1933 Ordinances . I I I . (SEAL) ORDINANOE NO. 1449 An ordinance vacating the alley in Block 24, Nagy's Addition to the City of Grand ISland, Nebraska, and reser"IT- ing an easement for nublic utilities therein. R~ IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR fu~D CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That the alley in Block 24 in Nagy's Add- ition to the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, be and the same is hereby vacated, the city reserving an easement for public utilities in said vacated alley. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and pUblication as by law provided. Passed and approved this first day of February, 1933. ATTEST: CaT'l Knickrehm Margaret Paulsen ~r"A..yf)R .Pr e s . DEPUTY CITY CLERK. . I I I . (SEAL) ORDINANOE NO. 1450 An ordinance ~nending Ordinance No. 1143, The Of- ficial Building Oode, of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, a.s amended by Ordinances No. 1174 and 1333 as follows: fi:rst, by repealing Section 29 and Section 30 of Article II thereof, to abolish permi t fees of general contractors, contractors and sub-contractors, second, by amending sub-heads (a) and (b) of Section 14, Article II of said Ordinance No. 1143 as amended by Ordinances 1174 and 1333, providing for permit13 for all alterations or repairs of buildings and fees therefor and repealing said original sub-heads (a) and (b). BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND OITY OOUNCIL OF THE OITY OF GRM~D ISL~~D, NEBRASKA: Section 1. That Section 28 and Section 30 of Art- iele II of Ordinance No. 1143 as amended by Ordinances No.1174 and 1333 are hereby repealed. Section 2. That sub-heads (a) and (b) of Section 14, Article II, of Ordinance No. 1143, as amended by Ordinances No. 1173 and 1333 be &nended to read as follows: II (a) For all buildings or structures , alterations or .repairs to buildings costing One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or more, outside of the fire limits, a permit is required. A per- mit for all work regardless of cost within the fire limits is required. (b) A fee shall be paid by all persons for the issu- ance of any permit required by sub-head (e.) above as follows: For each permit One Dollar ($1.00), plus ten cents ($.10) per One Hundred Dollars (~~100 .00) of estimated cost of construc- t ion, up to and including Seventy-five Thousand Dolla.rs Ur75, OOO.Oo~), plus seventy-five cents ($.75) per One Thousand Dol- lars U;:l,OOO.OO) of estimated cost for allover Seventy-five Thousand Dollars ($75,OOO.OO~).Provided, however, when any such construction, alteration or repa.ir of buildings shall have been started, before a permit therefor has been issued, a permit fee of double the mnount hereinbefore provided, shall be charged. II Secti on 3. That said original sub-heads (a) and (b) of Section 14, Article II of Ordinance No. 1143 as al11ended by Ordinances 1174 and 1333 a,re hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided. by law. Passed and approved February 1, 1933. ATTEST: CAR.L KNICYREHM MARGAR!CT PAULSEN ......if,...t.....11.t?T.. :"'...... ~res. __Denn tv ("lib, n1 p,..lr '.' . . .. ..' . if ! . I ORDINANCE NO. 1451 An ordinance creating the office of deputy treasurer of the Ci ty of CiTand ISland, Nebra.ska, defining the duties of the deputy and provid.ing for the term of office, bond and solary of ~uch deputy. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE :MAYOR AND Cr'ry COUNCIL OF THE CITY o Ii' ':RAND ISLAND, :tiEBRASKA: Section 1. That it is deemed necessary for the9:;ood e;overnment (3,nd interest of the Ci t:l of Grand Isl,:u1d, Nebraska, to create the office of deputy treasurer. Scction 2. The office of deputy treasurer of Grand 1s- land, Nebreska is i:lereby cre,)teo... The deputy treasurer sIlall I perform all tIle duties of the city treasurer' and ilis power shall be co-extensive with those of the treasurer. Section 3. TIJe deputy treasurer sllall be appointed by the l/Iayor wi th tile assent [md confirm::l,tion of the Oi ty Ooun- cil. T he term of tile deputy treasurer shall be such time as may be fixed by the Mayor in his appointment, not extending beyond tile end of the :vla.yor's term of office. The deputy city treasurer shall, before performing the duties of the offi co of trea.surer, teJce oath and furnish bond a.s required by Hesolution of the Council. Tile salary of the deputy treas- urer ~hile actually serving, shall be fixed by the Mayor and Council. I . Section 4. The deputy treasurer may be removed and ilis services discontinued from time to time by the Mayor wi th ti1e consent of the Ci ty Council l7i:lenever the city treas- urer returns or is able to perform "Wle duties of the office. Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and tru(e eff e ct upon i JGS pas sage, a.pproval and publicat ion as pro- vided by law. Passed and aplJroved thi 8 1 st day of MarCh, 1933. ATTEST: Ma.rgaret Paulsen Denutv L1~t tv U1 p.l"k_ M. A. Abbot.h._ Jr. MAYOR C,:;4" 4- ,I $:/; I r-.. r"1 '7 'f / (f' )!''''- I r , ~ . f i. i I 'tfieu 10t'<a pe~i' ..' ..... ....... tYrf~veYears,.to Ibulld, CQnlltrU'cti11la.int~1n,. a~4~..,,! atl:ll'aJ; .anl1. . ()r;manufactll1'ed: " . .... and'aU ' 'appunenailcflsl .. ..~nd,Jn,cidenta.lthel'eto{~d iU).y . a.nd all.nep~ym~ns,J):~li*S,. Sflrvige$; ,anclotl1erli'PPJil!>i1ces~hel'e,.' )ll,itoap}lertainilig,'includinfitl:).e,right tp' 1 exj~tijig. ml\-i~;pi~s,ser- :v1..... '. d. appliapc\:lsin,UPPll,9Yflr; M~Ol:\S. .and' al~g thecstreets,." alleYJli' o/l4g~, ;li\1d': pul:\Uc place./l.()f .tl1e City ofCk$d '. Islan(i, NebrMka., 'for.the .'receipt, distriputi9n', 'a;OdSa:leo~,:~~s, : f.gtJighting,~ll.tblg, -indulltrisl,and a:).l,otperuses'and .in ,~d . CIty, lUld the non-ex l:1~hta:nd ,.pri'Wege,.for~d . ". . .t9PUlld, c.opstiluct, . operate,. and maili~ihan el~tric . plant ;artdelec,trict}'a;nsmis- ,m,<i'.n ,i'\'mi. .d.!lltPmtWmsY-8tllm, ~cl' a.11 'aP'i;mr.tenancesnecessary.'.a.nd incIden- tal tJ1ereoo,:il.nd all nflcesSa;rykalJs-" rilis$ipll,' . and 'l.l.istributlpn. . lines, . poles; willeS; and otherapptianceath:erl)unto . appertaining; inoludingtheright,tO ! usel\JleXIsti11g. plants, . transmission! and d~~t!ibutlon]ines, poles,WireS;,an.di :a;~I>I~ancesin" over. through, acrqss,) ;a:1t4..~9J,1g ..tp.estr~ets,f!ll~s, . bridges, : -apdP\1plic'PllUllts.6f said"city; for the: illanufMtttt~, ~,~,eipt, . .Wansmission, i 'dlstriputil>n, and' sltle. Of electric cur- ! . rent c for' ngliting,'neating,PQWer,.and aJIotherU$s . and ; p1i.l1J9ses in. said city, . andprescribiJ:ig. thetermsanct i .canditionsof $81d!l1'ant, and>provid- i il;1. ft., . f.(J~... ...f.q.i'fe.itu..l'1l9fitll..... ri~h.,tf;a.n.d.. I'. claiJP,sofa perpetUal.franchise 'and termination. of all rights. and'. cIlj,ims . Of.CetitFal,Power . Compa,nyhereto- fqre\c1am'ied by,:ijll'lm. ." . ')';3:!ll ITOl'tDAINEDBY' ':l'aE MAY. OR AN.P' CITYOOpNCIL..OF THE CITYpF . GR:ANDI~LAND, NE~ 'BJ&iASKA. ...c....." .", '.' !e .;~.\. .'SEQTION 'I . \ ''Fhatthe Central'l'oWer. Company I 'Of'Nebr'1l 'a C9rwration, its succes. fS<ltsand: 's;:herebireferre'dto: "a;sc"~ailtee. . . .i~he~by~t- : edtpenon-exclusive right, PJiVilege, l and authority, fora period of tWenty- 'f..i.ve. .\V6a.lr/:l..f.. oo.m.. .,the. '.~ fi..J;lal .a.d.op....ti.ci.n...... ,and ~pJ;a.nce;of.thlS. ordinance, :to, . ~$tl'1}ct,~recanstruct, . ~ntaln, '. ancl !~tate I a naturlil' and()r' manufa.c- ,ttu'.ect"gas E>y-&tenlin.!il1ecityaf Grand ~ISlE#l4, '~thall appurtenancesneces- '~ap;:ap(linciaental.thell~,andall .necessary . and '. J>>:Q1ler .mMIis" pipes; servjce,s,;!4)d ,appliance:"'. thereunto apPertaihing,. <inclu.di' the' right . to . 'use, iri.ainlam, . 4 extend all; exisit~ mlUns, aIlt'!'. Services, i and '~ll '()tlie:r...ex . .8,pplia,nQe8" qf~v~ltii14, '. ..... '. ' uJl()n,' in, .' across, and a; ong. the streets, ~alleYs;' es, . .publlcI*~~'of th : ,~, . !slatjd, ,:Nebrl:\Sk~, " '. , e e~e < .., nsfnill.si\>D.>' ~i~~rip- t1t!on;:ilIndsa;le;" ifi... 'lli!8.;f()rl1glitin~, lleatfdiistiial',> lil:ldaJl other' uses .. . oSe$;n said pity; the ;~odP~;,i~~~~ct~', . '. .' Btrl:f:' a1.le~is:aYen:ues,<;!l<n9,puj)lic .PI~esoi ;'sa.i.9.cltY,'M: they:.n.llWexist~()r ,ltS:tl1ey: 'mltyhereaftel'':<~){illt. "f<>:r.thead'ore.. j 11~~:n'tiOnfl<l PJJ~.s/aridIJlltQlic ,'U@$,I subject, ,however, to . the .reasOInable anci laWful control andrefPJlation Of the(jitYCQuncjl of ~jddctty as tt) the llianner, l!)(;lj.tJQfI,a"!l~pi!lY1es,,totie f?O l,\sed.anli ,occuPled,an,dthattUe said, ...tfle.be!a.ml isherepy grantedtl1e, . .ex.:.c.ty.'.l...~.si.'.'~.:r... ..... .r.a...i.n.g~... t...'.d......UIl'1..p. ti..ll,.v.g.......u...,...:.e:.h..e.~.. ..==.:.....]' '~qcl6f twenty:4ive ;V~a.rs, ,to '.con;' :~t?Jlc.t;, egmp..,main~, .'rayi;il.n ::'~rect\'1c:~.plllil1t.',,'anl!: ~.t~~diran,l!!miSBIOlna!no.df$t I 'ily~~ern1ii~id()ity tottM . q.f:'suPPly~n\!l'th~~~ty ..Md i~... . thElre()f,' a,ndotl:).~r 's'llill4' c&r,"!, ~t~otis,wi . . cttttent, for lightill&'; ,er' . l,1er wr~; .: q, the ef" i~i8r):l :WIt ~~ 'anct:a.l1 8.lldthel / f~'ooi(i '. }'l(lrioa,: tp'use .and:oo . ". .'. ,alleys,: a'\[ell,ue.s,aMpulc .'. .:6fsaidcity' ia~theY '..j\q\\l' exist,. ..ot':as.' . they may l1ere~Wl'exist,. Jor . tl}e,ad'9x"ement- i . ". ". ......~qmdptUbUcuseS,lillb-!1 .Pw.~yer, to thereltllQnal>leanPi 1,.'<\01,ltro1.a.n4.reg#1ation. afthe! ,ityepunr,llof safd.city. . ! I SEC'l'I()N,J;I '" ...... .' . . TJ:i~ "Gra.ntee,t~suc~rllang.as- : !l!!insi shlilllaytheitoo~dllits,t>ipes, ; .'})aJil$,:. il\ind; Shlill' e:r~t'~lieir . trans.. . nissionillnddistrlbtition lines and. all "ther. equiPnllmtaridappe.rattl$, and .so lqcate the sa.me in the streets, . a.l1ey~, > alld pubijc.p.iaqes pf the said' llity, ..,a;s' not' to ' unctuly.or unrea.:;son- aply 'Qbstruct or Interfere . with . any i Waterpipes,..llewers,. fuainS,()l'.other: structures alreadY instll;lIedor here-.i atter .tObflinstalled;andthegr-antee . .1.S.'~~:.f~ir\.J.:.r~...th.'.l1)...i.Y..e. be.u. s..J.... t...i.C..I{. .1. 's.~..::e.'it I' alley, or other plibIic{ '. In, case of 'a.ny disturbance.... . iP,avement, I Isidewalk, . driveway, or oth'er' snrfa;c-; .tW, grantee shltll;.at its own cost aM i ex~nse and. inamap:qer' satisfactoiry j itd the city, and $uQject to the juris- ~ 'diction of said city with respect, there-: to; replace and restore all'. paving" side- I 'Wlilk,'driveway , Or" surface 'of any. street ora.lley so disturpec:ldnasgood COndition as b~fore said work was, commenced, .'. ' . . . . . ; Grantee agrees at. Itll times. t<>pro- ' teet, ihdemnifY,'\ud save .harmless the ,J said ciWfrom and. agaInst all claims: . aildde~ands, and from any and all I -1oss.andelqJeuse orliabHlty.arising i out Qitb,e,11egligepce of the grantee, i 01' a.pyother calls.ewhatsoever, in the, cOnStrl1ctIon, ,installation,' remo:val,( >inaintel\flnce;'or .'. operation . of any' ma:ins!,.,;Wt'Jes,tra'1)$m1ssion or .distrib-; utionlfiles 6ro,tliereqlliPrriept during; the term .hereof. . . . .... SECTIONJ;II GraJ:}tee . ShiH1 lat all times during the term hereof. make. SUch reason-I a hIe extension of its. gas mains and of I itselectr.ic tranilmi,ssio11 and c:li&tribu~ I tionlinesfrom time to time, and in- J stall. such . service connections to tl1e' curb lines in.. *eets and.. topropertyi lines Inll;lleY!'l,as .m.aybe . reasonably required In orderito i'Urni~hseryiqe. to! applic~iJ!l; . .withiIl thl':) c9rpor-: ate liml. .... tl:1e,oifY l}ndall under I' such rea$<luai)lerules,regulations, and 'conditionsias the city authorities may! . from time to time pr:escribe. i Granteeshallsup'ply~he. oity of i Grand .'Il;il~ll,d anc~ the ... inhabitants '1' tl1ereol', ,in, Jlccordal1ce with .the. ~c~ .~;r.pt.... VI. ~d.e.....~.t..~.,.....n.d.....d.....~....jt. h..'-.'.. g.. ~.e~.u..ea..'.t.~~..' .d.a.~. ~r~a~lS.~'1 factonr eiectriccurrent:to prOVide for their' neet'ls.,durilJgthe.term of this [,franchise',. vnavolda'i>leaccidents andl I delays' and other causes ,beyond the'l I;'con~rol of tlw company, excepted; (\.u4. ,itl.j;;he,even't.tl1at S1,lglt.s.erviceIs . not' g1.~en by said grantee, all rigl1ts under' thlsfranchise s'hlill terminate and be . foi-f~ited. . , '. SECTION IV The.CitYQ!f Grand ISland at lil1 tinles, shall have and does hereby re- serve the right, power,. and authority IwithiIlrearonable and lawful limita: /Mons,.to. regulate, control, direc.t, 01' I othel1\ViS\:l,l;>y . ordinance or resolution, i le~latfl. .concernillg the .manner,lo- r catlpn,and places In which the gran- I tfle. shall use the' streets, highwaYl!! :aven:ues,aIleys, andpubHcplacesol I said city. . . I . ..' $ECTION V I I 'rhe rates that shan be charged by ..CeIltr~ .PolWer. Oompal).Y . for gas . and elec,trmcurrent .shall 111 each. case be Ire~aPleapd s,uchasmay from time II to :tune.hereafter.be lawfl!lly fixed by ()t'dmanCe of the city of Granci Xl!!- 1.1.~...d. ..i.~acC. .or..da....nce. w:ith1a... W'.. an..d. t...h. e.. .S!tlqi Clty at.lj,ll ' all have and ff~'rr:es tl:1e rap:dl!-\!tl:1o,r~ rec~,o late. I I . . I I I . ..1~.~I.'