1903 Ordinances
t:e' ,
,:' .,
~-; !'-:, -
NO: 307:
Franchise Homo Tel@phon@ Company.
Sec~ 1: That P~ission and authority is hereby grant-
ed the Home Telephone Company, a corporation of Grand Isl~ft1,
Sec .2 .
Allll1ain11nes or leads of' wires, cables and.
other eleotrioal conductors shall be Placed undergrotmd in
that port1on of'theoi tylying wi thin the :f'irelim1 tsof'
" ,
said 01 ty" and said oompa.ny may, outside of'the district
above ment'1oned, aonstruct and. maintain a system of pOles.
,wires, oondUi tsand cables for 'the proper andeffioient
transmission of' sounds,e1gnalsand, intelligent, :Ln, along,
over and underneath the streets, avenUeEJ, alleys and othEl1'
pUblic plaoes in said city and over bUildings (w1ththe'oof.'l,-
sent of the owne1'sthereof.') and 1n going fromonebu11di:ng'hCl,
& nother, the said. cbm:panYf:;';i~Y' when necessary , C:l10ss
streets, alleys;&venues, an~,other pUblic propeJJty 1n any
part ofsa.id oity, and the use ofaaidstreets, alleys, ave-
nues, and other pUblio property is Hereby g~ntedfor
purposes t<ltaaid company, its successors, assigns and.
subject always to tb.e control and supervisionof'the said
city of Gra.nd Island, through its proper offioials and.:prQ....
v1dedsa1doolnJiany, shall, in all oases, restore any and. 8.11
openings made by, it under this ordinanoe in "$uoh' str(jets,
or ailey-s'to, a gaodoond1t1on.
p!'()V1ded, ~ther tha.~ suolf wi1'es O:2!' other cond.uoto:t's
shall not be strung overhead to exoeed two blocks in length
from their und.erground co;nnecticm within ~ai':i fire limits.
Seo. :3. The said Home Telophone Company, its sucoess "-
ors, ass~gn~ and leesees, by the acoeptanoe of this ordinance
which acoeptanoe is to be wi thin ninety days from the final
pasSage thereof ,al$ree to build, laY,'"maintain and or>era te an
effioient telephone system and exchange in tl1e said Oi ty >01
Grand IsWnd with switchboards, oonduits, wires and applian-
~ II, '
ces su:ffiaiant to supply with telephones and telephone service
not less than six hundred subscriptions, ,which system shall
be cOffil?ltl1)od w:tthin tVlenty-tour months after the aooeptanoe
Of this ottd!1.nance,p:rov1ded not hindered by the city or its
offioialsf strlkes,f'ires or unforeseen oauses Qver' whiah
they have no oontrol.
, .'
Sec. lJ... Inconstruct1ng., operating orr~~lr1ng aa1d
p~nt the said. company, its suocessors, a~signs or lessees,
shall us~ e~ery reasonable and, proper preoautioXl to avoid
darilage or injury to persons or property, and shall at all
times and at all places hold harli11ess ,the city fromalil. and
every sucft'f damage, injury, loss orexpenseoaused or o_se-
ioned by reason of any aot or failure to aot on their ac.ootJ.nt
o~ through any carelessne~s of themselves or the;LremplQy.es;
and shall wherever1tplaoes poles or oOnduits :!:'eplaoe the
streets an~ alleya in gOOd oondition for. travel anduae b:y
the PUblic. after sa.1dpolea and condu.its hav~. been paced
Bef'oX"e or at the time of t'helr aooeptanoe oft:h1s
ordinanoe $a id co~ny, j. t s successors, assigns or il.esseelJ
snalLf:l:le.tWith the OityOlerkabond intheStul10t five
thousanddOl1arS withsutfloient surety or sureties 1nfavor
of theOity of Grand Island; suoh bond and -sureties shall be
B'l1bject to.the approval of the MayoX'.
subject to the appr9val of the 01ty Attorney,cot'lditloned
that thesa.1d oompany, 'its successors, assigns or lessees
shall rePlSJQS all streets" alleys, aven1:les arid. pUibl10 pro- " _
party-by tJ1je1!l. tlSedfortheir pOles, w1res'andoond.ults . +11
. .
geGd cond1~ion for t1'avel and. shall ~hQld.the
. "fV'" r ~ ~ I
by re~Bori of any negligenoo.- 91' aarelessness on its par't in
bUilding, oonstructing or re1;>airing 'said plant..
S eo. 5.
