying taxes :Cor 19:3..41- was presented:
Moved by HeYde that the Ordinance be Pla'ced on its first
Carried on roll cail..l ,BOCk ,Broad~1ell ,HanM,Hehnke.HeYde:,Menck
and Meyer voting awe.naw none,
The Ordinance was read and declared pasl1Jed its first reading.
Moved bY Broadwell that the rUles be susp:rended and the ordi-
nance be placed on its second reading by its tl!tle:
Carried on roll oa11 ,Bock ,Broadwell ,Hal1l1.8:..Hehnke,HeYda.,Menck,
l:Hld Meyer voting aye,nay none]
The 0rd.1nance was,r ead.' by its title and declared P$ssed its
second reading.
Moved by Hehnke that the rules be suspended and the ordinance
be placed on its; third reading:
Carried on 1"011 caiLl ,Bock ,Broadwell ,Hanna\,Hehn1<e ,HeYde,MenCk
$ndMeyer voting awe ,naoy none:
The Drdlnancewas read and declared passed its third reading.
Moved bY Meyer that the Ord1nance be Placed on its t'ina<l
Carried: on roll call ,BoOk, Broadwell ,HannaJ,Hehnke,HeYda,:M:enek
and Meyer voting aye ,nay none:;
The Maqor deeiared the ordinance finally pRssed and approved]
the same.
An Ordinance:: NO. 5B:2,b.eing the Annual APpropriation Bill was:,
Moved by Broadwell that the ordinance be placed on its:: :first
I' eading:
Carr ied on roll call ,Bock ,BroadWell ,Ha-n.na:~,Hehnke ,Heyde ,MenCk
and Neyer voting aye ,nay none;
T'ne Drct1n$1.ce was: read and declared pa'Ssed its first reading.
Moved bY Hehnl<e that the rules be suspended and the ord1na1nce
be placed. on its second reading bY its title:
Carried on roll cftll ,Bock: ,BroadWell ,Hamna':,Hehnke ,HeYde ,ManCk
and Meyer voting aye ,nay none;
The Ordinance was read by its title and declared pa,ssed its
second reading.
MoVel by Heyde t.hat the rUles be suspended and the orctlnanca::
be placed on its: third reading::
Oarried on- roll call , Eo ale ,Broadwell ,Hanna1,Hehnke ,HeYde ,Menck
and Meyer voting aye,nay none:,
The Ordin~nce 'Was I' ead.' and declared passed its third reading.
Moved by Broadwell that the ~&lnance be placed on its ~inal
:p~ssage: ,
Oarried on roll call ,BOCk ,:aroadwell ,Hanna,Hehnke,HeYde,lIenek
MeYf>J> voting aye ,nay none:
The Mavor' declared the ordinance :finallY passed: and approved
the same..
Oharles WaSffie1' Was dUlY elected Member o~ the BoardJ. o~
Registration ~or the term o~ Four ureal's and. Arthur L.Joseph
WHS elected 1'01> the term of' bo yearSl.
~~.Ohas.G.RYan asked permission to use a portion o:f Thirw
street While repairing the Martin Building and on motion or
Heyde the request was granted.
On motion o~'Breadwell the Mayor was instructed to notifY
Hanarord and stone that they mustaommence the expert examination
o~ the records without delay or some one else would be employed,
to do the work.
Broadwell reported that Sewer District No.lJ.3 was c.ompletecii
and moved that the Oouncil sit ~ a Board ot: ECLua'l1za.tion oJa
WednesdaY,AUgllst 19"19llJ.,be:tween the hours o~ TO'aloclC P.M.
and 8 0 I clocR l?M. o~ said day for the purpose of' Eq!Ua;~iz1.ng and
Assessing the Benef'ij)s accrue1ng and levying a tax to pay tor
sarl.d construotion and that the Oity Olerk give 'due notice o:f sroid
meeting ; Motion carried:.
The'oity Engineer presented estimalte' o:f cost of c.onstruction
01' Sidewalks set :forth in ReSOlution adopted JUlY 1"19llJ..and
speci~1cations :for their eonstruction and on motion o:f Broadwell
the same were f:\dOPited artd the Olerk instructed to advertise :for
bids :for theireonstruction.
Report of J. B. Turner, special Police of'f'icer was :filed..
Report of' Wleighma:ster ~or July and of' Olerk o~ AlPpropr1aJtions
and EXpenditure.s to AUgust 1" 1911f.; Were read and f11edJ.
Gr~nd IBla:nd~NebraSI<:asAUgust 19"1914;~7j~P.M.
The Oouncil met as a Board ot' Equa<lizt!ilt"ion for the purpose' o;C
EQuaJ.iz:ing'and Assessing the bene:fits accrueing to the real aatate
embraced) in sewer District No.lfJ~ ot: the Oity ot: Grand ISland,Nebr-
aSk8,bY reason ot: the construction ot: a, sewer through said Distric;t
a"ndlevying a, tax to paw t'or said cnnstruc;tion,His::, Honor, the Ma;yor
presiding ,present Broadwell,HehnkolHeyd6:,Meyer a;nd MenOl{ and
Reher. absent Bock & Hanna'.
At't er r emt\1ining in session t:or one hour and until! 8 0' clock P.M.
and no one ap~eafing to Object to or protest against the proposed)
EquaQ1zrut1on,~ssessment and Levy Broadwell
following Resolution and moved; i~s adoption:
Be it resolved bY the Mayor and Council of the city ot: Grand
of't'err ad the
ISland.Nebraska,sitting as a, Boara. ot: EqualizatiQn t'or th.~ pUrpose
that We do t'1nd andsav that we tind the total expense of' the cons-
~uction ot' a sewer through Sewer District No.43 ot' said city to
be the Silln ot' #83l.0~: We t'ind that the benet.'its accrueing to the
real estate ~ut~ing upon the alley running throUKh said District
are equal and. un1torm as per f'oot :Crontaaa or a'butting on said
Alley and that the total ~enetits accrua1ng to said real eatate
is the sum ot: #831.0l.!+ and that the benei'its accrueing to the res-
p:ective tracts ot ltilnd. are as set opposite the Several descr 1pt ions
thereot as :fOllOW&-1
Thomas' Host~er ,Lot ~ J3l0Ck 27,Oharles Wasmer's Addition 'l.J.2.SQ
n.W.Marsh,Lots 2&.~ Block 37!,Oharles Wa-smer's Adcl1t:t.on 81.84
J. T.Ravenscroi't ,Lt.l.J. Bloc~ 3.1~anarles Wasmer' a Add,1tion lfo. 9Z~
Odi Giese Lot 5 BlOCk J7i,Charles Wa'smer's Addition l.J.2.,n
Claude T.powell ,lit. 6 ElOClC !iI' Charles Wasmer's Addition l.J.2.5,Q
Wm.J . speetz.en , Lot T Block 37,Oharles Wasmer's Addition 40.92
Albert W.stehr,Lot &Block3?~Oharles Wasmer's Addition l.J.O.92
A.E.OaUY,Jr. Lot~. BlOCk3~,Oharles Wasmer's Addition 40.92
Olyde Jury Lot 10 1310ck 37,Oharles Wasmer'S Addition 1+2..5:0
lianson V.Hillaker,Lots 1,2 & 3 Block 3',Chas.Wasmer's Addl!4.34
Oarl H.MenCk Lots t4,51,' 7 a 9 & 10 Block 3'6
Charles Wasmer's Addit~on
# 29..1. _.18.....
G. W. Broauwell
ReSOlution a110pted on- roll call &111 present voting aye.
The minutes O:f the meeting as a EOard~ ot' EQuaJl.1zattion were read
and 8PprovediWhereupon the oouncil adjoUrned~
( City Olerk.