()ri.. 01, ,f..... rate..s.an.....d.'.. !le. tVl._. '.' c. e;cn. o.r.... 'any. I a,ct or JliJlureto' lWt .,nthe. g:-overning '. l:)QdY.O'l' ,the offici""l~o:f~~city, Shl\ll .c.~l:1fer'anY ad,ditiO<l:1aI .riaM, whatever. UP911<itheg.raJjtee. . ,..... . '<i d SECTION:X~.' The grantee mllY distrib!lte gas to other persons or corporations ~yond the cOrporate limits of, the:City,by and tbrough g~ mains ahd pipes within tbeboundade& thereof, but no trunk. Hnes carrying pressure in excess of 20 108., . unless it becomes necessary to increase the same to serve the city 'of. Grand Island and its immediate 'Vicinity, not exceeding, however, a distance of five miles beyond the jur- iSdiction of the city limits; shall be. esta)l)lisbedthrough said city fOor such I purpose, and may distribute electric current tq o,ther persons or corpor~ tiollS beyOnd the limits o~ said. city, by and through electric transmiBsion tines constructed and maintained in and. over the. streets, alleys, and public . places of said ctty, but no additional trunk lines except those now in. exis- tence' shall be established through said city for such purpose, subject, bowever, at all times, to priority of righ~to continued satisfactory and adequate supply o,f gas and of electric current to users and customers within the said city. SECTION XII Nothing in' this ordinance contained shall be construet in any manner or fOorm or. under any' circumstances, to be, constitute or otherwise effect any a.a.mission, waiver. or estoppel on the ~art olar againSt the city as to any rights of the city. pertaining to any .claim heretofore made, asserted, or - . _' . . I i,cmtte,nded for, by, Qt. ()!'lthep&'t of ;"tl1~.~tell of, !p, ortotb.e'e~~l!' ,9.~e.r.Sh. i.P.. ,.c. ontr.o. I or., .O!pera.,tion..... .Of. iZ"..an.,..y ,rlght, ,'. . prtV'llege, . franchise, . C()!'l5!mki' pc.' rID.. it...01'. '.li.c.en~e,. 'wh.e. th~.rby....8'1'a1l.. t., / estoppel,walver or otherwlse,'toUt*.! or occupy the streets.. and, other . public I \VaY~llnd ):>1acesof en: Within the;~ty in the <<>nduct \ll1". ~ra.tiqnofany gas system 0:1.' othe: l>tiblie utilitYC()n~ structed . orO!PCrated by the grantee a,nd all regulatory rights which under I. the . law the. city may. atanyt,ime . have. '.. I $ll!CTIONXIll... ......' , '. The governing bod.Y of the city, fr())ll itime to' time, by O'rdihance;may O!I.'der I'. and requir'esuch extensions of gil$ mains andse~ce, or ne'Y ma.ins a.,nd : service, or supplemental en: sUpplll.At~ ing maillS and service, as maY..be,reilt- sonably . required for tl1e eorivellterit, efficient, continuing. andagequate supply of gas thtoughQut the "city, consideratiO'n being given to the . ini.. . tial cost there <>f. . the resulWng' in~ i.cl'ea&ed expense ofoperatiO'n, the use- IfUlne$Sof tl1e . proposed extension in r ~nection with the system as' a unit, I anci the len~hofthe unexpired pe- 'dad ofthi&grant. The grantee may be reqqb;ed, by .ordinance,to ~tend i or construct its lines into or thtough any. public park' or. 8T;ou,nd.;aefore making SUCb order, the governing body O'f .' the city ~llll give.. wiritten . nO'tice to the granWe, . and an pWottunity to be. hem-d,. the. reasonableness of such ~regulatiorns and O'rdinances may be " determined by the cOurts. . All s~hl extensions shall be made, and all Iiew '. m\tins Shall be constructed . in accqrd- I lince\Viththe "ill'CW1,s1Q.n8 '.. Of . such 01'- dinahces,as.may from~e to time .lle ~d by the city Of Grand Island, relating thereto, and said ordinances shall be reasonable and. uniform . in ,their ptpIV,isions,. and 'f!hall ,apply to municpal and public utilities alike. . SECTION XIV. The gran~ shaJI, at its O'wnex- pense, make aU .repairs and.replace- ments~ expeditiousJ.yandwithotitde- 'lay,and Will, at, its own eJqleJ1se. promptly and completely repair and I replace a.ll eXCavations in' the streets. I p,a.vements and improvements dis- ,turbed, opened or mllde neces~r.v by jthe construction work 011' the part Of :the,~too here:in, and tha;titwill i hold the city free.':froI;11 JL11lill.J;>>l~ty rot., Wha.~v~;, !gild. .C1t1latur~; fr9D1 .da,mllg:C$ w4ichmay '.lleca.~d:01' ! . which .' ni,ay resUlt. f1'Ol)iith,e'instll.l~a" iti()!'l OfrepaJ~ll'> "ol!'I!!M!llentsen:re..: oonslrruction'OfSti emei!:ts,'l>l'.,. i .!eysand '. ' . .' '. 10"" J '\~"~"" '.' $ETI<?N XV..... ..y ( . fj .~l.'ltllt.t:le13lf . ~d '.' hereby .Qiinds i~l!"~ . '~~hol.tithe mt,y ,~re~. ..' ..<.frO'tt)..Iiabllity,oi" "IMms ,forUlt 'l1tY~a.r.lsingourt'o:{the ~..b.~'~.. I;tiOn.,. ~:..I.. msl;aJlation, repair,extEm$iO'n, removal . operation and:nul.1n~nance Of it4! ga$ and electric ltght systElms. ". . SECTION XVI . T.l).e gra.ntee sha,ll, .~uring the. term of thil'; franchise mainta.in an office and place Of busineS6 in the City ;ot I Grand Island, and Shall at all timeS' have avallable a.t its sa;i,d office. com- plete books and records of..the.bua-' ne.saOf the grantee. inclUding all matters pertaining to the opera.tion and peJ:!ormance under.the prOvisions of this grant and the properties ~i occupied' and. employed'. in.' such. oper-' ation, . copies' of. Articles. 'Of InC()g:'})Ora- tim, le~, 'sub~l~;.. transfers, . ~-. signIJ,l.en1;a ttp.dagreements in'Volv1ng O!r in~nywaY. PCrtaining. to. the' cor- porate 'e)tiste!1c13; . ..t1gbts'ltlld I>QWeT8'. qfthe granteea.,nd (j!.theSa;le. of its prO'petties., Gt.anteesijaJl alSj) k~ a recordJlf thecapitaJ~tion,. invest- I ments, vaJuati~, ma.iI1tenance,. cOSts a.nd profits,. which. sha.llbe. subject, at ' I re~le~es and fO!!.' ~-making i~s, to th.einspection'.'of the city, . Of Graud Island. . 'l'h.&' city shall 'haVe ! the rignt to requiJ;'e.tl1e cOmpany' to i furnish.. informatit>h.~ng gross . incom'ea.nd expense and' Other .' perti- nent da.ta. for rate-!llaJdng and other legttima1;epu,r:poses.'l'.Iie bOoks of thegraritee shall be ,kept in such man- nerthat the cost (j! operation at' the ga& and electric properties may be a.scerlairie4. Ilt)pa.rately. SECTION xvn The gTa:ntee shaJI. keep .()Il" l'tl.(l()rd. in its/office in G;rand Island,.fO!!.' the use Of the public and for pub~ic 'til- s~tion, . cmrtp1.ete .'~~ .Of .all . ga&' ma.lJ;lS '. sho\Vin~ the:~bIIShed,loca- tion,thereOf and complete maps of all established p()lelines and other lipes. and properties .Of the .~~e' he~in, and the same shall be exteUded fr61n time to tUne to shO'W the Ilddition of new .g'aSmMns and-(). pole lines, said' gasmMIl!'la.nd pole lines Sha.ll . be . e1ct;ended a.,nd CQJ;lstrueted byt~e grantee inlWC01'dlWce with the pro- visions of su~1i~nance$ as 'ma,y. from time' tot1,J;11.ebe<~ed by t~e Clty of Grand l$l@.Il.d rela.ting tbereto, ancksaid O!rdiIl~Ces sh8JI be reason- able a.nd .unifort)1 in t:peir provisions, and shall apply. to municipal l\fId Pli~lic . utilities alike; SECTION.xynr This ors:linance Sha.!Ftake effect and be in 'forCt. and shall constitute al>indlngcontract between the City of Grand Island and the Centra.! Power Company,. its SuqceSlSors and' assigns, from and after its passage, appooval,and ~bliCll.tion,' as. required by law, and when approved by ma- jority vote of the el~ctors of said city at the election to be hell:pnlWCO'rd~ rance herewith, andJwhene,ccepted in 'lwri1lingwithintwenty' daysa,fter t,b.e . said election by the CentralPowel' Company, of Nebraska. . . It is further provided that the valid passage, approval, and acceptance, O'f this grant shall constitute an aban- donment,surrender, a:ld walver by the ,grantee, its successors and assigns, of I' all other rights, privileges, franchises, I COIl$nts and authority, acquired or I claimed bytfuhgrantee, dir~tly OJ;' indirectly, by grant from the city or, state" or by license, estoppal, pur- chase,.or otherwise, for theacquisi- tion, construction, maintenllUce,. or operation of any gas or electric plant, system,. or . bu~iness, within' the 'said city, and for theooeupation OJ: the I streets, alleyS, and' Ifublt(l plac~.. of said city in C()!'lnection tberewith. Itisfurlher provided that the afore- I said franchise and st~pulationsthere- in.shaJI. nO't enlarge,Jessen or extend tLregulatory powers Of said city and I council, beyond the powers fixed by tb,e lawsO'f .the sta. ". tEl (If Nebraska. '1 .' Sl!lCnON~X ::.. An.. .e.l. ec..tiO. n.... sn.....a.ll..be....................h. .e..ld... in t.h.. e C.it.Y I !,of . Gran<< :tsiand, . an4 in the several warc;i$thereof,~esday,. April 4, 1933,\ 'between'h~Of 9 A.1\(: and 7 P. .M. . ate, for tl!1e ~. pt.' el) VOW~$ of said . ,. ll.c.Qe~~. '9'l' ~ll()ts voted n.saide ~tion" sha ...be ~~~~p'r<1a,~ wit.b..I~"'and..sl1aJl~ve: P\'t'l.l1tM thereUttofi, the J)l'dPomtionas 'fOlIO'WI\: ..". .....<: ......... ...... !". "S1IAI.L 'ORPIN'ANQEIiO. 'i452, PASSEP AND'A}>PaQV!1lP.BYTHE' MAYOR' AND' COUNCThO}i''I'HE! CITY OF GRAND I$):'AND,:NE~' BRASKA. . ON THl1l. 2ND DAY'. OF I MAR. . CH, 1~3.3,. GttANT.INGA~- , CRISE TO CElNTRALPOWERCQM-' PANY OF NEBRASKA UpON'_ . TJj:RMS ANP.c:ONDIT.IONS I.1i!'~' ,O~mANCE MENTIONJill), WHICH: ! O:RDINANCE. HAS. aEl!:N.puB- I LI$RED IN.F'ULL IN. THE 'G~.ANP ISLAND D A IL YINDEJ.=>ENDENT: FOR AT LEAST T'HIRTY i>A~s ,PRIOR TO THIS .ELECTION ." BE, I APPROVED?" . ... ..' , ~'O SOOTION XX.... . .0, T.\le returnm sa;i,cl' elecoo1'lIID.al.1 bl:l'1 !llllde to the. Mayor and 'CouhCilot! said city and be b\Vthem .canva.$setf and the. r~lil~tde~rmine.d .a:nd. .d~- cl~d at It:s first, regularOf,'. ~e: spemal meetlllg ~ter s'Uch election.: . s,ECTIOJiIXXI ''l'h.&city.. clerk. isfu)rebydirii6ted'lcJ, c~u~ 'nOltic:e' Of ..the ~~bW~- $1on Of. th~ s:ant and oo,'dJnancetoi ~publlshed five successiVe'~e~.1n the Grand Island Daily Iz1ci~ent, a..legaJ newspaper pub.liShed, ~:n.'8IIii<1i ,oIty, which' notice shallcont~a,,( . statement .of this. ordinan~,.tlie'.(l,a\te; at the ~lection, thefo:\'I1lofballOts.~\ l.l!forElS81d, the. time' within which, 'the polis shall be open, and the lo0Q.:Uon ithrpoll~&h~ XX~ ....<,"'"r ; Thill ordinanc~. shall be~Ele!fEl~ : tlve.,. subje()t to all the oonditiOil\siQid..1 IP1'Q ~ ons thereQf, a,.fter.its. ~M€>ei, iiJopproval and. publication, as.' PfoViCle.d;l , b'Y law. . .'. '..X: PASSED AND. APPROVED MlU'eb 2nd, 1933: '.' ;O~ -A. AB;Q,PTr,'-,J'tt., ,,,-,;~'-' MAYOn ," . 'AT'J.'1iiST: MARGARllJT PAlJL.S:tiJ~;. (SEAL) ,DEPU'fYCITY C:LE!t'l{;i , \3-10-17~2Hal. ~.~~~ FRANCHISE ELE.CTIQNNO'l'lqE.i Voters. of the' CitYofqr~d't~~'i-f;: NPibraska, ,are hereby I)oti,fiedtbat tbe ordinance No. 1452g-rEi,nting: a . ., ,,' . franchise to Central.Pqwer I' of Nebraska, a CQl'1loration,~ generation and. distribution of light, enerlW and1l9w~and tribution Qf'patura.Iil:ndor, tured, .ga,.~' in~~4(1jit~ial!puij' fuIl in thi~~r,Willlle suI) . . . " to theelCCi' .s' of' said '. city' for', th.eit aPP1'....o...v...al o..r..,.r..e..J..e..c....ti.O.'l1.... at tn.e.. .ge'.1'l..e.ra. ..A......... election in'. id~City()h'A}J'ril 4, 193~.' j M GARET ...... '.. . 3-10-1'1';24;: ." .... e j ....... . ". ". {J)f"J.'4~ft .-............ ORDINANCE NO. 1453 . I An ordinance to license and regulate the business of studio, commerCial, transient, itinerant, non-resident photographers and photo-finishers, enlargement and frame peddlers, their canvassers, coupon sellers and agents, picture or view takers and providing penalties for viola- tion thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: I Section 1. That any person, firm or corporation en- gaged in the business of photography and photo-finishing or maintaining a photographic studio in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, shall first procure .a license from the City Olerk therefor, as hereinafter provided. Section 2. The terms "transientll, llitinerant" and "non-re sident photographer," tl canvasser, II "coupon seller" and 11 agent" are hereby defined to 'be any person who shall engage temporarily in the making and selling of photographs or enlargments and frames thereof, within said City, regard- less of whether such goods, wares or merchandise are ped- dled from house to house, sold upon the streets or other public places, or sold from any room, building, structure or lot r~ted or leased for the purpose of carrying on such businessAaistinguished from the manner in which like busi- nesses are conducted by persons, co-partnerships, firms and corporations having established places of business within the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 3. That any person, co-partnership, firm or corporation desiring to engage in or transact any photograph business in the City of Grand Island, as herein provided, shall first make application in writing to the Clerk of said City for a license to do so, which application shall be filed with said Olerk at least fifteen days before such license shall be granted and such applicantpe authorized to begin such work. Such application shall state the name and residence of the applicant, the last two. cities worked in, the kind of photographic business the applicant proposes to do, number of employees to be used in Grand Island, their names and home addresses, and the number of days for which a license is desired. A lioense shall be issued by the City Clerk and countersigned by the ohairman of the license com- mittee provided they shall find the application oorrect and the applioant a proper person to receive a license. Section 4. Suoh application shall be accompanied by a bond in the penal sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, executed as a surety by some surety company authorized to do business in the state of Nebraska, (or in lieu thereof a cash bond in equal amount) conditioned that all goods, wares and merchandise or articles sold by him are as rep- resented, and to save harmless from loss or damage, all persons suffering loss or damage through the aots or neg- ligence of said applicant or any of his agents, oanvassers or servants. Any person aggrieved by the action of any such applicant, his agent, servant, canvasser or solioitor shall have a right of action on the bond for the recovery of his or h~r damage. I . .