1912 Ordinances
NO. 503.
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See. 1.
Tha t tho North 11/111' of Block No. 69 in tho
oI'J.gl:onl Town, nOVi City of Gl'und Island, Nobrasl<:Jl, is horo-
by pln00d wj.thj.n the f'iro limits of tho md.d City, 1:111('1 arc
mado uuiJjeet to all provisions of' this orcU.nanco of the
said City to all property within the fire limits.
knprovecl JanUEl.ry 3, 1912.
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A ppJ:'ov u:5, Mar'Crl 6, 1912.
NO. 508'.
0.0 CjlII:-:'~.!. t. J. (]
Tc) '\t,r::t
Sec. 1.
There is hereby levied an occupation tax
upon each traveling show exhibiting in tent OJ:' tonts with-
in the corporate lim1 ts of the 01 ty of Grand
Island, Ne-
bra sIca , in this ordinance hereinafter enumerated, for the
purpose of raising revenue ~hereby, in the several amounts
on the differont shows hereir~fter specified; and each and
every person or persons, firm or corporation carrying on
the business herein mentioned within said limits shall pay
to the Oity Treasurer the sums as horeil~fter provided as
a tax upon said occupation.
S ec. 2.
The Sllin of one hundred and fifty dollars per
day is hereby levied on eaoh traveling show exhibiting in
tents and using in the transportation thereof from place to
place more tha.n thil"ty railway carf:l.
S eo. 3.
The sum ,of seventy-five dollars per day im
hereby levied on each traveling show exhibiting in tm ts
illnd using in the tra.nsporta tion thereof, from place
place, more than t.vventy cars a'nd less than thirty cars.
Sec. 4.
Tho 8U~' of fifty dollars per day is hereby
levied on ~tch traveling show exhibiting in tents and us-
ing in the trdnsportation thereof from place to place ten
railwa.y cars arid not more than twenty ca.rs.
S eo. .5.
The sum of twel1ty-j;'ive dollars per day
hereby levied on eaoh traveling show exhibiting in tent
or tents or other temporary shelter and using in the trans-
portation thereof one railvlay car and not more than ten
S O~.'
The sum of five clollars per day is hereby
levied, on ea.ch traveling show exhibit.ing in tent or t€mts
or othor temporary shelter, excepting such as are provided
for in sections 2, 3, 4 and .5 hereof, provided, however,
that for each day said she>w continues to exhibit af'ter the
first day the tax shall be two and one-half dollars.
i-'c- "
Sea. 7. Any person, firm or corporation violating
the provisions of this ord.1nance shall be fined not leas
than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dol-
la.rs, or shall be imprtsoned not to exceed" thirty days in
jail, at the discretion of the court.
Approved March 6, 1912.
NO. 509.
OCC:~'Ll';.-}-;, "L, j~Cl-;
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8 ee. 1.
All opera houses, halls, vaudevllles, tl1.ea-
tres a.nd movj.ng pj.cture shows in the City of Grand Island
Nebraska, used for public entertainment or amusement, for
hire or profit, shall be ta.xed for the purposes hereinafter
8 ec. 2.
The owner or owners, nanager or lessees of
such place ;1::1 :ies:3riDed in Section one hereof desiring a
permit smll make an application therefor, giving the lo-
cation of such plaoe, with the name thereof and the name of
the owner, ma.nager or lesaee thereof' and aha 11 deposj.t, upon
making such applica t ion, the sum of fifty do lIars with the
City CI01'>k, to await action on such applioation; provided,
that if no moving picture ma.chine is used in such place
more often than once a week, such a.pplicant need deposit
the sum of twenty-five dollars only.
8ec. .3.
If such application be granted by the coun-
cil, the City Clerk shall issue a. permit in accordance
therewith and l)ay the money so deposited with him to the
City Treasurer, said amount shall be in full for such oc-
cupation tax for the munioipal year during which it is
Sec. 4-.
All entortainments conducted in any
place as has :tnid such OCCUl)ation tax shall be exempt from
taxattop as required by Ordinance No. 46 of this city.
S ec . 5.
If any immoral, indecent or illegal show or
enterta inment sha.ll be oonducted in any such place
as af'oresaid such pexmi t shall be revoked by two-thirds
vote of the counoil, and the money paid for such
shall be forfeited.
S ec. 6.
It shall be unlawful for any person under
the age af tvrenty-one years to opera.te any moving picture
machine, and a violation of this prOVision shall be suffi-
-ciont ground for the cancellation of the permit
gran t ed
undor this ordinanoe, and it shall be the duty of the Ma-
yor to olose up any moving picture show in which the pro-
vision of this section is violated.
Seo. 7. Any person attempting to conduct any such
place of business as is provided in Section one hereof,
without first complying with the provisions of this ord-
inance shall 'be fined in the sum of fifty dollars and
stand committed until such fine and oOsts are paid.
Approved March 6, 1912.
No. 510.
ItllCt c;(j:CL).
Sec. 1.
No person shall carry on the business or oco~
pation of auctioneer, or cry for sale, or sell, or offer for
sale any goods, wares, merchandise or personal property of
any kind a t auction 1n any manner on the streets, a venues or
alleys or other public place, or as an auctioneer sell or ory
for sale, or offer for sale such property on any vacant ~ 0 t
o I' in any place of business wi thin the lirni ts of the City of
Grand Island, Nebrast..a, wi t110ut first paying an occupation
tax as provided in this ordinance.
S ec. 2.
Every person who desires to engage in the 0000-
pation or ~usiness of auctioneer, as provided in Section 1
hereof shall, before engaging therein, present a petition to
the City Council praying tha. t a permit be issued to him, which
a pplica. tion shall be in writing, signed by twenty resident
freeholders of this city, and he shall also pay into the c1 t y
treasu17 for general revenue purposes twenty dollars for an
auctioneer's permit for the current municipal year, or rerra 1n-
der thereof, a.nd he S~ll at the same time file with said Ia-
tition a bond running to the city, for the benefit of all
persons entrusting business to him, in the sum of five hun-
dr~d dollars, with sufficient surities, to be approved by the
cOlmcil, for the proper discha.rge of the duties of an auc-
tioneer and to l~y over and render account for all money
t 11a. t may come into his hands a s such auctioneer.
Upon granting of the prayer 0:1:' said petltion and the
approval of the bond as aforesald saj.d applicant shall be
entitled to engage in said business.
Sec. :;.
The permit herein provided for shall not auih-
oriz e the transaction of the business described j.n more than
one place or building atone time.
Sec. 4.
If'anv person shall do or attempt to do any
business herein provided without first having l~id the occ~
pation tax herein provided, or shall violate any of the pro-
visions of this ordinance, such person shall on conviction
thereof be fined not less than twenty five dollars nor more
tha.n one hundred dolla.rs for each and every offense, and
shall stand connni tted 1.U1til such fine and. costs ha.ve been
Sec. 5. This ordinance shall not apply to sales un-
der execution, attachment, mortgage, dead of trust, order
of' court, executor IS, administra tor I s guardian IS, or ta.x
Approvod ~irch 6, 1912.
HO. 512.
Jud~::; f.~~G
CIOI1kf; ()i~ EIE}C
S eo. 1.
Tha. tat the speoj.al elootton t.o be hold j.l1
the ctty of GJ}ind IGlnnd., Nobras}:a, on the 19" day of March,
A. D., 1912, and. u. tall l'ogular and S})ooj.a 1 elections hold
aocorcUng to law subfJequontly theroto tho judges arId clerks
appoj.ntod by lavl to sorve on tho l'oguldI' oloctJ.on boards
j.n r~a tel City shall serve an.d aJ:'o 110reL)y a.ppointod, author-
iz eel n. nd OlIll)OWorod to serve as tl1() J:.'o:3peotive SPOOiEd e1oot-
l.on bOd:cdD, wj.th f'u.ll ])OVTOrS to fill any artd a.ll vacancies
law i'oJ:' other elootions.
Soc. 2.
Suoh judgc;s and. clorko nhall !],'ive the ::~ame
l)OvJ():eG Hnd perform the same dutios as v,rhon 80rv1.:n2; at a gen-
o:eal election rind tll.oy shall coun.t tllO ba11otr:> legally cast
it t uuch GPOC 1 elections and ma](o due roturn theroof to
tho CJty Clork and sllall I'ooetvo tho same componsEl.tlon for
such servicos as Whe'i.:l sorvj.rq~ at a regular olectlon.
Approved March 13, 1912.
NO. 513.
'r,::;.x 0.....: Eo lIe::::' S
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r~. Y:-fJ, Bj~l
1 ") C't
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Sec. 1.
That for the purpose of regulation and
raising revenue, there is hereby leviod an occupation
upon each and every occupation and business carried on with-
in the limits of 'the Oity of Gr'dnd Island, Nebraska,as here-
inafter specified and every person, firm or corporation
carrying on the business heroin mentioned within the limits
of said city shall pay to the City Treasurer, annually in
advt'3.nce, the sum named as herein provided.
All money
paid sball become a. pa,t of' the gel1e:ral fund of this city
and shall be under the control of the City COllilCil.
S ec. 2.
Under the provisions of' this chapter and the
. authority vested in the City Counoil aforesaid there is
levied upon each person, firm or oorporation carrying on
business in said city an ocoupation tax t),S follovvs, to-wit:
~)50.00 per year for operating a roller skating rink.
$10.00 per year for each alley used in a pUblic bowlilg
~~lO. 00 per year for each billiard or pool table oper-
a ted in a public pool or billiard ball.
$25.00 per year for operating Ii penny arca.de, or a nia-
kle arcade, or arcade or exhibition of' any kind where pic-
tures, either movable or stationary are displayed for money.
S ec. 3.
On all occupations and business on v"h1ch said
tax is levied the year for such tax shall be deemed to begm
on the first day of May and end with the thirtieth day of'
April following.
Sec. !~.
It is hereby made the duty of' every person,
firm or co:;rpora tion engaging in carr,ring on any business
within the limits of this city on VJhich an occupation tax
is leviod by thts ordinance to pay the tax at the time pro-
vided for its payment in this ordinance.
Sec. 5.
Whenever any money is paid to the citytreae-
urer under the prOVisions of this ordinance, such treasurer
shall issue a receipt theref'or specifylng tIle :per80n paying
same, the amount Hnd purpose for which such money is paid,
which receipt shall be produced for inspection upon. den.1,and
of any proper officer of this city.
Sec. 6. Upon the failure of any person, firm or cor-
pora tion tOl)9-.Y any tax by this ordinance levied, when de-
mand is ffi':l.de by the City Treasurer th9. t the same be paid,
saj.d treasurer s~nall immecUately collect the same by dis-
tress or sale of the personal property of such delinquent
in the ma.nner provj.ded for levy and sale on execution issued
by a justice of the pea.ce and this ol"dinance shall be the
warrant and authority for the treasurer for making such dir:l-
tress and sale, ancl the treasurer shall be entitlod to such
feos out of the property distrained and sold for rl18.kj.ng such
distress and sale, as constables receive for lrakinf~ levy an d.
sale under executiqn, such costs to be made out of the pro-
ceeds of the property distr.ained.
Sec. 7. Any firm, person or COl"pora tion opera. ting or
conductin.g any business provided in section 2 hereof with-
out first having paid the occupation tax provided herein
shall be subject to a fine ,of not less t~~n ten dollars,nor
more than fifty dollars and costst and each day shall con-
sti tute a separate offense and shall stand conuni tted until
such fine and costs have been paid.
S ec. IS. No l)el~SOn opera ting a pool or billiard hall
shall allow any minor under the age of eip;hteen years to be
in said pla.ce. of business and any violation of this section
shall be deemed a mlsdemeanor and upon conviction thereof
t he offender shall be fined in any sum not more than twenty
five dollars.
See. 9. Ordinancos numbers ,+05 and ,+09 are hereby re-
Approved March 20, 1912.
NO. 514.
Oe01roiJ.tiOLi. t,:lX on Saloon Kool')01"s.
Seo. 1. Tlllit hereafter eaoh and every dealer in
malt, slJirituous and vinous liquors at retail withj.n the
corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
shall pay an ocoupa tj.ontax of' two hundred fifty dollars
for eaoh and evel~y year, or fractlonal part of a year.
Provided that 110 permit to do business under this or-
dinance shall extend beyond the municipal year for which
said tax is paid.
Sec. 2. The City Treasurer shall issue to the per-
sons paying said oooupation tax a receipt therefor, and no
person shall have authority to conduct said business in
said city until he has paid said tax and received a receipt
Sec. 3. Any person who shall attempt to do any busi-
ness mentioned in section one of this ordina.nce 'without
having first paid said occupation tax shall be fined in
the sum of one hundred dollars and costs and shall stand
corrnnitted until the fine and costs are paid.
All ordinanoes and parts of ordinanoes in conflict
herewith are hereby repealed.
Approved Maroh 29, 1912.
NO. 515.
PEt 17,';,). B ];{)kO I\i~ ~
Sec. 1. There 1s hereby levied an OCcul~tion tax of
fi~ty dollars a year or part of a year on all persons,rinns
or corporations engaged in the businoss of :pawn broking in
the cj. ty of Grand Island, Nebraska., and each person, firm
or corpol"dtion engaged in such business shall pay an occu-
pation tax of fifty dollars into the Oity Treasury before
engaging in such business. The treasurer sl~ll give a re-
ceipt for such payment and shall specify thereon the place
where such business i8 to be conducted.
