1911 Ordinances
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NO. 455.
Alii 01:
t. J. () 1"1
x OJ:,,'.i reo.
Section No. 3 of Ordinance No. 196 as amended by ordi-
nances Nos. 243, 244, 253 and 2$8 be and the same is hereby
amended to read as follows:-
Under the prOVisions of' this ordinance and the 8.uthor-
i ty vested in the City Council a:t~oresaid, there is levied.
upon each and every person or persons, firm, association or
corporation carrying on business in the City of Grand Island
Nebraska, a.n occupation tax as follo1:vs, to-llrit:-
Sec. 1.
The sum of forty dollars per year on the bus-
iness and occu~ltion of recoiving messages in this city from
persons in the city and transmitting the same by telegraph
f'rom this city to persons and. places within this state, and
reooiving in this city mefJsages by telegraph transmi ttod
within the state to persons in this city and deliverirlg the
same to persons in this city, except and receipt, transmis&-
ion and delivery of' any such which are inter-sta te conunerCe.
The business and occupation of receiving, transmitting and
delivering of' messages herein excepted 8.I'e not to be taxed
S ec. 2.
The sum of tVJenty dollars per yea.r on the busi-
noss and ocoupation of receiving packages of goods in this
oi ty destined to pel"80ns and places in thls state and convey-
ing the same vrithin this state, to 1JerS011S and places with1n
the state, arid receiving \.Irithin this state packt:'1gos of goods
destinod to this city conveyed within this state from por-
sons and places VIi thin this sta te and deli voring the same 'In
persons within this oity.
Sec. 3. The sum of one hW1dred dollars per Y5~r upon
the business and occuJ)ation of' selling at whOlesale and re-
tail combined, malt, spiritous and vinous liquors.
Sec. 4. The surn of' five dollars per day on revolving
swings connnonly ca.lled t Merry-go-ro1.U1ds' when conduct cd wi th-
in this city.
Sec. 5. The sum of five dollars for the first day
and the stun of $2.50 for each day thereof on each cane rack t
knife board, baby rack, electric battery, striking machine,
or any other game or device carried on in the city.
Sec. 6.
The stUn of five dollars per day on each shoot-
ing ga.llery, l)rovided, however, that upon the payment
twenty-five dollars, a. receipt shall be given for one full
year's tax.
S ec. 7.
The Slun of twenty dollars per year on
business and OCCul)ation of selling at wholesale any kerosene,
go. saline aI' any liquid fluid for illwnina. tion or other pur-
Sec. S.
The sum of two dollars per day upon each ped:-
dler of goods at retail, by sample, or by taking orders, or
otherwiso, where tho price of the most valuable article sold
or offered for sale does not exceed the stUn of one dollar;
the Sunl of threo dollars per day upon each peddler of goods
at retail, by sam})le, or by taking orders, or otherwise,
where the price of tho most valuable article offered for
sale or sold excoods tho sum of one dollar and dOGS not ex-
coed the stUll of fou,I' dollars; and the elml of five dollars a
day upon eaoh peddler of goods at retail, by sample or by
tal:::.ing orders t or otherwise, where the price of the most val-
uable article sold or offered for sale exceeds the Sill1l of
four dollars; and. for the l)UrpOses of thts ordinance any per-
son traveling from house to house or from plaoe to place in
the C1ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, exposing or offering for
sale any goods, wares, merohandise or any article of afIV
kind and any transient person or persons who shall travel
throug;h or temporarily reside in Gx'and Island, Nebraska ,and
shall off:~er for sale any goods, wares, mercll8.ndise or any
a rtiole of any kind, by sample or othorvvise, in any hotel
or other builcU.ngor in any rented builcUng in the
shall be taken and deemed to be a peddler.
S ec . 9.
The sum of ten dollars per day upon each haw-
keI' of goods, wares, merohandise or articlos of any kind at
retail, by sample or otherwise; and 1'01' the purpose of this
oI'dinance, any person, persons, firm or corporation, who
sl~ll upon any street, sidewalk, building or otheI' place
within said city, expose, offer and ory for sale any goods,
w'ares, morcl1a.ndise or articles of any kind, shall be taken
and deenlGd to be a lJawker; provided, however, tha t neither
this artj.cle nor article No. $ hereof sha.ll be oonstrued to
apply to persons selling their own household gOods or furni-
ture, judicial sales, retail venders of' garden or other farm
produce raised on their own or their employers farm; travel-
ing agents for wholesale houses, conunon1y called
drunnner~ ,
selling to dealers only; merchants and traders selling the~r
own goods in thoir fixed places of' business in the regular
and USWll oourse of business.
Sec. 10.
