1904 Ordinances
No. 326.
Regulating Condemna tj.on of Buildirgs.
Seo. 1.TMt the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska,
shall have and. is hereby given the authority, :right and
power tep,rotect itself, oitizens and property owners
against injury or damage liable to resultfromd1lapidated
buildings, standing walls, or other inseoure struotures
within its inoorporate limits.
Seo. 2. That the City Counoil sooll have and is
hereby given the right, power and autho~ityto d.etermine
what buildj.ngs, standing 'wallso-r other insec'l1.restruot-
ures are a nuisanoe and dangerous t9 the 0 ity ,Oi tiz ens
and property owners thereof, ai1d upon its passing a reso-
-, lutionspecifyingany buiiding, wall or structure to be
within the terms of this ordinance, it shall be and is
hereby made the duty of the City Clerk with1nfive aayS
aft'er the passage of such resolution, tO$erve,or cause
to be served, a oopy of' same under the seal of the Cit:y
upon the owner, lessee or any other person or persons in
possession of, or having control over $ems; the servioe
upon any such parties herein mentioned shall be a fUll
complianc0Al wi ththe provisions of' this ordinance.
, Sec. :3. That- upon the failure, negleot or refusal
of the person or persons {30 served to remove the nuisanoe
or structure specified in sa.id resolut10n wi thin the time'
provided thereby, then, it shall be and is heretlYma.($e
the duty of'the street Commissioner to proceed forthwith
to .abatethenu1sa1'l.oe and remove such stwoture named in
said reSOlution.
Sec. 4. That upon theclty being oompelled tore-
move anyetructureunder the prOVisions of th1sordinancun
it shall be and is hereby given the :right anc;("atllthor1ty
to sue theperaonor persons liable for the
of such dangerous. structure in any Court of'
,Jurisdiotj,.on tor
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- ma:y."e',i:e~$ andhs.ve the rigllt to 'takeand:r'eta1n ::posse9s~
ion of', any and all materials taken from any building or
structure whiOh,it is oompelled to remove, itntl r'etain the
same in its possession. ,And after 'iving notioefoI' ten
days in some legal newspaper of the amount due it and the
date of sale, may sell such material a.tpub11c auotion
and deduot therefrom the amount due the City for 8uchre-
moving, t0gether with the cost of publishi:Q.@; the said no-
, .
tica, and if any money remaining, the samaahall- bad..e::pes-
ited with the City Treasurer to the order of the person
enti tIed to the same,.
S eo. B. - Tha tany person or personsh:J.ndering or del-
aying the street commissione'r, or anyone under his em:'"
p1oyment,' in the rernovi1.l of' any structure oontemplated by
this ordinanoe shall be guilty ofa misdemeanor, and upon
oonviction -thereof' shall be fined in the sum of not less
than five'dollars J1,or moretl18.n one hundred dollars,.. and
stand committed to the City jall't11itll suahf'ineandoosts
are paid.
Approved March 2, 1904.
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,~' '327'. .
Prohibit-lng Dynamit@ Oanem.,
Sec,; J...
It'Shall be unlawful for. any person or persons
to, lnany manner, disturb the pea.oe and good order
City of Grand Island by niak~ng any loud, boisterous
ual noise,: or by using obscene or profane la.nguage, or
fighting cpt threatening to,flghtbytumUltuous threatenlng
offensive 'actipns,by being intoxicated on the streets or
any pUblio plaoe wlthln theoorpo:rate limits of said city.
8ec."2., It shall be unlawful for any person oI'per$ons
to lndulgeinany indecent or disorderly conduct oran~
or lasclv:4ous behavior 01' to commit any indecent, or innnodest
f'ilthyit"()t in the presence of any individuaJ., ocr individu-
als, Or ltW such 'a situation tMti'persons passing ,might ordi-
narilyse~ o!' hear ,the same1 on the streets or othe:r pUblic
plaoes" o~ within the limits of said city.
S eo .. 3 .
It is he!'eby~de unlaWful for any person
appear in 'any pUblio place in said City in a state of nudity
or in a dress not belonging to his or her sex, or 1n any1n.....
decent or 'leWd dI'ess.
rt::I;shereby deoJ.aI'ed unlawful fOI'any
or personl.11,to _hib! t ,eell, o:f'fer'.e()I' sale, 0 I'inany
dispose o:f'any indecent o!' lewd bOOk"
oTto exhibit or act any indecent 0':'
I'esentatio:n of any kind ill any J>:l;ae'
o 1 ty.
