1910 Ordinances NO.. 463., Franchise for Telephone Conduj.ts. . Seo. 1. The Nebraska Telephone Company, its suooess- ors and a:ssigl1$ be and are hereby granted.' 8. right-of-way f'or the oonstruotion ofoondu1tsalong, under and aor08sth& streets, alleys and publio ways of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska f'orthepurposeof'oarrying telegraph and. telephone. wires to 'be used for the purpose J)' transaoting a general t e:lephone a~d telegraph business in the $8.id '01 ty of GI'and f Island, Nebraska. Said oonduits "sball be plaoed in the a lleyswherever possible and the said work shall be done un- del' the supervision of the etreetand alley oommittee of' the said city. S eo. 2 . In the oonstruoting, operating 4ncl repairing .- said conduits, said Nebraska Telephone Company, its suooess- . 01'13 and assigns, shall us_a all find reasonable ca.re'to avoid damage or injury to persons orpr"perty and shall . 'at all times and at all places hold the City harmless from any and a 11 damage, loss or expense caused or ocass1oned by the neg- ligence or oareleasness of sa.~<<Neb1'&,akaTelephone,Company in the constfUotion. operation and repairing of said cond;u.1t:s~ In the construotion of said~,:~9ndu1ts'sat;dcompa.ny, :J.ts8UOO- a8130I'S or assigns t shall rep.laoe",incond1 tion'tor travel, a 11 streeta,alleya,avenues orpub11c places by it used for said oondu1t8and shall file with the City Clerk a bond 1n the sum of' $5.000.0'0 with good and sut'fic).ent surety, \0 approved ,by ,the City Clerk and cond1tioned sa,1d Nebraska ephone Company" its sucoessors and assigns t shal:l. replaoe a 11 streets, a'lleys and pUb11opJ.8.oee ~s aforeaaid and shEll,]. hOld the said O'ityha.rmlesB :f'r~tn~all damage'. injUl"Y', loss or expense oaused or ocassioned by the negligence o1'ca1'61e8'S.... nesa of the said Company in the oonstructlon, operating said conduits. Sec. 3. Any person. who shall irtt,erf'er$ with, ;1nj1.'l.1'Et't break or dE'l,strOy any of the saidcond~i ta, w1~e'~'Q~~i~tur.Sl, -. ( ':0. ~ ' ~...'....'.'...."'" '. ~'< . . . ,it/ NO. 1+70. r Sid61track across South Walnut street.. >. Sec. 1. That permission and authority are hereby grant- eO. to the Union Pacific Railway Company to lay down, maintain and opera tea railroad track across Walnut Street on the: south side thereotbetween Blook No. 57 and 58' in the City of Grand I slandt~ ~$bra.ska. Sec. 2. The privileges hereby granted are upon the con':" " . dition that. the said Company will construct said track in ac- cordaneewith the grade of' the street, as may be determined by the Oity Engineer,said Company to replace all pavement disturbed, andrwhen so required to do so, will pave between the rail of said traok and for one foot on the out-side of the rails theI'eof, in accordance with such u.nderstand.ing, and wlthsuchmaterial as may be ordered or required by the City ~ it C ouneil. The privileges hei'epy granted are upon further con- ;;;; sideration, thateaidCompany, its successors or assigns,13hall save"lind keep the City free and harmless from all dama.ges, costs and expenses arising out of the occupa. t10n and use of said street by said_track. Sec. .3. The laying down and operating of said track shall be -deemed an acceptanoe of all the terms and conditions of this ordinanoe. Approved August 18,1910. No. '1+71. ' .Sewer to the Soldiers & Sailors Home. ............ - . SOd. 1. That the P+a.:ns and sl1ecii'ica tionsi'or the oonstruction of sald Sewer as, prepared by, saj.d Consolflia'ted Engine0:l:'ing Compa.ny of OnubI1, Nebraska ,be and the, same are , :heroby a.pproved, and the City Clerk of'the City of' G:t'i:U1d 181an(1, 'Nebraska, is directed tokeo}! s{:dd plans and specl- fj.catio!.1B <5n f'ile in his offioe,' subject t'oinspoctlonat all tlmos until the cOl1.tract of the Construction of' sa tel I ~. j Sewer j.sf'inally entered into ~u1d to :furnj.sh toapplicantk ~~ < }:- an opportunity to ma:ke a full oxamination of sarne. S ec. 2. Tl1a t a Ma in S ewor is hereby ordered constru..;. ; ~~ . cted, commencing at Eddy Stroet in the Cj.ty of Grand Island at the place where said Eddy street interse-cts the alley between Fourth and Fifth Streets so as to connect with the {~ f .... - -"-~.~..' -\" ~-. :',- ".. ~, , ~.;.~---'-' !' 'Main Sewer of the City of GrEmd Islfuld, running thenoe a Northwen-torly dirootion along E.ddy streot to j.t:s inter- ",., ~- soctj.on with Harrfson Street" thenco tn a Northwesterly dll"octj.on to the int'e:r'section' of: College Stroot with LafclY-:- il #' fjj . , ette street, thence north along Lafayette streot to j.ts 1ntorsec't:i:otJ. w'j.th pa.:pitol street and,.from thence to the So ldj.ersl and SatloJ?s I Home., The course of said sewer, ;its directton and loca tiOIl be1ng more fully shown by the said .plans and spocifica t 10ns for 'same. , Sec'. 3. The.Ci ty Clerk of the City of Grand N obra cka, 113 l1EJroby directed to 'advertise f'ol" bj.ds for the constructton o~ I said sewer, as provided by law, with the ;right to 1"0 ject any and all bids; each bid to bo accompa.n- '. 1, ed by a certifj.ed check or draft for the sum drod Dollars ( $500.00) as a guaranty that the successful l1D1dder will enter hltO a contract as provided fioations. See .,j 4-. The p..f;J.rty to whom said Contract j~s shall execute a bond to the City of Grand Island .in th nal sum of (the amount of contract) with apPl"oved (. ,J ~<.< :c,- .._o~- ., ,.... -"-0> . ~( -.-j ,;' , .,-. "~' sureties, in m.a.nne~ a.nd fo'rtn and conditj.oned as shown DY the :)1)e<:; j.fications; said Bond to bo app~oved by thEi City Cou.ncil. 80c. .5. Tm+ t the entire cost of constructing said sewer over ttnd above the amount of said appropriation of' Ton Th01.wand Dollars ($10,000) snall be paidlby the City of Grand Island. It assumes trIO payment over and above sa 1d - sum of Ton Thousand Do,llars,( ~~10,_000. ) , . Approved September 23, 1910. No. 4:72. S idtatrack Acro'ssN<Dxtl1,l vialnut stroot. , ~. ~_i~'.". .' , . Sec. 1. That permission a.nd a.uthority are hereby granted to the Union Pa.cific Railroad Company to lay down, ma,intainand operate a railroad track across Walnut street in said Oi ty. Said track to cr9ss tp.e w~st line of said . Walnut street at a point seven. ( 7) feet sov.th of the south ~. i'~ ~ ~ i~',-",-.-", :$. '_:_-'~ -- ill r- east corner of Blocl: No. 39 j.l1 Sc'tj.d Cj.ty, and the east line 'of said Walnut street at a point three (.3), feet north of the south west corner of Block No/. 40 in saj.d Oi ty of' Grand Island" Nebraska. S eo: 2. The prIvileges hereby granted shall be sub- f ject tm all general ordj.nances of the OJ.ty that are now or ,-. herea.ftormay be inf'orce concernj.ng railroads in said OJ.ty and'subject to the rj.ghts of saj.d 01 tywhenevor by Ordi- nance j.t lUSty be deomed necossa:rST to constriwt or ma,j.ntaln sowers or watol.... lllL1.1ns thereon or across said Streot. S eo. 3. The privileges hereby granted are on the further condition that said rail]:'oad company, j.ts success- ors and <1s;;i[';ns shall lceop:::l11d save tIle Olty from all dam- ages, costs and. expenses fl....om Butts 8.1....tsing out of' the Ul3e of' said street by sEd.d Company, 1 ts successors and assigns. Approved September 23, 1910. ".Y :~ ' NO. 473. ' Franchise of' American TOlephono& IRelegraph Company. S ec . . 