The said Company , its successors,
assigns. .
or lessees ~hall at no time during the lief' ottilis charter
chargetoJ? the use of a local telephone, .within 'the corpor-
ate limits of this City, to exceed the fOllowing rate or
schedule of" fare herein mentioned, '1'113..: for the first five
hundred or less, of local telephones in actual use within
the incorporated limits of this City '*hefare or toll per
month to be charged or COllected by said COlllJ;>any shall not
exceed the following amounts:-
Fora residence telephone onasingle line or wire---
For a residence 'telephone, where more than one is used
on the samaline orWire------------------------------$l.OO
. . .
For 'a ~usiness or offioe telephone in business houses
on separate line or wire---....----------...;.--...."';'-------...---$2.,.Q
For business or office telephone with more than one on
'the same line or wire------------------....--------------$2~OO
Provided that when said Company has in $.dtual use with-
in the inoorporated limits of this City eighthundredtele-
phones i tmay, in addition to the charge limited and fixed .
in the above sohedule,add and collect fifty oentsper'month"
per telephene and no more; a.nd for each additional three hWl-
dred telephones in actual use within the incorpo:cated limits
of this Oity;over eight hundred the said Company 1 may in
addition add and collect fifty cents J;lepmonth pep telephone
over saidcha"rge so provided and no more.
Sec. 6.
All the te:rms,condit1ons,restr1.otion~
limitations 'in this o:rdinance contained shall apply to
be binding ,upon the successors, assigns or lessees 0f said
Home Telephone Company,.
S eo .1.
The said Home Telephone eomIiany of
. Grand
Island, s11B.ll file wi th theC! tv' Clerk ofsa..j.d Citr their
written acoeptanoe of' the' prOVisions of' thls ordinanoe
such form a"e rna.ybe approved by the City Attorney within
ninety days of' final passage of this o:rdlnance.
thefa:llti1::'aofsa.id company to file suahaaaeptanoewitbi!\
the time speoified this ordinanoe shall be null and void.
Ap~roved February 2.5, 190;3.
No. 308'.
Appointl11€mt of Vlatsr Works Engj.n€)E~rs.
Sec. 1. At the last regular meeting of the City Goun-
cil in April of each year, there shall be appointed by the
Mayor and confirmed by the Cou-'I1c'ilas providm;lby ,ordinance
for the appointment 'andconflrmation of appointiveoffioers
an engineer, a first assistantDand a second assistant engi-
neer of the oi ty 'waterworks, whose duty if sballbe to
have general supervision of all rna.chlneI"'lJ and appa,ratus in
conn.ection with the pumps and bmilers of said "fOrks; to
keep the same at all times in order; looking after and
pe:rfol"ln all labor in repairing all wa~er meters used by
conS1..Uuers and perform suoh other dl1ties a.nd services as the
Ii' ,
',' .
Mayor and Council m.ay direct.
Said engineers shall while attending to the water
works pro:per be on an eight hourshJ.ft as follows:
The ohief engineer-sha 11 commence at 6 o' clock A.: M.
and work contirlually until 2 o' clock P. M. The first
a ssistant shall commence work at 2 0 I clock and oont,lnue
until 10 0 I clock P. M. The second a'ssj.stant shall com-
mence work at 10 o' clock P. M.andcontinue, lmtil6
A. M. nei ther of said engineers shall absent ,himself from
dut,y wIthouttirst notifying the Mayor b.ndsecurJng the
c oYlsent ot' the Mayor, and any extra help ernployedbythe
City 011 aocount of the absenoe or inability of the engineer
or assistants shall be at the expense of' the person causHlg
the employment of said extra help. Before entering upon'
the, dJ.sCharge of theil" duties as such engineers and a.ssIst;..
ant engineers, they shall each, execute to the City of Grand
Island, 11 good a.nd suffj.cient bond wi th twp PI' more suret-
ies, to be approved by the cttyCoUnoil and in the sum of'
Two Thous~i1d Dollars (#2, 000 ),conditionedthey will
nifyand keep harmless the City of Grand, Island from
liabj.lj..ty f.I'om aco1dent,a,nd dauagearis1ng frOliL8.
gence, un~killfulnesH, ,and
by thEmiln. connectionwit.h their duties a.s such enginee!"
and asststants, and for the fa1thfu1 performance of their
said duti,es by rea,son of saidernployment.
S ec. ; ,2.
Tmt section No. 3S of ordinance NO. '2g6
,<< .
~;, - - "",." -
as Passefl ap,d approved Nov. 2nd, 1901 and. all ordi,nances
and parts of ordinances in conflict herewtthbeand the
same are hereby repealed.,
Approved April 13, 1903.
,. (:'lf~
~, . - -.,
rEti?-' - - . - :~'\-~
"'ft':- - '-:~.~
t ,I
NO. 313:.. .
Prohibiting Obstruoting.or Injuring streets.
Sec. .1.
