1923 Ordinances
An ord.inr~nce levying sIJecial sidcvfHlk coywtruction tax to
pay for the construction of sidewalks alone the lot and blocks
hereinafter described.
1m rr OJfOAnmD l:)y the ME1.~TOr and Ci t;y Council of the Ci ty of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. 'I'}lat a spec.ial siclevfalk coywtructj.on tax be (md
the same is hereby levied and oBsessed to pay the expense of
construction of sidewalks along the lots and blocks hereinafter
def3crilH.:;d in the City of Cr:md Islmld, rriska, agairH't the
respectivEj lots, tI'rtct8 and pax'celG of land, in Uw arloLmts Bet
opposi te the l'cGpecti ve cJ.cf3cr:i.ptionD thereof, as :Collows:
1, lnock 8, Voitle's /~d(Li.t:i.on, Amount 4.08; "
10 'U1oc'r 64 "r:ce'l"'r re, '[)e'"111eJ..t'c '\d"'l't1")V\ r,W)."nt "'l'7.h >,C).
.,...J.. ~->.. ,.'''.oJ' t. ,Y. J) ,. ,L" Q 1 v. ..I.1.A, ,--,,,lllA ,'ii' d.).v'::~,
6, Block 65, Wheeler & Bennett's Addition, amount ~47.68;
1, Block 63, W~eeler & Bennett's Addition, amount $142.65;
2, Block 63, Wheeler & Bennett's Additioh, amount $33.76;
3, Block 70, Wheel,':!' 8<.: :Uennett's HE.~cO Addition, amou.:nt
1"0 t
1..10 t
J:"o t
;\[133.76 ;
Lo;~s .4 al1d 5, J310ck 70, V!}cceler 8c Dennett' 8 ~:)econd Addi bon,
amount ;;;>8b .12;
Lot 4, IUocJ::: 74, Vllleelc:c & Dexmett' s Third j\ddi tion, a.mount
:~33 .92;
I..Jot 5, J3J.ock 76, Wheeler &, Bennett's ird hldition, 8nOl.;~nt
:~l23. 52 ;
Lot 10, Bloc};: 76, iiJheele!' & De:nnett'D Third Addit:i.on, nXilcn;,nt,
~i)85. '76 ;
Lot 2, Dlock 38, Husue11fl}leeler's Addition, amount :1:;33.'76;
Lot 3, Dlock 38, HU8f3el Wheeler'FJAddit:i.on, Elr:lol.mtf;J33.76;
Lot 10, Block 38, 1~88el eeler's Addition, amount 1.84;
:Lot 5, Dloc]{ 4'7, Hustlel Wheeler's Add:i tion, {;~r;lOunt 00 .1G;
Lot 5, Block f;, Schbrruer's Addition, amount ~)99.84;
IJot 6, Block 5, Sl1d.mmer's Addition, amol1nt;taOO.48;
Lot 5, Block 52, Packer & Barr's Addition and its complement,
amoLlnt :;;',53.12;
Lot 6, Block 52, Packer ~ Darr's Addition ana its complement,
,Ji1lotm t ;;;',40.96;
Lot 5, Block 3, Arnold Place Addition and its complement,
arnoun t '::;96.64;
Lot 5, Block 13, Arnold & Abbott's Addition, amount $?6.32;
Lot 8, Inoe};: 6, ~)l)ciuld:i.ng 8,; c.;.rCi:~g'8 Additic?r1, amount ;jJ9G.IG;
Lot 3, Dlock 4, Wasmer's Addition, amount ~33.76;
Lot 10, Block 6, WC1SclCl"fJ h.ddition, EHlount n)93.1~2;
Lot 6, .Blocl:: 10, Weu:mcr'e Addition and jtD conlplcmcnt, am.aunt
;~96 .48;
J..Jot 10, Block 11, Hmer'n Add:Ltion and its c(JDI)1ernent, n ount
'r' 06' 'Z r) .
'il) :;1 . c.J c." ,
J..Iot f>, DIode 11,
suer's Addition and its cor~lcillent, amount
;;:jE3t; 1L4'
'I - ' ..>. ,
Lot 10, BlocI.. l~), V!cHi;,";lel"S I-\.ddit.Lu , DYClount
~1)101 .12;
J:'o t 9, Dlack 14, Wasmer' B Addi tion, amount ;ip33. 76;
Lots 2) and 4, J310ck 20, VTcwmer's Addition, ;j~66.5G
Lots 3 and 4, Block 38, Wasmer's Addition, $68.80
Lot 10, County Subdivision, amount ;1!i189.44; Of lec.16Town 11 range 9
IJot 13, County ElubdivJ.sion, anlOlmt :);;6'1.84. Of Sec,16,'Eown 11 2 9
Section 2. Said special sidewalk ~onBtruction tax sholl be
(:tUG and bec orne del inquent wi tilin thi rty dtJ..Ys from and af tel" U: i s
levy and shall become a lien upon said premises from the date of
this levy. ~:;nid tax{'f') g}l:"J.ll ctraw i,ltererJt at the :cate of' one per
centum })er mo.nth, and shall be collected in t}le munner In:ovided by
Sec tj, on ~3. 'I'lw Ci ty Cl i.:;rk of the Ci ty of (~rand Is1and,
Nebl'cH?ka is hereby instr~lCtecl ,md directed to cel'ti.:fEy to the
Ci ty '.l'reasu:.ccl' of Grand J.slc:nd, iJeoJ'cH1.ka, tile [U,Je)LlYl t of DCJid
taxes, toget11cr V'T.ith tw,tructions to collect tJ1C s,nne aD
provided by law.
Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take
effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as
provided by law.
P~88ed and approved this 3rd day of January, 1923.
-city Cl cr}:..
-I ill ';-;-0 x'-;- ----.-----..--" ~
\I r;'..l-t.! .
5... k """.'
.. /:1 I
An ol'diniince lcVyL1Is D e})ccJ_al f3CWCl' d:intrict tme to ::)o,y
for t?:o co S.tx'ilction of 8. G(~w(~r in ~cwer -i)istl~i(~t .~O~ 89 of e
C i t~r o~f C-:c r:-; [1 (1 I D ,~.lrl(l" tT c:"b:c ,:.~ f::;~;:c;J, [) rll~ }):c 0 ,( i (1 i :f 01" tJJC colI e c t:L () "(1
}1}l IT ()}{DAnrlm 'by tlle
D:C C:':c a..n (1 I~) arlc.1, c.}) J' ~J 8 ::~.>-,.l :
01:' ritlcl Ci t~/ CC~llrlC:Ll of' t}-~~u
Sect:i.Oll 1. Thut a cpccia-l sewer district tRX 1Je and tJle
fj~],n1C if3 ~:'cl:.)~Y" levied eJrld, aDf1esnecl t(J ~~'-)[.t~l tl"LE: C.'.i(}.1cn.Fie o:f COY1-
s tl'LlC tirlU; a F3 eV1Cll ir1 ~)cv\rel' .1)i iJ tx' i c t t-J'() 6 89 of tl-.te Ci t~l Ole:' C}:r'arld.
I~)lD:(l(l, l~-el)J:',~:lf]l.:a_ c}'L;[}j. ~~;t t}lC: :ces}!cctiv'c lotD, tl~cjctB arlci })c1I1ceJ_D
of lUYlC]. in s[]id district in the aliiQllnts set opposite t.he rCE3pective
d e G c l' :i. Jl t ion f), to - vii t :
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in Block 15,
]!'airvi cw l)ark Addii tion, ::,',ill .G5 p.8.ch;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, in Block 14,
fi''''l'rvi"w PCJl'1:;: ArkiVO"1 1 ()f) ('10"'-. .
.:";:A- .J..t:. _.c.>-...... ~.1. .J..l., ~ .'-~., ..-...,t,. ~.J..L131oel{ 13 ^
'[;1, J. .i ,,] 1 .L." 1 . . d 2 /};1", J' 'Y'V.' . "r 'f) .~. r 1- , \ .:, '1 ~ . t., . '" -.': '~. '"
~.<taCC.~OLrJ_ ',01,," d.ll .J.! C,..L le" IUJ~T l~!,:l" .I.,)n cdh""lvo
", 1 ,^,.. t .,-.,1 Ci"r i'-'r all'-"<' 1 "'1' ') /p;,.,OCj,.,,-,,,, /\,1.' :"41.AF..
co.np .;l'H::n ~ cdh.' 1 dC .1lHl_ - ,) V~l(jcl(t. 1:9,"'."./ "clL;,.Cr.J. ~ H' ,'-'.1. ~.!;), .o~),
JJractlonal IJots 8 and 9..t!LI31I'VICW }Jsjrl)ci~d~].tlon ,nlC' Itf!l
complcL.J.(-nt e,n([ I,'racti()n:~l ],ots 8 r:1l1d g~V!aLltch's Addition,~i)41.65;
Fractional Lot 10 in Fractional Block 13, Fairview Park
Addi.tion i'Uld itB CGLlplcrllcnt ancll;lruction :Lot 10, j.nTi'actioYlol
Block 2, Wa1lich's Addition, 1.65;
f3ccti0l1.2. f)::licl Sl)cciEll seVlel~ (libtr~:Lct trr>~. n}lal11Jc~ cll1e Dlld.
becune clelL1cruc,nt in the nwnnel' cHId. <J.t t:Lt:1c p:cDvided by laV!
and slial1 be collected in tJ.!.e nwnne:c p:covidc:d 'by 1a.w.
Section 3. 'The City Clcrk of the City of Grand Inland,
HebrDska iu hCl'elJj Ln;;tr',1ctccl 8nd directed to certify to the
Cou. nty Treasurer of Hall Coun ty, },fellT'aska, ti;e au) un t of Be) id tn:xep,
to....'(.'+>!.'I' 'c!'l" +,.. .'Lj..l,.tJ:"",,'i--l.'O"'l" t'o .'0,(,'11 "c1- {'-.,:'..:.!' r,:', 2'.,,"'.-, n"'()v'il(~t~ l)v ]"'w
~0.v.,.,.l.. ~ v~l. _ t..) ......i......J.... 1...) J v_......~_....." V ~ . ....J..., ....."v\,...<v;.. "tl __...:.i'..
Section 4. This ordinance shall be in farce and tak e effect
from and ~fter its passage, approval and publication, as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this 3rd day of January, 1925.
, (SEAL)
T . J . ELLSllERRY____.__________
~ 'Ci ty Cierk.
lin or<uncu.ce levying a special seVier c1iGtric t tax. to pay
fOT the contruction of a sewer in Sewer District No. 92 of the
City of Grand IslDnd, lieb:C'ns1:a, und pnJv:i.cUnC; for the collection
EI1; IT ORDAINFlD by the Mayor and C1 ty Counc 11 of the C1 ty
of Grand Island. Nebraska:
Section 1. That a special sewer district tax be and +~e
sHnte ~ R 1~e~eby levied and assessed to pay the expense of construct-
ing a sewer in SewerDistrict No. 92 of the City of Grand Island,
Nebraslca agairwt tlle respective lots, tI'C.1ctf3 and parcels of land
in said district in the amounts f]ct o:P}/on:i.tcc},.e :rcupC'ctive
descriptions, to-wit:
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Block 7, Voitle's Addition,
:1~57 .25 each.
Section 2. Said special sewer district tax shall be due
and become delinquent in the maDner and at the time provided by
law Dnd sball be collected in the li1[Umel' pTovided by law.
Dection 3. TIle City Clerk of tlleCity of Grand Is:La.nd, Ncln'ruJza
is herel)y ins truc ted and diree ted to c el'tify to tlie Coun ty 'I'rCiJEUrer'
of Hall County, Nebl'clGka l t1:t8 a.Ol.mt of said taxes toget.b.cl' wi th
inr3tl~uctions to collee t tIH; Be-Wle as l)I'ovided by law.
i3f:ction 4.
from ancl af tel'
by law.
This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
i tc l)C1ssage, aj/proval ::Hld pub:Licat:\.on "lEi provided
Passed aDd approved this 3rd day of January, 1923.
, . " H .E...C:LIFFORP_____
City Clerk.
_..... .... .... ~_.,.....",~__<....<.>o<<.'__'_',',"",...___________"'~,____"""
T/[n.:/ 0 r~ .
-- ~- - ~~--------~~--~~~
An Ordinance levying a special sewer district tax to pay
for theconstruction of a sewer in Sewer District No. 91 of the
City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection
BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Cohncil of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
~ection 1. That a special sewer district tax be and the same
is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of constructing
a sewer in Sewer District No. 91 of the city of Grand Island,
Nebraska again$t the respective lqts, tracts and parcels of
land in said district in the amounts set opposite the respective
descriptions, to-wi t:
Lots &, 5,6, 7 and 8 in Block 3, Lakeview Addition, ~40.63 each;
Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Block 4, Lakeview Addition, $40.63 each.
Section 2. Said special sewer district tax shall be due and
become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law
and shall be collected in the manner provided by law.
Section 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, ~ebraska
is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Treasurer
of Hall County,Nebraska, the amount of said taxes together witj
instructions to collect the same as provided by law.
Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided
by 1 aw .
Passed and approved this 17th day of January, 1923.
Ci ty Clerk.
'.- ~.,...
1~'\ i
This ordinance appropriating and condemning private property
for the use of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for streets
and avenues in Lakeview Addition and the County Subdivision of
the West half of the Southwest Quarter (Wi of swt) of Section
Fifteen (15), Township Eleven (11) Range ~ine (9), Hall County,
Nebraska, all within the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, providing
for the procedure on appropriation of such private property and
the opening of various streets and avenues in and adjoining to
said addition.
WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand
Island, Nebraska, find that it is necessary that various private
property consisting of lots, tracts and parcels of land within
the different additions and subdivisions hereinafter more
definitely described, all within the corporate limits of the
City of Grand Island, be appropriated and condemned for the use
of the City of Grand Island for streets and avenues.
NOW, THEiREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council
of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That the following described private property,
consisting of lots, tracts and parcels of land in such amounts as
hereinafter designated, be and the same is hereby appropriated
for the use of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for streets
amd; avenues under and by virtue of Sections 4072, 4073 and 4074
of the Compiled otatutes of Nebraska for the year 1922:
The West Sixty (60) feet of Lot Five (5) of the County
Subdi vision of the West half of the Southwest Quarter (Wi of swt)
of Section Fifteen (15), Township Eleven (11), North, Range Nine
(9), West, and part of said Lot 5 of said County Subdivision, more
particularly described as follows, to-wit:
Commencing at a point on the North line of said Lot 5, 60 ft.
east of the Northwest corner of said Lot, running thence East to
the Northeast corner of said Lot 5, running thence South 51.8 ft.,
,running thence in a Southwesterly direction to a point 60 feet
east of the West line of said Lot 5 and 72.8 ft. South of the ~orth
line of said Lot 5, running thence 72.8 ft. North to the place of
Part of Lot Three (3) of the County Subdivision of the
West half of the Southwest Q,uarter of Section 15, Township 11,
North, Range 9, West, more particularly described as follows,
to-wi t:
Commencing at the l~orthwest corner of said Lot 3, running
thence South on the West line of said Lot 3, 51.8 ft., thence in
a Northeasterly direction to the ~ortheast corner of said Lot
3, thence West to the place of beginning.
The Westerly 60 f't. of Lot 4, of the County Subdivision of
the west half of the Southwest Q,uarter of Gection 15, Township
11, North, Range 9, West.
Lot 12 of Block 1, Lakeview Addition to the City of Grand
Island. Neb'Y's:lR1r",
all of which property hereby appropriated is hereby designated to
constitute a prolongation of Sycamore btreet from Division Street
to Charles street and from Charles Street to Ashton Avenue, and
a prolongation from Division.Street to Kimball Avenue to sycamore
. ,
Grand Island, Nebraska; and Edward Hannon, whose residence is
616 W. 2nd St., Grandlsland, ~ebraska, and who shall receiv~as
compensation for their services the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00)
per day of the time necessarily occupied. Said assessors shall
maet in the Council Chamber of the City Hall in the City of
,Grand Island, l~ebraska on the 24th day of li'ebruary, 1923 at
two. 0 tclo~k P.M., and,. after. taking oath to discharge their
dutles falthfully and lmpartlally, shall, on the same day, view
the property appropriated, and on the same day, or as soon
5.~ ~ G.'(
thereafter as practicable make, sign, and return to the City
Clerk in writing, a just and fair assessment of the damages
for each piece or lot of property, the whole or part of which
is to be appropriated..
Section 3. The City C~erk is hereby instructed to deliver
to each of the owners in fee residing in the City of Grand
Island, a copy of the newspaper publishing this ordinance, or
when the owners be not found, to some person at their respective
residences, at the same time calling attention of the person
to whom delivered, to such ordinance in the paper. Such service
shall be made as much as ten days before the day fixed for the
meeting of the assessors.
Section 4. Payment of damages assessed for the appropriation
of such private property may be made out of the general or any
other surplus fund of the City.
Section 5. The Council shall assess and levy the whole
expense and damage incurred in the creation of said streets and
avenues upon the real estate fronting upon the same and other
property near by which be benefitted thereby in proportions
according to benefits. Such assessments and levy shall be made
by resolution, and at a regular meeting of the council, and
notice of the time of such meeting and that such assessments
will be made thereat, shall be ppublished in the Grand Island
Daily Independent ten days before such meeting.
Section 6. Such special taxes shall be due and payable to
the City Treasurer within thirty days after the assessment
and levy.
Section 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take
~ffect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as
provided by law.
Passed and approved this 17th day of January, 1923.
T . ;r .. ELI..SBERRY
Mayo r
City Clerk.
~ <t (':'
J 'j ..} "
I,!I.'I.O:l:1ftord,C1ty O:l.~:tlc ,:1n nnd f01".~id
Ot'ty of' Grand lslru'1d. in the Oounty or Hall udState of Nebraska, do .
~ 7?~, 6~t7:1-1. 9, .
hereby oert:lty that 1ft 4121f'$$fV~d a. OQPV of Th..fIl ..\Jove u~d f'o1"'eg.oUtg
~~ ~~~.~.~-~, ... , .
Ord:ln~,noe on /\! ~eh und t)'tery one of the r~slhlertt. preJperty ,wft$:rU
WhO$epl'o'perty or s.nypa.rt. thera~f is t~ke. bl th.e oIH;tn:l~ ot 8aid
~ 7-~,-^ ~7f~ $<-(171',. . .... .
Itr~et$.$.l$O m.ailed Oopyof;\ 't~ -:-.~mil S~hU!t1amDflQ.up Ci.ty..l'feb1"a.akrfJ;.,
tb~E!aule bCd.ll~dQt:Ul) b)7 d~liv~~1n.S nndtnal1birg;aet:py of tl1e N~$...p..p.l"
STATE O}!~ !lC!XmASltA,
Cc.1il'ta:hling Qaid ordinance th.eraln aad cs.lliug attent10n to ea,ldOrdl..
nance.witneS's my hs.nd and Ofticial 8el.1 this 24.4aw of l~.b'ua.ry 1923.
~~(9/. ,/.;;" vt
' "'v~' .'
. ?u- /7 ;=,.-...-;:
IWOTAity "j;'t)]JLXC
An ordinance levying a special sewer district tax to pay
for the construction of a sewer in Sewer District .No. 93 of the
City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection
BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That a special sewer district tax be and the
same is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of con-
structing a sewer in Sewer District .No. 93 of the City of
Grand Island Nebraska against the respective lots, tracts and
parcels of land in said district in,the amounts set opposite
the respective descrwptions, to-witj
Lot 1, Block 14, Baker's Addition, $48.06;
Lots 2, 3 and 4, in Block 14, Baker's Addition, $46.28 each;
L~ts 5 and 6, in BlOCK 14, Baker's Addition, ~48.06 each;
Lots 7 and 8, in Block 14, Baker's Addition, $46.28 each;
Lot 9, in Block 14, Baker's Addition and its complement,
in Block 3, Wasmer's Annex, $46.28
Lot 10, in Block 14, Baker's Addition and its complements,
Block 3 Wasmer's Addition and Wamer's Annex, $46.06
Lot 1, Block 15, baker's Addition, $48.06;
Lots 2,3 and 4 in Block 15, Baker's Addition, $46.28 each;
Lots 5 and 6,' in Block 15, Baker's Addition, $48.06 each;
Lots 7, 8 and 9, in Block 15, Baker's Addition, $46.28 each;
Lot 16, in Block 15, Baker's Addition, $48.06;
Lot 1, Block 16, Baker's Addition, $48.06;
Lots 2, 3 and 4, in Block 16, baker's Addition ~p46.28 each;
Lot 5, in Block 16, ~aker's Addition, $48.06;
Lot 6, Block 16, Baker's Addi tion and .i ts complement in
Block 1, Woodbine Addition, $48.06;
Lot 7, 8 and 9 in Block 16, Baker'w Addition and its comple-
ment, Block 1, Woodbine Addition, $46.28 each;
Lot 10, Block 16, Baker's Addition, Chas E. Wray, $48.06.
Section 2. baid special sewer district tax shall be due
and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by
law and shall be collected in the manner provided by law.
Section 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island,Nebraska
is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Treasurer
of Hall vounty, Nebraska the amount of said taxes together wi th
instructions to collect the same as provided by law.
;:jection 4. This oI'dinance shall be in force and take eff ect
from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided
by 1 aw .
Passed and approved this 7th day of February, 1923.
City Clerk.
_ ~_._.__.__.____.~. ____~_______.__ ,.c~__-.__~_.~-_.,-~
N. \ '!
'2 5f
Ii "I
An ordinance providing interimzoning for the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska, pending the passage of the zoning ordi-
nance for the City of Grand Island..
WHEREAS, a concerted movement is on foot in the City of
Grand Island for the passage of a zoning ofdinance, restricting
the use of private real estate; and
WHEREAS, the preparation ~f such ordinance requires
painstaking care and time, in order that just such protection
and just such liberty as are reasonable in that particular
district, be granted; and
WHEHEAS, if there were no restrictions on the use of private
real estate pending the discussion and passage of such ordinance,
there would be a rush to avoid the provisions of the ordinance;and
WHEREAS, a temporary ordinance is needed to protect the
residential districts of the City of Grand Island from invasion,
pending the passage of a reasonable zoning ordinance; and
WHEREAS, it is essential that this ordinance take effect
immediately to prevent contemplated and future invasions of the
residential district, pending the passage of a zoning ordinance; and
WHEHI~AS, a thirty day delay would render this ord~nanceof
Ii ttle value.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council
of the City of Grand Island, Hebraska:
Section 1. Whenever four-fifths of the frontage of the lots
. on any street between two intersecting streets contain at the
time of the passage of this ordinance structures exclusively
residential, .no'" structure shall 1 be buil t or al tered for
business or factory p~~poses therein, unless the written consent
of the owners of three-fourths of the entire frontage shall be on
file with the City Clerk at the time of the issue of a permit.
Section 2. Whenever four-fifths of the lots of any block
in the Ci ty of Grand Island, at, the time of the passage of this
ordinance contain structuresexclusively residential, no structure
shall be built or altered for business or factory purposes therein,
unless the written consent of the owners of three-fourths of the
entire area of said block shall be on file with the City Clerk
at the time of the issue of a permit.
Section 3. An emergency is hereby declared to exist, and
this ordinance shall take effect upon the proclamation of the
Mayor immediately upon its first publication" as provided by law.
Passed and approved this 7th day of February, 1923.
City Clerk.
T . .r I -reI.r .RR}i~RRV
An ~rdinance levying a special sewer district tax to pay for
the construction tif'Ja sewer in Sewer District No. 95 of the City
of Grand Island, ~ebraska, and providing for the collection
BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City tif
Grand Island, ~ebraska:
Section 1. That a spe6ia1 sewer district tax be and the
same is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of con-
structing a sewer in Sewer District No. 95 of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska against the respective lots, tracts and
parcels of land in said district in the amounts set opposite
the respective descriptions, to-wit:
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 in Hlock 7,
Hann's Third ~ddition, $48.50 each;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Block 2, Hann's Second
Addition, $52.15 each;
Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, in Block 2 Heyde's Addition, $49.41 each;
Lots 5, 6 and 7, in Block 2, Heyde's Addition, $48.95 each;
Lots 1 and 2, in Block 2, Axt& Hagge Addition, $59.48 each;
Lot 3, in Block 2, Axt & Hagge Addition, ~~60.39.
1,0 ts 4, 5,6 and 7 in Block 2, Axt & Hagge Addi tion, $4.9.87 each
Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, in Block 2, Axt & Hagge
Addition, $50.32 each;
Lot 3 of County Sub-division of the swt of Section 15-11-9,
Lot 4 of County Subdivision of the swt of Section 15-11-9,$58.1~
Section 2. Said special sewer district tax shall be due and
become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided "by law
and shall be collected in the manner provided by law.
Section 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County
Treasurer of Hall County, Ne~raska, the amount of said taxes
together with instructions to collect the same as provided by
Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication asprovided
by 1 aw .
Passed and approved this Eillday of .l!'ebruary, 1923.
( SE.AL)
C1 ty Cl erk-.
T . J . ELLSBffiRI-:tY
~/ ":;j
An ordinance creating Sewer District No. ~6 in the City of
Grand Island, Nebr~ska, defining the boundaries thereof, pro-
viding for the laying of a sewer in said district, describing
the manner in which same shall be laid, assessing the costs
thereof against the abutting property.
WHEREAS, . the Mayor and C1 ty Coune 11 of the Ci ty of Grand
Island, Nebraska find that the steps heretofore taken for the
creating of Sewer District No. 96 are regular and lawful, and
that a sewer to be laid in the District hereinafter defined, is
a public necessity; and
WHEREAS, by a three-fourths vote of all the members of the
City Council, said sewer main has been ordered laid without cost
to the city.
NOW, THEREFOIlli, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council
of the City of Grand Island,Nebraska:
Section 1. That Sewer District No. 96 of the City of Grand
Island, Nebraska is hereby created, same to 1i('; jn the' alley bet-
ViCr.1D ]l:D.st Division ;::l.nd East l\.ocmig St1'0f,tS fl'Ol'il Oak to Plum. strf:JtSts.
Section 2. That a sewer shall be laid along the course above
described, running through said blocks, in accordance with the
plans. and specifications governing sewers heretofore established
for laying sewers, in so far as said plans and specifications can
be carried ou t. .
Section 3. That the entire cost of constructing said sewer
shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district,
and a tax shall be levied as soon as the cost can be ascertained,
said tax to become delinquent and draw interest as provided by
Section 4. The City Engineer is hereby authorized to draw
plans and specifications of said sewer and make estima.te of the
cost thereof and submit S~le to the City Council, and when
adopted the City Clerk shall at ODce advertis~ fQr bids for the
construction of said sewer, in accordance with the plans and
specifications submitted, reserving the right to ~ectany and all
Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided
by 1 aw . '
Passed and approved this ~day of li'ebrUHry, 1923
Ci ty Clerk.
367 491
OI:mll1.d{lI :lQ. 920
An o..t11n~lnce tn'~atln~li4.wel' lJl$t~lct. iWt>. 97 in tt~. Cltv 01
(ir~nd 1*1 ,!H\lh:rask~. u~flnluG tl1~ be;n~nti&}~l~$.lt~';I)l'~.
vJ.{ilnt~ for tbe lqlqot a.ewel'jlls~l<1 dlSlJt\I"I(tt. d..Q.~Ud.q
the _WlcUI' lr:l wb10b ~JU'l!lle$llall be 1al'..1i$~.eel"titb~ (]JClu~t.
tl:l.r..t *{~_ln~t the 6buttll1t,$ 'l'O'P$#tv"
t.he ~i$tlYO'" sf:ld Cl tyQoun.ll.f the (;1 tyt)f t~~~n4
I$lal'~d. ;~f4'~bJuluJka f:1nd tb~t tb~$t.'$ tl.~.totOlt. ta~.n ;t'fl1' tb~
c~'()}$tlnH 01'. ij0W~;r J/l~t;rlt:rt 11J.o.?7 a~.tll :r~(~llltl'~Ul(l.lf.twtul, Mn4
th~l\t ~ 0~'H;l;r to be l~ld in t};Je~)1~t:rl(}t bt~:r4Jttu~ij;ttt#:r dej;'in.t,i'
a :public n~(ilfas~Gt tv; a~m.
by 4\ tll~.e..tt)\l:rths vote (If ..11 tho !ii4tittibel'$ t)t th.
(U,.t;f CQunaU., SJald eJ{JWf,llr rii~lri !:uua'becn!l tll'(1f}:f'(j(i la14I.v1t~)Qtd. (}(JE$\.
t.o tlj~ 01. ty..
of tX'i~
lf b, ,tn. May.r~nu 01\, CQu~o11
lal ~rtd. ;;ll~l:}~t$lf;ll~Ql
~~e~tlot) l.'rls~lt ~~w~~ :tJl.ut4flo\ . 97 01' th~ty nt tf~N'i1d
lfal;~!l'll.~, J!0l)r~~~k~ i~~Uiilt\'.'by Q:r~~1l-tli!u.i~ $tl~l~ to lie in the alley be-
tween South Oak and South Jlne Streets between Koenig Street and
Ashton Avenue, serving the property in Blocks Three, Four and
Seven of Koehler Place,and Block 15'0 of the Union Pacific Rail-
road Company's Second Addition.
Heot,loJ'! 2. 'l'11ata $$W$I" shall l)~ ll"dd Qll)J{lt~ (4)".lr8~ ~l:bove
<1.$ soX' 1 b('ld. ;runnirlg tll1"OL't{jih ~~ltl bl(}0k~. ina.et)rd*nJ~$ \dth th~
f'llr:i~u~ ~lnd ~o~ati(lrUlfJQV~;~rn1fl,:r ~~t~W(!,:rl'lIf lH$~~t~;r.:;:I:t'~ ~2,~t~bll$bll;ld.
for lay;i:I''lt~ "4l"'f~:l'Sll t bl $0 r (~lll" t't$ w:aid~}l,~:nl~ $tn'i (~pf1la1t'1(H:i.t'QQ8 CQn
be ~;lr:rl~ ou.t..
tif!ctlon i. ;j;'hat tl18 ~ntlJ"~Q.(Ult. ~rQm~~)t~.tUrt~.ll~,~ ~~Jld,*~/~1"
ahall 'b.~Hl~EHle~lJd l,a~~in~t ~,,,butt;h:l~~ p=,'o:P~~;.l,1ty in fud4 dltlt~lQ',
~rlu a t,fj}): ttlulll be 10vied ~a r.'lom'1 ~;l,'~ C,tH.ft. (H!nbtl ~~()~!ft~:il'n(~d,
(Hllt1 tutti 'bliH:tome d.lll)t.;rtl~nt rl;\;(!d d~~w i~te:r~~t {;I,.~ 1Jir&v14~~ 'b,
G~ot1()n 4.. 'l'1:l. {;",ty jlb.'lf~ln..r 1. b~~$bV .u.tho:rb~_4 to d~_
~l&ll. ~nd t~piZJCUJ'iGr&tlot'UlI. {):f mf,l.1{l.~~)tlt!4!Ztt~o~' th.
co l!lt ,tb~u'~ot~Uld t\H.tl)t:ll t tl~;'i. ta> 01 ~y {f{>tU'S~ 11, 'whet!
atllol>t.ed t.Jtttt 01 tv Gl.~k eb$ll ~t (lft~e adv\j"lI!ti3e fClr bids :foJ!' tb.
(:l-orltiiq'tru(;JtlQU: of ~.~,~ld'~~W€~J'J 1r~ Q(U"o~'(hUU.Hlj \'1'1th ti'l~ m1d
e,eQ1i"1()G1t1QnS~ublilitt~t\. :r~~~nlf.tg tlxt;l ~.(ttlBU'!Y and all
.i,',~ectloli t,. '.f'l.i.lij, Grd1tl~~lC$
i')?Oiti lZ\nd t~)l" 1t.~. p~a..<<iJliJ~lg~.
by lt~W 11
Pf1~f~'liHlwd fJ:Orl: a>ij))X'oved, tlii. -:>.''''+ da~.J O'f . 1i'a'h"'U1:l,,"'U' . "l~1h~.
.~~ & ~ t;),', ~~~,,~l~~ r.
At '''lilt ~
.l:t:J.rl'r~"1{}1.: .;-. ,r~~i JO
C t;v Gel':k .
.HI_Jij-U" - __~, r~"-lntl~o~~_L .1 r 1""':~,_~
l(i:",i/I:If..-" 'j" 11
3p? 581
An ordinance creating Sewer District No. 98 in the City of
G~a~d Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, pro-
vldlng for the laying of a sewer in said district, describing
the manner in which same shall be laid, assessing the coits
thereof against the abutting property.
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Ci ty Council of the Ci ty of Grand
Island, Nebraska, find that the steps heretofore taken for the
creating of Sewer District No. 98 are regular and lawful, and
that a sewer to be laid in the District hereinafter defined
is a public necessi ty; and . '
WHEREAS, by a three-fourths vote of all the members of the
Ci ty Council said sewer main has been ordered laid wi tIlOut cost
to the city.
NOW, . THERE}i'ORE, J3}rj rr ORDAINED by the Mayor and Ci ty Council
of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That Sewer District No. 98 of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraskais hereby crea ted, same to run from
Hansen street to Ashton Avenue Lying in South Plum Street
and serving portions of Blocks One. Five and Six. of Koehler
Place, adJ acentthereto.
~ection 2. That a sewer shall be laid along the course above
described, running through said blocks, in accordance with the
plans and specifications governing sewers heretofore established
for laying sewers in so far as said plans and specifications can
be carried out.
Section 3. That the entire cost of constructing said sewer
shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district,
and a tax shall be levied as soon as the cost can be ascertained,
said tax to become delinquent and draW interest as provided by
See tion 4. The ci ty engineer is hereby au thorized to draw
plans and specifications of said sewer and make estimate of the
cost thereof and submit salle to the City Cunncil, and when adppted
the c~ty Clerk shall at once advertise for bids for the construct-
ion of said sewer, in accordance with the plans and specifications
submitted, reserving the right to reject any and all bids.
Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take
effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as
provided by law.
Passed and approved this 21st day of Fe):>~ua.r.y.
City Clerk.
i"'" ~. '.&"
Anordinanc~ creating water main district No. 23 in the
City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof;
providing for the laying of a water main in f3aid dintrict, and
providing for the payment of the cost of construction thereof.
BE I'r OHDAINED by the JJiayo I' and Ci ty Coune il of Ule Ci ty of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That there is hereby created a water main district
in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska to be known and designated
as water main district No. 23 of the City of Grand Island,
Gection 2. Said water main district shall consist of that
part of 13th Street, lying between Clark Street and Broadwell
Avenue, and shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land
fronting on said 13th Street, bounded as aforesaid and within
said district.
Section 3. Said water main district is hereby ordered laid
as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and speci-
fica tio n8 e;overning we tel' mai nB here tofo 1'e eo tabli [Jh(~d l)y tbe
City .
Section 4. That authority is hereby granted to the record
owners of a majority of the foot frontage of taxable property
within Buell water main district to file a written IJrotest witlJ.
the city clerk within thirty days from and after the publication
of the notice creating said diBtrict.
Section 5. The ci ty clerk iB hereby au tl1oI'ized and d:Lrected
to publish after the paBsagc, approval and publication of this
ordinance a notice in the Grand Island Daily Independent, addressed
generally to the owners of the real estate in said water main
district, notifying them of the creation of said district and
the time allowed for the filing of a written protest against the
extension herein at!ered.
Section 6. The cost of extending water mains in said district
shall be assessed against the real eBt~te in said district to the
extent of fifty cents per foot frontage, and the costs in excess
of fifty cents per foot front shall be paid by the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska, as provided by law.
This ordinance shall be in force and take effect fro~ and
after itD pafJ~Jau;e, approval and publication as provided lJY law.
Passed and approved this 21st day of March, 1923.
( c.,-, " I )
0..dJ.!"-:.\. J
H . E . C LH'}J'ORD
City Clerk
l'ilayo r.
An ordinance creating water main District No. 24 in the
City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof;
providing for the laying of a water main in said district, and
providing for the payment of the cost of construction thereof.
BE 11' OHDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That there is hereby created a water main district
in the City of Grandlsland, Hebraska to be known and designated
as water main district .No. 24 of the City of Grand Island,
S~ction 2. Said water main district shall consist of that
part of First St~eet lying between Logan and Clay streets, and
shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land :fronting on
said First Street, bounded as aforesaid and within said district.
Section 3. Said water main district is hereby ordered laid
as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifi-
cations governing water maino, heretofore established by the City.
Section 4. That authority is hereby granted to the record
owners of a majority of the foot frontage of taxable property
within sueb water main diBtrict, to file a written proteBt with
the City Clerk within thirty days from and after the publication
of thenomice creating said district.
Section 5. 'l'he ci ty clerk is hereby authorized and directed
to publish after the passage, approval and publication of the
ordinance a notice in the Grand Island Daily Independent, addressed
generally to the ownereof the real estate in said wate~ main
district, notifying them of the creation of said district and
the time allowed for the filing of a written protest against the
extension he1'ein ordered.
Section 6. The cost of extending water mains in said district
shall be assessed against the real estate in said district to the
extent of fifty cents per foot frontage, and the costs in excess
of fifty cents per foot frontage shall be paid by the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska, as provided by law.
Section 7. Th&s ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from ana after its passage, approval and publication as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this 21st day of March, 1923.
( SEAT,)
II. 11: . CL I:!!'FORD
City Clerk.
~' . J . EJ.JLSB:mRRY
. IvIayo r.
~ r' ~-""h,
I;:. ~ ~ -'
!~.J Vi ItJ
An ordinance amending Section 41 of Ordinance .No. 749 of
the compiled ordinances of the Ci ty of Grand Island, l~ebraska.
BE IT OHDAHU.GD by the Mayor and Ci ty Council of the Ci ty
of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That Section 41 of Ordinance .No. 749 be and
the same is hereby amended to read as follows:
"That the parking of any vehicle is hereby prohibited on
the North side of South Hront street in front of the main
building of the Union Pacific Passenger' Station and within
50 ft. east and 50 ft. west of the main south entrance of the
said Union Pacific Passenger Station, within the City of
Grandlsland, and further on so much of the west side of South
Pine street as is fronted and abutted by the City Hall Building
and on so much of the north side of Second Street as is fronted
and abutted by the City Hall Building. The street and Alley
Committee of the City Council of Grand Island, Nebraska is
hereby authorized and empowered to mark off and set aside
portions of the streets of the City of Grand Island, uebraska,
for the purpose of providing a parking space for any person,
persons, Company or oorporation o]Jerating a transi t or Ji tney
service under franchise from the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
and the parking of any vehicle is hereby prohibited in such
space so marked off by said Street and Alley Committee, except
vehicles designated to be parked in such reserve space by said
Street and Alley Committee."
Section 2. Section 41 of Ordinance 749, as the same now
is, be and the same is hereby repealed.
Section 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take
effect from and after its passage, approval and publication,
as provided by law.
Passed and approved this 21st day of March, 1923.
( SEAl,)
City Clerk.
--1,' ~ :r - }in ,J,~B1,n1RV
;.; ..'" )/"....,.
A t.!J::1
\J r~/
An ordinance levying a special water district tax to pay
for the construction of water mains in water n~in district No.
16 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska and providing for the
collection thereof.
BE IT ORDAIl~ED by the Mayor and Ci ty Council of the City
of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That a special water main district tax be and
the same is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of
the construction of tIle water main in water main district No. 16
of tIle City of Grand Island, Nebraska, against the respective
lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district, in the amounts
set opposite their respective descriptions thereof, not exceeding
the sum of fifty cents per front foot, to-wit:
Lots 6, 7, 8 9 and 10, in Block 13, Gilbert's Second
Addition, $26.40 each;
Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in Block 1, Gilbert's Addition,
$;26.40 each;
Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Block 2, Gilbert's Addition,
*~26. 40 each;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Block 49, Russell Wheeler's Addion
and in Block 6, Gilbert's Addition, $26.40 each;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, in Block 5, Gilbert's Addition,
~i)26. 40 each;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, in Block 4, Gilbert's Addion,
~1;26. 40 each.
Section 2. Thut all expense in excess of f~y cents per front
foot assessable against the lots, tracts and parcels of land witllin
the said water main district shall be paid out of the water fund
of the city of Grand Island, Nebraska.
Section 3. Said special water main district tax shall be
due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided
by law and shall be collected in the manner prOVided by law.
Section 4. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the
County Treasurer of Hall Count;)' I Nebraska the amount of said taxes,
together with instructions to collect same as provided by law.
Section 5~ This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this 2nd day of May, 1923.
____.J1. E.--.PJ::'.1:[F.Qlil2__,___
City Clerk.
!l /)
u /v
An ordinance levying a special vvater district tax to pay for
the construction of water mains in water main district No. 17
of the City of Grand Island, lfebraska, and providing for the
collection thereof.
BE ,IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That a special water main district tax be and the
same is herel)y levied and assessed to pay the expense of the
construction of the water main in water main district No. 17 of
the City of Grand Island, :Hebraska, against the respective lots,
tracts and parcels of land in said dibtrict, in the amounts
set opposite their respective descriptions thereof, not exceeding
the sum of fifty' cents per front foot, to-wi t:
Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Block 20, Schi~ner's Addition,
~!;26.40 each;
Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in Block 21, SchiL~ner's Addition,
~;26. 40 each;
Lots 6, 7, 8, e and 10, in Block 2, Gilbert's Second Addition,
~i26.40 each;
Fractional Lot 7, in Block 3, Gilbert's Second, Addition, $4.50;
Lots 8, 9 and 10, in Block 3, Gilbert's Second Addition,
*~26.40 each;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, in Block 15, Schirnmer's Addition,
*)26.40 each;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, in Block 14, Schirmner's Additj.on,
$26.40 each;
" Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, in Block 5, Bilbert's Second Addition,
$26.40 each;
IJots 1, 2, 3 and 4, in Block 4, Silbert's Second Addition,
~ii26. 40 each;
Section 2. That all expense in excess of fifty cents per front
foot assessable against the lots, tracts and parcels of land within
the said water main district shall be paid out of the water fund
of the city of Grand Island, lifebraska.
Election :3. Said special vvater main district tax shall be due
and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law,
and shall be collected in the manner proVided by law.
Section 4. The city clerk of the City of Grand Island, NebraSka
is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the county treasurer
of Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes, together with
instructions to collect the s~ne as provided by law.
Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided
by law.
