1915 Ordinances
Ordinance NOa587.
\j >>.
and Billiard Halls
An Ordinance regula ti....lg Pool HfU.ls
in the 01 ty Of Grand Island ,NebraSka ,prescribing the time
when t'he same may be operated and providing a penalty ;('or trle
violation thereof.
Be it Ordained bY the lA'a.yor and Oity Oouncil 0;(' the Oity
of' Grand Island, Nebraska.
section 1.
It shall be the duty of' the owners,
rcanagers,or other per,sons in c;ontrol,or h8'vlng the management
of' any pool hallaI' ailliard Hall in the City ot.' Grand Island,
to keep all minors under the age of' eighteen years out of
said hal1s,and it j.s hereby made unlaWi'lll i'or any' minor under
the age of eighteen years to visit any such pool h8:1l or
billiard: hEHl in said City .for any purpose w11atever.
Sectlon Z.
It shall be unlaWful i'or any per son
conducting a pool or billia~d hall ln said Oity to alloW or
perJnit any pOOl or billiard tables to be used for Dny pool
or billiard game of' any kind: on the ;Cirst day 0:1' the week,
co:mnchnl y call ed "Sund ay \I .
Section 3. No pool or bllliard table in any pool or
bl11lard hall shall be used for Playing purposes between the
hours of 11:30 o'clOCk P.M. and 7 o'cloC1< A.M.oi' the next day,
except ing that on Saturday nights , such tables may be used: unt 11
Section~. It shall be unlaWful ~or any person having
the management ,control or charge of' any pool or billiard hall
in said city to conduc't ,permit,H'llOW t sanction or participate
in a'ny game of' chance or in any ~amb11ng game ot' any kind
whatever in said pool or billiard hall..
section 5. Any person violating any at' the provisions
of' this Ordinance shall be sUbjec:t to a ~lne of' not less than
Five Dollars' and not more than F1i'ty Dollars ,and shall stand
COIIlluitted: until such 1'ine and costs have been paid. In acLdition
thereto, it shall be the duty o~ the M:ayor to close such pool or
billiard hall ,and no person shall re-open such hall without the
consent oi' the Mayor ,a,nd not until he shall be satist'led that,"
such hall will be c,ond!Ucted in accord.ance w1ttl the prOVisions;
o.f tJ11bs OrdJi nance.
This O~dinance shall be in fo~ce and take effect f~om
and a:Cter 1 ts passage,9;lpprOVa1. and PUblication as provicled, by
Passed and approved; this 611 day 0:1' January ,A.'M.19l5:..
~ Attest (Seal) Oharles G.Ryan,MaYOr
01 ty Olerk
Ord'! r.a'n"";, 'TO 50.8
.J.. r : '.J'~' l~.. 0 .
S 01,V e:r D i s tx" j, c't J,Pt .
An Ordinance creatj,ng SeWe:r' District .No.4Jt, in
the C:1. ty of G;pand Islan rl) NebI' asJr.8 >>commencing at Vine stree t and
x'unr:tpg' tbence throug'h BI0CkS,NOs.61t:>>63>>62,61>>60 and to t:tle
West stele of ]jots NOS.I a:nd 10 in Rloek NO.59 all in Wheeler &
Bennett's Attditlon to the Oity of G:r'and IS3..anclINebrask81>> said
SEWHU' c'Onnecting wi th tl1e sewer at Vine street I BTld provlej;:Lng for
the 1ayj.ng o:C the sewer through said District, describing the:
manrier in which tbe same shall be laid. cJnd DSSt:H1Sing the costs
thc;reoJ:: a~ajnst tbc abl1tting propert~r.
\Vhel'eas ttlere has been presented to the: Mayo]:' 811d
Ott~r OOlmc':U of ttle 01,ty of Gl'snd ISJ.and"Nebra!Ska,a pettt10n
signeel by tJames W.Ha:1nes: and otrwl"s aSKing tnat'~ a sewer b,e
cons tl'UctW.l t,tirougll the proper ty desc:r1,bed in tlle tljtQ c; of
1;1118 orcr1nanC8>>
,And W1:Hn~eas, t.bc M'gyor and Oouncil of' trw 01 ty o:f
Grand Island,Nebraska>>ftndi t.1:1at a sewel:' running through said
alley 1s a. PUb1 ie' necessity and that: the: twal '~h o.f the people,
living near said premises require ttJat a seWer be laid at onee.
Now Tll,eI'6:fOJ'C:
SectJcn 1.
That' 8evier D1strlC.t NO.1~4 is ti.erebY
created' FInd shall inCl1:tle the alleys running thr'ougl1 Enoeks 611:)
63') 62,61,60 to tbe West side of' Lots Nos...1 amd 10 in BlOCk NO.
:;'9ot" v1hooler & Bennet t 's Addi t:1. on to t'he C 1 ty of' Grand ISland,
HebraS}\B', commene1rg B't tbe sewer on Vine Ot,l'f3Ct anei rtlnning
f.WU th-westcX'l y through sH,id p.reJllises.,
Gec~tjon 2.
That a seWer shall. be laid along tlw c.oUI'se
above described. ar~d running tllrougtl tl1e said bloGlCS in accol'ClanC8
wj.th, the genex'al sewe!' Plan/? a1nd speC11:tcations heretofore estab-
1ished :Co1' the lay1 ng of' sewer S in so :fas DB SHid. Plans and
spee1:f:1ca-t1ons can be carried, outl.
8ec:tjcn 5.
~:he entire CDst o:f constructing sa1u sewer
shall be assessed. against. the abutting pl'.operty and tile same
Sfit111 be lewied; as soon USe' tbe costs can vbe aSGerta,ine~t and. i.t
shall become delinquent and ciraw intel'oat HS proVIded, by law..
8eet1on~. The 01 ty l!~ngineel' 1s hereby author11zed
to draViJ pl~'ns and. spec:.if',1 CD t:icns 1'oJ:> SD!id BoWer and ElflKe an
estjJ:lf3.:te of' the cost thereof and submit; same to the Oi.t;y" Oouncll
and when adopted the Cl.erk shall at once aclVel't:J.8f~; :C01' bids :for
Ute lX)Dstruct'ion of said sewer j.n accor'clance with the Plans 8:nd
spec:1:f'J c:at'ions,reserV'lng tlH.'J l' 19l1 t. to 1'6 jec.t any 8jnd 811 b:1.(1.S.
Section 5,. This OI'dJ.na:nce 8hal] lID :tn :f'oree amd
trrhf: offoef; from and. a:f'teJ' its pBssage ,approval 8. no. pUblication
as pr'ovided by law..
Pa,ssed and approved, this 2'0" day 0:1' ~..Tanuar'y,
A. D.1915'.
H. E.allfJ.~ordj
o i t ~r 0 1 er k .
Ohar'le s G~ Ryan,
, ORDIlfAtTCE NO. 589
An Ordinance granting to the Grand Island Jitney
Co!~any the right to lnaintain and operate motor buses for
carrying passengers along and upon the stree ts of the City
of Grand Island; defining the oonditions under whioh it
may operate; fixing the rate of tare to be Charged
passengers; providing for oompensation to said City ot
Grand Island; making ita misdemeanor tor any Company,
partnership or person to operate a five and ten cent
motor bU~line in said Ci ty without securing theretorl
a ~ranchise; and providing a penalty for the violation
of tIle same.
sec tion 1.
That the City of Grand ISland, lIfebraska,
hereby grants unto the Grand Island Jitney Co., its successo!'X.'
and assigns, the right, power and privilege to operate and"
l1la:t:tain motor bus lines for conveying passengers as publi~
carriers upon and over tIle streets and alleys in tIle C1 ty 01'
Grand ISland upon the terms and condi tions l1ereinatter set
section 2.
The Grand Island Jitney Co. shall
section 3.
The said Company shall certify to the
City Clerk the route to be taken by eaCh ot its motor buses,
and said routes shall no t be changed except upon one weel:: I s
notice, and all Changes must be certified to the City Clerk
and be on file in his office one week before said cha~es
go into effect.
Section 1~. That the Grand ISland .Ti tney Company
shall carry passengers at the rate of five cents per
fare, and shall transfer passengers from one car to another
without extra charge, provided, the passenger lTIakes a con-
tinuous trip from point ot starting to point ot destination.
Section 5. In consideration of the granting ot this
franchise the Grand Island Jitney COlnpany, its successors
and assigns shall pay to the City of Grand ISland, the
follovUng sums, to-vvi t:-
For one car operated under this franchise
Vlhere two or three cars are so operated
~.35. 00 eacil
Viliere more than three oars are so operated, the sum
Of $25.00 for each and every oar. Said sums s11al1 'be paid
yearly in advance on the first day of Ma,y of eaoh year.
Any cars put in operation atter the first day ot
l~y Shall be paid tor according to the number of months
remaining in that year proportionatelY to the license
charged for the whole year.
Section 6. Eaoh bus so operated shall have prom~-
inontlY displayed, a uniform license tag and number issued
by the City Clerk at the expense of said bus o~vners.
sectt.lon 7. It is hereby deClared unlawful tor any
corporation, partnership or person to operate upon the
streets of said Ci ty a motor bus or motor buses, charging
a five or ten cent fare, or less, tor carrying passengers,
Unless a trancllise has been granted tor that purpose" and
tlle same terms and oondi tions are imposed and accepted as
set forth in this Ordinance, provided, however, that the prov-
isions of this section shall not apply to a motor bus or
motor 'buses engaged in carrying United states mail under
contract wi til the uni ted states Government operating
between Grand ISland Post Office and Burkett, Nebraska.
Section 8. .
This francill'se shall expire on tile .30" day of
April, A. D., 19.35, and a failure to operate said line for
a period of ninety days at anyone time, shall w'ork a for-
feiture of this franchise and all rights thereunder shall
Section 9.
Any corporation, partnership or
individual, who attempts to operate a motor bus or motor
buses upon tlle streets of the City of Grand Island in
violation of Section NO.5 of this Ordinance, shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof
shall be fined in any sum of not exceeding one Hundred
Dollars ($100.00) and not less than Fifty Dollars (#50.00)
for each offense and shall stand cornnitted to the City
Jail until the fine and costs are paid.
