1916 Ordinances (2)
Ord1nanoe N'o.6l0.
PranOhise, C1J3&Q)Ui.CO
An Ord.lncmoe granting the rigl'1t of way and ttu9 rigl'lt
to thS Ctlloago,nurl1ngton &; Qulncy Railroad Company to construct
maintain and operate a standard. Ra.ilroad Track over and across
Plum street, Tillrd street,oak Street and Kimball Avenue, and tIle
Alleys in 1310c1<:s Fifty-One (51) and F1fty-TwO (52) of tile Original
Town of Grand Island,Hall County,tlebraska; And Two standard
Railroad Tl"aclcs over a.nd aeross Vine street in said 01 ty of
Grand ISland.
It 1$ Ordained by the Mayor and Oi ty OOUl1.cl1 of tl1e
City ot Grand Island,lIall County,Nebraska..
seotion One.
Tl1at there is 11ereby granted to tIle C111cago ,Burlington
& Q,uincy Railroad Canpany the right at way and tIle r1grlt to
construct,malntain and operate a standard railroad track over and
aoross that part of PltUIl street not lleretot'ore ~acated betwG8n tllG
North ha.lf (1ft) at 131001;;:s No.seventy-One (71) and seventy-two( 72 );
Over a.nd aCI'OES Tnird street betVf(jHn Lot One (1) in Illoolc No.
seventy-One (71) ,and Lot Ifo.Seven (7) in nloCl<: No.Fifty (50);
over and across Oalc streGt between the nortrler1y part of J",ot No.
Five (5) in D100l<: No.Fitty-One (51) ro1U the Easterly end of alley
1n Dloele liO.Fitty-T\'10 (52); over and across K1mball Avenue between
tIle Vlest end of alley 1n Block No.Flt'ty....~"Wo (52) ',1.n<1 t119 sout!l
east corner of Lot One (1) in .Block Uo.F1fty-Tllree (53) ; in tIle
8,11ey in 131oc1<:13 No. Fifty-One (51) and Fifty-T\lfo (52) ;and two
standard railroad tracl\:S over and [tcrous Vine street b(;;twenll trle
t'fotth Halt (R;';') ot J.lot No.Jf1ve (5) in DloCk No.Fit'ty (50) .and the
Horth Half (N;!;-) ot Lot no .:U:1ght (8) in Bloclc No.F1+'ty-One (51);
all of the lots and above referred to being in tIle Original
Tovln of Grand Island ,lfebraslca.
Sectic"n ~10.
ThiS Ore11nance 1/3 }JaGGed and approved. on the oondition
and with the understanding tnat the Cl11cago.nurllngton 8:; o,uincy
Railroad COlllpany shall oause to be dE~dleated to tl1e pUl)liG. or to
the City of Gra,nd Ialand,Nebraaka,a. roadway for publiO travel
forty (l~O) fHet 1n width ontheIJortheasterly a1de of and ad.jo1ning
a line c:1",-wm frOtl the SQutJleas'tGrly corner of !.lot no.One (1) in
131 cOl<: lio.SGVenty-One (11) &1.f1.U tlH1 nort~la.!lterly corner ot tIle
east'rl~" tl1ird of Lot lTO.T'ilO (2) in l:>loClc Nc.Seventy-One (71)
ot t11e Ortglnal Tovm of Gra,net Islcl,nd,ana s:nall put tHe saIne in
condition for publiC tra..vel ,a.t'ter "'1'11(:1'1 the Same s11&..11 be
[1;CCepti!C1. h:' trle 01 ty of' Gra,nil ISland as one ot.' tIle streets.
Section 1'hree.
T!11s Ordinance is jjafH;ed. ana apljroved on tile furtller
conditio'l and vIttI1 tl1e understanding tllat tl1e said Crd,oa..go,13ur-
lington .Pll 0p.lnc;'l Rallre>ad Companyal'lall c(Jnatruot and pay for trIG
cC'llstruct1on at a perItlanent stl'eet orossing at tIle northerly end
of tI10 l-'og(iway provided for in Hectlou TwoCJf tl11s OrcUnance.
