1884 Ordinances r--'~----- NO. 1~.' Barbed Wire F ances. Sec. 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, cor- para tj.on, or association of persons , to l1ereaftarconstruct build o:r erect a barbed' wire fence of' any kindwllatsoever, \> or any fence constructed by using ,barbed wire, along or a,djoiningany street or alley, or any part or portion of ,any street or alley inside of the limits of the said Oity, or in any place inside of the said Oity 11mi ts, when the same is not guarded by some other fence or stru?ture, so that the qarbed 'wire fence can in no manner be injurious to stock runr.ing at large or to the general publlc. Sec. 2. Any person who shall own, build, construct, or erect, or aid in building, constructing; or erecting any fence contrary to the foregoing; provisions of this ordinance shall bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon oonv1~t-- ion thereof, shall pay a fine of' twenty-five dcillars ($25) for each and every offense, and be committed to the common jail of said Oity unt'il such fine and coats are paid. Sec. 3. Any fence which may be constructed contrary to this ordinance, shall be deemed a nuisance, and upon in- forlnation, it shall be the duty of the Mayor, after one day t 8 notioe in writing; having; been given to the builder or> owner of such, to abate the same by an order in writing to' t11e chj.ef of police or other proper officer, to raze fence to the ground. The expense of the said removalsball be reported by 'bhe officer in oharge of the same to the o ity Olerk, and by him to the Oity Oouncil for allowance, which expenses rray be collected by the said City of' ttl8,OWn... €II' or builder of' the said fenoe, in any court having juris- dictionof the same. Approved July 9, li5i51+. .... No'~ 77'0 Protection .of Library property. , ! S ec'. 1 '. Any person who shall willfully or tnalicious- ly cut, wrj.te upon, deface, tear or destroy a.ny book, news':'" paper, pIa te, picture, furniture or engravj.ngoelonging to the Graner Island pUblic library , S48.ll be ;Liable to a fine of not less than one dollar nbr more than fj.fty dollars,for every SUC11 offense, and upon conviction thereof shall stand committed until such fine and costs are paid. . Approved September 17, lS54.