Grand Island.Nebraska.AUgust 19"1914t.
The Oounci1 met in regular session ,His Hono~, the Mafor
presidlbJ'hg ,present Broadwell ,Hehnke ,HeYde ,MenCk ,Meyer ,trebsent
Bock 'and Ha:nnat;RudolP;h Reher ,ll:PPointed to :fill 8\ vacancy from
the :first WarcU. presented his bond which wacs approved by the Maw-or
and he was sworn in as-: a; Member o:f the Council.
, ......
The Minutes of' the last meeting were read and. approved.
The Special Oommittee on Resolutions presented the :following:
Whereas, the All-Con<wering hand o:f Death ha'S' taken :from
1:1is earthlY laibors our friend and fellow-member ,Ras' p.Rasmussen,
Who ,1'or the paa t four year s:, has been an honest and capable member
01' this Council and Whose earnest and conscientious lalbors have
been :fruitfUl O:f good on behaa:f 01' the PUblic,
There:fore,Be it Resolved",bY the Mayor and Oity Oouncil o:f
Grand Island ,Nebraska. that we deeply deplore the untimelY death
o;C Mr . Rasmussen ; that bY his death we: have ,lost al nOb~e"generous
hearted friend and valued councilor,&nd .the community a :faithful
PUblic servant and upright and worthY citizen;: that his QUailities:'
o:f heart and mind ,his sterling integrity and singleness or pur-
pose;, endeared him to ~f',. wide circle o:f :friends ,Who will keenly
:feel his loss; that w6;extend to his orphaned children,whosffi
care and. wel1'are Were his latest thought ,our heart-:felt sympa;thY
fl\nd condolencer; tha:1t as' a t'Urther mark o:f our respect we ask tha\tt
this reSolutiOl'1" be spread upon the records; o:f this Oounc1J-L and
~ COpy thereof sent to the bereaved :family or the deceased~
August Meyer,
A.C.Menak '
Albert Heyde
J . E. Hann fro,
~;. '.....
On motion o:f Broadwell the Resolutions were adop.ted and orderedl
spread upon the minutes o:f this meeting and a copy directed to
be sent to the ;bereaved 1'amilY.
A Communication :Crom the York Water 00. ,was read and re:ferred
to the Water & Light Committee.
protest o:f W. B. Guthery ,upon payment o:f dog tax under 'W,Iil&; read.
Bids o:f William Sci1e:f:f'el and Edward :Sigley,:Cor laying side-
walks were read, and
. 1 ~. re:Cerred to the Oommi ttee. T"ne
Committee repo:rited. recommending the acceptance 01' the bid oT
Edward Bigley ~nd on motion ot: Broa-a.well the report was ado,ptscL
and Oontract awarded to Edward Bigley to la,y such walks on the
list advert1sed 1'~:~he C1ty has to law 1'01' the S1llll 01' n1ne:
cents per s~uare ~ including aJll exca-va l1ion tiind t:illing ,he to
Rive a bond in the sum of #3DO.oo.
The street Oommittee made report as fOllows:
To the Hon.Mayor and Oity Oouncil:
Goo tlemen:
:",-""'-'" ,
We ,your Oommittee on streets and Alleys, to whom was
re:Cerred the bids ot' Pawing District "'12 ot' the Oity ot: Grand;
Island ,Nebr. beg leave to report as :fallows:
That we have examined the various bids and t'ind the
bid of the Tynel' Oonstruction 00. , the lowest bid and recommend
tha t the contract be awarded to said Oompany.
A1 bel' t Heyde
R.Hehnke ,J.e. ,
A.C.Menek, Committee.
on motion of Broa<lwell the report was adopted.
Oooonittee on City property reported the voting booth in the
Sixth District needed rep18irs and on motion ot: Meyer the matter
was referI' ed to the Oommi t t ee to have the I' ep,a1:r.s mads...
On motion at' Heyde the matter ot' removing some of the gutter
plates in paving District NO.7i was re:ferred to the Street Commit-
tee wi th power to act.
The Bond Committee reported :finding the Petition and Bon~
ot' H.L.Davis to obtain an Auctioneer's permit in proper t'orm and
the sureties sufficient and on motion ot' Menck the Petition Was
granted,Bond approv.edJand License ordered issued.
The Oity Engineer reported specit:ications,Plans and estimgte
t'or construction ot: the drain in Vine street and on motion of
Broatlwel~ the same were adopted and the Clerk instructed to
advertise for bids ~or construction ot' the same.
Bills against the Oi:ty were read and on motion ot: Broadwell
al10wed,for list see Olaim ~eg1ster.
Report ot: the Grand Island., National. Bank was read and :filed.
Report ot: the Oity Olerk for July Was read and -riled..
Report ot: the P011caJUdge was read and -riled.
An ordinance No. 583, levying a tax to ptty 1'01' the construction
ot: a Sewer through Sewer District NO.l+J~ was presented::
Moved by Broadwell that the Ordinance be placed on its
first reading:
Oarried on roll call, BI008.cq.well ,Hehnke ,HeYde:,MenCk ',Meyer and
Reher voting aye ,nay none,absent Boak and Hanna;
The Ordin.ance was reacL and deolaredpa:ssed the first reading.
Moved by BroadwelL that the rules be suspended and the Ordi-
nance be placed on its second reading by i.ts title.:
Oarried on 1'011 caiLl, Broadwell ,Hahnke ,HeYde;,MenCk ,Meyer and
Rehertvot1ng aye,nay none ,absent Bock and Hanna:
The Ordinance was read by its ti tIe and declared passed its
second reading.
Moved by HeYde that the rUles be suspended and the Ordinance;
be placed on its third reading:
Oarried on 1'011 ca.ll ,Broadwte'll ,Heh:t1ke ,HeYde,MenCk ,Meyer and
Beher,voting aye,nay none,absent Bock and Hann~:
The Ordinance was read and declared passed its third reading.
Moved by Hehnke that the Drdlnance be placed on its final
Oarried on roll call,Broadwell.HahnKa,HeYda.MAndk,Meyer,and
Rehor ,voting aye,nav non61absent Bock and Hann~.
The MaYor declared the Ordinance .finallY passed and approved
the same.
Bills aga:inst SeWer District No~lJ.3) Were read and allowectl,
;Cor list see Olaim Register.
Ad journedl
Oity d1~~-"1
Report of' APpropr1a,tlons and. Expenditures
to end of' ~iscal year)August 191~.
General Fund
APprop~iated Expended
Bp1ice Fund
streets & Alleys
Cemetery Fund
Fir e Fund
Water Fund
Buildings & Machinery
Outs1cle Improvements
water Services
~lant Operatir~ EXpense
Maintenance Expense
Office Expense
Light Fund
Buildings & Machinery) ImP.
outside Improvements
Mer clu!md is e '
Mer chandise, Labor
Plant Operating Expense
M8.;1ntenance Expense
O1'1'ice Expense
pav,ing Fund
2.5 3 It-o
3181 T. 25
3!.j.5lt-5:-83 -
~~~~8 ~~5)--
paving D1 atr let FundS
SeWer Di S tr 1 at FundS
Monumen t Fund
permanent C.m.metery Fund
Grand Total of' Warrt:rnts:
Sununar y
drawn 26lt-516.82
Respect:rUlly sUbmit t ed!
Grana ISlana,NebraSka,Sep~ember 2"191~~
The Oouncil met in regular session,present Broadwell. and
Reher ,absent ,:Sock ,Ha'l'lnroo,HeYde ,HebnlCe ,MenCk and. Meyer, There
being no quorum on motion 0:1' Broadwell the Oouncil adjournea; to
Fr1clay evening september 4-"1914; aot g o'clock.
