1943 Ordinances e I I I e OHDINANGE NO. ..l2~l_ An or'cHnance mnenc1i ng Se c tion No. 3 or OI'dinance Jl10. 1508 of the ordJ.nances of the City o:f Grand Island, Nebra,'ka, Pe1'- taining to the selling, gi v:ing away and procuI'ing of any alcoholic liquor" for any minor' 01' person who is mentally incompetent or an'y person who is physically or mentally incapaci tated due to the consumption of' such liquors, and pro- viel :i.ng penalties therefor, and repealing said original Section No.3 of said Ordinance No. 1508 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island., Nebraska, and all or'dinances, or sections thereof, and parts of ordinances in conflict hel'ewith. BE IT OhDAINlill BY 'EBB lilA,YOn AND CI11Y CWNCIL of the City of Grand l.sland, Nebraska: Section 1. That said Section No.3 of Ordinance No. 1508 of the ordinances of the City of Grand 1s1and, Nebr'aska, be, and the same hereb'y is, amended to l'ead as follows: (a) No person shall, within su 011 Oi ty, sellar' gi ve any alcoholic liquors to, 01" procure any such liquors for, or pel'mit the sale or gift of any such liquors to, or pr0C1.:l1'ing of any such liquoT's for any minor or any person who is mentally incompetent or any per'son who is physically 01' mentally in capaci tated due to the consumption of such liquors. (b) No minor shall, within the Cit,'l of Grand Island, Neheaska, r'epresent that he is of age for the pUI'TJase of asking fol', purChas- ing or recei ving any alcoholic liquors fl"om any person. (c) No ratrlor' srlall, witrJin the City limits of Grand Island, Nebraska, have in his possession any alcoholic liguOl'S, provicLed, however, any minor employed as a deli ver'y boy for the sole and. only pUrpOfJ e of deli vex'i ng alcoho li c liQu or s to a bona-fide pur/chaser shall not be guilty of' violating the pl'ovisions of this Section. Section 2. Any pel'son violating any of the pr'ovisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con- viction thereof shall be punhlhed by a fine of not mor'e than ~p50.00. section~3!... That said original Section No.3 of Ordinance No. 1508 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, l'~ebraska, be and the same is hereby l'epealed. Section 4. This oxCl.inance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved thi s .Q.th.._ day _January___ 1943. /J~. - ....~ ::- II a.v or ...... ~ '-0 A T'I'EST: _ ~1~ ORDINANCE NO. -l9..i4- An ordinance authorizing and directing the sale of certain e I real estate belong~ng to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, providing the manner in which the SaIlle shall be sold and the terms of said sale; providing for the giving of notice of the sale of said real estate and the terms thereof; and, providing for the right to file a remonstrance again st the sale ther eof signed by legal electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, equal in number to thirty (30) per cent of the electors of said City. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska$ Section 1. The sale and conveyance of real estate here- inafter described is hereby directEt~ and authorized to Guy Stevens of the City of Grand Island. The prop9rty ,directed and authorized to be conveyed is described as follows; I Lot Six (6), Block Seven!?))" 'ac~r:'& Bar,ItIS Add1 t1611 to the City of Grand Island, Hall County" Nebraska. Section 2. The manner and terms of said sale of said real estate are as follows: the purchaser" Guy stevens, agrees to pay sixty ($60.00) dollars for the within described real estate" and has paid to th~ City Clerk of theCity of Grand ISland, the sum of fifteen .15.00) ~ollars asa down payment therefor, and the balance ot forty-rive ($45.00) dollars will be paid in full upon the execution an~ delivery of a~it Claim, Deed by the City to the said purchaser. The City shall not be required to furnish an abstract of title. I e Section 3. As provided bylaw" notice of such sale and the terms thereof shall be published for thr.ee consecutive weeks in the Grand Island Daily: Independent, a newspaper published in andof general circulation in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, immediately after the passa~ and publication of this ordinance; and theCi ty Clerk is hereby directed and instructed to prepare and publish said notice. Section 4. Authority ~s ?ereby_granted to the electors of the C1 ty of GTand ISland, NebraSka, to file a remonstrance against the sale of said real estate; and if a remonstrance ORDINANOE NO. 1944 ,(conlt) e I against the sale of said real estate.. signed by legal electors of said Oi ty equal in number to thirty (30) per cent of the electors of said City voting at the last regular election held 1n said Oity be filed with the Mayor and Council of said Oity within thirty (30) days from the passage and pUblication of this ordinance, said pr~perty shall not then nor within one year thereafter be sold. Sectio~ 5. The sale of said real estate is hereby drected, authorized.. and c~nflrmed, and if no remonstrance be filed against su ell sale, the Mayor and Ci ty Cl~rk shall make.. exe cu te, and deliver to the said Guy Steven13 a Quit Olaim Deed for said property and the ~xecut;on of said deed is hereby authorize d without further action on behalf of the City Council. Section 6. This ordinance shall be in foree and take effect from and after its passage.. apP~oval, and publication as provided by law. I Passed and approved this 17th day of F~bruary , 1943. (i / ;' ( . \"<..1 "\\ I / / / /\ "'V/ .... L:- // ~//., 4:..-~'-'--~-''-----1 ( )'. ... /. . / Mayor ATTEST; ~JA Oi ty Clerk I e e I I I e / ~,- ORDINANOE NO. 1945, ---- An ordinance amending Sections 1, 2, 3, and 17 of Ordinance No. 1936 of the ordinances of the Oity of Grand. Island, ~ebraska, fixing the salaries of the Oity Olerk, Oity Treasurer, the Oity Attorney, and the Oity police Judge of the Oity of Grand ~sland, Nebraska, and repealing said original Sections ~2, 3, and 17 of said Ordinance No. 1936. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND OITY OOUNCIL of the Oity of Grand lSland, Nebraska: Sectiolll. That Section 1 of the Ordinance No. 1936 be and the same 1s hereby amended to read as follows: The OityClerk of the Oity of Grand Island, illebraska, shall receive a salary of $2400.00 per year, payable monthly, and shall devote hi s entire time to his duties as Clerk and shall Keep said office open from 8:00 A.M. .to 5 P.M., (fla11yexcept Sundays and legal holidays, and shall perform all duties imposed upon the City Clerk by the laws of the State of Nebraska~ the charter of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, and other addi tional duti es as may from time to time be required of him by resolution du ly passed and adopted by the City Council. Section 2. That Section 2 of said Ordinance No. 1936 be and the same is he reby amended to re ad as follow s; The Ci tyTreasurer of Grand Island, l~ebraska, shall recei ve a salary of $2400.00 per year, payable monthly, and shall devote his entire time to his duties as Treasu rer arid shall keep. said office open from 8~OO A.M. to 5 P.M., dtU.ly except Sundays 8.ndlegal holidays, and shall perform all du ties imposed uion the Oity Tre asurer by the laws of the State of ebraska, the charter of the. 01 ty ~f Grand Island, the ordinance s of the Oi ty of Grand sland, and other addi tional du ties as may from time to time be requ:lred of him by resolution duly passed and adopted by the City Council. Section 3. That Section 3 of said Ordinance No. 1936 be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows~ Thel'e shall be a Oity Attorney who shall recei ve as compensation for his services the sum of $130.00 per month. Section 4. That Section 17 of said Ordinance No. 1936 be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: The P6liceJudge shall receive as compensation for his services the sum of $95.00 per month. Section 5. That said original sections I, 2, 3, and 17, of Ordinance No. 1936, be and the same are hereby repealed. ORDINANCE NO. 1947' _( cont t) e I Section 6. The salaries herein proVided shall not beoome et'fecti ve until the 1st day of May, 1943, and after the passa@e, approval, and publication of this Ordinance as provided by law. Passed and approved this 3T'd da.y of' March $ 1943. '~-~ 7~ ATTEST$ ffi-reuP. vU Oi ty Clerk I I e e I I }, I e O~INANCE NO. 1946 An ordinance levying special water district taxes to pay for the construction of the water main in Water Main District No. 90" of the Ci ty of Grand Island" l\jebraska" and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand I sIanO." :N ebraska! Section 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special watpr main district tax against the lots, tracts" and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the purpose of paying the assessable cost of construction of the water main in Water Main District No. 90, of said city" in accordance wi th the benefits found and assessed against the several lots" tracts, and parcels of land in said District by the Mayor and City Council of said city, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after notice thereof as provided by law; each of the several lots" tracts, and parcels of land is assessed as follows: N(,i.ME. LOT BLOCK ADDITION AWl OU NT BETTER BUILDERS I1\1C. It ft' 11 1 Better Homes Sub. $30 .66 12 1 It tt It 30~66 13 1 tt It It 30~66 14 1 It U " 30.66 15 1 It U II 30.66 16 1 It n It 30166 17 1 It It It 30.66 18 1 II tl It 30.66 19 1 It It II 30.66 20 1 It It It 30.66 tl It .. at " II II II It It tl " II II It II CHRISTINE MORHIS West 1321 1 lfWl 1 WilliBIl1 Franks 70.00 JOHN T.. DAVIS West 1321 West 1321 70.00 2 J:G.Q 1 1 1 William Franks 70.00 It 3 lOOl William Franks WESTERN BUILDERS INC. II II It " It II It II n tt tl II " It tl It It It " It 9 ~t 3 Be t ter Hom e s Sub. 59.50 10 6tl 3 II II II 45.50 11 6 1 3 It tl " 45.50 12 ~Ol ~ It II It 42 .00 13 ~t 3 11 II II 42 .00 14 15' 3 II It It 31.50 15 ,4'51 3 " U It 31.50 16 -41)1 3 II It It 31.50 17 4J:l-~rr 1 3 tl It II 33.39 B };It-&, 3 II It l;U 122.50 HAZEL JANE CONCANNON A tract in SEt-NEi, Sec. 21, Township 11 North, Range 9 West, on west side of California Avenue e I I I e ORDINANCE NO. .J~6 between Greenwich and Clark street - 590' 413.00 HAZEL JANE CONCANNON A tract in SEi-NE1, Sec. 21, Township 11 North, Range 9 West, on west side of Clark Street, north of california Avenue - 238' 166.50 MATTIE F'RANK A tract in SEi-:NRt, Sec. 21, Township 11 North, Range 9 West, on west side of Clark Street, south of Phoenix Avenue - 560' 392..Q.Q TOTAL $1,973.09 Section 2. Said special water main district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law and shall be collected in the manner provided by law; provided, however, that the City Treasurer shall not collect the amount of said taxes and shall not certify the amount of said taxes to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraslca, on any 01' the property herein described until ordered to do so by a Resolution of the City Council, or as provided in Section 5. Section 9..!. Permission is hereby granted to the owners of any of the property hereinbefOl~e set forth to pay sajd taxes levied and assessed against any of the property herein described as sh.all be de termined by the Water Coromi ssioner of the Ci ty of Grano Island, Nebraska, whenever such person shall desire to tap said water main for water purposes without interest; provided, that said permission shall have been granted befol"e the City Treasurer shall have been ord.ered to collect said taxes or befo!'8 the same shall have been certified to the County TreasuI'er of Hall County, Nebraska. section 4. It is hereby made the duty of the Water Commissioner to collect the taxes hereinbefore levied and assessed as a tapping charge against the property hereinbefore taxed, and to pay the same to the City TreaBUr~r until the taxes hereinbefore levied and assessed shall have been ordered to be colle cted by the Ci ty Treasurer or shall have been certified to the County Treasurer. Section 5. No person, or persons, corporation or association sl~ll tap the water main im Water Main District No. 90, for the purpose of serving any of the property hereinbefore described without first having obtained a permit therefor as provided by the complied ordinances of the City of Grand Island, NebraSka, ORDINANCE NO. 1946 and without first having paid to the Water Comrnissioner for said permit the tax hereinbefor-e levied and assessed as a e I tapping charge, and in the event of any person, corporation or association shall 'tap said water main without first having obtained said permit or without first having paid the tax so levied and assessed, the said person, corporation, or association shall become liable under the compiled ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and in addition thereto, it is hereby made the duty of' the City Tre asurer of the Ci tv of' Grand Island to collect the amount of the taxes levied and assessed against the premises and to certify the same to theCounty Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, together with instructions to collect the saIne, as provided by law. Section 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law. I Passed and approved this 17th day of March, 1943. /~~ MAYOR . '..--- ATTEST; +cf.~ GI'TY CLERK I e e I I I e ORDINANCE NO. 1947 An ordinance creating Water Main District No. 91# in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska# defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a water main in said district, and providing for the payment of the cost of construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That there is hereby created a water main district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Water Main District No. 91 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. 8ec" ion 2. Said Water Main District shall consist of that part of California Avenue from Anderson Avenue to Alter Avenue, Which shall include all lots, tracts, and parcels of land fronting on said street, bounded as aforesaid, and wi thin said dist:eict. Section ~ Said water main in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance wi th the plans and specifications governing water mains heretofore established by the city. Section 4. That the entire cost of constructing said water main shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax Shall be levied to pay for the cost of construction of said district as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to become payable and delinquent; and draw interest as follows, to-Wi t: one-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days after such levy; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years, and one-fifth in four years.. EaCh of said installmen ts, except the fir st, shall draw interest at the rate of 7% per annum from the tim.6 of the aforesaid levy until they shall become delinquent, and after the same become defu~nquent# interest at the rate of 9% per annum shall be paid thereon until the same shall be collected and paid; such special taxes shall be collected and enforced as in cases of other special taxes, a.nd sa.id special tax shall be a l:1.en on said real estate from and after the date of the levy thereof. Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law. e I I I e ORDINANCE NO. 1947 Passed and approved tJ;:tis 17th day of "March, 1943. ~-~- 1 AYOR N.r'fEST: ~/J-A CI TY CLERK 7~ / e I I I e ,. ' ORDINANCE NO. 1948 \ An ordinance authorizing and directing the sale of certain real estate belonging to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, providing the manner in wnich the same shall be sold and the terms of said sale; providing for the giving of notice of the sale of said real estate and the terms thereof; and, providing for the right to file a remonstrance against the sale thereof signed by legal electors of the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, equal in number to thirty per cent (30%) of the electors of said city, voting at the last re~lar municipal election held in said city. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR Al\iD oJilI'Y 000 NOlL of the Oi t Y of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 1. The sale and conveyance of the real estate herei nafter described is hereby directed and authorized to Better Builder.s, Incorporated, of the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska. The property directed and authorized to be conveyed is described as follows: itA parcel of land known as Anderson Avenue extended into Block p, First Artistic Homes Addi tion, to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and the alley north from Anderson Avenue to Phoenix Avenue, dearcri bed as follows: IlBeginning at the Southwest corner of Andel'son Avenue, going east along the South line of Anderson Avenue, a distance of 156 feet to the West line of California Avenue; thence North 60 feet along the West line of California Avenue; thence West 140 feet along ~he North line of Anderson Avenue; thence North 318.85 feet along the East line of the alley to the South line of Phoenix Avenue; thence Somthwesterly 18.2 feet along South line of Phoenix Avenue; thence South approximately 436 feet alon~ the West line of the alley to the point . of beginning.' Section 2. The manner and terms of said sale of said Incorporater real estate are as follows~ The purchaser, Better Builders, , agrees to nay two hundred ($200.00) dollars for the within described real estate,ll1d has paid to the City Oli,;rk, of the City of Grand Island, the said sum of two hundred ($200.00) dollars. The City of Grand I sland agrees to furni sb the said purchaser a qu it claim deed therefor, but the City of Grand Island shall not be required to furnish an abstract of ti tle. Section~ As provided by law # notice of such sale and the terms thereof shall be published for three consecutive weeks in the Grand Isla~nd~ .~ly IBde]?endent, a newspaper e I I I e " 't I'~,_ ORDINANCE NO. 1948 publlshed in and of general CiI'culation in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, imnediately after the passage and publication of this ordinance; and the City Clerk is bereby directed and instructed to prepar'e and lJUblish said notice. Section 4. Authol'ity is herehy granted to the electors of the City of Grand Island, l"lebraska, to file a remonstrance against the sale of said real estate; and if a remonstrance against said sale signed by legal electors of said Ci ty equal in number to thirty per cent (3e~0') of the electors of said city voting at the last regular electj.on held in saj.d ci tybe filed with the Mayor and Council of said city within thirty d,ays from the passage and publication of this ordinanee, said property shall not then, nor, wi thin one year, the~eafter be sold. Section 5. The sale of said real estate is hereby directed, authorized and confirmed, and if no remonstre.nce be filed against such sale, the Mayor and City Clerk shall make, execute, Incorporated and deliver to fuhe said Better Builders, , a ~it Claim _ J _..... Deed for said property and the execution of said deed is hereby authorized without further action on behalf of the City Council. Section 6,. Tbi s ordinance shall be in fOI' ce and talre effect from and after its passage, approval, and publications, as pr'ovided by law. Passed and appro ved tIli s 17th day of MarCh, 1943. A~ud'____7 .r --cr::- A'rrrES'I' :: +./~ CI TY CLERK ORDINANCE NO. 1949- An ordinance authorizing and directing the sale of certain real estate belonging to the City of Gl'and Island, Neb:r'aska., providing the manner in which the same shall be sold and the terms of said sale; providing for the giving of notice of the e I sale of said real estate and the terms thereof; and, providing for the right to file a remonstrance against the sale thereof signed by legal electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, equal in naumber to thirty per cent (30%) of the electors of said City, voting at the last y'egular municipal election held in saj.d Ci ty. BE I'r ORDAINill) BY 'I'HB 1:;1 A:iOH i\.ND C1'I'Y COUNCIL OF 'l'Iill CI'I'Y: OF' GRAl~D n.>1.i~ND 1 NBBRASKA: Section 1. The sale and conveyance of real estate herein- after described is hereby directed and authorized to Henry P. Zieg, of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska. The property directed and authorized to be conveyed is described as follows: I Lot Five (5), Block Ninety-Six (96), Original Town, now the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. Section 2. The manner and terms of said sale of said real estate are as follows: The purchaser, Henry P. Zieg, a~'ees to pay three hundred fifty-one ($351) dollars for the within de- scribed real estate and has paid to the City Clerk of the City of Grand Is land the sum of twenty-fi ve (~~25) dollars as a down payment therefore, and the balance of three hundred twenty- six ($326) dollars will be paid in full upon the execution and deli very of a Qui t Claiul deed by the Ci ty to the said purchaser. flbe Ci ty shall not be required to furnish an ab- stract of ti tle. Section 3. As provided by law, notice of such sale and I e the terms thereof shall be publi shed for tbree consecu ti ve weeks in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspapeI' p.:lblished in and of general circulation in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, inlJ:Tlediately after the passage and publication of thi S ol'di nance; and the Ci ty Clerk is hereby dire cted and instructed to prepare and publish said. notice. Section 4. Authority is hereby granted to the electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to file a remonstrance ORDINANCE 1949 __ against the sale of said real estate; and if a remonstrance against said sale signed by legal electors of said Ci ty equal in number to thirty per cent (30%) of the electors of said City voting at the last l'egular election held in said City b,' filed with the Mayor and Council of said Ci ty wi thin e I thirty days after the passage and publication of this ordinance, said property shall not then, nor 1Nithin one year thereafter be sold. Section 5. 'rhe sale of' said real estate is hereby directed, authorized and confirmed, and if no remonstrance be filed against such sale, the Mayor and City Clerk shall make, execute, and deliver to the said Henry P. Zeig a Quit Claim deed for said property and the execu tion of said deed is hereby authorized wi thou t fUJ:'ther action on behalf of the City Council. Section 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its pa[1sage, approval and publication, as pI' 0 vided by law. Passed and approved this l?tb_ da~;t)/~43' , 71 Mh><JLUL"/.< <. "4.L../L./''''' ~YJ r --.-- C':J I A'rTEST: ~:~~. I e OHDINANGE NO* 197:0- An ordinance pertaining to animals of. the dog kind; amending Ordinance No. 1575 of the ordinances of the Gi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska; fixing and providing for the nayrnent of dog taxes; l'eql;liring a penni t to keep or harbor female dogs; prohibiting dogs to run at :Large; providing for payment of damages caused by GO ; provid- ing penalties for the violation of the provisions of ORDINKNCE this ordinance; and repealinlANo. r575 of the orclinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. BE IT OHDAINED BY 'I1HE hd~YOH AND GIfry COUNCIL OF 'IfilE Gl'1'.1: 01' Gd.'1.l'U) I0.Lld~D, NEBHASKA. SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. 1575 of the Ordinances I of the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska be, and the same is hereby mnended to read as follows: That the O'Nner or harborer of every animal of the dog kind in the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, shall oe required to pay to the Oi ty Treasurer of said Oi ty an I annual registration tax for said dog or Cogs as h8rein- after provide?_, to-vvit: for ever'y male or spayed ferrtale, the sum of ~pl-. 50 .' and fOI' every unspa;red l' a:nale the sum of ~ 2.~O; provided .the same is paid on or hefore the same becomes delinquent, or the sum of ~r,j...2.. QOfor every male and spayed female after the S~1e becomes de-. linquent, and the sum of $ 3_00 for every unspayed fe- male after the same rJecornes delinquent. The dog taxes so collected shall be placed in the Police F'und of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; and it is hereby made the duty of every person ovvning. or harboring any animal of tb.e dog kind in said Gi ty to report the same to the I e Gi ty 111reasurer and ha ve the same regi stered and numbered and provided with a check, and to pay the registration tax as herein provided. Said tax shall become em e on the first cJay of' IVlay of each yenr anCi shall become delin- quent on the first Clay of J-une of each yc:)ar. SECTION 2. No person, firm, association, or 001'001'- ation shall be allowed to own, Jeeep or harbor any female animal of the dog kind wi thin the corporate lind ts of the ORDINANCE NO .19:>0 CONT. City of Grand Island, Nebraska, without firfJt having seeured from the lvtayol' cinel Oi ty Council a pe:l'mit there- fore; and in ac' i ti on thereto the tax providecl for in Section 1 of this Ordinance shall be paid. '1'he pE:n'l11it provided fo:e in this Section shall be made upon application e I to the Mayor and Ci ty Counei 1; and if the S8Ine be an t ed , a permit sha-Ll be issued by the City Treasurer on a form provided for that purpose; said permit to be issued by said City '1'reasurer without charge. SBC'I'ION 3. It shall be unlawful for the owner, keeper, or harborer of any dog, regarcile s s of age or sex, to permit the same to run at large (!1.-1ring the period cormlencing April 1 and ending ~L ~,o{ ~a~h a.'iI")'C,,~,v'-rC-{ , It.' {: I {. ; yea:!.'; and any dog found runn:i.ng at large ou ring said period shall be seized by the proper po1:Lce authorities and shall be held in the Ciog pouno., ano dis'oosed of or destroyed as provided by the Orciinances of the City of Grand Island. I SEC'I'rON 1:. No person shall own, keep, or har'lJor or a110V'! to be in, or upon any premises occupied by bJ.m, or under his charge or control, any dog that in any m::mner injures or destroys any real or personal property of any description belonging to another. If upon the trial of any offense mentioned in this secti.on, it shall apl-J:9ar to any Poli ce Judge that the person be guilty as charged in saic'J complaint, said judge may, in adcii tion to the usual juclg;ernent of convictlon, order the person so Offending to make resti tution to the party injured in amount equal to the value of the property so injured or destroyed. I e SBCTION 5. That Ordinance No. 1575 of the City of Grand Island, and all ordinances and Darts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same ar'e 118r'eby re- pe a1 ed . A..Y1 Y person, 1'i1'm, a sso ci ati on, or cOI'pora ti on vi- olating any of the provisions of this ordinan ce shall, upon' con vi c ti on, be de emecl gu i 1 ty of a mi sdemeanor and shall pay a fine in any sum not exceeding $100.00 ORDIANCE NO.1950 and shall stand commi tted to the City J'ai1 until said 1':Lne and costs are paid. S:~C'I1ION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, aPP)1oval, and ptlblication as provided by law. e I Passed and approved this 21st day of April, 194;:). ?I~-~.~ '1 ayor A'ET' ES r1' ; .~ &./&::_--- c ty Clerk I I e I q s C"I ""I' F', ''l('T''l'' ", Ok', ~:~-~._:~~~~-1-;L~ i\.Yl orC::.l Yli) 11 ee f:J:U t;b or' j. z j n g 1 uct~1>11E-it~ ~~)alf; of cel''Ga.5.rl reEll (;stEt--L;8 t)elorl[~lll{~ to tIlE; C1ty of" CxI'Clfld Is e I 1\] e 'IJ I' [1 , peo v:1.cl j t mUnri(,;:e :'L n vlld ch t EiH.n C:5 E3 saId Emd the te:LTlS of s8.'ld sl:lle; I)l'O"lJ].cli J< 01' t }~LG ~'VJ. of potice of the sale of said ~eeal estate t}}(:) t()JirGS tl't()l'cof; ancl, p:covidin2; for the right to file a l'en'onl:~t:t';1nec :li';o.1 118 t t lIE;' S O.1E) ther'eof signed ., 1 1 ();j' CtJ;a, e lc; ctClJ' s of the City of G:eam1 Is , N e l):PEt s J-~}3., equa:'. :i.:n numbcn: to th:i.rty per cent (30%) of the electors of said city, voting at tL c In ~31~ r c:, ]l1unieipal eloet:lon held In D cit~y. BE 111 1-.3 '~( 1 LYOll CIT'j? COUl.C of the C i -1.;:y oJ< CD," [lYJ(J Is 111rld , I\Jc 1)1) ~)\, S }';:.a . ;joction 1. Bale CO v(: yanee of ~ec estate hcrinafter sex; 11.lod. i E; Uv di,l'eeted au t11oI' - iz to Vel va CO~!j)ton~ of the Ci ty of' Gi.'!WcJ 1.3 , l\f (; 1) :~e Cl [J lz \~l . I ']'hc: IE' 0 pel' t yr' (c; C tu () .~1tl t, IJo:c i ~~Je(1 -lj 0 l)c~ co J.".1 VC cJ i [j doscribed as fol10',~:; Lot 'I'birteen (13),1310 1; Five (5), CoLLe ition tOiJest L::::nvn, art addition to tl1() city of Gi' 1,<L[Lu', Eelll Gounty, Nebl'D.ska .section <') :.., . The ternLS o J~ S t1.5- d., sale; ().f ;:3 J'(:81 estate arc as follows; 'llhe purcbascl', Velva Compton ees to pu.;Y :FOU1' Lundrec1 (400) I.ollal's fo1' the witl!in c!esGl'ibed rEin.I estntc and has paid to tr10 Ci ty Gle:c1< of the G1 ty of G"!lnc.:: Ldand, the sum of 'J:\:ienty-f:lve (2;5)'0 f1 as a (! own p!'"ynlent thdl'eon; an( the balance of' ce Iiul1(x'cd .::ievcnty-fi vo (375) Dollay"s shall be naid upon deli very of a !.;;iuit Claim Deed by tb.e City of G:r:ancJ IDJand to the I e purChaser. 'rhe city of G:r:and Island shall Dot be required to fUl'nif3IJ an abst:t'D.ct of title. SectioD-1/3. As p:covido6 by laV1~ notice of such sule and the terms thereof shall be published for tJ'l'ee conse- (:'\..1!;1 ve iiiCO les 1 n the Gr and I Bland. 1)0.11 IndepcYlc'; en!:; ~ a news- paper publisll.c:d in and of genera1 circulat:Lon in the Gi ty of Grand Island, Nebl'Elska, irrm16diately after tbe passage and publication of this ordinance; and the Gi ty Cler'k is I t; ,y ! OHDI NAN CE .JIG 195~_c_9.X:!.1._:r.. hereby directed and instT'll ctod to pre pu lJJ.i 13h said notice. Section 4. Authority Li her'0by gt'anted to the e I eloctoI'S of the City of Granel Island;, bJ'i3.ska, to file a rernonstl'anee against the sale of said real estate; and if a remonst:cance against the ;;saidsald' s:t.gned by legal e lectors of said Gi ty equ 13..1 in !11..11lllJer to thirty per c cnt (30)% of the electol's of said City voting at the last regul<u' election held in saicl City be f:U.ed with the Mayor and Council of sa1.d Ci ty wi thin th:Lrty days from the ps.[Jsage and publteation of this orc1iDaDce, said l)l--'operty 8ha11 not then, nor, 1.vit1J:Ln one yr,:;'ctr, t}1cree.:fler be sole}. S(')ctlol1 5. rrllC s,~le ofl said._ J_~e[ll estElt(j is }l(:'~~eel):r eJ ir e'ct 8el, [XU tll01:o1 ze(~t <1 Y.l cL e orr1:' i :n:r~e (}, aljc} t 1'\ r.lO 1~8r; 0 r1S tx'l fi'nee be filed against such sale, the Mayor and City Clerk shall I malee, exocute, anc1 deliver to the said J.eli[a GOjli)2:~g..22, a (,~uit Claim Deed 1'011 said property and the execution of sa1d ei.oed is hcreh;y- authorized lIJithout further action on -behalf of thE: City Gou nel1. Section 6. 1'h18 orc1inance ~~halll)e :i.n fOJ'Cd and take effect from ancl after i t8 passage, appy'ovaJ., J)U b Ii c a tj. 0 n, as pro vided by la'N. fassed and approved tb.1s 5tl1 (1ay of l.ay, 19/13. x~. - -,-,- l'il avor " , .--/ ~ i+..l11.C:i.E3 ~C ;: I e ~~_4~4_._ ~--Tc:tty Clork e I I I e OHDI NAN CE NO. ~952-__ An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the co~t of con- struction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 182 in tlle City of Gl'and Island, Nebraska, and providing fOI' the collection thel~eof. BE re OHDAlt :i~) BY '1'il.b Lli1.YUH ~M.; Gi '1.'Y CUu NOlL of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska~ Section 1. 'rhat there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land herein- after set fOl'th for the purpose of paying the cast of construction of the seVier in Sewel' District No. 182 of said City, in accordance with the benefi ts found and assessed against the seveJ'al lots, tracts and parcels of land in said distr:tct by the lViayor and City Council of said City, si tting as a Board of Equalization after due notice gi ven tbereof, as provided .by law; each of the several lots, tracts and pte.l1cels of land is assessed as follOWS; OVJNBR LOT BLOCK AUJ)1'l'10N .Atv,- OU 1'r '1] N. 621 7u of Wall gh St. NOI'th and ad jacen t to --. 1 10 Scarf ft s ~~ 51.33 S. 17' 51t of Waugh St. Noy,th and ad ,jacent to-- 1 10 Scarf 1'1 s 14.27 1 10 It 42 .65 2 II u 42 . G 5 3 il II 42 .65 4 u II 42 . 65 5 u It 42 .65 6 u u 42.65 7 It II 42.65 8 It It 42.65 9 u It 42 . 65 10 u It 42.65 11 u tt 42 .65 12 It It 42 . 65 13 it It 42 . 65 14 u It 42 . 65 1 15 u 42 .65 2 it It 42 .65 3 It It 42.65 4 It It 42 . 65 5 It u 42 . 65 6 It II 42.65 7 It II 42 . 65 8 It II 42.65 9 It It 42 .65 10 Il u 42.65 Maxine Ju ne Weaver, Eva Liela Gracloville and Anton Gradovil1e Richard W. & Edna Nay Crow Richard W. & Gr and I sl and Ricbard W. & Gpand Island it U It II Edna May Crow College :Bl1na May Crow College It It Home Owner I s LOan Corp. Julius P. Spiehs H. P. Hansen Ju liu sF. Spiehs H. P. Hansen Julius F. Spiehs Frances S. Ainsle Julius F. Spiehs Roy A. & Bertha Johnson H. L. & Laura J. Foreman Roy A. & Bertha J"ohnson H. L. & Lau11a J... Foreman Jasper E. & Iola. M. Rice Gertrude B. Robinson Gornrnercj.al State Bank Gertrude B. Robinson Wayne V. Jorgensen Gertrude B. Robinson Section 2. The taxes so levied Shall become payable and delinquent in the manner provided by law. Secti on 3. The City Clerk is her eby directed to certify to the Ci ty Treasurer tlJe amount of said taxes together' wi th instruc- tions to collect the sarrie, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO.1952 Cont. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, app:r'oval and publication, as provided by law. Passett and approved this 19th day of May, 1943. e I Air 'l'ES 'I' : ~ ' , .J5f. M. ayoi~;----7-~~ ~:2 ~~' /- ~_~~1/, .~ #~tj(~ Ci ty Cler . I I e e I I I e OHDLNAl'WE NO. -,,1.953 An ordinance creating Sewer D.istrict No. 185 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the bUll ndries thereof, pro- viding for the laying of a sewer in saj.d District, descrj.bing the manner in which the smne shall be laid and providing for, the pa:m1snt of the cost of the con struction thereof. BE IT OHDAIlHID BY 'EH):!; lViAYOh AND GI'.t'Y CUUNCIL of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska~ SEC'I'ION 1. That there is hereby created a Sewer Di strict in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Sewer District No. 185 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. rEhat said sewer shall be laid between Di vision Street and Koenig Street from Blaine Street to Ingalls Street. SECTION 3. Said sewer in said Distl>lct is hereby ol'dered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifi cations governing se\Ner di stri cts, as heretofore establi shed by the City. SEC'I'ION 4. That the entire cost of construction of said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied against the abutting pl'operty in said district to pay for the cost of constl'ucting said sewer district, as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to be- come payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows~ One- fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days from date of the levy thereof; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four years. Each of said instalJ.ments, except the first, shall draw inter es tat tbe rate of se ve n per cen t per annum from the date of the levy until they become delinquent, and after the same becomes delinquent, interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum shall be paid thereon until the same is collected and paid; said special taxes shall be collected and enforced as in cases of other special taxes, and said special taxes shall be a lien on said real estate from and after trle date of the levy. e I I I e OHDINANCE NO. l22L_ (Continued) SEC'l'ION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passa,ge, approval and publication, as provided. by law. Passed and approved by three-fourths vote of all mem- bers of the City Council of the City of Grand. Island, Nebras1a, this 19th day of May, 1943. AT'rEs'r: I (.. j1 '~ .. .. \ " 9)-1).vVJ.' ~/ ~~~_ _ , /v --"~-'r--'---' ) Mayor. /~ / ~~f(~~:LA Ci ty of :Ci~-k":'. (1 . 1224._ ii~'..( CJ~. ell-! GC l, . ", (),{ :1.. ~~':. :1. l"l \_, i ~~ 1. " l "i \ .' '- -'~ -~-. :~-~~ r, ;:-~. J_ vl:i [~'O c GI [, U.r i,j-:L' ..L ;;] ,L :':'01 , , J , ., l:;J'() J.! ..1- (, 7'1 1 () _1,~. L , t, LC CJ :;:-'UX' e I .- , ~~. (:.: 'I, I 'r< , ,..1 c; [~; -r; Lt l"J C' Ci_U L .;.",1" ::.;! l')}--L(-~; (' (: o.f ; , 1)}) 0 VJ, ~) 1'01' -.1.' J_ t -~_~ () t' 5.1 () D. 1c){1 L_~.:i-' . :(.: en :;.J 81; ~I ~, ; OI, r'11 .., ('.' ). .J .! c t; O:L' {~:; t)'C ~vl ;,j of.~ ex; .. I., '.' ;I CtJ. :L 1 ,(JLI:.., :'-:'(;1; .t~O . ,~ C":' / G \ ._<~ ,i" +10 .~--: ~:5 ()f~ .. :1. ' l"l." V--'- , ii' C) -;:;..\ ". J t .L t .L .p~11 \...i n'_'" _.J ('.'1 ~1 -1 (1 q. .-! :'-..1 J~ l; . J. UI 1.\.J. it. (; i L G l.JL)~.. t; j_...l I.JL' l,L .. ._ '. .<..' ,.' . ~l.~ , _';-4;"""_\ '. .t'.;' ""1 ~JI.: ,J., .. .' ~ r-u it.). e 0(1 Vi : ;~/ (~ () 0 :f' ), (~- c~ J '(;:\.110-'" , t ~; -, :1'.' (:.;G~tiDC( l~j fie;].' ...!.-..\, '; U (j "]1 :".1'.- iJ 1, ~,' t) J,; $- ljl <(I () ;'; (-~ ~:~. ':..-.! (_..:~ [' J.n f).l. ~-.:l (';', n " (_)1, J.," .,-' i" ,i. :\.:-:: iJ ()j~. \iJ"; ;C' ~. C.:" 0,'< , !.', i)11 ~1U ' EL ,. o C'.V ..L.J /.-1 \,' ',~' rlr(i DJ..jt:-['iOl'I;,,~_:c;(' LO C- O{',/('; 1 ~:~ ;,:; e~I" ,~. :1(': (; [,,) ~C 0 J 1 u-;,:-\: c.~ ; l~]. D" cc, ELL I sl:j , u 0 (~~), "i..;Iorl La L EtrlU. I Lot {jcvon , l;f c; '1.":-:1" f.:.~.~ Ct. ','_1"-1. -'""to W.I '...i.) .L',l .j ?,,: .. DutiL] I' L;c;:; L.'i_n ~~" ...t. ",~ t,j,1. ~'.._; (lIe ,<, ~J x'c e:Jtu~'L() L;~~Li(-} ;).::5 f'o11oVI;3; ~~. t';.L:( ,[; 01( S I..!. j 1. III ~ ti ttl)C{ T~. }?J~ () i-~' \.::: J.. L Ol} , U t.:1 -L 0 J) >)~ "';;- T.-!-) ou r- ,ULl , ( Cj .() (1) ])oJ} ~.U,' 8 .;'01< i.! 11-.:; \;'f j 11 C',l..');::: C1 11J(;(} l' Ot).]. e~} tL\ '1,6 :3 [',~o LJ..10 Ci'cS' G1c~}'I( or (:; <.J j~ :...s tl I~:.;l t-iI--~ 0 ~f i~CT'/ (; 1:'1 '~-J 1, v'{) Lj *Cl() } 1 b c~_ ;] ~l " /'"','t',' \-, "-..,J ';,' , J:>Et '~jL' \:.; rl C L}.:C1'C:fC}1'1, ., U,L'~C,. ::;u ce () f' ~:[11,:,:C'(; 0 L'u Ll C',~J: 06. ~)() \7(: 11 't; ',Y -1~':t .vc; ? L; .eu} "., -, LJ(lj, c' ~-) :L 1 J. l)() I.j 1 "j l.1'U () I .i ;-./ ~: '))~(: GU;:LO.t:i at:: ~ . '-<i.'v:.: ~. 0 l).L Ct it C Lie ~y .L , w C (J L 1..1{j 8 O. J=->U 1:1 C J_ JEu] c~- ,_ i:J . Gi l:t loL J,' ( (n--: La :'!J-l j. ~~tn i11Ji3tlib~Ct C):C lJ:it~l(;. I e r~:I ..:). .liS O\TJ. .r u "1 _,.',. .1. d..~;' , o"L:1..c(-; '<' 0.1. :.:i\J C tC! L<t.J.. c~ L: ~ 1.(:.: tc;1. u Ll..L(:: of~ S}JD. [J1I 1 d lit ;('~l .-r~ ():C~ 'C.i!.i t; curl ~JC; (;i.J T~ J 'VB \-'/ C) C I'~~J , , :" i ,t' li.r.' H.1 i J-.f I 't" ~;:1 1) U ~-) 'l)U ..... 11 ~::: J_; c: (! of \ J';. t:~ J, c t ~~'. Ct! ].. ~.':1. t: :1, C2: Gi t',\! of 011 I ~j J ,cU_'! d. , ]"":"0 '(;1 ~ Et f~ ,,_Ct, . .' ~Lri U.:t(-; (' \,J\" t;C:l"1 ~p rt f.~ t1 ~'J.r; (, "[ JU J crt tl fJ1.1 o,f 1~') :5. S ()1 .L ,( (. )1 C;C'; OJ:: G i t ~/ C1 (;1"' L~ :L ~~"i :t riD e t~ (-)(; l ~:! ~CI t,'1 \.' () , (I ~J{-; ., -', .. ;j ,;, 1, se l.lO C(, .. ;~)~i ~ C ;~!~~I ()L'T <\. l~U ';j:'.ol'i-L',Y i ;~~ :ho:_; <,1_; 'U~J.! .l~c(} to tYL(; (~; J. t ('I}' ~J o'r tJ.-I.(~ 01 L;{ OJ'::' CT' I s1uJ J IJO ,1'E1S , i,j() f:l_18 U. 1-' OJ.(:.:~ [.~1 ~tl--;ee ~ J.f j, H i I, (,H~4A I I I , J U ~ !:...Z..L:t_ \ Cor' G) n .-:1 t., l.l rje~lc t-LL ::~}:..J:t (~~.~ c, 1:1-/ (~~ () ,'",', J !..; (. -"_ ['J [J 1 c: ;:] :'. u c1,(:; G ()1' S c 1.r\ J.t1J ~!)(';1~ 'l:u ;:;}'-'i:j:~'{1 C\'.~: I , - \ ~; e .:_. e 't':' () :(~ r.; UD5d Cl. t o ~', :l~ '{.i C~ ~J. l:, L, 1u.8 t~ }';(''' C -C'~L J" )~ . Gi t;/ e I 1)(; ~ . .: J. .L -l; .LiC 1.. a\ OI' \~c n UJ lJ L,}-L:L :e t S' <1 n.S'fJ L~:'~; l' pfl.G :3 T)11 C:,~;l () r!, ::-] J:le(?, ;:' l .p:c' L> rill {l () t~ rt, 1'1\)1' I fl ()llO t11~ t~,J.L(~:r~ () t;() :L' ~J() s ()ld~ . !j . 'j~ 1.l. 8 f:J EtJ.. c 0 i~ ;-_i Ct}:; ;;~l _:_ ;') r; {.t r; c: j~ ~J j J.':; ~l cctcd, LlliL11m'i:t,ed. emu cord.' , _0 1} ,c) OJ! S t,P ;},l'l co 1:)8 tl:t.lec1 e~{<CtJ.l'l Dt Stl ell set] (~, L~l-_;.e l\i i:1. G:t t,v GJ.Cl L :::Jw.Ll. "'.1\.0, e X,E; el~t tc , d,t.31 J. '\i::,--; I' -L~ 0 C1 lie ri_ e ~rOlj(;8 ~J.'n(l E. }'lo:!Cl l\!(~lsorl \9. 1 L CJ~EI, .ue L'Ol' :3 pt' .I . _' .,~ ! 'C~r fiLill. .C () Y;J; eu t 1 OrJ (} ~f [1 ~3;_i c't d to; 8 U. 1 S JJ.C Ii U aVd-:~J:~(}~2iz(;(1 v;'-ltl,t01Jt :elJ}:1tJ.'I.Cli :.lc'Llc>JJ (Jrt 1)e}1:~~1f' Or t G:t ts 00:.1 r~( J~ . 8'0 C:CI OTi o. s 0 :1.r!LtneC~ Sl'.i.t3~~Ll T)e ir\ J.4()J:<ce 8J.~f.d ct fl'(JlLi Lu:':!cl [Ll_-' tf:l" :L -CD IJtJ.::;;~) , Ll vu..l })1J 15. eLt io) , I <':.1. ~3 }):i' 0 \11. (1 f~ eJ () ~y 1_ [1. Vf . }..J[1 [J DC; (1 u. 0 is -..l.!lCL_ dlet'y of June , 1'0 4).. ......-' ("1. ,,) L :>> ~~:;~~ ,::.~P.'-f:'" 1.....,' "1" ..,p' vJ. .1;/ v_'., J. n . I e QILDIJiil.l\lCE NO. 1.25'5 An ol'cl1nance authorizing and J:JLC'c<:t:l!:Ii?; U:J0 ~3a,J.C of cfJ::d;ain r'e{)~J.. eata'l,(; lJC1U11t,~11'1[; to tl.to Git"y' 01~ Ul"lfill(l J,S , ,UO ;Jl: a;'; . , pl'O ir1 E~ mamIeX' in VILl Ei Ldi:(; 1 sc>].cl Lll)cl tlJ.6 terms of said sale; pl'ovic3:ine; for L giving of notice of tbe e I sale of said real es'Lu'be alld s reof; anll, pl'ovi(j. ~.f () I' L l.l.e 14 i t; te) :f i 10 8~ l' enl0 rl E1 tx' Ell) ee aga::t.nBt tbe ,"',JIc tbeI'uof signed by legal electors of trlo City of G:r~Elr}d, Isla,rlel, }111 ElnJ..C"&, aqual :in IJun,ber to th:Ll'ty per cent (30}b} of (..~le e-L,()J'S ()f sahl G:i. t','T, voting at tIle L-lfJt; 1'e gular niL] rIi e1 pf1.l u1e ct:t on held i Xi ;') all) Ci t.v. rr Ot~d::AINJ~U BY II l'.,~ I~-Y()R, GI fl;-~{ CCYU LGI.L OFl GL 'e{ OF CH'Ud'.D ISI"ll'm, ~ " :.:~l:~G 1111 ()}>J 1. irlle s Ell{~ [-3..11(1 carl V'G' 7/Eti1 eE: of~:p(~; Etl est tJ:te cir;,-' ~tf to:r (I e ti ex'i. l)()cl l' '" ., tLC' ~c,e b >~y l"ectf;cl a.r1(1 a.utl"tOI'izecl to I'.. G . Faltr,lell, of the Ci [__v of .Grand 181 arlcl., Ne br a.r:iLa.. v' Tl!e opn'i~y cH:ceetecJ. and a:uthol'ized to be convE:-;red 113 o e E) c.1' :t be cl as f 0 ..1.101;1 E; ~ I Lot One (1), B],()nk Tb5.1'ty (Z1C;), Hi and }'a:ek, an Ac1dit:.:ion :tn tbe City of Grar\d Island, Ea.1I Gounty, 1\)0) 1J1' D.slS'Et. SEC':CION :2.. l\he manniOn' and bUITil.a o:f S clio s of . , S f.tJ,Cl 1'8 al estate are as follows; The p.ll' clLa~je:r.', F.. G.. F 1" .. , agr'ec ~1 to pas' Sj~ y (;ii;60 .(0) Dol 10.1' s f 01' t;y,ewi.Lld.n de [3 Gl' lbed r6nl c)i'.1tnte and has pald to tbe Glt:y Cle!'k of tlJe Ci ty of ," ~ I' d' , a " rr-",'" ~..- T:\. ",.. (,Il,,, c: r. "') 't T- 1 '1 Li-rano. Solar) t;n' sum oJ. J..Nun'~'Y-.r'I,Vd 'jp,('d.U~'1 .00_..J.al"S au a do'wn nt t}!81'cfor, and tIle baltwee of 'l1hLety-Fl VEi (1~~3i) .00) DoJJarsw:i.l1 be paid in fu.ll upon the eX8C11tlon D.:nd dcli\/cl')j ()..c "Ll i t~ GJ.ejIL cJ.f:8eJ. tho 01 t Y to tho Said pu l' cho.ser " The Git;y shaJ.l not bo roqll:l.1'Oc1 to fUl'ldsh an abstl'D.c:t of title. il ie ,JEC'rrON 3. As provided by law, nol.I ee r-"e VJ. 31J e11 SEtlE~~ and.. Lhe tornls tLcroof shall be pu b1i s}lcd fOl' C C COLi::-iO el,~ t:L ve we }..;s in the Grnnd Island Daily Indopo n1:, a neVI::] papor pu b- J. :1 t:~l! ire 2.tlvJ of nEJ:L'al c.ll'c:ulation in tbc 01 of Gl'l.1.nd Isl:ll'lCl, lTo"iJl'flsl([},., ir(.Yue(}iflteJ~7{ ;;1f' Il t:ho t3::3 t~l ~) C[J. tl. orJ of t.] (r:c ell L1 tJ.rl C E; ; the City GJ_erk is el'J:V 1"(; C tc;cl In::;t:CLlctccl to p):'OpaJ'O "l) 811 said. noLi{jo. OI{J)IIJ ",.., Fe l.d:' , f,).. 1955 ( co 1:1' t) O'l'10N ,1. Au t;}'.Ol':i. t,y i fl by 8.,11tecl tC} cl<j (;.tOl'S o~f Cit,;y, ()f C'l~[trl(l 13J.E.t11(1, l\JE~l.Jljasl<-::l, to f'j.le 9" :penl()rlg.tl~Ci.r}Ce ag8.1.rlst~ tl2-e sO.le of Sftl(l l'Ct:ll OU'L;:3.,'te; Lll'lC1 1:[~ ~1 :{'(;n,ion.f.;tl~~i]JCE) e I agairls-L saj.d saJ.e signed by legal electors of said City equal in rrUfllbel" to thil't~y POl' . (" r. ".'/) r> I.' ., , cern: 0U>0 OJ: .Gila 8..lC eco}' s of said Cit:/ v()til:'1g f.t'G trlG- lEtst ree;ulD.T' election held 1n sD.:td Glty "be fl1 ()cl \vlt, t: t118 Iv,~ a:/()l~ [l~n(J Ctynriei1. of sLl1d Cit;'J/ 'vif1..t}J.l11 tltirt:\T days after tbe passage anC:: pub1ic[ttlon of B or~(1i- nan ee I ;;w.id proper t;y s hall not ll, nOl' wi th:ln one year thcrev.ftol' be sold. SEC'I'ION Ci. '11110 salo of said I'(Ju.l estate if:; (', ~, 'l.! CL.t - l~ected, autJ:lol~iz0d. cor}J:~i, I and if 110 IIGIDonstral)C8 be i'11ceJ clr;u.l:rlDt stlcll. ~3D.l(;;, t11() IVj,L1Y'Ol< [.:1. (1 c1 G:Lt:y Clel'~l-( alltJ~11 rneJ',>-e, E;~Z.6 e'Llte', c~e llv"E;l~ to tIle st:tid l~. ex. 1:i1 J.el1 8~ ('~L11'b 01 Deod :[")1' said pl'OpeI't;y and ti,e ELX.OGution. of saId. deed lS bOl'e- h;y au UW:L'lzed wi tbou t fur' tbe I' ao Lion on behalf of tbo G1. ty Counell. I 3I~crLI0I~' 6. rrtlls ol~d.i11BX1C(? SlJ,:~I:Ll J. r: f f) 1't e E) t3,l~'e e:L i~e et :f1'cnn :.md tC1' . , }, '{~ 8 usage, apPI'oval and p~b1ication, as pro vlded by law.. l'ttD~Jo(l " "~-,,,' -.-_ .'~- . ". _...,;:J aLJd appr.o \TE;u J. s __ZIld._ day of June - -----, 19-43- --- ilTirl'~i3 T'~ ~tf~ I e OHDl · l22L- i~'n l)lj(li~(Jet.JJCE~ EilJt~}1.()I~:1.z1J."lLs (~,ili8 C 8 of eo l'tain 1'001 outnte !Jelou :ng to t Gi t:y (}f U:.e il Is ,1\:(J [t f3 . ~ pro 1rlt~ t11u lllell"l!.'lf..:-l' i r\ }-J. L SfJ.rr() Bl1al1 'be sold. -!~ I> t; c:: ]:1 rn. ,:J .n UJ. <._' I,) ;.:;tJ e; p:t' 0 v :1 L11 f 01' g1. vl.ng of 11 t) t.i ec~ '0:[' e I sale) of s:ll.d !1oal (lstfl.te ana u t~()ljn.i.S of; , })i' (} 'vi (]. :t :f' OJ' t} Ci..j L tofl1c: ;'1 l'(Ji;.iU(i~jtrrtliC(; l.l f.1 t , , GX-,!C fj;3.1c .. . f) (J.t. '~-1.L l08n1 clectol~S of t C :1~ t:r Ci J~ UTi 181 , 1\)" () lrc n ;:~ , cqu 0.1 1f' l!umbcl' to t1Lil'ty per Gent (~30;:b) of elec~t()T'n ()f' .1 S tlT u., G1.t , voting .'_, .1" Cl~ Lr 1 <.J. fJ t l'C g111al' YiJU n1 ci pD.1 elo(;t.l() :; 1\.1 l. 5..: :~J (-1.- " ",' V.J.. (/;.) . Ire .r:'~_I r;, G GCiU l:L i,' J. G1 11~Y OF G.i\ I , L)T:-~ ii j l'~l~ ; B').!~C CiTJ:t. fit T'lle setIe C () l} V'(; ce of 1-' () e T~('l - . Y.~CYJ; 0 J~ 'l,el 1~ (~_ e f'~ el' i l}cu i 8 fl1.J tl'~.Ol' :1. ~-~e(; tC1 \!J ~ IT. El)J:::J ['Un, of ~.--l.,c. l..r J. ,l'-.:~ OJ. t)/ ()f.' Gr4 ..L , b:C'lJ,li:} r:rJJC o l'ty rioctecl r:ll1Cl D:utYtC)I~:tzc;(l to -;:;(1 curi,'vo :1. i::~ dC;3 CI'11J(:;C} n.fJ f 0] 1f)V/ s:: I t".. f~'. ~ . ~. .. {4 r~ ...-, \ ~V'" de::Jlj 1<'1.1 'C;l' ~,)l.)r ~)Ll) l"cet; J31()cl< Ilt\fl() (~~), :t:ffl 1 s Cl,ty' of LTrFl})c] 1G]. , o:f L()t S:l.~Y:. ( 6) , j_~ t; to :1 GOl:i Lit ~r, EiG (, "." ~::.. TIle) ;:flEl1_1r.;eT' tc:;r'ntS ()f E!rl:tcl 8~:~.J_c; oJ' ~3tt:i.(1 ~e C D. J. c.~;'3 'L tl ace a:::: f01 e ~ ill11fj r'lAl~ CIJtlse):1, t!''j. II. BSJ:i"i, :1. C C::-j 'C 0 };)a ->1 SO Vi!;) 1) Till lJd.:r' c (J (".1"11(' C .-,,' ~iP i \J .I..) U ) J)()11Ell'fJ 1'401, . , J. T, ~ 2'-1 (lescY:ll_10d real 8statc i.tflS t~o 1-; 01 -L":iT (;1 ():f tyi.C C J. [:~ ~~/ ():f is} E\T1Cl t SUD1 ()f E'l :ft)I ( .CiO) ])011f11'"; S ,~l[J [t CI()V!l1 1)[1 ~nn(-)11't; tJ:_,c;:r~e:f()r~, ti:Je lJr:llrtLtCe ()f 31)\.-~ II e O~ Ill:t f' ty' ( 'l'of'> r:{~. <-l'.' \ ,'... 1 " _.." - ,""l ~ ~Jt)u\)\.j .lJ I J l.J()_.,,_,_.:.J.l ~:;j' 'il .l~LJ.. i1) 1 J_ U 1)01:"-[ C :X(; C1J 0 rJ (} C;: 1 :1. \;'\ 1. i .:/ 0 ~e (:'1 1 t C1D_:Lrn De, by t 'Cl ~G~Y tCJ tYlC SEtic1 :pCjl~ eJ._l;J"S()I~ . i~C 11(: C 1. 'I.'; ~V ::} ;j]. jw Ll () ';,1 1)(; 1. ;~: '; ( t~o i_SI~L D 11l)o'i;]~1 ct of tle61 CfIC> J} 3.. .i~n o 'IIi (J_ c eJ. .1 u -'., ,-,.'~ , L1 0 l: J.. eo- of C 11 t: ,(::,] C' I e tJ-J.(; t(~:)":n,~ ~':-l 't~} e.c'() cl,f nL'LIJ..J, "I "' U0 rru ~J. s j~ 0 Ii {:, C ():n s e G1J t:, i ~..Je V':I {J J. {J G C'J:~ ;J.1 1:':11 }J ;a. i 1 S' 1 c :.- _tC~ c:: 1".\ -;~, ct 11 GV.- :3 b- Ii 1 Y.i of~ elr' eu Inti on 1. Tl t }'lC CI t ;'l of "" .... 1,31'/)}, ~C~ ., "., -, ..L i.:J_.L(.',i , 'i )1; ,1 S l~tl:; CttGl;;' ai1ter s a{~c o. pu bl:i en ti 011 t}}l s i l'.iD.rJ ce ; v J ~y' C 1 :_311).( :L EJ c. , :1. l-E; e'l-:;(::(J. n. }]cl 5- n n tru c 'G () IJ:L' (:: C, \..' pLlb1:l. 811 s alcJ, lJO t:L ee . j CJ~ . 19~6 !.! n 0"<'\ I 'c'- \ _~L \ \..... ---- i.~_ i 0T:~GilIO}T <1. 1~~Ut}-)Ol'lt7/:LS I-iCII Ltrl'C to Ll1E: 01 e ctoxi S of t:1JC G:t t'y. OJ:: Is1 , N-c-:: 1)I~ ttsl\fl J to ,fi ]~e c1 r. 'aLlOT} s tr' a,rJ (;(3 Ll!2:fti 11, ~:; t t.,Yie S [11 f) () f :3 fJl (} I' C ~:11 est Et . j J.f a _~ () 2tr~~1)CC e I " :.~ 1} ~J t ~~} fj] le lector's of s C:1 t -s; c qu a]~ in ;_~O L~}:!,i l? t~~/ per' (~e '1t l ~). u.f) " . :,' \ ,: '>0 oJ~ 010 et01'8 of Sllid Ci t '~y~ voting at; l[;tst :cc~ J~f~l~ ()leetlo1] 11cl(L 111 [:~U}~:l.cJ. 01 r)e ~r:tJ,c(l \~,:l tJ.J tIle lIL.Ll-.\"OI~ ~Jl)d GC)lJl'l.c:tl ()f ~3n,i(1 C:i.t'y~ vilt} 111 t:;-:_:1.1~t~! (J as's [tf to 11 L lle p L1S S pu bli ca tion of thi S ol'cJ.inn.n eo, scd,d 1)r'0r)er~t~; fJll~l11, r)ot 11 , it or ()r,lf; 'S(:; [tXI -tl}erE;af ter be 8 old. SJ~~Ci,rI01T 5. rr110 s8.1(~ of snlcl l'CEtl 0.~StfJ.tG :ts 01J717 (111~C C , autrJOl'i2;c6 u,nd confirmed, and if no :cemonst:r:'nnce 'bo filed ng8.:Lnst SUeYl fJale, f..UIYO!' and City Clerk sh 1 make, eXE\c:ute, and deli V81' [,0 the scdd. W. H. Ellrsam a Quit Claim Deed for' Entid r)l~Or)el~'t;;1 ;].)'1(1 tllo CY~E)Gtlt~:i.f)T} (}'f SElle). d.eecl Is l.LCI'eby GJJtlJ01~1~?';(3(1 wi thcnl t ftl1' [;tlc'J' action em 1Jehalf of Oi ty Ccru neil . I SECTION 6. This ordlnanc0 j.n ~orc2 +a}r8 (7f:fr-:; c.t f}:orn arHl [If tel' It s PD,,[3S ac;e, J:loval GIld bJ~icA'I;ion, tlS IIrClO \rl(le(1 1J:{ lrtv{. }')::l8socl o..rltJ. n, oved t hi s 2.lliL d 9.:,y 0 f ", " .... ." , 1~) 4") . _..rune..___-.___ .3.J %J.L..H' , ~ay~---- :.;7 ---- r~ Tri'J:~;3 'r : ~~_.!'~~, ___ _d_..._.____ ~~GitY 01ex'j{. I e e I I I e mmINi-I.liCE NO. 1957 An ordinance authorizing and directing the sale of certain real estate belong;ing to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; pro- viding the manner in which the same shall be sold and the te:t:ms of said sale; providing for the giving of noti ce of the sale of said real estate and the terms thereof; and, providing fox' the right to file a renlonstrance against the sale thereof signed by legal electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebx'aska, equal in number to thirty per cent (30%> of the electors of said City, voting at the last regular municipal election held in said City. BE IT ORDAnnm BY 'I'm:!: kAYOR AND CI'TY. COUNCIL OF THE CI'I'Y OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBHASKA: SEC'I'ION 1. The sale and conveyance of real estate herein- after described is hereby directed and authorized to A. E. Knosp, of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. The property directed and authorized to be conveyed is described as follows: Fractional Lot Eight (8), Fractional Block Three (3), Ashton Place, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. SEC'I'rON 2. The manner and te~('ms of said sale of said real estate are as follows: 'I'he purchaser, A. E. Knosp, agrees to pay Four Hundred and lv\fenty-five (~j;425.00) DoLLars for the within described real estate and has paid to the City Clerk of the City of Grand Island the sum of Twenty-five (:j~25.00) Dollars as a down payment therefor, and the balance of Four Hu ndred (~~400 .00) Dollar s will be paid in 1'1..1 11 1..1 pan the exe- cution and deli very of a Q,ui t Claim deed by the Ci ty to the said purchaser. The City shall not be required to furnish an Abstract of Ti tIe. SEC1'ION 3. As provided by law, notice of Sll ch sale and the terms thereof shall be published for three consecutive weeks i.n the Grand Island Daily Independent, a neirvspaper published in and of general circulation in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, immediately after the passage and publication of this ordinance; and tbe Ci ty Clerk is hereby directed and instru cted to prepaI'e and publish said notice. e I I I e ORDINANCE NO" ;1.95]__ (conlt) SgC~rrON 4. Authority is hereby granted to the elec'l:;ors of the Gi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, to file a ..eemons t:pance against the sale of said real estate; and if a remonstrance against said sale signed by legal electors of said City equal in number to tldrty per cent (305'&) of tl1e electors of said Oi ty voting at. the last regular election held in said Oi tv be :filed wi tll the Mayor and Counc:ll of said Ci ty vvi thin thirty C:avs after the pas sage and pu bli cation of t:his o1'dinan ce, said property shall not then, nor wi thin one year thereafter be sold. :;':~'t:,~crl'lION 5. "'h 1 P' 1 1-' . h 1. d. . d ~J_ Le sa e.oi sal.d. rea eS'va'ce ls..e:eeoy J.recce , au tho1'ized and confLC'Hled; and if no remonstrance be filed agai11st such sale, the Kayar and City Clerk shall malm, execute, and deliver to the said A. E. Knosp a Ghuit Claim Deed fo:e said property and the exC";cution of said deed is hereby autr'oI'ized vvithout further' action on behalf of the Oi ty Council. SEC'I'ION 6. '11hi s ordinance shall be in force and take effect 1'1'om and after its pass e, appx>ovs.l and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved tbi -2.n.d..:1ay of ....sI.lID..sL..______ 1943. ~ Arr'.~Es'r: .7~_ j/~ c:zd::~-fY-Clerk . ,- (> ((jJ) e I I I e ORDINANCE NO# 1958, An Ordinance amending Section Four (4) of Ordinance No. 1508 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, fixing the hours d.,uring 'Nhich beer, ale, portoI', stout, wine, and all other malt, brewed and ferrnented beverages and alcoholi c liQu aI's may be sold, repealing said original Section Four (4) of Ordinance No. 1508, and providing penalties for the violation of the pr'o- vi sions of tl:~is Ordinance. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE IvIAYOR AND CIrI'Y COUNCIL OF' 'I'HE CITY OF' GHAND ISL1~ND, NEBRASKA. SEC'frON 1. Alcoholic liquors may be sOld, by the package on ly, wi thi n the cor pOl" ate linli ts of the Ci ty of Grand I s land, Nebraska, on all days of the week except on the fir at day, connnonly called Sunday. On all ottier cLays of tl"Je 1Neek, alcoholic liquors may be sold bet\veen the flours of 6 A. M. and Ill'. M., except on Saturday, when tILe sale tbereof may be made between the t'ours of 6 A. M. and 12 o'clock midnight. SECTION 2. Beer and ale, and all other malt, brewed and fel~mented beverages except alcoholic liquOl"S may be sold on all days of the week including Sunday during the hours as b,el'einafter provided in thi s soct:i_on. On the first day of the 'week, commonly called Sunday, trIe hours for the sale thereof sball be from 1 a' clock P. M. to 11 o'clock P. M. On all other days of the week except Saturday, the hours for the sale tllereof shall be from 6 A. NT. to 11 P. M., and on Saturday, sales may be rnacIe between the hours of 6 A. M. and 12 o'clock midnight. SECTION 3. On the holidays desi gna ted as New Year I s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, knovlD as 4th of July, Labor Day, Armistice Day, November 11, Thanksgiving Day, and Chris~las, alcoholic liquors, beer, ale, pOl.,ter, stout, wine, and all other mal t, brewed and fermented beverages may be sold f':rom 6 A. M. to 12 0' c lock midnight; provided ~ however, if any of su ell holidays fall on Sunday, the hours for the sale thereof shall be as h01"'ein- before provided in Sections One (1) and ~NO (2) of this Ordinance. I tf.l 5 e I I I e ORDINANCE NO. l.2511-_"4 (con't) SEc~rION 4. No person shall within tb.e City of Grand Island, Nebraslm, sell at rotail any alcoholic liquors, including beer, on the (1ay of any National, State, County, or municipal election, including primary elections, during the hOtll"S the polls are open.. SEC'rrON 5. Tb.a t Section Four (4) of Ordinance No. 1508 of the Ordi nan ce s of the 01 ty of Grand I 81 and be, and tlJe same is, h81" eby repealed. SEOTION6. Any person, firm, partnership, association, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall upon conviction be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and fined in any sum not axe eedin g %;100.00, and shall stand comrni tted to The Oity J~il until said fine and costs of prosecution are paid. SECTION? This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect on July lst,1943 and after its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved thi s 16th o.ay of June, 1943. ~ ATTgSrr: ~ AI'.~"-----'--- , v~ ty v erk. f If ['1 e I I I e ORDIN/.\.NCE NO...19'>9 An Ordinance authoriz:i.ng and directing the sale of C81'ta:tn real estate belonging to the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska; providing the manner in whi cll the smne shall be sold and the terms of said sale; providing for the gi ving of notice of the flale of said real estate and the terms thereof; and, providing for the right to file a remonstrance against the sale thereof signed by legal electors of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, equal in number to tbi:t.ty per cent (30%) of the electors of said City, boting at the last regular' municipal election held in said City. BE 1'1' OHDAINED BY" 'l"RE l\'li\..YOh AI~D C1 'I1Y COUNCIL OF 'I'HE CI'lY 01" GRi\.ND ISLAND, NEBHASKA: SEC'I'ION1. The sale and conveyance of real estate hereinafter described is hereby directed and authorized to Western Builders Inc., of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. The property directed and authorized to be conveyed is described as follc)V1s: Lots One (1) and ~JO (2), Block Eight (8), Woodbine Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, 1"ractional Lot Three (3) in 1"ractional Block Eight (8) in Woodbine Addition to Grand Is18.nd' and its cOI"nplement, Fractional Lot Three (3) in Fraetional Block Tl1ree (3) :i.n Ashton Place, and that pal"t of Fractional Block Twenty- seven (27) in Baker's Addition to the City of Grand Island, more particularly descrioed as follows: COIT@encing at tb6 Northeast corner of said Fractional Block Tvventy-seven (27), thence in a Southvvesterly cllrection a10ng the North- erly line of said Block a distance of Thirty-seven (37) feet, thence in a Sm theasterly direction at right angles with trle Northerly line of said Block until it intel'sects the Weste11ly line of 1"ractlonal Lot Three (3) in Fractional Block Eight (8) in Woodb:1.ne AC1r1ition, tbence North along the Eastel'ly line of said Fractional Block Tvventy-seven (27) in Baker's Addition to the Place of beginning, all of said complements combined making one cOTnplete lot of Fifty-two (52) feet .wide and One-hundl"ed thirty-tyro (132). feet in length; and Fractional Lot Four (4) in Fractional Block Eight (8) in Woodbine Addition and its complements, Fractional Lot Four (4), in Fractional Block Three (3), in Ashton Place, and that part of Fractional Block Twenty- seven (27) in Baker's Addition to the Clty of Grand Island, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point Thirty-seven (37) feet Sou thwest of the NO~r'th(?ast corner of said Block ~{enty-seven (27) along the Northerly line thereof, thence in a Southeasterly direction at right angles wi th the Northerly line of said Block until the same connects wi th the Westerly line of Lot Thr'ee (3), in Block Ei{7,ht (8), in Woodbine Adeli t:Lon, thence stl'a:1.gb.t South to the Southeast coxlner' of said F'l'8.ctional Block Twenty-seven (27) in Baker" s Addi t:ton, thence straight West along the Sou therly line of said Fractional Blocl{ ':0Nenty-seven (2?) until the same intersects the Northwest corner of Fractional Lot Four (4) in Fractional Block Tbree (3) in Ashton .Place, thence in a Northvvesterly d:irection parallel wi tb West line of said Block Twenty- seven (27), to a point on the Nortb.erly line of saj.d Block Twenty-seven (271, Fifty-four (54) feet NOl'theast of the Northwest C01"ner of said Fractional Block Twenty- seven (27), a distance of 1"ifty-two (52) feet to a place of beginni ng; all of said complements making a complete e I I I e --Cr ( q ~ - OHDINAN CE NO .1959-.____ (c on t t) lot Fifty-two (52) fec,t in 1Nldth by One hundred tbi:tlty- two (132) feet in length, all in Hall County, Nebraska. SECTION 2. The manner and terms of said sale of said real estate are as fo110vvs: The pll11chaser, Western Builders Inc." agrees to pay One Thousand Seven-hundred (~~1,700.00) Dollars for the within deSC11ilJed real estate, and has paid to the City Clerk of the City of Grand Island the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars as a down payment therefor, and the balance of One Tlwu sand Six-bu ndred ($1,600.00) Dollars will be paid in full upon tbe 8xecutlon and deli vex'y of 8. Qu 1. t Claim Deed by t118 Ci ty to the said purchase~('. The City shall not be reql:!ired to furnish an Abst11act of Ti tIe. SECTION 3. As provided by lavv, notice of such sale and the terms thereof shall be published for three consecutive weeks in tbe Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper published in and of general cirCtllation in tb.e Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, immedia tely after the passa[';e and publici?tion of ttds Ordinance; and tb e Gi by ClerIc j.B hereby directed and instr'u cted to prepal'e and publ1.sh said notice. SEc'rrON 4. Autho11ity is llereby granted to t1:le electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska" to fi le a remonstrance against the sale of said real estate; and if a remonstrance against said sale Signed by legal electors of said Ci ty equal in number to thirty per cent PSO%) of tb.e electors of said Ci ty votinE'; at the last reE'~.::ilar election held in said City be filed wi.th the Mayor and Gouncil of said Gi ty within tbirty days after the passage and publication of tl":ds Ordinance, sa:i.d property shall not t1:len, nor within one year thereafter be sold. SEG'rION 5. The sale of said real estate is beI'eby directed" au tllorized and confirmed" and if no remon strance be filed against such sale" tb.e Mayor and City Clerk shall. make, execute, and deliver to the said Western Builders Inc. a ~li t Claim Deed for said property and the executi on of said Deed is her eby au tb.orized wi thou t further action on behalf of the City Council. SEG'rrON6. Thi s Ordinance shall be :i.n for ee and take effect frcm and after its pasea n:8, approval and publi cation, as provided by law. Passed and approved tlis 16tJ:? day of Jun.EZ..'-._____.._, 1943. e I I I e ! ~' ORDINANCE NO.. lS69 (con't) ~ A'rrrEST ~ h~~~ --, -4- .._-..-~~..__~'..~.___._.. ty Clerk r1(,t) e I I I e ORDI NANOE NO. ~4 An Ordinance authorizing and directing the sale of certain real estate belonging to t.he Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebl'aska; pro- viding the manner' in which the sariIe shall be sold and the terms , of said sale; providing for the gi ving of notice of tbe sale of said real estate and the terrns thereof; and, providing for the l'ight to file a I'elilOnstl'ance against the sale thereof signed by legal electol's of the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, equal in number to thirty per cent (30%) of the electors of said Oi ty, voting at the last :ce,gular municj.pal election held in said Oi ty. BE IT OF-DAINED L~Y 'THE IV1AYOF- AND CI'l'Y CODNCIL 0]1 Tb.E CIIIIY 01'1 uh.l;~ND ISLAI~D, NEBRASKA: SEOTION 1. The sale and conveyance of real estate he1'oin- after c1escI'ibed is hereby directed and author:tzec1 to Victory Homes Inc., of the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska. The property directed and autlloX'izecl to be conveyed is descx'ibed as follows: Lots One (1), Tv<10 (2), Three (3), Four (4), Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7), Eight (8), Hi.ne (9), and Ten (10), Block One (1), Schimmer's Addi tion to the Oi ty of Gra.nd Island; and Lots One (1), Two (2), Three 13), Four (4), and Fi ve (5), Block Forty-thl'ee (43), Russ~ll Wheeler's Addition to the City of Grand Island, all in Hall County, Nebraska. SEc'rION 2. The manner and terms of s aid sale of said real es ta te are as l' ollow s: The pu:r'chaser, Vi ctOl"'Y Hom.es Inc., agrees to pay four thousand eight hundred seventy-f'i ve ($4,875.00) Dollars fOl"' the wi thin described real estate, and has paid to tbe Ci ty Clerk of the Oi ty of Grand I sland the smn of two hundred forty-tbree and seventy-fi ve one hundredths (~p243 .75) dollars as a down payrnent .therefor, and the balance of four thou sand six hundred thirty-one and twenty-f:i.va one hundredths ($4,631.25) dollars will be paid in full upon the execution and deli very of a quit Claim Deed by the Oity to the said purChaser. The Oity shall not be requ i:r'ed to fUI'ni 8h an Abstx'ac t of Ti tle . SEO'l'ION 3. As provided by law, noti ce of su cll sale and the terms the1'eof shall be publi$hec1 for three consecutive weeks in the Gr'and Island Daily Independent, a neiJVSpapel' published in and of geneI'al circulation in the Oi ty of Grand Island, NebraSka, immediately after the passa e and publication of this Ordinance; and the Oi ty Olel'k is hereby directed and instru cted to pr'epare e I I I e I r,; ~. c' ORD IN ANCE NO ~ lSl6Q~_ ( can't) and publisl1 said notice. SECTION 4. Au t11or1 ty is hereby granted to the electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to file a remODS trance against the sale of said real estate; and if a remonstrance against said sale signed by legal elector's of said Ci ty equal in number to t:birty per cent (30;&) of the electors of said City voting at the last regular election held in said Ci t;1' be filed wi th tbe Mayor and Council of said Ci ty wi tbin thirt:y da-ys after the passage and publication of tbis ordinance, said property sltall not then, nor wi thin one year thereaf ter be sold. SECTION 5. The sale of said real estate is hereby directed, authorized and confirmed, and. if no remonstl'ance be filed against such sale, the MayoI' and City Clerk shall make, execute, and deliver to the said Victory Homes Inc. a Quit; Claim Deed for said property and the execu tion of said deed is hereby au thorized wi thout fu rther action on behalf of the Ci ty Council. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and af ter its pass age, approval and )JU bli ca tion, as p:povided by law. Passed and approved this 16th- day of June , 1943. .)~ 7- ~ ~ - ATTEST: :7~J7~ C1 ty Clerk e I I I e I /, I,:, {,ol Lr ORDINANCE NO. 19h1 An Ordinance creating special sewer district No. 186 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, provid:i.ng for the laying of a sewer in said district, describing the manner in which the same shall be laid, and providing for the paJ-'!llent of the cost of the constl"U ction thereof. BE IT ormAIN1!jD BY THE MaYOR AND OP[IY OOUNOIL of the City of Gl'and Island, Nebl'aska: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a special sewer district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Sewer District No. 186 of tl~ City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SEOTION 2. That said sewer shall be laid in the alleys between Boggls Avenue and Darr Avenue, from Sixth Street extend- ing N01'th to the North Property line of Block Three (3), Facker and Bal'rls Addition to the Oity of Grand Island" Nebraska. SECTION 3. Said seWel' in said sewer district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law, and in accordance with the plans and speciflcations governing the construction of sewers a.s here- tofore established by the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SEC1~ON 4. That the entire assessable cost of construction of said sewer in said district shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied to pay for the assessable cost of construction of said sewer in said district, as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said special sewer district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law, and s~~ll be col- lected in the manner provided by law; provided, however, the City n'easurer Shall not collect or certify the ~aount of said taxes to the County Trea.surer of said Hall County, Nebraska, on any of the property in said district until ordered to do so by a resolution of the City Council. Permission shall be gl'anted, however, to the owners of any of the property in said dist~ict to pay the taxes to be levied and assessed against any of said ~operty, as shall be deterrained by the City Engineer of said City, whenever such person shall desire to tap or connect with said sewer main, wi thou t interest; pl'ovided, however, such per- mission shall have been granted befo:"ee the City Treasurer has been ordered by the City Council to collect the same. It shall ORDINANCE NO.. ~L- (con1t) be made the duty of til1e Oi ty Engineer to collect the special taxes to be levied and assessed as a tapping charge against the property in said di st!'i ct" until the City TreasureI' shall be ordered to collect the same. The sewer in said district shall e I not be tapped and no connection shall be made tJ:1erewi th for 'the purpose of serving any of the property in said distl"'ict without a pel'mit therefore" as pl"ovided by the ordinances of said City" and until the City Engineer shall have been paid the special tax to be levied and assessed as a tapping charge" and the person" firm" association" or corporation" tapping or connecting with said sewer wi thou t first having obtained a permi t therefor" and wi thou t having firs t paid the tax to be levied and assessed, shall immedie.te1y become liable to the City to pay the same, and the special tax shall immediately become a lien on the property served and shall d.l"aVl interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum, and shall be colJ.ected and enforced by the City Treasurer of the Oi ty of Grand Island, as in the cases of other I special taxes. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in fOI'ce and take effect from and after its passage, approval" and publication as pl"ov:i.ded by law. Passed and approved by a thr'ee-fourths vote of all the members of the City Council of the City of GJ.'and Island" Nebraska, this 16th day of June" 1943. ~~:~ =;t~ ATTEST: I e ~y~~ ORDI NAl:rGE NO" ~L An ordiDnDce au L;:~ o:cizi a.rlO. d.ll~{3G.t,trl!I. tlJe sale: of certE<.:tx) l'1f.=Jf:tl O~~ltElte 1Jelon,r:;i:nt~ teJ tl"J.EJ Cj,ty of Gr.::tllCl Isltlrld., l-Jel)I',qslf;"fJ., providing t()(~ m8.nnCl' in vilich "".1-'1 (_~ t,c- .~f 8ELlrifJ shall be ] ' 'l I" 80 ",0. t1:nc ":ile terrns of sc:J.id sale; providIng for the ::iving of notice of the e I SElle of" SCticI }-etll E:)E:lLtl"tc; aDc) t11.6 t~e11}JlS ~!~1\e14CH)f; c1rlcl, pl'O'v:tc~j~rlg fc)]:) tlle l~t it to file a If('~~rnCll1f1tl'~1r.lee a~<':(lil)st tile s8.1e t}:to:e(1of tli:jned hy 18gal electo:t'8 of the City of G:ee.nd IsIElnd, Ne1:n'Els}(a, equal in nUiilbeI' to tiJ.l'ty (30) pel' cEmt of the electoI'S of said Gi ty. BI; IT OHDAIN.J:ill bi '1'H'c; IV,AYOR. AND CITY COUNCIL OF' TEE CIil'Y OF' Gh~\.ND I;SL":~ND, Nh;31~Am\.A: S~CTION 1. TI1e salo and conveyance of real ostate here- inoJ'ter c3.ef1c~r:i beci is her eby cUrectecl arid au t;lorized to J\.1fI'ed E. Eei tih of the G:t. L;y of G:eand Island. TlJe p:eopert.y c:1:i.rected and n:u t101'izod to be conveyocl. is described a8 follows: I Lot Ono (1), Block Eleven (11), Tno Bonnie Bl'ae Ac!cJit:ton to the City of G:t'and Island, Hall County, Neb:c'aAka. SEGrrIOl~ 2. frlle ltlEtrlr'1(:ll ftDcl tel'nis of' s[;'t.=~_(1 sale of 88.:Ld T.1e?~-l1 estate are 8..S follows: The pu:echascJ}.', Alfrl'?d E. Keith, eGS to pay rrvvo lhmdred. Fifty (~t;250.00) Dollars foY' the \'"Ji1;l':1n cIe,3c:C'i1~)<?Jc'1 real estu.te, a11(1 rlf:1S pl:dd to tl'e CieS Glel'1k of tl18 C:lt;y of Gl'Clnc1 Island, the mnn of Twenty-f:tve (~~25.0()J Dollars as a down payrrH3n t thel'efor, and the balance of' Two Hu ndred TiIenty-five (~j;225.00) Dollars vii11 be pFd.d i:rl fulllJpon Lhe exeeuLlon and deJlvery of 8. I~~rdt ClEdrn DC:3ed by tbe City to tbe a Et:1cL IJU1'lcY~.[lSE}r'. Trle C:Lt'y stt:?tll !]ot; required to furnish an Absc:r'n.ct of Ti tle. SECTION 3. As provided by law, notice of such salo and I e tJ1E) t(jl~lrl.S t~h(':~.~;e()f s})a:ll 1)8 pu1Jlif31J_eo. f.Oll tllT'ee c()rJsc;e1:~t~:tve vleeks i1:1 the Gl''J.nd Island Daily Independend~, a new8pf.J.pe~(' }Jub- 118J(0c1 in and of .r:eneral circulation in tlie City of' G~['a.nd IsL'tnd, I~el:)llo.,sJ{[L, il.(Ln1eclin.tf31'~l :?1..f'<Lc)r' t'} Cl p(lSBC~;_:':~e bIt cati on or -[:;1, j. S Ol'ct:1.nance; ').ne} tbe City Clel'k is }Le:eeby direeted a.nd inst:t'uetec1 to pi' epare and IJL.l b1i sh said noti CEl . SECTION 4. Au t}lori 1:;y is Il81)y anted to Ww electors of 01: tlt e G:t t7f ()~e (} ra.rld. I ~11 Ct DC-;, T~'e lll~ f1 S }',cl , to f~ 11 e a j?ern.o r1 s tj:-' e.T) C e O"')T'I n '\l.GT' ITO 6 lUJ . 1\~.4.! D '! ~ 1 9 ? ( Contt) agailJst tl1G sale of said rE~al E3sta"Lo; an(!- if a llffironstrance D.p~ t:ti y) s -1"; tJ-Je S ,':Jle ()f E! EticJ. 1. fJ :lJ~ C C3 t ,2 te, s i [~n(3cl 1J :~/ 1 Etl E)]. e G"C C}Ii~] of' sn.:ic1 City eC!lHtl :Ln mun'bel' to t;i il'ty (30) pCl' cent of t;':'e e I f:~lee-L(}J'>~-i of. sD.icl Ci t;y va ti n g r\ J_ <,?,. tJ tJ..!,E; lctfit; ~ee 1 (jleGtlc))] J:l(~J_cl 1 Il :3 D.l d. G 1 t~y 1] e f i'lec1. VI i t,}'i t}:1 e t:ls,:lO II Council of said City v1i 11:1 t::-';il.t"S' d~FJ.ys .fl-orll ti'l8 pE1Sfl f~ 8.11C f)Li1~)lte[:;,tl()rj of~ 1S ordirw,nee, srticl. Pl'OPOyt;y 81'9,11 not -L}len no:r. v!1tl'in one year thel'eaf teI' be sold. BEG'n ~ " '..." . 'T}-: e :-J ale of said l' eal I I . edT;B~'ce J_S e~(' e b:I direc-r,()d, aut;!'o:>:'ized, ;;'tn(D confirnled.; :t f !10 }:' (_:rnon S t:l' .0.1:.1 ee })e f~IJ.(:cl 8.. (-L~tnst S'UC)-) SCtli3, LIJ6 lvlo.'~rc).p ancl C5,'t"y' Clcj~rJ{ 1:t11 (j, exc'.cute, and c:lel:Lver to tile :::rdd Al:f:ecc1 E. Knit}" 8 ~uit Claim Deed for ;3i::.id pl'operty and t}ie o~<eCtl tion of Stud deed :i.B fi() r e b y 0.'\1 r;: ,0 I'i zecl wj. tJ' ou t ftl1" 1;h e1' a c: t:'L on on "b 11' of the 01 ts Council. SEG'1'ION E). 'r.1'is o1'ciinance :~"all be in forGO nnc1 G,iLe I ef,f'eet fr'()Jil [l'rlCt o.j~1~(-)Y. its I)~if:1ri , approval, and plb1ication as -pJ~O \}~i. (1ec1 ob:,/ ], {1.\V . I):.J f_~ 1'3 G.ne.i. a!J{Je ()"\leo. tld s 28 o. Et ~r {)j-' _T"Y\r. ~~._"_.J 1D43. \ r ~ Arnrn';-"!I.' rn ff J. ,f- }:;I-..' J.. ., -;!L~~A/ J-w:CA ,-_v..~'::~%;C.1.~"~-h::;T G ~.l-; -" 1;---------'---- .1.; .J .1_ ..._ . I e O"""'I"" .",.rt'" ',CF', ..l.At:.'l fl..U .L\Jl;,r'Jv~j l\jV. ~,_._ An ordinn.Dce 8U~ orlz1n3 una direct the sale o:P (~erta1.!) ~eeH.l e~'1t;~lte ;)clol'l t;\J e C i t; ~l () f~ (} rJ r::L Yl (1 I ;~i 1 E~n, ci, ]\J e 1::)1'1 Et. ;.:~ J~,-o~ , r)]:-;OVlC}.LllL:~ t}:e Y~1~1.1'11)Cr~ iJJ vJ}i5,e}l trr'~e S;;fn\.(:: s~c_l~:tll tJ8 EJold, ~llJc3. tl'~_(~ te:efl1.EJ (l:e sc1'.'Lc1 8;3.1.8; ])TiO\licJ._jo fOJ:' tbc vi ()f' rl(}'ti ce of' t!.'l(~ e I sale. of said reaJ, estate t[).e t(~l~lns tJ-181'()()1'); o.ncJ. $ I)X- () 'vi 6,:t !) e; fOI'": t;tq) :e:l t to f:tle [:i 11(:~lnOrJ::i-f.:~1~f:-ll1Ce f:tl1.lS -L e f){Jlo t}.-:_el' (:~ of sl ed_ 1'r;/ le~';~Ftl electo:vs ()f tl:le Ci.t~y of C-r~-911cJ. Ir:.~l;~:ud., '/):(1 D. EJ 1{[i" equal iLl lTUmlJeY' to tli:ix'ty (30;~) per cent of' V'e eleetol's of ['laid Ci I;y. 13E IT OFU)/\I1:,:(LD r:~j-:{ ,,_~:..YOh Gr COUNCIL OF CI'I'Y O:E' .i:LdiD ISL,,-~l-m, Ie:\: SI:C'l.IIUl'J 1. ~['}_J.e sEtle fiDel. conVE.~:Y'~).l)Ce (Jf C'(j<)'] (;S--c;i.t:(j 1-'ex1e"'" i 11 FJ f' -t el' cIeJ ~~ erl 1 T) eel i fl }i er~ e IJY (1 j_l-f(:) C teeJ bl.11Cl H,lJ ()l' ~t zE~:d, tC) l~'rfnne t t B. Bl(Y~/c1 ()f~ LIJc~ 01. t;.y ()f CrZiFtX1Cl I s1.g,;ncl . TJJ,e !)l--;()[)(>;l'ty dll'ee-Lect BfJc1 D.l~-L} ()I;izf:;cl 'tC) 'be G()Y\\l8";/6t'J. lB d.escl;j,bed as foJulows: I 1c.1.- (Th,-o IC)\ P.l....ro" 1j'"1.'--....n ("') m'--~ J) 1.1 .L~J \:~..J J J '"-"~l.Jvh_ ~.lt~ vtj... ..l~.J-, ..LJ.I.t:J Bonnie Heae Ac:'Clt:torl to tYe Cit,y of C}:ri H.:ncl I sJ_ !:111Cl, 1-1::111 Ocru :nt:Y', 1'J8 })j~ u.Hlc(:""t . SEG'l:IOlT 2. The marUle:e terms of said sal,e of said l' E) 1-:(1 estr.J.t;(~ (~11'e D.;] :f'olloVIf:;: Th.e rfUI'e}~:EtSel~, })nrnett B. 131()'Y-'-c1, t:;,'JS to pay Tno Hundred Flfty (~~250 .OO) Dollar's fo}' tlJ8 vr:tt'ld.n C-' - _..0 ,~c --, .- -- ~ ~1 ~ c' -'-. -, L .. "-[-j'-1 "-- n <:; '1')'\'; (.:0) .l e S (j.t' J. Uc~U, j.~( ~;-t.. ~ ~-) l,..) I.J ~-;:\. L, f) , (..~ L- J. !C,l....:; . c- ..--L'- l~o 1.;}1e City Clel'1\: of the Ct ty of GJ"Oi.nd If,;land, tbe sum of T}':Lt.ty (~;30 .OO) DolJars as a c:town payment tYlor-efoX', uncI the lialanee of TViO Hu c) (1 T~:\~ (~ 1:1 t:; ~T (di'()')O r\C)) D 'J'~r'" ,,,,0'] "". ._"",oCl \~11t.)~J j .\,.J ()..'.. -Cl ~.1 ie' ..L..L_~ lJb l-'-O~J-C jn full -upGr.! tIle f;XeetI -Llcj;n arlcl de]Jvel'Y of a Cblit Clainl Deod tl.LE~ City to t}i.(~ SEticl :PU1' EJ.S(}l"1. The 01t:7 sb3J.l not l'"e qlJ, i ~t' ()O. to :.f-u :r:~Lll s 1'3 8~!1 A tJt{ tl' C1. r:. t ()f rri tIe. SEG'l'Io:rr 3. A'"! PI'ov:tC:ecl by law, notIce of Bud, SOllc and ttJ.e te:-':Lrls t}1eJ-~e()~f s:l"1.D.J..l be [Ju l)li f()J.1 t;j-(c'e (~~ C()rlSeel:J. t1 ve I e weeks :~_n tli.8 CJ:'nnd Island Dail;y Independent, a newspaper', pub- lis}1c:cl i11 D~rt(J. of :,:'crl(J:c~~Ll Cil'ClJ18.tiol1 1r1 tJ"l.e Cit;yT of' C+I'D.r1cl Islflrio., 11 e 1)1" ;~. EJ lC['l, tr:1E'i.(}di rl t e J,~r aJ' to f.1 t~}'_!.f) })8, S ;':~,; n. Et:nC TJ1.l1) 1 t C [1 tl ()Xl ()ft t;l.:il s orc~i nan C,') ; the G5ty Clerk is eh~' d1.rec'b8d an6 illstructeC t<J 1)11 f.~:r)n.l~e (:J.r.1l5 I)D ;Jl:t :::j}-L Sftic.:. (1 ()t~lce . SEGr.i~IO]>r 4. .Allt:;rlo1-tt":JT is <:; t)}l .cS:'e 8~ r\ to elCietOI'S of t118 Clt~y of Cr~ec.=l:nd. IsltlY1Cl., l\Te'b::eCi~n}.~~[l, tt) f'ile 8. :pernor)st~e8.Y1Ce fJ.gairJst tlJ.e se\'J_e o.-f S[1..id Il(-::til OGtfitC:;; if a rerno:n E::: tJ:'[-lrlee OEDINANCE NO J..-9_~__...__ (Cont t) Eir.;:al11s't 't;]Je sflle of s8.id~ T'()Etl e5tje;~t;o, [J:Lgllect 1J:/ lege.l eJ.~eG+;()x~S of 8 ;~ttcl Oi -I-;~r e qt1 f.tJ.. -i. Y.l fllJ InlJ 8T' tel , .~ T' "lH V (">0 c,f). J.... .' t) "- \ /0 IJe:tf e,er:t; ()f ttl,<:3 electors of ::"Hd.cJ Clt,y voting i1t~ the last :ce 1m' clt',et:i.on )eld 1. J1 :3 ,~i i. cl. C:l t ':l 1JO filec1 v: 1. t}1. t';"tE1 I{Et>rOlf COllncdl o-r . " sn.:.LO Oi t-'T . " e I VIi tJin t1iJ'ty f> front t}.f; pD.s~age Et:n.c1 J;JiJl)licD.tlo:n ()f~ '[;'. :J 8 ()rdl rlfJ.rJ. ee, 8 f::l'l.. c":: pl' () r)nl~ 't"Jr sT-'!_ rill rlO L tJ"l el"} r)Ol~ V.T1..-tf.ltrJ 01."te S' e f3.:r~ tl:(:t'e:C:l.fLe:e be sold. SEc:rION" 5. Tr.1E~ sR..le of S8.ieJ :eecl1 (;stclt;e if.! Y:t(3J"elj:1 1" -~ ~.~ - - -~.. -:" VI ("'" .1_". . -- <~ ,.. ~,..:; ~... "_":1 ( .1.1. (:: U "UO" ,J,1..l t,.I.'O.L'.L Zt.""" ,:.[1u con f:L ; Cltic) :1.f no p(');:onst:eance be f:Lled ,ggainst sue}, SD.]":;, tr'EJ KO.YOl' arid City Gle.'k SJ,f,i.ll make, exeeu te, (el:i.vcr t.0 "cl'G sa:!,\.;. Etm:nett B. Bloyd a QJ~it Glahn DeE~d fOl' f:'la:l.d p:r:oPi.';l'ty and t;'c,e GXC;cu'i:J.on of said deed is hE:l'eby au t) ol'ized V'/i tJ:.Ol1 t flJl,t}le:e aetion on b(;f'fjlf of t}'f; OJ ty Gmulc:l.l. SECTION 6. This ordiu.9.nce st'all be in :t'ol'ce and tnke ef)fec<t ~e:ec){!-;, CtllcJ. afte11 lts ]/f:1.8Ej8.ga, 8~]~1)1~()\T8.1, publleatj_on as }J1'O vid.ed by lc:iw. Passed an,'; appeovec1 tlds 28_ 1943. I "'\ (' /)/ A'I'T KS 'r ~ :7L-~- ~ _':''::zi=~_-:::''~c-,~'~i.--~:~~ -"'v-l.t::l.'l~~.""~ '" .... . ...------ --- . 2. '..1.y ___ ,_,_ -- I e OPDIPJ !"<l,ro,", "fa 1964 .1.1. J.,.,,1o \j J..:J l~ _ _._.__ An or'dinance rtlltJior:i.z:1.ng a d. i 1" c~ e t :t t;}"l E3 S ('::.L () f" c e I' t (":J.,t :n I'enl (;state belonging to tbe C:tty of Grand Island, Neln'8.r:.<ka, pro vldi tJ, e m ann e1' in \Ji:i. eL' tlJe s [~J(Le s 'j " ~.. ,1. l)6 sold and t}.lG e I tOl'Ins of' flCtid 8[.)10; pI'ovid:i.:ng :em" the giving of notie8 of t}!e sale of 8 [l:L c1 T' ~')rll e f:) i~fJ t e -Cbs t::l'rn;:; tl'eI'eof; !3.nd, ~m'ovidj.ng 1'01' 't;}-1 e y'ight to fj.le 8. ren~onstrF,-nce Hgainst the BD.Ie tl'8rE)of si.~~l)e(i 1JY It)E~Ctl E~leetc)r8 of tYLe Cit;y of CTI"[:l:ncl I~-J1n,:nd_" IJ(;"1)l:clEil~~l, equal :tn nmnber to t}'irty pel' cent (c'O/b) 0:1:' the (-)l('lctors of said (1 . J vlCY. BE IT OHDAI P;Y LAYOH ld\iD 01 TY GOLHJ elL OF G1'2Y '01" !.i I ) 1,;~jjb~Abl;"A. SEor.rION 1. The ;'~8.1e and eon veyaJlee of :eeal c s tn.te JJGl'e ~ Lnafi,Ar oesc:ci bod is 1 eroby di:eoei;(;6. [llJ ized to Cla:cence A. Hal'l"op of tJ,o City of' CX'Etr,cl. IE'land. Tl,(:: PI'OPBl'ty dil'eeted. fJ.l.1 t'h.c) ~ei z eo t() 1)0 conveyed . l.S dc~s er4j be(1 ns f 01], OW :3 ~ I Lot Fifty~ei Lillt (58); the North One -balf OTE-), of Lot Fifty-seven (57), He:\!vt;ho:J:'Ile Place, be:ln~; 8. Stlb-clivision of a }J8.1't of trl8 NOl'thw(;st C;Jliirte:e (N1;J~t.), of SeeL:ion Tv'lonty-tv;o U~~;), l'oVins},ip Eleven (11), NOl'th (N), Ranc:e Nine ($), West of the 6Gh P. M., Hall County, NeT)rDsl~a. SEO'l1ION 2. Toe manller' and tel'H\S of 8(=1.id BaJe of said l'()Hl est c; .L(~ Ell1 e [tE~ 1"1 () 1 J..OVJ f; : TlJ.fJ f)l121 etl.El seJ'~, 01 D.l' (Jr.] ce A. lIar; If() I), 8.. e es to pay One I-Iund1'EX1 F'ifty (~pli50 .00) Dollars foI' i;}le wit}'in clesCl'ibed 1'eal eetll.te; D.nd 'f-as :pn.:td to t},e City 01e1'k of the C1ty of G:eand Inland, tr.t': sum of TvVenty-f:ive ( dl,r) r: ,', '" ) D 1" .' - ~~o.uu O_..I,.al~~ as a C_ Oil} tJ l)[{ Y- ment t-herefor, Dna tr'o balance of One Hu:ndrf~d Tvventy-fi ve (~t1.25.00) Do11al's will be paid in full 1Jlxm tbo exeGl1tion and deli ver-;] of a q;ui t Claim Deed by 'I.:;he C1 ty to the :3[:3_1d. 1:O'l11'0 sel'. I e ~:Ll.E~ Ci.-C~T s}:J.:J.1J~ rl()t lJEj 1'18Q1.1illeo. t() f'll~Cjtlj_sll ar\ i~1Jf3tl(Et(.~t o.1~ Title. SEG'l'ION 3. As pl"ovic1ed by lav!, not:; ce of su oJ sale and tbe tel'Hls thereof BI1E1.11 be published fo:e t}il'ec consect1tive weeks itl the Ch'and Island Daily Independent, rot nev!spape:e publ:Lsl,ed in i"nd of ne:eal c:U'cu la t:'L on l,n the Oi ty of G1' !lne} I sIanO., Ne b1'E181\:a, imYi1eelic~d:;ely after' 1;}18 p[{s~'age anCJ pl1lJI:tcation of :t S ()1~C:1_ i1'-1 r:llJ CCi ; ,~l!]c1 t~h.t:} Cit';I Clel~l{ Is 11.ereol);.;r c:._I~ri8Ct(Jcl ctrld. :i.rlstI;uct<:1CI t;o r)14e~pr-),1:e D,Dd pubLish sH:i.d notice. ORDINANCE HO~-1.2-61-_ (Con't) SEc'rrON 4. Allthority },[; };{H1eby i"intod to tbe elec:to:C'fJ of i~}le C:l'L:/ o:f Crr~:;_rlcl Islril]cl, lJ'e'I:):r~8,sJ<':8;o' 'b() .fJ.l() 8. l~c:n\()n.stl~n,llce a(';airl~,tj tJJe sale: of' BEt:LcI 1')(;8.J.. nstElt;(~; D~rl(5 if El J."en1.cxnrlt:es.11ce e I 8. n s-t tJ-:e sD.le ()f' _~_~c:tl(I J1t3fll entc:lts) sig:nE'.ld by lei~al eleetol'r:.~ of said City equal in nunilier to c:i:r>ty })eI' c~::;nt (3010 of tr10 elector'!:: of si'1.1.d City vot:Ln;.~ at tbe laE!!; I'(;gular election 11E:Jd in said City be filed rith the Mayor and Council of said City wit;ldn tJ!irty c)8.ys fl'om the pn,8sage and publication of tll:is ol'c1inanee, said pl'operty 8b[,1,11 not tbcn nor wi 'in one yeE!.r therea.ftol" be sold. SECTION 5. The sale of [in.ld real ostn.te is };81'eby dil'eeted, au tliol'ized, arK1 confirmed; 8.nd if no T'(jrilon stl'r'lnCe be filed aainst sueY, sale, the'Mayol' and OJ"ty Clork sY'all make, exee'ute, and deliver to tTH3 tj[jJd CIHx'ence.,A. HarJ'op a'~j.t Gll'dm Deed for said prOpOl"ty EtllCI t}le execution of .said deed is Iloreb:y l:iJ] tJJOrizec1 VIi tbOll t fUI'thel' actj on on behalf of t}IO City I COD nc:tl. SEc'nOlT 6. rCJ:ds ordinance f:,hall h,:: in fOl'ce and take effect, from and after its pass8 , appX'OVEtJ., ancl pl~blic8tion as pI'oviclC';d by law. Frl f:1 S e~cl. and 8. pp I' 0 ve <::L tbis -1lL._ day oJ' June -_.._-~,.,-"",--' 1 9 43 . '\ r --C-Y- AT'rEs'r ~ ~/~ _.._ '_r~..__.__.,.(,,,..,,..,.._.~_<,__"_~,____,"__.____,," ,..._,_........ Ci ty ClOl'k. I e .A..rl (; I" l }J H tl e;3 1 C; aRDIr~ l~lJ CIG 1\ln l.<;V..e 1965 .. ':~: '::_. ~ VI Et ;_~ (:;I~ f 0 J:~ Li!.~:~ G()rl;:5 ';'~~eti G ()(\ Ct t~;r of (fl' DJ;~ J r: L 1:: 0 91 ()~f . f.... "'.._ ~ T () e I (Y[;' ,~ (:: (~() 11 (:"::.: C ()1") 1'1' I) I.Q i ,-\(.:1) _,-- r,...1.........I................ , :=.~::~GfrIOTJ 1. '[,l'}. f3 f:; (:!.J.:l.{:~ "!_ H fJ. or e- (_~i r~ ~.:.i 'f (If 'J ,":).ll c.t f) D (-~-V :'..1\-; i-l.,i. }\J J\t': E I f' t ::~ ,Ptl It II iI II II \l II II 11[-j~:t(1 Ii.l teI~ I . r~ .j (: 'c;1. or} C)~j {J I ~:; 1 :':UJ c} J ie,{:,)J..;" d. (} f: C ~? -'- '1, l(l" (~;rj E~ tl II U It It II n It J.~U }:)1.' t-~:1' AYOH IT :LC~31:::' /\~) l{j\ " I:ne. II H It II U \t U II t~ H. [j r)O 1 c~<~ \ll r~T i'\ -i~ (:: 1~ .:;: c.:::. , 1: :~J :\.1.".1 t1 :Lri }- ,_::, ,;... T\ ",' .':~ '." 'J. ~...t ( . I EeD ct, 1'-1' e l~(e -s ." \_-?:. , e "C~ tn Y"'() Ei t() () .... e'l J~. OIL O:B' ri~{B (1'1" iTI\T '>.I. .... J,. L.t{,L' 8 e-!'; t'3.;-: , ():e Di 8 -Ll'~l c t~ T; (~ ~e Iii tl :t:n Ilrr (} ~ fJ J-" () :t' ('l, :.i -\if~ J..() t:::.\, ,-, t c1 (~.:t f:-lt~xi t e i,~ l_l) ()'I, c:; ';'; (YU 1-_; t. S (i Ur.' ~ \.:'i i--:-l ct.-I.r LO _ , J. L~ .~, L() ~: BLOCK r- .'.~. t:" l} ? r1 n ;,} ""! ! .L ...1_ 7 f"'" t~1 .I.~ ~!::, ~' (~t; 0 I l~r jg~~r , Sf) C t;l or) J~ur\ f~ ux.! ~:, ,,-' I~ \1 ("~r2l1 (:~ ~:l l; .. . ;..,~ ~ I rrI ()IT n ,:, ('< ::.~. B~;:: t t: e:r~ }"r u u u U tt II II U J "(1 (:~ a- n It u U It U U at ('< r::... n f:." n !:J 8 r~ t::. '7 -t) SE~~~ of t]:-':,o 100 ft (;0 tj ~-~ 1,"'" ].1--9 : I,:) r1o::r-f 1_.1 :j G<~~" 1.1.:t' () li,rl j, ,~t '.-" ~ ~:~ c' 0 f~ ('f _~ i--'" V' ,_. ,'-I, (~ i.,to; J , ~3f~'C (; j:.:;l t(~ OUN '.r ~;~,: e,o. Z} 1 C() "ell C() .cJ J~ G() .Zjl GO .;-~; 1 ~("" r::... t,A_J 8 ".1 .r ("'> (', "-:'0""1 j\,j .gt_.-'-'., (':1 9:t .2P, tel~ U8~ 140e30 To t (~]. -p ~-,.-..--;= ~ ~ "'-~.. =~.- ~ =,P$7 <1~ G--.Ci3- STWTION 2 II 'TIle f)pecial tn:Kes "u:c '. 'I n r}~~-1.~rD..ble 2iI(I.() L~ !.1 "I-~ 1---; r:.::_, Y(~ (1('; 11 :Cl , .L (;0: I ij' (1 (:;11 '.,> ; ()YJ e --:C i:L t11 f:l.f.'~Jl J.L!. tJ..il"ee ir} s t:'[J.llJ.r}er.l t f:; of :c () T~ ,":'. "'-,c'. .', .'~.. ,. ".; dXl'L: n.~3 f'(J1J~OVIS: C;-i--~ -1"-; in flt~ . ,1, Xl o :~..~ (3 ';/ e ':.t.l:1 ; ()Yl e - ~f :L ,f tll i n. f (ru J..~ ~\,/ (~,;'t Ii ~-:~ j -....: . ! (iF ~-:.t i:i: OrJ \~)-f~l.f _~lit}) 1 (~ (1 1 ~~) e c (";' \(3 t!:! t(} f:~.,f 0 l' c:~ f) Ct 1 (1 J_ ~~-: v~y t1 }.'j I e tJ1.e U;:J.J.:10 f)H.(d e (:_:1tlt~ ri8 c;ollcet; FiJOlCl ;j pe ci al (; (\, Cl. t~ c~ () f' t}:C~ e ,,'OJ" ~I- .".7.'0 ~r(.:)H~I~ s; 1,)>H..... t~{~. e f'i:.e~~;t ~1.11 r:L:e::?,.\v j ,~J t(~I;i_~-" 'C; ;', .!- t}l.(~ T~ of~ e Cf:;,nt (1]{ce = ,; f2;'l(iLt r)(:)I~ ., ..L j':"'" 1J 1JOCU!'t8 014(:; [-lJ~ {\ U ~r! [)Et ,'-J r:~ I 1"-1 11 (Jf; f.;J'\ t~, 11 l!D. i c1 ; 8 ri IJe c:t 'pi ,.. ._. u oi" u e J.. (J\fi.J 'l_;l:~c;:e (} () f) 4>> .'1 ~I.{'m Or.1 Sl!:C ';.11 m-i r";' ~) -;: ill .L"'-i HI-Cft .if_; n{,~-(' TJ:J6 C~tty Cle:~V" CJJ~ i r-1 fj ';;~[.U e t ,qriC} rt..~ uJ f.eJ.~ (>-1_ S111~ Eftc of T~r}~ e Ci t.J( ()f rrr-! }) 'Ur i1 n :L x~ (}( 1 T) e eo; L~::! rl' 1. L\ er-l t; ; {;: J:19. ce of i~>~ J,~n e (;~:i "C ,~l. T.. (J1' () ()t"1 t~ rJ 1 i~;J]{C:'; tJ ]^ () () ! {:::. ~i.. J.:" F,-C.Joei tn.){~:_:'; 8, J.: 0,3.]" f :r~ () !}\ '-,~1 (~' . '1.:.- (-:~ e C:t t-:l ci=f 0'1":1 Cl,l'} (I 0' 'Lex' f::~ S Et1""(i, (:; ., .1- Tuet: fic-1.lO_ !.:.crr<1 I sl,_:':~_lld_, 1 ~ 1:__':: c~ 'L ;~(} \ > ')1:' ~f ~v DC) e I;:::lJ.Elrlcl, IT e l.) 1< ::::~l~,Jlj Ll.tE~ ORDIN.l},NOE HO..1965.____ t'_;() ec) 1J,. () e t ;~lH1C)1'-Ill t of ;~; ;:tJ.(} tFt)~ ()fJ ], b1.-; c~1 r1 1 f~ \T~t :J 'co (:~ x;, \,'"' =L t; J:-; [J :~.~ G IT () 1<1 ~1. etl:C (Jct f.lt!)-i.-~; e I ~.-~ ~:~ () ~vJ.. tJ. PtLf; {-j /\ ;:P:?T~;':~ ~P: -2- J~ ~1_~_._.__ ~~:-ty 01 . I I e ;:3 r:. j': 1 f;"~ , a r:~ ..,..., . 'JJ'lS ,~D } _~\. i tB n 2 ]. ,~;tV'./ " 8J' cl (iT 1-\ 0 tr! OJ] e () sJ:Jo. ],1 ltJ fc,recc~ ;:.:. ~:- ,-, '~', \fD.} J ; ( ""'1-'j' .L' t..iU,.,. T f.'J . ::LL! ;:) ') 'bl or~ s t ,':~t lc () }~iU i") :"l_~ 1 e -8_ ti 0:0 1~) 1 -'7--- onDniAlTC,j~ EO. 1966 .i~f-! ol'cl5.~--1;41]ee E.1.1Jt:::.()1~:tzlrtg [)JJ(J dir'c)ei..;irlCj f:jc11() (>:[' enr~te,irl j2Ie~~1 ('; s ttl, t:;e l)olc>:c! c-.; tc) tl:te Ci t~T ofl G14 I r~ J ,(L}J (t, l\f (; l~j:e rt E~ 11.:Et ; Ixeo \Ti(} il} [~ tl.1.e rll~~trJr1 (:~I~ i~C1 \'(Y.L,~_ ell tl) e ~3 nX(i e Sf J. C1. 1 1 1)6 8 () IcJ t (-:J :e111 r:j C, f' f; 8-'.. 1 (1 s~'_-Lle; rjll{)v~i.d~i11 e; f~()r tIle ving ,....,p. f"J,L ot:i.ce ofl tt\(j e I sClle e)f S[3~ld~ J::l()E!.l 8S t.flt:e trlC: r:l e1ic~()f:l; , }):cO\llcl:Lr.l.[~ for tIlt') J:,J t Gof:l1e a J.'l:.}jionf3 ;:3 t tl10 ,,-~ f:' t}i(~~I:;(:~of 81 ad by legal eloc-bors of~ the 01 o t' Cr:e ,s.rl d~ I fl1. [:JJJ c1, r: e,~ 1') I~ ~11-G~L , I>~l' ] - J" ~'1-~"t 1'- --J! '1.,('1 '1~".;. '.1 -;--"i--','-~\T (,r/.,r)'/</) UI.:il1(:-!... j~.l l.~Lll(,_t)(~.L ,__ ....' 'u." ,JtJ _~.\_, if) rIel:' CErn t ()fo e eleet()l'B elf r-:tfJ.:tcl Ctt~~r, -votlrlg E1t t}~le 1f:t.:'.:::t I'O 1 Ellf lil1J.lilelf)El.l el{:;ot5..oXl 11'31c1 i:n SftJ..d, Cj_ t;:r. B1]~ IT ()}'-LD AIT~' J~) 13~{ y,-:,.Vf)'l--') J.\~.......,l., V.~lo. 01 GOTJIJ OIL Ol-i' 11Fi:E 011"Y OF' (','u.,,,\) 'I.,.T. '., "D ,_Tl.\....A.-l.'I..... uL~..l,.l..'. J 1J fJ~ .:'3F( ,/~ ~3lClt ; SI~GiiIIC,lJ 1. fIl'.le ~:jalo eorl 'VO;/Ei.l1 ce ()f <-c-rl f" t(; o:l.L! - a:C t (:)}.~ d, C1 S Gl-' i lJscl 1 f3 J:.~ 81: (; 1JY (I -'L l~ c c t--; , EJJO alA tl.J.():i:"l7.~ eel i_;() GU:J " l1. . Ku t,~ ehkl'llJ, of C1 t;'~~r of Cttfnllcl I t-~ 1 , 1< e {". .) . ~J:le rJl1C}r)elit:~r CJ.t:rcfHGtec} DXJC} 8J) ()l~iz t;o be eO{J J. f~ C18 s n:r'llJocl n. lei j~~ () 11 (l'd 8 ; I IJot Fiw:J (5), Blcek TGC';\Ton (11), I-ItI G'. Gl_~~LPk(jt [-j ltlon to t;l.l.e 01 t~r of~ Ctr.'4 all (1 I;j J~ n~n cl_, I-It~tll G C)"i.1 Lt ty, II (~ lJ2f ~~t :3 kEJ" . SJ~GrrI()I<r 2. Tlle r;1Et'rlrle~t~ of nil f3f11.Ct o:c tJc?\:i_c1 It' e D.l (; :71 t; 7J. t c: r1 Jl (,:'~ [1 S f~ t) 11 (}\i18 : Tb.f:; l)'U 1~ c.rt. n__ H e 1-$, C}u [:1 A. I\.lJ t; E3 el}.l:::pJJ , H. eef--3 tc> L)~J. 7Yr Or~ e rYiJ. ()l:! S [trl d (~]n01 ()1' n~llGVQ \1 .....) L.. t.-) ~'-~ C' ~_ ~A_ (..I.."~ W fo:'.-' e ":,7i'1;1-lirl d.e~tcr~i'bGcl ('-~~:) I 8",,~-,:,,'i"~(:;, n,rJc1 )-,\' ie)_ f;() t;}J.e Gt G1 (_::ro 11 ()J~ Gj_ '-L'~r of~ (}Il I f,il ~Jl] (1 e Htlxn 01~ FlftJT (;j~[:5() .C;C)) l)c,J_y1Etl~f~, rwCi p balance of N'Jne :r:' n,l-l_ (1. ~Ulj_:r ty EjO .(.lei) ]) f~l ), 1 ~,:'t. T" r~ ;,; l;;j 11 be irl fr! 11 1.1 1jor1 e c (~ .:, (' tIt: i { l! ! n.YJ cL (~ c J.. j. \l (~1~ ~I (j ~C El . , J I... 01 ~::l~t Tl.~ n .LJH lnr , oJ e 01 c:I to t~11e sU.:1.d ~e Hc:e. TJJ.0 Gl L:T J.l ....! () 'I; :v (~c: '[:1 j" :r~ to }'~ .to} :i. :(:; 1.1. ,~-i,rl t'\. t ','l:> e t 0 :!:l :T1--7 ;C:o. '_J . L:i,c;CTION '7 f__) . Ji.(-j j;j:r~() v:1" cJ oel b'~f' , L~o-1~1.ee ()Jl till ell S e a:nd I e tY:. e t (<(I}YI_~-.:~ t}~l. (-_:~ J~ Hof~ ;::11 ,~1.11 Of:' fJ!), 1J J.L f:;}1. ro:~:. t~t_l:e{:~o CULt ~joe'iJ '\I'('1 VI (; ul{ ti :trl t1.1. f; UTI -,~,I_r~ d_ In (} J)["'..~t.l'~,/ In.c1 (j (;1) t , "~l, r.l (:.)"\iii f.) 1)11 j~~11 eel iil iJ,tl d. o:f ;~;~(~l'.l (;j.:e e-u 1 8 Gl ('+' ..I,!. G ~C" elL) (1 I s J. Etr.l (1, T,: n 1J:(~ r.l ::,:l J iElf:) eel i_ (~~ .L 01 Y G (:~ r~l :l ::;;. t'i. ~.)r} ()~f tOt 1 e. ()Il('_l. ;~:tr_l c:. e; CUi C E~ C1.ty GJ.Gl~k ~~ ller eJi:t?eet . , , J.tl F~ '1_, :.~"'U ei~: Y,V: (~ n,n (} "1..1 liJ.i fi[j~icl rl(Jti ee.. o I:rD II;; ,""''''-1 iJ,l2. " 1.2..~__ ( Onn I -i~ \ ..........;, - , S:::;;CTIOlT 4. t:." ....'-.. .t . J_ t:1 ,. -'. .! L ~:) ~:l/.l J~o; . " T";l.} eC-!f( :t';:~: ..,....D U.l (.; G1 __"0 tj_L I ~_J J ,,, , .[,; , 1~() -CI.1(; [::l i"'l:~.,"i (-,;~,.! ~~~ t:I<n_r: c,-:~} ,~-~ i_ 11 r:1t-; t}-) J :.~ (~()f r~i1icl I~ !'; T t(j; ~~.rJG_ 1f rt. J? 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I e ORDINANCE NO.1967 An ordinance prohibiting the acceptance of tin cans ~t public or pri vate dumps; prohibiting the hauling thereof for dumping e I PJrposes over the streets of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; and providing penalties for the violation of the provisions of this ordinance. WHEREAS, it is necessary for the immediate prese:pvation of the public peace, safety and property that all tin cans be conserved for conversion into vi tal war materials. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE IvlAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA_ SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person in char ge or, or working upon or about any public or private trash dump knowlin gly to allow or permi t the dumpin g of tin can s on su ch dumps. SECTION 2. It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly to haul tin cans over the streets of Grand Island, Nebraska, to I any trash dump, whether public or pri vate. SECTION 3. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor; ami upon eon vi ctton ther eof, shall be fin ed in an y sum not exeeedin g One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, and shall stand committed to the City Jail until the fine assessed, together with the costs of prosecution are paid. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law, and shall be in effect for the duration of World War II. Passed and approved this 21st day of July, 1943. I e ?J(f~ ~:y~r . 7 --- ATTEST: ~I{~ e I I I e ORDINANCE NO. 1968 An ordinance au thorizing and directing the sale of certain real estate belonging to the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, providing the manner in which the same shall be sold and the terms of said sale; providing for the gi Ving of notice of the sale of said real estate and the terms thereof; and, providing for the right to file a remonstranca against the sale thereof signed by legal electors of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, equal in number to thirty per cent (30%) of the electors of said C1 ty . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. The sale and conveyance of real estate herein- afteI' descI'i bed is hereby directed and authorized to Paul J. Green of the City of Grand Island. The property directed and au thorized to be con veyed is described as follows~ The North Forty-four (44) feet of Lots Four and Fi ve (4 and 5), Block Seventy-three (73), Wheeler and Bennett's Third (3d). Addi tion to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. SECTION 2. The manner and terms of said sale of said real estate are as follows: The purchaser, Paul J. Green, agt'ees to pay Two Hundred Fifty Ct200.00) Dollars for the within described real estate, and has paid to the City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, the sum of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars as a down pay- ment therefor, and the balance of Two Hundred TlJ'Jenty-fi ve ($225.00) Dollars will be paid in full upon the execution and delivery of a Quit Claim Deed by the City to the said purchaser. The City shall not be required to furnish an Abstract of Title. SECTION 3. As provided by law, notice of such sale and the terms thereof shall be published for three consecutive weeks in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper published in and of general circulation in the City of Grand Island" NebraSka, immediately after the passage and publication of this ordinance; and the City Clerk is hereby directed and instructed to prepare and publish said notice. SECTION 4. Authori ty is hereby granted to the electors of ORDINANOE NO.. , 9hR (Oon't) e I the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, to file a remonstrance against the sale of said real estate; and if a remonstrance against the sale of said real estate, signed by legal electors of said Oity equal in number to thirty per cent (30%) of the electors of said 'Oi ty voting at the last regular election held in said City be filed with the Mayor and Oouncil of said City within thirty days from the passage and publication of this ordinance, said property shall not then nor within one year thereafter be sold. SECTION 5. The sale of said real estate is hereby directed, authorized, and confirmed; and if no remonstrance be filed against such sale, the Mayor and City Clerk shall make, execute, and deli ver to the said Paul J'. Green a QuitClaim Deed for said property and the execution of said deed is hereby authorized without further action on behalf of the City Council. SECTION 6. This 'ordinance shall be in force and take effect I from and after its passage, approvall and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 2' gt day of .Tll' Y , 1943. ~~~. , J----~ / ATTEST: ~/~~ City Clerk. I e ORDINANCE NO.. 1969 e I An ordinance au thorizing and dir ecting the sale of certain real estate belonging to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, providing the manner in which the same shall be sold and the terms of said sale; providing for the giving of notice of the sale of said real estate and the tenns thereof; and, providing for the right to file a remonstrance against the sale thereof signed by legal electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, equal in number to thirty per cent (30%) of the electors of said City. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR A}J1) CITY COUNCIL OF' THE CITY' OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SEOTION 1. The sale and conveyance of real estate herein- after described is hereby directed and authorized to Lester B. Mapes of the City of Grand Island. The property directed and authorized to be conveyed is described as follows: I Lot Four (4), Block Eighteen (18), Rollin's Addition to the City of ltl'and Island, Hall County, Nebraska. SECTION 2. The manner and terms of said sale of said real I e estate are as follows: The purchaser, Lester B. Mapes.. agrees to pay One Thousand Nine Hundred ($1,900.00) Dollars for the Within described real estate, and has paid to the Oity Olerk of the City of Grand Island" the sum of Ninety-five ($95.00) Dollars as a down payment therefor, and the balance of One Thousand Eight Hundred Five ($1,,805.00) Dollars will be paid in full upon the exectltion and delivery of a Q.uit Claim Deed by' the City to the said p:lrchaser. The City shall not be required to furnish an Abstract of Title. SECTION :3. As provided by law" notice of such sale and the terms thereof shall be published for three consecutive weeks in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper published in and of general circulation in the City of Grand Island" Nebraska, immediately after the passage and publication of t~is ordinance; and the City Clerk is hereby directed and instructed to prepare and publish said notice. SECTION 4. Authority is hereby granted to the electors of ORDINANCE NO. 1969 _ (Con't) the City of Grand Island" Nebraska, to file a remonstrance . I against the sale of said real estate; and if a remonst:r'ance against the sale of said real estate, signed by legal electops of said Ci ty equal in number to thirty per cent (30~) of the electors of said City voting at the last regular election held in said City be filed with the Mayor and Council of said City wi thin thirty days from the passage and lU blica tion of this ordinance, said property shall not then nor within one year thereafter be sold. SECTION 5. The sale of said real estate is hereby directed, authorized, and confirmed; and if no remonstrance be filed against such sale, the Mayor and City Clerk shall make, execute, and deliver to the said Lester B. Mapes a QuitClaim Deed for said property and the execution of said deed is hereby authorized without further action on behalf of the City Council. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication as provided I by law. Fasaed and approved this 21st day of July , 1943. 5V~. Mayor. "'\ -f-- ./ ATTEST: ~pLA- C1 ty Clerk. I . ORDINANCE NO. ] 970 e I An ordinance levying special taxes to pay 1'01' the con- struction and repair of sidewalk along the respecti ve lots" tracts and parcels of land in the Oi ty of Grand Island" Nebraska" hereinafter set forth and providing for the col- lection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND OITY COUNOIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND" NEBRASKA. SEOTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots" tracts and parcels of land in Grand Island" Nebraska, hereinafter set forth" for the purpose of paying the cost of construction and repair of side- walk along the same in accordance wi th the benefits found and assessed against the said several lots, tracts and parcels of land respectively, by the Mayor and City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization after notice thereof given as provided by law; each of the said several lots, tracts and parcels of land are assessed as follows: I OWNER LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT V01 tIe's $45.00 Paul C. & Hazel F. Huston , Nl.. "1 21 . 4 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and delinquent in the manner pr'ovided by law. SECTION 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island" Nebraska" is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the City Treasurer of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska" the amount of said taxes, together With instructions to collect the same as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. I e Passed and approved this ~1 st day of .Tlll y , 1943. ~' ;3J: . Mayor. - 7'~ / ATTEST: ~~dk/~ - City Clerk. OHDINANCE NO.. 1971 An ordinance autbol'izing and directing the sale of certain real estate belonging to the 01 ty of Grand Island, Nebraska; providing the mar\l1er in which the same shall be sold and the . I terms of said sale; providing for the giving of notice of the sale of sa:td real estate and the terms the:r~eof; and, providing . . fOI' the right to file a remonstrance against the sale thereof signed boy legal electors of the City of Grand Island, Neb:!:'aska, equal in number to thirty per cent (30%) of the electors of said Cit'y, 'voting at the last regular municipal electlon held in said City.. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AIID CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' GHAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. The sale and conveyance of real estate here- ina.ftel' described is hereby directed and authorized to Jack Enis of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. The propel'ty directed and authorized to be conveyed is I des crib ed as follows: Lot One (1), Block Five (5), College Addi tion to IN est Lavvn, an Addi tlon to the C1 ty of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. SECTION 2. The manner and terms of said sale of such real estate are as follows: The purchaser, Jack Enis, agrees to pay One Hundred Seventy-five ($175.00) Dollars for the wi thin describ ed real estate and has paid to the City Olerk of the City of Grand Island the sum of T\lIJanty-five (~~25.00) Dollars as. a down payment therefol", and the balance of One Hundred Fifty-( $150 .00) Dollars vlillbe paid in fu 11 upon the execution and deli very of a Q:u:tt Claim Deed by the Oi ty to the ptu'chaser. The City shall not be reqUired to furnish an I . Abstract of Title. SECTION 3. As provided by law, notice of such sale and the terms thereof shall be published for three consecutive weeks in the Grand Island Da:tly Independent, a newspapel" pub- 11shed in and of general cil"culation in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, immediately after the passage and publication of thi s ol'dinance; and the City Clerk is hereby directecl and instl'ucted to prepare and pub~1sh said notice. ORDINANCE NO#..l.$Ul_ (Con t t) SECTION 4. Authority is hereby granted to the electoxls of the City of Grand Island" Nebraska" to file a. remonstrance e I against the sale of the within described real estate; and if a remonstrance against such sale si~led by legal electors of said City equal in number to thirty per cent (30%,) of the electors of the City of Grand Island" voting at the last regulal~ election held in said Oi ty be 'filed with the Mayor and Oity Council within thirty days after the passage and publication of this ordinance" such property shall not then" nor Within one year thereafter be sold. SECTION 5. The sale of said real estate is hereby directed" authorized and confirmed; and if no remonstrance be filed against such sale" the Mayor and City Clerk shall ma.ke" execute, and deliver to Jack Enis a. Quit Claim Deed I for said property and the execution of said deed is hereby authorized wi thout further action on behalf of the Ci ty Council. rSECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect frorl1 and after its passage" approval and publication" as provided by law. Passed and approved this of ~August \ I , 1943. ~ ATTEST: ?~::~ I e ORDINANCE NO'. 1972 . A An ordinance authorizing and directing the sale of certain real estate belonging to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; providing the manner in which the same shall be sold and the e I terms of saiq. sale; providing for the gi ving of notiee of the 133J_ e of sald real estate and the terms thereof; and, providing for the right to file a remonstrance against the sale the:PGof signed by legal electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, equal in number to thirty per cent (30%) of the electors of said City, voti.ng at the last regular mun:telpa1 elec.tion held in said City. BE ITORjDAINED BY If HE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL 01" rfHB.: GI1ry OF' GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. The sale and conveyance of real estate here- inaftel~ described is hereby directed and authorized to. James R. Travis of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. The property directed and authorized to be conveyed is described as follows: I Lot Ten (10), Block Eleven (11), College Addition to West T.Jawn, an/Addition to the City of Grand Isl:md, Hall County, Nebraska. SECTION 2. The manner and terms of said sale of such real estate are as follows: The purchaser, James R. Travis, agrees to pay Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars for the within described real estate and has paid to theOity Clerk of the City of Grand Island the sum of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars as a down payment therefor, and the balance of Two Hundred Seventy-five ($275.00) Dollars will be pa.id in full upon the executiol'.l and delivery of a ~i t Claim Deed by the Oi ty to the purchaser. The City shall not be required to furnish an Abstre,ct I e of Ti t 1 e . SECTION 3. As provided by law, notice of such sale and the terms thereof shall be published for three consecuti ve weeks in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper published in and of general circulation in the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, immediately after the passage and Il1blication of this ordinance; and the Oi ty Clerk is her eby directed and instru cted to prepare and p.;Iblish said notice. ORDINANCE NO.. ..l972 (Conlt) SECTION 4. Au thol":tty is hereby granted to the electors of the C1 ty of Grand Island" Nebraska" to file a remonstl~ance e I against the sale of the within described real estate; and if a remonstrance against such sale signed by legal electors of said City e~lal in number to thirty per cent (30%) of the electors of the Ci ty of Grand Island" voting at the last regular elec'tion held in said Oi ty be filed with the Mayor and Oi ty Council within thirty days after the passage and publication of this orc3.inance" su ch property shall not then, nor wi thin one year thereafter be sold. SECTION 5. The sale of said real estate is hereby directed" authorized and confirmed; and if no remonstrance be filed again st au c11 sale" the Mayor and City Clerk shall make, execute, and deliver to James R. Travis a Quit Claim need for said property and,the execution of said deed is hereby authorized without further action on behalf of the I Ci ty Council. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in' ~orce and take effect from and after its passage" approval and publication, as pl"'O vided by law It Passed and approved this 4th day of Augl!s~ , 1943. ~:.- '/ / ----.l.---""" ATTE~)T: j}~rf:/~ Ci.ty Clerk. I e ORDINANCE NO.. 1973 e I An ordinance authorizing and directing the sale of certain real estate belonging to the Cit'JT of Grand. Island" Nebraska; providing the mannel~ in which the same shall be sold and the terms of said sale; providing for the gi ving of notice of the sale of said real estate and the terms the!' eof; and, providing for the right to file a remonstrance against the sale thereof signed by legal electors of the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, equal in number to thirty per cent (30%) of the electors of said City, voting at the last r egu lar municipal electj.on held in said .Ci ty. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOJi AND CIffY COUNCIL OF THE 01 'ty OF GH.Al\1D ISLAND, NEBRASKA: ~E'c'nON 1. 1 d f 1 t t h ~ The sa e an conveyance o. rea es a e ere- inafter described is hereby directed and authorized to Gust Kallos of the Ci t'y of Grand Island, Nebraska.. The property directed and authorized to be conveyed is describ ed as follows: I Lot Ten (10), Block Eight (8), SChiilliaer's Addi tion to the Ci ty of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. SECTION 2. The manner and terms of said sale of such real estate are as follows: The purchaser, Gust Kallos, agrees to pay Two Hundred T11'!enty-five ($225.00) Dollars for the within described real estate and has paid to the Oi ty Clerk of the Oi ty' of Grand Island the sum of Twenty-fi va ($25.00) Dollars as a down payment therefor, and the balance of Two Hund:peO. ($200.00) Dollars will be paid in full upon the execution and deli very of a QuitClaim Deed by the Oi ty to the pu:pchaser. The City shall not be required to furnish an Abst~eact of Title. SECTION 3. As prOVided by law, notice of su ch sale and I e the terms thereof shall be p,lbli shed for three consecuti ve weeks in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper pub- lished in and of general circulation in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, imruediately after the passage and pJblication of this ordinance; and the City Clerk is hel~ebydirected and instructed to prepal"e and publish said notice. ORDINANCE NO fO 197,3 (Con't ) SECTION 4. Al:!thority is hereby gl'anted to the elect01~s of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to file a remonstrance against the sale of the within described real estate; and if a remonstl'ance against such sale signed by legal electors of said Ci ty equal in number to thirty per cent (30%) of the electors of the City of Grand Island, voting at the last regu lar election held in said City be filed with the May01" and City Council within thirty days after the passage and rublication of thl s ordinance, such property shall not then, nor wi thin one year ther eafter be sold. SECTION 5. The sale of said real estate is hereby directed, authoriz,ed and confirmed.; and if no remonstrance be filed against such sale, the Mayor and City Clerk shall make, execute, and deliver to Gust Kallas a Q.uit Claim Deed I for said property and the execlltion of said deed is hereby authorized wi thout further action on behalf of the City Council. SECTION 6.. This ordinance shall 'he in force and take effect from and after its passage, appeoval and pUblication, as pro vid ed by law. Passed and ap}~oved this ~t~ day of August , 194<'3. 7Y'~~c=:; ayo!' . =77 ",-- ATTEST: I e ~JdA City Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 1974 An ol"dinance levying taxes in the City of Grand Is'land, Nebraska, for the fiscal year commencing wi th the second Monday in August, 1943, and ending the second Monday in August, 1944,. and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT OHDAINED BY THE JYU\YOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' GJ:tJ.I.ND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied, and the same shall be collected in the manner provided by law, upon all property, real, personal, and mixed of every kind and character, within the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the fiscal year commencing on the second Monday in Augu st, 1943, and ending on ,the second Monday in Augu st, 1944, on each dollar of the actual valuation of said property, taxes as follows, and for the follOWing pln~poses: The sum of ~Avpntp8n Mills for all general and all I other municipal expenses. The sum of Three ($3.00) Dollars on each and every male resident of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, ,between the ages of twenty-one (21) and fifty (50) years, except such as are by law exempt therefrom as a poll tax. SECTION 2. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Clerk of Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes, and the saine shall be collected in the manner provided by law. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication I e as provided by law. Fassed and approved this 6th ,_ day of August, 1943. >!~Y~~~-T~- ATrr15ST; ft-.~-j.~~ ~-=-A~77-- Ci t;v Clerk. I I e ORDI NANCE NO. 1 977 .__ Being an annual appropriation ordinance of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the ensuing fiscal year, con~encing on the second Monday in August, 1943, and ending on the second Monday in August, 1944. BE IT ORDAINED BY. THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL O:F' ffHE CITY OF' GRAND I~LAND, NEBRASKA: SEC1rION 1. That the sum of $7,250.00 is hereby appropriated for the purpose of partial payment of bonds dated June 1, 1940. That the sum of $932.50 is hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying interest on $79,000.00 Refunding Bonds of June 1, 1940, bearing interest at 1% and 1 3/4% . That the sum of $2,000.00 is hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying interest on $100,000.00 City Hall Bonds dated January 15, 1939, w~ich said bonds bear interest at the rate of 2%. That the sum of $700.00 is hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying inter'ost on $35,000.00 Park Bonds dated January 15, 1939, which bonds bear interest at the rate of 1 3/4%. That the sum of $3,584.00 is hereby appropriated for the Cemetery Fund for the purpose of paying the cost of providing permanent care for lots in the cemetery. That the sum of $1,437.50 is hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying interest on Refunding Bonds dated December 1, 1941, bearing intel'8st at l;tib. SECTION 2. That the sum of $3,350.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby apl~opriated out of the General Fund of trIe City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the p,lrpose of paying the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, for collecting and remit- ting taxes fo the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 3. That the sum of $13,650 .00, or so mu ch thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the salaries of the City Officers, including the Mayor, eight Council- men, Clerk, Treasur er, Fhysi cian, Attorneys, Janitor, .i-:iighmaster, Building Inspector, Caretaker of the Oi ty Dump, and Bacteriologist for the ensu:i.ng fiscal year. That the unexpended balance in said. fund in the sum of $350 .00 e I I I e ORDINANOE NO~ 1975 (Oonlt) is hereby re-apPI'opriated. SEOTION 4. That the sum of $8,250.00 is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to pay the salary of the City/Engineer, Assistant City Engineer, and all other assistants of said Department, and all expenses of opel~ating his office. That the unexpended balance in said fund in the sum of $750 .00 is hereby re-appropriated. SECTION 5. That the sum of ~~3,035.73, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the incidental expenses of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the ensuing fiscal year, including milk testing, election expenses, building and equipment, and for su ch other purposes as the Mayor and City Council may deem necessary for the benefi t and welfare of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. That the unexpended balance in said fund in the sum of $6,600.00 iVhereby I' e-appropriat ed . SECTION 6. That the sum of $23,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the expenses of the Street and Alley Depal"'tments, including care, clean- ing, laying sidewalks, mending, flu shing, sprinkling, repairs, open- ing streets, and alleys, purchase of tools and implements and machinery" salary of Street Commissioner, labor, and all other expenses incidental to and pertaining to the upkeep of the care of the Streets and Alleys. That all money recei ved by the City from the Gasoline Tax Fund" estimated to be the sum of $5,,000.00 is hereby appropriated for the use of the Street and Alley Department to pay for repairs and main- tenance of the Streets and Alleys. That in addition to the amount hereinbefore appropriated for the Street and Alley Fund" an additional sum of $25,000.00 is hereby appropriated for the purpose of constructing" repairing, and main- taining streets and alleys, said sum to be expended as the Oouncil may hereafter direct when labor and materials for such construction and repairs are available. e I I I e ORDI NAN DE NO # .1.27 c:) (Can't) SEG'l'ION 7., That the sum of $'7,900.00 is hereby re-app:ropri9.ted out of the General Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the Airport Fund for the purpose of paying the expense of maintaining, equipping, and operating the Municipal Airport, and paying all ex- pen ses in connection ViTi th said Airport, including salaries and labor. That the revenues received from the operation of the Municipal Airport of the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, are <hereby appropri- ated for the purpose of paying the expenses of operation of said Municipal Airport, including salaries and all incidental expenses in connection with the operation, maintenance and enla.rgement of said Mu n i ci pal Air port. SECTION 8. That the sum of $34,500.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the Oityof Grand ISland, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying for the extension of sewers and drains other than those elsewhere herein provided for, and for the operation of the Disposal Plant, salary of the Superintendent and all other labor and repairs, inci- dental to flushing sewers and repairing seWers and expenses inci- dental to-the operation of the Disposal Plant of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 9. That the sum of $~700.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the payment of the expenses of lighting streets, alleys, public grounds, and buildings of the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, including the erection of new lights and repairs. That the unexpended balance in said fund in the sum of $~3QO.OO is hereby :ne-appropl'iated. SEC'l'ION 10. Tha t the sum of $5,300.00, or so mu ch ther eof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the Ci ty of Grand Island" Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the hydrant rental for the ensuing year. SECTION lOA. That the sum of $15,000.00 is hereby appro,priated for the Storm Sewer Fund for the purpose of maintaining, repairing, constructing, and extending storm sewers of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 11. That the sum of $900.00, or so much thereof as e I I I e ORDINANOE NO. 1975 (Oonlt) may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the salary of the superintendent and all necessary help and all labor and all necessary expense for the operation and maintenance of the Municipal Swimn1ing Pool. That the unexpended balance in said fund in the sum of $3,600.00 is hereby re-appropriated. That the revenues racei ved from the operation of the Municipal SWimming Pool of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, are hereby appropriated for the purpose of paving the expense of operation of said M.unicipal Swimm.ing Pool including salaries and all incidental expenses, and labor in connection wi th the operation, maintenance, and repairing of said Municipal Swimming Pool. SECTION 12. That the sum of $19,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the purpose of main- taining, extending, improving, and beautifying the parks and play grounds of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the p,lrpose of purchasing su ch real estate as the Mayor and City Council may deem necessary or advantageous, and for the purpose of paving salaries, labor, and repairs. That an additional sum of $375.tD@ is hereby re-appropriated to the Park Fund for the Special p;lrpose of beautifying and completing park improvements at the Fier Property or Park according to plans and specifications now on file. SECTION 13. That the sum of $44,300.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the Police Fund of the Oityof Grand Island, NebraSka, for the purpose of paying salaries of the Police Department and Police Judge and all expenses of the Police Department, including care and expenses of the Department, Board of Health and Secretary of the Board, and all expenses of said Board of Health for the ensuing year. fJ.'hat the unexpended balance in said fund in the sum of $5,700.00 is hereby re-appropriated. SECTION 14. That the sum of $55,100.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the Fire Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying salaries e I I I e ORDINANCE NO. 1975 (Contt) of the City Fireman, Chief and Assistant Ohief of the Fire Department of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, purchase of such new equip- ment and all other expenses and repairs necessary in the operation of the Fi re Department. That the unexpended balance in said Fund in the sum of $4,900.00 is hereby re-appropriated. That the sum of $5,000.00 is hereby appropriated for the purpose of repaying money borrowed by said Fire Department under date of July 27, 1937. That the sum of $150.00 is hereby appropriated for the pul'pose of paying interest on money borrowed by said Fire Department. SECTION 15. That the sum of $13,500.00, or so much thereof as may be necessax'y, is hereby appropriated for the Cemetery Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying for salaries of the Caretaker and all help needed, labor, improvements, expansions, beautification and maintenance of the Grand Island Cemetery, and to purchase more ground if needed. SECTION 16. That the sum of $7,250~00 is hereby appropriated for the Faving Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paving streets and alleys, intersections, spaces opposite public buildings and grounds, and for the repairing of streets, and alley pavements. That the unexpended balance in said Fund in the sum of $1,750.00 is hereby re-appropriated. SECTION 17. That the sum of $3,500.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the Mu sic Fund of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying for the expenses of vocal, instrumental, and amusement organizations for the free, public concerts, festivals, parades and entertainments. SECTION 18. That the sum of $13,000.00, 01' so mu ch thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the Library Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraaka, for the purpose of paving the expenses of the Public Library, including salaries, repairs, pur- chase of books and periodicals, and all other expenses, incidental to and in connection wi th the Libl'al"y for the ensuing year. SECTION 19. That the revenue recei ved from the operation of the Ice Department of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby e I I I e ORDINANCE NO.1975 - (Contt) appropriated for the pt) rpose of r;aying expenses of the ope11ation of the said Ice Department, including salaries and all incidental expenses in connection with the operation, maintenance, repairing, and enlargement of said Ice Department. SECTION 20. That the revenue recei ved from the operation of the Water and Light Department of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby especially appropriated by the laws of the State of Nebraska, for the use and benefit of said Department, and no aPPPopri- ation for said Department is made herein. SECTION 21. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval, and JXlblication as provided by laW. Fassed and approved the 6th day of August, 1943. zI~ ATTEST: p;' d~ ~y Glerk. e I I I e ORDINANCE NO" 192L__,_ An Ordinance regt-llating t:'rle p:t:'esence of per sons under seventeen (1'7) years of age in and upon the streets and other specified places in the City of Grand Island between the hours of 10:'0 o'clock P.M. and 6;00 o'clock A.M. of the following day; defining the duties of parents, guardians, or other legal custo- dians of said minors; defining the duties of officers arresting said minors; providing penalties for the violation of t~is O:t'dinance; and repealing Ordinance No. 190 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. BE Ill' OEDAINlill BY 'l'h,d; hAYOE AND Gl'l'Y COUNCIL OF THl!; GI'I'YOF' GHAND ISLAND, NEBf{AS~,:.A. S:EWTION 1. It shall be u nlawfu 1 for any person under the age of seventeen (17) years to loiter, idle, wander, stroll, or play in or upon the public streets, highways, roads, alleys, pal'ks, publiC places and pJ,blic buildings, places of amusement and entertainment, vacant lots 01' other unsupervised places, or to ride in or upon, drive, or otherwise operate, any automobile, bicycle or other veb.icle in, upon, over, or thl'our,h the streets, alleys, or other public places of the City of Grand Island be- tween the hours of 10:~0 o'clock P.M. and 6:00 o'clock A.M. of the following day, unless such person is accompanied by a parent, guardian, or other adult person having the legal care and custody of such minor person, or unless said minor person is upon an emergency errand or legitimate business, directed bv his 01' her parent, guardian, or legal custodian. S'."f;~Crl'ION 2. It'll b 1 l' 1 l' t'L t ' . _ sna_ . e un aw u or lle pal"en , ,i2}AarnJ.an, or other adult person, having the care and custody of a minor under the age of seventeen (17) years, to allow or perruit such minor pel'son to do any of the things or acts prohibited by Section 1. of this Ordinance between the hours of 10 :!O 0' clock P.M. and 6:00 0' c10ck A.IVi. of the following day, unless said minor is accompanied by his or her parent, guardian or other adult person, having the legal care and custody of the rrdnor, or unless said minor is upon an emergency errand or legitimate business, directed by his or her pal'ent, guardian, or legal cu stodian. OHDINJO'WE NO. 1976 _______ (Contt) SBC'I'ION 3. It is further ordained that no minor person, arrested under the provisions of this Ordinance, shall be placed in confinement until he or slte bas been taken home, or the parents, e I guardian or legal custodian notified, and the arresting officer has ascertaiDed wbether or not such minol" person is within the control of its parent, guardian or legal custodian; and if such parent, guardian or legal custodian shall state that said minor cannot be controlled by them, then su ch mj.Dor shall be proceeded against, otherwise the parent, guardian or custodian shaLl be proceeded against. SEGII'ION 4. Each violation of any of the provisions of t:r is ordinance shall constitute a separate offense. .':::iEC'1'ION 5. Each provision of this Ordinance shall be separate and independent of all other provisions herein; and if any provision hereof sha11 be declared in valid, all othel" pro- vi sions tber eof shall remain valid and enforceable. SBO'I'ION 6. A.YlY person violating tbe provisions of tIds I ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined in a sum not less than One ($1.00) Dollar or more than One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars for each offense, and slJ.all stand corrmJitted until such fine and costs are paid. SEC'EION 7. That Ordinance No. 190 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska be, and the smue is hereby repealed. Sl~GII'ION 8. fl'his Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and pu blication as provided by law. Passed and approved this ~Bth__ day of Augu st, 1943. I e ;V~__~ Mayor A'I'T E31f ~ ~~~tdh Ci ty Clerk ORDINANCE NO.J322-- An ordinance creating Water Main District No. 92 in the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries -thereof, providing for the laying of a water main in said district, and e I providing for the payment of the cost of construction thereof. BE I'r OHDAINW BY 'l'HE MAYOR aIm CI'I'Y CODI\lCIL O:F' '1'11:8 CI'l'Y OF GHi~ND IS.i.Jii.ND, NEBRASKA: dBC'I'ION 1. That there is hereby cX'eated a water main district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Water Main District No. 92 of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebx'aska. SECTION 2. Said Water Main District shall consist of that part of and be laid in the alley in Block ~vo (2), Sot~~an's Sub-division to Grand Island, Nebraska, extending from Nebraska Avenue to Alter Avenue. SECTION 3. Said water main in said district is hereby ordered laid as provicled by law and in accordance wi th the plans and specifications governing water mains heretofore e~tablished I by the ci ty. SECTION 4. That the entire cost of constru cting said water main shall be assessed aQainst the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of con- struction of s::lid district as soon as the cost can be ascel-rtained, said tax to becOlne payable and delinquent and dra'\N interest as follows, to-vvi t: One-fifth of the total al'1l0unt shall become delinquent in fifty days after such levy; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years, and one-fifth in four years. Eacb of said installments, except the first shall draw interest at the rate of 7% per annum from the time of the I e aforesaid levy until they shall become delinquent, and after the same become delinquent, interest at the rate of 9J~ per annum shall be paid thereon until the same shall be collected and paid; su ch special taxes shall be collected and enforced as in cases of other special taxes, and said speCial tax shall be a lien on said real estatefl"om and after the date of the levy thereof. SECTION 5. This or'dinance shall be in force and take effect ORDINANCE NO~19Z7 from and after its passage, apPl'ova.l, and publication as pro- vided by law. Passed and approved this ] 8th day of August, 194~'). e I ~~~---~.)z .- ATTEST: r-:l/-o.-# J~ - c1:'ty Clerk.--o I I e (97) e I I I e ORDINANCE NO_ 1978 An Or'dinance authorizi:ng and directing the sale of certain real estate belon!~ing to the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebx'askaj providing the) manner in whi ch tbe same s1:la11 be sold and the ternlS of said sale; providing for the gi v:Lng of notice of the sale of said r8al estate and the terms thereof; and, providing for tlJe l~ight to file a remonstrance against the sale tbereof signed by legal electol~s of the G i ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, equal in number t.o tbirty per cent (30;,t) of tJ:1e electors of said City, voting at tile 18.nt y'(:)gu1al:' nmnicipa1 election held in s['i.id Ci ty " BE 1'1' OED~~n.u~J) BY 'l'hB l~d\.YOR Ai>]U C1 'rY C OU NCIL OB' 'l'EB GI'l'Y OF' GH.i~ND I;JJ..'/I.ND N.EBRASIV\... , .. SEc'rION 1. T11e sale and conveyance of real estate herein- after detlCl'jJ)ed. is hereby directed and at1thorlzed to Ii'. M" Gouge of the City of Grane'). Island, Nebraska. The propel'ty eliI' ected and au thOl'i zecl to be con veyed is described as follows: Lots Twenty-one and Twenty-two (21 and ;~2), in iNest Lawn, an Adc1itlo:n in the City of Grand Islancl, Hall County, Nebl'a~ika. SECTION 2" The manner and terms of sl3.id sale of 8ll ell ~('eal estate are as follows: The p.Jrchaser, P. IVI. G0l1ge, agrees to pay One HUl1ch'ed Fort;;. (~!il40.00) Dollars for the within descl'ibed real estate and has poJ.d to the C:tty Clerk of the City of Grand Island the sum of 'l'wenty-f'ive (~~25.00) Do11.'1:<:'s as a down p8.yrnent trle:r.'efor, and the baJ.fJ.l1Ce of One Hundr'ed F'ifteen (~tll5.00) Dollars will be paid in full upon the execution and delivery of a Q;uit CIIJ.:tm Deed by tlle City to the pur chase:c; " The 01 ty shall not be r eQ1..J.ix' ed to :f'u 1'n:1. all an Abstl~[-).Ct of '1'i tle . SJl:C'I'ION 3" As provided by laVl, notice of S1J cn sale and tIle te:t'ms tbel'eof shall be published for three confJecuttve VJeeks in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a ne\r":Jspaper p1..11)li811ed :In and of genoral c:i.rculation in the City of Grand Island, NobrH.ska, irrlYnediately after the paf3s e andpubl:i.cation of tiils ordinance; and. the City Clex'k is hereby d:l:eeeted and. instru cted to pl'epare and -o1..11;J.:1811 sf:3.icl notic1";J. uW'TI0114 . Authority is hereby granted to the 81 ectors of onDr r<uiNC'C3; I o. J.22sL ___. ( Con t t) the C1 ty of Grand Is1and, Nebraska, to file a l'emonst}'ance against the sale of tho Vii. tltin described r eal estate; 1'1n6 if a :i:' oman st1' an co against such sale, signed by legal electo~s of said City equal in e I number to t1\5rty per cent (30~'b) of the electors of the City of Grand. Island, voting at tbe last l~egulal' ell"lction held in said Ci.ty, be filed "With the Mayor and City Council vJithin thirty days after the passage and publication of tIlls ol'dinance, such pl'operty shall no t then, n or wi thi none .ye aJ: tbereafter be sold. SEcrnON 5. ~r.he sale of said real ef:tate is hereby directed, authorized and confirmed; and j_f no remonstl'ance be fi1ecl against such sale, the Mayor and Ci ty Olerk shall make, execute, and deli vel' to F. WI. Gouge a it Claim Deed for said property and the exe cu tion of sa:id deed is her.eby au thol'ized wj. thou t; f'u l'ther action on behalf of the City Council. SEC'l'ION 6. Tid S oI'clinanco 8h8.1.l be :i.n force and take effect from and after its passage, apnroval and. "PJ.b1:tcatlon, as )JJ:'ovided I by laYl. Pas sed and appx'ovod thi S lsL..__ day of SE)lLtgmJ29.1:_____...' 194;3. -- A 'llrN~ S 'II : ~--f /#__________ ::::'::":r"::'-Ci ty C1 ark I e e I I I e OhDII'U>.NCE NO. _J-329..._._ An OJ::'dinance I'ogulating and pJ::'ov1.ding hours dUl'ing v("j ell cJl'ive-in stan(ls, COriTD'only knovIll as root bee]" f:t"ln(!s, rne.y IX:: open fo:C' lJ\Jsines8, and 'o:i10vidinrr, pcmlJ.lties fo~e the vi01ationof tlle provii3ions of tr'is Orc!inance. BE 1'1.1 01{l)j~nLe;D bY 'llliB hlAJ:Ob. GI'.L':{ Guu IL Vb G 1'1.'1 Ut< (~t( 1" ;.....1, "IlLJ "l,fT;' qc; " c,l'k ,~ ..J ..._~ ~, 'l.1"J ~.fl. L.LI,.i-J i..L....." SEG1'I0N 1. 1:l'rom and after the taldrlg effect of tJI:Ls Ordinance, it srw.l1 be 'LH11avvful for any [.tn'sorl, fil'rn, es~weiai~ion, partner/::bi:o, 01' COl'f,J())'ation oporu.tLog a dl':i.ve-in stD,ncJ, commonly knovJn as a root 15001' stand, to cond't:Jct orbo open for nUE)}.rlOSS betYiOCn tb.e hatH'S of 11:00 o'clock P. M. and 7;00 o'clockA. on the follo1JI- ~;. La . ing day; pro vid ed, ]wYle vel', on Satm:'days and all 1 a1 IJolidays, srd.d 11001: beer stands way l'Cfma:tn open fox' business until l~~:OO 0' clock rnidn:i.ght. S.~G'I'ION 2. Not11ing in 8 Ordinance contained shall be cO""lstrued to prohibit the OVI1](';1' ox' proprieto:e of snid root b'5')cr' st,lt}d, or any agent of said owner 01' p:f.'oprietor fron1 entering upon 8 ,3.1 e) prGlrlises for tl"10 put'pose of clenn:tnr,: the SEune, cl'ocking tlP tlJC (J8~il~Y' T-}uslr.le8:~J, OI' rnf3.kirjp~ tIle rleCe[~f;a:rl)r l"ter)ail~S 011 tJJ.8 pr' em:l s e s . s)i;G'I'ION firm, association, partnership, or '7 oL) . Any per Sail, cO'I'poT'atiori violating any of tbe pcoviLlj_ons of thif3 Ox'dinance shall upon ccmv:i.ction be deerned guilty of a r,tisdmneanor, and shall pay a fine in any sum of not les8 than One .CiO) Do11D,r nor mo1"o than One Hundred (;,~100.00) Dollarf~, and 8ba11 i:d;and committed to the G:i.ty Jail until said. fine and costs of pl'ose- eu t ion [11' () pa i d . SEG'[,IOl'J 4. 'r.rlJS Ordinance srlal1 be j.n force and. take effect from 8.11e'1 D.ftel' j_ts passage, 8p'01'ov:3.1 ancI }Jub1ication as rn'ovlded 1J~{ J,8#\]"1. P','.':'~."1,,,,,"'!.,,./,l ,".',..~_l.el.'.1 .,.:.'........)'.'.').'.',.-.'0"("') t1,'.,'J"..R 1 ~_tt.., _ (,." 0'" (' . b In hr. ,. ..~. " C'-" V.\. . -' J_L~~ j.ay r 0cqJ'cem En', . ~:,)LL,S. ~ A'.J:IJ.'~brE ; c?:~_~~~__n__ Cl ty Ch::l'k OH[Yl" 'i\}..\ '"',("",, 1,T(1 1001'\ J. .._.... -'.. J:..l.'. yJ-J .l'J.. .....a...;z.U\.L..-.. l\.t\ ()I/(} J. :u ,!_~U_:! C () nJ) t_:'_;diO\i 1 z 1. 1) [11'\ (1 ] -- - -,--~ ,';c I..' t1 -, or cC;.:r.t,:~.~1.rl (! (:; jl-} n ;:-; C r~_ 'C (:~; "hI; }. efr"" .' L () T,j:l.('; G1 t "..Y C'~e;:l ~_;_: :31 , J T (-, '-J:,,' : I ~ ~ I ::1 : rnl () ";' J't .ei' , , TJ J) ~) IflLI,l' }, r ,,:'~j-.:i ex} (] ? 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I;j .t)"U'll) , l'iJ.~GIJ~lIO]\j 1. 1~}j_e srlle CO~'\VE:'::\l(J.:nGe of :( :)1 c t 1.!(J '-'it!- ~1f t~ () 14 d_ c~, ~.:_; C :r~j J..8 _._ r )';/ l' {~~ c II -l~ ,! 1 (J:ll 3. z (~,(:. t~ 0 ~3 C:~ Ylc::t eJo rJ (~ s of'i t~-}(~ OJ ()f (}ta~.1r\cJ. Isln. , lJ:e ~1_ S 1eLl. . Tl~c~ o ,PGj1 .\-~ -~y d_l :r<e (; tc;{l D.l) 'L:}Jo:ej. Z to 1J(: C() n \IC 1. f} ~.; r::-.' c: -;, ~.'~ -.. <),,,,(,,1. ,I D. fJ [1 () J_ ].()1r;~) ; ~j::~C1J.1IC'L: ~_~. Tile J~~3.f;3i~ Orlc-l1E.I.li"' (3'r~') of"l IiO-C r3:L~,::. (C), 'L'-J.l 0 c1..(-- rfh"co} (.-~'p 'J- y--tv.J 0 (~-~~~ \ "J',';. '..:l ~..: ~~ 'L~.'.I.. t.') ,l.'.t ...J_~" ,c... "_'''~,.>>-.-,.J. u_.- --I' - . ~- "l" 0 -r'f--; P G i 'I "\7 .'.~.,)f,.>,..,.!",',.r',:; n c'J -r ,e:,l !!!\i:L-.1-T-,c..l.l...... '.......0. . ..',..,'.'-' ... J., :.,-",'.",.I"":-"""".~...'...........~... * ~ ~ /~."'...I..;J.lJ Gount.'!, 1'1 . . C............. I. . 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'1 F [)T U. r..r.roperty 'tl-l,e execution of ~ d Dee 'j .'1 ..L. ..J ;:.1.'1 Jz t~ :C'-IJI,t:l Uli .~}(: i!} ()rl 01.t :.Llf U-J 'LJLe Cit.;/ Ccrurlcil. ,"j IIII (} l.'J !~) (jl rr}lj.. [j Oro(! I 1'.1. tJ (; 0 rJ T.: ,:-:tJ_l r1c) 1 n :f:" () ~e c (; tn.}.;::C' I '...1'foci; " I l'~UT(j t;,.(. ltf- '();:J.:-:~:r-: , n.}J ".)]:0 \l~tl t) J~iC;:l.t:j, or), [:1. n 0 or]:!.. (1 1) Y' 1 [.11[1 _ Pt:t ~~; H (l,r: c') r~. n pr 0 '" L. +h i'J. f,1. ',\l c' J,l..!.l _.__ of Qg.t.o ber____._._.._, 1 ~_~: .~: ;~~) . Ji r 1 ,. i ;'1 ~, li-..IL " ~~0~ -_::---.-. ~/[:i-'i:-:j:-'~J~l.-- -. ~.- _._~. ..N_._ I e ii',,\ V>...J I, 1281 \.i ~ ,,--~-'. "-.- I~rt O:i-I eJ :I. ;_-:1_ G c; (":l -~_\ !() Ii 1 z j :.:-; () c. t " " 1 ('; Df' (' (,' :C'\"I ,~:~~]_ 11 ~"_ _,_ ," I J. . ,.. ~i >l ..i I) ,(,In t~o 'C ~!(-: Gi t;>r (~~~i ' ( I , OJ.' 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G Oll f 1 (_: :.1. 1 1"1. I. t.};l.l~Y c~ >!)l-~ l-j co, t j. () Lt o~e -J.j -; ~i. ~~ 011 ('-J j, 1"\ ~:_~_tJ G e, :--;t! C 1.1. U x''LS/ rl ,.J..~l ot; G.c;)IJ, rtOI' ':/,':.ttJ:.111 o:ne .ve ~1~e -L l:!J} ~(I ,',J:C' to I' 'lJc~ ~) old. . (--: 5 'I'UC ;j G C 1_.;,,1 I 0 Yl f). f~L1Yl C E_~' -1 (~.~ 0 J' . (-~ (',~ I~ [-;).1 (~: n. t (-) i ::i J. Yi .c:t {)J.J t 0:(< '.1. :::_~ (:;' (.-: J.1"I< i /':1.1 c.j :i r nOt; G(J ~rqc} ;_-~~ };:",:, i)-~.c; rt->:/CYC riJ! G:tLA:i, G1(:';J'l-__ u l,<l_~~__J L' rJ. c: l_l vC; I' t () 1-;1 }:-. c. tl'::t }~ '" J) r,_ ! :~_ t Gl,~;.tl 1) [L ,l,') -,- 'j ,:'~: ell L5. ()L of J)c~ ) ;:-~ :'1[;'(;; J () r) (, }"'l.CO " J.' ,.~ ., .L L _L(,,-,; , . e,:j'r~ ., f' () ~)_,' C-j.:t (~ rn,' 0 :et: '~Y rtiJ t') OJ.' i z od I;'-f ,. , r; :r.~t:bC;l; :1. C t;.i. or.! or! 0; !~i; Gi:L}t GOlJl'le:t.l ;j_!~cr~el OJ:; ~", ~ ;;}:,: ,;,1. 1 b l~}_~. ..J D.:'(:8 :c 1.0((1 El 'CUll :i.t :3 1'0 va.1 ~3 ~~] ;_1. , n.I~\ bS l' 'l :.; r: ;i () in." O\l(::_:;(i t~ .; -, J. [~ L ....t- .J..Utll.~._ J" :t.(; c; C oet !~);,J 'h J :1. en. t:1. 0 1'1, ~I")J:') () "'vi CJ.8d r~ ,c~ { ,'. ' ~ ;") ill' 0 t h ., ,., "<' _,~,_uQ.~,~.r..._-_______~.~~,...,._,,,_.__,-._-.. , ! '~-,:' $- IV ~ _~_~_.__,,___~,~._.._____W<",~'......_~_'.._,~.___ ~>___..........'_, y,;: ,~t "';/C) I' f;j'ir .:. L~ j'j r.LI ; -~~~:~----_._. C1 t:V' C1 e ... I ORDINANCE NO. 1982 An ordinance levying special Sewer Distl"iet taxes to pay fot' the construction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 186 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection ther eor . e I BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR A~ID CI TY COUNCIL OF TliE CITY OF Gl\A~n ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and' assessed a special Sewer District tax against the tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the assessable cost of construction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 186, of said City in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said District by the Mayor and City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after notice given thereof as provided by law; each of the several lots, tracts, and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT I Abby H. Kensinger 1 3 Packer & Barr's $ 55.77 " " " 2 3 .. " 55.77 Gr and Island Land Co 3 3 .. " 55.77 Lydia Violet and Frank Cady 4 3 " .. 55.77 Adolph Boehm 5 3 'l .- 55.77 It " 6 3 It It 55.77 t. " 7 3 " It 55.77 .. It 8 3 .. .. 55.77 TOTAL $446.16 SECTION 2. Said special Sewer District tax shall be due I e and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law and shall be collected in thellanner provided by law; provided, however, that the City Treasurer shall not collect the amount of said taxes and shall not certify the amount of said taxes to the County Treasurer, of Hall County, Nebraska, on any of the property herein described until ordered to do so by resolu tion of the City Councilor as provided in Section No.5. ORDINANCE NO.1982 Cont. e I SECTION 3J Permission is hereby granted to the owners of any of the property hereinbefore set forth to pay said taxes hereby levied and assessed again at any of ~he property herein described as shall be determined by the City Treasure of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, whenever such person shall desire to tap or connect with said sewer for sewer purposes wi thou t interest; provided that said permission shall have been granted before the City Treasurer shall have been ordered to collect said taxes or befoI'e the same shall have been certified to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska. SECTION 4. It is hereby made the duty of the City Treasurer to collect the taxes hereinbefore levied and assessed as a tapping charge against the prope rty hereinbefore taxedj providEld, however, the said tax has not been ordered certified to the County Treasurer of Hall County, by the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 5. No person or persons, firm, corporation, or as- sociation shall tap the sewer in Sewer District No. 186 for the I purpose of serving any of the property hereinbefore described without first having obtained a permit,therefor, as provided by the Compiled Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and without first having paid to the City Engineer for said permit for the tapping thereof, and without having first paid to the City Treasurer the tax hereinbefore levied and assessed; and in the event any person, firm, corporation or association shall tap said I e sewer without first having obtained the said permit and without having first paid the tax so levied and assessed, the said person, firm, corporation or association shall become liable under the Cc;npiled Ordinances of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska. And in addition thereto, it is hereby made the duty of the City Treasurer of Grand Island to collect the amount of the tax levied and asses~ against said premises, and to certify the same to the County Treasurer of Hall Oounty, Nebraska, together with the instructions to collect the same as provided by law when ordered to do so by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. ORDINANCE NO.1982 Cont. SEOTION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 6th day of October, 1943. ~ II /7 "....". ATTEST 7~!~ I I e 1" &. ICjl~ e I I I e ORDINANCE NO.1283 An ordinance creating Sewer District No. 187 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundries thereof, providing for the laying of a sewer in said District, and providing for the payment of the cost of the construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF T}JE CllIT OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA; SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a Sewer District in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Sewer District No. 187 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. That said sewer shall consist of that part of and be laid in tbe alley between twelfth street and Thirteenth street from the center line of Vine street to the}aa~t line of Lot Two (2), Block Sixty-five (65), Wheeler and Bennett's Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 3. Said sewer in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance wi th the plans and specifications governing sewer districts, as heretofore established by the City. SECTION 4. That the entire cost of construction of said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied against the abutting property in said district to pay for the cost of constructing said sewer district, as soon as the cost c~n be ascertained, said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows: One-fifth of the total ammlnt shall be- come delinquent in fifty days from date of the levy thereof; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one- fifth in four years. Each of said installments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the date of the levy until they become delinquent; and after the same becomes delinquent, i,nterest at the rate of nine per cent per annum shall be paid thereon until the same is collected and paid; said special taxes shall be collected and enforced as in cases of other special taxes, and said special taxes shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. , t, rs e I I I e ORDINANCE NO.1983 Cont. Passed and approved by tb.ree-fou rths vote of all manbers of the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, this :?..;i~ day of October, 1943. Nl'TEST: ~loyd S. WhJ.te City Clerk ~~~ yor ~ -~r~ e I I I e ORDINANCE NO# 1984 An Ordinance authorizing and directing the sale of certain real estate belonging to the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska; providing the manner in which the same shall be sold and the terms of said sale; providing for the giving of notice of the sale of said real estate and the terms thereof; and, providing for the right to file a remonstrance against the sale thereof, signed by legal electors of the City of Grand Island,. Nebraska, equal in number to thirty per cent (30%) of the electors of said City, voting at the last re~lar municipal election held in said City. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CIffY. COUNCIL OF THE CI'I'Y OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA. SECTION 1. The sale and conveyance of real estate hereinafter described is hereby directed m1d authorized to James R. Travis, Eclmond W. Byrum and Stella L. Byrum, husband and wife, of the Cit~... of Grand Island, Nebraska. The property directed and authorized to be conveyed is described as follows: Lot Eight (8), Block Eleven (II), Lambert's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. SECTION 2. The manner and terms of said sale of such real estate are as follows: The purchasers, James R. err a. vi s, Edmond W. Byrum and Stella L. Byrum, husband and Wife, agree to pay Three Hundred Forty ($340 .00) Dollars for the within described real estate and have pa.id to the Ci ty Clerk of the City of Grand Island the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars as a down paynlent therefor, and the balance of Two Hundred Forty ($240 .00) Dollars will be paid in full upon the execution and delivery of a Quit Claim Deed by the City to the purchasers. The City shall not be required to furnish an Abstract of Title. SECTION 3. As provided by law, notice of such sale and the terms thereof shall be pu bli shed for thr ee consecut5. ve weeks in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper pu blished in and of general circulation in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, immediately after the passage and publication of this Ordinance; and the Ci ty Clerk is hereby directed and instructed to prepare and publish said notice. SECTION 4. Au thori ty is hereby granted to the electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to file a remonstrance against the sale of the within described real estate; and if a remonstrance e I I I e ORDINANCE NO.1984 Cont. against au ch sale, signed by legal electors of sald Oi ty equal in number to thirty per cent 130%) of the electors of the City of Grand ISland, voting at the last regplar election held in said City be filed with the Mayor and City Council within thirty (30) days after the passage and publication of this Ordinance, such property shall not then, nor within one year thereafter be sold. SECTION 5. The sale of said real estate is hereby directed, authorized and confirmed; and if no remonstrance be filed against such sale, the Mayor and City Clerk shall make, execute,. and deliver to James R. Travis, E::imond W. Byrum and Stella L. Byrum, husband and Wife, a QuitClaim Deed fOl'" said property, and the execution of said Deed is hereby authorized without further action on behalf of the 01 ty Council. SECTION 6. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 3J'd day of' November , 1943. /H~~ger · Mayor ( ~ ATTEST: ~.JjLA Flo S. White. Ci ty Clerk ORTn Jl'AN G:B~ :NO. ....l3.8.5..~ '. An orCiDance levying special water malD dis.trict tax= eel to pay for' the (;on:':ltl':~ctlon Vi fl t: :3 j:" 1'1 :t11 Vi! a te:c Nfairi DiE~L'l?lGt; No. qQ ..../.,; ():f tJ,10 G5~ t>/ of G:c 11th] I Bland" Ncbra , . I an cl p:p 0 vI c1 i for e (}], lEi cti OJ] t~ E)o:f . BE IT OHD,ATNI;;D By' 'Ttffl;; ]V,: AfOH CI ~rY GOU!'IGn, Of;' 'YHB GJlft'{ OF' GRilND ISI,I\Hn" NEBRMH\:A.. SECTION 1. That a specj.al water d,:1.. ,~j t1~ 1. e't I; ri1t be, and the f3ar:l'9 :1. s sby 1ev:tcd an.c1 1)[{:'JG:':J[j(;d; fox' b}10 cost of COl')struction of 'lrl at; E}l? . . mc:>.1.i1 '1 n ~P.t 8.. t t]):''; Main Di str'ict No. 92 of the 0i ts of Grand Island., Ne1Jraska, asainst the respective lots, tracts, and eeli) of land in said district in arflOt111I;n set oPPosite the sever'al ,} e:"1 01' 1 pt 10ns as fallows: OWl\! 1<18, LOT BIDGK ADDITION A1'IOHNT Axol 1? ,l..:J . U11d Sothma:n'i'J It It 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 0 '" ,.. 2 u b..di vI 13:1 on dh ,it' E1:i .82 Rose J. S8a~tcdt I It u CO .31 tt It tt n 5J..31 It n n II 5J".31 It It tt tt 50..31 It It It It 50 .31 Axel E.. and Rose J. Seastedt N 40' 7 2 It 38.'70 llPt;}:LUX" G. ~rja. It .. 7 2 tt 11 .61 8 2 tt EO .31 9 2 It 50 .31 10 n It 50 .31 ~ 11 2 n 50 .31 12 n n OC ""''') N .tj~l A. Grabe S 12' It n It It I . It It It It lirti:ur G.. 21.:16. Edl1~'t A. Gl'abe N 28' 13 2 tI 27 .OD Axel E. a:nd Rose J. Sea:Jtedt 3 24' 13 2 It 23.22 ORDINANCE No.1985 Cont. OWNl1"t Ar'thur G. and Eclna A.. Grabe It II U e Ax (:; 1 E.. ::l!ld Ros(:) 'IT. Seastodt I It tt .. II tt It It tt U U U It " II It It " U n It .. U U It It It tt It U " IDT HIJOCK .4!viOU NT AD])ITT ON Soth.G1i'?i.n 13 14 <;) k' Sub=dl vIsion $ .10.12 15 2 It 80.20 16 2 It 00 .31 17 <) It EO .31 ""' It') 2 It EO..31 0 19 r) u EO .31 ... 20 2 u 00.31 21 <) It EO .31 ""' 22 2 It 50 .31 23 2 u 50 .31 24 2 u EO .31 25 t) II [iJ .31 h' 26 2 u 5..') .22 ~EaTI()N 2. The spec'lal taxes horoln lEnr:led shall bo- come payable and del:tnqu ent ao folloV1S ~ One-fifth of the I total amount shall become delinQu ont in fifty days after the levy herein mn.de; one-fifth in ono yoo.l"; one-fifth in two yoars; one-fifth in tlrree years; and one-fifth in four years; each of said J.nstallments except tho first shall d:pt;1.W interest at tb.e I'fxt.() of not excood:ing seven per cont (7%) pr3r annum frola the ttrne of the afo:r'e~Jald levy lwtil tbe Sf shall become delinqu ant; :3.1)(1 aft 01" the same shall bo-- ( oot) ....... IV; cor~le clcl:tnquent, inte:t'est at the rate of 1:\J.n0 per cent per anmxm shall be paid thereon until tlle same shall he collected and. enforced as :i.n tt'e case of other specj.al tax... as, and said speCial tax shall be a lien on said real 03tat;e from and after the date of the levy theroof. I e SEc'rION 3. The City Clel:k of the City of Grand Island, NebrasJr:a, i fj baroby j,nstru ctod and dil'ectecl to cert:tfs to tLe City Treasure.!' of the City of Grand Island, Nebl'iclf11m." the amount of said taxes hOT'oln levied, togE}ther wi th instru ctlon s to collect the same, as Pl'ovidod by la1.iv. ORDINANCE No.1985 Cont. SECTION 4. Thi S o:t'dina'tJee sha11 be in f or'eo and. take effeet fl'om and aftc;)!' tts passagol approvall and publicati.on as provided by law. Pa 8 S od and approved this 17th day of Nove,mber I 1947). e I 5~_:~~ '=-.2-_'~. M a JTo r 11 TT ]1:8 T: :l6 _-____.____....-__.".._..__~-.-_-~..._"____...oo=.'". I I e o R 'f) I l.j A N (~1'<': NO.. ~8..6~_-__ ~o..rl O~ccl1.1i [irl G e aJJ o:c :1. z i r1 {~ 8J1C3. (11:e c: e t :t c c; of c a1~'1 real GstEl'Le 11elongi t:c, c ClL;; of Gr Is lCtLJ,cl, e I Ne'T'PsLa; o\r in' El,.Hiner lJ:1 1 rJEJne bo s()J~d t1l:l0. t}-~(; cLcft'rn2; of S~lj,(l. G801e'; l):r~ci (IIi) f {) ~;:~ tJ,!{) r;i vt 11[: of rlot:t ce of tl.L8 S 0, of 3~11cJ r! ectrltc c t OI<!l.nS oor; rtr\(l, r('CCj1f:t<1_:T.l':ifj for t}:.e ri t to fll.E': Ct l~(~DJc.rl- s tr; Clrl c e ElL:al r} ttLO ~3[~lf3' el oof si l)y 1 .,,1 1.:.., ~Jc o:t~ U e Clt~r 01' Gl~D..1H~t 181[1.1'1(11 "hl"4 S, s 1:8.. , (3Cl"U ~D.l ~t :n +- \j\) 1..1' t +- (7.r. nj, ,-...,Q ~l/.i."JI.:tj '"S P01'1 C611 fJ tJV/)} \.J.~. 618 ctor;~ of ;:la:id ('.~ +-" '-3..1. LIJ , va+-- 1. C... \~ L 1 Itl t ~rc ], oJ: Hru 1"11 C j. rJ8. J~ .~"::1 '.' ,; {',y- ~1 ~l... .... "',' .c.. S&lid. 01 t.'/ . BE I'f OhDATN}.T) dY TIC""; ]':AYOH 01 'FY COUN C1 cJ'Y Of-I' I T;-,,[ , lTJ~;_~F~!~SI\P~: SJ~CTI C l\~ ~ ..l. to Tl.tt} D G()ll "\le ce of x, eal oetate l.~ ex' ei 11 ~tJ~ t i~~):,C d_ (}::3 e:c j. .:-~ is l.L(]r.- direct ari o:e I to M. B. McCall of C 1t Y of G:eE-trlcl I sJ_u.xKI, IT [),,;"::}:a. Tl~. e 1)1'"0 l)(~J 1; t -~\' {].:1 l' 0 G t Etr:~ c1 flU tl.L {)l' i z- tCi .he Go:n've~]ec1 :l fi cl. Cf3 cr- i e(~J ::tS f ollc1'ii! S:. T 0 1- "fil.; c;,"l--,'" (n '. Tn,-, " ',' Ti' /' 1,1.. v-'^- r' ..-. I '\ ...w v ~t..:J"'-uLt li \. (.J I' U..J~\..; vL__ ,I. ,).;+ ~j S v -l.\.) \ J , HU8s{)11 1!Jheoler" sAcldit:i.on to the City of arid T , 1 CC/lixd:;y, Nebl'anl':a .. ~>:rW'l'ION 2. The EHlnD C:C ber:m,s of saId e € of flt-l ct.1 I' e~11 c ;]t 2Lte ar'o as fl()11011'IS: 1]:110 PUl' u e 8r~ , "" D 'iL.. .i..). McCall, ee[~ .to }!~i2~1J.t TIu rlc1:r or] o ~(1 () ,(ft:()r" 0;fj' \. '-L '\....' .\,./ ",t.> . .'- '.J i Dollt~"p;] fOl' tll('. "l."1 tl:_lr; {J.escl~l'b OE!tD.te 1_:, o..~3 pail} t() t;l'3' Cl.t,'} CJ,(Il1k or Ci t;v of C-l~ Isltlt.IC1. tiiO s'un} of FO"'I'1-"" (cli' ,10 co' - r) J tW"X" - j Dolla:r-s as a dovm paymcnt t'j 81' of or' , I e tlJ e 'j,) f~L 1rt ~(i c: l) of S 0 ~/e 11 Fund:r ed S5.xt I cl1,Y7 r 1 " ,...." ~::j: \. \r'l '._r' ~ .'\...I tj J Dol D ~ill he paid j. rl flJ 1J_ t~ fiorl t;}.10 C :x0 cvu 01.~1 011 d. G- 1:1. T,rcr y of tl It C1 Doed t}](i 01 t -y tel t} e 1-l ctLt1Serl . TJ"~e Cit~'l ~f.'cll1 rjot he :eeql111'oc1 f'1J 1'#1'11 ii\~~'. ri~} A.1!8t~rLtct~ of Ti t 1 e .. s }'~C T1 :3... A:J () iTi (1 rrs J.a'H j riot:1. G(; o:f S'U C):i s[11e c L Cl<lfl :~J tJ OIl eo~~ all. 1-''\/''\ -'\,-.'" 1. ~ -. " ~) ..t J. L; f()l~ t;l:cCCJ C(>Xl..... ORDINANCE Ne.1986 Cent. r~~<:JG11tive- "\Ne()}~~n i1'.; t~.)C GJ}Ctr;r:J I:::1 D<,I.l1S T (:11 'b, <"A rj (J\'} S ljli o(~.:t J.} ,IT GTj (~~I:' C'~_l '_'<;!:~ tOlt 1.t Ll'o C~tt ()f C:c2:J,.rlcl IrJ]_ftrlCl, IT u, :-~': l'~rl , t; nI" t~t(~ .0"0. rj~J l:i.(:.Li~t.lori of },8 ()I'cl i r~;),ll e (}; f''''.!" .! ..,_~ \.JL t./ N e I CJ.c:J..il~ J~;::; }-r.01'Ol)'tY C3.iT' oet :1- Ll ;.~ tII'i,( e t 00. t; (J Of)C'.14 C 1. :3:_") ~~1 l](Jtiee. SEC TIO;'T .:1. j\.:u oj-"l t~ -;.'l ~L ~.':: '~, CT' ~I fUit -to 01 ct 01" L; eif' c, ("1}~ .1- . \.J J.. :.j n..q " J. Is lo#rlcl , ()1" fJ~ ,to filc3 [;1., I' GiG U jJ ~; t ~:-~ D~:rl e (} ~--j f."-:--t, S~;tlc tIt e vd i 1J (. e sex' :L 1; ed 'P C~::'tD.te ; 1. :f':' :? J' el~~-orl st1;' e.1) C E: e..[;a:t 1'1 ~~ t Sti ~j8.1e t3i ";r}ceJ 'b~y 1 t11 8]~ect()I4 a of 8C;t:i,C} Ci t~y- in (?;:r' to i~vt~I I)Gr c(:rd.~ (30~~t) of t~:__.c electcll~fi of t1--,e Cit~( of"4 n.'"'-/ , J. I::; 10.1'10., va ti tL~'~ f;l_.t t;}:8 lruJt 'Yi 1.n:c el .1. C) 11 ~~ .~ .1.., n. Cl {;1 c r! ~~ 8. 'hl ~ ,"..- 1.;.,.1,.1. ~,u_ lG Ol~C'} :~. 1:;, i.tt ::; , i~;;'U ct, fill 1 !l\) Li ori} C~I' .L L:~: iLl orI0 01:-(1-' {;., C~(jeD.f~t, OX~ 'be; sold.. ..-~"Q0rpT "'11\'[ C ...iI.t'j'..I_\ .i.\..!J.. J. m' ,-.! C1 DD.j..d r' L: L, C ., .-'" ..!" ~:) IcX' eb'\T I c~_j.:~,'(;etcc, U)Jt~_-:OJ':t? :~t L'; (1 co rlf i llu ; ,rl i-: (1 :1 f' r~ 0 ::' eLn()rl~]t:r ELL) e 0 I) G f j J ,.~t '.-1 A f.;' t~ {::~ ]~ C , e I:'I[~ t:l~ rt~ .l, \JJ. t Gl all , 8](()Cl:l t,~ (:;, J.1, \/8j,~ to T-i~. l) 'TI;~ r;, ('I 1 j" ;,1 \,,;' '-...'~ ., i _i. '..-' Dood. fc;xJ caicl t; e (; .>',-t9 -C't:~ t ~t () Ii (l T) . ',> r.- ,\~ I"": 1 cr.: i,:/ .,/ r:.uLl :_<),--;'.~i ':7 L,j (>u t ~,'; +, ~ ..i. l-,_: rt C. ~.:, i C L( O.r; .h , ~-~ Clt;:; COlJlJ.(;11.. 3EGTICilT c. Tl'il ~3 1 L,D.J: C '::; s} } riG . ! 'f-' .~" ", .--, e, () ,r.,~ n )., ~f }:')()}H ?r.J~~ i~c:c' :t t l3 ,~:; ~:~ iJ., ; C'\lDol I;;,:~ l,-,,: :l e c~ L j. (j ,t o 1. t:i....\j~J ~ Par:;;::: (J L 1.3t " {; r.:, ~_,' C._'\" })CCE.iEJ.rel~:; J~g .. I e ~ ' :::~ ~. ff -, ... "0"<- ~\,lc.t, l.y - .l ~ , ~. ,/7 ?' t~TT}'-:;:~~T; ~./~ ,.... 'il ..,; ('., c,.c'l ~j__ 1....' .;_.7_1..\...<.1, .1.:" o R DIN A NeE NO. 1987 ~ All ordi nance levyi specJ.f!.l taXfl3 to pa.y f01> the . I CO:3t of eonstl'uetion of th{~ ~~eVle:r' J.n C,GVle!' Di Jet No. 185 il) .~t~J~: Cit;~{ of G-T'L1..y)cl IslurKl, }J€Jbl"~li:,J(a, El"rlcl. pr"cj"vlcl1,lJ -for:, tLe co::lcetion tllGY'0of. BE PI' 0l1DIlI NED ~y 'I'J:Lb; MAYOh AND CI'I'~{ con 11, of the elity of Gr'and Is1a.ncl" Nebrn.r:lm: SECTION 1. 'Ihnt tYlers is J:iereb.y levied and a:.'!sessE)(l a special tax au;ainf:;i.:; the several lots, trfLctn, Dud parcels of land bereinafter Bet forth for t p1JrpO~Je of ps.;;i Lho cost of COr1tJtru etiorl of tYlG ,:30"-//01:; in S eVI eY: D i s t:L' i c t ~:() . ]0 r: >u.~, of said Cii;S-, ir:1 accordance tl_, I'J'o erl()f':i.t:s fOUT.lcl D.,Yicl Et ~~-: nOD n oe] a net e several lots, tracts, and pa]1celn of J~D.r~cl ill 8Ltid C1.istltict ":-::i G_~_,.e l/I[t~yor~ BJJcl Git~y CO'Ul1C1J_ ()f Cits> ;31-Lti as fl Board elf Equalization aft 01' dUG notiee VCli ttiol'oof, a:=-; provided b.v ; oaeb of tl'o s's:vc:C,Jl lots, I tl'ucts F1.l'lCl I)t:tl~ccl:~ of' lD.rJc1 QE:jS er; sed. as fol1oV!s~ 01111:I.;R LOT BLOCY ADDIrflION f~JIil. au we tLtlr G. p. Edna A.. C} I~ D.. ~--_! e 1 1(; .A,s11'tC)!1 PJ~ [3, ce df, vr(J.r; \)'1 'ill ;",p_ ~~Ji ! ItH.1l1 Br~D.l'l(1 t 2 16 II u ;::'o..CO Plr:dN.s Con:') Gl'U ctiClD II It Company 'Z L-' 16 II It 50..00 u It ~; 16 It tl :C .00 Artl,u:L' G.. & Eelna A. II II It 5 16 II II 50 .00 6 16 u .. 50 .00 7 16 II " 50 ..00 8 16 It It EO .00 17 16 II II 50.00 12- 16 II It 50 .00 19 16 II II 50 .00 20 16 .. It 5J .00 21 16 It It r.o .0 Cl 22 16 It II 50 .00 Grabe It II II II II u I . " II II c:t t J of 01' ::,rd I s18.nd II II Iii f'!!'\ II II II " II lIi I II n tl ORDINANCE No.1987 Cont. o-YtJ N"'811" l~,OT 131.10 Gl\ ADDITIC)j'j AM QU b 'T~ 11 ~~,~1;11~~ ~y S. 1/J Lt el{ or:; $.-,j"'-<-) 16 Ashton Place dj> r"^ ^^ ',1' J~i ..\.;\..1 Al't}IUl' n. & J1Jlna A. (Tl' H. f; n" (;:1 ";;" 16 n II 50 .00 e I ,(iECrrrcm n G. Ttt e t, (}" :X. (J B fJ C' J. e '''Ii shall become payable and deli. nql1 OlJ't "i..: ~ __ () III [1111: 01' I1r 0 11l cl (~(l -\'j )l }, D~ VV . m':CTIoN :3.. 'I'LL eel Clerk 1a hereby directed to certJf-.y" to tl.lG' Cit;'.:r TX'tJl),St11'C;;T" mnount of said taxes to- [~(}t \vi..tlJ. 111ntl~Jucti()n~] tCJ collect tlle SD.:.nIE:, [lS rxr'o'\licl by 1v:w. [-)}~CTION' 4. Tll.:i.S orlc1ir'i~lx1ce 11 e in force and take effect from and after its PJ.ssage, n.PPl'O'lul and publJeEttion, as prov:i.d.od by Jaw.. Pa~jsec1 and appx'oved tLis ls~__ da;v of December', 19"1::':',.. I \ r A,]:TT~E)T -Z ~~{~--- ;;r-;;~.; ~, "~ I e