T!l~ 01 ty of Gr(~!,nd. ISland reserves for 1 taalf ami. tor a.ll
publiO s'3:'~llce oorpora tlons and tl1E~ir suocessors in Said 01 ty t t:ne
right to la,v,construct ,repair fJ.,nd malnt[:l,in t:nrough tIle alley's
in said ::31ocks No.Flfty-One (51) and F1fty-~,o (52) ,and along
;,:t.nd. throu';s21 all streets aCJ.~OL;S v!ll.iOl1 st1.1Q. traclcs are bull t ,pipes
or conduito UOOtt :Cor Oe\>'1er purposeS,d.ra,.,lHage,~1;aa,11g11t,telephone,
or water ;y:xi'poses ,anO. rurt1'ler reserve tIle rlt:;11t to use SEl.ld alleys
:C or all Dt::ler pn.blie utl11 ty pl:trposes \liuoh..:ay be de81.1e<l necessary
Should it 'bGICOmG neceooary to ohange,alter or lilOve pole 11nes in
s,dd. o.1113:13,the expen.se 01: sucn Change SJ.ll'.'tJ..l 'be borne b~l t119 said
CI11cago,Jl:l!'llngton & qp.lncy H8..ilroaa. Company, Arry alteration
f ounu. n908ssary to be GaCla 1n tl1E~ Flan-ll01es OO1l1l.eoted \li tll tl1e
poneI' piP3S or in the water tlydranto In said alleys or streets t
by reaSD21 of tile construet1rm of ae,id. tra.clCfl,SlHitll be lila-de at tl'J.e
expenee 01' the said Ctllcago ,13ttrlington g~ Quincy .l1a11road Conpa..ny.
Sect1nn Pou.r.
T:l i s Ordinance j. s p~t13sed and approved on the tu.rtller
eondlti::m and tIlth the unclerst(71,11d1ng t:'tc.tt t.he sald City ot Grand.
Island 1:13,Y ,wtHmever rH~ClaBJJarJr ,for the purpoae of repairing or
tria new C0l1str1.1ctlon ot SUCl"l' neWGr :;1pes or water ma1ns now placed
in said alleys or \1mle11 m~y )'lereafter 'be placed tll.ere1n, excava hi
in said alleys ,a;nu tIle ad.d.ltlonal expanse of said '!flork C,'Lt1.S€0d by
trle t "aC:~3 plaoed. in ea!"- aJ.leYB by said Ra11road Conpt:ulY sha,ll lHt
'borne b;:l t;le said C!liCEt,go,:!3urlington &: q,uincy Railroad. Company.
Section Five..
~L'J.ie said Chlcago,J3vrlington & Q,uinoy Ra11road Corupany
S118,ll place orossings in s'Uc!'totrOGtfl over w1'11011 said tracts S111'111
be laid .01: suOh a character tnat r:a:y be from time to time order(:7d
'by the 01 ty Council of' the Cl ty of G:tand ISland. Gald oroao+ngs
however, to be no lOGO tIlan totty (tJ.O) teet in length.
Seattorl Six.
~P111s ord1nance 111 passeQ. 8,11.(1 appl"ti'ift1U 011 tile tUi"tl'J.er
condition ana. w'ltll the understr;u1dlng tIlat trH1 C111oago,Durllngton
& Q,uinoy Railroad Company oiE:dl oonstruct in t1:'l(~ alley in said
nlook No.Fltty-Two ( 52) a permanent paveL/ant ot the :full width
of said alley,Col1Sisting ot a five (5) :tl1Cl10.onrlo1"ete 'base witl1
a surfaoe of 1nlt1"ltlec1 paving lrl:'lol~ and. topped T:'11tll asp:i:lalt t111er,
buil t in good v.forkmanl ike luarmer under the (U:t'~ct1on at tl1e City
Council of Grana Island,Nebranka..
uectlon Seven:
Tille Ordinance 1.8 pafH;9d. and app:rmrtld on tIle furtIH:r
and \'11 th tIle underr3 t.anding
a,t tIH~SI,1_1d C11ioago,Dur-
l1ngton & Qjuincy Ra:Uroad COEAJ(:t,n.y 131Ha.l1 EJave (W.d. lceep llaruJ.less
trIa 01 ty of Grand ISland trom all clair:.;J3 for d.aJ.'lage"juagments or
oosts aw'a.rded a{!;ainst 1 t or 'tYle so,le.1. T1al1roa!", Cnmpany by reason
of the r1f:~11 ts l1ere111'be:tore f~:'c(~!lrtG(I.
sect1cn J.U.f.l',1tt.