That it ahal]: be unlawful for any person or
persons . to. injure or obs,truotany .public street or&.lJ..ey by
plaoing upon 01' across the" same anything whateve:rthat- will
injure the same o'r retard the 1>ublic travel thereon; or by
t:- -
en 0 roa. ohing upon the same, by any fenoe, . or by plowing 01'
digging any di toh or opening thereon" or by taking any
earth the:refrom, provided, :p.owever, this ahall not apply to
the City i}1 the nak1ng Of' suoh improvernentsand repairs aa .
t .'.
~." .
f.::: '
i tdeemsi\!laoeOs8,ryon its streets and alleys, OJ? a.ny other
wo,rk that lUlay be dOne thereon by the authority of' said City.
S eo. 2.
Any person or person.s violating any ofthl.
provisions of th~;ordinanoe shall be deemed gu-j.~tW'
'demeanor and upon oonviotion theretor shall
every offense be fined in the stun of' not less than One
J..ar ,nor m01'e:~:n.a:n Fitty Dollars~and aha.lJ..atand commftt-
. . .
ed. to the oOmmon jai1of' the 01 ty until fine and oostsare
Ap:Pl'oved June 3., 1903.
?;- .
'I.' ,
~,:": ,
NO. 314.
1icenslng Dra inla.yeJ:'s. .
S ec . 1.
Tha. t no person <;:>1' persons shall lay any sewer,
drainage p,ipes" drain or drain connection with the public
district sewers, 'la teralsor appurtenances in ,the Oi ty ,
Gra.nd Island except duly licensed therefor under the
ions of this ordinance.
S ec. 2..
Any competent mechanic with experiEmce in'J..ay-
ing sewer, pipe may make application to the City'Oouncil
-1 j.cens,e tQ lay drains and sewers and tlPon. apprO.,valot
application 'and the payment ot the sum gf ten do liars ( $10)
and the giving of a good. and suffioient bond in the sum of
five hundred dollars ($500.00), with stu'eties to' be app:rovs'd
.. '
by t~s Cityq~!1.1ficil, alicensesball be granted:6'qn;i.:the muni.....
cipal yea:r in which said application ismade,whi,cllJ.icen$~
shall expire 'on the .30 I' day of April
S ec. 3.
Every license granted to any drain layer,
lay drains,lahall expiremnthe last day of each municipal
year without regard to date of issuance, unless.' sooner
ed for cause.
Sec. 4.
The City Engineer may, for unskillfulness,
carelessnC9Ss ar wilful violation of his direction in drain
laying, suspend the lioense of any drain layer and such 1i-
oenseshall not be in force and effect again unt:l..l dulyJ:t.t'....
" '
,. " --~
stored by d1reotiQR o:f the City Engineer or the City OG)~~~~,
nor shallany restitutlonofany license feepai'd
made by tlaecity for any length of timefo'Xwhtch aa:l.d
cenae may /b.e suspended.
S ec. ;~i;.
Any per sop or persons
tiOl'lB of\bis o.rdinance shall, uponoonviction
fined in any aumnot
dOllars no.rmoX'€lthan one hundred dollars forthefirBt();uEe~<
ensa l:tnd t.en dollare per day for
Q c.6-7
No. 3:1.5.
Sidewalk' Cond~nmation.
Sec. 2.
Whenever the City Council of the Clty of
GJ;I'.l.ndIsland, :Nebra.ska, s11all, by the affirmative voteo~i:
trlree-foul'ths ofall~he mombers thereof, deem and ded.lalJl'a,:
, i t necesr~ary that a s1.d,ewalk should be constructed,
or ropaired along any stroot in said city, the same
orderod done by resolution whj.Gh shall be in thef'ollowing,
form as near as miY be:
liBei t resolved by the, City Council of the C1 ty of'
Grand IsJland, Nebraska, tlv-it a sidewalk be, ,Wi thin :fifteen
days from and after the first publication theroof or the
· perSOllEil,$eJ:'vice hereof upon the owner of said lots, order,-
ad (const:r'Ucted, widened or ropaired'as the case rnay be)
on the_
side of
street in front of'
and, adjacent. to the followj.ng desoribed property , to-wit:
Sa1.d g,idewalk to be laid to the established grade,
when newly constrLtOted to be laid in a ccordanoli'l with the
provj.sions of Ox'dinanc,e No. 237 of' the Complied Ordinances
of said City, entitled liS idewa lks II or of anyordirence
a lilenda tory theroof, of the materia 1 lirescrlbed in said
Ordinance OJ:' in any amendment thereof, all work to be
, under t,he supervision of the Cbmmittee on 'Streets and
Alleys: II ' In oase the .ownerof" thepropertyadjaoent.to
s tre'et wJ1er.e such sidewa lks are ordered
;plywithihe said order w1thi~ the time
'it shall be tho clutyof tbo Committee on 'streets and
Alleys to roportthe n14l t ter to the City COtU1oil
action. as hereinafters'pecified.