This Ordinance shall be in force and t~ce effect
from and after its passage, approval and pUblication, as
by law provided.
passed and approved this 17" day of March, A. D.,
( Seal )
q11~L?-:' q., ~~n..._vw ~ ~ --. -. -. ~_ r-.. ., ~~_,. I , 1
H. E. 01 if'f'ord.
An Ordinance creating a paving District within the
corporate Limits of the city of Grand ISland, Hall County,
NeliraSlta, to be l{nown and designated as Paving District Uo. 1.3-
Whereas, there has been presented to the Mayor and
Council of the City of Grand ISland, Nebraska, a petition in
writir~ signed by George W. Broadwell and others, petitioning
the Mayor and Council of said City to create a paving District
and to pave the same, said District to consist of the streets and
as follows:-
All that part of Fourth street in said Clty from the
west line of Locust street to the west line of Elm street and
the property abutting thereon;
also all that part of Walnu t
street in said Ci ty from the sou th line of ]'Qurth street to the
SoutJ:lline of :b'irst street and tIle property abutting thereon.
b~d Whereas, said I~ayor and Council find that the
paving of said streets is a pUblic necessity and that said
1>e ti tion is signed 'by more than a maj ori ty of personf3 owning
parcels Of land having a frontage upon said streets, nrunely,
tI1X'E;e-fifths (3/5) of tIle foot frontage thereon,
NOW TH]lRI!~FORH.], Be it Ordained by tIle l\JIayor and
Council of the Ci ty of Grand ISland., Nebrasl{a:
section 1.
That tJ:lere is hereby created a paving
diB t.rict in tIle Ci ty of Grand ISland, NebraSka, to be lcnoV'rn
and designated as paving Dis tric t No. 13 of ttle Ci ty of Grand
ISland, Nebraska.
section 2.
Said Paving District shall consist
of tIlat part of Fourth street in said City as is contained in
said street running from the west line of Locust street to the
west 11ne of Elm street and tIle souther:G' half (s1~) ot Bloclcs
Nos. 32, 33, .3)~ and 35 and the northerly half (N~~) of Blocks
Nos. 38, 39, l~O and lH in the Original 'I'own, now Ci ty of Grand
ISland, Hall county, NebraSlca; also all tllat part of Walnut
- ___A_' -____. ".'_--'_C.______' -_~__.,.,., 'O__~""'-_'~:_~-"",,",,-___~o-"'''''--'~~'''''"'?;2"_=~~_~~'-=''''''''''''.~_'-'''''''''''~__""""'_~~~__ ., "'"..
street in said C1 ty front the south line of Fourtll street to
tIle south line of Firs t s tree t and Lo t No. 8 in BlOCl~ No. .39,
Lo t No. 5 in Block No. 'W, all tl1a t part of' the rigllt-of-vlaY
of the Union Pacific Railroad Company lying in said Walnut
~..t'''E'e +
.., .L . J "',
Lots )~ and 5 in JUocle No. 57, Lots Nos. 1 and 8 in
B.loc}{ lifo. 58, La ts Nos. 1 and 8 in Bloc1<: 6.3, Lo ts Has. )~ and 5
in }31oclc ITa. 6'~, Lots Nos. }~ ancl 5 in J310c1<:: 81 mid Lots Nos.
1 and [1 in Blocl<:: No. 82.
section 3.
TIm t said paving Dis tric t is hereby
ordered paved as provided by law.
see tion )~.
Tha t au thori ty is hereby granted to
tIle miners of tIle property in said district a.."1d almttiw.3 on
said Gtreets to file written ob,jections to such paving on or
before the first day of June, A..D., 1915.
Section 5.
The City Clerk is hereby authorized
and cl1rected to cause a notice of the creation of said paving
district to be pUlilished in tIle .C3::r:~l~c;..._:J;.l!tl;1n.d:p_afL.~)T_Jn,(JEW_~ltC!.t}llt_
for a period of no t less than tllirty (30) days from t.he date ot
passage of tIlis Ordinance and in addi tion thereto he sllall
immediately send a notice by registered mail to the last
k.nown address of each non-resident property ovmer, ow.ning or
1101.ding property abutting upon SUCll Paving Dls trict.
Sec tion 6.
That authori ty is llereby given to the
owners of the lOt.s and parcels of. land in said Paving IHstrlct
and alm t t.ing upon said. s tree ts accord:lng to tJ:1eir respec t1 va
foo t fron t.age to des igna te ancl de tElrmine tIle li1r'). ter;ial t,11ey
desire used in said Ilaving, within t.11irty '-30) daYfinext after
tIlEl passage ancl a~Dproval of this Ordinance and to notify tIle
Mn.yor and Council in wri ting in reference to such c110ice. In
the event SUCll owners fail to designate SUCll material as tn.ey
cleflJ.re shall 1')8 used in said paving in tIle mam1er and VvJ thin the
t.ime a1'Jove prav ideel, tIle ]Eayor and Council shall d.e termine ullon
Hie ma.tEn~ial t.o be so used.
section 7.
The cos t of llaving said. dis tric t,
exclusive of tIle street intersections slmll 1:)e a8f.!0SSed upon
the lOt.8 and parcels of land in said distric t especially "Llenaf1 ted
in proliortion to SUC11 'Denefl ts to be d.etermlned by tIle Mayor
and Council and to be assessed as rrovided 1)y the statu tes of
tll.e state of NebrasKa.
section 8.
The cost of paving the street inter-
sections in said Pavine District Sl1a11 lJ8 paid 1:)y tIle C1ty of
Grand ISland, Nebraska.
L"" t. 9
...,00 .lon ..
llhis Ordinance 81ml1 l)e in force and
t.ake effect from and aft(n~ 1 ts passage, approval a.nd pulJ1ica-
tion as
l)l'ovicled l;y law.
l'aBBed and approved this c!!t.{ day of ~
A. D., 1915. k
A~ . {1~
---- -- ---~fi----
~.t& ~<-I'
l.0.Z~c~~ \h \\
-----~._.---~yor .
Ordinance No.
/d .. 6~
/;\\; *,) 1/
, , \
y> \
An Ordina,ncG extending the f11'e 11mi ts in tIle C1 ty
of Grand ISland, Hall County, l\febrasl<:a, to include the westerlY
f'orty-nine ()~9) feet of Lot Ho. 3 and all of Lot lTo. ,~ in
1310Ck Ho. 78 of the Original Tovm, Now C1 ty of Granel ISland,
Hall County, Nebrasl{[i.
Be it ordained llY the lvIayor and Council of tJ:le
Ci ty of Gr;l11cL ISland, Nebrasl-ca:
Section 1. Tllat Lot lifo. )~ and. the 7JGsterly
forty-nine ()~9) fee t 01' Lot :No. 3 in Blocl\: lifo. 78 of tIle
original Town, Now City of Grand ISland, Hall County,
NebraSka, is hereby placed within the fire limits of
said Oi ty and said premises are made sUbj ec t to all tIle
provisions of t11e Ordinances 01' this 01 ty to premises wi tllin
t:llG fire limi ts, t11ereof.
Section 2. This Ordinance Shall be in force and
take effect from and after its passage, approval and
1?ublica tion as provided "by law.
Passed and approved
A. D., 1915. {!-~
tilis 2911 dav of April
" ,
IiJIayor _:::i_=-~
1 !i>6
ordinance No. 592.
An Ordinance fiXing the salaries of the Chlef of
pOlice, PatrOlmen, City Clerk, Chief of the Fire Department,
Firemen, Janitor of the Clty Hall and street Commissioner, and
repealing so much of Ordlaance No. 525 as ls ln confl1ct herew1th.
Be i t Ordained by the Mayor and Council of the Cl ty
ot Grand Island; Hall County, Nebraska:
Sectlon 1. The salary of the Chlef of POllee shall
be .85.00 per month for the flrst siX months of servlce. Atter
hav1ng served as such officer tor siX months, he silall rece! va
#90.00 per month; and after haVing served as such offlcer for
one year, he Shall recelve #95.00 per month; and after havinc
served as such off lee tor eighteen monthS, he silall recelve
#100.00 per month, thereafter, a.h4 no other fees and no other
compensation as fees or otherwlse. AnY fees payable to such
offlcer, shall be turned lnto the C1 ty Treasury.
see tlon 2. Each pa trollnan shall recel ve a salary
of .65.00 per month for the first siX monthS of his servlce as
such offlcer. .Atter haVing thus served siX months, he Shall
recelve '70.00 per month for the next sUt monthS; and atter
having served one year as SUCh offlcer, he shall recel ve 175.00
per month, thereafter, and no oriher fees and no other compen-
satlonas fees or otherwlse. Any fees payable to such offlcer,
silall be turned into the Cl ty Treasury.
pollee offlcers Who have served the Ci ty durlng
the year 1915 prlor to the passage ot thls Ordlnance, shall be
enti tled to the benefl t of the gradUated scale of compensation
as provlded in Sections land 2 hereot, and shall be ent1tled
to credi t for the t1me so served by them.
Sectlon 3. The Janitor of the Clty Hall Shall
rece 1 va 'it5. 00 per month.
section J... The salary of the 01 ty Clerk shall be
\ '\
075.00 per month.
Section 5. The salary of the Ohief of the Fire
Department shall be $85.00 per month.
section 6. The salary of each Fireman shall be
$70.00 per month.
section 7. The salary of the Su"eet Oommissioner
silall be #65.90 per month.
Atter having served in tna t otfioe
for six monthS, he shall reoeive a salary of '70.00 per month;
and after having served in that office for one year, he shall
receive .75.00 per month, thereafter.
Section (1. So much of Ordinance No. 525 as is in
conflict herewith 1s hereby repealed.
This ordinance Shall be in force and taJ.te effeot
from and after its passage, approval and publication a.s
prov! ded by law.
Passed and approved this 29" day of April, A. D.,
./' -
.' , ,~
G~ -cif: ~~
Attest: - - - - -Mi'yor7' - - - ~ ----
v1..y - terl(.
'";t€- --.
Ordinance NO. ~~9)..
An Ordinance providing for an Ocoupa tion Tax upon
eaoh parson, firm or corporation engaged in the business of
moving buildings upon the s tree ts and wi thin the corporate 11mi ts
of tIle City ot Grand Island;
providing for the payment ot a
tee for a perm t to move such buildings; pres crib ing the manner
in which such buildings shall be moved .and guarded; providing
for a penalty for the violation of the provisions of this
Ordinance and repealing Ordinance No. 511. Be 1 t Ordained b~r the
M:ayor and Oounc.1l of. the 01 ty of Grand Island,Hau.l OountY,Nebra,sNt
see tlon 1. Tha. t an occupa tlon tax of fl ve dollars
per a.nmun, pa.yable in advance, 1s hereby levied on each andevery
person, firm, partnership or corporation engaged in the business
ot moving buildings within the corporate liln1ts of the City ot
Grand ISlanU, NebraSka.