~:- ~....... I Section 6. The license fee for owners, persons, firms or corporations who conduct a permanent photographic studio in the City of Grand Island and for commercial photographers, Eress and news photographers and photo-finishers shall be (!'}~ Dollar~ (~\ .00) per year, payable on the 1st day of May at the office of the City Clerk. Transient, itinerant and non-resident photographers, picture and view takers, enlarge- ment and frame peddlers, firms or corporations and their a- gents carrying on the business of photography in the City of Grand Island shall pay the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) per day for each and every person engaged in such business. Section S. Whenever any person, firm or corporation shall claim that he or it intends to become a permanent phot- ographer in said city who would otherwise be classified as an itinerant photographer, said person, firm or corporation may give bond to said City, to be approved b~ said officers thereof, in the sum of One Thousand($lOOO.OO) Dollars, said bond to be conditioned for the payment of said license fee in the event that said person, firm or corporation fails to become a permanent photographer therein. Seotion 7~ A permanent photographer, for the purpose of this ordinance, is any resident person, firm or corpora- tion conducting the business of photography within the City of Grand Island continuously for a period of one year, said business being his or its principal oocupation. Seotion 8. That any person, firm or corporation violat- ing, or refusing to comply with any provision of this ordi- nance or any part thereof shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished with a fine of not more than One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars and the costs of prosecution, and shall be committed to jail until such fine and costs are paid. Each separate day on which a violation occurs shall be considered a separate offense. Section .~t.. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in- consistent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 10. This ordinance shall be in force after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 15 day of March, 1933. ATTEST: . I MARGARET PAULSEN o. A.ABBOTT, JR. Mayor. Deputy City Clerk. I . ORDINANCE NO. 1454 . I An ordinance fixing the salary of the Police Magis- trate in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and regulating fines, fees and costs of the office and repealing Section 10 of Ordinance No. 718 and so much of Section I of Ordinance No. 734 and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. I BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND I S1 AND, NEBRASKA: Section 1. The police Magistrate of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, shall receive a salary of $ 65.00' per month, payable monthly, in full of all services rendered and in lieu of all costs and fees of every kind. Section 2. Witnesses shall receive the sum of $1.00 for each day'S attendance when collected. All fines, fees and costs taxed and collected, in state cases as well as in ordinance cases, by the Police Magistrate, for all police officers, officials and employees of said City, in State and ordinance cases, shall be paid into the City Treasury of said Oity by the Police Magistrate, at the end of each week, accompanied by a full and accurate statement of all such fines, fees and costs collected, as well as those taxed and uncol- lected. All witness fees payable to persons who are not city officials, officers or employees of said cit~, remain- ing unpaid for ninety days after the same shall have been collected by the Police Magistrate, shall be forfeited to the City and paid to the City Treasurer by the Polic e Magis- trate, who shall report at the end of each week to the Oity Council all witness fees collected by him and in his possess- ion. The Police Magistrate shall be liable on his offici,l bond for the prompt payment of all fines, fees and costs collected by him. All fines paid to the City Treasurer shall go to the school fund and all costs and fees of the Police Magistrate and pOlice officers and other city of- I . . I ficers and employees and all forfeited witnes~ fees, in State and ordinance cases, in the Police Court of Grand Island shall go to the police fund of said City. Section 3. Section 10 of Ordinance No. 718, so much of Section 1 of Ordinance No. 734 and all other ord- inances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and pub- lication as provided by law. Passed and approved this day of March, 1933. Attest: o. A. ABBOTTZ Jr. MAYOR. MARGARET PAULSEN DEPUTY CITY CLERK. I I . . I I I . ~ ~,R Ir7f Jfti>-/lf~~ Ordinance No. 1455 An ordinance amending Section 1 of Ord5nance No. 168, as amended by Ordinance No. 1142, of the Oity of Grand I81and, Nebraska, and requiring the harborer or owner of any dog in said city to pay an annual registration tax thereon and re- DEaling Section 1. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY co:nTCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: Section 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 168, as amended by Ordinffi1ce No. 1142, of the Oity of Grand IRland, Nebraska, be and it is hereby amended to read as follows: II Section 1. That the owner or harborer of eV,ery an- irna1 of the dog kind in the Oi ty of Grand TRland, Nebraska, is required to pay to theCi ty Treasurer of scd d City an8.nnua1 registration tax of $1.00, providing the same is paid on or before the same becomes delinquent, or the sum of $1.50 after the tax becomes delinquent, to be placed in the Police Fund of said City, and it is hereby made the duty of every person owning or harboring any animal of the dog kind in said Oi ty to renort the same to the Oi ty Treasurer and to have the same listed and numbered and nrovided with a metal check and nay said tax. Said tax shall become due on the F'i rst day of May of each year and shall become deljnouent on the li'irst day of JT1ne of each year." Section 2. That said Section 1 of Ordinance No. 168 as amended by Ordinance No. 1142 be and the same j s hereby re- pealed. Section 3. This ordjnance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and. publication in the manner nrovided by law. passed and axrrovecl Maxch 15, 1933. O. A. ABBOTT, JR. Mayor ATTEST: lilARGAHET PAULSEN, Deputy Ci ty Olerk ORDINANCE NO. J tf :ilt,. . IIl'W' ...._ . I ! ;,."./. An ordinanoe amending Ordinanoe No. 1273 of the Oity:'of Grand Island, Nebraska, as amended by Ordinanoe No. 1410, fixing the salaries of oertain oity offioers and employeeg defining their duties and repealing said Ordinanoe No. 127i as amended and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conf1iot herewith. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Oity Oouncil of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. The Oity. 01e;c~of Grand Island, Nebraska, shall receive a salary of' $1_.00 per year! payable month- ly and in addition to her other duties as c erk, shall devote her entire time to her duties as clerk, shall keep her office in the Oity Hall open from 8:30 A. M. to 5 P. M. daily, exoept Sundays and legal holidays and shall submit to the Oouncil a monthly and an annual report in such form as may be from time to time required by the Oounoi1. Section 2. The Treasurer of said City shall devote his entire time to his duties as provided for herein and by law and shall a.ct as oollector of special taxes and assess- ments and as clerk of the auditing committee of the Oity Oouncil, subject to removal from the auditing committee at any time by a majority vote of the Oouncil, maintain an office in the Oity Hall from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. daily, e~ cept Sundays and legal holidays and shall receive a.s com- J peneatlon for all duties performed by him the sum of L__,}1500.00 per year payable monthly. Seotion 3. The Oity attorney shall receive a monthly salary of $75.00. Section 4. The Chief of Police shall receive a monthly salary of $150.00 for his services as Chief and exofficlo secretary of the Board of Health. Two police captains shall be appointed, who shall serve tln,rel ve hours per day and receive salaries of $125.00 per month.. Lieutenants and other subordinate officers on the pOlice force shall be abolished. The number of patrolmen shall be increased from twelve to seventeen, who shall serve eight hours per day and they shall receive salaries of ninety dollars per month during the first year of continuous service or frac- tion thereof, $95.00 per month during the second year of continuous service or fraction thereof and $100.00 per month for the third and subsequent years of continuous service, no addi tional amou~ts for uniforms in the police department, shall be allowed..,. Section 5. The duties of Building Inspector Shall be performed by the Oity Engineer, Who shall receive a month- ly salary of $200.00 for all services performed by him, as engineer, building inspector and other duties performed by him. Section 6. The caretaker of parks shall receive a month- ly salary of $115 .00 ~x~!i;Z]5:E~)~~~1<l~MX~~X~mw1x:xm:im ~~~Xn~~Yj;r~7~~J?!S and to properly carefei' and maintain the voting booths'within tne city. Section 7. The City Physician shall receive a montnly salary of $50.00. I , # I . Section 8. The Sexton of the Cemetery shall receive a monthly salary of.125.00 and in addition thereto, the city shall furnish him with telephone, lights, living quarters and necessary fuel therefor. The sexton shall furnish and keep a team of horses as part of his duties without additional co~pensation. - . I Section 9. The Caretaker of the City Hall shall receive a monthly salary of $65.00, with living quarters in the City Hall, together with necessary lights and fuel therefor. Section 10. The Street Commissioner shall receive suCh compensation as the Mayor and Oity Oouncil shall, from time to time, determine, but not to exceed $175.00 per month. Section 11. The Chief and Assistant Chief of the Fire Department shall receive monthly salaries of $150.00 and $125.00 respectively and 3 oaptains shall be appointed who shall receive monthly salaries of $110.00. Section 12. The hours of firemen Shall be reduced to eight hours per day and seven additional firemen shall be employed. All firemen Shall receive monthly salaries:\of $~O.OO during the first or fractional year of continuous service, $95.00 monthly during the second year of contin- uous service or fraction thereof and $100.00 monthly dur- ing the third year of continuous service or fraction there- of, and no additional compensation shall be allowed any member of the Fire Department for uniform. Section 13. The head meChanic or street Department em- ployee in charge of the city tractor shall receive a month- ly salary of $100.00. I Section 14 . Additional helpers when requir1edby the care- taker of parks, sexton, street commissioner~ at the disposal, plant, x:mmxim<~~,i~,x~~~.YdtTr~~~~, perform- ing odinary labor or duties~ snaIl receive 40~ per hour. Section 15. "Continuous service", as applied in this ord- inance to the Police and Fire Departments shall date from the commencement of service, and not from the passage or effective date of this ordinance. Section 16. Each section ot thi s ordinance was passed independently Of other sections and the passage of each sec- tion was not induced by, or dependent upon, tne passage of any other section or sections hereof. The invalidity of any section or part tnereof snaIl not affect the validity of the remaining sections or portions thereof. Section 17. Said Ordinance No. 1273, as amended by Ord- inance No. 1410 and all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 18. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after April 30, 1933, and after its pass- age, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed by a three-fourths vote of all members of the Council and approved by the Mayor April 19, 1933. ATTEST: THOS. M. DIL10r . I ;. Margaret Paulsen Mayor. Oi ty Olerk. ORDINANCE NO. 1457 . ; ~~ I I An ordinance vaoating that part of Sutherland street in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, contained in the triangle, bounded on the East by the West Line of the Belt Line Railroad of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company, on the North, by the South line of part of Lot 6 and Lots 7 and 8, in Block 152 in Union Pacific Railroad Company's Seoond Addition to said C1 ty . and on the South by a line parallel to, end 80 feet NaF~h North of, the center East and West line af Seotion 15, Township 11, North, Range 9, West of the 6 P. M. and vacating the public crossing of said Sutherland street over said Belt Line Railroad. Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That the portion of Sutherland Street in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, contained in the triangular tract, bounded on the East by the West Line of the right-af-way of the Belt Line Railroad of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company, on the North, by the South line of part of Lot 6 and Lats 7 and 8, in Block 152 of Union Pacific Railroad Company's Second Addition to said City and on the South by a line running parallel to and 80 feet North of the center line East and West in Section 15, Township 11, North, Range 9, West of the 6 P. M. extending from the Southerly line of said Block 152 to the West line of said Belt tine Railroad right-af-way, be and the same is hereby vaoated, the City reserving an easement for its publiC utilities therein. seotion 2. That the publiC crossing for said Sutherland street, between said Block 152 and Fr. Block 153 over and across said Belt Line Railroad right-of-way, be and the same i6 hereby vacated. Section 3. This ordin~~ce shall be in force and take effeot from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Pa.ssed and approved May 3, 1933. Attest: Margaret Paulsen ------------ Thos. lVI. Dillon City Clerk. Mayor. I .. . I ORDINANCE NO. 1458 . An ordinance vacating the alley in Block 152 of Union Pacific Railroad Oompanyls Second Addition to the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska and reserving an easement for public utilities therein. Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That the alley in Block 152 of Union Pacific Railroad Oompany1s Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be and the same is hereby vacated, the City reserving an easement for public utilities therein. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and I take effect from and after its passage, approval and pub- lication as by law provided. Passed and approved this Third day of May, 1933. Attest: _M!.rg:a~e.! Paulsen _ _ City Clerk. - - Jhos....J!_ DUlon- _ _ _ Mayor. I . ORDINANCE NO. 1459_ An Ordinance amending and repealing Section NO. 1 of Ordinance No. 1396 of the Ordinances of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for an occupation tax to be . I levied upon auctioneers for reverlue purposes only. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE N~YOR AND CITY OOUNCIL of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 1. That Section No.1 of ordinance No. 1396 of the City of Grand Island, be amended to read as follows: "Evel"y person who desires to engage in the occupation 01' business of auctioneer, as provided in Section 1 hereof, shall, before engaging therein, present a petition to the Oity Council, praying that a permit be issued to him, which application shall be in writing, signed by twenty resident freeholders of this City, and he shall also pay into the City Treasury for general revenue purposes, $10.00 for an auctioneer's permit for one year commencing April 30th, and expiring May 1, of the succeeding year, and he shall, at the same time, file .with said petition, a surety I bond running to the Oity, for the benefit of all persons entrusting business to him, in the sum of $500.00, to be approved by the Council for the proper discharge of the duties of an auctioneer and to pay over and render account for all money that may come into his hands as such auctioneer. Upon granting the prayer of said petition and the approval of the bond as aforesaid, said applicant shall be entitled to engage in said business. Such application and surety bond or a renewal or extension thereof, shall be presented to the City Council for each succeeding year for its approval, before the auctioneer shall continue such business." Section 2. Section No. 1 of Ordinance No. 1396 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby re- I . pealed. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and afteJ:' its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. passed and approved this 17 day of May, A. D., 1933. Attest: Thos. M. Dillon - - - - - - -Mayor- _ _ _Mar8]ttet Paulse~ _ _ C1ty Clerk . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 1460 . An Ordinance amending and repealing Section No.2 of ordinance No. 513 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, providing for an occupation tax to be levied for revenue pruposes against any person, firm or corporation operating a roller skating rink, pool or billiard hall, bowling alley, and penny and nickel arcades. BE D:' ORDAINED BY THE IVIAYOH AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 1. That Section No.2 of Ordinance No. 513 of the 1 ~ ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be amended as follows: Under the provisions of this chapter and the authority vested in the City Council aforesaid there is levied upon each person, firm or corporation carrying on business in said City an occupation tax as follows, to-wit: $50.00 per year for operating a roller skating rink. $5.00 per year for each alley used in a public bowling $5.00 per year for each billiard or pool table operated in '\. "- ~ ~ a public pool or billiard hall. $25.00 per year for operating a penny arcade, or a nickel ~ ~ ~ ~ arcade, or arcade or exhibition of any kind where pictures, either movable or stationary are displayed for money. Section 2. Section No.2 of Ordinance No. 513 of the com- piled ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby repealed. section 3. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. passed and approved this 17 day of May, A. D., 1933. Attest: THOS. M. DILLON - - - - -Mayor- - Margaret Paulsen - City-Clerk- - - - - . I I I . f 1;,(,,/ 1 ~I-' {-. '.y 1'/ "i I " Sr- ORDnU-\.NCE NO. 1461 An ordinance regulating the use of sidewalks, streets, alleys, parking spaces and public grounds, thereunder or thereover, by private persons, firms or corporations, within the corporate limits of the Cit~ of Grand Island, Nebraska, providing for tJle issuance of permits and occupation taxes fOI' revenue purposes 1'01' such use or occupanc7r ther'e- of, and prescribing a penalty for the violation thereof; and repealing Ordinance No. 1409 of the Ordinances of the city of Grand Island, Nebraska. Be it ordained by the Mayor' and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. Any person, firm or corporation using or desiring to use 01' occupy any portion of any street, alley, sidewalk or pal"k- ing space of publiC gr'o1..md wi thin the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebl'aska, shall make application for such occupancy, and pay to the Building InspectOl' of the City, the fees as herein- after set for>tlL. The Building Inspector shall make or CB.lJ.se to be made a measlu>ement of each and every pOl'tion of t:tte sidewalks, stl'eets" alleys, spaces and public grounds in the City so used for private pur'poses, gi ving the number of square feet or other occupancy used for pI'i vo.te purposes by each occupant or owner' ther'eof a memorandum of said measure~lts and the amount of tax. o~ ~~/yl..{t /~lf~. An occupation tax f'or revenue purposes is hepeby (levied upon each and every person, firm or corporation using or occupy= ing any part of the publiC sidevmlks, streets, parking spaces, alleys, /, I' :public grounds for private use, including drive-in oi.l or service ta tions, st01'ap;e tanks, stairways, scales, aI'eavrays, signs, curb umps, shov\[ windows, btdld:1.ngs, lowered curb or' painted curbs, or for any otl1.er pUl'pose in the following sum or amounts, but shall not in- clude driveways to private res:tdences, or any pOl'tion of painted curb maintained by the Oity: For each lineal foot of lowered curb or painted curb---------- .10 Curb gas or oil pumps, each----------------------------------- 6.00 Ourb air pump or> valve, each------------------------....-------- 1.00 CU1'b s:Lgns, not to contain more than one post---------..------- 5.00 Gas, oil or other tanks, each---------------__________________ 1 00 ( ) . 10cD.ted lIlmllXXEX under city streets . I I I . 10}l per squar>e foot fOl' any open stairway, areaway, sbmv vrindmv, building, or other obstruction not herein listed. l~ pOI' square foot for any sub-sidevnc.llk space under any street, alles', 01' sidewalk. Tbis 01~d:Lnance s11all apply to 8.ny business having a dri vevray 01' d1'1 ve-in where no curb now exists, and the amount of space to be taxed shall be calculated as being Seventeen (17) feet in width, if 1 -,. . 0 a sing e arlveway lS useo, and Seventeen (17) feet additional, or Thil'ty-foUl' (34) feet if a tVlO-way driveway is maintaj_ned. Anyone desiring to occupy 'wl1at is commonly knovvll as a stl1b street, shall proceed as above, and if pel'missiol1 is granted the rentaJ for such prenl1se s shall be ~~;~5 .00 per year or mJ. ch an amount above t':is sum 8.S the Council EJ.ay decide. The minimurrl foe ch8.l'ged for any use s1"1.all be $1.00. These charge~j shall be computed as of May 1st of each yefJ.r, and shall cover the period ending April 30th next. Vlhen application is made after November 1st, half of the above rate shall apply. All taxes shall become delinquent June 1st and dr~J:w interest thel'eafter at tbe :rate of seven per cent per annum. Section 3. That no permit be issued for curb gasoline pumps, open stail'ways or areaways on any sty-eet, sidewalk or alley, 01' any areavray) space, stairway, manhole or other obstr'uction in any alley or stroet not now occupied or used prior to the passage of this Ordi- nance . That all signs, purnps, tanks, show windows, areaways, stair- ways, lJOW established or placed, that conform WitIl this OJ::' othel' ordi- nances of the City, may remain, be replaced ancl l'epaired if location and space occupied be not changed. All signs placed upon cUl'b or sidewalk must be supported by a metal DOst well anchored, without guy i'dres, and not less than eight feet to the lowest part of sign. All signs must be placed next to the cUl"b and no part thereof extend into any street or alley. The City resel....ves the right to cancel any permit at its plea- SU1"e, at any time, by giving thirty days notice, and the return of the pro-rata portion of the rental paid. The owner' or- leasee of any stail'way, ar'eaway, manhole space 01' other obstruction upon p1..1blic ground, shall in cOl1sidel'ation of the issuance of a permit by the City agree to keep and maintain in . I I I . full force at all times a bond in the penal sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), conditioned to save the City, persons using said street or sidewalk or alley, b.armless, and to indemnify them against all cost, expense, liability, court cost, fees and judgments, which they, the City or any per'son, may suffer or be put to by r'eason of the use or occupancy of said ]jublic ground. Section 4. The provisions of this ordinance shall not ap- ply to such platforms as have been erected or may hereafter be erected in the streets, alleys or sidewalks conveyed to the City by the Union paCific Hailroad Company in which deed of conveyance the Company has reserved for i teelf and its assigns the right to erect SllCh platforms in suc11 streets. If any person, fir'm, or corpoJ'ation making use of any space underneath, upon or over any street, alley or public way, shall fail to pay the occupation tax as herein required, after the same becomes delinquent, then it shall be the duty of the City street Commissioner to proceed to remove, or close up such space or obstruction. Section 5. penalty. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to occupy or use any portion of any sidewalk, street, alley, parking space, or public olace in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for any such purposes without having made aoplication for a permit therefor or without having paid the occupation tax as here- in provided. Any person, persons, fIrm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanol and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum of not less than one dollar and not more than one hundred dollars for each offense, and shall stand comnitted until said fine and costs are paid and each day that any portion of said streets, alleys, sidewalks, parking spaces, or public ways are so occupied shall constitute a separate offense. Section 6. Ordinance No. 1409 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebl'aslm.. is hereby repealed. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval D.nd nublication as requil'ed by law. passed and approved this 7 June d..a:{ of 193:3. O. A. ABBOTT, JR. ( SEAL) Ml\'{OH MARGARET PAULSEN lj r~YC-LEHK ~----- OHDINANCE NO. 1462 . I An ordinance amending Sections No.1 and No.2 of Ordinance No. 1456 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, fix:Lng the salaries and duties of the City Clerk and City Treasurer, and repealing said Sections No.1 and No.2 of ordinance No. 1456. Be it ordained by the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska~ Section 1. That Section No.1 of Ordinance NO. 1456 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island be amended to read as follows: The City Clerk of Grand Island, Nebraska, shall receive a salary of ~~lG80 .00 per year, payable monthly and in addition to hel' other duties as clerk, shall devote her entire time to her duties as I clerk, shall keep her office in the City Hall open from 8:30 A. M. to 5 P. M. daily, except Sundays and legal holidays, and shall sub- mi t to tJ:1e Counc 11 a monthly and an annual report in such form as may be from time to time required by the Council. Section 2. Section No.2 of ordinance No. 1456 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, shall be amended to read as follolJ!s: The City Treasurer shall devote his entire time to his duties as provided for herein, and by law, and shall act as Collector of special taxes and assessrrJ.ents, maintain an office in. the City I-rall from 9:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. daily except Sunday and holidays, and shall receive as compensa tioD therefor the sum of $p1500 .00 per -y.ear, I . payable monthly; the City Treasurer shall also be ex-officio clerk of the Auditj_ng Comrnittee of the City COLUJ.cil, subject to removal at any time by a majority vote of the City CounCil, and for his duties as such clerk shall receive a salary of ~~300 .00 per year, payable monthly Section 3. Sections No.1 and No.2 of Ordinance No. 1456 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, are hereby repealed. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and . I after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. passed and approved this ?th day of June, A.D. 1933. (SEAL) o. A. ABBOTT, JR. --IvIAYO~- MARGARET PAULSEN CITY CLEEK I I . . I ;~< ~"j" /Ci , ./v "I ..;v . r< if '~ R ... fl.,iV" \. · V" ORDINANCE NO. 1463 .. An Ordinance to repeal Ordinances No. 229, 294, 334, 481, 487, 514, 516, 529, 542, 572, 718, 1120 and a~l Or~~nances and parts of ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, in conflict herewith, relating to liquor; to define intoxicating liquors; to provide rules and regulations for, and to license the manufacture, possession, and transportation of beer, ale, porter, stout, and other malt, brewed and fermented beverages containing more than one-half of one per cent of alcohol by volume, and not to exceed more than three and two-tenths (3.2%) per cent by weight; and for permits and licenses so to do; to impose f~nes and penalties for any violation of the provisions of this ordinance; to levy an occupation tax for revenue purpo~es only on all businesses and persons obtaining licenses under this ordinance; to declare vehicles and any other means of transportation engaged in or used for the-purpose of the unlawful transportation of intoxicating liquors to be a nuisance, and providing for the forfeiture thereof; II and providing penalties for intox1eationJin general, eoneerning liquor and liquors. II . Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, NebraSka. Section 1. The term "beverages" as used in this ordinance shall be construed to be the same as defined by Section 53-101, Compiled statutes of Nebraska, 1929, as amended by House Roll 585 of the 49th session of the legislature of the ,state of Nebraska. Section 2. The words "intoxicating liquorllor ftintoxicating liquorsU as used in this ordinance, shall be construed to embrace vin- our or spirituous liquors, wine, or any other drink, mixture or prepa- ration of like nature, and all other beverage mixtures or preparations, whether patented or not, which will produce intoxication, or which contain over three and two-tenths (3.2%) per centum of alcohol by weight, and in addition thereto, such liquors of a different character and not hereinbefore enumerated capable of use as a beverage containing over three and two-tenths (3.2%) per centum of alcohol by weight. Section 3. It shall be unlawful for any person to manufacture for sale, sell, keep for sale or barter, give away, barter, exchange, transport, purchase, or to sell or to barter under any pretext intoxi- . I I I . eating liquors except only certain liquorB for medicinal, mechanical, scientific or sacramental purposes by persons specially authorized in the manner and to the extent only as hereinafter provided. It shall be lawful, however, for any person to make, keep or sell sweet cider, unfermented wine, wood alcohol, and denatured alcohol, and nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the bona fide manufacture and sale of vinegar: provided the provi- sions of this section shall not be construed as a prohibition of the manufacture, transportation, sale and inspection of beverages as de- fined in Section One of this ordinance. section 4. A license shall be issued by the City Council of Grand Island, for the manufacture, importation or sale of beverages in said city under the following conditions only: a. Any applicant for a license shall first file with the Oity Clerk of said city an application therefor in such form as shall be prescribed by the Director of the Department of Agriculture of the state of Nebraska, together with a corporate surety bond as required by law. b. Upon the filing of such application, the City Clerk shall cause a notice stating the name of the applicant, the kind of license applied for, the description of the place for which said li- cense is to be issued and the time and place of the hearing to be had upon such application, to be published in one issue of the official paper of such city, such publication to be made at least seven days before the time set for the hearing on said application, the costs of such publication to be paid by the applicant. c. At the time and place set for said hearing the City Council shall consider the application, the recommendations for it, and the objections against it; and if, in its opinion, the application should be granted, proper motion therefor shall be made and such motion and a roll call vote thereon recorded. d. If the motion be favorable to the granting of the license, the City Clerk shall issue such license upon a form to be furnished by the Director of the Department of Agriculture of the state of Nebraska, upon the presentation by the applicant of the receipt of the City Treasurer showing the payment of the license fee as provided by the general laws of the state of Nebraska. -. I I I . e. SuCh license shall be good for only one year from the date of its issuance unless sooner revoked by the licensing authority~ and shall be at all times kept on display in the place of business of such licensee. f. Such license fees shall be paid by the City Treasurer of this city to the Treasurer of the School District of the City of Grand Islandl Nebraska. Section 5. No sale of a beverage as herein defined shall be made by any licensee to any minor. section 6. It shall be unlawful for any person holding an "on sale" license to serve any such beverage as referred to in this Ordinance over~ or to allow any person to drink any such beverage at~ any bar or counterl or to drink any such beverage while standing at or near any bar Or counter in or upon the premises. But this section shall not'be construed to prevent the holder of any such license from serving beverages covered by this ordinance to customers at tables or counters upon which food is served to customers while seated at the tables or counters while on said premises. No "on Sale" licensee shall sell any beverages for consump- tion on any premises having or maintaining any blinds or screens. Section 7. Under the provisions of ordinance No. 1354 of the City of Grand Islandl Nebraskal the sale of beverages as provided for in this Ordinance shall be construed as a business in and of itself~ and no permit for the sale thereof shall be issued to any applicant except upon the written consent of the owner of lots and parts of lots as provided for in Ordinance No. 1354. section 8. The City Council may hereafter~ from time to timel by resolution~ promulgate such other and further rules and regulations as shall not be inconsistent with this ordinance~ and the general laws of the state of Nebraska then in foree, the wilful violation of which such rules and regulations shall subject the licensee to revocation of his license upon proper hearing before the City Council. Section 9. For the purpose of raising revenue there is hereby levied the following occupation tax for eachmun1cipal year or frac- tion thereof: . I I I . For each "Brewer's" license the sum of $ 200.00 , , $ For each "Wholesaler's" license the sum of 75.00 For each "Off Sale" license the sum of $ 10.00 For each uOn sale II license the sum of $ 15.00 Such occupation tax shall be paid to the City Treasurer for the benefit of the General Fund of this City within seven days after the granting of such license. Section 10. If any person shall be found in a state of intoxi- cation, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and any peace of- ficer shall without a warrant take such person into custody and detain him until a complaint can be filed before a magistrate and a warrant is issued for his arrest. Upon conviction, he shall be fined in any amount not less than Ten Dollars, nor more than One Hundred Dollars~ and shall stand committed until such fine and costs are paid. section 11. Any car, automobile, airplane, vehicle or means of transportation which shall be engaged in, or used for, the unlawful transportation of intoxicating liquors is hereby declared to be a common nuisance, and there shall be no property rights of any kind whatsoever in any car, automobile, airplane, Vehicle or other means o~transportation which shall be engaged in, or used for, the unlaw- ful transportation of , intoxicating liquors. Any peace officer having probable cause to believe that such vehicle is being used for the unlawful transportation of intoxicating liquors, shall make search thereof with or without a warrant, and in every case where a search is made without a warrant the officer shall take the vehicle and the person in charge thereof into custody and a complaint shall forth- with be filed against said party and vehicle, and a warrant shall is- sue and said party and vehicle shall be held for trial as in a criminal action. The vehicle and the liquor so seized shall not be taken from the possession of any officer seizing and holding the same by writ of replevin or other proceedings. Final judgment of conviction in such criminal action shall be in all eases a bar to any suits for the re- covery of any vehicle so taken or the liquor transported thereby, or other personal property actually and directly used in connection there- with, or the value of the same, or forq.amages alleged to arise by . I I I . reason of the seizing of such vehicle and the liquor contained therein~ and on conviction~ judgment shall be entered directing that the vehicle hereinbefore mentioned and enumerated, and other personal property actually and directly used in connection with said violation, shall be ordered sold by the court at publiC sale on ten days' notice and proceeds paid into the school fund as in case of fines and forfei- tures~ and the purchaser of such vehicle shall take title thereto free and clear of all rights, title and interest of all persons who- soever including all rights, title and interest of all persons claim- ing to be the owners thereof, and all persons claiming to have liens thereon. If the person operating the vehicle used for the unlawful transportation of liquors is not apprehended or arrested, the officer shall take the vehicle into custody and a complaint shall be filed charging that said vehicle was so unlawfully used and the court shall thereupon fix a time for hearing upon said complaint and notice of said hearing shall be given to all persons interested by publication one week before said hearing, in a legal newspaper. If the court finds at such hearing that suCh vehicle was used for the unlawful transpor- tation of intoxicating liquors, judgment shall be entered directing that said vehicle and other personal property actually and directly used in connection with such violation, shall be ordered sold by the court at a publiC sale on ten days' notice and the proceeds paid into the school fund as in the case of fines and forfeitures. section 12. The violation of any of the provisions of this or- d1nance pertaining to the manufacture, sale, transportation and posses- sion of beverages shall constitute a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, the Defendant shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $lOO.OO~ and his license shall be revoked, and the Defendant shall stand commit- ted to the city Jail until said fine and costs are paid. section 13. The violation of any of the provisions of this or- dinance pertaining to intoxicating liquors shall constitute a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof the Defendant shall be fined in the sum of $100.00, and stand committed until said fine and costs are paid. section 14. Ordinances No. 229, 294~ 334, 481, 487, 514, 516~ . I I I . 