1906 Ordinances 2; -~-'_-, :_~ ;!<: -'-" ' ;0'_.' 'i-' i" ~: =.- , i-:-- > g~ ;;; ! '~ 3- ~ -~ [- ~-~ ~ - .- . ~,'.'." rr~~\ i, ~ it - 1" -i>_ -~- 1iQ:t J3,,. '---,. - , '&..'11..1 3.'Ul8.. - SOd"' In !23;a .~thel{a.rQ;rt v{lih thea:PJI~'tf~io:tt,tQ o ounoil,.Hlal:ha:vO'bYa. uthO:r:L~ od tQIlPpotntan Elt}~)t~.lfJa4;.ni. ln€le~. ..1~ $1~~'111Qal. ~r't~1.n~ew ~i() b~ Ilne~pe~t~n(n~<<I~_"" '. , ' t rlo:.ta:n. n~ eh1nj.st.andmlI1n$$:t~ andOQ1l1V()'tentl. .'1tt(Jf/ftJf!!f.." to ]i$Ji>fom the d:ut 1 (t,a of: sala 'off'10fh . . eral~.u]'JftJ!tV':1l$!on of! $h€1 6trti~e ll&l1fjln~ ij;m1 .t(JiL~W~:rlt...... t em of the (}\1tv of Q:t<.:lnd InJ.and" Neb1l1a$tdit, and.(lf"Ulf) ~~~' fJtrttcttonwork t:nld. !"f));'lI.:i,f-'wQ;t"lt in ant!tabout ~1,d;iJ;~t!iJt.__ttill{' aha J.l hiil'ie {Ji611$:t"'a J.. superJ t~ :Lon .nnr( oorl't.~o 1 fJV'()'j.' tJ':\G 'ef.l~t nianagoltlen1:.at.nd. o])8irat1orn ot. st!r1Ctil.1'Hl Of anY:'$je'~$!lslfJ,on.' and rel~ :l.l'.g irt~nd. lifooutthe ~lmetauG.je(J~ to~.h${)~f1t~O~Qr the May(}:.tl' at\<iOcnme11" Hesool,l nll11ke. , ~ ,. k.eop $'Uob :#edo:rd~a 5 the !Nit~roI'~d~rld CoullQl1rfft1 d1l\'.G',G' ~ ! ' ntad.e and;t~l't and. .ahall at all. tl~ea:be (fI).hjetltto' tful t:roJ. andtCl~':fte.etlon of tl1altaYeJ;r and 00un/)11 in tlHir r ' i$~la~ ofl~;tadutlon a.nd: j,nttH'l Eif.Ul~~t\en.tf;tnt9r~i.i1~4~).t4n'f . Sew~ 2. Salde,1.eo'tr:l.ea.l OHf>iA,nCfYJ; e.lU:I.ll e~lva ..a'b~ , ;\ '-') to the ~3.tyoi' G4?i:Uld Isant\, Neo~.8~ t 1nth(';1~~n~1m.tm~., ~'\"':~\\~:'--: '- ' F 1.ve ~rI10~;Hl.(1 Dolla:ra{ $;,,(00) fOll'thota1thfUl>$.)~~"Q.' ut h1.a it't~t:t:(1I8 ~lnd to 1)I!oteatMldQ1ty:f'ltGIll ftlt'Y' lqf!:~ ctj d~tlr~ttgf;lea'tts$d b)" 11.'H'Ompet&n C$, ea :t'olem$neaaO'l:nO'gJ"lJ~O:~ '. his ~rt." (l11. . 8&1d. bond t,i)brja.]:'(PJ?o'f1e(l by S~(hi'.Sa1d t))J.~l1)t~1.fJal eng ln00;r$)k'.il,1. 8'b1b,3ect toth~ \11;!'llof' t,tIt; fila'yoI' (;, be :r6mQV~ 'a t anytime tbi;~ t the M~:r{i)r-~;and (}Gtmetl~ball tiee:m1t ~l..tl1e; best1nt1.'Jrost$ f)fine C:U.y. Se'fJ!( ..ij.~ $ald.eloQ'tl':!.~J. e-ne;1n()~)1 _~_:t...}' zt'!"$.~i." .$,al.ilt~&~ll11et.,]JolUarG ($-,O.0aJ P$~ m.Qt1th ~t.b1.e<\.n'~"i A.pp~V'aet e 6p-t_li>01'+ 21. .1tj{l)6. l(bMlit: . "t. 'o;rl)14tU~ i'.rJ't $lotM$hlrtH. ,Seo,.. H!.'. It &a b_etty t1b.l()~~~dto tie utU,-vlfUl .ttfr ... - "'<... ' - -:. ~e~8Qnl rlJm,a$"(Jta'ltJl.~*,~poR'l.nt$fJtlt, u;;p 01"'" .. UM 01'_'" la' Iota 01' '1. M~$.e$'oftt.1' tft" l'UpoH." })$ing _~O1.' to..tlow t. bIl. Ue4tt1, ht~ ,~;~. P1a$6J, ., . .. . \ ~i - j. . I _B1nes$ ."~'a'tba<M_.t.l_'. 0"11."'" 'I1rtla. . - - -. - - . - - - '. . -. '.f'!' 1.14M. ..... .... s~t'.t)llU$, \tbeeIQ114.v'''' ft.. Jti1u<t, U$.1U_ c:r _ t~~'_$\t.:it a.~tn4f; 4$\':1_. C~'4.'I. $ti'. .be .ed fort tih$;pur.....' 1I.1avtl"lg ftny game Gtll~n.. for pr~p~tyo~ mon.1o~ Ohl>>.. rJ".S,.. AftV lPe"()a.t~iWltJ1 ..fjQ:o,1atl;()!1 1,)1/ Q,~.." t,lon to\lnd.gU1.1".t i vS,.J,tttlofj <If th1~O~d1Mf\<),.._1'l;!. t1tu)4 Ion .. $M. _t,lGes tt4n'10..tt no~ .mo~~.'t_lt.J.~9 ~ - , , - - . ," , ;r~r -,cht'levlee O. lnatb:1ne<<n4ahtlll..tan4 G0181t'.tt .',a,1 e~h tlnea1\d oelJ"Sa~6 P$14. APPI'O"~tiNovcmb$J'cJ:.4. 1906" !r . f f !~: . t: ~ 'i i' ~'.