1914 Ordinances (2)
No. 57~~
Appointment of Special police.
Sec. 1.
The Mayor is hereby authorized to appoint a
special merchants I police officer and a special pOlice of-
ficer for the purpose of inspecting and supervising saloons
and the sale of liquors in the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska, which appointments shall be submitted to and
affirmed by tl1e City Cou.ncil of said City.
Sec. 2.
Such officers shall 0Mch give a bond in the
swn of One 'fhousand Dollarl:l in favor of sa iel City, eondi t-
ioned upon the faithful performance of their duties, as by
law provided, which bond shall be approved by the City
C ounei1 of said City, 808 bylaw provided.
Such of'ficers
shall receive no compensation whatever from the City of
Grand Island and s11all be under the direction and instruct-
ions of the Chief of police of said City and be assigned
to such duties as he may proscribe.
Such special officers may be removed at any time by
the M:ayor of said City.
Approved March 1('1 ~ 1914-.
Ordl1mnC8 NO. 573.
Defining the Corporate Limits of the City of GI"ind Island
and Repealing Ordinance No. 241.
s oc . 1.
COlnmoncin~~ a t tho north 1~!Ost cor:n.or of the
north east qt1El.rter of the nOl"'th west quarter/of Section No.
B1~ht. (g), Township No. }1~lovcn (11) NOI'tl1 of/Ranp;e No. NJ..ne
( 9) vrcr:t of the 6" P.M. in Hall County l Nobraska, rmming
t,holic;e duo east to the north OD.st C01"'nor of suicl Section
No. [j, turning tllOnco south a t right a:nt~les to the nor'th
W(;/.:,t cornor of Lot No. Seventoen ( 17) of Home Sub-cUvision
in Section No. Nine (9) in Gelid tovmship an.d ranp;e, running
thonce ut l'ight angles due east to tho east side of
Whe.olor Avenue! thence soutll easterly along the E'..Ewt sj.do
of gO.io. Avenue to the nOl..th side of Seventoenth street,
running thonce J.n a north easterly direction along the
north side of Baid stroot to the east sid.e of' the rigll.t-of-
vlay of tho Gra.nd Island 6: Wyomin,g CentT":.l RLd.lroad, on Pl1.un
street, l'1.U1nix1.g tIl.o:nco at rig;htanglee i30uth a'i.nterly along
the OD ::,-t ,:1ide of sn j.d right-of'-way to the rlO:ctb sido of
Twelfth Street, thence e'lGterly at :right ang;les to the
section line on t.he ea.f3t side of said Sectj.on No.9, thence
due rlOl'th to tIle north W013't corner of Lot No. One ( I) of
thenuo duo oD.nt to the flOI'th east cornOl' of' oahi IJot No.
NOI'v,Jood Sub-divinj.on in Section No. Ten (10), Townshil)
No. Ji::leven (11) Ra.ngoNo. Nine (9) west of' tIlO 6" P. M..,
thence east aloni~ said half' ccctj.on line to the south west
One ( 1), thence south at right Dnglec to the hEJ.lf section
1i.no I'uI'u j.ng CD. at and west in SEl. id S oct ion No. Ten ( 10 ) .
COI'lICl' of tho east ono-ha..lf of tho north E"ASt st quartoI' of
Gaj,o. Scct10n No. Tenl10), TU11('ing thence north at right
angles to tho sectj.on 11ne on t.ho north shle of sald Sect.-
ion No. 10, runrilng thorJOo ea Bt at I'j.ght a::glos to the south
VleDt cornor of Sect ion No. Two (2), TOYil11.shj.p No. Eleven( 11)
Rarlge No. Nine (9) Vlest, run:ntng thence north olr;hty rods
( gO) to tho nOJ~tll went cornor of Lanigan & Ma.rsh IS Sub-di v-
i sian dS originally pIa ttod, tbence E'..ant eie;hty (gO) rods,
tl10.1100Bouth oigrlt,y (EJO) rocIo, tllo:noo cant. olcllty ( (0) rods
,EUId thonce sOl:tth ej.p;11ty (gO) r'ods to Om."l.ha street as shov.rii'
on tho IJlat or East GI'dnd Iuland as OJ:,i lly,pla tted,
thence west at right angles to "G" streot, thence south on
"G It S' + -.(,'nr-=1 t. .t",o D01J.rda s S treot p f'., shov!I1 on <,!C)'j rl ,)1<" t t11enco
v _....... _ ~:........ .. "'" . ~, '.ft...... ...I~ ,,-. J.::. ~.:r. j', . ... "" -J
V!CH3t on Dou;;l1.Hl f3trootto "E" stroot, tllonce south on SEi.id.
