1915 Ordinances (2) . . . 0);,11 nanoe NO.7. An O:r>d1n(c~nGH rcculn ~j,;;e; i.1oo1 Hu.,ls and. Bll.i.lal.(l Ha.d..s ..1)l'm~c!>1blnQ' tlw t:1:(;,\O ;tl1 t;he 01 t~r of' G:r:dH.;t .rSl~u!.<ltjiOQt'H lHle.n tl1e sm,lO haJJ be OlA3X'Html and prOV1{lH~'J u penalty ,1'01-- t~l1e vlo1a tlunt>Uo,\'60:1'. of Gol:.' H nd 181 H He :i t Ol'{!alnm1 lJr tno Hhd GitlN ComHnl 01' t;hc City ~;~f.~ (;t 1 {)~"-~ 1. Ul'H,OJ> ot,lfJ1' ,. ,~;l{)l)l~r:1sl\'~yl. It $1')[U1 bo tIle ~;nJty OJ.~ thc,; ovwm'st HonE In contl'O} ,o}:'ha'\Jlr~,; tb~) rr.r-:matrmwnt " In IJ G11.,~V of (it'8nd. 15181')(1, of' on~f .Ppu1. iWjj. Gl" 1:,ll.i:1~;.:rct] tnnl'i ;'yrf)H.J:'f;\ cut of to c;,(:f'P ;,,:11 F:lnorB lm.dm:' tt,o r,t! of (j COl' n 11 il J:j 1 n 01<> 1..; nd I ;J' ,j' J. (J @ . a (({1 j t 1 ii n (')1' n bY !J'1i C' un 1 ai" to '\Jl~11t. :\ ril),{~tl 1) {){)J.. t}'r~,lJ, ,,,'"to). vft 1}:1, J~ll~t:i,~ d haIl In t; (} r.J r;'(; {)J~~ C__, lfrrlt (:)cnl ;~"(j Dl~ D t i,iT :Jc(~t:l i~ ~1. r.~{); \(.ltl(~ t :{ ',:"t{:~- ~:-..< 1)(}}), 11~ n,ri:~> 8~,t G 1 tj~r " 'f~~ h'F . J'el' fl r~:/ J) ~Jr.l p c~ n~::; 1 t: ~~in~J.:L,I \... :;,"C' C-~~o\: ? ~~, ,.'j '\, , . , (<~; .~) (~]/ S() 1"1 [)(; '~_f C ~:--:< ~<~ t ~,~. }. :i ~J:;~ \, 1 (J 0 1. 11 ;/ t() :'). :L 2 ()!b~ 1 J Ii. f ""\1 -"';-.1, ,,-I),,' bJij.:i;I:P,J t blfHJ t,OhfJ U','<)<l ~ I. i.l) ~~f t3 ()}<:. -CJJ~ i:J .'~' .J.. .1. j t~ ~ i loA. {) n~ J:~C\' 1.' i:\ ;-1;',," i/.- ~~ 0:1.' 'C_nE; :.~; t i:'; , ;11;::1',:' (~(-) \ ,.':. 'UCi~ q ,.f v J,d, ^. U C t~ tj}" f~~ bL., 'r " .. ~c; },}{~,(JI (){i OI~ of " . ,.L . .~tl .t:;n~:~~L.l t){~' ;! ::;f;d u c.~~,'~{~ 'L~L u :l. 1. , . '~t ' ;,_,~ l: J i '; ~, ,~ . I..J'(~ (j r"tQ'HJC i-~ ;"~ ,,;': -j [l , (~t) it 1.n sntl.1 Ci.ty tC) 1. rl f) rt;/ {~l;:]r"~(3 of (~-n~: ~-) (~f) r<:l~ :t n ~:..; -;-",\" ] y~r~ _(;1<f t l~':f~ 'WrlntGVe1.' jn w~-j (1 ~.>,o ~:1C~f.-~t'].,~' ot' tl'i j fj OJ'(U fifHIcn c'ljX~ pC" ~J ~-~ l}t) 1;.110 Y,t, ;.-.~:/ .L · Co.J_ f ,~ J\. . [):C 0:1/1(; r~~,)/:t (lB~ 'Ie 'I.., (> · (jj- ~.' (;J~ .." (~ "j t'.),.~~ .P_~l J"\C 'j).n{~O <~p;r1ttl Jt, ;:;! ,:')1 Df} 'i1)'-!'( i'Jt}J} 6(?~-1 \~..~~\r'l_ r~.5~ 'j ~L tJ.!,1 (}' OJJ 'ttJ.:< LiJ;u' (1. '!U. ~ : 1 f (~t ., J~' c-rrq ~. t.. ~ ~..t il t.] ,'i; \,r n~u' t.l OJ,PHCe K:1n<l ~ l.r b ~[ J:! ~-'; .r" Ij i'~ r! 1,. "''1<1'''' >. r~Y q(, ~,.~ 1/), (\ ()l'!,S <l--- .', V.!, ;.:~~ ;'r.~ ("r t 'tl (] ~r;:r'~ ()'~.1 ,1 I J. lH.; 9\)-1') ,;'Jec t .~~ C~ 11 l~'.t r1,0 11 () t 1 {,; :-',j t 'f'~n 11 F1ve DollultrJ n;~<.1 )\ct LOJ'O tl::m Fit't;v DQIUU:'S ,U1'1d ~3f1(nl ~:f~fn!tl Cjon;:';.1t'lit3(l uld~lJ ffU011 flnn ant! ooata nfJiH~ 1;i\nn (1. In tw.u:U;,icJ} tno:n:to) :J.t ) 1 1:" ,) t :'.f: (tuti/ Grtne J'*1;/03' to o.1cn:m HtH~b. po(;l or '. bl.! 11aJ'd rmJ.J.. HW.l no ,"U1' Bon aha.n X"O-O,ien H\101'l 11D.1J.. wi 1#!lOI..\li tne C<JniJen't \,J' triO },In:IOJ'.an'l not un411 tl(~ Btun.l b6 S'Jttls:C:l.ed tn.HlI 9ucrl haJJ, W:L: I be con(luotdd in acoo,NlanOG w1 tb. t,tl(~ pro'"tls1ons 01' tn,s OJ:'td:l.nrinoe. Pa:ssed and. approved Jamuary 6 "1915,. . Or cU. n~rlCe No. 589. Franchi se for ..T1 tney 8ervl.ee. An Orct:im;mce granting to tne G~8]ld Island tTi tney, Oompany the right to majnta1n amd operate motor' busses ror cawrying passenger's along and upon the streets of the Oi,ty of' Grand Is~and.;: defining t.ne conditions under w,hich it~ may operate;: f'ixing the rate of l' ar e to be chargeCiL passengers;: providjl:ng for c~ompensa;t;:lon to said Oity of: Grand Island.; making it 