1931 Ordinances . I I I . i,...< . 155 (, \) \ ORDIN ANGIG NO. 1395. An ordinance levying 80ecl taxes to u for the conE;tTllctlon and :ceYJ!':dr of' side1J'nJ.k [;1.long the re ective lots, tr~cts parcels of land in the City of Grand Island, Nebr., hereinafter set forth, and providing for the collection thereof. Be it ordained by the of Gr8,l1d. IslPcClcl, I\Te~t)IJa,e1cc1.: r nnd City Council of the aity Seotion 1. That there 18 hereby levied assessea a speci21 t x net the several lots, tracls parcels of 1 J' n (':r' T"'l'cnd l\1p,1,)"," ,', hc.:re"ln~""'tPI' ('c,t ,corti' for tt..o """r"'" ~e , , u _. .J.. w, C', " ~' v L ~, ,,;, , '-"':' ,~,J.;~: ','" G .J... J! .., . j LL '-' .',) Ll f:J ':) ;=, , of paYlng 'ene COBt of constructIon 01 fndevJa.lk 9.JO "ene S!ime 1n accordance with the benefits found assessed against said 8t'nreral lot~" tractF~ iUld)DTCels of J. I'ee.oecti,velv, the 1iV""":'" -, <.",,'1 C'tv a,,'1" ,.'1 ,...r-" 001"j~' ~.' -.,,,. Q" -.-ti .. ",,,, ." B :,. ~ o.r" lJ.o,YOI ",1"),, 1 ,i' v 'ALCl._ u~ "",..".L lJ.L v:;, vl,; .'. ("", '-'., o ",rCl .L Eqc.i(;:li..7,i),tton, niter notice thereof ven as provided, l' eaCL; of spiel eeve:r,3J. lot~), t:ca,ct parcels at 1 (c,Te' ,-:".Dessed clS fo11ov1TL:: : Owner S. T. S cot t, 81'. John Devlin M. Leschtnsky John J. O:c0."ol c; W. H. Zook Elsie Allen H. H. Snod[?;rpys H. Bal'nas Ernest Bergrlo1z Fri t '0-; Be1'g1101 z Erne [:t C. Schul z Henry HU81'lcl,nn A. S t r [J,t rll,cU1 A. 8tr ntm,;n H. L tnc1erk Vi. R. L (}JJ"t) & W. D. Stelk W. R. Leui::ack 8: W. D. Stelk W. R. 1aubrwlc L~ ... D. Stelk M E1,t t j. e Fr <'tnk 'l'. R, IJewi::.-; E. H. Frebilcock C. A. Be11vet1e Olyde Oop~ql e Clyde Cop!:)J.e H. G. Pnuln!DJl H. G. PD:u.lmrl11 AccJi e Bi,1Ttl et H. T. Brown EcU.th J. Jones Est. of S. HUE3ton R. E. Reisen E. V. PieTcu H. H. Miner HerwD.n Ne1sorJ Lema Waded,ck JOE; e p 11 J. :'i e.i -c e K. Dove E1 'O.l<=), G:LI'bert J:t". E. P yne Cl]28. F. Nile s Lot Block 10 4 3 ')(") (;;.!o r> t.~7 0 b ~) 7 c' ;) 1 r'- c) Fr .10 J?r.;), 6 3 4 6 5 (" 0 A 8 r 8 ;:) /" 8 0 7 8 D 9 1 1 ,") 1 (~) j~DGe8SY::1en.t . Addi tj" on Woodbine Baker' 8 ~VJ n,E;1'~1 e 1~ r 8 Collcp:e Add. to II II II :~ 10(). 3!3 111.66 ';31 . (;;9 ij'Je stLawn :31.:50 " II 31.50 [:id.17 6. ;:;'1 5"D? 1(")3. :"36 lO;~3 It 3(_) nHiJer"S 2~:c(;. Vii' ,J db i ne II Wiebe's II if II If 10;'~. 33 1 4- ::5 .. ;3::~; 27.51 ;3;:3 (f 46 If 1I Tucker' fJ G;>' .4~j 1I 4'7.91 Pn'["CE~J j'n N~l of ~Wl Spc 81-1'-9 lJ'~ ~~... .. -\1-1..'.J4' ~ .L..l.,;.I4, -_.I'. -'" _ ,...I.. , l\T'l' "}()' 'i:i 0"" Erl".! (I.:. '>'e+Wee'11 ./-'1"(1'("'1 q4. ,J 1..s:' .r oio :_~ ."' d U.V" .~~ U. \.,/.~. :.' _ .1._ _.le, "'-.1 li . ) emu, block ':;, t)Ol)tn .i:'n.T,1:r. Aden -CJ"on. 1 1 FiTS'.t:i,ct:i.c HomeB ();:L4i3 C3 Fr.6 Gilbert's :3 ::l If II II II II fl 110.40 103.37 1~53. 83 Fr.5 1 2 F:c.6 lOt).04 36.84 ."-; t::l 36~OO f") (::,< <) t:') t)O.Of3 49 . ::~:~ E3 t) '7 'J 6:) tJ 1'7 ..:) I) l~~ t.) 6 13 ;) '7 \..--; 4 e) 10 '..J 5 11 c; 11 ? 10 r-- 4 ;) () 10 0 :.8"1' . 9 n 10 0 '7 14 II If If II ;::;nd II II II II II If 1I II If II II If II If fl 11 fl If .0:3 lO~). 20 3c).19 104.52 91.1:3 ~31.1~j ;?~ f3 . ~~) ~1 10El. :JL; lOb.04 ~5(3_;~)6 ;3 ~L 80 ?; E.~ . (:1 E3c) .4: 1. Fairview Park 35.83 . I OVlner Lot f) O. F. If If N:.Llp,f'; 11 n o 10 1. O. 8~ 1:'3. Ni em~:"!Im Est. of A. J [u:mi eke M. Langan lVly.rt1c Fi llmo:ce Est. of A. M. Bosler 4 11 11 11 11 If I) r-.) 3 5 Est. of G. W. Broad?cll 5 .J;:mrna M1LLi ;::i F. A. G1esi r 1 Jacob Hile:!. () G. I. School Dist. 1 B ilder's Security 00. 4 John J. Grot~ky G ~8t. of Geo. W. Broarlwell 1ewrence KcKi ben 5 E(5n~1 Doty Wil]. i .'3m GUHt in O[~.,I'I'ie A. K1:L e Osrrie .A. KJ..inge OeT1'le' A. Kl1 oj 10 (\ '( 156 Blk. Addition seSf;:.':lerlt. 3t> ~ 8~3 Lhts. 11.flb 51.77 ~3 C . ~~ e) . ~) c=) ~~) t) . ~~) (:) 52; 014 1 EJ :~: . :3 (:~~ 10;3.70 11.08 101.51 11.08 f"') ,.., ('/, t? ~)u. t}CJ ~jl . L1S 1~Oe.?t3 I01 . E59 .?G . 9;:~ 4,Sl. '74 61. GEl 2) .~~-~ . ~~~ c) _... F ~~<L , 0 ~5~) . t55 S eo t i 0 11 ~.3. ~r (~':,~< e 2, f:j olE:.V ~L e d.. Pll ~_111 rJ ceo --~j e ~_:"l_,:/' o)J]~ e de1:Lnquent in tlle Uilnne:c )I'eVH)"e 1,.. I Sect Lon ;j. 'l' 14 14 FnirvieVi P II 11 Wel1ich' Eo Add. Bonnie BI?0 11 11 If II 11 If 11 11 (~) ~J 16 16 16 Ie lEi FIl. :-5 It It II II It If 11 U 11 II 11 II II U if II If If Wall:\. 1 G II If i1 II 1;3 1'7 1:3 r) :Fl~. 2) F ,.." I' 0 ~~> 1 11 8 Fr. 1 (3 9 l~) 1'1, ~ t,Y. J.. ~j Oit 01erk of ~n8 (J :L t 0 :f G~:e L}'~l () to cCT'Ll to 1~ e 'b r ) , i E, T t ~n E; "G l~ -:1 c: t e (1 :f e c t e (l Oi ty Tre [,uurer of "she Oi t oi Gr 8 f-~ to,xes, to ~D ~ j.'~ .t e ~.n8trl1ctio 8 p:co\/1(06 J'" c t 1. 011 t:l;" }J e: 'b .'. ;:~" 'l~ 112 '[jO colle C'G l, r',": .L (3 --1.11 fo:cc:o ;~~. 0 il .......c\ \~_i "--' I c: J.. D./', (1 , "C .i1C e.":'.: '.n l.1Tl 't~ 0 ~C F: r:j,;~l.C !:":.F!, :L' t C:":' r i fi :~:J e., (::. , (:> e,,"o 1 :LVi. 0 n ,:":(1 u (; e~f~tect J'rC)r'11 pro v i G 0 1 c, . l' c :0"'"(1 P>,;H'UVCcJ t :L s 7th day of Januar,Y ,,1931, )( SEA 0 l\T' ~c ;_~>; dT : H.E.CLIFFORD - - -- - (Ii':;; -01 CJ:;-k-:- I . _ _ O-! A. ABBOT.! ,~R. _ D,~/Ol~ 157 JJ ~ : ORDINANCE NO. 1396. An oroJ.ncmce 81nending and repealine: Section 2, of . I Ordinance No. 510 of the City of Grand Island, Ne"'oraska, and impos- ing an occup3tion tax on auctioneers for revenue. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND OITY COUNOIL of tne City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 1. That Section 2, of Oreli nance No. 510 of t11e City of Grand Island, Nebrac:kc)" be c=md it is hereby EJInended to read as follo\rh:;: lIJj;very person who desires to engage in trIe occupation or business of auctioneer, as pravi d in Section 1 hereof, Ij shall, before engn2;ing therein, pI' sent a petition to tne City CmJ.nc:l.l, prayi tI-lrtt 8., J)eI~nlit "'08 t88ued~ to I1j.l'fl, \\rt11.CI1 E\Uf)lic?-tton shall be in writing, signed by twenty resident freeholders of tnis 01 ty, t:U10 ne shall also pay into tile Oi ty Trer),mu'y for 1',.:]. ..~ e,r r" ."ue. .....)l'.r "0' c 'c. c <il'?n or, f' c, -" f~n a, I"J. .; :)n e' {':>I" '" ", 'YX' ..L iJ '-' L... 1. ..,t~ l~> U ',,, 10, tiP .~,u. u ~.;.J. '__'."" t.',.,",.. v v J.. '. c. '" ,..' ~~I 1-' "",,, t 1'01' onc ycn.:c I comnconcing A ,'il 30th, cU1d eXC;Jl'in0: NiD.y 1, of .lJl1e :3UGCee ye,l,1', and he snaIl, at the same time, file with said petition, a surety bond rU!1ning to tne Oi ty, for tne benefit of all per,-col1s entJ.~u1'3t:ing bUI':,;iness to ninl in the EJ"nl of :~500.00, to be cl,pproved b" t,ne :::ounciJ f{)T trlc I)I~OI)el" clisch(JJ..~ge o:t" the d-Ll"tics ()j:~ DJ~n EJ_.1~;.ct;iOl1eeI~ a..11d. to p QVO]: n,nd. rend.er~ (Lacount :fOI~ (3J.J~ i110ne:1 tb.a,t 1-l1(1~l C()LllG i1.1to his 1'1",:.21 as 8UC~ auctioneer. Upon grant! the prayer of said petition c;..nd tte approvDl ofc ~O()11 (1 c-,f:' cL~f () J: e 8 D..:L d., :3 <1.1 (J rt.L).l)1 j. c aJl t E: 11[,1,11 be entitled to eng in f;,.:dcl btJ.si"jc; [,;s. Such application i).nd surety bond or arena or extension t reof, shall ~e presented to the Oity Council foI' each succeedi "'\fen,-c i"o:r itu Tov;:11, 1Jet"ore tIle cLu.c~G:L ee:c S11CJ,11 co i:n1.)(; 81J.cl"J. :LY1C';::}S. ff I . Section 2. Section 2 afa nt3TICe NOe 510 is hereby repealed. ~)C~c:tiOIl 3.. ThiE. ol~ciirlaj1Ce sl~l 11Je i~n fOT"Ce ::iYl0 take effect from a,f t It i t 8 1J a~ f) r , a:qp}~ 0 v (::t1 r1,xJd. fi"L.JO 1 i C Ett :i. D 11 ~l.S IJ:covi uec), '~J~/ ]~(11~f. Pel, ..... sed iJ,11 (I approved tIlt s 4th day March of mEmiifhfrttibl'tIDun, 1931. Attest: _ _O.L. A__ABBOTT, _JR._ _ _ _ Mayor. H. E. OLIFli'ORD - - - - IT"ity-OTeTI{7 158 () ,,1 \ . I ORDINANOE NO.1397 . An ordinance crectting Sevrer District No. 160 in the Oity of Grand Island, NebI' a, defining the bounda.ries there- of, providing for the construction thereof, and provicU.ng for the payment of the cost of construction thereof. B.II: IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND OITY COUNCIL of the Oi ty of Gra,nd I slnnd,Nebraskct: Section 1. That there is hereby created a sewer (~.Ll'P,+~J'.nt l".l" t,h.E~ Cl't~v 0'.1.0 G'J.~ If.-_~l Na}Jr~Q~~ ~,o he ~l1~~n ~nrl ... v_. _ LJ. '.... ,.., , . wr ~.~.,.,.;!.,,_.,r;...,~.,.~ lJ ....,1 ..:..':1..... ',J.~'.~ c."... .....'.. deBi ted 8,S Sewer Di stri ct No. 1 DO of the 01 L;Y of Gr a.nd Island., Neb:ecJ.,sl{c.l. Sect ion ;3. T bat said sewer di Ed; ri ct s.hall cons1 st of the alley bet'Jveen W11ite and Boggs Avenues, extending from Sixth Street to ~jY.l.....~;.;~ Blake Street, in 8<31d. City and shall include all lot 8, tract sand pS,I'cels 01' la.Hd directly adjacent thereto ,bounded 11.8 e.foresaid;-lnd vIi t 11in said eli strict. Section 3. Said sevve:c district is twreby ordered l~l'd: ao rrovl'Q"ec1 by ]~W ana' jn' nnCO~clO'lce w:+h tn' e n'nn~ ~n~ - 0.1 ? ~-,,,~ );). ...~ {. ; :'C2.'i'''', t_~, J. ....~.I.... O"'V '..... .Lio,hI ~ '.',J~L v ... . 1. M }/J..C-l.l.l. '-.;; (.J:~./. u~. speclf J. C at 10ns goverrl1ng 8C:VJer ell str 1 at s, [u'; neretoIore e st2bllsh- ed by tne city. I Section 4. That the entire cost of constructi sD,id se'."\ier s11nJ~1 tJe ~1,sse8sed. (),il1st the nJ~)llttil1.g: .:pro})ert:l in s:;,j.d district, D. t:'x shall be levied nst the a.t'utting I)rOperty in ~.:;aid district to pc":! for tb.e cost o:r constl~uctine; 83.i6 district, as ~oon 8.8 the cost C~J.n be ascert ined: said tax to (~,ecome paYclble alia delinouent and raw interest n,t} follows: one-fifth of the total amount shl1l1 become delinquent in fifty' days from the date of the levy; one-fifth in one yea.r; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three yeBxs a.Del one-fift11 in four ye,J,r s. Each of said instfLllrnent 13, except the first shall dre.v'l interest at the ra,te of seven per cent per c,nmJrn from the dt.tte of the levy until they ')ecome delinquent, 2nd after the S[:'ime become delincuent interest the rate of one per cent Del' month she,ll be paid thereon, until the sane is colle'cted andpa.id; StIch 81)eciEJ.l t~::;,)~es s11c~]Ml be collected, {]J1cl e11foI1ced~ ,lEi in 08..888 of other speci;-:;l t",'xes, ond 8 d sDecial t,'"txes shall l)e D lien on 88id reD,l est,-'te frorrt end after ttlC da.te of tne levy. Section 5. effect from and after its provided by 1 a, v:! . Tt118 ordinance shall i:Je in force and pa.8sage, aoproval and publication, as ta.kE. I . Jnembers of the Nebra,ska., tnis Ptl,ssed and ovod by a three-fourths vote of all OJ. ty Council of tne Oi ty of Grand Island, 18th day of Mcach, 1931. ATTE~ST: (Seal) _ _ _O.....J\...Abbottdr..!., _ _ _ _ Mayor. _ .H..E...oUUCU'cL _ _ _ Oity Olerk. 