1925 Ordinances ." I I I . 142 ORDINANCE No. 1086 An ordinance to provide for the removal of officers of the City for misconduct. i BElT ORDAINED by the W~yor and City Council of the City of Grand ~sland, ~ebraska: Section 1. Any officer of the City of Grand Island specified in Section 4001 of the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska for 1922 may be removed from office by the Mayor and Council of the City of Grand Island in the fOllowing manner: Upon the filing of written charges signed and verified, charging any such officer with misconduct, the Council shall by resolution set a time for hearing not less than five days nor more than ten days subsequent to the passage of such resolution for a hearing on said charge. At said hearing, the officer whose Ilonduct shall have been called into question shall have the right to be prexent to interrogate witnesses, to be represented by counsel, and either in person or by counsel make a statement or argument to the Council. The City Attorney shall act as prosecuting attorney and shall have the right to examine or cross examine each wi tness presented and to make any statement or argument to the Council. If upon such hearing, the Council shall by a three-fourths 'vote of all the Councilmen of the City of Grand Island, find or determine that the officer in question has been guilty of misconduct rendering him unfit person to hold such office, then said City Council may declare the said office vacant and said office shall be declared vacant forthwith. Section 2. The Council shall have power to compel the attendance of wi tnesses for the trial of such officer for misconduct in office. Section 3. The procedure set forth in Section 1 of this Ordinance shall not be exclusive but 'shall be cumulative and in addition to any.other method of the removal of said officer, whether by the ordinances of this City or the laws of the State of Nebraska. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and ,after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this ~._ day of January, 1925. Attest: (S eal) H.E.Clifford -City Clerk-:--- T.J.Ellsberry Mayo'r.- -._._--~-- . I I I . ('"'"} \ '-( \\\ ,.~ l ~\\ OI1IJINAlTCTB NO. 1087 143 /~ II vI , An ord:L11.'?mce pro'fiding for an occupaticn tax for drive....in oil stations for tJ:e benefi t of the fire fund of the Ci tv of '-' Grand Island, Nebraska. BE IT O;~IAnmIJ by the N[a~vor and Ci t;)T Coulcilcf the Ci t:rt of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. "rlF;,t t ere is horelJY le~ied an occupation tax, vvhich sll! 11 become clue and payal)Ie ,on the fi1'ut day of May of each y(~ar, 01)1 all drive-in oil stations in tho sum of Twenty Dollars ~20.00 per year. . Section 2. No pJrson, p~rsons, firmeor corporation shall muin.tain or Op?rD.t? .a ell' i -::?- in oil. 8ta t.ion .:Ln the C it;y of Grai:d Island, NebraSKa wltnout ~lrst havlng ootalned a permlt therefor, which permit shall be issued by the Ci t~l Clerk of Gtand I.sls.nd, Nebraska, on tho uresentation to him of a receiut for t Bum of 020.00 to be five~ by the City Treasurer of tbe~City of Gra~d Island, showi~g that said $20.00 occupation tax nr~vieded by Section 1 of this ordinance shall have been paid in full. Section 3. The Sl@S of money collected cn the above occupation tax shD.ll be 1JD,id Lito the 'fire fund of the (;i ty of Grand IsIE!nd, Nebrf3.s1ca. Section 4. Any person, persons, firm or c6rporation violating any of the provisions 0:::' this arcH ance shall be deemed !'Tuilty of a misdemeenor, and upon conviction eroof, shall be fined in any sum not le~3s tlan One :Collar nor more an One Hundrecl I!ollars, and eacl1 da~T that sahl <lrive-in. oil station shall be operated vviti-'out the payment of the oconoatio tax herein provided for s'sll con- stitute a separate offense. Section 5. All OI'CLL;}CIlCeS ane parts of ordj'-,ances ir, conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 6. This00rdlnance shall be in force and take effect from and af~er its passage, anproval ana publication as prOVided by law. Pa:3sed and approved t'nis Fourth day of Eebr}tary'{ 1925. Attest: (Seal) H. 1;;. Clifford City Clerk T. J. Ellsberry Mayor. . I I I . ORDINANCE No. 1088 i~/~, , , \. . \\ '>. t '-oJ 144 An ordinance requiring permi ts to use any part of the ci ty streets, avenues, alleys or boulevards for private purposes; providing rent therefor, and making it unlawful to use any part 9,f the Imblic streets, avenues, alleys, or boulevards for private purposes without first having obtained such permit. BIG I'l' OJIDAIJmD by the lVIayor and Ci ty Council of the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. Any person, persons, firm or corporation using a t IJl~esent any part of the public streets, avenues, alleys or boulevards for private use, including the placing of gasoline star-age tanks, stairways, areaways, scales, curb l)urnps, air pumps I s.how cases, or any other oDBtruction, shall remove the same on or prior to May 1st, 1925, provided, however, that in the event the person so using such part of the public streets, avenues, alleys or boulevards for pFivate use d.esires to continue the use of same, then and in that event the person, persons, fLcm or cOli''tporation so desiring to use, may apply to the Ci ty Counc il of the Ci ty 0 f Grand island I Nebraska for a perini t to use the l)uhlic streets, avenues, alleys or boulevards for the use applied for, for the f'i seal year ending May Is t of' each year. Section 2. Any person, persons, firm or corporation desiring to use any part of the public streets, avenues, alleys or boulevards for private use, including the placing of gasoline stora~e tanks, stairways, areaways, scales, curb pumps, air ,pumps I show cases or any other o'bstruction, shall' first obtain a permi t from the Ci ty Council of the Ci ty of Grand island, Ilebraska, which permi t shall entitle the aI)plicant to use the public streets, avenues, alleys or boulevards for the use applied for, for the fiscal year ending May 1st of each year. Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue to such applicant or user a parmi t in accordance wi th the apl)licami on, when and in the event the application to continue to use, aI' for a new use I shall 11a ve been apPl'oved by the J,~ayor and Ci ty Counc i1 of the Ci ty of Grand Island, ancl then only in the event the applicant shall have deposited with the City Clerk a receipt of the Oi ty 'l'reasurer of the Oi ty of Grand Islcmd, showing that the applicant has gaid to the City Clerk the rent as hereinafter set forth. Section 4. The following rent charges are hereby made for the private use of any part of the public streets, avenues, alleys or boulevards of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Six Dollars (~1)6.00 per annum for curb gaSOline pumps; Two Dollars ($2.00) per annum for air pumps; ]'ifty cents (50;t) per annum for each oil or gas tap; Ten cents (10~) per square foot per annum for each and every other permanent or te1711jOl'ary obstruction, inc luding stairways, al'eaways, show cases, 01' other private use of any part of the public streets, avenues, alleys, or boulevards, including the sidewalk space~. Eiection 5. It is hereby made the duty of the City Engineer to furnish to the Applicant and the City Treasurer the measurement of the square feet of the space so occupied by any obstruction, and the amount due from the user' for the use of said property. Section 6. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, l)er80ns, firm or corporation to use any part of the public streets, avenues, ~lleys or boulevards for private use, including the placing of permanent Or tempol~ary lbbstructions thereon, including areaways, stairways, gasoline pwaps, air pumps, tanks for oil or gas taps, show cases, or any other form of obstructi 011 of the public streets, avenues, alleays or boulevards, without having obtained the permit herein provided therefor. . I I I . 145 Section 7. Any person, persons, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than One Dollar nor more than One Hundred Dollars for each offense, and each day that any such person, persons, firIll or c or}')ora tiol1 shall obs truc t the public streets, avenues, alleys or boulevards by a permanent or temporary obstruction, shall constitute a separate offense. Section 8. 'Iihis ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provid.ed by law. Passed and approved this Fo~thday of February, 1925. Attest: (Seal) __,__!J.!,]J .J1J.J ff.QIL,__,___ City Clerk. __J,.!..J,....ID..l.s.b.~,r..r:JL_____._-- Mayor. . I I I . \ ~'? 1\ \ \,/ 'I'''>y () 'r'~ ~i \"<J' 146 OHDINAHCE No.1 An ordinance levying an Occupation Tax upon each and every person, firm or cor9oration using any part of the streets, avenues, alleys or boulevards of the City for private purposes and making it un1aw:f'ul to use same,withotut having first :paid mid Tux., and re- pealing Ordinance No.1088o~ ;ne~d City of Grand Is1and,Nebraska. 13J.~ IT OIIDAINJm by the lJ,a;yor and Ci ty Council of tIle Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. An DeeuDation tax is hereby levied upon each and every person, fim: or corllOration Llsjng any part of tl1c pt(lUlic streets, avenues, ulleys or boulevards of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for private uses, including tl1e placing of gasoline stora~~e tCLnkn, f3tairvJays, areaw,).ys, scales, curb pumps, air pum}ls, show cases or Ln' any other pur:pose in the following GUInf; or arnounts: Six Dollars per annum for each curb gasoline pun~; Two dolla.rB per amm.Jll for each air pump; Fifty cents per annum for each oil or gas tap; Ten cents per annum per squE'.re foot for c<::1.ch emd every other :permanen t or tempo:cary use fOl' pri va te })l.Hpo:3es of any :part of' the surface of the public streets, avenuet), alleys or bouJ.evards, including sidewalks by huvin8 thereon or therein any stairways, area'ways, shoy! cases, or any other oCCUI)any or use thereof, excepting for b1..lild.ing purposeswl1.en }JcrmisBion for the sanle is granted by the City Council and bond is filed. :;ection 2. The City Engineer shaLl. mo..ke a rneasurement of eacll ana every portion of tIle stree~,avenues, alleys or boulevards, including sidewalks, in the City, so used for private purposes, giving the nuniber of square feet so used by each occupant, and the am01.:mt of Tax owing, ard shall furnish Done to tIw C1 t;y Clerk in duplicate and alDo !.sive the Occupant thereof a meli10ranchun of his said meu.surements, and arnount of tax. Section 3. Any person, firm or corporation so using any portion of' the to treet s, avenu cs, alleys, bou1 cv-ards, inclu.ding s:LdevmlkB, 1OU3 :menti oned in L;ec ti on One hereof shall pay the Ci ty ClerK the Tax hereinbefore levied and the City Clerk shall give a receipt for Baid Tax, describinG the locatj. on and oCculJancy of the portion of said Street, avenue, alley or boulevard, including sidewalks, so used as set forth in the Certificate of the City Engineer; and said receipt shall be for said use from the uate of its payment to the end of tllCn current icipal yeal' IV[ay lut, foJ.lo-wj,ng said date of payment. L;ect:Lon 4. Any person, persons, :firm or co:cgoration not noVI using any port:i.on of said Btreets, AlleY8, avenues or boulevards I desirin[; to use same, shall make application to the City Council in \Nri ting for the use of' such lJortion of [3ame as they wish to Ube describing the same by Lot and. Block and :3treet Numbers and Htating the use for which they wish to put the same and. the amount of space t!J.at they desire to uccupy, and file said applici..ttion with the City Clerk. The City Clerk shall presaid said application to the City Council at the next meeting thereof and upon the granting of said Appli ca ti on, the City l~ngineer shall Ineasure up the porti on of the Utreet, alley I avenue or b.oul evaI'd so ciesired to be occupied a.nd report the S8.l'H:' as provided in ~3ection 2 hereof and the person so desiring to UBe a portion of the street, a lley, avenue or boulevard shall tllen pay to the Ci ty Clerl< the tax in the sum net forth in flection One hereof for such UfJe, which sum Bhall pay said tax to the end of the then current municipal year ending May 1st, C).fter the t:i.me of said pa-yment. Section 5. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, persons, firm or corporation to use any portion of the public s~reet8, avenues, alleys or boulevards for the purposes set forth in SectioD One hereof or for any other temporary or permanent purpose without first IJaying the tax tbol'efor J'lerein levied Cenci any person, perr3ons, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Ord.inance shall be deemed guil ty of El. mi sdemeanor and upon convicti on thereof, shall be fined in any Bum of not leBs than One Dollar and not more t.IHMl One Hundred Dollars for each offense and shall stand comrni tted 147 until said fine Rnd costs Gre paid and each day that any portion of said streets,avenues,alleys or boulevards are so occupied shall constitute a separate offense} . I Section 6. Ordinance NO. 1088 and all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby re'eal- ed. Section 7. This Ordinance shall be in force and take e~ feet from and after its passage ,approval and publication as provided by law. PaGsed and approved this 18" day of March,1925. Attest; (Seal) '1'.3.Ellsberry Mayor H.E.Clifford, City Clerk I I . . I I I . 148 ORDINANCE No. 1090 An ordinance creating water main district No. 40 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a water main in said district, and providing for the payment of the cost of construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraslca: Section 1. That there is hereby created a water main district in trle City of Grand Island, Nebraska to be known and designated as Water Main District No. 40 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 2. Said water main district shall consist of that part of John street, lying between Monroe ~)treet and Grant Street J and shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land fronting on said John E;tl'ee t, bounded as afore said and wi thin said district. Section 3. Said water' main district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifica ti ons governing VI a tel' mains heretofore establi shed b:y the Ci ty. Section 4. That authority is hereby granted to the record owners of a majority of the foot frontage of taxable property within such water main district to file a written protest with the Ci ty Clerk ""vi thin thirty days from and after the publication of the notice creating said district. Section 5. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and dir'ected to publish after the passage, approval and publication of this ordinance a notice in the Grand Island Daily Independent, addressed generally to the ollmers of the real eGtate in said water main district, notifying them of the creation of said district and the time allowed for the filing of a written protest against the extension herein ordered. Section 6. The cost of extending water mains in said district shall be assessed against the real estate in said district to the extent of fifty cents per foot frontage, and the costs in excess of fifty cents per foot front shall be paid by the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as provided by law. Section 7. 'l'his or'dinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, a.pproval and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved this 1" day of April, 1925. (Seal) Attest: _________J.L...IJ2.1J f:LQJ.Ji~ City Clerk. ~~!-J_~ Ell ~_b_~~ r~_"._____ Mayor. . I I I . 149 ORDINANCE No. 1091 An ordinance creating water main district No. 41 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a water main in said district, and providing for the payment of the cost of construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED by the IvJ.a.yor and Ci ty Council of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That there is hereb::'l created water main district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as water main district Ho. 41 of the City of Grand Island, Nebr'aska. Section 2. Said water main district shall consist of that part of 16th Street lying between Locust Street and Wheeler Avenue, and shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land fronting on said 16th Street, bounded as aforesaid and within said district. Section 3. Said water main district is hereby ordered laid as provided b:l law, and in accordance wi th the plans and specifications governing water mains heretofore established by the City. Section 4. That authority is hereby granted to the record owners of a majority of the foot frontage of taxable property within such water main district, to file a written protest with the City Clerk within thirty days from and after the publication of the notice creating said district. Section 5. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish after the passage, approval and publication of this ordinance a notice in the "Grand Island Daily Independent" addressed generally to the owners of the real estate in said water main district, notifying them of the creation of said district and the time allowed for the filing of,a written protest against the extension herein ordered. Section 6. The cost of extending water mains in said district shall be assessed against the real estate in said district to the extent of fifty cents per foot frontage, and the costs in excess of fifty cents per foot fraont shall be paid by the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as provided by law. Section 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved this 1, aay of April, 1925. Attest: (Seal) H.l~.Clifford ---OJ. ty-C-l-e-r-k-:--~--'-'-- T ..1 .E1lsberry Mayor ~------_._._---'-- . I I I . 150 ORDINANCI;i No. 1092 An ordinance levying a special sewer district tax to pay for the construction of a sewer in Sewer District No. 126 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAnmD by the Mayor and Ci ty Council of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That a special sewer district tax be and the same is hereby levied and aDsessed to pay the expense of con- structing a sewer in Sewer District No. 126 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district in the amounts set opposite the respective descriptions, to-wit: IJot 1, Block 4, South Grand Island, amount ~~68.07; Lot 2, Block 4, South Grand Island, arll.O un"c 4p68.08; I,ot 3, Block 4, South Grand Island, amoun t , 68.07; Lot 4, Block LL South Grand Island, Q,moun t , $68.08; - , Lot 5, Block 4, [;;ou th Grarld Island, amount q~68 07' 't ....L, r,ot 6, Block 4, South Grand Island, a.rnoun t $68.08; Lot 7 , Block 4, South Grand Island, amount ~p68.07; I,ot S, Bloek LL South Grand Island, amount $68.08. - , Section 2. Said special se"ver district tax shall be due and become cleli:qquent in the manner and at the time provided by law and shall be collected in the manner pl'ovided by lav". Section 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes together with instructions to collect the same as provided by Imv. See ti on 4. 'l'lli S oni.inane e shall re in :fol'c e and take effect from and after its passage, a~proval and pub~ication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 15,__ day of April, 1925. (S Gal) Attest: _II .l'l..!.9!J: f :(g!:'.~.L_._.._. City Clerk. __ M . y:....!}~l1k i [l S. _______ Mayor. . I I I . 151 ORDINANCE No. 1093 An ordinance creating Water Main Distl'ict No. 42 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a water main in said district, and providing for the payment of the cost of con- struction thereof. BE IT OPJ)AINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That there is hereby created a water main district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Water Main District No. 42 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 2. Said Water Main District shall consist of that part of Louise Street, lying betwgen Grant Street and Tilden Street, and shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land fronting on said Louise street, bounded as aforesaid and within said district. Section 3. Said Water Main District is hereby ordered laid as pr'ovided by law and in accordance '1lJi th the plans and speci- fica t i. ons governing V>la tel' mains heretofore es tabli sbed by the City. Section 4. That authority is hereby granted to the record owners of a majority of the foot frontage of taxable property within such water main district, to file a written protest with the Ci ty Clerk vvi thin thirty days from and after the publication of the notice creating said district. Section 5. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish after the passage, approval and publication of this ordinance a notice in the Grand Island Daily Independent, addressed generally to the owners of the real estate in said water main d:Lstrict, notifying them of the creation of said District and the time allowed for the filing of a written protest against the extension herein ordered. Section 6. That the entire cost of constructing said water main shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to become delilq;quent and draw interest as provided by law. Section 7. The City Engineer is hereby authorized to draw plans and specifications of said. water main and make estimate of the cost thereof, and submit same to the City Council and when adopted the City Clerk shall at once advertise for bids for the construction of' said water main, in accordance wi th the plans and specifications submitted, reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Section 8. This o:cdinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provid.ed by law. Passed and approved this 15 _--1- day of April, 1925. (Seal) Attest: II. ]; . G 1 iff 0 I'd ---.-----crriY.-CTer}(:--.------..-- M.W.Jenkins --------...----fufa-yo r.------- . I I I . {) 152 ORDINANCE No, 1094. An ordinance oreating Sewer District No. 127 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, pro~iding for the laying of a sewer in said district, desoribing the mannef J:n which same shall be laid, assessing the costs thereof against the abutting property. WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Counoil of bhe City of Grand ISland Nebraska fine that the steps heretofore taken for the creatinl of Sewer District No.127 are regular and law~ul,~ apd that a sewer to be ~id in the Distriot hereinafter defined is a publio necissi ty; -and W~~REAS, by a three-fourths vote of all the members of the City Counoil, said sewer main has been ordered laid without cost to the City. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the Git~ of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That SeWer Distriot No.127 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska is iereiy oreated same to consist of that part of the alley between Second Street and fhird street, from Grant street to Clay Street. Seotion 2. That -a sewer shall be laid along the course above desoribed, running through said billlcks, in accordance with the plans and specifications governil~ sewers heretofore established for laying sewers in so far as said plans and specifications oan ve oarried out. Section 3. That the entire cost of oonstru.otion said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting propert~ in said district, and a tax shall be levied as soon as the cost oan be asoertained, said tax to become delinquent and draw interest as proviied by law. Seotion 4. The City Engineer is hereby authorized to draw plans and speoifications of said sewer and make estimate of the oost thereof and submit same to the Oity Council, and when a.dopted the City Clerk shall at onoe advertise for bids for the oonstriotion of said sewer, in accordanoe with the plans and specifications submitted, reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Seotion 5. This ordiance shall be in force and take effect from aild after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. PASSED and approved this 6th day of Ma.y, 1925. Attest: (Seal) H. R. Clifford City C1erk- M. W. Jenkins , Mayor. . I I I . 153 OROl J\fAlifCE Ho. 1095 An oralnance vacating certain streets and alleys in College Addition to West Lawn and Scarff's Addition to West Lawn, in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. BI'; rc OI\DADTlm bv' the Iv'Ia:y'or ami City Council of the City of Grand I sIano, Hebl'~"E.ka: SecU.on 1. Thc~t :part of Grant Avenue lying between the Northerly line of the intersection of Grant Avenue and Waugh Street and the Suutherly line of the intersection of Grant Avenue and College Btreet, and between the Southerly line of the inte~csection of Grant Avenue ancl Prospect street, 8..nd the Southerly line of the intersection of Grant Avenue and Forest Street; that part of Prospect Street lying between the Easterly line of the intersection of Prospect Street and Custer Avenue, cmd the IDaDterly line of the intel'sect~Lon of Prospect ;Street 2Xld Grant Avenue; that :part of Waugh E3treet lying between the :Casterly line of the intersection of Waugh btreet and Grant il.verl'lJe ancL the WefJterly li:ne of the intersection of Viaugh f:;treet and Lafayette Avenue ,be and tl'le same aTe hereby vEl.cated. Section 2. Tl'le alleys in Block 20 and Block 21, College Addition to West Lawn, Grand Island, Nebraska, and the alleys in Blocks 5, 6, 7 and 10 Scarff's Addition to West Lawn, Grand I bland, Nebraska, be and the saIne a:ce hereby vacated. Section 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its :passage, approval and })ublication, as :pr ovided by law. J?assed and e.ljprovec1 thi s ~__ CLay of ___..~~~.!__._.,__...l 925. (Seal) Attest: H.E.GJ1ifford City 01 erk. --1L-W~}~1.l1ci nJL~ __.._ __ _....___ Mayor. . I I I . .',\ / \ i j , r I' I I .~. ". \ 154 Oli.:D nr.AITCI~ No. 1096 An ordinaxlCe creating water main district l~O. 45 in the C:L t'vT 0 :L'> Grnn o. T c' " ""'1' d 1\e. '"'1''' c' l"'.:> ,'! n D'j 'll" I"' ..c' +1" r:> 'IJ' Ol'1]CI: ar'l" '':;'<'' .L 1.]0 r e OI'C' . _ _ '-'~........ .. iJJ..C.~J. . J' -- ...).. v...Q..l\.u" v.CJ.. _J..... .1,0 v.Lv /~_ ~~ C~ v.l \.,.. > providing :for the lD.;ying of a water ma.in in Daid district, and :provid.ing for the payment of the cost of construction thereo:i:'. BE IT' OHDAIlnm by the JJ~ayor and City Council of theCity a? Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That there is hereby created a water main district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as water main district No. 45 of theCity of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 2. Said water main district shall consist of that portion of Koenig Street between its intersections with Tilden Street and its interrJGation 'with Blaine Ejtreet, a:nd shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land fronting on said Koenig street, bounced as aforesaid and within said district. i3ectioYl 2). Ela:Ld wDoterula:Ln o.:!.~)trict is :hereby ordered laid as IHovidecl by la\v and. in accorci.ance with the plans and specifications governing water mains, heretofore established b;y the City. Section 4. That authori ty is he:reb;y granted to the record ovmerB of a maj ori ty of the foot fron of taxable property 'Id.thin such water main district, to file a wri tten protest wi th the Oi ty Clerk, wj.thin thirty days from and after the rrLlblicCJotJ.on of the notice creat said tiistrict. ~3cc'bion 5. The Ci"tJ:- Clerk is llerebJ? a"uthorized and directed to Irlib~Lisl1 a:fte:c tl'le ~p().Issa{se, a..I)~9l'ov-e\il arlcl ~pu'bliccLt:Lon Ofl tlliG ordinance a notice in the Grand Island Daily Independent, addressed generally to the owners of the real state in said water main district, notifJing them of the creation of said district and the time allowed for the filing of a written protest against the extension herein ordered. See ti on 6. Trle COB t of extending water mains in sald di s tl'ct shall be asseDscci llst the l'cal::state in said ctintrict to the extent of fi:Cty cents per foot frontage, and the costs in excess of fifty cento per foot front shall be paid by the City of Gn:md Island, Nebraska, as pl'ovided. by law. Section 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect :f:'rom ancl after its passage, i)"ppro\ral and lJLlblication, as provided by law. I>assccl and ElolH'oved tbis __3...,_.... day of June, 1925. iittest: (Seal) H.:m.01ifford -"cTtJ;; -~Ie-i~};:'.-'---'--'-'-- :u: W.Jenkine --~~----;:-;:._...... "'..'-,,,., ....-..-.-..- Mayo r . 155 (~) I J \ ./ \J \ ORDINANCE No. 1097 . I An Ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 944 creating Paving District No. 53 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. BE IT ORDAINED by the l~yor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 944 ~ , creating Paving District No. 53 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved this -1L- day of June, 1925 I (Attest) Attest: H.E.Clifford Ci ty -C1erk~----- l!..w...1t:;t~ ..~ I . . I I I . 156 ORDINANCE No. lO~' An ordinance creating water main d istri ct No. 43 in the Ci t;>r of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof; providing for the laying of a water main in said district and providing for the payment of the cost of con- struction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, find that the steps heretofore taken for the creating of Water Main District No. 43 are regular and lawful, and that a water main to be laid in the District hereinafter defined is a public necessity; and VmERl!lAS, by a three-fourths vote of all the members of the City Council, said water main has been ordered laid without cost t 0 th e City. Section 1. Said water rnain district shall consist of that part of Sixteenth Street lying between Elm Street and Wheeler Avenue and shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land fronting on said Sixteenth Street bounded as aforesaid, and wi thin said District. Section 2. Said water main district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing water mains, heretofore established by the City... Section 3. That authority is hereby granted to the record owners of a majority of the foot frontage of taxable property within such water main district, to file a written protest with the city clerk within thirty days from and after the publication of the notice creating said district. See ti on 4. The City Clerk is hereby- authorized and directed to publish after the passage, approval and publication of this ordinance a notice in the ~rand Island Daily Independent, addressed generally to the owners of the real estate in said water main district, notifying them of the creation of said district and the time allowed for the filing of a written protest against the extension herein ordered. Section 5. That the entire cost of constructing said water main shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to be come delinquent and draw interest as provided by law. Section 6. The Ci ty Engineer is hereby authorized to draw plans and specifications of said water main and make estimate of the cost thereof and submit same to the City Council, and when adopted, the City Clerk shall at once advertise for bids for the construction of said water main, in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted, reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Section 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this ~ day of June, 1925. Attest: (SeaJ.) M.W.Jenkins I ~~,~_,_"._.___ Mayo r. . H.ll:.81ifford Ci ty Cl erk . I I I . {' ) \( 157 OJ:'Ut)rtl~A110E ~:f~~ 1099 ;~,n O~'(U,t1nJ:t(;;e f.i;i.:~~j,ti,r.;l~ \"Xi~t,(i1lJ' ~!'iia.1~ (%1~tJ[~~~t 441ft the 01 ty of ~b't,;u(). IlUl.!tm.~, l;iebr~i';':,\~",;t&. tXl() l;lt;;l~~fAt;,,~>#.~lt t.l'lc:reQf i ,p:Y;'d'17id,~.nu i'~~ tho lt~~;lt:nL; Wt.l.'fiO::jt" f{.~r~ ~.1 8'l:i.l(i ([4'~)tl'jc t \'"ndp~'o'V1ditiC tor&:' the .l~ll'i(;nt(1t t ot' QOl1~ trt~uot.1\)rl tl~c.roo~'. (;It' b~' tJ;1~ J2~'''':;ioj' E1in~o~.ty Clouuo11 eft ~H,'!l C1 t~! t' diU b.~a{\.t~ ; , .. "," *' ~he ri~.:().'G~' V,1:~d 0~~! Go~rl(J11 rli'l~ 0~'$' ot',~i:t"t~.1tt I t~J,fttlu fi kjOt;l't~Li;;V,. .f~'~,na t~ll;:i;t tbe ~I tent;} b(;~et,o:::(',;t',e~,~.Let'~ .Jt :(~i' tbe cl"eatii.M of \lo.'~O~' linin 1,t~lt~~i~t IrQ.."' 44 ~:!fa :i.'i't14';$Ul,n,i' tt.~~l ll:l~VlfMa.t iJil!t~'t1'm. t ill '''In, t.e~ ~tl1tQ \.~ l(:,id tbE.1 l.t $ t.l" 1el' ' 11(.i~~lnj;,j,~:"tt$X;' (.>.:;,;.;:;iI,H'!:'411 j~na pt~lJJ.i(.': ~'~(lo~.o~At;V.~ t~nt~ .. by~, tbx'{)G..~'O:wt.'tJI'1$ vO't~ Q~' l,;,.11 t~:t~fr1eif;"t'b~fll:'fJ. of ~"U Clty CQ1..t~'lC!j,l.. f)uj.(t'm:d;~W r1iL\i1~l l~fj bee!~ ,~~die~~,<i ~,a~tLr;j;tg~c~u:t Que' t 0 tl:l(~ 1) i 1;:;/. ~{j~t10fl\ 1. ~:,t't1a l!1~tD# !~.t~t Grand Island Avenue and Waugh street, an~ ~hall1r~elw..G ~1 1Q ttJ . o.n ~a.14 Grand Island Avenue l!;IQ~(,l, 3,~t~'tJ1,..1ot. ~~i.ra (ti~t~'l~',.O:~. to:nf;)i,~' of '1~~' lying between Willard Street ttf~M;~t,a aa:~d ~'Ct\11$ ct 1l1.lrlU t#l'Q~;rtAng l\)~d.4 ~ft afOJ-lI!H0ai4:tt)tnd t/l U~.1n ~~i:Jqt.ioo 2. t!j,~ Pi.'(),\.r1de\:t f}1) (lQ 3. t' to(~t :~. 