1934 Ordinances . I I I . OH.DHl1I.NCE NO. 1474 A.n ordinance regulating the ha-lJ.ling and deposlting of refuse in the City dump of the city of Grand Island, IJebrasJ;;:a, providing rules and regulations therefore, and. provid.lng a pen- al ty for t11e vio lati on of said rules and l'egulati ons. BE IT OHDAI1JED BY 'THE IJAYOH AND CI']~Y COUNCIl; of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Sectlon 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, 01' cornoration to haul to Si.nd deDosit in said city dump any au- tomobile chassis, autOlrlobile tops, automobile frame s, 8.1). tornobile fenders, any farm implements, or any bulky :r>e1'use made of iron, steel, tin, 01' metal of: any kind wi thout f:iI'st Ita ving the said automob:ile chassis, automob:ile tops, au tomobile friCi-me s, automobile fenders, any i'arLL implements, or any bulky refu~3e made of iron, steel, tin, or metal of s.ny kind cut or broken into MiKOCX}> pieces. not over 1 foot in heighth. section 2. Any person, 1':1.1'm, or corpor'8.tion violating the provisions of Section One of this ordinance shall, upon con- viction thereof be deemed gu:il ty of a m:isdeme8.nor and shall be fined in any sum not less than F:i.ve Dollars (~ii;5.00), nor more than One Hundred Dollars (~;100 .00), and. shall stand committed to the City Jail until saidflne and costs are paid. Section 3. This ordinance shalJ. be in 1'o:cce and take ef- feet from and after its passage, apu:eoval and publication as 1'e- qulred by law. pasiJecl and appr'oved. this 32'd day of January, i\.. D. 1934. A'rrrEsrr: ,!,HOS. M. DILLON Mayor Ma,l'garet Paulsen - Ci ty -Clerk ----.--- ORDINANCE NO. 1475 . I An ordinance creating special water main district No. 75, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the bondaries there- of, providing for the laying of the water main in said district, and providing for the payment of the cost of construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: . Section 1. That there is hereby created a special water main district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as water Main District No. 75, of the City of Grand Is- land, Nebraska. Section 2. That said water main district shall consist of that part of East seventh street from Congdon Avenue to the section line between Sections Ten (10) and Eleven (11). I section 3. Said water main district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law, and in accordance with the plans and specifica- tions governing water mains, as heretofore established by the city. Section 4. That the entire assessable cost of construction of said water main district shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district and a tax shall be levied to pay for the assessable cost of construction of said water maindist~ict, as soon as said cost can be ascertained, said special water main district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law and shall be collected in the manner provided by law; provided, however, the city treasurer shall not collect, or certify, the amount of said taxes to the county treasurer of said Hall County, Nebraska, on any of the property in said district, until ordered so to do by a resolution of the City Council. Permission shall be granted to the owners of any of the property in said district to pay the I ,e taxes to be levied and assessed against any of said prowerty, as shall be determined by tl~ water commissioner of said city, whenever such person shall desire to tap or connect with said water nmin, without interest, provided, however, such permission shall have been granted before the city treasurer has been ordered by the Council to collect the same. It shall be made the duty of the water commission- er to collect the special taxes to be levied and assessed as a tap- ping charge against the property in said district until the city treasurer shall be ordered to collect the same. The water main in said district shall not be tapped and no connection shall be made therewith for the purpose of serving any of the property in said . I district without a permit therefor, as provided by the ordinances of said city, and until the water con~issioner shall have been paid the special tax to be levied and assessed as a tapping charge and the person, firm, association or corporation, tapping or connecting with said main, without first having obtained a permit therefor and without having paid the tax to be levied and assessed, shall immed- iately become liable to said city to pay the same and the special tax shall immediately become a lien upon the property served and shall draw interest at the rate of seven percent per annum and shall be collected and enforced by the city treasurer of said city as in cases of other special taxes. section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take ef- feet from and after its passage, approval and publication as pro- vided by law. I passed and approved by a three-fourths vote of all the members of the City Council this 17th day of January, A. D., 1934. ATTEST: ( SEAL) THOS. M.DILLON Mayor MARGARET PAULSEN City Clerk I . ORDINANCE NO. 14'76 An ordinance creating Sewer District No. 166, in the . I City of Grand ISland, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the construction thereof, and providing for the pay- ment of the cost of construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That there is hereby created a sewer dis- trict in the city of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and des- ignated as Sewer District No. 166 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. section 2. That said sewer district shall consist of the alley between Broadwell Avenue and Vfhite Avenue, extending from Sixth street to the north line of Block One (1), packer and Barris Addition in said City and shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land directly adjacent thereto, bounded as afore- I said and within said district. section 3. said sewer district is hereby ordered laid, as provided by law, and in accordance with the plans and specifi- cations governing sewer district$, as heretofore established by the city. Section ,4. That the entire cost of constructing said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in said dis- trict, and a tax shall be levied against the abutting property in said district to pay for the cost of construction sa~d district, as soon as the cost can be ascertained; said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows; one-fifth of the I . total amount shall become delinquent in fifty' days from date of the levy; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years and one-fifth in four years. Each of said install- ments, except the first shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the date of the levy until they become de- linquent, and after the same become delinquent interest at the rate of one per cent per month shall be paid thereon until the same is collected and paid; such special taxes shall be collected and en- forced as in cases of other special taxes, and said special taxes shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the . I levy. Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. passed and approved by a three-fourths vote of all members of the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, this 25th day of January, 1934. ATTEST: THOS. M. DILLON Mayor MARGARET PAULSEN City Clerk I I . ORDINANCE NO. 1477 . I An ordinance creating sewer District No. 167 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the construction thereof, and providing for the payment of the cost of construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY nlE l\IAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That there is hereby created a sewer dis- trict in the city of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and des- ignated as Sewer District No. 167 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. section 2. That said sewer district shall consist of the alley between Boggs Avenue and Darr Avenue, extending from Sixth street to North Front Street, in said City and shall in- clude all lots, tracts and parcels of land directly adjacent thereto, bounded as aforesaid and within said district. I Section 3. said sewer district is hereby ordered laid, as provided by law, and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing sewer districts, as heretofore estab- lished by the'city. Se.ction 4. That the entire cost of constructing said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied against the abutting property in said district to pay for the cost of construction said district, as soon as the cost can be ascertained; said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows; one-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days from date of the levy; one-fifth in one year; one:"fifth in two years; one-fifth in three I . years and one-fifth in four years. Each of said installments, ex- cept the first shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the date of the levy until they become delinquent, and after the same become delinquent interest at the rate of one per cent per month shall be paid thereon, until the same is collected and paid; such special taxes shall be collected and enforced as in cases of other special taxes, and said special taxes shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy. Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take . I effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. passed and approved by a three-fourths vote of all members of tl.te City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, this 25th day of January, 1934. ATTEST: THOS. M. DILLON Mayor MARGARET PAULSEN City Clerk I I . . I ORDINANCE NO. 1478 An Ordinance repealing ordinance Nos. 3, 25, 58, 28, 34, 47, 67, 110, 166, 211, 264, 272, 371, 400, 431, 661, 708, 1127 and 1433, of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That 01~dinances Nos. 3, 25, 58, 28, 34, 47, 67, 110, 166, 211, 264, 272, 371, 400, 431, 661, 708, 1127 and 1433 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and take I effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. passed and approved this 7th day of February, A. D. 1934. ATTEST: ~ SEAL) THOS. M. DILLON Mayor MARGARET PAULSEN City Clerk I . . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 1479 An Ordinance levying special water district taxes to pay for the construction of the water main in water Main Distl....ict the collection thereof. No. 75, of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for BE IT OHDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special water main district tax against the lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the assessable cost of construction of the water main in Water Main District No. 75, of said City, in accordance with the bene- fits found and assessed against the several lots, tracts and par- eels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after notice given there- of as provided by law; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME LOT BLK ADDITION Henry Krohn & Aug. Stoldt Dill & Huston Co. John Lambert & Eva Blankiron Herbert O. & ]'.flillie Rodenbaugh Augus t B . Kountz Geo. L. Watson Geo. L. Watson Ira & Hazel Lyons Dill & Huston Hiram S. Hatcher Wm. C. Schleichardt Jessie sanders Daniel E. & Lyde Kensinger Perian Leroy Kreider Cecil L. & Goldie E. Wilmarth 1 Lamberts Sub. {2 It II {3 II tt 4 It It 5 II II 6 It II 7 II It 8 II It 9 II It 10 II II W~ 11 II It Tract of land lying north of 7th St. east of Congdon Ave., and south of the .~- sec- tion line throu@~ Section 10. Beginning at the S.E. corner of the S.W.~ of N.E.i of Sec. 10-11-9, thence north 132 feet, thence west 100 feet, thence south 132 feet, thence east 100 feet to point of beginning. Beginning at a point 100 feet west of the S.E. corner of the S.W.