S eo. :5.
, "
It i8 hereby ma de unlawful
persons to ot:;:rrya. weaXlon orweapo3;1$._..noea,led on.o~about
." _ _h'
-. "
hia o'x he~ Buchaa a pistol, bowie knife, d;f;~l;or any:
o thaI' d8.n~~,ous weapon, .pI'ovided, howev'eit, if' 1 t shall bEL
, '
c_ , ,
proved trqmthetestlmony on"~the trial'of anysuoh ca8e~ that
, the acou8$dwas at the time' of' oarryj.ng any weapon OI' wealf.nl~k
S eo . 6 .
It shall be unla.wful for any person to loiter
9011, tanrjiilydtr Dro:perty t theaooused ahallbe acquitted.,
about the streets, alley:s or other pUbllo plaoes ln eald city
for a 8~oe of three days wlthout having some legal ocoupatlon
{~- - ~
,~'f '
orivls.1.bl;e."means ofsu;ppor't and OQn givenoreaso~blea.eooun~:
o'fthemselves, suoh asper,8ons 'usually known as tramps and va-l
Seo~ ,,7-' Any person or persons vlOlatingany of the
.v181ons~fthis ord1tlan~e\ shall be deemed gUll tr ofa nilsde-
;" - - - .' - ,-' ~- < '\ - , , - - - - - - ,; ;/
meanor., ttnd. on cQnYlot4on th$reofshallbe fi-ned in a.ny sum
notexo~~d'1ng one hundred dollars andaha'll stand. oonun1 t1;e d
un tI 1 sUCh" fine and cc:Nhs, of SUi ta re paid.
~ .
~: >
Sec. fJ.
That:i.:t<:tJ1nall be unlawf-ul for a.ny person,
aons, o ompany, f1rln6roorporationto sell,use, give- away
in any manner4.:t.,i;"';'S,$,~f'anYdyna.m1te o'ane oroa.ne,s, cap's or
oJ--~,... .
capa ble
otl1.er oOllt:r
it. .
explosion ot dyna,mitt,e.>~;<,:
: ,,-;:,i_;__J~-;~t>:_\Lr' <_,~ - .
Sec. 9 _';'T~:tC1 tal1allbe unlawful, for any
sons, oQm~ny, firm or corporation to sell, use, give &W~y
in any manner ct_i$pose of' anyf':ire-oraoker or tire-craokers
being la'l'ger than three inohes in length and. one-hal! inoh,
in diamat ell:' .
Seo., :.LO . Thisaot shall not be oonstruedtoin any'
ner proh$bit the ,use ,or sale of dynamite Of anycontrivari:ce
used in 1l:he axp10s$ono.t dynamite when the aamets
;" "U1rf," ' " , ',' ,
foranYOonune~c1allieg1t imEtte purpo $6..
S eo. 11.A.nyp&Z'SQn or peit"sottsv1.olating ,anyot tltte
proyisio~$ of' this ,ord~ninQesb411be deemedgul1.ty of' a
ttli.,dem~4~Tand Onoo~tlctionth6reof' shli1lbe f'ined.i~lit/nv
. ,/ _ <" ...f, .
S'tmr not~6as than :f'i~~,dollarsnor morethal1oneh'Undred,
dollars 'nd. snall stand committed qto ,the.oltyj~
" "
suoh:f'1nllland cost'f are. paid.
, ,
A:pp1.'OVedApJ.'l,~ ~1, 1904-
;~_-'o- J. ".-
\:.:---:'-". -.
':.-.:.-. .
NO. :;28.
Connec t ing privy Vault s With S ewer in
Sec. .1.
Tha. t it is hereby made unlawful for any per-
son, persons, fi':rrn, company or corporation hereafter to oon-
struct orma.:tntain any privy within the following deacr:Lhed
limi ts, ta-wtt:-
Beginning at the North East corner of Block No. .'53 of
the Original Town, now City of Gra.nd Island,Nebraska, run-
ning thence South Westerly along the North line of Bloeks
Nos. 53, 51+, 55, 56, 57 and 5(1 to the North iF/est .eb,:neri'of'
Block 5(1 run~ing thence South Easterly along the West line
of Block 5! andthenoeNorth Eaater1Yl/along the South line
of Block 581 t thence diagonally acrosja Third street to' the
. .