!I'j' !I
stroot to Boston stroot, thenco east on tho
If' soct-
i or, line jJl S octj.on No. 11, fJ.~d.d. tovlrlship
r,Ui.;;e, to the
irtLcl->J30ctio:ns Wj.-t11 tl!O no:ctll line of the l'ight-of'-way of
tho U:nion PcH:if'ic HtiilrOLtd Company, tlwnce ii!osterly along~
tho no:etJ' Dido of' said right-or-way to tIl0 O"I-fJt sido of' the
vrost one-half of tllO south-WCJBt ql..utrtcI' In. GeUd. Scotton No.
E levmi (11), thence north o.n satd ql1Llrtor section It.no to
satd Boston streot, thenco west on Gaid BOflton stroot to
tho west sido of said Section No~ 11, thence south on satd
8 action line to tho nortll west oo:rnor of" Lot NP' Twenty Six
( 26) oJ: cOttr.lf~8 Gl"OVO Adeli tiOli. a.s trlO f.va.me was oI'iginally
pIa t tod, thonce ea st a t l'i[~ht a,nglen to the OcHlt line of
tllO vVOGt onc-I1alf of' tho south vroDt qW2rto,r O.r satcl Section
No. 11, thence south on said line at right angles to tho
nortl:, side of' the J:ight-of-way of' tho Union. P,~lcit~ic RE'U.l-
rOHcl Com})1::~,ny, thence westorly along the nortll side of the
Gtt id Tig;ht-of-wayto the int ersoctions '\vi tl1 the west line
of the south east quartor of the south eEwt quarter, Soc-
tion No. 10, TOl'rl1shj.}J No. 11, R.ant';eNo. NinE) (9), thence
south illong sald line to the I.wu.th rd.de of oaid rlg,ht-of-
way, thence v{.est 8~10Il~s BB!.id south lineto the east Btde of
tho or1gina 1 tovm of Gl?<1nd Island, thence sOl.rth on storlY
Ei" Ion?; tlle eant oldo of' H~J.t6 ort2;lnal town of' Gra.nd Island
to tho center of Section No. Ul'fteon ('.l~) l",~., d t hj
J:' ./' Si.d.. ovm S .})
D.n.d ra.nl:,o, thonce eunt upon tho hall:' soctj.on Ilno of said
S oction No. F iftoon to Boa.l S treat, thonce fJouth eu. storly
i:.tlonr; tho eaat line of sttld Beal stroot to j.ts lntorsect-
lon wlth Anna street, tll.EHWO vcrest. at :c.lrsht arlglcs to Cherry
S trfJfJt, tl1onco" sout11 along the O~l"ltO:J:l of' Cherry stJ:'oot Ono
Hundrud:~:nd, thlrty two root (132), t}Hmco vrosta t l'ight
a,nglon to tho eEwt Ij.ne of' Plum Stl"cet, thonee nouth along
salCl. IJ.no to its -intc:r.'socU.on wtt.h HenlY stroot, tl18nce
',1!O"l",t Dt J~'iU}l.t. .p.t']p'lc'C,' +n .Ll,"fl"'> 1"1(.]"t 1J',,0, (,'f' V]'ne S'tre.At the",,.,,,,
~ t,.... ~ ..,,{'~ ....'.....0 -'~ v...., ,. .~'.j' .' ~'.' ..l.oo ~.h.-,_ ,. ~.... ......... "'w' ,.. c./, u.J.....\".A,-'
north ,:~t J:j.g[Jt angles to tho half' soction 11210 in m"l1d sec-
t ion No. 15 ruru~U.!1g no:r'tl] Ei nd sOll.th, thonce sOUt]1 long
sa.id h2~lf ooction li1'.o to the north OcU3t corner of Block
No. One (1) j.n Kochle:c!l3 Sub-clivision in said Section No.
