1939 Ordinances . I I I . ORDINANCE #1627. 1.UTUIWI.ljANCB Pl'ov:tciing for the -J"'~1~3lJ..~;j:;(~'~~ o-l~;:;;:)r-; 000 p-'nx->k 'P'O,"",(IO of'- _ . \A~-__"'" '-' If 'LI" C.J. _~ Jj .1.1. --'_t.::! the City of Gx-and Isla:ld, Hall County, Nebraska. ~{L~~!U,:~~?, tile Mayol' and City Council of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Hall County, ,Nebl'.9.s};8., respotl~1i ve to a petition pre- senteel to the said 1V1ayor and Council, si,gned by mo'-,; than ten DCI' cent (10)~) of tho legal vobers of said City, did by o:edinance duly passed, approved and puhlished, call a special election to be held in and for said C1 ty on Sepi;eLLbex' 2?, 19~)8, 1'01' the PUT'- pose ot' Elubm1tting to the legal voters of said City the proposi- tion of issuing ;D!il'ty-fj.ve T}lOusand. 0011ars (~p;-)5,000) Park Bonds; and W:~f;~hEA~, noti co stating wilen and whe :c'e said e lee -Cion would be hold and the nronosition to be submitted to the voters thereat was publisbed in a newspa)J3 x' published and of general circulation in the City of Grand Island for four (4) successive weeks prior to the Q.ate set for such election, the fi:t.[;)t publication being at leas t twen ty-one ci.ays ~orior to the dat() the:c-eof; and 'JJ?L~!.0~A~, said election was 1.n aLL respects duly called and hold and the retu 1'118 tl1sreof au Iv submi tted. to the 1.layor and Council of said City, all as required by law; and 'dlU~~_~, at said election more than three-fifths of t:h.e lEJgal voters of said City voting on the proposition at said election voted in favor of the issuance of sa10. bonds, the:eebelng t}l:ree thousand eighty-eight (3,088) l'3gal voteI's voting on said proposi- tion at said election, tvvo thou sand eighty-two (2,082) of which voted :i.n favor of said proposltion and one tr.lOusancl six (1,006) of whom voted ap;alnst the same; and Yfl1E.R.E~, it is necessa:c".v and for the best interests of said City tIla t lands be purchased and improved for parks in and for said City; and -\v~~~, it has been found that it 'will cost not less than 'rhir'ty-Ll ve 'rhousand Dollars (~l;;S5,000) topurcbase said lands and impl'CJVe the same for parks and for tha t pUT'pO se it will be necessar'y tll8.t said Ci ty issue i:;8 Park Bonds as heretofore au- th orized by the legal voters 0:- said Oi ty at t:t1e elec tiOD called -1- . I I I . and held on September 27, 1938; !OW, 111~~~I'OH.~, Be It Ordained by the Mayor and Council of tt'e City of G:eand Island, Hall County, Nebr8:ska, as follows: Section 1. rrl1at said City of Grand Island l1..as been autbor- iz ed by the affirma ti ve vote of t1>.J:'ee-fifths of the voters there- of voting at a special el()ction duly and legally Called and held for that purpos e responsi ve to a pet:Ltion s:Lgned by more than ten pel'1 cont ( lO)5-n of' the legal voters and pre sen ted to the Mayor and Cou neil, to is sue its Park Bonds in the amount of rrhil'ty-fi VB Thousand Dollars (~p35,OOO), an(1 t11.01'0 be and is hereby ordered issued said Park Bonds of the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebrasl\:a, in the amount of 'I'hirty-fi ve fl1bou sand Dollars (~i;35 ,000 for the pux'pose of paying the east of purc:rH:l.s:tng and irnpl'oving lands 1'01' park rJ1.H'pO ses in and for said C1 ty, and 1'01' the prompt payment of said bonds, both principal and interest at matul~ity, and the levy of taxes sufficient fo:r. tIla t purpo se, the full fai th, credi t and x'eSOUl'ces of said Oi ty il1'"'e heY:'e1:Jy irrevocably pledged. gec....t~._??;1.:..~. :.Lll:at said bonQs be dated January 15, 1939, be nmnbered 1 to 35, inclusive, be of the denomination of $1,000 each, become du e and paya'bIe Janu 8J:y IE), lD49, b1.1 t redeemable, prior to maturi ty, at the option o:f saj.d Oi ty at any time after fi ve (5) year's from date hereof; said bonds shall bear intex'est at the 1'a to of one and one -fourth per cent (It%") per annum from date up to and including J"anuary 15.> 19LH, one and three-fourths per cent (1'~1b) i'rom J'anuary 15, 1941, LqJ I" !..jlltl lm8,~,,1-ing .JallL1~ arr:y --::l.~') 194J\, up to and including Janual'Y 15, 1943, two pel' cent (25&); f1'orn J"anuaI'y 15, 1943, up to and including January 15, 1944, and tvvo and one-half po~r: cent (2'~}n from January 15, 1944, until paid, payaol e semi -annu ally on the 1'i1' teenth day of January and July of each yoa:t~. Both pl'incipal of and inter'est" on said bonds shall be payable at tho office of the County rrreasu:r>er of Hall COUYlty, Neijraska, in the City of Grand Island, be signed by the Mayor of said City and be attested by its Clerk and have the seal of said City ther'ounto affixed and the j.nterest ma -Curing on said bonds be 0 videnced by coupons thereto attacJ:Jed maturing on the several cLays "\!vhen sucb. inter'ostu:tcures, and such Coupons shall -~:;- . I I I . be signed by the Mayor and Clerk of saieL Ci ty by -choll' :pespecti ve facsimile siVlatures, and said officials, by the execution of said bond.s, shall adopt; as and for their own propex' signatures their respective facsicnile s:LF';natures appearing on said coupons, and saiel bonds Shall be register-ed in the office of the State A,uditor and in the office of the County Clerk of' ,Hall County, Nebraska, all as nrovided by tile (Jornpj.led Statutes of Nebraska, 1929, as ane nded . Section 3. 'fhat said bonds, coupons, and the ce:C'tificates of the State A.udit011 and County Clerk in respect of registration of said bonds be in substantially the following fO~lS~ [ \ (Form of Bond) UNI'llED S'J:1AI'ES OF' .A.Jyll~lnGA S'11ArfE CQ:<' NJ:!;BEA~)KA GOUN'lTi OF HALL CI'I/Y OF GHAND ISLAND P A!:(K BOnD Number -....----'.- $1,000 KNOW ALL MEN BY II'EliSE Rll:;!:3EWrS, that the C:i. ty of Grand Island, ------.,-_.--....._~.....,'_._-'-'~._--'"'""_.-#...._...".. --- in the County of Hall and State of Nebras:~;a, he:r'eby acknoviledges itself to owe and for value recei ved promi ses to pay to bearer the sum of One IIYlOUSand Dollars (~pl,OOO), on the f':Lfteent~h day of JanuaI'Y, 1949, VIi th intere at thereon from the date hereof' at tlJO rate of' Ono and one-fourth per cent (li-%) per annum from Cia te up to and tnc ludtng JanuaI'y15, 1941, one and. three -four ths POI' cent (l~;b) from January Ib, 1941, up to and including Januar71 15, 1943, two "081' cent (2:b) from Januar'y Ib, 1943, up to and includ- ing J'anu ary If:), 1944, and two and one -half per cent (2~5b) from J-anuary 15, 1944, until paid, payable semi -annually on the fifteenth day of January and Ju 1y :in oach year on p:eesentation o.n(1 surrender of tb.e interest coupons bex'eto a ttacbed. as they severa11y become due. Both prinCipal lJ.eI'eof and interest h01'eon are heeeby made payable in lawful Inone',I{ of the Un:L ted States of .~merj_ca at the office of' the County Treasurer' of Hall County, in the City of' Grand Island, NebrasJ.w.. For the prompt payrGont of this bond, both princ:i.pal and :i.nterest, at matul"ity, and the levy of taxes suff:i.cient for that rl\.U' pas 0 , tho Xull faitlJ" croed t and. 1'0- sou rees of said City are hOI'eby irrevocably pledlged. -3- . I I I . 'eho Ci ty of Grand Island reser'VEjS the rie:rlt to pay this YJond at any time after five (5) years :from trw date b.er'oof. This bond is one of a series issued by said. City for the purpose of purcl1as i.n,..:; and improving lands for parks in and for said OJ. ty and in i'ull cornplj.ance with the provisions of the Compiled Statutes of Nebr'aska, 1929, as arnended, and all ot11er statutes of the State of NcbrasJ~a amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto, and pur- suant to an ordinance o:C said City duly passed, appr'oved and published as required by law, and has been authorized by the af- firmati ve vote of 1rro1'O than three-fifths of' the legal voters of' said Ci ty voting on said proposition at an ele c tion duly called and held for that purpose. And it is hereby certified and reci ted that said C:1. ty of Grand Island, is a duly organized and existing Oi ty of the Pirst Class unCl.eI' and by virtue of' the lavrs of' the State of' Nebraska, and that all concHtions, acts and things l'equir'ed b~'l law to exist or to be done, precedent to and in the i ssu::'Lng of this bond and the othel' bonds of this series, did exist, have happened and were done and nerfor'mod in regular anCI du,) f'orm and time as required by law; that py'o'Vision has been made by the levy and collection of a tax on all of th.e taxable TJrOperty. in said Oi ty annually in amounts sufficient to pay this bond. and t:,o otlJe:r bonds of this series, both principal and interest, as same luature, and. that the indebtedness of said City, inchlding this bond, cloes not exceed any limitation im:posed by law. Il'i.-~!{~~'rlIMONY W;~llih;:';OP, said City by it s IVIa7fo:L' and Council has caused this bond to be signed by its 1,.1 a yox' and attested by its C:1f)rk and its corporate seal to be 11el'eunto affixed, and the cou- DOllS hereto attached to be signed by said Mayor and Clerk of the Gahl City l'esnectively by their J:'acsimile si[';natures, which officials, by the execution heI'eof', do adopt as anc; for their own propel' signatures their y'espective facshY1:1.lc sli-rnatures appearing on said coupons, all as of the fifteenth (Jay of January, 1939. At te s t : -----.-.-r7fa.~foi.;---.-- Clerk -4- . I I I . (li'orm of' Cou pan) Numb e 1'___._-_ d. If? On the :fifteenth day of ____._.____._~~__._____.' 19____, the C1 ty of' Grand Island, Hall County, lfcbras}{a, will pay to bearer_________ Dollars ( ":: ) (~-"" (' tH)__..__.._.r__..-....-.-. f...,l~, ~ pb:ease lIunless ---...-------_._".---.~- .__....._-".._~-_.._._-~-- 'I:;te hOl1cl to i'vhich this COUTJOn is annexed be called for pa''y11lent prior to t1::.e due date of th:i.s couponu should appc-0ar in each coupon maturing after J'anuary 15, lU4,4), at the ot'fice of the County Treasurer of the County of Hall, in the City of Grand Island, Ne- bras}m, for interest duo that day on its Park Bond dated January 15 , H)39. ->>..---..-......---fvfa.:ior--..------ Attest: ----.-.-CT~~rit-.-"-------_..~..-- (porm of' Certificate of state Audi tor) S'ri\.'I'E Or;' 1]Ji.:l3HA,Sl<.11. OI"FICE OF 'rEE S :l'AT}~ KVDI'I'OH. I, the unders:lp:ned, Al::tditor of rJblic Accounts of' t11e state of' Nebraska, do hereby certify that tl~ within bond has been pre- sented to me, together with a duly certified transcript of all proceedin!-~s t:D.c1. pl'evious to the issuance thereof; that I :tlave ex- amined the within bond and said proceedings and am satisfied t}~t said bond has been legally issued for a lavrful pu~C'pose, and I hereby certify that said bond }1as been regularly and legally ifJSued, and has been registm--oc1 in my office in acco:edance iNith the provision::: of' t:he Gomp:Llcd Stcltutes of FebrD.ska, 1929, as amended. (the date filed in my off:Lce being the basis of i;his certificate). '~Hil:~D~:SS :eny hand and seal of office this day of .._.__..______, 19 A1.1"d, i tor-o~:r-l5ibTfc~-j~c cci1::t-r:.:Fi3-;'-- "-0- Regi str-S' N'Lunb er Book i'age _..____.____.__,,_._____,_ . (pom of County Glerk's Certificate) S'1\&~'IJ1~ OF' NJ~BHASKA ) ) Ss. COUWEY 01,; W~LIJ ) I, the undersigned, County l; :r'l( of the County aforesaid, do -5- . I I I . hereby certlfy that tho within bond has been :ceg:i.stered in my office pursuant to tll.8 py'ovisions of the \Jompiled Statl~tes of tile State; of Nebraska, 1929, as arDonded. 2{':L~il:]~~~.:. my har:d and the seal of said County tbis __...'_ day of , 19 ---..----......-cfou ri::ty -c-,E3"r"k--.....-.-..-........--- Section 4. ----__---_._0._... at said bonds be executed as soon as rnay be and be thoreupo:n submit ted to the state Audi to!' togetrwI' wi th a duly certj.ficd transcript of all proceedings J:lad pr-ovious to tbe issuance of t~ne said boneS.s, and upon registration or said lJonds by the state Auciitor, the-) same be subm:i..tted to tIlE'; County Clerk i'or regis- tration, all as provided by the Compiled statutes of tho State of Ne)Jraska, 1929, as amoncled. Section 5. That upon execution and r-egistration of said bone's, as herein pr'ovided, the same be doli versd to Kirkpa trick- Pettis COmpal1}", Omaha, Neb:('8.s}cfJ., tb.e Dl.u'chasor's t}101'eof, upon 1'0- cf;ipt by tIJe 'r1'oasurc1' of said. Ci ty of tho })u1'cY:rtse pl':i.ce her'etofo1'e agreed 1.1 lJOn, tl1e same being not 1 eas than the par valu e of' sa.id bonds, and that contract fol' the sale of saia. (Jonda to the said pUI'cltasor at said icetJe anc1 the same is in 0.11 respects hereby ratified and approved. Se c ti 0 n 6. It sha11 be the duty of' 1.:;11e iLay02 and Council of tho said. City in d.ue time and form to annua11y levy a tax 8u1:'fi- cient; to provicle for the pa:vmen t of the interest on said bonds as tho S arne become s d.ue -' and. to co:nsti tute a sinking fund SlJ.fficient to pay the principal tl"1creof at maturity. .9.t~:I:iolJ..? That all ordinances or resolutions and parts of orcUnances or resolutions in conflict with the pT'ovisions hereof be and the sarno are horeby repealed. Section 8. That th:Ls ordinance shall be in full fOl'ce and ---~_..._._-".~ eff'ect, i'rom and after' :L ts YJassage, approval and pubIi cation, as 1'e- quirocL 'by law. Pas sed and appro ved this 4th d.ay of January, 1939. Attest; -_.._--~e..s-.-M-,;-D4d.J-efl.---_._---_._-_ JUayo r Floyd S.White. C"i tc; O"';'~-;-k'. ~.'1 -.-\J.L... -6- . I I I . ORDINANCE #1628. AN OhDINAL\:CE pY'ovi-c1l for tho lssuancE)'oY-$lOO,OOO Oi ty Hall Bonds of t11e Ctty of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. vn:fl!;~~_AS, tho Mayor and City Council of t,he City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebrasl(8" responsive to a petition p:c8serlted to tho said Mayor and CounCil, signed by more than ten pOl' cont (10%)01' the legal voters of said City, did by ol'dinance duly passed, ap- p:r'ovecl and pub li:::::b ed, caLL a special election to be bold in and for said City on SeptemiJor 'c-~?, lC;;:S8, for tho purposo of submit- ting to the legal voters or said City the proposition of issuing $100,000 City Hall Bonds; and "}T""";"!,' 1l <.:! ~_._u.~-:<~..:::' notice stating when and where said election would be held and the proposi tion to be submitted to tbe voters thereat V'laS pubLts:rlcd in a newspaper pUblisbed alld of general circulation in the City of Grand Island, for four (4) SUCCOSS:LVO "voeks prior to tllO dato set for Buch olection, the first publication bei-ne; at least twenty-one days prior to the date thereof; and '~V1U::2.CL~AS, said election VJas in all r'espects duly called and held and the returns thereof duly subrn.i tted to the Mayor and Council of said City, all as required by law; and 'HBl~~,~..:~, at said election more t~i:Jan tlLree-fifths of the legal votel'S oi' said Oi ty votin,12; on the proposition at said election voted in favor of tlle issuance of said bonds, the1'8 bein,g 0087 legal voters voting on said proposi tion at said elcc3ction, 2212 of Yfhi cll voted :i.n 1'13. vor of said proposition and 2/16 of wbom voted against the smde; and W IIi];hl<.:i~_, it is necessary and for the best interests of said City in order to properly PI'ovide' for the admini stx'ation of the City and its affairs thi3.t a new city hall be constructed in and for said City; and FTf(lt!"l;:) -i{-'l\c Q l. J- ~-..:.==-~, II has been found that it will cost not less than :~100 ,000 to constl'uct said ci ty hall, and for tlla t pur'pose it will benecossar'y that said City j.ssue Its City Hall Bonds as 11oreto1'ore author:tzcd by tho legal voter's of' said City at the election called and held on Septenfoer 27, 1938; -1- . I I I . N~Y, 'l'IL?.:~~F'OR~, Bo It Orci8.ined by tbo IVlayo2~ and Gaunc:!.l of' the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, as follows: Section 1. 'llh'lt said City of Gl'and Island, hasheen author- ized by the aff'irma ti ve vote of thl'ee -fifths of' the voters thereof voting on the proposi tion at a special election duly and legally called and held for that purpose responsive to a petition signed by mo':'e than ten per cent ( lO~~) of' tile leGal voters an(1 presented to the fl1ayor and C ou nc:L 1, to issue its Oi ty Hall Bonds in the amount of ~lOO,OOO, and there be and is hereby ordered issued said Ci ty Hall Bonds of tho City of' Grand Island, Hall County, Nebl'aska, in the amount of ;iplOO ,000 for the purpose of paying the cost of constructing a ci ty hall in and ror saj,d 01 t'y, and for the prompt pa~nentof said bonds, both principal and interest at maturity, and the levy ot' taxes sufficient for that pur po se, the full faith, credi t and resources of said 01 ty are hereby irrevocably pledged. sec.t}on ~. That said bonds be dated ,January 15, 1939, be numbered 1 to 100, ine:lusive, be of tlle denomination of ~1)l,OOO each, become due and payable January 15, 1949, but redeemable, prior to maturity, at the option of sEdd City at any time after five (b) yeaI's fx'om date thereof; said bonds shall bear h1terest at the rate of one and one-foul"th per cent (l'L';s) per annum from date up to and including January lb, 1941, one and three-fourths per ceDt(l~-t~) f'rom J'anuary 15, 1941, up to and inCluding Janual'y 15, 19':13, two per cent (2}&) from Januar~y' 15" 1943, up to and in- cluding J'anuary Ib, 1944, and two and one-half per cent (2i%') from J'anuary Ib, 1944, until paid" payable semi -annually on the f1fteen- tll day of January and July of each year. Both pr:i,ncipal of and interest on said bonds shall be payable at the office of the County Tr'easurer of ,Hall Oounty, Nebraska, in tbe Gi ty of Grand Island, Nebras:ha, be signed by the IvLayor of said City and be attested by its Clerk and h8. ve the seal of said Oi ty thereunto affixed and the interest matu:r'ing on said bonrls be evidenced by coupons thereto attached maturing on the several cLays 'ltvhen such interest matl..1l~eS, and such coupons shall be signed by the Mayor and Cler'k of said Cjty by their respectIve facsimile signatu:r'es, and said off:tcials" by' the execution of' said bonds, shall adopt as and for their own proper signatures their respecti ve facsimile signatures -~- . I I I . appearing on said coupons, and said bonds shall be Y'egistered in the office of the County Clerk of :dall County, Nebraska, all as is provided by the Compiled statutes of Nebrasl<::a, 1929, as amended.. ~9c t?-2.!l_~. 'fha t said bonds, coupons, and the cert:Lfi ca tes of tlm state Auditor and County Olerk in respect of registration of said bonds be in substantially the follovving form.s: (BOND FORI/I) UNITED S111iTES 01" AlVIERICA STAT'E OF Nl>:BHASKA COUNTY 01" ])A.LL CITY OF GRM~D ISLAND C l'1:Y HALlJ BOIID No. fU;l,OOO Kli9\iJ ALJ;:..,IVJ~l~llI:C;SE E:-(bSEN'I'S: 'I'}'a t the Ci t:y of' Grand Island, in the Oounty of Hall and state of' NebraSka, hepeby acknowledges i t- self to Olie and for value received promises to pay to the bearer the sum of One '1:housand DOllars (4~1,OOO), on the :t'ifteenth day of January, 1949, with interest thereon :C'rom the date hereof at tho rate of one and one -fourtlJ per cent (It%) per ax-mum up to and inCluding Jahuary 15, 1941, one and. three-fourths per cent (l~%) from J'anuary 15, 1941, up to and including Janual'y lS, 19L13, tvvo per' cent (2;:t) 1'rom January 15,1943, up to and including Januf:D:'Y 15,1944, and. two and. one-half per cent (2-~70') from January 15, 1944, until paid, payable semi-annually on the fif~eenth day of' Januapy and. July in each year on Feesentation and surrender of' the interest coupons hereto attacb.ed as they severally become due. Both principal hereof and. interest hereon are hereby mad.e payable in lawful money of the United States of Arner'ica at tlw office of the County l'reasux'Gl' of Hall County, in the City of Grand Island, NebraSka. For the prompt pa.:fment of this bond, both prinCipal and inte~t'est, at maturity, and the levy of taxes sufficient for that purpose, the f'ull faith, credit and resources of said City are hereby j_Y'l'evocably plodged. The (;ity of Grand ISland, reserves the right to pay this bond a t any time after fi ve (5) years from the date hereof. Thi s bond is one of a seri es issued by said. Ct ty for the pur- pose of constructing a city hall in 1'1..111 compliance with the pro- visions of Section 16-6?O 01' the Compiled statutes of NebJraska, 1929, as amended, and all otllo:C' statutes of the state of Nebraska -3- . I I I . amenda tor:;{ t hereof' or su pplomo ntary thereto, and. pUl' suant to an ordinance of said City duly passed, approved ancl published as re- qUil'od bW law, and has been authorized by the affi:r'Dta ti ve vote of more than three-fifths of ttJe legal votel's of said City voting on tbe proDosition at an election duly called and held 1'01' that pUl'pose. A.nd it is hereby certified and recited that said City of Gr'and Island is a duly organized and existing; \.iity of tl1e Pir'st Class under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Nebraska, and ths. tall conditions, acts and. things requil'ed by law to exist OJ:' to be done preced.en t to and in the issuing of thi s bond and the 0 ther bonds of this series did exist, have happened and were done and performed in regular and due form and time as required by law; that provision has been made for the levy and collection of a tax on all of' the taxablo pI'operty in said Cj.ty annually' in amounts sufficient to P2J,Y tbi s bond and tho ot:tlor bonds of' th:'L8 series, both prinCipal and interest, as same mature, and that the indebtedness of' said City, includinrs this bond, does not exceed any limitation imposed by law. IN 'I'BS'I'DW 'NlD~RGOF, said C1 ty by it 8 Mayor and. Council has caused this bond. to be signed by its liia:yo:e and attested by its Clex'k and its Corporate Seal to be hereunto affixed, and the coupons hereto attachod to' be signed by said Mayor and CJ.erk of the said City respecti vely by their facsimile signatures, vrhich 01"1'icia18, IJY tbe execu tion heroof', do adopt as and for their own proper signatul"es, t11OiJ' respecti ve i'acsim:Ue signatures appearin{:; on said cou nons, all as of the fifteenth day of' J-al1uary, HJ39. Attested: ----rrs:yor-----O------------- .. Clerk (POHLI OIi'. COUl'ON) No .______ iW__..__-_~__ On tlw fifteentll day of _____._________.__, 19__, the iJity of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, will pay to bearer____ Dollars (~L.__________) (the phrase uunless tbe bond. to 'tv-hieh this coupon is IJ.Dnexed bf; called for pa',yl1l0nt p1'io1" -4- . I I I . to the due date of this coupon\! should appear in (;)ach COUDon :maturing after' January 15, 1944) at the office of the County 'I'reasul'er' of the Count~i of' hall, in the C1 ty of' Gl'and Island, }'febraslca, for :1. nterc s t duo trne day on its Oi ty Hall dond dated JanUrlJ"y 15, 1939. _.-.-._------"-----_--.....----~,-~----~_.._'"""---_.- Nle.;lor Attested: ----C-::l-erk-----.---------~--- (F'OlU;l 01" CEnrrIFICA'.I:I<.: OF s'rA'Fb.: AUDI'I'OH) S'l'li.'I'l!; OF l:~.!;rmASKA Offi ce of the state Auditor. I, the undorsi d, Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Nebraslza, do hereby certify thD.t t}1e wi thin bond has been pre- sented to me, togetlJel' with a duly certified transcr:i.pt of all pr'oceed.ings lJ;,;.d p:eevious to the issuance thereof; that I have ex- amined the within bond and said proceedings and am satisfied that said bond has been legally issued for a lawful purpose, and I hereby certify that said bond has been :C'egularly and legally issued, and has been registered in my office in accol'!:1ance with the provis:i.ons of the Compiled Statutes of Nebl>aslza, 1929, as amended, (the data filed in IllY office being the basis of this certificate) · ~jlpES;2 my hand amI seal of office this __ day of 19 --1~1-;cfft-6r of 1:)ti"bl:rc-7:c-c.o-il11t:s~~--'_.-"-"-'. He gis try No. BooL: , Pt1.~~ e (FORM 0:8' GOUN'rf." CLBhK 1 S LilLi' I GII..T.~) ;j'rA,'I';..; OF I;:':;B1Li\.SlU:~ ) } GOUI] ilry. OF bALI., ) ri- ~:i vv. I j I ., . 0. , .~.'..e u:no.erslp;YJ.e , County C rk of the County aforesaid, do here1Y;{ ce~etify tllJ.:d:; the within bond hasbeeYJ. regis tOl>ed in my of- fice p.n's1J.ant to the py'ovisians at' tile CorJl-oiled statutes of the Stato of JJc:braslm, 192D, as amended. -0- . I I I . wrL.1J:L~S:::;' my 'hand and the ....~.._<'.....__.... seal of said County this da y of' , 19 . ----'-C01-1i~rcn:ork---'.-.~.- ----.---... See tion 4. 'llY'a t said bonds be 0X8cut as soon as may be arlcL thereu pon subm:i. tted to the state Audi tal' together with a duly certifiod transcript of all proceedings had I~evious to the issuance of tho said borlcis, an,a upon :l'e2;is tration of said bond.s by the state AucIj.tor, the same be submitted to tl1.e County Clerk for reg:Lstration, all as provided by t1").0 Complled Statutes of tb.e state of l\febraska, 1929, afJ amended.. Section 5. 'l'ha t 1..1 pon eXGCU tioD and 1'0 g1 stx'ation of said bonds, as herein prov:Lded, the sarne be d.elivex'ed to Kirk}J3. tl'icl;:--:Pettis Cornpan;jT, Omaha, llobl'aska.. the purChasers thereof, upon receipt by the rl'reaSU1'!:H' of said Ci ty . of the purChase pI'i ce heretofore ap;j:'eed upon, the same being not less than the par value of said bonds, and that contract for the sale of said bonds to the said pUT'chaser at said price be ancl the same is, in all respects hereby :t"atif:Led and. approved. S0::..~..:.~:i..2E:.._6... It shall be the duty of' the 1'10.:'/01' and Council of the said Gity in due time and form to annually levy a tax su1'1'i- ci ent to pl"ovide for the pa~]ment of the interest on said bonds as the same 'hecomes due, and to const:i. tu te a sinking funcl Buffi- cient to pay the principal thereof at maturity. .~'Lc:_ti.oJl..7_. 'I'l,s. t all ordinances or resolutions and pal'ts of o:ed:in.8.ncc S oJ.' :C'esolu ti ons in confli c t with the pI'ovis ions hereof be and the same are hereby l'epc3aled. Section B. 'I'r!fJ t this ordinance shall be in full fox'ce and -------~_..- effect, from and after its passage, appl"oval and pUblication, as requi.l"ed by law. Passed and approved this 4th day of' January 19::)9. __-!'ho..s...M.....D i] 1 nn.._..___....__...._ .~..~_ IviA"LOH Attest: F] oyd 13 .l!/}1 ibt"* ----,-_. C I rry EHK .:.6- . I I I . ORDINMJCE NO. ~. An ol'dinance levying special taxes to pay for the construc- tion and repair of sidewalk along the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, here- inafterset forth and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY TBE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebras1l:a. Section 1. ~lat there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in Grand Island, Nebraska, hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of construction and repair of sidewalk along the same in accol'dance with the benefits found and assessed against the said several lots, tracts and parcels of land re- spectively, ,by the Mayor and City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization after notice thereof given as pro- vided by law; each of the said several lots, tracts and parcels of land are assessed as follows; 4 1 2 3 9 10 6 6 Thomasl 3 4 6 6 6 8 8 16 3 OWNER Daniel G. Howard E. Ashburn Othman Is.. II 1/ ott & Ethel Mae Abbott fI O. A. Ab bot t , J"r. Est. of J"ohn Allan, Dec' d \I II It II It Home Owners' Loan Corp. Ray Ivl. Higgins Leighton W. & Fern A. Paul C. Huston Minnie Murphy Frank Strasser John Devlin Mary K. Murphy Saburo Shindo &, Wife Raymond D. &, Judi th Hnook Lay & Maxien Rich Stall Lydia C. Heyde Est. of Henry A. Koenig, deceased Estate of Henry A. Koenig Lay &, Maxien Rich Stall Philip J. Norton Alice Botman Arthur L. Dunn Julia D. Robinson Peter Helzer A. F. Bu ec h1 er tt fI U LOT 8 6 7 18 8 3 2 5 9 7 6 BLOCK 8 19 66 66 33 3 3 4 15 14 14 14 14 11 24 65 23 4 127 24 24 4 3 19 89 32 8 23 23 ADDI TION Original Town Kernohan & Decker Wasmer's 3rd II II Morrill's Add. Ashton Place II II Vloodbine Baker's H. G. Clarke II It tt U tI U Walli ch' s Baker's Ru ssell Wheeler Original Town Baker's Ashton Place Koenig & Wiebe's Baker's It ..tk$)it'Ql1,'Pla c e II It Baker's Original Town if u Koehler Place Baker's " AMOUNT $ 18.33 46.39 70 .69 42.42 42 ~ 42 42.21 61.39 111 .28 58.67 14.60 44~37 44.37 9,.16 9 ~16 35.94 96.12 78.06 40 .52 11.88 100.05 74.02 41 .30 41 .00 41.30 118.97 84.62 66.77 81.64 127 .69 OWNER LOT BLOCK ADDITION MAOUNT Maxien & Lay E. Stall 13 4 Ashton Place $ 58.41 Total--------- $1,697.24 Section 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and de- linquent in the marmer provided by law. . I Section 3. Tlie City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the City Treasurer of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes, together with instructions to collect the same as provided by law. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take ef- fect from and after its passage, approval and publication as pl'>ovided by law. Passed and approved this 15th day of February, 1939. _~ ;4r_~ MAYOR I ATTEST: ~HK I . ie I I I e, ORDINANCE NO. 1630~ An ordinance amending- Sections 468 and 469 of Section XVIII of Article XVIII of Ordinance No. 1143 as amended by Ordinance No. 1174, of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, per- taining to house moving and wrecking, and repealing said original Sections 468 and 469 of said Section XVIII of Article XVIII of said Ordinance No. 1174. BE IT ORDAI}rrm by the Mayor and Cj ty Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 1. That Section 468 of Section XVIII of Article HOUSE MOVER. It shall be unlawful for any oorson otber than a regi stel'ed house mover who has ob tained" a. general permit to move any building or buildings or any part of any bUilding withj,D. the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, provided, however, the provisions contained in this section shall not apply where the building or any part of a building to be moved shall have less than 180 square feet of floor surface. Section 2. Section 469 of said Section XVIII of Article XVIII of Ordinance No. 1174 is hereby amended to read as follows: GENEHAL PERMI'r. Any person before engaging in the occupa- tion of business of house mover, and before moving any building oX' any part of -any building or other structure wi thin the City of Grand Island, shall obtain a general permit as a registered house mover, aD herein required. The fee for such general per- mi t shall be Pi ve Dollars ($r:s.ooy per year, said ]J8rmit shall expire on December 31st of the year in which the sa~me shall have been issued; provided, however, no such permit shall be required where the building or any part thereof to be moved shall have less than 180 square feet of floor surface. Section 3. Said original Sections 468 and 469 of Section XVIII of Article XVIII of Ordinance No. 1174 be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take ef- fect from and after its passage, approval and pUblication as re- quir'ed by law. Passed and approved this 15th day of February, 1939. ~.~R-~ ATTEST: ~~~ . I I I . OHDI'NANCE NO. 1 h."ll ..~ Arl ord:tnancc amenclins f3ec tion No. 1 of Ol'o:inD.nee 110. 1563, i)xing tJJJ) ;3alal'Y of the Cit.y 0101'1;: of the City of Grand Isla:nd, NObraslca, defining the c1uti'3s of the said Ct ty 01(,)1"k, ant ~repeal- ing said original Section No.1 of Ordinanee No. 1563 and all 01"- dinances and parts of ord:tnances in conflict herewith. BE I'r OHDAI by the Mayor and City Couneil of the City of G1'and I s lan(~, IT c 1)1'::1:3 ]Gi: Section ITo. 1. 'Cho City Cl:)rl-e of the G:i.ty of G:t'anci Island, Nebraska, ~lall receive a salary of $1920.00 I' yo~n', payable monthly, and shall elevate his entire time to his (Tuti s as Clerk, and shall keep his office in the City E.all, and l<:oepsaid office open from 8 A. Wi. to 5 P. Iii. daily, except Sunday, and legal holldays, and shall su'Jmit to tIle City GOl':ll1cil a monthly and an annual l'eport jJ) such form as may be from t:iJne to time requ:Leed by tile City Council. Section No.2. TIlO salary for said G1Brk as herein estab- lishecl, shall talw effoct on the 12th day of April, 19;39. Sect:l.on ~.' r r? .ei o. f,'j. Said original Soction No.1 of Ordinanc e }\Io. 1563 arId all otber' ordinances an(1 pa:ets of ordJ.nances in conflict \vi tll the pl'ovi sions of this oJ'dlnance a:L'8 he I'eby l~epealC)d. ~2his ord:i.nance s 11 be in force and -Galee effect frou and aftc::r its pi.'tSsa.n;e, approval and publication as required by laiN. Pass oc1 and approved th:l s 5th day of April, 1939. ~ ~--~_.- 11A YO R A'1lfJ'EST: ........./'/~ -~----- CIrry CIJ:~RK ORDINANOE NO. 1632. An ordinance creating a gravel district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, derining the boundaries thereor, pro- viding for the graveling of the streets in said district, and providing for the levying of special assessments to pay for the cost of the graveling ins said district and the collection . I of the cost thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOE. AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 1. There is hereby created a gravel district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and des- ignated as Gravel Distl'ict No. 15 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said gravel district shall consist of that part of John Stpeet from the west property line of Locust Street to the west ppoperty line of Adams Street; Anna Street, from the west property line of Locust Street to the west prop- I erty line of Adams Street; Cedar Street, from the south property line of John Street to the south property line of Louise Street; Elm street, from the south property line of Louise Street to the south property line of Anna Street; Cleburn Street, from the south property line of Louise Street to the south ppopepty line of Anna street; Eddy street, from the south property line of I . Louise Street to the south property line of Anna Street; Clark Street, from the south property line of Louise. street to the south property line of Anna street; Greenwieh Street, from the south property line of Louise street to the south property line of Anna street; Lincoln Street, from the south property line of Louise street to the South property line of Anna Street; Wash- ington street, from the south property line of Louise Street to the south property line of Anna street; and Ad~as street, from the south propepty line of Louise street to the south property line of Anna Street, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and shall include all lots, tracts, and parcels of land lying in said district to a depth of 132 feet. SECTION 3. Said streets in said gravel district are here- by ordered graveled as provided by law and in accordance with the . I I I . plans and specifications governing gravel districts as hereto- fore established by the City, and said graveling shall be thirty (30) feet in width. Section 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district, at the time of the enactment of this ordinance to file with the City Clerk within twenty (20) days from the first publication of this ordinance cl"eating said district, as provided by law, written objections to the gravel- ing of said streets in said district. Section 5. ~lat the entire cost of graveling said streets in said district shall be assessed against the lots, tracts, and parcels of land especially benefited thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the Mayor and City Council as by law provided. Section 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take ef- fect from and after its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved Y of May, 1939. Attest: ~rk . I ORDINANCE NO. 1933.. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1602 of the ordi- nances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. BE IT ORDAINED BY TI-JE MAyon AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 1. That Ordinance No. 1602 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, pertaining to automobile testing, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. This o:r.'dinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as p:>'ovieJcd by law. Passed and approved day of M[2Y- , 1939. I Mayor ATTEST: ~L~ I I. . I ORDINANCE NO. 16i4 An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1622 of the or- dinances of the City of Grand Islan.d, Nebraska. BE I T ORDAINED by the May()r and Ci ty Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 1. That Ordinance No. 1622 creating Curb and Gutter District No.4 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and pub- lication as required by law. Passed and approved Mayor I Attest: ~L~ . ty Clerk . I . . I ORDINANCE NO.. J6.39' An ordinance creating a Ourb and Gutter District in the City of Grand ISland, Nebraska; defining the boundaries thereof; pro- viding for the curbing and guttering in said district; and pro- viding for the payment of the cost of the construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska: I I I' I i I I Section 1. That there is hereby created a Curb and Gutter District in the City of Grand ISland" Nebraska, to be known as Ourb and Gutter District No. 4 of the City of Grand Island" Nebraska . Section 2. Said Curb and Gutter District shall consist of that part of the north side of First street" from the west property line of Clay Street to the east property line of Blaine street; the south side of First Street, from the- west property line of Clay Street to the east property line of Arthur Street and the souLth side of First Street" from the west property line of Cleveland Street to the east property line of Blaine Street; on both sides of Cleveland Street, from the north property line of First street to the south property line of Second street; the east side of Arthur Street" from the north property line of Division Street, to the south property line of First Street; on both sides of Arthur street, from the north property line of First Street to the south property line of Second Street; both sides of Garfield" from the north property line of First Street to the south property line of Second Street; both sides of Grant street, from the north property line of Diwision Street to the south property l~ne of First Street; and on the west side of Grant Street, from the south property line of First street to the Alley between First Street and Second Street; and on the east side of Grant Street" from the Alley between First Street and Second Street to the south property line of Second Street; the west side of Clay Street" from the north property line of First Street to the south property line of Second Street; the north side of Second Street" from thJiwest property line of Arthur street to the east property line of Cleveland Street in the City of Grand ISland" Nebraska, and shall include all lots, tracts am parcels of land lying in said district to a depth of 132 feet. I . Section 3. Said streets in said Curb and Gutter District I are hereby ordered curbed and guttered as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing Curb and Gutter Districts as heretofore establiShed by the City of Grand Island" said Ou ro and Gu tter to be of the standard com- bined type of Ou rb and Gu tter. Section 4. 1hat authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title" representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district at the time of the enactment of this ordinance" to file with the Oity Olerk within twenty days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as by law provided" w~itten objections to the curb- ing and guttering of said district. section 5. That the cost of the curbing and guttering of said District shall be assessed against the lots, tracts and parcels of land especially benefited thereby, in proportion to such benefits" to be determined by the Mayor and City Coun- cil as provided by law. Section 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take ef- . I feet from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Passed and approved this 1939 . Attest; ~/I~ ty Olerk ~ I . . I ORDINANCE NO" 1636 An o~inance creating a Curb and Gutter District in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries;there- of; providing for the curbing and guttering in said district; and providing for the payment of the cost of the construction thereof. BE :r.r ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUliC'IL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That there is hereby created a Curb and Gutter District in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Curb and Gutter District No. 5 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 2. Said Curb and Gutter District shall consist of I the north side of Phoenix street from the west property line of Clark Street to the east property line of Lincoln Street in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land lying in said District to a depth of 132 feet. Section 3. Said streets in said Curb and Gutter District I . are hereby ordered curbed and ~ttered as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing Curb and Gutter Districts as heretofore established by the City of Grand ISland, said Curb and Gutter to be of the standard com- bined type of Curb and Gutter. Section 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district at the time of the enactment of thi s ordinance, to file wi th the Ci ty Clerk wi thin twenty days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as by law provided, writ~en objections to the curb- ing and guttering of said district. Section 5. That the cost of the curbing and guttering of said District shall be assessed agaimt the lots, tracts and parcels of la~d especially benefited thereby, in proportion to such benefits, to be determined by the Mayor and City Council _I. {.'f ",.,..'". as provided by laW. Section 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take ef- . I feet from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Passed and approved y of July, 1939. ~"-Mayor---~.- -- Attest: ~.~~ I I . ORDINANCE 'NO. ..l6.3z-- An ordinance creating a Curb and Gutter District in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries there- . I of; providing for the curbing and guttering in said district; and providing for the payment of the cost of the construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That there is hereby created a Curb and Gutter District in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Curb and Gutter District No.6 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 2. Said CUI'b and Gutter District shall consist of the west side of Locust Street from the south property line of Andel"son Avenue to the north property line of AlteI' Avenue and the west side of Locust Street from the south property I / line of Alter Avenue to the north property line of Nebraska Avenue and on the east side of Locust Street from the south property line of Emerald Street to the north property line of South Street and on Locust Street from the South property line of South Street to the north property line of Nebraska Avenue and on the south side of Anderson Avenue from Locust Street to the alley between Locust Street and California Avenue for a distance of one hundred forty-eight (148) feet. Section 3. Said streets in said Curb and Gutter District are hereby ordered curbed and guttered as provided by law and in accordance with the plans ffi1d specifications governing Curb I . and Gutter Districts as heretofore established by the City of Grand Island, said Curb and Gutter to be of the standard crnn- bined type of Curb and Gutter. Section 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district at the time of the enactment of thi s o:t:'dinance, to fi le with the City Clerk wi thin twenty days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as by law provided, written objections to the curb- ing and guttering of said district. Section 5. That the cost of the curbing and guttering of said District shall be assessed against the lots, tracts and . I parcels of land especially benefit~d thereby, in proportion to such benefits, to be determined by the Mayor and City Council as provided by law. Section 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take ef- feet from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Passed and approved th day of July" 1939. Attest: ~~;{~ I I . ORDINANCE NO. 16~8 Being the annual appropriation ox'dinance of the City of Grand. Island, Nebraska, for the ensuing fiscal year, commenclng . I on the second Monday in August, 1939, and ending on the second Monday in August, 1940. BE I'r ORDAIJ\fED BY Till"i: MAYOE. AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: SECTION 1. That the sum of $1,592.50 is hereby appropriated fox' the purpose of paying interest on $91,000.00 of outstanding refunding bonds dated April 1st, 1934, and which bonds bear interest at the rate of 3~% per annum. That the sum of $3,272.50 is hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying interest on $119,000.00 Storm Sewer Bonds dated March 1st, 1934, which bonds bear interest at the rate of 2~% per an num . I That the sum of $1,250.00 is hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying interest on $100,000.00 of City Hall Bonds dated January 15, 1939, which bonds bear interest at the rate of l:t5"~ per annum. That tb.e sum of ;~~437 .50 is hereby appropriated for the ptu'pose of paying the interest on $35 ;,000.00 Park Bonds dated January 15,1939, which bonds beaI' interc.)st at the r'ate of l~ per annurn. Tha t the sum of *~2, 980.00 is hereby appropriated for the CemetOl'y fund for the purpose of paying the cost of providing permanent care for lots in the cenJ0tery. SECTION 2. That the sum of ~p5,OOO .00 or so mllch thereof as I . may be necessary is hereby appropriated out of the Gener'al Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, fOI' the purpose of paying the County Treasurer of Hall Count;y, Nebraska, for collecting and remitting taxes to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 3. That the sum of ~p12,OOO.OO.01' so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropri ated ou t of the General Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the salaries of the City officer.s, including the Mayor, Eight Counci lmen, Treasurer, Clerk, Attorney, Physician , Janitor of Ci ty Hall, Weiglmlaster, Caretaker of the City Dump, Bacteriologist, and Building Inspector for the ensuing fisc'al year. That the sum of $3,000.00 being the unexpended . I balance in said fund for the past fiscal yeaII is hereby re- appropr:ta ted . SECTION 4. That the SUE! of $6,500.00 is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the Ci ty of GI'and Island, Nebr'Clska, to pay the salary of the City Engineer, Assistant City Engineer, and all other Assistants of said Department, and all expenses of operating his office. SECTION 5. That the sum of $16,000.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the expense of building, repairing, grading, flushing, and cleaning thB streets and alleys, opening streets and alleys, the purchase of property and for the construction of streets, gutters, sidewalks, and crosswalks, and making other street and I alley improvements and for the purpose of buying tools, implement s, and machinery, the salary of the street Commi ss ioner, labor and all other expense s incidental to the streets and alleys. That the sum of ~~800 .00 being the unexpended balance for the past fiscal year in said street and Alley Pund is hereby re- appropI'ia ted for the use and benefit of said fund. That all money received by the City from the gasoline taxes est:1.mated to be the sum of $6,600.00 is hereby appropriated for the use of the Street and Alley Department to pay for repairs and maintenance of Streets and Alleys. SECTION 6. nlat the sum of $11,500.00 or so much thereof I . as may be necessary is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the payment of the expenses of lighting streets, alleys, public grounds, and building of' the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, including the erection of new lights and repairs. SEC'I'ION 7. That the sum of $4,920,00 aI' so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, fOI' the pur'pose of paying the Hydrant Rental for the ensuing year. That the . I unexpended balance of the past fiscal year in said Hydrant Rental Fund for the sum of $840.00 is hereby re-appropriated. SECTION 8. That the sum of $17,300.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebrasl;:a, for the purpose of paying the incidental expenses of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the ensuing fiscal year not otherwise herein provided for, including milk testing, election expenses, building, and equi~lent, for recreational programs and all other expenses of the City not otherwise provided. That the sum of $2,189.08 is hereby appropriated out of the Incidental Fund of the General Fund of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of repaying a loan from the Water Fund I under date of June 21, 1939. That the sum of $1,121.08 is hereby appropriated out of the Incidental Fund of the General Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of repaying a loan from the Water Fund under date of June 21, 1939. That the sum of $2,000.00, the same being an expended balance in said Incidental Fund for the year of 1938-1939 is hereby re- appropriated. SECTION 9. That the sum of $27,500.00 01' SO UH1 tI:'loreof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the City of Grand I s land, Nebraska, for the purpo se of paying fOT' the extension of sewers, and drains other than those elsewhere herein provided for, and for all expenses incidental to flushing sewers and repairing sewers and expenses incidental I . to the operation of the disposal plant fOI' the saJary of the Superintendent and other labor. That the sum of $3,200.00 is hereby appropriated ou t of the Sewer Fund of the General Fund for the purpose of repaying a loan in the amount made under date of July 19, 1939, fr'om the Ice Fund. SEC TION 10. That the sum of $7,700.00 is hereby appropria teel out of the General Fund for the Airport Fund for the purpose of paying the expenses of maintaining, equipping, and operating the Municipal Airport, and paying all expenses in connection with . I said airport, including sa1a:eies and labor. That tho sum of $1,300.00 being the unexpended balance in said Airpol't Fund for the year of 1938-1939 is hereby re- appropriated. SECTION 11. That the sum of $15,000.00 or so much theI'eof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated for the purpose of l1!al.n taining, extending, improving, and beau tifying the paI'ks and playgrounds of the City of Grand Is land, Nebraska, for' the purchase of such real estate as the Mayor and City Council may deem necessary or advantageous, and for the purpose of paying sa1ar'ie s, labor, and repai rs . That the sum of $700.00, the same being the unexpended balance in said Park Fund for the year of 1938-1939 is hereby re-appropria ted. SECTION 12. That the sum of $38,000.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated for the Police Fund I of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying salaries of the Police Department and police Judge and all expenses of the Police Department, including care and expenses. of the emergency hospi tal, Board of Health and Secretary of trle Board for the ensuing year. That the sum of $7,000.00, the srone being the unexpended appropriation in said Police Fund is hereby re-appropriated for the purpose of paying a loan under date of May 18, 1938, for the testing station from the Light Fund. That the sum of $8,000.00 being the unexpended appr'opration in said Police Fund is hereby re-appropriated for the purpose of paying a loan made under date of May 18, 1938, from the Light fund. I . SEC'I'ION 13. That the sum of $9,500.00 or so much tttereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated for tb.e Cemetery Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for' the purpose of paying for salaries, labor, improvements, expansions, beauti- fication and maintenance of the Grand Island Cemetery, and to purchase more ground if needed. That the sum of $1,000.00 being the unexpended appropriation in said Cemetery Fund is hereby re-appropriated for the purpose of paying a loan to the I. II I I I I i ! Light Fund made under date of June 16, 1937. That the sum of $3,500.00 being the unexpended appropriation of said Cemetery Fund is hereby re-appropriated for the purpose of paying a loan to the Light Fund under date of JUDe 17, 1936. That the sum of $1,000.00 is hereby appropriated for said Cemetery Fund for the purpose of paying a loan to the Ice Fund made under date of July 19, 1939. SEC'TION 14. That the sum of $36,000.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated for the Fire Fund of the City of Grand Island. Nebraska, for the purpose of paying salaries of the City Fireman, Chief and Assistant Chief of the Fire Department of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and for the pUJ:'chase of new hose and other equipment I and all expenses and repairs necessary in the operation of the Fire Department. That the sum of $5,000.00 is hereby appropriated for the Fire Fund to pay on a loan made from the Light Fund under date of July 27, 1937. That the sum of $1,050.00 is hereby appropriated for the Fire Fund to pay interest on a loan from the Light Fund made under date of July 27, 1937. Tha t the sum of' $1,000.00 being the unexpenC'.ed appropria tioq in said Fire Fund is hereby re-appropriated f'or the purpose of paying on a loan made from the Light Fund under date of July 27, 1937 . I . That the sum of $5,000.00 being the unexpended appropriation in said Fire Fund is hereby re-appropriated for the purpose of ) paying a loan made from the Light Fund under date of July 27, 1937. That the sum of $3,000.00 is hel~eby appropriated out of the Fire Pund for the purpose of paying a loan made from the Ice Fund under date of Ju ly 19, 1939. SECTION 15. That the sum of $5,000.00 is hereby arlpropriated fOl' the Paving Fund of the City of Gr,and ,Is'land, Nebraska, for the purpose of paving streets and alleys, intersections and spaces opposite public buildings, and gl'o1.mds, and foy' the . I repairing of streets and alley payements$ That the sum of $3,466$00 being the unexpended balance in said Paving Fund for the year of 1938-1939 is hereby re. appropriated. SECTION 16. That the sum of $3,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated for the Music Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying for the expenses of vocal, instrumental, and amusement organizations for the free public concerts, festivals, parades, and enter- tainments. SECTION 17. That the sum of $9,500.00 or so much thereof' I as may be necessary is hereby appropriated for the Library Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the expenses of the public library, including salaries, repailO s, purchase of books and periodicals, and other incidental expenses for the ensuing year. SECTION 18. That the revenues received from the operation of the Ice Department of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, are hereby appropriated for tbe purpose of paying expenses of the operation of said Ice Department, including salaries and all incidental expenses in connection With the operation, maintenance and enlargement of said Ice Department. SECTION 19. That the revenues recei ved from the operation of the Water and Light Department of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, are especially appropriated by the laws of the State I . of Nebraska, for the use and benefit of said Department, and no appropriation for said Department is made herein. SECTION 20. That the revenues derived from the operation of the automobile testing s~ation is hereby appropriated for the purpos e of opel~a ting, maintaining, extending, and equi pping said station and any surplus revenue derived from said station shall be paid to the Light Fund to repay a loan in the sum of $7,000.00 made under date of May 18, 1938. SECTION 21. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from its passage, approval, and publication as provided . I by 1 aw . Passed and approved this 29th day of July, 1939. ATTEST ~--Pd ~ -=--~=~~ ------------ I I . ORDINANCE NO. ~9. An ordinance levying taxes in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the fiscal year commencing with the second . I Monday in August, 1939, and ending the second Monday in August, 1940, and providing for the collection thex'eof. BE IT ORDAINED BY TIm MAYOE AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied, and the same shall be collected in the manner' provided by law, upon all property, real, personal, and mixed of every kind and character, witJ:lin the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, fo:r the fiscal year' commencing on the second MoncJ.ay in August, 1939, and ending on the second Monday of August, 1940, on each dollar of the actual valuation of said property, taxes as follow~), and for the following purposes: The sum of Fifteen (15) Mills for all general and all other municipal expenses. I The sum of ~~ree Dollars ($3.00) on each and every male residen t of the City of Gral'<d Island, Nebraska, between the ages of twenty-one (21) and fifty (50) years, except such as are by law exempt therefrom as a poll tax. SEOTION 2. The Cit;y Clerk of tbe Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Clerk of Hall County, Nebraslm, the amount of said taxes, and the same shall be collected in the manner provided ( by law. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication as pro- I . vided by law. Passed and approved thi MAYOR ArJ:TES T ~/~ . I I I . ~ ,~ OPDI""' I'l'q Cti' 'ill' ., t:, JI ^ ". fv lj,~ ._, ",,0. ~ An ordinance creating a curb and gutter district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing 1'01' the curb in Fl,; and guttering of' the stI'eets in said district, and providing for the levying of special assessments to pay for the cost of the curbing and guttering in said district, and the collection of the costs thereof. BE 1'1' OFi.DAINED BY THE MAYOn AND Crey COUNCIL of tbe City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section No.1. That there is 110reby created a curb and L;'Jttel' district in the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as curb and gutter distI'ict nmnber Seven (7) of the Cit-:r of Grand, Island, Nebraslm. Section No.2. Sa:td cUl'b and gutter distri'ct sll,all con- sist of that part of 11th Street from the west property line of 01ebu1'n Stl'eet to the east property line of Eddy Street, and shaD. include both sides of sD.io. stl'eet; Oleburn Street a long the we r'l t s ide of said stI'eet from the nor th pI'oper'ty line of 11th Street to the alley on the north or for a distance of 132 feet. Section No.3. Said streets in said curb and ,gutte:r' di stI':i. ct are hereby orde:t'ed curbed and gut tey'ed as providec! by 1 a,\;;1 , and in accordance 1ni th the plans and specifications governing curb and gutter districts as heretofore established by the City, said Cll:-el) o..r1(1 fSL1.:--:teJ~ to be of tlle standa~ecl conlr)ir16Cl t',vpe of C"urlJ and Gu tteI' . Section 4. Tllat autl'ori ty is hereby granted to the O\vne~es of the :r'ocord title, rep:r'e sonting a 11113.5 ori ty of the a!mtting property oWnel~S in sajd district a t the time of the enactment of tlds ordinance j to file 'Hit 1: the City Clerk, wi thin tVJenty days from the fi:r'st publication of the notice creating saj.d district, as by laVJ provided, written objections to the curbing and gu tter:i.ng of said district, Section 5. That tll') cost of curbing arcd guttel'ing of said District shall be assessed against the lots, tr'acts and parce1s of land especially benefi tt~d thereby; in propo:t'tiol1 to such benefits, to be deter'mined by the Mayor arid City Council as provided by law. Section 6. This ordinance shaJl'Je in force and take . I effect from and after its p8.ssage, approval and publication ( SEAL) of Au g;-tJ. st, 1939. as provided by law. Passed and approved A'I'TESr]1 : ~{:!h I I . . I ~ . I I . / ~ If 3/ 1/;;'/193 r 1P~~.1f ORDDTl\NCB NO. ~ An ordinance creating Water Main District No. 183 in t.he Oi ty of Grand Isll'lYld, Nebraslca, defining the boundaries thereof, prov:ldine'~ for the 1ayi.ng of a Water Main in said District, and providing for the payment of the cost of construction thereof. BE IT OHDAINED BY -rEE r'ilAyon AFD GrEY GOUNG IL of the Gi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska: SEG'rION 1.. That there is hereby created a Watel' Main Dis- trict in the City of Grand Island, Nebrasl{9., to be known and des- ignated as Water Main Distrj.ct No. 183 of the City of Gl'ancl Island, Nebl'as1ca. SEc'rION 2. Said Water Main Distl'ict shall consist of that part of Pirst St:r'cet from the east property line of Cleveland street to 8. point 210 feet west of the west pl'operty line of Blaine Street. SECTION 3. Said Water Main in Said District is hereby ordered laid as provided by laY! and in accordance with the plar.s and specifications governing WateJ:' Mains heretofore established by the City. SECTION 4. That the entire cost of the construction of said Water Main shall be assessed against the abu tting propel'ty in said District, a tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of the cC>Dstruction of said District as soon as the cost can be a~l- certalned, 8ai6. tax to become payable and delinquent and draw 1n- terest as follows, to-viit: One-fifth (1/5) of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days after such levy; one-fifth (1/5) in one year'; one-fifth (1/5) in two years; one-fifth (1/5) in three year s; one -fifth (1/5) in four year s. Each of said in- stallments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of Seven per cent ('7%) per annum from the time of the aforesaid levy until they shall become delinquent, and after the same become .de- linquent, interest at the rate of Nine per cent (97t) per annum shall be paid thereon until the sam.e shall be collected and paid; such special taxes shall be collected and enforced as in cases of other specie..l taxes, and said speciaJ. tax shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy thereof. SEc'rrON 5. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect . I from and after its paClsage, approval, and publica tioD as pI'ovic:.ed by 10. W . Passed and. approved by three -fourths of the members of the City Council of the City ~nd, Nebraska, this 2nd day of Au&~st, 1939. ATTEST: ~ 7'. . .!.- . City Clerk I I . ORDINAN GE NO. _1642 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1563 and Ordinance No. 1631 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, fixing the salaries of certain City officers and employees, defining their duties, and . I repealing Ordinance No. 1563 and Ordinance No. 1631 and all other ordinances and parts of o~linances in conflict herewith. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE li~YOR AND CI17 COUNCIL of the City of Grand I sland., Nebraska: SECTION 1. The City Clerk of Grand Island, Nebraska, shall receive a salary of ~~1920.00 per year, payallle monthly, and shall devote hi s en tire ticle to hi s du ti es as C1er]{, and shall keep hi s office in the City Hall and. keep said. office open from 8:00 A.M. to 5 P.lvI. daily, except Sundays and legal holidays, and shall submit to the City Council, a monthly and an annual report in such form as may be from time to time required by the City Council. SEcrrION 2. The Treasurer of the Ci ty of Grand Island shall devote his entire time to his duties as such tl'easupor, and as I provided he~rein and by lavv, and shall act as collector of special taxes and asse ssment s and in addition thereto, as Clerk of the Auditing Committee of the City Council, subject to removal from the position as Cler1\: of the Audi ting Commi ttee at any time by a majority vote of the Council, and shall maintain an office in the Ci ty IIall a11cl shall l{eep said. office open fOI~ lJU Si118 SS f rOll1 8 A .1\:1. to 5 P.M. daily, except Sundays and legal holidays, and shall receive as compensation for all duties performed by him the sum of $1500.00 per yer3.2, payable monthly, and in addition thex'eto, the sum of $50.00 per month a s Clerk of the Auditing Cormni ttee, making a total monthly salary of $175.00. I . SECTION 3. The Ci ty Attorney shall x'ecei ve a monthly salary of ~~110 .00. SECTION 4. The Chief of Police shall receive a monthly salsry of $175.00 for his services of Chief of Police and ex-officio secretary of the Board of Health. There shall be one Assistant Chief appoint ed who shall serve twelve hOU1"S per day and recei ve a salary of $147.50 per month. TIlere shall be no Lieutenants or subordinate officers in the Police Department. The number . I of Patrolmen shall be seventeen, who shall serve eight hours per day and they shall recei ve salari es of $110.00 per month during the first year of continuous service or fraction thereof, ~Jl15 .00 per month during the second year of continuous s ervic e or frac tion thereof, and $125.00 per month for the third and subsequent years of continuous service. There shall be no ac1di tional amounts for uniforms in the Police Department a1lowed. SEC'I'ION 5. The salary of the Ci ty Engineer shall be $200.00 per month and as such Engineer, he shall provide all the engin eering required by the City. He shall also supervise the construction of all sewer and water mains, the constl'uction of all streets, side1Jvalks, and all"'lys and all repairs to sewers, water mains, streets, sidewalks, and I alleys and shall have the general charge of the operation and keeping of the City Dump. He shall also have general charge of building inspection and milk inspection. SECTION 6. A caretaker of Parl{s shall recei ve a monthly salary of $150.00, am: he shall properly care for and maintain all parks within the City and a11 voting booths in said eitS". SECTION 7" There shall be ar' Assistant City Engineer and Assistant Building Inspector, ~.d for his services, he sb.all recei ve the sum of *1200.00 per month. SECTION 8. There shall also be an Assi~3tant City Engineer and fop his servioes, he sh.al1 rece ive the sum of $175.00 per mon tb . I . SECTION g. TIle Sexton of the cenletery shall recei ve a monthly salary of $150.00, and in addition thereto, the City shall fUl'nisY him Vii th a telephone ~ light s, 1i ving quar'ters and neCEJSsar'Y fuel tbel'efol~. TI18 Sexton shall furnish and keep a team of hOl'sesas a part of his duties vrithout additional compensation. SEC'l'ION 10. The Caretaker of the Ci ty Hall shall r'6cei ve a mon thly salal'y of $77 .00, with 1i ving quarters in tbe Ci ty lIall, together- with necessary 1i@1ts and fuel therefor. SECTION 11. The Street Commissioner shall receive as compen- sation for' his services the sum of 4~16[j .00 per month and shall perform his 6uties as directed by the City Engineer. . I SECTION 12. The Chief of the Fire Department shall recei ve a monthly salary or ~p175.00, and the Assistant Chief shall receive 1 . f d}.14r1 r::O a sa ary 0 ~ .r .0., and there shall be two captains on said department who shall be appointed and snall receive monthly salaries of $130.00, and one Mechanic '\Iv11o s}'all recei ve ~t130 .00 per mon th . SEC'fION 13. The hours of service to be pcrfol'med by firemen of the Fire DepartrneDt 8rla11 be 12 hour s per day. All firemen shall receive n:onthly salaries of ~tllO.OO fOl' the first yem' of continuous se~rvice or' any fraction thereof, and shall recei vo ~1;115 .00 per month during the second year of continuous sel'vice or f i tb f 1 t" p (.}.l2 ~ 00 '-b" tb . r9.ct on' ,.ere 0 , anc dle sum 01 '!P.. _0. pel' mon'c _ (JUrlng ...e third year of continuous service or fraction thereof, and no I additional compensation shall be allowed any member of the Fire Department for uniforms. SECTION 1,1. The head mecllanic or Street Department employee in charge of tlili City tractor shall receive a monthly salary of $120.00 SECTION 1,5. Regular helpers when required by the cS,retaker of parks, sexton of cemetery, street commissioner ~ at the disposal plan t, performing ol'dinary labol' or duti er, shall re cei ve a salar:v- in the sum of 50i per hour. Extra helpers whe~". required by tl-:LO caretaker of parks, sexton of cemetery, street commissioner or at tbe di sposal plant shall receive a salary in the sum of 40i per hour' . I . SECTION 16. The salary of the City Bacteriologist shall be the sum of ~~45 .00 per month. SECTION 17. The Caretaker of the City Dump shall receive the sum of' $60.00 per month and shall perform his services as directed by the City Engineer. SECTION 18. There shall be one Scale Master who sha13. recei ve the sum of $55.00 per month for his services. SEC~PION 19. The Superintendent of the Disposal Plant shall recei ve the sum of ~~125.00 per month for his services. Thel~e . I shall be two Day Caretakers 1Nho shall I'ecei ve tho sum of $125.00 per month eacb for their services, and one Night Caretaker who shall recei ve the sum of $125.00 per nlOnth for his ser'vices at the Disposal Plant. SECTION 20. The te~a man employed at the cemetery shall rece i va the sum of 55)1 per bou:e for set'vi ce s l~endered. SEC TI ON 21. The C ommi s s j.onol' of IN a ter', Light and 1 co shall recoi ve a montb.ly salary of $395.00 per month J the same to be allocated by him between the funds belonging to the said tl1ree departments according to tIle arlOunt of 'T10rk done for each depart- ment respe cti vely, and shall be payable semi -monthly. SECTION 22. Tb.e following members of the Ice Depal~tment I shall receive the following monthly salaries payable semi-monthly; Clerk, $100.00; Chief Engineer, $150.00; all Assistant Engineers, $130.00; Ice Pullers, $110.00; Foreman of Distribution, i~130 .00; and deliver~Den $105.00. SECTION 23. The following employees in the Water and Light Departments shall recei ve the f' ollowing sa1ari es payable semi- monthly: I . Bookkeeper and Cashier 1 Billing Clerk 1 Billing Clerk 1 stenographer 1 Clerk and Phones 1 Meter Reader 1 Meter Reader, 2nd Plant Superintendent 1st Trick Operator 2nd Trick Operator 3rd Trick Operator Machinist 1 Fi1~eman 1 Fireman 1 }i'ir eman Coal Passer Boiler and Wellman Engineer and Laboratory Pipe Fitter Helper & Oiler 1st Sweeper 2nd Sweeper Wa ter Fo:r>eman $ 190.00 120 .00 75.00 85.00 80.00 115.00 105 .00 240.00 160.00 155.00 150.00 155.00 135.00 135 .00 135.00 100.00 140.00 145.00 155.00 100.00 110.00 110.00 1:f?5.00. . I Water Meterman Calker and Service Man Calker and Service Man Line Foreman Lineman, 1st Lineman, 1st Lineman, 2nd 1 Groundman 1 Groundman Wir e Foreman 1 Wireman 1 Wir eman 1 Wireman 1 Troub le Helper 1 Troulble Helper Merchandise Manager Merchandise Clerk and Cashier Merchandise Billing Clerk Stock Clerk Collecto1" Bacteriologist Wireman Helpers Ditchmen Cla s s C la s s C la ss per hour per hour per hou I' per hour per hour per hour per hour per hour per hour per per per per per hour hour hour hour hour .55 .50 .50 .77 .72 .72 .65 .45 .45 160 .00 .72 .72 .72 .45 .45 13?50 75.00 100.00 95.00 100.00 20.00 .45 .45 per hour per hour SECTION 24. The City Physician shall receive as compensation for his services the sum of ~~60 .00 per month. SECTION 25. The Police Judge shall receive as compensation for his services the sum of $75.00 per month. SECTION 26. Continuous service as used in this ordinance in I connection with the Police and Fire Department s shall date fl'om the commencement of service and not from the passage or effective date of this ordinance. SECTION 27. Each section of this oY'dinance was passed independently of other sections and the passage of each section was not by or dependent upon the passage of any other section or sections hereof. The invalidity of any section or part thereof shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections or portions thereof. SECTION 28. Ordinance No. 1563 and Ordinance No. 1631 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conf'lict herewith are hereby I . repealed SECTION 29. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after the second day of August, 1939, and upon its passage, approval, and publication as provided by laW. Passed and approved by a th - of all the members of the City Council the Mayor this second day of Au gust, 1939. (Seal) Attest: r7./ _ ~~ , Ci ty Clerk OHDINANC(3 NO. 1641. An ordinance repealing Ordinance 1':]0. 1603 and Ordinance No. 1641 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, . I Nebraska. BE 1'1' OhDAINED By THE MaYOR AND CI'J'Y COUNCIL of the (> City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 1. < That ordinance No. 1603 and Ordinance 1641 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect fl'om and. after' its passage, approval and pU;Jlication as required by law. Passed and approved this of August, 1939. I ATrI'EST: ~~ Ci t-Y- ClerIc _._- I . 1 OEDINANCE NO. 1644 An ordinance creating Water Main District No. 83 in the City of Gral\Cl Island, Nebraslm, den.ning tbe boundar'ies thereof, . I providing for the laying of a Water Main in said Distr':tct and providing 1'01' the pa;lment of the cost of construct ion thereof. BE 1'1' OHDAINED BY THE MAYOn AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That there is hereby created a Water f'/iain Dis- trict in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Water Main District No. 83 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 2. Said Water Main District Slillll consist of that part of Pi:r'st Street from the east property line of Cleveland Street to a point 210 feet west of the west property line of Blaine Street. Section 3. Said Water Main in Said District is hereby I ordered laid as provided by law and in aeeor'dance v>fi th the plans and specifications governing Water' Mains heretofore established by the City. Section 4. That the entire co st of tbe construction of said !/Jater Main shall be assessed against the abutting p:['opel~ty in said District, a tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of the construction of said District as soon els the cost can be ascertained, said tax to become payable and delinquent and drav,! interest as follows, to-wit; One-fifth (1/5) of the total amount shaLL become delinquent in fi1' ty days after such levy; one ..fj.l' t-;1' (1/5) in one year; one-fifth (1/5) in two years; one-fifth, (1/5) in three year's; I . one-fifth (1/5) in four years. Eacllof said installrnents, except the first, shall draw interest at Ute rate of Seven per cen.t (71&) per annum from the time of the aforesaid levy until they shall become delJ.nquent, and after the same become delinqu ent, in terest at the rate of Nine pel' cent (9%) per annum shall be paid tbereon until the same shall be collected and paid; such special taxes shall be enforced as in cases of other special taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on said real estate from and after tbe date of the levy thereon. Section 5. rl1J:J.is Ordinance shall be in force anll take effect . I from and after its pa 8S age, approval and pub Ii ea tion as -provided by lav!. Passed and approved by threc-fou1"ths of the members of the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, this 16th day of Au gu st, 1939. AT'rEST~ ~~rk I I . . I I I . OHDINANCE NO. 1645 An Ordinance creating a Curb and Gutter District in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; defining the boundaries thereof; providing for the curbing and guttel'ing in said district; and providing for the payment of the cost of the construction thereof. BE 1'1' OBDAINED BY THE IVIAYOn AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a curb and gutter district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Curb and Gutter District No.8 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SEC'l'ION 2. Said Curb and Gutter Di stl'ict shall consist of that part of Kimba 11 Street from the south property line of Division Street to the north property line of Koenig Street; KimbDll Street f:r'om the sou th property line of Koenig Street to the north propel'ty line of Charles Street; and Kimball Street from the south property l:i.ne of Charles St~reet to. the north property line of Ashton Avenue and shall include both side of said Kimbell Street. SECTION 3. Said streets in said Curb and Gutter District are hereby or-dered curbed and guttered as provided by lav: and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing Curb and Gutter Districts as heretofore established by the City of Grand Island, said Curb and Gutter to be of the standard com- bined type of Curb and Gutter. SEC'l'ION 4. That authori ty 1s hereby granted to the owner's of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in saJ.d distl'ict at the time of' the enactment of' this ol'dinance, to file with the City Clerk within twenty days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as by law provided, written objections to the curbing and guttering of said distl'ict" SEc'rION 5. That the co st of' tbe curbing and gu ttering of said District shall be assessed against the lots, tracts and parcels of land especially benefited thereby, in proportion to such benef'i ts, to be determined by the Mayor and City Council as provided by law.. SECTION 6. Th:Ls ordinance shall be in force and take . I effect from and after its passage, approva1 and publication as required by law. Passed and approved this lzay of August, 1939. (SEAL) A'fTEST: I I . OHDINANCl!l NO. 164q . I An Ordinance amending Section No.7 of Ordinance No. 1642 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island~ Nebraska~ and repealing said original Section No.7 of the said Ore1ina.nce No. 1642. BE I 'I' OHDAINfW BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the Ci ty of Grand Island~ Nebraska. Section 1. That Section No. '7 of Ol'dinance No. 1642 of the QI'dinance a of the Gi ty of Grand I sland ~ NebI' asJm be and the same is hereby amended to r(:?ad as follows:: 1J.1he~C'e shall be a Building Inspector who aha.l1 also be an Assistant City ~ngineer and he shall receive a salary in the sum of $200.00 per month as said Building Inspector. Section 2. Said original Section No.7 of the said I ordinance No. 1642 be and. the same is hereby repealed. Section 3. 'fhis ol'dinance shall be in I'orce and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and. approved. thi s 16th d " of Au gu st, 1939. ---~,---=--~ ...-....-..----- Mayor A,'rT ES 'I' : ~-:~ ~~~~ ~--,- :::::::~=':'Gity Clerk I . ORDINAl!CE NO. .J..Qk.7 An ordinance creating a curb and gutter district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, . I providing for the curbing ill1d guttering of the streets in said district, and providing for the levying of special assessments to pay for the co st of the curbing and gu ttering in said di strict, and the collection of the costs thereof. BE I'll ORDAINED BY ThE MAYOB. AND CIfry COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 1. That there is hereby created a curb and guttel" district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as curb and gutter district number Nine (9) of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 2. Said curb and gutter district shall consist of that part of 13th Street from the west property line of J.i:lm Street to the east property line of Cleburn ~treet and 13th I Street from the west property line of Clebu:rn Street to the ea~property line of Eddy Street and shall include both sides of said street. Section 3. Said streets in said curb and gutter district are hereby ordered curbed and guttered as provided by law, and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing curb and gu tter di stri ct s a s heretofore establi shed by the City, said curb and gutter' to be of the stan(lard combined type of Curb and Gutter. Section 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district at the time of the enactment of this I . ordinance, to file with the City Clerk, within twenty days from the first puhlicatiol" of the notice creating said district, as by law provided, written objections to the curbing and g'uttering of said district. Section 5. That tbe cost of curbing and g;uttering of said District shall be assessed against the lots, tracts and parcels of lancl especially benefited tbereby, in proportion to such benefits, to be determined by the Mayor and City Council as provided by law. Section 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect . I from and after its passage, approval and 1~b1ication as provided by lavv. Passed and approved (SEAL) of Au,gus t, 1939. AT11EST: ~<~ I I . ORDINANCE NO, ~~8 An ordinance creating a Curb and Gutter District in the . I City of Grand Island, Nebraska; defining the boundaries thereof; providing for the curbing and guttering in said district; and providing for tr-Ie payment of the cost of the construction ther eof . BE IT' ORDAINED BY T'HE MAyon AND CI'l'Y COUNCIL of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska; Section 1. 'fhat there is hereby created a curb and gutter district in the City of Gl'and Islanci, NebraSka, to be Imown as Curb and. Gutter District No. 10 of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 2. Said Curb and Gutter Dis trict shall consist of that part of' 7th Stl'eet f'rom the West property line. of ~ddy Street to the East property line of Clark Stre(;t and shall I include both sides of said 7th street and the north side of Second Street from the west property line of Garfield Street to the West pl'operty line of Arthul' Street. Section 3. Said streets in said Curb and Gutter District are hereby ord81'ed cur'bed and guttered as provided by law and in accordance 1/Ji th the plans and specifications governing Curb and Gu tter Di stric ts as heretofore establi shed by the Ci ty of Grand Island, said Curb and Gutter to be of' tl1e standard combined type of Curb and Gutter. Section 4. That authol'i ty is hel-eby gran ted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district at the time of the enactment I . of th:L S 0 rdinanc e, to file with the Oi ty Olerk wi thin t-wenty days from the first purllication of' the notice creating said district, as by la\v provided, written objections to the curb- ing and guttering of said district. Section 5. Thrlt the CO;-1t of the curbinr; and ,guttering of said District shall be assessed against the lots, tracts and pal'cels of land especi ally benefited thereby, in proportion to such benefits, to be determined by the Mayor and Ci ty Council as provided by law. . I Section 6. Thi S ordinan ce shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publicatlon as required by law. Passed and appl'oved thi s 16th day of August, 1939. (SEAL) A'rrrEST: -- l\1'ayor -~"- .~k~~ ~4~y;-~erk--------"~--'- I I . ORDINANCE NO. ~9 An ordinance creating a curb and gut ter district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining tbe boundaries thereof, . I providing for the curbing and guttering of the streets in said distI'ict, and providing for the levying of special assessments to pay for the cost of curbing and guttering in said district, and the collection of the costs thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CI~rY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 1. That there is hereby created a curb and gutter district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as curb and gutter district number Eleven (11) of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 2. Said curb and gutter district shall consist of that part of Charles StI'eet from the east pT'operty li:..,e of Pine Street to the west property line of Kimball Street and shall include both sides of said Charles Street; Koenig Stl~eet from I the east property line of Sycamore street to the west property line of Kimball Street an (1 shall include both sides of said Koenig Street; and Sycamore Street from the south property line of Koenig Street to the north property line of Charles Stl'eet and shall include both sides of said Sycamore Stl~eet; and Sycamore Street from the north property line of Koenig Street to the south property line of Division Street and shall include both sides of said Sycamore Street. Section 3. Said streets in said curb and gutter district are hereby ordered curbed and guttered. as provided by law, and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing curb I . and gutter districts as heretofore established by the City, said curb and gutter to be of the standard combined type of Curb and Gutter. Section 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the recor-d title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to fi le vii th the City Clerk, wi thin twenty days from the first publication of the notice cr'eating said district, as by law provided., written objections to the curbing and guttering . I of said district. Sectlon 5. That the cost of curbing and guttering of said District shall be assessed against the lots, tracts and parcels of land especi ally benefi ted thereby, in propol"tion to such benefits, to be determined by the Mayor and City Council as pl"ovid.ed by 1 aw. Sect i on 6. Thi s ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passn.ge, approval and publication as provided by law. ( S.", A'I ) J...J_';-~.>J Passed and approved ATTEST: I ~~<~~c I . onDI NANCE NO. ~.Q5..Q An ordinance creating a curb and gutter district in the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebrasl;:a, defining the boundaries thereof, . I providine; fOl~ the curbing and guttering of the streets in sai.d distr>ict, and providing for the levying of special assessments to pay for the cost of curbing and guttering in said district, and the collection of the costs thereof. BE I'f ORDAIrrED BY THE MAYOll AND CITY COU1'!CIIj of the Ci ty of Granel :U'."1. q,nd, NebrLska. Section ';,. That there i s he~r0by el'ea ted a curb and gu tter distl'ict in the City of Grand Islan" r-rebraska, to be known as curb and gutter d:Lntrict number T\nlelve (12) of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 2. Saie Gurb and gutter' district shall consist of that part of Oal{ Streco;t; from the lcorth property line of 1st Stl~eet to the south pr-e'1)Orty line of 2nd Street and shall I include both sides of sa:Vl Oak ,c) t::peet . ~'. Section 3. Said st;rec ts HI s aid curb and gutter dj. strict are hereby ordered curb ttfH'ed as provided by law, and in accordance wi th the pl."lOD f:l sn8cifications governing curb and gutter districts ::i.Ei he'rLof'o:'C: established by the City, said. curb and gu tter to be of r: n tandr;,' C ornbined t:Jrpe of Curb and Gu tter . Section 4. That aut' ol'ity is hel'eby ,:ented to the owners of the record title, r' r.'esenting a majol':U:y of the abutting property ovmers in sai district at tl1.e time of the enacblent of this ordinance, to lle with the City Clerk, within twenty i I II i. days from the first pii-')lication of the notlce creating said dlstrict, as by law pJ'ovided, written objections to the curbing and gut tel"'ing of said (Jistrict. Section 5. That the cost of cUl'bing and guttering of said Distrlct shall be assessed against the lots, tracts and parcels of land especially benefited thereby, in proportlon to such benefits, to be determined by the Mayor and City Council as provided by law. Section 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect . I from and after its passage, approval and publication as pT.'ovided by law. Passed and approved this 16th day fof August, 1939. ( SEAL) ~- "'~-""Ma:y().r~-'-'--"" -'~'.."" -- --- ATTEST: ~-//~-- City Clerk I I . ORDINANCE NO.. 1651 An ordinance creating a curb and €j'Utter district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, . I providing 1'01' the curbing and guttering of the streets in said district, and providing for the levying of special assessments to pay fOl' the cost of the cUI'bing and gu tteI'ing in said district, and the collection of the costs thcI'eof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAyan AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of GI'and Island, Nebraska. Section 1. That there is hereby created a curb and gutte11 district in the City of Grand Islsnd, Nebraska, to be knovl11 as curb and gutter district number Thi11teen (13) of the City of Gl'and Island, Nebraska. Section 2. SaleJ. curb and gutter distd.ct shall consist of that part of John Street fI'om the west property line of' WashinL~- ton Street to the east property line of Adams Street and shall include both sides of said John Street, on Washington Street I from the alley line between John, Street and Louise St:eeet to the alley line between John Street and Anna Stl'eet and shall include both sides of said V:Jashington street, on John Stl'eet from the east proper'ty line of Madison Street to tll,e west property line of Jefferson St11eet and shall include both sides of said JolLn Street, and on the west side of Jefferson Street from the north property line of J"ohn StI'eet extending 132 feet north to trle a1_ley betVleen J'ohn street and Loui se Street. Section 3. Said streets in said curb and gutter district are heJ">eby ordered curbed and guttered as provided by law, and in accordance ':1i t11 tlJe plans and specifications governing curb I . and gutter districts as heretofore establis11ed by the City, said CUI'b and gutter to be of the standard Cor'1bined type of Curb and Gut teJ"> . Section 4. That authol">ity is hereby granted to t11,e owners of the record t1 tIe, representing a majoI'ity of the abutting property owners in said district at the time of the enactn~nt of this ol'dinance, to 1'i Ie wi th the Ci ty Cle}1k, V!:t thin tvven ty days 1'1">0111 the fiJ'st publication, of the notice cI'cating said district, as by 1m'! pr'ovided, written ob,jections to the curbing and guttering of said district. . I Sect:ton 5. 