1907 Ordinances NO. 392. Bo'ard of Health O~:'dinal1ce. Sec. 1. That a Board of Health for .the City of Grand Island; Nebraska, be and the same is hereby created a.nd 'as-- tablj.shed. MEMBERS OF BOARD. S oc. 2. Said Board shall consist of the Mayor, three memb ers of the Council and three reputable physicians of' the City. The Mayor shall appoint the three members of the Counoi1 and the three physioianstoserve on said I3.a.rd and they sha.ll hold office during the term for vrhioh the Mayor is elected and until their successors are appointed. The Mayor lniyfor oauge remoVe any member of sa. j.d Board. The M~yor smll be chairman of said Board and it is herobymade the duty of the City Clerk to act as the Clerk thereof. No member of the Board aha L~ reoeive any oompetu3Qtion for his servioes on said Board, nor shall the City Clerk, C1tyPhysician or Chief of POlice receive any oompensation for performing the duties imposed on them by th,e ordinanoe, beyond the salaries allowed them by virtue ive offices. JURISDICTION. ,Seo.3. The jur:Lsdiction of said Board tor the pur- poses mentioned in thisordina-nce shall extendtoandinclud.e all places within five miles of the limits of this City. MEE.TING. o . .), "ec."t'. Said Board snaIl meet at theCQuncl1 Chamber at g o'clOCk P. M. on the first TuesdaY. in each month and. on such other times as the Mayor or any three members efthe Bea.rd mayca,ll them together. SUPERVISOR. Seo. 5. Said Board. Q.ff.{~lth, shall nave and a general 8upervlsionoverthesanitaryUonditrto\ttsof City and 11"1 thii1:~he five mile lim! therein '-'.~'I. - < power to take -effective measU:J;'es to }?l"event .".c..... .:.......................... .' ~~'-:_'__::i 'introduction into the city, or !Spread of an.y disease conta,'- glous or dangerous to the public health and for tl1a t pu:r- pose shall have the power to stop, detain a.ndexamineany person 'coming -from a.ny place .infected or believed to be in- focted with any disease contagious or dangorous to the pUb- Ij.c health, and shall' frQm time to time ~stablishsuch rules and rogulations not inconfJ1stantwith the rules a.nd <-c-. 1'-:' regula. ~1ons of the state Board of Hea'lth, as may be deemed a dvJsable to protect the publiC health. ~ r f i i -~ t ~ I;; ;' . g, t:-;;- I;. . f S ec-.. 6. CITY PHYSICIAN. The City Physlc,ian shall have the right and. authoI'ity, and it is hereby made hj.s duty as soon ashe re- c Ed.ve.s ihfol"Ina tion from any sourcet.l1a t a person is afflicb- g ):. :, .t ed with or susjected of being afflicted vlith any..disease contagj.Ojusor dangerous to the pUblj.c health, to call upon the person or hifJ household and investigate the trutho:f' the report and if 11e is convinced in his own mind, the Per- son has a disease ,contagio'l1.s to the :publi.ohealth, then he sha.ll at once notifytl1eChiefof Polj.o'e of said cJty of such fact in writing givhlgthename or nlunes of the part- i es, the name of the parents and other members of the fam- ily as well as other persons v.rho may be boarding or rooming the placd',there8idenc~ and disease wj.th which the par- ty is afflicted; and sh~ll wltho1::tt delay post or cause to be posted-on the building in a 'conspicuous ,place, a placard of proper color to indicate to the public the nature of the dlseasewith which the occupant or occupants are afflicted, whioh oard shall remain on the buildj,ng until qua~antin~ is' released, .'and in addition thereto saj.d placard shall have prin,ted..thereoTI'in large type