~ of N.E.t of ~ec. 10-11-9, thence north 132 feet, thence west 100 feet, thence south 132 feet, thence east 100 feet to the point of beginning. Beginning at a point 200 feet west of the S.E. corner of the S.w.! of N.E.! of Sec. 10-11-9, thence north 132 feet, thence west 100 feet, thence south 132 feet, thence east 100 feet to the point of beginning. ASSESS. $ 109.03 41.25 41.25 41.25 41.25 60.33 60.33 60.33 60.33 60.33 40.18 278.61 53.58 53 . 58 53 . 58 NAr.'IE LOT BLK ADDITION ASSESS. Emil & Dora Lucht 43 Cottage Grove $ 71.15'<- u 11 II 74 II II 80.37< II II II 75 II II 80 .37~ tl II II 106 11 It 80.37/ . It II \I 107 \I It 80.37/ It It II 138 It It 79.51 I Mattie E. Morgan 11 Bark's Sub. 141.45 Wm. & Enuna Nichols 10 II II 88.40 David City. Bldg. & Loan wi 9 It II 44.20 Geo. J. Schreefer E)"- 9 II II 44.20 2 Alfred & Emma pry 6 3 East park 29.74 II II II 7 3 II II 29.74 II II II 8 3 II II 29.74 f.Ir . F. Boquette 9 3 II u 29.74 II It It 10 3 u II 29.74 John Vi! 0 ad 6 4 11 II 29.74 II II 1J1! 1/3 7-4 II II 9.92 11 i chard Sorensen E 2/3 7-4 II It 19.82 John Wood 8 4 II II 29.74 11 II 9 4 II It 29.74 II II 10 4 II II 29.74 Section 2. Said special water' main district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law and sball be collected in the manner pl'ovided by law; pro- vided, however, that the City 'llreasurer shall not collect the amount I of said taxes and shall not certify the amount of said taxes to the County 'I1reasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, on any of the prop- erty herein described until ordered to do so by a resolution of the City Council, or as provided in Section 5. Section 3. permission is hereby granted to the owners of any of the propert;l hereinbefore set forth to pay said taxes hereby levied and assessed against any of the property herein de- scribed as shall be determined by the Water Commissioner of the City of Grand Island,/Nebraska, whenever such person shall desire to tap said water main for water purposes, without interest; pro- vided, that said permission shall have been granted before the City Treasurer shall have been ordered to collect said taxes or I . before the same shall have been certified to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska. Section 4. It is hereby made the duty of the Water Conmlissioner to collect the taxes hereinbefore levied and assessed as a tapping charge against the property hereinbefore taxed, and to pay the same to the City Treasurer, until the taxes hereinbefore levied and assessed shall have been ordered to be collected by the City Treasurer or shall have been certified to the County Treasurer. Section 5. NO person or persons, corporation or asso- ciation shall tap tb.e water' main in Via tel' Main District No. 75 i'01~ . I the purpose of serving any of the propel~ty hereinbefore described without first having obtained a permit therefor as provided by the compiled ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and vvith- out first having paid to the Water Co~nissioner for said permit the tax hereinbefore levied and assessed as a tapping charge, and in the event any person, corporation or association shall tap said water main without first having obtained said permit or without first having paid the tax so levied and assessed, the said person, cor- poration, or association shall become liable under the compiled 01'- .. dinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and in addition thereto, it is hereby made the duty of the City 'rreasurer of the City of Grand Island to collect the amount of the taxes levied and assessed against the premises and to certify the same to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, together with instructions to I collect the same, as provided by law. Section 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. passed and approved this 21st day of February, A. D. 1934. (SI<-:AL) THOS. M. DILLON Mayor Attest: M~HG~l\ET lAULSEN C~ Y er I . . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 1460 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF REFUNDING BONDS OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, IN THE COUNTY OF HALL, IN THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS AND PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF TAXES FOR THE PAYMENT OF SAME. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE ~~YOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: Section 1. The Mayor and Council of the City of Grand Island hereby find and certify: That pursuant to proceedings heretofore duly had and ordinance duly enacted, the City has issued and there are now outstanding and unpaid Refunding Bonds, bearing interest at the rate of Four per centum (4%) per annum, dated March 1, 1928, due March ~, 1948, optional any time, numbered 51 to SOO, inclusive, of the principal amount of TWo Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00); that all of said bonds are the valid out- standing debts of this City, and the City has the option of redeem- ing said bonds at any time; that the rate of interest since their issue has so declined in the market that by taking up and paying off such bonds by the issue of Refunding Bonds as authorized by the Charter of the City of Grand Island adopted by the voters thereof and the Laws of the state of Nebraska a substantial saving in the amount of yearly running interest will be made to the City; that al~ conditions, acts and things required by law to exist or to be done precedent to the issuance of the Refunding Bonds of the City to payoff said outstanding bonds do exist and have been done in regular and due form and time as required by law. Section 2. There shall be, and there are hereby ordered issued negotiable bonds of the City of Grand Island, Nebr- aska, to be lmown as uRefunding Bonds" of the principal amount of TWo Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00) for the purpose of paying off the debt of the City on its outstanding bonds which are enumerated in Section 1 hereof. Said issue of Refunding Bonds shall consist of two hundred fifty bonds of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) eaCh, numbered from 1 to 250, both inclusive, and shall be dated the first day of April, 1934, shall bear interest at the rate of Three and One-half per centum (si%) per annum, payable semi- . I I I . annually on the first day of April and October of each year, and the principal shall become due on the first day of April, 1944. The city reserves the option of paying bonds numbered 1 to 50, both numbers inclusive, of the total principal amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars ~50,000.00) at any time after their date; bonds numbered 51 to 100, both numbers inclusive, of the total principal amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) on the first day of April, 1935 or any time thereafter; bonds numbered 101 to 150, both numbers in- clusive, of the total principal amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) on the first day of April, 1936 or any time thereafter; bonds numbered 151 to 200, both numbers inclusive, of the total principal amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) on the first day of April, 1937 or any time thereafter; bonds numbered 201 to 250, both numbers inclusive, of the total principal amount of Fifty Thou- sand Dollars ($50,000.00) on the first day of April, 1938 or any time thereafter. Attached to said bonds shall be interest coupons. Section 3. said bonds shall be executed on behalf of the city by being signed by the Ma~ and attested by the city Clerk and the City Seal shall be affixed to each bond. The interest coupons shall be executed on behalf of the City by the Mayor and City Clerk by causing their facsimile signatures to be affixed thereto, and the Mayor and Clerk shall by the execution of said bonds be deemed to adopt as and for their own proper signatures their respective fac- simile signatures affixed to said coupons. Section 4. said bonds shall be in substantially the following form: UNITED STATE OF AMERICA STA'rE OF NEBRASKA COUNTY OF HALL REFUNDING BOND OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND No. $1,000.00 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the Ci ty' of Grand Island in the County of Hall in the state of Nebraska, hereby acknowledges itself to owe and for value received promises to pay to bearer the sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS on the first day of April, 1944, with interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of Three and One-half Per Centum(3~~) per annum, payable semi-annually on the first day of October and April of each year upon presentation of the interest coupons hereto attached as they severally become due; provided, however, the City reserves the option of redeeming this bond at any time after its date. The principal and interest are payable at the office of the County Treasurer of Hall County in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. For the prompt payment of principal and in- . I I I . terest of this bond, according to its terms, the full faith, credit and resources of the city are hereby irrevocably pledged. This bond is one of an issue of two hundred fifty bonds of One Thousand Dollars each, numbered from 1 to 250 inclusive, of like date and tenor herewith, issued by the City to payoff its valid outstanding Refunding Bonds of the total principal amount of TWo Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ~250,000.00), which have been here- tofore lawfully issued by the City and are unpaid and the issuance of this bond and of the other bonds of this series has been lawfully authorized by an ordinance duly enacted by the Mayor and Council of said City in strict compliance with the Charter of said City which has been duly adopted by the voters thereof and the laws of the state of Nebraska. Dated this first day of April, 1934. CITY O:B' GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA BY: . -.....-..-.".MB.yor"'.. ....."...-.. ATTEST: --'City'clei;k'-'"~'~' ....,,- (SEAL) (FORNI OF COUPON) No. $ On the first day of October (April) 19 , the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, will pay to bearer Dollars at the office of the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, in the City of Grand Island, for interest due on that date on its Refunding Bonds, dated April 1, 1934, NO. . Margaret paulsen City Clerk Thomas M. Dillon Mayor Section 5. The Mayor and Council shall annually levy and cause to be collected a tax on all the taxable property . I I I . in the city in addition to all other taxes, sufficient in amount to pay the interest on said bonds as the same becomes due and to create a sinking fund and fully pay the principal of said bonds when such principal becomes due. Section 6. After being executed, the Refunding Bonds shall be delivered to the City Treasurer who shall be respon- sible thereof under his official bond, and he shall cause said Re- funding Bonds to be registered in the office of the Auditor of Public Accounts of the state of Nebraska and in the office of the County Clerk of Hall County. The City Clerk is directed to make and certify in duplicate copies of this ordinance and the record of the passage thereof, one of which copies shall be filed in the office of the Auditor of Public Accounts of the state of Nebras}ca, and the other shall be delivered to the Kirkpatrick-Pettis-LOOmis Company, purchaser of said bonds. Section 7. The City elects to and does hereby ex- ercise its option to payoff and redeem on the first day of April, 1934, all of the outstanding bonds of the City which are enumerated in section 1 of this ordinance. Section 8. said Refunding Bonds shall be sold at not less than par as the Council may by resolution provide, and the proceeds thereof shall be applied to the paYment of said outstand- ing bonds. Out of the proceeds of the sale of said Refunding Bonds the City Treasurer shall forthwith deposit with the County Treas- urer of Hall County, Nebraska, sufficient money to pay the princi- pal of such Refunding Bonds, dated March 1, 1928. The County Treas- urer of Hall County is hereby directed and instructed to apply the funds in his hands and available for that purpose to the payment of interest on said Refunding Bonds. Section 9. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage as provided by law. ATTEST: passed and approved this ~h day of March, 1934. Thomas M. Dillon Mayor Margaret paulsen City CTerk ( SF..AL) ORDINANCE NO. 1481 An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the con- . I struction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 167 of the city of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the city of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. T-hat there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of con- struction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 167 of said city, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against the sev- eral lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district, by the Mayor and City Council of said City, sitting as a board of Equal- ization, after notice given thereof as provided by law; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as fol- I lows: owner Lot Block I . City of Grand Island 1-10 w. F. Ainsworth 1 w. F. Ainsworth 2 Mary A. Budd 3 W. F. Ainsworth 4 W. F. Ainsworth 5 Cora M. Bush 6 Wm. H. Benson 7 Ida M. Sparks 8 Cora M. Long 9 Cora M. Long 10 Elliott Burnett 1 Elliott Burnett S 2 ft 2 Lee E. Burnett N 54 ft 2 Gus & Margaret Schroeder 3 Gus & Margaret Schroeder 4 Alton C. Anderson 5 Mrs. Elizabeth Peterson 6 " " 7 " " 8 " " 9 " "10 inc. 6 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Addition packer & " It " It tt It It It It " tt " It It tt It " .. It tt U Barris It II II II It It tt tt II II U " It II .. tI U It II n It Amount $ 381~96 38.22 3S.22 38.22 38.22 38.22 38.22 38~22 38.22 38~22 38.22 38.22 1.37 36.85 38.22 38.22 38.22 38.22 38.22 38.22 38.22 38.22 Section 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and delinquent in the manner provided by law. Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the City Treasurer the amount of said taxes, together with in- structions to collect the same, as provided by law. . I Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. passed and approved this 4th day of April, A. D. 1934. THOS.M. DILLON Mayor ATTEST: Margaret Paulsen City Clerk (SEAL) I I . ORDINANCE NO. 1482 . I An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the con- struction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 166 of the city of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the city of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That thex'e is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the sevel'al lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 166 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district, by the Mayor and City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after notice given thereof as provided by law; I each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: Owner Lot Block Addition Amoun t Chicago Lumber' Co. I 1 packer & Barr's $ 52.38 Chicago Lumber Co. 2 1 n It 52.38 ReI Lingford 3 1 It u 52.38 A. Darling 4 1 It It 52.38 It It 5 1 It It 52.38 n II 6 I II It 52.38 u n 7 I II n 52.38 It II 8 I u n 52.38 Section 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and delinquent in the manner provided by law. Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to certi- I . fy to the City Treasurer the amount of said taxes, together with instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. passed and approved this 18th day of April, A. D. 1934. (SEAL) THOS. M. DILLON Mayor ATTEST: Margaret Paulsen City Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 1483 . An Ordinance creating Sewer District No. 169, in the . I City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, and providing for the payment of the cost of construction thereof. BE IT OHDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That there is hereby created a sewer dis- trict in the city of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be Imown and des- ignated as Sewer District No. 169, of the City of Grand Island, Nebl"aska. Section 2. That said sewer district shall consist of the alley between South Pine Street and Vfuittier Avenue, from Hel~bert street to Emerald Street, in said City, and shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land directly adjacent thereto, bounded as aforesaid and within said district. Section 3. said sewer district is hereby ordered laid, I as provided by law, and in accordance with the plans and specifi- cations governing sewer districts, as heretofore established by the city. Section 4. That the entire cost of constructing said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in said d is- trict, and a tax shall be levied against the abutting property in said district to pay for the cost of construction of said district, as soon as the cost can be ascertained; said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows; one-fifth of the to- tal amount shall become delinquent in fifty days from date of the levy; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years, and one-fifth in four years. Each of said install- I . ments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the date of the levy until they become de- linquent, and after the same become delinquent interest at the rate of nine per cent per month shall be paid thereon until the same is collected and paid; such special taxes shall be collected and enforced as in cases of other special taxes, and said special taxes shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy. . I Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. passed and approved by a three-fourths vote of all members of the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebr- aska, this 2nd day of May, 1934. (SEAL) THOS. M. DILLON lVIayor Attest: MARGARET PAULSEN City Clerk I I . A.. ORDINANCE NO. 1484 . . I An ordinance declaring it unlawful for any person to unlawfully use gas, water or electric current; declaring it unlmvful to make any unauthorized connections with any pipe, con- duit, or wire transmitting gas, water or electric current; de- claring it unlawful to make unauthorized service changes or to eliminate meter readings; declaring it unlawful to injure, al- ter, or mutilate any meters, and providing penal t:tes for the violation thereof. BE IT OHDAINlill BY THE liI1'~YOR AND CI':r.y COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraslca. Section 1. Any person who connects any wire, cord, socket, motor, pipe, conduit or other instrument, device or con- trivance with any wire transmitting or supplying or intending to I transmit or supply electricity, electric current, or connects any pipe or conduit supplying gas or. water, w:i.thout the knowledge and consent of the person, partnership, corporation or company furnishing the electricity or electric current transmitted or supplied by said wire, or gas'or water supplied by said pipe or conduit, in such manner that any portion of such electricity, electric current, gas or water may be transmitted or supplied to any globe, lamp, heating apparatus, motor or other instrument by Ol~ at which electricity, electric current, gas or water may be consumed, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon con- viction, shall be punished as provided in the fourth following section. I . Section 2. Any person vnlo connects or changes any wire, cord, socket, motor, pipe or conduit or other instrument, device or contrivance with any wire, pipe or conduit transmitting or supplying or intended to transmit or supply electricity, elec- tric current, gas or w8.ter, without the Imowledge and consent of the person, partnership, copporation or company furnishing the electricity, electric current, gas or water transmitted or sup- plied by sa id wire, pipe or conduit, in 8U ell marmer as to tr8.nsmi t or supply any such electricity, electric current, gas or water . I to any globe, lamp, heating apparatus, motor or other instrument by or at which electricity, electric cU:r'rent, gas ox' water may be consumed without passing through the meter provided for meas- uring or registering the amount or quantity of electricity, gas or water passing through it, shall be deemed gullty of a misde- meanor and upon conviction shall be punished as provided in the third following section. Section 3. Any person who wilfully injures, al- ter's, or by any instrument, device or contrivance in any manner interferes '\Ivi th, or obstructs tIle action or operation of any meter' made or pr'ovided for measuring OJ' x'egisteX'ing the amount or quantity of electricity, gas or water passing thy'ough it, without the knowledge and consent of the person, partnership, c01"'poration or company furnj.shing or suppl"Jring the electricity, I electric current, gas or water passing or intended to pass through such meter, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction shall be punished as provided in the next but one follow- ing section. Section 4. Any person who Jmowingly uses or who knowingly permits the use of any electricity, electric cUl"'rent, gas or water in any globe, electric motor, heating apparatus or other instrument or device by which elect1'1c1 ty, gas or water may be consumed, ovmed, leased or used by such person, or by any part- nership, company or corporation of which su ch person is a membe1", officer, representative 01"' agent, when any portion or quantity of I . such electricj.ty, electric current, gas or water passes t11rough or along any line, cOr'd, socket, motor', pipe, conduit or other' in- strument, device or contrivance which has been connected with any wire, pipe or conduit transmitting or supplying electricity, gas or water without the Jmowledge and consent of the person, part- nership, corporation 01"' company fux-nishing the elect1'ici ty, elec- tx'i c current, gas Or' water tr'ansmi tted 01"' supplied by said wi:r'e, pipe oi' condui t, or when any portion or quantity of such electric- ity, electric current, gas or vvater passes around, or by, or throug.;h any meter provided for measuring or y'egistering the . I amount or quantity thereof, without being so measured. or reg- istered. by reason of such meter having been changed, interfered. with or obstructed without the knowledge and consent of the per- son, partnership, corporation or company furnishing the electri- city, electric current, gas or water passing or intended to pass tllrough the meter, or by reason of some wire, cord, socket, motOl" , pipe, conduit or other instrument, device or contr:i.vance having been connected with a transmitting or supplying wire, pipe or conduit, without the knowledge and consent of the pepson, part- nership, corpopation or company furnishing the electricity, elec- tric current, gas or water transmitted or supplied by said Wipe, pipe 01" conduit, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanol", and upon conviction shall be punished as ppovided in the next fol- I lowing section. Section 5. Any person convicted of violation of any of the provisions of the foul" next preceding sections shall make restitution to the seller in twofold the value of the prop- erty stolen and shall be punished for such offense by a fine of not less than twenty-five ($25.00) dollars, nor more than one h~ndred ($100.00) dollars, or by imprisonment for a period not less than ten days nor more than three months, or by both fine and imprisonment. Section 