1917 Ordinances (2)
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OrdInance No.642
Traf!' 10..
Be it Ordained, by the .Mayor and Clty Counc:tl ot:
the City ot' Grapd ISland "NebraSlca;:
Tne owner,operators,drivers,or person in charge of any car or
dray wagon,omnibus,automobile,taxicab,carriage,buggy,motorcycIe,
tt~cycle,bicycle, or other vehicle used,propelled or driven
upon the str(:;ets of' Grand Island, shall conform to and observe
the following rules and regulations upon ~~ streets,alleys,
avenuo~}, roads and p1.l'bl ic places in sali)l:'/Cj. ty"
SeGtion No..l. The word <<VehrC~\ip,C':L~deS equestrians ,led, horses;
.-"' \,
and ever,rthlng on wheels or runn4tfs\exce.pt baby carriages..,
Section No.2.< The word l!HtWrsesl! lnc\.udes all dome~stlc arlimals.
section No.3. Thew-ord IIDrlvor Ii, lnc\udea the rider,drlver or
person in charge of a horse, trle rider b':( Wl16Gl13 ,alld, the operator
of a vehicle or motorcycle.
Sectlml No.4... All drivers at vehiclos Shall exercise aal proper'
eare not to injure pedestrians. pedestrians when crossing a street
shall not carelessly or mal iclously interfere wi tl1 Ute passage
of vel1icles.
Section No.5. Trle driver or person in control of' a vehicle in
slowing or stopping shall signal those in the rear by raiSing
the Whip or hand.tRm
section No.6.. No veJ:U.cle Shall be turned; unless a signal shall
previously be given by t:tle Whip or hand indicating the direction
in wIlleh the turn is to be made",
Section No.. J. lifo pers:on in control at a vehicle al1all baCk the
same wi thout ample warning lla.ving been given; and Wlllle 'baCking
care must be exerciseQc not to injure those in the rear.,
Section No.8. pollee, Fire )Jeprt,ment ,Fire patrol, Un1 ted states.
.Mail Vehicles, and Ambulances shall have tlw r1gl1 t at' way in-
any street.
Section NO.9. Every person in Charge of' a vahicle shall pull
to trlO right of the street or roaCt when signalled~ from ai
vehicle behind ,desiring to pass.
Section No.IO. Upon the approaCh of any fire apparatus ,police
patrol or ambulance, every ve11icle Shall draw up as. near as prac=
tlcable to the right curb of the street ,and remain at a stand-
Str~3et Traffic.
-still un.t.Ll su(;h apparatl.ls,patrol or ambulance sllall have passed.
Section No..ll. No vehicle shall so occupy any street as to lnter~
fere with or interrupt the passage 01' other cars or vehicles..
Section No..12. Vehicles shal.l be driven in a careful manner and
with due regard for the safety and convenience ot' pedestrians
and all other vehic~es..
Soetion No..l.3~. :Every person using any vehicle on any street in
the City of' Grand Ialand,NEfbraSka\;ShallCfperate,d.rive,or r1d.e
fmcrl vehicle on tIle portion to tIle rj"ght of the center of tIle
8treet"exeept where tlle right side of tl'IG streot 1s 1n SUC11
cona.itlon as to be impassable.
sectlon .No..14.< Vehicles moving slowly Sha.ll keep as close as
possible to the curb on th.e right ,allowing more swiftly moving
vehicles free passage to their left..
SectJon NO.151' A ve1'licle rneeti.ng another Shall pass on the right.
section No.16. A vexIJcl€! overtakj.ng anoUler Shall pass on tile left
side of the overtaken VehiGle,and shall not pullover to tlle right
until entirEdy clear of it..
Section No..17. A vehicle turning into anottwr atreet to the rigrlt
arJall turn tlle corner a.s near to the right tJ.and enrb as pass i bIe..
section No..l&... A vehicle when turning to the left to enter an
in terseoting street 6118.11 not turn until it sr1a11 Ilave passed
beyond the center of' f.mCll intersecting street..
senti nn No..19.. No vehicle, except apparatu.s a.nd vehicles of ill's,
police ,roubulances and Dnl ted states Mail ,Shall be drjven through
a procession except upon the permission of a police officer.