Passed and apPl'oved this 2nd day of :May, 1923.
( (''''''AL)
l.)J~ ,
-----'Ci ty--dlerk .---------
L -~
(I {//;,>
An ordinance creating water main district No. 29 in the
City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof;
providing for the payrnent of the cost of construction thereof.
BE IT ORDAUmD by the Mayor' and Ci t;}T Council of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska: '
Section 1. That there is hereby created water main district
in the City of Grand Island, Nebraskv. to be known and designated
as water main district No. 29 of the City of Grand Island,
NebraBka. '
Section 2. Said water main district shall consist of that
part of Park Street lying between Locust and Pine Streets, and
shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land fronting on
said Park Street, bounded as aforesaid, and within said district.
Section 3. Said water main district is hereby ordered l~id
as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and speci-
fica. tions governing water mains, heretofore established by the
Ci tyl ,
Section 4. That authority is hereby granted to the record
owners of a majority of the foot frontage of taxable property
vii thin such "vva tel' main district, to file a wri tten protest with the
City Clerk within thirty days ~rom and after the publication of
the notice creating said district.
Section 5. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed
to publish after the pas8age, approval and publication of this
ordinance a notice in the IlGrand Island Daily Independentfl addressed
generally to the owners of the real estate in said water main
district, notifying them of the creation of said district and the
time allowed for the filing of a written protest against the
extension herejn orderedl
Section 6. The cost of extending water nW.ins in said district
shall be asuessed again:Jt the real estate in said district to the'
extent of fifty cents I'er foot frontage, and the costs in excess of
fifty cents per foot front shall be paid by the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska, as prOVided by law.
Section 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and ai'ter its passage, approval and publication as prOVided
by law.
Passed and approved this 2nd day of May, 1923.
'-lvfay6-r-~~"-""- "~"--'_._'- ,----
An Ordinance repealing Ordinance Ho. 90'7 cI'eating
Paving District No. 49.
City of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That ordinance l\fo. 907
Paving District No. 49 be and the same is hereby repealed.
Section 2. This ordinance s11al1 be in force and
take effect froIn and after its passage, approvaJ. and
publication) as provided by law.
16 th 1\JIay
Passed and approved this _Ml day of .ni:n:tn, 192~).
(Sea.l )
C i ty-Cri-er1G-'--'~'-~'''-~
~'l. ,/
If. .",
;. .-/(/
ORJJIIV,JifCE lira. 936
An ordinance vacating certain streets and alleys in
Joehnck's Addition to the City of Grand Island, N"ebraslm:
BE IT OP.Dil.INED by the llilayor and Ci ty Council of the
City of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That part of South Plum street as platted
in the original Joehncl~' s Addi tion to the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska, lying North of the Northerly line of East John Street,
and that part of South Vine Street as platted in the original
Joehnck's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, iliying
North of the North line of East Henry Street, and the alley in
Fractional Block Eleven (11), J'oehnck's Addition to the Ci ty
of Grand Island, Nebraska, be and the s~ne are hereby vacated.
Section 2. This ffi'dinance shall be in force and take
effect from and after its passage, approval and publication
as by law provided.
Passed and approved this 16th day of May, 1923.
( s ea 1 )
-_._~-C i fy- C"fe-rk-.----'---..-. .---
Mayo r . -.--.----.-.-.----
An ordinance changing the name of Plum Street,
as platted in the original Joehnckts Addition, to
IvIapl e Street.
BE IT ORDAIlillD by the Mayor and City Council
of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. The name of the street, shown in the
original J'oehncl(t s Addition to the Ci ty of Grand Island,
Nebraska as South Plum Street, is hereby changed to
the name of South Maple street.
Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force
and take effect from and after its passage, approval and
publication, as by law provided.
Passed and approved this 16th day of
May, 1923.
T. J .El~.sB!!RI~L~_.___"_._._
Ivlay 0 r .
City Clerk.
An ordinance creating Sewer District No. 100 in the City of
Grand Island t l~ebraska, def ining the boundaries thereof, providing
for the laying of a swwer in said district, describing the manner
in which same shall be laid, assessing the costs thereof against
the abutting property.
WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska find that the steps heretofore taken for the creating of
Sewer District No. 100 are regular and lawful, and that a sewer
to be laid in the District hereinafter defined, is a public necesi-
ity; and
WHEREAS, by a three-fourths vote of all the members of the
City Council said sewer main has been ordered laid without cost
to the Ci ty .
NOW, TlillREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the ~~yor and City Council
of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That Sewer District No. 100 of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska is hereby created, same to run in the
alley ~~~~~~p south of East Koenig st. from PlumS; to Vine St.
Section 2. That a sewer shall be laid along the course above
described, running through said blocks, in accordance with the
plans and specifications governing sewers heretofore established
for laying sewers in so far as said plans and specifications can
be carried out.
Section 3. That the entire cost of constructing said sewer
shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district,
and a tax shall be levied as soon as the cost can be ascertained,
said tax to become delinquent and draw interest as provided by law.
Section 4. The City Engineer is hereb,r authorized to draw
plans and specifications of said sewer and make estaimate of the
cost thereof and submit same to the City Council, and when adopted
the City Clerk w~all at once advertise for bids for the construction
of said sewer, in accordance with the plans and specifications
submitted, reserving the right to reject any and all bids.
Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this 16. da~ of
. ,1923.
Ci ty Clerk.
OHI)l ri,i\,l)h;U~ NO. 9 3 9
An ()J:d.in~f)OEl cr~~tlf1{' ;,ewer f;;tl'1ct Nt). 101 in the (;1 ty of
Grn,nd lOla,nd. H(;''bl'nsJ-r.tl. d~1~in:int;~ tIlt:!' l)o!Anda..l~u thi!J;t;'fJof. j;)1"tfvJ,ding
:(.'01" tJJ4a 1 ne; ol~ n ~n~r 11'1 old-a d1ut.rl.et. d~$Qr:lhln{$ th~Il'UrUl'U').
in Which ~wne eh;;lllh$ lQld.. t;HUH'fH1~lnt~ tht~ oa.tJtfi~ t~lfj:r(\H)f' ~1\~.~$j,:rUlt.
the f"l;n.tttinfl~ pro1H~:rty.
the t{l1lya ~ ~nd. 01 tv {:iounc i 1 of' the (~l ty of' q"~ftd 1,.1. ,t:~.nd. ,
Nebruuka find trUlt the fJtf!l~JS her~tQt'ol'e t~lutn f'ol' the cr~.atint~ ()f'
~;'eVf(~t ;D:h1trict..i\$o. 101 fll"e 1'f1:{~ultir Q.nd ltiwlul. $nd tlj~t .~. nt/!W(i~:t'
to be laid :in th$' lJ1stritlt l!{13:'Ginzltte:r df:i'irH~dt llj a pu'bl$.c t'tt'l!o....
1 ty; ;uld
t 11Y a. th:ree...itH.u:t.h~ vote td~ ti~ll ()f tl,e
G;1 ty O'ourlcil St;d.d :sewer tE~din h~ult \btu~n ~):'dtu"~~d 1~11d wi tJ'I,O'14t eOlJ!t
to the (;1 ty,
Nfl?;!;. . :n'OHllAIIIJ,'l) by t!H:~ $:;tUjl'o,t' ~,ml ';1 tv ' GQuncil
or the a1 ty();(" HifH.nd Island, HfJbr~sk~l
fJe)ction 1. 'fhHt L~(Wff)rni{~t:r1ct. 101 01' t~he ty 'Or
G;r~~,:nd lel,aH(j. Heb.:rmlr'31~. 18 IH:~3.'~'b3! Cl'E:f:rted. S$m~ to .-un in alley
between So.Kimball Ave. and So.Oak st. from Bast Koenig St.
north to north line of Hanns 2nd.Addition.
r~eotion2. a 86WEtl' $hal1be l;~ld n1ont:~ thE O;;HU;"fl.4! ~'boV$
dfJHH~:r1bGd ,running t,b.:roUi~h ~~i<1 l.Jlool,;:~', bl r~{'H1Qrd$~nce ~jlith thfc!
pl~,rte axui f.~p(;cU'ic;;:~t1(Hl~ ~~Q\f{ill'n1ng n~$~'~rfj lH;:retofoi'tit ~:u~t~blinhfolG
l"ol" 1~'ijl1ng se~l'{~J'$ in so fnr t'iS !3~id plane ~'P{;c1f 1~1;:>nt:~ (J~n
lJt'1' Ctt:t'I'l t;ld out to
i.)efJticm 3. :t'lu~t tJ'kl1e errtire Q()ut
sllall be tlHa~.H,Hif1d t~ga.1.nutth.($ ~*bu
~md a tt1~{ 'be 1 (v ied .'OH~ ~;,H)On
r.tdd tnx to 'be co n;t;,i {1~1 inqtH~rtt
of (:l(;"H'UiJtl'uet1 ~Hld .f:itHV~i'li'
~ope'$"t.Y in t:tlld dlet;rict.
COflt (w,nh~ ~~H~(~rt{:J::hl~'d,
.tnter..~ t ~H'~ d(1d b;>;~ l,~l1\v{.
;;'(1Cti(Hl 4. T.he <";;i.tyi';nL~il'te6!' in l'H'il"(#'ll.Y fj;ut,hQ~'1;a,("{lt,,. drnw
pltuUJ ,1:m.d eJH.H.'!U'1(;H)t1m,'~.a f$~lid s'H;Y\'l(!fI" lc1nd (l~ltm.)lruJitte Qt' the
cot::t tht!l'tiOI B"iut::lt ~~.'I:t,jie t\L,. the City {;:ouncil,w)14&ll t~do:pte4
U,te ;,:1 t~,. (;lltt:t"k .~lal1 at once *,Hlv(!rti~e :t~J1" bid~ t'~):r 01.:i.ll$tl"uct1o!1
ot nuid eW'fHU", ill a,tHlcU'dr:U1CE;> the fU1H $:.tnd np\tClf lc.HiWt1ons
eu.'blllitted. l'fH)C::1"viflL; :\f'eJ{!ut ",:any flll <ill.
~.';eotion b. ~rh1u
;1' l'Otl c:lf t (~ $' 1. t,~
by' lClw.
!:ilil<1. tal;. ..,ffftCt
t .~;,!; ~ l~~'Cj v J, df.tu
i.i!lld i::t(.n}rovt;~d this '. :!,6" .... _d(~<l."; of 1\Ta.v .10"3
Ji ."'" ~. _. __ rt;' ._.It,~, _~~-.,l..Iil'~~iJt.all1,r:rJ"-_-tl.~' _ _ 4a '.
I ~)'_:" _ _''_ If,' - _,.,', -._~- _ .,.. J.,[:.
Gi ty Clt\~:r':.
r !C" Ii)
~II. ". . liI
U " L/
An ordinance creating Sewer District No. 102 in the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing
for the laying of a sewer in said district, describing the manner
in which same shall be laid, asselsing the costs thereof against
the abutting property.
WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand
Island, Nebraska, find that the steps heretofore taken for the
creating of Sewer District No. 102 are regular and lawful, and
that a sewer to be laid in the District hereinafter defined is a
public necessity; and
WHEllliAS, by a three-fourths vote of all the members of the
City Council, said sewer main has been ordered laid without cost
to the City.
NOW, THEREFOHE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council
of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That Sewer District No. 102 of the city of
Grand Island, Nebraskais hereby created, same to be in the alley
between E 7th and E 8th Sts from Beel st. to Cherry St.
Section 2. That a sewer shall be laid along the course above
described, running through said blocks, in accordance with the
plans and specif,ications governing sewers heretofore established
for laying sewers in so far as said plans and specifications can be
carried out.
Section 3. That the entire cost of constructing said sewer
shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district,
and a tax shall be levied as soon as the cost can be ascertained,
said tax to become delinquent and draw interest as provided by
Section 4. The City Engineer is hereby authorized to draw
plans and specifications of said sewer and ma.ke estimate of the
cost thereof and submit same to the City Council, and when adopted
the City Clerk shall at once advertise for bids for the construct-
ion of said sewer, in accordance with the plans and specifications
submitted, reserving the right to reject any and all bids.
Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided
by 1 aw .
Passed and approved this 16.
day of
City Clerk.
i -
An ordinance creating a paving district within the corporate
limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraskal defining the boundaries
thereof; providing for the pavement of same and provicUng for the
assessment of' the costs of paving.
BE IT ORDAIWED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of
Grand I uland 1 Hebr'aska:
,sec.I 1'hat there is hereby creating a paving district in the ci ty of
Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska to be known and designated as
paving o.i stri ct l~o.. 5;2.. of the City of Grand Island 1 Hebraslm.
:..:r _, ~.;
~~-.~~~....<>...v-. .~,_..__..__._~~___~_"",""",,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,>,-_____~__,,,.,.,_~___.~""-.,,,~.,,---__....:..~~_~~~____~~
Sec.2.Saio. Paving District shall consist of that part of Seventh
street lying between the Easterly line of the Intersection of Cherry
street and Seventh Street and the Etu3torly line of the Intersection
of Seventh Street and Eddy street and that pa.rt of FlumStreet lying
vetween the Northerly line of the Intersection of Plum Street and
Sixth Street and the Southerly line of the Intersection of Seventh
Street and Plum Street,and shall include all lots ,tracts anti par-
cels of land lyin~ South of said Seventh Street,bounded as'aforesaid
to a depth of 132 feet ;all lots,tracts and parcels of la.nd jlying
North of said Seventh Street, bounded as aforesaid,to a depth of 132
feet ;a1l lots, tracts and parcels of land ,lying West of said Plum
Street,bounded as aforesaid ,to a depth of 66 feet;and all lots,tract
and parcels of land ,lying East of said Plum Street,bounded as afore
said , to a depth of 132 feet.
Sec.3, Sedd Seventh Street in said Paving District im hereby
ordered paved as provided by l~w ,said pavinK to be 36 feet in
width paved from Curb to Curb,and Curb and Gutter combined ;Said
I)lum Street in said Paving District is hereby ordered Paved. as pro-
vided by law. said Paving to be 28 feet in v;idth from face to face
of Curb.
U...J..L,,,,, \..\..............'-''''__\.A. VV .t-J"""'v.J.........,;.L.1., VU.,J... UV..L. V.L/..V J.-'~""'UI....Nb\."l' l;Aol:-}l'/-\..V'll~"'" u....L.l.'-A. lJUU-:1...1-vO"v.J,.vJ....
of t:rlis ordinance in the IlGrand Island Daily Independentll a notice
of the creation of said districtl one time each week for not less
than twenty days.
Section 6. That authority is hereby given to the OV~1ers of the
record title representing the majority of the abutting property
owners to file wi th the city clerk, vd thin the tille }Jrovided by law,
a peti tion for the use of a particular kind of mati3rial to be used
in said district. If such owners fail to designate the material
they desire uned in said paving district within the time and in the
maymer provided by lawl the Mayor and City Council shall determine
upon the material to be used.
Section 7. The cost of paving said district shall be assessed
against the lots, tracts and parcels of ground especially benefited
in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the'Mayor and
City Councill as by statute provided.
0ection 8. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and. publication as by law
Passed and.approved this 16th day of May, 1923.
...----cf:Cfi-ci-e-i'i<. -.---.---
T. J . Ellsbel'ry
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Iviayo r.
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I t11o,n<J.. t>
.tl~0Ct in
Ara o:.t'U,1l.'lttl'l<.'10
:Pavirlg :D15.JI't.l"'j. at ~To. 42
(11:'H1 \:lncl~Ot1,si.nc; the td.clth
:rut ~:U:Hl :icco:m..l nt1.-'>C()t~ 1t!C!t\1d 01 t;y,lI
and Sycamore Btreets in said City.
. J,'Q,vinGfJ'hrict
CVli(Pl' i$ittG r>t:~!'to;$:.
ty 'r!t~s o1'd.el"o<:t Pl:l.V(i(\
lf~.. 762 el'O-€~ t:tnt3
I ii>l(1.Utl, lj'e"b:t"C1tJk$
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ty of a.rcr~d
'jreaL10 1'0
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tIlO ti1xj'l('j 1'01':'
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~\l j ne e (.~.x~:) i ;to {,1;
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in the
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vn\ting to be 36 teot .in
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,no 't, i on v. :r'h~k.t
'l'ovj,din(! ZOI' '\ilj.(.1t:l1 o.f
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An o;rdillt1<U:C0 (.};t'eo.ti11.C Dt;,v1uc ditit:i::'lCtVJi tl"ill theoorJ)orate li:l'k1 tn
'Or the C;i ty of ~h"'D.f);U IL\1/'.;~u6# l}e'b~'Dit:d{o..; dof1ntna; thtl 1tKjt~ndnX'.tes tIlu:&:'eQf~
"".."'V\.....; ,1 .: "". G". t' 'j' 'l"> t. hD,' }"'.~',.,..'''.1l'. '''''.' ..,., "', n..r' ('<:1""" V "".;'1'{',,,,,,, ">1.'. /1,1' "'."'.". f' "''l? 'I'...i,'\.'"".1. n. .,'.'."".'. f.',. "''7.!t~...''t. .
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of tho 00 l:itr; ,)'f ptJ..1tilnc..
:Drl 11' "
G'l"'arH.l 1. ftlttnd .
'!"."I! t.{,."",
fJ.)' ,..v
;, ~O'b-l~tl~::,lM_;
".\ v, ijO ". \j\.~r n ." "'" "A'" t'. ,1" J. h r,.. (':~ +. ,\,'~ {. .&!'
;{.;...1i4......,'* ~ 'uJt W.>>' -.,,1;.A:i>~V,~.J... v'~_ \.J"'.Jl!oV v~ :9,.; vi&.
:'Jeo'tio11 l~ 'J,'h.{):t tl.i,<l"~ is howeby oa:'c;Z&:'t1lkL; ~ :p~J,v1i:~G dl~ft~l(}t
in t~he Oi-tv' of.:~:rCt,nd ItJltM1d, :nall G;YtUlt~?j %;etil't....,l:::a. tobo JS.il:0'\'lfl
and (:l.enigno,tcd n1:; pO;iliI~C diid:,E.'lct lfo~54 t!l,e lJit;';l Gl"and I DltUfld,
rfeb1.~t:~l:~.]ca,. ,>'
i::ect1on :03. tdtl l)t"tvi11g (lii3t~iot fill'::JJ.l o Qnb.t.D t of thc~ t. ~Jl.toi
the e.l1~y bottJcen i."'(itU:th l;"ntl Fi;fth t~'eotG.. 1~!'it1B; lKtt'lcQ~'4 t..h.e
11EHj'l:iel"ly intcl'ucotiun u;f ;.a:ld (,l,1J.C;Y'61THl;YCl!it"t:10l:(? t:l;'oot tlI.o
::;a~)terly linc of' tho iriltOI'fJ.ectio,fJ OI' Laid :e.':U.ey Cl/J'ul l~t)fJ'tUJ.t 'tXQet,
LU.lttaha1.1 inC~U(;'Ba.ll lo'tl!:J t .t1't10.t~3 of: l.u,net l~!li,nG ou tit
of ~,airl allo~!;)bJun{iud a'J ;"f},iLt to 1:;1 iil.OI1'th 0;1;' 132 j'Qot ~ und ~1111
lotLj -GI'aoto ;,;.;./"d nCj..t'cH~la o;f' l<::.n<1. l~}'j;nG HOl""th caid 8.3.1'0\. b"ttnd~
CoHn rut'orertahl to ct ci;OIlth Qf 132 foot, v.
:00t".Orl ;].
(),r(tcrod Dented. Q.~j
.$.i(l t!.'!.llo;y'ir~ 'Ja;~itl t'laV:Ll1G dikrtJ:'iot. it(;> 1:wl"(;'by
D;L'Qvid04 b;y 1~'\:'. s[~id I.:l8,'v;hlg i~Q ~be 16 foei if).
;-'COt,io11 4. l'hu:t autho~d:b:'J .liD lWl'<.ft,);:..r C;t't~nted to {)\1U0I't}O!
"'tb.e record title ;!:'Q.)l'O~i(1ntll'~G .($1, ~:.lC;<,;jol"'.1.t.Jl u(li' a'butt11'IG !)3:'\:)pex'ty
! OW!10I'S ;i.11 IJaid cd il>t:r:'iot t..; rile w$;th "cliQ 01 try ClOl'ltvJ.1 thin t'wtmty
!' <le.vs fro!:1tho J:';1.:r~,'t}ublidat~~on o;t notlco crot1.1.~:tnG (U l:)tl~iQt ~
I . aa" iP1'0V;ldCd 1>;;. la,w. ',nd:ttQH ;)h~0ctj,Aao tOi)t.%1ri~lg QrC <l ~ivt:z:ict~
f-",.y!:!c.c_....,,"". oct1on G. _.- t tl:e "'..~:~~dci.t;f ciel'l~ ~).:l.'Q hCiL'cb;y' G,u;tllOxi::ied
s.nd di~'ect8cl to '}tl'b:'Li,.oh t:.11'tcl'"' 'l.,lJ!D ;oO".fJut1Go,<::,f.;J,/..a:'ovl't,1 ~l,nd ~)ublio.a.t;G.ln
Q. .~, '!'. ".', '. ".,...(, ii "".'\0'... "'''';'''.- <I,,,, ..'"....n..'rlA 1 c'j !",~",.'.'l 'j'1. "I" 1."",-, ",q.'''~l'~...,t"".,}<I'.. ..' 'f\ .,.,""'t'....:....n.....h. .....f'....'
-J. v-~~.!'.~I>..,.. \...J~ ..'~~..~.i.v'\..f 443. .,--..(.;~.~U . "'.,~'4;'1f(.J.1l.i~ ~4Jf ~ -'4t"'''-'/:'\..,i.Jji-V;",q.- .1.,V~~'~-6 J;.:~ 4.1jVvli4o;;~V y~
the ox'cation of ;';~dG cUL, ;Lct~ <nlfJ t1..o QtitCh rl~ek i,.'oit ~lot 10tH) tht;Ji;
t\'lc,nty d(;'),~/o.
,00tio11 t;, lfT:l:U;~ t iStU t}i.U;l.:'j. t;;r if:,
:r:'ooo!'cl t:i. tic J:'CI)I'(lLCn tlH.: Lt.7.J or~ t~r
t,o file \11'011 tjl0 cit~r ol\:i1.,;l~.\}ithin tlE.
pcti t10n i'o;c Lwe uf'(;1. 'DC111;,ticulD,r
ua1d di trLct. If Duel). Q:G:i~or;;i 1"'&'i1 to
dO~Ji:l:'O tLAJ(l in [;8.i,71 ])c4vinG (Uii,:tl:~ct
prov1<.lod by J.utJ,. tne rJ(l'J,i'Ol~ <;;',n(j, Cl '1:;.11'1'
r:latcl:=lc~l to he ubod",
Liven to thc.()\'ftl.crs of the
f;ld3 t.t.iug r)1'~)pOJ;:.t;Y' Qwu()r~,
time px'ovl(J.e.g;lb&t lesT t a
!nct't,"~'it::i,ltQ 1)0 'Ltsod In
te tl1C Z11\1to\.;~Jial tllC~Jl
'time!lilld in thCi ItW,m,o,1'
lS,l.i;e;,ll <let,;;;:'l,....Llino upon t118
ectio'n 7. ooc:ti...if pL:)ifiriglQt1;l.dliis.triot oha.ll be E.'l.mu$f:f...od
c~ea.im;, t tho. :U)'(; :.1. . of.; J.~r,~0 t c; .&no.. .1tH.!,;j':d~lu.o;t. .~~~U1.md0 ~;l,}e~I.[~lly. hcno:f i tod ill
Pl'op,;;rtj,on to uuol.t ben(;f1tl:1 to 1)0 'd~t!\1tln:&~ied :by' th~ me.;)oremde!ty
council, {),13 1);:,;" 'tc;.tute 1));'OVid0.(t" "';::>":,
" , ()C ~t i {J.ll (). l!1.11 (&
fro:!"l ('l1'H'1. a:ftc:t' i tu
by li);th
iJ~'(2inanc;ec;1~11 'be in rO;J:'c\!,;; o,!'ld tt:J;;c efl'oct
uDige #a..P:rl;L'(}v~!'l t7~n(t :cmb11oH tiotf;!, p (fA') l)];'oVidot\
:'PU:.,l'.;od (!,x1d a:)Z'l,"o~J'cd tl',:l.tJGth (~l1y <".,j;,' J.tUl(;, lB:;}3.
H.E. Clifford
0:1 ty Clc:rl<:.o
. I' ""' ,..,..T,;_;r. .'.........,..~.'i' k,a:g.GU_,~"__.,,,_,_
or'lDUfl\'J:!m~ life). 944.
A.n 0 x'<lirK~pcc c~Qa :tine a r>t1vin;!j
~...hY14 +,q {"of .1""1,,'\ \J "i *'''1 ,+' Ci:'!'.':'.l f""" 'T.' ,;,'" ..",.,1
A.,:J.o~_J..4 v \'ol.' v..,. ""~...,".v "'.. ~~\ . J.. -"" (;:;;J.",,,*t.;&. .li. J.V~I;:.,-",,,,,-j.~ f
thc:l.~cof; 'D2'D'tridln:: :for na'i'\,veu(;tl't
- - -
a,Bfij(H'3E;l',~QJtrl'; of the corita of' p;,:);Ving_
.,. <'1., . 4- . 4,'" 4 t1, \I>>
UJ, t1 bl"lC i. W:.ttf.\k#ofl"l.l.f: co;t'1)Q;);.'[;l,t.>e
TlelJl'1J~t.;Is;th dt.;:l!':l!lillgthe bQt:uj;tJ{~r.ie~
o:f an(tp,t'clv 1 <ling :f 01" the
J3:FJ I ~tt
Grnnd tGlt.'M;dJ
j) bi'/" 'c he
{~1 ~"'T /'\"""""O'i'l
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"':.':0 ('{~.'\. Q,i(!...
\,1"",,-/ ~".f,;./ ,4
''':~, I'> +. ". f\11 1.. fl''t,,,:, t': +" ":1'''"",,~., 4<<1 1., L) X''''''''''' ,.., "'" n.:', t., '''(,,'':.'' "."'; p. .". ."} ,.,,,.,,,,,-,,,, 1. ".1(. ",
<,<'w.vv..,-.;."" ','_. _J;~- _ 'V.vi'",\:)Ta.-~ "...,,:..< l-N~~~VU~ V-;'p'V~<;I'Y-V''''':!' ~ J,;,,-,^:;V-~4Jtl?
th,E! 01 t:;l ('jJ: C~:!:'t:"ncl Inlandlt lJob;t".$,L,k~~i) . to 'be ""the/t'ln un\Cl. dCL11g11atod t;r.S
p{wi.ng (ll;;:,tJ;';tct lrth #i:=iFo;;Qfthe City of (i'3:anti :h;l~J.m:~~ j:(;'b3:'o.",J~t'.l;f!'
ti'trict ;i!'l
eetion.~:;. 1:dd :pavblGct;ir;rtrict tlooll conGict Q1' tJ:1!.'A.t :p~.t
ot lYllevtm tl1 "tJ;'oet 11 l:.\rinu; between tbe liici,f.;rto1"l;V 11i.ne ()f' 'tho
inte:ti'Hection ox' :nlovcnt,ll "t4.'t:.HS't i\;!;nd;"lleel(;;~"t~G~t c.~ld tho \letito:rl)1'
line 0':[' tlHo inte;j....u;;ctiotl of :;:;;le1fenth c~u<1:l'>lne tJ:'eetI:1# t:i.Jltl thc~t PO>l"'t
of' Pine rt;j,"'eot lyi:r~ l:H.:tvl~f}n tlM:l ,;;..H;rt.l'le:rl~r line. t;>;f;' . the bAte:rt3eot~on
of :;aoventh 1;.1"'0(;'1; ~nd Pine t~eet a:nd t.1HlJ no~;thej;'lY. line Of, the
:!..ntCI'iH!;C tiQlio:f;;' :~>(1)f!;11l'th trect ~~~d Pizle1l..1"~i.rt_ c~):itd "~l.f;";',t l:;~I.1.~t (}f
TW()lftht:t'eotly.:h1g bi~,t1,'$eGt!J 1.\he. .,lefil'th3r1jt li~leQ;(' tho intcZI1'Heot1Qf.l
of 1:tvell'tht:rl)ct C~!1tl. J.\ine. tre.I$t-# tjl1dthe .... t{).!V):y J.inc ot tJ;4C
1n'bQ4.'~.Qct:ion of' :~''''1elfth t1'eet8>ll~1. ,jhQ~)lc1' tli'fiet,. 8J'ld tlllialllne.lu.(t~
ctll lot El. t,;l;"'O.ctG nnd Pl;11';{.'1t:l ()t~ .~. 12/nirlg l:~o~~tb();f :rllovoutll
tX'Ot:t boundod elf,. i,1t"Q~'Cf:la1d to ~'J..d.CJ,Jtll lfl~1 f'($i<it..und €:~~L1 :Iota,
t1'O.Ctlill, !:";fld pn:roela 'Of It?'nd ly ~.UC; . . ""nth or naid ,Uleventl1 .. trectJ;
b<Y1J!.ndc,1. rtt50,,!~Ol"OfJ~~.1(l tt'l ~t 1?1eIYtb of' 1(~2 !eei)~ lulJ u(lee..ll
1/.'~ 1',,,<1 "., +""""'0'+" . ,..,.".1 ".,..).:."",,../'0.,"1 I:; n. ,f!' 4.~.q'."dl 'j..~",.1>",p' ".":r.');....'"f(. h..$' "(,'1 ~''''' ,">I>,""m>lIit.
''l,t,/~{Il.'''f _ __V.;D.if.f.;l_ v.L'_' L..~;i~~\;;l,; .L,:~~.~:... .,i.-t;j- V4_ ~-i.:,-"'~*""'t _i,l...;;",~.:._~V ,_..-'yt~).~ V4 ~~_...~-~,1V --:-tf~'V'x.;.. ,-..J
"bundCll tMl n;f'oi;o~3aid. to (j~ tIer,lth of 1~2f'()~t" E1n(ls11all.in:OJu(l.B ~ll
lotB,l traets""!>i,<.l po.1t'eel~ (11' land ;~y ,H.HJt of :J~1d f)ifl~ t:t'oet..
bounded t~.(~ 8.t~ct3ald tOtt dept}lof t'eot {;;,nd .slu;~ll inOJ.ucte ~U.l
lotl~.. t~;'aots ..~1.n~tpa);'eelii, ot' .l.t;lind IJ;:l:111~. ~Nutlth ofTv1elftl~ JC:Ti'eet"
boun<le(tc1i; "Li'o:t'e~M;~;ht.. 'to t'1tJ.c:oth ur l~H} tlt. ;t:l.ntl ~hD..l1 11'10 l"fle
all lQt~llJl t.l'CliQt,tJ' '{)(:.l".ce;'UJ o~' 1<S"4f~(;1 l:\r~ne JilQ3':'W'10f Lt\l.:l,-d ~;:l"Jelfth
"t~_~eti_-'i f,wunCod [i>I'r,ttL'ofru,ld. to ~ <1(lIith Q.f 1:52 t~~~.,,, .'
, ~le~tion ~j., 'Ali!.id nt,I"oottS iri fJ~:i.id. p~1tr1S"'1i;;; (t:L,tx~ict. tl1:i:'Q hO:t'ebJl
orcterotl Y)~lv()(l 0,0 pI'(nritlecl 'byJ.tl'f1; ~lc.),iQ, IlSV'ing to ljuH~et ttl - :<8
'(171.(1t.11 po.ved fl~c,m eU$.'1) t"""ort1;'b. ~nu eUl'b ua"ld' flJutto~ ~()labitle<i.
;..;0ct:i,!.)Kl 4. Tht~t t1.uthori tJl
the r(HJ:Ql~d ti ~clo r'ot)l'efJ()XTti..t~J 6~
()v,rnoxs in g;,&ticl di,rti'1et to f"lc
d.a.ys f):'(;rl f'1rut publl~t;ft;iQn of
as rXt'ovidocl 1:rs" lu;tl, \71'1 tten obje0.t.iQf';l.~
g:lt"(~x,rtod. t \.) the O'\:;':lnO!)~1 of'
u:!:' 'MICt.'hlJuttil'l.:G J'lltune~'ty
o~t;) clorl\;, tiithi~ , t.i?Qnt;y~,
not3.co ex'{)o,'tll:.rlC;. ((i(J.1U td1lrt:t'::u~t4
to .€;I!;\;) !'Jt1.V:iir1G ot ~:~i<i di::Jt:riot.
::,ection 5. J:hc~t th.c I'f!).\;y'uJ7 lSl,llt1 01 t.y Glo;lt'k a;.t'e be:reb.G>utll'''lrl~;od
t,md d1l'ociod 'to Imbli~h u1'to~' the 1}t&t.1kH;~C(Lwep!l1'{)va1 :::,n(~ r;m,bliolEl,tioti
of this o;cclii}a~I'JCe in 'MIO G:raAJd I~;lo.ml })i'),ilzr 11'1<tepenli:1ent.. a nQtiooof
the c;r'Co:tiOl'l of ~,a.it1, (iiu't.:\;'iat~ utle t1rtle~at.tb. t:renl<.: not lOf:)fG tl.~ll"l
tVletit.y c'v.:1;yts,.
nec tl on f). Whx;.l.t &'\.uthox-l ty i f;.) h:c1~oby given to t~he om!~a~$ of tll(\)
l'coo:t'd ti tleJ:'el)l~GrH:mitflnc; the r;1~Jot'i t~r of tl'le~butt-ing p$;'uPO!'ty
ot1:ne1'(1 to t11e "t~li 'tilt the city olO:rl~..wi th!n 't,tJ.O t1Z210 pl'ov1ded b;V
lawpa j)otitj,on :1"'Ol' 'bhe '!lOG. ofal)ctl'tj.eult:~~ l~ltld at f11atl..i).t'i!t1.1-t,o 'be
lH1ed in ua id~~:LI:rtl:'iot If IfIZMO:UOi1l10:rS fe.i l to d~aigrJl;lta th"e z):1(1tn),~lal
tl'1.oy (1.0~3iI'e W,ElU 111. 3C.tld puving d!lilt:r.'iot \!llth.1n tb<'J tix,lf)tmdln
t.he rnu,nner:;J:'ovidOtl 'by ltl.w, the tm::,yoJt' nml City Cvv..rlo:i.l oll$..ll detlJI'rrl.b:te
uDun the J:IlL;vto~'inl to be uDod.
eetiQn '7. 'J~ho CI!Hrt o:f '?,,){;},V:l.llr; fll,'.;\. J.<t di HtJ.~ict JnXall beatlf$~t}Ji.1ed
1;:tgainsttire lotB~ ;I;rac~t.:; Pi:1!'c{;le o1;'Gl;Ut.an,(L C:;}!lsoia.1J.y hQn,ot1tGd
in. preipox-tiorl to ~Juch be:rwt1tti tOlood-etc:rwi.nodby tlH;t\, X:Wl;YOI' Q.tld
city C01;u:.lciJ. fV~J l~~t ~,tt~tuto J):r0vl(;lGd~
. €lotion 8. S,'lc1t, o.:!j'dirl.t~"nuet~JJti?,ll 'be in fOl"'oe antl te~l:;:eof'Jtoct
:["""Q"1\'1 .."" ii... J<>+ . ,,-', .) ';"" '" ""I:)'" (.j ",,"\ "{" ." ,,',,*"'i' 0/>1'\"";""" ''\ "; ~~.rl,"" '1""l"'~ i, m." ;1,.,'\ o~"" <1'" l"""(7 In.'.,''',.... "K'.. ~'" 1.'"",,'''. .J.l' ,.~...il "'. '"
..-...\0 .,_ t.,.;+A..-'<..;.. -t.,,<t-. 0...,,* ~ '-'fh"l .'I,:.~w~...u...,." 'R';;)~:kJJ!4.V-V:~..~ (..;f.l~~ J.) -.,. 4vC'4v........ Jl..j, -~~~) Ll...; ...,.>i,.;~-",i' l:/~ ';,;}-\!'4U~U..1P:
Pt1.CllO<i;t c:.nd L1J)provod tLln 6th (;.t~;;.r Q',tr,;uno, J.,.m:':3.
H.E.Clifford ..
!Fi'(1"I't~t"el0~k. .""-~ .
.~,1_,J!H J ~he:.c1W____'''._''" ,
l;'.ci;03:,' li
-" ~ _.fl-
,__"_~"""__~~__~~~",,,,, '0
OJtD !l1AJifm: )W" 945
An Ol~<:lin1:1o:nce veoa tine;
'r, };;1:1o;l.'1;. of C;lC'lrolo.nd ;;1;1'eot
lyi:nc; :3outh o:f 11'1);':3t iE:,t~eet :in the G:I;t;y of Greuld !lrile.nd,
Iln IlJ' OR!)A:nn..ro '0;)1' the Mayor,!:' ~M1(l 0:1. ty 00u:1011 of.
t11.0 C1.t~t of Ch'(:1Uld I(llt~nd p Ueb:r:twl:tH
Dcot:ion 1. '.rl1t')!.t tlu;'1.t I)t'!.rt o:ft Glo'lrelt$.lw tl"eet
lying south of ]!'\irat Dtreet in the 01 ty of Gr6tud la;;lan<h
IJ'e'brall'd:>.a b0 and tho jJe.,J:~le 10 hcX'sbi)' vaOttted.
::;ectl0tl 2. Thl~ o~in~nc0 t:l1lall be in foroa &.nd
t~J~c Ei i"fect from and f.1,tte:t:L to pt~s(jo,ge, a}}pro'Vl;;.l o,nd
pnblicl'l,tion $0 bjl~ ~ts:tl,J.'te .!'equj.~'ed.
:PaLJtl(H;l and t;tP:p~o'lfed th,if.il ..o,\h da,01' of' JtUlCt 1923.
-lL-...A_. .cli~, , ... ..............
T .J".. Ellsberry
..,.. '. -l~:yo'i7""'.'-"'-''''-
( S ea.l~
Oi t;;l' Clork.
-' ~ .,.... >,-,.~,.
Ord1p~ln~~. 12.. 946
An ordinance lev:vinc; c,t special VlCi.te;t~ d1~ltl~ict te",,'v,; to i:)~Y :for
the conotructicm ot Vl(:t'l~et lTla.1ns in WCttt'.tt' xr.l!:1.1n ])ietrict ~lo. 18 or
tho 01 ty o;t.' Grand :r elttnd t !Jeb!'asJt:v..t11!ld l'a: oviding f'o:r the
oolleotion thereof.
DJTI IT OPJJAIl'rlfro b;V the !.Ie~yoJ'.' @1:1<1 01 ty Council of the 01 t;yr ot
GltEtnd I Gltl.m.l. Ire'bj:'aoy.a $
:~\ec ti on 1. 'l'ho,t a Ellpec 10.1 VH:.1. t o;t." :ruo,in d il') t:t.~ 10 t t(;~t be o.nc\ the
$$.!llO it'! lwroby lovied ~..nd (~6I$eflaed to !)$.y tl:J.e~'l;:pet1se or the
OQl1fJt;cuction Qf tJ10 \Jt"..tOl' m.ain in '\1t;1.te;t' IL\Ll,in (Uifitl'ict ll'o. 18 of the
City of' Q'rClJ.ld I()land~ lJe'bre,nlte.) ago,irwt 'tIh.e :t"uspeotivc lot,G. tre.ct,$
C~Kld })t1l"oelG (;)1' land in ~1Stid d.istJ:'iot, irk tJ.1C U2Twm1t,s oct opposite
tl'!.ci:r l'o;::;pectivo desoriptiona thox'oof'lJ not e.:JI:oooding the fin,un of
fifty ooutts pOl' front f(H.'Jt, to-wit:
Lt>ta 0, '1 t 6. 9cl.nd 10# 1:n IUOtll' 2~), ~.j(U::Lit1l'llCrf s Addition.
Sil2o.40 eaoh;
I..oto 6, '" 8. 9 ~tl(i 10, in Ill()ok 22, [iollULllllOX,fO Addition,
:;;1,26..40 eo.ellt
,. Lot 6, in l13.Qolc :I.. Subd.ivif;;j.Uf1 of Gilbertt $ 130001'1c1 Addi 'cion,
!"ots 7,80.1'1(1 9, it'! 1l1Qck 1, Ctilhe:t'tta ;..;econd Addition,
:11,26.00 each:
:r...ot.s ltt 2, 3, 4 and 5, in l~look 20. t1chimmerts AdtUtioX',,'1
~;H3~h40 each;
.' J~~ts 1. 2., 3" 4: a.nd f). itl Elook. 21. i:JO.l:i!:1tller' s Addi ti Ol'l ,
;,;.2$.40 cach~
1Lotf.i 1. f:;, ~). 4- (itfH:1 6; in :Bloclt 2. CU-lbcX't'la i3econd Additio1'J,q
;;)26.40 each;
Fractiont1..1 I.ot 1, in 1F;t'C:1.ctio;t1al lllock 3. Gilbor't t e ;.ieconct
Addi ti on * ~:t:t*. ~;)' +' 26.
[iection ~~. Tha.t all O.:lltJ?Ol'lfJE) in ez:ceee. of':ti:fty C(mtitl :per fj."ont
toot aSGosst!'blo t1.,:a~tn~;t t.he lot"", tl:'aotiJ t;.ud !}e.4:'celoof land tJitllin
tl).c DO,id vIator !iltl,in <.iiotl'ict 0118.11 t)l3 paid out oj." tho watol" furul'
of' the C:l.ty of' G-ral1a. !t31o.nd.,.i:Tob:re.sl:A.
}.!,ootHm ~}. aid~mooil:1:t \7i;!,te:t' 1.1ain <11 L~;tt'ict tt~t;. Lillall 1;)e dt:te
Hnd lY,JC()Ll0 do..Lincmant in tho IT1L;.nncj.~ tmd at the tirrio r):t'o'vidod by law
t1.nd ohell be collected in tlw ma:nnor provided 'by latJ~
;'00..1;.101'1 4. Tho Oi .ty 010:1:'1;;: 01' tho Ci'ty G:l;'unc1 Islandj1 :No'brt'.l.fJl:1Pl.
is hcreb;y- 1m) tructed and cliX'E!cted to oOl.'tify to the county
treasurer of' IIG.ll County. IleoI'oA.11ua.. the 0.I:1Ut.ll'lt, of oa1d tE,\::ee
togethol" y]j, th :instructions to collect t)Ul,lO (;l,$ p;rovitLcd by .lav1.