159 ,,>>.<.~ i)' "I 7! ~ ~ . I ORDINANOE NO. l39~ An ordinance creating Sewer District No. 161 in the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining tne boundaries there- of, providing for tne constructi.on tnereof, and providing for the payment of the cost of construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNOIL of the 01 ty of Grand ISland,Nebraska: Section 1. That there 1s hereby created a sewer district in the city of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Sewer District No. 161 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. I Section 2. That said sewer district shall consist of the alley between Huston and Grand Island Avenues, extending from Sixteenth Street to State Street, in said Oity and shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land directly adjacent thereto, bounded as aforesaid and within said district. Section 3. Said sewer district is hereby ordered laid, as provided 'by law, and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing sewer districts, as heretofore established by the city. I . Section 4. That the entire cost of constructing said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied against the abutting property in said district to pay for the cost of constructing said district, as soon as the cost can be ascertained: said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows: one-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days from the date of the levy; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years and one-fifth in four years. Each of said installments, except the first shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the date of the levy until they become delinquent, and after the same become delinquent interest at the rate of one per cent per month shall be paid thereon, until the same is collected and paid; such special taxes shall be collected and enforced as in cases of other special taxes, and said special taxes shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy. Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by la",v. P'assed;and approved by a three-fourths vote of all members of the Oity Oouncil of the City of Grand Island, NebraSka, this 15th day of April, 1931. Attest: (Seal) _ _ _ _ Q.!.~b.2o.1t.J..JE.._ _ __ _ _ Mayor. H.E.Olifford - - - (11"ty-OTerk7 - - -- - - - . I I I . 160 ~l j .1' (hI' ._ 1(1/):.., ; I ,. .-,#, '\ 1/11//\.// H''';) /" ,Hi f /'/' ~/ /' f:>,,/" /'\' ~/ r ORDINANCE NO. . 1399 An Ordinance asserting and declaring that the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, does neither consent to, nor recognize, but does deny, the existence of, any rights, or privileges, in the nature of franchises, permits, licenses, or easements, whether claimed to be perpetual or irrevocable, or otherwise, of, in, or belonging to, or claimed or asserted by Oentral Power Oompany, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware and having one of its principal places of business in the oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, in any manner pertaining to the use or occupation, hereafter, by said company, its successors, or assigns, of any street, alley, or other public place, or places, of or witnin the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; assert- ing and declaring that said Oentral Power Oompany now is, and at all times continuously since the 2nd day of December, 1925, has been, in open, knowing and wilful violation of the provisions of Ordinance No. 1127, duly passed and approved by the Mayor and Oity Counoil of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, on said date, and of full force and effect since said date; asserting and declaring that all rights, powers and authority of said city in any manner accruing from or pertaining to the matters and things set forth in said Ordinance No. 1127, and pertaining to the said violations thereof are, and at all times continuously since the passage of said Ordinance No. 1127 have been, in full foroe and effeot; asserting and declaring tnat if, at any time heretofore, said Central Power Company, either directly or indirectly, by grant, assignment, transfer, conveyance, su.ccession, lease, pu.r- chase, or otherwise, has in any manner, form, or time, obtained or aoquired, as owner, lessee, or otherwise, any permit, license, easement, franchise, or other =7ight or privilege whatsoever, under or by virtue of which the streets, alleys, or other public places of or within the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, were, could be, or 161 . I might be, used, oooupied, or oontrolled in or for the manufaoture, generation, production, acquisition, distri- bution, purchase, sale, or transmission, of any form or kind of gas and/or electric current, or electrical energy, for any and all uses and purposes whatsoever,- that any and all such permits, licenses, easements and franchises, and all rights, powers, privileges, claims and immunities therein, thereunder, or arising or accruing therefrom, have, by reason of divers wilful and continued ac~and conduct by and on the part of said Oentral Power Oompany and its predecessors in title and inte~est, Wholly ceased and determined, and are not now recQgnized by the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska; and declaring that said I City of Grand Island intends to and will prooeed, forth,,:,,;?/<? with, by due, proper and lawful means, to procure a formal and final oonfirmation and adjudication of tne assertions and declarations herein set fortn and a forfeiture of any and all such permits, lioenses, easements and franchises. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND OITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: I . Seotion 1. The City of Grand Island, Nebraska, hereby asserts and deolares that the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, does neither consent to, nor recognize, but does deny, the existenoe of, any rights, or privileges, in tne nature of franchises, permits, licenses, or easements, whetner claimed to be perpetual, or irrevocable, or otherwise, of, in, or belonging to, or olaimed or asserted by Central Power Oompany, a oorporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware and having one of its prinoipal places of business in tne City of Grand ISland, Nebraska, in any manner pertaining to the use or oocupation, hereafter, by said company, its suocessors, or assigns, of any street, 162 . I alley, or other public place, or places, of or within the I City of Grand Island. Section 2. The City of Grand Island, Nebraska, nereby further asserts and declares that said Oentral Power Company now is, and at all times continuously since the 2nd day of December, 1925, has been, in open, knowing and wilful violation of the provisions of Ordinance No. 1127, duly passed and approved by the Mayor and City Council of tne Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, on said date, and of full force and effect since said date. Section 3. The City of Grand Island, Nebraska, hereby further asserts and declares that all rights, powers and authority of said city in any manner accruing from or pertaining to tne matters and things set forth in said Ordinance No. 1127, and pertaining to the said violations tnereof, are, and at all times continuously since the passage or said Ordinance No. 1127 have been, in full force and eff'eot. Section 4. The City of Grand Island, Nebraska, hereby further asserts and declares that if, at any time heretofore, said Central Power Oompany, either directly or indirectly, I . 'by grant, assignment, transfer, conveyance, succession, lease, purChase, or otherwise, has in any manner, form, or time, obtained or acquired, as owner, lessee, or otherwise, any permit, license, easement, franChise, or other right or privilege whatsoever, under or by virtue of which the streets, alleys, or other public places of or withill theOity of Grand Island, Nebraska, were, could be, or might be, used, occupied, or con- trolled in or for the manufacture, generation, production, acquisition, distribution, purchase, sale, or transmission, of any form or kind of gas and/or electric current, or electrical energy, for any and all uses and purposes whatsoever,- that any and all such permits, licenses, easements and franchises, and 163 . I all rights, powers, privileges, claims and immunities therein, thereunder, or arising or accruing therefrom, have, by reason of divers wilful and continued acts and conduct by and on the part of said Central Power Company and its predecessors in title and interest, wholly ceased and determined, and are not now recognized by the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 5. The City of Grand Island, Nebraska, hereby further asserts and declares that it intends to and will proceed, forthwith, by due, proper and lawful means, to procure a formal and final confirmation and adjudication of the assertions and declarations herein set forth and I a forfeiture of any and all such permits, licenses, ease- ments and franchises. Section 6. That a certified copy of this ordinance be served forthwith upon said Central Power Company by the City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved April 15, 1931. O.A.Abbott.Jr. Mayor. Attest: (Seal) I . H.E.Clifford City Clerk. 164 . I ORDINANCE NO. 1400 An Ordinance repealing Ordinance Number 262 of the Nebraska, City of Grand ISland,/approved May 26, 1900. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE OITY OF GRAND ISLAND NEBRASKA: . , I Section 1. That Ordinance Number 262 of tne Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, entitled: "An ordinance granting to tne Mannattan Promotion Oompany, a corporation of Omaha, Nebraska, its assigns and successors, a rignt Of way for railroad purposes, along and over tne soutnerly forty feet of Twelfth Street and across said Twelfth Street and all streets intersecting said Twelfth Street in tne City of Grand Island, Hall Oounty, Neb- raska, and right to build, maintain and operate a s1 ngle or double track wi th necessary turnouts across said Twelfth Street and along and over the southerly forty feet of said Twelfth Street, and across all streets intersecting said Twelfth Street in the City of Grand Island"; which ordinance was approved May 26, 1900, be and the Same is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved April 15, 1931. O.A.Abbott Mayor. I . Attest: (Seal) H.E.Clifford CityClerk. 165 p . I ORDINANCE NO. 1401 An Ordinance repealing Ordinace Number 204 of the Nebraska, City of Grand ISland,/approved May 15, 1895. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND I SL~ND, NEBRASKA: Section 1. That Ordinance Number 204 of the City of I Grand Island, Nebraska, Elnti tIed: "An ordinance granting unto The street Railway Company of Grand Island, Nebraska, a Oorporation, its successors and assigns, the right,power and pt,Vilege to put down, construct, maintain an operate a single track for a street ra.i way, with all necessary and convenient tracks for turn- outs, side tracks and switches, and of re- pairing and extending the same upon and along certain named streets and avenues in the City of Grand Island; and to regulate the laying of the said tracks and operating the said system of street railway"; which ordinance was approved Ma.y 15, 1895, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved April 15, 1931. O.A.Abbott,Jr. Mayor. I . Attest: (Seal) H.E.Olifford 01 ty Olerk. 166 . I ORDINANCE NO. 1402 An Ordinance repealing Ordinance Number III of the Nebraska, Oity of Grand ISlan~approved July 13, 1887. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: I Section 1. That Ordinance Number 111 of tne City of Grand Island, Nebraska, entitled: "An ordinance granting tne right to the Grand Island Gas Company, its successors and assigns, to construct operate and m-aintain a system of electric light, heat and power works in the city of Grand Island, Nebraska, and to erect poles and towers and string wires and to put in the necessary machinery for generating and con- veying electricity, for the purpose of Light, Heat and other power in said city, and to repeal any and all ordinances in conflict herewith and to punish any will- ful trespass or interference with any of the property of said Electric Light Heat and Power works."; which ordinance was approved July 13, 1887, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved April 15, 1931. O.A.Abbott,Jr. Mayor. I . Attest: ( Seal) H.E.Clifford Ci ty Clerk. 167 . I ORDINANCE NO. 1~Q3 An Ordinance repealing Ordinance Number 181 of the Nebraska, City of Grand IS1an~~s amended by Ordinance Number 189 of said city. I BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THEOITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: Section 1. That Ordinance Number 181 of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, as amended by Ordinance Number 189 of said city, which Ordinance Number 181 was entitled: "An ordinance granting to the Grand Island Street Railway Company a corporation, the right to construct and operate a1'1' eleotric street railway system, and to build, main- tain and oonstruot and operate in,l connection therewith, a system of incandescent lights, and to grant, and give authority and permission to use oertain streets of the said city for the said purposes"; be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved April 15, 1931. O.A.Abbott,Jr. Mayor. Attest: I . (Seal) H.E.01ifford Oity Clerk 168 . I ORDINANCE NO. 1404 An Ordinance repealing Ordinance Number 90 of the Nebraska, ; City of Grand Island,/approved February 17, 1886. I BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF T HE or TY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: Section 1. That Ordinance Number 90 of the City of Gra.nd Island, Nebraska, entitled: II An ordinance granting the right to Albert S. Maxwell his associates, successors and assigns to construct Gas Works and to lay Gas Pipes and Mains and to erect lamp posts in the Streets, Alleys and Public Grounds and Avenues in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and to establish maximum rates and prices the refor and to repeal any and all ordinances in conflict herewith and to punish any willful trespass or interf'erence with any of tne property of said Gas Works"; which ordinance was approved Fe~~~ 17, 1886, be and tne same is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approvaland publication as provided by law. Passed and approved April 15, 1931. O.A.Abbott,Jr. Mavor. I . Attest: (Seal) H.E.Clifford City Clerk. 169 . I ORDINANCE NO. 1405 An Ordinanoe repealing Ordinance Number 198 of the Nebraska, Oity of Grand IS1and,/approved August 20, 1894. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE OITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: I Seotion 1. That Ordinance Number 198 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, entitled: "An ordinance granting the right, power, privilege and franchise to the Grand Island Light and Power Oompany, its successors and assigns, to construct, maintain and operate a system of incan- descent lighcs, in the city of Grand Island, Nebraska, and of repairing and maintaining the same, and of erecting posts and other necessary fixtures for the purpose of supplying the oity and the citizens thereof with light and for other purposes; and giving and granting to the said Grand Island Light and Power Oompany the right to the use of the streets and alleys in the said city for that purpose; that this ordinance shall not interfere with the rights of any other persons or corporation granted heretofore by any ordinance preyiously passed and approved by t he Mayor and council of sai d city. Also to regulate the said business and to punish any violation of any of the conditions of this ordinance"; whiCh ordinance was approved August 20, 1894, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take I . effeotfrom and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved April 15, 1931. O.A.Abbott.Jr. Mayor. Attest: (Seal) H.E.Olifford City Clerk. 170 . I ORDINANCE NO. 140R An Ordinance repealing Ordinance Number 134 of the Nebraska, City of Grand Is1and,/approved Feb. 6,1889. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: I Section 1. That Ordinance Number 134 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, entitled: "An ordinance granting the Edison Electric Light and Power Company of Grand Island, Nebraska the right and privilege of estab- liShing and maintaining an Eleotric Light and Power Plant and erecting poles and string- ing wires thereon in the streets, avenues, parks and alleys of the city of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, for the purpose of furnishing electricity for light1ng and power purposes." which ordinance was approved February 6, 1889, be and the Same is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in foroe and take effeot from and atter its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved April 15, 1931. O.A.Abbot1;,Jr. May 0 r . Attest: (Seal) I . H. E. Clifford k 01 ty C1er . 171 ORDINANCE NO. 1407 . I An Ordinance deolaring that the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, has never granted, authorized, permitted, con- sented to, or recognized, and does not now consent to, or recognize, any perpetual or irrevocable rights or privileges, in the nature of permits, easements, licenses, franchises, or otherwise, for, concerning, or pertaining to, the use, possession, occupation, or control, by any person, co-partnership, association, or corporation, of any of the streets, alleys and other public places of the city, or any part of the same, in the conduct or operation of any business or occupation whatsoever. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: I Section 1. The City of Grand Island, Nebraska, here- by declares that it has never granted, authorized, per- mitted,consented.to~ or recognized~ and does not now consent to, or recognize, any perpetual or irrevocable rights or privileges, in the nature of permits, easements, licenses, franchises, or otherwise, for, concerning, or pertaining to, the use, possession, occupation, or control, by any person, co-partnership, association, or corporation, of any of the streets, alleys and other public plaoes of the city, or any part of the same, in the conduct or oper- ation of any business or occupation whatsoever. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in-force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and pUblication as provided by law. Passed and approved April 15, 1931. I . (Seal) O.A.Abbott.Jr. Mayor. At test: B.E.Clifford Ci ty Clerk. 172 . I ORDINANCE NO. 1408 I ion and maintenance of a system of Electric Lights or Gas Works or both in Grand Island, Nebraska"; which ordi nance wa.s approved J'uly 28, 1884, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval a.nd publication as provided by law. Passed and approved April 15, 1931. O.A.Abbott,Jr. Mayor. Attest: (Sea.l) H.E.Clifford City Clerk. I . . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ~ 173 d I ' ft, ..l ,irAQ f , An Ordinance regulating the use of sidewalks, streets, alleys, spaces, and public grounds, thereunder or thereover, by private persons, firms or corporations, within the corporate limits of the 9i ty of Grand Island, Ne"braska, providing for the issuance of permits and occupation taxes for revenue purposes for suCh use or occupancy thereof, and prescribing a penalty for the violation thereof; and repealing Ordinance No. 1184 and Article XXV of Ordinance No. 1174 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: Section 1. Any person, firm or corporation using or desiring to use or occupy any portion of any street, alley, sidewalk space of public ground within the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, shall make application for such occupancy, and pay to the Building Inspector of the City, the fees as nereinvafter set forth. The Building Inspector shall make or cause to be made a measurement of each and every portion of the sidewalks, streets, alleys, spaces and pUblic grounds in the City so used for private purposes giving the number of square feet or other occupancy used for private purposes by each occupant or owner, and shall compute the tax owing for the use thereof, and give the occupant or owner thereof a memorandum of said measurements and the amo~nt of tax. Section 2. An occupation ta~ for revenue purposes is hereby levied upon each and every person, firm or corporation using or occupying any part of the public sidewalks1streets, alleys, spaces or public grounds for private use, including drive-in oil or service stations, storage tanks, stairways, scales, areaways, signs, curb pumps, show windows, buildings, or for any other purpose in the following sum or amounts: Drive-in oil or service stations.............