1905 Ordinances
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let. 34~'.
Laying Sidewalk on Petition of Owner.
Se'e. 1.
~rhat t1le Mf,yor and f)Qun011 of the 01ty e1r
. .
G rand Island, Nebrash t be 'and they are hereby 'empowered.
to lay a peI'~nent "Sidewalk anywheli?ew:l.thin the Oity.'
Grand Island. Nebraska, incGnto:rJJl1itywith the proV!l.s1en'8
of Seot1on No. 121, Obapter No. 'l~f Art101e No. J,tlom"l"
piled statutes of Nebraska for the vea.r190;.
S 80.2.
That before the Ma1'op andOeU1'loil orders
sidewalk. laid aeprovid.ed for lLn Seotlon ], of this
o rd1nanc's, a patl t1011 in; wvit:l..%1lgeftha freehQ],der desir-
:tng a permanent :walk ~id shall be filed w1 th theOi ty
o lerlt'.l(Jf" said 01 ty and in addition thereto said, fr..held....
ersball trialte, exeol;J.t$and deliver to the 0 1 ty of Gruand
IslaIld, an a~reement 1n wr1 ting to pay fer the same and
that the CH)S; ef said walk s~ll until pa:td beape~pEft-
ual lien upon said real estate along wh:Loh sa.1d tre.eho:iL<l-
er desired said walk tQlo.elaid or construoted, andgiv...
ing and granting to .sf.\id City the, right to assess and levy'
the oost o!f suoh walk ag.inst the rea a. estate and p~eml.es
to pay the same with interest,s m.i1t1oned :Ln Seotion No.-
Jot this Ordinanoe.
S eo ., .
mhe, t0tal oostof building said' perll'lftneht
sidewalk s11al.1. be levied It one ttme upon theproperi;y
a longwh1at! said. perman<!tnt $id.ewalk iste J~el:>'UJJ..1.ta~<J'
'same slall 'beoome deJ.-inquent a$ follows t()-vllt't,;r'
s aventh of the total aest Ln ten~'YEJaft$3:'t'1ie levv'
made, Gne-'seventhln'one 1'_:1:', one-s$VEilnthtntWf>
one-seventh in three Y.l.Ita,one-sevellthin four yea.,re,on.e-
seventh in flLve, years anc1one-sev$nth inslx years,
tha.teaoh~:f'.ld1ntJ!talrLntentl aforesaid e~oept the.t1rlJt
,shall d.1'av(1nteres.t It the rateoI' seven per oent
urn from tb~t:Lmeef'the' lev}" aforesaid.,
. shall' beoo1nEl) delinQ.uent,8.fld t'hereatter shall
the~_te of ten per oettt.perJ;n.num.,
etH.. sp..~al taxes.
Sea. 4. The Oeunoil shall pa,iy':fttQrt!h.el:.:ru:l.141ng of
suoh pernanent sidewalk out of t116':genel"al.tund of' the
aity. and the MayeI'a.nd the 0ity 1r.suI'ersha.ll be a.nd.
they are.here'byautl1.or:l.3ed to sell the said agreeme~t
aforesaid ~~g$ther w1tl1the lien' thert-eby Qreatedwith the
,< ~
said treeli"J.der for not lesa.:tNi.nthe par value of the
oost 0'1. the buiJ.d1ug of said pel"Ula.nent s:l.dewalk tGgethell1
with the amount of inte1"eat du.e theI'een, to any p.ersonoll'
~oI'Porat:l..n,and assign,tra,us:f'er and. deliv~ thesalnfi>>'
but without, reoe~se on the said Oity for any failure of
the said treeh(l)lderto pay thE( same, and the amount re-
oeived from tlile sale of'sa:tdag:reement sl1allbfi)paid into
the Cl1tyTreasunnr and oredi ted to the. General Fund.
SOCh!}. That $aid 8peo1a.ltaKand a6sfl)asm~tntaga;Lnst
the loti "ota ert-l8.ndfor the Best of building,saidPe~.""
nent sideWalk shall bepald te thec1ty 'l'r"slWer. but
atter the', sale of$Qi4 air$ement and th$ e+tvfuivi'tii' b..lW
reimbursed the a.meuntpaic1 by said frEJenol<1er 811411 by the '
Oity 'l'Vea8'l1r0:t' be paid over to the owner oifj' said agreemtllnt
a.nd the m&ney not oonv0rted into the 01ty 'l'lraa$UJry'.