01 i~) 'Wi- t:he (; 1 t~r . Vll;~:t,fJl" ~nuJ.ot~i~t 1~31t1.l~eb:~! mt~e~'ec~ lnl<l :!t1W l;~U(I.j.fl hC"O~U!,I:~~t} 't'liLtl;. tl:~~ Jt~lfiJ ti1l~(! " .'. . .... ~. ';1, .. ,p. .... <'.<1 ,; .." biJiVt;l~i~i.~~~ t'1!;t1;,.el' l.,~~uu.)~ t~{;~~~f,la~ (J'J'$ ('HJ~UCd.",,'ik~Cl~ ;,;O<Jt1cnl Q4 ~:'ho.t ~.utiH$~it, ltJ beJ'e'by ~~.i'jte~ t:.; tb~ :t'eec>>~'liI., (fane~5 uZf ~ ;~ y~'~ 1'.:,z ot' t(he t'tH;1t il'mlf.it;)",j;e cn;.;~ t~'!;Ztlbb;t~lrJJ'oX)~l~t~~ \11 thin aUQkl wo..tQi' j;Jt\Jl.fl ~t~,tt~j~'. ~1:~1~.~ ttl~itt'Qtl 11~O'E}Ct \'~i1rJ;A the tlltz! C40J>~.;,nitJo.."b',j, ti'o&~l'~Y ~,~'G :t'..t.u~(j, v~b.;i.le/:,~~t1Jn olk: tl'Je ,n;,ytj.c~ O~;'0t~t~f'}t; lla;!Ci \f1j.I;'~fi;,O',. AJCtj, ,{'>1'.. ~ . . to 1)1.1'bllililll t;,jttwi' a't'tll$'M.\:llC'l1J .tA~iot:ioe hl tb~ li.dd~ecn€ldGefH;}i:~l~. 'tv tS~(; (j'"I!'JU ~.t:j rlt:\t(~1~ liila1tl ~~.;.,til'i~Jt. nQt,i~'i:l'l~;,(;; (t;J..t)tl':~.C t t~;t.i(, tit(J: ti~d.J.\.> al.;;'Q''i;'fe4 t'l;)~ t,GE:.~1~H;j t 't.LMil o;:;}.te.nttit.OIlb~J:lK.~e.inQ.~"\e~~~. ~a~lor14'o(~ {~Ki ~li~coted Ui.U ;}ub1i4'f.~fti.(m1v Ji.ly !r.t{,,0D~u,"}on t.. l'ut'l.l .in t)(1,1~1 tAJ.iu 'tt3:"~ttQ~'i l~ota~;t ~(J't~on th S;'l':!.t..t t.heijtlti~'e ()(M,)t Qcf' oQU "~in ~::ha.ll te {, · Hi;H,)! <'et; a 'a; ~,.. t ~le ab~ttl'ln.!" ~~l'>~';"'-' .:.. . ..:'-', c""" ',,_',::'_,-~ '.-'()'~~~,.,.,~7~:'~-~.'.>?~.-,_,~.:~~"'_'~--~*~<-'".-._:'-~--',c,:<,-- ":- :'i" -.'~,~'_~:'~ bJ,'!,;t~!.\o', t;,m;'t t, ,tt,,",,,,.J~,\:CI,J.l,v<& ,1oVien a~ w,J~U a.e('H~I'tteki~lQ(!~ ~~~; 't~.' W 'i!;6 >OQli:~ tlalt~~qu~~, t~e J)~'QV;j.'~ 'by lfJ.W. ' 't~,u:~ t 1114; tla!~ tJt\ teJ!? ", '~.'"!''''',',''~''''''''''' 4,"" "d,;li A, ~~-,,-~'~-v~- "1i,~r:f :~.~- -1i~1t~~ tJ~. the c ~)t:ft ~af,~ be ~~ntt ~aiJ Ul~1?U ti t L', eo tlG{:l. o.. ~:l'lQ . \~i ty Iltlt1:~n:e~~l$ It('ll'e~''[~li:tl~o~;}..be4 to i" ~{~~1 {JJ.cnr; l.IJlt1 upc~i1'iQe~'lf1o.~u;} 01' tle~G. 't:}(.1.te$lt~ul'(l .(,)f~(!. n~~e Gf;l'ti,ato ot> tha ()iUlZt t~:,}'01\.."'oo:f >1;.!;J',;;tt t;u:bJr;l t f,;m:;S~ tHJ 'ti}(;} 01t9 GQntl(,;il.~?ind '\i"/~),efA ~\;{'!,Q:pttid. till) ",i tl:l;,:i,O~'i;;Q'h~U et at4Yel,,:t:h.lt) fQ~ b;l.nfi} , fo",' tbe CD';;lJt~"'"u:~tiorl <.>t Bt:1.i~w(;,t~~. !i~4.th'n ~tQC~;il:rt~lii"4.0e tli th~ p1i.U~i$ tmd. t3~:.Hi~eit'lt}i)l.t.lioJim ~~'~lh:;t~~te(i... It\;;lfJOJ;~V;i.rk., ~'$.Jbt !.It) re~ect CJ'~' (inti k!>J.l 'bitiLt:lil . . . 1<I..'......,.!t,,.,.. lC,,,~~./i, t;..,.~Jt:...l>'!,> ~,~",' .;,:,'1,iJi~J O;t'cii~l{'~'~;~, :~:!~l~". t~~1fa" ~~~~0 ,tfJ4~\ ,,~~J:~~ ~'t~Qt ~iiiI""""" .~"n,^ ""'''' """" """"", ~ii'J)~Q'a!;,.4, {;\,n>(1 ;/,r,lvl1,,~,,1U.Qn ,,~s ;~,Jv:i.6U \\V' law. t'f.HJO,"J. ~":J4ct 9;)t)~'OVQt1" thia ....J..Z- '.t\~l vt JUlie. 1926. ( \ (s ea1 ) M.W.Jenkins ;~~~<I~~.~~."'~~~:"~"l.{.~i-'II':t"'''''''''>~'''4 t'~,;""U"I\'>~,.":,: ...1........ "",..I! [, tt~(jt: H.E.Clifford ~~~~*,*'Ycl .-'_1 _L-.;,~"""_-~~~i-..~~~*" Cf,t8 Cl.~ . I i . I I . II V.... .I \ 158 ORDINANCE No. 1100 An ordinance creating water main district No. 46 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof; providing for the laying of a water main in said district, andproviding for the payment of the cost of construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That there is hereby created a water main district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Water Main District No. 46 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 2. Said water main district shall consist of that part of Pine street lying between Agate Street and Emerald Street, and shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land fronting on said Pine street, bounded as aforesaid and within said district. Section 3. Said water main district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing water mains, heretofore established by the City. Section 4. That authority is hereby granted to the record owners of a majority of the foot frontage of taxable property within such water main district, to file a written protest with the City Clerk within thirty days from and after the publication of the noti~e creating said district. Section 5.The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish after the passage, approval and publication of this ordinance a notice in the Grand Island Daily Independent, addressed generally to the owners of the real estate in said water main district, notifying them of the creation of said district and the time allowed for the filing of a written protest against the extension herein ordered. Section 6. The cost of extending water mains in said district shall be assessed against the real estate in said district to the e.xtent of fifty cents per foot frontage, and the costs in excess of fifty cents per foot front shall be paid by the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as provided by law. Section 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 17. day of June, 1925. Attest: (Seal) '11 H.E.<J1ifford City Clerk. _1!.....". Jenk~ns May 0 I' . . I I I . 159 /\ ! \ 1) \( ORDINANCE No. 1101 An ordinance relocating Plum street in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, between Fourth Str~et and Seventh Street. BE IT ORDAINED by the 1~yor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That part of Plum Street between Fourth street and Seventh Street now occupied by the right-of-way of the Chicago, Burlington & ~uincy Railroad Company, and its passenger depot grounds between Fourth Street and Seventh street is hereby vacated. Section 2. Plum Street is hereby relocated on the property belonging to the City of Grand Island in Blocks Two (2) and Twenty-three (23) of Nagy's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska and Fractional Block Twenty-six (26) of the Original Town and its complement Fractional Block Twenty-six (26) of Nagy's Addition, to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, being the property deeded to the City of Grand Island in the year 1922. Section 3. The City Engineer is hereby directed within twenty drays from and after the passage, approval and publication of this ordinance to certify to the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, a plat showing the relocation of said Plum street. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take e effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved this I. _ day of July, 1925. (Sea.l) Attest: 'tl' ~ (J' ," rR-P, ...A _.-J......"'-"-'~:!..I!4.LQ~____._ City Clerk. M.W.Jenkins -,-_.---'..--"'--,_._- Mayor. .... I I I I I. I I I . 160 ORDINANCE No. 1102 An ordinance levying special sidewalk construction tax to pay for the construction of sidewalks along the lots and blocks hereinafter described. BE IT ORDAll~ by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That a special sidewalk construction tax be and the same is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of constrruction of sidewalks along the lots and blocks hereinafter described in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land in the amounts set opposite the respective descriptions thereof, as follows: Lot 5, Block 75, Wheeler & Bennett's Addition, $39.15, C. I,. Pe terson-Ovmer; Lot 1, Block 7l,VVheeler & Bennett's Addition, $39.44, Bennett,- Owner; Lot 5, Block 5, Wasmer's Addition, $30.16; Norval Etting-Owner; Lot 6, Block 12, Baker's Addition, $30.31; Albert Heyde-Owner. Section 2. Said special sidewalk construction tax shall be due and become delinquent within thirty days from and after this levy and shall become a lien upon said premises from the date of this levy. Said taxes shall draw interest at the rate of one per centum per month, and shall be collected in the manner provided by law. Section 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska is 11ereby instructed and directed to certify to the City Treasurer of Grand Island, Nebrasl<:a, the amount of said taxes, together with instructions to collect the same as provided by law. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and a~ter its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved this 1, day of July, 1925. (Seal) Attest: ~__-1L1L~!Jif1'orJL.__ City Clerk. M, :w ,-J enK.:iJls___.___ M~ or. . I I I . 161 ORDINANCE No. 1103 An ordinance levying a special water district tax to pay for the construction of water mains in Water Main District No. 40 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That a special water main district tax be and the same is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of the construction of the water mains in water rwain district No. 40 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraslffi, against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district, in the amounts set opposite their respective descriptions thereof, not exceeding the sum of fifty cents per front foot, to-wit: Lot 1, Block 42, Wasmer's Second Addition, $27.00; Lots 2,;3& ;g" Block 42, Wasmer's Second Addition, $2;9.00 each; Lot 5, Block 42, Wasmer's Second Addition, $27.00; Lot 6 and complement, Block 35, Wasmer's Second Addition, $27.00; Lots 7, 8 and 9 and their complement, Block 35, Wasmer's Second Addition, $26.00 each; Lot 10 and its complement, Block 35, Wasmer's Second Addition, $27.00; Lot 1, Block 43, Wasmer's 2nd Addition, $27.00; Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 43, Wasmer's Second Addition, $26.00 each; Lot 5, Block 43, Wasmer's Second Addition, $27.00; Lot 6, Block 34, Wasmer's Second Addition, $27.00; Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 34, Wasmer's Second Addition, $26.00 each; Lot 10, Block 34, Wasmer's Second Addition, $27.00; Lot 1, Block 44, Wasmer's Second Addition, $27.00; Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 44, Wasmer's SecondAddition, $26.00 eadh; Lot 5, Block 44, Wasmer's Second Addition, $27.00; Lot 6, Block 53, Wasmer's Second Addition, $27.00 Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 53, Wasmer's Second addition, $26.00 each; Lot 10, Block 53, Wasmer's Second Addition, $27.00; Lot 1, Block 45, Wasmer's Third Addition, $27.00; Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 45, Wasmer's Third Addition, $26.00 each; Lot 5, Block 45, Wasmer's Third Addition, $27.00; Lot 6, Block 52, Wasmer's Third Addition, $27.00 Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 52, Wasmer's Third Addition, $26.00 each; Lot 10, Block 52, Wasmer's Third Addition, $27.00; Lot I, Block 46, Wasmer's Tllird Addition, $27.00; Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 46, Wasmer's Third Addition, $26.00 each; Lot 5, Block 46, Wasmer's Third Addition, $27.00; Lot 6, Block 51, Wasmer's Third Addition, $27.00; Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 51, Wasmer's Third Addition, $26.00 each; Lot 10, Block 51, Wasmer's Third Addition, $27.00; Lot 1, Block 47, Wasmer's Third Addition, $27.00; Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 47, Wasmer's Third Addition, $26.00 each; Lot 5, Block 47, Wasmer's Third Addition, $27,00; Lot 6, Block 50, Wasmer's Third Addition, $27.00; Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 50, Wasmer's Third Addition,$26.00 each; Lot 10, Block 50, Wasmer's Third Addition, $27.00; Section 2. That all expense in ~xcess of fifty cents per front foot assessable against the lots, tracts and parcels of land within the said water main district shall be paid out of the water fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 3. Said special water main district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law, and shall be collected in the manner I)rovided by law. . I I I . 162 Section 4. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes, together with instructions to collect same as provided by law. Section 5. This"c:ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as prOVided by law. Passed and approved this 1, day of July, 1925. Attest: (Seal) __H.!.)~.~1:iffor~. .____,_ City Clerk. M.W.Jenkins ---.--.-, Mayor -:--------- . I I I . 163 j) <\ OR]) llifAlirCE liro. 1104 An ordinance levying a special water district tax to pay for the construction of water mains in Water Main District lifo. 41 of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That a special water main district tax be and the same is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of the construction of the water main in Water Main District No. 41 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district, in the amounts set opposite their respective descriptions thereof. not exceeding the sum of fifty cents per front foot, to-wit: Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. in Block 87, vVheeler & Bennett's Fourth Addition, $26.40 each; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, in Block 86, Wheeler & Bennett's Fourth Addition, $26.40 each. Section 2. That all expense in excess of fifty cents per front foot assessable against the lots, tracts and parcels of land within the said water main district shall be paid out of the water fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 3. Said special water main district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law, and shall be collected in the manner provid.ed by law. Section 4. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, lirebraska is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Treasurer of Hall County. Nebraska the amount of said taxes, together with instructions to collect same as provided by law. Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by la w . Passed and approved this ~___ day of JUly, 1925. Attest: (Seal) H.E.Qlifford -'------CftjCle-iF:---" M.W.Jenkins -<--Mayor-:------- '. 'I I I . 164 ORDINANCE No. 1105 An ordinance levying a special sewer district tax to pay for the construction of a sewer in Sewer District No. 127 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT OP~AlNED by the N~yor and City Oouncil of the Oity of Grand Is1and, Nebraska: Section 1. That a special se'wer district tax be and the same is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of constructing a sewer in Sewer District No. 127 of the Oity of Grand Island, NebrasY~ against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district in the amounts set opp08i te the respec ti ve descriptions, t o-vvi t: Lot 1, Block 11, Baker's Addition, $61.13; Lots 2, 3 and 4, in Block 11, Baker's Addition, $58.86 each; Lots 5 and 6, in Block II, Baker's Addition, $61.13 each; Lots 7, 8 and 9, in Block 11, Baker's Addition, $58.86 each; Lot 10, Block 11, Baker's Addition, $61.13. Section 2. Said special sewer district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time pt' ovided by law and shall be collected in the manner prOVided by law. Section 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes together with instructions to collect the same as provided by law. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effeot from and after its passage, approval and publication, as iUrovided by law. Passed and approved this --1~ day of July, 1925. Attest: (Seal) ._._1.I.1ll..9].JJ'f 0 rd____..._..._.._._ City Clerk. ____ ..)[..JI.....J...e.nkin.s...._.._...___._.__ Mayor. . I I I ., ./' 166 ORDIlIf.AUCE No. /106 An ordinance creating sewer district No. 128 in the City of Grand Islandf . Nebrasl-.:a ,defining the boundari cs thereof, providing for the layin'g of a sewer in said district, describing the manner in whi cll same,/shall be laid, a~sessirig the c os ts thereof against the abutting property,. ' WHEREAS, the May-olt'\and City C{)uncil of the City of Grand ):sland, Nebraska, find' that the 'steps heretofore taken for the crea t;ing of Sewer District Nolf,' 128 are regular and Jawful, and that a sewer to be laid in the Di strict hex'einafter defined is a public ,necessity; ~d . . \VlmR1~S, by a three-fourths vote of all the members of ~he Ci ty Council, said sewer main hal3 been ,ordered laid without cost.to the City. NOW, TI-mPJ~FORR, BE IT }mDAI:NED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island , Nebras ka: ' Section 1. That Bewer District No.' 128 . of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska 'is hereby created, same ito consist \ of that part of ~gat~ street lying h~tw~~n ~inpRtTPA+ Anri --"BII Etreeto, The Alley between P1neStreetand B Street . . I trom Agate street to Carbon street and all L6~ts t tracts and parcela ot land a.butting on aRid Alley boundad as af~re$aid · \. , \..:, \ ,:-.:.... Section 2.. That .a\?ewer\~hall be laid along the course above described, running through s~;;lici blocks,. in accorda.."1ce with the plans and specificatiolll5 ggrj!hing sew('.;1'S heretofoI'e established for laying sewers in so'f'a'rN~'sl said plans ,and specifications can be carried out. ......... ;', 1 Section 3.. That thee,n~lire cost of constructing said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied as Iso.on as the cost can be ascertained, sc.1..id tax to become delinquent and draw interest as provided. by law. Section 4. The City Engineer is hereby authorized to (draw plands and specificatiqns of said sewer and make estimate of the cost thereof and submi.t sarne to the Ci ty Council, and when adopted the Ci ty Clerk shall a't once advertise for bids for the construction of said sewer ,in accordance with the plans and specificati.ons submitted, reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by la.w. Passed and approved this 1. day of ____~~3-I~___ 192~. Attest: (Seal) It.ll1i Q 1; f'f'n,.d Ci y Clerk, --1L..W.....J..e.nki.n.a.