1913 Ordinances (2)
NO. 541.
Co:cwt:ruotlon 01' ShlotJ:'acJr, UnJ.on P'le. Hitt
d Co.
Sec. 1. That pormission and authority are hereby
grantod to the Union Pacific Ra ilroad Company to lay down,
maintain and operate a railroad tl"ack across Washington
Stroet between Blocks Nos. 5 & 6, of Arnold and Abbott's
addition to said city, and aoross the intersection of
Washington streot and North Front Street in said city of
Gra.nd Island.
Sec. 2. The privilege hereby granted. Elhall be sub-
ject to all general ord.inances of said city tl1at now are
or may hereafter be in force ooncerning railroads in said
city and subject to the rights of said city whenever by
ordinance it ma.y be deemed neoessary to construct or main-
tain sewers or water nains thereon or across said streets.
Sec. 3. The privileges hereby granted are on the
furt her condition that said Union Pacific Railroad Company
i to succeSS01"S and assigns, shall keep and save harmless
the city of Grand IsJ.a.nd from all damages, costs and ex-
IJenSeS 1'1'0111 suits arising out of' the use of said streets
by said Union Pacific Railroad company, its successors or
a 8S igns.
Approved April 2, 1913.
NO. 54.2.
Wholesale Liquor Dealers..
Sec. 1. Tl~t hereafter all jObbers and dealers in
ma.l t, Bpiri tuous and vinous liquors a t who lesale within
the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island shall
pay a license fee in the sum of one thousand dollars for
each year or fractional part of a year; provided that no
license shall extend beyond the municipal year for which
the same was granted.
Sec. 2. A jObber or dealer in n~lt, spirituous or
vinous liquors at wholesale i8 any person or firm who
sells such liquors in quantities of five gallons or more
to anyone person, fi:r:'In or corporation in anyone day;
provj.ded tba t no liquor sold or disposed of by such deal-
er shall be consumed in whole or in part on the premises
of the vendor.
Sec. 3. No license shall issue until the applicant
sl~ll have oomplied with Sections 2, 3, 4 and 6 of Ordi-
nance l\To. !5E9 of this city a s well as the laws of the
state of Nebraska pertaining to the sale of intoxicating
Sec. 4. No person shall be licensed under the pro-
v isions of this ordinance until such person Ilfl S given a
bond in the penal sum of $5,000 to be approved as provid-
ed by sta tute and shall have paid int.o the city treasury
the sum off one thousand dollars, as provided in Section
No.1 of this ordirutnce and shall file the treasurer's
receipt with the city clerk. If the nayor and council
shall then order license granted such applicant the city
olerk shall issue such license, which license shall be
signed by the nayor and city clerk and shall be attested
by the seal of said city.
Approved April 16, 1913.
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cd k.y 21st, 1913.
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NO. 550.
Regulating opexating of Motor Vehicles.
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one Jamp which shall be placed .Q.n the front part of such
vehicle and kept burning at night when the same is in use
within the city limits.
Sec. 4. All vehicles driven within the limits of
said city shall keep on the right-hand aide of the.street,
a venue or alley on which said vehicle is driven; when
turning a corner such vehicle shall make the large turn
but shall be brought over to the right hand-side of the
street as quickly as pODsible.
Sec. 5. No person shall carry passengers for hire
in a motor vehicle upon and over the streets and avenues
of sa.id city without first l:l8.ving paid to the City treas-
urer an occupation tax of $15.00 per annum for eaoh and
every vehicle so used. Said tax shall be due and pay-
a ble on the first day of May of each year or as soon as
such person uses Buch vehicle for tpat purpose on said
Sec. 6. No l)ersOn shall run or drlve a motor vehi-
ole over the streets, avenues or alleys of said city ex-
cepting such vehicle shall have a muffler attached to its
engine in good order for the purpose of reducing the
noise nade by the running of said vehiole, and suoh muff-
ler ahall be olosed while such vehicle is operated upon
tho streets, avenues and alleys of said oity; and said
vehicle shall be run with as little noise as is possible.
