1924 Ordinances
An ordinance allpropriating and condemning private property
for the use of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska for street
purposes in the County Subdivision of the West half (\7-!-) of
of the Southwest Q,ua,rter (SW~o) of Section Ten (10), in Township
Eleven (11), North of Range Nine (9), West, in Hall County,
Hebrasl;:ct, 8,11 vvi thin the Ci ty of Grand Isle.no, Nebraska}
providing for the procedure on appropriation of such private
VnrmRlflAS, the lvIayor and Ci ty Council of the Ci ty of Gr2Lnd
Island, :Hebl'askc", find thL,t it is neceSiA,tr;y that various pri VCo te
:pl'operty consisting of lot8, trC'oct8 und ])2.rce18 of lund within
the different additions and subdivisions hereinafter more
definitely described, all within the corporation limits of the
Ci ty of Gre.no Island, be appro:priated and condemned for the use
of the City of Grand Island for street purposes.
NOW, 'l'HEPJi;Ii'OIill, BE IT OHDAIlillD by the Mayor <:-md City Counil
of the Ci ty o:C Grand Isl(;ond, NebraslG..t:
Section 1. That the following described property, consisting
of lots, tracts und parcels of land in such amounts as hereinafter
designated, be and the Sb.me is hereby appropriated for the use
of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska for street purposes, under
and by virtue of Sections 4072, 4073 and '1074 of the Compileci
Statutes of Nebraska for the year 1922;
'1'he l~ast five (5) ,i:5}P.bn2LJroi;Ywenty-one (21) ;and the
East five (5) fee~ieN.atth 75 feet, the :r.;rorth
33 ft. of the South 199 ft., the North 66 ft. uf the
South 166 ft., the North 50 ft. of the South 249 ft.,
the North 50 ft. of the South 100 ft., and the South
50 ft, all of Lot Twenty-five (25); all of the
County Subdivision of the West h,;:,l1' of the Southwest
Q.uarter ( W~~ of swi) of f.iection '1'en (10), Township
Eleven (11) Horth of Hange Nine (9) ,'W-est of the 6th
P. M., in Hall County, Nebraska.
All 0 f wrrich property hereby appropriated is hereby designated to
constitute a p~rt of North Cherry Street.
Section 2. ThL,t the follovvlng disinterebted 1'reeholc'1.ers in
the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska Ere hereby appointed to assess
the damages ccccruing to the owners of the real estate appropriated.;
Namely: Ralph H. Snell, whose residence is 12~~ W. 12th st.,
Grccnd Island, lJebra..Gka, Edmund Nuss> wto se residence is 923 Vie st
1st ~3t., Grand Island, HebraslG:i and Herman J3uckow, vvhose reBiClence
is 904 West Di vi sj.on st., Grand Islc"nd, Eebra,slea, and who shall
receive as conroensation for their services the sum of :b~ive
Dollars ($5.00) per day of the time necessarily occupied. Said
c"-ssessors shall meet in the Council ChEuilber of the City- Hall in
the Ci ty of Grand Island, HebrcJ.;;:,K<:.c on the 16th day of Feizlruc),ry,
1924 at two o'clock P. I'll., c)..nd, after tc:ddng oc.cth to discha:rge
their duties fed thfully and impaJ."tic.lly, shall, on the same day,
view the property appropriated, a,nd on the i3ame day, or as soon
thereafter as practicable make. sign and return to the City
Clerk in wri ting, a just and i'c-'.ir aSfJeSSment of the damages for
each piece or lot of property, the whole or part of which is to
be appropriL_ ted.
Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby instructed to deliver
to each of the owners in fee residing in the City of Grand
Island, a copy of the newspaper publishing this ordinance, or when
the owners be not found, to some person at their respective
residences, at the same time calling attention ~)!f the person to
"whom delivered, to such ordin<.,mce in the paper. Such service
shall be made as much as ten days bef ore the d.i:;.tY fixed for the
meeting of the assessors.
Section 4. Payment of damages assessed for the e.;ppropriation
of such private property may be made out of the general or any
other surplus fund of the City.
Section 5. '1'he Council shall assess and levy the whole
expen se and da..muge incurred in the crea ti on of said part of
North Cherry St. upon the real estate fronting upon the sa..rne and
other property near by which be benefited thereby in proportions
according to benefi ts. Such aSf3essments and levy shall be mcLde
by l~esolu tion, ELnd at a regular meetinG. of the council, and
notice of the time of such meeting and tha.t such assessments
will be made thereat, shall be published in the"Grand Island
DAily Independent ten days before such meeting.
Section 6. Such special taxes shall be due and po.yable to
the City Treasurer vii thin thirty days after the asses sment and
Section 7. This ordinance she.ll be in force and take
effec t from ttnd a.fter its l)aSSctge, c.pprovcll Ciond publi CE ti on, as
provided by law.
Passed and approved this 2nd day of January, 1924.
(S eal)
---'-C i-iY--clerF.--'-'-'--'_._--
-----1fuyor-.- -.-------.---
i3tate of Nebraska,
County of Hall,
Grand Island City.
C< c'
I,H.n.Clifford,City Clerk in and for said City of Grand
Island,do hereby certify that on the 30,day of January 1924 I
delivered to each of the resident owners of the property taken
under the I3bove Ordinance J.lTo.lOl5 a copy of the news]JG.rJcr in wbi<h
said Ordinance wrc_s published and called the attention of each of the
Resident Owners of said property
to the said Ordinance No.1015
publifj:hed in said pcqjer .V/itness my hand and Official Seal This
30,day of' January,A.D.1924. ~~z;~-
C1 ty Clerk
f i'
if'- ~l
An ordinance creating flewsI' Di strict Ho. 121 in the
Ci ty of Grand Island, HebraBka, d.efining the botmdar1"es thereof,
-nrovi,din;:-" I' or the laviYl;<:i: of a sewer in sa icl di strict. descri binD'
.... - v - -, 0
the manner in which same sIlall be laid) assessing the costs thereof
against the abutting property.
WKl.!lR1GAS, the N[ayor and City Council of theCity of Grand Island,
J:j'ebraska find that the steps heretofore taken for the creating of
newer District no. _12.1__,___ are regule,r and lawful and that a
sewer to be laid in the District hereinafter defined, is a public
necessity; and
WIillfillAS, by a three-fou:L'ths vote of all the membem of the Ci ty'
Council said sewer main has been or'dered laid without cost to the Ci ty.
HOW, Tm;RJ:i;]'OIlli, BIG IT ORDAIJillD by the Mayor and City Council
of the Ci ty of Gru.Yld. Island, rqebrcJ,ska:
Section 1. 1'hat Sewer District 1'70.
Grand Island, Nebraska is hereby created,
121 of the Ci t;y of
same to be in the alley
between 12th. and 13th. from Locust to Cedar Street.
Section 2. That a sewer ~):rtall be laid along the course above
described, running through said blocks, in accordance with the
plans and specifications governing sewers heretofore established
for laying sewers in so far as said plans c:.,nd s:pecifications can
be carried out.
[iection 2. That :the entir-e cost of constructing said sewer
shall be assessed against the abutting property in Baid district,
and a tax ;;,hall be levied as soon as the cost can be abcertained,
said tax to become delinquent and draw interest as provided by
Section 4. The City Engineer lS hereby authorized to ~raw
plans and SI)ecifice,tiollS of 8aid sewer and make estime,te of the
co~;t thereof and submit same to the City Councill and vvhen
adopted, the City Clerk shall at once advertise for bids for the
construction of said sewer) in accordance with the plans and
specifications submitted, reserving the right to reject any and
all bids.
Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided
by law.
Passed and approved tili s
day of
.l::p..l1Jl f:Jr~
City Cletk.
Ordinance No. lOl?
~ OEDIN.lIlW.s provicUng for the issuance of District
Pavins- Bonds of District ITumlJcr 52, of the Citv of
Granel Island, Eall COl1nt;y, Ncbraska.P
WI{8EJ~AS, the Mayor ancl C0111lOil of the City of Grand Island, Hall
County, Hebraslca, d:i.d by proceedings regularly had create Paving I)is..
tr:ict NUJnber 52 in saict Cit:~T anc1 order the construction of po;ving and
other local imprOVemGllt work in said District; and..
vn-mR[;JAS, special assessments have been levied against the pr~H
perty benefiteil in said District as by ls,V] provicled pa~rable one-tenth
(1/10) in each of the years 1924 to 1933, inclusive, in the aggregate
amount of ?o:cty-six Thousand One Hundred Forty'-six Dollars and 3ixty-
nine Cents (~l~j46,146.69) and TVvel1ty-two ThouSo.,IJ.cl 'rhree Hun.clrecl 'rhiTty
three Dollars (;1~22, 333.00) of the second and s!lcceec1:lhng im:1tal:rnents
of said assessments are now unpald; and
VJIillRKA.S, E3alcl worl{ has been completecl ancl has been accepted. 'by
the Ma;lor and.. Oonncil of said City; and
RHBlIL~AS, it is clesired by said City to iSZTte District1?aving
Bonds to ffilticipate the collect ion of the unpaid. portion of the sec-
ond and succeed ing instalment s of said ;3.98cia1 Assessme:nts and to pay
the c'ost of the paving of the streets in said Paving ])istrict, as by
statute provided.
NOW. rr}mm~l!-'ORE ,
-' ----...--...---
-- --_.---=.........-
OTI mOrT"'"
..::! '.1:.11'.'.
--=- -.-
:3ection 1. rrhat there be :Lssu.ed Fistriet PavIng Bonds of Dif:~-
tr:Lct lhunbcr
h <,
<) t::,
of the City of Grand Islana, Hall C(1)Il
, 1<c:1)J'~afJl:[1 in
the ac'gregate amoTl.nt of rrwenty-two ThouSD.:nd Dollars ($22,000) to pai,7
tl1.8 cost of pavil1g street 8, avenues an.(l alleys in the Paving }Hstr let
herein described, exclusi.ve of interseetions of streets an(1 avenU.8S
and spaces oppor.:"Ji te alleys, o..nc1 to anti aipa te the collect :Lon of the
unpaid. portio:n~~~~~o:f:' the second and succeeding
insta1ments of special assessmentst levied to 1m,y the cost of paving
mH.1. improvements in suid Pavirj.g Distriot, ::laid boncls to 1)0 elated
Jarnmr;y 1, 1924; YlUil1berecl o:ne (1) to forty-four (44) inclusive; be of
the denomination of Five Hundred Dollars (:ki500) ,each; bear interest
at t110 rate of six per ceDt (6;0) per annum, payuble all1lUally, on the
first day of Janp:ar~7 of each year, sa:Ld interest to be evidenced by
coupons attached. to sai d lJonds, ma tD.ring 0:0 the .several cia tes vlhen
said ihterost u.ccnw8; OJ1U ;oJald bonds iJhall llecome cIne cmd. :.paYftble
Jarmal':;r 1, 1934 but reoeernable in lTtlmericml Ol~(le:r at a1:1~T t::Lm.o after
the date of theil' isslla:nce.
Sect 1011 2.
That Elaicl bonds 1)8 Gigned. by the Eayor and attested
by t118 Clel~l: o:f f3aid. Ct't;y UJld. tllat
senl of said City be iIDpressed
O:Cl sale, 1\0l1C1D, and that saia C onponf3 l)e execnJ.ted l)y the facsimile
signatures of f:la ill Lfa;'lor and Olork, v/hich said. off:! clals 1)y the exeCrt.-
tioD of said bond.s shall a8-oIlt as ancl for thoir oVJn proper signatures
their respective facsimile signatures appearing 011 m1i.c1 coupons, and
Baid bonds shall have endorsed thereon forms of certificates for 1.'e-
gistratloIl tJY the AucHtor of the ;:3tate of Febraska, and. b;y the County
Clerk of Hall County, Nebraska.
COect.i nn '7.
,) ...l..'-.'---~.:d--
That saicl l)oncls, coupons and. certificates be in shb-
stantiall~l the fol1o'!Iing forms:
mHTl'~:D STATES OBI .1\.l!EmrCA
,r'\ 1 T T\'T:':~~J""J ]3. Y'" T1T~lE~-~r~
,C\., ~ ~ _ ....,......~
:PRESEIJTS: That the Oi ty of
in Hall C01.:mt~l, lTelJrasl=a hereby aC1Dl0VJledges :Ltself to owe an(l fo:r
valUt) received promises to pay to bearer the 8UIll of j'iveHundred
':Dollars (~1~500) all the fi:cst day of Jal1uar~l, 1934 with i.nterest thereon
at the rate of six per ce:nt (050) per annum from the date hereof until
paid, paya.bl(:l an:n1J..[~11y 011 the firl;,t cU.::w of January in each year, upon
surrender of the attached coupons as they severally matu.re. Both
princilJal hereof ana. interest hereon are herebJr made pay<::.ble in lawful
money of the United States of America at the office of the Cormty
Treasurer of Hall Count;}T, at Gralld 1s1o.11.cl., Hebruska.
:B'or the pTOlopt pa;Y1Eent of thisbonc1, both principal and i11t erest,
the flt11 fai tIlt ciJ'edi t and resouroes of saia. Oi ty are hereby irre-
vocably l>leclged.
ThiG l)()nd and the other bonds of this issue are payable at the
option of said City at all~l time, in :numerical ora.er.
This bond is one of an issue of 'l\;vent~l-two Thousand :Dollars
(~~22tOOO) issued u11(ler authority of Chapter 44 of the Compiled
Statu.tes of tho :Jtate of l~ebrasl:a. 1922, as amcmled. and. ot;her pel~-
ti:nent statutes of saia. State, for the purpose of paying the 0:' st of
paving street;3, avenues ana alleys in Paving Distriet nu.mber 52, in
sa:itl Ci'ty, exclusive of intersect ions of streets ana avenu.es and
spaces oPp08i te alleys and anti cipa t ing the collect 10:n of special
assessments levied to pay the cost of work in salcl Paving District,
c.nd said special assessments have been set asi.de and C0118ti tuted a
sinking fund for the payment of bonds of this series, anci is t..nlthor-
ized by an ordinance duly passed by the Council of said Ci t~T, approved
b;y the Mayor thereof and published, as required by 18:vv.
. +- .
~l, 1S
hereby certified and recited that all conditions, things and acts re-
quired by law to exist, to be or to be clone 1 preCed_El11t to amI in the
issuing of t11is bond have been clone, have exiE~ted and have been per-
formed iD du.e form and t :Lme ancl that the indebtedness of said 0i ty,
iTlclucUng this bond" does not exceed any limitatjeon imposecl by law'.
11"1 I[jTi'c:rPI-j"','TO"YY '\iRF'PF'0TI'~he Ci tv of Grand, Islo..n6 "by its Mayor and
_,~v... .1.. ,...1 I....J..J.. . ._~ J...~ J ..:J..J. L.l....J ~, v" if
Council, llas caused the corpora to seal of sa :Ld. Oi ty to be impressed
hereon and tlds 1)ond to be signed by its Mayor anc1- attested by its
Clerk 0,11(1 the coupons hereto attached to be signed by saio. Mayor and
Clerk respectively bJ7 their facsimile sig11atures, and said officials
d,o by tho exeoution heroof aclopt as and for their ovm propel' signa-
tures their respective facsimile signatures appearing on said coupons,
all as of the first day of January, 1924.
(]'O mvI 0 Ii' coupon)
.L\ () .
,Jl,,.,,o 00
'tV;:) .
Ont:he first (ley of J'an,nary, 19_, the City of Grand Island,
Hall County 1 IJohrasl',:a, will pay to nearer Thirt~T NO/IOO Dollars
(;;)30.00) at the office of the Count;y ;rreasurer of Hall Count~r, at
Grana. Island, ='Jebraska, for interest (lue that day on its District
l'avLng Bond o:f.: District IJunrber 52, dated January 1, 1924. Humber
('t;10Pl.r O'(~1 ilT1'lU'rmJ."O", f=! ('1":i~p,nlI~,"I'C,lti17)
.- ,;...",1;.I. .L' ..r...U_ It 1...... J..,J....._.L ..Q'_ _f-1...L..:...:..J
I clo hereb;,/ certify that I have examined the wi thin bond and all
proceeclings relu,ti ve to its issue o'nct a.o fino. and hereby certify that
the wi thin bond has been regu.1arly and 1 egal1y issued (the data filed
in my office being the basis of this certificate) and that the saDIe
has been registerecl in nw office in accordance with the provisions of
the Compiled :Hatutes of the State of Hebraska, 1922, as amended.
'HI11JESS my signature and seal of this office this
" day of
, 1924.
Aud.itor of Public Accounts.
Regh~try IT o.
, Page
3T ilT!j OP I:EHIU\SKI\ ),
) ss
I, J. E. Lyle, County Clerk of the COIU1t~T
aforesaid, do hereby certify that this bOJJ.cl has been registered in
my office pursuant to the provisions of the Compiled Statutes of the
State of Nebraska, 1922, as amended.
WITNES~ my sigTlature and the seal of said County t this ___
day of
, 1924.
Co-rmty Clerk.
Section 4. That said bor.Jils be executed as herein provided and
tbereupon presentecL to tbe AucLi tor of Public Accounts together VIi th
statements and shol]iJi:ngs required oJ! the Compiled. Statutes of LTebrasl<:a,
1922, as am e11<1 e 0, , a1'1(l that when said. bonds shall have been duly' and
properly registered by" and in the office of the Auditor of Pu1Jlic
Accounts, pursuant to the provisions of said Statute, the same tle pre-
sented to the County Clerlz of Hall County, Nebraslm to register the
same in a 1Jonu record provicled fo~c that purpose, and execute the form
of certificate herein provided to be endorsed upon siid bonds; and
\Tillen sa:i.<l (Jonds sha11 have been executed and registered as b.erein pro-
vioed, same 811tt11 be delivered to Peters Trust Company. Omaha, IJeb-
raska, the purchaser thereof, upon receipt of the pu1'ohase price
therefor, same being not less than the par value thereof and said sale
is hereby confirmed.
Sect ion 5. The unpaid portion of the :3econd and succeecling i11-
stalrnents of said special assessments levied to pay the cost of pav-
ing and improvements in -?aving District Number 52 in said City, be
anel the same are hereby set aside and consti tutec.'J.. sinking fund for
the payment of stdd. bonels, anel there be antI there is hereby levied
a direct annual tax upon all the taxable property in said. Ci t;y wh:Lch
tax togotller wi th said special assessment sinking flJ.nd shall be suf-
ficient to pay said b01](18, both prmncipal a11e1 interest, at maturity
and the full faith, credit ana. resources of sai<'l City [Je and are
hereby pledged for the prompt payment of s8.i(1 bonels, both principal
and interest.
Section 6. That all orcUnances a11(1 rcsolrl.tions ano. l)[,~rts of
ol'(linances and resolutions in conflict with the terms hereof be and
the same are hereby repealed.
Section 7. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect
immediately upon :Lts adoption, approval and publication as requirE}d
by law.
T. J. Ellsberry
H. "Bi. Clifford
City Clerk.
( Seal)
Ordi~~:r~~ No. 1018
Jin ordiw.;U1 c e 1 evying a special sewer u:Lstr:i ct .eel.x to })cLY :fa 3:'
the com;truction .of a E;c:;VJel' in gevler D:Lstrj.ct liro. 11'7 of the Cj.ty
of Grand IG1GJ:d, l~ebrcLska c;,nd providing for the c o11oction theroof.
EC I'l' OHDAINIm by the IvIayor and Ci ty Counc il of the Oi ty of
Grand I::;LLnd, l~ebraska.
fiection ilL. ThLLt aspec ieu sewer di stri c t tax be and the same is
hereby levied and assessed to pay' tile expense of constructing a
sewer in Sewer District No. 117 of the City of Grarld Island, Nebraska
against the res:pective lots, tri.cctD ccnd parcels of land in said
d.ibtl'ict in the amuunts set op:posi te the respective cief:Jcriptions, to-wi t:
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, in Block 5, S~uth Grand Island, $58.89 each;
South 56' of Lot 6, Block 5, South Grand Island, $49.97;
North 10' of Lot 6, in Block 6, South Grand Island, $8.92;
Lot 7, in Block 5, South Grand Island, $44.17;
_ J,ot o~, ir,t Block 5, Part Bast g~ Uoutll of Track J, SmJth Gra.nd
Is~and Aua., ~14.72;
P8.rt of Nwi l\f\;vt of Sec tion 22-11-9, form.erly Bloc};: 6, [301.J tll
GrcLnd IslD.):,d Add., $\4Yll.12;
I,otB I, 2, ;5, il, 5, 6, ? and 8, in Block 15, f:louth Gl'CMld IslicLnCL
Add., $58.89 each;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, '7 and 8, in Block 16, South Grand ~Bland
Add., $58.89 eGch.
i~)ection 2. cl specHl1 sewer (Ustrict tax shall be due a,nd
become delinquent in the TIlo.YlYler cdld ,;,t the time provided by lfLVJ and
sila 11 be call ec ted in trll:; manne)~ IH'ovided by law.
~)ec ti em ;7). The Ci ty Cleric of' t,he Oi ty of Grand I ::ilcond, Nebr<..cslc.t
is hereb;y instructed and directed to certify to the Coutny TrcG.surer
of Hall Oocmty, :Nebl'[Ls};:,;~, the ,-'OLm01.mt of Gaid taxes togethi;;r \tlith
inDtrrlctj.ons to call ec t the same '-'oS IH'ovidecL by law.
[3ection 4. This o:cclinEnlee shc:dl be in force and take effect
from (.Lnd [:,i'ter i to l)c~Gsage, bpproval cJ,nd publico.tion b.G provided
by la,V\'.
IJassed ['.n6. c'-}yproveo. this l~. day of January J 192/1.
(S eal)
---'--.'cfl.Ty. C re-i~'ic-.---"-'" ... .....
~.r.Jf.l.l~9-~r..r:.Y._, ___._.____ ---.'-'-.-
Mayor. .
i ,-
ORDIl~AN'CE No. 1019
An ordiw:d1ce levying a special sower Ctistrict tax to pay for
~ne construction of a sewer in Sewer District No. 118 of the
City of' Grand lSlt;,nd, ITebrL't ka, and providing for the collection
BIt; I'l' ORDAIN1GD -by the Mayor and Oi ty Council of the Ci ty
pf Grand Island, Nebrash~:
,Sec tion 1. That a special sewer difJtl'ict tax be and the
same is hereby levied and a;,s Baed to pay tIle expense of con-
structing a sewer in Sewer District No. 118 of the City of
G:r'c~nd IslEcnd, lTebrd3ka agi.dnbt the respective lots, tru.ctB i.:J:ICl
pe,rcels of L"nd in Bc:dd district in the anKlL.mts set oppose the
respective descriptions, to-wit:
Lot A, Jones [lub-di vision, i;'28. 76;
Lot B II II 2'1 .16 ;
:Lot C II II 24.16;
Lot D 11 II 26.50
Lot 'Ll II 11 31 .93;
IJot 5 in Blocl\: '7 Wi ebe; c; Ldd.itj_on, ~i;41. 56 ;
, , ,.)
I,ot 6 11 n '7 " II 2.92
Section 2. Said special sewer district tax shall be due
(,nd become delinquent in the manner dud D.t the time provided by
law emd ahall be collee tad in the maimer provided by Imv.
Section 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska
is hereby instructed dud airected to certify to the county treasurer
of Hall County, ITebr'8.skCi., the 8.Llount of said taxes together wi th
instructions to collect the ScLfIlC as ]JJ:'ovided by law.
Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its p<,:w:,;;;),ge ,pprovciJ and publication leU':; provided
by law.
Pas ued. <.wd approved tili s 16th (Jay ai' J-anuary, 1924..
( Seal )
j\ ttest;
Cit:'l Clerk.
_~_~j:.:.._J....KLl.sJ2e.r.r.Jc._~___..~ ..___~____
An OI'C1.J.n8.nce levying a speciCtl sewer diBtrict tax to pay for
the cOfH,truction of a seVier in {jewel' District No. 119 of the City
of Grand Island, Nebraska and providing for the collection there~f.
BJ.ll IT ORDAI11T~D by the NIayor and City Council of the City of
Grand Isluna, Nebraska:
f3ecU.on 1. That a special se\ver cListrj.ct t8.:X be Emd the sc~me is
hereby levi~d and assessed to pay the expense of constructing a
sewer in Dewer I)i~;trict No. 119 of the Ci ty of GrcuJ0. !roland, ITebl'u.uka
against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land in said
district in the amounts Bet opposite the re ective descriptions,
A_~ot8 I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and '7 in Block 8, Harm's Third,Addition,
~,;)<.')4 .0'7 Go.ch:
Lots 5, 6, 'I, 8, 9 and 10, Hl 1310cle 8, Koebler Ple.ce j,ddit:i.on,
~'p42.03 each.
Section ;2. i~'aid s:peclaJ. sevier district tcu~ shall 'be due and
bee ome de linquen t in the rne.nner and at the time provided by law and
sh<,~11 be e ollee ted in the manne:rprovid.ed by L<1,v.
Gection 3. The City Clerk of the City of Gr~nd IGl~nd, Nebraska
is hereby inutructed and directed to certify to the County Treasurer
of Hall County', Hebr,.Lsku. the Cc,xc:ount of ~)aid tE,:xes, together wi th
inf:;tructionfJ to collect the E;cmJC as provided by h,w.
[-jection 4. '1'11is ordinance shall be in force and tELke effect
i'rom b.nd c.:C.ter its pas sage, approval and publicL~ tion E. s provided by le,v!.
})c!'ssed <.nd <'3..i:mroved tl:lis 16th day of Jam.l.cu~y, 1924.
--'--c-rtyCi-erk-.---'-- -~--
'1.'. J .Ellsberry
~\'kc:Y 0 r .
! '--'i
( ,
ORDINAlfCE No. 1021
An ordinance vacating the alley in Block Ninety-one
(91) of the Original Town, now City of Grand Island,
BE IT OIIDAIHJ.!.::D by the I'J[ayor u,nd City Council of the
City of Grand Island, Ncbrasl::a:
i::;ection 1.
The..t the alley in Blocl: 91 of the Original
Tovm, now Ci ty of Gnl.nd Island, Nebraska be and the same
is hereby vacc_Lted,. and. the l'Jiayor is authorized to execute a
qui tclaim deed to the abutting property ovmers therefor.
pec~_~on-1?..!.. This ordinance shall be in force and
take effec t from cLnd after i tG pi:;,ssage, ap];>roval ,:md
publication, as by law provided.
J?:-18 sed and am;Jl'oved thi s
16,. dc!"Y of January I 1924.
;.ttest: ) (Seal)
T. J .JUlsb 8rry
City Clerk.
,_, <"F
An ordinance providing for the submission to the electors of
the City of Grand lsland~ Nebraska~ at the general election to
be held on the ~~t~ day of April~ 1924~ the question of issuing
fifty (50) neogitable bonds of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
each in the principal awn of $1000.00, dated July 1, 1924 and due
July 1, 1934, but payable at the option of said City at any time
after two years from the date thereof, each of said bonds draw ing
interest from its date at the rate of 4* % per annum, payable
annually and evidenced by ten (10) coupons attached to each of
said bonds, said bonds and coupons being payable to bearer at the
office of the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska in the
City of Grand Island; and further to submit the proposition of
whether the Mayor and City Council of said City shall levy annually
on all the taxable property in said city a tax sufficient to pay
the annual interest as the swne matures, and to reaise a sinking
fund sufficient to pay the principal of said bonds when due; the
proceeds of said bonds to be devoted exclusively by the Mayor and
City Council of the City of Grand Island to the pu~pose of purchasing
real estate, to-wit, the Stolley Park, for park purposes.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Ci ty Council of the Oi ty of
Grand Island, Nebrasl~:
Section 1. There is hereby submitted to the ele~ors of the
City of Grand Island, Nebraska to be voted on at the general
election to be held on the 1st day of April, 1924, the following
"Shall the Mayor and City Council of the City
of Grand Island, Nebraska issue fifty (50)
negotiable bonds of said City of the sum of
One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) each, dated
July 1, 1924, due July 1, 1934, but payable at
the option of said City after two years from the
date thereof, each of said bonds drawing interest
from date at the rate of 4*% per annurn, payable
annually and evidenced by ten (10) coupons attached
to each of said bonds, said bonds a.nd coupons payable
to bearer and payable at the office of the County
Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, in the City of
Grand Island; and shall the Mayor and City Council
of said City levy annually on all the taxable
property in said City a tax sufficient to pay the
annual interest as the same matures, and to raise
a sinking fund sufficient to pay the principal of
said bonds when due; the proceeds from the sale
of said bonds to be exclusively devoted by the
Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island
to the purpose of purchasing real estate, to-wit,
the Stolley Park, for park purposes for the City
of Grand Island?"
Section 2. The Ci~y Clerk of Grand Island, Nebraska shall cause
to be prepared, ballots for use in said election; said ballots to
be printed on whi te paper and to be designated as flOfficial Ba1lotfl
and upon said ballots shall be printed the proposition embbd1ed in
Section 1 of this ordinance, followed by the words "Yes" and "No"
and a black square under each of said words, and in accordance with
the form prescribed in the gen,;ral laws relative to elections in
the State of Nebraska.
All electors who favor the affirmative of said proposition shall
make a cross in the blank square ~ opposite the said proposition
and under the word "Yes'. and all electors who are opposed to said
proposition shall make a corss in the blank square opposite said
proposition and under the word "no.1t
Section 3. The returns from the said election shall be made at
the same time as the return from the election of the officers of the
Ci ty of Grand Island held on said date and shall be canvassed at the
same time as the canvass of the said election.
Section 4. The City Clerk of the City of Grand leland,
Nebraska shall cause a notice to be published and submitted of
the above proposition to the electors at the general election,
as provided by law.
Section 5. The Mayor and City Council after any of such
bonds shall have been issued by the City shall levy annually upon
all taxable property of theCity such tax as may be necessary for a
sinking fund for the payment of the accruing interest upon the bonds
and the principal thereof at ma~urity.