__.._____ Mayor. ';;"--<,':j' . I I I . 166 ) ~~ ORDINANCE No. 1107 An ordinance levying taxes in the City of Grand Island. for the fiscal year cormnencing with the second Monday in August. 1925. and ending the second Monday in August, 1926. and for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAHJED by the Mayor and Ci ty Council of the Ci ty of Grand Island. Nebraslm: Section 1. That there is hereby levied and shall be collected in the manner provided by law upon all property. real. personal and mixed. of every kind and character, within the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island. Nebraska. for the fiscal year conunencing the second Monday in August, 1925 and ending the second Monday in August, 1926. on each dollar of the actual valuation of the said property, taxes as follows and for the following purposes: The sum of Twelve (12) mills for all general and all other municipal expenses. The sum of Three dollars on each and every male resident of the City of Grand Island. between the <fllgestof twenty-one and fifty years. except as are exempt by law. as a poll tax. Section 2. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island. Nebraska is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Clerk of Hall County. Nebraska, the amount of said taxes. Section 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage. approval and publication as by law provided. Passe.d:and approved this 1. day of July, 1925. (Seal) Attest: H.E.Olifford CTfy'- Cle rk.---'-'--'-'- M.W.Jenkins . -..-- Meyor'.-.---"'- . I I I . 167 ORDI NAlfCE No. 1108 Be~ng the annual "Appropriation Bill" of the City of Grand .island, Nebraska, for the fiscal year commencing the second Monday in August, 1925. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Ci ty Council of c1:;he Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That the sum of $29,940.00 is hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying the interest on the bonded indebtedness of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and to create a sinking fund to pay the principal thereof, when it becomes due. 'h Section 2. That the sum of ~7000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated out of the general fund of the City for the purpose of paying the salaries of the city officers o,fc.the Oi ty for the ensuing year. Section 3. That the sum of $20,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby approrpriated out of the general fund of the Oity for the purpose of paying the expenses of building and repairing the streets and alleys, cleaning streets, opening streets and the purchase of property for the construution of gutters, sidewalks, crosswalks and making other street and alley improvements. Section 4. That the sum of $15,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated out of the general fund of the City of Grand Island for the purpose of paying hydrant r~ntal for fiscal years commencing 1923, 1924 and 1925. Section 5. That the sum of $15,250, or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated out of the general fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the expenses of lighting the streets and alleys, public grounds and buildings of the said City. Section 6. That the sum of $12,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby approp:piated out of the general fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the inc idental expenses for the ensu.ing year, inc luding the care of the Emergency Hospital and incidental expenses of the Police and Fire Departments. Section 7. Tha t the sum of &~15, 000, or so much thereof as may be necessarY4 is hereby appvopriated out of the general fund, of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying outstanding registered warrants. Section 8. That the sum of $15,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the general fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying for the purchase of right-of-vvays for extending sewers and drains, extensions, repairs and all other expenses of sewers, in addition to the amount specific4ally appropriated under House Roll No. 227, Laws of 1925. Section 9. That the smn of $10,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated out of the general fund of the City of Grand Island, NebrasY~, for the purpose of paying for flushing sewers for the years 1924 and 1925. Section 10. That the sum of ~~3,500.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby approrpirated for the purpose of maintaining, extending, improving and be~utifying parks and play grounds of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and for the purchase of such real estate as may be necessary thereto. Section 11. TlwJt the sum of $17,000.00, O' h r so mue thereof I . I I I . 168 as may be necessary is hereby appropriated to pay tile salaires of the Police Department of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska and to pay outstanding registered warrants. Section 12. That the sum of $7,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the purpose of ~aying.the exp~nses of m~inta~ni~g the cemetery o~ the City of. urand Island, ~ebraska, oeautlfYlng the same, paYlng the salarles, incidental expenses, repairs and improvements. Section 13. That the sum of $19,000, or so much thereof' as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying the expenses of maintaining the Fire Department, purchasing new hose, apparatus and other accessories, payaing the salaries, incidental expenses and repairs. Section 14. That the sum of $10,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying the expenses of paving streets and alley intersections and opposite public buildings, repairing paving, including salaries. of the Paving Department. Section 15. That the sum of $7000, or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated to pay the expense of the Sewer department, including the running of the lift stations, disposal plant and- general oversight of the Sewage and Draigage system and making repairs. Section 16. That the sum of $3100.00 is hereby approQ~~rated to pay the expenses of a vocal, instrumental and amusement organization for free public concerts, festivals and entertainments. Section 17. That the revenue of the operation of the plant, or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated for the purpose of :raying the expenses of the Ice Department, including salaires, interest on bonds, and other incidental expenses connected with the same. Section 18. That the revenue of the plant or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the purpose of maintaining, extending, improving and repairing the water plant of the City of Grand Island, to pay the incidental expenses connec~ed with the same and to pay the salaries ofoifficers ilin charge thereof. Section 19 That the revenue of the operation of the plant, or so much tilereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying the expenses incident to the Light Department, inoluding salaries, extensions, repairs, improvements, etc. Section 20. That the sum of $7000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying the expenses and maintenance of the Public Library, including repairs, purchase of books, salaries and other expenses. Section 21. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its ~RagR passage, approval and publicatiop as provided by law. Passed and approved this ~__ day of July, 1925. Attest: (Sea.l) H E.GJlifford __,_.__f.:._.,_.,.__._.___.__.____ City Clerk M.W.Jenkins --IVfayor;------.------- . I I I . 169 ORDINANCE No. 1109- An.ordinance le&ying a special water district tax to pay for the construction of Ivater mains in vvater main district Ho. 42 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAI}illD by the N~yor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That a special water main district tax be and the same is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of of the construction of the water main in Water Main District ]\]"0. 42 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, against the respective lots, tracts and 1Ja1'cels of land in said district in the amounts set opposite their respective descriptions thereof, to-wit: Lots 1 and 5, Block 50, Wasmer's Third Addition, $50.75 each; Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block.50, Vvasmer's Thir'd Addition,$48.87 each; Lot 1, Block 51, Wasmer's Third Addition, $50.76; Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 51 Wasmer's Third Addition, $48.87 each; Lot 5, Block 51, Wasmer's Third Addition, $50;75: Lots 6 and 10, Block 54, Wasmer's Third Addition, $50.75 each; Lots 7, a and 9, Blocl\: 54, Wasmer's'l'hird Addition,'tP48.87 each: Lots 7 and 8, Block 55, Wasmer's Third Addition, $48.87 each; Lot 10, Block 55, Wasmer's Third Addition, $50.75; Lot 9, Block 55, Wasmer's Third Addition, $48.87 Lot 6, Block 33, Morrill's Addition, $48.87. Section 2. Said special water main district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law, a nd shall be colle c ted in the manner prov ided by law. Section 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebrasl\:B.. is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes, together with instructions to collect same as provided by law. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 15th day. of July, 1925. Attest~. (, ~--- -_._--~---~A- Oi ty CWl(. ~~~ _. May-. --..-.------ . I I I . At (~'),',;/,'{ I, ,/,,,, \/" J .J -~/' / ""t"''''. ..,..... ",h"';-'<" 170 ORDINANCE No. 1110- An ordinance to make gambling and gaming in the City of Grand Island illegal; providing a penalty for the violation thereof; and to repeal Ordinance No. 89 of the Compiled Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. BE IT ORDAIlmD by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to play at any game, trick or device whatever, for money, or gain, or property of any kind, with cards,dice, faro or other implements, devises or machines of any denomination mr name or appantus of any kind whatsoever used for gambling, or for obtaining money or other property b;}T any slight-of-hand performance, or any other trick or deception, anywhere within the limits of the City of Grand Island. Section 2. It shall be unlawful to play at any time in any ordinary, tavern or race field, or in any booth, arbor, outhouse or other erection connected with such tavern, ordinary or race field or at any other public place, at any game whatsoever, except games of athletic exercise, or bets or wagers on the hands or sides of such as do playas aforesaid. Section 3. It shall be unlawful to suffer any game or games whatsoever to be played for gain upon or by means of any gaming device or machine of any denomination or name, in his, her or theil' house, or any outhouse, booth, arbor or erection, of which he, she or they have the care orpossession. Secb.on 4. It shall be unlawful for any keeper or keepers of any tavern, ordinary or other house of public res,ort to suffer or permit any game or games whatsoever, except games of athletic exercises, to be played at or within such tavern, ordmary, or house of public resort, or in any outhouse, building or erection appendant thereto. Section 5. It shall be unlawful to play at any garrLwhatever for any sum of money or other property of value, or :~n::llrtet any money or property upon any gaming table, bank or device, prohibited by law, or at or upon any other gambling deviee, or to bet upon any game played at or by means of any such gaming table or gambling device. Section 6. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons whomsoever to set up or keep any gaming table, faro,bank, keno or any other l::ind of gambling table or gam@ling device or gaming machine of any kind or description, under any denomination or name whatsoever, adapted, devised and designed for the purpose of playing any game of chance for money or property, except billiard tables, or to keep any billiard, table for the purpose of betting or gambling, or shall allow t~e same to be used for such purposes. Section 7. It shall be unlmvful to keep a room, building, arbor, booth, shed or tenement, canal boat, or .~ther water craft to be used or occupied for gambling or knowingl;Y'Vpermi tes the same to be used or occupied for gambling, or, being the owner of any room, building, arbor, booth, shed or tenement, canal boat or other water craft, to rent the same to be used or occupied for gambling; and if the owner of any room, building, booth, shed or tenement, canal boat, or other water craft shall knov; that any gaming table, apparatus or establishment is kept or used in such room, building, arbor, booth, shed or tenement, canal boat or other water craft, for gambling and winning, betting or gaming money or other property. and shall not forthwith cause complaint . I I I . 171 to be made again the pe rsons so keeping and using such room, building, arbor, boothi shed or tenement, canal boat or other water craft, he shall be taken, held and considered to have knowingly pennitted the same to be used and occupied for gambling. Section 8. It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or exhibit any gaming table, establishment, device or apparatus, to win or gain money or other property of value, or to aid, assist or permit others to do the same, or to engage in gambling for a livelihood, or to be without any fixed residence and in the habit of practice of gambling. Section 9. It shall be uniliawful to make any bet or wager upon the event of any election held or to be held under the laws of the state, or make any bet or wager upon the election of any person to any office, post or situation which by the constitution or laws of this State is made elective, or make any bet or wager upon the election of the president or vice president of the United States, or upon the election of electors of president or vice president of the United States. Section 10. It 'shall be unlawful to make any bet or wager upon the event of any horse, aeroplane, automobile or motorcycle race, or upon the event of any game, sport, athletic exercise, or any other event of any kind or nature whatsoever. Section 11. It shall be unlawful to open, set on foot, carryon, promote, make or draw, publicly or privately, any lottery or scheme of chance, of any kind or ~escription, by whatever name, style or titie the same may be denominated or ~nown; or by such ways and means, to expose or set to sale any house or houses, lands or real e state, or any goods or chattels, cash or written evidences ofiliebt, or certificates of claims or any thing or things of value whatever. Section 12. It :Shall be unlawful to vend, sell, barter or dispose of any lottery ticket or tickets, order or orders I device or devices of any kind, for or ~representing any number of shares, or any interest in any lottery, or scheme of chance, or to open or establish as owner or otherwise any lottery or scheme of chance in the City of Grand Island. Section 13. Any person, persons, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than One Dollar, nor more than One Hundred Dollars /aindeach separate bet, wager, gaming or gambling transaction shall constitute a separate offense, and shall stand committed until such fine and costs are paid. Secti on IfL That Ordinance ITo. 89 of the C ompi 1 ed Ordinanc es of the City of Grand Island be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 15. 'This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this l.5:th. day of J"uly, 1925. //ff ~-C/-':_-:"-_.