The sum of five dollars per ~ty upon each
auction store, v.r11ere goods, wares or merolla.ndise of any kind
are cried for sale in f.tny manner; provided, however,
artiole sl~11 not apply to merol~nts or traders who
been regularly engaged in and maintained a business in this
oity for one year next pr.lor to such sale and who are sell-
ing only suoh stock as has accl:l.mu1atod in their said regu-
18.1' business and no part of whioh 11B. s been obtntned for the
PU1"pose of being cried or sold at such auction sale.
Sec. 11.
The sum of five dollars per day on eaoh pho-
tograph 1JJ'agon, car or tent, coming from anYWhere for the
pUrlJOse of makin.&; pictures in this city as a non-resident.
Seo. 12.
Tl1e sum of th1.J?ty dollars per day 011
resident parties consif~n1.11g goods to resident auctioneers.
S eo. 13.
The sum of thirty dollars 2)e1" o.ay on oaoh
bank:rupt 01" fire stock store selling as such, but this ar-
ticle sna11 not be construed to apply to oases wb.ere bank-
ru:ptcy or fire 11a s oooured in this oi ty, and after sa j.d
business has been oonducted and carl"ied elm in thiB city
prior to said bankruptcy or fire.
S eo. It~ .
Tho swn of thirty dollars per day on non-
resident dea.lers in merc}l.andlse, buggies, wagons, or any
o UHW of goods woo tever, where such goods are disl)Osed of l:y"
the owner or agent, VJhO 8.1"e tempora.ri1y in the oi ty for the
disposal of their goods. Approved April 19, 1911.
NO. 4911-.
Erecting a Soldiers and Sailors Monument.
Section 1.
That a monument be 'constructed at or
near tIle Sou tll West corner of the Court House grounds
of Hall County, Ueln'aska, ih tIle C1 ty of Grand ISland}
Nebrasl\:a} cormnemora tl11g tIle servi ces of the Soldl era
and So_1101'S of the Civ11 War amI tlleSl1an1S11-American
Wal", in accordance wi th a permit granted 'by the County
:Soard of Hall CotUlty" Nf.foraska, on tIle 12-ft day of
January J A. D., 1911, to Lyon Post Uo 11 G. A. n.
Dep(?,J}tment of' He'braska.
Secti'on 2.
That such monllment shall consist of a
case and shaft in. natural stone lU9un'ted by tJ:10 fieure of
a so~dier ~ast in bronze.
Section .3.
Tl1e cost of SUCl1 monument',s11all not
exceed in any event the sum of ~Pt~500. 00 to t11eCi ty
of Grand !~land, Nebraska.
See tion Il-.
Tl1at a ta;r;,of one mill shall be levied
annually upoilall the taxable 'pro}?erty in sa.id C1 ty to
pay for t~e co,nstructlon of such monument.
Approved this 511 day of JUly,A. D., 1911.
NO., 501..
Numbering t11:.: $-'t.l'eeisin We.t. ~_1%t Island.
Seo;o 1.
That Or<1tna.noe NG~ 108' ef the oomp:tled .~d-
1nanoes ot the 0ity <Dr Grand Ialand be amendedasf'Gli1.0W'$
'to-wit: '"
,: Seet10nl !'th
That JaoksQn street and the eeot1Qt1 11n$ runn:tng be-
tween 600t1on8 Sand 11 and 9 and 16 1nTownshlp I1no#~~
of Range 9 West of the 6th P. M. north of ther1ght~of~~~
of 'the Unmon Pao1f1oRai1road Oompany shall be tat en as (4. .
ba eie fcrr numbering all streets running north and south _nit
shall be numbered as
TnatMrt of JaolUllon st:reet 1y1ng tulrth. .t$&.1d Dlltl't:"",:
"~' 0- f-way t' arret the'seot 10n 1i:ne
. '.' b era-d 100,:
Husten Avenue,
.~~~> -.
NO. JOl~
Lateral SewEJr Oennect1ons.
Seo~ 1..
Tha t whenever any pers0n or IHarSGnS, for
the purp0se ~f oonnect ing h18 eX' their preperty with a
ma'in sewer, shall desire te construot ialateral sewer and
o(mneot the same with. main sewer in said. Oity 0f' Grand
I aland, SI~oh pox-son shall mak.e applioation in writ~ng te
the sewel' inspeotor of theo~ty of G!'and IsJ.$!nd, sO to, de,
setting forth a descr1ptionaf the premises sought to be
oennected. by su()h J;a,tel"al sewer.