N~rth West corner of Blook 64-, thelflce South Easterly along
the West ;tine of 13 locks Nos . 64- a~h (11 to the South Weatcor-
ner of Block NO. en thenoe North Easterly along the ,South
line of' BlIDoks Noa. !l,aO and 7~' to the south East corner
of Block No. 79 thence Northerly along the mast line of
Block No. 79 to the South East Corner of BlOCk No. 66, theria
North Easterly along the South line of.Blocks Nos. 67 and.
,6~ to the SouthEast corner of Blook No. 6a, thenoeNorth
Westerly along.,th~ East line of Blocks Nos. 6aand 53 to
the place of' beginning; and QOm.{l:rornia3;ng all the property
in BlockEr Nos. 53, 53, 55, 56,57, 58, 64,,65; 66, 67, 68,
79, gO and $1 all in the Original Town, now Oity-of Grand
Island, Nebraska, without connecting said privy vault
the seWer in sa'ici'described l1mits,whiollconneotionaha11
be made under thesup~rv1s:ton ofanci in oomplia'nce with the'
au.thoritiestofaa1d~city .
Sec. 2.' No person shall 'd.1'aworallow
ground, streret or alley of' this, OitytheY contents ofan,v;.
vaui t, privy, cesspool or sink; nor shall' any owner,ten-
ant or oooupant of' anybuj.lding to whioh any vault, sink,
privy or oesspoo1 shall appertain or be a tt'ached permit thtl
, oontents to 'becomenauseauB,foult offensive or 1nj~1ou.
- ~~
, i
Sec. :;.
That it is hereby declared to be and it is
!~:;--_/ -
; -' ~
to the puBlic health, .a.nd =!-t is h~1"Gb'S" mad.e, thedut'Vof' ~
every such person to keep or cause the same to be kept in
good and clean condition, . and nc; privy vault or cesspool
or sink shall be filled up or abandoned unless the contents
thereof ara first entirely removed. And 1"0 is hereby made
the duty of every owner, tenant or oocupant of any premises
in this City to cause the privy vault or cesspool connected
w1th such premises to be disinfected by using lime or; some
other disinfectant. once in each Vleek between the 1st aayot
June and the 1st day of October of each year.
he~ebymade unlawfUl for any person, persons, firm, company
or corporation to permit any privy va.ult disconnected with
or contained in any dwe~ling house or building within the
limits above described to continue or to be maintained with-
, "
out the prop'er conne,ctions wtth the sewer, and all suoh
privy, vaUlts now existing a.nd being in said limits are her~
by condenmed and declared. to be nuisances; and all suoh,
v<l;tUlts shall be removed or oonnected with t.hesewer, as
herein provided, by the ovmer, agent, tenant or occupant of'
"0 tle premises where suoh va. ul "0 is aituat ad w,ithin.sixty days
after the passage of this ordinance.
Any person violating any of the provlsions of
, this ordinance; or failing; neglecting or. refusing to comply
with the ptt>ovisions thereof, shall u'pon conviotion thereof.,
be fined in any stUll not.exceeding $100 for saoh and every
day of tlie oontinuanoe of sUoh nt;Lisa.l1ce, or f'a11ure to com-
, '
ply with the provisions of this ordinance, and eVeliy day of'
such failure shall becons1dered a new offenc,eunde:r the
provisions of this Ordinance.
AppJ?oved April 28, 1904.
NO. 334-.
(lloslng Saldons at Twelve O'CIOCk., A~M~
Sec. 1.
All lioensed saloone{ wi.thin. corpora to limits
of the CitY" of Grand Island, Nebraska, shall cloaetheir
doors and keep them closed and refrain from the sa.le
liquors in their places of businesB.b'etween the hour of 12
0'0 lock midnight and 50' clookA.}.!.'
Sec. }2. .Any person or persons vio la t ins; any' of the'
provision.eo,f this Ordinanoe shall be deemed guilty of a '
misdemeanor and upon, oonviction thereof shall. be fined'in
any sum not less than $5.00 nor mor~ than $50.00 and shall
s.tand oonunitted to the City Jail untilaUoh fj.ne and oosts
are paid.
Approved August 9,190lJ.,.