, Sec. ,.2.
Tlia tSec~ion 3 of
to read a a fo llows:--
Sec. .3-
The City'OlSl"k emIl,
il--. -
~..... .'
res6li.ttfbhto be published :i:n the official 'pa.pei' af'
City at 1~1st once a week for two consecutive weeks,and
the pUblisher of such paper or his forem9.h shall file with
the Ci'~y Clerk an affidavit of the. pUblica tianof, Baid
resolution &"8soon as the publj.cration heroin required is
completed, which said affidavit shall be, carefully pre-
served and rradeapart Of the records of said City: Pro-
vided, huwever, Je,h9.t a personal service upon the ovmer of
any of the property adjacent to whicl1 said sidevlalks are
ordered f:lhal1 bo as effectual as the publication thereof
of said resolutj.on: and personal service' may ):H3tnade by
the City Clerk oft> by any policell~n of f'.aidclty and' the
same may be proven by the certifioate of the City Clerk
OJ.' the a:f.Cidavit of' any policeman serving the same..
,Sec. 3. That Seotion No. Five (5) O'f saidOrdj.nanoe
be amended to read as follows;-
Seo.'5. . If after the expiration of. thirty days:f':fom
the completed p\iblication or personal seNtcoa or notice
of said resolution a;') in Sections Nos. Two (2) and Three
(3) of this Ordinance provided, the sidewalk ordered o.on-
structed,widened or repaired be .not oonstructed, vvidened
or repaired as therein ordox'od, then the Ci tyCouncil may;
a t any regUlar meeting after the expira tion of the tj.me'
afo:r>esaid, adopt a resolution, ordering the City Engineer
to prepa,re goneral specifications for the construction of
the sldew.;'1"lks. ordered and to make an estimate of the ex-
pense of oonstruct11}g, widoning or repairj',ng a sidewalk.
a long, upon or abutting any lots, piecos or 1):J.rc01s ot'
Ground, mentioned in aforesaid resolution,:within the cor-
porate limits of sa.id oity as it may'deom bost:
. I
however', that.in case said sidewalks ha,ve,' previous' to the
passage of 'this amendatory Ordinance, beon ordered,
COl1Gt:cucted or' repaired and due notice of said order has
.been givonas provided in the ordina.nce then in f9rce,.then'
and' j.n thert case., no further order or notice need be,
Said.resoLij;tion shall boin' the following form as
m.ay be~- .
i.'..,,{..... '.'
, 11,130 l~reaolved by the ,Mayor and Coun011
of Grai1d Island, Nebra ska :
Tha.t whereas tI,le sidewalk. in
front of or adjacent to thefo~lowingdesor1bed promises,
t 01,;vj. t -.: - . .... 'It . . . . '. -. ._ ,.- .- -.". . -. -..- "... . . . '. '-. . -,. .. . . '. ~ . -. .:. -'. ,. . . . ha. s b.een
oondenmod. and ordered, construoted, widened or repaJ.l"'ed,
atld due notice thereof has been given as herein providQd,
and more than thirty U:1.ys 1113;S, elapsed sinoe the ~iving of
said notioe and said sidewalk 'has not been constructed,
widened or repail"'ed as therein ordered: Now, therefore,
the City Eng1neer of said City is hereby ordered to at once
prep>.1re an estiroc1.te of the expense of constructing, widen-
ing or repairing said sidewalk, giving the expense of the
sidm:!alk' OP11osi te 'each lot separately and to IJrepare gem-
eral specifications for same and where a. nevI sidewalk is
t,o be ~o.nst,tucted the ma tertal thereof' to be such material
a's the Council may order j.l1 sa.id resolution: Such estirnate
to be fi,led. as soon as prepared and vllth tpe spoclflcat1ons
to be filed j.n the office of the Oi ty Olerk for the in-
, spectionQf' all pe1"so11s in teI'estedthere:l.n.' II
Assobn as saJ.d speci.flcatlons and estirna te are filed
wj.th the City Clerk, he shall prepEtX'o a notj.co a,ndpublish
the same -asKing for bldsfor the constructionf widening
or repairing of sald sj.dewalk-;.
Satd notice shall be sig~-
ed by the Oi ty Clerk, sha.ll have attached thereto the cor-
porate seal of said C1tyand shall be in the following
form as near as practicable.