Section 2. All persons Who shall desire to engage
ln the business described in section one of th1s ordinance,
Shall, before engaging 1n sald bUSiness, present to the City
COUllCil of said Cit,ytheir written request for permission to
engage in said business, and present for approval a bond with
two good and sufficient sureties or one surety company
au thorized to execute said bonds.
Said bond shall be 1n the
sum of t'i ve hundred dOllars, condi tioned that the said appli-
cant 11i11 observe and obey all the ordinances, regulations and
orders of said Oi ty in reference to moving buildings therein,
and that he will use due diligence in performing said work,
and will pay for all damages to the streets, walks, cross-wa.lks,
cUlV"erts or otller property ot' the said Oi ty that lnay be
caused thereby, and Will pay all da.:mages wh1ch may be occas1oned
to the property ot said 01 ty, or to pr1Ya.te property caused by
said applicant in said business.
Section 3. Upon approval of said bond, the Oi ty
Treasurer shall 1ssue a receipt for said occupation tax, and
said receipt shall be the authorit,y of said person to carry
on and conduct sa1d business until the 30" day of Apr1l
fOllowing the date of issue of the same.
see tion 1~. ADY permit gran tedunder this
ordinance may be revoked by resolution of the C1 ty Council ot
said Oi ty, after notice to the person so taxed it the Ci ty
Council Shall find that said person has failed, neglected or
refused to Obey and observe the ordinances, rules, regulations
or orders of the proper officers of said City in reference to
moving buildings therein, or in reference to the occupancy
of the streets and alleys of the said City for said business,
and any person whose permit has been thUs revoked shall not be
granted another permit for one year therea.fter.
Section 5. NO buildings shall be left on the
streets of this City over night without being guarded by at
least two red lights to be placed thereon, under the direction
of the street Commissioner of said City.
Section 6. No person, firm or corporation
engaged in the business of moving buildings as provided in th1s
Ordinance shall move any bu11dings upon the streets, avenues
or alleys ot this Cit,y until the Street Commissioner and the
Light Connn1ssioner of said Ci ty shall have been notified of
the route proposed to be taken in moving such buildings.
In the event tl1a.t such proposed route does not meet
with the approval of the Street COlmnissloner and the said L1ght
Commissioner, such route shall be changed by the ovmer of the
moving apparatus to be used on said job to meet the regu1re-
ments of said street Comm1ssioner and said Light Commlssioner.
When said route has been approved by said Street SOlDm1ss10ner
and said Llgh t Commie sioner , the sum of one Dollar '.1.00)
shall be pa1d to the 01 ty Clerk for a perml t for the moving ot
each and every bullding upon the sirae ts designs. ted in said route
__"~:_,_~_,;,,,-,,'~~-",~_,.,_~,---,",_._.,~.~.; _" ..__....__:__~'",.._.._:......-..--"..c~_~.,..~""".""',~.._.__._~-_~~__~____~~_.;._.."~;}.~.~~~.N_--'._~.,,,__,,~'-""""'-'-~~__,,~_~~.~_-'-'-""_.__~
Said money aball be paid to the City Treasurer by said Ci ty
Clerk, a.nd credited to the Genera.l Fund.
section 7.
.Any person, tirm or corporation WhO
sball enga.ge in the business of moving buildings in the C1 ty ot
Grand Island upon any ot the streets, avenues or alleys thereot
without first obtaining a permit as herein provided tor, or who
smU move any buildings upon said streets, avenues or alleys
without first having paid the tees herein provided tor, or who
shall move any building upon any routs not firs t approved by
the street Commissioner and said Light Oommissioner of said C1t,y
or who shall move any bUildings upon said streets without
guarding said buildings wi tll red lanterns in the night time,
shall upon conviction thereof be guilty ot a m1sdemeanor,and
fined in any sum not exceeding '25.00 and costs and stand
C0111111i t ted until the fine and costs are paid.
See tion 8.
Section 9.
Ordinance No. 511 is hereby repealed.
This Ordinance shall be in torce and
take sf tee t from and atter its passage, approva.l and publioa-
tion as provided by law.
passed and approved this
'16" day ot SUne. A. D.,
~ -q #
( Seal)
~kO-~ ~ ~ <c---.
- - - - - - Mayor - :..- -'.~ - -
ordinanoe No. 594
An orcUnance cha.:nting the names 01.' the varlous
streets ln the C1 ty ot Grand ISland, Hall oounty, Nebraska.
Be it Ordalned by the Mayor and Ci ty Councll of the
ctty of Grand ISland, Hall County, Nebraska:
Seot1on 1. That the street now designated as
Grand Avenue in Lambert's Addition to the City of Grand ISland,
Nebraska, shall llereatter be known as Tart Avenue. That the
street now designated as uAu street in Dill & HUston's Addition
shall hereatter be known as AlPha street. That the street
now des1gna ted as !~B" street in Dlll Be Hus ton IS Addl tlon shall
hereafter be known as Beta street. That the street now
des1gnated as First Avenue in South Grand Island shall hereafter
be known as Bismarok Road. That the street now designated as
Second Avenue in South Grand Is1and shall hereafter be known
as .Agate street. That the street now designated as Third
Avenue in South Grand ISland shall hereafter be knOwn as
Oarbon street. That the street now designated as Fourth
Avenue in South Grand ISland shall hereafter be knOwn as De1(,Wam
street. That the street now des1gnated as Fifth Avenue in
Sou th Grand Island smll hereafter be known as Emerald Street.
That the street now deslgnated as Harrlson street 1n West Park
Addition shall be knOwn as Wl1son Street. !hat the street
now designated as Arthur street in west p~ Addition and west
View Add1 tion shall be known as MoKinJ.ey Street. Tha. t the
street on the South side of Seotion No. Eight (8), Township lT9.
Eleven (11) North of Range No. Nine (9) be named :Bentley Road.
Tbat the street now designated as George street in Loan's SUb-
divislon be known as Loan street. That the street now desig-
nated as George Street in Bogg I S & Hill's Add1 tion be named
SObouraup street. That the street nowdes1gnated as Jolm street
in Bogg's & Hill'S Addition shall hereafter be knOVal as Olear.y
street. That the street now designated as soott Street in
West Park Add1 t10n sha~~ hereafter be known as Topaz street.
Tba.t the Street now designated as Grand Avenue in packer &:
Barr's Add1 t10n and ;packer 8= :Barl- I s Second Addi t10n shall
hereafter be known as RUby Avenue.
That the Avenue now
designated as B1smark Avenue in Pleasant Home Add1 t10n shall.
hereatter be knOwn as otto street.
That the street now
deSignated as Diamond street in Lambert.s 4dd1t1on smll here-
atter be known as Denver street.
That the street now designated!
as Howard street in un1versity plaoe shall hereafter be known
as Milisen street. That the street now designated as Garfield
street 1n :Baker's Add1tion Shall hereafter be known asJ~~_
Section ~.
This Ordinance Shall be in force and
take effect trom and after its passage, approval and pUblioation
as provided by law.
passed and approved this ...J.Q.!! day of June, A. D.,
( seal)
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1,'nlOJ'oas, thOl~e husbocn presented to tIw }{ayo:r ami tIle 01 ty
Council of the Oit~t 0:1.' C.yla~:l(l rE~1(,u1.(lj tho petition Of'I3J?8:clst:reot
& 010no118 o o J:ll:)8. mr j tho oWn.al? 3 of' BloelCB SevonteCJl (rr) :E: i, t con( 16)
ancJ, l:t'Hct:ional block Nineteen., (19) in JDvan' 8 Acl<li tion to the Oi,ty
of' G~c and J.olal1.cL" Heb.l'D-:.:)}.:aj 1? eq\..lOsting tho vacat ion ot' that part
01' Poplar f3 troet unci B0Ul nt:1:' oot running between said blOCks}' al1ct
also t'he alley rurming through said blocX ?;;:lg;l:ltecn (Un..
Ancl wllOroas, the OOJl1.ui ttee on streets an41 Alleys, upon duo;
examination'jhave reported thereon); have reCOIIL!1iended that the sam e
be vacu"eed'j which said report has been adopted and approved by
tho CounciiJJ~"
Therefore j~e' 1 t ordained by the :MjJ.~ro.r and Oouncil of
the c:tt~r 0:(' Gran.cl ISland, Neb!'aSl~a':'
SC-c..,r--That that part ot: popl:;u~ street: running between
bloc!J': Se'iTenteen'( 17) qnd Eighteen (18) and that part of Bea-l stl'cell
l*ulurln g between; block Eighteen (18) and Fractional BlocK Nineteen
(I9~ and. tlH~ alley running through blocK E1g11teen (18) all in Evan'S
Addition to the Cj.ty o:r Gran(l I'81Hnd~ nebraS1':a~ be and the same ~','
~01:iY" Vacated~,
Sec.~S~h1s Ordinancit, ,shall be in ;f.'()):HI;(;l and tal{c e:t:f'eCC";t.
1'J;'oro. and aft e'J' its pa.ssage. Ul'"jproval and PUblication as bylaYf
prov,!tded'. "
PaBB'od and approved., thj,s ...,.;1;I.fI~ ...~jlay of .~U~.l_19l!;..
s 19n{1d1;j ,
&.h~~.v~""~;~~\''''"V i"'.""~W
At test:'~
01 ty Cler~~."
- 'jj;"i"-.t.-_.,~.
ordinance no.
An ordinance creating a Paving District within the Cor-
porate Limits of the City ot Grand ISland, Hall county, NebraSka
to be l.~O\rn and designated as 2a.ving District Iro. I'k
vnlereas, there has been presented to the Mayor and Council
of the City of Grand ISland, Nebraska, a petition in writing,
peti tioning tIle Mayor and Council of tile City of Grand Island
to oreate a Paving District and to pave the same,said District
to consist of the alley, as follows:-
_ 'f11e alleysin BlockS Has. Sevel1.ty-nlne (79) and E1gh ty
(gq ot' tIle Original Town, now City of Grand Island, Hall County,
Nebraska, commencing wi th the easterly side of VVJ:1eeler Avenue
and rumting to tIle wves terly side of Pine stree t and tIle 'PrOl1er-
ty abu t tine; thereon.
And W'llereas, said Mayor and Council find that the paving
in~id alley is a public necessity.