~"_._._" May or. [, ~ 172 I i I i AN OPJJIl\iAl.TC:r;; regulating the use of the Streets, alleys : and highvvays of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Ne1::n'ci,ska, by I vehicles and pedestrians, and providing a penalty for the I violation the:ceof. I . Jill IT ORDAINillD by the Mayor and City Council of I the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: I I ENFORCEMljNT Section 1. The Police Department and the Street I Corn.missioner are hereby authorized., emIJOVJered anc1 ordered" ; to exercise all powers and diuties "with :celation to the I manc1gement of street :traffic and to direct, control, stop, I" restrict, and regulate, and Vvhen neceofmry, teml)Qrarily divert or exclude, in the interest of public safety, health, and c onvenienc e, the movomen t of' pede strian, a:nimal and vehicular tI'affic of every kind, in str'oets, parks, and on bridges in this City. ORDIl'J.i;.NCJii No. 1112- 0/) #1111 not passed finally. r~ .".-!.<~ v.. "' f , , ,) i ~j 3 EXHIBIT NO......,... FRANCES MeCAI.: COURT HEPOlnE. DE J? Iln '1'1 OHS Section 2. following definitions For the purpose shall prevail: of this ordinance, the .< (A) The term "S1'RL(iJi;TII shall apply to tha t par't of tlle public highway intended for.. vehicles. (B) of astreet, as The term "DlJRB" defined aboye. shall apply to the boundaries I (C) part of Third Street lying between and including the Intersection of Third and Sycarnore i3treets and Third iTIlm Streets, and a18'0 such other streets o:c l)arts of as the City Council may ciesignate by resolution. The "CONGESTJm DISTHICTIl shall include that and streets (D) The term "HORSE" shall a:fJ:ply to any draft animal or beast of burden. (E) The term "VEHICm" shall apply to a horse, motor vehicle, motorcycle, bicycle, or any conveyance, excEpt baby carriages and street cars. (F) The term "ALT;;;;:Y ENTHAl'1"CJGIl shall m.ean the extension of the alley from the lot line to the street curb line. (G) l'he term "DRIVEHIl shall c:qJply to the rider I driyer, or leader of a ho:cse, a pel's on who pushe s, drayvs, pr'opels, operates or who is in clw.rge of a vehicle. (II) l\he term I1DRIViG" shall mean to ride, lead, drive, pull, push, propel, or operate a horse or vehicle as defined herein. I . (I) The terms "PAHK, II llPAHKillD, II and IIPAHKHW, II shall refer to any vehicle waiting or standing in any street or alley except when such vehicles are waiting in compliance with the direction of a traffic officer or to meet other emeI'gencies. (J) The term "STREIRT BTTEmJECTIONll shall mean that space occupied by two streets at the pint where they crOBB each other, bounded by the lot lines extended, and shall include the sidewalk space as vvoll as the roadway. SPEED Section 3. No person shall drive a motor vehicle on any street vJi thin the city ata rate of speed greater than is reasonable "md proper, having regard for tl1.e traffic and roadvvay and the condition of the street" or at a rate of speed greater than twelve mile s per hour "lid thin the~c~j'/..t""'"~t::., congested clistrict, or at a :c'ate of speed greater than eighte-er1.'" miles per hour' outside of the congested district; and when traversing5treet crossings, bridges, or steep descents, 173 . RECKLESS I DRIVING and when approaching or passing public or private schools, churches and hospitals, the person driving such motor vehicle shall not drive at a rate of speed greather than twelve miles per hour and shall have said vehicle under complete control; provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to the Fire or Police Departments of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, or to ambulances when answering emergency calls. > . Section 4. No vehicle shall be driven, used, "~i~~\"~~~~ operated, parked or stopped in a careless, reckless, ~~\~\\\\~! ~'\\~~(~~~ negligent manner, or in such manner as to end~er li1~~~~~'\''@~t\~{J.('0t:J- limb, person, or property, nor in such a manner as to ~'~g~~ or interfere with the lawful traffic or use of the str Igts lI' . RIGHT OF WAY Section 5. The driver of a vehicle approaching ~~ J. (i:' AT INTER- str~et intersect~on shall.yield th~ right-of-way. to a ~~~ \~~I\ \~I~~~\\'~ SECTIONS veh~cle approach~ng such ~ntersect~on from the r~gh~~ . . ~~~~~~~\~~ paths of such vehicles intersect and there is danger ~ ~~~< (...tJ:- COllision. &0\\?') frP SLOWLY Section 6. Vehicles moving slowly shall keep as MOVING close as possible to the curb on the right, allowing more swiftly moving vehicles free passage to their left. POLICE AND Section 7. Vehicles of the Police and Fire Depart- FIRE ments shall have the right-of-way in any street and through DEP'T.any procession. Section 8. The driver of any vehicle shall immed- iately drive close to the right hand curb and stop on the approach of any fire apparatus. I PASSING S~~ sect.~.on 9. Every vehicle passing another traveling in DIRECTION the same direction shall pass on the left of the wanicle over- . taken. When a signal of desire to pass is given, the driver of the vehicle in front shall turn to the right. INTERSECTION Sectio~ 10. No vehicle shall pass or attempt to pass another vehicle going in the same direction while traversing any street intersection. OJ?FOSlTE DlRillCT- IONS Section 11. Vehicles moving in opposite directions must pass each other by keeping to the right, each gi~ing to the other an equal portion of the street. WARNING WHEN Section 12. Before backing, ample warning shall be BACKING given and while backing unceasing vigilance must be exercised not to injure those behind. I . Section 13. No ~ehicle shall be driven through any funeral procession or any authorized parade, or over, across or upon any firehose or through any barricade erected, kept or maintained by the Police, Fire or Street Departments of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. HITCH TO MOVING Section 14. No person shall hitch onto or climb upon VEHICLE any vehicle which is in motion with or without the consent of the driver or operator of such vehicle. FUNERAL PROCESS- IONS,ETC MOTORCYClE & Section 15. No person operating a motorcycle or BICYCLE bicycle shall carry another person in front of the operator. PEDESTRIANS Section 16. No pedestrian shall cross any strett at a place other than a cross walk, nor cross any street inter- section diagonally; provided, however, that the prOVisions of this section shall not apply to Mail Carriers of the U.S. GoverlTInent when on duty. WHO MAY DRIVE Section 17. No person under sixteen years of age, or any intoxicated person, shall drive a motor vehic~upon any public street within this City, and no owner or person in control of any motor vehicle shall permit a person under sixteen years of age, or while intoxicated, to drive such motor vehicle. 174 . I rt:J-1 IvIillTHODS 0]' EJection 18. Vehicles turning into another street T.URlTING must turn the COTner GO as to keep betwee n the curb to the ;' ~ right ami the center of the intersection of the tvvo streets; provided, however, that the Police Department of the City may cilesignate other fOl~ms of traffic contl'ol at such inter- f.lcct:Loyw, as trre :,;aid })olice De:partrnent may designate, 2.nd provided, that the City Council may, by resolution, designate certain intersections at which no turns to the left by vehicles shall be p:ermi tted, and turning to the left by a vehicle at any such intersection designated in such resolu- tion shall constitute a violation of this ordinance. Section 19. A driver of a vehicle crossing from one side of a street to the other, shall 0_0 so by turning to the left Ett the street intersection. Section 20. :Gvery driver of any vehicle when approaching, or about to drive over a sidewalk or sidewalk space, except at a street or alley intersection, shall bring such vellicle to a complete stop and shall then l)l~Oceed in a careful and cautious manner having due regard. for the use of such sidewalk or sidewalk SDace by pedestrians~and shall then to the right. ~ 'l'unN AT Ilif'I'ER- Sectj.on 21. Ho vehicle shall be turned so as to SECTIONS proceed in the opposite directiOll or cross from OYle side of the otreet to the other, except at a street intersection. ') t? J "t/ 1 I). / turn SIGNALS Section 22. The operator of a vehicle shall) before stopping, turning or changing the course of such vehicle, first see that there is sufficient space to malce such movement in safety, and shall give an unmistakable visible or an unmistak- able audible signal to the crossing officer, if there be such, or to the driver of the vehicle following, of his intention to malce such movement, vihich signal shall be given by raising and extending ~he hand to indicate the direction in which he wishes to turn, as follows: I Arm pointing c;.t bblique u:p'Hard - turn right. Arm pointing straight out - turn left. Arm pointing oblique angle-downward - stop. Section 23. A mechanical device may be uf3ed in lieu of the arm to indicate the signal provided in the preced- ing section, viilen such mec112.nical device has been approved by the City Council. Sec~lon 24. Siren signalling devices shall not be used on an:/ vehicle except those operated by the Police Departmen t, }j'il'e lJepartmen t, the Sheri 1'1', and au thori zed public utility vehicles when on emergency calls. PARKIl:TG Section 25. The City Council may, by resolution, enti:cely proYlibi t 01' fi:x a t:i.me limit for the lJCi.rking and stopping of vehicles in any street, streets, or district designate in such resolution and the ng or stopping of any vehicle in any such street, strGc:;ts, 01' district for a period of ti:mo lonGer thEW fixed in such resolution, shal constitute a violation of this ordinance. rf'h-~ 71" I Y /u I . Section 26. The City Council Yi18.y, by resolutj_on, set aside any street, alley or public Iva-;/, or portion thereof, vlherein no vehicle shall lJe pa,l'ked, and may also, 'by l'esolut:i.orl, set aside any street, (,,j, lley, or public way, Or portion thereof) fo:c the pc:..rlcing of any particular kind or class of vehicle, and when the parking of vehicles in any street) alley or public way, or portion thereof, has been prohibited by resolu- tion, no vehicle pl"ohibi ted from parking thereon shall stand 01' be pal~ked adjacent to the curb of said street, alley or public way, or portion thereof, longer th~n a period of time necessary to loan and unload freight or passengers. WARHING . I 175 Section 27. the pavement or curb, marked spaces. When par Klng spac e s cae marked off on vehicles Ghall be parked v1i thin such Section 28. The uriver of a parked vehicle about to s tart shall give [{lOving vehicl es the right of vvay and the driver of the parked vehicle shall give timely warning in SOlile unmistakable manner before starting. INTERSECTION Section 29. standing, or any horse street intersection. No vehicle shall be parked, or left lef1t hi tclled, wi thin ten fee t of' any OBSTRUCTING Section 30. No veHlC.la, VllUl.e parked, slJall have any TR.LU!'J!'IC portion thereof proj ecting into any alley entrance. EIRE FrY1)PJ1.NT BACKING TO CUHB Section 31. No vehicle shall, except in case of accident or emergeDcy, stop within any street intersection or al1e;y entrance, 1'101' in such loca.tion at! to obstrv,ct any street crossing, craBS walk or alley entrance, nor back of other vehi cle s parked a t the cnrb. Section 32. No vehicle shall be parked or left standing, or any ho::cse le:ft hi tched within f:ifteen feet of any fire hydrant for any period of time whatever. E:;ection 33. Ho velLicle shall remain l)[),cked ul1 to the curb except it be actually loading or unloadin~, ahd ih no case longer than the actual loading or unloading requires. If the vel1icle ;be horso dr-avm, the horse or horses :::ihall be turned at right angles to the vehicle and in the direction in which traffic on that siue of the street is moving. I PAR...T(Dm IN Sec tion 3/1,. lira velLi cle 8118.11 be parked in any alley, ALLEY except for the Imrpose of loading 0 r unlo[~(!.ing, and then only shall such vehicle be parked during the timenecesr:;ar;y to load or unload. Every vehicle while load.ing or unloading in any 0,,1 ley- shall -be parked in ~mch a manner as Yvill cause the least obstruction possible to traffic in Guch alley. RWGIbTEATION Gecti.on 35. lifo .person shall opex'ate any motor vehicle upon any street or public highway without having first registered the same as provided by the le.ws of' the State of lifebrasku, and Dueh veldc Ie bhall have the regi strati on m.unter plates, furnished by the State or County, displayed upon sala vehicle in the manner ane ~place provided fOl' by the lavvs of the State of Nebraska. LI GH '1'S B I-1AYJ.I; S I ......;TOH CLL; ':;,uITIS-' ..L.l.li lL .L Section 36. Every motor vehicle, while in use on the streets, alleys, or p~blic highways of the city, shall be equipped with efficient bralees, ""-{md efficient signal o.evices, and shall have, from one-half hour after BUBsetuntil one-half hom:' b..e:.r'.ore blU1I'i Be, tV10 or' more Vlhi ti 8h lights on the fran t thereof, one on each side, which li ts, and all other lighting devices l.:tsed. on such vehic:Le, shall be in coYilpliance Vii -eh the laws of the state of Nebraska. Gection 37. No :pe1'son: .shall ride a motorc;ycle upon the streets, aLLeys or' highways of the city, f'romone-half hour after fmnBet to one-lmlf lJOur before sunrise, unless the same has a whitish light plainly visible from the front and a a n;d light 1l1ainly vi 8i .ble 1'1' om th e 1'e2,1' t:ne:ce of. Every person l'id:Lng a bj:cycle during the above periOd shu.ll carry a light plainly visibJe from the rear. I l 176 Section 27. ~Vhen parking spaces are markedd off on the pavement or curb, vehicles shall be parked within such marked spaces. WARNING Section 28. The driver of a parked vehicle about . to start shall give nlO'ging vehicles the right-of-way and the driver of the parked vehicle shall give timely warning in some unmistakable manner before starting. IINTERSECTION Section 29. No vehicle shall be parked, or left standing) or any horse left hitched) within ten feet of any street intersection; provided, however) that when the Police or Street Departments of the City of Grand Islliand shall have marked off a greater or lesser distance on the curb) tham then no vehicle shall be parked or left standing) or any horse hitched within the space so marked off. OBSTRUCTING Section 30. No vehicle while parked, shall have any TRAFFIC portion thereof projecting into any alley entrance. FIRE HYDRANT BACKING TO CURB I PARKING ALLEY Section 31. No vehicle) shall, except in case of' acci den t or emergency, stopy wi thin any street intersecti on or alley entrance, nor 1n such location as to obstruct any street erossing) cross walk or alley entrance, nor back of other vehicles parked at the curb. Section 32. No vehicle shall be parked or left standing) or any horse left hitched within fifteen feet of any fire hydrant for any period of time whatever. Section 33. No vehicle shall remain backed up to the curb except it be actually loading or unloading) and in no case longer than the actual loading or unloading requires. If thevehicle be horse drawn, the horse or horses shall be turned at right angles to the vehicle and in the direction in which traffic on that side of the street is moving. IN Section 34. No vehicle shall be parked in any alley, except for the purpose of loading or unloading) and then only shall such vehicle be parked during the time necessary to load or unload. Every vehicle while loading or unloading in any alley shallre parked in such a manner as will cause the lease obstruction possible to traffic in such alley. REGISTRATION Section 35. No person shall operate any motor vehicle upon any street or public gfughway without having first registered the same as provided by the laws of the State of Nebraska, and such vehicle shall have the registration number plates,furnished by the State or County, displayed upon said vehicle in the manner and place provided for by the laws of the State of Nebraska. LIGHTS BRAEES I . MOTOR CYCLE LIGHTS ( Section 36. Every motor vehicle, while in use on the streets, alleys) or public highways of the City) shall be equipped with efficient brakes and efficient signal devices, and shall have) from one-half hour after sunset until one-half hour before sunrise, two or more whitish lights on the front thereof) one on ea'eh side, which lights,) and all other lighting devices used on such vehicle, shall be in compliance with the laws of the State of Nebraska., ,.. . Section 37. No person shall ride a motor cycle upon the streets, alleys or highways of the City, from one-half hour after sunsent to one-half hour before sunrise, unless the same has a whitish light plainly visible from the front and a red light plainly visible from the rear thereof. Every person riding a bicycle during the above period shall carry a light plainly visible from the rear. Pi\.HKING 1,1 GH 'I'S '. I TRAIPi'R FFlOJl;C'I'IHG LOII.DS l\,;UJn.i'I1.GR LPAIRllW S TP1.I~ICTS BARRIERS I . 