This OrdinancH s11a11 1m 1n full force [;.,nc1 effeot from
and atter 1 to passage ,approval a:nd publioation as requLrod
by lavl.
Passed and approved thlS o1f day of liarCl1,A.n.1916.
( Beal)
Charles G.Ryan,lI,ayor,
II. E. Cl1ff' .01"11,01 ty Cleric.
TIH~ above and foregoing Ordinance 1To.610 1J'1'r:iS publiShed In the
Grand Ialand f Indepenltent on the 9" da:.! 0:1:' Earcll 1916 and the
same is novI in full toroe and eft'ect. At~
Grand ISland,Neoraalca,Faroh llj.lfl916. C1~.
Ordinance 1>1'0.612.
Fire Lim! ts.
An Ordll13.l1Ce extending tl1e tire 11m! ts in the 01 ty of Grand
Ia1a,nd,~re1Jra.Blca,(:Uld add.lng Fractional Block lrO.Eighty-N1.ne
( (9) of. 'tl18 Original Town,now city of Grand !aland,NebraSl::a.
to Bf:J,icl l:1.:nito.
De 1 t Orda,lnecl by theI:ayor and Oi ty Counc 11 of the
OJ. ty ()f GrSi,nd IS la.nu ,N ebraSl;:a.:
Section 1.
711i),t Fractional Dloele lfC.:E:igklty-nlne ((:;9) Of t:l1e Orlg1nal
ti~own,ncw ~~1 ty at Grand ISland be placeu \11 tilin tIle tire
1 ~l,...r to
.. . L"J. . J)
tIle 01 ty of Grand ISlancl,and said Blocl< is
nWf..o oUlJ,j ent to all provisions 01' tIle law and tile Ordi-
nances (;1 fl;i.l(l 01 ty pe.rtal:ling to buildings Wl tllln tIle
fire limitD.
Seoticn 2.
Tl!.:1.S OrC:U.T':::"nce Slla.ll be in force and ta}.;:e e:t't'ect from and
~.fter i tcoaBSa&'8 aoproval and .pvJ:Jlication as .'p' rovldGd b:v.~
~ J ~_~.~,~.. -,.,.
Pansccl ~:',nd approv(~d
tl1is 15" day at Earoh,A.D.l916.
( 00"'1)
V \,.. (,,f,;
CJ1.arles G.Ryan,
H. Ii:. C1Lf.'ford.,
C1 ty Clerl~.
01"".1:na::J.CH lfO~tS2ij..
l\.l~el\.4 ~~lC'6o' lfJ~'~l_f..
it'll O);'t1,',rHh.nQ~ J;l;),enaii.rt~ O;tall1.a,ilO:~ r(),.600.p~QVla."n, tOlt' lU'!!
(}.........J T:tr. ,j'. :1 t~n ~.;.... 'I' ",\'''''''' !l:f...~"f....1,.;AI". '.,.!t}T'. . "'..'
~ ~"",., ,J"Vi 14 _""'" ,~,.- -,J,. ';t..~ - 'J'ol ,")',.4'~ J~'..., ~, J.l ,.- _ - ii;,'
}'lr-..e.,ill' !;.,.1'1~.J.... "ft'''.1->.'!- "1'. t..,/, 0,/1< ..1""'.....,.1,,.,"'.
_ _ _" _ ........'4< ~ ~J'I .~...4W'- V __~,:.' L.,. 4,- ~4i'~4\14
'r' i>' 'i""11t~ 1<rb"""''''3",,:,'b'~).
