1945 Ordinances ORDINANCE NO. 20).1 .___~_ An Ordinance pertaining to the manufacture, trans- e I portation, sale and use of wine, beer and intoxicating liquors and amending Section 16 of Ordinance No. 1508 of the Ordinan- ces of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and repealing said original Section 16 of Ordinance No.1508. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Section 1. That Section 16 of Ordinance No. 1508 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows; "Any person violating the provisions of this ord inance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, except where a different penalty for said offense is herein provided, the defendant shall I 'J. be fined in any sum not exceeding $100.00, and shall stand committed to the City jail until the fi ne, together with all costs assessed against said defendant are paid." Section 2. That said original Section 16 of Ordinance No. 1508, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publi- cation as provided by law. Passed and approved this 17th day of January, 1945. I e ATTEST; ~-rr~ ORDI~ANCE NO.-2012 A.n Ordinance pertaining to firearms and weapons; regulating .""';a: the firing, use, discharge and carrying of weapons and certain e I toy weapons; prohibiting the sale and furnishing of weapons and certain toy weapons to minors; providing for the forfeiture and confiscation of weapons; r0pealing Section 6 of Ordinance No. 363 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska and providing penalties for the violat ion of the provisions of this Ord inance. BE IT OHDAINIID BY 'l'BE MAYOH AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HAL L C OUN TY, NEBRASKA: SECTION l.--It shall be unlawful for any person, except an officer of the law in the discharge of his duty, to fire or discharge a gun, pistol, fowling-piece, or other' firearm, within the city limits. SECTION 2. --It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, loan, gi ve or furnish to any minor, any gun, fowling-piece, or other I firearm including air rifles or sling shots, within the city limits. SECTION 3.~-It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge or cause to be discharged any air rifle, toy pistol, toy gun, or other toy arm, or arms, or sling shot, loaded with leaden or other dangerous missiles, at any time or under any circumstances within the city limits. SEcrrrON 4.--It shall be unlawful for any person to carry abou t his or her person any toy pistol, toy gun, air rifle, or other toy arm or anns, or sling shot, out of or by which any leaden 01' other dangerous missiles may be discharged. SECTION 5. --It shall be unlawful for any pal~ent, guardian, or any other peI'son, to purchase for or gi ve to any minor or know- I e ingly to permit any minor to have any toy pistol, toy gun, air rifle, sling shot or other toy arm or arms, out of which any leaden or other dangerous missiles may be discharged. SECTION 6..--No cannon or Diece of artillery shall be dis- charged or fired off in any street, avenue, alley, park, or place, within the corporate limits of the City, without written permission from the City Council. ORDINANCE NO. 2ID12 ,<Can't.) SEC1rION 7. --It shall be unlawful for any person to carry about his or her person any concealed pistol, revolver, dirk, e I bowie knife, billy, metal knuckles, or other dangerous or dead- ly weapons of any kind, except officers of the law in the dis- charge of their duties. SECTION 8.--Any such weapon or weapons, duly adjudged by the Police Judge of said City to have been worn, carried, used, or discharged, in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be ordered forfeited and confiacated. SECTION 9.--The prohibitions of this Ordinance shall not apply to the officers or members of the police force-of the city when on duty, nor to any sheriff or officer of any ccurt whose duty it may be to serve warrants or to make arrests, nor to persons whose business or occupation may seem to require the carrying of weapons for their protection, and who shall have I obtained a permit or lawful autbnrity to carry guns, clubs, black jacks and other weapons used in the execution of their dut ies . SIJ:GTION 10. --It shall bet he du ty of every member of the police force to see that the provisions of this ordinance are strictly complied with and enforced. SECTION ll.--That Section 6 of Ordinance No. 363 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, be and the same is here- by repealed. SECTION l2.--Any person, firm, association, partnership or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance I e shall, upon conviction be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and be fined in any sum not exceeding $100.00 and shall stand com- mitted until said fine and costs of prosecution are paid. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 21st day of March, 1945. -~ r I '-:r-y' ATTEST" V A ~e;'-k ---- e I I j J I I I j I j J '1 ! ;) '1 I I e ?~{> f -v' ORDINANCE NO. 2013 An ordinance levying special water main district taxes to pay for the construction of the water main in Water Main District No. 94 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDA.INED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI TY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASK.A. SECTION 1. That a special water main district tax be, and the same is hereby levied and assessed, to pay for the oost of construction of the water main in Water Main District Nol 94 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, against the respective lots, tracts, and parcels of land in said district in the amounts set opposite the several descriptions as follows: OWNER LOT BLK ADDITION AlVlOUNT $48.91 48.91 Frank Gross 9 Bogg1s and Hill 1 2 3 4 It It u Nettie Gross tt 9 9 9 II Millard F. Boquette Millard F. Boquette Joseph L. Forst Joseph L.. Forst Joseph L. Forst Joseph L. Forst North Western Public Service It tt 48.91 48.91 48.91 48 .91 48.91 37.03 37.03 tt It tl II tt 5 9 9 9 9 4 4 4 4 4 If It II II 6 It II 11 7 8 9 10 11 I! 13 II tl It tl If II tl II North Western Public Service II 48.91 48.91 48.91 48 .91 48.91 48.91 48.91 tl t.I North Western Public Service tt It Joseph D. & May Haney Joseph D. & May Haney It It it It J. D. and Ma"y Haney .-.~ tt It Il 14 4: 15 4 16 4 II It Da vid E. Magnu son II It It It John and Lucile Harper SECTION 2. The special taxes herein levied shall become parable and delinquent as follows: One-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days after the levy herein made; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two yenrs; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four years; each of said installments except the first shall draw interest at the rate of not exceed- ing seven percent (7%) per annum from the time of the aforesaid ORDINANCE NO.. 2Q13___<contt.) levy until they shall become delinquent; and after the same shall become delinquent, interest at the rate of nine per cent (9%) e I per annum shall be paid thereon until the same shall be collected and enforced as in the case of other special taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy thereof. SECTION 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby inst~ucted and directed to ce~tify to the City Treasurer of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes herein levied, together with instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 21st day of March, 1945. I ..-....1~.. ~ ~. ~~ M yore ~ ATTEST~ ~~ ity Clerk. I" e. ORDINANCE NO, 2014 M~ ORDIN~NCE TO VACATE Lots Six (6), Seven (7), and Eight (8), Block Two (2), Stanley Place, an Addition to the e I City of Grand Island, and to disconnect and remove the same from the corporate limits of the Cit:f of Grand Island, Nebraska. WHEREAS, by Ordinance heret of ore adopted, Stanley Place, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall Count,y, Nebraska, was vacated, removed, and disconnected from the corporate limits of tbs City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and WHERSAS, Lot s Six (6), Seven (7), and Eight (8), of Block Two (2), of said Stanley Place were omi tted and not included in the Urdinance disconnecting said Addition froD said City, and WHEREAS, the said Lots Six (6), Seven (7), and Eight (8), Block Two (2), of Stanley Place are not served by any sewer or water mains or any utilities provided by said City; that they I are not situated upon any str'eets maintained by the City; that they are wholly in an agrlcultural a:cea and said lo.ts should be disconnected from the corporate limits of the City of Grand Isla nd . 'J.1HEREFOHE BE IT ORDAINED FJY THE NiAYOH AND CITY C aUN CIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; SECTION 1. The following described real estate: Lots Six (6), Seven (7), and Eight (8), of BlOCk Two (2), Stanley Place, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska., be hereby wholly and en.tirely disconnected and removed from the corporate limit s of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and shall no longer be or constitute any part of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and the streets and alleys thsrein shall revert to the owners of I e the aforesaid described premises abutting the same in the propor- tion to the respective ownerships of such premises. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and take effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication, as reauired by law. Passed and approved this 4th day of A'rT~~~ o RD I NAN G E NO. ---2..Q.1.5....__ An Ordinance defining the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and repealing Ordinance 1307 and It.:14~2, e I and all other ordinances in conflict herewith. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF 'FHE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. ':Phat the following are hereby determined to be the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska; COllimencing at the Northwest corner of the Northeast Q,unrter of the Northwest Quart er of Section Eigr.lt in rroVilnship Eleven, North of Range l\ine, West of the 6th P.M. in Hall COcUlty, Nebraska, running thence due :North approximately two thou sand feet along the West side of the East half of the Southwest Qluart er of Section Fi ve to the Sou th right -of-way line of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railraad Company, thence South- I east erly along; said right -of-way lin e approximately 4800 feet to the East line of Lincoln Park in the Southwest Quarter of Sect ion Four, then ce South along said East line 670 feet to the center line of Capital Avenue, being the section line between Sections Four and Nine; thence West along said section line to the section corner of Sections Four, Ii'ive, Eight and Nine; thence South along the Section line between Section Eight and Nine to the Nortr line extended of Lot 17, of Home Subdivision in Section Nine, running thence East along the North line of Lots 10 to 17 of Home Subdivision to the East side of Wheeler Aven- ue, thence Sout heast e1'l)' along the East side of said Avenu e to the North side of Seventeenth Street, running thence in a North- I e easterly direction along the North side of said street to the East side of the right-of-way of the C. B. & Q. on Plum Street, running thence Southeasterly along the East side of righ t-of- way to the North side of Twelfth Street, thence Northeasterly along the North side of Twelfth Street to the section line be- tween Sections Nine and Ten; thence due North to the North line extended of Lot One of Norwood Subdivision in Section Ten, thence due East to the Northeast corner of said Lot One, thence South along the East side of Norwood Subidvis~o'~ to tl ,~ If -'- '" lG ua - ORDINANCE NO ~li___ (Con't.1 section line running East and West in saId Section Ten, thence East along sa 1d half sect ion Ii ne to the Southwe s t corner of the East half of the Northeast Quarter' of Sect ion 'Ten, running thence e I North along the West side of Bark's Subdivision to the section line between Sections Three and Ten, running thence East to the Section corner of Sections Two, Three, Ten and Eleven; thence South on the section line to a point Trl1'ee Hundred Thirty feet South of the half section line running East and West through Section Eleven, thence East paralell to the one half section line in Section Eleven a distance of 1319.0 feet, thence South at right angles a distance of 23.7 feet to the North rigbt-Of-' way line of the Union Pacific Railroad Cowpany, thence South- westerly along the I'Jorth side of said right-of-way- to the intersection with the West line of the Southeast QU9.rter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 10, thence South along said line to the Sout h s ide of Sout h l'ront Str eet ext ended, thence West I along said South Pront Street extended to the Eaf1t side of the Original Town of Grand Island; thence Southeasterly along the East side of said Original 'l'ovvn of 3-rand Island, to the inter- s8ction with the South line of the right-of-way of the C. B. & Q. Eailroad Company. Thence Southeasterl:r a]oQg the South right-of-way of said Railroad to the half section line running East and West through Section Fifteen, thence WeRt alan/,,; the said half section line in Section Fifteen to the East side of Beal Street, thence Southeasterly along the East line of ~)eal street to a point 'Three Hundred feet South of the South line of Bischeld Street, thence Westerly ~t right angles for a distance of Tt[110 Hundred Twelve feet, thence J.\TorthArl-,y at right I e angles for a distance of One Hundred Pifty-two feet, thence Easterly at right angles for a distance of One Hundred Thirty.- two feet, thence Northerly at right angles to the intersection with the Southerly line of 31scheld Street, thence Westerly at right angles to the center line of Cherry street, thence South along the center line of Cherry Street One Hundred Thirty-two feet, thence tNesterly at r'ight angles to the East line of Maple Street, thence Southerly along said line to its intersec- OHDINAKCE NO. 20~5_ (Con 't.) tion with the South line of Henry Stl"eet, thence WesJeerly at right angles, to the South line of Ashton Avenue, thence West along the South line ofP.shton Avenue to the West line of Lot One Joehnck's Su"bdi vision, thence due South to the section line between Sections Fifteen and Twenty-two, thence West along said section line to the East line of Oak Street in South Grand Island, thence South along said East linear Oak Street to the Southeast corner of Lot 131 of Hawthorne Place, thence West along the South line of Hawthorn Place to the Bad line of VantiD3 Subdi vi sion, thence Sou tll along said East line to its int er- section with the half section line running East and West through Section Twenty-two thence West. along said half sectio~ line to its intersection with the Center line of Locust Street, being the section line between Sections Twenty-one and Twenty- two, thence South along said section lino to the South East corner of Pleasant Home l.\.ddition thence West along the SOl-lth line of Pleasant Home Addition to the Southwest corner of Pleasant Home Addition, thence North to the Northwest corner of Pleasant Home Addition, thence j~ast on t}le half section line in said Section 21 to the center line of South Lincoln Street ext ended, the!] ce in a Northwest erl;1 direct! on along the said center line of South Lincoln Street to the intersection with the South line of Wlndolph's Addition, thence in a Southwes'c- erly direction along said South line to the intersection with the center line of South Ada(<s Street, thence in a Southeast- erly direction along said center line of Adams street to the Sout h rigbt -of-way lin e of the C. B. & Q. Belt line, thence Southwesterl;; along said right-of-way line to the intersection wi th the half section line running North and South through Sect ion 21, thence :North along said half section line to the South side of Anna StI'eet of Wasmer's 2nd A.ddition, thence West erly along the South side of Anna Street to it s int e~e- section with the half section line in Section Twenty-one, thence 1:\lest along said half section line to the East line of Plaine Street of Gladstone Place, thence South along the East side of Blaine Street to the South side of right -of-way of the I I . "'Y'"'I1-; !'N'G'''' NO '?Olh' (C t t ) (JilL l~.tH ,t!.. ~L_ on '. said C. B. and Q.. known as the Belt line, thence West along the said rigbt -of-wa;r to the West side of the right -of.-vvil,y of the st. .To S oph and Grand I s1and Ra i1road, thence j\' ortner ly along said right-of-way to the intersection with the Nortrl and South half section line in Section 'Ff1enty, thence Forth along said half sect ion line to the cent er of Section 17. Tbence East along the half section line to the West line of White Avenue, thence North to the South line of Ninth Street, thence West for a distance of One Hundred Thirty-eight feet, thence North along the Wec,t line of White .!l.ven-ue Two Hundred 'I'wenty-six fe,t to tbe SOl-Atbeast COl'XL::;r of Lot one in Block Fourt een of Bog t S ar:d Hilll s Addition, thence Vilest along the South side of said Addition to the half section line, thence South along said half sectien line to the centelr of Section Seventeen, thence due \'.'est tc trIe Southwest Gorner of West View Addition, as orig;ina1lx platted, tlrence due North to tbe Section line I between Sections E5ght and Seventeen, thence East to the Nortb- e a s t cor rl.--,' 1'1 of ~rVest P J/ '\'d"+-" "-, aI'", ,,0. luJ.on, unence South 665.6 feet, thence East 1322.07 feet to the West side of Bo t s and Hill's Addition, thence ]\)orth 664..4 feet to selid section line between Sections Eight and Seventeen, thence V'fest 1319.5 feet along said section line to the Sotlthwest corner of Harrison Sutdivision, thence North along the half section line thl'CJu,gh Section Eight to the half section line rUTJl'lng East3.nd West through said Section Eight, thence West along the half sect jon lirw to the West line of University Place, thence North along the West 1 ill;;') of Uni Verl:Ll.t yPlace to tile ce of beginning. All of the above described lar;d toget l'iJvith a strip of land I . 66 feet wide lying along the North side of the half section line running East dnd Wost thrau Sections 15, 14 and 13 and extencIlnp; froLl tJ:ie Fort}!. right-of-way line of the C. .3. Dc Q. nail:!' oud ~3t thr uugh said ::;ect ions 15, ILL and 13 to t he bank of the N011tll channel of the 'Platte rUver, mOl'e cOlLwnly called VJood iU ver. on.l')D: GE i'TO.. 1.915__( Con' t .) Said Corporate limits being and including all of t 10 ts, t rac t sand p:uc els 0 f land now within the carpal' at 0 limits of the City, also utlcb ;,:~icclJJUJ)oU8 tracts lying within tbe above described boundaries which have never been platted or subdivided, all of which are hereby declared to be, and are P[ll~ts of tllG Cit~y" of GrD.rlcl Islarlcl, IJ31J~c s}\_a. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall not be construed as in any manner operating to detach from the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, any property now within the corporate ~;iLllt~ oi' ~'ELid Cit~:f, and all pr'opert;y vJitLin tlie Cit,li of' Grand Island, as the limits now are, shall be construed to be and renlEdn p'1rt of tl10 City of Grand Island, l'iebra:3ka. SEC'llION 3. That in the avant of any le I action bS wbich any' of the p:C'op::'rty herein described EiS VHC the cor}Jo .CE:.t e lir,lits of the City of G:cano. Is shall ~ excluded there- fr'om, tbe same shall! ot effect an:y other p:coper'ty 'v"Jithin said I COl'r!Orate limits and the corporate 1 its :'i1l)311 be COl1stl'ued as passing around any property so excluded. SECTION 4. That ordinance No. 1307 and 1442 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Is d, retr~ska, and any other Ordinances in conflict hdl'owith be and the same a:ce, her.sty r:;pealed. SECTION 5. This OI'G.inance shall be in for'co and take effect from and after' its passage approval aDd }JulJlication as by ls.w pro vid ed. Passed and approved this 4th da~ of April, 1945. &vV I . ~ t,'{ Clerk. /-t"' (() I I e ORDHiANCE NO. 2016 .:'I.n Ordinance v'lcating that part of jUm Street ly:ina; north of the north line of Seventeenth Street and South of the south line of St,9te Street in the Gi.ty of Grand Island, and providing tbat that portior of said street so vacA_ted be l1i3.de a part of Grace Abbott Park in said City. VVHj~HEAS, Grace Abbott .Park in the Gity of GI'and Island, is so laid out and situated that a Dortion thereof lies on the east side of rGl)1l Stl'set and a p'3_rt thereof on tl'Je west slde of said street, and wm~REAS, that portion of Blm Street within said park area sbould be vacated and made a paJ't of Grace Abbott Park so as to nrovide a rnore beautiful,usefj:,11 and larger park. 'T''j:T}..'}1}~FOHE BE IT OHD~~INED BY TIm MAYO]-; , D crey e OUNe IIJ OF ;rlm e ITY OF' GHAND ISLAND, NEJ3HASKA. SF~e'rION 1. 'l'hat that p,~.rt of Bln] Street lyi north of the nortl'J line of Seventeenth Street and south of the soutll Line of State Street be and the S!3.rne :is tersby vacated ar,d is bereby o I'd ered made a part 0 f Grace Abbot t fark 0 f the eit'T of Gran c)_ Island, Nebraska. 'fhis urcHnance 811all be in force and take effect from and aftcn" its TX18san;e, approval and publication as provided by law. Fassed and UDPy'oved tnis ~?nd day of I\Tay, 1945. ~.. ~ / 0... ------ ~--~- -.:: ~-<: ~ lVlil . or NT' rr E.s l' : ~~/~ --.