No receipt shall run beyond the first day of May foI-
lowing the (18, te of suoh payment, such tax being payable
yearly in advance.
Soo. 2. Before such reoa1ptshall be issued pawn
brokers shall give a. bond to said city in the sum of one
thousand dollars with surety to be approved by the Mayor
conditioned on the faithful performance of the trust im-
posed by law upon, or by usage attaching to, pawn brOkers,
but no person, fil"ln or cOl"poration shall do business in
more tl1ttn one place.
Sec. 3. Such pawn broker shall keep a. suitable book
in which shall be entered in the English language, at 'the
time, a list and desoription of' each and every article left
1J'li th him in pa'lm, with the do. to of such pawning, and such
book with all other books and papers relating to such busi-
ness sl~ll at all times be open to the inspection of the
Mayol' or Ohief of Police. Ail articles of' ViT!la tsoever kind
which he.. vo been received in pa vm shall be l')roduced f'or in-
spection at any time demanded by a police officor. Each
pawn tickot sba.ll })lainly state the interest cl~rged or to
be charged, the a.mount of money advanced and all other chal'-
ges wrlatooever necessary to be pa.id to redeem the property
so put in pa\m.
Sec. 4. Any person violating the provisions of this
ordinanoe shall be fined in the sum not to exceed one hun-
dred dollars and shall stand committed until the fine and
costs are paid.
All ordinances and parts of ordinanoes in conflict
herewith are hereby repealed.
Approved April, 10, 191~.
NO. 516.
LtmJ.tJ.i NUYllDOI' of Salo()]\fj.
Sec. 1. That on and after the 30th day of April,
1912, only twenty-four (24-) licenses for the sale at re-
tail of nalt, spirituous or vinous liquors shall be in
force in the 01 ty of Grand Island, NebrasF..a, a. t anyone
Sec. 2. The City C01.U1cil of said city shall meet
on the third Wednesday in Al)ril of each year fOl' the se-
lection of such licenses from the number of applicants
on file with the City Clerk, and at such time evidence
may be introduced regarding the fitness of any such appli-
cant for lioense and also in regard to the advisibility of
locating a saloon at any of the places mentioned in such
a pplicatiol1il.
After due consideration the council shall select such
applioants as in its judgment are best fitted and best 10-
oated therefor, not exoeeding twenty-four in number; pro-
Vided that the names of such lioenses shall be determined
wi thout oonsidera tion of the merits of any remonstrance
which my havebeon filo,d against any of them.
Approved May 1, 1912.
NO. 525.
S ec. 1.
That the salaries and compensation of the
va.rious offices of the City of Grand Island,
shall be as follows:
Tho Mayor shall receive a salary of' $500.00 per ann-
urn payable quarterly.
Each C01.ll1cilrna.n shall receive a salary of $200.00
per annum payable quarterly.
The City Clerk shall receive a salary of $SOO.OO per
annunl pa,yti.ble monthly.
The Oity Trea.13u..rer 13hall recEd-VEl a 13ala.ry of $l!-50.00
per annum, and in addition thereto the sum of $50.00 per
annum for collecting all paving ta.xes and their assessments
which may come into his ha.nds payable monthly.
The Oity Attorney shall receive a salary of $400.00
per annum payable monthly.
The Police Judge shall receive a sa lary of $3:5.00 1)0 l'
The Chief of Police sI.tal1 receive a salary of $155.00
per month.
Each Patroll1'JCl.n or policoman aha ,.1 l<>Gceive a, Balary of
$ 65.00 per month.
The weir;hnasto:c shall rocolve a salary of *~l.J-O.OO per
The Janitor of the a1 ty Hall (:1ha11 receive a salary
of ~$l~O.OO per month.
The City Engineer shall receive a salary of $5.00 per
day for the time actually employed, payable upon bills duly
The Sexton shall receive a salary of $65.00
Iii,': (
The Chief of the Fire De];:>artment shall reoeive a sal-
a.ry of $go.oo pen' month.
, Each Fireman eJE' the paid Fire Department shall re-
No. 529.
1J Ck.:.:. f3J.Tlg Bl.ll1d.iI1LJ.;f3 f'Olf S,~l ~Lo()j]s.
S OC. 1.
T 11Et t
no ,~'('):)litj.oJ! 1'01' a
.U.c:enso to f30ll
D~lt, spirituous or
vinous liqua:r.f:; at
losalo or rotail
iil tho C i tv of' G:c~nd I
S~lll be cO!lsidored
():c llc;(}~~lG(-} tll(J~.:~Jf'OIl
toel, "b;T tt\D at
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f)llC.Il r:J)r)lj.cr,~;" t.
f:) C<',;. 2.
No pOI'uo,n holding <:1 1I.CO(iBO to Gall lil''llt.,
s})Lci tuou.S ::)1' V il011.::; J.J. quc<cs
11 ('rit()~C i11,tCI a..:n.:l CO{1.tl~clot
Clll:cj.:":F; t}l_D \.~I(;~\~'in
lic()I1ne, i'oJ: 'l.
oxolwd.vo saJ.e 6f'
arl'{ brEt.rcl or muko of bc).:::' OJ:' liquo:c.
S()c. 3. Anyon
VJ.O tGf~ -t pro'viaj.oIl.8 of
SootiOl'l No. Two o:r t S 0
11tT\'.; 0 .1..1 1'0 J. t l1j. [) Ii c en,s 0
;,~ll'lCC t 11..( g 0
JlCO Bl)):~tlll)c)
}1o:cl t:l ot~
City Co'un-
oil for rovoking Guoh licensc.
P.::.l S U c:~d. II () v
()X~ 20, 1912.
Ordinance No.S18.
1.F ')
(J tVV'
Sewer District Number 29.
An O:r'dinance creating Sewer District Number 29,1n the Oity of
Grand Island,Nebraska,Gol1lprislng the 1"en1 estate between 10th and
11 th Gtreets ancl between EddY and 01eburn streets in said 01 ty)
commencing at tho sewer on EddY street ,running tm'ough :fractional
BlOCK 1, of' H. G.. 01ar.1<: 's Add! tion and f'ractional BloCk 21, of' Russel
Wheeler'S Addit1on,both in the Oity of Grand Island ,Nebraska, said
sewer running from Eddy street to Oleburn street,and prOViding :for
the laying of' a lateral sewer through said district ,p.resCl'1bing
the manner in w111cll the same shall be laid and assessing the costs
thereof against the abutting propel'ty.
Whereas, tl1ere has been presented to the Mayor and Oi tyOouncil
of' the Oi'~y of' Gr~d Island ,Nebraska a pet1 tion signed bY Ohris
c..Tessen and other s ,aSKing that a sewer be constructed. through the
property described in the ti tIe of' this Ord:inance ,and whereas, the
M:ayor and Oouncil have examined the said poti.tion and d.O find that tb
aal.d pet! t ion is sj.gned bY the majority of' the resj.ttent owners of'
the property SUbject to the assessment :for SUCll improvement.
Now there1'ore,
Be 1 t Ordained by the Mayor and Oi t;/ Council of' the City 01'
Grand Island ,Nebraska;
Oect1.on 1.
That Sewer District Nlunber 29 is hereby created and shall
inclUde the alley l'unnlng through the Blocks here1nai..ter named,
to wit: :fractional Bloclc 1 at' H. G. Olark 'S Addi tioD and fr'act ional
Block 21,01' Russel Wheeler'B Add1tton,both tt) the Oity of' Gl'and
Island ,Nebraska, said sewer to run f'rom E(ldY street to 010burn st:r>eet.
SectJ.on 2.
That a seWer shall be laid along the course above des-
cribed and running through said blockS in accordance wi th the general
seVler plans and sP0c11'ications heretofore established for the laying
of sewers insofar as said plans ancl specifications ccan be carried
Section 3~
The entire cost of' constructing said sewer ,shall be assess-
ed against the abutting property and the same shall be levied as
soon as the costs can be ascertained and it shall become delinquent
and d~aw interest as ~rovided by law.
Section 1+.
The 01 ty Englneol' 1s heI'ebY' authorized to d.1"aw plans and
8pect~1cat1ons fa!' said sewer and make an estimate of the costs there~
of' ant! sUbmit same 'to the Oity Oouncil,and shall at once advertise
for bids for the construction ai' said sewer in accor'dance with the
plans and SP ec:,Lfi cat ions ,reserving the :right to reject any and all
Se,:~tlon 5..
This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and
aftel' its passage ,approval and PUblication as provided by law.
Passect and approved th1s'19" day of' June 1912.-
( Seal)
Oharles G.Ryan
l\'[a~ror .
H. E" en 1ffo!'cl
Oi ty Olerk.
Above and foregoing is a fUll, t.l'ue and correct copy of Ordinance
NUmbel' 518,Which said ordinance was duly passed and apPl"OVed
on June 19"1912 ane1 was pUblished in the Grand Island Independent
on June 25"1912 and the same is now in full. force and efi'ect.
W:l tnesB my hand and the Of:f1c1al Seal of said Oi ty of Grand Is-
land"Nebraska , th1s 26" day of' t"Tune 1912.
Oity Olerk.
ordinance No..519. "
Groating Sewer District Number 30.
JU1 rdinance creating Sewer District NUmber 30 in the city of Grand
ISland,NebraSka,and lying between Greenwich Avenue and Lincoln Avenue,
cownencing at the sew'er now on Gl"eenwicl1 Avenue ,running thence throu-
gh Block Numbel'1 Fourteen (14-) of' Rollins'Additlonto the City of GJ:'ancl
ISland"Nebraska. Said sewer to run from Greenwich Avonue to Lincoln
Avenue and providing :ror the laying oi" the sewer through said dis-
trict ,describing the manner in which the same shall be laid and assess~
lng the oast thereof against the abutting pl'lop:erty.
Whereas;, there has been presented to the Mayor and city Council of
the Oity of Grand Island,Nebraska, a petition, signed by M~TY A.Morri-
son and othel.s ,aSking that a. sewer be constructed through the prop-
er.ty described in the title of this Ordinance ,and wllel~eas the Mayor
and Council have exam1ned, the said petition and find that tIle said
p'eti t:1on 1s signed' bY a major1 ty of the resident owners of the prop-
erty subject to the assessment for such improvements.
Now therefore,
Be it . Ordained bY the Mayor and Council of the city of
Grand Island,Nebraska.
section 1.
That Sewer District Number 30 is hereby created and shall
include the alley running through BlOCk ~mmber 14 of ROllins' Addi-
tion to the City of Grand Island,Nebraska.. Said District cormnencing
at the Sewer on Greenwich Avenue in said City' and thence running
through said blOCk :Crom Greenwich Avenue to Lincoln Avenue.
Sect1,on 2.
That a sewer shall be laid along the course above described
and running thrrrnlgh the said block in accordance with the general
sewer plans and speci:fications hereto:fore established :for the laying
01"' seWe1"s insofar as said Plans and spec1f'ications can be carried out..
Sect :lon 3~
. The entire cost ot' constructing said sewer ,shall be assess-
ed against the abutting property and the samS shall be levied as
soon as the costs can be ascertained and it shall 1ecome delinquent
and draw interest as provided by law.
Sect:ton 4.
The C1 ty Engineer is herebY' authorized to draw Plans and
speei:r1cations for said sewer and maKe an estimate of the costs there~
of' and subm1 t same to the C1 ty Council, anc.i sh8!11 at once advertise
:for b:lds for the const.ruct1on of said seVier in accordance with the PI
ans and speci:t:'ications ,rGseJ'v1ng the right to reject any and all
8ectLm 5.
This Ordinance shall be 1n .force and take ef'fect from and
after its passage,approva1 and PUblication as provided by law.
Passed and approved tl1is 19" day 01' June 1912.
( 8eal )
Charles G.RYan
Ci ty Olerk.
The above and 1'oregoing is a :Cull, true and C01~rect copy of Ord1nm
ce :N1Jmber 519 of' the 01 ty of' Grand Is1and,Nebraska,8gjd Ord1.nance
was dulY p~ssed by the C1ty Oouncil and approved bY the Mayor
of said 01 ty oJ! June 19 "1912 and was publl.shed 1n the Grand Island
Independent 011 June 25"1912 and is now in :fUll f'orce and e:f:fect.
Wi tness my hand and the Ot':fic1.al Seal of' said Oity this 26" d.ay of'
June 1912.
Oi ty Olerk..
Ordinance No.520.
oreating Paving Distli!1ct
U iJl" ,
An Orclinance creating a paving district within the corporate limits
01" the Oity of' Grand Island ,Nebraska, to be known and designated as"
Paving District NO.7, of' said CitY,and dei'ining its boundaries and
providing for the pavement of the same.
ml0reas, there has been presented to the Mayor and Oouncil of'
the Cil;y of' Grand Island ,Nebraska ,a' pet1 tion in writing signed by
Henry V1eregg,C.A.HOf'man and others,the said signers being the owners
of' lots and lanel abutting upon the proposed pavj,ng district ,respect-
ftllly petitioning the Mayor and Oouncil of said City to create u'
Paving District and pave the same.
Said Paving District to consist of' the streets and Avenues as
folloWS:: to-wit:
All that: part of' Wheeler Avenue running :Crom the south line
of Second street to its intersection wi th ,Locust street ,and
all t:hat part of' First street running from the West line of
Locust to tIle East line of' Wheeler Avenue ,and all that part
of' Locust street running f'rom the south line of Fir'st str'eet
to the South line of. Charles street.