the following warning: ":No one excE11l!t the oity's ora~tending phy~j.cian shall enter. leave t}tte IJremises exceptthe~r have a. permit from the Board of' Health,ll an'd a cel..tit'ic~te sj.gnedby city's. or'attendingp11.ysicif~n, tl1at the pariy leaving the premises has been properly fumigated as f. ."3 :t'i' ff:' ~, ~;' i[- I! the c'ity c1t"Y, g1.V"l11g'the names of. perspl1s havj.11g d1seasescontagl- 01,lS or clangerous, tj.me he aa lIed. to lItake inspection, 11.ctme and residence of the party, da te,' of' qu.aran~j.11e, elate when quarantine is released, when al).d how he notified the Ohj.of' of Polipe.of tho' qUB.rantine a!ld of its release ancl he shal.1.. not be required to treat trIo patient by roason of being OJ. ty Phy;Sician, unless the patient i~ a pauper and he shall in no manner interferre with tl1o.:patient!s attending or . - . ~. . family .phY\aicj.anunless. such attending phy'sician is vioJ.at- ingsome of the prov.islons of thj.s ordinance and in such cas.es he shall report to the Boa~d of Health and in case a dispute arises between' :tho OityPhysician a:nd attGH'lding 'fI Ii' " " , . physioian the OJ.tv PhysiCian' sinstructions shall unless overl'1l1ed by the Board of Health.. ", s.oo~ 7. CHIEF, OF POLICE. It' sha.lI be the duty of' the.. CJ;1ief ~ 13 soon as he j.s j.nformed by the Oi ty Physician or the Board 'of Uealth, as in the ordinanc~ provided, tha~ any person is sUfferj.Jlg, from a diseas:e contagj.ous or~ngerous, to the IJUblic healthor~s b,een exposed, ,to notj.fy ,in, wri ting tho City L1braria,n and the Supertntenclent of the :publiC schools gtving the name of the pEl.rty f occu~Ja:rts' off t 110 ,110U80110 ld, the number or description of the re8id~nce , . ' and the ooture 'of the dj.sea se and he shall RsaCon as .he i 13 110tified by the 0 i ty Physician that the quarantine hfq3 been roJ.eaaod, nottfy the City, Lj.brarj.an in wrj.ting anq. t119 Superintendento:f the Ilublic 8chools of' ,suo11 fact and it sha 11 be" the duty to Borve such notj.ce on such other :POI..... ,. Bon or 13e1"oo+1s as the,Board oT Hectlthmayfrom time ditoct and he 13mll keep a record of his premises., LIBRARIAN. Sec. S. The City Librariansrallkoep a ~eoord in , wrtttng of the infol~matio~ reoeived from the CJ11,of o,f Pol:'" iOe a'~lJr~vided, lnSootlon shall 'Llpol"l tllereceipt' of 1fthe affJ..:i.ot od :~. ~.>'''-"'' 'j ll" , " " ' ~} "';~~~rl -~". ~"- has a:ny books or pamphleta froi1l. the Oity Library, if so he shalla t once 'notify suCh person in writ ing th:rough the mail to retain the book or 'pamphlet 1-mtil otherwise noti-. fied. and when said Librarian has been notified as in this ordina.nce l')rovidod the 'quarantine 'has been released and premisesfumiga ted, she shall then notify the l)OrsOn or hOL.tseholdhavirtg such book or P<'.l.mphlet, in writing, to re- turn the same,as S0011 as returned the book and the card shall be destroyed by burntng and she sl'killkeep a record / , of the numbeJ:' of such bbok, the title and vulue,and the expense of the sarno sha.ll be born by tho' Lj:brary. A faJ.luro to comply wj. th tho prOVisions heroj.n shall be sufficient gro1U1cls fro!' dfsmissal in additj.on to the pen- alty in this ordinanceJprovided. SCHOOLS AND SOHOOL OFFIOEHS. S eco' 9" All sOhool o.fficers and teachers shall 00- . . opel"ate, in every possible Way with the Boa:rd of Health by causing their knowledge of any case of contagj:ous disease -to be forthwith repo,rted to such Board or -the Oi ty Physi- \ C ian and 'by rofusj.ng admj.ssion to school of any pupil f'rom ~. , , . a household rJaviilgany contagtous dlsease,' without a permit' in \'11:' i t :Lng from said Boarcl or the Oity PhY8ician, and they shall report t'o Set i 1 Board or the City Physician at onoe any case of a suspicious ni~ture that Il1C1Y be attending sohool ", l and shall at onoe 'destroy by burning any book Whioh may be brought .to tho, 801'100,1 whore it is known any cOl1tagious. or \ dangerous 'di~easehas been j.ntho family of the pupil and' , when the 'teacher knm~s the home of' any pupj.l has boen quar- antined, or 1::1 contugj.ousdisGase ,exists, in the family, they sha1-l at onceroport such f'act to the superintondentof' 'c-he school and state whej'uher or not, the' pupj.l or any ni.ember of' trle household has any book belonging, to the pUblio school; if they fk':tve tho superintendont' sba~lat once notify the party. j.l1 w:ri ting; by mailing a card or letter in the post office, ,to 're~ain said book urftj.l the quarzmtine is a nO. promisesd;istnfect'ed and the book wlthout de'lay be returned to the superintendent a. t once destroy the same by j)Ul~111ng, a.nd the expense of all books thllS destroyed shall be born by the school district... . SALE OF MILK. Soc. 10. When small pox, scarlet fever, typhoid fe- vel', or cerebra spinal meningitis or other contagious dis- ei':.!. se ex:i.ats upon the p:coE1ises '.of any doaler or seller of n~tlk, such dealer or householder shall. at once notify the Boal'd of Jlealthof nuch' disease' and sha.ll discontinue his distribution' of milk in any way until a lJOrmit isg,l"antea. by said boa.rd. No owner, employee or other person shall have, care of the cows, or the milk, milk VGSse'.Ls:or the d.eliveryof milk, .whobllS at the same time an;{.communj.oa- with the infected person or persons. . }f - - . . Any 'person, agent or employee violating any of the provisions of th:i.s section shall be fined. in a sum not less' than $10'.00' nor more trlan $100.00, and shall sta.nd commit t- ed to the Clty Jail until fine and costs aro }lEd.d. -/ ~~, 41,-- ~' Sec.ll. PUBLIC MEETINGS, ETC. While any case of small pox', scarlet fever, dilJhtheria, measles or other disease contagious or da.nger- otw to the public health e:x;Jtsts i.n a household in. this city or undorthe jurisdiction of' this board, school distrj.ct or , " .- { nej.ghborhood and until the rocovery and dj~slnfectio1i of, , . - : . suchpremj.ses, ,and until two weeks thereafter, no per'so'n, .. from such househo~dBhall a ttendany publtc meeting nor shall any superintendEmtt officer or to attend school for such time nor af'te:6~J:'ds without a penuit in writi.ng from the Board of Health, signed bysucn ., ',. ,officer or officers of said BoaI'd. of' Health assaj.d, board may from time to time lIuthorize to sign the same. Teachers boarding or rooming at such households contagious dj.seaseis found to exist infect personandolothihgand change their plaeeofboarct...,. . - --. "--, ing and lOdging until reco\H3J:'Y from, the disease and fection ofpremj.ses ahd :release of quarantine. WHAT TO DO WHEN iSU:SPECTED OF HAVING CoNTAGIOlJSDISJ1;ASE. f an illness to be cholera, bubonic plague, yellow.fever, small pox (or varioloid), scarlet fever, (scarletina fave;r, scal'lot rash), diphtheria,(membr:dnous croup), or any other . . disease .cont?