-ca ,- C i-e rlc-- I I e / ~7 onD lLiJJ CE ro ~2Q1L An O~l'd iru:.mce pertain ing to taxies, taxi corloanie 8 o.nci taxi d}~ivers; provid:lnr; fo1' the issuance of permits to drive and operate taxies; provldinp; .for examinations therefore and revocations there- of; ~'oviding for the collection of fees for permits, and providing penalties for the violation of the provisions of this ordinance. BE IT OrWAINED BY 'I'EE MAY 011. AND CI'I'Y CaUNC IL 01" 'I'HE CITY OF GRAND ISLi~ND, , NEBHi\"cn'CA. SECTION 1. No person shall dri ve a taxicab in the Oi ty of GI'and Island unless he 811a11 have applied for and obtained a perrnit therefor from the City 01er1c. Each person desiring a rmi t as a driver of a taxicab shall file an application therefor with the City Clerk OD a forn provided by him, setting forth the Dame and address of the applicant, and the WilLE') and addresE of the ownel' of such taxicab. Such applice.nt shall also undergo a n;edical examina- tion to he given bSr the City I-Ie,9.1th Department, ydthYiJt charge to the applic ant, and shall ob :bain a cert i ficat. e from the exaLl1 ning pbYEdcian shovdnrr, the nhysic8.1 fitness of the a i can t to 1J e come a licensed driver. ~Jch applicant shall also take an examination to be given by the Chief of -Police to determine whether the applicant is fard.liar v;j.th the pro,lisions of tIle traffic ordinances, the regulations of the city and acauainted with the location of all streets'=1nd pulJlic nlaces in the city. Such exanlination shall be in such form and as comprehensive as the Chief of Police may deern necessary. SEC'l'ION 2. SUc11 applicant shall be not less than eighteen years of age and be a bona fide resident of and domiciled in the city. Upon sucr] applicant con plying with the requirements of th.i8 section and filir9; his flcalth c8rt:ificate fro:m the city physician, and a certificate showinp that he has passed the examination given Ly tbe Chief of Police, and the nayment of the fees hereinafter' provided, the City Clerk is authorized to issue such driver's pe I' 1']:]. t . SECIJ:ION ~'S. Such 0.1'1 vel" s permit is not D.ssignable and shall autrJOriz8 tl18 dr'iver to dI'ive only for the oVJner desit2;nated in his aDDlication. In event said dI'iver chan s erJploy8rs, tbe City Clerk is autrlOrized to issue a Dew pF;rmit to suclJ driver without eX8.mina- . I I e OEDn~ANCE NO. 2Ql2-.___( Gon' t .) t:tOD upon paY'Gnt of the permit fee hereh18.fter set fortl1. SEc'rrON 4. An annual perrnit fee aLa]l bn c]"Lari2;ed ns follows; POl' each drivnr's per>ndt ---.- ..-.-.--....-... " ~;l .00 For e8.c11 renewal of dri.ver' s p3r:mlt -_.- ;"1 ""0 1? .U Slj;CTION 5. All perrd t fees shall be due miJ;d pl:l..;yalJle at tbe office of the City Treasurer on the first day of May of each year and all nerrrJt s shall eXT)ire on the 3Qt'h day of April folJowln,,; 1. S 3U 8. nee . SECTION 6. The City Treasurer shall issue to each person granted a permit to drive a taxi, a badge, which badge shall be worn on1y by tl,e person to whom sale] Der:d.t was issued and said badrre shall be worD on the front of the driver's cap. The taxi driver's badge shall bear tbe name of the City of Grand Island, the number of the permit issued and the word "taxi". The City Treasurer shall collect the cost of said badge from the person to \l'1Yom tbe per'nit sball be isslJed, and the cost thereof may be re- deemed by said rrl'easurer when the perrn:i.ttee stall no longer desire to drive a taxi, and SIJ9.11 surrender said badge in a p;ood, 'Useable, cond i tion. .sI~crI'IO]\j '7. ]'To p0rson, firm, association, partnel'shi}:1 or corporation ope:ratina; taxi companies in the City of Grand Island, 8118.11 emplo:,! or 13.110'1'1 an'.\[ person to drive 8. taxi unless such . person shall first have been anted said permit to operate a tax:!. as provided in this ordinance. S:F~CTION 8. It sball be unlawful foX' any person ba vi.ng a perndt to operate a taxi. o:r drive such taxi wIlile in a state of intoxication and if any person holding such a permit shall be found guilty of driving a taxi while intoxicated, the Cbief of Police of tbe City of Grand Island may revoke the permi t an t t'"3d to sucb violstor. '1'be Cbief of Police is hereby charged with the duty of approvinp; all perl'nits grrmted to applicants for such permits and if any" per.'3on shall, in the discretion of the Chief of Police, be found to be a reckless driver and unfit to operate a taxi, his perrl:i.t to operate the sa;;;e may be revoked by the said Cbief of Police. I I e '-1"'"["'1'0'.' 1\TO (('I 't) Orb. l\'c~ \j .i:'" -'~,. _2QlL~__ von . SECTION 9. Any person, firm, association, partnership or corporation, violatin~ the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon c on vie t ion be deemed ilty of a misdemeanor and be fined in any sum n at exceeding ~~l;l()O .00 and shall stand COHllnJt ted unt i 1 said fine and costs are paid. 'This ord inance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, apnroval aDd publication as nrovided by law. Passed and 8nprovad this 2nd day of Vay, 1945. A'1"I'Es'r: ~~ ~-. ORDINANCE NO. 2.918____ I An Ordinance appropriating and condemnin~ private ~ro,erty in the City of Grand Island, Ne_raska, for the use of Bai~ City for a ~art of the location and .uildin~ site of a City Auditorium as followB~ All of Fractional Block Eighty-nine (89), Original Town, now the City of Grand Island, ~all County, Ne.raska, save and except the Northerly Sixty (eo) feet of Lots One (l) anti Two (2), and the East Twenty-three (23) feet of the Northerly Sixty (60) feet of Lot Three (3) in said Fractional Block Eighty- nine (89), belonging to the Elks Building Association. WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the City of Grand IslanGl., Ne~ra~ka, find that it is necessary that private property within the .ounds hereinafter more definitely descri"kled, all within the said City, ~e appropriated and condemned for a part of the loca- t ion and BU ildi.ng sit e of a City Auditorium. Now, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR .AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That the following descri1Ded real property, consisting of all that part of Fractional Block Eighty-nine (89), Original Town now the City of Grand Island, Rall County, Ne.r- aska, save and except the Northerly Sixty (eo) feet of Lots One (1) and Two (2), and the E~8t Twenty-three (23) feet of the Northerly Sixty (50) feet of Lot Three (3), of said Fra.ctional Block Eighty-nine (89), ~e and the same is hereDY appropriated for the use of the City of Grand Island, Ne.raska, for a part of the location ani Building site of a City Auditorium under and .y virtue of Section 16-601,16-602, and16-603 of the ReviseEil. Statutes of Ne.raska for the year of 19~3, a.nd Article Two of the Home Rule Charter of the City of Grand Islanti. SECTION 2. The land so appropriated and condemned for a }Dart of the location and lliluild.ing site of a City Auditorium is descriBed as follows: I . ORDINANCE NO. 2018 ( Con' t .) All of Fractional Block Ei~hty-nine (89), Original Town, now the City of Grand Island, Hall County, NeBraska, save ana except the Northerly Sixty (60) feet of Lots One (1) and Two (I) and the East Twenty-Three (23) feet of the Northerly Sixty (60) feet of Lot Three (3) of said Frac- tional Block Ei~hty-nine (89). SECTION 3. That the following disinterested freeholders in the City of Grand Island, Nebra:"ka, are herelty appointed to assess the dama~es accruing to the owner or owners of the real estate and rights appropriated~ Don Boehm 621 West Koeni~ Stree~ Theodore Reimers 1118 West Division Street Bert PhilliFlS 007 West Tenth Street all in the City of Grand Island, who shall receive as compensa- tion for their services the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00) per day I for the time necessarily occupied in assessin~ said damages. Said assessors shall meet in the Council Chamber of the City Nall in said City of Grand Island, on the -AQth- day of July , 19-4:5, at the hour of 2 0' clock P.M.; and after takin~ oath to discharge their duties faithfully and impartially shall on the same day, or as soon thereafter as practical, make, si~, and return to the City Clerk in writ in~ a ju at and fair appraisement of the damages for tile lots or piece of ]')roperty, the whole or part of which or ri~hts in which are to Ie appropriated. SECTION -4:. Pay!:nent of tile elamages for the approlDriation of said private property shall lee paid out of the General Fund of said C it Y . I e SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from an 0. aft er its passage, approval and publication as provided ~y law. Passed and approved this _6th...- day of ..-J:1me , 19-4:5. ATTEST: ~ 2?~A ~ __n ~-nity Clerk. e I I I e ORDINANCE NO" 2019 An ordinance directing that the lake in City Park in the City of Grand Island be stocked with fish; authorizing the Mayor to make application to the Game, Forestation and Parks Commission of the State of Nebraska for said fish; and pro- viding penalties for the violation of the prOVisions of this ord inance . BE .IT ORDAnn~D BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CrTY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA-: SECTION 1. For the purpose of providing fishing for the citizens of Grand Island, the lake in City Park in the City of Grand Island is hereby ordered stocked with fish and the Mayor is hereby authoriz.ed to make applicat ion to the Game, Forestation and Parks Commi ssion of the State of Nebraska, to obtain said fish. SECTION 2. The public shall be permitted to fish in said lake prov1d ed, however, t ha t no fi shi ng shall be permitt ed each time until after two (2) w'~eks shall have elapsed after/ said lake has been stocked with fish, and fishing in said lake shall be permitted only between the hours of 'lI.()0 A.M. and 9=00 P.M. SECTION 3. It shall be unlawful for any person to catch and take from the waters of said lake more than ifve (5) fish per day. SECTION 4. All laws, rules and regulations of the State of Nebraska, now in full force and effect pertaining to fi shi ng, including a license to fish:' in the State of Nebraska, are hereby adopted and made a part hereof, save and accept such rules and regulations as are herein provided. SECTION 5. It shall be the duty of the Polic e and Park departments of the City of Grand Island to enforce the rules and regulations of this ordinance. ORJJINANGE NO. 2019 ~ (Con l t. ) SEGT10N 6. Any person violating the provisions of this r ordinance, shall upon conviction, be fined in any sum not exceeding $100.00 and shall stand committed to the ~y jail until said fine and costs are paid. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after itls passage, approval and pUblication as provided by law. passed and approved this ( 15th ~~~ day of June, 1945. --....--..- u gj;t ~{ ;;/----/ Attest: ~c.'(::!!:- .1. c, l.