.Notice iB hereby given that the City Council of the
C1 ty of Gra.nd Island, Nebra aka ,will reoeive bids for the.
const:t:'uction, widening or repairing, as the c8,:se'may be;
ofasidewal-k, in accordance v:rj. ththeproVisiol1s of .Grdi.;,.;
nance No. 237 of the Compil,edan<lRevised. Ord1nances of
the City of Grand 'Island, Nebna.ska, of 1901 and anyord1-
nance amendatory therefore. and wi 1;.h the specj.fioa tions and.
estimate on file in the office of' the City Clerk;
. ": " . .. 4~ ". . .
. . . .
..'. . ..-. .... . .-.-. .".. ... . . . . -. ... . .... . -.:" . . .. . .-. . . '0. .
. ,
All bidS shall be in writing and filed witI1 the City
Clerk of said City on or before 5 O'clock p~ M. of the,
day of
The'City Council meserves
the right to reject any and all bids.
Da t G.l d. . . .. . ~ . , 19 "
Sea 1.
CIty Clerk.
Said notice sliall be ptLolif!hed in, some legal newspa:per
of gonera.l oircula,t~on ins8,.1o. city for at loost ton days
and upon t110 completion of mild publication, a copy of
said notice with proof' of its publication att.ached as
vided by law shall be filed with the City Clerk"with
itemized statement of the oxpense of said publication
At any regular meetj.ng of 'the C i tyCouncil after
the completion of' the pulJlica.Lion of said notice and the
proof' thereon haD beenf'ilecl, t11e ~j,ds rna,y be opened abd
::read and the contract shall 0(9 awarded to the lowest res-
ponsible'bidder and the person to whom sa,id contra'ct is
awarded SIJ.a.ll, without unnecessary delay, ,enter upon the
p e:rforma.nce of sa 10. VlOrkand shall prosecute the same to
co,npletion with as little delay as possib-1-e.
Upon the
c om})letiol1. of tl10 work said contractor aha 11 at onoe nott.....
fy the chairman of the commJ.ttee on streets and alleys' and
said :'O:ha1rman with at least one ,other member of said com..;;.
- ,
mi tteeshallm8.ke a personal examina.tion of said work with-
in 1'i vo days afternot1ce of' its comple'tion;
shallmat.,e and file a report
of' or rejeoting; sa1q. vvork and at the fi!'13t meeting
City Council after saidrepo'rt has ,beeni'tled with
Clerk the same .shall be p!'esented to the City
.. - '-, t .
it aha Ilapproveorq.1Si!tpprove satd're:port:
should the chairman
,be unabletoexam1rle said vforkal1ac';'~eport
two othel'" mombers ma.Y do so '.
upon thea6ce~ptance-ofsatdwork and
thereof' by ,the City Council
duly verified claim f'orthe
c tj.on, ,widlenj.ng 01: repaiiingof sidewalks in front
'a.djacent to ea'-'c}') lot or t:ractoi
been done specifying the expense of tl1,e same opposite
tract or lot and a warrant shall be dl"avm. on the~onera.l
fund of sf1id. city for the payment thereof.,
Sec. 4. That section No. 1001 said Ordj.l1[tncebe
, ,amended to read as follows:-:-
Sec. '10. Incase o]~ corner lotD such lotssJ:1i:J.ll be
cht:l.re;ed wJ.th the cost of so much additiona1 v/alk a.swas re-
quired to extend the said walk. to the curb line fifteen
feet from tho ,lot line at the intersection of all streets
,,,where. the ourb line j.s fifteen foet from the lot line and
in case of the streets being so narrow that the oo~nittee
on streets and alleys shall determine that '[;he curb line
~ha.l1 be ~li.i~~, .than fi~teen foot from the 'lot line them and
in that OHse said walk srlall be extended only so far as
said committee shall determine tobo neoossary to meot the
stroot crossing at said intersection.
Wbenever, any sidevru1ks have been constru:oted, widened
or repaired and the expense t:lo:coof reported to the ctty
Council and the same has boen paid Ol1.t of t,he gendra1 'fund
of the City, it shall be the duty of the Mayor and City
Council to assess' the benofits reoeivecl by each Idt or p<'1r-
eel of laild,by the cormtruction,' v:1denirig or repa.iring of
sa id sidewa lk" and to levy a tax against 118.011 lot or par-
0191 of land suffj.oient to pay tho same. . Said assessment
, ,
and lOVyshall bo n1'lde at any meoting of tho C1 ty0olJncil.
