1922 Ordinances It I It 2 1~ ,", 10 235 tJrmI11iU~CJE mro. 81 't All ol'dinu,llce lErVj'inc c; DJ)ccinl vJc;te:c dhlt:i:'ict to };)Cty ~f Gl~ 'trJ.0 CODctruction of wGtcr Y1S in wotCl' 1!lt11D <lictl'ict . \) of' the city 01 1'()VJ 11[ or t~l_C col:lucction Ir31c {lC/, () I' {: I " tlic:.L'eo:f. liE I T miDi\. J, HJm 'oy tJ., c p' (: nd Ci ty' COllr1c i1 Ci ty' of" G :c a {l(1 I u 1 Jl U , Ol'r: fii::n : ~)ect~l_c)I.l. 1. t [t r;I~ecir:_l vlntc:r Lla.irl d_it1tl"ict tr;::;c 1)(; (::.r1CL tYLe DC3Lle j.G To"by levied arld. ~)r~GGl~[1Cd to L ~ "~I C C :>';'~::;,-) C L:, G '1 - ~--; ,';-, \.'.l. - l~ c () n. ;.-', L l' ~;L C ~[~ J. r1 (}:C ~L 1 J C \} ;~..! t c:c 1.:i \~- 1 1""1 J. [1 y,/ e t (~ I' r:r1 ~ . 1 1""1 J) j, fi t ~:':,L t f') $I l:/ (he f'1.! I..... _L T i._~} ;,~ _';~j_(:L 'i':,Tc: '::>1' uf {:: () _1.. t1 ::.: t t C 1" c; ;': :~;-J c c t i V. c ]. 0 t u , tr[)ctn n.nd. '~C' ~j_. ;~; Y':L 6. .~ ~ "J,1 \..' o '~.t:n t ~:; U c,:..t ():)~;' () ;~~ i t e t 1"1 ~:. ~ t-;_ ~L d (1 j_ L:; t}' :L c t i ~n J.C (-, ,_:-.... t}leir' 1'(:~}3 e(~ti-~'e (lt~GG t i () (is tJ, c':c , tlO t c.xc(:e:C.L~~ -,-, L..i-JC U _, .r" f..) .L f:i.-Ct,y ccnt;~ ::)(;1' :':r:ont Coot, to-V!Jt: 1.1 i b t:;-::i c t Ito It 9 J ()C J. riC' t}_;.,~_; t i)Z:..'.:C t ~jJ:KZ{),J.J&).;,~x:t;, ~ S e ,r C {I t:1'l f~ t l~ C' (': t ' J' I'()n:. .r~\rEll'lE to C1.:. ~)t}'e(;tfj ~ 1.10 'c,E b, 6, ?, 8 ill Block r; I :r-',3;).00 z?Iit's i_ti D, 0 I,ot J. in. J31ocJ~~ 8) J..J8i--:J_i(-;I,t'Z i t ~i. 0 , ~:'~';~). 00 Lo'ts 2, 3, 4 in BJ.ock8, L[~:_i.~)Crt'8 F~:. ,_, >o~ V , C C 1:: -~;:.~ 3 ;:;_) ,. 00 4 l:() t fj ( t C~ v ~' cl j.. t _i. 0 1'1 , .00. ocl~ -j.;1t J(Jl, , i I::: C J IJo.t 6} 7-, e in. Bl()(~l: 4, c:rt' E :L t ~_ 1 J., C r~ c~ 11 ~:} II O() IJO tr:~, 1, ;2, c}} 1':,,-, t." ;"'; ~ \..1 \,_1 ~) I 4 in " C C.:\ 4/; C1't' F;: 1 un, C . ;t.) E; c c t i 0 1'1 ;::~. ~bt (Ill (;): ;(;n~~(~ 11'1 f~;-(cc~,:~n Ul f:lft~'j' c.:(;rJtD CT' ~CJ:"orlt :Coot DUf)C[:f;~_ll<Le (., ~<.l .'1; t L__;~..-; 10 t>.:'., t,:ru(;"Lo ;J.i'~G. Hl'cc::1L; l_ L~.rld v:,' it.;' 1Y1 t>c ~i. :n. cl i L~ 'Lr j ".:' t~ ~) , " r~ r}. ]. C... '.. () :_- c. :~.... 1", (:' U ,,; 11 _j ,~1 """, LA t ():f .t~}-:c I.//U tel"' ~C of ,., . 1....;1 ci~ G-l'lc)~j(l I fj lrt~,.~d" :n " rr~l8.f~D .. ~.:~~cctiCJr1 ;5__ CCJ,2~ ~u c::r moiYJ C.iEtr'ict tCl~, ~~}l_all (1 'U. C a l'ld J. Cl (1 ceo c dc:Unquc t :L rl J. t c tililE~ provided by J_uw . a Y1C~ l]Etl--jl"l :r lC.~ 2,}~_D.Il l)u collected ir1 tl~.(; 1Jl(~L~~::b:C '~';l'O'\/~: ell 1 a,V/,. i3cctioy'.l 4. C1 cr,:; -'~1 ~ tC c.' J.. (; i I [:; 1 [J:;.)d. , el)I'D ~';}~Ll is 1.(:rE:1JY inu.tl'-~ sC:Ct C~~~oJ'(jC t c 0 ~":.:n tl' C (',~. fJL!_ :t" c]:, t:]',(lC;. (> {'-- ',' '--' ~~,. ..1_ of TIeJ.l1 CO'LL X1 t~>i'>> }J [; 1:-) l' L; to{;(,:.t~~-lC;'I' 1.:-:'1 tJl t}-). c eJ,:-~() ~:.lrl t t...'.!. ~:jr\ 1d, E;"L~-} i11u'L:t^"i.C"L1UYID to cc)J,lc.ct r';~':~l,;",C,. fJ llo\:",i 1 ,':XVI " ctj,on b. is ol'dJ.JlUYICe s1201J_ "t~c In :fol'ce D~~d to c cft()c1: :c I' C) IJ (.) ;,"}()~ t: :f' t c 2:"' its }) ('~;. b [) ,J . C, ~'. ~r, ,.') (;,l..L url~ ]JubJ.icntiocl, ':": c.',, t...,:. k.' r" 0 \7':L d, c;c1. ();/ 1'0 1 ..---,Y",J ..l. '-~', ~ 'I .. P().~1 f-~cd ::1.(1(1 t1',PI:':I~O"ICd t}li~) '1 tl1. of J anu J 19~22. At t est;: R. E. Clifford: City ,C IBrk~,o~____.. ( Seal) T.J.Ellsberry,Mayor --_..-..'""'...,,,........'-----...'''--.,--_......_-"---~ ..'___-.___'--'-.,____._.-".. ____._."D1r""".""____,_____.. _ ~_--.,;~.,...:.~~~, - ,'" -:dLi:J ~ I - -'b 81B), ~:'t 30V~- 236' . lit 1m 1'1: Ol\DAIl'1:L:D l)y the 01' C'HlCi Ci ty Counc i1 of Ue Ci 1.y of Gl~a.nd I~:L2.1d, Ncbruska: ~~e c t i 0 11 1 It t, () f;~pC:Clc;._L VIrit(:I' ((;.t:tiri (~:Lutl~i t tr:)~ l)c~ ~) tl,LO f"j U. Li_-:. C i ;~.., c:; J' 1 '\':L n (1 G, CL n u C L; f; to TiDY EtJ'L>.cti.orl o:c L~:c v/r:l.t(;:r r,.1('~ij~1 jYI VI t 1~ in 6i tl'ict c (~XrC ~!C ()f tJ',.c con- of G:rc)llci I LinCl, U I' ,') f; J<:. r~, :~-'! l ti ^~ 1:'(~G.D0ctj. c 1.otr;, tI1 cte . },1 of' 1.]'10 City :),11(1 1)[,"1_J:'C(-::JFi oJ' 1 I1C iYl ut'}id. (lir';t~l':LctJ irl tJ:Jcir J.'eL ect~L'vc (!,eHcr'l~nt~l(),n~~ .ll; ~_C<)I ,1 t CXC COt1 the n 2.~~()~r1 (: SE~t l) o~~i.tc CCrl"[,L', })ci' :C:COt.lt fuot., -LO.....l/iit: Iii ic; [,:1 j, , t j,6th n tx'ect lro. 11 "Le'.: ;..,~ ";:" t J) l't Ed.cl~r E3 tI' c: c t u . Lr~n 6' ~ Q 0 10 :', . _, u l", " (. 0, ;), _ ~ii) ~j(j It ,10 e n,(; ,;,'-1. LutD 1) 2,3, L1, t), in RLock 86. c1 c:c ,'<nrlc:ttc: in Inoell: '13, c]. ~-::' J~ E3(~ l"lrlC t t n ;;>:2:6 "L10 e[}Cll LO-t[3 6, 7, 8t 9. 10 in Block 16, [~{~~C!'G Add., Ilo t ~~ 1, ~:~, ~J '1, b, in. Ir:L c }<~ 11, -j~JTi_c:r r:; 1\-(1(1., IJots b, 7, 8, 9, 10 in B:lo(;l~: 4j p PJ.&(~(~ Add,~, IJoto 1, 2, 3 4, 5, ill oc:k 1, POl'k PJ_8ce Add., Lote G, 7, G, 9, 10, in oak 3, P PI co ., IJotn 1, ~;:;j~} 4-, L, irl OC],<: ~2, I) l)lr:,:c(; l\(ld~.., I.lotc 6,7, {3, 9, lO, ifl ()cl: Ib, ScJ~i,:t'cIL1er~:: .Acl(J<$' TJo tD 1; 5;:. ~ ~~~, IJ:, t" irl T31oc},_ 12. J f)c~ 1'E to , 1,0 t~.') 6) 17, [3, 9) 10 i11 Tr.tc)c}:~ lLt j f3c}ij.tllf;JCl'U Lo.L2 X, 2, 3, 4, 5, in c)cl~ 13, Be i, Cl~8 ction :,~. ():C' J' j,:C t~r eX' U[; t to tit}: . l ../ ,."....1 ~J .... I.,~' . , .~1;O c:rl C}:;.. (; c r~ . C ,) G .t.;, ~ e c.n. Ii /10 C'. cJ-J, e .IiO c cb. *,:10 C[)C}1.. ~/10 c~n,c ;I (; ;.-~,c i(o ~(1:0 c.~:-(CYL~ t i~~:ll C:;"~..~pcn;,:;C i.rl CJ{CC:~3C of I'fft:-/ ccrltn })cr ,-,C:.cC)11t f'()ot Ci;.:jf.:Cf>UD Ie; ~_-( :E;,l['l t tj',.~c lotr:) Ll'cJc'LE; uI'J.c.i ])Cl-'CCJ.b of~ ll"~:~il(i 1.7:i ln, t~~'.~.e :':-;(j:l(~_ V1{3.tC::C .,{:.,;_Ll"l (:.ic:tl'ict DJ.~~(JJ.l 1:;0 ~J:L(: u'u..t oJ' ~CflC Ci t>T OJ IfJl[~_i_ld , J" f'l ('~ . C-',to...l IN E~ 'L (:, r -:r~" l_lrl (1 0 f ~3 e c t i 011 ..). ;3E-.~ i c1 n}) e e i [).J. Vla t c:c rJD i 1'1 d, i ~~:'; t}' i c t. '0;::_1J( u~:-_~ [) J.1 1,) c (1 :,:l (~ (.,].1\.).. D D 1 1)(' c~)11ccte(1 i.rl tJ..lC {(tar-1Yle;!' ::co'\t'.iclecll):Y' lr1vlll Dnc~ 'bccC),;:e deli UCl'lt :Ln t},u 1(,t:;:nnc1' un6 z,t 'U,e t, :)l'ovid lEiw l ScctiOll 4. TIle cit~1 clc ot' t}. c Ci u:f I f31 D,;J'ld, ]. [~ :ce1.J:), mnDt:cu. tcd Dljd d.Ll'ectc'd to cCf't:Lf\t tc; U:c COtii:1 tI'CU ~'Lll'Cr or TIn,11 C; au.. 1."'1 t ~\/) t }-l C (1}'_;~ () L-~ r 1 t 0 :.L' ~.) i (.. t ~::t':Z': c. ~:; , '1"' .; + ~f~ 1 Yir:: L.1"'~"'L .t:t;J t'lf; t() C()~~. e(~t to c-; th<: sur~Le ~1,S PllQ (ICCi law. E)c(.'~'t:,ic;rl bOIl fIl"_if) ()lc1.j.}:";'l-).rlcc: L!...D ]_ "he In, :C'ox)ce FifJ.d_ t[)},:'e feet i~ :c ur;l b [1(1 ,xLl L (;:r i $S I) (} fj U c'l,(; e, D ])}-) l' o.vEll ,j.l"ld ~otl-bl i [-~" ti 0 n d S '_p 110 V i (~. ed. I -- -, lJY 1 [tiN. /\ t t (: r:~; t : P D. ~',~ u ed. eJ [1(1 (.'lI~~f'~ l~O "v' c d tJ-,'Li n 4 (Seal) H.E.Clifforrdl _..,...:--,--~'_"""---_"_~ l" -; +.:~- C 1 'I' k I.J.. .......) .........' ",,0,. 23}7- 275 day of January, 1922. T J 11 b ~~" ....!-!][.^'.-Jt....:~~;._~._-2.t; Ill' JvTCJ~~,/ b r I I 269 238 /) ~/ \ Qltl)XiNA.tttt$~ l{().- 819 ~1 or~in~~c$ lc~y1 I:~ ~'f,("o;h;lil 'f!rJUlt.e~: difllt~'ct t~~ to '1ra, tGt' th~ c.,rl~tl'Ufzd;.tOll cf ".14Gt .th~ in t~}t' t~ eitNtl:f' (;;r ~lr~j. It,,d. otlon . th~:r~~r .. Jnl~ IT OI'~~~.Dj\IIJED 1JY tl1€ l![ct"JTox' a,l'lCl Ci tjT COUllCil ()~r t}:c Ci t:l of Grand I~lla{l(l, Nebrtlsk:a: Section 1. Thnt a G iU.J. wo,.tex' r~81Yl dictliict tl.:e lie LU;-;~O J.E }-1cl.cliY levic.'cl Grid o._,L~DCE[~ed tu IitJ:;,r .Ci".'tC; c:Y~T)(;'(1i-~C Uj t..}lC COY1- EtXtlctic:rl o:f t.~~.:c~ VILt'tCX' Li1uirl ill '\;'/(Jtc-;:c llluirl strict 14 of the C i t~,/ o:f (}r' c~ rIcl I G 1,~>I'_L(i, ~T""lc"'o}' e. D., ,)(~,D i :n L t roopec;tiv'c loL~l, tructs ,-,neL :)<31'ce:1.[' .;:( land :Ln uaic:l di[;tl'ict, ill &,f)"iC)UlltS set OPl){)site t 11' rC::jJJcct1ve C:,-c:;cl'iption~: t)c::cc;o1', EDt c:xcccd:Lnc U:c nUl'). of :fif-ty' c~n'ts pGl~ f'ront i'oot, to-wit: D,i ::: t}, j, c t . 1/i 1)eir1t; tllnt I)l:-';_~'ct of. 1:~Lr~o ;::;t:CC(:-t ~fl'onl c ig to Charlcs Streets. Lot :~~, I~loc1:: 2, ilYlG 1bt elt~dd~~ j ;.! r.! 'L c:'; J n;1 C'). 0" '... v H"" J:. Lot IC, C()llrlt;./ f~ul;-I)il,linion" (:U<:CLIIlt ;l~~~'[)f)iltjO, In +'" -Iv V~,.J 7, 8, g, 10, 11, 12, in c)ck (j, Harms ft ~. ., l-~G..O_ *' , ('r:eh ::':.rd ~26 v 50 ::3ection ~2. tall CitfiC in cxc CD::; of fifty c en tB :p eX' front 1-00 t r:1~jBeEi(j(:11):Lf~ 11[,t tY,LC 10 tu} tl't:i, (_'tD ,;.:lYld. ~p(1:'('cel~3 o:f lrllld v~-'1 iTl t}J.e unlC. , - ' -. - . ,\y E~ T" (;', I' in ;.~_l :1"1 '.,1 b tl' 1 c t sf.,ia.l1 lJe r)tli (:-t 011 t c:c t1.iC~ 'N'El tel' nV,ild OJ:~ tIle C1 ty of Crane!. IsJ.und, n l(c_l . See'Lion 3. Sa.id. special w8L~r main d.istrict tax }3}Joll be due ElYld (i('oon:,(; cleJ.:Ll:qucnt in the IIl2;.m,Cl' end at t ilne r'o '\':i, d.(.~d. 1 uV!, ~H1c1 E. be collected in the manner proviCed by law. " c'tiOX'l 4$ ~rlJ,e City C.Lel>> of Ii. '.11 Cr,):.'1d II:; 1 D1'1d , .:~~ TF1f:)}:t1 16 r:~ ~", :illstI'Uc.t~d [lrl<l Clll~CCtcd to certi:fy to tl:~e coun t l' e r; ~~;llI'e:C ::;.:' (~; of TTnl1 CO:"';~I1-L~)r t}-'~.c' r-1';'~~_()^U~:(l t nI f~:()-i t )<('~E:-) to c: :1:' 'Pi Oi (' I:; in~tructionB to collect e as .r)I'ov:L~Gd lcw. ~;ecti()l'l b. rr:';,_',iu ol:(l1n,(:j,flCe F)lL(;, 1 r)e ir1 ~ro:rcc' ~:){lC:~ eeL J'rOLJ. ;Jnc 't C I' L~ i t fj Fil;lJ) f) f:, G n" J' () "T,,;" ,) J,. r,_:n (t }'icrit:LoX1, ;";1[1 }) r'o v j, d. Uti ."'1W ._._ (~1," . J?D'L:'e(~d l"O\fc:cI tJ~ I], ti.l ()f' ~ra.nl.l(:'tX';Y, lD;22. n.nc1. c..." "J...;"'1 Attest: (Seal) T.J'.E11sberry .. : ~ lijf~~:ro-~t' T ~..I ,.-... H.E.Clifford , Ci ty Clerk. I~ I I - ~! ~l ~,~ .1',/' ~ 2r,r:'" ) ~) "'~ ormnTAHCTG 1m. 820 An ordinonce rcquirl p(~rr3ur:l8 all~ corpo!'atioI1G Yl ~G[).L; l-L {;'UJf V,ti~-;."C~L' 'r':~L t::";irl 't}lC CO I'}) O:r:u_ c lii"t.:i.tu o:f t)~,~c Ci t2/ !:)f~ C'x'u>.Ylcl I~Jl riel to L::1vC DcciclC2,'lt4 l'u};c:clj- tc ])l'Cvent ~.~)~,-:c certain t~ l' C ':::1 ~_~: X;{j:~t :'p C: l~ n () fl fj ~. YJ d c () O:cE:,tio t3 ,~ :,.1:/ Vi i l' Co [', n. "CtJl J ~!ii, :Ln tJ:JC corIlox'O"te 1 t'Ll of~ tt,.e Ci t~~/ o:f I H 3. Dnd in i.5t:,ch clo c~c I)l'O)<irni t~Jr to ~3 trice ts, ell e~lu ('::1"lc1 ~3 ~i OF; to OtiC: 1) ped("f"'Lri[ll'lS 011el V clCQ~ TTO'll , '_['J-T.L~jL;~}l() f(l~, I:rfG IT' 0 f;J)j\.I Ci t~/ Cottrlcil 1);/ t}"}G :C (j of' t Cj. 1:;1',J of' C-I',ll1Cl IBltll'ld, [)c c.; tiOYl 1. ~ evers PC)!SC)Dj per'E~Ol.18 01' co Ol'Cl.t J1U ownir1: or muintain~ng ~uy wireD in sue claDe prox it)' to G tree t;;; I D1l eys a~}~ [~id.(~Dul.ks 38 to CX" J)(:(LcGt:eir::/,ls; \l'E:;J.-:.Icle[:1; ~.~~ J,1 \~.ri :ill .!. v :c t.>r fj :f':C'JXI"1 ,~~~..r.lQ ii~ LeI' t}.lG CLcJte t:'}i~3 OI"C,J_'n~}r.lCC; {=OC.;D irltC) e:rfe(:.;'t }J 1'0 i__C C L. C' l \ C :'..1 V,r j.l'C D J. YJ tG;':! LYlC:}"': f' C) 1 --, 0\,'1 I (}"C t()c}L~L t}J C I' C to ct b02rd 110t lCf~s t11[\rl S1)' fc{~t in hci .l. L. :3 11'1C2 Ei ir1 \rI:Ldt11~ ()r c c u ;.;:'. ['. tl C,-,1 L-L:f I' (: fJ i YJ ,,) l)o:-;{ rlt.') t t irl L~ ~': l:},i.rl1"1 ~J 1.Z: .i. t. tlu'cc L1C H in LX 11 t cd iil i (~ t1:~.; ::-'.:::.i 1. C l) 0 (~: :cd. 0 l' lJO ~< t () 1:; (, Vi" i tIC orieL ~,; c cttJ'el;:l to -c C. }:kxlxj:~.)iJ~X~( (J.ttt:.}:C]';.ccI tu ~:',:(:~,i(;~ t_:I't.:J.'':.1 \'/:LI'("[:,. Section ~;. r~e i ;,3 o:c (1 i rL:::'.lC e F~ <1:L J. n})l) I' c. f::;~ [1 0 r~. y" c to f..~ U,C 1.".; in 11f' 0 l' vcL:L c1 Of: ~-, [~ t" , , ."..' ,,~, G 0 l' l~c:nc~~.~ t}J C"t :pOf.'i1tj~()n to end.trger IH.;l' [j }~)arJ F l tlC~ b n;,'::~e . f3ecticll Z~(j }.,\, (;}' f~ n 11, }~ c~ T' ~'.:, ),"L r:'~ 0 Ie CO :r"':. (j l' rt t:L 0 Yl v'i ;:)], t :i, tll.e ~~~) :1'; 0 '\'1 i. L' :L 0 l,~ f3 ...., ,(~ U .1. t"!'i,l f) 0 J'C;, i ]],:_: l"l c; C'; r~ }-"~ r~. 1 on conviction t~eroof be fined i Xl ;J 1'1:,/ L;:.J1.;1 n. c <t 1 c E~ fJ t}.-~~,~).rl J? i "V' c 1)011 ()r B }]O l' 1'no]:) c n T'ifty Dol1DI'n t'o:c cr:C}'.i oj"-.CC[l;:.,~C:, aY1(1 t}.lC ~C()i1u~:cc tc 1)oe1'c1 or' lJOJ{ f:;::jC V/ :l. 1~' e r,::lL(~,ll corlutltu~te a Ee])~_~_,I'(lte o:t'i"e:(:.rjc. C~~C c tic:n /1. [: 0 I'CL l rla,-rlC C 1 De 111 force and ta cf:Ccct 1'1'0;:)1 Dul })';.J;Jl:L C t";. t:iorl FtS ter"s Its 1)8,8SQf~e, a DrovJ6.cd by .LciV!. PU~Jf;8d 011d apJ;)roved t i~} 4t}~1 of' J" a,l'TL1:?1. x' j~ t 1 9 ;'~,; ::~2 . Attc::;t: ( Seal) . H.E.Clifford "c j f~; C i e 1'.1::-.:-----.-... T ~ J. ~~l,s~"erI'l:~ J,LL:; ,:/ 0 l' It I - l\:n o:c cL ill;'} Y1. C f~ 240 71 If\)f.. /1 \ju.... .82)1 cl'(;(1tir.iC :c .T~)i u tl'i ~c 69 t}'::.c C.i ty. o~r :i i1 i-~: C;y! -;.:r.. ; ,'..,.} . c- II ~J, Il G J. D.l ~} ['j. Ci., ~\Tc "Y.I J' :.:~ ~.,_ r,-;, (}. ()1-:' i 11:1. t}-.:_ c lJ ....:.Yl{:~ ;:-: I' ~L (r,-< L I' C: o:f , (;X'ovtd:L . -,' In '.:":lC f()~r' t (-~ l{~i'\1 oJ" c.:. L~e\f/(~:c ifl ~-~:.L(. I).lf;tx'i.ct, d.c: C;Tli").'t t}--.'.C C () b t rJ t. (::~ ~(, f~' :_; .' :'_.'.1 :i 1'1 ~,~; t r-', ;: ~ t:.: C (~Y~lCI' : ,--, ~, ; '- : ')Je .Li):LU., ;_~( n:L ~.~ n V/l1eI~CnfJ, t1.l8 tlJ.c 2bl1ttirlC Dr()J~CI.ty~ Cr) Ylcil of' "L]:- c: Ci ,- of 1" c' uc.' r i ,(J.e] l',-,nd Ci d I;31r~r:d, .t L-: tc'::-rJrJ }',1(;1" to:fo:c(~ t()~::crl ~C r t,,__e C~1:.-'c:r: t n OJ ,,"', ~~) C\~} C l' E t:ci t }'~O 8 69 a.x'c r'c n 1" (';( /1 1 lJ.l, ()J:l(~ t.., L [) LC"Y/(,l' to ... - .., DC ,:.U1C.. .L. 1",[ c. D.1.;..) t>.':i. c L :~1C }" C:~ i rl~~;'~.r' t C1' end (u , . ~, 1fJ(:(;. IF) r) L11.~ I:L c fl. c: C c r} D j. t~~li ; 1'C f) 'b:.... ct t ;1'CC-.::CU-:...-~:ctl'~_n C j, t:,/. C U 'Ltn.c i 1 }" ,.~:i,:L to t:..l.C Ci t::/ . 1'lo\v , tLC1'cf 'J J.'C, of Ule Ci [:d.' o c: c t 1. u.n 1 9. C;'l; t) Y1 C;" I f: J.. ~,) ';'j (:L ) , .~. (/: I) ) n .. , " .j C C," ,"'" , U.tJ.... c' ',; ) T~,l()c T;i () I' t~. ...., , ~') C! '., . (:3 c~ c tiC) 1"1 ~~~ ~ c',:,.. c: C J. .l (~J.'LL 1 ! ,',_ ", . .r,'" 21 111).. ;:j .:.) C: C ]..!. ]. C ...... J... ''.<1 ~ 0,.1 1 ;:~ .Y' :1. U; :~: E CV:' f: l' H , C~~'J..'I'lC;C :.tt~ :~~c(:; t:iOfl ~). f3 ~().1. ~L u c t:~. U f) C ~':j ~:j C (l cl (:~~ fld C:'L t ,;:; ~)~_ ~.~.i ~,~L ,,~.. ,L F; [) i ~_1 .;,. ,'," I", ,..,,--,~... :'J'_I ,'"';(.;C r~~ c c '~,' ~t (j ~{l 4. 1. riD C;;,l rJ l,~:: c :i. ~i .L (; .n ,:;.;..1 C'~J::'E OJ F~ ('v.; I. ,1; -C(~~~ 1 vI1.tI:uut COi\t , '." ,.,L. ,1,1 ee o r.L/ fJ ,L U it 01(:,' 1):\ Ci t:j" (;0\11'1C i 1 "i~,}j.C 01' ',"'; ~'.'., "\,,,'~ Y'lcL IDlnl".Ld., :t' i<:t'l 'C f3CVrCJ: d.j.r,t]~'i(~t No. 69 U~;" t c C:i ,'~, :r-' L,;.:e. i ~~. (~ x. t oJ' c :r c () 't~ (:.: c1 , n;.(~' toe C) Yl L~ 1 /'"'i . (.:> Vi \.j], I u J~ ,") ,(' .,.', r; i../ J ~ ,,'L rr :._:( "'~'j \.'. fJ c:\~" C' r L::C; ,L:~:!~LC_ 10 t.ii('. C '~TJ"r;,c~ :)'1:),)\/c t~, .I'U a .J, d ~'.'! J_ 0 c.:.:, D ~ 1 '(1 ;J C c~ :r.'> I,: cl'::~.l C e i (~:'t rl ~::; t.L.C () ('; r ';"11 1': crct.:':: c~ u tt;'l;l i :.:'i ,cd 10 :r Ie L~ (:::1]',;" ,,-, {. ~-\.-. ',.' '!~ 'j .......:..... :,i:, ,~1:.r' " ....~, I ,;'..1 --1. c).. ~. "-" CE r ,;.; , r', UT: eel: G t~i ',"', C' . ,'-"-r' e lU~ C,',.'--, ~_,' '~,J ':) <" ,,_',',..J :.~:::~~L '"L.;C " tixo eUL uf cU;,'.~Ltl"LL(~t.i leI ['~CV/C1' :L ~,'lL': t L~'i,C' ttinc ~l' e ty :lD al.e L; tX'=l c t., u C 1 ~::;\f ~i_ l'-~, (S. rt f:~ 80 U rl (,--:~ ~3 t} e c 0 ~.': t ... , . CD.:U. ()C r;E;cel"T,~:,l1 (::,'-: L, '~A , c: d.c-lt tl(;'r'],t, Ti:,:{\i~i :.Ln Lc:):'c:, t nn I'O-c\.....}c..C{J IfIvr. (Li j~ neer j.D hc:celJ;y nU.t>o:ci?c,ccl L(; dr.,:'w 'L ~'L :) '~'.!. f3 } ()]:. .. , r~ .., -., ,. ~. -., .;::~ _~, l..-.L t,le:. Yilc)}:,:C c:ut,J te of t.; ,c (~:V/' C I tu L.;';t~~-- Ci t~,/ COLlT1CiJ.., : t.:,1 d,.~j~'; tcd Ci c () ~,:'. t t, c ~(,.~. U :.C' a. Y-.ld, Lj 1) :;',:1. t F, cr:.) r:i.i.:; ct~Lon~3 s}~ecj_fj.c~J'tiUj'lS 01) all l)id~s. l''-~ Cj. ""J'/: e 1'1 C]. CI'l~ ~~:;'i~} a. t u :(1 c C () '",/ e I" ~,:~; C -L ;,~):1' 'L i c',~. ~~', f' 1" t ~c e ~,;;:~lCL F 1', l. i:1 C C () \ ' [) n C c: v. :;. c 1. rU':: ttecl, :{'f:DCl~'V:L tJ.i(~ X'1 v -to l'Cjoct D,ny a,nd I lit I I - iJ(~c-Li()rl b lit ): :c ,) : j C'. .~.l C~ ;__~ ':~-~ t c: J~ U'tI II- TJ ~~t- ~~~ U e (1 ~littc;:~t: .+, '1 ,', " '.1. ",..' ..) its :.L): ~.-': (', ,.. _ '_.J ~) , . 1\...;, I'U'T ( Seal) _._,_..!I_el1l,-S:giff 0 rd1 C i-"C,:).' ~ll~t-e~:l:.l.:*-..- j__ .\:'1 f18 (: E~J'.:(J 11 _,c , G.P1Jl~() \r(_~,~]~ tiE t'l tl1 305 241 l~-) c; ini ,:) r c (.', '.' ! (.', ' .. ., '. ,~,)J<e effect _L~LC().JC r1 ("' . .. ,,}:rO\',L cd OJ '-i.tL; .ll'~>" j 1 C~i ;:~; ~~2 Q _..!...J ..Ellab:erry 1./: {~(\'~;~;~ i:'.&'-- -.-_.. ~._- It I e 242' 303 ORDINANCE NO. 822 .An ordinance creating Sewer District No. 70 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a sewer in said District, describing the manner in which same shall be laid, assessing the costs thereof against the abutting property. WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, find that the steps heretofore taken for the creating of Sewer District No. 70 are regular and lawful, and that a sewer to be laid in the District hereinafter defined, is a public necessity; and WHEREAS, by a three-fourths vote of all the members of the Cit,y Council, said sewer main has been ordered laid without cost to the City. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That Sewer District ~o. 70 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska is hereby created, s&ne to consist of Blocks Six and ~even, (6 and 7), Schiznmer's Addition to the City of Grand Island, nebraska. Section 2. That a sewer <<XSXXX shall be laid along the course above described, running through said blocks, in accordance with the plans and specifications governing sewers heretofore established for laying sewers in so far as said plans and specifications can be carried out. Section 3. That the entire cost of constructing said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in saidDistrict, and atax shall be levied as soon as the eost can be ascertained, said tax to become delinquent and draw interest as provided by law. Section 4. TheCity Engineer is hereby authorized to draw plans and'specifications of said Sewer and make estimate of the cost thereof and submit same to the city council, and when adopted the city clerk shall at once advertise for bids for the construction of said sewer, in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted, reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from ana after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this ~_day of .Jfebruary, 1922. Attest: (seal) H..E.Cliifford Ci ty Clerk. 9 T..r .-El~s.lJ'S~..E.'L Mayor. ~ I - 243 2\7i ORDINANCE NO. 823 _c1~ " \ ,/ -" v;.>,:' n/ _ .f\ / / 'AP' \J " An ol'dinance repealing Ordinance Ho. 678 of the Ordinances of the City of iirand Island, Hebraska. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Council of the uity of urand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. Ordinance No. 678 is hereby repealed. Uection 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by maw provided. PASSKD and approved this 15,11 da;y of lfebruary, 1922. (Seal) Attest: 1I.E..Clifford City Clerk T.J . Ells'berry Mayor -- I - ~144 273 OlillDfANCE NO" 824- An ordinance repealine Ordinance No. S97 of tbo ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council 6 the City of G~~rll I~..L'rJ'l.l~ j~Al)~~o~o ....("""..). '.. ....: '-.l....., .~\..,.o~- ,)..:...\..._J.!.~.L.\.. Section 1. That ordinance No. 697 of the ordinances of tbe City of Grand Island, NebraGka be and the Gano is hereby reI) efil c:d 'it Section 2. This ordinance slwll be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by l;"l.w" Pa~Jsecl and apIH'oved tLls 1" ~day of I'laxch I 19~~2. (Seal) Attest: T.J.Ellsberry """"'!fa v O. ~" ..I.'~'J..C '.1' ..t. It H.l~. Clifford City CIel'k. It I - 21'''7':1 () IV 245, OHTlIl'fANCE no. 825- An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 726 of the ordinances of ti.lc C1 tJ of G:cand 101 ebrcwka.' :r3e it o:cdained by the fLayoI' and. City Council of' U18 City of Grand Inland, Nebraska: f3ec t10n 1. Tiwt olftdinm1ce lIfo ~ 726 of the o!'dinances of the Cit,'f of Grand Island, lle1n':1[;1:a be cHld. neE sarne is hn:L'eby :cepeal eel. Section :2. This o:ccUn(.~l1ce shall 1)(;. in fOl'CO and talcG effect from and i~ter its pUSGogc, approval and publication, <J.n provided by law. }':...., ',..' !.',' f;("l I" 'r"'u" c')-P.."', l'(~~V-">l.l tIll' '0, 1" (l'lY 0-4' "il" "<"c11 19 ')'J ._ _,,_ __>t_ -'0 ....~,' J ......t .1.-._ ...:) ----....~,A(.t .1 l'"c.~.... ~..._, ' t IvI',J. (Seal) Attest: H. :m. Cliffo rd City Cler};:.. ~..LJ . Ellsberxy'.__.___ J~1a_y 0 r It It I It 246 301 O,imnrANCl~ NO. 826 An o:cdirwncc i:n:ncncding Ordinn.nce No. H20 of the corTJpiled oy'dirlaXlcen o~f tli.f; Ci t:i o:r I~jl. nd, Nebr:~81(D~ Section Ie Thut section 1 of Ordinance No. 820 be and the fHL.iO iu IlCJ'cbJ o.":Jencled to read i-U'l followfJ; to-vdt: Section 1, t every .l)()I'EOn, ~)CI'80],W aT CO:q'Ol"DLi.on ov/ning o:r 'Daintaining cuy wir'cs in sucb, cl()se pr'QXiDlity to 8treet~~, aJ.leys Ltrld f:;i(le'\u~)ll~,n ;J,f-j to C l)cd~Cf;tl'i!;lX'lE o:c ve} j..ClCf311 1 vlitllin t}lirty days from tor. t}lE~ do,to t .is ord.inancc gOGO into effect lH'utect (3uc1'1 guy '.fires in the follo\:Di (;1"l1ne1': By attaching thCl'Cto at 8und a board not les8 than six feet i Y1 .1 C Yl{~t~..L Fl. 1'1(1 tYll~ f~ C i l1C}~1 c; H i X'1 1.'I i d. t1'l, 0 r "'b~r eJ1C 1 0 E -L rl~< ou c}} (~'Lr:l wires in a substantial and co icuous wood or metal guard not ]~esc t}]}JYl ~,::,i:K. f'cet irl lc:rl[':t11 tJ:l}"ce i'nC}-1C;8 in d.i.an1.tl:;r' Ole width; 8:111 board or I'd ~o bE painted to or galvanized and to lJC Ecc.tLl'el:/ Cttt(1cll(;d~ to sa.icl ts11~! vlires~ Section 2. Section 1 of Ordinance No. 820 i8 hereby E ealed. Section 3~ Tl.i.is ord,iancc 3 :f r () 1'1~' aT t e r its ,P a r:J :.' ;; r llY law. 1 be in force and t fJ.ncl ~p"tll)J~ic:::ttio11, t:;S cff ee t provj, ded Pusset! A11d apPI"oved .~. .,,~ ~ vl.L..L ,",) lit _(lclJt of lv1n.l"c}1, 1922. .AttCf3t: (Seal) H.E.Clifford T,J .]a"lsberry IJayor. Ci ty Clerk. It '''\ ri I e 247 281 Ord.inance No @ 827 An ordinance ca11inc a cpecirl'L election of the qualified voters Dud clcctorc Df the Ci of Grn leland, Nebr~Gka for the purpooc of submittine to said electors questiun of issuing two hundred negotiable bonds by the or and City Council of the City of Grand Iuland, Nebraska, of said city, each in the principal "''''''1 o-f :;~:l ('100 n('j r1r'l-o(1 1111-," 10')<') Cll-,,1 i~"':' -"l-J'" lOA') V)ll+ '-.) v.. t' . .. ';f.., \.# ~ ... ~ \..; "I ~ \A cA ,~l.;:; _1. t..' _A.. '.i .1., . ...' r.J?.J ',~.,'" "-,~ \}, I.). \,..< t..I A .. J _1.- fI 0 ,../.-. ~, .".....,., v :pa,/::-'"ble ,Jt tilG option of said City at allY tirrw nftc:l' ffive yearsV' frDPl date thereof'; c:.l,ch 'of ~wid bon:.ts draxling irlterent from i t8 date at a :CD to "01: e:x:ceeding five per centuI':: per annum, }Jaya.ble semi-annually and evidenced by 40 coupons attached to each of said bonds, said bonds and coupons being payable to bearer at the office of tile County Trea::"Jurer of Hex1-1 Ccnmty, i.n the efts of Grand IBl~nd; and further to submit the proposition whether the Mayor and Council of said City shall levy annually on all the tr])wble };Jl"Jperty in cnld city D tax fJufficient to PiJ,)i t}JO semiI' annual interest as the same matures and to raise a sinking fund sufficient to pay the principal of 8a1d bonds wben due, the pTodcecclB of Enid bonds to 1)(; ted. cxcltl8J.vely by th.e kia-yar and City Council of said City to the purpose of conatructinc or aiding in the: CO.,3 tru.ction 01.' n sys,tem of DeVrGrace for e Ci ty of IJrand I uland, Ne1Jrar:;ka. Whe:ceaB, tllcrc 11a8 1:)(.;on pl'e cen t(;:d to the lJIayol' emd Ci t;y Counc11 af the Ci of Grand I81u~d, G petition signed by more than fifty 1~8fli(lcrlt 1"~:re(;-}Joldel's oi'O s;}id, (~it~l oi~ -(~l"tlnd Is1(11'1(.1 ~ 1):t"f1~ling tIle or D.nc1 Council. of Daid Ci ty to ca.l1 e 8}.)GciaJ. eleetiol1 for the single purpose of submittine to electors of said city the question of issuing 0200,000.00 in bonds for purpooe of construeti or aiding in the construction of a system of sewerage for said City; and. crcar;, U'c jJ[ayor and council ind !,aid :peL.t:,o)} 1.;0 be ..L" (2,UC l' 0 ~t'r~j L:..l~.lfi ~: i .by L-tO X' C tlL~<.~r:t f i:C t:;l :c e ~3 i. C-~f.; Xl t :f :::'e Et.. }lO 1. (1c: l~ f;~ e11cl t11D. t t,'.I.'.'L"" ''',-. - ~"-i c'" "'1'-" ('}" t'.., ." 1 ."^' },.. ""'0" i-\ ,'" C"1'1 -f'1111 v '''1')'1''1''] -'J D.-' "'1'1' t'... ..... v l.'l.Ct'''.....~.tC,..;.t-~l i. ..:.=.L, .,.....c1,.,\l; ,Jt-,<v /,,"...... ....',A~~>...~..; .._,"-_i.>_'.....:.J>.~~~....\.,.~. ..J,l. Now, therefore, be it ordained by the o? the City of Grand ruland, Nebraska: or and City Council Section 1. That a special election of the qualified electors o:f tl::8 Ci oJ:' C'l'C..Yld. Islalld ,I'Tcl':l'c-::-;.,:lca is It0X'cb:/ c-c:~lled. alIQ or'clel'"'cd to be held in tllC City' uf Grarld I81und~ Nebrasku, on Tuesday, the 4th duy of' AJ)rD., 1'022, <.,:t the foLt01Ni rccpective voting I)laces, tc-v/it: First District, nt Hoae HouBe on Sixth Street between Vine and OfJ.Y, ~')tl~ec ts. , Gaud District, ut City Library Basement on nut Street l)(-~t\!/ceJ:~;_ ];lj,r.r:t f.Jnd f)cco:nd. f)tl~eetsfi trllil-'d. J)iutl'.i.ct, L1t Cit~/ Ii'lcctiol1 r_~u.i1di11G 01J. V/eE3t j{.oen.ig ;1t1'cct. F'Ol.ll'th D:istrict, on nccond. floor of City Hall bu.i1c~inc, COITIel' PlUb ~111d C(JDd Strcctse T,."; .f t'h '" .;. '.J." l' -,,,, ')'C no (', D ero' U'. ,", e' (\ "., i'lo. 1~ tV) l,am ~3 t::cc c t I l' e twe en .l-~,J... iJ~ ....~\.J \....v, f....,;.\I .