>." i';. .' ~:- ~f t-' '5 "\ "-\ .... NO f 3gg.t Licens@ forWiI'ing~ ~.......d"",. ' . S eo .1; ItS'hall be unlQwful for any person 'or persons ~ ~' to do anywO:Fk'uponany bUildtng, structure Or t;he streets, alleys 'and publio grounds in the City of Grend Island, Nebras- ka, in fitting andprepar1ng; the same with wires and applian- ces-to beoonnected vri th the su:pply-wi:ree supplyin~ el~ctZ'10 ., 'current fo'I' the purpose of light1ng,li~ting or 'furnishing eieotrical.power or to' make any eonneot10ns with the exten.... sions of the wires and wir1nga.nd applianoes of anyoonsUmer taking eleotric current from ~:FlY companYQJ:> plant furnishing. the same..o.r make the oonnections therewith untils~ch person or persons shall first prooure a license to dO sOallf here:tn-- a:fi'ter prov1ded. 8eo.2. Any person or persons desiring ,to Jioanywor~~ oommonly t[ermed the wiring al"ld preparing any building, struo- ture or any of the streets , a.lleys and pUblj.o groun~ in the ,{;,; City of Grand Island~ Nebraska.\,?~r to make anyoQnncaetions therewi thoraXtension of said wires of any oonsumer , taking electric c~rent from any corpom tion orperson,ftU:!J1::tshing the $&11'1.$ wp.ethett.' the., same be theOl~Y of Grand-Island by munic1palplant, QX' any 6ther f:t,~,sono:t' corpo:t\"<<tiOl'l:f'U1t..... . nishing the $anteaball mkea$!~~:t.:nin wr:t,ting to the ~: [ , " 1'..<........................... li~ <i " r'- : , '.- , f t~ , , (JoUnoil of> said City for a lioenfu!t~oto do; shaJ.lset forth fully the name ~~~;trVlh;l:CJ:ih,the];)U$111eS$i ~.a".. .. '4,. > ,- - - ~ .. - - -, . be transao~edand shall also show~bat'Sa14 al>plioanti~,~J.S' eased '6ft~e skill a.nd ab11ity to perform allservie:e$ ,()f:l9Jt :\: '.' -' .' . ; - _ -'- -,--"';,': -' : - - - - '_ - '- ----' _' ;.-- _"',.L_',, " - - , . . ing ~nd flcit1ng & building and p14Gea he%'einbefore ih~nt:~"n~~_ - . '- - -- - - '--. ,-' - - - - -' - ,- - '. . , -~-' -,- - --:('--' to raoei va .... eleotr101t~Y' with satety and. in aooor.aa;n"O$'..Vf . ",., r6quiremen~s of thia:l Qrdinanoe; and thel'~upoli may, 1f i t:deems said applioant to''>P'13s6as'l jLf1eat1Clms~a~ its ollt1on di~eQt a~'ltQ"Jlseto bei~? :: I ~ " ~ '.". .. . . t.e:........ k1~- - - :'f ,;..-r: -~?:_-^ ~~ y.-:-, ,'",' . ----~"'; -"..'}_~"'~,'rl.~.-..;,,~~ fied in thfi3 ordinanoe. .Seo. 3. Refere any suoh lioense shall be applicant shall. execute and file wi"th the Clerk. o:f'said Oity abondrunnin~ to said City j~n the sum of'$l. 000 signed by two or !l'tOlrS"suf':fioient sur'eties or a bondot soma. approved surety oOlnPiny doing business in Gi'$.;ndTs1a.nd, N"ebl"a'ska, beapp:roved by the Mayor and Counoil} 'whiohlllaidbond shall be for the benefit of said City andany~other pe~~on . .. a cause of' a.ction the~eon; said bondsball bec~mii tfoned that applicant ehall indem~1f'yand 'hOld harmle'ssthe City of Gra'nd Island, Nebmeka, and shall j.ndenm:ify any o'bilex person or persons, firm or oorporation of a.ndfrom alldaxm,ge .caused by any neglect arising from a failure to proteot :~" work 0:1' by "any unslCillful or. inadequate work. done In such' pla06Sand inoluding oonneotions and' extensions of wires and.,tha.tstiohapplioant shall be governed by the alld requitementsherein pl"'ovided and that may be presoribed. and:ad6pt~dbyeaid City with reference to suo~\wirl1ig and' fix;Lng; Of';'eleotr1o'apP,lianoes to the satisfaotion of. the a1e .., trioa.:l en~ineer of the saj.d City of' Grand Island, N.ebrasklit., . . or his dep,uty or agent oha:rged with such duty and shall :Pay the City TreaBurer the sum of' ten dollars lie,ansa ,:f'eeand file th~1'reasurerts receipt. therefor wj.th th~ said Clerk.. and:' shall pay all f'ines imposedtlpon' him~'1J'a.ll tions theit"eof. Saidlioenae ehalloontinue in ;t'o'rce end oft1P.