< -LL I ~"'kl~HlX:Hll~w~ma Hl(lb'ltIIPl I e e I I I e '" i " ORDINANCE NO. 202~ An Ordinance apnropriating and condemning nrivate nro- perty in tbe City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the use of said City for a part of the location and building site of a City Al1ditorium as follows; All of Fractional Rlock Eighty- nine (89), Orip;inal 'I'own, now the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, save and except the Northerly Sixty (60) feet of Lots One (1) and 'i'Wo (2), and the East 'l'wenty-tbree (23) feet of the Nort'herly Sixty (60) feet of Lot rI'hree (3) in salee It'ractional Block Eighty-nine (P9), belonging to the Elks Bui Idi np; Associat ion and repealing Ord inance No. 2018 of the Ordj.nances of tbe Cjty of Grand Island, Nebraska. WHEREAS, the l'layor and Council of the City of Grand Island, :Nenraska find that it is necessary that private pro- perty within the bounds hereinafter more def:i.nitely described, all within the said City, be appropriated and condemned for a part of the location and building site of a City A1J.ditorium. Now, rl'HEREFORE BE 1'1\ OHDAIN]~D !3i 'I'M IVutYOH. AND CI'rY COUNCIL OF 'm.F~ CITY OF GRAND 10LlU\iD, ]\jEBHASKA~ SEG'l'ION 1. That the following de sc ri bed real prope rty, consisting of all that part of Fractional Block Eighty-nine (89), Original Town novv' the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, save and except the Northerly Sixty (60) feet of Lots One (1) and Two (2), and t he }~ast rrwenty-three (23) fee t of the Fortberly Sixty (60) feet of Lot 'l'bree (3), of said Fractional Block Eighty-nine (89), be and the same is her'ebv apnropriated for the use of the City ofG-rand Island, Nebr- aska, for a part of the location and buildin~ site of a City Auditor'ium under and by viY'tl)e of Sections 16-601, 16- 602, and 16-603 of the Hevised Statutes of Nebraska for the year of 1943, and Sect ion nine (g) of Article rr~NO (2) of the Home Rule Charter of the City of Grand Island. ORDINANCE NO. 2020 Continued SECTION 2. The land so aporopriated and condemned for a par t of the locat ion and bui J.d inn: site of a City Aud:i torh.1m is described as f'oll()vvs; All of l<'ractional Block Eighty-nine (89), urip:LnAl 'l'own, now the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, save and except the Northerly Sixty (60) feet of Lots One (1) and i;wo (2) and the East 'I'wenty-thI'ee (23) feet of the Nort:herly Sixty (60) feet of IJot 'nwee (3) of said Fractional Block Eighty-nine (89). SECTION 3. Irhat the following disinterested freeholders in the C1 ty of Grane; Island, Nebraska, are hereby appointed to assess the damages accruing to the owner or owners of the real estate and rights appropriated: Be rt Fbi 11i DS 507 "vii e s tL' en th Street C. E. Gru nd y 1215 West Koenig street 422 West Eighth Street Car 1 Ellie krehm all in the C1 ty of Grand Island, who shall recel ve as compen- sation for their sArvices the sum of Five Dollars (~;5.00) per I day for the tin~ necessarily occupied in assessing said dam- ages. Said assessors shall meet in the CounCil Chamber of the Ci ty Rall in said Clty of Grand Island, on the ..2e~0- day of .August, 1945, at the hour of 2 o'cloc.k P.M.; and after taklng oath to discharge their duties faittfully and :lmpar- tially shall on the sarne day, OTl as soon thereafter as prac- tical, make, sign, and return to the Gi ty Clerk in writing a just and fair appraisement of the damages for the lots or piece of propeJ:'t:'l, the wtole or part of which or rights in wI'ich are to be appropriated. SECTION 4. PaWlent of the damages for the approJ::Jriatlon of said "nri vate property shall be paid out of the General Fund of said City. I e SEC'l'ION 5. Ordtnance No. 2018 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be and the same is :hereby repealed. SECTION 6. 11his Ord:inance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2020 Continued as provtded by law. Passed and approved this IltL day of July, 194:5. --;?o ATTEST: ~r{d4 STATE OF NEBRASKA ) COUNTY'O'!ALL ) ss CITY OFfJR'ANDISLAND) I ,F.S.WhltEttc:1ulyelected,q~alified and acting City Clerk or the City or Grana Island,Nebraska,hereby certify that on the 4th'day 01' August,1945',r served a copy,ot tpe fore- going Ordinance No.2020 on the following persolls,O.A.Niess,Adm., August Bredemeier,S.E.Kirkpatrick,Adm. ,.~da Poor.e,Rosalio Briseno, by'delivering to their usual places of res.1dence and to l.t.Dunn, Pr.Cla;yton 'oore &: L.R.Geddes,bY delivering ,to th$lr _ual place o.t business a copy 01' the Grand Island Independent "a newspaper of daily and QtiUX general circulation in said City,the copy 01' which was the issue ot July 13,1945' and contained a copy 01' said "Ordinance No.2020 printed Ilherein; and that at the time 01' de- "livery said newspaper was so marked as to call the attention of said parties to the Ordinance printed in said newspaper. In witness whereot I set my hand and affix the official seal of the City of Grand Island,Nebraska,thls 10th day of August,1945'. ;1s~ F.S.White, City Clerk. ~ ORDINANCE NO. 2021 An Ordinance appropriating and condemning private property in the ~ity of Urand ~sland, Nebraska, for the e I use of said ~ity for the purpose of opening, extending, and widening streets, avenues, and public ways as follows: A parcel of ground in the Southwesterly corner of Lot Nine (9) ~lock Nine (9) baker's ~ddition to the city of Grand ~sland, Nebraska, more definitely described as follo.ws; Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot Nine (9) Block Nine (9) Baker's Addition going Northerly along the Westerly line of Lot Nine (9) a distance of 36.79 feet, thence Southeasterly to a point 32.93 feet East of the Southwest corner of Lot Nine (9) on the ciouth line of said l,ot Nine (9), thence West along the South line of Lot ~ine (9) to the place of beginning; and also, a I parcel of ground in the Northeasterly corner of Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10), Block Nine (9), baker's Addition to the ~ity of Grand Island, NebraSka, more particularly described as follows; Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot Ten (10), Block Nine (9), ~akerrs Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, thence running South along the East line of said Lot Ten (10) a distance of 95.69 feet; thence in a Northwesterly direction to a point on the North line of Lot Nine (9), a distance of 83.97 feet Vlest of the l~ortheast carner of Lot Ten (10); thence in a Easterly direction along the North line of Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10) a distance of 83.97 feet to the place of beginning. I e VITIEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the City of Grand Island, NebraSka, find that it is necessary that private property within the bounds hereinafter more definitely described, all within the said G1ty, be appropriated and condemned for the use of said City for the pUl'pOS e of opening, extending, and widening streets, avenues, and public ways. ORDil'lANCE NO. 2021 (CON 'T) Now, TH E:RE:F ORE; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND OIrry COUNCIL 01" IrRE crey OF' GHAND iSLAND, N.EBRAS]{A: SECTION 1. That the following described real pro- e I perty, consisting of a parcel of ground in the Southwesterly corner of Lot nine (9) Block Nine (9) Baker's Addition to the City of urand lsland, Nebrasl{s., more definitely described as follows; tleginning at the Southwest corner of Lot Nine (9), Block Nine (9), Baker's Addition going Norther1Ji'" alone, the Westerly line of Lot Nine (9) a distance of 36.79 feet, thence Southeasterly to a point 32.93 feet l!~ast of the Southwest corner of Lot Nine (9) on the South line of said Lot Nine (9), thence Nest along the South line of Lot :Nine (9) to the place of beginning j I and also, a parcel of ground in the Northeasterly corner of Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10), Block Nine (9), ~aker's Addition to the city of Grand ..Lsland, Nebraska, more particularly described as follOWS; Beginning at the North- east corner of Lot 'fen (10), Block rUne (9), .Jjaker' s Addi- tion to Ule City of Grand lsland, Nebraska, thence running South along the East line of said Lot Ten (10) a distance of 95.69 feet; thence in a Northwesterly direction to a point on the .Lllorth line of Lot Nine \ 9}, a distance of 83.97 feet West of the Northeast corner of Lot Ten (10); thence in a Easterly direction along the ~orth line of Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10) a distance of 83.97 feet to the place of beginning, be and the same is hereby appro- priated for the use of said City for the purpose of open- ing, extending, and widening streets~ avenues, and public I e ways under and by virtue of Sections 16-601, 16-602, 16- 603 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska for the year of 1943, and Section Nine (9), Article Two (2) of the Home Rule vharter of the City of Grand island. SECTION 2. ~he land so appropriated and condemned for the purpose of opening, extending, and widening streets, avenues, and public ways, is described as 1'01- lows: A parcel of ground in the southwesterly corner :'-4,. ORDINANCE NO. 2021 (CaN'T) of Lot Nine (9) Block Nine (9) baker's Addition to e I the Uity of urand island, Nebraska, more definitely described as follows; beginning at the Southwest cOrner of Lot Nine (9) Block Nine (9) Baker's Addition going Northerly along the Westerly line of Lot Nine (9) a distance of 36.79 feet, thence Southeasterly to a point 32.93 feet East of the Southwest corner of Lot Nine (9) on the South line of said Lot Nine (9), thence West along the South line of Lot Nine (9) to the place of beginning; and also, a parcel of grotUld in the Northeasterly corner of Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10), Block Nine (9), Baker's Addition to the City of urand island, i'lebraska, more particularly described as follows; Beginning at the North- east corner of Lot Ten (10), Block Nine (9), Baker's Addi- I tion to the City of urand ~sland, Nebraska thence running South along the ~ast line of said Lot Ten (10) a distance of 95.69 feet; thence in a Northwesterly direction to a point on the North line of l..ot .Nine (9), a distance of 83.97 feet i'lest of the Northeast corner of Lot rren (10); thence in a basterly direction along the North line of Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10) a distance of 83.97 feet to the place of beginning SECTION 3. That the following disinterested free- holders in the city of urand ~sland, Nebraska are hereby appointed to assess the damages accruing to the owner or owners of the real estate and rights appropriated: William uorin 109 South Kimball Avenue Bert .iJickey 1623 West ~econd Street A. ,}. uuendel 303~ West Third Street I e all in the uity of Grand island, who shall receive as compensa tion for their services the sum of 1<'i ve .L>ollars ($5.00) per day for the time necessarily occupied in assessing said damages. Said assessors shall meet in the uouncil Uhamber of the uity Hall in said city of Grand island, on the 16th day of August, 1945, at the .