1881 Ordinances No. 1~2. Baso of Levela. . S oc. 1. TJ18 base 0:E' lovels f'O]; tho GO ;Jlishmon.t 01' g:e.z-lcl() i~()I-~ tl1.E; Clt~r oft Gl'l(Lt1cl If31Etil,cll)8 Lil1d. tho Ba.1l10 In her~o- IJY fixed v.t :If'11tty (50) foot, bclorr the top of' a stono monu- ment l')lacecl fift.y-two (52) feot north of tho north-east cor- nor of, in line v!i th tho cant nido of. tho Cou:et House in sald City, tho SEticl stano monmnont IJoing about one foot bolovr tho rnlrfaoe of tho ground. S 00. 2. Tho olevu,tion of' grade of' all stroots, all- eys publj.o grounds of', EUid within ,su.iei city ub8,ll be osti:i.blishoc1 in acco:ccJanco vrith the be.teG of 10v()ls as def'- inod in scction No. Ono (1) of this ordirmnoo. S GO. 3. Tho City En~:).noer' SIIo.ll J:'OC01"cl. tlm eleva.tion of of all stroets, a.lloy:::: {;[rJJ:J. IliJ.blj.c e;rounds of an,d V'ritYU.n md.d Cj.ty 110'8 cntnb.U.nhed or wIJ.1ch may horoaf'tor be .' o c t[tl) 1 t n1-). ecl, a })ro})()x' book to bo flll':nj.f:lhod by GH ld C j, ty, vrhJch book f3Jlull bo knovm aD tho f1;J:."itdo boo}:;: of' Gettel cj.ty. A"l)T)y'ovpcl A"lU1'S' t i: 1 Q{n(l ~l.:..;.;.~l.. '0-.1 L,t."J,,-<..l< :J, ...l...U() " .