1899 Ordinances 67. lio. 251. P1"oh1i)j,tj.ng Advf;I.tj.~sing em SlctOWEtlKfh '. ~3 ~~(~ . ]~. 11 :tt tU1Jl~ wfv.l 1:'o:c tiltV' TH1.:L'DOn 01~ ~P(;:1;.~f1 01J ~l 0:1:' ; OJ.' in tU1Y nlCtrnler s :l.dcv/all';. Q1}O . ""....(:l \....,.t,. o tl1c;:t: o:e J.n (Jj.t'1T o f~ (} 1"f.<1 21 (2 1::11:;1 ; '101: vd:thln 1 :1.i,'1:t is J. t. f wi:c)~ou.t \JO:rlf30:rlt~ 0 f) (: l',Tra C}"l>>- aln:rh t1:ng 'Pl"opel"'til tiny :pUiOt:lrd. ,'!'" :,,'("",' .' ~. '" {'lv ,",y.t. '1 o ""f,"lr!'nt. ~)iOi.J;"",...-i.~ _, \':'11"- \I ,,,.OJ,, - - ;J>t"1\,:.I~'-;'''J''' iJ If d:t3p].L~Y '0::1.119 let tor or 'i, ',J,it, t~ ()]2 . g O(h :2. An", IH3::t'3o:n o't' 1tj.o :p:t..ov1a..... 10nH of' thl.a OX'(l:i.n!;r,noe f; lty i1 ui. fKle- nletll10J~ , upon oonvlc'tion t , ilO t~nv f:tve sun vJith:tn the CUf30x'crt:!.0!1. t,J:1C C (jiJ.r't , d.olla1.~;3( .00 ) , not r.lOI'O t llLU"'fJ, ( ~j5 0) 61Jld 'the COBtD of :):t."oS0~u.t10:n, :HHi 11 C omln:1. tt, \){J. to 1',11$ . G 1 t.y ja 11 un,t11 lJoth no ~)Ost,i'j a:t:'o . pt:H:3secl and. c't}lproV'E3d 20, 13;99. .