'Notice of the time of' holding sy-eh meeting 'and the purpose
If'or which it is to be held 1311.'111 be pUblished in some news....
paper published aIl,d of general Oil"cula~ion in said Oity at,
least ten days bef'q.;re the same shall be he X'd , qr in l:Leu
thereof personal service may, be had upon persons owning
Or ocoupying p:roperty to be assessed. ,Sa,id assessments
shall be lllade inthefollow1ng m.-1.nner:~irst:such
a ssessments shall bo'made by the Council a. t such meeting
by a resolution fixing the oost alf the oonstruction .01" 1"19-
pair of s11ch work along the lot adjaoenttheretoand the
amount' ofbonetits aoorueing to said lot orparge1 .OJ:'
by the sar\1o, whiohatnount s):1..a11
rnent ther~ori and. the amo,unt .oh&:;rg;osa.g;j.insttr~e 13a,me,whioh,
with trJ,e vote thereon by yeas and nays shall be; sprood at
length upon the minutes:
Second.: All suc:ttaBses::~ments sh..qll be known as
lISpeoia 1 Assessments for Improvemol1 ts," the levythel"eof
shall be ,bY Osrc1.inance, and with the cost of notj.co shall
be levied and collected as a special tax in addition to '
the taxes for general revenue purposes, subject t30 the same
penalties and collected in .like nanneras other city, taxes;
but such special assesfmlCnts shall draw int(9rest atone.
per cent per month, shall be a lien Ul)on the ,property' upom.
\~hichlev!e'a from the date of the levy, shall be due and
payable at the off'ice of the City TreEtSUre;J." thirty days
after. such levy; and at the time of the next certification
for goneral revenue. purpo$es to the COU1.1.ty Clerk, . if not
previously ,paid, the sa.me sha.ll be ce.rtified to the County
Clerk and by him placed upon the tax Ij.stand be colle~ted
as Othcl" real-estate taxes are colleoted and be paid aveI'
to tho City TrE>ftsurer. Upon the payment into the City
Treasury of ;anymoneyreooived upon aaid levy or special
a SGeSBment for improvements the same s11.all b.e plaoedto
the oredit of the fund from which said, imlH'ovements were
'paj.d and the amolU1t so pa1dinto the treasury shall be fjO
crodj.tod by tho City. CleI'k as to la-'lve ,the appropriation'
for stroet and alley p1.U"pOSOS of s'U.d. ctty in tho same co:Q-
ditj,on Hsthougb no warrant 119.dboen drawn therein to pay
:for said sidevvalk.
Sec. 5. That seotHms Nos. two (a), three (3),
( 5), six (6), seven (7), and ten (10)) of Ordinance NO.237
of the Compiled and Revised, Ordinances of the City
be and the same a.re hereby repealed.
Approved JUly 1, 1903.
~'.--'--'.:- -
",-. < -
NO.. 31[1.
Fi:ce: Ltmtts.
Sec. 1. _ All parts of the City @fGrand Island embrac-
ed in tl1G) following lim,its shall be hereafter known as- the
fire limit, of the Oity of Grand Island, to-wit:
Begirming at the Northaasteorner ~f B1.oCk No .53 of
the original town, now Oity of'Grand 18~nd, Ntllbraskat - run-
ning thane. southwesterly along the north line of Blocks Noa
- 53, - 54, 55; 56, 57, 58' to the Northwest corner Gf Block No.
, ,
;& a_ndthedce northeasterly along the south lineaf Block N0..
,g,;'hence diagonally aoross Third street t<J the Northwest
oo:r.mer sf Blook MG. 64, thence southeasterly along the west
line. of Blaok No .64 andeighty,..one (8'1) to the soutl1l'rest
corlle;rO,! B1ockHo. 8'1, thence Northeasterly along the llJouth
1.1ne of, ;BlQiOks Nos. 8'1, SO and 79 -to the Southeast oorner
of'BlockNet. 79, thence martherly along the east line0f
B1:ock No. 79 te the South east oorner 0f Blook No.. 66, thenoo"
~ortheaBtarly along the south line of Block No. 67 and 68,
to theSou1fh Ea.st oorner of Blook. No. 6g~ thenoe n0:rthwest!ilr-
1'1 along tile east 11ne of Bleck No. 6gand 53 tethe'J>la.cEt
of beginning; and comprising all the property 1nBlock.sNos_ I
;3, 54, 55, ;6, ;7, 5g, 64, 6;, 66, 67, 6f:l,r,9~' gO and 81
all int.he'Origi:naltown, n0W' O:Lty o:f'Grand. Island, Nebraska..'
S ~a. 2.
No buildings shall herea.fterbeerected with-
in said. abQtrtt described fire limits, unless all
shall be oorlst:r1.1.cted of briok or st-ene.
,~-' ~ '\ ' - - *'
S,ea .3. . Roof's,oorni.cesand gutte:ra shall be
- .