SeQ. 6. This Ord1na.noEJs13aJ..J. applyto'ny e1d.ewaJ.,1t
built und.er the x;ro'i/1s1ons 0'6 sect:f."n'J..heJtteof.t~.heJtt;;be'1'
fore 01" after the paaeage of th1$ ordinanoe.'
Appr0\red Janual"Y ~. .19 (i)f) .
Hth 34-1\.
..J~'1aitb;e lt~Il~Qt j.H_1l11(t~h
Sa~. 1. It f.$ ;hilJJ1aoV 4t1to.tt1'~t.b.un~"M ,.,...".'......
, "
" - ."
,'$-1'$Q11 oX' :Pe;r$(InfJ'ti(l> ~anv.u;ti_t)l~.O"':i;f1,.otha~v~IJ.<t~
:p~epel1a(;\b'$'~unfeleej~"1'.,t sasollinj OJr 4.(,)tl~~,!"'$~i
,1Gl.&J. tn_ns betwaen 0." .nd..ta):'t,,~et.'a~Ko(iln1& ..
S.v~tl1ltJr-e$il$t,. ~~del(cljed.inl m ~;t1,$$ l)aa.1~~ft
. '- .
. ,-" -."
8",; '2* !t. 1, .h.~ohy d~..M..H })ft._~,~a.fU ...,~
J!$~8(.i)n c:t?~(}roon.sto '.rutl.' ~U}1"~__1;}&1.ol'o.'b$"v.~~~I. t~
,P.J....1...,b'an.,.f tht' 4ln"".I41.. ~....,.~t.f'tjt4in:'.*~~:
_ . - - 1-','-
one of tht$ Q.Ijt~no. .1.n an" ')onlon ot'the ~1tv't(t...'r,
le:1a.~f 1_.... 'otb~"'_...'$$l,n.r'od. .in 'lI~tl'~f1'.n.tJ '.,
tifil$ o:Ht_lt'O$ .t ~111J$ad " ,6XCt)~d'Wtllv. o111es "~',l'lo.,
_."'jl ,1).1 p$:t$on$ lQ ...;& ,tve~~Gl$.Jl",al1~
an'flf itl$ m.fte.~t,t1.~d ~t'h;t..ON~r1I..~'~l.. beffV,"
_$$~ng a hQ"~.()~ '.mic1ln;zt,n t~.t11a41'~qt,~ol\ al....,
S'~f$M'\ or ._~ln~bt-lJ.tf.n~~.. g~lll.w~~w;j.1!li fl. ~.ll$
lnak:.l.~,~ $()m,~t1,t&~"J1}l'~p:rl~'e n.:tp...k~$h .11~1'tlt'~~$1_'_
.~~the &.l>l>naehQ,t $~h"011!lele".'.h~'U.].4 any ant..l ct'
",nt_a.t)' b~e()~110 t~igh'ti)n_ than 1ntbafj oa.$o'th& ,~utp~b$;l..
.rr: athe3?'fe:h1ele ashe;t--eUtM1\\emli'k"d .~llb.b~Uih~ if 0 ,
. $top and. S'O.itQl11'1.1n UItt;11 tl1eho~$e 0:"" taammla be"1110 ,;."..
, .
1@:6" 4. Any pC1*liJOn01" p$~a()n':tn (311arge 0' art .u.!t~~
'bl~ .0"- o:l118r'.'.1fI p~1f~iL1ad 0' any ot them.us,
a nd,oQnt..~t$4 _"h~i~o_ln.lln()~fJl~llu.pon ~et,;tn,~~_
(liftt..m ,*1;. haa b~pm.e t~.t~'t~tenEld..t1te 11'$ .~. etop ~nd.
'1110 Mlnolt) l'ii8".
..,1$6. i~ ,All tiuto.,b~~.', o~;\,{,tb$lf~~lOJ.tl$P~.~t~'!"