6. PrOOf of the existence of any wire, pipe, or conduit connection, or of any injury, alteration or ob- struction of a meter, as in the foregoing sections, provided, I . shall be taken as prima facie evidence of the guilt of the person in possession of the premises where such connection, injury, al- teration or obstruction is proven to exist. Section 7. Upon conviction under the provisions of this ordinance, the seller, if it continue its service or sale of commodities to such convicted person, or any other person or corporation selling the same service or cor~nodities to such per- son, shall install for such convicted person an inclosed, extern- ally-operated-and-sealed type of meter, having all fuses and . I connections readily accessible to the consumel' through an ap- proved opening therefor, but without opening the switch-box proper, and such service switch or connection must be of an approved safety type permi tting the line-meter'-fuse-order of connections. "Approved" as used in this section shall mean favorably passed upon by the inspector as suitable for the purpose designed, and such consumer shall, before obtaining such service or commodities, pay for the cost of installation of such meter, and upon the failure or refusal of such consum- er to pay for such installation, the seller shall refuse to sell to such consumer the sex'vice or commodities in this 01'- dinance and hereinbefore referred to. This ordinance shall be in force and tal{e effect I from and after its passage, approval and publica ti.on as required by law. passed and approved this 16th day of May, A. D. 1934. THOS. M. DILLON Mayor A T'l'ES '11: __ MARGARE~ PAULSEN City Clerk I . ORDINANCE NO. 1485 /J )f. '/ 'Pa . I An ordinance appropriating and condemning private property for the use of the City of Grand Island" Hall county, Nebraska, for sewer and drainage purposes in the South 'TWenty (20) acres of the West one-half (W~) of the Southwest one-quarter (SWi), and the North Sixty (60) acres of the West one-half (Wi) of the southwest one-quarter (SW-,f), and the Northwest one- quarter (NWi) all in section Thirty-three (33), Township TWelve (12), North, Range Nine (9), \ft/est of the sixth p. M. all in Hall county, Nebraska, and providing for the procedure on appropriation of such private property. WHEREAS, the May and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, finds that it is necessary that various private properties consisting of tracts and parcels of land within the boundaries hereinafter more definitely designated, all within the county of Hall and the state of Nebraska, be appropriated and condemned for sewer and drainage purposes. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MA10R AND liITI COUl'WIL of tne City of Grand Island, Hall county, Nebraska: Section One. That the following described property consisting of a strip of land as hereinafter designated be and the same hereby are appropriated for the use of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska for sewer and drainage purposes under and by virtue of sections 16-601, 16-602, and 16-603, of the Compiled statutes of the state of Nebraska for the year of 1929: A strip of land Thirty-three (SS} feet wide, more particularly described as the East Thirty- three (33) feet of the West Sixty-six (66) feet of the.. South Twenty (20) acres of the West one- half (Wl) of the Southwest one-quarter (SWf) of Section Thirty-three (33), Township TWelve (12), North Range Nine (9) West of the Sixth P.M. Also a Strip of land Thirty-three (33) feet in width, More particularly described as; the East Thirty-three (33) feet or the West Sixty-six (66) feet of the North Sixty (60) acres of the West one- half' (Wl) of the Southwest one-quarter (SW;') of section Thirty-three, (33) Township TWelve (12) North, Range Nine (9) West of the Sixth P.M. Also a strip of land Thirty-three (33) feet in width more particularly described as the South Fifteen Hundred (1500) feet of the East Thirty- three (33) feet of the Vlest sixty-six (66) feet of the Northwest one-quarter (NWi) of section Thirty-three (33), Township TWelve (12) North Range Nine (9) ~lest of the Sixth P .])f; All 1n Hall County, B'ba'te of Nebraska. I . Section Two. Tl'iat the following di.sintereated Free- holders of the city ofdGrand ISland, Nebraska are hereby ap- . I p,01nted to asses&the damages accruing .tothe ownerliJ of: the realty appropriated, namely; Marcus cornellus,whose address is 1823 West Koenig street, Grand Island, and J. M. Hanssen, whose address is ~29 South Locust stree't, Grand Island, Nebraska, and David Kaufmann, whose address is 1521 West Koenig street, Grand Island, Nebraska, and who shall receive as compens.atlon for their services the sum of Five ($5.00) Dollars per day of the time necessarily occupied. said assessors shall meet in the Council Chamber in the City Hall" in the City of Grand Island" Nebraska, on the 30th day of June, 1934, at 2 01 clock P. M., and after taking oath to discharg$ their duties faithfully and impartially, " shall, on the same day, view the property appropriated, and on the same day or as soon thereafter as practicable, make, sign and I ~eturn to the City Clerk in writing a just and fair assessment of the damages for each piece or lot of property, the whole or part of whiCh is to be appropriated. Section Three. payment of damages assessed for the appropriatt:on of such private property may be paid out of the General Fund or Sewer Fund of the City of Grand Island" Nebraska. Section Four. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect trom and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. :ElL SSED AND APPROVED THIS 28th day of May, A. D. 1934. THOS. M. DILLON MAYOR ATTEST: I . MARGARET PAULSEN or TY CLERK (see other side) . I I I . OHDINANCE NO. 1486 An ordinance calling a special election of the qualified voter's and elector's of' the City bf Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpese of' submitting to said electors the question of' re- pealing section No.6 of Article No. 3, ~f the city Charter and amending said City~rter by adding thereto a new article, to be'lmovm and designated as Article No. 21; providing for a sy.stem of Civil Service for the employees of the Oity. ~~ereas, the City Council sitting in regular session has by resolution adopted a system or plan to provide for Civil Service for the employees of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and calling for a special election for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors and voters of the Oity of' Grand Island, the adoption of said system in the form of an amenilinent to the City Charter. NOW, therefore, be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That a special election of the qualified electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby called and ordered to be held in the City of Grand Island on Tuesday the 14th day of.Augus 1934, at the following respective voting places, to-wit: F'irst District: At the Election building on Sixth street between Vine street and oak street. Second District: At the :8'i1'e Department building on Fourth street between Pine street and Locust street. Third District: At the Election building on North Elm street between Sixth street and Seventh street. Fourth District: At the Election building on West Sixth street between Adams street and Jefferson street. Pifth District: At the Election building on Seventeenth street and Broadwell street. Sixth District: At the Chapel of the Soldiersl and sailorsl Home. Seventh Distl'ict: At the Wasmer school building in the 1600 Block on West Division street between Monroe street and Jackson street. Eighth District: At the Election building in the 1200 Block on West Koenig street. Ninth District: At the basement of the City Library, corner of Walnut street and Second street. Tenth District: At the basement of the County court House, . I corner of Locust street and First street. Said polling places so designated being the usual polling places in said City and having been used for said purposes for many years. Section 2. That the registration books for the revision and correction of the registration of said City of Grand Islan~ shall be open at the office of the City Clerk during the time provided by law preceding such election. Section 3. said election shall be open at each of said polling places in said several voting districts at f)~ O'clock in the forenoon of said day and the polls shall close at &~ 0' clock in the afternoon of said day. Section 4. The proposition or amendment which shall ap- I pear on the official ballot, and which shall be submitted to the qualified voters and electors of the City of Grand Island, is in words and figures as follows: PROPOSPrION NUMBER I To amend the City charter of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska by repealing Section Six (6), of article Three (3), and by adding to said charter a new article, to be numbered article nunmer ~~enty-one; said article to read as follows: ARTICLE NO. 21 CIVIL SERVIOE MAYOH TO AP.J:'OINT I . SECTION I. The Mayor by and with the approval of the counCil, May whenever there shall be a vacancy, caused by resignation, removal, death or otherwise, appoint a City Engineer, Chief of Fire Department, Chief of police Department, Assistant Fire Chief, park superintendent, Janitor (City Hall), Bacteriologist, Superintendent of Disposal Plant, Commissioner of Water, Light and Ice Department, Sexton for the cemetery, street Commissioner, Band Director, City Attorney, City physician, Superintendent of Air port and any ap- pointive officer. All of said appointed officers shall be classed under Civil Service, and shall hold fiffice under said System; and shall hold office so long as their services are satisfactory, except the City' Attorney, the City Physician, the Superintendent of Air port, and the Band Director, who shall not be classed under Civil Service and who shall hold office for the term the Mayor is elected. OTHER APPOINTMENTS SECTION NO. 2 All other appointments tOpJsitions in the various departments may be made by the department head or manager. CIVIL SERVICE BOARD SECTION NO.3 The Mayor by and with the approval of the . I Council shall app~int a Civil Service Board consisting of three electors of the City, who shall serve for a term of six years, except that the members first appointed shall hold office for two, four and six years respectively. They shall serve without com- pensation. r1'he Mayor with the approval of the Council may make appointments to fill any vacancy which may occur on said board. ORGANIZA TION SECTION NO. 4 Immediately after the appointment the board shall organize by electing one of its members as chairman. The City Clerk shall without extra compensation act as secretary of the board, and shall keep record of all the proceedings of said board, and shall l{eep in the office of the City Clerk all records and files pertaining to the proceedings of said board. ClASSIFICATION OF' CIVIL SERVICE I SECTION NO.5. All employees of the City shall be classed under Civil Service, except the C1 ty A tto:r>ney, the City Physician, all persons regularly elected to office, and persons temporarily employed by the hour, day or week, and any person working under contract. REMOVAL FROM SERVICE SECTION NO.6 Employees of the City may be removed from service by the Mayor and the approval of the Oouncil or by any department head or rnanager, but any employee so removed from service may appeal to the C1 vil service BOEtrd and the decision of said board shall be final. I . EXISTING EMPLOYEES, HOW AFFECTED SECTION NO.7 All persons in the employ of the City, holding positions at the time this amendment takes effect, shall, unless their positions be abolished, retain the same until dis- charged, reduced, promoted or transferred. . I I I . OIVIL