Section 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication asprovided
by law.
Passed and approved this 27~4. day of February, 1924.
H. E. Clifford
Oi ty 'Clerk.
An orui:nance levying ,)_ DpeC~a.L sewer (listrict tax. to
pay for the construction of a Gewer in Sewer District No. 76
of the City' of Grund Island, Hebr["~:,ka, &.na :providing for the
collection thereof.
Be it ordained by the mayor and city council of the
Ci ty of Grand Isle;,nd, Hebraulca:
Section 1. Thc.tt a speciE,l sewer difJtrict tax be and
the same i;;,; hereby levied and cU'H.essed to pa:z the expew;e of
constructing a seVier in Sewer Di otl'ic t 1~0. 7~ of -G.tJ.e Ci tJr of
Grand lslc.md, HebraDka againLt the respective lots, trHcts
8.1?,Q. parcels of land in said district in the amount:;:) ;jet
opposite the reGpective deGcriptions towit;
Lot 1
Ii 2
II 3
II 4
" 5
" 6
tI 7
t1 8
It g.
tl 10
fl 1
Ii 2
II "
Block 36
Il tI
II "
II 35
II 3
II 4"
II 5
II 6
II 7
II 8
11 g
11 10
Ii 1
Ii 2
Ii Ii
II 1111
U Ii
11 II
tJ Ii
tl 34
Ii 9
<li; 4 75
'iP .,
Ll. 57
4 . 5;'q
4. 'J""
/j;? . 52
ll? .521
J15. ? 6
4? . 52,
47 . f5~2
i.15.76 I
'15. 76
liJ'orth ~~
South -"-
Horth f
Sou tJ:l ~~-
Frb,c ti o llc;, 1 II
Lot 1
II .)
II 4
Ii 1
1 D.nd its complement
Ii 1
II 1
Ii 2
Ii ;)
h 4
l; 6.
Ii '7
r 8
1 8.nd its coyr:piliement
, ~
II 8
.' 1/
wnw OLPH t S
Koehly,r Place
Block 4
~ I
11 II
~\558 .08
58:. 08
58 .08
:~:8 . 08
~:8 . 08
fj8 . 08
15. r34
;, 1I
4 . 'itfS;.
. ?5i
4 6..46,
6, 58.08
II 58.08
Lot 2 Koehler Sub-Dive '47.52 .IllnO un t
" .:.> 11 47.52
" 4 II 47.52
II ,. II 47.52
II 6 II 4'7.52
II 'I Ii 47.52
Ii 8 II 47.52
II 9 II 47.52
H 10 Ii 47.52
11 11 ~:' 4'7.52
n 1') " 47.52
f" 1/
,c 1" ji 47.52
" .0
Ii 14 " 47.52
11 15 :'.<: 47.52
to lG 11 47.52
II 17 47.52
II 18 it 47.52
II 1 84-d< Ie. VlIEBES t
tI s:) ~
II '1 11
iI 6 ' ~'
~I 'I "
" U H
The 1\J'orth 132 Feet of Lot 15, County Sub-division. South .l
S~utheast t of lot Si;:teenJ Eleven, Nine and acreage in
st:~ction twenty-one, 11 Ltnd 9 to inc-,-ude from John Street
north to alley, South of Blocks 3 _ 4 Wicbes' Addition and
between Cleburn & Clark sts. Ebst 132 Feet of above
East 344 of West 476 Feet
Nort~1 t vr~st,,13;'~ Feet,.o.f' "7~st 1~'7~ E'eet
Soutn ~ or 102 Feet 01 Weu~ 470 ~eet
Lot 1 WIEBES' Block 5
II 2 tl " "
II 3 II U "
It 4 II n II
11 5 t! \I II
II 6 II " tI
II '7 II II 1111
II 8 It " II
'1 n II t: Ii
11 ,j Ii " II
1l 4 \1 \I H
It " t1 II H
fI c' n 11 Ii
" 8 t: i' n
II 0 Ii II n
" 10 Ii Ii II
Il 1 1\ n 50
tJ {"., " 11 "
If 3 fI II II
I! 5 II H II
II 6 11 liS H
li '1 II II 1:
11 8 II Ii II
n 9 11 Ii "
Ii 10 II }i n
II 8 Koehler Place II 5
11' 9 \I \I \I
II 10 II tl II
II 11 It If II
II 12 II " If
11 14 If It II
II 8 If II 6
It 9 II 1\ II
II 10 If It II
II 11
II 12 \I If It
58 · 08 8
58 . v3
4 r; .52
. 45.76
4:f>. .t16
47. l5J4',
4,7 . P'~;
45. .76'
4p .76"
Lot 14 of the County Subdivision, st of SEi, Section 16-11-9
East, Wiebe Addition
Between Section 16 and South Park'Add.
Lot 1, Block m, Artistic Homes
II 2 II 1 << II
IJot 13, County Subdivision, wi of swt, Section 15-11-9,
Between Pine and Locust
Lot 15, Above description
II 16
If 17
4~ 4.44
Lot 6,
II 1
II 2
If 3
" 4
II 5
II 6
II ?
East 100 feet North 65
West 164 feet North 65
West half,North 50 ft.
East half " tl II
Sou th 50 feet
South Park
Koehler Place
" <<
100 ft.
Sou th
Block 1
" 1
n " II
1I l! II
II 11 fl
Section 2. Said special sewer district tax ahall be due and
become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law
and shall be collected in the manner provided by law; provided,
however, that the City Clerk shall not certify tile amount of said
taxes to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska on any of
the property herein described until ordered so to do by a Resolution
of the City Council.
Section 3. Permission is hereby granted to the owners of any
of the property hereinbefore set forth to pay said taxes hereby
levied and assessed against any of the property herein described, as
shall be determined by the Sewer Inspector of the City of Grand
Island, Nebrska, whenever such person ahal1 desire to tap the said
sewer fOl' sewer purposes, without interest; provided, however, that
said permission shall have been granted before said taxes shall
have been ordered certif',i"ed to the County Treasurer of Hall County,
Section 4. It is hereby made the duty of the Sewer Inspector
to collect the tax hereinbefore levied and assessed as a tapping
charge againut the prope:r'ty hereinbefore taxed, until the taxes
hereinbefore levied and assessed shall have been certified to the
County Treas~r of Hall County.
Section 5. No person or persons, corporation or corporations,
association or associations shall tap the sewer in Sewer District
No. 76 for the purpose of serving any of the property hereinbefore
described without first having obtained a permit therefor, as
provided by the Compiled Ordinances of the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska, and without first having paid to the Sewer Inspector for
said permit the tax hereinbefore levied and assessed as a tapping
charge, and in the event such person or persons, cor-poration or
corporations, association or associations, shall tap the said sewer
wi thout first having obtained said permi t, or wi thou t first having
paid the tax so 1 evied and assessed, the said person or persons,
corporation or corporations, association or associations shall become
liable under the Compiled Ormnances of the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska and in addi tion thereto, it is hereby made the duty 0 f the
City Clerk of the City of Grand Island to certify to the County
Treasurer of Hall County, liJebraska the a.mount of the taxes levied
and aSDeS;Jed. Ci.gainst the premises, together with instructions to
collect the same as providea by law.
Section 6. 'I'his ordinance shall be in force and ta.ke effect
from and after its pa.ssage, approval and publication, as provided
by law.
Passed and;;approved this 5th daor of March, 1924.
Attest: (Seal)
... ,It.E.Clifford
--arty Clerli- ,
"V-"'_ ....&
Ordinance No. 1024
An ordinmlce levying a special sewer district tax to pay
for the construction of a sewer in Sewer District No. 121 of
the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the
collection thereof.
BE IT OillQ)AlNED by the Mayor and City Council of the City
of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That a special sewer di strict tax be and the
same is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of
constructing a sewer in Sewer District No. 121 of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska against the respective lots, tracts and
parcels of land in said district in the amounts set opposite
the respective descriptions, to-wit:
Lots 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in Block 1, Schimmer's
Addition, $51.23 each;
Lots 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 emd 10, in Block 2, SChimmer's
.Addition, q- 51 2') each;
'iP ..,/~
I,ots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Block 59, Wheeler & Bennett's
Addition, d1'51 23 each.
tJP . v.
Section 2. Said special sewer district tax shall be due and
become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law
and shall be collected in the manner provided by law.
Section 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska
is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Treas~r
of Hall County., Nebraska, the amount of said taxes together wi th
instructions to collect the saIlIe as provided by law.
Sec tion 4. Thi s ordinance shall be in force and take effec t
from and after its passage, approval and publication as prOVided
by law.
Passed and approved this 5th day of March, 1924.
Attest: (Sea.l)
cji-ty..Ci"erk.-..- -. .
)jfayo r-:--.-
, J
An Ordinance creating Sewer District No. 122 in the City of
Grand Island, fIebraska defining the boundaries thereof, providing
for the laying of a swwer in saiddi.strict, describing the manner
in which same. shall 'be laid, assessing the costs thereof aga,inst
the abutting property.
WK8REAS, the Mayor and City Council of the Oity of Grand
Island, Nebraska, find that the steps heretofore taken for the
creating of Sewer District No. 122 are regular and lawful, and
that a sewer to be laid in the District hereinafter defined is a
public necessity; and
WHEREAS, by a three-fourths vote of all the meml)ers of th e
Cit~r Council, said sewer main has lJeell ordered laid without cost
to the Cj.ty.
NOW, THEREFOHE, B1~ IT OHDADTlDD by the Hayor and City Council
of the City of Grand I81an(1, Nebras~:
Section 1. That Sewer Distriot No. 122 of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska is herehy created, same to embrace the
alley between 7th and 8th streets from Beal st. west to the C.B.
& Q. Right of Way and all property abutting thereon, boun(led. as .
Section 2. That a sewer shall be lai{( along the course
above described running through saic1 blocks, in accar dance with
the plans and specifications governing sewers heretofore estab-
lished for laying sewers in so far as saie. pla:ns and specifica-
tions can be carried out.
f3ection 3. That the ent ire cost of constructing said sewer
shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district,
and a tax shall be levied as soon as the cost can be ascertained,
said tax to become delinquent and draw interest as provided by law.
Section 4. The City Engineer is hereby authorized to draw
plans and specifications of said sewer and make estimate of the
cost thereof and submit same to the City Conncil, and vJhen adopted,
the City Clerk shall at once advertise for bids for the construc~
tion of said sewer, in accordance with the plans and specifications
submitted, reserving the right to reject any and all bids.
Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take
effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as
provided by law.
Passed and approved thi s 19th day of "March 1924.
H. E. Clifford (Seal)
- - -- City-Clerk:
_ T.~J~ ~11sE.e~x _ _
j /
An ordin&'1ce creating sewer clistrict No. 120 in the City of
Grand Islanel, Nebraska, defining the "boundaries thereof, providing
for the laying of a sewer in said district, describing the man-
ner in which same shall be laid, assessing the co sts thereof
against the abutting property.
VlInJREAS, the Mayor and Oi ty Oouncil of the City of Grand
Island, Nebraska, find t1mt the steps heretofore taken for the
creating of x Sewer District No. 120 are regular and lawful, and
that a sewer to be laid in the District hereinafter defined is a
public necessity; and
WID~REAS, hy a three-fourths vote of all the members of the
City Oouncil, said sewer main has l)ee11. ordered laid wothout cost
to the City.
Nmv, I'HEREPOng, BE III ORDAIITED by the Ma3Tor and City Corm-
cil of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Seotion 1. That Sewer District No. 120 of the Oity of
Grand Island, Nebraska is hereby created, same to embraoe the
alley between John St. and Anna St. from Locust st. to Monroe
St. and all property abutting thereon, bounded as aforesaid.
Section 2. That a sewer shall be laid along the course
above described, running through said blocks, in accordance with
tje plans and specifications governing sewers heretofore estab-
lished for laying sewers in so far as said plans and specifica-
tions can be carried out.
Section 3. That the entire cost of constru.cting said
sewer shall be assessed against the abu.tting property in said
distri ct, and a tax shall be 1 avied as soon as the cost can be
ascertained, said tax to become delinquent and clraw interest as
proviCted [)y law.
Seot ion 4. The Ci ty J~ngineer is hereby authorized. to
draw plans and specifications of said sewer and make estimate of
the cost thereof and submit same to the City Council, and when
adopted the City Clerk shall at once advertise for bids for the
construction of said sel;ver, in accordance wi th the plans and
speeifications submitted, reserving the right to re~ect any ana.
all bids.
Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take ef-
fect from and after itB passage, approval and publication as
provided by law.
Passed and approved this 19th day of March 1924.
H. E. Clifford (Seal)
- - - -City Clerk.-
T. J. J1;llsberry
- - --. Mayor.-
An ordinance appropriating and condemning private property
for the use of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska for sewer
purposes in the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Q,uarter of
~3ection 21, Township 11 North, of Range 9, West of the 6th P.M.,
and Blocks 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 of Windolph's Addition, and
Fractional Block 39 of Wasmer's Addition, all in the City of
Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, and providing for the procedure
for the appl'opria tion of such l)ri vate property.
WH.ERL~AS, the !\:tayor and City Council of Ute Ci ty of Grand Island,
Nebraska find that it is necessary that various private property,
consisting of lots, tracts and parcels of land wi thin tee different
add:i tions and subdivisions hereinafter described, all wi thin the
corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, be appropriated and
coildemned for tIw use of the Ci ty of' Grand I sland for sewer purpo ses.
NOW, TlIEREFOHE, be it ordained by the l\rlayor and City Council
of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That the fallowing described property, consisting of
lots, t.racts and parcels of land in such amounts as hereinafter
desi,gnated, be and the same is hereby appropriated for the use of the
City of Grand. Island, Nebraska for sewer purposes under and by
virtue of Sections 4072, 4073 and 4074 of the Compiled Statutes of
Nebraskafor the year 1922:
A right-of-way for the construction, operation, maintenance and
repair of a sewer across the property hereinafter described, said
easement or right-of-way to be 16 ft. in width, 8 feet on each side
of the line hereinafter designated; said easement to be for the
purpose of tl1e construction, operation, maintenance and repair of
a sewer only; the ti tle to said real estate and the right to use
the srone for any purposes whatever, not in conflict with said
easement, to be and remain in the present owners ttlereof, their
heirs and assigns: Said easement to cover a tract of ground eight (8)
feet on each side of the following line:
Co~nencing at a point on the Easterly line of Block 40 of
Wasmer's Addition to the City of Gra.nd leland, nebraska where
said easterly line intersects the center line of the alley
in said block, rurming thence in a Northeasterly direction
parallel to the North line of Anna Street across Fractional
,Block 39 of Wasmer's Addition, Blocks 12, 11, 10, 9 and 8 of
Windolpl1' s Addi tion, and across part of the l\fortheast Quarter
of the Northeast ('~uarter of Section 21, Township 11, north,
of Range 9, West of the 6th P.M., bounded on the West by
Clark street and on the East by Cleburn Street and on the
South by Anna Street, to a point on the Westerly line of
Block 9 of Wiebe's Addition, where said Westerly line
intersects the center line of the alley in said Block 9.
Section 2. That the fallowing disinterented freeholders in the
City of Grand Island, Nebraska are hereby appointed to assess tbe
damages accuring to the owners of the real estate appropriated,
namely: Ralph H. Snell, whose residence is 122 W. 12th St., Grand
Island, Nebraska; Efumlnd Nuss, whose residence is 923 West 1st St.,
Grand Island, Nebra8ka, and Herman Buckow whose residence is 904
West Di vi sion st., Grand .Lsland, Nebraska; and who 61Jal1 receive as
compensation for their services the sum of ]'i ve Dollars U~5 .00)
per day' of the time necessarily occupied. Said assessors shall meet
in the CouncilChamber of the City Hall in the City of Grand lsland,
Nepraska on the 3rd day of May, 1924 at two o'clock P.M., and,
after taldng oath to discharge their duties fm.ithfully and impartially,
shall, on the SD.me cay, vi ew the property apprdlpria ted, and on the
same day, or as soon thereafter as practicable, make, sign and return
to the City Clerk in writing a just and fair ast>essment of the
damages for each piece or lot of property, the whole or part of which
is to be ap propria ted.
Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby instructed to deliver to
each of the uwners in fee residing in the City of Grand Island,
a copy of the newspap er publishing thi s ordinance, or when the
owners be not found, to some person at their respective residences,
a t the same time calling attention of the pe:rson to whom delivered,
to sucb. ordinance in the PE!;J er. Such service shall be made as much
as ten days before the day fixed. for the meeting of the assessors.
Sec ti on 4. Pa;Y'1'nent of danages asse s sed for the a;p propria tion
of such private property may be made out of the general or any
other surplus fund of the City.
Sec tion 5. The Council shall assess and 1 evy the whole expense
and damage incurred in tIle condemnation and appropriation of said
right-of-way as part of the cost of Sewer District No. 120.__,
created by Ordinance No. 1026. _ upon the real estate fronting
upon the sa.me and other property nearby which be benefitted thereby
in proportion according to benefits. Such assessmentB and levy
shall be made by resolution, and at a regular meeting of the Council.
and notice of the time of such meeting and that such assessments
will be made thereat, shall be published in the tlGrand. Island Daiily
Independentll ten days before such meeting.
Section 6. This ordinance sltall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this .l9th...._ day of MarCh, 1924.
H. rJ . C ll.fi.9l'd
City Clerk.
State of Nebraska, )
County of Hall, )
City of Grand Island)
. ' I,H.E.Clifford,City Clerk in and for said City,do hereWy
vertlfy that th~t on t~e 22,day of April ,1924 I served a copy of the
abo~e and foregolng ~rdlnance No.1027 on each and everyone of the
resldent property owners whos~property or any part thereof is taken
or effected by the above Ordinance and by mailing copies of said
paper to eac~ non-resident owner o~ said property so far as known.
\Vltness my hand and offlcialseal this 22,day of April,1924.
City Clerk
~(' I\..-
lj !
ORDINlu{CE No. 1028
An ordinance making it unlawful for any person, persons, firm,
company or corporation, hereafter, to construct or maintain any
privy within the city limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
where a sewer is available.
BE IT OHDAINED by the Iifiayor and Ci ty Council of the Ci ty of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. It is hereby made unla'wful for any person, persons.
firm, company or corporat10n, hereafter, to construct or maintain
any privy within the city limits of the City of Grand Island,
Ne'brEJ.sl<.:a, wi thout connecting said privy vaul t with the sewer, which
connection shall be made under the supervision of and in compliance
with the authorities of said City, provided that a sewer shall be
available for such connection.
Section 2... It is hereby made the duty of the chief of police
of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska to notify the owners of each
lot or lots, tracts, or pieces or parcels of ground, upon wIdch there
is a privy or vault where sewer service is available, to discontinue
the use of the same and to discontinue the maintenance of same within
~~ days after the receipt of such notice.
flection 3. Sewer service shall be deemed available vVithin
the meaning of the terms of this ordinc'.11ce. when a lateral or sewer
main shall be laid within the distance of 150 ft. from any portion
of thelot upon which such privy or vault shall be located.
Section 4. That it is hereby declared to .be and it is hereby made
unlawful for any person, persons, firm, com:pany or cor:poration to permit
any privy or vault, disconnected with or contained in any dwelling
house or building within theCity limits, to continue or to be maintained
wi thout proper connections wi th the se"ltver, where sewer service is
available, as herein provided, and all such privysor vaults now existing
and being within said limits, where sewer is available, are hereby
condemned and declared to be nuisances.
Section 5. Any person violating any of the provisions of this
ordinance. or failing, neglecting or refusing to comply with the
provisions thereof, shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in a.ny
sum not 1 ess than Jnfty Dollars, or Bot exceeding One Hundred Dollars
for each and every day of the continuance of such nui8ance, and
failure to comply with the prov~sions of this ordinance, and every
day of such failure shall be considered a new offense under the
provisions of this ordinance.
Section 6. This ordinance shall be in force and *ake effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this 19th day of March, 1924.
H. E. Clifford
---~-City Clerk.
T. :J. Ellsberry
Mayor. ---
An Ordinance arnena.J.ng Sections 6 and 7 of Ordinance No. 508
of the Compiled Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Hall
County, Nebra~ka, and repealing said original sections.
BE IT ORDAIl'lEn by the 11Iayor and City Council of the Ci ty of
Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska:
Section 1. That Section 6 of Ordinance No. 508 of the
Compiled Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
be and the smne is hereby arnended to read as follows:
liThe SUnl of Ten Dollars per day is hereby levied on each
travelling show exhibi ting in tent or tents or other
temporary shelter, excepting as provided for in Sections
2, 3, 4 and 5 hereof. II
Section 2. That Section 7 of Ordinance No. 508 of the Compiled
Ordinances of the City of Grand ISland, Hall County, Nebraska be
and the sarae is hereby amended to read as follows:
"Any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions
of this ordinance Shall be fined not less than Twenty-five
Dollars nor more than One Hundred Dollars for each
offense, and each day on vi.tlich any such travelling show
shall exhibit without first having paid the occupation
tax, as hereinbefore provided, shall constitute a
separate offense."
Section 3. .That Sections 6 and 7 of Ordinance No. 508 of the
Compiled Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Ball County,
Nebraska be and the same is hereby repealed.
Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this l.~tb. . day of ]ilarch, 1924.
I}:, )j} ~ Clifford
City Clerk.
T~..:! ~ )illsberr:v
No. 1030
An oralna ice levying a special sewer district tax to pay
for the cOIJstruction of a s'mll/ey District lJo. 114 of the Ci tv
of Grand Island, Nebraska, and provididg for the collection-
BErr OnnAE:' the Mayor 8,11d City Council of the City
of Grand Island, Nebraska:
3ect ion 1. That a specigl swwer c1~ f.Jtrict tax bo and the
EH",me is 11e1'el)y lev-ie(l assef);,nd to pa~T the expense of con-
structing a se',ver iI1Se"i;'Wr I)if3trict no. 114 of the Ci t'l of
Grand Island, Nebraska against the repective lots,trabts and
parcels of land in said distri2t in the amounts set opposite
the repective descriptions, to~wit:
Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6, '7, 63,9,10,11,12,13,11'(, US,
16, 17 and 18, West IJRwn Addit ion, :lh52. 00 each;
Lbts 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, Ill, 112, 113,
114, 116, amd 116, West IJawil Addition, $52.00 each~
~Torth 50 ft. o,f Lot 117, West Jls.Wl1Addition".(C;50.00;
;-jouth 2 ft. 01: TJo't,ll'7, W~st.L~.wn Aggition, W;?OO;
Lots 118, 119, :"jt Lawn AdcL1tJ_On, :<;)2.00 ee,(;l1;
Lots 175, 176, 177, 178,179,180, 181, 182, 183, 184,
185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196,
197, 198, 199, and 200. West Lawn Addition, $52,00 each;
T ot8 1 <) '7 1.1 G 0'" '7 8 0 n""d 10 l'l-" \i.foa~ AS C!'l'b
"^ 1-1, q' C-J, t,.), :.t:, t.., '" f ;J., OJ;..l.- , J. ~"/(..U_0\,. ;...JA....
divI~5.on, ;1;~52,00 each.
BeetloD 2. Said s~)ecia.l seVV"3:t district tax s'1a11 be
due HI1d 1JeCOnle (lelinaUel1.t in the manner and D.t the time pro-
Vi-cled by the law aml- shall be collected in the malE1'Jr provicled
lJ~T law.
Sect1'o"l3 '11118 ('1'J...~1. n"ie~1r 0-0 J... ('1'.4-,., o-P (-:'r"""Q~ IS'...cl.1.C'l
~ . ..c..... . J...t::" v IJ~. \..1 ."'~ .L.A... ..L V ..,J lJ..)' ..J,.. ,\,x (..~.i..t. .~,(;t. _ ._l t
Nebraska is hereby instruct c and directed to certify t~ the
Couhty Treasurer of Hall County, HelJrasRa, the amcmnt of se-del
'taxes together with lIlstnwt iOIlS to collect the sem.s as pro-
vided by law.
Section 4.
from a after'
by law.
This ordinance shall be in ce and take effect
its paGsage, approv-al ancl pl...lblicatiorl asprovid. ed
Passod and a}J'proveo thu.s 2nd eta;! of April, 1924
H. )il. Clig;ford
City Clerk
T. .J. El1sberrv
CE L;O. 1031
I -
An orcliriance c:reati. v'lD,te:c maLl oJ,strict . 30 the
r...,., I" "~I': ,.~..,., 0 'J'-,' G,~, r[.'... T f" ] '11'1 (1 1'J p.1J'~ f.> ('iIrq c'l A '1"; 1'1 t.\-) !'" b 0"In' c'l a' ..,.'-> ';e' eo +- ;., .-,.". e 0 -f' .
"-'. .... _N .........) _c.;,.":,,_,,,,~, .,.\_" _......".~h)..L.....c;.:" );,."'I,J...,.__...:..~ v-"_-'..:. -l.,. _' 1..-, ,J...,,J,o. i:) V.i.lt:":.o.=,,~ .1..,
};n~ovi(ll.ng for tho la;ring of a wfJ.ter main in Gaia distirct, and
providing for the pU~71nent of the cost of cOllGtruction thereof.
BE IT ';'1 by the Mayor and C1. ty Council of the City
of Grand Island, rtwbti=< eke: ·
- . '.0_ ._',
Section 1. That there is hereby created a water main UIS-
-'- -.....~. t .... 't"'!.-.: . (of, .~ -~ -::.- r ,!-~ (', .('} ",..:1 I f"'t"'l 'n '1 !'\T ,-,..," ~ N~;r"'O ...j.. "t 1-r-.', .....,~..."!' "--, "!.~, d
L, .'. l? ILl II.e \ll l. ,'''' "I.L ,,' ::c',ll~ ' . ,::; .l.e:L~(' , ..;'"' "" orc!. o.r~o..', v 0 J e x'-;~S. vv' 11 C;,ll
dCSlgnat d as water maIn Qlstrlct ~o 30 of tuo Citv OI Grand
Isla~d, Nebraska.
Section 2. Said water maIn district shall consist of that
\)a1't of ])13.:1' .{..V'1mB ~ying be tween George Streot I:lnd 13ell Street.
ana. shall include all lots, tr13,cts and eels of land front-
iIlg on said. I)e..rI' Agenue. 1)OUllClc;d as aforesaid 'vvithin said
3ection 3. Said F\r",;,ter main cl.ist:cict is hereb~7 ordered
18.i(1 as provicled o::{ lavl and in accordance viTith theplaru3 [1,nd
specific*tions governing water mains he etoforo established
l)y t ,') City.
S~ction 4. That au~hori is hereby granted tD the
record. owners of a ma,jority of he foot frc:>ntage of te,xa1Jle
oporty \vi thil.l u~ch VJateT mD.in district to fiJtef.l vvr;L tten
protest with the city clerk with n thirty days fro~ and after
tho publicationrof the notice creating said district.
Section 5. The City Clerk if3 here1?:y authorized an.d
directed to publi::3h aftel" the IJHSsage, approval DXld publica-
tion of this orCinance a notice in the Grand Island Dally
IlJ.c1epenclent, addressecl gerneTalJ.~T to t OWIH)TS of i'1'e Teal
ef.1tate in said v>rater main distr:tct, notif~J thGm Qt the
creation of said district and the time allowed for the fil-
ing of a written protest against the extent ion herein ordered.
Section 6. lIThe cost of extending- W2J,ter TIU;:,].llf3 in Baid
district shall be assessed aka1Bst the Teal estate in said dis-
trict tp the extent of fty cents per front foot and t costs
in excess of fifty cants per at frontage ~lall be paid by
the City of GralHl Island, IJe1JrciSka, as prOVided by law.
Sect :Lon '7. This orc'LlaYW8 shall be
effect from and. after i t;J passage, a11proval
providect by law.
Passed and approved this 2 day of Aprt1, 1924.
force and talce
pu.1:l1ication as
H. i":. Clifford,
City Clerk.
T. J. :Jllsberry
An Ordinance creating water main district No. 31 in the City
of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the bOIDldaries thereof; pro-
viding for the laying of a wa. tel" rnain in sai d clistr ict, and pro-
viding for the payment of the cost of construction thereof.
BE IT O:r-mAINED by the IVlayor ancI tfli ty Counc il of the City of
Grand Island, ITebraska:
Section 1. That there is hereby created a water main district
in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be knovm and designated
as water main district :Jo. 31 of the Cit~T of Grand Island, Nebraska.
Section 2. Said water main district shall consist of that
part of':iast John street lying between South Plum Street and Sou.th
Poplar ;3treet, and shall include all lots, tracts and :parcels of
land fronting on said East John Street, bounded as aforesaid and
within said district.
Section 3.. Said. water main district is hereby orctered laid
aspr ovided by law ana. in accordance with the plans and speCifi-
cations governing water mains heretofore estal)lished by the City.
Section 4. That authorit~ is hereby granted to the record
owners of' a. majority of the foot fronttIJIge of taxable property
within such \vater main district to file a v'lTritten protest with the
ci t;)T clerk wit~in thirty days from and after the publication of
the notice creating said district.
Section 5. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed
to pul) 1 ish after the passage t approval a.nd pl.101icatiol1 of this
Ordinance a notice in the Grand. Island Daily Independent, addressed
generall;>T to the owners of the real estate in said water main dis-
trict, notifying them of the creation of said district and the
time allovved for the filing of a viri ttenprotest against the ex-
tension herein ordered.
Section 6. 1'11e cost of extending w"ater mains in saic1 district
shall be assesse(l ags,inst the real estate in said district to the
extent of fifty cents per front foot and. the costs in excess of
fifty cents per foot frontage shall be }xlicl by the City of Grand
Island, Hears.ska, as l)TOvidect by law.
Section 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and a.fter its passage, approval and pu[)lication as provided
by Is w .
Passed and a~oproved this 2 da~T of April, 1924.
H. ~. Clifford (Seal)
C i t;r Clerk.
