1877 Ordinances ?~ t7'\ "' /\,,\. No. 26. :b .Y' FEwt Drt ving. . 8(;0. 1. ThEt tit ~,}J.a 11 '0 u un J.;J. uf'ul for any per Don 0"'" J. persons to drive in a furious or inrnID t () ma. nn.or, ho1'::::O, mu,lo or othOI' anirnal or c.unmals, on tho hir).1.vJay OI' o.n n.n:y st:ccot, EtVOiTUO or i.Ll10v ir!. tb.c Oity of' GrElnd Island. Sc)c;.2. T1.1V. t u,ny pC:L'DOn or on.s violnt this ()]?~I111b~1IC(} nlk~l~L 'DO ClC;()lJOcl [~:ll111't;l ()i~ J:J.. IniBClo1U{X1T1()I-, Lfn.cl Ul)Orl conviction thoreof 1.L be finoeI it cruu not excooding two: ty-fivo dollars or imprtsomnont 'J . 'I 'C. .'lCJ Co 0 nun on J bU. of t J10 01 ty not to excoed thil~ty daYG, 01~ unU.l t1'1.0 :fLue and COBt nrc fully ljaid, 01' both. A-r)1IT'U"'v("d ]1(....CO.1..1'J..0.1' 1-7 10"<77 .t-.i/"- J . --I j ,~.l. j~. ,....w. I. . .