..LJ.....~,-{_>>4- "to ,-.L~ r.).-~t~--~n_~t~'f:~.~
1)~ 1 t C'rq1:(J,e~ 1l:~r th~ t_:,tor e.X'td
('Il;!'J. 4"'1" ~
Co{.tti.q~,l C)1"" the 0#":1
OJ;~ 11:t"'HJnd t~l.r;.'!,nt1ttlj\e~llek:t1'\ jt
o.\SQt1o:c ;:g'1,;')."lJ
'rn4t a~tJtj,cm~%o.l ot a:;c~ln!t~(litt N'Ht6Q~
iij h$:"(}11Y~M'!naec. to: r~,;.\!l :~.!$ ~'olJ,o~r~a
~'t,inl~ 1$ t:,s;'~bjt laV'j.!3d uy.}on eater!. ;J!,:ml~J"f;H~J' 'paWf':HJfl
C:.1.1':r,:.'ing on ttlH 111:n.Llncf~not Ha1Ik:1ng;~:t.1'j;d "~tft.~.rt~ ',n tha ~U~~r
cf U~Hn<1 tpl~:tn4, N'eb!'a.~J{.i:\ .~n O~<)uJJa' ton t~ :ill ~:tia Sf. ot"'
11'1 "(i)j}()llLir.a (~,. 00) tor i;H$.C:l'l
$V$l";\[ da~:;.t11at13nell pe~'{)n
.1..cI:\\.... . ,>",",',>'y".''''' 5~~ the'" ,,..,~.'ct-t.l'\""fl:"" {\.,:/' M.,"}',r'"",- 0' t'''''' Ti....t'li') '~nfl'l..,., r" 'I". t'I.'li'+V
...lilI ,,,,..It.'J>t;.!,,,.\~ "".,r,..,..... V....i;,I,1,,~..'.Hj,.~Vr: n.J:I,[d;'...,..I.<:.,\ d;J. ';';~Jl.4{"'~.",;;~,,/. ~~a.4~." "'!J,.V,J,
b~f :;;'t:r~f:J;ilfb:r llal'lpJ.a.oy ti~1n~orc\t$r'n r;,r OtllOl:-W1Ja; tzn4 tor the
~p:tU.~ p;);Ja or 'tll1~ Ot,'~Ha;\~ .~\1.;f p,1raon t~t),V'{)l
l'..,..om houie to
hOU$~ 111 tJ~J.1iJ Cl.t;y,')}~poaJ.nt~ ();t' o.fr~tr:Lng l'l)J: ~1;1)ta fletJ.o(t.b~\l"t~)!
or I.)XQhan.L~-{a tft l1n'tal1,anjt ~oot.l~.'\;J'~'lt(lS,t(H;lr.al1~lttl,H,$~ c$"arti.la.
of fj,ny ~~i.nc. siia;ll b~ t.:tJt~t1 d;$€i;UBd t.(;l ty~ ;}, 1'!4(1a.:1J).:l.".
Pro\f1dGd tl'l1a, t a,llY p~,r$O!:l WbJ) <:;;!'1"in'z;Ct111tJ.ti()tatt(.1~tl5 (;)1/
O't:tlt$t' Vi.lletablC1;J fto.'),
~\;;;d..1.ro~~q, a~f ilrtout~rt to ~a.:l.Q (\l.t"
Sh.a.ll pay a. 't~ ot 1l;l1J~ !h:)ll;:~r!Jj ($,J, or) )
ea.j;~ to,..... e~<.;h
oar ~o 'IJ;t ought lutoSa,lCl Clt;:l.
~le'C t 1. 0.':. J.ft'- ~ ih
~~llY' pGl'$on w:1W pli)d;J.loS fruIt ..
pot.a.'tQ01 OJ" otl'l,~r v~s:~taljJ.:;)fl t)."O-:JL~~t to Qrandl$1~n41n
:t"al1roa,u. GUit'H ,rOI~ \'1hletl oar ~l ,~ ot Flv~ Dollars. hid ~$n
1>&1(1 "t:t.iJ pl'o'V'i.dt.Ju b;7 a~ot:Lon If<h, 1 Jl~):!$01"fSltk1,11 :p~y a t_
(It 'J]i10 DOJ.lm"'s (~2 .OQ ) pi:JI' \J.2-tyto't p~f1(lJ,lngtlJ,a @ont:$U'j()'t
$a1d oa..1".an4 ;?Jh.all 1)0 ax()r-tpt t);'(')ll1, t.tlo p)i'oYl.iol'1.. of se~'lon
~fo.l..ber~ot ,lPl"01141ng for 't;t}.e pa;rm$n't ot -. t~ ot ,1V$
~oll~r$ per ~al.
