1909 Ordinances .l~ . , No. 426.. F ire Limits, AnH;,ndment. c. S eo . 1. . . Th~t ordina.nce Ho. 318' of the ox'dina.ncesof' the CIty of Grand Island, Nebrask:a, relatiing to fire limits is hereby .amended .toroad as follows: All parts of the Cj.ty of Grand Island, ,Nebraska, embracod in the i'ollowj.ng lj.llltts, shall hereafter be known as the fire limits of the City of' Grand Island, Nebraska, towit: The South .1/2 of' Block Fifty Two (52) of the original tOVlnnow ctty of Grand. IsUtnd, Nebraska. Also the following desc'ribed portion of said 01 ty to-wit: Beginning at the North":'East corner of Block No. 5.3 of tho orj.ginal town, nowCj,ty of Grand Ielanel" Nebraska, r1.U1- ning thon:cesou.tb1twesterly along the north lIne of Blocks Nos. 53,54, 55, 56, 57, and 5J5 t,o the north~westcox'ner o'f 5[3, ,runntrlg thence south-.oo sterlyaio~gthewest line of B lock No.; 58' and thence north-east orl'v along the south line of Block NO. 5S, thence diagonally across ~hird street to 1thO north-west corner o.f Block No . 64, thence south"":ea.ster- ' ly alongthewe!3t line of Blocks Nos. 64- and [31 to the south-west cox'ner of Block No. 8'1, thence.no-.rth-easterly along the south Itne of Blocks Nos. [31 and;. 79 east cornaroi' Block No. 79, thonce northorly alcmg the east Ij.,ne of' Block No. 79 to tho South-east corner No. 66, thence nOJ."th-'eastorly a,long the squth line Nos. 67, 6[3 to the South-east corner of'Block'No. north-westerly along, the ea st Itno o:f Blocks No s. .,t 0 tflG pUll Co of begtnnj.ng, and coraprisingall the in the sotren l'lalf' of BloCJl:.;No. :52 and all of Blo,cks Nos. i)'C - ,. -; ,- 53, ,It- ;/-5'5:5'6,57 , ..:;;;-' '~ .~--'"'":.....- ..~ . " B~,64,65, 66, 67, 6[3\ 79, gO .^and~i.' '.. ^'. A;; , ' " .f" town, nO\ITCj.ty of Grand Island~Neb:t;'. .....-~.m_ . a 11 in th$ Ol'igj.na 1 " Sec..t2. Ordinar1Cs No. 3,lS of ,the.ordinances of'1jl1eb " Clty Of'G~Clnd Islan9-,Nebra ska, ts hereby repealed. :,i; ; 'APl'?:qi~v:'ed,APril' 30, 1909. . --.~ ~-- .';~.i :>" NO.. 429., Rul@s for pioneer Park. Sec. 1. It fa hereby declared to beunlawf'Ul for any person or persons to injure any of' the trees or shrubb.ery in the park, 'in Blook No. EIlJ-ofthe Oity of Grand Island, Nebra.. ska . andia' hereby\ name,dpio'neer ;pa.rk, or to injure 0;- des- any of the seats. used in the said park; deface or in- in any manner the fountain therein, or the basin o.f said fountain. To take or injure any of the flowers or shrUbbery t,herein, or to throw any stacks or refuse in the basin of tne fountain therein, or to do any willful or in- tentional $njuryor miachief' to any of the property used~ or. about~id park oltany animals, birds or fish therein. Seo...~. AnY-Person violating any of the provisions ,of ordinance shall be deemed guilty of amiademeanor, and conviction ahall be fined in any sum .not exceeding $10,. Sea. 3. t It shall be the duty of any polioe offioer of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebra.ska, to arrest any person vi- ola ting any of the prOVisions of this prdinance, with or without warrant. Approved May 19, 1909. ,>t' ~...~ ... . . ,',,' .t1..