~.1.t.,J\.... l... r_ _.I. _""'- Sixth OTld Seve~~f~-tre0tB~ f~:i.)..t;,': Distl'ict., t Cit~r I~lectl.()11 Jl,iin[~- on. '\/tcDt f3i~z:t.}1 ;~:;t:rect. '<')";'-'11'< "'c',lI';,""" ~'>J"'(O('",<; e'o' rl:>"'l")'n"t^l 1 . ..". t'-., .. 1 ' "'~"'.A. l' ...J.o J:-f., ,.", ',l . ,-,Lie G H.t ,,,(, )e~1..e. .l1t;,;; U;'iU[;l.... pollIng 'places j~rl cDicl cit\r ~;lrld. "'(r~jrl/)' l'i(\C;Yl l1nr"'..r"; f'r\'"!'! c.,n,.j...i ~O""""r"".'o'"e-' f' r~..."'''~ .... .J ~.~ .. t,,:, "....' ~. .1._ .~ ..., ,.~ '-.... .~....I,J.. t_, (*>..J.. .....j" J.: Lt.. lJ .u'~ ~:'l ;,.} . r~'1clrj,Y' -::,rcar't;. c;cC'.tl'r'''' 4") rf'1".-i_ ""C' , ,..' t...j.' 1: 1 .....' UJ.: ~-. ,cL.d L l.ut; x-eCl S.r'C1 ,,1 on )00 ,:.:n fer the rf;vi s Jon and cOl':rection of the l'CC:i::;tl'Ci.tJon of 8[:'i(;. cj.ty of Grand lEiland. Hl"all be open ;;t tl1G office of the Ci ty ClerIc dur:ing tl.ie time provided by law preceding Buch election. (' "' c i; '., 3 "".".,.,. . 1 ~ - Ut;;,. .,...VL . DQllt (,:.J.ecLJOl1 S-lP:] tie ''o'i-'cn ,.,t Cr,c" "'1' "8-'(1 .. ]~I' "'1("1' "1'-' ,.::\c --"I _.....~.:1 ',' ,,",,~..",.., .. ....~..~_? .. ....\.,<..l~J"'; c.;~' J ..;,u .l,i.. \..... i....jC"...L,.Ji. l.-'O,J.JLb I)..(JC\;;,;) .L1, ;,rI'U. f,Ci'C':CcLL VQ!"nr" rjlqtrJC+'-" .,... 0 0'" 1 . i , .,. P. .,' . : -: -', .. '. ..'" _A. . G -, ,-. . - .' ..."', v. 1.0,;;;. C .i. 0 C.lie 1 n ,."e J.OlenOOD O:t r:.;al.C (jay 2nd the YJollp f,h"lI ('lace' ""\' "',' ""-"0''''1-''' ..: ; -... t"1 . fa j_ _. '"j. .do' " ',~ ~.~ -.,<\ ~.. ., fl,..l c.'of" ,t lJ l.."", t._ \: .Ui '(JiC a:. '"c:t1100n 01 :;:,nlcl day" ~ -.~ I e 248 283 Section 4~ The pruposition to bE voted on by the elcctors at c&id. electj.on shall l,e tllG following: f;'llall tllC MU,YOl' Dnd Ci ty Council of trte Ci ty of Grand Is1c:md J:TebradcCl, irHHw two hunc1:r:ccl (~2;OO) bond.s o:C Deiel city of ,000,,00 eac~, da!cd JUly.l, 1925. ~~e July 1,~1942, bU~PQyablc at the optlun 01 f;nlC~ CI-lY tCl11ve yecnr:: ]':com the CLDtc thereof; oDch (,) f LJ () i U, l:o 1..iU. U ClI' ,J\\r.i IlC ill t E~ r c r:~ t :f X.Olrl dG, t f: tl,':,ex e of a. t ,) '1~ (.l t e n,C) t. E;:x:ceed.i ~l?i'v'e ljo:c CC11tlUJ: lJc:c ;:J.rl11l1Di.,. I: 10 ~~:: <=-orJ,TI1Ju,l1:l F),n.el E:vi(;:cnced 'by 40 CQUpOYW (Jttuched to crch en' r:>3J 0. bonds; ~~Did l)ondn D~rJd cOttj)OflB l)~~J/c..:l)lc to l)eC~l"CJ' ,:lrlU l-Ju.\Tu-l}lc t1 t tIle o:C:fice of tlle Cuun+v '!'l'Cn"Ul'E-:C of rip] 1 C'flUl1t'v' }\I';"l\~'~l"l'-", 1''''1 o"'I'E" ('1' t"'" ',1" ' '''''v .L .,,,~-_.' ......'... _.110,.: _. '~t/' _t.".."....,"...,__.,.;...~j ,J. \";;.l, "" J t,,, U 1"1)' d T c, 1 n Y': Ct." :\ Y'I d. ,,1, ".L~ 1 t. \~ C U" 0' C.L-' +, '. C ,', , , v, (' ,;., "." i~ '" ".-' l' I' f' J' t'" c. J. ~ ..!.. too,' [. J.'" -II J.,~ ".... Ar...-i. .\,.1. " ,.\. .I v;j /1....~ '"..'t,i..,,- .,' J,."..., \) ")t.-,, .......;. \.J, 'f'/ levy annually on all the e property in raid city a tax Guff- icient to :pu-y tJJe pri.ncir(~l of 8 <.:.. lJOndf3 viben due; tJi,C: Vl'ocecds of the u1J, e of' E<d d 1ioncLc to llc exc1.luJi ycly clevo trod by the" l' 8nd Council of r;"dd City to the C()jH,lt:CUCt:iOl1 Ol' ;-d,din,c in co1'1- Etl"L\ction. of' :.1 [:.2rf:tenl o:f f;CVrel";:}(;e feI' tl1C Cit'Jr o:f ciX,[;trld. If~lLinc1111u Section 5~That the City Clerk of Grand Island1 Nebruska1 shall c n u ~j e to be}> l' e:p a I' e d 1) a 11 0 t 8 :[ 0 r l.tD e i Xl f, H. idE: 1 c c: t j 0 n; 8 [) i d Nil 11 0 t r; to be printed on white papor to be desi tee 8S "Official balJ.{1t~'f 81'ld upon Enid 1)311ot~ J3}1~111 ~)G rri,-ni~ed the proposition died in section 4 of thia ordina~ce. followed by the words "'F C' <," alll3 .1 '"10 " '1,1 u.'" <~ 1:,]" ,., ',.- "', t.; \ ~ ,', .["'0" t"'~ (1 (' '1" ,c, 'C> f' 1" r, '.I." c. ('1 on r, l' (1 ,'- '" ,-, /; -j "1 tl ,'LJ ~ J.J. (..~,~ t>. ,.-..C;.-V..l_~. ""'\.j.......'.,.,t",.. ,/",l.~._L._"'" \."[.''"''''~'J. \,,, ~.I ....... ."V _J",::-, C.',,:,,,,,,^ ..-J. ()CCQJ'c1DtlCe wi th tYle fO:C\TJ pl'ctcrilicd in tlie ne:ca) lav/[; relc1tive to elections in the State of Nebraska. All electors WJ10 f8VOI' tt.e irmative oil 8[~id l)rolJosition nhall make a ~r08ti in the blank square opposite the said proposition c1:1.?,11 m'J]'=G ::, ecn'f;C' :rc 'U'i:0 >\J 'C'lll'~ c'C!un:r€1: Q:;'I'O~:i t€ 1:.l:e E2id ~c:.:'<c.6n;:i.t.i,vH !;),nu undeX' U],e vio:cd lIyen" l'.nd E:ll elector'S who Dre opposed. to (?,aid \;runo ::d tion, Gl!Dll make a c:r-o ,~n 1 n tbc "blank ['](junl'C OTH) 0 f: i tc i;:w,id ~',ro'i~':\(" c,', tJ.' n', '1 '1'1 (.), nnr1 r',," t1",o. 'MU"'C'; IIl'le)." ~~, ,', .1..... , .' t...;~.... ~... ,i~, L..... "'^' 'I."l. \A \... ..L .,," ,~. Ii ~ ..... -", -... :3cctiolJ, (). ']'tle ,.1UInC nu,rnbcr of judgef:] nna cJ.eI'ks of election r;Lull qur::1Lf'..'I dnil DOl've in Uia election au qualify unCi, f;crve in :t.1\1 c:; ceneral c1ect:l.Gll and. t})ci:c duties [)hall li1cc\",'b::e 'be the fHiLle. '1'he l'etu:cnr:'1 of [::;oid olee tion nlla11 be Y.'lade to Ute or end Council ui' nnid Ci ty and 1)211 tJi.cnl canvt1sucd upon the fi:C[lt fonday ,:;ftcl' cuicJ election ]),n(i t};o I'cEul.t [,hnl] then be declI:Xl'cd. by baid ]?:ay 0 X' and Co un G j 1 ~ Section 70 The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebra~ka ~"hoJ.l caLL,.C notice of f3Stid election be civen in t1,e Grancl Ioland Tk, .; 1 Y" J~' 'r'" 1 -co '1\ ("J'1i~ n ',' + ", 11':''d} c:", q 'f) r'I' ')'l'1')] oi c y, PC1 J' rl q ':. I' r1 (' l' 1'V ') + 1 "';~ q + 30 tJ.......t" ,_.\A.~,t:".<" .\A,......llvl 0'_ '" \J...~-,j.~-"'~..t \_. .r: t\., _~,.L.!'.J_.I....:.. .' Io-..I.J \...'-- ...,..... \)tJ S(.~I-"J".-; ..;..\;,..i-"....,.. "'" days before the election 2nd shall post notices of said election in each of said votinG precincts BS provided by law. Section 80 The said City Clerk shall make due return under oath to tiie 1\"ayol" and Ci ty Council of naid C1 ty of Grand Il;',lmJd on or j 'befol'c the fil':t r.':onuay El_lcceeding tbe d.ate of FiDid election nnd on or before the dute provided herein for the canvass of the votes , oust [J,t EiDid election Bhuy/in;; lNhcn v:]1(1'e Lee posted, c\.H,:l1 electionv notices, tuccther with a copy of the notice 60 posted and showing that l,e can::;: cd L:i: i<1 rlO tice and. tLi G o1'di jJance pu'bLi nhed. l?if: herein [:'1nd. 1);,/ Etatute provided, togethex witl"., 8. CO)):>," of nllicl noti,ct'? row pul)l i u}:ecl, b.avi ng attached tLerc to em [erf iclevi t rJhOVfi the pl'in ting und publL::;}Ji'ng of said notice and also ]nintiLg [lrld pubJ.i ine: of tILi g 0 I'd inane (; . Section 9. The Bayer and City Council after any of stich bends r::}'wll f-t.e h~~ve 1')con ir:sucd l)y t}:i(: oi ty ;;:l1all levy nnnu:::::.lly upon D11 'tr'-:'11:1 '" T\O~V''''f'"~~~.tv o'f" t1-,,~ (;4 +'\1 "ue}' +",-.." "" m":'v l,(, \'l(-'C""('("'''~/'V 'j"01' '" C-l..'~(_ '.',---", \.,.. J;./..l. J;' \,..~.1 .; ....J.........L V.) !..)", J. ;oJ (.CL'\,.. C( 1>-' r l,c:-~,.....' ~,.' " J-. .. \-. ~..l ~,} C< J. v" .. !;;t. pi ing fund for the payment of the accruing interest upon the l)OYlc).r;- Dr1(1 tYIG I;l'illCil)cll tl1ereo:C n.t rLlatlJX1:t t~t. from 1 a'll. Section 10. 1his ordinance shall be in force and . f ' . + . ~ - b'1' t 0 one.. S'- t,er l...O I)afjn(,l~};; I O,PC'l'OVU.L C'.rw pu ~.l(;a ,Ion as e effect provided by Passed and approved this At tel::1t: (Seal) H.l~.CliffoI'd Cj.~ty.C 1 e'rk'L. 2'11. _.day of Mnrch I 19~22. T.J.Ellsberry Ivlayo r . ~ I e 285 :34',9 JRDDTANCE NO. 828 An ordinance calling a special electicn of the qualified voters and electors of the City of Urand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of Eulmiitting to f3aid electors tiLe qucction of insuine one hundred nec;'oti~lb]e l')ond'" by t1-efT"-J.vor :"lld C'itv (;0'1""'ci1 oP tr(' Ci1';j/ of u-:~... ~'":',,,', T'~, ,.." ....>~ C"'^.. t,:', ';' 'n" ',',) r; ...,~,J'" ".'1.," T'~~'''' 'i "',., ~,>, ,,1,,110. I".1d."Q, Ne1.1ce"ta, of >HJ1(;, "..Lt;y, C,~Cj., .0'1 1.1,e 'p'.I...LJ,.C...pd.,- .,u,n of :1}1 ,000.00, da tad July :1., 1922 and. due Jul.Y' 1, 1 ~)t1~~, lnl t payabl e at tLe opt,i,on of cDid City at 0.11;>," thne after' five ye"lrs f~con1. date llereof; en,ell of ~~D.iJ. l)ond.D dravdng interest from itn delta nt a l'Elte no t exceedinG Ji' i VG per CeYltulL per anmml, pay ,cll:!l C fJemi-,Jl1l1uall:>' e..nd evidcxlced by 40 coupons attached to each of said bonds, said bonds and coupons being payable t6 bearer at the office of the County Trea rmrer of Hall Count~r I in tlle Ci ty of Grand Island; [3:!1ct fur tIle:r to submit t~e propwsition whether the Mayor nnd Council of Baid City shall levy annually on all the taxable prop~rty in said city a. ta;.: 13ufficient to pay the senli-o.nnual jnte:rcnt ctB t,1'.e 8tm:e t'LlI'CD, a..nel to r().if~e a. uirlJ.<:irl{I; f'U.Del. L~v,.fficicl:~t to IJa~l tXle pI'irl- cipal of said bonda when due, the proceeds of said bonds to be devoted c:;:;cluf,;ively "by Ute l(.t)yor (Jnd City Colomell oi' L:cdd city to the purpose of conGtructing culv~rtB and drains, for the purpose of deepeni ,wideni I straiglltening, walling, filling, covering, ~l.l 't' C", 1"'; 'j'1 P' ", ]" d C' }'I 'e, I1 rPl' 1'1 [,' t 'h ,', C '['1 '-) n"1 e 1 C' 'f ,,;, ,> +.;:c I' C 0 'I." l' n co, n ~'; "', i'! '" " t ", 1'''" 1 ", no' V'o. ,.... '''W c.), "....,..... t:) t:.:o ~..~~ .C..",l... ...,... ,J.. .\-L~, l_ ~- ~ ~^' .~..... <...._,...~ ).tl......,......t;.tt v,,~.... ell 81.tificiul SUr'f;lCC waterwayc nnd creeks, branches, ravineo, clitches, d:rnvm, 1."wimJ and pCl:rts thereof flovd.ng and. extendinc through ond being wi in tho limits of the city and for the purpose of con- structing artificial channels and covered drains sufficient to carry the water theretofore flowi in such water courses and di yert it fro tiH:; mttl1.ral channel end conduct tLc cnnlC through such artificial channelR and covered drains and to fill the old c l1e1 1111 C 1 !3 . reBB, there h~8 been presented to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand ~sland, a petition signed by more than fifty rel:Jident free-Lold.erf:3 of fwid City of Grand I~;land, IH"aying the lJa;yo:r Dnd Counoil of naidCi ty to call a DpeciCll election foX' the (lingle }ml'pObC of sulnnitting to the electo:cr:: of [{,<'tiet Cit;y the quentiol1 of isscdng :;noo,ooo"OO in bonds for the purJJone of con- structinc culverts and drains~ for the purpose of deepening. wideninc, straightening. wallinC, filling, covering, altering and c}:ancinc: tIle channel of v;aterCO!)I'DCC ond Jt.1,atural ;;l1d rn.tificial <', ' ["""f' '''', C n 1..,~', '''j .I.. ", 'r'\,! 0,'" C' ') ,,,,.1 C" -,' e ,> 1.. '" 1'1 ," C" "", C'l" C'''' '" .," r, '\i l' r' to. c' r1 ..I.': f' (' 1-',:,~ c (1 'Y' <, 17.1~' ~...;L,J.-_,~,*-;'l.-\.:,.: '~''\.lr.:,.Lj""".1_ oJ'.; c.....;.\.oII., ~A .".,.r":..,,~j, ""',~,'-'.-,,,.... "...., .....c~.. '-"'4"". \j~ \,.....J\'-.IJ, ......\..t............., b('.nJins an(l :pa:ctfl t}JuTeof flowinC Emd. cxtendirlg thro and l)eing wi thin the 1. ir:,d ts of the Oi ty emd lor t.Ile purpo se of conG tnic t.l ng artificial annals and overed drains sufficient to carry the water theretofore flowing in Buch watercourses and divert it from the na tUYi:l1 cllunnel and conduct the 8,.Jl1W tl',I'ouCh Euch t~rtif icial c~annels and covered drains and to fill the old channels; and WhercsG, the Mayor and Council find caid petition to be in due fOl'm iJ.nc1 migncd by mo:ce than fift;y rcsic:ent frE:~e...}lo1dE'nl and tllat tbc p:covisiofll:J of the law have been full;;: com.;::,licd with. Now, therefore, He it Ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That a special election of the qualified electors of the City of (}rand Island, Nebraska 18 hereby called and ordered to beheld in the Cit;y of Grand Iclrmd, Ne1JrE;f:~ka, on ~rue8dt:1YJ April 4th, 1922 at the following respective voting placcs, to-wit: Ji'il.ct Dist:rct, at Hose House on f3ixth ~)tl'eet b.:tween Vine (J,nd Ou}{; r;t:ceetB. Sec:ond. District, Bt City IJlbl'81'Y Baf;cra.ent. on \Valnut ~~treet between Fir't and Second. Streets. '1'hi1'd District, at City Election Buildine: on Weet Koeni~ [:;t:reet. })'ourth District I on cecond floor of Oi ty Hall DuJilclinc, C01"ner Pine and. Second Streets. Fifth District, at Hose llouse on North Elm 'Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets. ~3ixth District, e,t City Jaf:ction TSuilcling, on West ~3ixth S tl'C{;l t. ~ I e 28GJ 25D Said polling plncce 80 designated being t usual polline places in said city and having been used for Baid purposes for Dla.ny YCLi.:C:;o lunt pout.. Section 2. That the registration books for the revision and co:crection of t]-;c regiBtriltion of fluid city of Gl:and Island Lhall lJe open at t.hE; oL[",ice of the City Cle:r:1\: during tL.c time IJ1-0videcl by la\v preceding ljv_ch election. Section 3.. Said clec~ion shall be open at each of said polling places in aaid several voting diGtricts at 9 o'clock in the forenoon or un i d day wid the poll fi sIw1l clo De n t 7 0' 01 ock in the ai'ternoon off) <'1 i d do.;;l. flection 4. The propoGition to l)e voted on llY the electors tit Laid election 811a11 be HIe following: Shall the Hayen' and. Ci ty Coune il of tlIe Ci t;y- of Grnnd. I eland, 1'....;1' --, 1", .-,; k~' :.. 1- <: "-u f> (11.'10'. f'l'lYIC'l. :1:- 8->(1 (100) -11 e" I).'f' 1- "I ~."r)'" e. b ("' f1t" '" 0 f '.' ..) l' c' ('I l' tv () .[" ~,~I;.",-.,... <.4~L'''''''''--{''T h.Jh).....:, ... 1,,/, '-. '-., .. L~....l 'J~..._~"...t. , j. ~l,.hJ ,I _ ~-){J ;.. J._ vq .. 'ipl,OOO .00 e:::wh, elated JuTy 1, 1\)2~2 calC JriJ_y 1) 1942, 1:JUt I),JY[.lbJe at the option of said oity after five years fra~ the,date thereof; each of Dnid bOTlde drCtvring interest J.'l'Ol;: dntc leof lit a rate not e:.:u;eeding I~ive per centmol per [;xmuFJ, pay:)blc semi-annuall~r und evidenced by 40 coupons attached to each of said bonds; said bonds and CO),lJ011.(:; pay:)blc to bear-(n' and pr3yuble ~Jt t office of ty,c County Treasur~r of Hall County, Nebraska in the City of Grand Island. And ::;11Cl11 the T.Tayor ,smd C1 ty Counc5.1 of ~:nid Ci ty Je;nty 1,:nnuaJ.ly on nIl thetaxable property in eaid city a tax sufficient to pay said semi- annual intcrer.\t ~md to raicc :J. sinking fund otlffici.ent to pay the principal of said bonds when due; t proceeds of the sale of said bonds to be exclusively devoted by tl~ r and Council of said City to the purpocc of constructing culverts and drains, for the purpose of deepening, wideninc. etraj teni J walling, filling, covering, altering and Chancing the channel of watercourses and natural and artificial surface waterways and creckf~, bratlc 8.~ ravj.nes, di.tct.Cf~, drawn, 1:;eu:;i 1".8 nnJ. parts thereof f10v'in' and extend.:i.r:g through and being within the limits of the city>> anJ. for the purpooe of constructing artificial channels and covered drainc sufficient to C a. r-,.'\rt }-, .., li""l +,,:,,. .t.1. (' ]"0.' tu.' f C'J l' ,',. .J...l ''"'''']- l' 1'-) ,.,." C }.l' "0-;' l' e" l' n n ur' C' "<1 ", 1-1. a' d l' vo'.r' t. ..I. J ' ,.l. \..~ i. (. '- \,.. ,..L. J., ,... ,h - ...... -V' v ii~ .. IU,""" ""'. ~ > ~J ". .....~../ ~.) \.,_ ".' t,_'_ . _ > it from th(~ na1!l.U1.I'al, cho.nnel and conduct the caras t]-;TOUCh cuch artifici channels and covered drains and to fill the old channels" ;3c(;tion. [)e ~(1Jlat t}~J.e Git-:/ (;ler]{ o:f (}l~B,,!'td. Iolu_Y',~d~ .Ne.bI<[t~jlc[-Jj ErJ.H.ll CI:.t1..u:;e tu 'be l'l'c}Jurcd ballotu for une in [;Gid election; [>aid ballatE) to be 1JI'inted on vihite 1)O-oC1' e~nd to be d(~[:j,p:nnted aD "Official D"111r,-L.~,1I nJl(~ ",n.('l..' "u'1-..1"'11.~Jlo+'" o'n~"'J 1";<.' pr'l:"'jt<::,r, 1-1-a ~.'Jl'on(')r.:'l'tl'l"l~ t:.,.~ -, - "'-" ",.l LA. ...... '-'-~.r-J ~"'.l r._ U __\;4,__... \..;..) ~J ..,.'f.,.':';..-4..... . \-> J.,... '''-.:''V!" "'.J.n.. J- ,,,~., . ,..;) J '" 6mbodicd in scction 4 of thi6 ordinance, followed by the words "yes" and "no" and a bJack square under each of said words, ond in acco1'C3.ancewi th the forn! prescribed in the General 1 HYlf} :relative to elections in the State of Nebraska. A11 electaI'n \'!bo f,lVor the [~ffirrn8tive of seliel propos:!. tieD [!hall make a cross in the blank squa:.e opposite the said proposition and "11'ICv't-..'.-." wOl.'C' Il'Tec.n ''''!.1u,' '~J..-l] e"l "'('t'''-)J.~'q ,-,1-'0' "1'e" o. "'pet t" r'air1 \..<.. ,.,U "J. ...,J _~ ~'I :. .) f.,,) (:.( {......, ..J.. ,.~ .' "..... /0.., ~~ _'j. ~~'''..' t,,; ~'.,' .'" ~._' ,'_' ...~ proposition shall make a crOBS in the blank equare opposite said pr'oposi tion (l.nd under tIlG wo:cd II no." Section C. The Eanll;) numlJcr of jUdr:es or1d clerl<T of election ahall qualify Hnd serve in this election os qualify and serve in B general election and their duties shall likewise be the Bame. The returYlr;; of f;aid clee tion sIndl 11e ma(1e to the }:;ayor and Council of - f" ' Pt" [,,:dc3 Cj t;y e,md by tliun canVEtf;Sed uIJon the -'11'8:' rJ.Cta;y Di. "E<t' 81-110- election and t}~e :n::sul t ['hall tllcn tJ(;.' declercd. loy ~3ai6'_ rand Council. ~cction 7. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, sholl caU~3e no t:i co of said 61 ec t i on lie c;iven i 1:~ tb3 Grand lsl,:;;.nd " I e 28() v .25l.. Daily Independent, a newspaper pubJ,ished in s8id city, at leaBt 30 days b ore the election qnd B post notices of said election iTl f~r}c}l oi' Ft)l.6' \futirlg :pl'cci11CtS as IJIIOviCtcd. ~b~r l(:~,v~ ~)ection 8. rJ'1.l(:~ ~;Gid C1 ty Cle:dk eha.11 due :tetuJ:n under o;.~tn to tIle 01' tind Ci ty Council of ?rdd Ci t.y o:C Ul'cmd I[jlund on ()r brfOl'c the first tlday succcedi 't}1C te of' said election and. on 01' bcfol'C the date p:covided herein for tIle CEinVt".fJU of the "'r ,. t. '" C" iii U'. ,,'t', "J t " '1 I' c1 (:"] c, C i' .; "Vi ~ ;" C" '."J ')' ~..' 1-1 F' n ') n ,j .-" 1'1 t':. "., n '; 1, jC;' r1 \i U \;,..~~.,; ~ ,j -........ I...~'...,. . "".,""...' \,I.!.."",J.."., ,,_,..J....}v..> .,'H.._,,' l_~ .I....... ~ .1.-.. .. .1,.......1,.. ""'.....~t fueh election notices. to thcI' with a copy of the notice GO posted and slwwinc that he cauned said notice and this ordinance published UB herein and by statute proviCed, together wi a copy of ::,aid notice [30 pul,lifJllceJ, having D.ttuc tl.lereto an i1ffiduvit f,Lo'wing the: :c:cintinc cH1U pU.1Jliclcing of [.,o.id notice cHld ;]lBO tiw printing and In.lblidling of O:i:::; onllnance. Se c t i 011 9 e 'TIJe lEElYo l~ (;~_rld. C i t'j'. Co LlJ1C il t C T' ctYIJr 0 f' ~: 'UC 11 1)0 rlcls E}LDIJ have "bCC{i i 1':: Hued 'by the: city ~ nhall 1 evy o,nnually upon all ta:xnble property of tJ'.c Ci ty Duct, tax ('1(3 l'nc?,Y 'be necec[.;,u'y for a C" ..L Y1"1,-.. -1 "1,'-'" f~ " 1 11C~ .(:. ,-oJ 1"-' 'r' 1~, t~, 1) K)" rY11 n 1-1 .t 0 f t "\.-. f.'\ .:':- c" ('-, 'r"'11 ~J' ".-, r" ..~ ~- 1 t (' -," J:. r~ l' )' T'\ 0 ,.., 4'}' "1 ,n .:", ):,_1t:, --, U." , ,L"" v)L,_.Ie <.:;, t;;:"V .. _1',. '-' ,0"', t.. ,HG .1..1, j ;),1:-.:_", "j/ U \".,~; bonds und t principul thereof at maturity. Section 10. This orGinancc chall be in force and take effect froE and D:L'te:r jtn pafHSfJ.C0, approval and publicc;_tion as provided l)y 1 Lty~r. J?a.8 ~ eel DrId (11):pr;Olle(1 t}li c 011 ..., da,y of March, 1922e 1\ t te f-j t : (Seal) ~IJ JU, Ql,ifford C1 ty C1 ex}:,. T. ,1'. Ell sberry -i1.'n-':\yu"~r:-' . "'liA.(,,- iIiI ~ I - 291""7 i1 252 OHDIHANCE NO," 829 An ordinance creating Sewer District :1.\[0," 71 in the C1 ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the 1 i of 8 ~JevrcX' in said dil3tri.ct, describing the manner in which same shall be laid, assessing the costs thereof against the abutting p:roperty. \V.H:GEE.A::J, nle }[(ayor and City Council of tho city of G:l'and Island, ~ebraBka, find that the steps heretofore taken for the creating of f;evlcr District No. 71 are regular and lavifu.l rmo. that 8 SOVler to "be l('lid in tbe Dist:cic,;t }lcreinafter defined, ic a pu.blic neccnGity. lWVi, T!!IE}G~}:'OH.:m. m.J.: IT OHDAnmn l')y tlle Iiflayor and Ci ty Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Scction 1. That 3ewer District . 71 of the City of' Grand .Nebl':wlca is hereby c:rea tad, same to CO;H3i st of };lock 36, Russel Wheeler's Addition to the City of Grand Islnnd, ~ebraBka. I", 1 an 0.' .. 1>:'> _ , Section 2. That a sewer shall be laid along the course above described runninG through GHid block, in accordance with the plans and Bpeci~ications governing 08wers her tofore established for laying sewers in 80 for as said plans and specifications can be carried out. Section 3. That the entire cost of constructing said sewer shall be aSS8S0fJJ ;:l,gainst tIle ~)but.ting prc)pcrty i11 d district, Bl1d a tax shall be levied as soon 8S the. cost can be ascertained, said tax to become delinquent and draw intercGt as provided by law. See t10rl 4 _ '1'he city engi neeX' is IleX'['by au tho 1'i zed to dr-av;' pln.Y1s nnd sp ec if i C8 ti ono of said nevrcr and 1:nake GfJtirnate of the co B t trwreof and l3ubmi t same to He ci ty counc iI, and Wf.lCn adopted, the city c1 erk shall SIt OIlCC advcl'tiae for bids for tile construction of said sevrcr, in accordance with the plans and specification Bu~nitted, reserving the right to reject any and all bids. ;;;cction 5. ~rhis ordinance Eihall be in force and take effect from and after its IJaGsagc, a,pproval and publication tlS.Pl'OYidcd 1)y law. Passed and approved t~is a" day of .. ,1922. -- M:a;rch AttQst: (Seal) H. E. Clifford: Ci t.y Cierk. T. oJ:. EIJ.sb;~rrY' MayoI' . ~ I It 253 20n "'4'J. <9 Vv " \' J ORDINANCE NO. 830 An ordinance creating Sewer District No. 72 in the city of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a sewer in said district, deocribing the manner i1'1 Vl}lic}~J. D[:'l-lile n}1Et.ll 1Je Itlid., cl~JseS}3i11C tJ:ie CODtG tJ:-lereof irlnt the abutting property. VifhereaB, the }it[ayo rand Ci ty Council of tile city of Grand Island, nebI',~nka find that t::Jo ~3tens lJel'ctofore taken for the c~eat1n.ce of ~ .' u S eVlcr District No.t72 are regular and lavlful, and that a sewer to be laid in the District hereinafter defined is a public necessity. And. wi'wreas, 1:)y a three-f our'txls va to of all the menlbe:c8 of the ci ty council f3rdd DeV/eI' main has been ordered laid vd thout CODt to the city. of NOVT, therefore, be it ordained by the LiayaX' and City Council ~l,',le Cl'ty r)f' Granci Ial~~ri ~e~:r'QR~a. '"'. _y.. LA.> _ t...) t.~ _._~, J., ~~- '-,.-.....,J_~ ~ Section 1. 'l'}-wt Bcwe:c District :No. 72 of tile Cl'C.)' of Grand Island, Nebr. is hereby created,aame to consist of Blooke 3, 4 an~l 5 of Schimmer's l:\dclition to the City of Grand Island, JTebrasJm. Section 2. That a sewer shall be laid along the course above described, running through said blocks, in accordance with the plans and specifications governing sewers heretofore eBtabliD~ed for laying Bewcrs in 80 far as Baid pIano and specifications can be E carried out. Section 3. Thut the entire cost of constructing Baid ~ewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and B tax shall. be levied as Goon 8S the cost can be ascertained, said tax to become del inquen t and d rB1tY i:1tercu t an :provi ded l1Y la'w. ::~ection 4. 'The c1 ty enzineer is hereby authorized to draw plans cl.nd B})ecificatiom.l of said fleVTe:c and make cstinlclte of the cost thereof and D~)mit same to the city council, and when adopted, the city clerk shall at Oilce advertise for bids for the construction of said sewer, in accordance with the plans and specification:;; submitted, l'cserving the Y'ight to reject any and D.ll bids. [)ection 5.. 'l'his orUnance shall. frJffi and ai~t8r its passaGe, approval by 18\v Q , 1:)e in fOI'ce and , , 1 ' i' ana. l)LJ.~J.. lCEl~lon take effect <.1.3 lH'ovided. Fa.fJ },cd Cl.nd ap})l'o'lcd t:Cd, s 2;11'" day 0:(:' , 1922. J\ttest: (Beal) H.E.Clifford Ci ty Clerk. T.J.Ellsberry Ma.yo r --,--- ~ I -. it. I; 1 f .; I; t 3. {',n U .; V 254 010:;: ~N AlTeE lTO" 831 / / An ordinance creatin~ Sewer DistriGt No~7a in the City of urand Island)Nebraska) d&fining the boundaries thereof) providing fl~r the laying of a sewer in said district, describing the manner in whiur\ E'811W cb.all "bo laid, aG;3ei~\fd tbe CO)18t(; thel'eof, againct the abutting pr arty. 1.[i':Il{;;rCnf:, tLe \1a;)/o1' Dnd Ci ty Council oJ' Hie C1 ty of errand. Island N (2.~u:ca;:}~a f j nd that the f; te:ps here: tofo re tkaen fo:c the cree ti ng of' Sewer District 1'Yo. '''.re regulal' end lawft:tJ, I)ncl tbat a neVier to be lctid in the :Di:3t:c:Lct ltel'cinafte:c de:Llncc1., in El lJU1Jlie necer:Hdty" Vlllar'CD~), 'by a tln:ee-f oUTths YO to of all tI,e oi t;y council, said ~3C:\'Cr -(no_in has "been onlel'ed laid to trl,e ci t~y & en, of the y;; i tllO Ll t C 0 s t Now, of' Grand therefore, be it ordslned I 81 and, Ne.:J1'cu11::a" bv v tLe ~ayor and City Council Section 1. That Sewer District No.73 of the City of G-l'!.j,11d' IB1~~:trlCl, J':;rc1:):c~ is tiC 1" el)-:,'f cl'(~a,tc(l, f3E1!11e to COllf;int of T~;loel:n 8, 9 und 10, SclJimmer's }\clclition, runninc :from :pam Ctree t to Vlhee1er Ave., 1)ctvieen 13th and 14th Lltreete. ~iectioll 2. 1'hat a scvrcx' ~)}-]all be laid along the (;OU:('8(; e:boYe clec)cribed, l'1.J.nning thr01.1ch [laid. 'bloc}:;:::, in Decor-donee i'd.th tlJ.C -ell t., YJ ") q J-1(' n 11 E' C .'l.l"]' ("c" t.'L 0 nq COY c'1' ;"11 n ':CV',' ",.,..1' S.'.. }",,'''J' c, + 0 (' v?' 1"8' (.,. q + ':I "t'll' ""] C.rl ~ ~.A.j,.... <''':,\. .......J:.. ~ .v'~.., "'-(~L \.:" ,--,>, ~~,.. ~-~ _.....,.....'