Oi ty Olerk.
Grand Islana ,NebraSk8),September 4"1911J.!..
The Oouncil met ,.-. pursuant to aajournment at go' clOCk,
P.M. His Honor t the Ma~D:r presiding ana all members present at
rOll calll.
The Minut:;18 ot' meetings of' August 19" 1914 ana September 2"
3;914 were read and approvecll'
The Macror appointed ~@1i6... Q~.t"'V-1H''''' Oonn~.lma:n Reher on the
several oonunittees in paace ot' oouna1lman Rasmussen,decease~,
adVancing Meyer to the cha~manship of' the FinancG Oommittee.
;;. <.AA..
... ....,
The Engineer presentea amend.ed estimate at: cost or Drain
in South Vine street and on motion of Broadwell the same was
adopted am the clerk instructed to adVertise for bidS for same.
Wilhelm Scheffel asked permission to use a part of South
Walnut street while putting basement under Wolbach Building and
on motion o:f Heyde. the request was granted.
Mr.Oonnors,Secretary o:f the oommer~ial OlUb asked that the
Oouncil take some action to prevent counter-attractions during
the oouttt1y Fair and on motion of Ha::nnatit Was voted, that no
Licenses :for oarnivals or other counter-attractions be issued.,
during the week or the Oounty Fadr.
On motion of Broadwell permits :for all concessions dilring
the Fair week were turned. over to the Fair 00II\IJ11ttee.
H~narDrd. & Stone filea report or their examin~t1on or the
accou.nts of the various officers tor the past year and. on motion
of Meyer the sa~e Was referred to the Finance Oommittee.
~.HeYde reported that he had been to Kansas Oity and to
Lawrence Kansas ,w~ the briCk for paNing District No.12: are
to be shipped. from ana that they had. plenty of BriCk on hand
he also reported that the owners of BriCk wanted the Oity to send
5, man there to have the BriCk tested before 10att1ng on cars tind
his expenses: On moti
ot' Broadwell :MIJ.HeYde
was requested. to proceed to LsWl"enCe Kansas and. attend to said
~..... ........
On motion of Heyde the matter or re-law~g an intersection
or paving District No.lO on West Second street. to set the water
baCl{ into the drain was ret'erred. to the street Be, Alley Ooromi ttee
wi th power to act..
on motion ot' Hann~ the Clerk was instructed. to advertise
1'01' bidS 1'01' grates :Cor Boiler No.1 g.t the Water & Light Plalnt..
The Water Committee made report as 1'ollows::
Grand Island Sept. 4"19114-:.
To t11e Honora!ble Mayor and Oouncil:
We.your Committee on Fire,Light & Water to Whom the bid. :Cor a
steam Exc-1ter was re:Cerred beg . leave to report that we accept
tlle bid of' Merkle -Hines Machinery 00., the PiZ'1ce bieing $990.00
delivered at Grand ISland.
CoT. E. Hannal.
H.Hehnke .Jr.
Aug. Meyer
On motion ot' Meyer the report was adop.ted and Oontract awarded
The Bond Commi t t ee I' epor t ed I' ecommencUlng the ~pprova:J. ot'
the Bonds ot' The E.D.Tyner Construction Co.,covering their
oontract :for PaVing paVing Districe NO.12 and :for Maintenance
. .
and on motion of'. MencK the said Bonds were approvew.
The Bond Oommittee reported recommending the approvarJ.. of' the
pawn BDoker' s Bond ot' I. Berkowi t~ 81nci on motion of' Menck the
repor twas adop.ted and the Bond approvew.
BillS against the Oi ty were read and on motion 0:C Hanna.
8'l10wedJ.,:Cor list see Claim Register.
BidS f'or putting in curb & gutter eta; :Crom the drain in
South Vine street were op.:ened and l' ead and. on motion ot' Broad.-
well re1'e1'red to the Committee.
The Mg,yor presented :form ot' Contract With the C.J3.& Q,.R.R..Co.
covering agreement :Cor drain in South Vine street ~nd the same
.wla'sread and 1'et'erred b:ack to the Mayor to be changed 3ccorQ,ing
to origina'l agreement with the Co.
Report at' City Clerk at' APpropr1e.tions tilnQ. !JXpendiiture~
to end at' F1scaJ.uear- ~rl.so monthlY reports o:f Police JUdge,
Weighmaster ,Treasurer ,and. Clerk ,were I' ead. and. placeGb on t'ile..
Report ot Depos1 tory barucs were read and placea on tl1e.
Helmke reportea that the new cells .:Lor the jail had been
r ecei ved. and. were being put in pa.ace.
Ad Journe(.[
. o1t~dlert.
Grand ISland)Nebra'Ska,NebraS1\a, Sept .16"
The Counc1l met in regular session ,His Honor, the Ma~ror pre-
siding and all me:mbe.xs present at roll call.
The minu tea of the meeting o;C september lJ.l/l91lJ. wane read.,
and approved.
BidS for putting in South Vine street Drain Were opened.: a8-
Bid at' William Kell~ & Co and
E.D.Tyner Construction 00.
On motion the hidS Were ret'erred to the Sewer Committee.
1~.Wm.Axt,Jr.and V~.F~ed Hagge Were present w1th proPQRitlon
to layout tracts ot' land in the South East part Of the 01 ty
dedicating streets. a!ld AlleyS, on motion at' Heyde their propo.-
s1 tion was accepted "proper platt with dedication to be .filed.'.
The Fin3Jnce Committee made report as ;CollOws:
To the Honorable Mayor and 01 ty Oouncil:
We,the Finance Oommittee to whom has been referred the
I'eport at' the Auditors ,:Messrs stone & Hanaforcti,.find that the work
Was done in a.~ satis:ractory mamner and theret'ore recommend that
the same be accepted.
On motion ot' Meyer the report was adopted..
1ieJ!de made verbal report on tests of briCk made
In view ot' the fact that the City ha1S invested about
*150,000 in valuab~e mfl'chinery and the Oommittee in jUstice to
the Tax< payers desire to know the eond! tion and et'f'ic1ency ot'
same and reCOIPJllend that an Ef:fic1ency Engineer be employed to
thorougluy inTestlgate the same.
Aug .Me;y er t
H.Hehnke )Jr. ,
Bud. Reher, Oonuni ttee.
.J . E. Hannw,
0' .:.....-...
On motion of HeYde the Clerk was instructed to advert1sa
:for bidS :for 20 street and 10 Alley Cross1ngs,more or less,
accord.1ng to spec:1t'ications on t'ile..
en mot1.on ot' Hamna the Water & Light Oommittee and the Sewer
Commi ttee were instructed to con:fer and report on some pla'n :for
havjng the large volume at' hot water now turned, into the Sewer
t!rom the various plants , cool ed b et'ore turning into the sewer.
The Sewer Oomrn1ttee reported :einding the bid, at.' The E.D.
Tyner Oonstruction 00. ,to be the lowest and best hid 1'01' putting
in d1>a1n in
ot' .13J?Oadwellthe
Bid was accept ed and contract awarded accoJldinglY.
The street Committee made report as t'ol1.ows':
To the Hon.Mayor and Oity Council
of the Oity at' Grand ISland,Nebr.
We,your COJnmittee .find af'ter caret'ul consideli"ation of' the differ-
ent b;idS on the curbs and gutters to be constructed on First and
Vine streets as per City Engineer'S plans and specifications that
the bid Ol~ C.A.prince is the lowest b:1d, and therefore reG'OlLlnend
that the Oontr~ct be awarded to NJ.l'.Prince.
.Albert HeYde,
Rl'\.d. Reller I
A. C .Menck ,
H. Hehnke ,Jr. Commi t t ee.
'on motion oi' Heyde the report was adopted..