SEHVIOE B01dW, EXAIVIINA':nON OF WI1'NESSES, PRODUCTION OF EVIDENCE, OATHS, SUBPOENAS SI<.:O '1'1 ON NO. 8 Tlle Civil Service Board in the discharge of its duties may conduct examinations and make investigations. In any investigation conducted by the board it shall have the power to subpoena and require the attendance ,of witnesses and the production thereby of books and papers pertinent to theinvesti- gation and to administer oaths to such witnesses. NO POLITICAL DISCRIMINATION BETWEEN APPLICANTS OR EMPLOYEES NO AOTlVE PARTICIPATION IN POLITIOAL CAMPAIGNS PERMITTED SECTION NO. 9 No person in Civil Service or seeking admission thereto shall be appointed, reduced or removed, or in any way favored or discriminated against because of political opinions or affiliations, or because of 1'ace, color or religious beliefs. No officer or employee of tlJ,e Oi ty in Oi viI Service shall dil'ectl~{ or indirectly solicit, or receive ,orvllve in any manner concerned in soliciting or receiving, any assessment subscription or contribution for any political party or political purpose whatsoever. No person holding a position in Civil Service shall take any part in political management or affairs or in political campaigns further than to cast his vote Dr privately to express his opinions. ANNUAL HEPORT SECTION NO. 10 The Civil Service Bocrd shall annually make a written report to the Mayor and City Council. RULES AND REGULATIONS SECTION NO. 11 The City Council by resolution, may adopt, amend and enforce a ode of rules and regulations pro- viding for appointment and employment in all positions under Civil Service, based on merit, efficiency, bharacter and industry; which rules and regulations shall have the force and effect of law. VIOLATION OF CIVIL SERVICE PIWVISIONSj PENALTIES SECTION NO. 12 The City Council may by ordinance determine the penalty for the violation of anydf;;the Civil Service provisions of this article. Section 5. That the City Clerk of Grand Island, Nebraska, shall cause to be prepared ballots for use in said election; said ballots to be printed on white paper and to be designated as ttofficial Ballots,1l and upon said ballots shall be printed the . I proposition embodied in Section Four of this ordinance, followed by the words "Yesll and "NO,ll and a blank square under each of said words, and in acordance with the form prescribed in the general laws relative to elections in the state of Nebraska. All electors who favor the affirmative of said pro- position shall make a cross in the blank square opposite the said propsition and under the word IIYes,tt and all electors who are op- posed to said proposition shall make a cross in the blank square opposite said proposition and under the word uNo." Section 6. The same number of ;judges El.nd clerks of election shall qualify and serve in this election as qualify and serve in a general election and their duties shall likewise be the same. The returns of said election shall be made to the Mayor and Council of said City and by them canvassed upon the first Monday I after said election and the result shall then be declared by said Mayor and Council. Section 7. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, shall cause notice of said election to be given in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper published in said City, at least thirty (30) days before the election, as required by law. Section 8. The charter amendment herein proposed shall be deemed, adopted and ratified if a majority of the I . electors voting shall vote in favor of its adoption; and if ratified the same shall become a part of the char tel' of the ci ty. The City Clerk shall, if the same is r'a tified and adopted, certify to the Secretary of tJ:l.c state a copy of said amendment together with a statement of the vote cast in favor of an against said amendment, and shall cause one copy thereof to be placed and deposited in the archives of the city. Section 9. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and af'ter its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. passed and approved this 5th day of July, 1934. (SEAL) ATTEST: TROS. M. DILLON MAYOR . I MARGARET PAULSEN CITY CLERK I I . OFDINANCE NO. 1~87 . I An ordinance levying special texes to pay for the con- struction of the seWel" in Sewer District No. 169 of tb.E': city of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the colleetion thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE H~YOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the city of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of the sewer in Sewer District NO. 169 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district, by the Mayor and City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after noice given thereof as provided by law; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: I NAME LOT ADDITION AMOUNT Fred Knephoff 4 Hawthorne place $ 22.50 II It 5 " \I 2}2 . 50 A. J. Meth 6 II :It 22 .50 " II \I 7 \I " 22.50 Frank & Ida springsguth 8 tI \I 22 .50 Christian F. Kruse 9 tI It 22.50 Hans IJipke 10 tt \I 22.50 John R. Lassen 11 II II 22.50 Lillian Bick 12 \I \I 22 .50 Nev/ton Senseney 13 II II 22 .50 Lela Kiphoff 14 It \I 22.50 II It 15 II II 22.50 II It 16 II It 22.50 tt II 17 tt II 22.50 II II 18 tt 11 22.50 11 II 19 It It 22.50 Elizabeth yankton 20 tt It 22.50 II II 21 It tI 22.50 Harold w. Herpolsheimer 2() II II 22 . 50 {.J II II tt 23 11 II 22 .50 '1'0 TAL $ 450.00 I . Section 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and delinquent in the manner provided by law. . I Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the City 'I'reasurer the amount. of said taxes, together with instl:'uctions to collect the same, as provided by law. Sec tion 4. '1'his ordinance shall be in i'ol"ce and take effect from and after its passe,ge, approval and public8. tion as provided by law. passed and approved this 5th day of July, 1934. ( SEA L) ATTEST: THOS. M. DILLON MAYOR MARGARET PAULSEN CITY CLERK I I . ~ OHDINANCE NO. 1488 An ordinance creating sewer District No. 168 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, pro- . I viding for the laying of a Sewer in said District, describing the manner in which the same shall be laid, and providing for the payment for the costs of the construction thereof. BE IT OHDAINED BY 11HE NfAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF 11HE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASK.A. SECTION NO. 1 That there is hereby created a special Sewer District in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Sewer District No. 168 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION NO. 2 said Sewer shall be laid in the alley bet- ween First street and Second street, from Garfield Street to the west Boundary line of the corporate limits of the City, or to the Easterly' line of' the st. J'oseph and Grand Island Hailroad Companyl[) right-of-way. I SECTION NO.3 said Sewer in said District is hereby order- ed laid as provided by law, and in accordance with the plans and specifica tions governing the constl'uction of' Sewers as hel'etofDre established by the City. SECTIO]\[ NO. 4 That the entire assessable cost of con- struction of said Sewer in said Dist:L'ict shall be assessed against the abutted property in said District, and a tax shall be levied to pay for the assessable cost of' construction of said Sewer in said District, as soon as the cost can be ascertained. Said Special Sevver District tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner I . and at the time provided by law, and shall be collected in the man- ner pr'ovided by law; provi~ed, hmvever, the Oity l.'reasurer shall not collect, or certify, the amount of' said taxes to the County rrx'easurer of said Hall County, Nebrasl1:a, on any of the property I in said District until ordered to do so by a resolution of the City Council. Permission shall be granted, however, to the owners of any of' the px'operty in said District to pay the taxes to be levied and assessed against any of said property, as shall be determined by the Oi tY~ngineer of said Oi ty, wb.enever such person shall desire to tap or connect with said Sewer Main, vIithout intel'est, provided, however, such permission shall have been granted before the C1 ty 'llreasu:r'er has been ordered by the city Council to collect the same. It shall be made the duty of the City Engineer to collect the Special taxes to be levied and . I assessed as a tapping charge against the property in said DistJ:ict, until the City 'Ill~easurer shall be ordered to collect the same. The sev,er in said District shall not be tapped and no connection shal be made till'51'owi th for the purpose of serving any of the property in said District without a permit therefore, as provided by the ordinances of said City, and until the City Engineer shall have been paid the special tax to be levied and assessed as a tapping charge, andithe person, firm, association or cDrpora tion, tapping or COill\.Jcting wi th said Sewer without first having obtained a permit therefore, and without having first paid the tax to be levied and assessed, shall 1mmediate1ybecome liable to the City to pay the same, and the special tax shall imraedia tely become a lien upon the property served and shall dpaw interest at the rate I of Seven per cent per annum, and shall be collected and enfor'ced by the City Treasurer of the City of Grand Island, as in cases of other special taxes. SEC']:ION NO. 5 This OJ:-'dinance shall be enfDrced and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. passed and approved by a three-fourths vote of all the members of the City Council of the City of' Grand Island, this 18th day of July, A.D., 1934. i~ rr1fl1ES T : TRas. M.DILLON . MAYOR MARGA}~T PAULSEN CITY CLERK I . OHDINANGE NUI,'IB:B.'R 1489 'v'? ~,/ \J An ordinance levying special Sewer District taxes to pay for the construction of the Sewer in Sewer District No. 168 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof: BE I'll ORDAINED BY 'CHE NIAYOH l':.j,rD CI'I~{ COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island: . I SECTION NO. 1 That there is hereby levied and assessed a special Sewer District tax against the tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose ai' paying the assessable cost of construction of the Sewer in Sower Distritt No. 168, of said City in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said Distl'ict by the Mayor and City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after notice given thereof as provided by law; each of the several lots, tracts, and parcels of land is assessed as follows: lJAIm LOT BLOCK ADJ)I'I'ION Al'iIOUN'r I Christian B. & 1 Anna L. Leth tl \l II 2 18 19 Bakers 277.94 c",' David Kaufmann AlI-I-IO II 28.40 19 II 27.39 Alice Sothman 3 19 II 27.39 H. H. Glover, ,<;~~t. 4 19 II 27 .:59 II 11 \I II 5 19 \I 28.40 Harold prince 6 19 II 28.40 n II 7 19 II 27.39 H.R. Glover, Est. 8 19 \I 27 . 3~~ Harold prince 9 19 II 27.39 p:. 'N. 1 19 20 20 20 20 20 II 28.40 Nellie (3-. parker 10 Fred Ashton II 28.40 II 11 II 2 II 27.39 II It \I 3 \I 27.39 I . II II II 4 5 II 27.39 II II II It 28.40 AT'thur c. trayer 6 20 II 28 .l1:O II II tl 7 20 II 27.39 Elizabeth c. Mayer 8 20 II 27.39 Herbe .t F. Mayer 9 II \I II 10 20 20 II 27.39 it 28.40 Enos & Lulu j- .Liner Fr.l 21 II 28.15 . I I I . NAME BLOCK LOT ADDITION Geo. I. Laeger :Fr. 2 Bakers 21 Hobert rr. ps.ine 11 3 21 II Fred Ashton,et 0.1 II 4 21 II It \I 11 II 5 21 21 \I 11 II II II \I 6 Fred IJaeger \I Ashton PIE.ce 1 2 14 Hobert '1:. paine 11 Ill: II II Linda hickert II 14 II II 3 Euni ce F. Llayen II 14 II 4 \I II \I 11 5 14 II Hobert T. paine \I 14 II 6 7 \I 11 II 14 II \I \I II 14 It Fr. 8 \I \I II II 9 14 II II II 14 II II 10 II A. 11. VanN oy II 13 14 14 II II II n II II 14 II II II 15 14 II orville Auhl 16 14 II H. T. drovlll 17 ILl If II It \I 18 14 II D. 1<'. Luetzeineier 19 14 II ;r. A. H01rlberg 20 14 11 Frank 8ch1'einor 21 14 11 tl II 22 14 n pred Ashton ILl II 23 r sadie hyan 24 14 II AlIOUNT 21.34 15.72 10.10 4.46 .25 .25 5..52 11 . JA II 16.76 II 22.40 It 26.61 II 26.86 II 26 . 