\"..J.. ...,,, ~;.."'.l".I'~J...L... ~.)},-- \A,- ~or laYIng sewers lTI 80 lur :10 SD Q pIons and eClflcatlollS can lie carr:ied out. Section 3. That the entire cOot of constructing Eaid Hewer Ellull 'be m,jCCDDed aga:Lnst the c<butting I'YOpcrt;): in u(1iddi~Jt:cict, and a tax uhall be lcived as soon as the COGt can be ascertained. r:aid ta:< to 1Jcc;ome delinquent and d.rml inteJ'c:c,t nn r<l'Ovj- d lW 1 ::t r: . ~:)ecticll 11.. rT}~le cit~'/ et1c:in(;(~1~ is 11eI'el)~r U.U.ttiol~'i~'~cd to ci:Y."a\v II G [1n.d Dj~iecificatj>ollC ol~ nL1.icl ccv/C'r '=")'11(1 Ll~~t}<C Ck3t tn of ttlO COGt t}-'~cI'eof' D.J.~d CL)~1}Lli t GD..'ule to t}-iC ci. t.y- COll11Cil, (3.,,[1C~ v/llel1 (J,d, oJ) teet t }18 c i t;l (; 1 cr'l\: fJ 1 e. t 0 1-1C e a(.1~v' e:L' ti u e f 0 l' 11.1 (1 fj i~ 0 Ii tl1 e COl'lot:cueti.ol'l oi" L:a.i<.l LieVlf.~:c, in QCCO:C(JDncc; 'tNi tll tile IJl.a,lls El,flct fpecification Bub:mittec1, reserving the 1'i t to reject Dr!;)' nnd 811 bidu" Section 5. This ordinance Ehall be in force and take effect :f' yort.l Olll,-,!~ ~J.:r t C: 1~ 1 t (; 1) (}.r:; f) a [s c 1 UIlT) r'o"v (} 1.. n,Y1cl r1'I....1.1J1 i Co" tic Yl J c~:! S I:: :("0 ~r ide (1 by la1,"1.. l);H;r;cCl and apJ)l'ovcd tJ.ds 2" clCJ,.y of lViaX1C:v. ) 19 ~~ 2 ~ ...~*--- l~ttcr"lt: ( t,eal) TJ~~ ]jJllitberry l'l[:JY 0 r' H.E.Clifford -r:;-l'-b--;;'l" e :r',K" -~-- v V.J ......',-1., lit .___<~ _;.-'--__;'-.o:~_.._.~____"__._""_..')~..:c_,_~,:_~..;W~.:..;.-~-.:;.-:"'- ;:>._.._--"~."~' _..">,,.., ';.'_'.,,>< .-~.__,.,..."",. -.....',,_~_....,'..:.,c.> -i'~~.-'';--__;.c,.-,-.,i~<~',;;,-~~.l.'_~ '';''.-"",:"o",,,'~>:'-;:/-'~._..~~.~:.-~'< .~-'<~~t.,x,~-",;i.."'~~~'-'~.----'-~ It I -- 311 255 ORDTNANCli; NO.. 832 li.H ordirwnco cJ'e;:1ting SeVH'l' District No~ 74 in the Grand Island, Nebraska, d ini boundaries thereof. for tbc l;:tyi of a sowel' in Go,id llictrict, deccril)jnc ir1 lN11iclJ ~3E~11j,0 ~J}jEtJ.l lJ() lclic;.r nC[J(:.csin.c: CGPtu cof the ttinc property. City of 1) r'o ,\T i (1 i DG flannel' [1 c:n.,i Y]'El t ~.711e:ce(J.L;, tl-.le or ~:lnd. Ci t,:>-"CO'UI1Cil OJ: II c1:)l' r:: f i Tl (1 t:t:lt1 t t11e s tCJ? fj }l U J'r:: too f u:c e o:f ~::)eY/c~c :r;i G tr..ic t ITa w [3..'1'(; l' rl.:C c~.n.d 1 DeV!(;:r to be laid in t}1C Dis trict hCI'cinaftel' 11(~CC~~IDlt::/; Qnd tLc c:Lty of (;m.d :r:::~lDnd; :for e cl'eating ul, C1 nd tll<O< t <] defined is a public reDS, by a t~ree-fourths vote of all the erB of city council, :311id Dower main lilOH "been orderecllai(; "\Jit'wut cost to t,l'le c:i t:.l . l~rOVlj; tl1c;I'e~f().L'e, lJe it o:c(lr~il1C(1 1):'/ tl~e o~f' ty}C C~it~l o~f (}~L'd,rld Isl~1r1.d.) F~l([J;,~ r and City Council bcctiOYl1. That E)t';WCT District No. 74- of t},e City of GruYld Island~ J~~br~lf~l:a is herel)y ereoted, calllC to (~Ollsist of ~Blo(:l(G ()~ne (},rld. 1'VlO ~ ~--)c},),irllnc.I" s .l\d.di ti.on l-.ttrlnl ~f:rom Ce(1a.l~ f;tloect to ~v11eeler' j\:~l(;l111(~ 1)ctvleel11;2tJ~L crnd lZ,t}] ~5t:eeetn& Section 2~ ~'hut a [}eW~l~ o,rc .-cleucri1)c(lj l'"L~r1L'lil"lg t the plane ~li'ld opeci,ficati,ons for layill~ ~ewers in GO f 1- [18 be c:uTied au t. shall be laid o.long tLe COlll'se f~oid block[~, in a(~col'dnnce wit}1 f; (\~NCr)n lJ.c:.ce t()fOI"C Cf; tal;1i Sflccl saj.d pJ.c~nG n f~pecificat:i_on8 C;l,n ,F f:;ectiorl 3. ~rl'J.a-'C t}'j_l~; cl"lt..ir"c cost OJ~ con.~t:(tlc~-'c:i f'D.1Ci. S etvCl'"" c llV.ll 1.1 e :~~ ELi e L D ed. u~-:;t:J.i :nc t t}1C {)"btt t ti n[; 11 r~o}) e:c ty :i 11 p, tli (1 f,l t:r i c t , and a t[~): shall be levied as co()n ac tIle CODt CUD be ascertained; r~ n 1 d. t :': t.o 1-_') c C Ul;'-";.C~ I. i 11(1 UE:~ n. t t,;;_Y1Q ell' ()\7 i. n t C I' e r:: t [) 3 J) 1'0"':( i (~ecl 1):/ 1 avv ~ f)6C ti011 ll. ~r}J.c c i t;j' cr1C;i tlce:c i b t).el'el~Jr ;)lJ tllO :ci ~jed. t.o cl:r'cX\7 pl.r:D[{ SI>8ci:fica-tioDs of said PC~(~l. and cst tc of COLit tl'lex'cof ;'lrld. s'urJrJi t ~~:;::"~,Li~e to tliG c:L COLtrtci11 aX1<.1 vlJ'1crl ado]~ d -Lho city clerk shall. ot Or'lCe advcr=tise for' bi<ls for tl1e C(.}1'1otr'1.1ctioI"! of' ~::;tlj.ci ;::;e'\;;/ol', .ir} D.cco:rd8Llce tl:i. tl""J.e tlYlf5 (tl'lO specifications ['ubDitted~ reserving theri to re eat any and all 'bids. Section 5. s ordinance ef:fcct fr'orn [;Ll1d_ ,~J.ft{"l' its :paSDD p:rovl.d.ed 1\I law. shall be in force and take roval and publiGution as PUB~ed and appro i>3 2" ~\,larcl1 , J~ 9 ;22 G (1(.1.~../ o'f AttCEt: (S eal ) H. E. C~lifforL,.. C i t.~/ (;1 (:r}~ ~ T. J..Ells-E,erry 1\[8':/ 0 l~ :'1 . " ~ I - ,. 258 34 r:'1 1, (J ordinance:,: NO.833 An OrdJinanc&.vaca'tins-partr of Vine street adJacent to Lot Four, (4,), in Bloo:k Fifty (50), of the Original Town.now city of Grand Island~Nebraaka. Be:; itc, Ord'aiined\ by the: Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand ISland,NebJ:taska: SeeMan Ii.. Tha-t a; part:; of Vine; street adjaoent to Lot FOUD (4"), in Blook Fifty (50) of the Or1~inaa Town,now city of Grandi Island'i, NabraskSi" more' particularly de:sar:1bedl as f'collows.\, to-wltt: aommencrins' at the Northwe:&.tr comer of sadd1 Lot 4J~iUnning; thanc'a:: in a southerly di1re<rtt101'I< 1;32: feett to the: Sou11hw8:-stt: cr.orne:r:r of saidi Lot- 4l, thence: at rig,tlt anslea: in a WEul.iterly d!ir~on 20 feet" thence:' at rd.6ht> angles:; in Si. Nort!hweatferly dllned'1.on, pamillel. to the:' West:erly 'troufldar,y line:- of s1I1d1 Loti.:. 4, 1~ feet:, thEmc:e,~ at., right angluj 2.0 feet to the" pla;cEl! of b:a:8ii'mins:; be'1ng aJ s:trrJ.p of gnoundi 13:a: feet', lonlP and 2:0 feet wid.e:, on the: We.sct~, a1de of saliet, Lott 4.... be and the Sa:In.e ils here.i::lyv vmo:at'edl.. SeciJion 2.. This Ord1na;n:l(e~ shall' l)g~ iin f.O:I'ce' e.nd take effect- fI\Om., and: aft;er its p,E:t'Ssag,Et) ~pprj)V\a'll andc! p.1t'b11\aation,6:G, pl1ov.1dedJ by law.... Pa:ssero and, approved: "bhis 11&" daly of .Maran, 1922.. ( Sesil ) T. J . Ell s'b'erry: Attest.: MaY-OD H.. E..cliiff<r <1i., C,i:t;y. Clen1.t -- I - o l\,D I IT l\}iCJi; 1\1.", ,; "~ Li ro ;~_:'_l J. C C '\,,: C:', C f) "C 1, C i~~, of r~ ~~ ) l' (~. _;~- ~:..i ,~1.L4.. I ~_i 1 ~,"t_.~ J (). '; ,- .',J... ~: J"<:L: I ~1_1 () I '..2~) i\ I -r;ri{f) '1J;1 t c ~.) .:, ;'.;: 1 o :f loX~:. l:.t n II \ ~: L C~,_ \A., ;\1' CJ:<l ", l", . !, ~"\.. . 315 2'5'7 8341: ~~. pr.d C]..~1\i' tr~jG-t, In Ci ty Ci t:y 1 (~ ""'t ~-~c ct. i 0 11 ]. ~ 1~.tl,1 t. :) ~).~L> t. f aI" (~~il t ::': t,:t C C t, (~~< t u :r U;,~ti...~l'lJ_: :L:;, Cc.:t.iorl ~r':CVl~;, tl;,c U1Ji })~~C .u.' j c. ",1. "~'."\' ,. 21 :" Y1cl, (; t e r:,(' :.: f:ro rth :tine en' .(..1 \.. ' l~; i-_ I _~ , .J.. L:fuf "'v/~J_Y, ~-> (\ ;'~ 1"1.('. , l~ 4. (.." ..,;;..... iJ U J,:'d.in,u..:rlc (-; ~..'~:,<-..,'-"'z~L 1. 1"1 C i rl :.P G :C<:; C ~7, 1, r! y:~ G It' r~(;cti.;.)n 2~ r~)i'ec.t f~o-m ~'T ~;ftOl' Its IJaGG~) ~..'. ~:} l ;_.L Y<~~L' l' 0 "'\{ :l Q C (1 . 11'1 n :cd f:3t.l'(;(:'t, to r' t}~,. ]~ i 1:-'. G 'c, :i' ,~: 'r' l; Clny fjt:ccct ;:-:t=ccr::t rrJ:"} ~i.. ()),.1. Ij ri (::1.:f i C':' "\IO,Ct1-G ~ r;~ ~P}' -:::" c} ~T ~:'t J~ .~ j, Q ~ icatioD; }> :~.:: L~ n_~'l....i. {:~.:I<pl' ""\leo, .J~J"ii s .-1:..~" _i' ..:;~? .l. (~ }.~ 1 0 ~,~ ~~ It .\ t L c., ~ )- .. (Seal) H.E.Cliffordt ....... -.... Ci tJl CJ. 8:c1: ~ l' . ;r,.:EL l~J3b.;.~l:!"J' l~;)~/ u 1~ ~ ~ I ., " - " u ~lL "":1.' .(.'" !r nee J~,~ (}.i ~....-,.' '..~ T " . . (: 'L.l U i.t. ..I.',), ~ '. <.:t T j~ ;:;{ 'i) .J.."._L i ,\,.;, " ..l-t..:; U.' ,;...>,. -,L1. .., i.> t" " ~L<) ;... 1,0"1:, r .1: L. T ,l "..' " I, .;L ,~. u Lu t /', t I,e: t -t-- ;,,; c} j , u.. '_,;:_,' '1 ",..L r~\ ~.~ L~ 1. i~: "'_'.' ~:;; ..L (; 1-~,:/ ~-: ~:.-l]. C\ J" .n, L i' ...... '-'~ '.." ('i_ ~, c ,,1. i.j ~j,,,\ \ .., t...'. ',/: lii< .1 Tl i /\ L t ('i .; .L "r',:L ~j ':'; ,..1 'f'I' . ....l. ~j ..LLL '- ...\...-i. L, _" ',' ~ ti ,..J.. v.. .'~ ) T~'l I' ," -",' .......,'-.-'>< ;~ J ,; l /'i "J~ ) I.; <. ;' ..; I jJ f..:: '7 tJ (' ~ . 'P," ~~j (' i.( Tl"l /1 <;' .... i ) .-1 ~ 'n~: l.': ~ U \..; ~r:) "" f'.h. I I /1 t'~' ^ I I i1 '""'1 J. ' r-,) l, W, "-P_l T)~ "l~L U C l~ v )~ '_) .1.1 ..J ~ , ~ ) v Lit. C U 11 e !,' , ..'. _L "! l,',;(,c rp~ J, ; e~.Fl:" ~ 1. ).1'- ullei ", I..H.) i.d.Li r'n- ,;~ ;~ "lo> .., ,\,.!... ()", ' 1,' (J \.,. '-" ( Seal) ~..~~ifford) ../ (;-.:. el'l~ ~--"_...---~->.~ i,:,:;'t l~; )' , .~.':..', , ,._"...L v J~~:' r:: .. l,' 'L J~ ,.,1 '"' \.....i. ;~. J.. I'" ~ .;'~';: ~ ""<u C' .;.. ,-. h...... g~.:\: ~;i ,'~~: ..., ) L -Vl rn (~~.. J.. ~)C ....' ..J.. l, ~,) l)l"(Li -,:~u, ~t.;( .j....'(."{, :S"." f ~ '_.1...; Z58 T:TJ\.~;TCJ~ 835 ,j J7U ., (~ .~ , .... '1 to"i ,-I' .:1 T\ ' 09 ........ ~, (,1 :l-.;t \.,c ... 011 C.l ,., ~, . 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"'i \"..i.l. ., , .L ().. , v \,_ ~~ '.) l; . J. G! .J. (\ ~ '.\';":' ...... :"..L0 ,1 () \~f i 1 t.; 'J." L..... '-J " l.. L:o ~!,.., ,.-.. ~ .1. . .'-....~~ ' J ';"; J. ('1 (; Ll.C) ,,-'" ;i5> cl. .~ l,. : ~ ..n V \.~..L i . (,_\..J.J. ....; l..; ;..:~ -'L:Y\Cl';.~J.. ,.I , t .J.. ;~, (" J.. ; . .... ~ u e ...) _c. .;t' ....J. ~e :u..:l~vi "r" ... '-..:.. ...1..,:j. L, c;cl.~Lc ~, :. :....~ .l. !. I'Tct~ll:.:. u..t~a. , ,'. , {.... r"1 1. B J..b...L. .(~ ...1:, j.,Jd '.. u... . -n :~', I . 1 ,.~' " ...i.....t. t.,. .i).~: .J""';T C v ~., (~ ( Seal) H. E...Clifforcv ,--,"-,.-.,.--..----.... (-1 - ~ . ,~.~ \.:....:...L;.... fi "'-'1. '(r J..~.. 1..0 . '. .-! .>., ..l., \,-,. "-' . ..4-\..\. ." '.' i.. ~~,. ')..i. \,., "".c.i "': ..... 1. (t" 0L-...~ .1. '-, ., 1,1;,.",.... (; i.... ""~,le ; U U ".' ..i. J. G'1" 'f' (""j r", ";' ,~ v v v :. u." ~.' ~ .: '; , ' r~' ,c:c.. :.c J. .l..~ 'yv.... ," b u T..~.<., :1-: 1"(1 T)~t.b't.: 1(; '1 lEt ^i Vi I,'! , \\!U ~ t~ "'1'" U " l" 'i.; T' C G J. c; ~'11'l(-; ,>: t c" :t' J.. ' Co ..lw ~.+' Ie L ,.-,., L ,'" V l. .1. 1 01<. V.. ~,. ~~ v..u '. ~ "-~. u (1 ,-~ .L...l . ~"'}~ , r. (-i.~.J,.. (' " .L J_ .J. "'.rl......,. ., er' ~, j., ~ , c.~_ .J". ...~) '0 ' (~'~ 4- II ','....,; _r> ["'d",r.. y', T ., J_ :.:.;lli)~ J c.:L.J...:. \Ji.. 't. .' "" !-'1,:...;i,,,..t,.,,.; ;.., \.) "".l.i-..:' ..L '.::. .\...(- '... c; 1 (j~ :~> .L.... ("I,' i,'_'~" ~~. 1 ., ~+ L Ct ':. l, c' ';1 u. .l ~4 :i" -{'O~,'C ':';..L iJ ;".' "-"1 t;.:j", ' , L; ..t' .'. , ", J.' ., ~~;. (J .L C1~ \;.,;. t; ,~,'\ ..l" :,) ~l) ~; ::C' .. \" ""~ -I-~. .' .'. ',; ~1 j~ . L ;'1 , , '-' v V..L ;...' 'io' ; . .L ~. J, 'u ." ,''1 H , .,.- . '" ,-:.., t,}l(; J. l-'~ 1"" (;y~ t. c .., ~. :.. .~ l' '''-. " f' :C'U 1"1 L ,. 1,.."; ~L ',l T n r.... ()~r J.. ., ';) , J.. .p.r' -t, . ~'''1 ..i. .~,J,.\A. v' ...~...~;.: .,.I.. '.,J' ,_'........ llU. '~'};~t1?-L;LC t.inr: ... \. ~~. l..,..i,. ';,., i;'~ 11" ., '-- I)1'- .J.. ~.i i_-",. ,,; . ';;' T.J . Ellsbarry ---,..__.._.~"--,- '<:"J: u .;.' ~ -- I - 260 '"', J.. *'>'~4-"1.". , '!IJ('. . . .~J ,_:.. a3'7l c, ..L '.. ..L iJ. /"", ~-~ ":--;.u- ~i 17"in t",c C:l .i. i ...i,~ .., t.; t. J. \_-;" ",t;;; CLC .. ." r;" (.llHj~ T , l;'..' ..... J J.~.:) -L (..i.l.i0, , '.i_ b -CJ .1"""" ",.1..1-...:;' _'< \"t , : ~ C).. , ' .J... ~. ..l'.;, ;~; ,'-;-. 0"(': ~....... .1. '.....1 C{i, 1-; V '.,," J. "q ~'-l ,-, c ., . "\.......i...! r< ...) ~- [ ..l. ',-,,,, '. ~ J...';" J. '"" ""~ ~./ .,;. : .::-l.i.ll L 't.,r, ;-;:l~a, : J..~~liC~ i.; ~; '1 kli' ",t n~ .l...~U '"' .... l; .1., L-..i..U .l.! '. Co; 1. v.) ~~-l ;.-:...... i..'.i.. or ..L ,)._ .~\....;, '- 1.! 1. 7: \.'.i '.>~'';' .J.. \..,.-., o. :!.l. ~.~; .~~ (.:i. lil (,:;.0 C'; '",~ 4- ,'_~ L ~ ... '.+' ("'l Ct~..\.;XlLl.i. 'lLJ. 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A '--~""-, ',,; L,,- ~" , .L l,: 'p L- j ......, 11" y 1 ,"'"'I r' ~J, ..i..t(.l /\';""'LC ~,~ ( Seal) H. E.,Clifford ~~~.~ll sb-e r~.. ~\p'c;, ~/ v;" ~-,,,,,,,,,,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,--,,,,,-,-~-,-,,,,,,,,,,,, ri,~ .1. ('{") . ." ~ 291 _,.J:'> () _: .01." {. ..' ".0 i.'i. " I,:; + ~' ',-'~ ~~ ~ -- -, I - .~..' ..; .i,:" ~L ...; In 'to.T> 1', (....,.. -;-"1 ,.i..... r~ I' (} i !.! {;t.(~ .',. ~.> 1 LL.:.'.~d. ','.( '1"-' { .... '...... .....' l...N":H.4. 0'~/ .: c " ... 'j., \.'~ ';'::J.~ ...~ L, 'L'.i.. -'" I' ...1:; '-' [ J,\.J c: '" .":.1. < " T a,,~..I.I...A. , ~_;.(.).a : , '-~ .'., ~;i .,; ('~. : "' ~)., id '.: L.l.O Ci \_y C-l' cl1lCL T ~J... Lt~"':.ll iJ -, No. 1a' . ,(:, i.> .~_.... ' ~ .L tOll '" r~ t .J. .; C)......,_. L;. U IrQ. lbt~ti e ,,,,:,:,J, C': 281 293 t:.: .,. 800 '/ ( '-; ~.-1C? " N.. "'....' ill' 18. ;."!,-. v' {;; ~.. j..i.. t.;} \-j (".' :.,.!\.A, .l. (: fJ t j, ~,. ;t J_ ' t,J 1 0 Y1 -1- ("1 (; \;:L c., l, : c:l ,j. 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(; u u .... ,ii,.'.. c; . 4 .r 0"..;_ i.-. t:;.J ..._ ,"" 1-<::\ J.: .L. ",," 11.'~/ .) '1"'1: ii I", J..' " ... " ,~-~ lLC ;1 i.; " c"".~ .r' ic'! --" .~ " + t~ t' /0.,) -~. ~ 'q,o'c ..... ''';1 (~. -, '...' .1. (' ~' (", '.:; cO'. ,-. t \..l v l. .l. ~ .._~#.Ells.lt~ rrz_. . .. c U.l.' . ~ I - (" 1/ 4J.. ....J .J.. "' ,ll\.A. :.L _ . '" '" -...~, :.\ ~ \.~ ~ ,L' .,1 i,' ,_, f'" {",'., 1.;... .i..\,..;,...j... (\ "'I'~'''''1'' "'J.',,. - (:, '_. J.1 ;'_~ ("j d J...l.u. _L~,..L.. 'LA ...J.i. J ..l. i..,) .". \'A,.) "-1 t J) ,~ "..'..'- ,. l. 'r ,;.. .i.\....L ,li .L I..,., lJ.;. ~ .4 .., ti"'t t.; t... ..k- J.J iJ, V (1 '1 .,,-:t. -.4_ '.1.) l,.J,.J.. :L ,~ 'T, ,,~ i) (',f._ If.i.V ..J~ '-.. ;'-,,; . '1':'1 J..i. V~ >.<,J. i~.: (; '<,' '1 \...\..:... J... ~ .~v:" LA-i... .: T' ." I...~ v (; :~:;_,.l ;.. _, '.,' "' L .. >~, C,.l.. ~ C.< {i' ilvi.. i:..J...L xl t~J .J.. -"j. :, u. J..~ '-' ,~ :..... :~ . ("t . ~ \\f ,,) '.J L:t '.J ~ _.1 .....' "..... (" ~. k~ V V<-, t", ...i lJ ... L ", .i, '.... ....4t..,J .i. ".\.,j .J ;':'"" (Seal) H..E.Clifford~ -..---,...-.....--,.'... ('1 _~ J ,y (1 :.~ l;; .1-- ~;... " l,;:;'..J. .J. l J-. ~ 'I..A. 1 19 7>:T ., , . ;,\..4' l..U .:... ..:{, r. C~..i. ~:/ \,,",,<' '''';a..LJ": \, i-s '.11'; i V :~;..... t",., ,-. \..1.' 282 ,b aae ~ ~L;" lJ 19, .r v ,- ..JU:.':.C:i.,CC' c..,.'cof 0.. .' '~_ ~ t j 'j. :"':J.. .J.. '..)j..'- . t ,.L. '-.' [; \,. .., .f' (, ~ (_~l ., .~ c; (;.~: :, L~..l.. U,il'.. :'" .., v .,'1." .1':\ Loj.j ., J,. i_ ..... ;...; .1-.-' r" ,: t, '..J ~>. _. ;.. ~.. ;;-'., ' T " ,I..l....~ t: ",,' .'...1. ~ + ~ '; .1 t;:; '", " ., ~'''' . .....\ ('" (..,: "0 (,.i,. 1..... ., .J.... _-1-111,," L '"J .!, (; i "1.." ' '(; u.. {'\ .r:} ~ ;'.f,..,; T'\- T t"" ;,.;!1.:t, ) 'J .l) :,\,., 'i., ..J v l; "~. t , (.;. "L:,e"e ..L..J>.J "",,' t.i....L _..i. h..t ..l. ,1 (' lA. 1.,~', v' .C ., ....... ~".J 8 T ~ J . Ell sb€!.r;:~L__"__.. ..; ;C. 295 ..L}.,U. , ';", c(;:~ '. : JV 'l,'1 .l. ,'.'~' J ~ I - ,J:::"., .J. t.+.' ,.. ," ..!.';'-<i,';' .; U I,l(.. '.).i : r~ or J. 1..-1......... c~~ V~i.J.4:. L J. w c I,..).:... i.y 'J"'!,-," "'~ I C~ (+i ........\,. ,L (.;, ;_,.~.J ., \/- ,,-J. " , .... '.....' . '\.1 ~~:L_ l,..l,J ("'I 2'6& 3'tl"; ~JL T"lT~-f 840 ,J. .zOIn f. c: .i. '1-, ....J_ l.il: C; }'-' C u "l-t J. " (~ i.e.... '~~i .l. j "'~ J.. 1. i..,~ .~. .t. L ::.. /'t (--1..' " .i. i,.j lo ~.! .L rn'\ -to ..1... ,.~ cJ" (C) .L 'i.'; .,j.,.,:. ... ....L.c,,\. "I- :..: 1. .:.. J.J,,,,j., T.,_\ 20 1,. ~_ J \, J. J, ,r n.'. JJ.';. . ~) :~- .<.. ..l,. c' ';. <> , , .~ ..i...l~ Ct -1- ,J _~ \......, /"'( :'1.' ... t ~ G , .,.:... t..J ~L ..L.. 'V v ii ... ' .....1...<. c~ ....... ," 1 ., ....~ ..i. , C'B.l.OYlr; J) t~ C~ ~~ .J. .;,\..l. (.J J rp. (..1, . "~.. i;., l~ l j -., ;) .J,..... ...L cj t.: -" (;.; ~:~ {'",! 1"-."; ""! " .L._t, v l)..i,. t. . ..r" !~ t' T ...i.. U. .d'. ~ j "!. .i.U': .0 4 l <'" ", f, .>. ,', ~ v " '" \..; J '''; 1 ..l.,.'...... ;/ ~,L.l- _'. ,.co I....r C;. .k ..... t; .....;;...1 ..... ~~ ..... ., rn-' , , ", .', ...I~ " ,~, ~1 'J,'\... , \~'" ..i.. ~; ,; T ., 'f\." ., .~ .(.> c 'J. ..... 1.,.J.. ......n..'L; u.i.. ,. ".. f't'j- 1'" + i,.) V .....\,..; (. {:1 ' . ~ }'- ... ~v t; ,r-, T; (; ~_, .j..,' !"} : - ... .., ,';' ~:. C. ' \.1 "t, <~ .- (' ...; 1) ~~ (.J.-..i.. (." }').,i) ..i. _...ll,!I~_ ,p "1 r' f~ ..; 1: j "'! (Seal) H.E.C11ffOl'd -"ii' -. _.-" "'r'i.'~1"'L"~' -.."~~*'''..,-,...._,._----'....,.,,-.... _.:.i.."; T . J,..Ellsberry . ."",~",, -'-T..,',fr". -;,;' . '... . , < , 'v L.J).., . It I - 264, 3 /.";, <"i, . ~~ t( ~ 1 -~J 1'''- ; '~;'r V.. 841~ ",-,i_, ..L l ;.-.,".;... .' 2'1. o (': ...'.... . :"J..L ,',i. i.,... , " .J.. t'~ --,,. -; ~ o. \L G_ ,_ ~ ".-' " 'j \"..i t,-.i V : J. ~. ,.;. J G "..,) " ,.. : i. .J. :~ l:. ' T .1. .. ,,', .; :...: .. '1 v. , i:,t " , " C .1, ,I \...., L '" .L i\..i. 1 .i- '.--, .. , " ; .. ""',: 21 " ,- - ~ . J. ....... '1 '1,_..., \;.. -,; ,~., . (\ . .J c <' ... I.) L. -1 .., v.. L'J.- ,,".t ~-~. ("i"1 ~. ,., C~ 1. ;1i....L. ~.~ct-..L C"i c~ ~. &i. V~ .' '. ,1..1. .'1' . ~....; I.,. >i: v,J 0 (-' '~_" ...... vi.. Ci ~"11 ~ 1" J. ., l,.l. . ~ . C> , ,.L: f." ,<..l. V .L ',C "." ~, I...J.. ! .~ .... ;. .;.., ~ k,-j v..LU t(1" . .J..; -..; .. u U...l." 'h).,t .!.1 L; ",j' ~ " ,. < ;... J,lC';. J.. ~L"' C v.,:..\) '~.' ~ .J. UJ.:'C .t~ fl 1--, l :J "'\ '1 J. '" '1"), , "', -.... ... "-' .r< , (" .i...I.\.: .i. '- , ' ... . "'" ..i.. . :. .0' ,.,c,t; .'-' J. .,.L, i...J ~'. ~h "J.., + .L ;..J.,.:....;.:.., u '.t".:".;" ~" ., ~'i -:"; ....~ 1> .-' \. "-.:. f.,) ....... .1.. '-..~ l~ v n6. t:: , T ''j".'f '1 '. J... c.d 1 \,i,. ,~ ,'.>. C~ , n, ,';-1-., L ; ~l i.,j .n ".,..i. ~ ., C.. .i. , . J: u ~ u,,' .~. 'v ;~" l.,( J)_. ~:i,.J~ J-.i '..",~ ... , 1 . IJ'. i', ~ 1) ; 1,._. 11" .n "1"~ ~ 1 "10 0 J,...,J, ~ ^ ^'" ,IJ.' . ..l. !\ (Seal) _._Ii... E-,Ju' J.:(;t' {) r d ('1...:.. I-'ls~ci\..~ ~' .. J .a:EJ..lJm,eJ::rS!.-,,_~_._..______ Ju...;".'.Y' V }~ . ORDINAlfCE NO. 842' 2-85 An Ordinance Repeali,ng Ordinance NO.eai1 creating Sewer District No. 73 and Ordinance N083~creating Sewer District No. 74. ' It BJ!; IT OHDAIlfED BY THE MAYOR Al~D UI'l'Y CUUNClIlL OJ!' TILB~ GI1'Y OF GR1\i'ID ISLAIT.D: Section One. Ordinance No f:3351 creating Hewer District No" 73 (:md Ordiance lifo .832 creating SevIer District No. 74 be and the same are hereby repealed. Section Two. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect froIn and after 1 ts passage, approval and public,c\tion as by law provided. Passed and approved this '11th day of April, 1922. ATTEST: c pry CLERK ~. . - i ~ - I I -....; T, :,,) ~, (' ""_",1 ('1 e. o L{). ['........ (' " ~3 'L:' c: ( t J .~ '.' (: i...i :.. . : \.~ ->'--'- Ci' '~,L Cc"",u. T 'yr .'- (~,-\ j ",-,~ v (, ~L .~t.:) \.J J.. ,J,;, Lil \;... . ~~,,-,:- 'L. w. A.'Ul)U.L ..,1".0.,.1.;' J:.. ,~.'r...L"~'j, h,: j , '-, ,..f.;) \1 .; -(. T'l-~ .,. IJ ,v ., " ,j (; .L (~ . 'J.. -'../ w ~" _L -,-d:,ir~ ., i -, . .L - {.''f 'r ,,' .:.. .~,_ j. j, l,.4. nl~ .j, r, .... U .~... .,~ d ..i.:... L~ .i::.- c~ u c.; (',. r1'1~_~~A. 1:. ." ~ \1 C. .: "l .J_ 'V\. ..... ...J cl..;_ JJ \.; Lt.,. ,..\..1 ,"'i f',l, . (", "'." ._..... 1_' "",), l. u_l..) '. ,'PI ,~..L ....:.. 'J oj ,. ~._L ..;, 2'66 343 }.- < l':r(~~C; '~,T0 843 r"' ..,1. V!.' 7& l.> ~.~ .,i, ,... !.1 ;. J, .~ ir. .i..1L.) '~~_ t:~ :r:' ., c' ~. ...:;. I' "'.-\.. (' ~, (' :. .j. '.l. (~ . .. c.L :c ,I. ,,"',.;,. ': .J\. ;:: \.'; \,,.: lJ. 73 ., (.] .J V ;.J,' :.(,4 \~ ....~, .~ (~ 'j., .I.. b c.. G '\.i.. 1 I,':.'::; bt '" , (' . ct ,~., ., h J.: -. 0 :";; (' I;;; J ;.~'~ .:. .J _ ,', . -.-....... " "'l OJ'', _~ { ,.>.10 l:r 73; J.. ). l' _L ~ ~, ': ""I ,-. , +, (; ~''1 .\.:,:..i. "1:1'1 ,- f. (j V~~. ~ (~ ;, eX,' :-" ..L l.., '" '1 -, :..) " .i...1. ; ~.... . \,.i J. " C' ~, '-'. <'_ L{. 1. l... I;.; i-~ ~ad --> -l- ,1. ,;::: o ,"".\.,:.,': 11 .I:' ,; .L u Ju. ..L ,J.. ..1_\.;', Uc ", ,< C; r'~ .;.~..i.. L; l. .~ d Uiu' ... '-' .,. J. .' _ \.1. ~.-: ~p .L'.l'~J'~' ( Seal) -E..~~~.;.ql.1ff 0 rd, ni .~.. r~""~,~" . '..; .L....... ..,..a.').. ~ ,I. .l ..._{~-.. i., }.,,1. \.: .v :0 j :\.{, " J.. (" ,.. ,.1 .;...i-t...; l" ,1.' l" L, 1) ....~ J. '_.J ".:/ ,1. -.: ..1. "1 " 1 '.;-. .1 \...; ,,,-\.-( .... , d.. .;..,l.. :...) Cl.eL. ~., _ II" '1' t-, , $--1:-_. v . J, _<<~T.. J .. EllfJ..'Q.~r!'Y 1Hf;, l/ ~) J..' ~J t I I i ~ ! .~~ C.!' .;, l; C v' ,".~ .' .i,. \..'y d ..~LV~ .i. "...) .C 1,) ,.. i c.. "!\T.. ., , ".~ T) ;J : ..i... ..l..'~ V J \,A.'..U ...l." l,T vi c1... I..';' l J.,_,~ ~ ~.J..V T \.J .L .r -, J:' :: i..l ., \..)- 1:) (; c'...._ l..-j (;t,i.. A .. t; ': C'" C '-' ~L. J...J. 1-;, c ~oU ..l. .",,) "1 C' !,.'L 1..., V j-) ~; Uv '. .1.. e.. Vr... ~ ~-_\.. Ci ~ ..;.'U :\ 1'1 A l~ .~. (Seal) H.E..cliffordi r '. I...- ~ ~ " .1.,:, rr '" .\.,. i',T "'.," '.. :_:ct.l. :.\...,i. ;,:..;.. .L ..i..._.. .... ;.' ~(:.~,t r'" tj1' c ;n U- 267. 3 '=~, r:;. ~u 01 ~-"~ 844: v '),r 74 L(;"Y' '1, 1.1.,-_.,-< ,.."j ,). '.'oJ.. . '-.L j J r " ...~( {-f ~i (~ ., c; 7,4. w' t_;),) ..j,)" '., ., u.: ~~,' ( c-i'. 'f-... . 1.1. ;.,;;, , ~l :" .l.G ; <:.--l., "L 'J. " , , " w ..1.. C~ : .1 ,"i : "' '~<T 74, .' .\.c (, ,'.l.. (~'\ .r {".J \' l;....I \,} , ./ '" , '. t;.J ~'D ~b. U L.l...~ .< ., i' "." ,,:.'1 .i. 0U'" "" ~1 ," " .p '1' C C-t 'L,.L I,';',.:} (..;L,~ i 1.. 1:1 '0 u J. J. t.-\ J. ..L ;"t u .1 -,-.I. ._.' j! c; (. , , d ,. ,t.:-,.l ".L '.'..i. u ,y L ~~. "j 1_ ~:...' ,i '" ." \,,; c...." v .d I.";" . .' ., .J. 1, ..,i...J ~u~, '" L ,j,,.,i. '1.-. " ..f~ -. ....1...,;.: .l. .L t.-... J:J .) _ 11". ~ oJ ---1.J. Ellsber..l"}:'.., "ft.., J ~);i..' <;;' t I I ..... "..", .,J., " J. _~.J.j,~'" ~ ...l\...i. T, ..LC'llli...t., ',.:.i,. i.JJ :...", "M' .'...l...i. '\... ,", j; ).) tJ -l.. b I... .... u ~,. - ...... ",.,,:. :~j t . i-' : " , ..._:,J..'l.. 1. t~fil~ (~ '-',.4. .l. ..i. "~ v r;...L ;..._\ ll;: ~r' .<-J.'."..l :"'1 ;...: ~ v c~ u ^' .~ ( J-)(:: 'i...L..i.. i...l " \.J.C 'Ie u ,.~; " ~.1.V d.1~: !'-l .., -"U, uV (:; ! l.J..U "' I U._iJ. " l..';'.I.. c~ L....u L. t.~i..;. (.A ""'l ~. i I,.,.)~ c L. LC )' " f3 eal ) H.E..clifford (~'~r~l T L :2~,~ ~ () T;J) I}T jilTC1~ .. 845 ~"::> ( (..; 4-1 i"Tv n' ~ .' ~,;~ .....J 34[) 288 }. ("~ " +:..\ ;.: ...; ''-"' ., u,.111l1..:<I' . '~ .I. o .1. "L..:r' )..l. 'w' I.'; .J. ',~ (if' :;.'v .,-~.., i. ""_'(li1TJ (:;:r )., ~. .J, ":L ....;..r..J:. ~., ..e ,I;:. 75, ~ ., ., \,A.. l:.; "-'. T1..L 8 -':~, .r~' ,. / 'i ..i.' ). "':- C (.:.~ ".l {~ " . Ct, '\, .i..i, ( UJ..~ bj v .1. J.:>;, ,L~cl: '.d- v C" :'-T " 75, i.J. I." I...; , '.;. i.;) "' .:~ -; , ',' lc t; :,. :. .tA.... ..L (.'", J. j, ........ 1,10 c ':' u ,,'" -"U .l. rl'1 .j, ., T ~-~ 1..\ ,(,.3 ... .i, ,,',\,,; .Lb 1,"'\. u , '-' ;",1' (~ ,,' .L C..l.i n ,,," "i, >> V~,,'_, ,) '\;; t:;.J ~ ,J.~ C-. ~': ~..) ~, -','1 " .MeA L.o ",,; l"."-~.., .L (~ u; t,;~ C" .dL:' .J. 0..l. v J;' '.J.l.1L:: '.' r r.....:.( "-" r' L. .1.'.. j ,.\ '~ + ~' , .J. J~) .l.!':l 1+" .., !,-., " l~ j,::;,1 ._ ,)1 ',',. 1 J' .' " ~ c.i. ':. _ ";';,' v 1._'_. to,),. ;qu';; i..JCd -;.,. 0:;;. .l.' 1 (; d .l. ,', ~'" j,' T.J .Ellsi:!~l.!fZ___._,,_ "Ii!!' ',' _, J' , ~ '!, -. I I 331 289; onDIHANCE :rro. 846 An ordinance creating er :f)j,:o:trict . '76 in ttc C1 ty of Grand I e l;~J j',(d~ , T t,'l tl''le J..fl_~~! 01 , 1 ~liI1Lj tJ:1(; ~bo-~Jn(L:='{l-'iCfJ tT"lf:; l' (; oJ' , ueweI' in ~:uid (,iE3trict, deucribi Sll~l].l 1)8 .L81U) ssessi the CQstEl prperty. I'o~\r:iCLl :/.'01' E; Hlunncr GOr afainr t lXl e/l ntJ, C t.,ne a.lju.ttirlC: reas, t e or and City Council of the city fLIC. tJ: t L.Ji.C ~jt s rCLo ore .:: for t u_, C1' Di t1' i c t No. '76 aTC r ]. uVlf'ul, and to "be: J.r.licl iTl t e ~;)iEitJ."tict l1e:cei irled" is 8., nee Uf:;J, ty; of' (-]11(1 I~~lurlt5., ere ti r.l[j t:'.'cl.t ~.1 fJCWer bIic Ci tv u \V~::} b J..' e (:l a , CU'~11cil u tLree-f Ollrthf; t; E=: laid ;c' 0:[ t.LiC ut cost ,\t- 0 .Jc e- fJ.L.L i CL f:~ C;'.\' ex. 111 lj.afJ been o:cd:ced to Lle; city. Ho\v, tIle I of c, C C1 t::r J' ore, be i~ ordained anU 101 rId, Nebra _r1_~ '-'1. Council L,l.L t~ l' eon Ucction 1.. TL;:~ t (xl" n. (lel I L~l j 1 (1, J~r (;1):c Sev:ur Di~:trict . '16 of' t. c C1 ty of to co t3iLt oj~~: i D ~tlel'c.by Cl'(:;DtO(1, B ]!'l'nctional KLock 26 oJ: tI,e Dr inal Town i3no.Frnct.iona1 910ck 26 of agy's ition~ ]jl1-a,ctional ock 25 of the Ori ~~5 01'1:: ' f3 i ti on; Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 1'7, t.. c V'/E~Bt of~ t::'-.:',e 'i';;Lt~TrleDt ~orth of Range 9, West; Fractional Block 16, Evans Block 15 of bvans Addition; Lots 3, 4, 5, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 of KoaL1 fT L;u'b-di vi ;c,ion; li'ractional IlJod;: '1 of ViirdJe' D i tion; Blocks 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Wiebe's Jition; Lot 15 of CiJ1AntY-13ubdivir;ion, [~outb 11:Jlf of tile UouthcrH!t rter of Section 16, Township 11, North Range 9, t })ol,tiolT o:f t:Le ITo:ctL.c.::1Dt QLU:}I"'tC.:c of' tte c~E~t of ;:;cc tion 21, ToviYwl1ip 11 ,Uo :ct( uf H,ulL;e g, ~l t, ly:L lIeH'tll oj' tLe Hort.!, lint of Jo_Ln Utreet re: tLe ~;:r,c vlould be if it Viel'e :p 1'0 :J (: C t c~ (1 ~U~{:i fJ t f 1'OH1. Cl D_l'}'~ S tl' c e t t~o l~d.(l:)l 1~) tI' C C t t ELU d. ~~~ t o:t' tl:;.c J1i:if;t line of,ClG,xl~ ;3tl'cet, l)ci rJ:31't or nCLo 'fj A((itLon. OC1(~3 4, .5, G [lIld, 7 oJ' V/i 'n .t~~jc).itio11; I~l:c ct.-L01'lc_-,1 l)_Loc}~ 3 01' -Vii (~ition; Fr'~}c.tion81 Block 38 of Wasrr.cl"s dition; Bloc 36 [~rld 37 ~~ ition; X:1 l' :.:1. C t:i::) _~--J,~-:~ 1 0 C 2> b o:f.l ~':]~::-~C:C t, G A(~~(i 1 t 1 0 11 ; }!1:cuct.t.:)x1nl }:jl 0 c}-:.: 0tj OJ.: ci~J.('~I"[) ~~l"1(:i ition.; 1>10 b3 of' \'j'!a_~.j~:JCl'f) f3c:cc) 1--~d~ i tiOl'l; l~~Locks 50, 51 2~~ 52 of' W[l r's 3rd ~ltlon; lInt 14 0:[" t~;~e: C::J1J.rlt~; f31.1l)-c1.i,/,j.siorl of' t.i (~ f3ou.t,L;c~)ut ;U~L,L l~ tr:.:,' tice; [-:J:~.t::'C(~:ft :1.'te1' uf ;::;ect:Lol1 16, irl 'l'c-'inlF, 11, H:J:r-U) of :nd }":r C tiOl1D.l Gel( and 19 IJY o:t':~i:C County littb - d i Ii i f) ion -eel' CJI:_)cctl n 10, TovmEJ iT> 11, it1on.; TtCI' r" .