1902 Ordinances NO. ,?_9.2.~ ~-....'" Pl"ohibi ting Chickens & Othor Fowls runrUng at LargGl,. ; ~ !;- ;~.~ ,. '., ' t:-_c~--_ Seo. 1. That it shall be and is' hereby d~clared un- lawful for chickens, dUCk$,geese, turkeys, guinea iowa. or any othel":fowls to run at ,large within the oorporate lImits ot' the City of Grand I.s14nd at any time. Seo. 2. Any person or persons violating any of the 'J, ; -? 'ii '" .1t prOVisions of this ordinance shall be deamedguilty of a. misdemeanpr and upon conviction thereof shall be finedrtn any sum ~0t lesathan one dQllar nor more than five dol- lars togetner wlth oosts for eaoh a.nd every offense oom- mitted. prOVided, however, that nothinghereinoontained shall prevent any person suffering damages from f'owlsun- lawfully running at large, from reoovering the full valUe of the ~mages so suffered. Appjoved January 4, 1902. k: . ~ ,t J-- .' ~ i; u-~~:~~?,~,-,--:--~-:-~,-,- -;-;'~2~<~~'~~~~':~~'~~~~T:': -: _"',,?'~:,-_?-;~;-:--,-:r'; F ~f.F7---;-:.----' i'~ -' -- . -, - - - -- -- -'." - - - . -o---"',.--=-c----,--~--__. u ~._,__ ~_--~~~....r__ -_-'-, ,~____ X"'_:: NO. 29'4. {, ! t.. prohj.b:iet'ing Prostitutes Visiting Saloons. "c" _-c -~ :;'{;: ,~.; Seo. 1. It shall be unlawful f'orany licensed saloon ~-- ~ ~ , i: " 1-:- !.( , g: i:t keeper to permit prostitutes to be in or visit the room or rooms' wherein such license isg1"ant.ed to soIl liquor, orin any 1"oot11 or rooms or booth 'connected therewj, th; 01' to sell any liquor of any kind. wba tever to prostItutes to be drunk on the premises; to permitanYj)rostitution or lewdor.in- decent practices to take place or be indulged in or upon the premis(';)s for which the license is granted Or in any way oon- nected the:rewith, over which the license has any contrOl. I, .,;. ffl S eo. 2. It shall be un1awfulfor~U1Y, licensed saloon keeper to keep, have or permit a.ny doors, either hanging or Sliding, soreen, curtain or anything else upon, over or in .. front of any entrance or entranoes lec'lding into any booth, room or rooms constructed wi thin any room where liquors of any kind are sOld.. .s ec. -,. Any person oonvicted. of a violation'of this ~f O,rdinance or any part thereof, shall befir@fi:J.na.nysutnnot less than #25.00 nor more than $100.00, and. ahall stand com- mitted to the jail of' said City until suoh fi:ne and costs ,of prosecution shall be paid. \ Approved April 16, 1902. NO. 301. PrOhibiting Spitting on the Sidewalks. See,. 1-, Tha tit shall be unlawful" for any person or 1:' persons to spit on any sidewalk. within the City of Grand Isla.nd, Nebraska, or on the floor, hall or stairway in any build.1ilgor buildings in said City occupied or: used ass. public building or placeoi' public worship Or entertainment, such as tho City Hall, Court H~1.tae,Gov$::t'runentPoBtoff'1<:ne;, School Builid.iI'fga, churches,Opera Rouse or Hall and Hotel.. ~\ ,:;-;, r S eo .~. Any person or peraonyiblat1ng any otthe ~ :I~ Provisioneoi' this ordinanoe shall be deems,d gUiJ..ty or ..a . misdemeandr., and up~n oonvictionthereof, shalt be f'inedin any sum nOt less than one dollar nor more than five dOllars, and sha.llstand conunltted to the City Jail until. the fine and costs are la,1d~ Approved December 17, 1902. :~ '.:.............:........,.... ,.J. . ,:. .,. ~- - ~--' . i-- ~-_:;; c;~ t to , 1: t I l; ~ -~ .;: fe' . . !-- -.: NO. '-;02,. Proh1b1 t1ng Adv~rtis1ng on Electrj.6 Telepho110 & Te~egrftph PO'les Sec. 1. It is hereby declareq, to baunl&wfu1 to leave or plaoe upon or against anyte.legraph, teletph0ne or eleotrio 11ght p01e within the City of Gra.nd Island, Nebraska, any ad- vert1sement 0f any' charaoter or desoription. Seo. 2. Any person or persons viOlating any 0f thapro.... visions of this ordinanoe shall be deemedgu11ty ofa mis~e- meanor, and ul>0n conv1otion thereof shall be fined1n a;ny sum not .les,s than one dOllar, nor m0re than five dOllars,and shall stand cormnitted to the oity ;jail unt11 suoh fine and oosts are paid. " Appr.ved Deo'elllber 17, 1902.'