15, then(~e clue weElt along; t.he north sido of na j.d Lot No. 1
to tho nort 11 oa st corner of BloCk No. Two (2) of' SH 1d
Koehlor's SUb-clivigj.on, trlonce due 801Xth to t ncction
line on trlO Douth n:1.c:1.e of said Section No. 15 nd thence
west a t right tlnQ;lc;:; to the north sido o:f the rj.ght-of-way
of tho Chj,ca,go, BurlinE~ton 8: Qu:i.ncy Railroctd Company, com-
monly k':10Wl1 n f;fhe: Bolt Lino, thenc~ nlor<~ thenortl! side
of sald riEcht-of-vray in ~t no:rthe!:tsterly diroctior1 to Ash.ton
Avenue, thence west ;,/lo:ng said Ashton Avenue to the oast
side of LtiKe streot, thence fJouth at right
ler; to the
south sid.e of Park S treat and to tho north ea st cern or of
B lock No. Four (4) of' Lakeviow,. tlJ.once South along the east
sielo of f3[;licl BlocK No. Four (4-) and iLlong tho eant side of
Lots Nos. Soventeen (17), Sixteen (16) and Fiftoen (15)
of tho Coun.ty Sub-division of' tho west ono-half of the
s out11 VH0S't quarter of S ect10n No. 15, Tcrl'flW}lip No.. 11,
north of Rango No. Nine (9) wost, to tho section line on
tho south side of said scction No. 15, thence east along
said section lino to the eaL1t line of IIDII Stroot in South
G rand I slancl as o:r,if;ina lly IJlat ted, thenco soutI1 at I'tght
angles along sa.id ljJlO tathe soUtIl east COl'llCT
Hawthorn e
Place, thonce west y rizht Qn~les alon~ tho south line of
Hawtllo~C'ne P
() on the ear;t Gicle of
Scction No. T'.7U tv One (2.l), Township No. Ji:leven( 11),Range
No. Nine (9), tl1ence south a.t :cj.e;ht anE~les to the f3ou.tl1
eaat COT'ner of tho nOl"th east C1tlB,rter of tho (wuth east
C.l"lP,.""~c\''1r O.L.o C::,...Q..c.t._"'on ~.TO 21 J'~ '.Jd. to."l.,.',....,.lJ~)' tl
....~.J- ,. l~. '..i. Del',' hh:.d',l ana rane;e,' lonce
WOl3t at right angles eighty rods to tbo south veTest corner
of Pleum:~nt Homo Sub-cUvisj,on, thenco north at right ang-
les eighty rods, thence west at rig;11t arlcleg on tllO half
section lino 1.n Bedd Goction No. 21 to tllO ContoI' of said
S eotlon, th021.Ce rloI'tll at righti;U12~los to the ::WUt11 c1ide
A dr' J' .J. J' CJ'"
Al"nold ,Uld Abbott IlJ AclcUtiol1, John Voitle IS
AddiU.on, Union Paclfto Rallway Company's Socond Addition,
Nagy'l) AclcUtiol1, Lambort's Addition, as orif:;irlrllly platted.,
Kernohttn Ilnd Decl,.er's Addition, Charles Wanmer's Add1t1on,
Wasmer's Seoond Addition, Wasmer's Third Addition, S1'1oe-
m::d\.or'g Adc'U.tion, Woodbine Add.ition, Balter's Addit.ion,
Paclcor e.no. BaI'r's Addition, Packer and. Burr's Second. AdcU-
tion,' Bom)j.o Brae AdcUtion, W,':-lllich's Addition, Rollin's
Ad.cutiOrl, H. G. Cl[i,I'J:::.lr: AddJ.tion, Joehnok's Additj.o:n,
R'lC'c<c.,'l W1-1('("lnr's Adr1J'tl'on ~va""('lc,1 A""'l'itJ.'")n qC! C)-"'1'0"i'l'~11y
L .....~.) L.' ,1...... ~. J.... ~... ,..i . "-L ~ ~_, J..:J !:. 0 U.l-..J..L ".., u....... ...L t:-1 ~...ct.
1,.:' .[. '("0'3 Dl . .-c' '''''''It 1'.1]' 11. Ao'1 'I -itl' r,Y'\ B rr(l S S'I'1() 1,-; l' , J A'" 1]' tl' on
p ,10 ,C".., .L e,..t..>".L ._ d.C... v,l.,.., o (:}u' ...L, .,.. 1-,. ..L C ',LC.. .,
We::.d, Lf.HVn, Soa.rif' fl AclcU.tion to West Lawn, College Aclclltion
to V!eBt Lavrn, University P1t"i.oo, HiE;hlnncl Perk, stahley
Place as origj.nally plattod, Harrj.sonlg Sub-divif:5ion of' tho
South W GBt ql.t::!rtel" of tho South Ji~a st qua. OJ:' of Section No.
Eight (g), ~:oVInBhip No. E1c)'Ien ( 11), Ha:ngo No. IHn.e (9),
S" ",,-'i .:J,:.~., PI" '" "1!}., '..101" .'-11d ]:::>r""y 1.t I A('1]' .l'i 1 ~'l't'lI]"n
1h', I _.'"u:t~J. cL cc., I, .l0-.: , Ei. _><.....1,.1.0" S "L, . I,. 0.1, a s oJ. U ..>..,-
B.lly p1nttcd, Meth'B Acl.dition as oI'iginal1y platted,1oanlg
Sub-d.ivhlion oJ:' the south :part of the vrnnt half' of tho
no:cth west quartor of' S eet ion No. Ten ( 10), Town.shj.p No.