8' misdemeanor :Cor' amy Oompany, partnership or person to operate a :fl'\le and ten cent motor bus line in sa'id Oity without securing there:Cor a, fr'anch1:Jse; and provici;1ng R' penalty:Cor the vtolation of the same., Be it 01'(lR.inea b~l trw Mayor and Oouncil of' ttle C i t~r of' C'rrand ISland, Nebrasl<R:- Sect'lon 1.. That the 01ity of Grand ISland, Nebraska, hereby grants unto the Grand Island Jitney 00. ,its successors and assigns ,the right,power and pl"l vilege to operate and maintain motol' bus lines :Cor c"onveying passengers as'. pUb,l ic; carrie:ss upon a,nd over the streets and alle~rs in UlO Oity of' Grand ISland.: upon the terms and condi tions llerelnaf'ter set f'orth. Bec't'ion 2.. The Grs,nd Island .Ji tne~r 00. ) shall wi thin three months fr~m. this date ha've in operation at: least t'1 va motor busses of a, carr~ring ca;pa c:i t:y oJ.' not Ie ss than seven passengers' each ,upon regular, Doutes upon the streets of the 01 ty 01' Grand ISland) and s'hal1 furnish fl, thirty minute pUb,lic service' upon each route 1'OI' at least. :Gourteen hours eacti day. sect'ion 3. The satid Oompany shall (t)rti.f~/ to the o i ty OlerK the rou te to be taken by each 0:C its motor busses), and sa:id routes shall not be changed; except upon one week' $ .' . . notice: and all changes must be certit'ied: to the 01 ty Olerk and be on t'JlO in his ot'fice one Vlcek bet'ore sfl'ld changes go into ef'fect. Sec:tion l4i. That t.he Grand Island Jitney Oompany shall carry passengers at t.he rate of five ce.nts per t'are, And shall transfer pa..ssenger 8 :froIn. one car' to another wi tlwut eattra Char'ge ,prov.id8lLt:, the passenger maKes a contin- uous trip from point of starting to point at' destJ.na:tlon. Sectrian 5. In consicleration at' the granting o;r this franchise, the Grand ISland toTi tney Oomp~nY , 1 ts succeSS011S and assigns sr18;11 pa~' to the 01 ty 01' Grand ISland, the fOllow-ing sums) to-wi t:- .For one car operated under nlis franchise f3j{).00 ., Where two or tl:U'ee cars are 80 operated $35,.00 each . Where more than three ca-J's~ ax'e s:o operated) the sum o:f ~':25..o0 :for each and ever:\' car. 8811d sums shaD be plID1d yearlY in advance on the i'irst da:y oi' lJta1Y o:f each year!.. AllY cars put in operation a'.fter the :first daiY 01' May 811a11 be pa>1d for according to the number 01' months: remaining in that year, proportionaltelY to t,lle license; cttar-god :Cor the whole ~rear.;. Scctton 6._ Each bus so opel'atecl sha1JL lHxve P.r'Olll- inentlY cl;isplayecl; ,a unl:form license; tag and number issued.: by the 0 i ty OlenK at the e.xpemse of' s8.ilci bus owners. soct::ton T. It is hereby doclarec1 Unla.wf.ul i'or an~r corporation, partnership or person to operate upam the streets of' said 01 ty a motor bUS. or mot-Dr busses; ,ctlargiJ'lg . at, :five or t en Ct~nt t'are."or less,:Cor carrying passengers', nnless a franch1f3e has been grant(-):d for teEt: purpose;, and same the ^terms and cond;1tlons are imposed: and acceptccl: as.; set..o....t"'..l In this O'Vor'l i J. .l.i. '. ,.,I.'u( nance, prov: deeli, however, ttmt the . prov.1sions of thls section shall not appl~T to a mota!' bus or ,motor busses engaged:; in carrying Unt ted states Mail under cont:r'act' wi th t'he Uni terl sta tes Gove!'nment opera t tng between Grand Island Post Office and BUrKett, lJebraska. section 8. This franchise 8rmll ex<pi;l."8 on the 30 II (la~T of A.pril:) A. D. ,1935, and a fac11 ure to operata: said line