177 Sectj.on 38. The City Council may by Hesolution prohibit the parking of cars in any street, streets or cU s tri c t designu ted in such re s 01 uti on be tween the hours of one-half hour after sunB8nt and one-half hour before sunriB8, i"Ji thout havinG a red light plainly visible from the rear of Daid "I/e11ic1e dU1~ing all thehouI's vvhile the vehicle is parked :Ln said street, st:c'cets or cUstrict, and the parking of any vehicle in any such street, streets or ciiSt3:'j.ct designated in such resoluUon betvJeen the times fixed 11e1'ein "vi thout tIle di SlJlay of a red light plainly vi[;ible fron1 the rear of said. vehicle, shall constitute a violation of this ordinance. Section 39. When allY t:t.'ailer Ghall -be attached to any motor vehicle in use upon the streets, such trailer shall C[!~rT;;' a dupli ca-'ce regi:oJ t:ca t i on number and rear, light s as required of other motor vehicles. Section 40. Between the period of one-half hour after BunScllt &nd one-half hour before sunrise, all of said vel-dcles, if 101,:tdecl wi th projecting material, mllst carry a red :Light at the e:xtreLle reC:Ll' end of such material and, at all 0 trlG r hours, a reel flag 12 X 12 inches sl"H:dl be di slJlayed. Secti.on 41. ji;vc:r.'~' l!1otox' VefJ.lC_~e (excellt electric~5) olJerating on the streets of thi u city shall be equipped vvith an adeouate muffler which shall not be cut out when used ,- on the street. No }:Jerson operating D~ vex-Jicle shall permi t the pipes, mufflers or other devices to emit sounds of e:xhauf:3t in a loud uXld anno;ying manner and all such vehicles c ha 11 be 0 per ate din as no i [; e 1 e s [1 a mann era s 1) 0 S sib 1 e . In fJect:Lon 42. No :person shall adjust or 1'0}Jair any automobile 0 l' motorcycle 01' race the IllotaI' of same, vllhile Btand:Lng on the public streets or ,3~11e:ys of thio 'ci ty, excepting incase of breakdown or other emergency requiring same, and no person 01' employee conw3cted vvith a gal'aL=e or repair shop ohal1 use streets or alleys in the vicinity of DuclL garaL_,e 01' shop :['01' the purpose of' v101'king on or upon automolliles or motor driven vellicles of any derjcription. f)ecti on 43. No pel's on shall c11'i ve an;)! vehicle ONor or aCl'ODfJ any nevJly made IJaVeLlent in any -JlUb1ic street, ael'OSf3 Ol~ arouno wIdeh }JCi.ven;ent t.l18rc is ':C)oO -barrier, or at, over, or near VJhich there is a }Jerson or eoO siGn vial'ning person[~ not to drive over or cwrOfc3B I1El.Vernent, or a sign stating that the street is closed. Uectj.on fVi. .l',O }Jorson shC:Lll tIn'ov], cafrt, lay, or place upon any street within this city any glass, bottles, window glass, 01' other particles lilade of, or containing glass, and in case of an acc :Lc.ien t cauf3ing the breaking of any glass upon any such street, tile ovm e:c or per B 0]:1 in chal'ge cof such glass, or the person responsible for such breakage, shall at one e remove or CatlSe the sarne to be removed from the stre e t. OII']'ICERS ;3ectj.on 45. The City Cuuncil or the Chief of Police Illay at any time detail of1'icers at Dtrect inter'sections to be known as traffic officers. ch traffic officer shall 118 vested vii th a,Uthority to reculG~te anci control traffic at the intersection to which he is detailed. It shall be his duty to direct the move of traffic at such interDections in such manner as will fa6ilitate the movement of traffic, prevent congestion and accidents. It shall be unlawful for any }Jorcon to viols.,te C:U1Y oreler OJ:' signal of any such officer'. I ! 178 LIABIJ~ITY bection 46. Nothing in thiD ordinance shall be COD iJ trued or ea.,ded aD jus tifying, abD olving aI' rendering blameless, either directly or indirection, any person in Cfl8.l'ge of' or ovJling any vehicle for' any injury 01' damage to persons or property due to recklessness, incompetency, or ncgli genc e in the ol)ero. tj. on:uof any vehi cle. ~:LIVF;RY ~UCKS I ,ARTlmIAL HIGHWAYS I I . Section 47. No delivery truck, wagon or delivery .car of any nature whatsoever shall deli vel' gooo.s, wares, rnerch8.ndise, lJaclcages or pB,rcels of c:nlY natlu'C vvh8.tsoever to an;)' business house .on Third Sti'ee.t,1:u:\ving an alley en tranc e, or an e:Cltl'anC e on SOlliC other D tree t, between the intersection of Thil'cl and Sycamol'e ::HreetD and tiLe inter- section of Third and Cedar Streets, but shall use the alley entrance or the entrance on said side street. The Ci ty Councilor the Police De}Jartrnent are hereby Emthorized and enrpovJercd to designate rnuking spaces adjacent to or next to such business houses in the district above specified, as do not have an alley entrance or an entrance on some other str'eet except Thi:r:d E3treet. All delivery vehicles above mentioned shall not stop on the :pcH't of said Third Street within said District, except within ~uch spaces designated by the Police Department. The Police DelJal'tment rna:y' control the use of baia I'eserved JJarking slJace by other vehicles, wheYl the sarne shall no'c be needed for the use of delivery trucks, G,nd D,ny vehicle violating such regulations or using such rescirved parking space when deeded for the delivery of merchandise to such places of business, shall constitute a violation of this ordinance. Section 48. The Cit;'l Council may, b;>' resolution designate any street, avenue or boulevard as an arterial 111f;J:nvay .'\lhen any street shall have been designated as an arteY.'ial hic;hway, then every vehicle shall, v\fhen entering said street from any other street or aLley, come to a c omlJlete stop be1'or'e enterj.ng sucrt arterial highvva;y, and shall not proceed until such procession may be mao.e with safety and 'without interference to other vehicles already upon such arterial :nigrnvay. 'l'11e C:Lty Conncil may by resolution limit the use of such arterial highways to certain classes of vehicles and prohibit the use of such arterial h s by other classes of vehicles. \ihen such arterialniglnmys Liha11 have been designCi,ted by l~e(-;olution, then a falJ.l.ue to make a complete stop before en~ering such arterial hi , shall constitute a viola,tion of this ol~diYlance, and \7hen the Ci ty Council shall have by rCBolution lirnited the use of Duch arterial highways to certain classes of vehicles, then the use of Buch arterial lliglnJa:ys 'b;y other clasD8s of vehicles shall consti tute a violation of this ordinance. Siction 49. No person, persons, firm or corporation shall park, or :perIllll; to remain standing on any street or alley of the Ci t:y of Grand Island, ITe'brask$., any motor vehicle not in service. In cons truing the terEls of' -chi s Sec ti on, the worcls II ins8rvic e 11 as alJpli ed to mo tor vehicle B, shall be construed to mean privately owned motor vehicles in ordinary use, taxi cabs, motor trucks, and all other privately owned cars in actual use; and the term "not in sel'vieeH shall be construed to mean, among others, Cal'B owned by dealers and placed upon the street for the purpose of sale or exchange, new or used cars ormed by dealers 01' individuals, for vvhicn no state, individual or ci.ealer's license has been obtained, and the regular license plate placed~thereon, or any other motor vehicle parked on the streets Or alleys of the ci ty of Gr'and Island for the -Pl.U'T)OSe of demons tra tio:n, SELle or exchanGe, and not using the ;tr~ets or alleys of the City of Grand Island for the trans- pOl'tation o:f 600(1.8 or persons tmd parked legitJmately while waiting for such goods or persons. f I I i 179 . I Section 50. Vihenever the Street or Police Departments of the City of Grand Island shall have marked off on the cur~ or pavement parking spaces, or have designated certain places as no parking spaces by markihg on the curb or pavement, then it shall be unlawful for any person, persons, firm or corporation to erase, or in any manner obliterate such markings, or by the use of signs or paint of a same, similar or confusing color mark parts or sections of the curb or pavement in any manner whatsoever. The intent of this provision is to make it unlawful for any person without the permission of the Street or Police Departments, or the City Council, by the use of signs or paint, to prevent persons parking on the streets in front of their place of business, or in front of any residence or place of business, or in any manner to obliterate"no parking" signs. PENATITY Section 51. It shall be unlawful for any person, upon whom a duty is placed by the provisions of this ordinance, to fail or neglect to comply therewith, and every person failing or neglecting to comply with, or violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $100.00 and shall stand committeed to the City jail until such fine and costs of prosecution are paid. ~ ~ 1f'.JtJ Section 52. Ordinances No. 749 and 1079 of the Compiled Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, and all other ordinances and par$sof ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. IFFECTlVE Section 53. This ordinance shall be in force and take . effect from and after its passage, approval and publication . as provided. by law. REPEAL Passed and approved this 5th day of Augu8~__1925. Attest: &.s~~ City~k. ~~.'~y(~ ~o-r-. ~i '" t' <. / I . , r I 1 I ! I , I. I I I . ,,~, 18.0 ORDINANCE NO.1113- An ordinance vacating the alley between Lots One (l}, Two (2) and Three (3) and Four (4) in Court House Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. EE IT ORDAIlrr~D by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That the alley bet"ween Lots 1, 2 and 3 and 4, in Court House Addition to the City of Grand Island, .Nebraska be and the same is hereby vacated, reserving un to the public, however, a right-of-way across and upon said alley as existing prior to such vacation, for the construction, maintenance, repair and reconstruction of public utilities. Section 2. The City Engineer is hereby directed to certify to .the Register of Deed of Hall County, Nebraska, upon the pay~ent by the owner of said Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Court House Addition of the expenses incident thereto, a plat of said premises showing the vacation of said alley with the reservation hereinbefore set forth. Section 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 5th day of August, 1925. Attest: --"-.----. .. ---cTi-G;'CTe-rk".--'--- -....-- oJ ~k/~L ~-./....:;-... Ivr~r-:'---'-"----:----- f I I t 181 . \ '..\' It \ . . \ ORDINANCE NO. ~114- . I J I An ordinance to require George W. Tucker to layout and dedicate to the public South Elm street and South Cleburn street and West Anna street across and upon the irregular tract of land owned by him lying East of the Westerly line of South C1eburn street as projected and West of the Westerly line of South Locust street and North of South Park Addition of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska all streets to be eighty feet in width and to layout across the Southerly line of said tract an alley of eight feet in width. Whereas, George W. Tucker is the owner of an irregular tract of land in Section 21, Township 11, North of Range 9, I West of the Sixth Principle Meridian; more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Being a tract of land in the NOI'thec~st corner of said Section 21, lying immediately North of South Park Addition the westerly line of which is the westerly side of South Cleburn Street as extended through said irregular tract and whereas the said George W. Tucker has presented to the City Council a plat for part of said tract for its approval, which plat has been disapproved by i I I I I I ) I . the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska and whereas the said George W. Tucker is threatening to and has subdivided said real estate into parcels of ground, NOW, T:rmR}~FOI-ill, BE IT ORDAnmD by the Mayor and Ci ty ~~ Council of the Ci ty of Grand Islo.nd^ in accordance with the provision of Sections 3980 and 3981 of tbe com,:pJ.,ed Statutes of the State of Nebraska for the year 1922: 182 ~ t. .~ I ~ l' t, ~ . r Section 1. The said George W. Tucker is hereby ordered in subdividing the said tract of land to lay out across said tract of land South Cleburn street, South Elm street and West Anna street to correspond in width, name and direction and to be continuous of said streets in the Oity of Grand Island, said streets to be eighty feet in width. Section 2. The said George W. Tucker is hereby ordered to layout and dedicate to the public an alley of eight feet in width on the southerly line of said tract to cOITe~)pond wi th the eight-foot alley on the northerly f \1 side of South Park Addition. Section 3. 'I'he said George W. Tucker is hereby prohibited from selling or offering for sale any lot, ~arcel .... n tIlt t 1 . b t' , 'b - ~b"' ", d or par~ aIle rea es a-e lereln e_ore aescrl ed, su UlVlue and platted as provided by Sections 3980 and 3981 of the Compiled Statutes of the State of Nebraska for the year 1922 until said streets and alleys shall have been platted and dedicated. Section 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed upon the passELge and appr'oval. of this ordinance to certify to the Register of Deeds of Hall Oounty, Nebraska a copy hereof and have the SB1Tle filed for record. 'l'his ordinance shall be in , I . force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by l.aw. Passed and approved this Ir day of August, 1925. Atte~-A'~____ c~~erl" -~?/-2F' Mayor. r (: ;1 j , ; , , I I I l i- il ~.. i~... '(; i !I I I I !~ lil1 rl I- I r , [ I I I I 183 ORDINANCE No. 1115 An ordinance levying a special sewer district tax to pay for the construction of a sewer in Sewer District No. 128 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. J3I!~ 1'1' ORDAIl~I~D by the jVlayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That a special sewer district tax be and the same is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of constructing a sewer in Sewer District No. 128 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district in the amounts set opposite the respectiire descriptions, to-wit: Lot 1, Block 7, South Grand Island, $69.38; Lots 2 and 3, in Block 7, South Grand Island, ~?69. 37 each; Lots 4 and 5, Block 7, South Grand Island, :jji69.38 each; Lots ~ and 7, Block 7, South Grand Island, ~p69 .37 each; Lot 8, Block 7, South Grand Island, $69.38. Section 2. Said special sewer district tax shall be CLue Dnd become delinquent in the manner ancl at the time })rovided by law and shall be collected in the manner provided by Imv. ~)ecti on 3. 'the City Clerk of the Ci ty of Grand I sIanO., Neb:caska is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes together with instructions to collect the same as provided by law. Section 4. This ordInance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval ana publication as provided by law. Pas Ded and approved tld s _J..9.__ day of _..Ayety..f2k_______1925. littef:3t: ( Seal) H.J1l.e1ifford ..-.------ -cffty--Cier l( ~--.-._----- c . !!!.~':l~.t!.fH~.I__.J? r ~~f-.____.___._ Mayor. I I I \ f I I ! ! i I , t , i ! t I. II I I . 184 ORDl NAIW]; No. 1116 An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1114 of the Compiled Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. :BI~ IT ORDAnrED by the Mayor and C:L "':'y C oune i1 of the City of Grand Ioland, Nebraska. See t j.on 1. That Ordinance Ho. 1114 of the Compiled Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed, upon the payment to him of the costs of recording said Ordinance No. 1114 and this ordinance and the costs of publishing said ordinances, to transmit to the Register of Deeds for recording a certified copy of this ordinance. Section 3. l'11is ordinance shall be in force and take effe c t from and after its pas sage, approval G.nd publi co. ti on as provided by 1aw~ Passed and approved 'chis 19J......_ aay of August, 1925. (Sea.l) Attest: ____._~__.Jl. E......Q.li..tl'..o..r..d..-.__._... City Clerk. _C-!1LiL!-!~j~JJf..~:P.J'.:~l.?_._._.__.__ Mayor. , r'. I II I I . 185 ./) i,/ \ OHDUJANCE No. 1117 An ordinance vacating the alley, a11prODria ted and conder!illed by. Ordinance No. 957 of the Oo~npil~d Ordinances of the Oltv of Grano Island l"T""'O,.".oq-iT<:> ill . - .. -. ~ J ~ ....... -'. v" "-' .....:L.U", . City BI~;u IT ORpAIJiD~D by the J\iIa;yor and City Counej,l of the of errand ,[ sland, l~'eb:casl<:a: See ti on 1. The,t the trac t of land a}Jpropr:i.a ted and COndeITillOd for sewer and alley purposes by Ordinance No. 957 be and the S8J!Je is hereby vacated as an alley, reserving across Lot 14 of the County Subdivision of the South half (st) of the Southeast Quarter (SEt) of Section 16-11-9, and across the acreage ovmed by George Vi. 