Section No..20.. At tIleat~n's and public gatl1flrlngs or under unu.sual
circumstances. vehtcles shall stand or move as dlrected bv trw poliGe
, v I
Seeti on No ..21.. VeIl i cles Shall not stand or travel two or more
abreast in any street.
section .No..22. No llornqnor muls,nor any animal attaChed to a vehi-
. cle, shall be permi tted to stand upon any portion of any ltroet ,ave-'
nue,road. or alley of said City,unless tIle driver tl18reof js in
cl1arge of and accompanies the samG,or unless SUCh animal be se-
curely hi tChl1d.., to a.hi tCh weigrlt or hi tohing pos~;nor Shall any
vetLi cle, horse,mu1.o, or animal be perrn1 t ted to stand upon any
boulevard ,avenue, street, road or alley, to the obstru(~t ion aI'
8treet 11ra:t!t!i C <e
trle saIl1e .01" to tl'1O inconvenience of travel_-
Seetion .No",2)_ No one Shall use,d.de on or Jump upon any vehicle
wi tJ:lOut tlle consent of t118 driver or oVlnf}r, antt no person WI'len r 1.d.'f'"
ing shall allow any part of the body to protrudebeyond tl18 I1mt ts
of the verliele,nor Enal1 any person 11 Ell1g onto any vehtcle VllJ1at-
Seetion No..21h No person shall drive a vfmicle loaded with iron
or other mater1.al likely to produee a grea.t armoytng sound,wi thout
using proper deadening Substances.. No person shall operate or run
any automol)iJ e ,motorcycle or otrlar vehiclfJ propelled ():>' gasoline
or other explosive substanee ,Witllout Sucl1 autOInobj.le ,mot,orcyjele
or vehiclE) have a mUftIeI' so at tached and connected trwrewi th as.
to d.eaden the sound produceCL by the 9Jelplosion of material used..
for prope ling the same II provided" ,however, such rnuf'fl0r may be
disconnected or "Cut outll for a distance not exe€'eding one-11alf
bloCk from tl1e place where said ali tomobU e 113 kept or [lOused,,,,,
Section .Ho.2.5~ Every automobile ,When oJ.':lorated upon. any public
street ,avenue ,alley or road" shall carry between ttl.e time of one
hour after sunset ,a.nel one hour before sunrise, ,at least one
11gl'lted lamp. showl.ng whlte,visable at least two In;mdred feet
in the dlre~tion toward.. Which the automobile is proceed1ng,a.nd
shall also ex:tl1bi t at least one red llght vi.s:tblo jn the reVEJrse::
dlrection~ All motorcycles,bicycles,tr1cYCles,and velocipedes,
wllile in use on the streets Javenues ,alleys or roads 'between the
hours of suywet and sunI'j so>, shall display one o:r more lights on
the outstd.e of SUCh vehicle, so as to be distinctjly visible one
hundred. feet from the front_.
Section No..26.. It Shall be the duty of every person drlving a
motor ve.l'11cle upon tbe utreets of saiid 01 ty, between one hour
after sun~~set ,and one flOur before sun-"riso., to, llave the head...
lights of SUCh vehicle_so focused and dlreeted.cthat the upper-
most raya of said light shall not be elevated".lIlore than six feet
above the surface of a level roa~way , at a.. pOirLt 100 feet ahead
of th.a lamp,noX' Shall trie center ray or main ~,haft of such head
light be so directed as to deviate ,under lJ11Y eircumstances,
to tile left of a.. line directly a:tlead and parallel wi th tbe line
of such vehicle.. All sueJ:l :head'c-11gnts shall be so <timmed by
street Traffic.
be ing sui table shaded or oovered.. tl1a t tIlere Sl'lall not be a g1ar1ng
or dazzling (~ffect therefll1om.