529, 542, 572, 718, 1120, and all Ordinances and parts of ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, pertaining to liquor are here- by repealed. This ordinance shall be in full force and take effect im- mediately after its passage, approval, and pUblication according to law, but no license granted hereunder shall be come effective or operative before 12:01 A. M., on the 10th day of August, 1933. passed and approved this 5th day of JUly, A. D. 1933. (SEAL) Attest: MARGARET PAULSEN CITY CLERK THOS. M. DILLON MAYOR . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 1464 An ordinance to repeal Ordinance No. 327, and all ordi- nances and parts of ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebr- aska, in conflict herewith, to prohibit the manufacture, sale, possession, storage, keeping for sale, giving away, use, start, discharge, set off, ignite, or explode within the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, any dynamite, dynamite caps, fireworks, roman candles, firecrackers, rock- ets, sparklers, squibs, fire balloons, signal lights, torpe- does, flashlight compositions, colored fire compositions, or any other composition designed or intended to produce visible or audible pyrotechnic displays, except as herein provided; and providing penalties for the violation thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, partnership, or corporation, to manufacture, sell, offer for sale, give away, keep, store, use, start, discharge, set off, ignite, or explode, within the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, any fireworks, firecraclrers, roman candles, rockets, sparklers, squibs, fire balloons, signal lights, torpedoes, flashlight compositions, colored fire com- positions, dynamite, dynamite caps, or any other composition designed or intended to produce visible or audible pyrotech- nic displays. provided, however, this ordinance shall not apply to the possession and transportation of pyrotechnics which are in transportation to points outside of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. section 2. It is provided, however, that nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to prohibit the use of dyna- mite when the same is necessary to be used for commercial pur- poses, nor shall it be construed to prohibit the use of flash- light powder by photographers when used in the business of pho- tography. It is further provided that nothing in this ordinance . I I I . shall be construed to prohibit the use of torpedoes and signal lights by any railroad when used in carrying on its business, nor shall the same be construed to prohibit the use of any flash, signals, or any pyrotechnics which must be used in con- nection with aviation. Section 3. Any person, ~DtK~ violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than $10.00, nor more than $100.00, and shall stand com- mitted to the City Jail until said fine and costs are paid. section 4. Ordinance No. 327, of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby repealed. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication as required by law. passed and approved this 19 , day of __July A. D., 1933. ATTEST: Thos. M. Dillon MAYOR Margaret Paulsen CITY CLERK ORDINANCE NO. 1465 . An ordinance creating water Main District No. 73, in . I the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of the water main in said district, and providing for the payment of the cost of con- struction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: Section 1. There is hereby created a water main dis- trict in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Water Main District No. 73, of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 2. said water Main District shall consist of that part of East Second Street from plum Street to the east I line of Blocks 72 and 73, original town, now the City of Grand Island, NebraSka, and shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land fronting on said Second street, bounded as aforesaid, and within said district. Section 3. Said water main district is hereby order- ed laid as provided by law, and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing water mains, as heretofore es- tablished by the city. Section 4. The entire cost of constructing said water main district shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of construction of said district, as soon as said cost can be ascertained, said tax to become payable and delinquent I . and draw interest as follows: one-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent fifty days after the date of said levy; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one- fifth in three years and one-fifth in four years. Each of said installments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the date of said levy until the same becomes delinquent, and after the same becomes delinquent interest at the rate of one per cent per month shall . I be paid thereon, until the same is collected and paid; such special taxes shall be collected and enforced as in cases of other special taxes, and said special taxes shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy thereof. Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and pub- lication, as provided by law. passed and approved by a three-fourths vote of all the members of the City Council this 2nd day of August , 1933. ATTEST: (SEAL) Margaret Paulsen CITY CLERK Thos. M. Dillon MAYOR I I . ORDINANCE NO. 1466 . . I BEING THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION BILL OF THE CITY OF GRA~ID ISLAND, NEBRASKA, FOR THE FISCAl, YEAR COMMENCING ON THE BECOlID MONDAY IN AUGUST, 1933. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That the sum of $18,500.00, is hereby appropri- ated for the purpose of paying the interest on the bonded indebt- edness of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and to create a sink- ing fund to pay the principle thereof, when the same becomes due, which amount also includes $4500.00 to be repaid to the Light Fund for money borrowed from that fund, and $2000.00 for permanent care of the lots in the Grand Island Cemetery. Section 2. That the sum of $3000.00 is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the city of Grand Island, Nebraska,. for the purpose of paying the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebras- ka, for collecting and remitting taxes due the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. I Section 3. That the sum of $12,000.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the salaries of the City Officers, including Mayor, 8 CounCilmen, Treas- urer, Clerk, Assistant Clerk, Attorney, Physician, Janitor, Weigher, caretaker at dump, Bacteriologist, Building Inspector, for the en- suing fiscal year. Section 4. That the sum of $17,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the expenses of building, repairing, grading, flushing and cleaning, the streets and alleys, opening streets, the purchase of property, and for the construction of streets, gutters, sidewalks and cross- walks, and making other street and alley improvements, and for the purchase of tools, implements and machinery, the salary of the Street Co~nissioner, labor, and all other expenses incidental to streets and alleys. The unexpended balance in the sum of $2800.00, appropriated for the year of 1932-33, is hereby re-appropriated for the purpose set forth in this section. I I. Section 5. That the sum of $3400.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the salary of Engineer, and the expenses and operation of the office Section 6. That the sum of $11,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for paying the expense of lighting the streets, alleys, public grounds and buildings of said city, including erections and repairs. Section 7. ~lat the sum of $6240.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying hydrant rental for the ensuing year. Section 8. That the sum of $15,,000.00, 01~ so much thepeof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of pay- ing the incidental expenses of the city for the ensuing fiscal year, not otherwise provided for herein, including airport, milk testing, elections~ and buildings and equipment used for elections. Section 9. That the sum of $40,000.00, or so much as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying for the extension of sewers and drains, other than are elsewhere herein . I provided f01t, and for a11 expenses, for flushing sewers, and re- pairing and operating disposal plant. The sum of $5000.00, being the unex.pended balance from the amount appropriated for the year 1932-33, in the Sewer Fund, is hereby re-appropriated for the purpose above set forth. Section 10. That the sum of $15,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the Judgments of Record against the City of Grand Island, obtained by Leo stuhr, Herman Sass, and Charles Windolph. Section 11. That the sum of ;~9000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the park Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of main- taining, extending, improving and beautifying the parks and play- grounds of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and for the pur- chase of such real estate as may, by the Mayor and City Council, be deemed necessary or advantageous. Section 12. That the sum of $33,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the police Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying salaries of tIle police Department and the Police Judge, and all expenses of the Department, including care and expense of the Emergency Hospital, Board of Health and Secretary of the Board, for the ensuing year, which includes the repayment of the sum of $3000.00, to the Light Fund for money borrowed to maintain the police Department~ Section 13. That the sum of ~~6000.00, for the Cemetery Fund is hereby appropriated for the purpose of improvements, ex- tension, beautification, and maintenance of said cemetery. I 'rhe sum of $2029.00 being the unexpended cash balance in the Cemetery Fund, which is being re-appropriated for the use of main taining the Cemetery'. Section 14. That the sum of ~p35,000.00, or so much thel'eof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the Fix'e Fund of the City of Grand Island, Neb:l:'aslm, to pay salaries of firemen, for the purchase of new hose and othel" equipment, and all expenses and repairs necessary 5.n the operation of the department, which in- cludes the repa~yment of the sum of' $5000.00 to the Light Fund, whicr) was borrowed fro the purpose of maintaining the Fire Department. Section 15. That the sum of $4500.