1918 Ordinances 1~J5 ORDINANCE NO. 663 An ordinance creating a paving District within the Corporate Limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be r!-nown and Designated as Paving District No. 24 ,defining the boundaries thereof, Providing ~ for the Paving of the same, Designating the property to be charged with Costs of Paving, Providing for the payment of the costs of paving the Intersections and repealing so much of Ordinance No.285 as is in Conflict Herewith. Whereas the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebrasha,after thorough investigation and mature consideration of the matter,find that there is a public demand for paving Walnut 8treet betwe~ Fourth and T:anth stre';t s, and Whereas,aaid Hayor and City Council further find that said paving is a public necessity and of great benefit to the abutting property and further that said paving is desired by the property owners having ~ property within the district hereinafter created, Now,therefore,be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council m' the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section No.1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island,Nebraska,to be known and designated as Paving District No?~of the City of Grand Island,Nebraska. Section No.2. said paving distriot shall consist of all of that part of Walnut street in said City of Grand Island, which lies between the northerly line of the intersection of Walnut and Fourth streets and the southerly line of the intersection of Walnut and Tenth streets, and shall embrace all lots, tracts and parcels of land lying within 132 feet east:e.ri~ of the east line of said walnut street"bounded as aforesaid, and all lots,tracts and parcels of land lying within 132 feet west of the west line of said walnut street, bounded as aforesaid, and shall em- , " brace the westerly ;2 of Blocks 33,16 and 9,original Town, the westerly 2 of Blocks 134 and ;1.24 and 137 in U.P.Railway Co.'s second Addition and ~ the westerly 2 of Blocks 4 and 16 in Russel Wheeler's Addition;the easterly l of Blocks 34,15 and lO,original Town,and the easterly ~ of Blocks 123 and 138 H.P.Railway Co. 's Second Addition,the easterly ~ of Block 17 and all of Block 3 Russel Wheeler's Addition,s.ll additions to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. 436 Section ~o. 3. The said street in said Paving District is is hereby ordered paved as provided by law; said paving to be 36 feet ~ in width ,measured from curb tc curb,gutter and curb to be combined. Ordinance No.285 in so far as it affects the property,stre~e and alleys embraced in this said district and is in conflict \ffith this section is hereby repealed. Section No.4. Authority is hereby given to the owners of property in said district and abutting upon the streets herein ordered paved to file written objections to the organization of said district 0f) d"~T,q .'.ft"',,... t'.J(.} -I. )1.'b'i".-.t]'on e)f' t...:rl0. and to such paving on or before ',' " '''.) 'J:.';7" ,;,"'.,-' ..L" .' J' .L~,/,:l. ).,. . . " rIot ice of tYl(; ~rG[),t1on of sald d_,if)t:~r''':Lct '.u.S 1)3i"-],'~A:V{ rC!C11J..trjod~. Section No.5. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorizai and directed to cause to be published in the Grand Island Daily ~ Independent,a notice of the creation of said paving district,one time each week for not less than twenty days from the time of the passage, approval and publication of this Ordinance. Section No.6. Authority is hereby given to the owners of the lots and parcels of land in said paving district and abutting upon said street to designate and determine the material they desire used in said paving within ten days after the opening of bids for paving and to file with the City Clerk within the time provided by law a petition for the uae of any particular material. In the event suoh owners fail to designate the material to be used in said paving,in the manner and within the time provided by law, the Mayor and Council shall determine upon the material to be used. Section No.7. The cost of paving said district exclusive of the street intersections shall be assessed upon the lots and parcels of in said district especially benefitted in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the Mayor and Counoil,and to be assessed as provided by law. ~ section No.8. The cost of paving the street intersections in said paving district shall be paid by the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. section No.9. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage,approval and publication,aa provided by law. . Attest: . . 1-j. .37 PasE.;ed and approved this ~,iay of ,January 191B. (op'-,} ) \ '..' ',,' <':.1,,- . J T ('1 (l~~Y"r ~~~~~~~~~--------~-- Mayor IT .. E" Cl 51'1'01'(1 ------------------------ City Clerk (~'~ 438 /1 ~' o FiD HI AlICE NO. ':'~6.6~4:_ An ord.inance creating Pc..:.ving District No .~,td thin the corporate limits of the City of orand Isl~nd,NebraDka,defining I ~ the boundaries thereof,providing for the paving of the s~me and rroviding for the aSSeSi.'Hnent of the COf3t of paving. Whereas the Mayor and city Council of the City of Grand Island, after due cOl1fJicleration and tl.pon tb.orough inveotigation, find that the paving of parte of Koenig and Oleburn streets and Linooln Avenue,hereinafter more particularly dsecribed,bounded and ordered paved,in a public necessity and is favored and desired by a majority of thc owners of the record title to the properties abutting upon the streets and avenues purposed to be paved, HOVIl, therefore, be it ordained by the 7'58.yor and the City Council of the City of I"rand IBland, Nebraska: section No.1. That there is hereby created a paving District in the city of erand Island,Nebraska,to be known and ~ dssignated as Paving District No.25 of the City of Grand Island, Hebre.ske. . Section No.2. Said Paving District shall consist of that part of Koenig street \vhich lies between the westerly line of the intersection of Wheeler and Koenig streets and the westerly line of the intersection of Harrison and Koenig streets and all lots, tracts ctnd parcels of land extending ll.orth of said Koenig S!treet, bound.ed as aforesaid,132 feet to the alley between Koening and Division stre3ts,and all lots, tracts and parcels of land extending south of said Koenig street,bounded as aforesaid,132 feet to the alley between Koenig and Charles streets, and that part of Lincoln !,VenUe \',hich lies between the northerly line of the intersection of Koenig street and Lincoln Avenue and the south line of the interseotion of Lincoln Avenue and Third street and all lots, '- tracts and parcels of land extending east of said Lincoln Avenue, 'bounded as aforesaid,1313 feet to the cent 81' of the block, and all lots,traots and parcels of land extending west of said Lincoln Avenue,oounded as aforesaid;132 feet to the center of the block, ().nd that pc\.rt of c1ebul'n str'8et which lies between the south line . . . 1~41 () RJJ I J\[ AI\T 0 Ti~ _f2~5 . ! 'I ',. !, ~::;>/ ~ ,~ '" An Ordinance creat ing Paving Di (-jt riot no .2..6_.,wi thin the corporate limits of the city of Grand Island.Nebraska,defining the boundaries thereof,providing for the paving of the same and providing fer the assessment of the cost of paving. 'Yhereb,S the T;s..yor and ;4i ty Oounoil of the 01 ty of Grand Islan~,NebraBka,upon due consideration and after thorough inv8ati- gation,find that the paving of parts of ~ddy and Fourth streets hereinafter more particuh~rly described, bounded and ordered paved, is a public necessity d,nd is favored (;;md desired by a maj ori ty of the OWnel'fJ of t11e record title to the J:>J:'ope.rtiee abutting upon the streets purposed to be paved, Hovv, therefore, be it ordained by the Hayor and. city C.ouncil of the city of Grand Island: Section No.1. That there is hereby created a paving di~)triot in the City of' Grand Island, Hebrask<.:i, to be known and designated as Paving Di~ltriCJt Ho.2~_.__of the oity of Grand Islij,nd, Nebraska. section No. 2. 8ai~ Paving District shall consist of that part (If F\ldy t:;tl'eet in said. oity of eI'and If,ln,nel '.;1[hioh lies between the north line of the intersection of Eddy and Third streets and the south line of the intersection of Pddy and Tenth streets and all lots,tracta and parcels of land extending east of said Eddy street, bounded as aforesaid, 133 fe~:;t to the center of the block, and all lots,tracta and parcels of land extending west of said Eddy street, bounded as b.foresaid,13(.3 feet to t'he center of theblook, including ao muoh of the Union Pacifio T-lc.ilroad right-of-<,vay as lies wi thin 132 fett east of the eaet line of Eddy street and within 132 feet west of the 'ivest line of '8dd.y !3treet \'vhere said street intersects with said right-of-way, and that part of Fourth street which lies between the east line of the intersection of Eddy and. Fourth Streets and the west line of the interBecticn of l'nXll and Fcurth ~treet8 and all lots, tracts and parcels of l~nd extdnding north of said Fourth street,bcunded c.3 ~foresaid, 132 feet to the alley between Fourth and. Fifth J3treete and Ct,11 J.otsj tntCts and pa,reels of land extending t~42 south of Buid Fourth street,bounded as aforesaid, '1 '":t(.) ..L 1,....;.:-; feet .to -the center of the block. Seotion Yo. 3. Th~t s~id streets in said Paving Districts ure hereby ordered paved as provided by law. Said paved streets are . to be ~j6 feet in width meaffuring from curb to curb and, the curb and gutter clre to be combined. ~ection No.4. That authority be hereby granted to the ovmers of the record title rern'8sent ins a maj ol'tiy of the abutt ling property owners in said district to file with the city clerk within ao days from the first publication of the notice creating said district,as provided by law, wl'ittsn objections to the paving of sa.id streets. Section No.5. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized 8.nd direc.t ed to pU.bl ish, ,dt er the passage, aprroval and publicat ion of this ordinance, in the Grand Island Daily rndependent,a notice of the creation of said diatrict,for not lesa than 80 days. Section ~o. 6. That authority is hereby given to the . owne:r:s of the record title representing the majority of the abutting property owners to file with the City Clerk within the time pro- vided. by law; a IJet it ion for the use af a part icular kind. of material to be used for said paving. If such owners fail to designate the material they desire used in said paving within the time andin the l!lEmner provided by Ie-w,the Mayor and City Council shall determine upon the material to be used. Section No.7. The COBts of paving said district,exclusivB of ,3t re at int ersect ions, :3hi;.l.11 be assessed upon tIle lot 8, tract sand parcels of land espeoially benefitted in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the Mayor and ~ity Council aB by statute provided. 8ection No.8. The cost of paving the street intersections in said district contained,ahall be paid by the City of Gremd Island. Section No.9. This ordinance shall be in force and take . effect from ,j,nd. i:\.fter its passags,i:\.pproval and p'ltblication. I\..1..ssed L'cIl,:..l 2i.pproved this 26 day of April; 191B. ( Seal) -__.[!..~ !..Q;l.EL~~ _'___'__ _ ____ }iTayor Ltteot: H.E.Clifford --------------~------------ City Clerk. p 11'J.Al,7C]~ . 666- ij.ltJ .An orc.l.lnanCe levying' e.. speci,;;.l sevve:c dil.:;triot tax to ray for the . construction of a 88\'1"81' in sewer Diet:rict '~'c 54 oft:'ne city of Grand Islandjfabrseks,and providing for the collection thereof. Grand Inland,Nebraska: 8e it ordained by the Iw_yor o..n::1 Council of the Oity of nection No.1. That ~ apecihl sewer district tax be and the same i8 hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of the construction of a sewer through sewer district No. 54 of the City of Grand Island,Nebraaka,against the respective iQts or tracts of the respective desoriptivBB thereof to-wit: lEmd enli.n'J.ced in the saicl (lir.:rtrict hl the cUd01.m.tB det o.pposite . Lot Nc. 1 Block No. 13 Kernahan & Deoker Addition Lot No. a n 11 T.Jot No. 3 11 11 Lot JO. 4 n n Lot No. 5 n 11 Lot }-:r 0 . G It ff Lots No.7 u..:{Jet 8 It l' Lot No. 1 Block 14 11 Fr. Lot 110.2 Block Ne. 14 Kernahan & Decker Addition and fro Lot No.2 Blook No.51 Packer & Barr'e second Adl. '~ota 3 and 4 Block 10. 51 Packer & Barr'z Second Add. and fr. Lot 3 in T-;lock 1'10 .14: i~ernohc"n 8: necker Addi t ion IT'r'. Lot '.Jo. 5 Blook 51 Packer 8 Barr 18 fJeconi kldi t ion 2.nd fro Lot 5 310ck 14 Kernahan & Decker Addition Lot No.6 Block ~o. 14 Kernahan & Decker Addition Iiot >To. ? 11 H 11 Lot iTo ,..., l! . d r~Cr ~. :7,...... 1 "~lock .'v j.; r, i.I ~.', ..../ . ....... . 