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1891 Ordinances
JB. .." 1.61.. ." ~ 11.'1'''4- 1111:1'1..., RalJ.l'04d I~~$.i_, , , 8.0. 1. that tll$ R~"bU<:16\n V$11G'Y 9~1t~dOt)~m"l)eentt\h. ..me 1.~b" 1nS":tQ.~'a4 to:p1aoe"'leot~1" :\1,hts 410Jtg ;l$' .tine of Jroal 'on ,,, tU.reot and ,ft. S~"8tt 131.. the~1t, 0fl~tli4 If&J1i!nd., l:Lg~rt.t.o be 41'. G1,4f.rtltlo lights $ttwo t:hou.ntiMn4:l.e,.,welr, W'he-31. 1'$ l1neor rGld~~a$e.~ald .t~e~tSt -, ' fJe(H2. tbat the 'flat.on Ptlielt~,. lal.\Way0~~l~n., be a,ndt ~$ b.~ bV 1nstwote4 to 17.Qe&1~a')Ylol1fliht~Jaloni lttl lbul Ce~4ol'1 Pf~n. . 8$ilEtoi. .Kimball AVEtn~.nd 'alft~tj!t~-'iiN.t analdidyI1Ul"3et",wh.1l1$" "heir lino, of ~d~,>>tt".$ .~4Qt;t~01'iJan<<av(m\'*...tM . Milte' to'~. a .oe1$0'fl$ ~lght..ftfl~ thetU~~MntU;$tftO~M1.J~'lN.r! _.Ct+'" fh4' _1..$ tb(l)M1dt1nlen Paott~o~il~.d'~mMn, an4RePUP11.ftn Yal1Whllw."tom!lltttt>r {J~'h$:t {)f"tlUt~'<<mQl, ..~,ti t'b~,~cvl$lon..t thlso~1_nce\t1t}l1ntb1~tvuYa,tt'.t ~1;}.t,ft1 -to- do SQ ft)l:all tt~ :t~n'$d lna.J\y tlumnoto2te~$t\tn,ene h\'ln~_ (1Ql~ll. a~l . that. 1t b~ fln:odt.~_l~Jsto" .,cb anjtW.;tf'..,. l'.naCl....-..' are:tus.. '~~lJAQ$ _14..~~Sb'$. ApPNV'ed Janua~l. 1$91* "'-;, ~ ;.:: -f, l."-- ~'.O.-, '<~:- ~:\;,~ .- l' - -, ;1'0. 'l6~,. . trr '~u..1'1d .ffle~. SeQ, l.fhat lWJta~8fmUl(!1Sf -.tt16, fJ1'-leep ~ dtn.,. ahall not- \)$ pe:ra;d..ttfJd to ~1 tilt 1AJ?ge'1j.ihir~ ~'he Oil., ~t GiI.~'Uld!Isaans1.; I: ,j $e~. 2. ~ha.t th{'IJ;fO a11a1.J.be appointed ~t t~t) .V():J' anctO'o'lmGl11 of -tbee 1tv ot Ql;llUid !.sl.and., a ~_8t. 'tlI' , " th.eaa1dtU.ty It G_nd lsUlnd. 'Wnt'}sr.:U. ~HhS.8 o:ttlih d1t:tin.g th$ 111etJ;a~ Gf aajill~yo~n~eJoUWJllf Wfl(1)S$ 4u',1' it i!thallb$ to ':.t."O~lde '&$Ultablo ~.1A()~ to'J1t&lPOuntll1l.a &;11 l1Qr'GQH'JJ .lea. O~ t.'~le, s!1t!)e1' and $wtnE)f toundl"ttt1.tt1.ng ., ' lJU1'$.$ ltltb1n th., oof.l)l~o:rata 11r/qlt~ot 'bha (L1:ty o~G11flU$d \ :fElland", ~. toot ~ld. ~u...l1;d r:rast(}1."a~.U.b0ftf,1uJ.~e4t. ent~:t..nt1.O t)()l1dr!tQ the ~~1d. d1trQf:fJftt1dt.landln t.he aum of f:L"~ h14~d dtlJax'e( ~SOG.