1901 Ordinances Ilif .a'Ju .'.~S<<l OQ.~'iqft fait o:nrt!C.I!i~n'''fG~11PEnlle8* ". ~; . S~Q~ .1. fM\ 1'o~th$ t'l.S~f $UPfl<)~t s.r!t1 ft.'nt~Mn'$ ., V()J\\Ulteutl37'ed$.m,.m"ntGt the ~3.t"'i~~f (J)lI<iu'\tl lfsJand." "',f'" . Nebrt1.'fd_, (llnOooul~tion_;'l of tl,Jfe '~."3~J',(c.nn.um'M and the $a me '.f3 h6V$l)y J.~$.-G{!""~~~~t1fU\('t flJ'V ~}' . llurartO$!QomP6in" oo~~'1t\n-I'~~ 4t1lt*'j?(t1atlQt\ (Olnft; .b'Q.~n'" 1nthe'o~t,ot()~n4 IalAnd,ff..,~*;f ;$e. 2,. 1_11 O()f)U!~t;t,~rl .~al.ll bo dtW&nl_V14~1t. ~ll th~ ;t"lratttav f:Jf~laY of !!taah an.(i,l $\1'01" Y~~t &n(t.OI~l< . . t he 'PI~~tn' . 'be:po~ .~:ttr.pSlfllt()n'O ttl$ 01",,, fr..U:f.t the t~,__$j ,abt.ll1 "ftl"$" a,".' "ett(fl!,'t 't1:1e:cetQ~J pt)~~rI'tt,,,"_, and$""':t1"1Ri thepeH()'A paY'1tlg.th$ru~ilW. of, tb$in$U:4,urt.. "~om~n't ()o~'J.l\\"lonO:l1 $f313oezta1U,Oftt tbeaHlount ane\tt:)~' ~, t~.m' ,$\W'tal .i.spaid." . $t'JO~, ,. f!l<<lmontl? ..,. 'uto tb3S:L'ty '..~~4~Sf the PiBov$.lon;e of' ttU.. EJr'(U.Mnee, 'bi.1-1 001'U."tute fil' ~. tnown aa the 11i;tUela!J. OQou~.ticn h,g ftn4 t)f '11$ Vt)lunt_~ ti.1f&d.~~*tm&n' of ehat:!. beuaed. .61 men' '. f' f ~-;, f! "( f- ~ ,;,'f.. f ~- ~ ;" i. \f- -, -~' itlO.. ~.,. fbe Citv ~~s""all of the' Qttr €It l.n4'J~' lan4 .ba~3.. u'p()n p:r~66nta ti.(ltlQfwi,:f;l-_nts' etltt$d. by ~~"()~ f)\ntlCl'ty O.l_lt,,~'Y' t" that~*,Ii'u:ru~a"t;;ttM&~t I$~fid vt1tmt6)~ t~~ d~l~~tmant- fi..~..l.. monWI ~ol10et'4 t~ tUlllJhtl",taltQ()l1..rJat ~Ql~ 't4~. ~"oJtl ~n4$V.~. in.~:t'lt)e 0Q11ll1EUil,. o 1at1on. 401n~ bus;s'tlea$jitl ~be(l:tt1 ot t~.3.nd~~~n4.bltl~ "" tbtl ~U.t;v!r.~a7~f the. .,~ty ()f!)3J'l}~n(l.l$'~DtI..th~ . $$14 s_.ot:6'i:V'.a~$.. ~"1..(!e(l fo1tby$~.t:ton 01&01 tht" 01t~Mne,..ontnef~~.t dtt;t ~t l\461yof_~b a.t14 eJf'~ . . -' ~ -, -, - " ,'ea8, an. In falJ.,.elfll_,'tbe .ma lllS he.rebY plIe!ldo.T "b'.U.t\'0!tt.'_"~"t)'f'aif:tha.~1nac.iYl1 a~t:t.()5 "1)'.. 4~~$~,,~dl 2.n.....a~0i'."~n1_. ~":po~'iJ)nO~tl~(J..._..,,: 'l)_V"tf.'A\'.il"i;.~";f., h. '~11. "re Dtlt,au'tlmetl1h $ao. 1. 