T. J. TUlsberry
on:t::IHAIWTI; NO. 1033
.An Orc:1inance creatinft Water I.Iain District ITo. 32 in the City
of Grand Island, n e1Jraska:0 defining the boundaries thereof, pro-
viding for the 18.;ying of a water main in ss.i c1 d.istrict, f.md pro-
viding for the payment of the cost of construction thereof.
BJ~ IT OHDAINED BY ]:IIE I~la;y"'or and Cit~T Council of the City of
Grffild Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That there is hereby createcl a water main district
in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated
as water main district Eo. 32 of the Cit~y of Grand Island, Nebraska.
'3ect ion 2. Said water main o.istrict shall consist of that
part of Beal f3treet lying 1)etween ifth 821c1 :&ixth ;:ltreets and. that
part of Sixth street l:ring between Beal Street and Evans Street,
and shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land fronting on
said Beal and Sixth Streets bmunded as aforesaid and within said
Section 3. Said water main cUstTict is hereby ordered laid
as provided [)y law and in accordance viJith the plans and specifica-
tions governing water mains, heretofore established by the City.
Section 4. :Vhat authority is hereby granted to the record
owners of a majority of the foot frontage of taxable property with-
111 such water main di str ict to file a wri tton protest with' the
Ci t;;l Clerk wi thin thirt;)r days from and after tb.e pUl)lication of
the notice creating said district.
Section 5. The Cit~l Clerk ,is hereby authorized and clirected
to publish after the passage, approval and publication of this
Ordinance a notice in the Grand Island Daily Independent, ad-
dressed generally to the ovvners of the real estate in said water
main c1istl"ict, notifying them of the creation of said d.istrict and
the time allowed for the filing of a written protest against the
extension herein ordered.
Section 6. '1:he cost of extending' water mains in sacid district
shall be assessed against the real estate in saicl district to the
extent of !fifty cents per foot frontage and the costs in excess of
fifty cents per foot frontage shall be paid, by tb.e Cit;:r of Grand
Island, Nebraskat as provided by law.
Sect ion 7. This orclinance shall be in force and talce effect
from and after it s passage, approval and. publicatiOll as provided.
by law.
Pa.ssed and ap.proved this 2 day of April, 1924.
'r. J. }~~llsberry
H. E. Clifford
City Clerk.
eRD No. 1054
J...ll O:['C1- J..IJ8,llCe Cl~e~Jt illg VVa t el~ l/Iai11 JJi s tr iEt IIo. 33 iLl the
C J.'j-;7 n -f' I.}-rp no.' T e. -1)")\1 a~ 7'Tel)~;" cd,<< (1 t,.(f l' ;- l' "v' D'"' h l"'P 1'1 a.' q -Y' l' e-'" -!-1, 0' I~ e 0-"
U.;) _ . ........~_... .:-v.~r'-'_~_._,...... .L~I._I.l.l....C.h, ~'..J.L ...:...~.lt..., ~ v:j,::-_ (~""""_ I: 1J.l... _.L,
orovid for 'cbe lc.y::rng OJ: a wl3,ter mar Hi SEad dlstrlct, Elnd
provid irlg for the la,ring of a watc~l'nlaiIl in said district, and
providing for th.e payment of tIle cost 0 f construct i on tbereof.
BI'~ IT mmA l:)~T tlle Mayor and City Cuttncil of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That there is hereby created a wa~er main dis-
trict in the City of Grc:md. Island, Nel)I's.ska to 1)0 known la-uel des-
ignatecl aEl 'vvD.ter InD.ie: (IiStTi~t No. 33 of the Cit3T of Gra.ild Island
II e hras}:a:
Section 2. Said vfD:ter main district shall
part of Pine Street lying betweeIl Fifteenth
and that part of Sixteenth Street lyihg between
f3treets and shall inelude all lotEl, tracts, and
fronting on said Pine and 16th Streets, bounded
within said district.
COIlBist of that
Sixteenth Streets
Pine and Locust
parcels of land
as aforesaid and
Section 3. Said Water main district is hercl)y ordered laid
as provided by law ~Dd in accordance with the plans and speCifi-
cations governing water mains, heretofore established by the City.
Section 4. :.rhat authority is here1\)t granted to the record
pwners of a majorityof the foot frontage of taxable property with-
in such water main district to file a written protest with the
City Clerk within thirty days from and after the publication of
the notice creating said district.
Section 5. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed
to publish after the passage, approval and publication of this
ordinance, a notice in the Grand Island Daily Independent, ad-
dressed generally to the owners of the real estate in said water
msin aistrict, notifying them of the creation of said district and
the tiL<1e Ellowed for the filing of a written protest against the
extension herein ordered.
Section 6. The cost of extending water mains in said district
shall be assessed against the real estate in said district to the
extent of fifty cents per foot frontage and the costs in excess
of fifty cents per foot frontage shall be paid by the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska, as provided by law.
Section 7. This ordinance shall be in force and. take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this 2 day of April, 1921.
T. J. Ellsberry
II. T;~. Cl ifford t
City Clerk.
ormrnAlTCB 1m. 1035.
An ordinance creating Water t~in tistridt No. 34 in the
City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof,
proviclinG for the layinG of a water main in said d.istrict, and
providing for the payment of the cost of construction thereof.
BE 1']: ORDADTED by the Mayor and City Council of the Oi ty of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That there is hereby created a water main district
in the Cit;y of Grand IBland., Nebraslca, to be known and des;!.gnated
as water main district No. 34 of the City of Grand Island, Nebras-
Seotion 2. Said Water main district shall consist of that
part of Broadwell Avenue, lying between West Thirteenth street and
state Street, and that part of Fourteenth street lying between
Broadwell Avenue and Greenwich Avenue and that part ofF'ifteenth
Street lying between Broadwell Avenue and Greenwich Avenue, and
shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land fronting on
said Broadwell Ave., 14th & 15th Strts. bounded as aforesaid and
within said district.
Section 3. Said water main district is hereby ordered laid
8S provided by law arid in accordance VI/i th the plans anci specifica-
tions governing water mains, heretofore established by the City.
Section 4. That authority is hereby granted to the record
owners of a majority of the foot frontage of taxable property
wi thin such water main district to file a written protest '!ifi th the
C its' Clerk wi thin thirty days from and after the }Jtfblica t ions of
the notice creating said district.
Section 5. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed
to publish after the passage, approval and publication of this
ora_inance a notice in the Grand Island Dail~T Independent, addressed
generally to the mvners of the real estate in said water maUl dis-
trict, notifying tLem of the :c:eeation of said district and the time
allowe(l for the filing of a written protest against the extension
herein ordered.
Section 6. The cost of extending water DBins in said dis-
trict shall be assessed against the real estate in said district
to the extent of fifty ceilts per foot frontage and the costs in
excess pi fofty cents-per foot frontage shall be paid by the City
of Grand Island, Nebraska, as provided by law.
Section 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take ef~ect
from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this 2 day of April, 1924.
I'. J. IsJ~lsberr~l
H. ~::. Clifford,
City Clerk.
"\ )
OR1)nrAm~B HO. 1036.
An ordinance creating Sewer District No. 123 in the City of
Grand Island, ITebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, provid-
ing for the laying of a sewer in said district, describing the
manner in which same shall be laid, assessing the costs thereof
against the abutting property
WII}~REAS, the IIayor anc1 0i ty Council of the Ci t~T ot' Grand
Island, TTebraska, finel that the steps heretofore taken for the
creatihg of Sewer District No. 125 are re~llar and lawful, and
that a sewer to be laid in the District hereinafter defined is a
public necessity; and
.nI2~ImAS, by a three-fourths vote of all the members of the
City CO\.UlCil, saia sewer main has been ordered laid withou.t cost
to the City.
:r:ww, THERf;}?OR:P~, BE 1'[1 O;;:J)AIlIEIJ by the 1Ia3tor and 01 t;l Counc 11
of the City of Grand Island, IJebraska:
Section 1. That Sewer District No. 123 of the city of
Grand Island, He1Jraska Isher'oby created, same to embrace the
alley betvveen Locust St. and California Ave., from Phoenix Ave.
to Andersen Ave., and all property abutting there!on, bounded as
Section 2. That a sewer shall be laid along the course
above described, running through said blocks, in accordance with
the plans and specifications governing sewers heretofore estab-
lished for laving sewers in so far as said ulans and SPecifica-
tions can be ~arried out ." ~
Section 3. That the entire cost of oonstructing said
sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in said dis-
trict, and a tax shall be levied as soon as the cost can be as-
certained, sai(l tax to 1)ecorne delinquent and draw interest as
provided by law.
Sect iOll 4. The Ci t;;rr;ngineer is hereby authorize(l to draw
plans and specifications of said sewer and make estimate of the
cost thereof and submit same to the City Council, and when adopt-
ed, the City Clerk shall at once advertise for bids for the con-
str-nct ion of said sewer, in accordance with the plans and spelUfi-
cations submitted, reserving the right to reject any and all bids.
Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this 2 day of llpril, 1924.
( Sial)
11. ,I. Ellsberry
H. ,;~. Clifford,
Ci ty Clerk.
ORDINiUqCE No. 1037
An ordinance crC:e.tting u paving district witldn the corporate
limi ts of the Ci t:Jr of Grand Island., Nebraska, defining the bounQ2cri us
thereof; l)roviding fOl~ the pavement of same and IJroviding for the
assessment of the costn of paving.
]3]: IT OIIDAIN'.illJ) -by the Mayor and Ci ty Council of the Gi tyof
Grand Island, Nebraska;
Section 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in
the City of Grand Isl8..nd, Hall County, Hebraska, to be known and
designated as Paving Di stl'ict Ho. 62Jf the City of Grand Island,
Section 2. Said paving district shall consist of tl~t part
of South Clark Street lying between the Southerly line of the
intersection of Clark Street and Third Street and the Southerly
line of the intersection of Clark Street and Louise Street, and
shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of' land lying east of
said Clark Street, bo~nded as aforesaid, to a depth of 132 feet and
all lots, tracts and parcels of land lying West of said Clark Street,
bounded as aforesaid to a depth of 132 feet.
See tion 3. E\aid street in scdd paving district is hereby
ordered paved as provided by law; said IJaving to be 36 feet in wid. th
paved from CUI'b to cUI'b, and curb and gutter combined.
Section '1. 'J.'hat authori ty is hereby granted to the owners of
the record ti tIe representing a rnaj 01'i ty of the abu tting property
owners in said district to file with the city clerk within twenty
days from the first publication of the notice creating said district,
as provided by law, wl'itten objections to the pcxving of said
bection 5. That the Mayor and Ci ty Clerk a1'e hereby authorized
and directed to IJublish after tho passage, approval and publication
of this ordinance, in the IlGrand Island Daily Indepenccnttl a notice
of the creation of said district one time each week for not less
than t"1rJGl1 ty days.
Section 6. That authority is hereby given to the owners of the
record ti tIe representinG the maj ori ty of the abutting pl'operty
owners to file with the city clerk, within the time provided by
la1;7, a peti ti on for the ll:3e of a particular Idnd of material to be
used in said di strict. If such ownel'S i"ail to designated the
material they desire used in Gaid paving district within the time
and. in tlle manneI' pl'ovided by lavJ, the Mayor and Ci ty Council shall
determine upon tbe material to be used.
Section 7. The cost of paving said dintrict shall be aSGCS8eQ
against the lots, tracts and parcels of ground especially benefitted
in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the Mayor and
City Council, as by statute provided.
See tion 8. '1'11is oro.inance shall be in fOI'ee and take effect
from and after its pas[)age, apIJroval and publication as provided
by law.
J:1assec and approved tlli s 16th day of il.})ril, .1..924.
( S ea 1 )
~lj~ /
T:.J .El~s.!>e..r1:Y____
() It I:;
Iro. 1038
./i.n ordi.nance authol~izillg the Ma;yor and Ci ty ~lerk of the
Oit~ of Grauel I~3lan(t. ebrasJra to execute and. delivel~ unto the
")'l"'C"" C' . ~~ .i-1- '~',' "'o.(} f'. .".I...~ I '(,2!k-) ,-' '-.., 1
J: l .Ll.CC",)e.l, v"lv",- v ..l... O.L ~,Y.:J:I,) nOco"'Glc",), e
to lJ8
known and
d.ef3J.gnated :J.;::; TTInteT'=;ect'ioll raving Bonds of the Oit~T of Grand
Island; IT providi118 for the conditions. fOl~m aml amo:mt of same;
providing for the disDosition of the orocecds derived from the
sD.le of same.
WHr,~F:;~A'3. iT! order tp pay :['01' tlLO 'paving of Llterf30ct ions of
streets a;-ld sIlacof3 oPPo3i te alle;ls. the general pa:vi.nf'; funel being
severely depleted; and whereas. it is necessary and expedient to
i s miL eXl
bonds ill the arnount of D,t least Forty Thousand
(~40 000 00') 't..n~ ~~~ ~'O~" a ~
',,)'. . P pc,,; G.JlL; e,''-)'"".0e;;:, oJ..
streets and 3paces oposite alloys ill Paving Districts No. '35, 59,
60 and 61 in the Ci t:'T of Grand Island he:ceto:f:o:ce c:ceo.tecL a,net Y{hich
DaHL iTd:;er3cctions of streets and spaces opposi te al10;;rs form a
T)e~rt .
the lIayol'
City Coul1vil
the Oi t~\r
of Grand,
I~land. Nebraska;
c< +" T 1 ;-;1}.q'l. .i.1.. ',10~T ,I. ~",., ""'.t'T "'l-:p"r
,)OC".1.0.,1 . LL#IJ ,,;;,e ~,Lu.,;Or CC.l.C\. l)l ,0' v ~,J..l_
o f~ ti-J.C C it:,! 0 f Grs.Jlcl
Island ane hel'cb~T authorized. to 13:1.6'n, eX:'CTJ,te and cleliver unto the
purch::.',f3er thereof forty (40 ).nog-ot iable b011(ls. or somC),ny thereof
aD rna:;r 1)0 necesso.r;y, to be l:::nown as HIntc:I'tJocrion Paving BondslT of
the City of Grand Islrn1d.
n.:-l .;] ~--
;)c.:.l~". ,)
s are to "boar date June 1,1924
and. made
lJle to bocceX' at t1le off:i.ce of tl:e County 'Creasllrer
of Hall Connty. ItebrE,ska, i:n tho City of Grand Islanel. Each of
SD"id. 1)O~~lCls
1)8 in the principal sdn of One T}lOJ.sand Dollars
(;!$1.000.00) >paYDJJle on the i1h.rst da~! June 1934, and, shall be
redeemable at :hlie option of' the CitJ of Grand Island. at Eny
time a,iteI' five yeB::CCl from thadI' (:'tate. Said bc;:t1cls shall 1)e
c onsec"dlt i vcly mun1) e:-cecL, comrrWIlC
1Nith l{p:mber One (1). Said
l)ouds s}-call clrmv intel~O;-3t at
rate of flve pe:r. cent per annum,
113.yo.ble annu,al1y. to-:i.t, on
fir;3t a,g~;r of June 1924 aHd the
firf3t cla:I of June eanh year thereafter.
I~ac}l 01 s~ntL i)O'ldS s:hnll Lave attacJ:ed theTeto 20 intc:r.o3t
coupons, each in
sum of lifty Dollars,
U350.00) r,~;:eFJGmt-
1'118 p:roceods :Ll'om
ing t,ho annru,,1..1 interest accruing t}10:r00l1.
tne sale of said bonds are to be used for ~ne
i:V\~~:~~it;t:LBc'~; I?ot:~~~;,B tsr,d lH)aa';:~1B 60fP~!\;a~i.ctYAel:.
cost of
in paving
Sect :Lon 2. 1'110 lilayor aml Oi ty Clerk are he:cellY authorized
to deliver said, liol1cls uhto tho purchaser thereof .:dtel' the said
lJonds have'Jbeen exec'llted in the manner provfuded in Section One
of this Ordhmnce; arle. i3hal1 recoi ve a pa;'/lnent, faco ~al~le and
accruea, inteTeD t, which money shall ircnediatel:f be paicl to the
01 ty C~re::Wllrer of theCID.ty lllf Grand Island, :t:feln'as}:u, Who shall
keep the SULlO in a S7)oc1al fu:g.d };:nowl1 as HIntersection Paving
Fund of tho Oity of Grand IslandH, provid~d, however, t t the
Mayor mIcl 0 i ty Olo:ck are proll,Lated from deliver
bOllCls t}1tl11 a:re 11eceBSa~C;y- to ~pEL~T tJ19 VJarl~ar=_}_ts dx'avvll ai~~cl.illst said
onl:y: upon being J:ul'tile~c 4.ul:/ E',utho:cized, 1)~/ :ccDollltion
of the Oi ty Cou,ncil. And slwhbonds 2; ,D,ll Hot be iSSlWd in exeeDS
of suitt
ilnl)l-'O'>lerne~"]-t .
3ection 3. "Chat the ~L(),:yOl~ tl.:JCL Oi t;v Council shu,ll aumally
ltevy gwl eollect taxeD, t saLle to constitute allsinl~,ing func:' fo r
tJJ,e -pD.~tll1Cll1t of said- bonds, ano. t}:.e :Lnterest thlsl'oOIl as S2v-'le' accrues.
Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and taLe effect
-,j' ....,L~ 0, r,rl ,10:1, ',,/ld. n ,J +- 0 .;..10 J- + (~ -'oJ q 1""1 ~-~ a ,-.:-" e
.... ~~ pC.~ O"f]. v U ~L. -~ v.::> .1: c;.,. ,::; ;:) l.._-_:' ,
nU(Jlication aD _1)rovided
lW law.
Passed and ap9roved t is 7th day of Bay, 1924.
(" """I)
I:) G(1.
H. (;. Clifi;'ord
Ci t;t Ole:ck
[]:. li. Bllsl)~:;rJ.v
ORDINM~CE No. 1039
An ordinance creating water main district 1'10. 35 in the City
of Grand Island, J~ebraska, defining the boundaries thereof;
providing for the laying of a water main in said district, and
providing for the paYment of the cost of construction thereof.
BE IT ORDAIF~D by the Mayor and City Council of the ~ity of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That there is hereby creatud a watermain district
in the City of Grand Island, Hebraska to be known and designated
as water main district No. 35 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
Section 2. Said water main district shall consist of that
part of \fllite Street lying between Howard Street and Blake Street,
and shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land fronting on
said White Street, bounded as aforesaid, and within said district.
Section 3. Said water main district is hereby ordered laid
as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications
governing water mains heretofore established by the Uity.
Section 4. That authority is hereby granted to the record
owners of a majority of the foot frontage of taxable property
within such .water main district, to file a written protest with
the City Clerk within thirty days from and after the publication of
the notice creating said district.
Section 5. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to
publish after the passage, approval and publication of this ordinance
a notice in theGrand Island Daily Independent, addressed generally
to the owners of the real estate in said district, notifying them
of the creation of said district and the time allowed for the
filing of a written protest against the extension herein ordered.
Section 6. The cost of extending water mains in said district
shall be assessed against the real estate in said district to the
extent of fifty cents per foot frontage, and the costs in excess
of fifty cents per foot front shall be paid by the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska as provided by law.
Section 7. '1'his ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication, as IJrovided
by law.
Passed and approved this 21st day of May, 1924.
(S eal)
lJ . E..1l.llf_tor d. ~__
City Clerk.
U~1\llGlit f~u. 1040
J\.n o:rdinance
of Ch'a.nd I GIUJIG,
providing i'o:r: t.
:Ol'uvidil'lL; for
cI'el.l.tin;J; wi;;.te:r lnEl,in ul:st.x'iot No.36 ill t.hc Git~l
t)l'<~,;;;:ire, (,;ef;i.t~inG tho bnuf1!Jt!,:l,l"ioiS thel'0o:f';
J.ay ing 0..1.' {,i, '\i1at~Z' main in ;,~&id di:;.,tX'ict. i.;~L(!
;pt.t;:!nh.;;~H; of tJJC cout of' 'N'l~,'t;;fUC'tiOl'l
131V I ~r
(;'r,:.l,l1tl I fjlc,nd,
nrn bj.' 'cho nAtJ..;YT() 3,' L;,mi G1
i:..;- c ~b rl\ ~:~ It().,';
C<:H,llH? 11 of t
Oi t;~r (};f
;'eotiol'1 1. 'tl.l.a:l:; there it; IH.i..t:'eo;y' C;I:'C"ttoct ucw:tcr ltluin c:dt,t:riot.
in Uw (i;i. ty O:r:X'i,:,niJ I:;.,li;.'1..ud, ulw, ", to l;':lW'\ill1 t;~nd dCt.iCl'lC1ted
t~f; \"lute;r nudn diL;triGt J:1o. 36 of tilO City of Gl~i;1.i:lcl lelancl, l~ebro'~jka.
action ~~.uici VJli.tUl' li1t;i,in (,i ~Jt:r'iot I..;;l';.ai). CI)xHCi 11 of thct. J':)D.rt of
East Sixth street lying between Evans street and Congdon Avenue,
and shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land fronting
on said East Sixth Street, ~ounded as aforesaid and within said
oct-ion 3 ,cdd 'w.t:J; tel' lTKd,n dis o("4.~:l.ct .1 {; heX'E;l);y ();:.'del~(;d laid D.S
")!',,vided by lay? [.,ml i.n ,),Ccolr,'o.unoe with tlw plan~) <;~n{,L ~1peCJij;'ication8
"overning Wl~tuI' IDain~;t 3:!el'etoi'o:re ei;;tU:l;;.li~)hed t;;}7 the: City'.
oction 4. ~Ch,:;,t t.l;uthijl'itiY iD heir by ted, to tlH! :;;'(;;o.,,1'd
ovmcu.'n of a YflUj 01'1 t~l oj' '{,.he :t>J(,,lt :i.'rCH"i 'u.\.,_,Q 0.1' t".Xl::~blc I.Jl'Ol)C:'l:'t;/ rd. thin
cuch \'k!,tCl' r~l[,in (.:,iLt;tiot,t.J:Hlo a \.Jl"it.. p;pote!iit with 'the City
Clerk wi thin tnix't;y G I':x.';)!n ;;:~rr1Q. ,,d;''t(n:' the publictitj, on ()f' the no ti GO
creating ~aiti di0triot.
.ectiun b. The Git'.r Glol,"k :l.D 11(;;L~eb'y uuthor;J.~:.(;d
'oli sll "..ftCI' t.he f 0_'pprOVttl pubJ.i<,\c'f:t
J...oj, ~!.'Jl 1.rH..te~pen\; Cl'l.t.-
rOl.:tJ,.G te in (;;,dd VJb.tOJ:
the croation ot uaid Q at
a vritten pvot 0t
(Ul'c,;ctod to
a ():cu
n(ltil"(l lJ ,,;Cl:lO ;ea11y
Ir.v. if I tli IJ tr i c t ,
the tirnc
<..~ notice iJ, tlle
to the owrw:n3 of
notify:Lng 'thGl;l oj:'
for tho fill of
'ord crea.
ectic.:m G. ''';'ho C(jBt of C:i\:tend:tnt.~ \'J(.;te!' llJcdtHJ in L,~icl clLt:t'iot
bha.ll be .;;~f;:;O;J;.;Q(,i. C'lj:::,.1WJt thcX'cu,l GLlt.. tB in ;;,(;01(1; uiut:r:lct t...i the
UJ.itont of fifty cent;,..; ):>01' foot:fl'ont.:etJ;C ...md the CCH.1tU i:n e;lC0SD of
fifty <::ElUt.U pex.' f'uot l'rC:iit :JlC:..11 In1.icl. 'o;Y' the 01 ty of' Ch'Lnd Is .1D.nd,
ebl.'(::,f::>ka as':!".nrided cy lu:w.
cction '7. ~PhilJ ordinance IZJJ.lUi..l be in fOX'C8 tuke ef:f0ct
1'1'0111 and aft ,,..;; l' i tl:; tK"snacu, i:'1p'pX'uVL1l (,~:nd Dub1i cO,'uion {W pJi'OV i.dod
by ~l8"V}.
:2aul3cC!. une:
'E>l'() V ed, tLit::ilth ULJ,j-"" of' J'une. 1924.
H. ;~. Clj..ffo:rd
----"C1 t 17 i:Jiu,:i,: -
T. IT. Ellsoory
_>(>.....~~.,...,,'>........ .'1.., '~____'_~_"""""___"""""""~_' ~
rEt:;~y 0~'.
. ~
! !
J i
An ordinance creating water main district No. 37 in the City
of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof;
providing for the laying of a water main in said district, and
providing for the payment of the cost of construction thereof.
BE IT OHDAnmD by the mayor and Ci ty Council of the Ci ty of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That there is hereby created a water main dlistrict
in the CIty of Grand Island, Nebrasl\:a, to be known and designated
as water main district No. 37 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
Section 2. Said water main district shall consist of that part of
Eighteenth street lying between Elm Street and Broadwell Avenue,
and shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land fronting
on said Eighteenth Street, bounded as aforesaid and within said
di stric t.
Section 3. Said water main district is hereby ordered laid as
provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications
governing water mains, heretofore established by the City.
Section 4. That authority is hereby grmlted to the record
owners of a majority of the foot frontage of taxable property within
such .water main district, to file a written protest with the City
Clerk within thirty days from and after the publication of the notice
creating said district.
Section 5. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to
publish after the passage, approval and publication of this ordinance,
a notice in the Grand Island Dai ly Independent, addressed generally
to the owners of the real ~state in said water main di strict,
notifying them of the creation of said district and the time allowed
for the filing of a written protest against the extension herein
Section 6. The cost of extending water mains in said district
shall be ass.essed against the real estD.te in said district to the
extent of fifty cents per foot frontage and the costs in excess of
fifty cents per foot front shall be paid by the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska as provided by law.
i3ection 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its 1I1Dassage, approval and publi cation as prov ided
by law.
Passed and approved this lith day of June, 1924.
H. ]~. Clif':f0l4tl
-,-..--- Ci ty Clerk.
____.__ T.
MCWor-.-.-......---- -
i~b ~:~ '!'~;t~ ~L (;. r
S';;'ot. J,;,)k'it;"
() \,)~ !~ -L-.
South Locust street lying between Carbon Street and Delaware Street
and shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land fronting on
said South Locust Street, bounded as aforesaid and witllin said
t}~ ':,1,!.)1') ~~..
'~~.;t/ ,'\t1 ~'j.t.;.~,i, ~jA~,~'~C".f'
. .~G" t,;~fll~~:ijtj 't}'Jt: t ~.;~?
Ii,~tt:l t1,)~t
tt.'W~J~l!:i'od "
b C ~~-t '.~,.,
CiJZ:~t" ~
~. "
t3 t; 1~~ ;..L; .~~~t~
VZitt '~;"
3 ,;. ~~';;
tt~,;;, Seal
C. J:J it Clifford
II'. J it Elsberry
~~,W)j~t ~1#;!I_"'~\I:i-oo'~"""f!!,l
\." ",,','
O:?DrTIc'TCI~ No. 1043
An ordinance levying a special water disttict tax to pay for
the cO"JE,truction of 'Nater 'I1Edn in or Hain Ihstrict TTo. 31
of th.e City iT Island, Heln'asl';:a, and providing for the
collection thereof.
IT Cf"Ui!\ by the
Gralld Island, ITebrnsk~;
Citv Council of the City of.
Section 1.
rrh2~ t
ci,!).l -:,V:3~t:'::;l'"l D1EtlIJ. cLiFltX"ic't tD,X 'be
CO") rot
c... 0,
same is hereby levied assessod to pay the expeuse of tIle con-
i:1tl'uct:Lon 0:1:' t;13 water ml'dl1 111 ter ilain I'istr:Lct ~Jo.3l of t}J.e
City bf Grand Island, oks, inst the respective lots, tracts
8,nd 'xu'cels of l,a:d In s[l,id distriu;:t;, in the amo'm.ts set opuosite
their ron8ctive descriptions thereof, not exceed the sum ~f fifty
cents per front foot, to-wit;
Tot T T"locl~ 2) Jne'r')'Cl~fM (\d;;i+-io''''' '--'Ie:- 75-
,L/ ",J, .'-~ .r.. ~! 1:" .:Ll .:'~ >;) ~-'- .l" V J,.l,"< v. .!.. ,_, '.
Lots5, 6, 7 ane! 8, 111 .tHoe.l{ 3, JoenncK's .iiO.cut1on, ;jZ'i::J each;
Tc,.ts r) 6 Y'7 f.l1"C; 8 i'YIDlocl,e L17oel):,..'i;rls f:.a'c']"!"l'C)V""''7';; 00 e""c1.-
..,J _ " , . L,~1" , ., ...J. ,(,. ~, u _,. ..J.u:", .'" .c , ." .J . .1.1, :::,ov. c. 1.l
IJots 1, 2, ~ [Lm.~ 4, in I3J.ock 'j, J(2eh~leKfs ~~Jcn, ;;~3.00 each
Lots 1, 2, ~ ana 4, in Block 10, JOehnek1s Aad1tion, 333.00
Lot 1, in 0~OCK 11, Joehnckls Addition, G2l.25.
1 12, Koehler ce Add. 0126.00
Section 2. 'I:':1'],t E)"Ll EQCOe1.Ele eXCeSfJ of fifty cents
foot assessable inst the lots, tracts and parcels of land
the said water main district, shall be id out of tho water
of the C1 of Grand IsI[01d, Nebraska.
';' -P,-r or t
_ <;, ,.1
Section 3. Said special watoraJ district tax 11
and 'become clelLlquen.t in the mEtIlner andn,t the time provided
lD.V" , gnd s")=;ll he collecteel hl mc:,nnei' ovicied 'by l!3:w.
. v
Sect:i.on 4. City Clerk of the City ~f ~rand Islan.d,
Nebraska is hereby instr~cted and directed to certify to tlie County
'rreasurer of Hall Conty, TlelJrasl:a tho amount of said taxes,
together vJith i:lstJ:'uetio" to collect same t:,sproviElEld lJY law.