~n.,ot ihle xn.en. e.'o1.tl&d'.l'A4ooni ;t.tla'p tlltl"
.- - - - - -.' . " - , .
.~1 l)f!..lttlaed.w!~~~ ala.,(tt)dJMflmla11al1 .. .
;-;",I'ft'h. 'D,*,..;~c.f __it ;'v,enl'l$"..14 b~' '~1)'\i.tta~....'Dt,.,
. . . - - .
.. .
, ' ,
'when 1n :&~. wlfilllt't the, 01t, ~lm!".1i
s-..t", 1'0 ~&1'$~~. ~p6n t'U~il<~~ttle'tl:cruJ,~fot _ny.
. . ,
031_'81.\.( ,.ft;' fll\f,.if\I,'Ibt)m'.'Ruf!$. o~a~, rift~(fI!J'f
, ..
.~.t, .t>'Jt _~''''.f' \h~;ft" .I~l\~ ;,
1'1", J'O~,
'"'f~';lD.tQ~ allt"'b1.'Qia\ft"
~':i~ ;,
See" 1,. !~0Ma"lt' et thefu,tv <>tGran4 %elAndt,W&flt
'r " ", ,
thfJ o(nt~,!,....t \ke '01.tyee\Ule,a,','artii ~ub301.)'U, t. ,..
"a:t~M.lot t~e t}lt,Oounc;t".1mhe~€J~ .~th(tll<_t)d ,a_'~
, f : ,\
peW$l*eij to. apt>eln't '..01 tv ,'h,e!.C1aa.Wboehcl J..l""b41:lt:$ .4~.:~'
qua:U.t"l~,tlone .et a ''modioaJ. .~ot$tj.()ntrl.\nd~utbt)~...."
<l~1" tl'lekws of thleatat$ '0 ~mll)tle6 medt(ltne '~.t1a../'\;
se.r.d -a.. hld Oit,v PMtelClbUlsbal.J.. hold 11j;I$\tril'IOi'
d.tt~ln~ the t~a.. tJf O~~~000t tit.1Aa.,o~ W "~4l)l1h_."~
POtrttCt'lf,4lUUt unt11h~$U(fe~~9t131f 1$' ap1J101n\~:~~dq1.11t-
;t,&,dJ b~t,_'1 D$ ~eJlov'4 at &'nV t1tnebV th.Ma,()~ot'M
.' Se().~,. rt_'hiJ.lbttthaduiv 4lt 'tb~ 6;1,~-
,- , . - ~
I.p'Glt)tet!f.U'mt;..t1'11ao1t4'MftOe. to at.t(}1'1;d'~.~.t
.0& sf)tlwltllln ,1heel tv~ltft1t. . WbGn"~t~~t~a't);
lIa"Qlr a!\4C:ounol1,J' li>,.a.ths>>,tf"'hf'l-,oiKti'l" .
t l'1aft.$,I.re1n.tt,e~ PN.,j,d~dtor.
slonol. and It.1atl Ue his duty '08ff~t11at't'l$ OHi.B\T[!!!
anoe~' eeth-eo1tvantl thlilJaW'a e1:t-heatat8 lrfi;~3A.ts..I;.
, ',-,: ~_"i-_ .
to oGrttag1ou3 d$seaees. aMt:t&..'~..J:u~,ltb .:rd1mU!lO.'<;~.(;'
". .... . ..' '" '.' . ". '. ." . .... . .' .' ..' .' .......'ll"W
the Q1 t,.n4tho law. .1:. tbe ft'tiate1r!. ~014'l()fl '&,..~R'
hea'ltba.~elJt~i$tl,. eomp.\;1el W~'k. H..Ml:t.Ii'ftW 'I.
" - j . -;-.- -. ',,"
. Wl'Htn ;reQQe8t~ bYthehV"1!~ Ji'-0ndera w~itten "Ie."".,
.' 'h~Q&nd''t''QRot fhO;PUbl1o,h.,,,,1hot. tl1~ eltv.",t 'lb.
, . ,
f1~e"al_(k. of oont.Cltio'Ll.41....8'.,,'~"lftan4 wh&~I.~"
~.- .. "
...." _.~;4
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f-'-"--- .