;:,eotion 5. ThitJ o:Niinartco sl.1t).11 be in :foroe and taJ.;:e oX'feet
11'0111 c\nd at'tor :t -(;D pa.(;oage, ap:D2loVl31,1 and l),\.;l'b~~ctttionf /:;1~J b:'l law
l?tHiH,od o,nd approved thiapth o.a,;:;' ot June, 1923.
. .'e !.t-
Il, ,E., 9li~'for~____
0:1. ty G1 o;;t~l{;,
.. Ai, . .!"'~, .~". E:I;l.!.~:a~
. l.wor.
OPJ.n1TAnOI; no, 947
An ordinanoe levying e" f)1!oeit?~l VJ'cd:;oJ': (liutrlct to PfW feu?
theounstl"uetion of \;'Jatc;(' mains in watc~-' [l(d,n (i:l.[ltrict J::To~ ~;9 Qt
tilt) City of Grand Is1a1'1<.1; n()b:rL.1,u and providing t'ot the oollection
1311 ltr OrU)A1JILD by the IJlayor and 01 ty Council oi' the 01 t~r of
Gral'ld :r t3J.L1.nd. Uobra~)l"a.
:ecticm 1. ~rho;t 0.. ~3!H.~cial \1!n.te;l:.' rao..indi!;',lt:lt'1ot tax be and th(t
saEle i~~ hox'ob;y'lcviod and aosest.H3u to I)ay the ~~l)enat) of the
OOlHltruotion of the Vl~tO:r ![l$,in in Vl~tC:r zua:hl Gl1~;l'triot ~~(;h2eot
the 01 t;)r of Ctrav.d Isla,nd. Hobl'a.".l::a. e.Gainut the x'espeoti'lto lots.
tracts and pureels of land in said d1f.1.itriot, in tho amounts sot
oppoittbe theil" respeotive deeo:t.'iptiona thereof, not e'C(HH3cl1ng the
sum oi' fifty oents lXll' front foot, to-witt
!.ots O. 6. 7 and 8f in :Blook 5. Lakev1o\11 Add1 t1011. ~~2',,5Q
11ot$ 1. 2, 3 and 4. in Block 4, l.akevie,,! Additi.on, ~j;28.50
f3ection 2. ~;:hat all fjj;,pelH!ie in e:i,:cer::;~~ of fi:t.yoente per :t'rol'1t
toot utH'lo$f'lt],ble t:~gt1.invt;. the lQtG f t:raete and parcels of l::md \'11thin.
the said '\'J<.1tl.;I' rnain <11 t3triot sha.ll bel)aid out ot,' the wa tor fund
ot the City of Grti!,ucl In leJ'l d. !~ebl'aJiJ~ .
~;ectio1'l 3. ;:611d opeoial \;70i>ter ma1n distrlQt ta~ ltlha-ll l~
due t\nd l:>OO-LlO delinq:uent in tho:a!f1nne~" and t};t tho time pl'ovidod
by lC:1;\'l. and ohtdlbe collected 1,1:1 the :rt10.nner provided by l&Jw.
Deotiol1 4. The City Cll:.11"k oftb.e City of' Gr<:.tnd Islctnu, Uebrlt1.;'.Jca.
i13 hC):'Oby in::;tructcd and dil'octad to cCI'';Gif~r to tl.l.0 oounty treasv.:rer
of Hall Ouu.nt~r. j\Tobr~1.61't&. the amount of caia. to.:.1;.ee,l togethezo w;Lth
inetX"l.lctioIH.'i tu collect Ua!llC 8.8 p:t'ovid~d by la:w.
tion 6.. ',fhis o3;'clinanooDx16411 be in :fox'co t1.flct tal>:o ef:t'ect
from a.nd. ~1fter i to pacoL'tge. approval tctnd pub:.L1ct'.tion. CbS pl'ov1ded
by law.
l'le.f;lfJcd and !(pprovod this 6th day of June, 1923.
$~tteat ~
I . '''~... "cPty~itl',t~tSU'A-_--
. 1: ...,J. ~ !J1,.6,b..err~
i~..yor. .
.~. i.
;..'_..~'-~. ....
to 948.
An ol'dincJ,!lCD leV' :1J1(; fiJ.
:for tho CunGt:!'L\ct~~ca1 eft .t!:;.
() i i}y G rar'lcl 1. [;) :Lo.iACt ,
8f; ot the
~ Dlleatioll
Grand 1:
". , by t:he
. ;;ct)re.,cYJ::l:
and \Jil. t~y Council
C1 at"
t bo
e~\:'f}en$C cr()n~:rtl"uct:\.ng
.,. (fta7a.~ld I
;;';octi 011 1. tj,'het a. cmoo:i.a.l
i e hereby lenIS, ed 1;:!.!Jtl e"r1fl$3{!,l:.led
a. ~orWJ;' in c',ewor t."...:!.ct l'iQ" ~7
ITQb1'af3};:a~1Gt',inl,t tho . ti"\tC
in d.i~3tI'ict in the anounttl lCHOt
tlel:lc;ri:pt:hmc ~ '1;0...1;11 t:
/ I~tn 1. ~3. ~~ 4, 5, ($,. 7.e~ 9 and 10. in 1.1Jlock 68, YJhoel~~ .~~.
ncnuett '0 f!.oG{mtl /,"<1(,11 tj,on. ~lii6.6e oe;cbJ
l,ots 1.. 2. '3.4.. ,0,. 6, ,.,7. 8! e ~11(1 lOt 1~ B1oelt69.Whe(Jl{)~
Ja(l~mott' 0 :":ooorid J\~,\l;di tian..~lfl5.5e~h;
1,0 ta ~. ff::: J 3. 4. l). 6.}., a. 9, ~!1tl.lO.. ;i,n
:Bennott",f'j Loco:nc!. l\;ddi tiQn, ;;;r~a~5e.
70, VJ1J.~cl..c~t'
J'JO tiS
:Be1.~'lct, t "s
D ..(,ll. 1." t"... ..,. f'1-,. .-- l
1, t..;.. 0)'1 l.r, 0" 6. {it e~
t~0{Jond j"tL"l;$. tion, (;t~t).OO
). , ~}, ;), is, Q ~ 6,.. 7'.~ 8#
::ooono Add;H~jol1. .;)55..58
10 ~ if4.
9 and 10,
~1, vi11,()ele.r (};
. t ~ ~ 0 1 R ~
"..0 fJ 4.J ""-. '. O. i~, ,Vt "(j.-
Add 1 tio,n. ii~;5fj.58 ~)l$iQh;
17, B.. 9
10" S.oh1mr;l(Jl!." t~
'f At 1 r) 'e:. 11 . f~ t! ..
. . .t...." w... ." J v,..., 0., v..
Ad<li,ti on II :',~56. 56 oo.ch;
'7.. 8. 9
10 # ;hl
I.ota 1.. g. ,. 3" 4. 5, 6. 7, a, 9 t;J.r1tl It,) 1n Jlloel~ at
Add.ition, ;;,;55.5U eaoh; .
:.!ecti'H'i~~. ;',;o~i(:l 51")0(:1& ~yt.l'iot ah.allbe due @Jln
'become <loliHciumrt in tho #~l'mcr l,;l,4:l<;l e.t I):!.'o'vi<led by law
[;,nd ahtl.ll IjC "oo:'U.o()ted 1n the fClL4nnOl' II$'oV'i<lecl b5''' le-,;liJ. .
,oct-ion 3.. ~:h(;l <a t:,r 0.1.0).'>1,= 'the
i a l'.l0l'C'b';/ irH, t;j';'uc toO. ('tl'lCi tti:170.ctetl too
of' Hallt: Gun 'ty, !lcb3:'~~,.nl~~;.. f th ~$ of
in;:d:.:.t"uctiotH:l tooo1.1oct the ~J8.J:~@ l.\IEJ l'iJ;'ovi.ded 'by
action 41. ~rlli~}
fl'O!ll O,ll{l.
by levt.
~P(;.t, D f,') od teind
<) ,..
~ l!} (,'_~
..... "'''j
(} J;:' J tJ:ne.
1.9~,53 .
6 tl'l ,,!:It:,~/
." , ,.i'.....,....x.....,~....I,..'"JU..1JiI.b.e~......*.___
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Ci ty 01c1'l;:,
~ (Seal)
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It:!1 0 :t'dinc~no e .leVs
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.' <f', T' ';',",',1' 't n"""",,, ~,' t,C''\'[, ii, h t"
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LjeetiQll 4. n~dln~)~nCe
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T. J. Ellsberry
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!','I~";;tQ1'.. '
, ,
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Ordi nance No. 950.
An ordinance creating Sewer District No. 108 in the City of .
Grand Island, Nebraska, defi~ing the boundaries thereof, provid-
ing for the laying of a slIWer in said distri ct, describing the
manner in which same shall be laid, assessing the co sts thereof
against the abutting property.
Whereas the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island
Nebraska, find that the steps heretofor taken for the crea~ng of
Sewer TIistrict No. 108 are regular and lawfull, and that a sewer
to be laid in the district hereinafter defined is a public neces-
sity. Now, therefore, be it ordained by the Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
Section 1. That Sewer District No. 108 of the City of Grand
Island, Nebraska, is hereby created, same to be in the alley be-
tween 6th & 7th Sts. from Beal St. east toU.P.R.R.Co. R.o.W.
(St. Paul Bran ch) .
Section 2. That a sewer shall be laid along the course above
descr ibed,1 running through said blocks, in accordance wi th the
plans and specif ications governing sewers heretofore established
for laying sewers ,in so far as the p:tans and specifications
can be carried out.
Section 3. That the entire cost of constructing said sewer
shall be assessed against the abutting pro~ rty in said district
and a tax shall be levied as soon as the cost can be ascertained,
same to 'become d.elinquent and draw interest as provided by law.
Section 4. The City Engineer is hereby authorized to draw
p.J..ans and specifications for sm d sewer and make estimate of the
cost thereof and submit same to the City Council. and when adopted
the City Clerk shall at once advertise for bids for the construc-
tion of said sewer, in accordmce with the plans and spec ifi cations
submi tted. reserving the right to reject any ardall bids.
Section 5. This orm nance shall be in force and- take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication, as pm vided
by law.
Passed and approved this 6th day of June 1923.
Attest:- (Seal)
H .JTI. Clifford
City 01 etk .
T. J. Ellsberry,
lill:ayo r
...-. '-,-~...........~:"'----.,-,.,----.,,~~.
orillINAl1CE no. (~95JL
An ordinance repealing Beetion 2 of Ordinance No. 391 of the
eom:piled ordi:nances of the 0i ty ofC+rand Island, lTebras};:a; IJrovid.ing
for the vacation of the alley in Block 22) of Charles Vla.smer's
Addition to the City of Urand Island, Nebraska; and providing for
the exchange of that part of J"efferson str'eet which WCL;.3 vac<iLted
by Ordinance No. 391, and all of the right, title, claim and
interest of the City of Grand Island in and to the ITesterly 46 feet
?,~~ ~ot On~ .(1) ,_~~he Easterl~ ~.:4 f.~et of_ Lot Two (2), .~he J1!asterl:'(
04 feet of Lot bIne (9), ana ~ne westerly 44 feet of ~ot ~en (10),
all in Block 23, and all of the alley running thru said Block 23
in Ch.o),r1e8 'Nasrner's .i\.ddition to the City of Grand 1s18ncl, Nebraslm,
for an easement for a sewer through the property owned by THE
FPJ'JJC1SCAIT f3V3T::ia~HOOD OF N1DJ3HA;:1I<A j.ll tlLt p,-',rt of what was formerly
South Park, an addi.tion to the eit:y of Grand Island, Nebraska, now
vacated along Oklahoma Avem;te, as originally platted.
BE I'l' oPJ.-::Anmn by the ],;:a:yor and Ci t::,r Council of the Ci ty of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. The City of Grand Island, by its lAayor and City
Clerk, is hereby authorized cHid eIl1J)O"\Nered. to convey to '.1.'HlG FRANCISCAN
SISTERHOOD OF~r~AJ1l:, A Cor:porF.VLon (andbe.ing the sole owner of the
land abutting 011'LJli.e-t<'-tract hereinaf'ter described) the land vacated
by Ordinccmce Ho. 391 of the Compiled Ordinances of' the Ci ty of
Grand Island, lTebraska I to-vii t: All that l);:~rt 0 f J efferson;~t1"eet
T!lde]) Jice betV!8elJ Blocks 2:5 and 24 of Chc;:,rles Was:mer' s Addit:Lon to
the City of Grand Island, lTebraska, also to convey to the said
1'lm FF.P.:FCIf3CArrSlf;1'ERHOOD C)Ji' UEBRABKA, c\11 of its ri.ght, ti.tle, claim
and interest in and to the Westerly 46 feet of Lot 1, the Easterly
34 feet of Lot 2, the Easterly 34 feet of Lot 9, and the Westerly
44 feet of Lot Ten (1), all in Block 2~), and all of the alley running
thru Baid Blocl{ 23 in Charles Vlas:r:nor's Addition to the 0ity of
Grand Island, lJebl'aslffi" ulJon r'eceiving from said corporation a deed
conveying to the City of Grand Island, lTebl'e~ska 8, right-of-way and
easel'Jent for the construction, maintenance, and repairing 01' a
storrn 8e'.'le1' running from i:3outh Clai'k street to the center line of
South IJincoJn Avenue as originaJ ly platted in South Park, an Addition
to the City of Grand I61ano., lTebrc1,sl-:e., .su.. ong Olclahoma Avenue I 2.8
originally platted in said Addition.
Section 2. The alley in Block 23 of Charles Wasmer's Addition
to theCi ty of Gr'2.ncl li:.:land, Het>r8,s}:a, be and t.he S8,lile is hereby
Gection 3. Section ~~ of Ordinance no. 391 of the Uomlliled
O:!.'cllm;,nces of the 01 ty of' G:car;d I 51c:md I l~ebl'aska be and the uame
is hereby repealed.
Dect10n 4.
from nnd after
'.1'his orcUm:mce shell 'be in force and take effect
I ~s l)aDsctge, ctpproval and })l)blica tj,on as by law
P8,SDed and ap})l'OVeCL this _ 2qth cia;y of June, 1923.
H.E. Cliff ord
----.-.. "'C>i'{yCi-e'rk .-'---"_.~
Chri s I:Hche1aop
-"---" ,_. 'I~.. -.' - ..._,..,.,.. '...- ---~,-
President of the Council
. 952
G~';:;iJ.l (1-
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it .
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tracts and parcelc of land between 14th. and 15th.Sta. and between
Locust and. Elm Sta.>>
l"'l~li:l.~~}. :'.i..(.~;
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PreBi~~'.of the Council
An 0 rdinance crea t:Ll1g Se'we!' Di strict No. 110 in the City 0 f
c.tj:and Island, nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing
for the laying of a sewer in said district, describing the manner
in vThi cll sa:li1e shall be laid, as De ssing the coate thereof against
the abutting property.
VlliERLGAi3, the Mayor and City Council of the City of G:rand Island,
Nebraska, find that the steps heretofore taken for the creating of
Sewer District No. 110 are regular and lawful, and that aseVTer to be
laid in the District hereinafter defined, is a public necessity; and
vnillREAS, by a three...fourths vote of all the membe:rs of the ci t;y
council said seVIer main has been ordered laid VIi thout cont to the
NOW, 1'llEffi~FOHE, :BE 11' OBDADflm by the lVIayor and City Council
of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That Sewer District No. 110
Grand Island, Hebraska is hereby created, same
a,11 the lotr~. tre..cta and pa,rcele of le,nd between
and bewteen Oak and Elm sta.
of the City of
to c onsi st of
15th. and 16th.Sta,
Section 2. That a sevIer sh[;1J..l be laid along the course above
described running through said blocks, in cwcordance with the plans
and specifications governing sewers heretofore established for
laying seVlers in so far as said plans and specif:Lcations can be
carried out.
Section 3. Th~t the entire cost of constructing said sewer shall
be asuesscd against the abutting property in said district, and a
tax shall be levied :..s soon as the cost can be axcf;rtained, baid tax
to become delinquent and draw interest as provided by law.
Section 4. The City Engineer is hereb:y authorized to draw
Dlans and slJecifications of said seVIer and malce estlL,ate of the
cost thereof~ and submi t same to the (.;i ty Council, and when adopted
the City Clerk shall at once advertise for bids for the construction
of Baid se"ver, in acc ordance wi th the l)lans and specifications
submitted, reserving the right to reject any and all bids.
Section 5. 'l'his ordinance shall be in force and take effect from
and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law.
Passed and arlproved this 20th day of June ,1923.
..... . ---- -_.__.....~....._..--,._~.--_.----...
_.__c_....u....Jll.. _Clif.:t:Q_r.d.._~___..
City ClerIc.
__~Q.~!:~1!.l!~~~~~~Q!1___._ __.____
PbJiSdllen t of the Council.
( SJt1AL)
A? ordinance creating ~ewer District Ho. 111 in the City of
Grand Is1cn d, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing
for the laying of a SeYler in ;,Jaid d.istrict, describing the manner
in which saLle shall be laid, assessing the costs thereof against
the a bu t ting J)1' ogerty.
W1llim~AS, the Hayor and City Counc:i.l of the City of Grand Island,
:Nebraska, f incl that the stelJS heretofore taken for the creating of
[~ewer District Ho. 111 aX'e regular and lawful, and that a sewer
to be laid in the District hereinafter defined is a public
necessity; and
\V1mm~A:3, by a thr'ee-fourths vote of all the members of the
City Council said sewer main has been ord.ered laid without cost to
the City.
NOW, 'l'IIERKE'OIli'l, ]3]] I'l'=;RDAI NED by the Mayor and Ci ty Council
of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That Sewer District No.
r sland, NebraslG:3, is hereby created, same
tracts and parcels of land between 16th.
Oak st. allld Elm st.
J.ll of the Ci ty of Grand
to con8i st of all the lots t
t;l,nd l7th.ste and between
Section 2. Thc.:i-t a sewer shall be laid along the course above
described running t}ll~ough said blocks, in accordance VIi th the plans
and specifications governing sewers heretofore established for laying
sewers in 80 :['ar as said plans and specifications ce.n be carri ed au tl
Section 3. 'That the entire cost or constructing said sewer shall
beassessed against the abutting progerty in said district, and a tax
shall be levied as soon as the CODt can be ascertained, said tax to
become delinquent and draw interest aD provided by IF"Vl.
Section 4. ~he City Engineer is hereby authorized to draw
J)lans and specifications of said sevIer and rnake estimate of the cost
thereof and suhmi t same to the ci ty counc il, and 'when adopted the
city clerk shall at once advertise for bids for the constructions
of said sewer, in ,accordance with the plans and specifieD. tione
submi tted, reserving the right to rej ect any c.md all bicLs.
Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided
by law.
PEsoed and apPl'oved this 20.......__.._day a... T. 1903
__.IoCU _ J.~ --U..une_,___.._.._.._.~_ r~ .
_.___.,JI.E..J1J..i..:f_f_Q..r..d..__._.._.._.~._._., ___
City Clerk.
Pre J." en of the Council
U "
1!~O. 955
;3ik~a ~~;itL:t lhl
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all the lots, tracts and parcels of land between
and between Vine and Plum ~ts.,
and Second Stat
c.:i;~j,~ "t)e.ti ~~t~J:
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.w'~.i~t~~~-J;l;ei ''Iifio.-*:>+~n.'' >':J!'!'~:' '- , ' -f~~,~l ..
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Chris Michelson
~,~'f~~~?\;'_~~...~,.ti;. .'j.."'f~~,,'t!h~-'';"_'~<>~' ;"t'>'4lw-'~:^""l-_ '''''''_'~ "'~\'~C:"--'#,:';'~
Presid~vif the Council
An 0 rdinance creating Sewer Di stric t Ho. 1J.3 in the Ci ty of
Grand Island, HebraskD., defining the boundaries thereof, providing
for' the laying of a sewer' in :;;aid district, describing the manner
in ~Iich same shall be laid, assessing the costs thereof against
the a but ting pr01Jerty. .
WlillRIGAS, the lIayo I'
IrebI'aska, find that the
Sower District No. 113
be laid in the Di~trict
and City Council of the City of Gl~and Island,
$teps heretofore taken for the creating of
are regular and la.wfuili, and that a seVier to
hereinafter defined, is a public necessity; [end
WlillRl):.AS, by a thl'ee-fourths vote of all the members of the ci ty
council said sevier main has been ordered laid without cost to the
HOVl, 1'Hillm]!'UPJ~, BLi IT OPJ)AIlmn by the Mayor and Oi ty Council of
the City of GI'and Islo..nd, Nebraska.
Section 1. 'l'ha t Sewer Di strict no. 113 of the Oi ty of ~rand
I sIanO., lJebraska is hereby created, same to run in alJ. ey i11
Block 2-Ko~11er Place and contain all lots in said block,
Section 2. That a sewer shall be laid along the course above
described, running through caid blocks, in accordance with the plans
and specifications governing sewers heretofore established for laying
sewers in so far as said Dlo.nz and specifications C,,111 be carried out.
,Section 3. 'rho.t the entire cost of constructing said sewer shall
be assessed againut the abutting IJl'operty in said district, and a tax
shall be levied as soon as the cost can be ascertained, uaid tax to
beconlc delinquent and draw intel'est as provided b;/ law.
Section 4. The City Engineer is hereby authorized to draw plans
and SlJecifications of said se\ver and make estinlate of the cost thereof
and submit same to the city council, and when adopted the city clerk
shall at once advertj.se for bids for the construction of said sewer,
in accordance wi th the plans and s})e cifications subrni tted, reserving
the right to rej eet any and all bids.
Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take e ffeet
from and after its passage, approval and pu blication, as provided
by laVf.
Passed and ap~,)r oyed this 2q~~."_day of __l\Ul.e____..___1923.
-----.-~-cff:i -Cfei::l(~-'-' ..---.-..
Chris Michelson
ORm liTAl'TCE NO. 957.
An ordinance app,ropriating and condeJTming private property
for the nae of the Ci tJT of Grand Island, lJeb:caslca for sewer and
alley purposes in the County Subdivision of the South half of
the BoutheaDt Quarter (st of SEt) of Section 16-11-9 and in the
Northeast ~uarter of the Northeast Quarter (l{mi of liEi) of
Section 21-11-9, all within the city of Grand Island,Nebraska;
providing for the procedure on approppiation of such private
property and opening said alley.
WHEFm1AS, the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand
Island, nebraska find that it is necessary that various private
property consisting of lots, tracts and parcels of land vvi thin
the different additions and subdivisions hereinafter more
definitely described, all within the corporate limits of the
City of Grand Island, be appropriated and conderrned for sewer w1d
alley purpose$; and
WHERBAS, TIm OWln~R; of said Lots, tracts and parcels of land
to be approp:dated and conde.llmed; has entered into a stipulation
wi th the Ci ty of Grand Island; waiving all the fOl"mal steps required
in the condeL1nation of private property, and reserving only the
determination as to the value of the land taken.
NOW, TH1ill.illFORE, BE IT ORDAIlmD by the :Mayo rand Ci ty Council
of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That the fOllowing described property consisting of
lots, tracts and parcels of land in such wnounts as hereinafter
designated, be and the s~~e is hereby appropriated for the use of
the City of Grand Island, Nebraska for alley and sewer purposes,
under and b;)T virtue of Sections 4072, 4073 and 4074 of the
Compiled statutes of Nebraska for the year 1922:
A tract of land 16 feet wide across Lot 14 of the
County Subdivision of the South half of the Southeast
Quarter (st of SEt) of Section 16-11-9, being eight feet
on each side of the following line:
Cormnencing at a point 18.6 feet North of the Southeast
corner of said Lot 14, thence in a Southwesterly direction
to a point on the South line of said Lot 14, 17 feet West
of the Southeast corner of said Lot 14.
A tract of land 16 feet wide across the acreage owned
by George W. Tucker in the Northea0t Quarter of the
Northeast Quarter (NEt of l~i) of Section 21-11-9, being
eight feet on each side of the following line:
Commencing at a point on the Horth section line of
Section 21-11-9, 50 feet West of the Northeast corner
of said Section, thence 300 feet more or less in a
Southwesterly direction to a point on the South line
of the acreage tl~act owned by the said George W. Tucker,
which point is 220 feet South from the South line of
Block 9, Wiebe's Addition to the City of Grand Isl~1d,
Nebraska and 283 feet in a Westerly direction from the
East line of said section 21-11-9, measuring along the
South line of said acreage tract, owned by the said
George W. Tucker.
Section 2. That the fOllowing disinterested freeholders in the
City of Grand IsI~ld, Nebraska are hereby appointed to assess the
damages accruing to the owners of the realty appropriated, nruneay:
John Allan, vrl~ose residence is 212 E. 2nd st., Grand Island,
Nebraska, William J. Wilkinson, whose residence is 222 So. Wab1ut
st., Gral::ld Island, nebraska and .Arthur L. Joseph, whose residence
is 118 E. 10th St., Grand Island, Nebraska, and who shall receive
as compensation foI',! their services the sum of $5.00 l' er day of
the time necessarily occupied. Said assessors shall meet in the
Cuncil Chamber of the City Hall in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska
on the 30th day of June, 1923 at two o'clock P.M., and, after taking
oath to discharge their duties faithfully and impartially, shall,
on the same day, view the property appropriated, and on the same
day, or as soon thereafter as practicable make, sign and return
to the City Clerk in vlriting, a just and fair assessment of the
daTI~ges for each piece or lot of property, the whole or part of
which is to be appropriated.
Section 3. PaYment of damages assessed for the appropriation
of such private property may be paid out of the general fund or
sewer fund, or sewer bond fund of the City.
Section 4. The Council shall assess and levy the whole
expense and damage incurred in the creation of said alley upon the
real estate fronting upon the same and other property near by which
may be benefi ted thereb3r in proportions according to benefi ts.
Such assessments and levy shall be made by resolution, and at a
regular meeting of the council, and nutice of the time of such
meeting and that such assessments will be made thereat, shall be
published in the Grand Island Independent ten days before such
meeting. II
Section 5. Such special taxes shall be due and payable to the
City Treasurer within thirty days after the assessment and levy.
Section 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication, as by law
Passed and approved this 27th. day of June, 1923.
H. }~. Clifford
------0:1. ty--(rierk~--q---"
Chri13 Michelson . . ... ... .
President of the Council
110.. 958
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eonliltt'uotior.!. <ift trAG \n::rtOl!2'
01 t;:7' of GX'tll,m!t I~ll,f::.ndt
and 'i')!i,l,:t'oolWJ(}f l~l,l'~C~ in i:1{h
th't>J;., 1t, laS:. flO)"",ntJ '\I''''' c, tH3C:r iT}ti OU~~
v~. .~WV~ V " ", ~, ~
f!ttyoel1tf,t :001" :fJ':t')nt foot.. to~t'11t~
be ~:ll(;l the
():f the
of the
:bot~ e. 7. S. {) c41{l 1.0#
~:;2a. 40ee.Ql1;
,,[J..ddi i')r1
)i~otl$ e~ 7, fh g~nd 10, i..tl lU.ook U. CHtlbea:.''t'o
*' 40 ot~oh.~
, t "1' t~~(
:';,0 . f;1 ""'Ii (,.>f
'iI;j2'6,.t,~'(J -e~tOll.;
VII: "A ~nd 0.
t. i <,:m. j
Lo te 1.2, ;;; . .~&ne.~#
}.,ot~ .~. anQ.~3, in :l3J;()~~i: ~~
J"o t ~ * in J3:loel~2. G1l'i;Hi:ll"t t; f) Addi
'I' "of. i () l~ -''''....t~ l"". n. '1 ,h "''l''+ t i'
,,'\;iI.b ..... W , 4-J~W'("",~ ;;. "J... ,1., l..iG....v .,;;).
:;ootion. 2, '1'l!,ut i.n
f()()t e113Bet~sab~ ~q;~+.u:) t . ~~ t~"t~.~1,~ 't.I;J
&:l~..id \:lat.i.:t" I11.0,~,1l (i:u:;1i:a;'J,.ct t.k~\.U be lJG~i(i
Glty of GJlrfS4ilU. ,i..~liJ.~;;,:nd. 11!(clb;J;'i;IH)1~..
;,.' eo tiL ()n3, ~.,(,,\1d fill')e(}i4~J.
b~c-,;!ac cLC':U,flqUQn't intl1.()
~lhall be nQl~eetect itl thE;
;;eotlorl 4...
i$ he:t'~by ~.nt;t;t>Llctpd
.1) 't IIall (~Otl.tl'~~r .
itl!1; trt'tH:l ti ..mji'J tQ
l' ",,;"., ri .j;: _ ,->~l
t~:t' c{l;~13:t; WI'
vIi tll
~eo t1011. o.
f:r~;1 o.n(t
th,.;tf$ ~
l>a,s eoc.l
j l. t to f.rt:
l' ..""., ('''''
.\,(a;.~ ",I,;..tc
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VW\,~ J..0~:r;;;"
_,,,"-,--.,'_ .._.__.-'--~...~,,,_~~__.__..~_>;_.._.-'-~:.-__~.~~;:~< _. ~. .,n.",
~- ;,,;~, 0i!-'~it~~,i;,.;
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llO 959
no.,l.or__ :,",)" j~ ";'-CjJr~. ',' u~,li.).
J\.nQ:!:' (llflC!J1Q~~J.'eut;Lnc c~ })t\v:1riG d:i.otJ."'l~t t"1it:b.lill t.l:1e
cG~l'(n'(~. 7.;e :U.rJ.i t-b otthi;') 0:1 ti~1' .tt3':I,',rld lo:L€~1'{1 ~ ]Jebra!51~# d~ f'lntnes
th'(} b.;)'Utl(k:"r1(H3tller~o,fi 1"}~(11T1,L1nGf()~tlle }}t~'\tement ofst\,p~
C.l)(jl. :Pt'ov.1di~~G :for tl;,e ~;:.3ee131i'3n0:nt ot the ~O;"i'Hdot ptlw1uC.
~. i..j ~.~dL1j,n~l. ~/tJle 41~.,jro:r Ll.rid ci"~y counc,1J. uf the
01 ty '()t~H,l~(\.ItJl~1,U(jt, lleb~t;1,l,1,;$t~. '
::3:e~t:":;l1 1. thel'(j is. h01'01) ore.: tJ(:)'d
<11i'#t.uict i:n the 01 ty ,d: Gl",.rH..l leland, 1 00<:1
b~ l~nQwEl 4t})(1 tl<:H1! ted L,;.! iTiXlGd1 li3t.$i'iet :la~
of Otc-~nd ;.t;sli:,'"nd~e'b~"Lilb,,,..
" lTeb~[.~{;l;n,.' to
oft};;.€) oity
:o;h.....<l."~..{'\.,..,. ~'." f,!!..,~ji0 ..."',\. ,..".." P'I,..,1'.'I;"l,(,,4> cd;) ,......"'1..1' '''''.'. "'l'l.... ~.,..,,,..... .....,..l"....,'...'...:t..
"''',Ll'VV,-~-~ :~'.J.:4 (i:,.;!-J:: .".-/-I.,:.,;,;.;;I1..;'\,;<\ -v .J!..1-J.~)_ ~.',,4. ~T' -'W''';' ......w:i;i ,t;,;}",i.i>I.,,':;'.;.L. V UA ' oM t,dtJ..tI-"""..,.. '"
J}e>rt of lXimbe~!l.lA.venl1e lyinG 'botUtJOl1 t~H) ~otLthorJ..;;r :U.r;e of:
tllC 1ntcI'$ectlonot ~)eoo~ld .. trccta.n(ll~~Jn't;c;,ll 3ta.".Q()t the
:tI4ijt%1'Ai(J..:'l?,t line of tl.oint'O;!t~HJ~t!011 01' j11v1l:J;iion ~w4(1 r.;1~tlb,,,11
D1.J~c~;)ts..i"n( ~ht.l.ll :t;iC U(..Q ~~otGl " t:t:'<!~:d;.L c.rH',l PtJlZ'CclfJ
1. ...,,> ..' ~"''i "',j' "..,...... <1>. "",'1 rl ".'4<""I'~""",.~'b""""'l.' "'r'i~' ~.'!(" ,fi!"'''''i.~!t.". 4 r!
;"\;",..U"I,;!..,,' _,J."" ,,il..;'i..' t.< ./.;.,i........... ,...' """"..""", '" V"'1w1.4.'.'~"Mo. !iiJ!,;(il> .....\t,......."''''Ck,....;.'
to [;'j,(,tOLlth (Jf feot t;: It 10tr,:; [~t~d ;Oc.4t;!1Jo:.ua of
lL!>ndll ,~::l~hlG \'lOst of' fJLid :;>tWOt~tt O()'l:tr:t(:,ed C,~.:' t.;[;,id
t.", c, f;i':';\~.')""~', t',.r' --{'''.'Ii'';!.
W !;."W \;,,'V',1.! W~V~ ~\;.j\;,;t~--..
:Joo't1on .. tZltl1d ot:.t--'cot
O:l.'(lc;l.;'c;dnL',Ve{t e..C\ n~'Qvi~lO~l ~ :U"~'V;
nidth pc"Vo{.l X'rOf';; (}l~jt/b trJ u~,:t'l)., [,110.
'. '~i '~"".''''1.' n.'....} ~, ';'. t.',.c.,"'''';''..'Yr.'.'lr.'.'
\;..r.,~l;,.- ~~--.o,.j~v"9" ~t;~ .h.~..,'\,,,,:J;,i .;,,'Uli>'--
n8'\t;Ule t./ be I~' ioet 1n'"
cUJrt> ;:,.~!lt\. c;uttcreomb!l'1U(h
I,Joct:1on <'1. t'hutiZ~"tL!'''!lflt~t 10
()1.V~lO$'~ ,~;f,,:,t~\tP J.">.eo~>~~ ttt:L~ .!lt~pwe:~:;{C~~,
".."..,,'. '.'. "'.......... .... 4 !YltJ1' . ":.'<;;:"".:< .'....., ".'....... t """',''11 {', "!;i-,~" "':'.' ,;,:\ "i'; t'~;Ji, "f"'0' "
(;.(aJ<l;(.;,-)i,\.4~,,~iMc.~~ ;,.f~.;;0;( ".);"<f~~W '\.J.t~-.r~4'V...-!W'~ ~4..Qi, _Q4"'...,,~1v/. v- V ""iii,
clt~teJ.(~~,J! within 20 t'k",;Y'fJ,Z'1'()1fl the :f1;ft,tpu1)1iet.tl()rl tJlf3.
".,~,~,j'.s:''',^''*'li":,,..~..t''''V'T'''''''~lil i~'lo!!,t:...~,}c:;!. 'Y ?"....-o.....;(jl()~Th 'b"T ~.,..J. ,..,v-!>li1;',,,,,'\h
-AiJ.V'._uv v-~.V\....-'~~j.v, '~~."~-~f< ~:.!..~.,~,q"t<l;_ ~~<-tt',J ~-"d~~-' J.j4-V-_-,...~U jJ.'~:1 ><i,.(,...,tft_,'" J,;-'f~-~'~li-?'~:",_;;cf
obj(J~tt()JtlO to the .pt:~V';L.ng of f)p,j,(Lt'L1n'tJ:';\Qt;f .
Dcet.i on 5.. ~i)Ld;, tlle 'r;:lL\.YOI: t;l,lilt1 01 ty C10l"'1;t : ,~'C 1:1cu'ob1
,",J;.}';ri "cd (-;)3;' C;i.'1"eoted to''''''lb11cl1 ';..?'to~ fJ"'e "''''<';''':'0 ""'C'J.I."'OV')
~,A.~.\.~"M,,':'> _~~;Jf' f~,_ ~-,,)-'~~~ '_ "~1~:'-~- '--.-:,',.: :~:"-__,' ,:-:,~~,~~,~j~,.~~_~-,-~:_:_ ;,_ -f ,_ _,~'-~'~,::-~".".~~ _<--,;,~,~_-_:,:._L~~~i~il~'~'~:.,.,-_~, ~::~:t~.;;i ,..,' (.~~,;~
'. .n.tl.. ".'.'.U. 't.J...1.a.c.. ,t.t"..!:!.. .,,,...It.... tl... lJL.S. . ,)""~...,J,11c.'.,~.,,. c.,e... '.,.....1.. n.. t;".".c,.. G. rt;......,*ilO'..... .' S. ,J'~."...,l>, _.,.",-...,.1. ly
In(~o:1Bnd0!:'1t_ c" nut!.~~B of tlAeex'c,ci,1JluJl o"$;'o!::t1dd.1f5rt:t:'1ct one
+....',.,.1<(;'. ""."....'t~ y,(,,,,,j'" ';"'ll:' tl'Jt 10""f,l tr'I":n"}Q (t""'1~\
v~.;I.;,,..y '\.ii:""_'.rv...-.... ~I "';..,I,o....V ,,1;;-,' ,_~:,l" .;.!I",..L-.. tv.,'. (,:-V.J- ,-.- ~
:,'.(J^. ..t',li,.,)t".l r:... l',"'~.''r:;.!. ""';1'i'.""{f."; ~"r 'i.m. ...h.."\'Y. """""""'.'11'> 1,".'" '*"i;"'.';';"-'O"';7,.."",~,,.t.'.',
,v ~ .. U'?'! ;.44.~LM-V t._-,J\""-v~,,~-,,,,'~~tJt;/ .....-~ -,,,,.lJ!~;f UiJi,-'\{',...ijl;.;A v 'It&t' :b'.Jo..i,o.'I,:.-1 \.lo.;t:V.....R
"".,.P "".1"1";"0 '\">.e.., '" ,,,,,,,l + !l.t' "in.. ""~'f;...;-,~","""'ntj<l.. ..~~.,...'.' "'1,......, "w.,;. .'.if'll'.",Il...... '~'(.' ,,,,.r.' 4i..].,r.. q'l",., t. .... ....'1[."
v.;:J,;. 'U;!.y~. VV~""-~ w~, ..~~ ~.V-.J,~)~Vt,.J-'\.,.."'~\l41i-J."*~' '~",-oJi.V -{',..,~P;;.~->.$.....,il4"Li.,.., v~-u.".u 1".:-",.,l.):I;'-A \ii~",,~4t.:.>
pl.0;)03l't~.o'wnc:!.n'j tofttle \/itL\th()CitYtlJ..~:d'i:.' \Nj.tb:h~thc 'li;U110
provided by 1\.&'\:'1, t', :pat1 tloll fo""' thli;t: ut.~e of tl. !;X:11'lt:tClllu:\: ~;~.1'l1t\ of'
mi.,t"cl'.iL~l tlQ be U;,[)t\ 1~'l$~>..:ttl (:.iot'1"ic~ttl It fti"Uo1';t O\JnO:!:,f;.l t\.;tj, to
\. E;ltJi01C"to "\:;310 f:1.c,terlul they (L(.I1>1:!;.'0 ulJeG 1l).~(2.j.tl J)-c:i'II~ing<i.1,::tl'iGt
1''J! tl1:ln ti1.1Q c&ml,itn tJ,1fl} XZ1Gl,t1l:1G;!..' ]):t"ov1,J.oG. by 10\1, tl1~ flG,Y'Ol" tE'~n,d
city c{)v,Jm,i.~ oh{~11 detcl"l:'1;1.ml t~n t11e r:1C1t~'1"i,,1 to 1~ u:;ed.
:'oo"Li..ort71/ ';hc C~)ft (nf rei i:t;t"iot f:11Jc,11 bo
i:.MJ;...OfHi)e{L Pi.;;.d.~h..t tho l(lt;...~ tl"c.;;Q r<,,~-;oo..lf;i) ot: Grro'v.nu '..;,i!ec1.e,J..l~
be:m~f~l tad. .in n:\t'o'r!olrt1utl ;(luchbeuofl ts:. be d0tC:r't:li~?.u:L by tho
."1""'\70'1' (,1.j.'.-\fr.QU1'1....&.1. ""'v tut{";:...'J""'01T~ l..n., (1-.
.;'&,'4'tJ ~.. ........"v., \iI. - _,,,V~.., I)!I!';~\I __ fJ.; ~ v ~
~toctton8.fl115 o~""<:Linttn<H)ol.u;~ll be in $,'01""00 t....J:.:$
effoct f::t/IntlnC. ;.tOl' .itL Vt1;'l$eG~, i..~})pt'ovu.l ;;:V!1t ];c('A:.1on, U~1
pl'<:nrj.do<l by 1~':j\)1.
J,:?C~fH'.:$Od \!tnd f1111?)l'ovod
('m-re ~__T,'~~
l'" ~,.
J'nl::. l'J:,:~).
. i.r'riI,.~,i~~JIW~;rt~l.;
;r,!tt,Y{')::ll' It
. t~ .a.'
.t. '. \/0 0 .\;..
~. ~..... .
H.E. C],i;f!Q~~
I, ';^:b1!1. ~'\ 1'. ~
~Tt"'. 961
l'J I.,) . __..,_....,_._",.....~.""'.. ,_
An ordilli..UlCeJ.evying a s-oeciccl 1:30\J81' ciistrict ta:z: t o Jay for
the cunst:L'l.wtion of a ;:;8\'101' in ;:)'~Vle:c DiDtJ.:'ict Ho. 100 of the C.,ty
of GTcmcl .1 DIu,nel $ lfo1:)J:~_:.:)kc~, and. lJrov:lding :for t]lG C olIoc tion thai'coi".
Be i t orclc~ined
the r.m:::ror
city conncil of the
C oj + ~r
... "J
J... sl.~,~;
..L'-~ e l) 1~ t~
Section 1. That u special sewer district tax be ~nd the
sc~me if3 hore"by levied. c~lhL ~,iJ'J,;"sec,. to pay tho expense of
cU.J:wtru.ctinC c, sevIer in Sov1er D:l.utr:Lct ITo. 100 of the City of
Gr:~nld .l::;lLoYld, ITc:br(:,,;.l~<.~ :.st tllO re active lot.", tri.,cts and
JY;',l'cels 01" lE:~nd in s,-.id di;:;trict in the c~mounts set Olypooi te the
1'8 ective de8criptions. tovit;
J..Jot 1 BlocL 151 Uni IJa..ci.:f:i.c -, . ~. 2nd Add. $8~) 60
on 1.r'lctO. , .
it ., I: ,. Il H ., 1; II &5 60
.:- .