And whel~eas the Mayor and Council have examined said pot1 tion
anci a1"'ter investigation as to the ownership of the property purport-
ed to be owned by said signers; do find
F1:r'st: That the said petition is in d.ue :form as required
by law.
Second: That the petition is signed by persons owning Lots
and 1ands)having 1~ontage upon said streets and
Avenues of more than three f'ifths of' ~eet f'rontage
. thereon.
Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Oouncil of' the City of'
Grand IS1and,Nebraska;
Section 1.
That in accordance wi th the prayer of' said pet! tion there
is hereby created a Paving District in the city of' Grand ISland,
Nebraska ,to be known and designated as Paving District NO.r of' the
City of Grand Island,Nebraska.
Section 2.
Said Paving District NO.7 shall consist of' all the streets
and Avenues bounded as :follows:
All that part or Wheeler Avenue running from the South line of
Second street to its intersection with Locust street, and all
that part of First street running from the West line of Locust
street to the East line o:f Wheeler Avenue and all that part of'
Locust street running :from the south line of' First street to the
South line of Charles street.
Section 3.
That said PaVing District 1s hereby ordered paved as
provided by the statutes of' the state of' Nebraska in such cases made
and provided.
Section If-'.
That authority is hereby given to the OVlners of the Lots
and lands abutting the said paVing district according to their J:>es-
pectlve foot :frontage to designate and determine the ms,terial they
desire used in said paVing within thirty days next af'ter the pas-
sage and approval of' tr11e Ordinance and to notif'Y the Ma~/'or and Coun
eil in writing in ref'erence thereto. In the event such owners 1'ail to
designate such material as they desire used in said paVing in the man-
ner and within the time above provided the Mayor and Council shall
determine upon the material to be so used.
Section 5.
Tl1e cost of paving saj_O Paving District exclusj,ve ot'
intersections shall be assessed upon the lots and lands in said
district especiallY bene:fitted in proportion to suell bene1'its to
be hel'caf'ter determined bY the Mayor and Council and to be assessed
as provtded bY the statutes at' the state of' NebrasKa.
Section 6.
The Costs of paVing intersections of Streets and Alleys in
sald PaVing District is to be paid bY the city of' Grand Island
provided that in such cases where streets and alleys form junctions
but do not intersect,one half' only of' the cost of' payj.ng such junct-
ion shall be bourne by said city-,and the other half shall be bourne
by tIle abutting property.
Section 7(.
This Ordinance shall be in force and take ef'f'ect from and
after its passage,approval and pUblication as provided by law._
passect and approved this 19" d,ay of June A...JJ,,1912.
Attest (Seal) Otmrles G.Ryan,Mayor'.
H.E.Cllf'1'Ord,Clty Olerk.
The ~oregoing ,pages 5 & 6 hepeo~,aDnta1n a fUll,tpue gnd co~roct
CORY or Ordinance NUmber 520 o~ the City or Grand ISland,Nebraska,
Said Ordinance was duly passed and approved on June r9" 1912
and was published in the Grand Island Independent on t.Tune 2,5,)1'1912
and j, s now in rorce and ef'f'ect.
Wi tne[-js my' hand and the O1'1'1c1a1. Seal of' said 01 ty of' Grand Island)
Nebras}:u,th1s 26" day of June 1912.
Orcltnance NO.521.
Appropl'iat1on Bll1 1912..
Being tlle"Annual Aprn'opr1ation Bill" o:f tho City o:f Grand Island:;
Nebrasl\:G for the fiscal yeaX' commencing the second lliIonday :Ln August,
Be :1 t Orllainod by the MayOJ:' and Council of the a1 ty of Grand
Islcmd I NehrasKa:
Section 1.
'I1'tlat the sum 01' $11300.00 is ;ierebY appropriated :Lor the purpose
of r)a~r:tng the interest on the bonded inclebtedness 01. the 01!;y and, to
Cl~e8te a s:1:n.l<ing :rund to pay t,he prine1pal thereof' when it becomes ciue.
Section 2..
T119- t the 8UIll 0:(' $l~ ,300 or so much thereof as may be neC(?;lSD.ry 1s
herebY app:t'oPl'l.atecl out of' the general :fund of the 01 ty ,for the pm~pose
ai' paying salaries of the 01 ty ofi'1cors fol' the ensuing Yam'.
Section 3.
~r]]f:lt tho sum of $10,000..00 or so much tl1.el'Oo:C as may be necessm~~l
1 s he.rf!b~1 appropriated out of the general fund of said 01 ty fm> the
PUi'pose o:f paying the expense of build:tng anci ropa11'1ng streets anc1
alleYS,cleaning str(,J'Ots,putting in gutte.rsjcy'oSS walksJstdeWaJJCs and
other stroet and. alley improvements..
Sectton J+.
That the sum of $],000.. 00 ox' so much thereof as mBY be necessar'H'
t s I::erebY apPI'OPJ?:1.a ted out of the genc3l'ol fund of SD td at t:J fOl' the
purpose of pu:\ri.ng the expense 01' f'lushing f:j(;)Wel> B, extending rnaJns and.
repairs. section 5.
That the sum of $8,000..00 at' so much thereof 0.13 may be necOSSEU~~1
is llel'eb;;r approprlatecl out of the General :Cunei of' saJ.d Clity for tl10
purpose of paylng the expense of' l1ghtl,ng the stroets and E1.11ays and
putJllC bu11cUngs of' snj,cl 01 ty..
Bee'Cion 6..
Tha t the SlJrrl o,r $4,000.00 or so much thereof as may be necessaX':v
:1 sb,er'cby appropriated out of: the general fund of' said. 01 ty :Cor t,he
Durpose 01' f,aying the incidental expenses for the enSUing yca:r.'.
Section 7.
That the sum of $500.. 00 or so much thCl?eof' as may be neCOSSG1'Y
is [lUl'abY appropriatecl out of the general 1lInel of sald 01 ty 1'01. the
purpose of paYing the expense o,r caring 1'01' and maintaining P8JJ:'l<s.
Section 8.
'rhat the sum of ~~OOO. 00 o:r so much thereof as may be necessary
1s l1ereby appropT'iated to pay the salaries rmd jnc1dental expenses.
of the pOlice dopa:r'tment of t1'lC City 1'01' the ensulng year'.
Section 9.
That the sum of $2JOOO.00 or so Tnl:wh theroof as may be noeessa!'Y
1 s boreb;r apIJropr1ated for the purpose of lJay.1ng 'the expm180S of' the
OeIIlotor~", inclUding salaries ,labor-, inc:1.dental expenses anei improvements.
Section 10.
Tba t t b.e sum of $11,000.00 or so much thOl?Go,f as may be necessary
1 s hereby apP1"'oPt-1ated for the purpose of paYing tIle Gxperu~e o:f ma~ln-
ta.:lntng the Fire Department ,purcl1Elsing new hose and othtn' appara:tUH'
and wtlate'l!o.1' ls necessary f'or the Department ,pay:Lng salaY'les} 1nc1(10n-
tal eXPel)SAS and 1'(1)8.11'8 and hYdrant rental..
Soction 11.
T'l1at the sum of' $1-1-5,000.00 or so much thereof' as may be necessary
1 s ber elJY aplJ!' opr'1a ted fa!> the purpos e o:f paYing tIle expense of' main.-
teDance of the watG1? plant of' tho OitY,1neluding salaries,inciijental
expenses anc1 repairs and to maKe imrn'ovements anci extensions..
Section 12.
Tha t the sum of $55,000.00 01' so mush thereof' as may be necessary
is flOI' ebY appropr1a tedi'or t he purpose of paying the expenses o:f the
I,ight 8: Powe:r Plant, including sala.r1es, ineid.ental expenses and !'epa11's
and to make improvements amI extonsions..
3e:.::tton 13.
Tha t tl18 sum of' $16,475.00 or so mueh tbereo:f as may be necessar'y
is heI'o1:)Y appr'opr1ated fm' tlw plJ.rpose oJ: paying the expenses o.f
paVing street 1nt,el'sections anlt spaces opposl to a11eys ancl pUblic
buildings and repairing paVing.
Seetion 1.4..
That the sum o:f $2,000.00 or so fiue11 thereof' as may bo nOGessnry
is lleI'obY appr'opriatecl :for the purpose of' paYing the expense of the
. maintenance o:f the PUbli.c LibrarY,1ncluct:ing salar'1e8,1ncj.dental GX-
'p,enses anel repairs anci :for purchasing bOOKS.
Section 15.
'That the sum of $)j-,'500~oo or so much thm'eo:f' as may be necessary
is hereby appropriated :for the purpose of erecting a monument to the
SoldIers and OuiloI'd 0:[' thin Nation to be erected w'i thin the lim:tts
of the ot ty of' Graml Island ,Nebraska.
'" tj "]6/
oOG ..on .. '~
This Ordinance shall be in force and tu}ce ef'i'ect :f'rom and after
. 1 ts pa~3@ge >>approval and PUblication as provided by law.
Passed and approved this 1 Ttl day of July ,A. D.1912.
( (' "n:1 )
, .) f.:;('.\ ,
G. W . Brof\rl,,':lell ,
Jr.]}. Olifford,
IlJta y OX' .
01 ty Olerk.
The aJJove and :foregoing embracing pages 8,9 &: 10 11oreof' is a true
and correct copy of' the Original Ord:lnance No. 521 of tho 01 ty of' (rI'and
IsHmcl ,NeltraS1<a ,as the same appears on file in the of.flee of the
o i. ty OJ. erk of Gr'und Island, NebraSKa; said Ord,lnance was dUly passed
on t,Tuly 17"1912 ,3t a regular meeting of the Oity Council of' saicl CitY!
a t which a quorum was present and voting ,and was duly appr'oved by
G. W.:8t'oad'wel1 ,Mayor, tl1e Mayor eleeJ;'ed ,Mr'. Obaa.. G. R~ran ,being absent
:frmm tho stat e of' Nel')ras}u3. and sald G.. W.Broaclwe11 l)eing the pres1clen t
of tl18 Council,and satd Orclinance vm.s duly pUblished in the Grand
Island Indepemten t on t,Tul'Y ~t1~l9l2 an<.l is now in J'n11 :force and efi'Get.
lVi tnsns my b.and finel the O:t9ficiBl Seal of said 01 ty thj.s ;2 ?"\iay o:C
July A.D.1912.
oity Olerk.
ordinance NOa522.
1912 Levy.
An OrdInance levy1ilg taxes in the 01 ty of' G:r'and Island, Nebl1Hsket.,
for the :fiscal year commencing the 13th day of' August,1912,ancl ond1ng
the 8c:Gond Monday in AUglJ st ,1913.
Do it Ordained by the Mayor and Council of' the City of'
Grand Island,Nebraska:
Section 1.
That there is hel'>ebY levied and shall be collected in the mannel'
provided bY law upon all property ,real ,personal and mixed !of every.
k1 nd and character wi thin the carp or' a te I1m1 t s of tIle C iCy of r..rand
Island ,NebraSka ,for the fiscal yeHr commencing August 13 ~1912, ami
ending the second Monday in August,1913, on each dollar of' the
assc;'3sed valuat:ion of said property, taxes as follows ami for the
fOlJ.owlng purposes ,namelY';
The sum of f'our and 1/1+ mills :for the purpose of' paying the
1ntere8t on the bonder! indebt edness o:f the Oi ty and to create a sink.-
1ng :fund to pay the principal theJ'eof at matl11~1ty.
The sum of ten and 1/2 mills for the gene:ral l'evenue purposes
of' srdd 01 ty , includ ing salari, es ot> c1 ty off'leer s. care 01' streets and
alleys and i'm' street crossings ,for lighting streets and pubJ5c butld-
lngs) to pay the incidental expenses of the Oi ty }1~or flushing ,extending
t1rJ.'l 11epair1ng sewer s; for Park purposes and :for p:r'o'litl1ng .ror' an emer'-
gonc~r hosp! tal.
TIle sum of thl'ee mills for tile purpose oJ: pay'ing the expense
ai' the POliee Dopartment.
The stun of :['0111' ancl 3/8 mills for the purpose 01"' paying the
expense of maintaining the IP1:r'e Department ;pr'ocul'ing appara tue and
what else j.s neC88S81'Y' to maintain tIle Fire DClXtr'tment; to pay l1yu:r'ant
rent9J; purchase new hose ;pay salarieB and incidental expenses.
1'he sum ai" :five mills to make ex1iensions ,repairs and. mo.1nte-
nance ot' the Yvater Works System of the City.
The sum ot' five mills for paVing sty'cet and alley. intersec-
t 10ns anci spaces opposi t8 pUblic builcUngs.
The sum of 7/8 mills to pay :for the SUPPOJ:.t and maintenance
oi' tlle pUblic libra1~y ~
The Bum of one mill to pay for ereeting a soldiers monulllent
ln the Oi tyeoi' Grand Island..
TIlO sum of Tlrr'ee Dolla1~s ($.. 00) on each and every male resident
of said city between the ages of twenty.-one (21) and :flf't~t (50) years
exc:eXA:: Sl1Cl:. SfJ n:t'i:: ':xi;rj.iIJ li~; low 8S a po11 tax.
fleet :Lon 2..
The C1 t~l Clerk is hereby tnstructnd. to cel't::Lf'~" the i'orego:lng
levy tel the Coun(IJ"C): ClerK o:C H':3J.l OountJr,Nebr13.sJ!:a~t;o be Place(} on the
tax Itst as provided by law.
Section 3..
Thi s 01~(L1.nrin co
shall be in
:f.01~ce and
tal{e e:rJ'ec't
, "'" .,).-J-J..