Jt,;'CtV~\!t&d,f'u:rtf'ti:!:rt tI1;~tt:t1Ji~ Or"altar\~~ "t~~:U.. n~~ $;1>prt,
to :.p€<:t~()ln}} ~ilJj.l~1~~;. ;th~1~> t"W(~i tOtJ~~Ol'102t" .~()Q<<~,r!Or to ~.
~"l" '1.(~1'~' ;:: c..-t lC'i '4 -).,.,. t.-,
.'iff. (). .. '" ~.rt.J. l'iI~,,,,,,,,~.,~i'.... ",11
1:'/:; t[id. 2.
or otll~r t~.'t'f(t
P:t'()(;.u~e l.;"fH,j.~e~~ wj;t!~41'l a l'a;o.!U&ttr
_+"1~'~\-';'1-il!>';'\VfJ~... <{,i>l.-".~?t')
...;~tJ!.\;,M.,,'-" (A,t;' .....,.;~ t \';0.
lAil~~ of
t..bt;,,~ C~'b'i
Y'H);t to tt~v~l.J.~;nt~ f~,g~,ntu ;iiCf;? ~thCa.fJfl;;'!;,3.~ :U::.'l'ilH~ ('.{!f),linz 'tQ (t!it~j...1t1
on1:! J l'i:l.>~" to J:.1.\wX'Ql"4~flt'! EjJl!J. tl1':~ttni..Ji1 f;e).)..l1'lgt)t~~l~ own (~O(WJlJ ~n
tl1etu7 t'UGU, pJ,r4Q(l1j!. (';;1" "nUU1HtW$>~ In .ehn raf:-t,l:la.l1 ,tH,nl:!ion (j~ 'u~UI'~3,
;Q\U."'!$G o;f btlV;I..rH:tj;,~I;I.tiorti;J b-U;r j/OttiiCrl pe:!.lln,..!.: his O'llm .'tm;t~1 ()~
n.vt:'......~.(...'V....t.t...oi_...(..r.'.~C>' ""&l",~''1'''d>t't',.,~,~A 'in +tl"ld ~4~',,, ......."''\-.. ,11<("',
,~ \.J,~"1Y ..,.4....., .p .J','~:4~* t::lt....... " ...+ '~",.'" ...., '~,*,...oiX;,~ 'JIl."'" -At.; ,.k'\;o.','!lor -~~.....
"r.~~p '/r'
.v ~'.~ ;ts;"., ,~,-+~
~~111ng \1.:A;"(,~'.ff4t;l,ox:~~l ;)1.' 11 t'l.:'j:ftj{jy j,;I;.bl~.Qr;vt~orH~,!"iC~' 1;.0 In,U,J)J,.I:1!,).
.(:l.J.~$ elf rOJN)}glo(Jltt-61~ G;l:'Ul'}:t"'~g~~e~.
l?l'oyj;{j.&(l ;tul'ttl&t' th;;:\.'~ this Ot(l\,in~iJl\)1iJ ~~~1a.3.1 nr.>t (tpr;l:f
to pt:rp onn $ngf:...ge4 in 1't'l. '~lI):r""f; ta t~ ('hJ~;<'l,;~&r ~tl ;,;t t t11.~ t, 2Jl1:>t!W'1'tfJn
l!l'u.a1'1~~c>o(:i,$,wal'ea OJ: aat~llar~CJ.l$~ $d;"tf (J;Ct4i;li'l"!f)a, :f. o~'r;~f.l~.