,'Seo. 2. mh~ sewer inspector shall examine auah
app11eat:l.Gn in refEirence to the fea.s:l.bi11ty of the oon-
Struct:l.0t1 of' such .lateral sewer and if' he finds favera\lle,
on ea.me,he shall issue his permit, designating the exaat
pOintwhen:-e sUohlate~l sewelL'.. sh$,ll canneet with suoh'
main sewer, the sueG):f' ~ipe to be used in the construc-
tion of suohla.te:r.'alsewer, the sise of thEllmanh0le, it
to be built 8.tthe~unqtieR po:tnt, the depth and in-
cline upollwhioh eniOh lateral $ewer shall be J.a id and.
such other cenct1.tlLons and tertris as he may find n$~$sea1':V
tor the pwoper oQnstruct1en of a latelL'al sewer.
S eo . ~ ~
lli'CLchappl:toation and perm1t sha:ll be !lle-
corded1n<thebe@k~1~the Gtfioe .otth0 sewer inspeotor..
S eo.. 4.
. .
Suohiapplioa,.nt ()r~pplJt.cants may then PH-
o eedwlththe censtruct1$n ClIf sa:td1aterEt~llIewe:t-.. entire
c 0stthe1t"eefto be paid by suoh applioant s, un~~~i,.mnll
ff>fsa.:I.d permit ,and unclerthe superv1s1onof 1iieo~,tr.
eng1nser jjprea1do i tYfandwi thin t111rty cJa.ys ai"1ienl'cth,
samehtebeenoomplet$'d suoh ap.pllo.ant or appli111~nt..s:ha.l.),.
tile an 1temisedao'oo'!.mt,urideroath, of .tb.e OGs1'o:l s:u,Oh.
. ,
latera:J.~n'lwe.r with thesewelt" 1nsPeJotolt',whioh IlOaGu,nt
shall be clmtered tt.n h.ltsboo~s'apd.matJ.e~. i.lt"t o.t' .~IIJi,l''''
$80.9. W;}1l:en&t1'Ypeson ....o.tt;t.pers'ne pet1t1dn
oltYQounq~l G:f' fthe .a;Ld.:elty!1i~fJS 1ia.1>1 i8'h.
.:.~': _,;;,<__:_c~-.:",,!-"( .;./,._,~\_,-_,}{;\:'~/_~,:_j,/;....~~;,-_.:;:~,-. ( . 4; ~~
tri^Ottn~l()h&ny late1"e.l /Sewer oonstructed. unde:lt th"
provisions 0f this ordinanQEJ may l:l.e,the city 00uno;11
may establish such distrlot a.nd extend 0r utiliseeuoh
lateral a$ may ~ve been !aid under the provlsionsef'
this ordinanoe.
S eo. 6.
In asoertaining the oost ef the lateral
sewer oonstxucted.under ea:J.d. petition. the cityoCi)'lttl.oil
· shaJ.la.dd! th$ cost of the late_l sewer constru4.rtedun-
del' Section 4 hereefto t)'le cost 0:f' theextensiefi of s\1ch
latoral &$Wera::tld theeWll sofounclsball be a.ssessed.'
against all pr0pextyservedby $aid sewer in acoQrd$.fioe
vrith thebeneffte acoruing to the several traots, 1n said
sewer dismr10tand oOJ.leQted in acoo:udartoe with law, the
same as it suoh lateral sewer and. extension had. beert oon-
strueted itene tlme, ins'Uchassesament;the ameunt
chargeabl, against the pI'0pert'ty 0fthe pe:ra<>n orpe31sene
, wh(J la.id.ea1d. sewerunderSe<Jiion '.1J. of' this erd.1naI1oe
shall oeoredited.ert theli)rig1nal ooat paid oy hitnC):Jll
them ifllayingsaid1a.te!l1al seweJ1, buti:li'suoh assess-
ment exoeecis said. origll.naloost then the d1f'fe~enoeal'laJLl.
beaasessJJda.ia1nstsafd. 'Property.
S eo. 7.
Theo1ty council shall thereupon refund.
, ,
through a warrantdr$wnaga,1nst the fund0:f' the
d.istr1otthus organ1med, t. the owna.ror 0W1'i~:rrS
premises %0 whioh the la.teraJ.sewe.:rmenti0tted 1.1'1
1J. heree:f' ~sad3aQentt the Qr1g1nal <\lost .witho'ut intelrest
ofsuoh14teral sewer alii tetmd.. by ihebfJH.'k.- <l>t th...Wttlt'
inspeat0p't less
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s.w~f7':l:hjf.~ter having tirs'bbeen <fbta1ned..
8$0. 10.
Any pe~BGn viOlating anY0~ the prev~,l.rts
of this (Ii:rd1nanoe sl1all be subjeot to a. fine of not lee.
than ten d.Ollars, nor more than one hun~ed dfbllars for
each offense. .
ApprOVIJd / Septembetr? 20 f 1911.
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