'fhat the cost of' curbing and guttering of said Distl'ict shall be assessect against the lots, tracts and parcels of land especially benefi ted thereby, in propoption to such benefits, to be determined by the Mayor and City Council as provided by la"'1. Section 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect f::C'om and. after its passage, approval and publi cation as pl"ovided by law. Passed and approved this 16th da of Augu st, 1939. ( SEAT,) A'rrES'1' : I :~~.d' ~c <;:;:: Cl'tY"'GJ'-Cl'k --- I . lel)'!/ ORDINANCE NO. ili;L An Ordinance creating Sewer District No. 180 in the City of Grancl Island, Nebraska, defininls the bOlmdar'ies thereof, pro'Tiding . I for the laying of a sewer in said DistI'i.et, describing the manner t 'h l'[ 1.1 1 '.H f' b in which he same 8__"al)e ...8.J,o. ana. pl'ovlo.lng . or t ._e payment of the cost of the construction tbereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOH AND CITY COUlTCIL of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska: SI!:C11ION 1. That there is hereby created a Sewer District in the City of Grand Island, Neb1'asko., to be known as Sewel' District No. 180 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. That said sewer shall be laid in the alley between First street and Division Street, from the east property line of Artbur Street extending to a point 210 feet ii:Jest of the west property line of Blaine St~reet in the Ci ty of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, and shall include all lots, tracts, and parcels I of land d:trectly adjacent thereto bounded acl aforesai.d ancl. wi.thin said di st}1i ct. SECTION 3. Said sewe11 in said dis trict is hereby ordered laid as provided by laY! and in accordance wi tb the plans and specificDtions governing sewer' districts as heretofore established by the City. SECTION 4. That the entire cost of constructing said se"Ner sha1l be ass essed against the abu tti.ng property in said di.s tl"ict, and a tax sha11 be levied against the abuttin,g property in said district to pay for the cost of constructing said sewer district, as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows: One-fifth of tbB I . total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days fronJ date of the levy thereof; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fif tll in thr'ee years; and one-fifth in four years. Each of said installments, except tbe fir'st, shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the date of the levy until they become delinquent, and after the same becomes delinquent, interest at the rate of nine per cent pel' annum shall be paid I I thereon un{:il tho same is collected and pn.id; 9aid specia.l taxes SI!8.11 be collected and enforced 0.8 in cases of other special taxes, and said special taxes shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy. . I SEcrrION 5. Thi s Or'dinance shall be in force and tah:e effec t from and aftel' its passage, appr'oval, and publication as provided by lav!. Passed ancL approved by tll1~ee-fourths vote of all members of the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, th.Le! .?4th. day of August, 1939. --.----- Mayor 4.:; . ..... '.~.' ~~-. ATTEsrr: ~d~ ~-- ity-Cl~ric----- I I . . ' ORDINANCE NO. 1~2.2 An ordinance creating: a CuY'b and Gutter District in the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska; defining the boundaries thereof; . I providing for tlw cu:c'bing and op ttering in said district; and providing fo:e the pa-yment of the cost of the construction thereof. BE I'll Oh.DAINED BY THe IVIA~{OH AND Cl'rY COUNCIL of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska: SECTION 1. That there is hereby cre,').ted a curb and gutter district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Curb and Gutter District No. 14 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SEC'rION 2. Said Curb and Gutter DistI'ict shall consist of that part of Jackson Street on both sides thereof from the alley sou th of Second Street ly:l.ng between FiJ~ st and Second Streets to the a 11ey north of 'l'hird Street lying between Third Street and F':cont Street and on Monroe Street on both sides thereof from the north property line of Secoml Street to the sou th I property line of 'llhird Street. SECTION 3. Said. streets in said Curb and Gutter District are hereby ordered curbed and guttered as pI'ovided by 10.1[/ and in accordance wi tn the plans and specifications governing Curb and Gutter Districts as hel~etofore established by the City of Grand 18113.n(1, said Curb and Gutter to be of the Standard comlJined type of Curb and. Gutter. SECTION 4. (rho. t au thori ty is hereby granted to Ule owners of the record title, representing a majorj.ty of tJ-'o abutting' property owners in said district, at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file with the City Clerk within twenty I . days frorn the first publication of the notice creating said district, as by law vrovided, written objections to the curbing and gutterin~ of said district. S3C'l.'ION 5. Il'hat the cost of the c1...ll"bing and ,gutteI'ing of said District shall be assessed against the lots, tracts, and parcels of land especially benefited thereby, in proportion to such benefits, to be determined by the Mayor and City Council as provided by law. SJW'rION 6. 'f!:1is ordinance shall be in force and take eff ec t from D.l1. after its JX-1. sS8.ge, approval and pub li ca tioD as r equ i red by law. Passecl ana appI'oVe~t this ,dday . I (S:r;:;AL) ltrrcES'r: 1939 . ~~~~ ----.. 0 rSy -01 er f"- I I . lJRDINANCE NO. 162~_ An ordinance cl'eating a Curb and. GutteI' District in the City of Grane. Island, NebrasJm; definino; t:\l('; boundaries the:eeofj providing for the curbing and gutteri in said. district; and . I prov1dinQ~ fo:r the na-;.,rrnent of the cost of V-Ie construction t:hereof. BE 1'1' OHDAINED BY 'l'HE IVLLYOR AljD CITY COUNCIL of the Ci tv of Grand IsLlnd, lJebraska. SlWrl'ION 1. 'rhat there is hereby created a curb and. [;utter district in the City of Gran:.1 Island, Nebraska, to be known as Curb and Gu tter Di st:t':tc t No. 15 of the Oi ty of Grand I s land, Net)):' ps]ra. SEC'rIOj\ 2. SaicL Curb anil Gutter Dist:eict shall consist of that part of J.ohn Street on both sides thereof from the west property line of Adams Street to the east property line of J-efferson Street and Jefferson Street on the east side thereof from tbe north property line on John St:t'eet to the alley nOl...th between John Street and Louise Street. I S.i~crIIION 3. Sale1 streets in sa:i..d Curb aneJ Guttel'" Distr'ict are he1'eb'1 ordered curbed and ,p;uttered as providec::' by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing Curb and Gutter Districts as heretofore established by the City of Grand Island, said Curt) and. Gu tter' to lx; of the standa:t'd combined type of Curb and Gu tteI' . S:;~:C'I'ION 4. That autl10rity is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majori ty of the abutting pr>operty owners in said dist:L'ict at the time of t}le enactment of this ordinance, to file 1;'[it11 the City C:l.erk w:tthin twenty days fr'om the first pul!lication of the notice creating sa:ld distl'ict, as by 1a1,! provided, writ ten ob jec tions to the curbing and I . gu ttering of said c'Listri ct. SECtION ;5. Tl'lat the cost of tbe curbing and q;utterin,r.r, of said District shall be assessod against the lots, tracts, and parcels of land espeCially benefited thereby, in proportion to such benefits, to be determined. by the Mayor and City Counct 1 as provided by laIN. SEC'I'ION 6. Thi S ordina ee shall be in fOl~ee and take effect from and. after it passe ge approval and publication as reQUiI'ec1 by law. . I Passed and approved this ( SEII.L) A,'.I:'I'ES'r: .~~/~ ~:- ffy- Clerk' I I . September, 1939. ---r;;i"ayol-:;---.-------.------- OHDINANCE NO ~ 1~55 An ordinance creating a Curb and Gutte:r> District in trle Ci ty of Grand Islam::., Nebl'as}m; defining the (loundaries thereof; . I providing for the curbing and gu tter'ing in said di stri c t; and providing fo~C' tll.e payment of tbe cost of the cons tru etion thereof. BE I'r OIWAINED BY r:['HE MAYOR AND CI'I'Y COUNCIlJ of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: SECI'ION 1. Tll.at there is hereby created a cUl'b and guttAI' district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be lmown as Curb and Gutter District No. 16 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECii.'ION 2. Said Curb and Gutter District shall consist of that pal~t of 11th Street oniloth sides thereof from the west property line of Greenwich Avenue to the east property line of Lincoln Avenue. SECI'ION 3. Said streets in said Curb ancl Gutter District I are hel~eby ordered curbed and guttered. as prov:Lcledly law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing Curb and Gutter Districts as heretofore established by tbe Ci ty of Gr'c-md Island, said Curb and Gutter to )e of the standard combined type of Curb and Gll t ter . S}~C'I'IO]\r 4. 'l'hat authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file with the City Clerk within twenty days from the fi:C'st publ:tcation of tl10 notice creating said district, as by law pl"ovicled, v!1'itten ob,iections to the c1u"iJing and gutte~in~ of said district. I . SECTION 5. Ifha t the cost of the curbing and gu ttering of said District shall be assessed against the lots, tracts, and parcels of land especially benefi ted the:reby, in pI'oportion to such benefits, to be determined by the Mayor and Clty Council as pl"ovided by law. :' SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from ('l.nd after its pa s8age approval a11(l publication as . I required by law. Passed and appI'oved this~t1day of' ( Cl I" ill" ) 0.~...';\. .J A'I"rl~S 'J' : ---"-r~-a:'iTOr'."-'-'-----.---"-- u ~~A4~ ~::r-~iJFCYGrerk-' I I . ORDINA1<rOB NO. 165_~ An ordinance creating a Curb and Gutter District in the Ci ty of Grand Island, Neb:t:'aska; defining the boundarie s thereof; pl'oviding for t.he curbing and guttel'ing in said district; and . I providing for the pa;yTIlentof the cost of the constl'uction thereof. BE rr OltU.AINED gy THE M.AYOR AND Crry COUNCIL of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a curb and gutter district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to he known as Curb and Gutter District No. 17 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECI'ION 2. Said Curb and Gutter District shall consist of that part on Division Street on both sides thereof from the west Av~nue. propel"ty line of Kimball -~rl.~t to the east property line of Sycamore Street. SECTION 3. Said streets in said Curb and Gutter District . a~('e hereby ordered curbed and guttered as provided by la1J1Jand in I accordance with tbe plans anQ specifications governing Curb and Gutter Districts as heretofore established by the City of Grand Isla nd, s ai cl CU}:b and Gut tel' to be of the st andard c ornbi ned_ type of CU1'b and Gu tter . SECTIOlif 4. 'That au thori ty is bereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a ma,iori ty of the abutting propel'ty owners in said district at tl1e time of the enactment of tbis ordinanc:, to file -;vitIL the City Clerk within tVventy days from the tir s t publication of the notice creating s aid (1tst~['ic t, a;:! bv law provided, wl'itten objections to the curbing and guttering of' said dist:c:i.ct. SEC 'I'I ON 5 '11ha t the co st of th,::; curbing and gut tel"ing of I . said Distl'ict shall be assess against the lots, tracts, and parcels of land especially benefi ted thereby, in proportion to such benefit s, to be determined. by the lvIayor and Oi ty Council as provided oy law. SEcrrrON 6. 'This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and. after its passage approval and. pul)lication as . I required. by law. (SEAL) A'rTI~ s 'r : September, 1939. Passed. and approved Ma-;Tor---.-- .~~~~ -~-_.. City Clerl{- I I . OHDHJANCE NO. ~7_ An oJ:,dinance creating a Curb and Gutter District in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; defining the boundaries thereof; . I providing for the curbing and guttex'ing in said district; and providing for the payment of t:be cost of' the construction t:hereof. BE I'l' Od.DAINED B-1 'I'BE jYIAYOH AND CITY COUNCIL of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska~ SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a curb and gutter district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Curb and Gutter District No. 18 of' the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECT'ION 2. Said Curb and Gutter District shall consist of that part on Garfield Street on botb. sides thereof from the nox'th property line of 2nd Street to the South property line of Third Street. SECI'ION 3. Said streets in saiG Curb and Gutter District I a~C'e hereby ordered curbed anci guttered as provided by law and in ac cordance vii th the plans and specification s gover'ning Cur')) and Gu tter Districts as heretofore estatllished by the Ci ty of Gx'and Island, said. Curt) and Gutter to be of the stand.ard combined type of Curb and Gu ttex' . SIWTION 4. 'I'hat authority is hel'eby gI'anted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property oWner's in saiCl district at the time of the enactment of this ordinLmce, to file with the City Clerk within tvrenty days from tbe first publica tiOD of' the notice creating said district, as by law provided, written objections to the curbing and gu ttering of' said eli s tr1 ct. I . SEc'rrON 5. 'I1hat t1,e cost of' the curbing and guttering of' said District shall be assessed against the lots, tracts, and parcels of land especially benefited thereby, in proportion to such benefits, to be; dete:r:minec1 by the Mayor and City Coul1cll as provided bv La-w. SnCTION 6. This ordinance shall 1Je in force and take effect fI'om and after its passage approval and publicat:ton as . I reC]ui:eed by 19.w. Passed and approved. this &J...clay September, 1939. (SBAL) A'IITES'I': -'.---1;18. yo'r~'---'-'---'------"---- ;t?-.~dL -Z-'=7~.'--;--'~-~-'-'-~-------- CJ..ty Clerk I I . ORDINANCE NO. 162~ An ordinance creating a Curb and Gutter District in the City of Grand I slanct, Nebraslm; def'inine; the boundarie s thereof; . I providing l' OJ' the curbing and gu ttering in said d:i. s t:('i c t; and p:rovicting foC' the pa:yment of the cost of t~he construction t:l'lereof. BE 1'1' OHDjHNED l'j 'r:E13 CI'I'Y COGNCIL of tlJe Ci ty of Grand Island., Nebraska: SEC'I'ION 1. That t:'e:ee is hereby created a CU rb and putter district in the C:tty of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be JmQ111Tn as Curb and Gutter District No. 19 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said Curb and Gutter District shall consist of that pal't of Ha:erison street on both sides thereof from the north property line of Second Street to the South property line of Third Street. SBc'rION 3. Said streets in said Curb an(l Gutter District arA b.ereby ordered cU11bed and gu ttereci as provided by 1 aw and I in accordance 'with the plans and specifications governing Curb and Gutter Districts a s heretofore establi sheeL by the Ci ty of Grand Island, said Curb and Guttel' to be of the standard com- bined type of Cln'b and Gutter. SEG'I'ION 4. That au tho:r'i ty is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district at the time of' the enactment of' this ordinance, to file with the City Clerk within twenty days f:rom the first publication of the notice creating said eli strict, a s by 1m-v provided, VII'i tten oll 5ection8 to the curbing and gt.),tterino~ of said dist:;rict. SECTION 5. 'rhat the cost of the curbing and. ,guttering of I . said District S'llall be assessed against the lots, tracts, and parcels of land especially benefi ted thereby, in proportion to such benefits, to be determined DY the Mayor and City Council as p:eovided by law. SEC'L'ION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval publication as requiy'ed by law. . I Passed and anproved September, 1939. (SEAL) A'I'rcfc':S T; --~--'-'-"--"--'--'---------,,,,- Mayor ;;Z! ~ d~ --~c-ifYC1-el"k ---- I I . ~ f\ i .' r I I I ~ ORDINA'NCE 1',0. 1622. An orcl:tnance crefl-clng a Cur'b and Gu tt er Di 8t1'i c t in tl18 City of Gl'and Is lanel, NebrEtslm; defining tlJe boundar-ie s ther eof; pro- . I vidinp: fOI' tl'e curbing and gut tering in said di s t:ri c t; anC1 pro- vic:1inn; t'or the paynlent of the cost of tho construction thereof. t 'I' OFmA.IN~D ThE l\IAYOli, Al'U CI'l'~( COUNCIL of tho Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska: SECTION 1. 'Ilt8.!:; t}J8re is hereby created a curb and. gutter district in the City of Granel. Is1oo1d, l.lebraska, to be known as Curb and Gutte:C' District No. 20 of the City of Grand Island., Neln'aska. SECTION 2. Said Curb and Gutter District shall consist of that part of Grant Street on the west side ~hereof from the south pr'operty line of Char'les Street to the north propeJ:,ty line of Loui se StJ:'eet and on said Grant Street from the alley betvveen John and Loui se Street to the north property line of John St:eeet, I , and on said Grant Street on the east side thereof from the alley bet\'Jeen Louise Street and Charles Street to the n01'th property line of Louise Street, and on said Grant Street from the alley between John Street and Louise Street to the north pr'OI)erty line of John, ancl on said Grant Street from the north property line of John Street to the north propeI'ty line of Anna Street, and on Clay Street on the west side thereof from the south propel'ty line of Charles sty-eet to the nortl1 property line oi' Anna Stl'eet; on Clay Street on the east side thereof from the south propel'ty line of Char' le s Street to tll.e alley between John Street and Loui se Street; on Anna Street on the north side thereof from the \:vest property line of Clay Street to the east property line of Grant I . Street; on J'ohn Street from the west property line of Clay Street to the east propert'y line of Grant Street and shall include both sj.des thereof; on the north side of' John Street extending 154 feet west of the west property line of Grant Street; on Louise Street on the north side thereof frorn the 1f:Jest propeJ:ty line of Lot 2~~ in Bloc}: 5, Ash ton Place and Adeli ti on to the City of - , . Grand Island, Nebraska to the west nroperty line of Tilden Street; on Loui se Street on the sou th side thereof from the west property line of Lot 2 in Blocl{ 50 in Wasmer"'s Addition to . I tIle Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska to the west propert.y line of Tilden Street. SEC'l'ION 3. Said streets in said Curb and Gutter District are hereby ordered curbed and guttered as provided by law and in accordance VJith the plans and specifications governing Curb an(l Gutter Districts as heI'etofore established by the City of Grand I sIanO., said Curb and Gutter to be of the standard comb:Lned type of Curb and Gutter. SEC'l'ION 4. That authority :Ls hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a ma,ior:Lty of the abutting property owners in said district at the time of the enactment of tld.s ordinance, to file with tllG City Clerk within twenty days from tbe first publication of the notice creating said I . district, as by law provided, written objections to the curbing and guttering of said district. SEC'l'ION 5. That the cost of the cu:C'bing and {~ttering of said District shall be assessed against the lots, tracts, and pa.l'cels of land. especially benefited thereby, in proportion to su ch benefits, to be de termined by the I/iayor and Oi ty Counci 1 as provided by law" SEcrrION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from ana after its passage, approval and publication as required .b~{ l:J..\v. Passed anD. appl'ovecl of September, 1939. I . (SEAL) AT'llES'r: ---.--1ila~yor ---..----.-~-..--..-"----..--- :YF ~4?~ (.J....LT--.--..---C;:L ty 0101'],(-----..---.--.- OHDIl\ G}~ NO. 16-.6_Q An ordinance creating a Curb and Gutter District in the City of Grand Island, Neb~easka; def1nin9; the boundaries tlir:'l:'eofj pro- viding for' tIle curbing and gu ttering in said district j and pro- . I viding rop the payment of tho cost of the construction t1:1oreof. BE rr On.DAINED!:;Y ThE IvlAYOH AND CI'I'Y COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Noiiraslm: SECTION 1. rrhat tlJore is hereby created 8. curb ane!. f'~utte1' district in the City of Grand Island, Nebras' , to be knowri as Curb and Gutte:c Distr':Lct }':o. 21 of the City of (::' l' an 0' ILl . S ~ a nc" .' Nebraska. SEc'rION 2. Said. Curb and Gutter Distl~ict shall consist of that part of Louise street from the west property line of Locust Street to the east property line of Cedal' Str>e(')t and shall include both sides of said Louis e Street, and on Cedar StI'eet on both sides thereof from the south property line of Loui se Street extending 132 feet to the alley line between John Street and Louise Street j on Cedar Street on both sides thereof from the I south property line of Charles Strc;et to the nOI'th proper'ty line of J'ohn Str'eet. SEc'rION 3. Said streets in said Curb and. Gutter District are hereby orde:C'ec1 curbed and P,7u tt ered as provided lq 10.\\ and in accordance wi th the plans ane1 specifications governin{l; Curb and Gutter Districts as heretofore established by the City of Grand Islancl, saiei Cu:eb and Gutter to be of the standq.rcl cornbined type of Curb and Gu tt er . SECiI'ION 4:. 'Inat autrwrity is hereby gl'anted to the owners of the record title, repl'esenting a majority of' the abutting p:r'operty owners in saie1. eli strict at the time of the enactment of I . thi s ordinance, to fj.lc vJi th the City C leI'k Vii thin twenty ci.a.ys from the first publicrction of the notice creating sal district, 9.S by IDw provided, wri tten ob jections to the curbing and gu ttering of said district. SECTION 5. 'I'hat the cost of the curbing andp;uttering of said District shall be assessed against the lots, tracts, and parcels of land 8s:occially ~)enefitecL thereby, in proportion to such benefits, to be determined by the Mayor and City Council as Pl'ovicJ.ed hy la:,'. SECTION 6. This ordinance sball be in force and take effect . I from and after its prlSsage, appI'oval [;1.n.c1 pu blicDtion as I'equi red oy 1.'1'.'.[. Passed ani apm:~ovecL this 6th day of Sept;~rrlbeI', H.J39. (;:{i~JU, ) A'r'l' ES '1'; & . ~Jwbr -'--~"-Gity" C T..er}Z----------. I I . .-- -~ OHDINANCE FO. 1691_ An o:cdinance creatine; a OurlJ and Gu btc:r District in the 01 ty of Gr'and Island, Nebrasl<a; defining the boundaries thereof; pro- vicHn(' Cor Ute curbin2~ an 0_ e;utterin,g in said eHstrict; and pro- . I vicLing for the payrnent of ti'8 cost of the construction t'hereof. BE 1'1' Ol-cD('_INj,:D BY 'rEE hIAYOR AND C1'r:{ COUNCIL of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska: s:rw'rIOlT 1. '1'hat there is hereby created a curl) and gutter district in the Oi ty of Grand Islan.d, Nel)l'as1m, to be 1moVll1 as Curb and Gutter District No. 22 of the City of Grand Island, Nebras;/a. SEC'l'ION 2. Sai Curb and Gutte:e District shall consist of tlwt pal't of FiT'st Street on both sides tb.ereof froe the west property line of Blaine Street to the west property line of Lot 21 Block 14 in Ashton Place an addition ~n the City of Grane:; Island, Ne'oraska. SEC'l'ION 3. Said streets in said Curb and Gutter' Distr'ict I aI'e hereby ordered curbed and n;u tt o:eed as provided by law and in acco rdance with the plans and spe cif icat:Lon s govern :Lng Cu rb and Gu tter Distri cts as heretofore es tablislJed by the Oi ty of Grand Island, said Curb and Gutter to be of the standard comr)ined type of Curl) and Gutter'. SECTION 4. That authority is hereby granted to the OiJ'mel'S of the record ti tIe, representing a majority of the al'mtt:Lng property owners in said district at the time of the enactment of tl1i s ordinan ce, to 1'i Ie wi th the City 01 er1c wi thin twenty days 1'ro1'n the first publication of the notice creat5,ng saiel district, as hy law provided, written objections to the curbing and guttering of said district. I i. [ I i I I I I I I J I I SEC'fIOt.: is. rrhat tlle cost of the curbinp; and p}ltterinp; of said District shall be assessed against the lots, tracts, and parcels of land espe cially Oene1'i ted thereby, in proportion to such benefit s to be dietermined by the Mayor and Ci ty Council as pr'ovidedby law. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and af'ter its passage, approval and publication as requil'ed by la w . Passed and approved tl1is 6th day; . I ( S TBA}~ ) A'I"Ti-'~ S 'I' : __~~.d!~____________ City CleJ:'}\: I I . SeptemiJ!3r, 19~):1. -- ---'" Mavor OhDINAli6E NO. --1.Q,2 An orcHnance creating a gravel district in the City of Grand Is18J1d, Nebraska, defining the boundaries t:nereof, '. I providing for the graveline' of the streets in said cli strict, and providing for the levying of special assessments to pay for the co st of the graveling in said cds tri ct an (1 t1-te collec tion of the cost thereof. BE I'L' OlW.AINED 'l"rlE I"iAYOH AND crey COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SBG'l'ION 1. 'l'1-:-Lere is hereby creat a avel district in the C:i.ty of Granc1 Island, Neln'aska, to lie known and designated as Gravel District No. 16 of tlJ.e City of Grand Ic~land, Nebraslm. S}.~c'rIOl'~ ;cJ,. Sai<i grc!vel cd.striet shall consist of that part of Clay Street from tIle sout:rl property line of T'bir'd Street to the nortl1 pI'operty line of Koeniv Street; Grant Street from tbe sou tb rrr'operty line of Third Street to the north pro perty I :Line of Koenig Street; Garfield Street Frorn the south property line of 'EhirtJ. Street to the north property line of Koenig Stl"eet; Arthur Street from the south property line of Second Street to tl1e north property line of Koenig Street; Cleveland Street from tbB 80U t11 proIBrty line of' Second Sty'eet to the south property Ij.ne of Fir 8t Street; Blaine st :ceet from the 80uth property line of Second Street to the nOJ:th pro'oel'ty line of l'\.oenj.g Street; F'irst Street from the west property line of Clay Street to the west property line of Blaine Street; and Division Street from the west property line of Garfield Street to the West property line of Blaine Street~ in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and shall include all lots, tracts, and parcels of land lying in said I . district to a depth of 132 feet. SECTION 3. Said streets in said grave district are here- bv ordered grave led as provided. by laY! and in ac cOl'clance VIi th the plans and specifications governing gravel districts as heretofol"e established by the City, and said graveling shall be thirty' (30) foet in width. Section 4. That authorit-;r is hereby gl'an ted to the ownel'S of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property ownel'S in said district, at the time of the enac tment . I of this ordinance to file with the City ClerJ< within tvventy (20) days from the first publication of this ordinance creating said district, as provided by law, written objections to the graveling of said streets in said district. Section 5. 