'h&~e shall b~ a~ta~11eh$d 1n the Cit, ~, (f.iNU14 Is_nel.Al "()l'W\tet)~ tI.H.de,lU1'tnumt and'tlle ()tt,..r ~. " ohl&ror$a teel th$~ln waage duti.a.rehe~l~ft_ d~'l~;. SaQ~ 2, it ,.,S_J.1 he 'ttte dtut., of 'the 1lJl\lei", 1:n a14 ,...... oaa~$(Yt:tl~e. lO',.at) 4_~ie ,,' tb9 m_l)~" ort'h$ 4o.It'. tfterrt 4n<tall Qt!l$:t ~lI\UJ'tj,efJ p~e1ilfo1\t an4 to U." Ilj. ;P%to,.. nlMntJ f(;i;t1 tbe. e.X11rHl'Uj,ahttlen't"t ;ri1:'l. tbe p:t.'ot~otlon {)t t11l :proJ;ertF. the .,;qe'e.~tt.n of' GWf1e" ant!! the ol)eeuvanc-e Qt. all ortU.<.nOOB and raS'U4atlofla IOV$1!1tttn~ the eo-nt31,oa. el' .AtteJ1 theflre. a\PP1ft ttl$ hel$ been witbd_. hl'nl arty tl~&. be .!Mll_ve e_;rg$&t 'Ut0 prem1fJee an4 CHUL'tUte .$t""t . toll t$ J:).e k$Pt .'b-~t the ti.J1tl tor a eMea 0' '''$1... h~fJ o:t 'litnt11 tbG tl" "hall have betn en'''''', . exttngl:tl".4. " SO<th; '* !'t ._:U. be t~etu:ttJtt;e~ duty ot the ohist to ;ve,tb". to tho B''01:lAil'td att,. Comel,! q_~t~~.V.. a1l4 o;,,~ t&n01' l'!'"uo$t04t. thSQ.onllU.t1on cf tbe tl,:ra lk\fI~ft''\UI.mt to :t.eofi~4 lIflMh .~f!l'~QnJlI' a1.t.a.''-otle ~n4 tml1~\'~M'n't. , 01 tba .~. aa at.l1 \'>$ 4e~me4 .1I,.418f1".. ~ftt'l h(\/.MU etll. ,I.tn~ be .Ub3~ot to the Mnl~J. ot tbe *,.~. le_,... It 8.1.1 .. !Awful ~n an, nJam '.f fl~" . , f'o:r the (}I:lef, &):. to~rt of any CH~ll11'Xtn,. M~"O~ or @bl.' Q' Po 110.,. :re4.ul;efi) tbe aid .f a ny116e:na~t:le~J~,"~fte"n.t;'.. ' hla t_m, $;%, .&1d. 0:1 any ~lttlen &r ~f!t~lnflel' ~n~'fi:1nl (ta, t1"ea~tWJ to a f1lll'0 and ,wo:rk.lf\~ tbe _Jnowh11.e At tJ\t.' flre,. Nay >>$~lJonso called. ~Ort "'1$ $_11 ~~W"lngb ~, IuS!", ()7/;' rmfjlset ottf)'b~, ta'l5 leufttuiL $l'<lere.t!it any 1t1l4lh .~l.. 08.'19 sbeitl1tbe d_l_~ gUllty of @mlad.<<f1_nO, a-n~ ~n ,...; 3l.).al~1tl! BondI. See,. 1. 'hilt lJ)ef'tU10 atrtet:t1t)f$QOll th,$ dU'1.~$O'ftJ1"i, ~- _ ,__' _ . _,r.t:: _ _ _ _' - _ _, ___ _' - . _: '_. -''.. '_ _~-_ ,_';',:. - . c f't1e~(j1l ernpl.(;)ymootth,ef&llowtn~~rneClet'!~.fJ_ an<<. ~1.()yo@$f1t the 01t.y of G~l1<dl~laJl..Jell>3?aB~,. }:)$ 6ruttb.t, a.reh~l'el)V )?tHJ,uired tG ~lve~:tldB ",ft<< f.H"e't;l:t11t~ as ~'.tt' it~.:" ~-:;_-::rs _ :"--::~:;"-, - -'- be 0;1 vooter t.het~ 11ow1ntS &uma~ lee.2,f'he..,oJ>al1411 il".t1J ben~ lnth0 p$n~ I,. of 'at~OOit' B.Clt.,0J.O'Uf,dl~11.i:tV3 oentl i~ the l\h,..1 11 U' .', ~~\r.;,,, '" stUn of ta.J(ot(h, _.b'WI ' "'s!'