Section 5.
fro:q1 ,c:,ud, after its
l)y :J,aw.
Tjis ordinance shall be in forve and take 6,0fect
pas 3age , f:'vOOl'OV81 e,~'Ld publicat ion as provided
auproved this 4th
of ,June 1924.
H. E. Clifforo.
--------.-"--yi ~ t"'7 (\lDi~lr
.....I J. ~Y d v.....1'_
,r. ,J. T~llsberr\T
,__,__. tJ
\ )
An ordinance levhing a special water district tax to pay for
the construction of water mains in Water Main District No. 33
of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the
collection thereof.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That a special water main district tax be and the
sarrle is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of the con-
struction of the water rnain in Water Main District No. 33 of the
City of Grand Island, Nebraska, against the respective lots, tracts
and parcels of land in said district, in the amounts set opposite
their respective descriptions thereof, not exceed the sum of fifty
cents per front foot, to-wit:
r,ots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Block 88, Vnleeler & Bennett's Fourth
Addition, $26.40 each;
, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in Block 85, vVheeler & Bennett's Fourth
Addition, $26.40 each.
Section 2. That all expense in excess of fifty cents per front
foot assessable agair19t the lots, tracts and parcels of land within
the said water main district, shall be paid out of the water fund
of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
Section 3. Said special water main district tax shall be due
and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by
law, ,md shall be collected in the marmer provided by law.
Section 4. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County
Treasurer of Ha~l County, Nebraska the amount of said taxes,
together with instructions to collect same as provided by law.
Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by
Passed and approved this 4th day of Junet 1924.
C. E. Clifford
cf+.y Clerk.
T. ,J. I'alsberrv
..... --,---"_._-~-_._......--....._.-
Mayo I' .
An ordinance levying a special sewer district tax to pay for
the construction of a sewer in Sewer District No. 122 of the City
of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City
of Grax~ Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That a special sewer distl'ict tax be and the same
is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of corntructing
a sewer in Sewer District No. 122 of the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of
land in said dist:rict in the amounts set opposite the respective
descriptions, to-wit:
East 44 ft. of Lot 1, in Block 8, Voitles Addition, $35.90;
West one-third of Lot 1, in Block 9, Voitle's Addition, $17.95;
Lots 2, 7 and 8, in Block 8, Voitle's Addition, $53.85 each;
Lots 1 and 2, in Block 9, Voitle's Addition, $53.85 each;
West one-half of Lot 3, in Block 9, Voitle's Addition. $26.93;
East one-half of Lot 3, in Block 9, Voitle's Addition, $26.93;
Lots 4, 5 and 6, in Block 9, Voitle's Addition, $53.85 each;
West half of I,ot 7, in Block 9, Voi tIe' s Addition, 4~26. 93;
l~ast half of Lot 7, in Block 9, Voitle~s Addition, $26.93;
Lot 8, in Block 9, Voitle's Addition, $53.85;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Block 10, Voitle's Addition,
~~53.85 each.
Section 2. Said special sewer district tax srall be due and
become (lelinquent in the marmer and at the time provided by law
and shall be collected in the manner provided by law.
Section 3. The City Clerk of the Ci ty of Grand J.sland, l~ebraslca
is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the Uounty Treasurer
of Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes together vIi th
instructions to collect the same as provided by law.
Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this 4th day of June, 1924.
c. E. C1i:f:ford
- . --1fJ.ty Clerk.
T. J.
An orcUnc:o,:nce lev;ying: special t~),:z:es to pD:y.. or
of Cherry street from East ~inth Street to Gee Street,
of GrCJIC( Island, ED,ll County, lTeln'[;;,ska.
tIle vvideYliI1g
t118 C i t~\.~.
1'1: b;{ the ]\;layor and Oi ty COTll1c-ml of \;he Oi t:y of
Grsnd Island, Nebraska-
Section 1. t e is hereby levied asseSSOQ inst
tl18 seve., lots, 'trac.ts ~~1'ld c~ls of land l1ereinafter specified
for the ~ourl)oDe of )c:qillg for the w:LcteniJ"J.g mf Cherry ;:itreet from
st street to Gee street, in t:he Ci"ty of Grt1nd Isla t
NebrasJcu, in. a(]COrdallce with tl18 benefits found assessed. against
each of t'w :1ev8IT,1 lot s, trrwt S EnfL eels of 1'):\7 tllS City
of Grl),Ild 18J.O. t ebraska, sitti as a board of oqualizatioIl, after
due notice, as providod by law, each of said tracts cols
of land ~~Ye u.ssesf3ed. as follows. to-wit;
st 'half of ScnlthvJec;t
liot 21, CO;J.nty 3ubc:1ivision of tit
of48ection 19, Township 11, Range 9,
50;;(); !.:wlOnnt;79.30;
Notth 75 fcst of Lot 25 of Oounty Subdivision of tho West
r+, "-) .~: 0 (::' )t o~ r',-';.'I. 1~ ~'.." (:'l ~(~!' ~-, ro to "''''e 1.. ~O(,? .
uC"..lO. 0;>C. l,;~.", <JC.LL',>,.LlI,,8 D.:J:, Lc:,l,e .J /0,
f1 t ;
~A~O~~~" /iJl~O ro. _cJ4a
t) ":...~.Lt:.. .J.. J_ !... v',? Ou. 0 t .L c-~. L. v
o:f SOll--cJ"len,Bt ()11D..:cter o:f
, j.. il_~ 4') r~ 9 0 ..
AmO'lT1C ','-JO./..J ,
l?Ol"t}l ~)3 ~feet
1\ L1O'LU1 tH, 11 08.
.,C\. .... ;' .--....... . ,
IT ol~t~h 5C) ~f e e t
Arn01uit".16. no
I~ 0 r t L_ 6 6 f~ c:~ c; t
:North 50 feet
c ,.. 80":1'th 19 (;) .~.L 0 ,... se~ cJ t 2 5 t s t", ('; 16
.1. I" . "'- , ~ i D;,:'.e T :t, ,:., ~.... .
0 ..[. ,--( 011tl1 ~.... A;) ft 0 r< " i d ,I- n 5 . 0 0.1.1'3 it S ',;33 60
,') ~ ~J: ~j . .L OC... .LJ ' , I" ::., .
0 " t'''' 0 1 b -p (; et 0 i~ SieL LCL I,ot 2 ,- . b 8118 t s :'A4 32
.1- ' , () ,I- 0 , I ._, .
eIle:fi t s
o:f s~nC!_
t 25;
of ;3outh
AnlOunt 16.80
South 50 feet of siad Lot 25; benefits
J\.mount ')16.80
Lots 13 to 26, inclusive, of block ~,
+ 0 (,.1,., ".L~ ,"........,..'..~_.,. d. I c< 1 ,::, ~-1 (-1. 1) n -;-1 C.L' 1- J_ (..~ ~:~: IA v:. C) e r_~ C'[l . "'r~ ..":1 't e r.; 0(;/' C~::J C To .
v .. ,.:L ""." '-, ,. ..,.L"1.L t,..:> c,''-'. u'~ -c.' ..., .c '.'~ " V ,"J 'J'-.9 U,
.60, rate 5050
t Hill ,A<16it :i.on
.66 eacb.
~30cticn 2. 'l'lle tax so levied shall -rY3c:JTne -pe,yable and dl~aw
il1tel'1e~:~t ri-,s'pl~ovi(lecL 'by l[}\v. l1ci..Tnely i,-~ t-)_'~.iI't~l e~c 8.f3;SGfJSInoIlt
qnd levy. 3neh 8Deele.l tn,xes ;:fI"w,ll ()O;'T i te:te3t at OJ.ICJ 'peIl cent
per nonth from the time due until ld, provided, however, that the
e 11 t il~ e r?.rno 'U.lJ t f) 0 1. 8\t:l e cL 8.,11(1 P,::3 S () B;J e O. D"E;'E1iI1S t ~:)., 0 =i~ t }lO [}, f~ 0 I~ e Sc1.1 cL
lots may be id within alW time wi thirty s from the date of
srwh lev;)! 1,vitJ-:cut inteTe3t, and such lot, iE thlJt event, sho,ll l)e
e}~enl:~)t f:e OJn D.11~r 1 i 8T1 01'" cllr-'.-l~ f~;'e :f o~c SllctL i~u.t E)~~: c; :7st .
SoctIOJ:13. i1:118 cIty cIe 0:[" t}18 Cit~t of (}l'fj,llCl IslrilJ(l'\^f~ }lel'te'by
directed to forthwith certify tIli;:) ordi:nance to th'; u1 treasurer
of the City of Grarill Is ,who proceed to collect said taxes
D.,S 1'-'eol1i:eed "1'~T J_r~~7. fAt tJ18 tiTne t C Tlext cOl'.ti:ficD~~tio11 to t e
C Oll.t.l t-;l (; 1. :f c:c g~ 01"18 J7 rl.l 1'" (~\/ ;::; -.',l10 0 f~ e, DTJ.. C }lp ~p e u i ~j~ 1 :~:j E~ Q D SInaI} t 8
f:1I1Cl levy so TEl,r ,:~~j li.Ct t :J11 .9~liC. J~ 1)::; ceIzti:[iecl. to Con.rlt~/ CJ_e:~~-'l:
c\ oTlt OT1. t1J.9 tn.,x J.ist 'bc~ coJ_lectecl t3.,S cttLeI~ ~cen,l oDto,te t8..xes
are collected..
Section 4. This ordinance shall be
,x:,.e effect
II' orn
1JY 12JN.
CLt.t 81-- it 8
DulJlicEtlon HG
Sf\e;e, 8..
:_Jcl. 8 r) (1 8. ,'~. C.
~ ',' (~+' ~
q"'jf~()Ved .,.." '[ ('< n Q"c,.".'
(." ~ j~_ .1. . . V _ ,:..~. U V.,_.i. \~ '_,';
OT June, lS}2:::b
O. 1;j. Olifforci
~--,-,-""-- 01 t'\; C18Tk
T. ~J. EIJ~s1)el~:C)!
\ }
\ ;I
ORDINAN~~ No. 1047
An ordinance leV'iJing a special water district tax to pay for
the construction of a water main in Water Main District No. 30
of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing f or the
collection thereof.
BE IT ORDAIlfED by the Mayor and City Council of the City
of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That a special water rw.in district tax be and
the same is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of the
construction of the water rnain in Water ~~in District No. 30
of the City of Grand Island. liTebl'8..ska, against the respective
lots, "ttrac ts and parcels of land in said district, in the amounts
set opposite their respective descriptions thereof, not exceeding
the sum of fifty cents per front foot, to-wit:
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, in Block 31, Packer Be Barr's Addition,
$28.00 each;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, in Block 20, Packer & Barr's Addition,
:~28. 00 each;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, in Block 13, Packer & Barr's Addition,
'$<)8 00 e(1ch'
~N · Lots 6; 7, 8, 9 and 10, in Block 32, Packer & Barr's Addition,
$28.00 each; . .
Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in Block 19, Packer & Barr's Addltlon,
i~28. 00 each;
Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in Block 14, Packer & Barr's Addition,
~~28. 00 each.
Section 2. That all expense in excess of fifty cents per front
foot assessable against the lots, tracts and parcels of land within
the said water main district shall be paid out of the water fund
of the City of Grand Island, Nebl'aska.
Section 3. Said special v~ter main district tax shall be due
and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law,
and shall be collected in the manner provided by law.
Section 4. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, liTebraslm
is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County 1'reasurer
of Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes, together with
instruc ti ons to collec t same as :provided by law.
Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
:from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this 18th day of J"une, 19241
Attest: (Seal)
c. T~. Cli:f~t'ol"tl
- "Ci ty Cierk.
f[1. J. -':llsbeTT;)T
May 0-:;-:--
An ordinance levying a special water district tax to pay for
the construction of a water main in water main district No. 34
of the City of Grand Island, Uebraska, and providing for the
collection thereof.
BE IT ORDAINED by the ~~yor and City Council of theCity of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That a special water main district tax be and the
same is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of the
construction of the water main in water main district No. 34 of
the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, against the respective lots,
tracts and parcels of land in said district, in the amounts set
opposite their respective descriptions thereof, not exceeding tllli
sum of fifty cents per front foot, to-wit:
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, West Lawn Addition, $26.00
Lots 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118 and 119, West Lawn
Addition, $26.00 each;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 0, West Lawn Addition, $26.00 each;
Lots 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190,191,
192 and 193, Illest Lawn Addition, *~26.00 each; .
Lot 297, West Lawn Addition, $66.00;
Lots272, 273, 274 and 275, West Lawn Addition, $26.00 each;
Lot 276, West Lawn Addition, $22.50;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, in Block 10, Gilbert's Addition,
;~26 . 40 each;
Lot 1, in Block 8, Gilbert's Addition, $26.40;
Lot 2, in Block 8, Gilbert's Addition, $17.00;
Lot 7, in Block 8, Gilbert's Addition, $13.00;
Lots 8, 9 and 10, in Block 8, Gilbert's Addition, $26.40 each;
Lot 12, in Block 11, Gilbert's Addition, $26.40;
Lots 10 and 11, in Block 1, Gilbert's Addition, $29.70 each.
Section 2. That all expense inexcess of fifty cents per front
foot assessable against the lots, tracts and parcels of land within
the said water nain district shall be paid out of the water fund
of the City of Grand Island, Hebraska.
Section 3. Said special water main district tax shall be due
and become delinquent in the manner and at the tmle provided by
law, and shall be collected in the marmor provided by law.
Section 4. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the
County Treasurer 0 f Hall County, He.braska, the amount of said
taxes, together with instructions to collect same as provided
by law.
Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this 18th day of June, 1924.
Attest: (Seal)
c. .S;. Clifford
~c. :T. Inl.sbel'Ty
-~ 'o'i ty Clerk.
()a:'tU~UCil:): co
.l~ eO$l~'tJWtM)t;@,Q:l
CGll.'~~~'t ~~)^!
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, in Block 18, Packer & Barr's Addition,
$28.00 each;
Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in Block 17,Packer & Barr's Addition,
$28.00 each.
C '..' 01 -1 -f'-fl"\'t"rl
~,~~. _~;!~~~~'>_~'-')l\I>V~~
. (Nt. t,~t ~a{;.:t'.l;;'.
An ordinance levying a special sewer district tax to pay
for the construction of a sewer in Sewer District No. 123 of
the Ci ty of Grand Island, NebraGka, and p rovid ing for the
collection thereof.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Ci ty Council of the C1 ty of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That a s1)ecial sewer di strict tax be and the same
is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of constructing
a sewer in Sewer District No. 123 of the City of Grand Island,
1Tebrasl<:a against the resllective lots, tracts and parcels of
land in said district in the amounts set opposite the respective
descri2tions, to-wit:
Lot 1, in Block 2, .Artistic Home Addition, t~49.55;
Lots 2 and 3, in Block 2, Artistic Home Addition, $47.51 each;
Lot 4, in Block 2, Artistic Home Addition, .47.51;
North half of Lot 5 in Block 2, Artistic Home Addition, ~p23.76;
South half of Lot 5, in Block 2, Artistic Home Addition, 4~23.76;
Lots 6 and 7, in Block 2, Artistic Home Addition, $47.5~ each;
North half of Lot 8, in Block 2, Artistic HomeAddition, $23.76;
South half of Lot 8, in Block 2, Artistic Home Addition, $23.76;
Lots 9, 10, 11, 12,13, 14, 15 and 16, in Block 2, Artistic
Home Addition, $47.51 each;
Lot 17, in Block 2, Artistic Home Addition, :i~24.22
Section 2. Said special sewer district tax shall be due and
become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law
and shall be collected in the manner provided by law.
Section 3. The Ci ty Clerk of the Ci ty of Grand Islarld, l~ebra:Jka
is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Treasurer
of Hall County, lIfebraska, the amount of said taxes together wi th
instructions to collect the same as provided by law.
Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from
and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law.
Passed and approved this 18th day of June, 1924.
Attest: ( Jeal)
c. T~. Cliffor(l
C~i ty Clerk.
'I'. J .811sberry
, --Mai' .or:- .
OT)T1r',"'rr\D ~TO 'lO~l
.:.......-V......~...::,L.:_., '-"'.'':''. ..'.', . + u .
An ordinance creating Sewer District No. 124 in the City of
('~ -A e--' "1(:1 T!.--c l~ "1(1 "c-T c 1- -~~ Ci '1,". ~ de IMi Y" i "j:g .,tM)l~:" 1.... 0"1"1 ~-1 (~ q "'..,. i e N '1-"l--1 r........~ n 0 -fY 0 \,1' i (1 'j -_.-, '-',>
'.;:,LO,.( t...;:). cL ._, ,~"j\!..1<,'Oj~<:" '. ~l J '. ~L'j. U .u,J:~ Le..!. ~~ >L~':,:, ..1.'" v ..11t',
~: .~r.. :~',,-le 1..~ l~~:Ulg ,,2:t a ~s ~.~v!e: . ~ r! ~~' ;~-.,. ::,~ ~ ~~'.s :.rJ:,c.~" 0. ~ .~~~r :ttJ :Lng tn,;.. __ ~ 8J:1..__.. ~
J_H d, c., C.d ;:.)u.me ,"J, 11 .j (j l:.',l C!, e;,:;",,\::;;::> olL1t: L '..t:; co 'co" w o:f' Sesa.Lnst t"i,j
abutt onertt.
, the Llayor CLty COlrncil of the C1 of G'rc\n.d Island,
IToljl"'(:.1..S}{:u, J_L;:.cl t}L~:;"t t.~"-,Le ste~ps tl--~ereto:eo:re t8.,}:en f~Ol~ Cj~o8~tij]g: 0:[
Se1ve:t I;istl"ict :.No. lEi;: D,:ce :teg_~'lli[tl~ lCJ\J1lf"'tll t s~hcl t}:~at [;. SeVJGl'
to be Intd i)} t:he })istr:lct heremnafter d.ef:Lned 1:3 Gmblic llecei3si tv;
, by [;, three-fOllrths vote of all tiLe meXi10e:cs of tho
City- Com1'1oil, St0.,J.O seVIeT ;c'J>,in haEl beGJl ol'derecl, Liia \vi cut COf:;t to
the Ctty.
~ '.1.1 '."! (' "L '1- ',; 0 .,c. (>~ ':.,,'1 (1 Is') ':, ," (1
ls _ \~.. I.J~.f _L .-,.~l(j"",~ - I-...-+....-~._,..,.-+.t
'by tllG 1.<18,:101'
(' :
....J _L
Council of
rr el)~CELs1-=a:
Sect~on 1. That Sewer District No.124 of tbe City 01
Grand Island, Nsbraska is created, SGme to eniliraoe the allev
between 18th st. and State St. om Eddy St. to Cleburn st. and nIl
~)l" o~p 0 :ct~l c."t 1) 1:)11 t t t J1e ~r () OIl, 1.) OTITIcLa <1 Et.B ~:\ i*o I~e 88~ j_ (1..
Election ;3.
and s~ecific~tion8
C[t=C1~J_eCL O~.lt.
:[1he/c a i3GiJVer 1)(3 1[',iel alo -cc connse c},bove
1~ 011 {j'11 DD. i d.. 1) ~t () cl-c:3 , i. [~C G 0 ~i:~ e ~"Tj_ tl1 ,t}-}.8 ~o~l['~jJS
~7ovel":rlJ. :3eV'l6I"S ~b.el~8tofol~e eBtcL~b1ishe.d CS:,}]' lJ6
;:)ec Lion 3,'
s}lull be assessed
[tIlC).. a ta,x 8}-1~3.:11 1)e
said tax to become
That the entire cost of construction s~id sewer
iust abntti., g propor~y iy' ssiddistrict,
J_cviecl as DOOTl DJE1 t e cCBt CD,JI l)c Ll!3C81'tE1i.1.1ed.,
(lel' 'lement a:1(l clnxl!V irte:cu;:.;t as ovid.e(l 1JY law.
E\~~ction 4. '11he City TIlngineer :LS eT);)! a:'lG.'orizeo. to clraw
I)J.f;~11S r3Jl1Ct eoiJ-~'iGe,t=Lcll o~f GELid. seiTler' Ei..11d. e~,Jtirna,te 0:[ e
cost the:co i:3'lltnit smIle to t 8 Ci C:omci1, (1c1.0:pted,
the Oi Clerk s}18.11 o,-t once tj.se for bids construction
0=[ SEticl sevfer, ir.~. c)~CUC1~C_[1.11Ce plc},rlr:~ 2<.~Lld. s-p8ci:ric(J~tio11
su1Jmitted, reseTving the right to re,ject any 1 bids.
Section 5. ThiS ordinance shall be in force
te.1ce e t"fe at
j.);:r J.t1Vl
t:!..:ft8J~ its')[\f3
r'\ ('"<.
(), ,::)
o ",/al
:J',,)8(( Hll. S})pTovec1 this 18th CLay 01 June, 1924.
Attest: (Seal)
c. I~. C1ifforCL
Cit'T Clei';k--'-'-~-
r1:. J. tUls1)errv
I.Ic1 ~T 0 r
~ 89
Or:~.;.i.pi1"nc e po. 1052
An ordinance levying a special sewer dlfJtrlct tax to pay- for
the construction of a sewer in Sewer District No. 120 of the
City of GrcLnd IsILnd, Nebraska, ano. proviCling for the collection
BE IT ORDAIJiJIIiD by the Mayor and Ci ty Council of the Ci ty
of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That a special ~ewer district tax be and the
same is hcr'eby levied and assessed. to pay the e:llipense of constructing
a sevier in E3evJer Di s tri c t No. 120 of the Ci ty of Grand I sIanO.,
NebrBska against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land
in bald district in the amountLi set opposite the respective
descriptions, to-wit:
Lot 1, Block 8, Wiebe's Adaition, $50.06;
Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, in Block 8, Wiebe's Aduition, $55.64 each;
South 84' of Lot 6, Block 8, Wiebe's Addition, ;1;,35.50;
North 48' of Lot 6, Block 8, Wiebe's Addition, $20.14;
~)outh 84' of ]'1~ac. I,ot 7, Block 8, Wiebe's Addition, !;p13.2ZJ;
North 48' of Frac. Lot 7, Block 8, Wiebe's Addition, $20.14;
IJots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8, in Block 9, Wiebe's
Addition, $55.64 each;
IJot 1, Block 40, Wasmer's ..AdcUtion, ;;~45.52;
IJots 2, 3 and 4, Block 40,Wasrner's ,Addition, ;::i43.84 each;
loots 5 and 6, in 131ocl( 40, Vlasmer's Addition, ~i;45.52 each;
Lots 7,8 and 9, in Blocl<: 40, Wasmer's Addition,:Ji43.84 each;
IJot 10, in Block 40, Vlasmerto Addition, :j);45.52;
I!ot 1, in Block 41, Wasmer's AdcUtion, ~;i45.52
IJots 2,3 and 4, in J310ck 41, Wasmer's i\,ciccition, ~ij43.84 each;
I"ot 5, in :Block 41, Wasmer's Adu"ition, :1;>'15.52;
JJots 6, 'f, 8 and 9, ill Block 41 Wasmer's Addition, :,,'43.84 each;
Jjot 10, Block tll, Vlasmer's AdcUtion, J}45.52.
Nbrtherly t of Et, of Block 8, Windolph's Addition, $112.28;
l'if-k of S~~ of Rt, of Block 8, Windiolph's i\dcLition, ;i~74.19;
Sly. 66 ft. of Easterly i, Block 8, Windolp~'s Addition, $37.09;
West half of Block 8, Windolnh's Adaition,0222.58;
]~-~ of Nt of KLock 9, Vlinclo~pfl' s LdcUtion, ;11)111.28;
W-t.. of S~. of JHock 9 ,Wirldolph' s Addition, ~plll. 28;
W$- of IS-}-- of S..~. of Block g, \Nindop:ph' s j\ddi tion, $55.64;
EI of sf of Block 9, Windolph's Addition, $55.64;
W~- of N"~" of :Block 9, Windolph t s Add it ion, ;;plll. 28;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Block 10, Windolph's
Addition, $55.64 each;
Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, in Block 11, Windolph's Addition, $55.64 each;
W~T of Ji;-;;- of si' of Block 11, Windolph's Addj"tion, ~~55.64.Ea~
Ef of E~ of si of Block 11, Windolph's Addition, $111.28;
wi of sl of Block l:e, Wind olph t s Addi t ion, ;~445 .12 ;
A trcw t of lsnd in the Ci ty of Grand Island, lying :]\Jorth of the
Horth line of Anna st. [to proj ected and L~Ollth of the center line of
John f;t. as 'orojected and JDD.Dt of Clark ut. and We;3t ofCleburn ~3t.,
except the A~derson tract hereinufter deccribed,- - - -$1066.42;
Commencing at a point where the :3outhe:iy line of John St. if
projected would intersect the IDasterly line of Clark ::3t., running
thence IGasterly along the Southerly line of John Ut. as ln'oj ected
a distcwce of 124 ft., thence at right angles in a Southerly cD. raction
parallel to the South line of Clark St. a distance of 50 feet, thence
at right angles in a Vfesterly direction, parallel to the :~;outherJ..y
line of' John ~)t. as IH'ojected a ci.iste,nce of 124 ft. to the eaDt li:ne
of Clark [:;t., thenc(; a long th e IGa~Jterly line of Clark ,.It. in a
Hortherl;y o"irection 50 ft. to the place of beginnins, , , , ,~~26.14.
Uectj..on 2. ~::aid special sewer di strict tax shall be due and
bec orne delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law
and Bhall be collected in the me,nn or IJrovid..ed by lc:I;V.
Fection 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Islc=;,nd, Nebras}::a
iEl hereby instructed and directed to certify to the COl,lYl ty Treasurer
of Hall County, ITebrc.wlca the aIHount of said w,xes, together with
instructions to collect the Bame a8 provided by law.
Beat man 4. This orUL~ua~e sh~ll be
~f~r~ nrn .~~~.Tl(l (},f"t (3 r i t ~3 ~pC:l E~ S2,[~'e, a,J? 0:1::* Ov"'t_l1 ;:~Tl(L
by lavl.
lIT rorce a_~ld t;ake effect
1ication as provided
:lJUrovCC\ ti is 2nd cUc;V of July, 1924.
'dR. ~. ClifforB_
C'l'tv '('1 e ,,'1r
r;j .J _.. ..J_'-- ...)..
'J.1. .J. E'iElsberl'v
.. __''''-'''~_.''_'''' ~i... _
6\\ /'
h cf/
:t t'
\ '
ORD nfAHC]} Ho. 1053
An ordinance providing rules c.nd regulations g overrJ.ng the
collection and disposition of garbage and refuse within the
City of Grand Island, Nebraska; providing for a garbage inspector;
providing penalties for the violation of this ordinance; and
providing for the repeal of Ordinance No. 142 of the Compiled
Ordinances of the City of Grand Island and all other ordinances
and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith.
BE IT ORDAINED by tile Mayor and City Council of the City
of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. The Secretary of the Board of Health of the City
of Grand Islu11d is hereby designated as the gal~bageinspector of
the City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
Sect.ion 2. [;aid official shall have the sole and exclusive
control and supervision of all service and duty con templated 03'
this Ordinance.
Section 3. In construing the terms of thj.s ordinance, the
term flgarbagell shall 'be taken to mean wet refuse of any and. all
no.. tures whatsoever, including ki tchen garbcJ.ge, offal, night soil J
decayed fruit, any animal matter or refuse, ur ,,;.TIy offensive 01'
putrid. matter. The term tlrefusell shall be taken to mean all dry
refuse, including ahs e s, manure, refuse hay or f; traw, and all 0 ther
forms of miner,;tl or vegetable refuse, not offensive or putrid in
their nature, but not, however, including any animal refuse.
Section '4. It shall be, and is hereby made the duty of
every occupan t of any dwell:i.ng rlOUGe, shop, store room, office or
other ouilc;,ing or premises, to remove or cause to be removed by
the proper collector, all garbage, refuse, or other and similar
lil1:]' terial, placed, collec ted and de:po 8i ted OJr them, and to payor
cause to be paid to mdd collector for such removal, legal fees
as by this oTcU.nance ..prescribed, and ul)on failure or reftlsal so to
remove and make such pa;yment, said occupant or occupants shaJ.lbe
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, u,nd upon conviction, the same shalil
be fined in any sum not less than One Dollars (;Uil.OO), nor more
than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for each offense.
Section 5. It is hereby declared to be unle;wful for any person
or persons to throw, or deposit, or cause, permit, authorize or
allow to be thrown or deposited upon any street or alley in the City
of Grand Island any garbage or refuse, or to cause, allow or permit
to be thrown, or to remain upon Ili D or her premi De s, ei th 81' own ed,
rented or occupied, any such refuae or garbage as to cause or
create a nuisance or any offense; and any person or persons violating
the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor
and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less
than one dollars ($1.00), nore than One Hundred Dollars ( $100.00) for
each and every offense.
S~ction 6. It is hereby de~aared the duty of each person, firm
or corporation having garbage requiring o.isposition, to place
said garbage for disposition in a fly-proof, covered metal can emd
to keep said garbage can covered and in a sanitary condition, and
to have said garbage emptied from &tid can not less than once each
. weel:: from October lot to May 1st of each year I and. not less than
twice each week from May 1st to October 1st of each year. Any person,
persons, firm or corpmration violating the provisions of this
section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and. ,upon conviction
thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than One Dollars U~l.QO)
nor more than One Hundred Dollars (~plOO.OO) for each offense.
Section 7. no person, person s, firm or corpo ra.tion shall
tra.nsport any refuse within the cit~t limits of the City' of Grand
Island, Nebraska, vvithout first compl;y-ing with the provisions of
this ordinance. Any person desiring to haul refuse shall malce
application to the City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska
for a license to haul refuse, and upon the presentation to the
City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska of a receipt
, .
showing that the applicant has paid to the Ci ty Treasurer of the
Ci ty of Grand ..Lsland the sum of Three 1)0112.rs Up3.00), the Ci ty
Clerk shall issue to the said applicant a license to haul refuse
within the City limits of the City of Grand Island for a period
cOL(lInencing \vi th the date of the license and ending the first day
of the succeeding May.