-gioysor dangero':!s 'co .the })Ublic. health, he shall j.nunediately i801a tethe })a tientas muchae possible; and upon diagnosis becomj.ng established as anyone of .the a bove named diseases they shall at once report such fact to the Board of Health.or City Physician. Any physj.oian orhous-eholder 'who shall faj.l,. neglect or'refuse tooomply IN i tl~ thia sec.tion shall upon oOl1viotionthcreof be fined in a.ny sum not exceecUng $25.00andoosts of' sult~ HOSPITAL. . . I S no. 13. The Board of Health may establish for the . ! s egrega tion and care of contagious dj~sea8es, a. hospital, a nd caus~ any person to be confj.ned therein 'whon in t.heir opinj.on ,t.he safety of the pUbl,ic demands i'~. ASSEMBLIES,WHEN PROHIBITED. Sec. 14-. When several familiesir! one neighborhood have a c.ont?gious dis,ease or many exposures are known to have occurIDed theyslJall prohibit all a ssembliea, such .as lodges;, clubs, churohes anq. schools, both. publtc andpri- vate. , CHICKENPOX AND WHOOPING COUGH. Sec. 15. Whon a case of chickenpox or whooping; cough occUr's ln the juril2Jdiction of sald BoaI'd, the Boartllnay re- QUj.J:'0 a roport from tho physioian or l1ousel1oldeI' ~nd may placard such promises and detain suoh person from attel1d- , ance at school. Sec.., 16. They shall investigate all or any Ct1usesof' 01" conii tiona that nay produce diseases and take such steps a s may bo deemed adv iaa ble to res'to:ro the same. toa condition. DEATH-FUNERALS.. Sec.. 17. In case .of death from snall scarlet favor or any other disease dangerous to. the health, there. :311,a.l1 not be of the dee'08.sod after ,-,'-'---' --'-J'-' sa. tura tad.; Wl th reliable dls1nfoctants and. placed j.l1 a tight casket and box and not carried tdlor near an assembly , of' lJoople~ but-buried or cromated j.nnnediately unless other- wiso dil"oCtod. by tho Sta te Board of HOctlth. TIME OF QUARANTINE.. Sec. IS'. Quarantj.ne shall be maintained in eaoh and 'overy case of dj.sease oontagious or clangorous to the public 'hea Ith, for the following periods, na.molv: Small pox not less than 2t1 da.ys and until desquama tion Ls complete" fr'ompalms and soles. S car.1et fever, not le,as than 2$ days and until des- Q.uamation'is complete. Diphther'ia, until 14- days after local symptoms have disappearE)d from the throa t lor bettorunt,ll two negative t E;st s have been taken for the Klobs Loeff~r bacillus. ) EXPOSURES. Sec. 19. " 'When any person 1l,a.fJ suffeTed exposure to small pox) 110' sha.ll bo held in quarantine for 17 days the:coa.fter, provided however, tha. t when vacc.ina .ted immed- , lately after exposure and subjeot to daily invest,1gation by the Oi ty Phystoian, he ma..y not be quarantined unless taken- ill~ When exposed to 8caX'la tj.na quarantine to bo for 14-, days thoreafter. When exposed to diphtheria for 14- days. For all otheroontagiou8 or dcl.ngerous disGH.ses f'or such periOds as the Board of Health shall direct. RELEASE OF QUARANTINE.. Soc. 20. .No quarantine 13118.11 be roleased except by order of tho Board of Hoalth and upon the 'City Physioian's . c ortif'ica to and upon a propor disinfoctiona,s prqvidod in thj.s o.rdinanco. PENALTY. S eo. 21. Whoever shallinteI'f'erowj.th orb:reak. an o sta bltshed Q.b1.arantine by removing or injuring fl.' plaoard, by entering or 1&1V1ng such quarantined! premj.ses, or by removing a.ny art:icle of clothing or any' other article lia. blO to be infe~ted without and~o:\QPf!3::C disinfection, or in any other . ,(ray endangell:S hea lth,sb.al1 bo deorned ~uilty of a misdomGi:1)10r andUl)on the:eoof 'shall be fined in any' Guin not lens than $15.00 more tl1an $100.00 .and stano. committed to the city jail until fj.ne' oost,s are l)Uid. 22. FUMIGATION OF PUBLIC BUfIIJDINGS. The Board of Health shall at any tj.me 1t. doems advis- sChool, churop. or publlc buildingfwniga ted and the be done u.l1d'GJ.? the sUl)ervision of the C lty Physician. DISINFECTION". 