11 II to II II II ;, .. 85 60
":'J .
Il 4 H n li n .. " 85 60
Fl~~-~C ti i)nal ~Lut 6 J3~Loe1~ .\ F ~i n " " !i It
..l.;) J_ ..
II II 7 t; !,\ .. II II II It
H 11 8 II II " II " l: ,. 128 '10
i3ectiorl 2. L")cl.id B})ecial ~Je\Iex' (listl~ict tG..~c sl.L<:.~11 be clue
i..~rw. beeoue (~cliJl(..:ucnt in the Lli..mner E'.lid at the time provided. b;>
12:\'! ana Dhu.ll 1)(; call ec tea. in ti1.e nkUmel' pl'ovio.ecl by hn'l.
Section 0. The City
1:1' e 1)J:~".J~~1'~Lt i;:3 11C:C \~; 1.Y\1'" ii1 f.3t :cu c t cd.
county t:cec~muel' 'Of .r:'J.D.11 County,
tc..~:.es tOGethcl' wi -ell in:...;tl'LcC ti uXW
by law.
of' t:rle Ci ts" 01-' G~l~~)'#l]cl ..LS:LctYld
'L 0 certify to the
If e-bru.SKco I the emoun t of sJ.id
to colleot t118 SO..nTG CvS I)X'oviclecl
Seetiun 4.
e:f"Cect i'l"1.0JJ C:~{ld. L:Lf"ter.
provided by luw.
~elli s
Ol'CLlWUwe 611'-'L11 be in
e, :9..1) :)x'ov[~l e~J1d.
f)1"'oe und tal\:8
JJ'ub1ic,,)~tion CLG
_~ .L r~
.J.. \".~
PasfJed u.ncL cL'J1l'OYCO. 'G1US _~8."__du.y of July, 19~~:5.
( Seal)
]J[G..~lo r~.
.i.\. t t e ~; t :
--"-C"-~; -t....-~;.-C.--:;-;:'"":.r.;:i.':--'--_._.._--~
..L. J -1..."" +u....
. 962
All or~<iiIl,:trlCC: le1T~/ill,-; c~ ~-)I)e(;i2;..1 fJ8YJe:c d.iDtl--ict ~tc;,,::'~ 'l; 0 I)cl..:r
for tile C ..JIUJtl'uctiuL u1" U E,i;\!81' in SOlver Ih f:ltr.:Lct .UO. 101 of
tIle Ct t:I ()f~ c.i .J.. slu..JJlt, e-bl'i...,,;~l-~,-~, Li l'o-v"icLil1J~ fOl' tl"l6
coLLecti'Jn the: eo:C 0
Be it ord~ined by 'llie maYDr and city council of the
CitjT ufo G':c~~rilL..i.[j ,ITeol'lc.:.,,-jl:ct..:
i:3ection 1. Th,-"t a fcil)ecial b(;\le1' (Ustl'5.ct t~.x l)e and the
Sc~:ile is }lei'cby leviec~ L;.nd '-" s;;cs:'.;ed to IJay the e:;c::;Jenue of CO!lstr:lcting
:.1 S Oller in :3e\/o1' JJi stl'ic t No. 101 of the C1 ty of Grand I slund J
Hebr,-csJ:a a:.:;o.inu t t:J.e l'Cf.l}!Ccti vo 10 t:3 t trc,cts and :pal'ceL; of land
in f>\J.id dist::cict in tIle :J.LlCHHlts ..,c::t oppoi3j.te the I' e~'J!ective
d csc~ri~)tio.rlS to\ii t;
Lot 1 Bl 0 01;: 1 Harm ! s 2nd. Addition
1: c, ... II Il II fl
I' <..) fl " 11 " 11
t1 '1 tI II f! .1 It
11 1 II 8 Koehler Phwc H
" C) H II II " I)
n :3 II 11 j' " 11
6;2. '70
6~:;. '70
"7n "'0
(:.; , ~)
:I I u
~~\)'D ' c' .
Sectiorl ;.~c
becoile (LcJ.i)l(.:.Li.e~lt in
U}l:_-'., 1 1)8 collect
G eci~l ewer Cistrict
tlle 1;lc-~r.ll1 er' <.,~,t t:::OLG t ilL18
ci in tlw .L1CLnllCr pl'uvideCL by
slull be due
'_).\,ri,--~e6. b:r
1 L~Vl .
s'~c t:i ;~iY1
Ire ~Ul~D..S,.,~[3.. i 8 l.tcx' e
T}18 Cit:r C~~_e:.clL \,J1' tYiG C:i.t:~/ of~
irlst:""L.Lcte(L c..:UCi. (;~il':.Jcto(1 "'GO -":-81-.tif':l to
cuunty treE~Sllra~ o~ J.. COUll
t~xes tocether uith inBtr~cti
by 1u\\f.
, }rC'bl'{)~ ~._,~~_=c~~, -G}IC bJil-...:tlIl t of
l"j s toe () 1 J.. c; c t tIle Gb..JiJ_8 [;1.. D
;3ectiorl ,t. T11ifJ ()rcLi,lJ,),,11Ce S}l~}..J]. be iIl f~ol~ce tL:~l;=e
ef':rect fr--olu L~l'l(l e~f.tcll 'i tG 1)a..8bL:J..C8, ':).i].J~)l~o\r~).;l c"~rl(l J)l-l.blicz:.~tioII U..S
:'Jl'ovidcd by 1<.,.\1.
1)3.8;; ,,;d ic'..rlcL a'.')' :.1'OY'30.
18 tt do;v
___~.....,.",.-,_ v
JuJ.y J 192:3.
t1"ti G
1!ID.yO}:' .
61 t.;';:-c-lc"i'T:-'''-----'---
Ordinance No. 963
An ol'(~.inc'xlCiJ levyi.n;; a iJ})\.;cLcl vk~tcr dii3tl'ict tax
to 1)"-cY for the con;jtl'~.wtj.0n of water
TIS in water Bain district
IIo. 24 of the city of Gr<.:md. J..;jl!.XlC1, l;cbr!c:u"ka, :send, })l'ovicdng
for t~:le collectiun the:ceoL.
Be it ordained by the LID.yor and City Council of the
city of Grcmd Islu_n<.l, lJebra::.:ka:
Section 1. That (t, specJ.i;."l Wc,T;Cl' I1l"cin di"t:rict t:"'LX
be cU1d the s:::,ue is hel'eb~/ levied anCL D-SiJU; od to ]X1Y the e:;q)cnse
of the c)i1f3truction of the Via tel' 11lu,in in water main district
Ho. 24 of the cit;y' of Grs.ncL ..J..s1L.nd., ITebra:JkD., ac;u.inst the
respective lots, tracts and parcels of ~and in said district,
in the Wil0lWt;; sc;t OliPositc tl1e:l:c l'e;.:>:;ctivc descri icms
theJ.'oof, not e:cceecUng the surJ uf fifty cent;;) :per fl'ont foot,
tovJi t ;
District Ro. 24 being
t of First street~
from ~oean to Cluy streets.
.Luna un t.
]'r[~c ti uno.l IJ.
Ii jA
J3e..lcer" jidcl~LtioXl
11 II
~26 . 00
~~,6. 00
~27 . 00
:26. OJ
:27 . 00
:2 tl . or)
VIa mers
Woodbine Addition
1I Ii
11 II
1! H
J3LL~~er Adeli t i on
n H
1 r'
" H
[3 c c t i 0 11 ;;,~. Tllcl. t
e:>,I)enDC in e:;cc us s uf :fifty
ce~._ltd -"J8I' rrul1t ~Luot L).}SL~;~_;G:J:_- ~b_;_c
Lt the lots, tr~ct8 ancl
,rceJs ,;f 1,-,1lQ.
tl1i1'1 tIle [)o..ici -,,-j~:;., tel'
ccistrict sh".11 be
I)e"id Ol7..t ;,j;: tIle \'ILi,t,81~ :f"LU:1Ci. o:c tile c~Lt2{ \j~ G~l-'D,J:rlCi l~lc:..11(L
II e '0 11 D.. S Iece.,' .
SoctiOl13. Suid sI)Gcial ";\iJci.tel~ ln~ill cli;:;trict tc'~X
1 be due ana become delin uent in the Dunner and at the time
Jrovicled by letv!, D:ncl shall be collected in the rnannel' llro'\rided
by J.8,YJ.
8;ction lb. Tue cj.ty cle::rk of the city of Gl'aJld .Lsland
II ebra,.kD~ L~ heTcby irwt:.cuc ted .ancl eil'CC ted to certify to the
cOlmty trc'd.lu'Cl' of lIed.l County, lTebrii,u1:a, the amount of scdd
tLL:?:e , ~COGCt11C:C \/i tl1 irlstl'-llctiollS to collect S[iJae 2.3 -nx.()-~riclecl
by Ie. VI .
Section 5. This arclinGnce sh~ll be in force and take
effect from wld after its pa ~age, approval and public~tion,
as provldea by lave
:l?:;;:,;..i.Jdl and
roveC 'c.n:u') l81~~di:,y uf Ju1:/, 19~2~).
---Oi .ry-CTei7i(:-'--'--'-
OrcLinD.nc e
1\TO 9611
,j..~ . -~--,_._,,---.-
1m ordinance 1evyi11C c;, GI),;ci,ic.1 'ij,-~ter cLiGt:cict tL,,:;;: to piJ.y for
the constr"ction of Ylute1' me_ins ill vluter )w.:dn cli:::;trict Eo. 26
o l' t:~,-l c; c j~ tJr 0 f' C~.:C(-~L~{l(.1 I D lL;"rl(~, ITe bl~~0 ,,_}c~>~, tJJld_ ~p 1--0 V :i cLirlg f' O:C t118
col1ectLm thereof;
Be it ol.cLc,~irlc;cl by' tLLe .L~()"J/Ol" ~;",YllL City COtlYleil of- tl1e
city of Grund Islundt Debra
Section 1. Tl1at a
e c jQe~l \ic'. .l~ (~}: 11lUJ.,11 (li G t:c i c t tcl:(
be DXICl the ~Jwne is heJ.:eby levied LtllCL t,eS efJ:::;e6. to IJi)-y tlle ex~oense
of t}w const:ruction of the \ie~ter m:..dn in Viu_ter ];1<,i11 di:::;t:c:ict
No. 26 of the city of Grand ~slandJ NebraGku, against the
respective lots, tracts and purcels of land in said district,
in the 21JYl.Junts set op)os:Lte thei!' respective descriptions
the:ceof, nut exceed.:Lng tile su:m of fi:Cty cents 1)'''';1' f:ront foot,
District No. 26 being that p~rty of 13th Streot
frOlll Locu.s t to
IC 1m.
Bl u clc
,h.IrlOUn t .
;26. LlO
;:;6 . i~O
:26 ~ '10
~26 e 40
;,~6 .10
;~6 . tlO
~26. 40
Addi tion
SclliwLler t s ,AG,n.
II n
n 1t
f', n
l! 11
1~ II
!l 11
ii' 1;
Ii n
11 Il
11 11
II 11
It 11
n 1t
l: 11
.,;~ Ii
if fj
n If
H n
!l I,
II li
U Il
~26 .40
;~6 . LlO
;~6 . 40
~~6 0 /10
;26 . ,10
26 . <kG
t1 S-1
Whe :,181- [:~ i1Eennet s II
II n
~26 .40
II 11
n 11
::~ BeY11"lctts
;;~~6 . 40
26 't L1()
:2nd .
( '.0
~~6 .40
26 ~ il0
t7 ~2
? ;~~
~~6 .40
Sectioll ;~. Thcvt ","11 e~~)enf;e in eXCe8~] of fifty
CC11t;3 IJel-' i'l"~j(lt :fuut D..s~jes~jL"lJle
~t the lots, tracts and
~pU,l-'C,j_Lij of- lEtl'lQ "\'Jit11irl tlle ~)c1.io.. \V[Ltel. IGcLill (iii~Jtl'~Lct s}lu"ll
l)e Du"id
Lii" t
.--,f t~.ifl W~~-GeI)
f',lnd of the
ci t~;/
("t .,
.J.. ~
l\f e brcL ;';J::;:N'
c ti.in ;j.
S0~:i CL 0 ") c; C j~ 2.1 V/U...~ C1- LK..LlYl <ii ~.j tl. i c t t0~~:>
01L,11 be cllJ.e ;.dlC. becOJlle Qclincucnt in tlle :r,kumeJ.~ culd Cot the
tirilc:.n"uvidcd 'iJv '; ;.','\','. ,'./1(,', ',.rl': I Of'" 0 ' '-'0 "Q . '''1 ..
- " ....- . ." ~ -, ,v..... "'':-':- ,:.l~ tl;,,;" lr Ll:w lUccnner
prov:ici.ccc by LeV;.
;-3UG -Lion ".1;. TiJ,e ci t; cle::r}: UI the ci ty of
G..n.- ,,\.,., j ..L..,., .:_.,. f~_! iT), '1." .v..,.. ":""'_' ',-
'...d.uCl '-'J.,-~lht, ."CU-'.c.,.. "''-0 16
h,~reby in:.;tI';J,ctcc,_ emu di:ceeted.
cel-tif-'~r to t~(le C'jL1Jlt:r tr'eL1 -LLre:c of'
1 COt-LiLts 1 l-Te.bl"'u"L;lcc~
the ,)JlUt,nt 0:[' SeLid tu:;~e;." tor:etLul'
~n instructions to
co1J_cct Gc-tllle U..U lJl"~j-\riL-~edM by l<.:~-~v$
f3<.::ction 5. Thi s urcLi.n"u lee shull be in rorce
nel take effect from and LSter its paGGage, approval and
b'l" ,.
pu _lC::,::clon, a,G
Jl'uviu.ed by 12..vv.
J?3.S,;Ccl. and ap,)1'ovcd. this _18" day of July, 19;,~;).
Ci ty~ C }e:rl~.
T. J .!.)!;1.1!!b e.EEY_.~._.__.~.~,._"_._._
Ivia:)l U l' .
An ordin:.:uwc levy-in::; specL,l to,xe8 to J)a.y for the
opening of ano. eztension.>i' ~:;ycLnlOre EJtreet of the City of
GrD.nd I slal1cl,
C ~llty, ITebras~~a.
Bb IT:; HIt. nIE])
Tl--rrn TEj~YOI\
crey COlJ1TCIL of the Oi ty
of Grand I sl.~md,
1-1", '11 C')Ljl'l+v ;'0'0"":, -.,'iT" .
"''---'_.. ... ~ v';, -l,. ~k.r.__-">J.J..,,,C.."I
fjection 1. ThL.t theI'e is hereby- levied. and D.83 ssea
against the several lots, tracts and parcels ofland hereinafter
specified for the pur~ose of I~ying for the opening and extension
of i3~)[C(.clll'.Jre i3treet fron Division Street to Ashton l\.venue in the
CI ty of. Gr&Yld lli):LEmd, IJ'e1n'a..;;;La in accordLnwe vii th the benefi ts
found and assesued c;~gL',i.nst ecu:h of the 8eve:cc~1 lots, trects D.nd.
LJL.l'ce=U3 of lane:. by tl,e Oi ty of Grc.nd 1 s:LLneJ., LJeol'c,ska 8i tti ng v.s
a. Board of EQua.:Lizatio11, after Que 11 tice, as provided by law,
e<::~ch of the said tl'ucts cLncl I)(.,Ll'CC~_8 f lc1.nd a:re asses:3ed as
I follows towit;
Lot ~..',
" ;)
n 4
" 5
II 5
11 3
II 4
II 8 &; 9
Vesterve~t's Sub-division
Ii 11
11 II
Vlest '2- svntlmest ~- Section H').
11 11 U Ii Ii 11
""l '-, . .
8U DlL V 1 S.l ')11,
Courth0use West 50 feet of 0es~ 100 Feet.
II Ec,st 1/ \I II Ii " II
lJ }~ast 65 feet.
1 Block 1 Heydesl Addition North 45 feet
South 15 2/3 et
Il 2 II 1 tj
II I' Ii l~
Il 13 e,) nt;:;: ;n'lb South 1
II 1 :Bloc ,- Lo..lc8\T:1. (:;\,;-j
11 2 II I; ..
!l it 11 tl
Ii Y" n C-', IIe2ldoEj
( .:.
n 6 Ii II -;;
ti t5 H II II
II L1 II I' Il
II 3 Ii !! II
II "'-~l II f1 Ii
II 11 Ii 1 Lu.l-:ev- i e\v
II 10 B II f1
II 0 II Ii ..
H 5 Ii 9~2 Ol'le;inal
11 II Ii n r:
Gull est ~ 15-11-9
Fru.ction:.l lot 7
" ;1 8
II l: 8
Original town.
T) ",. . T~
~.}J. 0 C ,_
Lot .L
n ;2
,) rian We) I
:Bl 0 C"
SecOHCL ,Addition
Lot 3
II 4
i: 5
II 6
II 7
,. 8
tl 6
u 7
H 4
II 11
Bloc:!:\. 3
itarms t
Second Addition.
tl II
11 2
Orfc;irw..l Tavll1
. tl II
West 6 feet.
East 56 feet West 65 feet.
Ear3 t "~-
SOLltll :.2/3
Harth l/~)
" 11
J1 n
II n
11 TI
i\.xt !}, Ho..gg e
Ii Ii
Hc,nns t
~~r:1.1 i :c (1
Or5!girkl 'l'ovm
It Ii
Went 16 feot.
EEl.St 50 :to'fE';et..
tLoX sa lev i eel
Dl1a. J.l bee OEle l)ayable and
,,:., .
draw interoct as provided by law,
ill 30 d"ci.Jrs a:ftcl~ aGGC 8Llellt
and :teV"I.
Such special. tax:es she,ll near interest (],t oneuer cent
per month Ir'OLl the timo cu),c until }'.iaid, }Jrovi 0., however, tllat the
enti:::e CUlloUllt so levied and assessed e.cairwt any of the aful~esaid
lots mLcY be :::)aid Yii tllLl c,ny tLLe
thin ;)0 days from the clu_te of
such levy \'lithout interest, !)J'lcl i'.lUch lot, in tJK',t event, shall be
exexn.rlt :Cr~QLl ~~11:T licrl 01" C}L:."l'c;e i"'U1'o B"LlCl1 iIltCl'"Ust.
TiLe Cit:/ C:Lel"~l~ UJ:- t}18 Ci t:l of' G-:er..:Ll"lCl l.GJ.~L1rl(1 is
f}(Je ti \)/1 ~:i.
i t~l cCI,tify thi s orciillCJ-llC e to the Oi ty
hereby dil~ecte& to fo
T"'~r.'"" rt,..,.,....er .". f' +:.',-. Cl- .L. ,',J' f'
.L t,jc.1... ~ Li.J.. \.J 1. vll. (~. U..; ---.
I s:L~::Lrl(i, V\lllO o11()...11 r)l~OC eecl to c ol__:-_t~ct
j.,t the '0:1;.1e uf the ne:x:t ce.ctification
SGiti taxes ~8 re(:luil'e~
to the Oou.nty 01er1: for cener;:,l revenue IJUr})G Be, such special
C.. S fJ e S U:(ilOYl t s
1 be certified to
levy 80 f[~r as 11(;t tllCll
the t~x list and be collected
the County Clerk ""nel :)ut on
roccl eBtat8 ta:;;:es are collected.
~3ec tion.. 4. Thi s ordinance f3ha1l be in f urc e and ta,o effect
frOG and after its
s~aGe, approval ana publication as oy law
Pas r3ed aneJ. ap:prv1led thi s -.la~d(",y of IJruly, 1923.
( Seal )
_~.LJ:.L_.El.l s b er:r;;:,____,~,_"_
JLl}l:;lOl" tI
___._~._2!.~~. C.~~.ffo_~~
Ci ty C1 erl:.
OrCdnD.nce l{o. 966 ~,_____
An ol~clinance 2.uthu::cizLlg the nu.yor ",-..no. city clerk
OI'~ +1',18 CJ... tv OJ..'" C'I"'i.l"'rl I r.-[ r'Y'll; 'Te"'bl';c, ck", +0 e",.,"cui'e
v v 1.......l.\.A O-'--""'~J ..... ......".......v:..u...,.... .,i_v V
and d, eJ.i vel'
unto tho ,YlUCl1E~8Cl' thoJ:'cor ,Sixty (60):' i.ec;oti,c,b e Bonds, to
be lmOVlD and designcLted ai.:; "Faving Bond:. of -Gi'8 City of
Grcmd lDlccnd, Ii providing :)'oJ:.' tlle conditions, fO:X'1J1 and Ci,:mount
of aGue, and providing for the diSposition of the pruceeds
(Le:ci vea. froIl! the sale 0... same.
Vlliore'::-1.f; in ox'del' to pay' for the lJavi,ng of inter'sections
of streets ~~nd sp::o'..ces oppoai te "-,,llcyes, the gencrbl lB. ving
fund being severly deplGte(
viThereas it is necesBCLry and
e:::pediant to is ue :P,W:l.Lg bonds in the c:~mount of at least
Thirty Thuus",nd Dol1C:.rs (~;~)O J 000.00) to pay the
eDfJefJ of
paving intel'fiGetions of streets
oppo 3i te alle:rs
81)<':;'c e s
said ~J~,vinc; clistricts in the Ci ty of Gr6,;nd
Island.. NOVi
Be it .o:cdained
b'\t t11e I~T(.).\'f"Ol'"i
'" v
City CULmeil
"--', A,....., r;
the City of Grand Island, Nebraska;
f,ection Ho. 1.
The:, t the l'Jrayol' clJld Ci ty
,...,.., "
the ci ty of Gl'c,nd Island, L:Te hereby autho:rized to ~dcn,
c:y:ccute GmCt deliver unto tIle pUl'cllL,se::c thel'co.,. Sixty
((6(j') negoticcOle 'bond~:~, or DO J:;any t,hc:r-co:f eLfJ may be
neces:::c.l'Y, to be knovli1 ",1:3 Hpaving Bonds II of the ci t;l of
Gl'cmd lsll::i:.ad. S:Ciid 'bonds are to 'be,n" (lce te August 1, ,192;:\ ,-md.
1"1ls,c.le 1l8..:Ji..:o'b..e to 'bee.ere:;.' at -GilC office of tL.e cCJ1.mt;y' trecHjUI'er
of Hall County, ITebrLiJl;c" in the City of GrUL(. Is1e.nd.
of l<:lc~id bonci.c s.l:cc,ll be In the lil'incipal Bum ofFi've Hundred'
Dollars ~\500.oQ )
b e on the first day of august, 1943,
['.ne.'. f:)hL~ll be redeemable at Uw Ol)tion of' the ci ty of
G:r-c.nd. Islanc,. c,t 2.ny thue c,fter" :ri.ve yeal's f':com theil' d<3,.te..
E)c'i0. bonds Dhc~ll be cunsGc,.:tively numbered eommenciLJg wi tll
nUFiber 1. S<~id boncl::.; sheLll o.rELw intel'c:Lt e,t tlle l'e.te of five
l)(,:rcent. eX' fd1nUm, paYLb...e semi-,-~mlUa.l.1y, tovli t; on tl.Le first
clb,y of nebrw..~ry and the :Cirst day of August of eC:tch yei.;J_r.
11:2.c11 of scdd bonds shc~ll heLve cctt;~chc:( tileI' to fOI'ty interest
cou:!?ons, elch in the sum of Twelve 50/100DoJ.J,:..J';; Jl>l2.5o)
rep:ce::;enting the sewi-annual illterc:Jt ,-.,ceuring thereon.
Section Ho. ~2. The ..mayor cond ci t;y e1er'}~ are hereby
LuthGrized to deliver said bonds unto the purchaser thereof
after the s,.cicl bOLds
e been executed in the manner provided
in Section 1. of this 01'C.in'-'onc8, and: she"11 J:'eceive aD lm;:rwent,
face Vi:., lue L~lJO. i.Lccrued in teres t, \'lhich money shall irrrrnedi" te1y
"0 ':> .. n " c'.I t r. ' ". ". e
e _VC:...~ l v L..lL'
treaSGrer of the city of Grand !sland,
Nebr,;;~slG)" who sh:3.11 keep the sdne, in specie'.1 fund knoviIl1 ,,,.8
llPaving Fund of the City of Gr"'ond Is.ce.1'1d," }n'oviclecl, howevel',
tl:kt the m8.yor ~md' ci ty clerk are Ilrohi bitecl from delivel':Lng
(.my more bond;:; than (,:r-e neeessc:~ry to pay the \VeLl'T,nt.s d:cavm
agb>inst Baid fund, c\nQ only upon being further duly aut}w:cized
by :cesolutioll of the ci ty ccmncil. AncL m.wh bonds shall not
j.n e:;;eess of
fJcticl i1i11JI'lQVeli1e11t.
Section ITo.
Tl1~:~ t
or and city council
I~) .
~.~ "'L~ ....::)
shall levy [met caLL ec t taxes, the m~L1C to con8ti tTJe D., sinl\.ing
func. for the IJo.ymcnt of sc:~id bonaD, and tiLe interest thereon
u, ~.) f3, lEe e,o C 1"11C B .
Lice t ion :rro. 11. Thi s u:rc.inanc e sh<:;o11 be in force
e.ncl t,eJ.;:e effect from and D.tter its :pD.SfJ[cij:C, a.pIlrovu,l ill1c1
ImblicLction cL3 .L'l'ovi6.ed by laVl.
PU8ueo. gnd E~rliroved this .J.8"__day of Ju1:~/, 192::).
( Seal )
---IJra-Y-ol'--:-- -_._.__....._-,,-~...._-
Atte t:
f:~\j (~x' {L i [.) t :,_' j~ c t
ct o.
o:c tI18
j\.11 0 l~'()...l ri,~)~TL c e
:LC-iTjTiYli:~ ~:'~, %3.)C:ClCi.,.;__
.~. 't.-- '--'-
tl~t~C ti orl o:C L;~ B
I , 1\ C !JI)~.::...
-.:: f.: \/ C 1~ 1...1}.
I LJ.1 ~._.'.;rnJ,l~I
, i< e
'.-, .
"'::-J.:.:.-'.J .
vt;)......";.... l.J....J
i. t:r
tl.1.el.e ():C .
f'o:-c tlle co11cctiox1
Cuuneil oi" the
I ._, ..i,-_.~..
\.I..i.. l.Jf<.-.C
i,:; e c t i 011 1. ~C~t.l.~~J"'t, D~ UT) e c
is 1181l8~b:/ ) cvicc1 :::'",~-~Ci. clSDef3sec~
[1 38TICr In CD r l)iLtrict No.
.I. ,--.
00 ...:...le-.".._ v.i..<-\....
cjL) 0 j:' t118 C i
Ue\"18l" C L;-Cl":-t.CT:r tD...2C "be ~~;.,:nd~ -ti18 Bt)"llle
en~e of' CU11~tT'llctj.rlg
IT :;~ l):c E'... L l:~t< .11 " L
tl'~L<~~; 1" E; :.(;! e c t t ji' C
i Yl t ~(i C; [).,:.-(t Ci tll1'C, 8
1- 0 "L< r~-j ,
irl C'~ Lii~Jt:cict
descriptiuns, to-wit:
]3J..oc}~ ~?,' IID..lll1 t ~:-;
THoele ij,
IJo t 1, ~Slo cJ:c
Horth ;)1' uf'
80tT t11 ~?,6 f u f"
1T o:cth 14' of
.b on,
t D T~(i,i 1'(1
_'''' li[t.1D:-1' S
Lot ~~, J31oc}.: 1,
l~, 0 t ;~2 1 1310 u 1: J..,
l~o"t ~) 1 BIcc},:, 1.,
J. c.' ..L<..L
i,.J i" L.::~ C -c ~J
- r-..
[J L.::~ l' C c:; J~ ~:) U :L
~C(; T~Xl c; X'
c ti VB
""C:'L c) 11 ,
;i,5 ~20 11 . :':2/1 ;
. /14;
liD.. j,-ll--l. t D "t J. 011,
J-Ic"tI.Lll! fj ll~1,U11,
,~; Leu.LL tiGn, 9.56;
's A~Cj.tion, 06.44;
4, IIa.11l'l' D l\.ci.u.i t i ell,
lIEum t::;; ~~n6. .!;.()"di ti on,
IIELl'ltl t S
SO'llth 4~t of liot ~)1 Bluck 1,
Bartll 7t of 110t 4, Block 1,
ot 60' uf South 50' of Lot
SU11"Lh lei' of Lot 1, BJ_ock ~,
lfcrtll 19' or Lo.t 2, Block I~,
Ifortll 'of Lc)t I, Block 4,
lic~rll1 t ~j
IIc1..rlIl f 8
Seuth ;'(.J' of
riot 2), Block
J.~ot 2, Bl()c}~
.., l-~ ~,~ 71:... t ;:.~
"~I l-IE'Jilrl r 8
.l~(i.(.;.i t:L l,;Yl,
/1, I-'{c:~ illl t f3
\ile t 12.(:.tlf
J~ () -c
-'- ,
/1, ~B:Loclc ,-1,
of' J3J_ucl( 9 J
C: 01.111 t:l
~3 ~L :L~t;~ J.. f" 0 j~l
JD.l. E~Otl tll 60'
ee. 15-11-9, v55.20
:~;()tLtlJ. 60' of
of Black 9, ~~un"ty
,ec. 15-11-9,
r~ t:- ~"', ,.~\
',/11..)0. f::"U .
-;3cctiOl'1 ~~. ;~:;r-i.,lCL
become cLel:Lllcu....nt in
shall be cullcct
cei:J t1' ic t
;-:.::.8"'..1 cl~
~Gll'~ Ii-1D~11rl-c I'
C"j ti
in :(;,.,-.:-en c:c
Ci 0:1:" tr~'Ae
.'~ -;
t,.J ...~
If:, :reD:;-
of 1 C
ilL t:cuc ti. on8
:t' ~...:~ c t. 'l~ C
...-,-..-t:.>:" J
t~~-_>s c:'~j_.-.;_,L_ll t
..' '"
c U ..L J- C: C -c t.l'1. e ~) ,;.;,L_ e (;:;~ ~
~cction 4. T .is ;jruin~nce
j~~I' or:,.l (:,~rlO~
~-' ~~k-:<_.) (:~-;, L'
() '.J c.L. ~~.. c.-:.{ ,t 0..
(:; 1") l -C ~:;
b-:l L8...\'].
J?gS God
t.: lEi
t i OIl,
t i 011,
tj. on,
t icm ,
~2rl Cl
6 . 2~~;
it iOl1,
r;;'u~l)(ii '\T:L url S ,
.,- -~: --','
Jl be 0.1).(; and
1.\.Jv~icLecL b::/ ..L8.."\V
. .
-:'. "_.-, .-, - .--
L-,..LG C...LLJ.t;
~LcLY! .
U I I ,-~~11C_, I.re.b:cc)",L-~k8..
to t:~lC County Trea~ljrCr
1~c},:-~~ 8 ~) to L; ',:.; i t11
D ~F ..L(~~\}.
in force ~nd ta~~c
:JubJ.ica ti on
" (",
oJ.. ~.3t, 19~:;~S.
__---T-..;J:......Ellshex.r.y ~-.
.L.:.EL:V' () I" .
--'~'-c5":i.ty -'Ul-(-;i1E~--- --_.~-
IH.1:JJ CIG 968
io..n () l' (J i Yli:;~n c: e _.
tIle COIl truct .JD lJf d
ofT G'l~,,:_'J'ld I i~; , I.re-bl~~-.:"
C:" d ~C) C c ic-Ll.
~~~',;~.'Cl' c.i';Jt:C:Lct V\',.... ""GO :COlt
Di Jot lfc. 102 of' t~Cl.e (;it'i"
i~Ol~ tJ-le c ullec ti 011 tllereof~.
8\'j 21)
C -:~-~' C :c
c.~'..~ ,
IJE IT OI:J).?;.IIT1~~D -b-:;/ tIle
(. I ~J _<- c)~n l:L., IT e -0 :c' ~.~ ;,.:' l:c.-:~ :
",,"11C. Ci
Cori~rlcij_ of' tile Cit:;, U~{
L:~ e c t ~:.. 011 ~L. "C <3.. ~.-;:) e C lLLJ.. ~~ e"VI C1' (ti D t I':L c t tD..::-::~ 'b e t~Yl0h tIle bc':'I~-le
iD .n. :I'c'b:/ lcv'J_ 6. (-~~GGe~3b tu v _L _.>:, ,L,ll._:c_~ t,-,: C~,11~.'C:.r:\...1.C: c-~
sewer ill ;.~8W2r Di tl'ict No. 102 of tl13 City of Gr~j1d Is~l.and,
1~el'J:c(:~b1cf.t.) Yl:2"'C tl18 I' GI)8cti\Te lot:~), tl\~l,ctU;~/.11d~ ~~)':~-urcels cf.. :Lc.:'..Ild_
in 2Edd O.LJtl'ic:t in the CLY(l()Ull"l-;i:' i,;C}t ,":Lte the l'CfJ:CJecU.ve
Q8scrj.ptiol1S; to-wit:
oc:1.~ 12,
'V-oitlc' i:~:
Ii 0 t s 1, ~:~ , ;j, <1" J, C~n d. 6 :L n
'-,:,C10 .26 8ELc11;
Lot 7, in Block Voitle's on
Lots 8, U and 10, ll1 bLC ~, tion,
IJuts 1 2, irl 31oci~ 13, Voi-tlef~ tj_bn,
Bast 57 ft. of Lot 3, in Block 13, Vol els
West 9 f't. of Lot 3, :Ln B10ck 13, Voitlc'~
J~ot l1, .L1113=_ocl~ l.~~), Voitlets .i~.(L(ljwJGioT1,
I.at 7, .LH J3l.ocl'~ 1:.), Voitle I D t:!.on,
Lot 8, in Bl,uch l~, Voitl.e's ition,
fJ t, f' u f l.- 0 or, 5 0 I C OLJ..Il t:.ri(~:-Il..l'b(:Li -v'" i ~-:; j,. Ul1,
;i)62. 8~-) ec:~c11;
~~;:)5~l. 26;
. u",.) j
Li<:~c .~LO-11-9)
.;_ .~; ,.oj .
. h};....-J ,
c. 10- -.9,
U..L I,o t ~) u ..L C
110 t 6
I,u t '7
0C 1u~'1 0 0rlQ r~l'
\.-:-... -..:-_ -~, 'lY v.o._,
01 ~jec. 10- ~9, ~,~115.~9
'.'- " .-. .
:~)t'~. O(Xl V']. D=L UIl 01
c f' C ,)V.rl.t~r
of' C ~".t~:(l ty
u,'bC:_j~"y/if~iorl U~
b eo tj. 011 ~2. ;jr.c, l G. f3}) ec ;~; C--~) e:r-
'beCC)~-lle (,1 E.: LtCllt :irl "G11e nl(:~rJ.rlC;l-'
c.J. i i:::, t 1"1 J_ c t t~-'..:z:', ~) 11{).. J_ J_ b e (Ill e
s~t t;lC lceCL by }.:'::"'.1
cullected. hl
r]~:~ {111 :.::; 2-'
, ~-j
j)I\J\T1CLGCt 0:/ 1"~---\'}.
T t::'
....... f..1
, J:\<c~bI'~~;.~;l:a
TXI e~,t ;::t~:- el~
~3cc tJ_ C;fl ':"'
], f3 }:L c::c e .'b ~~r i {L
;Jl ED"ll COUJlt..,
j.n t:r:U.ctj.i.<nu to
<:_;,'-"-/J' LJ18 E~J;.L .';~~:,rl t
I (.'; G t tl1:-:.,:; '-..-c~ d" '- .:..~- u
I'c-v':L Ci.8ct
;':~cct:Lori .'...
-CE:~j:,;::e oJ'f' GC-t
U G T'CL J.1IL:".:n C C
*)C :Lrl ::(ur'cc
1 X' C .l,,:'~ ,>. ~.-~1 C.l
,.', '- . .'
Si~er l"GS ~~G~~ge, ~
", -" '"
~LJ1.."L 0 j~lC;.::t t lOll c...;~
.C;:J.:0vi CLed
_!..of,;\! .
l'e";, G
~J 1st
. '.. ".,.~ -. c'.....'
<.....i. J.:... l.-LL) U. ;~~-j v, J... J/..J,_l.
~_.........________-_w.____._ ''''O,b_.__.._ -_. ..... _._--.-._-'-
Cits~ C18r.l.~.
___.T.~__~_______'_._."'~...""'<..._. ......,....,-.... -_..~-_. .-..,'-.,...----......-.....
l'SEt.:/O:C ~
()Im IIT~;' TreE
. 969
Ln ol'di:m,:'"nce
liuits of the city
t}ll~;1-'80:C; T)l'U"'~!"jw llc:~>
Cl.iD tl~ic t
Yi i tLirl the c :c'e, te
defining tile b~~unaarie3
nrovi ~or the
cre~~lrlb a lDC
j r_.:
-f-j J
"\T e~C~CI1 t
c; r Gc-;.~ile
:CUI" tILe
c~ ~~j S C;; f3 SI:}ort t () i -C~_--.LC; CO fj t i~_') U I ~)a4rv-irl{,~.
.1. .L
18 :i.a.nd ,
}T e 1J:cE)..i.Jl:~[i.:
Ci t~,
C C)\)~Yl C i 1
~3ectio11 ~L. 'IlJ.1L~t tll8X'C is JJ.eT'clJ~T Cl~eD..t E~ l)(~virlg cliEJt:cict j~11 tl1.e
C i t -:/ G :1: C':e E).J1'1 (1 I i3 J (;;L 11 d , 1 (; C tll1 t ::t--, IT.8 'b l' C-~ :J 1~::;L, T, c t) ~ H-,~rl 0 "\V11 ELrl (1 ct. e s i g 11C~ ..t~ e d.
c-~,;: :LYIL; diL:tl"iet ITa. 57 off tI10 Cit:r c:C G'l~D..rl(l. lsIELl1(1, J:'J8Dl':.:l,fj
~:;ect:.Lol1. ~~.
Z3 :_,'; tt tl1 1:"l:C__.l1 t ~~ t:r Get
of ~--:~,;~'tl tll F:C~)ll t
vine district slla~l consist of t of
~D ._Jt.:~veerl t lie T~;E;.Etel~:Ly ~;._il1G of' t}1C illtel~I3eC"tj_on
';!E:~,~;__rlllt t.:3tr~Qet t11G \."Ie~3ter~1::l lil"le of'
cler L-'/cnue :G':cunt E.3t::ceet, [,::: (:iV to
;~~8 feet )B,vecl f:C'UIe face to face of curb
the interueetion of
U e E~~n c;::.- ~v-
c: ~'l i (:::. tlJ.
~mllbliiltl;ml:l:m shall inc::Ll.1de E..cl loccs, t:c.:::.c'I,,:," ,::'llCt p:,.l'cels 01
J_yins N()l.th of d Frunt "treet, bounded as cfore~jaid, to ~
of 132 feet a~l J.cts, tr'ac"bs e~s or irlG
of s~id (:nt 8trec"L, bounded as th of 132
:Ceet; c~lso tJ:.L~._,t of. E~uLLt}l Yl.t 2~tr'eet betYJeel"l :L;;::~fjtc~r~ly
liTl e (1:f t:,;-3.G ii~ t e:c fJCC +t~L 011 0 i< I.i\)cl.lU t i.;; tre c t (..:~ll1l,L ~3o-[)" -ell ;jXl't. ::Jt:cee Jc c~l'ld..
~e3terly line of' tl18 iXlterscctioll 9f Pine street &lld SOLth l~ocust
,f; tI' c~ G t, [--:.1"1(1 E:'~~;_ Dot.; ,tEL t ~!) ~-_..l.' t. 0:[' ;:.;;011 ,,-;11-G L~ t:c e e t DC C1.1 tJ..-J e
[; o:c t~:~:_v
.. ; ,
:.L11 -0 \21"1 s'~ C To 1 fl
',) .~"-~
. "'.
D t el~ l"'JT :.L j..ilC ():C tl~c .i. rl 't e:c U 8 C t Crl () f' i3~rc(~;:.:r~lO l-'4e L; tI~ e e t
t tl'()Ct ~ let J:"'eet ill \-.'id,t11 l.1i),vc;cL Il"OIn
face Q.f curb to old paving
fJ}-.Lr:-,~~~l illcllld.e ,-1._l.1 10 ts,
Ol ~:3e-,,:L0~ Ij~;~>urlt t:eeet, 1),_~l},11(Lcd"
eis of'
(1.+ to a
,,-; ~, ,1- "
GS ~~i' l'ossid, to & ~e?tll of
Gnt UtI'eet,
"'",' .'-~"_-:' ....lr "j" c.
1I..L u..'V v I'::;',
E~]:".LU. l)c-~r'Ce_LS
bounc.ed us u.fo:-ce
-"'. -..,
u 1 1. {..;~l'l (1_
E:_:~;,-j-u'Ll:!. of"' ;3Djl(~
C.ii. 1. S ~c 0 ~c
Y),OVI l)cLvect.
f::,treet to be
. ,
"cr'cc'(i c~3
nu.:; U ;3i:-;d
. -- .
J.e bet'Heel1
:);\'l.'t of ;~;,.v.th
t Street ~1T"cL
~3ec-tio11 ,).
C~ fJ t:r."c e t i 1"1 ~~;E~i (;. pD.. \T
C.it.jtl'j~ct j..s ller1cb:,i. \) c:recl
"VCCL L.~S }:::t:'o"';r j~(:Lecl l)y _lc;....~'..
;~__; ~:~c t:L Otl .:1.
T .i.~L,~.".t E-~"U,
l-.i t:/ ..l. ,:;Y eD~l 2.:r'S-1.i-J-cecl ~to 'tJ1e 0'I/j1181'[1 of. tl-18
a i,k"JOJ..~ity of the alJutting
\jJ.l'_'.L the Cit.~/ Clcl'l., ",'!itLin ;~O
n t:i..ce Cl'e~0,"G said cLi:c;tl'ict, cU3 l)l'ovidecl
of said diDtrict.
record title ~epreBent
in Laid aiotrict to file
t~n.c i:irt;.;t .b..L.i(;(:~_LOll ~J....
.b~T lcLV1, \'Jti ttell i~:'bj ecti-::.)llB t
B lTI. ;-~)111
ection 5.
cirected to _~JlA.