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No. 353.
R~pairing VIa te:t' Me'ters.
See:... 1..
That Seotion No. 32 of Ordinance No. 28'6 of'
the Con'1piled Ordinances of the Cj.ty of, Grand Isla.nd, to-wit
the ordinance relating to Water Works, be and tho same is
hereby amended to read a.s follows:.
All wa ter meters used J.n connectton with the
Vlorlcs sy~tem of said Ci:ty shall be standard manufa.cture, to
b 0 apl)roveq. by the 01 tyCouncil and to be put in place or,
removed l:DY the Vlati3:r CommissJ.oner, or employ'ee of the City
designa.ted for that purpose;
the cost of said meters 'and
t heoostof placing and removing the same and keeping same
in gooaqrderand repa.ir, sha 11 be at the exp0n~e of the
, ,
c onsumer..Every vlIlter conswuex' shall pclY a monthly rent-
a 1 for the use of 8uchmeter at the fol1owin€; rates': Each
5/8' inch meter, 50~ per,month; each 3/41nch meter, 65~
per month; ea.chone inch meter, '75~ per 111onth. All met-
ers -:In e~,cess of one inch to be charged at spec1al ;ra tea to
be flXedbythe Council, said meter rent charges to become
due and ~'Y'able and to be collected at the same tlmeas are
provlcfedherein for the collection of water ra. tea and char-
ges; prov'ided, howevor, that every suchwate:r consumer,
in Ij.eu of tho Pf,tyment of the wa te'X' re:nt 9hargeS1 aa above
provided, shall\nave the right to. f'urzlj:Hh a motel" at his
own expense, to keep the Bame in good o:cder and r'ep~ir ,'and
.to put tn place, or remove' the same at h:1.sol'm cost.
'such met.e'!>s to 'be of
~~ '
ved by the.Council.
All wOl~k, repairs and. removals of'
sUchJ:note{f,~tV1shall be done undel~ the sUperv.iaj,'ol1 alld direct....
i011 of' th!e Water' Commissioner. ~ TheWater;ConunnTstoner
shall, so'f'ar as poss"j.ble,purcJ1l;lSe and keep en hc1ndnec--
'. .
eSS(i;1'y repairs for met'era when consumers own meters and re....
pairs bec(flme necesearythe Water Oormnissioner aba'll
the same to 't.he con.sUlller at the actual cost to the Gj.ty,
,p.ui1"s, a.nd ~n failure to do 90 t}H~ Wa.t~r COmm.if.H1ion~r gha.ll
cause'tll.e water to be cutoff froml;latd premiBef).
S oc. 2.
That the Section hereby, anlOnded, 'to-Wj.t,
.- .'
, '
Seetj.on No. 32 of Ordinance No. 28'6 be and the same 1.8
hereby rEtpea,led.
Approved May l.j.., 1905.
;;~.. ~:,
:'7" ". - __
]; - -
eo .
f...... ,
~':-"':_i - .-: ;:1
!jk. .
No. 356.
Hawker,S and Peddlars.
Seo. 1. Under the l)rovj.sio:ns of this ordina.noe there
is hereby levied upon eaoh and every perf30n or' persons c&rr"""!'
ying on tho business of hawking or pedclling in the City of
Gra.nd Island, Neb:r(iska., the following occupation tax,' to-
w 1:b: The sum of $2.00 per day upon ea c11 peddler ot' goods
a.t retail, by sample or by taking orders' or, otherwise,where
the pr1.ce of the most valyable article sold
sale does not exceed the sum of $1.00; the sum of $3.00
upon ei:lch peddler or goods at retail, by sample .or bytak-
, .
, .
ing orders or otherwise where the price of' the mostval"Ua.-
ble article offered for sale or sold exceeds the sum of'
$1..00 and does not exceed the sum of $1+.00; and the sum of
$,.00 per day upon each peddler of goods at retail or by
sample 0.1' by taking orders or otherv!j.se whe,re tho price of
the most. valUable artHHe sold exceeds the stU110:f'$ij..OO;
and for 'thepul"pose of this ordinanoe any norson traveling
from houee to house or from place to place in the City of
. G rand Island, NebraSka, exposing or offeJ.,"ing for lk11:e ant
goods, wares~ merohandj.se, or anyartiole .9f any
a. ny, transient person who slJa 11 travel through or temporar-
i ly reside in the City of Gra.nd Island, Nebraska, and 8h8.ll
offer for sale any ,goods, wares, merohandts'e or any arti-
010 of any kind by sample or otherwise, in any hotel or
other bUildlng, or tn any rented buildtng in said oity
shal:j. be tal:en and deemed to be a peddler.