~ e I I I e ORJJ1NANCE NO. 202l_ (CON 'T) hour of 2 o'clock r.M.; and after taking oath to discharge their duties faithfully and impartially shall on the same day, or as soon thereafter as practical, make, sign, and return to the City Clerk in writing a just and fair appraisement of the dam- ages for the lots or piece of property, the whole or part of which OJ> rights imwlliich are to be appropriated. SECT~ON 4. rayment of the damages for the appro- priation of said private property shall be paid out of the Ueneral ,tl'und of said Gity. SEGT~ON 5. 1~is Ordinance shall be in force and take etXect from and after its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law. rassed and approved this 11th day of July, 1945. ~ =--- /~ ATTEST: ~.J. A- STATE OF NEBRASKA ) ) COUNTY01P"tiKLx, ) ss CITY, OF ,GlfAt4'J), ISLAND ) I,'.S.White,duly: elected.,q~~lifled and acting City Clerk of the City of Grand Island,~ebraska,herebY certify tha,t o,n", the 4th day of AUgust.1J.,94~,J:served a copy pf the fore- gping Ordinance No.202l Emil F.Rickert at his usual place of business,by delivering to his usual place of business a copy of the Grand ISland Independent,dated July l3,J945',a,o,ewspaper ot daily and general circulation in said CitYlthe copy of said Ordinance No..2021 beingJ~ontainert therein and at the time of delivery said newspaper was so makked as to call the attention ot said party to the Ordinance prlntedin sa.!d newspaper. In witness whereotI-'et Dlyhand and atfiX the official seal of the City ot Grand II~'A4~Nebraskatthis 10th day of August,1945. ,. :1.[~ P.S.White, City Clerk. OHDINANCE NO. 2.Q~ An ordinance creating Water Main District No. 95, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries . thereof, providing for the laying of a water main in said e I district, and providing for the payment of the cost of construction thernof. BE IT OHDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIl:" of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: ~. Section 1. That thers is hereby created a water main district in the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Water Main District No. 95 of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska. Section 2. Said Water Main District shall consist of that part of Sycamore Street and shall extend from the North property Ii ne 'Of Phoenix Avenue rUDnin g South to the City limits for a distance of approximately 711 feet. Section 3. Said water main in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and jn aecordance with the I plans and specifications governing water mains heretofore established by the city. Section 4. That the entire cost of constructing said water main shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied to Day for the cost of construction of said district as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to become payable and delin- Quent and draw interest as follows, to-wit: one-fj_fth of the total amount shall become delin01J8nt in fj_fty days after such levy; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years, and one-firth in four I e years. Each of said installments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of 7;6 per annum from the time of the aforesaid levy until they shall become delinquent, and after the same become delinouent, interest at the rate of g% per annum shall oe paid thereon until the same shall be collected and paid; such special taxes shall be col- lected and enforced as jn cases of other special taxes, ORDINANCE NO. 2022 (CONI T) and said special tax shall be Q lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy thereof. Se c tion 5. 1.11i S ord i nance sba11 be in force and take effect from and after its nassage, ap.oroval, and publication e I as provided by law. Passed and approved this 18th day of July, 1945. .J;:.~_'.L~------- ~ rVlayor. t7 ATTEsrr: ~t;~ I I e ORDINANCE NO '" nq_~023 Being the annual appropriation ordinance of the e I City of Gre~d Island, Nebraska, for the ensuing fiscal year, commencing on the second Monday in August, 1945, and ending on 'j;he second Monday in August, 1946. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA.~ SECTION 1. That the ~um of $37,055.00 is hereby I appropriated for the Bond Fund for the following purposes: To pay interest on RefUnding Bonds in the principal sum of $115,000.00, bearing interAst at the rate of 1 1/4% per annum in the sum of $1,437.50; To pay interest on Refunding Bonds in the principal sum of $43,000.00, bearing interest at the rate of 1 3/4% per annum in the sum of $752.50. To pay interest on City Hall Bonds in the principal sum of $100,000.00 bearing interest at the rate of 1% per annum in the sum of ~875.00; To retire twenty-five City Hall Bonds each in the principal sum of $1,000.00 the sum of $25,000.00, and to retire nine Refunding Bonds each in the princina1sum of $1,000.00, the sum of $9,000.00. SECTION 2. That the sum of $3,020.45, or so much . thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund for the purpose of paying the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, for collecting and remitting taxes to the City of Grand Island, NebraSka. That the sum of $329.55, being the unexpended bal- ance in the County Treasurer Fund, is hereby re-appro- I e priated for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 3. That the sum of $14,554.34, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General FUnd for the purpose of paying the salaries of the City Officers, including the Mayor, eight Coun- cilman, Clerk, Treasurer, Physician, Attorneys , Janitor, Weighmaster, Building Inspector, and Bacteriologist for the ensuing fisal year. ORDINANCE NO. ~J?jCONf T) That the unexpended balance in said fund in the .um of $1,445;"'66 is hereby re-appropriated for the ensuing fi seal year. SECTION 4. The. t the sum or $9,216.23 is here by appropriated out of the General ~und to pay the salary of the Ci ty Engineer, Assistant City l!bgineer, and all other assistants of said Department, and all expenses of operating hi s office.. That the unexpended balance in said fund in the sum of $783.77 is hereby re-appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 5. That the sum of $31,372.59, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund for the purpose of paying the inci- dental expenses of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the ensuing fiscal year, including milk testing, election expenses, building and equipment, and for such other purposes as the Mayor and City Council may deem necessary for the benefit and welfare of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. That the unexpended balance in said fund in the sum of $11,627.41 is hereby re-appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 6. That the sum of $17,336_78, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund for the purpose of paying the ex- penses of the Street and Alley Departments, including care, cleaning, mending, flushing, sprinkling, repairs, laying sidewalks, opening streets and alleys, purchase of tools and implements and nahhinery, salary of Street Commissioner, labor, and all other expenses inc:tdenta.l to the pertaining to the upkeep of the care of the str- eets and alleys. That the sum of $7,663.22, being the unexpended balance in the Streets and Alleys fund, is hereby re- appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. I I . ORDINANCE NO --2Q23::.J CON' T) That all money received by the City from the Gas- oline Tax Fund, estimated to be the sum of $6500.00 is hereby appropriated for the use of the Street and Alley Department to pay for repairs and maintenance of the Streets and Alleys. That the sum of $6,000.00 in the gas tax fund is hereby re-appropriated for the maintenance, construction or repairing of streets and alleys for the ensuing fiscal year.. I That in addition to the amount hereinbefore appro- priated for the Street and Alley Fund, an additional sum of $25,000.00 is hereby appropriated for the purpose of constructing, repairing, and maintaining streets and alleys, s~id sum to be expended as the Council may hereafter di- rect when labor ard IDa terials for such construction and repairs are avallable. SECTION 7. That the sum of $3,528.88 is hereby awro- priated out of the General Fund for the Airport Fund for the purpose of paying the expense of maintaining, equip- ping, and operating the Municlpal Airport, and paying all expense in connection with said Airport, including salar- ies and labor. That the sum of $1,671.12, being the unexpended bal- ance in the Airport Fund is hereby re"'appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. That the revenues received from. the operation of the Municipal Airport of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, are hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying the expenses of operation of said Municipal Airport, inclUding salaries Bnd all incidental expenses in conneetion with the operation, maintenance and enlargement of said Muni- ci pal Airport. SECTION 8. That the sum of $31,684.97 or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund for the purpose of paying for the extension of sewers and drains other than those elsewhere I e ORDINANCE NOA ~~'3'_jCON'T) herein provided for, and for the operation of the Dis- posal Plant, salary of the Superintendent and all other labor and repairs, incidental to flushing sewers and repairing sewers and expense s incidental to the operation of the Disposal Plant of the City of Grand Island, Nebr- as ka . I I e ORDINANCE NO~ 2023 (CON1T) bor, and all necessary expense for the operation and maintenance of the Municipal Swimming Pool. That the unexpended balance in said fund in the sum of $2,911.94 is hereby re-appropriated. That the revenues received from the operation of the Municipal Swimming Pool are hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying the expense of operation of said Muni- cipal Swimming Pool including salaries and all incidental expenses, and labor in connection with the opsration, maintenance, and repairing of said 'Municipal Swimming Pool. SECTI01~ 12. rfhat the sum of $24,489.04, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the purpose of' maintaining, extending, improving, and beautif'ying the parks and play grounds of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, f'or the purpose of purchasing such real estate as the Mayor and City Council may deem nec- essary or advantagious, and for the purpose of' paying I salaries, labor, and repairs. That the sum of $510.96, being the unexpended bal- ance in the Park FUnd, is hereby re-appropriated f'or the en suing fiscal year. SECTION 13. ,:~. ~' That the sum of' ~19,~94.50, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated f'or the Poli ce !fund of' the Ci ty of' Grand Island, Nebraska, . f'or the purpose of' paying salaries of the Police Depart- ment and Police Judge and all expenses of the Police De- partment, including care and expenses of the Department, Board of' Health and Secretary of' the Board, and all ex- penses of' said Board of Health for the ensuing year. I e That the unexpended balance in said fund in the sum of $10,705.50 is hereby re-appropriated