52 Packer & Barr's Second Addition Let NO.2 11 Lot No.3 n Let . 1-1 It ~~r.I.lot Vo,S ~lock .52 Packer & Barr's Second Add. and ,t-fr. Lot .3 Block ITo .13 Bi:.LkerB AcLdi t ion Fr.Lct :~o.6 Block Bo.52 Packer &~ Barr'e second Add.and fro Lot No.1 Block No.13 Baker's Addition Fr. Lot ~o.7 Block po.58 Packer & Barr'e eecond Addition ;;;ond. COEll)lement Lot No.8 Block Eo. 53 Packer & ~arrls Second Add. II 1\ II f~4.8. 57 48.57 48.57 48.57 43.57 48. :37 97.14 48.57 ,~. 8057 S7.J.lj; 48.57 4-8.57 48.57 4.-8.57 48.57 48.57 /1:8 . 57 48.57 4-8. 57 4.8.57 L't8.57 4. 8.57 Pection No.2. Qaid epactal sewer distriot tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner ~nd at the time .. la'v. provideu oy law;and shall be col~ected in the manner provided by ("<ection TIO. 3. The City Clerk of the City of GTand IBldnd~Nebra8ka, i8 hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Treasurer of Hall CO'L:l1ty, T.Te"bre.f3ke., trIe D.mount of sb.id taxes with the instructions to oollect the same as provided by law. . . . ~t~~li ;:;ection ~"o. /1. ThiG ordinance eba11 be in force i.md take effect frofu ~nd ~fter its pas8aze~approv~1 and publication as provided by 1L~. ?~;jBed Edl,1 a:pproveCl thh, i~;'h dC1.y of T!ay, 1918. ("8-1 ) ....1 .(,J.1""'" J. T,.. t;lea,rv ---~~~----~-----_._--- l'ayor .Attest:- H . J<]. Cllf'forcl ------------------------ City CleI'k. . . . Ij,115 Ordinance NO. 667 An ordinanoe uthorizing the r ~nd City CaBrk~6f the Oi ty of Grane\. Island, lJe(jraska, \;0 execute u'nci cLelivGl' to the First National Bank of Grand Island, Nebraska, and The Commercial state Dank of Grand I slccnd, 1\Te'oraska, TI'ie;hty (80) Bondi", to be known 2"nd def:Jie;nated a,s DiBtrict Pc.vine; Bonds of PaYing District I'TumbaI' Twenty-One (211 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, providing for the conditions, form J.nd amount of saEie c,;,nd I)rovidj,ns for the dis- position of the proceeds derived from the sale of the earns. De it oI\:icd.ned by tbe Ih;vyor and Council of tIle City of Gremd leland, "!\Tub:ccLBlu;.: Section No.1. That the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, are hereby authorized to sign, execute and deliver unto the First Kational Bank of Gra,nd Ieland, ~'Tebr2"8kd", 2~nd the COmYilf'Jrcie.l :.Jtate Bank of Grand. I81ancl~!TebraskaJe,;wh Forty (40) negotiable bonds 04 a total of Eighty (80) bonda hereby authorized to be:' iF.Hmed, or so lLLtny thereof 2.8 Li8.Y be necessary) to be knmvn as District Paving Ronda of District Number 21 oftha City of Gr~nd Island,1'TsbI'6.sku.. Said ;xmds are to bear da,te <.Tune 1st) 1918, cmd mad,a p6.yable to bearer at the office of the rounty Treasurer of Hall Count y)Nebraska, in the City of Grand Island.Each of said bonds shall be in the p:r:ineipal sum of (;:500.00; pc;.1.yable on the first dl,",y of June, 1928)and may be redeemed by the City of Grand Island as rapidly as taxes aI'S collected for the payment of the B~me.8aid bonds shall be canaeout ively nUlflbered commencing "rith number 1. All ()onds bearing bJl odu, nUElber, cornmenc ing ~,'Tith bond number one,sha11 be made payable _ ,'~ . or bea:r:er Grand ). sland, J.J e oraBk(y~ and aLL even to the Wirst National Bank of nurLbered bonds; commene ing 1:'Ji th ;)ond numbered two J uhall be made payable to the Commercial state Bank of Grand IBland,Nebr~Bka,or bearer .said bonds shall draw intereet at the rate ofeix per centum per annuw,payable annually on the first d.ay of June each year.Pach e'f Sctid bond.8 she,,11 have a ttaohed theret 0 ten int erest coupons, eaeh in the dl.ml of ::; 30.00, rapre sent ine tll.e annual int erest accruing thereon. Section Jo. 2. The Mayor and city Clerk are hereby authorized to deliver s~id bonde unto the said First Jational Bank 111;.6 of Grand Island) "Ts'j:caf:Jka) i;dld the Commercial state ':Jci.nk of cranel I shmd) He'oraskl:i) 2vft 131' said bond.s have bean eXeCl.l.t ed in the ma,nner provided in Bection nUll,bered 1 of thiB o rdin<.:ulO e) and recel ve as . payment for the sc:.l1ie face vc'~lue and accrued intereot) which said YliOney shall inillJedia.tely be pLdd. to the City '.T'rea,8urer of the Ci.ty of Grand L3l.:J1d; j'Teb1~2.(3ka; vTho .aha1} keep Sb.nle in a special fund to be known af3 Ii Distriot Paving Fund. of DiE.ltr:ict j\To.31 (If tl18 City of Grand I81~nd.EabraBka;provided,how6Yer,that the IIayor and City Clerk are :UI'or.libi ted from deli verine; C.Lny more 'bonds than are necessary to pay the warrants irawn against aaidfund)and only upon being further duly ctuthori zed iJY resolut ion of the (:i ty Council. Section No.3. That all special taxes and assessments levied an~ oollected to pay for the paving of said paving di8trict No. 31 shall oonstitute a sinking fund for the payment of Baid bonde. Section ~o. 4. This ordinance shsll be in force ~nd take effect from and Gfter ~t8 pssBsge,approYuland publication as . provided by ~aw. n l' , ).,. 1 I: II "'.. - f.' ~'r ., C 1 ,-, ,h;U:.1 f3 t3\: dlii U. Pin' 0 v e 0.. v n 1 8 :.::..::'......._ a.tl j 0,'.11::.. y) .1. <::i (). ( '-') e, ,':' 'J 'J' ~_ "~'...A. _1..- . ,J .1,,,, ('1 c ac.y ----------------------- .i:~ttest : l'I8.YO r If ~}; ~ Cl tffcrcl -----------------~~----- 01"ty Clor}~. . . . . GIlD TIlT \T(\ 668 .~ i .., 0 447 An ordinance levying a special sewer district tax to pay for the construotion of a sewer in B~wer District No.53,of the City of Grand IBland,Nebr~Bka~and providing for the colleotion 'the:ceof. T30 it ol'di;;\,ined the FS~YO:C sma City couno 11 of the Oi ty of Grand 181Lnd~Nebraska: 89ction NO.1. That a special sewer district tax be and. the same i8 hereby levied and e..ssessed to pay the expense of the construction of ~ sewer through sewer district No.53 of the City of Grand IslanJ,Nebraska,against the respective traots or lot s of 1 EU1d. emiJraced in the said. \.listriot in the amO'llnt eet opposite the respective description thereof to-wit: Lot "'. 1 Lot :.'Tc. 2 Lot NO.3 Lot Ho. 4 Lot ;\;0. 5 Lot ITo. 6 Let No.7 Lot No.8 Lots EO.S Lot No. 1 rJot ~.Jo. 2 :Sleek l'~o. 11 II 11 12 Bo:nnie Brae II Addition It II 1\ II II 11 II II 11 II II n It b.nd 10 It Blook No.13 II th5~ #39-9lf ~ 39-9lf ~ 39-9lf ~ 39-9lf tnfn~ 39-94- fimul'lWil 39 - 9lf ~ 39-94- Blftlrnimil. .3 9 . 9lf fl1ffu:ntftrA 78 - 7 7 li1t'?rfi'mtnfii 39 - 9lf mtmo:ii1tA 39 - 9lf m:m.rumni 39.94 ~ 39-94- tMtraam 39. 94 l'D~rv$J:B 39-9lf ~ 78.77 ~ 39-94 .o.mm 39.94 _lJIMi 49.66 Il)}IDJIBI5 49 .. 6 6 ~ 4-9.66 DWrlJ.1nl5 49 .. 6 6 T4I$111al$ 49 .. 66 ~ 49.66 ~~ 49.66 ~ 49.66 r14~ 49.66 II4Ii~ 49.66 nunn~alm11 99...3 2 .~.m.nJl[IJ.ml.fl 11 .. .51 Lot No.3 11 II Lot No.4 11 n Lot No.5 11 II Lot NO. 6 II II Lots No.7 and 8 11 II Lot No. 9 11 11 Lot ;'~c. 10 II 11 Lot He. 1 Block no. 3 J\rnold 3, Abbott I s l\ddi t ion Fr.Lot No.2 310ck No. 14 Boonie Brae Addition and Fr.1ot Ne.3 Block ~o.3 Arnold & Abbott's AJdition------ Lot No.3 Block NO. 14 Bonnie 3rae Addition Lot No. 4 n 11 Fr.1ot No.5 Block 14 Bonnie Brae Addition and Fr.Lot No.5 Elock 3 Abbold & Abbott's Addition ----- Fr. Let Be.6 Block 14 Bonnie Brae Addition and Fr. Lot No. 6 Block 3 Arnol,d, &n Abbott' 8 Nidi t ion----- T t "r 7 '~l k 'T' '/.. ^r' ~Jl .,' 0 ^' l t t I - f1.'L-l It lC ." -,0 ['.0. .!.__OC:' o. '-' ;;1 no CL ex, ~..OJO 1:) .o'~ l;.' 'In ane. complement in Bonnie Brae Addition Lot (10. 8 Bloc k No. 3 Arnold C\e Abbot t 's Addition Lot No.1 Block No.2 11 Lot No.2 11 " Lote No. 3 ~nd 4 Block NO 2 Arnold & Abbott's Addition TIeet 15 feet of Let 5 Block No.2 Arnold & Abbott's Add~ waet51 f~et of Lot 5 ~leck ~e.3 Arnold & Abbott's Add. a~1d Lot 8 6, 7 a.nd 8 DIeck :Ie; .2 lrncld It Abbot t I R J\d;1. --lWmIu-a 187.lJ.q Section No.3 said special sewer district tax shall be 1<; " /< Que an~ become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law,and shall be collected in the manner provided by law. . . . 448 [~ect ion . 3. 7he Oity Clerk of the City of Grand Island; ITS'bra8k~;i8 hereby inr:;truct ed :C-cnJ. Oounty " . t' G.lreC"j eu. to certify to the rrreasurer of H.soll CCfunty; Eeox'asb.".; the amount of' s&.id t,:c.LX6S v.rith instruotions to collect the same ~B provided oy law. section No.4. This ordinance shall be in force and t~ke ff' t:t~ EY , eo :J:c:m ;:.11.1 ~dter its passage) ad/roval u.nd. pu'blica t ion as providsciby law. 1;' , .a.....,.~, 1')';'8"'01 ,.'''d'; ~t"'1)rO'''':;;'Cl'" t'hl'o hit a.'ny "I'" '"" j">"">LO looN fo,.)~J\" ...),1J. '-'.lj.c. V\J;_~;;;7;.J - ..... ."'4.' J .;:7.. C). ( Seal ) J.L~~l~ary____________ I<i::l"yor Atte:3t: H.E.Clifford Oity eleTk 449 ordinance No. 669 An ordinance Creating [jevvsr District No .5.5)in the City of Grand I elandj ?le1:.Jraska.. def ining the boundarie 8 the:ceof, providing . for the 1c;Lying of a se"vver in Bedel district, de8cribing the manner in which the same ahall be laid and assessing the costs thereof against the abutting property, 1'rhere2.,8 the gayol~ and City Council of the City of orand Ieland,rebraeka,find that the steps heretofore taken for the cl'sation of Sewer District IT.::5-5 are r;3cular and lawful and that a l::JeWel~ to be constructed in the district hereinafter defined is a publio necessity: Now therefore be it .. ordained by the Hayor 6..,nd 01 ty Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: sect ion ITo. 1. That sewer diF3t riot TTO 55; is hereby createdjthe same to oonsist of Block~ Rive of Rollins Addition and Twenty of H. G. Clark' 8 Ar3.di t ion and scdd sevIer BhaJ.l 1,)8 laid in . the alley cOElmenoj_n~ at the cen-ter of Eddy CJtreet to t:'O('! East :ild:e of Clark 8treet~ bet1iveen Sixth and :Jeventh 8t:ceets through said blo oks) all in the City of Grand Island,Nebraska. Section Ho. 2. That a sewer shall be laid along the couree above desoribed and running through said blooks in accordance with the plans and speoifications governing sewers heretofore established for the laying of sewers in BO far as said plane and speoifications can be carried out. Pection 3. The entire cost of oonstructing said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property and a tax ehall be levied as 800n as the cost can be 8.scerta1nedlsaid tax to become delinquent and draw interest as provided by law. Seot ion No.'::1. The 01 ty ]T;nginein~ if:3 hereby authori zed to draw plans and sIJecificatioEs fo:.' said. sewer and make rim estimate . of the cost thereo:f and submit the S,;XGe to the City Council) and when adoptedJthe Clerk shall at once advertise for bids for the construction of said sewer in acconlance '"1i th the 1'1a118 and speci- ficatione Bubmittedjreeerving the right to reject an~ and all bids. . . . If,50 section No.5. This or~inance shall be in force and take effect f:ccril and after its p(:~ssage;::j"rpr()val cmd rul)lioi:3.tion, i:J,S Irrovided l)y law. PaBf:Jed i.c,nJ. approved this 5ii day of June,1918. ( Seal) J .:t..Cleary --------------------- .t1tteet: !'5ayor H.E.Cllfford City Clerk. ij.51 O~::;DIF.ANCF .670 An orclinance ceating tiewer District TJo 56 in the City of Granel Island, Nebri.iskaJ commencing at the east side of Ti1den street . through the a11ey through fract lonal block 53 of' Packer 8; Barr t s Addition and fraotional blook 12 of Bakerts Addition in the City of Grand Ialand) Nebraska, to the east line of Clay street and between f1econcl e.nd Third streets) ,providinG for the laying of the sewer through said district, describing the manner in which the same akall be laid and assessing the costs thereof against the abut ing property. 1.~Thereas there has been present ed to the ITayor and Oi ty Oouncil of the City of Grand Island,Nebraeka,a petition signed by George FUBS and others p~ayinB that a sewer be constructed in the district hereinafter defined., L'!,nd 1;:11er81:1,8, the Mayor e,nd ai ty Council find that a sewer in l:Jaid district is &. public necef3sity e,nd that the steps heretofore taken for the c~eation of said district are in COrDJ)liance \1[1 th the [Citatutes governing this 8'tibj ect) . ITO'7 TI~IF~REFOR.~ BIe IT ORD1~IT-JBD }3Y TII1~ }iIJtYOl-1 j\~IJD (~ITY COUNCIL OF THE ("ITY OF GRAHD ElLi'JTDJ InrBHM3KA: section No.1. That sewer district Ho ..56 is hereby created and the same shall oonsist of the alley running through fractional blook 53 of packer & Barr's Addition and fractional block 13 of Baker'S Addition from the east line of Tilden street to the east line of Clay street; in said alley,between seeon4 and Third streets,all in the City of Grand IslandJNsbraska. Section Ne. 2. That a sewer shall be laid along the oourse above described [,nd running through the said blocks in acoordance with the general sewer plana and specifioations hereto- fore established for the laying of sewers in BO far as said plans and specificdtioDe oan be carried out. . Section No.3. The entire cost of constructing said ee'iverhal1 be a8ses~,>ed against the Ci.