S ec~ 2. The sum of $10.00 per clay upon eaoh hawker
of goods, wares, merohandise or artioles of any kinda.t :ro.... .
tail, by sample or otherwise; and. for the purposes of
o rdinanct:'.! any person, perGons, firm or corporation who
shall upon any street, s.fdewalk or in any bu11dJ.n'g
plaoe vJt~hinsaid City expose, offer and'oryfor sale any
gOOds, wares, merchand1se,ora:rtiolos
taken and deemed to' be a hawker..
provided, however, t.httlfi...'thiB ord.inanoe shall not be "
constru~t'ed, either in Section No. One or Seotion, No. Two
hereof, to apply to any persons sel.+ing their own household
goods or furrU,ture, no:b'to judicial sales, nor to retail
v endors ,of garden or other fa.rm produce,rais;ed on their
own or their employer I s farm, nor to any farmel" of the
County selling his ovmfarm })l"oducts in t'hjA3 City" nor to
travelling agents for wholesale houses, commonly called,
drummers, selling tOdel.l.i'er:s only, nor to merchants and
traders selling their 'own goods in their fixed places of
business 1nthe reEsular and usual course of business, narr
to a.ny pers,onsselJ..ing their o\vn w~rksorproductions. mal:1-
ufact.ured -in the City, nor to any ,per,son selling education-
a 1 or literary productions.
Sec., 3.
Anyper:30n desj.ring to on[:;ago j.n tho busi-
noss o:f hawking or peddling within the provisj.ons of
ordin&nce shall first pay to tho City Treasurer the occu-
I .
patio'n tax heraln proviclod for, and for such a length of'
time' as said hawkel" or peddler sha.,lldesj.r;e to'carry'on :01'
o onduot sa td business and the Ci ty Treasur~r shall ''there"o""
upon lsDue to such person a receipt fOl" said occupation tax
so paid, and the City Clerk, upon thepresentEltiortof said
receil~t showing the paymeri,t of said . 00 cupa t,ion tax~. shall
isrme to said hawker or peddler a cert:lftcate of license
, .
authorizing, said hawker or peddler to .carryon and conduct
saidbuslness during the time for which said. occupation tax
has boen paid, butsald license shall not be good for any
length of tj.me beyond the tj.me for whj.ch said occupation
tax ria s been lJaid,.
.. .
Sec. lIe.
Any pOrS01"l following the business o'f'
or peddling wi thin the oorpora te limits of Grand Island.
Nebraska" without first mving paid the oGcupationtax"
herein provided for and received the license as above spe-e-
tfied, o:ttcarrying cni'said business after t,he" expiration
,'of said ,license, shall be deemed guilty of
a nel, upon conviction 'thereof' shall be .fined
exceoding $10.00 and
S eo ~ 5.
ArtiolesNos. 14 and 15 of Sect~on No~ Three
t i1 sa. id fine and costs a.re paid; . a:nd if any }lawker
'peddler refuses to exhibithls' l1aonse to i;.i.nyperson 'reqt1.i-
, .
ring a 'view thereot:he shall' be prestu110d to have none and
if hothereaftor produces a liconse upon t-rial he sMll
a,ll costs of l)1"'Osecution'.
of Ordinance No. 2gg of the compiled ordin.ahce,s of
Grand Island, Nebraska, are henoby repea'led.
ApprQved June 1l~, 1905.
NO~ , 3f)7.~ ;:
Digging-Sand Pits.
Sec. 1. It if3hereby d~cJ.ared unlavrf'ul for any person
Ol~ persons, firm or cor:porat~bn to dig or excavate anY,', satld"7"
pit, gravel pit or earth pit in the City of'Grand Island,
Nebra.ska, wi thin twenty feet of the premises ,of any other
person, orw1thln twenty f'eetof any of' the streets
of' said Oity.
