1921 Ordinances (2) oa>>U1AlJeE 2:~o. 7" tr~ tJh$ imlned.iate V'ieini'ty of (:e:a:'t.a.in dmh'11ing gx'cn,:u'ld.a. ('lnd "'7h~:reaa thCl :Mayor andGl ty CQUnc3.J.. ;;;t' tlu;~ eli, ty 01' Gi'i:\w1 :r~ll.1r~d. lih:fbrras1:a'l f1ii~~ iilu.:\'t it in nf)C.~U(t:ry t.ho.t vax'i.oua :p;t'iv(,.,tapro:p~rty, c(}n~iating 0:1:' lota, t;N%ota and pa).~ce:Ls ot' li:ll,lU th;tn th;a diff eJ;'tw't ~1.{1d~- tJiotli.:/l. he:rej.na:t'tc:t' LtOl'e del' ~t 1'11 tel,;,! denoJ,'i 'bed, all wl thin the 'm~:"pol'Qt.e limi te of the Gi ty of Gt'r:imd IGJ.ancl. 'be W11,P:"'Oj):."i;;,\tedan<1;)ond0ofie(il. ;for -the use 01' t.he 01L t,:; of' Grand I~larld :t'or pa;l;'11t pU:X':90S~D. . nmv t'il,tmPJ!~ll'{J:f.lEl !~ 11\ Ori1aI!T~llD by th~ y,,~a~ro)i' ~Kld ell ty Cou.n~ll of th~ 01 t:v" of G~and Isl~nd. Ntjl)ra~ka: Uectiol1 1" That tho follow1n;.j d~sc1'H)e6 l):.~ore:rty. Ci." l,p1~t.in~:; of 10 '1..5.. tl~aota e.nd p~!'C01t;: (;:f land in f.:ruoh ~dd1 tion~, a~ hpte1:n.a.:f t~XI d~&ignated. be and the (lj(~r;\@ is hOl"I'')\OY cnn.il"Ol):r.iate<'4 tOl' tlH~ i4t1jf; of tJu.e C:i. tJ of G:!l'und X$lancl. Nell;taaka fOll? IHlJ;'t 1;H"ti1H;ifih$!;3. 'llnde;;r and b;1 viJ;'t'iJ.f;} of Ueot.ions 490"';;" 4~05 and. 4g0~ Ot' the Jl~vi.aitd 8'tatutzHlot ]~ebx'QIlI};:tJt .coJ.' t,L0 :yea:t:' J..Ol3t::; All of J.ot.:J ;;) and 4 ot' Block ,as antl :Px'aQtiQ,nQl J..:o1.'. 2 of Fractional }Jl~1ok 47. of l?.uQl~e);" & ,;i.o.~4'ta Goeond. Adl.it'Uoi1.and I,Qt , ot Blook 2 in Bak$rt~ Addi.tion. $eQtion2. That the fol1o"'!:.ing eli ointE/re;.:; tea :::'r~;H)holde:rsin I_land, Nehraek, arid Othman A. A1.I'hQ tt, wL:ol3e ~'esidenC1e i$ 7'Oil. Vl.at ]'l:rf:1t street, (lx-and lsl<i.tnd. l'rebras}a~~ auQ. vtho 5ball l'eceive afl! compEmtu:~ti.on for theix' ai&:rv1ees the fHiUJl of ~j55<tOO PtS~t Cl.ay for the tim0 necessarily oocupied.Sa1d aeU.H31SfHl:ta sha;tl1me.t in tb~ C:O\U';lO~.1, Ch~tjlber of the 01 'ty H.al11n the Ci. ty of Gr$ndI$lan4,Heb:ra<<*a an the . -. . 27th day of August, 3.921 at -two (PQlt..H:1~ p.J~. ,anti afte1' takingoa.th to dJ1sofltn;:'ge tIle!:r dUty fa,- thtully and 1 partially $h~ll.. 011 t}:U'$~ fJame day t :vi ew the XJ:t'operty app;ropr1a-tGd.. and on $an~e (;l~.. or a.-s"HHH'l t,}'H'll::.1!'ea:f terae p1"a.c.ds1.(J~bl~ t m~lke. eign ~tld~etu:rn to the 01 ty OJ. e~lt 1.1'1 11'11"1 tlng~. a ~ju~tr.,nd :fa1:r ae$esstnent oi' the d~~t:~l.\l 'for ench pi ~"(.H3 of 10 tot I-;X'Ol)~rt:t. the whol eat: p~;rt of ewhl(1lih~ to l)$ a,p-;r.olJrhlted:. gt;:Qii.on3. The Cj.-ty Ole!');; il5 lH;;:r~'b.v 1:nitft:r;"uoted. to d~l!ve' to l'iH~ch the O\'Vl1era in ftle .reaidin(!; ill the 01 tv~. of G:rarld I$larxdt a (.'h)pyof tkw n0Y1S1>apoa." pu'blif.:H:d,n~ thi;,'3 o:rilirHJlfl06 j O:li~ v<!hen the (!l1'ltH::rr.) be no t :i"ou.nd.. to f./Que peX'fJ10n at th61rr€'H$:$}\J\:ottve :ceai{{fl)l'lQe-a. i;;\t the au:me til'ne calling att~ntion of the p~'):raGn to whom de11ti!'fi':~~. to !:,uoll oJ'd:1.n:111Ce $.n th6 pape~. Suoh $C:.'~;,vj"oe ohaJJ. ln1 tf$ftlt;l,ch tt&'!. ten dUJts he$:'QrE'~ the dt:ty fi::;ze<1 fOJ;' the f,2e$t;i.n(~ 01' the aaaeasors., b~ctitHl 4. P~nllQnt of' ,h'tll(~geu ~8a$~o~d if'(I~ th;~ ajn:})"Ql')rj.~t~.('H'l ot' s:ueh l')~ivGte }'\ri;)]Jf)!'t:>' n-t~ ''b~ ;;~de t1ut~f th~general Cii~ 1iU'l:.ll' 0 t,he:r $~rpl':.ls 1'Lmd OJ: tJ;w j)a~'k :t~~:nt1 of thGili;L itY,t SOc:t1(Hl 5.. 'thin (n:'dinJH.lU~ ~ha:U. 1)'D ::!.n f()l'i;)~ awl 'tal;':$ eff$et from a:;rd (if ~Cl:' its pU::Hlac;a. alJr'J.;'oval Ct!ld publioation, ~Aa IJ1"c.nr1d$Q. by latf II Pi4~H.H;;.!l Q!hl t;;I)P~:-QY\!''!d o ::;!) th Ll~y of JU1,y. l ~21.