1. That the American To+ephone & Telegnaph Com- pany of Nebraska, its successorS and assigns be and the same is hereby granted, for the period of twenty five years fram the approvalQf this ordinance, the right, privilege and au- thority to construct, operate and ma,j.ntain its lines of tel- ephone and. telegraph, lrteluding necessa.:ry poles, wire and fixtures upon, over, 'along and under the streets and high- ways of the said city of Grand Island, NebrasB;a, upon terms and-eonditions hereinafter provided. Sec,. ..2.. All the pales shall be ereotah under the dil'- ection and supervision of the oorroni tteon streets and alle',YB and all st.reets and side walks that may be damaged or. dis- turbed In the oonstruction of said line, shall'be promptly replaoed and repaired by thesald oompanyat its own expense and to the sa tisfaotion of sa 1d street and alley cowni t tee, and all PQlofJ shall be neatly shaved. and symmetrical and so located as, not to interfere with the pUblio ueeof said etreetsartd.alleys. ""f~ 8 eo .3 . Said Company shall besubjeot to a. 11, ordinan- o as now in foroe or tha. t may be hereafter passed relative it. 0 the use of streets and highways of' aaJ.d City of' G!-andIsland, Nebraska. . S eo · 4. In consideration of the rights and privileges herewi th g::anted, the saj.d oomlJa.ny shall furnlah free of' cost to the ~1ci oity, spaoe for ita ala..rrnand police telegraph ,wires u:ponall poles e~eo.ted under this ordinance. Sec. ,. Nothing in the ordinance contained shall be oonstrued to grant to the sa.id Oompany an exclusive franchise, and the aa.1d Oity hereby reserves the right to grant a like oonsent to ,any other company, persollor persons for like pu r- poses. Seo. 6.' Sa1dCompanyshal.l hOldsaJ.d 0ity;f'Zeeand harmless f'rpm all da.rna,gesor claims!o:r damages arising by ~. ~'. ,~ , >- ~'; , 'reason of~thaerectlon or negligent maintenance of said 11me. Approved Ootober .5, 1910. NO. If.8'1. Forbidding Minors, Dl"U11kEl.rds, Etc.., in Sa.loons. ...... .:.'..--,..,..'.,.,-;.:......'...~,y,..:'.. . .;_,<'i' f" ,- -~, Seo. 1. It is hereby deolared andma.d.e unla.v!f'ul for a minor, h1bitual drunkard, or person who has reoeived trea.tments for drunkenness from any institution to enter any saloon within the oorporate limits of the City of Gra.nd Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of seouring intoxioa.t- " , '. . :Lng; liquors.. Sec., 2. It is hereby deoJ,ar,ed and made unlawful for any pers<m or persons toprooure or attempt to prooure any suoh Iminor, hibitual drunkard or person who has reoeived treatments for drunkenness from any 1nst1tut1on, to enter anyaaloon within the oorpora.te limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of seouring intoxioating liquors. ~1 ';..' .-z~,~. *r ..,.." '~r-;":- - . - - - . Sec. 3.. Any person viola tin~ anr of the prOVisions of' this ord1nanoe shall upon oonviotion thereof, be f1ned 1n any sum not less than Twenty Dollars and not exoeeding One HUl1drc.ed'Do1lars,a.lld shall be committed to the City jail unttl the fine and oostsa.re paid. Approved Deoember 7, 1910. .. ;,(..