O(7Q'" i on t~Q.> .aQc'tt.:i.Qn~ lre,.l o.:rltl
. i? (':rQ,.ait'I~"1.(.."6
!1'c.606~3'~ HerO\)y ropet1.:'M..:u.,
1\l:d.$ (J~Q,ina;lCG ~hi.u.... beth 1";tJ.l1 to:i....C{~ r~nq. &J."'ftlCt
tr-"Otil atl(~ at'tON l"ts pa.t:!$~af.~J:.I.Jl-~i"V4;1.1a.1t'l.~
1,u'Q'ff 111,$(1 't..ry law.
.t1:Ai. n~
:t~@.$a~a and. ~PPl<'oV~11 'ei'.L11:J;.<itf !.\~J,1 of A(J.~WJ.$t ;\ .1J...l9l6.
( .a~f41 )
~~:;.' ".' ;....1... (.'" p.' .1. "'lv" 1:l
'"'. .._.. "" "" ',0: II l',l c1.,.,. t f
1'." .t,,!" 1'\"'1 ~....t,(,
or41nanoe !0.6)4.
An Qf(U.Il$nCe .A.mGn41ng 02,'<U.na,noe BO.3.11, an4
provIding tor ~. ptc;nalt;y' tor tne 1'101a.tlon thereof.,
Be ltOr4&ln,'" by tn.e l-.yO', .&n4. 01t.y QounO$l 'Or
,ne 011;1 ot Gran4 I,la.n4.le1Jratllka,
ftli.\t Qrd1na:nQe N'Q ..111 relatlngto tlag%uenat ral1roa4
Qros$1ng. be wnen\1ed by a,4(U.ngS9Q'C1 on NO.' .,#$' ,tollovun
Seo'tlon No.3. :ttaliallbe thEl 4uty 01 all perSDAs
wttO pa>s over or attempt to I*flsover any of the
railroad orot)Blng.,t~.lttWa.lnu.t.p1n.or syoamore streets,.
or Itlmball Avenue., to stop When4!,reote4 b;}f the t1f#,~
ateuonoro8$lnets f~lther bymotlonot Ule ums ,.tIle $Wlnglng
of a. lan:tern 0.1' tne $oun,41ng of .3. \fhlatll, tind $h.a.ll. not
p1"o0994 OV$:r Juah oro~;slng untll 41r,ote4 byetu:m tlagmu
to proeeet'l, e
provlde4 .b._ever ,.tht' Iliall n"t In a.ny MMe37l.tfact
the r1gbt orll.l:d.llt.lISGt 'P~rtl~. to MY ()lV:U.$ult.
An,v person V'.lo1f~tlng tueprovU.llone otthla Or41....
flanoe snall be 4eenl$d guIlty ot_ :trd.sctemeanor .i&.ndUpon
oO;t1vlotlon ,Shtd.l b0 'f:l.ne4 ltl.all,1 lum,not to exoee(i fifty
o~lP#JaCL and ,..ppr 0"&4 t:tile 1$- 43.Y otOO'to'bG37,A.>>.,19l6.
Qflarles .Q ,Ryan.
A t test: ( $$8.1) ]..Ya.yor.
0Ity Olerk..
ord1nanee NO.638,
All1;end1n.g N<h220 ,~AEt1t;~x.i>'
An Ora.lnanf~e artlllnCUng Or41M1H)& NO,220, p$rta,lnlng
to the ruletlacn,(l gegult~1r1onagove:rn,intt the C$Illstal:;Y of
tt;.e City or Ot"P-,niJ, I131am.1,and rap$a.ling sectiQn NO.F1VE! thereof_
and fJU b J'Jt 1 t ut lng trulrei' (Jr, ta. new "Sect 1 on 1m ...5 it 11
ne 1 t Ot'(1Fl1iletl b~r tt.l(iJ fi:fayor a.nd 01t~t Oe)unQ11 of the
(Ht~r of Grt'J,'l'Hl I$land,mlbra.am.