for a period of ninety da'~fS at' an~r ono time ,shall worK a t'or:f'etture 0:(' this franchise' amd all r:1.g"hts thereun- der shaJ.1 l])9.se. sectlion 9.. Any corporat:ion ,partnol'ship or indJv1du811 ,wrlO at-tempts to operate amatoI' bus} or motor. busses upon the streets of' the 0 i ty o:C Gra'nd Island. In v:1.o1a,t:1onof sect ton No.5' of t"h1s OrcUnance; ) shall "be. (leemed" gUilty of a miSdemeanor ,and upon conv.1ct ::I.on ttlereof shall be fined: in R:ny sum 01' not exceecl1ng One Hundred 110118:118 Hnoo.oo) and not less than Fi:f'ty DoJ.lara- ($50.00) .for each of':fCO;nsa and shall stand comm1 t ted: to tile City (.,T8111 unt:Ll the f1ne and costs are paid;... This Ord.:inaince stuHl be in for' ce and take effect :from I'Hld af:ter jts passage,8pprOV,811 aind pUbl1cat,lon as; by lailt pr,ovidecb." Pa3sed and approvecJj this 11'1/ daw of M8'.l'ctl,A.D..1915. Attest::- (:-)er-3:l) Ohaxnes G..Ryan.Ms'yor H.E.011fford,01ty Cleri-':." . . O!'clinance NO.~)91. . An ordJ.na:nce exten<.ting t'ne fire lJml'ts: in the Oi,ty of Grana ISland,Ha~l OountY,Nebraska,to inclUde the WesterlY forty ninf.l feet (49) of lot No.3 and all o:C lot No.4 in Block No.78 of the ox':1g'lnal Town,now OJ.ty 01' (;'1'8:nd ISlandi, Hall Oounty,:Nebraska.. Be 1 t Ordained rJY' ttw Mayor and Oouncil of the 01 ty o:f Grand ISland,NebraSka; Oect.1on 1. Ttwt IJot NO.1+. and trio Westerl~r . :Cot'ty-nine (49) feet of' Lot lID.} 1n BloCk No.78 of the O~(.lig.tnaCl.. Town,now 01 t~T ,of G!'gnd ISland,Hall Oounty, NebrB.:3}{a " is hereby placed wi tutn the :fire 1 ilLliJtS 0.[' satd O:l ty and said premises aro made 8Ubjec.::t to all the p:covisiona, oi' the Ord;inanees of this 01 ty to premj,ses wi thin the :f1re limits thereni'. See.tian 2'. Tt11s Ord:1nance shall be 1n force and taKff ei'.Cect .Crom ami a:cter it paEH3age';,approval an(i PUlvJ.1cHt,ion as provided; by law._ Passed and approved: tIlts 29't dRY of' Apri1J,A.D.1915.. At tes t. ( seal) Charles G.Ryan, Mayor H. E. 01 iff' ox- d , Oity Clerk. . . Ordinance NO.~92. An ordinance :fixing the sala.ries of the Ohief o:f Police, pa-trolmen,Ci ty Clerk ,Ohief' of' t.he Fire Department ,Firemen"Janl tor of' the Oity Ha!ll and street Oommissione,r,and repealing 80 much o:f Ordinance No. 525> as: is in c'ohf11c.~t herewi the Be it Orda'ined.1 by the Maiyor and Oouncil of' t"he 01 ty ot: GrEi1nd ISland, HaIl 0 ounty ,NebraSka: Section 1. Tr1e salary of the Ohief of Poll ce shall be ~85.00 per month for the first s1~ months of' 8ervice~After hawing served; as s11ch officer for six months; ,he shall receive ;90.00 per month; and ai'ter hav,ing served; as such oi'flcer for one yealr he shall rece1 ve f95).OO per month. and a:Cter haviing served, as such oi'ficer for eighteen months: ,he shall receive, tJ;lOO.OO per mont11, thereafter, an(l no other :fees and no ot"her compens8,tion as :fees or otherwise:. An~r fees p.ayable to such o:f:ficer ,shall be turned, into the Oity Treasury. Sec.tion 2. Eash ~trolman shall, receive a salary o:f $65).. 00 per month :for the fj.rst six, months of tlis service as] such o:fficer . At'ter -nav,ing tlms served six months, he- a'ha11 -recei ve #70.. 