Section 8. No person, persons, firm or corpol'o.tion shall haul
any garbage in the City of Grand Island without first having
obtained a licenne from the Ci ty Clerk therefor. '1.'he Ci ty Clerk
of the Ci.ty of Grand Islo..nd shall issue a license to an applicant
to haul garba.ge in the City of Grand island upon the presentation
to him of a receipt from the City Treasurer of the City of Grand
Island shovdng that the applicant has paid to the sedd City
Treasurer the sum of Three Dollars (~~3.00). The applicant shall
also file wi th the said Ci ty Clerk a bond in not less than the
sum of ]1'ive Hundred 1)011ars(~j500.00) with sureties to be approved
by the said Ci ty Clerk, condi tioned upon the fai thful performance
of his duties as a garbage collector and his compliance with the
terms and conditions of this ordinance, and the said applicant
shall also present to the said City Clerk a statement of the
Garbage Inspector of the City that the applicant has equipment to
handle the said garbage and dispose of said garbage in a sanitary
manner. Upon the presentation of the receipt, bond and statement
by the garbage inspec tor, as aforesaid, the Ci ty Clerk shall issue
to the said applicant a license to haul garbage in the City limits
of the City of Grand Island, for a period commencing with the date
of the license and ending the first day of the succeeding May.
Section 8. The collectors and handlers of garbage shall be
entitled to use and dispose of all garbage gathered or collected
by them for their own benefit and profit, provid.ed the same is
not disposed of in any manner as to cause or crec.l,te a nuisance.
They shall be entitled to charge and collect not to exceed the
following fees for the removal of garbage and refuse matter, as by
this ordinance contemplated, to-wit:
Each dead horBe or animal belonging to the horse
family weighing over 500 Ibs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4~2.00
Each dead horse, or animal belonging to the horse
family and weighing less than 500 lbs. . . 1.50
EacIl dead cow.
J~ach dead ;:~he ep.
I:}ach dead dog. . . . .
J:ach dead hog. . . . .
Each dead cat.
l~ach dead fowl
Each dead animal not enlunerated herein, weighing more
tlla:tl 100 1 b s. . . .. ..................
IGach dead animal not enumerated herein, weighing less
than 100 Ibs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
]1:.01' the removal of garbage from each establishment, or
hoursehold or apartment, per month, not more than. .
Section 10. It is hereby made the duty and condition precedent
for the issuanceof the licenses hereinbefore provided, that all
haulers of garbage or refuse viill comply with the regulations as to
the haUling of said garbage and refuse and the disposition of the
same, as may be fro}l1 time to Ume required by the Board of Health
of the Ci ty of Grand Island, nebraska and the aPI)licants for
licenses, a~,~pforesaid, further agree, as one of the c ondi tions for
tb.e issuatlCe of said license, that they will comply with such rules
and regulations, and further, that they will, when ordered so to
by th e Secretary of the Board of Health of the Ci ty of Grand
Island, haul such garbage, as may be designated by the saict
Secretary for Jche fees hereinbefore set fortIl, and in default
thereof, said license shall upon notice by the Board of
Heal th, be immediately termina ted :::~nd the right of the
licensee to haul garbage or refuse shall innnediately cease.
Section 11. Any person, perBons, firm or corporation hauling
garbage or refuse without a licenset as hereinbefore provided,
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction
thereof, be fined in any sum not less than One Dollar U~l. 00) nor
more than One Hundred Dollars (~;aoo. 00) for each ami every offense,
and shall stand committed until said. fine and costs shall have
been paid.
Section 12. Any person, persons, firm or corporation violating
a.ny of the provisions of thiD ordinance shall be deemed guil ty of
a misd.emeanor, and. upon convicti on thereof, shall be fined in any
sum not less than One Dollar Up1.00), nor more Ulan One Hundred
Dollars (%1100.00), and shall stand committed until ~,aid fine and
costs shall have been paid.
2iection 13. Ordinance No. 142 of the Compiled Ordinc1.nces of
the City of Grand Island, Nebraska and all other ordinances or
parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
Election 14. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from. and after its passage, al)IH'Oval and publication, as provided
by law.
Passed ,and approved this 16.
day of July, 1924.
( seal)
H . E . C 1 i ff 0 I'd
---'--'--c-i 't:J;:-.Cl-e-rk-.----
'1'. J .Ellsberry
~,~----._~..-.. ---"-.-----.---,..-.-.-
Ma yo I' .
ORDI NANC]!] lifo. 1054
An o:rdinance levying a 81)ecia1 water district tax to
pay for the construction of water mains in .water main district
No. 32 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for
the collection thereof.
BI~ IT ORDAIli!1m by the Jijfayor and Ci ty Council of the
Cit~r of Grand Island, Nebre.ska:
~)ection 1. That a special we.ter main district tax be
and the same is hereby levied. and cU3De8sed to pay the expelH3e of
tlle conztruction of the water main in water mEdn district No. 32
of the City of G:tand Islcmd, :NebraDlm, against the respective
10 ts, trac to and pLcrc el s of land in said distri ct, in the run aunt s
set opposi te their reSlJective deDcriptions thereof, not exceeding
the sum of fifty cents per front foot, to-wit:
I.ots 1, 2, 3 Ll a1)d 5, :i.n :Block 5, ITIvan s Addition,
, ~ ,
;p;26.40 each;
Lots 6, 7 J 8, 9 and 10, in Block q -1':1 Addition,
N, -,',vans
$26.40 each.
~)ection 2. That ell expense in excess of fifty cents
perfront foot assessable against the lots, tracts and parcels
of land wi thin the said water :D1s.in district shall1 be paid out of
the water fund of the City uf Grand Island, Nebraska.
fjection 3. Daid special water main dii.>trict tax shall
be due cmd becorne delinquent in the manner and at the time
urovided by law, and shall be collected in the manner provided
by law.
:-3ection '1. The Ci ty clerk of the Ci ty of Grand Island,
nebraska is hereby inotructed and directed to certify to the
v v
County Treasurer of Hall County, lTebri3.s1:.a the amount of said
taxes, together with instructions to collect the same as
provided by law.
~)ection 5. This ordinance shalLl be in force and take
effect from and after i to passELge, approval and }Jubli cation
as provided by law.
Passed and appro-Ired tJtis 16th CLay of July, 1924.
(3 eal)
-----.---Cfity-Crn;rlZ-.-- .-.-
An ordinance levying a special water distrj.ct tax to lEY for
tl1 e con ;5truc ti on of VlU tel' l1lc.dns in Water Main Di stric t No. 34 of
the City of Grand I ;c3lanu, HebrELsl\.a, and provicl ing f or the
collection thereof; and repealing Ordir~Dce No. 1048 of the
Corn.piled Ordin:mces of the Ci ty of Grand Island, nebraska.
:BE IT ORDAI1if.Ij~D by the Iilayo:c and Ci ty Council of the Ci ty
of Grand Islanu, Nebraska:
Section 1. That a special water main district tax be and the
same is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of the
construction of the water main in Viuter Main District No. 34 of
the City of Gr<.:o:nd Island, Nebraska, against the respective lots,
tracts and parcels of land in said district, in the am.ounts set
opposite their respective descriptions thereof, not exceeding the
sum of fifty cents per front foot, to-wit:
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, '7, 8 and 9, West Lawn Addition, ;1,)26.00
Lots 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, a.nd 119, West Lawn
Addition, $26.00 each;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Wade's Subdivision, $26.00 each;
Lots 181, 182,183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191,
192 and 193, West Lawn Addition, ~1)26.00 each;
Huston's Reserve, Part of SEt of the fmt of Ejection 8, Township
11, Rabge 9, West of the 6th P.M., $66.00;
Lots 2'72, 273, 274 and 275, West Lawn Addition, ~)26.00 each;
I~ots 276, West Lawn Addition, ;;1,22.50;
~ Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, in Block 10, Gilbert's Second Addition,
~p26 . 40 each;
I,ot 1, i:n
Lot 2, in
Lot 7, in
Lots 8, 9
Lot 12, in Block 1, Sub. of :Block 1, Gilbert's 2nd Addition,
:~59 . Ll",O ;
Lot 11, in :Block 1, Sub. of Bloc~ 1, Gilbert's 2nd Addition,
:i~29. 70;
r.ot 10, in Block 1, flUb. of Block 1, Gilbert's 2nd Addi ti on,
Block 8, Gilbert's Second Addition, $26.40;
Block 8, Gilbert's Second hddltion, ~17.00
Block 8, Gilbert's Second Addition, ~13.00
and 10, in :Block 8, Gilbert's Second Addition,
~i)26. 40
Section 2. That all expense in exces<J of fifty cents per front
foot assessable agEdnst the lots, tracts and parcels of lemd vJi thin
the said water main distl'ict uha11 -bepaid out of the -water fund of
the City of Grand Islund, Hebrasl\2H
Section 3. [3aid special water main C1.istrict tax uhal1 be due
and become delinquent in the manner and at trIe time provided by law,
and shall be collected in the mann,;r provided by law.
Section 4. The City Clerk of the City of U-rancl Island, lJebruska
is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Treasurer
of Hall County, Nebraska, the amov.nt of said taxes together with
instructions to collect sarne as provided by law.
Section 5. That Ordinance Ho. 1048 of the Compiled Ordinances of
the Ci ty of Grand Island, nebraska J be and tll:; same is hereby repealed.
Section 6, T111s ordinance shall be in foX'ce and ta}::e effect from
and after its ]JCi.si3age, approval and publi'ca tion as provided by law.
Passed and. approved this 16, day of July, 19~.:A.
( Seal )
~c-i t:>;Clc;rk.
T. J . El1sber'!y__
An ordinance levying a special water dik3trict tax to pay
for the construction of water mains in water main district
No. 36 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing
for the collection thereof.
B::J; IT ORDAHDGD by the IJIayor and Ci ty Council of the Ci ty of
Gr'and Island, Hebrasl{a:
Section 1. That a [1})ocia1 water main district tax be and
the i.~a,me is hereby levied and assessed to pa.y the expense of
the construction of the water main in weLter main district No. 36
of the City' of Grand Isla,nel, JTebY'Cl..ska against the respective lots,
tra.cts and parcels of land in said district, in the amounts set
opposite their respective descriptions thereof, not exceeding the
sum of fifty cents per front foot, to;';wtt:
Lots 6 and 7, and their complement, in Block 1, IGvans Addition,
;:$26.40 each;
Lot 8, in Block 8, LaIr:bert's Addition, ~p7.50;
Lotfj 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Block 9, I,ambert's Addition, :!p33.00 each;
Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Block 10, Larnbert's Addition, $33.00
Lots 5, 6,7 and 8, in Blocl\: 11, Ijambert's Addition, ~?33.00
Lot s b, 6, 7 and 8, in Block 12, Lanibert' s Addi tion, ;ip33. 00
each; :;~10. 00 ;
Lot 5, in Block 6, I~Yans Addition,
Lot. 2, in Block 6, Evan' s Addition, 4~18.00;
J.Jot 1, in Block 6, l~vans i\.d..d i t i on , !l,26 . 40 ;
I Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 and their ComDlement, in J310ck 16, Lambert's
Ac1cU tion, :!~33. 00 each;
IJots 1, 2, ~) and 4, in Block 15, Lamberts Addition, :!~33. 00
Ijots 1, 2, 3 and 4, in :in 0 cJ.:: 14, Lamberts Add.ition, :))33.00
IJots 1, 2, 3 and 4, in Block 13, Lamberts Addition, :jp33.00 eaclJ .
Section 2. That 8J.l expcw3e in excess of fj,fty cents :p er front
foot assessable agEtinst the: lots, tI'~~~cts and parcels of land within
the f.laicl wa.ter main dh;trj,ct shall be paid ou t of the water fund
of the city of Grand Island, Nebraska.
Section 3. ,Said special water main d iL3tr:l.ct tax shall be due
and .become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by
law and ul1all be collected in the maL ner provided by law.
~)ecti on 4. '1'he Ci ty Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska
is hereby im,tructed and directed to certify to the County 'Tre,J..surer
of Hall County, Nebraska, the amoun t of said taxef:;, together vvi th
instructions to collect same as proyj.ded by iliaw.
Section 5. 1bis ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and Cl..fter its paSSctge, approval and publication, as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this 16th day of July, 1924.
( Seal)
-.-----Cn-iy'-Cj:. e1' 1<::.
Ordinance No.
An ordinance levying a s])ecial INater district tax to J)i...LY for
the construction of vlater mains in \vater main D1utrict No. 38
of the Oi ty of Grand Isl<::Hld, JJebrCl,sla and providing for the
collection thereof.
1m IT OFt.DAINICD 13'( TIm Mayor and 01 ty Council of the Oi ty
of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Election 1. That a 8})ec1al water main district tax be and
th e same is hereby levied and. asseGsed to JlD.Y the expense of the
construction of the weLter main in water main district No. 38 of
the City of Grand Island, He"brcuJlca., against the reSl)ective lots,
tracts and parcels of land in said district, in the amounts
:Jet oppo 3i te their l'cspec ti ve de scriptions thereof, no t exceeding
the sum of fifty cents per front foot, to-wit:
Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Block 15, South Grand Island, $33.00
I,ots 1,2+~ in Bloci: 2, Artistic Homes Addition, ~~35.00;
Lots 2, 3 and 4, in Block 2, Artistic Homes Addition,
t:~30 . 00 each.
Section 2. That all e::q)ense in exceE,S of fifty cents per
front foot assessable against the lots, tracts and parcels of
land within the said water main difJtrict sha11 be paid out of the
vlD.ter fund of the 01 ty of Grand Is:,and, l\febraska.
'section 3. Said sli8cial wc"ter main district ta:x fJhall be due
and become delinquent in the manner aIrl at the time provided by
law, and sl":Jall be collected in the manner provided by law.
Section 4. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska
is here.by instructed and directed to certify to the Count~r ~'reasurer
of Hall County, NebrasJm, the amount of said taxes, together with
instructions to collect saine as provided by law.
[:3ection 5. '1'11is ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, a}:Jl)roval Clnd publication as provided
by law.
Passed and aIJproved this 16th day of JUly, 1924,.
( Seal)
-"-----~_._(rrt~:.-(:f:Cer ~--
Mqy 0 l' .
" ')
An Ordinance levying a special sewer district tax to pay for
the construction of asewer in Sewer District No. 120 of the
City of Grand Island, Nebraska, providing for the collection
thereof, and repealing Ordinance No. 1052 of the Compiled Ordinances
of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska
BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska.
Section 1. That a special sewer district tax be and the same
is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of constructing
a sewer in Sewer District No. 120 of the City of Grand !sland,
Nebraska, against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land
in said district in the amounts set opposite the respective
descriptions, to-wit:
Lot 1, in Elock 8, Wiebe's Addition, $60.06;
Lots 2, 3, 4 and 6, in Block 8, Wiebe's Addition, $55.64 each;
South 84 feet of Lot 6, in Block 8, Wiebe's Addition, $35.50;
North 48 feet of Lot 6, in Block 8, Wiebe's Addition, $20.14;
South 84 feet of Fractional Lot 7, in Block 8, Wiebe's
Addition, $13.23;
North 48 feet of Fractional Lot 7, in Block 8, Wiebe's Addition,
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Block 9, Wiebe's Addition,
$55.64 each;
Lot 1, in Block 41, Wasmer's Addition, $45.52;
Lots 2, 3 and 4, in Elock 40, Wasmer's Addition, $43.84 each;
Lots 5 and 6, in Block 40 , Wasmer's Addition, $45.52 each;
Lots 7, 8 and 9, in Block 40, Wasmer's Addition, $43.84 each;
Lot 10, in Block 40, Wasmer's Addition, ,$45.52;,:,
Lot 1, in Block 41, Wasmer's Addition, $45.52;
Lots 2, 3 and 4, in Block 41, Wasmer's Addition, $43.84 each;
Lot 5, in Block 41, Wasmer's Addition, $45.52;
I,ots 6,7,8 and 9, in Block 41, Wasmer's Addition, $43.84 each;
Lot 10, in Block 41, Wasmer's Addition, $45.52.
N* of Et of Block 8, Windolph's Addition, $111.28;
Nt of S2 of Et of Block 8, Windolph's Addition, $74.19;
Southerly 66 ft. of Et of Block 8, Windolph's Addition, $37.09;
West half of Block 8, Windalph's Addition, $222.58;
E* of Nt of Block 9, Windolph's Addition, ~111.28;
WI of Sy of Block 9, Windo~ph's Addition, $111.28;
W, i Of Ey O,f st of Block 9, Windolph's Addi~ion, $55.64;
E or S"f of Block 9, Windolph's Addition, $55.64;
W of N~ of Block 9, Windolph's Addition, $111.28;
I.ots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Block 10, Windolph's Addition,
$55.64 each;
Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, in Block 11, Windolph's Addition, $55.64 each; .
W* of Et of Sy of Block 11, Windo1ph's Addition, $55.64;
Ef of Et of S~ of Block 11, Windolph's Addition, $55.64;
Wi of S~ of Block 11, Windolph's Addition, $111.28;
Block 12 and Complement, Windolph's Addition, $445.12;
A tract of land in the City of Grand Island, ~ing North of the
North line of Anna Street as projected and South of the Center line of
John Street as projected and East of Clark Street and West of Cleburn
Street, except the Anderson tract hereinafter described- - $1066.42;
Commencing at a point where the Southerly line of John street, if
projected would intersect the Easterly line of Clark St., running
thence Easterly along the SoutheJ:'"ly,line of'~.Iohn street, as projected
a distance of 124 feet, thence at right angles in a Southerly direction
:parallel to the South line of Clark Street a distance of 50 feet,
thence at right angles in a Westerly direction, parallel to the
Southerly line of John street as probjected a distance of 124 feet
to the east line of Clark street, thence along the Easterly line of
Clark st:reet, in a Northerly direction 50 feet, to the place of
beginning- - - - - - $26.14.
Section 21. Said Jlpecial sewer di strict tax shall be due and
become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law
and shall be collected in the manner prOVided by law.
Section 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand ~sland,
Nebraska is hereby instructed and directed to certify,to the
County Treasurer of Hall County, ~ebraska the amount of said
taxes, together with instructions to collect the same as
provi ded by law..
Section 4. That Ordinance No. 1052 of the Compiled Ordinances
of the City of Grand island, mebraska be and the same is hereby
Section5. This Ordinance shall be in force and tak e effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication, as
provided by law.
Passed and approved this 16th daor of July, 1924.
( Seal)
------ City Clerk.
T.J .lnlsb~:;:,n_,___
An ordinance levying taxes in the City of Grand Island, for
the fiscal year commencing with the second Monday in August, 1924
and ending the second Monday in August, 1925 and for the collection
BE IT ORDAINED BY THE Mayor and City Council of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That there is hereby levied and shall be collected
in the manner provided by law upon all property, real, personal
and mixed, of every kind and character, within the corporate
limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the fiscal year
cownencing the second Monday in August, 1924, and ending the second
Monday in August, 1925, on each dollar of the actual valuation of
the said property, taxes as follows and for the fOllowing purposes
The sum of Two Mills for the purpose of paying the interest
on the bonded indebtedness of the City of urand Island, Nebraska and
to create a sinking fund to pay the principal thereof at maturity.
The sum of 1~0 and three-fifths Mills for the general revenue
purpose of said City, including salaries of the City Officers, care
of streets and public buildings, to pay the incidental expenses of
the city, includ~~are of emergency hospital and incidental
expenees of police;department and for hydrant rental.
The sum of One mill for ,the purpose of paying the expenses of
the Police Department.
The sum of one-tenth Mill for the purpose of paying the
expenses of maintaing the cemetery, beautifying and improving the
same and to pay salaries in connection therewith.
The S1.un of one and one-fifth mills for the purpose of p:l.ying the
expenses of maintaining the fire department, procuring apparatus,
purchasing new hose, pay salaries and incidental expenses.
The sum of One-fifth mill to create a fund for the purpose of
establishing and maintaining a vocal, instrumental and amusement
organization for the purpose of rendering free public concerts.
The sum of two-fifths miil for the paving of street and alley
intersections and s .pace opposite public buildings and repairing
The sum of Two-fifths mill to pay for the support of the rublic
The sum of Two Mills to pay for building sewer system, to pay for
electricity for disposal plant and lift stations and to pay for
fluaing sewers, and maintaining and operating and caring for system.
The sum of One-tenth Mill for the purpose of maintaining parks
and playgrounds and beautifying the same.
The sum of Three Dollars on each and every male resident of the
City of Grand Island, between the ages of twenty-one and fifty years,
except as are exempt by law, as a poll tax.
Section 2. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska
is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County C~erk of
Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes.
Section 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication as py law
Passed and approved this 16th day of July, 1924.
( Seal)
T. J .:ml1sb~:r:r:{~
Oi ty -Olerk.~
Being the annual "Appropriation Bill" of the City of
Grand Island, :Nebraska, for the flscal year commencing tIle second
~onday in August, 1924.
BE IT ORDAINF~ by the Mayor and City Council of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That the sum of $37,730.00 is hereby appropriated
for the purpose of paying the interest on the bonded indebtedness
of the City of urand Island, Nebraska and to create a sinking fund
to pay the principal thereof, when it becomes due.
Section 2. That the sum of $7000.00 or so much thereof as
may be necessary is hereby appropriated out of the general fund
of the city for the purpose of paying the salaries of the City
officers of the City for the ensuing year.
Section 3. That the sum of $18,000, or so rouch thereof as may
be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the general fund of
the City for the purpose of paying the expenses of building and
repairing the streets and alleys, cleaning streets, opening streets
and the purchase of property for the construction of gutters,
sidewalks, crosswalks and making other street and alley improvements.
Section 4. That the Sum of $5000 or so much thereof as may be
necessary is hereby appropriated out of the general fund of theCity
of Grand ~sland for the purpose of paying hydrant rental for the past
Section 5. That the sum of $14,000, or so much thereof as may
be necessary is hereby appropriated out of the general fund of
the City of Grand Island, Nebraska for the purpose of paying the
expenses of lighting the streets and alleys and public buildings of
the said City.
Section 6. That the sum of $10,000, or so much thereof as may
be necessary is hereby appropriated out of the general fund of the
City of Grand Island, Nebraska for the purpose of paying the
incidental ~~penses for the ensuing year, including the care of
the Emergency Hospital and incidental expenses of the Police and Fire
That the sum of $15,000 or so much thereof as may
hereby appropriated to pay the salaries of the
of the Ci ty of Gr-and Island, Nebraska for the
Section 7.
be necessary, is
ensuing year.
Section 8. That the sum of $6,000, or so much thereof as may
be necessary is hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying the
expenses of maintaining the cemetery of the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska, beautifying the same, paying the salaries, incidental
expenses, repairs and improvements.
Section 9. That the sum of $18,600, or so much thereof as may
be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying the
expenses of maintaining the Fire Department, purchasing new hose,
apparatus and other accessories, paying the salaries, incidental
expenses and repairs.
Section 10. The sum of $3100.00, or so much thereof as may be
necessary is hereby appropriated for the purpose of establislling
and maintaing a vocal, instrumental and amusement organization render-
ing free public concernts.
Section 11. That the sum of $7000.00, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying
the expenses of paving streets and alley intersections and opposite
public buildings and for repairing paving.
Section 21. That the revenue of the operation of the Plant, or
so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for
and shall become a lien upon said premises fromthe date of this
levy. Said taxes shall draw interest at the rate of one per centum
per month, and shall be collected in the manner provided by law.
Section 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska is hereby instructed arrl directed to certify to theCity
Treasurer of urand Island, Nebras~ the amount of said taxes,
together with instructions to collect the same as provided by law.
Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effeot
from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this 16th day of JUly, 1924.
( S ea.l )
Ci ty Clerk~---
T . J ~l~soerry ____,~_.
An ordinance levying special sidewalk construction tax to
pay for the construction of sidewalks along the lots and blocks
hereinafter described.
BE IT ORDAlNEED by the Mayor and City Council of the City
of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That a special sidewalk construction tax be and
the same is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of
construction of sidewalks along the lots and blocks hereinafter
described in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska against the
respective lots, tracts and parcels of land, in the amounts set
opposite the respective descriptions thereof, as follows:
East side, Lot 3, Block 3, Koehler Place Addition, $48.50;
East side, Lots 4 and 5, Block 6, Koehler Place Addition,
East side of Lot 54, Hawthorne Place Addition, $35.64;
North and West sides of Lot 8, Block 5, South Grand Island,
~~109. 91 ;
East Side of Lot 7, Block 2, Lakeview Addition, $88.01;
South side of Lot 10, Block 6, Gilbert's Addition, $49.17;
E. Lot 8, Block 148, East side, U. P. R. R. Second Addition,
East side of Lot 8, Block 71, Original Town, $108.57;
South side of Lot 7, Block 130, Koenig & Wiebe's Addition, ~~46.44;
South side of Lot 8, Block 130, Koenig & Wiebe's Addition, $25.56;
North side of Lot 5, Block 4, Wasmer's Addition, $49.17;
East side of Lot 8, Block 51, Original Town, $92.90;
East side of Lot 1, Block 47, Original Town, $108.07;
South side of East half of Lot 7 and West half of Lot 8, Block
15, Wasmer's Addition, $34.48;
West side of Lot 6, Block 68, Wheeler & Bennett's Second
Addition, $99.66;
West side of Lot 5, Block 63, Vfueeler & Bennett's Second
Addition, $101.64;
. Lot 6 of Block 67, West Side, Wheeler & Bennett's Second
Addition, $101.64;
Lot 5, in Block 37, North side, Russel Wheeler's Additlon, $41.57;
North Side of Lots 2, 3 and 4, in Block 37, Russel Wheeler's
Addition, $34.32 each;
North and East sides of Lot 1, Block 37, Russel vVheeler's
Addition, $144.69;
North side of Lot I, in Block 36, Russel Wheeler's Addition,
South side of 12th st. Crossing, $27.39;
North side of Lot 8, Capital Hill Addition, $33.00;
North and West sides of Lot 4, in Block 66, Original Town, $3.60;
North side of Lot 1, Block 103, Exten. U.P. R. R. Addition,
No.rth side of Lot 5, Block 13, Schimmers Addi tion, $49.50;
NQ~tk giae af Let i, Bleak l~, 5ehimm~re Laditian, $34.C5;
South side of Lot 6, Block 13, Schimmers Addition, $48.84;
South side of Lot 10, Block 13, 8chimmer's Addition, $48.84;
North side of Lot 5, Block 14, Schimmer's Addition, $48.84;
South side of Lot 6, Block 11, Gilbert's Second Addition, $48.84;
South side of Lot 7, Block 14, Gilbert's Addition, $34.82;
South side of Lot 8, Block 5, Gilbert's Addition, $34.82;
South side of Lot 9, Block 5, Gilbert's Addition, $34.82;
South side of Lot lO,Block ]),; Gilbert's Addition, $49.00;
South side of Lot 8, Block 6, Gilbert's Addition, $34~65;
Lots 5 & 6, Block 8, S. side, Voitle's Addition} C B & Q R ~
North Crossing, 7th Street } .. ... ~81.01;
Lots 3 & 4, Block 8, N. side, Voille's Addition(" " $9~.74;
South crossing, 8th Street )
Lot 5, Block 21, North side, Schimmer's Addition, .$48.84;
Lot 4, Block 2, North side, Schimmer's Addition, $34.82;
Lot 5, Block 2, North side, Schimmer's Addition, $48.84;
Lot 1, B~ock 9, North side, ~chimmer's Addition, $46.86;
Lot 5, Block 36, West side, Russel Wheeler's Addition, $89.03;
Section 2. Said special sidewalk construction tax shall be due
and become delinquent within thirty days from and after this levy and
the purpose of maintaining, extending, improving and repalrlng
the ice plant of the City and repairing the v~ter plant of the City
of Grand Island, to pay incidental expenses connected with the oper-
ation of the s&ne and to pay the salaries of officers in charge
Section 13. That the revenue of the operation of the Plant,
or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated for
the purpose of maintaining, extending, improving and repairing
the light plant of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to pay the
incidental expenses connected with the operation of Ule same and
to pay the salaries of the officers in charge thereof.
Section 14. That the revenue of the operation of the Plant, or
so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the
purpose of maintaining, extending, imprOVing and repairing the
ice plants of the City of Grand Island, ~ebraska, to pay incidental
expenses connected with the operation of the same, and to pay the
salaries of the officers in crarge thereof.
-Section 15. That the sum of $2,500.00 or so much thereof as
may be necessary is hereby appropriated for the purpose of
maintaing, extending, improving and beautifying parks and play grounds
of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and for the purchase of such
real estate as may be necessary thereto.
Section 16. That the sum of $6,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary is hereby appropriatedcfor tIle purpose of paying
the expenses and maintenance of the public Library, including
repairs and salaries, the purchase of books and documents.
Section 17. That the sum of $32,800.00, or so much thereof as
may be necessary is hereby appropriated for the purpose of constructing,
repairing and maint&ning a sewer system in the City of Grand
Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying for electricity for
disposal plant and lif station and to pay overdraft.
Section 18. That this ordinance shall be in force and take
effect from and after its passage, approval and publication a:s bJI
law provided.
Passed and approved this 16th day of July, 1924.
( S ea.l )
~~ --Ci ty'Clerk.
T. J .~llsberr;y
1;>10. 1062
~O~OO~ ~
:t f~ If:.itld . XTeD);,fl,f,):1n..
ota ~:'~~}'\i1(:ja"
1 :f$l~t$rH;l.
el"(Jf:l> t1t1.t..~
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'Ffub:l,.1 Q l'l()ee l>s1
the 1'.:;.