!S.11 gtve t)C18d. In tit., .~ nal .$Wtt'.1' $l,-o.O..th.'Ol'Yf.vea.-0'u$~shalld'aoon.~ Ul the vem.tl .a. ett.!!S.0ocfoJi' &11.1l'i>la_m.oun:&~) fttt----4',~' i\"omii'--ifi&l1.-'-ltn--ftnd--:t~-.-th.'I'_-l'''li\in'ot'''.fOO'.C):0. . i""V. ~ngt.n"r lit' lIb!J et ty w.'~ wonIJarila.tl el' e a boft!.t 10 ">- ".' . . JH3JM1*UI1e.tfl.000. 'he _S81st~ntcn,'aee~l~ih. _tal' ;W\O.~!" J, " ~ bod tn tt~ ))&nal __ ot.tlf$OO. 11\.' .t~"t ft.1.lJ._.~ allal1 give .~.~"d 1ft the :peM~ $. qt.f;OO,.OQ. !b$-.'-. mastGlr ...bfjllglve ~bond. lnt.he ~1 $UI1ot "Gf.tOQ, ,. \, o1t,enJln.."ffba 11 Itva'a t')c>n41n the penaJ.etml~rta,tgllQ'i. , , ~be prbll,go.J.tl$',&()'to:retilll Ul1T$ Sl, bonllt. 1n tbe 116.1_._'" .500.00. 'he ~.1.1oe judga$J!M.llg:t.ve. a bond. j.l\'the p..1 $\unot: #;2\,000. ~b. ~rt1'a.o.r of 'fji~a Q1tyllallsh411el..1t bond in tfl,e trlum Qf 0'00.. GH1. 'h(i~llllf(jt the flr~t'!lfJ, ment el1:all ~lvea bond in the p~l61um ~fboo.oo" e1ty ..d.;tjte'l'lCan shall g.t:~'liir $bOntltn the.p$M.l ',$8 ott5:ot.., Thaoh,1et" of' pol1cGel'1all give ab'Qndmt.h$! J:~J.dm 01 tl.0()(l). a.6h~Ueel'.n.s)JJi.l.lg'y. a t)~,nd lp. ot .1.0\~n1. '.c,t':J~. 'Mt t~.borui$ fJt $,11 ott~ee!e.$Elt,lMt:0a 0$1. .ll,o~nt~<ln.i.l\ ot,t;J.~$ Et_'J.~b'$ (Inti ~~.:LnS,t't;f&.t$ tv. tllalr .t~e~'l"$t..a* leQ....~11 All O_l:)il.'Ul~e.t1\ ~ntl1Q.th.~lt_.:~. .;' t 'p", f .;. ~-, , ~ ~~ '" , ~,: ~' , .. &-' ~' ~i -" -s f -* ..:;< ;h- ~~- 4- "" .!.; :r.r ~ ~- .i ",- ,,-.: pea1.e4. '''1'0'.4. $.>>...1 a.., a,Qlr '. Sf".t _14'~~' 'S'~e~t'8u'h ,t 'thiG U-.';*Il~'1t ... 'an (111ft6lt10:1\ .t. "'ll)O. teel_ at .he t!'l~e.'$e'lon wea'." the $ltnratl.on$' aBfl\$ t'~.U.:.L()wst '1..St:fe....,..J.,G:Otei0'~ ":lno8tH,.et..4!).QQlee'ti' Mit &t,eet..ltf5..;O tee'. I"_l~ "".aUl" .,d~C) .r.,. '''_.)1. st~.e'.. ~';jOOc t08'1 'ln~ S1}~.,.. . .'..'0 t..". '~~..l $'210.6'1., 41*10 fflJetl I'hafJ1.fJ..A.,.n_. .,.'0 tee", Walmit f.tt~et f "f 0G t_"..aalf.t'.e"t~"'l!.J' . . . '"t.t I. '\I'"*"Q diO . 'e~tl .{u,.__ I'.e.'t'i,~&& f..I,i I. i41, .t:J.e'.fn.~ltte.'