~"), \",11;11 ona ",,__ .$'t.U"tfll,l$$" to be al'1'l~t'e4 byth-e oo1tt eoune11, oen4'-'lonU tna to he "'111 tltnrlillM.i~$tf~t ll'af be re1f.O'fe"4. .~&ft~t h1m tO~t;\ny rl1JlQ0nttU()t In$tl~.4 ot't"toe. and tbat!l.ew11l.. :f'~"~:tht'1.111Y ~rt~~ the' d:trU.01S of P0'UtrdrM.ate~ t'tS ~$('J.U1H~ i)y tb.oo.int\n(J~$t'tf ~~d CitYi andaa,id ~t:m(!lmturt~1.~..~. ;....-.:;l'.- :"~' hor$bY l';\~'~~~~10$d to $tlllxn.md.ei.l1 hQ('rliSes. mu:~a$f.tt.4.$. Sh~Hl)P. aM sw1ne t~" kef,\ u.'Pwh1.'\.e 1:~~l;trlg ia. tJaJ.!"tH!Awitbln s-a1d e~;~,.11m;tt$f:,~htOl'tgtJa 1.1 bm so t~'U'ftdI)? h1illl, 0'~~:t"''f-- erecl tit ~.~.~~;.at~~:d.t\afit of' $6t.1d(H.'tw"ilr/C)tWb1ola ~ $i1al1 bav~ been not1tt.~~ by~n1f Bt'Loh .:l~eJ.'~:tdt,.nt ll,~ Stl< 11 t lal.g0!l.$ ator~Rt-4. Qt).d; no serv1fJo_; tl}ef'el~ln€:t"O$$f to...w1t"~ F'Qr 1~tU'l~llg ani.n_l.the eumott1.ttr oents( $.5()); ho:t"$&, ~e~ ~r head0f u~tt1.~t th$:~!l of tw$nt,.....t1V'~ oerrtat ti*t511 tlind tor ead~;3b'~S])Qra'W1ne th$stilm$f tR ealt\$ ($:.10'- f~~ea.eit'!a:nct e"~w d.Y~~ld&n;1_~ tiba1);'.. _.in In,,.S.4 .~"" .~ta:f the.. f1:Nt. ".V'. I " " . g $0* ,. ftal:t.ts.i'1&.J.1"b0 ';, .lettttul'toJ.v~Wp.a~8<U\ 1fbe l$ .t\~n4~rit of fLfteetlfOt' {)_ndl$I.~ '0 11n~~ lilny bO~"i _lee. o{:ttt,:t~. O'lleo~ o;.r~'W;1ni.l;f'~.1i ~_ ~, ~ ~;- ;.' i ~;~ ~ ::'; ~~ i ;'L !., ~ _4: ~._-.- ~,-~ l ~_:~..-;_~::, __---.,.-:._.-~~i,-~-;:~:i--\-----,.-:,---':: _'-,:_i '_-~ ' _t';Ii~itj":iJi"htn til. IJ~~o~~t~'lind.lf1o'E Mltt ,C}tt;v .tit.~..' !m~n4~~"t4"d tl1ll~t ltC)'~~S&ft'N.l1 :tl'e(1t$1.Vftan, :t~to" 1m1'}(Ju.n<1,ag any anlma.Z~$Ui sa1d. ~lty t)Z(;.ee1>'t thetl>oun4l..tMi.: And !>:"ov1d.ed tvlhtlJ1 tbi\t the ~.tty $h\ll 10 no ... la.l~ fA b1$ tt>tl1e ~d.lMei.0a1 02$01. t'Y' 01eJt1k to:t.' t~elmder a:ttt 1e lEh gao. 4-,. !nat1t sJilill J11$ the d:uty Of the );)Otm.:otd , to keep. ~eeord. of all iJ:;t:1; an:tma461ntj)Ou;ndedb'V htn'lf whatb J,'"eo<l1'deJlt1.1 €1!l<Wl' t,h~ ~t~ ,tfJf ~.m:PE)uI\dll;\'. the t.l6e~l'j..pt otca.h ant.l, the Ml1'!~ of the ~wni!}~ the;t'eot..1f and t~~E} taameot thepe:VB()n4$11v$r111~ tbe stttnt'1to;r i:Lvlml: tl'1$ n<)'ta.,~$ ;P~C'f1d.