23. Disin:fect10I1nl"lall be done U.n,del" the supervision of City.Physlc1an ,and in all cages where the pa.rties are 1mable to the necessary 111a ter1al for such 'purpose t1te expense tabe t.he oj.ty ,and, shall be as .follovrs: ' severe cases destroy by flre,any bedding that h'-ls been in bo boilod; ~.n small pox the In the slch room layout looEle- tha t which l;a s been 'in the sick lines from which to suspend linen ;ano. clothing, this)' open clos.at doors, bureaus, etc .', cJ.oso all cracks and windows orel.sewhere VIi th pa. f3 ted ];1:1 per strips. A stove hole close simila.rly, 9r,if a. fj.re is stove closely. With the room thus sea led, evaporate ton ( 10) fluid 01U1ces of' I lfOPEtJ'? oent fornJS.ldehyde solutlon to each 1,000 cubi,o feet ofl3wce . room. The :f'ol"lIl8.ldehyde 111l:.l.Y be sprayed Ul)on sheets, using a The room to bo heated to gO dogroesFahrenhelt.. molst from steam, the l'lOo.m 18 to, remain closed The other rooms shOUld l~tve the same ~ -,- wlth.sligh'c1y .1esBcaf'e. One half of the housemay be ., . ,tithile'~~the rest isoocupied. >.::" '-",.<.'.- ~~'. ~ E&ioh person quard,ntinod should' take a full. hot >'4"f; .J:"r ~aj..nj.r~g. corrosive sublimfl te,. 1 to 2,000, scrubbing thoroughly, ell..... .. - . . . . >:',' ---'" '-',' -"-'-'.'" '!?p*qJex'll,y the :b.aj.r, 4tnd .thenput on frosh clothIng. This rnay bod.one 't;i:f' . ;&' " '~.S~.l:f the house is through fumlgation" that the olothingremoved of' the house, when the .j: .- ~;i NO.p9;. Appointment of Employees. ". S eo.: 1. The Mayor is ,hereby a-uthor1zed to appoint from time t<J t1me,stLbtleot to the approval of t-he OGuno11, suoh employees as shall be deem~dneoessary and preper to . ~ operate' the wateI' and light Plant ~f said oity,inoluding < engineers, firemen. linemen, assistant wateJ:'oomrniss:Loner ., .. and any "theI' neoessary employees. Suoh employes shall .be subjeot to removal brtlle Ma,yorwheneverht;t shall deem the same proper and he may d1soontlnua the servioes Of any ..of said employees at any t1meheniy deem their servioes unneoessaWy. S eo .2 . The Coun~il shall have authority by vote to 'I" " ~;- Ii/' f fix the oOimpensationtobe :r:eld saldemployees ahd may ohange sa.1d oompensation from time to time either by an- oreasing or reduoing sa.me so as to make the wages paid reasonable arid proper: Seo.p".No appointments heretofore made shall be d.eemed invalid by the passage of' t.his Ordina:h()e but said employees shall be deemed hereaf'tertobe hOlding their . ~., positions under and by vix-tue of' the provisIons of this Or.... dinanoe. ApproVed March 6, 1907. ..'.. "c" "". ",--0',:- to beal)proVed by the ctty Engineer. Ano. any person vio1- ;, NQ. .396. Requiring ,Greaf.'.i'e Traps. ~."'.<- '..'.........