[:t:ctUl' j, ts passage jHPPl'oval and PU'l'J11catton ::'1.,3 PI'ovicted b~l 1aw;l
Passed. an(l approved. tlLts 17" day of .JUllr,1912..
( O"',r'J )
l,; '" ct .
G-. Vi!.. }3:rcacJ..wel1 ,
lVLa~YC1' ..
H.:E:. 011:1:':[01'0. j
ajty alerk.
The a"t:ove and f'or'ogotng errltll'aci.ng pages 11 B: 12 hereof' 1s a t:rue and
cor'I't~ct copy of' the origi.nal Orcl:inanco lW.52c.: of U!.e att:,r of' Granel
Island ,r:ebraska ,us the 88.]U3 appeHI'S on ftIe in the of:['lGO oJ' the
. City Clel'>l'~ of' saJd Ott~l of Grand IsID.nd.~NebraSJ{a: Setd OI'clinnnco was
dul~r pflssed on JUlY 1:j' 111912 at a regular meet:tng of the 01 t~r Oonnell
of zeid C:lty at whj.ch a qUOl'UlL was present Hnd ~\lotjng and was cluly
3ppl'ovcd b~1 G. TN. J3roadviell ,Mayor; Th e }.,layor e1 fJct cd zlJ1I'. Oll.:J S.. G. R,'/an >
bejl~g nbser.t :CX'Ol11 the state of' NebrasKa and saJ.d G. y~J..Bl~oadwel1 tJoj.r1g
the Pl'(:sidont o:C the Oouncil ;Ga:id Ordinance VH:U3 cluJ Y p1JbLJsl1ccl :1.n tho
erreml Is] and Independent on the :;2(r dD;)r oL' ....iUl:.v' 1912 an(l :is now in
fUll force and effect.
Wj tncss my' [land 8nd the official seal of' sajd. 01. t.y tJ:1:!. s ::t;r day
of' JUlY A4D.
ordinance NO.523.
Orouting pav:l.ng Dist.9.
An ox'cUnance croat ing a paving district 'wi thtn the COl'pON3.te IjJu1 ts
of' the O:lty of' G:l'ancl Islr:lnd ,Nebr'askD. to be Known and dos:ignated as:
paving distr:i.ct No.9 O.r saJd otty, do:Clntng jtB boundaries and Pl'O'I:t(1.'-
. .int;' :Cor tho pavencmt 0:[' the same.
W1H)J:'e~ls thel'O hfJS 'been presented to the Mayo!' and Council 01' tllo
01t;y 01' Gr'und IsJand)Nob:r'flsKa,R pet1tton in wx'it1ng signed by the
BradSftl>ect & OJ.en:ens 00. :Ellse UULlb and o.theI's, tlle satd s:tgneJ's tieing
tIle owners oi' lots Hnd lancls abutting upon the proposecl prrv:1.ng d:t:..:t.l'lct,
respectfully petitioning tI1G Mayo!' and Counc:Ll 0:(' said 01 ty to ex'onte
a paving d:1strict and pavo trle sD.me;
DaJd pavj.ng cUst1'1ct to consist of part o:f Foul"tll street as fOJlOWS.,
All that par't 0:[' Fourth street lytng between the West l:lne of
Plum street and the right of wa'Y of the Omaha and RepublJcan
Valley rmilroad. Oor:lPany;
And. wller'oD S the 1vt8:/01' and C1 t:'l Oouncil IlD.'ve exam1ne(j said petJ U.on
and aftel' invest~1.eatJon 88 to tho ownership of' the property IJUr'poI'tod
to be ownoc1 b~l said signers ,(TO f:1.rlcl:
That said petttion 1~lin (tun fo.rm as !'CQUil'cc1. l)~r 18We
Gecc.mcl :
Tlmt Sf1td petit:ton is signeel by pOl'sons own:Lng lots
and lurids having frontage upon nata street of' m01~e
than thEca i'lftlls 0:1.' feet frontage ther' oon;
Tiler e:Cor e
De it O.r'cL~J.:inod b~/ the M8:l0X' and Oouncil 0:(' the City
oi' Grn.nd Is18nd, Nebraska:
Section 1.
Ths.'C ~i..n accorclanc:e wi th tho prayer of' saj,d pet t t ion ther's 1s
hereby cl'OtJted. a pav:1..l1g dirrtl''lct tn t1:"le 01 t~r of Grand Island , Nebr'-
D.Sl'<a, to be known and clesj,gnated as Paving District No.9 p:C tbe
01 ty of Grand Islunc~ ,HeLJr'Hska.
L,. .
said pavtng district No.9 shall cmw:U:;t of' all tJ:18.t pHYt of Foul'tl1
str'cct bounded f-?,f{ follows:
c:p:hat par't of Fourth str'eet lYJr~g betwocn tIle West aid.C: of
PlUm. street and the WesterlY sid.e of tl10 r:tght oJ' way of t.Ile
Oma1:..a 8: RepUbLican Valley Railroad Oompany running through
BlOCK 14 of' Evan'S Adcl1tion to Gran<.t ISland~NObraS1<:a.
:Se(;tiC)rL 3.
That saj.d paving dlstr1ct joG lleretJ;y' ordered paved as prov1dc(1 by
the statutes of' the 8ta~Je o:f NebrasKa 1n such cases made Dnd Pl'ovtdocl.
section 4.
':J.111at autlJ.Ori ty 1 s given to the owners 0:(' the lot ~,l and lands abut-
ting on the said paVing district according to their respective :foot
frontago to designate and detcl'lnine the material they desir'c used,
in saie) paving wi thin thir ty da~rs next after the l?aSsage and appro-
val of thts OI'dina.nce and to notifY the Mayor and Counetl 1n WI':1 Ung
1n re:Ccl'enco thel'eto.. In the event such owner's fail to desj-enate such
material as they desire used in said paVing in the mannm' and within
the tIme above provided) trw Mayor and. Oouncil s11al1 detorFline upon
the material to 1)0 so used..
Section 5.
Tbe cost 01' paVing said paVing dish'let e~clus1 "Ie of' 1ntel~soct1011f:l
shall be assessed upon the lots and lands in sal,d di-strict espec'lal1y
benei't ted tn propor.t1on to such benefits to be hereafter determined
b:y tho j\{SY01' and Oouncil and to be assessed as pr'ovidecl: by the
statutes of' t11e state of' Nebraska.
EJection 6.
The cost of paving the 1ntel~secttons of' the streets
s n. J. (1 T) et '\{ j,. rlg
distl'iot is to be paid bJT the CitJT o:f Grf:.nd Islam:,.
Sectlon 7.
This Ordinance shall be in :force and toKe ef:Coct from and aEter
its p8.ssage,approval and PUblication as providerl by lavi$
Pasnoc1 and appr'oved tJl1s 17'1 day 01.' ,Jul~' AGD.1912..
( Seal)
Go W 0 JJ1'oadwell ,
H.};. 01 iff'ord )
]/[.a:/o1' G
01 t~1' Clerk.
The (\bO'iC and f'01.'egoing embracing pages 13 & 11~ hereof' ts a true and
ocorr'cct copy of' Ol'cU,nance No. 523 of' the at t~t of Gl~and Island ,Nebraska,
as the same appears on f'ile in tb.e office o:f tIlt) 01 t:; Olerk of' sa:1.cl
. City of Gr'and IsJ,ancl )Nebraska; Gatd ordinance was duly passed on c..Tuly
17,'111912 at 8: l'egulal' meeting oi' the City Council of' said atty' at which
a quorum of' tlw membel's Ol~ sald Oormc:LJ. was pl~esent 8,nd voting ando
W3 S dul~f npproved by G. W. BroQclwel1 ;MaY01' ,the Mayor electcd,Mr 0 Ohns.
GGR'j'an IN)1ng ffbsent f';pom the state of Nebraska,and said. GGW.Broaclwell
being tlw President of tlw sald Council. Said
jn the Gr'8nd Island Independent on the :20'tlay
C1Pt,fUr111J'orce and e1i'fect. Witness m;) hand and
. oJ '- u, .:; ~i912 n::'fC; I2f1J
- ---. ,-----
Ol"dinance was PUblislleeV
of July 1912 and is now
the Orfic1al Seal of said
Ordinance No. !?24,
'- 9. t ing Sovrer Dis t. 31.
An Or'dinancc cren ting sewel' Distri ct 1l1J.mbor .31 in the a 1 t~. of
Grand Islancl, Nebraska, cOL:mencing at W:u;\ SeWEll? on Elm street ,runn:Lng
t118YlCe through Blocks Five (5) and. Six (6) of' H.G.Clarkls AClcUtion to
Grancl 181a11(1., NebraSKa. Said sewer- to .!'UJl f'l'omElm street to Ed.d.Y street
and. connect wi th the Etid:r street Main ,and provtdlng 1'or' tlie lay1ng o:C
tic 0:eVvor through sajd Dist:r1c.t ,clescr1b1ng the mannel' in whic:n tIle
S(}JCJJ 1311311 be laid and assessing tho cost tr.creof aga:1nst the abu.1~t:1.ng
Whereas, thero has been pJ.'esonted to the 1.n:ay01' Dnd otty Oouncil
of the 011;y of' Gr'a;'d Island, Nebraska I a pot1 tion signed by Angus t Baumann,
and ottIG:r>S, asKing that a SO\\Jf31.' [JO constructed tltx'ough the :propert~r des-
cl'lbec1 irl trle t:l. tIe of' thts Ore1.lnancc , and. whereas tho Mayor and Oouncil
have examined trJ.O said peti tion and. i'ind that tho s8j.d peti. tion is
signeel by a majo:r1 ty 01' the restdent owners of' tlle pI'opert~r sUb;ject to
the aSDessments i'or SUC11 improvements..
Now Tbel'ef'Ol'c:
Bo j. t O!>cla1ncd by the Uayor' and Ci t~r Council of the O:it;y'
of' Grand Island )Nebr-asY~a;
section 1.
That Sewer District Ntlml)or 31 is hereb~l crca teo. and shal1ixlclude
t he alleys running thl'ough Blocks Fjve (5) and gj.x (6) of'}I.. G.. 0182'1<! S
Ac1.<J.:L tj,on to t110 01 ty of' Gr'und ISland, Ne'braska. Salcl dirtJ'ict commencing
; tlJI1
at the Sm1ior on EJ:JJJ! S trect ancl rltnning thence tl'.r' ough Blocks Fi Vo(.5)
and D:Lx (6) from Elm streot to Edcly str'eet..
S(~cttcn 2.
That a SOVier shall be laid along the course above deSCl'1t)(;)cl. and
runntng thl'cugh the said BlOCks in acc01"da:nce with the gene:pal SeV1Gl'
PIHrlS amt spec1:rica tiorls her etofore ostnJJli shecJ. f'or the laytng of' sewors
in so i'm' EW saio" pl:1J1S and specj.1'1,catlons can be carr:led out.
....{"'r.t"' ('Xl 3
~) v \,...' J...) '.
The entire cost 0.[' constructing said sewer ,shall b~ assessed
aeatnst the abutting propel't~" and the same shaIl be lev1ocl. as soon FAS
the COf3t cnn bo ascer'tained Dnd it shall beC()J:i.e delinqu(;nt and. draw'
intC:I'Cf::t ;38 provided. b~r law.
8ect:J.on It.
The 01 ty Eng1neel' is hereb;)r autllorized to draw' plans and
spcct:C'Jcations for SFlid SOVlel' and make an estimate 0.1' "tlw cost thereof
and subwit S::lm8 to 1:110 Oity OouJ'lcl1)~md wllon BdoIrtod the 01e1'1<: shall
at once aclverti,se :COl' bjcls fox' the construct:1.on of' selid Sewer In
aCCOrdDl1Ce wJ th t
Plans 8.n(l spoej.i'icat:tens,ro;.:wrv1.ng the rj.ght to
r Cl'C;jCct Dny u.nd al1 blds.
Gect1cn 5..
TLts Ordinance:: Sh811 be :Ln i'oreo and talt;o effect .frcn[l ancl a:ftel'
1 t:3 passage, approvE} ancl PUbljc:.'\ tion as Pl'ovj,dea "()~,r laViT..
FaSflCU and. appruved thts 22" da~r 01"' July ,1912
( fieal )
H..E. Clt1'for'cl j
C1 t~{ Clorl<:..
'r:rw above and i'or egotng embracing pagerJ 15 to: 16 rlereof :! s 8. :f't.ll,
tr'Ll8 and cm'roct eopy 01"' Ol'd1nanee 1\10.1524 o:f ti:Le: C:ity o.f G.r'OI1cl I~418.:ncl,)
Nel)l'cHHca j said Ora:lnance waD ciul~r pa::;secl at an adjoU;rned meottne of the
Ci'ty Council of said C:::.ty at WllicI1 all o:f tho ~I!en\i)e.r's elect oJ' saiel
Council Wel"e present and voting and. was (Jul.y npprovecJ on the E\fUne date
b'Y. C'r.. W. By'oadwell ,the actj,ng M8.Y01~1 of Elatd OJ, ty ) the Jrtayor el ect $Hon. alias.
G. :8YI3.n, be:Lng absent :f'I'om the 8 tD. t c: o:f Nebraska} and said Ol'dinance was
dul~T Pllbltshec1 tn the Grand Island, InrJ.cpenclent on the" clay o:c~~'-
Witness my hand and the official seal of saja City this dHY
or JU1Y,A.D.1912.