$:~ t~:t lnSeut1011 N~. 'fwo. and .tnR- $lildan1.1$#A1'$ n(;t rt}Hle.~!nn.8et w1th1n two daY's tlttel' tj;l~ 1_ po'i:;m.dlfttt th&1'tilot, tb$a~1d P$oodmal1'Jtel"fifhall tu;rn~$h ttne ti1 ty01-otkw1tl'm (l(i)!:'/.p1)1.pt1;Q1'1c>t Buell an1l~ 1. o~ In1~.1..f .!ttl' t l'1.@ datEJOf' the ~~und1n&t of tbesa.me. '$", 5. fmt't11c (a,ty tt.leaik b~ ~nrl he ~.s 1'1e3teW4util... oJli'lled. "~n lb0 ~()$1,t$;t th$d.$8~:t11ptlon end dfa.te of 11\' ~m~un(U.",&tld M$$ ot th0 c'ftne:tr, it knon. o.ta,ny "lt1~i\~ Q;r:' animal.. :tn t~~.b)11o ~tm4 Ot"$tl1d 0:1.1>1', t(\) sa.~ve p~; l>oMlftotl(.ltl on the('}"tu;)\;t.~ th~,::t'tJotl. ~,t knoW, andt.h~n.$~1! st\oh $;U~lor an3.IDl'A~ at 1)Ub11() "endua. lnthe'M1ttmt#,.. e;.i,vinQ .at 1.1)t tltt"(il t14V.,t ~'U,ce of' the tlmelilttd.....' fJU0h _t.,t 1)'1 POQttltl$ ~, 10&st t'lve UQt,...aen th$~G'f ~lt" ntt\ny t)()n$1)~e110Us lllQG$$ '.nsald 01ty) ,V.f~l'"Qh sald nGt~..II; sl\ta 1.1. $()t\"~ El diJ.~o:r1ptlon of sa 1<1 ~;~n1~ ~f.ltrtiUl.~iT.&\4.tf' Ifl. t\a teot~UtldUltana t,hfjoow-e at the fJiwner. if !lmO~'" tJ~t of 'lite p:rooee4t1ot_t4 ~1$ 1Xi.fl>>)!f:l.!l?~t. the tee. t he"\U'i_$Jta>>.,~omif.~i.~I~Q$lt'$ ft,Q) to tlie .0 0.leJ;k to~ aa\131'1 -.n1_1 $~ld. and-trill th.~,~:X;1'J:en$~GlnG~~ on ttueb _1.6; anc1~n 1)Oa't1n~ O*," l}UQl.~ah:tng .,j.de notj.~e~l~ to~y:_tl~. '.~ri4 t~HltdA1?ll)a, ht\tl\\B O~~b&Ql~ll~lQb~~l<lt tQ ~h~ 'C1ty 'I'~ea1/jlU'_'; ".. aa$;.4Ii*il'1hl&,ti"~ IS), ~"'., .ft~rIt 8a;i4.:t$~f~n4t$: b:e J>3a<#e4 ~.,."'4 .t..lU~_ .'0 ;'he .lf$ditt of.theg~l!".~a~ftlll .f .'b....,. .It.,Ol \;7'~..JJ~n""'I..;nQ,- I~~..i~'.' tn.'._" <'~o..":'~.~.~tfl~.4.' ,4\aIMI......") ..<,.,. ...:'.n.'4._1~; .......<I~ 1'....., ._ ,.''bt>..I'.",sfiSrltMI'D'_ .~'hln.$~...t.. ,.''lfl~.1.4 .1..ftO' lbt 61" .~".~.'le,.M,t4Ie..I.l , " , . , ..;11 '.." tM.'~.~....u.;g, '.ltl.,.._,.tliJ;..ll 0._' ,,~. '0._". 1-.,1;* -,;1., 'b. ~_.tfJ"Ut4_'''t'le._.'''J'.1 . , .'.fl._. Ml ,..'''',0' .l.~,lln~.:'h~I$d;'ft .ttt ""y: '_fo"'~.~'4bY.1L4"1$.f:tf.)il'l$' .",,'...1 ,. th&. t.,I.'6._.>>.ei'tlril 0'.01,4\5.. .." 