$20.00 Curb gas or oil pumps, each.................. 12.00 Curb air pump or valve, eacn................. 2.00 Curb sign. S , e ac n. . . . . . . . . . . . !. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . 00 Gas, oil or other tanks, each................ 1.00 20~ per square foot for any open stairway, area- way, show window, building, or other obstruction not herein listed. 2~ per square foot for any space, room or sub- sidewalk space under any street, alley or sidewalk. Anyone desiring to occupy What is commonly known as a stub street shall proceed as above, and if permission is granted the rental for such premises Shall be $25.00 per year or such an amount above this sum as the Council may decide. The minimum fee charged for any use shall be..$l.OO These charges shall be computed as of May 1st of each year and shall cover the period ending April 30th next. When application is made after November 1st, half of the above rate shall apply~ All taxes shall become delinquent June 1st and draw interest thereafter at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. Section 3. That no permit be issued for curb gasoline pumps, open stairways or areaways on any street, sidewalk or alley, or any areaway, space, stairway, manhole or otner obstruction in any alley or street not now occupied or used prior to the passage of this Ordinance. Tnat all signs, pumps, tanks, show windows, areaways, stairways now estab- lished or placed, that conform with this or other ordinances of the City, may remain, be replaced and repaired if location and space occupied be not Changed. . I I I . 174 All signs placed upon curb or sidewalk must be supported by a metal post well anchored, without guy wires, and not less than eight feet to the lowest part of sign. All signs must be placed next to the curb and no part thereof extend into any street or alley. The City reserves the right to cancel any permit at its pleasure at any time by giving thirty days notice) and the return of the pro- rata portion of the rental paid. Passed and approved this 29, day of April ) 1831. ATTEST: O.A.A'5BOTT JR, - - - - - - - - Mayor.- - -- - - - - - - - H.E.CLIFFORD - - - - - Ofty-Olerk: - - - - - - - 175 . I ORDINANOE NO. 1~10 . An ordinance amending Section 15 of Ordinanoe No. 1273 of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, fixing the salary of Chief of the Fire Department, providing for the appointment of an Assistant Chief of the Fire Department of said Oity, fixing his salary and repealing said original Section 15 of Ordinanoe No. 1273- BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND OITY COUNOIL of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska: Seotion 1. Seotion 15 of Ordinance 1273, be hereby amended to read as follows: I ( SEAL) ATTEST: H.E OLIFFORD - - - -City ~'1erK. - - - - - - - I . . I ORDINANOE NO. 1411 ~ . 176 An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the const- ruction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 160 of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY Th~ MAYOR AND CITY OOUNOIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the assessable v cost of cons~ruction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 160 of the I I . City of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordance with the benefits fo~md and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district, by the Mayor and City Council of said City, sitting as a Board. of Equali zat ion, aft er not ice given t hereof as provi ded by law; eac of the several lots, tract 8 and parcels of land is assessed 8.8 follows: Owner Lot WilliMl R. Bundy Willi&ft R. Bundy G. W. Broadwell, Est. M. McAllister, E~t. Statia K. Dryer J. G. Dill J. G. Dill J. G. Dill G. W. Broadwell, Est. G. W. Broadwell, Est. M. R. Darvell - A. E. Jackson I. lvi '" Porter A. H. Kinsinger M. R. Garver G. W. Broadwell, Est. G. W. Broadwell, Est. Grace VI. Groft Hazel I. Mills B. & C. Hansen Elliott Burnett M. Niemann Martha E. Matthews Dietrich Schrader Wm. Goehring Paul Lackenvi tz Paul Lackenvi tz L DCY P. Haney Lucy P. Haney Lucy P. Haney 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Block 7 7 ? 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Packer & II II II II " " II II " II II II II II II " " " II II II II II II II II II 11 II Ad.dition Bar r' s II II II " II II II II " II II " II " II II II II II II II II II II II II II 11 II Assessment. 33 . 69 33 . 69 33.69 33 . 69 33,69 33.69 33.69 33 . 69 33.69 33 . 69 33.69 33..69 33 . 69 33 . 69 33.69 33.69 33.69 33.69 33 . 69 33.69 33.69 33.69 33.69 33.69 33.69 33.69 33.69 33.69 33.69 33.69 177 Owner Lot Block Addition Assessment. Ell a O. Steele 1 18 Pack e1' & Barr's Second $33.69 M. & J. Sloss 2 If3 II fl II 33.69 . Alfred Elwick 3 18 If II II 33. 69 J 0 s ep h Gusik, Est. 4 18 II II II 33.69 Joseph Gusik, Est. 5 1 '-, II It It 33. 69 I 0 John A. True 6 l' It It If 33.69 0 John A. True 7 It> II II II 33.69 0 John A. True 8 18 It II II 33.69 G. w. Broadwell, Est. 9 In II II II 33.69 0 Riley & 1ula Roberts. 10 18 If If " 33. 69 Total AssessableGo st ~1347.60 Section 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and delinquent in the manner provided by law. Section 3. The City Clerk of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby directed to certify to the Oi ty rIT'reasurer of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; the amount of said taxes, together \uth instructions to collect the sa~e, as provided by law. Section 4. This ordina~ce shall be in force and take I effect from and. after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Attest: Passed and approved ( SEAL) H.E.CLIFFORD -C;ty Clerk - tnis 17th day of June, 1931. O.A.APBOTT,JR. - - - - - - - Mayor.- - - -- I . . I I I . 178 /-) t . \,/ \/ ORDINA1"iJOE NO. 1412 " An ordinance appropriating and condemning an easement in private property in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the use of said City for sanitary sewer and public utility purposes, described as follows: an easement in a strip of ground 14 feet wide between the East and West lines of the alley between Lots 1 and 26, in Hawthorne Place, in said City, extended in straight lines North, a distance of 108 feet, from the North lines of said Lots 1 and 26 across a rectangular tract of land 108 feet wide by 360 feet long, lying immediately North of Lots 2'7, 26 and the Easterly 3C feet of Lot 1, all in Hav!Tthorne Pla.ce in said Ci ty, in part of the Northwest Qua,rter, of Section ~?~3, Township 11, North of Range 9, West of the Sixth P.M., belonging to Peter C. Hansen, and providing for the procedure on the appropriation of such private property and ol:)ening the same for suen public utili ties. Whereas the Mayor and Oi ty Council of Grand Island., Nebraska, find that it is necessary that certain priv13,te real property within t he bounds hereinafter more d.efini tely described all wi t11in said City be appropriated and condemned for sanitary sewer and publiC utility purpose s, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That the following described real property, consisting of an easement in a strip of ground 14 feet wide between the East and West lines of the alley, bet ween Lot s 1 and 26, in Hawt110rne Place, in said Oi ty, extended in Il straight lineSNorth, a distance of 108 feet from the North lines of said Lots 1 and 26, aorOS8 a rectangular tract of land 108 feet wide by 360 feet long, lying immediately North of Lots 27, 26 and the Easterly 36 feet of Lot 1, all in Hawthorne Place in said. Oity, in part of Northwest Quartel' of Section 22, Township 11, North of Ra.nge 9, 1Vest of the 6th P.M., belonging to Peter C. Hansen, be and the same is hereby . I I I . 179 appropriated for the use of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for sani tary sewer and public utility purposes under and by virtue of Sections 16-601, 16-602 and 16-603, of the 1929 Conwiled StatuteS of Nebraska. Seotion 2. That the following disinterested freeholders of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, are hereby appointed to assess the damages accruing to the owner of the realty and rights appropriated: _Ml!xQu.a .Q.oDl~li:u.a _ _ _ _ _ _ _, residing at 1823 _W~s! Ko~nig_S~r~e~ _, ..!~ed C. Weeks _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, residing at 80~ West_4th_Stx~~ _ _ _, and John McLellan - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, residing at 1204_W~st Fi~st _ _ _ _ _, all in the said City of Grand Island, and who shall receive as compensa- tion for their services the Slilll of $5.00 per day for the time necessarily occupied. Said assessors shall meet in the Council Chamber of the City Hall in said City of Grand Island, on July 20, 1931, at 9 0 'clock A.M., and after taking oath to discharge theil' duties faithfully and impartially shall, on the same day or as soon as iB practical thereafter, make, sign and return to the Oity Clerk in writing a just and fair appraisement of the damages for each lot or piece of property, the whole or part of which or rights in which, are to be appropriated. Section 3. Payments of damages for the appropriation of such pri Va"ce property shall be paid out of t he general fund of sai d C1 ty . Section 4. The City Council may assess and levy tne whole or part of the expenses and drunages incurred in the taking of such easement in said strip and tract of land as above described upon property fronting upon the same and upon t11e property near by that may be benefitted, in proportions according to the benefits, as provided by law. Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 17th day of June, 1931. Attest: O.A.ABBOTT,JR. - - - - - - -Mayor -:- - - - - - - - -- (SEAL) H.E.CLIFFORD - - - - - -City Clerk.- - - - -- ~ 180 :""'1~"'T' 1413 "j":\ /:""; ,-' J. '11(J ;.'..L t r~:1. c;'t -'\,......, ><t.. J:.C U~1 ~ 'f,"(":_ '__,,""\'";j ; . .; '''Jt -0- -t .he; . .0 ~ .;~: l~.(: r (~) :~' t ;~_ C~ :{~ C.::;, f 1'i ( II, ;....... . I 'r.]' i. CLI.). I ;~ Ci n.c:, "t ~"C-:.J_ C t :i Ti '" di .f.' ):):c ~.".c. ;-~ 'J l' ~-~ D C: \~:J .r- ,.J;.~ u.;. ~ ":"""! >1-I".,.tC1-~ on 'c tli? 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'';''J j :...:;~. ~ 2 : (SEAL) H.E.OLIFFORD - - n j~~J7-;1,.::~::'~< . , ~L ..i_ .~-~ L, I . C'_, _;.~,) "t::"'~ t .~ t h!~'., ~. ) ,-) \9' " I .~". -:-.., 1_, .L .L~ .L ~ ') j i....i 1.1 ., ~ "', ,~"": ., .., '--"'/ ., .1. ., 1 "" 1:,'''' ,..1.. T 1~':: 7~,,: ~r" ~'lJ.e -l, / .' . ~ nl -("+ \. 1 () C. .1..; i~) "\r 1 ') "\I c:; (J Cl~~.\~ CJ ,:;]. t ). h ":" f'1 ,,;"\ ~i'l ~ .- '.,~ ..'- .:'1" _. '''n.': ;j .:.. ~ < ,t. .-! ... .. -- , ,'/_' ~, "0" n " J f! .. !f " 'I iT !, !, H ,. 11 II " " H .. n I' H n 11 !' 1:' ;.' ~ ._'-', M,~ i.-:'" ;...-~ ",... -'. ,L.~.I.. "~ .J, ,. ,,:)1 ~, "-""'i '".< I'~ i ~:.~ c ~ ( ~~ ':-:' t):e ~,- -..," J.. ;:~~'.J" t.~C'T) .'- \,.., ~; "."1 ~j.> 1 ~:: T '~j. ct 1l.J rL ~~ -; ----., (~. "..,. --1 "J..... I) as. s agc..; , " ","'),'\,\7 r:' 1 ~+: 1--, t, ' . 0 '.~) t~, J.-' ." _O.....A...ABEQ.TT., J.R..... ~~1 :_::'Y 0 I' ~ .i:i.'..' :1 '1..-< , "(l +- :\"f 0l'1.1-~ _~ u,'"'\ .... ._r:. \..J ~;., T,,"1 . >.J '-".,1 , 182 l":' - ~.~ "'-- ,l~ ..-..,f--i (-) :-1 (""';,-. 0,1"'1 (') 1"1 ,:""".'~ 'i 1-""'1 '-rJ a"~ . ~.J '{ 017 ''"'If'':' '" .,".; ( n (")!"'} nr" r.n C)!"'.' ;~) :,':~ .... .J~ .... -Y' .J.. ,... '~._ , L _, '. ' j ()r-;... 183 ORDINANCE NO. 1415 . I An ordinance levying taxes in tne city of Grand Island, Nebraska, for t ne fisoal year oommencing with tne seoond Monday in August, 1931, and ending tne second Monday in August, 1932, and providing for tae oollection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL I of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Seotion 1. That there is hereby levied, and shall 'be oollected in the manner provided by law, upon all pro- perty, real, personal and mixed, of every kind and ohar- acter, within the oorporate limits of the City of Grand I sland, Nebraska, for the fiscal year commencing on the second Monday of August, 1931, and ending on the second Monday of August, 1932, on eaoh dollar of the actual valuation of said property, taxes as follows; and for the following purposes: The sum of Twelve (12) mills, for all general and all other munioipal expenses. The sum of Three Dollars ($3.00) on eaoh and every male resident of the city of Grand Island, Nebraska, be"':"'c. tween the ages of Twenty-one (21) and fifty (50) years, exoept such as are by law exempt therefrom, as a poll tax. '7 I . Section 2. The City Clerk of the city of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby instructed and direoted to certify to the County Clerk of Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes, the same to be oollected in the manner provided by law. Section 3. This ordinanoe shall be in force and take effeot from and after its passage, approval anrub- l1cation, as provided by law. Passed and approved this 5th day of August, 1931. ATTEST: (SEAL) H.E.CLIFFORD CITY CLERK O.A.ABBOTT.JR. MAYOR +8. /) '\ ORDINANCE NO .1416 . . I BEING THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION BILL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND" NEBRASKA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING ON THE SECOND MuNDAY 'IN AUGUST, 1931. BElT ORDAINED BY T.HE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That the sum of $12,000.00 is hereby 'ap- propriated for t he purpose of paying the interest on the bonded indebtedness of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and to create a sinking fund to pay the principal thereof, when the same becomes due. I Section 2. That the sum of $15,000.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of tne City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the salaries of the city o~ficers, inclUding Mayor, 8 councilmen, Treasurer, Clerk, Assistant Clerk, Attorney, Physician, Janitor, Weigher rod Building Inspector, for the ensuing fiscal year. Section 3. That the sum of $20,000.00 or so mUCh thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of tne City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying tne expenses of building, repairing, grading, flushing and cleaning the streets and alleys, opening streets, the purcnase of property, and for the con- struction of streets, gutters, side-walks and cross~walks, and making other street and alley improvements, and for the purchase of tools, implements and machinery, the salary of the Street Commissioner, and all other expenses inci- dental to streets and ~leys. Section 4. That the sum of $6,500.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary, is herebb appropriated out of tne General Fund of the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, for tne purpose of paying hydrant rental for the ensuing year. I . Section 5. That the sum of $18,000.00, or so much thereof as maybe necessary, is bereb, appropriated out of tne General Fund of tne City of Grand. Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of pa.ying the expense of lighting the streets, alleys, public grounds and buildings of said city, including ereotions and repairs. Section 6. Tha.t the sum of $14,000.00, or so much thereof as ma.y be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the Genera.l Fund of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, fmr the plrpose of paying the incidental expenses of the city for the ensuing fisoal yea.r, not otnerwiseprovided for herein, inoluding airport milk testing, elections, buildings and equipment. Section 7. That the sum of $20,000.00, or so much thereof as may be neoessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying for disposal plant, and What is necessary to complete out fall sewer in accordance with the decree of the District Oourt of tIell County, Nebra.ska. Section 8. That the sum of $69,117.09, or so much 6pe;ffi~fG:He'H '~n~e8~s~iiY ei tJ ~!r~baeitfE.aa~ri~~~s~}it for the purpose of p~ying for the sewer and drainage ex- tension, the same be1ng the amount previously appropriated for the fiscal years ending the second Monday of August i,n tthe years of 1927, 1928 1929" 1930 d 19 ' no expended. ". an 31 and 185 . I Seotion 9. That the sum of $50,600.00, or so muoh thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska for the purpose of oompleting drainage from disposal and outf all sewer. Section 10. That the sum of $20,000.00, or so much as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying for t he extension of sewers and drains, other than are elsewhere herein provided for, and for all repairs, expenses of operation, and for flushing sewers, or rebuilding disposal plant. No appropriation is necessary to pay the County Treasurer for collection of t axes out of t ne General Fund, estimated at '5,000.00, or to pay for permanent oare of Cemetery lots out of the General Fund estimated at $1,800.00. Section 11. That the sum of $8,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of theCi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the salary of Engineer and Assistant Engineer and the expenses and operation of the . office. I Section 12. That the sum of $8,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the Park Fund of the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of maintaining, extending, improving and beautifying the p.arks and play grounds of the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, and for the purchase of such real e state as may, by the Mayor and City Oouncil, be deemed necessary or advantageous. Section 13. That the swm of $25,000JOO or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the Polio~ Fund of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying salaries of the Policy Department and the Police Judge, and all expenses of the department, i,nclud- ing eare and expense of the Emergency Hospital, Board of Heal th and Secretary of t ne Board, for t ne ensuing year. Section 14. That the sum of $9,000.O~or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the Cemetery Fund of the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, for tne purpose of maintaining the cemetery of the city of Grand Island, Nebraska, beautifying the same, paying salaries and incid.ental expenses connected therewith; and for repairs, improvements and extensions, and purchase of more land. I . Section 15. That the sum of $39,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the Fire Fund of the City of Grand I sland, Nebraska, to pay salaries of firemen, for the purohase of new hose and other equipment, and all expenses of repairs and operation of the department. Section 16. That the sum of $7,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the Paving Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the expense of paving street and alley intersections, and spaces opposite pub1ic;i buildings and grounds, and for repairs, extensions, and o'ther ex- penses of paving department. 186 . I Seotion 17. That the sum of$4,SOO.00, or somuoh thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the Music Fund of the Oity of Gran<iti. Island, Nebraska, for the purpOse of paying for the expenses of vocal, instru- mental and amusement organizations, for free publio conoerts festivals, parades and entertainments. Seotion 18. That the sum of $10,000.00, or so muoh thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of Library Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the expenses of the Publio Library, inoluding salaries, repairs, purohase of books and period- ioals, and other incidental expenses for the ensuing fisoal yea.r. I Seotion 19. That the sum of $4,600.