,.Q$t/:the outside surfaCfllwithoopper, t:Ln. 1ron,. ztno,0:t'
t~j~~ e
bui~'ditlg or part of' building
sa.idi fire',l~m1 tS-SI1a 11 bera1&6'c$f repaired, enlarged or
tn6ved to an~..0ther place within aaidlim1t$;
SUoh o'U:11di1'#ig bIB moved into the :f'irel;L1Ili.ts;
sidewalksfilay' b"so.~aislill~ aboYtl
, .
,;, ..""'~:r.;~-- ;-\. ~
ralsed.o:t'J.o'~ve:red as to ~ee:p ~he first floor9 not to
six inches above the sidewalks; . nor shall any wooden build-
ing wi thin said limits, which may hereafter be damaged to
the extent of fi:f'JPY (.50) per cent (i)f the value thereof be re,... ]
paired Qr:r:ebuilt; nor shall such building whe:re the damage'
shall be less than fifty ( 50) per cent of its value be
repaired a.s to be raised higher than t~e highes:tpo,ltn.t, left
standing after s14ch damage shall have oecurred,o!!.,'80 as
occupy a grea.terspace than before the;tnJ~ thereto.; pro;.,.
v'1ded, fUl~'brher, that this Ordinance shall not prevent the "
remova.l of any building now within the fire limlt8~o anoth,-
.. ,. ': - " " - ~ . -
er pla.cewithin said limltaafter thewrj..tten consent is Ob~
ta~nedof three-fourths Of all. the re~id~nt property own~rs
of the block. to wh,ioh ,said Quilding is to be taken, and such
consent sl'Jall be. filed in theof:e'ice of the City Clerk.
See .5!
The amount or extent of the damages the. t
be done to any bUi).d.ing ~y be determined by three
estedpersolls,;rosldents of the City, one <Af whom shall,
selected.. by the owner of the building, ,the second. by ,the
Mayor; or. in case the Mayor should no.t selectr,then by
City, CounCil, a~d the two so chosen
= -/
and t.hed'ecile.1bnsof the persons' so selected shal'l be
and conclusive; the report of the persons sQ
de.termJned. 'thEt damage.sha.l,lbe" deposited w1..~h the C1tYClel11t"~,,
Be:t;'ore said reference ls. made it shall be the duty, of the
owner of, th~ building' to deposit with the
Of six (6)dollarswhich
of the refarenoct. ,expenses, the remainder, if'a.ny ,aha.11
returned to the owner.
... " ~
.8l~:C;"06:4Cl Any person who shall own.,
the e:recti,xno~a.ny~ buildl'ng,
~ - .
. ,
.," "",
or In" an y. other manner.
ing anydama~eawooden bU1ldlnES, contra.:ry in'eith~!t'
any provisions of this Ordinance, shall be subjeot to a f:l..ne
, of not less than $25- 00 and not exceeding$IOp_.O?, india-
j aretion of the Court, tQr,the first offense~ a~da
for every twenty-four hours, such person shall t'a.j~lto oom..;.
ply with the provisions of this ordinanoe, or oontinue in
the violation of the same." If any person shall violate
any ather-provision of this ordinanoe he shall. be subjeot
to a" like fine.
S eo. 7 _ Any woodon building which may be erected.,
larged, removed or repaired contrary to this ordinaric,e.,
al1a.ll be deemed a nuisance and upon information it aha'll be
the duty (if the, Mayor, after three daya 'notice to the' build-
'er or owner thereof, toaba ie .the same by an ordoIl in writ..;.
lng, to require the pro'per officer toraz e suoh building to.
the ground,. the expense of such removal shall beroported by
the officer who accomplished the same for assessmerrt,and
may be col1ec.ted of the owner of such building by suit. in
any Court having competent jurisdicti.on.
Approved August 19,1903_
No. 321.
Franchise Postal Telegraph Cable Company.
.-,- ."~
. S 00. 1.
That the right be and the same ishoreby
granted to trle Postal Telegraph Cable Company of'Nebraska,
its successors and assigns, to set polos, string wires and
operH to and maj.ntainlines of telegl"aph, ,including all
palos and guys, cables, wires and fixtures thereon, along \
andovez.certa.in streets of' the City ofG-ra.nd Island, Nebr",
as follows: to-wit: , Entering said City, of' Grand Island,
from the east and extending alon~ theri ght-of-wayof the
Union Pacific Ra,j.iroad C01l1pany, on . tho' north side of'the'
Main Tracks thereof to the western li1111 ta of' said Ci ty;with
tho right and privilege of' crossj.ng each ailld all of i' the
'streets of said OJ.ty tJJa.t inteJ'sect the said'rj.ght-of'-way
of'the Union Pacific Railroad Company; also a,longthe west
slde of Pine street f:r."om wflore the saId li.11e intersects l
said Pine street to th,'e south sj.de of South Front street,
a long the South side of South Front Street from Pine street
;to Locust street and along the ea,st ikide o'f' Locust street
from South Front street to the Alley :r-unning through the
Blocks betweon Socondand Thlrd streets ln said Clty of
their local office.