'mm1'~._IIN lllfr _It.' ,fatU.JIl#t1l ;1m~d".~, time !.',lflM14 '.Ud,,'be_u' 'o$tk~ ~.>>"" ownm..lt",f;' tIe .,. ., .~. ant! '~e uoootof.nev.-.i"l'" .~". .~k.t._h .t,ft.... ft$>>.I',t._~fr. $$.,1', _tan1',,~sQn Wh....llll..l....", ~;ti ' _1".."1_,' sb$t1t1 '0'.11\$ fo_ed ~'" tll. .00Jr'lnl1'1"t,;w ' . . . 10$'..".."0 .~a'~_e ""1hitJ,the e$~.'.'~"'.tj the olt.",r 6~l\IltJ$1aft4,1_;tl\i}l\ ~)n~i.""ft>'-I~t" 'Jl)t tin~AO' i... t_tl...1Hi' ("l.,.~Jr:t.:e~..; '.at&,. . . 4.l_.*,:fl'.~,.' U4 ...*.,~ 'beaMft."."4.~.t.t. .J-..Mi'.... , ! ~ '. ,udg& ot .,. "t.1it.". ,H'i4M. t_t."~Ulll\el'... '.8.1"~ ede'M3.:tb(tSG ~ 0..1w."'.'. PlIP.' *Q. JJQua 'ftJI ~'''''. , . . e...*_ ..,.. .:..11..1..11 ,t~eo:v 8M .:,._t4,JIJ,~. . . , - ~ - -. - - -. - - - - -> -':- . .t.....I~..u (J:C'.~_..io~ngl.t~>>.et ltl".'N~~;'/' aotJ.tn 'b~~~ow. "..0,.,,_, f(tW 'f1"'$..Wbo_ll \altl~..4 . - -. -' -,,' ' '- ~-\; '0.4 _nr llll1_1 ~j u~_;l. Hn~.~ "'hGll31~Yt'~".<<1 l~l.jU1'~.).ctfQ.l1, on_lll'iett'tn'.l'eo"i b.~lnel t.n . .'..." :_.~'.t,..~t-".. I.l..ltas..,o..,......,., ., e.... A".""".ll.~ "'~;j Ie. :t'1'~ Ml.mal..tM_O. 160,,1;.'_t;" 1\0 J$~_n .31 pehona.ht~l bEll .11-' ' ttJ J)a~m:t.t 0:1'''3..1.".. 04'''1. ()r~e"$'e. e~ h~g$ to rtm,.t, ' Jt.~&. in .iti" ej;tr Q.t' e.ftdJ;.lGa~t ~'.ft., ~UOJl! ,.,. ..nlneha~~e. ot .n, ......'1$., ~$.., O'~.h.I'lf" -11'.1 >>_.lL' o:raliH .-aa .'.0"'" ..'.... .,. __t:t W"Mh _lit l1ml'. $1 _A4(if't, :I'Mtl,be.':1;tt.. h,mM$;M"'e3fD_t.~. $ee~t Ii ,.,,~. "'$.n 4SJ~' ~.on...illlJ;$ P'_'.'_ to <Wlve u _..,&" da1t".Ii.,.11t.la., h(\)~$$$ orIel. tl'UJ~Ulh ...,~eet. fjf th$ Clty Of tU,'f~ntlsaMwit_~.. . . ~ . "--, fl..;r.' :p.~vltll$ftl ~&fO~'€m'p$':r$cOl1.e ~~'(PQ~of"'_ h_d. Olr tftotlClnal:r;e2lt tben..'. . IMt "Mn '~e~...' _tt~8,. ho>>... ,'(]fit b'op 6ft _01.1(101.. ~ntlk.e1" 'if!: 'h~, tJ. la~d.llli tmba4, tbbJtfti_1JA. be at .\Ms" Qt\e O~mM,.t~.t"" , , ' 10ft _. b"e~ It&pt InQ~J". IfI1!MOn tfJn ~.I'ln._'" htd ..""'$t1o.l _~th~t Wh~1$ .It..t~ni0If t\i,._u"t~. ..'4 11..<<.'.' fl.~l\. >>e~_n$_::l1.lte ~$.#.~t~g.t.~."