~.... NO; 431; F 1:r~ Depart!m~nt, Salarfes, "Etc. ::... ~"".- :'; '-~ .- .-- See; 1: Tl'lat the Mayor of the C1tYQf Grand Is!and, Nebraska., with the a,pprovalof the! C0'U1'l~1l1s, hereby.uth~ o;l:'1z ad and' empoillreredto appoint a ~hlefof the F,1reDepa.rt- mentor the C'1ty C)f Grand Island.Weoraska... a.nd also three C3J t1~enl'e:ti of' saiddepartm0nt. / Sec. 2. The salary of the C~.ief 01 theP"!iLre De,})aJ.'t- m,fIlnt of the 01ty Cl)f Grand ISland. JNebraliUtat shall be, tho sum of $8'0.'00 per me:nth payable m0tlthly. T.heaa.lary of the three $1remlin;~shall be the sum! of $65.'00 per'M0n''th, each; payQl)le monthly; 86.0. ,. TheF1re DePartment so sub jec.t t08ueh ;rules, J?egula.t1ons! aJ::rd Qrdersaa may 'be 80r1 bed by the Mayor and Council. firemen'maY be.removed at any time with the.appreval of t-heCQun011. , . App.roved JUly 7, 1909. NO,. lJ..3a. palmtstry , Ete. S ee..J.. That an 006upat:L.en. ,:tax of ,Ten :{)ellar$ per weekpaya:b1l.e in advanQe 1a hereo., levied 0n6&011 and every p erli~nenpg(ld in the bua1nessG" 'tQrtune t1911?Lng ,Jalm- 1st:cy o:co141rvoyanoe wlth1n the oGJ.'porate 11m1tst)'f the 0ity of f>>~nd leland, Nebr,aska. 860.>,2.; ,Every person ;who shall desire toensag4lt ~n the oeoup*t1lln80r bua1nea$ de~or1bed 1ncseot1oll onl9 01 , {" this ol'd.1nano$shall before el1gag1ng11f>,sa1d 'bu$J1.nese PaY .~- tr. 'to theOity w~eaaurar.ftheOity 0'1 Gftnd Island, Nebra.f;Jr ka, said QQ;ttPllra.t1QIlt6\X ef the sumQt Ten Doll8.:t's per week. whl()11~,H~~ct;\lpat19n tax s~ll be pa.1d. in advancre weekly dur1n~ ,,,','>i,.:,.' a lltb~'<t!ft1l!1) ~yl~,llerson 11:$ e'Uga.ged in S$.1doua1ne,ss.~ ~$(hJ e, mJ:ie Q~ty 'treCil;,~uW~rshal1+~;'U$ to the per'S~nf;};S- ,.'8e :.Y;1;~g _:L.a.oocru,pllt:Lont4x;~:peo~ipt there:f'Qr. An<t _1d ' . re.ti~.tllt ..h5ll:lbe the au-thor1ty 0f saiel p$:I:'80n\0 oar:ry 0n _1iJ.dOO~dU~1'~0i~~"btiS1n"i$~or,apta;e~Od of one week f'rem anti' ...tter <th~{".~$.,ef th.:L~sue of' .tn... s.C,.~~~f Any pe:l?~"n Who shall attempt t. do any of the bUa1t1,'fore ment:1of{",I;~seQt:;J.Cl)n one of this erd.i:nanoe wi thottt fu:f.:vin'pa,~d lS~:l.doooupat1~nt-tllix, (J~aft.rthedal. -rer Wh1oh'saicrooou.t.lL.t1,ta~>hasbeen."patd, shaJ:.l be ttned in8;ny$tUlllQt eXoeed1ng $10.00&nd oc>sts, and I!ltand<l'm:l.tt~ e d. unt,111tine &.ndo~stsare ",1<1. r l~_ .' ,.,~, '.', =" ?;i' ~j -~;;; i~.:_; I":::'." J;"" -,<--"": :!'_-.:';> ;::,:F:',.< i;; -;;;.' 1909. .........'...'.,............'..... .: i '. t-'--" - --:---.".,~~~~---- '-:--r-~ No. lJ. >~. Careoi' Cemetery Lots. Sea.. 1,. That any person desiring to provide for the ca.re of any lot tn the Grand Island Cemetery may make a rrangmout,s therefor tn the follo'vr:i.ng nannaI', to-wtt ':- They' may pay to the Oi ty Clerk of the Citjr of' Gx'and Island, Mabra.ska, the sumofQ..l1e Hundred Dollars ($100.. 00 ) for the.fut~ure care by Setid oi ty of any lot or fractional part of a lot in saldcernetery. Sec.... 2. Tho 'City of Grand Island o,n its :part in con- si.deration of' the:OJJ.yment of' said stUn of one hundred dol- , Ja.rs ($100.00) is to care fox' one or any fractional part Of a lotlnsa.id cemeiery, for all future time. . . . ) To keep saine frae..from woeds, to cut the. grass on same, to PJ:>c'1)er- ly watol",;jt.l1..aflowers planted therein by theowne.r .artd in . . . genera'l.:;t.