NOW THEREFORE, Be i t ordained "by the Mayor and Council of
the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska:
Section 1.
Tllat there is hereby created a paving district
in tIle Ci ty of Grand ISland, Nebraska, to be l\:noW'n and desig-
nated as Paving Dis trict No. 11~ of tIle C1 ty of Grand ISland,
Ne'brasl::a .
Section ~.
Said Paving District Sl1all consist of ~locks
Nos. seventy Nine (79) and Eighty (80), and the alley therein
contained to be paved runs from tIle easterlY side of vVheeler
Avenue to the westerlY side of Pine street.
Section 3.
That said paving District 1s hereby ordered
paved as 'Provided by laVf.
See tion lj..
Tha t au tho1"i ty is hereby granted to tIle
owners of tIle property in said district and a1mttil1g on said
alley to file written objections to such paving on or betore
the thirty-first day of AUgust, A. D., 1915.
Section 5.
TIte Ci ty Clerk is hereby au thol"ized and
directed to cause a notice of the creation ot said paving dis-
trict to "be published in tIle Grand ISland/ In(le:penden t,
for a period of not less tllan thirty (30) days
from tIle date of' passage of this Ordinance and in addi tion there-
to lIe shall irmnedia tely send a notice oy regis tered mail to the
last l<no\r.n address of each non-resident property owner, owning
or hOlding property abutting upon such Paving District.
Section 6.
That autllori ty is hel'eby given to the ownel'"a
of' the lots and parcels of land in said Paving District and
abutting upon said alley according to their respective foot
frontage to deSignate and determine the material tlley desir.e
used in said paving, within thirty (.30) days next atter the
passage and approval of tIlis Ordinance anr1 to notify the Mayor
and Oouncil in wri tine in reference to suell choice. In the
event SUCh owners fail to desig~~te such matel'"ial as they desire
shalllJe used in said paving in tIle manner and wi thin the time
above provided, the Mayor and Council sl1all detel~une upon the
lnater1al to be so used.
Section 7.
The cost at paving said district, shall be
assessed upon the lots and parcelS of land in said district
eSl)ecially bene!i ted in proportion to sucll 1:Jenefi ta to be
detel~ined by the Mayor and Council and to be assessed as
provided by the statutes of the state of Nebraska.
Section [5.
This Ordinance shall be in force and take
effect from and atter its passage, approval and publication as
provided by law.
Passed and approved this ::':. _ day of JUlY, A. D., 1915.
( <:1pC'il )
" 1.-) .,-/{,..
CftlD.J?I.o fJ (}. I;Z:y"r01'fOS<
-- - -- - -- -- ...~-- IUYOR -- -- -- -- -- -- --
." . ~',j:; "O:t i~t~':L
- - - - -CITY CLERK - -- - - -- --
Ordinance No. ~)., u
An Ordinance creating a Paving District within the Cor-
porate Limi ts of the Ci ty of Gra..'1.d ISland, Hall County,
Nebraska, to be knovm and designated as Paving District No. 15.
'Vhereas, there has been presented to the Mayor and Council
of the City of Grand ISland, NebraSka, a petition in writing,
petitioning the Mayor and Council of the City of Grand Island
to create a Paving District and to pave the smne, said District
to consist of the streets and property as fo~lows:
All that part of Pine street from the south line of Second
stref:t to tile soutl1 line of First street, in said City, and
the property abutting thereon; alSO all tJ:1at I;lart of First
street in said City from the east line of Pine street to the
east line of Locust street and tlH~ property abutting thereon.
And whereas, said Mayor and Council find tl1a t tIle paving
of said streets is a public necessity.
NOW TID~RfTIFORE, Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Council
of the Ci ty of Grand ISland, Hall County, Nebraslca:
section 1. That ~lera is hereby created a paving district
in tIle Ci ty of Grand ISland, Nebraslca, to be lcnOlim and designa tad
as Paving District No. 15 of the Ci ty of Grand. ISland, Nebrasl<:a.
Section 2. Said paving District Shall consw t of all
that part of Pine Street from the south line of Second. Street
to the south line of First street, in said City, and Lots Nos.
One (1) and Eight (g) 1n Block No. seventy-nine (79) and Lots
l\1"os. Four (l~) and :In va (:n in Block No. Seven ty-eigh t (78)
oftlle original Town, now C1 ty of Grand ISland, Hall County,
Nebraska; alSO, all that part of First street in said City
fronl the east line of Pine street to the east line of Locust
street and Lots Nos. Eight (g), seven (7), the southerly halt
ot Lots Nos. Five (5) and Six (6), all in Block No. Seventy-
nine (79) of the original TOvVll, now City of Grand ISland, Hall
County, Nebraska; and Lot No. One (1) of westervelt's Sub-
division of Lot No. Six (6) of the county SUb-division of
the West Half of the south west Quarter (wi sw?d of Section
Ho. Fifteen (15) in Township 1\1"0. Eleven (11), Ra;ooe No. lUne
(9) West of the Sixth principal Meridian in Hall county, Nebraska.
Section 3. That said paving District is hereby ordered
paved as provided by law.
Section )~. That autl10ri ty is hereby granted to the owners
of the property in said district and abutting on said streets
to file written objections to such paving on or before the
thirty-first day of AUgust, A. D., 2915.
Section 5. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and
directed to cause a notice of the creation of said paving
district to be published in the Grand Island Independent,
for a period of not less tllan thirty (.30) days
from the date of passage of this Ordinance and in addi tion
thereto he shall i~nediatelY send a notice by registered mail
to the last knO~vn address of each non-resident property owner,
owning or holding property abutting upon such Paving District.
Section 6. That au thor1 ty is hereby gi van to the owners
of the lots and parcels of land 1n said pav1n~ District and
abuttine upon said streets according to their respective toot
frontage to designate and determine the material they desire
used in said paving, within thirty (30) days next after the
passage and approval of this Ordinance and to notify the Mayor
and Council in writing in reference to suCh choice. In the
event such ovv.ners tail to designate such lnaterial as they
desire shall be used in said pav1ng in the manner and within
the time above provided, the Mayor and Council Shall determdne
upon the material to be so used.
Section 7. The cost of tile paving of saiddlstrict,
exclusive ot the street intersections shall be assessed upon
the lots and parcels of land in said district espEfolally bene-
fi .ted in proportion to such beneti ts to be determined by the
:Mayor and Council and to be assessed as provided by the stat.-
utes of the state of Nebraska.
Section 8.
The cost of paving the street intersections
in said Paving District shall be paid by the City of Grand
Island, Nebraska.
Sec tion 9.
This Ordinance shall be in force and taJ<e
effeot from and atter its passage, approval and publication
as provided by law.
Passed and approved this 2!W day of JUlY, A. D., 1915.
C')..~~?~{):Lc)s c~* !;.~~rD~:[l._
...... - -- ~ ..,.- MAYOR ...... -- -- - - -- - -- --
r <:'0'01 '\
\ t..J {.":......,,
>. !~ Ii >,~ _ C1 :Li:C:L" ~J~V cT.,
- - -- -CITY CLERI( - - - -- - - -- --
Ordinance 1'1"0.
r; q()
~-~ --
lUJ. Ordinance levying taxes in the City of Grand ISland,
Nebraslca, for the fiscal year commencing the 9" day of
August, 1915, and ending the Second Monday in AUgust, 1916.
Section 1.
That there is 11ereby levied and shall 'be
collected in the 111-'1nner provided 'by law u:pon all 'property,
real, personal and mixed, of every kind and character with-
in t.Ile corporate Limits of the Ci ty of Grand ISland, Nebraska,
for tIle fiscal year cOlmnencing Augus t 9", 1915, and encllng
tIle f:lecond Monday in August, 1916, on eacll dollar of the
assessed valuation of said property, taxes as follows and
for the following purposes, namely:
The sum of four (If.) mills for tIle 'purpose of paying tIle
interest on the bonded indebtedness of the City and to
create a sinking fund to 1?ay the principal thereof at matur~-
The sum of twelve and one-fourth (12l) millS for the gen-
eral revenue purposes of said City, inCluding salaries of
City officers, care of streets and alleys and for street
crossings, for lighting streets and pullliC buildings, to
pay tIle incidental expenses of the Ci ty, for flushing,
extending and repairiW~ sewers, and for park purposes.
The sum of three and one-fourtll (.3-!-) mills for the pur-
pose of paying the expense of tIle pOlice Department.
The sum of four and one-fourth (I",,}) mills for the purpose
of paying the expense of maintaining the Fire Department,
procuring apparatus, to pay hydrant rental, purchase new
hose, pay salaries and incidental expenses.
TIle sum of one (I) mill to pay for the support and
maintenanoe of tIle PUblic Library.
The sum ot five (5) mills for paving street and alley
intersections and spaces opposite public buildings.
The sum of one-llalf (~-) a mill forthe expense of main-
taining the Grand Island Cemetery, and for improvements
The sum of one (1) mill for apPl'opria tion to aid in the
construction and re'pair of municipal highways outside of
the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as provided by Section
1, Article 1, Chapter 52 of the Revised statutes of Nebraska.
The sum of one (1) mill to create a fund to be Imown
as a. "Park ]lund" and for tIle purpose of pux'cl1asinJ;':: or
procuring a Public Parl<: for said Ci ty.
The sum of tllI'ee dollars ($3.00) on eac11 and every male
resident of' said City between tIle ages of twenty-one (21)
and fifty (50) years, excep t such as are exemp t by law', as
a pall tax.
The sum of $20.00 is hereby appropriated tor tIle pur-
. tor
pose of paying/ the ins taIling of E;~lectrolier street liglltS
along the northerly front of the west one-third (W 1/3) of
Lot No. Three (3) in Blocl\: No. Sixty-eigll't (68) of tIle Original
'rawn, now Ci ty of a.rand ISland, Hall county, lJebraska; and
tl~t a special assessment for the in~rovement on said prem-
ises is hereby levied upon said premises for tIle sum of ~~20. 00
and tIle same shall be collac ted a s a separate tax in addl tion
to tIle tax for general purposes, accord,ing to law.
The sum of $20.00 is hereby appropriated for the purpose
of Ilaying for the construction of a concrete sidewalk along
tIle easterly side of Lot Ira. J?ourteen (11~) of tIle county
SUb-division, being part of the South Half of the South East
QJuarter (s-'1~ SEt) of section lio. Sixteen (16), Townsllip l:Io.