(:- i.,)l. 9, ut; ~ll~.~"'~t I'l~ .~:::t' t}~;c o:f ~~:: c. ("; t:i c} rl .i.' ':)1/,;. fL ;.:." f:~ t ':\1 I't,',e:r oJ' tY~~e o:r t}LCD E~ t J--1 () I' -C .1-: () :f Yl L~~: e g. VI c: ~.~: t , t'V(C~Crl O}cl[-},~(lon"UJ f3tI'eet trlcl t}1e Gl' 11, tT'cet e rtll \T/ CD t ;,:': i <,:-J~ C) t' :L.) c tL ~:j t r~e'ctto.n 11 J.E: UT =Ld .f3c:ctj.C.!:t.l :;~1. Lote 1 and ~~ of Artir:,tic lluJ:.8 - it:i.on; LotE 13, l~i, 16 ((Hell? o:fLYiC) County Gub-c1i"\ri,;:;ion o:C L.lie c'" t ~l"-.""'_'-;'.. :--'.r-),', t'-. :':.-.".".',.i ,'-'-. ',..-.'.'. t (.-J, ',-.'. ,'_'.'.,. T t, ,'_"I.' ,.... of.' [)' ('..0 T. .._1 ,,-, I'll!). . /...)0 -\..~~ tJ,:T-t ~~s'S \:-vu.:.J. " c~c '_ \.~ ""'\.;- _ .~"_.' . - - ~..1,.t - \.~ V -~ - ~, TOWY1S11ip 11" North of [;e 9, ~vest. LotB [i, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, of 131oc}c 8 of Koe}ilcI' P1,:ce. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of ock 8, Hann's 3rd ition. Dlock 1 of Lakeview Addition. \ "-~'--,~------"^--- "..;; t I I 270 333 S0ction 2. That a sewer shall be laid along the curse bove de c i t~;(l, Y'tlrl.1'1i t~]:-._;_r'() a,micl bloclcfJ, i11 H.ccox'd,8}]Ce vii tJ-,j, tl10 all~:: n{l(~ E]:Jccil'iea,tio11S e-;O'1T(.::C .n{j; Bc:yre:('E 1~eto~Col"e esta.l)lifi eel f'o)~ la.2/i11e: SCv'Vt?I'fi in BO f'(jr" aD p,Cticl. 1~::;rl~3 DJ)eC iCEitioY1E carll)e ccuTiccd out. oection 3. t the entlre cost of constructi said sewer s ~ I. [~~ssessed aG~inst tlJ.e abuttillg l>roJJcrty in s~_id i[~trictJ and a tax shall be licvied as soon as the cost can be ascertained, ~._!alCl ta:;{ to 'l)(;C(){n_c cleli11{lu.()11t ,.' ItaV! irltc:I'(;et H_B :pr'ov':1~d~ecl lc1iJv. c ti on 4. c i 1ne eX' IS llcI'eby !e!U t}iO~C iZ(;d to c:J.ra,w })lEl!lS Ei 11 (L E}Jcc.if.icatiorlD OJ f);]_id E8v/cr' Li.Ttd. L.t':).i:~c estir~.Lr:tte o:f" t}<;,e coc-t tt:.('.-:ccof' E t bi.:JLtC to t";,'.~C; c~L COLtl'lCil, a,l"l(:~ ]:1 a.c1oj)tc(l t}-.:e ci t,y c1er'.k e]'-:t(Jll t orice a_ct\rf~:('ti~~:e :fux' 'bid.E 01" t110 CO!1ctr'1.1ctiorl oJ:~ said. BCV;C:C, :iX1 ~}CCOX'(~~311CG v/itll l)lt}-11S :~Lrl(l n}!e-c~f'ice~tio118 rrul)~',-i.i tt l'CECr"'ri tYl.e x'i t to l'ejc;ct arlY D,llCl all 1:) J. d.n . ;-;cction 5. TLis o:ceJ."U[wce shall bc in :!'Ul'CC cUld LC:.lCC eat l'r'or~: al"1C~ .:LL' tel' .it.~~ :p f~[j~lC~e) a l)lJx'o'\ral _aJlcl }Jtt'b_lica,tiorl DoS :pr'oilid,ed by law. I)aBsccl clnd ovcd tltiG J..a!!.vday of April, 19?2. i\tt,E't: (Seal) H.E..Cliff'ord: -,x...r,~,Ellsh:e uy --,~.- ,-~ '- .t.'iayoI" . 7"l' ".".' r'l v l..',,.y V...L. t I I v i. '.~ C'j ('t (.A... .i.~).. .~. ..1. ......\...,.J...1 '\\1' v -; .\...i... ;<-'.,' ~n'- .i. ...... '~- "';'1" 84'7 'r:f' 17 ~ ( . ., J. 'vl 1\,' -\..--', ) .L .J... V ~: ,1-)\,";.i. " ," . c; 'J ,j.. ,_.j , , ;; G" n' ",:) ;. ~w' ., ,) '1\f 77 . v.. '" 'rl' 1.,";J .' t-:. J. '" '" J. .J.. "'~ ..; ,. v () \) :r ("j ...,.L .J......:., fl1 ,,~, ;0. (~ n u..'; j ~ ~: ,. i...) J.~: L .L'._.i "... .LlL. .1:-' I~.: u 'n' '- .L J. i.) I" ...... ....~ ., ;,.. J. _,..v' ,. '1.- A~ ;-, -' J... ;J .1. T.J. J;Jllsberry .L ,. .L ......lA.I 1-.) v - ......~ '-' .J.. _.. "!'''1 -,:,.(,<<;" (Seal) _._..__11. E. Clifford' H_?~~~_'(:~;~ i.~' ;._'_.~-:-:-----'-- 'j j'-J J.. ,la",_. " ("'i J. ., , ~, L, (,.- ., 271 (i _' 1,.. ,--, '-~. 'J. J. ....{ -~. ;,.,< ). ,r"'~ ('I .L 1 -1 .L ~ .~ \..; \..) J... L' '.G " ., -'. -".f' , u J. , ...."'"""-.~ ~'''''"''-~-<~___'_'-'''10 ;/ v.i. 'o.-'t., v 3 2.)"",..1 '"' G \.." j -<. "'~ ~_.l \...-... : .,., t I t J_ 'd..:... T ; ... .~,;.. ~.Ll.\...:.. ) 1v i.I.,.1.) U,J.. OJ, L. -p, -' ..... ;.:.--,-...j.,.:- T ..;.l.. : ~ J...i. l\Y" (; ., , .1. .~., . ~~ "v .J. () Cl rn ..~- ~ ___,J. ('f .L ..,'" J.. ~~. ;'.i L.l,_' .....' C>i :....' '..':-.L. f..("";.:t..J...,.-.;., J. ':G ;).,.1._: \.4. ~.....- " J. L.=~.. * ("-, ..... I...J J.. ~.;-.i1 ""..'$ J.' cJ '..,,<, ,. .....i.... <.' ,-, ....) ';'.;, .~. .Ll " CL L ,L,~i. + ,."{ , , r"\, .. \,,: ... \...I' ~i. ",.1 ll) 1 ...'" ~ (-'1 ;"-j U" .L 1.,.\...::. ',<>~ ~' 'r ,C' \.:: :, ..i. )" \...~. l...~. "'n' j'. ,'-.... " ..c "L T, ;_) .J. L.uC ~. . (Seal) H.E.Cl:Lfford 0' "'., ('f'1 l;.; ,-,... I..:~ ; .' c.(.;.~ (...i.,J..J.I..~ (-; ;d..i..Lt L' ~'~ w ,y ".J. .J. _~ (;.., 'v l; L; L >'" : ' ,~,.- '* .I. J. tA <.,J L.\"U~,l ,. c:.L "', I.:':;; )-L ~.i ,,) L,. '.L (; .l..i.l..\, ,L v ,", eJ.- ~. (., ~ t. \,;';.. ~ -'~ ..i..(..,;-dl" , ., r.Y <) <), f..J"" "\T " f;,:~.. ,< , '.'- :,1 .'",/ . i;' :,:J L. '-~; J.. , . M 272 848 <).", I1il..J,:..) ;.1.., (; ,; .J. -;....J.. vt,:~' lI..L ,'i,' v\.... ,/3 .i.J.' J... i".t-itJ" J TT 1" -I' v..!. :U,. '..... C! . ......,'~ L. .L ", '.-, \:.:.::..i...".... "1 I: ~ '- J. ,~ u l_: , " ~ i..~ ., L.:,' 1 I.... ',(J L .c '.l. T J.. ..,v.. .~-'1, .J.. T ...L. ":,..l '..\.,... "l....; + .L .l. 'I' ..~, ,,-', j' J.. .l. lj", ",J.. ... .~ "- v __, 9 "" .,' ',.'_~j"..L.,~; _..~' ;; ...L ~,_. -'. '...~( ,- u "/ _". \.....t. "L. , ~ ~. -L '1 (-~. T.J . Ellsberry 1\-1 V oJ.; . 329 "~ .l. "' '" lJUc" " C;,( Ii .L :i;,... '.., , ~-! L . It I e 273 34' o. "> '1 \(.J Of! < <) . I ORDINANCE NO. B4~ An ordinance levying a special sewer district tax to pay for the construction of a sewer in Sewer District No. 70 of the City of Grand Iuland, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. ~e it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That a special sewer district tax be and the same is hereb,y levied and assessed to pay the expense of constructing a sewer in Sewer District No. 70 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land i n said District in the amounts set opposite the respective descriptions to-wit: Lots 1, 2,3.4, 5,6. 7, 8. 9 and 10 in Block 6. .Schimmer's Addition, taxed at $48.57 each. Lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 in Block 7, Schimmer's Addition, each $48.57. Section 2. Said special sewer district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law and shall be collected in the manner provided by law. Section 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island. Nebraska is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes together with instructions to collect the same as provided by law. . Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this ;311 day of May, 1922. Attest: ( SOftI ) 1I. :8:. CLifford City Clerk. ']: ..I .El1sberrv Mayor. t I - 274, 3..5. Jj. . -'''' .1 --'1 .1;, )V/J Qt~(/ ORDINANCE NO. B50 /' ':'6 An ordinance levying a special sewer district tax to pay for the construction of a sewer in sewer district No. 71 of the City of Grand Island. Nebraska. and providing for the collection thereo~. BE IT ORDAltffiD by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island. Nebraska: r:r Section 1. That a special sewer district tax be and the same is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of constructing asewer in sewer District No. 71 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska against the respective lots. tracts and parc.els of land in said district in the amounts set oppos't the respective descriptions, to-wit: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8,9 and 16,in Block 36, in Russell Wheelerts Addition, each $47.60 Section 2. Said special sewer district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law and shall be collected in the manner provided by law. Section 3. The City vlerk of theCity of Grand Island, Nebraska is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, the amountof said taxes, together with instructions to collect the same as provided by law. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this ~~\i day of April, 1922. ( 0 c, al ) \ It. J \;.. , -, ~ Attest: H.E.Clifford City Clerk. {l: . J~ .1~~ 1 :1- tfo:o :r l"Y' Mayor. It I I 275 353 ORDINANCE NO. 851 An ordinance levying a special sewer district tax to pay for the construction of a sewer in sewer district No. 72 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That a special sewer district tax be and the same is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of constructing a sewer in Sewer District No. 72 of the City af Grand Island, Nebraska against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district in the amounts set opposite the respective descriptions, to-wit: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 16 in Block 3, Schimmer's Addition, each $52.19; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 , 8, 9, and 10 in Block 4, Schimmer's Addition, each $52.19; Lots 1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7 , 8, 93 and 10 in Block 5, Schimmer's Addition, each $52.19; Section 2. Said special sewer district tax shall be due and become deliqnquent in the manner and at the time provided by law and shall be collected in the manner provided by law. Section 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska ia hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes, together with instructions to collect the same as provided by law. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage,approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this ~3!1 day of May, 1922.. (Seal) A t tea t: li.E~Cl"Lffo.l:'d Ci ty Clerk. J 'OJ .Ellsbel'r::r Mayor. I I I 276 3 "J .,,~ .vD onDIUANC1~ NO.. 852 I An ordinance C1'O:U. 'lev;).' Dic;tl'iot 78 in Q,:f' (}I',:-.i rlcI I f)l Yid., j':1" (;l::I';J ,d. ef' i :nj, t.1',;.c l/C"' LL11(l 1-' i e D I):cov'j.d.irlC~ J'Ol" t.:'..e It;:'.::/i of Ll r;eVIC:C J.1] nieJ. c;:.ir:tl1ict, '1/ c:" LiD :n1'1 X' j, 1'1 V/. 1 r:~ r:; ~-:.e E }-ltl11 1) c: 1;] i d." ::'} 2 r~ C fj L i rl[~ tJ-l n 'Ucl'co:f !1gai,tlf:t Lee ()'outti ])r'oI)crty. Cij:y eof, ,rt e C C J' i b i co E-: te :C'8t:1,.S C1 ',f "i-~1/! , ~ '~\.-'. Council of the City of Gr nd I l'etofore n for tIle Cl'e~_ltirl?~. [Jr' e,l"ld 1 [::wful, OYld t e, 1~ ,:J :(1<1. IIj'e"bl':J f'i.t1cl tl".t-:'-: t tJ:1C E: tC}?~3 01' ;.:~cv~; (:1' J.)i E tx' i c t 1\1'0. 'f/8-,- :.~:: l'(: 1" cewer to be 1 i~ in the Dictrict rlCCeSfji t~~/.; ;3I1C1 (1' inD:i:.tcr cJ.efi 1 B () PU!::.!. lC Ci to l"E.;,:) ~1, lJ~;/ c~, ec-t'U.l'tJ-.lE I.tO te of' E.ll1 ty~c; I'Ll COUflCil s~,~id se~;Er main c been orciered l~lid city. C1':;'; of t1'w t,}lout COEt , 0] th; Ci I:e:C o:c e, 1) e :L t ,...) I'ctEl l, 1(::(1 I.> ;'1' r:~ I1(., I f) I,;) fld, IT l' e e J~EX : yor ond City Council f)ccti~JrI 1. t 8(~::V/eI' eJ..intxlict I\Jo. 78-o:f tl-.re ci of" is hereby cr oted, some to run from cJ..l Ave, t)ctwc;cn,irteenth a I:'ourteenth (~I'L; "leI I ~jlt~J ,;-'1(; , J!;ddy E")tr e c t to f) tr~ec t~3. Section 2. tjb 0 v e c: C f) C J. i b 11 icl_ a1 o Tl{:.. COlII'~;,'e in accordaDce with [~evrel'8 :[' tof{)l~e C~~ b- said plODS aDd specific tiODB ~. l, t..t::< , r~)~~-:il"11 DC 2Dd specifications lished for lu)r:i SGDfTS In f30 caD be carried out. i' c'?: 1'" ~~;, f3 C.e c tj. 0 11 39 rrl.la t t,;-' Clltil'C cost of' CODotructj, 1e. ucv/"er' E, Y:r,;_11 1) e (J, c. E:. e f) FJ f; (1 (~:,:;c.:i i Y1 f3 1: li(], C] t~'lX cb,~~:j"l e levied ;c~al tnx to 'bCCUi(lC (eLL ub tti property in soid district ::~~!f:-) EC()11 f3 t~ (_~ CDDt C:-]l"l 1)(:: [;!~~_jCel~tDined aI\~W inteJ.cst flS rov'i{(~d tlcrl t a 1 ;J_'V! . Sectj~orl 4. f11J.-1(; ci (;::n{-~;illC(;l' in f~rJ=l ,;.\111:,1' ():.r.l..~IC( tr.:) :rt~v~r 1)1 l~l~-?, --'-' r-:~. ccj~:r~;icntiorlE O} F,{'} 10.. ~;,f1<'l(~1' n:t'i(.~ rn~" eFt 0:[' C' COBt Tjl.(:~I'coi' (~"t:nd cu,l)'" it ;:~_~,;..:!_;-ilC to t1-,;,f:; cit:/ CO-;.1t1Ci:L -t': ({,o-r) tc(l tL;(; ci C1C:l'}~. ~:::11F-ill E:,t o:nce (3d\TCI'tir;c~ :fOI~ i s ~;~()l. t~L:.c corl~:tl'1..zct- .lUY10:[' ;:::,(Jj.ct FC;Y;/Cl', il"1 cJC(~OI'(ar.lCC~ 1l/it~~'1 t:~--'_:o ..-rl~5 a1'1(1 B};)cci:r:Lcnt:,Lol1~-=~ s-L:tl.:i.', ittc(l, :re,Dbl'V'i t.~Li(~ J:'i t to reject E:l1Y~ l1c!. [}~.l " J.. :r (J_ltl. 0cc:t~iol1 b. (J 1'1 (..!, :'~ ~r" t e:.c f3 ~p() ~.j EbC;C; , [! 0 r (} i .n ,:~": 1 1)E ore e uncl j.C!3tj.Ol'l lYl ect nee f.' ita :C() \:'"Q,l ~: }! l~'O "V' i Eel 1J:;/ 1 :)ih' . 1)~sr3e G:nd :~r)pruv'ed fl _-2t~__,_ of ---2~_____._, 19 :2~; . ( Soal) H..J!~..Cliff()rd ..J:'~~~ ,,:El1~'b~1.'~'y' , .;...,,',.... .J.. ,,;_ I I t 2'77 331;' y ORDINANCE NO. 853 An ordinance creating a paving district within the corporate limits of the City'of Grand Island, ~ebraska, defining the boundaries thereof; providing for the pavement of same, and providing for the assessment of the costs of paving. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to be known and designated as paving district ~o. 46 of the uityof Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part of Adams Street, lYAing between the Northerly line of the intersection of First street and Adams street and the oouther1y line of the intersection of Third Street and Adams otreet, and shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land lying East of said Adams Street, bounded as aforesaid to a depth of 132 ft., and all tracts, lots and parcels of land, lying West of said Adams street, bounded as aforesaid, to a depth of 132 ft. Section 3. Said street in said paving district is hereby ordered paved, as provided by law; said paving to be 36 ft. in width, paved from curb to curb, curb and gutter combined. Section 4. That authority is hereby gEanted to the owners of the record title representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district to file with the City Clerk within 20 days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as provided by law, written objections to the paving of said district Section 5. That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to publish,after the passage, approval and publication of this ordinance, in the"Grand Island Dailty Independent," a notice of the creation of said district, one time each week for not less than 20 days. Section 6. That authority is hereby given to the owners of the record title representing the majority of the abutting property owners to file with the City Clerk, within the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in said district. If such owners fail to designate the material they desire used in said paving district, within the time and in the manner provided by law, the Mayor and City Council shall determine upon the material to be used. Section 7. The cost of paving said district shall be assessed against the lots, tracts and parcels of ground especially benefited in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the Mayor and City Council, as by statute provided. Section 8. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved this ~day of May, 1922. .lit te s t : (Seal) T.J' .Ellsberry Mayor, Ii ~ "fL C~lj f'f'orrl , Ci ty Clerk. t I I ORDINANCE NO. 85"1" 278 341. An ordinance forbidding skating on the streets and sidewalks of the City of Grand Island, NebEaska. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. No person shall skate on the streets or sidewalks of the City of Grand Island, ~ebraska after nine o'clock in the evening of any day. Section 2. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this ordinance, shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than One Dollar, nor more than Twenty-five Dollars for each offense. Section 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved this all day of May, 1922. (goal) Attest: ii.E.Clifford City Clerk. 'I.J .IB11sherry Mayor. t I I 27$ 355 ORDINANCE NO. 855 AN ORDINANCE creating Sewer ~istrict No. 79 in the City of urand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, provid~g for the laying of a sewer in said district, describing the manner in which same shall be laid, assessing the costs thereof against the abutting property. WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of the City of urand Island, Nebraska, find that the steps heretofore taken for the creating of sewer District No. 79 are regular and lawful, and that a sewer to be laid in the District, hereinafter defined, is a public necessity; and WHEHEAS,'by a three-fourths vote of all the members of the city council, said sewer main has been ordered laid without cost to ~ city . Now, therfore, be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the city of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That oewer District No. 79 of the city of Grand Island, Nebraska is hereby created, swne to ~an from Oak Street to Locust Street between 14th and ~5th streets. Section 2. That a sewer shall be laid along the course above described, running through said blocks, in accordance with the plans and specifications governing sewers, heretofore established for laying sewers in so far as said plans and specifications can be carried out. Section 3. That the entire cost of constructing said Sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to become delinquent and draw interest as provided by law. Section 4. The City Engineer is hereby authorized to draw plans and specifications of said sewer and make estimate of the cost thereof and submit same to the City Council, and when adopted the l.iity(,;lerk shall at once advertise for bids for the construction of said sewer in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted, reserving the right to reject any and all bids. oection 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved this 17r:tl day of May, 1922. Attest: ( 8eaJ. ) H.E..elifford Oi ty 01 erk. T e J eeElls1i:er1:7 Mayor. t I I 28'0 339 ORDINANCE NO. 80$) ~ An ordinance creating Sewer District No. ~lin the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, de~inin~ th~ bOl.!-ndaries thereof, providiDt for the laying of a sewer ln sald dlstrlct, describing the manner in Which,same shall be laid, a.ssessing the costs thereof agains t the abuttlng property. .' ' Vlherea~, the Mayor and City Council of tne City of ,0rand Island Nebrask~, f~nd that the steps heretofore taken for the creating of ' Se~er,Dlstrl.ct No. 77 are regular and lawful, and that a sewer 'bo be lald ln the District, hereinafter defined, is a public necessity;and Whereas, by a three-fourths vote of all the members of the City Council said sewer main has been ordered laid without cost to the Ci ty . Now, therefore, be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the city of Urand Island, Nebraska: Section-I. That sewer district No.~"\ of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska is hereby created, same to run Ir6m Clark otreet to ~roadwell Avenue between twelfth and thirteenth streets. ~ection 2. That a sewer shall be laid along the course abave described, running through said blocks, in accordance with the plans and specifications governing sewers heretofore established for laying sewers in so far as said plans and specifications can be carried out. Section 3. That the entire cost of constructing said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to become delinquent and draw interest as provided by law. oection 4. The City Engineer is hereby authorized to draw plans and specifications of said sewer and make. estimate of the cost thereof and submi t same to the C1 ty Counc 11 and when adop ted, . the Gi ty Clerk shall at once advertise for bids for the construction of said sewer, in accordance with the plans and specifications sub- mitted, reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and af ters its passage, a.pproval and publication, as provided by 1 aw. Pass.ed and approved thi s day of May, 1922. l~m ( Se al ) Attest: R.E. "'liftora! Ci ty Cl erk. T.J .JI;!.l.jJ~Je.rry Mayo r . t I t Z81 35i;'. ORDINANCE NO. 85m J \ ,I AN ORDINANCErepea1ing Ordinance No. 781. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That Ordinance ~o. 781 be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval .and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved this day of May, 1922. 17" Attest: (Sed) H.E..C1iffordJ Oi ty Clerk. T.J.Ells'berry Mayor: .-- t I I 359 a82 ORDINANCE NO. 858:; An ordinance creating a paving district within the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries, thereof, providing for the pavement r:f same and providing for the assessment of the costs of paving. be it ordained by the Iviayor and Ci ty Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebrask~: Section 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, ~ebraska, to be known and designa ted as paving district No. 4t:,' of the Ci ty of Gr'and Isla.nd, Nebraska. - Section 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part of Jefferson Street, lying between the ~ortherly line of the intersection of First and Jefferson Streets and the Southerly line of the intersection of Third Street and A<<a Jefferson street and shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land lying East of said Jefferson Setreet, bounded as aforesaid to a depth of lp2 feet. and all lots, tracts and parcels of land, laying West of said J'efferson i.Jtreet, bounded as aforesaid to a di!pth of 132 feet. Section 3. ~aid street in said paving district is hereby ordered paved as provided by law; said paving to be 36 ft. in width, paved from curb to curb and curb and gutter combined. Section 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title representing a ~ajority of the abutting property owners in said district to file with the city clerk within 20 days from the first publication of the notice creating saiddistrict, as provided by law, written objections wo the paving of said district. Section 5. That the mayor and city c~erk are hereby authorized and directed to publish, after the passage, approval and publication of this ordinance in the "Grand Island Daily Independent" a notice of the creation of said district, one time each week for not less than 20 days. Section 6. That authority is hereby given to the owners of the record title representing the majority of the abutting property owners to file wi th the ,ci ty clerk, wi thin the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in said district. If such owners fail to designate the material they desire used in said paving district within the time and in the manner provided by law, the mayor and city council shall determine the material to be used. . Section 7. The cost of paving said district shall be assessed against the lots, tracts and parcels of ground especially benefited in proprotion to such benefits to be determined by the mayor and city council, as by statute provided. Section 8. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved this l~u day of May, 1922. Attest: (Seal) H..I!:.C11ff'ordl C1 ty Clerk. T.J' ..Ellsblerry Mayor. t I t 375 ass ,c ORDINANCE NO. 859 AN ORDINANCE PHOVIDIl!G FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ~eW() HUNDRED rl'HOUSAND DOIJLAHS (4p200,000.OO) OJ!' SEWER BONDS OJ!' THE CITY 01' GRAHD IST,AND, IN HALL COUNTY, STATE 0]' NEBRASKA, AUTHOHIZING THE LEVY 0]' A TAX SUJ,'FICIENT TO PAY Tmt PRINCIPAlJ AND INTEHJI~r)rl' O:F SAID 1301TDS, Mm HJilP}I;AIJING ALL OHDINANC]~S AND RESOLUTIONS Al;rD PAnTS OF OHDINANCES AND HESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEHEWITH. WHElillAS, at a duly called special election of the qualified and legal voters of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska held in said City on the 4th day of April, 1922, said City of Grand Island was duly authorized by a majority of more than three-fifths(3/5) of the electors of said City voting upon the proposition, to masue its negotiable coupon bonds in the principal sum. of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00), to bear date July 1, 1922, to become due July 1, 1942, but to be payable, at the option of said Ci ty, at any time after five (5) years from the datethereof, each of said bonds to be in the denomination of One Thousand Dollars (IIOOO.OO), said banda to bear interest from the date thereof at a rate not to exceed Yive (5) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, as to be evidenced by forty (40) interest coupons attached to each of said bpnds, said bonds to be payable to bearer attl'le office of the Coun ty 'l'reasurer of Hall Coun ty-, in the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, the proceeds from the sale of said bonds to be exclusively devoted and used liy the VLayorand Council of said City for the purpose of constructing or aiding in the construction of a system of sewerage for said City; and said City was further authorized at said el ec tion to 1 evy annually upon all trle taxabl e property of the City, such tax as may be necessary for a sinking fund for the payment of the accruing interest upon said bonds and the prilincipal tbereof at ma turi ty; and WlDllHEAS, the Iv'Iayor and Ci ty Council of said Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, now have full power and authority to issue 'I Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2009000.00) of Sewer Bonds of said City by virtue of tlle authority vested in them as aforesaid, and by virtue of the laws of the State of Nebraska; NOW, THERKF'OHE, BE IT OHDAINIm by the Mayo rand Courtc il of the City of Grand Island, Hall County, ~ebraska: t I - 377 2841, See tion 1. 