~ take good oa1'eof. said lot and keep same in good l:f;\',_ :_;.~ -, condition:. S eo. 3.. The ctty Clerk of tho City. of Gr'rind IsJ.and, is hereby direeted to keep a. record of :all money so paid by w:u.com .thesame is paid and the lot to be cared. fort: and is he:reby autllOrized in the ntime of the City to issue ~ receipt for the money so pcd.dwhtch said receipt shall be in the nature of a contractortthepart of the sa.;!.d ,. to do the work specified in Beqtion two hereo.:f'. Sea. 4. Th.e City Clerk smllreport monthly . . J C ~ty CaunOil wl1etheror Jlotsuch rece:J,.:pts.have 'beenlssued . , . -c," 01" such CH~ntracts entered~nto,and tlf.e City Council shal,l di1rec,t that the fund so collected sJ.1B.1~,. be . . the bond fUl1dEk;0tt.l1.~ City and anal . of t he bonded be -T . (, f, 'the OilY. Sec.' 5. notify the M.'le Cemetery ''1rto''''him th~ lot to be ca.redfbr and it shall.be .,. ....,..- - '. ,- "-. .,'. -- - .. .t:M.e lot 10,. "'V.' Ptoht.' &$ ltl I , 7J~lifl:l:h"~.ft r '! ,1:.- '.- \" . l'/\ ;/ -' ' : ,,'jf ' le~., ,1., He:r.tte>> it. ,.11 b$_k~~'t$1f aD'"""" .~ pft;r..., fi. "31 ,{t.~Q.'lL_IQ '~...~'P.lft.$ftUl$ 0:" . " . , : 'f ._,:. In ..n"aJ.lev. .1* .. Ib..''''''''S" Wl~bln'~. fa. 10\\11,..... ! ltEl of t1\. 01t., ~".nclI8JLan4, INJ'.'~i.r }',' , Seo. a~ 1., pentflYI.Oll;t:tn, t~l.,"'1Ji.".n.t '!Ill OX'd1Nln~.._!Llb. ftnM&a an? .~ $1\ ..a'$e($..tnsf~n,.. D~a.h~IJ' f',i"OtJ $in' ....t. tnctlt4ind _.l". until 1'. :,1 and ,()8t..3l'e,.14. AJ>P".,$4 .'ul" 21, 1'09. ~- .. 1..:,.;". .,,.'u- _._ '" r'. ,'. .,' ., , -~~ f '.-' I , ... :<; " <, -~: ~.~.' ~ ~~~~~ -<<"'~--;; -'-< 63., ~rt of 6~J, .lj.ltn.:t1' 't~Xl tI~~ebc@t't1ra d@$iJ]'1b~J atll 70; 71.l2t' 1', 'lh 75. l~t Tlt.1l$,xa~tA)t 79:.,30'1 <:lilttq, 't:i:1a,n h0~e1noe~o~e'cl$~(J1'1b_ta1..1. otl1, 8!t~ fJJ3,6t:f,. ~5 .,g6. g7. 8$, '~'. 90, 91.'.2, " ,'4, 9fttdtt~lo1: ~Jh;toh ~,t)a_$~.i block.s an"~rta ot: blootut l.Jtl th~~~i@l;:tNll to")1now 0.1'6,.0' t G:ra.nd Iai.lndt nO};)l'$aka. to i.r~F)t1l!,vn~1 ~lf~ II ot98.CJ9., ,ltl-t, fJl\-actlo;t\;'l1.101., '.1.<1:a, 1&'lj110lf.. 1%15# l.lo't 111. 11'~fl~~,t1l0, l21t~t~1 'Qf' :W~t lQl,lOl?, 10', 'l~'f, 11:4. :0.'. ()(~ntil'in_ 1nthe U'n1on f&e1tio R.R.Aridtt1on to'the .,(lI1't't ~f'G~U14 Is1&l1d, .all. of ~6 and .l.47 ,a.lldt..()t.1oM.li.14$'.~t, lflt jilt. 'I1n1QU Fa Gi.f"10 'Rtid.l\Ffav (,h1)~~V'S A,~d1t,:t()nfs0(Ji?nJ1; },t~tb. Clt't of ~(~U'Kt I$lanC., ~';'SQ f'1"Z:tct1QM11Ql.f.i02't~l~f' 1o$0tj!' 121, t1.nd e:Y.1I Qr!/121a, 12;. 126 t 127 :.f.n g~&n11~-'('l~flll , Adct1t1Gl1.to .tl18 Oity of: GX'cU'lG j;f!.1a~r~d, lllsot3;"it3~;I;(;nta~.;.~.. 19, aQ a.nd all of' l2 a..nd ;MJ ~.n Am1oJ"d& AbOOttISA;4d~,$'. to tho c~tyof G ,f~ia:n4f a~ou.n~ \f/b-loh la;'$t d!6se':1bel, block({ and l~rta of' l#iLO(:l!tSf 9hall bo U,:UJ, a.na.l);x't,(l)v1t\64<.:l:I~ ~'" . ~ . ~-. , mj.do1{Jallt~ flV\.'1 teet '1<1e, tutu ahnll bcof'th.ofe-l..1.oW!rte material: vttr1flet1. !