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby re-appropriated out of the Library Building Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraskal. for the purpose of building an addition to the Pub1io L1brary Building, the same being the amount prev- iously appropriated for the fisoal year ending the seoond Monday of August in the year of lB28, and not expended. Seo"tion 20. That the revenues received from the op- eration of the Ice Department of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, are hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying the expenses of tne operation of the Ioe Department, in- oluding salaries, interest on bonds, and the prinoipal thereof, and all other incidental expenses oonnected with the operation and maintenanoe of said department. Section 21. That the revenue~ reoeived from the operation of the Water and Light Departments of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, are espeoially appropriated by the laws of the State o:f Nebraska, for the use and benefit of said departments, and hence, no appropriation thereof is herein made. Seotion 22. This ordinanoe shall be in foroe and take effeot from and after its passage, approval and pub- lication, as provided by l~w. Passed and approved this 5th day Of August, 1931. AT-TEST: (SEAL) H.E.CLIFFORD Ci ty 01erk. O.A.ABBOTT,JR. Mayor. I . .' ~ 187 /', / ) \,./ '\ ORDINANCE NO. 1417 . . I An 01'Cilnn.Tlce cre3tin Sewer District No. L)~? in the Oi ty of Gl'P.Jld Isls1'ld, NebI' B, defining the bJundaries thereof, :ro- viding for the construction thereof, and providing for the pay- ment of tne cost of const1'uction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY 'THE IiU\YOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebr.?sko: Section 1. in the city of Gr as Sewer District rrh8t the~re is hereby cree,teci a sewer' d:i.Sl;I'ict Island, NebI' a, to be known and designated No. 158 of the Oi ty of Grc:we) Itj1n,nd, Nebr:JE~ka. Section 2. That G8.id sewer di8u~ic~ shalJ. COYlsist of 1:;fle ley 0et'~-'een Pinc~; 3..11c1 VVllit.ciel~ St~ceet8, 8J(terl(:ti fI)\.)E1 Hel'~)ert Str et to C,C'j,I'bon Stn:;et, in [3 City 3n all include all lot[j, t.rnets "no paTce1s of L?nd dlrectly ncs:'it trwI'eto, boun~e 3.8 eiores witllin 82.id d_is-L ct. ~.).. P, (, t 1,',. ',J 1'" ',: S' c' 1" rl R ,c.; w'" l' (.; l' c.t I''; nt' l' S 1"" Y' e'O""iT 0 r ('! C I' An "" '- "... ~ .,.l ~>J. ~ \.L "-. '-.J ..' \. "'. ~_" ",,) ..J... V _ t"..... '.J . ...._ v' ......" \......- D.8 pI'cJ'\T5de(~ by la"r, ln ?CCO:rc]"llce wi. th tile: 1)1;:\l18 2nd specifications ~overning sewer distI'icts, as heretofoI'e esttJ,"bli s11ecl. l)"y t_l8 ci. tV'. 1 (,~l Ci. , I Section 4. That the enti e cost ot constI'uct R d 8e'~er 811811 be assessed Dst tne sou ~i nToperty in 8~iC. dis"CI'ict, [' t~l:X 2h;'11 be levi.se' run; 11e tUrv' lJTOpeI'tv j.n s (~~.istri:~t to -92.Y 10): t COS'~ 01 constr 'ct:}_n~ 82,1 district, ~s soon D8'~ cost C?TI ~e a.8cert3,in.e , G [l.X 0 "",c;COtr:e '() e el~L 'l j.,(lteI' Et (?~R Ioll()Frf;: 011e- fifth of the total 2mount shall become delinquent in fifty dRYS from the dote of the levy; one-fifth in one yeaT; one-fifth in two YCc3TS, one-fifth in three ye~JTS one-fLf'ch in fOUT yeaI'[:l. Ea.cl1 of said ini3tall;iients, except the fi1'C',t f:' 1 drc1"[ inteI'eF"t ~.,'I; 11e I'Dte of seve:n r cent pel' aTlTlIYn f:rorn t te of the lev until they become delinque t, nnd a_tel' the 8ame become delinquent interest ?t the I'ste of one pel' Gent lY::I' month 8h8.11 be }),!)Lc1 'cl1e:ceon, until ttle en/:.ie L; collected p c; Buell sllecic\l tFLxen sb.tJ,ll be col1ectecl ;:.:~ll.d_ e11fo~ccecl 1:?"S irl C8J.~,~=:S f t-' e1' OYO ""1"'1 t'l' "(' "1- {:.t~""l t~',>:'ep." 1 be a lien O. 0 11'; "--'J.1t.:v" (],- '(_..,.Kt-:-~':-j, (.J,'cI .....-- ...._...~ ~. on s,dd re:11 es':"te t'I'OlH ?nd c'.fte:r lie ('ate of tile lev'y. Section 5. This OI'dinnTIce shall be in force nnc ~ake effect :fl~orn ?\..~1 eI' i.~c[~ 'ncl E (18 pI'ovided by le)1:. ~c .:) V' a~ 1 tlfl () liCc1,tion, Pa,s s e C:~ member s OL -c he 0 ty Neb:epsk:" tills ~)ttc 8 ~rovea oy a three-fourths Council 0 the City of Gr r;"IT of 'l'fove er, H)3C. \.<..0.''; _.\J . vote of 2,11 I sl I . ATT~: 8T : (SEAL) O.A.ABBOTT JR 1~1 ;:->jT 0 H.~.CLIFIORD_ _ _ _ City CleI'1\:. . I I I . -- 188 ORDINANCE NO. 1418 An ordinance amending ordinance No. 1409 of the C1 ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, by providing that the oc- cupation taxes and penaJ. t1es provided for by said ordinance may be collected by civil suit and process. Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Counoil of the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That ordinanoe No. 1409 of the Oity of Grand I sland, Nebraska be amend.ed by adding the following section: O.A.ABBOTT,JR. M~yor ATTEST: (SEAL) H.E.CLIFFORD City Clerk. J ORDINANCE NO. 1419 189 An ordinanoe levying speoial taxes to pay for the oonstruotion and repair of sidewalk along tne respeotive lots, tracts and paroels of land in tue City of Grand Island, Nebr., nereinafter set forth, and providing for the collection thereof. Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: / SeotionJ.. That there is hereby levied and assessed a. speoial tax against tue several lots, traots and paroels of land in Grand Island, Nebraska, hereinafter set fortn, for tne purpose of paying the cost of oonstruotion of sidewalk along the same in aooordance with tnebenefits found and assessed against said several lots, tracts and parcels of land respectively, by the Mayor and City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after notice thereof given as provided by law; each of said several lots, tracts and parcels of land are assessed as follows: . I Owner Lot I V. E. Hammond pt Fr . 8 ~ s N-46.4 it of Est. L.0. Brown 1 LoUis Wagner 1 J. W. Miller 4 Leo &L.M. Hyde 1 Anna Kelley 8 Cnas. BO,selman, Tr. 1 Matthew$ Rauert 4 Mrs. F. McDermott 1 Thomas Maloney 8 E. G. Kroger 1 N. N. Nicholson, Fr. 1 Anna E. Jackson 4 John Murphy Fr. 8 Ida M. Benton et al 5 Ludwig Helzer Fr. 8 LudWig Helzer Fr. 9 Ludwig Helzer, Fr .10 Chas. F. Larsen 1 A.F. Timm 10 Maurice Williams 5 Richard Neumberger 5 Diedrich Niedfeldt 10 Est. of Wm. Smith 10 Albert Hyde 4 Wm. McIntire 5 Elzada Berry 1 Tecumseh Bldg.,& LN. 5 Estella Hartsough 5 K.G. Truckenmiller 1 B. J. Cunningham 5 Ellen Burrer 10 Amanda Noble Fr. 1 Ada ,. Garmi er 1 G. I. College et al I Mary A. Roach 10 Peter Sorensen 1 J. E. Dill 10 Chas. D. Hanchett Fr. 6 M. M. McPatry 6 C. H. Seim 10 Ida M. Bent'n et al 10 B. F. Davis 5 Jennie P. Dodd 10 C. B. Glines 5 I . Block _.91 Fr.B 91 28 4 7 8 35 33 10 133 125 141 Fr .140 133 Fr.13? 123 Fr. 3 Fr. 3 Fr. 3 4- 2 5 17 5 14 2 45 46 46 44 45 43 5 Fr. 2 5 15 28 11 31 Fr. 10 32 43 41 28 37 40 Addition Ori ginal Town " " " fI ,n " ff II U. P. R . R . Co. 2nd " " n II If If Gilbert's II " .. It " Bonnie Brae II Rollin'S Arnold & Abbott's Russell Wheeler's " " It II II II II II ff II 11 " II II " If II " " y' Assessment. $ 30.64 V 12.98 9.18 11.38 14.83 15.67 6.08 7.7i k< 13.80 7.88 11.59 6.54 4.54 12.96 11.08 15.22 5.49 35.88 49.56 3.Z6 3.87 2.86 10.40 12.70 7.16 5.03 21.29 15.10 11.42 19.79 20162 14.93 10.97 6.62 11.49 11.03 4.21 5..02 8.78 6.73 8.61 8.46 19.56 6.71 14.43 12.42 190 -2~ . I Q.wner Lot Block Addition Assessment. I Henry Ewoldt 1 42 Russell Wheeler's $ 17.25 Bacob H. Jones 10 42 It 7.04 H. H. Boring 5 15 It 3.23 Bank of Creighton 5 6 n 12.06 Catharine Beier, ExecS 16 " 12.19 Lulu B. Langjahr 10 3 Park Place 90.62 Elizabeth Goodwin 1 3 It 159.05 Herman Ruphoff a 3 tt 35.83 Herman Ruphoff 3 3 n 35.83 Cecelia Goodwin 1 4 It 177.41 Cecelia Goodwin 2 4 It 35.83 Cecelia Goodwin 3 4 II 35.83 Cecelia Goodwin 4 4 It 35.83 Cecelia Goodwin 5 4 " 159.05 Cecelia Goodwin 6 4 II 901;00 Cecelia Goodwin 10 4 " 123.00 Myrtle McCain 6 3 It 105.72 Carrie Williams 5 12 Schimmer's 23.47 P.D. 8: M.T. Clark 1 13 " 5.89 Nelson Lbr. 8: Sup. 10 19 " 14.07 Florence O. Swift 6 18 " 67.51 Florence O. Swift 7 18 It 35.83 Edward A. Jones v_ ~- - --,,1.6f16 - ~ 1(. 7/!1t lIlt /lfJ/j 35.83 Edward A. Jones ~6- 58.58 Chris Knoepfel 3 16 It 43.12 Chris Knoepfel 4 16 It 43.12 Chris Knoepfel 5 16 It 184.70 Chris K oepfal 6 16 It 122.68 A. C~ Miyer 6 17 It 67.52 A. C. Mayer 7 17 II 40.67 Marie Voignt 6 3 If 18.94 Milton Hiddleson 10 4 It 22.13 Riohard Bielfe1dt 10 3 II 20.95 James A. Duffy--Bishop 6 1 " 13.25 Mary L. R. Brown 8 17 tl 43.64 A. C. Mayer 9 17 It 43.64 Chas. R. Healy 10 17 II 55.64 Geo. Benn, Jr. 5) 11 " 105.56 Rudolf Siebert 5 10 II 105.56 Geo. Wohlenberg 6 10 II 105.39 James A. Duffy--Bishop 5 1 II 7.21 Oli ve E. Manasmi th 1 4 II 12.09 v' Jennie P. Dodd 6 60 Wheeler and Benn~tt's 16.24 Mabel Westover 1 59 II 104.55 Equitable Bldg. & Ln.l 62 Wheeler & Bennett's~.".2nd 4.87 v Albercha Millisen 5 71 II 4.87 Geo. J. Schreefer 5 61 II 2.34 R. L. Bennett 1 61 It 6.06 Loman & Julia, E. Hil1-lo0 70 II 4.20 Stanton Maloney 5 62 It 7.21 Robert S. Wenger 1 70 It 13.76 Will L. Peterson 1 69 " 6.21 Angie R. Brown 1 68 It 12.06 Frank E. Wheeler 1 60 " .3.35 Hugo E. Christensen 5 68 It 12.42 John C. Barr 10 73 Wheeler & Bennett' s..Std. 9.89 v/ Hansine Sorgenfrei 5 74 " 15.10 Mary lona McHaley 6 74 It 8.40 H. & Mabel Ewoldt 10 75 II 13.76 Agnes Murphy 1 85 Wheeler & Bennett's--4t;h 11.91 1/ Herman H. Soeh1 10 86 " 14.76 Fred O. Mayer 6 $5 II 15.10 Mary Tuffs--E";;52~4-5 ft Fr .10 Ff. '7 H. e!. Clark's 12.09 I . ...~ A;'tilk-:~ 191 -3- . Owner Lot Block Addition Assessment. I Est. L.E. Brown 6 6 H. G. Olark ' s 15.~ First Baptist Oh. 1 4 II 4.38 O. R. Healy 1 Fr. 3 Nagy's 15.47 Oommercial St. Bk. 12 15 Oollege Add. to West Lawn 29.49 Oommercial St. BaIt. 2 25 1I 4.36 A. O. Scott 8 15 Evan's 4.35 Alexander SCheibel 6 Fr. 2 'n 11.75 Est. of Aug. BuChfinch 8 3 11 11.75 D a vi d Alexander 10 5 Gilbert~s ~nii 20.62 Paul Barry (1931) 10 2 " 6.71 Floyd and M~ybelle Ross 1 5 II 22.29 Paul T. Welles 1 e " 8.22 I- I Section 2. Taxes so levied shall become payable and delinquent in the manner provided by law. Section 3. The Oity Clerk of the Oity of Grand Island. Nebraska. is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the Oity Treasurer of the City of Grand Island. Nebraska. the amount of said taxes, together with the instructions to collect the same as provided by law. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage. approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved this 19th day of August 1931. ATTEST: (SEAl) H E CLIFFORD - - - :.t. ~Orty Clerk.