~outting property c\nd the same shall be levied as Boon as the cost can be ascertainedJsaid tax to become delin~uent and draw interest as provided by law. Section l:ro. 4. T}-;.e Ci ty 'B'~ngineer is hereby authorized to draiv ple,ns ttnd speci.fications for Bi.:d.d sewer EU1d Hk1,ke an estimate 452 of the cost thereof o.,nd subr.d t the SeLme to tIle 01 ty Counoil, and when adopted, the Clerk shall at onoe advertise fer bids fr~; ....,.., . ,).1. the oonstruction of 8hid sewer in aocordance with the plans and . 81)ecifio;;ttiona submitted" reserving the right to rej ect and and. all bids. paction No.5. This ordinance shall be in force and tc.tke effect from b.nd after its passage, approvc~l ::"nc1 publication, evE? ljrovided by lav!. pa~~sed emd approved. this.5!' day of ,June, 1918. ( Seal) J .L.. Cleary ----------~---------- l/iayor Att est: H.E.Clll'f'ord -------------------------- city Clerk. . . . . . . 671 45.3 An o~dinance levying taxes to pay for the paving and ourbing of Paving District ]' e't) rciS lea.. .. '. 23 ,~ '." '-... . C\'i' . ~..' <il .,' _..'. .1.. + '('1 c':> (' l' + iT ". .1."-' rl ""C> ,.,~, T '-, l'~ .,., ,-1 V. 'J .,' V,J U "_'~ .J.. (~.\,J.J.\J. ..;. I,,) ....'..-.I..l.\..t. ~ De it o:cd,:dnej by tte Hayor b,nd ('1 ty Ccunc 11 of the city of Grand Isl~nd)~e~ra8ka: Section ITa. 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed ~gainBt the several lots)traots and parcels of land hereinafter Gl)ecified; the sa..iei i:JUlllS hereincl.i'ter fjl;'8cified for the purpose of paying the coat and expense of paving and curbing of ~aving District \T 2 7" r-,.o J. '",=:. r1" t ~ ".0 .-<,_.vl l,l.lV '0..1 Y or Gr~nd r61~nd,Hall CCllll,ty, }Jf~1)r;...81(d,) iI'1 [:~ccord,c~Jnce .:.vi t:r~ t1.18 'beYlefit. 8 fOUl1.(l uncI assesGsa. b..ge"ir.LErt ec~ch cf the severa,l lots) trcocts parcels of land,~y the ~ayor ~nd city Council of the (:1 ty of G::ct.md L31ct,nd; ~Te">)l'b..6kc~, ,,::;1 ; t ing Ci,a 0. BoaI'd of 'SquEi,liza t ion dft er,lue n.ot ice given ,_.~) provided by 1<.1.,'1'1'; each of m:..ic1.,,18ver;.::1 lot B) tr~c't8 and. [ldrcels of land is ~8seR8ed ~8 follow8Jto-:~it: llot Blk. t) 1 1 1 ,.., ,~) 7 Fr f3 F'r 7 1 (.., -1 <-I.t Fr 3 PI' 9 ;:31 ., ...- 1 .- ;.) :3 5 -z c) 5 4 5 5 .- ;:) Fto . /17 ft 1 8o,,<h7 ft 2 ,... o ,', D All fr.Blk 19 N.85 ft.fx~lc.t8 1 ~: 2, ,., () to) 4 6 5 S ,., 2r, b :;, TI'''' . 0 21 -.,' .... }\(lcli t icri. curb H,G.Cl~rk'8 ~30.10 Il 30.10 Il 30.10 11 6"n,1 RUGsel rrheeler 30.10 },~,~d.8 a e1 '.711 eel e 1:: 8.1"J,d. I~vC'aClarkr8 30*10 H.G.Cl~rkI8 3C.I0 " 30.10 11 30.10 " 30.10 11 30.10 II 6\.nd Il 12.9;3 Ru ;~l Gel "'h e c,' 1 EJ r J( 6;II.G.CluT1ct8 47028 7"1. C:'. C:lark f B 30.10 n 30.IC) " 30.10 'R.t18 sel eeIer !;,YlCL TT ,r:~ (: ~ '..', "11 , 0,... ,,' . ~J"..,r K 8 30,10 '2(;).\1ing A..SBes snlE3nt f'191 .67 f;;:'321.77 l~n, . 67 221.77 191.67 221.77 191.67 231.77 191.67 2(31.77 191.67 221.77 191.67 221.77 191.67 (381.77 191.67 2, 21:" 77 191.67 ~321. 77 S;.:t .14 S 5. 06 301.20 :;)4.8.1';'8 191.67 281.77 191.(37 8;31.7? 191.67 2;31.77 191.67 321.77 . . . Let Blk. 7 22 " o :32 :.~. . 4e ft 8 1'") r) (..){~ T~~12~:j :ft Sl ':;l ,) h) ~,; 10 c.... ,~\ r.;;r.;; 454 Addition Curb Pe.ving I\ EH'J e s s rueD. t Hu S 13 e 1 1"11 e :) J. e1' (, 2: 0 . 10 ("191 ~ 67 !" 221.77 n 3(J~lO 191.67 221.77 It ;'32 .80 , ^- "'] J..l:;:-';) . (j , 168.01 11 7.30 t16 .4,r3 52,.7(3 l! 3D.I0 191.i37 221.77 }711' 11 l~r 5 12 11 ~r.L(l 7 II. G . Clsuk I f) 30.10 191. (37 2(31~77 Ll <.0':c. ., h ...L() ~, .;) 18 ,., .1/2 ;3 18 ':~ . 1/ i;; i::, 18 1. 18 i3 8. 7 23 '"' o ,,) "'1. (.) .;; 9 ~33 10 23 6 2~/~ 7 ;;34. ~ 2.1 c~ v r.:: ,!:1- 1,J 24 Schcol District of C+ra1:1cl :r ~::Jl.d,rlcl 1-2-3-4 ~: 5 ].7 ;) 16 4 16 ~, .:> 16 C' r.;; 16 1 16 (-. ;) ;'35 7 t"" h c;:,.... ~3 25 9 & 10 25 6 26 ? t~ 8 (36 9 8, 10 ;'36 ~ 15 Ti.l...1.S s e 1 '~?ll~:; ale ~c 30.10 191.67 221. 77 !I 30.,10 191.67 ') ';)1 ry ry ')~....... I f II 15~()5 95.83 110.88 II ].5. ()5 95.83 110.89 II 30.10 191.67 (321.77 If (30.20 383 . 3~~ 443.54 n 30.10 191.37 221.77 11 30.10 191.67 221.77 n 2.0.10 191.67 321.77 n ,- ..'" i'''"'' 6U. .l.\) 101 (~7 ;;;/_.0, 221~7? l! ~)O~:LO 191.37 ;~~21.?? l! 30.10 191.37 221.77 II 30.10 191.67 221.77 l! 30.10 191.67 2fJl.77 Il 150.50 Ch.O r;;~~ 1108.85 vvu.,-",..J 11 30.10 191.67 221.77 n 30.10 191. :37 221.77 !! 2,0.10 191. 67 321.77 11 ~)O.lO 191 ~ (37 281.'77 1I 30.10 181.67 221.77 It 30.10 1.91. (37 221.77 11 30.10 191.\37 22J..77 n 30.10 191.67 2(31.77 11 60.30 383.34: 41.~13. 54 II SO.l() 191.67 221.77 II 60.2() 383 Ii 3'1 443.5<), 1I 60.20 383.34 443.54 II 30.10 19J..!37 221. 77 . I,ot 11 ,"' ~ <oJ ~d .i ,- ;:) 4 3 2 6 " '7 (x: 8 c .., 10 ,-' 0 ? 8 C.l WI 10 ~1 '-:( .... . (') ;;; F:c. 1 Fl"t. 1 Fl:' . l) F:~c . 5 (" o Fr. 7 Q u Irr II Fr' . c v () (,) ~Pr 4: '"' 0- ') 1..1 . :L ,'1 3 F'y, :;:7 ,,) ,:':!'r :3 Adli,t ion ("u:rb P".tvint:'; 191.67 191.67 lS~1.:3? 181.67 181.67 191. 67 19J..67 191.67 383.3,1. 191. 67 191.67 191.67 191.6'7 191. tJ7 191.67 191.67 191.67 239.59 :339.59 339.59 :339.59 r) ,..~C; r-"() i::'JVV'to 1...)<.,/ 239.59 ;3~)9 . 59 1'") I"',~ 0 rr"'I hi,,:;',..) 'l D~ 239.59 839.59 ~139 . 59 ~339 . 5~J 238..59 ;339 ~ 59 r''' t'" rh, r-~ ,~~, ,:),:,;';:).0-='1 '7-(' 1 "1 ') Fn.1 ::; .8 e 1 ~<:hee1er f.:ulCi .J..N }}X ., JA2 T- ') "riy 2ml A6,[~~ 37 62 239 59 J_ " . . . . 15 Feu.ssel "'[heeler 30.10 15 II '"; ,', "1'" ..;U. .LU 15 Il :30.10 1\'-, ..J..v 11 30,,10 14 II 30.10 14 II 30.10 14 11 30.10 14 11 30.10 ;;;7 II 60.30 37 11 30.10 27 II 30.10 87 11 3:) .10 28 " 30.10 28 tl 30.10 28 1I 30.10 28 30.10 II 38 30'.J_0 I! 13 II 37.82 1,"' o II 37.62 13 11 37.6;3 13 n ~nd 140 U~P.Ry,2nd Add~ 37.62 29 Pusfje1 ;Yhee1er and 1,1.4 U.J:l.Hy 2ncl Add. 37.6;3 144 " 37.32 144 39 rr c.nd ?tlS f:3 e 1 ~tT!.leGJ.. eI' 237.62 ?q ...,)\00 It t:~:n(t 1 <'t IJ: U. P. Rc..il''JJ~Y ~311d 37.62 141 T!."?~~y~2nd Add. 37~62 1<1,1 !l 37 f-' r". . \);:, n 37 G2 . !l 37 (j:3 . !l 37 I~ ,dO, . I~){';' 1! 37 (3(3 . 141 141 142 1<b2 142 1 ,., ..Li~ H i:i.ll~l :?:'r.10BeI eelEH' 37.62 Gc~30 it.fr.4~ 143 J"a: .2y.3nd Addq~nd CCILll)lelae:nt })ei.11g fr1 l()t 5:4 T31k ..11~ B.'u.ssel ~"';~11eeler 4 jf 35 25." 56 455 J~ eseec:ffient 22J...77 r.321.77 ;:321.77 2~31. 7? 821. 77 2;:.;;1.77 221.77 221.77 443.54 321.77 221.77 221.77 1331.77 231.77 821.77 821.'"17 221.77 ~377 .21 377 . r31 277.21 377.21 ~W7 .21 277.21 277~21 277 . ;31 277.81 277.81 277.21 277. :31 277.;31 277.;:31 ", 7 "', ,~.. -, r.:) (. {~.l.. r377.21 29.91 Let 1Jlk J\.ci.iit ion .. .102 ft. F'r. Let 5. :31k .11. Husi3el V'heeler c.md. ccmp1ement in ;:>'1'. Lot 4, :Jlk .143 V.P.Ry.Pen Addition . A 11 n,u~tJsel 'rn.lec~ler ':i' 3 11 H 11 11 ;..! 1 11 11 0 30 11 7 30 11 8 '7 r, II .:;;u 0 30 11 .J 10 30 l! 6 31 11 '7 31 11 8 0:' 1 11 ,)- 8 2;1 11 10 31 11 6 32 11 7 32 11 ('\ 33 II 0 0 32 II v 10 ~;.', 11 .:..>t;; 5 10 11 4 ' ,- 11 ..l..U ~!. 10 n ..; ,., 10 " i:.! -, ID II ..J.. . 456 Cu.ri) PH,ving p,ssess.. /'1 ;) r- ?:- :~1'166 .1:3 rlg1 .87 ',,;.;;:;J. , ;:) 30.10 1916'7 0')'} .77 (J {~ '""- 30.10 191.67 ~?l . 77 ,...;~- 30 .10 1'9J..37 221.77 30.10 191.G'7 2;31 .'77 30.10 19J.. 3'7 to, l"'~'" .77 c:'{j "J., 30.10 191.67 221 .77 30.10 J_9Jn . (37 281 .77 2,0.10 191 .67 221 . '7 '7 5().lO 191 .67 r.:321 .77 30.10 191 . (37 831.77 I"'n 10 191 .67 221.77 o '..J. 3c 'I ," 1 r.- 67 321 .77 . .J..\J _';jl.. 30.10 191 .67 r) '~'"I .7'7 (~~~ 30.10' 191 . [37 ~~21.77 30.10 10.": . f37 221 .77 ...~ 30.10 191 .67 221 .77 30.10 191.67 221 .77 30.10 191 ,67 '"\ ,-- .77 !;:,rj.l. 30.1() 191 ~ (57 231 . '77 "..' 30 .l() 191 .67 221 .77 30.10 191.67 2~n. 7 '7 30.1_0 191. 67 ;321 ~ 77 30.10 191. '''7 321 .77 <J 30.10 lC:1 37 ;331.77 '-''''- . All of the above described tracta,aubdivisions and additions ~d.'i3 in ;:ul:l i:'. })2ort .)1' the City of.. Grand Ifjh..l1d, :'Tebl'2.ska) c~nd,\Ni thin GaLl raving DhltriotITo,f.:;3 . '. . . 4S7 ;::i"~ct 1cn :''''0.;3. ,..~'\ 'L'D.e tax so 18Vi8(1 shall become , ~ 11:;l"yao.LB) delinquent and draw interest ae by law provided,D6lliely, :One tenth ;Jrl~,,~lJ.. -b(~ COlI18 .~Lel i 11Cltlen t ir.i. f i~ft ~T dc:,ya f :rcy{} tl-l e te of this levy;one 'tenth in 0116 year;ona tenth in two years;cne tenth in three yearn; one tenth in lour yeara;one tenth in five ye~rB;one tenth in 6~X ye~rs;one tontll in seven yea~s; one tenth in eight yesrs;one tenth in nine ye2Lrs fl'om t118 d::~t e of tids levy. P::.oh of f::!<::",id int'Jtt'.lb!EHlt 8 save the first one shall jra~ interest from date of this levy at t:c,e rect e cf 6;; I.'er 2..l1m;un u,nt 11 tr."e sa'xl!B becerflBs del inCluent, d.xld e(;~clh of f:Jaici instb"llment 8 shall clrc~'JV int erest :".t the rat e of 10;0 };.H3r IJ.nnum from ~nd after the d~te said installment beoomes delinquent. PI'cvidedl hovJ'i,lnrer, th2..t the entire amount so levied and t:~zses(~ed.. ~, r,".' ; "11 Co t ,', 'n y r, '~" -+- '-, ,:;, '.', .l,t:' () ",., e <:l ,.', .; .-'1 lOt. '" Wj';' iT 'h e "; 'c. 1",-1 .:;, t '\ n y + l' !'" '" .......o~....... 1o,,)!.J 1ooN..._ v~,- u~..:.V '-'" - "- __ 1V'.;'.....l.."-'w ...... U:".J oIoJ. ""'lfI I...., ~ .i.-"~"'.' ....1. IwY U ... 'J .;.J.,..... 'rrithin fifty do.yo :from the date of such levYI\vithout intere8t)and such lotI in t'nt"t event) Ghct,ll be exempt froL i;t:ny lien or cha::cge for interest. nAction ~'!c.3. ~rhe 0ity C'le:ck of the City of crand Ii:Jl::.tnd.1 Nebraoko.,is hereby directed to forthwith certify this ordinanoe to the City Treasurer cf Gr~nd Il31~nd~~ebra8ka)~;hc shall proceed to 8cllec~t s.;!..id~ te..,:{e~J ~:vtj re-.~~:Llirect ,.b'Ji lE:,vr. 3 oil j.Ol1 I-To. '1. i{J 0 i11tt11Ce ;:~,}-lel.-ll 'be in f'ciroe 8..11d tL..l(6 effect i' J.'or.tl a..nCt after its passage,appro'val ,~nd publioation 1''\-j''t\_ ....- ...... .", f""j ~.o \Ticlec\ ':.)Y' l;lrr. Passed ~~nd apI.jToved tllis 3rd day of Julyj1918. ( Seal) J..L..Cleary .Att e-st:- ,:',2~yor II ..:f,~.. Clifl'ord, City Clerk. . . . 4j8 ORDINANOE 10.672 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, . NEBRASKA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR CODENCING WITH THE 12" DAY OF AUGUST, 1918,IND ENDING THE SECOND KONDAY IN AUGUST,1919. BE IT OROIX!ED BY THE KAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE OITY OF GRAND IBLAND,NEBRASXA: Section No.1. That there is hereDY levied and shall De collected i1\ ,..:the., u.nner provided 8Y law upon all property ,rea.l, persoaal and .ixed,ot eyery kind and character, within the corporate li.lts ot the City of Graad Island,Neoraska,for the fiscal year coaaenciag August 13,191S,and ending the second Monday ia August 1919,oa eaoh dollar of the assessed yaluation of said property, :taxes as follows aDd for the tollow1.g purpose.,name1y: The sum of 3 K111s for the purpose of P&1iag the iaterest on the Donded indeetedness of the City of Grand Island,Neoraska., and to create a sinking fund to pay the principal thereot at aaturity. The sum of EleTen and * Kil18 for the general reve.ue purpose of said C1ty,iacluding salaries of city offioers,care of streets and al1eY8,and for street crossiags,for lighting streets and publiC DuildiDgs,to pay the incidental expenses of the City, for flushiag,extending and repa,iriag sewers and for park purposes. The sum of Three a.nd t Kills tor the purpose of paying the expenses of the polioe Depart.eRt. The ... of riTe Kills tor the purpose of paying the expense of Jl&iata,1aiag the fire depa.rtaent,procuriag appara.tus, to pa.y hydrant rental,purohase aew hose,pay sa.laries and incidental expenses. The sua of One and 1/8 Kill. to pay for the support of the public l1i1'a1'1. The sua of Seven and 1/8 Mills for paTing street and alley iaterseotions and spaces opposite public DuildiA8S. The sua of t Kill for the purpose of maintaining the Graad Island oemetery and for imprOTements thereon. 11.~9 The sua of 3/4 Kill to create a fund for the purpose of eeta.lishing aDd aaiatalniag a yocal,iBstraaeatal and a.useaeat orgaaization for the purpose of readeriag free pUGlic concerts ae ~ provided .y chapter 219,1915 seesioD Laws. The sua of two Mills for the purpose of aai:ata,1Jiliag, exteadiag,iaproviag aDd repairing the water plant of the Oity of Grand IslaDd,pa,y the iDcideBtal expeDses connected with the operatioD of the saae aad to pay the salariee and eapeases of offioers in charge thereof. The sua of Three Dollars OD each aDd eyery aale resideat of the City of Grand Ielaad,NeDraska,.etween the ages of Twenty-one (21) allld Fifty years,exoept such &s a.re exeapt 'Dy law,as pole ta.x. Section No.2. This ordiaaBce shall .e in force and ta.ke e!tect fro. aad atter its pa.8age,approval and pU'Dlic&t1on, as prOVided .y law. Passed. alld approyed. this ~day of July, 1918. ~ ( <"' '.1 '. '1 ) /Iv,t__,t.:t-..i.. t"T fit I~. Cl,eary Attest: Jla.yor !-1.}~ & (~lll~~C()I~d 1" 01ty Olerk. ~ . . . ,.~6o ORDINAOENO. 