., In ~:tl. meJtetbJ\:n$f,x ttea4ol' ...' o~ QalfrtlE)" \ltbt'. __.. 'tll,l) Sir tm"lftitt1$ sa~tor th$ ~..of_tl;i\fS ,.b-.. 011 d.lebamt1ttlttie ..mfl, al\d '.he ~_e::ar. Qt" (!)'~'PU.f>n --.., i)_de._,ll "$1l&ililo'lQflal1_._.itd8$IIW .... .f '$..014 ii-e..' thi$ $~t't')tl., 1M". ft.'..' lri~$tn,ie4A'iPI.'c~> th. 10ll$ of' .tb~fI fl~WMO ,"1.\ llt. ~u,..~, ., a. mi'<l~.:' u"ft~t)nvl.~t'~on ttUtrQOt$M1J.vettn.~ l1t t'tfi!' ....1\.,.. f ~~. "" €: ~- ~ ~. 4 r1 c - - > . - ,_ < -.-.- ~ ,.t;. ~~._.h I~t ,.. In, .~ tlwa' 'be f1'.'.V ~f IUl"~ l"~t tbe, ,.Ut.\ _$'$~ '-11 _Vll(l'$ .Pf).~ wh$:t'Gln he __11 .-. to be 1~liUl4.t.l1ljUtl_1$ ot the _ llnd 'tl14tna" .,..., ,'~& th~~tl#,Itt~:f "b.,:,d_ltmnlna .t 14_.' wl'hout w..q' 'tblj'~he0111$MlM bHa 1mtel1lred to,. sea~ 6. '~.~4 .".flU? utI 1"~~ ;tt ..l~ tt. 1$W'fUJ. t.~ ,"~fl ,~_~. uP an4 a~"~t ,an.,.nf.$11. -~ '-_leaf tlt$-'.' ~tn4t._'_11 b'&f~d,a;wdnn1nl .t -IN- " --/ wl'~:tn ".14 tl.t,.wi thltfU\ w.~4.nl ;b.Qh~o1t heW'.lnd,a..lf~ $4,a!' ,~".~c:ktM.1~ ~~ l1an notb~n,~"41 J!-"'~ tr.'th.~n_l :1$ t~t_ t(J~t.~th tti tba,po~tg' hfj eGclll '.ft~.'. ana.t$4 4mt<!ittl~V~.'t1'ld/Il".:f. '.. luu....ti4.il"~~"DllL' 'El.l1 be) .,nt.:.\t1e<1 '$ ~(tt"$t1i:e or tW$nt~tl.$,"l\tlt ~yab1" i"'.m, ,theOI.t.f f>>,.~ '" Se<hi l~ I~~nlmed,of t~}do,lt:t.nd 8ha,.1~ ~~ 4;\l:Ltwt$f;" O'W 1)'$nn1fit_ito_ ai 3A~I~ 'Wlth3.fttJ1fJ ltltlj.it..t,t!h$ t~.' etOam11$lltnt1ll)e,tw.. the ttr$t ~1 of lu;\'t ,.M 't!1'6 fl~: , ' ,tarl!):r l.trt~01l" otea()b Y~~t Uft~a$'6od.1.r"i$1.8d..~'.~; ,8, Q$e~ i'~~lfjl ",iit'$~a4 on.lthl.'iil.~$1.>>G~t't..;fi And. :1 t $1.11 l)a ."ftt1 ttJ2r artV' pOUc~r~.l'O~' f!tt't:f.eJi ]M),.a I.u~'ha~~.id bY th$"...,"litf to U.$ _ll.pt'Q'ta -ny I,lUtYb_ m_s._a "~]hft&theaf..tb. "~iit ~n '~i.ct 4.l._.'31:~",. ta}u~ tbe_~. to t_l)()U!14.to. O'&d1$l>ost4~,f..v~I$4W 8Qtl/l'ttl tSfAht o~.tlU.fJ 01l<U.Mn0'e.. SM!. ef'. !!.'.4.1&.n~_~. ~un(~_">.$~'~; til10m tlh~'0~ '~ tb_o1'me;e i~klt..~nd. tltu.'Orl t. i 0_ 6the:r p$lil$On llqv~ri6~~~gQ t~~t, '. , . ',at'll ."iaithO t&'.~ htJ~~n 14',f<edtls@th.'.' . j;H~Mlt".'tttt,"n1. ..~i.'$~.l~!t- nf)t-.:t.l-".' .