- - - - - o A ABBOTT JR. - - - *- .- _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mayor. I . 192 (j 1,/ l' \ ORDINANOE NO. 1420 . I An ordinance levying speoial taxes to pay for the appropriation of an easement for sani tary- sevver and public utility purposes across a rectangular tract of land 108 feet wide by 360 feet long, lying immediately North of lots 2'7, 26 and the Easterly 36 feet of lot 1, all in Hawthorne Place in the Oi ty of Grand Island, Hall Ooynty, Nebraska, in part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22, Township 11, North of Range S, 'dest of the 6th P.M. belonging to Peter C. Hansen B]~; IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNOIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land herein-'- after specified for the purpose of paying for the appropria- tion of an easement for sanitary sewer and public utility I purposes in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcelS of land by the City Council of Gr&'1.CI. Isla.nd, Nebraska, sitting as v._ Board of Equalization, after due notice, as provided by law; each of said t~cacts and parcels of land is assessed as follows, towit: 1. A rect angular tract de sori bed in deed from Pet er C. Hansen to Kmma Mill er recol~ded in Book 62 at page L121 of t11e deed records of Hall County, Nebraska, being a tract 49 feet East and V~ est by 108 I . feet North and South, lying North of the West 49 feet of lot 1, Block~5 of Hawthorne Place in Grand Island in said Hall COll..l1.ty, belonging to Emma Miller. $ 11.05 3. A rectangular tract described in deed from Peter C. Hansen to Emma Luce, recorded in Book 66 at page 562 of the deed records of Hall County, Nebraska, being a tract 40 feet East and West by 108 feet North and South lyin7 East of the Er!1.!11'a Miller tract, last above described, belonr:;ing to Ernma 1uoe. $ 11.05 193 -2- 3. The West 43 feet of the rectan&llar tract . I of land, 108 feet wide by :-'60 feet long, lying North of Lots 27, 26 and the easterly 36 feet of lot 1, all in said Ha,wthorne place, belonging to Peter C. Hansen. $22.10 4. The rectangular traot of land 125 feet East and west by 108 feet North and South lying North of Lot 26 in sai d Hawthorne place, belong- ing to Peter C. Hm1sen. . . . $44. 20 Section 2. The tax so levied shall become payable and draw interest as provided by law, ni:l.J'11ely in thirty (30) days after this levy. Such speci al taxes shall bear I inte-rest at one (1) per cent per month from the time due until paid, provided hovvever, that the entire &fl01mt so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots or tracts of land may be paid at any time wi thint thirty (30) days from the date of slwh levy without interest and such lot or tl'act of land, in that event , shall be exempt from any lien or charge for such interest. Section 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby directed to f orthwi t h certify thi s ordin';;' ance to the City Treasuxer of the City of Grund Isl,],nd, Neb- raska, who shall proceed to collect said t axes as required by law. At the time of the next certification to the Oounty Clerk for general revenue purposes, such special assessments I . and levy so far as not then paid, shall be certified to the County Clerk and put on the tax lists and collected as other real estate taxes are collected. Tnis ordinance shall be in force and take effect f:rom and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Passed and approved this 7th day of October, 1931. 'J ~ ATTEST: (SEAL) H.E.CLIFFORD CI TY CLERK. O. A. ABBOTT jJr.' MAYOR 194 (\ \ ORDINANCE NO. 1421 l~n oI~cli IlanCe J~e'v;/in~j Cl)G oi 0..1 t [-j"Y~e u to pay ~. II for th.e construction of the sewer in Sewer District rJo. 159 of the Ci ty of Gl~ctnd ISlarld", I-Jebr[iBlra, and. providing for the oollection thereof. BE IT ORDAINIW BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of G,"\l1c1 1:310.::'1d, Nebraska: Secti on 1. T hat there i 8 herec)y J. evi cd and aSfJ8sc:ed a special tax againf:Jt the several lots, t 1'a,c:t~:; clnd parcel:3 of land hel'c5_nafter Bet forth, for the IJUr~ pose of lJaying the asse:,sable cost of constJ:uction of t11e 8e1jVe~C irl SeVifer Dlst.I"tct I-Jo. 159 of tll::: Cit:{ o:f G'rDJ1d Island, Nebl'uska, in acoorda,nce with the 'benefitG found E1..nd c18~:;et3Sed. a,,;J;ail1st tJ1G se'\le.I'c.ll lC1tc" t~-cacts ancl parcelB t r of land in said difrt:,cict, 'by the lu:ayol' and C1 ty Council I of sc:Lid Oity, sitting as a BOa1'i.1 of Equalization, after noiLce given thereof as provided by IaN; eaoh of tbe 8e'v>(;:rctJ~ If)tu, tI~a..ctD tJ.Jld p8,,~rcels ()f l:and is aSEescecl [lS follows: Orme].' Lot Addition ASSeSGiTIent H. stopkotte 1 Hawthorne PIa,cf; 1); ;39. 80 II .., ..., II II 39. 81 II 'Z ,.J If II 29. 80 Lea. J. Bartoline 2<1: II II 2D.81 l! 25 " II 29.30 I r II I . l! 26 " " 2D.Sl (Tne west 175 feet of , t"', n P"('")l~ '7)('0' o-f' "j '''F'0....o.,n0'1.1] ',--'1' . 11',. -,' U,..:) , \.- 01.. JJ. Q, ,L _' U C \.. .. ,.., tract of land, 44~-)' xl081 in 't he NW-?~ ()- f N\}'t- 0 f' Sr> C 28-11-g l,c",i n'Y ""t" . ,v ~ .,l.. v. . Y' - - I, r_,..... .,"" D immediately Nor' of Lots 1, 26 and 27 in. Hav{tho:J:'l1e Flaoe Addi tion. ) 103.64 J?et el~ o. Ha.'f113en EnUUL:t 1~1i 11 f) 1-' ( The west 49' of a rectangular tract of land, 4:49'xl08' in the NWi of Nwk of Sec. 22-11-9, being immecUate1y north of Lot 1 Hawthorne Ple,oe Addition. ~ 31.54 195 -2- OY7r.i.er Lot Addition 1~88eS8nlent . I Emuna :Euce ( The eaFlt 4,0' of t,he we.3t 89' of (J, rec-cangula.r tract of lac"1.~I, 0',],9 I x108' in the NvY.~ of NW'~ of Sec. 22-11-9; being immediately north of IJot ]., Hawtho:rne Place Addition. ) 4;: 25.75 Tot~l AO"000rb'a 000+ 07~a 7~ . J~_~ 0000~d. ~~ . 0~...W0~tJ. 0 Section 2. The taxes 80 levied, Bhal1 bc;c(,)y'(j,e paya,ble Emd delinquent in the manner provided by law. '"' t. ~ i.:leC ,lon ,). The Oi ty aIel'1\. of the 01 ty of Grand Is1artd, Nebrasl\.a, is .hereby directed to certify to the City Trecujurel' of thf; Cjty of Grand I B1an(1, N ob- l~a..slca; the arnoul1t of 8[ticl tCtxes, tC) the.1: Y\fit11 l11G:t;:ru.c,-" tions to collect -th(:~ SDllJe) cl.G p:eo'vi c1 b~r la:w-. I Section 4. This ,ordinance sb.a,ll be in force Etncl tal{:G effc~ct froE1 cll1d c1fteI~ its ~pD..f18tl(~e, apl)I'c)',/al and "',ublicr.~)tiol!,) cu] )l'ovi d by 1aw. Passed and approved thiB 7th dE~Y. of Octobc:r:, 1931. l\.TTI~ST : _ _ ,-O~ A- ABE..01.T r J.R.- - - _ },lJ~Y'OR . . H.m. CLIFFORD - CITY-CLERK:- - - - I . 196 '-) ( J . " II '1 \ ORDINANCE NO. 142.:::! . I An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the construction of tne sewer in Sewer District No. 162 of tne City of Grand I sland, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That there is hereby levied and I assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the pur- pose of paying the assessable cost of construction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 168 of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordance with tne benefits found and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district, by the Mayor and Oity Oouncil of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after notice given thereof as provided by law; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: . I I I . Owner Hans J. Ruge Peter H. Jannsen James B. Messerau1 II " Paul J. Hartsough Peter N. Mewes John J. Stiffler Mary J. Ryan II II Sam Greenberger. -2- Lot 7 8 5 6 7 8 27 28 29 50 11 If J.J.&Frances P.Randall 51 If 52 53 " If If Edwin ~cherzberg I . 54 " If 01arence A. Harrop 55 56 . Edna M.. Hg.rrop S-!57 Paul W. Ronnfeldt N-!57 It " Conrad Shreefer If II Fred Deike II II John Schmidt If " Richard Stepputis II fI John Schmidt " II Elmer Williams H. J. Becker Anna Joehnck Fred SChleichardt " 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 .71 72 Blk Addition 3 South Grand Island 3 8 8 8 8 ... II II II II " Hawthorne Place If " II II II If. II " If If II " II " " II IIff " " If " " " ff II " 197 Assessment $ 41.08 41.09 41.08 41.08 41.08 41.09 24.90 24.90 24 .90 24.90 24.90 24.90 33 . 61 33.61 26.76 26.76 13.38 13.38, 26.76 26.77 26.76 26.76 26.76 19.92 24.90 24.90 24.90 24.90 24.90 24.90 24.90 24.90 24.90 198 I -3- . Owner Lot. Blk Addition Assessment Fred Schleichardt 73 Hawtnorne Place $ 24.90 George B ai 1 ey Jr. 74 - " 24.90 II II 75 II 24.90 Myrtle Ellsberry & Husb.96 II 24.90 " II If 97 II 24.90 'llheo. J .& Myrtle A. .Ellsberry 98 - II 24.90 II " " 99 II 24.90 II tI "100 " 24.90 II II 101 II 24.90 " If 102 " 24.90 William R. WaJ. ters 103 " 24.90 J. A. Pi ckus 104 II 24.90 II " 105 " 24.90 If " 106 " 24.90 " " 107 " 24.90 Paul C. & Hazel F. Huston 108 - " 19.92 . I Peter C. Hansen (The east 125' of a rectangular parcel of land 4491xl08' in size, in the NWt of the NW! of Sec. 22-11-9; lying immediately North of Lot 27, Hawthorne Place Addition to the City of Grand I sl and,- Nebraska. 67.23 Section 2. Tne taxes so levied shall become I . payable and delinquent in t he manner provided by law. Section 3. The City Clerk of tne City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby directed to certify to the City Treasurer of the City of Grand Island, Neb- raska; the amount of said taxes, together wi th instruc- tions to collect the same, as provided by law. Seotion 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publicatiop, as provided by law. Passed and approved this 7th day of October, 1931. AT TES:r.: H. E. CLIlPlI"ORD' OI'1'Y OLl!;RK O. A. ABBOTT JR. '~A ' lVl,YOR 199 f . lJ I if }.. ORDINANOE NO. 1423 1~. ,f< Ll' I. I An ordinance fixing the maximum rates, based on heat units, at which manufactured gas shall be sold wi thin the corporate limits of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, by any person, firm or corporation, operating a system of manufactured gas works and distributing through the streets and public places and selling manufactured gas in said Oity, prohibiting sales of such gas in excess of the rates established and providing pen- alties for violations. Section 1. Every person, firm or corporation, operating a system of manufactured gas works and distributing through the etTeets and public places and selling manufactured gas within the Corporate limits of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, shall sell such gas to customers and users thereof in said City at not to exceed the following schedule of rates, towit: I J:i'or the first 1,500 cubic feet, $1 . 