1913 Ordinances 42 0l'd1nanC0 No.536. Grea t:tng Sewer Di st. 35 An OI'cUnance creat1ng SnweJ' ]Jj;'3tJ'ict NO..33 in the Oity o:f . GrPdld. IsHmd ,NebrHska comraenclng at JGdclY fJtJ:>eet and runnj.ng thence .' th:r'l1 tl1e alleys in BloCks No..9,lO,11,anc112 :in Roll1n~3 AddJ.t:ton and Eighteen and Nineteen in Wall1chs AdcUt1o!1 to Grand Island, J'Jebr>aSl\a't Rata sewer shall run i'x'om Ji](i(i~l fHreet between ltl1'th and now Sixtl1 ntI'oets to Aclarcs street I connecting iI11~h tl1f~ sewer in Eddy stY'i:;Ot antl prov1tl:ing i'01' the laying of the sewer thr'u sa.id cl1st:r1c CleHGJ'1b1:fJg the mannel' in wl:1ich the same shall be laid and Hssess- ing the cost thereof' Hgainst tIle abut,t:1.ng pl"operty.. Whereas I t.here lIas been presented to the Mayor ami City Oounc.11, o:C Grand Island ,Nebras1<:a,a petit;tnrl signed by O.O.BlHlCly and othel'H aSk1.ng trlat a sewer be cons'!:,ructecl thru trlt~ property described tn the tttle oj. this Ord.1nance,ancl wher'{,w.8 the 'Ma'yoJ:' and Ooune:11 have €3xfl.m1necl sa:h1 pet1 tlon E1.nd find the same to be signee} by a ma;Jor.- ity of the resident owners of tlle property SU1)ject to the asser;.cnm t::3 for suell .:i mpr ov omen t s : NOW I TID-::HE;I"OHE: . Bi% 1 t Ordalned by the Mayor' and Oity Council of tte Cit;y' oi' Grand Island,Nebraska.. Section 1. TrIat f~ewer D:I.:strict No..33 is hereb;y clleated and shu.U 1nc1u(10 t1..e HlleYB running trwu BlockS NO.9,lO,11 anrl I? in Rollins .AdditlOl to GJ'Rnd ISland,NebI'aska,anci BlOCKS 18 and 19 1.n Walllchs Adciit10n to Granel Island INebraSkRa Baid Sewer Di.strict shall COIflDeTleC at the Sewer on EdclY street and runUlence westorlY trwu alleys 1n sa1(t BlOCKs l)etween F1:Cth and Sixth Btl'eets to Adams street. Soct,ion 2. That a sewer shall be laid along the GOU1"se above ,leseribod r1.mn:ing tl'Jru 6aid blocks in accordance with the gelH3J~al seWeJ~ Plans arKi 8pecif1ca t ions he:reto:f'oEe es tab1! shed :i'm' t he laying 0:1' sewe:rs 1n so far as said plans and. specli'lcationt3 can be car- . rtecl out.. Section 3.. 'I'lle entire co~t of eonstructing said sewer fllhall be a.ssessed against the abut t ing pl'oper ty and the samf') stmll be. levied as soon RS tbe cost can be ascertained and it sharr.1 beCDlllG delln- CJ.uent and draw interest as provided by law.. 43 . 8eetton 1+. 1'1:l(~ 01 ty Engineer 1s fwrebY author izec1 to ttr'aw plans and Spt~ africa tlons .for sf.d,i 8 €fVl Ell' ami ma.ke an estil11H. te of the eon t th~Y'eoi' and sUbml t the same to the Oity Oounc:lJ.1fl:n::t when a(lopted th.t3 Olerk srml1 at once adVeJl~t1se) :Cor 1)1dS for the oonstx'uetlon o:f sa:id swwer In aceor(tance with the plans ancl spec1.ficat:1ons l'esel'v111g' tl1e T'1ght however to reject any ami all bids. Sectim'l 5,. rhts O!'(linance shall be in f'ol'ce and take e1~1'ect f:rom ancl aflier its passage ,fl?)pl'oval end publtcat:l.on as IPi!'ovide(l bY law.. passecl anel approve'l this 211 day of .:ranuar~r IA.D.1913. Attest, H. }1~. Cll.r:ro;r(l ! 01 ty ClerJ<. Oharles G,. RytlU'l) }iflil-Y Ol' . . )+4. . (cl) Ordj.nanco No.. .5.37... An ordinance crea ting,v fki ving distl"ic t within tI10 cOl'>pora te limi ts of the City of Grand Island,Nebra::ka to lJe known and designated an UPavlng; District No. 10"01' said City, def'j.ning its boundaries and providing; for the :pa vine; of' tho same. Whereas there has been presented to the Mayor and Council of the City of Grand Island,NeiJraska a petition in writj.ng, f'lj.g,ned by Nollie B. Hop;ue .. a nd others, said signers being the owners of lots and parcels of' land aliDutting, upon the. proposed paving district petitionhlg, the Mayor and Council Vf said City to create a pavbig district and to pave the same; said l1aVJ.l1r; district to consist of tho streets and avenues as follows,to-wit: . All that part of' Second Street lying, West of' Wheeler Avenue and East of Madison Stl'>eet. . And Whereas the Mayor and Council have examined said petition and after investigation as to the ownership of the property purported to be owned by saj.d signers do find, Firot,that said petition is j.n duo form as required by law,and Second,that saj.d petitj.on is signed by persono owning lots and parcels of land having a f'rontage upon said street of more than three fifths of' tho foot fro nta?;e thereon; now therefore, . . Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Grand Island,Nebraska: Sectton l. Tha t in accordance with the prayer of satd pet i tion there is hereby creat.ed a pavtng, district in the City of' Grand Island,Nebl"aska,to bo knovm and desip;nated as "Paving District No.lo" of the City of Grand IsIand,Nebraska. Section 2. Satd Paving District No.lo sha.ll consist of' that Part of';Second. street bounded on tho East by Wheeler Avenue and on the West by Madison Streot. Section 3. That said paving district is 1'lOroby ordered paved as prOVided by tho statutes of the state of' Nebraska j.n such cases made and provided. Section 1+. TI1U t authority ts hereby given to the owners of the lots and parcelf:.'J of land abutting upon the saj.d paving district according to their respective foot frontage to designa te and determine the fna teria 1 they desire used j.l1 said paving Vii thin thirty days next after the pas8a?;e and approval of this ordinance and to notify the Mayor and Council in 'wri ting in re.foronce to such choico. In the mrent such ovrners faj.l to designa te such ma teriul as they desire shall be usod in saj.d pavinp; j.n the !lunner and witrlj.n the tLne above pro- v ided, the Mayor and Council shall determine upon the ma terial to be so usod. Soction 5. The cost of' pavtng satd pavj.ng distrtct,exclustve of the inter- sections shall be aSfwssed upon the lots and parcels of land in said district especially benefited in proportion to such benefits to be hereaftel~ detel'>mlnod by the Mayor and CaUDcLl and to be aBsesBod as provided .y the statutes of the stato of' eiJranr..H.. Section 6. The cost of' paving tb.o intersecttons of' streets in saj.d paving district i[3 to be pa id by the City of Grand Is land. Section 7. This ordinance shall be in forco and. taJ'e effect from and after its passag,e,approval and publication as providoO by law. Pa Bf3ed and approved this 1911 day of' February A. D .1913. A ttost : JT.];.Olif'.ford (Seal) City Clerk Oharles G.Ryan Mayor. . . .. 45 i}) Ordlnance No. .5.3.($-:. . . An ordinance creaU.ng, a paving, district wlthin the corporate 11mits of the City of Grand Island.,Nei)l~aska,defining, its boundaries and providinz, for tho pav].ng, of the sam.e. Being Paving District NO.l1. Whereas thero has beon presented to the Mayor and Council of tho City of Grand Island,NelJraska a petition ].n writing signed by J .A.Woolstenholm and others,said signers being the owners of 10t.:3 and parcels of land abutting upon the proposed pavi.ng distriot, petitioninp; the Mayor and Council of' said City to create a paving; dj.strict and to pave the same; sald pavinp; district to oonsist of the street ;/lA:J follows, to-wi t : All that part of Third streot lying between the East lino of Elm street and Lincoln Avenue. And whereas the Mayor and.' Council have examined said. potition and a ftor invest i?;a t ion a s to the ovmership of the prOl)orty purl)Ort cd to be owned by said signers do find, First,that said petltion is in due form as required by law,and Second,that sald petition is slgned by persons owni.ng:) lots and parcels of land having a :eronta2~e u}Jon sald street of mora than three f'i:fths or the foot frontage thereon; now therefore, Be it Ordained by tho Mayor and Counctl of' the City of Grand Island,Nebraska: Section 1. That i.n accordance wit!l the l)rayer of saj.d petitlon th.ere is hereiJY creatod a pavi.ng dlstrict in the City of' Grand Island,Nebraska,to be known and deslgnated as IIPaving District No.ll" of tll.e City of Grand Island,NoIJraBka. Bectlon 2. Said Paving District No.l1 shall consist of that part of Third stroet in said City, bounded on the East by the East line of Elm Streot and on the West by the J1~ast l].ne of Lincoln Avenue. S Get ton 3. Tl\at sald pavlng district j.B hereby ordered :paved an provj.ded by law. Sect ].on 4-. Tha t authoJ:i ty 1s hereby g1ven to the owners of the lots and parcels of land abuttlng upon Third street in sald paving district according to their respective foot fronta2:e' to designa te and determj.ne the ma terial they desire used in said pav in?; wlthin tlllrty days next after' tl10 passage and a:OJlrova 1 of this ordlnance and to noti fv tho Mayor and Council in writing in reference to such choice. In the event such olomars :fa 11 to dest\!,na te such na terta 1 as th0:r desire 00011 1)e used in said paving in the nanner clnd wtthin the time above prOVided, the Mayor and Council shall determine upon trIe 111a terial to be so used. S no t ion 5. The cost of pavlng, said pavlnr; district, exclusive of' the inter- sections shall be assessed upon the lots and parcels of land J.n said district eSl)ecia lly IJonof'i ted in proporU.on to suoh 'beno1'1 ts to be heroaft er det ermined by the Mayor and Counc il a nd. to be assessed as provided. by law. S octj.on 6. Tho cost of paving, the intersections of' streets in saj.d paving distrj.ct is to be })aj.d by tho City of Grand Island. Section 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and aftor its passage and approval and l;ulJlica tion as provided by law. pa ssed and. approved thls 1911 day of February A. D .1913. Attest ( seal) H.E.0111To:rd City Clerk Orlar1es G. Ryan, Mayor. . . . 46 Ordj.HanGO No. .''j.:309... . . An ordinanco creating; IISeweI' DistI'j.ct No. 34 II in tho Oity of Grand Island,Nebraska,conullencine; at Vine street and running; tIn-'u the alleys in BloCK.S No. 37,35,39,40,41 and. 42 of' Russel Wheeler's Add.i t ion to Gra nd I sland; sa id sowor' to run from Vine Street to Whooler Avenue and oonnect with the smvor on Vine S trect; providin2; for tho layj.ng of' tho sewer thru saj.d dietl'ict ,deBcribing trlO mannel~ in which tho saLie shall be laj.d and assessing the cost thereof ag,a1.nst the abutting property. Whereas thero hasbeon presentod to the IVLayor and. City Council of Grand Isl~:Uld,Nc)braska a :Doti.tton stgned by Malverd J.Alden and. others a skj.ng tha t a selivar be constructed. thru the property de- scribed in the title of this ordj.nance,and v:rhereas the Mayor and Council have examj.ned said petition and found t11C same was signed by a n~jority of the resident owners of tho property subject to tho assessment for such im'Provements,now theref'ore Be It Ordained by the Mayor and Ci.ty Councj.l of' tho City of Grand Island,Nobraska. Sootton 1. . That Sewer Distrtct No. .3.~...... is hereby created and s1Jall inolude the alleys running, thru Blocks NO. 37 ,3S', 39 ,40 ,41 and 42 of Russel Wheeler! 8 Addition to Grand Island; said sewer shall commonce at thc sewer on Vine Streot and run thru tho alloys in Blocks No. 37,38',.39,1~0,41 and 42 in said Punsel 'vVhoelor's Addition to Wheeler A v Olmo. S cction 2. That a sewer s):1all bo laid alon2~ tr18 course abovo described and s:hall run thru said blocks in accordance with tho t?~eneral sowor . plans and 8pocii~ications herotof'ore esta.blished for tho laying of s ewers in nO f'ar as said plans and speci.f'ica t ions can bo carried out. Section 3. The ontj.1"'e cost of' constructing said sewer shallbo assessed against tho abutting prOl)Orty and the samo shall be levied as soon as tllO cost can IJO ascertained and. it s11all becoiHe delinQuent and draw interest as provi.dod by law. S oc t ion 4-. The City Jl.1nginoer is herooy authorized to draw plans and specifi- ca tions for sald sower and make an estiw.ate of the cost thereof and suOmi t tho same to the City Councj.l,and wIten adopted the Clerk shall at once advertise ~or bids for tho construction of said s ewer in accordance with the 11lans and spocifica t ions, reserving tho right to reject any and all -bid.s. S oct ion 5. This ordj.nanco shall be in farco and take ef'foct from and aftor iTS pai.wage,<::tpproval and publj.cation as provided by law. Passed and ap~oroved thj.s 19" day of Fobrual~y A.D.1913. Attest: (Soal) H.E.Olifford Cj.ty Clerk Oharles G.H~Tal1, Mayor. 