OJ!;:,," Olerk
Ordinance NO.525.
An Orcl1nanee ftxing tho salaries and compensation of' the 0:C1"ic61'8
o:f the otty of GI'and Island ,Hall Oounty ,NebrasKa ) and repealing Ordinance
No.466 and all otl1er Ol'dinances and part s of Or'dinances tn con.flie t
11 e:~" e"IJ\T t t h.
Be 1 t Ordained by the Mayor a.nel Oouncj,l of the 01 ty oi'
Grand Island) NebrasKa.
Section 1.
Tb.EJ.t the 3a1a1'108 and compensation 0:(' the val'ious of':C1Gers of
tlH7. 01 t~l' of' Grand Island, Nel:iX'aS]Ci,1>> shall be as :COllows:
The Mayor sr..JaIl l'Gcetve a salal'Y of $500.00 POT' annu.m pa~ra.ble
Each OouncllL1an shall l'oceJve a salary of' $200.. 00 per annum
payable qU9.rterlY.
11118 01 ty Olel'k 811:.111 receive a sala:ry of' $800.00 pel' annum
'pa~ral)le monthlY.
The C1,ty Treasurer sflall receive a sala.1'Y of $1+.50..00 per annum~
'. and. :In aclditlon thereto the sum of.' $50.00 pe~r an.nllill :('01' collec'tiing all
paving taxes and thei:r asso:3sments which may come into his Iln.nd.8 paya,...
bIe monthlY.
Tlle Oity Attorney s11al1 receiiTo a salary o.'f $lf.QO.OO pel' annum
payable montblY.
The Pol ice t1'udge shall r e co 1 ve a sa lury of $.38. 00 por' mon th
rJ:1he CfJ:Lte:1' of' PoLtee shall receive u salary of $85.00 POI' ]11C.l11 th.
Each Patrolman or Policonan shall reGel vo a salary 0:[' $65.. 90
pe:r' lflOnth.
'rho WeiglunD.s tel' 811a11 recotve 9. salary of $lW.OO per lI1onth.
Tbe ,JanJ.tor' of' the City Hall sllall rece:ive H salary of $40..00
per' month.
The city Engineer shall receive a salary of' $5.. 00 pel'> day :COI"
the t:Lme actuallY emPloyecl,payable upon bills dulY presented~
~Plle Sexton s1:1al1 reeoi vo a salary of $65 ~ 00 per month.
Tt1e Ohier of the F1x'G Departm.ent sllall recal vo a salary of
$80*00 per month.
F;ach Flreman of' the paid F:Lr'o Depax'tment SOB11 1'8(':81 ve a sala1'::l
" G
<;,. . r-
;11) .)~l- ,00
,1 ,/... ~
per' month.
1 ~~
':1:}),0 Wate.r' & I,ight Comm:isstcmer an(1 Sewel' Inspector shall reeeivo
B salary of $110.00 per month.
The Atwista,nt Watel~ and Ltg-ht Commi;'3sion~:n:> and Sewer Inspector
8110:11 rece:ivo a salary oi' $85. DO per month.
The Glerl\: in the Water & Ltght OormnJssioner u S oi'fice shall recol;r e
A sa} ::\Py of $35.00 pel' l:onttt..
The Oh1ef' :Engineer of' tlle Watel~ &. Llr3:ht Plant shall }'scsi-vo a
~nJ~'r>'r .o'f ~100 00 nel'
.:)(..l.,~.,)..,.:i ,. t:;j.-.,I..~j . .. k- '
The Socond Eng:i.neer of the Water 8.)lcl I,ight Pl8,nt shall rcc:e1ve
a sEl.laI'Y of' $90.00 per F~onth.
l~acl1 Fireman employed Dt the Wa'ter and. Light Plant shall 1'0-
ceive a salary of $70.00 per month.
'r'lle street Oommi saloneI' sha1:1 recai vo a salary of $65'.00 per
The OJ" ty Physician shall rece1 ve a salary o:f ~~400~ 00 per' annUll1
pa,,"'91)le monthlY"
Provided ,howover, that where the salary of' am' olective of'f1cf'.J:'
is cbm1G'od sn:id Cl1ange 81'la11 not e:f:Cect the pI'osen t Incmnbent of ~mid
Section 2.
ol'(limmce No.486 and all other OI'cUnances and parts of' Or'dinances
in conflict lWX'Gwi trl are repealed.
Pl'ov1ded tlla t sa:Ld repeal 8118.11 not ef:fect the s'llal'Y of an~'l
officer whoso salary is herein changed until tho exp ation of the
tOl'm 01' tIle present incUInbent..
This Ol'dlnance shall be In i'o:r'se and take efi'ect :from and af'tcT'
1 t 8 paSfw.ge l ~:rpP1'oVal and publ lea tLm as PI'ovtded by law.
Passe(] anci approved. this 21.pr day of' ~TulY ,1912.
r ,., f"'lJ )
\, ;..) jC~ ~
G. W. Broadviell ,
H. II;. 01 ifford
Ma~'or .
city Clerk.
The above and f'oregoing embracing pages 17 & 18 hereof 1s a full, tx'ue
and correct copy of Ordinance NO.525 of the Oity of Grand Island,Nebr-
aska ,dUlY passed and approved July 24"1912. Said Ordinance was dul~r
published in the Grand Island Independent on the (', day O:f'~~1912
and 1s now 1n :fUll :force and efi'ect.
Witness my hand and the 0:[,i'1c1a1 seal of' said City th:ls
J t( day of' 4'1t~1 912.
Ord1nancQ NO.526.
An Ordinance levY1ng a Special Sewer District Tax to pay tor
the construction at a sewer 1n Sewer Distr1ct No.30 ot the Oity of
Grand Island ,Nebraska and prov1ding tor the collec-,t1on tl1ereot'..
Be 1t Ordained by the Mayor and City Oouncil at the Oity at'
Grand Island,Nebraska.
Section 1.
That ~ special Sewer District Tax be and the same is hereby lev1edc
and assessed to pay the expense'of the construction 01.' a sewer through
Sewer District No.30 of the Oity of Grand Island,Nebraska,against the
respective tracts of land embraced in said District in the amount set
opposl te the respectl Ve descrlptions thereot as l.'Ollows:
Lot One in BlOCK Fourteen of Rol11nslAddltlon the sum of tit5. 22
Lot Two ln BloCK Fourteen 01.' Roll1ns'Addltlon the sum 01: l+5 . 22
Lot Three ln BlocK Fourteen of Eolllns'Add1tion the sum of it5.22
Lot Four in BlOCk Fourteen of Rolllns'Addlt10n the sum of 4!i.22
Lot Five ln BICbcK Fourteen of Rol11nslAdditlon the sum at' it5.22
. Lot Six in BlocK Fourteen of Rollins'Addition the sum ot' it;-. 22
Lot Seven in BloCk Four teen of Rolllns'Addltion the sum of it; . 22
Lot Eight ln BlocK Fourteen ot' Rollins'Addltion the sum of 45.22
Lot Nine in BlOCk Four teen ot RollinslAddltion the sum of l+5.22
Lot TeJ;l in BlOCK Fourteen 01: Rollins'Add1t10n the sum at' it5.22
Said ROllins'Addltion being in and to the Oity 01: Grand Island,Nebr.
Section 2.
Sald Special Sewer Distrlct Tax shall be due ~d become delin-
quent in the manner and at the time provlded by law and shall be
cOllec;ted in the manner provided by law.
Section 3.
The Clty Clerk of the 01ty ot' Grand Island,Nebraska,1s hereby
lnstructed and directed to certlfY to the county Treasurer of Hall
County,Nebraska,the amount of said taxes with instructions to col-
lect the same ln the manner provided by law.
Section it.
This ordinance shall be in force and take et'tect from and atter
lts passage,approval and publication as provided by law.
Passed and auproved tIlis 18 u day ot september 1912.
Attest -. (
II. E, ClIfford Seal) G. W. Broadwell
01 ty OlerK
The FOl'egoing Ordinance 1\;0.526 was dUly passed mt a regular meet-
ing 01' the Oity OouncJl on September 18f11912,at Wh1c11 meet1ng
all .the members elect were present and votj.ng, and same was
d1Jly approved by G. W. Broadwell ,Pres1dent 01' the Oounc1l and
acting as Maeya!> 1n the absence of the Mayor ,Ohas,G.Ryan,
from the state,and the same was dUly published in the Grand
Island Independen~~ on the 201/ day of' Septembe.r 1912 and 1s now
in f'ull force and effect.
Witness my hand and off'1c1a1 seal this 21" da~r of September 1912
01 t~, Olerk.
Ordinance NO.527.
Oreating Sewer District NO.32.
An ordinance creating Sewer District No.32 in the Oity of
Grand I~land,NebrasKa,commenclnR at Jac~son street,runn1ng thence
through alleys in BloCks Nos. Thirteen (13) Fourteen (lit) and
Fifteen (15.) of Charles Wasmer's Addition to Grand ISland, Nebraska,
Said seWer to run ~om Jaokson street to Tilden street and connect
with Jackson street sewer. and prOViding for the laying of the
sewer through said district, ciescrlbing the manner in which the
same shall be laid and assessing the cost thereof against the abut-
t ing .propert~r.
WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Mayor and Oi ty Oouncil
of Grand Island,NebrasKa, 8' petition signeel bY George Bartenbach,
John Allan,and others, aSking that a sewer be constructed through
the property described in the title of this Ordinance,and Whereas
the Mayor and Council have examined the said peDition and f'ind that
the saiel petition is signed by R' ma-dori ty of' the resiclent owners
of the property SUbject to the assessment for such improvements.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Oouncil of the
oity of Grand Island ,Nebraska:
Section 1.
That Sewer District NO.32 is hereby created and shall inclUde
the alleys running through BlOCKs Nos. Thirteen (13) Fourteen
(l~) and Fifteen (15) o~ Charles Wasmer's Addition to the City or
Grand Island,Nebraska, Said Sewer District shall corrrmence at the
sewer on JaCkson street and running thence through aQleys in
BlOCKS Thirteen (13) Fourteen (14) and Fif'teen (15) from JaCkson
StrAAt to Tilden Street.
Section 2~
That a sewer shall be laid along the course above described
and running through the said BlocKs in accordance with the general
seWer plans and specifications heretofo::ee established for the lay-
ing of' sewers :In so far as said Plans and specifications can be
carried out.
Sect10n 3.
The entire cost of constructing said sewer shall be assessed
against the abutting property and the same shall be levied as
soon as the costs can be ascertained and it shall besome delinquent
and draw interest as provided bY law.
section 4.
The Oity Engineer is hereby authorized to draw plans and
spec1:ficat1ons :for said sewer and make estimate of' the c_ost thereof'
and sUbm1 t, same to the Oi ty Council, and when a(iop.t ed the Clerk
shall at once advertise f'or bids f'or the construction of' said
sewer in accordance with the plans and specifications, reserving the
right to reject any and all bidS.
Section 5.
Th1s Ordinance shall be 1n f'orce and take ef'fect f'romand af'ter
its passage,approval and PUblication as p,rovided bY law.
Passed and approved this 23" day of' September 1912.
( Seal)
01 ty Clerk.
I,H.E.Olif:ford,C1ty Clerk,1n and :for the C1ty of' Grand Island,
Tax,Sewer D1st.}1.
An Ordinance levying a Spectal Sewer District Tax to pay the
Ordinance NO.528.
expense of' the construction o:f a sewer t.hrough Sewer District No.
31 at' the Oity o:f Grand ISland>>NebraSka and providing :fo~ the c02-
lect :J.on thereat'...
Be it Ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the Oity 01'
Grand ISland,Nebraska.
Section 1.
Tria. t 8' Special Sewer District Tax be and the same is herelZy
levied and assessed to pay. the expense o:f the construction of a
sewer through Sewer District NO.31 ot' the 01 ty o:f Grand Island>>
Neb:r.'aSI<a,aga1nst the respective traets of land embraced in said
District in the amounts set opposite the respective descriptions
thereof' as follOWS:
Lots one,TWo,Three,Four,F1ve,S1x,Seven,E1ght,Nine and Ten
in Block Five of' [l.G.Clark's Addition
The Northerly 85 :feet o:f Lots One and TWo in BlOClC
Six of H.G.OlarK's Addit1on,1nclud1ng Fract10nal
Block 19 of Russel Wheeler's Addition,
The southerlY ~7 feet or Lots One and Two in Block
Six of' H. G. Olark IS Adcl1 tion
eacl'1 $}2.07
Lots Tbree,li'our,Five,Six,Seven,Eigl1t,Nlne and ':Ben in
BlOCk Six or H.G.Olark's Aadition,
All of said Additions being to the original Town,now City,o~
Grand Island ,NebraSka.
Section 2.
Said Special Sewer District Tax shall be due and become delin-
quent 1n the manner- and at the time provided by law and shall re
collected in the manner provided by law.
Section 3~
The City CIerI< of the Oity of Grand ISland,Nebraska,is herebY
instructed and directecl. to cert1.fY to the Oounty Treasurer of' Hall
Oou.nt~r >>Nebrasl<a, the amount a.r said Taxes wi t;1. 1nstruct/ions to
collect the same in the manner provided by law.
Section 1t~
This ordinance shall be in :foree and take aflect f'rom and ai'ter
its passage,a::)proval and pUblication as provided b~r law..
pa$Seatand aPDroved th1~ 20" day o:f November A.D~19l2.