~ ,Itl't.l.rticipa1yea:r in whichaame is granted. t.. 8 eo. ...lr~' .A.n~pe3team li06t).$eda,foreeaid who . -- ' guilty of' the, vioJ;ation ofth1s 'ordlcnanoeQr any ruleshe~.,,:n inprescriloedol' tnatmaYh.~~ea~t.er, be~dopted uy th:e(Ma:~rc,~ andoouno'~::t,' Q~ s~ I11nte~tere'W~~la't11.e'ln(;m;eot.l0nO:f'h1~$ t:, ,- _' _ _ _ _ . _' _" work. shala. immediately forfeit liisi!l:censsJ , - - - -'-'W f' e1 tureslm'll operate cas a. r,orf'.eit~e.o:E\the . ,- - - -';. -' - '-"'-" - ,'-",-,'-' ",'- '- .- - - --" n'_'- , papsona 1m terested with h1mitn' oon($tt~~.llinlaeailidbus:L'n:"a ~f ',' - - ;_0 , -.;, . upon conviotion thereo:f' he' sha!'! P8.v'afi),le Clf1;lot.:J.<i$$ . . . five doll~rsnor mO,re 'b'J:Jatl onehundrecl dQllaJr.Sl<.W~j~Oh shall be~tnPosed upOn PQnYiot~onOf1),fOTetheP01:tO$ . . . '-' - ,," -' ,-: " . - - ~ suohoonv,-ettoii :Sbal~',}~attse . the sec.."'?.. Any per~on licensed as a.foresaid:, introducing electric current from an elect:r1s works ih the City of Grand Island, into any of the places fore ment.loned" shalr first procure a permit~rom the Comm1ss1Qner of theCi ty of Grand Island and alsoi'dr the -'" connections required; all applioations for perrnitsmust. be made in w;r1ting upon forms furnished,by er ands1tned bj!' the oWner or his agent. The.Light Commiss- ioner herein mentioned being the Water C0I11n11ssionerof City. Such applioation must state as nearly aspossibl~the . amounto! current required, the size and kind of current wires tOb&Used, the street on which the main wire is to be tapped and the full name of the owner and also the of the property and the purposes f'orwhioh the ourrent be used,'the time when the eonneotion is to be made andall other partioulars' pe:rta1n1ngf'or a full understand1ng ofth.e subject ,and theserv10e desired. The conneations wit'h the .- supply wires shall bernade under .thed1reot1onof the Eleo.tri- oal 'Engineer of' said Cit,y uponrea,~o1"lable not.ioeafter making of 'the application and ,the taltingoutof t,he \ permi,t,' for the cdnnectionhere1nmentloned'l No conneot1on shall be made with the main electrio servioe wires unt1lthe pe:r.... mit herein provided for is taken. out'l . S eo. 6. No 'Person exoeptthetapper or played by the 0ity or Grand IS1and and who shall do his wO!l.1'k under theeupe:rv1s1on of' the Eleotrioal Eng1nee:tt of. aa.idOi~'it;~ii1;i, shal.}.tmder any ciroumstanoes tap the main OP'd.1strilP'ltl't1nl' wire of' said City's Uun101pa.J. :ftlant toaupply any t10ned herein. Sea.. 7. seO...f~[. .A:nypereon,. f1:mn. or aoX':PO.l'8. tion the workhereln speoified for whioh a. lic~nse 113 without l:1.li.v1ng first obta.ined said lioense sha'J.l b,e , gu11tyof"a. m:+aliemeanor and upon conv1otion thereo~ $ '" i ;;:, 'r' i=' :~ ",i_ .ft.I \, I fined inll.P:Y sum not less than five dol.la:t'sand not . thanonehund.raddolJ.ars'l. . . .' I App~oved November 14, 1906.. ~....