S ec. 2.
v The poles so to be erected by sald com~~y
shall ds far as possj.blo,be of uniform eize, ,style and ,~
~1eight "nea t arl'd, sYIIlfilotrlcal,properly dressed and
sot 1n the ground.
Sec. 3. ' The said poles' shall along the above
a.treots, pe erectedadjacant to and. justw1 thin thecnrb
line at s'Uchpoj.n ts or placesa.f3may' ,be
Comml t tee ion streets and Alleys of sa.Ld
, I
and wher,e i.t i/,3 possible to do so shall be, placed opposite
proportydivision, vrhloh places shall n,ot
'than 150 0,,1" less than 100 feet apart., All poles,
and apparatuashall be so set, :placed. ~nda.rrang,ecla.s
the lea/at ;posa1ble,obstructi'on
~>:- - -<-:0:-..~_--:'-':i:
;;-;~ -.-+.- -,.-:-';.1
, t.." '
~;i:~~~:. <._;/<-~f~1
<~ _ _. ~_c;;-_" '--:?t, >
Sed.' 4-. 'Said comr>anysjlal1?t its ovm eXDenS8t
tore 'all streets, evenues, alleys ~nd sidewalks and pave-
ments, curbings or gutters thereon, disturbed by l:e for the
purposes of setting itspolos, to a condition equally as
good as befo~t"e sfU.d poles wore set, and all surplus dirt
due to the settj.ng of said palos shall be :J:'omoved,.
Soc. 5.
The erection of 'said poles, stringj.ng of
wj.reB and the rostoratj.on of the streetssh::t 11 be at all
t jollI0S subject to the supervisj.oD of the Conuni ttee on street
and Alloys of said City of Grand Island.
~ See~' 6. ,The C:1 ty of Granel Island, reserves thor1ght
at" its ovm expense to place upon the said~)oles,at any.
tIme, such. w11"'es as may be necess{:1ry for police and fire
alarm purposes wi thout any expense to tho Ci tyof Grand
Island, . for thO' use of said poles, provided said police and
fire alarm wlrescan be so placed vrj.thout j.njury to or in-
, !'
t erf'erence wit'h the wires of said COIl11?any.. The s[d.d City
of Grand Island sha 11 1l1i:l.intaj.n its police and fire alarm
vilres in' such a 111'lnner an not tointerferre wj.th the maln-
t onanco andopo:rH ;U.on of' the Company's wires UIJOn sa 1d
poles and the said Comlxinyshall matntEd.n its wj.res in such
a manner as not to interferre with the ma.1ntenanceand 9P-'
eret tion of the fire alarm and police wires on saj.d poles.
S eo. 7.
It sl1Llll be unlawful for any porson orpor-
, .
sons tOJ.njure or deface any of saj.d poles or wires, fix-
turesor 8})paratu8 thereon, or to post bil'ls ornotioes
theroon, or to use saj.d poles forh1tching 'posts fQr ,horses
or for Hll:l pur1)08"O wb..atever other than the supportfof el~
'eotricaI wires and apparatus,.
Sec. S.
Any person or persons vioJ~tihg
prOVisions of this Ordinance shall,upon
pay a fine of not less than F i veDqllars a.nd not more
tvrenty f'j.ve dolla.rs,' in the discretj.on of tho Cout't.
NEBRASkA 'Elhall in every a.nd call things done. by it well
truly comply 1Nith all the termsa,nd conditions
i Isla.nd., -so ,far '!;lE!the same are 'coYfststentwith lavi.
S ec. '10..
Saj.d Postal Tolegrapl1-GableCompa1;1Y of
Nebraska.,. shall pay the. reasonab,le cost of the pr:l..nting
publication 'of this ordinance.
S ec. 11.
The acceptance j.n writing of this
duly executed by the proper officers of the said POSTAL
TELEGRAP!I-C,ABIJE COMPANY of Nebraska and with the Co:cporate
~ eal of said Company thereto duly a.ffixed and attested,
shall 'be'filed with the Oity ,Clerk of saj.cl Oity of'G3Zand' ~
Island" ];)rio1" to the commencement of' the construction
the said line, and saj.d aC90ptance shall be attached
this ord:linanca and recorded in the Book in which the ord-
inances of the said City of Grand Island are reco'J:'ded.
Approved November 18',,190.3.