'l'hat the entire cost of graveling said streets in said district shall be assessed against the lots, tracts, and parcels of land especially benef:t ted thereby, in propol'tion to su ell beneri ts to be determined by the Mayor and Ci ty Council as by law provided. Section 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication as provided by lav!. Passed and approved this 6th ay of September, 1939. I --~'~-------1Vla yor----------.-- Attest: ;;7~ __~L~ ._._ ~CitY Clerk I . - I I I I- OhDIN B 1,0. .....l...QQ.3 An ol'dinance creating a Gu~eb ar"J Gutter Dist:eict in tl1.8 Git:! of' Grand Island, Nebraska; defining the boundaries thereof; pr0viding fO!' the curbinp' an,J guttepirlf" in sa:LU ciist:eict; anCl provicUng foy' the assessment and collection of the cost thereof. BB I '(' OHDAI :nKU BY MAYOn iUm GITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: S:,:';C '1'1 01; 'n1at there is I1.ereby created a curb ancl ,Q~utter di stri ct in the C:t ty of Granc} I slane!, Nebraska, to be known as Cu :1:'1) and Gutter District No. f)';'- .(:1 00 0.1 tlle City of G"and Islanet, Nebl'asJca, SECTION 2. Said Curb and Gutter District shall consist of that P[;)1't 0+' 11t}~ ~)tr(=)et and on both sides thoreof f:r'om Cedar Str'eet to G J. n ->YlJ, ~~'rJ ~) t ~~' (_~ (-'1 t . tU~::::l'lUl\ ;5. Saie] str8ets in said Curb and Gutter' District a:C'o hereby o:cderoci curbed and gutte:eod as pl'ov:l.dedby lav! and in accordance wi th tl"Je plans anu specifications governing CUI'b '1nd Gutter Distrj.cts as heretofore establis by the City of Grand Island, said Curb and Guttclr to be of the standar'd combined type of Cu:eb and Gutter. SEC'TIOJ\ 4, That au thori ty is hereby granted to the owners of' the recoY'Ci ti tIe, l'epresenting a ma,jor'i ty of the abutting property owners in saict district at the time of' the enactment of this ol'elinance, to file V'Tith tlJe City ClerIc, vritJlin twent-v clays Leorn the first pubJ.i- cation m' the notice cre2lting said district, as by law p:i::'ovided, written Objections to the cUI'binp:: and go. ttering Op .C saic1 district, Sli;C'l'ION 5. Tht:tt tbe co st of the cu:rbing ani e;o.tteI'ing of said D:t stI'i ct sLCtll be a sse ss eel a gains t trJe 10 ts, tI'act s and parcels of' lane1 especially benefitecJ t}'creby, in proportion to such benefits, to be determined by the Mayor and City Council as provided It~1Vl . SEC'I'ION 6. fl'his orcdnance s:11a11 be; in fOl'ce ancl take effect from and after it s pEl ssage, app:eoval and publico ~ion a~; required -La -\! . ( SEA.I>) AI Ill: Passed and apFeoveeL this 20th day ___'~____""._'_ __ ____.___ .__~_,__<~,'_"'__~_"'*_..AO-< ".~.__ .._._~_. ,._. .__,_._, ,."__ __._',__ .___.~,_._~. '----....__.... Mayor ~/~ ..-.. . '-C'l;-~~-;-.T :....0.;-J-.-o--:;..;1;.--..-.... ...-..-....... ....... __..__.._n_ _ '..I., _.1.. _ \. . I I I . OHDH: CE NO. 16M. An orci1nance creat1nn; a Curb and Gutter 1H 8t1'1 ct 1n the Ci ty of Gx'ancJ I slane., Nebraska, def:tninp; tr18 boundaJ'i es ther eof; plooviding 1'0:1" the curbinu and gu tte1'irlP; in said district; and p:roviclin;:~ fo:c the assessment and collection of the cost thereof. BE I if' Oi1.DAINED BY 'lllill Iv;AYOE CII1'{ C01.Jl\:CIl., of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; SEC'fI 1. 'That there is hereby created a curb and gutter district in the City of Grand Isla , Nebraska, to be known as Curb anc! Gutter- D18t1'1ct No. 24 of the C1ty of G:cand Islancl, NebJ'aska. SI~CiIil ON ~2. Said Curt) and Gu, tel' Di str1 ct shall c on8i 8t of tl">at part of Loui se Street an::t on botlL si ctes tbereoJ' from the VIest property line of Madison Street to the east property line of Jacl~son Street. S~CTION 3. Said streets in said Curb and Gutter District are hereby ordered curbed and guttered as provided lalfl and in accorlance wi tl} the plans an.cl s pecif i eat1 ons governin.e; Cu rb and Gu tte1' Di 8tri c ts as heretofore estahl1shed by tbe C1ty of' Grand Islmw, said Curb and Gutte:c to be of comb1ned type of Curb and Gutter. tlJ8 s ta SEO'l'IOl': 1:1:. That autho:-ci ty is hereby granted to the' ovm31'~) of the :cecorcl t1tle, represent1nci D. major1 ty of the abuttj,ng property owners 1n said d1strict at the t1me of the enactment of this ordinancB, to f1le with the C1 t'\T Clel-}e, v!lth1n tvventy days from tlJe first publicat10n of the notice cI'e'lt1ng said d is tri ct, as by law PI'ov1deci_., ViI'i tten objeet1ons to the curbing and guttering of said cl1strict. SEC'l'ION f5. 'Th'1t the cost of the cUI'bing and guttel'ing of said Distr1ct shall be El.ssessed against the lots, tracta, and par'ce1s of land espech.\lly benefltecL thereby, 1n proportion to sueb benef1ts, to be determined by tlte Mayor and 01 ty Councj.l as providec.i by law. SEC'I'ION 6. 'l'f1is oI'ci.inance s118.11 be in fOl'ce and take effect from anc] after :l ts pa ss 'J.p,e, apm:-'o v8.1 and pu bliea t10n 8. s requ ired by 1 aVI . ( SJ';liL ) Passed and approved this 20th day 1939 . 1~ Tiff J!~~) r~c: Mayor _ff~ ~d~ ~--~GT8I)k . I I I . OltJJ1H1UJCE NO ~ , L L r:. ..l...-U.Orilf'L.. An Ordinance levying special tax8S to pay for tlie cost of con- st1'uction of the Curb anct Guttex' Distr>j_ct No. '1 of the Citv of Grand 181an.o, Nebraska, an\, nroviding for the col1ect10n theI'eof. BE IT OHDAI lJED 'rEE ILAYOh AIJD CI'l'Y COUNCIL of the City of' Granel I s land, Nebr'aska: SJ.i;C'l'IOI\! 1. 'I'rlnt there is herelJY levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpos e of paying the cost of construction of Cm'b and Gutter District l'~o. 4 of the City of Gnand Island, Nebr>aska, in accordance wi tb the b el1ef:Lt s found and assessed against each of the several lot s, tracts and parcels of land in said district by tbe Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after due notice gi ven t11e1'eo:f, a s required by 1 av'!, a special tax; eacl of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land 111'e assessed as follows: NALiE Arthur G. Mayer Elizabet}l C. Mayer Her'bert 2. Mayer H il n LO'l' bLOCK AljDITION AJ..iOUH'I' 7 20 Bakers Ifj . 60 8 20 II 15 .60 9 20 II Ib .60 10 20 II 5E.) .80 1 23 Ii 16 .20 2 23 il 15 .60 ~) () 'Z \1 lEi .60 0d 4 2~S n 15 .60 5 23 II 55 .80 6 2:3 u 3~1 .60 1 24 Il 55 .80 2 24 II 1 [C .60 _,_ cJ 3 ~~4 1I ~ ,- .,30 ..it) 4 24 il 1 r' .60 ,) 5 24 \I 16 .20 10 24 H 39 .60 1 'z Wool1bine 1 r- .20 d _0 2 :3 n 1 ,- .60 ~;:) 3 3 II 1 5 . 60 4 t.) II 15 .60 5 ~5 \l 55 .80 6 2) II 30 .60 <' 8 12 Ashton Place IS .30 9 l~... .- It Ii 15.30 10 1{, il U 15.30 (:. 11 12 .( ~ ~ 15 .30 12 12 Il it 16 .20 ]. 16 Baker s 3" .60 ;-j 5 16 II 39 .E:jO 6 16 Ii 16 .20 7 ]. V/oocLbine 1 [j .60 E3 1 II 1" .60 ,) 9 1 H l[j . 60 10 16 Bakers l'Sf) .80 5 17 ~~ 3Sj .60 6 1'7 II 55 .80 Anna Mulloy it it 11 \I " i-il Buechler .ii. 1I H \I II II II Havard H. Paine Il -. 1I II Carl if. Willm'd H if it u tt .( Ho.'varel CG Sy1Jj_1YO:'lt Dwlvht Ii'. 81; Ihelmina A. Aller Fred Kuhlman Geo. . &. l\[art11a E. ifieJ'c-:1gg Jan~s F. & Edna Mortensen 1,01...1 c:L 11 e G 1 0 v ere PruCientj_,'lJ l:nsuI'nnCE'J Co" :E. H. Gu ende 1 Paul C. c": Hazel Ii'. Huston Huben Y."ost A. '.F' ~ ec'; J_ l' Aca? I-d.1JeI' Ve rne liainline Ii it J-ohn F. Abrahamson Larl t ~3 C .~J 1-- 8. ':l II Il H w. E. Clayton II il II Horace O. '/lood Geo. W. & Hazelle ~onson . I I I . 1'-1' 1\.1\,j J.n LorI' BLOCh ADJ)I '1'1 () IT l.'\.moun t ? 17 Bak eT' S 15.60 8 17 n 1!5 .60 9 FI u 1':' .60 d 10 17 II 55 .80 1 18 u 46 .80 2 18 If 1" .60 ,) 3 18 II 7 .80 3 18 n r1 .[-30 r 4 18 H 15 . GO 5 18 II 55 .80 6 18 H b() .80 7 18 II 1 b . 60 8 18 H 1[:) .60 9 18 H Ib.60 10 18 .1 5b .80 1 19 it ,r- .80 on 2 19 11 1 b . GO 3 19 it 15.GO 4 1 () u 15 .60 " 5 19 It 5,~) .80 e 19 II Sf) .80 0 7 19 II 15.60 8 lU Ii 15.60 . ,/ ~) l~) u 1 f) .60 10 19 II 56 .80 1 20 II rzo .60 0," 6 20 n 16.20 rrotal ~: 17;) 1-.6'0- " Loucille G 10 vel' Co. tbl'yn l'i;amot 1eo ~T. El1mpal Tecumseb Bldg. & Loan 4ssn. Ii] 0 'TO U. I" Ai 111(-"'''; H. 'I'bOTTJD S 011 - H ,j . H It- .'- It -..I.... H H - II il if H 11 It I~-~.~~ 1\W J: vv -;7 Da vid Eaufrnann \I H n \I ~~ H (I Ii iI II Ii Ii 1I II Chrt8ti.an ,j. u; Anna L. L8th u it 1i H \t il Al j c e So tJunn n L01;\ C i 1 Je; Cr lover ~~ n Ii \I U II II " ~ ~ \l Nc:Jl1 LI. fD.rJwr LOti ci 110 G 10 vey' AI' tln;,:C' C. a y (n' m~C'l'I()N 2. T'lle taxes so levied shall become paY.'3hle, delinquent and draw intorest as law provided as follows: one-tenth shall becorne de Ii nqu ent fj.f t'l ~v ~3 f'1.0~:1 C'\l') \:'::.i~e of tJl:L ~l Ie vy; one -tc:mth in one r3.1~; Ol1e -telJ.t;11 1~1 t-:.}'IO :ye'~-:t:e s; one -tcntll :i_n thJ:'d('3 yea:ps.; one -tenth in four years,; one-tent in ivc, 8.1'S; one-tenth in .six years;: on8- t(.~! t)-I. 11'.1 S()Verl ~~Ten<I"}S; OYJG -tt.3J"j i,1 :L'C"i 81 yea]' s,; and one -tenth :Ln nine YSDrs fll~OTI'l t}'1.8 .-~te of' thi3 V~!; eacTl of sale: instal eEl except the first s}Ja1} oea:" interest at thcC'ate of' s:;ven Dm' cent If'J' annUJ!1 unt:Il the fi aTe eCOfF:' de l:l.noue nt, and each of tho de linc;u ent j.ns ta1ln1ent s slia1} interest at the rate of nine per cent from and after each 8ud; instal1rJ.ent becomes delinquent untIl paid,; ]JT'ovide , ]o1Jrevel', thD.t tl~_e ent~:tr~e r3..irlO'url"C so levied. [111(3- assc8sec.L agaix1st (In.-,~r of t or esaid lot; s, -cr' .'.1. e t s ~1 rF~I'CeJ8 of JaneL IDa.'! be pai \:itJliJl fiT'tv da:'T3 f:eon the da te o? tJd s :Levy Vii t OU t :Lnt e:C'est,; and in thE-i.t event, 81..1 ch lots, tI'D.C ts an.cJ narcels of lanci st1all e exsmp"t f'rom any lion or charge {or interest. SEC~IO~ 3. ~he City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nehraska, is herehy authoT'iz to t'o:r1tJJvJi t}-j cOl-ti:f-:l to tJ"}(; Clt~\r ~!l~easurer of sai.d (i' , vl'C tIle) nT;lount ot' sa~. tax s set forth, together viit instl'uction:3 to coL1.ect tile same as 'Ol'ovjJ'led b'y law. . I I I . /2\ S EO :rI 4:. ThIs ordinance sball be in ro~C'ce and take err-oct frorl1 tl11Cl r:tf'ti:"):e =it::3 }J ss , a r Dl' O'.r~:L:. nu lication as rxeovided b'T 18.\;'1. Pas S (0(1 3. aYJPl'ove:l t"is ( 31-1;111,) A~ ( / . -'-'-"-G'~'l;-f:-;;:--rrl-;;::"-k'- ..... _. -.-." -.-..-.. ...-.. U .'1 ...... ,--,~L _ J/d day, of~ 19:39. . I I I . OlmI (' '1" l' U' -16bn v~ ~\ " , . An Ordinance levying special taxns to nay for cOEn~ oJ' con- struct:ton 0" the Ou:C'b anC! Gutte:(' Dist:eiet o. 5 0' the City of Ci-:C'!lrd I S lEt ).1COI., ~l':i (j l-)~~, f1 S J~Et, El.. provicJinr: fo,(' th!; collection tllUJ'eof. nJ~ I .[' Oi(DL~nj:~D ,::y I'HB hA'LOh tl.:Li,J CI'L''{ OOU OIL of tr1.o Ci tv of Gl~and 1131 , 1\'ebl~;1s1ca.: Si~C!l'IOl'! 1, 'I'll,at trlore:is }J8rei:)y levi and_ assessed agains"b the sevi)):'al lots, tr!-lcts and pnrcels of 1 hCl'o:tnaftcl' set fo:ctJJ, lor tY, e l}lll'1JO se of' flayi the C08 t of con st:cu et ion of Cu :ei) and Gu t tel' District, o. ij of tJ1e City of Grand I;31and, Neb:easka, in aCCO:r'Ciance vdt:l) "y;)l eft t s f fl'-c}. D.sseE3secJ t:tfSfll11St et:lclJ of tJ:J,e s8ver'8~1 lots 5 tl'8.Ct TlaJ:'cel of Ie,nel :tn salei district y till; L,ay02 an Oi ty Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, sitting as a lOG of ,EOualization, aftor due notice given thereof, as required 1 aVI, a speCial tax; each of ttc several lots, tracts and narcels of land are ass8ssed. as floJ.lows: LOT 13LOOK ADD1 '1'1 )J,j on IT'l' }~ . H J. H \1 n Glover H 1 Glove:es Sub. 16.20 15 . E50 15.60 1 b . E50 ' 16.80 16.;:;0 15 .60 15 . 60 15.60 .1 1 Cl t':., 'it II u H it 3 " , \ ~ u 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 c ~ ~~O "-":"'1-5"='8'--'-"'()"" ~tP - ~ Ii:: \~ iI \~ 'W n 4 II H II 5 II ~~ II II ii II 1 8 t\ Ii ~l 'it Ii H H u it Ii II n tt " ;) II il H Ll H u ;1 it 5 rrotal SECTIon ~.:;. 'r'lle taxes so lcvici). shall become payahle, delinquent and d,l'a\V int''')r(J::~t '18 'ljV la:!! p:eovic:od, as r 01101''1'13; one -tenth s1m11 become eJelinoll t f:l.fty days from tl1e elate of is levy; one-tenth in one Y'Jnr; one -t e1',t\ in two yeal' ~3; one -ten'll: in [:,11 T'e () yeaT's; one -tenth :in fOln' 'VC'i:1. 's; n~l -t(mth in five years; one -tentb. in six yerJ..rs; one- t ,:mtb in s eVi::m v:' 1'S; one -tenth in eig1:'t ye!:u>s; and one -ten th in nine "}T8GX" S :;"1" OF: the ( te of thi s Ie vy; each of saiel installrnent s except the :fi1-')st shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum u nt:i 1 tb Da"c ecom::; delinquent, and ench of t (to :Lin C]u en t :Ln stall- ments n}lall ci:eavv lnterest at the r,'\I~o oi' nlne pe:cccnt fl'om an(1 aft,';r e'Jch 811ch lnstal1ment$i)(3COmeS delinquent until DrdC:L; r)J'ov:Ldeci., l1ow- ever, that tl~e ontir e arnount so 1e vi an El sse s s t':Lgainst Cl.ny of . I I I . the aforesa1.d lots, tracts ~ f:i.. tv s f'J"#orn tl.!.c) t~e ot' tJ} 1 fj 1)(:lx'ce1f.~ of' 1,'.:-:"11"-: ilia;,7 ))0 P8.id_ V]j~t}_tirl vv 01thout interest; in tbat event, such lots, tracts an pare Is of a11Y lieJ.1 0 C1-~ICll]P~(,; .f()--i_' j_n.tarl(:J,:~t. fj-:.CC 111 OJ\ ,') . 'L'} e C i C1(;1) oJ' 'j-~~(\() C1t-,y ()f (}:C'r~~11cL Islt3~n(1, rlsl([{ , sJ,allbe eXCl1noc Leorn snJ C i t~ tt ~ ,,-; en,:;, -",; tu forti YJitb certify to the Ci ty- 'l'reasure:,' of is lIe J.' :1.l1 D.:Cil0tlrlt ai' ;:.~ =L t~l.x:es,' cl'elll sc;t, J.'or~tJI_, tOgCtl18:r.' v/lt}1 :i.n~;!;rnct:ton~" to collect tile s as provided by law. S~C 4. This oruiaance shall be in force anu take effect fraIn anu aft,';r it s [n ss J.aVI] . , aVl)l'Oval aue publicDtion as provided uy ss :1 ri ,~.;. n_ ~o'n~~-; () \l;:~ tJ~_J ,') ( S".,.' 'r) , I~A-" ~d~ __"..c_ - "'. 'cTi~y--c:f,l-:-E;i~k-"------'--- ,. J/" ~ c"') ,. c' /?7 . / ~. 19 'Z 9 !_~"'_\/ ).; ~ '( t) . . I I I . OEDI ("t" 1 \./.11 1667. NO. st~r"uction of the Cu~e() ," An OX' inancG levying speciEi.l tax?s to pay for the cost of con- Gu ttel' Di str'ict Is1nD.cJ., I-Te"1:)X'[lSlrn., [1 . 6 of the City of Grand jj~i;'; I i.[l ()~.~Dl~Ij>JI~D .LJY ;llli}~~ DI'ovi n~ ~or tho collection eoi'. G~rJn(J Is If\.llL, Le!n'8.s1:a: SEC'l'IOI: 1. 'nulL tbeI'e is C1 con IL of t}J e C:i. ty aT hel'ei;v levied and assessed against the sevf;;ral lots, trz3.cts and parce s of lanel. h'''relnnftC)l' setCor-cJJ, for District o. 6 oj' tl18 Cit'l of Ute DUl'pose of payin "ell cost of constrtlction of Cur and Gutter with the benefits found a ass 2sed against each of the several and Is lanel, Nebraska, in ac cOI'c1ance lots, tr'acts anci. parcels of land in said district Ir;{ the bayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, sittinK as a Uoal'r). of Equ al:l.z,9.t ~Lon, 8.ft8X' due notice given tlEH'cOf, [1 s requ ired by l,g.V!, a special tax; 8."3.ch of the several lotE;, tracts and parcels of Janel 8.rc; ,'1ssessed as i'o11ows; j\.JIU\rrI~ Et ta L:t nnemann Clara Kolh (Cline) S~ Etta Linnemann N;\;-1j~:1- J!.:lmer vI. &. He len Linnemann 8<1:3.5 o:f V1-~~--E'i~~- Helen Linnemanrl 58.3N of.' 1;V ie:' I-:J ':' 'I" 1 1 c' 50' ell l. Ld. ~\.e._.,_y u. 0 I{ 0 be]' t L". K ell y N. 5 J .3 , Nicholas ~J. Berinper 850.5' ~ }\51.;31 - ;.J 14:F\. (51 John 1'. J1Jnr(L es H.en.I'i e tt D. i_)[1.81" E LLi s;. ,; L I Ll;il Andel' son I\; 66 ' 1;/V (~ ~) r; 1 }~r; J__ 0 Lizzie Ellsworth 866' :;Sl'! };".t\1 0 S ,'J. C lc Ferd )('ei SW!l 99' (j. .t'i rJt i:n e l'ii O} l1.'~ is See 22 Joli)1 'l'. .) a vj CJ H if t ~~_ e }' ~e(.t l'J,}< U li Ii ,i u n \I n Pn.:et I 'V-:l E. Svlvc: s tee l't. 8:.~ I\~'c~~ 11 i e -). :50 ' 1(. /\1 t 81' I)t Frank Pt Ii pt; S.E$ , . j""2J . Ki no; Halph Pt. S Isaac IVi'1tt:ie II 100' 100' 100' LO'l' 1 2 ADDI 'n ON Van tine II AIVlOUN'r 30.54 15.2'7 15 .~;7 2 tl 3 3 Ii If 1:3.05 17.49 1.5.15 1:) .39 4: 4: n II E5 11 12 u 30. f54 ;39. GO 39.60 It a l~j It l~) .FiO 13 ILl It 1'0.80 39.60 29.70 . 30 .00 :30 .00 ;30 .00 30.00 30.00 30.00 .(!O II 1 . PI' anlc s \l ~ t :2 n 3 4 5 () u Ii II II il II II II H 1I ~ ~ " H \l t-; I c-, C' it II II Ii Ii 17 .49 Ol' 50' t }} (j Sec. 21 ::; D. S 1-; -;~j- lEi.OO If) .00 30.00 30.00 30.00 Total ~-..._--------- ~f;688 .:::;9 SI~C'11IOl, 2. 'rhe tax s so :Lcv1.Aci 8ho,11 become payab.Le, delinquent and c1:C'f:-l. intc;X'e,st as la\N provided, 3.S fol1o\IS; one-tenth shall bee or1h Cte linquent t'i fty clays fror:l the d te 0.1' t11i s levy; one -tenth . I I I . in one ye'cll"; one-t811tJ} in tyro ye:c")l"s; one-tenth in tln'ee one- Year s ; , ' tenth in fOlD' veal's; one-tenth in five years; one-tent}, in six ye,Cl.rs; one-tenth in seven Y(,)!ll"S; one.-tentb in e1 t; year's; and one-tenth :Ln n:Lne years from the date of ttis levy each of said installme s except the fi:est shall l)ea:(' int:r(')st at tbe r"Jte 0:[' seven pcrecent T)8r annum , . 'I un'[;]. ." same become delinquent, and eacb of t110 ()(::;linquent install- the ments 81',,)1'1 draw intel'cc')st ~3_t tt:Q rc:.te of nine p(;1' cent from and aftm:' eacb SUC)} installmont becomes delinquent until pai ; pl"ovidecl, JlOW- over, t}lat t:ho c:;nti1'e amour t so 1;:-1'110(\ and assosfJec:.L ag;ainst any of tl,e afor:;sc!JCL lots, tr'[Jcts and pa'cols of land. may be ps.id vrit1:dn fif'tyJays from. the dnt e of this lovy Vii tb,out in te;e cs t; and in that event, suc} lots, tJ.'acts ane: paJ'cels of Lmcl sIlall be OX01Ept from any 1i on or charge f or' in t eI' 0 fJ t . ~)L~C'L'IOT' .j. 'I'he City CJ.erk of tJ~le City of Grand Island, Hel)l'ClSka, is horeby a-uthorized to fortrlv,rj,th cortLfy to tbo Cj~ty 'l'r'(')asurer of sal Ct ty ti'e [-lYYlount 0, sa:i taxc;s herein set fOI'th, ton;c;ther V'ilth :i.nstrlJ c ti on s to c o11eet the s ant"" as Dl'ovided 1;3. VI ~ Slw;:n ON I' 'l'}-lis orc!J.nance siall be :in force and take effect f ron~ after :i.ts p"U3 ova} an,:;' publication r'l.S l:Jrovic1ed 'J , '..... let VI . Pf-}SS app'~'ove'l tl,i S .if d eta;! o.c' (SK,iL) l~rlliIl.8Sill : ~if~ ~. -- ,-- .~~-:.~---~-_:~...__.------.._.."....._---~.--._-------~,.__.--..-~~"'--... ..- ,.-.'. P d i ty C lorlz: . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ~. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1654 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. WHEREAS, on the 6th day of September, 1939, the Mayor and Council passed and approved Ordinance No. 1654 creating a Curb and Gutter District known and designated as Curb and Gutter District No. 15 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and WHEREAS, on the 20th day of September, 1939, a protest was filed with the Mayor and Council remonstrating against the construction of said Curb and Gutter District, and the protest so filed was found to be sufficient by the Mayor and City Council of said City. Therefore, be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. 1654 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Passed and approved this 4th day of October, 1939. ~~ Mayor ATTEST: %d~ i. I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 1669. An ordinance creating Water Main District No. 84 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a Water Main in said District and providing for the pay- ment of the cost of construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a Water Main District in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Water Main District No. 84 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said Water Main District shall consist of that part of Anna Street from the east property line of Clark Street to the west property line of Locust Street. SECTION 3. Said Water Main in said district is hereby ordered laid as prOVided by law and in accordance with the plans and speCifi- cations governing Water Mains heretofore established by the City. SECTION 4. That the entire cost of the construction of said Water Main shall be assessed against the abutting property in said District, a tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of the con- struction of said District as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows, to-wit~ One-fifth (1/5) of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days after such levy; one fifth (1/5) in one year; one-fifth (1/5) in two years; one-fifth (1/5) in three years; one-fifth (1/5) in four years. Each of said installments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of Seven per cent (7%) per annum from the time of the aforesaid levy until they shall become delinquent, and after the same become delinquent, interest at the rate of Nine per cent (9%) per annum shall be paid thereon until the same shall be collected and paid; such special taxes shall be enforced as in cases of other special taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy thereon. . I I I . SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by three-fourths of the members of the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, this 4th day of October, 1939. ATTEST: ~~t~ ~ Mayor ~ I' I I I I I I I I. I II I I i I I I I i I I I I I I I" . ORDINANCE NO. 1670. AN ORDINANCE TO VACATE the north west quarter of Section 11, Township 11, Range 9, West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and a part of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 11, Township 11, Range 9 West of 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, described as follows; Commencing at the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of said Section 11, running thence south 225 feet; thence east 91 feet; thence south to a point 50 feet northerly at rigbt angles from the center of the track of the U. P. R. R. Company; thence northeasterly, parallel to and 50 feet distant from the center of the said track to a point which lies south of another point wl;ich is 190-2/3ds feet east of the starting point; thence north to a point which is 100 feet northerly at right angles from the center of said track; thence northeasterly, parallel to and 100 feet distant northerly from the center of said track to the north line of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of said section; and thence we st on said nortl] line to the place of beginning, con- taining 4~ acres, more or less. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIJ.J of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: SECTION 1. WHEREAS, the Union Stock Yards Company of Grand Island (Limited), a corporation, the owner of the following described real estate: The northwest quarter of Section 11, Township 11, Range 9 West of 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and a part of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter o~ Section 11, Township 11, Range 9 West of 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, described as follows; Commencing at the northwest corner of tbe northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of said Section 11, running thence south 225 feet; thence east 91 feet; thence south to a point 50 feet northerly at right angles from the center of the track of the UPRR. Company; thence northeasterly parallel to and 50 feet distant from the center of the said track to a point which lies south of another point \lvhich . I I I . -2- is 190 2 j3ds feet east of the starting point; thence north to a point which is 100 feet northerly at right angles from the center of said trac k; thence northeasterly, parallel to and 100 feet distant northerly from the center of said track to the north line of the nortr,east quarter of tt.e southwest quarter of said section; and thence west on said north line to the place of beginning, con- taining 4~ acres, more or less, filed a petition asking that said real estate be disconnected and removed from the corporate limits of the city of Grand Island, and used said lands are now exclusively for agricultural purposes and are not in any proper sense a part of said city, and we deem it advantageous and for the best interests of the city to vacate said real e sta te . SECTION 2. The following described real estate~ The north- west quarter of Section 11, Township 11, Range 9 West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and a part of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 11, Township 11, Range 9 West of 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of said Section 11, Running thence south 225 feet; thence east 91 feet; thence south to a point 50 feet northerly at right angles from the center of the track of the U. P. R.. H. Company; thence northeasterly parallel to and 50 feet distant from the center of the said track to a point which lies south of another point which is 190-2/3ds feet east of the starting point; thence north to a point which is 100 feet northerly at right angles from the center of said track; thence northeasterly, parallel to and 100 feet distant northerly from the center of said track to the north line of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of said section; and thence west on said north line to the place of beginning, containing 4! acres, mOI'e or less, be hereby wholly and entirely dis- connected and removed from the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and shall no longer be or consti tute any par.t of the city of Grand Island, Nebraska, and the streets and alleys , v . I I I . -3- therein shall revert to the owners of the aforesaid described premises abutting the same in the proportion to the respective ownerships of such premises. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and take effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication, as required by law. Passed and approved this 1939 . A TTES AIl: ~~~ Certified copy to Richard Buenz,October 19,1939. Posted on Page/' g4- Volume?Jv f-f ~. Received from Richard Buenz,Regis er of Deeds. il~~ I sf' . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 1671. An ordinance amending lines 81 and 82 of Section No.1 of Ordinance No. 1419 and re-assessing special taxes to pay for the cost of construction of sidewalks upon and along the north 44 feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 16, Sixteen, Schimmer's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and repealing said original lines 81 and 82 of said Section No.1 of said Ordinance No. 1419 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. WHEREAS, on the 19th day of August, 1931, the Mayor and Council passed and approved Ordinance No. 1419 levying special taxes to pay for the construction and repair of a sidewalk on certain lots, tracts, and parcels of land in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and WHEIi.EAS, in Section No. 1 of said ordinance lines 81 and 82 of said. Section 1, Lots 1 and 2 of Block 16, (Sixteen), Schimmel" s Addition were assessed as follows to-wit: Owner Edward A. Jones Ed1Jva~ed A. Jones Lot 1 2 Block 16 16 Addition Schimmer's Schimmel' ' s A.m ou n t 35.83 58 . 58 WHEHEAS, the south 88 feet of said Lots 1 and 2, Block 16, Sixteen, SChimmel" s Addition should not have been assessed for sa:i.d sidewalk improvement, and WHEHEAS, on the 19th day of August, 1931, Thomas P. Kelly was the owner of the north 44 feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 16, Sixteen, Schimmer's Addition and the nortb 44 feet of said lots 1 and 2, Block 16, Sixteen, Schimmer's Addition should have been assessed and taxed for all of said sidewalk improvement. THEHEPORE, BE IT ORDAIl'fED BY THE MAYOn AND CITY GOUNC IL of the .Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska. SEG;rION 1. That lines 81 and 82 of Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1419 be and the sam~ are hereby amended to read as follows: Owner Thomas Ii'. Kelly Thomas 1". Kelly Lot N44 ft. 1 N 44ft. 2 Block 16 16 Addition SChimmer's Scll.immer's A1nount 35.83 58.58 And said taxes so levied are assessed against the above-described property for the purpose of paying for the cost of sidewalk construction in the year of 1931 over and along said described. real estate. . I I I . The taxes herein levied ana assessed shall become delinquent in the manner as provided by law and shall beal' interest as pro- vided by law the same as if said property had been properly assessed on the 19th day of August, 1931. SECTION 2. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the City Treasurer of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes herein assessed together with instructions to collect the same in the manner as provided by law. SECTION 3. Said original lines 81 and 82 of Section No.1 of said Ordinance No. 1419 are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this first day (SEAL) ATTEST~ ~~~ . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 1672. An ordinance creating a Curb and Gutter District in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; defining the boundaries thereof; providing for the curblng and guttering in said district; and providing for the payment of the cost of the construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a curb and gutter district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be Imown as Curb and Gutter District No. 15 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said Qurb and Gutter District shall consist of that part of John Street on both sides thereof from the west property line of Adams Street to the east property line of Jefferson Street and Jefferson Street on the east side thereof from thB north property line of John Street to the alley north between John Street and Louise Street. SECTION 3. Said streets in sald Curb and Gutter District are hereby ordered curbed and guttered as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing Curb and Gutter Districts as heretofore established by the City of Grand Island, said. Curb and. Gutter to be of the standard combined type of Curb and. Gutter. SECTION 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file wi th the City Clerk wi thin twenty days from the first publication of the notice creating said. district, as by law provided, written objections to the curbing and guttering of said district. SECTION 5. That the cost of the curbing and @Jttering of said District shall be assessed against the lots, tracts, and parcels of land especially benefited thereby, in proportion to such benefits, to be determined by the Mayor and Ci ty Council as provided by law. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and. take effect from and. after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. '" /67"'" i. I I I . Passed and approved this first ay of November, 1939. SEAL AT'fES'r: ~-;7 y_ \ , ?/~ -- . CTty"-C1erk . I I I . 16 7) ORDINANCE NO.1673 An ordinance creating a Curb and Gutter District in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof; providing for the curbing and guttering in said district; and providing for the payment of the cost of the construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a Curb and Gutter District in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Curb and Gutter District No. 25 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said Curb and Gutter District shall consist of that part qf Louise Street on both sides thereof from Lincoln Street to Washington Street. SECTION 3. Said streets in said Curb and Gutter District are hereby ordered curbed and guttered as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing Curb and Gutter Districts as heretofore establiShed by the City of Grand Island, said Curb and Gutter to be of the standard combined type of Curb and Gutter. SECTION 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file with the City Clerk within twenty days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as by law provided, written objections to the curbing and guttering of said district. SECTION 5. That the cost of the curbing and guttering of said District shall be assessed against the lots, tracts and parcels of land especially benefited thereby, in proportion to such benefits~ to be determined by the Mayor and City Council as provided by law. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. I~. ~~. Passed and approved this 4th day 0 October, 1939. ATTEST; ~c~ .:..S . I I I . ORDINANCE NO " 167/,. An ordinance creating a Curb and Gutter District in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining tbE boundaries thereof; providing for the curbing and guttering in said district; and providing for the assessment and collection of the cost thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND C ITY COUNCIl~ of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a curb and gutter district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Curb and Gutter District No. 26 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said Curb and Gutter District shall consist of that part of 16th Street on both sides thereof from the west property line of ~ddy Street to the east property line of Clark ~treet. SECTION 3. Said streets in said Curb and Gutter District are hereby ordered curbed and guttered as provided by law and in accord- ance with the plans and specifications governing Curb and Gutter Districts as heretofore established by the City' of Grand Island, said curb and gutter to be of the standard combined type of Curb and Gutter. SECTION 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file with the City Clerk, with:1.n twenty days from the first publi- cation of the notice creating said district, as by law provided, written objections to the curbing and guttering of said district. SECTION 5. That the cost of the curbing and guttering of said District shall be assessed against the lots, tracts and parcels of land especially benefited thereby, in proportion to such benefits, to be determined by the Mayor and City Council as provided by law. SECTION 6. 1~is ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Passed and approved this first (SEAL) ATTEST: , Q . I ORDINANCE NO. ,~ryh .J.J.J..J....,J . An ordinance levying special water main district taxes to pay for the construction of a water main in Water Main District No. 83 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAIm~D BY THE MAYOR AND CITY. COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: SECTION 1. That a special water main district tax be, and the same is hereby levied and assessed, to pay for the cost of the construction of the water main in Water Main District No. 83 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district in the amounts set opposite the several descriptions as follows: NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT Arthur C . Mayer 6 20 Baker's 48.06 Arthur C. Mayer ? 20 tl 46.28 Elizabeth C. Mayer 8 20 it 46.28 Herbert F~ Mayer 9 20 tt 46.28 Herbert F. Mayer 10 20 It 48 .06 Jessie Elizabeth and Robert Scott Williamson 21 14 Ashton Place 46 .28 It II II II tt 22 14 II tI 46 .28 Fred Ashton et 13.1 23 14 II It 46.28 I Sadie Ryan 24 14 It II 48.06 Claire P. Detwiler 1 15 II tt 48.06 Lydia J. Heimes 2 15 It It 46.28 Dorothy WI. Jungle s 3 15 II It 46 .28 Harold D . and He len Sayle s 4 15 It It 46.28 City of Gr and I s land 6 12 It tl 45.39 City of Grand I s land ? 12 It It 45.39 E. R. Guendel 8 12 11 It 45.39 Pau 1 C. and Haze 1 F. Huston 9 12 It II 45.39 Ru ben Yost 10 12 II 11 45.39 A. F. Buechler 11 12 II II 45.39 Aca F. Miller 12 12 tl It 48.06 Total $929.16 I . SECTION 2. The special taxes herein levied shall become payable and delinquent as follows: one-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days after the levy herein made; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four years; each of said installments except the first shall draw interest at the rate of not exceeding seven per cent per annum from the time of the aforesaid levy until they shall become delinquent; and after the same shall become delinquent, interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum shall be paid thereon until the same shall be collected and paid; said snecial taxes shall be collected and enforced as in the case of other special taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy hereof. . I I I . SECTION 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the City Treasurer of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes herein levied, together wi th instructions to collect the same as prov'1ded by law. Passed and approved tbis 1st day ATTEST: ~k 1939. ORDINN~CE NO.1676. . I An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the construction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 180 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and asseYi'rsed a special tax against the several lots, tr'acts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 180 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against the several lots, tracts, and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice given thereof as provided by law; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: N AJ.\rIE LOT BLOC1?,: ADDITION AMOUNT Claire :P. Detweiler 1 15 Ashton Place 40.50 Lydia J. Heime s 2 15 II II 39.00 Dorothy M. Jungles 3 15 u It 39.00 I Harold D. and He lena Sayle s 4 15 It It 39.00 Maria A. Baumann 21 15 u 11 39.00 Bert Pearson 22 15 It It 39.00 Armin Ochsner 23 15 tI II 39.00 Ge 0 rge Cowton 24 15 fl II 40.50 E. R. Guende 1 8 12 II It 38.25 Pau lC . and Hazel F Hu s ton 9 12 It II 38.25 1. . Ruben Yost 10 12 1\ II 38.25 A. F. Buechler 11 12 It II 38.25 AcaF. Miller 12 12 it II 40.50 Ellen Noy 13 J2 It II 40 .50 Mark J. Noy 14 12 It tl 38.25 Fred W. Ashton et a1 15 12 If 1I 38.25 E. R. Guendel 16 12 II II 38.25 Walter B. and S. Ferne 17 12 II II 38.25 City of Grand Island W~ 7 12 It u 19.50 Ci ty of Grand Island W.;t 18 12 It II 19.50 :2 Total 1741.00 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and delinquent in thB manner provided by law. I . SECTION 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the City Treasurer the amount of said taxes together with instructions to collect the same as provided by law. SEcrrION 4. This ordinance shall orce and take effect from and afteI' its passage, approval Passed and approved this 1st day 0 provided by law. ~~~ /Oi ty Olerk . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 1fr12. An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of con- struction of Curb and Gutter District No.8 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOFt AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of Curb and Gutter District No.8 of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordance wi trl the benefits found and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after due notice given t~ereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land are assessed as follows; NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT Fritz C. Becker 4 148 U.P.Ry. 2nd 36.30 Peter V. Rose 1 1 Axt &Hagges 17 .49 Mary Johnson 2 1 It If 17.10 Mary Johnson 3 1 It u 15.00 Mary Johnson 4 1 u II 16 .50 Mary Johnson 5 1 u It 16 .50 Walter and Zoe E. Hewi tt 6 1 tt It 16.50 William J. and Maxine Harry 7 1 It n 16.50 William J. and Maxine Ha rry 8 1 It II 16 .50 W. P. Bemis 9 1 It It 16.50 HaJ'ry Freisendorf 10 1 tt II 16.50 Emilie Peters 11 1 it It 16.50 Orr and Marie Cummings 12 1 It It 16 .50 Fred Hagge et a1 1 2 It It 48.85 Fred Hagge et al 4 2 I\ll tl 16.35 Fred Hagge et a1 5 2 It n 16 .35 }'red Hagge et al 6 2 n It 16 .35 John C . Foreman 7 2 It It 16.35 Cecil E. and Salome a A. McDonald 8 2 II II 16.50 Carry Myrtle Talbot 9 2 It n 16 .50 Hattie Smith 10 2 It u 16 .50 Cecil M. and Mar~y 1... Reynolds S. 15' 11 2 II It 4.50 Albel1t Braun N. 40' 11 2 tt It 12 .00 Cecil M. and Mary L. Reynolds N. 20' 12 2 u II 6.00 Claus F. Wulf S. 35' 12 2 tt tt 14.00 Herman Ne 1son 13 2 It It 16 .50 Orr and Marie Cummings 1 1 Hann's 2nd 17.10 John Seier 2 1 II \I 17.10 John Seier 3 1 II It 17 . 10 Albert Pe te r s 4 1 It tl 17 .10 Soren R. and Mae L. Miller 1 2 tt It 17 .10 Henry Liebsack Sr~ a.nd Marga.ret 2 2 It \I 17 .10 Henry Liebsack Sr. and Margaret E. 1 3 2 tt II 17 .10 ! Henry Liebsack Sr. and Margaret E 4 2 tl II 17.10 . "2- . I I I . N ArvIE LOT BLOCK ADDI TION AMOUliT George and Elsie W. Bochman E~ 1 1 7 Hann's 3rd 15.90 2" Roma Reese Ditter E. ), 2' 7 11 It 15.90 2" Elizabeth Kauman 3 7 t1 If 15.90 Theodore E. and L. Mary Ciochon 4 7 II II 15.90 Maggie J. Carter E. 1/3 5&6 7 u It 31.80 Roscoe and Mary Riss 1 8 II u 15.90 John H. Poehler 2 8 II II 15.90 Henry Geisinger 3 8 It u 15.90 Erhardt and Marl Schoenh~iter 4 8 \I II 15.90 Rerlief B. and eanette M. Petersen 5 8 It u 15.90 Sarah E. ' Taylor' 6 8 " tt 15.90 Howal"d w. and Hazel F.Kirkman s. 80' 5 1 Lakeview 24 .00 George and Mary Williamson N~ 60' 5 1 It 18 .00 George and Mary Williamson N~ 62' 7 1 II 18.60 Henry A. Krieger s. 78 ' 7 1 " 23.40 Total $862.74 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable, delinquent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one-tenth ,in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one- tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years; and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy; each of said installments except the fiI'st shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum until the same become de linquent, and each of the delinquent ins tallments shall draw interest at the rate of nine per cent from and after each such installment becomes delinquent until paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of tbe aforesaid lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid within fifty days from the date of this levy without interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. SECTION 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby authorized to forthwitl:: certify to the City Treasurer of said City the amount of' said taxes herein set forth, together with instructions to collect the same as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be and after its passage, approval i0w------- force and take effect from provided by law. Passed and approved this 1st day 1939. ( SEAL) ATTEST: ~~~ Mayor . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 1678. An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of con- struction of Curb and Gutter District NO. II of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. Grand Island, Nebraska: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of Curb and Gutter District No. 11 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against each 'of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of the . . City of Grand Island, Nebraska, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after due notice given.. thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land are assessed as follows: :NAME Wray Egari et al 'Jennie H. Hayman Jennie H. Hayman Albert and Mary Hankel Ernest G. Krogel'> Arnold H. and Josephine George P. and Mary Heeb Mary I. Falldorf Mary I. Falldorf Bessie M, Fochtman Robert Muirhead Robert Muirhead Mal'y Furniss Mary Fu rni s s Robert and Agnes Alvin Steinha.gen Arinabelle FIef sher Harry and Olga Peters 11' II II tl U tl tI II II If II " n tt tl It V. Harvey N ~ 451 S. 15 2/31 N: 31 1/3 1 S. 29 1/31 N. 15 2/3 J Brown S. 45' Henry Liebsack Sr. and Margare~ E. August and Evelyn Jac9bsen E47"2 of Samuel F. Miller t 472 Janet Harvey W. 66' Owen J. and Josephine Owens E. 66 f Emma J. and Homer B. Jo1ls Gu st P. Valonia Arnold H. and. Joaephine Harvey William A. Gross Char Ie s E. Cole Adair and Elizabeth' E. Alexander Clara Herr-nan LOT 3 4 5 2: :5 4 5 8 9 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 J. 4 1951 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 BLOCK ADDIT 1011)' Westervelt II tl Lucas II tt tl Court House tt II 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 Heydes It It U II II tl n II tt 1.1 II II Hann 1 s 2nd II It It tt II II It If II U II II II It tl It 1I It tI It It It AMOUNT 23.55 23.55 14.55 16.53 16.80 15.00 15.00 20.18 20 . 18 13 . 50 4.70 9.40 8.80 4.70 13.50 16.20 16.20 16.20 16.20 16.20 16.20 16.20 28 .50 14.25 14.25 36.90 19.80 17 .10 17 .10 17.10 17 .10 17 .10 17 . 10 17 .10 . I I I . NAME Clarence D. Krow tf t.t tI LOT 1 2 3 4 6 6 5 7 1 1 1 6 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 7 8 9 10 11 13 13 13 13 13 F. A. Guyette Henry Hann George and Margaret WalkerE. 103' David L. and Lucy E. Walker W. 48' George and Margaret Walker Henry and Jen~ie Ko~ster A. J. Luebs W~ of W-~ Grace M. Mattison EI ofW~ Geo. and Elsie W. BoclEan E~ D. E. and Doris Spindler C. 1/3 Albert and Grace Rehnke ft'. 1/3 Maggie J. Carter E. 1/3 Henry Hann Theodore Erdbruger Otto F. and Anna S. Schwartz Q n << ,,>> >> Hans and Mary Rathman Leo L. and Florence Frye Et Archie and Myrna YenneyW~ George and Mary Williamson Paul W. and Antoinette Mangelsen Selma Kappler Eveline Gebhart James A. Michelson John and Emma Meier 135' Eveline Gebhart .52' Henry, Elizabeth; Martha Austett 54' Flora Gilbert 54' M. A. and Bernice K. Olivetti 54' BLOCK 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 1 1 1 1 ADDITION Hann's 3rd II II It II tt II \l II .. It II II It Il It It U If tt tI U It II It 11 II tl II n It It n It II It It II II It n AMOUNT 15.90 15 .9) 15.90 15.90 46.80 14.40 15.90 45.30 12.08 12.08 24.15 16 . 10 16.10 16.10 64.20 15.90 15.90 15.90 15.90 24.15 40.05 19 .20 19.80 19.80 19.80 19.80 Lakeview II tt If n CQ .Sub Sec. 15-11-9 II n It It tI n II II II U II It 40.50 15.60 16 .20 16.20 16 .20 -'$1244.45 de linquent SECTION 2. Total The taxes so levied shall become payable, and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one-tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one- tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years; and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy; each of said installments except the first shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum until the same become delinquent, and each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of nine per cent from and after each such installment becomes delinquent until paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid within fifty days from the date of tbis levy wi thout interest; and in that event, suel' lots, tracts and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. SECTION 3. The City Clerk of the City of' Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby authorized to forthwith certify to the City Treasurer of said City the amount of said taxes herein set forth, together with instructions to collect the same as provided by law. . I I I . SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 1st day of (SEAL) ATTEST: ~ . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 1679. An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of con- struction of Curb and Gutter District No. 12 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, 'and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT OHDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY CO"LNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of Curb and Gutter District No. 12 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after due notice given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land are assessed as follows; NAME Phil R. and Abbie H. Reibm S. 50' Frank and Ollie Buell N. 82' Phil R. and Abbie R'.' Relhm S.?2 t Albert A. and Mary A. Werts N. 60' Mary C. Sondermann Bertha M. and D.E. ~uillen N.48' Peter T. and Edith A. Paulsen S. 841 Lot 4 4 5 5 1 8 8 Block 75 75 75 75 76 76 76 Town II " tl \I tl tl Addition Orii?inal II n It at It Total Amount 15.00 24.60 21 .60 18.00 39.60 14.40 25.20 $.158.40 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall bedome payable, delinquent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tentll in two years; one-tenth in three years; one-tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one- tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years; and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy; each of said installments except the first shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum until the same become delinquent, and each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of nine per cent from and after each such installment becomes delinquent until paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots, tracts and pardels of land may be paid within fifty days from the date of this levy without interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. T! ,......../ ! . I I I . SEC11'ION 3. The City Clerk of the Ci ty of' Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby authorized to forthwith certify to the City Treasurer of said City the amount of said taxes herein set forth, together with instructions to collec t the same as provided by laiN. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. ( SEAL) A TTEsrr Passed and approved this 1st day of Nov f ~er~ . I I I . ORDINANCE NO.1680. An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of con- struction of Curb and Gutter District No. 17 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT OfmAlNED BY THE MAYOH AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the severql lots, tracts and parce Is of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of Curb and Gutter District No. 17 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordance witli the benefits found and assessed against eaCh of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after due notice given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land are assessed as follows: NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT BernardG. Baumann 5 92 Ori~inal Town 19.80 Edmund Fredrick Hald 6 92 It 19.80 Edmund Fredrick Hald w. 6' 7 92 II tI 1.80 Dora Sander W. 56 ' of E. 60' 7 92 It It 16.80 Helen and Anna Schipmann 8 92 " It 21.00 Louise Lu.cas 1 Lu cas 22.63 Fred Hagge 0t al 1 2 Axt & Hagge's 16.29 Ray W . and Eth.el M. Hesselgesser w. 43' 3 " II II 12.90 Albe rt and Mary Hankel E. 20' 2 Lucas 6.00 Total '$137.02 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable, delinquent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one-year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one-tenth in fOUl'" years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one- tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years; and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy; each of said installments except the first shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum until the same become delinquent, and each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of nine per cent from and after each such installment becomes delinquent until paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid \ lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid within fifty days from the . I I I . date of this levy vathout interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. SECTION 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby authorized to forthwith certify to the City Treasurer of said City the amount of said taxes herein set forth, together with instructions to~llect the same as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law,. Passed and approved this 1st day of (SEAL) ATTEST be 1939 . - ORDINANCE NO .J.Q8.l... An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of con- st:r'uction of Gravel District No. 16 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. . I BE IT OHDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CI'rY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island: Nebraska; SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of gravelling Gravel District No. 16 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts, and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after due not1.ce given thereof as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land are assessed as follows; NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION AWroUNT Cathryn Mamot 8 17 Baker s 2.44 I Leo J. Humpal 9 17 II 2.65 Tecumseh Building and Loan As sn . 10 17 u 4.05 Verne Hainline 1 16 II 2.43 II II 2 16 u 1.09 \t tl 3 16 It .89 II It 4 16 u 1.09 It It 5 16 tl 2.43 Vernon E. and Dorothy L. Lesh 6 16 It 4.05 Lanta C . Wray 7 16 II 2.65 II II n 8 16 II 2.44 W1.11iam E. Claifton 9 16 II 2.65 u " 10 16 It 4.05 Sabine Roman s 3& 15' 15 II .45 u 1\ 2 ft 4 15 It .05 Helen Hoge \IV 50 ft 4 15 n 1.10 Ray M. Higgins 5 15 It 2.43 Byrdee E. Ralph 6 15 tl 2.43 Nellie IVl . Beltzer 7 15 It 1.09 Charley Stelk 8 15 u .45 Harold F'. and Helen M. Howe 3 12 tt .45 Arlin L. and Vera T. Br own 4 12 It 1.09 Casper P. Kal~ thau s S l 5 12 tt 1.21 Arthur and Sylvia Mueller N ..l 5 12 It 1.21 2 Lydia C . Heyde 6 12 II 2.43 I W.W. Hank 7 12 It 1.09 Shelby A. Seal 8 12 It .45 Mildred 1:j1 ThomRson and Marian V. Byram 1 11 n 2.43 J. . . II II II II II It 2 11 u 1.09 Robert S. Wenger 3 11 u .89 n II It 4 11 II 1.09 tt II It 5 11 It 2.43 John Devlin 6 11 II 2.43 . I I I . NAME May D. Lamb James J. Owen May D. Lamb Walter Petersen LeRoy R. and Kate Edward E. Scott Anna and Henry B. Home Owners! Loan U 1\ tt 11 n \I u 11 LOT '7 8 9 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 St.Paul, Nebr. 8 9 10 1 2 3 10 11 12 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 '1 8 9 10 6 '7 8 9 10 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 5 6 7 8 Z. Anderson schroeder Corporation It u C. E. Grundy Carl and Bessie L. Niemann Arthur P . Terry Earl Grimminger Myrtle M. Merrick Walter C. and May B. Carpenter Loey Buchanan Beulah A. Hayes Christian B. and Anna L. Leth L. IN. Johnson C. C. Kelso Da vid Kaufmann James A. Michelson Citizens state Bank, William Brase C. C. and Estella L. Kelso Iyy Ellen Kierig 11 It U 11 Edna M. Campbell James I. and Norma Merrick E. R. Guendel Addison E. Cady et al 11 It It It II Adolph Boehm George Cowton E. R. Guendel 11 II II Oscar P. Knerl Mary S. Bryan Emma L. Wivell William W. Babel L. R. Jones and Dorothy A. Jones Paul G. and Betty Gordon ThomasF. and Bertha J. Kinman Lawrence W. Johnson George L. and Rubye F. Jensen Philip J. Norton Estate of John Allan tt II tI 11 Edward E. Scott Anna and Henry B. Schroeder Dwight F. and Wilhelmina A. Aller Fred "Kuhlman George H. and Martha E. Vieregg James F. and Edna Mortensen Louoille Glover Prudential Insurance Co. Leroy E. Ray Richard Buenz Helen Hoge WalterR. Stryker Carl V. Willard It tt II Estate of Henry A. Koenig II II \I II It .Prudential Insurance Co. BLOCK 11 11 11 1J 4: 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 11 11 11 11 11 11 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 25 25 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 24 24 24 24 24 ADDITION Bakers It 11 It Woodbine It II U II It II II II 11 It tl It U II 11 U 11 11 11 11 It It U tI Ashton tl n II 11 tl \I 11 II U tI U It II II It Il tI tl 11 tl Baker s II Woodbine " It tI II tI 11 tl tI u Bakers II II II tl Place II 11 II U tt II tl 11 at tt 11 II AM:OUNT 1.09 .89 1.09 2.43 .45 1.09 2.43 2.43 1.09 .45 .45 1.09 2.43 2.43 1.09 .45 2.43 1.09 .89 1.09 2.43 2.43 1.09 .89 1.09 2.43 2.43 1.09 .89 1.56 1.56 1.62 2.43 1.09 .45 4.05 2.65 2.44 2.65 4.05 2.43 1.09 .89 1.09 2.43 2.43 1.09 .89 1.09 2.43 1.09 2.43 4.05 2.65 2.44 2.65 4.05 2.43 1.09 .89 1.09 2.43 2.65 4.05 2.43 1.09 .89 tt U fI U II II II U NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION AM OUN T Equitable Life Assura.nce Co. 9 24 Baker s 1.09 Howard and Sybil Yost 10 24 It 2.43 City of Grand Island 6 12 A.sh~on Place 1.53 It II II tl 7 12 n u 1.53 E. R. Guende 1 8 12 tl II 1.53 Pau 1 C. and Hazel F. Hu st on 9 12 u It 1.53 . Ruben Yost 10 19 tl U 1.53 ~.M ..-1 A. F. . Buechler 11 12 It It 1.53 Aca F. Miller 12 12 II II 1.62 I Ellen Noy 13 12 II It 1.62 Mark J. Noy 14 12 tt It 1.53 Addison E. Cady, et al 15 12 It It 1.53 E. R. Gu ende 1 16 12 tl It 1.53 Walter B. and s. Feme Pepper 17 12 It II 1.53 City of Grand Island 18 12 II It 1.53 It tl II u 19 12 II It 1.53 II tt tI at 20 12 It II 1.53 It II tl Il 21 12 It it 1.53 It " It _I 22 12 Il II 2.0,0 tl tI tl It 23 12 It It 2.65 It It n Il 24 12 tt tl 4.05 Mary Jensen 1 11 tl It 4.05 It II 2 11 II tl 2.65 Herman H. Goltermann 3 11 II II 2.00 James D. Li vings ton 4 11 It u 1.56 Charles L. Spry 5 11 II It 1.56 o. A. Niess 6 11 tl II 1.56 Margaret Sinke and Walter H. 7 11 II II 1.56 Charles and Olga Tillman 8 11 II II 1.56 II u . It II 9 11 It It J .56 Loucille Glover 1 20 Bakers 2~~43 It n 2 20 it 1.09 tl It 3 20 tl .45 I Arthur C. Mayer 6 20 tl 1.62 Il II II 7 20 tI 1.56 Elizabeth C . Mayer 8 20 It 2.00 Herbert F. Mal(er 9 20 \l 2.65 It II 10 20 tl 4.05 Christian B. and Anna L. Leth 1 19 It 2.43 II It II " II 11 2 19 tt 1.09 Alice Sotbrnan 3 19 It .89 Loucil1e Glover 4 19 II 1.09 u II 5 19 11 2.43 tl II 6 19 It 4.05 II Il 7 19 u 2.65 II II 8 19 II 2.44 II II 9 19 It 2.65 Nellie G. Parker 10 19 II 4.05 Llol(d G. and Aimee R. Thom~son 1 18 It 2.43 II 11 II It 2 18 u 1.09 It It II II 11 It E .1. 3 18 II .45 Kaufmann W ~ 18 tl .45 David "23 It II 4 18 u 1.09 II It 5 18 tl 2.43 tt tl 6 18 fI 4.05 fI fI 7 18 It 2.65 fI " 8 18 tl 2.45 I II II 9 18 II 2.65 II II 10 18 II 4.05 Horace O. Woodward 1 17 tl 2.43 . II 11 II 2 17 tl 1.09 Il II II 3 17 II .89 II It It 4 17 II 1.09 II II tl 5 17 It 2.43 George w. and Hazel1e B. Monson 6 17 It 4.05 Loucille Glover 7 17 tl 2.65 . I I I . NAME Bayard H. Paine Esther M. Gunnison MayD. Lamb JohhThomssen Henry Baasch John C. and Hazel Beryl M. Sharrar Grand Island Land Company 11 It tl fi Willis W. Whetstone Bess Martin and Ella M. Sprague It It It 11 It It R. Schneider N 40 ft. S 52 ft. C 40 ft. Augustine F. Kirkpatrick Benjamin J. Cunningham Home Savings and Loan Assn. Benjamin J. Cunnihgh~l City of Grand Island It 11 It U II It 11 " It II II It tt II It II It Il It It I. L. Labart Anna Mu 110y II II A. F. Buechler n tl II n 11 tI II 11 11 Raymond D. anct Judi th NT. Snoo k Anna Mu 110y II n- Bayard H. Patne 11 It \I Robert J.. and Berni ce Hiatt LOT 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 BLOCK 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10. 