1886 Ordinances . . '. 2.3 . liTO. PJ9. G0..ml;} 1. ing . [jOG. 1. It $flki 11 IJJ11.;tv!fu.l fOI' to 'pu::I,y at trick Vllli:iltovor, :fOl' t or :tn c~nne , '" '(' Vol" (J.:e .....P V,l.., lr:i.nd, Vtrj,th Ci:4l"dS, dioe, f'a::r:>o oJ.:> oMtor iElplouonts, dovicHH:1 O:.t' "U::t of tion n~Jne 01: tl:/.s of' ttt'W l:lnd. i/ll!<::ttfJO(')VGr 1,'l.Gl')d, c;ailnll1:.f.ng, OX' .CO:2 t,~ j.n1ng: money-ot' by 811t~l1t....of-ha,l1d l)('Ll.'fcn'i:;l1~nc}('}, o:r all]' othc;(t' trio!:: OJ? docopt , aHy~!h('!u:,o wlth..., in tho limits of tho City Ia1al1(l. BenJ.. 2. It 18 'l,lnlt:H'ff'v.l f'ol" an;," P02?f2l0n OIl" :])0::1;'130118 to ~OB()rt 0;[' J':J,nd ;C01" E~ hcn:u.iW OX' t,11(3 thfJJ:,oin i'or rnoony * ".Y' v.,.. OJ.> (I tJI01' "\fall/,D. b10 yxc'opor.ty or ln, OI' to t or su:i;fer any otho:r on oz' p(~r(30ng to frc'qutJ''Lt o:f' rn~o:rt t ,(/~ t'~ .'."'.. ...V,). "fr.~l J.. l' \) f.!,;;\J,d. Clt-;{. e'ft') ~.) \..r ~3(';c. 3. An;/ \1'10 trny ot the, 01' i.~lons .of tYlin l"dlrvQ.noe. 11 !J() L;u:1.1ty .of' l). 111i);)(i.r.:'Jued,nOI' {iUMl upon eOIJ.V:l.ct::tOll DO finod :tn allY Dlll"I not CX(~Gc;d:i.n.G one) doll'::'3.ra COfitfj of suit stand. oOimnitted u.nt.il ~rttcb; ooattl J)a::l,<l. y f3 (}C. If,... 'tll:t 0 aJ:1c111 not i:~ :ty tm t 11(;; ]\.O()lj1!lt~ 01~ u~3i11f; f}illl1.l1?d~ J1001 01' l)!goon 0:;:: \iOlltJ011 blOt GB.loon oX' othej:t" ., ".j. ..' ",.'/":".';,'.)',n '.r. .,', ~:,i'". ',hl.','.:. . yl.c"c\J, ... v :'w'O,r \.:, n '0.< ....;. .04....-; thE~ l)lU'!)orJ.('} "".'" >...J,J... only 9 not GL~.ld City.. iVOI}J:O v otl l' T"V' "A 1 ;;;; '," 'S ~v ;/ 9 ...wu\.:. .h;k';'-'.~ .. 91" . fJOC .. 1. J::llf-J# t c1hOci. l:):!DOXJOJ: tn the t:"\r f') '1" ,';",} \.~;r ""... IfJ]~d;ll(l J.f.~J.:" ; T' (Y1.':CO:l!'1(1() (1, }jl110 01' 1..... noe. :L111r~.ft :11]~ irn:r J);Y)Vcnol1:ts :l 0",;,b10 unO.o;:' tI10 fltrtto City,. be) :nlO :, ~7111 (H,\..,.t""," ;;.Jlo.,;:i::i.1...U!{) J S'l;.,1"Dl.'O G =tllent 0 ; . . 24. Clay (~O 1- 2,ctual1Y t (} l":n;,:~l :\8 pract.. , t.1W, t -:Ci f~~r 2.5. No,. 102,. HOi!;U"cU.ng Cars it . ~,{ .. 1. Tl'lEt tit aha 1 ]. ;;;l 1 (:I heJ~o by de...., o1&1.'od tl lrclf$ctcn?'lrliJ1Cr t~,njr tho no :ooX'Bons tlf):n, :trt 'fle(~tl-()11 l)oa::,.j or en.... ..-I",. (j,l'" 1"",..."". t'.... t A ''''''! t ......,. 'I'~" .jt.li\./ (:tJHt;. .t..L.,~,_':;,_~;;., I' 0;:' :f'or \...\. to :t t E) :r~ t~~ , CSti.r 01' CP" depot J "n r , . ~l .1 ,.., 0' 1:'t. ,. '~.~!l. ,.1.... '" .P .',j... f~ ..t...h~j..,..kP t ,..._ ,,~.~. vL ",," .. \Tl. t.h:tn tho linl:!. t 12:' ,"- t, f?1.~l otter t ,. Se~o. C~ 4) }!-otl:.1Xlg i}hl:~ 11 oon~tJ~lod so as to intorfere ~1th ,:'lny l1eroona OJ.'' p(n~~Jo:n JtO l(tlni~; (:l .,t or -ti. t1. t such Ii l~~ C (:J 071 1]1"liJj~:rl \?) ~tr- {~ IJ;,U~J!osoa o:nl;{ t ttnd (0m... J.oyO('! said. xnilvm.;l . t1ec. ;; II Amr violat tl't6J p:t"ovj.s.loTl;a th 11 1 a SdOEl00,nOl" , . llI1t111 cort"'v' :Lctioll , f;:lhlSl J.1 r.rWcl o:f' not {:lore tlkU1 ;R1100. 00 (ono dol I'e:) i~V!d not J.0~J8 't one ll6tI' ( (' t'. ) . fl.l ~ ,;\[((1 un'ttl f:ifl.tch f (~cr:Jtf:l j,d. Approv O r+.),'> , ,'''_~f-~'''~ ,to . v l..OLIL.,i. ',) 1 .. .