1~7 ,- Orrll.' "1'" 1'1'-"0' leTo ~,l~O. \....t L~ct . J. .....1 \l.../ .An ordj.llanOe creattnE~ "Sewer Dlstrlct No. 35 If In tho Cit.v of' GJ:'andIr.d~i.nd NObrardG:I.,OOlrllllOn,ctng at Adams stroot and I'unn.ing thru tl10 alloy in Block No.20 of' WallichB AdcUtion and f'racU.o:nal bloek NO.4. of' Bonnie Brae Addition,botrl to tlw City of' Grand Island,said sewer to run f'x'om Ad.ams . street to Jef:fOJ?son street,oonnecting lNitll tho sewer at Adam:::; stroot~pro- vidJ.np; for tho layin@~ of' t b.o sewer thru sa id Dir;trict, doscril)inp; the manner in wllj.crJ. tho same sllallbe laid and assessing the cont thereof against the abuttj.ng prope1"'ty. Wl1ereas there ha s been presented to t:ne W:J.yor and Ci tv Council of' Grand Island,NclJraska a petj.tion signed by Stephen S.Havman and others a skj.ng t}ld t a sewer be co'nst ructed thru trle })roperty dm:~criboc1 in t1"lO n title of this ordiance,and Whereas t.he Mayor and Council have examLned said petition and found. the same V!t'tB sie;ned by a majority of:' the resident owners of' the property subject to the assessment f'01"' such improvements, ~ now tlwrefore Be It Ordainod by the Mayor and City Council of' UlO o itv of Grand Irdand,Hobra ska: Section 1. Tha t Sewer Dj.strict No. .35 is 11OI'oby orca ted a nd shall include the alley running thru Fractional Block. No.2o of Wallichs Addition . to Grand Island Nebraska and Fractional BlOCk No .lj- of Bonnie Brae Ad.dition to the City of' Grand Is.land,No!JraHka;sa1d Bower shall COmnlOl1Ce at the sewer on Adams street and l"un thru the alley in said alocks to Jefferson street. Section 2. That a sewer' shall De laid along tl1e course above deecrJrJ- od and shall run thru said ulocks in accordance with the e;eneral sovJOr plans and specj.fica tions heretof'oro estaullcll.ed. for the laying of' sewers in sa 1'a1' an saj,d plans and speclf'j.cations can be carried out.. Section _3. The entire cost of' construct:Lnp; Bald sewor s}lall be assessed against the abutting prc)porty and the flame shall be Levied as soon a s the CEl st ca n t)O a scerta ined and it sha 11 become delj.nquont and. draw interest af1 providod by law. Section 4. Tl"1O City Ene;ineer if) heroDY aut1lOTized to draw })1ans and specif'j.ca t ions f'or sa J.el sewer and make an egU.lllfl te of' the cost thereof' . ~nd submi t the same to. the City Council,and lvhen adopted, tJ10 City CloY'k shall at once advertise :t'or aids for the construction of mild sewer in a ccol~dance wi ti1 tllO plan sand specif'lca t j.ont~, r'eserving the right to re- ject any and. all bids. Section5. Thin ordiance s:hall bc in 1'o1'co and tako eft'ect x'rom and at'te:r its pa rirsage ,i:.lpproval and ,'uDlica tion d s provided oy .law. Passed and approved. tl1j.s 211 day o:f April A.D.19l3. At t cst, ( Seal) otmrlo s G. I\yan ,:Ma~ror. H.JG. 011:CfOI'ci) Oi ty Cile:rl< ~ 11-8 . Ordlnance NO.54l. An Ordinance grant tl1g perm:i.ssion uncI au tllOJ:':i. tit to tnA Unton Paci:Cic Hailro8cl Oom}Jan~r to lay ctown,ma:Lntain and. oper- ate ~1 x'Hilwa;;T trsck across Washington strGet ancl North Jj':r'ont Dtreet in tne Oi ty of G:rand. nnand ,NebrasKa. Be :L t Ordained bY the .Mayo.!' and 01 ty 00tLJlCl1 o.r the 01 ty o:f Grand ISland,Nebraska; section 1. fIfhat perrnissioXl anci autnorlty ax'e hereby gr'anted to the Union Pacific lia1lroad Oompany to lay down,main- taJn and operate a railroad traCk across Wasl1ington street be- tweon BloCkS 5 and 6 , of Arnold 8: Ab'bott IS lWeI 1 t :Lon to said 01 ty 8.n(l across the intersection ai' Was'I1ington street and North IPront streGt in said OitJr ot' Grand Island._ Section 2. fllrlG privilege herebY granted sriall be SUbject to all general ordinances at' sal(1 Oity that now are or rna'y rlerea:Cter be in force concerning railroads in said Oi ty and SUbject to the rights o:C said Oi ty whenever bY Ordinance it may be deemeci necessary to constru ct or Ina.:intaln sewer s or water mains thereon or across said streets. section 3... 11'110 privileges hereby granteel are on tb.e further conditicm that said Union Pacific Hailroad 00l,1pany, j.ts cuccessors and assigns, SIlall keep anci saveharml.ess tl1e 01 ty of Grand Island :f'rma all damages, costs and expenses J'rom sui ts arising out of the use ai' saiel street s by said Union pacific Railroad OOJJPany, its successors or assigns. section 4,. T1'1.is Ordinance shall taKe eff'ect and 1)0 in force from and ai'ter' its passage ,approval and PUblication as b;v law provided. Passed and approved April 2'1 1913. Attost (Seal) Oharles G.R~Tan,:M:aYOr. H.E.011fford, Oity Olerk. . . o , .'0. .- . . ~. t..'...../. ,'/' r1T -r~--/'" ;:// ~9 t t. / OrcUnanco No. 5~? An ord.1nanoo provtdlng 1'01' locoDs1ng 01 ,joooern and dealers who fWl..L Illalt,spj.rituo'Us and vinous liquoI'S at wl101e::'J[tle,f'ixing tllO amount o f' the licenso fee and providj.ng Lor a ponal ty for tho viola t10n t heroof'. Be it Ox'oained by tIle Mayor and C1 tv COLl.noil of' tho City of' Grand IDUind,Nebranka: Section 1. That hC:I'oai'ter all joiJoers and dealers in malt,s:pirituouG and vinous Itquors at wrlOlo~mle wj.thin tIle 0 or-porato lim1t8 of' tho Cj:Lv of' L1rand Inlanci nha 11 pay a Ij.coru:30 f'oe in Uto sum of' one thousand doLLarG 1'01' oelob year or fraotional pal't of' a year;providod that no licenf3e shall oxteno.coyono. the murU.cilJal year I'OI' vrhioh tile salTIe wau g rantod. Seotion 2. a jobber or denIoI' in malt,spirituous o'r- vinolJ.f! liquor}] at \'rholesu 10 j.B any perBon or :['j.rm WIW se 118 [mcll liquors in quantities of j;'ivo gallons 01' more to anyone p01'son,1'irm or cor- pora tion in anyone day; provided tho. t no liquor aold or diupooed of by such dealer shall iJe clllnsumod 1n whole or' in part on the premhJOf5 of' t:r1O vendor. Section 3. No licent:Je ohal1 issue until the applj.cant nha 11 have complied with f5cotions 2,3,4 and 6 of Ordinanoe 229 alBa with ordinanoe NO.529 of' this City at) vrell a::'l tho lavH'l of' the utatc of' Ne'braDka pm:otainLng to the sale of' intoxioating liquors. Seotion 4. No person shall be licensed under the prOViSIons of' trilL: oJ:odinanco unt.j.l such person has given c.t' !Jond in the penal sum of' ~?5000 to IJQ approved a D prOVided by statute and nhall have paid into the C1 ty Tr0..Hsury tllG sum of' one thou[1ano. dollars,ac pro-- v idecl in section one or thj.n ol'dinanooand f3hall f'11e the Troa8urerl f3 r ecoipt wi tn the C1 ty Clerk. If the Mayor and Council f:lha 11 thon 01'- del' a 11cen::.>o granted tiUch applj.cant tho City Clerk shall 1fHm.e ~moh lioelH.'Je,vrJd.ch lioense shall be signed. by the Mayor and CJty Clork. and :shall be attoutod rJY the seal.. ai' said City. Thir] ordla&ll.Dco shall be In fo1'cO and take efloct upon its pasl5ag o,apPI'oval and publication an :r.equj.rod by law. Paused. and A t ten t H.E. 011:Cf'ord, City Clork: approved thj.s 1.6d.a.V 01' AP1"j.l A.D.1913. Oharles G.Ryan Mayor 50 Ordinance Number' __..5.~.3..._ An ordii.1Cl.nce creating "Sewor Distl~ict NO.36. II 1;01 tho City of Grand Island Nebraska,commoncj.np; at Jefferson street an3 runnj.ng thru the alleys in BlOCks No. 2S and 29 iIIlSland,NebraSka;said and run to Monroe of' Charles Wa smor IS Acldi tion to the City of Grand ~ sewer is 1\ connect with the sewer at Jet':f'6rson Street Street; providj.ng; for the laying; of tho sewor thru said district, describj.nr; tl10 manner in 1.;,hich the same shall be laj.d andasBosf.:'u j.ng; the cost thereof against the abuttinr:; property. Viherea8 there lIas beon presented to the Mayor and City COlmcil or Grand Island.,Nobraska a l1etition s1g;ned by Wilhelm Stolck,William H. Henke ami others, a skin>:"f, tha t a sewor bo corwtructed thru tho property doscribod in tho tj.tle of thj.s ol"rUnance,and whereas the Mayor and C01).ncll havo examined said. petition and. round tho same wan signed by a majority of tho renj.dent owners of tho pro:perty' subjeot to tlJe anneSB]{lent 1'01" suoh iuprovoments,now theref'ore Be It Ora..a.lncd by the Mayor and. Cj:cy CouncLL of' the ctty 0:1:' Gra nO. 113 la nd, N oora SK..I.1. . . S ocU.on 1. Tbat Se'Ner Distl'tot No. .)6.. ls ho:cobv oreated a nO. fOha 11 inc lude the alleys runninp; thru B lockn I.To. 28 and 29 of" Charles . Wamner1f) Ad\"U.tion to tho City of' Grand Inland,Nobranka.Said fJewer 8hall oonunenco at the sewer 01' Jefferson Streot and run thru. tho alloys l.n said Blooks No. 28and 29. Soction 2. That a seWel~ shall be .lala. alan?: the oourse abovo described and shall run thru saidolook.s l.n aooordanco with tho p;onoral soyrer plans and speoifl.oatlons heretoforo estar)liehed for the lavin-;:r,of sewers j.n SO :far a H sa io. plans and 81]oci1'ioa tlons ca.n oe oarried out. Soction NO.3. The ontire oost of' conetruotinp; said sower shall be assessed agal.nst the abutting property and the same shall 00 levied as soon as tho oust oan bo ascertahlOd and lt nrlallbeoomc:; dolj.nquent and dravr intOl'eBt an prOVided by law. Sect Jon Ij.. Tho C i tv Engineor in hereby auth~;riz 00. to drCl VI planD . and ST100tf'tca tJ.ons for said server and wEike an estima te of' tho oost thel'e of and. cubmJ. t tlw Game to tho City CouncLl,and vrlJon adoptod tho Clerk shall at once advertise f'or oj.d.s forn):;) c:)nst1~uction of sctJ.d l::lOV"Or III aooordanoe wj. tll Si:l. id plans and s:pooif'ioa t ions, rosorv iug tho righ t t.o roj ec~arr~ ana. a llbidn. S cction 5. This ordianoe sYa 11 be J.n :['OI'CO and take and after J. tn pa ssa ge ,a::)DrOVa 1 and publJ.oa tioD a s provided by Pclfwod and a}.J!)1'ovod this J.L~fI da.v o:C Ap.!!1;1 A.D.1913. Attest H.~.Olii'f'ord, (seal) Oharles G.Ryan, C ..L 01'.K ef'feo t f'r'om law. Mayor. 5 I /J > II) ;,/../. ".,' fJ V' "/,.,, .~~ o rdinanc () No. . 51+!-!-. . . An ordinanoe orea ting "Sewer Dietrj.ot No 3]. . ." J.n the Oi ty of Grand Ieland Nobraska,conImencing at Codal" Streot and rurming thru the . a lleYEl in Blockn No. 22 and 23 of' RUBsol 1;1[hoeler Addi tion tlbl the .c;: e~ City of' Grand Island,ooj.d :?:Iewer to run from Cedar streot to EldE:dy --.. Street ancl connect with the S01i'ler on Cedar street;providing f'Ol" tho laying of' a eeViFOr thru f3a id dif'itrict, describing the manner in which the eame I3hall be laj.d and af3BCt:lf'5ing the cost tl'lOreot' agaill~t tIle abutting property. Whereas,there has been preeented to the Mayor and. City Council of Grand If1land,Nobraska a petition signed by Mary Connor and others asking tha t a flewer '00 con13tructed thru the property defScribed_ in the title of' this ordinance and wherea/3 tho Mayor and CouncLl have ex- amtned said petition and found the :'3ame was signed by a majority of the reeident owners of the property 3ubject to the aS5essment for l:3uch j.mprovemente nOVl therefore Be it Ordained by the Mayor and City Council of' tho City of' Grand If~land Nebraska: Section 1. TrIa t "Sewer Dj,r.~trj.ct No .3.7. . . II if'! hereby crea t eel and f'Jhall include tJ:w alloY~j running thruBlockf'i No. 22 and 23 of' Rueeel Wheeler II:'} Addition to Grand If.'Jland; said sewer shall commence . a t the Bower on Cedar Street and run thru. the alleye in Blocks No. -b~ 22 and 23 in f~aid RUt::sel Wheelerls Addj.tion to ~Str'eet. S eotion 2. Tha t a 13ewor 5ha 11 be laid a long the course above deflcribed and sha 11 run thru I:'la J.d. blocks J.11 a ccordance wi tll the g,Emoral BOIiver plane and epecif'ica tiOIlf'l herotof'ore et!{tabliBhed :["01" the la'Y1.ing 0 f Bewere in so far as said plans and specifica tiorl:", can be carried out. Section 3. Tho entire COBt of' conetruction of ~aid sewer r.'lhall be af'if'w5Bed again5t the a-butting property and the 8ame shall be levied as 500n as the C015t can be afwortained and it tll1all become delinquent and draw intereet as provj.dedby law. S Gction 4- The city Engineer i3 hereby authorized to draw plane and Bpecifica t i0118 for said Bewer and. make an estima. to of' the c oet th ereof and submit tho flame to the C lty Council,and when adopted the Clark flha 11 a. t once advertJ.3o for bidtl for t.he conl'5truction of' . Baid f'lewer in accordance wlth the plan8 and sPocifica.tloJ:H~,reeerving tho rig;ht to reject. any and all bJ.dl!3.- S cctton 5. Thts ordiunne Bhall be in f'orce and take effect :C'rom ana. after itu lXtfJ/'mge,apln"ova.l and publication ae pro-- vldcdby law.. Attoet: H.E. Oli1~ford, City Clerk ( Seal) thttl 16" da~r of A1Jrtl Oharles G.RYan IAayor. 1913. Paf':~wd and aImroved 52 Ordinance No. 5)-1-5). An ordinance creating "Sewer Distrj.ct No. 38 " in the City of Grand Island Nebraska, commencing at Madj,13on street and Tunntng thru the alleys in blocks IS, 17 and 16 of' Kernahan and Decker 113 Addi tj,on to the C i tv of' Grand Iolano.;said sevIer to run f'rom Madison street to Harrison strt~et,con . necting wi th the StJINer at Madj.son Street; providing for the~ 1"ying of' the fHWler tllru. said. dintrict,d:'fwribing the ma.nneT in 'which th~) same shall be laid and assessing the cost tr1.erfJof' against the'; abuttinr; property. Wherear;,there hag be-Jtm pre13ented. to thl'J Mayor and. City Council of:' Grand Island, N("::braska, a p~)ti tion signed. bV Geor2~e Cowton and otherf~ asking tlmt a sewer be constructed thru th~ property described in the U.tle ot th.in orcUnance,and. v!hel'eas the Ji'aIayor and. COll.ncj.l D.ave cxannrwC'. said. petition and found the same vvaf3 sif~ned by a majori ty ot' the 1'01310.