675 Beiag the annual"Appropriation lill" of the City of Graad Island,Neorasta,for the fisoal year co..enoiag the second Mo.day in A~st,19la. Be it ordained .y the Kayor and City Council of the oity of Grand ISland,NeDraska: Section No.1. That the sua of Ninety-fiTe Hundred SeTent, Dollars is hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying the iaterest on the Goaded iadebtedness of the City of Grand Isla~, Nebraska,and to create a siakiag fund to pay the principal thereof whea it _eooa.a due. seotioa No.2. That the sum of Forty-seven Hundred Dollars or so ..ch thereof as a&y be aeoessary,is hereby appropriated out of the geaeral fUDd of the City for the purpose of paying the salaries of the nity officers for the ensuing ysar. Seotion No.3. That the sum of !welTe Thousaad Dollars, or so ..ch thereof as aay be neoessary,is here>>y appropriated out of the general fund of the City for the purpose of pa.ying the expense of building and repairing streets and alleys,oleaaing streets,const~oting gutters,oross walks, side-walks and aakiag other street and alley 1mprovements. Seotion No.4. That the sua of Six Thousand Dollars, or so .uoh thereof as aay ae aeo...ary,is hereBY appropriated ou~ of the ge.eral fund of the Oity of Gra~d Island for the p~rpo8e of~>>a11.g the expense of flush1ng sewers,exteading mains ~d _klag repa.irs. Beatioa 10. 5. That the 8ua of Tea Thousand Dollars, or 80 auch thereot as ~1 .e .eo.ssary,18 hereoy appropriated out of the general fund of the City of Grand Islaad1for the pu~po.e of payiag the expense of lighting the st~eets and alleys aad the puDlic iuildiage of the said City. seotioa No.6. That the sua of F1Ye Thousaad.<Do.la",: or so .uoh thereof as aa,1 .e neces8ary,is here\1 appropriated out of the general fund of the city of Grand Island,for the purpo8e of payiag the ineide.tal expenees for the easuiag year. Seotio. No.7. That the SUIl ot ODe T11o\1sal1d Dollars,or IJ.h "j r '<..l ~u... . aO.<.\l'h thereot a. aa.y .e ..eoe.sary, is hereDY appropriated out of MJ thl leaera1 tund ot the Oity of Grand Island,tor the purpose of oarial for aad .ai.ta.i.iag parks. Seotion No. S. That the sua of Eleye. Thousand DOllars, or 80 .uo~ thereot as .a.y ie aeoessary,is here8Y appropriated to p..,. ~}le.salari.s alld lnoldeata.l expease. of the Polloe Depart.eat of the Oity of Graad Islaad,Nebraska,for the easulag year. Section No.9. That the sua of Thieteea thousaRd Seye. Hu_ared Dolla.rs,or so ..oh thereof as Il&Y ie aeoessary,is here8Y app~c,prlatea for the PUPOS8 of paying the expe..s. of lI&iatainlag the fire depart.eat,purohasiag aew hose, apparatus aRd other a.oo.8.orie8,p&yi~g salaries,inoidental expenses,repairs aad hyd.raat reatals. seotion NO. 10. That the sua of Nineteen Thousand rlye !U.d~ed Dollars,or so .uoh thereof as Il&Y ie aeoessary,i. hereby . ..~~~opr1ated for the p\1rp088 of pa.riag the expellse of paYiag ....,,,..,..~,.,-\~;.;.'. .~~eet and. alley i.terseotions a.ad opposite ;ui1io buildiags aad tor repa,iriag pa.yimg. seotioD No. 11. That the SUIl of Three Thous8,.dDo11ars, or 80 auoh thereof a8 .a.r ae Deoe8sary,is hereiy appropriated foZ' the purpose of pa.ylag the expea.e of _iDtenuc. of the Puitlio L1irary,1aoludiag 8a1arie8,lnoid.eata.1 expsases,repai.. and purohas1ag looks and docuaents. Ssotio. 10. 12. That the sua ot Th1~Y-SSY'B ftundre~ Dollars,or so auoh thereof as may.. necessary,ls here.y appropriated for ths purpose of pa.riag the expe"s8s of _i_tal.iag the osaetery including salaries,la~or,incidental expenses and for i.proye.ents. asotio. 10. 13. That the sua of Twenty-fiye ftuadred DOllars, or 80 auch thereof as .y .e aeceseary,is here.y appropriated for . the purpose ot esta\11shiag and _i~tai.i~g a Yooal,i,strua~~~ ud alll.18e.e~t orga.izatiota readeri.g free pu~lio ooaoertsasU[;' proyided DY ohapter 21~,19l5 Ses8ioa Laws. . . . }f62 Beetioa No. 14. That tbe sum of riTe Thousand Four ~..dred and Eighty Dollar8,or 80 .uoh thereof a8 a&1 ie neeessary,is here_y appropriated for the purpose of aainta1a1>>g,extend1ng, 1.proy!.g and repairiag the wa.ter pla.nt of the City of Grand Islaad, to P&Y the incidental expenses oon~eeted with the operatio. of the sa.. and to pay the salaries and expenses of officers 1n oharge thereof. Section No. is. This ordinance shall ie 1a foroe &ad take effect fro. and after its pa8sage,approyal and pui11cat1on a. pro Tided QY law. Passed and approyed this 13 day of July,1918. ( SC'Ji:.l ) ;r. Ii ~ (~l~'~JI'.lV' Attest: Jlayor TT..E. Cl. ij":i~O'I:d City Clerk. 46.3 ORDINANCE NO.61~. /"''/ rit-/ t" 10:) ~) #' An ordinanoe amending seotions One and Two of Ordinance . No.435,'being an Ordinance providing for the care of lots in the Grand Island,cemetery Vy the City of Grand Island. Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island,Nebraska: That Section No.1 of ordinanoe No.435 of the ordinanoes of the City of Grand Island be amended to read as follows, to-wit: seotion No.1. That any person desiring to provide tor the oare of any lot in the Grand Island cemetery may make arrangements therefor in the following manner to-wit: me or they may pay to the City Clerk of the City of Grand Ieland,Nebraska,for the future care by said City of any lot or fractional lot in said Grand Island Qemetery the following sums of money: . One Hundred Dollars per lotjriftYDollars per one-half lot;rifty Dollars per one"A"Lot and Fifty Dollars per fraotional Lot of less than,one-half lot dimension,provided,however, that where the same person or family>has pa.id for the perJrlB,nent oare of one whole or full Lot and said person or family also owns an "A" Lot a.djoining sai4 full Lot, no', further oharge shall be made for the permanent oare of said adjoining "Aft Lot,Gut suob person or family may inolude only one "A" Lot per whole Lot ill the original obargeiand provided further that where cIlly a one-half Lot ror a fraotional Lot of less than one-half Lot dimension is owned and the amount paid for permanent care i8 in the sum of Fifty Dollars and suoh owner or owners own an "A" Lot adjoining said one~half or fraotional Lot,an additional oharge of Twenty-rive Dollars per "A" Lot shall be made. . That seotion No.2.of ordinanoe No.435 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island 'be amended. to read as follows,to"wit: Seotion He.a. The city of Grand Island on its part in oonsideration of the payment of said sums mentioned in Section No. l.hereof is to oare for said Lot,Lots,or fraotional Lots for allAv 464 time to come;to keep same free from weeds~to cut the grass on same, to properly water the flowers planted thereon by the owner, and in general to take good care of said Lot or Lots and keep same in good ~ oondition. ~ ~ Section No.3. Seotions Numbered 1 and 2 of ordinanoe No. 435 of the 01ty of Grand Island are hereby repealed. seotion NO.4. This ordinanoe shall be in foroe and take effeot from and after its passage, approval and pUblication as provided by law. Palsed and approved this 7th day of August,lilS. ( Seal) ~~~~2~~et~~~____~~_~ Attest: Ma.yor H.E. 01 il'ford.. ~~~---~-~~~-~~-~-~-~~~ City Clerk. . . . ~5 n) It l Ordinanoe No. An ordinance levying taxes to pay for the paving and curbing of paving District No.21 of the City of Grand Island~ Nebraska. Be it ordained by the Mayor and city ,ouneil of the City of Grand Island~Nebraska: Seotion No.1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots~traots and paroels of land hereinafter specified, the said sums hereinafter speoified for the purpose of paying the oost and expense of paving and ourbing Paving Distriot No.2l of the City of Grand Island,Hall County, Nebraska, in aooordanoe with the benefits found and assessed against each of the several lots,traots and paroels of land by the Mayor and City Counoil of the City of ~rand Island, Nebraska, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice given as provided by law;each of the several lots, traots and parcels of land is assessed as follows, to-wit: \ NO.1. Assessment Of Paving District NO.21.. First Street. 1~6b Lot s.88 Ft.8 N.44 Ft.8 E.22 Ft.7 W.44 Ft.7 6 . W.33 Ft.5 E.33 Ft.5 . . 5 .6 7 8 8 7 E.22 Ft.6 W.44 Ft.6 5 Block 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 82 82 82 82 83 83 83 83 83 School District NO.2. 1-2-3-4 88 Liederkranz Society Of Gra,nd Island. 1-2-3-4 87 1 2 3 4 Hall County Commis13ioners 5-6-7-8 E.33 :Ft.J. W.33 Ft.l 2 3 4 86 86 86 86 84 85 85 85 85 85 A4ditiol'l Curb Original Town 21.10 $I II ,.30 If " 9.90 II " 19.80 " " 33.00 " II 13.20 fI II 13.20 36.30 36.30 36.30 36.30 If II " II II II II II " II II fI 36.30 18.10 17.60 26.40 " II fI 11 " " Pa...ing 280.23 70.10 116.72 233.43 350.53 175.27 175.27 367.87 353.83 353.83 353.83 351.11 351.31 116.72 234.20 351.11 fI II 145..20 1401.55 II 190.08 1336.92 "18.81 167.18 <<18.81 167.18 "37.62 334.36 II 3~.62 334.36 II 37.62 334.36 19"60-:14- $11714,:07 II fI 62.48 II II 26.40 II 26.40 II II It fI II It II II " II fl 1429.36 351.11 351.11 351.11 351.11 Total Cost. 301.33 75.40 126.62 253.23 383.53 188.47 188.47 404.17 390.13 390.13 390.13 351.11 387.61 134.82 251.80 377.51 1546.75 1491.84 377.51 377.51 351.11 351.11 1527.00 185.99 185.99 371.98 371.98 371.98 :1 ---~_.~~- lW12,105.21 ---- . 1.j.67 No.2. AeSe55]]lSnt Of PaYing District NO.21. ]'irst Street. Lot Block Addition Curb PaTine Total Cost 8 107 Railroad Add. 37.62 236.67 274.29 7 107 " " 37.62 236.97 274.29 6 107 It tI 37.62 236.67 274.29 U.44 Ft., 107 It fI 7.52 47.34 54.86 s.88 Ft., 107 " II 30.10 189.33 219.43 . 8 11, II It 37.62 236.67 274.29 7 115 It It 37.62 236.67 274.29 6 115 It 1I 37.62 236.67 274.29 , 115 " " 37.62 236.67 274.29 8 117 Ii II 37.62 236.67 274.29 7 117 fI If 37.62 236.67 274.29 6 117 " " 37.62 236.67 274.29 Frac.5 117 II " l!'rae.5 117 Koenig & Wiebes 37.62 236.67 274.29 1 106 Railroad Add 37.62 236.67 274.29 2 106 II fI 37.62 236.67 274.29 3 106, It It 37.62 236.~7 274.29 4 106 It II 37.62 236.67 274.29 1 116 " If 37.62 236.67 274.29 . 2 116 II II 37.62 236.67 274.29 3 116 II It 37.62 236.67 274.29 Frae.4 116 " tl Frae.4 116 Koenig & Wiebes 37.62 236.67 274.29 l!'rac.8 120 II It Frae.8 120 Ha,ilroad Add E.16 Ft.Fr.7 120 Koenig & Wiebes W.50 ]'t.Fr.7 120 " It Frac.6 120 Ii II 5 120 II fI Frae.1 121 If If Fr~..1 121 RaJ.lroad Add. 37.62 236.67 274.29 2 121 Koenig & Wiebes 37.62 236.67 274.29 3 121 If II 37.62 236.67 274.29 4, 121 fl II 37.62 236.67 274.29 . $ '902~W $5b80:oa---" di, 65Ef~r:.ge;--- 'iP ., NO.3. Aseessm.ent Of Paving Di~tri~t . :Firet Street .. NO.21. )+68 Lot ]310 elk Addition Curb Pa;vinf~ Total Cost. 1 122 Koeni~ & WiebelS 37.62 236. 67 274..29 2 :t. 22 It " 37.62 236.67 274.29 3 122 II fl 37.62 236.67 274.29 Fraa.4 122 II fI F1'a..4 6 AI,'nold Plaee 37.62 236.67 274.29 . 8 4 II " 37.62 236. 67 274.29 7 4 fl " 37..62 236.67 274.29 E.44 Ft.6 4 II " 25.08 157.78 182.86 W.22 Ft.6 4 II " 12.54 78.89 91.43 5 4 " fl 37.62 236.67 274.29 8 3 II II 37.62 236.67 274.29 7 a It fl 37.62 236.67 274.29 Frae.6 3 fI " Frae.6 5' Spaulding & Gre~~g$ 37.62 236.67 274.29 Frae.5 3 Arnold Pla<<t€ Fra...5 5 Spauldin~ & Greggs 37.62 236.67 274.29 1 7 Arnold Pla(ile 37. 62 236.67 274.29 2 '7 II II 37.62 236.67 274.29 3 7 " 11 37.62 236.67 274.29 4 7 II 11 37.62 236.67 274.29 . 1 8 II ff 37.62 236.67 274.29 2 8 fI ff 37.62 236.67 274.29 3 8 ff II 37.62 236.67 274.29 Frall.4 8 " fI Fra,c.4 8 Elm Plaee 37.62 236.67 274.29 ]'1'8.8.1 8 Spaulding & Gre~g6 Fl'ae. 1 . 1 Elm Plaee 37.62 236.67 274.29 2 1 " ff 37.62 236.67 274.29 E.50 Ft.3 1 " " 28.50 179.12 207.62 w.16 Ft.3 and E.34 Ft..4 1 fI " 28.50 179.12 207.62 8 6 Spaulding & Greggs 37.62 236.67 274.29 7 6 It It 37.62 236.67 274.29 Ji"'rac. 6 6 " fI . Frac.6 6 Elm Place 37.62 236.67 274,29 Frac.5 6 Spaulding & Greggs Frac.l Subdi vision Of County Subdiyision Of Section 16-11-9 37.62 236.67 274.29 $ -- ~ .~ ~ "It' 6"511. '66 $ 7546. 'ia-- 1035.12 'lP . NO.4. Assessment Of PaYing District NO.21. First Street. 1.).69 Lot ira-c. 8 ]'ra,c.8 7 6 . ]'1'ac. 5 ]'1'ac. 5 W.43 :F't. F1'ac.1 2 3 4 8 7-6-, 8-7 6 5 8 7 . ]'1'ac.. 6 Frgc.6 F1'8.c.5 F1'ac.5 Frac.1 F1'ac.1 Frac.2 Frac.2 3 4 1 2 Frac.3 Fr8,c.3 Fre,c.4 F1'ac.4 . F1'ac.l Frac.l 2 3 4 & 5 29.64 186.44 29.64 186.44 60.42 379.94 $--mo~.73-$749i:. ~5;.r-" Block Addition Curb 19 Palmers Add. 37.62 7 Spaulding & Greggs 10 / 37.62 37.62 Pe,lmers Sub 19 19 19 Kernohan & Deckers 37.62 II II II If 21 Palmers Sub 24.51 21 1I II 37. 62 21 " II 37.62 21 II II 37.62 18 Kernohun & Deckers 37.62 18 II 113.06 ft 17 17 17 If t1 75.24 37.62 37.62 tI fI If ff 16 16 16 1 " ft 37.62 37.62 " II II ff Add. 37.62 Vvasmers 16 Kernohan & Deckers 1 Wasmers Add. 37.62 20 Kernohan & Deckers 20 PaLmers Sub. 37.62 20 If II 20 Kernohan & Deckers 37.62 20 20 21 21 II fI 37.62 II II 37.62 37.62 " If tI II 37.62 II 21 7 7 21 Kernahan & Deckers 37.62 fl Wasmerrs 37.62 Add II " 22 6 6 6 6 II W[;.Bmers II ADd. 30.78 If " " ff II " Pavi11g 236.67 236.67 236.67 236.67 154.80 236.67 236.67 236.67 236.67 710.01 473.34 236.67 236.67 236.67 236.67 236.67 236.67 236.67 236.67 236.67 236.67 236.67 236.67 236.67 236. 