:00 tion 1.flJtc1';i.Q t 125 ~t th~ Ci. ty. of
IIJl{i,11d...~. .~.......~n,.',"I~.~:W!?.. '."""'1"1." 4,. ff;..... GOnS1S~ of
. ff' W4' """~ y~~,,, ~,;u;:,,<~:,...v""W'.-
Block ene (1) ofAxt &: Hagge's ddition tothe City of Grand Island,
a.nd the West two (2) acres' pf the North half of the Northeast Qua.rter
of the Southwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 11, NOTth, of Range
9, West of the 6th P. M., in Hall County, Nebras'ka, and Lot fl Nil of
Koehler Place', an Addi tron to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
O(>l'lHt~etion of 1$.1;\')(;1',
[,pee ;U?1oitii> ti or:H:)1Ju.~n;li t ted.,
c,ll l)!fl f$.
~,_ll..;ril ~g,1j.j:i.~.sl"",....,__...,...._-_,.,.
~Jlt~t t:,J,(Jrlc.,
'1'. J .El1sberry
An ordinance levying a special sewer district tax to p~y for
the construction of a sewer in Sewer District No. 124 of the City
of Grand Island, NebrasJpand providing for the collection thereof.
BE IT ORDAI~mD by the Mayor and City Council of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska.
.Section 1. That a special sewer district tax be and th:.e same
is hereby levied and assessed to p9.y the expense of constructing
a sewer in f}ewur District No. 124 of the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land
in said district in the amountD set oppol3ite the respective
descriptions, to-wit:
Lot 2, in Block 27, Schimrner's Addition, ~~7.75;
Lot 3, in Block 27, Schimrner's Addition, ~~19.32;
Lot 4, in Block 27, Schimrfler's Addition, $29.00;
Lot 5, in Bloc};: 27, Schinuner' s Addi t ion, ;ji;36 .83;
Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in Block 27, Schinm1cr' s Adc~i ti on,
~~38.72 each.
Section 2. Said special sewer district tax shall be due and
become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law
and shall be collected in the manner provided by law.
Section 3. The City Clerk of theCity of Grand ISland, Nebraslm
is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Treasurer
of Hall County, Nebraska. the amount of said taxes together wi th
instructions to collect the same as provided by law.
Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this 20th day of August, 1924.
) ( S oal ) (
H. Ie. Olifrord
Ci ty Cler'lc.
'I' . .r .~U11lf:!-b E;J..'l'Y _
Ma yo r .
onDI IT AHCln lJ" 0 . 106 .:.1
An ordinance levying a sl>ecia1 water district tax to pay
for the e on.s true tion of VJE~ tel' mainu :Ln \Vel,tel' Ync.dn d if:; tr:L c t
ITa. 37 of the Ci ty of Grand IslculCl, lifeb:ca;::;kc:", <",nd providing foX'
the collection thereof.
m~ 1'1' ORDAIln';D by the Mayor and City Council of the City of
Grand I.sliHlcl, Hebrauka;
Section 1. 1'hc.~t a special yvater main district tax be and
the smne is hereby levied and u.s;je:'HJed to pay the expense of the
construction of the WeLter Iilcdn in W<:-J,ter in District No. 37 of
the Ci ty of Gl'and Isl0..nd, Nebrc',ska i.J,guinst the respective lots,
tracts and 1>0.roe13 of L.,nd in so,id diLtrict, in the amounts set
opposite their respective dcscriutions thereof, not exceeding the
Bum of fifty cents per front foot, to-wit:
Uchirmner' s
i3chimm,e r' s
,\deLL tion,
, e e,' t.
Ad.cLl J. on,
J_ddl tloD,
',ddi tj. on,
i3ection 2. That cdl expen,se in exceSD of' f'ift3T cents per front
foot usseJ8~ble again~t the lots, tr~cts and parcels of l~nd within
the f3Edd lNfo, tel' Iik,in dL, tric t uhall be paid out of the 'iiVict tel' fund 0 f
the Ci t:;,r of,~rc.,nd Island, :NebrD.s](C1.
Section :3. ::',o.i<:1 spec i 301 lNi.., tel' Yi1w.:i.n Cl istr:L ct tax chall 'be due
add become delinquent in tlte ma.nner and at tile t:Lme provided by law
ema. shall be collected in the mc~nncr provided by law.
,'Section 4. 1'he Ci ty Clerk of the Ci ty' of GrC:.,nd I s1<>.,nd , Hebrasl(a
is her~by instructed and directed to certify to tile County Treasurer
of He,ll County I l~ebrL-l,sl',p. thecl.TIloun t of' seLid taxe S I tOGether wi th
ins true ti ons to colle ct same as llrov:ided by law.
i)Gction 5. This orcUnGJ.nce sh,},ll be in :Co1'oo i.end to"1cc effect
from b,nd after i tu pun ;3(xge, a.pproval ',end publi ca ti on, EUi prov idecl
by law.
Passed and approved tlli s 3rd CLay 0 f deptember, 1924.
Ii. J!]. Clif'f ord
-'- --'---0 i t""5;-(~ 1 c-i~ l{ :_._e_~'__
__._.!:_~~..:r::_~!.-~.b _e_::L____e.______
Mayo r.
ORDINiiliCE No. 1065
An ordinance creating a paving district vvithin the COr)Onlte
lim:;. t s of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Heol'as}ca, del' ini 11g the
bounda1'i eo thereof, prov."iding for' the pavemen t of' same, ;.311d
providing for the assessment of the costs of paving.
m~ IT OBDAIN'ED by the l,ilctyor and Ci ty Council of the Oi ty of
Grand Islancl, Nebracka:
Section 1. 'nu....t there is hereby created a pavj.ng d:Lstrict :Ln
the City of Grand 1 slc.no, Hall COLlll ty, Hebra~;lw., tabe knovvn [md
designated as paving distr:Lct Ho. 62 of the Oi ty of Grand Island,
~;ection 2. ::;aid paving district fJhal1 consist of that :part of
Tilden street lyi between the Northerly lIne of the intersection
of First Street and Tilden Street, and the Southerly line of the
intersection of ;38cond Street oXld 'I'ilden i:3trect, oXld shall hwlude
all lots, tracts and parcels of lr:UlcL lYJ.ng \/e[it of' said J:.'i1den
Street, bouruled as aforesaid to a depth of 132 fee~. and all lots
tracts and parcels of land lying East of said Tilden street, bounded
as aforeDaid to a depth of 132 feet.
Section 3. fluid street :Ln said paving district i iJ hereby ordered
pcwed as prOVided by law, said paving to be 36 feet in width paved
from curb to curb, and curb and gutter combined.
E3ection 4. 'l'hat authority is hereby granted to the ovvners of
tILe record ti tle pepresen t:Lng a maj ori ty of the abutting proIH::;rty
ovmers in said dhltrict to file wj. th the OJ. ty Clerk Vii thin twenty
days from the first publication of the notice creating said district,
as ~provic1ed by law, IIJrJ. tten obj ections to the paving of Bc.:dd district.
Section 5. rl'hat the l'iayor and Cj. ty Clerk cne hereby authorized
and directed to publish after the pas::;age. approval and :public atioYl
of this ordinance, in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a notice
of the creation of' said district, one time each week for not less
than twenty days.
i3ection 6. Thc.Lt D.uthority is hereby g:Lven to the owners of
the record title representing the majority of the abutting pruperty
owners to f:Lle wi th the Ci ty Clerk, w:i. thin the t:i.rne provided by law,
a petj. ti on for the liDe of a particular kind. of material to be used
in ~3aid djstrj.ct. If' such owners fail to designate the m?-terial
they desire used :Ln :Jaid Paving lJistrict VIi thin the time and in the
manner l}rov:Lded by Imv, the Eayor ar.ld Oi ty Council shall determine
upon the ma.terial to be used.
i3ection 7. The COGt of paving said district shall be assesGed
against the lots, tracts and parcels of ground especially benefitted
in proportion to such benefi ts to be determined by the I[la:Jror and
Gity Council as by statute provided.
Sccti on 8. '1'11i G ordinanc e shall be in force clXld take effect
from b,nd after itG passage, aI)proval and publicat:!.on, as provided
by la\v.
and approved this
dCl.y of i3eptembor, 19;'24.
(S eal)
II IG Clifford
C1 ty Cler1;:
T .:r . IGl1 ab erry
-'---'--'------'-1t8.Yo i:.--
\ )
. 1066
J\,l{ ();I:CUl'1L,nCe
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JTi rst street lying bet'i!veen the Westerly line of th e intersec'ti on
of Harrison Street and First street und the Westerly line of the
intersection of Tilden Stre3t and First Street, and shall include
all 10 ts, tretc t 8 and pecrcels of land lyi ng Horth of said ]'i rst
Street, bounded as aforesaid to a depth of 132 feet, and all lots,
tracts and parcels of land lying ':::;outh of said Pi rst ;3treet, bound ed
as aforesaid to a depth of 1~2 feet.
,(,t..l.d utl'fH3t
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of Division Street lying between the Westerly line of the intersection
of Harrison Street and Divisi~n street and the Easterly line,of
the intersection of Tilden i.:.ltreet and Harrison Street, and shall
include all lots, tracts and parcels of land lying ,':3ou.th of said
Division Street, bounded as aforesaid to a depth of 132 feet and
all lots, tracts and parcels of land lying North of said Divisjon
Street, bounded as aforesa~d to a depth of 132 feet.
:;~ottQl1 ;.5. .eJiu 't:.i'J~,;)t
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(S ea,l}
..."....,."""_-ll.~.:c~._Cl:I.,~.:.I.:4'f,Q... .x41. __""""'"
\; d."",!! U . erA.
rit:tWQ~ ..
An Ordinance creating a paving district within the corporate
limi ts of the Ci ty of Grand IslundJ liJe-bra.ska, defining the boundari e6
thereof, providing for the pavement of sameJ and proviaing for
the assessment of the costs of paving.
BE IT ORDAIIT.illD by the W~yor and City Council of theCity of
Grand Islc1ndJ Nebraska.
Section 1. That th~re is hereby created a paving district in
the City of Grand Island, Hall County, NebraskaJ to be known and
designated as paving dist:dct llfo. 6.0 of the Ci ty of Grand Island J
Section 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part
of Charles street lying between tbe Westerly line of the intersection
of Tilden Street ~~har1eS Street and th~ Westerly ,line" Of" the "
intersection of m . Street ancl Charles ,.)treet, ana shall ~ncluae
all lots, tracts,. e.n' parcels of land lyj.ng North of said Charles
Street, bounded as aforesaid to a depth of 132 feet, and all lots,
tracts and parcels of land lying Bouth of said Charles !:JtreetJ
bounded as aforesaid, to a depth of 132 feet.
Section 3. Gaid [3treet in said paving district is hereby ordered
paved as prOVided by law; said paving to be 36 feet in width IJaved
from curb to curb and curb and gutter combined.
Section 4. That authority is hereby. granted to the owners of the
record title representing a majority of the abutting property owners
in said district to file wi th the Ci ty Clerk wi thin twenty days from
the first publication of the notice creating said districtJ as
provided by law, written objections to the pavj.ng of said district.
Beetion 5. l'hat the Mayor and Ci ty Clerk are hereby authorized
and directed to publish after the passage, approval and publication
of this ordinance, in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a notice of
the creation of said district, one time each week for not less than
twenty days.
Section 6. 'l'hat authori ty is hereby given to the owners of the
record title representing the majority of the abutting property
owners to file wi th the Oi tJr Cler};:, wi thin the time IJrovided by law.
a peti tion fOl~ the use of a particular kind of material to be used
in said district. If such owners fail to designate the material they
desire used in said paving district within the time provided by law,
the Mayor and City Council shall determine upon the material to be used.
Section 7. The cost of paving said district shall be assessed
c_gain st the lots, trac ts and parcels of gTound especiaL ly benefi tted
in proportion to such benefi tn, to be determined by the Mayor and
City Council as statute provided.
~3ection 8. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication, a.s provided
by law.
Passed and approved this
3, ._ day of rrimIrgurrnn, 1924.
Attest: (Seal)
'1'. J. Iilllsberry
., In
1;. t.~
ORDINj\JTCI~ No. 1069
An 0 Tdincmc e 1 evying Dpec ial taxe fJ to Ilci;)r fa r tll e paving on d
curbing of Paving District No. 35 of the City of GTand Island, Nebraska.
BIG IT ORDAIlTJj;D 'bv the HayoT ancL C1 t;y Council of the Ci ty
of Grc~nd I slanct, l\jcbl'~(.~)lm:
;:;ec ti on 1. '1'1:1<:1 t there is hereby 1 evi cd uno. cUc, De;3 ~Jeo. c;~gain3t
the several lot.u, tracts a:nd pa.rcels of .Land hcr-einafter specified
fOI' the purpose of -paying the cost of paving and curbine; District
Fa. 35 of the City of Granc\ IS~:_i:;,nd, JL~braul:c;c, in uccorcance VJith
the benefi t~i found and as i::;e L uad eega in st eacrl of the [::;cverul lot s,
tructs Gena parcelfJ of land by the IVIayor and Ci ty Council of the
City of Grand Island, Nebraska, sitting as a Board of Equalization
ufter (..J.ue notice given as provided by law, eacl1 of the several
lots, tracts and parcels of lWld is aC8e0Ged as follows, to-wit:
Lots 6, 7, S, 9 and 10, in Block 10, RUBsel Wheeler's Addition,
0315.83 each;
]'ractj.o118.1 lot 1 &~ COInplement, in Block 5, Voitle'iOj .,h.dcli tion,
~?394. 79;
]'ractional I,ot 2 b; Complement, in Block 132, D.F.H.H. Co.' tI
2nd Addition, ;394.79;
loots 3 and 11, in Block 132, UpP.R.R.Gal.'s ~;nd i\.dci.it:Lon,
:1?394.79 ec:.1.ch;
Lots 1, 2 and 3,' in Block 133, D.F.R.R.Co.'s End Addition,
~i394. 79;
EJouth llC!..lf I,ot 4, in Block 133, D.P.H.ILCo.'s 2nd i~dcU.tion,
:;;il18 ./14 ;
North half of Lot 4, Block 133, D.P.R.R.Co.'s 2nd Addition,
;;1,276.35 ;
Lot 5, Block 143, D.P.R.R.Co.'s 2nd Aduition, ~394.79;
E.33' of Lot 6, Block 143, D.P.R.R.Co.'s 2nd addition,
W.33' of Lot 6, Block 143, D.P.R.R.Co.'s End Addition,
Fractional Lot 7 & Complement, Block 143, D.P.R.R.Co. 's
Lecond Addition, ~394.79;
}j'ractional Lot 8 (; Complement, Block 1/13, D.P.R.ILCo.'E:; l::Jecond
Lition, $394.79;
Lot 5, Block 142, D.E.R.R.Co.'s 2nd Addition, 94.79;
West 33 ft. Lot 6, Block 142, D.P.R.R.Co.'s 2nd Addition,~197.40;
Last 33 ft. Lot 6, Block 142, D.P.R.H.Co.'s 2nd AdditIon, 97.40
Lot 7, Block 142, D.F.R.R. Co.'s 2nd Addition, ~394.79;
Lot 8, Block 142, D.P.R.R.Co.'s 2nd addition, ~394.79;
l,otu 1 and 2, Block 134, "(T.P.lLE. Co.'s 2nd .i~.d(Ution, 94.79' each;
West 33 ft. IJo"t 3, ~Block 134, U.P.R.R. Co.'s 2nd jiddition,~0~7.40;
Last 33 ft. Lot 3, Block 134, D.P.R.R.Co.'s 2nd Addition, ~197.40;
Lot 4, Block 134, D.P.R.R. Co.'s 2nd Addition,. 94.79;
Lot 1, Block 135, D.F.R.B.Co. 's 2nd Addition, ~394.79;
West half :Lot 2, Blocl\: 135 U.J?H.H.Co. I b 2nd iidcLition, :1,;197.40;
l~ast half loot 2, Block 135, D.r.H.H.Co.' s 2nd l\.ddition, 97./10;
I,ot 3, 1310cl<: 135, U.}). H. H. CO.'D ~2n(1 J\.daition, 94.79];1
Lot 4, Block 135, D.P.R.R. Co.'s 2nd Aduition, ~394.79;
Lot 5, Block 141, D.P. R. R. Co.'s 2nd Addition, $394.79'
Ea~t half Lot 6, Elock 141~V.P.R.R. Co.'s 2nd Addition, 97.40;
West half of Lot 6, Block 141, D.P.R.R. Co.'s 2nd Audition,
~t;197 .40;
]~ots '7 cU1d 8, Block 141, D.F.H.n. Co.' s 2nd Addi tion, :]';39/1. 79;
Lots 1 and 2, Block 136, D.E.H.R. Co.'s 2nd Addition, $394.79;
West 39 ft of ]'ractional Lot 3 & Complement, JUocl\: 136,
D.P.R.R. Co.'s 2nd Addition, @233.28; U.P.R.R. 2nd.
East 27' of }'racJdonal },ot 3 (y~ Complemen t, Block 13f!J ~,j161. 51;
Fractional Lot 4 & complement, Block 136,D.P.R.R. Co.'s 2nd
Addition, $394.79 ;
n8.st half of li'I'~1.ctiop~l IJot 7 &; Conrplement, Block 1/10, U.J?H.IL
Co.'s End Aduitlon, ~197.~;
ut 33 ft. of JTI'ci,ctionalIJot 7 & Complement, 1310ck 140,
U.P.H. H. Co.'s >~nd I\.ddition, ~(197.LJ(J;
Lot 8, Block 140, U.P.R.R. Co.'o 2nd Addition, ~394.79;
I,ot D 5 o..nd 6, Block 13, RUB selWheeler' ie; AdeLi t :i.on, \,)394.79 each;
Lot 6, Block 14, RUBsel Wheller's Addition, $315.83;
West 12 ft. of IJot 7, :Block 14, Russel Wheeler'f! Addition,;[;?1.'?8;
]~. 40 ft. of IJot 7, Block 14, Bussel W11eeler' D Addition,:;,i2i1Ll.05;
1i 2 D i at. 35
I~ots 8,9 and. 10, :in Block lLl, Russel WIlce1cl"s J>.ddit:i_on,
;,(315.83 each;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, in Block 6, Russel Wheeler's Addition,
',,;)15.8:::\ each;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, in Block 5, Russel Wheeler's Addition,
~';315. 83 each;
IJot 6, Block 15, HW3~.:;el Vf.tlGcler's Aci.clition, )\;,315.83;
WGl,t half of ]jot' 7, Block 15, Bussel eler's Addition, ;;;)157.92;
East half of IJot 'I, Dlock 15, Bussel Whe&r's Addition, i~157.92;
Lots 8,9 2nd 10, in Block 15, fi.uGsel Wheeler's i:..duition,
~')315. 83 Co..011;
I,ots 6, '7, 8 and 9, in Block 16, IiuBsel Wheeler's Addition,
,.,315.82\ each;
E\outh 66 ft. of I,ot 10, :B1ock 16, R1).6;;81 VVllee1er'[] Addition,
~1~221. 08 ;
North 66 ft. of IJot 10, Block 16, Rus[3el Wheeler's .Addition,
~;9,L '75;
Lots 6, '7, 8, 9 and 10, in Block 17, Russel Wl1eeler's Addition,
;,;;315.83 each;
Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, in Block 4, Russel Wl1eeler's Addition,
;~315 .8;) each;
li'ractional ]:"ot 5 & ComI)lement, Block 4, HlHwel \111eeler' s
Addition, 0315.83;
]j'ractional lot 1& ComlJlemc.:l:<t, Bloclc138, C.P. n.H. Cu.'G 2nd
i:..ddi ti on, 9Ll. 79;
. J.:Ja[d,;.50 ft. of.Frc:c~i?nal }ot,2.8~ Complement, Block 138,
1.1.1). R. H. COl.' [; ~;nCi lw.dltl on, ,::i2'J~;. 08;
\;lest 16ft. of }j'ractional Ijot 2 &. Complemen t, Block 138,
U.P.R.R. Co.'s 2nd Addition, 095.71;
I,':ast 31 ft. of Lot 3, Block 138, U.l? ILILCo.'s 2nd AdcLitj.on,
:1;;185.43 ;
~,)209. 36;
:.;65.80 ;
35 ft of J~ot 3 D10ck 138 U.P .H . I~. Co , Co "Wnd Lddi tion
. , , . >-;J ,
11 ft of' .LO o. 4 Block 138 )T Y', .Q "I CO , C' 2n<:). .t'..QCLJ. ti on
. (; , , U . J:' . J, I. . 1'.. . >-' ,
F ~. ft of ],ot 4 Block 138 U. 1") T'} .R .Co , c' 2nd .Addi tt on
~)a . , , .t ..L\ . ...> ,
~i:~) :~~8 . 9 S ;
l,ots 5 and 6, in ]310ck ?, H.G. Clark'fJ Addition, ~~394.79 88.ch;
East 52.Stft. of Fractional Lot 7 & conwlement, H.G. Clark's
Addition, 0315.83;
'Nest 13.2 ft. of lijractional :Lot 17 &, cOmlJlement, H.G. Clark's
Audition, $'78.96;
]I'l'actional Lot 8 & cOYilDlcment, Block '7, H.G. Clark's A,C:,cl:!.tion,
]'l'actional r,ot 1 & cOlqllement, Block 8, H.G. Clark't; AdditiOIl,
Lot 2, Block 8, H.G. Clark's AdditioIl, 0394.79;
I~ast :;;2 ft. of Lot 3, Block 8, H.G.C1a"rlcs'b Addit:i.on, ~i;'131.60;
West 44 ft. of Lot 3, Block 8, H.G. Clark's Addition, 0263.19;
Lot 4, Block 8, H. G. Clark's Addition, 94.79;
Korth half of Lot I, Block 9, II. G. Clarle's .l\.ddition,~~221.08;
South half of Lot 1, Block 9, H. G. Clark's Addition, $94.75;
North l~lf of Lot ~, Block 9, H. G. Clark's Addition, 0221.08;
,'3outh half of I,ot 2, :Block 9, II. G'. CJark'k) Ac10.it:Lon, ;;;;94.75;
Lot 3, Block 9, H. G. Clark's Addition, 0315.83;
I,otD 4 and 5, in illock 9, H. G.Clark's .Adciition, :,,<315.8;:');
Lots 6, 7 and 8, in Elock 6, H.G. Clark's Addition, 315.83;
West 2.8' of Lot 9, Block 6, H.G. Clark's Addition, 6.75;
,{Tcst 50 ft. of I,ot 9, Diock 6, H.G. Clark'n Addition, ;,,;299.08;
Lot 10, B~ock 6, H.G. Clark's Addition, 0315.83;
Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in Block 5, H. G. Clark's Addition,
;J;315.83 each;
Lots 1, 2, 0, 4 and 5, Block 10, H. G. Clark's Aduition,
,1:,315.83 8<::"ch;
Lots 1, 2, 0, 4 and 5, in Block 11, H.G.Clark's Addition,
:);:315.83 each;
Lots 6, 'I, 8, 9 and 10, in Block ~, H.G. Clark's Addition,
~:;i)2)15 .83;
l:ast 26.i1 :Ft. of Src:.ction,al J:ot 3 (;,~ Complement, Block l~;,
H. G. Clark's Addition, ~157.92;
Lot 1, Block 12, H. G. Clark'u .i\.dcdtion, ;,1);)94.79;
E. 39.6' of Fractional Lot 2, Block 12, H.G. ~lark'B Addition,
:::;236.87 ;
;/3 Dii3t 35
ctional :Lot 2 & Complement, Block 1~2,
:,,,15& .92;
6.; Complement, 1310ck 19, J3'a1rview Pusk
West ~;G.4' of
H.G.Clark's Addition,
li':ractional },ot 4
:i.tion, :;;315.83;
l,ot 5, inJ310ck l~), T'Ed.I'viGW I)Cl.I'k i\..cJ.cdtion, .}~)15.83;
IJots 6, 7, 8 and 9, in Block 17, li'Ci.irvicw noerk 1\.cLCLition,
~i;315. 83 Gcwh;
I'rii.ctionaJ.. I.ot 10 c;,nd. complement, Block 1'7, Fail:"vj.CW J)c~l'k
Addition, 15.83.
ection 2. The tax 30 levied shall become payable, delinquent
arw draw int,.reut aD by law provicled, no.mely: One-tenth uhall
become del:inqucnt in fifty days from 0.ate of thiD levy; one-t::::nth
in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in tlrrec years;
one-tenth in :{OLJ.I' yec~rD; one-tenth in 1'i ve you.rD; one-tenth in six
years; one-tenth in seven yc~rB; one-tenth in eight years; one-tenth
in nine YCo.rs frum Co. a te of thL, levy. l';ach of ~5c.id insta.llment 8
Gave the first one shall craw interest at the rate of seven per
cent per annum until the same becomes delinquent c'.ncl each of the
o_e1inquent hlstallmcnt~3 ::3118.11 dnLw intercst at tlH; :cate of ten
per cent 1,01' annum from c.nd after Ducll installments become o.elinqucnt
'until }Jaid.
Provided, hovlcver, that the entire amoun t so levied and asscsued
against any of the aforuuaj.d lots maybe paid at any time wi tllin
fi:Cty days frcm date of such lovy ,i!i thout inter'cst "enel such lots
in thH.t event shall be exelil:pt from eny lic'11 (Q)1' char{;c :foI' such
;:;ec tion 3. The Ci ty Clerk of the Oi ty of G:cand Island, ]\[ebrablw.
i3 hereby d:L:cectecl to forthwith certify this or<Unance to tlle City
j'reasurer of Grand Lld.rleL, IJcb:cauJ:ca, who DIJD.ll proceed to collect
said taxes as required by law.
;3cctioYl /1. '1'11i8 ol'cUnu,nce shall be info1'c8 an(~ take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided
by law.
Pas~:;ed anec apJrovecl this 17th aay of ;:;eptembcr, 19~~4.
( ". 1 \
,.C. ef?o )
H "l~. C liffo rel
---.- C i ty-:--Cl erlc~--.--
T. -T....Jl!JJ s b e r.l:'::L___.______
Iv'ray 0 I' .
ORDINAlfCE No. 1070
An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the paving
and cur.bing of }laving District Ho. 61 of the City of Grand Island.,
BE IT ORDAIl\fED by the I\'[ayor anCL C1 ty Council of the Ci ty of
Grand I D:w,nd, Nebrasl;;;,,:
Section 1. 'l'hat there is hereby levied and assessed agairwt
the several 10 tB, "Lrctc t:J cend pare e1 s 0 f lane. here inafter spec ified
for the purpose of paying the cost of paving and curbing Paving
District no. 61 of the Ci ty of Grand Islb_nd, Nebl'dska, in accordance
with the benefits found and assessed against each of the several
lots, tracts and parcels of L.UIe. by the Mayor and Cj_ ty Council of
the Ci ty of Grand Island, r:ebraslca, ui tting as a Board of
Equalization, after due notice given as provided by law, each of
the several :Lots, trcwts and IJ&l'cels of land iD assesbed as
follows) to-wit:
Lots 5, 6 and 7, in Block 7, Original Town, $401.83 each;
West 34 ft. of Lot 8, Block 7, Original Town, ~20?00;
East 32 ft. of I,ot 0, J310ck 7, Origina1 'l'own, 194.83;
Lots 1) 2, 3, and 4) in nlock 18) Original Town, $401.83;each;
Lots 5 and 6, in Block 8, Original Town, $401.83 each;
East half of Lot 7, in Block 8, Original Town, $200.91;
West half of Lot 7, in Block 8, Original Town, $200.92;
Lot 8, in Block 8) Original Town, <$401.83; .