'l'ha t the Ci ty of Grand Island, Neb:'aska, issue its negotiable bonds, two hundred (200) in number, in the aggregate principal amount of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars (~~200 ,000.00) ~ach in the prine ipal sum 0 f One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00), dated July 1,1922, becoming due July 1, 1942, but payable at the option of said City, a.t any time after five (5) years from the date thereof, said bonds to be known Bnd designated as "Sewer Bonds" of said City; each of said bonds bearing interest from date thereof at the rate of Four and One-half (4*) per cent per a.nnurp,payable semi-annually as evidenced by forty (40) interest coupons attached to each of said bonds; said bonds 13.nd coupons to be payable to "bearer at the office of the Count;>' Tr~asurer of Hall Coun ty, Nebraska, in the Oi ty of Grand Island, .Nebraska. Section 2. Tha t B8,id 8(~v'H'.lX' llonds, coupons and cartif i- cates thereto attached be in substantially the following form, to -w it: (FORM OF BOND) UNIT]~D S'I'ATJ~f-) OF A1vffiRICA STATE OF :tTEJ3HAS.KA COUNTY OF HALL C1 'IT 0]' GRAHD ISI,AND smnm BOND No. ~plOOO. 00 KNOW ALL MEN BY TH];SE PRESENTS: That the City of Grand Island, in Hall County, State of Nebraska, acknowledges itself to be indebted, and, for value received, hereby promises to pay to the bearer hereof, on the li'il'st da~ of July, 1942, the sum of ONE THOUSAND DOl,I. AIlS with interest thereon at the rate of Four and One-half (4*) per cent per annum from the date hereof until paid, payble semi-annually on the J1'irs t day of January and on the Firs t day of July in each and every year, upon the presentation and surrender of the attached coupons as the same shall severally mature. The Ci ty of Grand Island expressly reserves the right, at its option, to call for payment and to redeem this bond at any time after July 1, 1927, at liar and accrued interest. Botp principal hereof and in terest hereon are hereby made payable in lawful,' money t 37~) 2"855 of the United States of America at the office of the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, in the City of Urand Island, Nebr'aska. This bond is one of an issue of Two Hundred (200) bonds, mumbered 1 to 200, both inclusive, all of like amount, date and tenor, aggregating the to tal principal sum of 'two Hundred l'rwusand Dollars (:j~200, 000.00), said bonds having been issued under the authori ty of Article VI, Chapter 49 of the Hevised Statutes of .Nebraska, 1913, as arnended by Chapter 98, I,aws of l~ebraska, 1917, amd other pertinent Statutes of said State, for the purpose of constructing or aiding in the construction of a system CDJf sewerage of said City; and pursuant to the authority granted by the electors of said Ci ty of Grand Island vo ting at a special el ec tion held in and for said City on April 4, 1922, and under the further authority of an ordinance duly passed by the [layor and Council of said Ci ty, and published as required by law. It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, things and acts required by law to exist and I to be done precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have existed and have been performed in due form and time, that the indeb tedness of said Ci ty, including thi s issue of bonds does no t eiceed any limitation imposed by law, and that provision has been -. made for,the levy and collection of an annual tax upon all the taxa~le property of said City in an amount sufficient to pay the principal hereof and the interest hereoft at maturity. For the prompt payment of this bond, both principal and interest, at matuirty, and for the levy and collection of taxes sufficient therefor, the full faith, credit and resources of said City are hereby irrevocably pledged. IN TESTDJIONY WlillHlWF, the said. Ci ty of Grand Island, in the County of Hall, State of Nebraska, by its Mayor and Council, has caused this bond to be exeucted upon its behalf and signed by its :Mayor and attented by its Ci ty Clerk, has caused the corporate sale of said City to be impressed hereon and has caused the coupons hereto attached to be signed by its Mayor and its City Clerk, respectiffely, by their facsimile signatures, and said officers do, by the execution hereof, adopt as and for their own respective signatures, their facsimile signatures appearing on said bonds, all as of the First day of July, 1922. ~ I .~ 381 2138 Attest: C I 1~Y 0]' GRAND I SIJAND By City clerk. Mayor. ( Seal) (FOIU~ OF COUPON MATURING ON OR BEFORE JULY 1, 1927) No. $~22 . 50 ON TIm FIRST DAY OF JANUARY (JULY), 19 , the City of Grand Island, Hall County. Nebraska, will pay to the bearer TVffiNTY TWO AND 50/100 DOLLARS, lav~ul money of the United States, at the office of the County Treasurer of Hall County, in the Ci ty of Grand Island, .Nebraska, f or the interes t due that date on its Sewer Bond dated JU1;}' l, 1922. No. __tEacsimile Signature) MAYOn. Attest: tFacsimile SignatureL CITY CIJERK. (:B'ORM OF COUPON MATUlUNG .tWTJ.!iH JULY 1 J 1927) No. ~\i22 . 50 Unless the Sewer Bond hereinafter mentioned shall have been previously called for pay- ment and provision duly @ade for the payment thereof, ON T:r-ru: F IHST DAY OF J ANUAHY (JULY), 19 the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, will pay to the bearer TvVENTY '['WO AND 50/100 DOLLARS lawful money of the uni tad States, at the office bf the County Treasurer of Hall County. in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska for the interest due that date on its Sewer Bond dated July 1, 1922. No. Attest: {Facsi~ilt!E.. S:lmf!tur~L MAYDR. (Facsil1)ile Sign~.~L CITY CLERK. STATE OF NEBRASKA REGISTRATION CEHTI]'ICNrES ) ) Ci(''l U,) ) OFFICE OF AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. I, the undersigned, Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Nebraska hereby certify that I have examined the within bond and proceedings relative to its issuance, and do find and hereby certify that said bond has been regularly and legally issued -_.__._~,-~-~~. I I -- 3 8".) .~ as7,' and that the same has been registed in my office in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 8 of the Hevised Statutes of Nebraska 1913, as emended. VVITN]~SS :MY HAND A:0TD SEAL OF OI~FICE 'l'HIS _day of "" ,19_. --'-AUDI TOll OF Pill3LI C ACCOUNTS. STA'l'E OF NEBHASKA ) ~ SS COUNTY 01' HALL I, the undersigned, County Clerk of Hall County, Nebraska do hereby certify that this bond has been registered in my office pursuant to the :provisions of Chapter 8 of the Hevised Statu tee of Nebraska, 1913, a~ amended. WI TNESS MY HAND AND OJ?F IC IAL SEAL THI S day of ,19_. COUNTY CI,EHK. Section 3. Tha said bonds be signed by the Mayor and at tes ted by the Ci ty Cl erk of said Ci ty, tria t the seal of said Ci ty be ilnpressed on Gala bonds and that said interest coupons be executed by the facsimile signatures of said Mayor and said City Clerk, which said officers shall, by the execution of said bonds, adopt as and for their respective signatures, their facsimile signatures appearing thereon. Section 4. After the execution of said bonds by the Mayor and Ci ty Clerl(, as aforesaid, the same shall be delivered to the puditor of Public Accounts of the State of Nebraska, and the County Clerk of Hall County, Nebraska for registration of the same in their respective offices and for endorsement of the certificates of said officers certifying to said registration, respectively. Whereupon said bonds shall be delivered to Omaha ~['rust Company of Omaha, Nebraska, purchaser of said bonds, in conformity with the contract heretofore entered into between said City of Grand Island and said Omaha Trust Company, Which contract is hereby fully ratified and approved. Section 5. 'I'hat the authorities of said City of Grand IsJand ~ I t 385 2SS3 be, and hereby are, authorized and directed to 1evy annually a tax upon all the taxable property within said City in an amount l:;lufficient to pay the interest accruing upon said bonds when the same shall be come due, and to raise a sinking fund in an amount sufficient to pay the principal of said bonds at maturity. Section 6. That all other ordinances and resolutions and parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict with the terms hereof be, and. the same are hereby repealed. Section 7. That this ordinance take effect inwediately upon its passage and approval and publication~ as provided by law. Passed and approved this 2nd day of June, 1922. Attest: H.E. Clifford Ci ty Clerk. T. J. . Ellsberry Mayor. I) I t 36<lC{ ~)' 2BG' (I ORDINANCE No. 860 AN ORDINAIWE PROVIDIN G FOn THE I SSUAIWE OF Olffi HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAHS (~9l00 ,000.00) OF DHAINAGE BONDS OF THE CI'l'Y OF GRAND ISLAND, IN HALL COUNtry, STATE OF NEBRASKA, AUTHORIZING THE LEVY OF A TAX SUFFICIENT TO PAY 'l'BE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST OF SAID BONDS, AND ID~PEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. WHEREAS, at a duly called specia,l election of the qualified and legal voters of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska held in said City on the 4th day of April, 1922, said City of Grand Island was duly authorized by a majority of more than three- fifths (3/5) of the electors of said City voting upon the proposi- tion, to issue its negotiable coupon bonds in the principal sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00), to bear date July 1, 1922, to become due July 1, 1942, 1m t to be payable, at the option of said City, at any time aftE~r five (5) years from the date thereof, each of said bonds to be in the denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) said bonds to bear interest from the date thereof at a rate not to exceed ]j'ive (5) per cent per annum, payable semi- annually, as to be evidenced bjr forty (40) in tere t3t coupons attached to each of said bonds, said bonds to ee payable to bearer at the off ice of the Coun ty Treasurer of Hall Coun ty, in the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, the proceeds from the ~ale of said bonds to be exclusively devoted and ul?ed by the Mayor and Council of said City for the purpose of constructing culverts and drains, for the purpose of deepening, widening, straigtening, walling, filling, covering, altering and Changing the channel of water courses and natural and artificial sufface watervlays and creeks, branches, ravines, ditches, draws, basins and parts thereof flowing and ex- tending through and being within the limits of the city and for the purpose of constructing artificial channels and covered drains sufficient to carry the water theretofore flowing in such water- courses and divert it from the natural channel and conduct the same through such artificial channels and covered drains and to fill the old channels; and said City was further authorized at said election to levy annually upon all the taxablE) prolJerty of the Ci ty, such tax as may be necessary for a sinking fund for the payment of the accruing interest upon the bonds and the principal thereof at maturity, a.nd WHEREAS, tb.e Mayor and C1 ty Counc 11 of said C1 ty of -- I t 3:6,<>r- r<", .V ao Grand Island, Nebraska now have full power and authority to issue One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) of Drainage Bonds of said City by virtue of the authority vested in them as aforesaid, and by virtue of the laws of the state of Nebraska; NOW, THEREFORE, TIE IT ORDAIlmD by the Mayor and Council of the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska: Section 1. That the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, issue its negotiable bonds, one hundred (100) in number, in the' aggregate principal amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars (~~lOO,OOO.oo) each in the principal sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00), dated July 1, 1922, becoming due July 1, 1942, but payable at the option of said City, at any time after five (5) years from the date thereof, said bonds to be known and designated as "Drainage Bonds" of said City; each of said bonds bearing intere~ from date thereof at the rate of Four and One-half l4t) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually as evidenced by forty (~) interest coupons attached to each of said bonds; said bonds and coupons to be payable to "bearer at the office of the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 2. That said Drainage Bonds, coupons and certi- fica tes thereto a ttached be in subs tan tially the follO\rving form towi t : ( FORl'! OF BOND ) UNITED STATES OF M,lliRICA STATE OF NEBRASKA COUNTY OF HALL CITY OF GRAND ISLMfD DRAINAGE BOND. No. $1000.00 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PHESENTS: That the City of Grand Island, in Hall County, State of Nebraska, acknowledges itself to be indebted, and, for value receivai , hereby promises to pay to the bearer hereof, on the ]?irst day of July. 1942, the sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS I) 36''''.'..''' , (j r-o' \if 2'.9.1. with interest thereon at the rate of Four and One-half (4t)per cent per annum from the date hereof until paid, payable semi-annually on thE~ first day of January and on the first da:>!' of July in each and every year, upon the presentation and surrender of the attached coupons as the same shall severally mature. The City of Grand Island expressly rescryes tl:te right, at its option, to call for payment and to redeem this bond at any time af tel' July 1, 1927, at par and accrued interest. Bott>i principal hereof and interest hereon are hereby ma,de payable in lawful money of the United states of America at the office of the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, in the C1 ty of Grand Island, Nebraska.. This bond is one of an issue of One Hundred (100) bonds, numbered 1 to 1000, both inclusive, all of like amount, d.ate and tenor, aggregating the total principal sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($lOO,DOO.OO), said bonds having been issued under the authority of Article VI, Chapter 49 of the Revised statutes of Nebraska, 1913, as amended by Chapter 98, Laws of NebraBka, 1917, I and other pertinent Statutes of ssid State. for trle purpose of con- structing culverts and drains, for the purpose of deepening, widening, t straightening, walling, filling, covering, alteringand changing the channel of water courses and natural and artificial surface waterways and creeks, branches, ravines , ditches, draws, basi.ns, and parts thereof flowing and extending through and being within the limits of the city and for the purpose of constructing aftificial channels and covered drains sufficient to carry the water theretofore flowing in such watercourses and divert it from the natural channel and conduct the same through such artificial channels and covered drains and to fill the old channels; and said bonds having been issued under and pursuant tothe authority granted by the requisite majority of the electors of said City of Grand Island voting at a special election held in and for said City on the 4th day of April, 1922, a,nd under the further author! ty of an ordinance duly passed by the Mayor and Council of said City and published as required by law. It is hereby cel~tified and recited that all condititions, things and acts required by law to exist and to be done precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have existed and have been performed in due form and time, that theindebtedness c:f said Ci ty, including the issue - ') ~ {-'> tJ\)v I.. of bonds, does not exceed any limitation imposed by law, and that provision has been made for the levy and collection of an annual tax upon all the taxable property of said Ci t:y in an amount sufficient to pay the principal hereof and the interest hereon at maturity. ]'or the prompt payment of this bond, both principal and interest, at maturity, and for the levy and collection of taxes sufficient therefor, the full faith, credit and resources of said City are hereby irre~ocably pledged. IN TESTIMONY WHEHEOF, the said Ci ty of Grand Island, in the County of Hall, State of Nebraska, by its Mayor and Council, has caused this bond to be executed upon its behalf and signed by its Mayor and attested by its City Clerk, has caused the corporate seal of said City to be impressed hereon and has caused the coupons hereto attached to be signed by its Mayor and ilts City Clerk, respectively, by .their facsimile signatures, and said officers do, by the execution hereof, adopt as and for their own respective signatures, their facsimile signatures appearing on said bClDnds, all I as of the First day of July, 1922. .~ AT1'EST : CITY OF GRAND ISLAND By Ci ty Cl erk. Mayor. ( Seal) (FOB.M OF COUPON }/lATUHING 01'1 OR BliJFORE JUIJY 1, 192 7) No. $22.50 ON THE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY (JULY), 19 , the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, will pay to the bearer iWEN~rY TWO AND pO/100 DOLLARS, lawful money of the United states, at the office of the County Treasurer of Hall County, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the interest due that date on its Drainage Bond dated July 1,1922. No. (Facsimile Sl.gnature.J_...._ Mayor. Attest: (Facsimile Signature) City Clerk. I) I t l 3"~' ''j 29:8 (]'ORM OF COU PON MATUHING AB'TER JULY L, 1927) No. $22.50 Unless ~he Drainage Bond hereinafter mentioned shall have been previously called for payment and provision duly made for the payment thereof, ON 'l'HE FIRST DAY OF JA1~UARY (JULY), 19 . , the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, will pay to the bearer TWENTY-TWO AND 50/100 DOLLARS lavrful money of the Uni ted States, at the office of the County Treasurer of Hall County.cr in the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the interest due that date on its Drainage Bond dated July 1, 1922. No. (Facsmi~e Signature) May 0 r . Attest: (Faes~mile Signature) Cit;)T Clerk. P~GISTRATION CERTIFICATES STATE O:B' NEBHASKA ) ~ SSe Oli'FICE OF AUDI'fOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS I, the undersigned, Auditor of Public Accounts of the S~ate of Nebraska, hereby certify that I have examined the within bond and proceedings relative to its issuance, and do find and hereby certify that said bond has been regularly and legally issued and that the same has been registered.,dn my office in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 8 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska, 1913, as amended. WITNESS J1iLY HAND AND BEAIJ OF O.FFICE THIS day of ,19 Auditor of Public Accounts. srrA'l'li~ OIl' NEBHASKA I ss COUNTY OF HALL I, the undersigned) County Clerk of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby certify that this bond has been registered in my office pursuant to the provisionsoof Chapter 8 of the Hevised Statutes of Nebraska, 1913, as amended. - Z;9.t WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAl; THIS day of 3173 County Clerk of Hall County, Nebraska, for registration of the same I in their respective offices and for endorssment of the certificates of said officers certifying to said registration, respectively. t 19 . County Clerk.- Sec tion :5. '1'ha t said bonds be signed l)y the Dlayor and attested by the City Clerk of said City, that the sale of said City be impressed on said bonds and that said interest coupons be executed by the facsimile signatures of said Mayor and said City Clerk, which said officers shall, by the execution of said bonds, adopt as and for their respective signatures, their facsimile signatures appearing thereon. Section 4. After the execution off said bonds by the Mayor and Ci t;y Clerk, aaa-foresaid, the same shall be delivered to the Auditor of Public accounts of the State of Nebraska and the Whereupon said bonds shall be delivered to Omaha Trust Company of Omaha, Nebraska, purchaser of said bonds, in oonformi ty wi th the contract heretofore entered into between said City of Grand Island and said Omaha Trust Company, which contract is hereby fully ratified and approved. Section 5. That the authori ties of said Ci t;)r of Grand Island be, and hereby are authorized and directed to levy annually a tax upon all the taxable property within said City in an , ' amount sufficient to pay the interest accruing upon said bonds when the same shall become due, and to raise a sinking fund in an amoun t suff icien t to pay the principal of said bonds H t maturi ty. ~ecition 6. That all other ordinances and resolutions and parts of ordinances and reso.lutions in conflict with the terms hereof be, and the same are hereby rel)ealed. Passed and approved this 2nd day of June,1922. Attest: T. J. Ellsberry Mayor' H.E. Clifford, City Clerk. .. 295 ,J 421 I Ordlnm-C:8:l Nmt8al An Ord1nano~ Taoat1ng:~ & lJor1i1on, of Pll.UJl) 5t'reett. &nct' 8i po:rtioIll of the ~lleya; im Blc-am.; Two (3) and twenty-Three: (233) of N8iQ'y.it. A'ddiL t-ion to the C1it;y of Grandt Irai1.and'. t'O th&:: use: aneb benefic"", crL the Oh1iea&O:l B\lnl~n} &: '\tinq RaAll'loadi Com~1 im ODnatdd&- UiQn of. .~ Ra1lmadl O~ fumilahing:: 'to. th<<~ Ctity at Grandi, I;saandi in'L1_ tblt rao.f[,othe;n land! for Sb..eri llurpo-se-s-: in 1,0.1 Eiebt:, (83),Blo"c1l. Twen:by--Thre8? (2:33);Lati-, On'82 )l),.Tw,en'ty-S1al (as h Na;gyt'.::AiddLtian;&nd1 in Lo.tt; Eisht", (8),Bloaak Twenty-Six (~ OD1s.1n~~ Town of Grand; Islandt B~ it Orda1nedi 'by the:: M.a.yo,r and, ocnmm.tl af the CiityV af Grandi, 181and~Ne~~.: Se:c:r..J:!.. Thaot in- consideratt1on} of the Chicas.o,Burl1ngttOn &: Q,uincy Railr.od Oompany; fumish1ng to the Ctity of' Grand Island: B,ooel. and sut'f'1ia1ient de:eds conveying the.' Easterly Twenty-Seven (2"7) of the Sou:t;herl))' One-Si_h of Lott EisJ1'b:. (8) in Bloa-Jl: Twanty--Three(23!),and the Easiierly) Twenty-TwO (221) feeit., of 1,0"; On83 (1), Blod: Twenty-Si:m: (2B) of Nagy t a: Addition; and1 the.? _.sterl,. Twenty-~ (2~l feet" of Loir; EiSht (83),Blo. TW'enty-8ix (2S ),Or1a:Lnail Tollil'l '0:1 Granc:t\ Islandl,aill tha"t:; paa:tt of the' Ea-aterly> Twenty-TwoJ(2:&) fee,"" of the Westterly Thirty (an ) feett of P1UDll stre$t ~d1ng frQm a po:Ln1a:, Forty-SeTen (47) feet Northe:c~t'rom the' North line:; of FiiCth 8treeWi th 1it5S3 ihterse:'Cidon of P1UDL street:; SoutnerJ..y to the Norvherly line:: of Fourth streett,...1 th ita3 inter- seo:tdon with Plum street:, . theEaaiterly Ninety-SeTen (9'r) feete of . the Aaley in' Bloc:kk 1'1rf1J (21) of N&g 'a:; A'dd.1L'iion, ~c11 the;tr part!: of the &lley in Blo~~ Twenty-Three:! (23) of NSiS3.yta.:A1idtl.tion, lyins: on the Northerly sideJ of & line: drawnt f'1lf'ty (60) feet dlLs1mr.rb:, from the Nortrheas1l.'erly crorner of aad.d Aiilq to &1 point Sixty ( 60) feete 4'li.stant from., the Northwe:stterly cror:ner o~ the A.lley 1It' sa.d.d; Block:. , 'be and the same hereby are vao:atedi to the use? and} 'benef1tt; of' the OhicasP,Bu~1ngton ~ Q,uina,y Railroa. Oomp~. Set.t.~.. Thi. Orc11l.na.nce 8t:Iall' take effeot and 'be. in. torce:~ from ancli after its:l puaase,approvaol ancli ~~1ic&tion', Erocordlng to lay..llll'sse:4t and:l, 8ipproTedi th1:s 7!" day of Juna,A..J).192ifl.. T.J.EllsDerr,y,~on. - - At t e s'tt: ( SesJ. ) H. E..oliffo.1'd" 01 ty Cle1't~. l, - I - " ')6....~ d .lL 1'-\ I } {L' a~6) OlIDINAHCE NO. 86:& An ordinance levying a ~pecial sewer district tax to pay for the construction of a sewer in Sewer district No. 74 of the Ciatiy of Grand Island, Nebraska and providing for the collection thereof. Be it ordained by the mayor and city council of the city of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 1. That a special sewer district tax be and the same is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of construct- ing a sewer in Sewer District <.No. 74 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska ,against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district in the amounts set opposite the respective descriptions, to-wit: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Block 14, Schimmer's Addition, each ~p46.83. . Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 of Block 15, Schimmer's Addition, each ~~46.83. SeOtion 2. Said special sewer district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law and shall be collected in the manner provided by law. Section 3. The Ci ty Clerk of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the county treasurer OF Hall County, .Nebraska, the amoumt of said taxes together with instructions to collect the same as provided by law. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 'fit day of June , 1922. Attest: (Seal) H.E..cliffordi City Clerk. T.J.Ellsberry Mayor. - I I 389 ZSV1 ORDINANCE NO. 88~ An ordinance levying a special sewer district tax to pay for the construction of a sewer in Sewer District No. 75 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska and providing for the collection thereof. Be it ordained by th~ mayor and city council of the city of Grand Island, Nebraska: Sectuon 1. That a special sewer district tax be and the same is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of construct- ing a sewer in sewer district No. 75 of the City of errand Island, Nebraska against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district in the amounts set opposite the respective descriptions to-wit: Lots 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Block 12, Schimmer's , Addition, $46.88 each. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Block 13, Schimmer's Addition, *~46 .88 eacxl. Section 2. Said special sewer district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law and shall be collected in the manner provided by law. Section 3. TheCi ty Clerk of theCi ty of Grand Island, .Nebraska is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the county treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes together with instructions to collect the same as provided by law. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and afters its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved this 7" day of June, 1922. Attest: ( Sea;l ) H. E. C11f'fo rdl ci ty Clerk.: ..-- T.J . Ellsb::erry --'"lvlayo l~ . 2985 38 r;" OHDINANCE NO. 8641, ]' i \..1 An ordinance levying a ~pecial water district tax to pay for the construction of water mains in water main district No. 20 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, andproviding for the collection thereof: - BE IT ORDAIN]j~D by the Mayor and Council of the Ci ty of Grand IslaIiq.,Nebraska: Section 1. That a special water main district tax be and the same is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of the constructj,on of the water main in Water Ivlain District No. 20 of tbe City of Grand Island, ~ebraBka against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district, in the amounts set opposite their respeciive descriptions thereof, not exceeding the sum of fifty cents per front foot, to-wit: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Block 38, Packer & Barr's Second Addition, 4~28. 00 each. Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 19, in Block 37, Packer & Barr's Second Addition, $28.00 each. One-half o:f La t 8, Block 16, Packer & Barr's Addi tion, $14.00 One-half of Lot 3, Block 15, Packer & Harr's Addition, $14.00 Lot 10, Block 21, Packer & Barr'w addition, $28.00. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, in Block 29, Packer & Barr's Addition, :~28 .00 each. Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Block 30, Packer & Barr's Addition, ~~28.00 each. Lots 9 and 10 in Block 16, Packer & Barr's Addition, $28.00 $88.00 and .1 ;~" and 2, Block 15, Packer & Barr's Addition...l$28.00 Q.n.~1~':?"~~"""~7 and 6 in Bloc};: 18, Packer & Barr's Addition, ~p6Q.00 2nd in Block 15, Packer & Harr'~Addition, $60.00 in'Block14~Paclce:r & Barr's Addition, $60.00 and 6 in Block 19, Packer & Harrs 2nd Addition,$60.00 each. Lots 1 J...o ts 5 I each. Lot 10 Lots 1 1...0 ts 5 eacha Lot 10 Lot 1, Lots 5 each. inB10ck 14, Packer & Barr's Addition, $60.00 in Block 13, Packer & Barr's Addition, ~p60.00 and 6 in Block 20, Packer & Harr's 2nd addition, $60.00 Lot 10 in Block 13, Packer & Harr's Addition, ~60.00 Lots 27 and 28 in Belmont Addition, $60.00 each. Lot 5 in Block 21, Packer & Harr's 2nd Addition, $60.00 each , Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in Block 22, Packer & Barr's 2nd Add., ~1>28.00 each. Lots ~, 7, 8, and 9 in Block 21, Packer & Barr's 2nd Add., ;P28.00 each. Lot 6, in Block 21, Packer & Barr's 2nd Add., ~~88.00. Section 2. That all expense in excess of fifty cents per front foot assess able against the lots tracts and parcels of land within the said water main district shall be paid out of the water fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 3. Said special water main district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by 1awK and shall be collected in the manner provided by law. 'e Section 4. The Ci ty clerk of the Ci ty of Grand Is1~md, l'Jebraska is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the county treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska the amoun t of said taxes together wi th instructions to collect same as provided by law. Section 5. 'l'hisordinance shall be in force and take effect _'~~.__.. _... . _ f rom and aLt e:r. ~_t.f.'l_ J2_~f3~?-g (,7L!;lJ?P rg Yl3J t:lr1g._Il1.l"[)1:i.Qgj~i_OJl. __aJ3_J:u,'_QY.id.eJi_..h:\L 2:9$ 3 C~ r:;' Dill ORDIliT)\NCE NO. 8841 u An ordinance levying a flpecial water district tax to pay for the construction of water mains in water main district No. 20 of the City of Grand Island. Nebraska. andproviding for the collection tllereof: - BE IT ORDAnn~D by the Mayor and Council of the Ci ty of Grand Islarl~,Nebraska: Section 1. That a special water main district tax be and the same is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of the construction of the water main in Water Main District No. 20 of tije City of Grand Island. Nebraska against the respective lots. tracts and parcels of land in said district. in the amounts set opposite their respeciive descriptions thereof. not exceeding the sum of fifty cents per front foot. to-wit: Lots 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, BloCk 38. Packer & Barr's Second Addition, &p28.00 each. Lots 6. 7, 8. 9 and le, in Block 37. Packer & Barr's 8ecood Addition. $28.00 each. One-half of Lot 8. Block 16. Packer & Barr's Addition, $14.00 One-half of Lot 3, Block 15, Packer & Harr's Addition. $14.00 Lot 10, Block 21. Packer & Barr'w addition. $28.00. Lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5. in Block 29, Packer & Barr's Addition. t~28 .00 each. Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Block 30. Packer & Barr's Addition. ~~28.00 each. Lots 9 and 10 La ts 1 J..o ts 5 and aDd in Blo ck 16. Packer &; Barr's Add! tion, iir28. 00 ~~88. 00 an~':lP,,'k",e.$~;::~{., 2, Block 15. Packer & Barr's Addition~$28.00 ~1.1 I 6 in Block 18, Packer & Barr's Addition. $60.00 2nd , 15, Packer & Harr'21Addition. $60.00 14~Packe+ & Barrts Addition, $60.00 Block 19, Packer & Harrs 2nd Addition.$60.00 each. I each. Lot 10 Lots 1 IJO ts 5 each. Lot 10 Lot 1, Lots 5 each. in Block in 'Bleck and 6 in inBlock 14. Packer & Barr's Addition. $60.00 in Block 13. Packer & Barrts Addition, $60.00 and 6 in Block 20, Packer & Harr's 2nd addition. $60.00 Lot 10 in Block 13, Packer & Harr's Addition. ~60.00 Lots 27 and 28 in Belmont Addition. $60.00 each. Lot 5 in Block 21. Packer & Harrts 2nd Addition, $60.00 each Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in Block 22. Packer & Barr's 2nd Add., ~p28.00 each. Lots e, 7, 8. and 9 in Block 21. Packer & Barr's 2nd Add.. :W28.00 each. Lot 6. in Block 21, Packer & Barr's 2nd Add.. $88.00. Section 2. That all expense in excess of fifty cents per front foot assess able against the lots tracts and parcels of land within the said water main district shall be paid out of the water fund of the Ci ty of Grand Island. Nebraska. Section 3. Said special water main district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at tbe time provided by lal'lR and shall be collected in the manner provided by law. .-A Section 4. The C1 ty clerk of the Ci ty of Grand Island, I,jebraska ~~,herebY instructed and directed to certify to the county treasurer of'tIall County. Nebraska the amount of said taxes together with instructions to collect same as provided by law. \ 'Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from a~d after its passage, approval and publication as provided by 1 avr . pa5,\ed and approved this 7. , " Attest: \,(Se~l) " H.E.c~r dl ~ . Ci ty Clerk."'\ day of June, 1922. T.l,Ellsbrry Mayor. - I e %~9:; 391 ORDINANCE NO. 88~ AN OHDINANCE LEVYING A SPECIJUJ WNL'}Ui DISTHICT 'l'AX TO PAY ]'OR THE CONSTRUC'l'ION OF WATJm MAINS HI WA'l'Im MAIN DISTRICT NO. 22 OF THE CITY OF GHAND I SI,AND , NEBHASKA, AND PROVIDING ]fOn TIlE COIJI;ECTION TlIEREOP. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 1. That a special water main district .tax be and the same is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of the construction of the water main in water main district No. 22 of. the City of Grand Island, Nebraska against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land insaid district, in the amounts set opposite their respective descriptions thereof, not exceeding the sum of fifty cents per front foot, to-wit: 1.2.1 Block Addition Amount 1 8 Hann's 3rd Addition ~;26 .50 2 8 II 11 II 26.50 3 8 11 " II 26.50 4 8 II II II 26.50 5 8 II II II 26.50 6 8 II II II 26.50 1 7 " II II 26.50 2 7 " " II 26.50 3 7 II " " 26.50 4 '7 II II II. 26.50 1- 7 II II II 26.50 ,) 6 "/ II II " 26 .50 Section 2. That all expense in excess of fifty cents per front foot assessable against the lots, tracts and parcels of land within the said water main district shall be paid out'of the water fund of the city of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 3. Said special water main district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law, and shall be collected in the rnanner provided by law. Section 4. The City Clerk of tl1e City of Grand Island, Tiebraska is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska the mnount of said taxes, together with ins true tion to collec t same as p:rovi ded by 1 aw. Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publicatj.on, as provided 'try law. Passed and approved this '1i" day of June, 1922. Attest: (Sea~) T.J' .~11sbrty' LlLayor. R. E.~l1!tfor d Ci ty Cl ark. .An ordinanc levying a special water district tax to pay for the OOfil\3:truo,t1on of water mains in water district No. 15 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAI:K D,.bythe Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Ne, raSks.. .' . Section I. That a special water ma.in district tax be a.nd the same is hereby levied arid assessed to pay the expense of the c bn- struction of the water main in Water Main District No. 15 of the' City'of Grand IsJbind, Nebraskaa:gainst the~respective lots, tracts and parcels of IE1ndib said district, in the amounts set opposite their respectivedes..criPtions th~reof, not exc. eeding the. sum of fifty cents per front foot, to-Wlt: ',' '. j '. r District NOf 15, being that part of 8th Street 1JliJng between Beal andSupe-rio~ Streets: \ liE! Block. Addition Amount ,5 1 Voitle's $ 33.00 6 1 " 33.00 7 I' It 33.00 a 1 II 33.00 9. 1 ! 9.00 1 .11 & 6 V 0 i tl e ' s & Lambert's 33.00 2 11._6 " II 33.00 3' 11 & 6 tt " 33.00 4 11& 6 fl " 33.00 10 II & 6 II It 9.00 5 34 Lambert's 33.00 6 34 " 33.00 7 34 " 33.00 a 34 " 33.00 1 5 " 33.QO 2 I ! 33.00 :3 5 2' 33.00 4 5 " 33.00 8 Frac~ 33 II 26.00 6 " 33 II 17.50 5 It 33 " 33.00 1 4 fI 33.00 2 II 4 ". 12.50 4 " 4 " 31.00 5 32 tit 33.00 6 32 " 33.00 3 3 2 33.00 4 3 " 33.00 Section 2. That all expense in excess of fif;ty cents per front\ foot assessable against. the lots, tracts and parcels of land within the said water main district shall be paid out of the water fund of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 3. Saici special water main district tax shall ee due and become delinquent in the manner and at' the time provided by law, and shall be collected in the manner provided by law. Section 4. The City Clerk of theCity of Grand Island, .Nebraska "s>: l:ireby instructed and directed to certify to the county treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska. the amount of said taxes, together with in- s~ructions to collect.sameas provided by law. Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force after its :ppssage,approval andpublicati13n Passed and appro.ved this2:[!~ day of June, ORDINANCE NO .a$83 An ordinance levying a special water district tax to'pay the construction of' water mains in Water Main District No. 21 of the City of Grand Island. Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. '. BEITBRDAINED' by the Mayor and Ci ty Cotincil of the City of Grand Island, .Nebraska: Section 1. That a special water main district tax be and . theeameishereby levied and asse.ssed to pay the expense of the construction of the water main in water main district .No. 21 of the City of Grand Isla.nd,N'ebraska, against the respective lots. tracts and parcels of land in, said district. in the amountseet oppoai te their respective descriptions thereof . not. exceeding the sum of fifty cents per front foot, to-wit: District No. 21 being that part of Second Street from Clay to) Cleveland Streets. Lot 6, Block 11. Ba.ker's Addition, $27.00 Lots 7. 8 and 9, Block 11 ,Baker "s Addition, $26 .~O each. Lot 10 in Block 11, Baker's Addition, $27.00 Lot 1 in Block 16, Baker's Addition, $27'.00 Lo te 2, 3 and 4:, Block 16" Baker's Addition, $26.00 each. Lot 5. Block 16, Baker's AdditiDn, $27.00. Lot 6, Block 10, Baker's Addition, $27.00 Lots 7,.8 and 9, in Block 10. Baker's Addition. $26.00 each Lot 10, in Block 10, Baker's Addition, $27.00 each Lot 1, in Block 17, Baker' eAddi tion, $27.00 each._ Lots.2, 3.4, in Block 17, Baker's Addition. $26.00 each Lo t 5, inBlock 17.. Baker-' s Addi tion, $27.00 Lot 6 inBlock 9, Baker's Addition, $27.00 Lots 7, a and 9, in Block 9, $26.00 each. LotlO'in Block 9. Baker's Addition, $27.00. Lot 1 in Block 18, Baker's Addition, $27.00. Lots 2, 3. and 4 in Block 18, Baker's Addition, $26.00 each. Lot 5 in Block 18, Baker's Addition, $27.0'0 Lo,t 6 in Block a, Baker's Addi tion, $27.00, Lots 7, 8 and 9, in Block a, ~aker's Addition, $26.00 each. Lot 10 in Block 8, Baker's Addition, $27.00. Lot 1 in Block 19, Baker"$ Addition, $27.00 Lots 2, 3, 4 ,in Block 19, Baker's Addition, $26.00 each,. Lot 5 in Block 19, Baker's Addition, $27.00 Section 2. T'hat all expense in excess of fif ty cents per front foot assessable against the 10 ts; tracts and parc'els of/ land within the said.Water Main District shall be paid out of the water fund of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska. ' . Section 3. Said special wa.ter main district tax shall. be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time ~rovid~d a,nd shall be collected in the manner provided by 'law. Section 4. The city clerk of the City of Grand Island. is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the county 'treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes, together with instructions to collect same as provided by law. . . . Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage ,approval and pub1i cation as provided by law. Passed and approved this 21- day of June, 1922. Attest:, (se.) . lhB..CJ.trtC)~ctI City Clerk. ! .,;r..3IlJ.1a~r1:Y' Mayor. . ORDINANCE NO. a 7<0 Art ordinance levying a special water district tax to' pay for the construction of water maihsih'wEiter maih distri"ct'Nd.'19 'of the' city of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection. thereof. Be it ordaIned by the Mayor and City Council of the C1 ty of Grand Iwland .l1'e'braska,:. .. ,'" Section 1. That aspecHil water main at s''t:rictt'ax be and the sanie is 'herebY levied ahd assessed to' pay the expense of' the'" construction of the water maih in water main dis'tric't No :19"of' the city of Grand Island,Nebraaka, a.gainst the respective lots, tracts and) parcels Ofl$.hd Ihsaid district in the' amouifts set"' opposite the,ir respective descriptions thereof, not exceeding the sUm of fifty cents ~erfron~ foot, to-wit: , ....... Lot~6,'7, a,. $ an. d.. 10, i.hBldCk4l"Gil..bert's'.second Addition to the, C1 t,y of G:r~nd Islan~, Nebr~ska, '11>26.40 each. " , ..' 'Lots 6, 7 . 8, 9 and 10 in Block 5, Gilbert's Second , $26.40 each. Lots "1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 , in Block 6 , Bilbert's Sec.ond Addition, $26.40 each. Lose.' 1 , 2, .3, 4" and 5, in Block 7, Gilbert's Second Addition, $26.40 each. Section 2. That all expense in excess offity cents per front foot assessable against the lots, tracts and parcels of land within the' sa! d wa tel' main '<ii sttic t shall' beppaid out of the water fund of the ci~y o~.Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 3. 'Said special water ma.in district tax shall be due ahd 'become delinqueil;tin the manner and at' the time provided by law, and shall be collected in the manner prov~ded by law. Section 4. The <city clerk of. the city of Grand Island, Nebraska is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the , treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska the amouh t of said taxes, with instructions to collect same as provided by law. Sec tion5. This ordInahce shall be iilforce a.rid take' eff'eat from'i:md. after its passage, ppproval and pu1blication as provided' by ]Law. Passed and approved this .- day of Jua" 1922 . ( aeaal') Attest: H~,E. a~1:f:ror(\J City Clerk. T..l.BJ.lsb"rry Mayor. An ordinance levying a special sewer district tax to' pay for the construction of a sewer in Sewer District No. 77 of theCity of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: . Section 1.' That a special sewer district tax be and 'the .~ is hereby le.vied and assessed to pay the expeseof construct-. iJil'le1; a sllWer in Sewer District No. 77 of the City of Grand Island, '"11'ebraska, against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land, in said District in the am.ounts set opposite the respective descriptions, to-wit: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7 , 8, 9 and 10 in Ehock 4, of Second,.Add1 tion, 41.,63 each. . Lots 1,2,3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Block 5, of Second Addition, 41.63 each. . Section 2. Said special sewer district tax ehallbe due and beC~tn~ delinquent in :the manner and at the time provided by law ah'daZlall be' collected in the manner provided bylaw. ..,.. Section 3. TheCi ty Clerk of the Oi ty of GrandI sland, Nebraska, ::$;~;thereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Treasurer .o:t'/Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of' said taxes, together with , instructions to collect, the same, as provided bylaw. ::>ec tion 4. This ordinan'ce shall be in force B.nd take eff ect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided law. and approved this l~u day of July, 1922. Attes t: (S.Ifl,'~ H.~..Ol~tt .r~ i tyClei'k. !.J' . JC:;J.lal1ertt Mayo r .. Ordinance No. e'flf. An ordinance levying a special sewer district tax the construction of a sewer ,in Sewer District No. '78 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraskat and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT 0RDAI~ED by the Mayor and City Council of'the City Grand Island, Nebra,ska: Section 1. ,That a special sewer district tax be and the same is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of construct- ing a sewer in Sewer JDistrict No. '78 of tl';te City of Grand Island, Nebraska, against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district in the amounts set opposite the respective descriptions; to-wit: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, , 6 , '7 , 8,9, and 10 in BloCk 10 of Second Addi tion, $42.25 each; Lots 1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6, '7 , 8, g'and lOt in Block 11, of Second Addition, $42.25 each; La ts 1,' 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, '7 , 8, 99 and 10, in Block 12 of , Second. Addition, $42.25 each. Section 2. Baid special sewer district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by ,law, and shall be collected in the manner provided bylaw. Section 3. The, Ci ty Clerk of the Ci ty of Grand Island, ;Nebrask~, is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the ' iCountyTreasu;rer of Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes, 'together witb instructions to collect the same as provided by law. Se~tion4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved this 19" day of J'uly, 1922. (S.~) X.E..o11:f'tordl City Clerk. T.3" .Ells.'l:ll!r~ Mayor. <t, - ,'Anordihance, creating a paving district within ~he c'()rp6r~tEf ,,".- limits of tlieH'City of Grand Tsland, Nebraska, defiilihgthe boundaries thereof; 'provdl:ti.ng for the pavEu:nent of same and providing for the' assessment of the costs of paving. BE ITORDA.INEDby the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1." That there is hereby , ceeateda' paving district in the City of Grand Island, HalllCounty, Nebraska, ,. to be khovm and designated as paving district No. 483 of' the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. .w~. Sectio'ri~ 2. .' S"aid.-' paving" :dlstri-ct srlall conai's"t of that p"art of Madison Street from the Southerly side of the'intersection of Third and Madison streets to the Northerly side of the intersection of Second and Madison Streets, and shall i'hcludeall lots, tracts and parcels of land lying'East of said :madi'sOHtreet, bounded as aforesaid to a depth of 132 ft. and all tracts, lots and parcels of land, lying west of said Madison Street, bounded as aforesaid to a depth of 132 feet. Section 3. Said street in said paving district'is hereby ordered paved as provided by law; said paving to be 36 ft. in width paved from curb to curb, ,and curb and gutter combined. Section 4. That authori ty is hereby granted to the owners of the record title representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said dlstrict to' file wi,th the City clerk wi thin 20 days from the first publication of the notic.ecreatirig said district, as provided'by law; written objections to the paving of said district.. Section 5. That the myor and city clerk are hereby authorized and directed to purblish after the passage, approval and publicatIon of this ordinance, in the "Gr,and IslandDaily Independent n ano tice'of the ereation of said district, one time each week for not less than 20 days. Section 6. That authority is hereby given to the owners of the record. ti tIe representing the majority of the abutting property owners to file with the city clerk within the time provided by law, a petition for the use ofa particular kind of fuat~rial to beu~ed in said district. If such owners fail to designate the material they desire used' in said paving district wi thin the ,. time ahd iii' the manner provided by lavV', the mayor and city council shall determine upon the material to be used. , . 'Section 7. Thecost of paving said district shall 'be 'assessed""" agaliist the lots, trac,ts and parcels of ground espectxallybenefited ih 'proportion to such benefits' to'be determined by the mayor and city/council as by statute provided.,' . . Secti'On 8. Thisordihande shall be iIi'force and 'tfike'eff'ect"from' after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved this :La" day of July, 1922 ~ (S_.~ ) ~.,l. E:r..J..IiI~rry Mayor. H. E,. 011t:fG.~dl City Clerk. Nebraska, for the purpose of paying'the incidental expenses ensuing year inclu.ding the care of the Emergency Hospita.l incidenta.l expenses of the Police Department. Section No.7. That the sum of tiixteen Thousa.nd Hundred Dollars ($16,300.00) or so much thereof as . . necessary is hereby appropriated to pay the sa.laries . Police Departm~nt of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, the ensuing year. Section No.8. Tha.t the s,um of Seven Thousand Dollars much thereof as may be necessary is hereby . appropria.ted for the purpose of paying the expenses of maintaining cemetery of the City of Gratid Island, lilebraska, beautifying same, paying the ealaries,incidental' expenses, repaird and Section :No.9. That the sum of'..~.';'l Thousand Ut:L8"JI;()JP,,'.,t't:O))or eo much thereof as may be necessary . . hereby appropriated, for the purpose of paying the expenses maintaining the Fi1fe Department ,purChasing new hose, , paying the salaries, incidental - $ectionNo. ,.10. ,That the sum of Three Thousand, Hundred Dollars tf3,l00.00) or so much thereof as may be- necessary is hereby a.ppropriated for the purpose of establishin~ and maintaining a vocal instrumental, and ~ueement organization rendering free public concerts, as by Chapter 2;;1.9, 1915 Session Laws. Section No.' 11., That the sUInof'J'tt"i.'.i.mia;''\3.sen4J J~~ 'bruhreC Dollars (',t!Lii..,O"tlf0)) or so much thereof as may'be necessary is hereby appropr~ated for the purpose of paying expenses of paving st~eets and alley intersections and buildings, and for repairing paving. Section No. 12. ';rhat the revenue of the. operation the Plant, or so much. thereof as m~y be necessary is hereby the:purpose of maintaining,e4Ctending, imprQving ,and repair-ing the water plant of ,th,e Section No. 13. That the revenue of the operation of the Plant or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated for the purpose of maintaining, extending, improving, and repairing the light plant of the lIi tyof Grand Island, Nebraska I to pay incidental expenses connected with the operation of thesam~,and to pay the salaries of the officers in charge thereof. Section No. 14. That the revenue of the operation of the Plant or so much theI'eof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated for the purpose of maintaining, extending, improving, and repairing the ice'p1ant of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to pay incidental expenses connected with the operation of the same, and. to pay the salaries of the officers in charge thereof. Section No. 15. That the sum of Three Thousand ($3,000.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated for the purpose of maintaimng, extendi'ng" improving and beautifyi,ngparks and play grounds of fhe lIityof. Grand lsland I Nebraska, and for the purchase such real estate as maybe necessary therefor. Section No. 16. That the sum of .