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the paving Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the expense of paving street and alley intersections, and spaces oppo- site public buildings and grounds and for repairs, extensions, and other expenses of paving department. I . Section 16. That the sum of ~~3000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated out of the Music Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying for the expenses of vocal, instrumental and amusement organizations, fol" f'I'ee public concerts, festivals, parad.es and entertainments. Section 17. That the sum of ~~13,lOO.00, 01'" so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropx'iated out of the Library Fund. of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the expenses of the Public Library, including salaries, l"'epairs, purchase of books and periodicals, and other inc:i.dental expenses for the ensuing fiscal year, which amount includes the repayment of the sum of $4600.00 to the Building Fund of said library. Section 18. That the sum of $4600.00, or So much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby re-appropl"'iated out of the Lib!'ary Building Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the pur- pose of building an addition to the Public Library BUilding, the same be5.ng the amount previously appropriated for the fiscal '~lear' ending the second Monday of AUb~st, in the year 1928, and not ex- pended. Section 19. That the revenues y'ocelved from the operation of the Ice Department of the Ci t~r of Grand Island, Nebraska, are hereby appropriated for the purpose of paylng the expenses of the operation of the Ice Department, including salaries, and all other incidental expenses connected with the operation, maintainance and enlargement of said department. . I Section 20. That the revenues received from the or:e ration of the Water and Light Departments of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, are especially appropriated by the laws of the state of Nebraska, for the use and benefit of said Departments, and hence, no appropriation thereof is herein made. Section 21. lllis Ordinance shall be in force and take ef- fect fronl and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. passed and approved this 9 day of August, 1933. ATTEST: ~ Marga,ret Paulsen C I TY CLERK Thos. M. Dillon MAYOR I I . /} {\"i' t;1 ORDINANCE NO. 1467 . An ordin8nce leV"'Jing taxes in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the fiscal year commencing with the . I second Monday in August, 1933, and ending the second Mon- day in August, 1934, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY 1~E ~~YOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That there is hereby levied, and shall be collected in the manner provided by law, upon all prop- erty, real, personal and mixed, of every kind and character, within the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the fiscal year commencing on the second IY1on- day of August, 1933, and ending on the second Monday of Aug- ust, 1934, on each dollar of the actual valuation of said property, taxes as follows: and for the following purposes: I The sum of Thirteen (13) mills, for all general and all other municipal expenses. The sum of Three Dollars ($3.00) on each and every male resident of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, between the ages of Twenty-one (21) and Fifty (50) years, except such as are by law exempt therefrom, as a poll tax. Section 2. The City Clerk of the City of Grand 18- land, Nebraska, is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Clerk of Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes, the same to be collected in the manner provided by law. Section 3.. This ordinance shall be in force and take I . effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication, as provided by law. passed and approved this 9th day of AUG~st, 1933. ATTI-!:ST: l~RGARET PAULSEN City Clerk THOS. M. DILIJON Mayor Oll.DIN/~lroE HO. 1488 An ordinance amending Section Nos. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28, of Arti~le 2, of ordinance No. 1174, said ordi- . I nance being an amendment to ordinance No. 1143, the same being the official Building Code of the City of Grand Island, Nebras- ka, providing for the payment of permit fees for House-Movers, Hea ting Contractors, Sheet LIetal Contractors, Plumbing Con trac- tors, Steamfitter Contractors, Electrical Contractor, Sign Hang- ers, Billboards, and repealing said original Section NOS. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28 of Article 2, of said Ordinance No. 1174. BE IT ORDAnnm BY J')U~~{OR. CI'Tr:r COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island" Nebraska: Section 1. rrhat Section NO. 21, of Article 2, of 01'CU- nance NO. 1174, of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be amended to read as follows: HOUSE-liIO'1ER. Any pe:eson, firm, or corp01'a tion engaged in I the business of house-moving shall be granted a permit upon the paymen t of ;;1;25.00, payn.ble as provided in SectiOJ.l. NO. 9 of this Ord:tnance, and complying vIi tb the other provis ions of tbis Ordi- nance. sect:lon 2. 'rhat Section ljO. 2~3 of sc.id Ordinance, be amended to read as follows: HEATING CONTRAC'l'OH. Any person, firm, or corporation en- gaged in the business of heating con tractol', shall be ,granted a permit upon the payment of $25.00, payable as provided in Section NO.9, of this Ol'dinance, and complying with the other provisions of this rn~dinance. I . Section 3. That Section No. 23, of said O:t:dinance, be amended to l'ead as follows: SI-IEB'll IJETAL COlFI'RACTOH. Any pel's on, fix'm, or corporation engaged in the business of sheet metal c on tl' f't etaI' , shall be g:t:ant- ed a perui t u})on the payment of ~plO .00, pay&tble 8.S lJI'ovided in Sec- tion NO.9, of I', . "GillS ordinance, and cOlnplying v!i th the other pro- visions of this Ordinance. Section 4. That Section No. 24, of said Ordinance, be amended to read as fOllovrs: PIJU1'/lBING CONTRACTOR. Any pepson, firm, or corporation en- gaged in the business of pluml)ing, shall be granted a permit up- O -a. re t of ~0~ 00 no y rL n 'H)(J a. . , payable as ppovided in Section No.9, of this Ordinance, and complying wi th other provisions of this 01">- dinance. . I Section 5. That Section No. 25, of said Ordinance, be amended. to read as follows: STEANLE<'IT'rEH CON'l'R.ACTOH. Any pel'son, firm, or corporation engaged. in the business of steamfitters, shall be grCl.nted a permit upon payment of ;i?25 .00, payable as provided in Section ITo.9 , of this ordinance, and complying viith other provisions of this ordi- nance. Section 6. That section No. 26, of said Ordinance, be amended to read as follo.ws: ELECTIUCAL COWY.rlACTOn. Any person, firm, or corporation engaged in the business of construction, installation, or altera- tion of any electrical wiring fixtures or apparatus, shall be granted a permit upon payment of' ~;;25 .00, payable as pr'ovided in I Section No.9, of this Ordinance, and complying with other pro- visions of this ordinance. Section 7. That Section No. 27, of said Ordinance be amended to read as follows: SIGN lUl.l'TGEES. An.y person, fil'll1, or corporation engaged in the business of sign hangel', shall be granted a permi t upon payment of $25.00, payable as provided in Section NO.9., of this Ordinance, and conwlying with other provisions of this ordinance. Section 8. That Section No. 28, of said Ordinance be amended to read as follows; BILLBOAHDS. Any person, firm, or corporation engaged in the business of erecting billboards, shall be granted a permit up- I . I' on payment of ~?25.00, payable as provided in Section No.9, of this Ordinance, and corap1ying wi t11 ot11er provisions of this Ordi- nance. Section 9. If the permits provided for in this ordinance be granted before ,ruly 1st of any year, tb.e total annual fee shall be paid as hereinbefore provided ... If the permit be granted any time between July 1st and December 31st of any year, the fee to be paid shall be one-half of the annual fee. Section 10. Section Nos. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28, of Article 2, of Ordinance No. 1174, are hereby re- . I pealed. Section 11. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication as required by law. passed and approved this 21 day of September, A. D. 1933. (SEAL) THOS. M. DILLON IvlAYOR ATTEST: MARGARET PAULSEN ~CITY CLEHK I I . ORDINANCE NO. ..... ;1.469 . I An ordinance calling a special election of the qualified voters and electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska" for the purpose of submitting to said electors the question of issuing one hundred'eighty-four negotiable bonds by 'the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island" Nebraska, each in the principal sum of $1,000.00, dated March 1" 1934 and due March I, 1954, but pay- able at the option of said city at any time after five years from date thereof; each of said bonds drawing interest from its date at I a rate ,not exceeding four per centum per annum, payable semi-annual- ly, and evidenced by 40 coupons attached to each of said bonds" 'said bonds and coupons being payable to bearer at the office of the County Treasurer ot Hall County, in the City of Grand Island; and further to submit the proposition w~ether the Mayor and Council of said City shall levy annually on all the taxable property in said City a'tax sufficient to pay the semi-annual interest as the same matures" and to raise a sinking fund sufficient to pay the principle of said bonds when due, the proceeds of said bonds to be devoted eXClusively by the Mayor and City council of said City to the purpose of const~uct- ing or aiding in the construction of a system of storm sewerage for the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Whereas" there has been presented to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, a petition signed by more than fifty resident free-holders of said City of Grand Island, praying the Mayor and Council of said City to call a special election for the single purpose of submitting to the electors of said City the question of issuing $184,000.00 in bonds for the purpose of con- structing or aiding in the construction of a system of storm sewer- age for said City; and Whereas, the Mayor and Council find said petition to be in due form and signed by more than fifty resident free-holders and that the provisions of the law have been fully complied with. NOW, therefore, be it ordained by the Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That a special election of the qualified elec- tors of the City of Grand Island, NebraSka" is hereby called and ordered to be held in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, on Tues- day" the 21st day of November" 1933" at the following respective I . .-1 voting plaoes, to-wit: First District: At the Election building on Sixth street between Vine street and oak street. Second District: At the Fire Department building on Fourth . I street between Pine street and Locust street. Third District: At the Election building on North Elm street between Sixth street and Seventh street. Fourth District: At the Election building on Viest Sixth street between Adams street and Jefferson street. Fifth District: At the Election building on Seventeenth street and Broadwell street. Six District: At the Chapel of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home. Seventh District: At the Wasmer School building in the 1600 Block on West Division street between Monroe street and Jackson street. Eighth District: At the Election building in the 1200 I Block on West Koenig street. . Ninth District: At the basement of the City Library, corner of walnut street and Second street. Tenth District: At the basement of the County Court House~ corner of Locust street and First street. Said polling places so designated being the usual polling places in said city and having been used for said purposes for many years. I . section 2. That the registration books for the revision and correction of the registration of said City of Grand Island shall be open at the office of the City Clerk during the time provided by law preceding such election. Section 3. said election shall be open at each of said polling places in said several voting districts at 9 o'clock in the forenoon of said day and the polls shall close at 7 o'clock in the afternoon of said day. Section 4. The proposition to be voted on by the electors at said election shall be the following: "Shall the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraskal issue one hundred eighty-four (184) bonds of said . I I I . City of $1,000.00 each, dated Mareh 1, 1934, due March 1, 1954. but payable at the option of said City after five years trom the date thereof; each of said bonds drawing interest trom date thereof at a rate not exceeding Four per centum per annum payable semi-annually and evidenced by 40 coupons attached to each of said bonds; said bonds and coupons payable to bearer and payable at the office of the county Treasurer of Hall county, Nebraska, in the City of Grand Is- land. And shall the Mayor and City Council of said City levy annual- ly on all the taxable property in said City a tax sufficient to pay the principle ot said bonds when due; the proceeds of the sale of said bonds to be exclusively devoted by the Mayor and Council of said ~ City to the construction or aiding in the construction of a system ot storm sewerage for the City of' Grand Island." Section 5. That the City Clerk of Grand ISland, Nebraska, shall cause to be prepared ballots for use in said election; said ballots to be printed on white paper and to be designated as "Otfi- cia1 Ballots", and upon said ballots shall be printed the proposi- tion embodied in Section Four of this ordinance, followed by the words "yes" and "Nolt, and a blank square under eaeh of said words, and in accordance with the form prescribed in the general laws rela- tive to elections in the State of Nebraska. All electors who favor the affirmative of said proposition shall make a cross in the blank square opposite the said proposition and under the word "Yes", and all electors who are opposed to said proposition shall make a cross in the blank square opposite said proposition and under the word "No.1t Section 6. The same number of judges and clerks of elec- tion shall qualify and serve in this election as qualify and serve in a general election and their duties shall likewise be the same. The returns of said election shall be