f'or the ensuing fi sca 1 year. That the estimated receipts of $20,000.00 in the Parking Meter Fund, being the revenue received from parking meters 1s hereby appropriated for the use and benerit of the Police Fund. SECTION 14. That the sum of $45,731.91, 6r so much .ORDINANCE NO~ .2023 (CON'T) I the~eof as may be necessary, is hereby approp~iated for the Fire FUnd for the purpose of paying the salaries of the City Firemen, Chief and Assistant Chief of the Fire Department, purchase of such new equipment and all other expenses and repairs necessary in the operation of the Fire Department. That the unexpended balance in said FUnd in the sum of $13,064..13 is hereby re-appropriated for the ensuing fi sca1 year. Estimated recei1pt s recel ved from aibu1ance service in the sum of $1,203.96 are hereby appropriated for the use of the Fire Department. SECTION 15. That the sum of $24,343.49 or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the Cemetery FUnd for the purpose of paying the salaries of the Caretaker and all help needed, labor, improvements, expansions, beautificat ion, and maintenance of the Grand Island Cemetery, and to purchase more ground if needed. That the 8um of $731.51, being the unexpended bal- ance in the Cemetery FUnd, ls hereby re-appropriated, for the ensuing fiscal year. That the estimated receipts for the year 1945-1946 in the sum of $12,425..00 received from the sale of lots, opening graves, and other char'ges at the cemetery are hereby appropriated for the use of said cemetery fund. SECTION 16. That the sum of $7,575.53 is hereby appropriated for the Paving Fund for the purpose of pav- ing streets and alleys, intersections, spaces opposite public buildings and grounds, and for the repairing of streets, and alley pavements. That the unexpended balance in said FUnd in the wum of $2,424.47 is hereby re-appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 17. That the sum of $4,650 .00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the Music Fund 6f the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for I e ORDINANCE NO.. ..aQ23\~:_(CON'T) the purpose of paying for the expenses of vocal, instru- mental, and amusement organizations for the free, public concerts, festivals, parades and entertainments. SEOTION 18. That the sum of $14,168.23, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the Library Fund for the purpose of paying the expenses of the Public Library, including salaries, repairs, pur- chase of books and periOdicals, and all other expenses, incidental to and in connection with the Library for the ensuing year. That the unexpended balance in said Fun d in the sum of $831.77 is hereby re-appropriated for the ensuing fis- cal year. SECTION 19. 'h That the sum of ~7 ,750.00 is hereby I appropriated for the purpose of paying pensions to re- tired City Fireman as by law provided. SECTION 20.. That the revenue received from the oper- ation of the Ice Department of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby appropriated for the purpose of pay- ing expenses of the operation of the said Ice Department, including salaries and all. incidental expenses in con- nection with the operat ion, maintenance, repairing, and en large men t of said Ice Department. SECTION 21. That the revenue received from the oper- ation of the Water and Light Department of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby espeCially appropriated by the laws of the State of Nebraska, for the use and benefit of said Department, and m appropriation for said Department is made herein.. I e SECTION 22. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its ,passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved the j? d, day of ~, Mayor Algust, 1945. r=-r ATTEST~ ~~~ ORDINANCE NO. 2024_ An ordinance levying taxes in the City of Grand Island I Nebraska, for the fiscal year commen- cing with the Second Monday in August, 1945, and end- ing the Second Monday in August, 1946, and providing for the collection thereof. :BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0 F G RAND ISLAND, :N:et13RASlCA~ SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied, and the same shall be c.ollected in the manner provided by law, upon all property, real, personal, and mixed of every kind and character, within the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, NebraSka, for the fiscal year corrmencing on the second Monday in August, 1945, I and ending on the second Monday in August, 1946, on. each dollar of the actual valuation of said property, taxes as follows, and for the following purposes; The sum of nineteen mills for all general and all other municipal expenses. The sum of Three ($3.00) Dollars on each and every male resident of the City of Grand Island, Nebr- aska, between the ages of twenty-one (21) and fifty (50) years, except such as are by law exempt as a poll tax. SECTION 2. The City Clerk of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, is her'eby instructed and directed to certify to the County Clerk of H'lll County, Nebr- aska., the amount of said taxes, and the same shall be I e collected in the manner provided by la.w. SECTION 3. This ordinanB shall be in force a.nd take effect from and after its passage, approval, and 'PUlJl;1.cation as provided by law. Passed and approved this 9th day ~ /-.? AT 'reST: ?~J/~ ~ Clerk - -------.<---- ORDINANCE NO. ~Q~~ An Ordinance creating Sewer District ~o. 195 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a sewer in said District, and pro- e I viding for the payment of the cost of the construction thereof. BE IT ORvAINED BY THE ~UtYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' GH.ANU ISLANU, NEBRASKA: I SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a Sewer vistrict of the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be knovm a s Sewer District NO. 195 in the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said sewer shall be laid in the alley between Sycamore Street and Kimball Avenue and shall extend from the North property line of Delaware street, to the South property line of Lots Thirty-nine (39) and Forty (40) of Hawthorne ~lace, an Addition to 'the City of Grand Lsland, Nebraska. SECTLON 3. Said sewer in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing sewer districts, as re retoforeestab- lished by the City. SECTION 4. That the entire cost of construction of said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied against the abutting prmperty in said district to pay for the cost of constructing said sewer, as soon as the cost can be ascertained said tax to Become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows: One-fifth of the total amount shall be come delinquent in fifty I e days from date of the levy thereof; one-fifth in one year; one- fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four years. Each of said installments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of seven percent per annum from the date of the levy until they become delinquent; and after the same becomes delinquent, interest at the rate of nine percent per annum shall be paid thereon until the same is collected and paid; said special taxes shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy. SEC'r.LON' 5. This ordinance m all be in force and take eff'ect from and after its passage, approval and pUblication, as pro- ORDINANCE NO.. _202,__(Con't.) vided by la.w.. e I Passed and approved by three-fourths vote of all members of the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, this ~..,'..."'" . .' ... . . .. - . 16'th day of August,194,. ~!<--J~_._ ~/ May~ ATT~ST' J~ ~ty Clerk. I I e ORDINANGE NO.. .2026 An Ordinance creating Sewer District No. 196 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, e I providing for the laYing of a sewer in said District, and pro- viding for the :roo.yment of the cost of the construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CI'J:Y COUNCIL OF 'l'HE CI'l'Y OF G RAND I SLA:!IID , NEBRASKA; SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a Sewer District of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Sewer District No. 196 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said sewer shall be laid in the alley between Park Avenue and Grand Island Avenue, and shall extend from the Sou th propert y line of Prospect st reet to t he Sou th property line of Oapttal Avenue. I SECTION 3. Said sewer in said district is hereby ordered ~~id as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing sewer districts, as heretofore estab- 1ished by the City. SEC'l'ION 4. That the en tire cost of construction of said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied against the abutting property in said district to p.y for the cost of construet ing said sewer, as soon as the cost can be ascertained said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows; One-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days from date of the levy thereof; one-fifth in one year; one- fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four years. Each of said installment s, except the first, shall I e draw interest at the rate of seven percent per annum from the date of the Ie vy unt i1 they become delinquent; and after the same becomes delinquent, interest at the rate of nine percent per annum shall be paid thereon until the same is collected and paid; said special taxes shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy. ~. .. ORDINANCE NO. . 2026 ( Con t t . ) SECTION 5. Th~ ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as pro- vided by law. e I Passed and approved by three-fou rths vat e of all members of the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, this ~'(.\'i,..r"f;".(,..,.~iH,t..,..~. . 