Section 1To.27. Every au tomorJlle ,motor car ,motorcycle J or II~otor
truck in UHB UT)OYl tV19 !';tx'eets of G.r""ld leil nd N b k h 1J
~ .I' l - v..! . ,~~ a . " era sa, sa. 11a v e
attached trwreto a gong,bell or horn,or some adequate sJgnal in g
good worktng order,and of tIle proper size and charaeter suffjclent
to give warning of the approach of such vehicle,car,englne or
mac11ine to pedestrIans ,and to riders and drivors of ot,her vehi~.
cles,and to persons entering or leaving cars; but such gongs,
bells ,1101'ns ,and oUler signals srJall not besoulldEJ(L, except WIHm
necessary to give warning; PROVIDED, triat no such gongtbell,horn
or other signal sllall produce a sound. unusually loud ,annoying
or of a distressing Character, or sueIl as will frigl1ten pedes~"
trians or an1r!lals, or produce extreme noises ~aa If Sirenalf or slm..
iIar instruments,tl1at produce unusually loud. ,annoying or dis-
tressing sOlmds; PROVIDJ)iDFUR'rI-fER ~ trJa t tIllS section Shall not
apply to public ambulances, vehicles belonging to rtltnm, fire or
. police department 13 of the 01 ty ,or vehicles required to respond
to alarm of f ire or other emergency calls.<
Sect'ion No.2B. Every person operat:Lng a motor vehicle on the pub.r
lie streets,avenues,alleys,or roads withj.n the City, Shall drive ~
the same in a careful and prudent lna:rm(~r,and at a ra:te of speed,
that Sball not endanger Ule property of another or the life or
limb of any person or persons; provided that Uw drr1vlng in
excess of the following rates of speed. for a distance of mote
Ulan two hundred feet Shall be presumptive evidence of dr:Lving
at a rate of' speed 'Which 1s not careful ancl prUdent,to-wit:
TWelve (12) miles an hour,witllin. the limits of t118 City 01'
Grand U31and ,Nebraska; PROVIDE'D ,hOwelter , that upon approaching
an lntersec,tlon of streets ,anotl'1er vehicle, or an animal or a
person ~ trIO person ope:rating SUCh motor vehicle SWfiLl reduce tn,s
speed., of such vehtcle,to a rate not over eight (8) miles,and Shall
not exeeod SUCh speed..unti1J. entirely pazt Such interestt10n of
streets, ven.iele, or person or animal; PROVIDJ1'D RURTHER, tria t the
SpeeQ,lim1t9~this section Shall not apply to police or fire
vehicle , or ambulances w11Em answering emergency calls, demanding
sxcess lve speed.
street Traffic.
SGetion .No.29. No person shall drive any pUblic or pr:lvate
au tomobile ,motor car ,motorcycle or other aelf-prOpellQ~ ve-.
11101e wno is less than slxteen years of age..
Section No..30. Two persons Shall not be permi ttod. to rlnTEB
on any motorcycle, not constructecL witXl seats to carry two people.
Section NO.31". pedestrians in crossing the streets of this
CitJ.I' , shall cross tIle SaIll.f":t only at street intersections ,and they
6hall go at right angles to the side of the stro(;)t,and shall not
cut corners or pass diagonally over Huoh street intersect1.ons..
Section No..32. No person Shall damage,injuro,interfere witll,
molest or break any part of any stand ,construction or sign
placed in street in tersections , corrunonly known as "1)ununy P()llcemen".
Section No.33. NO person Shall drtve any ~hic18 past or around.
a~'DUInr[lyPolicemanlt, any other way tIlan bJr keeping on the righ.t
llanO. slde of such lIjJilllllllY policeman".
Section NO..34-. That it Shall be the duty of tlJe Police Depart-
men t of the Ci ty of Grand ISland ,NebraSka" to enforce all the
provisions and terms of this Ordinance,and to that end,every
person driving ,operating or propelling any vehicle shall stop,
th,e sam,e immediately upon the reqv.est or upon tlle signal tJ1'om
a police officer,such signal to be gi'k>>en by the officer raising
his ha:nd or club,or blowing a whistle.
Section No.55. Any person,firm or corporation violating any of
the provisions of this Otldlnal1ce Shall be dsenlf3dguilty of a'
misdemea.nor ,and upon conviction threaf Shall be finseL in any
sum not less thanf one dollar ($1.00) ,nor more than Fifty' Dollars;;
( ~~,50" 00) ..