BillS against the 01 ty were read and on motion of' Meyer allOWed.:.
Menek presented the :Lollowing Resolution and Broadwell moved 1:ts
Vrhor eas the worle on paving District No.lZ in the 01 ty at' Grand
Island ,Nebr'asl\a, is progressing sat1sfactm'ilY a;nd will b e
soon c;omp1ieted and
Whereas the contract with Messrs Tyner and co. for 88Jid VTork
provides t'or the prolltJt payment I'or said work upon compJ.et ion
~md acceptance and
Whereas the City ot'Grand ISland will issue District paving
BondS to pa,y tor the paving and curb.ing in said Distr 1ctL
excepting for th~ street intersections therein.
Therefore be it resol ved5 that the City Clerk be and he is
hereby instructed to advertise; i'or a period ot' ten days for
bidS 1'01' 2r1 D1s.1'.Eict P8,ving Bonds of' .fl vehunct:eed dollars. each)
in the sum of t'ourteen thousand dol:lfrS ,more o'Pi Less ,depending
upon the amount of money actuallY necessary to P$Y for s~id
P8:v\ing andeu:rbing; such bidS to be recai Yed. at the Olerk' s.:
office up to 8 o'cloCk,P.:M. on the 21." day at' Oc~tober 19l1t,.
Said. bonds shall be dated as of' the III da~r 01' .November 191J.J.l
and 811a11 bear interest at the rate ot' seven p.ercent~ per
l?:tnnum,p8:yable annu~llY ,due in ten years from da.;te at' issue
and payable a t any time a t the option ot' the Oi;ty.. SUell Bonds
S118J.1 be issued in denominat ions ot' $!)JOO each ,and shall be
redeemed, in the order in which they are nUmbered.. and shall
be p..aya1b1eat the office of the state Treasurer in the Oity
at' L1nc.oln NebrasJca.. A. C.Mencl{.
Motion carried on:. roll ~ll all members being present Toted aye.
Reports at' Depos! tory Banks Wer'o read and on motion o;C Hehnke
Placed on 1."'ile._
M:r.}Ieyde cRlled. attention to delay in putting in wateJf mains
in south pine st:!:>eet and. :Mr.Hanns.' expla'1ned that the same VlaB un-
On motion of' Broadwell tIle action a1!vard1ng Contract t'or filouth
Vine street drain to The J!:. D. Tyner Oonstruction co. ,was recons1eer-'
ed and on motion ot' BoCl< the Contract was awarded to Wm.KellY' & 00.
on mot1onot Meyer the Ch1e~ of pOlice was instructed to no-
tit'y Oontractors to clean UP West
Grand Island ,Nebraska', October 7 "191~.
!he Oouncil met in regular session,His Honor ,the Mayor,pres1d1ng
8Jnd 3J.l members present at roll calll.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Btd ot the La~led.-Ob.risty Olay PrOducts Oompamy :foI' Boiler
Grates was:~ opened and read and on motion ot Broadw~llLrell!erred'
".. .J.iliiiiiiii..
to the Oommittee.
Bids of 0 .A.PI' ineo,Edward Bigley and W1J.liaID.l Schef:fel t:or
street &A1ley Orossings were oPBned and read, and on mot1on
o:f Hann~' ret:erred to the Oommittee.
Meyer brought up ma,tter ot occupa;tion tax charged on the AUdm-
torium on Fourth street and on motion ot Heyde the same was. reterred:,
to the Oommittee and the Oity Attorney.
Broadwell reported that he had figures on the cost of putting 1n
8'; new Furnace in the Oity Hall. BUilding a~t a pr1ce ot about .1000
and that the exp-en$tY' of.' connee;t1ng with the water & Light Plant.
to get steam :from there would be about $2000.
On motion of Hamna.' the- matter wasr ererred badCto the Oommittee
to make further inVesti~ation and to report at the next meet1ng.
Bl1ls against the 01 ty were read) and on motion ot: BroadwellL
ail.lOW6di ;for list see Ola.1m Reglster.. .
Reports or Depository Banks were read and. 1'iledj.
Reports or 01ty Olerk and Weighma,ster were read and r11edl.
The street Oommlttee made report as fOlloW8W:
To the Honorat)le~ Ma'YOr and 01 ty Council:
We,Your Oommittee on Streets and Alleys to Whom WSiS re:"",
f.'erred the various b1dS on street & AlleY Orossings rind. the bi.dlor
:Mrr. Scherfel the bost boid, and. recommend that the same be 8\ccepted
and Contract awarded. to :Mr. Scheffel.
Respectt:ullY SUbmitted.
Albert HeYde
H.Hehnke ,JIl".
On mot"ion ot' Broadwell the report was: ad.opted. and. Contract awarded
The Mayor r epor ted some correspondence wi th E!'t'id.eney Englneers
and. on mot1on or :arioad.well the lO!l;yor was reQUested to entel' :i;nto
turther earrespondence.
fco"''' -
The Mayo~ p~esente~ eor~espondenee- w1th the So11eito~ of the
Oh1cago ,Bur11ngton Be Qu1ncy B91lroad Oompany embo4y1ng prop.oa1 t10D
to yay port1on or expense; ot drainage 1mp~ovements 1n South V1ne.
and adjacent streets anct the same was read and rei'erred to the::
Oommitte-e: on streets" Alleys who brought 1n report as-: i'OlloWS1:
To the Honorable Mayor aM 01ty Oonne-ill
ot Grand ISlaM,NebraSka:
Your Oomm1ttee to whom was rei'errellU
the;proposail ot the Ohicago ,Bur11ngton and Qu1ncw Ra1lroad Oompany
under delte of AUgust 29f119llfi,rela'tiveto the proposed) drati.nSlge 1m-
provements on,V1ne street 1n s~1d 01ty ,and the pla~1ng or ~ 12 lnen
p-ip.e under Sec.onastreet at 1ts 1ntersee:tlon with Plum street, the
same to be 1nsta1l.led:J. by th1s 01 ty a S-', p:er plans and. bi.ue pr1nts on r11e
with the Oity Olerk or sata Oity am ot' sald wr1tten proposal ,the
said Badlroa4i Oompany to pay *75,0.00 aa; 1ts share or the eost thereo4
and we: ~1nd.; that saloL proposa>J. 1s in accorda>nce W lth an agr eement
made with the oi':t'ia1aus o:t'satd Ral1lroad Oompany cover lug sa1d drain-
agEl' 1mprovemen ts'.
We recommend that sadd propoa1tion be acceptedi and that the Oity
proceed! to lnstal)] sada dra1nage improvements a'nd to mf1D1nta:in the
same asln sa1d proposal statea:'anci as shown by said plans and prints.
G. W . Broadwell,
J . E. Hann$1,
H. Hehnke ,Jr. ,
sald report Was adopted] and sad€! proposit1on
On motion oi' Hanna,
",.' ", ".C._.. :; '. .' .:.. . '.'. .. -~:
'<J. ." ... . _' ..'
Granel Island. ,:Nebra=S:iCa, October 21 "19llfl.,
; ~
The Councl1 met in regular session,His Honor J the Mayor ,presid1ng;
and all members present at roll cau.l.
'rhe minutes o:f the last meeting were read and approYed~.
:B1dS :for bonds o:f The Home Salvings :sank end. 01:
The F1rst Nat10naa. Bank at' Gran<1 ISlancli,an<1 Cralllmer Co. Denver .
were read and on, mot10n 01: BrOadwe.ll ret'erre<1 to the Cornm1 ttee.