8GQt;ien 1!0" 1.
se(Jt.lon NO.5
prov1d:lng tor' tne ru,i!t~$ ~J;nd regulat1ol1$
of Or,Unance NO .220,
go\te:rnln.g trio C~lrAtery
t11an tour (~) lot. at ar(,! on0 tlme!t~n(1 no lot (lWJ;ler aha-ll pel"1'nlt
interment in or upon any lot nald oyhlm tor compenuatlon.
pr(,'''ld~d..howeVe2.', tht:i.t a,ny !'raterYJ.~l or rsllglouif;
organization ma.:~: puroJ:l.~1se,a.t a.tt:r onq t11l:i.$. or ll014, not to
$XOfH~d ~.mventy~two lot~ tWl'11Ch tlO11'laVer .iJ~Ul$t, b.(~ in one b04;:rll'fllQ:
Qertif lea-tie as pr ov;tcl:::d in thltil ne(lt1.ol1 ,to ba 1unu$do;i triG
011.y Olerk t ~nlallJ. upse:t.t'1\'}l!:tlly state tl'm,tSl.H:n t:r:a,.'tel"yuJol OJ.it
religlous organ1.z~.tlon. BYin,ll not. 2Hi)11 ~Udl lc't~ tor mD:t'~
ttta.n tfH~ SGlHH.:tu:Ut prlc$ tilerQQt .aJ e!1!n"f~; l)y tala RaQOI'd.~1n
th~ C1t~r Cn€)r!t,~ at'flee.
Tfl'i13 (JI'tt1na'Y'l{~e fJhall O(~ 1~1 .t'C.lX'CfJ a:nu t.aka at"';t'$l'Jt
trom, and t'itter 1 ts ):Hi1~';lS~.tge:,~pp:rO'\Ja.1 arid p'Ll'oliQat1on as
pro'V1d€ltl lrv l~!ttl."
PO;fH.Wtl ~na. apprOV(Jl'l. 'tll1t;: 6nQ,a:/ of Df:)q~,ml:)tu: ,A.1) .1916.
01laa;'1$$ G.llY~l*
( anal)
Ma. y{}r .
A tte~t
H ,l~ '* Oliff oro. .
C 1 t~r 01.l:u;"K.
Ordinance No.6~l.
J?ermit,Fare,etc..Motor Cars.
Be 1 t Or[lained by the Mayor and Ute 01 ty Councl1 at'
socVion No..lll
trie 01 ty ot' Gra,nd Island,llGl)raslCSl;;.
It is hereby declaredc for any pera:on operating or
vehicle for tJ18 carriage of paB~HHlgers for .h.ire or
driving a motor
pa,y, to rU.n or operate suell motor-driven verlicle upon trw streets
of the 01 ty of' Grand Island,Noln'aS:ka,wt trlOut first obtaining a!
permit so to un..
Secrtion No ..Z.
All appllca:t;j.OllS for such permi ts Shall 'be made
to thE) Mayor or the 01 ty. A 'blanK form for sall\1 permit shall be
provided.. by tho C1 t;)i Cl(~rk. Sala application blank aha.;!.1 require
of the applicant to state his narne,reSidence,OCOlll1ation and such
otllor :f'aets' [;.l.s: will show the applicant to possess a good moral
chara:ctor and the neoessary pArYsical abl1i ty ami reteul tiEHJ and
the technical knowledge required to render S1,.;Wh applicant (~apable
of operating and controling a motor driven vehicle~ If the answers
truly made and verified.., to tIle ql,l.8stiona contalnec1; in sadd appllca";;,
. tion blank ,ShOW the applicant to be of good moral Character,to pos=
sess the necessary qualif'ications to operate a'motor driven vehicle,
and ShoW trle applicant to be over sixteen (16) years. of' age, tJlen
and in tJ1a t event , the Ma.yor Shall furnisl'l triO applicant with aI.
permi t ,as: by this Ordinance required....