Section NO.36" All Ord1.nances or ff.t'ts of Ordinances in confLlct
rwrewi ttl are hereby repealed) ~
~rhls Ordinance 6rlall be In full force and effect,
from and after its pa'-ssage,approval and publication cHi'required.L
by law.
Passed. and approved.. this 4-" day of April A.D~1917.
Attest: Charles G"Ryan,
H.E~Cljfford., 08ea10 Mayor.
City Clerk
OrdJnance No.61.j.3.
Be 1 t Ordained by thfJ Mayor and C1t;y Council
of the C1 ty of Grand ISland ~N(.;braska:
Section No.. 1. Trmt all twelve foot. streets and alleys extond.~
ing tlu'ougll the Grand Island cemetery grouncls in Section ~To.Tw(-mty'
NinFJ ([29) in Townsllip No..Eleven (11) ,North ,miL Bange No.Nine (9)
west of the 6ft P.. M.. ,1<nown as t11e Old Cemetory,running from North
to Sou t.:t1 , Shall be vacated as dr'j:veways..
Section No..2:.. Such vacated streets and alleys shall 11orel'!1:'t(-:lr
be lmovm as 1ft A If lots ,and shall be deslgnatecL. by trle number of'
the lot lying east thereof, with the addition of the letter "A~,
thus Lot NO..ili -1 A~,and so on..
See t t on No.. 5."
The Oi ty Clerk is llereby autl'lOrlz'ect to sell
such lots for tho Bum of $10..00 ,anel Shall lSBue certifjcatefJ
therefor, the sarne as is done in the saile of other cemetery lot 8..
provlded:"however, t:tla t up to and including trle first day of lVlay
1918, persons now owning lots or~ts of lots adjaCent to and
and east of said WAd 10ts,sha11 have the first right to buy and
pay for said adjoining lot.. In the event that the person or
persons now owning lots or parts of lots adjaCent to and east
of said "AIf lotS,fail to buy and pay for said lots,on or before
the first day of May 19l8,then the persons owning the lots west
of such "A" lots shall have the first right to bUY the srone,
under the Barile terms as are offejred
lying east thereof.
t.he owners of lots
Section No.4.
In the event that the owners of the lots lying
east and west of said said vacated streets,and alleys do not
avail themselveliL, of the privileges granted tllem in Section No.
3 of this Ordinance ,to buy said new lots ,then such new lots
shall be sold to the public generally ,after the first day of
So much of' Ordinance No..220 and 22lt,and tIle resolution aclopted
by tile 01 ty Counell on the BIl day of June l89<7,pertaining to
the vacation of alleys in said Cemetery is hereby repealed~,
'I'lLiS Ordinanc:e fillaII be in foree and take effect from and after
its passage,approval and pubLication as provid(3d by law_,
passed and approved this l~th day of April ,A.n ..1917..
Attest :
( Seal)
Charles G..Ryan,
H~E.Clifford, City Clerk.
Ordinanee No.645_
$a.lar 1!;1s
Be 1t Ordained by the Mayor and 01 t,y Council
of the Ctty of Grand Island,Nebraska.
Se(~tion .No..L. That th(;~ sa:larioEI and compensation of the various
off leers' and employees of the 01 ty of' Grand rSland.,Nebrc'l,ska,6[la1l
be as follo'Ws~::
l'.he Mayor Shall rece lve a. salary ot' Pi ve Humlred l)ollars;
($5.00.00) per anm.un,pa~rable quarterly..
Each Councilman Shall receive a. salary of !'WO Hundred Dollars::
(~~~OO.OO) per annum,payal1le quarterly.
The 01 ty Clerk Shall receive a salary aI' One 'l'houaand Dollars
(~;lOOO.OO) per annum,payable monthly.
The C1 ty Treasurer Shall recei va a sa:l::l;.riT of Four Hundred
Fifty 1)ollars; ($~.50.00) per annum, in addition tb.el'et9, th.8
sum of' One Hundred Fift.y Dollars ($150..00) per anmllil" for
colleoting a.ll paving taxos,and paving assessments,wllich
may Game into his hands,payable monthly.
T118 City Attorney S11.all receive the I:H1.1ary of Four Hundred
Dollars ($400,,00) per annu1'l,paytt"ble monthly.