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 ADDITION Bakers tt Il It II it tI tl It It tl It II It It U It II II n II tl It It " tl tt II It II It tl 11 " tl Total AMOUNT 2.43 1.09 .89 1.09 2.43 .75 .95 .75 1.09 .89 1.09 2.43 2.43 1.09 .39 1.53 4.05 2.65 2.00 1.56 1.62 1.53 4.05 2.65 2.45 2.65 4.05 4.05 2.65 2.45 2.65 4.05 4.05 2.65 2.45 -~8s:-rr- SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable, delinquent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one-tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one- tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years; and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy; each of said installments except the first shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum until the s~e become delinquent, and each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of nine per cent from and after each such installment becom~ delinquent until paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid within fifty days from the date of this levy without interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. e I I SECTION 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby authorized to forthwith certify to the City Treasurer of said City the amount of said taxes herein set forth, together wi tl1 instructions to collect the same as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 1st day 0 (SEAL) ATTEST: ~~ . I I I . OEDINANCE NO. _ 1?82 An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1444 of Chapter XVII of the Compiled Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. BE IT ORDAINED BY TIm IvIAYOH AND CITY COUNCIL of the Ci ty of Grand Is 1 an d , Neb r a s ka : SECTION 1. That Ordin9nce No. 1444 of Chapter XVII of the Compiled Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, pertaining to fruit and produce houses and the license and license fee required of said fruit and produce houses, be and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication as required by law. Passed and approved this 15th day of '.ovember, 1939. ATTEST~ Mayor ~d~ ~_. City Clerk'--- e I I i I I i i I ~. II Ie I i ! I ORDINANCE NO.J...6.aL An ordinance creating a gravel district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundari es thereof, providing for tIle gl'8.veling of the streets in said district, and providing for the levying of special assessments to pay for the cost of the graveling in said district and the collection of the cost thereof. BE IT ORDAIlfED BY TIlE MAYOR AND CI'rY COUNCIL of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 1. There is hereby created a gravel district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Gravel. District No. 17 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said gravel district shall consist of tha t part of Forrest Street from Broadwell Avenue to Custer Street; Cottage Street from Broadwell Avenue to Taylor Street; Custer Street from Capitol Avenue to State Street; Taylor Street from Capi tol Avenue to Cottage Street; Kruse Street from Forrest Street to Capitol Avenue; Park Street from Capitol Avenue to State Street; Grand Island Avenue from Capi tol Avenue to State Street; College Street from Broadwell Avenue to Ouster StI'eet; Prospect Street from Broadwell Avenue to Lafayette Street; Waugh StI'eet from Capitol Avenue to Huston Street; State Street from Lafayette Street to Howard Street and Howard Street from Capitol Avenue to State Street. SECTION 3. Said streets in said gravel district are hereby ordered graveled as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing gravel dist:ricts as heretofore established by the City, and said graveling shall be thirty (30) feet in width. SECTION 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record ti tle, representing a majori ty of tb.e abutting property owner's in said district, at the time of the enactment of this ol'dinance to file wi th the City Clerk wi thin twenty (20) days from the fil"st publication of this ordinance creating said district, as provided by law, wri tten objections to the graveling of said stl"eets in said district. SECTION 5. That the entire cost of graveling said streets in said district shall be assessed against the lots, tracts, and parcels of land e spec i ally benefi ted thereby, in pI'oporti on to su ch benefit s to be determined by the MayoI' and City Council as by law provided. . I I I . OfUJINANGE NO.. 1683- Gon It. SECTION G. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by 1avJ. Passed and approved thisll..th._ day of I 1939 . ATTEST: . I I . '" ORDINANCE NO.1684 ,., An ordinance creating a Curb and Gutter Di stric t in the Ci ty of' Grand Island, Nebraska; defining the boundaries thereof'; providing for the curbing and guttering in said district; and providing for the payment of the cost of the construction thereof. BE IT OHDAINED BY THE MAyOR AND CIT':l CoUNCIL of the City of Grand. Island, Nebraska: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a curb and gutter d.istrict in the City of' Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as CUI'b and Gutter District No. 27 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said Curb and Gu tter Distric t sball consis t of that part of Tentb Street on both sides tbereof from the west property line of Eddy Street to the east propeI'ty line of Clark Street; on Tenth Street on both sides thereof from the west property line of Clark Street to the east property line of GreenvJich Stroet; Tenth Sty'eet on f)oth sides thereof from the west property line of Greenwich on the west side thereof from Tenth Street south to the alley between Ninth Street and Tentb Street. SECTION 3. Said streets in said Curb and Gutter District are hereby order'ed cur'bed and guttered as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing Curb and Gutter Districts as heretofore established by the Ci ty of Grand Island, said Curb and Gutter to be of the standard combined type of Curb and Gutter. SECrrIOT'T 4. 'lTIat autbority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, repres enting a ma j01"i ty of the a bu.tting property owners in said district at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file 1Ni ty, the Ci ty Clerk wi thin twenty days from the fil'st publication of the notice creating said district, as by lavi provided, written objections to the curbing and guttering of said distI'ict. SECTION 5. That the cost of the curbing and guttering of said District shall be assessed against the lots, tracts, and parcels of land especially benefited thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the Mayor and City Counci 1 as provided by law. . I I I . ORDIN ANGE 1\1 O. 1684 G on ft. SEG'rION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Passed and approved this l..J.lJlli. day of Dece (SEAL) AT'rEST: O~Jtkk 7' . I I I e OHDINANCE NO. 1685'_ An ordinance creating a Curb and Gutter District in the Cit-y of Grand Island, Neb:cllska, clefinint!; tlle boundaries thereof; provicUng for the curbing and guttering in said_ district; and provid-ing for the pa-,vment of the cost of the construction thereof. BE I'r OHDAINED BY 'l'llE MAYOn AND Cl'TY COUNCIL of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska: SEC'TION 1. 'l11at there is hereby created a curb and gutter district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Curb and Gutter District No. 28 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SEC'I'ION 2. Said Curb and Gutter District s11all consis t of that part of &'1na Street from the east property line of Adams Street to the west property line of Washington Street; Anna Street from the east property line of Washington Street to the west property line of Lincoln Street; Anna Street from the east property line of Lincoln Stx'eetto the vve st property line of Greenwich Street; Anna Street from the east property line of Greenwich street to the west property line of Clark Street; and shall inclucie both sides of said Anna Street; John Street from the west property line of Clark Street to the east pr'operty line of Greenwicll Stl'eet; ,Tohn St:r'eet from the west propeI'ty line of Greenwich Street to the east property line of Lincoln Street; John Street from the west property line of Lincoln street to the west property line of Lot 6, Block 5, Windolphs Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and John Str'eet from the west property line of Lincoln Street to the west propex'ty line of Lot 2, Block 10, Windolphs Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and shall include both sides of said John street; on Clark street on the west side thereof from J"ohn Street sou th to the alley lying between John and Anna Street; and on Greenwich Street on botn. sides thereof' from John Street to Anna street. SECTION 3. Said streets in said Curb and Gutter District are hereby ordeI'ed curbed and guttereci a s provided by law and in accoI'dance wi th the plans ancL specifications governing CUI'b and Gutter Districts as heretofore established by the City of' Grand Island, said Curb and Gutter to be of the stanciaI'cl cornbined type of Curb and Gutte:r. SEc'rrON 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the reco:C'd title, representing; a majority of the abutting property owners. . I I I . OR.DINANCE NO. .1681 Con It. in said district at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file with the City Clerk within twenty days from the first publication of the notice creating said distl'ict, as by lavi provided, V'il'itten objections to the curbing and guttering of said district. SEC TION 5. That the cost of the curbing and gu ttering of said District shall be assessed against the lots, tracts, and parcels of land espec ially benefited thereby, in proportion to such benefit s to be detel'minec1 by the Mayor and City Council as provided by law. SEc'rrON 6. This o!'dinance shall be in force and take effect from and after' its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Passed and approved this Jtlth day (SEAL) ATTEST: Mayor --/~~ ~" .' " .. ity Clerk . I ! i i , . , I I . OHDINANCE NO. ~ An ox'dinance creating a Curb and Gutter District in the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebl'ac'ka; defining the boundaries thereof; providing for the curbing and gut tering in said di s tr:i c t; and pr'ovid ing for the payment of the cost of the construction thereof. BE 1'1' OHDAINED BY THE MAYOF? AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; SECTION 1, That there is hereby created a curb and gutter district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Curb and Gutter District No. 29 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SEC'I'ION 2. Said cUI'b .and Gutter District shall consist of that part of Fifth Street on the south side thereof from the west property line of Elm ~treet to the east property line of Cleburn Street. SECTION 3. Said streets in said Curb and Gutter District are hereby ordered curbed and gutte:red as provid.ed by law and in accordance wi th the plans and specifications governing Curb and Gutter Distr:Lcts as heretofore established by the City of Grand Island, said Curb and Gutter to be of the standard combined type of Curb and Gutter. SECTION 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majorit;y of the abutting property owners in said district at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, . to file with the City Clerk within twenty days from the first publi- cation of the notice creating said district, as by law provided, written objections to the curbing and guttering of said district, SECTION 5, That the cost of the curbing and guttering of said District shall be assessed against the lots tracts, and parcels of land e spec ially benefi tecl thereby, in proportion to suchbenefi ts to be determined by the Mayor and City Council as pr ovided by lalpJ. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in and after its passage, approval and and take effect from by law. Passed and approved this ll!b- (SEAL) ATTEST: ~~~f4~ c_'::"'::'/c1ty Clepk . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. @Z_ An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of con- struction of the Curb and Gutter Distri ct No.7 of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE 1'1' ORDAINED BY 'rEE MAYOH AND CITy COUNCIL of the Cj.ty of Grand Island: Nebraska: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and. assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of Curb and Gutter District No.7 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against eacb of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after due notice given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts ancl parcels of land are assessed as follows: OWNER 1,0'1' BLOCK ADDITION AIvI OUN T J.ohn Rembolt 6 47 Ru ssell Wheeler 15.84 II It 7 47 It tl 15.84 Daniel L. Hin tz 8 47 It It 15.84 Herb er t E. & Iv'largueri te Lysinger 9 47 II It 15.84 Carl E. & Wilma A. Eck 10 47 u It 55.44 Bessie Hirshman 1 21 It u 19.80 II It E. 30 ft. 2 21 u II 9.00 J-ohn A. & 1<'ererlea lVI. 'Nilson VV ~ 36 ft. 2 21 II II 10.80 John A.. & Fererlea IVi. Wilson E. 16 ft. 3 21 tt It 4.80 J. . H.. & Dorothy M. Snyder W. 50 ft. 3 21 II It 15.00 Rudolph & Alma Krueger N 66 ft 4 21 u It 19.80 Total. $198-'-04 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable, delinquent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows; One-tenth shall become delinquent fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one-tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; .one- tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years; and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy; each of said installmen ts except the first shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum until the same become delinquent, and each of the delinquent install- ments shall draw interest at the pate of nine per cent from and after e I I I e OHDINANCIi: NO. 1682 Con 't. each such installment becomes delinquent until paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots., tracts and parcels of' land may be paid wi thin fifty days from tb.e date of this levy without interest; and. in that event, such lots, tracts and. parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. SEGr:nON 3. '111e Ci ty Clerk of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby au'thorized to forthwi th certify to the City Treasurer of said City the amount of said taxes set forth, together wi th instructions to collect the same as pl'ovided by law. SEc'rION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 11l~h day of ( SEAL) ATTEST: :10~~~~_ ~ni ty Clerk . I ORDINANCE NO. 1688 An ordinance levyj.ng special taxes to pay for the cost of con- struction of the Curb and Gutter District No.9 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY 'J::HE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIl of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of Curb and Gutter District No.9 of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, si tting as a Board of Equalization, after due notice given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land are assessed as follows: J. OWNER LOT BLOCK ADD I ~CION AMOUNT I Olive E. IVlonasmi th Mappe s 1 4 Schimmers 15.821 Alonzo J. & Alma J"ameson 2 4 u 15.84 Oscar & Julia E. Holmes 3 4 It 15.84 John D. & Esther L. Gould 4 4 H 15.84 Laura n Landingham 5 4 It 15.84 L) . P. H. Colwell 1 5 It 15.84 James E. & Effie A. Lyle 2 5 II 15.84 Loui s ~V . & Sylvia R. Colwell 3 5 II 15.84 1" H. Colwell 4 5 tt 15.84 , . II II It 5 5 II 15.84 Russ E. & Edna E. Barnes S.l. 6 6 u 15.84 2 Loyal & Edna Ruhl 7 6 II 15.84 Agnes B. Hall 8 6 tt 15.84 Pearl H. Parks 9 6 II 15.84 Ava Moore 10 6 It 15.84 Home Owners Loan Corp. 6 7 It 15.84 Charles W. & Martha Bailey 7 7 11 15.84 John Thomssen 8 7 II 15.84 11 II 9 7 II 15.84 Bessie & Robert Senseney 10 7 \t 15.84 Total $3i6.80 I . SECTION 2. The taxes SO levied shall become payable, delinquent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows; One-tenth shall become delinquent fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth int111"ee years; one-tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one- tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years; and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy; each of said installments except . I I I . ORDINANCE NO ~ 1.6BR. Gon r t. the first shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum until the same become delinquent, and each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of nine per cent from and after each such installment becomes delinquent until paid; pl'O- vided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid witbin fifty days from the date of this levy without interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. SECTION 3. The City Clerk of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby authorized to fortlJwi t:h certify to the Ci ty Treasurer of said City tbe amount of said taxes set forth, together with instructions to collect the same as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect (SEAL) NI":J.1ESrr: from and after its passage, approval and by law. Passed and approved this lith. day . I I I . 0",'"", 'lV'" ,. C..., '.- 68 R 1) I 1 U~..!\i 1'-> 1; o. 1_.5i2- An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of construction of the Curb and Gutter District No. 10 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT' OHDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; SECTION 1. That tb.ere is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of Curb and Gutter District No. 10 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against each of the sev.eral lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after due notice given tilereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parce1s of land are assessed as follows; OWNER LOrr Alvy & Luella Moore Fr. 1 Ar1ene R. Wilson Fr. 2 Equitable Bldg. & Loan Assn.Ei 3 Luther J. & Edith Myers W'i5 3 Samuel & Lillian Klein 4 Chester C. Ellenberger 6 Lulu R. J'oseph 7 Griff C. Johns 8 Lulu E. J'oseph " It II BLOCK ..WinTION AlVIOUN1r 5 Rollins 19.80 5 II 19.80 5 II 9.90 5 It 9.90 5 II 19.80 14 II. G. Clarke 15.84 14 tl 11 II 15.84 14 II tl II 15.84 14 n u II 15.84 14 It It u 15.84 Total $158.40 9 10 SECTION 2. fEbe taxes so levied shall become payable, delinquent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth sha11 become delinquent fifty days from the dt.1.te of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tent!.'. in three years; one-tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one- tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eip',bt years; and, one-tenth in nine years from the date of thi s levy; each of said installment s except the first shall beal" interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum until the same become delinquent, and each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of nine per cent from and after each such installment becomes delinquent until paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid within fifty days from . I I I . OHDINANGE NO. 1689 Gantt. the date of this levy without interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge fo:r' interest. SEC'llION 3. 'The Ci ty Clerk of the Ci ty of Grand Island., Nebraska, is hereby authorized to forthwitb certify to the City Treasurer of said Gity the amount of said. taxes set forth, together with instructions to collect the same as provided by law. SEC'I'ION 4. '111is ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and by law. Passed and approved this ~lth day (SEAL) A'llrrEST; . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 1690 An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for th.e cost of' construction of the Curb and Gutter District No. 13 of the City of Grand Island, Nebl"aska, and providing for the collection thereof. Grand Island, Nebraska: BE FC O~~mAINED BY ':rHl~ MAYOR AND ClfrY COUNCIL of the City of SEC'L'ION 1. 1hat there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of constr'u ction of Curb and Gutter District No. 13 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordance witb the benefits found and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and pal"cels of land in said district by the Mayor and Ci ty Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after due notice given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tX'acts and pay'cels of land are assessed as follows: OiNHEH Amanda E. Flower Maude Nielsen Albert W. Stehr Tl1eresa Phelan _Margaret Jean McGrath et 0.1 William D. Stelk Otto Stelle Meta SteHr Anna Denker Detlef Stelk Est. of Hans Stoldt \I It It II Charles & Minnie A. Bossert W. 44 ft. Carl Winfred & Harriett Lombard E. 22 ft. Carl Winfred & Harriett Lombard W. 22 ft. _Henry Ehlers E. 44 ft. .- Edwin W. & Huby A. Kei ss E. 66 ft. of the N. 132 ft. John Fred & Ferdinand Peters , William I'.flax Tl'leodol'e Richter & Wife Jose~h P. & Anna Stiller N)~_;,17 ~,~_\i!1 )~_ 2 *J 2 ~;J 2 Walter L. Cornelius Herman Jungclaus N. 76 ft. Guido E. Nelson S. 56 ft. LOT 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 2 3 4 5 4 4 BLOCK 37 37 37 37 37 40 40 40 40 40 4 4 4 4 4 4 11 11 11 11 5 10 10 ADDITION Wasmer s It It It II U !l It tl 11 .AMOUNT 16.20 15.60 1,5.60 15.60 55.80 16.20 15 . 60 15.60 15.60 16.20 19.80 19.80 Windolphs II II 1~') .20 II 6.60 It It 6.60 52 .80 II tt 59 . 40 19.80 II 19.80 It It 11 U 19.80 39.60 22.80 16.80 ~.:::."'~- 'jflD.l'J: .80 Total SECTION 2. 'me taxes so levied shall become payable, delinquent and drayV' interest as by law provided, as fol1ows~ One-tenth shall . I I I . OHDINANCE NO. 1690 Can't. become delinquent fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in tvw years; one-tentl1 in three years; one- tenth in four years; one-tenth in five yea1's; one-tenth in six year s; one-tent1'l in seven years; one-tenth in eight years; and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy; each of said installments except the first shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum until the same become delinquent, and each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of nine per cent from and after each such installment become s delinquent un til paid; pro- vided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid wi thin fifty days from the date of this levy vii thout interest; and in that event, such lots, tl'"'acts and parce ls of land sOOll be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. SECrfION 3. The City Clel'"'l( of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby authorized to forthwith certify to the City Treasurer of said City the amount of said taxes set forth, together with instructions to collect the same as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, appl'oval and by law. Passed and approved this ~1'!;1L.. (SEAL) l\.rI'rrES [11: f~ . I I I . OHDINANCE NO. ~ An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of construction of the Cupb and Gutter Dis tpict No. 14 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE I'll OhDAINED BY THE MAYOR .AND CI'1'Y COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: SECTION 1.. 'l'hat there is hereby levied and assessed against tbe several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of Curb and Gutter Di strict No. 14 of the City of Grand Island, rTebra 81\:a, in accordance wi th the benefits found and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said distri ct by the Mayor- and Ci ty Counc:1.1 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, si tting as a Board of Equalization, after due notice gi ven thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land are assessed as follows: OWNEH LOT BLOCK ADDITION AWlOUNT Agnes W. Woodin 1 16 Kernahan & Decker 39.60 F. A. & Lillian '1' er ry V" ;~ 4 16 u II It 39.60 '~ . Otto L. Mattke 1 1;5 u It It 39.60 John C. F' 1'ee land 8 13. It II n 39.60 James Carr 4 12 I' II u 39.60 Mildred .r'~1 ~ 8haf fe l' 12 It II U Ralph V.& ~. 5 39.60 1\1 inn i e Bockhahn 1 12 It t{ II 39.60 Gus Nelson 8 12 If n It 39.60 Thoma s W. & Mary 0' Loughli:n IT .~. 4 11 II \l It 19.80 Gertrude Longmate S J_ 4 11 II tl u 19.80 " . 2 Edith Prame 5 11 It \I II 39.60 Erne s t A. & Henrietta J. Kr eh.rnke 8 5 I_ n It 39.60 Augu sta Vei t 5 6 It it u 39.60 Total ~~ 475.20 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable, delinquent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent fifty days f'rom the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one-tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one- tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years; and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy; each of said installments except the first shall bear interest at the"rate of seven per cent per annum . I I I . ORDINANce; NO. 1691_ Con It. until the same become delinquent, and each of the delinquent in- stallments 8ll.all draw interest at tbe rate of nine peI' cent from. and after eacb such installment becomes delinquent until paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the afol'esaid. lots, tracts and parce Is of land may be paid. wi thin fifty days from the date of this levy wi thout interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. SEC'I'ION 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand. Island, Nebraska, is hereby authorized to forthwith certify to the City 'rreasurer of said City the amount of said taxes set forth, together with instructions to collect the same as provided. by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect fl~om and after its passage, approval and by law. Passed and approved this 11th (SEAL) ATTEST: c~ . I I I . ORDINANCE NO~ l..Q.22. An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of con- stl'uction of the Curb and Gutter District No. 16 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE I'f ORDAINED BY (fHE MAYOR AND CITY COUN6IL of the Ci ty of Grand Is land, Nebraska: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against tl~ several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of Curb and Gutter District No. 16 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordance wi th the benefi ts found and assessed agains t eacl! of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after due notice given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts, and parcels of land are assessed as follows: OWNb11 Charles H. Good C. Hay &, Beatrice Maude Gates Emil Perkuhn Home Owners Loan Corp. Mary C. Loop Govie P. Disney S. 80 ft. Howard &, Margaret C. Kyle Rudolph &, Martha Siebert William H. &, Hester M. Morrison Edwin L. &, Frances Holden LOT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BLOCK 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 u U It U It tt It lUilOUNT 15.84 15.84 15 .84 15.84 15.84 15.84 15.84 15.84 15.84 15.84 Total $158.40 payable, delinquent ADDITION Gi 1 berts u It SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become and draw interest as by law provided, as follows~ One-tenth shall become delinquent fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one-year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one- tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one-tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years; and one-tentb in nine years from the date of' this levy; each of' said installments except th~ first shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum until the same become delinquent, and each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of nine per cent from and after eacr sucll installment becomes delinquent until paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots, tracts and. parcels of land may be paid within . I I I . OHDINANCE NO..~ Continued fifty days from the date of this levy without interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. SEC/rIOH 3. The Ci ty Clerk of trte Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby authorized to fortbwith certify to the City 'l'reasuj~er of said Ci ty the amount of said taxes set f01~th, together with instru ctions to collect the same as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from Passed and approved this 1J th day and after its pa ssage, aPproval and publicat. n as provided by law. (SEAL) A TTES fJ.1; ~ . I I I . OHDINANGE NO. :L.Q23.... An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of con- struction of the Curb and Gutter District No. 18 of the City of Grand Is Rska, and providing for the collection thereof. i.~.;., , BE; l'.C Orl.l.hl.II,.u;.lJ BY THE MAYOR AND CI'l-ry" COUNCIL of the City of Grano. Is lanct, IJ ebras ka:: SECTION 1. Tha t tbere is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of Curb and Gutter District No. 18 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordance wi th the benefi ts found and assessed agains t each of the several lot s, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after due notice gi ven thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land are assessed as follows: OWNER LO'r BLOCK ADDITION AlVl OUN T Augustine F. Kirkpatrick 1 9 Bakers 39.60 Benjamin J- . Cunningham 10 9 It 39.60 Henl'Y Baasch 5 10 It 39.60 ..Tohn C . & Hazel A. Schneider N. 40 ft. 6 10 It 12.00 Beryal lV' Shar!'ar S. 52 ft. 6 10 tl 15 .60 1 . Grand Island Land Co. C . 