- ent owners of th('i) prd.perty subject to the aseessment t'or such iinprovemcnt now theJ:'ef'ore Be) It Ordained by the Mayor and. City Council of the City of' G rand I G.lan,d, N e:[)rH sta. S e';ction 1. Tha t "Se1J1rer District No.38 j.fJ lJeI'cby crea ted and r:'ha 11 in- clr1.de the alleye running thru B10ckH 1&,17 and. 16 of' Ke;l'l1ol1an and DeJot(;;l" 1 G . AdcUtion to the Cj,tv of' Grand Island,which ~jewer ehall COnlJ;\ence at trte sewer at Madinon S trl!'!'et and run thru the a lleyr~ in fla 1d blocks to Harrison Street. 'S ~ction 2. That a sewer shall be laid along: the course above deocl'ib- (";d. and sha 11 run thru saj.d b10cke 1n accord.:'1rlce with thfJ genera 1 sewer }/lane and I.'lpecif'ica tions heretofore estarJliD}l,t".lcl :for the laying ot 13ewern in so :tar as Baid :Ola.:1B and fJ})ec1fications can be carr1ed out. Section 3. The entire cost of construction of' said sewer f;hall be as~~osBed agaj.nst the abutU.ng pro})ol'tyund tho Elame shaLlbo lovied aa soon as the cost can be ascertalnecl and It s}1allbecomo dolJ.ncl.uOilt and draw lntorent afUihQUJlIID:lmirritmll"tmimmn'.baIm1. at the rate of' 7 per centum per annm Dl. S oatiott I}. T11e Clty ]~nginoor j,s hOl'O[)Y authol'lzed. to draw plans and specifica tions for sald sower and mako an ostlma to of' tho cost thoI'oof' . anel sUbmlt the saine to the Clty Couywil,and VrJl.Oll adoptod the Clerk s]1all at once advert180 .cor b1ds tor the construet1on of' sald sower in accord.- anco with trlO p1ano and. specifj.catlolls,reso:cvlnp; tho rJ.ght to rejoct any and all !n)ld.s. Section 5. This ordlnance 13hall be in :Corco and .take ef'f'oct f'roLl and. af'tor j.tG passage,a:ppI'oval and publicatlon as providod b',ll law. Paered and aPJn~ovod thj.s7ll, day :Jf" May A.D.1913. A est (80al ) Oharles G. Ryan Mayor H.E.Olifford,01ty Clerk. ' 1{1(~ .// r'3 :> ..' Ol'dlnance NO.51j.6. .An Ordl-nance providing f'or trl.C reguIB.tion of the dray anel. haul j.ng business in the C:1t~r of Grand ISland.>> providing for an occupaitlon tax levied upon all persons engaged in SUCIl busj.nes8 at certain cteslgnateci. stanclS 8n(1 f'or a pel1alt~r :for . tlLo violatJon of: any of the prc:Vis:Lons of' this Ordinance. Be it Ol'daineci b~r tlle :M.ayor and 01 ty Council of the cit~/' of Grand Island ,Nebraska: sect ion 1. Eaeh ane1 ever~1 per son engaged j.n tIle 1ms inoss of hauling goods, wares or mercrmndlse :for hlro>> commonl~' called "dl'ay- lngll shall on the first day of' :May of each year report ttw num:ber of' dra~rs such pm' son may have emplo~Te(l j,n such business on the streets of the Cj.ty of Grand Island to the 01t~r Olerk of' this 01tjr. Section 2. '.rho OJ.ty Olerk shall Keop a record of all BUCll persons w:l.th the number of teams such person may have engaged 11"1 suerl rm siness. Sectton 3,. T11ere is herGb:ir levied upon each and every person engagf;d j,n SOliciting patronage of' such dray business tbe sum cr . throe dollars as an occupation tax for each team,wagon aI' vehicle t'J1US emPloyed, which sum s11al1 be payal)le on the fir st day of' l.Tune 1913 and on the f"1rst day of NEay 1911~ and annually thereaf'ter. Suell tax shall. be paid to the OJ,ty Clert,who shall issue a recej.pt there.fox' ,stating the amount pa1d,i'rorn. wl10m received and the U.me 1"01' whicll such tax is paid. section Ji". It, is bel~ebY macIe the duty 0:1.' tllO Ma~ror to assj.gn to each person a suitable placo upon the streets of this Oity whore sucll person may stand h.ls vell1cle and 8011c1e business. No per'son other tLan the one so permitted shall Bol1elt 01" ustand his vehicle at any Place designated l)Y the Mayor as a dray stand. Ttw Ma~ror may, at 8.n~r t lme change such stand and may change the locatton of' any dl'ajrman'S stand when l.n his opinion the c1.reum- stances demand it. Each stand thus assj.gned shall be known b~r a . number and each person tJ:ms assigned sha1l, wr.lile on duty on sucll b1)s:l.ness Weal' a bright metal tag on his h1lt or cap,wit1'l aconspic- uous munber corresponding to the stand number' tllUs g1 ven him. Suell stands are hereby designated as fOI1ows:: P:i.ne and TJ:'l1.rd street Intersc-Jctions) 8;/camol'e and Front Street 5lJ. . interseet:j.ons ,8t thelnte1'sec:tj.ons of' sycamore and Third. street,s, Ptne and :fi1I'ont street ,Locust and Front street ,IIOcust and sec:ond. street, Front street and Wheeler Avenue, Second street and Wheeler Avenue,tl1e Oity HaIl corner,and 'Ntleeler Avenue between Front ancl 'l'h:Lrd street. J:To more than two per nons shall stancl at 9DY one of' the places enumeratoct. Provided ,f:tOwever that the Mayor ma~r add to or change said standS at any time that 118 may find a CllU11g8 expedient. Sect ton 5. .AIl monies paid to the 01 ty Olerk under the provisj.ons of this Ordinance shall be paid 1.nto the General Fund of' this City. seet Jon 6. It shall be unls.Wl'ul for any person to eI1.gage in tl1.6 business of sOlicit1.ng for and conducttng the business of (ll~a:Jri.ng from aml Of said stand.S 01' place 1n saj.d 01 t~r wi tllout having first comPlied. wi th the provJsions of this Or>dinance. Secthm 7. Any person violat1ng any of' triO prOVisions of' tIlis OrcUnance shall be f'1nec1. in a sum not to eJlceed~ ten dollars and costs and s11all stand. cOltmittod until such :fine and costs l1ave been paid. Th1.s Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage ,approval and pUblication as provided by law. P8.sf-wd and approved this 21" day o:C May A.D.1913. At tes t ( Seal) Charles G. Ryan ,Mayor. H. E.. Olifford, Oi ty Clerk. . . 55, OHDINAN01;: NO. 5Jq.. AIl orcU.nnnco CI'oattng"'8C1l'"Or TJlfJtrict NOa 39" in tlle cjt,y o:C Gl'El11cl Islf:1ncl I NebT'8iika, cOTnILloncing t3.t :E:cJ.cl~/ Gtreet and running . th1:'ough tho 8110:'" 0:1:' fractional blboCk NOa 2 of H. Ga Clark IS 8clcli tJ on ~)n(l :Cl'Flctional blocl: No. 8 anc1 blocks Nos. 9 anci 10 of Gilbel:t IS ac1dl tion, both of tl1C CH t;,{ o:C Grand Island) S-aie] sowel' to rlm :Crom Edcly Stl'oot to 1,].1Icoll1 AVCHru.O connoctj,ng 1Nitl1 tho se1:~er f)t F:cJclY otroe t;: pl'ovicltng 1'01' t tIe laying of trlO sewe:L' tlJr'c1ugll Stll.cl cUstrict, dOscri'bi.ng the manner in wrlich tfw saws slwll N~ laic!. ancl fJ;:;scssing tho cost thereof against t1l.0 abutting pr'opeJ.'t;y. Whereas, tl1oro has beon presented to tlw Ilmyor anc1 c1 t~r council of Grand ISlancl, Nel)raSKH, '=1 pot1.t1.on signed by f3usan JGa :McG:t'~.lttl ancl ottJcrs o.tiK1.ng that a sower d.istr1ct "b(3 constructccl tllrougll tIle PJ'OPOl't;v dCDcr1becl In the title 01' tnis ord1nanc3t~, an(j,Wi'lCl'OEls,the ma;yor and cjt;y council [lave examined. said pctit1.on and. :CouncI tnc i3D.nW\I.;f:1:3 f:,ignc,j l)~i :"3. rla;jorj,L~r o:c tlJC resident OWners or the pr'opcr't~' SUbject to tho assessment f"01' SUCYl impr'oveIGGnts, now ttwrei'o:r'c, . be i1~ or'clainecJ. [)~i the ma;yO:t' ancJ. city council of tlle city o:C Gr'ancl Islancl, Nebrasl\a:- Ooc.l., That nOViGI' 1Jistrj,ct No. .39 is hereby croatoeJ. and sl1all tnclr.tclO tlw al1e~r running tl1rough the :Cract1orwl block No.2 01' H.G.elm'Kls 2rCjcUtion to tno cj,t~,. of Granel Islancl, NelJJ'a:;Kf'J.; and in fl'Dctjcll1Hl tJlo12k l'Jo. 8 one} blocks 9 (~nc1 10 oi' Gilbm't i s aclcIit10n to tIlu v::i t;y of Gl'f:H1cl Islancl, NDbl'fJska;' said. seVlOI' 811811 cOIilIilcnce at the sewer on Eddy street and run through the alley in said blocKs to L:t nc oJ n J\ venue. 8ec:.2. That a sev!Or B11811 fJe lajd aloru"; tl1c course above Ch":SCIHJOcl aacl srlall I'Un tl1rougll the 8::11c1 blocKs in accOl'clance WJ.tll t'h(;: eener'81 sower plans Ell1cI sPcc11.'ications hcrcto:Core ent8.blished for tIle In~)ing o,f sewers In 30 far as said Plans ancL specif1cat,j.ol1S . csn 1)(~ c8l'l'icd out. UE\C. 3. The entire cost of constructing ElD.leI 8mlel" shall be OUSCSfWcJ. against tho atmtttng propCl't;y 811el ttw same s'hall be lov:ieC! 8::3 ;'jQon 88 tIw cost can be a3ce:ctained and j.t stlal1becoEle do- l:i.nquent and Clraw intm'ost as providccl l);}r law. 56 nee.. ll-. The o11;J' engtncer 2i.-3herob;Y E(l,)_thorizeCi to draw planf:1 clYlcl sP8cifj_cations for .naid. seWer alid LlaKe an ostirnate 0.(' tho cost ti1el'eof n}!cl 13lJ1W11 t tile sarilO to tliO e1 ty counei1, anc1 when 9.c!.optco, the city clcy'K shall at once advel't1se i'01' bic1.s :Co1' tho construetiotl . of sDhl seVier :L:n. accorclanee wit}] the PJ(;1]13 aneI specH'icatj.on,1'o- scrvjJlg tho r1g11t to reJoct am: a11(J 0111")1c1S. Gee.5. 'I'l1:ts c)l>cUnanee 811all "bo in L'oI'ce an(1 t3}(() e:Cfcet f);'C):irl ~~.Y-j(j nL't OJ" t t S })D~,; 0, approval anc) PUllliCfOltJon as PI'ovicled 1):) 1 ail, . l)DSscCl onci 8pproved_, tTune 9,1913. Attest, (SoDl) JT. JG. 011fforc1, Charles G. H:n:m, C i t;/ 0 lnr 1<.: . Lla~!Or e. The DbovO ord. inance is :3 true ani cor-I' net cop;).r oi' the Orj,gimll orcl:lnancl.':. ITO. 51.~l . . . . . 57, ORD INANOJiJ N1Thffi]~B 51+8. AN ORDINANCE authorizing the Mayor and City 01erK 0:C the Oit~r oi' Grand Island, NebrasKa, to execute and deliver to the Home savings BanK, 0:C the Oi ty ai' Grand Island, NebraSKa, thirty-six paving bonds to be Known as "District Paving BondS o:f District Number 7"", of' th.e oi ty 0:C Brand ISland, Nebraska, providing :Cor' the conditions, form and anunount of the same J and providing for the disposition 01' th.o proceeds derivec! f~onl the sale of the Sa11B. . WHEro:;AS~on trle 21st day of FebrUary, 1912, there was f110(1 and presented to the Mayor and 01 ty Council of the 01 t~l of Grand Island, NebrasKa, a pet1 tion in due form signed by Henry Vieregg and others for the creation of a paving district in the C1 ty of Grand Island, NebrasKa, and for' trle paving of the same, and j' WHEREAS, on the 15th day of May, 1912, the Nlu'yor and 01 ty Oouncil of saio. Oi ty oi' Grand ISland, have examined said petit ion, :Cound the same to be in due :Corm and signed b~T persons owning lots and lands xNllt Ilaving a fTontage upon said paving district and the streets thel'eof of' more than th1'ee fifths of' the 1~eet of' frontage thereon, and, WH1ilR]iJAS, on the 19th day of' c.Tune, 1912, and ordinance was dUl~' passed bY tb"e Ma7lTor and Oi ty Oouncil of' said Oi ty or Grand Island in accordance with the prayer and peDition i'i1ec1 and allowed as above stated, crea ti.ng said paVing district Number 7, and ordering the same to be duly paved, and, WHJGRlUAS, the contra'tlltL for the paving of' said PaVing District ~~ffiber 7 was duly entered into as by law provided and satd district has been duly paved thereunder, and, WHEREAS~ 1 t is necessary, as provided qy law, to issue bonds i'or the payment of the cost of' said pavement and curbing in said district, and, WHEREAS, it has been dUlY estlmated by the Oit~. Engineer oi' said Oity ot' Grand Island that the cost oi' paving and curbing said district , chargeable to the property owners, will be about tbe sum of ~~19036..88 and, 58 WllEREAS, the Mayo!'i and C1 ty Coull.c1l of said 01 ty have cau sed due notice to be given and advertisement made aSk1r~ for bj.l1S for the sale of said bonds and the bid of the Home: . savings banK of' Grand Island, NebraSk.a, was found to be the best and highest bid so received wherein it has of'f'ered to pay for said bonds the principal and accrued interest on same to the date of' deliver~ and a premium of' on~-third of' one per cent thereon, making a premium ai' $60.00 N~,TH}TIHF:FOmJ, BEl IT ORDAINJiD, by the Ma~ror and City Oouncil of' the Oity of' Grand Island, Nebraska" SECTION I.. . That, the MaYOr' and 01 ty Olerk of' the 01 ty of' Grand ISland!. Nebraska", are hereby au tt10r 1zed NEill: to sign, execute and deliv\er unto the Home SaVings Bank of' Grand Island, Nebraska, thirty six bondS, or so many thereof as may be necessm"y, to be known as IIDistrict paVing Bonds of District Number 7" or the Oity of' Grand ISland, Nebraska.. said bondS are to be dated JUlY' 1st, 1913, payable to the Horne Savings Bank of' Grand Island, Nebraska,o~ bearer, at the of'f'i~~ of the Oity Treasurer of the Oi ty of' Grand ISland, Nebraska. Each ai' saic.l bonds shall be in the prins1pal sum of' Five Hundred DOllars, payable on the J'irst day of' JUlY, 192,3, and may be redeemed by said city as rapicllY as taxes are collected for the payment of same, as by law provided;; said bonds shall be numbered consecutivelY ancl sb,all be l'edeomed in the order numbered, commenctng wit:h Bond Number 1, and s~all draw tnb erest at the rate of' seven per centum per annu.ra ,payable annually on the 1st day of' JlItIIJy;; 01' each year a:fter the date ther eat'.. Each of' said bonds shall have attached thereto ten interest coupons, payable to bearer, sacll in the sum Of' ThirtY-Five dOllars, representing tIle annual 'cintol'ost accruing thereon... 