J\t tea , H.E. Olifforcl ,OiIlY Olerk. (seal ~ha:rle8 G. J:\yan ,Mayor
24 ~v
Ordinance No.529.
Leasing property for Saloons.
An Ordinance prOViding for the exhibition of Leases by
tenants who apply for a License to sell malt ,spirituous a net
vinous liquors and prOViding tJla t such 1 eases shall contain
no clause prOViding for the exclusive sale of any brand or
make of beer or liquors by such tenant; also that no such
lessee ~ake any contract providing for the exclusive sale of
any brand or make of beer or liquors and prOViding fa!' a pen-
alty i'or the violation thereof.
Be :J. t Ordained by the Mayor and 01 ty Oounc:Ll o:f'
Grand Island,NebrnSka;
Section 1.
That no application :for a license to sell malt,spir1tuous
or ir1 nous 11quor sat WhCd:8 sale 01' retail jn the Oi ty of Grand
Island ,Nebraska, shall be considered or license tl1er'efor granted
bY the Oity Council of said city unless the applicant be the
owner of said prem1 ses upon Which Buell liquors are to lle sold;
provided howo'ver that i~ such ~pplicant be a tenant he shall
p~esent with his application a written lease from the oWner
of' said, premises to SUCJ1 applicant for the term of at least
one year .from the date of' SUC~1 license; provicled fUrther
1~hnt such lease shall not contain any clause pl'ov'1ding for
the excJ;u s1 ve sale of any brand of beer or otller liquor by SUC11
Section 2.
No person holding a license to sell malt,sp1rituous or
vinous liquors shall enter into any contract during the term
of such license ,f'or the exclusive sale of' any brand or make
of beer' or liquor.
Section ,3.
AnY person who violates the provisions o:f section NO.2
. of this OI'dinance shall for i'e i t his license and this Ordina-
nce shall be the authori ty of the 01 ty Council for reVOking
such license.
This Ordinance shall be in :force on and af'ter its passage
approval and PUblication as prov1l1ed bY law.,
Passed and approved this 20fl day oJ: November 1912.
Attest (Seal)
H.E.01Lfford,City Olerk. Charles G.R~Tan,:M:ayor.
Orclinance No.530
Tax Sewer Dist.32.
An Ordinance levying a Special Sewer District Tax to pay
the expense of' t.he constructj,on o:f a sewer through Sewer District
NO.,32 of' the city of' Grand Island,NebraSl<a and providing for
the collect.jon they'eof..
Be it Ordained by the }\Ifayor anci C1 ty Council of' the Oi ty of'
Graxm Island ,Nebraska.
Section 1.
'llhat a Special Sewer District Tax be and the same is herebY
levied anci assessed to pay the expense o:f the construction of a
sewer thl'ough Sewer District NO.32 of' the 01 ty of' Grand ISland,
Nebraska ,against the rt'}specti ve tracts of land embraced in said
Distl'1ct in the amounts set opposite the respective descriptj.ons
thereof' as follows'::
Lot One and the East half of Lot l"Wo in BlOCk 13 VV'asmer 's ACid*43.86
Wes t balf of' lot IWO antI the East half' of lot Three
In Block 13 Wasmer's Addition
West half of Lot Three and Lots lPour and Five in
Block 13 Wasmer's Addition
Lots Six and Seven and the West hal~ o~ Lot Eight
in BlocI< 13 o~ Wasmer's Acld1 tion
East half of Lot Eight and lots Nine and Ten in
BIOCI< 13 of Wasmer's Addition
Lots one,TWo,Four and Five in Block 14 VVasmer'g Addition
Lot rrhree in BlOCk 14 Wasmer's Acic1i tion
Lots 6,7 & 8 in Block 14 Wasmer · s Adcli t ion
Lot Nine BloCk 14 Wasmer' s Ad.d1 t10n
Lot Ten in Block 14 Wasmer's Addition
~p72. 36
$ 7 2. J5
Lots one,TWo,Tbree,Fcur,F1ve,Six,SeVen,Eight,Nine and Ten
in BlOCk 15 of Wasmer's hld1t1on #289.45,
said Wasmer's Addition being to the City of Grar~ Island,Nebraska
and being in and a paJ't of said Cit~r.
Section 2.
said Special Swwer District Tax sIlall be due and become
delj.nquent j n the manner and at the time provided bY law a,nd
shall be collected in the manner prov1(led 'bY law.
Section 3.
The City ClerK cr: the city of Grand Island,NebraSl<a,1s herebY
:instructed and directed to certifY to the County Treasurer of
Hall County ,NebrasKa) tlle amount of said Taxes with instructions
to col1(~ct the same In the manner provic1e<1. by law.
Section 4.
This ordhltH'lCe shall be in fox'eel ami take efi'ect f'rom and
after' its passage,a-pproval and pUblicatj.on as provicled by law.
Passed and approved this 4" day of December ,A.D.1912.
( Seal)
....___IL~..Q11.f:rQr(t ,.
Oi ty Clerk.
._____.Qhf\;rle,IL"n:. Ry{jD ~_._.__
orcHnance NO.531.
Deli ver'y , Paving Dist. 8. Bancls.
An Ord1nanGe autl10rizing the Mayor an'l 01 ty ClerK of the
01ty of Grand ISland!NebraSKf:l,to execute and ciel:iver to tllS First
Natj,onal BanK of Grancl. rsland,NebraS.l<at:rift~t bomls to be known
. as "District Paving' Bonds" of District NO.8-JOt' the Oity of' Grand
ISland,Nebraska,prov1d1ng for the cond1tions,form and amount of
same and providing for the ,lisposi t:l.on of the proceeds derived
from the sale oJ' the same.
WheJ'eas,on the 5th day nf ~JUne,A.D.1912,there Was presentee].
t.o the M:ayor and Oi ty Counc:il of the 01 ty of Grand I81anci ,N\3bras-
1<a,f\ petition in due :Co:rm signed bY Richard Guendel and others
1,'or th.e creation of' a paving district j.n the City 0,1' Grand
IsJ.and,Neb.raska,anci for the paving of the same .,anel
Whereas, on the 5th day of ,Tune ,A. D.19l2, t.he Mayor and 01 ty
Oouncil of satd 01 ty havi,ng examined sa:1d petl tion, foun,! the same
to 1')0 in due 1'orm ane! signed by persons owning lots and lands
having a frontage upon said P8'v1ng (l1striet of' more than three
:f'1.:fths of the feet frontage thel'eon and
Whe.reas,on the 5th day ot' .rune,A.D.1912, an Ordinance was
ciuly passecl bY the Mayor ancl 01 ty Council of Gr'anci Island ,Nebr-
aska,in accox'dance with the prayer ot' said petition C:t'eat:1ng said
Paving District NO.8\,o:f' the Cjty o:f ('iranc! ISland,Nebr'aska, and
01'(ler1ng the same to bt') duly paved and
Whereas, the Oontract for pavL'1g satd Dlstrj.ct No.8, was
dUly entered into and said D19tr'1c~t is now being paved, ami
Whereas,it 1s necessary as PI'ov1clnci by law to issue bonds
:for the payment of. the cost or said pavement and
Whereas it has been ,tUly estimated bY the 01 ty Engineer 01'
saiet Oity that the cost of paVing saict Dist.riet will be about
tbe sum or $28937. 45',anci
Whereas the :Mayor and Oouncll or sulci 0Ity have caUs()d clue
. advert.isement to be made asKing for bidS upon saio. bonds ami
the bl(l of' the Fir at Nat tonal Bank of Grand ISlanct, NebraSka,
was found to be the bes t anci highest received ,wherein it has 01'-
:fered to pay for said bonds the principall and acc::rued interest
on same to date or delivery and $75.00 premium.
NOW Ther' ef.or e
Be it orda:lne'i by the Mayor and Oouncil of the City of
Grand Islam! ,NebrasKa:
nect.ion 1.
That the Mayor and Oity Olerk of ttle Oity of Graml ISlanc!,
Nebr::;lSXa ,aro rlOrebY author:lzed to Slgn,8xecute and deliver unto
t he First Nat ional BanK of Grand Island ,NebraSKa, fifty negot la:Qle
bonds ,or so many trH;)'eof as may be necessary l to 1)(3 known as
"District PaVing Bonds of District NO.8" of trle 01 ty of Gram1
laIn.nd ,Nebraska" Sa:Ht bonets ,to be-' dayed: JDecember ,J:Htrst ~lt912~
pa~ra't)le to bearer at the office of' the city Treasurer of the 01;ty
of Grand Island ,NerJraska. Eacl1 of sate! bonets shall 1Je in the
princtpal sum oJ. st500. 00 ,p:-\ryable on the fi:rst day of Deeember,
A.D.1922,and maybe redeemed by the C1 tyas rapicUy as taxes are
GoJ.lected for the payment of the same. Sald Bonels shall be num-
bered consecu t 1 vely ,and shall be recleemecl in th~ order numberod,
c0JIlil1encing with Bond Nurnbex' one. Said Bonds shall draw in-
terest at seven per centum per annum payable annua11y on the
fir st clay of December each year. Each o.f said Bonds shall have
at tac'heel tl1ereto ten lnte.rest coupons each in the sum or ~i35. 00,
J'epresent1ng the 8nmlal tnterest aGel'ueing t1:1ereon.
Section 2.
Trle lvIfiyor and Oity Clerk are herf.1bY autho:rizecl to deliver
said. bonds unto the saie! First National Bank or Grand ISlanct,
1\ebraska, and receive payment for the same at the face value
with accrued ir,terest, besicies ~7B.OO premiu.m,wllich said money
shall inrrnedia t sly be pa'id to the 01 ty TJ'easurer of' the Oi ty of
Grand Island, Nebr'asKRJ WllO shall Keep same in a special fund to
'be known as "District PaVing Funcl of Dis trj.ct No~ 8, II of ttl.e 01 ty
of Grand lslandjNebraska, Providing ,however , that tb.e Maym' and
CI~rk are prohial tecl from deli verlng any more bonds tJ1an are
neces sary to pay the Warrant s drawn aga1ns t 8a.1(1 f'und ,anci only
upon lJeing ft.u'thex' dul~. authorizecl by :resolut1on of tlw City
section 3.
That all spec:ial taxes and af-l8nSSments levied and collected
to PHY for the paVing of said Paving District No.8, shall consti-
tute a sinl<lng fund for the pa;yrnent of said, bonds.
See t ion 4.
This Ordj.nance shall be :Ln .force and take effect from
and after Jts passage,approval an,i publication as prov:ldec1 bY
passect and approvc,1 this lP' day of December ,A. D.1912.
(f3eal) Charles G. Hyan,
H.E. OJ.tffor(l,
Oity Olerk.
Qrd1nanoeNo. 532.
LevYing TaJt. ~pav:Lng Dist. (5
An ord1nauco lovying t.,axea to pay tor tile pav1ng and Qurb1ne; oX'
raving D16tr1ot NolOB'. Qf' tho Clt~r of Grand Ialand Nf"oraaka.
Eo it (n'da.lnod tw tho iltlYO:!' an<i C1";~t OOunoj.:J. of 'th(~ O:l.tll' O;f'
Grand r H.lltnd Nebraska.
Seot1on 1..
'1.'hax'i) 1a hal"€fo11' levied a.nd assessed age 1ust 'the ae'\leral lO'ts,
Yla.:r'oels and traots of land here1nafier SPOO1f'ied, tho said several sums
here1na.ftoI' speeltie'<i t~'r tlle VWVOf.lO of paving the (JOBt and expanse of
paving and ()UI?b1ng of Paving District No.8. of: the City or Grand !aland
Nebraska, in aC<1ordanoe with tiH~ pane-f'ite found and asseased. to each of
the s$vel'allots,tra.ota and paroels of land,bV the l_liO!' arid, Oouncil of
the 01 ty of' Gl"a.nd I f~l(lnd 1>1 ebraaka s1ttlng c. s a board of equaJ.1za t1on,
at'tel' dlt0 notioe as vro'f1ded 01' law 1 aaohof said several lote, traots
aud l)dI'oeJ.s of lcU'id 18 In the Or1c1nal tovrn,now,C:ity of Graml Island
Neb:vaa~a9~nd tho several sums assessed against each of the same is
~a tOllOws,towit;
The i'oLLovri.nr; do:~cribod p:eond.sef:\ are all Gitu.c~to in
the Origj.nal Town, now Ci tyof Gr'and Inland., Hall COU.Dty, Nobra ska.
Block 26.
F 0 et .
Lot NO.5 66
" 6 66
Brown E.I J 2
?IirJ erg W. 1 J 2
Block 27..
Fra nklin
Block 28'.
Epley E.IJ3 L~t
Anya n W.. 2/3
Ep 1 ey w.. 113 "
Finch }lie 2/3
Dean W. 2/3
s t ewa rt E. 1/3
stewart W. 1/3
Parker E. 213
Blo ck 29
'1esco tt
Seamann westoI'ly 213
Ra. sk li~stc:c1y 1 f 3
Rask westerly 1/.3
Roborts Easterly 2J3
7 33
7 33
g 66
!J 66
6 66
7 66
8' 66
5 22
5 44-
6 22
6 144- I
7 '~41
7 22
8' 22
g 44
5 66
6 66
7 44
7 22
g 22
g 44
F oet .
F oct.