68 " 19.96 II 16.35 II 10.;:')7 II 23.36 II 26.8t) II 26.86 II 26,86 II 26.86 II 26.86 II 26.86 II 26.86 II 26.86 II 26.86 II 28 . ~W TOTAL 1390.24 SEcrrrON NO. 2 said special Sewer District tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law and shall be collected in the manner provided by law; provided, how- ever, that the City Treasurer shall not collect the amount of said taxes and shall not certify the amount of said taxes to the County Treasu~r.'er, of Hall County, yrebl'aska, on any of the property herein described until ordered to do so by resolution of the City Council or as provided in Section No.5. SECrllION NO.;) permission is hereby granted to the ovmers of any of the property herein before set forth to pay said taxes hereby levied and ttssessed against all.Y of tho property herein descr'ibed as shall be deter'mined by the City Treasure of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, whenever such person shall desire to tap or con- nect with said Sewer for Sewer purposes without interest, provided, . I that said permission shall have been granted before the city Treasu::cer shalJ. have been ordered to collec t s:::J.id taxes or before the same shall he ve been certified to the County T'reasurer of Hall County, Nebraska. SECTION NO.4 It is hereby made the duty of the City Treasurer to collect the taxes hereinbefore levied and assessed as a tapping charge against the property hereinbefore taxed, provided, however, the said tax has not been ordered certified to the County Treasurer, of Hall County, by the City CounCil, of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION NO. 5 No person or persons, firm, corporation, or association shall tap the Sewer in Sewer Distri.ct No. 168 for the pur- I pose of serving any of the property herein before described VIi thou t first having obtained a permit, therefor, as provided by the compiled ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and without first having paid to the City Engineer for said permit for the tapping there' of, and. without h<:;.ving fil"st paid. to the City Tre8.Surel" the tax 11.erei11 berore levied and assessed, and in the event any person, firm, cOl~por- ation or association shall tap said Sewer without first having obtainec the said perIni t and without having first paid the tax so levied and assessed, the said person, f'il"m, corporation or association shall be- come liable under the compiled ordinances of the City of Grand Island, N ebrasl:::a.) and in addition thereto, it is hereby made the duty of the Ci ty 'Treasux'er of Grand Island, to collect the amount of the tax 1eviec and assessed against said premises and to cert5.fy the same to the I . County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebrasl:a, together with the instruct- ions to collect the same as provi.ded by law when ordered to do so by the Mayor' B.nd City Council of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION NO.6 This ordinance shall be in force and take ef- i'ect f'Y'orn "'.110. c"'.!.-.'teI" lOts -as" e '" 1 0 '1' t' _ ~ ct lJ. Sdp;., 0. pp.c" 0 va ana pUO lca lon as prOVided by law. passed and approved this 1st day of August, 1934. ( $E~L. \T .r..'I"l'EB THOMAS 1((. D;ILLPN. Mayor M ~FjG4 REi Pt: Ur.s EN lty C er . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 1490 . An ordinance providing for the issuance of One hundred s.torm eighty-four thousand dollars ($184.,000.00) of/\sewer bonds of the ci ty of Grand Island, in Hall (.jounty, Nebraska, authorizing the levy of a tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of'said bonds, and repealing all ordinances and resolutions and parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith. WHEREAS, at a duly called special election of the ~alified and legal voters of the city of Grand Island, Nebraska, held in said city on the 21st day of November, 1933, said city of Grand lsland was duly authorized by a majority of more than three-fifths (3/5) of the electors of said City voting upon the proposition, to issue its negotiable coupon bonds in the principal sum of One hundred eighty-four thousand dollars ($184.000.00), to bear date March 1, 1934, to become due March 1, 1954, but to be payable, at the option of said City, at any time after five (5) years from the date thereof, , each of said bonds to be in the denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00), said bonds to bear interest from the date thereof at a rate not to exceed four per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, as to be evidenced by forty (40), interest coupons attached to each of said bonds, said bonds to be payable to bearer at the office of the County Treasurer of Hall (.jounty, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, the proceeds from the sale of said bonds to be exclusively clevoted and / used by the Mayor and Council of said City for the purpose of construct ing or aiding in the construction of a system of storm Sewerage for sai city; and said City was further authorized at said election to levy annually upon all the taxable property of the City, such tax as may be necessary for a sinking fund for the payment of the accruing inter- est upon said bonds and the principal thereof at maturity; and ~mEREAS, the Mayorand City Council of said City of Gnand Island, Nebraska, now have full power and authority to issue One hundred eighty-four Thousand Dollars ($184.000.00), of storm Sewer Bonds of said City by virtue of the authority vested in them as a~ore- said, and by virtue of the laws 0.1: the State of NebraskaJ NOW, rrHEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY T.HE MAYOR AND .CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Islandl Hall County, Nebraska: .., . I section 1. That the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, issue its negotiable bonds, One Hundred eighty-four in number, in the aggregate principal amount of One Hundred eighty-four Thousand Dollars, dated March 1, 1934, becoming due March 1, 1954, but payable at the option of said liity, at any time after five (5) years from the date thereof, said bonds to be known and designated as "storm Sewer Bonds" of said City; each of said bonds bearing interest from date thereof at the rate of Three and three-fourths (3 3/4) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually as evidenced by forty (40) interest coupons attached'" to each of said bonds; said bonds and coupons to be payable to bearer at the office of the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, in the liity of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 2. That said storm Sewer Bonds, interest coupons and certificates thereto attached be in substantially the following form, to.wit: (FORM OF BOND) UNITED STATES OF AThmRICA STATE OF NEBRASKA COUNTy OF' HALL I CITY OF GKAND ISLA~D STURM SEWER BOND No.1. $ 1000.00 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the City of Grand Island, in Hall County, State of Nebraska, acknowledges itself to be indebted, and, for value received; hereby promises to pay to the bearer hereof, on th.b First of March, 1954, the sum of 01'JE THOUSAND DOLLARS I . with interest thereon at the rate of Three and Three-fourths (3~) per cent per annum from. the date hereof until paid, payable semi- annually on the First Day of September and on the First day of March, in each and every year, upon the presentation and surrender of the attached interest coupons as the same shall severally mature. The City of Grand Island expressly reserves the right, at its option, to call for payment and to redeem this bond at any time after five (5) years, at par and accrued interest. Both principal hereof and interest hereon are hereby made payable in lawful money ~ the United states of America. , at the office of the county Treasurer of Hall County, NebraSka, in the vity of Grand island, Nebraska. This bond is one of an issue of One Hundred eighty-four . I (184) bonds, numbered One to Qne llundred eighty-rour, both nurnbers inclusive, all of like amount, date and tenor, aggregating the total principal sum of One Hundred eighty-four Thousand Dollars (.84.000.00 said bonds having been issued under the authority of Article Six (6), Chapter Sixteen (16) of the Revised Statues of Nebraska, 1929, and other pertinent statutes of said state, for the purpose of construct- ing or aiding in the construction of a system of Storm Sewerage of said ~ity; and pursuant to the authoirty granted by the electors of said ~ity of Grand Island voting at a special election held in and for said <.iity on November 21st, 1933, and under the further authority of an ordinance duly passed by the Mayor and uouncil of said ~ity, an' published as required by law. It is hereby certified and recited tha all conditions, things and acts required by law to exist and to be done precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have existed and have been performed in due form and time, that the indebtedness I of said <.iity, including this issue of bonds does not exceed any limitation imposed by law, and that the city covenentsthat-:it will annually levy and collect taxes on all taxable property in said City in an amount sufficient to pay the principal hereof and the interest hereon at maturity. For the prompt payment of this bond, I.hl"d etn both principa~linterest, at maturity, and for the levy and collection of taxes sufficient therefore, the full faith, credit and resources of said City are hereby irrevocably pledged. IN TESTIMONY VffiEREOF, the said City of Grand Island, in the County of Hall,state of Nebraska, by its Mayor and CounCil, has caused this bond to be executed upon its behalf and signed by its Mayor and attested by its City Clerk, has caused the corporate seal of said I . City to be impressed hereon and has caused the interest coupons hereto attached to be signed by its Mayor and its City Clerk, re- spectively, by their facsimile signatures, and said officers do, by the execution hereof, adopt as and for their own respective signatures their facsimile signatures appearing on said bonds, all as of the First day of March 1934. ATTEST: CITY OF GRAND ISLAND City Clerk Mayor (SEAL) FORM OF INTEREST COUPON No.1. $18 .75 ON THE FIRST DAY OF SEPTEI~ER 1934, the City of Grand . I Island, Hall County, Nebraska, will pay to the bearer EIGHTEEN AND 75/100 DOLLARS in lawful money of the United StEltes, at the office of the County Treasurer of Hall County, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the interest due that date on its storm Sewer Bond dated March 1, 1934. No. 1 ATTEST: (Facsimile Signature) Mayor (Facsimile Signature) City Clerk REGISTRATION CERTIFICATES state of Nebraska ) ) Office of Auditor of Public Accounts) ss. I I, the undersigned, Auditor of Public Accounts of the state of Nebraska, hereby certify that I have examined the within bond and proceedings relative to its issuance, and do find and hereby certify that said bond has been regularly and legally issued, and that the same has been registered in my office in accordance with the provisions of WITNESS 1~ HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE THIS day of 19 . Auditor of Public Accounts I . state of Nebraska) ) County of Hall ) ss. I, the undersigned, County Clerk of Hall County, NebraSka, do hereby certify that this bond has been registered in my office pursuant to the provisions of . WITNESS MY HAND AND OF'FIUIAL SEAL THIS day of . 