81E01rIONr ZI.. . The Mayor and Oi ty Olerk are herebY author1:ed: to have said bondS duly registered as by law provided and to cleliver same to the saiel Home SaVings Bank anci r ecoi ve 111 payment f'0X' the same the :Cace or par value thereof' wi tl1 accrued lnteres't to elate of' cle11very and a prem1mn of one third o.r one per cent thereon, which said money shall inllnediatelY be paid to the Oi ty Treasurer of' said c1 ty, who s11a11 keep 59 . same in a special :fund to be known as "District paving Fund of DiStrict Number 7" "Of said Oity. Providec}, however, that the }\11:ayor and Olerl< are prohibi teet fr'om delivering an;{ more bondS than are necessary to pay the warrants drawn against said :Cund i'or the paving of' said district, anc1 only upon being fLl1~ther auttlOrized by resolution duly passed by the Oity Oouncil of said cmty. SEOTION nI. All special taxes and assessments leviecl and. collected to pay i'or the pavil1f; of said paving District Numbcl" 7 8J:1811 constitute a sinking fund i'or the payment of' said bonds. 8lilOTION IV.. This Ordinance shall be in full force and take effect' i'rom and after itrs passage, approval and publication, as provided bY law. passed anet approved this 20th day 01~ ~Tune, A.D.19l.3. ( Seal) Oharl es G. Hyan Mayor. . Attest:: H.]].Olifford: 01 ty Olerk., . \ . . . 60 01'dil:anC3C Ho. Hlfq An oI'dJ.ILct:WC lovytnp; taxoD to l);;lY for tn,o 1X[v1 O 1" 'P,',J.' '.7 ]') -; P +, r' J' ,., t'. ""I C" 7 C') 'f 't y\ c-. C 'i" ~T 0'," (~'r" "\, ,--; T" 1," _ J. , } ... ~_~ . v 1../ . _ _ ! _ V ) ..1. L ,f .-_ r cl 1.." .-_ _ k'. ...t, N cura F:ta. B 0 1 t or(lcd. (<1 oy the Iv\i.t YOI' it'li C j. t y Co u),.!Jl 0 f (} I'elL; ('I f'!l"Ul-J, N (;D:rd Bled. (t 1"i(l C1J.I~ U1T1F~ , Hall Cou.J!tv, t 11 c C J. i V u f Scotlon 1. Trlore ts J'lorciJy levJ.od 8.n(l d.GrwH;;od a~';~iL:ntt:ho f!ovcTal lc,ts, lxlrcolB ilOci LCdots of li:Hld lluJ'olt:aftcr fJ1J(lc5t:CJocl, tho md.d. 80vo1'r.'1.1 sums }w:I'(;i;]ctl'tcr s}JoclfJ.e6 1\)1' Tho ])UI'}.lOf,O of' '>H,,rj.ne; U1(J Clost i(!ld 'oxpense of paVIng and curolng of Paving Dlst~lQt NO.7 of tho Clty I) il G reI i :e1. I DIet -n (l, :N 0 !Jx"rL H }~ti, jJ,"l (1 (J 00 1~(i:.7: :C~ (; 0 vr 1 t 1'1 t 1-1 ()I) C.} lof'j. 8 f'otrncl tille). U..BB(:DC()(5 to c,..'.tqll. of' t}:!,fJ UC)VC):()(:11 lctB, t-.c,o.tctn d.rl~5. l)d.IiOfJls ()~C land., uy tYlo Mayor <11:()' Council of Lbo C1 ty of Grdllc], Ifllilnd, Ncor., sitU.ilf!'. cH1 a board of' eql)jllJ.~ation, cti'tr;:t' (),UO L!OU.CO as lH'OVJ.c;ocl oy Id,1fr; Od.Ofl of' 13i:lJ.cl sevoral lotn, trelcts cH',O pd.rc:cls oJ.' land i': -el1G Clty of GTdflc} Iul<.wd, Hall COUi,ty, NCDI'dnka, <Ltd tho r;ovo:(':.l rfLUi.1H clSB(Jnn<Jd. EJ. J.tlr:t e(ic~rl 01' t}'lC 8,1~-nO tn (.iB l'o.LIOVTS, LO-1Qit: Feet. Cost Font COBt CUI'U- CUI'O- Pav- Pav- ing. ing. lnr~. ing. In Vlostol'vcltls SubEiiv- iston of Lot No.6 in tho County SulJeUvision 01' the W. 1 J 2, 8W. 1 j 1~, S f,)Q 15 , T. 11, R. 9., Lot THE COUNTY OF HALL, Lot.1 34.8 ;.f. I f 10.09 13j .lj- 798.70 In the Court House Addl- tj.on to 't,}le City of' Grand. Isli.lIld., Ne()I'Huk:a. liARY F. PAI,IJDORF, r,ot 1 7.5 H]i~NRY H. F'ALLDORF', Lot. 2 67.5 67.5 2.18 293.93 293.93 In the COlJ.n ty SuDdi vlo1on of the TI. 1/2 of the SU. .L- j 1 ~J 1,0 ('> C'(' 1'- '11 1 --, ~ \.. i.).~".?.,..L- ........L, H. 9. EMILIE HEYDE AND ALBERT HEYDE, the N. 122 ft. of Lot No. 9 MARGARF~THA IJINDEMANH ,tho 8. 60 ft. of Lot NO.9 HENRY HANN, 166 ft. front- inr; on, Loouutst. L, t.he S1,7. , corner of Lo t, No. 10 FREDERICK bENCK, Lot No. 13 Total Cant. Ji ,'f"\i' '70 r 6 Uu. J 2~t.ll 293.9;;' 6.5 " "9 122. 531.30 533.19 .L.o 0 2.61 60. 261.30 263.91 ; . 166. 722.93 722.0~ I ~.-' 10. 69.68 09.615 In iiarm. fl Addt t ion to the City 0 f GJ~eLl(l Island, N obI'. Block, No.1 NTTO KIRSCHKE, Lot No. 1 and tho N. Ilalf' o:f Lot NO. 2 and tho N. 2 and l/2 ~t. of' the S. half 01' IJot No.2 BERTHA LANGMANN, the S. 26 ft. of Lot No. 2 and tho N. 14 ft. of Lot No.3 IJAURJi;'rTA CAhPBEI~L, Lot 4 and the S. 43 ft. of NO.3 B 10 (: k No.2. ' GRAND ISLAND AERIE NO. 37fS F'RNrlWNAL OHD:E:R OF EAGLES. All of Block 2. c.{(/.; 00. 3SJ. 10 1-1--0. 171~. 20 / 30.34 100. 435.50 24-.9 7.22206. 905.155 7'''3 1',0 .')0. . 171~. 20 4-71. SIt- 913.07 F cot CUI'I)- . ALVENA J-n:miANN, COr.mil- cDcing at a point 0 the s. side of' the alley 50 ft. in a NE. direotion f'x'om the NVI. co:r>ltcr 01' Lot NO.5 in said block, thence I'lmning in a NFl, direction along the S. line of fRi. i(i H lloy 136 i't.. to Locust st., thence S. 51 ft., thence W. p:trallel with said alloy 12S f't. tJ'c~-;(;e n t :C:Lf~}lt an~1eR 44 ft. to the 111aco of' begiruung. 69.6 FRED BEBERNISS, COlllmonc- in g on tho S. line o:f fla j.d. block at a point 50 ft. f'rom tho SV!. corner of'saj.~j blOCk, thence in a NW. dj.rection and parallel w:i.th Wheeler AVe. 88 ft., thenco NE. and parallel with }!" irst st. 114 ft. to Locust st., thence S. 100ft., tlwnco H long tho S. side 01' sa id block 65 ft. to the place of' "b(;glrl.r:1rlg. 1~~1~. 2 EMMA ND~SS, OO:i;,Cllcing at the SW. corner of Lot No !~ in sald. IJlock anc:"i. runn,- ing thonce E. alo.g tho N. line o:C tho <to .LLey thorein 109 ft., thence N. H t right an[';lo3 66 Lt., thence W. at l't t (t):2:100 10iS ft. to Who loX' Ave., thonce S. at :clp;ht WlP;lns to the pltJ.ce 01' uCWLlnLllG,. eLl. WILHELMINE BREDEMEIR, COlliEiOnC ing a t the NY!. cor- ner of Lot No. 5 in said block, thence E. along the N. line of suid lot 50 ft., thence S. at ri~ht ales ?.6 :'1" t1-1('11 C" (' l'r ':1 t rl' 0'''1 t v 1. '..J., .J~. ,:,,__ "'~J J,. l... ,;:.::,J" an2;los 50 :t't. to the place of' l)cginn j.ng. $1. CARL B. DAHM, the S. hulf of tho W. 50 ft. of Lot No. 5 Li Bcd.:} block, with 50 f't. Oii D1vj.Bion st. Hnd /6 4 97,.;'{ b f(;. OlJ, Vihonlor AVenue. ./ 0 . . III the HailHoad. AddJ.t1on to Grand I ola,nd, N oora 8ka. Block No. 98 GOTTLIEB HEIDKAMP, Lot 1 172.5 JOHN HORSTMANN, Lot 5, a 2 2 f'i 0'-0 lUt' 0(' 10Y' at ~~ . (';(VC~. rlJ,J" I..\, ~;) ...- , <l?5.3o ci.Lll.c l!~.2 It. all Locust at ~~1~.355 ISO. BloG.k 105. LOVIS VEIT ]1jSTA'l'E, Lotu Nor:. 1 and 2 W ILHEJ.JNi BIFaJI~}!jLDT AND THE UNION PACIFIC RR. COMPANY 187.9 Block. No. 97. MARGARETHA LINDEMANN, all of Daid block, 136.45 ft. on Locnst 213 of ~?591~.23, 120 f't. all Yfhoele:r' 2/3 of ~645.60 356. 00 f~ t Cln~b- j.J:lC; . 20.1S .36.02 23.49 23.49 27.20 61 }i1 oc 't Pav- t c;. COBt. Pav- Tota.l j..ng. Cont. 51. 222.11 242.29 1(.JO. 35~~37 . 00 473.02 66. 355.08 3715.57 66.355.0(; 37<:5. 57 / " bu. 355.08 352.25 50.03 132. 710.16 760.19 52.20 lo6.~ hr:.7 gr 610.0Ef .Jj . ) 151- "57 h' 657.51 o . ?_t. S ,( 151. 657.51 711. 77 _ 11_ . l~ 0 103.?4- 256 .l~5 8'26.56 929. gO 62~ Feot cost Foet Cost Cu~(' b.- CUTU- .PuV- PdV- T(~ ta 1 1. in. ::', . j, . C()f~t. In tho Orj. gJ.nu.1 tovn: , nov! tIl0 City or Grand Island, N O-tJrL'l. f:1 k.cl . Block No. ca. MASONIC BUILDING .l\880- CIATION. Lot No. .1 11~1+-. 1 41.79 132. 710.16 751.95 C HAS. A. HO]lMANN, tho . N. 1/3 01' Lot No. S 55.8 16.1<5 L~1.~ . / 252.90 230.72 NIEIJS C. NIJGLSF~N AND CHRISTE~N N. HASK, tIle 8. 2/3 of IJO t No. ~-" 116. 33. 61~ <;'f 0: 1~93 .411 507.08 0 00. E 10 ck No. 85 SCHOOL DISTRICT OF' GRAND ISLAND, IT:}ii?RASKA. ... All of the Bc:l j. rJ Block. 55.5 16.10 2g0. 1506.1.1.0 1522.50 Block. No. 80 GRAND IShAND G Il;ln~HAL HOSPITAL, S. rIa 1:C of Lot No. g 66. .355. OS 355.0[; GRAND ISLAND I,AND COMPANY Lot No. 7 66. 19 . ll~ 66. 355.08 7.711 "2 .) ,. L HENHY vnmJi:cr(} ! L()tB ]'~ () r:: . 5 and 6, 301~. 7 65.36 2(,11 1lj.20.32 150cL 6g U I_ J ACOE S. JOHNSTON IGT ALS TRUSTJi~IGS A. O. u. VI. OF NEBRASKA, tho "Vv. 213 01' Lot No. 11_ .Ll+-7.8 1~2 . is 6 1~2. 710.16 753.02 ./ . . The i'0110wing tracts aro contained in Block No. [59 of the Orig).C:ltt 1 t.ovn), nor! tho City of G:r.a:Liri Island, NciJra Uk,d. hlmRY Il;mHIJ:B~HT, Co,::,;onc- ine; a ttb.c N'~V. CJOl'JiC:r. of' cc'dd aloe]\: lid r'um:ll(]~I: S. 66 f't. a 10 liP; tho E. ll:nc of Vhoolor Ave., thence E. <1 t :c 12~Jl t t.t llg1cs 105 l't. thenco N. at rlght angles 66 ft., thence W. at r1sht al,g'loB 10c5 f't. a d ba ck to place 01'boEc,1,nrd.ng 19<5. HERBERT H. GLOVEH, ET ALS TRUSTi<FiS, COlrIlllCnclng at tho NE:. COI'jJCr of f3aj.d block and ruunlng thence W. alone; tho S. lino of First st. 150 ft., thence Bat right a lOB 1~4 f't., thence E. at right ang- los, thence N. 51 ft. to the place of' OOf).nnine:. 150 i't. on Fj.1'fjt st. at $5.3[5 per foot-----~<507. 5'/ i:'t on LOC1JO" S':'. "t.l. . - . .l '" ~_~ r..,) \,.l . ~ '"'. C Lr i4.355 pOI' ft.--i222.l0 225.5 RUTH A. MORIAHl'Y, COlll- lLiO::cing at a point en] tho N. line of the alloy j.D saj.d block 10S ft. E. of tho W. lin e of fld j.d 1J1ock, thc:l,ce N. and. para 11e1 with Wheoler Ave. 88 ft., then.o (} E. at J'iglrL a (J,g lOG to the W. lino of Locust st., tJ1ence S. to the pItt co ofiJcg iLlU.:ng. 113. 57.42 q7< 12 / jU. , 993.5L}. l71~ . 65.45 201. 1029.36 1094.81 32.1'1 100.23 436.50 469.27 J~ . . . 63 Sectj~():n 2. Tho tHX gO lovJod and a0f10Ein ul1all bo rrnraolo and bocome de- linquof.lt and. draw J.ntc;:C'cst ae p:c'oVJ.dcd uy Lhc statuteD of the stute of' Ncuri.LHJ:,d, to-v.rit; One-t en tIt of the fFW10 Bha 11 UCCOLlC r, oLL qlJ.cn t L~. U.fty ddYD ar'tL;}" tho (Ii[ te 01 thif) lOvy, One-tentll J. j I)no year, Ol!e-tc>l':th .1.r1 two VeiLt'H, One-tenth L: U1J:'<C ,roarn, Onc;-tuntrt Ll 1\)\11' years, O(l()- Le;,Jtll in .(j.ve yoars, OC\O-tu;!th in Bix -leare, O(),e--tcntl] j.(} DOVO:; ;toaru, Ono-tontn in oight yearD, au:l Orw-tu.nth 1. L~j.,C 'lOarl:1 froll! tho dH. to of t}-\is lovy. EJach of' naj.d. L:oti:tll,lentB except tho .fir'st Dha Ll d:c[lw Li. t OI'cst f'rorn t fIe (1(( to 0.L' t hi. G levy at Lhe I'd to of snvon pOI' cent.Jlm per dCl(l'.lln u:ltil trIO fJiilnO DOCOl'lCS ,jelJ.llqlW{lt and o('!ch of mti.d j,l)f':tallL,c ts f3!la.ll c1:t't1g J.lltm:'(,)Dt at tho 2'dto ox' tDn pc:r CJcmtulT) pOI' annum frol,l tho cJ.H. to the m...,no DOOOillOG ('Lelj. qU()(l.t. prov i.eJect, hCY1l!CVOT, tllil. t tho ont ire Cl.1:lOlU!.t lev J.cd. a rl.d a Bf30nn (;d ar;al Bt al!.'\( or tho afOI'CG!tJ.c) loJe.D, tI'dcts Or'JdI'c;\.'lf\ or ia.if} L,ay 00 !XtJ.cl at any U.ll.lO wJ.tl'un .L'j.ltV ckn.r[J .frO!!.l tllO to 01' levy v.rithout lntorc:ct, and. u.dd lot, tract or parco.l uf' land Sl'lU Ll; Ula t event, ~C: oxempt from any liou or clkJ.rgo fen' intcI'c:_d,. Section 3. The CJ.ty Clark of the City ():C Grand Ir:la:lCt, Hall Cou.,Jtv, Nor.)(i:ul1\'.H, in hoJ:'coy dircc (cd aCid. Lu;tI'uctec1 to forthvrj. th cCJ:.tir~l thi.8 Orc:U.llil )eo to :~hQ City Trcur:uror of the City of CrI'dYld. If31acJ.n, Nobras]<a, who ell.i1Ll UI'oce to collout DilJ.\l taxes i:iD :C(;Cl1.Jj.rcd oy lEl.'\'J. 8 c:c t J. 0 n LJ. TIlle oI'z)J.ndllco ::;',i.OO J.n forco d d t,ako offoct 1'J:'o;.1 a in aftor J.ts pi:U3Sap;O, approval and :pUiJ1J.CH U.on aEl TH'ovJ.dccl Dy .law. pa f1UOj d DO. B.:pprov cd t'nJ.B 23 II day or t.Tune A. D. 1913. At.tes.t ( seal) Cl1arle s G. R~ran H.E. Clifford, l,\:ayor city Clerk. 64 O:Cdj.Tki nce No. 550 An oJ'rUna{lCC rcp;uIdtlne;. t1:J.C <'I'lviJJfs Eini) idCJi.1C:C' oL opcI'dti motor vehiclos ill L'c City of Grd,nd In,L:;lnd, NCDrbBka, rcgu:u-ltinf'; the carrla~c of ~iSS ors for hlro1 9rovldl .!.'OI'':iCl oc(m,:~Jation . t!-tX f)'Cl })8:(~f30.ctS vrYt() fJ.U.gl-.:.1.p:O 1j] t'YIO !:)"l.J.sl C}SC ot~ Of't:CJ:iT IJ(;tf)f_-~c:.ncr,c:rs for !lLec k)Y d:rtomo))ile d!';d })]:,ovidL1P; .cen' a pO!:lalty io1.:' tilG vio1- a t ion t1-1creoi'. Be it ol"-3dined 0':,' t"lC Hityor C1 ty COi).1:;,c11 of the City oj G T;~; rid I fJI{t(i 61 :N CU:C\ By;a . SoutiOjl. 1. No pe:'C8on 3y]o.11 ('1'01'c( to i:l lt10tO:t \rchioleuTKJ(l t.he) ~ltJ:'cctG, aVonu,cn aI' <tlloyn Hi nald. clty at .\ :ra t.o oJ. speno cx- ceocUnp; L.'!'ld t wIdJ::J1 in 1'(JCtHoni.,tUIo -::ln6 IH'opcr, !1i1.v1Ji.g; I'ep~d,r'd :1.:01' tho t]:'af'fic and UflC or trio ntJ:'cct a cithu condJ.tioc, 01' tne btI'cn1:, no:e a t a r'ci to of spood l:>'ch d R to ondct ur the .U.f'o OJ:' lJ.lib or env :pCJ:'SOfl, I HlY' ti l any Cd BO Ct t i.i I'd, tc of Sl)O(;() oxc:<'nr:u.nr; tv/cIvo Hil1cn pCI~ f't01J.:C. Upon a})lJJ:'oachine; fIn i"tEn:'coction o:\." the strccts1 H1C person opera tiniI. SUCrl vOJl1cle nhd. _i. 1 r'ectuce the BPOCc'; of" gur:h '10-' 11.J.elc to h J'd to not cxcc:cCU.ng Hix uilc';f3 an flc)UI' and B11(dl not cx- . ccc~d gno:; npcnc1 until cntLcc.ly I}dc~t Duell 1i!tC)J'CcctJ.on. See U.on 2.. Anv })CI'GOLl OI)01\:dirtp; hin i.lOtOl' VCifliolo sV1al1 <it :r'cqne::~t. or (nl td.gnal oy l)l1t tLr:Jul) t'ile llanO f:com a lWJ'130n l'J.cU,rip:, Ql.' drj.villil:. a ):'('BU.VO ho:rso or' o tho:!:' draU()}lt OJ' dOiHO"U,C anilLli:!.l Lxrin"', SLlO11 iilOt, J:' vehio.lo iLiLO<tCltcliT to H ntal) and Lf' ()~civ]. i1.: LYLC OlJ}JO g]. t 0 (Urec t ]."'(1, TCll,:,!. J.!l G tit t 10 cia :CiT 80 10 "p; i] S IUd 1T be J'Cd no na U Ie to c~llovr Rllel-, .iniL:al to pa'es, d.!.td 11 t:r'd.vcling in to i:k1.mO cU:ccc- tic))') lt88 r~(ktn()i..l.{1.lJl(~ C~alltj.