, The police Magistrate Shall receive a salary of Thirty~eigh.t
Dollars ($38,,00) per montha
The Clliet' of police shall receive a salary of J~igllty~<>ftve
Dollars ($8.5.00 )po:r month for the first six mont:as of aerv.ice;
after 118Ning served a.s SUCh officer for a period of six months,
he Shall receive Ninety Dollars~,('90.00) per mont!l; and aftar
having sorved as sueh officor for a period of ona year ,.tll~ Shall
rece 1 va lHnety~fiV'e Dollars ($9.5.00) per 1110n th; and after llav-
ing served as such officer for eighteen months,he Shall receive
One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per month thereafter. NO other
fees or other compensation Shall be paid him. Any fees in
Grimlnal or other c:mSf..H3;,Vayable to SU.CJ~l officer, aXIall be turnedu.
into trie City l'rea..sury,and cJ!edited to the Police Jj"'und..
Eanl1 patrolma.'1 s:t1all receive the salary at' Sixty-fi va Dollars
per month for the first six monthS of' service. After having
serlfed._ six monthS ,11e shall receive Seventy Dollars; (~no.OO) per
mon th for the next s.ix mon t.he;; - and after having served.;" for one
year,he Shall receive seventy-five Dollars:, ($75.00) per montl1
Salar tail
ther8afte~,and no other roes or other compensation as t'eea,Shall
1)8 paid [dIn. Any fees in cr:Lminal or otllsr cases, payable to suCh
ot'f'ieer,s:nal1 be turned into trle City Treasury,and credited to the
pol ice T<'und..
l'he weighmaster shall :receive a salary of Forty :Dollars (9~l+0.OO)
per month.
The Janitor of the City Hall shall receive a salary of Forty-Five
Dollars per mon tlh
The C1 ty Engineer shall rece-! va a salaTY of Fi va Doll~ ( .5,.00 )
per day for the time actually employedl. in tile service: of tIle 01 ty,
payable upon bills duly presenteQ.
The Sexton of the Cemetery shall receive a salary of Seventy-flve
Dollars (~~75. 00) perl' montl'l ,a.nd s118:11 furnish the service of ono
team to bE! 11S8eL tn cnnnection with trle work in triG Cemetory,with-
ou t add! ti onal compenscvti.oTI..
TItf? Chief' of tlte }l1irf! tlfJpart:ment ~rJ.a11 receivo a salary at' Eigllty-
fj.ve Dollars~ ($85.00) per month tor tIH.: first six montl'u.~, an.G.
Nlnety Dollars ($90..00) peX' montIl t11E~reafd)!t2ru.
Eaorl Fireman of the paid Fire Department Sllall rc~cetVt) a salar~l
of THxty=ofive Dollars~ (~p65)&00) per month for the first six monUls
of serv-iC8. Af't(;>I' lH:t'V\ing served, stx months, hr:.! 8I.tal1 receive seven-
ty Dollars ($70..00) pc;.)r month for t11e nextl: six months; and. af't'er
D.a;vtng aervedfor one year ,he shall I€~eive 8eventy-five Dollarl:l.
( 75.. 00) per mon t:l:l thereafter..
TIle Salar;y of ttlG street COll1missicmer shall 'be Sev(::nty.-fivfJ Dollars
)(175.00) per month..
T.he Water and Lig11t Commiss ioner ,and Sewer Inspeotor sllall recf.d.ve
a sala-ry of One Hund.red Ten Dollars.(~~llO.OO) per Iftontl1..After .hav-
ing servod. two years iI1.! t.hat office ,he srlall rece i ve 8.1 salany of
One Hundred- Twenty~five Dalla-a (~~125/..00) per month tlwreafter.
Clerks in the Water and Ii1ght Cormnissioner's office shall be pa:idv'
a salary to be determJnecL'upon ,from tJ'1nt;8 to timo, by trle Commt ttee
on Watf3T amI Light ,not exeeeding Two 'j)ollarJi:L (~~?. 00) per day.
Trle Chief Engineer of tIle Wat,er and. I.ight Deprtment 6[la11 receive.?
a;i sa.lary of On e Hund.red lJollars (~~lOO.. 00) per lnon tlh
F,ac!l add.itional engineer of the Water and Light Plant Shall reeo1V.e
a salary of Ninety DolJars (~~90.00) per montll..