Lots I, 2, 3 clnd 4) in Block 17, Original Town, ~401.83 each;
LQts 1 and 2, in Block 16) Original Town, $401.83 each;
West 26 ft. of Lot 3) Block 16, Original Town, ~158.30;
East 40 ft. of Lot 3) Block 16, Original Town) $243~53;
South one-third of Lot 4) Block 16, Original Town) $80.37;
North two-thirds of Lot 4) Bloc~ 16, Original Town, $321.46;
East half of Lot 5, Block 9, Original Town) ~200.91;
West hic.clf of Lot 5, 310ck 9, Original Town, ~;;200.92;
st 30 ft. of Lot 6) Block 9, Original 'l'own, :~182.65;
West 36 ft. of Lot 6) Block 9, Original Town, $219.18;
West 6 ft. of Lot 7, Block 9) Original Town, ~36.53;
East 60 ft. of Lot 7, Block 9, Original Town, 0365.30;
Lot 8, Block 9, Original Town, $401.83;
Lots 5) 6, 7 and 8, in Block 10) Original Town, $401.83 each;
Lots 5, 6 and 7, in Block 11, Original Town, $401.83 each;
North half of Lot 8, Block 11, Original Town, $120.55;
South half of Lot 8) Block 11, Original Town, ~281.28;
:fi;ast 56 ft of North 75 ft. o:f I,ot 1) Block 15) Original Town) ~itJ252.61
V/e}3 t 10ft of l\orth 75 ft of l,ot 1) Block 15) Or ig :i.nal Town) :1];45.11;
East 62ft of South 57 ft of Lot 1, Block 15 Original Town, $97.80;
West 4 ft. of :30uth 57 ft. of loot 1) Block 15 Or:i.ginal Town, ;1,;6.31;
East 27 ft. of Lot 2, Block 15) Original Town, 67.11;
West 39 ft of Lot 2) Block 15, Original Town, $234.72;
Lots 3 and 4) in Block 15) Original Town, ~401.83;
Lots 1 and 2, in Block 14, Original Town) ~401.83 each;
Vlest hal:f of Lot 3, Block 11) Original 'l'own) ~?200.91;
I;ast half of' IJot ;)) Block 14, Original Town) :;;;200.92;
Lot 4) in Block 14) Original Town, 0401.83;
Lots I, 2 and 3, Block l~, Original Town, $401.83 each;
]'ractional Lot 4 a,nel Complement)J31ock 13) Original Tovvn, ;1i)401.83;
Lot 8) Block 12) Original Town, ~401.83;
Fractional Lot '7 & Complement, Block 12, Original town, 01.83;
li'rc,ctional 1,ot 6 & Complement, Block U;, 01'igj.nal Town) 01.83;
North 42 ~t ofnLot 5~ B~?Ck 1~! H~G~ Clark's Adui~ion) ~76.71 _
Gouth 90 It. or Lot b, B~ock Id, H.G. Clark's AdoItion) ~325.12;
Lots 1 and 2, Block 8, Rollin's Addition, $321.47 each;
Lots 3) 4 and 5, in Block 8) Rollin's Addition, ~321.47 each;
North 54 ft. of Fractional Lot 5 & complement, in Block 6,
Rollin's Addition) 098.61;
~Jouth '78 ft. of li'l'act:i.oncd Lot 5 & complement, in J310ck 6)
Rollin's Addition) $303.22;
~jl'ractional I,ot 6 lie complement, J31ocl\: 6) Rollin's Add:Ltion) ;;/401.8;3;
North 52 ft. of Fractional Lot 8, Block 19) H.G. Clark's
Addition) ~94.99;
West 45 ft. of South 80 ft. of Fractional Lot 8 & complement,
Block 19, 0209.21;
East 21 ft of South 80 ft.of Fractional Lot 8 & Complem~nt
Block 19. ~97.63;
North 52 ft. of Fractional Lot 9, Block 19. 094.99;
;:)outh 80 ft. of Frc,_ctiowc~l Lot 9 & COIill)lement. THoele 19, ;:;)306.84;
Jection 2. The tax so levied shall become payable, delinquent
and dravv interest 0,iJ by ID"\fj ]Jl'ovicied, na,mely: One-tenth shall
become c,elhlquent \ilithin fifty CU:.:1"ys from cLate of this levy;
one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two ye,,"rs; one-tenth in tnree
year;s; one-tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth
in six years; one-tenth in sevc:;n yccu's; one-tenth in eight years;
one-tenth in ninG years from date of thi s levy. IGu,ch of said
installment~; fJ[c,"ve the finJt one shall d.raw interest at the rD"te
of seven per cent per annum until tile L;ame bee omes delinquent and
each of the delinquent installmen~s shall uraw interest at the
rate of ten per cent per annum from and after such iw;tallments
become delinquent until paid.
l)rovided, hovvever, t.ha t the ent ir8 mnoun t sol evi ed and aGse seed
agairwt any of the aforet.iu,id lots may -be paid at any time withj.l1
fifty a.ays froIll c~ate of Duch levy, VJithout interest ",cnd SUC.l.1 lots
in thcLt event shall be exem.:pt from any lien or charge for such
flection 3. The Cj.ty Clerk of the City of Grand Island,
Hcbraskcl,. i:3 hereby eliI' ec ted tu furtlnv i th c cl'tify thi s oru in::.Hlc e
to the City Treasurer of Grand 1812,1Jo.. lJe'braslm, who shall proceed
to collect sE,j.cl ta:z:es af:) required by lav'!.
ec ti on I~. Thi s Or0.1nanc e shall be in fore e iH1d take effect
from and after its passage. am)rov~l and publication as provided
"by la1Jv.
Passed Cl.ncl etFprovecl this 17th- c:Lay of Ueptember, 19:.../1.
cfty:--c 1 e-ik .
T .&-lL_]lll~ 1? e r ry
l.ilC1N 0 r .
OPJ) :mAlifC1; H" o. 1 G 71
An Ol'almJ11C e a utilO:ci zing tll G Eayor And OJ. ty Olel' k of th c Ci ty
of Grand I slanc~, lTebl'adca t 0 e:~ecu te and deli vel' un to the purchaser
thereof, tVlenty-eigh t (28) negoti able bonds to be kno"\vn and
designated as "InteruGction Paving Bon(,s of the C:i. ty of Grand
Island, II providing for the c011o.i tions, form and. amount of tl1e same;
and providing for the disposition of the proceeds derived from the
Gale of same; and repealing OrcL:i.nance No. 1038 of the Compiled
Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
\J1IJl;PJ.~A8, in order to :t)<JcY for the paving of intersections of
EJt:reeto and [,)Jaces opposi to alleYi3, the general IJaving fund being
ucriously depleted; and whereas, the said :i. n:t~r3Gctj.orlfJ of streets
u.nd spae es oppo:...Ji te alleyo have been paved at an expen:..:e of
~~28,506.,1G; and whereas, it is necessary and expedient to issue
DEwing bonds in the amount of at least Twcnt3r-eight Thousand Dollars
rW28, 000) to pay the expens8 s of IJ8,ving inter i:..iCC ti ons of i3tree tS
aflcL :::ipaces O}hJosi to a~l..lcys in Paving Districts lTo. :35, ., 60 and
61 in the City of Grand Island heretofore created and which said
inter:.3cctions of str'eets ami spaces op:posi to alleys form a part.
TrOW, 1JIRIJ.:J:J'OI-lli, J31; I'].' OPJ)AIJ.nm by the Mayor and Ci ty Counc il
of the City of Grand Islana, Nebraska:
;::;ec ti on 1. TIn t the 1.:a;yo1' <1ncl Ci ty Cl erk of the City of Granel
Island are hereby authorized to oip'n, execute and deliver unto the
]Jurchaser thereof tv/onty-eight (28') negotiable bonds, or so many
thereof as may be necessary,. to be known aslllntersection Paving
Bonds Ii of the Ci ty of Grand Island. Ligid bonds al'e to beaI' date
of October 1st, 19~4 and" made payable to bearer at the office of
the County Treasurer of Hall County, Hebnlska, in the City of Grand
Island. Each of said bonds shall be in tile principal sum of one
thouDemel dollars (;,lJlOOO.OO), l)ayable ontl1e fir':...:t do{( of October', 19~'1,
and shall be redeemable at tl1c opt:t:on of. the City of Grand Island
at any time after five years :Crom 'Cheir date. baid bond.s shall be
cons ceu ti vely numbiJI'ed, cormnenc ing wi th ]}unibcr (1). ;:L::;id .bonds shall
draw interest [~t the l'ate of five per cent per annum p8_Ydble annuall:l,
to-"\Jit, on the filest day of October 1925, and the first day of
Oc tob.er : each y~ar thereaft~r. . _ '.' tVIE"(Yl ty( 2y), .
11:ach of saId bonds sha.Ll have attac.rlea thereto~.{.~:"") Interest
coupons, tach in the Bum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00), repre~enting
the annual interest accruinG thereon. The ljroceeds from the sale ;01'
~.w..id boncis ure to be used for }iayiL g the cost of pD.ving in tc1'scc!tions
of ;:!treetu ancl Gpaces OPIJosi te alleys in Paving Districts IIo .'35,
.., 60 u.n(L 61 of :.:;uid Ci ty.
Uection 2. The :M:ayol' and Ci ty Clerk are hereby authorized
to (Loli'''lo1' ;jCLid bonGS unto the purchasel' thereof after the said bonds
have 'been c:::xecuted in the manner pl~oviCled in Liection One of this
OI'dinance; and shall receive as :payment, face value ana accrued
interest, wlitch money :3hall imrnediately b8 paj.d to the Ci ty TreaSUl'CI'
of the City of Grand Iolanc.., Nebraslm, vlho shaJ..l leeep the same in a
special fund known as II In tc:c Gec ti un Pu;v ing Ji"uncl of' the Oi ty of
Grand 1s1ano..,1I pl'oviced, however, tlIat the Mayor and City Clerk u,l'e
prohib:i.ted from c;.elivering any rnore bonds than are neeess8,ry to :puy
the Vi<1rrall"GG cravm agaj.nst F.:.;aid fund.
:.:..:ection 3. 'l'lht the Liayor and City Council shall annually levy
and colle c t taxe s, tile &;,lllG to cons t itu te a s inldng fund for the
]laY'Iilcmt of' si.d.C\ bonds, and tile interest thereon so :..;ame accrues.
/38C tion 11. 'l'h.:t t Ordinanc e iTo. 1038 u f the C ompil cd Ord inane es
of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Kebraska be &.nci the same is hereby repealed.
,3ection 5. 1'l1i8 ordinance shallbein fOl'ce and take effect
tram and after its lJassage, approval and publication uS provided. by :Law.
PassecL and approved. this 1?th c.o..y of' ~;eptelIlbeI', 1924.
( S en 1)
H. ~~ . C 1 iff 0 I'd
----- O'i ty Clerk.----
T. J .J~lloberry
~.~._.---_._---- ---.--
1 ., 0
~<~ J. C)
ORD IN AJ'JCIG }To. 1 () 7 ~~
An 0 l'CLLnanC e xepealing O:cdinanc e s no. 91 and lira. 689 of
the Com:pilccL Ordinances of the City of Grand Island. JJebrauka.
BID IT Or-W,AI:r:mD By the Hayor emd Oi ty CourIcil of the Ci ty
of Grand Island. N~braska:
Section 1. That Ordinances No. 91 and No. 689 of the
Com:piled OrcLLnances of' tJ:18 City of Grand Iulano., :Ncbraska be and
the same arc hereby repealed.
;~;ection 2. ~r:his ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and aI'tel' its paSS[1ge, aFproval and pubiication. as provided
by law.
J?as;:;eci. and ""Fen'oved this 1'7. (i.a;y of ,:..'cptembcI', 1924.
( h "1 \
tJl oa..L. j
H ")I' C 11' -['Po I'd
. ..J. . _ .... ::.I-..
Ci ty C1erk. -
T . J . TG l PJ2J~.:t::.r.JL
' Mayor. ---.---
An OrcLHlaIWC ievy:i.ng fJpecj.al taxes to pay for the :flaving and
curbing of Paving District No. 60 of the City of Grand Island,
ITe"bra ;3kE~ e.
BJj~ IT URDJ\nmD by the ],'[C:oyor and C:i. ty Council of t}1C Ci ty
of (}:cand Iulanu, Jiebr'uf3ka:
JA;ction 1. That there is hereby levied and L:"s:3esDG(1 against the
ueveral lots, tl'actu and parcels of land hereinafter specified
for ti18 pur-90S? of pay:Lng the cost _of IJewing and cu:c'oing D:L strict
lTo. 60 of the: rJi.ty of Grand IslciflCL, j,:ebrcLcika, in accordcnlce wj.th the
benefit s fOlxncL anO. aSI3GsiJecl againut each of the several lots, t1'dctS
and parcels of' 1011d by the LIayor and Oi ty Council of the Oi ty of
Grand ISL.:.Y1Ci, rTebra.'Jka, uitting as a Board of T;qualization, after
due not:Lce given (,Q.S l)rov:i.ded by law, each of the several lots,
tracts and .parcelD of land i B aSiJessed as 1:'0110\'18, to-wi t:
Lots 1,2, 3 Gnd 11, in Bloc1<: 18J Hollin's Addition, ,>102.10 each;
Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in Bloc1<: 16 R~llin's Addition, 321.69
Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in Block 15, Rollin's Addition,$321.69 each;
Lots 1, 2 and 3, in KLock 19, Ribllin's Aclcdtion, :;;402.10 each;
South 50 ft. of Lot 4, Block 19, Rollin's Addition, 1.40;
Harth 8~~ ft. of J,ot 4, Block 19, Hollin's Ado_iti.on, 310.70;
Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 14, Rollin's AdditIon, ~321.69 Bach
.. . ]'l'C1C .~~ o,~la~- I,ot ~ 1, 2 and 3, cmd their complement, Illock 20,
Rol~ln's AUQIt~on, ~402.10 each;
J:Ga:Jt six ft. of' E:vactional 1.,ot 4 and complement, Block 20,
Rollin's Addition, $36.55;
West 60 ft. of I;'ractional Lot 11 and complement, Block 20,
Rollin's Aduition, $365.55;
East 26 f't.4fnches,:l!'1'i.)~ctional :Lot 6 and complement, in Block 13,
Rollin's Addition, 60.43;
Webt ~)9 ft. (3 inches of ]J'Tc;ctional J"ot 6 and complement, j.n
Block 13, Rollin's Addition, $241.67;
Weut 26 ft. 4 incht;s ofFTactional Teot 7 and comple:ment,
Block 13, Rollin's Additcon, $160.43;
~3t 39 ft. 8 inchf;s of 3TDoct:i.ona,1 }jot 7 and complement in
Block 13, Rollin's Aduitlon, $241.67;
.lGast 52 1't. 10 inches of l;'1';)oc tional Lot G ana. complement, in
Block 13, Rollin's Additlion, 0321.89;
West 13ft, 2 inches of ]~actional Lot 8 and complement, in
J310ck 13, Rollin' B Addi ti on, :fp80. 21;
West 52 ft. 8 inch s of Lot 9, Block 13,
~ast 13 ft. 4 inches of Lot 9, Block 13,
Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, in Block 2, hrnold &
~~402.10 each;
Fri.Lctional IJots 1 and 2 and complement, Bloc};: ::J, /;..rnold 8:
Abbott's Addition, $402.10 each;
Lots 3 and 4, in Block 14, Bonnie Brae AdditIon, 402.10 each;
IJots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, inJ310ck 5, Bonnie Brae Addition,
:lii321.69 each;
IJots 6, 7, 8, 9 8..i.'1d 10 in Block 6, Bonnie Brae Addition,
lifJ:321. 69 each;
},ots 1, 2, ;), 4, and 5, in Block 13, Bonnie Brae l\.ddihon,
;. rz 01 6' Cl e'" Cl1 .
:U)VN . ';) -u.. .,
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, in Block 12, Bonnie Brae Addition,
::~321. 69 each;
Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in Block 7, BonnieBrae Addition,
',,)~321. 69 each;
I,ots 6, 7];:. 8, 9 iJnd 10, in1310ck 8, :80nnie Brae .i\.dcUtion,
~~321. 69 each.
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 ana 5, in Block 11, Bonnie Brae Addition,
:t~321. 69 each;
Hollin's Addi b.on ,S;3::'.o .:8;7
F1o-1:1"l'n.' ,c: . 1 . t' J' 81 2"
_ .' _ _ Aa.ch :1 on ".,l'" _.. ,0;
Abbott's Addition,
//2 Di st. 60
1 8:; ~~
Lot::; !\~n }j'ra.?tio~L~1.J310ck 10, J3011...cic I3rD.e ~,dcLjtion, ;1,)321.69 oach;
FractIona~ Lot ~, In Fractional Block 10, Bonnie Brae
Audition, 0251.01;
Fractional Lot 9, in Fractional Block 9, Bonnie Brae
Addition, $110.47;
1I':r..'c.1cti anal l,ot 10, in ll'ractional Block g, Bonnie Brae
Addition, D301.81.
.Jection 2. '1'11e tax so levied shall become pc;,yable, delinqw:nt
ij.Y1Q atraw :i.n tel'c r3t 8.S by J.i.:cvv provided., name ly: One -ten tll ;]ha11
become delinqu.ent in fifty days from date of t:nis levy; one-tenth
in one year; one-tenth In two years; one-t8nth in three years;
one-tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in
six yea.I'D; one-tentb in ueVGn yearn; OlH,-t'c.::ut.b in eight years;
one-tenth in nine years f'roIil \.C<:Lte of thi 8 lcvy. j:;i.wh of said
installments, ,;ave the first one, ~lhall o.raw intereut st t.ho rc~te
of Loven per cent per a:mlUlJ.l unttl t:he s[,me becomes delinquent "",nC!.
eadI of tile uelinquont inntallmcnts :3ball c.ll'<.Lvv intc1'8ut cot the
1'a to of ten per cent per annum from cLl1d cd'tor such installment s
become delinquent until paid.
Brovio.ed, however, tllat the ent:ire wflount ,;0 levied and asses~Jed
against an;y of the aforesaid 10 ts may be IJaia 0, t any tj.rne'i! i t_tJ.in
fH'ty days 1'1'0111 the date of Sl.wh levy, "\vithout intcnJ,St und IJUCll
lots in that event una11 be exe:IJlpt J:'l'om ccny lien or charge for
sucll interost.
::iection 3. The Oi ty ClerIc of' the Ci ty of' Grand 1 [3 la nO. , lTebraGl::a
j.B hereby directed to forthwi tll certify thi 8 ordinanc c to tho
City Treauun..:r of Gr"",nd. Island, bra:.:;ka, who shall IJl'Ocecd to
collect Guid taxes as required by law.
icction -4. 1'11i8 ol'clirw,nce shC:Ll1 be in force '-;,,[1(1 tc;J{e effect
from and i.d'te11 its pSD i3agc, cL:PIH'Ovo.l ,;"ndpubli cs ti on 8,S prav ided
by l8.w.
Pas;3ec1 and aPJ)l'oveo. this...l1L._ day of ;.)0 81nrJcl',1924.
iT .1; . C 1 i l' :f' 0 rd
----. -~._-. --6 it") - C]. (; l~k.
'l'..J .JnlBb e:rrv
----.---.---..YXayor :---
\./ .l
. <.;.-L
ORDI NANCE No.1 C ? ,,1
An ordinance creating a paving district within the corporate
limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the
boundaries thereof; providing for the pavement of same and
providing for the assessment of the costs of paving.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of
Grand lsland, Nebraska:
Section 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in
the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to be known and
designated ae Paving District No. op of the City of Grand
leland, Nebraska.
Section 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part
of the alley in Block fifty~seven (57) of the Original Town, now
City of Grand Island, Nebraska, lying between the Westerly line
of the intersection of said alley and Wheeler Avenue, and the
easterly line of the intersection of said alley and Walnut Street,
and shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land lying North
of said alley, bounded as aforesaid to a depth of 152 feet, and
all lots, tracts and parcels of land, lying South of said alley,
bounded as aforesaid, to a depth of 132 feet.
Section 3. Said alley" in said paving di str ict i a hereby ordered
paved as provided by law; said paving to be 16 feet in width."aaRJt
Section 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of
the record title representing a majority of the abutting property
owners in said district to file with the City Clerk within twenty
days from the first publication of the notice creating s~id district,
as provided by law, written objections to the paving of said district.
Section 5. That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized
and directed to publish after the passage, approval and publication
of this ordinance in the "Grand Island Daily Independent" a notice
of the creation of said district, one time each week for not less
tha.n twenty days.
Section 6. That authority is hereby given to the owners of
the record title representing the majority of the abutting property
owners to file with the city clerk, within the time provided by
law, a petition for the use of a partioular kind of material to
be used in said district. If such owners fail to designate the
material they desire used in said paving district within the time
and in the roarmer provided by law, the mayor and city council shall
determine upon the material to be used.
Section 7. The cost of paving said district shall be assessed
against the lots, tracts and parcels of land especially benefitted,
in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the mayor and
city council, as by law provided.
Section 8. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law
Passed and approved this 19 J.
day of September, 1924.
( (, l'
De& )
II. It; . C 1 iff 0 I'd
efty' Clerk
1'. J .Kl1sberry
-..... 'Mayor
An ordinance providing for the issuance of District Paving
Bonds, of District No.35 of the City of Grand Island, Hall
County, Nebraska.
WHSREAS, the Mayor and Council of the City of Grand Island
Hall County, Nebraslca, did by pr:oceedings regularlty had create
JPaV:ln@oThfus:tircthrfo'.;>5f$ iIll.('sa.,:i:d City and order the conutruction
of paving and other local improvements work in said District, and
WHEHEAS, special assissments have been levie'd against the
property benefitted insaid District as by law provided payable
one-tenth 1m each of the years 1924 to 1933, inclusive, in the
aggregate amount of $44,216.22; and
WHEREAS, it is disired by samd City to issue Dist>>icy Paving
bonds to anticipate the collection of the UJ1lpaid portion of i:he
said special assessments and t;ID;;:paty(~t:p.eeoost of the paving of the
streets in said Paving District, a.S by statute provided.
NOW, 'rHEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and C01111.cil of
the City of Grand. Island, Hall Co mty, Nebraslca:
Section 1. That there be issued Distzict Paving Bonds of
District No. 35 of the Ctty of Grand Island, Hall COilllty, Nebraska
in the aggregate sum of $44,000.00 to pay the cost of paving
streets, avenues and alleys in the PavLlg District herein described,
exclusive of intersections of streets and avenues and suaces
opposite alleys, and to antiuipate the coIlleBtion of the uppaid
portion of the special assessments, levied to pay the cost of paving ~
and improvements in said Pabing Distnict, .said bonds to be dated 0
Octobet 1st, 1924, numbered 1 to 44 inclusive, bear interest at
the rate of five and one-half per cent (5'~h) per annum, payable
annual l:u , on the first day of Oatober, 1934, but redeemable in
numerical order at ann time after the date of their issuance.
Section 2. 'That said bonds be signed l)y the Mayor and attested
by the Clerk of said Cit;>r and that the seal of said City be
mmpressed 0'1 said bonds, and, that said coupons be executed by
the facsimile signatures of said Mayor anc1 Clerk, which said,
officials by the execution of said bonds shall adopt as and for th
their own ,proper signatures their repective facsimile siplatures
iLppearsopn::sailidl1codpol1S, and said bonds shall have endorsed thereon
gorms of certificates for registration by the Auditor of the State
of Nebraska, and by the County Clerk of Hall County, Nebraska.
Section 3. 'That said bonds, coupons and certifHJates"be in
sllpstantially' the following form:
, '
'. ;
CITY OJ.!' GRA:'lI! ISJ....;\.l'tJ] ,
That the City of Grand Island
Yo"' _~- -:1',,<
in Hall County, NebraSka, hereby achnowledge itself to owe and for
value receoved promises to pay to the bearer the sum of One Thousand
Dollars ($1000.00) on the first iay of October, 1934 with interest
thereon at the rane of five and one-half per cent (5t%) per annum
from the date hereof until paid, payable annually 011 the first day
of October in each year, upon surrender of the attached coupons as
they severally mature. Both principal hereof and interest hereon
ate hereby made payable in lawful money of the United states of
America at the office of the Co nty Treasurer of Hall County, at
Grand Island, Nebraska.
Fro the ~rompt paym':mt of this bond , both principal and in-
terest, the full faith, credit caud resouces of said Cit yare here-
by lrre~ocablv pledged.
This bond and the other bonds of this issue are pa~hble at the
option of said',:ei)i-ty'"at any tiJje, in numerical order.
Thisbond is one of an issue of $44,000.00 issue under authority
of Chapter 44 of the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska for 1922, as
amended, and. other pertinent statutes of said State, for the purpose
of paying the cost of paving streets, avenues and alleys in
Paving District No.35 in said City, exclusive of intersections
of streets and avenues and spaces opposite alle~s and anticipating
the collection of special assissments levied to pay the cost of
work in said Paving District, and said special assessments have
been set aside and constituted a singing fund for the payment
of bonds of this series, and is authorized by and ordinance duly
passed by the 60uncil od said Ci tit, approved by the lfl.B;)Tor thereof
and published, as required by law. And it is hereby certifeid and
recited tha~~ all conditions, things and acts requirGd by law to
exist, to be or tobe done, precedent to and in the issuing of this
bond have been done, have Ixisted and have be-Jen performed in dhle
form and time and that the ind2btedness of said City, including
this bond, does not exceed any: limitation imposed by law.
IN TES'rIMONY 'rHER"10F , the City of Grand Island by its Mayor
and Council has caused 'the corporate seal of said City to be im-
pressed hereon and this bond to be signed by its liayor and attested
by tits Clerk, and the coupons hhreto attached to be signed by said
Mayor and Clerk respectibelu by their facsimile sltgnatures, and
said officials do by the execuuion hereof adopt as and for their
own proper signatures their repeative facsimile signatures appear-
in' on said coupons, all as of the first day of October, 1924.
H. E. Clifford
T. J. Ellsber;r:v
On the-first day of October, 19_, the 6ity of Grand Isaland
Hall County, Nebraska, will pay the bearer Fifty-five & nO/lOO
Dollars (~55.00) at the office of the County Treasurer of Hall
Co:;_nty, at Grand Island, Nebraska, for interest due that iay 011
its District Paving Bond of District nO.55, dated October 1st, 1924
H E. CliffDl1d
Iddo hereby certify that I have examined the within bond and
all proceedings relative to its issue and do find and hereby certify
that the within bond has been regular~~ and legally issued (the data
filed in my office being the basis of this certi1icate) and that the
same has boen registered in my office in accordance with the provisions
of the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska, ,1922, as amended.
) SS
I, ,1. E. JLyle, County Clerk of the County aforsaid,
do hereby certify that this b~nd has been registered in my office
pursuant to the provisions of the Comp~led statutes of the State 01
Nebraska, 1922, amended.
WITNESS my slignature and the weal of said County, this _
day of 1924
J. E. Lyle
County Clerk
Section 4. That said bonds be executed as herein provided and
thereupon presented to the Auditor of Public Acco;mts tofether with
statements and showings required by the Compiled Statutes of Bebraska
1922, as amended and that when said bonds shall have been duly and
properly registered by and in the office of thq Auditor 00. Public
Accounts, pursuant to the provisions of said Statute, the same be
presented to the County Clerk of Hall COUl.).ty, Nebraska to register
the same in""B. bond record provided for that purpose, and execute the
form of certificate herein provided to ge eddorsed upon said bonds;
and when said oond,s shall have been exelButed and regi stereo. as
herein provided, sarna' shall be delivered to the purchaser thereof,
upon receipt of the purchase price therior, same being not less th
than the par value thereof and said sale is' hereby confirmed.
Section 5. The uppaid portion of the said special assessments
levied to pay the cost of paving and impro'temeiLts in Paving District
No. 35 in said City, be and the same are hereby sat aside and cons-
ti tuted a sinking fund for the paurnent of said bondsr:! and there be
and there is hereby levied a direct annual tax upon all the taxa~le
property in said City, which tax together wmth said special assess -
ment .hd sinking fund shall be sufficient to pay said bonds, both
principal and interest'.' at maturity and the full faithifi credit
and resources of said City be and are hereby pledged for the
prompt payment of said bonds, ~oth principal and interest.
Section 6. That all ordinances and resolutions and parts of
ordinance and resolution in conflict with the terms hereof be
and the same are hereby repealed~
Section 7. This ordinance shall oe in full force aIld effect
immediately upon its adoption, approval and publication as re-
quired by law.
Passed and apprmved this
day of September, 1924.
H. _E C;Lifford
City Clerk
m.Ji Ellsverry
. ayor
An 'Ordinance providing far the issuance 'Of District Paving
bands of District na. 60 of the City 'Of Grand Island, Hall Caunty
WHEREAS. the Mayar and Cauncil 'Of the City if Grand Island,
Hall Caunty, Nebraska, did by praceedings regularly had create
Paving District Na. 60 in said Cit~ and 'Order the constructian
of paving and other local impravement work in said District; and
W~REAS, special assessments have been levied against the
praperty benefitted in said District as by law procided payable
'One-tenth in each of the years 1924 ta 1933, inclusive, in the
aggregate amaunt 'Of $27,0&0.00, and;
WHBREAS, it is disired by said City 'Of issue District Paving
bands to aftticipate the callectian of the unpaid partion of the said
spemial assessments and ta pay the cast of he paving 'Of the streets
in said Paving District, as by statute provided.
NO, THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Council of
the Ci ty of Granl Island, Hall County, Neb::'aska:
Section 1. That there be issued Distriit Paving :Bonds of
District No. 50 of the C~ty of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
in the aggregate sum of $27,000.00 to pay the cast of paving
stl'eets, avenues and alleys in the Paving District herein described
exclusive of intersections of streets and avenues and spaces
'Opposite alleys, and ta anticipate the collection of the u~~aid
portion of the special assessments, levied to pay the cost of
paving and improvements in said Paving District, said bonds to be
dated Octaber 1st, 1924, numbered 1 to 27 inclusive, bear interest
at the rate of five and one-half per cent (5~) per annum, payable
annually, on the first day of October 'Of each year, said interest
to be evidenced by caupons attached ta saict -bands, J.UIlturing on the
several dates when interest accrues, and said bonds shall uecame
due and pa~able Octaber 1st, 1934, but redeemable in ~umerical
order ht any time after the date of their issuance.
Section 2. That said bonds be signed by the Mayor and attested
by the Clerk of said Citu and that the seal 'Of said pity be
impressed on said bonds, and that said coupans be executed by
the facsimile signatures of said Mayor and Clerk, Which said
officials by the execution of said bonds shall adopt as and for
their own proper si natures their respective facsimile signatures
appeari on said coupons, and said bonds shall have endarsed thereon
forms of certificates for registration by the Auditar 'Of the State
of NebraSka, and"by the5,Calluty ClerJr ()it'HaIl County, Nebraska.
Section 3. That said bonds, coupans and certificates be in
substantially the following form:
;~~1000. 00
KNOW ALL MEN BYTH~SE PRESENT'S: That the City of Grand Islancl,
Ha-ll ---~
in Hall County, Nebrasl;:a, hereby achnowledges i tsself to owe and for
value received promises to pay thethe bearer the sum of 6ne fhousand
Dollars($lOOO.OO) on the first day of October, 1934 with interest
thereon at the rate of five and one-half per cent {_~) per annum
from the date hereof until paid, payable amnually an the first day
of October/each year , upon surrender of the at$ached coupons as
they severall~ mature. Both principal hereof and interest hereon
are hereby made payable in lawfull money of the United states of
America at the offiue of the County Treasuer of Hall County, at
Grand Island, Nebraska.
For the prompt payment of this gond, both principal and interest
the full faith, credit and resources of said City are,"h'ereol)T;'s.
irrevocable pledgen.
This bond and the other bonds of this issue are payable at the
option of said City at an y time, in numerical order.