40 ft. 6 10 It 12.00 Total l:L 5~f. 40 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable, delinquent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one- tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one-tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years; and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy; each of said installments except the first shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum until the same become delinquent, and each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of nine per cent from and after each such installment becomes delinquent until paid; pro- vided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of tbe aforesaid lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid within fifty days from the date of thj,s levy without interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ~ Con It. SECTION 3. The Ci ty Clerlc of the City of Grand Island, Nebras1,:a, is hereby authorized to forthwith certify to the Ci ty Irreasu~('er of said Ci ty the amount of said taxes set forth, together w1th instructions to collect the same as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be 1n force and take effect from and after its R~ssage, approval provided by law. ( SEAl, ) ATTEST: ~& ~ I citY Clerk Passed and approved this l1ml day of . I I I . ORDINANCE NO., .1.694 An ordinance levying spec ial taxes to pay for the COs t of con- struction of the Curb and Gutter District No. 19 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thel'eof. BE IT OEDAINED BY THE MAYOE. AND CI'I'Y COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and. parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of Curb and Gutter DistY'ict No. 19 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordance wi tl the benefi ts found and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by tbe IvTayor and City Council of tbe City of Grand Island, Nebraska, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after due notice given thereof, as r~uired by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and pa~~els of land are assessed as follows: OWliliR Paul H. Gillan Hermann Sc humann Ruth M. Baron Cyrell E. & Grace LOT 1 8 4 5 BLOCK 14 14 13 13 Decker It It II ADDITION Kernohan & It It It tt II It Total AMOUNT 39.60 39.60 39.60 39.60 $-158.40 M. Rassett SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable, delinquent and draw interest as by law provided, as follow-s: One-tenth shall become delinquent fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tonth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one-tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one- tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eigbt years; and one-tenth in nj.ne years from the date of this levy; each of said inata lImen ts except the first shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum un ti 1 the same become de linquent, and each of the de linqu ent installments shall draw interest at the rate of nine per cent fl"om and after each such installment becomes delinquent until paid; pro- videc1, h01}veve1'" , that the en tiI'e amount so levied and asse ssed agains t any of the aforesaid lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid wi thin fifty days from the date of this levy' without interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts and parcels of land shall be exempt . I I I . OEDDJ lUITCE NO ~ 1694_ Con ft. from any lien or charge for interest. SEC1'IO~T 3. 1111e Oity Olerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebras}ra, is hereby au thoriz eel to forthwith certify to the Oi ty TI'eaSlu'er of said Oity tlJe amount of said taxes set forty, together with instruction~l to collect the same as provided by law. SEOTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after it s pa ssage, approval and Passed and approved thi s ~1.tlL as provided by law. (SEAL) attest: Mayor v4 . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. _l225 An ordinance levying special taxes to pay faT' the cost of con- struction of the Curb and Gutter Distr'ict No. 20 of the Cj.ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, and pr>oviding for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAI NED BY THE MAYOH AND Cl'rY COUNCIL of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska: SECI'ION 1. Tl'la t there is hereby levied and asse ssed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set fOl~th, for the pur po se of paying the cost of construction oft Curb and Gutter District No. 20 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraslm, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after due notice given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land are assessed as follows: OWNEH O. A. Abbott .t II II tt U II \t tt U U II Il It It It It fl It J-r. tl It tl II It It u n tl It II II It 1.1 II II If 11 Hans F. & Florence H. Miche1mann Otto O. Ott Gear ge E. Gibbs Leo G. Allen et a1 T. R. & Verna N. Edington Adolph W. Sterne, Est. Nettie Sterne William R. Gilchrist & Norval E. Etting William h. Gilchrist & Norval E. Etting William H. Gilchrist & Norval E. Etting David Kaufmann Herman 11'. Bu ckow Edgar L. Brown I. R. & Anna Alter II II It \I It U H It It II Clara I... Gelow II It It Otl~an A. Abbott et a1 O. A. Abbott Jr. u It II II Othman A. Abbott et al LOT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 6 7 8 9 10 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 7 8 9 BLOCK 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 51 51 51 51 51 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 54 54 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 ADDITION Wasmers 3rd It II II It It II II It 11 II AMOUN T 55.80 15 . 60 15.60 15.60 55.80 55.80 15.60 15.60 15.60 55.80 16.20 15.60 15.60 15.60 55.80 55.80 15.60 n II It II U II II It It U It II U It It It It " It U " It II u 55.80 It It 15.60 U It \I It " It Il II II II It II It II it II II It U II It tt It II It II 15.60 15.60 55.80 39.60 55.80 15.60 15.60 15.60 16.20 39.60 15.60 15.60 15.60 ORDINANCE NO. 1692 Can't. OWNEH LaIr BLOCK ADDITITION AM ouwr Othman A. Abbott et 13.1 10 55 Wasmers 3rd 55.80 O. A. Beltzer 6 33 Morrills 55 .80 Mrs. Lafe Campbell 1 5 Ash t on Place 39.60 The Geer Co. 21 5 II n 15.30 Huby Pe ar 1 Mikel 22 5 n u 15.30 . Lenore Kolbeck Mara & Dan J. Mara 23 5 u It 15.30 I Lenore Kolbeck Mara & Dan J. Mara 24 5 u u 55.80 Loui se Vi . John 21 6 II tt 15.30 It u It 22 6 It U 15.30 Hans F. Michelmann 23 6 II a 15.30 u It II 24 6 \l U 26.37 Morx'i 11 Land Co. Fr. 10 49 in Subdivision of Blks. 48 & 49 of Charles Wasmers 3rd 31 .83 To ta 1 $1,267.20 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable, delinquent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one-tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one- tenth in seven year s; one-tenth in eight years; and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy; each of said installments except the I first shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum until the same become delinquent, and each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of nine per cent from and after each such instalhnent becomes delinquent until paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the afore- said lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid within fifty days from the date of this levy without interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts and parcels of land ~hall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. SEe IrION 3. The City Clerk of the Ci ty of \.i-rand Island, Nebra ska, is hereby authorized to forthwith certify to the City Treasurer of said Ci ty the amount of said taxes set forth, together wi tll instructions to I . collect tbe same as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its P3- ss age, approval and publica ti on as provided by law. Passed and approved this llth-_ ( SEAl, ) ArE 'EES T : Mayor ~ . I OEDINANCE NO. 1..f9..6_ An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of con- struction of the Curb and Gutter District No. 21 of the City of Grand Island, Nel)l'lasl::a, and providing for the collection thereof. BE I'r ORDAINED BY THE MAYOn AND CITY COUNCIL of' the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed agains t the several lots, tl'acts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of Curb and Gutter District No. 21 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after due notice gi ven thereof, as required by law, a spec:i.al tax; each of tbe several lots, tracts and parcels of land are assessed as follows; OWNER LOT BLOCK ADDITI~N AMOuNT Henry Voss 5 Go.Sub.Sec 16- 1-9 12.00 Ray Voss 7 II II It 16-11-9 13.20 I Nic]{ Weinrich Fr. S u u u 16-11-9 17.10 Fred Alphers Fr. S !t It It 16-11-9 56 .70 Andrew IJarsen Fr. S l~ II It 16 -11-9 39.60 Charles Cordes Fr. 9 II U II 16-11-9 79.20 Home Owners Loan Corp. 1 6 W5ebes 39.60 Ella Wartinslaben S 6 u 39.60 Herman Nelson- it Jane s Subdi vsion 21.99 II II B II II 13 . 95 It \I C If II 33 .75 It II D II II 19.80 Est. of H. J. Bartenback 5 7 Vliebes 39.60 Total d~ 426.09 'lP I . SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable, delinquent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one-tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one- tenth in seven years; one-tenth tn eig,ht years; and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy; each of said installments except the first shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent peT' annum until the same become delinquent, and each of the delinquent install-- ments shall draw interest at the rate of nine per cent from and after each such installment becomes delinquent until paid; provided, however, . I I I . ORDINJ.ll~CE NO. ~ Contt. that the en tire amount so levied and assessed aga:t.nst any of' the aforesaid lots, tl'acts and paI'cels of land may be paid wi thin fifty days from the elate of tI."lis levy without interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge ~or interest. SEcrrION 3. The Ci ty Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby authorized to forthwi th certify to the City TI'easurer of said City the amount of said taxes set forth, together with instr'uctions to collect the Sffine as provided by law. SEC'I'ION 4 < This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and as provided by law. Passed and approved this 11th _ day (SEAL) ATTEST: Mayor ,~ ORDINANCE NO. .:ui.21.. An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of con- struction of the Curb and GutteJ' Di strict No. 22 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. . I BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: SEc'rION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of Curb and Gutter District No. 22 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, si tting a s a Bcxlrd of Equalization, after due notice given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land are assessed as follows: OWNER LOT BLOCK ADDITION Ar~i OUNT Bessie Kuhlsen 1 16 Ashton Place 16.20 I William Brandt 2 16 II u 15.60 Walter S. Beach 3 16 II It 15.60 It tl It 4 16 II II 15.60 Otto ,,'if . MclO-nney 21 15 11 It 15.60 Bert Pe arson 22 15 II II 15.60 Armin Ochsner 23 15 It II 15.60 George COVIf ton 24 15 II it 16.20 Total .$126.00 SEC'J:ION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable, delj_nquent and drmv interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one- tentb in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one-tenth in seven years; one-tentrl in eight years; and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy; each of said installments except the first shall bear inter'est at the rate of seven per cent per I . annum until trle same become delinquent, and each of the delinquent in- stallments shall draw interest at the rate of nine per cent from and after each such installment becomes delinquent until paiC'l.; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots, tracts and parce Is of land may be paid wi thin - I I I I- OHDIN PJ\TCE NO. lQ22. Continued f1fty days from the date of this levy without interest; and in that event, sucb lots, tracts and parcels of land shall be eXEllipt from any lien or charge for interest. SEcr:rrON 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Islanc.l, JlJebraska, is hereby author1zec1 to foy,thwi th certify to the City Treasurer of said City the amount of said taxes set forth, togetb.er wi th instructions to collect the SW1e as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after' its passage, apPI"oval and Passed and approved tbis .11tJ:L QSEAL) ATTEST; by law. . I I I . OHDINANCE NO. 1698. An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of con- struction of the Curb and Gutter Distx'}.ct No. 23 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT OHDAINED BY TI-IE MAYOR AND CI'rY COUnCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: SECTION 1. T.hat there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set for th, for the purpose of paying the cost of constI'uction of Curb and. Gutter District No 23 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordance vd t}, the benefi ts found and assessed against each of the several lot s, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, 8i tting as a Board of Equalization, after due notice given thereof, as required by law, a speCial tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land are assessed as follows: OWN~1 LOT Emmett L. & Evelyn Cogil N. ! 1 Haze 1 E. Benson 2 II It II 3 Fredrick Jessen 4 Ed. Gregory & Annie 5 Mary E. Conner 1 It Il II 2 L. S. Bate 3 Robert & Betty Lee Salyer 4 Helen W. Preisendorf 5 Fred J. 8c Anna L. Weiler' 6 Frank E. & Anna E. Alden 7 An na E. Whi te 8 Bessie M. Lannin 9 Dora J. Hovey 10 W. E. Vogel S. 85 ft. 6 Rosa Kuehner 7 Loup Valley State Bank of Palmer, Nebr. 8 Vernon n. EychneI' 9 Leonard A. Smith 10 BLOCK 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 45 .45 45 45 45 46 46 46 46 46 v ADD I '1'1 ON A AMOUNT Russ~~l Wheeler II n \I II II II 11 U II It It it II II tl it \I U H II II II It II II It It II II It It II 15.84 15.84 15.84 15.84 15.84 15.84 15.84 15.84 15.84 15.84 15.84 15.84 15.84 15.84 15.84 15.84 15.84 \I II II II II U 15.84 15.84 15.84 '$~-lEr.80 Total SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable, delinquent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in tyve yeal~s; one-tenth in three years; one-tenth in four years; one -tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one- tenth in seven year.s; one-tenth in eight years; and one-tenth in nin~ years from the date of this levy; each of said installments except the . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. l6.9.8- Con It. first shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum until the same become delinquent, and each of the delinquent install- ments shall draw interest at the rate of nine per cent from and after each such installment becomes de linquent until paid; provided, how- ever, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid within fifty days from the date of this levy without interest; and in that event, sucb lots, tracts and parcels of la.nd shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. SECTION 3. The Ci ty Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebras 1<: a, is hereby authorized to forthwith certify to the City Treasurer of said Ci ty the amount of said taxes set fortb, togetber with instructions to collect the same as provided by law. SECTION 4 This ordinance Shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and as provided by law. Passed and approved this ~~ ( SEAL) A1'TEST~ Mayor ~~~-- City Clerk . I I I . OHDnd~NCE 1W. l..622._ An ordinance creating a Curb and Gutter District in the City of Grand I s land, N eb1'a s};u''-, defining tt!e boundaries thereof; provicUng for the curbin,g and guttering in saieL district; and providing for the payrnent of the cost of the construction tJJereo1'. BE IeI' OHUAII\j .Ct' rllIIJ~ IiIl\Y'OF( CIil'Y COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTI :1. That there is hereby cl"eated a Curb and Gutter District in the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebr'D.EJka, to be known as Curb and Gutter District No. 30 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. 8EC'l'I01\1 2. Said curb ancl gutter distr:tct sliall consist of that pal't of Greenvvicb St:reet on both sides thereof from the south proper'ty line of First Street to the north propert;v line of Di vision Street; Greenwich Street on both sides thereof from the south property line of Di vis ion Street to the north pror1erty line of Koenig str'eet and Greenw:Lch Stx'eet on the west side thereof from the south property line of Koenig street to thE:; north property lir\e of Charles street. SECTICYN :5. Said streets in said CUl'b and Gutter District fclre \ hereby ordered. curbed and gut teree} as nrovicled by law and in accord- ance ni th the plans and specif:ica tions governing Curb and Gu tter Districts as heretofore established by the City of Grand Island, said Curb and Gutter to be of the standard combinee} t:;rpe of Curb and Gu tter . SECTION 4. That autbo:C'ity is hereby granted to the oWner~'l of the record title, representing a ma:iOJ:'ity of the abl1.tting pr'operty owners in said district at the time of the enactment of this Ol'(Unance, to 1'1 Ie wi tll tl18 Oi ty Clerk vIi tbin twenty days from the first publi- cation of the notice creating said district, as by law provided, written ob.iections to the curbing ancL guttering of said. district. S:EC'I'IOXi t). That the cost of the curbing and {';uttc~ring of said District shall be aE3sessed against the lots, tracts and pl3.rcels of land especially benefited tbereby, in proportion to such benefits, to be determined by the Nlayor and Ci ty Council as provided by law. . I I I . OHDINANC:E NO. -1.699 Con 1 t . S};Cr1'lON 6. rrhis ordinance sJ1all be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and Passed and appro"'ed this 20th A1'':['EST: ~ ..-.,-----"'-~------ City Clerk _ication as required by law. 1S139. . I I I . OhDINANCE NO ~ .1200 An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of con- stl'uction of' Curb and GJtter District No. 15 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE PC OImAINED BY ThE MAYOn iiND CI'I'Y COUNCIL of the City of Gr and Island, NebI'a ~,ka; SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and. parcels of land hereinafter set :fortYl, for the purpose of payinC" the cost of Curb and Gutter Distl~ict No. 15 of tbe City of Grand I 81 ancl, Nebrasls:a, in aC cordan ce wi tb the benefits found and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in sRid district by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, NeIJraska, sitting as a BO'3.rd of Equalization, afteI'due notice given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land are assessed as fallows; OWNET, LorI' BLOCK ADDI 'I'I ON ALlOUNT 66 12 Windolphs 31 .80 '2~ 12 It 16 .80 4 39 Wasmers 1 r' .20 __0 5 39 II 14 .40 6 38 It 55.80 7 38 II 15.50 8 38 II 9 .60 2 3 VVindolphs 18 .00 3 3 11 19 .80 'r'a tal ~---, 198 ~p .00 Lillie W.Stl'ingham E.I05' of 1\1 Wilhelm Detlefsen Vii. 561 of n. 1\ 1\ fr~ .. il II 1'1' . Claud.. T. e~ Linda IE. Herman H. J1.mgclau s Emil Henne II It a It Povre11 1'1' . 1'1' . 1'1' . SE;c'rlorr 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable, delinquent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-t enth in tllio years; one-tenth in tbree years; one- tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one-tent)1. in seven years; one-tenth in eigllt ye"trs; and one-tenth in nine years from the elate of this levy; eac~~! of said installments except the first shall bear in tel'est at the rate of seven pe:r cent per annum until the same become de linquent, and eac}-, of the delinquent installments shall drmv interest at the rate of nine per cent from and aftel"' each such installment become delinquent until paid; provided., however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots, trs.cts amI pal'cels of land may be paid wi tbi:n . I I I . OlcUINAlWE NO. J2QP Con! t. fifty days from the d.ate of this levy witbout intc~rest; and in that event, such lots, trqcts and parcels of land shall be eXRmpt from any lien or charge for interest. Sl~CTION 3. The City Clel'k of the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraslca, is hereby autborized to forth1Jvith certify to the City rrreasurer of said Ci tv tlle amount of said taxes herein set forth, together wj_ th ins tructions to co llect the same as provided by law. SI!:c'nON 4. '11hi8 oJ'dinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by laYI . Pas sed a nel approved tld s 20th ( SEAT, ) A'IlfrES T: , . qL --:----..----rvr ayor------------- ~ --~(rrtyC 1 er k~---------- . I I I . QHDIN AliCE NO. 1701... An ordinance levying special taxes to pay fOI' the cost of con- struction of Curb ano. Gutter Di stx'ict No. 24 of the Ci ty of Grand m.i; 1;1' OHDAINED Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collecti.on thereof. THE MAYOll Grand Is lanel, Nebraska~ CITY COUNCIL of the City of SEc':rrON 1'. That tIley'e is her'eby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of Curb and Gutter District No. 24 of the City of Grand Is lanel, lifebrasl:a, in accoI'dance wi th the benefits found and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and. City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, sitting as a BoaI'd of Equal- ization, after clue notice given thereof, as required by law, a are assessed as follows; special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land o VV]\I}~}{ S. J. 2' W. 10 ft. E. 42 ft. Anna Pieper Anna Piepe I' John Bixenman Louis O. Remillard Carl & Bessie Niemann The Goehring Sothman Co. Pauline Krause Est. tI 1I Ii n It \l II II U II If It Lelah E. Ashley Edward E.& Murial E. Carstens John 1::'>. Honey Elmer E. Baird Mary H. Denman Emi 1 J. Va ss Pritz Marth Arthur Henne Lydia C. Heyde T..J' B. Palmer Lo'r BLOCK ADDI!L'ION AlilI OUN T 6 29 WasmeI's 16.20 7 29 It 3.00 7 29 II 12 . 60 8 29 It 15.60 9 29 H 15.60 10 29 II 16 .20 6 30 It 16.20 7 :30 u 15.60 8 30 It 15.60 9 30 It lEi.60 10 30 It 16.20 1 35 It lC5.20 2 35 H 15 . 60 3 3.5 It 15 . 60 4 35 II 15.60 5 35 II 16.20 1 36 It 16.20 2 36 II 15.60 3 36 u 15.60 4 36 II 15 . 60 5 36 II 16.20 rPotal $316.80 SEC'I'ION 2. The taxes so levied sha11 become payable, delinquent and draw interest a s by law pI'ovided, as follows; One-tenth shall become delinquent fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one-tenth in fOUl' years; one -tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one- tenth in seVen years; one-tent}! in eight years; and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy; each of said installments except the first shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum unti 1 the Same become delinquent, and each of the delinquent . I I I . OHDINANCE NO. 1 'ZDl Con It. and o5.ch of' tLe f_~e:,lin~~.e~t installments shall d_raw interest at the rate of nine per cent from and after each such installment become delinquent until paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid within fifty days from the date of this levy without interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts, and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or cl1arge for intere:3t. SECTION 3. 1ne City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby authorized to forthwi th certify to the City 'l'reasurer of said City the amount of said taxe s herein set fOl"th, togetl1er Vii tb instructions to collect the same as provided by law. SEC'i'ION 4. '1'hi s ordinan ce shall be in force and take effec t from and aftor its passage, approval 'and Dublication as Drovided ny law. Passed and approved this 20th (SEAL) AT'rE,S'l' : ~ ------01 ty-61erk-:----- . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ll02 An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of con- struction of Curb and Gutter District No. 25 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and. providing for the collection thereof. BE 1'1' ORlJ,UlfH.;D BY THE IvLA-iOH AND CI'I'Y CaGNCn.J of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECii'ION 1. That tb.ere is hereby levied and assessed against tll.e several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of Curb and Gutter District No. 25 of the City of Grand Island, Nebras}-ca, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against each of the several lots, tr9.cts and paI'cels of land in said dis trie t by the NJ.ayor and Ci tv Counei I of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after due notice gi ven thereof, as requiT'ed by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land are assessed as folloVJs: OWN LOT Franz & Amanda P. Pfluckhahn 1 Nancy & Hanny Lindeman 2 Fred Meier 3 Archie & Anna Heiberg 4 Albert O. Row 5 \l H II 6 John F. Donovan 7 \I II It 8 BLOCK 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 A,DDI'rION Windolphs 11 It It II n II \I AlII 0 m\] 'I' 19.80 19.80 19.80 19.80 19.80 19.80 H) .80 19.80 'rotal 4iJ158.40 SEC'I/ION 2. ':ehe taxes so levied shall become payable, delinquent and draw intey'est a 8 by law provided, a s follows: One-ten th shall become delino.uent fifty days from the date or this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one- tenth in four yea~rs; one -tentb. in fi ve years; one-tenth in six years; one-tentb in seven years; one-tenth in eig:ht year's; and one-tent:tl in nine years from the date of this levy; each of said installments except the first s1-1all bear interest at the rate of seven per cent pel" annum untIl the sam(') becOTne clelinQuent, and eael, or the delinquent ins ta llments sha 11 clraw int eres tat tbe rat e of nine per cent from and after eacb. su ch installment becomes delinquent un ti 1 paid; provided, however, that the enJdre amount so levied and assessed against any of the afOJ:,esaid lots, tracts and pal'cels of land may be naid witbin i'. I I I . OHDINANCE NO. , '7 Gon It. ..I-/.G2 fifty days frOIn the d:Clte of this levy VJithout interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts and pn.reels of land shall be exempt from any lien or elillrge for interest. SEG'rIOH ;'). The City Clerk of the City of Grand Islancl, Nebraslza, is hereby authorized to forthwith eertif:v to the City Treasurer of said City the amount of said tax.'.;s herein set forth, together with instructions to collect th.e same as prOVided by law. ~~ECirION 4. This ordinance shall be in fox'ce and talm effect from and after its pass e, approval and publication as p:r.ovj/Jed by law. htssed anCL aprlroved this 20th day 1939. ( S }~ltIJ ) .t~rlllrI~~) '11 : ~ . ' --.------.-.cJ:i t y C Ie ij("---------- . . I I I . An ordinance levying speCial taxes to pay for the cost of con- ormnU\l'! C IE NO. .lZ.Q3 struct:l.on of Curb and Gutter District No. 26 0:1':' the City of Grand Island, Ne1J:raska, and providin8; for the collection thepeof'. Grnnd Island, Nebraska: Frs 111 OI\D;lIIT.1~D 3-Y. T}ll~ Ivlir~{()f{ j~l'~nj CIT"Y' COU"l\fCIL ot' tlJ.e Ci ty of SEC'I'ION 1. 'Ilhat theI'e is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, i'or the purpose of paying the cost of Curb and Gutter District No. 26 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of tIle Ci ty of Grand 1310.11(1, Nebraska, sitting as a Board of Equal- ization, after clue notice given thereof, as required by lav!, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land a:r'eassessed as foLlows: Dvm Walter Speck Phil S. Schroeder. Parker' B. Campbell H. :F'. Stine Lars H. Christensen E'rllma Poyer Margaret S. Bernstein Marjorie Kirschbaum 'rhe Chicago Lumber Co of Floyd B .i'<:Esther Hockwell LOT 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 Ornaha 5 l'l68ft 1 BLOCK ADDI TI ON AMOUNT 2 Gilberts 2nd 15.84 2 fI tt 115.84 2 II II 1,5.84 2 II u 15.84 2 II n 15.84 5 II u 15.84 5 It It 15.84 e- II II 15 .~34 ;:) I- II It 115.84 ;:) 5 II Ii 15.84 Tota 1 ~; 15D. 40 SEC'I'ION 2,. The taxes so levied shall become payable, delinquent and draw inter'est as by law proviciecL, as follows: (me-tenth shall become delinquent fi~ty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; oDe-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one-tenth in four' years; one-tenth j.n five years; one-tenth in six yeal's; one- tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years; and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy; each of said installments except the first shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum until the same becomes delinquent, and e;3.c}, of the delinquent install- ments shall dl'aW interest at the :eate of nine per cent from and after' each such installment becomes delinquent until paid; provided, hO\;1[-- ever, that tbe entire arnount so levied anct assessed against any of the . I I I . OHDINi'~NCEN(). .l2Q.3. C on It. aforesaid lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid within fifty days from the date of this levy without intel'est; and in that event, such lots, tX'acts and parcels of land sball be exempt frorn any lien or charge for interest. SECTION ~5. The C1 ty Clerk of tbe C1 ty of' Grand Is land, Nebraska, is hereby au thor iz eel to forthvvi tll certify to the Ci ty 'I'reasurer of s n.id City the an1O'unt of sajcl taxes herein set fortb, together with instruct- ions to collect the same as provicted. by la1;'1. SS;C~:IOl 11. This ordinance aha 11 be in fopce and take effect from ( (;l",' T ) "Jl:"l'~__J A'l' 'I' E fJ 'I' : and after its paSSEl.ge, approval and publicat' n as providecl by lavr. l)ass ed and approvecl this 20th da'\! of 1939 . ---.-- ._._~..,.-_.- IV1 ay 01:;---------..--"-..-------- ~ , --.-------.- --- City 01 e~~ k