16th day ot AUGUST ,L($% ./qq.r J/ t:L. {//~ ~ Ma:. or ATTEST: ~.J/v~ City Clerk. I I e ORDINANCE NO. ')0')7 ___ An OrdinaDce creating Water Main District No. 90 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a water main ln sald district, and providing for the payment of the cost of construction thereof. I BE IT ORDAINED BY !L'RE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA; SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a water main district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Water Main District No. 96 of the City of _ Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said water main District shall consist of that part of Ruby Street from North Front Street to Fourth Street. SECTION 3. Said water main in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in acc ordance with the plans and specifications governing water mains heretofore established by the city. SECTION 4. That the entire cost of constructing said water main shall be assessed against the abutting property in said distri ct, and a tax shall be ls'vied to pay for the oost of construct ion of said di strict as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw inter8st as follows, to-wit~ One-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days after such levy; one-fifth in one y~ar; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; one-fifth in four years. Each of said install- ments, except the first shall draw interest at the rate of 7~ per annum from the time of the aforesaid levy until they shall become delinquent, and after the same become delinquent, interest at the rate of 9% per annum shall be paid thereon until the same be collected and paid; such special taxes shall be collected and enforced as in cases of otber ~-'pecial taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy thersof. I e ORDINANCE NO ,,2027 (CaN'T) SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. r Passed and approved this 5th day of September, 1945. d/ ;;C. /~_._"___ ~ Mavor t7 ArJ1TEST: ~{~ I I e j. OHDINANCE NO. 2028- An ordinance prohibiting the sale of raw milk by producers and dlstributors to consumers in the city of e I Grand Island, Nebraska, and amending Paragraph 1, para- graph 3, item 4r, sub-head e of item 8r, item 12r, item 23r, item 26r, paragraph, 3 item 26r, paragraph 4 of item 26rJ paragraph 5 of item 26r, paragraph 6 of item 26r, item 6p, paragraph 3 item 23p all of Section 7, and Section 8, Section 10 and Section 12 of the unabridged form of the 1939 edition of the United States Public Health Service milk ordinance as adopted by Ordinance No. 1914 of the Ordinances of tb.e City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and repealing said original sections, para- graph 1, paragraph 3, item 4r, sub-head e of item Br, item 12r, item 23r, item 26r, paragraph 3 item 26r, paragraph 4 of item 26r, paragraph 5 of item 26r, para- I graph 6 of item 26r, item 6p, paragraph 3 item 23p, all of Section 7, and Section 8, Section 10 and Section 12, and paragraph 2, item lr paragraph 2, item 24r, item 25r, all in Section 7 of said unabridged form of the 1939 edition of the United States Public Health Service milk ordinance and providing penalties for the violation of the provisions of this ordinance. BI-': IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR JiND CI'I'Y COUNCIL OF THl:i.: Crrey OF GRAND ISL1HlD, NEBRASKA~ SECTION 1. That the sale of raw milk by producers and distributors to consumers in the City of Grand Is- land, Nebraska, be and the same is hereby prohibi ted. I e SECTION 2. That the unabridged form of the 1939 edi tion of the United Stat as Pull 1ic Health Service milk ordinance as adopted by Ordinance No. 1914 of the ordin- ances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be amended as follows; ORDINANCE NO. 20~8 _ (CON' T) That paragraph 1 of section 7 of said ordinance be amended to read as follows: e I Sec. 7. II The grading of milk and milk products.--At least once every 6 months the health officer shall announce the grades of all milk and milk products delivered by all producers or distribu- tors and ultimately consumed within the city of Grand Island or its police ,iur- i sdiction. Said grades shall be based upon the following standards, the grad- ing of milk products being identical with the grading of milk except that the bacterial standards shall be doubled in the case of cream, and amI tted in the case of sour cream and buttermilk.1I SEcrrrON 3. Tha t paragraph 3 of section 7 be and the sarne is hereby amended to read as follows; I "Grade A raw milk for pasteurization.-- Grade A raw milk for pasteurization is raw milk the average bacterial plate count of which as determined under sec- tions 1 (S) and 6 of this ordinance dees not exceed 200,000 DeI' cubic centimeter if clumps are counted or 800,000 per cubic centimeter if individual organisms are counted, or the average reduction t. f h. h . t ] ~' '~th 6 h ' II ,lme O. W...,.lC. lS no, .e,.s.an.OUI s. SECTION 4. 'l'hat item ilr of section 7 be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Item 4r Dairy barn, floors .-I.J..The floors and gutters of such parts of all dairy barns in which cows are milked shall be constructed of concrete or other approved impervious and easily cleaned material, or tight wood shall be graded to drain properly, and shall be kept clean and in good repair. No horses, pigs, fowl, calve s, etc. shall be per- mitted in parts of the barn used for milking. U SECTION 5. That sub-head e of item 81' of section 7 be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: I e Item 8r Milk house or room, construction .-- (e) HIt shall be used for no other purposes than those specified above except as may be approved by the heal th officer; shall not open directly into a stable or into any room U sed for domesti c purpo se s; shall be provided with adequate facilities for the heating of water foT' the Cleaning of utensils; shall he equipped with two':'com- partment stational'y wash and :rinse vats and the cleaning and other operations shall be so located and conducted as to prevent any contamination of the milk or of cleaned equipment." ORDINANCE NO .2028 (CO}!' T) SECTION 6. That item l2r of section 7 be and e I t he same is bereby amended to read as follows; \IItem l2r. Uter,sils, construction.-- All multi-l1se containers or other utensils used in the handling, stOl'- age, or transport~tion of milk or milk products must be made of smooth nonabsorbent material and of such construction as to be easily cleaned, and must be in good renair. Joints and seams sltal1 be soldered flush. Woven wire cloth shall not be used for straining milk. All milk pails shall be of a small-mouth design approved by the health officer:u SECTION 7. That item 231' of section 7 be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows~ IIItem 231' Cooling.--I\iilk must be cooled immediately after completion of milking to 700 F. or less, and maintained at that average terr'por- a tu re, a s de fi ned in see ii on 1 (S), until delivery, unless it is deliv- ered to the milk plant or receiving station within 2 hours after the completion of rrilking." I SECTION 8. That item 261' of section 7 be and the same is bereby amended to read as follows: "Item 26r IVliscellaneous.--All ve:hicles used for the transportation of milk or milk products shall be so con- structed and operated as to protect their contents from the sun and from contamination. All vehicles shall be kept clean, and no substance cap- able of pontaminating milk or milk products shall be transported wi th milk or mi lk products in such maymeI' as to permit contamination. The irnmedi atesurrou nd ings of the dairy shall be kept in a neat clean condition.1I SECTION g. fthat paragraph 3 item 261' of section 7 be and the same is hereby amended to l"ead as follows: I e IIGrade B raw milk for pasteurization.-- Grade B raw milk for pasteurization is raw milk for pasteurization which vio- lates the bacterial standard for grade A raw milk for pasteurization which conforms with all other renuirements for grade A raw milk for pasteurization and has an average bacterial plate count not exceeding 1,000,000 per cubic centimeteI' or an aveI'age direct microscopic count not exceeding 1,000,000 ORDI NA.NCE NO. 2028 (C 0 Nt T) I 'e I Sec. 10 1t'I'ransferring or diDping milk; delivery containers; handling of more than one grade; delivery of milk at Quarantined residences.-- Hxcent as perLtitted in tnis section, no milk producer or distributor shall trans fer milk or rn:i lk praduc ts from one con tainer to another on the street, or in any vehicle or store, or in any place except a bottling or milk room especially used for that purpose. The sale of dip milk is hereby prohibited. I All pasteurized milk and ilk products shall be placed in their final delivery containers in the plant in which they are Dasteurized. IViilk and milk products sold in the distributor's containers in quan- ti ties Ie ss than 1 gallon shall be delivered j,n standard milk bottles or in single-service containers. It shall be unlawful for hotels, soda fountains, restaurants, gro- ceries and similar establishments to sell or serve any milk or milk product except in the original container in which it was recei ved from the distributor or from a bulk container equipped with an approved d1 spen singcilleVice; Pro- vided , that this re~uirement snaIl not apply to cream conSllmed on the premises, which may be served from the original bottle or from a d ispens er approved for su ch service. It shall be unlawful for any hotel, soda fountain, restaurant, grocery, or similar establishment to sell or serve any milk or milk products which have not been maintained, while in its possession; at a temperature of 500 F. or less. J\Jo milk or milk pJ'odu cts shall be permi tted to come in eontact wi th equipment with which a lower grade of mi lk or mi lk produ c ts has been in contact unless such equipment has first been t~orougbly cleaned and subjected to bactericidal treatment. I e Bottled mill~ or milk products, if stored in water, shall be so stored that the tops of'tbe bottles will not be 8U bmer gad. It shall be the duty of all per- sons to whom milk or milk products are deli vered to clean thoroughly the containers in which such milk or milk products are delivered be- fore returning such containers. Apparatus, containers, equipment, and u tenai Is u sed in the handling, storage, processing, or transDorting of milk or milk products shall not be used for any other purpose without the permi ssion of the health offi cer. ORD INANCE NO .2.02.8__( C alP T) e I per cubic centimeters tf Cl1JnlDS are counted or 4,000,000 per cubic centimeter if individual organisms are counted, or an average reduction time of not less than 3~ hours, as deter- mined under sections 1 (3) and 6.11 SECTION 10. That paragraph 4 of item 261' of section 7 be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: II G; d (" ,-, . lk.f t . t . ra e Vc aw mL_ or pas eurlza lon.-- Grade C raw milk for pasteurization is raw milk for pasteurization which violates any of the reauirements for grade 13 raw milk for pasteurization." SEC TION 11. That paragraph 5 of item 261' of section 7 be and the same is hereby amended to read as follo.ws ~ I "Certified milk-pasteurized.-- Certified milk-pasteurized is certified milk-raw which has been pasteurized,cooled, and bottled in a milk plant conforming with the requirements for Grade A pasteurizec'l milk. Certified milk- raw for pasteurization is milk raw which conforms wi th the reauirements of the American Association of IVied- ical Milk Commissions in force at the time of pI'oduction and is pro- duced under the sunervision of a medical milk commission and of the State Board of Health or of the city or county health officer of Grand Island, Nebraska.1I SECTION 12. That paragraph 6 of item 261' of se c tion 7 be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: I e "Grade A pasteurized milk.