-C 2; 0 l~cLl rtc.~rl c e ,
'Ll~.e G :t"'Cct t J_ Oll () I
t 't118
Clerk dye ll~~re'by all
i :~d-l b. (1) tl".>3 r.:[J..~.:-; fJE,,{~;e J 1 D..11C1. 'bJic[~tj, 011
irl t}1c:lj(~rC:.l-j_d" .Is DD.,ily IXlcLeJ)ell(LGl"lt~f Et l'-lotice
5i..3,:r.d distl'j.ct, one time egch VIee1: for n.::t less tilan
:.:-~O s.
;'::'ectioT16. t ei.rllt}1_1"'~Lt,:l lD eo:,1' ,_i-/Ol;. tl.! tIle OY!l1er'S or ..cc.lJC
l'ccc)rd ti"Lle re~)reSell~ ~~.e url oi' the Q'buttiYlg })roperty
O",~J11 (~X. i:) ..co f' j.1 e lJ1J.c C i c 1 c:r'l,~ ,\-J i t~lj~Yl lr ~p l)O"fl ~ L~eo.. J_E,~\~' ,
L;J .() C t ~L tj, 011 f;o r- t.l-:LC lIS e o:t~ a -0 l C U.~LL~~X' J;~il1(L t~., r lllC~ te:c iE!..l to be11;j e d
iXl ;:"jl:~LicL c1i::Jtl-.iC.1G. Ii' L;llCll O-\;.,:11e:cs L'c."t11 to (le~ .lee tl-lc lTlu.te:cj_a~L tilG;/
c~e:3 i 1'" e Li. ;.] eel j,,11 i-:";[.'..1:L C,. cLj. tIt lc t. .;x i t}~ij.l1 "c ililC i11 't11G I:.l;~!-, 1-..1181'
rrcvictcCL b:' ~LC~VJ, ,>"u1 c:,ty cuunei} ;::;11<::,11 ().et ne uJJon the
l.GD., t e r~ i [,~ ~L t () 1J8 V~;3 e (1.
~; c c .tj~ 011 ? c ,~_:. ~3 ~ ._ _ L.~ 1l ~l'"l..; i:;)C"
11 h t t.118 :l_.O t L~, L:"CL~iC t ~:; \:;..1.. ~ U 1..
J..'t:Lillll to such bnne:Ci tz to be C~C'L
C Lll1Ci~L a.S DJr ~~.ta,ttlt.e cLeo_.
diutrict shall be ussessed
C sl;ec 1[1..,.ly bGLCfi t tea
or 1.:.11 d
~;ection 8.
D 0 :CCL~LrHJ,llC e s}1~J..ll
~11 force and 'Lake
b..ication as by
v..S"-C, 19~~3.
_'_0.. Iii
frOl~ Lnd aft~r its
~3 sc~;;; e, c,:,
1)D.,~38ecl L~~,rj(t t1})~pJ.:~o\rcu. 'G-,~.J..S :L"il"1E;t
..i ..', ...~,
}:..~t "08 t:
( Seal )
T. J .1Ullsberry
_ T ____-_..-.__
City Clerk.
lEE]., Y.o r
."~ '::'C
f 5. }::: C ~:3..1
.LC'i/:: 1 Ilg:
t[1:<12S III
Ciot:I 01
I f3=Lt)..11Q, i~Ol'"l
..l- -\ i-,n':"
tJ, ..l- :':-/~':'0
t:i,JC col1ect,ioll
;::, T, ,
I U1-o
~Lrla endlng tl10 sec
't}1e:eeof' .
I~r ()JIDJ.\.IIITGD by l~.{le
CUl,-LrlC i].
01 t,j18
errand I
: ~:-i _~ '_::'. rJ .
\..,.\.J,-.'-'_'-C:" .
;3oc 'tiOYl
tIle .TilcL.iIrlCl~
,L . :Illa-'(,
i ;:3
118 IlC'j):{
:u::v.i ed
Bha~l be collected
~~. ~_.-. ..:
by lc~:.VI t~~IJOrl all :J:O ;.:;,J:.t~~/, 1'8&~1, ~qc1."'soria..l [LrlQ.
cl-L;~:;~r'(_1ctcl~, -:~.it.r-li:n 'LYle cox'Jjo:cc:t.te liruits of
fiscal yesr COhilileY1C1TIC
, ,
, .1'; C b:CE~Bl::E~,
..Ie J..~J23)
see :Ll1
t.tLe :J C C
o:f .L:Ll~ D,ctual valuc:.ti.on
i' 0 1~ tl1 e i'oll l)lJ..
st, 1924, on each dollar
pro]) crt}, tc'2.:C S CoS :rolloylS <~
The Bum of ThEee Eills for the purpose of the interest
OIl t:Lle bOll(:~e(l iYld.cd)ted.YJ.8sS oil tIle Cit:y"" of C':L'<:l..11Ci JXeb:ccl;31:8~, c.tl1CL
-co C :CCc!.. te Cl.. ;) 111}:il.l:~.:: !'LlXl(l to illC t}1el'eof~ c~ t rnE~tllI'i t~r-,'
T118 fJl.1L1. of' 'T11x'ee -LIs f'o!"} tl'le l;er18:cc11- :rC\.lcrllle I}lll':pose o:t ~]()..icl
, incl :Jslaries oi~ tile Ci"ty Officers, care of streets snd
lie -b~-_ j~ 1 B, to .t,}lC irlc j4d.8Il tE'..:L e~<~I)e11Se s of~ .Jc11e c i t:/', i11C JJJ.dil1g
CcLr~e of" e~I.lCl":'c;eL',c:;/' ].11Cl. l"ltc},:L s of' Ilolice cte:pc!.,I.nlerJt
DJ]c1. f"03: llyc11'o"r~ t l"'el'ltc~Ll.
fJ.111C S'Ln-_.-~ CJ1' e
,'-, .
'-_J _L
8::-~I)erlS8 D
~~.!- e
the Police De')~l'
t.. .
..Lb ~Lvl' t].18
1'1118 SLUi"l oi' ()Ile-Ilj..:[-tl1
iLl})l".~!-;\TiYli~:~ tl"le
e:cJ) 811;3 e D 0 fl Llc.":L irl-t,--~~iIl{; t.i.1C c eln,(~"GC 1':/ ,
~3cc",e to ;,;,,~1C:cri8;.:l in cunnection th:_;l'eYlith.
one C:c
()IIC-IlI :[,11
~~1 C soil r:~~c:~ i 1".1. tC'J i 1'1
tlJerlt, ~rocuring
,.i. \,...0
C }1ct C
GL-;~:LELI'ie ;a
. .", ..
J.110 J.. CL e ~1'l,c1,_L
~CGl"' tJ:-IC o~.';e
;C;Xll.l U em en t
-blic COl'"lCCl'tS.
8 S "GE).. b 1 i
e:.. v.ucD:.l, j..YIU
C l'C';c.LY"i i ZCL -t:1. ()11 i'o II tl.~"e ~pl.ll'I}O s e o:C I~I Cl-1U, C 1"
TJ:Le 8V..E1 o:C T"\'10 -i~i f'tl1S TJi 11 :1: u:c .GlIB
iYlter';.;iecticl18 :3~110~ Sl1cf...ce OPl)O~:3j.tc lie
~rJ:le sttl.;i o:fT'\-IO....f.ii~t11~3 rrlill to IO}".l
a --,_I e :..,T
:ct of tIle l'ub:Lic
:L i ~b r L',~:t':r .
1\118 StLL1 ~".)~. OT18 li1ill to P'},:l f"'or "bt~l.LC_illg De-~:.J;u:r~ ;33T;::j-GCYil, to f'or
e18ctl"ici t;y" i'01' clisJ)oso~l I..l[:~l"lt EL11c..l J_i:ft ;~3t;),ti(j1ID ~.-~-~rld. to l)c13T :(OX'
i'=~.usllinz ewer"s.
TIle Sl11Il 01 C)rle-f'-i:C~cl~l i ~):r ~crLe ;jC of" LJL:~.5~rl
"b eU.l'i~L t i
Gvery D2~Le residellt
,U,. a;~
::':';C~",:~_:~e .
8U.L.l uf' Tll1'ee Doll(..J.,";:; ell ,;.:;L::"Ct:.
t:~-Le Cit~T ;~.-;f' (3'1-'Djl.~cL IfJ.!,.Ll>licl, 1Jet-;~78erl tl'1G c:li:~es
U I 'C.\) 811 t.~r - orl e :~~ llC.. f j..f..t"':l
ilil taJ:.
U[L:t~ ~3, e:r:,:c (1)..lc
t b;y
c-l. ~) OJ
~L::'~-""'.'} 1
r:, .:,~
'-AJ t,.:J
SGC~~Orl 2. Th~~jCity 01 u~ tho Oi
reoy in~tructed direc.ted ~to certify tu
CU1.1.1.1 ,ITeb:c~)>:J1:.E..t}lO al;;_:..)tLllT, 01 ;-:::sC~I.CL t.:J.
ur rid Is1~).rld, Irebrc:~slG?t
tile C()unty Clerk of
;~:)CctiOll ~).
a,nd take effec t
icatioxl, (.:1..s
'l'ni;3 0
L~", 110. (:~ ~l: t c ~c ]. T, L;
PU..;:J ~~c(1
;::; 1st
LtS.1C, 1 3.
(XV/ C cL
~~pt ~tc ~j t :
. :~~;. Ciiiio:rd
'T' ~
__..._...._"'_,...-:!._ t:J .
-_.."~~ -~ ~-CTi ~{-~\l~-"~lfI b i. J:~ :--
. 971
Beil1C: tlJ.c E~111TU.b~1 fj~S.~~)I):C()})r~ic;..tio!l J3i~~1~1 o:f t,}le (litJ! of. .ls:Lal1d,
-rJI'::::. , ~ :2 fiE:cCJl ~:/Cc~,l~ C01JIJ.CllC ~J8C I5<.:,rldo..::l 1.11 ...:.. S~G
I3E I ~C C) IITJj.\ '0 ~(
Is JD,rl c)., l):c(:.-~ ~~.I=aJ-:
;.. D..:nCl C i
CCLtnci1 0:( the Ci ty of
E3ec t:!~ U11 1.
tJle l)tll~l)O ;2,8
City of
. . -
'GLeC' j.nc l}:)C,,-,_
t ~G.i.l.C
Littcn of~ ,000.00 i I;:; }~LCI'eb:r c3..J)Pl)O~~)I'i().. tecl
tile lrltcl~c~3t U11 -t,11c 8el i:ncic.btocI1.l8S0 of'
...t. _,-,
I~r cOb l~L-" J<EL, .;},rl(L toe l' c~ t e D.. ;:}].
. . ,
\";j~1eJ:"1 :L -G DOCOI~lCfJ C.lIC.
,:~;cction ;:;.
000.00, or 80 Duell
~~ ~- ,,~
..~.... ...)
.C <'-C .Ll e B LLI~l 0 I
De nece 13 hOl1cby
C:L t~r f'OI~
t11e el}.;-:,)1).il]'C~ jTUL':..:C.
out of sencraJ. of tlw
sai~ries uf ~ne City. Officers for
,ioction 0.
~.1l-~Jn 0 :c
,000.00, or so
~ - C-f
rHI C 1.1
Obe llee C~3S\"'~1~3T 1
ci t~l :['01' t,LLC
J..Jl,.~~ ~3 'LI' c e...le;J
iu heroby appropri~ted U~ of
OGe uf unaeu
2~: ell e:ec~) :f'tlYl{L o:C
ct.rl(-L o..&;.leY'f3, clea.J'-lillL~; btx'eetf;, i-..;t:....--.:'i;;"V~, u./rld
c:c t:/ :C or tl1.e G 011 -) .JeX'lolC t ~L 011 0 i~' [::11 t te:c s} C l~ 0 S SVJcl..~LJ:S ,
() i~j-Gl)eC"'G L:;...lle:/ ilTlI)11U'V"81X1Cll t~3.
~_;ectj_oIl i:,. !TJ.~u~~t tl1C U-LU> or
CiO. 00, or so much th8reof c:,;:'
of tl18 ~ fund ~~ ~he i.ty
"be necc~3Dary i~ ~~~
UI (}J~G"rJ.cl I
\.... .::-
.-.+ lJ.:y:d..l):;:~ll.JG :;:"erJ,tcl,.l I or~
t.,1 V :/o:::,:,x'.
CC-tiOl1 rJ.
:~,OOO.O(), o:c eo
us Lee '.~ L
tL (; :~. e b:;-'" f]..
out of' tIle zon8ra~
r", ~C'
f3 o:f
(:'i Ij::: J~ 0....
i.... .::,..c~
8::~pcrl ~3 C;]
_" v_:_
Bt.~,~ i (1
C i tJr .
~~) I) l
'-~: ,..'-
j-..~J.l1C}1 t.ll (;l~ tJ
i~~~c;c tj_ url G.
. :-, t:,
~ \,...........J
vL ,).... l;
.>i..L-C L'j..
t. i..:.8 L~ efl e:Cd..l.
fun(], ai' the
"1:JC rice e se~rlJr i;3
ilIC icle 11t[11
(;i t:r (Ji~
cL Is
011 L;
f1C 01
i lIe _'- -LlC:,
:"-.;' l; ;,:,;
:f ():::-
e1 't11e
c e D e~p[;.J..}:.pt~Il.e:t"lt .
;;~;ct:LOl1 ?
t t~c e
so 1TfLlC}1 tlle:c80:C
") .'~
() 1"1
..L tj
salaries of tl18 Police
'-'. ,-
;~Ol~ ~lJl18 ell
-CJ :.,8
i3ec ~ti. 011 S.
c)~ s
00.00, 01' so
-be I18CC~3
Lct~La.r i e s )
11 tE';.,l
, lS
..., !..,
101' .(,..;:18
expenses OI li~}.ll
L;'CC.t:LOi"'), 9. tTll~-;~t t118 ()l.UTl o:f ,600.00) or- 80 Tr.lllC.r1 aG
;) e 1'1 C C C ~.::; J. i~ J:' e b::,'- v _)1' iL.. ~c. \...l_ :. 0:':' t~_G U i:;C o:c t11e
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~('11 S G Dole c e i3 fJ Ol~i e ~~:~ , .J.. e B[:LlcJ..l'i e: ~3 , i 110 i CiCl] to...l
1~CI)(-:)Til~;3 .
3ectj~ol-1 10.
'G 'el,\..; ;:n.im 0:'[' ,.)~3100.00 I OJ:' so luuch tl1cI'eof C~D
e cis e s t(;~ J..
el}JT c~._
1:)8 11'2CC
'-_ VCi ca.:, ,
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j. C C U11 C e:c 'L s, ~Ui ;):C.illf.iItmI ~t ~j~"ffiqmrx
23sc .11
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J:"~Gl" tJ>b:~l
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erl~Je G UI' ;':--,.T[
public buildiru~s ana for
~C~; ~:.~ V' i 110::: .
c ti. on L2.
i:; 0 :u tlC h
t ti1e I>CVCl'lT).e
.be YICC8;3
eratJ.on of the Plant, or
iL:~ t eel f';~ I' tl~~e
j. HC i<18n tal
tile \vE:.texl
be of' If.1D....
pl;:mt of
, G:;~T/er::.o.
"';'"'> ,..; J
, 1\ e D 1~C:~ SJ:cc.t J ~G 0
(~. r" ~"~~n. (1 .l s
eDDes connected ~Jitll the operdtion of the same arId to ray the
SC?..l,D..X'1. e D 0:[' .t.~-.L8 u :Cf'i c c:r.~ s irl cl-l~)..r\;e o:f.
i3cctiorl l;~). Tllc~.,t tile :CClrelr~~..e of' t118 (1)Gr~L::t:Lo:n o:f t11e I)~Lb..rl~t 01' so
It1L1Cll t11e:ceof' LtG l)e 11eC8fJsC';"1~::l is eb~r CL.~~)r):COI)l~iL{.te(l -:Co:c tl18
)tlr~rJOEJe of" El~.~J..1Jt{)~il.li11L~, , i.r~ll)l'UTl:illg: :ce])e..i tIle liE;}1t
?lant of the City of Grand Is NebI~ska, to inciaental
ses cOllnected with the operation of the same and tu pa3r the
;:Jc~lc;:.}~i8G o:f
(J :.L'i'i c'c:I' l1
C ilL,:,,1" is 0
..--. I'
r~el:L L~~-~ tll e
oi~ tllG OIJU:Ccl.t:L011 of~ t.118 PILtl'lt, 01"
eby appropriated for the
uving a re~airinG the ice
r'CVell1...t G
GO :;:ucl:. reof c~s nay be nscue:;
1)111--'~p 0 E> e 0 f' Ll;;'i. :L11 t,J.lill ,eJ~t e~'l(:L
~~)12.11t of" tIle C~i t~I clf\~~~l':},IlCl Is
e::-Cj)erl Ge ~3 C 011118 C tccL \'ii tl1 tIl(j op Cl-'8"t i 011
":.'-- ~'-,
h.;.J~:'-~C(,. )
irlC ie.Lull tC:LJ~
;J8..D18 I e~ncL to
3,J,~La.I~l.eS 0:( tl-l8 o:ff-'icCI~G j~11 Cll~...l\:::;e t~i:Jel~eo:f.
ctiorl 15. ~'ll~~..t tile 811111 of" ~)~2500.00, Ol~ so ll:lllCll tllex~eof E~li rac;.;]'
lJ 0 118 C e :~) Bl--:':C~/ i S }l'~~ :r' e'b:_.:'- ?JJ)IJ:c Ol):c io.. t eo.. f.. 01" tC)4lrllllL~ ,
~_., .i
~:::~l-lcl 1> C2...~..1 ti
of' t}J.e Ci t:~r
:~:;. .{\. l,..
I'e(~~ 1 e L t~:~ t e
, .l~' e 0 I' E-.. _<8",
t}lel~'e:fol-' .
.-', ,-'.
J Lift Y'
::ec t:}. on 16.
be nece sG:>l'Y
t, "t11B f3LLJll ai'
,700.00, or so much tll.ereof as
is 11cr.c.:b:l
BeL In tf:mE1rlC e
.J Ll:C c lH3. ;~., e 0 f'
1?ulJ1ic :Li-Dr()"ry
d.o c tunerl t s .
i3e of }!(1..:/i:ng
incluaing repuirs
teet :f'Ol~ t~t-j.e
o:r e
8 e s ~~..1'1(1
DD..l~-;i..:c i e ~3 ,
ction J.'/. l'hc,t the sULl.of ;;:)15,945.00, or DO Iluch tliC:',;'COi' c:.tS
ITj[:lY be Y1CC e 8 riL.t,l~S is 11CI-C-b:{ 8..})I)r.o~pl' i2.. tea f" o:.e .je,1'lC IYLll'J)0 Le 0 ~C C011S t:cuc .til1g ,
r'eI)c~j~:cil1G c1.:nd~ Ll[t,_~rl[)..tE1..irliY1L; Ci.. tCIi'L i!l tile Ci t~l of-' G-r'c"1Yl.cL IslD..rld,
IT e -b :rc"L 81::,.~t ~},j]c:.. :t' 0 x~ tile l)llrp 0 ;;:.HS 0 f' f' 01'\ e:L e c t l~ i c i tJr f' 0 l~ cLi s 1) () sc-~l
Plexlt u>:ric"LLift stat:Lon.
f3ctJ.on 18. TiLls oJ..'cLLno,nce 8h<.:"11 be in :.Coree OJ:1Cl te,ke effect
i"l'\()l.l1 0~n.ll c~l~tC:I' I"CD iJSclf;e, uva::L DJ11Cl 'l)1..lblica;tioJ:1 e~s b: .lC:jVJ
]?c-~fJsecl cL11CL t~~~-)~pl"ovecl ~G.(;.l s }JtiI' fJt (L[1:.'" of' .il.lIf;U.i3t J 19
___ :~~~),.sp-er;ry __~_.____
l:""q-:, 0 r .
C:.Lty 01e:"c1;:.
\ ..,/
ITo. 97~~
J'irL cr-c1.in,:-:.J:1C C \..:~ CC 1~:~lJ i11;~ tl18 0"0 L tl~1)..C t i \)Il () I -CYL8 ~:-~11 e:r j..ll 1310 c1::
~O of the Ori jlUi_ l'ODD, nOD City 0f
.__._,2J~...to ,__.,.,__I'f~,cu t;Jch 8, nui :,,::.tnc G:; gl' 101' e1 l:,eF,:cing
tllCl'eU11, UI'tj, :r~.irlf:~ t118 i:~;C~j:'i8 l"el{~Qvecl, E..llG. :L11 .C x'8of", :C8(;(u..ix'ir12;
tile ~J tr ee+t C o:Luni S f3i 011 e:c oi' tlle City oi~ (}:t~D.ll(:~ I U1ELYld I .U e -tJll~-:::~;-.~l=c~ to
",be, t e t
b (;.;,1[18 .
01' Lot 1, in
oek ;)0,
P:(;;'i..1.1tbC}1 i;s -tile (J"'.:,;I181'"
Ci ~8,
Bed to be constructea
.l\ciJ 11D~s COllstl'llcted
t~ereon a buiiQin~, fences
the a.Llcy in d. IHoe].::
rl \Y\-}
tlJ.C~l~ e U 1"1
T)C D ta
30; <,:;,nd
Vl/ll c...
, Ltll.~
ill YI:ci ..ICi!;I~.:;, to
cl C:tto F:rc1.V.t;5cL~ 1Ic{,f.) 'becll r'eq.cLe3l~C:a., -DutIl ()1~8~ll:/
1'e.::~OV8 ~),'>,lC. S.t;X'lwtj,on CTlc1 cr;ero<}.c}mK'nt; and
, C i t:/ ,of' :.->l~Ej",r.Lo" B e~(, t~ c:cccl irl.t u :3~ ~al"i t te11
C UIl tI\)..C '-L -\-;:L t,11 ti.Le ~.11-'aj. i 1 l)s:;~r l11{; C tl_Le IJ Lt:\T J."lli~; () 1 8c~i ,1 E~ 11 e:Y'
j~rt ;:~;D'...i(1 :BlocJ_~~ :')0; L.~rlC_ V].t'.LeI~ec.':.,:~;, S c uLu',neYICecl i t3 llCVl
(L l)~~~-) 1 i._i}.-' tl~LC l'CL,~G\/'E:i,~L \.).l. ~:jt~;,iC::. U'D~Jt:.CU.c tj.Ol1; (.l.:;] (1 H~.~J. ...._~1"h.J, tIle
cc.;n.t e o:f ~~~L:..:L(,- Ot)~3t:CtlCtj.'~)Yl 'l'r'~'{ 'Clll'1">1t ('I i C l','e
(t 6ont,l'C,cto:c tu c:ccclC',ro bf)j.CL C ,Tltr2Lct bru~~~~l":' iX:;., .~:'~~L;;i::t~~Ju 1.';. '-;;,'
.J ~c., 1.',; :=~_ j:):t'~\ ~J ~:1.-::l," [}(;. d. 1"8 i''ll S 8 t u C ~..iTl"G ll~(je :(tl 1) ~tl1e 1'8'\"/ jM tl1 ;
L:~ l'CSUI't te; U.I'l b..ctiu11 cLt J_.i~..';} \J
ciel;;.,:"y' DC).. icL
CIlfJC 111 ct ~LD.:Cl;e su.rn f.or~
~:'..11(1 ceJv!.~~.;e til.e City
tile })D"lrirl~;
::~, L".11 eXLLCl-k.;en,c"Jt
BI~ IT v I)Y the
01-' [~[1(1 Ci t2T CCl<.ncil.
c1' the City
I sJa..l'l<I, ITc'bl"l(~~sl:a:
Section 1. The bl),il~ 1 l"erlCCB arIa I)O~~ts and 0 or cOllstructi\";ns
I::. :~~l':;; c:',;;l~~~"ln",13~i-:~G}c~.~).,():f' ~G.::,~ ~.1: ,u," ,<}~',j;:~12~:VJ City 01' Grand
i.:>.'_<:ollU., .... ',:; DI c_ J:cCo, cd.Lt)'~ l.ll.uli...- .l.V v Ol"e \J J. wc,J. It ,.d. vl:.L.:, (~,nc.t plae cd b,nd
12'lc::.irltc.ji11ed tl1CI'CCIl 'bJ?" ()tto ]?:t'[~lLtfjcll L~rlrl (1);-3~tl~tlct D..11(\. erlcl"to:':)"C}1i11L~;
IT:fiJon aid eLley, (;,l'e lH;:Ci..:by C.8C.i.L,l'cci to 'be and <':\1'0 CL lluibc,nco.
ction 2. Otto Pfautseh is hereby ordered to
~~alG. ObG~rllction Ci. not be aba"ted pl"eCerlting
Cj, t.~t CJcrL-;f t1l0 City uf CrancL L; ,..c. 0
():C I'Ce':. UXl ;._~c~vlCL '0 i J x'cl..ces, I}()~-~t[; L:..rlc1.
'-TO net i), nL:1;:;,,:"1-C8, 'Jll orbef'ure 12 o'clock noon
i7th of' l~'U~;ust, 1923.
:J}lOVl CU"LLse ~1j:1.y
III <:ritiug to
, LL1"lY }) tC0 t Cl11811 t
otlLJ:' obstruc~ti,l1i;)
of 1'rid,:],y, the
Section 3. Otto
t;JC~(l ic
creo. to
'c e
1-- e:nJ. O'V e L~ rllL c:L
, tIle ~.~~Utll
~E~J.U" 11-L.-~i;:;c:LrlCeS UIl ~y~ eel
ro nine o'clock A.
.J..;;. . ,
O.E~:/ o:f j~,l.1.gUUt) 19?2~~\.
Locction 4. SlJ.o'"ld the ;Jcdd otto Pfc,uti3ch il, neglect or
1-'8 r~:e to bl10\1 ca"LL;~;e f<';Je,,~Ld~ rllJ..isD..:nce s ~:jlJol.}~l.u.. rlot~ 1J8 D..'bc:~tecl 01'
j)~i,.il to to t}--.L~_; E;O.li(J_ I1V..1.:JELl1Ces U11 u:c -bef',_;]~e rlirle 0' aloe1: .l1.. IE.,
, tl1C ~~~.Utll t, 19~~~;" ~~t:ceet ConI(~-li;3D:iolle:c o:t'
the City of t.:r;:,UlcL ::1 Count:;.', bl';~L}:E, :Ls reby C.irc;ctecl,
eJ.1'tl}UI'ize.c.'t 8r' to l-'e:C..lU-'{C C--l.L.C. (3,J)b~te ~.,;Ei~ic:L rltliuo"rlc8f3 f'<.I:c.)cJ.1\';j..t11.
eiIcrcclwy is hereby c.eelc:rccL to o:;,i b t l'cquiring the inj}:lec.iate
oJ'lerati on of thi l'dinc:nce '(,L.1;3 U in3~nc 0 shull ta1,eef'fec t I,m
~:.rl(.1 or1 i t~; DD"c:~e ) c:~rld c~J?r)l"t 0\1 eLl c-i. s "b3T ..L[~la TJr-Ui{ i c.Gcl, its :t" i Xt S t
J~iCD"tioYl (:~,llC_ t}.-.le I)Il()C~L[il~lE~'Giu11 ufo t}:l(~ IJI9-~lOlt.
Po.;:; ~,C'Ci conet <:t:}ll'OV';;CL
tlli E 15t11
, ,
OI li.ll.Ltlb"G,
.., () -f"J r;
1.;;; j"J.__j .
CLet '''J'
( Seal)
_,_....T..J...;;tU..s b ~ 'r-ry ._.._._ _____._
Ii,:{e... jrO :c .
-~.~~._. c it~;~_ c 1 erl,~:-._w_--,-,--,-'-~~--
Vfuereas an emergency exists it is hereby proclaimed that this Ordinance
shall be in full force and effect Lmnediately upon its first publica-
tion in the Grand Island Independent. T.J.~llsberry,I~yor
Attest; (Seal)
H.E.Clifford,City Clerk.
o. 9'73
An OI'd.:LllEY~Ce ~U~.~lorl~
--. .;..... "..
01 .J. iJ M_~ E':",:";. C_ , ..l\ C
CilEL[;C there of, ui::,:ty (60
(iG f:; i2:11c.:..t, (;ct aD H IrL tCl""SCC t~i. 011
I e~l_~:)"rlCL; \t :;}:CQ-v-j..{5-irlC f'CI' tile c
uv'idin~) for t~e disl)Osition
!_~ u
o:f tl18
lL ~o execu~ QC~2Ver unto the
nCLjo-(:jicLbJ..e I) on 6. 8 , to be knO\Ill
J3~-Jxlds of t:~1e Cit~I of'
ti:~:)11;::;, f'01'111 ~'_:'!Jrld. ~tX:';.otU'lt 01" LEUIle;
of' "cue Ill'oaeed.:;) C!.e:riT,/oCL
. 966 of' t1JC C
-Cll e
. 0
8D,,1 e (;:f Li[~~:C18;
~) .j~'~:^\.> .
'-"1 . ~
c' :;" ci. J~ TH.L.l ~~ e (~ ;3
U l.. :~~.
i".. .:-.1.(:;
illt8rGec~j.ons of
..:....:.1. .CU -;--~
i. G I'
T) L::~ ~''l
i~ e'lf (; X' e
to :L,; sue
reau, l~ lS Ilecc sary ~DU
lY.l t}}C; C:'~'__'i.()l.-~:nt. 01' <~:..."t 1 eE~st l'~~lil't;1
C:-:';')Crl eL; oi' ll~.~: i1-1tcII0ectio11L~ and 52
OUl\,e ;)~~.leY3 in rmrud.rnL vini..:; (}j.;3t~cictr: 39,41,4~21\
eJ. heretofore created and which said intersections
opposite alleys form a part.
l)CjJ.IE~~I'D l
of streets
in t11C City of I
of 3treets and spaces
:c (~:~r1d C i
.;...,,~",i ,
01 .C.' "_C \~:L
~]I~ I ~r
i:"..' 2.. C~'.i \J. 3..\ C tJ }, 'c-~ ,:,;: ~.::r_~\.; :
r~cct~J..()ti _:...
c j~ t"';;l
".-- _.-, (":'I
V I.-J "~_'.',-",
CL I;-:~:J.L:~n"(iJ t: :L'U l~;_Ul'C
::.>81' .tJ:-l.e::ceci. si::~
, to be
, u:'~,c:- Cl) "C e
cc ivcl' un.GO
}:e of
~:-. L~ t~~o __ i ~~ -L,
l. .."" '
bU} ne~o'G DO
c-:.:3 i: Iil tt:~I' L:;CC t~i u:n }lc:,.';'/:1.1-1C;
J3 ',)11(1. [) 1; oi~
81' .1.. tn, ,
I'c!-,Yl CL ,1. b ._I_(..,~
iJ ;:,,-, Y1. C. S ~ ,:r::2 T': 0 D CE':..l~
:(,}(3, CL C:
at tIle office O~
t,}le C ()'l_,~11 t~(
I E.L .,1:1U..
iT=cc~~~utL:C'C;:C of'
o:f (Jt~j_(} UC)ll(-~E; Bi:'J.;::-~.l.._L 'be i11 Li.Lj
'i'iC,I', 'C' T": (".,c;i)'U'" l';U"\ ') .!'''J'J;:. U" )."1 ";..;,(. _',' 'i.'.l",."(j ()';-
.J..) ...........',.,...1- ,~~' --'-i ..J\..., .. __...... - v__v ......... .....
sLc....1l be :cuciccLccblc D~t ti:.e o}Ycion of tile
tirJ,lc ~::~j::'tc:l'"t :r':!.-\Te Jre[~:c i-.l~Ol_t'-L t}.L'~_:~Ll' cir~te. :_~;ctlC~
erJ"ouI1, 19L13 ~ D~11Ct
..L 8~LC~1"lcL, E).t (~lrlY
~3 u}--L8..]wl 1) e C 011--
~:3 ~.~ i (1 1)
;38CU. ti~ij. e1.~l :nv..~":-b (~1)c(1, c o:~nl~'~e11C i:ng:- \Ji
., ," -, , ~". ,-. .
~LrlT~e:cc 'G [~""C "[.l18 :CEJ~Ge 0:1. Il-v-e "'-iC.;:C
81' v11e.
CC1'lt })Cl" 2~r11TL1L~,
i.:ie2.ni -EL,rl:rlll[.:~~LiJr , to -\7i t , erl
of iber of cae?l CST.
IiI' t
ch and tile first day
():f f;E.,:L(~ b 8 811[tJ_J~ 11,},"'VC EttteiJcl:Lecl ~ -,....L:'~' 0 0 "\, 11 L ~
.:,'~,:,::.' .~,-<'.....' ,:"'... ..0....,.... i'._,.~:~..,~~.)~,...: ~ \'I..L (;l~ ;.:~ t
c er-<,c J:1 i Y1 tilL: f3t)~Ll G 1-' ~1"~7 e J~v' 8 E:_: !j Ol/~L 00 .u~) J.. J.c~ll6 (,;/lh~' . ~)O )
l' r JJl~"; ti'. '.':E. c'll 'L...6,-f.......... G.iS~.l...... ta: bL. (f..".' :]]J; ;=.".l.....'f}L..b. c\~.L... l..~.~..~le..\f.' ~.: r:;....,o i .,.. ~". c (;..'.f~; ~..'.. ~lth. ~L. J.~~ 5."~.'; ~ 1'..1..Q.f '1..11. ..: v~....r.o.c e e % S t r g:!.l
:Plons.~,r...s.1;1ei,J~s ~ri~' 6Vf-l...ce.s.. ?),WW:il,Ie ,..p.l~Y~i~'1.? .iP,a,.:v,J.~? ,;l!,l,.~~:r;'.;c~,~ ~~r' 1f~~~'J..
.....,.Cl..!.....)." h.'. ~l.J;::; ,...,....;O.L C.vue -J.LI,.,,) V.~,.,.l~_ L'~_\.~ ...~B~t.Dv <...l'.V.h}~J..,..~\., vi) cc \.)2 of
CcC.LlYC1' CL uunu.3 unto clle,;..iUI' theJ]'cof ,:c:i'.'-cc:c the i3c:~icl u ::; sa.6~t?
11r"V'Q ~beell {~:<8C-j~.-~-C :LXl -C.rle l-ilL;:,LLl'l-__;I' -Yl '~./'lj~(~:.u(:~ iTl :::)f::;c-tj~orl 1 o:f tllifJ
Ol"clil'lLJYICe; slJ(J.J..l l1ccci-l8 E~(;Cl'1.l8(1
Jrltc:cCb-0, ;':;;:i'-lE~ll Cit:'i. CE~~.;V~I'8I~
of' Ci ,,i.;,'.;, I;-c-b::,--.~~~:..~~jJ.<c-~, -'",7110 ;~;11cl111(8e~:J t11G ;JC:;~T{le jtrl
;~,":-~!CC :i~ll':.J-\~/rl cJ.S uIJ].LcII li\}<~n(l o:f "tJ1C Ci t:)r of'
c i t:f c l c: 1.1c
11 C G e ii ~3~1.:'C ~c' to
CL I U=l..E~illL J If I) r; U"V':L ,.n.(j-')/C~VCl',
; ,. '- .-. -:', .
Dl "G ec II' 0::::. CcC j..lV 81' l:.c\J .l.l;
U ..)XIC.E'1
-, . r~ '<"7'
~ V
i";':'",_t... I;:;:;:
Lt~p011 -beil1/; f\.tl"
l, "j l-_J.:E:.I\'iJ:l L~:J~~[:" ii. ;.~ ~G ~~jL~l c"
, ,.'~]: Cl
:z.zr.'~[:d" ~3"LJ.. C}- 1 1J u 11 CL S
:ce ..) ...L1I.":' ~l. Ol1 01.
{:';i"L~s' CC:-LLncil.
C 0 E .C U t' i:~,~;.~ i(~
ul1a~L ~L YIO t iJ e :L s ~.3l.l C (';. i 1'1 (:C ,~C e ;':" D :..1.L
:~:cctj.on '..'.
coJ..-,_ect tee: "fl;,
'I.; l,hc
, .aJ;lnual~ ..
("t",'}'!'" 'i I .::-' ;.,.-~:! ~~::. -T '-.._Y" 'J
'-'_.'LL....l.C~_'- t;;J.!.C,,--...'.~ -'-_ J (_'~.J..lC...
I' [,nc c j.t~
c r1:- ti tu. \~C C,
. "'- ,-
j_"~l,~~:nc:~ I' O::C 'Ctl2
:)D,ymcn t of
ill-C e :C(~ ;.; iJ ~j,:_ (.~ :cc OlJ
''') c'
(>d ~J
Sc.~~lLl.e 0.1cc:Ctle 8..
;::'.:,D:, .1 \._ b
i - .- ~
t";;, t;..-:..
::8C t:l. en
'..':. U:cC:iin<~once
I~3J..Z;11~ld.J ~Ll
966 01' t:ne C
iBCi, Ul'd.:J.i1t.1.nces o:f the
~CllC Isall1C i ~j hereby
C01JIJ.AL:'--, lTehiJI'c~:~;~CE:'
l~e}!eCt...L(:;c-L .
ction ;,). ,c.., u 1:ncLlW8 sha11 be in l'ce ta}:e effect :(rom
[Ll1Ct i).I1 -c L: l~ l"G S S;-__'[~:~j e , [~..I)J)r& O-\lrC~01. D..l1(i }) lib~L i CC~ t i 011 , '".,,~ I)11 0 "Ii (Leti.. by IDJ\;'J.
Pu~ e(_ f111(1 c~;) ~p :cov eeL t.Li.i s :L t~! -Cl-l () I L; t , }. 9 ~~~'-":"
( s ectl)
--1~;r:..n~~~~e~~_. _____
11.D...:ro r.
---..---.. --.'c:Ci y -crier :L: ~_._".._-
Ol'0. C 8 J. t~;V.~_ i:nc EL C:C
-,.'. 'Gi.Le cu:n tX'-i."iCtiuIl o:f a~ SCV1Cl'
s tr~ i c -C 00:....\. ..; [LY
er Dictrict ~o. 108 or the
C j. ty- () f ilrE,. iLCL 1 r:.:,'_i-,LcL, .:.:: C b:,'[:(,G lJ,~, <.;.n(,- ~p:i:'ovi c5.int;
tl1c:ce o:L' .
C oJ..lectiol1
C} l~G~ {lCl Is}.. :~:2ri (L ,
o'"f . ~
i,J JQ
City of
CO'UJJCJ_l cl'
i3ec tiol1 1.
leT, -c.:.:;~.:.::. be
D..rlct tIle
or cOIE;Lructing
'C c". i31)CC
t~~.. C\/ (; X' c~ l;3
if3 11.ur"U-o:;7 ~Lev'iu0_ ~~~iICL D,.ssessccl to
a Sc\V8I' in ~.jeBer District
. 108 of' tile 01
}~-r e ~!J l' EL ;,) ~L.~: C0
irlLt tl-.L8 r'eSTj8ctiv"e 1 'Ls, 'Llll~_:.C\jG n~Y1Cl ':Je~l'ce..ls f" JD..l1CL
iYl saic Cistric"t il"l
GC2criptiol1s to-~it:
c its
1'.8 "r)8c'ti-Y/8
c~.:C.:.-_. tlrJ. T, i3 S e l.~
':'.o.o.i t j. 011) "oil 0.
? , .JJCI't' 8
IJo'~s 1, 2, 0 allU 4, l11
1'racti;nal Lots 1, 2, 0
ti CY1, :-g}f211. ~~~O;
..... , -
jJ':C[)"C ~('J~ GilD....L
2, ji>rC:~11s
10) in Fracti~;nal Blo
l,ots 5, 6, Ii, 8, 9 and 10, in Block 2,
L~ j1.d.cl:Ltj~UY1,
5:;2.80 ector-I;
Fl'~ctil)nal Lot 2, ill
t j, -'4)11[11 J3J. 0 c}C Cj,
ilicrt's Addition,
'") or\.
{;,1. u....J ,
-- ~-,
L 0 -c u 0
4, in Fr8c~ionai
,.., 0'-.
ocle 8,
Cl~t f s
FXtr.~ctj,"~;}-iL~-~l I.,O-GEl 5 e.,llO_ 6, j..J:l
t,ic;rlu,l ]31ocl~ 8 I
tlaD, ~33.00 each;
1,'rG,ct:Lcmal :'.,at ?, in
~1,.~30. 00;
"C l ~ l:_:'~-, 1. jj J... 0 G J;;'" (.j,
GI't f;3 11.(}cl:L ti on,
c t j. l..~ (; t s 6
'::''.11Ci, '7,
tiona~ B~ock ~, Bvans Addition,
.00 each;
J:'r~cti0nELl Lot 8,
B10c1c;1, EvanfJ
t~L UflDJl
tie11, \!~5.90.
;:-:~ec ti all ~:J.
seVlel' UiSG1':LcL;
i '~):':':'-.. :1 Ci~ fj -rJ eel E\..L
1 be CLV_C: <,',un
'lJ C O)LtC; (1e l
C/Jt :Lll '0118 IHD...Y.lrl :1" c-~~-,iCt V#"C
rirov. i.CLcc1
S }1()... ~:!,.~L D 8 C 0 _!~:l c c t ec1 J~ 11 T~11~j Ii'lE:".,-_',ll "n.l" ....) I~CV' J. G
~U.::~ 'VI .
J.. C'
Jection 01
}1CJ."~-b-\i iYl.."JtIIL c'L ..cL
H[~ i 1 C 0 un , J\ ':; iJ ,', Do ,; ~~D" ,
I~ 'v'! l -Cd:1
,", "
'.,.;1 or
u l):cE:,
c OU.llt:;r t:eeC~~:JU.l'er'
C'o en 'co
(:',lLluun eC
c ~~:; It"(,
iru3tl'LwtiUlJ,:3 tu coLLece 'c:nc; ;";Co' ,C cJ;
I i3~i., :teL
cctiOIl i.L. fT~_iL; CJl'C~j.I.lc:!..rlce (>.)~ (3",j__:L De III ~.L__)I"Ce Ei.YICL "ta,.,-.._e eff'ectl
:frOl'.d l}..11CL D..r-c It i.tu -)~~;_!:~~:}_e, c~'jJ:Jl"UTl2":-~l ,)~r.iCL
bl:LcC;L'eion a
(LV j. CL C ci
1 ,-, ..,.~,
...LC...h' .
fJCCLfj;.,ec} b,.llL
2:V~.;[L 'C -LfJ Ibtll CLa~I ii' iUJ..L;l.lij".!C, 1~)23.
