1892 Ordinances
No. 174.
Sewer Distl"ict.
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S ec. 1.
That Blonk No. 79 in tho original to'lJ'm, now
City of' Grand Island, Nebra ska, be. declared and is sower
Distriot NO.4 of the said city~
S ec. 2.
It being deemed necessary it is hereby ord-
a tned and sewers are hereby ordered constructed aooording
to plans and apecif'ications on file in the office of the
City Clerk in"the sevIer district No. Four (4).
All' the
expenses of the construct:Lon the:reof' are to be
respeot ive ov.mers of the lo't's in the sa id blocl\: and the
is to De 'saved harmless from any and all such expenses.
Sea. 3.
The said sewer is to be oonstnwted in a. 0-
corda.nce "ith the laws of the said City a.nd the ordinances
governing such cases.
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Approved Ja.nuary 20, IS92.
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