67 193.75 Total Cost. 274.29 274.29 274.29 274.29 179.31 274.29 274.29 274.29 274.29 823.07 548.58 274.29 274.29 274.29 274.29 274.29 274.29 274.29 274.29 274.29 274.29 274.29 274.29 274.29 274.29 224.53 216. 08 216.08 440.46 $m'82.30' --. HO . 5. . 470 AsseS5ment Of Fo.vi.ng District lfO.21. ]'irst Street. Lot lilock Addition Curb Paving Total Cost. Frac.8 120 Koenig & Wiebes Frac.8 120 Re,ill'oe.d Ado. . 37.62 236. 67 274.29 E.16 Ft.]'r.? 120 Koenig & Vliebf3s E.16 l!'t.Fr.7 120 Railrof.l.d Add. 9.12 57.39 66.51 . Vi. 50 Ft.]'r.7 120 Koenig & Wiebes e..nd i t~~ compliments 28.50 179.28 207.78 E.14 Ft.Fr.6 120 Koenig & Wiebes and its compliments 7.98 50.40 58.38 The Westerly 118 ft.by 132 ft.of lot 2,of County Sllb.of S.E.quP.rt~n' of the S.W.quarter of S6c.16-11-9 West 6 P.M. 67.26 424.80 492.06 Commencing !'l,t apoint on the south line of First St.in the City of Grand Island, nebr. ,8.t a point 86 ft. E. from thE! N" W. Cor. of Fr.lot l,in Fr.I31k.21,Palmers Sub"o:f lot 7.of the County Sub.of S"E.qua.rter of S.W. quarter of Sec.16-11-9.thence S.E.parallel with west line of said lot 1,,132 ft.to the north alley line, between First & Division st. thence N.E.along north line of alley 43 ft.to a point 18 ft.west from. the S.E.Cor.lot A,Elm Place Add.thence N.W.para1lel with the east line of said lot A,132 ft. to the south 1j.ne of First st. thence S.W.along the south line of First st. 43 ft.to the place of beginning 24.51 154.80 179.31 . Westerly one ha1! of that tract of land conTeyed June 1st 1917 by Harry Bernstein and wife to John Woelz by warra,nty deed, said tract ha,ving frontage of 43 ft, on Fir~;t St. comm.encing at fl, point 43 ft. E.from the N.W.Cor.of Fr.lot 'l,Fr.I31k.21,Palmers Sub. of lot 7, of County Sub. of S.E. que,rtel" of S. W. quarter of sec.16-11-9 24.51 154.80 179.31 Part of lot 4,Blk.l,and a pa.rt of lot A, i.n Elm Place Add. to the Cit;y of Grand Island,Nebr. ,e,nd a part of lot 2,of the County Sub.of lots 13 & 16 and parts of lots 8-11-12 and 140f the County Sub. of S.E.t,of the S.W.t.of Sec.16-11-9.A~ follows :- Commencing at a noint on the north line of said lot ~ ~., ' ~ 4,Blk.1.in Elm Plac0 Add.34 ft.west from the N.E.Cor. of lot 4,thence west along the south line of First St. 50 ft. 28.50 179.28 207.78 --w2'2"6'.O.O $1437:42 .." $1tb'5:42' ~ 4'3'i""6:-gr $32, 26 5.1rcr-- $ 36, 5Ef2767-- . .c . . 1~71 Seotion No.2. The tax so levied shall become payable,delinquent and draw interest as by law provided,namely: One tenth shall become delinquent in fifty days from date of this levYjone tenth in one yearjone tenth in two years; one tenth in three yearsjone tenth 1n four yearsjone tenth 1n five yearsjone tenth in six years; one tenth in seven yearsjone tenth in eight years; one tenth 1n nine years from date of this levy.Eaoh of said installments,save the first one, sha.ll draw int.erest from date of this levy at the ra.te of 6% per annum until the same becomes delinquent,and eaoh of said delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of 10% per annum from and after the date sa.id installment becomes delinquent. provided,however,that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots may be paid at any time within fifty days from the date of suoh levy, without interest, and suoh lot, in that event, shall be exempt from any lien or oharge for interest. Section No.3. The City Clerk of the City of Gra.nd Island, Nebraska, is hereby directed to forthwith oertify this ordinanoe to the City treasurer of Grand Isla.nd,Nebraska.,who shall prooeed to oolleot said taxes as required by law. section No.4. This ordinanoe shall be in foroe and take effect from and after its &~~z.~i pa8sage,approval and publioation as provided by law. Passed and approved this 21st day of August,1918. ( Deal) J .Ia CIE:1a.rv ~~-~~~---~~----~-----~~ Mayor Attest: H 'IF:.. Clifford City Clerk. 11'72 ORDINANCE NO. 6"i6 _ An ordinanoe levying a. special sewer district tax to pay for the construotion of a sewer in sewer District Number 55 of the ~ City of Grand Island,Nebrasta ,and providing for the collection thereof. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section No.1. That a speCial sewer district tax be and the same i8 levied and assessed to pay the expense of the construction of a sewer in sewer district No.55 of the City of Grand leland, Nebraska,against the respective tracts or lots of land embraced in said district in the amount set opposite the respective descriptions thereof as follows: ~ ~ . . . i\rl.fU';~;fI.~k.nt f'lt .~");)t$J'''ri~',.,. ". 47.3. :r;.$' <~I'} t ~\&tl ti eft ~ _ Gl~,;f.t~ 5\ td.l,Uu:J !:l.H'. Cl_du j~t')111.u~ ,l);.t'lw.,t ~T7 ~ ~~11~ M~Q~. .w' 1"~..1 ji\.~jo.l CtJ.1~ :i{} fA , J"'Jf*i.t' 1.~0,'ott 1"....~.A. ;: )'J>rtc.2 ;:;30 'S 83.15 $,.,~. .1iu~t:Ofj j~. 3) rt.'~ft,c.3 ;~ 33 f\.l1"'t\fJ.;, ,20 ~ W~*(f.~U,~f~S J\,f)lli~'$ 41.8$ .~bib~,l.d l~.J$"~ltt ';.33 ft..Jfl"mJJ.4 JAY ... ~ it"t. '.1~~<'>~ .1i. i). ;l,:. '. f' . H'ft J l~.v. 4;l\l1}.~k~ ;~o11;h'u~ 41.6? 313..V'J ,# 20 :; ~~ltl"l f}~ I,U (1.el1 4 Wi' ';! ~ J~n ]l.~~.an~." t" ~~ .. (t"" 00' 3 ~~~.~t i[,~nt.th f ~ , fi €:1.0Q J~~1\1I J\.,..Anti-~r'f:,'Ht~n H ~~!' , It (.1. GO l-P.llS ,~'\, .At'l\'~E'~$:n 9 !J tt 1$7.00 it ~n$1 ,i,,- A.n(~ fU'I!Hl~tl lCL , ,;( '7.00 ~"~.,." ;,/.---.',.:"',,;. ....,>', * ..... '.".'. ....' Section No.2. Said special sewer distriot ta.x shall be due and beoome delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law and shall be colleoted in the manner provided by law. Section NO.3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island.. Nebraska, is hereby instructed and directed to oertify to the County Treasurer of Hall County,Nebraska,the amount of said taxes with the instructions to colleot the same as provided by law. Seotion No.4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this )~II day of September, 1918. ( Seal) J .1,. Cleary - -----..... -..........-....-0........_.... __ __... Attest: Mayor 11. ..~..Cl,Lff()r(t ----~------~~-------------- City Clerk. 1~<71i ORDINANCE NO. en ~.'V""1C~';_..'__~ An ordinance levying a special sewer district tax to pay for the construction of a sewer in Sewer District Number 56 of the ~ City of Grand Island,Nebraska,and providing for the collection thereof. . Be it ordained by the Mayor and council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section No.1. That a special sewer district tax be and the same is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of the construotionof a sewer in sewer district No.56 of th. City of Grand Island,Nebraska,against the respective tracts or lots embraoed in said district in the amount set opposite the respeotive desoriptions thereof,as follows: ~ ~ if ~.__.i . 8.wer!:lj,~$J~l.' ~~~.ftt. ii.7ij 1i~. ;:,>lOt J~l&uk }\4di t1 ~n '.t$tI$.... €J;.tJ"it~.rtu~~ .1?~~~<i.l 1"' r~~.l "'j 7,;';:'._ .I",' 12 .Ii)..k~t'~:(t~'. ~~d~#~ 19.1>4 e~~flIl"~~te ]ru_.~ ~! ~~,~... ::? i'"e",;,e J'ttekfi~ Jtl~jfl'& l}lll,k~ur~ ;;,.64 ll,;~_~. t;~rm~ ;Jtf)n'J~flil ,lr,.~O. ;3 ~'I'l!'<it. ,) .v':t )"" 12 ,:U $f,t'l' tl 59.l~ . ' 1i;i"...~t'!"t~h ~i< t ~nz fk 1 #":t'ac., 4 ~'t.":~,O.4 'r;;;t'1. '. ~.'. iIi.... "'7.'~ i:~~;"" J~ CtM\l<;~}fllft,n ~.; .. .. 47..12 "U'b$rt ~~~'1~yd~ (. ~ 4/1. 'fa f~i"l"Wd, 1 (~l~\n(l;1..Hnd t;o. *) 12 f+ 4.'.72 li!litt'Y A. etlap~rt1:1,tl -f", ~} 1. ') ih, n ,Ij>~.., ..."JI') '1' f. ,." ltFl'$4ij1mon 9 12 n 47.1rl -.".".....,.,.....~....'...~.'..'r.. .... .,'" .Ii 4".17 Seotion No.2. Said speoial sewer distriot tax shall be due and beoome delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law and shall be oolleoted in the manner provided by law. Section No.3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island . Nebraska,is hereby instruoted and direoted to oertify to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Ne'braska, the amount of said ta.xes together with instruotions to oollect the same as provided by law. Seotion No.4. This ordinanoe shall be in foree and take effeot from and after its passage,approval and publioation as provided by law. Passed and approved this lfll day of September,19l8. (('("'1) ,j . d._ .T .1, . Clear-'ll ------~~-~~-~~-~~~--~~ Attest: Ma.yor II ..1,;. C1 'i 1'1' 01'0 ~-~~~~-----~~~~--------- City Clerk. . . . . Lt75 .'\ -q Ij I IT p, ~.'T C TG j'.J () ~ fw'J:.L.~.__ Al'T () IT''] 7;..::Tj\ l~ T3(j]iRD ()? II?liI1TET. '---l\T~I ,.. .l IIT TH7 ("'ITY f;I<:)J._:; I)-::i~F lIllO. AFD DUTIFf! G T-~. ,P~. T~ TJ I TH~RF0F;FfIXING A PENALTY FOR .VIC,IJJ\TIOTJ T1T;~?J~()F, l~Ir() Tel B,?PT~l~T..l INA1;0~ NO. 349 OF TH~ IIJF'D OF' TH1~ ~ITY 0F GRATID 1'1 ~.J\ 18LA~D AND .AIJ1 i)TIl~R rrTl\I-TCFf.! J\j-.'.J:D :Pl\RT8 C1l'f1 O}TDII\TP~:UC!rf3 01~ ID CITY ITJ COJJFLIOT E?:;:::T'~'ITH. Be it ordained ~y the ~ayor and Council of the City of G-rand I fjl;.i,nd; nebraska: section ~o. 1. That a board of health for the City of Grand IBland;~ebraBka;be and the same is hereby created and establisb.ecl. seot ion I'To. 2. ;jaid Board shall cons ist of the j:;Tayor Clnd 'f Tour membero of the Council i..':..nd three rep'lJt,:'!,iJle l)hYBicians. ""he I~ayor shall appoint the four members of the Council ,:~nd the three phYGioians to serv('3 en SEl,iel BOE,rd and they Ghall 'hold office dt~:cing the term for!Nhich the l,[c"yor i8 elected and until their 8ucceS80rs are appointed. The Mayor may for cause remove any member o:fi. sc"id Board. 'i'he 7Iayor shall be chairman of saiJ Beard ,,:.nd it is hereby me:.ds the ,luty of the Oi ty Clerk to ~,.ct i;;',S the ('lerk thereof. No member of the Soard shall receive any compensation fer his services on said Board; nor shall the city clerklcity Physician or Chief of Police receive any oompensation for performing the d:uties irllpodecllll';()n them !JY the ordinance; beyond tn,e r3alaries allowed them by virtue of their respective offic8s. Bction No.3. The jurisdiction of the Board fer the r!urpo S8 W811,t ione(t in thi 8 ordinance shall ext end to emu include all plac~s within five miles of the limits of the City. ection Ho. 4. c'aid BOr.:;,rd '11 t ' t t' ana meeJ~, a ne Council che"I,i'ber e"t 8 c' c10ck P. on the first Tuesday of each month and at ouch other times as the Mayor or any three members of the Bo~rd Hib,y dee ide upon. ~3ect ion Ho. ,4'. S2..1cl BOcc:rd of I-real th 8h.::\11 have t>nd exe~~lse ~ general supervision over the Bunitary conditions of the ~ Oity ani within the five miles limit hereinbefore mentioned. and # - shall have power to take effective measures to prevent the intro- 1t"76 duct ion into the City O~ spread of any dise~Be contagious or danGerous to the public health; r~nd for the,t purpose shall ha\lJe the power to f:;top> detain or examine ~:~ny person coming from any rL~ce infected or believed to be infected with &ny disease contagious or . da,ngerous t c the 1J'1.1blic health> and sh;;'1"ll from t 1me to time Bf3tabl i 811. such rules and regulations not inconsistent with the rules and regulations of the st~te Board of Health, as may be deemed advisable ,.m:l neC8SSl'.ry to protect the public health. Section Woo 6. The City Physician shall have the right and authority,and it is hereby made his duty as Boon as he receives information from any source that a person is afflicted with,or suspected of being afflicted ~ith,any disease contagious or dangerous to pl1~Jlic health, to call upon the person or hiB household ~Lncl investigate the truth of the report, and if he is convinced in his own mind the person has a disease contagious or dangerous to public health, then he shall ~t once notify the ~hief of Police of said City of such f"'cct in::.,':citing Civing the name or nb,mea of the parties, the . names of the pdrents or other members of the families as well as oth(~r per'son8\vho may be .boarding or rocndng at the 1)18"C6, the residel1coe b,nd. the name of the disea!38 with '.,rhi ell the l'b,rty is afflict ed; and. uhall'ithout delay PO(3t 01' O~W8e to be l)()sted in a oonspicuous place on the building a placard of proper color to indicate to the public the nature of the dif:lease with v/hich the cccurant or oCCUpcultS are (j,.fflict ed, which cccrd ~3hEj<11 remain on the i,:milding until quarant ine is releaaed,and said placard shall have printed thereon in large tYJ>e the folloi\Ting w(;"rning: f!No one except the City tsar E',ttending ~,hY8icicLl1 ~Jhall enter c.y; leave the ID:emizefJ except upon 'wri tten ~uthority from the Board of Healthf!.Any person desiring to leave premises 80 quarantined and plao6rded must first secure a certificate Gigned by the city or attending physician Bho'Ning that b.e has been . l>rop~..,rly fumig"j~ted