E levon ( 11), Range No. Nine (9), County Sl.l!?--<lj,visj.on of the
WOG't hEl11~ of trl.O south walCot quartoI' of soctj.on No. 'l'on ( 10)
Township No. E1evCl! (11), Ra.nge No. Nino (9), County Sub-
clivif3ion of' tho l,ITest half of tho ~~outh vrest quartor of
Sectiort No. Fiftoen (15), Tm1fl1f:/hj.p No. Eleven ( 11), Rfwge
No. Nine (9), CPlU1tySub-division of tho f:louth OB.st cfur.:1rtor
of tho BOUtl1 vre::r~ quarter of Section No. Sixteen ( 1$),
Township No. Eleven (11), Hange Bo. Nine (9), County Sub-
cUvision of part of the sout}) half of the 130uth east q:Wir=
tel' of Section No. Sj.xteen (16), Tovmship No. Eleven (11),
Ha.ng,e No. Nine (9), F. P. Bark IS Sub-di visJ.ons Nos. One ( 1)
'l'wo (2) and Three (3) of' part of the east half of the north
east qWirtel' of' Section No. Ten (10), Township No. Eleven
( 11), RH.nge No. Nine (9), L,;:trl.igEi & Marsh's Sub-cU.visj.on
of the south wect quarter of the fiouth west quarter of
Section No. Two (2), Tovlfrlship No. ICleven (11), Range No.
Nine (9), Goodrioh IS Sub-di vi sj.on of 10 ts Nos. 4-7, 4-8 a.nd
Nine (9) formerly known as Math's Addition, Reimer's Sub-
division of south east quarter of south west quarter of
Section No. Seventeen (17), TOVffiShip No. Eleven (11), North
of Range No. Nine (9), Koehler Place, a Sub-division of'
north east quarter of south west quarter of Section No.
F iftoen ( 15), Township Mol, Eleven (11), Range No. Nine (9),
Koehler's Sub-division of part of the south east quarter
of the south west quarter of Section'No. 15, Township No.
11, R~tnge Nol 9 t and part of Lot No. Fourteen (14) of the
C our.ty Sub-d.ivisj.on of the west half of the south west
quaI'ter of said Soot ion No. 15, Tovr,nshlp No. 11, Range No.
9, excepting Lot No. Ono ( 1) the:l'eof, Lake View being part
of Lots Nos. 14 and Ie in the County Sub-divj.sj.on of the
west l~lf of tho south west quarter of Section No. Fifteen
( 15), Township No. Eloven (11), Range No. lUne (9) and part
of the south east quarter of the south west quarter of said
Section No. 15, Hawthorne Place, being a Sub-division of
part of' the north west quaJ::"ter of Seotion No. TVlenty Two
( 22), in TownBhip No. I~ leven ( 11), north of Rang;e No. Nine
( 9), Lots Nos. 10 to 17 both inclusive in Home Sub-dj.vis-
ion being a part of tho north balf of tho north west quar-
ter of Section No. Nine (9), Tovvnship No. ]~leven (11),
Range No. Nine (9), Gilbert's Sub-division of Block No. 79
of the original tovrn of Gl~:a.nd Island, Wiese's Addition, Elm
Place Addition, Heyde's Addition, and also such miscell~m-
eous t~lcts lying within said above described boundaries
which'have nevor boen platted or sub-divided, and do not
exceed five acres in extent. All of which said additions
<-:l.nd sub-divisions and mincelianeous tracts are hCJ:'eby de-
c lared to be and are parts of the C1 ty of Grand Island,
Ordina.nce No. 21+1 is hereby r'epealed.
Approved March 25, 1914.
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Ordinance NO.586.
Amending No.. 28l.J., Ohang ing Grade..
.An Orcl1nance establishing a permanent grade on Third'
street between Plum and Vine streets in U16 01 ty of Grand ISland"
Nebraska,8'nd repealing so much ot Ordinance No.2Sl.J. as is in con-
<Clict herewd th.
Be it Ordalnectb.Y the Ma'yol' andOlty Oouncil ot'the
Oity of' Grand ISland,Nebra'ska..
Sec,t1on 1.- That Ordinance No.2S4, as heretofore
adopted; bY the 01 ty Oouncil ot.' Grand ISland"NebraJs.l<a ,is: amende<d
and the pel'mament grade of third str'eet east of Vine~ street Shall
be as' fOllowsi:~
Oornmenc1ng a,tL the easterlY I1ne~ of Sftid Third: street
at an elevation of 37.5.0 feet ,at the intersec:tions westerlY' the
elevations shall be as follows~:
Plum street l.J.o.~O feet
Vine street 4,0.00 feet.
Sec:tion ZOo That so much of' Ordinance NO.2:8l.J. aR is in
conflict herewlth,is hereby repea1ea.
This Ordinance shall be in :force and ta'Ke e:rf'ec:t
from 8:nd a:rt'er its:pa'ssage ,a\pprol1al and PubliCf'tt1on as provd.deat
by 1 aw'.,
pa'ssed and approvect this 1,6:1' day of December ,A:..D.1-91lt..
Charles G.Rwan,
"e"" "[ )
\"..,3, .
H.E..Olifford,' ,
01 ty Olerk.