This bond is one of the issue of $27,000.00 issue under
authority of Chapter 44 of the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska for
1922, as amended, and other pertinent statutes of said state, for the
purpose of paying the cost of paving streets, avenues and alleys in
Paving District No. 60 in said CitW, exclusive of intersections of
streets and avenues and spaces opposite alleys and anticipatins
the collection of special assessments lefied to pay the cost
of workuin said Paving District, and said special assessments have
helen s'et aside:cand coneti tued a sinking f1Ll1d for the payment
of bonds of this seriesm and is authorized by an ordinance duly passed
by the Council of said Cit~, approved by the Mayor hhereof and
published, as required by law. And it is hereby certified and recited
that all constions, things and acts required by law to exist, to be
or to be done, precedent to and in the issuing of this bond have been
done, have existed and have been performed in dlie gorm and time ani
that the indebtedness of said City, including this bond, does not
exceed al~ li~itation imposed by law.
IN TTDSTUIONY WHEREOF, The City of Grand Island by its Mayor and
Council has caused tje corpoate seal of said City to be impressed
hereon and this bond to be signed by its Mayor and attested by its
Clerk, and the coupons ~ereto attached to signed by said Mayor
and Clerk respectively lbW tht9':ll.:jr :fSie:fd,mi1le: signatures, and said
I .
officials do b the execut ion hereof adopt a.s a~ld. :eor their own
proper segnature their respeBtive faosiltlileslLgnatures appearing
on saiCl. coupons, all as of the first day of October, 1924
H. E. Clifford
T, J. Ellsberry
:May 0 r
(FORM OF coupmT)
On the first day of October, 19____, the City of Grand Islsnd,
Hall County,Nebraska,vvill pay to bearer Fifty...five & nO/lOa
Dollars ($55.00) at the office of the County Treasurer of Hall
County, at Gaand Island, Nebraska.ftr interest due that day on its
District Paving Bond of District No.60, dated October 1st, 1926
H, E. Clifford
T. J. Ellsberry -
I do hereby certify that I have examined the within bond and
all proceedings rela'$Five to its issue and do find and hereby certify
that the wi thLl vond has bnen regularly and legally issued ( the
data filed in my office being the basis of this certificate) and that
the same has been registered in my office in accordance with the pro...
visions of the Compiled Statutues of Nebraska, 1922, as amended.
) ss
I, J. E. Lyle, County
Clerk Of/County aforsaid, do hereby
certify that this bond has been registered in ~y office pursuant
. to the provisions of the Compiled Statutes of the State of Nebraksa,
1922, as amended.
WITNESS MY signature and the seal of said County, this
day of
, 1924
J. :ill. Lyle
County Clerk
Section 4. That said bonds be executed as herein uTovidea anI
thereupon presented to the Auditor of Public Accounts togethe~ with
statements and showings required by the Compm1ed statutes of l.~eb-
raska 1922, as amended, and that when said bonds shall have veen d
duly and properly regisyered by and in the office of the Auditor of
Public Accounts, pursuant to the provisions of said statu tes, the
same be presented to the Countn Clerk of Hall County, Nebraska to
reiester the same in a bond record provided gor that purpose, and
execute the form of certificate herein provided to be endorsed upon
said bonds; and when said bonds shall nave been executed and regist-
ered as herein provided, same shall be delivered to the purchaser
thereof, upon receipt of the purchase price there for, samde being
not less than the par value thereof and said sale is hereby confirmed.
Se.ction 5. "P'lllh$ unpaid portion of the said special assessments
levied to paytthe cost of paving and improvements in Paving District
No. 60 in said Citu, be and the same are hereby set aside and cons-
tituted a sinking fund for the payment of said bonds, and there
be and there is hereby levied a direct annual tax upon all the
taxabel property in said City, which tax together with said sieeial
assessment somlomg fimd s~allbe sufficient to pay said bonds, both
principal and interest~ at maturity and the full faith, credit and
resources of said City be and are hereby pledged for the prpmpt
paJilTIent of said bonds, both principal and interest.
Section 6 That all ordinances and resolutions and parts of
ordinances and resolutions in confmict wIDth the terms hereof be and
the same are hereby repealed.
Section 7 This 6rdinance shall be in full force and effect
immediately upon its adoption, approval and publication as required
by law.
Passed and approved this 19th day of September 1924.
lit E. Clifford
C ler k
T/ J. Ellsberpy_
OR]Il~ANCE No. 1077
An ordinance providing for Jb.he issuance of Distriit Paving
Bonds of Disr4ct No.61 of the City of Grand Island, Hall Cuunty
WHEREAS.. the Mayor and Council of the City of Grand Island,
Hall County, ~ebraska, did by proceedings regularly had create
Paving District No. 61 in said Citu and order the 6onstruction
of paving and other local improcemellt work in said District;and
WHEREAS, special asses~3ment s have been levied ag'ainst the
prpperty benefitted in said Dist~ict as by law provided payable
one...tenth in each of the years 1924 to 1933, inclusive, in the
aggregate amount of $22,502.74, and;
'VlIIERES, said work has been completed and has been accepted by
the Mayor and Council of said City,; and
'v'vHEREAS, it is desired by said City to issue District Paving
bonds to anticipate the collection of the unpaid portion of the
said special assessments a'Ld to pay the cost of the paving of
the streets in said Paving District, as by the statute provided,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED. by the Mayor and Council of
the City of Grani Island, Hall Uounty, Nebraska;
Section 1. That there be issued District Paving Bonds of
District No, 61 of the Cityoof Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
in the aggregate sum of ~{~22,500.00 to pay the cost of paving" '~
streets, avenues and alleys in the Paving Distriet herein described
exclusive of intersections of streets and avenues and spaces
opposite alleys, and to anticipate the collection of the unpaid
portion of the spacial assessments, levied bo pay the cost of paving
and improvements in said Paving Dist:~ict, said bonds to be dated
October 1st, 1924, numbered 1 to 45 inclusive, bear interest at the
rate of five and nne-half (5~) percent per annum, p~~able annually
on the first day of October of each year, said interest to be KXB
evidenced by coupons attached to said bonds, maturing on the several
dates w~en interest accr~es, and said bonds shall become dUB and
payable-October 1st, 1934, but redeemable in numerical order at
any time afte::' the dateof their ilssuance.
Section 2 That said bouds be signed by the Mayor and attested
by the Clerk of said City and that the seal of said City be
impressed on said bonds, and that said coupons be executed by the
facsimile signatures of said Mayor and Clerk, which said officialB
by the execution of said bonds shall adopt as and for their
own proper signatures their respedtive facsimile signatures appear-
on said coupons, and said bonds shall have endorsed thereon forms
of certificates for registration by the Ap:ditor of the State of
Nebraska, and by the County Clerk of illll County, Nebrasl;:a..
Section 3. That said bonds, coupons and certigicates be in
substsntiallu the following form;
~NOW ALL MEN J3Y"ifTf:;;';~'E~p~~'gB':1T'S': That the City of Grand Island
inHall County, Neb ramka, hereby acknowledge itself to owe and for
value r,ecieved promisee to pau th the bearer the sum of Five Hundred
Dollars ($500.00) on the first day of October, 1934 with mnterest
thereon at the rate of five and one-half per cent (5~%) per annum
from the date hereof until paid, payable annually on the first day
of Octobef each year, upon surrender of the attached coupons as that
severally mature. Both principal hereof and interest hereon are
hereby made payable in lawful money of the United states of America
at the office of bhe County Treasurer of Hall Cptltnty:, at Grand Island
For the prompt payment of this bond, both principal and interest
the full faith, credit and resources of said City are hereby
irrevocable pledged.
This bond and the other bonds of this issue are payable at the
option of said City at any time, in numerical order.
This bond is one of an issue of $22,500.00 mSsUe ~der authority
of Chapter 44 of the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska, 1922 as amended
a.nd pt:1,ier pertinent st~tutes of said state, for the purpose of paying
the cost of paving streets, avenues and alleys in Paving District
No.61 in said City, eclusive of intersections of streets and aven-
ues and spa.ces opposite alleys and anticipation the collection of
speciAl assessments ; evoed. tp +au the cost of wotk in said Paving
District, and said special assessments have been set aside and COl1-
stituted a simking fund for the payment of bonds of this series,
and is authorized by an ordinance duly passed by the Council of
said City, approved by the Mayor thereof and published, as re~ired
by law. And it is hereby certified and recited that all conditions
things and acts required by law to exist, to be or to be done, pre-
ce~nt to a:ld in the isuning of this bond have been done, have
existed and have been performed om due fpr~ and time and that the
indebtedness of said City, inclu(ling this bond, does not exceed any
limitationsmmposed by law.
IN TE3TIMOEY WHEREOF, The Citp of Grand Island by its Mayor
and Conncil has caused the corporate seal of said City to be im-
pressed hereon and this 'bond to be signed by its Mayor and attested
by its Clerk, And the coupons hereto attached to be signed by said
Mayor and Clerk m:aslIet"oJtiJV:.ely by their facsilllile signature, a.nd. said
officials do by the execution hereof adopt as and for thetr own
proper signatures therr respec~ive facsimile signatures appearing
011 said coupons. all 8S of the first day of October. 1924.
H.J ::'. Clifford
C 1 ar k
T. J. Ellsberry
On the fist day of October. 19____. the City of Grand Island,
Hall County, Nebraska, will pan to bearer Twenty-seven & 50/100
Dollars U~27.50) at the office of the Count'.i Treasurer of Hall County
at Grand Island, Nebraska, for interest fue that day 0', its
District Paving Bond of Distr ict No, 61, dat ed Octol)er 1st, 1924
( Seal)
H, E. Clitford
T. J. EIIS1)eEZ_
I do hereby cert ify that Dr,have examined the wtthin bond and
all proceedings relative to its issue and do find and hereby certify
that the within bond has been regularly and legally issued(the data
filed in my office geing the basis of his certificate) and that the
same has been registered in my office in accordancewi th the pr ovi SiOE
of the Compiled statutes of Nebraska,1922,as amended.
S TATE OF NElffiAS Y...A }
} ss
I, J. E. Lyle, County Clerk 0 f Couty aforesaid, do hereby
certify that this bond has been registered in my office pursuant
to the provisions of the Compiled Statutes of the State mr Nebraska
1922, as amended.
WITNESS my signature and the seal of said County. this
day of
J. E. Lyle
County Clekk
Section 4 That said bonds be executed as herein provided
"Jipereupon presenteCi to the~};Ci~..~or of Public Accounts rogether with
stta;gemefius,Jaf.1a.c<snowings re'qli,:f2t,EHtG15y the Compiled Statutes of neb-
raska 1922, as amended, and that when said bonds shall have been
duiby and properly registered by and in the office of the Aucitor
of Public Accounts, pursuant to the provisions of said Statute,
the same be presented to the County Clerk of Hall County, nebraska
to register the same in a bond record provided for that purpose,
and exevute the form of certificate herein provic1ed to be Eilndoree.;d
upon said bonds; and when said bonds shall have been executed and
registered as herein provided, same shall be delivered to the
purChaser thereof, upon receipt of the purchase price therefor,
same being not less than the par value thereof and said sale is
hereby comfirmed.
Section 5. The uppaid protion of the said speCial assessments
levied to pay the cost of paving and improvements in Paving Dist-
rict No,61 in said City, be and the same are herey set aside and
constituted a sinking fund for the payment of said bonds, and there
be and there is hereby levied a diredt annual tax upon all the
taxable property in said City, which tax together with said
special assessment sinking fund shall be sufficient to pay said
bonds, both principal and interestm at maturity and the full
faith, credit and resources of said City be and are hereby pledged
for the prompt payment of said bonds, both principal and interest.
Section 6. That all ordinonaes and resolu.tions and purts of
ordinances and resolutions in conflict with the terms thereof be
and the same are hereby repealed.
Section 7. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect
inmlediately upon its adoption, approval and publication aw required
by law.
Passed and approved this
Attest: (Seal)
19t) day of September, 1924.
H, E. Clifford
_ ~11. J. Ell~berry
An ordinance levying a special sewer district taK to
pay for the oonstruct~on of a sewer in Sewer Distric~ NO,125
of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the
oollection thereof.
BE illT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City
of Grand Island; Nebraska:
Section 1. That a special sewer district tax be and
the same is herepy levied and as essed to pay the expense of
constructing a sewer in Sewer D~strict No.125 of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska against the respective lots, tracts and
parcels of land in said district in the amounts set opposite the
repecti~e descriptions, to-wit:
Lot'+, Bili,oelc 1, Axt & Hagge's Addition, ~30.38;
Lot 2, Block 1, .A.xt ~ Hagge's Addi timn., J(29. 85;
Lot 3, Block 1, Axt ~ Hagge's Addition, ~26.19;
Lots, 4,5,6,7,8,9,10';11, and 12, in Blockl, Axt & Hagge's
Addition, $28.81 Each.
Lot A, Koehler Place Addition, $40.80
West two acres of the Uoth half oft the Northwast Quarter of
the Southwest Quarter of Section k5, TOvn1ship 11, Range 9, West
of the 6th P.M., $394.90
Section 2. Said special sewer district tax shall be due
and become delinquent in the maImer and at the time provided by
law and shall be collected in the manner provided by law.
Section 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska is hereby instructed al1dHdirecte,d to certify to the
County illreasurer of Hall County, Hebraska the amount of said taxes,
together with instructions to collect the same as provided by law.
Section4. This ordinance shall be in force and take
effect from and after its passage. approval and publication as
provided by law.
Passed and ~pproved this 1st day of October; 1924.
H. E. Cliffori
:me fI~ Ellsberry
j'l ,\Yd\
/',\ 1.\" \
( ,
An ordinance to forbid the parking of cars,not in use,on
the streets or alleys of the City of Grand Island, Nebrasl~.
BE IT ORDAINED by the 1Vfayor and Ci ty Council of the Ci ty
of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. No person, persons, firm or corporation shall
park, or permit to remain standing on any street or alley of the
City of Grand Island, Nebraska any motor vehicle not in service.
Section 2. In construing the terms of this Ordinance, the
words "in service," as applied to motor vehicles, shall be
construed to mean privately owned motor vehicles in ordinary use,
taxi cabs, motor trucks, and all other privately owned cars in
actual use; and the term "not in service" shall be construed to
mean, among others, cars owned by dealers and placed upon the street
for the purpose of sale or exchange new or used cars, owned by
dealers or individuals, for which no State individual or dealer's
license has been obtained, and the regular license plate placed
thereon, or any other motor vehicle parked on the streets or
alleys of the City of Grand Island for the purpose of demonstration,
sale or exchange, and not using the streets or alleys of the City
of Grand Island for the transportation of goods or persons and
parked legitimately while waiting for such goods or persons.
Section 3. Any person, persons, firm or corporation ViOlating
any of the provisions of this oIuinance shall be deemed guilty of
a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any
sum not less than One Dollar nor more than One Hundred Dollars for
each offense.
Section 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in cQnflict
herewith shall be repealed.
Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approvaland publication, as provided
by la.w.
Passed and approved this 1,
day of October, 1924.
--.Ci-tjr Crrerk.--
..T. _ J . 'i; 1 J. B "i:{ c.r:..:Ql: . _
\; _ rl f'J
~".'f 1....'\ '
I' \i' \
(~: ,.
An ora.i11ance amending Paragraph Four of that Dart of
Section 3 of Ordim:mce No. Ib75 of the Compiled Ordinances of
the City of Grand Island, Nebraslm, referl"ing to the form of
the bond and repealing said original paragraph.
BE IT OHDA ELm by the Mayor and City Council 0 f the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That Paragraph Four of that part of SectLidlh 3
of Ordinance No, 1075 of the Compiled Ordinances of the Ctty of
Gran(l Island, Nebraska, referring to the fo:cm of bond, be and the
same is hereby amended to read as follows:
"This bond is one of an issue of $44,000.00 issued by
authority of and in accordance with the pertinent provisions of
the laws of Nebraskaio~erning cities of thefiist class having
more than five thousand a,ld less than twenty-five thousand
inhabitants, an(l in accordance "Iitb an Ordinance duly and legally
passed by the City Council and apprll7Ved lJY the Mayor, and published,
as required by law, for the purpose of paygng the cost pf paving
streets, aven~es and alleys in Paving District No.35 in sa d City,
exclusive of intersections of streets and avenues and spaces
opposite alleys and anticipating the collection of special assess-
ments levied to pay the cost of work in said Pavinf District and
said special assessments have been set aside and constituted a
sinking fund for the payment of bonds of this series. And it is
hereby certirfied and recited that all conditions, things and acts
required by law to exist, to be or to be done, precedent to and in
the issuing of thi s bO:1(1 have b.:;en done, have existed and have been
performed in due form and time, and that the hidebtedness of said
City, including this bond, does not exceed any linlitation imposed
by Law. Tf
Section 2. That Paragraph JJ'our of that part of Sectlon 3 of
Ordinance no .10'75 of the Compiled Ordinances of the Ci t;'l of Grand
Island, nebraska, refel'ring to the form of the bO'ld, be and the
same is hereby repealed.
Section 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after itts passage, approval and publication, as prOVided
by law.
Passed and apDroved this 15th day of October, 1924.
Attest: (Seal)
H. E. Clifford
City Clerk
T. J. Ellsberry
An ordinance creating vlater main district No. 38 in the
City of Grand Island" Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereofj
providing for the laying of a water main in said district, and
providing for the payment of tile cost of construction thereof.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City
of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That there is hereby cl'eated a water main district
in the Ci ty of Grand Island, lifebraska, to -be Imovm and designated
as water main district No. 3B of the City of Grand Island,
Section 2. Said water main district shall consist of that
part of Huston Avenue, lying bet-ween Willard Street and Thayer
street, and shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land
fronting on said Huston Avenue, bounded as aforesaid and wi thin
said district.
Section 3. Said water main district is hereby ordered laid
as provided by law and in accordance vvi th the plans and specifi-
cations governing VJa tel' mains, heretofore establi shed by the
Eiection 4. 'l'hat authority is hereby granted to the record
owners of a majority of the foot frontage of taxable property
vvithin such 'water main district to file a written protest with
the City Clerk within thirty days from and after the publication
of the notice creating said district. .
Section 5. The Ci ty Clerk is hereby authorized and directed
to publish after the passage, approval and publication of this
ordinance a notice in the IlGrand lsland Daily Independenttl
addressed generally to tile owners of the real estate in said water
main district, notifying them of the creating of said district and
the time allowed for the filing of a written protest against the
extension herein ordered.
Section 6. The cost of extending water mains in said district
shall be assessed against the real estate in said district to the
extent of fifty cents per foot frontage, and the costs in excess
of fifty cents per foot fron@t shall be paid by the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska, as provided by law.
Section 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this
5th day of NovembBr, 1924.
( Seal)
City Clerk
T ~ J .;mJ,.lsbJ;)x.ry_____~__
ORIT NAN C]1 NO. 1082
An ordinance creating Sevier District No. l~~G in theCity of
Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing
for the laying of a sewer in said district, describing the manner
in which same shall be laid, asseG~3ing the costs thereof against
the abutting property.
\VHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand
Island, Nebraska, find that the steps heretofore taken for the
cre~. t ing of Sewer Di s tr ia t no. 126 are regular and lawful, an d
that a sewer to be laid in the District hereinafter defined is a
public necessity; and
VfllEID~AS, by a three-fourths vote of all the members of the
City Council, said sewer main has been ordered laid without cost
to the City.
NOW, THmREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Ci ty Council
of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That Sewer District No. 126 of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska is hereby created, f:lame to emol'ace tile
alley 'between Pin.e St. and B. cn. from Biclni)'l'ck Ro[;,cl t,C) AgeJ.te
('r.l, ~'1 "" 11 t'! .l' . . J 1 " ,., ,', . ,
() L 0 c.-11L. c:..,_ J.. "~)I)C)l)er~:y (J,OU'I~ GIItg C11e~r-eOrl) 00l)J'10.f.:~l1 c.l,8 DIC)X'Ugc.Jl0__
Section 2. That a sewer shall be laid along the course above
described, running through said blocks, in accordance with the plans
a.nd specifications governing sewers heretofore established for
laying sewers in so far a.s said plans and specifications can be
carried out.
Section 3. That the entire cost of constructing said sewer
shall be assessed against the abutting property in said('.district,
and a tax shall be levied as Boon as the cost can be ascertained,
said tax to become delinquent and draw interest as provided by law.
Section 4. The City Engineer is hereby authorized to draw
plans and specifications of said se'wer and mal<:e esti!l1D.te of the
cost thereof and Bubmi t sarne to the Ci ty Council, and when adopted
the City Clerk shall at once advertise for bids for the construction
of said sewer, in accordance wi th the plans and E3pecifica.tions
~ubmitted, reserving the right to reject any and all bids.
Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage,approval and publication as prOVided
by law.
Passed and approved this 5,
v.. da.y 0 f
( Seal)
C-rty Clerk'.'
T . J . EJJ._rt.l?..eJ'.a..____._.__.~__._
Uta-yo I' .
An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for jrhe paving
and curbing of Paving District No. 62 of the City of Grand Island,
BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of
Grand Island, Nehraska:
Section 1. That there is hereby levied ancL assessed against
the several 10t~, traats and parcels of land hereinafter specified
for the purpose of paying the cost of paving and curbing Paving
District No.62 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordanca
with the benefits found ahd assessed agaLJ_st each of the several
lots, tracts and parcels of land b;sr the Mayor and Oi ty Conncil of
the City of Grahd Island, Nebraska, sitting as a Board of
Equalization, after due notice given as provided by law, each of
the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as
follows, to-wit:
South one-half of Lot 5, Block 14, Baker's Addition, ~335.02.
North one-half mf Lot 5, Block 14, ~aker's Addition, $235.03.
~ot 4, - Block 14, Baker's Addition, 1.)210.44.
Lot 3, Block 14, Baker's Addition, ~9l.22.
Lot 6, Block 14, Baker's A~dition, ~470.05.
Lot 7, Block 14, Baker's Addition, ~210.44.
Lot 8, Block 14, Baker's Addition, ~9l.22.
Lot 1, Block 15, Baker's Addition, ~470.05.
Lot 2, Block 15, Baker's Addition, 1210.44.
Lot 3, Block 15, BakerTs Addition, ~91.22.
Lot 8, Block 15, BakerTs Addition, ~91.22.
Lot 9, Block 15, BakerTs Addition, ~,p2l0.44.
Lot 10, Block 15, BakeyTs Addition, $479.05.
Section 2. The tax so levied shall become payable delinquent
and draw interest as by law provided, namely: one-tenth shall become
delinquent within fifty days form date of this levy:
one~tenth in one year: one-tenth in two years: one-tenth in three
years: one-tenth in four years: one-tenth in five years: one-tenth
in six years: one-tenth in seven years: one-tenth in e~ght years:
one-tenth in nine years form <tate of this levy. Each of said
installments save the first one shall draw interest at the rate
of seven per cent per amlUm unt il the same becomes delinquent and
each of the delinquent in:3tallments shall draw interest at the
rate of ten per cent per mll1uJ'j from and after such installments
become delinquent until paid.
Provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed
against any of the aforesaid lots may be paid at any time within
fifty days from date of such levy, without interest and such lots
in that event SlIDll be exempt from any lien or charge for such
SsutiLon 3. That the City Clerk of the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska, is hereby directed to forthwith certify this ordinance)
to the City Treasurer of Qrand Island, Nebraska, Vtil0 shall proceed
to collect saad taxes as required by l~w.
Sevtion 4. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from-and after its passage, approval and 9ublication as prOVided
by law.
Passed_ and approved this 19th day of november, 1924.
Attest: (Seal)
R. E. Clifford
Ci t~l Clerk
T. J. Ellsberry
ORDI1'J.AIWE No. 1084
An ordianoe levying speoial taxes t~ pay for the paving
and curbing of Paving Distriot No. 63 of the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska. .
BE rr ORDAINED bu the rEayor and Ci t;y Counoil of the City illf
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against
the several lots, tracts and paroels of land hereinafter ~pecified
for the purpose of paying the cost of paving and curbing ~avil1g
District Np. 63 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, in"'accordanoe
with the benefits found and as;:\:;ssed against each of the several
lots, tracts and parces of land b~y the Mayor a.nd Oi ty OO1.1.noil of the
Oit) of Grand Island, Nebraska, sitting as a Board of
Equalization, after due notice given as provided by 1I.Jv!, each of
the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as
follows, to-wit:
Lot 6, Block 2, Wasmerfs Addition, ~319.91.
Lot 7, Block 2, Wasmer's Addition, $308.06.
Lots 8 and 9, Block 2, Wasmer's Addition, $308.06 each.
Lot 10, Blook 2, Wasmer's Addition, $319.91.
Lot 1, Block 5, Wasmer's Addition, ~~319.91.
Lot 2, Block 5, ~asmer's ~d~~t~on, R308.06.
Lot 3, Block 5, vvasmer' S .LidG l b.on, jp3C8. 06
Lot 4, Block 5, Wasmer's addition, ~308.06.
Lot 5, Block 5, ~asmer's Addition, ~319.91.
Lot 1, Block 4, Nasmerls Addition, ~319.~1.
Lot 2, Block 4, Wasmer's Addition, ~~308.06.
Fraction of Lot 3 ,&Complement, Block 4, Wasmer's Adel! t ion, ~0308.06.
Fraotion of Lot 4,&Complement, Block 4, Wasmer's Adclition, 33308.06.
Lot 3, Block 26, Baker's Addition, ~319.91.q
Lot 6, Block 14, Baker's Addition,~319.91.
Lot 7,BliO'cb'14, J3i1ker'l,s Addition, :;;308.06.
Lot 8, Block lA, Baker's Addition, $308.06.
Fraction of Lot 9 & Comjlement, Block 14, Baker's Addition, $308.86
Fraction of Lot 16 & Complement, Block 3, Wasmer's Addition, $319.~t
Section 2. 'rhe tax so levied shall become ~ayable, delinquent
and draw interest as by law providecl, namely:. one-tenth shall become
delinquent wi tbin fifty da3TS f"om dr:lte of this levy: one-tenth in one
year: one-tenth in two years: one-tenth in three years: one-tenth
in four years: one-tenth in fivecyears:. one-tenth in six years:
one-tenth in seven years: one-tenth in eight years: one~tenth in
litine:,ryears from date of this levy. Each of saId. installments save
the fi:r3t one shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per
annum until the same becomes delinquent and each of the delinquent
installments shall draw inter8st at the rate of ten percent per annum
from anda~ter such installments bec5me delinquent until paid.
Provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and aS~3essed
against any of the aforesaid lots may be paid at any time within
fifty slays from date olf su.ch levy, vvithout intere3t and such Id:lts
in that event shall be exem;Jt from any lien or charge for such
Seotion 3. That the City Clerk of the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska, is hereby directed to forthwith certify this ordinanoe
to the Oi ty Treasurer of GranclIslund, Nebrasl:a,. who shall proceed
to collect said taxes as tequired by law.
Sect ion 4. r:rhis 6rdinanoe shall be in force and tal\:e effeet
from and after its passage, ~pproval and pu.blication as proc;ided
b~T law.
Passeo_ aId appcoved this 19th day of Hovem1;er t 1924.
Attest: (Seal)
H. E. Clifford
City blerk
'T. J . Ellsberry
ORD! IIAnCE No. 1085
An ordinance levyin[' special taxes fa pay for the pavi.ng
and curoLng of Paving District Ira. 65 of the Ci ty of Grand. Island,
BE IT OR.DAnt'~D by the Ma;)TOr and City Co1.2nci 1 of the City of
Grand Island, :lJebraska:
Section 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against
the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafte~ specified
for the purpose of paying the cost of paving D.nct cur:)ing Paving
District No. S50f the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordance
with the oeriefits fou.nd and assessed against each of the i3everal
lots, tracts and parcels of land b:7 the Mayor and City Cou11I11l of
the City of Grahd Island, :Nebraska, sitting as a Board of
Equaliza;l;ion, after 1"ue notice given as proviaEld 10V'{, each of
the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as
fOllows, to-wit:
Lot 16, Block 17, Nasmer's 3rd Addition, $313.73.
Lots 8 and 9, Block 17, Wasmer's 3rdAddition, ;~302.ll each.
East 2. feet of Lot 7, Block 17, Wasmer's 3rd Addition, $127.82.
West 30 feet of Lo.t .." Block 17, Wasmer's 3rcl Addi cion, ;$174. 2~/
Lot 6, Block 17, Wasmer's 3rd Addition, ~313.73. .
Lot 1, Block 54, Wasmer's 3rd Addition, ~3l3.73.
Lots 2, 3 amd 4, Block 54, Wasmer's 3rd ~ddition, $302.11 each.
Lot 5, Block 54, Wasmer's 3rd AdCition, $313.73.
Section 2. The tax so levied shall become payable, delinquent
and draw interedt as b;!r law provieded, namely: one-tAnth shall be-
come delinquent within fifty days from datecofJti1j:s levy;
one-tenth In one year: one-tenth in two years: one--tenth in three
years: one-tenth in fonr years: ol1eQtenth in five years: one-tenth
in siz years: one-tenth in sevenlyears: one-tenth in eight years:
one-tenth in nmne years fDom date of this levy. Each of said
installments save the, first one shall draw interei3t at the rate
of seven 'per cent pel': annu.m until the same becomes deli:qquent
and each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at the
rate of ten per cent\per annum from and after such installments
become delinqueut until paid. .
Provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed
against any of the aforesaid lots may be ~oaid at arm time 7v-i thin
fifty days from date of such levy, withC'ut i.~terest and. such lots
in that event shall be exempt from any lien or charge for such
Secti all 3. That bhe Ci t;y 61erlt 'of' the City of Grand Island,
Nebraslca, is herel)y firect;d to forthwith certify this ordinance
to the Oi t;:,r Treasurer of GTand Island, =;ebrasl::a, who shall proceed
to collect said taxes as required by law.
Sect ion 4. This OrdLml1ce shall be in force and take effect
from and after tis passage, approval and publication as;Jrof'ided
by law.
Passed a d apprQved this 19th day of November, 1924.
Attest: (Seal)
H, ~.:J. Clifford
Ci ty Cler_:
'r. J. l~llsberry