Jette t:
Cit~r C~Lcr~l~.
lVl.a :./0 x' .
()I{DIJ.T.A,FCI~ 975
iJ.ll 0 l'C.5. 1'1 GL1:"iC e
C Cf.l;S tI~lJ..C ti 011
, .
..L 8V-:/ 211(; [L
ecicLJ. S8\181' CLJ~ S~Gl' iet ta:;-:.. .CU J?ct.:y:- :COl~
;_~.d3-'>: OJ.: jj i D tI~ i c t ITo. 109 0 f' tlle C j. t:r
:qJ.'C\li(~iIl;-~ j~'o:c tile C c',llectJ.oLt tr181'eof'.
Ole::, SCVl el'
.H e u l\:-~~. .. ,_r=--~ ,
Ci~y CouDcil of the City of
G'1'()J'1Ci 1 u~.!. ~:~_.J:-l (i ,
',', :,--C:', fie
I_.I~:.-...C,! .
eation 1. The/c c~, U'.JCCH::'..L S:;'.!",T cl:i.striet ti'.1,X be
18 hex'e'by evio~ ~8~3eGsed. tu D -Llle
~Cjle SE::..IL.C
a 3e~vcr in CTICll j)i~trict
. 109 of the Oi
Ir CD 11::;', ~~--~L~E~ , E:)~;~,:L.-:", i II t l~:Ll (2 ::C C ~J~) C C "L i ',,{ e ~L 0 t b} tl.~~~ C t, f3
in ~,c;"id c.i :stJ:ict in the [,';i_CHloe", set
1"(; S~i,)eC ti "'V-8
Cesc~j.p'Lion~5, to-~jit:
'/, 8, 9 cUlC, 10,
~~:~,5j. Llt5 GEt.cl'l;
'7, (), 9 Cl,D c- 10,
Cl:C ? Z) J e1 e11
ItO t G 1, ;-::') ~:'), .it J 5, 0,
2 Bennett's T rd Addition,
Ilots 1, ;:~:~, ;~), il, 5, u,
Addition, 0b3.45 euch;
Lo t s 1, 2) ~)1' 11, 5, 6 J Ii.; (), ~~)
Audition, 053.45 each;
1_; 0 t B ~.) ~~, 3, Li, u, 6, ri", Li J SJ
ACi.ditiun, ;'.':5:5.45 CCcccll.
J310ck 11, i:;'Cl1ilrJItlSI" S
Block 1, Purk Place
()"Yl cL
C),}] (1
Blocl:: 2,
J?lac e
Section :;;. (:, s'r)eci;:,~L ;38\;(;3;' c.istrict ti'LX ::',hcdl be due c;nd
"b c c cJ;"~e d. e 1 irltll.l;_,:,rl till t11G rCj,O...1lil e r~' L),:C "Cl1e j. d.e 0.. b::l .,L().;\']
[-:~rlCl. B11L~~.LJ.. 'be c()JJ.ectcc:t ill t11e lll[~llY.lUr ~pl~ov:L(~ecL .b:l j.E~\'i.
;,;ectj.oYl ,). 'r'lLe Cit:y Clerl: the City of IB.Lc~Ld,
Ncbru iD llcre'by' irlstr"Uct(jQ airsc'tccl to certi to t}18 G "unty
'l']~e;~:\E)L-LI'81~ 0:( TLe"J..l (;Ottllt:y', 1,re-br'c-~;::~i:L'>_c-:J' tJ.~-le ::)-,l-;'-~~.:U.Ylt 01') ~3E~icl tc,~It:::'..J3S,
-C C ':.::.> t:.~ 'eLl. (; I~
ith inwtructions to col~ect
_L,J,~;,} .
0j.1.C LJ::::.~Ele
,', "
<.:-:~, ~j
, , ,
;:"~;e C \~/l 011 LJ:.
;3 UI'CJ.DLllce ;:;lLD.ll be in :fo:cce
.C"jLC efi'eo t
:l'rom ;",n(
tel-' i tf3
'b~_icatioll ~s IJrovided
{~; 8ct2~ e ,
ova.,. i"no,
J..E:-~-r',;';J .
Pa3~e6 al:1U Q)proveu tl-j,is ~jtll
'-j Ci '-~" ,~.
..L :.:JJ:"".,).
~"'; ..l.
H.]!}. Clifford
---- '---a-it :~r -(T'~~~'-c;l~lE~.-'-~---~---~~-"-----
_,_~_~E!..~_.!~l ~~.eE_~X____~_..
(j:2Cc:!_lk,nc e l'W. 976
An ()J:'e:::.L:cXl c e
G.n. (j C OTl t =Ci..,L G t J.. () 1'l
tl1e C;i t~!' ()i:"
tt~8J-:'eof' .
1. e.v:':.r i r.~~; ;::.":. :J ~p C C :L ~), J_
G I' U. :L L: 'C I' 0 'C
"t 0 ::JF.;:.l for
. ~::.:5 of'
'" Gtl'ict
,., ,
I \)c:..'ce:c
.i ~) _;, (:-~rl C:. ,
c b l';:~~ 8
u :C E)'11Cl
, ,
v J~
-i. ,
o ~L 'C H'l
(; Quncil
'G. ,8
.i. ;~:J.i. , .1.-. C bl'lL-~~jl;~:E~ :
, ' .
(: C 'CJ~ 01] .1...
.C ... l..::pecia,i \lLo'CeT n:C':Ll1 lei i3tr j,c t
r. t."
U I "lJlle
rrO. ~~5
o f t~lG
:'~-'[:J~.:~.Q i:3 ~~:;'by' IUVi(;Cl c~rlCL c;,,;:::;
ccn;;truct.:i.on of 'i;lle '(,c:r:
city u f Gra:ilci I , .l: C: 0:;:'2,
C':.Ylci eels uf~ ~l_<':'Lr:td. :Lll SC:L
~nelr res ectj.'ve c~e8cr it)ilS tiler-eot-, net exee
:Cii't~r C(~n"G3 ~) t, f';~)ot, '0o-\~:i t:
~o ~De ~Je
\'J,~te:c uain c j.Gtl'ic t
(l in
;) t tJ:.LkJ re
cti.ve 10tE;,
081 ~ce
tt~e StlDl 0 f'
:i:,o t ~) 5 a_it c1 6, Li
I31ocJ::: Ej, \lill(~.
t:L un, 33.00
J3:,Locl< 0, ~LYld..u
G, iX1CLo
Ad.(LL t i on ,
Acidi t:Lon,
~~; . 00 c~1cl1.
t j, 0 n , ;,; 3 ~) . 00 ;
ti 0:(1, ~;~j;'5~S. 00;
.00 m),ell;
3.00 eu.ch;
v.i.. c.;
f~ ()t~ t,1~
? Em 6. 8,
lj C,
~Blocl:: 9,
North fracti.l)llCLl
.1,0 ::,
120 "0 D 5, ()) 1['
I,ots 1, ~~, .::;
[~J ir.l
(~, 1.J1 CiC 16,
4, j,f.: ILLock I?,
~L,ot8 1) ;~~, ..J E~n.cL
:,:;ection 2.
u -L -,.-,
ce11t~) }".lCIl :r=':COllt
(~~t i. J.. e:~~-() i__: 11 Del rl
CJ~C e ;3 8
LJ U I ,).,11 CL
t -t~~le JO\~U,
6..i u tx'i c t
'~~I~, .-c, 'L
a;3 C fj Sc:., iJ ~L e
.Cilt-'::: '.'f;'), -cel'"j i'1.Lrl(L
c~ OLt..C
. - ,
;~:> (~_ }. CL \7 c.t, ~G C 1"
O~ tiLe () i
:.' ~-)
,..i.l';....t.,.\,o- .
,~..~ CO -GJ. 011 o.
c::. OJ) G C 1.(:~:..l ;lC'.. V 1"
J.str:i.ct t~~.':.,);_ Ul1D..1J. >be C~l2e
., ., n
C::;Yl Ct D <~; C G lLC: CL e )..
sI1a.~;..1 be c 1
C:Lt'(. =Lrl tl1':::': J;.le~llTlC::L' E;'.;Ll(:L [::~,t t:;.~8
..1..8.\1 ,
Lic~~(lll c::c .--) J.: <.:\T j.. c. c: d.
J..t)J\1 .
cct. .c, 1..C
"' " LL
,::oec'CJ..>n ~.
i c~ 1181'e"(J\
of Hcdl C
The city c~ l)f the Gi
.' ,-. -" .' "
&liQ (~lreC~eQ ~L. C~::'~l
l. Is
-vv '~i18 Cot..~nt:/
- G {:o:-.}::~,. C 8, t I~~J
~Ll1~ C '::).,. ::1 'Ll :c e r'
:r \] 1 th
J, C'b~CL:, LJI.ii:;'_:: LLrl t o:L"
i u. e ci iJ:{ ,.L l.:~')~-] _
in3truc'~ions to coll.ect S[~j.e as
;~;; ec t:L orl D.
fl'Om ".lICe e:r its
t;) ij-1c;.,llce ;.;).l.!..c,-,
in }:'01'ce 'CaJ,e effect
.., .-. ..
D~lCS~lun c~0 rov au
_)L..~", ~....t..J,-,L, ;~:~J}r\r~'J\TL:",.l.
1)2~ L:3 Get
t.u,iiJ 15tl.L Ctc1jT of'
:~t,...L ~).
j:1. t t e D t :
__._.__... _,_.Ji!llt!9j....tLCor d__._.._.
G i t:~/. C:1.. (.~;:c.'
___...._. T~ iL. }nlsb.e.EEX_~~....__ ____~
Uli,I) n:U:JfCE :Uo. 977
An Or'CLlnance lev~/ing <..,1. specj.col V1U't:,(,l' distrJ,at 'CEGC '(;0 pay :{or
tJJe C011;Jtl~'uctiull cf- \lE.~~te:e Elt1iX1S in \']E~tel\ :tilcLirl d.i;~tr'ict Irc~. 2? of'
City of L:;L':olld, :CD.,s:::a an6, pruvi for t.he collection
GI'D.ml I
by tho
City Cell.mcil of tho Ci'GS' 0:(
\...I..L c:~
,':' ','>"-'; .
",).l.'''-c..... .
E;ectiol"l 1. Irl1z.:~t cL d]!eclc"~~L \~iDJ~CU:C l"i-i[~].ll (lis let tD..::-~:' 'be c1.IICL e
~,E'J':.e i~; lH:n:':j lc'\/i8(], 2.:3;:,;e:,,,,;o(1 to the ;;0 of' the
cun '[,l'uc'Lj.()l], :C 'cllc "'je,'Ger' n in Vic,tel' :mc,in di::;tl'ict lIe. 27 of
lJi G:C -'tC,- l;;..'J.L<(~C_, ~L'eb}:rL,_:lci::.~ t tiLe 1'~-)LI)ecti\/e lots, ti1C1.._ct~:..;
U,,:(l(). e~Li:J oj.' j_~:J]C;. ilJ ~_;;::;~:i.(t c:.j~stI'ict, irl tl-1C r~,Ll()U..lltB uet O]}f:o ite
tt~eil-' :cc~sJ)cc'Li~;/c c"~cuc:c '['10JI,-~, e1"coi', {lot e:.>:.ccecLirl2;: tl"l(; stUll of~
fifty cen~s per front foot, to-TIit:
Lot 6, in Block 1'7, r'B Addition, 7.00;
],ots 'I, 8 and 9, in Block 1'7, ,;aSYll'.r'f.) tieD, .)26.00 e8.ch;
:Lot 10, :i,n }3J ock 1'7, \IaG):ncJ:" iJ 'LLm, '7.?~; '., , r'
Lot, 1 .c" Block 54, 's l' :1:'0, i'..CtClltlon, ~f;;?,?UO;"
Lots 2, 3 and 4, in Block 54, rd AUdition, .00 each;
:Lot 5, :in 131ocJ: 5(l,damner';3 :rd I..dcU t~i. on, '7.00
Lot 6, in Block 19, Morrill's Addition, 02'7.00;
Lots '7, 8 and 9, in Block 19, Morrill's Addition, 6.00 each;
Lot 10, in Block 19, horrill's Addition, J2'7.00;
Lot 1, in Fractional Block 33, horrill's Additlon and Block 55,
Wasmer's Addition, 7.00;
lIots ~;;, ;:.i and 4, in l':r:e.c U.onal Blocl\: ;3~), lEorrill' s i'.dcU ti on,
cc.._ 55, \laSl'lCr 1:3 'l'11i1'(1 -,,,dc'li tj,on, .00 each;
Lot 5, in Frac.tional Bluck 33, Merrill's .tion, and J310ck 55,
.r[.,'~ 8LJ~ e 1. t ~,J ~Ll ;1. I' c1 1. 011 , r-/ . 00 .
:3 c c t j., 011 ;.~. ~Cll(:;~.~ Etl1 e:;\~-:)e.ll EIC l rl e~x.c e S S 0 f' i' :Li'J tjT cell t ~3 .k) l':L 1.,- Il t
~.'" fj [3 e fj sc~-b:1 e
in;~,t t:tle lots, tracts
e',llCt ))E:,::'C e J~, s f' lc:LIJ.cl "\'1 i t~~'l.~lIl
{)l1. t ;~) l' t 11'--~; \ve..'t, er~ t\lXld. 0 i~'
f3c.Li (;c \ILt_;l'
C i t~/ \~j f'
Irl~), i Yl
tj t:c j. c t ;~~~:,,:_u, 11 'be
, IJ C~ () I' c~ ~=~~-~.
Sectic)TI 3. Saia
'beCGIUe (ic~i.inqllellt
j,.Gc~ 1.11 (~, ~L s t I' i c .t
~ ,.- .~ ,.~ ..
f3,UF\. .LJ. 0 e Cc u e
c j. D., ~:. .('-:H)~ 1: C 1,'
~l~ 11 c;.- ln~).. ~'n:1 G I'
e~J.'LCt (~~'l~ 't:l--le t~Lr.'le })1.~)-v'i(1ecl .b3l J_E~rJ)
i),:.iU i:.;lic;':i. 1 be c,-l:Lcct Ct Hi '0':iC J;lCLIlllCr })l'ovi (;, by law.
ation 4. Ci
Clcr~l~ c:C 'LIJe :"';i
dir'ec't to certi
1'1' eE-L. S 1.11" c; r
e '0 l'l}, ,:.;. },:a
.(L(;ll C l~(l tl"llC t e(i c'.-illL
Co Llll t~r
of- r,
01 1 County,
in::-;truct:tns to
C ....c.{ __, t>.LC a"lL()1111t u::C Sc.:~iCL 'tc;t:-~CfJ,
c(Jl1cc-'G L~[::.ld_C L',,::;; ~;~;l.ovi J_<:1'V-l.
;~~: 11 -,,: I j. t 11
8ct:LOtJ. :). ~j~!-_"..s o:rd.iIl()~Y1Ce S11ct~Ll be i11 i"crce c-:. tEt.l,;:e of'i'eat
1'r'o1:1 aXlCi. L..:ftCI' its E'-;L,.cC, ;,o)J)l'o-'la:L }JU1Jlica on ';;,3 J)l'uvided
"0:)1" lc:.VI.
I)e.,Si:iCO. ~'~~'lCL
avec;, this 15th
J.":..tlt~:V..stJ 19~~~~:S.
CLC!... ':i-
( S eel)
_..... T ~J.lnl sperry,
-....-.. -_....,--_..........-....~,.--...._-----.._._.,-,.__........_---._-
City' C ~l, el'l;: .
An ordinance levying a special sewer district tax to pay
for the construction of a sewer in Sewer District No. 110 of the
City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection
BE IT ORD~I1~D by the Mayor and City Council of the City of
Grand Island, ~ebraska:
Section 1. That a special sewer district tax be and the same
is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of' constructing
a sewer in Sewer District No. 110 of the City of Grand !sland,
Nebraska against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land
in said district in the amounts set opposite the respective
descriptions, to-wit:
Fourth Addition, $59.00
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
Fourth Addition, $59.00
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
Fourth Addition, $59.00
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8,
Fourth Addition, $59.00
Fourth Addition, $59.00
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
:~59. 00 each;
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in Block 3, Park Place
$59.00 each;
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in Block 4, Park Place
$59.00 each;
9 and
9 and
eac h;
9 and
9 ami
9 and
9 and
10, in Block 82, 'Wheeler &
10, in Block 83, Wheeler &
10, in Block 84, Wheeler &
10, in Block 85, Wheeler &
10, in Block 86, Wheeler &
10, in Block 16, Schimmer's
Section 2. Said special sewer district tax shall be due and
become delinquent in the malmer and at the time provided by law
and shall be collected in the manner provided by law.
Section 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, l-Iebraska
is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the county treasurer
of Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes together with
instructions to collect the same as provided by law.
Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this 5th day of September, 1923.
}r.~XG. Clifford
C1 ty Cler'k.
'T' I .r 1 .rin 1 c:; 1'1 P, T' 'r'J'
Met! or.
If' "j'<;
, . ,Iv,.
iI' '" ",/
An ordinance creating Sewer District No. 114 in the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing
for the laying of a sewer in said district, describing the manner
in which san~ shall be laid, assessing the costs thereof against
the abutting property.
VmEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand ~sland,
liebraslca, find that the steps heretofore taken for the creating of
Sewer District No. 114 are regular and lawful, and that a sewer to
be laid in the District hereinafter defined is a public necessity; and
\v.HEREAS, by athree-fourths vote of all the members of the city
council said sewer main has been ordered laid without cost to the
I~OW, THl!:RIGFORE, BE IT ORDAnmn by the :Mayor and Oi ty Council
of theCity of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That ~ewer District No. 114 of the City of Grand
Island, Nebraska is hereby created, same to embrace the alley
running from State Street to Thayer street between Broadwell Avenue
and Huston Street.
Section 2. That a sewer shall be laid along the course above
described, running through said blocks, in acc ordance wi th the
plans and specifications governing sewers heretofore established
for laying sewers in so far as said plans and specifications can be
carried out.
Section 3. That the entire cost of constructing said sewer shall
be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax
shall be levied as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to
become delinquent and draw interest as provided by law.
Section 4. The city engineer is hereby authorized to draw
plans arill specifications of said sewer and make estimate of the cost
thereof and submit same to the city council, and when adopted the
city clerk shall at once advertise for bids for the construction of
said sewer, in accordance with tile plans and specifications submitted,
reserving the right to reject any and all bids.
Section 5. This ordinance sr~ll be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this 5th day of September, 1923.
( sec:.l)
H. TG. Cliffo rd
C1-ty~C 1 er k .
T..T. }li].).sberry
An ordinance creating a paving district witilin the coroorate
limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries
thereof; providing for the pavement of same and providing for the
assessment of the costs of paving.
BE IT OPJ)AUlJTID by the :Mayor and Ci ty Council of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That there is hereby created a paving di strict in
the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to be known and
designated as I?aving District No. f)8 of the Oi ty of Gl'and Island,
Bection 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part of
Third Street lying between the Westerly line of the intersection of
Third street and Kimball Avenue and the Easterly line of the
intersection of Third Street and Plum Street, and that part of
Plum street lying between the Southerly J.ine of the intersection of
Third Street and Plum Street and the Southe.rly J.ine of the intersection
of Second Street and Plum Street, and that part of Kimball avenue
lying between the Northerly line of the intersection of Becond street
and Kimball Avenue, and the Northerly line of the intersection of
Kimball Avenue and Soutll Front Street, and that part of Oak Street
lying between the Northerly line of the int~rsection of Third Street
~nd Oak street ~nd the Southerly line of t~~ intersec~ion of Fourth
street and Oak cltreet, and that part of Oa~ Street ly~ng between the
Northerly line of the intersection of Fourth Street and Oak Street,
and the Southerly line of the intersection of Tenth Street and
Oak street; and shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land,
lying North of Third street, bounded as aforesaid, to a depth of
132 feet, and all lots, tracts and parcels of land lying South of
Third Street, bounded as aforesaid, to a depth of 132 feet, and
all lots, tracts and parcels of 18~d lying West of said PI~un street,
Kimball Avenue and Oak Street, bounded as aforesaid, to a depth of
132 feet, and all lots, tracts and parcels of land lying East of
said Plum Street, Kimball Avenue and Oak Street, 'bounded as aforesaid
to a depth of 132 feet.
Section 3. Said streets in said paving district are hereby
ordered paved as provided by law, the width of said paving i'rom
curb to curb to be as follows: Third street 50 feet in width,
nifiiru.mr:Si.tll:1lilre.tlniMihnfrl1~i~1tn';ij~Il~Yii4~lm Oak street from 'l'hird Street to
Fourth street 50 feet in width and Oak street from Fourtll street to
Tenth Street 36 feet in widl.th, curb and gutter to be combined. lllv.m Stl~e(;t
tg be~" ave(Li'3;~ (Je~". ~ntwidthfI'om third to Second Streets and 36 feet from
,Jeco . t.j.o,'Ilr4~t. rE~e '\"t 't' b".J.. d t
~ecw~on. aw au'hor~ y ~s here y gran~e 0 the owners of
the record title representing a majority of the abutting property
owners in said district to bile with the ci ty clerk within 20 days
from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as
provided by law, written objections to the paving of said district.
Section 5. That the :Mayor and Ci ty Clerk are hereby authorized
and empowered to publish after the passage, approval and publication
of this ordinance, in the IlGrand lsland Daily Indepdenttl a notice
of the creation of said district one time each week for not less
than 20 days.
Section 6. That authority is hereby given to the owners of the
record title representing the majority of the abutting property owners
to file with the city clerk, within the time provided by law, a petition
for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in said
district. If such owners fail to designate the material they desire
used in said paving district within the time and in the manner provided
by law, the mayor and city council shall determine upon the material
to be used.
Section 7. The cost of paving said district shall be assessed
against the lots, tracts and parcels of ground especially benefited
in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the mayor and
city council, as by law provided.
Section 8. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, e~pproval and publication, as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this 5th day of September, 1923.
((' 1)
H. :m. Clifford
Ci ty eitel-k.
T. J .1Ulsberry
~ Ma:yor .
An ordinance creating pa!ing district within the corporate limits
of the City of Grand Island, ~ebraska, defining the boundaries
thereof; providing for the pavement of same and providing for the
assessment of the costs of paving,
BE IT ORDAn~;D by the ~~yor and City Council of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. TI~t there is hereby created a paving district in
the City of Grand Island, Nebraska to be known and designated as
Paving District No. 59 ~__ of the City of Grand Island, l{ebraska.
Section 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part of
Twelfth Street lying between the Westerly line of the intersection
of Twelfth Street and Pine street and the Easterly line of the
intersection of Twelfth Street and Eddy Street, and that part of
Pine Street lying between the Northerly line of the intersection of
Twelfth Street and Pine street and the Southerly line of the
intersection of Eleventh street and Pine Street, and that part of
Eleventh Street lying between the Westerly line of the intersection
of Eleventh Street and Pine street and the JEo.'s':tJ:er-ly 0 line of the
intersection of Eleventh Street and Wheeler Avenue,and slIall include
all lots. tracts, and parcels of land lying North of Twelfth Street,
bounded, as aforesaid, to a depth of 132 feet, and shall include all
lots, tracts and parcels of land lying South of Twelfth street,
bounded as aforesaid,to a depth of 132 feet, and shall include all
lots, tracts and parcels of land lying east of said Pine street,
bounded as aforesaid, to a depth of 132 feet, and shall include
all lots, tracts and parcels of land lying West of said Pine Street,
bounded as aforesaid, to a depth of 132 feet, and all lots, tracts
m1d parcels of land lying North of said Ele~enth Street, bounded
as aforesaid, to a depth of 132 feet, and all lots, tracts and
parcels of land lying South of said Eleventh street, bounded
as aforesaid, to a depth of 132 feet.
Section 3. Said streets in said paving district are hereby
ordered paved as provided by law; said paving to be 28 feet in width
paved from curb to curb, and curb and gutter combined.
Section 4. That authori ty is hereby granted to the ovvners of
the record title representing a majority of the abutting property
owners in said district to file with the city clerk within 20 days
from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as
provided by law, written objections to the paving of said district.
Section 5. That the l~yor and city clerk are hereby authorized
and directed to publish after the passage, approval and publication
of this ordinance, in the IlGrand lsland Daily Indepclendent" a
notice of the creation of said district, one time each week for not
less than 20 days.
Section 6. That authority is hereby given to the owners of the
record title representing the majority of the abutting property
owners to file with the city clerk within the time provided by law,
a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used
in said district. If such owners fail to designate the material
they desire used in said paving district within the time and in the
manner provided by law, the mayor and city council shall determine
upon "the material to be used.
Section 7. The cost of !)aving said district shall be assessed
against the lots, tracts and parcels of land especially benefited
in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the mayor and
city council, as by law prOVided.
Section 8. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from
and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law.
Passed and approved this 5th day of September, 1923.
. '1'. J . FUl:3b Cl:l'Y
Il.':;~. C 1 i ff 0 rd
. Ci ty Clerk.
An ordina~ce creating a paving ~istrict within the corporate
limits of the City of Grand Island, ~ebraska, defining the boundaries
thereof; providing for the pavement of same and providing for the
assessment of the costs of pa~ing.
BE IT ORDAU{illD by the r~yor and City Council of the City of
Grand ~Bland, Nebraska:
Section 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in
the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska to be known and
denignated as paving d.istrict No. 60 of the City of Grand Island,
Section 2. Said. paving district shall consist of that part of
Fourth street lying between the Westerly line of the intersection
of J!'ourth street and Eddy street, and the Westerly line of the
intersection of Fourth Street and Broadwell Avenue, and shall
include all lots, tracts and parcels of land , lying West of the
said intersection of Fourth Street and Broadwell Avenue to a
and all lots, tr.o.cts and par'cels of land lying north of said llii.rrl.m1fu.
Fourth street to a depth of 132 feet and a 1 lots,tracts and
parcels of land lying South of said Fourth Street to a depth
of 132 feet,both bounded as aforesaid
o~~ne~;'in said-di~t~i;t-to-'fIle with the citY--~1~;k-v;ithi;;-20 days
fram the first publication of the notice creating said district, as
prOVided by law, written objections to the paving of said district.
Section 5. That the mayor and city council are hereby
authorized and directed to publish, after the p~ssage, approval
. and publication of this ordinance in the"Grand .Lsland Daily
Indeperldent, II a ndltice of the creation of said district, one tilne
each week for not less than 20 days.
Section 6. That authority is hereby given to the property owners
of the record title representing the majority of the abutting
property owners to file with the city clerk within the time
provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind. of
material to be used in said district. If such o~ners slmll fail
to designate the material they desire used in said paving district
within the time ~nd in the mam1er provided by law, the mayor and
city council shall determine upon the material to be used.
Section 7. The cost of paving said district shall be assessed
against the lots, tracts and parcels of ground especially benefited
in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the mayor and
city council, as by law provided.
Section 8. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication, as by
law provided.
Passed and appI'oved this 5th day of September, 1923.
H. Ii. Cliff'ord
Oi ty' Clerk.
1'~ J . :S11sb...9J'ry
ORDIl'\fAl'JCli; No. 9El~:)
ordinance Jkevying special taxes to pay for' the paving and
of paving district No. 39 of the City of Grand J.s1and.,
BE reOIIDAIl'riED by the Mayor and Ci ty Council of the (ji ty of
Grand 1 sland, Nebras};:a:
Section 1. That ther'e is hereby levied and assessed against the
several lots, tra,cts and parcels of land hereinafter ~~pecified, for
~lihe purpose of paying the c of.;' t of paving and curbing paving di strict
'!io.39 of the City of Grand .island, NebrablIR, in accordance with
the benefi ts found and assessed againut each of the several lots, ,/
tracts and l)arcels of land by t.lIe mayor and Oi ty council of the
Ci~;;rofGrand Islar1d, Hebraslm, sitting afJ a Board of I!Jqualization,
'El,t'ter due n ticegi ven as Il1,'ovided by law, each of' the several
,lots" t:rao tsand. po.rcels of: land fs assessed as follows , to-wit:
Lot. Block Ad.d.iii oil.
...5;-31- ---Oi-i&Jnal
6' II n
6 II 11
3 II 11
8 32 II
? tI It
& 2 II
& 2 1\
, fI
225. 31
225. ~1J.
Wheeler & its Complement
Il Il Il
Up.R.R. Co. 2nd
If n It
Russel VV11eeler
11 i n
" II
11 "
1I H
n II
II 11
S. 66 ft.
N. 66 ft.
Lot Block Addition Amount
4 -14 Russel "Wheeler $2-25.31
3 II II 1/ 96.56
10 15 II II 482.81
e " II II 225.31
'~ 8 fI " fI 96.56
1 " " " 482.81
2 " II fI 225. :31
3 " fI II 96.56
10 26 II fI 384.98
E.35.2' 9 " II II 128.33
W.17.6' 9 " 1I 1I 51.33
E.17.6' 8 II II " 51.33
8.8' 8 II 11 II 25.67
1 x.h fI II II 384.98
2 II II II 179.66
3 II " fI 77.00
6 27 II II 384.98
7 " II " 179.66
8 " " It 77.00
5 tl " It 384.98
4 11 11 n 179.66
3 II II " 77.00
6 41 11 tl 384.98
7 1I II II 179.66
8 n n 1\ 77.00
5 II II II 384.98
4 n II n 179.66
3 II Il II 77.00
10 42 II II 384.98
e II II II 179.66
I) II II " 77.00
II II n 384.98
I .4 t 2 II 11 II 19.44
2 " II " 160.22
3 II II II 77.00
section 2. The tax so levied shall become payable, delinquent and draw
interest as by lavv provided, namely: one-tenth shall become delinquent in
fifty days from date of this levy; one-tenth in one years; one-tenth in
two years; one-tenth in three years; one-tent~ in four years; one-tenth
in five years; one-tenth in six years; one tenth in seven years; one-tenth
in eight years; one-tenth in nine years from date of this levy. Each of
said installments save the first one, shall draw interest at the rate of
seven per cent per annum until the smne becomes delinquent and each'of the
delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of ten per centper
annum from and after such installment becomes delinquent until paid.
Porvided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed
against any of the aforesaid lots may be paid at any time within fifty
days from date of such levy, without interest and such lot in that event
shall be exempt from any lien or charge for such interest.
Section 3. The City clerk of the city of Grand Island, ~ebraska is
hereby directed to forth-wi th certify thi s ordinance to the city treasurer
of @rand Island, Nebraska who shall proceed to collect said taxes as
IreqUired by law.
, . S~ction 4. This ordinance slw.ll be in force and take effect from and
'.!.... .... . after 1 t s pa s sag e. approval and pu bh ca h on. asprov lued by law.
f' Passed and approved this 19th day of September, 1923
( n .. -l )
-----'-.cIty Clerk:-
_ T. J_.:i~~.:Jsb...9.2::l"J!~_...
:Mayo r .
Lot 13 of County Subdivision of wt svrt Sec. 15-11-9, $347.51
Nt of ~0tlGf Block 20, Lakeview Addition, $326.51;
S%>> Lot 10, Block 2,<< <<. 291.91;
Lot 9, in Block 2, Lakeview Addition, $250.21;
<< 4 << <<3 << << 571.42;
<< 3 " <<3 << << 249104;
<< 2 << <<3 " << 85.12;
<< 5 << 2 3 << u 571.42;
>> 6 " <<3 << << 249.04;
>> 7 << <<3 << << 85.12;
<< 4 << <<4 << << 554.48
" 3 << <<4 >> << 241.66;
<< 2 << "4 >> >> 82.80 3ec.15-11-9
N. 65'-W132' of Lot 17, County Subdivision,Wt swiJ $455.05;
N. 50'- 3.100'- W. 132' of Lot 17, County Subdivision, $323.42;
s. 50'- S.100'-W. 132' of I,ot 17, County Subdivision wtswt, $358.02;
Lot 16, County Subdivision wt, SVY-:L $835.07;
I,ot 15, County Subdivision W~- swt of Section 15-11-9, $1528.80
Lot 8, in Block 5, South Grand Island, $277.49
Lot 8, in Block 5, ~. U part E & 8 of R.R., $145.26;
II 8 fI " 5 << <<N & W " II 38 .4.2 ;
II 7 << \I "South Grand Island, $73,.85~
>> 7 II II II South Grand Island, $353.06;
Lot 1, in Block 6, South Park Addition, $225.57;
<< 1 << II 6 << << << 212.60
Acreage I'ill Corner Section 21, $502.75;
I,ot 14 County Subdivision, wt SE-,t Sec. 16-11-9, $58.36;
Frac. Lot 8, Frac. Block 8, Wiebe's Addition, $103.87;
\I "7 " <<8" << 153.94;
II "7" II 8<< << 392.20;
>> "6 II <<8>> << 84.67;
II ,t 6 II >> 8 II 11 196.59;
Lot 5, in Fractional Block 8, Wiebe's Addition, $83.29;
Fract. Lot 1, in Frac. Block 8, Wiebe's Add~tion, $270.58;
Lot 2, in Frac. Block 8, Wiebe's Addition, $139.25;
Frac. rIot 3, in Fractional Block 8, Wiebe's Addition, $55.89;
" u 1,<< II II 8, Wiebe' s Addition, $298.84;
Lot 2, in Fractional Block 8, Wiebe's Addition, $128.07;
Frac. Lot 6, in Frac. Block 7, Wiebe's Addition, $88.45;
Frac. l.ot 5, in Frac. Block "I, Wiebe's Addition, $457.64;
Frac. Lot 5, in Frac. Block 7, Wiebe's Addition, $64.87;
Lot 8, in Block I, Wiebe's Addition, $110.73;
City of Grand Island, Street, $401. "18;
Frac. Lot 2, in Frac. Block 7, Wiebe's Addition, $65.66;
Frac. I.ot 3, in Frac. Block 7, Wiebe's Addition, $499.78;
Lot 4, in Frac. Block 7, Wiebe's Addition, $323.49;
City of Grand Island, street, $99.96;
Lot 1 County Subdivision St,SEt Sec. 16-11-9, $584.71;
rl ... 'il t.<1 'I " "II" It -...no- d,~
T'T~-J'r")J~. :~,O;t~' ~, If f1, it "n..." ~P1VI. ........,....,
.l...~tLot 3 and Part of JJot 5, County Subdiv.St SEt Sec. 16-11-9,
II 4 II " " <<5 " II " II II II
fl 5 County Su'bdivision st SEt of .8ec.-16-11-9, $519.82;
II 6 II II "" II II 20.86;
II 7 II << D II II II 169.42
II 8 II " "" " >> 103.30
An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the paving and
curbing of paving district No. 41 of the City of Grand Island,
BE IT OBDAIl'ilED by the Mayor and Ci ty Council of the Ci ty of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the
several lots, tracts and parcels of land llereinafter specified, for
the purpose of paying the cost of paving and curbing paving district
No. 41 of the City of Grand Island, nebraska in accordance INith the
benefits found and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts
and parcels of land by the mayor and city council of the City of
"rand Island, LJebra~)ka, sitting as a board of equalization, after
due notice given as provided b~r law, each of theseveral lots, trac ts
and parcels of land ia assessed as follows, to-wit:
1o~ r'R'.
'<:1 ( . 0;,'
'\ ,'. . . oc
Section 2. The tax so levied shall become payable, delinquent
and draw interest as by law provided, namely: one-tenth shall become
delinquent in fifty days from date of this levy; one-tenth in one
year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one-tenth in
four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one-tenth
in seven years; one-tenth in eight years; one-tenth in nine years
from date of this levy. Each of said installments save the first one
shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum until
the same becomes deJ..inquent and each of the delinquent installments
shall draw interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from and
after such installment becomes delinquent until paid.
Provided, however, Ulat the entire amount so levied and assessed
against any of the aforesaid lots may be paid at any time within
fifty days from date of such levy, without interest and such lot
in that event shall be exempt from any lien or charge for such
Section 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska
is hereby directed to fortlnvith certify this ordinance to the city
treasurer of Grand Island, Nebraska, who shall proceed to collect
said taxes as required by law.
Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from
and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law.
Passed and approved this 19th day of September, 1923.
\ ~ C._
JI.:D. Clifford
-Ci ty Clerk-.-----
T. ,T .J'l11uberry
. M"ayo;;;---'-'--'--'---'---
I .
ORD Il'lAlifCE NO.9:; fi
An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the paving and
curbing of Paving District No. 50 of the City of Grand island,
BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the
several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter specified, for
thepurpose of paving the cost of paving and curbing district No. 50
of the City of Grand Island, Nebrasl~, in accordance with the benefits
found and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels
of land by the mayor and city council of the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska, sitting as a board of equalization, after due notice given
as provided by law, each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of
land is assessed as follows, to-wit:
Lot, 5, Block 3, Lakeview Addition, $382.98;
Lot 6, Block 3, Lalieview Addition, ~p382 . 98 ;
Lot 7, Block 3, II II $382.98;
Lot 8, Block 3, fI II 368.98;
Lot 4, in Block 4, II 11 368.98;
Lot 3, in Block 4, II II 382.98;
Lot 2, in Block 4, II II 382.98;
Lot 1, in Block 4, II II 382.98.
Section 2. The tax so levied shall become payable, delinquent and
draw interest as by law provided, namely: one-tenth shall become
deliqnent in fifty days from date of this levy; one-tenth in one year;
one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one-tenth in four
years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six yearb; one-tenth in
seven years; one-tenth in eigh~ years; one-tenth in nine years from
date of this levy. Each of said installments save the first one,
shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum until the
same becomes delinquent and each of the delinquent installments shall
draw interest at tile rste of ten per cent per annum from and after
such installment becomes delinquent until paid.
Provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed
againut any of the aforesaid lots may be paid at any time wi thin
fifty days from date of such levy, -'1vi thout interest and such lots in
that event shall be exempt from any lien or charge for such intereLt.
Section 3. The city clerk of the city of Grand lsland, l~ebraska
is hereby directed to forthwi th cel~tify thi s ordinance to the oi ty
treasurer of Grand ~sland, Nebraska, who sl~ll proceed to collect smd
taxes as required by law.
~)ection 4. This oralnance shall be in force and take effect from
and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law.
Passed and approved this 19th day of September, 1923.
( C~ "''''1)
. ul:k."
'1'.<T .Talsbol'ry
Ivlayor. - - .
rr . Ii'; . CJi:Cford
-.----Crfy-C lerk.
~...'...;.....: I
! .
~ ..
An ordinance levying spec~a~ taxes to pay for the ~aVing and
curbing of paving district No. 51 of the City of Grand sland,
BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska.
Section 1. That t.here is hereb~, levied and assessed against
the several 10 ts, trac ts and parcels of' land hereinafter specifi ed,
for the purpone of paying the cost of "paving and curbing paving
district Ho. 51 of the City of Grand Island, :Nebraska, in accordance
with the benefits found and assessed against each of the several
lots, tracts and parcels of land by the :IDIayor and Ci ty Council of
the City of Grand ~sland, Nebraska, sitting as a board of equalization,
after due notice given as provided by law, each of the several lots,
tracts and parcels of land is asseesed as follows, to-wit:
South half of r,ot 10, in Block 2, l,akev i ew Addition, ~i293 .97 ;
li!'c)rth half of II 10 II II 2 11 fl 119.99;
I.ot 9, in Block 2, Lakeview Addition, ~~399. 96;
r,ot 8, in Block 2, Lakeview Addition, $399.96;
If 7 n II 2 11 If $199.98;
11 4 II II :3 11 II $359.42;
II 3 II II 3 " II ~359.4~;
fl 2 II II 3 II II $359.42;
II 1 11 II 3 fl It $345.42.
Section 2. The tax so levied shall become payable, delinquent
and draw interest as provid.ed by law, namely: one-tenth shall be-
come delinquent in fifty days from date of this levy; one-tenth
in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one-tenth
in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one-tenth
in seven years; one-tenth in eight years; one-tenth in nine years
from date of this levy. Each of said installments save the first one,
shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum until the
Brone becomes delinquent and each of the delinquent installments shall
draw interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from and after
such inutallment becomes delinquent until paid.
Provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed
against any of the aforesaid lots may be paid at any time within
fifty days from date of such levy, without interest and such lots in
that event shall be exempt from any lien or charge for such inter'est.
See tion 3. The Ci ty Clerk of the Ci ty of Grand .Lsland, .uebraska
is hereby directed to forthwi th certif:JT this ordinance to the City
Treasurer of Grand Island, Nebraska who sl~llproceed to collect said
taxes as required by law.
Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and Ilublication, asprovided by
Passed and approved thi s 19th day of' ~e9tenil;an"' 1923.
I:> .:~ c.~_ __.
II .);;. Clif:i'ol'd
'cTty ~clerk:-'-----
T. J .Jialsbcrry
OPillINANCE No. 937
An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the paving and
curbing of paving district No. 54 of the City of Grand Island,
BE IT ORDAIln~D by the ~~yor and City Council of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the
several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter specified for
the purpose of paying the cost of paving and curbing paving district
No. 54 of the City of Grand lSland, Nebraska, in accordance with the
benefits found and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts
and parcels of land by the NJayor and Ci ty Council of the Ci ty of
Grro1d Island, Nebraska, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after due
notice given as provided by law, each of the several lots, tracts
and parcels of land is assessed as follows, to-wit:
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Block 30, Original Town,
$145.98 each;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, in Block 31, Original Town, $145.98 each;
East 44 feet of Lot 6, in Block 31, Oiriginal Town, $97.32;
West 22 feet of Lot 6, in Block 31, Original Town, $48.66;
East 44 feet of Lot 7, in Block 3l,_Original Town, $97.32;
Lot 8, in Block 31, Original Town, $145.98;
West 22 feet of Lot 7, in Block 31, Original Town, $48.66
Section 2. The tax so levied shall becume payable, delinquent and
draw interest as by law provided, n~nely: one-tenth shall become
deliqquent in fifty day.s f~rom date of this levy; one-tenth in one year;
one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one-tenth in four
years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one-tenth in
seven years; one-tenth in eight years; one-tenth in nine years from
date of this levy. Each of said installments save the ~irst one, mlall
draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum until the same
become:s delJ.nquent and each of the delinquent in~'5tallments shall
draw interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from and after
such installment becomes delinquent until paid.
Provid.ed, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed
against any of the a foresaid lots may 'be IJaid at any time wi thin fifty
days from d.ate of such levy, without intel'est and such lots in that
event shall be exempt from any lien or charge for such interest.
