1894 Ordinances f [ < ~ ~ [ j'~ ~ ~ f;;-' ;;.. ~:- . 3' f{. a i--. fl t~ iO. ~",. SM:OG4 kn,d$'Q>>ellEt"~ts,t SG~. 1...6.:'U. ]l1l1t:rSOlUJ \'1JloSMll. $np,~ 1n th~btUt'..' OfPl"mb~tel" ,f!)'1'daa1f1~s <>t .fj~Qn4 t-.n4 &QO<l.:"OI'~.ll . . - - - _- - _-_ - - - - - - " _' ' , - __< - __' ',_:'1 _ ' . , _ _ _ _ ," _ _~ _- _:_- __ _ _ _ "; deti;tLe:rs,fI~11 J!;Jitepaooo!;. il.1'lW1oh 1".4111 b'a,1.~~.'.d'b. t0n In 1nitanv loan ~ Ilu.l.omul..ftnao~~'t'\I,lih.,Ot3n' ., desor:Lpt'jt)D ,1."l the 1Jtli3.18'b ~n~~ft'oa:" th~IItiO(h~f,_&"i.t., 031 thlng.~wnedJ,let'l8ei! O!''PUW4bl:U.~t,J,b~ _._t;' Of".t1:., ~ . loaned ()l..~td. fO:f.tha. ttme tbG$Am_.$ ,;ta~et~e4_n4tb. l'lltme l'aslllam;lGand plaoe, (tt r&8'fl...e flf'Mld 'pnoft "hfm pu~_.e4or 3?GO'tiJJ;i.ve(1",. 4 .ml~~;tbe..,Mm~Gt the':, fa thtfiran4 :mertl1el'flf e~d.dtn1Mlt .a~ifl0"a 'tb.,:reeJ,'4e, book tog8tbel'.itb theda~t'el$ ,~_,ae4e~ ~Wflei ..~~; at a.U 'ti1aM&pen. to the' ;Ln$~ot\*iQ1\ fJt th6'Ma'~.e an, ~embG~ 01 the ~(}1"e4*rrtln~tot tho Cj.,,,<~f ~U1/,l1/n<< !.lAn4" ~ . ~", SeQ,;J:' 2. Ittt'bl.11 9atl.r&e4Ut'V, tJ,t $,'.31""'& M.t>>~'~~; $r. deal.i.n, ~"()ndMnd&f!)ed.. \t",3w~ il.l.,~o' t.,l$ ":wt,,,,' anet 4el~"~~ ~o 'llee~~r ~3f ~0l1<ia ~.~ftt. daY'bte~'J'e t~ - , . ho\Wof...ll{fl~b~e~nd ,"rr1'0~t ..'/J,~mr,t:"m'tb~D~O~ ~~ lilu1~$d tn. ah"et1o~'1 .h~lr80f()c;f all ;P.M4)na1J~.j'ti, """, other "al~b-leth3tft,.~',e".ed. or ~6!),Qdl:te(t.o".. durin$: 'he p:tJ!oe8e41nl dlAV' to'l;~tlle~t#tth ll,ll.O'ib..". . .' -.. > Ji'0Qul1fed'tn bek"pt 1n _~tib{j)till Je",kd.nlnl ~.l"'<<' fi~. puro_sedJo;r, Pi\'W:ne4... ,._--f_-_-''_ " S~.+: ,:, !lQ 1')6~~neM1P~'Pe~f.1!100eS;V~.,~.~*.l1.i " " , :r;uromee(t t}yan-rfJ.Ob MWl'j)~q,. 1_1e.ln>B.0~.,-t'Ul~, " ' iooctSj e2t 3'unkll_teJ:'" l!ihallbtt~~~' ..,~: Pt'f~llj.i'ited. ~:j_ d~ert\ed f:~mtb0 I)J.4eo~tbtts Lt.meajtll.t$\i\';Jb'P4IJ~~~.:I&~'_(; sPllC;e (Jttwenty.t:~ur hoult:'G atttjzrt'h~o.o_'4;l.nd. (!.\tttare.t! to.'ba d.,;}'tve~.toth~""~'l." ,4't' p01.1eaa:Ml1li". b~(t8t\.lt"a1'~4~a~q.ut.d. ~,.tbt~()~d1Mn~e:j e6G~r~'i ftt~.tl.m. _.tW'$$rt: ..f)"'(i)'l~'lt_'_l~~' , . Ii _;&'$ ~''''~G~lsun.<te:, n~lht.,i~11,nQttfft),e08.1..d.lrit~ - -, -, -~. ~ . ' entO"$m.n~" 'h'$.~~_nl.j,.$.~iftl4D"'.1~i......~ '~.,y~ .,' e 'hl$c:ltd>~an~u!f J!H'~t'fJ'e.the$.~hG~o. S$$.,. ,. 71b1. oM1MlllCiH'" atal1no:'t b(tQOl18'~4 a Pl::1J.,.f tOde&.l&p$ :1n 'a~:111oult..J.,.:g~nl0'tlltual~~'a :nor t~l pf1.tsonsP~b\a~ trvo1n r&aU'lut~e'ttS'o;'t~ o~~la.l. d~l&~a bftvini attl astQbJ.lehEJd P~f!Jfl otbut~$ 1n'ttJ,."Jr :Q:r any ~eoda p~l'lt\ sod" at open M.lf'J t...n,. _nkJMJ" '$tt~lt.~' See.> 6. Ord!MH(}G 18". l-U .'"bE' e,dtNoeesfJ.tthe Oity ot (;l~~ml:tsl~tn4 18 l1.e:reb'V 37e'P.l&4. Bee. 7" Iv~J:'" br~Jt~~ apnt Gal' ~ealer ~~nt1on..,d. this o1'd1nanO$ wbO $_11 'f1.oJA't" ~r nelle~t Q;Jj\' ":ruet " onl:Pl.,.w~lha'tAY of t~ 1'irOV ie:l.onsf!Jt' th~so~!'Mnf),e tl.~l f'01t .,vew f3:Uftl otftUl,tJ4l'J 1I>~~ub~'$(I' to& ':l.ne(JJfnot leH t114U\ ,flye (iol1a~s l\o!"lt'l():r<<J t~ tW'~t,.tlv& <lolJ.il1re ltll4 l& ea.a$ any ;1.;J.$mt$$ baa t10\8t'\ tJ,;fF.tllt/t&ft to 8uoh alent ~Jfdaal.3l' OJ.' )a_'bWl&;t.w1'111tl~lfJM". 21:.,. l;),e ~e"Qtoo l1f th.*vn" Af)J)1~1fed Ju:t.jt'2!J. 1S'~ ~ ;{- , ~ .,,'~ 7r y- ~' ~ ~~ ~~ if. ~.~ r ~J ~ ~ "'.""""..... ~:.~.( C7 f _