.ie.W.k l'lt.~t.;I:.to 16e'. .I'~ "ieb .l".e_tle. 5il_'&. '$:.,jL,lnc()bAven_. ".00 1$.'."._ . I, < ~ I , i,.nti'onl';~etJ "_,, 1'$&\' Au,u It.', ,,,.OQt.,.','e"- $60a "...\, ,-.'1' fee'., .4&u.nSt,eel. '-....;0 t$."u.n. . . roe Itllhldt.'lhl'S'$tjtJ;,'aottu..it,e.t. ,!5tOO tetlk-l~ . lon.'re.', "et"" "0.'1 . "1ll~fJ'~.et. ,6.50'~.'f tlLWon St:feet, ,ti..,,".', . Ola, 8t>>'.t..,jjOQ '..t. '~"at st:.ree.' Nedb 01 I.Pd'. I,,, j-eC)_OOit~f\i ., rJeft'.' . 0' _11!tel 'tJrG.tat an elteftt:"Gn .f' ..,'.ti :f~'1 4' t2\. ~ t$J'."t~.. ,,_t$~~Y, 'l1e 8J.eYa'~&n. aN .s t&.llM8'~." str~.'. ftA.lQ. '1'8et,I" 1'ltU' It!#Mt. "'.'0 teat. >>.1 st.e.' 4J~O& :r.'. "P0PJtUt .'.ee'. ,'.'0 tftet. eh.,. st..I. -.6,QO feei.. Plum I 'no'. ,. .'.0 teet.lit:lb. $,'.l1fM'., ~,..,o~, . . toe.., lUa'lMG'i.".jt 'ee'~ IU.m~ll AV..U., fjfl,.OO:ft)o'li .' . 1"__.I'e'ltl'H'.""tl f$ett Pi~. ,"...et. ...,,,Ot 'Ntl . . . . . Leo\1.' 1'"6'. ,0...0.1 '0.", Wh6elEl~ A'~.f '(l2" ~111.l-. . . ..'etJt'e~f ,1.ef5 ..,.."Eft..,lt st.,.e"_ JLt()~ t.~t. '\1!'0.'_ '1.'0 t:e.tt.. '1.~iWtl\ .tJ*"'. '1..1' taet, I..,. . , . et:reet.,,~.,t laetl G1fU~'k tl'~t. !i~h"', teel' '.tl..'''tt lYEm... '~..:I' fe""j wnoe-ln ".~. '''II' taeta "..U.1tm . - . . . . . .;"...'. 8.'\l ti)e'~ AU_ It.f)st.",l'. 'ell'. '~tr.J1.oft' . . . 1'.00$, ",.tnf.'. ft,dl:son et"e$'.,.i~fei taetIItO'n". '8t:l?e.$t. "jOO tM't. JaE.llt$en 8">>$$t, 55i!So 'fl.at. !~hootoe'i '1. t5te.t,J 5fh,,()f$$tJ 54.00 ,_t. SG".nt.h It"a~tl"'&i'l'm.1\()lni at center otMaaet s~..., a taft .lft8 "'on ot 4-"..lf '$..t_ ..t 'hfil: In't~tlS~!H'''''S;e~. ...,... . ' -. < . I..". thettleMt:t,ena .;eea. foll._ fr.llbest ' """0'"..,. 'eet, Itaa" rUt"""', "_-GO '$et, -.1 StJt8:et. l~4.'O. '''''.,, . ' . ~, ~" ,'01Pk~ st3l*$$t, ~5.0G'$e't tlbe..st"..'. ~'.'9 f.B:etl1fJ.. !' I ~." '1'.8d't "t~e teo'. ' YI.Mst~$e'* "ilOO leel. ... tt'J10'.'~, , . ' 'l.'O'.'. Il~l' iv_., ,.:.GO 'M', 8,.oa~J,. ,tv"" -.,,'0 I..., "'ft. S'lrHI.,O;tGGt$f;)'* LC)$utJI~e.tf.' "..1'. .. -,. . , " 1re,cat. 1ftt&el.. A"eau., ,o.t, '"'~)I'.Ulu'S"'"~,S.t,.I' . . '0$tl c..~ t:Ul'lteet. t..7' Iftlsiilia 8tIl0$'..'_ .t. to.'i., ,'" J ,~ ;,.' . . . . Irlell.