Section 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebrasl~ is
hereby directed to fortrnvith certify this ordinance to the city ~
~~~i~ treasurer of Grand lsland, Nebraska, ~mo shall proceed
to collect said taxes as requiI'ed by law.
Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from
and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law.
Passed and approved this 19th day of September, 1923.
'n 1)
'-~ (:-' "1
t UJC.,
Ci ty-"Clerk.---
T. J. :;nL3be:cry
ORD UlANCE No.. 9[)8
An ordinance authorizing the ]gayar and City Clerk of the City
af Grand Island, NebraslB to. execute and deliver to the Cammercial
State Bank of Grand Island, Nebraska, the purchs.ser, Forty (40)
negotis.ble bonds to be known and designated as "Dis trict Paving
Bonds of Paving District No. 39 of the City' af Grand Island,Nebraska;1l
providing for the conditions, form and amount of same and providing
for the disposition of the proceeds derived from the sale of same.
BE IT ORl)AUillD by the Mayor and Ci ty Council of the Ci ty of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That for the purpose of paying the cost of l1aving
in Paving District No. 39 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska
the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Grand Island are hereby
authorized and instructed to sign, execute and deliver to the
Commercial State Bank of Grand Island, the purchaser, FOfty (L10)
negotiable bonds hereby ordered issued, or so many thereof as may
be necessary. said bonds to be Imown as "Di strict Paving Bonds of
Paving District No. 39 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska," and
to bear date of October 1st, 1923. Said bonds shall be made payable
to tfhe)l()ommeJJ'1~~11lful1a.rh1emiBa:nik-TQrfiuIGmamcll:L!sfhancfuwr.mm bearer, a t the
office of the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, in the City
of Grand Island. Each of said bonds shall be in the principal sum
of $500;00, payable on the 1st day of October, 1933, but shall be
redeemable by the City of Grand Island, Nebraska at its option as
rapidly as taxes are collected for the payment of same. Said bonds
shall be consecutively numbered, commencing with No.1, and shall
draw interest at the :.rate of six (6) per centum per annum, l)ayable
annua11y on the first day of October of each year. Each 0 f said
bonds shall have attached thereto ten interest coupons, each in the
sum of $30.00, representing the annual interest accruing thereon.
Section 2. The W~yor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and
instructed to deliver f;aid bonds to the (D'ommercial state Bank of
Grand. Island, the purchaser thereof, after said bonds have been
executed in the maImer provided in Section 1 of this Ordinance, and
to receive the payment for the same, face value and accrued interest,
:andl~'iIJtil,tl~~umrm4t:tUm~iQrQrf1~il which said money shall immediately be paid
to the City 'l'reasurer of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, who
shall keep the same in a special fund to be known as District Paving
Fund of Paving District No. 39 of the City of Grand Island; provided,
however, the Mayor and City Clerk are prohibited from delivering any
more bonds than al'e necessary to pay the warrants drawn again::t said
fund and only upon being further duly authorized by resolution of
the City Council.
Section 3. That all special taxes and assessments levied and
collected to pay for the paving of said District No. 39 shall
constitute a sinking fund for the payment of said bonds.
Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and pub.cication as provided
by law.
Passed and apl)roved thi s 25th day of 6epternber, 1923.
H.:!;. C1 ifford
---------cl ty -Clerk. .--..-
T... if. ]UJ.s1:J.err.Y_.._._____
An ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk of the
City of Grand Island, Nebras~ to execu~e and deliver to the
Cor.arnercial state Bank of Grand Island, l~ebraska, the purchaser,
Twenty-four (24) negotiable bonds to be known and designated as
tlDistrict Paving Bonds of Pa,ving District lIfo. 41 of the Ci ty of
Grand Island, Nebraska, providing for the conditions, form and amount
of same and providing for the disposition of the proceeds derived
from the sale of same.
BE IT ORDAThrED by the Mayor and Ci t:>r Council 0 f the Ci ty of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That for the purpose of paying the cost of paving
in Paving District No. 41 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Grand Island are hereby
authorized and instructed to sign, execute and deliver to the
Commercial State Bank of Grand Island, the purchaser, twenty-four
(24) negotiabl.e bonds hereby ordered issued, or so many thereof as
may be necessary, said bonds to b~ known as "District Paving Bonds
of Paving District No. 41 of the Gity of Grand Island, Nebraska,"
and to bear date of October 1st, 1923. Said bonds shall be made
paya b 1 eta l'lwem~cro.WN(}'~OIJl)}$,~'t'<l11trWn.il3antl:rm~~m:@J1l'Ell\t'.u;lnl::L.1Si)J'a1i'l'dYp.uno.11l bear e r, e. t
the office of the County Treasurer of Hall County, l\febraska, in the
City of Grand Island. Each of said bonds shall be in the principal
sum of $500.00, payable on the 1st liay of October, 1933, but shall
be redeemable by the City of Grand Island, Nebrauka at its option
as rapidly as taxes are collected for the pa:Y'1llent 0 f same. Said bonds
shall be consecutively numbered, commencing with No.1, and shall
draw intere~jt at the rate of six (6) per centum 1)er annum, payable
annually on the first day of October of each year. Each of said
bonds shall have attached thereto ten interest coupons, each in the
sum of $30.00 representing the annual interest accruing thereon.
Section 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and
instructed to deliver said bonds to the Commercial state Bank of
Grand Island, the purchaser thereof, after said bonds have been
executed in the manner provid.ed in Section 1 of this Ordinance, and
to receive the payTJ1ent for the same. face value and accrued interest,
1?J.l11'dmJIW1l'plJ"e:maiummo1i'rrrl$t5!a~t03@J~ which said money shall immediately be paid
to the City '1.'rea8u1'6r of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, who
shall keep the same in a special fund to be known as District Paving
Fund of Paving District No. 41 of the City of Grand IsJ~nd; provided,
however, the Mayor and City Clerk are prohibited from delivering any
more bonds than are necessary to pay the warrants drawn against said
fund and only upon being further duly authorized by resolution of
the City Council.
Section 3. That all special taxes and assessments levied and
collected to pe.y for the paving of said District No. 41 shall
constitute a sinking fund for the payment of said bonds.
Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and u~ke effect.
from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this 25th
day ofSeptembcJ;' 1923.
Attest: (Seal)
II. j;~. Cli dfo rd
'l'. ,T . :;:~llsb erry
ORD INAIWlG Iro. 990
An ora.lnance ratif'ying emd confirming the vacation of
Bhoemaker's Addition, the re-plating of Shoemaker's Addition as
Woodbine Addition, ratifying, confirming and vacating streets and
alleys in BhoemalH;r' s Addi tion and em thorizing the l\fi:ayor and
City Clerk to issue quit claim deeds to remove clouds on titles
in Woodbine Addition.
WlillREAS, Jesse Shoemaker and Henriette Shoemaker on the first
clay of April, 1874 dedicated Shoemaker's Addition in Grand Island,
Hall County, Nebraska on part of the North half of the Northeast
Quarter of Section 20, Township 11, North of Range 9, West of
the 6th P.M., described as follows, to-wit: Conwencing at the
Southeast corner of the North half of the Northeast Quarter of
said Section 20, thence North 668 feet, thence West 720 feet, thence
South 668 feet, thence East 720 feet to the point of cOlrunenCen1'.mt;
which plat, surveyor's certificate and dedication was filed June
6th, 1874 in Book 1l]~1I of the 1'eco1'(1.s of Hall County, Hebraska at
Page 357; and
~~{EIUDAS, on the 22nd day of February, 1890, Charles W. Scarff
ancl. wife, Lestina J'. Scarff, by a deed of \/Jacation To Whom It May
Concern purported to wacate sa.id Shoemal\:or's Addi tion, "which deed
of vacation wau filed February 24th, 1890 in Book lIG" of the
records of Hall County, Nebraska, Cl.t Page 337, which deed of
vacation set forth that said fJhoemaker's Addition was vacated for
the purpose of re-platting the same unde.r the name and style of
Woodbine Addition to the City of Grand IsJ..and., Hebrabka; and
VrnEREAS, the said Charles W. Scarff was the owner of record of
all the lots in Baid Shoemaker's Addition, except Lot 1, in Block
3, which was owned at the time by the heil's of Peter Harrison,
deceased, who, afterwards conveyed said lot to the corresponding
part of Woodbine Addition; and
Vv1illmi:AS, said deed of :ltaca tion was not approved by the Ci ty
of Grand Isla.nd, a municipal corporation, nor was any consent
given to the vacation of S110enlaker's Addition; and
Vfm~RE:Af3, the said Char1e s VI. Scarff and wife, Lestina J'.
dediccJ..ted the same pr'emises as C,JJoodbine Addition to the Ci ty of
Grand If31and, the plat, surveyor's certificate and dedication of
which was filed February 4th, 1890 in Book 13, at Page 493 of
the records of Hall County, nebraska, which plat and dedication
was not approved by the Ci ty of Grand Isla:nd,Nebraslca; and
VlHER}GAS, part of the streets and alleys ShO\illl on the plat of
;";hoemaker's Adeli tion becaLlc part of various lots of Woodbine
Addition; and
Wmml;JAS, certain lots of Shoemaker's Addition became part of
streets and alleys in Woodbine Addition; and
WIE:r:mAS, the title to certain lots in Woodbine Addition is
clouded by the fac t that Shoemaker's Addition \ivas vacated and
replatted without the consent of the City of Grand Island, and
certain ~)treets and alleys were vacated wi thou t the approval or
consent of the City of Grand Island, or the I)roper public officials; and
\VlillRI!lAS, the streets and alleys in said trac t of land replatted
as Woodbine Addi tiol! 'were substantially the same in value and area
as the streets anci alleys in Shoemaker's Addit1cn; and
VllfEHIGAS, the City of Grand Island, its inhabitants and the
public generally and the owners of the property in said Woodbine
Addi tion for more than thirty-tvvo years last past have acql1.ie:::;ced
in the said replatting, have made no objections thereto, and have
used the streets and alleys as platted in 'Iloodbine Addi tion.
NOW, T}ITCffi]FORE, BE IT OP~ATlmD by the Mayor and City Council
of the City of Grand Island, lIfebra;;;ka:
Sec tion 1. The City of' Grand Island does hereby approve,
conElent, acquiesce, ratify and confirm the vacation of ShoemaJ<::er's
Addition and does approve, cunDent, acquiesce, ratify and confirm
the replatting of said tract of land as Woodbine Addition.
Section 2. The City of Grand lsland does hereby approve,
c..meent, acquiesce, ratify and confirm the vacation of all the
streets and alleys in i3hoemaker' s Addi tion and does hereby approve,
consent, acquiesce, ratify and confirm the replatting of the
streets and alleys in accordance with the plat of Woodbine Addition.
Election 3. In consideration of the platting of the streets
and alleys as platted in Woodbine's Addition, the City of Grand
Island does hereby qui t claim and convey unto the respective
owners of the correslJonding lots, tracts and :P8.rcels of ground in
Woodbine Addition, all its right, title, interest, estate, claim
and denEnd in and to all the streets and alleys platted in
Shoemaker's Addition; to have and to hold the above described
premises unto the said respective owners of the lots, tracts and
parcels of ground, their heirs and assigns, so that neither the
[iaid City of Grand Island, nor any person in its name and behalf,
shall or will hereafter claim or demand any right or title to the
said premises, or any part thereof, but they and everyone of them
shall, by these presents, be excluded and forever barred.
Section 4. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, :Nebraska
is hereby authorized and empowered to furnish a certified copy of
this ordinance to any person or persons on demand, which certified
copy may be filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall
County, Nebraska, and such certified copy shall operate as a
quit claim deed of the City of Grand Island to any or all of its
right, title, interest, estate, claim or demand in or to all the
streets and alleys platted in Shoemaker's Addition.
Section 5. On demand, the Mayor e..nd City Clerk of the City of
Grand Island, Hebraska al'e hereby authorized to execute quit claim
deeds without further action of the City Council, to the owner or
ovmers of any lot, tract or parcel of ground in Woodbine Addi tion,
qui t-claiming and conveying to the sE:.id owner or owners all tl18
right, title, interest, estate, claim or demand of' the City of
Grand Island in or to any lot, tract or parcel of ground in
Woodbine Addi tion, by virtue of sa.id lot, tract or parcel of ground,
or any part thereof', having formed any part of the streets or
alleys in 2;hoemakerl s Addi tion.
Section 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
1'1'0111 and after its passage, ('approval and pub1i co. tion, as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this 3rd day of October, 1923.
II..::. Clifford
-'----'-"C i ty uCffe-rk.-'---'---
T. <1 .Bllsberry
ORD lliJ.A1\fCE No. \)91
An ordinance levying a special water district tax to pay for
the construction of water mains in water main district No. 28
of the Ci ty of Grand IsIEJ,nd, Nebraska and providing for the
collection thereof.
BE IT ORDAnlliD by the Mayor and Ci ty Council of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That a special water main district tax be and
the same is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of
the construction of the water main in water main District No. 28
of the Ci ty of Grand Island, l'iebraslm against the respec ti ve lots,
tracts and parcels of land in Gaid distl'ict, in the amounts set
opposite their respective descriptions thereof, not exceeding
the sum of fifty cents per front foot, to-wit:
Fractional Lot 8, in Fractional block 151, D.P. R. R. Co.'s
Second Addition, $68.00;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, in Block 2, Koehler Place Addition,
~i~33. 00 each;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, in Block 5, Koehler Place Addition,
:~33. 00 each;
I,ots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ti, 12, 13, 14, 15,16,
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, in Block 1, Koehler Place Addition, ~p33.00
Lot 22, in Block 1, Koehler Place Addition, ~!>2:7\..00);
Lots 1,2,3,4,5, 6 and 7, in Block 6, Koelue:cllace Addition,
~~33.00 each.
Section 2. That all expense in excess of fifty cents per .
front foot assessable again~,t the lots, tracts and parcels of land
within said 'fIater main district shall be paid out of the water
fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebra2ika.
Section 3. Said special ;,vater main district tax shall be due
and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided
by law, and shall be collected in the rn.anner provided by law.
Section 4. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska
is hereby instructed and directed to certif;'l to the County Treasurer
of Hall County, Nebrc.J,nka, the amount of said taxes, togethc'r vvith
inBtructions to collect the ",ame as provided by law.
~ection 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and a:fter its passage, approva.L and publication, as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this 3rd day of October, 1923.
( S ea 1 )
II. JD. Clifford
----.-C i ty--(fl-eriZ.--
'I'..T .1alsberry
. Mayol'.:------------.---------
An ordinance levying a special seY~er district tax to pay 1'0r
the construction of a sewer in Sewer District No. 111 of the City
of Grand Island, Hebraska and providing for the collection thereof.
BE IT ORD1'COD..m by the Mayor and Ci ty Council of the Ci ty of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That a specia.L sewer district tax be and the same
is hereby levied and as:Jessed to :pay the expense of constr'ucting
a sewer in Sewer District No. 111 of the City of G1'and Island,
Nebraska against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land
in said district in the amounts set opporJi te the reapective
descriptions, to-wit:
Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10, in Block 19, Schimrner's
Addition, $61.89 each;
IJots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in Block 18, Sehimmer'~;
Additiffin, $61.89 each;
Fractional Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, in Fractional Block 17,
~3chimmer' E; Addl ti on J ~~61. 89 j
I,ots 7,8 and 9, in ]'ractional Block 17, ;:)chill'lmer's Addition,
~?61. 89 eaeh;
Fractional Lot 10, in 1:;'ractiona1 Block 17, 8chim11161"s Additj.on,
1.0 t s 1, 2, ~3, '1, 5, 6, 'I, 8, 9 and
Bennett's Fourth Addition, $61.89 each;
I,o t s 1, f;, 3, 4, 5, 6, '7, 8, 9 and
Bennett's JTourlhAddition,' ~;61.89 each;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and
Bennett's Fourth Addition, ~61.89 each;
IJot s 1, }.;, :5, ~\, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and
Bennett's Fourth Addition, $61.89 each;
Lo t s 1, 2, ;), 4, 5, 6,. '7, 8, 9 and
Bennett's Fourth Addition, $61.89 each;
10, in Block 87, ii/heeler &,
10, i.n Block 88, \;Vhe eler &;
10, i.n Block 89, Wheeler "
10, in Block 90, \iTheel er &
10, in Block 91, Wheeler &:
beetion 2. baid special se"wer district ta:Kshall be due and
become delinquent in the manner and at the time 1)1' ovided by lc:m
and ,;haI1 be c ollec tad. in the manner provided by law.
Elec tion 3. The Oi ty Clerk of' the Ci ty of Grand. IsIEnd, Nebra;:,ka
is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Treasurer
of Hall County, l~ebraska, the amount of said taxes together vlith
in::itructions to collect the f3cuue LS }Jrovided by law.
,,3ection 4. ThiD ()l'dincmce ahall be in force and take effect
from und after its passage, approval and publication, as provided
by 10. W .
Passed and approved this 3rd day of October, 1923.
H.:~. Clifford
C-Pcy -C 1 er".k;.-"--
'1'..1'. :nlsberry
-~~yor. -.-.
OrdinG.nce Ho.993
An Ordinance creating Sewer District No.115 in the City of
Grand Island,Nebraska,dcfin~ng the boundaries thereof,providinc
for the h~yinc: of ;:c Sewer in said Diu tric t , desert bine: the1:1anno1'
in vrhich saTae Dhall be lEl,id, a~3 seUD ing the co s ts tllO reof ae:ainut
the abutting .:Hope:rty.
\nlereaD, the L'i8"yof and. Ci ty Council of tlle (;i ty of GrDnd Islo,nd,
lTerJrnBlG.'" :Cind th~:~t the s teDB Jleretofore taken for the creating of
:'Jevrer Diutrict No.115 are reeular end la'liful ,and tl1.at b i:3ewer to
be laid in the District hereinafter defined ,is a public neceGGity;
\Vherot::,8, by a three-fourths voto of ell the ],J.r:embers 0:[' the Ci t;y
Gounc i 1 BELid i3evler IAain l1eU3 been order d laid \i/i thout COG t to the City.
NOVi , Therefore, Be it Ordained by the lEayor ~!11d Ci ty G ounc il of
Grand Island,NebrRska;
;;eetion 1. '[''{1at Sevvcl'.Diutriet Ho.115 of' the City of G:cEl1d L')land,
Nebraska, is hereby created , SalG to run in the alley between 6th.
and 7th. 8to.fI'om Vine to Plum Jts.
Section ~~;. ~I.'hat a [iewer shall be laid along the Course alJove
described,running t11r01..JE}1, Do,id Bolec,in accorclrUlce YJ'ith the 2,)lano
end ec ifi cati ons goverrllIiJ.ggSewers l1cretofoI'e e~l tab Ii shed for ID"ying
,':lowers in So fn.I' a, f) said ,plcms and B)Gcifj_cations can be carried out.
~38cti0l1 Z,. '['hat the entire cont of constrvctinc DD.id Sewer' Sll[Lll
be aHsenGcd ,<c;ainst tile c:.butting ],!l'OIlerty in said. iJh;trict,and a te::;::-::
shall be levi cd [:n soon as the coo t can be aGe ertained, seid tax to
become delinquent and dr,:'i;v intereut CLO provided by le.w.
3eetion 4. ~'he Ci ty ::flngineer is hereby authorized to dro,\'l plans
and g:pecifications of said Sewer and make eutimate of the cost thereof
and submit saL10 to the City Council,and when adopted the City Clerk
shall at once advertise for bids for the construction of said Sewer,
in accordnnce with the plane and specifications submitted ,reserving
the right to reject any and all bids.
Section 5. 'Ihis Ol'dinance ohall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage,approval and publication,as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this 3,day of October,1923.
( ,:'/ ""r) 1)
>..) t_c"
y,JIayo r .
City Clerk.
Ordinance No.994
An ordinance amending Section 2 of Ordinance Number 463,
passed and approved Iv'Iay 18, 1910, granting to Nebraska Tele-
phone Company, its successors and assigns, the right to con-
struct conduits UIlder the streets in the city of Grand Island,
Nebraska, by eliminating from said section the requirement that
the company shall give bond; and repealing said Section 2 of
Ordinance No. 463.
Section 1. That Section 2 of Ordinance Number 463 of said
City of Grand Island, passed and approved the 18th day of May,
1910, he, and the same is, hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 2. In constructing, operating ffild repairing said
oonduits, said Nebraska Telephone Company, its successors and
assigns, shall use all due and reasonable care to avoid damage
or injury to persons or property and shall at all times and at
all places hold the said City harmless from any ahd all damage,
loss or expense caused or occasioned by the negligence or
carelessness of said Nebraska Telephone Company in the construc-
tion, operation or repairing of said conduits. In construotion
of said. conduits, said company, its successors and assigns,
shall replace, in good condition for travel, all streets, alleys
avenues, or public places by it used for said conduits. And
shall strictly comply with Ordinance No. 730 as to the opening
of and replacing of Paved Streets; Sec. 3, Section 2 of Ordin-
ance no. 463, is hereby repealed.
Passed and approved this 17 day of October 1923.
H. E. Clifford
City Clerk.
T. J. Ellsberry
~ f7/$/
An ordinance creating Sewer District No. 116 in the City
of Groo1d Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof,
providing for the laying of a sewer in said district, describing
the manner in which same shall be laid, assess L"lg the co sts there
of against the abutting property.
WHERKAS, the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand
Island, Nebraska, find that the steps heretofore taken for the
creating of Sewer District liJ'0.116 are regular and lawful, and
that a sewer to be laid in the District hereinafter defined is a
public necessity; and
WHEREAS, by a three-fo~~ths vote of all the members of the
City Council, said sewer n~in has been ordered laid without cost
to the City.
now, THEREFORE, BE IT OlIDAINED by the Mayor and City Council
of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That Sewer District No.116 of the city of Grand
Island, Nebraska is hereby created, same to be in the alley be-
tween 7th. and 8th. Sts. from Beal St. to Lambert St.t
Section 2. That a sewer shall be laid along the course
above described, r-wrning through said blocks, in accordance with
the plans and specifications governing seWers heretofore estab-
lished for laying sewers in so far as said pland and specifications
can be carried out.
Section 3. That the entire cost of constructing said sewer
shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district,
and a tax shall be levied as soon as the cost can be ascertained,
said tax to become delinquent and draw interest as provided by law.
Section 4. The City Engineer is hereby authorized to draw
plans and specifications of said sewer and make estimate of the
cost thereof and submit same to the City C01ll1cil, and when adopt-
ed the City Clerk shall at once advertise for bids for the con-
struction of said sewer, in accordance with the plans and
specifications submitted, reserving the right to reject any and
all bids.
Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take
effect from and after its passage. approval and publication as
provided by law.
Passed and approved this 17 day of October 1923.
( SE.AL )
T. J. Ellsberry
H. E. Clifford
City Clerk
, i
O~dinance Ho. 996
An ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk
of the City of Grand Island, :Nebraska, to execute and
deliver to the Commcrc ial LitCL te Bank of' Grand Island,
NebrEt~)ka, "GL.e purchaser, ~hirty six (36) negotiable
bond~ to be known and deuigna ted cl,t IlDistrict Paving
Bonds of Paving District Ho. 42 of the City of Grand
I uland, l\februf3ka. Ii l>roviding for the condi ti ons, form
and of amount of same c:md providing for the disposition
of the proceeds derived from the sale of same.
BE IT ORDAHrED by the Mayor and City COlmcil of
the Ci ty of Grc.md Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That 1'01' the purpose of paying the
cost of paving in Paving District No. 42 of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska the IVlayor and City Clerk of the
City of Grand Island are hereby authorized and instructed
to sign, execute and ,deliver to the ComYJ1ercial state
Bank, of Grand Island, the purchaser, Thirty six (3(;))
negotiable bonds hereby ordered issued. or so many thereof
as may be nece ssary, Daid bonds to be kn,\N as IIDistrict
Paving Bonds of Paving Distr1ct no. 42 of the City of
Grarld Island, lJebrasl\:a,lland to bear date of November 1st,
1923. Said bonds shaLL be made payable to bearer , at the
office of the Cou.nty Treasurer of Hall County, :Nebraska, in
the Ci ty of Grand Island. Each of f3aid. bonds shall be in
the principal sum of ~p500.00, pa;yable on the 1st day of
November, 1933, but shall 'be redeemable by the Ci ty of
Grand Island, l\"ebraska, at its option as ray)idly as taxes
are collected for the payment of ;;::arlle. Said bonds shall
be consecu tivelv numbered. conunenciny vd th l~o. 1 and shall
cLraw intere[;t at the rate of six (6%1 percentum per annum,
payable annually on the first day' of Hovenlber of each year.
Each of said bonds Dhall have attached thereto ten intere;jt
couporw, each in the sum of :;p30. 00, representing the annual
interest accruing thereon.
Section. ~~. The Mayor and Oi ty Clerk are hereby'
au thorized. and irw tructed to cleliver ~::C1.id bonds to the
Commercial State Bank of Grand Island, the purchauer there-
of, after said bonds hcwe been exedu ted in the manner pro-
vided in Section one (1) of this Ordinance, and to receive
the payment :fur the same, face value cLnd accrued intereut,
which calci money shall immediately be paid to the Ci ty
1\reas'U.l'el' of the Ci ty of Granel I 81anc1, l\febl'aska, -who shall
keep the uarHe in a special fund to be know as Dj.strict Paving
Ii'und of l)aving Di stric"l;, No. 42 of the City of Grand I s land;
provided , }.lOvJever, the Mayor' and. City Clerk cH'8 pr;,hibited
from delivering any more bonds thc:d"l are necesDary to pay the
Warri:nlt~) drawn againr3t saj_d fund "met only u:pon being further
duly authorizedOy resolution of the City Council.
Section. 0. ThaI all special taxes and assessments levied
and collected to pa;y for the paving of said District !\fa. 42,
shaLL consti tu te a sinkin[;; fund for tLe lJayment of' sai6. bonds.
Section .4. This ordinance shall be in force and
tal::e effce t from and after i t,-, pa:c;sage, approval and publi Ccl. 'lion
as provided. l)y law.
Passed and approveI' this 17th day of October, 19~~~3.
(Seal) T. J. Ellsberry,
At t e ;; t :
H. E. Clifford,
City Clerk.
Ordin~nce D~. 997
An orcunance levying a special tiewer district tax to pay'
for the construction of a sewer in Sewer Districe l'JO. 94 in
the Ci ty of Grand I:::Jland, Nebrclska, ami providing for the collec-
tion thereof.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City
of Grcmd I s land, NebI' aska :
Section. 1. 'l'hat a special sewer dL,trict tax be and the
salMl is hereby levied and asse~jsed to pay the expense of' con-
structing a sewer in Sewer Di strict Ho. 94 of the Ci ty of
Gr6.,nd Island, lire'braska, c-lg;aim,d.; the respective lots, tracts
and parcels of' land. in said di:3trict in tlle arnounts set oppo-
site the respective descriptioru),to-wit:
Lots, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, in Shirmners
Addition, in Block 22, $39.38 each.
Section. 2. 3aid special sewer district tax shall be due
and beoome delinquent in the manner and at the time provided
by law and shaLL be collected in the manner provided by law.
Section. 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand lsle.nd,
1Tebrc,"sl;;:a, is here'by in~)tructed and directed to certify to the
County :J.'reasurer of Hall County, l\febraska, the amount of said
taxes together with instructions to collect the same as pro-
vided by law.
Section. 4. This ordinance shall be in force und take
effect from and ,}.fter i tei passage, approval and publication,
as provided by lEJ;\iv.
Passed and approved this 17th day of October, 1923.
T. J .Ulnberry 1iIayor
,/I.. t t e r,J t ;
'rj l)
\f ;.....;:lor~
1'....1 ..."c;..
H.Li. Clifford
Ci ty Clerk.
Ol'd.inb~nce NQ. 91112
An oI'c.iinance levying a special seVier' diL,trict -'cax to pay
~or the construction of a sewer in Sewer District No. 112 in
the City of Grand Iclsnci) Nebraska and providing for the collec-
tion the:ceof.
Be it ordained by the Mayor cmd Ci ty Council of the Ci ty
of Grand Islanu, Nebraska:
Bectiol:1 1. That a special sewer di tl'j.ct tax be and the
[same is hereby levied and a~h;essed' to PC:W the expense of con-
structing a sewer in Smver District No. ll~~ of' the City of
Grand Ishmd, Nebraska, ,?gain~:;t the respective lotu, tracts
and parcels of land in said district in the amounts set oppo-
site the respective descriptions, to-wit:
Lots 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 in Block 71, original
t~wn, $55.09, each.
Bection 2. Said special sewer district tax shall be due
and become del inliuent in the manner and a t the time provided
by la;w and shall be collected in the fw:"nner provided by law.
Gection 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island,
Nebraslill., is hereby instructed and d.in:cted to certify to the
County 'l'rea::mrer of Hall County, I'Jeb:raska, the amount 0 f sai d
taxes together wi th instructions to collect the 8aJ.;ilG as pro-
vided by 1D;W.
Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force G~d take
effect from and after its pa.Dsage, D.})provc.d and publication,
as provided by law.
Passed and approved this 17th day of October, 1923.
~l' . J .:n 1 fJ b e r :cy
~'[a yo r
(C'"., 1)
Q ".JC~,
City Clerk
~ :
IDrdinance No. gOO
An ordinance levying a special sewer district tax to pay
for the construction of a sew(.:)r in Sewer District 113 in the
City of Grand Island, ~ebraska, and providing for the collection
Be it ordained by the i'Layor und Ci ty Council of the C1 ty
of Gr;;md Island, l\febras:ka:
Section 1. That special sewer district 'be "'"TIC! the same
is hereby levi ed CL nd assessed to pay the expense and c on-
structing a sewer in Sewer Di strict No,. 113 of the Ci ty of
Grand Island, JSTebraska, ~gainst the respective lot;], tracts
and parcels of' land in i:iaid district in the i.amounts set
opposite the respective descriptions, to-wit:
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, in Block 2,
Koehler Place, $52.50 each.
Section.2. Said special sewer district tax shall be due
and become del:imquent in the manner and at the time pl"C,rvided
by law and shall be collected in the manner provided by law.
Section 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska, is hereby instructed nd directed to oertify to the
County Treasurer of He..ll County, l\fe'braska, the amount of saicl
taxes together with instru.ctions to collect the smne as pro-
vided b y lav!.
Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take
effect from and after its passage, approval and publicatj.on,
as pruvid.ed by 10. Vi.
,., Pasl3t:;d and approved this l'fth day of October, 19~~3.
fl! . J . ::~ll 8'1) c :ery ,
(" ''''''I)
~:) .......(:"'-'
Ci ty Clerk
6) 22
~tn ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the paving
and curbing of paving district No. 42, of the City of Grand
Island, Nebraska.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City
of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed
against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter
specified for the purpose of paying the cost of paving and
curbing district No. 42, of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against each
of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land by the Mayor
and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, sitting
as a Board of Equalization after due notice given as provided by
law, each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is
assessed as follows, to-wit:-
Lot 1 in Block 78, original town,
East one half and West one-half of Lot 2 in Block 78, origi-
nal town $158.85 each
Lot 7, in Block 78, original town,
Lot 8, in Block 78, original town,
'1(317 . 71
i~741. 33
Lot 3, in Block 77, original to~nL,
~~726. 92
Lot 4, in Block 77, original tovm,
Lot 5, in Block 77, original tovTfl,
Lot 6, in Block 77, original town,
North one-half, Lot 5, in Block 78, original town $151.58
South one-half, Lot 5, in Block 78, original to\Vll $353.70
Lots 6, 7, and 8, in Block 78, original town, $505.28 each.
Lot 4, in Block 91, original town,
Lot 2, Westervelts Subdivision West 266 feet $101.06
Lots 1, and 2 in Block 91, original to\Vll, $505.28 each
Lots 5, 6, and 7, in Block 77, original town, $415.07 each
South ninety feet, Lot 8, in Block 77, original to\Vll, $336.20
North forty-two feet, Lot 8, in Block 77, original tovnl, $78.87
Lots 5, 6, and 7, in Block 76, original town, $415.07 each
South eighty- four feet, of Lot 8, in Block 76, original town,
North forty-eight feet, of Lot 8, in Block 76, original town,
North sixty feet of Lot 5, in Block 75, original tOvTIl $116.22
South Seventy-two feet of Lot 5, in Block 75, original to\Vll,
Lot 6, in Block 75, original town,
West one-half of Lot 7, in Blocl: 75, or i gi nal town $207.53
East one-half of Lot 7, in Blocle 75, or iginal town $207.54
Lot 8, in Block 75, original t O\'vn , $415.07
Lots 5 & 6, in. Block 74, original to \I'm , f:~4l5. 07 each
East one-half, Lot 7, in Block 74, original town, ~207 53
tn/ .
West one-half, Lot 7, in Block 74, original town, ~~207 . 54
Lot 8, in Block 74, original town,
Lot 4, in Block 92, original town,
West 16 feet Lot 3, in B lock 92, or ig inal to \'iIl1 , $100.45
East 50 feet,Lot 3, in Block 92, ori.ginal town, $314.62
Lots 1 and 2 in Block 92, original tmvn, $415.07 each
Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Block 95, original to\Vll,
~~415. 07 each
$415.07 each
$415.07 each
Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Block 93, original to\Vl1 ,
North one-half Lot 4, in Block 94, original town,
South one-half Lot 4, in Block 94, or i ginal to 11'111
Lots 1, 2, and 3 in Block 94, original town,.
Lot 3, Block 91, Originaltown
Lot 2 Westervelt's Subdiv. W. 266'
:jp 25.27
Sect ion 2. The tax so levied shall beeome payable, d.elin-
quent and draw interest as by law provided namely: one tenth shall
become delinquent in fifty days from date of this levy; one-tenth
in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years;
one-tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in
six years; one-tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years;
one-tenth in nine years from date of this levy. Each of said in-
ctallments save the first one shall draw interest at the rate of
seven percent per annum until the same becomes delinquent and
each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at the
rate of ten percent per annum from and after such installment
becomes delinquent until paid.
Provided. however, that the entire amount so levied and
assessed against any of the aforesai.d lots may be paid at any
time within fifty days from date of such levy, withou.t interest
and such lots in that event shall be exempt from any lien or
charge for such interest.
Section 3. The City Clerl{ of the City of Grand. Island,
Nebraska, is herel)y directed to forthwi th certify this ordinance
to the ci t;)T Treasurer of Grand Island, Nebraska, who shall
proceed to collect said taxes ad required by law.
Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take
effect from and after its passage approval and plU.1)lication as
provided by law.
Passed and approved this 17th day of October, 1923.
H. E. Clifford
City Clerk
T. J. El1sberry
Ordinance no. .1001
An ordinance lCYJrint; f:'l.;pe,cic~lt;).x,s to pa i'or tlle pe.ving and
curbJng of ~oav~Lng niiJtl'.i.c (" 1',0. II'. South KimbaLL enuo. of the
Oi ty of Gr'aYlu lsl<.nld, HebraskD..
BB IT OHDAIH.l!iD by tlle ':],i[J:yor Ci ty Council of the Ci ty of'
GI',nd I ~::land. , Nebraska:
Section 1. 'l'h,;~t there iD her\;by levied and asseBsed e.gairwt
the several lot , triOwts and piH'cel;" of hJ::irl hereinafter specified
J, r tbe pUl'pO, e of TJ[;tving t~;e cost cd ')cwing and curbing dir.:;trict Hol
~ _, of the Ci ty of (;I:~Yld Island, l~ebra~ka, in accordance vii tll the
benefi ts found and auser.:1ced o-::;ai:Clut each of the severe.I lots, tracts
and IJccrccls of land by the Ivl['"yor cmcl Ci ty Council of the Oi ty of
Grand Il1and, Nebraska, sitting us a Board of Equalization after due
n:, ti ce 3:-!:l given as ]Jrovided by l::,"w, each of the several 10 t~;, tracts
l)(:;;.J.'cels of lanu is 8.s:3es;,ed C:tS follows, ~o-wit:
Lot 1, in Block 77, 0riginal Town, ~571.08.
Lot 2, In BlOCk 77, Original Town, $244.74.
Lot 7, in Block 77, Original Town, $244.74
Lot 8, In Block 77, Original Town, No~th 42': $181.38.
Lot 8, in Block 77, Original Town, $outh 90'; $ $389.70,
Lot 1, in Block 92, Origincll 1'ovm, ~~b7l. 08
Lot 2, in Block 92, Original Town,$244.74.
Lot 7, In Blook 92, Original Town, :(W50' of E.60') ; $207.22.
1,0 t 7, in Blook 92, Original Tovm: (W6'); ~p22. 84.
Lot '7, in Block 9~~, ?r~g~nal Town; (IT'*~;~I~'); 1!:?~4,'
Lot 7, in Block 92, urlglna~ Town; (S~;~4'); ~~.~q
Lot 4, in Block 76, ?riginal Town,$~76.5?
Lot 4, in Blook 76, Uriginal ~own, $81.09.
Lot 4, In Block 76, Original Town, t213.42.
Lot 3, In Block 76, Original Town, tW28'); $104.42.
Lot 3, in Block 76, Original Town, E38'; $140.32
Lot 6, ln Block 76, Original Town, $244.74.
Lot ij. in Block 76, Original Town,$571.08.
Lot 4, in ~lock 95, Original Town, $571.08.
Lot 3, in Block 93, Original ';Town, $244,74..",' .
JJot. 5&6, in Block 93, Original TOl.m; If.44'; 5;;271.9"1.
Lot 5&6, in Block 93, Original Town;(S44'-121 on East; $257.12
l,ot 5&6, in Block 93, Origin&d, Town; (::':;44' of !J.88' and JL12'
of 0tldt\. &08'6 76
.J 0.; _~ )', ~p~' ". ' " ". :'" _ ,~,". _ "
j 0.1- C,' . n Bloclr 0', Orlr'ln'; I '1'\""'11 (<1. ..,.r'8" 5/l
.~~ f.., () J.., r ..t_\. ~":'J' b 0...._ _) ';J '1 1''')--2', ~!?'::.. u. -.
l,ot 8, in Bloc}; 92, O:-ci,;inal TO\!'in, 1I..~-; $285.::14.
Seetion~ 2. D Th,,e t_ax :;:>0, ieyied 2ha11 become paya-ble, delinquent
and drc~w intereD-'ca~'Sv ~Dfov..:IdBrrraI!le~/Qtfe'7tenth in one vear;
one tenth in t'NO yet"r s -; one ~ten th in tru'c eV yu:n's; one ten thin" four
yeu"rs; on<..; tenth in i'ive years; one tenth in 3i:x yeELl'G; 0:0.13 tc;nth :Ln
seven years; one tenth in eight years; and one tenth in ni~e years
from date of thii.:; levy. ED.CO or Gaid ilHJt.allnli::.;nts 8r:,ve the fi:n)t one
shall o.rCLvl interel:Jt Ci"t the ro.te of' Deven percent per ELnnum T.lLhtil the
GamebeComeL delinquent D.nd e:c11 of the delinquent installments Sllc:J.l,l
draw interei,;t at the ly,te of ten percent per annum from cXld c,,;ftcr
suer). imtallment become::; Qclinq".entuntil paid.
Provided, however, tllut the entire amount so levied and a~Bes~ed
aga:,nl:,t any of the aforesC:.icl lot::! may be pa.id at any time wi thin
fifty d.ays from date of >3uclL levy, without interebt and. u1..1.c11 lot:;:; in
fuhat event sheU_l be exem.ut fr01H ,my lien or charge :for ;:,ueh inter-cut.
i3ection. 5. The City Clerk of the Gity of Grand Island, Nebraskc
i B here-by d irec t.ed to fortlrvl i th certify this ordi:nunce to the Oi ty
Trea::mrer of Grand Island, Nebraska, 'who shaLL :proceed to collect
sa:i.d taxes aiS required by lr::;w.
Section 4. '1'his oilZdin2.nce shall be in force mid tdte ei'feet
from ala. after i ts pc~sf:jage approval and rubl:i, CEt ti on as IJ1'ovici.ecl. by
pS"':;;Jed and appr"uved this 1?th ci.a;y of October, 19:2;).
'J'. J' ...Ulsberry
]Ec~yor .
( C' -> 1 )
n.'..;. Clifford
Ci ty Clerk.
.Ordinance Ho. 10(,)2
An ordinance 1evying special tafCes to }X.~Y for the P,wing <.'mCi.
curbing of' Paving District No. 56-i30uth SycalflOre, of the Oi ty of
Grand Island, l\oo1'as1\:o...
, BE IT ORDAHT.DlD by the Mayor a,nd. Oi ty Council of the Oi ty 0 l'
Grcmd Island, Nebraska:
Bection 1. That there is hereby levied and o..sr;esued agaim"t
the several lotu, tracts cillO. ~parcels of land hereinafter specified
l'Jr the purjJo ue of paying the: cost of paving and curbing Di strict 56
of the Oi ty of Grand 18 land, 1~ebl'0"ul:a, in c1ccordance wi tit, the
benofits found and aSGessed againut each of the several lot"" tracts.
and parcels of land by the Eayo):' and Ci ty Council ai' the Ci t;y of
Grand J..slu"nd, .dob:caskD", sitting as a Board of l~qualization a,fter due
noti co given as provided by law, each uf the ~:;everal loti), tracts and
parcels of land is as essed ~s follows, to-wit:
Lot 1, in Block 91, Original Town, $550.08.
T,ot ;2, in Block 91, Original Town, 2;:'>'1.04.
Alley;IJot :3, in Block 91, Original Town, 95.89'i:
Fr. S, in Block 91. Original Town, N66', $276.54.
I'r. S, in Block 91, Cri:::,irml 'I'ovm,JBal; $9L1.98.
Ii'r. 7, in Blca;c}{ 91, Origina1 Town, 94. cA.
Lot 2, Westervelts Sub. Division: W266': $250.'11.
Lot 4, In Block 92, Original Town, $553.08.
Lot 3, In Block 92, Original Town: VI6'; $56.89/
Lot 3, in Block 92, Original Town: L50': $180.15.
I,ot 5, in Bloc" 92, Original l'own, ~p528. 5'1. Thos. J. I.arrison, etal
Lot 5, in Blaak 92, Original '1'0\7n. ~p;2? .8:::'~. Gv.st<:',f' Dannhausen
Lot 6, in Block 92, Original Town, $238.46.
Lot 5. in Co. Sub. Division. W~St:15-11-9: i286.83.