()rl tl1 I)Etf:1pj.f.lg f31.J.c:h cl11 liUi:l1. Vill 01 i ev ()J.' any ~)CJ'H()n d:c:Lv1i1f1) uuy vehicle 01' c:onvcYd,noo on Etl1V road 1" th:LB oity }J!)'ill ovnTtdko Hunt (;1' vchlolo or COnVOYlne(~ (iI'ivLn-:; in t 0 BclLlO .jj.I'C1ctJ.on dClO f:Jl'J.iJ,1l j.ljcUr];-;to to UtO drlvcr tllc:r'Gof Jl:Ln O]~ r,cJ:' C:,Cf1:LI'O to 1k(HI:, lt Bhd1 00 VIO dut.y 01' "LYle c1J:':Lvor of' tho Ve}lj.().lO in :fJ'ont to :~n~OlLptly tUT'l; to tIte; I'igJlt, of tllo CCi1tC:C r,' 01 t }} {} Btrcot . and 1;.1J(j (IT:i.vCJ:' oJ." tlln vcluc1u UC}IJ.iICI, r;rJd 11 tYw{j tU.rn t.o t,lw LU.Ct of.' t1:1u (~! nteJ' 01.' the f~tI'cct and IJdhf' uy vritl'(yut j.Iltnx'fnx'I'JnS: 01' lntc:cJ:'l)l)tinf:~ ,1',:0 thu (l1'lvo1' of Bd iei vcl1ic.1.c l)(Ui<:l.np; nball 110t ret~lrrJ to tho ()ontc:r' of t.r1c street l.wtJ.L at .leaBt tllJ,:rty f'cnt aJlOd,d of U'lO vehicle ~OdSH()6. -1- -. . . 65 Sectj.o.n .3. All mo Lor Vr;ILLclos S~)cc.Lflc(j am]. con.tcmpla t.eo 111 thi8 oJ:'d 1na nee sJ;H 110e p:r.ov1ded with 1:.1. t Inn st one .Lauip wI-lieh BhC1 11 bo :olaced ont1io r:r.ont part o:f such voh101o and. kept uUI'nLnp; at niGht Wt-lOfl tho name j.G in nse wj.thL1 tho e1 ty lim:Ltn. SootJon l~. All veh1cles drj.ven 'withJ.n tho limits of sH.id City shall keep on tho rig;ht-hd.nd sida of the street, avemw or alley on which said vehicle is driven; wlwn turning a cornor su:c11 vohiclo shall make tJ:w largo tu.rn but shall bo Droll.ght over to tlw right );and. sj.de of tho street as C}uJ.ckly as possible. Section 5. NOP01'f~on sha 11 carry lJU CHCllDors f'o:c hire in a .n;)tor vehJ.oJ.o U~),)jl cUll ovox' the Htrootu Hncl aVo:mWB or said city Wlt110ut f'j.rst hil.ving paid to tho Cj.ty Clerk 8n oocup(.it1un t.:LX of fiftoen dollars per HLl:t1.lil foI' oHell and every VGr1.1ClO BO 1wcd. Sald tax ShH11 be duo and lxc:raolo on tho t'iI'ot diiY of Hay of' (ktch year or au soon as 81:1.oh p(H'SOn 11.8013 Slich VOJJiolc for tha Lnu:c})one on Sd.id ~~tre(;ts. Seution b. No POJ.:'t:on sha 11 run OJ' drive a lllotor ve11cLl.e OVO"!..' t]" 10 Bt :t:'~ c () tn, 8. V nrn,lOG 01' aLl ()jr B () i~ U,'i.:L eJ c t t~.r (~):: c (}lYt l110: SlJ.C'll \1 ()Jl J. C 1 () ::;haLl have a liLuff'lor attclclwd. to H.B oilf:;irio Ln good o:cdc:r i\n' Llu) purl)(JBO oJ' l'CdiJeirlp, 'G11oH,)j,nc 11,ado uyL}-,c rU:t;.ing. of nuch VUr1j.cle, and nU.ell 1[[111'1'1c;I' f)'hall 1)0 olocod lNhile Bueh veYliclo is Ollnrate(i llT){) 11 t J1(J fit:C ()(-; 't 8, a \T t~i 1-l108 C:t fl.ei, 2t _L -L (j~r g 0 ~L} SEi..l, d, (j 1 t ~r ; (''i:(). d. f?c! 1 d '.I ()h j. c 10 g l1et 11 D C J:''l.ln 1/T1 t h d S 1 J. t t 1 c n () J. r; () u. fJ :i. B 2-) 0 fHU. U .1 c: . S()(~tion 7. Any person v101cit &C1.y or tho PTOVJ.i;J.O;~s ell: t}lj~f3 ()l:i(\lr.u-.t 1,G() g}}(t.ll. 1)(; i:j.-:."_i.C~c1. J.11 t:tL~r fHliH 1\01;, LtC~:CC tl]Etll ~?25. 00 (:ll"i.d. Bh.u~li B l'~,(\ C()i:l4,"i,itt,c;cJ 11:-:tj.l S;JC}"! (j[lcl eo~;tr; v(-; U(:;()}":t }Xild. TYlif) ()JlCI.1Jlt~:tj.-lC.O 8.11<11..L Dn 111"1~()I~C;C~ i:.1.[1(1 ko eL.L'oct {.:rOCl c1. f' t Co]:; j~ t's IJit fj ~.k.t ?-:. C', (:t -,:):eo Vc:'i 1 (,:t L i.d II \,).1..:; Lj, Gd t.1. ().n l:-t :-) ])I'O \l J. d, ()cJ ;)~r ~L~:-t v,r . f>i:l, n u Ct nO. i:t ~Jl)I'O v cd "e},ll1 .30 II d.u V 0 l' ~~~~ ~ ~ AttOGt: ( Seal) H.IG. Gllt'ford City CIG:C'}~. HdYO:~'. -2-- ordinance NO.551 . A.n ordinance regulating the Keeping,depos1ting and removing of garbage ,offal and other refUse matter,und providing for a penalty :ror tIle violation thereof. Be it Or'da1ned bY the :rvrayor anci Oity Oouneil of the Oity of Grand ISland,Nebraska. Sect ion 1. It is herebY declared. to be unlawful i'or any person to throw,deposit or cause.,permit,authorize or alloW to be Kept, thrown or deposited upon an1' lot, street or alley in the city o-E Grand ISland,Nebraska,an-s' kitchen garbage,offal,nlght solI, r'efiu:H:} or offensive or putrid matter 01~ to eauso,allow or permit to be thrown or to remaj.n upon his 01' her premises whether owned, rented or occupied or in any alley or pUbliC highway any such re- fuse or' garbage as to cause or create a nuisance or to be of'f'en- stve. Section 2. All sue]} 1\'1 tchen garbage ,of'fal or ref'u.se s]1a11 be kept in a metal container with a tight fitting cover,wtlicl1 contaj.ner shall be emptied no less than once a week. . section 3. No person shall empty ,cB.\.1se or allow to be empt 1ee1 such garbage can upon any premises wi thj.n the fire 1 imits of' said 01 ty beroro eleven 0 I clOCk at n1g.ht nor ai.Cter seven 0 I elo~}: in the morning. Any person violating the prOVisions of thts Ordinance; s11all be i'ined in any sum not less than 1:\.5.00 nor more than ~~25.00 and costs foX' each of'f'ense and s.hall stand cornmitted unt:il suell fine [xnd costs have been paid.. All Ordinances and parts of' Ordinances in conflict herewitll are hereb~l repealed. Trlts Ordinance shall be in :force and take ef'fect :from and af'ter its passage, approval and pUblication as provide(! by laW. Passecl and al)proved this 301/ day of JUIY,1913. . Attest ( Seal) Oharles G.Hyan H.E. Oliff'ord, o i ty 01 er k . ]\irayor 66 Or'dlJ:18tl,CO NO'_,552- An o:c'cUna.noc levYl,ng LHxee tL\ the C1LYif GJ:\di.d 181:l NOOI'i::U31:a, lor tho fiwJdl ye,t!" c:oml!1CwJlng tho .Ltt11 . 191,3, rind Cll(U.i1l?; tllO socond Monday in AUi?~Llf:jt,L911~. o l' 1\l1.e; u; t , Be It orj,d.!loc1. iJV tho NluYOI' ,~l Councilor the City of Grd IglcHV:t, NeoI'dBkd,: SECTION L Tha t thero is 11.oreoy levied au(l B1kU,l bo coLLoct- od in the mB..nnoI' provided by law upon all proporty, l'oa1, personal a nd mixed, of ovo~r:y kind and cl1aractm.~ wi thin the corpora te limits of tho City of' Grand Island, Nebra.ska, for the fiscal year cOdinencing August l~, 1913, and ending tho socond Monday j.n August, 1911l, on each d.oLlar of' tl1e ascesnod valua tion of said proporty, taxes a s fa LLows and f'or the followj.nf~ pUr}lOgeS, namoly: The Slun of throe (3) mills :for the pu:epose of paying tllO inteJ:'OBt on Ul.e fJonded indebtodness of' the CJty .:~nd to crua to a sinking fund. t.o ~oay the l)rlnoiIk'll thereof at ll1P.. tu:ci. ty. . Trw SUlll of J1ilevon ( 11) 1;li118 raI' tho gerler'a.l :r.cvornw pu:t;- ~)osns of md.d city, 1rwl11.CUn?; r:~i.lflricl3 of' Cj.ty officoI's, oa~C'e of f) t I~ f) (-) t g (1 {~, (1 ft ~L 1 CS' S C't t"'o I' B t Jl(;U t C:CO F) f) 111f~~r), f"() It Ij"L~Jl t tJ.Tf!; s t :ec;c 'J:; B ,did IiUlJlj.(~ oui 16 s, to ~L)ay tJI0 llWi(iu(:tal expcru,ccn of If/(\ C1!:,y, for' :C Ins1]j.n.p;, 0X t e!1 ":t(t ::i. :r; (; -.:);;{ J. ;\ nf3vrcrB, an.d I~ T)Et J' y~ :rnl1&- ImBCG. '1'J10 f","l"I'1 (i..(l' +,v)'f"} '; ',":,1 ("("Vf')'J-P-j' ul,,'j'}-Is' (;;, _~ .-\. . - "", ~ l,._~ _ _.,f. ~J" .,1 , ,J... t'.':l'-";" \oJ __. '-- -. J -") ".,. f (j 1:1LL.U, J.'O ~:. t lw r m,I'- ~)Cf:)(; 0:(. /)e:,rj.J1f~ t]lC~ ())C:1)0.1 f'() ()1' tllc~ PO.Lj.(J() I)(Jl){tI~LJ.~lo~n.t. ~?}1, () nllill ():C .C(rL1J:~ (1)\0. () l"t ()-llfl Ii" ( 1 -, I. <)) "l' J' "'L e' Pc --r' ~,', -, !- .L c ,,, .. .., L..> J.' '. , ,I t; T)1.1I;~OO CO o l' iXt '.' J t C; (JJ:])CL'1.ne (yf L1(i j..n.t[~ J..() t 'il U F :1.ro n OD'.! ~i~ tl,:C'! t, lJI'O- ertJ::L(.lr~ {:i:.~:)I)r~,):.~i t1lS, ti)l')cl;t }1~ld.J~{t 1'l f) (} t. cJ 1 , l)lJr~ c l)ii fj 0 .rt (];,.7 11 () gO, :pa. -;t fV:~: :('t]. f) n i'1 r:. r> 1.(iO j~ r1()L 1 1 8X~r:/C"(1. n () B .. 'I'1'H; rJll.U of two (2) jilt-LLg te' LlEdc:o CJxtonDJ_On,n, :r.oI)i};Jrs {ji.ri. Ldi:'~ j~f"j, t CH':;,t~ (!. (; (; o.f t ],\ () \Ya. t. f;:e rr () J']~ [:,. S:t u t (;{i l () 11 t 11 C C j..I:'3i . . Tho Bum O.C nLic (9) dJ.lls :1.'01' vl f~ t {l i d it _L 1 DV i; 1 t (J}:'- Ho,~tiO\i.g u.nd npaccm OIYClo,'ito ptUlJ.C: iJui1dj. ,,':,~ t", . l~r1':tC Hl11ll ~.!1 B(;VC~J-!-(jj. +. 'I' c< (of" '(_')' ) "",,,' '.~) 118 to It:~t:r :L'u:e .~';-1_f~ g1.t:)})o~et 1::]8, j~l ;. t. (;),"lti~: () (; ():f L}-l (~ IJ t:(b 1 J, (] L:t ~e:l . . . . 67 IJ~J-'0 Dlthl ()J' tll~c(;r)-l'()llII th.B Ll f~ t 0 I)~'i V 1'() T' t Yt() ()X}) Ci{! r~f,: (} i' i '~J.i J. ~:, }, ]..! ! t ""lc:) f.Jr\'.irLtI I f.:>l{~: ;(5. C U~J_l(JtC~I~3r '1 It ()t' r~t-; l"t(Jn (1 l,'-i iJo J', H :(i(;'},!Ft l:Cf{ lll)()1 "!. j.!l.i-l):r~()VC~;".l(:,~(.'L t B, V ()H1.(;l t n LOI' tltOX'f;on. ~,.'.'.i-'."i.."', 1,'J1J.'!',,',,' (.'\'.,L"'" .:...'r.}..... f.'."'. ".., (;,','>'~')' (lO'" ) 1 l. . t..: .' . J. _,' ". v doL HI'S on (\:i.c:n and evn:,:v ;'l;JU; rns:Ld.unt. of fki.:l.!J C:i.ty uetvrocj] triO fjClf3 of tllT(J'.itY-()(lO (21) and. '1" J' .,.' '1". IT (r 0) ~. r (".' ',' <:, 0' .J, ".' :> ,. "..,c, u, ,:'1 ~.; r:.~Ne(:~ f~X(n;':.}Jt D','r lrli,H, t1g Et ])C) 11 fJ)( 0 ('~:) t : x. SJWTION 2. ~'h (j C J. t y c In }"}():eC:'O~l nt.:r:'1.wtoc1 to c;o:i:U,f:' t}i,e lo:pop;o 0;. l()'Vy tuUw Cour:t'\r Clo:r']~ o:C' Ll Co: 1. tv, N to b() J)l(:t(~(~d 0 \ ';,:;}~l(; tf-tX 11nt Eif) })J:ovld..(;d "b)' l{::LVI. 81liC ~L' ION 3. .L1: ;)0 :1.11 f'Ol"OO d] d take lr' ~. e {\ ,. 'i.:, < f.;I. fjfl:(lf)ot -:CI)()JU (t "trio {~-l:Cto:c J' ..(- #'t ~ W f) d r>:):cova 1 n.l1d }.Jlll) 1:i. ou:. 1.011 1~l(! 0 B~t g, 0 , [~ [~ ';XCUVJ.C:"{ i=y lHvT. P (' . . r . )' ')"' ,. \T '.. .J., 'j < j. >, .0 .' 'T ")' .,., ]\' 1 ^ ... ,:, ,!. ~ -1') -fiLf;J(~, <<':t!~J. tl.~.t)~I"J.fJd. -~J_l..:~s 0\.;..1, U.Ci..\ \.L .1<~Ll'-.',I", it. .~, J_91~3. Attost: ( Seal) II. ]j} . (J 1 t i'ford Obarles G.Hyan C 1. ty C lCJ:'l(. ~\r():e . & 1 J1 j"'" ! /)/-j-/'" 68 /.T .,-_.._I"P" ~- ~'3 ORDINANCE NO. J? Being tho "An.,mal Ap;lI'opriat,j.on Riillt of'L'i)O OJ.ty or GJ:":i(1(1. I Hl!.i.nd, NciJI'rt~;LH J.'o~(' tllO :[;'J.:;o'41 ;.'ou:e r)O,UdU).(lCll1ff,i:.:he second Mon- day in August, 1913. En J. t 0 l.~,cd uy the Layo:!:' unCi. City 0011.;i(;].l of the CJ.ty oJ' . GJ:'cdld. II:J1allCi, NcrJraska; . . Section .1.. Trlat t () Bum of' ~;7,{;'/5.00 in hUH;UY ap1n'oliJ::'j.Htud. 1'01' tIIO pUJ:'IJonO or llayj.np; the :i.nt(n~c[;t on thobQudod lndcuLccL}cu8 of the eLl. ty Q.ud. tu, c:r:Ct( to a. sL;kJ.ng fund to fJay tbe ln' J P~t ~l thereof' 1Hhen J.t ])OOO),lOS duo. Suetion 2. 'rhht UJ() Dum of' ~i)1i,300.00 01' so nnlcr' thm'()ol' Hn dEY oe nCCOf-HjUJ:'Y J.n l'!c:r.'clJY CJ.li})r01H'iutc;(L oU.t 0:(' the p~(;r(n'a.L :Cu: (! 01' the cJty :Cor trw PHI'pOliO of' :OdyiJ' t,'ne fialu:.c1.c[( 0:C the Cltv Oflf"loe):co 1'O:C t.f-\(-~ (-).L.'fj~Lt1'(1i?~ ~r(:tt:e. SCOt1.0l".l 3. ~:11E! i the GUU or ~!'9, 000.00 or ::;0 j;i,Heh t}1 (;):'(;0:[' 11. n !;:Ud~r D()n.ccC~f)nur~l, lEi }}(j:C-(;i)~r a tcd out of 'tll0 P;O{jo:cal l'11uL of [J" :I.d Cl.ty 1'01' tho OXpC~GO of Dull ". . C~ })11I'~)()UO ()1' ~)(.i~lJ~ Hlld I'opaJ.x'1. H t :cc; ()t D ,?:1; 10. ,'~:L _L.1 ()':T D, C .LC:~'l . , , ;3 t 1~ (:; C 'C S, 1)1),'l~,L ,~r: f:;; 'D. t t f~:r:~ n , C:.C() u u 1,~r<:i.lk.f3, sld.(;1~~t~t ~Lk t1 <i ilCi () t l't(:;:r; C t:C (;c; t ;.t fl.Cl .f~_ ._!..~L c~r lLJ- I) I'OV(;lHC:r: t f;. S (;c t tel 11: 4. 'rhat (; mULl of' ',?)~, 500.00 OJ:' UC) t 11 e:cc:o f C-1 U LlClY fJ() jlCcnnuu},'y :Ln hCJ'C h;X;):C'O})J':i.;.c t cd 011 t 0 J t.JiC EJ:ecll 01' ua .i.c; (;:1. t.y Lcn' .. , () rn.lJ:~I)O fH) () j:' })It ~r J. CXj)Clif)O 01' .CliW}tl nC:Vlf;I~f), f.1XtOil(_~.~L(IP; ~_~lci.11'iS d.J'i,c) J:"C})r;-ij.:eB. SUC5t.J.on 5. TllciL tll(} nD.lil 0;[' ;f{,500.00 ()J:' no "fLlClltiICI'ooL dg !.nEl1' ~) c: ft (;C ()f, -: ~>~t ]:41' i c rl(;:cc'O\T (1 ]Jj):ec' ~p~c J.n. t c~d. f.Jllt 0 J.' t }-1C g UfJ CJ"tt i I'lli: ((} ()l' f)r~j.;'-:; CJ.'C'l .'(01' 1:.11.0 ~~YiJ~~;~~~)()nc~ ()1' -()F~~{j.J1f~ tTI(; C)(})CL.1UO ()J' .1.1e:Tltl c: l.Y;c~ S tI~() c 'L S Fi r ~d_ :1. 11 (;~l S {~:'l JlrJ. j)11"0 ~Lj. C 1)',_11 r: Cl f' Di:l 1 (5 c j. t ~r . Soot j.Di' (;. TJ1a t tIl0 f31.1Ll of ;)l~, DOO. 00 01' flO v .J~' [t f~ may j)() L!CCDHFdI'Y in }!()X'cUv a::t:o):'oprJ.U t out O.i. the gDiiC:Cd,.:L fl)"I)ci o:e BEtj.(~ ett~r ]~'or~ trl(J })tl:C"])OLj() ul' }_1.::r~rJ..(12~ 1rlotd..(}; tft:L (:~{})(;}'lC()S .CCjJ:' (j f) :n 3L1.1 11 ~~)'~ ~T (k~. 1~ . ~ " ~l ... (;(:. '1: J..fYLl . 'rIlt! t "L}i.0 fJl.llU ()f-' ~?5()O. 00 OJ:a no liL'P.c:h t..l-1(JJ':~(;(}:e fL n 1~1(;t~,r U 0 1'1 () C () }~3 r:;v. :t:~:r 1 f) l~. c~:C(; u~r -::1 J) rj :CO]) I' l,1., t (;e1. () L1 L () 1. t ]', () (; -c (:;1\:1. ~l ~C'i lJ1 (j ui~ f)tiJ.ci clt~r 1'() I' t1l.0 J-nl~c1J()HU of' I}('1'\rj.~:~8: t}--!c~ CXJ.JC[ DC of~ c,;::,t:eJ. g: J_;()I~ <l :rLO. li!;t iIlttt 1r;-ic~e:l -~)ltl~kf3. . . . 69 s () C ';~I i 0 j' (;. I'}'i.d. t. ;~ }-"'I_ (; SOI,li:i.l () f' ,500 OT' 1;0 toll cri~~ (: 0 ~L" D. 8 'L; r_-~. '~r U f3 ~ 1 a(; f)-f) f!Cl. )~:t j. [~ It f1Il(; D~.r (1 :::;T}Jf() I):Cl::iL cO, to ~T t.';"\(; r;(-i ~LE~I~lf:f] a ~-:_(t li'l.cl(lcr/.-'i .L OXl)(:)!!t30S o:L' t1'1.() Polic!! D lilE:Lt en tile C1i" rOT.' t1JU encuL';f':, yea~c. S eotj.c)(: 9. TllH t. thE) r.m.Ul of' tpf,eoo ,OJ:' no LlUOJ1 :;Tlor'uClf as Lnn.Y be rlC)COB~}~lJ~~Y, lfJ }i_(;I~()O:r q:;)})J:~<)1)J;1ct t (Jr). 1 ()21 L r: 0 o:f pi:nr tI10 (."'''- ,A 1l0l1.f)CS 01' tIl0 (J()lHotOI'Y, 0111::11.1 rkt ~Lct J:.~ 1. () D, l~:l U 0 I. 1. 