- .t_eet, ,,'.J.$ :",.~,I.dl' $tl'\Jo't.,t.90 fee'tOMA . , . < ~ ., f 1...081. '1..$' fte", ~~l.'lY<<m.. ,1.00'&." LJ.n.". "'. '," I Av.uo. ',l~'O te.'1 lla_'nlto~St..', ,11..." ,1(1)011".. ! ~ I I '!$el" 'I!D0 t..e';~ 'flJtfeNoUilt~eet. ,,,.,00 f~C"~.,I'~on et.~.'t'J.'O '8e'. 'lllbt~ 1'._t:.~_en.lDa .' th0~.ta1'ot Ma~r...t 'l. at a~ a:ltlF&t10tl 0" __'it" tae'. at ,. _t$_~tl~n.' .e.'8~ " " 1 1". tu <.U,evatlene,."e .. t0~J.lowut ."d't..ett~. "JiI"J: ~ "., IH'l Mana $'J1(}$t. ~ .11 t$e' , ~-l. '\ileet"t4f't'. ~"tJ: ,o,p~~ I,"oe$, tfth1' fa,et. eb..Wlt~'t 4f'\1 ,.eft' p,. ~,' .f . 8'..&t, "~t, f&8',1, Via. IUJ1.~\. -"dlO if"', fila.' I'''''., y.' .t lf7.0:0 fae'. JU.mMl~ j'''~''-''4!JOf.e,'~ '''..1'. Itutli." . 4t.ih"lS t~'J,P'tne' 8'1'8$$. ,','0 '.1' s.o.' Ir~:refJ'tl"". te(t'tt,1 WPel.. j"-.,,t.iQ #,481U la.l_',8'~"ti .,5"..: IMI,1 (J._~.'JtJe..",at", f~etl I Jain. ,lt~,,'ltCH'.l ,..". _. ' . . " Ql.~ ,8t~oet, It,," 'Mti .d.S'''.~'. '1,.0'0 la~'t .~.'\,; 8 '!f."J "~Je f~" I,_.wtoa A"tm..f; 'tj15ta$;t~ ~. ~ ' . ~_ d " , ".- A".......I.~,OE) 1'"', W..'fllt..Stfte'. 11.,00 I.et;,. ,.-. .' , ItMetJ. ."ot.'lI IfJ.ff$Jttl.S'."", SJ,.j& f~~t. "" " Jf~ 1'..ell......W _. ..Q'.,. ., _~8t "I'if.'.t aft &1.."0.0' i',~'J'ee.,t at 'M .'.8$.t$:.U ...,.,. :' ~ ~ 'he q,."."Otl8 aft. '.. ..&1uat: ~"I"lt.H't lJ1h:'O '$1; . &~ee_~.h".U.t: ,l..j0 '$$'. ,..bifilloD 8'~"t. ,1\tt10 ttee\ I, ldAm.,'.e'ft , . , , 'e~&~$o. S'lJeat. fiJ.'Of0a'l1,..d-i.QUl'....t. ~ . . , r ~, I.... $"."._,.0& 1$8t,; J...ltna\'f "." 100tl""'.. S '..e'."';!S0t.etl(l~ln'V$'1i$6.!"1.'''f ,f!e.,,'t.etl:tjJ," ~'.,t to."l '1n.I"~.&'.-'f.GO 1$""' _1tst.e$t,~'"f', te$'U 111'4_11 .1..._.'1'..0$ feetr"..HltJo$t. ~"., teot. ,'tne,$'"e~'. .'.00 feetl ~~~\t.1 li"e~"f!Je.,o ,..... t1l'u;e,.sr .'Venu. ,a._00la6\ ,lalnU1 et~t, '1_,t "(Jot$: ,43 edt43!t 81:,fi!t".;O;~S tffe'tl'_I';~(J~.'O.'tf tut,J'~l'" ,Dt:t"'. _,.,.,",~ .14_ 't".at~,'$tO()fee'J ."I4dI'st.' ;f>.a,'e.'aGJtMn.'.. Avtlm'\1&e.li.tOf$etILInGcln' A~~,; .,a.,a, ,.jt;....1B..4tiltl'eO'_ ,et,O'mI4-.,t,.lt 'Sf.",'e"GJ1"en It~e'.",7,','..t. , f$rd,}l '$t.~(J'.""