Lot 3. in Co. Sub. Division. \Jr~-S;t: 15-11-9; ;:i,31. 8'1 .
Lot 2, Westervelts Sub. Division: E50': $150.43.
Section 2. The tax so levied. shall bee orne payabl,::;, delinquent
and draw interest as by law provided namely: one t:enth shall become
delinquent in fifty days :Crom date of thL':i levy; one tenth i.n yne
pear; ~ne tenth in two years; one tenth in tllres year ; ~ne tenth in
four year ; ~ne tenth in five years; one tenth in six year~; one tenth
in seven yearu; one tenth on eight years; ~De tenth in nine years
from date of this levy. Each of said in;:;tallments save the ftrst one
f3}-lr~11 drenv intel'eGt :.;,~t the rD"te of UCVc;D percent piBr: aimumuntiLthe
same becomes delinquent and ecwh oi' the delinquent installments shall
draw interest at the rate of t(~n l'cent per annum from and ~dter
Guch installment~ become delinquent until paid.
Prov:ided, however, that the entire amount 80 levied and assessed
againut any of the Ldoresaid lots may be paid D"t any time within
fifty days from date of such le-vy, vvi thout intere::,t and such lots
in tha,t evel'1t shall be exempt from any Ii en or chal'ge fur such
Section 3. The Ci ty Clerk of the Ci ty of GriJ,ncl Island, :Nebrasku,
is hereby eli-l'ee teel to forth-wi th c el'tii'y thl S ordinanee to the city
1'rea;mrer of Grand IslE,nu., Nebraska, who sh,:il.ll proceed to collect
said taxes aiJ required by It~w.
Section 4. This ordinance slmll be in f01'ce c:mu teJ~e effect from
anci [i,ft.:!' its pusua,._;e, approval D.J.1Q public tion. as provided by law.
PafJ sed and approved thi s l? th day of October, 19~;3.
T. ,T. IGlsberry,
Mayo r.
Oi ty Cle r J\:.
\ ;
I~n urclinance 1evyi.ng
for the construction of a
the Ci ty uf C:caul L31,,,,nd,
collection thereof.
a special sewer ~istrict tax ~o pay
sewer i:n L;cwer Di iJtri ct Ho. 82 of
brai..:;1:D, G,ndproviC:.J.nc; for the
BJ;~ 1'1' UPJ)Ann':D by the Eayor cinCl. City Council of the City of
G'I~8:.rld I Bl.a.rlQ I l~'e 'b:Cc.t sl:;:a :
Tl1ut a rpec:lal sewer district tax be and the 3D.me
and assessed to Day the exuense of constr0ctinc
Di strict No. 82 o:C the Ci t~r o:f Grand IsJ.c."nd. ~
'" #
Nebr'aska ~:.(;~lirlGt the rcsJ:)ec'Liv8 lotB, tr~icts &rld }larcels of larld
:i.n uccid cd t.d;l':i. c t in 1;he <'3J'",un ts set oppo [;i te the 1'0 npec thre
descriptions, to-wit:
SecU.on 1.
is hereby levied-
a sevier in L,ewer
Lot 1, County C:uiJdivis:i.on, ,.bl}'l, ;~<ec. 16-11-9, ,iiB9.69;
I,ot 2, Cu cmty ,:...,ubcdvsj. on ~>:;t ,::ec. 16-11-9, ~$29. 90
I,ot 2, County L-;ubo.iv:i.:-,:1.oYl, lJol'th;40', ;300. 16-11-9,~; $36.24
Lot ~, County ~ubdiviBion, ~ec~ 16-11-9, 30.35;
Lot 4, County baivision, uec. 16-11-9, 38.05;
:Lot 5, COLtnty Lubdiv..i. f:;;i on , ~;cc. 16-11-9, 68.40;
Lot 6, County Jubdivision, Sec. 16-11-9, 0.77;
I,ot '(, County ,___:uoe::iv:Lsion, ..... ;---,ee. 16-~.]:-~., 0 ~ 77;
Lot 8, b 591' ai, County JurdlvlBlOn, ~ee. Ib-11-9, ~b4.13;
l,ot 8, County ~)ubdivis:Lon, Vi 58' ~)ec. 16-11-9, ;!;;b2.E")5;
Lot 8, County S~bdiviBion, W 58'8oe. 16-11-9, 0~2.55;
:r,ot d, County :Subdivif3:J.on, I; 59i;', N1l Sec. 16-it.1-9,\P54.13;
},ot 9, County EjuDci.ivh;jOll, IV '14.,t', f3',} ~3ee. 16-11-9, ~;)67.~;7;
lot 9, C 0 un t y U ub d i v i G :l. 0 n In 66' J:I-6- L3 e c. 1. 6 - LL - 9, ;l~ 59 . 80 ;
Lot 9, County Subdivision, E 66' e. 16-11-9, 059.80
I.ot 9, County Ejub6ivis:Lon, Vi '(,4i-' ni :3ee. 16-11-9, ::~6'7.2'7;
:Lot 10, Count'l ;JulH.Li.vision, E. 66' H'~;- ,c)oc. 16-11-9, ~1;59.80
Lot 10, Count; Subdivision, W,60' N~. ec. 16-1~-9, $54.36;
Lot 10, County SuiJo.iviBion, St, Sec. 16-11-9, ~114.16;
I,ot 11, County ;:"ubcLiv:J.cj.on, f:;l:;-i.m i3ec. 16-11-9, '/.18;
Lot 12, County Jubdivision, E. 32' Gee. 16-1].-9, .99;
Lot 12, COLwty division, W. ~8' Sec. 16-11-9,
Lot 13, County Subdivision, E. 32' Sec. 16-11-9, .99l
l,ot l~j, Countv ~jl]bdiv.i:CLion, Yr. 66', E.9J' H1J. Sec. 16-11-9,
..._ I. _ r,_' -4 .). _ v,,,, "; . ,:-; . __ _' ,,7 .~~,. .-'> r--T "'!:. _ ~ ~ . ... _:t':, ,-~ f'{ r:
.LO.t:, J.,:), \.Joun GY ,-'UOl.O.:L"V.:1 f.:,j on ,vv. b').~~ ,,::>ec. 16-11-S:, ~r'O {. /6;
Lot 13, County bdiviDion, W 65' S} ee. ~6-11-9, 058.89;
J-eot 1;), County :::Ltbdiviu:J.ol1, J:;~ 66, W 1'1'1' f:3-*- fJec. 16-1J..-9,:,;)t)9.80;
Lot 13, County Subdivision W. 66 E 130%' S~ Sec. 16-11-9, ~59.80;
Lot 13, County Subdivision, E.64i' E 130~' st e.16-11-9,$58.67;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, '7 and 8, in Block 1, Wiebe's Addition,
'\ r):' 0 8) 0 c.''' C'} .
;IP, ;:/. ..Ie", 1"
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, '7 and 8, in Block 2, Wiebe's Addition,
;rp59 . eo each;
:Lots 1 and 2,
i',. 44' :Lot ~,
2,2' 1,0 t ~'S
l~. ,22 ' 1,0 t /1: J
VI. L,i,tl' 1,0 t 4
]~o t 8 5, 6, '7 ane\.
in :Block A, :Boernn'~; ~3UClCiiviiJ:Lon, ~L80
Block A, J3oenrn's 'ixLiv:i. D:i. on , 9.86;
II II II 11 :j.9.94;
Ii II 11 Ii 19.94;
II Ii II l! .86;
8, In Block .il., Seolun' B Gu.bd.:iviBiofJ.,
Section 2. io. SDi:;ci;:U. seVIer' cLjstrict tE)(. slLall be due and
beCOlne del inc;uent in the ll1:".nne:c grILL b',t the tilne .p:r'ovicl.ed oy law
anel bhEtllbe collee ted. in the manner p:c'oIio.eo. by lavv.
,.,eC'vlOYl ;.:i. 'J.'he City Clerk of the City of C:l'ancl IslcuIo., l,eol'a;:>lm
is hereby inctructecl. and directed to certify to the County Treasurer
of HaLL Count;y, Ifebl'askcc, t.l1e amount of uaicL taxes together v/ith
:l.xHJtr-uctions to coJ..l.E:~ct tLe SCLL:e as provided 0;;'- law.
~eC~lon 4. This ordinance shall be in force and ~aKe effect from
ar1Cl afte:r its passage, e,:J:p:covEi.l ancLpul)lieation au :p:rovided by law.
Passed uncI am:.ll~oved this ?th C!.D.y of Hovember, 19~G;;S.
~._.........--._____.__ ......_....-...........-_.,-.-. _._. .Or."....,.w.- _'.._'_'=L_.__'.._,..__.........~_""
J\;18..3r () r .
GiL;y Clerk.
ormIHANcE No. HH14
An ordinculCe levying a speciaJ seVIer district tax to :rx;i,Y i"or
the construction of a sewer in Dewer District No. 97 of the City
of Grand Island, lJebrasl:ci" and PI'ov:Ldi for the collection thereof.
BIt IT ORDAINLm by' the IJlc;,yor and C1 ty Council of the Ci ty' 0 f
C.J:'c1rlcl I SI8.1DCL, 1-J.e-bl-'c;~sl(ct:
Section 1. t B special sewer district tax be and the
8cMile is hereby levied and assessed eta pay the eXipense of
constructing a sewer in Sewer District No. 97 of the City of
Grand Island, Hebraslm against the rcsjpecti ve lots, tracts and
parcels of land in said district in the amounts set opposite the
respective descriptions, to-wit:
Lots 1, 2, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, in Block 3,
Koe111er Place Addition, :i,jfj3.09 each;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, II, 12, 13 and 14,
in Block 4, Koehler Place Addition, *53.09 each;
Lo~s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,.10, II, 12, 12 and 14,
in Block 7, Koehler Place Addition, $53.09 each.
Section 2. Gaid special sewer district tax shall be due and
become delinquent :LYl the manner and at ttw time pl'ovidedUy lcvw
cLncl shall be coLLected in the me.nner provided by law.
,';';ectJon 3. The City Clerk of the City of GrandIsland, l;rebraslffi
is hereby iW3tructed emd dil'ect(~d to certify to the COlmty Treasurer
of Hall County, Hebrasl<;:a ,the arnount of said tC:l,xes togetherwi th
Lnstructions to coLLect tYte same aspruvided b:Y' lc1,W.
bectj,on 4. '1'hi::; ordinance shall be in force and take effect
rrom and after its passage, approva~ and publication as provided
'by laVl.
I)asr3ed and G-yrprovea tili B .'lthday of' Hovember, 19:33.
-~~'-cl ty~-CTerl('.--'-'~-'-"-----
-_.._~- ..----..--'---l;Kayo-i-:~-..----.-.--.--..----
ORDLTi\..IJCIG 1\[0. 1005
an ordinance levying a special sewer district tax to pay for
the construction of a sewer in Gewer District No. 98 of theCity
01' Grand I f;la]lcl , brasl:a, and :9rov.iding :for the c oilection th.,reof.
JILl IT OHD-"'.I J.LiGD "by the
Grand Island, Hebraska:
l' bond 01 ty C(1)..ncil of the l,;ity of
E:ection 1. That a special sevier dir3trj..ct tax. be and the same
is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of constructing
a iJewer lYJ. ewer Di stri c t ITo. 98 of theOi ty of Grand I sIanO.,
ITeb:c;;..wka againut the respect:i.ve :.Lots, tr<.:wts anCi pD"I'cels o:f land
in uaid Cl.isGrict in the amounts set opposite the respective
descriptions, to-wit:
Lots 8, 9 and 10, in :BlockJJKoehler 101.2.ce Addit:Lon, ~i;b?ll each;
J,ots 12, .a3, 14, 15 and 16, in Block 1, Koehler Illace
Aadition, $57.11 each;
Lot 17, in Block 1,
Lot 18, in Block 1,
Lot 19, in Block 1,
Lot 20, in :Block 1,
Lot 21, in Block 1,
N.54 ft. Lot 22, In Block 1,
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
:,,)57.11 each;
Lo.ts 1, 2, 0, 4, 0, 6 and 7 ill Block 6, Koe er Place Add.,
;l~5rl .11 each.
Koehler' Place
Koehler I'lu"ce
Koehler Place
Koehler Place
KoeYLler Pliwe
:2:0 enler FLac e
6 and ?, in
~;;51. 40 ;
,",~ Li 2"1.
,;:; ') 00 5 t; .
'1-r I-..J ... v,
J'l.CtQ.l.t;J. 011, ;;?1'1 .13;
ock 5, Koehler Place
J\..dd. ,
}l.ddi ti on,
Jiddi t:L on ,
Ac,di t1. on ,
Section 2. ,:.;aid B'"(l8ciai seVler district ta:;~ shall be due and
bee ome de Jinquent in the manner <HId at the ti.me ]Jrovided by lc'-\v
ana. shall be collec tecl in.the rnannerj)I'ovided by law.
;::;ectj.on ;;;i. The Ci t:l Cler'k of the OJ. ty of Grand Island ,rreb:caska
is hereby in~tructed and directed to certify to tlleOounty Treasurer
of IIall County, Hebr'a~3ka, the ar..oLult of said taxes together Ii'!ith
in2;t;ructions to collect the SEioiile as :pl'ovided by la;w.
Section 4. This ordin~nce shall be in force and take effect
Trom and after its passage, approval and publication as prOVided
by la'N.
Passed ann g,/pl'oYCd t.hi.b 7th d.ay of' Hov8lilbcr, 1920.
1'>. t tc: s t ;
--..---- -~_...-...1\f~)..~.~0'..:;.:.-...-...-., .. .-".." .... ...._-
.l,J.U../ .J...
ORDIJr.AHCE Ho. 1006
An ordinance creating a paving dietl'ict vvithin the corporate
limi ts of the Oi ty of Grand Island, :Nebraelm, (lefini11g the
bouncUu'ies thereof; providing for the payment of Si.1l116 and
providing for the Ci.S6es mnen t of the co StE"1 0 f paving.
BIG D.' OH.D.i\Il\fLJD BY TIm MAYOR J.JU) CITY counCIl. of the Ci ty of
Grand Island, Hall Coun ty, ]\fe bX'c,;;ka:
Section 1. :I.'hat there is hereby created a D(wing district
in "Gfle City of (.Jrand Island, Hall Co~nty, lJ eb I' c.W l-cc;:, to be known and
designated as Paving District No. 81 of the City of 0rand
Island, :t\fe brc\'ska.
;':-1ectj.on 2. Said paving diBtrict she~l consist o:r tl1ftt part
of Sixth Street lying between the Easterly line of ~ne intersection
of ;3ixth and IGddy Streets and the V7esterly line of the intersection
of Sixth Stl'ee t c"nd Jline Street; B11 d. shall include all 10 ts I
tracts LLnd pC)"l'cels of lemd lying North of said Sixth Street, bounded
as cd'oresaid to a depth of 132 feet, b.nd cUl lots, tracts and
parcels of land lyihg S.mth of said Zixth Street, bounded s
aforesaid to a depth of 132 feet.
Section 3. Said street in said pGving district is hereby
ordered paved as provided by law; said paving to be 36 ft. in
width paveG from curb to cur'b) i3cnd curb and gutter combined.
Section L1. That authori t3f is hereby gran ted to the owners of
the recol'd ti tle representing a maj ori ty of the abutting property
owners in said district to file with the city clerk within 20 days
from the first publication of thenotice creating said district) as
provided 'by law, written objections to the paving of said district.
i3ection 5. That the mayor and cj.ty clerk are here-by authorized
End directed to publish after the passage) approval and publication
of this ordinance, in t".l:le HGrand Island Dcdly Independent!! a
notice of the creation of said diJtrict) one time each week for
not less them 20 days.
Bection 6. 'rhat authority is hereby gi'Ven to the owners of the
record title representing the majority of the abutting property
owners to file with the city clerk, within the time provided by
by law, iii. peti tion for the use of a particular Idnd of lrID.terial to
be used in s~id district. If such owners fail to designate the
material they desire w3ed in ['laid paving district vii thin the thue
and in the rm,mner provided by le.w, the mayor end ci ty council
shall determine upon the material to be used.
Section 7. The cost of paving said district shall be assessed
againut the lots, tracts and parcels of ground especially benefitted,
in proportion to such bunefi ts to be d_etcrmined by the nlb_yor and
City Council, as by law provided.
Section 8. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from c:,nd tel' its pasDage, agpl'ova1 C).nd publicatioh~- coB by law
PasBed ana. a~[lprove0. this.21st day of November, 1923.
'Ci ty .-CTerk:--.--------..
T. J , ~ll~g.~r.rx_._._____
IvIay 0 l~ .
ORlJDfANCE NO. 1007.
An ordinance creating Sewer District No. 117 in the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing
for the laying of a sewer in said district, describing the manner
in which same shall be laid, assessing the costs thereof against
the abutting property.
WIffiR:B;A.S, the Ivlayor and City (;ounell of the City of Grand
Island, Nebraska, find that the steps heretofore taken for the
creating of Sewer District No. 117 are regular and lawful, and
that a sewer to be laid in the District hereinafter defined, is a
public necessity; and
WHEREAS, by a three-fourths vote of all the members of the
city council said sewer main has been ordered laid without cost
to the city.
NOW, T1ElER3FORE, BE IT ORDA.INED by the Mayor and City Council
of the City of Grand Island, NebrasRa
Section 1. That Sewer District No. 117 of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska is hereby created, same to run in the alley
between Locust and Pine sts. from Bismark Road to Emerald St.
Section 2. That a sewer shall be laid along the course
above described, rUillling through said blocks, in accordance with
the plans and specifications governing sewers heretofore estab-
li.shed for laying sewers in so far as said plans and specifica-
tions call be carried out.
Section 3. That the entire cost of constructing said
sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in said
district, and a tax shall be levied as soon as the cost can be
ascertained-, said tax to be come delinquent 8.11(1 draw int ere at as
provided by law.
Section 4. The City Engineer is hereby authorized to
draw plans and specifications of said sewer and make estimate of
the cost thereof and submit same to the city council, and when
adopted the city clerk shall at once advertise for bids for the
construction of said sewer, in accord~nce with the plans and spe-
cifications submitted, reserving the right to reject any and all
Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take
effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as
provided by law.
Paused and_ approved this 21 day of November 1923.
H. E. Clifford
- - -City "O"lerk.-
_ _ T ~ J. __~Ellsb ~r!:y _ __
An ol~dinc~nce levying a special sewc.;T district tax to pay
for the conotruction of aeewer in Sewer District No. 115 of the
City of Grand IslcUld, nebrasku...
BE n,' ORDAINlill by the 1\flayor~j"nci Ci ty Council of theGi ty of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That a special sewer district tax be and the
same is hereby levied [md assessed to pay the expense of
constrclC ting a sewer in Sewer ])i strict 1'10. 115 of the City of
Grc-u:1Ct Island, Nebraska agcLinst the respective lots, tracts and
parcels of land in acid district in the amounts set opposite the
respective descriptions, to-wit:
Lots, 3, 4 and 5 in Block 2, nagy's Addition, $75.75 each;
W. 56', Lot 6, Block 2, Nagy's Addition, $64.27;
E. 10', l,ot 6, Block 2, Nagy's Addition, ~pll.48.
See ti on 2. ::)cdd spec ial sC',"ver di stri c t tax shall be due and
become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law
emd shall be collected in the m,o"nner provided by lay!.
Section ~). The City Glerk of' theCity of Gra.:nd 1 Slcllld ,
Nebraska is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the
County I1'reasurer of Hall County, Nebrask2~, the arnount of said
taxes, together yJi tll instructions to collect the sc.t-me as
provided by law.
Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided
by la.lN.
Passed and approved this 21st day of Noveniller, 1923.
City vler}\:.
T......J:...l1.l.l.ab.e rrjZ: . ..
An ordinance levying special taxes to pay' for the paving
and curbing of Paving District No. 57 of the City of Grand
Island, Nebraska.
BE IT ORDAInED bv the Mayor and City Council of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska.:
Section 1. That tilere is hereby levied and assessed against
the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter specified,
for the purpose of }Jaying the cost of pa.ving and curbing Paving
Dist.rict IJo. 57 of theCity of Grand Island, J!Tebraska, in accordance
with the benefits found ;j.nd assessed again:Jt each of the several
lots, tracts and parcels of land by the l~yor ar~ City Council
of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, sitting as a -boc_:cd of
equalization, after due notice given, as provided by law, each
of the several lots, tracts <:;,nd IJarcels of land is assessed b.S
follows, to-wit:
Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 57, Original Town, $1955.44;
Betvveen VVia.lnut & Wheeler Streets, Union Pacific Railroad
Company, :lv1955.45;
N.44'-S. 66', Lot 1, Block 55, Original Town, $69.57;
8.22', Lot 1, Block 55, OriginCl.l Town,$34.79;
Nt of Lot 1, Block 55, Original Town, $243.51;
Lot 2, Block 55, Original Town, $347.87;
Et,Lot 3, Block 55, OriginE',l Town, $173.98;
Nt-Wt, Lot ?, ~~ock 55, ?r~g~nal Town, ~121.79;
w~-st, Lot 3, B~ock 55, urlglnal Town, ~52.19;
Nt, Lot 4, Block 55, Original Town, $243.51;
st, Lot 4, Block 55, Original Town, $104.36;
Between Pine and Locust streets, Union Pacific Railroad
Company, $1391.50;
W 1/3Lot 1, Block 54, Original To\'m, ;'~115. 98;
E.2/3 Lot 1, Block 54, Original Town, ~p231.96;
E 1/3 Lot 2, Bl,)ck 54, Original Town, $115.98;
W 2/3, Lot 2, Block 54, Original Town, $231.96;
Lot 3, Block 54, Original Town, ~347.94;
Lot 4, Block 54, Original Town, $347.94;
Between Pine & Sycamore Sts., Union 1Jacific Hailroad Company,
~p1391. 78.
Section 2. The tax so levied shelll become payable, delinquent
and draw interest as provided by" law, namely; one-tenth shull
become delinquent in fifty days from da"ce of this 1 evy; one-tenth
in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one-
tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six
years; one-tenth in seven yccu's; one-tenth in eight years; one-tenth
in nine years from date of thi s levy. :Ea.ch of' said instalmen ts,
save the first one, shall draw interest at the rate of 7 per cent
per annum until thesame becomeE delinquent dnd each of the delinquent
insta1ments shall draw interest at the rate of 10 per cent per
annum from and after such instalment becomes delinquent until paid.
Provided, however, that tile entire ~upnt so levied and assessed
against any of the aforesaid lots may be paid at 0..ny time -wi thin
fifty days fr'om date of such levy, without interest 8,nd such lot
in that event shall be e:;:eempt from any lien or charge for such interest.
Section 3. The city clerk ai' the City of Grand lSlund, I\febJ.'aska
is hereby di:cected to fortlnvith certify this ordinance to the
City Treasurer of Grand ISla.nd, Hebraska, who shci.ll pro~eed to
collect said taxes as required by law.
4.TILtS ordinance she.:.Ll bein force Dnd take effect from arid after
its ])9..DSCi.ge, u_pproval and lJublication CoeS by law provided.
Passed ~ld ~)proved this 21st day of November, 1923.
T. .Ti"li:l1 ehA1"Y'y_____
_ "JL..~.-d.-.
City Clerk.
ORDIlifA:t-JCI!l Ho. 1010
An ordin'_'once levying spec~a..L taxes to pay for the Inwing and
curbing of paving district No. 52 of the City of Grand ISland,
BE 1'1' OBDAIl\fED by the :Mayor c.,nel Ci ty Counci 1 of' the Ci ty of'
Grand Island, Hebr'aska:
Section 1. That there is hereby levied. and assessed against
the several lots, tracts dnd parcels of land hereinafter specified,
for the purpose of paying the cost of paving and curbing P,),ving
District No. 52 of the City of vrand Island, Nebraska, in accordance
with the benefits found and assessed against each of the
several lots, tracts and Dei.rcels of land by the illayor and city
council of tIle City of lrr~nd Island, LTebrasl':a, sitt:lngas a board
of equa,lization, after clue notice given as provided by'1mv, each
of the sever,Ll lots, tr,~cts unO. parcels of land is assessed as
follows, to-,'li t:
Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in Block 15, H. G.Clark's Addition,
;;p317.61 each;
Lots 2,3,4, and-5, in Block 19, II. G. Clark's iiddition o.nd
its cOillplement, $317.61 each;
IJots 1, ~2, ;) and 4, in Block 18, H. G. Cl<:)..rk's Addition and
ruts complement, $397.01 each;
Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in Block 16, H. G. Clark's Addition
and. its cornplenH:nt, t31?61;
Lots 5, 6, 'I and 8, in Block 122, U. P. R. H. Co. 2nd
Addition, ~397.61 each;
,l.,ots 1,2, 3 and 4, in Block 11, Original Town, ilP397.01 each;
Lots 5 and 6, in Block 123, D.P.R.R. Co. 2nd Addition,
:jp397 .01 each;
riot 7, in Block 123, D.P. R. H. Co. 2nd Addition, $356.19;
Lot 8, in Block 123, D. P. R. R. Co. 2nd Additio~, $347.11
Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, in Block 10, Original Town, $39~.01 each;
Lots 1, 2, 3, ~nd 4, in Block 9, Original Town, $397.01 each;
Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Block 124, D.P. R.R. Co. 2nd Addition,
~1~397 . 01 each;
1'1"0. 48t'of ~ Lot 5, in Block 125, D.P. H. H. Co. 2nd
hddition, $87.50;
. Balance of Lot 5, in Block 125, D.P.R. R.Co. 2nd Addition,
;)p309. 51;
Lot 6, in Block 125, D.P. R. R. Co. 2nd Addition, $397.01;
W. 52' Lot 7, Block 125, U.P. R. R. Co. 2nd Addition,$312.79;
11:. 14' 11 II 11 Ii Ii II tI 84.22
Lot 8, Block 125, D.P. R. R. Co. 2nd Addition, $397.01;
S. 52', lJot 1, Block 8, Original Tovm, 93.81;
N. 80', Lot 1, Block 8, Original Town, 03.20
j",o ts 2, 3 8.nd 4, in Block 8, Original Tovm 1 $397.01 each;
Lot 1, Block 7, Original Town, $397.01;
E. 16', Lot 2, Block 7, Original Town, $96.24;
W. 50', l,ot 2, II 7 iI Il 300177,
Lots 3~ 4 2J]-d 5, in Block 1~6, D. p.n.H. Co. 2nd Addition and /
its complem0nt, $397.01 each; . ,
W.31' Lot 6, Block 126, D.P. R. R. Co. 2nd Add., $186.47
Lot 1, Block 19, H. G. Clo.1'k's Add. and its complement,~~317.61
E.35'Lot 6, Block 126~ D.P.H.R. Co. 2nd Addition and its
c ompl emen t, :lp210. 54;. and C DInp .
E.33' Iiot 7, Block 126, Uj~)P.R.ILCo. ~~nd j,dditi,2ll, :t~198.51;
W.33' :Lot 7 II It 11 Ii II 198.50;
]~ot 8, Block 126, D.l;. H. R. Co. 2nd Add. D.nd its COrrlIllement,
:1~397. 01;
Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Block 127, U.P. R. R. Co. 2nd addition
,-~.nd complement, ;jli397. 01 each;
Lots 1, 2 and 3, in Block 6, Original Town, $397.01 each;
N. 76', IJot 4, Block 6, Original Town, ~~295.93;
S. 56' II 11 11 t1 11 11 101.08
Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, in Block 5, Original Town, $397.01 each;
Lot 5, Block 128, D.P. H.R. Co. 2nd Add., $397.01;
W. 12' Lot 6, Block 128, U.P.R.rt.Co. 2nd Add., $72.18;
E. 54' Lot 6, Block 128, U.P. R. R. Co. 2nd Add. $324.83;
loots 7 ,;;:,nd 8, in Blocl\: 128, U.P.H.l1. Co. ~::nci Add., ~:)397.01 each;
Lot 5, Block 129, U. P. R. R. Co. 2n~ Add., $397.01;
w.}- Lot 6, :l3locle 129, V.P.B,. H. Co. 2nd iidd., ;!p198.51;
Et Lot" "w " n 199.50
Lots 7 und 8, in Block 129, D.P. R. R.Ca. 2nd Add.,$397.01 each;
S. 88' Iiots 1 emd 2, Block 4, Original Town, ~~370.49;
N. 44' Lots 1 and 2, Block 4 " " 423.53;
Lot 3, Block 4, Original Town, 97.01;
E. 31' Lot 4, Block 4, Original Town, $186.47;
W. 35' Lot 4, Block 4, Origim;,l '1'ovm, $2l0.5L1;
Lots 1,2, 3 and 4, in Block 3 Uagy's Add. ,Send its complement,
~;39'7 .01 each;
Lots 5, 6, '7 and 8 in Block 130, D.P. R. H, Co. 2nd Addition
dnd its c omplemel1 t, $3f)'7. 01 each;
Lots 5 and 6, in Block '7, Voitles .Addition, ~p397.(J1 each;
IJots 3 c!.nd 4, in Block 2, Jiragy's ii..ddi tion" ;1,)397101 each;
Lot 7, Block 7,Voitles Addition, $210.67;
Lots 7 and 8, Block 7, Voitle's Addition. $847.00;
r,ots 1 "md 2, Block 2, lTagy's Jiciditioll, ~r847.0l;
Plum St.(now C.B.&~ Q,.-H.O.W.), ~Jl15.'71;
l,ot 5, rnock 8, Voitle's ..:\.ddition ~~364.~J,3;
Lot 4, Block I, Nagy's Addition, 64.23;
Lot 6, Block 8, Voitle's Addition, $134.65;
Lots 2 and 3, Block I, Nagy's Addition, $397.01 each;
Lots 1, 2, ~ and 8, Blodk 2, Nagy's Addition, $1261.84;
Let 8, Block 2, Nagy's Additon, $1858.54;
Lot 1, Block 1, Nagy's Addition, $39'7.01;
Lots 'I and 8, in Block 8, Voitles Addition, $~9'7.01;
W~- Lots 1 and 7, ~3Wt -10-11Q9, County Subdivision, ~:;338.73;
Lot.s 1 D.nd 7, swt 10-11-9, County Subdivision, $122.75
Lot 3 Block 2 Nagy~ 1630.92
W:5~. j~:~gthg Bl~ck ~ ;~~~~"' ~1~9:~5_ "
Eect~on 2. Ine tax so lev~ecl ana. assesseu sha.Ll become payable,
d.elinquent ;:md C),raw interest D"S by law pl'ovided, n<:,mely; one-tenth
shLJ_l become delinquent in fifty days from date of this 1 evy; one-tenth
in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one-tenth
in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one-tenth
in seven ;>rears; one-tenth in eight yearl:3; one-tenth in nine years
from date of this levy. l~ach of said inLtalments, ;,:;ave the first one,
shall draw inter'est a.t the rate of 'I per cent pel' D.IIDum until the
same becolnes delinquent und each of the delinquent instalm.ents shall
d.raw interest at the rEcte of 10 per cent per annum from and after
such instalment becomes delinquent until paid.
Provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed
agail1;.:;t any of the B.foreucLid lots may be paid at any time wi tll.in
fifty days frorn date of such levy, \vithout interest and such lot in
thut event s11all be exeinpt from any lien 01' chal'ge fa l' such interest.
Section 3. The Ci ty Clerk of the Oi ty of Grc1.nd Island, Nebraska,
is hereb;;l directed to forthvii th certify this ordinance to the ci ty
tl~e[;;,;ml'er of C.'rand Islb,nd., neb1'c.~Gkft, .who shall proceed to collect
f;uid taxes b,G requiTed by law.
Eiection 4. This ol'dinLnce shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passc.~ge, app:coval and publicci,tion, 9.8 by law
Passed and. apljl'oved this 21st da;)' of November, 1923.
-..- ""'Crrty-Olerlt;---
_..1t.J .El~sber~__".
An Ol'a.J.l1Dol1Ce levying a special uewel' d.:Lstr'ict ta::;;: to }Jay
for -ell:..: corwtruction of a sewer in ;Jewer Di~)trict No. 116 of
the City of'~;rand Isle_lid, LJebr8_uku", and lJI'oviding for the
collection thereof.
BE IT OHDAI1ITGD by the Ma.yor and Oi ty Council of the Oi ty
of errand I aloxIa, He braska:
Section 1. ThiCjt a special sewer diBtl~ict tax be and tl1e same
is herebJi levied and assessed to pay the eX1JenBe of constructing
a sewer in Jewel' District No. 116 of the City of Grand Island,
l~ebrabka agcdnst the respective lots, tJ.~acts cend. parcels of land
in said district in the amounts set opposite the respective
descriptionu, to-wit:
Lots 1,2, ,:), 4,5,6 and 7, in Block 5, Lambert's Addition,
~p60 .06 each;
West 2 ft. of I..ot 8, Blocl\: 5, I1o.nibert's Addition, ~pl.82;
East 64 ft. of I,ot 8, Blocl\: 5, Ilambel't's il-ddition, ~~58.24;
Lots 1 and 2, in Block 6, Ij8Jlfbert's Addition, ~p60.06 each;
Lot 3, in Block 6 and its cOTIGlement, La~bertrB Addition,
Lot 4, in Fractional Block 11,Voitles Addition, $60.06;
Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, in }i'ractional Block 6, Lambert's
Addition, $60.06 each;
Lots 9 and 10, in I'racttional Block 6, Larubert's Addition,
i;r16.38 each.
,)ection 2. ;;';,-dd special sewer district tax shall be due and
become delinquent in the llianl1el' and at tile time provided by law
and Gha11 bG collected in the manner provided by law.
Section 3. The City Olerk of the City of Grand Island,
Nebra~ka is hereby instructed 2nd directed to certify to the
County Trccu:.;uroI' of Hall County, Hebra ka, the ["mount of said
taxes together ..-dth :i.l1structiollS to collect the ScU;C as In'ovided
by li:;~w.
'section 4. This orO.U1EtnCC shi;;~ll be in force Emu to.ke
effect from and ai'ter its :oaBsage, alJproval and public,_c tion as
1>rovided by lL;;w.
Passed and ';;.lJprovec~ tllis 5th cLay of Deceniber, 1923.
( Seal)
-'.'---' Cr(y~ CldrlZ: ~.
An oralnm1ce creating Sewer District No. 118 in the City
of Gran d Island, 1<rebr8.t;l:a, d.efining the boundaries thereof,
providing fo l' the laying of a sewer in saiL district, descri bing
the manner in v111ich same shall be laid, assessing the costs
theredf against the abutting property.
vnmREAS, the !vlayo:c and Ci ty Counc i1 of the Ci ty of Gr8.11d
Island, Ne"braska find that the steps heretofore taken for the
creating of Sewer District No. 118 are regular and lawful, and
that a sevoJel' to be laid in the District hereinafter defined, is a
public necessity; and
WHEREAS, by a three-foul'ths vote of all the members of the
Ci ty Council said sev'ler main hasc'been ordered laid wi thou t cost
to the City.
NOW, T}mR1.I~FORE, Bli} IT CIi.DAINED by the i,'rayor and City' Council
of the Ci ty of' Grand Island, Nebl~abke":
Section 1. That Sewer Distr:Lct No. 118 of the City of
Grand Island, NebraLka is hereby created, same to be in the
alley between Louise and John from Cedar to Locust Sts.J
Section 2. 'llhat a sewer shall be laid along the course above
described, running through sai.d blocks, in E;,CC ordance with the
planf.\ and specifications governing sewers heretofore established
for laying sewers, in so far as said plans and specifications can
be carried out.
bection 3. The entire cost of constructing said sewer shall
be assessed against the abutting propert;)1 in said district, and a
tax shall be levied as Boon as the cost can be ascertained, sale.
tax to become delinquent EmcL draw interest as provided by law.
Section 4. 'I'hat the City Engineer is hereby authorized to
drmv plans and u:pecifications of said sewer and make estimate of
the cost thereof and submi t same tG the vi ty Council a:nd when
adopted, the City Clerk shall at once advertise for bids for the
construction of said sewer, in accordance with the plans and
specifications oubwitted, reserving the right toreject any and
all bids.
Election 5. This o:cdinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after' its passa.ge, approval and publication J as provided
by law.
Passed and e~pproved this _..6".._.< u.::ty of
_._E!.. E.&l i.ff~u___
City Clerk.
T . ~.!.~.~.!.sb.~.!:K;Y___,___.__._._._"_.__
I1J'Ch 1013
An (,)~int:~QO tll'()ti/t"i1'lC;
()f Gl'~lll d Ill')ltl.JJK1.
s}l'ov.1diJ,*tg ~) r 't',hu of
the nulnn<.;~1n wlaQll ~Z~;l() t'lIlt\:U.
tl101'o(\)tt\3r"lnct tb.~ t'i.buttlt:l.f'~ P~()lJiJrt~"
119 1:~ ('1tty
~1fjt ~ l(Jt. du ~;!o.141 b1~1t~
Cl'eatiniJ o.f
that tSIo t.Q
l1Ubllo nOQDouity;
~'~1iI;~m'i~S. })y .a, th1"ee..foln;'t~ VQt~ I#t tllo
O$. t,1 Cotnulil c0.1o' SOV1f2l;t' :r,~in M.'t;$b~_ o~de~cu 1.~J.1d 'Wll1iout eOfJt
t\> the 01 t.1 '"
of tho
by th~
:0c.tiO!l 1.Tl'lll.t
Grt\nd Islu,Jld.
between Kimball and Oak, from
119 Qt
$am,~ tQ. be in
Koenig to Charles Sts.,
the alley
f'.(lloil()112. a elt:l':1erwJtJAU
d~H.\c~il)ed; ;t'ul'ar~il"1L~ tl'lf'OU-(;;:b
l)lt~~:;. t\iud t'}j)t::oit'l Qo..tj, Ofltl govotl"f'lil1f];
tor luy it.!ij i~(;)V101'lJ f 1~'jt)o f~~1' a..s l;;tj;i~
be oe.l':ciod out.
b~ J..altl
Qoti~'ne '~bove
be: 1(/v1cd aB UChm
1:.ob$O(I).116 de ,df~tlUelrt
COil ~r~;r:t~Q $if~
lrl li;lt~j"l
(} iLW!1
",(;lotion 4.
~j,n(l. (i1H20 1 .f'j.catl t)rl,~
CQ~Jt tJ!..;,,l'()o1' clIJd
.... A, ,'0 . ~
u,dO PIlC~ . ;.,,; 1.\'.27'
oou0t.ractlon ot'
~P(,H~itt1oL~t;;' ()UO olibl'Ji ttUG.
e,ll bld~l.
U,i,o Vlruvidod.
;"octio.'. 5_
.f")torn aw.J.
j,n fore;,;;
l,)ublica ti (m II
:Pao ueu e~ n(.\
Ill.'oved't.j:,le ~. (~~~y of ..~QfSmbe~..__..li2~..,
(S eal)
City Clc~ll:.
.-T .:.3.. .El'-l...s bf!;}{J::/.,.,"'...... ~'... I' r'" '''< .......'..._._'-'
J:~~~~ 03r..,
An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the paving and
curbing of Paving District No. 56, South Sycamore St. of the City
of Grand Island, Nebraska. And amending Ordinance No.1002 of said City.
WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1002 passed on the 17th day of October,
1923 levying special paving district taxes, in Paving District :No.
56 certain assessments were erroneous and certain pieces of land
within said District and benefitted thereby were unintentionally
ombitted; and
\fl{Ero~AS, the City of Grand ~sland desires to correct said assessment
as by statute provided, but reserving unto itself all rights obtained
by it in Baid Paving District by the passage of said ordinance No. 1002,
and by the passage of the Resolution by the Board of Equalization.
now, 'l'1IJl:RIGFOHE, :BIG IT ORDAIl'illD by the Ww.yor and City Council of
the City of Grund island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That there ishereby levied and assessed against the
several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter specified for
the pmrnose of paying the cost of paving and curbing District No. 56
of the th ty of Grand Island, Hebraska, in accordance with the
benefits found and assessed against each of the several tracts and
parcels of land by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand
Island, Nebraska, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice
given as provided by law, each of the several lots, tracts and
parcels of land is assessed as follows, to-wit:
Fractional Lot 7, Block 91, Original Town, All, $53.13, Niels Nielsen,Owner
Fractional II 8 u II n 11 N.46.4', $215.08, Charles Banks,
lowner; ..
Fractional II 8
oquette, Owner:
Lot 2, Westervelt's Subdivision, E. 50', $51.72, Detle! Mathiesen, Owner;
Lot It " fl if{ 82'-E.132!ti42.7~ophia Boquette, Owner;
1/2 part between Lots 1 and 8, of Alley Block 91, Original Town, $33.53,
Niels Nielsen, Owner;
All of alley between Lots 2 and 7, Block 91,O$iginal Town, $28.74,
Niels E. Nielsen, Owner;
1/2 part of alley between lots 1 and 8, Block 91, Original Town, $33.53
CharlesBanks, owner.
Balance, $103.44, Sophia
Section 2. So much of Section 1 of Ordinance 1002 as is in conflict
with Section one of this Ordinance is hereby repealed and the balance of
said Section one and the taxes thereby levied and assessed is hereby
restated and reaffirmed and all rights created hhereunder are hereby reserved
to the City of Grand Island and said Paving District, and that the sole
IJurl)oSe of this ordinance is to correct said erroneous assessments.
Section 2. The tax so levied and assessed shall become payable, delinquent
and draw interest as by law provided, namely: one-tenth shall become delinquent
a~~ in fifty days from date of tilis levy; one-tenth in one year;
one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one-tenth in four years;
one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one-tenth in seven years;
one-tenth in eight years; one-tenth in nine years; ~ from date
of this levy. Each of said installments save the first one shall draw
interest at the rate of seven per cent per alIDum until the same becomes
.... . delinquent and each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest ::tJm at
the rate of ten per cent per annrui'l from and after such installments become
delinquent until paid.
Provided, however', that the entire amount so levied and assessed against
any of the aforesaid lots may be paid at any time wi thin fifty days from date
of such levy, without interest and such 10 ts in that event shall be exeulpt
from any lien or charge for ffilch interest.
Section 4. The City Clerk of the vity of Grand Island, Nebraska is hereby
directed to forthwith certify this ordinance to the Vity Treasurer of
Grand island, Nebraska, who shall proceed to collect the same as required
by law.
Section 5. This ordinanceshall be in force and take effect from and after
its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law.
Passed and approved this 19th day of December,1923.
( Seal )
City Clerk