Eleven (11), Range No. Hine (9) in Hall County, Nebraska,
and that a special aSSeSSJllent for tIle inJ.:proverrlE'n t on said
premises 1s hereby levied upon said premises fOl'tl1e sum of
~~20. 00 and the same Shall 1Je collec ted as a separate ta,"{ in
addi tiOD to tIle tax for general IJurposes, according to law.
Section 2.
The City Clerk 1s hereby inBtructed to
cer.tify the foregoing levy to the County ClerJ::: of Hall
Conn ty, :Nebraska, to be J?lac~cl on t11e tax li s t as l)l"ovi dad
by law.
section 3.
This ordinance sh~ll be in force and take
effect from and after its }?as.sage, a'pproval ancl publication
as provided by law.
passed and approved tl1is ~ t~ay of JUly, A. D., 1915.
{J~12 /J . 'e:" C)
4 Oo___L.LiLJ'\j ~ ~\! t '...~- C-J..-- 'Cfl:.__<<._J~.
"-~ ~, {\
---..... -~,--~------~,--...-----
~-;- CL'F~RK
Ordinance lio. n
Being the "AnnUal Appropriation Bill" of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska, for the fiscal year commencing the
second Monday in August, 1915.
Be It Ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City ot
Grand ISland, Nebraslca:
section 1.
That the sum of $8, 775. 00 is hereby a-pp~o-
priated for the purpose ot paying the interest on the bonded
indebtedness of the City and to create a s1nJ..:ing fund to pay the
principal thereof when it becomes due.
Section 2. That the sum of $]~,koo.oo or so muoh thereot
as l~~Y be necessary is hereby appropriated out of the general
fund of the City for the purpose ot paying the salaries of the
City officers ~dr the enmling year.
section 3. That the sum of $9,000.00 or so much thereof as
lnay be necessary, 1s hereby appropriated out of the general fund
of said City for the purpose ot paying the expenses and bUild-
ing and repairing streets and alleys, Cleaning streets, putting
in gutters, cross walkS, sidewalks and other street and alley
see tion I~.
That the-sum of $6,500.00 or so much t11ereot
as n~y be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the general
fund of said City for the purpose of paying the expense of
flushing sewers, extend1ne;ma1ns and repairs.
section 5.
That the sum of ~11,000.00 or so much thereot
as may 'be necessary is 11ere'by appropriated out of the general
fund of said Oi ty tor the purpose of paying the expense of
light1n~ the streets ,and alleys ro1d pUb11c bUildings of sa1d C1ty~
see tion 6.
That the smn of $5,000.00 or so much thereot
as nny be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the general
fund of said C1ty for the purpose of paying incidental expenses
for the ensuing year.
Section 7. That the sum of ~500.00 or so much thereof as
outside of the City of Grand ISland, NebraSka, as provided by
sec. 1, Art. 1, Chapter 52, Revised statutes of Nebraska.
sec tion 15.
That the sum of $2,500.00 or so nuch thereat
as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for tIle pur:pose of
creating a fund to be knovun as a Park Fund and for the purpose
of plU1cfr~sing or procuring a Public Park for said City.
Section 16. That the sum ofiA~,ooo.oo or so mucll tllereof
as may be necessary is hereby appropriated for the purpose
of paying the expenses of tIle cemetery, including salaries,
labor" incidental exp enSeS and improvements.
Seetion 17.
TIlis Ordinance shall "be in force p,nd take
effect from and after its passage, approval and pUblication as
provided by law.
Passed and approved this 2:1.11 day of JUly, A. D., 1915.
C'~ -, r)~pJ (, C1 (l. ~r"'.i t-q',o'
J.LI_ . .n,.> . ;l'..:;.:..j ~ l
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J. i
.An Ordinance creating a paving District to be knmV'n
and designated as Pavil1fj; District No. Sixteen Fvitllin tl1e
Cor:pora te Limi ts of the 01 ty of Grand ISland., Hall Ooun ty ,
vmereas, there has been presented to the Mayor and
Council of the City of Grand ISland a petition in writine;
signed by l~rving JJ. Augus tine and 0 tIlers, pet! tioning the
Mayor and Council to create a paving district and to pave the
street in the same, said district to consist of the street
and premises descri"bed as fOllOWS;
All tllat part of Second street in ~id C1 ty from tlle
easterlY line of Madison street to the westerly line of
Harrison Street and the property abutti!~ thereon in
Ke,rl1011a.n & Decl\:er IS Addi tion.
And vvllereas, t he Mayor and. Council find tf1a t tIle ~paving
of th? street is a public necassi ty,
NOW THEREFORE, Be it Ordained by the Mayor and 'Council
of the City of Grand ISland, Hall County, Nebraska:.
Section 1.
Tllat tl'lere is 11(,e,reoy cre:J.ted f.1]Jav1ng
district in the City of Grand ISland to be known and des-
ig.natecl as IJav.ing :District 11'0. Sixteen.
S~ction i::.
Said PaVing District shall consist of that
part of Second street in said City as 1s contained in said
Street runnins from tlle eastel'ly line of 1\!adiso:n street
to tIle wes t erly line of Harrl Bem S tree t.
Seetio,n. 3.
TJ:la t said Second street from tIle eas teJ:'ly
lino of Madison Stl"'ee,t to tIle w-esterlY line of Harrison
street 1s 11ereby ordered paved as provided by law, said ]Jav-,~
ing to be forty ()~O) feet in wid tll, tl1a tis twenty (20) feet
nortllerlY and twenty (20) fee t sou therly from tIle center
lir1J:. of said Seconcl S treat.
Section iJ..
'1'n' a+, t elf' ~l"'1"D alon OJ' ..., a 1 k b J. '1
J. - ~ J. - - <.-1.. ,i:.., -.j] 0 (.. S a u....c ng
] -7'c:
. i U
on so mucl1 of said Second street as is ordered Ix.wed, shall
run 11arallel wi til tile cel1 tel' line of saicl Second street,
twenty (20) feet distant therefrom.
Section 5,
T118. t autllori ty is 110reby granted to the
owners of the proper~1 in said district and abutting on said
streets to file written objections to such paving on or
"before tIle twenty-firs t day of sep te111rJ er, 1915,
section 6.
TIle City Clerl< is llereby authorized and
diree tecl to cause a no tice of tIle creation of said 'paVing
(US trio t to 'be pU"l.)lislled in the Grand Island Daily
Independent for a period of not less tllan tllirty (30) days
from tll9 cia te of passage of tIll s Ordinance an(l in addi tion
tllEH'eto he ~3hall immediately s8,nd a notice by registered
mail to the las t lcnown addJ:-8SS of eac11 non-rE\siden t property
O\:JrlE'l", owning or holdine; p:ropf.~rty a"bU tting upon suell paving
Section 7.
Tha t au tIlori ty is hereby e;i ven to the
oW.nsrs ot the lots am'!. parcelS of land in said Paving Distrltct
and abutting unon said streets according to their respecti~e
foo t frontage to des igna te and (1e termine tIle 111a terial tl1ey
desire used in Bald ])8..ving, wi tlrLn. tllirty (30) days next
aftE;,l' t:llP passagE) and approval of this OrlUnance a11(.'1. to notify
the }'iIayor and Council in wri tine in :reference to SUCll choice.
In tlH:1 event sllcll owners fail to designate such material as
tJ.lf.~y desire s11all 'be used in flaid paving in tlle manner anc.l
wi tI1in tIle time above ~i!rovided, the Mayor and Council shall
determ.ine upon tIle material to rJ8 so used.
Section S.
The cost of paving said district, exclusive
of tIle street intersections, sl1al1 1'J8 assessecl upon t118 lots
and 11arcels of land in said district es pecially benefi ted
j.fl propor t10n to S1.1Ch "D enafi ts to "b e de termined by tIle Mayor
a11c1 Council and to b~' assessed as provicled by tlle statutes
of nle State of NebraSka.
'1 "'0
,.. , /
Section 9.
The C08 tot' paving t116 s tree t in tersec ti ons
in said pavi.ng District Sti;:Lll l)(:~ I?a1(1 by the 01 ty of Grand
Island, Nebraska.
Sec t:Lon 10.
This Ordinance snaIl DEl in force and
taKe effect from and after its lj<3,ssage, approval anc1 pU1Jlica--
tion as I)I'ovicled 'tJY law.
passed and <1J?pl"oved this __J:.~._ day ofG!Ol:rtlelc1t)pJ'A. D.,
f "'('r'1)
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Ordinance Iro. _ (~Q~__
,All Orclinance '.91'01111.; i tine 18..1)01' in "oal'1:H:)1~ sl10ps
tn tlH) City of Grand ISland, Hall County, lfebras}::1, on tJ18
:Lirf~t day ot tIle WEH:)1:: commonly called Sunday, and providing
for a lIenal ty tor tilE: viola t,ion tJlereof.
EE' It Onlainec1 By TIle I,Iayo:c eXld COluw:ll (Yl t.Ilt'! 01 ty
of Grand ISland; Nebras}s:a:
Section l.
I t is 1181.e1)y deClare(l to "oe unlawful for
any person to op'2'n, o}?cra te, conduc t or 'Perform wo:cJ:e or labor
of a11:y lc1nd in :-::my "oa1'1.)(:;1' shop in the 01 ty of' Gra~:d lEland,
Hall C;oun ty, :l:TebraSl:a, on the tirs t day ot t1le weel\: commonly
called Sunday, provided 110VIJever tl1o..t this Ordinance 8110..11
no t 1)8 COllS tl"UEh.1 to emin~ace the sweepil1JZ or clean:1:ne; ulj at
sucl1 1)ar1Jf)1' S}:1011 on tb.e -part of tJ:l8 owner or any employee
Section 2..
PJ~ person who viOlates the provisions
of Section 1 ot this ordinance, shall be liable to arre~t
and tine(! in any 8lUl1 not exc(-)0dlng Twent.y Five Dollars (~~2f).OO)
and 8J.18.11 s tancJ. cOlmn1 tted un t.il :::mcl1 fine and cos ts 11'1ve bee11
Section 3.