00 pel' month for the next six, months:;;; and a:fter having' serVed' one year as such o:f:ficer the shall receive $75)..00 per mont'h t therea:fter, and no other :fees and no other compansa-.... tion as fees or otherwise;.. Any :fees p8'yable to sucb o:C:ficer t shall be turned; 1nto the Oity Treasury. Pollee o:fficers Who have served the 01 ty during tlle year 1915 prior to the passage o:f this Ordinance t shall be anti tlecl to the benefi t ai' the graduated 5c~ne of compensation as:; prov:l{led' in sections 1 and 2 hereo;(' t and sh,aJ.l be snti tlell: to credit :for the time 50 served ay' them. The ,..rani t or ai' the 0 i t Y HaJ.1 shaa:l,r ecsl VE~ . Section 3. f4?00 per month. . 8ec:t1on lH. ~ 75.. 00 per month. section 5). The Salary of the city ClerK shall be The salary of the Ohief oi' the Fire Department s11allbe ~:85'. 00 per month. section 6. The Salary of' each }"1ireman shall be $70.00 per month.. Sec:t 1 on 7.'. The Salary of the street Oommissioner . shall be ~65). 00 per month. Aft er having served in that office for B 1x won ths ) he shall r ecei ve a salary of ~ 7.0.00 per wont h ; and af'ter having served in that office 1'01' one year,he shall recei ve $75).00 per month, thereafter. Section 8. 80 much of Ordinance No. 525) as is in con- flict herewith 1,g hereb~r repealed:. '.r-hi s Ordinance shall be in force and take e:C:fec~t frOll' and after its passage ,approval and pUblication a$ pro- vided by laW. Passed and approved this 29" day or APril, A. D.1915.. Attest H. E. 01i:C1'ord, Oity Olerk.. Oharles G. Ryan, :Mayor . . . . . ora1nance NO.593 Housemoving An Orelinance providing for an Occupation Tax upon each person ,:fi.:rm or corporation engagerll in the businoBs o:f moving bU:i1d1ngs:. upon the streets and, wi thin the copporate limi ts of the 01 ty o:C Gran,} Island; prov:iding fox' the payment of a fee :Lor a permit' to move such bu 11dlngs; presc,t' i bi ng tl1.e nanner in which such buildings shall be movecL and gual'dedi; prov,1cling .for a penal ty :ro1' the v.iola.tion o:r trle prowi8ions' of' this Ol'd11.nance and rC}Jeali:ng Ol'dinl:l'nCe No.. .511. ]38 t t Orda:1.ned by the Ivfayo.r and Ooune).l at' tlle 01 t~ o1~ Grand ISlancI1HaJ..l Oount~r ,Nebraska; section 1. '1'11 at: an OGG1HJl3'.tton f,ax oi' f1 ve dolla:rs, per' annum, pa~rabl e in ad vance>> ish eJ' ehY 1 eVl1 ect on eaeh and eVer y peX'son,firm,partnership 0.1' corporat:1on engage.A1 in the businesB of' movh1g butldings within tbe corporate limits of' trle OJ.tJT o:C G:ran(j Island ,Nebraska. Deet:ion 2. AIl persons who shall desire to engage in the business cJ.escribed: in Section One 0:C t'h1s Ord:lnance, shall, be1'ore engaging 1n sa1el bustness ,ftresent to the 01 ty OouncJJ. o:f s8)id Oity a written reQuest :for permission to engage in saild business , and present :for approval 8\ bond vd th two gooe! t~md sUf,fic'ient sUl'etiIHf. 01;~ one SUl'ety Oompllmy autrlOriz'ed to execute said bon:iih Said bond shall be in tl1e sum of' 1"'i vo hundred dollar s ) condi t1 t::loneeL that the said appli- cano' will observe and ebeJT all the ox'dlnancos ,regUlations and orders o:c said Oi ty in re:('(-;renc8 to ffiO'lTing bu11dlng's therein, a net that he wiIl use due diligence in perf'o!'mj.ng said WOX'k, and will pay :fOY' all clamages to the st:reets,walkS>>C1~of:lS-walkS'>> cuI ver'a.s or other property of trH:1 said OJ.t.y thait may be C8.l1Secl thereb.y, and will pay all clamages W'hich may be occasioned to the property of' sa,id Oity )or to pri va,tc. property caused b~T said applicant in said business. section 3. Upon approval of' said bond, , the 0 i ty Treasurer shall issue a receipt :Cor sBlid Occupa t'ion Tax, and saiel reoeipt 811a11 be the au thoI' 1 ty o.r sa;id person to carry on and conduct said business until the 