19 . - County Clerk Section 3. That said bonds be signed by the Mayor and at- tested by the City C~erk of said city, that the seal of said City be impressed on said bonds and that said interest coupons be executed by the facsimile signatures of said Mayor and City Clerk, which said officers shall, by the execution of said bonds, adopt as and for thei . I respective signatures, their facsimile signatures appearing thereon. Section 4. After the execution of said bonds by the Mayor and City Clerk, as aforesaid, the same shall be delivered to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the state of Nebraska, and the County Clerk of Hall County, Nebraska for registration of the same in their respective offices and for endorsement of the certificates of said officers certifying to said registration, respectively. Whereupon said bonds shall be delivered to The First National and Overland National Bank of Brand Island, Nebraska, purchasersof said bonds, in conformity with the contract heretofore entered into between I said City of Grand Island and said First National Bank and Overland National Bank of Grand Island, Nebraska, which contract is hereby ful ly ratified and approved. Section 5. That the authorities of said City of Grand Island be, and hereby are, authorized and directed to lefy annually a tax upon all the taxable property within said city in an amount sufficient to pay the interest accruing upon s~1d bond;:;: wilen the same shall become due, and to raise a sinking fund in an amount sufficient to pay the principal of said bonds at maturity. section 6. That all other ordinances and resolutions and parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict with the terms hereof be, and the same are, hereby repealed. Section 7. That this ordinance take effect immediately upon its passage and approval and publication, as provided by law. passed and approved this 6th day of August , 1934. I . ( SEAL) THOS. M. DILLON Mayor ATTEST: lJtAfta.,4, R ET lAST ~SF.N Clty C er ORDINANCE NO. 1491 BEING THE ANNUAL APPHOPIUA'l'ION BILL OF 'l'BE CI'I1\.[ OF' GRAND ISLAND, NERWJ..SKA., POEt rrI-m PISCAL YE.AH COl.1TiENCING ON '.ellE SECOND MONDAY IN AUGUST, 19;34. B"E rrE OrmAINED BY THE IiU,\YOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: . I section 1. That the sum of $i10, 600 .00, is hereby appropriated for the pUl>pose of paying the interest on the bon.ded indebtedness of the City of G:c8Fl Island, l'Jebrasl:a, and to c1:eate a sinking fl:md to pay the p:dncipa1 thereof, when the same becomes due. rEhere is also appropria ted the Burn. of ~~2000 .00 for pOl'manent care of the lots in the Gr::md Is land cemetery. 'llrwre is also appropriated the sum of ~~9000 .00 for the purpose of reimbursing the Cemetery fund 1'01' p3 r'rnanent care of lots in the Grand Island Cemetery during previous years. Section 2. That the sum of :jj;4500 .00, is hereby approprhc. ted out of the General Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the County 'Ereasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, fox' collecting and remitting taxes due the Ci ty of Grand Island, ~Nebraska. Section 3. That the sum of (~14,000.00, or so much thereof as may I be necessary, is hereby appl'opria ted out of the General F'und of the Ci ty of Gr'and Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the sa1arios of the City Officers, including Mayor, 8 CouncilrrlGn, ~rrGaSU1~er, Clerk, Assistant C1erl{, Attorney., Physician, Jani tor, Weigher, Caretaker at dump, Bacteriologist, Building Inspec"G01>, fOl' the ensuing fiscal year. Section 4. That the sum of ~t13,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hel'eby appropriated out of the General Fund of the City of G:-C'and Island, Nebl'aska, for the pUI'pose of paying the expenses of building, repairing, grading, flushing and cleaning the streets and alleys, opening streets, the purchase of property, and for the construction of streets, gutters, sidewalks and crosswalks, and making I . other street and alley improvements, and fox' the purchase of tools, implements and m.achinery, the salal'y of the Street Conrrnissioner, labor, and all other expenses incidental to streets and alleys. The unexpended balance in the sum of ~~4000 .00, appropriated for the year of 19;'53-1934, is hereby y'e-appropl'iated for the purpose set forth in this section. section 5. That the sum of ~p4000 .00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the City of' Grand Island, Nebraska, f'or the purpose of paying the salary of Ij;ne;ineer, and the expenses and operation of' the office. section 6. That the sum of $15,500,,00, or so rm:wh thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of tIle General Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebrasl::a, for paying the expense of light ing the streets, alleys, ~1blic grounds and buildings of said city, including erections and repairs. section 7. 'rha t the sum of ~p7200 ,,00, or so much thereof as may . I be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying hydrant rental for the ensuing year. section 8. That the sum of $19,500.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hel'eby appropriated out of the General Fund of the Oi ty of Grand Island, NebraSl::a, for the purpose of paying the incidental expenses of the city for the ensuing fiscal year, not otherwise provided for herein, including airport, milk testing, elections, and buildings, and equipment used for elections. There is also appropriated the sum of $500.00 to pay for the purchase price of a lot or tract of ground adjacent to and as an extension of Memorial park, in the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska. Se ction 9. That the sum of ~p22 ,000.00, or so rauch as may be I necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the PUJ.~pose of paying for the extension of seViel'S and drains, other than are elsewhere herein provided for, and for all expenses, for flushing sewers, and repairing and operating disposal plant. The sum of $6000.00, being the unexpended balance from the amount appropriated for tIle year 1933-1934, in the Sewer Fund, is hereby re-appl'opriated for the PUl'pose above set forth. Section 10. That the sum of $9000,,00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby apPl'opriated out of the papk Fund of the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, fop the purpose of maintain:tng, extending, impl'oving and beautifying the parks and playg:r'ounds of the Oity of I . Grand Island, :rrebraska, and for the purpose of such real estate as may, by the Mayor and Oity Oouncil, be deemed necessary or advantageous. The sum of ~;i;lOOO. is also appropriated for the purpose of repaying 1\ the sum of ~plOOO .00 borrowed from the Funds of the water and Light Department. section 11. That the sum of' ~~34,000.00, ox' so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the Police Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying salaries of the police Department and the police J-udge, and all expenses of the Department, including care and eX:p3nse of the Emergency Hospital, . I Board of Health and SecI'etery of the Board, fOl" the ensuing year, 'which inc1udes the repayment of the sum of ~ji4000 .00, to the Light Fund for money borrowed to maintain the Police Department. 'rhe unexpended balance in the sum of $1000.00, appropriated for the year of 1933-1934, is hereby re-appr'opriated for the purpose set forth in this section. section 12. That the sum of :~9000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary,out of the cemetery Fund is hereby appr'opriated for the purpose of improvements; extension, beautification, and maintenance of said Cemetery. The unexpended balance in the sum of ~plOOO .00, appropriated for' the year of 1933-1934, is hereby re-appropriated for the purpose set forth in this section. section 13. That the sum of ~~;54,OOO.OO, or so much thereof as I may be necessa1"'y, is hereby appropr'iated out of the Fire Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to pay salaries of firemen, for the purchase of new hose and other equipment, and all expenses and repairs necessary in the operation of the department, wh:Lch includes the 1'e- payrnen t of the sum of $3000.00 to the Light pund, whi ch VIas b01~rowed fOl~ the purpose of maintaining the Fire Department. Section 14. That the sum of ~k4500.00, or so much the~L'eof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the paving Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the expenses of paving street and alley intersections, and spaces opposite public I . buildings and gl~ounds and for repairs, extensions, and other expenses of paving department. The sum of $5000.00, is also appropriated out of the paving Fund for the purpose of retiring registered warrants now outstanding against said :fund. ~ i section 15. That the sum of ;~3000.00, 01' so much thereof as may be necessary, is 11.ereby appropriated out of the Music Fund of the Oity of Grand Is18.nd, Nebraska, fOI' the purpose of pl ying for the eXIB nses of vocal, instrumental and amusement organizations, for free public . I concerts, festivals, parade and entertainments. section 16. That the sum of ~~8500 .00, or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated out of the Library Fund of the Oit~ of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the exp=; nses of the Public Library, includinr:; salaries, repairs, purchase of books and periodicals, and other incidental expenses for the ensuing fiscal year. The sum of ~;3000 .00 is hereby appropriated out of the Lib:r:'ary Fund for the Building Fund of the Oity Library. Section 17. The sum of ~p4600 .00, or so much thereof as may be ne6essary is hereby re-appropriated out of the Library Building Fund of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of building an addition to the Public Library Building, the same being the amount previously appropriated 1'01' tJ:1e fiscal year ending the second Monday of AUf:~st, in the year of 1928, and not expended. Section 18. That the revenues received from the operation of the I Ice Department of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, are hereby ap- px'opria ted for the purpose of paying the expenses of the operation of the Ice Department, including sala1'i8s, and all other incieJental ex- penses connected vlith the operation, maintenance and enlrcrgement of said clepartrnent. Section 19. That the revenues recei ved from the opel'ation of the Water and Light Departments of the Oity of Grand Island? Nebraska, are especially appropriated by the laws of the state of Nebraska, for the use D.nd benefit of said Depi1rtments, and hence, no appropria tion thereof is herein made. Section 20. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect I . from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided. by law. passed and. approved this lOth day of Au[~st, 1934. ATTEs'r THOS. M. DILLON l.W..YOR MARGARET PAULSEN OITY CLERK -~ OFmINANCE rTO. 1492 An ordinance levying taxes in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the fiscal year cOfMnencing with the second Monday in August 1934, and ending the second Monday in August, 19357 ~ld . I p;r'ovidin.g for the collection thereof. BE rrr OEDAINED BY nUl: Iilil.YOR AND 'IIIIE CITY COUNCIL of the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska" Section 1. That there is hereby levied, and shall be col- lected in the manner provided by Imv, upon all propert~y, real, personal and mixed, of every kind and character, wi thin the cOl'porate 1imi ts of the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebr'aska, for tIle fiscal year commencing on the second Llonday of August 1934, and ending on the second I'10nday of August, 1935, on each dollar of the actual va1- uation of said property, taxes as follows: and for the following purposes. 