S.{ .. 25
Cost T~tal
curlJing. cosb
$2. 2i~ 363 03
360.79 2S.79
2q~. 5lJ- 2l}.09
120.27 7.26
2./fbP. 51~ 1.4.52
2~0.54 14.52
120.27\ 7.26
120.27 7.26
2f40. 5lf- 24. 38
360.79 31.65
360.79 21.78'
240. 54 14-- 26
::] 60 7g
/ 9 I Zg
389 58
3 gZ 40
9-55 OB
~ D6
/ :z 53
38;2, 57
I ZO ~ ?
120.27 I -33 12. ~6 C
240.54 24- 32 '26 86
- - .'.- ._~ ~t:;.. -~._-.-:--:-._.__._~---_..- - -
5772. 77'!i3S8.2-i---1P 67ao 99
Block 31. Feot Feet Feet Cost COBt Curbing To -fa I~ I
Paving Curbing Paving I C 05'7 ,
I 9.51#\577.2#77 I 368. 22 6/:5'0 99
Monck Lot 5 66 66 i ~~.! $360.79 I $3.1lf- =163 93
F,rnwr Westerly I I
2 3 Lo t . 6 . 44 44 24 0.54 I f2 40 51
. 1J.jnna Easterly
1 3 6 22 22 120.27 12,D Z7
Knickrehm 7 & g 132 132 25.7 721. 5<5 <5.48' 7:10 06
Block 30..
Lambert 5 & 6 132 132 16 cz. 6 721.5a 53.66 '17c5 21-
Darling 7 & 8' 132 132 13<5.. 7 721. 5g 38'.78' 760 36
Block 42
Guendel 1& 2 .k.J3:
204 264 1443 .. 16 /1-43 16
Etting 3 & 4 132 132 6.2 721..5<5 2..05 723 63
Grand_. Island 8' 132 132 100.3 721.58' 33 · 09 754 67
Block 33
Chica go Lumbol" co
South er1y 112 5 66 66 66 360.79 21.7fS 38Z 57
G. I. El ec.. Co.
. Lots 1.2.3.e~ 4
396 / 2164.74
390. 455" 4 150.28' ;2315 02
K~'t80 Norlhh erly 66 66 66 360.79
1 2 0 f Lot 5 21.78' 382 57
Block: 44
Ja cobr>on Lot 1 66 66 94.4 360..79 31.15 39/ 94
Jacobson F.a.storly
23 ft. Lot 2 23. 23 23 125.74 7.;9 /33 33
Mayer westerly }2 491;,4
43 ft. Lot 2 43 43 43 235.05 14. 19
Olson 3 & 4--;132 132 93 721.58' 3 0.69 752 ;l7
Block 45
Svaningsen 1 66 66 6,.2 360.79 2.04 -:J6;Z 83
Ricke:l1t wente:!:' ly
1/2 10 t 2 . 33 33 18'0.40 180 1-0
Sveningsen Easterl
1/2 1ot2 33 33 18'0.4Q /80 40
Garn " 3 66 66 66 360.79 21..78' 382 6-7
CampbfJl1 '"" 1
1 .;[ 14-
<JQtMIlA I' 4 66 66 95 360..79 ?1..}5 _....1.: 39Z
, ~-~<~,~
1\ ~",. .,~ -~ ,. -... -._._>-,--~._----
/73/8.. DB 830. oS- i $/8/48 /3
. I
B 10 ck. 46. F eet~ Foot Feet cost Cost :'1'ofo/
Pa v ing. CUJ:'bing .JJ Pa ving Curbing ,C!.csf!
I ?7318.08 Jf8yo:D5 1/8!481/~
~ntz Lot 1 66 66 95.1 I 360.79 131-3g ! 3 9Z I~
. Motfi t Lot 2 66 66 66 360.79 21..7g
Blake II 3 66 66 66 360.79 21.75
C1eal"Y II 4- 66 66 94.i55 360.79 31.30 39,2 41~
Block 47
Ra ssmU8 sen Lots 1 & 2 132 132 153-25 72 L. 58' 50.57 77;? It
Roberts 3 I 66 66 66 360.79 . 21. 7 g
Johnson 4- 66 66 94.6 360.79 31.22
-~.~ -'-~~>'---'" ._- ---
__h__,__ .
ZOZo1-~ 1'0 Yog9.8C
Union Pacific R.. H. co., all of tho. tpart of the righ tof way
of' the Union Pacific Rai.lroad Com pany in Pine street lying
south of' Block 42 and 43., extending south 18'5,.6 feet, also
that part of said right of way in said Pine street, lying north
o f'a point 62 feet north of Block 54! and 55, and extending
a distance 0 f 8'6.2, conta inlng ,all tOld, l3S'0 .955 sClVtare yards
I 1 J
Feet ,Cost I cost
curbing' Paving i Curbing
lJ-39.g6 "1272,...67: ~150..56r--_._-
2Z9Z9. D7 nl 90;1tz #N/4~
sectton 2.
The tax so lev:11ediana ,assessedshaIl: be payable and become
clelinque:nt and dX'aw interest as p:rovid,ed [)y the statutes of the
stfJ:te of Nebraska, to-wi t:
one-tenth of the same shall beCDme delinquent :Ln fifty clays
aftel' the date of t1:"1:iLs levy,One-tent1'1 in one year,One-tentb j.n two
jreaX'B,one-tenth in tlJree years,One-tentb jn four years,one-tenth in
five years ,One-tenth in Six years,one-tenth in seVen yearsJone-
tent}} in eight yefll'S and One-tenth in N:tne years f'.c'om the date of
thJ s levy. :F.;ach of' said. tnsta1J.rr:en ts e.xcept the fJr st ) shall (Iraw
interest S'l'OIn tl16 (late of this levy at the rate of seven per
centum per annulil.until the same becomes delinquent anci each of said
installments shall d,raw interest at the rate of' ten per' cent1Jm per
anlrum i'rom the date the same becomes delj.nliuent;
Px'ov1cled ,hQwever I that the enttre amount levied and assessed
aga:tnst an~T of the aforesaicl lots l tr8cts or parcels or land
mailr be pa:1el et any time witl11n ~rif'ty days f'r'om the date 01' ttr.l.s
leVY without :interest ,qYld sajd lot, t1'8Ct ,or pal?cel of land. sr1a11)
in that event ,bfl exempt from any Item OJ:; cr1Rr'ge for 1ntJerest.
section 3.
The City Olerk of the city 0:(' Granel Is1ancl,Nebraska,is hel'eby
(Li.:r'w;tecl and instrueted to ,forthw:t th certifY this Orclinance to
the 01 ty Tre('\~Jure?:r of trie 01 ty of Gr~md Island , Hebraflka ,WhO srunl
proceed to collect sa:1.d taxes as requtred by law,.
Section 4,.
This Orrlinanee shall be in :force and take ei'i'ect .from ami after
:itB P88sage,apPl'oval and PUblication as provided b.Y law..
, 13"
Passed And qrproved thiS-l~ay of December ,A.D. J 912.
Attest (Seal)
H. E. 01 i:f'i'orct ,
Oharles G. R~r(Ul,
C1t~r Olerk..
The above is a true and correct copy or Orcilnancf,3 NO.532 of 1;he
Oity of GJ?and Island ,NebraSka, Salel Ordinance Was clUly passed on
the 13" (lay of December 191 2 at a. TIlC'tet1ng of the O:Lty CouncJ.l
at which a: quorum was present and was duly publish€}d in the G-rancl
Island Ind.ependent on December 16"1912 and the same is now 1n fUll
force and ef'fect.
Witness my hand ancl the Of,ficlal Seal ot' said Oity 01' Grand
Islaflf.l ,Nebraska ,this 17" day 0;(' December 1912~.
Delive~y o~ Paving Dist.Bonds
JJistr:let Number 9.
Ordin~'ince No. 533.
An ordinanoe autl'lOI'iz ing tho Mayor and Ci ty Clerk. of the Ci tv of
Grand Inland,NebrafJka,to execute and deliver to the Home
Savj.ngB Bank of the City of' Grand Island,NeoraDka
bonds to 00 known aD >>District Paving Bonds of District No.9>>
of' tho OJ.tv of' Grand Island, NeoraGka ,providj.ng for tho condi-
tions, form and amount,of the Balile and providing for the di8-
position of the proceeds derived from the sale of the same.
Wheroas,on tho 17" day of' J'uly 1912 thore waG ID:'esonted to the
M.a.yor and City CO'WlCil of the City of Grand Igland,Nooraslm a
poti tion j.Il dlto form signed oy the Bradstreet-Clemens Company
and others for the creation of a paving district in tho City
of Grand Island, NelJraska and for the paving of' the same,and
W.herea s on the 7" day 'if A1J.giJ.st 1912 the Mayor and. City
Connell, ha vlng examined said. potj. t10n, f'Ol:t.nd the same to be in
dU.e form and signed by persons ovyning lots and lands havj.ng a
frontage upon said puviag district 01"' more than three-fifths
of tho foet of f'rontage thereon and
Fhereao on the 7" day of' AUglWt 1912 an ordlnance was
dlly J)unsed /);,7 the Mayor and City CouncLl of sald Cj.ty in
accordance with tl1e prayer a.nd petition crea ting said Paving
Distrj.ct NO.9 and ordoring the Setme t,J oe duly PH. ved and
Whereas,the contraet :for the lXiving of' SEtid District }I().
9 waG duly entered into and Baid Distric1.~ has boon dU.ly paved,
And wheroe..s it iD nocos Bary <:tL: IJrovided by .la.',g to issue
bond~3 for the paYlilent of' the cost of' said pavemont and curbing
And whereas it heW boon duly ostinated 1)y the City Engineor
of said City tha t the cost of l)<iving and. curbj.ng said District
will be about $9500.00 and
Whereas tho Mayor and Council of' sa id City havo oaused
due advertLwwen t to l)e liade asking f'OI' bids upon said bonds
and the biel of the Home Savings Bank of' (}l'and Island,Hooraska
WaD found to be the best and hiqhest so recoived,vrheroin it hag
Of'J:'OI'od to Pay for' said bond.s tJ1e pI'incipal and accruod j.nterest
on tll.e flame to the date of' delivery and a premium of three
do llars per thousand do lIars of sa lo. ~)onds
NO'lN Therefore, be it ordained by the Mayor and CouncLL
of the Clty of Gra.nd Island,NeoraBka;
Section 1.
Tha t tho Mayor and City Clerk of' the City of Grand Island
NeL)rcwka are hereiJY authorized to slgn, execute and delivor unto
the Homo Savings Bank of' Grand IBland,Uobranka nineteen bonds
or 130 nany thereof' as may I)e noqosBary, to IJe knoVIn as ttDistriot
Paving Bonds of' District No.9" of the City of Grand Island,
NebraBka.Saidbonds are to be datect Dece:moer 15tt 1912,I)Hyable
to bearer at the of'fice of' the C j, ty 'rroa rmrer of' the C 1 ty of
Grand I slandNeora~3ka .Each of said bonds shall be in tho p1'in-
cj.pal sum of $500.00,I)Ctyar)le on the 15" day of' December A.D.
1922 and ltHy l)o redoemed by the sald City as rapidly as ta.xos
Hro c01.lected for tho payment of the same; said. bonds shall be
numbered consecutively,and shall be redeemed j.n the order
m.unl)ored, COliliilenc ing with bond number one ,and shal.l draw interest
at the rate of' 7 per centum per annLurl,payablo annually on the
15" dclY of Decoml)or of' each year.:&:ach of' Bedel bonds shaJ.l have
attachod thereto ten int.orent COupol1s,eaoh tn tho sum or $35.00
represonting the annlllil interest accruing thereon.
Sectton No.2.
Tho Mayor and City Clerk are heroby authorized to deliver said
bondf3 to the Home Savings Bank ai'oI'osaid and recei.vo in payment
for tho same the face Val1J.e v"rith accrued int.ore~1t,to date of'
de.Uverybosides a premium of $3.00 :oor thou.Gand dollarBof Ba iel
Donds,whieh money sf)a.Ll i.lr.liIlocli.atoly be ])(1i: to tho City TrC'k!.sureY
of' said City,vrho shall keel) the same in a 8Iloci.al fund to be
known an "District Favi.ng l"und of' DiDtl'ict No.9" of said City.
Provhled ho'wever, tha t tl10 Mayor and Clerk are prohib i toe]
from delivering any more bonds than are nec8ssary to pay the
vrarrants dra\i'rn agaLlst sa iel f'und,and only upon being f'llrt:ner
authoriz oct DY rOBolu. tiOD or tlw City Counoi.l.
Section NO.3.
All special taxos and assosmnonts levi.ed. and collected. to
I><'i.Y for the paving of' satd Pavj.ng Dj.strict NO.9 shall COrl-
ntitute a Dinktng fund for the payment of l3aid. bonds.
Secti.on No. l~.
This ordina.nce shall be in force and take efTnct f':r.om and
ai:'t.o:r. its Il(iSBae;e,ap:oroval and puolication an p:r.ovj.docl by law.
Paf:3S eel i:tnd aPIlroved this la" day of DecornbeJ:' 1912.
( Seal)
QJ1@Y l.~ s 11... Ryall.J
H...E...011'Ci'orc1 8
City Clerk.
~rhe above Ordina.nce is a true and correct copy of' the original
ox'cLtnance No.. 533 ;which said Or,i:tnance WEt S cluly passed and approved
on the 1-;')11 day of December 191.2 at a meeting of the City Council
at Wh1ch- a, quorum was present and the same was pUbl1shect in the
Grand ISlan,! I1l.dep,endent on Dec:ember 16t'1912 and 1s now in fUll
:CorCi! and effect..