3D"'; da~r o:f APr11. .fOllOWing the date 0;(' issue of t'fle same.. ,1,;,'_ _ . Sect~ton 4-:. Any permi t granted unaer this ordinance may 118 revoked: bY resolution 01' the 01 ty Oouncil o:C said Ci ty, after notice to the person so ta;xed,; i1' tihs 01 ty OOl.:mc:1l shall .ftnd: that sa1d person he.s fz;.Hled, neglec'tedi or refu8cd to Obey 9md observe the orc,tiinal1ces ,Rules ,Regulations: or 01?ders of the proper oft'ieers of' sa.id Oity in re.torence to moving buildings therein,oX' in reference to the occupanc:y 01' the street is and alleys of the said 01 ty for sai.(i business and any person Whose permit has beeu thus reVOked! shal11 not be [;l'antedi another perrn.;L t :for one year thereai'ter. Sect:Jon 5. No bllJlcUng shall be left on the streets o:f thts Oity over night without being guarged 1ry at:, least two reeL lights to be placeeD thereon\und,er t'he direction of' the street Oommlss1oner o:f sRid 01 ty. 8ec.tion 6. No person,:flrm at' cor'poration engaged in the business of Iflov:ir\g buildings as pro\1\;Lded; in this ordinance shall move any buildings-; upon the streets, avenues or al1e~rs: o:f th1 s a i ty unt,:Ll the st:reet Oommj sstoner smd the J...lght Oommissioner of said Oi ty sh.all have 'been no t:tGiedl of' the route proposed to be taken in mov'ing such blJJ.ldings. In the event tha t au ell proposed! .1"'011 te does not meet wi th the approval o,r the street Oommissioner and the said Lig11t Oorrunissioner,such route s-hall ~ changed: h~T the owner of the mOVing appa~ra\tus' to be usedl on sff,id job to meet the reQiuire- Inents; of' sIlli1d street Oommissioner and SeFid Lj.ght Oor.unj.ssionelr. When sfl'ict route bas been approved by amid. Btreet Oomm1ssioner tlhc.l sai<l JJig11t Commissioner" tile sum of One Dollar ('-1.00) shall ('J6 pa1(l to tl1e Oi ty Olerkf'or e: p8.1'mi t :Cor the moving o:f eac.h and every building upon the streets designated: in said rou tie;. 13aid rnon8Y ahsll be paid to the Oity 'rJ'easurer by said O:1.ty Olerk ,and credit(~d, to the General ]'undi. 8ect::lon 7. .AnY person,:firm of' corpora:t1on Who shall engage in the business 0:1' movling buildings; in the 01 t,y of: Grarld Island.. upon flmy of the streets ,avenues or alle~lstheI'eo:t] wi thou t fir st', obtaining 8' permi t as herein provided 1tlor, o.r who . . . sball move an~r building upon sl1;id streets ,81venues or alleys' without :first ha-:viing paid the :Cees herein provided.: for-.,or who shall move any building upon an~r route not :Cirst approved by the street COJrunj.ssioner and. said Lig'b.t OOl.1lffiissioner of s8,id 01 ty or who shaill move &.ny buildings upon said streets wi thout guardiing said buildings wi th red, lante:rs in the night time, shall upon conv1ctj.on thereo:C be guill!ty of' a m:i.sdemeano:tr ,and fine(tl in any sum not exceeding $25)_ 00 and c:osts:, and stand committed until fine and costs are paidl.. Bection 8_0rdinance NO.511 :i.sherebY repealocli_ section 9. ThJs Ordinance slu1l1 be in :force" and take ei'fec;t from and af'ter its passage t 8pprova'l and publi catton aSl prov:L- deeL bY lAW.. Passed! and approved;, this16'" (lay of ~Tune,A.D.19l5. . At test. E_:m. 0 1 i.ffol'd, Oity OlerK. 011arles G. Hymn, Mayor. ( BeaJ. ) . ()j".) (1 j, J' 'i,c:t.rl, C C o. 6(')~). :,c~~(!'c:o j.l) :1 t j 1::' ()J' 'TJ (1::7{) CI' ()2'j},J :.L\:, ;', . C :1. t- ::~ c,}' (~~ ;"1 (,;, C"Y' vU', I ();\ t; ,c"( {... ,'~~ u ()~.:'1 -:'/ ~ :, C 'T:'t(} (;(::.1 t'~o ~-.