SeG. 7. Any person violating any of the prOVisions
of this ol"dinance sha 11 be fined in a.ny sum not more than
$25.00 and shall stand committed until suoh fine and
oosta ha.ve been ~id.
Approved July pO, 1913.
Regulating the Use of Paved streets and Alleys.
Sec. 1. That it is hereby declared. to be unlawful
for any person to drive any wagon, cart or other vehicle
Over or upon any pavement in said oity unless the box on
such vehiole is tight and will not allow the passing
through the same of water, sand, rook, debris or any other
ma teria,l.
Seo. 2. Such vehicle shall be loaded in such man-
ner that no part of its load will escape or fall upon
such pavement.
Seo_ 3- The driver of any vehiole upon any of the
streets in said oity shall keep to the right-hand side
of the street while driving suoh vehiole.
Sec. 4-- The ovmer or driver or person in Charge
of or having supervision over any vehicle who permits
the same to be driven over the pavement in said city
with a box contrary to the provisions of this ordinanoe,
or shall allow any part of his load or contents of his
wagon to scatter or fall upon the l::Ja.vement, shall be
fined in any sum not exceeding $25.00 and costs,and shall
stand coramitted until such fine and costs Imve been paid.
Approved August 6, 1913.
No. 565.
Regulation of Pool
rd Hi:!. lID.
S OG. 1.
Thl t rlO porf30n co
a pool or billiard
11 in
G Ci
B 11 U()
t ()I' 1JJ)vr to be (;Oi)(!iluted.
a ny club room in con.ncc t ton therowj, th; nor
~Ll Ek.~L tel lJO()l
o:c bilL
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11 be connoctod with
fJtl10I~ I~OOin 1J;,r
;:~t loclc ()]~
t e11 0 J:- .,0.l
other co'ntr1va~lco by wtlich
1"11:"' , .
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OJ: 1>~'k:1),T -jJO f.'JBtOLlcd~.
s ~;c. 2.
It u 11 b01X.'11cil7Ji'ul
I~ {t-rl"-?, ~;JC)I~(':-::()rt 'O\I!I1.5.x12;
o 2" -:."j () ~!, \. (1.11 C t,
1 ()J:' biLL
11 to koop, nlt:J.j,llt1d.n,
allow, :ooJ:'lnit., i.n
11 01' it']
() t J1(3 I~ LrL:~ Ijj<l c~ j~
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l):c'n;;U.~F)f:! a::1Y bU:iZO:C, bo ;,1, r:,one~; (~lectI"ic {loviee or 6my
o 't.llCJ~ d.o\.T j.. c;. () 1.'l1:1t1 t OV 01' 10(:(
frorn ::ll~ch pool 01' billtard
hull to .:lll,y baDOlnnnt or :eoom to, upon or off Slwh In'mnj.ses.
Sec. 3.
Any po:erJOn viole.tj.ng the; j'>T'ovllJ
s of' thJ.s
11 bo
subjoct t,o fLlO 0:1' no more ttlh'n Tworlt')l
D IJ" , <" ((" ,) 0 0 0) "
o . .n.L .e> ~i' L. d
costs of prosecution, 11 stand
C () Hunt t t CJcl. 11ri'L L 1 G1J.C~ 11 firtC;!:L rIel (; () [1 t G
ve "D C) OIl :flll
In L: "i:. tllerc;to, it s}1:J.l.l bc
duty of l\kiyor to
close Buen pool billiard 11,
no pOl'DO:n shall re-
01) Ull Lrl.J~(;'['l ~!) CJ 1
-bj~.Ll :ecl
11 VJ' j.'t; }',l cpxt t 11 C; 0 (}r~ C'1\. to 0 f
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S ()l~:. 11_.
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~pll}') li(3n. t iC)Tl
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A})p:!:'<.'ved J)cccmbo:i:' 17, 191.3.