&'i ve Thousand, Seven HUndred Doll ars (.5 ,700z.',00) or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropri'ated for t,he purpose of paying the expenses of maintainance of the Public Library including repairs apd salaries ,the purchase ,of books and' documents. Section No. 17. That the sum of Fifteen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($15,500.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated for the purpose' of constructing, .repairing and maintaining' a sewer system in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and for the purpose of paying for e1ectricty for' disposal Plant and 1 if'" station. Section No.18. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its and Ordinance No .S7.ffi An ordinance creating Sewer District .No. 82 in the City of Gramd Island, .Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a sewer in said district, describing the manner in which same shall be laid, assessing the costs thereof against the abutting ~roperty. Whereas the Mayor and City Council of the '(;i ty of Grand Island, Nebraska find that the steps heretofore taken for the creating of Sewer Dis~rict No. 82 ar~ regular and 1:awfu1', and that a sewer to be laid in the District hereinafter defined is a public necessity; alild ~f1ereas, by a three-fourths vote of all the members of the ,OityCou.nci1 said sewer main has been ordered laid without cost to the City. Now, therefore, be it ordained by the Mayor and City Cibunci1 of the City of Grand Island, .Nebraska: Section 1. That sewer district .No. B2 of the city of Grand ISland, Nebraskaia hereby created, same to run from, embracing the Alleys, through the Blocks between Charles & Louise streets and e~tending from Locust Street to Greenwich Avenue, and all lots, tracts and par'ce1s of land abutting upon said Alley. , Section 2. That a sewer shall be laid along the course above'des'oribeg., running through said blocks in accoreance/w.ith the plans and specifications governing sewe.rs heretofore established for laying sewers in so far as said plans and ,specifications can be carried out. Section 3. .That the entire cost of constructing said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in s:aiddistrict an,d a tax shall be levied a.s soon as the cost ban ~e ascertained said tax to become delinquent and dra'!l interest as. provided by law. Section 4. The city engineer is hereby authorized to draw plans and specifications of said sewer and make estimate of the cost thereof~ and submit same to the city council and when adopted the city clerk shall. at once advertise for bid~-for the construction of said sewer. in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted, reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Section 5. Thisordinancesllal1 be in force and take effect from and after its passage, a.pproval and publication as. provided by law. . Passed.and approved this 2" day' of .4M~_ 1922. (S.sel.L) ~,..J' .Jlll~br%'Y Mayor Attest: H.Jil. .al~fttorctli vi ty Clerk. ' Section 10. All connections with the sewers must be made wi th No.. 1. .vi trified Clay pipe of not less than six inches internal diameter, wi thout reducers, laid to a I uniform grade with not less than 1/8" fall' per lineal foot for six inch pip~, toward sewer, with gasket joints in Portland cementaf an approved baand manner. Al4, connections of one line of drain with another shall be with IIY" branches and one...eight bends. In no case will a drain be broken i1)to without the Inspec \0 1'1 S and then a saddle will be use9- and, connection made under the supervis1onof thci Inspector. All changes in direction will be made by using proper fittings. A swab shall be drawn . . through the sewer as laying progresses to clean the jo~nts and remove surplus material. Section 11. Every building shall be separately connecte.d with the sewe'r;.except when in the opinion of the " or Inspector it is deemed advisable to connect two/more drains from buildings together, in which case the drains will be brought together in a manhole, not less than two and one... half feet in diam~ter at the bottom and two feet at the top, the inverts to be carefully formedi:q the concrete foundations and the top to have a cast iron cover, weighing not less than '295 pounds. Section 12. All wastes containing any amount of ' grease or other refuse, such as kitchen wastes from hotel and restaurant kitchess, refuse from cream. stations, creameries, garages",'breweries must be discharged through a trap approved by the' Inspector. .. Stearn exhaust, blow off coibling water or drip shall not be connected with any drain , 'soil, Was tel' or vent. pipesl but be/discharged into open. tank 'or be discharged outside of buildin,g or into storm sewer,. barns, stables, carriage hou,se or garages must beproVlidedwi than approvedtrapbe:fore they connect Csnni tary sewer. < :Ra~i), We. ter :Leaders '-;~ - - : - :-- '- <. ,,\ -,:; "_~_~-:.:-'-'_ ,:'-, "_'-:_' ~-_ - _';:<-_ -':-~_:;_~;:.-_ -~',-,/:~_ ': - _ _-~;.,>- - _:;< "_.:: >. ~_c~~<:, _' _' .>.:: _ _, Section 13. Cess pools shall not be constEuct.ed. on property abutting on sanitary sewers and the use of cess pools shall be discontinued as directed by the or the Ci ty C6uncil acting through the Board of Heal th. Where cess pools are permitted they will be constructed . supervision of the Sevrer Inspector. Section 14. The Sevrerlnspec tor ar his agent shall investigate the layingof a1l'drains and sewers and approve or reject same. He shall have the right to' . enter upon the premises containing sewers or drains at all -reasonable houJ:'s for inspection and invest.igation purposes. Section 15. No"architect, owner, agent or contractor shall accept any sewer laying or drain .any description prior to the issuance of a certif icate of . inspection and approvai by the Sewer Inspector. Section 16. Opening or entering manholes for purpose whatever is strictly prohibited, except by the Sewer. Inspector, or 0 tr.ler persons duly au thori zed so to No one shall throw, deposit or place or allow cause to be placed or deposited in any vessel o'r connected to the sanitary sewer system any hair, of cloth, ashes, garbage, peelings, fruit, refuse, or any mechanical or industrial waster or any matter whatsoever, except human excrement, urine, the necessary toilet paper, liquid slops 'ariddrainage of such character. sectfon 17. . Any owner, architect, agent, layer, plumber, con tractor, or other persons failing, neglecting, omitting ,resisitng or refusi.ngto conlply any of tbe proposed condition's, terms, rules or regulations or requirements of this ordinance shall he a miademeanour \and upon conviction thereof shall a sum not less <than $10 .QO.,nor more than $100;.00 (J~~ ORDINANCE NO.926 An ordinance 'creating waterrnain di strict lio. 25 in the City Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof; providing the laying of a water ~in in said district, and providing for payment of the 'co,St of construction thereof. BE IT ORDAIlmD by the Mayor and Ci ty Council of the City of \Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That there is hereby created a water main district the City of Grand Island, Nebraska tobe known and designated as water main di strict No. 25 of the Cit:>r of Grand. Island", Nebraska. Section 2. Said water main district shall consist'of that part ornlg.r.~~7Street running from John Street to Anna Street and that p.art,' of Anna Street running from Clark Street to, Lincoln Avenue, and shall include all lots,trac.ts and. parcels of land dlronting on Hsaid Clark and Anna Streets, bounded as afore'said ~nd within sa-i,d dist.rict. Section. 3.' Said water main district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the, plans and specifications governing water mains heretofore establis,hed 'by the City. ' Section 4. That authority is hereby granted to the record owners ofa rnaj ority of the foot frontage ,of tax~ble property within ~such waterrnain distric.t to file a written protest with the ci ty clerk ';within thirty days from and after tl1.e publication of the notice -creating said district.. Section Q. The city clerk is hereby autho'rized and empowered to publish after the passage, approval and. publication of this Ordinance a notice in'the Grand Island Daily Independent, addressed generally to the owners ofthe(real estate,in ~a.id watermainj id.istrict,.notifyingthemof the creation of said district and the ~time allowed for the filing of a wri ttenplDi'test against the iextensionl.1erein ordered. Section 6. The cost of ,extending water mains in said district 'shall be assessed against the real estate in said district to the extent of fifty cents per foot frontage and the costs in excess of fifty cents per foot front shall be paid by the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as prOVided. by law. Section 7. This ordinance shall be in force andta~effect /from andafter its passage, approval and publication as provid~d. by law. Passed. and approved this 18th day of April, 1923. (SEAL) Ii.]I. CLIFFORD ctty Clerk. T. J .:ELLSBERRY Mayor. 927 An ordinance ,creating water'Il1ain d:i:strlctNo. 26 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof; providing for the laying'of a;~~termain in a~id district and providing for the payment of the cost of construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED by. tl}emayor and city ouneil of the city of Grand Island,' Nebrasl;ca:' , Section 1. That there ishereli>y>'cI'eated a water main district the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska to be known and defiignated as water main distriet No. 26 of the ,City of Grand ISlapd,: lie braska. Sectioil'2. 8aidwater main district shall consist of~hat' part of Thirteenth Street lying between Locust Street and 'Elm Street, ,and shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land fronting on saii Thirteenth Street, bounded as aforesaid, and within said district. ' ,_ Section 3. Said water main district is hereby ordered laid 'as provided' by law and in accOrdance with the plans and specifications g.overning water mains ,her~tofor~ established by , the City. Section 4. That authority is hereby granted to the l'ecord owners of a majority' of the foot grontage' of taxable property, within such water main district to file a written protest with the city clerk wi thin thirty days fronl and after the publication Qfthe notice creating said district. Section 5. The city clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish after thepassage,approval and publication of this ordinance a notice in the Grand Island Daily Independent addressed geneI'ally' to the owners of the real, estate in said water main district, notifying them of -the'creation of said district and the time allowed for the filing of a' written protest,against the extension herein ordered. . Section 6. The' cost of extending water mains .in said distric't shall be assessed against the real estate in said district to the extent offiftycenteper foot frontage, and the costs in excess of fifty cents per foot frontage shall be paid by the City of Grand Island,Nebraska, as provided bylaw. Sectionl^/. This ordinance shall be in force andtal<:e effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 18th day of April 1923. ( SEAL) Attes.t: H.lI.CLIFFG;RD . . ~ ~-Ci ty Ole1"-k-. T. B..JlLLSJlERRY May'or.. -, -. , ., ,iti'("OImINAJ5fCE NO.'" 928' An ordinance cre~tingwater main district No. 27 in the ,City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the Joound.aries thereof; providing for the laying of a water'main ill said district and providing forthep~yment of the 'cost of con- struction thereof., BE IT ORDAINED by, the mayor and 'city council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. T~t there is h,ereby created a water main di strict in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska to be known and designated as water main district No..27 of the City' of Grand Island 1 Nebraska. Section 2. Said water main district shall consist of that part of Charles , Street laying between Tilden Street and Grant Street,a.nd shall incn,ude all lots, tracts .and parcels and land fronting en said Charles Street, bounded as aforesaid, and within said di stri~t. Section 3. Said water main district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law'and in accordance with the pla-nsand specifi- cations governing water mains heretofore established by the City. Section 4. That'authority is hereby granted to the record owners of a majority (,:lfthe fpot frontage of taxable pruperty within such water main district, to file a wri tten pro~est with theCi ty . Clerk within thirty days from and after the publication of the notice creating saiduistrict. Section 5. The City Clerk is'hereQY authorized and directed to publiSh after th~]Jassage"approval and publication of this , ordinance ,a notice in, the Grand Island Daily Independent, addressed generally to the owners, of the ,real estate in said water main. district, notifying them of the creation of said district and the time allowed for the filing of a writtep,protestagainstthe extension,herein ordered. Section 6. The cost of extending water mains in said district shall be assessed against the real estate in said district to the extent of fifty.cents'per,foot frontage and the costs in excess of fifty cents per foot front shall be paid by the City of Grand Island, Nebraska as provided by law. This ordinance shall be in force and 'take effect from and after' its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and 'approve this 18th day of' April, 1923. (SEAL) H~:m.eLIFFORD C-i ty Cle'rk! -1'. J .ELLSBJRRX :MaYo r. ORDINANCE NO.129 .An ord~nanee creating water. main district No. ain City of'Grand Island, Nebra.ska, defining the boundaries thereof'; providing for the laying of a water main in said' district, and provid1ngfor the payment of the cO.at of construct- ion ther.eof. - " BE IT O:an;...:;gNED by the Mayor arid City Council of the of Grand Isla.ndt Nel:,>ra.ska: Sec.1That thereie hereby ,createdawate.rmaindJLs.trict in City of Grand Island.. NebrasRa tqbe kn,own and designa.tedas -, water main district Jo. 2a oithe. Oi ty of Grand Island,Nebraska. . ., Seqtion.2. Said water main district.sh~~~aonsist of that part 'of Plum Street insa1d City extendin~*'1ttt(bm the intersection:of said Street with Kdenig Street to-its inter- section with. Ashton Avenue, thence on Ashton Avenue from the intersection of saidY5treetwithPlum Street :to its intersection" with Vine,Street, ana shall include a.ll lots, tracts and parcels of land frontingon,aidPlfun Street, bounded as aforesaid and within said district. . Section 3.. Said water main district is herebyord~red' laid as provided by law and ~n accordance with the plans and specifications governing water mains heretofore established by the City. Section 4. That authority is hereby granted to the record owners ofa mc:j;jority of the foot frontage of taxable property within suchvvater main district to file a written protest \viththe City C.lerkw-ithin' thirty days from and after the publi- cation of, the notice.creating said district. Section 5. The city clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish-'after the passage, approval and publi.cation of this ordinancea.:gotice in the Grand Island Daily-Independent, addressed generallyt:o the owners of the real estate 'in said water main district, 'notif~ing,them of the crea.ticm of said district .and the time allowed fOr the filing of awritteu-protest against the extension herein ordered. Section 6. The cost of extending water mains in said district shall be' as~essedag?instthe r~al estate in said 'district to the extend of fiftycentsperf'ootfrontage, an'd the costs in excess of f:iifty cents per foot front shall bepaidbythe Gi ty of. Grand Island,lfebraska, as provided by law., . , Section 7. This ordinance shall be in force andtak~< effect from and aft'er its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. ~ Passea and approved this 16th day (SEAL) H .11:' CLIJFORD.... C1 ty Clerk~ ; 931 An ordinance cre~ting a paving district within the corporate li_mits of the City of Grand ISland-,NebraSka,defining the' iboundaries thereof; providing for the pavement of same and " providing for the assessment of the ~osts of paving. .': ',' BE IT QRDAINF.J)by the Mayor and Gity Couno;i.l of the City ;fGrand Island, Nebraska.: , Section 1. That there is hereby created a paving th,e City of Grand Isla.nd I Nebraska, to be known and designated aspavingdtstrict No. 51 of the City ,of Grand Island,Nebraska: , , Bection2.~aidpaving district shall. consist of that part of "Asht.onAvenue lying b~tween the Easterly line oftheinterseotion lor A'shtonAvenueand '];ocustStr~et,andthe Westlerly line of' the ')interseotionofAshtOri Avenue and Pine Street and shall.inc,lude > ,tall lots, tracts and ~,a.roels of land, lying NOrth of sa.idAshtotJ. '[Avenue, ,bounded as afg:resaid, to adepthof9St fee,t,andall : tracts, lots and parccils of land, lying South of said.ASnton tAvenue, bounded asato'resaid,' to ade'pth of 140 feet. ; SectiOn 3.Baid S-qreet in said paving distr1'ct is hereby ord~red ","paid as provided by laW;" s,aidpaving tp be 36 -feet in width paved , . 1 from' curbtQ, curb and',cur'Pand gutter combined. ~ . - . .'i " ',' Section 4. That a'Uthority is hereby ,granted to the owners "toftF1er~cord titlere,presentingamaj ort ty oftheabu tting 'prop.ertyowners 'insaHi district to file with the cityolerk wi th.in ,twenty days from the f,irstpublication of the notice creating s~id Edilt;~rict. as providedcby law,. written objections to thep&vingo,f fsa:i:ddistrict. ~- SeotionS.What ~hemayorand city clerk are hereby authorized ':o.ddirected to pi,lbl.isp.,after the passage ,approval and publication . "of this. ordinan'ce, in the ,flGrand Island Daily Indf~l)e.ndent"a notice .:0:1:' tl1eoreationofsaiiadistrictone time each week for not leas .;than twenty days . . >?;: " Bection6. "That authority is hereby given to ,the owners ,of ,'I,the record title repre!Sentj,.ng the majority' of the a'butti:ng property ) {owners to file with thecityolerk, wi thin the titneprovided'by , 'J.aw,a petition for the use of apa.rticular kind ofmatel"ial to,be, ''l1sed in said district. If such owners fail:to d-esigl;).ate~themateria1 -'!they desire used in sa~d.paving district within the time and in the manner providedby'law, . the mayor and city council shall t1.etermine upon the materiB:1 to be used. , ", Section? Theclilst of 'paving said distr..i-.et shall 'be a.ssesS.ed ~gainBtthe lots, trac1sand parcelsot groundespecial1y.benefitted (j,nproportiol'l to such ,'benefita to be determined by the mayor and city council as by sta.~uteprovi.ded. Section 8~Thisordinancesnallbe in force and take eff'-ect .t'romand afteri tspasllage, approval and pu.:'blica'tion,a s bylaw proviaed. " 'Passed andapprqved this H.Jt.qLIFFORD C'ity CI'erR. ' " , T J lBLLSlSERRY , ... , , , '-~or. An.Ol'41nance l."~"na a .,.clal .".oJ-41e'J1iot'tu topav ,.", the oon8t.ructlon of as_.~ In S_.l' ])18,,10\ 110..84 ., the 01"'... otG.an4 :leland, Nebr..ka. an4 "ovlcUna t...tbe oollection tllt...t. D ITORDAll1m", 'M ~... an4 01" Counoilor tbeCity ..,. , <;,u4 lelan4, Nebr..kln .. ",1101\1. .t1Aat.....ial.....>>4i..'.i(t.'.. ~. .,ulll1. ... la.beJte_ 1."," .4 "'....... "pa, tAe ..,en.. ot, oo,U.'..lUJt.tn8 -.-... lnS.... _.,.to\ ..... of' the O,\,.fGralU4 Ieland.. ..b'..k..sai....tiv. lot. .,,.ou and ,a,.ele of laD tn...14 4'..'11" a_.'a .., opp..iW'be "....ot"" ct..,.">>'l:tJ..... f . Be.t:";bt~4 a .w.:I.,~:.~"':'.:' :":i. 1,0,11 awl 11'. tll..ItG. Ad..,t:: Ul~,.':a:~~ I. at '. andl.laBlookl.km'lt. 100004 "..~. '.. .."". ;: ."'. '.. !,o.' '. '. lb.... :Bl001... H.,..... It. A44' '. ton. f. 11...8. ..., ~.'ni. 8outht'\. at Wt I. in ;ale.1t 1. He,...'. M4l'''.., .~1,.1 . ..... .>' '.. .,. :'. .. .' .. ... . . .... . .'. '.' ... ., W'\f,{ 'lit1"",411Dl..Jc: ..1,B"".-. 444i'''0.. ,.,.- ....,. '.. ..' d' fbe..Io.~...'."!\t1,<.J' ...\ 4, Bleok 1, "'4.'.A44~tloa..aa...f" ... ...... ...ftje' .0"._ .16..,.",,\_ ., 1-0'4. ,1.. ]ll_:ek 1. R.,..f...Ad4' 11'.., $11,)11'1, ... . ' .. . .. ," , __.'11.+:rl,11.VI It. .r La, l"lnBlook 1.B.,de'. ,M4t.\1... 6.I'.'lt., ......... , .' ... ..... '. ... .' .... ...~.. ..' .'. .. ... ........ . .. .... . !haloJ'\b ....I.II',t.. ,0' Lo\."B3.o..:a.,. Be,....'...441t.i~nll ' M1MeI. ....... ." ... . '. .. . ,W .... .' .' .,.!\. /<r.'fhe&q"" 10.1/I"'t"." Loll. Bl.ek 1".8"'4.'. 4441t.1o.....'... ,he. : ~.._......'. ..".....t1....... 41. '. '...........01'. ........... .~...........' ............. m......k 1t; B.. ald. .e.4.. ....."'..41..... '1.. .8.1 . '.,1. I. .~.. .... .e. ..U4 , _..'oul..... A44"i..,.'4."......bl . ....,. .q.,t.dilt... p't.Ocn".lUOu.. Adilti..,. ea4.10, ,', .'. ...... ..ettl>;"~_ '..' _... 1111,..,f Lo\. a .84 It Qo~tik>,u. :'..;\q'J't-_".'Ol ..' .... ... ... ........ .... ..... .. ..... . ......'. .... ", "11.. ,.'.'.ofW. l'u4,..~t1<~.:j"~(hU'i.Q,'.1..0t. , ,'.j . ...,'. . " ..... .......' '. ..... . . ""l.a.lal..,..~._,. .U.'arle' .aa..tm.l1~...4Ul\ ..,' ,,\)......1.1.....8\ in 'be _nft.. '.CWl a' tM ,,,. ,"OV14", by 1._ u<<.hQl b. filleoWt.tbe ....Jl'p....".. '''''1_. ' a..tien I. Tbee:&\rGle,J'k-o,the cu. tt at G..t14. lataM.tD.b,... 1. hel'._l..t"'~,t.' ..clcU.....'... '.081*"" _.tbe Oo~.tJ' jf.._.Q~.~ ., _",qo~_. .._,.,. 'he.outflt _14 '''. \oseth... _t. tll l..t.~Q'l... ,. .ol~ ~e.... au p.ovl.44 -7 la.. ~1,'..4.Th'...1~..ball\>.1.. f..,. an4 td..tr.., t....,:.att.er it."..._,., app:roval af)4 >>ublioa,l.o* .."'0...1... b, 1_,t . '....4 .'opP''''4I. 'hi. I :$belayot De.."." .11IS. (SJlALl' H.1C'.C'LIDQU T~ ..r.~$~.lBRRY . . . ... . . ~'.~f:~JJljJII.~i..I~..I;~~II!L \LI>J'II.'.\li;oll..7L: ~,") ~~'~JIl,-.<U,.I_._).(:rJL -.~ -it'. mut. Jb,J,1!.'f. V.....-. U!.-U'I. _ :.- ....'..k. ...._.-:__It(........._,tA..L:__t.. .l..,.Ul.-l....u )1._" ~.-_J .' . ... or.. . 'Y" , . 1;; H ORDINANCE NO. 8863 An ordinance a.uthorizingthe Dayoll' and City Clerk oftne City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to execute and ~e1iver to the First National Bank of Grand Island" Nebraska, the purchaser. ' sixty (GO) negotiable bonds to be known and designated asDi~trlct ,Pavillg Bonds of PaiTlng District No. 37 of the City of Grand leland. Nebraska, prClvidin,gfor the conditions, form and amount of same and providing for the disposition of . the proceeds derived. frat the sale of same. BE IT ORDAIDDby the ll4aYQr and City Couaeil of Grand I~lahd,Nebr.ska: .' Seeti10n 1. '1'hatf'orthe purpose of paying the costof'pav:l.1ag in Paving Distric;tNo. 3' of, the City ot Grand Island, Nepraska, t:n. Mayor and City Clerk of the City efGrand Isla,nd are hereby' authorized and instructed to sign, execute and deliver to the Fir$t National Bank of' Grand Island, the purchaser, sixty (GO) negotiab1,' bonds hereby ordered issued', orse many thereof as may beneeessaX'Y. said bonds to be ltnown as "DifJtric:t Paving Bonds of Paving District No~37 of the eityaf Grand Island, Nebraska," and to bear date 'of September 1st , 1922. , Said bonds shall be mad.e payable totheF1rst lfational Banko! Grand Island , or bearer, at' the off1.oeofthe Q~u,nty Treasurer of RaIl County" Nebraska, in the City of Grand :I.~and.Each of. sa.;id bonds shall be in the principal sum 01'$500.00 ,,",yable on. the 1st Clay of September , H1932 , but. shall be, redeemable 1&y ,the City of Grand Island, .Ne'braska, at its optiGn, as. rapidly as' . tuesare oollected for the payment of same. Said bonds shall be . cOl1secutivelyn~be~ed., commemeing withdNG. 1, and shall draw interest,;, at the rate of six (6 ) per centum per annum,. payable annually ontlie ,'Cc f'irstdayof September sf. eaoh year. Each of' said bonds shal1havef ....... attached thereto ten interest coupons ,each,inthe in the sum 01'$30.'" representing the $nnl1al interest accruing thereon. Section 2. ..The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorize.d ,'.!instructed to deliver said bonds to theFlrst National Bankot Gran<1.Island.,the plArchaser thElreof' , after .saidbopds havebee:.exe... euted in the mannerprovidedinSectio~ I of this Ordinanoe..aid' tG reeeivethe payment for. the same, faoevalueand aocrue'd Interesl't and a premium of t5Q.OQ,whichsaid money shall immediately be paid. to 'file City Treas.urer of the' 01 ty of. Grand Islan9" Nebraska ,who shall keep the s~e; b~ a special f'und to be known $8 Distriot Pavil).g Fund of Paving District No. 3'1 of the 01 ty of Grand Island ; provide'd, however, the Mayqr a,d City Clerk are prohibited from d.eliverb'lgany. . more bonds thaI'! are necessary to pay thewarran ts drawn against said fund and only upon liein~ further duly authorized by resolutiol1 crf of the City Council. SeotiGn 3. 