Section No..3... 1!Jvery appllcat.ion for SUt'::tl permit shall be acconrpat'"
nied.bya receipt for Tllree Dollars ($3..00"signed by the City ~rrEl-
a~31.1rer ,Which money srutll go to the general Fund of the 01 ty ,and
shall in and! tion thereto ;oe ancompanied. by a bond,executedby
such appl1ca.~t ,and by two good and sufficient suretilt!S,in the sum
of' Five Hundred Dollari:;L, in favor of the Oi ty of Grand IslancL,for
the use of any person who may be injured..;. or damaged. by reakmn ot:
the carelessness, or negligence, of: the applican~to observe or obey
. any of the provisions of this Ordinance ,or any regulations of the
Cityl The eondttloma of the bond Shall be as follows.::
NoW if tlle said~ .. on -""_ ( applicant) s.hall saye or 1101d
thO City of Grand Is.land,Nebras~ka,and all persons lawfully upon tlH?
streets of. said 01 ty ,harmless from any damages or injuries tllat may
be caused by the negligent or careless use of sai.o.automoblle,either
to sueh persons or to their property,and Shall well. and faithfully
permi t ,Fare, etc .Mot'or Cars.
observe and obey all the rules ,regulations, ordinances ,and sc.rledule
of ra1tes: to be crlarged relative to automobiles for hire ,as: prOV:lcledl
by th.8 01 ty of Grand Island., tllen tIlls bond.. 611a11 be null and vcbldi,
ottlOrwise it 611a11 remain in full torce and effect..
SuCh permit Shall -ear a number ai-3S igned by the Mayor, wi tl'1 tI1G name
and address of such applicant... All suell perral ts Sha..l~ expire em
the 31" day of December of the year in which they are issuecL..
Section No.~. Every person so provided with a permit to operate
any motor-dri venveYlicle ,as provided. in this Ordinance shall,at all
times,while acting as operator of a motor vehicle,wear a metal badge
no less than two inChes square ,on an outer garment,amd. in a posi-
tion clearly open to view. Said I3adge Shall be furnished by the
City,:t'ree of' enarge,and' Shall contain the number ot: said applica'i:"
tion,and also thE;! worlls,"Taxi NOlO_".. The rate or :t'are to be
askeQ,or demanded. by the operator,or by the person in Charge or
control of any auto,auto-dar:,or other a1,milaI' vehjcle,licensed.
hereunder,and operating for the conveyance 01' passengers for hlre
or reward:, wi tIltn the C1 ty Sxul.1I be as :t'ol10wa:.
For a drive of 16 blOCkS or one mile o~under,not over $..25
per passenger.,
For a drive of 16 to 32 blOCkS or two m11es,not over. .59 for
one passenger ,and $ .25 for each additional passenger.
For a.drive of 32 to ~8 blocks or three m1lea,not over $ .75
for one passenger,and not over $ .25 for eaCh additional passengor..
For a drive of 1~8 to 64- blOCkS" or t'our mileR,not over $1.00 for
one }.tilsenger ,and not over $ .25 for eaCh addi tlonal passenger.
For a drive of 64 to 80 blocks,or five ml1es,not over $1.25 for
one passenger ,and not over $ .25 :for eacll additional passenger.
For a drive of 80 to 96 blocks,or six ml1ea,not over '1.50 for
one passenger,ancl not over ~; .25 for each additional passenger.
For a drive of 96 blOCkS. or farther distances ,at t118 ab ove scale
of rate4..,
n 1stances to be calculated from the place Where trle passenger
enters the conveyanue. For children between five ('IDd fourteen years
of age,wlwn aCGompanled by an adult,not more than one~half at' the
above rates shall be charge~.for like distances.For Children und~r
permit,Fare etc.Motor Cars.
five ~rs of age,when accompanied by an adulttno charge Shall be
made. "
The above sChedule embraces the cllarge for tHe conveyance 01.'
common or usual hand baggage carried. by suCh passengers..
section NO.5Jt Any person or persons violating the provisions
of this Ordinance shall,upon conviction tI1EreO! ,be f1necU in any
sum not less than five dOllara,nor rnoro than twenty five dDllars~
for each offenS0:,and in addition tureto Shall forfeit his
permit,at the discretion of the Mayor and C1'ty Council.,
Section No.6.. 'L'.tlis Ord.1nance sHall be in force and take
effect ,from and after its passage ,approval and publil:a.t.ion
as provided by law.,
,-)hssed and approved this 20" day of Decerrlber A.:D.1916:
.H..E. Clifford,
City Clerk.
( Seal)
Charles G.Ryan,