~ '../"J. cO c, -l j.",~. ". ".J,: .f",>! :C'():i C 'If ~L ().t j. .I. I) 0:- C. (<;'.' G .' l' ..~ 1".1 Cl j '(t() c'I t c I J::" C:::;'" (" ..,I ~-"\r)"1 ""! '{-', c C j. t ~. '..,~ ,.. (l, . ". ,'" . ~',,- .. (.'. '_.J,,'. (:." Ce. <:, t! t ,,'j', ., !. ... ,,t.. ,'~ I ' :.;. ~;J C],; c'-;' - (cO ,-,~,: 1. .,',,\ ~ J \..1 ;:,)0 C;,~"J f)\ ' t() ():.:iCj':.,C.I::'.O: C.:t !~X,('; _")O~,l'; ~,~.'> (,iJ':r':, : \."i ~i . ,;:'~. ,.-~(. ~, -j " (\..-,'1 ~. ~ '.. i.....' '.~.,'.; :':'j L~ r ..~ " ~'~ ~:\,~:': -. C ~('~l t " c C J. t ~ C'V:;'I(: 1:1'..-"'\ . C',_ C 01! :, t ~.' ) r', '(... l.~). (I J '- t, <:"': ,f~ J.) Ii " (;,(),:' " CU.: .. , ~" CL .J. J" \,1) \,1 } Ej (:, j U:': CO ~,., " , i\ lJ (.~('.J:i''l G t ',' ()( : ,I.. ,., t..'\.. r';-':' '.;; CO ti C ' c~ \,)~l- c:')~ C~: C: f'(<) (~~ C'I' (IJ:; .1., ~) ~,' (;~;:' tJ t, -I, 0 ()\I~"\U::: i.iJ.' I;e t c:"c:i. . r'~(. \" t /') I~ ~~ c/' ) ~\ I o '" .'. r:~ t CD ,/'." 11'..:.0 rc () ~:.r :L r; ~1, .., ~"( u \..'.L. ~~ n .!.....' :J ' ~;,' ~I ,(.. n ~:_ :/. D, c to"' !:; C} t .!. ~i F~,:i "'t ". f~, r:.1r (:1; G~": C (, I" t ~, "):L u i..,; S (. l._.,J c t (:\:1' !'(L (~(~I~ ,.1 ~~,~.~C{)_ ~ 1. V 1~1"; ; j-..)V. ,C C()Dtn I ~. {? "( '() 1,; CO.(l, r1 }. C', D ct 1. :-)rl ~./ -1- 'j.:!...j,8 .D.:i"]C.jO uU :c ere' c:,(~ r.. tc c (;. . J. elJ ',,' ,~.' ~ :' :': ,j .~, ( ',;' 'L c:r. Jt.f~ }('\ n , '.. ....L'U ~L ~i c.;..~-), '~~I 1. :.~. [r\":~ ~:::( () 'il =~ ,'ce.. " o "; 11 ,< [; () 2") t, C 1';, !~. ~ 1) u ]. ~. (: r; i~ ( r:~c :~j C..:}, I, . {'~;.~,n. .. " ~.., " {,;:! ~i. " ':(" (',':: {)" "{ )J:' -v Oi.t'n (j . n-,..,rl1 ~V'l'?l ''In "IrQ eO':"' ......t>>.\,.(.. ..."J;'~l.J ~~~"_" ...~ f, _ . () . - ~). ~)()a (JO Goorl 01'1 (lOl~ . 1<11 Q-.rct1no.!1CC p:J?ov1a.1ng :CO:J? iHlO 1)00 co Gvor1, OJ>C!OJ' Of' t1113 (J:1. t;f (1~1? i . 'rf~.'''l~.'t "':\ I:'!'t'f'l. '1YI'~ Of') "I h~' 'l<';I:~ Ii. 'J \,A:": iJi< '..H;;J... ;4..,..,.;;_.... .,;- .;.."..,.u ~,,;-t(~) tho :0 1:, ~,t-:;j:t;, at ~9 0 l1. "1+,,,, -l'i..tJ't,:): s 1 '10\'1 c,ll~:G ~ aTiCl l~()\t:t(t:1 '{!(J n *'\f~t.():tat :t()~.1 th.cJ?oo~:- . no it Ol'dninoc:l b1l tho j tb,001tW' l-'.:.,r-,. ';!,~~:',-'-'.1~' "[~~.~J ~"'l('-' _~_~i"6:'? ~ IN~~... ~ t;,,'ft~-_\'1 ~,_ Ie; _ ,",.<,J. .,.p.,- "'.. . .. ,., "u.'..... v,,,,..."" ;,"" , fie: at. J.. 1~t ~o 1~~{11~Cl):t {: c.; 1.' OJ~ [12"17 X"CJ.:"Don to ,11ntt11"b J, 1" I)(~~l~}C' 01 t;t 01.' t....{0_'1.,.,.-~_~',:.[l "'l"'(."t") ~~_ "-(~- " ~~.~ \ ".." y" .~.;;;',L 'e~' ' .'" jJ'i C'l' Ot;,S n1 ':,oise. crJ? 1):l S11CJtl t :tJ1l; O.l? ;.4"0301.:. fJ f:.l>!){; t~ ;:j :):t(~())F!rt:t.J,:s 0:;:' nc:t.d. O:l.tZ.t. r:t?oy:tc:.oC. ':.nt 't~.,e oct 't 911011 o:t.(~();~iaJ,Jj:S 01') l)Ql~ftfJ Cl_~") ()pin::1.on 0..1"10 S1J :t t. Q b1 0 aIte1 0(1 j'l b () 1J [j () '(1 b :,r l)tfbl. :1 <J ,{f' 11 t. j,noonvc~ :tonco to t7H) ~,11.r4) t- t t~/ (',,'~') 'k.', -~ t,'ilO tro..v- . 012,nu mr;,I:i.(j. t)()(}t.2. ~J J. (~O~J alii: 01:'" {)11j~1) j, :-:r; SD:tfl O:lt~~l (~~" .,.;;..t,.. <,-1;4- ,.:.;~ 1) t~I:,(J~? (Jon t nj~t,o:;;) 1." "'\('''n.t...... t..J\..J >oc!.1- i; n,Ocl GO t.O :lO'YO on 1,) a C1 () -OJ.:". (Jct m'\'.e:i? 0;;:' ~:n :i cl ....:~ III .t"_..:,, ;,j .J.. 1f~. . 1ttr:10 S-11t~l:f.,:t o :)J?ov1~:tons 01' t l:.:t fJ O:J,?cl:tnnnGO 0"1,0:1.1 bO rjt~ :.~~~ ,11 (>t :r1,t~t1l (1(f='.,J_;.1:r~rJ _,tJJ1Cj. Sl:',111J.. Dtr)~i:J1. ()()t~:~~1tt(;(~, .. . , ,,"'> :2:tne DJ1(t ooats 'ilo.vo f..)con 2Ja1d. :i."hi n Ol"l(t1:n.tl11Ce <<t "~'l .L. . '1 .' 