~na ,.t a.tee.." .ftJ,fJt:t_t :,., .n elfJt"."len of "~OO 'teel_ at i}Ie In\el$f).tloM U8'... 'tile _.."_'&00. AJW. &8 tf)'10""Llmtu~3t' ,trcf:l&"f~.,lt, ,..", )._$t!t!$fttt~'O 't$$\t. '11M etft6EJ'. l)$.GO ^'fi't, .tll;'f 4th a" fet'. 1&_14. ..q.-._~f:iJ. ,..., 'S.,...W.i.....,. 4".GO,e.'$ ~lftt)S'lI\M'. ,t<.'t()'6&t"O_.tl'~ttJl*'Q tt).t~ ., Wb'~.J.e. ,,,.unfi. 'I.'" '.$t".., B'~e"..,e.t' ta~'i fJ~i"$">>tM't _t,.:" ~ibe:tj m..t:He"...IJdil ~$Ki Ole'" ""GI, ~t.06 '.tl mI.. It~&Gt. ltit:.T,t\!$tt... s tHe'_ '1.0t:r~""J O~eenw$ellA._..j .,&.,."1 'lttJt"t< r..~1a lyem.,'Scjf;Ot." fteh'tn,'..i".t.'l~,ote~'i ,.. S tH&'.,I"OO f$$tlf' lil"8fttb$tl'ee' f~._.,elng.t, a.t,e.flt las:' .n~..,' I ,~t",.t'ftfl oltW.t'.lt tlt-.6.00e..l,. at thfl 'In".._."'.. wallt_lft 'h$~1.vatl+<m. .:tit a._1~h 'll~lIi&a.<<t.~ 1'1>>8&1, ..00 ~,etl'e"'andJ"lt.Mt."'."J.t~(l)t:,,,, It:l.t..- _,.'t)'.'i ,1Ulti ,et_Get,at.,.Qt:t$'.'i. 'lJ'le,S....... 'Q.QQt.tl_kl":_'.~f+S.'O ,.,,'ll*U A~.n...'t~.. ~Hti _._ft I'..et_ "'*"'"t~'ln.lt#e$', fi4),.I, . h~tl . ~~t n_t'~yr,"_tl .~ .,,~.,,~ tMtl . '..1.u' "...... _~'Jt !t~" . .f'~tlt"e',: ,.,t. 't.. ..,.I..tt.U,.i'tt.tii..'...,.a....'._'..f'tla.t', -- '. _ ,-, '" . - . - .-'- ') : -' ~ I ".e.I,. . . ., 'tot. (l'.Blti,,&t:t"O,.,tf'Eult'.'OllMMI'th A;'tt_ue,~j"'!f."J u."~;'i~tm.Mt 'l~,nt$&";"..*t* Itl'_', 5',. 1M'll Ala. StJtH:. '1.." 'oet~ ! ,i. ' ..'1i.' t'_..I:~d~##UaI.t(f.'t)lf ..,e..,IJ..' , ~. 0>:' ;1< ~ .;.. ;;:1 ~. ~ {f ~' ~ ~: l ~ .!f ~, ~'" ~' - b;.,;' .... _J'?~~- - _ ::~ ~ !:' :' i'll i; ;J, ~- !; ;~, 101. 1$0.. ce9. 1) rl V iI1C; {)ll 8:1. lkf:,~ . . i:_)C~O. 1. rJ} tJl~l t :1-. t ~l 1 lJ01?80n nJ'J perr5C(ni3 to V'J,:J Q~ ',~!' -~ f. c' '''''',~ . ~ 01' 0'(, It.) Crt VfJlfJ(;.l~J ()1~ J:tt:'(U~.()~:4t3t ()I.b 0'(' d1~:i.ve ~it rry' .:.~ (:,.~ t}J.! 8t (;1:,fO fJ ~J e'''- h:;J 0;1, I ''''~'l:/ i":'1f '['} .,.... ~- '"..~ ("'.: .J oroa ~J.. 11:n to I,--'r..e~ " ~~;..~..t~.J .. f:; ()(;.. C) "-.. 1t'1 ,~-;l or \{ crt.O ^>~'7t +. \d' .~~ V '1 '1 0;;)..,.';';" 1t:r of' q. mtD(lnnaSl.l101? ,L~, \"'", (J () fl'\!, 111t not 01k: 11 () X<- in.r.:)l~() ;.1 aha. 11 :3 t~;,I.rl(l to (' -j 'hr ~j \4-~ Vd 11 ul!.t:Ll <3() o!:l :!?