-"-"...... ". . ..' ~'-Y-o! . See... I.. -Tha t Section No. 13 of ardine.nee No. 153 of . , the eomplled orcUnances of ~hG City of Grar].d Island, bt':l and the sa.me is hereby amended to road as follows: Any and all flow from Iti tchen sj.nks or any greasy flow whatever must tJe pa. ssed through a . grGc~se tTapof form and . c:onstruo'tion approved by tho City- En~ineer before allowed toonter any sewer. And it is hereby 111Ei.de the duty of the oVlner of any bu1lding used for a hotel, restaurant, eating house or for any other. pu:rpose causj.ng a flev! of greasy water in; to the ~ ewor tG provj.de suoh grease traps of form and construction ,/ , ating the pr<;>visions of this o:rcUnance sha'll be fined in- any sum not more than ten dollarB ($10.00) and costs, and each day of faj.lure to provido for such grease trap constitute.a separate offense. sha 11 Se c.2 . Tha t sa id section No.. 13 of Ordj.nance NO.153 of the eOIllliiled ordinances of the City of GJ:'culd Island, hereby ropealed. Approved July 17t 1907. _/ * . ~' ,~..'.,v,.~ " "C""" .<':,\,\",' G",""""""" '," "j',f:" ,>"", ~ Nq. .400." Nuisanoes. ) Seo.1: Every person who ~shal1 w.Uh,in the 111l11ts of the nu1sa:noej,'st:r.ohnegleot sna}.l 'Q6., deetneda second . _.;-'.---'--.'., -.-. and every like neglect for each succeeding five da'S,1:s th~:t'fh~ , aft e:r eha.ll be considered an aC!-ditional offense agai,nst the provisions of this section. s ec.". 2.._ It shall be the duty of the policemen and overseer of the streets to use all dj.ligenceto discover all nuisances mentioned in section 1. of this ordina.nce, and :f'il~ complaint, before ,ttle pOlice judge against any person causing 03:' committing any nuisance in vioi!ttionof visions of' said section; provided that anyperaon than the several officers aforesaid, may fila suoh plaint; _nd any of' said offioers, exoeptthe p01ioa jud.ge'" t . I . w1:ftlfully~ n:eglecting to perform h1sduty as preso;,1bed. PSI' th1ssect;:J,onj shall o'e . deemed guilty of negleotofthelr offioial ,duty', and on 9ompUd.ntmade against h1J;l1' therefor, , . may be re~oved from offioe bf the MayororCouno.il. . Sec.; ,3-' When any nuisanoe mentioned subdivls11~nef Section No.. 1 of this ordinance shall .. . '" ," ___',_L, _ C' found exi~tingwltttt!n theoorporate11mits,of the City i'_ __""," Gr&nd IsUtnd, b'Y'ia~YJ)ollcema.n or oveJ.'lseerofstre~ts, the;merson oaus1ngo:t' conunitting8uoh nuisanoe callnpt' found;o:rW:~v:tngbe$n conv1otld asprov1.ded 'inSeotion 1 of thlso~?-inance, of conunitting or. causing to be oOllUnitt..., '. . ed. suohni'tieance, or being notif.iedc by an.y ofr.1ia.ido:Bfi06roS to prevent or remove the aame, shall therea.ftertail , negleot to prevent suoh nuisanoe, it come . . e11.0e of s4id nuiaanoet r ) inca se ot' his absenoe Tem of the- counO'ilthereof, who sha:11~{.Qn'ce d:l1J60t offioers,' ria t th~ ~:.8e 9f the'~rtv',.~<par~1.~a'; tJ!) . , ; :'-~- ",,'< -:,:-.':. .'. - - - - '- -'-.-- ----,~,_:>- " - "Co;: au;(,):~nuiSllnoe, i 1:f'~USoePtible;"~. bur~1a'1 and ~6ah,saary.!~0' .. - '. ,-.! be bur1ecf, and if not, to rernoV.e tbe 'samet.o 89me ];)1&06 . l .- _. where it VW'111) not be Of:f'ettslve '~:r'..<1ele~e7!10usto health, of. th1as1a~:eJ .. or d'ePOS1'i~': .' d isions can be proo~od by license from. ,the owner, aprope~ plaoe shal], be provided 'for 'that 'purpose by the Maypr and " : . counoil, and any other nu1sanoemen:t1oned in other $Ubdi~ vision of' said s~otion n'aY",lUlder like o1roumstanoes an)d in the aame.ma.uI;1er asu herein provided. when found in any alley or street or PUblic groundS, be J;'emoved by-said pOlioeman or street oVerseer; provided t~t lloth1ngcontained 1n th1$seot1on shall baso oonstrueda.sto soeiKemp'b any per- . , &On oornm:lftt :Lng any nuisanoe from :a.nypenalty 1rtourredat .' tlletlme;o:f' the removal. Of such nuisance,; by rea. son off1oerJ:':~moving the same asherej.n.d1reoted. App~oved.August 9, 1907., ~-,