T:llis Ordinance sl1all '1)$ in foro(:! and talte
from and af tE'.C
1'" C!
p::tBSa[~E1 ,
approval and pul)llco..tion
as l)~V
lav:i provided. / 1/ ~ ~
Passed an(l approved. this _ _ .~ day 0 f A'llt',lUi L J A. :0.,
_~~... _ __.~ 5~~~-
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An OrdlM.t\O. ~utl1t)r:tal~ tM ~~ .sM,Ol,tyC:14)jt)tGt
,_ 01 tYtJf ~ lal.tmd JI ~bJ:!$.S., to0Jt.\~t$ a_.l..l.,e~ to
S. J. RQ$$, G~ndXsland, ..l1lta~ ,Plt""",$lJt ,,,6) .n(la~ '&:<'1 bt
.1mGwna.S4Dl"trlet ~.,,1ng ilOnd.s not Dl..ttt., It\l111b.~r 'bt~t.f)n( l' ),
f)t the01ty of G~~a%SlA~MJ :fGbRl_, pftVld.t~ '1~ tll. ()~M."l()nSJ
to. and ~11Ott~tQf S~ and~~"ldlng tQ.r'~Ue~.l'tonQt the
p!'ooH4e d.G:rS..,ttd tt"bltt faSf!a.le QttM a~..
Wh$:rlba.ffon iUle ~,,~!.~_...d$i.V Of1Ap~t,l A. :0. 1915 t
thera waxapresenif4Mlto t.l1J 1,.Ytl~ aY-l(l C1!'t.Y 00~1Mllot_e 01ty ot
G;t:s.nd IS1Ud, N$'tJ~$~., ,~ 1,~tltlQit'),ln (\U~ to~ algntt1. 'b,. G.W.
:B1"<>a.d,weu Md Q thers ,t fo:t' tne ('}:tlat1,onQt ~ pavttlgdl,"tot ln
the 01 ty of G3:'~nd:E$l&nd. It.1tlra$~'' ,.n4 t()1" 't'tle 'P"vl~r, ot .$~ tJ'
_e3:'eas ,on t~19tn -1' etAlirrl1,. A.ll. 1.9l~- the
_oran~ 01 tyoP'llnol1o.t ~a.Ul 01t1l1a"f~ _.1n$d said 11$t1 tlon ,
tou~ the$a.m~ tt) .'b~,tndtl;e fOrltl ,~" slgne(i b:Y pe:raO:m1 t)wnlng lots
. ain41Jll'rtm MV11lg ~ t~n.ge upon 13.1 d ~Vl:tlg <t1etl.1tet. of lilote tMn
tbre.,.ttttnfactJ! tl\$ t~t or ~tlnt~g.~t~n, .~
'lh~~$.~ on the 29th~y of A.ptll, A.n. 19l' j ano.t'd.~.n~ne E/
W'as4u.J.y:pa;al&d. bY th~ JJ:"O~ ~ 61t1 counul1 ofsa1d.CitY,lorta.t.
lngsald Pav1.~ 3)l$'1"lot :10. '. 1-' of the 01 '1 t)t Q_dt$l.~n<<; ~r$bl"-
aSk'" and orderiM t.it*? ~'"e_t~ salt! 41$Vl~' to \)$ d\t11 p~Y.d
ti.\'J,(t , \~:r.$, tJw cQn~()t tot ~&t'fl_$~l<t ,$~I'$ wa,a, (11;t1.1
enter$d 1nto and.1d s t~ee't$a.l"~.w bttftng 11.,<J.,8.n<l
VIh$"a... ltl$ne().tit~fY tQlsaue b<.ln4$tor 'tltepa.jf1n.nt
$f' , t21$eoat of sa1~ iiIlt.V&1l1$nt ,and:$. tba.ab"n dUJ..,yesttlna,tedi)1 , the
Cl'ty :mnstnee~of $&44 Gl'lW', ,tl1att~ <lost of ~V1J1g 1a.1d t11s.trlot.
1f111 btabout the sum ot ,~It;GQq.QO ,,004
Whereas, the 1~1o:r MdOOi.lnCilot , $$,14 01 'tY1' have ea.uscact
due a.dv~rtltaa)1't~u).t to bQ _4- aaktne~ :l!"o!''b14~ttpollsaJ.t1. 'bondia,an.d
tll6 b ldot s. D.R()~$ w;'Js~d to b. tl1~ b$S t1"0r~~:Y'~d" t'I~rl~ln
,11$,'. .'.()ff&,,'r~d, to,1?_Y, "~,.'...',.'., re,.'fi, Q:r" the, 1}X-1~,l'fll,.',"',', ae,~rtt,.,~41,n~EJreston, tltG
taue tQdat.e o1;del1v~1'Y 'bes,14e6,. .. .fi 13.2.00 J~rt1.lUi'H)'
.",~!.on 2"
.~ ~{a.Y'or ~~ctty Ol_)!11:a;r:e ~~bJ ~l~l'l~~tQ del1:r...
'sa,ld 'bonds un:t;o tMSa.l<1 a.D. _$$ of ~d XS1~nd, N.b.)f'eJJ~1i:ltt ~
and ,...0.1"$ pajrEl.&nt tor th~ SWtl$ a.t tne t~q$' va1tu$ with ~o()~~.d
l:ttt$~e$' ~ b$$1des .111.,00 p:r~n,11>>(t~ WhlOI'l a~1<'l .~Y'ahal11~n""
med1a.te.1Y 'be 1>>. 1dtQ tlle (a.\y~r~aartl.3:"0~ 01' t~ (U"ty ot (J~(J.I$l~d,
leb~$:b., WhO $1~':\1J.' !:e~$f)Xl1$ 1n a gp~ola.l 1\100 to l~~kno"1\ $i$
"l>l.strlct :PaV't:ne _(If!1t1)l$~:t.ct 1'10. It " .ot .th~.(u.tY'or Gr_d
tln.and, tie'b:raSj{$. :Pro"ld~, llQw..r, t~at tn~ _()~ .~ Qru.~
.~e prohtblted. t:tom d~:U."er1ng .~ tllOr- 13()~ld$ tl~ are n.o~.g~~w
to pay the tfarra.nta d'ta.'\:n\ Q.6~1m:ft ~ld t\md ,~d o~l1 fa.po_ b~:t._
tul'ther {):u,l;V atlthon~$(}. 1)y "$.l~l;tl.onGt tb$ 01\'1 OQllttOl1.
$$)t101'i ~..
1M t all $p.o.t~ f.$$ aM &'tl$~$a~l1~nts ltP't'M ~nd
cOlleoted to pa;y tor the p$.11ng ot ea.ld Pa.'l~ Dt.stftQt .]J(J.. ~.,
sMll o,natltuteaa!nld,flft; :tund tor the ~l).'~t.~ld llQndt.
Attest :
J:tJ.St!!$<1 and $;p:proV~4_1' !1t'h ~vot~t.~.r A. n",
( Seal )
..... .... ....C;t)~l~S_G....~an .... .... "'" _ .... .... ....
...._ .... _H.l.E.t.O'Jr.1~:r.Q:rg. _ .... "'" .... ... __ ...
01ty 01en.
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Orcl:Lnanc(~~ ITa, ~_~2!?,~,.
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01 i:y- of' Grancl If Gel. li cl lJ;:111 Couni:y, 1:r0'braf3J~a provtd
ing foX'
pav J.ng (j,IJ(J. for tl18 :paymE:nt Of'Ulc
\11101"(:'2&[1 the. }/!:a,,:{G)l' :=l,11cl (j()l~l1ctl of1
() f~ (tl~[:\ruJ I B .1 ;J,Xld
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GtX'E:'€t, lG n. Im1Jlic x).(C(.fjfI1
TIlcr f'c,r0" "De it orO:::dl1f>(L 'uy
I,j:ayo l' :::U1d Co'U"nc:i.l c<L' :,'11c
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l~'-f:l: 1) (l, e; lc("t
1J(' }<JJown a.nd dE'D:1.c;na ted
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::,-ce art 2.,
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Lots no. 3
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(....) l' ,I'] ''''In C'~l'l'~ 136~ .
., "-_I "... .t\.. J. ",) ;> - .,
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2 in 'bloc1: no. 1;
Lo t fj .no, ].
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VIt t
L2~ nD. 10 111 bloCk
1) o. 60 ; TJ() t. n:). 6 5. n b c]( no. 61 .
~:)(~C t i .n. 3.
Tha..j. sairJ. Plnc
~:~ !c 1:'E' c.:,~' '1' '" .["16 ,,(;\'h-u
,...... 1,: , .." ....~ >.-" ~1 ;~;.;...L "~ v f}
r)11(lpJ.~~Pl4 ','lP'~~d ,~~ ~)~~~~~4,
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tj1E~ .nOl~
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fOl't11 ()~o) f'i,>f;t in vlid:':n, tiJ,::=1'!' if) blN'I:'.nt.,y (20) fEH.~i: E'8.stE'J'ly ancl
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CE",J:j't-C'l'J It.no
of Raid Pine Street.
~3f2tC tton, }~I'
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( ..., 0 \ 'f'r" '. (,., C' ). "J '. '..
L ) J. ','Ie;:, 1.1 u ':.C"Jj ':,
the cc,n~cr 1111.0 of said Pine Street
fjrJC ,.f: ,ie-n. 5
T}~!E_,t 8.1J.. t!10r~t t:y' 18 11€X'E:\'b:~r r:l'ctrl'::f~(l
C'vIJ.1E~ I~B
:l11 s:~11cl <J.if:;{'x-:Lct', 3,ll(1 :abtl-~..t
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f) tree ts .~o f'tle:
1'v 1" i }~ !~ E~> y}
OJ:' 1)
1" 11(:' 17 tJ.l (ta<)f 0 ~c
cbJ ()C~,:to.ns
B11etl ];JflVl
HOVC1(1) (-'x' 1915.
C -.::- '1,C.j,'J ()
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(InJ Yr of
111'Ls::>rli.in:lllCC and. 1n ;.:A.leU,1"t'.,n
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tif:)l~l' B c.ntl
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addrcGs 0f eaclJ. non~.
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. 8.J:H1. :parcelS ::,1' lanO, :Ln c;c~.j.cl pav:l..ng Cis trlc t and cJ:t:u)"t Lng uJ)ur.; eel,tO.