W:J.tmeas my hand and Off'icial Seal this IV' day of Decembe:r 1912.-
City Olerk.
Ordinanee NO.534..
Sewer District Tax NO.29.
An Ord:tn.ance lev:\ring a spc}cial sewer D1 strict Tax to pay .ttle
expense of' the construction of a sewer through Sewer District No..
29 o:f the Oi ty of' Grand Island ,NebraSka, and pl'ovi'i1ng 1'or the
collection thereo.f..
Be it Ordaineo. by the Mayor and Oity Coune:1.l of the 01.ty of
G"l'ana. Island ,Nebraska:
Section 1.
Tilat a Special Sewer' District Tax be and the same IDS hereby
l(nrtell and assessed to pay tile expense of the construc::tion o:f 8'.
seWer tbrougll Sewer District NO.29 of the Oity of' Grand ISland,
Neb.l~aska ,against the respe(~tive tracts ot' land embrace,! in said Dls-
tr1et in the amounts set opposite the respect:1.ve descriptions
thereof' as :fallows:
Lot One :In BlOCk 21 of Bussel Wheeler's Ad(l1 tion
;~IJ3. 00
Lot ',rwo
]'.1"Hettonal Lot 'l'ti.ree in Block 21 ot' Bussel Wl1ee1sx' 's
Adell tion, tncluct:.l.ng Fractional lot 'I'bJ,tee in
BlocK One of H. G. Ola.rk' S Ad(U tion
I"ract tonal Lot Four In BloCK 21 of' Russel Wheelor' s
Add:! t ton l includ1.ng Fractional lot ,Four in BlOCk One
ot' H.G.Glark'g Addition
$38. Lto
Lot seven1n Block One of .1-1. G. Olark.' s Addition
Lot Eight in Block. One of' H. G. ClarK I L3 Adell t ion
Lot Nine in BlOCk One of' H.G.Clark'g Add.ition
#38.. 40
Both of' sHid Additions being to and In the 0.:1. ty of Grand. ISland
Seetlon 2..
AncU'cw .Jessen the owner o.f lots Five ancl Six in BlOcJ{ One
o:f H.G.Olark's Addit1.on,and in saiel Sewer District NO.29,hav1ng
under the provisions of ordinance' No. 501 of the Oity of Grand Island
constructed a portion of the sewer in said District at a total
.. th f (:81 1'9 a d th~ Oity 0011n(~11 ()'P t:he 01 ty
expense 01 e sum O' ,;... .... >, n <J ..t #
of Grfmo. ISland,NebI'8.Sl<a,hav1ng while sltt1ng as,a' Boal'a of Equaliz.a-
tion for said purpose ,bY' resolution found that tIle benef:t ts: to said
lots Five and SiX in BlOCK One of Clarks Add.it:l.on are the sum of
~i:76.80) it is ordeped that a warrant lJe dx'awn on sala Sewer JHstl"1C.t
:No.29 t'1.md in the sum 01' #1./..69 to l'e-imbu:rse 111m i'or the amount he
has OYer paid in the construction of saiel sewer as provided. by
Bald Ordinance No.50l.
SeGtj on 3..
Said Speeial Sewer District I}'ax shall lID due and becorae delJ.n-
QU6nt :in the manner and at the t,tme Pl'ov1decl bY' law and shall be
col1ectecl in thE~ manner prov1cted fJ;{ law..
Sect:ton 4.
The Cit.y 01er1( of' the O:Hy o.t' Gl'and Island,NebI'l"rSKa, is he:r1cby
:l.nstJ'ucted to cel.t1:f'Y to the Oounty 'l'reaSUl'er ot' Hall county,
tb.e am.ount of sale1 taxes wi th instructions to collect the 8ame :tn
tlle .manner prov:!.cied by law.
8e (~~t :lcm 5.
This orcl1naIlce shall 1H~ in I'oree ancl taKe effect :Cram and after
lts passage ,approval ami pU'blicat ion as prov:1dect by law.
pas~!e(l and approved thl.s IS" clay' of Decembe:r,A.D..1912.
( Seal)
01.ty' ClerIc.
Oharles G.Ryan,
paving D1st.Taoc.~9.
O1'dlnance No. 535 .
An ordinance levying taxes toU];)ay for tho paving and. c1J.rbing
of Paving DiBtrj.ct NO.9 of the Cj.tv of Grand Island,Nebraflka.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and. Cj.ty Council of the
City of Grand I oland ,N obI'a ska.
Section No.l.
Tlterc is horeby leviod and assessed C!.t',Cl.Jnst tho several
lots ,11a1'co1s and tracts of l(-J.nd hereinafter spocified the
several sumB he:roinaftcr spocif'icd 1'01' tho pUrl)oso of' paying
tho cost and. expenso of' pa.ving and cmrbj.ng of' Pavhli:'; District
No. Nl.no of' the City of' Grand. Island,Nc)/)rank.a, in accordenco
wj.th tho bonoi.'i ts found and. 8.BBOSned to each of tho several
lots,trt:'ccto and pa1"co18 of' land,by the Mayor and ConneLl of
tho Oity of Grand InJ..e.nd,Neb1"aska sitting o.fl H board of' oqual-
i7.ation,af'ter duo notice as l)rovidodby law; each of f.laj.d
sovoral loto, tracts and. 1/<:I.1'eo18 of land is in the Orty of
Ca"and IslB.nd,Nobrask.a,and the sevoral SUJUB aSfW~,f3ed. agaj.net
e.8.ch ai' the same is as f'ollows,to-wit:
--~- --.
In Evans Addition to the city of (frand I eland.
In Block No.11~..
Pav1ng Pav1ngCurb Ottrb1ng TOta,lcost
Lot \)/ b ~ "Rourke rectfl Feat $ $
...1' ;2.l.'1 2;010 51.9 2l}. 57 251t. 76
Westerly 14 fect Lot 7" ~ 0101 .14 i~ 20 65 21
l'Jaater1y 3$..8 f.eot If 7 O.A.Kl11am :;8'.$ 169 09 ;f.1",($ 11 61~ 180 73
'Fraot Lot is r C~~) 9.34 40) 70 1.7 51 it1 21
Il1 Block NO.15.
Lot NO. 10
u 9
W'estoJ?lY lltll.f tot
Eaoto:r.ly Inli' It
Lot No. .,
it 6
& /.3,.,.~
~.Dar11ng 52~g
~ JO$f:>on 52.8
S Else Le1mb26.1t.
g lX,. Edd1ngf'101d26.1,~
~. l.foell.er '>2.5
TOl;{ Bradstreet 52.Ej
In B look J;To" r6.
Lot No.lo A "Darling
... 9 tt
_ 8ft
tt 7 t'raot :Lon .,
Lot No. 11~ of 1:.110 County
or tho West half of' tho Smtih frost
quarto!' ot.' seotion 1.0 tovHlaft1p
:tJo1"th of Z'nnee 9 West 6tt P"M.
A "Darl1ng
Lot 13 1n 1381rt. CO.S1.1t:)cl vla10n
Nort'n.-RoD1naon-Dean co.. ~
Pha t :part ot.' lot 12 in sa.ld co.
Sabdiy.as 18 doeor1bcd 1n Boot
46 ed~page 329 1n t1"10 Deed Reeor<la
in the off1co of the Reoorderot
Deeds in Hall count~r,Ne\)ralJka.
North-Rob1nson-Doon Cf).
That l1art of' said .Lot 12 <lascJr1r)od
1.n Book i~5 at r)age 212 in 8al<1.
D oed Hecord$ trontJ.ng t~l eaat of
North S1{.h~ of' 4- tr street
Bradstreet & Cl.0n10nn Co. t~l
230 10 8'2. a
2.30 10
115.05 26.4
230.10 52.l:1
2.30,. 10 gl~9(l
I~".' 6L
~..~ .,,)
254 76
230 .10
115 05
2l~;. 94-
21"5i, 6~'
_" I
25!~ 6"{
2t:.5 9~~
245 9J,~
IOD 62
81 05
1715 6e>
Lot 8 and traot lot 7 ~n Bloek 25 .
of Nagy'n Adc1.1t1on to Grand Island
also t':raot lot 7 and lota 5 and IS in Blook 1iumberTwenty flv6(25)
1n th(~ Orlg1na~L town,no\J City of
Gra!1cl I oland; a lao t~paroel of Jan(l
fronting on 41t S1:.1"eet 2.7.6 f'€H~twlde
lying; west of' lot 5 Block 25af'oroaaid
( now a part 01: tho Chicago.
Burlington and. QuinQY HHil Hoad Ri.f,~ht
of Way 291 6 1270 79
LotH 2,3 and l~ in Block 4S ot'
the Oriell~l town,now C1ty of
G:::.oand I sland ,also d. IlaI'ooJ. of .i.and
27 :feot, wido frontinG on 4u S'traot
lyin;:" wOBi; of Bald lot 1;. ( now a r,art
of tho r1f~llt oJ: Wt.\j' ot.' the <.n'l10it80
Burlington ann Qu:Lnoy R alJ.road.)
~ 225
Lot 3. 1n b.l,oak 4.8 of the Ol'1f::1na 1
town ,now C1 t1' of (tI'l:\ud I Gland; all
that part of' caj.ct Lot 12 l!'ing South' of'
af 4- 8trdot;alB~ Lots l,2.3.4 and 5
1n Dlook 17 in 001(\ Evans Addition ·
also fractional 1)1000 of' land lying I
wenterly Qf' said, lot5 1n blOCk 17 and.
eaaterl1' of lot 1 in block 48 aforosa1"-
a f'oresald. l79~ 1/-1/ {7g~ os. J 780' oS
BradBtrect e: C .lemenn co. 2321 (J-. lQl~" 05 224~g~ 67. }F5 (1078. 50
In Block It~ of sai.d .Eva.ns Addition; .
" " . !
Lots 1j. and '5 Bra.d.B: Clemens Co. l05~o l~o1,)~2o 131~;'9g tr.o
" 3 hoil1'Y SecJH~i8.:nn ;2~g 2.30i.lo 52~S
" 2 Auguste EwOldt 52~B 270~ 1() 52.r.:
i i
2t~. 57
230 10 8<1 9
230.10 52.8
230.10 52. i:
94..u~ 21. ()
2t~. 57
75 B3 17.1s,
5 22
~61 95 67 ~2,
17. 'x 6. ~,
.,0.. <.>
9ti{) 55
l'"J7n 70
"': (',., '." - ,/
9001 55
1,...0 r;nn' {)Q
L~_ :J\.,'....!....,,:
15 61j. 245, 94
15. 8l~2t'.51 91.;<
Said Evans Addition
In Blook 1S P~v1n~~ P'aV'1ngCul1ping CU;j;1'j,1ng tpotQ1 cost
Feet cost F eetoost
Lot :t P.W. ~.d_or 52.8' ~230_10 81.9 f 2i.~.5Y ~ 25~f...67
In Block No.19
Fr'd.ctional 1Jo1:.8
NO.l} and 5
Edlth 1i.Kline;er
1Q4..33 24- 81f
1~:Vw 111.52-
:J~ #g8L3 oS-
8 ectloci
The aforosaid tax SO loviefl and a BSOBsed aha 11 -be !1titya Die and. IH')oome
de11nQ1.wnt Citn<i draw intere,f.3t as 11l'Ov1ded flY law an(i the statutes o:t
the state ai' Nebl'aska, to-',y1 t,OJ'L(; tenth of 1:h9 same shall 1)(}COLle de-
I.inquont in :!;l:i?ty davs ,at't'<!t tht'J da.te of' thls lovy,ono tonth in one
yoar,one tenth in 2 veal's ,one tenth in 3 veal'F3,Onetenth in 4. years,
one tenth in 5 years. one tenth in (; Years,oue ttnith in 1 Y8arS,one
. tenth in S years,and one tenth 1n 9 year.s fI'om the date of this levy.
Each o:f said lrwta..llm(mtStexoept11li~ the t'i.rst one shall draw interest
f'rom trle date of thlE3 levy at the l:ate of 7 por oentum per annum,unt11
the same becomes delinquent and eaehot said. installments shtlll draw
a.t the rat..e of 10 t)er oentum per anrlUHl
frot] the date the same becomes dolinqu.ent. PRO\TIDEm h(Hrrever. t that
the entire a;nount levied and a. Sf:H?H3Sed iH-:ia1nst an3t of' -the said tXt: ots
or lots I:l..1yoe :Pa iet at am' time within 50 &::1.1'$ t'rom the date ot'
t11if; leyy vrlthout lnterest,and f~l(l lots, tract. or r;aroel oj:" la:nd al1all
in thdt evc:mtbo exompt :from dny lien oX' (}[large f'o:r 1nterost.
S notion .3.
';'110 C i. ty C lO1'J.: () f th (} Gi t:l of' Grand ! gland, lrO;)1~4~ I!r:u .in h6J.\'3oydir-
eoted. ~Uld 1_m~1~r'lletod. to ;f;'ortlu"llth cGrt1!)r this o;rd1n.1.nco to trle City
'l'.t"eaall.l'er oJ.' aaj.d C1ty \J{ho shall proceed to aolloot sald ~uws uB
requirod by 1kl Vi.
Seotlcm 4.
This ordinanoe shall be in foroe and tala') effect from and after
lts Passar-.;e,approval and publj.oatlon as provldecl lJ:I' law.
Pasaed and c:u>!)roVed this
Attest (Seal)
01 t~T Olerk.
18 t. day of December A.1).1912.