Provided, however, that this ordinance shall not be
construed to apply to anyexgava'tiion made for tIle purpose
of covering same wi tha building, or for the purpose of'
cons'truqting the founda tion of'"a building to be erected
said excava.tionon said premises.
Sec. 2. Any person violating th.eprovision,of this
ordinance sha+l on conviction b,e deemed guilty ofa miLBd.~
meanor,and'snall be fined therefor ina sum not exceeding
$50.00 or:l.ess t:h-an $25.00 and costa and shall stand com-,
m1 tted unt:l,lsa:l.d fine and costs are paid.
" .
Approved June 1~, 1905.
I'..... ,~
leo\ rii:.cdt.~~~$~nc,,fj'.,.e ~.,,,c.~~f'~.;.~ilt~'b$
. S 1<10J:'6<1 anadd1 t1.(l:tt~,l tl:ti":e:nae aga1nllft ttl~ p~v1silot'l' of
th3.~ ,se.ot1on.
It sl1.a.ll be tho duty of'the:PoJ.~conien anc!
OVCl'FJ(l1l;e;r <>fUH3s'trooia to U$fl al.tdil.11gonoetpd;18QO'l;G3!
all n'U1aan~t');1 mont1ort~d1nSeatlonOf1;~ fll G1.' 'this ot"d~
&no€>.,::l.nd :!~ile efili:}p:ut1nt })afotrmtltf,llpoJ.1o$ ~'lj.tlge'~'6ti
any perSQn G8.11tei11&Clt' O0i11mlttj,ng ~'l11Y nut~net) .1n,v'tf).1AtiJ,O. .
of ilia 1!>~v1$to~e of H1deeGf.1on, p:t"ov1dod. tljat/:in,y' pe~
. S()notl'll~:C \hanth~sevO'~lJ. ot'f1Gora,afo~caaldf$l)lY"ttJ..
~ruch oOI111i1a:Lnt. and a.nyof .1d ~rt'tGa:Vs. tlXQ'$pt 4i-h$ ~.~
1QO judge.. w.1111111.y neg~.~t1n~tQ !)$rf'o;ml h13 d~tv ~e,''''
soribed. oyth1meeot1on" .$h~l,l bt~ daem~dfS1111t1~'f nail"'
of' thelr ,of'f101~J. duty. and on~mp1a1nt ~~de~g,_~t h1m
the:l:'efQ:zt, ~y be :remOV60: f':rom 0It'10$ hV
S 80,..3. When ~nyn,\;:t1Mnonment1E)nad 1~1 tb$ ~o1.,$eed
subd1~11tU"em of sect1ot1'ljl"tetl) of' tD.ltlo~dln~mtJe$tJal1. ...
fou.nd ex:i~'t1nlE: within i,be corpo.~l.t& l.1mlts Qf 'Umq~..b,.o'
Grand I8~.t.n<1t ovany 1}{):l.:toe:rnanor O'lie:r&tl$l1 of! stlll.~~t8f
t h$ 'Person ~ftu.$ing 01' aommi'e t1l1i 31.10}1 ..nu.J.tm.n"f;)~l1'll'(:)t
,,;,,-, -',
~- ,,:--~~-'-~ ,
~r:(-:'s:~, - .
:ttound, o:r,..:t'J'tv1.rtg tHH!fl oonv1Qte4Q~ X):cov1deda.nS0i$t~Ql'~_'
. .
(1) of
" '..-,; , . '
fi.oersto . prevent Qr rmnove the ~aJ,het s~llthe#~~f)l1\,
or n.,-,l!FIQ~ to pr~vent sUoh nlJ.1aanC\elt~11aJ.t th$'1.~~0l,')'ti.,
oorno the d:utYQ;f' any 0f th~ ~ltc1 of:t'i0'~~' krtt'JwaJng
ex1atolloe of sa;L<lnu;:l..eatloe. 'otmm.~tttalaly nQt1t7th&_.~
ox.', ()j;' 1nQaa~ of h1sabB01'Hl$ :t~romtneQltJJ
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