S ~~'Xi('C !-~B ac<..~o,rd,l.nE:'; !.~O
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elf: B tC;XJ8" tf)
t, }Je 111Ft "J" (, r i 8~1 .f~ J1 t? jr d. E' f3 '1. 11 (, 'U.f3 t.-:'i l1 i II
!.}1i.rty cJ.aYb m\xt aftEr t
o J.~(J:l,llfLtC E'
passa.ze Qnd approval c!f ~hi8
~Jl'} cl::', (> 11.0 t i :r~:r
J\'[8~ ~/:) l'
CO~tlr.l.Cj~ 1
VI .e1':~,
in .l:'E:L";l'Cnc(;,
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SU(;1'l JricJ;l:c:L'in,l ~Hj n.i.cy (11~'8trC' f) 11 be tUlcd in Baiel 'pay
in :
m,a,n.tJf'X' r:,ncl Irit"J1.in +11(' :'1m,€ 8,lJOVC pJ:'ov"Lcls'd, !;'11C }\Iayor :::t"tlcl Connell
S:n.CL1l elf tc:ci(:ine UP')XJ lw m~v::ErLl1 t,)
so UfH'd,
~3(~o t tax] 8 f<
T:lH;'1 CDS" of pav1.nc :::;no. curl)ing j.
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EX:Cllw iVE' of tllc n t1'(:(: J~, LJ!:<:'l'H c t ions J ella11
11.]))11 !.
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such benefits to be
J\J}lYiJr~ ~l'{l c1 CG1),,t)~...
.l'm'LnE3el "l)y
oil and to be aSS€88pd a.B pltQvlded by
s <-',~)" ~~ "1.1 t, f1 f\ C.C
S tel, t E' C/ f
I~' f?-l> rl~J. B J{ :~1 <
eec~,ioXJ 9,
TJ1E\ 0 (>8 t o~e r);:1\rl.n.~~:
strsct in, CIIEJ0ctic)ns in said.
]JaVing cHstrlc t' Gl.La1l N:' l)aid 1)y
('1 ,~
\J J~
of G~l~a..rl(t I B.1C1"l1.t).c1. .N'e~()1~:JIf31~"
:3E'C OXl 10.
'rilis ord:LnarLGf' 811:;t11 be in fore,:;; aDd ('.al~(\ eff.:'~c fro.l!!, ;:>~riG.
::L:f x; j. n ]?~-,-~,BB~i,f~(," J 8)]?}?I~c'\rD.,J_ :':~11,d l)l)..nll(J;~:L t"L:)XJ ~J,'f3 J!l~()v1.d.~~;(i ~U:>r l::\Vi 4'
PH..S E (, (.1 ;~:1,.rl0. f~;lJTJ1"1:),r 0.\ {j. '!~11i. s
(i,ay 0 J: Oc t
()!'. -
Chgr.les, G.Ryan..,
or' ,
J'1. l,.. t:: ti t
OJ, t;y CIEn.'}:,
Ord1nance No.606.
Hawker. & Peddlars.
An Ord1nance prov1d1ng tor an occupat10n tax upon
Hawkers and Peddler I 1n the C1ty ot Grand Illand,Nebraaka,
det1ning WhO 1. a hawker or peddler ,and provid1ng tor a
penalty tor the violat10n thereot.
Be 1t Orda1ned by the _or and city Counc11 ot the
City ot Grand;Illand,Hall Oounty,Nebraska.
Section 1. There i8 hereby levied upon each and every perlon,
t1rm or corporat1on carrying on the bUliness ot hawking or
peddling in the C1ty ot Grand Island,NebraSka,an oceupa:t1on
tax in the sUm ot .5.00 tor each and every 4ay that such per-
lon,tirm or oorporat10n 18 engaged in the 'Oulmes.. ot ~k1ng
or peddling in the C1ty ot Grand Illand,NebraSka,bY retail,
by I-.ple, by tak1ng orders, or otherwise; and tor the purpose
ot this Ordinance ,any person travelling trom house to hOUle,
or tram place to plaoe in said City,expos1ng or offer1ng tor
sale,lease,barter or eXChange at retail,any- goods,wares,mer-
chandi.e or artiole. ot any klnd,8hall be &....d and taken
to be a peddler. Any per80n WhO Shall otter orory tor sale
any goods,wares,merChan418e,or articles ot any kind,upon anJ
street,avenue,81dewalk or alley,or trom ~ 8tand or vehlcle
in said oity,or tram any oar standing upon any railroad track,
Shall be deemed and taken to be a haWker.
section 2. 1'he sum ot .;.00 per day i8 herew levied upon
each and every itinerant vendor ot trult8,vegetables,grooeries,
hay,.tray,grain or any other kind ot go04S whioh is sh1pped.
1nto th1s city in car load or wagon 1084 lots or leS8.
Provlde4 however,that this O'd1nance .ball not be con-
strued to apply to p.rloa. .el11nl their own houa.hold goOd8,
nor to any JUdicial sale,nor to retail vendor. ot garden or
other tar.m produce .raise4 within a radius ot Twenty-tlve
miles ot this citYinor to travelling agents tor Wholesale
houses selling to dealers onlYinor to merchants and traders
selling their own goodS in their tixed places of business
in the regular ,common or usual co~se ot business; nor to
any person selling his own works or productions manufaotured
in this Oi ty inor to any person selling eduoational ot,'
literary publications; nor to Judicial sales or sales on
toreclosure ot mortgages. prov1dedturther,thatth1s
Ordinance shall not apply to persons engaged in inter-
state oommeroeat the time when SUOh goods ,wares,or merohan-
d1s8 are otterred tor sale.
seotion 3. Any person desiring to engage in the business
ot hawking or peddling as detined in this Ordinance Shall
tirst p.v to the City Treasurer the Occupation!ax herein
provided tor ,and he shall thereupon issue to such person
a'receipt tor such occupation tax so paid.
Section 4. Any person tollowing the business ot hawking or
peddling within the corporate limits ot Grand Island,Nebraska,
without tirst having paid the occupation tax herein provided
tor ,or carrying on said business atter the expiration ot
the time stated in suChoccupation tax receipt,shall be
deemed guilty ot a miSdemeanor and upon convict10n thereot
Shall be tined in any sum not less than .5.00 nor more
tha& .25.00 and costs ot su1t tor each day,and Shall stand
committed until sa1d tine and costs are pai4;and it any haw-
ker or peddler refuses to eXhibit his occupation tax receipt
to any person requ1r1ng a view thereof ,he Shall'be preSumetl/
to have none,and 1f he thereafter produces an occupation tax
receipt upon tr1al,he Shall pay all oosts ot proseeut1on.
Sect10n 5. ArtiCles number 14 and number 15 ot sectloa J
ot Ordinance No.2g8 are hereby repealed.
!his Ordinance Shall be in tull torce and etfect imme-
diately atter its passage,approval and pu'bl1cation as by
law provided.
Passed and approved this 20. day ot October 1915.
Attest ( Seal) Charles a.Ryan,
H.E.Clittord, Ma.Jor.
Oity Clerk.
ORDI}fA:i;TCII: 1W, 607
An o.rdlnancc levyi
ta:'X:f:.:H -~ c I)8.:1 f()I~ ;~
currn.ng cf }J8,vtne; Di.stric t No.
., 7
..l...} .
() f Grancl
I BIn.nel J~TE'1:Jras};::;l, <
De i t o l'cla11'1('(L 'oy
IJ[ayor 8.1hl 01 "'Y Conncll of t11<2
C;Lty of Grand ISland) lrer)l'aslm.
See t].Ol'1 ]..
TllET::' 'is llE'i'f,by 1cnrlE"(L f~.tJc1 2Wf,(,SSE'c1.
agal:ns t tile :3 E'v~;.t'aJ. 10 ts, }XU'CG1S and traces of' l<:=t.tlcl l:'E!v-
in aftsr specified,
severa.1 sums set oPliCEll
fl';;V E:,:(':::;.1
ts, parcelS and tI'acts of lan,d he
naf tEe l' 01)( C 1..
f'j,f.;d fOl'
tIlE; PUI'I)()SE> of J?c~:yix}e; ~~,h€
co st ~)~.ncl
E'X'J)C-X1SC ():C
ing :::uld curldng Lt1 pavlDg D:l.strict
f> _J ,
-"> w(..;
Gl~;]'l')(l I slr:.n-cl ~ J'::fE:l-;r;;1.B1::n, ~ ill 3..cc;o.r(Ia..t1C;E: '\;V:t 1-<
t 11€ 1)
]. S
feul1(l and 8.Sf;E'tlSE(L to etwl1 of :-}1f; S(V~'l';).l lO~:'D, t:r'F:;.c
~arc81s of la.n.tl by 4
l;;:ayor a.ncl COlU1Cll 0:C
Gran,(.1 ISHu:J(], Ha,ll County life1:)rasJ.\~8,:, s:L t t
r.-;.S a beard. of
equaltzc).{'io,tJ, z:ftE"J:' c1u(' noticG eJt1 prC)\r:LCied 1);)1 l;:1.W,
Each of said tracts, lo.ts :lnd parcelS of land i~} in
":'he original ~:own.' ncv.r::he C1
G:L' G'l)n..1i.c} I81,1'1/1(1; l~'E'bl"l[tSl:a ,';
;'1,fJel !_~,118' f)(')Vt~'1'a,J.4 ,Sll111S aSf~f'f)s(:'(l a~~;cti.ns 't:, !Z'c1!CJl (j:f: t11~; S~t.ln€: 18
fi,G :eo~.L10V;fj :
ij.l!_ }~J~ 2'~l~ %iL 12 .32 ~~56 _~... .r
../ < Of)
66 '" /- .366 50 -, '.A j~r; ~c,}~ 98
be} _u _ '(l
66 95 9 .366 50 26 50 ;SQZ 35
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L() .,,:, . 1.
Il) t. .TTc. ~ 2
]? J:~e 0
, 'a.
Pav e,l ,'>1'" l)?vtns Ctlx'1) :L
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Jr)lm VI. MillE,l'
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R. () OJ,):1 ,J:") fi <:: Xl
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westerlY 1 .3 0:L' ]'/)!' . 6
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t.; ,,'.. J. J t::, -~';: ~ '" - ./~. (,jJ.L .J.t) '!. <.J,d. J.:;J , ~ '..., I "",'
of' E;rc;,ul1d 22 fef," vr1(18;,
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Eastc'J:ly 1 3 of 1{)'~' 2,
1)E:'111U~: c: .cec-~-~~-:J}{~;l~le.J' I1t€:ce
ot g:rm.u.l.Cl 22 fe'c' t vr:L O,E,
fl:~(jn.tin2: n Four S rect..