as in t11is ordimmce provided Conel pre801'1bed by the rulss of the Board of Health.The City physician is hereby reqvirad to kee ci record for the City giving the names of pereons having Buch contagious or dangerous Jiasases,time he called to make inspection, "''''-e "..,.1 't,,,,..,'.l,,,,,,,, f t",:::>.,-t c,..t n r; '.......ti"'" d.".L"" r~;;:;;,"L:, o,lh,\' _'.Jbl..tt.dlce o. J.!,'..' IJi:J.r y,\.tr.'t e OL'1,u"t.rcl,n _1"..,,;' L,lo" 'fvhen qUG.rant ine is releaasd,when and how the Chief of Police was n~tified of ~uarantine and release.The City Physioian shall not be required to Lt77 t~e~t the vatient by virtue of his office,unless the patient is a l-l:::nx~)e:r, (;~dld he f;ihc,,11 in no Llll1111er lnt erf ere with the Pi.:i,t 1 ent 1(3 ixttending c:c family 1-'[.;.Y81c1e"n unless such attending physician is . violating any of the provisions of this ordinance,or the rulea and regulations of the Board of Health, in which event he shall report such violcl.tionfl to the BOb.I'ell hnd in the event cf D" dir31;Jute 'iJetween the City :DhYbicic:ln and attending physici.o.Xl the forbers inBtructions shall prevail unless overruled by the Board of Health. Section Jo~ 7. It 8h~lJ_ "be tliG duty of the Chief of Police aa 600n as he 18 informed jy the city Physician or the I'd of !realth as in this ordinance provided, that any pereon ie Buffering from (;;~ny:Li8eE'd3e contasious or (h::.ngerOlH-l to th,3 Iniblic heal tb, or h<:~8 caen exposed to such &iseases,to notify in writing the rity Librarian and the Superintendent of the public Bchoole,giving the naille of the party,oCOU})':.1ute of the household, the lJ.u.mber er cleBc:d.pti.on of the residence and the nuture of the disease,and he ohall as 800n as he is notified by the City Physician thut quarantine h~B been released, . lJ.ot ify the city 1.,1 brar18.n and. ~:)upe:cint;endent of public 8c!.J.oolf3 in writing of such fact;it shall be his further duty to serve such notice on such other pereon or persens as the Board may from time to time direct c.nd he s':';.ctlJ. keel) a recorcL of 111;:-1 doine;f3 in the premises.In the avent of an ",. . 'I eplaemlo or Wlue splt'ead of i;;ony conta,giou8 J.iSSSi-S8 the }..::8.Y01: "cnct City Ccull"';}.1 Il:i...y c.ppoint e. !3peciu.J relios officer or }clice officers whose duties it ahall be to Bee that quarB~tine regulations are rigidly enforoed ani observed. ;~~ t:; C t i 0 Yl T\T () . C) . n I..... . . ... . The Ulty Llorarlsn shall keep a record in writing of the inforn~tion received frem the Chief of Polioe as proviCie(t in the forse,o:i.ng 138ction of thiG GrcUYl8.nce~ EU!.d. ~lhEtll ,_'pon receipt of such informaticn ascertain if possible if the afflicted pb.rty or mell1ber of hcusetc) hI-iS ;.:~rl~r ;JC;Cl.(Ei or l)LJ..nlriJ~!.letE~ t,;1.}:e11 f1"0111 . the City Library,if 80 he shall at once notify such person in writing througl1 the EJi;d.l,eJ to retain th'3;J("ck or 1)8.l11phlet '\.:Lnt D.. othenJi 88 notified;andwhen oaid I~ibraTi~D has been llotified t~8 hereinbefore provided that qU2,rantine h~9 been released prell1is8S fumigcited :[le chall then notj.fy the rerscl1 or nOl.ls8hol\..l, having 3uch beck 0:1.' pan~ililet. in writinG) to return the B~ne,~nd such book ~nd card shall be destroyed by burning 478 Tb.e City r..i-~:)J..'i..:I.,ri2.~rl ~~;llb.ll l{,eel) 2~ recol'ld oi' ttLe Y1U,Hl'bel"$ o~f sb"id. }J('C~]{B ;".nd p~cmph18t:~J) the title \:111cl vbJlue1 i;;!Jnd the 105r:; CdUEJed Ly 131.1c11 d,el'1truc- tion Shdll be 00rn by the Library. . cection :To. S. 1~11 Eiclwcl officers t 82.oh81'8 c:hsJ,1 OC-Ol~,erat e in. dV8ry . ~ r:OHf:J1D.l8 .'!;;:,.y i th tb.e Board of Health by forth th rel)Ortj.nz c~se8 or contagious diseases .to .tl18 of Health or tb.e City Fhysic::ia,:n iJY l'ef\;tsing adlui8 :::don to E3chool cf 2"ny pupil frc>rrl 0. lwusebold, hu,ving dJ contagiouf3 disec,[oe, without b, r;ermit in \'\ititing from B~~id 30drd or the City phYfdci[;,J.1; b,ml they t:'Jlkcll ,report to f3!.iid Board or the City Dhysioian ~t once any caBe of a auspicious nature cOYJling undel' the ir 0 bBerva t ion in fJchccl (,"net shalJ. <.t once :Jef3t roy by burning any book which way be brought to the school from a household known to have contained ~ p~tient Buffering from such contagious cJ.i se,UJes, '''hen the t sa.cher knows the hOllie of r1.ny 1'"l.:t})il has been 1uar~ntined or that a cont -iaus disease exists in the family of the puri11 he 1:;;118.11 at once r,(',tify the cluperLntendent of the schciol J.:nd, E~ta t e ~:'fhether f3UCh rUl1il o:c c~ny lllelYltbez of the houEle- . hol(l h8.s c"nybookEJ er pCdi'1,hlet.f.i belonging to Db.ie:;. (3ohool; if 8"1 t1:~('l f::ul.erintendent shall at once l'J.ot 1fy in ''Trit i11.3 the re"rty th:t'ough the l1JJ.il e to retain SLLi(J. bc'ok or piJ,l1lpbJ. at s unt i11t:i.E,rant ine is re18;~:;,sed ,::n0. prend 1:188 rLi fd,nfect ed. id (Jock shc..ll tb.e:reaft er aDd 'Ni thout 6e12.v be returned to the erint enclerlt ',/irltO S11c3vll c\.t 0110 e .~ie at I'C~Y the san18 by burnins,the 1080 caused thereby to be born by the Bohool ~iBtrict. ::~ection ITa. 10. ~7hell Hide'.ll pox, ea~rlet fever, typhoid fevex,cerebro spinal msnengitiB;septic Bore throat, or other oent ioua d,iSSEtE8 exhrts ul,on the premises of any detiJ.er or seller of' milk1 Duell dealer or householder shall ~t once notify the Board of Health of such diaease and shall disoontinue his diBtri~ution of milk in any V!i::,y until 11 permit 1'0 gT."".ntedby said. BOhl~d.~To owner1 elliployee or ether pexson shall have care of the cowe,milk,wilk veBsels,or the . del i very of the Hlilk, who hi;;\.s at the S!:'X!h3 time conmmnic(;;.t ion 'Tii th the infected person or persons. '::;ect ion 11. ;~Thile b,ny 0:::\,83 of 8mt~11 l^'oX., Boa:clet fever) , . t' .. . . ,,,..' ..:1... " ~~.:<I",~J: . ~ C' ~ ",.J.'W'YI"Vl" .......__""" , .., ~ + 1.., . .,...., t ., " . , ... (.1.11) De.rJ.CLJ "DKX~<<-x.x~j(X~-K~~JN.....~~~~x. CL \J ,,(leI 'Jon i::"Gl(JI.t~"l lissase dangerous to the public health 8xiste in a household in the City or under the jurisdiction of this Board,8chool district or neighborhocd)~nd until the recovery and disinfeotion of said premises) . . . 1[79 and unt 11 t"iO ther8~fter,no person frolli Buid household shall ., ~"! e (~ K S attend any public meeting nor 8h~11 any Buperintendent,offiaer or teacher ~111ow any , ' CLl to ,.;,;tteneJ. f,whool for such time nor afterwards without ~ permit in writing from the of Eealth,aigned by suoh officer or officers o? said Board of Health as said ~oard may from time to time authorize to n1gn the same. Teachers boardine or rooming at such households where oonto.gi011f'; 61 f3ea.se i 8 found to ex 10t (3 sha11 immedh~ t 81y d1 sinfect " 1.J.~ :'l' F"l' I 1......:1' 1 ' . parsen ana o. ceDing ana cnange ~nelr p~ace 01 Doaxalng or oaglng until recovery from the diseaae,diainfection of premiRes and release cf crl.la:cantine. peet ion 12. 'Nhenever ,;. phy':,ician or heLl.Beholder suspects an illnesG to be cholora;bubonio plaguB;yellow fever, small pOX; (or varioloiJ)scarlet fever, (scarlatina fever~Bcarlet rash) ." . -.,'" t '}- . . ~ r: (-:", ~ . -1.... -"1-. . ~ 1 C1 _ - , ~ .,-, \ ", Q" "! 1 ...,:, '-l ~':o"n ""'" ~,.\. C" (1. l../ ,..1 e.r 1.;;(, \ d.eYJi U.L a,.l1C l!....., 0 ro1..tj;.' ) 11,,_C'~ F,;, ~. ">, '"..0 v l_lll;;;. cough,typLoid fever. or cLny other d.il3sase conta.gious or -ia.ngerOUEJ to the IiubJ..ic healtlJ; he Hhall immediately 18012::r.e the pa;bient af3 much 2UJ :f)(H:w1b1e.lt (',halJ. be the :..1.1J.ty of the attending physician to , J'..(. 1 lr:lmec.lr.:t. v e .y cliagl10 Be tIle 1..-1, i 1m en t c:.nd if Guch diagnosis establishes ail:ment 8.':3 on8 of the .J..' uf.!.e above mentioned diBe~BeB or ether diseases of a cont ious natura dangdTou8 to the public health. then Buch attending physician ;)"nd houseboliJ.er ellall ifiHileJ.ia t ely make rf3port 01' sue!.! \.liBe~Hje to \ \ the City pllYf3ician o:c '3oarCL of Health c;"ncl r.nlcb attending :phYGician ehull im.EI8Cl.i<.." t ely and,d thout, fail f i11 out a oard gi vine; the fcllo'.ri.ng infornlation c~llcl in substu.ntially the follo-Ning form and file same with the City Physioian: Date of ons9t-------------------Date-----------------Patients address and na11le------------o.ge--~"--- sex-----colo r--~.---di S 8b.S e------.--.-- Qcoupation----------School attended or plaoe of imployment------- ;Jumber in houcehcld.: Ad'Ll.1 ts-----ChiLl.ren------------- Probable source of infection or origin oi diseass---------------- If disease i;;;\ :3E;a11 pox; type----------Huwber of t irnc3 ssuooess:fully vaccinated and ~pproxiiliate dates--------------If tYl~lOid feveT, scarlet fever~diptheria or septio aore th~oatJwaB patient or is , ,.. , , l. . ,. t'~ ' t . , j ~ . f any mer!lDeT OJ: .cWUHenc. Cl (.mgagea 111 Lie :p:r:oauo lon or nanr.J.lng C' milk-------------- Signature of c, " pnyslclan---------------. upon t'ne filinG of si:dd cCtrd.;'!i th the City PbYf3 io :'Lan said officer 2lhall imLieclia t ely t8.ke charge of quarant in8 l'e0:ul::;t,t ions, .L"',rovidinQ'. _ _, ~J, that if the ~bQve mentionsl diagnosis establishes the aillli0nt to be 6_11(11 of t 11 e fol1c'\rin:? dise8.8 e F.L llleaslee., t YD110 1d fever, whnOl^)l' 1"0' f"()'''''lO''}; ~ ~...,,, _ " .... ., _J.Q v \0.. ~_") )~80 ohicken pox~or minor oontagious ailments, quarantine regulations need not be enforoed,but the premises housing the patient must be placarded as hereinbefore provided and the patient must remain ~ oonfined to the premises until released therefrom by order of the City Physioian or Board of Health, ingress or egress to the premises by members of the household,other than the patient, shall be permitted until by order of the board duly served upon said household the same shall be prohibitediprovided no person having measles, typhoid fever, whooping cough,chioken pox, or minor contagious ailments shall attend sohool or any publiC gathering while affected with any of said ailments and until after having fully recovered therefrom and after having been relea.sed. as hereinbefore provided.Appea.ls may be taken from the deoision of the City physiCian to the Board of Health,but quarantine Or other health regulations ordered enforoed by him shall remain in force pending the determination of suoh appeals. Seotion lZ. The Board of Health may establish a hospital for the segregation and oare of oontagious diseases and Oause any person ~ to be oonfined. therein when in their opinion the sa.fety of the pUblic dema.nds it. ~ Seotion 14.When several families inane neighborhood have a oontagious disease or many exposures are known to have ooourred the Board of Health shall prohibit all assemblies suoh as lodges,cluDs, ohurches and aohools,ooth publio and private, if oonditions wa.rrant it. Section 15. When a case of ohioken pox, whooping oough1typhold fevex,or measles ooours within the jurisdiotion of the Board,the attending physioian shall immediately report the same to the Board and the dwelling of suoh patient must be properly plaoarded and suoh person detained from attending school or publio functions of any kind. section 16.The Board shall investigate all oauses of, or oonditions that may produoe diseases and take suoh steps as may be~ deemed advisable for the restoration of healthyoonditions. Section l7.In the event of death from small pox,diptheria, soarlet fever,or any other disease dangerous to the pUblio health, there shall not be a pUblio funeral, and the body of the deceased after embalming shall be wrapped 1nsheets saturated with reliable disinfeotants and plaoed in a tight casket and box and not carried to or near any assembly of people,but buried or oreamated immediately unless otherwise direoted by the State Board of Health. t~81 Sect ion 18. Quarant ine f3hL:~ll b(? maint,;'J.ined in each (,nd. every case of diaease oontaSl0UB and d~ngerous to the public health ~nd hereinbefore declared subjeot to Quarantine regulations or . WInen rncLY hereafter be declared subj ect to Cruar2,ntirH3 by the said Board. for the following periods; namely: Small pox not 18S8 than 31 dctYs ic!.Del until d8f;quE~l'Il2dion i;:3 complete from p2c.lnli3 and 801ee.; scarlet f;3ver unt 11 denquamSt t ion i 8 comrJ1et e; cUptheria lmt 11 a.ft er local Hymptoms ha, VG diE'1b.Pl'eSLred froyn tb ethroa t i;."nd l.mt il two negatiuB tests have been taken from the Klebe Loeffel' bacillus; provided that if anything oontained in this seotion is inoonsistent with the rules ~nd regulations of the state Board of health Buoh last Iktrried rules "md I'sguli;'.t 1ens (';hal1 cont:l'ol. In all other CL;.ses for Buch length of time as the 30ard ~nd City Physioian may direct. ~3eotion 19. \Vhen i:.my pe:cl3on has Buffered exposure to small pox he shall be quarantined fer 17 days thereafter, provided, however; t:be"t /1hen vi.wcinatec.l inl11eCLiately afte:r exror:n.1.an~ and subj ect to dc.dly investigt.;;"tion by the city PhYf:Jician, he need not be quarantirJ.ed unless . t8.ken ill. "111en expo sed to 808.r12,t ina 'luarant ine to be fOl' t en days thereafter or fo:r Auch time as the Joard may direct;when exposed to cJ.il)theria. for 14 days or fer (,ouch time as the Board ma.y direct. When exposed to all other diseases oontacious or dangerous to the public health fo:.c such periodD as the Soa,rc'l. il!2.y order. Section 20. TJo'.luarant ine . shall be released except by order of the Board of ITealth ~n1 upon the City Physician's oertifioate and upon C:~, propel' CUB infect ion Inef:,c:ci bed ':)y the Bc'ar() of ~T8al th. C!ection 21. v.'hosoever shalJ_ interfere 'Nith or break 9..n establi ehed quari:.mt ine; by removing 0 l' injuring a place.rd, by ent ering or leaving Buch quarantine premises without ~uthority,or by removing any article of clothing or uny other article liable to be infeoted . ',rithOll.t 8. permit frorn the Board of Eealth,and proper CLiBinfeotion, or 1Nho shall violate any of the l'::'lrovisions of thir3 ordinanoe or ~Ghe rules c~nd regulations eniJ_oted"oy the Board of Health; shall be deemed suil ty of a mi HdemsLinor i}.nd ('Jha11 l1.