HeYde repQrtea. that PaY1ng District No.l2='was completed; ana
on his motion the work was acceptedi .
on motion ~ Heyde the Oouncl1 voted. to s1 t as l:n BoaJrdJ at' Eq,..
u81iaation,t'or the purposeu ot' EQUa1l1i>lng and Assessing the Bene:fits:;
to real estate in PtliV1ng Distr1ct No.la: by reason of' the SfiWne belng
paved; and le'VIwlng a\ taK to pay :for Same ,on WednesdaV,liovember lj.1I
1811f.~ between the hours ot' Seven 0 · cloCK ,P.M. and. E1ght 0 t ClOCk ,P.M.
am tne 01ty C~er'k was lnstructed to "lYe notlce ot' sa;1d sitting.
On motion ot Behnke the 0ity Engineer was 1nstructed to
prepare spec1t'1ca,tiQns and estimates t'or sidewalKs on the West
side ot' South Locust street.
Hehnke caulea! attention to the use; at' the sideWalkS bY various
merchants and moved. that the Ohie:f o:f Police be instructed to
have alll WaQ}{S in the business par tion clea.red to w1 thin three
:feet at' the lot 11n., Oarried._
Broa.dwell reported the re-lawing o:f sewer lJetween Front and
Fourth streets completed.
BillS against the 01 ty were read and on motion ot Broadwell
a=ILlowedL,t'or 11st see Olaim Register.
The Bond Oommittee reported as :follows{
Grand ISland 10/21/ 14.
To the Hon.Mauor and City Counc11, at' the Clty o:f Grand. ISland"Neb;r,.
we, Your Comml ttee after examining the d1fi'erent bids on Patv1ng
Bonds flnd the bld o:f the Home Sawlngs BanI< of Grand Island
is the b est bid $ld recommend that the bid. be accepted..
H~ Hehrlke,\Tr. ,
Albert HeYde,
RudolPh Reher, Oo~nittee.
on motion ot' Menck the report was adopted; and the B1rt'ot' the
Home Savings Bank ot' par ,accrued. interest and til, prem1um ot' 125-'.00
was accepted.
,.;~".iiiiIiiiIIIIii .
13anl<ia f'or september were read and placed on .file.
Report of the Water Be Light Commissioner and the Chlef o.fthe
Fire Dep~tment of thelr Inspeotion of' the business portion of the
olty .:Crom 811ire Ha,gau:ad view was read: and on motion 01" H1romla
rei'erred to the water &, Light Oommissioner and Ohi:el" of the
Fire Department in conjunction with the Oommi ttee on Fire ,Lig,ht
and Water.
The Mavor appointed; Oharles Fent F1reme;n in place 01:. Milton
Brooks ,resigned.it and on motion 01" Broadwell the appointment waSj
approVedt and the sPp,01ntee confirmed:.
on motion of' Hann~ the Oity Attorney was instructed to pro-
ceed; at once. to c.ol1ec,t the unpa:1d dog taxes.
Meyer reported. the SKating Rink tax had been paid il1 tull.
Ad jOur nedl
, ,.~~.P
~ ~ c: :"---6...-6~.<'Hq
Oity Olerk.
Grand Island, Nebraska, October 31"19114-.
The Council met in Special Session 9.:t Eleven o'Clock,A.M.H1s
Ibnor the Mayor,pres1d1ng and Bock,Broadwell,Hanna,HeYde,~~nck)Meyer
and Reher present at roll call,absent Hehnke:,pursuant to the follow-
ing call which was read and made a part of the minutes:
To George Broadwell,J.E.Hanna',August Meyer ,R.W.Bock,Herman HelmKe,
RudolP~ Reher,A.o.~~~~heihB~~~ at: the C1ty Council at: Grand ISland"
A special meet1ng O.f the 01 ty Council of Grand Island ,Nebraska,
is herebY ca>lled' to meet at the City Oouncil' Ohamber in the City
Haill of' the Oity of' Grand ISland,NebraSka,on saturday,october 31st)
19l4;,at 11, o'clocK A.M. I'or the purPOS$ of' taking UP and Passmlbg.
an Ordina~ce authori~1ng the issue of t12,5000f paving Bonds ~
in paving Distric~t NO.12 in said Oity and for the purpose of pa'3sing
&I. resolution relative to the sale of' said bonds and the delivery
ther@ot' and :for such other :purposes connected therew1 th as may be
necessary and to transac;t all otll€~r business that may properly
c,ome be:core sa,id meeting.
Dated: Oc:tober 30th ,191lJi.
Chas. G. Rya;n,Mayor.
We herebY accept notice of the above meeting.
H. Hehnke ) Jr .
RUdol~h Reher,
A.O . Menck ,
J.E. Hanna,
R. W . Bo ck ,
Albert V.D.HeYde,
G. W. Broadwell
The Oity Attorney presented. an Ordinance,No.58I+:, and HeYde
mOVed that the same be placed on its .first reading:
Oarried on rOll cail.l ,BOCk ,Broadwell, Hronna" HeYde,Menck ,Meyer
and Reller, voting awel,naw none:.,absent Hehnke;
The Ordinance was read and declared passed its first reading.
Moved by Meyer that the rUles be suspended. and the Ordinance
be placed on its second :reading by its tl tIe:
Carr led on roll call ,BOCk ,Broadwell , Hamna, HeYde., Menck ,Meyer
and Reher voting ave,nay none,absent HahnKe:
The Ordinance Was read bY its title and declared' pasSed its
second re..act1ng.
Moved bY HeYd~r that the rules be suspended and the Ordinance
be Placed on its third: reading:
Carr ied on 1'011 call ,Bock ,Broadwell ,Hanna., HeYd6),Menck .Meyer
and Reher ,voting aye,nay nona.:,1IDsent HeJ::ll'lke:
The Ordinance was read and declared' passed its third reading.
Moved by Broadwell that the Ordinance be Placed on its final
Carr 1edi on rOll call ,BOck ,Broa'dwell ,Hanna, HeYde.., Me nCk , Meyf'..r
and Reher voting aye,nay none,:
The Ma.-;yor declared the Ordinance f1nallYPassed and approved
the same.
Mr.G.M.Goodenoug.h was present and aSked] that the Occupation,
Tax for his Billiard: Be Pool Tables s\t No.106 East Third street be
prorated! tor the baHmce ot' the year and on motion ot Broadwe.ll..
his request was granted..
. ,.,
Grand Island,Neb~aska'tNovember It"1914.
The Oounc:!.l met as a Board of Equa1iza~ion at 7 o'cloCk P.M.
for the purpose of Equa~iz1ng 8.'nd Assessing the benefits $ccruei~
to the real estate in Paving D1str'ict No.l2 by reason of the
Paving thereo:C and levying ff' tax on s$id real estw,te to pay :Cor
same: His Honor;,the M~yor ,presid1.llng, and all members present at
1'011 call: Proo:C o:e Publica tion o:C Notice o:r s1 t ting as a -Board!
o:f Equafl.izat1on was read and pla:ced on :rile.
The Oouncil remained in session from Seven o'cloCk,P.M.
until 8 0' clOCk ,P.M. and no person appearing to object to or
protest against the proposed assessment and leVY Heyde presented
the :fOllowing resolution and moved its adop:\tion:Said resolution'
was read and on roll call was dUlY adopted ,Bock ,Broadwell ,Hanna,
Hehn1\e, Heyde ,Menck ,Meyer and Reher voting a:ye, naw none and the
resolution was declared adopted.
Said resc,)lution was in words and :figw>es :Collowing::
: ....-..
1. &0
ResolU tion.
That the benefits received by the several
Resolved that the Mayor and Council of the Ci ty of
Grand Island, Ne'braska, sitting as a Board of Equali:zation,.
after due notice as provided by law, for the purpose of
assessing the benefits to the several pieces, tracts and
parcels of land liable and sU'bject to the payment of the
cost of paving and curbing of' IIpaving District No. 12/1 Of
the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, after full investigation,
does find,
i"", "'--
:-"~- ~,.," . . .