45 uer thousand cubic feet, !l""or the next 3,500 cubic feet, $1 . 30 per thousand c1,lbic feet, !l""or the next 5,000 cubic feet $1.20 per thousand cubic feet, For the next 40,000 cubic feet $1 .15 per thousand cubic feet, For the next 25,000 cubic feet $1.00 pel' thousand cubic feet, Over 75,000 cubic feet, $ .80 per thousand cubic feet, Minimum charge per month .75 per meter provided however, a discount on the above rates, except the minimum rate, shall be allowed of ten cent s -oer th au sand cubic feet used by each customer, if the customers's bill is naid by I . the tenth of the month following the month of consumption for which the customer is charged, and provided further, that if any customer's consumption of such gas at the foregoing rates would amount to less than Seventy-five cents ($.75), a minimum charge of seventy-five cents ($.75) may be made and collected from each customer for each meter supplied by the vendor. Section 2. The foregoing rates shall be understood to apply to and be based unon manufactured gas of the British Thermal 200 Page 2. Unit heating value of not less than five hundred and fifty (550) British Thermal Units ner cubic foot of gas; and in the event at . I any time the heating value of said gas shall fall below or be less than said minimum of five hundred and fifty (550) British Thermal Units ner cubi.c foot of such gas, then and in that event the aforesaid rates shall be automaticall~ proportionately and correspondlingly lowered and reduced during any period or periods of time in which such gas of lower British Thermal Unit value shall be furnished. Section 3. The foregoing rates shall be in force and ,; tJ, take effect on and after December 1, 1931. Section 4. It shall be unlawful for any such person, firm, or corporation, operating a system of manufactured gas works and distributing through the streets and public places and selling manufactured gas in said City, or for any agent or employee of any such 'person, firm or cor'ooration, to sellar attempt to sell or to collect for or attempt to collect for or to charge for, I any such gas supplied or furnished to any customer, user or pur- chaser thereof in said City at any rate or nrice in excess of the guilty of a misdemea.nor and shall be fined tn any sum not exceed- ing $100.00 and costs for each offense and shall stand committed to jail until such fj.ne and costs are na.td or such fine and costs may be collected by, and in the n811.'1e of, the City of Grand Island, Hebraska, by civil action. Section 5. This ordinance shall be in f,)rce and take effect from and after its passage, approval and pbb1ication as provided by law. I . Passed and approved this 16th day of November, 1931. Attest: H. E. a:..IFFORD C1 ty Olerk O. A. ABBOTT , JR. Mayor 201 . I ORDINANCE NO. 1424 . An ordinance amending Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1423, by providing that the rates for manufactured gas fixed by said ordinance shall take effect Janu- ary 1, 1932 and repealing said Section 3. Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section I. That Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1423 of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, be amended to read as follows: IISection 3. The foregoing rates shall be in force and take effect on and after January 1, 1931. II I Section 2. That the original Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1423 be and it is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage? approval and uub11cation as provided by law. Passed and approved this 2nd day of December, 1931. Attest: (SEAL) Q).A.ABBOTT,JR. _ H.E.CLIFFORD_ _ __ 01 ty Clerk. Mayor. I . 202 ORDINANCE NO. 1425 e . '. I An ordinance creating Sewer District No. 163 in the City of Grand I sland, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the construction thereof and providing for the pa~nent of the cost of construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: Section 1. That there is hereby created a sewer district in the Ci;y of Grand Island, Nebraska to be known and designated as Sewer District No. 163'of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 2. That said sewer district shall consist of the alley between First and Division streets, extend- ing from Plumb Street to the right of way of the Ohi- cago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company in said Oity and shall include all lots~ tracts and p'arcels of lana directly adjacent to said alley, boundeu as aforesaid and wiJGhin said district. I Section 3. Said sewer district is hereby orrered laid, as provided by law, and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing sewer districts, as heretofore established by the City. Section 4. That the entire cost of constructing said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district to pay for the cost of constructing said district, as soon as the cost can be ascertained. Said tax shall become payable and de- linquent and draw interest as follows: one fifth of tm total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days from the date of leYYi o~ f~fth in one yeari on~.fifth J.n two years; one fJ.fuh 1n three years; and. une !J.fth in four years. Each of said installments except the first shall draw interest at the rate of seven pe~ cent per annum from the date of the levy until they become delinquent and after the S~1e become delinquent interest at the rate of one per cent per month shall be paid thereon, until the S~1e is collected and paid; such special taxes shall be collected and enforced as in case of other special taxes and said special taxes shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy. Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed ro1d approved by a three fourths vote of all members of the Oity Oouncil of the Oity of Grand Islro1d, Nebraska, this ~f).Ji day of JD:e'erem;'We:r, 1931. I . A tte st: (SEAL) _ _ ...:. H.:Fl.. CLl.FFOBJ) _ _ __ City Olerk. O.A.ABBOTT ,JR. Mayor. 203 ORDINANCE NO 1426 t' ~/\ (I . \. I ' v I An ordinance amending Section 42 of Article Iv of Ordinance No. 1143, as amended by Ordinances 1267, 1355 and 1385 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, estab- lishing and defining the Fire Limits of said City and repealing said original Section 42 as amended. Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That Section 42 of Article Iv of Ordin- ance No. 1143, as amended by Ordinances 1267, 1355 and 1385 of the City of Grand ISland, Nebraska, be and it is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 42. That all ?f that part of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, lyin~witb:bn the follow! ng named boundaries is hereby designated as Fire Limits, to-wit: Commencing at the intersection of the east line ex- tended, of Block One, Nagy's Addition, With the center lineof Seventh street, thence west along the center line of Seventh street to its intersection with the center line of Vine street, thence south along the center line of Vine street to its intersection with the center line of the alley extended east between Fifth and Fourth street, thence in a straight line west on the center line of said alley between Fifth and Fourth streets, to its intersection with the center line of Cleburn street, thence south along the center line of Cleburn Street to its intersection with the center line of the alley between north Front street and Fourth street, thence west along the center line of said alley to its intersection with the center line of Washington street, thence south along the center line of Washington street to its intersection with the north line extended of Block Thirteen, Arnold and Abbott's Addition, thence east along the north line extended of said Block Thirteen to its intersection with the center line of Eddy Street, thence south along the center line of Eddy street to its intersection with the center line of Third street, thence east along the center line of Third street to its intersection with the center line of Elm street, thence south along the center line of Elm street to its inter- section with the center line of First street, thence east along the center line of First street to i~S intersection with the center line of Walnut street,. thence south along the center line of Walnut street ~o its intersection with the center line of Cl1arles street, thence east along the - center line of Oharles street to its intersection with the center line of Locust street, thence north along the center line of Locust street to its intersection with the center line of Oourt street, thence east along the center line of Court atreet to its intersection with the center line of Pine street, thence north along the center line of Pine street to its intersection with the center line of First street,,~hence east along the center line of First street to it~intersection with the center line of Sycamore street~ thence north along the center line of Sycamore street to its intersection With the center line of Second street, thence east along the center line of Second street to its intersection with the center line of Plum street, thence north along the center line of Plum street to its intersection with the center line of South Front street, thence east along the center line of South Front street to its intersection with the east line extended of Block 49, original town, thence north along the east line of said Block 49 extended to its intersection with the center line . I I . 204 . I of Seventh street, the place of beginning. Section 2. That said original Section 42 of Art- icle IV of Ordinance No. 1143, as amended by Ordinances 1267, 1355 and 1385 and all ordinances or parts of or- dinances in conflict herewith, be and the same are here- by repealed. Section 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take eff ect from and after its passage, approval and publica- tion as provided by law. Passed and approved this 16th day of December, 1931. a.J.Cords, Pres. ATTEST: (SEAL) O. .A .ABBOTT;JR M'ayor H.E. CLIFFORD Oity Clerk. I I .