~~"ltMn t()~,,~l~~ .il()U:ft4'I~JfM1.':r"t)I.'$' \1\. '_.1.'~RcttbanUJi:a. "niJ.,l b~.t to, t\_"hif~;t 1f an~_'\1.: llQ."ltr ..., Y~4.l.ll4;tlct $~11be 8e,ld, ai,t _.llea '...blib.d~14d.e~t atJ;ite10ek ,.u.,f _ftl.llij~~''P'1.~o'It'l..~Ilb''_tm'l$_:i ~~'i'td, that' 80 ..'.1*i1"& lo'-tt' ftJ:r i... 'h6ln theamotmt _il'~-"/':-,~f- _u -- -- - .-::-":> - - -. - .- ,-- .'- - ,- - . 'Ih~'~.;'.IIl~~",t ' . 8~~. tf ."1 mn".;U"e1V~d 1),,,' tb~' :P4lWJ\~'n..Jote~\. p$rs~n ..tlll; ~~'~e'be1'eott ,.m 1.3. be .14 t()t~8 tJ."~tlfUre~f and ~. h~!n~_e$€l ~.q.,e'J..4 ""J.e(/)~tI.. ._ t htl ,ourd' rtlfl.f!Jt,.eltO:~8U~~()th&rllf.WSflnlsha 11~t.m.~tt1"hW " , ~N!t1R1:t'ta ~e.~:t()a'ht to ,;'bY) SOUUG$.1f1t4111 ani.,.., I10O'$""t '0., h1m. tb0<u,po.Qitl0ft'htl1f~~:Cf~ndof tl:LllQnw.....,..,.' , , and Qf $Lttb ;o"hu.$te:r8 as ~h~(JQtu:l.S"_'~luj.f1..'!. , ' -, . ' iP~v"e,~t)_,f ttliso~~,U.~n{;e .-J4:t nQt fn'P1,tQ~.'II(:}.. __y n<>u..:tq14$nt., ~'n~nl t8Hl".I1.J,y&~.$ei~~1 t~l: theC1 t, elf .. 40.$&~~bi 1~~te tr4$fl3.t't..~aeJJ;:1bl'J,a. - -. . ,Sec. .~h_ 'pf:;~Jt1! who 8_11 .Q\fft ~'_~f'&'n'AIUI. irra1.Qt the (tC)i k.tnt 1~.' the City tit ,~~~ :tll.n~ .~t."'~' CiYs~ _, ()tl\tJl'fl~'~. vtlth()ut I*lfUli tli~'a~.A."h8"~ Jr&vl4.4., ().~",w~ ..11. "'$o13'~e 4tiDl1fJ' ta~$p."J..i~' .f: th!8 'OI'U.1l'i!)~~$l'lalJ... ~$tl ()onvlG'~~1i., b~ tt'll'. ~'.._.. aat el1~e.~(ln~ ~u~~d dolJ4~$j an4.~n<<qt>1ItI1"t.$4.. ttl.ueh't.nef:tnd~U);e C'f.t~ ot 'RBflcu.tlen 4ft r:afo_... ~ - - - - - ' '- -' -. -;, " -' - . - - - - " - : , - - , I.- ' -- - - .. . ~- ',- :-- -- S$~. 114 :It,' ..1;L \)@ un.\lttw.l:eCJ~ 'il$.~&Jt.. ... . _ r b{)~J o'E an, b1t~h t..'~1eW~)"".,t. N11llt."~ \fi'.. , ., in tho' 'l~1.t$",~'~Hld attv, wh$th~:r ~.lfi M~b~~ln.~..,. ~1~ or rlot. tt'1.,,\~d.eth$dut'fJt . BWll:l;~.4n..i,.".,t.. t~k. Ul) aa4a",e$$ Gon?~oh anl~', '~'f~_~~1.nl(\' >>'Ie _ " _,:_,_.;'_!:_ ,c '_'__: _, ,_ , WA..hs.ntb.+:t.~:t.lS .t .~#.4 ('U.t".. a~.ml":d..:I,.~".:.til.. &.f!Pro1t14$tt '.. .~qt;L~JfO-jt Mvtmfl ):Qtth"j'<l,.~~n~. II: . . . ''I1eter-enos' ,~ ~m.\tle4 4&iSSi: Apl)zr.lf~Julr' 11, let,~~~