The entire cost of paving and curbing done
upon said paving District No. 12 chargeable to tile property
benefited thereby is the sum ot $12,1,38.12.
parcels, tracts and lots abutting upon said paving district
and justly liable for the paving of the same is equal and
uniform per foo ttrontage for paVing and equal and uniform
per foot for curbing.
we further find that' the amounts jUstly
<~ ~....
chargeable to each of the several pieces, tracts and
parcels of land abutting on said paving district is in the
several sums hereinafter set forth, and we do assess the
benefits to each of the said several pieces, tracts and
parcels of land a t the following sums, to-wi t:-
All of the fOllowing described property being in the
City of Grand ISland, Hall County, Nebraska:-
original Town.
Block No. 68
Lot 5
We s t~r. ,J.y l~.. Lo t 6
:h"ANNIE L. Alt N
EasterlY 23 Lot 6
westerly 6 tt. Lot 1
Easterly 60 ft. Lot '1
Block No. 69
Lot .5
westerlY 1/3 Lot 6
EasterlY 2/3 Lot 6
Lot 1
Lot 8
Block No. 70
Lot 5
Lot 6
Lot 7
Lot 8
Block lIo. 11.
Lot 5
Lot 6
Lot 7
Lot 8
Block No. 12
Lot 1
Lot 2
Lot 3
Lot )~
Bloclc No. 75
Lot 1
Lot 2
Lot 3
Lot 'l-
Return Curb east side
of Plum street
Cost Total
CUrb- ODat.
2l.J.7 :28
66.00 8.00 370.92 2.56373.1{.8
22.00 l23.6~123.64
>tJ~. 00 2}1-7. 28 211-7.28
66.00 66.00 370.92 21.12 392.0~.
66.00 91.80 370.92 29.38 '1-00.30
66.00 370.92
66.00 5.00 370.92
66.00 5.00 370.92
66.00 370.92
66.00 66.00 370.92
66.00 9~.70 370.92
66.00 95.70 370.92
66.00 66.00 370.92
66.00 66.00 370.92
66.00 95.50 370.92
66.00 92.00 370.92
66.00 66.00 370.92
66.00 370.92
66.00 370.92
. 370.92
1.60 372.52
1.60 .372.52-
21.12 .392.011-
.30..30 '1-01.22
.30.62 11-01.5"f.
21.12 .392.011-
21.12 .392. 01j.
.30.56 l.Wl.l~
29 . 'PI- 'tOO..3o
21.12 392.01f.
19.10 19.10
BIo ok No. 76
Lot 1
Lot 2
Lot .3
1..0 t J~
Feet Feet Cost Cost Total
Pav- Cur'b- Pav- CUr'b- Cost.
ing. ing. 1ng. 1ng.
66.00 .310.92 370.92
66.00 370.92 .370.92
66.00 .370.92 370.92
66.00 21t-.70 370.92 7.90 378.8~
Blo ok No. 77
J...ot 1
Lot 2
J..ot 3
. Lot )1-
66.00 370.92 370.92
66.00 370.92 370.92
. 21~~.:gg.. n_ ~11~1~:~~-1'" '1i2i~~.:ig.~.
902.10 $288.66 .
Albert HeYde
The Minutes of the meeting as a Board:! of ECliUau.ization were read and
approVed! Whereupon the Oouncil adljourned.
and approved..
The street Oommittss reported: the curb & gutter' near the
O.B.& Q.RY. completed and recommended: payment ot' flJiOO on the
bill of the Oontractor the balance to be retained until the
worle 1s aarninecii and acceptedl by the Oouncil..
Broadwell reported progress on the proposition t'or storm seIer.
Bills against the 0'1 ty were read and on motion at' Hoona> alloweq.
for list see Claim Register.
Coromi t tee on ordlinances and Elections made repor t as f'ollow s::
Grand ISland., Nebr. Norw.l/.,th ,14.
To the Hon.Mayor and Oity Council of the 01~y of Grand Island,
Nebr. We your committee on ordinances and Elections endorse Ordi-
nance: regulating Pool: emd Billiard: Hauls ,lubmittedJ..
A. O.Menck ,
RudolPh Reher ,Oonunittee.
The Ordinance ret'erred to was presented and: on motion of
Broadwell that it be placed,on first read1r~ roll calL_ was aa'
fallows: . BOCk, Broadwell ,HannS\,Hehnke ,Heyde , Menck ,Meyer and Reher
voted:: aye,naw none.
The Ordinance: was read and deo~aredt passed iit! first reading.
Moved bY Heyde that the time of c~osing be changedJ from 11
O'ClOck P.M. to 12 O'ClOck,M1dnight and said irdinance so amended.:
on roll call: BoCk ,Broadwell ,Hehnke and Heyde voted aye, and Hanna
MenCk,Meyer and Reher voted nay, the vote being la,tie the Mayor
voted nay and decla.t'ed the motion lost.
Moved- by MenCk the. tL the rules be suspanded and the Ordinance
be placed on its sec:ondreading by its title:
LOS t on roll call,Hanntll.,MenclC ,Meyer and Reher, voting aye'; and
BOClC,Broadwell,Hehnke and Heyde voting nay;
There not being at two thirds vota) in favor of 8l susp(ension of
the rules the motion was deciar ed; lost and the Ordinance laid over
. until the next regul,ar meeting.
Gra>nd ISland , NebraSl<B,November It''191lf...
The Counc1l met in regular sess10n,His Honor, the MaiYor ,pre-
siding and all members present at roll 08'11..
The. Minutes 01' the meetings of october 2111 and 311' were r sed
J:. ..... ::...-... .
An OrdinlRinCe,No.58~hLeVYing a tax to P~y the expense ot' Paving
Paving District NO.12 was presented:
Moved by Broadwell that the Ordinance be Placed Oll its t'irst
read 1.ng:
Oarried on' roll call ,BOCk ,Broadwell ,Uanna',Hehnke ,HeYde , Menck ,
Meyer and Reher voting aye ,nay none,
The Ordinance was read and declared passed its t'irst readir~.
Moved_bY HeYde that the rUles be Suspended and the Ordinance
be placed on its second reading by its titlal
Oarr ied on rOll Call ,Bock ,Broadwell ,Hanna, Hehnke,1leMde;,Menck,
Meyer and Reher,vot1ng aye,naw none,
The OrcUnance was read by 1 ts title anddeclar sd passed lits
second reading.
Moved by He-Yde that the .rUles be Suspended and the Ordinance'
be Placed. on its th1rdreading:
Oarried on .roll call,BoCk,Broadwell,H~na,Hehnke,HeYde,Menck,
Meyer and DJllIITm'Jll'Ia-llIJ1 Reher voting a'Y6Ii1Ilf.:t'Y none,
The Drdinance was read and declared passed its third reading.
Moved by Hehnke that the Ordinance be Placed on its i'im:l1
passeg e ,
Carried on 1'011 call ,Bock ,Broadwell ,Hanna,Hehnke,HeYde ,Me~ck ,MeJ.-t-
e1" and Beher, voting a;ye, nay none:
The MaYor deClarod the Ordinance rinaUly P~ssed and app1"oved
the same.
Menak present ed the :fOllowing ResOlution and moved. its adopt 101
Be it resolved by the Mayor 81nd Oity Couna11 or G-rand. .iSland..
Nebraska, ~at the MaYor and Oi ty Clerk be and. hereb:Y are authorize~
to deli Vel' to the Home SaVings Bank or G-rand ISland,Nebraska, 25'
paVing BondS numberecL iJ.. to 25 1nclusive ,01.' PaVing District No.