'F' <:t '" "" c, ,.. "'H" r'> J.. v f~ :~J":'\',,,}Q"hC>V~' rc).: .1~(rv.zJ.:.t t\ Ticl !)lli) :1~ t (;8.'tj ~.l;Ci . (}(l (.~ ...~ /i <... ~ ~ ".;,-.. .;, ~J~ l'< Ii;} ,A.D.1915. f~~~ t ()st {]Jl31:~ J,~ l1 S d t;-. "f.J~'l . ( (""tV'1 j\ -- -tJ".I!"C!'i'40 J . 'J" "i:' {\j '" .; .......r'n" 'I .\!~ . JeJ. V ..t....L ~ ... '_f..... (4'. (J:t-~~:r (1J~0.1?1::. Ord1:ntJ;n.G(:1 . .606. FEw;rKex'D & :P~'?(l.j:lla)."s. An Oruinanco provlcl1n.g for an occupatim'l ta."\C ;1 .:lrrlCt3:r:3;~0,.!1<i :P(;}CI-G.J,srs in -tIl(;J ,-:J;1 t~r at (}r2~rll:t ~ . (1 () f j. i1. :J,Jlf-; t,:: 1 Ga. OJ;> 10't;' , ,~n(l provicUl1g for a penalty for tile v:lolc1,.tion tf1ereof. . Be it Orda,inefl bjr tYH3 na;yor an(\ city COllJ1Cj.J1. of t\)a OJ. t,y' D1: i).J;"\nCt Tf;Jlaml, COt1~~'Jtjr f TT(:it):r?~SI(a. Sf~etlo:n 1. 'J7here i~~ }Jereby :tev1.0d 0"',011 a:n.d. ev(~ry person. f.ir1'!i or corporzl.t1on. carrying on ttH9 btuillnCD8 11fj;f;vltinp: or pochlline; i:n tlH~ C:Ut;y 01' Gt'and Ial:::tri.(L,JfO'braslca,an occupation ta..~ In tIl0 $llTI1 of (;5.00 tor oc~!~h C7.l1.dm1'o:ry c.'l.i.~),;\r that t:ruch per.... son ,.1: 11"m or ootpo:!'at.ion is f.mgt:t,E;o(.'l. :Ln. tI10 1;:n.w1nem:; ot ha,vl1:ing by st1.Tnple,lw tal:ln{'t o:rch")rs., OX' otirH~rrY:UJO; for ....n1' '.~ 11 .. .... \ii''''' ., (" .t' '; ./i (" JyurpoiJo ()!' peddling in tllO C1t:1 of GrE1;n.u !sJ.and. $ TTe"braS2Ca, by of t,H:tO Ortl.1nance ,any parson t}'t~J!o11 f',''''wO ""r"~ "'C' ''It'v'~^ 41" colo. \..'i/;"... \...il k,.;:-~'~:' v) l\...H.A,iJ~'-, or tro.n place to p!~?;,(~e ini)aid 01 ty' ,oXDGslng or Offcjrlnrr for ~.....l."'.... i 171':,(''''' "h~''lo"'t'L)'" ~,..... ^'\~()'"l'~""'f?"" .,t ."..",-t..),. 1 nn~~ f,J'.-~j 'J;;, _",.iI(...,lVQ, UI..uJ;. _ v40. '..Y4h O.,:.\,V,' {,-"j~t't~){~f::'1 _ ..t; '",} \I-f;;~'A-.....,", ':;..\1." "y t ~'JOvros ,mer- . C~.:(:1~!.dj.Be or ttrticles of BJtY l:in.d, 'h0,{l'O',l\l!pnd Co,"''''. n1 ~ kJ\~ ~v~ ~',:''''J ;-':4<.u.W. t:'r:~:'\,~:\:'.f'l~.t to tH3 a pedd.ler. AE-:] pGI'$cJn W,lt> mla11 o~{,;fer or ory :(:01'" salo ".,,')..," (P{-'I""c1,-' ".,,,",'>.:::.<"'< ,."t;\""~)1""1:'t/lidO' "''''' ().....t,.~ 01,1,"("1 f;"-V~"J ~-':':)"'("~'~_""W' ~",""'J'" \__)I,;1:';;,....u~J.. ""!.t.~,.,uJ,.-_.....1,.- 0 t\f~ {4i'.o .4 ''-><it..] ,~." ~"l11r :""'11" VA. """.J "..l~ ..\.il. ~ Etr\}r <'" ... ~>''lf:lt ...~r"''"1~'n ('t j""rr--" 1'" t>J (" J.. ;,_-, '('" - , fk V jj-;:J, I.,.>l...;" w:_ ~...t ~";) {il_........ e)l" ~l ")1'1' 0-- '"!'J'3. 1'.-;j,~;-.ff-'. '-"'d t J.. ......v an;; "0 tanu or vEHLiole ... l"' "":\1(1 f!i.J..v'. ....,.,. .........J..S,;.H.y. ,..I _ Uti ,l../.!., frf)I1 {),Il:~f Ct'b~~ jJ lding u.pcm any r,('!.i:.tl'oad trac.!:, S_1;1.~tJ.l 1;0 .::13'1(1 taltel1 to 1)0 ~)J tl~:ltl;7~~~()r. F;(}ct:'lO:r! ;J.. t!~Ll e S1/rl (~,f ~~:'~ " . Jh!lt. 10 1101"Ell)y lr;)1l1ad o'~),cl1.~:;n,f). (~!V'(:;r.y i tin.er:cmt "vm'.dor of traits _ Vef~0tablc~s "e;roceries, Cli'"",)~'1 "?"""'\i'1 ~.~,. ,,'''''r r').!-'..,,"'.... 1,.....1;1 (),."C> ; I<.J \,f<J".-;~t'l ,. f:.7.j.J.. <.J} ,'L;. tl.t. (',7,,':' :.,........,.. ul,!.:.o,:J.,..:...ilJ.:-~"",. J". :li:iiJ1J.iIiped provided 11 UOV01" J tJ.lO,t 'tll:lfil Olld3.:m:t;flOe S{~B.ll not 'to oon- into tidS rJ.l.t.;f :tl'l car load t):r rraigon loa.u lotDor 1.3;:;0. s t:eued to g, pl.t to persons fJeJJ,1;lg tllO;ll"' Gt'J'n llOU~m;1():Ld goodS J :'.1,.,....'..... 4:0 r'.,i"l..}/ J.7j,.'lc'l....1 C'''. '1 e. "'n... '~"O ""pt'11.1 't?p.'1il"....,' ;,"'" r7"'''''f''r\t'' n.".. _,~;;4 \.. (.}-J v...u J..1;...u t..}''':''f.J.. ,...