Each :Firema1'1 employed. in the Water and Light plant slla1} rec€livQ
ch sa;:Lary 01' sevent;}t Dollars: ($70400) per 11l0ntrh
EaCft Inside Wireman in the Electric Light !Hjpartment shall receive
not to exceed_ Forty Cants ($~~O) per hour~.Each Helper in the
:Electric-; r...1.ght Department sI1all rEH:-:etve not to exceect TwEmty- Cents
( $ ..20) per fJOur..
DiggenJ Shall reee1.'n.~ not to exceed.L Twenty-seven a:nd one...half Cents
('~275) per hour..
Each I,lneman in trte mnploy of tIle Electric r.lg1rt Department sflall
reCelV(0 a'salary ,not to exceed., Eighty Dollars' ($80..00) per month
for tlw first six months,a1'1(l not to exceed Ninety Dollars: (90..00)
per month thereafter..
Tl'le C1 ty Physlciml SflB,ll receive a aalary of Four Hundred; Dollars
($400..00) per amlYlum ,payable monthly~
O!'clinaneoll No..525 and 5/92,an(1 SE!ct:ion No..2 of' Ordi.nancH No..4.31
are h.erpby ropealed...
sectlorr No ~2.. This OrcLinarm Shall 1m In force and take effect
from and a1~.ter its passage~approval and publi.eatJon as provideili
by law...
PaBsedand approved..tl'lis 9" dajT of' Apri.l,A..n..1917..
A t test ( seal) Cllarles G ..Rya.n,
Il.E ~ Clifford..,
C 1 t;)r Clerk..
Ordinance No.655.
An OrdinaUG8 prollibi ting the d~rivi:ng,llauling,operating or using
of trCtctlon engiIles::, trucKs, vehicles or heavy maChines having lugs,
flanges or ribs on its tires or wheels, on the Paved streets of'
Grand Island,NebI'cH3i(a,and prohibi.ting the dr1vlng,hauling,operatlng
or using of trucks J traction cmgines ,vehicles or Ileavy machines~
weighing over 4000 pounds and equipped wi tll i,ron ,metal, steel o:r
other hard, surfa,oe material tires or wheels upon tn,e paV€dH streets
and alleys of the City of Grand Island,Nebraska ,and providlng a"
penalty therefor.
Section No.1.
It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to
drive,haul,operate,transport or use witrlin the corporate limits
of the City of Grapd !sland,Nebra'S:ka',upon tiw paved_c streets a.nd
allOYS of sad,a City,any traction englne,truck,vehjCle or heavy ma,-;-
chirws' having lugs ,flanges or rj_bs, on its tires or wheels:provided,
tria t wrlere 1 t 1S necessary, shell paved_ st.reet or alley may be lUWd.~
for travel by: such engines,trucks,vehicles or maChines by first lay-
ing plaT:lkS of sufficient stre:ngtrl and trlickness tr18reon to proteet
tho paying from 1n,jury,or by removing tIW lugs ,flanges, or ribs
frodH the t 1res of the wheels of said eng1.nes! trucks, vehj oles. or
machines and equ:l.pping said vmeels wi th a soft material tire..
section No.2.
It Shall 1f!:~ unlaw1'ul for any person or persons to
drJve ,h,aul ,pperate or use~_ upon any parved street or alley in the
Oi ty of Grand Island ,NebraS:ka,an.y traction engine, truclc, vel'd.cle or
1'toavymachines weighing more t11arl 4000 pounds and l)oing equipped
- ,.:}ti th iron, steel ,metal or oUler !lard:"surface--material tires or wlleels
Section NO..3. Any person convicted of violating this act
shall be fjnedp not less than Ten l)ollars al1d not more than Fifty
Dollars for each offense and shall pay all damages done to thE:
highway a:nd the costs of pros8cmtion.
Section No.4,.
Thl s OrdiYlanc~e Shall take effect and 1)e Jr1 force
from and after its passa~8,approval and publtcation,as provideCL
by law.
passed~an(l approved this 15" day of August, 1917.
Attest (Seal) J.I,.Cle~ry,
City Clerk. /'