1"1 C 1 (J Ero, t'::i 1 ())c - J) ()l18 c~ fJ iltll) I~() V tJid(]{L t f1. Sect:l.on 10. ThRt the nULl of ~i?ll,ClGO or f30 lil,leY1 t1'CJ:,uof' he LlaV De ;lOCCf:Y>U'V, if; l1oy.'oov a>pl'Om~'J.Ct tod i.'ur tJlc 1!UI':~)OfiC of ~)/lY the ox- penliO of l'.H1J:taj.jILI tJ-"l (; F i:I'i() 1) ()})a.l)tiii(J:i'J, -t , ])11J:) C 13 J4118: i-"l. OVT }--lO S() 1 Etl)IXtJ:'atu.s -'t:;(j 1.'rJLttOVUI' is .liOC(Uc,:n~y nJJ~ (j1lO J)o~~)(U>tLl()Ilt, }),,!yj.n.r; sa.L- ::t I'i tJ B , j~ J:.),O t 0,or1 tct 1 (;X}} f;(~ f) 0 [1, :e ()1J.t.l1:c f; nc~, _(1 t r~ 011 t~:t 1. SocU.on. 11. That C'tC BllLl of ~;;t~O,oOO 01' DO t '(n~oof ;:H1 llli.'tY bo :n, 0 C () n nEl I~~r, j. B 1,: f):r.~ () ()~r ~H ~:)X-. J.,:~1 t c(.~ 1"'0 Il t. f}f} ~~)'1).:CT)iJ n c () f' r<t :l111~~~ t 11.0 (~X- I)(;11B (J () i" -LILt]~ t f)flt_t,-l (; f) () L' +~ 1. i (; vr~:} t (Jr~ 1) .t~l t () f' t }1.0 a t t~r, j.flO .ll1dj.. j f3\~ll- ,~t 1';) j,. en , t~ lO J.(lC;Il tLl.l (;XIJC n B f3D, I'f1})2:1. lJ~~ S tJ. (l t ~J Lll::t J~_ 0 i.Ln~o:e(),\l f)l.i.10)J t B ~~:l (J ox t, (;L1 n j.O !.l n. S eotio{j 12. Tl!ci t the ~r:':U'l 01' ~?55, 000 OJ:' gel nrJJ:::h ty!c:t'uo:C B LH~r oe nOGOflUr,.ry, in Il()J:tJiJ".T d }JrJ.cl -Cod nn' tnc B c: () f~ };Xt ::/ j.:f (; C;)(- }Jonne of th.o Ille)lt d' P(YWCI' Pl/-l].Jc, :LJ.ll:;li Fkt l(~i]:' j. () s, t Q l. (1 (Ji'J tEL 1 OX})O_I}i)f)B, Xl()':),'.t. :1.r~B .;j, L 0 ~ d.d. }i,_ () i nr;~l :CI () "'I,f 0 i :i, i, () -i,"}, t g :~l (t cL () J{ t (; i] n 1 () (I f> . SootioCL 13. j'}ld.t ti'o 13um of ii:22,000 or GO ,:UOll t'IC:CCOf' Hi': lin;! DO riec U B Ul.~t II~T, J. f) l1()I~O J)~.r {i, ::" t i~ (; ,\ J\ f10 0 i1 '-~)(_l ~l Ll1G cx- od. IHJIlt3CB 0) i' Dd. V]. g t:C(; c; t J..l.l t (3:2 f3 OC t lc) rOt [1 cti. ~ ::i ():f)l){) f3i t e ~O-l)~P Ij.c 1)'1.lt."L ~liI1, p; S ,~.i [ta J~ crl.)~t 1J: j..l Diivj.i SecU.on. 111-' T1")ciL the SHILL O.L ,;i;2,OOO o:c 80 L l-lOI"C::f) ~C ;.i G ~Lli:l i,r U () l~ooosf3ary 18. O:i~ODY t. (; c:t f\) :r t 11 () ":'_Yi _LC~:) () n (3 0 Lf il J.'~ Lp; t ~'" (J C)X- ~)(}rlBe ()l' t1i,,() 1!.1i}J.J:i"Lcfn,c{.i'O(; O.t t1'10 l:"jlr~lte Lt J'Y, j.lo1 Bel ~L~:l1'. i 0 ;:~ , i {t C j4d.f}f, L -ta.1 C;X:}) cr.~;3 () ~:: ,:1 ::eopu j.T n ., 1'0:c 1))]:'0 f3 t)Ct()kB. Scotion 15. That the P' ].' ". f.' "II 5 ,~ ."' O'.",U.L \i.,-, iJv g(J LlLlor1 t1'1o:<:' [;0 1.' '1. n iilEIS fJ8 or OCClB:';HJ:'Y, :t.n!'iOJ'ODV 'i.i)O):>')2Xt:>L,:'t toa. :COJ' tJJO D'U'~)OSO of Pd"L tho ox- ponBon of oJ:'cet.1.np; a So1(HcT'b ct Sciil<)X)8 Ivfo',n.~_'1.LlJ.cr}t l_('i. ~r:,~_ld_ C=i..t,!r. 8cJCt.ior! 16. TJllU ():e'_u.n.:~JjCO ..l.L U() In. I'D:I~:~Ot:) 1'::, (] () f' i~' fj c .t i'I"()LL ,~.'1"rl(3 ...~t c;x~ J.tH ~);~~fJ:-:~,(:tf~E), (1~)~;)I~(}V':~'1~1 tJ...Llcl ~LJ.C1~.t. t j~(){'k ::1 f:~ TjI"()\jj.d_c)d. DV .1.e[ IV. Pi.iS'-; '~i. (1 ::: ';-)~):C'-'.f v (;(} 1118 6" ----- A. D., 1913. ~r c.r AW~US t At L DDL : ( Seal) 0l1srles G. R~ran J.-I. ]i]. Ollffol'd Ci"C:l C1c:ck. Lit:i. ~ro:r; . 0-/// ~ 70 [J ~/ ~ Ordinance NO.554. An ordinance regulating the use of paved streets,avenues and alleys in the 01 ty of Grand ISland, Nebrasy.a ,and pravidJng f'oy' a . penal t~r for the violatL:n thereof'. _Be it Ordained b~r the Mayor and City Council af the City of Ct'I' and ISland, Nebrasl<.:a: : Sect ion 1. 'rhat it is herebY declarecl to be unlawfUl for any person to drive o.ny wagon,ca:et 01? ottleY' vehlcle over or upon amr pavement in the city unless ttle box on suell vehj.cle 1s tight and will not allow the passing through the same of water, sand, roc:t<:,(lCl)r:Ls or any athe:r material. section 2. Suell ve11icle Stmll be loaded in sueIl manner tlw,'t no part of its load will escape or :('all Lipon such pavewent. section .3. Tho driver o:C any vehicle upon any ai' the streets In Bflic1 Oi ty s]1all keep to the right-hand side 01~ tIle stJ'eet. While d.r i viYl.f{ such vehicle. nection 4:. The oVlner or ctriver 01' person in c11arge of or haviw?: ~Ul)el'vis1on over any vehicle who permits the same to be drive . over the pavement in SFtid City wi th a box contrary to the provisions 01.' t}11s ordinance, OJ' shall allow amr paJ:'1>t ot' his load or contents ai' 11:1 S wag'on to sea t tel' or 1'all 11Pon t.he pavement shall be guLL ty of a misclemeanor and upon conviction thereO:f, shall htl :fined :In any sum not excecdi:ng ~25.00 and costs,ancl shall stand committed until such. fine Dnd costs have beon paid.. Thl.s Ordinance shall be in f'Ol'ce and take effect from and after its passage, 8.ppr oval and pUblica t 10n as providocl by law. Paf3sed and approved tlU.s 6" day of' AUgULt A.D. ,1913. Attest ( Seal) Charles G.Ryan,Mayor. H.E.Olif'ford,Oity Clerk. . . . . 71 OIn) I ]\J AH C :: JJ 0 . :> 55 . Ax!, 0:::4: l C~(; l f.,:f:1/-Tf;I" l[j J.ct X :..() ,( L'o r (j (: .1.. 1..: -L 11 () OCt 5~.::'to ~C'llf: -t 10 () L> d. 1J()1.7UI~ L 11 (J. 3 ~3 () f' t}J (; C J. -L"!l S Crl,7(_~:C }) i r; (\:'C GJ~;:': t,ll() O() 'I' , ' v -( 1 d ~;_) I'{) V J~ I }J c ~. - . ~ j\ (;J' ()() 1. ~ Be} J.t 0 IJY L 11 (: ,ro ~e C ')i. J}, ':.: :1.L Cl ... C it~\r (J.f .1.1 (' 'I~'..) -".; T.. r _.. ('1...1,.... \, _. N (!t)rd 8 (;(.~ t. ],(): 1 .1. T}tn t [1 f)~(J(}(:, J... fif)I_-7(::~I_:' ;:d~J:'J. ,:; t La x lJ (; \.el t fJfl J,J'lO j.. f1 If)V j~ (;(l ,::t l Lrt a f~ 0 n u (J1'j t. () })tL "{r f; C;~'{~~-) c;:; ~-j (; n () J: 't~ lie; eo i! nt J~'i lot ~iJ'~_".' i () L~ a ~ :] (J':1 ():r.~ J.et T,' ~..... L) No. 33 qf' r,'i '1 'r; J _. ,.1:/ SorTe:c D J. n ():C (' T'; .L... rr OD J';.'. t. .-c ',!'l, (} ..1:"' C;n~J()C t, J.\7 c: t:ei.i (~t s f) :i~~ <l.C) t, n ).1 L, r~., l i) ~p~;-,-~ r~ ~') , fl. :i.t [k1 j. c1 :J,J. g t!l JK:J t ::r:<()n:p(;(j 'C t \1 (j .t,:h~(; ~,.LU 'L~~. ;, t n c:; t () B j.. t f) Ct tJ n ,'] :_L" jJJ :.':J G t }} (; ~C <>J.C (:t f3 J.'(j .L Lot .1. 1),1, i510ck 9 01' HOL.L.J.i.LfJ A;;'.dJ.t.J.IJ " .3.L}~0 L()tJ 2 J4\"\ B~L1JC}: () 0.[' I{(),L,lj,,':.'j Ac1(~,j.'Cl() -""/' ') "~''', ~).L.LLIJ L01;, 7- :;; nJ<s()(;l: 9 ()i' R"o<i~.iJ..;, L) j1....-) :l.t"J*O_~'i. 7" , ,h, <.c I .) J. . J_'_.l..; 1," l l~ j" i I? In oJ::. () () L' llC l.L A'! .1.!'..LO., .31.110 10 t 5 0:1: B 10 uk 9 ,i.L Po L .'1.:11; AcLLi. LLli ~3~L.l~O L()t 6 }:~lf)ck, S) {JI" R(),L.'L :t; l\.(i. ti<),ii, .' 3,..1:.0 I,oc "7 j'i,Lt.CJCY. 9 oL HULl.:L, f:l AOr:j.U.o .31. 1!.0 LotB g p. '-) Ii Hlook. 9 0;[' RO.u.J. <. AfUUU..) <, 62. ii 0 Lot .Lv 1, 1Lu;,ck () o:t' RoLL ,. tIClll " 31. 1!.0 Lot.1 .1." iJ.LOOy..tO UJ. Roll.::. H Ad:J.r,J.o .. .31 .1)_ 0 IJot 21.:; :31.)(;k 10 ')1 Rul.L.u n A'U.L:Lu ~i3.L .If.O Lot. 3 :r? ~L t',l C}:: .L 0 (I 1 F?,i) 1 I. J..~--~ ~~; A') ~~':. ~J. t J.t) _; ; .31.1,0 Lotfl Jj. B:5~. Bloet .LU oJ. HO.LIJ. H /le' j,(io!, ()2.2~O Lot () J~ ,l() (; ~= .1 0 () J"f~() i. n A .:.<: \ J.. .~;, :1.. () -L 31.1~O JJ (I 'L 7Il PLo Ilk :. 0 'd.' HoLu!' i, Ai' c'i.J. t ].<).. .7,1.11-0 L()"t. (5 ~L F>'if) (31c. .LO I.):f l={~:')J_"L:L~~"f; A(I(11tj..c~ ~~l .:) ~L . /.1- 0 IJots ~) C. 10 ~i 62.r~O 1:3~.L{.}GJ.c ,'1_0 (J:f' RiJ.l1.J.. f) l1.ct(:!,j.t Lot B .'., 2 ,3 (;: )~ 1:;125.60 Blook: .L1 of' HoLt r: AcifU.tJ.o:: L()t ~j J.'J_J J3*1(Jck .Ll of' I{oI1lL~fl Ad__t:;.ltlO'{j , 31.J~O 11 ()t B 6 8:. "( J.. ,;,-,!. ]? ..L(, uk_ _L 1 () 1.' r~Cj.J... J~ J.. .i,'_l H Acl(Lt t li_'YLL 4:) 6 2 . (5 0 IJ()t (5 l\.''! P (;}\. .L,L <J.e r1.()J..:Li!_~:~ AdJ5.:L'l".j~O(J. ~( 31. l~ 0 Lot :31c) (j }c. 1.1 oJ.' H;Jl.!,j.i'.fi q ;Li / Ad.cLJ* L i() ~ 'J 2)1.1~O Lot 10 jy, B1ock. LL (Ji' RO.LLi g ArJ.CUU.OL!. '~I. . i~() . . . l2 J.11>~~J;;;J.O~k"1 LOtl3 1 8: 2 in .i;'Jt'<1.cd.(lJE,"l Hlr/ok 12 oi' Ro.llins Arid:.tion, a.1Go fractional Lots 1 & 2 iil fraction.Fl.l Block 18' of Wa11ich IS Ad.<U.tion ~p 62..f)-O Lots 3,~ & 5 in Blook 18' of Wallichls Addition ~p 94-.20 110 t 6 in '-310 (;1;:. lei n J' 1.~ra Ilj.cIl1 e Ac\.(H t ion l~ 1 0 ~( 3 .)~, Lot "1 j[l Plock. 18" of Vlalliohls Aoci'ition ':7 31. ii. 0 Fractional Lot S in Block IS of' Ylal1ichl s Addition i 31.40 F'ruc:'Lio.i\itl Lot 9 in Blook 12 of Rollitw Addition '~~ 31.J..~0 Lot 10 in Block 12 of Rollins Addition ~ 31.40 Lot 1 in Blocl<: J9 of Wallicl1 I s AdcUtion .'- Lot 2 in. Block 19 of 17c:.l1ic:h I C' A cl.cU. t. i 0 .n ,;> ~?31.1!.O ," 31~;r.O LotH 3, 4 & 5 J.,n 131(0)( 19 of V!D.LLich!s Ad(Ht 'ii 9I~. 20 LOt13 6 ,'5.: 7 :LL Block 19 of Wa1.U.clll[:t Ar":l.l; ':! G~2.g0 L 01;, g g, 9 E: 10 Bloc]\' 19 or .1..U.chi f; Ad.Lt.tion ;;? 91~.20 All ():C tJ I.C; Cle~: _l,r;'. ':-; t t:. 1:,B U(;].J t\) J.; [,ftc: C 1 iy o:c C~J::'dl I Bld ,H OfJJ:.'''; f'Jr[; . 8 ()C J.0),1 2. Sr:. j~f5, ff\)(}r:; 1 fj (} 1.7 (~~(t ,'~:Uj :1:' to L v "' ,11 !.j c: (l.'l.t() I':~, ~) (In()L~() c~,c~lj~::_r(l'J~(f j,t jv) t;,)C;' i,:r! tit. t~h(; L:i.l':,t('; (;1' _ nit_ }):"Ol/J. t):l .L.~:.t yr H H!)c':t,-Ll U (,': ....:,,) .Llc:n t c;6 () L1~.-l.i" (iJ3:C ~.rC{) Jr:vr III Suatio 3. The 01 o J.. c;:r.}~ t,};.C; C:L "'.c Ox,;, (! I c:, I~ nlJJ:1fl t:j}Cli, 1B !i.(JII(,)'b;-' J. f~~tX~1,JC t ('-~rt ,~l :_1,:1 ~!~~ 0 (~ 't ( .'; ('. (:r C J.LV 'c'o CCJ'!)}.t'lr 'llJ.'nh,r'IJJ:'('T 01' Hall CO'),(iLy, HI:;ij:(',:~H}:-E., ;;:I i i.K:l}J". t c~:c L\:.,:L d )~ () f:~ VI]. t}1 t 1-] (.: J./1, fJ . 1" J,O [1 T,\) co .Leo t L':1.C;'t). t~ :':;~f:~O,\j' l}T tI 8 c~c '1. lj_. Thic () )iO (;J. t ,.t. _1- i~) (.~ en :t 1~(}r:,l (': ,. Cl f'L ('::C: j, t. f; l),:<'f ~ ~: ~!.' (-!., ....~, i c-; 'l ", -Li"} ()i, t J.O :) t:" -.....J.:...l u:r }?~~t fif30rE t:l ~('! d~,-)j)J;()V(;(J f:.__2~~_ o t~___J1ugu ~_~__.~____._.___....A. D., ..1.913 . ( f30el ) il t tf~nt, : Oharles G.Ryan '~..__.~_.,--------~._~--~--- IVlr~t -:r (~ :r . H. ]1;.01 i:f.fox'd -.---.-----.--..0 J.C;::-01 ;;(C;j.::-:----.--- . . . ORDIHANCR NO. 556. A" l i.il~-':C f~ ~to'v~rJ.IIC;, {i e~)c:c 1 f3crrn:r-.a (J () ,;.!-, 0 "c. ]:~.t1, G 't. :1. c~ . i) L' 13 x C' .L": v (; (} ):~r!, f, (i_.. I ~::~ 1;,(;,,}T i! f), J-}:C~) V ,I ~, '(;i-,~_C' CC~_L S ()'iJ f~_~]:; J) 1 (~: 'C .j~ c rf f). 31-i~ 1') l" C 1 t,r U 1 ~-: (}i.7f~J;' j3 (; J. "L, () J..t:U ({ {J;.T tite; l\t<_i~li)J:. ;q G () 111.'\ C ]..L () J.; (11'::\1.,( I U.Ll "'3, H n ,. s()c.tj~(J) " .;... T~!.-'~!"'~: t (-i f~:!")(;C i(.~. J~ ~Jc'JYr()J:~ 1[; lot tJE::rlC; l b lev 1 (~d i~t ('j ;'-t fod to :.},':Y en!; (;:1(.")(;fii~C tJL O:L' il. r;cwcrnn'o't:';1J. S UI'.T(;J.' DJ.t:, G tN (). .31~ 0 :L' I /tp;ftiJ.'1st tJlf) l'::(jnl)()() J~\lC l'd, NuhI'{t (;J.~.lf)):d_ 0 fJ(i the n, 1.0 (llf;i.:C:wt l t the alUOUL,\:' ~~~\';~'jj')(~:O tj_V(:~ (),O~.iCJ:'lJ..T)-t, f .~ C::C ()(J :C f:-~ J~-() 11()'\-lI t:\ ; In RUYl:lel.l ?Jhoclc:clg Ad/].Lj.o/,.. Block. No. 37. IJ 0 t s 1, 2, 3 {?, )1. Lot 5 Lc)'L 6 11 () 't 7, J~~:~, n i,:, , ,.(, " r ) c- .L :L, .L c JJot "(, V!f;frc O'iC-}liLL:C( 1/ c~) Lot. is Lot 9 Lot 10 }3~L(,C~]\, },JCY. 3E;. Lot. L IJ 0 t c~ Li) t .3 Lot1:l 4- 8: 5 Lot b Lot. 7 Lot S J,Jot 9 IJ()t 10 Bl0(~}i::. Ne). 39. Lots 1, ;!, 3, 1/_, 5, lJ, 8: 7 tJ.O :.L . C J.Ly oJ x Lr 'lC (: c;.(){; H T G 1. I, v ,G-:(,,; l' :c1 C}l~ Tn or d. 0).1:.)0 UJ. ..~ e ,..., -/ / 1" 'V.i.",-U. 'r.L~ ""C '," c:. j. .LL '-_~ 0C" '1.') t..~ L'}. .L...!.. 11~ . 5 b .; IlL. .)' () ,. ':~;l 2(;}. 1 'j 2(). : ! ;;: ~~9.Ll ,? 2f).U 29.11 o 2~j. ~Ll 'j/ 5:3.22 'i:) 29.11 \7 29.11 ... 29.11 29 . 1.1 ~? 2S1. 11 0.3. 77 . . . ..,. ,',' L U. t~. c) L()t 9 l,e)t 10 hot J. T? ~1(~ (;E~ 1,r (j. Ji~ 0 . IJot 2 IJo't 3 IJ I) t f!, 4 8: .B Lot 0 L 0 to :3 -f (~: g 1J ;~Ji; 9, Vi e g t 1 () t ~}, :F_~i..,'~ r; Lot 10 J=3 1e\ c]-~ ]\I () It LotnL, 2 8: 3 . 1 p..... 5.. ~L t) 'l~ B .~_ (;. IJ Ii ;, s 6 8. -f 10 C ;j Lot.fJ 9 8 .LO ~.. / ,;)L.u :ct .. r~.. C) C:.L'L It.':.. . I Lo Ln L E: 2 nIl} c::;L Hil. ]~2. 1,0 G 3 1,01;. II Lot ~) L 'L 6 IJ Oi~ "( 11 ()\~ c; LotfJ 9 c- .LO ALL of I HU'.fl'S, NniJx;,: (:. t.l. j.rl i-~,i';.(j_j<t:l.()l-;,f; 'u '74 ,c 2(}. 11 29. J...l "'01 'I c::. ./ . n," ~._ 1/ 29 ~ ~L~L ~~9 . 1.1 :;, ~~{)~,l~L ,,;! 5F;-. 22 ~! ~11 ~ .1.1 5i5" 22 17.lt2 .69 'i " 4'.J...~ ~ .33 .5(j . ~~2 (:;, 5is. 22 ~'2C) . .L_oL 5;; < ;-~:;-! t:~ r:.; r) ,r" j() . c.r::. ;;~ ~~(} E ~L 1 29. Ll '~J 2~;. q{\ .J "i ~iJ c-.),,~J..~t.. " 2(}. Lt ~:.~() . .-L ~L ~-/ 5 i)' . ~~:2 to ., lite O:Lty 0.1.' Grh .tt 1 1J (;U()ll,lf~ s (;(; t i(); 2. 8;:t 1.. cl u~:-.-, {;(; _L n cn~!{-)J..-' 6. J~ n x [IY .LH1,q .'~: j 'c' Sc:ct ,-L1j iqJI(}/ft tlu:."; J.'5.H>t l,:n.c~:-c :.. .U.rJ(} col1coto<:t ct 1.:L I) e r'J1Hi at t ria.,}.:.) CI' p:cov J. clod 'tJ:,( Jj::i, Vl . l~T()]):~~l~t sJ((l, l.B :r'J.(-)~;:~()o':.r {;.r:;tx411otf3cl. -:t 3. '1'110 CJ.ty Clex't of t11c C1.GY oj,' (Lt'iUi.d 1fJli;.(;(1, (~tj.J:()ct()c1. t() C()I'tj.~C'Jr -tC) tn. C) 75 O{JllltV:r IT=r~C{t:,:-q;:cc;:tJ ox' lLt.l.L Gt.JllLtt':l, I~'r>r):C\>tGK~.l, tilt) ,~:L!:lCnJ)it r!~C ~r),i(1 c;z:~X()~----) 1qltJI t}l\] JY'i.utJ:\lJ..C-~je{)i;lS t(J o()~tl(}ut D: iH(;i:t fJ },)llO\/ ]..(1t;(1 "L)'jl IftW. Sf3CtJ.OX, If.. 'rhif3 0(' n.e) (; g}'ki 11 f)(; in \};,:'c C~ (.~ 1 Jr. () ():fi~ en) t . f'I'i)IH <Uld {t. ft C)):" l ts 9iiHr::d. ge, a:Pl)l~Ovu:1. i-i.,dct :mllJ.U.Oh tiOlt n.n required. by law. Panned a.lJl d)):,.)rovod th1s..gQ~__rtLY of:.