-;;r:1ek., 1ill.1nl\,.{}(iJ.Et$nt'{')~f ,f,1.a:f.tJ~'1i).:e~ and Bh<lll be d.eai(.€,Mted. as theratltd,anca ljOrt'o~.t;tti~, City ot' G1"'~ndI$land, N<l)., 1. 1'~t ~118"d~.;lk&la1.4 s,n the Clt}1'oJ: Gl?fartd !tI!a.3J1(L., ath~" tha:n the b.l~~t,$ 'o,W', ~rt. ,," ot~ b;l,.ooks 11~J7eln rnentioneld.f$lli'll,.nQt!.)ol.e$et.h~n f~ . , toot \vlde t\l1d $}:Jall be~e.n~dnoi~ldot' v~:t.;rlttedl:>;elotf'*"~c .:Lng., EU) thal'er'l1d.ent port1onlfo. 2,_ ::11 tzrrt1JJt inZ01!" w1,ier-tine;ot' fJUOch V/~ lltasha l'4b (f~tfl~,.t[$.dtll."r , superv1sj,on of/the OOnlll1t tto60nj3t:.\?~e1td! ..;U'1<i .41~~$ in....' ;j'U.."l{'Ftlon "1 th the C 1;ty J!h.1g:t:nc~~.\rtl1Q will, k~p ,n~t,t1.$ .tn h1s<>t't1(), xH,:rtilinape,clfj.ca,t1on., .tor, tl1ebu;~i.dlh~ll~.._ str\\t-0t1~r1 of' G1dc:)Wf,Usw1ihinthoCltv J.lflllt.l'~' IUl~&W1 tho; fJ'tJ.oh $l'CG 1.:f1 oat 1()M.t\~14.tlle 8/PP1"'Ovad "" the 0 ,.tlt dQc'l.Ulel.1. 5tiu~a.. tM't,eGe.tlonNf:J. Se~tlQu .1it'* la()tO~d1_n0e ,>Ni~ ~ . \ - ~ . 'Pl;)~\t.e48()J)t~ll'ibf)if l!J<< .I"M. NO. 453. Extending the Fix'Q 1imi ts( North Side). . Sec. 1. That .the South half ot'Block No. 31 and all of Block No. 4-2 of the.original Town now theCj.tyo.:f Grand . , Island, Nebraska ,are hereby placed wj.thin the:f'1re limits of' the said 01ty and are ll1ade subject to allp:t'ovls1ons ot' thIs Ordinance oi~ &11d City relating to all property within , Approved Noveumer 3, 1909~ the fire limits. ...<'. '" . . <'oj .. .'~.."-~:". ''''-."<:-'Y''",y,.' .- "":"'""- No.. 454-. Gradet'or Curb and Sj.dewalk. Sec. :t. The. thereafter any perl30n desj.ring, to curb or construct a sidewalk wi thj.n the corpor~t te li.mits of the C itv.. of Grund IsJ..:a.nd, Nebraska, an_a.ll fj.rst notifytrm \ '" City E):lr;1ncel" of said City and request said City Engineer to give to said applicant the proper grade, and locaM.onfor satd side walk "or curbing and it shall be the duty of the s8.ldEhgineer to furnish said "person the proper grade and 10c<:J.tion for aa1d sidewalk 01' curb.lng and all sidovyalks hereafter laid and all cl1.I'bj.hg hel"eafter oonstruoted shall be laid and construotedto, the gJ:'ades 80 given by the City Engineera,nd on the' proper line designated by him for the oonstruction of same. S eo. 2. It (1Mll be the duty of the Clty Engineer to establish grades and lines for sidewalks and curblng so as to make the sanle a.s far as possj~ble.uniformthOMighout the City ahdit shall be hj.s dutyas soon as requo'steel. to furnish any.applicant the proper g:ra.de and. B.nesfoT the l'~'l.ying of sidewalks or the construotion of ourl>ing. See. 3. Tho City Counoil of the City of G1'and Island have the right and authori tv and it shal.1 , iii ... shall herea fter be its duty by resolution entered upon the l~ocor(lsto oon- demn any sidewa.lk or o1.u,'bing not laid hereafter to the pl"oper grade or on the propOl' lines and to order sct:Ldside;'" wa lk o:r curbing to be irmnedla..tely t.orn uP. and replaoed. Sec. 4 . 'The City of Grand IsL:1.nd shall pay the cost of the Engineer in gi vj.ng hereafter'lines and grades for the looatlon of sidewalks and curbing. . Approved November 3,1909. ~r