})On con v-iet ion thereof be fined in cony Bum net les8 them Qne Dol1sLT nor more than One ,[-h..mdrt;3d D011b,r8 d..nil stand conmd tt ed 1.1.nt il ouoh fine and 00 st 8 are . . . l),iid" LW2 Section 22. Disinfection uhaII oe done under the 8UperVIGIOn of the Oi ty P'oyaician ,",,,nd in all cases vvhere the p:.>.rties affected ure unable to pay for the necessary materialA used for such purpose the city 8'oall bear the expense of such Disinfection. C:!8Ct ion ~,..., l:j..;) . Ordinanoe 349 and all other ordinanoes or parts of ordinances are hereby repealed. Section 24. This ordinanoe shall be in force and take effect from and after its provided ~y law. Pa.8f;~ ecl (;v11CL ( ;.., E~ c:t]) ) .l\ttest:- H.F,.CJ.iff'orcl City Clerk. passage,~pproval and publication as <J~/ '''-'''4 ,',' '," "", Y''''V "" ':.1.' .I"r ~ "LI.1I d '., Y' .~.r ",' ' , 0' Q ........-1....1......, ........... ~).J...1. t) ......l,.A.. V.J.. J.;I,.' .1 ,.jaoV ..t.,,-., .. - -,,""'w.....r.J..e.ar.y-___, _ _ __ ___ Mayor 4e3 ORDINANCE NO. 679._ An ordinanoe regulating the parking of automobiles, motor-cycles,or other motor propelled vehicles, within the corporate ~ limits of the City of rrrand Ieland,Nebraska;prohibiting the parking of the same in the center of the etreets,or in close proximity to street intersections, water hydrants,alleys or private driveways, and providing for a penalty. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Grand Ialand,Nebraska: section No.1. It is hereby made unlawful for any person or persons, operating or driving an automobile,motor-cycle, or any other motor propelled vehicle, to park the same,or suffer the same to remain standing in the center of any of the streets of the City of Grand Island,Nebraska,or in any other parte of said streets, except as hereinafter provided. section No.2. It is hereby made unlawful for any .~ such person or persons to park,or suffer to remain standing,any automobile,motor-cyc~e,or any other motor propelled vehicle,on the streets of said City within fifteen feet of either side of any water hydrant belonging to said City,or within six feet of any street intersection,or within six feet of either side of any alley in said City,or within six feet of either aide of any private driveway leading into a garage or other place of business. Section No.3. All persons operating or driving automobiles, motor cycles,or any other motor propelled vehicles, wishing to park the said vehicles on the streets of the City of Grand Island, shall park the same along the curb of said streets wheel or by bringing the~ frontAwheels against the said curb and leaving the said vehicle at right angles with the said curb. section No.4. Any person or persons violating any ~ of the prOVisions of the above ordinance ahall,upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than One Dollar,nor more than Twenty-five Dollars for each offense, in the discretion of the court,and shall stand committed until such fine and costa are paid. section No.5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after ita passage, approval and publication as provided by law. . . . 4slf Passed and approved this 16!ay of october,19l8. ( seal) _!l.!.~-,-9!~!rl______ _ __ __'.._ Mayor Attest: ___.liLE.Cll~to~d~________ Oity Clerk 4S!j ORDINANCE NO. 680. An ordinance authori20ing the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Ieland,Nebraska,to execute and deliver to the Firat National Bank of Grand Island,Nebraeka,and the Oomnlercial gtate Bank of Grand Ieland,Nebraeka,seventy (70) Negotiable Bonds,to be known and designated as Distriot Paving Bonds of Paving District NumberTwenty-four (24) of the City of Grand Ieland,Nebraska,providing for the conditiona, form and amount of same and providing for the disposition of the proceeds derived from the sale of the same. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Counoil of the City of Grand Island,Nebraska: Section No.1. That the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Grand Ieland,Nebraska,are hereby authorized to sign,execute and deliver unto the First National Bank of Grand Island,Nebraska, and the Commercial state Bank of Grand lsland,Nebraska,each Thir~y~f~ve(35Q negotiable bonds of a total of seventy (70) bonds hereby authorized ~ to be issued,or so many thereof as may be necessary,to be known as ~ ~ District Paving bonds of Paving District Number Twenty-four(24) of the City of Grand leland, Nebraska. said bonds are to bear date November lat,1918,and made payable to bearer at the office of the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, in the City of Grand Island. Each of said bonds shall be in the principal sum of $500.00,payable on the first day of November,1928,and may be redeemed by the City of Grand lsland,Nebraska,as rapidly as taxes are collected for the payment of the same.Said bonds shall be conseoutively numbered commencing with number 1.All bonda bearing an odd number,con~encing with bona number l,shall be made payable to the First National Bank of Grand leland,Nebraska,or bearer,and all even numbered bonds, commencing with bond numbered 2, shall be made payable to the Commercial State Bank of Grand Island,Nebraska,or bearer.Said bonds shall draw interest at the rate of six and one-half per oentum per annum,payable annually on the 1st day of November of each year. Each of said bonds shall have attached thereto ten interest coupons,sach in the sum of $32.50,representing the annual interest accruing thereon. Section No.2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to deliver said bonds unto the First National Bank 486 of Grand Island, "'ebraska, and the Commercial state Bank of Grand "... Island,Nebraska,after said bonds have been executed in the manner provided in section Number 1 of this ordinance,and receive as payment ~ for the same face value and accrued interest,which money shall immediately be paid to the City Treasurer of the City of Grand Island, ~Tebraska,who ahall keep the same in a special fund to be known as "Distriot Paving fund of district No.24 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,provided,however,that the Mayor and City Clerk are prohibited from delivering any more bonds than are necessary to pay the warrants drawn against said fund,and only upon being further duly authorized by reaolutionof the City Council . section No.3. That all special taxes and assessments levied and collected to pay for the paving of said district No 24 shall constitute a sinking fund for the payment of said bonds. section No.4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage,approval and publication as provided ~ by law. Passed and approved this 6" day of october, 1918. ( Seal) __~~~~~~~~J!___________ Mayor Attest: ___Ji~LQ~it(~q__------ City Clerk. ~ 487 ORDINANCE NO. 681. . An ordinance amending Section No.5 of ordinance No.224 of the Compiled Ordinanoes of the City of Grand Island relating to the Grand Island Cemetery and repealing said section. Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraeka: Seotion No.1. That section No.5 of ordinance NO 224 of the compiled ordinances of the City of Grand Island>Nebraska, be and the same is hereby amended to read as followe:- " Section NO.5. It shall be the duty of the eity Clerk to charge and collect for excavating and digging graves in the Grand Island Cemetery for children twelve years of age or under>the sum of three Dollars>and for all persons over the age of twelve years~the swn of five Dollars per grave, when so collected by said Clerk~shall be paid into the city treasury for the cemetery fund. The said City Clerk will issue a receipt to the party paying the . 6ame~ which receipt will be exhibited to the sexton befox.e the said grave will be dug or excavated by the said sexton.The City reserves the right to dig and excavate all graves." Section No.2. That section NO 5 of Cmeinance No 224 of the compiled Ordinances of the City of Grand Island be and the same is hereby repealed . Section No.3. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its paseage>approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 6th day of November>19l8. ( Seal) -~~~~~~----------- l.ttest: Mayor . H.E.Cl1fford -~--------~---_._'--------- City Clerk. . . . 4-88 ~ I) "} . 682 /~ ))\ j I"T ~ST .1\.RI., I :~'~:IIrrG Ti"' I II I >fIT ~~. ?: I T!-I I ~J (!ITY 0JT G~l:?.AITr) Jr.-~J_lf\~'Tn<\ 8::.:\; I:-J IIJC 1.1 II:IIT P'; P:RC1VIT; CC)).-T:~ 1J1'!.:iTJ C~C I ()7.J i~T'P.r\ I'.:~ITTG. ,~ I C , FC';r-:UI., A T DT G T;r'7' T,T j\ Tc:'~; I =':! rp :,"\ ~ 1":"l ! _ ' J. \.} J...... ~ , IN TH~ II!TJIN'C}8 '~"'ITT-rIJ'T 1, I ':r::; A DTIOVIDING t ?FNALTY VIOLATI T'~'Tl-;:}~'l7:() Ii' . ne it orcl.:dned by the ~'I::';lYOl' 2-nd. City C'cD.ncil c;:r tile City of G.r~~n(l I E~}_8.J:l(1; lTel:)r8...s1cf:;i..: ~"')ect io:o . 1. That fire limits be and the same ~re '),-'rp."v P'..,,>..).t~.}i.)l1'0.'.n.,.pC1. ':.'l'..L.l,'.."'..J'.'j"l, i-,ll..A ....,~.."..or'''+..'' -ll....l.tc. .,.r. -'--'ne ""1.tv '_".f :~. \.,.' ''; .,~... '" ~ _~ - ..... ~ __ - u __ -...... t... \..l .....l,.;) ~AI v V .. lU ) 0 U..L. ~,l.~ "" {~_: J J,I ""'i"'~n" T ,,-, ,..-." '.T"'i",, '..,.."..,' '1' j '.,"'i'" +. w'. ,.. t"- .'" "'1 ......'".- \.1 _ ('.0 ,\.1 .. H .L.cul\J) .c, c; U rev 8 ~~c"') OC" l~ ...llil). J b '-' (, ell! I) r(;l.O e 1:'1 c' J.. 0.1.,..0:; J.llc; ..; "". 0-"1' ", ..' '-'J'~ ..,' -, 'II- t .... ,. ",.J.. ,. , '"'' 1" f' 1.,- ..' J, .,,' t "~l k UvB ~ G8Q ~.~~Kb)~O B, ~rau~B ~na ~~~ce d 0 _unu; 00-~1 : b oc B T:'1' "'-I, t . .,..,." t J , To" ft n r.' . -"'t n . M' .'t ' F ' f "'11,;y- WO,jil1' y-CDr8e)J1l:' Y-:UH.iT,'lJ: Y-I1V8~J1J.I Y-S1X, :ltY-S8ven, t;1J'f.tY-"l''-'''1't t'ne nr'rti1 '\r18 'n'.-lf of' .:.."1nc'lr oJ....,.tv +'[]T"-''''' '<"1 ("f" '''1"',,,1-(' ~i.' . v W't.J. J .:.... .- 'J .. V .~-.....(;,,*, f.j..L....~ .~\.. :.,' ./:.,) J - '.) ......... C,....ti ~ ;;;......J..... C), i-""..l\.,)\,.;...\.d ;::: l' vt y-1.-" r" 'f' ;::; l' .:rt V-1.'c' ~ ve ~~." V'+ v- P l' X F' J' c,r+, y- s' a'1r8n ("1.-.1'Xt y- ", l' ~J"n t t'~ C\ "'10 ~t'n '._,'" J~ \...- i.L_ ;-." 4'\. .,. - J.. "._.oJ-.h. v'" ...J ..i ,) .,~- ~.I... v J Y J ~.; i ....... ~ -_ , 1J....... i ..L J~. one-half of block f.3ixty-nine) the nOl'th one-h,,,lf of 1)100k ~::eventy- ,i~"n+ ..,,, ,..,.j:' "'.'1 ..,1 . '=:"v..,-t. l'ne '81"..'-ty t;1',.,"r.ty on<.:' -r;'l'-Ahty b' .' t ~.,.....w'~"'~) ,..),'.J_...L \..'.i. ;,)->-Qc...KB :.}V Ci! y-n ) ;(::~~ 611 >,_.~;10.t -.. V; .I.", ~ J -v1sn : ~ighty-nine,the south one-half of ~lookB TW8nty-nina,Thirty~ Thirty-one,Thirty-twc,~hirty-thre8 and Thirty-four;and all of blocks Tllirty-nins, Forty, F'c.rty-one, ]T'orty-two; Forty-three 2.nd Forty-four,all contained in the 'i l' j.:d n c:J. . '-" To~n,now City ~f Grand I H 1. f.otTl.clJ ~:r (:~-:J J:c.L .81{:ci,; f.'ect ion:7o. :3. ~Juild.j.ngs shalJ. hereafter be erected within said above describe(l :fire liliiitB;unlE~88 sll ou"bsid.e walls be cJonstructed of "brick 6r stone. C;SOtiOl1 ~".Jo. :::5. ofEl, cornices gtrtt ers G})i;\,11 "rJ8 couer~ed. 011 tJ'18 Gut,eid(~ ~rLl:cf~~ce ~!Iit}~L C(1)r)eI~~ t irt, i:rC)rl;; zinc ()r ctb,er fire proof materi~l. 2ecticn ~o. 4. No wooden bui1ding)or part of building, tJ:1il1 sCL:lcl ~fire lin:its ;3b.t~11 '(.)(3 re.,ifde5.; rer::i: iI'ed,; 8111e"I)gecL cr remcv<"d to c.ny other _,lace i thin 8b,id lird tE?, nor :3hi.:;-,ll Lny f3uoh buil~ing be moved into the said fire limita;provided;that en the 8ide~IJalks be 80 r~is8d sbov~ or lowere~ ~elow tb.e threshold. of ,~ny ;:Yi.lil:Ung) 8i;~id ':yu.ildincs Ij:ay be be I'c"ii.')3::L or l01Tvered 2.8 to . 