made to the Mayor and Council of said Oity and by them canvassed upon the first Monday after said election and the result shall then be declared by said Mayor and Council. Section 7. The,City Olerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, shall cause notice of said election be given in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper published in said City, at least thirty (30) days before the election, as required by law. . I Section 8. Th.eMaYOl~ and City Council after any of such bonds shall have been issued by theCity~ shall levy annually upon all taxable property of the City such tax as may be necessary for a sinking fund. ford the payment of the accruing interest upon the bonds and the principle thereof at maturity. Section 9. This ordinance shall be in force and take ef- fect from and after its passage~ approval and publication as provid- ed by law. passed and approved this 13 day of October , 1933. ATTEST: (SEAL) THOS. M. DILLON Mayor Margaret Paulsen City Clerk I I . Ordinanoe No. 1470 . I An Ordinance amending Section 4, of ordinanoe No. 1456, of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, providing for the number of officers on the police foroe in the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska; fixing the hours said officers shall work per day; and fixing the monthly salaries said officers shall re- ceive as pay for said services; and repealing said original Section 4, of Ordinanoe No. 1456. BE IT ORDA!NED BY THE MAYOR AND OITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That Section NO.4, of Ordinance No. 1456, be amended to read as follows: I "The Chief of police shall receive a monthly salary of $150.00 for his services as Chief and exofficio secretary of the Board of Health. Three police captains shall be appointed, who shall serve eight hours per day and receive salaries of $110.00 per month. Lieutenants and other subordinate officers on the police force shall be abolished. The number of patrolmen shall be in- creased from twelve to seventeen, who shall serve eight hours per day and they shall receive salaries of ninety dollars per month during the first year of continuous service or fraction thereof, $95.00 per month during the second year of continuous service or fraction thereof and $100.00 per month for the third and subse- quent years of continuous service, no additional amounts for uni- forms in the police department, shall be allowed." I . Section 2. Section No.4, of ordinance No. 1456, of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby repealed. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in force and take ef- feet from and after its passage, publication and approval, as by law required. passed and approved this 18th day of' OctOber, A.D. 1933. Attest: (SEAL) THOS. fA DILLON Mayor Margaret Paulsen city Clerk . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ~. 1471 !' An ordinance creating special water main district No. 74, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries there- of, providing for the laying of the water main in said district, and providing for the paYment of the cost of construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That there is hereby created a special water main district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Water Main District No. 74, of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 2. said water main district shall consist of that part of West Second Street, from Cleveland street to the west border line of the City limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, which is the east line of the right-of-way of the st. Joseph and Grand Is~ land Railroad Company. Section 3. said water main district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law, and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing water mains, as he~etofore established by the city. Section 4. That the entire assessable cost of construction of said water main district shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district and a tax shall be levied to pay for the assessable cost of construction of said water main district, as soon as said cost can be ascertained, said special water main district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law and shall be collected in the manner provided by law; provided, however, the city treasurer shall not collect, or certify, the amount of said taxes to the county treasurer of said Hall county, Nebraska, on any of the property in said district, until ordered so to do by a resolution of the City Council. Permission shall be granted to the owners of any of the property in said district to pay the taxes to be levied and assessed against any of said property, as shall be determined by the water commissioner of said city, whenever such per- son shall desire to tap or connect with said water main, without inter- est, provided, however, such permiSSion shall have been granted before the city treasurer has been ordered by the Council to collect the same. I I . i It shall be made the duty of the water commissioner to collect the . I special taxes to be levied and assessed as a tapping charge against the property in said district until the city treasurer shall be order- ed to collect the same. The water main in said district shall not be tapped and no connection shall be made therewith for the purpose of serving any of the property in said district without a perrrlt there- for, as provided by the ordinances of said city, and until the water commissioner shall have been paid the special tax to be levied and assessed as a tapping charge and the person, firm, association or corporation, tapping or connecting with said main, without first hav- ing obtained a permit therefor and without having paid the tax to be levied and assessed, shall immediately become liable to said city to pay the same and the special tax shall immediately become a lien upon the property served and shall draw interest at the rate of seven per- cent per annum and shall be collected and enforced by the city treas- urer of said city as in cases of other special taxes. Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take ef- I feet from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. passed and approved by a three-fourths vote of all the mem- bers of the City Council this 1st day of November, A. D. 1933. Attest: (SEAL) TROS. M DILLON Mayor MARGARET PAULSEN City Clerk I !. Ord:i,.nance No. 1473 An Ordinance levying special water district taxes to pay for the construction of the water main in Water Main District No. 74, of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the col- lection thereof. . I BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Secti.on 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a spe- cial water main di.strict tax against the lots, tracts and par- cels of land hereinafter set fort11, for the purpose of paying the assessable cost of construction of the water main in Water Main District No. 74, of said City in accordance with the bene- fits found and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after notice given thereof as provided by law; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: Lot "'"'2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 Enos F. & Lulu J. Linner-----(Easterly 54 feet of Frac- tional Block 21, Bakerls Addition) (Westerly 51 feet of the Easterly 105 feet of Frac. block 21 Baker's Addition) (Westerly 51 feet of the Ea- sterly 156 feet 61' Frac. Block 21, Baker's Addition) Fred W. Ashton & Wife, et al (All of Frac. Block 21, Ba- ker's Addition, except the Easterly 156 feet) Frac. 1 14 Ashton Frac. 2 14 \I Frac. 3 14 It F'rac. 4 14 II pl'ac. 5 14 II Frac. 6 14 \I Frac. 7 14 \I Prac. 8 14 II Name Hall County II It II II II \I International II II It It II U U 11 Harvester 11 11 It 11 Co. I Pred " II Il II w. Ashton " It II II George I. Laeger Robert T. paine Enos F. & Lulu J. Robert T. paine Linda Hickert Eunice F. Meyen " 11 LinneI' Robert T. paine 11 II II II I e Blk -g- 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 20 Addition Baker's " II 11 II II Assessment - .~p 50. 60 35.10 35.10 36.45 36.45 35.10 35.10 35.10 36.45 36.45 35.10 35.10 35.10 36.45 36.03 v 27.36 .; 20.16 18.99 v 0.42 7.07 )t. 14.27 21.48 28.70 34.12 34.43 34.43 Section 2. Said special water main district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law and shall be collected in the manner provided by law; provided however, that the City Treasurer shall not collect the amount of said taxes and shall not certify the amount of said taxes to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebr8ska, on any of the property herein described until ordered to do so by a resolution of the City Council, or as provided in Section 5. II It II " II II " " place 11 It 11 It It II " Section 3. permission is hereby granted to the owners of any of the property hereinbefore set forth to pay said taxes hereby levied and assessed against any of the propel..ty herein descl'ibed as shall be determined by the Water Commissioner of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, whenever such person shall desire to tap said water main for water purposes, without interest; prOVided" that said permission shall have been granted before the City 'llreasurer shall have been ordered to collect said taxes or before the same aha11 have been certified to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska. . I Section 4. It is hereby made the duty of the Water Commission er to collect the taxes hereinbefore levied and assessed as a tap- ping charge against the property hereinbefore taxed, and to pay the same to the City Treasurer, until the taxes hereinbefore lev- ied and assessed shall have been ordered to be collected by the City Treasurer or shall have been certified to the County Treas- urer. Section 5. No person or persons, corporation or association shall tap the water main in Water Main District No. 74 for the purpose of serving any of the property hereinbefore described wi thout fi1's1; having obtained a permit therefor as provided by the compiled ordinances of the City of Grand ISland, Nebraska, and vdthout first having paid to the Water Commissioner for said permi t the tax her'einbefo:r>e levied and assessed as a tapping charge, and in the event any person, corporation or association shall tap said water main without first having obtained said per- mit or without first having paid the tax so levied and assessed, the said person, corpoI'ation, or association shall become liable under the compiled ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebr- aska, and in addition thereto, it is hereby made the duty of the City Treasurer of the City of Grand Island to collect the amount of the taxes lev:i.ed and assessed against the premises and to certify the same to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebrasl<:a, together with instl"uctions to collect the same, as provided by law. I Section 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provid- ed by law. passed and approved this 15th day of November, 1933. ATTEST: ( S1<.::AL) TEas. M. DIJ.ALON Mayor Margaret Paulsen City Clerk I . ORDINANCE NO. .~.123 An Ordinance levying special water district taxes to pay for the construction of water main in Water Main District No. 73 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for . I the collection thereof. BE IT ORDATNJ~D BY THE MAYOH AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: section 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special vvater main district tax against the several lots" tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the pur- pose of paying the cost of construction of the water main in Water Main District No. 73 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against the several lots, tl'acm and parcels of land in said district, by the Mayor and City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after notice given thereof as provided by law; each of the several lots" tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follo'ws: I Owner Lot BUr Addition Assessment Moses Williamson 1 73 original Town riJ; 44.55 'H Moses Williamson pt 2 73 II tl 34.42 Chicago Burlington pt 4 73 II tl 24.64 & G~uincy Railroad Co. F'erdinand Wulf E 631-8 72 II II 42.53 Harris Pulos iJY 31-8 72 II II 2.03 Harris Pulos E 27 J -7 72 11 It 18.23 Arist & Eastathia rramson W ;-59 1 -7 72 \I II 26.33 Chicago Burlington pt 6 72 It It 33.08 & Quincy Haill'oad Co. section 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and delinquent in the manner provided by law. section 3. The City Clerk is hereby dir~cted to cer- tify to the City Treasurer the amount of said taxes, together with instructions to collect the same" as provided by law. I .. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage" approval and publication" as provided by law. passed and approved this 9t~ day of December" 1933. fA TrrEST : THOS. M. DILLON Mayor MARGARET PAULSEN ---. City Clerk