12: or said City ,under the terms and conditions or the bid.lor
award to and purchase by said Bank or said Bonds and deposit
the proceeds received. there~om with the Oity w.raasu~er to
Oredit or said. District. Nov.~u191~.
A. 0 · Men ck .
Motion carried on rOll C811 all being present and voting aye.
Blls aga,inst Pa.:ving District No.12 were presented and on,
motion 0:C BrOadwell allowed.
The Oity Engineer presented estlma'te ot' cost 01: llllying side-
wa~~s on the west side 01: south Locust street from the South
side: ot' the Alley betweel Louisa', Street and t,.Tohn street to
the nODth end 01: the :Coot br ictge; across the ditch from the
SugSX' Fa ctory .
on motion ot' HehnlCe the estimate was adopted and the same
spec1:t'ications as previously Bsecl. t'or sidewfIDllCs to be used and
the 01 ty Oler~ was instructed to advertise t'or b1dS t'or construc~
tion at' said s1d.wallC~~.
Report at' the We1ghmast,er :Cor October was read and f'ilea.t.
Reports ot' Depos1 tory Banks were. read and :(,11ec1....
01 tr15i erk.
Grand I81and,NebrasiCa',November 18,1f19111+.-..
The Oouncil met in regulan' session,P:resident Hfl'nnS,presid1ng
and all members present at roll call..
The minutes of meeting ot' November lJ.1I19l~were read and approvecL.
B1dS Of' Ea..Bigley and O.A.Prince for putting in s1dewalK&cwere
o~ened and read and rererred to the street Oommittee.
..on motion of' HeYde the wor~ of O..!.Prince in putt1ng in dra:1n,
- -
curb etc. on south Vine street, et c. was;- accep,ted. and the balance of'
his claim allowed..
Y Hanna suggested- that the Grand Island E1ectr1c~ Oompany wanteaIi
the 01ty LightPl811t to carry a part or all of' their load t'o;r(l!ll
daw or two earlY in December and on mo-tion ot' Broadwell the matter
was ret'erred to the Light Oonunittee with power to ac;t;...
~le Finance 00mm1ttee presented Resolution aat'ollows;:
Be 1 t resol vea bY the lda'Yo;J." and Oi ty Oouno:11 of the Oity ot' Grand
ISland;, Nebra.SlCa-, that the Oity XI'easurer be and he is herebY inst-
~ucted: to consolidate the fUnd8:3 received trom allot' the Pa~ing
DistrictS', into one :fUnd.. to be Known as:; PaN1ng-D1str1cts; Func1i.
and to paw of't' _ the ob11-gat10ns o:t: the saJ1d several D1stricts
ou t ot' sadd consdl11dated f'unc1.,ha1ving rei1:arcii, as :far as; poss1ole
in D,$Y1ng s~idob11gat1ons. to the amount pa1d in by the sa,1d sev-
era,l Distr1cts:'.
Grand Island,NebraskIF, November la"191lJ.;..
AUg. }!eyer ,
H. Helmke, J:r .
Ru.dolpl1 ~eI',
<-T . E. H&nna",
On mot1on ot' Hehn.ke the resolu1f1on was adopted,on roll call, BOCk ,
Broadwell,B.anna:,HehnlCe,HeYde,MenClC,Meyer and Heher voted aye,na;y
Bills against the 01 ty were read, and on mot10n 9:!' Broadwell,
~llowedl,:ror 11st see Ola1m Reg1ster.
Deed; o:f William Joehnat and wit'e for Lots F1Ye and Tan 1n
Oourt House Add.1t1on,convey1ng sai1d lots to the Oi ty f'orstreet
purposes Was presented: On motion of' BrOadwell .the deed was sc:""
cepted and the Oler.\{ 1nstructed) to have same recorded.
Reports of the Oi ty Olerl(, Treasurer and P011ce JUdge were
read and placed] on :r11~.
" Adjourned1
Grauei' IS'landJ,NebrlJilS.Ktt, December 2 "19lt4;..
The Oouneil met in regulal't' session.ms Honor. the Yewor .pre-
siding and all m3llDbers present at roll cn-il.
The Minutes O1'the last meeting were read. and approve.w..
on mot'ion 01' Hanna the action o:f the Council in adlowing
the bill 01' Olyde Roeder in the sum 01.' fl.5) :for surgicau. serVt.ices,
on A~usti..19"" 1911fl waa.; re-considered. and the waJrpant Ordered!.
'~_,,;;;i>;:- - - - --~
On motion 01.' BroadvlelJ.L the bill was; flll10weGll in the sum ot'
Ten Dollars:; in :favor 0:C OlYde Ai. Roeder and warrrant was; orderedi
drawn in s&11d sum t'or surgicaa. serviceS5..
Albert Freitag presented' al communicat,ion proposing to IIl81Ce
survey.etc'. as'; Engineer t'or a:storun sewer and; on motion Cil
B~Oadwei.1L the same was ret'erred to the Sewer Oommittee.
Mr.R.R.Horth .on behaiJ.;f 01' Union PSlC:1:f1c: Rsilroadl Oompany
presented QUit Olti\im Deed: to the Oi,ty ;for portions) o:f North
and. South Front street,so c8l11ew.. On, motion oi', Heydt);, the same
was re:ferred to the street &, Alley Oommittee the Oity ~ttorney anw
the lla,yor to investigate:: and reportt.
Mrr~Fratlk !blY wag:; present on behel1' 01' the Nebrasl<B Telephone
Oompany w'i th 8 ]m'Opos1 tion to S&1l the old Oondui t System ot' the
Home Te'lephon/to the Oity and the S8me was.' d1scussedt by the
Light Oommissioner and others and no ac~ion taken.
Aatt & Hagge presented:' Platt ot' tracts 01' landIownedl hW them
and the same waS's ret'erred to the Mayor t'or some chang-ea..
Heyde reported that su.lJ the street Orossings were put in bllt
two and those wOUld. be put in r1ght away it' the w88!ther permitted..
Broa.dWellL reportect that the Furnace: haa been repaire@ and
WOUld:; serve the purposes ftJf. the Oity for the:: coming winter.
The Water & Light Committee reporte€t the need 01' new.; Gra,teS3
under one: o;f the Bolll.ers and at ~-oposl1 tion o:f the KeGI'd. 00:.
:CO b :Mar i on InGil.
to :fU:rn1sh 8l "Shea%- Olean"!! Gratte; SIt .5.00 per SqutW6:; t'oo~on
motl1on ot' Broadwell the Oommittee was instructeGIJ to purCilase. the
gr at e::.
Meyer brought up the ma~tter 01' r&l-surveying the portion of
the Cemetery w"1 th1n the large c1reis': and on motion 0:1: Hanna the;
IDsltter was'. ret'erred to the Oemete~y Oonunittee to bring in a Plan
t'.or .s81id sur. yay .
Broadwell reportec1~ progress on storm. Sewer pr,oPosi t10n.
Heyde repo~ted tha,t; the Oomm1ttee had aW81rded Oontract for
aidewa~ks to Ed.B1g1ey.
Bll1s aga1nst the 01 ty were read!. and on mot1on of Broadwell
a:llowedt, for 11st seeOlaim Beg1ster.
The :Mayor ega~1n suggested the need ot an Emergen~y Hosp1 tal
and on mot10n of BroauwellL the :Mayor was': requested to arrange
w1ththe Ooun'ty Board: for another conference; on the matter.
Broadwell presented the fOllow1ng Resolut10n and movea 1ts
c"; ...-.