'l"ha,t all special taxes and asSeSSIDEmts cQ1lected to pay for' the paving sf said District No. 37 si tute a sinking fund for the payment of said bonds. Sectlon 4. This ordinanoeshallbe from and after its~assage, approval and by law. Passed and aj>proved this 6" day of Septmeber, 1922,. ,Attest: (SeaU.) , ..1, H.E.,Cl1fford:l '~"'" City Clerk. "",,' T. J' ..Ell sb ar r:y :Mayor. \~ . ORDINANCE NO. 887;' An ordinance cJ%ea til1g Sewer Di's trio t No. 883 in theei ty' Qrand Island, Nebraska, defining the,boundaries the],"eof, providing for the laying ,of a sewer in said district, describing the manner in which same'shallbe laid, assessing the costs thereof against theabutt~ng proJlerty. WEEREAS; the.llIla.yor and City Council of the L:ity of Grand Island, E:ebraska, fil1dthat the steps heretofore'taken for the creating of Sewer District No. 8$ are regular, and lawful, and , that a sewer to be' laid: in the :f>istrict hereinafter defined, is a public necessity; and' , WEEREAB, by a three...four;ths vote of alltl:le members of the Ui'1.y Council, saldsewer main has been ordered laid wi thout cost 1.D tl'4e Ci ty . NOW, THEBEFORE,~ BE IT OI:tDAIDD by the Mayor and 01 ty Council" of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: , Seotion 1. That Sewer District NO.8lIDor the City of G~~~d Island, Nebrasiais hereby created, same to run from Charles 5t'''$1.. North to the Southerly lineef Lot t of the County ,SU'J~div~sionof theSouthwist'Q,uarter ofSecti()n15, Township 11. Nerth,Range 9, West,r'tanning through Pine ,and Looust Streets.' > Section 2. ThtILta sewer 'shall be laid along the courseabo've described, in accordance w.ith the plans and specifications govern- ing sewers heretofor~established:f'or laying sewers in so far as sa~d plans and specifications ~an be carried out. Section 3. ,That. the entire cost of. constructi(ng aaid sewer s}:u.:l.l beassessed aga~mst the al,>utting property in saidcUs,t1;'ict, and a"tax shall be Itvied as soon as the co s t, can b'e ascertained, said tax ,to become d,11nquent and draw interest asprovi$i,ed 'by law.' ' Section 4. The Ci tyEngineer is hereby authorized to draw pH~.ns and speeitications of said sewer and make estlma te of the cos;t thereof and submit same to the city cou.ncil, ~nd whenaQ..o:pt:~:d. the Oi ty Clerk shall, at once advertise for bids for the C()nstrlllC';'\"'I~: ion of said sewer, imaccordance with the plans and specification, submitted, reserving the right torejeet any and all ,bids." ,,', Seetion 5. This ordinance sha.ll be in force and takeeff';eet "trom and after its PBtssage, approval a.nd: pu.blication, aspr()v~d.ed by law. Passed and ap-prorv,4.this EP' day of September" 1922. At.test: ( Seacl ) H .E..oli~forcl 01 ty' Cl erkl:. T..J".Ellsbrry , Mayor. An ordinance autporizing the Mayor 'and City Clerk of the Cit;y of Grand Island,Nebraska. to execute ,and deliver unto the purchaser thereof, fifteen (16) negotiable bonds, to be' known and designated as "Pavings Bonds of the City of Grand Island;" providing for the conditions, form and amount of same, and providing for thedi~posi,:," tion of the prbceedsderi ved from the sale of s~e,anct:rrqlt'(i1J.1:q;g . Ordlnano&;\ N~8. o;f' e~..OttQY.. . .' . . . WHEREAS,. in order' to pay for the paving of intersections of streets and spaces opposite alleYs, the general paving fund being seveTtiy depleted;. and whereas, it is necessary and expedient to issue paving bonds int;he amount of at least Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00) to pay the expenses of paving intersections of streets and spaces Qpposite alleys in saicl paving districts in the City of ~ratid Island. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAlEED by the Mayor and~ity Council the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska: .Sectionl. That the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Grand Island are hereby authorized. to sign, execute and deliver unto the purchaser thereof, fliteen (15) negotiable bonds, or so many thereof as may ,be, necessary ,to be known as "Pavings Bonds of the City....'4$ Gratldlsland." 'Said bonds are to bear date of September I, 1922'and made payable to bearer at tpe office of the County Treasurer of Hall County ,Nebraska, in the city of tirand Island. Each of said bonds sha:l.l De in the principal sum of One Thousand Dollars ( $1,000.00), payable on the First day of September, 1942, and shall be redeemable at the option of theCi ty orG-rand. Island. a tany time after five years from theird.ate. Said bonds shall be consecutively numbered, commencing with No.1. Said bonds shall draw interest at the rate of five per cent (6%) per annum, payable semi-annually, to-wit, on the first day of March and the first day of September of eaOhyear. ,J!iach of said bonds shall have attached thereto forty interest . . cot1pons, each, in the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($26.00), represent- ingthe semi-annual interest accruing thereon. , Section 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to deliver said bonds unto the purchaser thereof after the saidbonde hav,e be,en execu. ted in the manner provided in Section l' of this , Ordinance, and shall receive as payment, face value and accrued" interest, which money shall immediately be paid to the City Trea~urer of the City 9f Grand Island, Nebraska, who-shall keep the same in a special fund ,known as UPaving Fund of the City. of Grand Island', tl provided, however, that the Mayoraz+4Gity @ac":~~l are prohibited from delivering any m$re bonde th.~' lfre nece13'Sary to pay; the warrants drawn against sa~d fund, "0'(1 only upon being ;fft1l"ther duly authorized by resolution of the Oi ty Council.' Section 3. That the MaY''$,:t' and City Council sha,lllevy and collect taxes, the same to constituite a sinking fund for the payment of said bonds, and the interest thereon as same accrues. ::6ittoonR;:.?~~isO~~d.rr:.~f~:'~~~:~e .i't4f60;ctl"'a~'d.\8a~-r~r1-~.*i,. " from and after its passage, .Ppprov'al a,ndpublica tion, as provided by 1 aw . Passed. and approved this ~Oth day of September, 1922. ,.(Sealt X.,J] .,OJ.,#t"f'o r-dt Ci ty Clerk. ~f.r.lel~~~,;~;c .. . "'Mayor An Ordinancl levylJ:lg a special sewer distriot taic t.o pay f01" tlJilf construction of .:l!l'eW.r in Sewer District No. 8~ of the ' of' Grand Island. .Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. " BE IT OIiDAINED ,by the Mayor and Ci ty Council of the Oi ty Grand Island. Nebraska: Section 1. Tl1ata special sewer district tax be and the same ie'hereby levied and assessed to pay the' expense of constructing a. sner in Sewer Dlst;ict No. 83 of the City of Grand Island. Nebra.ska agafnst tl1erespective lots, tracts and parcelso! land in said District in the amounts set opposite the respective des~riptions. to-wit: . Lots 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 ana 10. in Bl,ock 20. Addition. $41.24 each. r Lot,S 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6. 7. 8. 8 and 10, in Block 21. Addition, $41.24 ea'Cl1. Section 2. Said:special sewer district tax shall be due and become delinquent In the manner and at the time provided by law.. and sba.ll be collected in the manner provided by raw.. a.ctien 3. The CUti Clerk of the City'ef Grand ISland.lfebraeka iShereoy instructed .nddirectedto certify to the County 'l'rea.surer of Hall County, mebra.ka. the amount of said tax~s ,together with instructions to collect the same as provided by law. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect :<fl'om and after i tspassage, approval and publication, as provided ~rld. ' PASSED AND APPROVED this 20th day of September, 1922. (Seai ) H.JI.Dl1iffox-dt Ci ty Clerk. l' .J'..EJ.J.s~rry Mayor. . ORDINANCE NO. 8Q*, . - -, An ordinance creating Sewer District No.92 in the'City of Grand I~land, lIIebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, provid- ing for t,he laying of a sewer in said district, describing the manner in which sanie shall be laid, assessing the costs there,pf against the abutting property. , WHEREAS, the Mayor and Oi ty Council ~f'theCit~ of Grand Island, Rebraska-find that the steps heretofore taken for creating of Sewer Distri(}t No .92 are regular and law:F:'ul, and tgat a sewer to be'laid in the District' hereinafter def i:aed, is So public :aecessity; and WHEREAS, 'by a three-fourths vote of all the members of the City Council, said sewer main has been ordered laid without cost to the City. \. NOW, THEREFORE, BE I T\:ORDAlNED by the Mayo rand, 0 i ty Council of the City of Grand I $!1 and , Ne'qraska: Section 1. That Sewer Dist,rict No. 92 of t~e Oity of Grand Island, Nepraska isherebyereated,~a.me to lie ,:i.nthe alley between Seventh and Ei~'bh str..ete frolJt,P:Lu Stre.t, to Vine St'reet where iteonneet. on to themain.ewer,'.u;~!.Sewer 'Dlstriet NO.92 toeerTe Bla.k 7 of Voitle'eAddition. , Section 2~ That a sewer shall be laid along ,the course ap-ovedescribed, running through said blocks, in accordance with the plana and speci! icationa governing sewers, heretoft'rre estab- lished for laying sewers in so f~r as aaid plans and specification's can be carried out. . Section 3. That ,the entire cost of constructing said sewer shall be assessed, against the abut,ting property in said district, and a ta.x:shall be levied a,s soon as the cost 'candbe ascertained, said tax to become delinquent and draw interest as provided by law. , Section 4. The.Ct ty Engineer is hereby authorized to draw plans and specifications of said sewer and make estimate of the cost thereof, arid submit same to the City Council, and when adopted, ,the City Clerk shall at once advertise for bids for the construc tion of said sewer, in accordanc,e with the plans and. specifications, submitted, reserving the ri@it to reject any and all bide. Section 5il This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage,' approval and publication,. as provided by law. Passed. and approyed this 18th day of O,,-po'bar Attest: ( BaSil) ,./ H.,E..olii':f'orctJ 01 ty Cl$rk. T .J' .,.11slte r ry . Mayor. . . / 89B An ordinance levying a special sewer distric.t; tax to pay the construceion of a sewer in Sewer District No. 86 of the City of Grand Island,' Nebraska, and providing ITor the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand'Island, Nebraska: SEction 1. That a spec-ialsewer district tax be and the same is hereby levied and assessed-to pay the expense of constructing a sewer in Sewer District }{o. 86 of the City 'of Grand Island, Nebraska, against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land in said description in the amounts set oppoaitethe respective descriptions, to-wit: . Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, in Block 2, Lakeview Addition, $53.46 each; Lot 6, in Block 2, Lake View Addition, $46.36; Lot 7, in Block 2, Lakeview Addition, $26.73; Lots 8, 9 and 19 in Block 2, Lakeview Addition, $53.46 each; Lots 1, 2" 3, 4, in Block 3, Lakev i ew Addition, $46.17 each; Lot 18, County Sub-division, $301.32. Section 2: Said special sewer district tax shall be due and y become delin'quent in the manner and at the time~ provided by law and shall be collected in the manner provided by law. Section 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Isla.nd, Nebraska is hereby instruct~d arid. directe.d. to certify to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of' said taxes, together with inatructi'ons to collect the same as provided by law. Section 4. This ordinanceahall be in force and take effect from and after .i ts 'passage J approval and publication J as provided law. Passed and approved thistrif.iith d~ of iNoyember, 1922. (58$1 ) H.,E.Oli:tfora\, City' Clerk. T ..r.Ells'berry May 0 r. ( , An ordinance levying a special sewer district tax.to pay for the construction of a s,ewer in Sewer District No .79of City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for thecollectfon thereof. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Ci ty Council of theCi3t~ Grand Island, Nebra$ka: Section 1. Tha.t a special sewer district tax b.e and the" same is hereby levied and -assessed to pay the expense of construct...: ing a sewer in Sewer District No. 79 o~ the City of GrarldIala.nd, . Nebraska against ,the respective lots, -tracts and parcels of land ' in said district in the amounts set oppose the respectivedescrip- tiona, to-wi t,: ' Lots 1 " 2~ 3, 4, 5, 6 , 7, 8, 9, and 10 in Block 74, $56.18 each; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ~ 6, 7 , 8, 9~ and 10 in Block 76, $56.18 each. Lote 1, 2i 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 in Block 76, , $56.18 e.ach. 'Lots1, -2, 3,4,' 5, 6, ?, 8, 9 and 10, in Block 77, $,56 .18 , each. AQ.l ots44.c.t1,lots ,and Blo@.s' bein~ ,,1n1Wlt:ee:ier' lc~ennett8 ThlrCl.Nddtt.tlo~to the Cl.t:r of ~~d Isla.nd'i.Nebria;ska.~. '. SectJ.on 2. Sal.dspecl.al Sewer district tax shall be due ,and become delinquel;lt' in the manner and at the time provided by law and shall be c01lect,edin the manner provided by law. Section 3~ . The City Clerk of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska is herebyj;nstructed and directed to certify to the County Treasurerof,Hal100unty, ]Tebraeka, the amount of said taxes toge~herwi th instructions to collect the saine as provided by 1 aw . . Section 4~ This ordinance sha).l be in force and take effect fr,om anda.ft~r its passage, approval and publica tionas provided by law. Passed' and. approved this 15th day of N,ovember, 1922. Attest: (Sea.1.) R.:m.Clltto:nd1 Oi ty Clerk. . c- .- T.J.E1J,s"aerry Mayor' , -'~-d~t.1- '" ORDINANCE NO. 899 Ari ordinanc~ levying special taxes to pay for the curbing of paving District No. 47 of the City of Grand Nebraska. BE IT ORDAINE,p by the Mayor and City Council of the City ~. Grand Island, Nebraska: Section I. That there is hereb~ levied ~nd assessed .against thB several .lots, trac ts and parcels of land hereinaf tel' specified, for the purpose of paying the cos.t of paving and curbingPavirig District 10. 47 fa the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, in aceordanc. with the benefits found and assessed against each of tpe several lots, tracts and par.cels of land by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Neb:faska,sitting as a Board of Equalizatiar after due. no tice Si ven as provided by law, .each of the several lots, tr,acts and parcels of land is assessed as fo.llows, to-wi t: Lot I, Block 10, Kernohan & Decker "s Addi tion and its complement, $622.87; Lot 2, Block 10, Kernohan & Decker's Addition and its complement, $266.95; Lot 7) Blpck 10, Kernohan & Decker's Addition and its complement, $622.87; Lot 8, Block 10, Kernohan & Decker's Addition and its complement, $266..95; Lot 4, Block 3, Spalding & Gregg's Addition, II 3, II 3 fl II "" II 5 II 3 d II " II 6 II 3 II II II Lot 1, Block 7, Spalding & Gregg's Addition $622.87; Lot 2, Block 7, Spalding & Gregg's Addition and its $266.95 Lot 7, Lo t 8,' Lot 4, Lot 3, Lot 5, $622.87; Lot 6, Block 6, Spalding & Gregg's Addition and its $266.95. '622.87 266.95 622.87 266.95; and its complement, Block Block Block Block Block 19, Palmer's Subdivision, $266.95; 19, Palmer's Subdivision,.tSB8.S'; 6 ,.Spalding & Gregg's Addition, '622.87; 6, II fl II 266.95; 6, Spalding & Gregg's Addition and its complement, Section 2. The tax so levied shall become. payable, delinquent and dr,aw interest as by law provided, namely; one-tenth sahlI become delinquent in fift~ days from date of this levy; one-tenth in one . year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one7'tenth in four years; one-tent~ in 'fite years; one-tenth ins.ix years; one-tenth in seven ~ears; one-tenth in eight years; one-tenth in nine years from date of this levy. Each Of said installments, save the first one, shall draw interestat the rate of s.even percent perannumunti:).. the same becomes delinquent and.each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of 10 per' cent per annum from and after such installment becomes delinquent until paid. Provided, however, tha.t the entire "amount so levied and as against any of the aIoresaid, lots may be paid at any time within fifty days from date of such levy, without interest and such lot in that event shall be exempt from any lienor> charge for such interes t. Section 3. The City Clerk of theCity of Grand Is'land, Nebraska,;, is hereby directed to fortrwith certifythif1 ordinance to the City Tr~asurer of Grand Island , Nebraska" who shall proceed to collect sald taxes as required by law.'; . . Section 4~ This ordinance shali be from and af teri tspassage ,.approvaland law. . Passed andap'pr;Qved At .t~.h . tea t: An ordinance levying special taxes'to pay for the paving and curbing of paving district No. 48 of the Cit;)T of Grand ' Island, Nebraska. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island;,Nebraska: , , Section 1. That there is hereby levied apd assessed against the several lots; tracts and. parcels of land hereinafter specified, for the purpose of paying 'the cost of paving and curbing Paving District No. 48 ot the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accord- ance wi th the benet its found and assessed agains t each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land by the Mayor and City Coun,cil of the Oi ty ,of Grand Island ,Nebraska , sitting asa board of equalization, aft'er due notice given as provided by law, each of the several lots, tracts, and parcels of land is assessed as follows, to-wi t: Lot 1, Block II" in., Kernahan & Decker's Addition, $617.40 It 2 fl II' fl If " II 264.60 " '8, II 11 11 If It II 617.40 II 7 II 11' II II II " 264.60 If :3 If .10- tI n " " 264.60 " 4. It 10 << ,11 " II 617.40 W&" 5 If 10 II " fI " 382.17 II(~ 11 5 II 10 " II If II 235.23 II 6 II 10 It II " " 264 . 60 Section 2. The tax so l,evied shall become payable, delinquent and draw interest as by jbaw provided, namely; one-tenth shall become delinquent in fifty days from date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; on.-tenth in four years; one~tenth in five years; one-tenth in e1it. years; one-tenth 'in seven years; one- tenth in eight years; one- tenth in nine years from the date of this levy. Each of said inEltallments save the first one, shall draw: interest at the rate of'seven (7) per cent per annum until the same becomes delinquent" a.nd each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from and after such installment becomes' delinquent until paid; Provided, however, that theenti:r;e amount so levied and assessed against any of. the aforesaid lots may be paid at any time wi thin fifty days from date of such levy, wi thout interest and such lot in that event shall be exempt from any lien or charge for such interest. Section :3. The'Oi ty Clerk of the City of Grand Island ,Nebraska. is hereby directed t~ forthwi th certify this 0 rdinance to the City Treasurer of Grand hIland, Nebraska, who shall proceed to colI ect said taxes as required by law. Section 4. 'This ordinance shall be iniforce'and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provi'ded by 1 aw . Paseeg. and approved this 6th day of December, 1922. Attest: (SEAL') Il,.E.CLmOU Ci ty Clerk. l' .J.lmXS:SDRt Mayor. ORDI:NANOE NO. ( "90g - ." - 'c . An Ordinance:re;..locatihg Plum Street in the Gity of Grand Island, Nebraska between Fourth and Seventh Streets. WHEREAS, part of Plum Street between Fourth and Seventh Streets in ~he 'Ci ty; of Grand Tsla.nd,' ~Nebra-ska is occupied "by tracks and right-of",way of the 'Chica.go ,Burlington & Q,uincy Railroad Company and has been vacated; and " .. WHEREAS,t:erta~nproperty to t.he West of Plum Street," as 'originally located"has beendeedeq,to the Oi ty of Grand Island by various parties ~or street purposes , the location whereof ie( shown on the attach~d plat, which is marked J'Exhibi t Alii andmadi aparto.:frthis.orti'ina.nce ; and , , WHEREAS,it is <prOPosed t~t; pave ,the roadway now used by public between Fourt.h and Seventh Streets. , NOW" THEREFORE; BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor of the City of Grand. Isl'and. Nebraska: Secti6n 1. PI~~St:reet between Fourth and Seventh Streets in the Oity of GrandI$land~ as originally located and shown plats of the Ci ty or: Grand Island, Nebraska, in so far as the same occupied by the right-of-way of the Chicago, Burlington &: Q,uincy Railroad Co. is here'byabandoned. 8ection2.. Plutn Street between Fourth Street and 'Seventh , Street is hereby re....i1.ocated"Bs shown on the attached pibat,' marked "Exhibi t A'l and. 'made' .~ part hereof, and shall be located on that tract of landbt9tw~e?nFourth and Seventh Streets imme'diately West of the propertyofCihicago, Burlington &: Q,uincy Railroad Company, now used for street purposes, which consists of that part of Plum , Street as originally platted, whi ch has not been deed to the Chicago, Burlington&: Q,uincyRailroad Company, and which is a strip of ground on theWes~ side OfPlu~treet, as' originally located, approximately' EiglatK.6l) feet in wIdth, lying, between Fourth, Street and a point a,PJrroJ.:i.11lj,tely Forty (40) feet North of the North line of Fif th 8treet;.j;~(~~eCtty Of, Grand ,', Island. ,Nebraska; and also that pr'ope~~y a;~e(le:d';t,o the City of Grand Island,' Nebraska by LeroyM.,Bwqwn\~:f)9-,wife on >July 31, 1922, and by Mary J. Feeney on August/'l,;C'9~2,,;i;~rld;~y Alfonso Darling on June 28, 1922 and by J.M.West~,t"V'f4' 'anlwit'eon June 13, 1922, and by the Chicago, :Surlington~;;L'o;y;'a.iJ.,J;'oad Company on July 22,1922. ~,;'LP1~~i~~eet between Fourth and f:leve.nth Streets in theei t, ,t"G-ralnd.,~IEllr~nd, Nebraska shall consist of all the realestate;~:owlg.lvh:r'e<lbythe City of Grand Island a.nd used for Street p,ur1?o's~El:;loc~ted 'on the East half and the East side of ' Block 26 of theorig:t)nal town and' its complement, fracth)nal Hlo.ok 26 cNa.gY'1\dd~tion ,andBlock 23 andBlock 2, Nagy' a Addition to thef y"ofGrCi:rld IalarId, Nebraska. 'See ti~'~ from and ~t by 1 aw . ordinarcro, shall be in force< and take effect J3';age, approval and publicat1,on, as provided' 20th day of December, 1922. T.,.J;BLLSBERRY May ox . An ordinance c~eating a paving district within the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof; providing for the pavement of'same andprovid- ing for the assessment of the costs of pa~ing. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council 'of the City of" Grand Island, Nebraska: " Section 1. That there is hereby created a paving district'in the City of Grand Is'land j Hall C,oun ty, Nebraska, to be khown and designated as Paving District No. 49 of the City of GJ;'and Island, Nebraska: Section 2. Said paving district shall consist Street, as located by Ordinance No. between the No~therly line of Fourth Street and the Northerly line of Seventh Street, being that part of the original Plum street not vacated, and that property now used fo,x street purposes, and known as Plum Street,' . deeded to the City for street purposes between Fourth and Seventh Streets, and constituting the road located on the West side of the'right-of-way of the Chicago, Burlington & Q,uincy Railroad Company; also, that part of East Seventh Street lying between the East line of North Plum Street, as located by Ordinance No. a'nd a point. approximately 245 feet ,East thereof; also ,that part of East Fifth Street lying between the East. line of North Plum Street, as located by Ordinance No. and a point apprOXimately 140 feet East thereof; and shall include all. lots, tracts and parcels. of land included in the fOllowing described district: Commencing at a point on the North line of East Fourth Street laZ feet West of thee West lin~ of the East 22 feet of Lot 8,Block 26, Original Town of Grand Island, being the West line of North Plum Street as located by Ordinance No. ; thence, ina Northerly direction parallel to and 132 feet from said West line, of North Plum Steeet.aslocated by Ordinance No. to th~ South line nf East Seventh Street; thence, Easterly along said South line of East Seventh Street to the lot line between Lo ts 2 and :3 of Block 2, Nagy's Addition; thence Northerly across East Seventh Street and along the North line between Lo ts 6 and ?, in Block?, Vo i tIe' s Addition to the Northwest corner of said Lot. 7, Block?, 'Voitle's Additi'on; thence Easterly parallel to and 132 feet from the North Ii:he~;of East Seventh Street to a point approximately 245 feet East of the East line of N'orth Plum Street, as lo,cated by Ordinance No. ; thence, Southerly parallel to and approxi- mately 245 feet from the East line of North Plum Street, as located by Ordinance No~ to a point 132 feet South of the South line of ~ast Seventh Street; thence Westerly parallel to and 132 feet distant from the South. line of East Seventh Street to a point 132 fe,t East nf the East line of North Plum Street, as located by Ord'inance No. ; thence Sou therlyparal1el to and 132 feet from the East line of North'Plum Street as located by OrdinanceN.o. to an intersection with the North line of East Fourth street;thenc~ Westerly along the:No.rth line ofEas t Fourth Street .to the place 'of beginning. . Section 3. Said Street in said Paving Disttict is hereby ordered paved, as provided by law ,said paving tQ be 24 feet wide, from face to fave o'fbu'rb between Fourth and Fifth Streets and 28 feet wide from fac~ to face of c~rbs from Sixth to Seventh Streets, Section 4. That authority is hereby -granted to ,the owners of the record title representing a mj~ority of the abutting property. OWners in said d~strfct to f ile with th~ City Clerk: within twenty days from the first puolicationof ther:roticecreating said districtT as provided by. law, wri tten objections to the p.aving of said. '. L distirct. ' Section 5. ed and directed to p i pub;J.ic~tion of this . .aneticeof 'the. e;res. not;less th~m. tW~nt ,,--..-,: