1942 Ordinances
An ordir:.ance levving spec1.al taxes to pay for the expenses
and damage of creating, wid.ening, extending, and constructing
Cleburn street, from Anna street to Oklahoma Avenue, in tbe City
of Grand. Island, Nebraska, pursuant to Ordinance No. 1591 of said
City, upon the property fronting upon the portion of said street
created, "widened, extended and constructed under said ordinance and
upon other property nearby in said City, and providJ.ng 1'01' the col-
lection thereof.
BE I'r ORDAINclJ ..31. l'h.c; lHAYOh ,H.ND C1'1'1. COUNCIL of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. rrhat there is hel~eby levied and assessed ap;ainst
the sever'al lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter specified
a special tax for the purpose of paying 1'01' the expense and damages
incurred in creating, Widening, extending, and constructing Cle hurn
Street, from Anna Street to Oklahoma Avenue, in the City of Grand
Island, NeiJraska, pursuant to Ordinance No. 1591 of' said City, in
accordance with the benefits found due and against each of 'the several
lots, tracts and parcels of land fronting upon said street or nearby
said street so extended, created, widened, and constructed, as
determined by the City Council of Grand Island, Nebraska, sitting
as a Board of Equalization, after due notice as provided by law.
Each of said lots, tracts and parcels of land is asse8sed as follows,
to wit:
A.UD I 11'1 0,N
Rudolph N. Kuester 10 3 South Park
William Frank 6 2 n"
L. IN. J"ohnson Part of the N .E. Quarter of the N. E.
~uarter Section 21-11-9 in Hall County,
~~110 .00
L.W. Johnson
Part of the N.~. Quarter of the N. E.
Q.ual'ter' Section 21-11-9 in Hall County,
Section 2. The taxes so levied and assessed shall become pay-
able and draw interest as provided by law, namely in thirty (30)
days after this levy'. Such special taxes shall bear interest at the
rate of one (1) per cent per month from the time due until paid, pro-
vided, however, that t:'he entire amount so levied and assersed ap;ainst
anv of the aforesaid lots or tracts of land may 'he paid at any time
within thirty (30) days from the date of such levy without interest
ORDIJU1.NCE NO # l.203. (COl'i'l'Il\UED)
and such lot or tract of land, in that event, shall be exempt from
any lien or charge fOI' such interest.
Section 3. rrhe City Clerk of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska,
is hereby directed to forthwitb certify this ord:tnance to the City
foI'reasurer of the City of Grand ISla.nd, Nebraska, who shall proceed to
collect said taxes as required by law. At the time of' the next
certification to the County Clerk for gener-al revenue purposes, such
special asseSsElents and levy so far as not then paid, shall be
certified to the County Clerk and put on the tax lists and collected
as other real estate taxes are collected.
Section 4. This ordinance 811all be :l.n force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law
Passed and approved this 7th day of January,1942.
~~ ~~.~
Mayor. -C-~
~EST: /~
An ordinance authorizing and directing the sale and conveyance
of certain real estate belonging to the City of Grand Island, Nebr-
aska, providing for the manner in which the same shall be sold, and
the terms of said sale; providing for the giving of notice of said
sale and the terms thereof; and providing for the filing of a remon-
strance against the sale thereof signed by legal electors of the City
of Grand Island, Nebraska, equal in number to thirty per cent (30%)
of the electors of said City, voting at the last regular municipal
election held in said City.
Grand Island, Nebraska~
Section 1. The sale and conveyance of real estate hereinafter
set forth is hereby directed and authorized to The Southern Nebraska
Rural Public Power District.
The property directed and authorized to be sold is described
as follows:
All of Fractional Block Nine (9), Bonnie Brae Add-
ition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
Section2. The manner in which the above described real estate
shall be sold and the terms of said sale are as follows: The Southern
Nebraska Rural Public Power District, the purcl1aser of said real
estate agreES to pay therefore the sum of One Thousand Pi ve Hundred
(1,500.00) dollars and agree to pay said purchase price when a deed
for said premises is signed and delivered. The City shall not be
required to furnish an abstract of title to said property and will
furnish deed containing no warranties.
Section 3. As provided by law, notice of such sale and the
terms thereof shall be published for three consecutive weeks in the
Gra.nd Island Daily Independent, a newspaper ptx]:;}lished in and of
general circulation in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska immediately
after the passage, approval end publication of this ordinance; and
the City Clerk is hereby directed and instructed to prepare and
publish such notice.
Section 4. Authority is hereby granted to the electors of the
Ci ty' of Grand Island, Nebraska, to file a. remonstrance against
Buch sale of said real estate; and if a remonstrance against such
sale be filed b'y legal electors of said City equal in number to
thirty per cent (30$) of the electors of said City, voting at the
last regplar municipal election held in said City be filed With the
Mayor and Council within thirty days after the passage and publi-
cation of this ordinance, said property shall not then, nor within
one year thereafter, be sold.
Section 5. The sale of said real estate is hereby directed,
authorized and confirmed and if no remonstnance be filed against
such sale, the Mayor and City Clerk shall, after the payment of
the purchase price of said real.estate has been made, make, execute
and deliver to the said Southern Nebraska Rural Public Power District
a deed for said real estate without any further action on behalf of
the City Council.
Section 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this 4th day of February , 1942.
q () ~
An ordinance calling a special election of the qualified
'Vo'ters and electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for
the purpose of sU~litting to said electors the proposition of
calling a charter convention of fifteen freeholders of said City
for the purpose of framing a City Charter in confor~mity with the
City Manager plan of government for said City.
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That a special election of the qualified
electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby called
and ordered to be held in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, on
Tuesday, April 7, 1942 at the following respective polling
places, to-wit:
First District: At the election building on Sixth street,
between Vine and Oak Streets.
Second District: At ~le Fire Department building on
Fourth Street, between Pine Street and Locust Streets.
Tlurd District: At the election Building on North Elm
Street, between Sixth and Seventh Streets.
Fourth District: At the election building on West Sixth
street, between Adams and Jefferson Streets.
Fifth District: At the election building on Broadwell
Avenue at Seventeenth Street.
Sixth District: At the Chapel of the Soldiers' and
Sai lor s' Home.
Seventh District: In the basement at the Wasmer School
Building in the 1600 block on West Division street, between
Monroe and Jackson Streets.
Eighth District: At the election building on West
Koenig street1 between Washington and Adams streets.
Ninth District: In the basement of the City Library,
corner of Walnut and Second Streets.
Tenth District: In the City Hall, 210 North Pine Street.
Eleventh District: At the New Fire Station1 corner of
Koenig and Pine Streets.
ORDINANCE #1905 Cont.
Said polling places so designated being the usual polling
places in said City.
Section 2. That the registration books for the revision
and correction of the Registration ~ said City of Grand Island
shall be open at the office of the City Clerk during the time
provided by law preceding such election.
Section 3. Said election shall be open at each of said
polling places in said several voting districts at 9 o'clock in
the forenoon of said day and the polls shall close at 7 o'clock
in the afternoon of said day.
Section 4. The proposition to be voted on by the electors
at said election shall be the following;
uShall the Mayor and City Cmncil of the City of
.Grand Island, Nebraska, call a Charter Convention
of fifteen freeholders who shall have been at
lea~t five years qualified electors of said City
to be elected by the qualified voters of sa~ City
at a speCial election to be held on the ~ day
of ~, 1942 to frrone a city charter:for
the~Ort(fH-d'--Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordance
with the provisions of Article XI of the Constitu-
tion of the state of Nebraska and providing for
the C1 ty Manager plan of government ~lf
Section 5. That the City Clerk of Grand Island" Nebraska"
shall cau se to be prepared ballots for use in said e1ectiion"
said ballots to be printed on white paper and to be designated
as "Official l3allotHtt and upon said ballots shall be printed the
proposition embodied in Section 4 of this ordinance, followed
by the words uYes" and UNo'. and a blank square undeI' each of
said words, and in accordance with the form prescribed in the
general laws relative to elections in the State of Nebraska.
, The proposition embodied in this ordinance shall be desig-
na ted on sa.id ballots as It Proposi tion No.1. It
All electors who favor the affirmative of said proposition
shall make a cross in the blank square opposite the said proposi-
tion and under the word "Yes" and all the electors who are
opposed to said proposition shall make a cross in the blank
square appoai te said proposition and under t~ word. uNo.tt
Section 6. The same number of judges and clerks of election
shall qualify and serve in this election as qualify and serve
in a general election and their duties shall likewise be the soone.
ORDINANCE #1905 Cont.
The returns of said elections shall be made to the Mayor and
Council of said City and by them canvassed upon the first
Monday after said election and the result shall then be
declared by said Mayor and Council.
Section 7. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island,
Neb!'askal shall cause notice of said election to be g1 ven :tn
The Grand Island Independent, a newspaper published in said
Oi tY'1 at least thirt:y days before the election and shall post
notices of said election in each of said voting pr'ec:i.ncts as
pl"ovided by law.
Section 8. The City' Clerl( shall make due return under
oa th to the Mayor and Oi ty Council of said Ci t'Jf on 01' before
the first Monday succeeding the date of said election and on
or before the date prOVided herein for the canvass of the
votes cast at said election shOWing when and where he posted
such election notices, together with a copy of the noti-ce so
posted and shOWing that he caused said notice and this ordinance
to be published as herein and by statute provided, together
with a copy of said notice so published, having attached thereto
an affidavit showing the prlnting and publishing of said notice
and also the printi.ng and l'JUblishing of this ordina.nce.
Section 9. In the event that a majority of the voters
vot1.ng upon said proposi tiol1 at said election is found in favor
of said propos1.tion, the Mayor and City Council shall b~
ol"dinance call a spec:i.al election in accO!'da.nce wi th the terms of
said proposition to be held on the .Li.-'. day of ~, 194,2
in the manner and form provided by law, and shall by said
ordinance pl'ovide for the nominat:i.on of candidatefJ the!'efor.
Section 10. This ordinance shall be in force and take
effect from and after its passage, approval and publication
as provided by law.
Passed and approved this 4th day of March, 1942.
Mayo!' .
An ordinance calling a special election of the qualified
voters of the City ~ Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose
of submitting to said electors the proposition of authcr izing
the Mayor and City Council of said City to purchase under
contract from the School District of the City of Grand Island,
in the County of Hall, in the State of Nebraska, the real
estate known and described as:
Block Eighty-eight (88), Original Town,
nON Ci ty of Grand Island, Hall County,
for the sum of Fit'ty-five Thousand ($55,000.00) Dollars,
Fifteen Thousand ($15,000.00) Dollars of said purchase price
to be paid at the signing of the contract, the balance to be
paid in ten equal annual installments of FOUl" Thousand
($4,000.00) Dollars each Without interest, to be raised by
ORDINANCE #1906 Cont.
question of borrowing money and pledging the property and credit
of the Oity of Grand Island, upon its negotiable bonds, o~ othe~-
wise, in the amount of Fifty-five ($55,000.00) Dollars for the
purpose of constructing, or aiding in the construction of, a
city auditorium and other public buildings in the City of
Grand Island by acquiring land therefor, and
WHEREAS the Mayor and Council have examined said petition
and do hereby find and determine the sarne to be in due form
and signed by more than ten per cent of the legal voters of
said City and that all the provisions of the law have been
fully complied with.
of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska:
SectionYl. That a speCial election of the qualified voters
of the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, is hereby
called and ordered to be held in said City of Grand Island,
Hall County, Nebraska, on Tuesday, the 7th day of April, 1942,
at the following respective voting places, to-wit:
First District: At the election building on Sixth Street,
between Vine and Oak Street..
Second District: At the Fire Department building on
Fourth street, between Pine Street and Locust Streets.
Third District: At the election building on North Elm
Street, between Sixth and Seventh Streets.
Fourth District: At the election building on West Sixth
Street, between Adams and Jefferson Streets.
Fifth District: At the election building on Broadwell
Avenue at Seventeenth Street.
Sixth District: At the Chapel of the Soldiers' and
Sailors' Home.
Seventh District: In the basement at the Wasmer School
Building in the 1600 Block on West Division Street, between
Monroe and Jackson Streets.
Eighth District: At the election building on West
Koenig Street, between Washington and Adams Streets.
Ninth District: In the basement of the City Library,
corner of Wa1mlt and Second Streets.
ORDINANCE #1906 Cont.
Tenth District. In the Oity Hall, 210 North ~ine Street.
Eleventh District: At the New Fire Station" corner of
Koenig and Fine streets.
Said polling places so designated being the usual polling
places in said City and ha. ving been used for said purposes for
many year s .
Section 2. That the registration books for the revision
and co~ection of the registration of said City dt Grand Island
shall be open at the office of the City Clerk during the time
provided by law preceding such election.
Section 3. Said election shall be open at each of said
polling places in said several voting districts at 9 O'clock
in the forenoon of said day and the polls shall close at
7 o'Clock in the afternoon of said day.
Section 4. The proposition to be voted on by the electors
at said election shall be as follows:
It Shall the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand
Island enter into a contract with the School District of
Grand Island" in the County of Hall, in the State of Nebraska"
for the purchase of the real estate known as:
Block Eight~ight (88)" Original Town,
now City Qf Grand Island, Hall County"
for the sum of Fifty-five Thousand ($55,,000.00) DOllars,
Fifteen Thousand ($15,000.00) Dollars of said purc~~se price
to be paid at the signing of the contract, the balance of said
purChase pri ce to be paid in ten equal annual installments of
Four Thousand ($4,,000.00) Dollars each withomt interest, to be
raised by a general tax levy; said property to be used as a
location for, and for the purpose of constructing, or a:i.ding
in the construction of, a city auditorium and other public
buildings; and shall the Mayor and City Council be authorized
to pay the down payment on said land by appropriating Fifteen
Thousand ($15,000.00) Dollars from the surplus earnings in the
light fund of the Light Department of said Ci ty and be authorized
to make an annual levy, for a period of ten years on all cf the
taxable property of said Oity, ~ a tax sufficient to raise the
sum of Fifty-five Hundred ($5500.00) Dollars annually; Four Thousand
ORDINANCE #1906 Cont.
($4,000.00) Dollar s of the ann a.l n t sO I' ai sed to be u sed to pay
said annual installments on the purchase ~ice, the balance
of Fifteen HUndred ($1500.00) Dollars to be used to repay to
the light fund the Fifteen Thousand ($15,000.00) Dollars
appropriated therefrom.1t
Section 5. That the City Clerk or Grand Island, Nebraska,
shall cause to be prepared ballots for use in said election,
said ballots to be printed on white paper and to be designated
as "Official Ballots~ and upon said ballots shall be printed
the proposition embodied in Section 4 of this ordinance,
followed by the words "Yeslt and IINo" and a blank square under
each of said words, and in ac cordance with the form prescribed
in the general laws relative to elections in the State of
The proposition embodied in this ordinance shall be
designated on said ballots as "Proposition No. 2.t.
All electors who favor the affirmative of said proposition
shall make a cross in the blank square opposite said proposition
and under the word t'Yes,t. and all electors who are opposed to
said proposition shall make a cross in the blank square opposite
said proposition and under the word II No ."
Section 6. The same number of judges and clerks of election
shall qualify and serve in said election as qualify and serve in
general elections and their duties shall likewise be the same.
The returns of said election shall be made to the Mayol~ and
Coo ncil of said City and by them CanvasS eO. upon the fi rst Monday
after said election and the result shall then be declared by
said Mayor and Council.
Section 7. The City Clerk or the City cf Grand Island,
Hall County, Nebraska, shall cause notice of said election to be
given in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper pub-
lished in said City,far three successive weeks prior to the date
of said election, as required by law.
ORDINANCE #1906 Cont.
Section 8: The proposition embodied in Section 4. of
this ordinance shall be declared carried if three-fifths of
those voting at said election vote in favor of said proposition;
and if said proposition is declared carried, the Mayor and
Oity Council shall thereafter, for a period of ten years, levy
sufficient taxes to make the annual installments of Four
Thousand ($4,000.00) Dollars each on the purchase price of
said real estate, and levy sufficient taxes to make the annual
installments of Fifteen HUndred ($1500.00) Dollars to repay to
the Light Department the sum of Fifteen Thousand ($15,000.00)
Dollars appropriated from said fund.
Section 9. This ordinance shall be in force and take
effect from and after its passage, approval and publication
as provided by law.
Passed and approved this 4th day of March, 1942.
ORDINAl'l"CE NO. 1907
An ordina.nce creating Water Main District No. 88 in the
City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof,
providing for the laying of a \Vater Main in said District and
providing for the payment of the cost of construction thereof.
City of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That there is hereby created aViateI' lvIain
District in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known
and designated as Water Main District No. 88 of the City of
Grand Island" Nebraska.
Section 2. Said Water Main District shall consist of
that part of Greenwich Avenue commencing at the North property
line of Nebraska Avenue thence North six hundred (600) feet
thence west from the west property line of Greenwich Avenue
for a distance of one hundred tlurty-two (132) feet.
Section 3. Said water main in said district is hereby
ordered laid" as provided by law" and in accordance with the
plans and specifications governing Water Mains" heretofore
established by the City.
Section 4. That the entire cost of construction of said
Water Main shall be assessed against the abutting property in
said District, a tax shall be leVied to pay for the cost of the
construction of said Dist!'ict as soon as the cost can be
ascertained, said tax to become payillble and delinquent and draw
interest as follows, to-wit: One-fifth (1/51' of the total
amount shall become delinquent in fifty days after such levy;
one-fifth (1/5) in one year; one-fifth (1/5) in two years;
one-fifth (1/5) in three years; one-fifth (1/5) in four years.
Each of said installments, except the first, shall draw interest
at the rate of seven per cent (7%) per annum from the time of the
aforesaid levy until they shall become delinquent" and after the
same become delinquent" interest at the rate of nine per cent (9%)
per annum shall be paid thereon until the same shall be collect-
ed and paid; such special taxes shall be enforced as in case of
other special taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on
ORDINANCE NO. 1902. (Con t . )
said real estate from and after the date of the levy thereon.
Section 5. This oxdinance shall be in force and take
effect from and after its passage, approval and publication,
as provided by law.
Passed and approved by tbree-fourths (t) of the members
of the City Council of the City of Grand ISland, Nebraska,
this lOth day of March, 1942.
AT'l'EST ;;
AN ORDINANCE regulating the location, establishment, equipnent,
and maintenan:ce of pu blic camps for cabins, camp care, trailers,
and other enclosures for li ving ~r sleeping purposes; providing
for the safety and sanitation of same; providing for the issuance
of permits and the collection of fees therefor; providing for the
giving of a bond by all persons to INhom permits are issued; pro-
viding for an inspection and service charge and the collection ther'eof
and providing penalties for the violation thereof.
of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1 DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this
ordinance the following terms and defini tions shall prevail:
To camp. The term Uto camp" shall be deemed to in-
elude the using or erecting, placing or location, for the use
of a house, cabin, tent, camping outfit, automobile, auto
trailer or other enclosure for living or sleeping purposes.
Public Ga:rl~ The term "public campll shall be deemed to
include any park, court, camp, place, area, or tract of land
upon 'which are located, or which is designed, maintained or
intended for the purpose of supplying location or accommoda-
tions for, two or more camping parties using or erecting for
use, any house, cabin, tent, camping outfit, automobile, ,auto
trailer, or other enclosuI'e for living or sleeping' purposes,
by day, weel{ or month, whether a charge is made therefor or
not, and having a common use of any part thereof or any con-
venience thereon.
Trailer. The term Utrailer" shall be deemed to include
any vehicle or structure so designed, and constructed in such
manner, as will permit occupancy thereof as sleeping quarters
for one or more persons, or the conduct of any business or
profession, occupation or trade, or used as a selling or
advertising device, and so designated that it is or may be
mounted on wheels and used as a conveyance on highways er
city streets propelled or drawn by its own or other motive
~ or Unit Space. The term ltunitU or Ilunit spacell
shall be deemed the ground space as actually set aside herein
in and by a public c~np for occupancy by and use in connectian
with any single cabin, camp car, trailer, or other enclosure
for li ving or sleeping purposes.
Section 2. PERMIT TO CAlViP 'rEMPORARILY. It shall be
unlawful for any person to camp upon any land or premises
within the City, except at a duly registered and approved
public camp, without first having secured permission so to
do from the Board of Health. Application for such permis-
sion shall be made in writing to the Board of Health,
accompanied by written permission from the owner of the
property upon which such person proposes to camp. The
granting of such permisSion shall be discretionary with
said Board of Health, taking into consideration the loca-
tion of the premises, available sanitary facilities, and
the general welfare and safety of the public; provided,
however, that in no event shall such permission be granted
for a period to exceed forty-eight (48) hours, and such
permit may not be renewed or extended. It shall be unlaw-
ful for any person to permit a person to camp upon land or
premises owned or controlled by him unless a permit so to
do shall have been issued by the Board of Health.
Section 3. PERMIT FOR PUBLIC CAMP. It shall be un-
lawful for any person to open, conduct, establish, or main-
tain any place of ground as or for the purpose of a public
camp, unless a permit so to do shall have first been
issued by the City Council of the City.
Section 4. TERM OF' YB1{MIT. All permits granted
hereunder shall expire on the 31st day of December
following date of issuance, unless sooner revoked.
Section 5. APPLICATION FOrt PJERIVIIT. Application for
a permi t for a public camp shall be made in writing to the
City Clerk, upon forms provided by the City fOD that pur-
pose, giving the name and residence of the applicant; the
nmne and residence of the person who will be in direct
control and management thereof; the location and size of the
grounds proposed to be used as a public camp; a plat of said
proposed location showing the number and location of each
uni t or unit space; water service available upon said grounds
toilet facilities on, or proposed to be installed on said
grounds; proposed means of disposing of garbage and sewage
accumulating; electric facilities available; the type of
building, or buildings, to be erected thereon.
Section 6. ISSUANCE OF PERMIT. Before a permit for
such a public camp is issued, the Board of Health shall
investigate the premises and determine whether or not said
proposed camp ground and the site selected therefor con-
forms with the requirements of this ordinance the rules
and regulations adopted hereunder, and the laws of the
State of Nebraska. Before recommending the issuance of any
such permit, the Board of Health shall ascertain, in writing,
from the Building Inspector whether or not all of the
ordinances with respect to buildings and zoning regulations
have been complied with, that whether or not all of the
ordinances with respect to plumbing installations, sewer
and water servi,ce have been complied with, that whether or
not all of the ordinances with respect to electrical in-
stallations have been complied with; and provided further,
that approval of the person owning, controlling and/or
managing said public camp shall be obtained from the Chief
of Police of the City. No permit shall be issued by the
City unless all of the foregoing requirements of this
section have beensatisfactor~ly met, and the City Council
may in its discretion reject any proposed camp site.
Section 7. ill RMIT FEE. If the City Counc! I grants
such permit to any such applicant, it shall thereupon
direct the City Clerk to issue such permit upon pre- pay-
ment of a permit fee in the amount of Fifteen ($15.00)
Dollars to the City Treasurer, which fee shall be paid
annually; and which shall expire on the 31st day of Dec-
ember of the year issued.
Section 8. BOND REQUIRED. Before any such permit
be granted for the operation of any such public camp, the
person, firm, corporation, or association applying for
said permit shall give a good and sufficient corporate
surety bond to the City of Grand Island, 'Nebraska in the
sum of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars, said bond to
be approved by the Mayor and City Council conditioned on
the faitlrtu1 performance of the trust imposed by the
provisions of this ordinance.
Any permit granted hereunder shall be sub~ect to re-
vocation or suspension in the following manner:
A notice shall be served on the person holding said
permit, setting forth wherein permittee has failed to com-
ply With this ordinance, and citing him to appear before
the City Council at a day and hour therein specified
not less than three days nor more than seven days after
the personal service of said notice on such permittee, or
his agent in charge of said camp -- and show cause, if any,
why said permit should not be revoked or suspended. At
the time and place mentioned in said notice, the permittee
shall have the right to appear in person, or by counsel,
and to introduce such evidence as he may desire.
Section 10. TRANSFER OF' PJ1;RMIT. Subject to all the
provisions herein, such permit may be transferred, without
payment of additional permit fee, upon the written app1ica-
tion to the City Council by the holder thereof.
Section 11. PERMIT
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corponat:ton;:bo
establish, maintain, conduct, or carryon any pUlb1ic camp
unless there be, at all times, posted in a conspiCUOUS
place at said public camp, the permit issued therefor in
accordance with the provisions of this ordinance,
.~ ,lA...'~ Section 12.
~ ~<$c
There is
onDINANGE NO# ~ (Gont.)
c:herebY imposed a service and inspection charge of ten cents
;; (lO~) per day, per unit on the occupant or occupants of each
~ unit of public camps having a permit hereunder. The permittee
, of each public camp shall collect this service and inspection
J charge for and on behalf of the City of Grand Island, and
~shall pay the same over to the City Treasurer on or before
the 5th day of each month after said permit has been issued,
and the amount so paid to said City Treasurer shall be in
accordance and. consistant with the record kept by the per-
mittee in the camp register as hereinafter provided.
Section 13, CARETAKER. It shall be unlawful for any
person, firm or corporation to establish, maintain, conduct
or operate a public camp Within the City, unless said croup
shall be pr'ovided, at all times, wi th a caretaker whose
duty it shall be to enforce all rules and regulations
prescribed by the City as to conduct, health and sanitary
regulations for such camps.
Section 14, REGISTER REQUIRED. It shall be unlawful
for any person as permittee, or as caretaker, of any public
camp to fail to ke ep a record of all camping parties,
specifying the date of arrival of the cronping party,full
name and permanent address of each person in the cronping
party; the name of the owner, make of automobile, regis-
tration number of automobile - including year, state and
place of issuance, said register shall at all times be
open for inspection to all police officers or other officials
of the Ci t'y .
Every person owning or operating, or caring for, a public
camp shall maintain such camp, ground and toilets, baths
or other permanent equipment in connection therewi th, in
a clean and sani tar'Y condition and shall maintain said
equipnent in a state of good repair; and shall in all
respects comply with all the ordinances of the City.
Section 16. RULES AJlJ1) HEGULATIONS. The City Council
may, from time to time, by resolution, prescribe such rules
and regulations as may be deemed necessa:r'y governing the
ORDINAlIJCE NO.. 1908 (Cont.)
operation of camp grounds, camp care, trailer and Cabins
bearing on any matters of sanitation or housing.
Section 17. LOCATION OF CAMP. The location of any
public camp shall be in compliance with the zoning
re~llations of the City.
camp ground shall be laid out with an available unit space
of not less than 1000 square feet for each camp car, trailer
or other camp facility, except that 1200 square feet shall
be available fox' each cabin, No greater number of camping
parties shall be allowed than there are available spaces,
and no more than one family shall be permitted to occupy
any unit or unit space. Campi cars, trailers or cabins
shall be arranged in rows abutting or facing on a drive-
way or clear unoccupied space of not less than thirty (30)
feet in width to be measured from unit line to unit line,
which space shall have unobstructed access to a public
street or alley. No cabin, camp car, trailer or other
camping facility shall be placed nearer to any unit lot
line than fi ve fe et.
Section 19. DRAINAGE OF PREMISES. Every pu bli c camp
shall be located on a well drained area and the premises
of every such camp ground shall be properly graded so as to
prevent the accumulation of storm or casual waters.
Section 20. WATER SUPPLY. An adequate supply of clean,
pu 1"'e water from the City's water system, for drinking and
domestic purposes shall be supplied to meet the requirements
of said camp ground, Said water supply shall be obtained
from faucets only, located within two hundred (200) feet of
any part of any such pU'blic camp. No dipping vessels or
common cups shall be permitted.
Section 21. TOILETS. Flush water closets for each
sex shall be provided in separ'ate compartments, wi thin a
reasonable di'stance of any part of any public camp. Not
less than one (1) water closet shall be provided for each
fifteen (15) persons, or fractional part thereof, of each
The water closets shall be distinctly marked uFor II/renll
ORDINA:NOE NO.. .ll2..Q.8. (Oont;.)
and "For Women" and the location of the water closets
shall be plainly indicated by signs. All water closets
and compartments containing bathing facili ties shall be
connected with a public sewer and all plumbing installations
shall be in compliance with theorclinances of the City
pertaining thereto. All water closets or c0mpartments
containing bathing facili t1.es shall be kept clean and
free from noxious odors, flies, or other insects and
shall be well ventilated, and shall be provided with
sufficient lighting facilities which shall be kept lighted
during the time from one-half hour after sunset until one-
half hour before sunrise.
Section 22. GARBAGE. There shall be provided in
every camp ground, for each unit space, a tight receptac.le
with close fitting metal cover for garbage, ashes and
rubbish, and such garbage receptQcle shall at all times
be maintained in a clean and sanitary conc11 tion. It
shall be unlawful for any person to deposit any garbage,
ashes, rubbish, or other waste materials in any place wi thin
any public camp, except in a receptacle so provided.
Section 23. SLOP SINKS. There shall be provided for
each uni t space in every public camp, a receptacle for slop
and waste water; and there shall also be provided in every
public camp one or more slop sinks properly connected wi th
the City Sewer system, said sinks to be conveniently located
at no greater di stance than one hundred (100) feet from any
cabin, house or camping site. It shall be unlawful for any
person to throw or deposi t any slops or' waste liquids at any
other place within such camp than in such slop sinks.
Section 24. REFUSE AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL. It shall be
unlawful to permit any waste water or material from sinks
baths, showers, or other plumbing fixtures tn any public
camp ground to be depoai ted upon the surface of the ground,
and all au Crl fixtures, when in use, mu st be connected to
the City sewer system.
Section 25. LIGWfING. Every public camp shall be
ORDINANCE NO. 1908 (Cont.)
provided with means for adequately lighting, same at night
by electricity, and shall be kept lighted during the night;
each uni t or unit space shall be provided with an electric
service outlet, installed and maintained in accordance with
the electrical ordinances of the City.
shall be unlawful for any person owning or operating a
public camp to remove or cause or permit to be removed, the
wheels or to other wise permanently fix it to the ground
in a manner that would prevent the ready removal of said
camp car or trailer, without first, obtaining a permit
to do so from the Building Inspector of the City. Any
alterations to any camp car or trailer, as above set
forth, shall be construed as removing it from the require-
ments of this ordinance and converting it into a dwelling
and it shall thereupon be subject to the requirements of the
Building Code of the City.
Section 27. ANIMALS AT LARGE.. It shall be unlawful
for any person to permit any animal to run at large in any
public camp.
Section 28. INFLAMMABLE LIQUIDS.. It shall be unlaw-
ful for any person to have within any camp car, trailer
or cabin, any quantity of gasoline or other inflamrnable
liquid in excess of one gallon; and it shall be unlawful
for any person to have upon any unit or unit space any
quanti ty of gasoline or other inflB.l11.mable liquid in excess
of two gallons, provided, this provision shall not apply
to the regular operating tanks upon motor vehicles.
Section 29. AUTHORITY OF OFFICES. Any officer,
official or employee of the City shall have the right and
is hereby empowered to enter upon the premises of any
public camp ground now operating or which may hereafter be
operated wi thin the City to inspect the same and all
accommodations connected therewith and all camp car s,
trailers, or cabins located thereon.
Section 30. VALIDITY. If any section, subsection,
ORDIN ANCE NO _ 1908 (Con t .)
sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any
reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not
affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ord-
inance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have
passed this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence,
clause and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that
anyone or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses
or phrases be declared unconstitutional.
Section 31. PENALTY. Any person upon whom a duty is
placed by the provisions of this ordinance who shall fail,
neglect or refuse to perform such duty or who shall violate
any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemenaor and upon conviction thereof shall
be fined in any sum not to exceed One Hundred ($100.00)
Dollars, and shall stand committed to the city jail until
such fine and costs of prosecution are paid. Each day that
a violation of this ordinance continues shall constitute a
separate and distinct offense, and shall be punishable as such.
Section 32. This ordinance shall be in force and take
effect from and after its passage, approval and publication
as provided by law.
Passed and approved this lOth day of March, 1942.
ATrrEST:. .' ~/
Ci ty Clerk.
An ordinance authorizing and directing the sale of certain
real estate belonging to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
providing the manner in which the same sl~ll be sold and the
terms of said sale; providing for the giving of notice Q the
sale of said real estate and the terms thereof; and, providing
for the right to file a remonstrance against the sale thereof
signed by legal electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
equal in number to thirty per cent (30%) of the e1ectors of the
City of Grand Island, Nebraska, voting at the last regular
munici pal election held in said City.
BE I'll ORDAINED BY 'rHE IV1A~{OE. AND CIfl~' COUNCIL of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. The sale and conveyance .of real estate herein-
after described is hereby directed and authorized to Harry
Collj.ns of the City of Grand I sland, Nebraska.
The property directed and authorized to be conveyed is
described as follows:
Lot Five (5) Block Ten (10) Schirr~er's Addition
to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
Section 2. The manner and terms of such sale of said real
estate are as follows: The said purchaser, Harry Collins will
purcbase said real estate and pay therefore the total sum of
Two-Hundred 'lWenty-fi ve ($225.00) Dollars. The purChaser has
paid to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska the sum of Fifty ($50.00)
Dollars on said purchase price as a down payment and will pay
the balance of One Hundred Seventy-fi ve ($175.00) Dollars when
the City executes and delivers to the said purchaser a Quit
Claim Deed for said real estate and the Ci ty shall not be 1"e-
ouired to furnish to the purchaser an Abstract of Title.
Section 3. As provided by law, notice of such sale and the
terms thereof shall be published for tbree consecutive weeks in
the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper published in and
of general circulation in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
immediately after the passage and publication of this ordinance;
and the City Clerk is hereby directed and instructed to prepare
and publish said notice.
Section 4.. Authority is hereby granted to the electors
of the City of Grand Island" Nebraska, to file a remonstrance
against the sale of said real estate; and if' a remonstrance
against said sale signed by legal electors of' said City equal in
number to thirty per cent (30]6) of the electors of said City
voting at the last regular election held in said City be filed
with the Mayor and Council of said City within thirty days of the
passage and publication of this ordinance, said property shall
not then" nor within one year thereafter be sold.
Section 5. The sale of said real estate is hereby directed,
authorized and confirmed; and if no remonstrance be filed against
such sale, the Mayor' and City Clerk shall, make, execute and
deli ver to the said Harry Collins a Q,ui t Claim Deed foy- said
property and the execution of said deed is hereby authorized
without further action on behalf of the City Council.
Section 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication as required
by law.
Passed and approved this _~,~~,<?-_ day of Marcb, 1942.
1((' C
An Ordinance appropriating and condemning private
property in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the use
of said City for a public park, as follows: Blocks 13, 14 and
'15, all in Koehler Subdivision, being a part of the Southeast
quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 11 North,
Range 9, West 6th Principal Meridian, and part of Lo~ 14, County
Subdivision of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of said
Section 15, Township 11 North, Range 9 West of the 6th Principal
Meridian, Hall County, Nebraska, save and except the South 70
feet of the West 70 feet of Block 15, more particularly described
as follows:
Commencing at the southwest corner of said Block 15,
thence running east upon the south boundary line of said Block
for a distance of 70 feet, thence north parallel with the west
boundary line of said Block 15 for a distance of 70 feet, thence
west parallel with the south boundar,y line of said Block 15 for
a distance of 70 feet to the west boundary line of said Block
15, thence south along said west 'boundary line to the place of
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska, find that it is necessary that private
property wi thin the bounds hereinafter more defini tely described,
all wi thin the said ci ty, be appropriated and condemned for park
SECTION 1. That the following described real property,
consis ting of a strip of land as hereinafter designated, be, and
the same is hereby appropriated for the use of the City of Grand
Island, Nebraska, for park purposes, under and by virtue of
Sections 16-601, 16-602, and 16-603 of the compiled statutes of
the State of Nebraska.
SJtJCIl'ION 2. The land so appropriated and condemned for
park purposes is described as follows:
ORDINANCE 1910 Cont.
Blocks 13, 14, and 15. all in Koehler Subdivision,
being a part of the Southeast Quarter of the South-
west Quarter of Section 15, Township 11 North,
Range 9. West 6th Principal Meridian, and part of
Lot 14, Cou.nty Subdivision of the West Half of the
Southwest Quarter of said Section 15, Township
11 Notnh, Range 9 West of the 6th Principal
Meridian, Hall County, Nebraska, save and except
the South 70 feet of the West 70 feet of Block
15, more particula,rly described as fall owe:
Commencing at the southwest corner of said Block
15, thence running east upon the south boundary
line of said Block for a dis tance of 70 feet,
thence north parallel with the west boundary line
of said Block 15 for a distance of 70 feet, thence
west parallel with the south boundary line of said
Block 15 for a distance of 70 feetIDthe west boundary
line of said Block 15, thence south along said west
boundary line to the place of beginning.
SECTION 3. That the following disinterested freeholders
in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, are hereby appoi~ted to assess
the damages accruing to the owner or owners of the real estate
and rights appropriated:
A.W.Campbe11 511 West Sixth Street
H.Falldorf 203 South Locust Street
Theodore P.Boehm 308 West Tenth Street
all in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and, who shall receive
as compensation for their services the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00)
per day for the time necessarily occu.pied in assessing said
damages. Said assessors shall meet in the Council Ohamber of
the City Hall in said Oity of Grand Island on the 30th day of
April, 1942, at the hour of 2 o'clock P.M.; and after taking
oath to discharge their duties faithfully and impartially shall
on the same day, or as soon thereafter as practical, make, sign
and return to the Oity Clerk in writing a just and fair appraise-
ment of the damages for the lots for piece of property, the whole
or part of which or rights in which are to be appropriated.
SECTION 4. Payment of the damages for the appropria-
tion of said private property shall be paid out of the General
Fund of said City.
SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall be in1TIorce and take
effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as
provided by law.
Passed and approved
^ '
th~~ ' 1942,
-=: ~ -
AT~I /~
I,F.S.White,duly elected,qualified and acting
City Clerk of the 6ity of G~and Island,Nebraska,hereby certlfy
that on the ~8th day of April 194a,I served a copy of the fore-
going Drdinahce #1910 on Fred Voss,M.M.Lingeman and Lola Lingeman
and Sallie Nagle by delivering to their usual place of residence
a copy of the Grand Island,Independent,anews~aper of daily and
general c.1rculation of said City, the copy of which was the issue
of March 30,1942 and which contained a copy of said Ordinance
#1910 printed therein;and that at the time of delivery said news-
paper was so marked as to call the attention of said parties to
the Ordinance printed in said newspaper.
Witness my hand and official seal of the
City of Grand ISland,Nebraska,this 20th day of April,1942.
City Clerk.
An ordinance authorizing and directing the sale of' certain
real estate belonging to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
ppoviding for the manner in which the same shall be sold and the
terms of said sale; providing for the giving of notice of the
sale of said real estate and the te~us thereof'; and, providing
for the right to file a remonstrance against the sale thereof
signed by legal electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
equal in number to thirty per cent (30%) of the electors of
said City, votil'ig.at the last regu lal~ municipal election held
in said City.
BE IT ORDAINW Bi '.ehl:!': lvlAlOh AND Crrri COUNCIL of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. The sale and conveyance of real estate he1'ein-
after described is hereby directed and authorized to Roy Brown
of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
The property directed and authorized to be conveyed ii:il
described as follows:
The West Forty-four (44) feet of Fractional Lot
One (1), Block Twenty-six (26), Nagy's Addition
to ~he Ci ty of Grand Island, and its compliment
Fractional Lot One (1), Block ~#enty-six (26)
Original Town now the City of Grand Island and
Fractional Lot Two (2), Block Twenty-six (26),
Nagy's Addition to the City of Grand Island, and
its compliment Fractional Lot Two (2), Block (26)
Original Town now the City of Grand Island,Nebraska.
Section 2. The manner and terms of su ch sale of s;dd real
estate are as follows; The purchaser>, Roy Brown, will purchase
said real estate and pay therefore the total sum of Nine Hundred
Seven ($907.00) Dollars. The pur chaser has paid tb the City
the aum of Four Hundred ($400.00) Dollars on said purchase price
as a down payment and will pay the ba1ande of F'i ve Hundred Seven
($507) Dollars when the City executes and deliver's to the pur-
chaser aLQuit Claim Deed for said real estate" and the City shall
not be required to furnish to the purChaser an Abstract of Title.
Section 3. As Pl'ovided by law, notice of such sale and the
terms thereof shall be publis1Wd for three consecll.'1i!:li ve weeks in
the Grand Island Daily Independent" a newspaper published in and of
general circulation in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, immedia-
tely';after the passage and pu blication of this ordinance; and the
ORDINANCE NO.. 1..2!l.. (COwr.)
Ci toy Clerk is hereby directed and instructed to prepare and
publish said notice.
Section 4. Authority is hereby granted to the electors of
the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to file a remonstrance against
the sale of said real estate; and if a remonstrance against said
sale signed by legal electors of said City equal in number to
thirty per cent (30/~) of the electors of said City voting at the
last regular election held in said City be filed with the Mayor
and Council of said City within thirty days of the passage and
publication of this ordinance, said property shall not then, nor
wi thin one year thereaftel' be sold.
Section 5. The sale of said real estate is hereby directed,
authorized and confirmed; and if no remonstrance be filed against
such sale, the Mayor and City Clerk shall, make, execute and delive
to the said Roy Brown, a Quit Claim Deed for said property and the
execution of said deed is hereby authorized without further action
on behalf of the City Council.
Section6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication as required
by law.
Passed and approved this 27th day of March, 1942.
A~'r: ~~
.-..-' \ '. 1-
An ordlnarwe Cl~ea ting a gra ir,:;1 is L:c'.t ct 1n the C1 ty of Ch"t1.nd
Island, NC'br'[.;.ska, defining the bounda:ei es tr.lOI'Gof, pl~oviding fox'
the gr'aveling of the streets in said distx'ict, ;l:.1d pI'O v1.:\i
the lev;ying of special a;:lsei3mnents to pay fOl' the cost of
gI'aveling :Ln said district and the col1ect:l.on of the eost
BE 1'1' OHl!AINBD BY 'l'ItlE J'!l/~Y"(.Ih AND 01'l1Y GOUNGLL of the City 0['
(}:r").nd I s land, N e brils};a:
8.oct;I(1111. Ttu:vt tl}.fJr~() is hex~el)~l cr~ea~te(i a e;Tllrlvel d.18t~ei.(~t irl tlle
Ci ty of Gl'o..nd I 81o.n::1, No b:1:'8.
:? to .be ]ulOwn and ('lesignat
~1 fj
Gravel D1stl'l(:t No. 20 of the City of Gr'and Island, l'Tebrs.:Jka.
See GlOD. 2. Said Gl'a vel Di 8-(;1'1 ct 8h::l.11 consj st of th9.t pal't or
OL:lahoma Avenue f:t.ow J..JOClWt Street to Glr.n"};: Stx'eet; Phoenix
A venu e f:eom Locu s l.; streot to Adams st:.t.'eet; Cn1ifor'tdtl A V(:JllU e
fr'om Phoenix Avenue to lr0b:t'atlk~1. Avonue; Clark St:t'oct from
rboelnt.x Avenue to Alter Avenue; Gr'eenwich Avcmuo from Pllou:nix
Avcrrue to Nebx',s.skal\.venue; and Alter Avenue fl"'Olll Locust Stl~eet
to Califol~nia Avenue.
Section 3. Said s'treots in said gravel
strict are hereby
o:l:'oe1'Oo gx'aveled, as prov:i.ded by law, and in aceo1'clance v/l.th t::18
plans and s peeifi catIons governing gr8.vt~l dj stl~:t eGS 8-f3 heretofore
0sta b11 shed hy tho 01 t;1" and sal.d graveJ.in['; 8h8011 be thl.C'ty (30)
feot in v/i.dth..
Sect:i.o:n Ll. That authol'ity is he1'ob;1 granted to the OVmerE\ of the
l' 0 C 01'(1 ti t 1 e" r e pI' 0 S en ti ng a mo. j or i t Y 0 f t 1](3 a 1)1..1 t t 1
:Pl~() I)C3:tf t.y
Ov\Tners 5n said c1istri at, ':It the time of the ono.ctment of thi s
to file with the City
Olp~~ WJ"thJ."n t'J'!en~V (?n)
J~ ..l,. _ ~_ ,..L J _~ Vu . ."V
cl['1:Ys f~ronl
tIle fil'st ~publicat:to:n of th1[-) ()1'dinance c:t'ent:tng 3D.iel distr'J.ct, 8.S
1h-ovidc(} by lav!, V!l'i tten ob:) ectlons to t:le graveling of sa
stl-'(}ot s
in said district.
Section 5. That tho entire cost of graveling said streets
said district shall
assessed against the lots, ,tracts, and
pap eels of land especi ally benof i tod the:t~e b,y, in pl'opol'tlon to
S1J ell IJenofi LEi to be c1ett:n'milH.iJ by the Mo..ror' and C1"by Counc:ll
as by lav! provhlod.
Sectj.on 6. rph1s ordinance Ghall be in fOY'ce and talce effect
OHDINAlrc:E; NO. 1912 (CONT)
from and after its passage, approval and publicati.on, as
pro g:l.<1ed by laV!.
Passed and ariprovod tb.is l'5'th Clay of ApI'i.l, 194~;.
>I!J-.~-'. : rr-
{ a:yol'.------
A1"I'11:3'1'; L
~*~~o/ .__~.6____-_--
::~'~~i";;:t':l C 1 er k .
An ordinance appropriating and condemning private
property for the use of the City of Grand Island, Hall
County, Nebraska, the same to be used as the location for
a new well for the Water Department in Lot Six (6) in
Block itA" in Park-View Subdivision, located in the
Northeast Quarter of Section 29, and in the northwest
Quarter of Section 28, all in Township 11, North, Range
9, West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, and
providing for the procedure in appropriating such
private property.
WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of the
City of Grand Island, Nebraska, find that it is necessary
that certain property, consisting of a tract or parcel
of land within the boundaries hereinafter more definitely
designated, all within the County of Hall and the State
of Nebraska, be appropriated and condemned as a location
for a new well for the Water Department of the City of
Grand Island.
CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
SECTION NO.1. That the following described
property as hereinafter designated, be and the same is
hereby appropriated for the use of the City of Grand
Island~ Nebraska, as a location for a new well for the
Water Department of the City of Grand Island, under and by
virtue of Sections 16-601, 16-602, and 16-603, of the
Compiled Statutes of the State of Nebraska, for the year
of 1929:
ORDINANCE #1913 Cont.
Lot Six ( 6) in Block "A" in Park-view Sub-
d~vision, located in the Northeast Quarter
(NE~) of Section Twenty Nine (29), and in
the Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty-
Eight (28), All in Township Eleven (11),
North, Range Nine (9), West of the Sixth
P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska.
SECTION NO.2. That the following disinterested
freeholders of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, are
hereby appointed to assess the damages accruing to the
owner' of the real estate appropriated, namely;
Bert Phl11ips,A.J.Guendel and Carl Knickrehm
all of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and who shall
receive as compensation for their services the sum of
Five Dollars ($5.00) per day of the time necessarily occupied
in the appraisement thereof. Said assessors shall meet in
the Council Chamber in the City Hall mn the City of Grand
Island, Nebraska, on the 20th day of May
, 1942, at
2 o'clock P.M., and after taking oath to discharge their
duties faithfully and impartially, shall, on the same day,
view the property appropriated; and on the same day, or as
soon thereafter as practicable, make, sign, and return to
the City Clerk in writing, a just and fair assessment of
the damages to each piece or lot of property, the whole
or part of which is to be appropriated.
SECTION NO.3. Payment of damages assessed for the
appropriation of such ~~!~~~ property may be paid out of
the Water Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
SECTION NO.4. This ordinance shall be in force
and take effect frpm and after its passage, approval, and
publication as by law provided.
Passed and approved this 15th day of April, 1942.
I,F.S.White,duly electep,qualified and acting
. City Clerk of the City of Grand Island,Nebraska,hereby certify
that on or about the the 1st day of May,1942,I served a copy of
the forego~ng Ordinance #1913 on the Stolley Trust Estate,through
their President,Emil Stolley~who come to my office,and latter
a copy of said pape~ containing the above men~~oned Ordinance
was delivered to Emil Roeser,Sec'y of the stolley Trust Estate,
and his attention was duly called to, th~ said Ordinance,which
was duly printed in the Grand Island Daily Independent on the
l8th.day.of April,1942,and ~hat the attention of the above men-
tioned Emil Stolley and Emil Roeser was called to said Ordinance
#1913 at the time of delivery.
Witness my hand and official seal this 4th
day of May,1942.
City Clerk.
(... -.t
An ordinance to regulate the production, transportation, pro-
cessing, handling, sampling, examination, grading, labeling, regrad-
ing, and sale of milk and milk products; the tnspection of dairy
herds, dairies, and milk plants; the issuing and revocation of per-
mits to milk producers and distributors; the placarding of restau-
rants and other establishments serving milk or milk ~oducts; and
~oviding for the collection of fees; and providing penalties for
the violation of the provisions of this ordinance; and repealing
Ordinance No. 12~5 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict
J J.
Grand Island, N~'J:)raska:
SEOTION 1. The production, transportation, processing, handlin~
sampling, examination, grading, labeling, regrading, and sale of all
milk and milk products sold for ultimate consumption within the City
of Grand ISland, Nebraska, or its police jurisdiction, the inspect-
ion of dairy herds, dairies, and milk plants, the issuing and revo-
cation of permits to milk producers and distributors, the placarding
of restaurants and other establishments serving milk or milk product;
providing for the collection of fees, and the providing of penalties
for the violation of the provisions of this ordinance shall be reg-
ulated in accordance with the terms of the unabridged form of the
1939 edition of the United States Public Health Service milk ordi-
nance, three (3) copies of which shall be on fi:).e in the office of
the City Clerk: Provided, That the blank spaces following the words
lIci ty ofn in said unabridged flOrID shall be understood to refer to
the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; Prov.!?ed further, That sections
8, 16, and 17 of said unabridged form shall be replaced, respectivel:
by sections 2, 3, and ~ below.
SECTION 2. From and after sixty (60) days from the date on
which this ordinance takes effect, no milk or milk products shall
be sold to the final consumer, or to restaurants, soda fountains,
grocery stores, or similar establishments except Grade A: Provided,
that When any milk distributor fails to qualify for the above grade
the health officer is authorized to revoke his permit, or in lieu
thereof to degrade his product for at least seven days and permit
its sale during a temporary period not exceeding thirty days of in
emergencies for such longer period as he may deem necessary.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be enforced by the health
officer in accordance with the interpetaaions thereof contained
in the 1939 edition of the Uni ted States Health Service Milk Code,
3 certified copies of which shall be on file in the City Clerk's
SECTION 4. Any person, firm, corporation or association vio-
lating the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction be
deemed guilty of a misdem~r and upon conviction shall be fined
in any sum not exceeding One HUndred ($100.00) Dollars and shall
stand committed until such fine and costs are paid. Each and every
violation of the prOvisions of this ordinance shall constitute a
separate offense.
SECTION 5. The Mayor and Eity Council shall appoint the
health officer or inspector to enforee the provisions of this
ordinance, and may appoint as many assistants as may be necessary.
SECTION 6. All persons, firms, corporations, or associations
productng milk and milk products, for ultimate consumption within
the City of Grand Island, Nebraska or its police jurisdiction shall
register With the health officer or inspector who shall provide
a registration card or certificate to said producer. All such
producers shall register with the health officer or inspector
on the 1st day of May of each year or at such times as such
registrant becomes a producer Within the meaning of this ordinance.
All such registrations shall expire on the 1st day of May follOWing
the date it is issued.
All persons, firms, corporations, or associations, distri-
buting milk and milk products, for ultimate consumption within
the City of Grand Island, Nebraska or its police jurisdiction shall
register with the health officer or inspector who shall provide
a registration card or certificate to said distributor. All such
distributors shall register with the health officer or inspector
on the 1st day of May of each year or at such times as such reg-
istrant becomes a distributor within the meaning of this ordinance.
All such registrations shall expire on the 1st day of May following
the date it is issued.
SECTION 7. The foll~.lng fees shall be charged for the
registrations provided for in the next two preceding paragraphs
of this ordinance, which registration fee shall be paid to the
~ea1th officer or inspector at the time of such registration.
(a) Milk producers One Dollar ($1.00) per year.
Milk Distributors Five Dollars ($5.00) per year.
SECTION 8. In addition to the fees herein provided there
shall also be a service and inspection fee on all milk sold for
ultimate consumption ,within the City of Grand Island~ Nebraska
or its police jurisdiction in the amount of Three Cents (3ft')
per One Hundred (lOO) pounds. The service and inspection fee
herein provided shall be collected by the distributor of milk
who shall keep an accurate account of the same and on the 5th
day of each month the amount so collected shall be paid by said
milk distributor to the City Treasurer. The milk distributor
whose duty it is to collect~ anQ)said fee shall furnish the C~y
Treawurer with a complete, accurate account of all milk sold
during each month and pay the fee or fees as herein provided.
A copy of said record showing the amount sold shall also be
furnished to the health officer or inspector by such distributor.
SECTION 9. Ordinance No. 1245 of the ordinances of the
City of Grand Island~ Nebraska and all other ordinances and parts
of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
SECTION 10. The regulations herein provided and adopted by
the City of Grand Island, as its milk code or ordinance may from
time to time be modified and amended by resol_tion regularly
adopted by the Mayor and C1 ty Council and three (3) certified
copies of such modifications or amendments shall be placed on
file with the City Clerk of said City.
SECTION 11. Should any section~ paragraph, sentence~ clause,
or phrase of this ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid
for any reason, the remainder of said ordinance shall not be
affected thereby.
This ordinance shall be in force and become effective sixty
(60) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as
required by law.
Passed and approved this 29
~daY of , ~942.
--~~ --;-;- -- : ~ .......
M a yo r.
Ity Clerk. '
The Unabridged FOl'm of the 1939 Edition of the United
states Public Health Service Milk Ordinance.
Regulating the Production, Transportation, Processing,
Handling, Sampling, Examination, Grading, Labeling,
Regrading, and Sale of Milk and Milk Products; the
Inspection of Dairy Herds, Dairies, and Milk Plants;
the Issuing ,and Revocation of Perrai ts to Milk Produ cers
and Distributors; the Placarding of Restaurants ~d
Other Establishments Serving Milk or Milk Products; and
Providing fOI' the collection of Fees; Providing penalties
for the Violation of the Provisions of this Ordinance;
and Repealing Ordinance No. 1245 of the Ordinances of
the City of Grand Island, Nebraska and All Ordinances
and Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith.
3. Adopted by the City of Grand Island, Nebraska as the
Official Milk Ordinance, Fursuant to Ordinance No.19l4
regularly passed and approved on the 29th
Apri 1 , 1942.
I,F.S.White,d~ly elected ,qualified and acting City Clerk of
the City of Grand Isl~nd,Nebraska,hereby certify the foregoing
Ordinance #1914 to be a true and correct copy of Ordinance
passed by the Mayor and City Council meeting on the 29th day of
April,1942,and that said Ordinance #1914 speCifically adopted
the following Unabridged Form of the 1939 Edition of the United
states Public Health Service Milk Ordinance.
I further certify that the following is a true and correcc copy
of the above mentioned Milk Ordinance.
In witness whereof I attach my signature and affix the official
of the City of Grand Island,Nebraska,this 4th day of May,1942/
day of
City Clerk.
SECTION 1. Definitions.- The following definitions shall
apply in the interpretation and the enforcement of this ordinance:
A. Milk-Milk is hereby defined to be the lacteal secretion
obtained by the complete milking of OIll! or more healthy cows, ex-
cluding that obtained within 15 days before and 5 days after
calving, or such longer period as may be necessary to render
the milk practioally oolostrum free; which contains not less
than 3-1/4 per cent of milk fat.
B. Mi1-k fab or butter fat .-Milk fat or butter fat is the fat
of milk.
C. Cream and sour cream-Cream is a portion of milk which con-
tains not less than 18 per cent milk fat. Sour cream is cream
the acidity of which is more than 0.20 per cent, expressed as
lactic acid.
D. Skimmed milk-Skimmed milk from which a sufficient por-
tion of milk fat has been removed to reduce its milk-fat per-
centage to less than 3-1/4 percent.
E. Milk or Skimmed-milk beverage.-A milk beverage or a
sk~med~ilk beverage is a food compound or confection conslst-
ing of milk or sk~med milk, as the case may be, to which has
been added a sirup or flavor consisting of wholesome ingredients.
F.-BUttermilk.-BUttermilk is a product resulting from the
churning of milk or cream, or from the souring ~r treatment by
a lactic acid or other culture of milk, skimmed milk, reconsti-
tuted skimmed milk; evaporated or condensed milk or skimmeCl milk,
or milk or skimmed-milk powder. It contains not less than 8
percent of milk solids not fat.
G. Vitamin D Milk.-Vitamin D milk is milk the vitamin D con-
tent of which has been increased by a method and in an amount
approved by the health officer.
H. Reconstituted or recombined milk and cream .-Reconsti tuted
Or recombined milk 1s a product resulting from the recombining
of milk constituents with water, and which complies with the
-2 -
standards for milk fat and solids not fat of milk as defined herein.
Reconsti tuted or recombined cream is a product resulting from
the combination of dried cream, butter, or butter fat with
creaIl1, milk, skimmed milk, or water.
I. Goat Milk-Goat milk is the lacteal secretion, free from
colostrum, obtained by the complete milking of healthy goats,
and shall comply with all the requirements of this ordinance.
The word "cows" shall be interpreted to include goats.
J. Homogenized milk-Homogenized milk is milk which has been
treated in such manner as to insure break-up of the fat globules
to such an extent that after 48 hours storage no visible cream
separation occurs on the milk and the fat percentage of the
top 100 cc. of milk in a quart bottle, or of proportionate vol-
umes in containers of other sizes, does not ~iffer by more than
5 percent of itself from the fat percentage of the remaining milk
as determined after thorough mixing.
K. Milk Products-Milk products shall be taken to mean and
include cream, sour cream, homogenized milk, goat milk, vitamin
D milk, buttermilk, skimmed milk, reconstituted or recombined
milk and cream, milk beverages, skimmed-milk beverages, and any
other produ ct made by the add! tion of any substance to milk or
any of these products and \lsed for similar purposes and designated
as a milk product by the health officer.
L. Pasteurization-The terms "pasteurization," "pasteurized,"
and similar te1"Il1s shall be taken to refer to the process of heat-
ing every particle of milk or milk products to at least 1430 F.,
and holding at such temperature for at least 30 minutes or to
at least 1600 F., and holding at such temperature for at least
15 seconds, in approved and properly operated equipnent: Provided
That nothing contained in this definition shall be construed as
(ihisbarring any other process which has been demonstrated to be
equally efficient and is approved by the State health authority.
M. Adulterated milk and milk product,s..-Any milk or milk pro-
duct which contains any unwholesome SUbstance, or which, if de-
fined in this ordinance, does not conform with its definition,
or which carries a grade label unless such grade label has been
awarded by the health officer and not revoked, shall be deemed
adulterated and misbranded.
N. Milk Producel'.-A milk Pl'oducep is any pepson who owns op
controls one or more cows a part or all of the milk or milk pro-
ducts from which is sold or offered for sale.
O. Milk distri butor.-A milk distributor is any person who
offers for sale or sells to another any milk or milk products for
human consumption as such.
F. Dairy or dairy farm.-A. dairy or dairy fam is any place
or premises where one or more cows are kept ~ a part or all of
the milk or milk products from which is sold or offered for
Q. Milk Planrt .-A, milk plant is any place or premises or
establishment where milk or milk products are collected, handled,
processed, stored, bottled, pasteurized, or prepared for dis-
tri bution.
R. Health Officer.-The term "health officeI'" shall mean
the health authority of the city of G~and IBJand,Nebrask~ , or
his authorized~'-epresentati ve.
S. Average bacterial plate count, direct microscopic count,
reduction time, and cooling temperature.-Average bacterial plate
count and average direct microscopic count shall be taken to
meap. the logarithmic average, and average reduction time and
average cooling temperature shall be taken 80 mean the arith-
metic average, of the respective results of the last four con-
secutive samples~ taken upon separate days, irxaespective of the
date of grading or regrading.
T. Grading period.-The grading period shall be such period
ot time as the health officer may designate within which grades
shall be detennined for all milk and milk products~ proVided tl18t
the grading period shall in no case exceed 6 months.
U. Person.-The word "person" as used in this ordinance shall
mean "person", firm, corporation, or association.
v. And/or.-Where the term "and/orat is used "and" ahall apply
where possible, otherwise "01'" shall apply.
SECTION 2. The sale of adulterated~ misbranded~ or ungraded
milk or milk products prohibited._ No person shall within the
City of G~~nn TBJand,Nebraska
or its police jurisdiction, pro.
duce~ sell~ offer, or expose for sale~ or have in possession with
intent to sell, any milk or milk product which is adulterated, mis-
branded, or ungraded. It shall be unlawful for any person, else-
where, than in a private home, to have in possession any adult-
erated, misbranded, or ungraded milk or milk product41 '*
SECTION 3. Permits .-It shall be unlawful for any person to
bring into or receive into the city of Grand ISlanq,Nebraska , or
its police jurisdiction, for sale, or to sell, or offer for sale
therein, or to have in storage Where milk or milk products are sold
or served, any milk or milk product defined in this ordinance,
who does not possess a permit from the health officer of the
ci ty of r;~~nn T~' A nn ,Nebraska ·
Only a person Who complies with the requirements of this
ordinance shall be entitled to receive and retain such a permit.
Such a permit may be suspended by the"health officer, or
.revoked after an opportunity for a hearing by the health officer,
upon the violation by the holder of any of the terms of this
SECTION 4. Labeling ~d placarding.-All bottles, cans, pack-
ages, and other containers enclosing milk or any milk product, de-
fined in this ordinance shall be plainly labeled or marked with
(1) the name' of the contents as gtven in the definition in this
ordinance; (2) the grade of the contents; (3) the word "pasteur-
ized" only if the contents have been pasteurized; (~ the word
"raw" only if the contents are raw; (5) the phrase ufor pasteur-
ization" if the contents are to be pasteurized; (6) the name of the
producer if the contents are raw, and the name of the plant at
which the contents were pasteurized, if the contents are pasteur-
ized; and (7) in the case of vitamin D milk, the designation "Vi-
tamin D Milk" and the source of the vi tarnin D. The label or mark
shall be in letters of a size, kind, and color approved by the
health officer and shall contain no marks or words which are
SECTION 5. Inspection of dairy ~arms and milk plants for the
purpose of grading or regradin~.-At least once during each grading
period the health officer shall inspect all dairy farms and all
milk plants whose milk or milk products are intended for consumption
within the City of GT'Ano T!=llaDd,.Nebraska
or its police jurisdic-
tlon~ In case the health officer discovers the violation of any
item of sanitation~ he shall make a second inspection aiter a lapse
of such time as he deems necessary for the defect to be remedied
but not before the lapse of 3 days; and the second inspection
lIhall be used in determining the grade of milk and/or milk pro-
ducts. Any violation of the same item of this ordinance on two
consecutive inspections shall call for immediate degrading.
One copy of the inspection report shall be posted b y the
health offi cer in a conspicuou s place upon an inside wall of one
of the dairy farm or milk plant buildings, and said inspection
report shall not be defaced or removed by any person except the
health officer. Another copy of the inspection report shall be
filed with the records of the health department.
SECTION 6. The examination of milk and milk ~oduct~.- During
each grading period at least four samples of milk and cream from
each dairy farm and each milk plant shall be taken on separate days
and examinedey the health officer. Samples of other milk products
may be taken and examined by the health officer as often as he deems
necessary. Swmples of milk and milk products from stores~ cafes,
soda fountains, restaurants, and other places where milk or milk
products are sold shall be examined as often as the health officer
may require. Bacterial plate counts and direct microscopic counts
be made in conformity with the :ibatest standard metho.$ recommended
by the American Public Health Association. Examinations may in-
clude such other chemical and physical determinations as the health
officer may deem necessary for the detection of adulteration, these
examinations to be made in accordance with the latest standard
methods of the American Public Health Association and the Associa-
tion of Official Agricultural Chemists. Samples may be taken by
the health officer at any time ~ior to the final delivery of the
milk or milk ~oducts. All p.r~prietors of stores, cafes, res-
taurants, soda fountains, and other similar places shall furnish
the health officer, upon his request, with the names of all dis-
tributors from whom their milk and milk products are obtained.
Bio-assays of the vitamin D content of vitamin D milk shall be made
when required by the health officer in a laboratory approved by
him for such examinations.
Whenever the average bacterial count, the average reduction
time, or the average cooling temperature falls beyond the limi t
for the grade then held, the health officer shall send written
notice thereof to the person concerned, and shall take an add-
itional sample, but not before the lapse of 3 days, for deter-
mining a new average in accordance with section 1 (S). Viola-
tion of the grade requirement by the new average or by any sub-
sequent average during the remainder of the current grading per-
iod shall call for immediate degrading or suspension of the per-
mit, unless the last individual result is within the grade limit.
SECTION 7. The grading of milk and milk products,.-At least once
every 6 months the health officer shall announce the grades of all
milk and milk products deli vered by all producers or distributors
and ultimately consumed within the city of Grand ISland,Nebraska "
or its police jurisdiction. Said grades shall be based upon the
following standards, the grading of milk products being identical
with t~e grading of milk except that the bacterial standards shall
be doubled in the case of cream, and omi tted in the case of sour
cream and buttermilk. Vi tamin D milk shall be only of grade A,
certified, or grade A raW quality.
Certified Milk-Raw.-Certified milk-raw is raw milk which con-
forms with the requirements of the American Association of Medical
Milk Commissions in force at the time of production and is produced
under the superviSion of a mediCal milk commission and of the State
Board of Health or of the city or county <<no Hall,Nebraska .
Grade A Raw lVlilk.-Grade A raw milk if' raw milk the average
bacterial plate count of which as determined under Section 1 (S)
and 6 of this ordinance does not exceed 50,000 per cubic centimeter,
Or the average direct microscopic count of which does not exceed
50,000 per cubic centimeter if Clumps are counted or 200,000 per
cubic centimeter if indi vidual organisms are counted, or the
average reduction time of which is not less than 8 hours; Provided,
That" it is tb be pasteurized the corresponding limits shall be
200,000 per cubic centimeter, 2009QOO per cubic centimeter, 800,000
per cubic centimeter, and 6 hou rs respecti vely; and which is pro-
duced upon dairy f;arms conforming wi th all of the following items
of sani ta tion .
ITEM II'. Cows, tuq~,r_eii.Iosis and other diseases..-Except as
provided hereinafter, a tQberculin test of all herds and additions
thereto shall be made be~ore any milk therefrom is sold, and at
least once every 12 months thereafter, by a licensed veterinarian
approved by the State livestock sanitary authority. Said tests
shall be made and reactors disposed of in accordance with the
requirements approved by the United States Department of Agri-
culture Bureau, of Animal Industry, for accredited herds. A
certificate signed by the veterinarian or attested to by the
health officer and filed with the health officer shall be
evidence of the above test: Provided, That in modified accredited
counties in Which the modified accredited area plan is applied
to the dairy herds the modified accredited area sustem approved~}9Y
the United States Bureau of Anlmal Industry shall be accepted in
li eu of annu al tes ting .
Wi thin one year after the adoption of this ordinance all
milk and milk products consumed raw shall be from herds or addi-
tions thereto which have been found free from Bangt s Disease,
as shown by blood serum tests for agglutinins against Brucella
abortus made in a laboratory approved by the health officer. All
such herds shall be retested at least every 12 months and all
f'eactors removed from the herd.. A certificate indentifying each
anumal by number, and signed by the laberatory making the test,
shall be evidence of the above test.
Oows which show an extensive or entire induration of one or
more quarters of the udder upon physical examination, whether
secreting abnormal milk or not, shall be permanently excluded from
the milking herd. Oows giving bloody,J:lstringy, or otherwise
abnormal milk, but with only slight induration of the udder, shall
be excluded from the herd until re-examination shows that the milk
has become normal.
For other diseases such tests and examinations as the health
officer may require shall be made at intervals and by methods pre-
scribed by him, and any diseased animals or reactors shall be dis-
posed of as he may require.
ITEM 21'. Dairy barn, ~ighting.-A dairy or milking barn shall
be required and in such sections thereof where cows are milked
Windows shall be provided and kept clean and so arranged as to insure
adequate light prope~ly dist~ibuted, and when necess~~y shall be
provided with adequate supplementary artificial light.
ITEM 31'. Dairy barn, air space and ventilatian.-Such sectians
af all dairy barns where caws are kept 0.1' milked shall be well
ventilated and shall be so. arranged as to. avaid aver-crawding.
T!rEM 41'. Dairy barn, f~aarf!..-The floors ~nd gutters af such
parts af all dairy barns in which caws are milked shall be can-
structed af cancrete 0.1' ather appraved imperviaus and easily
cleaned material, pravided, that if the milk is to. be pas.teQti~ed
tight waad may be used, shall be graded to. drain properly, and
shall be kept clean and in gaad repair. No. horses, pigs, fawl,
calves, etc., shall be permitted in parts af the barn used far
ITEM 51'. Dairy barn, walls and ceilings.-The walls and
ceilings o.f all dairy barns shall be whitewashed ance every year
0.1' painted ance .very 2 years, 0.1' aftener, if neeessar1~ 61'
finished in an appraved manner, and shall be kept clean and in
gao.d repair. In case there is a secand sto.ry abave that part
af the barn in which caws are milked, the ceiling shall be tight.
If the feed ~ao.m adjo.ins the milking space, it shall be separated
therefrom by a du st-!;ight parti tio.n and do.o.r. No. feed shall be
sto.red in the milking partian o.f the barn.
ITEM 61'. Dairy barn, co.wyard.-All co.wyards shall be graded and
drained as well as practicable and kept clean.
IT:EM 71'. Manure di spo.sal.-All manure shall be remaved and
sto.red 0.1' disposed o.f in such manner as best to. prevent the
breeding af flies therein 0.1' the aceess ef Co.ws to. piles thereo.f.
ITEM 81'. Milk ho.use 0.1' ream, co.nstructio.n.-There shall be
pro.vided a milk hause 0.1' milk reem in which the co.eling, handling,
and stering o.f milk and milk preducts and the washing, bactericidal
treatment and stering af milk cantainers and utensils shall be dene.
(a) The milk heuse 0.1' ro.em shall be previded with a tight fleer
censtructed ef concrete 0.1' ether impervieus material, in gaad re-
pair, and graded to. previde proper drainage. (b) It shall have
walls and ceilings ef such censtructien as to. permit easy cleaning,
and shall be well painted 0.1' finished in an approved manner. (e)
It shall be wel~ lighted and ventilated. (d) It shall have all
epenings effectively screened including eutward-apening, self-
closing doors, unless other effective means are provided to pre-
vent the entrance of flies. (e) It shall be used for no other
p;i rpose than those specified above except as may be approved by
the health officer; shall not open ~p@n directly into a stable
or into any room u sed for domestic purposes; shall# unless the
milk is to be pasteurized# have water piped into it; shall be pro-
vided with adequate facilities for the heating of water for the
cleaning of utensils; shall be equipped with two-compartment stat-
ionary wash and rinse vats# except tl~t in the case of retail raw
milk, if chlorine is employed as the I!' incipal bactericidal treat-
ment the three-compartment type must be used; and shall, unless the
milk is to be pasteurized, be partitioned to separate the handling
of milk and the storage of cleaned utensils from the cleaning and
other operations, which shall be so located and conducted as to
prevent any contamination of the milk or of cleaned equipment.
IT1!M 9r. Milk house or room, cleanliness and flies.- The
~loors, walls, ceilings, and equipment of the milk house or room
shall be kept clean at a1lttimes. All means necessary for the
elimination 6f flies shall be used.
ITEM lOr. Toi1et.-Every dairy farm shall be provided with one
or more sanitary toilets conveniently located and properly con-
structed# operated, and maintained, so that the waste is inaccessi-
ble to flies and does not pollute the surface soil or contaminate
any water supply.
ITEM l1r. Water supp1y.-The water supply for the milk room
and dairy barn shall be properly located, constructed, and operated,
and shall be easily accessible, adequate, and of a safe sanitary
ITEM 12r. Utensi1s# construction .-AIl multi-use containers or
other utensils used in the handling, storage, or transporsation of
milk or milk products must be made of smooth nonabsorbent material
and of such construction as to be easily cleaned# and must be in
good repair. Joints and seams shall be soldered flush. Woven wire
cloth shall not be used for straining milk. All milk pails shall
be cbf a small-mouth design approved by the health officer. The
manufacture~, pacldng# transportation# and handling of single-
service containers and container caps and covers shall be con-
ducted in a sanitary manner.
ITEM 13r. Utensils, cleaning.-All multi-use containers,
equipment, and other utensils used in the handling, storage, or
transportation, of milk or milk products shall between each usage
be suanected to an approved bactericidal process with steam, hot
water, chlorine, or hot air.
ITEM l4r. Utensils, bactericidal treatment.-All multi""'Use
containers, equipment, and other l1tensils used in the handling,
storage, or transportation of milk or milk products shall beween
each usage be subjected to an approved bactericidal process with
steam, hot water, chlorine or hot air.
in such manner as to permit any part of any person or his clothing
to come in contact with any surface with which milk or milk products
come in contact.
ITEM l7r. Milking, udders ~d teats, abnormal milk.-The udders
and teats of all milking cows shall be clean and rinsed with a
bactericidal solution at the time of milking. Abnormal milk shall
be kept out of the milk supply and shall be so handled and disposed
of as to preClude the infection of the COWs and the contamination
of milk utensils.
ITEM 18r. Milking, flanks-The flanks, bellies, and tails of
all milking cows shall be free from visible dirt at the time of
ITEM 19r. Milkers' hands.-Milkers' hands shall be clean, rinsed
with a bacterieidal solution, and dried with a clean towel im-
mediately before milking and following any interruption in the
milking operation. Wet-hand milking is prohibited. Convenient
facilities shall be prOVided for the washing of milkers' hands.
IT~I 20r. Clean clothing.-Milkers and milk handlers shall wear
clean outer garments while milking or handling milk, milk products,
containers, utensils, or equipment.
ITEM 2lr. Milk Stools .-Milk stools shall bei;kept clean.
ITEM 22r. Removal of m1lk.-Each pail of milk shall be removed
immediately to the milk house or straining room. No milk shall be
strained or poured in the dairy barn.
ITEM 23r. Cooling.~ilk must be cooled immediately after com-
pletion of milking to 500 F. or less, and maintained at that
average temperature, as defined in Section 1 (S), until delivery.
If milk is delivered to a milk plant or receiving station for pas-
teurization or separation, it rnu st be delivered wi thin 2 hours after
cCIDlpletion of milking or cooled to 700 F. or less and maintained at
that average temperature until deli vered.
ITBVl 24r. Bottling and capping.-Milk and milk products shall
be bottled from a container with a readily cleanable valve, or by
means of an approved bottling machine. Bottles shall be capped by
maChine, Caps or cap stock shall be purchased in sanitary contain-
ers and kept therein in a clean, dry place until used.
IT~l 25r. Personnel, health.-The health officer or a physiol'n
authorized by him shall examine and take a careful morbidity history
of every person connected with a retail raW dairy, or about to be
employed, whose work brings him in contact with the production,
handling, storage, or transportation of milk, milk products, con-
tainers, or equipment. If such examination or history suggests
that such person may be a carrier of or infected with the organisms
of typhoid or paratyphoid fever or any other communicable diseases
likely to be transmitted through milk, he shall secure appropriate
specimens of body discharges and cause them to be examined in a
laboratovy approved by him or by the State health authorities for
such examinations, and if the results justify such person shall be
barred f'r an au ch employment.
ITJjJI 26r. Miscellaneous .-All vehicles used fOI' the transporta-
tion of milk or milk products shall be so constructed and operated
as to protect their contents from the sun and from contamination.
All vehicles used for the transportation of milk er milk products
in their final delivery containers shall be constructed with per-
manent tops and with permanent or roml-down sides and back, pro-
vided that opernings of the size necessary to pass the delivery
man may be permitted in the sides or back for loading and unloading
purposes. All vehicles shall baJdt:ept clean, and no substance
capable of cont~inating milk or milk products shall be transported
wi th milk or milk products in such manner as to permit contamination
All vehicles used for the distribution of milk or milk products
shall have the name of the distributor prominently displayed.
The immediate surroundings of the dairy shall be kept in a
neat, clean condition.
Grade B Raw Milk.-Grade B Raw milk is raw milk which violates
the bacterial standard and/or the abortion testing requirements
for grade A raw milk, but Which conforms with all other requiremente
for grade A raw milk, and has an average bacterial plate count not
exceeding 1,000,000 per cubic centimeter, or an average direct
microscopic count not exceeding 1,000,000 per cubic centimeter if
clumps are counted or 4,000,000 per cubic centimeter if indi vidual
organisms are counted, or an average reduction time of not less
than 3-1/2 hours, as determined under sections 1 (S) and 6.
Grade CRaw Milk.-Grade C raw milk IDS raw milk which viCblates
any of the requirements for grade B raw milk.
Certified mi1k-pasteurized.-Certified milk-pasteurized is cer-
tified milk-raw which has been pasteurized, cooled, and bottled in
a milk plant conforming with the requirements for grade A pasteur-
ized milk.
Grade A pasteurized mi1~.-Grade A pasteurized milk is grade A
raw milk, with such exceptions as are indicated if the milk is to
be pasteurized, which has been pasteurized, cooled, and bottled in
a milk plant conforming with all of the follOWing items of sanita-
tion and the average bacterial plate count of which at no time
after pasteurization and until delivery exceeds 30,000 per cubic
centimeters, as determined under Section 1 (s) a1 d 6.
The grading of a pasteurized milk supply shall include the in-
spection of recei~ng and collecting stations with respect to items
Ip to 15p, inclusive and 17p, 19p, 22p, and 23p, except that the
partitioning requirement of item ~p shall not apply.
IT~l Ip. F1oors.-The floors of all rooms in which milk or milk
products are handled or stored ~r in which milk utensils are washed,
shall be constbucted of concrete or other equally impervious and
easily cleaned material and shall be smooth properly drained, pro-
vided wi th trapped drains, and kept clean.
ITEM 2p. Walls and ceilin~s.-Walls and ceilings of rooms in
in which milk or milk products are handled or stored or in which
milk utensils are washed, shall have a smooth, washable, light-
colored surface and shall be kept clean.
ITEM 3p. Doors, and WiDdows.-Unless other effective means are
provided to prevent the aceess of flies, all openings into the
outer air shall be effectively screened and doors shall be self-
ITEM 4p. Lighting and ventilation.- All rooms shall be well
lighted and ventilated.
ITEM 5p. Miscellaneous protection from contamination.-The
various milk-plant operations shall be so located and conducted as
to prevent any contamination of the milk or of the cleaned equip-
ment. All means necessary for the elimination of flies shall be
used, There shall be separate rooms for (a) the pasteurizing,
processing, cooling, and bottling operations, and (b) the washing
and bactericidal treatment of containers. Cans of raw milk shall
not be unloaded directly into the pasteurizing room. Pasteurized
milk or milk products shall not be permitted to come in contact
with equipnent with which unpasteurized milk or milk products have
been in contact, unless such equipnent has first been thoroughly
cleaned and subjected to baeterbtdal treatment. Rooms in which
milk, milk, products, cleaned utensils, or containers are handled
or stored shall not Open directly into any stable or living quarters
The pasteurization plant shall be used for no other purposes than
the ~ocessing of milk and milk prcducts and the operations incident
thereto, except as may be approved by the health officer.
IT~l 6p. Toilet facilities.-Every ~tlk plant shall be prOvided
with toilet facilities conforming with the ordinances of the City
of ~~Anrl T~l~nn,Nebraska . Toilet rooms shall not open directly
into any room in which milk, milk products, equipment, or containers
are handled or stored. The doors of all toilet rooms, shall be self,
closing. Toilet rooms shall be kept in a clean~n, in good
repair, and well ventilated. In case privies or earth closets are
permitted and used, they shall be separate from the building, and
shall be Of a sanitary type constructed and operated in conformity
with the requirements of item lOr, grade A raw milk.
ITEM Bp. Hand-washing facilities.-Convenient hand-washing
facilities shall be provided~ including warm running water, soap,
and ap~oved aanttary towels. The use of a common towel is
prohi bi tad.
ITEM 9p. Sanitary PiPipg.-All piping used to conduct milk or
milk products shall be "sanitary milk piping" of a type which can
be easily cleaned with a brush. Pasteurized milk and milk products
shall be conducted ~rom one piece of equipnent to another only
through sanitary milk piping.
ITB1 lOp. Const~ction and repair of containers and equipment.
All multi-u se containers and equipment with which milk or milk pro-
ducts come in contact shall be constructed in such manner as to be
easily cleaned and shall be kept in good repair. The manufacture,
packing, transportation and handling of single-service containers
and container caps ami covers shall be conducted in a sanitary
ITEM IIp. Disposal of wastes.-All wastes shall be properly
disposed of.
IT~1 l2p. Cleaning and bactericidal treatment of containers
and_equipm~n~.-All milk and milk products containers and equipment,
except slngle-service containers, shall be thoroughly cleaned after
each usuage. All containers shall be subjected to an approved
bactercidal process after each cleaning and all equipment im-
mediately before each usuage. When empty and before being returned
to a producer by a milk plant each container shall be effectively
cleaned and subjected to bactericiaal treatment.
ITEWt 13p. Stora~e of containers and e9uipment.- After bacteri-
cidal treatment all bottles, cans, and other multi-use milk or milk
products containers and equipment shall be stored 1n such manner
as to be ~otected from contamination.
ITEM 14p. Handling of containers and equipment- Between
bactericidal treatment and usuage, and during usage, containers and
equipment shall not be handled or operated in such manner as to
permit contamination of the milk.
ITEM l5p. Storage of caps, parchment paper, and singlei'servlce
container~.-M11k-bottle caps or cap stock, parchment paper for
milk cans, and single-service containers shall be purchased and
stored only in santtary tubes and cartons, respectively, and shall
be kept therein in a clean dry place.
ITEM 16p. Pastaurization.-Fastaurization shall be performed
as described in section 1 (L) of this ordinance.
ITEM l7p. Cooling.-All milk and milk products received for
pasteurization shall immediately be cooled in approved equipment
to 500 F. or less and maintained at that temperature until pas-
teurized, unless they are to be pasteurized within 2 hours after
receipt; and all pasteurized milk and milk products shall be im-
mediately cooled in approved equipment to an average temperature
of 500 F. or less, as defined in section 1 (S), and maintained
thereat until delivery.
ITEM l8p. Bottling.-Bottling of milk and milk pr'oducts shall
be done at the place of pasteurization in approved mechanical equip-
ITE~ 19p. Overflow milk.-Overflow milk or milk products shall
not be sold for human consumption.
ITEM 20p. Capping.-Capping of milk and milk products shall be
done by ap~oved mechAnical equipment. Hand capping is prohibited.
The cap or cover shall cover the pouring lip to at least its
largest diameter.
ITEM 2lp. Personnel, health.-The health officer or a physician
authorized by him shall examine and take a careful morbidity history
of every person connected with a pasteurization plant, or about to
be employed whose work brings him in contact with the production,
handling, storage, or transportation of milk, milk products, con-
tainers, or equipment. If such examination or history suggests
that such person may be a carrier of or infected wi th the organisms
of typhoid or paratyphoid fever or any other communicable diseases
likely to be transmitted through milk, he shall secure appropriate
specimens of body discharges and cause them to be examined in a
laboratory approved by him or by the State health authorities
for such examinations, and if bhe results justify such person shall
be barred from such employinent.
Such persons shall furnish such infonmation , submit to such
physical examinations, and submit such laboratory specimens;~;as tre
health officer may require for the purpose of determining freedom
from infection.
ITEM 22p. Personnel, cleanliness .-All persons coming in contact
with milk, milk products, containers, or eqUipment shall wear
clean outer garments and shall keep their hands clean at all times
while thus engaged.
ITFlI1 23p. Miscellaneous .-All vehicles used for the transpor-
tation of milk or milk products shall be so constructed and opera-
ed as to protect their contents from the sun and from contamination.
All vehicles used for the transportation of milk or milk products
in their final delivery containers shall be constructed with per-
manent tops and with permanent or roll-down sides and back, pro-
vided that openings of the size necessary to pass the delivery man
may be permitted in the sides or back for loading and unloading
purposes. All vehicles shall be kept clean, and no substance
capable of contaminating milk or milk products shall hevtlrahsporlled
with milk or milk products in such manner as to permit contamination =
All vehicles used for the distribution of milk or milk products
shall have the name of the distributor prominently displayed.
The immediate surroundings of the milk plant shall be kept
in a neat, clean condition.
Grade B Pasteurized Milk.-Grade B pasteurized milk is pasteur-
ized milk which violates the bacterial standard for grade A pas-
teurized milk and/or the provision of lip-cover caps of item 20p
and/or the requirement that grade A raw milk be used, but which con-
forms wi th all other requirements for grade A pasteurized milk, has
been made from raw milk of not less th~n grade B quality, and has
an average bacterial plate count afterl";pasteurization and before
delivery not exceeding 50,000 per cubic centimeter, as deternlined
under sections 1 (S) and 6.
Grade C Pasteurized Milk.-Grade C pasteurized milk is pasteur-
ized milk which violates any of the requirements for grade B pase
teurized milk.
SECTION 8. Grades of Milk and Milk Products Which May Be Sold.-
From and after sixty (60) days from the date on which this ordinance
takes effect no milk or milk products shall be sold to the final
consumer or to restaurants, soda fountains, grocery stores, or simi-
lar establishments except Grade A, Provided,That when any milk
distributor fails to qualify for the above grade the health officer
is authorized to revoke his permit, or in lieu thereof to degrade
his product and permit its sale during a temporary period not ex.
ceeding 30 days or in emergencies for such longer period as he may
deem necessary.
SECTION 9. Supplementary Grading Prescribed and Regrading
Authorized.-If, at any time between the regular announcements of the
grades of milk or milk products, a lower grade shall become justifie(
in ~ccordance with sections 5, 6, and 7 of this ordinance, the healtl
officer shall immediately lower the grade of such milk or milk prod-
ucts, and shall enforce proper labeling and placarding thereof.
Any producer, or distributor, of milk or milk products the grad~
of which has been lowered by the health officer, and who is properly
labeling his milk and milk ~oducts, may at any time make applica-
tion for the regrading of his product:iil <
Upon receipt of a satisfactory application, in case the lowered
grade is the result of an excessive average bacterial plate count,
direct microscopic count, reduction time, or cooling temperature, tht
health officer shall take further samples of the applicant's output,
at a rate of not more than two samples per week. The health officer
shall regrade the milk or milk produ cts upward whenever the average
of the last four sample results indicates the necessary quality, but
not before the lapse of 2 weeks from the date of degrading.
In case the lowered grade of the applicant's product is due to
a violation of an item of the specifications prescribed in section
7, other than average bacterial plate count, direct microscopic coun~
reduction time, or cooling temperature, the said application must be
accompanied by a statement signed by the applicant to the effect that
the violated item of the specifications has been conformed with.
Within 1 week of the receipt of such an application and statement
the health officer shall make a reinspection of the applicant's
establishment, and thereafter as many additional reinspections as
he may deem necessary to assure himself that the applicant is again
complying with the higher grade requirements and, in case the find-
ings .justify, shall regrade the milk or milk products, upward, but
not before the lapse of 2 weeks from the date of degrading.
SECTION 10. Transferring or Dipping Milk; Delivery Containers;
Handling of More Than One Grade; Deli very of Milk at Quarantined.
Residences.-Except as permitted in this section, no milk producer
or distributor shall transfer milk or milk products from one contain.
to another on the street, or in any vehicle or store, or in any
place except a bottling or milk room especially usef for tha~ pur-
pose. The sale of dip milk is hereby prohibited.
All pasteurized milk and milk products shall be placed in
their final delivery containers in the plant in which they are
pasteurized and all raw milk and milk products sold for consump-
tion in the raw state shall be placed in their final delivery
containers at the farm at which they are produced* Milk and milk
products sold in the distributors containers in quantities less
than 1 gallon shall be delivered in standard milk bottles, or in
~ingle-service containers. It shall be unlawful for hotels, soda
fountains, restaurants, groceries, and similar establishments to
sell or serve any milk or milk product except in the original
con tainers in which it Was recei ved from the distributor or from
a bulk container equipped with an approved dispensing device; ~-
vide~, That this requirement shall not apply to cream consumed on
the premises, which may be served from the original bottle or from
a dispenser approved for such service.
It shall be unlawful for any hotel, soda fountain, restaurant,
grocery, or similar establishment to sell or serve any milk or
milk products which have not been maintained, while in its posses-
sion" at a temperature of 500 F. or less.
No milk or milk products shall be permitted to come in con-
tact With equipment with which a lower grade of milk or milk
products has been in contact unless such equipment has first been
thoroughly cleaned and subjected to bactericidal treatment.
Bottled milk or milk products, if stored in water, shall be
so stored that the tops of the bottles will not be submerged.
It shall be the duty of all persons to whom milk or milk pro-
ducts are delivered to clean thoroughly the containers in which
such milk or milk products are delivered before returning such
containers. Apparatus, containers" equipment, and utensils used
in the handling, storage, processing, or transporting of milk
or milk products shall not be used for any other purpose without
the permission of the health officer.
The delivery of milk or milk products to and the collection
of milk or milk-products containers from residences in which
cases of communicable disease transmi ssi ble through mi 1k au pplies
exist shall be smbject to the special requirements of the health
SECTION 11. Wlilk and Milk Produ cts From Points Beyond the
Limits of Routine Inspeetion.~~ilk and milk products from points
beyond the limits of routine inspection of the City of Grand
IslanQ ,Nebraska , may not be sold in the city of Grand Island
Nebraska , or its police jurisdiction, unless produced and/or
pasteurized under provisions equi valent to the requirements
of this ordinance; provided that the health officer shall satisfy
himself that the health officer having jurisdiction over the pro-
duction and processing is properly enforCing such pro\V1sions.
SECTION 12. Future Dairies and Milk Plants.--All dairies and
milk plants from which milk or milk products are supplied to the
City of r.'r~mn T~lRTH~,NAh'rR~kR , which are hereafter constructed,
reconstructed, or extensi vely altered shall conform in their con-
struction to the requirements of this ordinance for grade A dairy
farms producing milk for consumption in the raw state, or for Grade
A pasteurization plants, respectively: Provided,That the require-
ment of a two-room milk house shall be waived in the case of dairies
the milk from which is to be pasteurized. Properly prepared plans
for all dairies and milk plants which are hereafter constructed, re-
constructed, or extensively altered shall be submitted to the health
officer for approval before work is begun. In the ease of milk
plants signed approval shall be' obtained from the health offi eel'
and/or the State health department.
SECTION 13. Notification of Disease.-Notice shall be sent to
the health officer immediately by any producer or distributor of
milk or milk products upon whose dairy farm or in whose milk plant
any infectious, contagious, or communicable disease occurs.
SECTIONl4. Procedure when Infection Suspected.-When suspician
arises as to the possibility of transmission of infection from any
person concerned with the handling of milk or milk products, the
health officer is authorized to require any or all of the following
measures: (1) the immediate exclusion of that person from milk
handling, (2) the immediate exclusion of the milk supply concerned
from distribution and use, (3) adequate medical and bacteriological
examination of the person, of his associates, and of his and their
body discharges.
SEOTION 15. Enforcement Interpretation.-This ordinance shall
be enforced by the health officer in accordance with the interpeta-
tions thereof contained in the 1939 edition of the United States
Heal th Service Milk Code, ~.. certified cop;es of whi ch shall be on
file in the City Clerk's office.
SECTION 16. J?enalt~-A.ny person, firm, corporation or associatio
violating the ~ovisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined
in any sum not exceeding One Hundred ($lOO) Dollars and shall stand
committed until such fine and costs are paid. Each and every viola-
tion of the provisions of this ordinance shall constitute a sep-
SECTION 17. Appointment of Health Officer OF Inspect~r and
A,ssistants.-The Mayor and City Council shall appoint the health
officer or inspector to enforce the provisions of this ordinance,
anr/ may appoint as many assistants as maybe necessary.
SECTION 18. Registration Qf Milk Producers and Milk Distri-
butoE~.-All persons, firms, corporation, or associations producing
milk and milk ~oducts, for ultimate consumption within the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska or its police jurisdiction shall register
with the health officer or inspector who shall provide a registratio!
card or certificate to said producer. All such ~oducers shall
register With the health officer or inspector on the 1st day of May
of each year or at such times as such registrant becomes a producer
within the meaning of this ordinance. All such-registrations shall
expire on the 1st day of May folloWing the date it is issued.
All persons, firms, corporations or associations @istributing
milk and milk products, for ultimate consumption within the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska or its pOlice jurisdietion shall register
with the health officer or inspector who shall ~ovide a registratioi
card or certificate to said distributor. All such distributors sha11
register with the health officer or inspector on the 1st day of May
of each year or at such times as such registrant becomes a distribu-
tor wtthin the meaning of this ordinance. All such registrations
shall expire on the 1st day of May folloWing the date it is issued.
SECTION 19. F~.-The folloWing fees shall be charged for the
registrations ~ovided for in the next two preceding paragraphs
of this ordinance, which registration fee shall be paid to the
health officer or inspector at the time of such reglBtrationi
(a) Milk producers One Dollar ($1.00) per year
Milk Distributors Five Dol:b. rs ($5.00) per year.
In addition to the fees herein provided there shall also be
a service and inspection fee on all milk sold for ultimate con-
sumption within the City of Grand Island, Nebraska or its police
jurisdiction in the amount of Three Cents (3~) per One HUndred
(100 pounds) pounds. The service and inspection fee herein
provided shall be collected b~ethe distributor of milk who shall
keep an accurate account of the same and on the 5th day of each
month the amount so collected shall be paid by said milk distri-
butor to the City Treasurer. The milk distributor whose duty it
is to collect and pay said fee shall furnish the City Treasurer
with a complete, accurate account of all milk sold ~uring each
month and pay the fee or fees as herein provided. A copy of
said record showing the amount sold shall also be furnished to the
health officer or inspector by such distributor.
Ordinance No. 1245 of the ordinances of the City of Grand
ISland, Nebraska and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances
in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
The regulations herein provided and adopted by the City of
Grand Island, as its milk code or ordinance may from time to time
be modified and amended by resolution regularly adopted by the
mayor and city council and three (3) certified copies of such
modifications or amendments shall be placed on file with the City
Clerk of said City.
SECTION 20. Unconstitutionality Clause.-Should any section,
paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance be declared
unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the memainder of said
ordinances shall not be affected thereby.
This ordinance shall be in force and become effective sixty
(50) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as
required by law.
Passed and approved thi s 29th day of &pril
...' 1942.
Harry Grimminger
. i ty Clerk.
An ordinance creating Water Main District No. 89 tn the City
of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, provid-
ing for the laying of a Water Main in said District and pro&1ding
for the payment of the cost of construction thereof.
Grand Island, Nebraska~
Section 1. That theresls hereby created a Water Main Dis-
trict in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and
designated as Water Main District No. 89 of the City of Grand
Island, Nebraska.
Section 2. Said Water Main District shall consist of that
part of Anna Street from Jackson Street to Madison Street.
Section 3. Said Water Main in said district is hereby
ordered laid, as provided by law, and in accordance wi th the
plans and specifications governing water mains, heretofore es-
tablished by the City.
Section 4. That the entire cost of construction of said
Water Main shall be assessed against the abutting property in said
District, a tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of the con-
struction of said District as soon as the cost can be ascertained,
said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as
follows, to-wit: One-fifth (1/5) of the total amount shall become
delinquent in fifty days after such levy~ one-fifth (1/5) in one
year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth (1/5) in tbree years;
and one -fifth (iL./5) in four years. Each of said installments,
except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of seven per
cent (7%) per annum from the time of the aforesaid levy until they
shall become delinquent, and after the same become delinquent,
interest at the rate of nine per cent (9%) per annum shall be paid
thereon unt il the same shall be collected and paid; au ch special
tax shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of
the levy thereon.
Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided
by 1 aW .
Passed and approved by three-fourths (i) of the members of
the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, this
29th day of April, 1942.
~BT; d~
~y Clerk.
11 f ~
An ordinance authorizing and directing the sale of cer-
tain real estate belonging to the City of Grand Island, Nebr-
aska, providing for the manner in which the same shall be sold
and the terms of said sale; providing for the giving of notice
of the sale of said real estate and the terms thereof; and,
providing for the right to file a remonstrance against the
sale thereof signed by legal electors of the Ci ty of Grand
Island, Nebraska, equal in number to thirty per cent (30%)
of the electors of said City, voting at the last regular
municipal election held in said City.
of Grand Island, Nebraska~
~ilE{JTj)0NC'1h'.lt\'TheT'saLe}and eon veyance of real estate herein-
after described is hereby directed and authorized to Earle C.
Grimmingel" of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
The property diBected and authorized to be conveyed is
described as follows:
The North Forty-four (N. 44) Feet of Lots One and
Two (1 and 2), Block Sixteen (16), Schimmer1s
Addition to the City of Grane Island, Nebraska.
SECTION 2. The manner and terms of such sale of said real
estate are as follows: The purchaser, Earle C. Grimminger, will
purchase said real estate and pay therefore the total sum of
One Hundred and Fifty ($150.00) Dollars, and will pay the total
amount of said PJrchase price when the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska executes and delivers to the said purchaser a Quit
Claim Deed for the within described real estate; and the City
shall not be required to furnish to the purchaser an Abstract
of Title.
SECTION 3. As prOVided by law, notice of such sale and the
terms thereof shall be published for three consecutive weeks in
the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper published in and
of general circulation in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
immediately after the passage and publication of this ordinance;
and the City Clerk is hereby directed and instructed to prepare
and publish said notice.
SECTION 4. Authority is hereby granted to the electors of
the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to file a remonstrance against
ORDINANCE NO.. ..!,16 (CONT..)
the sale of said real estate; and if a remonstrance against
said sale signed by legal electors of sa~d City equal in number
to thirty per cent (30%) of the electors of said City voting at
the last regular municipal election held in said City be filed
wi th the Mayor and Council of said Ci ty wi thin thirty days of
the passage and publication of this ordinance, said property
shall not then, nor within one year thereafter be sold.
SECTION 5. The sale of said. real estate is hereby directed,
authorized and confirmed; and if no remonstrance be filed against
such sale, the Mayor and City Clerk shall, make, execute and
deli ver to the said Earle C. Grimrninger, a Quit Claim Deed for
said property and the execu tion of said deed is hereby author-
ized without further action on behalf of the City Council.
SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication as pro-
vided by law.
Passed and approved this 6th day of May, 1942.
),( ~ '
}'\ I'lj'J ~~
. Mayor.
~ J"'l/
i ty Clerk.
ORD IN AN C E NO. illZ...
An ordinance regulating the use of the sanitary sewer system
in the City of Grand Island; prohibiting the discharge of any
water, waste material, sewerage or industrial waste into the
sanitary sewer system which in any way is harmful to, or inter-
fex'es wi th the successful operati.on of said seVJer system or the
municipal sewer'age di sposal plant; prohi bi ting the dischar'ge of
any liquid~ 01' water from any refrigeration system, air condition-
ing system, or cooling system into said "sani tary sewer system
and pr'oviding penalties for the violation of the pr'ovis10ns of
this ordinance.
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. It shall. be unlawful for any person, firm,
associe.tion, 01' corpol'fltion owning, leasing, or operating any
manufacturing or mercantile establishment, factory, dairy,
garage, or any indu str'ial enterprise of whatsoever' nature, to
discharge into the sanitary sewer system, or into any drain,
pipe, hose, or line connected With said sanitary sewer system
any waste, liquid, or ~ndustrial wastes or waste materials
which interupt or are harmful to, or which interfere with the
successful uI3'8x'anduoperf<!3.tien of the sani tary sewer system or
wi th the munic:i.pal sewerage disposal plant of the City of Grand
Section 2. Whenever any such liquid, water, sewage or waste
materials aI'e found to be interfering wi th the sufcessful u>se and
operation of said sanitary sewer system or the munlcipal sewerage
disposal plant, written notice shall be given ordering the
offender to construct a waste tr'eatment plant to gi ve the waste
pre-treatment before it is discbareed into the sanitary seWer
system. The pre-treatment of such liquid, water', sewage or waste
materials shall be suf.ficient to reduce the strength or character-
istics of said waste to such a degree that it will not interfere
witb the successful use and operation of said sewer system or said
sewerage disposal plant. The noti ce gi ven shall be served 1..1 pan the
owner, lessee, or tenant of su ch factory, mercantile 01' manufacturing
establishment or industrial enterprise by the Superintendent of the
sewerage disposal plant of Grand Island, Nebraska" The notice
herein provided for shall state the nature of the complaint and
shall set a date or time for compliance with the order.
Section 3. All plans, specifications, designs, and data for
any waste pre-treatment plant shall be submi tted to and approved
by the Maymr and City Council and the Superintendent of the
sewerage disposal plant of the City of Grand Island, before any
construction vvol'k on said waste pl'e-treatment plant shall be
Section 4.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm,
association or corporation to discharge into the sanitary sewer
system of the City of Grand Island, or into any drain, pipe,
h03e, or line connected with said sewer system, any water, or
liquid, discharged from any machine, apparatus,uqit or system
u sed for the purpose or or in connection with any system of
mechanical refrigeration, ventilation, air conditioning, or
air cooling.
Section 5. Any person, firm, association, or corporation
violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon
convlction be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined
in any sum not exceeding One HUndred ($100.00) Dollars and shall
stand cornmi tted to the Ci ty Ja:i.1 until said fine and costs a1'e
Section 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take
effect from and after'its passage, approval and publication,
as provided by law.
Passed and approved this 20th day of May, 1942.
An ordinance authorizing and directi:ng the sale of certain re8.1
estate belonging to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, providing
for the manner in which the same shall be sold and the terms of
said sale; providing for the gi ving of notice of the sale of said
real estate and the tel"rrtS trler-eof; and, providing for the r'ight to
file a remonstrance against the sale thereof signed by legal elebt-
ors of the City of Grand Island" Nebraska, equal in number to thil'ty
per cent (30%,) of the electors of said City, voting at tbe last
regulal'" municipal election held in said City.
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. The sale ane1 conveyance of I'eal estate hereinafter
descri bed is hereby directed and au thorized to prankllHruza of the
City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
The property directed and authorized to be conveyed is des-
cribed as follows:
The South Forty One and 1/10 (8.41.1) feet of
the North Eighty Five and 1,110 (85.1) feet of
Lots Four and Five (4 and 5), Block Seventy
Three (73), Wheeler and Bennett t s Third Addi-
tion to the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
Section 2. The manner and terms of such sale of said r8al
estate are as follows: The pur'chaser, prank:HI1uza, will pJrcbase
said real estate and pay therefore the total sum of One Hundred
Pifty (~Fl[1().OO) Dollars. The rurchaser has paid to the Ci ty the
sum of Tvventy-F'ive (~p25.00) Dollars on said purcrJase pri.ce as a
down payment an.d will pay the balance of One Hundred Twenty Fi ve
(~S125.00) Dollars when the City executes and delivers to tbe
purchaser a ~Jit Claim Deed for said real estate, and the City
shall not be required to furnish to the purchaser an AbstI'act of
Ti tIe.
Section 3. As provided by law, noti ce of su ell sale and the
terms thereof shall be.. pub1i shed for tbree COnSeC1Jti've weeks in tbe
Grand I s1and Dally Independent, a news paper' flU hli shed in and of
general circulation in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, irmnediate-
ly after' the passage and flU bl:tcati.on of this ordinance; and tbe
City Clerk is hereby directed and inst:t"ucted to prepare and pub-
1ish said notice.
Secti.on 4. Au thori ty is hereby granted to the electors of
the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebrasy;a, to file a remonstrance against
the sale of said real estate; and if a remonstr'ance against said
sa le s1 gned by legal electors of s a.id Ci ty equ al in number to
thirty per cent (30~b) of the electors of said City voting mt the
last regular municipa.l election held in taid City be filed with
the Mayor' and Council of said Oi ty wi thin thirty da-ys of the
passage and publication of this ordinance, said property shall
not then, nap wi thin one year tb er'earter be sold.
Section 5. The sale of said real estate is hereby directed,
au thorized and confirmed; and if no rernonstl'ance be filed against
8U ch sale, the Mayor and Ci ty Clerl{ shall, ma]{e, execu te and
deli ver to the said Prank f\Hruza, a Qui t Claim Deed for said
property and the execution of said deed is hereby authorized
witbout flu-'ther action on behalf of the City Council.
Section 6. 'fhi s ordinance shall be in force and take
effect from and after its passage, approval and publication
as pr'!0viq;e<)J, by law.
Passed and approved this 20th day of lv:ay, 1942..
ORDINANCE NO.. lli.2..
An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the construct-
ion of the sewer in Sewer District No. 184 in the City of Grand
Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof.
Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special
tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land herein-
after set forth for the purpose of paying the cost of construction
of the sewer in Sewer District No. 184 of said City, in accordance
with the benefits found and assessed against the several lots,
tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City
Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization after
due notice given thereof, as provided by lawja8.ch of the several
lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows:
The Sothman Company
;', :to
Sotbman's Su b-di vis:i.on $
31 .12
31 .12
31 .12
31 .12
~! :!~
31 .12
31 .12
31 .12
31 .12
31 .12
31 .12
31 .12
Section2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and
delinqu ent in the manner provided by law.
Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to certify
to tbe City ~reasurer the amount of said taxes together with
instructionstto collect the same, as provided by law.
Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take
effect from and after its passage, approval and publication,
as provided by law.
Passed and approved this 20th day of May, 1942.
An ordinance declaring it to be unlawful far any person
within the corporate limits of the City 'Of Grand Island,
Nebraska, to assault or threaten in a menacing manner or to
unlawfully strike or wound another and providing penalties
for the violation of the pravisions of this 'Ordinance.
Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section No.1. It is hereby declared unlawfu 1 far any
person within the carporate limits 'Of the City of Grand
Island, Nebraska, to assault or threaten anather in a
menacing manner or to strike or waund anather.
Sectian Na. 2. Any person violating the pravisions 'Of
this 'Ordinance shall be deemed guilty 'Of a misdemeanar,
and shall, upon convictian, be fined in any sum not exceeding
'One hundred ($100.00) dallal'S, and shall stand cammitted
to the ci ty jail until said :!rine and costs of prasecu tian
are paid.
Sectian No.3. Thi s ar'dinance shall be in force and
take eft' ect fram and after its passage, approval, and
pllblicatian as pravided by law.
Passed and appraved this 3rd
, day 'Of June, 1942.
~ ?--
A~T. /~
~CitY Clerk.
An ordinance declal'ing it to be unlawfu 1 for any
person to loiter abou t or trespass upon the pI'operty of
another within the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska, wi thou t the consent of the owner or tenant thereof;
providing that window peeping in the windows of a pri vate
dwellinghou se , apartment or resj.dence of another shall be
prima facie evidence of trespass and providing penalties for
the violation of the pl~ovisions of this ordinance.
City of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section No.1. It shall be unlawful for any person to
loiter about or trespass upon the property of another within
the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, ~ebraska,
wi thout the consen t of the owner or tenant thereof; provided
that window peeping in the windows of a JJr'i vate dwelling house,
apartment or residence of anotb.er shall be prima facie evidence
of trespass.
Section No.2. Any per son violating the provi sions of
thi s ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and
upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one
hundl"ed ($100.00) dollars, and shall stand committed to the
ci ty ,jail until said fine and costs of prosecu tion are paid.
Section No.3. This ordinance shall be in force and
take effect from and after its passage, approval and publica-
tion as provided by law.
Passed and approved this
i-r~:( .
day of June, H)42.
~. c/d-h
- ~itY Clerk.
An ordinance creating Sewer District No. 182, in the City
of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof,
and provlding for the pa;rment of the cost of constru ction
ther eof .
of Grand Island, Nebraska~
Section 1. That there is hereby created a sewer district
in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and desig-
nated as Sewer District No. 182, of the City of Grand Island,
Section 2. The sewer in said district shall be laid in
the alley between Lafayette Street and Kruse Street, commencing
at the south property line of Waugh street, thence running south
to and including Lots seven (7) and eight (8), Block fifteen (15),
Scarff' s Ac.ldition to West Lawn, in the Oi ty of Grand Island.
Section 3. Said sewer district is hereby ordered laid,
as provided by law, and in accordance with the plans and specifi-
cations governing sewer districts, as heretofore established by
the city.
Section 4. That the entire cost of constructing said sewer
shall be ass essed against the abu tting property in said dl s tri c t
and a tax shall be levied against the abutting pr'opertv in said
district to pay for the cost of construction of said district,
as soon as trIe cost can be ascertained; said tax to become payable
and delinquent and draw interest as follows: one-fiftll of tbe
total amount shall become delinquent in fifty d.ays from date of
the levy; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth
in three years, and one-fifth in 1'01..11' years. Each of said in-
stallments, except the first shall draw inter'est at the rate of
seven per centper annum from the date of the levy until they
become delinquent, and after the same become delinquent interest
a t the rate of nine per cent per annum shall be paid thereon until
the same is collected and paid; such special taxes shall be
collected and enforced as in cases of other special taxes, and
said specia.l ta.xes shall be a lien on said real estate from and
after' the date of tbe levy.
Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take
effect from and after its passage, approval and publication,
as provided by law.
Passed and approved by a th1'ee-fourths vote of all members
of the City Council of the City of GI'and Island, Nebraska, this
3rd day of June, 1942.
OEDI NAN C l.~ 1: o. .1.223.
An ol'dinnne0 autLot'i.zi
tll'1(] d.l r~(:.:;ctl;nc; tl1c fJr-i.le ()f cel~trlitl
}'lcB.l est{)-t:e 'b(~1
11[; t c
o:t ty of (}r'IH1(1 Is
, lJ e lxr~ ;) fj
, P:C'(> -
vld"irl::~~ tlJe ';'!ICjJl;10r~ 3.1'1 vr}-r).c} t;r.~E; 8(JJ:(~
tlle te:t~n}~3
of f-l
D OJ providing for
. .
e g J.V:t
of not1.ce of tho sale of
saj.d real osta.te and
t e rr(ifj t l1er (:){).'r; a.11C), pI~ 0 ',1'1. c1
[3 f (}:e t; r~ 121ft
to fi}.e a rmllonstrarlce against tIle sale tll(~reof Si~ll
by 1. a" 010c-
tors of tJ:JO City of Grn.lK3 If31an6, Neb:r.'as}m, (;qual 1:0
nUJn"cn' to tl!:i.:r'ty
'1"'101" cnr,J. ('101) i'lf'.
.J;:"' '.,1 ....~ ._..l. tl '" .':) \.. ."
tlte electj()I~S C)j~
sald City, voting
(}t 0 J~n.st;
:r'egulftS' mun:tc.Lpal ol,:)ct.:ion be1d in said C:Lt;y.
G J:l.PY O:f;'
'j ,<, . ,\ i'Xi) 'l\rl i' lY}~' " C'v !, ~
~l. ~-,,,, ,L~ j, -:\... ~.-<. J J.'-I ,J. 'J'_::.. t t l..) _~ ',_ .i~~ ~
Sect.LCJI1 ].. T}lC nr.'tle
C()Y).'ve>/flX1ce ()f X'
,i nnf t 01'
(le:~cx~l. 1 'Gel 1 E~
D. a'u t bo l'i ;:" ed t () I van ':J 0.
, of the
Ci t:; o.f G
I E~ 1
j 1\1123 l)1-~Etf31{a.
The IJl'O pf!X'-CY di :('00 t
1.7, ell to
convo';yed :' f; des....
Cl't beel as fol
Lot four (4), Block 01 teen (18),
Rollin's ditlon to the City of
Grand Isl:;lncl, Hall Cormty, :1.
TT16 :~-: Llrt Y1 ()J)
t (;T'lI' f:l of~ ;Jl:i -t~})
4 D
..-- V-(;'~_h
E~~:~tr),t,(; a.Tle Ct;:~ :f()ll()VJ'G.: T1J8
'r" -c"\ . .'~t D (;I~, I VB"l"l I{J a1c1o ,
()'ca to In :V'
(,)1"18 tlH.:ru nar}cl fJ(~V(~r! l:~u
" .0 0 . ! { ,t'l rt ~'.~ ,
(Jet J ~L C ~G ~)T \ \;)<~, , ( i.)\..) )
clo1J....e.l:jS fol.~
VI i tJ::i n
l'80J. ostate: and has pai(l to t
Gtty C1
(yf) t;,llG C1 t'~r
o:f G1. [lflCl I 8 J~arld. tJJ e ElU In of
h'iepl'\r~.r.~ VP (~",~;r.)) rlo"3'1l"'"
J f _~,; ..1 . .J~ _5 . \;c . '-' ......-. ~'" ~ ',. ".-. ...)
,9. S .St rJ. 0 Vi 1"1
pa.;;lnel"lt Lllcrr~efoIJ(;, t\110 tl.:.e l)~:t11-J.rl(~(3 o:faXle t1'l(YU sax1cl. nO'\l01'.1 IJU l~
twenty-five (01,725) dollars will be paJ.d
:.fu 11 ll, pon l:
e}~e Ctl t; t (}!"l
<OJ.nd deli ve:e,y
a QLiit Claim deed b~y
e 01 t:) tel t l~le f~[11(t
i,,~ C l1.;J~ S 81" .
The Cit.\ sLall not l)e req1.1:Ll'
to l'ux'lli
:tll t:l tll;~tct ()f tt tIe.
Sect.L.,')>rl 3. l\S 1)r'lo'vi(](3(1 l)y l.c:!,.'!l, llot~tce (~:r 8iJC}1 R8.J.(:~ 1;}~le
t Gr:'H} S t ll(:;'~'-' .(~ ()J~ SllD.II t:e
l-:Jl.lsllocl f'or~ brll~t~e c()rlneC1)~t;:tve eel:.s :tl1 tile
Grand I slarJ.(). Daily Indepondent, a nO'VB pOl:' pu bJi shed in i:\rld of
general eLt'c1119.t1.on In the City of G:i:'
I [11El [lcl, 1'1 tJ lJl~ G. a h:a J 1.rn1n ec1 i (1 tel;)
aftf;J:~ tIle r){1.sn~~te:e ~?\-Ilcl };:HJ l)lj4er;lt~t()rl elf tlrl fj o)':c11rlEtflee;
tlle 01 t~y
C 1. e.r~k: 1~ a }.'!.() :l.fE~ 1J;/ {~11 I~e' (; t.:; ed~
5..iJfjtr~'!) etic;c1 to
e arl<:t I:u 1J11 811 3 D.lci
Sec.l-;1iJ:n 4. A:ut}Jorii;"fY' ls
~11J.ted to tl~le (J1ec.t;ol"S ()f\ tl}0
Cit.v of Grand Islan(3~
1):r~H,B , to file a ~ee"~i"Ort;,{
e e D. ,:":€t ~i. rt fJ t: 't:l ()
~3.:11. ~Jl:e [11 e s.t r.l 'I,-,e; tltle3.
ar- (linOnS t}: an ce
against said. saJ-0
signed by legal electol's of said C1 t.v eql.H:l.l:Ln :nurn1,el: to tb1J"t~l per
() riD
E NO. 1.2S3.... (G
cent ( }!,) of' tl e 81Gct:;or~1 nl
Ci tj voLt
~1 t tl~.e 1 Et s t }'j op;(ll rJ. ri
ol(:~etI 011 l,i()1d l:n f3Et-t(~1 C:tt.~v
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1 .1..1.
V} i t}J
D. O:.t~ ,;~)rle G(Yl; TJCl1 C~C
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~~;[li.d. Cl 0 0(3. IfJ lle:ce l)~/ UJ.,l t
T~ t 1.... (-~.l}'J, et; j or.'i
on IJe11aJ,.f ()f th,e City
S{)et.1.0I.l c. Tll~L (~
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1.\. ;:c ~l~ J:~ ;_:~l ~r ;
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v..,. (,., _, J "._ 1~"
An ordinance pertaintng to tl>ailers" tr'ailer cabins" CSlTlp
cars, and similar enclosures used for ]j, vjng and sleeping pur-
poses; pl'ovic.ing tbat such trailers" tl'ailer cabt:n.s, and camp
cars may be kept par'ked and camped on prl vate property not
designated as public camps; providing for tl:J.e issuance of pel~-
O1i ts and the I' evocation thereof; pl'oviding for' the payiuent of a
permi t fee and for the payment and collection of a service and
inspe ction fee; providing ru lea and regulations governing sani-
tation and public safety; and providing penalties for the v1.0-
1ation of the provisions of this ordinance.
Whereas, on the 10th day of 1\: ay, 1942, the Ilif ayor' and 01 ty
Oouncil regu larly pass eO. and appr'oved Ordi.nance Number 1908 of
the ordinances of the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebl~as1:a, provl.ding
for the location, establishment, and maintenance of publiC camps
for' trailer's, camp cars, and similar enclClsureB for 11 ving and
sleeping purposes, and provided fhat such camp cars and traj,lers
should be located only in }.ub1ic camps, And,
Whereas, the OVl11ers of private property have permitted the
owners and occupants of such trailers and c~:unp cars to carnp on
pri vate pI'operty for' the reason that sufficient public camp
faci 11 ti es ha VEl not been provided 1,,11 and nl'e not a vai lable.
Oi ty of Gr(':lnd Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. It shall here8.fter be lawful. for the owner or
lessee of ])1'1 vate property not designated as a [ublic camp to
perrnit the owner or occupant or pccupants -of any cabin cab,
C8Jl!p car, trailer, or any similar enclosure used fol' li ving and
sleeping purposes to park the same and ca1Jlp on such pri vate pro-
perty after an appliea tion has been made theI'efor'e, as hereinafter
provided upon the payment of a permi t fee and inspection fees as
herinafter designated, and after the application therefore haa
'been approved by the Board of Health of the Oi ty of Grand Island.
Section 2. The applieation for a permit provided in Section
1 of this ordinance shall be made by the owner, occupant, 01'
OCCulx;:,ni.:;s of the vehicle desiring to park on such private pro-
perty, and shall be made to the 01 ty Clerk of the C1 ty of Grand
Island, 3u eh appli oa tion 811a11 give the name of the applicant
am hlsor her address ,the loeation whet'e saidtra:ller or
camp car is to be parked or kept, the name of the owner 0;['
lessee of the premises on which said vehicle is to be located
what water and toilet facilities are available, and how such
applicants, shall dispose of garbage, sewage, and refuse. The
City Clerk shall, upon receiving said application, refer the
same to the Board or Health, and shall not issue a permit there-
fore, until the Board of Health has approved said application.
In approving said application, the Board of Health shall take
into account all matters concerning public safety and sanitation,
and no permit shall be granted unless 1,000 square feet of spQce
shall be available for said trailer orforeachofsald trailers
parked on said private property.
Section 3. All rules and regulations regulating distances
between camp cars and camp trailers, the amount of square feet
for each unit, and all other rules and regulations provided in
Ordinance No. 1908 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska, regulating public camps, insofar as the same shall be
applicable, shall apply to all camp cars, trailers, and trailer
cabins, parked on pri va.te property, and said 1"Ules and regula-
tions are incorporated herein and made a part hereof.
Upon approval by the Board of Health of the application herein
. pprovided, the 6i1;y Cle1'k shall thereupon issue the permit and
shall charge therefore a permit fee in the sum of $5.00, which
permi t shall expire on the 31st day of December of the year
iSBU ed.
I.ny person to whom such penni t shall be grant ad shall in
addition to the permit fee of ~~~ per year pay to the C1 ty
Clerk a monthly service and lnspectionfee in the amount of t:? .00
I dc'
per month or any part of a month, and said inspection fee shall be
payable in advance_
If the holder of said permit . shall fail to pay said monthly
inspection and service fee or shall violate any of the prortsions
otthis ordinance, or if the premises on which said camp car. or
trailer is located shall be allowed to become 1n an unsafe, unclean,
untidy and anunsanikry eondltionor injurious to Plb11c health
ani safety, the Mayor and Council may revoke said permit in the
following manner:
A notice sl~ll be served on the person holding said permit
setting forth in what manner the holder thereof has failed to
comply with the proVisions of this ordinance and citing him to
appear before the City Council on a day and hour specified, not
less than 3 days nor more than 7 days after the p:l rsonal service
of said notice on the holder of such penuit to show cause, if any,
Why saidpermi t should not be revoked. At the time and place
mentioned in said notice the holder of said permit shall have the
right to appear in person or by counsel and introduce au ch
evidence as he may desire.
Section 4. Penuits issued under the provisions of this
ordinance shall not be transferrable.
Section 5. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, associa-
tion, or corporation owning, leasing, or controlling any lot,
tract, or parcel of land wi thin the corporate limits of the City
of Grand Island to allow or to permit the owner or occupants of
any trailer, trailer cabin, camp car, or similar enclosures used
for li ving and sleeping purposes to be parked or camped on
said lot, tract, or parcel of land if the owner or occupant of
said trailer, trailer cabin, or camp car has failed to procure
the permits as provided in this ordinance.
Section 6. Any person, firm or association or corporation
violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be
fined in any sum not exceeding $100 and shall stand committed
to the City Jail until such fine and costs are ~id.
Section 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this 17th day of June, 1942.
... . ayo!' .
An ol'dinanee pel'-ca1.nlng to zoning and to t;-18
J\hmictpal Ail"port l~eg\.1l'lting the erectIon and m9J.nt~1nance of
obstructions dangerous to aerial transportation adjacent to
the Grand Island Munic:tpal Airport;, and pro-riding penal ties
fOI' the violation of the pr'ovi sions of thi S ol'diua!lce.
WheI'eaa the Grand 18ll.-I.nd Ml..lniclpal Ail"PO:t't has become
and is an ai.rport of the pllb11.c ut:tl:tty class and public
safety requires the protectLon of the established air1:in€;ls
of commerce and navigat1.on patro:nizing said airport, now,
theJ.'of 0 1"'0,
Section 1. The Yicinity of the Grand Island lJlunicipa.l Air=
POl;'.i;, 1ocat'3d in Section 35, T"'Np. 12 Nopth, Ran?:e 9 WEst of the
6th P. WI.'p Hall County, Ne braskl1 lnwtde the lirni ts of the j.n-
COX'PC)1'utl3d City of Grand Island, shall be regarded as zoned for
tb1.'eemi113S in all directIons from the Ij01.mdary of said alrpoI't,
as follows: (a) at each end of each ex.Lstlng or proposed run-
way, landing strip 01' other portl():lJl of the landing field llSOO.
regtl1arl;f for the landing 01' taking-off of ai:t~p1a:nes, an appl'oach
zone, 1,000 f €let in wid t11 at the boundar;yr of the field and
broadening to a width of 5,500 feet tlu'ee miles distant, its
centel' Ii.na beIng a contlnuatlon of the centel' line of the ):'1;1n-
'\Nay~, landing st;:r.'ip or pO:i:'tion of the field in qu estlon; and
(b) between each tViO approach zones a tlu"nlng zone, such tUl'n:tng
zones th1...1 S compl'islng all portions of the zoned. area. not con-
tainod in approach zones.
Air'po:et boundal"ies, approach zones, and turning zones are
deser:t bed on the Airport Zoning Plan which accompardes and is
heJ'eby made a pa:t..t of this o:r>d1nance. Sald zoning plan shall
at all times be on file in the office of tl1.6 City Clerk of the
C1 t,y of Grand Island, Nebraska.
SectIon 2,. Wi thin an;1 approach Zone no building, trans-
mii3s:ton 11:'1e, pole, tov7er 01' other st:t"uccure shall he1~eafter be
ORDIN ANCE NO.. 1922:.. (CONT)
e1' eo tell" r econ stru cte<:1 or r epaLy'ed to an exten t in exce::l s of
50 per' cent of its replacement valu e" nor shall any tree or
othel' object of nEJ.tu:L'al growth be allowed to grow" to helght
above the elevation of the nearest point on the boundary of
the airpol"'t in excess of 40 to 1 of the d:istance fro:m Aa:id
po.int; to said Stl'UCtUI'8 01' object.
Sect:ton 3. Within an;:r tu:.nling zone" no building, tl'ans-
mission line" pole" to'Nel' 01" other structure shall hereafteJ:~
be erected, reconstructed or repa:tred to an ext;ent 1n excess
of 50 peT' cent of its replacement value" nor shall any t:eee
or other ob,j ect of L
ral gl'lo'wth he allowed to grow, to a
height above the elevatiOJ1, of the neaI'est point on the bou:tldl.n~y
of the airport in excess of 30 to 1 of the distance from sa5.d
point to said structure or object.
Section 4. Wi thin any tu:r'ning zone no bUildlng" tl"ans-
mi ssion 1j.ue, pole, tower or' other stru cture shall hereaftel"
be erected, l' econstru Cte<..1 01' repaired to an extent in exce as
of 50 pel' cent of i'l:;s replacement value" noI' shall any tree
0:(' othel~ object of natu~('al growth be al10iived to groIN" to a
he1[:';11t abo ve the elevation of tIle highest stru ctlH'al 01> na tu ral
feature pel~rnitted as a co:nforming usennder the terms of th:1s
ordinance at the nearest; point on the bOlmdary of any approach ~:.o:nE
in excess of '7 to 1 of the di stance from said point to saId
sta~u ctur e or obj ecl.;..
Section 5.. No overhead power line shall hereaftel' be
erected or extendecJ. within three miles of the said airport unless
and untIl a request to pel>mit same shall have been filed with
tbe State Zoning Agenc,;l and approval grant,ed by the said Agency
follOWing its determina t:i.on that the sa:i.d power 1ine is not
lJ.lml'y to lnterfere to a hazardous extent with l~adio cOI1TInunica-
tion between the said airport and aircraft approaching or le$.ving
SHIne. Said approval shall be granted or denied in wrj_tingw:lthin
a period of 30 days following recei pt" by the Agency or its
authorized representative, of the sald application. Said
approval shall be required in addition to the building pel"Init
hereinafter provided for. P.l?ovided, that au ell penni t shall not
be y'equi:red for the erection. or :extension of any' overhead power
15.ne with:tn the incot'porated tou:ndaries of the City of Gl'and Island
when su ch ove1'11e
power' 1tne Gonstl ttltes a part of said Ci tyl s
power distl"ibut on system, except as related to height re-
3t1'1 ctions .
Sect:Lon 6. Whenever' the Building Inspecto~r' of the Ci ty
of Grand Island shall deterrnine or shall be notifi ed by the
State Zoning Agency and or the Nebraska Aeronautics Commission
tha t a specIfic non-confonning sert:! ctlJ:re or obj ect exi sts, and has
existed prior to the passage of this ord:1.na11c6 and 'Vvithin the
zoned area hereinbefol"e described at such a he:1.ght 01" in such a
position as to constitute a hazal'd to the safe operation of 'lir-
cr-aft lancllng at or talring off from trio sald airport, the owner
01:' ovmers and the lesso:r 01:' lessors of tIle p:t'ernises on which such
structure or object is located shall be noti.fied in writing by
the said Inspector and shall wi thin a reasonable t:i.me thereafter
pe1:'mi t the 10v/crIng 01' renova1 thereof aDd or immediately pex'mit
the marking thereof by sui table lights or othEn~ signals designated
by the sald Inspector and based on the reconU11endations of the
Nebrasl{a Ael:,onautics Comnlission. The cost of such lowel'ing, re-
moval aI' marking shall not be assessed against the owner 01"
lessor' of said p:t'ernises..
Sec'l:;1011 7. The Oi ty Council shall con8ti tu te the Zoning
Board of Adjustment for the City of GI'a.nd Island, and as such
Board of Adjustment, shall allow a variance to the terms of this
ordinance where a 1i tera.1 application thereof would result in
unnecessary h ardshi p and the r olief granted wou ld not be cont:pary
to the public intel"est. Provided, however, that the written re-
port of the State Zoning Agency shall be 0 'tai.ned prior to final
granting of such variance and that, if recommended by said Agency,
the insta,11ation,operation and maintenance, at the expense of
the applicant, of suitable obstl"uction markers and 01' lights
shall be required as conditions of the said variance. Appeal
from any decis:i.on of the Board may 1'Je made by an agg:r'ieved pl:':rson
or persons in the manner provided by Section 16 of Leg:!. slati ve
Bill No. 495, Fifty-fifth Session, Nebras},ra Sta.te Legislature.
Section 8. It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector
of the Oi ty of Grand Island to examine the concH tions po:rtinent
to appl:i.cations fOI' permits as provided hereinaftel~, to issue
su ell pel~Inj ts vvhen sald conditions ape in compl1.ance with the
tex'ms of thi s ordinance, to deny au ch permits when saId condi tions
are not in compliance wi th the tel~ms of thl s ordinance and to
advise the Oi ty Council and the sta.te Zoning Agency of conditions
wi thin the zoned area undel' the said Inspector's jurisdiction
Which are hazal"dous to aerial transpol"tation.
Section 9. Except after obtaIning a permit from the City
Building Inspect01" it sball be unlavfful hereaftex': (a) witlL"ln
three miles of sa.ld aJ.rport "when su en area is incll.lded wi thin the
incorporated limits of the City of Grand Island, to erect, reoon-
stru ct 01" repa:tr to an extent in excess of 50 per cent of its
l"'eplacement value, any building, transm:i.ss:ton line, pOle, tower
OX' other stl'ucture, or (b) within tlu"'ee miles of sald airpol'"'t
to erect or extend an overhead power line except as hereinbefore
provided. Appl1cation for a per'mit as required unciel"' this
ordinance shall be made upon a form to be available in the office
of the BuIlding Inspector' and shall indicat~ the approximate
10cati.on, gl"ound elevation and height of the proposed structure.
The fee for such ptz)rmit issued shall be $1.00 and all fees received
by the sald Inspector shall be paid by him to the Oi ty Treasurer
fOl"' deposit in the City Revenue fund, in an account ent:i.tled
"Building Department Fund." No p:-;rmit shall be required for any
structure to be located farth02' than oft mile from said a:i.rpOI't
unless said structul"'e is to be higher than 50 feet, or for any
structure farther than 500 feet from saj_d ail"'port unless said
struc-cu re is to be higher than 10 feet, above the nearest boundary
of the airport. No fee shall be charged for a permit for any
COllstl'1...Iction or repair whose estimated cost is less than $100.00.
Section 10. The erection, reconstl"'uction or repair of any
st:t'iJctllre, or the allowing of any natural feature to gl"'OW, to a
height in excess of that pennitted under the tenne of th:is or-
dinanee shall be deemed a violatIon of this Ol->dinance and
punishable, upon conviction thel'6of, as a misdemeanor and
person, fil"m, association, or corpoj"ation violating the
pro vi sions of thi s ordinance shall upon conviction be f:i.ned :Ln
any sum not mOl"e than $100.00 and shall stand committed to the
City Jail until such fine and costs are paid.
Section 11. This ordinance shall be in force and take
effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication as
px'ovided by law.
Passed and approved this 19th day of June, 1942.
A'rT.ES' ~A
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D efl Tlccl
DestI'u e tlon of nUn! ;'e~::' 8 on
I1"fJld..:tll.L t() .,--iloTvlr1.G: vel-1:tclos
In!ponn(li ng
In spect;ion
Pn:r'1J of
PEt8S erl;~!: (:J'f~ ()11
Rearceflector button
err CIJE
1 '.'.
~i .l.
"J" '7
1 4
,1 3
" <)
0 t,.
7 17
1'7 l?
1 '7,
., '7
~, 31
. i
10 ;5
},1 8
1,1 15
IJl 18
1 5
14 19
14 1'"
1'1 20
lL,1 9
1,1 8
1'1 16
III 1 11
1.1" 8
Application for
Expir a ti on
Issuance of Certificate
14 2
14 5
14 2
14 3
Number plates
Ci ty to provide
14 4
14 1
14 1'1
14 11
14 12
14 10
14 18
14 '7
14 18
14 1'7
13 30
13 2
Ren tal agencies
Ride near curb
Riding in groups
Ri€tlt of way, Yielded by
Second hand dealers report purchases
Transfer of ownership
Bi cycl e deal er s
Bicycle rental agencies
Blame for accident not absolved
I Blind per""n ~arl'Y white cane
14 8
9 6
9 6
5 6
Efficiency requirements
Motor vehicles
Set when vehicle parked on incline
Oareless driving
CarrYing packages on bicycle
Oa tchheads
'1 20
14 15
16 1
13 8
Ohain dragging
Chief of Police
Accounts for pound fees
13 27
2 1
3 1
3 2
13 25
13 2'7
APpoint Chief of Traffic Division
Assign traffic officers
Emergency regulations
Locate automobile pound
Record of vehicles impounded
Ghief of Traffic Division
SUpervise Traffic Division
Congested district
Speed in
'l'U rning in
. Def'ined
II Parking on
Bicycles to be ridden near
Painting of'
Damage to f ixtu res and impr ovement s
Damaged vehicle reported by garage keeper
Defini tlona
Alley entrance
Arterial street
Authorized emergency vehicle
Automatic traffic signal
Congested district
Driver or operator
Intersection, street
Motor vehicle
Official traffic signal
Official traffic signs
par ldng
IN'itii ~~tJi
Police officer
Private dirveway
Right of way
Safety zone
Sidewalk space
street or highway
Destruotion of numbers of bicycles
Disabled vehicles, towing
_1 s charging freight ,vehi ole
~iSp1ay of .nauthorized signs
IDiSregard traffic sumnons
Dragging chain, rope, etc.
Driver or operator
back to curb
Damaging unattended vehi cle
Duty of
Give assistance and information
Lioense required
Limitations on
Intoxicated persons
Sixteen years of age or under
Under" tnt'luel'I'o'EJ"of":t:ntoxieants
Obstructing or hampering
Permit to operate vehicle of 2 H.P. or less
Person in front of
Report accidents within 24 hours
Right of way to person with whi te cane
Stop at scene of acoident
Driving carelessly or reok1essly
Driving in sidewalk space
Driving over fire hose
Dri v:tng 0 vel' new pavement
Dr1 nng through funeral procession
riVeWay, obstructing
~ergency vehicles
(See Authorized
Emergency Vehicle)
~lIot to extend when parked
On vehicle 1n motion
13 19
1 9
13 3
13 18
11 2
1/ I
7 24
11 3
7 24
13 20
13 2
13 18
7 20
13 6
13 16
13 14
13 17
5 13
Fire hose, driving over
Fire hydrants, parldng near
Flag on pt'ojecting load
Flag on projecting endgate
Following vehicle
~ Emergency vehicle
l .Safe distance between vehicles
neral procession, obstructing
Garage keeper report abandoned vehicles
Garage keeper report damaged vehicles
Garbage i trucks limited parking
From wr ecked vehi cle . to be r emo ved
scattered on street
Hindering vehicle from passing
Holding to moving vehicle
IlnspectionS--BrakeS and Lights
Additional inspections
Intoxicated persons not to dri ve
In vesti ga ti ons
Poliee to investigate accidents and make
Jaywalking by pedestrians
Keep to right of center of street
At street intersections
Except in passing between intersections
streets" paSSing on
Lanes for traffic
Traffic Division to designate
Turning from--rlght, left
Leaving scene of accident
13 23
13 22
{) 21
nothing attached to
rear illuminated
10 ~
10 1
10 3
10 2
10 1
Plates kept clean
location of
Vehicle registration
I Ligh ts
Blinding or glaring
Bu 1 be
Head lights
14 e-b
9 ~;l/
9 3
9 4
9 2
9 5
. 1
13 9
9 1
10 2
9 5
5 4
2 3
5 4
Dimmed, when
Par ked wi th
Projecting loads, on
Rear light
Registration plates rear, lighted
Vehicles of 3 wheels or less
ILOading zones
Marked by T.raffic Division
Parking in, restricted
Mechanical signals, when permitted
Minor under 16 years not to dr ive
Motor bUt;Jes
stop at curb
Stop at Safety zone
Motor vehicle ctefined
Brakes on
9 3
9 6
9 2
9 1
10 1
atlb 1:n light
Headligh ta
Re~J;>. l;Lght
..R~gistra tion
MOving '\1ehicles
Bicyclist holding to
Olinging to
Mu t'.t1\~1"B
Nailsl scattering prohibited
Newly laid pavement, drivit\S over
Nore from mufflers
Notice to owner of damaged fixtures, etc.
Notice to owner of damage to unattended vehicle
I Obedience to traffic signs and
Obstru cting funeral procession
ObstructiftS private driveway
Obstructing traffic
Obstru,cting view of driver
Official emergency vehicle
(see Authorized emergency vehicle)
Official traffic signal defined
Official traffic signs defined
Operator (See Driver)
Duty of
Ope ra tor's permi t
Issued by Chief of Police
signals 4 2
13 17
5 13
7 20
'7 24
Revocation or suspension of
Overtaking vehicles
Drive to left, except
Within street intersection
fainting curbs
All ey in
Alley entrance
Angle or parallel
Color legend'
Endgate extended
Fire hydrants, near
F~eight vehicle backed to curb
Garbage trucks limited parking
In alleys
In sidewalk space
5 17
5 18
5 12
14 16
5 2
1 14
5 25
5 8
5 !'fi
5 21
5 17
13 6
La.rge commerc1a.l veld.Oles
Leaving curb, paral1tii pr:i1>ked
Ligh ts, when
Limit fi:xad by council
Loading zon es
Obstructing alley entrances
Obstructing driveways
Obstructing traffic
Opposi te street car 01' 1:u s stop
Owner responsible for
Twenty-four Hour Unlawful
Peddler' B wagons
Repair, washing in street
Residence districts
Right of way, when leaving
Ri ght side at curb
Set brakes
Street in tersecti ens
Trucks in residence district
Vehi cle for sale
Parking and Inspectien Violations Bureau
Fees collected, disposition of
In dri vert s seat
In front of operator
More than manufacturer's capacity
To l~t
To left of center line between intersections
On laned streets
7 26
7 24
7 24
1'~ 14
~ '7
'7 5
'7 6
7 5
7 10
Peddler's wagons, parking of
Bicycles yield right of way to
Defin ad
Observe automatic signals
14 10
13 1
1 15
4 3
7 1
I Ri ght of way
Impound bi cycles
Par king
17 1
14 20
15 2
11 3
Revoke operator' spermi t
Police officer
Obedience to
Posi tion on street of vehicle
IT1 vate dri veway
3 1
1 16
3 1
7 6
Obstruct by parking in
1 17
5 13
13 9
13 10
Projecting loads
Pushing vehicles ~0h1b1 tad, except
Quiet zones, deiignated by
Traffic Diviston
Radio advertising in streets
Reckless driVing
Records of Traffic Vio1ationi
Red flag or light on projecting loads
IRed line pl'ohibited parking
Oper ator s
12 2
7 20
2 4
13 9
5 2
Trailer s
14 1
11 20.3
10 1
10 4
Motor vehi cles
Registration plates
Fastened securely
11 lumina too.
Location of
Nothing attached to
Remove debris from wrecks
Repeal of fanner ordinances
Repairing in streets
Report accidents
Report damages to property
police to investigate accidents and maRe
Riding on outside of vehicle
Right of way
AP~oaching intersection
Authorizedanergency vehicle
Bicycle riders yield
Entering intersection
FOl'fei ture of
From private driveway
Overtaken vehicle yield
Parked vehicle, leaving curb
Ferson with white cane
sto P street
Turn left
III&.fety zones
. Defined
1)ri ving through
Loading zones opposite
Street ears and buses stop at
Savings clause
Scattering load from ,vehicle
14 4
10 3
10 1
10 2
10 1
10 3
10 4
13 13
lSj 1
5 10
13 20
13 21
'1 1-a
'1 1-t
14 10
1 18
'1 1-a
'1 1-h
7 l-d
'1 11
'1 1-a
7 1-c
13 2
7 l-g
'1 I-b
1 19
6 1
5 4
6 2
16 3
13 11
I Sidewalk space
Sp~ Deer
Parking on
Yi aId 1'i ght of way J on
Dri ving or parking in
Signal de vi ces
For traffic signal only
Unnecessary noise with
Vehicle equipped with
Signals .of ro ad
Leaving parallel parking position
.., 28
.., 12
.., 12
.., 12
.., 12
Left turn
Requ i red to be gi ven
Right turn
Signs and signals
Au toma ti c trafri c signal
Def acing
Display of unauthorized
Failure to stop
Obedience to
4 3
4 J: 5
4 4
8 2
4 2
.., 81
7 3
13 5
Sirens, use of 1imi tad
Slow moving vehi cles near eu rb
Soliciting rides
.., 22
PI 7 18
.., 18
5 15
.., I-h
.., 18
.., 18
.., 19
.., 18
Arterial streets
Congested district
crossing sidewalks
Forfeiture of rig)1t of way
Generally in city
Reasonable and proper
Spilling contents from vehicles
8tr eets
Tractors with lugs, etc., forbidden
Approach of authorized emergency vehicle
Befor e cross ing sidewalk
Before entering stop street
Defi ned
For person car:rylng whit e cane
Loading or unloading motor bus
Street intersection
Parking in
Parking nearer than ten feet
Ri ght of way
Street or highWay
Park vehicle for sale, on
Washing or repairing vehicle in
Summons, .dlsregarding
Tacks, scattering of
TOWing vehi cle s
Toy vehioles prohibited in streets
Traffio Division
Annual safety report
Investigate aooidents
Loading zones, designated
Parking and Inspection Viol ations Bureau
Prohi bi t turns, when
quiet zones, designated
Records of acoidents
Records of traffic violations
Register bioycles
8 2
1 22
13 2
5 24
7 19
1 10
5 19
5 .,
7 1
1 25
5 9
5 10
13 29
13 12
13 10
13 4
2 6
2 2
2 1
2 IS
2 3
15 1
7 16
2 3
2 3
2 4
14 1
'l'1'affte hazard, creating
Trat't:t'e of.f1 eel'
Assigned by Chief of Poli ce
Defin ad
Traffic signs and signals
Defacing or injuring
Obedience to
Placed by
Unauthorized display
Tru cks
Rear light
Regi stration
Back to curb to discharge freight
Parking in residential district
Parking wi th endga te down
Routes established
Tight beds, scattering load
Tractors with lugs, ete., forbidden
Travel. near curb
Arterial streets
Automatic signals, or green light
Au tOllL9-ti c signals, U tu ms
.:1 .
Change direct on
Congested district
Maybe prohibited
Ri g~ ,or left
Signal for
U Turns, where prohi bi ted
U Tu):'ns, where prohibited
Unattended vehicles, damage to
Unnecessary noise
Signal devices
7 -15 ~
4 5
4 2
4 1
41 4
5 16
5 11
5 25
7 29
13 11
5 14
7 3
7 15
7 ~\Y'\
,7 ~ 1'7
'I 14
'1 15
7 16
7 13
, 12
7 14
7 17
7 14
VeM ole
Ad verti sing on
Conform to ordinance and state law
Hei ght
12 1
13 31
1 24
5 9
9 7
9 7
9 7
4 3
12 ~~
10 1
7 3
5 24
9 .,.,
For sale, parking of
Inspeotion of
Observe automatio signals
Radios in or on
Regi stration
Slow moving, at curb
Stop for loading motor buses
Viadu ot
Passing on
1 25
7 10
7 18
Speed on
White oane oarried by blind person
White line, 15 minute perking
Yellow line, limited parking
/ Cef )~{\
l f
An Ordinance regulating traffic upon the public streets,
highways, and alleys of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska;
providing for the administration and enforcement of regulations
governing traffic; providing a penalty for the v.blation thereof;
and repealing ordinances No. 268, 655, 1112, 1246, 1251, 1445,
and 1528 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebr-
aska, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict
her' ewi the
of Grand Island, Nebraska:
ARTICLE 1. Definitions
Section 1. Alley Entrance. The term 11 alley entrance't as u sed in
this ordinance shall mean the extension of the alley from the lot
line to the street curb line.
Section 2. Arterial Street. The term It arterial streettt as used
in this ordinance shall mean a street designated as such by
resolution duly adopted by the City Council.
Section 3. Authorized Einergency .Vehic~l~. The term Itauthorized
emergency vehicle't as u sed in this ordinance ahall mean vehicles
of the Fire Department and of the Police Department of the City
and ambulance, or First Aid car of the Fire D.partment.
Section 4. Au tomatic Traffic Signals. The tel1m U au tornati c traff:ic
signals" as used in this ordinance shall mean any device electri-
cally or mechanically controlled, by which traffic is alternately
directed to stop and proceed.
Section 5. Bicycle. The term Ubicycle" as used in this oruinance
shall mean a light vehicle with two tandem wheels, either of
which is over twenty (20) inches in diameter, with tires inflate~
having handle bars and a saddle seat or seats, and propelled by
the feet acting on treadles connected with levers.
Section 6. Congested District. The term "congested distr'ictlt as
used in this ordinance Shall'l~e that,~~~tion of the city
within the f 0 llowin g bOU~ to -wI ;.' /:l-o~iO' ron t Str e et from
Oak Street to}ial . reet, thir~J,trJe~ from the Chi cago,
Burlington, '~~ cey Railroad Company right-of-way to Ecldy
~ \
Street, S~jond st~ r~rlington & ~~incey
Railroad Company right-of-way to Elm Street, F'irst Street from
Sycamore street to Cedar Street; F'ourth street from I91dy Street
. 1
to East to a point where said F6~~h street clttosses the Railroad
!mown as the St. Paul Trf,}tak Street from Second Street to
F'ourth Street, Kimball ~eet from Second ~treet to South Front
Street, Sycamore stt,~~ from First street to Fourth street, Pine
a treat from Cou' !~reet to Sixth a tre et, Lo cu at atra et from
South Frbn~ stf ~t to Charles Street, Wheeler street from South
Front stre'\J\.. Koenig Street, Walnut street from First :Eltreet to
Fifth st~eet, Cedar street from F'irst street to South Front streEt
Elm stre..~t from Second street to Fourth street, and iiddy street
from Third street to Fourth street.
Section 7. Crosswalk. The term "crosswalk" as used in this
ordinance shall mean that portion of the roadway included within
the prolongation or connection of the laterial lines of sidewalks
at intersections, or any other portion of a street clearly indi-
cated for pedestrian crossing by lines, gutter bridges or other
markings on the surface.
Section 8. ~. The term "curb" as used in this ordinance shall
mean the lateral boundaries of that portion of a street designed
for the use of vehicles, whether mar'ked by curb stones or not
so marked.
Section 9. Driver or Operator. The term .tdri ver" or tt operato!'u
as used in this ordinance shall mean the rider or driver of a
horse, the rider of a bicycle or the operator of any vehicle.
Section 10. Intersection or Street Intersection. The term
It intersection" or U street intersectionn as u sed in this ordinance
shall mean that space occupied by two, streets at the point where
they cross each other, bounded by the lot lines extended, and
shall include the sidewalk space as well as the roadway.
Section 111. Motor Vehiciles. The term Itmotor vehicle" as ueed
in this ordinance shall mean any vehicle propelled by power
other' than muscular power, except railway trains running upon
their own tracks.
Section 12. Official Traffic Signals. The term "official
traffic signals" as u sed in this ordinance, shall mean all
signals not inconsistent with this ordinance, placed or erected
by authority of the City Council, or a public body or official
having jurisdiction for the purpose of directing)warning or reg-
ulating traffic.
Section 13. Official Traffic Signs. The term "official traffic
signsll as u sed in thi s ordinan ce shall mean all signs, markings
and devices, other than signals, not inconsistent with this
ordinance, placed or erected by authority of the City Council
or a public body having jurisdiction for the purpose of guiding,
directing, warning, or re~lating traffic.
Section 14. Parking. The term "parking" as used in this or-
dinance shall mean the standing of a vehicle, v'hether occupied
or not, upon a street or alley, otherwise than tempor&ri1y for
the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unload-
ing, or in obedience to traffic re~lations or traffic signs or
Section 15. Pedestrians. The term llpedestrianlt as used in tbis
ordinance shall mean any person afoot.
~ection 16. Police Officer or Traffic Officer. The term
IIpo1ice officeI'll or "traffic officeru as used in this ordinance
shall mean every officer of the Police Department of the Oi ty,
or any officer authorized to direct or reg,ulate.traffic or make
arrests for the Violation of traffic re~lations.
Section 17. Private Dri veway. The term II pri vate dri veway" as used
in this ordinance sr~ll mean every road or driveway not open to
the use of the pu blic for purposes of vehicular travel.
Section 18. Right of Wax. The term "right of way" as used in
this ordinance shall mean the privilege of the immediate use of
the street.
Sec. 19. Safety Zone. The term II safety zonell as u sed in this
ordinance shall mean the area or space officially set apart withm
a street for the eEc1usive use of pedestrians, and which is pro-
tected or is so marked or indicated by adequate signs as to be
plainly visible at all times while set apart as a safety zone.
Section 20. Sidewalk. The term U sidewalk" as used in this orlit/ent'"
nance shall mean that portion of the sidBwalk space improved for
and/or used for ant by pedestrians..
Section 21. Sidewalk Space. The term usidewalk spaceu as used
in this ordinance shall mean that portion of a street between the
curb lines and the adjacent property lines.
Section 22. stop. The term II stop" as u sed in this ordinance,
when the act is required, shall mean complete cessation of move-
men t .
Section 23. Street or Highway. The term II streett. or "highwayU
as used in this ordinance shall mean the entire width between
property lines of every way or place of whatsoever nature open
to the use of the public as a matter of right, for the purpose
of vehicular traffic.
Section 24. Veh1cu.$. The term "vehicle" as used in this 01"-
dinance shall mean all conve~es for persons or property,
except railway trains running upon their own tracks.
Section 25. Viaduct. The term .'viaductt. as used in this
ordinance shall mean a bridge-like structure carrying one
roadway over another roadway.
ARTICLE 2. Administration
Section 1. Traffic Division. There is hereby established
a Traffic Division d' the Police Department of the City under
the direct supervision of the Chief of said Police Department.
Section 2. Duties of Tra.ffic Div:i.sion. It shall be the
duty of the Traffic Division to enfor'cs the stl'eet traffic regu-
lation of this City, to make aI'rests for traffic violations, to
investigate accidents, and to develope ways and means of improv-
ing traffi c conditions; and to place au ell. signs, signals, and
devices fOl' the regulation of the tr'affic as the Cit~r Council
or' the Chlef of Poll'~e may 0.11" ect.
Secl;lon 3. Duties of Chief of Police. The Chief of Police
shall have charge of the supervision of the Traffic Di vision.. It
shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to cool"dinante traffic
activitIes; to carryon educatIonal actlvities in traffic matteI'S;
to supervlsG the preparation and pr.!blication of traffic repOl"'ts"
to recel va (~omplaints havIng to do with traffic 100 ttel"s, and to
recommend to the Mayor and City Council ways and means for im-
pro \ling tx'affi c conditions and the a&nini stra tlon and enfor'cement
of traffic regulations..
It sha.ll be the duty of the Chi ef of Police, and he is
hereby granted power and authol'i ty to, by effecti ve measul'es,
carry out all duties imposed upon him by tnis ordinance; to
establish and maintain pedestrian lanes, safety zones, traffic
lanes, loading zones, quiet zones, and traffic control devices,
and shall designa.te the same by appropriate means and devices..
Section 4. Reoord..s... of T,.,affi C Violf-ltion. The Traffic
Division shall keep a record of all violations of the traffic
ordinanoes of the City, and shall make suoh records availa~l'4"""'"
for the use and stud" of the Mayor and City Council.
Section 5. Investigate Accident~s and Recei ve Repor~l!.
It shall be the duty of the Traffic Division to investIgate traffic
accidents and to arrest persons guilty of violat:lons of law
causing 01' contributing to such accidents. The Tx'aJ"'fic Division
shall maintain a suitable system of filing traffic accident
reports. All such repor.ts shall be available for the use and
infol'lnation of the Mayor and City Council. A record shall be
made of all reports received by the Traffic Division, and such
accident reports shall be for the confidential 'use of the Policl~
Department, the Traf flc Di vision and Mayor and City Council.
Section 6. ~nnua.l Traffic Safety ReRo~t. The Traffic
Division shall annually prepare a traffic report to contain 1n-
formation on traffic matters in the City, setting forth the number
of traffic accidents, the number of pe:r'sons killed or injured and
other pertinent data; the number of traffic accidents investigai;ed
the number of dri vers complained agalnst, and other pertinent
data on the safety act! vi ties of the police; and plans and rec-
omrnendattons of the Di vi sion for fu tl.lre traffic safety acti vi ti os
and file the same with the City Clerk of said City.
ARTICLE 3.. Authority of Police Officers.
Section 1. Traffic 9!fJcers. The Chief of Police may
at any time detail officers to be known as traffic officers, who
shall be vested with authority to regulate, control, and direct
the movement of traffic in such a manner as will facili tate the
same and prevent congestion and accidents. Such off:tce:r.s shall
ha. ve au thori ty to make arrests and it shall be unlawfu 1 for any
person to vioh1.te any lawful order,. s1..gnal or d.i.:t'(?ction of any
traffi C offt c er .
. Section 2 ~ Emergengy Hegulations. The Chief of Police :i.s
her eby empowered to make and enfol' co tempol'al':i' regulntlons to
cover emergencies..
Section 3. Off:i_cial Emergency Vehicles ExelT;pt~. The pro-
,ris:1on8 of tbis ordinance re&'l.:lle.ting the movement" pal"king and
standing of veh1.c1es shall not apply to author'izec1 emer'gency'
vehicles as defined in this ordinance whi1e the dr1 vel' of 81.1 e11
vehicle is operati.ng the same In an em€JrgencJ in the neces8a!''J'
perfo:e:nlance of pu b1:tc d1..1 t::lns. This exemption shall not,. however,
protect the dri ver of any 81.1cb vehicle from the consequence of a
reckless dis~egard of the safety of others.
ARTICLF~ 4,. Traffic Signs and Signals.
Section 1. Reh"Ulato ofl J'rohibit Traffic by' Resolution.
The CitJl CouncIl may, bv resolution, regulate or entil~t'lly pr'o-
hibit tr'afflc upon any st:!:'oet or portion thereof, and wh:an BO
regulated or prohIbited, the Traffic Division 8ha11 place
sui ta bIe signs, signals or other au cb. davi ces upon 81) eh str €lots
to incHcate sucb. regi.~lation 01" prortibition.
Section 2. Obedience to Tr'affic Si~:ns and Signe1:.!!.. It shall
be 1.m1awful fol' any person to c1isobe-y tbe instructim'ls of any
offi claI tl:'affl c sign 01' 81 grlal placed in accordance wi th the
prov:hdons of this ordinance, unless otherwise dix'ectf3d by a
p(lll(~e officer-.
Section 3. Autornatle Sign,?l Tl"affic:.. Con_t}~. At each intor-
section whey'a an au tOnlob:Ue signal is in stalled and actualJ..y
func:t1.nu:i.ng all vehieular, pedestl'iall traff1.c CrOi'isiYig or ente!'-
:i,ng such intersection shall be governed by such automatic signal.
The display of the green light shall be a signal for traffi c to
move fOl'Vlard; the dl splay of the yellow light shall be a signal
fo!' tl'aff:7e to be a.t attention and prepared to stop; the display
of the red signal light shall be a signal for tl'aff:lc to stop
outside of the str'eet i:ntersection~
Section 4. Disp1a.L..2_L Una:u thorized 53J:B2~1!L and_Signals. It
shall be unlawfu 1 for any pe:e son to place or maintain or 0.1. s-
play upon OT' in view of any street, any unofflcle,l sign, signal
- .
or c1evi(~e which pu:r'po:rts to be oX' i.8 an imitation of 01'" refJembles
an official trHffic sign or signal, or whicb attempt~J to direct
the movement of traffic, 01' wh:i.ch hi.des from view or interfm:'Els
with the effectiveness of any official sign or signal. Every
such pl'ohlbi ted sign, signal or devlee is bereby declared to be a.
public nuisance, and any police officer is he:r'eby empowered to re-
move the same, or cause it to be reruoved, without notice.
Section 5. Defacirg or Interfer;tng Witb Signs and Signals8 It
8ha.11 be unlawful for al1'Y peY'l':lon to wilful1y defa.ce, injuy'e, I'e-
move, obstruct, 01," interfere with any off:i..cdal traff:'lc sign or'
ARTICLE 5 Stopping, Standing and Parldng *
Section 1. Pa:t'k:tng--Time Lirni t.. The City Counell may, by
:re~wlution, enti:r'el~r prohlbi t/ fix a time limi.t for the
parking and stopping of veh:t~le8 In any st:r'eet, stx'eets, 01" 0.113-
tr:i.ct designated in suc~~esoluti?r and tht~ parklng and stopping
of any vehicle in an~,'v"~Ch atf~t';S streets, or distriet for.
period of time l~~'r tha,.,Med such resolution, shall
constitute a 1~is.ti0'1\<>f thO During anyone day., it
shall b~n/~F~WfU 1 f'Ol'~3.' veld cle to be par};:ed, or consecu ti vely
parked (aJa/ remain wi thin the same block. on the same street for a
longer period of time than so designated for such street.
Section 2.. Parklng--ColoJ:' ]!!?gend.. The use of yellow or orange
paint upon the mu'b of any street sheJ.1 indicate that such space
has been set aside for a loac1i:ng and unloading zpne. Yellow or
O1:'ange paint shall be used to indicate the bO'l1ndal~ies of safety
zon es *
Hed.-The use of red paint upon the curb of any street &1.13.11
ind1 cate that parking and stopping of vehicles is entir'ely pro-
hi bi ted wi thin su ch area..
Wh5.t:e.-The use of white paint upon the curb of any street shall
lnd icate that that portion of the street has been restricted to
fifteen min'll te pal"king. Whi te paint upon the surface of the
st:r'eet, at cI'osswalks, Shall indicate pedestrian lanes and the
location of crosswalks.
Section 3. Owner of Vehicle Responsible. If an-y vehicle is
found upon any street or alley' in violation of any of the pro-
visions of tbis ordi:nance, regulating the stopping, standing, or
parking of vebiele" and the identi ty of the ori vey' cannot be
deterrnined, the ovmer, or person in whose no;me Huch vehicle in
registered shall be belel prima facie respons:i.ble fo~C' such
Section 4 ~ Loading Zones. It sb.all be unla.wfu 1. for the
dr:t ver of any vehicle to stop or stand such vehicle at any de-
signated loading or unloading zone for a (l:}e,~Od of time longel~
than is necessary for' the ~xpedit.:10U}' loading or unloading of
,,,-ss engel's and/or mercha~di.t ani matel'ials; pl:'ov1ded that, dur-
ing such loading aI' un11:\XtJg, StH~h vehicle shall stand parallel
with and at the ctlrblli' ~he Traffic Division shall desggnate such
loading ~.~~ ~!r1ti(f.ing ~ones by causing the curb to be painted
orange ?l>/ry~410W, and shall ei ther pa.i.nt on said curb 01' side-
walk abhve it, the words uLoading Zone", or cause suitable standar<i:
or markers to be placed thereat conta:lning said words.
Section 5. Safety Zone. Where safety zones are established
by the Tra.ffic Di vi sion, the cu rb space oppoai te 81..1 cb. safety
zones shall be designated as a loading and unloading zone.
Section 6. Motor fuses ~o Stop at Curb, Except._ All motor
buses operated as a Pa.r~{..9t/~13tI~eet{rai1Way system s11al1 stop
s t th e ;~r.h/<t1:jbfte ,-p,rPorr>j-t1;(;,f1h ng and di s chal'ging pas s en -
gel's, a:~' such locations as the Traffic Di vision may designate.
Section 7. Parking Near Street Intersections. It shall be
unlawful for any person to park 01" leave standing, any vehicle,
for any purpose whatever or for any period of time whatever- wi thin
ten feet of any street intersection and the curb space on each
side of su cb street inter-section shall be painted red for su ch
distance of ten feet bo indicate such prohi b1 tion.
Section 8. Parking Near Fire Hydra.nts. It shall be unlawf1~l
fo,," any person to park, 01' leave standing, any vehicle for any
J;Xlrpose whatever or fo!> any per-iod of time whatever within ten
feet of a fire hydrant, and the curb space within such area of ten
feet of such fire hydrant, shall be painted red to indicate such
prohi bi ti.on.
Section 9.. Vehicles for Sale, parking of.. It shall 1)(1 unlaw-
ful for any' person to pal'k upon any' street, alley, or' rublic
place within the city, an'y vehicle displayed for sale..
Section 10.. Washing, Repairing, Eta.., in Srreets.. It shall
be unlawful for any perBon to park, or leave standing, upon any
str'eet, alley, or public place within the City, any vehicle, for
the purpose of washing, greasing, or repairing such vehicle,
except repairs necessitated by an emergency; and it:; shall be un-
lawful. for any per-son to wash, grease, or !'epair any veh1.cle
upon any street, or p;tbl1.c place within the City, except re""
pair's necessitated by an emergency in order to move such vehicle..
Section 11.. Parking T:ru oks, Etc.., in Residence Districts..
It shall be unlawful for an7l person to p11rk a truck 01" tl'ai.ler,
except a truck or trailer being used for the purpose of delivE~ing
or collecting goods" wares, me!~chandise or mater:lals" on any
street adjacent to property classified by the ol:>dinances of the
Oi ty for- residence pur poses" for a period of time longer tb.an is
necessary for the expeditious delivery or collecting of goods, ware$
merchandise or- materials" and in no event for' a per'iod of time
exceeding two hours; pI'onded, however" tbat the provisions of'
this section shall not apply to trucks or trailers, being used in
connection wi th building, repair, ser'vi.ce or moving operations..
Section 12. Angle and Parallel Parking.. It 81113.11 be unla'wful
.for any person to park, or leave standing, any vehicle at any time
in any psrt of the Oi ty" except with the right hand side thereof
parallel with the curb and not more than one foot from the curb,
leaving at least four feet between parked vehicles; provided, how-
ever, that the Traffic Division may designate any street or I~r-
tion thereof where vebicles shall be parked at an angle, and all
vehicles when parked on any such street or portion thereof shall
be parked at the designated angle, and with the right front wb.eel
of such veh:lcle at the curb.. Where the stalls al'e designated
etthel:' on the curb or on the pavement, wehic1es shall be parked
~ithin such stalls.
Section 13. Obstructing Private Driye~ays. It shall be unlaw~
ful for any person to stop ox' park any vehicle so as to obstruct
a private driveway or drive.
Section 14. Set Brakes When Parked. It shall be unlawful for
any person to park, or leave standing, any vehicle upon any per-
ceptible grade without eff acti vely setting the brake and turning
the fron wheels and heading said Wheels toward the right hand
curb or side of the highway.
Section 15. Painti~ CUrbs. It shall be unlawfu 1 fot" any
person to paint the curb of.' any street, or in any manner set
aside or attempt to prevent the parking of vehicles in any
street or part thereof.'. The marking or designating of portions
of.' streets or alleys Where the parking of.' vehicles is prohi bi tad
or limi ted shall be done only by the City of Grand ISland,
through its proper officers.
Section 16. Frei~ht Vehicles Back to Curb. Vehicles while dis-
Charging freight may back to the curb and shall occupy as little
of the street as possible, at all times leaving available not
less than ten feet of the street for free movement of vehicular
traffic. If the vehicle be of the semi-trailer type, the tractor
part shall be turned so as to stand parallel with t he curb and
headed in the direction of the traffic, and shall be so parked
only during the time necessary for the actual loading or unloading
th~eof .
Section 17. Pal"king in Alleys. It Shall be unlawful for any
person to park any vehicle in any alley, except a vehicle used for
deli very purposes, and then only for such time as is necessary
for the actual loading or unloading thereof. Every such
vehicle, While loading or unloading in any alley, shall be
parked in such a manner as will cause the least obstruction
poss! ble to tr affi c in su ch all ey .
Section 18. Obstructing Alley ~trance. It shall be unlaw-
ful for any person to park any vehicle in such a manner that
any portion thereof shall project into an alley entrance.
Section 19. Parking to Obstruct Traffic. It shall be unlaw-
ful for any person to, except in case of acC1.dent or emergency
stop any vehicle within any street intersection or alley entrance
or in such location as to obstruct any street crossing, cross-
walk, or alley entrance, or back of other vehicles parked at the
cu rb.
ORDINA.NCE NO....1:12.. 6 ( CON 'J.T) ,
Section 20. VendorT's Car or Wafl?on. ItshaTl be unlawful for
any person to allow any vehicle used for the purpose of vending
merchandise, meats, vegetables, or confectionery, or other
vehtcleconunonly known as a peddler's car or wagon, to stand on
any street longer than ten minutes in anyone location.
Section 21. Garbage TruCks. It shall be unlawful fo!' the
owner or operator of any wagon, automobile, or truck used to!'
the collecti on of garbage or refuse or any agent or anployee
of any SUCll owner or operator to IRrk said wagon, automobile,
or truck on the streets or in any alley in said City except
for the purpose of collecting garbage or refuse and then only
for the period of time required for the collection thereof.
Section 22. Drivinl2: on 'avements- It shall be unlawful 1'03:'
any person 03:' persons to drive, haul, operate, transport, or
use within the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska, upon the paved streets and alleys of said City, any
traction engine, truck, vehicle or heavy machines having lugs,
flanges or ribs on its tires Or wheels; Provided, that where it
is necessary, such paved street or alley may be used for travel
by such engines, truCks, Vehicl~s, or machines by first laYing
planks of sufficient strengthandthickneas thereon to protect
tr.le paving from injury~ or by removing the lugs, flanges or
ribs from the tires of the wheels of said engines, trucks,
vehicles or machines and eqipping said wheels With a soft
material tire.
Section 23. stop Before Crossing Sidewalk. . It shall be unlaw-
ful for any person operating any vehicle to fail to come to a
complete stop before crossing any sidewalk when emerging from a
garage, alley, filling station, or other place and after stopping
and after giving sufficient warning, shall proceed across such
sidewalk at a rate of speed not greater than five miles per hour.
Section 24. S.top For Loading and Unloadinp; Motor :&lses. Upon
approaching a place where passengers. are getting on or off motor
buses, vehicles moving in the same direction as such motor buses
shall stop ten feet to the rear of said bus, and shall not again
proceed until the pa.ssengers have entered or left the bus; pro-
vided, this section shall not apply where safety zones have
been established.
Beotion 25. Larp.:e Commeroia.l Vehicle$ ~ Parked. .It sha.ll be
unlawful for' the operator of any motor qvehieleof an over-all
length of twenty feet or more to stop or park suehvehicle On
any street where angle p'arking is permi tted except for the PJr-
pose of loading or unloading freight. It shall also be unlawful
for the operator of any commercial vehicle, regardless of length
of the same, to park such commercial vehicle with the endgate
of the same down and extending beyond the body of such vehicle
into the street.
Section 26. Twenty-four Hour Parking. It shall be unlawful
for any person to park any vehicle, or to permit such vehicle
to stand, at one location upon the streets for a per iod longer
than twenty-four hours.
AR TI CLE 6. Bar ety Zon es '
Section 1. Dri vinp; throup,h. Saf.ety Zone. :Et shall be unlawful
to drive any vehicle through a safety Zone when any person is
standing therein.
Section 2. fuses Must stop At Safety Zones. At street inter-
sectionsin'''tll'e'congested district, Where safety zones have been
established, every motor bus operated as a part of a street
railway system, shall stop a. t SU(~L.:!~;t-et~r ZOne for the purpose
of receiving and d1sChargirLpas.~ngeri' No motor !:us shall
stop at any sl!oh safety/ofe 10~1f{ tllan is necessary to ra-
cel ve and di,sch"ar~e/el/."iJe'J~rs} and, while stopping at a safety
~one, Vehicu~a~r~rkffic sfiail pass such bus to the right. No
motor bus{~{l stop to receive or discharge any passenger,
except at a street intersection.
ARTICLE 7. Operation of Vehicles.
Section 1. Rignt o~ Wa.y.
(a) Approaching or JtltA;t'ing Il)tAl"secti ons. When two vehicles
approach or enter an intersection at approximately the same time
the dri Vel' of the vehicle on the left shall yield the right of
) , f
way to the vehicle on the right, except as otherwise herein, ;ivP' !l/l
/p,Il',1 (/)/f'J,,1 ~ t/
-I) {j/ ~lt~ ~;; l
(b) Turning Left. The driver of a vehicle approaching '~t nof;J1""'",
pro vided .
having entered an intersection shall yield the right of way to
a vehicle wi thin such intersection and turning therein to the
ORDINANCE NO.. 193-.6 (CONT..)
to the left across the line of travel of such first mentioned
vehicle, provided the driver of the vehicle turning left has
gi ven a plainly visi ble left tu rn si gnal.
(c) Pedestrian. The driver of' any vehicle upon a street within
the city shall yield the right of way to a pedestrian crossing
such street within any crosswalk; provided, however, at inter-
sections where traffic is regulated by a trlffic officer or an
automatic traffic signal, the pedestrian to be entitled to the
right of way, must proceed in accordance with the directions of
such traffic officer or automatic traffic signal, regMlating
the movement of traffic at such intersection.
yield the right of way to all vehicles approaching on such street.
( e) Parked Vehicles Startin;g from Curb. The dri v er of any
vehicle parked or S;~~l}ppl,~j{~_r 'l1at ghe curb, shan, when
leaving sJ"lJJP~~tion, yi~d~e right of way to all vehicles
in motioJ-~pon the street.
(f) Au~horized Emergenc~ Vehicles. The driver oft a vehicle
upon a street shall yield the right of way to authorized
emergency vehicles.
(g) Stop Streets. Any vehicle entering or, cDossing any street
at which a stop sign has been erected shall come to a complete
stop at such sign and outside such street, and before entering
such street, and regardless of direction, shall yield the right
of way to vehicles and pedestrians upon said street to be
entered or crossed.
(h) Forfeiture of Right of Way. The dri ver of any vehicle
traveling at an unlawful rate of speed shall forfeit any right
of way which he might otherwise have hereunder.
Section 2. Authorized Emergency Vehic,les. Upon the approach
of any au thorized emergency vehicle, the dri ver of every other
vehicle shall immediately drive the same to a position a.s near
as possible and parallel to the right hand edge or curb of the
street, clear of any intersection and shall stop and remain in
such position until the authorized emergency vehicle or vehicles
shall have passed, unless otherwise directed by a pOlice officer;
and the motorman of bus shall immediately stop such bus clear of an
intersection and keep it in such position until the authorized
emergency vehicle or vehicles shall have passed, unless otherwise
directed by a police officer.
Section 3. Slowly Moving Vehicles Near Curb. Vehicles in mo-
tion must keep between the curb to the right and the center of the
street, and slowly moving, large or heavily loaded vehicles shall keep
as near the curb as possible.
Section4. Approaching Public Pl~es. Vehicles in approaching
a railway station, theater, church, or any other pu l1ic building or
croweed place, must do so in an especially cautious manner.
Section 5. Overtaking Vehicles. The driver of any vehicle
overtaldng another vehicle proceeding in the same direction shall
pass at a safe distance to the left thereof and shall not ~gain
drive to the right of said street until safely clear of such over-
taken vehicle, except that where there are two or more lanes of
traffic moving in the same direction, the driver of a vehicle may
overtake and pass another vehicle on the right. Nothing in this
section shall be construed to prohi hi t a driver overtaking and pass-
ing upon the right of another vehicle which is making or about to
make a left hand turn.
Section 6. Keep to Right of Center Line of Street. It shall
be unlawful for the driver of a vehicle to drive to the left side
of the center line of a street in overtaking and paSSing mother
vehicle proceeding in the same direction, or a vehicle parked at
the curb, unless such left side is clearly visible and is free of
oncoming traffic for a sufficient distance ahead to permit such
overtaking and passing to be made in sa~ety.
Section 7. Hindering Vehicle from Passing. Itshal1 be un-
lawful for the driver of a vehicle about to be overtaken and passed
by another vehicle to increase the speed of his vehicle until com-
pletely passed by the overtaking vehicle.
Section 8. Vehicle FolloYiTing Another, at Safe Distance,. It shall
be unlawful for the operator of a vehicle to follow another vehicle
more closely than is reasonable and prudent, having due l'egard for
the speed of such vehicle and the traffic upon and the condition
of the Street.
Section 9. Overtaking Vehicles Within the street Intersection.
ORDTIiJANCE NO.. 192? (CaNT..)
It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to overtake or
pass another vehicle while proceeding in the same direction,
while traversing a street intersection, except where there
are two or more traffic lanes provided in each direction, and
in no case, while within the intersection shall the overtaking
vehicle drive to the left of the center of the street.
Section 10. Pass ing on Viadu ct. It shall be unlawful for the
driver of a vehicle to overtake or pass another vehicle proceed~
ing in the same direction, while upon any viaduct or upon the
sloping approaches thereto.
Section 11. Overtaken Vehicle Yield Ri~ht Of Way,. It shall
be unlawful on streets Where traffic lanes are not marked for
the dri vel" of a vehicle about to be overtaken and passed by
another vehicle, approaching from the rear, to fail to gi ve the
right of way to the overtaking vehicle on suitable and audible
signal being given by the driver of the overtaking vehicle.
Section 12. Signals of Road. It shall be unlawful for the
dri vel" of any vehicle to tu m such vehicle from the direct
course upon a street, slow down or stop, unless and until such
movement can be made in safety, and then only after giving an
appropriate signal of such intention, in the following manner:
TUrn Left: By extending ~he left hand and arnl horizontally
from the left side of the vehicle.
Turn Rig~: Be extending the left hand and arm upward from
the left side of the vehicle.
stop 0:1\ Decrease Speed: By extending the left hand and ann
downward from the left side of the vehicle.
The fo regoing signals s ball be u sed by the dri vel" of any
vehicle when turning from one lana of traffic into another] lane;
provided, however, mechanical signals may be used when in con-
formity with the provisions of this section.
Section 13. TUrning From Traffic Lanes.
Righ~. The driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the right
at a street intersection shall approach such street intersection
in the lane for traffic nearest to the right hand side of the
street and in turning shall keep as close as pl"acticable to the
right hand curb.
teft. The driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the left
at a street intersection shall anproach su ch street inter section
in the lane for traffic to the right of and nearest to the center
line of the street, and the left turn shall be made by passing to
the right of such center line where it enters the street inter-
section and upon leaving the street intersection by passing to
the right of the center line of the street then entered, and
shall at all times keep to the left of the center point of the
in tersection.
Section 14. TUrn only at Street Intersection. On any street
not an arterial street and not within the congested district,
it shall be unlawful for the dri ver of any vehicle to turn such
veldcle so as to proceed in the opposite direction, except at
a stre"t inter section.
Section 15. Tbrns on Arterial Streets and in Congested Distritr
It shall be unlawful, on any street within the congested district
or on any arterial street, for the dri ver of any vehicle to
cross from one side of a street to the other, wxcept at a street
intersection, or to turn any vehicle so as to proceed in the
opposite direction.
Section 16. RAgulate Right and Left Turns. The Traffid
Division may designate certain streets where no vehicle shall
make a right or left turn, and shall post notices indicating
su ch rega la ti on.
Section 17. Automatic Signals. It shall be unlawful for the
driver of any vehicle to turn such vehicle at any intersection
where an automatic signal is imstal1ed and actually functioning,
except when such signal is displaying a green light. It shall
be unlawful for any vehicle to be turned 80 as to pr'oceed in the
opposite direction at any intersection t~/~i/~~~ where an
automatic signal is installed and actually functioning.
Section 18. Speed Regulated. It shall be unlawful for any
person to operate a vehicle on any stre~~~~~~n the city at a
rate of speed greater than is :e+;bl~ an~ prudent under the
conditions then eXisti~;~P(tVid~d, frw~e}, it shall be unlaw-
ful for any Prlry/p{opera~ a ~~cle on the streets of the city,
at any time oh~~der any conditions, at a rate of speed greater
.' ,:,-6' ~.:{ORDINANCE NO# >19_2.6/e~#)
than :Fifteen (15) miles per \{o:9f{n the. congested di strict;
twenty-fi ve (25) /~t~l,,-~ert~~ur tlJ1~rfe'rial streets outside of
the cono/;!J~~-dlstrict; and ,,;kniy (20) miles per hour on all
other ~ets and upon viadu cts and the approaches thereto.
Section 19. Speed Near Schools.. It shall be unlawful for the
driver of any vehicle, when passing premises on which school
buildings are located and which are used for school purposes,
during sbhool';:;:mlmess..rOD 1whiJ.e chi 1dren are gOing- to or leaving
school during the opening or closing hou rs, to dri ve su ch ve-
hiale at a rate of speed in excess of fifteen (1~ miles per
hour past such premises, and such dri ver shall stop at all
stop signs located at or near such school pr'emises.
Section 20. Careless DrivinE. No vehicle shall be driven,
used, operated, parked, or stopped in a careless, reckless, or
negligent manner, or in such a manner as to endanger life, limbl
person or property, or in such a manner or in such a condition
as to endanger or interfere with the lawful traffic or use
of the streets.
Section 21. Backing Agai,nst Traffi c. It shall be unlawful
for any person to operate a motor vehicle other than in the
same general direction as other traffic on the same side of the
street; and it shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle
to back the same, except in com4ng from a parking position or in
backing from a drive, and then only when such movement can be
made in safety.
Section 22. Direction of Traffic in Alleys. In all alleys
witlun the congested district, vehicles shall travel in one
direction only, and all vehicles shall enter such alleys from
the east and travel to the west or from the north and travel
to the south. No vehicle shall be operated in any alley at a
rate of speed greater than ten (10) miles per hour.
Section 23. Permitting Clin~ing to Moving Vehicles. It shall
be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to suffer or permit
any pe rson traveling upon any bi cycle, coaster, sled, roller
skates, or any toy vehicle, to cling to, or attach; himself
or his bicycle, coaster, sled, roller skates, or toy vehicle
to driven and operated by him.
ORDIN.~~CE NO# 1926 (CONT.)
Section 24. Carrying PasfJ,engers. It shall be unlawful for
any person to operate a motor vehicle upon streets or public
ways of the City when such person has another person in fromt
of him, or in his or her embrace, or another person, package
or other incumbrance which prevents the free and unhampered
operation of such vehicle; and it shall be unlawful for the
operator of any vehicle of three wheels or less, to carry any
passenger upon such vehicle, unless such vehicle is, by the
manufacturer constructed to carry the number of persons being
conveyed, and then only in conformity with the provisions
of this ordinance.
Section 25. Riding on Outside of Vehicle. It shall be un-
lawful for the operator of any vehicle to permi t any person to
ride on the running board, hood, top of fenders, of any motor
vehicle; and it shall be unlawful for any person to ride on the
running board, hood, top, or fenders of any motor vehicle.
Section 26. Passengers in Dri ver' s Seat. It shall be unlaw-
ful for any person to operate a motor vehicle upon any street
or public way while more than two persons over twelve years of
age, in addition to the driver, occupy the front seat cOOlpart-
ment; nor shall any motor vehicle ~!h11feX'it.l.';operation upon any
street or public way be so loaded as to inte~ere with the
careful operation thereof, or obstruct the driver's view of
the roadway of traffic.
Section 27. Mufflers on Motor Vehicle s. Every motor vehicle
operated within the city shall be provided with a muffler. It
shall be unlawful for any person to operate any motor vehicle
without a muffler or with the muffler open, or in any other
manner as to make any moise unnecessary in the normal operation
of such vehicle; provided, the provisions of this section shall
not apply to the apparatus of the Fire Department.
Section 28. Parallel Parked Vehicilifils Leaving Curb.. No
vehicle standing along side and paralll?l with the curb of any
street shall start or turn from such curb until the dri ver shall
have given a signal which can be plainly seen from the rear of
such vehicle and from the side towards which he is about to turn,
which signal shall be that required for making a left turn, and
then only in a cautious manner.
Section 29. Truck Routes. The City Council may, by resol-
ution, designate certain streets in the city upon wbich tl"'U cks
shall, or shall not t~a;~jvand ~; Gh~ll be unlawful for any
person operating tr~c!w'to .tr~~e'Ystreets other than those
designated, e~~~pp 'to PiCV+UP or make deli veries. The Traffic
Di ViSiOf1)"'~lf cau se notices to be posted or signs erected in-
dicati~'the streets so designated.
Section 30. Endgates in Place. It shall be unlawful for
any person to drive a vehicle upon the streets or alleys of the
City with the endgates or rear doors of said vehicle open, ex-
tended, or not in place, unless a red flag shall be securely
fastened in a cons pi cuou s posi tion at the extreme end of au ch
endgate or door.
Section 31. Signal Devices. Every motor vehicle, while in
use on the streets or alleys of the City shall be equipped with
an efficient and audible signal device; provided no vehicle, ex-
cept an ambulance or an authorized emergency vehicle, shall be
equipped with a siren.
ARTICLE~. Arterial Streets.
Section 1. Arterial Streets Designated. The City Council
may, by resolution, designate certain streets, or portions of
streets, as arterial streets.
Section 2. Stop Before Entering. It shall be unlawful for
the driver of any vehicle, or the operator of any motor bus, to
fail to come to a full stop before entering an artetral street;
provided, that at a street intersection on an arterial street
where an automatic signal is installed and actually functioning
the driver of a vehicle shall be governed by such automatic signal.
ARTI CLE 9. Brakes and Light s.
Section 1. Red Light on Rear. It shall be unlawful for any
person to operate a vehicle, except a bicycle upon the streets
or alleys of the City, between the hou rs of one-half hou rafter
sunset and one-half hour before sunrise, without having a red
light plainly visible from the rear of said vehicle; such light
shall be kept lighted during said hours while the vehicle is parked
on any street, except on a street within the congested district
lighted by an oramental ligl~ing system.
Section 2. Head Lights. It shall be unlawful for any person
to operate a motor vehicle, except a motor vehicle of three wheels
or less, upon the streets or alleys of the City, from one-half
hour after sunset until one-half hour before sunrise, ar at any
other time when there is not sufficient light to render clearly
discernible any person on the street at a distance of two hundred
feet ahead, without having lighted two or more whi tish lights on
the front thereof, one on each side. None of the main bright
portion of the beams from either of said head larnpseshal1ll:;:;:rise
above a horizontal plane passing through the lamp centers,
parallel with the level of the street upon which the loaded
vehicle stands, and in no case higher than forty-two inches,
seventy-five feet ahead of the vehicle. In all other respects
such head lamps and any auxiliary lighting devices on such
motor verdcles shall be maintained at all times in strict com-
pliance wi th the laws of the stat e of Nebraska.
Section 3. W'lbs Used in Head Lamps. No motor vehicle while
in use on the streets or alleys of the City shall be equipped with
head lamps comtaining bulbs of more than thirJJ;y-two standard
candle power and bulbs of twenty-one standard candle power shall
be construed as standard equipment and desirable for all purposes.
Section 4. Dim Head Light s. It shall be unlawful for any
person operating a motor vehi cle wi thin the city, when meeting
a vehicle proceeding in the opposite direction and equipped with
head lamps projecting glaring or dazzling lights to persons in
front of such head lamps upon signal of ei ther person aforesaid
to fail to forthwith dim the head Lamps of IUS said vehicle so as
not to blind or confuse the vision of the operator in front of said
head lamps.
Section 5. Lights on Motor Verucles of Three Wheels or Less.
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any motor vehicle
of tbree wheels or less upon the streets or alleys of the City
from one-half hour after sunset until one-half hour before sunrise
or at any other time when there is not sufficient light to render
clearly disceDnible any person on the street at a distance of two
hundred feet ahead, wi thout having one whitish light lighted dm the
ORDINANCE NO.. 1926 (cowr..)
fron t thereof.
Section 6. Efficient Brakes Required. Every motor vehicle
when operated upon the streets or alleys of the City shall at all
times be equipped with brakes adequate to control the movement of
and to stop and to hold such vehicle, including two separate means
of applying the brakes, each of which means shall be effective to
apply the brakes to at least two wheels and so constru cted :hhat no
part which is liable to failure shall be common to the two, ec-
cept that a motorcycle need be equipped with only one brake.
Every motor vehicle, trailer, semi-trailer, equipped with four
or more wheel brakes must show braking force on each of the four
or more wheels and every motor vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer
equipped wi th two wheel brakes must show braking force on each of
the two wheels. All such brakes shall be so adjusted as to operate
as equally as practicable on the wheels on opposite sides of the
vehi cle, and the braking effort of one wheel shall not exceed the
braking effort of the opposite wheelan the same axle by more than
twenty-five (25) per cent, and the total braking effort on one side
of the vehicle shall n~t exceed the total braking effort on the
opposite side by more than twenty-five (25) per cent. The brakes
on all wheels mu st reach their maximum retarding effort at the
same time. When brakes are fu lly applied there shall be not less
than one (1) inch of pedal reserve, which is the distance between
the pedal and the floor board or stop.
All su ch brakes shall be maintained in good working order at
all times and at all times be so adjusted that when such vehicle,
except commercial motor vehicles exceeding seven thousand (7,000)
pounds gross we~ght, is being driven on a level highway, the pave-
ment of which is dry and free from loose material, at a rate of
speed of ten (10) miles per hour, su ch vehi c1e if equi pped wi th
two wheel brakes can be brought to a stop within nine (9) feet,
and if equipped wi th four wheel brakes can be brought to a stop
within five (6) feet; when driven at a rate of speed of fifteen (15)
miles per hour, if equipped with two wheel brakes, can be brought
to a stop within twentytwo (22) feet; and if equipped with four
wheel brakes can be brought to a stop within twelve (12) feet;
when dri ven at a rate of speed of twenty (20) miles per hour, if
equipped with tw~rr,~~kes can be brought to a stop Vii thin thirty-nine
(39) feet, and if equipped with four wheel brakes can be brougllt
to a stop within twenty-one (21) feet; and when driven at a rate
of speed of twenty-fi ve (25) miles per hour, if equipped wi th
two wheel brakes can be brought to a stop within sixty (60) feet,
and if equipped wi th four wheel brakes can be brought to a stop
within thirty-two (32) feet. The brakes on all commercial motor
vehicles exceeding seven thousand (7,000) pounds gross weight shall
be maintained in good working order at all times ano at all times
shall be so adjusted that when such vehicle is being driven on a
level highway the pavement of Which is dry and free from loose
material, at a rate of speed of twenty (20) miles per hour, such
vehi cle can be brought to a stop wi thin fifty (50) feet with the
service and emergency brakes applied simultaneously, and can be
brought to a stop within seventy-five (75) feet with the service
and emergency brakes applied separately.
Section 7. Requirement for Vehicles,jo;perated Upon Streets.
Every motor vehicle operated upon the streets of the Oi ty shall
meet the following requirements, to-wit:
1. Shall be properly regi stered and shall have di splayed
thereon the proper registration plates issued under the laws of
the State of Nebraska.
2. Shall be equipped with an efficient and audible signaling
3. Shall bE} equipped w:L th a windshield Wiper in good working
condi tion, that will wipe off moisture uniformly over the entil'>e
sweep of the wiper.
4. Shall be equipped With a rear view mirror, sufficiently
large and in good re!lective condition, so located, fastened and
adjusted as to reflect to the dri vel' at all times a clear view
of the highway for a distance of at least 200 feet to the rear of
such vehicle.
5. All glass shall be clear of stickers, signs, or any
other material other than that required by law, and no glass shall
be broken, craked, discOlored, or obscured to such an extent so
that visj.bility to the opE'!r'ator is impaired.
6. All tires shall be in a safe condition. A tire shall be
considered unsafe if the outer tread is worn down to the breaker
stri p or if su ch tire is not f 1'e e from bu 1ges or breaks cau sed. by
broken fabric.
7. Wheels shall be aligned so that side slippage due to
error in ali~lent as indicated by the aligbment indicator shall
not exceed tlurty (30) feet per mile.
8. All steering equipment must be in good condition and
wheel play sball not exceed twenty-five (25) degrees. With the
weight of the vehicle off the wheels, inspection of the vehicle
shall show no excessive wear or defective condition and adjust-
ment of the steering mechanism, springs, and axle assemblies,
particularly the steering post and gear, drop arm, drag" link,
tie rod, king pins and bushings, spindles and bearings, springs,
loose or missing spring clips, axles, wishbones braces, knee
action arms, pins and bushings.
9. Shall be equipped with a muffler in good working condi-
ti on .
10. Shall not be of greater dimensions than the following:
(a) 'Maximum length of single vehicle, including front and
rear bumper and load, 35 feet.
(b) Maximum length tractor and semi -trai leI', including front
and real'" bumpers and load, 35 feet.
(c) MaximuJ9. length any combination (not more than tVITO vehicles
in one combination), 45 feet.
(d) Maximum wid,th},inc+udmngtt:il:besnand load, 8 feet.
(e) Maximun height, 12 feet.
11. Shall be equipped with efficient brakes in conformity
with the requirements of this ordinance.
12. Shall be equipped with proper lights in conformi ty with
the requirements of this ordinance.
Section 8. Authori ty to Require. .r.nJ~.pections. The Chief of
Police is hereby given authority to require any motor vehicle,
trailer, or semi-trailer found being operated upon the streets or
alleys of the city, which does not appear to meet the safety
requirements herein prescribed, to be inspected, In the event
that, upon any such inspection said motor vehicle ,trailer, or
semi-trailer is found to be in a defective condition, such motol"
vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer shall not be thereafter driven
u pan any street or alley of the city until the same meets the
ORDINANCE NO.. 1926 (Co:N'r..)
requirements af this ordinance.
ARTICLE 10 Registration of Vehicles.
Section 1. Registration.. He_cnli}~. It shall be unlawful
for any person to operate any motor vehicle upon any street or
public way within the city without having registered the S8.."1le
as provided by the laws of the state of Nebr>aska; and it shall
be unlawful to operate a motor vehicle upon any street or public
way without having attached thereto the registration plates
furni shed by the State of> County in connection vifi th au ch regi s-
tration, and shall at all times l~ve displayed thereon one
number plate on the back thereof, and one number plate on the
front thereof, which number .olates shall be s'8curely fastened
in an upright position to the motor vehicle so as to prevent
such plate from SWinging, and at a minimum distance of sixteen
j.Dches from the ground.
Section 2. Rear Registration Plate Illuminated. The rear
registration plate shall be illuminated during Buch .bime as
lights are required to be lighted upon a vehicle.
Section 3. Hegistration Plate_s Kept Clean. The Registrati.on
plates upon a vehicle shall be kept clear and clean, and free
from grease, du st or other blurring matter, so as to be at all
times visi ble and legi ble, and nothing shall be attached to
said plates.
Section 4. Registratio,n of Trailers. When any trailer shall
be attached to any motor vehicle in use upon the stl'eets, such
trailer shall carry a trailer registration number and rear light
as required of other motor vehicles.
ARTICL]~ 11. Who May Dri ve
~ection 1. Limitation on Drivers. It shall be unlawful for
any person under sixteen years of age or any intoxicated person,
or any pe1"'son under the influence of intoxicating liquor, or drugs,
to operate a motor vehicle upon any public street or alley wi thin
the city; provided, however, that a person sixteen years of age or
older, who does not have issued to him or her a driver's license
as required by the laws of the State of Nebraska, may operate a
motor vehicle of two horse-power or less, upon obtaining a per-
mit so to do as he1'ei.nafter provided. .Lt shall be unlawful for
any owner or person in control of any motor vehicle to permit any
person under sixteen years of age O~ to(pe'~mi t any intoxicated
person or to permit any person under the influence of intoxi-
cating liquors br dr'ugs to operate any motor vehicle.
Section 2. Operator ~Iu.stM l)e Licensed. It shall be un1aw-
fu1 for any person to operate a motor vehicle upon any street
or highway within the City, without having in full force and
effect an operator's license to operate the same as provided
by the laws of the State of Nebraska; and it shall further be
unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle in violation
of any lawful order of any court revoking, suspending or im-
pounding the sai.d ope ra tor's 1i cense.
Section 3. ~rator' s Permit, Motor Vehicles of Tv.;o Horse
Power or Less. Any person sixteen years of age or olcJer, not
holding an operator's or dri vert s Jkicense issued under the laws
of the State of Nebraska shall, before operating a motor vehicle
of two horse power or less, obtain from the Chief of Police of
the Ci ty, an opera tor's permi t . Su ch per son shall make app1i ca-
tion, in vv'riting, to the Chief of Police of the City, setting
forth the name and. residence of the applicant, his age, and if a
minor, the name and address of the applicant's parents, or his
na tura1 gu ardian. Su ch appli cation shall be signed by the
applicant. If it shall satisfactorily appear to the Cheif of
Police that the applicant has the proper qualifications to op-
erate a motor vehicle of two horse power or less, he may issue
an operator's permit to the applicant and without the payment
of any fee therefor. Such operator's permit shall be effective
for a period of not to exceed two years from the date of i Bsuance.
Such permit may in addition to, or in lieu of, the general penalty
hereinafter prOVided, and as mn incidental consequence of the vio-
1ation of this ordinance, be revoked or suspended by the court.
ARTICLE 12. Advertising.
Section 1. Ad vert:tsing Vehicles. It shall be unlawful for
~~ any person to operate or park any advertising vehic~
in or upon any stY' eet or alley in the City. Not}'ing herein con-
tained shall prevent the putting of business notices upon ordinary
business vehicles, so long as such business vehicle is engaged in
the usual business or regular work of the owner and not used merely
or primal"ily for advertisement.
Section 2. Radio Adve~:t,!:,!3!!I&. It shall be unlawful for any
person to operate a motor vehicle upon the streets or public
ways of the City, having placed ther'eon or therein any mechani cal
device, machine, appal'atu s, or instrument for intensification or
amplification of the buman voice or any sound or noise, for
poli ticEJ.1 or cornmercial advertising purposes either by message
produced by such mechanical device, machine, apparatus or in-
strument or by attraching attention to the motor vehicle itself
up&n which such device is being operated.
Section 3. Carrying Advertising Banners Through streets.
It shall be unlawful fOI' any person, or persons, to carry any
banner, placaI'd, or advertisment, for the purpose of displaying
the sarne, in or upon any public street, sidewalk or public placo
wi thin the City.
ARTICLE 13. Miscellaneous Provisions.
Sect:ton 1. J:'edestrians J'a~lking. It shall be unlawful for
any pedestrian to cross any street at a place other than a cross-
walk, or to cross any street intersection diagonally.
Section 2. Blind Persons to CaFWY White Cane. For the pur-
poseof' guarding against accidents, it shall b:e unlawful for any
per son, not wholly or partially blind to carry or use upon the
streets, highways, or public places of the city any cane or walk-
ing stick which is white in color. The term llwhite in colorll as
used herein, shall mean painted or enameled white and not unpainted
or natural wood color. Such whi te cane or walking stick may be
used on the streets or in other public places of the City by if
persons wholly or partially blind as a mea~s of indentifying them
to the dri ver or operator of motor vehicles or other vehicles, and
for the purpose of protecting them.
Section 3. Du ty of Dri ver. Any dri vel' or operator of a motor
vehicle or other vehicle, who approaches, or comes into proximity
of, a person whoilily or partially blind carrying a white cane or
walking stick shall irn:mediately come to a full stop if such person
is in the path of, or about toe:mter, or approaching the path of,
such motor vehicle or other vehicle, and shall take such pI'ecaution
before proceeding as may be necessary to avoid accident or injury
to such person so carrying a white cane or walking stick.
Section 4. Toy or A.mu sement Conveyance,s. It shall be un-
lawful to use, or permit the use of any skates, coaster, toy
vehicle, or similar conveyance, upon the streets of' publlc ways
of the City, except while crossing a street at a crosswalk.
Section 5. Soliciting Rid~s. It shall be unlawful for any
person to stand on tlw traveled portion of any street or alley
for the purpose of soliciting rides from the dri ver of any vehicle
and it shall be unlawful to solici t, rides in su ch manner.
Section 6. DrivJng Within the Sidewalk Space. It shall be
unlawfu~ for the driver of any vehicle to drive 8uch vehicle
wi thin any sidewalk space, exe ept as a perman en t or temporary
driveway; and it shall be unlawful to park, or permit any vehlcle
to remain, within any sidewalk space, except on permit from the
Chi ef of :Poli ce .
Section 7. Unneeessary Noise with Signal Device. It shall be
unlawful for any person to make, or cause to be made, any un-
necessary noise with any signal device, or to use the same except
as a traffic signal.
Section 8. Dragging Rope, Chain, Etc. It shall be unlawful
for any per son to permi t any rope, strap, chain or other article
to drag behind any vehicle while in use on the streets, except
on vehicle transporting gasoline, benzine or other inflammable
Section 9. Projecting Loads. When any vehicle shall be loaded
in such a manner than any portion of the load extends behind the
rear end of the body of such vehicle, or projects in front of the
front end of any such vehicle, a red flag shall be carried by day
and a red light on the rear after sunset, securely fastened in a
conspiCUOUS posi6ion at the extreme end of such load.
Section 10. Moving Disa1.!led Vehicles. It shall be unJa wful
for any person to move any vehicle by pushing such vehicle wi th
another vehicle :for a distance greater than 500 feet. Any disabled
vehicle or vehicle to be moved by other than its own power for any
distance greater than 500 feet, shall be moved by towing, and
when being towed the connection between the two vehicles shall
not exceed fifteen feet in length, and there shall }Je displayed
upon such connection a red flag or other signal or cloth not less
than twelve inches square.
Section 11., Trucks Have Tight Beds. It shall be unlawful to
use any vehi cle in carryin g coal, earth, cinder s, sand, p;ra vel,
rock, asphalt, tar or any similar substance, which is so construct
ed or loaded as to permtt the sifting or spilling of any of the
contents upon the streets.
Section 12. Saatte!ing Glass, Nai1s~ Etc. It shall be un-
lawful for any person who drmps, throws or scatters, or peTI'n its
to be dropped, thrown, or scattered, upon any street, any material
destructive or likely to be injurious to vehicular traffic, to
fail to immediately cause the same to be removed.
Section 13. Remove Del)ris From Damaged Vehicles. It shall be
unlawful for any person removing a wl'ecked or damaged vehicle
from any street or public way to fail to remove all glass or other
substance likely to be in,jurious to traffic.
Section 14. DriviEg Over Newly' Laid Pavement. It shall be
unlawful for any person to ride or d.r1 ve any horse or vehicle
over or across any pavement newly laid or repaired, across, or
around which there has been placed a barrier, or at or near which
there is a per son or sign warning persons against riding oJ:' dri ving
over su ch pavement.
Section 15. Following Authorized Emergency Vehicles. It shall
be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle, other than one oil offici
1m sinessr, to follow any authorized emergency vehicle or an arnbu lane,
responding to a call, closer than three hmdred feet.
Section 16. Dri vipg Over Fire Hose. It shall be unlawful
for the dri vel' of any vehicle to dri ve said vehicle over any un-
protected fire hose.
Section 17. Obstructing Funeral Processions. It shall be
unlawful for any persons to delay or in any way interfere wi th
any funeral procession or to dri ve any vehicle through such
funeral procession.
Section 18. Duty in Case of Accident.
(a) It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle involved
in any accident which resulted in injury or death to any person
or damage to property to fail to irr~ediately stop such vehicle
at the scene of such accident.
(b) The dri vel' or owner if present, of any vehicle in vol ved in any
accident resulting in in,jury or death :to any person, or damage
to property shall upon request gi ve his name, address and the
registration number of his vehicle, and exhibit his operator's
license to the person struck or the driver or occupant of any
vehicle involved, and shall render to any person injured in such
accident reasonable assistance, including the carrying of such
person to a physician or surgeon for medical 01" su:ggical tl"'eat-
ment, if it is apparent that such treat-ment is necessary or is
requested by the injured person.
Section 19. Du ty Upon Stl'i.ldng Una ttel1ded Vehi c1e. It shall
be unlawful for an;! person operating a motor vehicle which collides
with any vehicle which is unattended to fail to iTIm1ediately stop
and, either locate and notify the operator or owner of the unattende
vehicle struck of his name and address, or shall leave in a con-
spicuous place in or upon the vehicle struck, a written notice
gi ving the name and address of the dri vel" and of thfwner of the
vehicle doing the striking.
Section 20. Report Acci~~nt. The driver of any vehicle
involved in an accident resulting in injury to death to any
person, or damage to property shall, within twenty-four (24)
hours, make a report of such accident to the Traffic Division
of the City. If the dri ver is physically incapaci tated as a
result of such accident, from making a report of such a,Crcident
it shall be the du ty of any other participant in the accident,
who is not incapacitated as a result of the accident to make
su ch re port.
Section 21. Report Damage to Fixtures and I~provements.
It shall be unlawful for any person operating any vehicle involved
in an accident l"esulting in daIDrlage to fixtures or improvements
legally in or upon, or adjacent to a street or public way, to
fatl to, within twenty-four (24) hOU1"S to notify the owner oil
per son in charge of su ch damaged fixtures or improvemen ts of
hi s name and attcJress and of the name and address of the O\l\fl1er of
the vehicle causing such damages.
Section 22. Garage J\.eeper to Report Damaged. Vehi cles,. The
person in charge of any garage or repair shOp in the City to
wID.ch is brought any vehicle whish shows evidence of having been
str'uck by a bullet or having been recently involved in an accident,
shall report to the pollee Departni.ent of the City, as soon as such
vehicle is recel ved, gl ving the engine number, manufacturer's
serial number, registration number, and the name and address;)6f
the owner or operator of such vehicle.
Section 23. ~arage Keeper Report A~~doned VehJcl~. The
person in charge of any garage or repair shop at which has been
left a motor vehicle of unknown ownership for a period of fifteen
consecutive days without being removed by its owner or any other
person duly authorized to remove the same, shall report to tl~
Police Department of the City, giving the name, engine number,
manufacturer's serial number, regist:r'ation plate number,
and the name and address of the person abandoning same, if known.
Section 24. Automobile Pound Created. There is hereby
created in the City of Grand I sl and, a pound for the impounding
of aut~nobiles and any other vehicles of any character, which,
is hereby designated as an "automobile pound.il
Section 25. Location of Pound. The Chief of Police is
hereby empowered and di1' ected to/ioc ate said pound where and
as may seem appropriate ",:i~f);.fdli j:U,r,-se and as may be neoessary
to accomod'J.te the vel:v1te~es WP6J2H~A~a; and may change the location
of said pound d~~~r i t a~~ears to be necessary or desirable.
Section 26. Vehicles Impounded, Et,c., Fee,. J.?ischarg~
Whenever any vehicle is found by a poli.ce officer parked or
left standing in the streets or alleys of the Ci ty in violation
of the ordinances of the City, such police officer may remove
and conveyor cause tOiJe removed and conveyed such vehicle by
means of towing the sanle, or otherwise, to the Automobile
Pound; and ther:3upon such vehicle shall not be discharged or
removed from said pound exce~by pa~mpl)t by the owner, dri vel'
or operator, of such veht<tlf of a r~' gf two (~p2.00) Dollars
plus reasonable stor,~1fI~ees,to A:he person in charge of said
pound. When the ~ol{l~r or drkver of the vehicle so impounded
presents himse,~ at the Pound to claim his vellicle, it shall
be the duty(r'lthe person,1n oharge 00 1nform such owner or
driver of tUe nature and circumstances of the violation on
account of which such vehicle was impounded. In case th-u
owner or driver of any vehicle so impounded executes an affidavit
denying the facts upon which the impounding of such vehicle has
been based, and protesting against the payment of 8U c11 impounding
and storage fee, a receipt for, ~~t~llnle marked "paId unde,' pro-
test" but in such case it Sba-JlJthel'CfllPOn be tbe duty of tbe
Cbi.ef of Police to forthW~\~ake cot'tdnt in conforroity with
the ordinances of the ,fii!-y* ,I~/r~ such person is found not
guilty by cbe ;C/tlf'ulpon su4R- ckrges, it shall be tbe duty of the
person in cr~: lie of said Pound to refund to su ch person the said
fees so pal 'under protestq
Section 27. Account for F_ees _~.lected. It shall 1)6 the duty
of the Chief of Pmlice to account for any fees collected by hi.m
under the provisions of this article to the C1 t.r rrreasul">ex', who
shall place the same in the Po1i ce Fund.. The said Chi af of
Police shall also keep a record of the name of the owner of all
vehicles impounded, the number of their registration plates, the
nahll"'e and cirmrmstances of each violation involved, amI the dis-
position of each case.
Section 28. Not to _~upersede Other Provisions. Nothing in
the next four pl'eceding sections of this Arti cle shall be cone
stl'ued as superseding any other provisj_ons of this ordinance
concerning the proper parking or operation of vehicles of any
chal"ucter in the City, and tho impounding of any vehicle and the
collection of a fee theI>efor unde:e the next fJreceding four sections
of thi. sarti c1 e shall not pl'event or preclude prOSeC1.1 tion for' the
violation of any of the pl'ovisions of this ordinances concerning
the parking or ope'l>ntion of velu.cles in. the Ci ty.
Section 29. !2Jsrega:eding Traffic SUl"0l11Ql1S. It shall be un-
lawful fOIl any person to disregard a summons issued on account of
a violation of any of the provisions of this o:!"cUnance, OI' to
fall to appear in court as d 1r ected hy au ell surrrrnons.
E,ec tion 30. Not to Absolve Blame. Nothing in thi s ordinance
shall be construed or pleaded as ju stlfying, a b801 ving OI' rendering
blameless, either directly or indirectly, any person in charge of
01> owning any vehicle fat> any injury. or damage to persons or pro-
perty due to reclde:3sness, incompetency, or nogligcmco in the
operation of any vehl cle.
Section 31.
Vehi cl e to CO.E1J?ti~.~_, It shall be l.mlawf1..1l for'
OHDINANCE NO.. 1926 (CmIT..)
any per Bon to operate a motor vehl cle u pan the streets or fiU blic
v'la,Ys of the City, unless such vehicle and the operat:ton the:r'eof
shall in all respects, except as in this ordinance otherwise pro-
vided, conforfl1 with the Inws and requ :trements of the stat 0 of
ARTICLE 14. Bicycles.
Section 1. Regis.tration, Numbep Plates, It shall be unJ.aw-
ful fOI'/person to opeJ'ate a bicycle upon a11;1 street or public way
within the City without first having registered the smme lOt.s hore-
inafter provided, and it shall be unlawfl:11 for any person to op-
erate a bic;ycle upon any street or }Jl.lblic way without having tbe
registration number plate issued therefor, under the direction of
the Tx'affic Division of the City displayed upon the rear of sa.i.d
bicycle so as to be plainly visible from the reaT'.
Section 2. Appli ca...:sLg,!l...f~Q!',n~.i ~_t'pat.igJ1_I. Fee. Appli ca ti on
for regist:f'ation of any bioycle shall be made by the OVineI' thOl'Gof
in writing to the Traffic Division upon "lanks fUl"'nisbed by the
City, and shall set forth the name of the applicant, his address,
a descript:ton of the bicycle, and such other :i.nformation as the
Traffic Di vision may require. Before the issuance of a registration
certificate and the number plate, the applicant shall pay a fee
of Fifty (501) cents.
Section 3. Issuance of Registrati.o...p Cex't;:tficate. The T:raffl c
D:tvision is hereb:J' autho:i:'ized and directed to iS8ue rec;istrat:1on
ecrt:i,fi eatetJ fOT: 3U ell bi cycles upon sal d 1:-d cycle sa ti sfacto:r-i ly
comply:lng wlth the inspectloll t.ests he::eeinafte:r' provldecl fol', and
upon the payment of the required regi.stx'at:i.on fee.
Sectlon 4. Hegistrat:i.on 1Tlnn'hc!'. Plates. The City shall pl'O-
vide a registratton nurnbel:' plate, cor/responding Ito the nUll:bex'
appeartng ~n the registration certificate, which registration plate
sball be attached to tbe frame of the bic;;rcle by the Trafflc Di vi-
ston, and s11a11 rerna:tn attatehed tbereto dur:lng the regiatration
peri-oel .
Section 5. Registr'atiotl ;Sl~~tion. All regl strations of
b:i.cyclefl issued uncle:r- thin ordirl131lCe shall be good and be in full
fm'eo 13,nc1 effect so long a::: !~he per'son causing the sarne to be
l"'eglstered J:'emains the mvnel' the:eeof.
ORDINANCI~ NO.. 1926 (GON'r,,)
Section 6~ Dutles of Traf[lc Divisiop. The Tx'afflc Div:i.-
sion shall koep a :r'ecoI'd. of all fees collected fo!' the issllanc:e
of l'Elgistr'ation certlf':lcatos} the date of jssuanee thoreof J to
whmn 5fl8ued, the numbcn" thereof, a descl':i.ption of the bi.cycle and
the manufact;1.H'erl s ser':'Lal number of the bicycle f:i'ame.
Secti.on 7. Tr'anslJ?!:-2f Bi cycl€I~_Ownersld.p. It r::lhal1 be the
duty of every person who 8e113 01" tl'c1.lHlfel's ownership of any
l>egist:ered bicycle to rerXlll't W:itbin f:l.ve (5) days from tb.e date
of sale 01' transfer, such sale or' tr'ansfel' by J.'etUl'n:ing to tb.e
Traffl c Divis} on the regi stration certificate therefol', together
with the registration number plato, together' with the narne and
ac1dreEs of the person "to whom said bicycle VtTQS sold oX' trl':l.1lsferr'ed
prov:ided;/ however-, the holder of au ell regl strati.on ce:btifl cate
may have tb.e Traffic: Divisi.on assign such y'egistr-ation numbel'l
plate to anothe:l:' bicrycle owned by him, upon pa;'jrl11ent of tv'lenty-
five (25~t) cents fol' suell tra:nsfeJ:'~ It shall be the duty of tbe
purchaser 01' transfElrree of guch bic-;:,rc1e to appl;l for' a transfer
or registration thereof within five days of sale or transfer.
Sectj.on 8. Braken al~d Ligl1ts. (a) Bl"akes. It shalJ be un-
lawful fol' any person to operate a bic:lcle within the City unless
such biGycle is equ:i.pped with a brake adequate to contx'ol the
movement; of H!10 to stop such bic:/cle within l"E.w.sonable l1rnlts.
(b) Light. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a
bic'yc:).e within the clt;{ between one-balf houl' after' sunset and
one-half' hour before sunx'lH6 'IJ'l:i.tbout having one wblti:3h light
lighted on the front thex'(-')of. Evel"Y bicycle shall have a. rod
l"efleetor button not less tban two (2) i:nces In diameter pIG.ced
so as to be plainly visible from the rear of such bicyclE'.
Sect:lO!l 9. Inspec.t!on. The Traff:lc Di v:tsiol1 shall inspect
eacb bicycle p.r>esented to it for !'egistratlcm, and shall refl1se
to lS8UG a y'egistl"ation eel..tlficate and number plate for' any
bi cycle found to be in ::m un saf e rnechani eft1 condi tiOD.
Seeti(ll! 10.
Rj t:.f11 t O..L-P 1J1ya-r
~. -< C-) ..... '1. .
The operator of B bicyole
emox'ging from .an a11ey, d l'i veway or building sball upon approach-
ing a sidewalk or tbe sid8'Nal1<' area extendlng acr'OBS any alley
way, yi aIel. the right of way to all pede st1>:tans approaching on said
sidewall.; or sj.dewaJ.k space; and upon enter'ing any street 01' 1'013.0.-
'vVt=l-:T sh9.11 yi eId the !'ight of way to all vehi cles approaching on
sale. str'eet 01' y'ondrvay; and any pOl" son OIGl'rtting a bi cycle upon
8. sidewalk slla11 do so at bJ sown 1"':t gJ, aJ:1d shaII vi old the J'ight
of way to any and all pedestrian~'3, and when involved in a 001-
1if:1on with a pedestl'l.an" such oper'atol'
all be pr'Gsumed to have
been negligent. It shall be unlawf141 for any peY'son to T'ide on a
bl cycle opon any side'vvalk wi thin the congol'Jted d1 str'i at of thE}
CIty of Gro.nd Island, as her'einbefoPG set fort;h and designa1J;ecL
Section 11. HicUng; Ns;ar Curl?.. Every person operating a
bicycle upon any street or' pUblic way shall ride afl near'to the
cUl'b on the right hand side of the r08.c1\;v,J.Y as practicable,
eX81'ci sing 0.1.1 e care when passing any vehi cle_
Section 12. ~,idjne...;rp OrouR_ Per'sons r:i.ding bicycles upon
a stl"'eet or roadway shall not. r:ide more than two abreast, except
on paths or parts of roadways set aside fOJ' the exelu 81 ve 1.1 se of
Section 13.. Holding to MovJmg Vehicle~].. It shall be un...
lawful for any person ridj.n.g a 11i. cycle to take hold of, 01' hold
onto any vehi cle in motion..
7ection 14.
Nmn ber of
PeI' son 8 on
Bicycle ..
..!. v
It shall be un-
lawful fOl' more than one person to 1'10e on a bicycle unless seLid
bicycle .is constructed to C~H':t'y the nurnbep of pO!'8ons being con-
veyed .
Section 15.. CarryinfS Articles - It shall be unlawful for
an'y person riCUng a bicycle to ccu'ry any pa.clmge, bundle, or
article which prevents the rider from keepi:ug both hands upon
tb.e handle bars.
Section 16. Parking. It shall. be unlawful for' any peT'son
to park a bicycle upon a roadway, sidewalk, 01' otber' public 'vi'B.y
in such a posi tion as to interfere with tb.e safety 01'" movement of
valli Cl:i lar or' pedestrian tr'affi c and 'when parked u pan a sidewalk
such bicycle shall be pal"ked w1.thin four (4.) feet of the cur'b.
Section. 17. Renta..1 .Agenci es _ It shall be unlawful fO!' any
x'ental ageney to offer any bicycle for rent lmless said bi cycle
shall f:lrst have been registered and the registration number plate
att.acb.ed thereto as herein :before provided _ Bicycles offered for
rent hy' a rental agency shall be equipped by such agency with
lights and other' safety equirJInent as is r'eguir'ed by this or'cHnance
ORDI NANCi:;; NO" 1926 ( CONT '" )
nnd. shall be kept in good and 813.fe workIng 01'Oe:1'.
Sectlon 18. Bicycle Dea.lers. AJ.l persons engaged 1-11 the
bu s:tness of buying second,'-hand bicrycles are herehy reQui1'ed to
mal{o a written report to the Traffi.c Division before tvvelve
0' clock n'oon of each day, gi vine; the name and ac'ld:r'oSH of the
pel'SOll froni whom each bicycle is pur'chased, the dOEJcriptlon
of oEleh bicycle pur'chD.sed, the rflanufacturor' s serial number' on
the franlo thereof, and the rrumher of the registrat:ton num,er
plate theY'eon, if any, All persons engaged in the business of
selling new or second-hand bicycles are hereby 1:'oquired to make
a written report to thG T!'uffi c D1, v-i. alen before twol va 0' clock
noon of each clay, gj. ving a l1st of all sales made by au ch dealers,
wblch l:i I'lt shall include the nalne and i1(']c}ro:3 s of eaeh person to
whom Bol<'J., the kind of b:tc,ycle sold, toge'theJ:' w:lth a deBcx':tption
and the Inanufs,ctul'er' S 80r'ial fra1ne nn!n"0r thereof, and the
number of the regist:put:i.on num',el' plate attached thereto, if any,
Section 19. 1'.1al:i.cloi':\s Destr'l""'\ction. It shall be unlilv,rf'ul
for' any pm:" son to vI:llfu lly or' mali clan sly l'emovo, cl estro:v,
mut:i.JfJ.to 01' f1.ltcn' the rnanufacturex" s se:p:lal f'l""aulo number of an:y'
bicycle registered
rsuant to the p:po sians hereof. It shall
a180 be unlawfu 1 for any per son to l'frtJ)()Ve, des t!'O~T, Inu t1 1.'1 te
or alt01~ any regl~ltI'at1.on nUTuber' plate during the period when
such registration :'L8 operative:,
Section 20. Penalty. ll.J'1Y per'son violati,ng any of tho
provisions of this a:1:'t1clo, or who shall fail, neglect 01" refU:3e
fo FrY] any du
imposed 't,lpon hLrl, shall
deemed gu :Llt,,! of
a Ifllsclelneanor, and upon eonv:Letion tho:r'oof, may, in l:1.eu of the
pena1ty elsev!he:e(l in this ord:Lnancepr'ovided, be adjuclged and
ordered to surren(:Jel' the reglstx'ation pl1?lte for his bicycle,' to
the Tr~lffic Di vis:i.on for a period of rwt to Gxeeed E!i:){ month's
OT' may Hbe order'ed to surrender his bic'ycle for impounding,
for a perIod of not to exceed six months..
ARrrICL11'; 15. Pax'ld.ng And Inspection ViolatIons
Section 1. Parking and Il1;ppeC~;~._I~~J'~f2}1...U Create9.. Ther'e
i s here by e 3 ta b11 shed ,a :~"ik~'1:g' and In~ ~y. on Viola ti on.
!\lr eau to ha~~;~ ".IJ'7'F'4irlg and ,"-01 O,-/~'i h.t in"pe c oHm vi 0 la tl on3
VJ1:d ell rUl""ea~/shal1 be undor tl~ 5U pervi sion of the Tl~aff:lc
ORDINll.NCE NO. 1926 (Go:wr "')
D" ..! n,...:.1 "!' "l'jr 'v -'" "fa J.'. - nv"" ,~,~. "ro', ,'l Cl' " all,:!
,..LV~,f:3,.L()ll CJ.J..1u-. ,1. i ~- ~.t{d-_~g"J ;",),1 (fIlet .f.' J,,)~t:>,,:~ tJl.A\.).bl":/I'- "-t
shall be oron
l.1.t; E:U eh bou 1'8 as t.he Court may de::JigrL8. to e
Secttou 2. Duties AoL":'ch.G_ RU".(1s'U. ~f1Jhal1 :'8 the duty of
the Pal'ldltC; al1rc Inspection ViolatIons t.;.u to au"ept the
penalti (;;8 and fees her Ed !! c1esigna tad, "'y:CJ'U e l'oceiptf.; therefor,
f:111c1 repl'encnt sue-Ii violectCH'G 8,8 are pennitted aYI(~ (18811't, to
plead gu:i.lty in ac{:ol'dance wi th the 1.~~'oceduX'e hereLn[J.fLel'
Dot f01'th. (1
Viol[~. t.Ol'S of the pa:t"ld.ng and moto!' vehl elo in speetion
ordinances shall be given notlco ~/the fO:t:'111 of an offlc:1.al
pollee tHg atta.ehed to the Offc.H1f!ng motOl" vehicle, whlcb
notlcf:> f]hall requll'e Buell. v:to1at4n::' to appef~.:r' forthwith at the
Pol:!.ce Departmont.. If such vioj.ato:r' shall fail to appeal' in
l'f~SpOl1Se to such notice witld,r\\l8. per:lod of fl\lEJ (5) daIS, tho
PD..l'ld.TI~ and Insr:Gcti on Viola trOl1['{ Bu X'ea1l!:' sr:al1 send to the
oWner' of the motoJ' vehicle- t?Wh:i.cl.i. the lilotlce i"Ulf'j a:ff:i.xecl"
") p c:d"j co :i 1'1f ()i"l'l i rl;j him of t~=; v:1 01 <', ti or~ "1"": V'~ l'r"~ 1'17 h~ In tlw t
,. ','" .. .', . _. .. '-' ~ ., - 0 ,,~C ,\ . h , . -0 ..J. b. _,,,
he will be held. l'OSpOllsi 1\] ~ fOI' the offenc1e:t:', and that in the
event such notice is disrGl:Sfl:cd fOJ:' a per-:tod of fivG (5) de. s,
a cor,'pJalnt we", "ane of\a:n6Bt wU] he is"'1 An;y vloJ.otor
appoa::c:txlg within the t::i+,)llmi i..; l;erfdll set out and desl:r':l to
r'J.o~1.() gull t.y 8.1)(1 ViEd VE' ~n't G t'aJ'lCO J 1. td.glJ. a vir'1ttell
gn 11 t,' Y. ple" ", nd ~'ai ver 0; C oux't appeal' anc e and shall po. y to
the sa:ld BI.U"eHu 'G11a ~Of One (~j~J.()O) Dollar) b\rf:Jl1't;:y=ftve (~~!5rtt)
cents of which ~hall ~~ assessed as penalty and seventy-five
(75~{) of v(bich 'S'Ylalll1o a:=:,';enfed as a fee C:O"iiO:dr1e; eosts of
The E\:iI'eaU
Sh~l cause 8. cOiupJ.a:tnt tind 'WCtl"'o.nt '!.:;o be f.Ued
ctclrni"n.:t f.; t':eD. t1. orJ. .
age,iDfd.~ an:? such v:~''t)J8.tOr' 1JY:no shCtll fail to oor(Jpl~\ with tbe
p:poeeclu X'O set fOl~tl~l hf3re5.n ~ After.' filing of c0111plaint and
VlcU'1:8J".l'L the Bur ea~ as liarein e::.rbE'.hli shed. has no fl.:! l'the:r-
jUl"5.fJdici,:l.on. ,~
Section 3 r HeCor~cf3,_,~Jhe J1u:::eau. The F'<'I.J' king and In~'
r ~
spec.tion Vin~_ [,,:d.OW3 '):U:r'f;f.:J.U .~hal] make a record of all v:lol&,-'
tiorw shOWi~-' '~1e 118.IIle of each violator, the time and date of
. \
eHch via] 8.ti.on, thu d 18pO :,j ti on tbel'oof BPd the peXlfl1t and
f C (; fj C (> 11 e c t ee1 .
Sueh record shall "'e Q)'l V0~1 t-n 't'f'I'" I'(j" -1 "(J T ..:!
t. "''' ,.. .. ,,'" ...L...C,'J ...uuge
OHDINANCE NO" 1926 (CO!!l"r..)
villO :'.lha11 en 0f::.;r the ner:, e l~ pon tilw Doc e{~ -~. ~ i~bo sarne manne:l' as
//'C_- .' /
ot.ho:!' C[lAO:3 corldnt; befo!'(y4:'li#~ 011C.4{OU'll. All fess co11ected
/(, )/...-- .
h\T the BL1reau SllaJ,cll)'1~ paid ' . the ~ eEl Jbd.ge and by h1m
tJ A.- / 'f_
! /1/J'
der,(li:'ri tod ';'[1&1;1 the City Treasr;ro!' [IS 'v:ici.ed hy lrwif.
ART! eLE 16.. Catch Head s, Val:tc1i ty and Sa viugl~ CIa'll se.
Seotton 1. C~tcb Heads ~ Tho catd.L heads G.I'pearlng :i.n
connect:ion wi.th the fo}'egolng sections auel a1:'tieles of this
orc1:i.naYice are :lnfHrr'ted s1wp.ly f'Ol' conven:t.en.ce, to serve the
PJIT'O~3e of an index and the' shall ihle vvho1Iy dis:r'egarded by
any per'son, off:l.cer, cerCI rt, 01' other' trtbunaJ in constr'utng
the tCl')CiS and T1r'ov-lsiclllS of tbi::l or'dinance.
Section 2 ~
V" l~ (')~ ty
Cl. 0 .L _J O' .
Each section and each su 1~X't:l v1 r:dol1
of a section of th:b:1 oI'dlnal1ce is hereby decJ.8.1"oc1 to be inde-
I)cndent of ever;y othel~ section or S'U bell vi. sl on of a EJect.ion so
fal' as inducement Bot' the pSBs2.ge of this OJ:cJinance is con'"
cGI'ned; and the irnlt:;ltdity of any sect:ton 01' r:fl.l bell vi nlo:n of a
section of thi S ord:trlfi.ncEJ shf3.11 not in validate any other see-
tion 01' subdi visjon of a section tb.81'E10f..
Savinp;s. ,Clause._.
This o1"dinance
shall in no
rnanner affect pending actions, either' e1.vll 01' cI':Lliiin8J founded,
on o:r' groVi:tng OU t of any or<(Hlil~nce, or part of any ordinance..
bey'e t.'Y repealed; and thi s ordinance shall in no mann (31' affect
l':i.ghts or C9.U;38S of e.et:'ion, either civll or c:r':i.Jn:in
no tin.
sldt:, that m~y have already ace-rued or grown out of any o:r'Cl1nuDce
01' pal'!:; of any orc1inan(:e, 12.e1:'0 by repealed.
Penal ty.
Sectlon 1. Penalty. Any persc)l2. 1.1 pon whom a du ty j. s placed
the provisions of this ox'dinance, who shall f~dl, neglect,
or ref'tH3E:1 to perform, such duty 01' who shall violate an:y" of the
pI'ovisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed gL'15.J.t'~r of a m:ls'"
demeanor. and upon convi ot10n ther eaf shal1 be f:lnecl in alTY f:lUm
not to exceed One HL1ndred ($100,,00) Do11Etrs and shall stand
eorrrnitt.ed to the city jail until such fine and costs of pl>O.~
S0C1:1 t:ton are paid. Each day that a violatior1. of this or<'linance
contircues shaD. eonsti tute a separ'ate and d:1stinct offense and
8:1:J1.1.11 be punishable as such,. The penalty herei.rl provided shall
be cumu 1a ti ve With and in ac1di tion to the revocat1.on, cancella-
t5.on or forfeiture of any license" perndi;, or r:tght elsewhere
in tlds ordlnance provldecl for v:i.01E.LtioXl thereof..
1\R'rrCLE 18. Or'dinances Repealed.
Section 1. Ordin~'1nce8 Ee}}P!3.;t.e~\.. OJ>dinance No.. 268,
No. 655, No. 1112" No .1246, No.. 1251, No.. 14,15, and No. 152:3
of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, he and the same
are hereby repealed.
Section 2.
F r'e -"1 rf'.n -t Th"
o 'e anu., .c!.. lee,.. . _La
oJ'cUnance shall be In
force and take efj}ect from and after its pastl8,ge, aPPJ:>ova1,
and ru blic.f.~tion as provided hy' law.
PaEwed and approved this 19th day of June
, 194.2..
1av 1~
I. _.' (j =~ lit
,~Tffl!" C1 m.
2"..,j.. s /~
~ Clerk.. -
tr~J' ,'-'I'f7l '~"''C''pr).: q
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An Ordinance regulating traffic upon the
public streets, highways, and alleys of the City of
Grand' Island, Nebraska; providing for the ad-
ministration and. enforcement of regulations gov-
erning traffic; providing a penalty for the viola-
tion thereof; and repealing ordinances No. 268,
655, 1112, 1246, 1251,1445, and 1523 of the ordi-
nances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and
all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict
CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island,
Sec. 1. . Alley Entrance. The term "alley en-
trance" as used in this ordinance shall mean the
extension of the alley from the lot line to the
street curb line.
Sec. 2. Arterial Street. The term "arterial
street" as used in this ordinance shall mean a
street designated as such by resolution duly
adopted by the City Council.
See-.S. Authorized Emergency Vehicle. The
term "authorized emergency vehicle" as used in
this ordinance shaIlrrtean' vehicles of the Fire
Department and of the :police Department of the
City and ambulance, or First Aid car of the Fire
Sec. 4. Automatic Traffic Signals. The term
"automatic traffic signals" as used in this ordi-
nance shall mean any device electrically or me-
chanically controlled, by which traffic is alter-
nately directed to stop.'and proceed.
Sec. 5. Bicycle. The term "bicycle" as used
in this ordinance shall mean a light vehicle with
two tandem wheels, either of which is over twenty
k\rt',!Jr,,(20Hnches in diameter, with tires inflated, hav-
. ing handle bars and a saddle seat or seats, and
~~'O"i.",;2::::;E4~:::!,7;.,":);Il~ ._
._" _ .___"_......_.,m".~!,
propelled by the feet acting on' treadles connected
with levers.
Sec. 6. Congested District. The term "con-
gested district" as used in this ordinance shall in-
clude that portion of the city within the following
bounds, to-wit: South Front Street from Oak
Street to Walnut Street, Third Street from the
Chicago, Burlington, & Quincy Railroad Com-
pany right-of-way to Eddy Street, Second Street
from the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad
Company right-of-way to Elm Street, First Street
from Sycamore Street to Cedar Street; Fourth
Street from Eddy Street to East to a point where
said Fourth Street crosses the Railroad known as
the St. Paul Tracks, Oak Street from Second
Street to Fourth Street, Kimball Street from Sec-
ond Street to South Fri:mtStreet, Sycamore Street
from First Street to Fourth Street, Pine Street
from Court Street to Sixth Street, Locust Street
from South Front Street to Charles Street,
Wheeler Street from South Front Street to Koe-
nig Street, Walnut Street from First Street to
Fifth Street; Cedar Street from First Street to
South Front street, Elm Street from Second
Street to Fourth Street, and Eddy Street from
Third Street to Fourth street.
Sec. 7. Crosswalk. The term "crosswalk" as
used in this ordinance shall mean that portion
of the roadway included within the prolongation
or connection of the lateral lines of sidewalks
at intersections, or any other portion of a street
clearly indicated for pedestrian crossing by lines,
gutter bridges or other markings on the surface.
Sec. 8. Curb. The term "curb" as used in
this ordinance shall mean the lateral boundaries
of that portion of a street designed for the use
of vehicles, whether marked by curb stones or
not so marked.
Sec. 9. Driver or Operator. The t e r m
"driver" or "operator" as used in this ordinance
shall mean the rider or driver of a horse, the
rider of a bicycle or the operator of any vehicle.
Sec. 10. Intersection or Street Intersection.
The term "intersection" or "street intersection"
as used in this ordinance shall mean that space
occupied by two streets at the point where they
cross eaCh other, bounded by the lot lines ex-
tended, and shall include the sidewalk space as
well as the roadway.
Sec. 11. Motor Vehicles. The term "motor
vehicle" as used in this ordinance shall mean any
vehicle propelled by power other than muscular
power, except railway trains running upon their
own tracks.
Sec. 12.. Official Traffic Signals. The term
"official traffic signals" as used in this ordinance,
shall mean all signals not inconsistent with this
ordinance,placed or erected by authority of the
City Council, or a public body or official having
jurisdiction for. the purpose of directing warning
or regulating traffic.
Sec. 13. Official Traffic Sig-ns. The term
"official traffic signs" as used in this ordinance
shall mean all signs, markings and devices, other
than signals, not inconsistent with this ordinance,
placed or erected by authority of the City Council
or a public body having jurisdiction for the pur-
pose of guiding, directing, warning, or regulating
Sec. 14. Parking. The term "parking" as
used in this ordinance shall mean the standing of
a vehicle, whether occupied or not, upon a street
or alley, otherwise than temporarily for the pur-
pose of and while actually engaged in loading or
unloading, or in obedience to traffic regulations
or traffic signs or signals.
Sec. 15. Pedestrians. The term "pedestrian"
as used in this ordinance shall mean any person
Sec. 16. Police Officer or Traffic Officer.
The term "police officer" or "traffic officer" as
used in this ordinance shall mean every officer
of the Police Department of the City, or any of-
ficer authorized to direct or regulate traffic or
make arrests for the violation of traffic regula-
Sec. 17. Private Driveway. The term "pri-
vate driveway" as used in this ordinance shall
mean every road or driveway not open to the
use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel.
Sec. 18. Right of Way. The term "right of
way" as used in this ordinance shall mean the
privilege of the immediate use of the street.
Sec. 19. Safety Zone. The term "safety
zone" as used in this ordinance shall mean the
area or space officially set apart within a street
for the exclusive use of pedestrians, and which is
protected or is so marked or indicated by ade-
quate signs as to be plainly visible at all times
while set apart as a safety zone.
Sec. 20. Sidewalk. The term "sidewalk" as
used in this ordinance shall mean that portion of
the sidewalk space improved for and/or used for
and by pedestrians.
Sec. 21. Sidewalk Space. The term "side-
walk space" as used in this ordinance shall mean
that portion of a street between the curb lines
and the adjacent property lines.
Sec. 22. stop. The term "stop" as used in
this ordinance, when the act is required, shall
mean complete cessation of movement.
Sec. 23. Street or Highway. The t e r m
"street" or "highway" as used in this ordinance
shall mean the entire width between property
lines of every way or place of whatsoever nature
open to the use of the public as a matter of right,
for the purpose of vehicular traffic.
Sec. 24. Vehicle. The term "vehicle" as
used in this ordinance shall mean all conveyances
for persons or property, except railway trains
running upon their own tracks.
Sec. 25. Viaduct. The term "viaduct" as
used in this ordinance shall mean a bridge-like
structure carrying one roadway over another
Sec. 1. Traffic Division. There is hereby
established a Traffic Division of the Police De-
partment of the City under the direct supervision
of the Chief of said Police Department.
Sec. 2. Duties of Traffic Division. It shall
be the duty of the Traffic Division to enforce the
street traffic regulation of this City, to make
arrests for traffic violations, to investigate acci-
dents, and to develop ways and means of im-
proving traffic conditions; and to place such
signs, signals, and devices for the regulation of
the traffic as the City Council or the Chief of
Police may direct.
Sec. 3. Duties of Chief of Police. The Chief
of Police shall have charge of the supervision of
the Traffic Division. It shall be the duty of the
Chief of Police to coordinate traffic activities; to
carryon educational activities in traffic matters;
to supervise the preparation and publication of
traffic reports, to receive complaints having to
do with traffic matters, and to recommend to the
Mayor and City Council ways and means for im-
proving traffic conditions and the administration
and enforcement of traffic regulations.
It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police,
and heis hereby granted power and authority to,
by effective measures, carry out all duties im-
posed upon him by this ordinance; to establish
and maintain pedestrian lanes, safety zones. traf-
fic lanes, loading zones, quiet zones, and traffic
control devices, and shall designate the same by
appropriate means and devices.
Sec. 4. Records of Traffic Violation. The
Traffic Division shall keep. a record of all viola-
tions of the traffic oroinances of the City, and
shall make such records available for the use and
study of the Mayor and City Council.
Sec. 5. Investigate Accidents and Receive
Reports. It shall be the duty of the Traffic Divi-
sion to investigate traffic accidents and to arrest
persons guilty of violations of law causing or con-
tributing to such accidents. The Traffic Division
shall maintain a suitable system of filing traffic
accident reports. All such reports shall be avail-
able for the use and information of the Mayor
and City Council. A record shall be made of all
reports received by the Traffic Division, and
such accident reports shall be for the confiden-
tial use of the. Police Department, the Traffic
Division and Mayor and City Council.
Sec. 6. Annual Traffic Safety Report. The
Traffic Division shall annually prepare a traffic
report to contain information on traffic matters
in the City, setting forth the number of traffic
accidents, the number of persons killed or in-
jured and other pertinent data; the number of
traffic accidents investigated, the number of
drivers complained against, and other pertinent
data on the safety activities of the police; and
plans and recommendations of the Division for
future traffic safety activities and file the same
with the City Clerk of said City.
Sec. 1. Traffic.Officers. The Chief of Police
may at any time detail officers to be known as
traffic officers, who shall be vested with auth-
ority to regulate, control, and direct the move-
ment of traffic in such a manner as will facilitate
the same and prevent congestion and accidents.
Such officers shall have authority to make ar-
rests and it shall be unlawful for any person to
violate any lawful order, signal or direction of
any traffic officer.
Sec. 2. Emergency Regulations. The Chief of
Police is hereby empowered to make and enforce
temporary regulations to cover emergencies.
Sec. 3. Official Emergency V chicles Exempt.
The provisions of' this ordinance regulating the
movement, parking and standing of ve~'1icles shall
not apply to authorized em~rgency vep.Icles as de-
fined in this ordinance whIle the drIver of such
vehicle is operating the same in an e~erger:cy
in the necessary performance of public dutIes.
This exemption shall not, however, protect the
driver of any such vehicle from the consequence
of a reckless disregard of the safety of others.
Sec. 1. Regulate or Prohibit Traffic by
Resolution. The City Council may, by resolution,
regulate or entirely prohibit traffic upon any
street or portion thereof, and when so regulated
or prohibited, the Traffic Division sh.all place
suitable signs, signals or other such d~vIces upon
such streets to indicate such regulatIOn or pro-
Sec. 2. Obedience to Traffic Signs and
Signals. It shall be unlawful for an;v .person ~o
disobey the instruction~ of any offICIal. traffIC
sign or signal placed In accordance Wit):! th.e
provisions of this ordinance, unless otherWise di-
rected by a police officer.
Sec. 3. Automatic Signal Traffic,Con~rol. ~t
each intersection where an automobIle SIgnal IS
installed and actually functioning all vehicular,
pedestrian traffic crossing or entering such .int~r-
section shall be governed by such automatIc Sig-
nal, The display of the green light sh,all be a
signal for traffic to move forward; the display of
the yellow light shall be a signal for traffic to be
at attention and prepared to stop; the diSplay of
the red signal light shall be a signal for traffic to
stop outside of the street intersection.
Sec. 4. Display of Unauthorized Signs and
Signals. It shall be unlawful for any person to
place or maintain or display upon or in view of
any street, any unofficial sign, signal or device
which purports to be or is an imitation of or re-
sembles an official traffic sign or signal, or which
attempts to direct the movement of traffic, or
which hides from view or interferes with the ef-
fectiveness of any official sign or signal. Every
such prohibited sign, signal or device is hereby
declared to be a public nuisance, and any police
officer is hereby empowered to remove the same,
or cause it to be removed, without notice.
Sec. 5. Defacing or Interfering With Signs
and Signals. It shall be unlawful for any person
to wilfully deface, injure, remove, obstruct, or in-
terfere with any official traffic sign or signal.
Sec. 1. Parking-Time Limit. The City Coun-
cil may, by resolution, entirely prohibit, or fix a
time limit for the parking and stopping of ve-
hicles in any stree:t, streets, or district designated
in such resolution and the parking and stopping
of any vehicle in any such street, streets, or dist-
rict for a period of time longer than fixed in such
resolution, shall constitute a violation of this or-
dinance. During anyone day, it shall be unlaw-
ful for any vehicle to be parked, or consecutively
parked and remain within the same block on the
same street for a longer period of time than so
designated for such street.
Sec. 2. Parking-Color Legend.. The use of
yellow or orange paint upon the curb of any
street shall indicate that such space has been set
aside for a loading and unloading zone. Yellow
or orange paint shall be used to indicate the
boundaries of safety zones.n
Red.-The use of red paint upon the curb of
any street shall indicate that parking and stop-
ping of vehicles is entirely prohibited within such
White.-The use of white paint upon the curb
of any street shall indicate that that portion of
the street has been restricted to fifteen minute
parking. White paint upon the surface of the
street,or crosswalks, shall indicate pedestrian
lanes and the location of crosswalks.
Sec. 3. Owner of Vehicle Responsible. If any
vehicle is found upon any street or alley in viola-
tion of any of the provisions of this ordinance,
regulating the stopping, standing, or parking of
vehicle, and the identity of the driver cannot be
determined, the owner, or person in whose name
such. vehicle is registered shall be held prima
facie responsible for such violation.
Sec. 4. Loading Zones. It shall be unlawful
for the driver of any vehicle to stop or stand such
vehicle at any designated loading or unloading
zone for a period of time longer than is necessary
for the expeditious loading or unloading of pas-
sengers and/or merchandise and materials; pro-
vided that, during such loading or unloading, such
vehicle shall stand parallel with and at the curb.
The Traffic Division shall designate such loading
and unloading zones by causing the curb to be
painted orange or yellow, and shall either paint
on said curb or sidewalk above it, the words
"Loading Zone", or cause suitable standard mark-
ers to be placed thereat containing said words.
Sec. 5. Safety Zone. Where safety zones are
established by the Traffic Division, the curb
space opposite such safety zones shall be desig-
nated as a loading and unloading zone.
Sec. 6. Motor Buses to Stop at CUI'b, Except.
All motor buses operated as a part of a street
railway system shall stop at the curb for the
purpose of receiving and discharging passengers,
at such locations as the Traffic Division may des-
Sec. 7. Parking Near Street Intersections. It
shall be unlawful for any person to park or leave
standing, any vehicle, for any purpose whatever
or for any period of time whatever within ten
feet of any street intersection and the curb space
on each side of such street intersection shall be
painted red for such distance of ten feet to indi-
cate such prohibition,
Sec. 8. Parking Near Fire Hydrants. It shall
be unlawful for any person to park, or leave
standing, any vehicle for any purpose whatever
or for any period of time whatever within ten
feet of a fire hydrant, and the curb space within
such area of ten feet of such fire hydrant, shall
be painted red to indicate such prohibition.
Sec. 9. Vehicles for Sale, Parking of. It
shall be unlawful for any person to park upon
any street, alley, or public place within the city
any vehicle displayed for sale. '
Sec. 10. Washing, Repairing, Etc., in Streets.
It shall be unlawful for any person to park or
leave standing, upon any street, alley, or public
place within the City, any vehicle, for the pur-
pose of washing, greasing, or repairing such ve-
hicle, except repairs necessitated by an emer-
gency; and it shall be unlawful for any person to
wash, grease, or repair any vehicle upon any
street, or public place within the City, except re-
pairs necessitated by an emergency in order to
move such vehicle.
Sec. 11. Parking 'l'rucks, Etc., in Residence
Districts-. It shall be unlawful for any person to
park a truck or trailer, except a truck or trail-
er being used for the purpose of delivering or
collecting goods, wares, merchandise or materi-
als, on any street adjacent to property classified
by the ordinances of the City for residence pur-
poses, for a period of time longer than is neces-
sary for the expeditious delivery or collecting of
goods, wares, merchandise or materials, and in
no event for a period of time exceeding two
pours; provided, however, that the provisions of
this section shall not apply to trucks or trailers,
being used in connection with building, repair,
service or moving operations.
Sec. 12. Angle and Parallel Parking. It shall
be unlawful for any person to park, or leave
standing, any vehicle at any time in any part of
the City, except with the right hand side thereof
parallel with the curb and not more than one
foot from the curb, leaving at least four feet be-
tween parked vehicles; provided, however, that
the Traffic Division may designate any street or
portion thereof where vehicles shall be parked
at an angle, and all vehicles when parked on any
such street or portion thereof shall be parked
at the designated angle, and with the right front
wheel of such vehicle at the curb. Where the
stalls are designated either on the curb or on the
pavement, vehicles shall be parked within such
Sec. 13. Obstructing Private Driveways. It
shall be unlawful for any person to stop or park
any vehicle so as to obstruct a private driveway
or drive.
Sec. 14. Set Brakes When Parked. It shall be
unlawful for any person to park, or leave stand-
ing, any vehicle upon any perceptible grade with-
out effectively setting the brake and turning the
fron t wheels and heading said wheels toward the
right hand curb or side of the highway.
Sec. 15. Painting Curbs. It shall be unlawful
for any person to paint the curb of any street, or
in any manner set aside or attempt to prevent
the parking of vehicles in any street or part
thereof. The marking or designating of por-
tions of streets or alleys where the parking of Ve-
hicles is prohibited or limited shall be done only
by the City of Grand Island, through its proper
=_,",~_ ~,~~~.I:! Il.'l:
Sec. 16. Freight Vehicles Back to Curb. Ve-
hicles while discharging freight may back. to the
curb and shall occupy as little of the street as
possible, at all times leaving available not less
than ten feet of the street for free movement of
vehicular traffic. If the vehicle be of the semi-
trailer type, the tractor part shall be turned so as
to stand parallel with the curb and headed in the
direction of the traffic, and shall be so parked
only during the time necessary for the actual
loading or unloading thereof.
Sec. 17. Parking' in Alleys. It shall be unlaw-
ful for any person to park any vehicle in any al-
ley, except a vehicle used for delivery purposes,
and then only for such time as is necessary for
the actual loading or unloading thereof. Every
such vehicle, while loading or unloading in any
alley, shall be parked in such a manner as will
cause the least obstruction possible to traffic in
such alley.
Sec. 18. Obstructing Alley Entrance. It shall
be unlawful for any person to park any vehicle in
such a manner. that any portion thereof shall pro-
ject into an alley entrance.
Sec. 19. ParI{ing to Obstruct Traffic. It shall
be unlawful for any person to, except in case of
accident or emergency stop any vehicle within
any street intersection or alley entrance or in
such location as to obstruct any street crossing,
crosswalk, or alley entrance, or back of other ve-
hicles parked at the curb.
Sec. 20. Vendor's Car or Wagon. It shall be
unlawful for any person to allow any vehicle used
for the purpose of vending merchandise, meats,
vegetables, or confectionery, or other vehicle
commonly known as a peddler's car or wagon, to
stand on any street longer than ten minutes in
anyone location.
Sec. 21. Garbage Trucks. It shall be unlaw-
ful for the owner or operator of any wagon, auto-
mobile or, truck used for the collection of garbage
or refuse or any agent or employee of any such
owner or operator to park said wagon, automo-
bile, or truck on the streets or in any alley. in
said City except for the purpose of collE;ctmg
garbage or refuse and then only for the perIod of
time required for the collection thereof.
Sec. 22. Driving on Pavements. It shall be
unlawful for any person or persons to drive, haul,
operate, transport, or use within the corporate
limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, up-
on the paved streets and alleys of said City, any
traction engine, truck, vehicle or heavy machines
having lugs, flanges or ribs on its tires or wheels;
provided, that where it is necessary, such paved
street or alley may be used for travel by such
engines, trucks, vehicles, or machines b,Y first
laying planks of sufficient ~trength <l;nq thIckness
thereon to protect the pavIng fpom Injury, or. by
removing the lugs, flanges or rIbs from the tIres
of the wheels of said engines, trucks, vehicles or
machines and equipping said wheels with a soft
material tire.
Sec. 23. Stop Before Crossing Sidewalk. It
shall be unlawful for any person operating any
vehicle to fail to come to a complete stop before
crossing any sidewalk when emerging from a gar-
age, alley, filling statio~, .01' other.pJace and a~ter
stopping and after gIvmg suffICIent warnmg,
shall proceed across such sidewalk at a rate of
speed not greater than five miles per hour.
Sec. 24. Stop For Loading and Unloading
Motor Buses. Upon approaching a place where
passengers are getting on or off. motor buses, ve-
hicles moving in the same directIOn as such motor
buses shall stop ten feet to the rear of said bus,
and shall not again proceed until the passengers
have entered or left the bus; provided, this sec-
tion shall not apply where safety zones have been
Sec. 25. Large Commercial Vehicles, Parked.
It shall be unlawful for the operator of any
motor vehicle of an over-all length of twenty
feet or more to stpp or park such vehicle on any
street where angle parking is permitted except
for the purpose of loading or unloading freight.
It shall also be unlawful for the operator of any
commercial vehicle, regardless of length of the
same, to park such commercial vehicle with the
endga te of the same down and extending beyond
the body of such vehicle into the street.
Sec. 26. Twenty-four Hour Parking.. It shall
be unlawful for any person to park any vehicle,
or to permit such vehicle to stand, at one loca-
tion upon the streets for a period longer than
twenty-four hours.
Sec. 1. Driving Through Safety Zone. It
shall be unlawful to drive any vehicle through a
safety zone when any person is standing therein.
Sec. 2. Buses Must Stop at Safety Zones.
At street intersections in the congested district,
where safety zones have been established, every
motor bus operated as a part of a' street railway
system, shall stop at such safety zone for the
purpose of receiving and discharging passengers.
No motor bus shall stop at any such safety zone
longer than is necessary to receive and discharge
passengers, and while stopping at a safety zone,
vehicular traffic shall pass such bus to the right.
No motor bus shall stop to receive or discharge
any passenger, except at a street intersection.
Sec. 1. Right of Way.
(a) Approaching or Entering Intersections.
When two vehicles approach or enter an inter-
section at approximately the same time the
driver of the vehicle on the left shall yield the
right of way to the vehicl~ on the right, except
as otherwise herein provided.
(b) Turning Left. The driver of a vehicle
approaching but not having entered an inter-
section shall yield the right of way to a vehicle
within such intersection and turning therein to
the left across the line of travel of such first
mentioned vehicle, provided the driver of the
vehicle turning left has given a plainly visible
left turn signal.
(c) Pedestrian. The driver of any vehicle
upon a street within the city shall yield the right
of way to a pedestrian crossing such street within
any crosswalk; provided, however, at intersec-
tions where traffic is regulated by a traffic of-
ficer or an automatic traffic signal, the pedes-
trian to be entitled to the right of way, must
proceed in accordance with the directions of such
traffic officer or automatic traffic signal, regu-
lating the movement of traffic at such inter-
(d) Entering From Private Roadway-Etc.
The driver of a vehicle entering a public street
from a private road, drive, or alley shall yield
the right of way to all vehicles approaching on
such street.
. (e) Parked Vehicles Starting from Curb.
The driver of any vehicle parked or stopped at
or near the curb, shall, when leaving such posi-
tion, yield the right of way to all vehicles in
motion upon the street.
(f) Authorized Emergency Vehicles. The
driver of a vehicle upon a street shall yield the
right of way to authorized emergency vehicles.
(g) Stop Streets. Any vehicle entering or
crossing any street at which a stop sign has been
erected shall come to a complete stop at such
sign and outside such street, and before entering
such street, and regardless of direction, shall
yield the right of way to vehicles and pedestrians
upon said street to be entered or crossed.
(h) Forfeiture of Right of Way. The driver
of any vehicle traveling at an unlawful rate of
speed shall forfeit any right of way which he
might otherwise have hereunder.
BI. ",..~",_~_
Sec. 2. Authorized Emergency Vehicles. Up-
on the approach of any authorized emergency
vehicle, the driver of every other vehicle shall
immediately drive the same to a position as
near as possible and parallel to the right hand
edge or curb of the street, clear of any intersec-
tion and shall stop and remain in such position
until the authorized emergency vehicle or ve-
hicles shall have passed, unless otherwise di-
rected by a police officer; and the motorman of
bus shall immediately stop such bus clear of
an intersection and keep it in such position until
the authorized emergency vehicle or vehicles
shall have passed, unless otherwise directed by
a police officer.
Sec. 3. Slowly l\'Ioving Vehicles Near Curb.
Vehicles in motion must keep between the curb
to the right and the center of the street, and
slowly moving, large or heavily loaded vehicles
shall keep as near the curb as possible.
Sec. 4. Approaching Public Places. Vehicles
approaching a railway station, theater, church,
or any other public building or .crowded place,
must do so in. an especially cautious manner.
Sec. 5. Overtaking Vehicles. The driver of
any vehicle overtaking another vehicle proceed-
ing in the same direction shall pass at a safe
distance to the left thereof and shall not again
drive to the right of said street until safely clear
of such overtaken vehicle, except that where
there are two or more lanes of traffic moving in
the same direction, -the driver of a vehicle may
overtake and pass another vehicle on the right.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to pro-
hibit a driver overtaking and passing upon the
right of another vehicle which is making or about
to make a left hand turn.
Sec. 6. Keep to Rig"ht of Centel. Line of
Street. It shall be unlawful for the driver of a
vehicle to drive to the left side of the center line
of a street in overtaking and passing another ve-
hicle proceeding in the same direction, or a ve-
hicle parked at the curb, unless such left side is
clearly visible and is free of oncoming traffic for a
sufficient distance ahead to permit such over-
taking and passing to be made in safety.
See. 7. Hindering Vehicle from Passing. It
shall be unlawful for the driver of a vehicle
about to be overtaken and passed by another ve-
hicle to increase the speed of his vehicle until
completely passed by the overtaking vehicle.
See. 8. . Vehicle Following Another at Safe
Distance. It shall be unlawful for the operator of
a vehicle to follow another vehicle more closely
than is reasonable and prudent, having due re-
gard for the speed of such vehicle and the traf-
fic upon and the condition of the Street.
See. 9. Overtaking Vehicles Within the
Street Intersection. It shall be unlawful for the
driver of any vehicle to overtake or pass another
vehicle while proceeding in the same direction,
while traversing a street intersection, except
where there are two or more traffic lanes pro-
vided in each direction, and in no case, while
within the intersection shall the overtaking ve-
hicle drive to the left of the center of the street.
Sec. 10. Passing on Viaduct. It shall be un-
lawful for the driver of'a vehicle to overtake or
pass another vehicle proceeding in the same di-
rection, while upon any viaduct or upon the
sloping approaches thereto.
Sec. 11. Overtaken Vehicle Yield Right of
Way. It shall be unlawful on streets where traf-
fic lanes are not marked for the driver of a
vehicle about to be overtaken and passed by an-
other vehicle, approaching from the rear, to fail
to give the right of way to the overtaking vehicle
on suitable and audible signal being given by the
driver of the overtaking vehicle.
Sec. 12. Signals of Road. It shall be unlaw-
ful for the driver of any vehicle to turn such
vehicle from the direct course upon a street,
slow down or stop, unless and until such move-
ment can be made in safety. and then only after
giving an appropriate signal of such intention,
in the following manner:
Turn Left: By extending the left hand and
arm horizontally from the left side of the ve-
Turn Right: By extending the left hand and
arm upward from the left side of the vehicle.
Stop or Decrease Speed: By extending the
left hand and arm downward from the left side
of the vehicle.
The foregoing signals shall be used by the
driver of any vehicle when turning from one lane
of traffic into another lane; provided, however,
mechanical signals may be used when in con-
formity with the provisions of this section.
Sec. 13. Turning From Traffic Lanes.
Right. The driver of a vehicle intending to
turn to the right at a street intersection shall
approach such street intersection in the lane for
traffic nearest to the right hand side of the
street and in turning shall keep as close as prac-
ticable to the right hand curb.
Left. The driver of a vehicle intending to
turn to the left at a street intersection shall ap-
proach such street intersection in the lane for
traffic to the right of and nearest to the center
line of the street, and the left turn shall be made
by passing to the right of such center line where
it enters the street intersection and upon leaving
the street intersection by passing to the right of
the center line of the street then entered, and
shall at all times keep to the left of the center
point of the intersection.
Sec. 14. TUl'n Only at Stl'eet Intel'section.
On any street not an arterial street and not
within the congested district, it shall be unlaw-
ful for the driver of any vehicle to turn such
vehicle so as to proceed in the opposite direction,
except at a street intersection.
Sec. 15. Turns on Arterial Streets and in
Congested District. It shall be unlawful, on any
street within the congested district or on any
arterial street, for the driver of any vehicle to
cross from one side of a street to the other, ex-
cept at a street intersection, or to turn any ve-
hicle so as to proceed in the opposite direction.
Sec. 16. Regulate Right and Left Turns.
The Traffic Division may designate certain streets
where no vehicle shall make a right or left turn,
and shall post notices indicating such regulation.
Sec. 17. Automatic Signals. It shall be un-
lawful for the driver of any vehicle to turn such
vehicle at any intersection where an automatic
signal is installed and actually functioning, ex-
cept when such signal is displaying a green light.
It shall be unlawful for any vehicle to be turned
so as to proceed in the opposite direction at any
intersection where an automatic signal is in-
stalled and actually fqnctioning.
Sec. 18. Speed Regulated. It shall be unlaw-
ful for any person to operate a vehicle on any
street within the city at a rate of speed greater
than is reasonable and prudent under the condi-
tions then existing; provided, however, it shall be
unlawful for any person to operate a vehicle on
the streets of the city, at any time or under any
conditions, at a rate of speed greater than fifteen
(15) miles per hour in the congested district;
twenty-five (25) miles' per hour on arterial
streets outside of the congested district; and
twenty (20) miles per hour on all other streets
and upon viaducts and the approaches thereto.
Sec. 19. Speed Near Schools. It shall be
unlawful for the driver of any vehicle, when
passing premises on which school buildings are
located and which are used for school purposes,
during school recess or while children are going
to or leaving school during the opening or closing
hours, to drive such vehicle at a rate of speed in
excess of fifteen (15) miles per hour past such
premises, and such driver shall stop at all stop
signs located at or near such school premises.
Sec. 20. Careless Driving. No vehicle shall
be driven, used, operated, parked, or stopped in
a careless, reckless, or negligent manner, or in
such a manner as to endanger life, limb, person
or property, or in such a manner or in such a
condition as to endanger or interfere with the
lawful traffic or use of the streets.
Sec. 21. Backing Against 'Traffic. It shall.
be unlawful for any person to operate a motor
vehicle other than in the same general direction
as other traffic on the same side of the street;
and .it shall be unlawful for the driver of any
vehicle to back the same, except in coming from
a parking position or in backing from a drive, and
then only when such movement can be made in
Sec. 22. Direction of Traffic in Alleys. In all
alleys within the congested district, vehicles shall
travel in one direction only, and all vehicles shall
enter such alleys from the east and travel to the
west or from the north and travel to the south.
No vehicle shall be operated in any alley at a
rate of speed greater than ten (10) miles per
Sec. 23. Permitting Clinging to Moving Ve-
hicles. It shall be unlawful for the driver of any
vehicle to suffer or permit any person traveling
upon any bicycle, coaster, sled, roller skates, or
any toy vehicle, to cling to, or attach himself or
his bicycle, coaster, sled, roller skates, or toy
vehicle so driven and operated by him.
Sec. 24. Carrying' Passengers. It shall be
unlawful for any person to operate a motor ve-
hicle upon streets or public ways of the City
when such person has another person in front
,.. "._~',C:'",'. .-C' ~~."'--.".~-
of him, or in his or her embrace, or another per-
son, package or other incumbrance which pre-
vents the free and unhampered operation of such
vehicle; and it shall be unlawful for the operator
of any vehicle of three wheels or less, to carry
any passenger upon such vehicle, unless such
vehicle is, by the manufacturer constructed to
carry the number of persons being conveyed, and
then only in conformity with the provisions of
this ordinance.
Sec. 25. Riding on Outside of Vehicle. It
shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle
to permit any person to ride on the running
board, hood, top of fenders, of any motor vehicle;
and it shall be unlawful for any person to ride
on the running board, hood, top, or fenders of
any motor vehicle.
Sec. 26. Passengers in Driver's Seat. It
shall be unlawful for any person to operate a
motor vehicle upon any street or public way
while more than two persons over twelve years
of age, in addition to the driver, occupy the front
seat compartment; nor shall any motor vehicle
while in operation upon any street or public way
be so loaded as to interfere with the careful op-
eration thereof, or obstruct the driver's view of
the roadway of traffic.
Sec. 27. Mufflers on Motor Vehicles. Every
motor vehicle operated within the city shall be
provided with a muffler. It shall be unlawful for
any person to operate any motor vehicle without
a muffler or with the muffler open, or in any
other manner as to make any noise unnecessary
in the normal operation of such vehicle; provided,
the provisions of this section shall not apply to
the apparatus of the Fire Department.
Sec. 28. Parallel Parked Vehicles Leaving
Curb. No vehicle standing along side and parallel
with the curb of any street shall start or turn
from such curb until the driver shall have given
a signal which can be plainly seen from the rear
of such vehicle and from the side towards which
he is about to turn, which signal shall be that
required for making a left turn, and then only
in a cautious manner.
Sec. 29. . Truck Routes. The City Council
may, by resolution, designate certain streets in
the city upon which trucks shall, or shall not
travel, and it shall be unlawful for any person
operating trucks to travel streets other than
those designated, except to pick up or make
deliveries. The Traffic Division shall cause
notices to be posted or signs erected indicating
the streets so designated.
Sec. 30. Endgates in Place. It shall be un-
lawful for any person to drive a vehicle upon the
streets or alleys of the City with the endgates or .
rear doors of said vehicle open, extended or not
in place, unless a red flag shall be secur~IY fas-
tened in a conspicuous position at the extreme
end of such endgate or door.
Sec. 31. Signal Devices. Every motor ve-
hicle, while in use on the streets or alleys of the
City shall be equipped with an efficient and au-
dible signal device; provided no vehicle, except
an ambulance or an authorized emergency ve-
hicle, shall be equipped with a siren.
Sec. 1. Arterial Streets Designated. The
City Council may, by resolution, designate cer-
tain streets, or portions of streets, as arterial
Sec. 2. Stop Before Entering. It shall be
unlawful for the driver of any vehicle, or the
operator of any motor bus, to fail to come to a
f':lll stop before enteri~g an arterial street; pro-
VIded, that at a street mtersection on an arterial
street where an automatic signal is installed and
actually functioning the driver of a vehicle shall
be governed by such automatic signal.t
Sec. 1. Red Light on Rear. It shall be un-
lawful for any person to operate a vehicle, exc~pt
a bicycle upon the streets or alleys of the CIty,
between the hours of one-half hour after sunset
and one-half hour before sunrise, without havi~g
a red light plainly visible from the rear of saId
vehicle; such light shall be kept lighted during
said hours while the vehicle is parked on any
street except on a street within the congested
distri~t lighted by an ornamental lighting system.
Sec. 2. Head Lights. It shall be unlawful
for any person to operate a motor vehicle, except
a motor vehicle of three wheels or less, upon the
streets or alleys of the City, from one-half hour
after sunset until one-half hour before sunrise,
or at any other time when there is not sufficient
light to render clearly discernible any person ort
the street at a distance of two hundred feet
ahead, without having lighted two or more w~it-
ish lights on the front thereof, one on each SIde.
None of the main bright portion of the beams
from either of said head lamps shall rise above
a horizontal plane passing through the lamp
centers parallel with the level of the street upon
which the loaded vehicle stands, and in no case
higher than forty-two inches, seventy-five feet
ahead of the vehicle. In all other respects such
head lamps and any auxiliary lighting devices on
such motor vehicles shall be maintained at all
times in strict compliance with the laws of the
State of Nebraska.
Sec. 3. Bulbs Used in Head Lamps. No
motor vehicle while in use on the streets or al-
leys of the City shall be equipped with head
lamps containing bulbs of more than thirty-two
standard candle power and bulbs of twenty-one
standard candle power shall be construed as
standard equipment and desirable for all pur-
Sec. 4. Dim Head Lights. It shall be unlaw-
ful for any person operating a motor vehicle
within the City, when meeting a vehicle proceed-
ing in the opposite direction and equipped with
head lamps projecting glaring or dazzling lights
to persons in front of such head lamps upon
signal of either person aforesaid to fail to forth-
with dim the headlamps of his said vehicle so
as not to blind or confuse the vision of the oper-
ator in front of said head lamps.
Sec. 5. Lights on Motor Vehicles of Three
Wheels or Less. It shall be unlawfull for any
person to operate any motor vehicle of three
wheels or less upon the streets or alleys of the
City from one-half hour after sunset until one-
half hour before sunrise or at any other time
when there "is not sufficient light to render
clearly discernible any person on the .street at a
distance of two hundred feet ahead, WIthout hav-
ing one whitish light lighted on the front thereof.
Sec. 6. Efficient Brakes Required. Every mo-
tor vehicle when operated upon the streets or alleys
of the City shall at all times be equipped with
brakes adequate to control the movement of and
to stop and to. hold such vehicle, including two
separate means of applying the brakes, each of
which means shall be effective to apply the
brakes to at least two wheels and so constructed
that no part which is liable to failure shall be
common to the two, except that a motorcycle,
need be equipped with only one brake. Every motor
vehicle trailer, semi-trailer, equipped with four or
more ~heel brakes must show braking force on
each of the four or more wheels and every motor
vehicle trailer or semi-trailer equipped with two
wheel brakes must show braking force on each
of the two wheels. All such brakes shall be so
adjusted as to operate a.s eq~ally as practicl,lble
on the wheels on OPPosIte SIdes of the vehIcle,
and the braking effort of one wheel shall not
exceed the breaking effort of the opposite wheel
on the same axle by more than twenty-five (25)
per cent, and the total braking effort on one s~de
of the vehicle shall not exceed the total brakmg
effort .on the opposite side by more than twenty-
five (25) per cent. The brakes on all wheels
must reach their maximum retarding effort at
the same time. When brakes are fully applied
there shall be not less than one (1) inch of pedal
reserve, which is the distance between the pedal
and the floor board or stop.
All such brakes shall be maintained in good
working order at all times and at all times be so
adjusted that when such vehicle, except com-
mercial motor vehicles exceeding seven thousand
(7,000) pounds gross weight, is being driven on a
level highway, the pavement of which is dry and
free from loose material, at a rate of speed of
ten (10) miles per hour, such vehicle if equipped
with two wheel brakes can be brought to a stop
within nine (9) feet, and if equipped with four
wheel. brakes can be brought to a stop within
five (5) feet; when driven at a rate of speed of fif-
teen (15) miles per hour, if equipped with two wheel
brakes, can be brought to a stop within twenty-
two (22) feet; and if equipped with four wheel
brakes can be brought to a stop within twelve
(12) feet; when driven at a rate of speed of
twenty (20) miles per hour, if equipped with two
wheel brakes can be brought to a stop within
thirty-nine (39) feet, and if equipped with four
wheel brakes can be brought to a stop within
twenty-one (21) feet; and when driven at a rate
of speed of twenty-five (25) miles per hour, if
equipped with two wheel brakes can be brought
to a stop within sixty (60) feet, and if equipped
with four \'\Theel brakes can be brought to a stop
within thirty-two (32) feet. The brakes on all
commercial motor vehicles exceeding seven thous-
and (7,000) pounds gross weight shall be main-
tained in good working order at all times and
at all times shall be so adjusted that when such
vehicle is being driven on a level highway the
pavement of which is dry and free from loose
material, at a rate of speed of twenty (20) miles
per hour, such vehicle can be brought to a stop
within fifty (50) feet with the service and emer-
gency brakes applied simultaneously, and can be
brought to a stop within seventy-five (75) feet
with the service and emergency brakes applied
Sec. 7. Requirement for Vehicles Operated
Upon Streets. Every motor vehicle operated upon
the streets of the City shall meet the following
requirements, to-wit:
1. Shall be properly registered and shall
have displayed thereon the proper registration
plates issued under the laws of the State of Ne-
2. Shall be equipped with an efficient and
audible signaling device.
3. Shall be equipped with a windshield
wiper in good working cQndition, that will wipe
off moisture uniformly over the entire sweep of
the wiper.
4. Shall be equipped with a rear view mir-
ror, sufficiently large and in good reflective con-
dition, so located, fastened and adjusted as to
reflect to the driver at all times a clear view of
the highway for a distance of at least 200 feet to
the rear of such vehicle.
5. All glass shall be clear of stickers, signs,
or any .other material other than that required
by law, and no glass shall be broken, cracked,
discolored, or obscured to such an extent so that
visibility to the operator is impaired.
6. All tires shall be in a safe condition. A
tire shall be considered unsafe if the outer tread
is worn down to the breaker strip or if such tire
is not free from bulges or breaks caused by bro-
ken fabric.
7. Wheels shall be aligned so that side slip-
page due to error in alignment as indicated by
the alignment indicator shall not exceed thirty
(30) feet per mile.
8. All steering equipment must be in good
condition and wheel play shall not exceed twenty-
five (25) degrees. With the weight of the vehicle
off the wheels, inspection of the vehicle shall
show no excessive wear or defective condition
and adjustment of the steering mechanism,
springs, and axle assemblies, particularly the
steering post and gear, drop arm, drag link, tie
rod, king pins and bushings, spindles and bear-
ings, springs, loose or missing spring clips, axles,
wishbone braces, knee action arms, pins and
9. Shall be equipped with a muffler in good
working condition.
10. Shall not be of greater dimensions than
the following:
(a) Maximum length of single vehicle, in-
cluding front and rear bumper and load, 35 feet.
(b) Maximum length tractor and semi-
trailer, including front and rear bumpers and
load, 35 feet.
(c) Maximum length any combination (not
more than two vehicles in one combinatioI1), 45
(4) Maximum width including tires and
load, 8 feet.
(e) Maximum height, 12 feet.
11. Shall be equipped with efficient brakes
in conformity with the requirements of this ordi-
12. Shall be equipped with proper lights in
conformity with the requirements of this ordi-
Sec. 8. Authority to Require Inspections.
The Chief of Police is hereby given authority to
require any motor vehicle, trailer, or semi-trailer
found being operated upon the streets or alleys
of the City, which does not appear to meet the
safety requirement herein prescribed, to be in-
spected. In the event that, upon any such in-
spection said motor vehicle, trailer, or semi-
trailer is found to be in a defective condition,
such motor vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer shall
not be thereafter driven upon any street or alley
of the City until the same meets the requirements
of this ordinance. .
Sec. 1. Registration Required. It shall be
unlawful for any person to operate any motor
vehicle upon any street or public way within the
city without having registered the same as pro-
vided by the laws of the State of Nebraska; and
it shall be unlawful to operate a motor vehicle
upon any street or public way without having at-
tached thereto the registration plates furnished
by the State or County in connection with such
registration, and shall at all times have displayed
thereon one number plate on the back thereof,
and one number plate on the front thereof, which
number plates shall be securely fastened in an
upright position to the motor vehicle so as to pre-
vent such plate from swinging, and at a mini-
mum distance of sixteen inches from the ground.
Sec. 2. Rear Registl'ation Plate Illuminated.
The rear registration plate shall be illuminated
during such time as lights are required to be
lighted upon a vehicle.
Sec. 3. Registration Plates Kept Clean. The
Registration plates upon a vehicle shall be kept
clear and clean, and free from grease, dust or
other blurring matter, so as to be at all times
visible and legible, and nothing shall be attached
to said plates.
Sec. 4. Registration of Trailers. When any
trailer shall be attached to any motor vehicle in
use upon the streets, such trailer shall carry a
trailer registration number and rear light as re-
quired of other motor vehicles.
Sec. 1. Limitation on Drivers. It shall be
unlawful for any person under sixteen year-s of
,~~""~"'~~..:. ..... ....".--.-,... ::-.--.,_:-----c_-__O~_.. .':_."'.___~,,,,~
age or any intoxicated person, or any person un-
der the influence of intoxicating liquor, or drugs,
to operate a motor vehicle upon any public street
or alley within the city; provided, however, that
a person sixteen years of age or older, who does
not have issued to him or her a driver's license as
required by the laws of the State of Nebraska,
may operate a motor vehicle of two horse-power
or less, upon obtaining a permit so to do as here-
inafter provided. It shall be unlawful for any
owner or person in control of any motor vehicle
to permit any person under sixteen years of age
or to permit any intoxicated person or to permit
any person under the influence of intoxicating
liquors or drugs to operate any motor vehicle.
Sec. 2. Operator Must Be Licensed. It shall
be unlawful for any person to operate a motor
vehicle upon any street or highway within the
City, without having in full force and effect an
operator's license to operate the same as pro-
vided by the laws of the State of Nebraska; and
it shall further be unlawful for any person to
operate a motor vehicle in violation of any lawful
order of any court revoking, suspending or im-
pounding the said operator's license.
Sec. 3. Operator's Permit, Motor Vehicles
of Two Horse Power or Less. Any person sixteen
years of age or older, not holding an operator's
or driver's license issued under the laws of the
State of Nebraska shall, before operating a motor
vehicle of two horse power or less, obtain from
the Chief of Police of the City, an operator's per-
mit. Such person shall make application, in writ-
ing, to the Chief of Police of the City, setting
forth the name and residence of the applicant,
his age, and if a minor, the name and address of
the applicant's parents, or his natural guardian.
Such application shall be signed by the applicant.
If it shall satisfactorily appear to the Chief of
Police that the applicant has the proper qualifi-
cations to operate a motor vehicle of two horse
power or less, he may issue an operator's permit
to the applicant the payment of any
fee therefor. Such permit shall be ef-
fective for a period not to exceed two years
from the date of issuance. Such permit may in
addition to, or in lieu of, the general penalty
hereinafter provided, and as an incidental con-
sequence of the violation of this ordinance, be
revoked or suspended by the court.
Sec. 1. Advertising Vehicles. It shall be un-
lawful for any person to operate or park any ad-
vertising vehicle in or upon any street or alley
1t in the City. Nothing herein contained shall pre-
vent the putting of business notices upon ordin-
ary business vehicles, so long as such business
vehicle is engaged in the usual business or regular
work of the owner and not used merely or pri-
marily for advertisement.
Sec. 2. Radio Advertising. It shall be un-
lawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle
upon the streets or public ways of the City, hav-
ing placed thereon or therein any mechanical
device, machine, apparatus, or instrument for in-
tensification or amplification of the human voice
or any sound or noise, for political or commercial
advertising purposes either by message produced
by such mechanical device, machine, apparatus
or instrument or by attracting attention to the
motor vehicle itself upon which such device is
being operated.
'~'...' Sec. . 3. Carrying A d vert i sin g Banners
I. Through Streets. It shall be unlawful for any
person or persons, to carry any banner, placard,
I" ohr adverti~ement, for the pubrlPose of di~plaYinkg
!' t e same, In or upon any pu IC street, sIdewal
or public place within the City.
Sec. 1. Pedestrians Jaywalking. It shall be
unlawful for any pedestrian to cross any street
O"iltaplace other than a crosswalk, or to cross any
/ street intersection diagonally.
Sec. 2. Blind Persons to Carry White Cane.
For the purpose of guarding against accidents, it
shall be unlawful for any person not wholly or
partially blind to carry or use upon the streets,
highways, or public places of the city any cane
or walking stick which is white in color. The
term "white in color" as used herein, shall mean
painted or enameled white and not unpainted or
natural wood color. Such white cane or walking
stick may be used on the streets or in other pub-
lic places of the City by persons wholly or parti-
ally blind as a means of identifying them to the
driver or operator of motor vehicles or other
vehicles, and for the purpose of protecting them.
Sec. 3. Duty of Driver. Any driver or op-
erator of a motor vehicle or other vehicle, who
approaches, or comes into proximity of, a person
wholly or partially blind carrying a white cane or
walking stick shall immediately come to a full
stop if such person is in the path of, or about to
enter, or approaching the path of, such motor
vehicle or other vehicle, and shall take such pre-
caution before proceeding. as may be necessary to
avoid accident or injury to such person so carry-
ing a white cane or walking stick.
Sec. 4. Toy or Amusement Conveyances. It
shall be unlawful to use, or permit the use of any
skates, coaster, toy vehicle, or similar convey-
ance, upon the streets or public ways of the City,
except while crossing a street at a crosswalk.
Sec. 5. Soliciting Rides. It shall be unlaw-
ful for any person to stand on the traveled por-
tion of any street or alley for the purpose of so-
liciting rides from the driver of any vehicle and
it shall be unlawful to solicit rides in such man-
Sec. 6. Driving Within the Sidewalk Space.
It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle
to drive such vehicle within any sidewalk space,
except as a permanent or temporary driveway;
and it shall be unlawful to park, or permit any
any vehicle to remain, within any sidewalk space,
except on permit from the Chief of Police.
Sec. 7. UJll1ecessary Noise with Signal De-
vice. It shall be unlawful for any person to make,
or cause to be made, any unnecessary noise with
any signal device, or to use the same except as
a traffic signal.
Sec. 8. Dragging Rope, Chain, Etc. It shall
be unlawful for any person to permit any rope,
strap, chain or other article to drag behind any
vehicle while in use on the streets, except
on vehicle transporting gasoline, benzine or other
inflammable materials.
Sec. 9. Projecting Loads. When any vehicle
shall be loaded in such a manner that any por-
tion of the load extends behind the rear end of
the body of such vehicle or projects in front of the
front end of such vehicle, a red flag shall be car-
ried by day and a red light on the rear after sun-
set, securely fastened in a conspicuous position at
the extreme end of such load.
Sec. 10. Moving Disabled Vehicles. It shall
be unlawful for any person to move any vehicle
by pushing such vehicle with another vehicle for
a distance greater than 500 feet. Any disabled
vehicle or vehicle to be moved by other than its
own power for any distance greater than 500
feet, shall be moved by towing, and when being
towed the connection between the two vehicles
shall not exceed fifteen feet in length, and
there shall be displayed upon such connection
a red flag or other signal or cloth not less than
twelve inches square.
Sec. 11. Trucks Have Tight Beds. It shall
be unlawful to use any vehicle in carrying coal,
earth, cinders, sand, gravel, rock, asphalt, tar or
any similar substance, which is so constructed
or loaded as to permit the sifting or spilling of
any of the contents upon the streets.
b Sec. 12. Scattering Glass, Nails, Etc. It shall
e unlawful for any person who drops throw
scatters, or permits to be dropped,' thrown s ~~
s~attere~, upon any.st;reet, any material dest~uc-
iIV~ <?f lIk~ly to ?e InJurious to vehicular traffic
o aId to ImmedIately cause the same to be re'
move . -
. Sec. 13. Remove Debris From Dama ed Ve
hlCI~s. It shall be unlawful for any per~on re-
mOVIng a wrecked or damaged vehicle fr~ -
streeih or public way to fail to remove alrg~~~
~~af~ic. er substance likely to be injurious to
Sec. 14. Driving Over Newly Laid P
medt: It shall be unlawful for any person to ~id~
or rIve any horse or vehicle over or across any
pavement .newly laid or repaired, across or
around WhiCh there has been placed a barr'
or a~ or near which there is a person or sie~
warhmng persons against riding or driving ov~r
suc pavement.
. Sec. 15. Following Authorized Emer enc
VehlCles. It shall be unlawful for th d' g Y
any vehicl th th e river of
t f 11 e, 0 er ~n one of official business
o 0 ow any authorIzed emergency vehicle 0'
athn ambulance responding to a call closer tha~
ree hundred feet. '
Sec. 16. Driving Over Fire Hose It h II
be. unla",:,ful for the driver of any vehicie to dri~e
saId vehIcle over any unprotected fire h .
I Sec. 17. Obstructing Funeral Processions
. t shall be l}nlawful for any persons to dela ;
~~ ~~Yd ~ay Interfer.e with any funeral proceisi~~
. rIve any vehIcle through such funeral pro
ceSSIOn. -
Sec. 18. Duty in Case of Acciden't.
(a) It shall be '!nlawful for the driver of
vehicle involved III any accident which re-
suIted in injury or death to any person or dam-
age to property to fail to immediately stop such
vehicle at the scene of such accident.
(b) The driver or owner if present, of any
vehicle involved in any accident resulting in in-
jury or death to any person, or damage to prop-
erty shall upon request give his name, address
and the registration number of his vehicle, and
exhibit his operator's license to the person struck
'I~", or the driver odr occupant of any v:e~icledinyolvedh'
'I and shall ren er to any person InJure III suc
accident reasonable assistance, including the car-
"I rying of such person to a physician or surgeon
.f for medical or surgical treatment, if it is appar-
_ ent that such treatment is necessary or is re-
quested by the injured person.
Sec. 19. Duty Upon Striking Unattended
Vehicle. It shall be unlawful for any person op-
erating a motor vehicle which collides with any
vehicle which is unattended to fail to immediately
stop and either locate and notify the operator
or owner of the unattended vehicle struck of his
name and address. or shall leave in a conspicuous
place in or upon the vehicle struck, a written
notice giving the name and' address of the driver
and of the owner of the vehicle doing the strik-
Sec. 20. neport Accident. The driver of any
vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury
or death to any person, or damage to property
.~, shall, within twenty-four (24) hours, make a re-
1 port of such accident to the Traffic Division of
the City. If the driver is physically incapacitated
I as a result of such accident, from making a re-
~ port of such accident it shall be the duty of any
other participant in the accident, who is not in-
capacitated as a result of the accident to make
such report.
Sec.21. Report Damage to Fixtures and Im-
provements. It shall be unlawful for any person
operating any vehicle involved in an accident re-
suIting in damage to fixtures or improvements
legally in or upon, or adjacent to a street or pub-
lic way, to fail to, within twenty-four (24) hours
to notify the owner or person in charge of such
damaged fixtures or improvements of his name
and address and of the name and address of the
owner of the vehicle causing such damages.
Sec. 22. Garage Keeper to Report Damaged
Vehicles. The person in charge of any garage or
repair shop in the City to which is brought any
vehicle which shows evidence of having been
struck by a bullet or having been recently in-
volved in an accident shall report to the police
department of the City, as soon as such vehicle
is received, giving the engine number, manufac-
turer's serial number, registration number, and
the name and address of the owner or operator of
such vehicle.
Sec. 23. Garage Keeper Report Abandoned
Vehicles. The person in charge of any garage or
repair shop at which has been left a motor ve-
hicle of unknown ownership for a period of fif-
~een consecutive days without being removed by
Its owner or any other person duly authorized to
remove the same, shall report to the Police De-
partment of the City, giving the name, engine
number, manufacturer's serial number, registra-
tion plate number, and the name and address. of
the person abandoning same, if known.
Sec. 24. Automobile Pound Created. There
is hereby created in the City of Grand Island a
pound for. the impounding of automobiles and a'ny
other vehIcles of any character, which is hereby
designated as an "automobile pound." '
Sec. 25. Location of Pound. The Chief of
Police is hereby empowered and directed to lo-
cate said pound where and as may seem ap-
propriate for said purpose and as may be neces-
sary to accomodate the vehicles impounded' and
may change the location of said pound ~hen-
ever it appears to be necessary or desirable.
Sec. 26. Vehicles Impounded, Etc., Fee, Dis-
charge. Whenever any vehicle is found by a
police officer parked or left standing in the
streets or alleys of the City in violation of the
ordinances of the City, such police officer may
remove and conveyor cause to be removed and
conveyed such vehicle by means of towing the
same, or otherwise, to the Automobile Pound;
.1; and thereupon such vehicle shall not be dis-
charged or removed from said pound except by
payment by the owner, driver or operator, of
such vehicle of a fee of two ($2.00) dollars plus
reasonable storage fees to the person in charge
of said pound. When the owner or driver of the
vehicle so impounded presents himself at the
pound to claim his vehicle, it shall be the 'duty
of the person in charge to inform such owner or
driver of the nature and circumstances of the
violation on account of which such vehicle was
impounded. In case the owner or driver of any
vehicle so impounded executes an affidavit deny-
ing the facts upon which the impounding of such
vehicle has been based, and protesting against
the payment of such impounding and storage fee,
a receipt for the same marked "paid under. pro-
test" but in such case it shall thereupon be the
duty of the Chief of Police to forthwith make
complaint in conformity with the ordinances of
the City. If such person is found not guilty by
the Court upon such charges, it shall be the duty
of the person in charge of said pound to refund
to such person the said fees so paid under pro-
Sec. 27. Account for Fees Collected. It shall
be the duty of the Chief of Police to account for
any fees collected by him under the provisions
of this article to the City Treasurer, who shall
place the same in the Police Fund. The said
Chief of Police shall also keep a record of the
name of the owner of all vehicles impounded, the
number of their registration plates, the nature
and circumstances of each violation involved, and
the disposition of each case.
Sec. 28. Not to Supersede Other Provisions.
Nothing in the next four preceding sections of
this Article shall be construed as superseding any
other provisions of this ordinance concerning the
proper parking or operation of vehicles of any
character in the City, and the impounding of any
vehicle and the collection of a fee therefor under
the next preceding four sections of this article
shall not prevent or preclude prosecution for the
violation of any of the provisions of this ordi-
nance concerning the parking or operation of
vehicles in the City.
Sec. 29. Disregarding Traffic Summons. It
shall be unlawful for any person to disregard a
summons issued on account of a violation of any
of the provisions of this ordinance, or to fail to
appear in court as directed by such summons.
Sec. 30. Not to Absolve Blame. Nothing in
this ordinance shall be construed or pleaded as
justifying, absolving or rendering blameless,
either directly or indirectly, any person in charge
of or owning any vehicle for any injury or dam-
age to persons or property due to recklessness,
incompetency, or negligence in the operation of
any vehicle.
Sec. 31. Vehicle to Comply. It shall be un-
lawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle
upon the streets or public ways of the City, un-
less such vehicle and the operation thereof shall
in all respects, except as in this ordinance other-
wise provided, conform with the laws and re-
quirement of the State of Nebraska.
Sec. 1. Registration, Number Plates. It
shall be unlawful for any person to operate a
bicycle upon any street or public way within
the City without first having registered the same
as hereinafter provided, and it shall be unlawful
for any person to operate a bicycle upon any
street or public way without having the regis-
tration number plate issued therefor, under the
direction of the Traffic Division of the City dis-
played upon the rear of said bicycle so as to be
plainly visible from the rear.
Sec. 2. Application for Registration, Fee.
Application for registration of any bicycle shall
be made by the owner thereof in writing to the
Traffic Division upon blanks furnished by the
City, and shall set forth the name of the appli-
cant, his address, a description of the bicycle,
and such other information as the Traffic Divi-
sion may require. . Before the issuance of a regis-
tration certificate and the number plate, the ap-
plicant shall pay a fee of fifty (50c) cents.
Sec. 3. Issuance of Registration Certificate.
The Traffic Division is hereby authorized and di-
rected to issue registration certificates for such
bicycles upon said bicycle satisfactorily comply-
ing with the inspection tests hereinafter provided
for, and upon the payment of the required reg-
istration fee.
Sec. 4. Registration Number Plates. The
City shall provide a registration number plate,
corresponding to the number appearing on the
registration certificate, which registration plate
shall be attached to the frame of the bicycle by
the Traffic Division, and shall remain attached
thereto during the registration period.
Sec. 5. Registration Expiration. All regis-
trations of bicycles issued under this ordinance
shall be good and be in full force and effect so
long as the person causing the same to be regis-
tered remains the owner thereof.
Sec. 6. Duties of Traffic Division. The Traf-
fic Division shall keep a record of all fees col-
lected for the issuance of registration certifi-
cates, the date of issuance thereof, to whom
issued, the number thereof, a description of the
bicycle and the manufacturer's serial number of
the bicycle frame.
Sec. 7. Transfer of Bicycle Ownership. It
shall be the duty of every person who sells or
transfers ownership of any registered bicycle to
report within five (5) days from the date of sale
or transfer, such sale or transfer by returning
to the Traffic Division the registration certifi-
cate therefor, together with the registration
number plate, together with the name and ad-
dress of the person to whom said bicycle was
sold or transferred provided, however, the holder
of such registration certificate may have the
Traffic Division assign such registration number
plate to another bicycle owned by him, upon pay-
ment of twenty-five (25c) cents for such trans-
fer. It shall be the duty of the purchaser or
transferee of such bicycle to apply for a trans-
fer or registration thereof within five days of
sale or transfer.
Sec. 8. Brakes and Lights.
(a) Brakes. It shall be unlawful for any
person to operate a bicycle within the City un-
less such bicycle is equipped with a brake ade-
quate to control the movement of and to stop
such bicycle within reasonable limits.
(b) Light. It shall be unlawful for any per-
son to operate a bicycle within the city between
one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour be-
fore sunrise without having one whitish light
lighted on the front thereof. Every bicycle shall
have a red reflector button not less than two (2)
inches in diameter placed so as to be plainly vis-
ible from the rear of such bicycle.
Sec. 9. Inspection. The Traffic Division shall
inspect each bicycle presented to it for registra-
tion, and shall refuse to issue a registration cer-
tificate and number plate for any bicycle found
to be in an unsafe mechanical condition.
Sec. 10. Right of Way. The operator of a
bicycle emerging from an alley, driveway or
building shall upon approaching a sidewalk or
the sidewalk area extending across any alley
way, yield the right of way to all pedestrians ap-
proaching on said sidewalk or sidewalk space;
and upon entering any street or roadway shall
yield the right of way to all vehicles approaching
on said street or roadway; and any person oper-
ating a bicycle upon a sidewalk shall do so at
his own risk and shall yield the right of way to
any and all pedestrians, and when involved in a
collision with a pedestrian, such operator shall be
presumed. to have been negligent. It shall be
unlawful for any person to ride on a bicycle upon
any sidewalk within the congested district of the
City of Grand Island, as hereinbefore set forth
and designated.
Sec. 11. Riding Near Curb. Every person
operating a bicycle upon any street or public way
shall ride as near to the curb on the right hand
side of the roadway as practicable, exercising
due care when passing any vehicle.
Sec. 12. Riding In Group. Persons riding
bicycles upon a street or roadway shall not ride
more than two abreast, except on paths or parts
of roadways set aside for the exclusive use of
Sec. 13. Holding to Moving Vehicles. It
shall be unlawful for any person riding a bicycle
to take hold of, or hold onto any vehicle in
Sec. 14. Number of Persons on Bicycle. It
shall be unlawful for more than one person to
ride on a bicycle unless said bicycle is constructed
to carry the number of persons being conveyed.
Sec. 15. Carrying Articles. It shall be un-
lawful for any person riding a bicycle to carry
any package, bundle, or article which prevents
the rider from keeping both hands upon the
handle bars.
Sec. 16. Parking. It shall be unlawful for
any person to park. a bicycle upon a roadway,
sidewalk, or other public way in such a position
as to interfere with the safety or movement of
vehicular or pedestrian traffic and when parked
upon a sidewalk such bicycle shall be parked
within four (4) feet of the curb.
Sec. 17. Rental Agencies. It shall be un-
lawful for any rental agency to offer any bicycle
for rent unless said bicycle shall first have been
registered and the registration number plate at-
tached thereto as hereinbefore provided. Bi-
cycles offered for rent by a rental agency shall
be equipped by such agency with lights and other ,
safety equipment as is required by this ordinance
and shall be kept .in good and safe working order.
Sec. 18. Bicycle Dealers. All persons en-
gaged in the business of buying second-hand bi-
cycles are hereby required to make a written re-
port to the Traffic Division before twelve o'clock
noon of each day, giving the name and address
of the person from whom each bicycle is pur-
chased, the description of each bicycle purchased,
the manufacturer's serial number on the frame
thereof, and the number of the registration num-
ber plate thereon, if any. All persons engaged in
the business of selling new or second-hand bi-
cycles are hereby required to make a written re-
port to the Traffic Division before twelve o'clock
noon of each day, giving a list of all sales made
by such dealers, which list shall include the name
and address of each person to whom sold, the .
kind of bicycle sold, together with a description
and the manufacturer's serial frame number
thereof, and the number of the registration num-
ber plate attached thereto, if any.
Sec. 19. Malicious Destruction. It shall be
unlawful for any person to wilfully or maliciously
remove, destroy, mutilate or alter the manufac-
turer's serial frame number of any bicycle reg-
istered pursuant to the provisions hereof. It shall
also be unlawful for any person to remove, de-
stroy, mutilate or alter any registration number
plate during the period when such registration is
Sec. 20. Penalty. Any person violating any
qf the provisions of this article, or who shall fail,
neglect or refuse to perform any duty imposed
upon him, shall be deemed guilty of a misde-
meanor, and upon conviction thereof, may, in lieu
of the penalty elsewhere in this ordinance pro-
vided, be adjudged and ordered to surrender the
registration plate for his bicycle, to the Traffic
Division for a period of not to exceed six months,
or may be ordered to surrender his bicycle for
impounding, for a period of not to exceed six
Sec. 1. Parking and Inspection Bnreau Cre-
ated. There is hereby established a Parking and
Inspection Violations Bureau to handle parking
and motor vehicle inspection violations which
Bureau shall be under the supervision of the
Traffic Division and in charge of the Police
Judge, and shall be open at such hours as the
Court may designate.
Sec. 2. Duties of the Bureau. It shall be
the duty of the Parking and Inspection Viola-
tions Bureau to accept the penalties and fees
herein designated, issue receipts therefor, and
represent such violators as are permitted and
desire to plead guilty in accordance with the
procedure hereinafter set forth.
Violators of the parking and motor inspec-
tion ordinances shall be given notice in the form
of an official police tag attached to the offend-
ing motor vehicle, which notice shall require
such violator to appear forthwith at the Police
Department. If such violator shall fail. to appear
in response to such notice within a period of five
(5) days, the Parking and Inspection Violations
Bureau shall send to the owner of the motor
. vehicle to which the notice was affixed, a notice
informing him of the violation and warning him
that he will be held responsible for the offender,
and that in the event such notice is disregarded
for a period of five (5) days, a complaint and
warrant of arrest will be issued. Any violator
appearing within the time limit herein set out
and desiring to plead guilty and waive court ap-
pearance shall sign a written guilty plea and
waiver of court appearance and shall pay to the
said Bureau the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar
twenty-five (25c) cents of which shall be assessed
as penalty and seventy-five (75c) cents of which
shall be assessed as a fee covering costs of ad-
The Bureau shall cause a complaint and
warrant to be filed against any such violator
who shall fail to comply with the procedure set
forth herein. After filing of complaint and war~
rant the Bureau as herein established has no
further jurisdiction.
Sec. 3. Records of the Bureau. The Parking
and Inspection Violations Bureau shall make a
record of all violations showing the name of each
violator, the time and date of each violation the
disposition thereof and the penalty and fees' col-
lected. Such record shall be given to the Police
Judge who shall enter the same upon the Docket
in the same manner as other cases coming be-
fore the Police Court. All fees collected by the
Bureau shall be paid to the Police Judge and by
him deposited with the City Treasurer as pro-
vided by law.
Sec. 1. Catch Heads.. The catch heads ap-
pearing in connection with the foregoing sections
and articles of this ordinance are inserted simply
for convenience, to serve the purpose of an index
and they shall be wholly disregarded by any per-
son, officer, court, or other tribunal in constru-
ing the terms and provisions of this ordinance.
Sec. 2. Validity. Each section and each sub-
division of a section of this ordinance is hereby
declared to be independent of every other section
or subdivision of a section so far as inducement
for the passage of this ordinance is concerned;
and tlie invalidity of any section or subdivision of
a section of this ordinance shall not invalidate
any other section or subdivision of a section
Sec. 3. Savings Clause. This ordinance shall
in no manner affect pending actions, either civil
or criminal founded, on or growing out of any
ordinance, or part of any ordinance, hereby re-
pealed; and this ordinance shall in no manner
affect rights or causes of action, either civil or
criminal not in suit, that may have already ac-
crued or grown out of any ordinance or part of
any ordinance, hereby repealed.
Sec. 1. Penalty. Any person upon whom a
duty is placed by the provisions of this ordinance,
who shall fail, neglect, or refuse to perform, such
duty or who shall violate any of the provisions
of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall
be fined in any sum not to exceed One Hundred
($100.00) Dollars and shall stand committed to
the city jail until such fine and costs of prosecu-
tion are paid. Each day that a violation of this
ordinance continues shall constitute a separate
and distinct offense and shall be punishable as
such. The penalty herein provided shall be cumu"
lative with and in addition to the revocation, can-
cellation or forfeiture of any license, permit, or
right elsewhere in this ordinance provided for
violation thereof.
Sec. 1. Ordinances Repealed. Ordinance No.
268, No. 655, No. 1112, No. 1246, No. 1251, No.
1445, and No. 1523 of. the ordinances of the City
of Grand Island, be and the same are hereby
Sec. 2. Force and Effect. This ordinance
shall be in force and take effect from and after
its passage, approval, and publication as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this 19th day of June,
FLOYD S. WHITE, City Clerk
This Ordinance in effect July 13, 1942.
Abandoned vehicles, to be reported 13
Assistance in ....m....................... 13
Blame not absolved m.................. 13
Driver to stop immediately.... 13
Garage report vehicle 13
Give name and information.... 13
Police to investigate and
make report ...m.................. 2
Report within 24 hours to
Police m....m.......................... 13
Traffic Division to investigate 2
Unattended vehicles, to ............ 13
Banners carried through streets 12
Radios .......m.............m................ 12
Vehicles used for ................m..... 12
. Direction of traffic in ................ 7
Parking in ..............m................. 5
Speed in ...................m................ 7
Stop before emerging from.... 5
Alley Entrance
. Defined .........m..................m....... 1
Obstructing m............................. 5
Following .....................m..m....... 13
Sirens on ......m............................. 7
Approaching public places in
cautious manner ................ 7
Arterial Streets
Automatic signals on ................ 8
Defined ........................................ 1
Designated by Council .... 4-1,.. 8
Speed on ...................................... 7
Stop before entering ................ 8
Turning on ......,.................._.._..... 7
Authorized emergency vehicles
Defined ........................................ 1
Sec. Page
23 36
18 34
30 38
18 34
22 36
18 34
5 7
20 35
2 6
19 35
3 31
2 31
1 31
22 21
17 13
22 21
23 14
1 2
18 13
15 34
31 23
4 17
2 23
2 2
1 23
18 20
2 23
15 20
3 2
INDEX (Continued)
Following prohibited ................ 13
Right of way.............................. 7
Sirens on .. 7
Stop on app~oacii..o{:::::::::::::::::: 7
When exempt from ordinance.. 3
Automatic traffic signals
Color legend ................................ 4
Defined ..... 1
Govern all traffic':::::::::::::::::::::::: 4
On arterial streets .................... 8
Turn only on green light .......... 7
U turns prohibited .................... 7
Automobile pound
Created ........................................ 13
Discharge from .......................... 13
Fees, amount .............................. 13
Fees, payment under protest
when .... 13
Located by chi~f~fpoii.c.~..:::::: 13
Not to preclude prosecution .... 13
Backing against traffic .................... 7
Banners carried through streets .... 12
Brakes .......................................... 14
Carrying articles on .................. 14
Dealers report sales of .............. 14
Defined ........................................ 1
Destruction of numbers on ...... 14
Holding to moving vehicles .... 14
Impounding .................................. 14
Inspection .................................... 14
Light ............................................ 14
Parking of .................................... 14
Passengers on ............................ 14
Rear reflector button ................ 14
Application for .................. 14
Expiration ............................ 14
Fee ........................................ 14
Sec. Page
15 34
1 15
31 23
2 17
3 8
3 8
4 2
3 8
2 23
17 20
17 20
24 36
26 37
26 37
26 37
25 36
28 38
31 23
3 31
8 40
15 41
18 42
5 2
19 42
13 41
20 43
9 40
8 40
16 42
14 41
8 40
2 39
5 39
2 39
INDEX (Continued)
Issuance of Certificate 14
Number plates
City to provide ............ 14
Required ...................... 14
Rental agencies ........................ 14
Ride near curb ............................ 14
Riding in groups ........................ 14
Right of way, yielded by.......... 14
Second hand dealers report
purchases ............................ 14
Transfer of ownership .............. 14
Bicycle dealers .................................... 14
Bicycle rental agencies .................... 14
Blame for accident not absolved...... 13
Blind person carry white cane ........ 13
Bicycles ........................................ 14
Efficiency requirements .......... 9
Motor vehicles ............................ 9
Set when vehicle
parked on incline 5
Careless driving .................................. 7
Carrying packages on bicycle ........ 14
Catchheads .......................................... 16
Chain dragging .................................. 13
Chief of Police
Accounts for pound fees .......... 13
Appoi~t. <;hief of Traffic
DIvIsIOn ................................ 2
Assign traffic officers ................ 3
Emergency regulations 3
Locate automobile pound 13
Re.cord of vehicles impounded 13
Chief of Traffic Division
Duties .......................................... 2
Supervise Traffic Division ...... 2
Coasters .............................................. 13
INDEX (Continued)
Congested district
Defined ........................................ 1
~~~~1n~ i~...:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +
Defined ........................................ 1
Parking on .................................. 5
Bicycles to be ridden near ........ 14
Defined ........................................ 1
Painting of .................................. 5
Damage to fixtures and
improvements ............................ 13
Damaged vehiCle reported
by garage keeper ........................ 13
Alley entrance ............................ 1
Arterial street ............................ 1
Authorized emergency vehicle 1
Automatic traffic signal.......... 1
Bicycle .......................................... 1
Congested district .................... 1
Crosswalk .................................... 1
Curb .............................................. 1
Driver or operator .................... 1
Intersection, .street .................... 1
Motor vehicle .............................. 1
Official traffic signal................ 1
Official traffic signs .................. 1
Parking ........................................ 1
Pedestrian .................................... 1
Police officer .............................. 1
Private driveway........................ 1
Right of way................................ 1
Safety zone ................................ 1
Sidewalk ...................................... 1
Sidewalk space .......................... 1
Stop .............................................. 1
Street or highway...................... 1
INDEX (Continued)
Vehicle .......................................... 1
Viaduct ........................................ 1
Destruction of numbers of bicycles 14
Disabled vehicles, towing ................ 13
Discharging freight,
vehicle back to curb .................. 5
Display of unauthorized signs ........ 4
Disregard traffic summons .............. 13
:Dragging chain, rope, etc. ................ 13
, Driver or operator
Damaging unattended vehicle.. 13
Defined ........................................ 1
Duty of ........................................ 13
Give assistance and
information .......................... 13
License required ........................ 11
Limitations on ............................ 11
Intoxicated persons
Sixteen years of age
or under
Under influence of
Obstructing or hampering 7
Permit to operate vehicle
of 2 H.P. or less ................ 11
Person in front of ...................... 7
Report accidents within
24 hours ................................ 13
Right of way to person
with white cane .................. 13
Stop at scene of accident .......... 13
Driving carelessly or recklessly.... 7
Driving in sidewalk space ................ 13
Driving over fire hose ..m................. 13
Driving over new pavement ............ 13
- Driving through funeral procession 13
Driveway, obstructing ...................... 5
Sec. Page
24 5
25 6
19 42
10 33
16 13
4 9
29 38
8 33
19 35
9 3
3 32
18 34
2 30
1 29
24 21
3 30
24 21
20 35
2 32
18 34
20 21
6 32
16 34
14 34
17 34
13 12
INDEX (Continued)
Emergency vehicles
(See Authorized Emergency
Not to extend when parked .'.' 5
On vehicle in motion ........___.___. 7
Fire hose, driving over ..___............___ 13
Fire hydrants, parking near ............ 5
Flag on projecting load .................... 13
Flag on projecting endgate ...._________. 7
Following vehicle
Emergency vehicle .....___............ 13
Safe distance between vehicles 7
Funeral procession, obstructing 13
Garage keeper report
abandoned vehicles .................... 13
Garage keeper report
damaged vehicles .....___.............. 13
Garbage trucks limited parking .... 5
From wrecked vehicle to be
removed .___...................___...... 13
Scattered on street .................... 13
Hindering vehicle from passing ...... 7
Holding to moving vehicle .............. 14
Inspections-Brakes and Lights
Additional inspections ......______.. 9
Bicycles .......:...___......___................. 14
Intoxicated persons not to drive .... 11
Police to investigate accidents
and make reports ...........___ 2
Sec. Page
25 14
30 23
16 34
8 11
9 33
30 23
15 34
8 18
17 34
23 36
22 36
21 13
13 34
12 34
7 18
13 41
8 28
9 40
1 29
5 ,7
INDEX (Continued)
Sec. Page
1 31
Jaywalking by pedestrians .............. 13
Keep to right of center of street
At street intersections ......___..... 7
Except in passing between
intersections ........................ 7
9 18
6 17
Laned streets, passing on ......._________ 7 5
Lanes for traffic
Traffic Division to designate.... 2 3
Turning from-right, left ........ 7 13
Leaving scene of accident ................ 13 18
Plates kept clean ...................... 10 3
location of ......___..........___...... 10 1
nothing attached to ..._________ 10 3
rear illuminated ______.....___.... 10 2
Vehicle registration ___.....______.... 10 1
Bicycles ............______...................... 14 8-b
Blinding or glaring .................... 9 2
Bulbs ___............................___.......... 9 3
Dimmed, when ............................ 9 4
Head lights ............................-....- 9 2
Motorcycles .___...........................- 9 5
Parked with ........................______.. 9 1
Projecting loads, on ___........-...... 13 9
Rear light ........___..............___........ 9 1
Registration plates rear, lighted .... 10 2
Vehicles of 3 wheels or less.... 9 5
Loading zones .................................... 5 4
Marked by Traffic Division .... 2 3
Parking in, restricted ;............... 5 4
Mechanical signals, when permitted 7 12
Minor under 16 years not to drive.. 11 1
Motor buses
Stop at curb ................................5 6
Stop at Safety zone .................... 6 2
INDEX (Continued)
Motor vehicle defined ........................ 1
Bulb in light ................................ 9
Brakes on ......_.......___............___.... 9
Head lights ....___..___...................... 9
Rear light ..............___................... 9
Registration ................................ 10
Moving vehicles
Bicyclist holding to ...___.............. 14
Clinging to ............___................... 7
Mufflers .....___..................___................... 7
Nails, scattering prohibited ............ 13
Newly laid pavement, driving over 13
Noise from mufflers ...___....___............. 7
Notice to owner of damaged
fixtures, etc. ..___...___................___.. 13
Notice to owner of damage to
unattended vehcile .................... 13
Obedience to traffic signs and
signals ..............___......................... 4
Obstructing funeral procession '___.. 13
Obstructing private driveway........ 5
Obstructing traffic ___....___.................. 7
Obstructing view of driver .............. 7
Official emergency vehicle
(See Authorized Emergency
Official traffic signal defined ...._..... 1
Official traffic signs defined ..___..... 1
Operator (See Driver)
Duty of .................................._..... t3
Operator's permit
Issued by Chief of Police ___..__... 11
Revocation or suspension of .... 11
Sec. Page
11 3
3 24
6 25
2 24
1 24
1 29
13 41
23 22
27 22
12 34
14 34
27 22
21 35
19 35
2 8
17 34
13 12
20 21
24 21
12 4
13 4
3 32
3 30
3 30
INDEX (Continued)
overtaking vehicles
Drive to left, except .................. 7
Generally ..........___..___..............___... 7
Within street intersection ........ 7
Painting curbs .................................... 5
Alley in ........................................ 5
Alley entrance ..................___....... 5
Angle or parallel................;....... 5
Bicycle .......................................... 14
Color legend ...............___.............. 5
Defined ............___........___..___......... 1
Endgate extended ___...___............. 5
Fire hydrants, near .___.............. 5
Freight vehicle backed to curb 5
Garbage trucks limited parking 5
In alleys ....................................___. 5
In sidewalk space ......___.........___. 13
Large commercial vehicles ...... 5
Leaving curb, parallel parked.. 7
Lights, when ................................ 9
Limit fixed by council .............. 5
Loading zones ___......................... 5
Obstructing alley entrances 5
Obstructing driveways .............. 5
Obstructing traffic .................... 5
Opposite street car or bus stop 5
Owner responsible for .............. 5
Twenty-four Hour UnlawfuL. 5
Parallel........................................ 5
Peddler's wagons ................___..... 5
Penalty........................................ 15
Repair, washing in street ........ 5
Residence districts .................... 5
Right of way, when leaving.... 7
Right side at curb ................__.... 5
Set brakes ................._.................. 5
Street intersections ._................ 5
Trucks in residence district.___ 5
Vehicle for sale .......................... 5
Sec. Page
5 17
5 17
9 18
15 12
17 13
18 13
12 12
16 42
2 10
25 14
8 11
16 13
21 13
17 13
6 32
25 14
28 22
1 24
1 9
4 10
18 13
13 12
19 13
6 10
3 10
18 13
12 12
20 13
2 43
10 11
11 11
1 15
12 12
14 12
7 11
11 11
9 11
INDEX (Continued)
Parking and Inspection Violations
Created ........................................ 15
Duties ............................................ 15
Fees collected, disposition of.... 15
Record .......................................... 15
In driver's seat ............................ 7
In front of operator .................. 7
More than manufacturer's
capacity................................ 7
On bicycles .................................. 14
Hindering .................................... 7
To left .h....................................... 7
To left of center line
between intersections ........ 7
On laned streets ........................ 7
Viaducts ...................................... 7
Peddler's wagons, parking of .......... 5
Bicycles yield right of way to 14
Jaywalking .................................. 13
Defined ........................................ 1
Observe automatic signals ........ 4
Right of way.............................. 7
General........................................ 17
Impound bicycles ........................ 14
Parking .............................__......... 15
Revoke operator's permit ......_. 11
Police officer
Authority.................................... 3
Defined .._..__hh...h.._..h................. 1
Obedience to .......................h....... 3
Position on street of vehicle h_h..... 7
Private driveway
Defined .............................._......... 1
Obstruct by parking in ............ 5
Projecting loads ................................ 13
Pushing vehicles prohibited, except 13
INDEX (Continued)
Quiet zones, designated by
Traffic Division .......................... 2
Radio advertising in streets ............ 12
Reckless driving ................................ 7
Records of Traffic Violation .......... 2
Red flag or light on
projecting loads ........................_. 13
Red line prohibited parking ............ 5
Bicycles ........................................ 14
Operators .................................... 11
Motor vehicles ............................ 10
Trailers ........................................ 10
Registration plates
Bicycles ........................................ 14
Clean ............................................ 10
Fastened securely...................... 10
Illuminated .................................. 10
Location of .................................. 10
Nothing attached to .................. 10
Trailers ........................................ 10
Remove debris from wrecks ............ 13
Repeal of former ordinances .......... 18
Repairing in streets .......................... 5
Report accidents ................................ 13
Report damages to property............ 13
Police to investigate accidents
and make report ................ 2
Riding on outside of vehicle ............ 7
Right of way
Approaching intersection 7
Authorized emergency vehicle 7
Bicycle riders yield ...._...........___. 14
Defined ........................................ 1
Entering intersection ................ 7
Sec. Page
3 6
2 31
20 21
4 7
9 33
2 9
1 38
2-3 30
1 29
4 29
4 39
3 29
1 29
2 29
1 29
3 29
4 29
13 34
1 46
10 11
20 35
21 35
5 7
25 22
I-a 15
I-f 16
10 41
18 5
I-a 15
INDEX (Continued)
Forfeiture of ....m..................m
From private driveway............
Overtaken vehicle yield ............
Parked vehicle, leaving curb....
Pedestrians ......... ......... ................
Person with white cane ............
Stop street ..................................
Turn left .................m..................
Art. Sec.
7 1-h
7 1-d
7 11
7 1-e
7 1-e
13 2
7 1-g
7 1-b
Safety zones
Defined m..................................... 1 19
Driving through .......................... 6 1
Loading zones opposite ............ 5 4
Street cars and buses stop at.... 6 2
Savings clause.................................... 16 3
Scattering load from vehicle .......... 13 11
Speed near .................................. 7 19
Parking on .......................... 14 16
Yield right of way, on........ 14 10
Defined m..'.................................. 1 20
Sidewalk space
Defined m..................................... 1 21
Driving or parking in ................ 13 6
Signal devices
For traffic signal only............ 13 7
Unnecessary noise with ............ 13 7
Vehicle equipped wIth .............. 7 31
Signals of road
Leaving; I;>arallel parking
posItIon ................................ 7 28
Left turn ...................................... 7 12
Required to be given ................ 7 12
Right turn .................................... 7 12
Stop .............................................. 7 .12
Signs. and signals
Automatic traffic signal.......... 4 3
Defacing ...................................... 4
Display of unauthorized ..m....... 4
Failure to stop ............................. 8
Obedience to .............................. 4
use of limited m..................... 7
moving vehicles near curb .... 7
Soliciting rides .................................... 13
Alleys ...................................m....... 7
Arterial streets .......m................ 7
Congested district ..mm...m.....'" 7
Crossing sidewalks .................... 5
Forfeiture of right of way........ 7
Generally in city ...................m.. 7
Reasonable and proper m......... 7
Schools .........m............................ 7
> Viaducts ........m.........m............... 7
Spilling contents from vehicles ...... 13
Tractors with lugs, etc.,
forbidden .............................. 5
Approach of authorized
emergency vehicle .............. 7
Before crossing sidewalk ....m... 5
Before entering stop street ...... 8
Defined .................................... 1
For person carrying white cane 13
Loading or unloading
motor bus ............................ 5
Schools .......................................... 7
Defined ........................................ 1
Parking in ..................................... 5
Parking nearer than ten feeL.. 5
Right of way................................ 7
vehicle for sale, on .......... 5
INDEX (Continued)
Washing or repairing
vehicle in .............................. 5
Summons, disregarding .................... 13
Tacks, scattering of ..............___......... 13
Towing vehicles ....___....___..___..........___.. 13
Toy vehicles prohibited in streets.... 13
Traffic Division
Annual safety report ................ 2
Duties .........___................ 14-6, "" 2
Established .........___..................___. 2
Investigate accidents ....2-2, ___. 2
Loading zones, designated ..___. 2
Parking and Inspection
Violations Bureau .......______. 15
Prohibit turns, when ................ 7
Quiet zones, designated 2
Records of accidents .................. 2
Records of traffic violations.... 2
Register bicycles ........................ 14
Traffic hazard, creating ...............00... 7
Traffic officer
Assigned by Chief of Police.... 3
Defined ......___00........00...00......00...... 1
Traffic signs and signals
Defacing or injuring h..........___.c. 4
Obedience to .......___.......00........... 4
Placed by ....___00......___..___. 2-2, .... 4
Unauthorized display .....___........ 4
Rear light ...............___.........___...... 10
Registration ..............00................ 10
Back to curb to discharge
freight ....___............___..___....... 5
Parking in residential district.. 5
Parking with endgate down .... 5
Routes established .................... 7
Sec. Page
10 11
29 38
12 34
10 33
4 32
6 7
2 6
1 6
5 7
3 6
1 43
16 20
3 6
3 6
4 7
1 38
20 21
1 7
16 4
5 9
2 8
1 8
4 9
4 29
4 29
16 13
11 11
25 14
29 23
INDEX (Continued)
Tight beds, scattering load ...___ 13
Tractors with lugs, etc.,
forbidden ........___.___............... 5
Travel near curb ........................ 7
Arterial streets h........................ 7
Automatic signals, or
green light ......,..........___...... 7
Automatic signals, U turns .... 7
Change direct on ___......___......___... 7
Congested district ...00........___.___.. 7
May be prohibited.......___.........___ 7
Right or left ..........................___... 7
Signal for .___....___.___.....___...___..___.. 7
Street intersections ..___...___..___.. 7
U Turns, where
prohibited 7-15, 7
U Turns, where prohibited 7
Vnattended vehicles, damage to .... 13
Unnecessary noise
Mufflers .............................00......... 7
Signal devices ............................ 13
Validity................................................ 16
Advertising on ............................ 12
Conform to ordinance and
state law ..........................___. 13
Defined ...................00................... 1
For sale, parking of ___............... 5
Height ...............___........................ 9
Inspection of ........................,....... 9
Length .......___...___.......................... 9
Observe automatic signals """ 4
Radios in or on """'''''___'''''''''''''' 12
Registration ........___...........___.00.... 10
Slow moving, at curb ................ 7
Sec. Page
11 33
14 12
3 17
15 20
17 20
17 20
14 19
15 20
16 20
13 19
12 18
14 19
17 20
14 19
19 35
27 22
7 33
2 45-
1 31
31 38
24 5
9 11
7 27
7 27
7 27
3 8
2 31
1 29
3 17
INDEX (Continued) Art. Sec. Page
Stop for loading motor buses.... 5 24 14
Width ....-........--.............................. 9 7 27
Defined ........................................ 1 25 6
Passing on ................w................. 7 10 18
Speed on ............................---....... 7 18 20
White cane carried by blind person 13 2 32
White line, 15 minute par~ing ........ 5 2 9
Yellow line, limited parking ............ 5 2
An ordinance appropriating and condemning private property
for the use of the City or Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
for public park, parkway and street improvement purposes., as
follows, to-wit: All of Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10), Block
Nine (9), Baker1s Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall
County, Nebraska, except highway viaduct right-of way, said
property being more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at a point 38.31 feet north of the southeast corner
of Lot Ten (10), Block Nine (9), Baker's Addition to the
. .
City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, thence running
in a northerly d1 recti on along the east line of Lot Ten (10)
a distance of 93.69 feet to the north line of Lot Ten (10),
thence running in a westerly direction along the north lines
of Lots Ten (10) and Nine (9) a distance of 83.87 feet to
the highway viaduct right-of-way line, thence running in a
southeasterly direction along the highway viaduct right-of-way
line a distance of 125.75 feet to the place of beginning,
and a tract commencing at a point 19.07 feet west of the
southeast corner of Lot Nine (9), Block Nine (9), Baker's
. .
Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
thence running in a westerly direction along the south line
of Lot Nine (9) a distanoe of 32.93 feet to the southwest
corner of Lot Nine (9) thence running in a northerly direction
along the west line of Lot Nine (9) a distance of 36.79 teet
to the highway viaduct right-of,-way line, thence running in
a southeasterly direction along the highway viaduot right-ot-way
line a distance of 49.2 feet to the place of beginning,
and providing for the procedure in appropriating such private
WHERFAS, the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand
Island, Nebraska, find that it is necessary that certain
property, consisting of trae:tS'Loli' parcels of land within
ORDINANCE NO. 1927 Cont.
the boundaries hereinafter more definitely designated, all
within the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, be appropri~ted
and condemned. for the use of the City ,of Grand Island, Nebraska.
COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska:
SECTION NO.1. That the pri vate property as hereinaft.er
designated, be and the same is hereby appropriated for the
use of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for park, parkway
and street improvement purposes, under and by virtue of
Sections 16-601, 16-602, and 16-603, of the Compiled Statutes,
of the State of Nebraska, for the year 1929:
All of Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10), Block Nine
(9), Baker's Addition to" the City of Grand Island,
Hall County, Nebraska, except highway viaduct right-
of-way, said property be'ing more particularly
described as follows: Commencing at a point 3e~}1
feet north of the southeast corner of Lot Ten (10),
Block Nine (9), Bakerts addition to the City of
Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, thence running
in a northerly direction along the east line of
Lot Ten (10) a distance of 93.69 feet to the north
line of Lot" Ten (10), thence running in a westerly
direction along the north lines of Lots Ten (10)
and Nine (9) a distance of 83.87 feet to the
highway viaduct right,"of-way line, thence running
in a southeasterly direction along the highway
viaduct right-of-way line a distance of 125.75 feet
to the pla.ee of beginning, and a tract commencing at
a point 19.07 feet west of the southeast corner of
Lot Nine (9), Block Nine (9), Bakert s Addit'ion to
the City of . Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
thence running in a westerly direction along the
south line of Lot Nine (9) a distance of 32.93 feet
to the southwest corner..of Lot Nine (9) thence
running in a northerly direction along. the west
line of Lot Nine (9) a di'stance of' 36.79 feet
to the highway viaduct right-of-way line, thence
running in a southeasterly direction along the
highway viaduct right-of-way line a distance of
49.2 feet to the place of beginning.
SECTION NO.2. That the ~ollowing disinterested
freeholders of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, are
hereby appointed to assess the damages accruing to the owner
or owners and parties interested in the real estate
appropriated and condemned, namely,
Don Boehm,
j.B.Nitzel and H.T.Brown
. . 4 ~ _ " . _ .. .~ " ~ ~. _~ ~ ._ ._
all of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and who shall
receive as compensation for their services the sum of Five
Dollars ($5.00) per day for the time necessarily occupied
in the appraisement thereof. Said assessors shall meet in
the Council Chamber in the City Hall in the City of Grand
Island, Nebraska, on the ird day of August , 1942, at
~ .- . ~ . - ~ - -.~ ,-
2 0' clock P.M., and after taking oath to discharge their
duties faithfully and impartially, shall, on the same day,
view the property appropriated, and on the same day, or as
soon thereafter as practicable, make, sign, and return to
the City Clerk in writing, a just and fair assessment or
the damages to each piece or lot of property, the whole or
part of Which is to be appropriated, and, in such assessment
where there is more than one party having interest in a
piece of property or lot the damage shall be justly apportioned
and stated to each.
SEOTION NO.3. Payment of damages assessed for the
appropriation of such private property may be paid out of the
General Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
SECTION NO.4. This ordinance shall be in force and
take effect from and after its passage, approval, and publica-
tion as by law provided.
Passed and approved this 29th day of June, 1942.
- .- _ - MAYOR-
I tf )<-$
An ordinance authorizing and 4irecting the sale of certain
real estate belonging to the Oity of Grand leland, Nebraska,
providing the manner in wbi ch the sarne shall be sold and the
terms of said sale; providing for the giving of notice of the
sale of said real estate and the terms thereof; and, pro'lfiding
for the right to file a remonstrance against the sale thereof
signed by legal electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
equal in number to thirty per cent (30%) of the electors of
said Oity, voting at the last regular municipal election
held in said City.
Section 1. The sale and conveyance of real estate herein-
after described is hereby directed and authorized to Leal
Wilson, of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
The property directed and authorized to be conveyed is
desar ibed as follows;
Section 2.
Lots seven and eight (7 & 8), Block
eleven (11), Packer and Barr's Addition
to the Oity of Grand Island, Hall
Oounty, Nebraska.
The manner and terms of said sale of said
real estate are as follows. The purchaser, Leal Wilson,
agrees to pay seven hundred fifty ($'f5 0) dollars for the
within described real estate and has paid to the City ~easurer
of the Oity of Grand Island the sum of tw~n'ty..five ($25)
dollars as a down payment therefore, and the balance of
seven hundred twenty..rive ($725) dollars will be paid in
full upon the execution and delivery of a Q;uitl Olaim
deed by the Oity to the said purchaser. The Oity shall not
be required to furnish an abstract of title.
Section ;3. As proVided by law, noti.ce of such sale and
the terms thereof shall be published for three consecut1 VEt
weeks in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper
published in and of general circulation in the ai ty of Grand
Island, Nebraska, immediately after the passage and publication
of this ordinance; and the Oi ty Olerk is hereby directed am
instructed to prepare and publish said notice.
Secti. on 4. Authoxritytsherebygrant'edtothe electors
of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to file a remonstrance
against the sale of said real estate; and if a r$10nstrance
against said sale signed by legal electors of said C1tyeQuAl
in number to thirty per cent (30%) of the electors of said
City voting at the last regular election held in said City
to be filed with the Mayor and Council c:f said City wi thin
thirty days of the passage and publication of this ordinance,
said property shall not the'Jnor within one year thereafter
be sold.
Section 5. The sale of said real estate is hereby directed,
au thorized and confirmed, and if no remonstrance be filed
against such sale, the Mayor and City Clerk shall make,
execute and deliver)~he said Leal Wilson a Quit Claim deed
for said property and the execution of said deed is hereby
authorized wi thou t further action on behalf of the Ci ty
Section 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take
effect from and after its passage, approval and publication,
as provided by law.
Passed and approved thi s .........s
19 42~
An ordinance amending Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1924
of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and
repealing said original Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1924.
of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That Section No. 3 of Ordinance No. 1924
of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be,
and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
All rules and regulations regulating distances between
camp ears and camp trailers, the amount of square feet for each
unit, and all other rules and regulations provided in Ordinance
No. 1908 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
regulating pUblic camps, insofar as the same shall be applicable,
shall apply to all camp ears, trailers, and trailer cabins,
parked on private property, and said rules and regulations are
inc orporated herein and hereby made a part hereof.
Upon approval by the Board of Health of the application herein
provided for, the City Clerk shall thereupon issue the permit
alii shall oharge therefor a fee in the sum of $3.00, which permit
shall expire on the 31st day of Deoember of the year in which
Any person to whom suoh a permit shall be granted shall in
addition to the permit fee of $3.00 pay to the City Clerk a
monthly servioe and inspeotion fee in the amount of $1.00 per
month or any part of a month, said inspection fee shall be payable
in advanoe.
If the holder of said permit shall fail to pay said monthly
inspection and servioe fee or shall violate any of the provisions
of this Ord!.nanoe, or if the premises on whioh said camp car,
trailer, or trailer cabin is located shall be allowed to beoome
in an unsafe, unolean, untidy and an unsanitary condition or
injurious to public health and safety the Mayor and Council may
revoke said permit in the following manner:
A notice shall be served on the person holding said permit
setting forth in what manner the holder thereof has failed to
comply with the proviSions of this ordinance and citing him to
ORDINANCE NO.1929 (Cont.)
appear before the City Council on a day and hour specified,
not less than three days nor more than seven days after the
service of said notice on the holder of such permit to show
cause, if any, why said permit should not be revoked. At
the time and place stated in said notice the holder of said
permit shall have the right to appear in person or by counsel
and introduce such evidence as he may desire.
Section 2. That said original Section 3 of Ordinance
No. 1924 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
be, and t he same hereby 1s, repealed.
Sectian 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and
effect from and after its passage, approval and publication,
as required by law.
Passed and approved this 15th day of July, 1942.
J/1tl ~
- - -Act ing,Mayor _.' ..."
. . City Clerk. ' .' . . .
OHDP'ANCE NO.. 193()
An oJ'dinrmce levying special taxes to pay for> t}ie cost of con-
stl'l~ction of Gr'llvel Di~d::;l;iGt No. 20 of.' tle 011;;y' of Gl'and rE31and, Nel'l"'a:;:ka,
BE I '}' O::D A nn':I) ,>,y tEE iVc A.'iOn
and providing fOl' the eolJeetion t1ereof.
01 'I'Y GOD 1\ OJ L of
Grand Is 10,]]et, 1To
8(;ct1(~rl 1.~ T}'.lat tl}8Xae :ts
tlJe s EJv-e~PEtl lot s, cr-ac t s ar~lc1 I)Brl (~eJ.s
pu r' rJ(J tl e 0 f pi? .L
o C1 t Y of
ho1'o:"y le'vied a:nCL assosFled against
of land bo}:'(: inaf tor sot fOl'tb, fo}"
It.; J. Ci.rtcl ,
the) cost of COnSGI'U etiaT! of (}x'a vol Dl E.;t;l'i ct liTO. 20 of tiie
City of GranO
1\J t}
1 . l t .
J{ft , a s ~J~ S !)(; C l ;). __ ax, l rl-
accordance witll the
benefits found and a~'sesscd sgainst oach of tte seVel'a] lots, traets and
par'coIs of land in said distriGt by tlJe Mayo:e and City GOlH<.cil of the G1 ty
of Grarid Island, nebraska, 8i tti:ng as 8.';oal>d of EQualizatioIJ, af'tex' OttC
noti GO ha vingbeen ,.":1 ven tl!er60f:l and
eral lots, tracts Bnd paruels of ]
fo11oVJ~j :
Mattie Prank
~I .t
n It
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.y It:ti''!; each
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ORDINANCE #1930 Cont.
Go ~ 6
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T-T O,'r,"f~ ,;l~r) (j, T?r' ero 01'" ti
II(ni.r~~y [)1'enlf;l~n
Ru'1 0 1 1:;.h N. Ku () s t or
o S~110.9
Helen TfJj 0:1
II 11
t~_ :~1 t t 1. -:1 F:c f:lYt]l'
}r;at~t.I\; FXl9.<nJr
11 Et t t J.
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T'\~ a t 1~ ~t (; F'r' ~lrlT~
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Hazel ,Tano
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A tract in NE4-NE4-21-11-9 on S si.de
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A tr'o,c"t j.n SE4 ~21-11~9 on W sid.o of
CCtl ~ ~4..'~IC; ~S()1..1f r(r~ll .t1lt:no.el. f30'X1 A"e.
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Mattie Frank Gal. Ave. ~etween Anderson
I r; '1(: n ~ Al::: :))"
Is 8 fiC
1.1. ""
All:; e1"
ort ~}7 (Ie
Gr' e(;rl~71
on E side of
and A1t01"'
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cz".<".'Lo"m/L-?l -'LJ _0 on 1-1 ",,,/?,, o~
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A tJOi:V~t in SE':1_}m4_~~1-11-9 on E sIde of
l/IFitt,..Le 1'..1~C2'..!11{ GI1een..'v'IlclJ St ~ .t'.'et'NoOl1. Pll()nrl~l!--c Gal ~ /l.\r()~
IIaz 81 tJ:1r10 CCi"t' e~11:.{lorl
Toi~aJ.~ - ~ - ~ - ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ -
27/10" 10.. ;'54
100' 7.31
<380! ~2? .18
32)0' 12.':/0
238' D.le
100' 3.85
560! i?]~.. 56
740' ~~8 .40
1!~ /I' J . R
\c! ...,;vJ.~.. ^ lj ~ )-:)
~-I;; ~~7/'J17Y-V'
Sectlf)11 2 ~ 'rrl8 ttlXes so le""vioCl 8.11d ass8ssed, s11al.l necome p[l~r-
able, del:inquent E\.nrl c1.ra.V! lnLeI'()st, afJ by law prov:tc1
9",~J foT
<'I ~
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t efl t 11 111 () X1 .Y G rtj~ ;
e """ t~ OT~ t~11 1 r1 l:'tl'l (j ".'l 0;:;\.:e G; OT"1 (} ......t; (3!ltll 1 J.l t 11.r~ (3 () >l erlT~ s; Or1 (~---
. .
J.Yl S:l.X
t on. -ell 1. fl
s e"-;..Tt;n ;y-ertl" S ;
i 1J. ():i. [~llt
1n f:i. vo years; one-tenth
iI') .f 01) ,'.
01J n --t ()Yl tlJ
:-rc 0.1' 3 ;
<:y" !~;l.l" S ;
tll(~ cln.tt) of tliln
levy; each of said instal
'r\9. t e of ~j e '"lell pel: c en, t peIJ H.11n.urn l:t 1J t j,.l t}} c
t S 8113,11.
drav! in-
inte:r'e~~t at the
(,)8rh of the delinquent instal
c1eltnque)lt) 0.1'0.
;:3; ()11e-
CHid_- 0]1.<3-1;0'(\ tb 11')
t8 c:;;eept
SD.Tr18 be<.QI
() rate of' nine percent from and aft;m' each sue11L:lstal1m'Tl'G
te~e(~st fIt
1-:'OCOU10B delinquerd:. until paid; provldoc:, lio\"Jc:er, tJlat th;,: antl:re t1.YJount
SO 13Vl
[lY'cl rlSfl(?8r~ed. c1gairlst DJ.':1.y of tt'iQ [lfo:posD.ld. lots, tl~acts a1.1c:l pa.r--
(~els of J ano fila:!' e pa:i.d 1Nl, thin fj,ft';y days from
date of this levy with
out Interest; 8.1Y] in that event, sue.}') lots, tracts and pr.rcels of lnnc'J. sllall
be exeE, pt frorJ 13l1Y 11 erl ox' cllarge for interest;.
Secti on
'J .
City Clerk of the City of Grand Island,
No bJ:<B.s};a,
:t s bel"e by au thor'i zed an.o cttrected to forthwith cortify to the C1 ty Treas-
lJrer of said C:i.t:v trlf": a',ount of said taxes lJe:r',~dn set fortrl, together
wi th instru ct1.ons to e0118ct t1'1 e sarno, as p~eolidcd }:y law.
Section 4. TI,is ordi~ance shall be in force
af t e:t'
its passage, aPP"'o'Tal and
pu ')li cation" as
day of
l?a:J n
ancl approved chi. s
Attest. d ~
7~~tv ClerJ,. --
. u
t-{J,}\:fJ (3t~f ec-t
h~~r la.\v ~
An ordinance. levying special water main district taxes to pay
for the construction of the watermain in Water Main District No. 89 of the
Ci ty of Grand Island" Nebraska" and providing for the collection ther'eof.
BE IT O:rWAINED 13Y 'fEE IV1AYOH AnD CItY COUJ.\iCIL of the City of
Grand Island" Nebraska.
Section 1. That a special water main district tax be, and the
same is hereby levied and assessed" to pay for the cost of construction
of the watermain in Water TVlain District No. 89 of the City of Grand Island"
Nebraska" against the respecti ve lots, tracts, and parcels of land in said
di str>i ct in the amounts set opposi tet:he several descriptions as follows:
AUD I '1'1 ON
Ahi OU llJ T
J. F. Abrahamson & Wife
.. "
" ..
n U
.. U
" It
special taxes
~plO .50
22 .75
10 .50
become payable
Section 2. The
herein levied shall
and delinqu ent as follows: One-fifth of the total am.ount shall become
delinquent in fifty days after the levy herein made; one-fifth in one
year'; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in tbree years; and one-fifth
in four years; each of' said installments except the first shall draw
interest at the rate of not exceeding seven per cent per annum from the
time of the aforesaid levy until they shall become delinquent; and after
the sarrie shall becorne delinquent" interest at the rate of nine per cent
per annum shall be paid thereon until the sac'e 8:(J8.1l be ooilileetedandt:.
paid; s'dd -Special taxes shall be collected and enforced as in the case
of othel' special taxes" and said special tax shall be a lien on said real
estate from and after tbe date of the levy he:['eof.
Section 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island" Nebraska
is hereby instructed and directed to certify to tlie Ci ty Treasurer of the
City of Grand Island, :Nebraska the ariount of said taxes herein levied,
together wi th ins tru ctions to collect the same" as providec1 by law.
Section 4. 'l'hat a tract of land abutting tti{~ south side of Anna
Street" lying between the West Property Line of Ni Ollroe Street extended" and
the East ProiJerty Line of Jackson Street" extended" a distance of 264 feet
in the SE'~ of the NW-t of Section 21" Tovmship 11" North" Range 9" West of
the 6th P. M ., in Hall County" Nebraska whi ch tract of land is not wi t:bin
tbe Corpo:L~ate limits of the City of Grand Island" Nebraska" be and th'" same
is hereby SUb-divided and assessed as follows:
E Sf? 0 t
W 52~8t of t}lG E l05.6t
1'/:},rtd1e fj2 ~r3'
: ~?~P' of e ~r l05~6!
tf}S~~? ~ 8 ,
To Lu,l.
rl (:' C 1'1 J }---i t)'
.1JJ . rn
its ~
!!8 . Cl()
,!+.r) _.'f _~ r-,-..,
'i\:-{I "..t':. '<iO ; A'
_:, \:}r"~: ... SCt:1. d. ;,:: 1)0
'tAr 9.i.~ district
d.;-3C:=J ;~;
pr 3 (~ e
~L .J
s c)~ecl.J..r1rtn_c~G 8118.11 }~e d.1Jf~ ftY1C1 beeO,d}(] cJG-~lrlqLleY.1t ill
t}J(: rJ.8.i1rt01"'l :J :;
t: t'i,.,.c t~i e PT1i:,)--:l1.9..f:;O
letVi F111Cl r)tJ2)~J._l () c{)1
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rr"i'l ()1J L
to.:C{38 to tIle Cr:r_iTl
Tr~ (j ,~~.. 8\"j }<') e J~ 0 f II El 1. J C 0;-..1 n. t ;'7 ,
of :~ll.:
b}" ;9, f) 1;,'1 } ron
r)1~ (J j)81~ t':,r' a. (=; S 0~{1 1. be: (1 ), :n, S c c- t l orl_ f Ol:t x~
t1l.1 [3 ~):t}(J.l tl Llll e e l~~. t J_I,
to do
so by [:c resolution of the Clt:), COlJ.nc:tl e
u ,.
I) eJ~r(i:l. B s l 0 n. J., S }l_ or e ;);.;;'
n ::'l-sr
tJnj (~
<)~/"/.n 61' 8
-tl\ e rye ()
ty hereinbefore set forth in Sect70n
.f {)~ ,1 ::~'<l () f
t:l, ,I '"
..', , 3_. ~"'j
011(} j. r},-~':\'J'~ e c:
s a1 (1 t [{.xr~ s }} Ol~ e1~)~j 1 e -\1j
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(1 t1 t E~Ilir' 5
t1H3 \'Jo..tn~C' CO' j;'):::t0081' of th CIty of G:('and Island, 1\'0
, :.711e:nc;\TeI'l i2TU ell
,....,("<..,.-"'> <:,..=-. ~~, 0 .."> rA 1 1 f1 . 1 d l t, 1<--.... / - IJ t-: {<t r.J ,f:J. ,~.'.-L '1 ,rl. 1~'.r ,01 -!~- r~I'
J:.A:..-;..l~" ~S \._/,-.t u~.'_n...-.'" ....~ c., ...:-~ ,!, ~.",3 'C :', v ~.....' ~,- _..... ___~ < _'. v -.~~'
rJ. f O'.1~; VI 3. t C~r: rJlJ:c
\vltl~;o'ut 'Il'.=:'
trj t]:~ t; tIt' () "'vi Cl (;[3., tlJEt t s f1:1 d l)e::)l~r:-:, is Hi. 0 r"1 S 11f;,1 J~ }1~J ""JO
[1 n, t~
l)fJf 0 ~CG
City TI'earnJrcr
"'I 1
ordered to eol et said
have beon
t~l:?:,es 01"( bc~fol~e
tEun e nha 11 ha ve
to 0 C01~nty TroaSllrer
bee rl
elf l{flJl, GO",-,{r:l
1~ e 1)1: 2. S 1~19. .a
8(~{~t;i()j:1 Y7,* I.t In ll.t1relj7Y.... rn2:tcle tlJC
::,3 'L () tl (j J:~'
to collect tlte taxes in 8ail~ Section. fOlE' of
S olld,1.nanc0 hereinbefore
lc:v'iefl 8.,11r1 Ct8S(;ssccl ,'_'1,,8 ~1 t.aPl)111g eJ1<lYf!;e Fl[;a1118t tlJG p:r~(JIJ81~t~y t11el~e'lrl cle:J<=
eX'i boe1
t{~.~?:_ed. ,
t() P?'Y" t}10 S.3Jno to
e City TrOt:Hlu reruuti 1 the taxes
t1.1 t'=";'.P el.n d. (~S or i bed ]_0,,1\3(1 an.d. ass e ~1 s ee1 sl)al}, 11ft'IO
ordered to be col-
leet GO "hy tJ'I('J
Cj ty f'[lr easur 8I' OI' shall have been. cert:tfi.f)O
tl-I n
T:r>i i;:}fl tJU ~:r~ e 11; ...
SoctiOll 8~ No pel)SOn 011 persons, corporation OJ~ assocJ.ation
OV]Yllr.ig s.'-l_ld 1-;'Ofl1, estclte d.escl"~~.
iJ'1 38 lZ)rl J~()llX. of
s ordinance 811&1.1
'PJ8"tOl'i r.1H.:1..fl ill
.. )]9 for th('l pUT'pose of
t el~ 1/;' aili ])}. st:r:.l ct
s er v1 Tl C~
o..n.71 of i?uJ..l d.. [Jl-O Yit':-3r t:,t tl}el~ OiXl d~ e S Cl: 1. 'bed. 1vl tll0l1 t ~f lr r;-b
ving ottalned
a P01':111 t
-J-, ,}__:. ':~.: ....,~~ 1:'~'Y.Pj'.\ ~__- y' ,':'.1._.. ~.~ :-:y,'--l ,__ '; r'l'__ (.1_ ):.'. ,,"'.',1 b. ~,\')- -1-,,,. ',,~:,_ ?'l .,,",-, Y"I I 1 r:. f"'t. { ......1.., "} C' - (~ ~ r, I~.P _l_},,, -" ~ - -1.- -- 0 f
....---,.:-~ "--'.. "'~"" l)~'---<~-",-" . 1 '-"'--- t/UJ.'l-.1.tJ:_<:;;d. V::.U,~.~_,':!JJ.,..,t::):i JJ. t-'o,_lt:~ \.,It,';j _,
,:-.~ Is
rt, l'J C
tl:l<)lJ t f t:,('l G t 1} 8, \r:t 11g pal (1 t () t}'l e i}ij ~:l.t el~ C()}'j" < ~L S -
81.o:ne-.e fox' s d }J(jl:-'r:_:tt t1
t rt~<~ }"-'!. nT' C '1_ r:L
QJ:' G 1 c vi eel
anResned as a tapping
Cl1fl~cge, H.1i,cJ lrl tI;e,; (f\.Terd:: :J.,;]_y peT~n(r_-"> (;(<,i1?
ntion, or assoG:Latlon ovnxtng said
J:10j~11 e~jt
o t:rl SClntt()n
.h, ',.ji_A '"'...
rl n.l'j C c~
],} }<H} (: cv
"1 ,~ r, "
'.;. 11 nd er
compiled ol"oinances of tbe C:Lt~y of (11'"'
I ;~ 1. ;!.l.
l~:c D. 21
J ana in additioll
thel' eGO,
1 t i f:j he r 0 b.y mad e
Il u "V' 0 P ,k 1 f' G 'l'~~ 'IT '11'"'' a, C<1\'" ""'1"
'-" . l;,y ..l. u_-" oJ ....u -'4-" b< r..'v...... 'oJ
('f +1, 8-' Ci -t-,..
.-, v,., ~.Y
a 11(1 c\ S ~~~ e, ~j ~;J
of Gr'and IfJlt1.nd to colJ eet Lhe miOtmt of triO ta:xcn 1evi
n(),Lill-L~t Tl~<l eD. Sl~l:' or o:f
8..l~~xilJ.st tl1G I)I;'en1:tf)8S aIle;. tel ecrtlfy tJJ.o [~Etlnc; to
T.T;I. '1 i
J...l.c:.t ~i... _,_
11 "t~> , ~T e 'l'.:"l_~ h~ ::. i l:~ 1., t ()
f:lS o'vlt.J.C3d }yy lefT! <iI
Sect" eJll \). ThlB oJ'(.'linallce
fT~ (...111
aft or' its pruJ] age, ap)):covc':tl
Pussed arId approved tb-is
~s'e:. /~
~'t'7-Gl;;1' le.'" , ,----
i.x18 .t.r&ue t 1 i)rl s t () eo J.1 () fJ -L: C}.! (; E~ 8,'GiO"
11 ~e in force and
0f:f (:?;e t
pt~l)}.~:+.e[iti.(jrl, .!71Go1z1d.sd. 1J~Y li~lV:..
~ d _day of ~1942.
%M~_,q"q~ 7~
OrtDI~ANGE NO. 1932
Being an annual appropriation ordinance of the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska, for the ensuing fiscal year, con:mencing on the second Monday in
August, 1942 and ending on the second Monday in August 1943.
_ Island, Nebraska:
_ Sect10n 1.
fl'hat the sum of $9,000.00 is hereby appropriated for
the purpose of partial payffing bonds dated June 1, 1940.
That the sum of $1,095.00 is hereby appropriated for the purpose of
paying interest on $79,000.00 Refunding Bonds of June 1, 1940, bearing in-
terest at 1% and 1 3/4% per annum.
That the sum of ~~1,750.00 is hereby appropriated for the purpose of
paying intex'est on $100,000.00 Ci ty Hall Bonds dated January 15, 1939,
which said bonds bear interest at the rate of 1 ;3/4% per annum.
That the sum of $612.50 is hereby appropriated for the purpose of
paying interest on ~j':9!5JOOO .00 Park Bonds dated Janual~y 15, 19~59, which
bonds bear interest at the rate of 1 3/4% per annum.
That the sum of $3,336.00 is hereby appropriated for the Cemetery
Fund for the purpose of paying the cost of providing permanent care for
lots in the cemetery.
That the sum of $3,272.50 is hereby appropriated for the purpose
of p~y~~ interest o~ Refunding Bonds of December 1, 1941 bearing interest
a t ~Jb pel1 annum.
Section 2. ffuat the sum of $2,750 .00, or so mu ch thereof as may
be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the Oi ty
of Grand ISland, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the County Treasure:;:'
of Hall County, Nebraska, for collecting and remitting taxes to the City
of Grand L,d~md, Nebraska.
Section 3. That the sum of $13,000.00, or so much thereof as may
be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the City
of Grand Island, Nebraska, 1'011 the purpose of paying the salaries of the
e Physician, Attorneys,
of the City Dump, and
Ci ty Officers, includiNg the ]!I ayor, eight Councilmen, Clerk, Treasurer,
Janitor, WtSlgh Master, Building Inspector, Caretaker
Bacteriologist for the ensuing fiscal year.
Section 4. That the sum of $9,000.00 is hereby appropriated out
of the General Fund of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, to pay the
salary of the City Engineer, Assistant City Engineer, and all other assi-
stants of said Department, and all expenses of operating his office.
ORDINANCE #1932 Cont.
Section 5. That the sum of $48,000.00, or so l1mch thereof as may
be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Pund of tIle City
of Grand ISla:nd, ]\Teraska, for the purpose of paying the incidental expenses
of the City of Grand Is 'a d, :rre:Jraska,:for the ADsuing fiscal year, includ-
ing m:i.lk testing, election expenses, building and equipnent,!antd for such
other purposes as the Mayor and eity Council may deem necessary for the
benefit and welfare of the City of Grand ISland,Nebraska.
Section 6. That the sum of' .$26,rOOO.OO, or so much thereof as may
be nece ssary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the City
of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the expenses of the
Street and Alley Departments, including care, cleaning, mending, flushing,
spri nkling, repair s, opening streets and alleys, laying sidewalks, pll:n'chase
of tools and implements and machinery, salary of Street Commissioner, labor,
and all other expenses incidental to and pertainint to the upkeep of the
care of tbe Street s and Alleys.
That all money received by the City from the Gasoline Tax Fund,
estimated to be the sum of $6,000.00 is hereby appropriated for the 1..1 se
of the Street nnd Alley Department to pay for repairs and maintenance of
the Streets and Alleys.
Section 7. That -cbe sum of $7,800.00 is bereby appropriated out
of the General Fund of tIle City of Grand Is land, Ne braska, for the Air-
port Fund for the purpose of paying the expense of maintaining, equiping
and operating the Municipal Airport, and paying all expenses in connection
with said Airport, including salaries and labor.
That ttle revenues recei ved from the operation of the IVlunicipal Air-
port of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, are hereby appropriated for the
purpose of pay:Lng the expenses of operation of said l'ilunicipal Airport, in-
cllJding salaries arcd all incidental expenses in connection with the opera-
tion, maintenance and enlargement of said Municipal Airport.
Section 8. 'rhat the sum of $28,000.00, or so mu ch thel'eof as may be
necessary, is hereby appl~opriated out of the General Fund of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying for the extension of
sewers and d:r'ains other tlwn those els,eVlhere herein pI'ovided for, and for
the operation of the Di sposalPlant, salary of the Su perintendent and all
e other la her and repairs in01 dental to flu shing sewers and repairing sewers
and expenses incidental to the operation of the. Disposal Plant of the City
of Grand I sland, Nebraska.
Section SJ. 'rhat the sum of $11,500.00, or so mu ch the:r'eof as may be
necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the Gen81'a1 F1..md of the Ci ty of
Grand Island, NebraSka, for the payment of tbe expenses of light:Lng streets,
ORDINANCE # 1932 Cont.
alleys I Pu b1i c grounds andr-lIJildings of the City of Grand Island" Nebraska,
including the erection of new 1i.ghts and repairs.
Section 10. That the sum of $5,300.00, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the
_City of Grand Island" Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the hydrant
~ental for the ensuing year.
I Section lOA.
That the sum of $'7,500.00 is hereby appropriated to the Storm
Sewer Fund for the purpose of maintaining, repai ring, construe ting and
expending StO~l sewers of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
Sec.tion 11. That the sum of $4,500.00, or so much there of as
may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the
City of Grand Island, Nebraka, for the purpose of payang the salary of the
superintendent and all neces:ary help and all labor and all necessary
expense for the operation and maintenance of the MuniCipal Swimming Pool.
That the revenues received from the operation of the Municipal
Swi~ning Pool of the City of Grand Island, Nebra~, are hereby appropriated
for the purpose of paying the expense of operation of said Munici pal
Swimming Pool including salarie s and all incidental expenses, and labor
in connection with the operation, maintenance and repairing of said
Municipal Swimming Pool.
Section 12. That the sum of $16,500.00 or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is hereby appropriat~d for the purDose of maintaining,
extending, improving, and beautifying the parks and play gv01U'nds of the
C1 t.'! of Grand I sland, Nebraska, for the pu rpose of purchasing such real
estate as the Mavor and City Council may deem necessary for advantageous,
and for the purpose of paying salaries, lahar and repairs.
That an additional sum of $2,000.00 is hereby appropriated to
the Park Fund for the Special purpose of beautifying and completing
park improvemen ts a t the Pier Froperty or ]?ark according to plans and
specifications now on file.
section 13. That the sum of 150,000.00, or so much thereof as
_ay be necessa.ry" is hereby appropriated for the Police Fund of the C1 t:y-
~f Grand J.sland, Hebrasl{a, for the purpose of paying silaries of the Po1ic e
Department and Police Judge and all expenses of the Poli ce Department,
including care and expenses of the Department, Board of Heal th and Secretary
of the Board, and all expenses of said Board of Health for the ensuing year.
Section 14. That the sum of $50,000.00, or so much thereof as may
be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the Pire Fund of the Gity of
Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying salaries of the Gity
Firemen, Ghi at and Assistant Chi at of the Fire Departrn:an t of the Gi ty of
Grand Island, Nebrasv~, purchase of such new equipment and all other
expenses and repairs necessary in the operation of the Fire Department.
That the sum of $3,000.~0 is hereby appropriated for the purpose
of repaying money borrowed by siad Fire Department under date of July
19, 1939.
That the sum of $250.00 is hereby appropriated for the purpose of
paying interest on money borrowed by said Fire Department.
Section 15. That the sum of $12,500.00, or so much thereof as may
be necessary, is hereby ap.ropriated for the Ganetery Fund of the City
of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying for salaries of
the Garetaker and all help needed, la1:nr,.improvements, expansions,
beautification and maintenance of the Grand Island Gemetery, and to
purchase more ground if needed.
Tha t the sum of $1,000.00, same being the unexpended appropria t1 on
in said Gemetery Fund, is hereby re-apprqriated for the purpose of
paying a loan to the Ice Fund made under date of July 19, 1939.
That the sum of $1,000.00, same being the unexpended appropriation
of said Gemetery Fund, is hereby re-appropr1ated for the purpose of paying
a loan to the Light Fund under date of June 16, 1937.
Section 16. That the sum of $9,000.00 is hErr'eby appropriated
for the Paving Fund of the Gity of Grand Island, Nebra<ka, for the purpose
of paving streets and alleys, intersections, spaces opposite public
buildings and grounds, and for the repairing of streets and alley pavements.
Section 17. That the sum of $3,500.00, or so much ther()of as may
be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the Music Fund of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying for the expeni:;es of
I vocal, instrumental and amusement organizations for the free public
~ concats, festivals, parades and entertaiwlents.
~ Section 18. That the sum of $11,435.00, or so much thereof as
may ~e necessary, is hereby appropriated for the Library Fund of the
Gityof Grand Islsnd, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the expenses
of the Public Library, including salaries, repairs, purchase of books
and periodicals, and a.ll other expenses, incidental to and connection
with the Library for the ensuing year.
That the unexpended balance in the Library Fund in the sum of
$365.00 is hereby re-appropriated for the use and benefit of said
Library Fund.
Section 19. That the revenues received from the operation of the
Ice Department of the City of Grand ISland, Nebraska, is hereby apf)ropriated
for the pu1~pose of paying expenses of the operation of the said Ice
Depar~lent, including salaries and all incidental expenses in connection
with the operation, maintenance, repairing and enlargement of said Ice
Section 20. That the revenues received from the operation of the
Water and Light Departrnent of the Ci ty of Grand lsland, Nebraska, is
hereby especially appropriated by the laws of the State of Nebraska,
for the us e and benefit of said Department, and no appropriation for
said Depar~lent is made herein.
Section 21. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by
Fassed and approved this-7th: day ofIA1i1Igust, 1942.
6ity Clerk
An o:t:'dinance levying taxes in trle Ci ty of Grand Islam, Nebraska,
for the fiscal year commencing with the second Monday in August, 1942,
and ending the second 1'/;onday in August, 1943, and providing for the
collection thereof.
BE IT OHDiilNED BY tHE MAYOlc AND C1'11Y: COUNCIL of the City of Grand
Island, Nebraslrai
Section 1. That there is hereby levied, and. the sarne shall be
collected. in the manner provided. by law, upon all property, real, P0rsona~
and mixed of every kind and character, within the corporate limits of the
C1 ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, for t:t'e fiscal year commencing on the
second Monday in August, 1942, and ending on the second Monday in August,
1943, on each dollar of the actual valuation of said property, taxes as
follows, and for tbe following purposes:
The sum of Seventeen (17) kills for all general and all other muni-
cipal expenses.
The sum of 'l'hree Dollars ($3.00) on each and every male resident
of the C1 ty of Grand Island, Neb:C'aska, between the ages of twenty-one (21)
and fifty (50) years, except such as are by law exempt therefrom as a poll
Section 2. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
if hereby instru cted and directed to certify to the County Clerk of Hall
Goun ty, 1'Tebraska, the arnount of' said taxes, and tbe same shall be col-
lectod in the manner provided by la.w.
Section 3. This ordinanc e sriall be in force and take effect from
and after its passage, apDroval, and pu bl:t cation as provided by law.
Passed and appx'oved this 1th day of August, 1942.
l ty Clerk
An oJ:'d:Lnance pertalning to tr'ai leX's, trailer ca l-)ins, and
trai 101' camps; arnendln<g Section 12 of Ordinance No. 1908, and
I.epeallng said original section No. l:?~ of said Or-d:1.nance No. 1908,
of the O::t'dinances of tbe City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
}m I'll ORDAIHIID p;y 'rEE i,iAIOh .i.ND Gl'Y{ G UlJi'iCI.L of tlw Ci ty of
Grand Island, Nebraska:
SEG'l'ION NO.1. That Section No. 12 of Ordinance No. 1908
of the Or'dinances of the City of Grand Isla:o.d, Nebl'aska, be, and
the same is her eby amended to read as follows;
Tl'ler'e is hereby imposed a service and inspection charge of
one (4151) dallal' per month, pel" unl t on tlJe oceupant or occupants
of each lml t of public camps having a permi thereunder. The n81"'-
mit;tee of each public camp shall collect thIs sel'vice and :'Lnspec-
ti on cl) arge for and on bel1Etlf of tr-LO Ci ty of Grand Island, and
shall pav the sarne over to the C1 ty Treasurer on or' bef01'e the
5th day of each month after' said permit }Jas been :b1sued, and the
amount SO paid to said Cit.,y Treamu'ol' shall be in accordance and
consistent wi th tIle recoI'd kept by the permi ttee in the camp
register a.sberej.nafteI' provided; Provided, hovrevel", that wherever
the occupant or occupcmts of any st1ch trailer or trailer cabin,
in I:3l1V such public C81llp, remains in sa:Ld camp for a period less
than one vvoek, the service and jnspection cll.arge to be collected
by tIIO oennitteo sheJ.l be the sum of ten (lO>i) cents PC';l' day; and
tlw permittee shall collect said feeB and 1"e111i t tlJe same to tbe
Ci Treasure:t' at t118 t:Lme and as hE; rein pro vided.
SJi:G'I'ION FO ~ 2. That said original SectIon No. U~ of Oreli-
nance No. 1908 of the Ol"c1inances of the Ci.t.v of G1"anc1 Island,
Nebraska, be, anel tlJe same is bereby repealed.
SECTION NO.. 3. This Ordin8.nce s108.11 be in fOl"ce and take
effect from and aftox' 1. ts passaGe, approval, an.d publi cation as
provided bylaw.
Pass cd and ap1.;roved tld s 2d.d.ay of Septembel.:,..l9i12.
Mayor j
A~r']:EST :
City Cle~
.~/'t- ,.~"
tJ: v'" '" (/
I ~,/ J
.An ordinance authorizing and providing for the installation,
location, and p1a.cing of parking meters in the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska; proViding for the regulating, superviSing, and policing
of parking of vehicles and the collection of fees to pay for the
costs thereof, proViding for the distribution of the fees collected
from said parking meters and proViding penalties for the Violation
of the provisions of this ordinance.
Section 1. DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this ordinance,
the following definitions shall prevail~
The term "person" shall include an individual, partnership,
association or corporation.
The term "Operator" shall include every person who shall
operate a vehicle as the owner thereof, or as the agent, employee
or permi tte~ of the owner thereof.
The term "parking meter" shall mean an u~ight mechanical
device located at or near the curb or curb line, immedia.te1y ad-
jacent to the parking space in the street or public way, with
coin receptacle and so constructed as to enable the determination
of the time a vehicle is parked in such parking space.
Section 2. The insta.llation of parking meters for the City
of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby authorized and directed;
and the Traffic Division of the Police Department is hereby
charged with the duty of installing, maintaining, and properly
policing the same.
Section~. LOCATION AND PLACING OF MET~S. The City Council
shall, by resolution, designate the streets or public ways, or
portions thereof, upon which parking meters shall be located and
Section 4. FEE FOR PARKING. For the purpose of defraying
the cost to the City of regulating, supervising, and policing
the exercise of the privilege of parking vehicles, in, along,
- .
or upon the streets so designated by the Council, there is
ORDINANCE NO, 1935(000 t . )
here by imposed a fee ~ as hereinafter provided~ upon each person
parking a vehicle upon the streets so designated, between the
hours of eight 0' clock AeM. and six 0' clock F.M. of any day of
the week except Saturday ~ when fees shall be Charged during the
hours from eight A.M. to 9 F.M. No fees shall be charged on
Sundays and legal holidays. When any vehicle has been parked
in any pal'king space for which a parking meter has been provided~
the operator of said vehicle shall immediately after entering
the said parking space, deposit, or cause to be deposited~ a
coin of the United States of such kind and amount as shall be
indicated on the particular parking meter proVided for the
parking space which the operator has enter.d~ and the said
parking space may then be lawfully occupied by said vehicle during
the period of parking time indicated on said parking meter as the
time allowed for the particular coin deposited.
If said vehicle shall remain parked in any such parking
space beyond the parking time limit as indicated on such meter
for the particular coin deposited, the parking meter shall
display a sign or signal showing that such parking is 1llegal;
and in that event, such vehie;Le shall be Considered as parked
overtime and in violation of this ordinance.
Section 5. RESPONSIBILITY QF OWNER. It shall be unlawful
for any person to cause~ allow, perml~, or sutter any vehicle
registered in the name of such person to be parked overtime
or beyond the period of legal parking time established for any
parking meter zone as herein described.
Section 6. EXTENDING TIME PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful
for any person to deposit, or cause to be depOSited, in a parking
meter, any coin of the United States for the purpose of extending
the parking time beyond that fixed by the ordinances of the City
for the parking of veh!cles in th~ pat'tieular parking space for
which a parking meter has been prOVided.
Section 7. OV:ERTIM E PARKING. It shall be unlawful for any
person to permit a vehicle to remain in ~ny parking space for
ORDINANCE NO. 193 5(Cont .)
which a parking meter, has been provided~ while said meter is
displaying a signal indicating that the vehicle occupying such
parking space has already been parked beyond the period of time
pr escri bed for such parking space.
unlawf\:4l for any person to depositor cause to be deposited in
any parking meter any slug, device, or metallic substitute for
'any coin of the United states; or for any person to injure,
tamper with, open, willfully break, destroy or impair the use-
fulness of any parking meter installed und.er the terms of this
Section 9. CQlIPLIANCE6 PRIVlLEGES. Compliance with the
provisions of this ordinance shall not give the person complying
therewith any greater, different or additional rights or privi-
leges than is provided by the ordinances of the city relative to
parking of vehicles.
Section 10. DISPOSITION OF fEES. The fees collected under'
this ordinance shall not exceed the reasonable cost to the City
of regulating, supervising, and policing the exercise of the
pri vilege of parking. All moneys received from the operation
of said parking meters shall be deposited wi th the City Treasurer,
and by him placed to the credit of the Folice Fund of the City of
, ,', ~-L:L~
Grand IS~~"~ ~ ~7~
~ection 11. Any person, firm, association~ or corporation
violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon
conviction, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and be fined in
any sum not exceeding one hundred ($100) dOllars, and shall
stand committed to the city jail until the fine and costs of
prosecution are paid.
Section 12. This ordinance shall be in force and take
effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication
as provided by law.
Passed and approved this 16 day of September
1942 .
~1(:~ .
An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1642 and Ordinance
No. 1646 and Ordinance No. 1706 of the City of Grand Island,
Nebraska, fixing the salaries of certain city officers and
employees, defining their duties, and repealing Ordinance
No. 1642 and Ordinance No. 1646 and Ordinance No. 1706 and
all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith.
of Grand Island, Nebraska:
SECTION 1. The C1 ty Clerk of Grand Island, Nebraska,
shall receive a salary of $1920.00 per year, payable monthly,
and shall devote his entire time to his duties as Clerk, and
shall keep his office in the City Hall and keep said office
open from 8:00 A.M. to 5 P.M. daily, except Sundays and legal
holidays, and shall submit to the City Council, a monthly and
an annual report in such form as may be from time to time
required by the City Council.
SECTION 2. The Treasurer of the Ci ty of Grand Island
shall devote his entire time to his duties as such treasurer,
and as provided herein and by law, and shall act as collector
of special taxes and assessments and in addition thereto, as
- 2 -
ORDINANCE N~.1936 Cont.
SEGTION 4. The Ghief of Police shall receive a monthly
salary of $195.00 for his services as Ohief of Police and ex-
officio secretary of the Board of Health. There shall be one
Assistant Ohief appointed who shall serve twelve hours per day
and receive a salary of $167.50 per month.
SECTION 5. The salary of the Ci ty En gine er shall be
$250.00 per month and as such Engineer~ he shall provide all
the engineering required by the City. He shall also supervise
the construction of all sewer and water mains, the construction
of all streets~ sidewalks, and alleys and all repairs to sewers,
water maIns, streets, sidewalks, and alleys and shall have the
general charge of the operation and keeping of the city dump.
He shall also have general charge of building inspection.
SECTION 6. There shall be an Assistant City Engineer
and Assistant Building Inspector~ and for his services, he
shall receive the sum of $195.00 per month.
SECTION 7. The Park Commissioner shall receive a monthly
salary of $170.00, and he shall properly care for and maintain
all parks within the City and all voting booths in said City.
SECTION 8. The sexton of the cemetery shall receive a
monthly salary of $170.00, and in addition thereto, the City
shall furnish him with a telephone, lights, living quarters and
necessary fuel therefor. The sexton shall furnish and keep a
team of horses as a part of his duties without additional
compensa tion.
SECTION 9. The Caretaker of the City Hall shall receive
a monthly salary of $97.00, with living quarters in the City
Hall, together with necessary lights and fuel therefor.
SECTION 10. The Street Comrndssioner shall receive as
oompensation for his servi ces the sum of $185.00 per month and
shall perform his duties as directed by the City Engineer.
SECTION 11. The Chief of the Fire Department shall reoeive
a monthly salary of $195.00, and the Assistant Chief shall
receive a salary of $167.50, and there shall be four captains
On said department who shall be appointed and shall receive
monthly salaries of $150.00.
- 3 -
SECTION 12. The salary of the City Bacteriologist shall
be th e sum of $65.00 pe r month.
SECTION 13. There shall be one Scale Master who shall
receive the sum of $75.00 per month for his services.
SECTION 14. The Superintendent of the Disposal Plant shall
receive the sum of $160.00 per month for his services.
SECTION 15.. The Commissioner of Water, Light and Ice shall
receive a monthly salary of $415.00 per month$ the same to be
allocated by him between the fund s belonging to the said three
departmen ts accorctitng to the amount of work done for each
department respectivelY$ and'shall be payable semi-monthly.
SECTION 16. The City Physician shall receive as compensation
for his services the sum of $80.00 per month.
SECTION 17. The police Ju dge shall recei va as compensatim
for his services the sum of $75.00 per month.
SECTION 18. There shall be one Health Inspector whose
duties it shall be to inspect restaurants$ cafes, meat markets$
slaughter houses, meat packing plants, dairy plants, and all
places where public health and safety are in any way affected
and for his services he shall receive the sum of $160.00 per
SECTION 19. All salaries and wages paid to employees of
any department paid on the monthly basis or on an hourly basis
not otherwise provided for in this ordinance shall be fixed by
resolution adopted by the Mayor and Council.
SECTION 20. Each section of this ordinance waS passed
independently of other sections and the passage of each section
waB not by or dependent upon the passage of any other section
or sections hereof. The invalidity of any section or part
thereof shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections
or portions thereof.
SECTION 21. Ordinance No. 1642 and Ordinance No. 1646
and Ordinance No. 1706 of the ordinances of the City of Grand
Island, Nebraska$ and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances
in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
- 4 -
SECTION 22. The provisions of this ordinance and the
sa1arie s herein provi dad shall be retroacti ve as of May 1 st ,
1942 for all officers herein mentioned, proVided, however,
that the salaries and compensation to be paid to such officers
whose appointment is provided fpr by the City Cha.rter" the
effective date of payment shall be August 1st" 1942.
SECTION 23. This ordinanoe shall be in force and take
effect from and after its passa@S" approval, and publication
as provided by law.
Passed and approved by a thre e-fourths vote of all the
members of the City Council and approved by the Mayor this
seventeenth day of September, 1942.
C1 ty Clerk
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[:.tet'i,lLi11~l rJc-~_r1[-j 'Ufied 1:1 v.Jo~el{ esselltif:ll tf) tIle }~ulJlte l'leflltrl# I)ef:1Ce
C)1~' S L1.f (] ; I):r~ ov-l c.l_ed, 1'10V,' V\~l', t1.1r\. t Sl] ell 'V:,:; 1~1 c 1. () 3 S I1D.J.. J. co'. ..f:\ or~n1
to the un:U'Ol'Jl lightl re!:,:ulEtclons appT'ove,j promulgator} by
tll() GOIIlJIJEtr!f:1e_p of tIle .ball C()lJtlt;'y Gi'vll:iFtll I)e:fnJ1L~(:: COl'jrJS 01~~ tl:le
City CouncIl ell' t;]lC Cl1:y of Grccmo Island fo!!' it;JlackoJ t orner"goy'ey
'ven i c.1n s ~ J'T() co l^lt i:f i eLl t e f3} J. lJ (j in Gti C (J ,~';}J C01If ],1 e t s 1vi t 11
any regu lu,tion 01' orc!er the Unit;od SttJ.tOf::l ID'my applicable in
tllO 8.:r~c;n. f()II vi1'Jie11 tI1CJ c{:.;l")tlri.eElto is iSi3uoc1.
So etion 10.. I t nIl'll} be un Jawfu 1 for any pOI' ,jon \7 :i.tl::out
G.1J.tl"lO<~'lt:!; to U :38, "vveax\, exxII1Ji t 01~ r)OSSE~SS a.rl)ll-1r1:tfc)lT1YJ, lrLnJ.
'cc II
erJe(1..e.Y'tio.1, OX~ Ot118".1,/ l11c.lic,D.t.lorl of autl}()Ijlt;~i'J or allY :Llnl!'~elt:torJ
thereof; 9.CJoptoc1
J, St1
by an:,!
(~ici8.1 civiJ.ia,n defense
O~ef-~8.:nt Zt:lttOl1.
OFi.DINAm;E NO.. 19Z/7 (cold;..)
Seet;iOl"1 11. 1l11~Y' POI)8()fl 'iNtl() 31;':3..11 OTH31'Ct
a. :s5~ren, VJ}-li lei,
()J.~ (J
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vice 111 81~ch a manIler {is
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siLiY1t11 OJ.:" arl ~l11, c1ea.x" s12;rlDJ., 8J{Cept lJI)()11 t}1C~
()f t~lJ.e
o (Dr' tl';Jt1JOIi:tty~, sYu:ll1 be Gul1t~r o:f Et 'tr.:i.sd.ern_ea~rlo'rj.
Se e t 1 ()ll 12. ill G' 1) T\) '~li ::.: :1.. ':)1'18 0 f" C\fC: r'y' 0 oj" n.El. n. ce (f t 1]1 s
Cl t y,
c 'Vt~::r'y
1.rlist~eati'le ox.(1(:31"1 ra e PU1:S1.:l;3.nt t}1eJ~cto,
l'cquil'ing any illumination to be rnaintaJned in eonflict with
this ordinance 01' with any l'ule Ol~ :J:'egulation ln2cclo pUJ'sl1ant trJ
section 5 of this ordinance, sl-la]~l be deemed susponded
tIle J)0J:'5.oCl bet~veeD, arl"j" ctir :eairJ VvfLPD
81 gnal I'lYJC1 tr-I C next
succeoding a11 clear sir,;nal..
Se otion 13. Any peT'son 1J'11:10 81 all violate any p:eovJ :lIon
of tbl;::; 01' IH'1Ce shall bo guilty of a. rnisdenl('janol~, an(~, 'upOJl
CO n'li ct:l.on
eof, sIlall h8 punlshed by a fine lOf not exceeding
r8d Dollars ($100.00),
~3 t~tJ.11 f~j T~
comini tted until
2n.4C}1 f:}rJ8 (1)1d CostB slJa11 "be f)8,i(1.
If any p:r'ov:t~:;ion of th:ts orcUnance, or the application
thereof GO any pel'son or cl:l:cumst noes 1.8 held inval:i.d, st1ch
invalidity shall not effect other' prov.l.sions OJ' applications
of tbj.s ordinance WILich can be gi ven effect without the invalid
provisJon or 3.1:,pl:i.catlon, and to tLls end the prov:i8:Lons of tbis
ordimmce are declared to bo sevel:'.:cl.ble..
Section 14.. WBEH.1!.:/\'S, an err10rgency exists; tIll:J oI'cJinance
sbal1 take effc1ct an:~ be in forco immcdiatel:)r upon its passage
an(! signature by the Eayor of the eft of Grane] .Islarlc1..
Dated this 13th day of October, 1942.
WI a:Tor~.
Attest ..
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G:d;y Clorl{
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An ordinance pertaining to parking met?rs and amending
Section 10 of Ordinance No. 1935 of the ordinances of the City
of Grand Island, Nebraska, and repealing said original Section
10 of said ordinance No. 1935 of the ordinances of the City of
Grand Island, Nebraska.
City of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That Section 10 of Ordinance No. 1935 of
the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebra.ska, be and
the same is hereby amended to read as follows:
DI8POSITION OF -F'KSS. The fees collected under this
ordinance shall not exceed the reasonable cost to the City of
regulating, sup9rvising, a.nd policing the exercise of the
privilege of parking. All moneys received from the operation
of said parking m3ters shall be deposited with the City
Treasurer and by him certified to the City Clerk as credited
to 1:1 specia.l fund to be known and designated as the Ilparking
Meter Fund" as provided and in accordance viii th a parking meter
purchase contract existing between the City of Grand Island)
NebraSka, and the Duncan Meter Company of Chicago, Illinois,
and all claims against said fund shall be allowed in accorda.nce
with the terms of said contract and as ordered by the Mayor and
City Council.
Section 2. That Section 10 of said Ordinance No. 1935
be [md the same is hereby repealed.
Section 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take
effect from and aft~r its passage, approval, and publication
as provided by law.
Passed and approved this_21 _day of October, 1942.
An ordinance per tainin g to zoni ng; l"e-zoni ng Pra..ct iona..l
Block Nine (9) Bonnie Brae Adeli tiOD to the Ci ty of Grand Island,
Hall County, Nebraska, authoI'izing the arnendin g and changing of
the Zoni np; map attached to and made a p.'J_r t of Ordinance lifo. 1.585,
and de c laring that said Fract ional Block Nine (9) Bonnie Brae
Addition to the City ot' Grand Island, to be and bDcome a part
of tIle Commercial District of said cj.ty.
Whereas, an appH.catiQ'; has heretofore been macLe to the
Mavor and City Council of the City of Granel Island to re-zone
Frac ti onal Block Nine (9) Bonnie Brae Adeli tion to the City of
Grand Island, Nebraqka, and have the said descrj.bed F]"actional
Block Nine (9) Bonnie Brae Addition to the said city placed in a
Commercial District of said city, and
Whereas, not1ee of said application as provided by law
aDO noti ce of a public b.earing to be had on said applica tim
was given to all persons interested, and
Wher eas, said pu bli c hearing on said appli ca tion was
he Id on the 16th day of September, 1948, at 8 :00 p.m., in the
Council Hoom, second floor of the Ci ty Hall of said ci ty, and
no protests of whatsoever nature were filed or maGe against
said application.
COUJlTCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska:
Section 1. That Fractional Block Nine (9) Bonnie Brae
Adc1ition"to--t"Fie--cit:r of Grand Island, Hall County, :Nebraska, be and
the same is hm'eby re-zoned, and the said witldn described p1'81",i8es
be and the same shall becoTIie a Commerci al Di strict of' the c1 ty.
Section 2. Thr1.t the zoning ap which is attached to and
Ylhich is a part of Ol'dinance No. 1585 be and the same is hereby
ordered changed and amended in accordance with the provisions of
this ordinance, an.d that the City Engineer be and he is hereby
directed, authol'ized, and instructed to SYLencI and change said
zoning map in accordance witlJ the prov:l.sions of this ordinance.
gect:i;.g.p.~ This ordinance shall be in force an(1 t"l1{e ef:f'ect
l' l' OTl'l ano after its passa , approval, an! publication as provided
by law.
Passed and approved this 4th day of November, 1942.
----6 i f-v-- C lei-> k-------
I ., -I I
An ol~di.nance autho:l'iz:Lng a:nci dil"ec.ting thE) sale of
certain real estate belonging 0 the City of Grand Island,
Nebras 1m, proviC: in g tr\P mantie r i:r: which tbe sarre sll8.11 rJe sold
and the tern's of sr:d.d sale; provicJing :for the gi v:Lng of notice
1 l .C> ' " 'J 'J
of t."e sa..o o.c sale.: y'oa.. 0 S'C? i;e
tl'{) terms
thnreof; and,
prov:td:ing for the right to file a remonstrallce ag8j.m~t the
sale thereof s:Le:ned by legal elector'S of tIle City of Grand 1810.nd,
Ne bT'aska., equ al' in number of tbirty per cen t (30~~) of the ele ctOl' S
of suie} City, votinu; at tbe last regular municipal election
held in said City.
BE IT OIUJAll'ft.;D .t3Yj' lJi bAi Oh ~'~W.J O:1"lIY G aUN G 1.1 OF 'J.'lft:.
GI'Y'L Q} ijhAND I 0l.J.Hl'"D, NEBlAi:)KA:
Sectiot':.:...l. Tlle sale arid conveYE),nCe of reD.l estate
hereinafter described is hel'eby directed anc, authorized to
I. '] ,
\i. .1.1.
Olson, of the Gity of Grand Island.
The property directed and a-tJtborlzec1 to be conveyed
i c'
described as follows:
Fractional Lot 4, Fractional Block 27,
Scbimrner 1 s Addl tion to the C1 tv of
Grand Island, Hall Gounty, Nebi'aska.
of' said
The maL' nel' and
terms of said 8ale
l'eal csb3te ell'8 as f01101;"18:. 'fhe pu~:'cbasOI'" Ii,. 12;.011301'1, agrees
to pay one hundI'ed seventy-five d~175.00) doilil:.H'S fo~" the withIn
de8Cl~iibed real (;state und has pale: to the C1 ty Clc:rk of tIle
City of Grand Isl
tj,e sun". of twenty-five Uq~25.00) dollars
'1.8 a dovn\ pa~\ment therefor', and the balance of one lmndred
f.."l'f'ty. (S'pJ_50.(JO) (1011"'''8 'vJ'.lJ. be, 'oalO .co 11 t'h t'
T' , . u,.L \ - . "c' :'. in .ilL.. upon "L,O execu lon
8.DC') e.e 11 very of a (~ll it Claim Deed by t> e Ci t:v to the said
purChaser. The City shall not be required to fur fib an
abstrrJ.ct of title.
section 3 ~
As provided by lav!, notice of such sale
and the terms thor'of shall be Pl.), iched for tlu:\ee con secuti ve
vlecl::s irl triO Gr'Elnc:] IslflTlcJ
',. .l', ,.
1)ai1y Indepon:~cnt, a nev1spapor
publlshed. in and of general circulati.cnJ in the Git.y of Gl"a.nd
Is land, 1 ebc' as 1m, irnri(~di 8. tc 1y of tOI' the 'Oa88 a"e and }:.'l1 bli C,9. ti, on
of th:l f1 ol'dinD.nce; and. the Ci ty Clerk is hel'eby dL"E'cted and
instJ'llcted to pr'e:par'e f:l..nd rJUblish said notice.
OHDNA1\GE NO. ~__(conlt)
seet12E_..!b. Autho:'eitv is bercby gr'anted to the eleetOJ's
of tLc City of Grand Islanc, l~ebJ.a[ik::{, to file a 1'eF'ollstrance
against tbc sale of said l'oa1 estato; and if a ]"cmormtl'ance
a.ea5nst saie' sale sicned by legal electors of said C:lty eqtJal In
number to thirty per cent (30%> of the electors of said C~ty
voting at [:1'0 last 1'egul8.1' election rleld in saie! Ci ty to be filed
wi th tll' 1vla;;/o1' an'" GOUy}cil of' said C1 t;y wi thin tldrty clays of
the passl::l.ge and publication of tbis o:ed:1:narice, sai.d pI'opert;{ shall
not t11en, nor wi tb in one year the I' eafter 1) e sold.
Section 5.
The sale of sald real estate) is l1el'eby
dire ctod, 8.utrlOri zed and cor fix'med, ane if no remon stran ce be
filed appin st su ch sale, the Ii, a.vor and C1 ty Clnrk shall rnalw,
exe cu te, arid de 1i vel' to the sa 1d M. .D. 01 son a Q;1.1 Lt Claim Deed
for said pI'oj)E::rty and the execution of saie] deed is heret);'!
autl1oY'izod witlwut f1.J:ether action on behalf of tl:'Co City CouncU.
So cti on 6. 'rlii iJ 0 r.J i nan co 81[111 be in fox' ce and t aIm
effect f:t'orn and aftr;r its DaSGS , approval" and ptloJi cation,
as provided by law..
Pas scd anfl. apPl'oved thi s 2Q4___ day of Dec~.ml>_er ,J,..9~2._,
1 9 42 .
WI a VOl'
C1. ty C1EH'k
Oi-:.DIlf.i.I.NGE NO. 1Q42
OrdinWlce creating special water ma~D District No. 90,
5.. rl tlJ c Gl
o f} (}~(l
I;::ln , FClrc[1f:,kn, de:f::tning the OOll D..r'lCf:l
ovic 1
r or t11 () ~l,
p; OJ~ t]]e VI flter TI1Etj.y.1 5_ 11 S n.:tc1
(iistrict, [;lD.e pr'ovj.c~inp; fo:e the pa\71HCl1t of t}1( cost or COYH!truct:i.on
tJ]C-~J?eot) .
BE 1'1' ormAU:EJJ B'y 'I'HbL I~YUlL
CITY G00~CIL of the City
of' (}I'E1Y1C} IfJlancl, ITel)I'[1[<~a;
Section 1. 'I'hat therr is hen'coy Q1'GCited a spec1al vlater
main district 1n the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be own
arid c~esip;natoci as ifiato:c Lain District No. 90, of ttlE' City of
G:eand Island, Nob:e8.~~ka.
Section 2. Said riate:::' mahl ciistI'ict saIl COnSif:lt of that
part of Neb:e['.~3ka Avenue f:cQn LocuE"t street to Gx'eenvvich AVCntle
(~lppr'o:;dme.tely 320 feet); on GI'ecmv.Jich Avenue frol;,! Ncln'8.filia
Avenue to tJle intersection of Greenwich
A venu e (approxhcc. te 1y 80 fo'; t); Call1'o1'n1. a iwern..1 e fl' ()J1' tl1e
interrJection of Gl'cenw:i.ch Avenue
Gal if O1.'n1a Avermc to "
in terse eti 01'. of Calif oI'nia .\ Ven'll e and Clark stre (-)t (apPI'o
720 fe t); an6 C1cI'h: Stl'cct from a,e int(n~iJcct:l.()r; of Gal:Lfo:L'nia
A vc'y,u e [in Glar'k 81;ro at to Phocrdx Avenue ([l.]i})X'
tely Bt'50 fect).
Sect:t.Oll 3. Said VV(lt!el~i rnaJ.rl c:1ilstri ct ls
reby ordo:"ed
laid as
c)vi6.ee} l)7{ la-\tI, allo. III o.ccorlc;~n..JJce "\j'.Jltl) tll.c 1)18.n;~ D,.l1C
. n. ... .
CJ..T 1. CtJ,"IJJ.O):.1f3
e:o veX-Yt i Lr. ,g Vv' [L tori r;ta:i.l"\ f), D. S I'lCl' e tof' 01' e
e stDb :U. ::<hed
by t}i() cIty.
".1: .
~J~l:.[t t t lic
or} tlI'
cos t of
cem stru ction
a.sse ss [t1J]~e
of said vvateI' Hlain c:istrict
1 be assessed against the abutting
pro rty:i.n sa:Lc: ciJst:eic.t and .s. tax ;'3hall lie levi ed. to pay for
tl~{) EtssessnJ:Jlo cost of COYlst:e1.1cttorl ot~ SL\j_d. If/ate!' n:[;l~Ln c1.istI~lct,
as soon 2S saj.d. cost caD be ascertained., sqid special water utA.in
district tax shall be due and
COInG delinQuen.t in the r.anner
and nt'bc tlme pl'ov:i.ded by law anc:i shall be collected in tbe
manner provided lJV law; pl'ovided., }lowever, the ci ty tI'eaSUI'cr
not coLlect, OJ~ cel.tlfy, tIle 8;"clmt of' saie taxes to the COlF,ty
tre i3.f31U'Cl' of said Hall GOUD ty, NebI' 8.8k8, on any of the
Or:":;l~ ty
:Ln E1Cdd district, untll ordered so to do by a Y'osolut:iorl of t}tc
Gi.ty Ccn.:mcil,. 1-'81"1 is~:]ion sh!'i.l1 be granted to the ownerE' of any
of t:h.C
opcrty in said district to pay the taxes to be levied
ORDIl\i"'l.FCE NO. ~942__
8.n(1 assessed 8:.'3":~nst any of' salc: propoJ:'ty, as 8:"a11 be detOT'l:lrled
~b:)" tYI.e VIet (-;1' COY(~1Llinsio 11 of) E:[:l~lct clt:T, vV}lcl1eVGI' S1JCfl pe~eS(}r1
shall deal e to tap or connect with said wator majn,
t}10U t
interest, pTovided, however, such permission shall :ilave been
p;ro.nted botol'e the oi ty treac1Ul'Or' lla~l been ol'c[()l'cd l):v~ tll0 COlUlci.l
to coLLect the s::rmo. It 811Etll bo )[I
the ou t;:,r of the vIator
commi::]sionoI' to collect tJOlO specLll taXO[j to be lEn.riod and
aSSGsse~; as a taJ)pj_Dg charge agaj.Dst the property in said d.istrj,ct
iJntll tIle ci ty treaS"l..1J"or shall be oI'clerocJ to col1E::ct '[-,]-")0 sarlO.
'rho water' ma:1n in so.iet di:,:tri ct shall not be tf::li1ped anc} no
connoction sl1al1 .be made theTev/itJi for the }JtH']:lOSe of sel'ving ar.:y
of' t;}j.o nrorerty in saie dLd-;r:tct w:ttlLout a permit therefor', as
provided by tlJe Ol'CUEanCes of saie:: city, and l.mtll the vvatex'
comr'1i38:1.or81' shall have been paid tl:c srJccial tax to be levied
OJ1(~ f:tRE:0r~~.~ed_ t':l~S 8. tarJping ctl.aJ.'{;;e ane} t.l\(; P(~l~SOll~ f'lrrrl, aSE'ociEl.tlo11
01' corporation.. ta~ODh1g or' conncct:1.ng 1N:Lth said maIn, v:ithout
f'i:est having obtained a pernlit therefor'
wj_thout h.'lv:Lnp; paid
tIle t.ax to be levied and aE:Eios,ced, sh[(ll immedLr;d;ely boc'orne
Ij_sJ:Jlo tC) 8:11d ci t:r to ~p8.~l tn,e smnc 8.De) t}18 s~pec:l.r11 t2.X. slJt:tl1
ilI'r,odi8.tel;) becof,\o a J:i.en Ul)on t;be property sorved. 8.11C} sbaJl draw
~Lntel'est at tb.c~ i'ate of soven pcr cent por' annum and EJ )8.11 be
colJ.ectc-,( o.l1d ollforced "by t1-'.o c:Ltv treaS1.F'OX' of said city 8.S in
Case 0'. OtbOl" special taxos.
Section 5. TILts o}:dir'o.nco shall be :1n force a:nc tr:.ke
effoct fron] o.nC .s..ftCJ' its pass
, ap pr 0 val an C j'7ub J5 c at :i. 0 1"1 as
;0::-'0 v:Lu e" by 1 '[LV(.
" l.:covc;d b:17 a thrf:e-fourtbi:1 vote of a11 tbo
n1cnl1)e~ps of t1,1/: Git.;{ C01..11'}cll 'r~
... /,.,(. r'i". -,.' 0"0 'D-c.,c""-'.' "1'
,; ~} L-.' :~. ./C cc.! ,-.L 'c, ~:,lu. ,J G.. ,
It) 42 .
:JI< c7/' r
1Vl ayor'
7~ pJ~
--....-:::..~:r.........--'-..._...~-.--._.--- "-_..---.-.~. -~,_..--.._---
Ct ty Clerk