Alm2LHY;:.n Jfl.:CVtS
122 17
VVEf31;Cl'ly 2 .3 ':;f r,ot 2
being ;), 1)0C~ laJ~ pj.ece
o f J~)l. (' t (If)
frc)D'ting on J?01111 I S'~J~('ct
s..t' () r'a,~.~~c
.366 50
18 )~g
, 'J,
C;3.,D f~ €'l I{ea~:L c(> ~
In lot No, lJ.,
Tl1E' nor'- .:.~lY 22 e ,. of
J..O ~'; Iro., ~~ :~~. l~{;;C +
ay.\zul;:x:r lJ:L eo e::; f
22 feet wid~ :L'ron~
2\~)r, .3)~
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1Gm,i1 Hiclccrt.
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1 () t ~i':~~ ~ ) ~ 0, "c :;:".1 t; C{, 8.. ~c (: C .~.
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.366 50
128 33
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2)P~ 62
201 9.l
, 'H)"
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1 C) , I.." 1) 0) ::L X1e.:
angu~3,r piece ~f
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"" ~1;;
r.:, .t f::\ (; -~:
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li' n'MJ Z ]?t' In 0 l'Jlalln
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i3UU Iv 66
1 n. 1.' J:.,rl....., '. ) j. " ..( "'J' "J U c,
_~ .'1,., .... t~,--..J..,~j C\.'
angular piece of
22 :LE';-~' in \'Jj.c1
fee!' of
~t ~;; f:: t C 'r
tt I~O Ylt
i I1r~ Oll VV"'::1111rll t f) t. :Cf? e -~..
Ii:.. I.. AL!t
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[t,.n{.:~l~12~.r ~p:1. E: (~(: t~
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i .tlC; C' Xl V1Etl J~')\.1 -~ 8 t X' f.:' ~~. +. .
Willi s :m. Howl1(l
TIK tlOll.':lLcrly ~!2
J..u. :N'cL )~.'o 'tJ :j
~;,1l'J ~~~ula..r' ~p 1. ~'\c e 01')
22 teet in 'vi'1(1
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:tCE; t
"-"" ~,<:'\
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:r 11()Jl ~"'
~.:> .}.
]1'}~8h(jJ\: f) t l~a, f') S (21'J
:I3J~ () C K lTc-; J .3
Lo:" t ,5
\Yl ~Ll.-.L ~j,l':::I, j~:; s"t €: 1liJnc~y. 4.:'-11
. 7
c J:J. I31'Jf~j]r}}1,n
~ ~", +
J~,." '-'
IJ() t ]~-;-:,.
JOllrJ. Gunnarson,
BLOCK ,59,
}Ir:" .r}J~Jr :ll,c E~t) (~)
1.0 t 1T 0.. 2
lIe 111":)r J.'\ C' \' E~ (,
!JI)t, .,.
To 1- lit!:) " h
Herbel' i~ H. Glover.
L'^. }
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C ~t -Y'- i (; 11 :3~. f3
l)l"C;V tCl,eel l)J-" law,
J?afH3fcL CllJel ap-l'OVE;Cl tilts .._.:~~,^ clay of Octo1:)En" A. D.
( Seal)
Charles (leRyan
OJ. ty CIErI:. .
Ordinanoe No.60S.
Levying paving Dist.NO.14 Taxes.
An Orc1inanoe levying taxes to pay for the pa..ving
of paving Distriot No.14 of the oity of Grand ISland,
Be it Ordained by the MaYor and oity oouneil of
the Oity of Grand ISland,Nebraska.
section 1.
There is hereby levie4 an4 assessed
against the several lots, parcels and tracts ot land
hereinafter spee1tiedL, the said several sums hereinafter
s,eo1tied for the .purpose of psq1ng the cost and expense
of paving ot Paving District NO.14 of the Oity of
Grand ISland,Nebraska, in accordanoe with the benefits
found and assessed to each of the several lots, tra<lts
and parcelS of land, by the lLayor and oouncil of the city
of Grand Island,Nebra6ka,sitting aa.a Board of Equali~~
tlon , atter due notice as provided by law; eaeh of said
several lots, tracts and parcels of land is in the Original
Town,noW',/'. Ci ty of Grand ISland,Nebraska., and the several
sums assedsed, against each of the same is as follow~:
Lot NO.1.
l310ck NO.79.
JOhn L.Windolph
Lot No.2.
Lot NO.1.
Lot No.8.
John L. W1ndolph
Lots No.; and 6
Northerly one-halt
Lot NO.1#.. )
southerly One-thir~l )
Independent PubliShing 00)1.32.68
LotNO.3. )
Southerly One-third ot )
the Westerly two-thirds. )
Independent PubliShing 00)
Block No.80.
Lots No.1 and 2. Un1ted Sta.tes ot Ameriea;, 182.68
LQt NO.3.
Easterly one-third Anna Stehr
oenter one-third Henry Reese
Westerly one-third Geo.Bartenbach
Lot No.4.
30. 4;
Easterly one-third Geo.Bartenbach
Westerly two-thirds Grand Lodge A.O.U.W.
Lots NO.; and 6.
Lot No.1.
Henry V1eregg
.3 0 . 4;
Grand ISland Land 00 91..34
Lot No.8.
Northerly one-sixth Building & Loan Ass'n 91..34
Gilbert's Subdivision of the northerly
two-thirds or Lots No.3 and 4 Block NO.19,
Original Town,now city ot Grand Island,Nebraska.
Lot itA It John Sass 10
Lot "Bit William Axt 10
. Lot .0" John Allan 10
Lot wnw Saburo Shindo 10
Oot nE" Saburo Shindo 10
Section 2. The tax so levied shall become pa,vable,
delinquent and draw interest as by law provlded~ namely:
One-tenth ot the same Shall become delinquent in tifty d~S
trom the date ot this leV<fi One-tenth in one year;One-tenth
in two years; One-tenth in three yearsi One-tenth in tour ,.
years; One-tenth in tive years; One-tenth in Six years;
One-tenth in seven years; One-tenth in eight years;one-tenth
in nine years trom the date of this lev,r. EaCh ot said in-
stallments,excepting the tiDSt one,shall draw interest trom
the date of this lev,r at the rate ot seven per cent per .annum
until the same becomes delinq~ent ,and each ot said install-
ments Shall draw interest at the ra~e ot ten per cent per an-
num trom the date the same be.omes delinq~ent.
provided,however, that the entire amount so levied
and assessed against any ot the aforesaid lots m~ be p~id
at any time within tifty days trom the date of such levy
without interest,and said lot,in that event,sha11 be exempt
tromany lien or Charge tor interest.
section 3. The oity 01erk ot the Oity ot Grand Island,
Nebra~ka,is hereby directe~.to torthwith certity this Ordinance
to the oity Treasurer ot Grand Is1and,Nebraska,who Shall pro-
ceed to collect said taxes as required by law.
Section 4. This Ordinance Shall be in torce and take
effect trom and after its passage,~pprova1 and publication
as provided by law.
Passed and approved this 17- day ot NOVember A.D.19l5.
Attest: (Seal) Charles G.Ryan,
H.E.e1iftord Mayor
City Clerk.
Ordinance No.609
paving D1st.1 15 Tax.
An ordinance levying taoces to pay for the paving
and Cubbing of pay/ing D1strict No.1';::; of the C1 ty of
Grand Island,Ne~baSka~
Be it Ordained by the Mayor and City Oouncil of the
C1 ty ot Grand Island,NebraSl<a.
Section 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed
against the several lota~parcels and tracts of land
hereinafter spec1fied,the said several sums hereinafter
specified for the purpose of paying the aost and expense
of palV'ing and ourbing of pa\V'\1ng District No.lS_, of the
Oity ot Grand ISland,Nebraska"in accordance with the benefits
found and assessed to eqeh of the several lots. tracts and
parcels ot land ,by the Mayor and Council of the City of
Grand ISland,NebraSka,sitting as a Board of Equalization
atter due notice as provided by law; eaCh of sa1d several
lots ,tracts and parcels of land is in the Original Town
now City,of Grand ISland,Hall County,NebraSkaJ, and the
several sums assessed). against each of the same is as
follow~: to-wit:
Block No.78
Lot No.4.
Lot NO.7.-
Northerly halt ot
Lot No.;).
southerly Haat ot
Lot No.5~
BloCk No.79.
Lot NO.1.
Loti. No.8.
Lots No.5 and 6
southerly ha.lt
Lot No.7.
Also Lot No.1 ot
Westerve1ts Subdi-
vision ot Lot No.6
ot the county Sub-
division ot the
West halt ot the
South West Quarter
ot Section No.15~
TownSh1p No.ll,
Range No.9.
Feet Feet cost cost Total
curb- Pav- curb- pav- cost.
ing. ing. 1ng. 1ng.
83.7 132 $34.29 $753.72 $788.01
80.7; 66 25.76 376.86 402.62
95.5 66 30.56 376.86 14.-CP{ .42
10 132~ 3.20 753.72 756.92
27 198 8.64 1130..58 1139.22
132 7.53.72 753.72
66 376.86 376.86
301 264 96.32 15P8.lf.lf. 1603.76
5 97..i....ftI.05j~........I9.8.:7.6.-i~603.0.:':53'"
Section 2. The tax so levied shall become payable
delinquent and draw interest as by law providedi,namely,
One-tenth of the same shall beoame delinq~ent in fifty days
from the date ot this levY ; One-tenth in one year;One-
tenth in two yeara~ One-tenth in three years; One-tenth
in tour years; One-tenth in tive yeara; One-tenth in Six
yearsiOne-tenth in seven yeara.;One-tenth in eight years~;
One-tenth in nine years from the date ot this levY_Each of
said Installments ,excepting the first one,shall draw in-
terestfrom the date ot this levy at the rate of seven per-
cent per annum until the same becomes delinquent ,and each
ot said installments Shall draw interest at the rate of
ten per cent per annum from the date the same beeomes
prov!ded,however,that the entire amount so levied
and assessed against any ot the aforesaid lots may be pai6 at
any time within fitty days from the.ate ot SUCh levY ,wi thou
interes~,and said lot,inthat' event ,Shall be exempt from
any lien or Charge for interest .
Section 3. The City Clerk ot the city ot Grand Island
Nebraska,is hereby direote". to forthwith oert1t7 th1s Drdinan-
oeto the C1tY1'reasurer otGrand. Ialan4,llebraska,'l'h08hal1
pX"loceed,to oollect .aidtax..~a8 required by law.
Section 4. This Ordinance Shall be in torse and take
effect tram and atter its passage,approval and pUblication
as provldedby law.
pas8ed"andapprove~.this l~' day ot December A.D.19l5
( Seal)
Char1e. G.Byaal,
city Clerk.