~'->..,-& l./. J;.,j'.!lr~-_~",.."""",- V'iJ'.L..~.....,.A.Jt) "',"'4 (:,t~i;A.,~....t \j.... . ottler f';;tTl'1. prOG.u.C0 :raiuc~d tiTitl'l:Ul a. l"'ad,lus of i\nmtJl-1'iVG .ilf.H) ;1: tJIio Ci t,YF'_or .to t1"~~;1el1t{J.g e"gr:mts 1;~o:t" 'lin'toles;,~la :t;,0l.lS00 (~elling t,() dO:),lers onlJ1PlOr t.o 1:,e:rCI'13,n.ts~:bn.d trf1c.'3ro Bollini.?; tileir ot\J'n goods tn. trlalr fixod, pl;:;yjaa ot lJu.s1ne.3G i:n t110 ree;nlar , conIlon or vJ3ua,1 cau.sse of: huS 111. Gf1f3 ; nul' to any person se ling IllS own v1orl<S or proCi,uotlona nanufactrtroC!. 1.n tl"l.ls ei t"'r mol" to f.."J.l1V nAr~()n AA'll'J no' A(ln(;::d~'1 nnf~ '1 1"'1'" '1 .:l1'r:"'l"'''l''~r '1''''1'''''' i Cri"'''Ol1t:''!<> ,!,\r)?, 1'" .1n.:~..,~""...'~ (:\:Y ci".J,l..0(" 0....... n~,":I..lr\...,. O..~l ..,1,. ~l. v.,,,,,,J. tJil.."..;' IJt,...V..t...., -(~;.IJIl(,fA-,Jth..'j;J:; ..,J"\k~'V\''; 'J" J..!J"''"'''.,i.x....iil".. &1.-"., ~-t;.) _.&i "'."", _ V'iW' Ji. f01"ocJ.osure of rJ('grt.gf'tc;':~a. j"J)i'ovt(l,0d fU1"tl10r,tl1.Q,t, t,1110 Ora.1r\.a;nCeStlo.l1 to persons in j,!l tor..... . fJ t c), tel COT\': 10:roe'1 t. t :tne suoh ~ . (}It T:',erOJ:1Q.n... cU. 00 arc o:fforJ:'ed tor at:i.J;e. .s.g(;ti 11 3. pSrfJCm {'lea 1 ril'l{O; to in tlle buS1ness 01' lWXrJ.:1.ng (;1" p(lrl(i11ng Eta uet'tn,ect. 11'1, tXld1S ord111a.n,;;o f.:511\,'1.11 r il>'!fj;tpa~~r to t,hn ("~+~r I'l.....n~, ....J1i "'. ",\'Y' t'}1o fl(Y1'tP'f).t. .1.1", n'w): l''f!.t.:..~Q'...... "_"'.,,..,...... -tf'J,..7",JiJ J..t 1<....--,....... ...,,~ -co',o.Ioo --_",,\:;;1 -.;y- "" """ -""J/'~,-J ,.1o,..;t..... _ ...,..t"'"' 11sroln J.Y""OV". /1,.0..(: f't');r !"'nr1 1'<':\ nll~! 1 t1'Jr:'l~~ll1')"""n ., t{~"1,U,~ ~/~ J;..\4~ .~f, 4f \.,;,,"..t.~,.,,,.ii. ,.~..;,Q ,.;1,",,,";N.,.,,...,~ ;" ..~,,~.. . ......'it'...%JM *"_ W' - to sw:n'1 peroon rt j:>f)oe1pt :t~Ol" SUC1'!OCCwrntil()t}. 00 po..ld. SGCt1()Xl 11,. fH,:x>on f'O:l:tOt!:'i.!'lg tl1~) 1)UD1IHJOD 01' Wxwltlng or pO(l(illng 'hf'l tr;J.n tlls oorpo:r?"Zt te :U,r::li to aI' (flhand H~la..~(;l ,J'IebraBKfk. 'trr:1 tl1.cut t 1l"rtt 110,ving pa3,d 1:110 OC()t;q)~;., t10i'1 tc:&x ]!le:re 1,11 prov 1dod f{11~ jlor carr~r:tn.g cnso,,1ti bus:i.neor3 after thooxpirat1on oi;' t.1'lO t1m$ ot:'.tC:d, :In tn.lc!'t()(10Up,f.tt:l.On tr)..x o! n{' .'tJ/U, 1)0 6,OOr1Gd G'lti1,t5'~ ot' f:), ",1 upon cOP""~.ci.',1('n theroot ~m,oJl 1)01 t 1:noel :In .. 00 nuX' ;uc."re . t~~i'1EtJii r"" :) . anO. C()~~jt;3 ot dO,y t 13 t'~l1.d c()!,\rdtt;1(1 -'T1t.:Lla.'l1d 1'14'1$ tJj~!.l'(:: :pEtJ1<l.. ..~,(l !t>'l"lV l'1~t:~.... .". Jt; ,;;:.w; ~'$J "",<j .......,\'if l;:Ol' or I)OC:LQler :!:'Ehf'uO(1Ci to e:}~I}jlJ1, t 1', lhooelpt to :)x'.y.pernon TG!.1;}lr1ng $i vi~t1 tl'loro::;f .1':0 'r}' '"""c'nf,:d1>"1 ;~' J... \..~, t.},>,._.""d\1~ to non,a, 'i'c" ~~ t' . "'t ,..., """'^i!l\"'n(.~ "',"""~,', ;"".>"''>''''int1on tOOt '. j.'1(l:rGCt:~ .-r~l~~ JJ,;,; ~~f..Ll.'~",,:':i,J .~~. ,-;lO;","-""t,,,.,;,., 'A~.. ' :rocw1nt t,i:'l '~0 p." ,~. to pro fJl,') ou t i on" f:lectL::>ft, ~ :J. .r~rt~icles ll~. ct' BooticX'!. :3 {)t Or~l1r~~arl(~\j ,,,.' A... 1",," ! (~, rh::,d,...~ 4,1i,! .. 1ll!:1 p C)1"{U,11;S11100 1..~ ()l~c.e t'1-r:' ~t~ oo.t iI:.1DLe- dlu,tel;';,' 't;./:i-"l.... l;)\.;,;4 .tJ. 4-. ('f J. l./,,; , teat,ion [;l,S b;y 1.. 'C,.... '\"'I.o...r 'I /J ('f'\ ... ...(,...,.\:'I 1.1.-.. ..\t....~..~")l.. ctndo i~'PP1"'O"vod. t1110 .~Ou of OcrtcftJcJr l~)J~:). Attost ( ~jnal ) Cf'\'or:U3S Chl1:tn,U, . , .1':.01 . ~,:~'f;'-::l()r fl 01 t:; 0101'1:.