$ 1d. -:::1 .{t ."'~ J..'<"JV-. .-, ..>~ . J;:k't: Lt neOfJ a f'-l ()1~ct:t.ll{,t'110eS ,to iJ ttl ~;;..!'(] J4 c;(L. e. t:;oo. 1. Lt-., TIlts ~elJ.l.l anct t f))~-' ~L , 1 110[\ t:t.on e~ t) U))t' II '~'\ ,;,.; LI. . ". '1 V... . .-. .~ 102. 1'10.. 290. '" Pet 1 t !it" j:'Q ony_ . [: eo. 1. If' ,;;:tny p<'X.t?DOl1:J .11 r:rt,(},Sl.1. emy monoy, orgood.a ,U1,d, oha ttola of am! kind W~~ tti}V03.:', of' 10sr~ Vctllte thtH1 thi1&!'- \;1' ty-t"':J,vo d.ol1st:l?f5 'tho :l;>:t'<)L:)(;}JJty of' anothox', OX' 131:l'l11 f~tc~:r or nKlllci.O'ilS1Y dG$t.roy l;tuy money, 11!'ouliorlOry 0, Dill ot e)~cl'lEl.nf~O. o:rdor. ct.:t"af't, J:'(300j;pt, vRu':rn:n:t, 011(,ok, or bond [;:;1 von J:'O:I.' the payment Qf monoy, O:\': I'ooo;tpt l"~C!c.n.ovHodg,ini:; the: rneel1)t of money ox' otho:r' p!'oJ/orty of 10Sf~ value tl'la!l thil~ty....f'1v0 dolUI.1's, fJVfU"'} porGon ~~o of~fc~ndl:ng k,l1t;~ll };1fi.k,e reatj.tutlon to tho lYal~ty j.njtu~od. 1n two-fold tho vellue of' the propo:rty stolen or doutroyod. and flnocl j.n any emn not oxoood1nc~one humlX'l)d dollE:tX'fh Sao. 2 It !rhe WOJ:'cl ttmonoyIt j.rl nection oneal' thj,g ord- lni:uJoe sha.ll f,.)(J llold 'to j.nclude carli": b111s OJ:' notos, Unj.tl'd. St.;ttO$ t~o;HrUmt nott'~Ot or OtlH.:l:l'l 1;)ill$1hbondiJ, or notoa 1m~"'" . 'Und. l.nr letvrful 1~?uthor1ty lntO:r1clod to (::IS (u.nd) .Oil'lQU..... lato as monoy. A,r::proved DeOOF.11)()1" 4, 1901. :. e- . . N(h 291. Adopt1on of Re"\!1ae(1 Ord1tl~~nQQ6. (1()o. 1. '}?lva 'c the o);1cl,1narH~os govel"Tj,1n5 GI'df1:1 Ic~lan(l in fOl"(,H') IJccerriber !l.'5 t 1901, o on U:.l..::lJ'lCK.1 tho 00lrtpl1od l'E)\rj.ao(l lU1(ler 't!10 r.1.uthor- (n:d1r1;i~noea :1.t1' tho C j,t~r Oo'Unc :U. hy M, T ;, 103. -tilO o j,t1r of olucUne; cl.11 1 n.;:). tUl't,) t bo rlO'ltl.O 1 ty At to:1m(:}:v " in- oj:~ a eu;'(:') It e:l:'Oi.:ry' iGU10 p t cd. .. t hE) same S GO. :2;, lI'm t Ol"diJ.1a.UGC llo,210 tt$ rOl')o:rdod in QZ"d1- ;:1EU)CO :rooord. "'A II OF)' Pclge l~o.. 369 and a 11 o'Jcu'nan(~e$ OlJ pal'to A}.'l70!'ovod DocH;1nlbol' 1&. 1901. OJ?(Un~!nOGf:l in oortr11o't h0;rew1th bU?O hrJroT.)~! rOliooled. p.ff;;' .....,. {'