1908 Ordinances
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No. 'l-05 .
Licensiru2 of Pool and. Billiard Halls.
See. 1.
Tn':>t ()n !.'Ina (1''''tor tI1G first clay of February,.
"(..., ~ ~ (.._~" ~J_ - -- v
1 Od "'n 0" 'Y'\er"'ons :"1.,.0"111 01' CO'....1I0.,.p t.ion
. A. D.., 9 0, allY 'P(H'Sv . J: lJ ,;; ~ , .. .J.... "",t' .J.u,_
engaged 1n ruu11nt; a ]!Ul)l:tc billiarcl 11a11 and public 1')001
11:111 or public pool or pu.o liclJilllarc't hall, ill tllG City
of Gr;md Isla7,)'d., Hebras)::a ,1Jefol'(:! entering upon tIle COl1cluc't
of said "lnl8ine8s or cont.inuing therein 811all o'fJtain from
tl10 City Clerk of tIle Ci ty Of Grand. Iolan.d.; l'Te.brasl\:a, a
license wl1icll :8aio. license may bo obtained in tIle following
manner, to':"viJi t:-
The party @sirlne to obtain said license shallL~e
an ap'911cation to tho Ci ty Cler}\: of Grand Island, l'Tebraska
in writing which said al)plica tion s11all 'be in 1'orm
ially as follow's, to-wi t:-
flI (hereby malce appli8a tion for a license to run ai,
pool and billiard 11all (or pool or billiard hall) at
in tl1e C1 ty of' Grand Island, l'l'ebrasl:a.
conduct of said. business,! sllallllave
tables and __ _ _ ~ _ pool tables.
I fux', tIler agree to
obey all the or(1inunces.,of tho City of 0.1"8,11(1 ISland relat-
int to the conduct of pool orbilllard halls, and to obey
tIle laws o:t' the state of Nebrasl\:a relating thereto.
I fur...
tIler agree not to allow minors under the age of elgl1teen
years to v$;sl t said poolandbilliarc.l 11all, aYlcl will no t
allow any gam'b 1 i,ng to be conduct(-).rl therein, ancl will :r..ot,
allow any game to be played tl1.erein for money or anyprG'p-:
erty of value.
I agree that any violation of the laws ot
the state of Hebraska. relatine;to pOOl
any violation of the ordinanoes of the City of Grand ISland,
Ne'braslca, :r~la tingt11ereto on my 'Part, or in my place ot
"ousi:ness s~111H3 considered a gooct and sutficient cause
tn0 immediate revocation of my license, wit1l.OU t any
1m' lJart tOJ?ooover 3,lJ.ypart of tIle licensepald..
:a tGrand ISla11d,
Sec. 2.
The l1ceJilse required to be paid s11a11 be in the
,,~, '-
S'lJ.1l1.ot ~ho.ooJ?~j:'year Ul)oneaCl1pOQl al}(11:)11liard~a'ble.'
Before tl1eiSsuanceotsa1dltcense tIle applicant shall
pay to tIle ,City ,Treasurer of Grand,Island, lfe'braska, the
sum o:r ~~lO.bO license fOl"'eacll 1)001 an<.1 billiard. table,
and. upon eXl1ibit1:ng tIle receipt for tIle money so paid; 'and
upon signing the application !leretof'ore set t'ortll 'tIle City
ClerIc of' tl1e C1 ty of o.1'anc1 I sIano. , s1'1all issucj to I1im 'a
license, Wl1ich shall be 1n words and fit,ilres sUbstantiallY
as :t'ollous;-
fl,Gl~anl"l. Islancl, Hebraslca,_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ .
This is
to certify that
mad.e application tor a
-- -- - --- - ..- --
lice::1Be to cOl1dLJ.c~t a billiard anci. pool halle( or hillia:rd
or 1)001 hall )a.t __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in tIle City of Grand
Island, lTel)raSlca" all.(1 has l)aid. a licen8efee of the sum ot
~?' enti tlinghim to use pOOl
--""------- ------......
'tables anc't billiard tables in said business.
A license istl1erefore granted to the said.
...- -- - -- -
to con(luc t a POOl alId 'billiard hall (or pool or 01'1110.1"0.
hall) at __ _ __,_ ...... _ ...... _ in tI1G. City 'ot Grand ISland,
NebraSl{a, a:nd. to u:se therein
billiard. ta'b1es and
-..:. _ _ _'_ _ _ 1'001 tables.
Tllis license to run for a ])eriod.
01' one :,rear trom date thereot.
Sec. .3.
- - - --- --arty Cler]<:.- - - - --
Said license shall 'be posted in some COl'J.-
spicuous IJ1ace in said pool and billiard. hall SUbject to
inspection of anyperson~~siring to do so.
<.~ .
Sec. 14-.
ArJ';fl")erson or persons , firm or corporation
conducting a, billiard and pool hall' or billial"d. or pool
hall vrit111n',tlle corporate liplits of Grand ISland, l{ebrasl~aJ
wltll0Ut first ha:v:lng Obtained saidllcense or using more
b111iard or pool tables in said business than he has been'
licenses so to
subject toa'tine of not more
each sUbsequent offense, anlt oacrl separated.ay sllall con-
stitute a separate offense.
sec. ,.
lIo person operating a :PUbliC billiard and
pool l1all or a pUblic billiardav pool hall, VJj. tllin the
corpora te limi ts of GrandIsland., Nebraska, al1all allow any
minor under tIle age of e1gh teen years to be in or play in
said place of business, any violation at Ithis section shall
be deemed a :misdemeanor and upon. conviction thereof the offen-
der shall be tined in any sum not more than $25.00; and costs
tor tile first ottense and shall be fined in tIle sum ot' $50.00
and costs tor any subsequent ottense and moreover, it shall
betlle dUlY ot.' the City Council ot the City ot Grand Island,
upon convictionot any party operating a pool and billiard,
or pool or billiard hall ota violation of this section 17ort11-
v'~tl1 to reVoke tIle license or saiCl. party so convicted, and
anypersonwl1ose lice:nse has beSn reVoked continuing so to
operate said billiard and pool hall or Ilool or billiard.
hall tileruafter shall be subject to the penal ties In'e-
seri 1Jed. 1.11. section four of this ord.~nance, ano. no persons
w110se license l'las been revol(ed. shall be granted anotl1er
l1ce:nse wi tilin one year thereafter.
Seo. 6.
The license provided tor :1.n this o1"c'l.in ance
sllallrun tOl' a perioc1 ot aile year tram the d.ate at i ssuanee
ot smne.
Sec. 7.
No person conducting a pool and biliia1"d. hall
or pool or bil11arcl hall, within the corporate limi ts of
Grapl'l Island Shall allow any game to b~ played in same tor
money or other valuable pl"OlJerty, nor ,811a11 any gambling bt?
a~lowed to b~ carried on in said place ot
persoll oOilvie tad at the violationot this see tiorl
tined in anysulh not more tllan i~lOO.OO all.a costs
, ,
c011rmi ttec1 untilt1neanTI costs are paid, and any person to
,,:whom a li,cen.se has been granted Wll0 shall violate this [-j'ect-
. ,
ion s11a1J, be subject to llave hiD license inllnediate1y revoked
. . "
and it shall be the duty ot the City Council by resol'll tfon'U~.\,
1'(1,. ,iLs.
P~Nlts to:tt I_oJ- ~!tnll.;ti:f)ft.if
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th(t~e:ttd:$:tlti)"tn pre!'.ld.(fdf~",,,
A~P".Q4 N01f.'b*~'4. .1908.