489 k:.eel' t}~l~; ~firi~lt :fJ~oc:c >'.'LOt to oxc6ecl Bl.t~ i11Cr1t~8 EtlJove tll.e ;;id,e , ';{f-j ; :no I' (311cGll b.11Y VIC'1 Cde11 O"LLi l~.ii:rlS \7 i tll. ill sa id 1 ir~li t S, "',7'1l i 011 Hle.y :~. ereEL:ft er be c'L::',mttf?:ed te' the extent. of fl' J'';'ty ;)i:>"L' a,Rnt. ""."'" .,.,,,,, V,',1--,,,, t'D""I'eo'P '''E' __ ~." _ _ _ _ v _ __ \..) ~~. \J .\..1. C.J \,.hk l...".C, . 1 v ......] iJ .' ~'l ~"<'.'" '.. c;.l or r 1.,.,.'" t ~ '. ". -,', c'i"'-ll "-..,~ 1 '\...] ..~i . l.f~l,;.:.cJ.r,-,u. . e.')u.1J. ;J1C:.L ,-'i.e<. _, ':?u.C~1 :)UL.l~lng' \vhe:ce tIle d.~-11nag(~ 'be leBS than fifty per cent of its value be 80 repaired as to be ::caised '1--: -; .-::,......'1e.'(t .-1-0" ','," t'(,Q ""1' 0"" 'it """", ~ J.. 1 :::'.l'(.".l~ ~'1J.'f"'M().'.4. 0" "'-oJ.. __ v.Clc:cJ.J.,J.v ~.,lyneb ~.'1... In lJ ....t".L) iC' 1)~_.'Lln:;,;, cdt er r:mch i12"YllC.;,ge 3hall have occurred,or BO as to aocopy a greater space than before the inj u:ry tbereto; provided furi;IJe:c thb,t tllis crdinu.,nce shall not prevent the renlC veel of '~i,:t1Y0uilding no","; 'Ii thin the fire lin1i t 8 to ~nother plaoe within said llllilte ~fter the written consent is obtained of three-fourths of all of the resident property ownere of the block to which said building ie to be taken,suoh consent is to be filed in _~he offioe of the City Olerk. ~Jeotion I\To. 5. Tl-16 O.lE~oll.:n.t or exte:nt of the dCi,,1:16.ges vv11ich may be done to any building may be determined by three disinterested " t ~.l- , ....' .. , f' ., 'j . I "1" "') t ~... I ,~ r'erGCXH.J, l'S81lu:m 8 o:t ',,{LB \,:)'.1;y, one 0 vmom EHJL1. J., De 8e1.8C eo. oy 'GllS '-, "'Ill'" "' C, ,co -I- 1. "" ")1 " l' J" ,"1 l' "1'\ ('J' ~'o e '" '" (" "', "1'\ ,,1 1" '.T -1- 1" e '.I.. v..L .l. uLl.v ~.,..t MV" .i..1'\.:.J) Y. - '"-'\.,J.......vJ,j,..... v; .JJ..~"i ~ayor of the Oity,or in . the event the Mayer f8..11 -1:;0 select then by the t'tty Council, b,nd . the two so chosen shall select a third member, 'the deci8ioll~~ of ti,e perf-,On8 80 seleoted shall be fLl!:,.l <:;'..ni conclu~:1i ve; the rerort of the persons BO selected to determine the damage 8118.11 be deposited ~ith the City Clerk.Defore said reference is made it shall be the duty of the Qwner of the buildin~ to dSl)Osit with the City (:1 ~l.")t( .~~1--- :,-:. O"'!'~'.i<i"'~,f ~~:l' ~U. ('O~) ,-.i.,J'''',1,..'J,l ~~" r~::{ ...~ ...'-...J .'., ,no, IJ .~.I. \'" ..... v...I.... V ~ ,.,- _^<.. \.. ;,.,J... _ ..01 ieh BUm shall be ~pplied to the payment of the reference expenses;the remainder, if any,chall be returned to the owner. elect ion l,To. (3. fmy person v/ho ,:Jhhll own, btdfd~or c1.id i.n the erection of ~~lY building,or p~rt of 0uilding within the said fire limita,eontrary to or in any other manner than authorized by the provisions of this ordinanoe,or who uha11 remove or assist in l'GmOvinz o;.ny if'.focden b'l.lilding 'vi thin sEdd fire liL"it s from one place to ,.notb.er the:rein,01' 'fho f:3hC'.11 remove or c':.ssist in removing 8.ny such L:)1.dlding from"'i thout 8aid. lind t s into the 8 "1,1e , or orm c r rept,ir, or assist in repiiring s.ny CLtUlo.ged riGcdenbuilding, contrary i n ~ 'I J_ n " ",~ c,. 8' e .' 'l"y "I'~O" l' ~,' onc..' -- T-'-' -l.. 'l'" 16 ""~.' (' -.'lr1l' -""'l ,~, "1."'1 .-,...... ", 1'1'~'.11 1-\..... B'U"~)"';"'''~'''' .:.. (~.~u:..<,;;.L c!..'.. t,,,, ::.,1, 1.1. 'v ~j_" '" V._ [j J. ~:J J.i..'-, 1.C!'HVt;:, b.Le. ,...t;:. ~Je\';\I to ii;, fine 01 r~ot le8c~ t" C) ',.' i'? !:' '0' '" '.:' I' ,'; 1.J.....;".1.L \i',J c...). V .........1,,;.. not exceeding 1100.00, in ,'!'l''''cre.tl'"..,. ",-P 'l...~'Q c,~",c~.J.. -"'c'.r 4-;"8 .f.'~"",.,t ~,. ,,~) ..,1.,./,1,1 ,,-'.L l/J..l\.1 _.',.....-lA.~1... l,." ..L v.L! I ..L..LJ..!.? cffensB,and a like fine for . . . 490 (:::'ver~T t\Vel').t~,r .;'~(jur' }lOlJ.r;3 t~l.lOh 1)s:c8on EjIlc\11 fE;,il to C~()nl])1:1 ~'7i trl tl1.~-; prcvioiollO of this orJinance,or continue in the violation of the 8~me~A]1Y person ~!bo Bh~ll vic)late any other provision of this ordinance shall be su,bject to ~ like fine. ::~~ect iC'Yl -'!' r-; ,'.'.'0. (. :r ';'.,"ocdwen. '(yuild,i113' , , , " t . wnlon n~y oe ereolan, enlsrgect,removed or repairei contrary to this ordinanoe, shall be deemed. s, nuir.-:Jtul0e 2'.rJ.d ":.;,pon infc'1:rnc'\,tion it shall be the cluty of the l."IE\.YOT':; ;)..fter tl1ree d!.'!..Yb not ice to t' " '1. ne OUl Cler or owner thereof,tc E~ ba t e tl1 e f,E-J/111G) 0 l' , , t11 e 8ctll"18 to be abated ~G ~rovided ";)y law. CE~U8e ~-~ect ien JITo. 8. C):cdinEL.11ces llu.n~,~'Jered, 31.8; 4.26" 153) S()3;; 5~11 612 all other crdinunces ~f the city of Grand Island in conflict herewith are hereby repe~led, ~':ecticn rro. 941 IJ1.in crclillELnce eD.a,ll "be irl :fol~ce ctllCl te~.ke effect LeOni ,;,JJ.J aft ar ~ t s 1)c~8B,,,,,ge ~ c.r;prove.1 e.nd public;,;;,t ion CeO l)Tcvided l)y 0-1.<144 ofl ~11913. 7<1 ~D~.~d8ecl ~,),j:1..1 ~)..I)J~~,rov'ei thiD ~- da.y ( Seal) ~~~~~~~~~~------- Lttest: H.JlJ.Clifford I.Iso/yar City rIerz. . . . ...1:.... 491 ORDINANCE NO. 683 An ordinance levying taxes to pay for the paving and curbing of paving District No.24 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section No.1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter specified,for the purpose of paying the coats and expenses of paving and curbing Paving District No.24 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraeka,in acoordance with the benefits found and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land by the Mayor and City council of the city of Grand Island,~ebraska, sitting as a Board of ~qualization after due notice given as provided by law; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows, to-wit: Assessment Of Paving DiBtrict NO.24. (Walnut St11M'V1 Lot., Block Addition Curb Paving Cost 492 W.44 Ft. Lot 3 33 Original Town 19.80 167.l~ 186.9~ E.22 Ft.Lot 3 33 It tt 9.90 83. .5 93.4$ 4 33 " .1 69.30 585.05 654. 3~) ~ 33 11 It 69.30 585.05 654. 3~) 33 ft " 2q 70 250.75 280.4i) " . 1 34 .. " 69.30 5'85.05 654.3~ 2 Yl- tt " 29.70 250.75 280.45 7 & 8 34 It ff 99.00 835.80 9~4.80 S.57 Ft.Lot 1 15 It .. 29.~2 256.09 2 6.01 S.57 Ft.Lot 2 15 It ff 12. 2 104.71 117 "3 . ,- N.75 li't.Lot 1 & E.27 . Ft.of-N.75 Ft.Lot 2 15 It ff 39.37 391.58 430.95 N.75 Ft.of W.39 Ft. Lot 2 15 It ff 16.BB 83.20 100.oB 7 15 .. .. 29.70 250.75 280.45 S.33 Ft.Lot 8 15 .. ff 34.65 292.53 327.18 l~. 33 Ft. Lot 8 15 II .. 34-.65 292.52 ''')7 17 j<- ..' 3 16 II " 29.70 250. T' 280.45 () ~ 4 16 It It 69.30 505.0;' 654.35 % 16 " " 69.30 585.05 6g'~. 3:> 16 ff If 29.70 250.75 2 0.45 1 10 " ff 69.30 585.05 654. 3~) 2 10 If " 29. 7'0 25'0.75 280.4~) 7 10 II .. ;:19.70 250.75 280 4 f.;, . . 8 10 II " 69.30 585'.05' 654.35 3 9 .. " 29.70 250.75 280.45 4 9 " It 69.30 585.05 654.i5 W.33 Ft. Lot 5 9 11 " 42.90 361.95 404.8;> E.3~ Ft. Lot 5' 9 " tt 26,.40 22~.11 249.51 W.3 Ft. Lot "6 9 tl ff 15.85 13 ).80 1~J2 I' ,'" ::> ~. OJ 14.30 Ft. Lot 6 9 ff It 13.85 113.94 127.79 1 123 U.P.R.H. 2nd 69. 30 ;)85.05 654.35 2 123 .. II 29.70 250.75 280 4', . . 7 123 II It 29.70 2[::'0 7r:; 280. 4~) . ~,. ,- 8 123 If fI 69.30 505.05 654.35 3 124 fI If 2q 70 2g0.75 280.4c) " . 4 124 If " 69.30 5J5.05 654. 3~) 5. 124 II II 69.30 585.05 654.3:) . 6 124 " fI 29.70 250.75 280 4')' . . Frac.l 138 " " Frac.l 13B Hussell \\I11e(:le1' 69.30 585.05 654.35 E.50 Ft.Frac.Lot 2 D.P.R.R. 2nd E.50 Ft.Frac.Lot 2 3 Russell Wheeler 22.50 190.02 212. 5;~ w.16 Ft.Frac.I..ot 2 13rl It " w.16 ]j't. ,li'rac. J...o t 2 U.P.R.R. 2nd 7.20 60.'13 fq.93 7 138 " It 29.70 250.75 280 45 . . 8 138 If It 69.30 585.05 654 3'" . ) r.,l 137 .. fI ~Cl 30 585.. 0 5 654.35 i -...1,1 . 137 .. ft 0q 70 250.75 280.45 t::...,; . Brae. 5 13'1 fI " Frac.5 4 RusHell Wheeler 58.30 501.13 559.43 Frac 0 4. 4 ,. It Frac.4 137 V.P.B.H. 2nd 29.80 231.64 261.44 33 4 HUBsell V\.11. eel e r 10.90 163.03 113.93 1-2-3-1 -9-10 17 It It 210..00 1773.94 1983. 9l~ 5 16 It It 58.S0 501,.13 559.43 4 16 It tl 29. 0 231.64- 261.44 i 16 .. .. 10.90 103.03 113.93 16 It It 58.~0 501.13 559.43 7 16 It tI 29. 0 231.64 261.44 8 16 .. tI - - J..O..~.o_ .. _ J-O.J,..o~ .... -.Ll.3..~.3..-_ Total ~2,387.99 $20,161,32$22,549,31 . . . 49.3 Section No.2. The tax eo levied shall become payable; . delinquent and draw interest as by law provided~namely:One tenth shall become delinquent in fifty daYf3 from date of this levy; one tenth in one yearione tenth in two years; one tenth in three yeara;one tenth in four years; one tenth in five years; one tenth in six years;one tenth in seven years; one tenth in eight years and. one tenth in nine years from date of this levy. Bach of said inBtallments~eave the first one, shall draw interest from date of this levy at the rate of per cent. per annum Ul1"~il the same becomes delinquent~ and each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of 10 per cent. per annum from and after the date such installment becomes delinquent until paid. Provided,however,that the entire amount eo levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots may be paid at any time within fifty days from the date of such levy, without . interest,and such lot,in that event, shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. Section No.3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island,Nebraska,is hereby directed to forthwith certify this ordinanoe to the City Treasurer of Grand Island,Nebraska,who shall prooeed to oollect said taxes as required by law. Section No.4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passa.ge,approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this lS!ay of December,1918. ( Seal ) _-~.L.Ckea~y_--_----__- Mayor Att est: H .Pi. Clifford --~~~---------------~--'--- . City Clerk. 494 ; ) '\' \j ordinance No. 684 An ordinance creating Paving District NO.27within the ~ corporate limits of the City of Grand rsland,Nebraska,defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the paving of the same and providing for the asseasment of the costs XNSXROf paving. Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section No.1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island,Nebraska,to be known and designated as Paving District NO.27of the City of Grand rsland, Nebraska. Section No.2. Said paving district shall cone~st of that part of Koenig street which lies between the westerly side of the intersection of Koenig and Harrison streets and the westerly side of the intersection of Koenig and Tilden streets, ~ and all lots, tracts and parcels of land extending north of said Koenig street, bounded as aforesaid,132 feet to the alley between Koenig and Division streets,and all lots, tracts and parcels of lcmd extending south of Koenig street, bounded as aforesaid, 132 feet to the alley between Koenig and Charles streets. Section No.3. That said street in said paving district is hereby ordered paved as provided by law.Said pavement is to be 36 feet in width measuring from curb to curb and curb and gutter are to be combined. Section No.4. Tha.t authority is. hereby granted to the owners of the record title representing a majority of the abutting property ownerfl in said. district to fi1e ~i"lith the city Clerk within 20 days from the first publication of the notice creating said dietriot,as provided by law,written objections ~ to the paving of said street. section No.5. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish, after the pass8.ge, approval and publication of this ordinance, in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a notice of the creation of said district, for not lees than 20 days, Section No.6. That authority id hereby given to the . . . 495 .,-".; owners of the record title representing the majority of the abutting property owners to file with the City Clerk within the time provided by law~a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be uced for said paving. If such ownerA fail to designat e the mat erial they desire used in said paving vii thin the time and in the manner provided by law~the Mayor and City Council shall determine upon the material to be used. section No.7. The cost of paving said diBtrict~excluBive of street intersections, shall be assessed upon the lots~ tracts and parcels of land especially benefitted in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the Mayor and City 1l1ouncil as by statute provided. section No.8. The cost of paving the street interseotions in said district contained, shall be paid by the City of Grand Island. Section No.9. This ordinance shall be in forcs and take effect from and after itR. paSSi1..gs; appro.val and publio<:>.tion as provided by law. lR" P~sued and approved this u.ay of Decmnberj 1918. ( Seal) .AtteFJt: ~!.!!~Qb~H!:~;Y.. ..._~._____.__ Mayor _____Jl...E!. QJ.1[[QnL_______,__ City Clerk.