'Tucker in the ,Northeast Q,uarter (l;r..u;i~) of the Northeas t Q,u8,rt er (lifEi-) of be cti on 21-11-9 at the plac e where the sewer now is, an easement for the construction, rec ons true ti on, ma in tenanc e c\.y:d repair of the sa id sewer as the same now is or as the same may hereafter be increased in cross s~tion with the right to enter upon said premises and remain thereon for the pUrI)oSe of cons true tion, rec onstruc ti on, maintenance and repair of said storm sevver. Section 2. The vacation of said tract of land shall be construed as revesting in George W. Tucker the title, subject to the easement as c.doresaid, to the l)rOperty conderrmed and appropriated by Ordinance No. 957. Section 3. This vacation is in conBiQera~lon of the grant of even c\.ate herewi th by the said GeorgeW. Tucker of an easement for sewer purposes across Lot 3 of Tucker's Addition and across the acreage owned by George W. Tucker along the Easterly or Westerly line of South Cleburn Street as projected through said acreage. Section 4. The City Clerk is directed to certify a copy of this ordinance to the Register of Deeds for record upon the payment by the said George W. Tucker of the fees for recording Dame. Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this _!.~L--"___ CLay of _A1:U:tqet..,_~___1925. Attest: (Seal) H.E.{Hifford ---,--,- -- -c.T{"G.y--CTfe-iI-.- --"---,-- ~Kt.--Iy.!!_t..iQ_e,,.:e.r.,ea.._, _,_'. "_'.'_ l\!J:ayor. r ~ . I I I . 186 /) , \/ \ ORDINlli~CE No. 1118 An ordinance levying a special water district tax to pay for the construction of a water main in Water Main District No. 43 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAI1~D by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, ~ebraska: Section 1. That a special water main district tax be and the Sffine is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of the construction of the water main in Water Main District No. 43 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district, in the amounts set opposite their respective descriptions thereof: Schimmer's Add. North 88 ft. of Lots 1 and 2, ~lock 1&/ $47.41 each; Lots 3, 4 and 5, in Block 16, $47.41 each; Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and fractional Lot 10, in Block 17, Schimmer's Addition, $47.41 each; Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 18, Schimmer's Addition, $47.41 each; Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 18, Schimrner's Addition, $47.41 each; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 3, Park Place, an Addition to Grand Island, Nebraska, $47.41 each; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, in Block 4, Park Place, an Addition to Grand Island, Nebraska, $47.41 each. Section 2. Said special water main district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law, and shall be collected in the manner provided by law. Section 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes, together with instructions to collect Sffine as provided by law. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in foroe and take effeot from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this <)fl f~ day of September, 1925. Attest: (Seal) H.E.Clifford -----"--cf:Ffi-C'lerk-:- i\1. rJ. Jenkins -'--'---'-Mayor.-- r I i I I . I. 1 1 .. anDI r~o. 1119 /)" / t \ 187 An o:t'Ct!i1ance levyi a t3p~O i~,d. wate:r diet;!? 1,(,1t taJC to pay fo'.r... the. oonst I'."U~.tl.' Ol.t of. \l1..C!a....~e...'l!.. ~~...i. u. $.. in VI a.t~:r i:l;:!,~n. T)fst r:1otNO..46 ""p tl'l"" 0 ity' O'1iI' ,J.,..r"..~ T,.,l..",.d 1'Y~'~)''''<'''(Zjlt'''' ,,^,.,..("\"l"f""~"~""""'" .(,'h.o -v. _ : ,Y .- ,'_~'Y'roJ..:';";':"l.it,U .,.,+-;j-~Ii~;il.~~.,l\",;;..\il;,;.l_~".{~t;,;;........1';:';';" l.f,j..~J-v*,,~J.'<I..Je;) - v... vL"'~ oollecrtlon thereof ~ n'l" 1m 0' '01")'. " I ~:.).#~- 1. -l ~,l: 04,\ "''.' ^. .b. . (I..... <') nd' I," '1 " p('l \'f.J., ...",~.. t',-. - - _ 'f;J ~t.:L..f.i1;, ;,::\:;011 n:ntl ~H t:V C\rilJ1.,Q 11 of the ty by t'~le He brz1.$lta, : distr1otttz~~ 'be and the the 9t1'10 HO.4@ of :r~)s()eoti V(f;: ,1,01;$, the amOU1'l'te 18e.t no t 6XOer)flhl€ Beo't, ton 1. 'That (\ €3De03,al '~lrt t(.~:t' tilaln the sauna i$ lH~xehv levied" 8BsoBeed. to ccngtruotion of the wntt,?l' tn teX' .t,"!", ""'.., 01 """tr ('4'!' Ch'n""'t.\. y '.'~l" n.nd'. f~,~'l,..,.,., ql....!i;<... ,,"',,~, 1 ,"de', ,t, \lJ.-AW v, \ioif ,J..." "'" ,_.,1.Jj:\~-, In,,,,.. _-~A'~.\'.;V' .<>.-\;..c"^,,jJ:"{~"/\i...-~,::. ~"~t.;2)"~'~~"'.",\l' ~:r;'aoto nnd Is of lmnd insa1i:1 diGuiot. in opposite their rea::H',ctive deldGJ:iptlnna .J the BU1Yi of fift:y' oenta per front fOl)t. to.....wit. tlots 1,2, 3.4,o,6l' '7, a,l9, 10, 11t 12, 13, :n@.wtho~ne Plaoe, ~~;.m.oo eaoh. West 49. 0.1' r:, 1)8,roel 0:1;.' land d~aor ibed 0,f3 lO!P x 44tH t.... e, no-t., .~~ of "~)~~~-l.~ ..A ~A ,1;.,-"... U..I.I~" j'h.'}fi,~(.;;('.,..,. "'....;JI, ,,~O"t.'Jv. Block S, ::F~nth Gt':itn<'l Island,All of that pa:rt of H. ..~. of" ~;r ".:; J 'PO'~'l"1 "'rlv"'"" '''5'71'\ '.' <C' nl<....v~'~ ('J.. A'l'" ':" on ;>t . ,\! .. l~" .;.t.,...t. t C>~ J ;\.;J..l,." ,,\ .ki, (;.d.1 tJ",vv t~ t..1, 1fft~Q~_.,l", -V1f Blook 15,. t..ots IJ~J;3.4) i:Jouth (~tancl Ialm,nd, .00 e~,ob\ll Block. 16, L{)ts 1, ;'1,:3,4. liSouth. Lh.>,:md l.t;!J..and, 00 ea.o It. I3100k 7) 140ts 5,8.7,8,. f.lou:t:h (~tana I!ilan.d, 00 Scotton (J. fb.. ftll~:i{'Pe:nse 1fj. ~.'Koe$a 011 f1:t'tV O[int~J p~;r front foot tll:)Besfu't'ble (~,t;:'t.in(11; t.h~ lota, traotli1 and prtI'oelG of land ;;-;1 thin the c;J,1(l Wc1.'t~:t'l7k~ln d1a1:;:r1ot $hall be O't;rl; of 'the wf.(,ter funr.l o:?th\1J at ty cf 01;'tlndIsland, l{~'braslta.. f)t1c.1~ion.3-.. fl:pecicl 1J~tlS'iJt_f;rh1rlin diet~1et tax cl;,~,~,11 and 'bllJOOme de.l1nqui!mt ~tn the m0Jl:Y1E,:)? ~;i,n.ti H,t 'the tj.me provided. 'tnr 1:-:nrr, 01)(1 sh;J.l1 'Po oo11ect~l". :1.:n ttlEt!1:1anner proVJ.ded. by Ul1{;; . fieotion4. 'I'he <at)" Glt?x'k of tl1e City of ()-rand Ir:htnd., nebraska 1$ herebW instructed and ctl~~oted to oertify to tho Gau.nty tl1retM.:nlrerof tInll. (}:Iunty. llebraelm tl'A~~ .e1lTlOunt of tll'tlid t~\:;{e$t toe;etl3.e:r w.tth iustl'llotlollS to oollect $~:tm\';ns ril~'Ov:1.dsd l:i y lat"!. fiecM.on 5. Ithl~ o:r.d.~tn.n,noe Bh~lJ,l bo in ;~oJ?Oc f:rom and lE'~ftet i'ts 1)a0fH),ge. apP);'Qvl1.1 j:yub11oa.t:Lol), by IHw. ~ ." ~ e:r J: eo 'i, prav.ideo. J'(;1()080 cnd C,;1ml'Qved tit is 2" (1titV of ~!et)tt!)ri1ber,lH25.. t..- . ;",'~ ". AttOC.4t: (Seal) I I H.a\".~;~ff~~'"""" , .. M"W.Jenkins . ,~< .' ~---_. . -"kr~(t;7r*~:'~'~~ ~ ,-1 J..llHl..... ,f r I J r. I I I I . 198 <} tf~> L r; ", f lj/ ~ y .'~" \~~!f:_~#}.....';t'" ORDINANCE No. 1120 An ordinance declaring any vehicle or means of transportation, engaged in or used for the unlawful transportation of int~icating liquors to be a nuisance, and providing for the forfeiture thereof. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. AnY,car, automobile, airplane, vehicle or means of transportation which shall be engaged in, or used for, the unlawful transportation of intoxica~ing liquors is hereby declared to be a common nuisance, and there shall be no property rights of any kind whatsoever in any oar, automobile, airplane, vehicle or other means of transportation which shall be engaged in, or used for, the unlawful transportation of intoxicating liquors. Any peace officer having probable cause to believe that such vehicle is being used for the unlawful transporaation of intoxicating liquors, shall make search thereof with or without a warrant and in every case where a search is made without a warrant the officer shall take the vehicle and the person in charge thereof into custody and a complaint shall forthwith be filed against said party and vehicle and a warrant shall issue and said party and vehicle shall be held for trial as in a criminal action. The vehicle and the liquor so seized shall not be taken from the possession of any officer seizing and holding the same by writ of replevin or other proceedings. Final judgment of conviction in such criminal action shall be in all cases a bar to any suits for the recovery of any vehicle so taken or the liquor transported thereby, or other personal property actually and directly used in connection therewith, or the value of the same, or for damages alleged to arise by reason of the seizing of such vehicle and the liquor contained therein, and on conviction, judgment shall be entered directing that the vehicle herei~before mentioned and enumerated, and other personal property actually and directly used in connection with said violation, shall be ordered sold by the court at public sale on ten days' notice and proceeds paid into the school fund as in case of fines and forfeitures, and the purchaser of such vehicle shall take title thereto free and clear of all rights, title and interest of all persons whosoever including all rights, title and interest of all persons claiming to be the owners thereof and all persons claiming to have liens thereon. Section 2. If the person operating the vehicle used for the unlawful transportation of liquors is not apprehended or arrested, the officer shall take the vehicle into custody and a complaint shall be filed charging that said vehicle was so unlawfully used and the court shall thereupon fix a time for hearing upon said complaint and notice of said hearing shall be given to all persons interested by publication one week before said nearing, in a legal newspaper. If the court finds at such hearing that such vehicle was used for the unlawful transpomtion of intoxicating liquors, judgment shall be entered directing that said vehicle and other personal property actually and directly used in connection with such violation shall be ordered sold by the court at a public sale on ten days' notice and the proceeds paid into the school fund as in the case of fines and forfeitures. Section 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage) approval and publication) as by law provided. Passed and approved this ~ day of September, 1925. Attest: {Seal) H.E.<llifford ---bitY'-Clerk~-. --...lL.YL...J.enkin.a._____.______ Mayor r I I' f I I I ! I I I I f . I I I . . , // f~; i .\ f lSg J i OF~INANmj No. 1121 An o);'dj.'i.t.:,nco c.l'ettting ;;;ower 1}1at;rict No. 129 it1. t.ho O:i. ty 0:1:' (\;l'(;u1l1 Island, :lebx'tJ.,13Ktl., t;',;:fining tho bOml(lc~1.~ j.os 't,lt of. pl'oviding for tho 10'J,d.nc of c. S€YWt;J,' in cf1.id di:Jt);'ict1 tAoi)orj,b:"ng' thE:; mW;lnex' in \1.Llich rA:,,,Le _,.1 'be l;;;1id, (.;.s;"iG8biuc; 'the <HH5tO ex'\->of cL.G~!,inct 'tl.lCC.PU:ttini.:; p:t'oJ!c:x'ty. !.;IU~;'Ol' 'J.nIJ, ei .ty CQ1..U'lcil 01' the (;1 ty 110Ul'<.:" find thu t t,ho lStepu lLo:rctofQl'U 'l;.v,,};:etl 1'01' CWO;!." ntl'ict ITu. 129 UJ:'0 l'egultLf!' ci,nd la:wt'ul t to be luidin l1Lt.:t'j.ct .b..:)t'oj.rKd:t0l:' d;.;:fi.'tled is <::1. neeeaGi ty; cnd of G:ca.m1 1 rJ l.t1fKL, CI'cat:1.HO; 0;[:' t1.t()~ t b~ t~ctvcr pi"lblic \)1:l1 <rrI . City Council~ to tho 01 t.y . by v, tli.l><:e...:four'tlu.l vote of eoll uz.:dd ucwo~' l'JID,in ho.~ be<.m 0 t:nc 41H::mlJel"~) 01' the luid uithout cout trIa li!D.yo;r Cd'.Kc Gi ty Council I~' 1 c It,1r~(1 t nOl!, . of! thee i t~y : ;3ectionl. ~Cht~t i.oWe:!:' :.,;'t:Liet liO. 129 OJ. tiwCit;;l Q;f C:r1.;,l~tl .1; * J;Obl'ULLD, it! hC:'l:e~ C::l':eo,tcd ;)UD1(;. to '::eJn15st."e ?:'~ the alle:ybetll'een Charles and Louis,e Sta.from Tilden to Grant' Sts., and Blooks 54 and 55 Wasmer t s Tllird' Add. ~o the 01 tY of Grand Island, and Block 33 of Morrill' Addition ,abutting ~n said Alley. fectiol'l :;~. ~i.'ilL;.t LtC Ctlc;r,' de Do;r:i. b eeL . l'~tmlinc; tll;l.~ cru.ell \;111<1 I3peci:t'icu:tions ,.;oV0:tninc l(~::/ t:3 e\}c J:~ D :Lrl ~)U:fV..l' t'-~~; oo.l.'ri l:U. out. ulw.J"l belt.itl UlOIl;,..; tho e OU:;l;'UC ubove l)lQC]i.~j. in k'kCCQI'(luiACe with the plans fJCWO:"G l.j.e;i~e'tQ:t.'ol'e o;:)t~;Lbli ,,1'01' pltmn und epee i:fiCt~tj. orw Ci1U be ec'tion 3. ~;'hG,t tho 0ntil'Q slla 1.1 lx:~ (;1 [I ~~J C {j t,~ (ie.i, L,-(';D..ir1~} t 1}.1ll; t~n<:t a. y,[),:;;:be lcvi \.,~w H..ion ,',:; tile tK~Li tL .tD~J;: 't 0 b(~c OL1C <1-t;:L iiltlLi e11 ~L UX.tXt'i law. oom;'tx'ucting GG\"IGl' s: in nC~i.d (,j,ut,x'J.ot.' oo~)t oan be aS00l'ta ;,,:; t .t:::.~) J, t. L: G. CO on "~. 0i ty plans Ul~ aificatiouu of coot tl,c:t'u<.Jf t ;';L~.;e t,ne City' G'lc;J;'l: nhu:Ll at DneO of :::ll"l..LiCL Cerle):, in e,CCOl'cuncc l\ru'b:r,ii tt;cu, l'8001',.ril1(j the QI' i (J h(;X'cby f':llt.uo:rized to dl'[~w U Gctvex' ect;h,btD oj,' ti.le to the 0i Go.u,n(d..l.., ante when bt10pted c un ut;t'UC ti o:n ;coj co t r~n;y t c. ,cotion 5. lis t'J;'om and f~f'tCl' it,s I}WJ b;y l<::~w. inax.lcc ~~h.u.L IbQ in 1'():1'OO ;' .., , t.WYD:r(J;~<3U aml publicr~t;j.{m ,-dJ of:t'cct pX'VV'iuod .'J"'!, ~n(~ DJP1.ll"Q'VBU this . · ',o! 16 L .. (l.ay of' _ ~ el'~_~!2:2,,~!__*J:9.2 5 ' ttefJt: ~/ ,._~~ . Git;y cr .. r. :?7/~#1~ ',' , ... .....:L___- .' .'____..____.~ I I'ift~; 0 I' . . I I I . !i ' I 7, JJt:f y.rt-ll 7 IJ ORDINANCE NO. JJJ~2 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 917 OF' THE CITY OF GRAND IS LAND? NEBRASKA. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GP..AIiJD ISLAND? NEBRASKA? Section 1. Ordinance No.917 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island,Nebraska,be and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto the following Section; Section 2-i. The provisions of this Ordinance shall not apply to that part of the City of Grand Island located within the present or future fire limits of said City ,nor to property facing on North Front Street,to a depth of One hundred thirty two feet, between Plum and Washington Streets,which districts are hereby declared to be business districts. Section 2. An emergency is hereby declared to exist,and this Ordinance shall take effect upon the proclamation of the Mayor immediately upon its first publication,as provided by law. Passed and approved this 12th day of October,1925. ATTEST: (S eal ) M...W. Jenkins H.E.Clifford, Mayor City Clerk r 1 I I I f . I I I . 191 ORDINANCE No. 1123 An ordinance levying a special water district tax to pay for tlle construction of water mains in '.Vater Main :District Ho. 45 of the Ci ty of Grand Island, }\Jebrasl\B", and providj.ng for tlle collection thereof. BE IT ORDAIID~D by the k~yor and City Cmuncil of the City bf Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That a special water main district tax be and the Ban~e is :hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of the construction of the water main in Water Main District No. 45 of the City of Grand :Lsland, Hebraska, again~;t the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district, in the ambunts set oppoaie their respective descrip~ions thereof, not exceeding the sum of fifty cents per front foot, to-wit: Lot 6, Block 6, Woodbine Addition,andits complement, $27.00; Lots 7, 8 and 9, in Block 6, Woodbine Addition and its complement, $26.00 each; Lot 10, Block 6, Woodbine Addition and its complement, ~27.00 Lot 6. Block 7, Woodbine Addi tion 'anNxij;K:;B.:o~5tmmnr%. $27.00; Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 7, Woodbine Addition XE $26.00 each; Lot ]:0, Block 7, .Woodbi!l~ Additi,on~ 4?2'7..0Q_.;-~-ft'rac.Lot 10 B;!k.8 Lot 6, Block 3, .h.shto:-r P.Lace Ad(nt~on.$22~?d)~UYooq?ine Add.4l>5.00 Lots 7, 8 and 9, BlOCK 3, Ashton Place, Auultlon, ~26.00 each; Lot 10, Block 3. Ashton Place Addition. $27.00 Lot 6, Bloc~ 2, Ashton Place Addition~ $28.00; Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 2, Ashton Place, Addition, $27.00 each; Lot 10, Block 2, Ashton Place Addition, $28.00; Lot 13, Block II, Ashton Place Addition, $27.00; Lots 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 18, 20, 21, 22 and 23, in Block 11, Ashton Place Addition, $26.00 each; Lot 24, Block 11, Ashton Place Addition, $27100; Lot 1, Block lO~ Ashton Place, $26.00 Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, Block 10, Ashton Place Addition, $26.00 each; Lot 12, Block 10, Ashton 1)lace Addition, $2&'.00; Lot 1, Block 4, Ashton Place Addition, $27.00; Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9. 10 and 11, in Block 4, Ashton Place Addition, $25.50 each; Lot 12, Block 4. Ashton Place Addition, $27.00; Lot 1, Block 19, Morrill's Addition, $27.00; Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 19, Morrill's Addition, $26.00; Lot 5, Block 19, Morrill's Addition, $27.00; Lot 1, Block 17, Wasmer's Addition, $27.00; Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 17. Wasmer's Addition, $26.00 each; Lot 5, Block 17, Wasmer's Addition, $27.00. Section 2. 