__.M:~'Y_~L_______A. ]J., t () -1 "/: ..- / ''''-...;'.' ( 8eal ) .t\. J: f~r; t : Oharl9.S G.Ryan Mayo:!." . H.]I:. 01 ii'ford ----.- C itv C l\:):i~k .- . . . . . 77 ORDINANC~ NO'558 A' ~( Leo .U:VVl if': ;~: re").,;", J.. fjCTr()~: (!:l.t-;L.-J:'J,(;.t ....i.~ ->. (1 })<-~,:,.r ~L'(_r-J) t 1). () O\.)! 1. fJ 't; l~l.lC t j..011 U t' a;; U()\7(;~e , 1:'f(). .30 {)I' j..).L S (:VJ(.~~:~ I) 1 ::I 'L J:.~j.. c t c j~ o:c C'r 1',,: I.-.., ~-) i (t, lJ c; bI~ft [::kft, {~(;(i. I)I~U '!:L +. t (;:C~ (~ t' [~ 1() I'~ c; () () _L Gl'.ri Be j,t c':cdainod by the Ib!;t()j: I ' (d., N C ).J:('{t /iI:H ; f:; ;:(i Cou(,,,-,LL of the CJ.t,y oj:' ScctJ.o.!\ 1. Thut i:, 3))1.:0].u1 (,' J}~ rI' J,O 't: f~ (-;\.7 ():"(i x De {," '.:1,0 L~(:l Hi (; i B ~l(}'\l t ()(-7, (t) (j. .;-':: ~'~r: t;:)~,,; f,j oel t() :Clf-t ~r LjJ,() Cx])r:;}::,' (; () 't' 'L }'1 f Of) ~~ t :('llC~ .t. t()j'!. {) l' i't fWWC:r' UU~i)I).?')l SOYfCJ:' Distrj.ot No. 36 of tlw C:Lty of GI'ij!:rJ In N oln'u ska, , a n t t~(l() I~ {~) B~fJE~O 't i v () t J~~~,'t C to~:l 0 I~ '-(, G i~ lEl 'I f) ii, l.!J J:t,"! (:; (; (3 LnnlC gt tel. "~L;t)>jJjt J.n 't,;u Hnlo/xnt set oPPosj,to tllO :('0 (;r~ l-J.ve d. () 13 u~tll) tit)} ;1-5 t: J.1 f::C(;() ~C <i;: ~ i\) ..ll()~7n : In C}:aI'1en YJnuL1UJ:,1 n A(~JU.tJ.l)t\ to tIle Clt,y 01' G:C'jd(} Iij Block. No. 2N. Lot fi 1, 2 El: 3 (,:{ -J , ().--'- . 3b o:v 26 . TI <~j 27 . 80 ~,,) ~n . UO <J 26 . Tf , 26 77 ~/ . ~( ~?6 . T( ~? 26 77 JJotB 4- (52 fL) L () t 5 (51{- f't,. ) 110 t. 6 (51~ rt.) Lot 7 Lot g I, () L 9 l~(Jt ,10 Block No. 29. Lott3 1, t) 8~ 7- '- ,') Lots 4- Ce 5 Lots 6 B: "7 Lots (] 9 8: 10 , ,. 1:'1 -,/' ~" <.).. -:)0 ~,i 5J~ .1.~2 ~i~ 54. 04-2 "' Q< -, 7: i' ~? 0 ~1.. . .) 0 All of' the Ga.ia iid(ij,tj.otlS })c],ng to i:[lid in tl1.e City of' nX't If:~ l,l.(\, ~J{J S I>C~ t.:L CLi,-;' ~~. St-t ]'.rt n~j !JO l*j~.t ~Jf)Vr(~:r.:~ _L ~L 1)(; (~(,~(j B .1rJ '{; x ~Ci D C~('~Odj,(J (;_(:-1..],) ((l!l{';/,tt J.I_'i. tJ'(!. il'J(t '~_r',lf))~ L~ Lj~,jl(; })TjO<<'lj~ ;t)i~ 1.)"'7 .~_:t 1. 17 (~:, -L,L tJ() (;I).L L()O t. f~d_ t_l.!_ 'L~h,(; Ll-:,-ti :,';C~J~ ~:)~Cl)\rj./'i.c:"-J u~r Suct!.o Nt). 3. TIle C:L:.y 01 \) 11 'L~i').n C J. 'i:":t i)J. .,,' Iu Hoi)r'i~ , ].H },EU:'OOY J. tx',,--ctcd 11(:;.13'oo[:n(' :i. Lo c t"';.; " Ct'}i),t,: TI~(};',~;:'}LL(f;J' (i.C J...t CC>il. t:-/1 }\J .~-:,iLtDilf tt.tXfJf:~ llTJ. t:r'1.() IJ.iB l.J~C'UJjtjJ) f3 c().LJ..c;ct t>r,,) t};_:-~{j() S (~!) t J. () t\ lt~. T~i.t J. f-:; 0 ~"(~ cij. :Ut C c; YI. C,; " :t'r() , , ., U;,r VI. ':t.I'tc;~i:' :Ltg ~~:\<-;~ ~,:~fl" ?,/-;, <;.Y:.):2()V';_l..L r:;,: lit! ; P,,:! l:;'~ C~, !'. !Y'd ;-'{J\lt;(. ~(lJ. r~ 20" ')L~.~_~~_~~ll & ]f., .L9~L::;. A'tt-e::rL; ( Seal) _____~hgRl~lL G,. R~ran _______ tlu y u l' ..,---. JI.E.._OJ.i.i'.fnr:d-_______,_____~, C J. -;,. '~t 0.1 f _::~e k~ . 78 ~;5'9.. GTlilIXAlTCJ;:fjJ. --' k\!, .1. U (,f':/T (~':(' ..~L fi j. (j 'C. x L () :)~:~ ~.t - ,.,) -) ,,' (';("},li f:.i t:C'i.1C;' t (jLO t:tS()VJ01') l:il S(JVT(;I" r)~L L:c':Lc:~! }.f(1. _3() <J:C i'.),1.(; Ott."V" (i f' Cr I".-~ " (1 I f-; .L }J (; f)J~<i nkrt , I ; ~ . .<. J.. .L () t) _L c ei:v):!;,nor. e e ;jo 1" (, l.'i'::.{)(" i}\/' Ly}(; L'-' () (} :.t~\). d. V'())~ ,.~j {). c;CYi.Jj') (; l:L (;.L C :t I i"; .u~, (I., N eu:('~, ., Sectloi N'j. . T}\"t H:) (;0 .1 [J C:VT(~:r'i ~J.,'L ft t :el c~ x u (; e. fl;.:j~Ll() j~r~ .L(;\IJ..(;(( {:iJ ~:.!.Df:~(~H [:6. t() '}.:.;/ fjX~:)():~ HO ())."l 'CF'I,(; C(); ~.f~t):TJ4C, 'L- j" () J,1 ~) ~C (~. f~ (r.~I u:r.~ t Suwu:e D:i.L; o't No. 39 oj: (';-; If.J. \) l' (} l\it1.<L I U ,~l J.l.f;-L, t"l'l.() I' ")()O-;~J.'v'C~ i..r\, I\I (Jt):.et:t u t f5 "J :;:4 .L f) T fJ () 1: ..L':;t.11,:.....1 (j ()(; 1. !'/ Lc'~:l:.j.Gt in , " ,t U c."C ()f):~;)n f\J~ \, () ;~}] ('; ~. t LJ,C."l1.1/, l. i ; b;~ J. U. t J'.U', ]~ () D~;) c,~o ~t! j.-\1 e uu~ei~)t 'if} \", (~;() f' f,;~ I rL 1'1. Ci-. r; :r;l~~,. L~ _J\.i.~; ell t i(f Ll:t} City iLL' <r:c:,',;. I f~l H 1?, ~L() cl( 1\1 {}. 2. 1J fie :L i (1 (;Lj.d~~ri~L Lot 2, (t,c~.() (:lleo l.'I~{',1c"~:,j,(J(]jll I Lot 2 J.n Giloo:ck; AddltJ.on, Block g 2-661't. Lc)t.:::. 711-.65 In GilrJOl'T,ls Ad:JitioJl to t!lO Cj,L':T oL (}I>cllld IsLt;ict, NniJX'i:l B .).1i1Jk No. b IJOt83&4 , . . t - / 1 . . . It' ra O{; ::.:OJ il,1..L L 0 . S ~ & b, a GO F I'd C T:1. 0 (Ia .1 {i 71~. 65 IJ 0'G S 5 ?^ 6 'j '." J.,tJ. H. n. ClaI'r:IB AdcUtioil, Blook2 ,} 71~. 6fj . In H. q.. !J.L.;-LL,}~IS AdcUtioH to the Cj.ty of' Gl"'f.t:n.d IFlhT;c', Nebl'h JYU)(;]( gc. 2. Lot 7 ~-,: ~3-f. 32 Lo'~ (j ~ :J{' .32 B1oc]~: No.9. tn (Hll)(n::t I: Ac'd.i U.on Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 (52.8 ft. Lots.) ~;;1l}.9. 37 Ilot 6 ~) 29.85 Lot 7 ~.::; ~?9. ('~ 5 Lot g 29. <:55 IJot () t;/ 29. rj5 1,01., 10 '.! 29.g5 Plnoy. No. 10.1n CHlbe~rt'[) k<U.t1.on lJot L ~l} 29.85 . . . IJ ()t, f~. 101.. ~) 10 T,t.' 11 8 ,~ :'i ]~o 't H l.J 8 "( 10 o. g IJ 1.0 ..I. 0 1... / Ijo t 10 ALL (} r g'.d/' (! ," r.J~ LJ.() e I. (:1 I / :.(~!_ , :N (; iJ 1~'~-;~ S ((j t.lor:. 2. 8'J 1 "(I(')(j 1 sel'ler Uuc(>;.c' ftO.L/.J cl"'.lC" t J.' 79 ~.: 29. {15 ';1 29 ~ ;:_~~-~} ",' 59. "lei ~:A 59. 70 '/ 29 ~ ~:';5 {.) ~~9. (3'_5 ';j 29 ~ (5:J i~;_ .L'ie]. t l (; C j 'T 0 l' (+~U: c~ :<..'. c:t X C}I~~i 11 DC: (J1J.() f~! t-t 1} d, _~i.l 1.)(" (~~()~LIE)(~t(;('j ]..1.] C Jr, u:r;:(. . (:. c'; t idle: T "Ft .."1 ::.no Ii 1 ~i.()(i !J;r c ;;, J;:t:' :'1:<: '\}"].." (<'; uv f~ t. :el-j, C t c; (~i. 1_..~, ~? S (.. U '. .~jJ) ~ .3. 'I'1OlC} c J. -~...:r C 1 {,:::C'!,:;: i.} J, i 1; c, C J, [,~r () J~ G. J\- l\T (;'l)J',~{ bl~:tt, j.f; }JC~:r'C.;lj:r C(1)) , L'I' 'J'J'f;<." f;1 L:('(,J' ~ , :', 1'1",0:1 .1...1_ C01') 1'1 t. f) rr: fd<1~ , O:L 'tti x t.; t.~ "''iT J,. t:!1 to-} '_1 (;1 r D t :Cl1 c- t n t(} C(j.l~L(,(;'l .LE, V! . Scct ThJ.n OJ:'(j.]f;.j'(,o nrJ.Hl1 DC !~ . :eJ~() i ~'! (1 (~ ; :l. i. ! fo ~)i [\ i 'I ." (';':-C:' V it.L <'. ,~, If:~ 1q . PH;', C/: .. I 1:; _li:~ J" _~ . i", tje u Lev t.ot 1-1 c t:."lIC ~~l L,{"t l~j OJ: i" 1('; c: F(::~L~f: t1.f~ \:,:e()\( f);r ], i J.'o :cc (; (; J.':i.:' , (:,"l. r:! :r} }'"' c: J,e,,;:-t T ~;. F T j At t.Of:t, : ( Seal) :i.f)_...2D~.'!-._ 'IT 0 j.~~...A1.JKlJ..~:t_~...A. ]). 'I .t<' 13. (.~. _._ '~:.:):::; () "V' cc: _~..._..____Qh!aI:lf&_~JiJl~Jl.___~~...._....._____.... h{.,:,< ~t () I) _~___.....li...E...._Q.U.f:f.nr~.d.........._.__~ Gj~t~? (;lo::('y_'. . . . gO ORDINANCE NO. 560 An Ordinance creating Sewer District No. 40 ,in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, comprizing the real estate between Nj.nth and Tenth Streets and betweon Vine and Plum.. Streets in said City, commencing at the sewer on Vine street, running through Block No. Ten (10) of Russel Wheeler's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nobraska, scd.d seVlnr running from Vine street to Plum street, and. providing for the laying of a lateral sewer thro11gh said district, prescribing the manner in which the same shall be laid and assessing the costs thereof aga.inst the abutt- ing property. Whereas, there has been presented to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, a petition signed by L. J. Hanchett and others, asking that sewer be constructed through the property described in the title of tIlis Ordinance, and whereas the Mayor and council have examined the said petition and do find that the said petition is signed by the majority of the resident owners of the property subject to the assessment for such improvement. NOW, therefore, be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island; Nebraska: Sec. 1. That Sewer District No. 40 is hereby created and shall include the a11e1' running through the l)lockG hereinafter named, to-wit: Block No. Ten (10) of Russel Wheeler's Addition to the City of Grand IBland, Nebraska, said sower to run from Vine Street to Plum Street. Sec. 2. Tha t a sower aha 11 be la id a long the course above desoribed and running through sdid blocks in aocordance with the general sewer plans and specif1ca tions herotofore established for the laying of sewers insofar as said plans and specifica tions can bo carried out. Sec. 3. The entire cost of construoting said sewer shall be assessed agCl.inst the abutting property a.nd the samc shall be levied as soon as the costs can be ascertained and it shall become . . . 81 delinquent and draw interest as l)rovided by law. Sec. ~. The City Engineer is heroby authorlz ed to draw plans H.nd speclf'lca t10ns for said sewer and make an estlma. te of the costs thereof and submit same to the City Council, and shall a t once advertize for bids for the construction of said sewer in accordance with the plans and specifications, reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Sec. 5. This Ordinance shall be in force and take eff:'ect from and after its passage, approval and publieation as provided by law. PasGed and approved th,~~~d.aY of October, A. D., 1913. ( ~)e~ill--- Attest: n:.1J.Olif.ford City Clerk. Oharles G.Hyan Mayor. . . . 82 Levying Se-wer Tax ,Di8 t.}7 orcllnance NO 561 An ordinance levyiJ1[{ a special sewer District 'fax to pay J'or the construction ai' a sewer 1n Sewer District NO.37 of the Oity of' Grane! ISlanci, Nebrasl\a I and provl(Ung for the collection thereof. Be it Ordaine(l b~l the Jlilayor 8.n(1 oouncil of tllc Oi ty of' Granel Islan\l ,NebraStm. Dec.1., 2,']:1at a special seVfGl' district tax be anci the same 1s levied and assessed to pay tlle expenses 01' the construction of' a sewer through Sewer Distr1.ct NO.3? of t:tle Oity of Grand ISland, Nel")rasl\:8. ,against t:tlC respc3cti ve tracts or lots of' land ern.bracecl in said District 1n the amount set opposite the respective cl0scr'1ptions t'nereof ffi follOWS:' In nusfJel Vrheeler" s Acidi tion. BlOCk 22 IJot No .1. ~29.6l 29.67 29.67 29.67 29.67 29 . 67 29 . 67 22.1+8 Lot NO.2. rJo'~ NO.3. l,ot No. l+. IJot NO.5'. ]~ot ITa. 7.. MJt No.8. fI'he V{osterlY Forty (40) i'oet 0.1' l~ot No.lfine (9) EasterlY Twelve (12) feet of lot No.9 and I.Jot No. rre 1'1 (10) 36.86 ]'1' act j.cmal La t No. S1x (6) 0:(' Russel Wheeler 'S A0c11tton,lncludlng ]'lract1on.ln Clar'k'S Addition. 29.67 BlOCk No.2}. IJot No.One 29.67 Lot No.2. 29.67 29.67 Lot NO.3. Lot NO. l~. Lot NO.5. I;ot No.6. Lot l\TO 7' .U . . I.Jot No . 8 . ' Lot No.9. I,ot No.lO. 29. 67 29.67 29.67 29.67 29.67 29.67 29.67' 83 All of saiel Ac1di t10ns IJcing to and in the 01'~;y' of Grund . nnand , :NebraSJ~a. Gee.2. said special sewer distr ict tax 811all 'be due and l')GCOJile delinquent in tIle manner and at the time providecl by law and shall be collected 1n nw manner providecl by law._ Sec..3. 'rIle Oi ty Ol(~r'1< o:c the 01 t~T o:C Gl"nnd ISlanc1 ~Nebraska is tlOrt.~by instructed anci directed to certLCY to the Oounty 'rl"easu.rer 01' Hall oounty ,Nebraska, t~he amount of' said taxes with the il'lstruct1ons to collect the sarao as proviclecl by law. i3e c. l~. Ttlis OI'dinance shall be in :t.'orce and take ef:Cect .crom and after its passage ~approval and pUblication as: roquired by law.. passed and approvecl this I!}" clay 01" octOber A.D.191.3.. Attest (Goal) O1mrles G..R~ran H.JU.Cli:Cforct,Olty 01e1'1< . Of<&ayor. . . 'IF e4 f~f~:'>" Spec1al Sewer TaX.Dlst.38 ORDINANCE NO. S62 An Ordinance levying a special sewer district tax to pay for the constru.ction of a sewer in Sewer District No. 3g of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, a.nd providing f'or the collection thereof. . Be it ord.ained by the Mayor and. Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska'; Sec. 1. That a special sewer district tax be and the same is levied and assessed to pay the expenses of the construction of a sewer through Sower District No. 38 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, against the respeotive tracts or lots of Idnd embraced in the said distriot in the amount set oppoiste the respective descriptions thereof as follows: In Kernahan & Decker's Addition. Block. No. 16. Lot No. 1 Lot No. 2. Lot No. 3. . Lot NO. 4. Lot No. 7. Lot No. 8. Block No. 17. Lot No. L Lot No. 2. Lot No. 3. Loi No.. 4. Lot No. 5. Lot No. 6. Lot No. 7. Lot No. g. Block. No. 19 The Easterly Two-thirds (2/3) of Lot No. 1 and the . Westerly Two-thirds (2/3) of Lot No. 2 The Westerly one-thir, ( 1/3) of Lot No. One and the Easterly One-third (1 3) of Lot No. Two ( 2 ) Lot No. 3. Lot No. 4. Lot No. 5. $41. 65 41.65 l~1. 65 l~l. 65 41.65 41. 65 41. 65 . 41.65 41.65 41. 65 41.65 41. 65 41.65 1+1.65 55.52 27.76 41.65 41.65 41.65 . . . e,5 Ilot No.6. $41.65 41. 65 41.65 Lot No.7. Lot No. g. Fractional Lot No. Five (5) in Block No. Sixteen ( 16) of Kernohan & Decker's Addition and Fractional Lot No. Five (5) in Block No. One ( 1) of Charles Wa smer' s Addi t- ion. . 