Grand ISland ,Nebra~Ka,December 2"1914
Whereas the work eontemPlated under the propos.1 t10n of the
Oh1cago , Bur11ngton &t: QU1ncY RSl11roadJ Oompany,ot August 29"191~,
$cceptedt bY the 01ty Oouncil ot' Grand IS1andt,NebraiSlCal,on OctOber 7~!I
19;~4;.,ha8 been completed and accepted by the 01ty Oounc1l oi' the
Oity of Grwnd ISland"Nebraska.
NoW Therefore.: Be 1 t resolvedt by the Mayor and 01 ty Oouncil
01' . the 01 ty ot' Grand Island,thEft said 01.tyherebY prom1ses anet
agrees. to keep sa'id dra;1naga0 system 1n repair and to properly
maintt\l1n the same and t~t p,erm1ss1on 1s hereby g1~en: sa1d~ Oh1cago,
Bur11ngton: &, QU1ncY RflJilroaclt Oom.pa1ny to remove the Oa'st lron Pipe;
under thelr B8!11roadi on the North Gut tel' L1ne; of 'I'h1rar street..
:Be 1t :f'UJ.'tther resol ve<1i that the 01 ty 01enx be and he hereliW
1&:; 1nstructed.1 to senet aJ. copt{ of thts resolut10n to se1d B.R.Oo..
wil th 81 request ths.t they PSlY to the 01ty 'l'reas'Urer .750 818 per
sadd agreement. G. ... Broadwell..
Uot10n carr1ed! on. 1"011 callI ,BoCk ,Broadwell ,Htmn81,Hehnlte,HeYde,
MenCK ,Meyer and Rehert vot1ng fl~Eb,ng,'Y non&,and the Kayor declareclt
the reSOlution a.d.op)tedJ...
The Bill1ard & Pool Hall Ord1nance was taken uP:
Moved; bY' . Kenak that' the ord.i1nance be placedl on 1ts thfrdi. readi1ng
Otl'<rOllcallRann81,MenClC ,Meyer and Reher voted. tlliY6,BoalC ,Broad-
well ,Hehnke: ancl He.Yde; voted ntllY, the vote. being a t1e: the. mayor
voted; awe. and deCiareclt the motlon carrleCilL:
-. . . .' ()~
The Ord.l1nance was:,.readi and. deelarecL. P6:ssech lts ~ read1ng..
On mot1on or Broad.wellL the Olerk was lnstructed to not1fY the'
'U.P.B.:a.,Oo. to put the s1d.ewaQl{ between the1r trackS on, the lest
s1dEL of' Edc1U street 1noond1tion for travel by peo~le on foo~.
. Reports ot' 01ty Olerk, we1ghmaaterandD&1)os1-torr Banks were:
read anc1 f~iadJ., Ad-1ourned_
1.," .~...>~~4tJt~.
Grand, ISland, NebralS1C80" DecembeI' 16"19141
The Oouncil met in regular session ,His Honor ,the M&yor, presiding
and all members prese,nt at roll call.
The Minutes of' the meeting o:f December 2f1'1911fl Were read~ and
aJppr OViedle
Platt' of' Ax;t &: Hagge' s Mdi tion was presentedJ and on mptioui
of HeydEl acce'ptecll .
ordinance NO.5:86 Ch3iIlging the Gra.d.e: 0:C East Third street a;t, i ta~
intersection with Plum & Vine streets was presented,.
Moved: by Hehnke' th8:1t the Ord.inance be plelced; on, its :first reading;
Oarr ied: oni roll c8'3.1 ,BOClC ,Broadwell ,Hanna, Hehnk8J,HeYde,Menck ,Me.yer
and Reher-voting aY8':,nsiY none,
Th~ ordinaro e was read' and declared, pa'ssedl tts t'1rs'ti~ read1ng._
Moved by Menck that the ru18s be suspendedland the Ord1nance be
pla'cecL on its seoondL reading by 1)ts:' ti tIe:;;;
Oarried! on1roll call ,;3oCk ,BroadWell ,Hanna,H.hnke,HeYde',MenCk ,Meyer
and Reher voting ave ,naw none,::
The ordd.nsnce was read hUca:ts tit~e and deelareeV passed !its sec:ondl
Movedl by BroadwelJ,L tha t the rUles be suspended and the or dct. nanC8;
be pla\cect! on its third reading:
~aI'riect on 1'011 call ,BoCl< ,Broadwell , Hanna,HehnlC6:',HeYdEJ:,MenClt', ,
Meyer and Reher: voting aye, nay none,,:
The Ordd.mmca was I' cadi and deci8l1"e-'iii Pfi1ssedi 1;ts t'hird reading;..
Movee!: by MenCk that the, Ordd.nance be p.laced, om iits: :finau. Pfllssage;
Oarried'. on roll call ,BOck, Broadwell ,Rauma." HahnlCe, HeYd6 ',Men ck ,
Meyer and Reher voting aye"nalY none,
The Mayor deC.l8r:ed the OrctCl.na>nce t'1naJ.lY pa;ssed and approved: the
salme ..
Bill~8ga1nst the Oity were read: and on motion 0:C BoCk,allo~e~;
:Cor list see Ol~im Register.
Moved: b;Y Hannat tha'tt the g,C'trlon of the MSlyor instruc:t1ng the Ohie!'
o:cpoliC6" to have $Ill gallIlbl-1ng b:oaJrds=: or devices:: for games: 0:C
chance bemovedJ:from blur1ness Places be:' a,pprovecti. Oarried!...
Petitions of Felix'Bach~Ohanles E.Wall.lCer,etal,asking thQJt the
E.&M.stoCkyardS be removed from the residence; portion 0:c the
01 ty was read.' and. oni motion of BOek reterreQ1 to the 00mm1,ttee
on POlice; &. Boardl
Health and the Oi ty,Aittornel.
An ordd.nftlnce regUl8"t1ng Bi111airct: &: POOl; Halls was ag811n taken
up again:
Moved bY MenCk that the Drdi1nance be placed on its third reading:
_c AlIA.
on :rol~ call1,Hann81,MenClC,Me.yer: and Reher voted aye, BOC'k,Broadwell,
Hehnke and Heyde' voted.) naw, theCoune1.1 be'1ng 8l t1e the MalYor
voted aye and d,eClaredi the' motion: carried) :
The ordinance was read and declared psossedJ its th1rd read1ng..
Repor,tts oJ: Depos1 tory Banks and. the P011ce Judge were read and
Placed' on :f1Ie..
Adjourned). .
01 t1 Olerk.
. .~
. l'
Repor t ot' 01 ty Olerk 01' APpropr1at'j.on&: and
Expend 1 tures to Januavy 1 fl1191!h
General Fund
.APPl'op)!1~t-1ons ,
streets & A 'mQ~.aO
Sewer s 8000
Lights 8500
Incidental s 4:000
4.12~>;. 25)
5;727.1 T
208" 40
4:874:. 75;
POlice Fund
o eme t e1' Y Fund
Fire Fund
925~ . 89
Wat er Fund
B1dgs.& Mchy. nap.
Outside !mp1'o~ements
Mer chand.i se
Wat'e1' SerVice
PI an t Operat lng Exp.
O1'1'1ce Expense
___. 95-4-.5:0
Light Fun<1<
B1 dg s . & Maahy. Imp.
Ou tslda. Improvements
Mer chand'i sa.
" Ltllibor
Plant Operating Exp.
Maintenance E~pense
Of't'lce expens6',
- 275.39
16094-.89 -
Sewer District Funds
831 · O~ ~tItm 808. 61
PaVing District Funds.
12151{ .10. lZ055Jcr teJi
PaYing Totals Fund
15DOO 6691.34;
To tS'ls
.7 f!872. 54:
1 62. 40'