'l'hat all expense in excess of fifty cents per front foot assessable against the lots, tracts and parcels of land within the said water main district shall be paid out of the water fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section ;5. Said special vvater main district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law, and shall be collected in the manner provided bp law. Section 4. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes, together wi th j.llstructions to collect the same as provided by law. Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as proviGed by law. Passed and approved this2Q:th day of O'ctober" , 1925 H.E~:~if!.~~?~~__Ci ty ClerJ:~. M.llf.Jen~~~.________Mayor 19'2 Ordinance No.1124 I. I An Ordinance appropriating and condemning private property for the use of the City of Grand I,sland,Nebraska,for sewer, drainage,and alley purposes in the Northeast Quarter of Section Fifteen (15),Township ~leven (11) North,Range Nine (9) West of the Sixth P.M.,and the North half of Section Fourteen (14),Township Eleven (11) North,Range Nine (9), West of the Sixth P.M.,and the NorthwestQuarter of Section Thirteen (13), Township Eleven (11) North, RangeNine (9), West of the Sixth P.M.?all in Hall County,Nebraska,and providing for the procedure on appropriation of such private property and,opening said alley. VrnEREAS,The Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island,Nebraska,find that it is necessary that various pri- vate property consisting of tracts and parcels of land with- -in the boundaries hereinafter more definitely described,al1 Within the County of Hall and State of Nebraska,be appro- priated and condemned for sewer,drainage and alley purposes. I NOW TIm:REFORE ?BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and ( . City Council of the City of Grand Island,Nebraska; Section 1. That the following described property,consiating of a strip of land as hereinafter designated,be and the same is hereby appropriated for the use of the City of Grand Island,Nebraska,for sewer,drainage,and alley purposes under and by virtue of Sections 4072,4073 and 4074,of the Compiled Statutes of the State of Nebraska,for the year 1922. A tract of land Sixty-six (66) feet wide across tJ:J.e Northeast Quarter (NEt) of Sectlon Fifteen (15), I . Township Eleven (11) ,North,Range Nine (~),West of the Sixth P.M.,and the North Half (Ni) of Section Fourteen (14),Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9 ),Vrest of the Sixth P.M." and the Northvlest Quarter (Nwi) of Section Thirteen (13), Township Eleven (11) North,Range Nine (9), West of the Sixth P.r~.,said strip extending Sixty-six (66) feet Nqrth of the following line; Commencing at the center of said Section Fifteen f; . t I 193 (15) and running thence due East along the half sec- tion line of said Section Fifteen (15),Section Four- " ' , I teen (14) and Section Thirteen (13),to the Easterly branch of the North Channel of the Platte River in the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter . I (swt Nwi) of said Sevtion Thirteen (13). Section 2. That the following disinterested freeholders in the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, are hereby appoint'ed to assess the damages accruing to the owners of the realty appropriated, namelYiDavid Kaufmann,whose residence is 1523 West Kownig Street,Grand Island,Nebraska,Louis E.Upperman,whose residence is, 104 West Seventh Street,Grand Island,Nebraska,and Marcus Cornelius,whose residence is 1823 West Koenig Street, Grand Island,Nebraska,and who shall receive as compensation for their services,the sum of $5.00 per day of the time necessa- rily occupied. Said Assessors shall meetin the Council Chamber I of-the City Hall in the City of Grand Island,Nebraska,on the 27th.day of November,1925,at two o'clock P.M., and after t~king oath to discharge their duties faithfully and impar- tially ,shall on the same day view the property appropriated and on the same day or as soon thereafter as practicable make, sign and return to the City Clerk in writing a just and fair assessment of,the damages for each piece or lot of property ,the whole or part of which is to be appropriated. Section 3. Payment of damages assessed for the appropria- tion of such private property ,may be paid out of the general fUnd or sewer fund of the City of Grand Island,Nebraska. Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effest from and after its passage,approval and publication,as by law provided. I . Passed and approved this 2lst.day of Octo~er,1925. Attest: (Seal) M. VI. Jenkins, H.E.Clifford, I\:1ayor City Clerk. State of Nebraska, ) County of Hall, ) SSe I,H.E.~lifford,City Clerk in atJal. for City of Grand Island) said City of Grand Island,do hereby certify that on the 12, day of Novembar,A.D.L925,I served a copy of the above and foregoing Ordinance No.1124 on Henry Joehnck,Leo B.Stuhr and Katherina Wiihdolph by delivering to eam of them personaLly and on Athalie Stuhr Benningho:ven, b~ leaving with her brother Leo B.Stuhr,a:!1 her usual place of resJ.dence,illy delivering a Copy of the Grand Island Daily Independant of the Over " " I. fl I l I I . 19'1, ORDINANCE No. 1125 for Ho. for An ordinance levying a special v~ter district tax to pay the construction of water mains in Watel~ Main Listrict 38 (:6) of the 'Ci ty of Grand Island, nebraska, and providing the collection thereof. BE . IT ORDAI1{I.DD by' the I1l8.yor and Ci ty Council of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That a special water main district tax be and the same is hereby levied and assessed to pay the expense of' the construction of the water main in Water Main District Hol 38 B of the City of Urand Island, Hebl'aslca, against the respective lots,tracts and parcels of land in said district, in the amounts set opposite their respective descriptions thereof, to-wit: - Lots 169, 170, 171, 172, 173 and 174, West Lawn Addition, $44.60 each; Lots 175, 176, 177 and 178, West Lawn Addition, 4p44.6@; ea.ch; I~ots 179, 180, West Lawn Addition, $44.60 each; Lots 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199 and 200, West Lawn Addition, $44.60 each; Lots 201, 202, 203, 203t, 204, 205 and 206, West Lawn Addition, Total $312.20. Section 2. Said special water main district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law. Section 3. The City Clerk of the vity'of Grand island, llebraslca is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County 'l'reasurer of' Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes, together with instructions to collect same as provided by law. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved this ~ day of December, 1925. Attest: (Seal) __.J:laE....Ql.irfo~L_- ------ 'Ci ty Clerk. ~!.!!-.r.E!~~!:~~.____.__ Mayor. r , I I I I I I I I f I l . I I I . ORDINANCE No. 1126 HiS An ordinance changing the names of certain streets in the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for renumberil1g West of Broadwell Avenue. BE. IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the iJity of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. 'l'hat the names of the following streets in the City of Grand Island are hereby changed as follows, to-wit: ,..!.-, Howard street to Bell Street to Bryant Street to Peterson Street to Fremont Street to Hayes Street to Thomas street to McKinley and Cleary sts to McCellan and Lew sta. to Topaz and Hill sts. to Wilson and Schorup Sts to Bentley Road to Thayer Street to Laws street to Willard Street to Scott Street to Leese Street to Bismark Avenue in Pleasant Home Add. to Park St. in Lakeview Add. to Sears Street to East Koenig St. in U.P.R.R. Co. 2nd Add. to East Charles St. in U.P.R.R. Co. 2nd ~'l.dd. to East Louise St. in Joehnck's Addition to East John St. in J-oehnck's Addition to East Anna St. in J'oehnck's Addition to North Front Street. Fourth Street ]'i fth street f)ixth street Seventh street Eighth Street ninth street Tenth street Eleventh Street. Eleventh Avenue. ',twelfth Street Thirteenth Street Fourteenth Street Fifteenth Street Sixteenth Street Seventeenth Street Eighteenth street. Hedde St. Schuff St. Koenig St. 'Mund st. Sutherland St. ~itX&'\'ti .~T- Groff St. Bischeld St. Section 2. The numbering of' houses on all streets running in an easterly and westerly direction West of Broadwell Avenue shall con~ence with 1800, the first block West of Bradwell Avenue consti tuting the 1800 block, and the second block West of Bia'dwell Avenue cons ti tuting the 1900 block, etc. It Section 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its P??sage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved this~ day of December, 1925. At t e 8 t : ( Seal) H.E.C1ifford Ci ty -C-ierk.-- M.W.Jenkins '---1fayor-:"'-"-"-- . I I I . 196 ORDIl'JAlWE Ho. 1127 An ordinance making it unlawful for power and electric con~anies to operate power lines with a voltage higher than 6600 volts and providing for a penalty for the violation thereof. VJHEREAS, certain power lines in the Ci ty of Grand ISland are operated with a voltage as high as 33,000 volts; and \v.HEREAS, in cities of this size, the operation of a power line carrying in excess of 6600 volts is not necessary; and W}ffiREAS, the operation of power lines iXl excess of 6600 volts is extremely dangerous to the safety of citizens of Grand Is.land; and YI1IBRl~AS, the carrying of such high voltage causes stray currents, induction, interference and static, all of' which interfel'e with the use of radio sets in the City of Grand Island; a.nd WHl1amAS, a 11 the power companies in the Ci ty of Grand Island operate under permits granted by the City Council of the City of Grand Island and use the ci ty streets and alleys, and the use of said streets and alleys by such heavy voltage lines is extremely dangerous to the users of the streets and alleys. NOW, TlD.!~.RE]10m;, BE IT ORDAI1illD by the Mayor and Oi ty Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. It is hereby declared to be unlawful and a violation of this ordinance for any person, p~rsons, firm or corporat;i.on to own or operate or cause or permit to be operated any electric light line or electric power line with a voltage in excess of 6600 volts. Section 2. Ho such line carrying more than 6600 volts shall be constructed or operated in this City hereafter, and any such person, persons. firm or corporation which shall own or have possession of a line now carrying more than 6600 volts shall within ninety days from and after the passage. approval and publica.tion of this ordinance, use approved appliances to step the rdte down to not exceed 6600 volts, and shall thereafter not permit or allow said lines to carry a voltage in excess of 6600 volts. Section 3. This ordinance shall apply to the light plant belonging to the City of Grand Island, as well as to private persons, firm or corporations. Section 4. Any person, personf. firm or corporation v i~lating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be fined in any sum not less than $1.00 nor more than $100 and the operation of several lines shall constitute several offen"ses, one offense tor each line and each day's operation of one line shall constitute a separate offense. Section 51 The ~ailure of any person, persons, firm or corporation to comply wi th the terms of this ordinance for a period of ten days or more shall constitute a revocation of any license, franchise or per.wit granted by the City of Grand Island to any person, persons, firm or corporation for the use of said streets and alleys for electric light and power purposes, and shall constitute good cause for the revocation of any franchise heretofore granted to any such person, persons, finn or corporation, in the event the City Council shall elect to declare such franchise forfeited. 11'his ordinance shall be in force . and take effect from and afters its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Attest. ( P..a~sed and approved this ~ day of December, 1925. , Sea~) B.E.Clifford Mt~t~~~kin~ City-Clerk ~ayor r I I i I i I . I I I . 197 ORDIHANCENo. 1128 An ordinance levying a special sewer district tax to pay for the construction of a sewer in Sewer District No. 129 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAIlill&D by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. 'l'hat a special sewer district tax be and the same is hereby levi ed and assessed to pay the expense of constructing a sewer in Sewer District No. 129 of the City of Grand Island, lJebraska, against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land in said District in the a.mounts set opposite the respective descriptions, to-wit: Lot 1, Block 54, Wasmer's Third Addition, $52.70; Lots 2, 3 and 4, in Block 54, Was~er's Third Addition, :~50. 75 each; Lots 5 and 6, in Block 54, Wasmer's Third Addition, ;~52. 70 each; Lmts 7, 8 and 9, Block 54, Wasmer's 'i'hird Addi ti on, ~~50. 75 each; Lot 10, Block 54,Vlasmer's 'l'hird Addition, $52.70; Lot 1, Block 55, Wasmer's Third Addition, $52.70; Lot 2, Blocl<.: 55,INasmer's Third Addition, ~p50.75; Lots 3 and A, Block 33, Morrill's Addition, 150.75 each; Lots 5 and 6, Block 33, Morrill's Addition, ~p52. 70 each; Fractional Lot 7 and complementJ,: Blocl<: 33, Morrill's Addition, $50.75; Fractiona.l Lot 8 and complement, Block 55, Wasmer's Third Addition, $50.75; Lot 9, IHock 55, ~.Iasmer's Third Addition, $50.75; IJot 10, Block 55,' Wasmer's Third l~ddition, ~i52.70 Section 2. Said special sewer district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at tile time provided by law and shall be collected in the manner prOVided by law. Secti on 3. l'he Ci "cy Clerk of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska is hereby instructed and d.irected to certify to the County Treasurer of Hall County, lilebr'aska, the amount of said taxes together with instructions to collect the s@ne as provided by law. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved this -1..2.... day of Decerr.:ber, 1925. (Seal) Attest: H.E.Clifford -C-rty C-Ierk. --- r,1. VI. Jenkins --------1,18..y-or.-.-.-.--.--- r . I I I . 198 II \ ORDIlu\NCE No. 1129 An ordinance levying a special water district tax to pay for the construction of water mains in Water Main District No. 44 of the Ci ty of Grand lsland, .Nebi'aska and providing for the collection thereof. B:IiJ n: OPJ)AINIGD by the Mayor ano. Oi ty. Council of the Oi ty of Grand Island, ITebraska: Section 1. ':Chat special water main district tax be and the sarne is hereby levied and a.ssessed to ~pay the expense of the cons truc tion of the wetter main in Water lViain Di s tric t No. 44 of the Oi ty of Grand lsland, Nebraslca against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district, in the amounts Bet opposite their respective descriptions thereof, to-wit: Block 31, Highland Park Addition, ~45.97per lot, $321.79; I,ots 2 to 14, incl., Block 28, Gilbert's Third Addition, $45.97 per lot, ~321.79; I,ots 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32, West La.wn Addition, ~?45.97 per lot, ~?229.85; . Lots 33 and 34, West l~awn Addition, :Jp45.97 per lot, ~p91.94; Lots 35 and 36, West Lawn Addition, ~45.97 per lot, $91.94; IJots 37, 38 and 39,Vvest Lawn Addition, ~i)45.97,per lot, $137.91; rIots 40, 41 and 42, West Lmm Addition, :[jJ45.97 per lot, ;Ull37. 91; IJots 43, 44 and 45, 'West IE.wn Addition, ~i)45.97 1)e1' lot, :);ll37 . 91; I,ots 80, 81, 82 and 83, West Lawn ..Addition, ~:)L15.97 per lot, ~il83 .88 ; IJots 84 and 85, West Lawn Addition, $45.97 per 10t,;W91.94; Lots 86 and 87, West Lavm ACLdition, ~~45.97 per 10t,4lJ91.94; Lots 88, 89,90 and 91, West Lawn Addition, $45.97 per lot, ~183.88; Lots 92, 93, 94 and 95, West tawn Addition, $45.97 per lot, ;~183 .88; Lots 125,126,127, 128 and 129, West I,a\vn .A.ddition, $45.97 per lot, $229.85; Lots 130,131,132,133 and 134, West Lawn Addition, $45.97; per lot, ~229.85. Section 2. Said special ;,vater main district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law and shall be collected in the manner provided by law. Section 3. The Oi ty ClerIc 0 f the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of said taxe.s, together wi th instructions to collect sarne as provided by law. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved this 16, day of December, 1925. Attest: ( So al ) 1'/[. W. Jenkins ----.-----.--IVfayor :---.--- H.E.Clifford -.-----"cTiTy.-dl-er-k.