'rhe sum of Fourteen (14) mills, for all gene1'al and all other municipal expenses. I The sum of 1'hree Dollars (~?3 .00) on each and e very male resident of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, betvleen the ages of TVJenty-one (21) and Fifty (50)ye~1..rs, except such as are by law exempt therefrom, as a poll tax. Section 2. The City Clerl\: of the Cit~l of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County CICl'k of Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes, the same to be collected in the manner provided by law. section 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication, as provided by law. passed and approved this lOth day of August, 1934. I . ( s8e,1) A'l'TEST TROS. M. DILLON MAYOR MARGARET PAULSEN CI'rY CLEHK ~ OHDINAIJCE NO. 1493 An ordinance providIng for the number of of1'ice1's on the police force in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; fixing the hou:m said offIcers shall v:ork per day; and fixing the monthly 8al- 8.ries said officers shall recel ve as pay fOl~ said servj.ces; and . I repealing ordinance Number 14'70 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. BE IT OHDAINED BY 'l"EE liIi\YOiL AND CI'I~ COUNCIlJ OF' THE CI'l'Y' OF GHAND ISLAND, }.TE13RAS1\J1.: Section No.1 Commencing August H.:>th, 1934, the officel~s of the police force of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska and the salary recej. ved by each shall be as follows: There shall be a Chief of Police, who shall receive a monthly salary of $150.00 per month for his services as chief and ex-officio Secretary of the Board of Health. One Assistant Chief shall be ap- pointed, who s:hall serve twelve hours per day and shall recej.ve a monthly salary of ~p125.00. The positions of captains and Lieutenants are hereby abolished. The number of de~3k Sergeants sllal1 be thl~ee, and the number of patrolman shall be thi1'.teen, who shall serve eight I hours per day, and they shall receive a salary of $90.00 per month during the first year of continuous service or fraction thereof, ~j;95 .00 per month during the second year of continuous service 01'" fraction thel'eof, and iplOO .00 per month fop the third and subsequent years of continuous service. No additional amounts for uniforms in the Police Department shall be allowed. Section No.2 ordinance No. 14'70 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska is hereby repealed. Section rIO. 3 This ordinance shall be in force e.nd take effect from and after its passage,' approval and publication as by laYl 1"e- qui1"ed. ~ 15th P. assed and apn,..l'oved th3..' s .ii.lll__da,.iT l' {, tAD lC)~4 . ~ ~'!7!'!' I 0 AU gu s ... , ~ u . I . A 'l'TES T (SEAL) MARGARET PAULSEN CITY CIJERK - THOS. M. DILLON lEAY OR ~ r ~ i . . ORDINANCE NO. 1494 '. 1 An Ordinance creating Sewer District No. 170, in the City of . I Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, and provid- ing for the payment of the cost of construction thel'eof. BE IT ORDAIN1ID BY THE'N~YOR AND CI1~ COUNCIL of the city of Gl'and Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That there is hereby created a sewer dis~~ict in the city of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Sewer District No. 170, of the City of Grand Island., Nebr~1ske.. Section 2. That said sewer district shall consist of the alley between Groff street and Bischeld street, from Maple street to the East line of Lots Four (4), and Five (5), in Block Eight (8), in Goehnck'sAdclition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, and shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land direc tly ad,jacen t thereto, bounded as aforesaid and wi thin said district. I Section 3. said sewer district is hereby ordered laid, as provided by law, and in accordance with the plans and sepcifications governing sewer districts, as horetofore established by the city. Section 4. That the entire cost of constructing said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting prop'erty in said district, D.nd a tax shall be levied against the abutting property in said district to pay for the cost of construction of said district, as soon as the cost can be ascertained; said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows: one-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty da.ys from date of t.he levy; one-fifth in one year; one-fifty in two year's; one-fifth in three .1 .. I I I I years, and one-fifth in four years~ Each of said installments, except the fiy'st, shall drD.w interest at the rate of seven per cent pel" annum f:r.'orn the date of the levy un t:i.l they become delinquent, and after tlle same become del:i.:nquent interest at the rate of nine pel' cent per annum shall be paid thereon until the same is collected and paid; such special taxes shall be collected and enforced as in cases of other special taxes, and said special taxes shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy. uection 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, appr'oval and publication, as . I provided by law. passed and approved by a three-four'tll,s vote of all members of the Oi ty Council of the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, this 7tll day of November, 1934. THOS. M. DILLON ( SEj'~L) May'or' Attest: MARGARET PAULSEN City Clerk I I . ORDINANCE NO. 1495 An ordinance levying special taxes to pay fO:l:l 1~he construc- tion of the sewer in Sewer District No. 170, of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY TilE N~YOR AND CI1Y COUNCIL of the city of . I Grand Island, Nebras}~a. Section 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a speci~ tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafteI set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of thE sewer in Sewer District No. 170 of said 01 ty, in acc01~dance with thE benefits found and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said distr:i.ct, by the Mayor and City Councj.l of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after notice given thereof as provided by law; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: Name Lot Block Addition Amount pearl U. Gunn 1 2 9 Joehnckts fp 20.'71 Anna A. Joehnck it It 20.71 20.71 20.71 u u I Charles Joehnclc 3 Alexander D. Wright 4 It u Detlef Joehnck 5 It " 20.71 " u 6 tt II 20 .71 It n 7 8 4 It it 20 .71 Vial ter' A. ott II It carl C. Joehnck 1 2 10 II 20 .71 20.71 20.'71 20.'71 Henry Joehnck 8 tt Lester & Linea Plymaro u It Charles Joehnek 11 II 20 .:71 John & Metha Meves 3 It It 20.71 20.71 20.'71 Metha l'ileves 4 5 u tl I . Augusta Engellander 11 ~ It 11 6 lJ tt 20.1]1 Minnie D. Simpson 7/ II It 20.71 u ,t 8 II U TOTAII- - - - - - - - --=1 20.'71 372.78 Section 2. The taxes so livied shall become payable and de- linquent in the manner provided by law. section 3. The C:i. ty Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the city Treasurer the amount of said taxes, together with in'" structions to collect the same, as provided by law. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect . I from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. passed and appl>oved this 21st day of November 1934. ( S }<.;AL ) ATTEST Margaret Paulsen City Clerk Thos. M. Dillon Mayor - I . I . ORDINANCE NO. 1496 An ordinance defining Retail coal Dealers and Distributors, providing for their licensing and regulating the conduct of such licensees in such occupation, and fixing a penalty for its violation. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF' THE CITY OF GRAND ISLA.:ND f'. I NEBRASKA. SECTION 1. All individuals, firms, oorporations, associations or organizations of any kind or nature, engaged in the retail sale or the distribution of coal as hereinafter described, shall secure a license from the City of Grand Island, and conform to the require- ments hereinafter set forth. SECTION 2. Any person, firm, corporation, association or organization of any kind or nature, selling coal in any quantity direct to the consumer, shall be deemed and considered a retail coal dealer, except where the coal is sold in car load lots to industries, institutions, corporations, firms, associations or individuals, which consume the coal themselves and maintain private switch tracks for its unloading. Every industry, institution, corporation, firm association or individual, purchasing in car load lots and reselling or distribu~' I ting such coal to employees, friends, relatives or others, shall be deemed and considered to be retail coal dealers. SECTION 3. Any person, firm, corporation, association or organization of any kind or nature, draying truc~ing, hauling, or otherwise distributing coal from any source of supply, except that of a licensed coal dealer, which coal is not being delivered for his own individual use, shall be deemed a coal distributor, and shall pay the license herein described and otherwise conform to the require- ments of this ordinance. I . SECTION 4. A retail coal dealer shall be defined as a person, firm or corporation engaged in the selling and delivering of solid fuels, who maintains a retail coal yard or yards throughout the year with adequate stocks of coal to meet the needs of the community, properly equipped with office, scales and other necessary facilities in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska incident to the carrying on of a retail fuel bu.siness. " if: SECTION 5. Every licensee hereunder shall supply without discrimination and to the extent of lIlis supply of coal any party, except a coal dealer or distributor, applying for co~l and tendering payment therefor in Ohsh. e I I J 1 ,1,J,. I.... li '4 fl ie ~ SECTION 6. The l:tcense fee for a retail coal dealer or dis- tributor shall be Ten ($10.00) Dollarsper year, and no license shall be issued for less than one (1) year. Such license shall be posted in a conspicuous place at the place of business of licensee, and shall entitle the holder thereof to sell coal, wood and other fuel. SECTION 7. Each licensee hereunder shall display on the left hand side of each truck, wagon, or trailer, used for the delivery of coal, the words "Licensed Coal Dealeru or "Licensed Coal Distributor," as the case may be, together With his license number, in painted letters not less than three (3) inches in height, and in such condition that they may be at all times easily distinguishable and readable at a distance of sixty (60) feet. License plates to be paid for by licensed retail dealers. SECTION 8. No license issued hereunder shall be transferable. SECTION 9. Every person, firm or corporation delivering coal in any ~ntity, except car load lots sold and settled for on the basis of railroad scale weights, shall cause the same to be cor- rectly weighed and shall furnish to the driver or person in charge of each load or delivery a ticket showing the net weight, the name of the purchaser, the name and grade of the coal, and the name of the dealer or distributor. It shall be unlawful and a violation of this ordinance for any such driver or person in charge of a load or de- livery of coal to refuse to exhibit such ticket to any officer of the law upon request of such officer, or make a delivery of coal with- out delivering such ticket to the purchaser or some person representinl the purchaser at the point of delivery, or in the absence of the purchaser or such other person at the pOint of delivery, then by put- ting same under the door at point of delivery. SECTION 10. Any person, firm, corporation, association, institution or organization of any-kind or nature, violating any pro- vision of thi,s'ordinance shall, be deemed guilty of a In!bsdemeano~ and upon conviction, be fined in any sum not less than TWenty-five ($25.00) dollars nor more than One hundred ($100.00) dOllars, and shall stand committed to the City Jail until such fine and costs are paid SECTION 11. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. passed and approved this 19th day of December 1934. (SEAL1TTEST~RGARET PAULSEN THOS. M.~ItLON d1t.v /!1AToIr Mayo:T?, f~:-; :;;,~j:::