41.65 Fractional Lot No. Six (6) in Block No. Sixteen (16) of Kernohan & Decker's Addition including Fractional Lot No. Six (b) in Block NO. One (1) of Charles Wasmer's Addition 41.65 All of the sald additions being to and in the City of Grand Island, Neora aka. Sec. 2. Said special sower district tax 8r~11 bo due and become delinquent in the ma.nner and a t the time provided by law and shall be collected in the manner provided by law. S ee . 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby instructed and dj.rected to certify to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes wit~h the inGtructions to collect the same as provided by la.w. Sec. 4. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from a.nd after its pa ssage, approva 1 and publica tion aw provia.ed by law. passed and approved this 1511 day of October, A. D,1913. Attest: Charles G. Hyan , Mayor. H.}J. 01 if':.(Qrd City Clerk. ( Seal) . . . 86 1\'0 :l I,) frontage thereon, and, WHEREAS, on the 19" day of' February, 1913, an Ordinanoe was duly pa ssed by the Mayor and C1 ty Counoil of' said City of' Grand Isalnd, Nebraska, in aocordanoe with the prayer and petition f'iled and allowed as above stated, oreating said. paving Distriot No. Ten, and ordering the same to be duly paved, and, WHEREAS, the oontraot for the paving of' said Paving Distriot No. Ten was duly entered into as by law provided and said distriot iB lJt1 j,ng M4JrlUan ~uly paved thereunder, and, WHEREAS, it is neoessary, as provided by law, to issue bond. f'or the payment of' the oost of' said pavement and ourb1ng in said distriot, and, WHEREAS, 1t has been duly est1mated by the City Engineer of said City of' Grand leland, that the oost of' pav1ng and ourbing said d1striot, chargeable to the property owners, will be about the sum of'~n:1il'tY Elg-11t f,Ft19usand No/hOG (~~-z,gtOOO.OO) pDollars, and, WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Councll of sald Clty have caused "7 o . due notioe to be g1ven and advert1sement made asking for bids for the sale of sa1d bonds and the b1d of T!'1e F1rst Na t10nal Bank of Grand Island, Nebraska, was found to be the best and h1ghest b1d so reoe1ved wherein it has offered to pay for said bonds the prin- o1pal and aoorued interest on same to the date of delive~r and a premium of cFi.f'tl'-one Dollars "51.00). ~ , Dollars.. NOW, THEREF ORE, BI!: IT ORDAINED t by the Hayor and C 1 ty Oounoil of' the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, SEC. 1. That the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, are hereby author1zed to s1gn, exeoute and de- liver unto the First National Bank of Grand Island, Nebraska, seventy-six bonds, or se many thereof as may be neoessary, to be known as -D1striot Paving Bonds of Distriot No. Ten" of' the City of Grand Island, Nebraska.. Said bonds are to be dated November . 1st. ,191,3, payable to the F 1rst National Bank of' Grand Island, Nebraska, or bearer, at the Offioe of' the City Treasurer of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Each of said bonds shall be in the prinoipal sum of' Five Hundred Dollars, payable on the 1st. da~r €If November, 1913, and may be redeemed by said 01ty as rap1dly 130 ncls as taxes are oolleoted for the payment of said o.1:$yn as by law provided; said bonds shall be numbered oonseout1vely and shall be redeemed in the order numbered, oO~uenoing with Bond No. One, and shall draw interest at the rate of seven per oentum per annum, payable annually on the let. day of November, G.t.eaoh y.r after the de. te thereof. Eaoh of said bonds shall have lit ttached therete ten interest ooupons, payable to bearer, eaoh in the sum of Thirty F1ve Dollars, representing the annual interest aooruing thereon. SilO. 2. The Mayor and 01ty Clerk are hereby authorized to have said conds duly reg1stered &s by law provided and to de11ver . same to the sa1d First Na tlonal Bank and reoeive 1n payment for the same the face or par value thereot with aoorued interest to da te of' delivery and a premium of Fifty-one Dollars C .51.00) thereon, whioh said money shall 1mmed1a tely be paid to the City Treasurer of sa1d City, who shall keep same in a epeo1al fund to be known as "Distr1ot Pav1ng Fund of .Di8triot No. Tin" of' said City. 88 provided. however. that the Mayor and Clerk are prohibited from delivering any more bonds than are neoessary to pay the war- rants drawn against said fund for the paving of said distriot. ~ and only upon being further authorized by r~8olution duly passed by the City counoil of said City. SEC. 3. All speoial taxes and assessments levied and oolleoted to pay for the paving of said Paving Distriot No. Ten shall oonstitute a sinking fund for the payment of said bonds. SEC. 4. This Ordinanoe shall be in full foroe and take effeot from and after its passage. approval and publication. as provided by law. Passed and approved this 29"day of OctOber- 1913. Attest :- ( oenI ) H .1<;. 01 j.f:CoI'cl Oity Olerk. Crwr1es G. Fyah Mayor. ~ ~ . . . 89 ID /) Uj';!" /~".. ORDINANCE NO. 56)+. . An Ordinance orea ting Sewer Distriot No. 41 . in the 01 tv of Grand Island, Nebraska, oompris1ng the real estate between E1ghth and Ninth streets and. between Greenwioh Avenue and Eddy Street in sa1d C1ty, commenoing at the sewer on Eddy street, running through Blooks Nos. Eleven ( 11) and Twelve (12) 1n H. D. Olark's Addition and Bleok No. Nineteen (19) of Fairview Park Addition, both to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, sa1d sewer running from Eddy street west tp Greenwioh Avenue, and providing for the laying of a late~l sewer through said distriot, presorib- ing the roanner in whioh the eame shall be laid and assessing the oosts thereof against the abutting property. Whereas, there has been presented to the Mayor and Oity Ooun- oil of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, a petition signed by Thomas Dillon and others, asking that a sewer be oonstruoted through the property desoribed in the title of this Ordinanoe, and whereas the Mayor and Council have examined the said petition and do find that the said. petition is signed by two-thirds (2J;) of the owners of property subjeot to the assessment for suoh improvoment. NOW, therefore. be 1t orda1ned by the Mayor and City Counoil Gf the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Seo. 1. Tha t Sewer Distriot No lp 1s hereby orea ted and shall inolude the alley running through the blooks hereinafter named, to-wit: Blooks Nos. Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) 1n H. G. Olark's Addition and Blook No. Nineteen (19) of Fairview Park AddItion, both to the Oity of Grand Island,' Nebraska, said sewer to run from Eddy street west to Greenw10h Avenue. Seo. 2. That the sewer shall be laid along the oourse above desoribed and running through said blocks in accordance with the general sewer plans and speoifications heretofore established fer the laying ef sewers insofar as said plans and specifioations can be oarried out. . . . 90 S eo. 3. The entire oost of oonstruoting said sewer shall be a sseseed aga1nst the abutting property and the same shall be levied as soon as the oosts oan be ascertained and it shall beoome delinquent and draw interest as provided by law. Seo. 4. The C1ty Engineer 1s hereby authorized to draw Plans and speoifioa t10ns for said sewer and make an e.tima te of the oosts thereaf and submit the same to the City counoil, and shall at onoe adverti.. for bid8 for the oonstruotion of said sewer in aooordanoe with the plans and speoifioat1ona, reserving the r1ght to rejeot any and all bids. S eo . 5. This Ord1nanoe shall be 1n foroe and take effeot from and after its passag., approval and pub110a tion as provided by la w . Passed and approved this Ij II day ot:November, A. D., 1913. ( Seal ) Attest:- H. FJ. 01 il1'Ol'd) C1ty Clerk. Cllarles G. RYan) J I Mayor. 91 ORDINANOE NO. 565;; . An Ordinance providing for the regulation of pool and billiard halls in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Be it or~tined by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Soc. 1. That no person conducting a pool.ox' bj.llj.ard hall in this City shall conduct or allow to be conducted any club room in connection therewith; nor s1'1all said paoloI' billiard 11.0. 11 be connected with any other room by a door 11a ving a lock or la tch or' any other contrivance by which such door may be faatonod. ",-, ~i }.. It shall be unlawful for any person owning or conducting such pool or billiard hall to keep, maintain, allow, permit, install OJ:' in any ot.her manner have in said promiseG any buzzer, bell, gong, electric device 01" any other device whatever leading . from such pool or billiard hall to any basement or room to, upon or off such premises. SY.c. ~ Any person violating the prOVisions of this Ordinance shall be subject. to a fine of no more tllan Twonty Dollars ($20) and costs of prosecution, and shall st~lnd committed until such :t'ino and costs have i)een fUlly paid. In addition thereto, it shall be the duty of tho Mayor to close such pool and billiard hall,. and 110 porson shall ro-open such pool and billiard hall without the consent of tho Mayor, and not until tho Mayor is " sa tisf'iod toot such pool and billiard hall will be conducted in accordanco VIi th tho provisions of' this O:r.'dinanco. Soc. 9. This ordinance shall be in forco and take effect from and after its passago, approval and publication as provided by la w . Paue; ed and a.pprovod tl1j.s 1711 day of December, A. D., 1913. . At t e:st : ( Seal ) H.E. Clifford >> City Clerk. fZ:f2=~ ~~7:cr~ Refunding paving Dist.NO.7. An Ordinance charging the Oity of Grand Island ,NebI'aSlCa.,with the aeicli tional sum of six Hundred Forty Tw.o and Fift~r-One; One. HUn- dredths Dollars (~\6:42..5J.) for the Paving of l.o,cust street in Paving Dist:!,j.ct NO.7( in the city of Grand Island ,Hau-l Oounty t Nebraska, and cred.! ting the resp..ectivtt'lots and pal-cels o:f land frontj.ng on said. Locust street in said paving District at the rate of Tb.irty- tour and three tenths cents. (34-3:(10 ~;) per front :foot on said street. Whereas upon investigation it has been decided. bY the Oi t~r Council o:t: the Oity ot' Grand ISland t that the Oi ty of Gl'and ISlam shoUld bear the additional burden of the swn of Six Hun"" dred Forty Twio ~nd Flf'ty-one:; One Humred;ths DOllans (~642~.5J. ) on account of Pta\V'lng the intersections upon Locust street. There:!'ore be it Ordained bY the IH:l;yor and Oity Oouncil of' the 01 ty of Grq:n.d ISland,Nebraska,. Section NO.1. That the Oi ty Olerk shall forthwi tb draw War- rants against the Paving Fund of the City oI' Grand Island and in. favor at' the :following named. persons.ai!1d in the amounts set OPPO- al te theIir respec_t1ve names.and shall deliver such warrants to the respective p.a;yees thereof' as fOllows,: Emilie and Albert Heyde Herwy Hann, Ordinance NO. ;:66 . . ]'1' i eelr 1 cle :MenCl{ otto KirschKee Bert ha\ Lang-mann Lauretta' Campbell Grand Island Aerie NO. 378 ,Oreler ot' Eagles H ,H. Glover etals. Trus tees Al vena Hermamn Fred Beberniss ~John Horstmann . Louis veit Estate W1lhelm BielI'eldt Ruth }....Moriarty 92 $41 8h, , -;..I 56.94.- 5.4~ 3.02 l3~. 72:- J.43 35). 67i 1 7.. 49 1.75: 6.88 .49 51. 79 5).18 34.42 93 Section No.2. The City TreasureI' of the C1 ty of' Grand ISland , NebraS1<R,is hereby instruct eat to c;redit the respec;tiveu lots a.nd parc.frls:. of land described: in ordinance No.,}.1-9, and mentioned in this Section with the amounts set opposite sadd several descriptions, to-wit:: . Lot No.6 in Westervelt. S:' SUbdivision the Lot No.1 i~court" House Addition I.Jot.. NO.2> In the Court House .Addition The 80.60 Ft.o:f Lot NO.9,County SUbdi- vision BloClC No. 97i', Grand Island,NebraslCa In m:'1'nns Addi tion,Lot No.1'. & the N.t at: I.Jot NO.2 in BloCk No.X. In Hanns Add 1 tion,LotL NO. lJ,. and the So. lty; :rt. of Lot NO.-' in BlOCk lio.l In Hanns Add!!. tion ,BlOCk No.2 ~62.90 23. 07r 23. 07/ 20.58 4-6.80 27i~ 16 3O.8T 3!h 6 T 51 :ft. Fronting on Locust street in the NW. Corner of' JJot: NO.5) in Block NO.89., Grand ISland ,.Assessed to A1 vena Hermann 1.5,. rl.J.- 100.35 Ft.1n the SEe Corner of Lot No.5, BlOCk No.89,Grand ISland,AsseSsedi to Fred~ I:leberniss . Lot No.8 in BloCk NO.98,Gl'and Island 27.5)4. 4.:. 38 Lots Nos.5),6,71 in Block No.IO; Railroad Addi tion to Grand ISland 1+6.61 Section No.3:'. The City Clerk is herebY dil'ected to forth- with certifY this Ord.inance to the Oity Treasurer ,WhO shall., at once credit the several lots and tracts desc;ri'tled in: Sect,j.on. NO.2 hereof, wi th the amounts set apposite such parcels or land... sect~on No.l+I. This Ordinance shall be in :rorce and. take e:r:rect !':rom and af'ter lit$ passage ,81pprova1. and PUbliellllt10n as prov1ded by law.. Attest, ( seal) Passed and approved this 17i" day of' December ,A.D.1913.. Ch:n>les G. RYa.n,YayoI' . H.E. C11f'f'ord, C1 ty Clerk.