--Grade A pasteurized milk is grade A raw milk for pasteurization which has been pasteurized, cooled, and bot- tled in a milk plant conforming with all of th& following items o~ sani- tation and the average bacterial plate count of which at no time after pasteurization and until delivery exceeds 30,000 per cubic centimeter, as determined under sections 1 (S) and 6.11 SECTION 13. That item 6p of section 7 be and the same is heI'eby amended to read as follows: "Item 6p 'l'oilet facilities.--Every milk plant shall be provided with toilet facilities conforming with the ordinances of the ci ty of Grand Island. 'toilet rooms shall not open directly into any room in which milk ORDINAJ'!CE NO. 2028 .(CO~if T) e I milk products, eql.1ipment, or con- tainers are handled or stored. The doors of all toilet rooms shall be self-closing. Toilet rooms shall be kept in a clean condition, in good repair, and well ventilated. In case privies or earth closets are permi ttedand used, they shall be separate from the building, and shall be of a sani tal' y type c'on- structed and operated in donformity with the requirements of item 101' grade A raw milk for pasteurization." S';CTION 14. That paragraph 3 of item 23p of sec- tion 7 be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: I II Grade B pas teuri zed milk. --Grade B pasteurized milk is pasteurized milk which violates the bacterial standard for grade A pasteurized milk and/or the prOVision of lip- cover caps of item 20p and/or the requirement that grade A raw milk for pasteuri za tion be used, bu t which conforms \l111th all other re- quirements for grade II" pasteurized milk, has been made from raw milk of not less than grade B quality, and has an average bacterial nlate count after pasteurization and before delivery not exceeding 50,000 per cubic centimeter, as determined under sections 1 (8) and 6." S];C'rION 15. 'I'hat Section 8 be and the same is I e hereby amended to read as follows: I'See. 8 Grades of milk and milk products which may be 80ld .-- B1rom and after 60' days 8 from the date on which this ordinance takes effpct no milk or milk produ cts shall be sold to the final consumer or to restaurants, soda fountains, grocery stores, or similar e stabll shments except grade A pasteurized milk and cer- tified milk-pasteurized. Provided, that when any milk distributors fails to qualify for one of the above grades the health officer is authorized to revoke his permit, or in lieu thereof to degrade his product and permit its sale during a temporary period not exceeding 30 days or in emergencies such longer period as he may deem nec- e ssary. SEC TION 16. That se ction 10 be and the same is he rehy amended to read as follows; omHNANCE liO. _~2_aJCONI T) e I The delivery of milk or milk products to and the collection of milk or milk-products con- tainers from residences in which cases of communicable disease tran snd 8 si ble t hrou gh IT! ilk sup- plies exist shall be subject to the special reauirement of the health officer." SECTION 17. That se ct ion 12 be and the same is hereby ruuended to read as follows: I Sec. 12. 1l:F'uture dairies and milk plants.--All dairies and milk plants from which milk or milk produ ct s are su pnlied to the ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, which are hBreafter constructed, recon- structed, or extensively altered shall conform in their construction to the requ iremen ts of thi. S ordin- ance for grade A dairy farms pro- ducing milk for pasteurization, or for Grade A pasteurization plants, respectively; Provided, rI'hat dairy barn floors shall be of concrete or other approved imp":lrviou sand easily cieaned material, and that water shall be piped into tbe milk house or room. Properly prepared plans for all dairies and milk plants which are hereafter con- structed, reconstructed, or' ex- tensivelyaltered shall be s1;Jbmit- ted to the hoalth officer for approval before work is begun. In the case of milk plants signed approval shall be obtained from the health officer and/or the State health department.1t SBGTION 18. Any person, firm, association, part- nership or corporation violating the provisions of this ordinance shallu~pon conviction be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall he fined in any sum not exceeding One Hundred C:UJlOO.OO) Dollars and shall stand committed to the City Jail until such fine and costs are paid. SECTION 19. That said original sections, para- I e graph 1, paragraph 3, item 4r, sub-head e of item 8r, item 12r, item 23r, item 26r, paragraph 3 itsm 26r, paragraprl 4 item 26r, p!3.ragraph 5 item 26r, p:':1ragraph 6 item 26r, item 6p, paragraph 3 item 23p, all of Section 7, Section 8, Section 10 and Section 12, and paragraph 2, item lr pi3 ragraph 2, item 24r, item 25r all of Section 7, of said unabridged fom of the 1939 edition of the United States Public Health Service milk oy'd ina11ce be and the same are hereby repealed. .. '1. . ~ ORDIl'\hNCE NO. 2028 (CON'T) SECTION :20. This ordinance shall be enfol'ced by t he Heal th Officer in ac cordance w itb tbe in ter- pretations t}-ereof contained in tbe 19;:-59 edition of e I the United States Health Service IViilk Code, (3) three certified copies of wbich shall be on file in the City Clerk's office. This ordi.nance shall be enforced and take effect from and after its passage, apDroval and p1:!blication as provided by law. Passed and approved. this Jd day Of~-r 1945. -r A TrFST:. _/ A 3f2~J S~ ~-9C:---ffy Clerk---- I I e .~.. --7' , ryO ORDINANCE NO. 2022_ An ordinance amending Paragraph One (1) of Section 'llwe1ve (12) of Article One (1) of Ordinarce No. 1143, e I pertaininp to building permits and repealinp paid ori- ginalParagr'aph One (1) of said Section Twelve (12) of Article One (1) of Ordinance No. 1143 of the Ordi- nances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Hi~ IT ORDAI1\TED BY 1'I-Tl':MAYOR AN D CITY C ("UNC II, OF T BE CIillY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEHRASKA: SEC'I'ION 1. rrhat Paragraph OnF) (1) of Section Twe1ve (12) of ,Article One (1) of Ordinance 1143 of the Ordin- anees of tre City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be amended to read as fol10ws~ P?rmi ts. i3pfore proceding with the erection, sJter- ati on, T'epair, movin9; or chan ge of occu pancy of any bu iL.:- ing or other structure regulated by tbis ordinance, a I permit shall be obtained from tbs Department of duild invs, 8)Cept 9.8 hereinafter provided. To obtain SlJ,C'h a permit the applicant 8h81l file two complete sets of plans drawn to 8. se'lle of not Ie ss than one -e ightL! inch per foot, showing a11 detailed structural features, and two sets of typewritten specifications as well as an application giving tbe location, Pl'oDosed occupancy, efltimated C08~, volume in cubic feet except in the case of alteratiol1l,il, and such other reasonable info rmation af:' may be reC1ui.J:'ed by tbe D~Dartment, and all cu ly 3 ignc;d:i.nd acknowledged before a Notarv Public. All !,,_pplications for building permits to construct npw bui15in9;8 for us:'Lness Durnoses I e and all applicr3.tions foX' the :remodeling or repairing of existh;g buildings for business OOl'DOSeS on lots situated in resid::mtial areas shall be }~eferC'ed to the l\layor and City Council who sha11 approve or reject said RDPlications by resolution, a certified copy of JCT' shsll be fOl'war'ded to the Chief Bu ilding Inspector anc if saLl applicat ions for said permits be approved by the kayor and City Council om) AI" CE 1'0 ~ 20.29~ ( C ON' 'II) the Chief tIding Inspector shall issue building p~rmjt8 the ofore as in the cases of all other BPpli- e I cations for said permits. Sr<;cr.n I01'T 2. 'TIn t . , .. 1 .,... . h ()... ']) ~ L'....a BalO orlgJ.na ya:L'ae';rap ns \_ of Scction Twelve (12) of Article One (1) of OrcJjnance 1143 be and tbe same is hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This ord inance ah'lll be in force and ta1m effect from and after :its passage, approval and pLJ.b1icat ion as provided by law. Passed and approved this 19th day of September, 1945. ArrrEST: ~Sb _ty C1c.;rk z/ ~/ . .__-::.:::..._.._:..... d- ..-.:...4. . ~..:L..,..4A....,J ~ n:lsyor ,,;/ I I e o Pill U; A.1V Gl~ lW. ")("\'2/1 ~.,;J..lot.- An Ordinance Creatin~ a Da'li d ish' i c tin tli e Citv of Grand Island, vehraska, defininp the boundaries e I thereof, providing for tr,(; navement, aS~eSf'(rent and collection of t~e costs tliereof. Irr OED.AIl'IED BY LAYOR lulD G1 'IT GOUNG IL OF 'P GI'I''? 0:<' GH,\.I'TD ISLA.piT), N"E'~mA,sYA': S TION 1. That 1'0 is hereby created a paving di~trict in the City of '::l nd Is. a nd ,,"J . 1:1 S kl., t 0 be known as Paving District No. 97, of the City of Grand Island, Ne haska. SEc'rIC'N 2. Said 'paving di::rcrict 11 consist of the alley in Block 32, in tlie original town, now city of Grand Island, [,ebraska, b;:)'/:;1:"ieen l,ocust 8tre tinct Wh8e leI' A ,mrm e, extend in g fron: 1,0 ClJ. S t ;:>t:C' e et to 'IiLee ler Avenue, and shall include 811 lots and traets of lanc) I lying North and South of said alley, to a depth of 132 fe et . SEC'll ION r/ <) . SEd.:] slley 5n 88.id Davin~ distriet is }l(-:reby or>oeY"'d flaved 8.8 Drc'lh:ed by ;if, and :i.n Clccord- ~)nC8 1Nit h f-- be -o18n s sDecificatloDs ~ov8rning Davin~ dH!trl.cts 8.S bie'r'e';ofore established bv the c:lty, sajd pq vin n; to bE 16 fA et in v' id trJ . SECTION 4. That authDrlty is here grant ed to the orm 1".'1 of tr~e record title, r'em'e~,cntin 9. majorltv of t'hp'3.buttin g P1~OpeT't'r 01.'TDel'S in said 65 stri et, at the tIme .of the cr;actrnent of t'bjs ordhance, to filewlth the City Clerk, within nty days from tbe first pub- I e 1i c;ltion of the notice crefltirg sqid district, as pro- vid ed bv , written objections to p2vin~ of said d18- tr1ct. SECTION 5. m t Butta ity is hereby ~rant8d to OV1f)";':;rs of t -ocord title, reD;esentinr~ 8. majority of th2 !l.rmtt:iDp; L'l'O l'ty'ner.s, 1tb:1.n s 10 distriet, to f'j }(' wi tb t;h? City C1erk, w-J thin thp t (" pr<ovided by 18.W, a p tition for the use of a oarticular kind r-f' ,_' ..1. matoI'lal to beuBed :in tb'" naV:ln ... of 3a16 alley. If ORDIJ\iAGT CT!: KO. ~O_lQ_ (C ONI T) SlJC'b o1f'ners s'ball f'njl to dosigrwto tbe rnatpr:i81 . I thJY desix'e to bE" used in 88.1d pavjno; ~1-{8tl'ict,9.s provided for rd)O ve ,'uJd :1t, hin t be time PI' 0 vld ed for by lavv, Il1a'101' and City Council sb.Elll detnrrnine tJ1P 111"1. t1' in] to \)A lJ <'lOO . S";CrrIOJ\i 6. rphet t1'8 costs of Daving in 88:td d18- t1'ict shall be as?essed against the lots and tracts of land especially benefitted h~rebv, in proportion to sucb bpnefits to bo determined by the ;;rOI' [:)DO C it y Council, as provided by law. SECTIO~ 7. This ordinance shall be in force and tql{P effect from 2c"o. aftr;J' It:) pnSS[clg0, approval and publication as provide(l J.8. Vi .. l'assed a 1'1(1 appro ved tbJ, 8 ~~rd 1945. I ATllIE~,,'I' : ~h/# 1ty G~->- I . ORDINANCE NO. 2.Q3L_ An ordinance creat~ng Water Main District No. 97 e I of trie Cit.y of Grind Islanc', l'Tehraska, defininp; the boundaries tbereof', prov:tding fOI' the layinp' of' a Wt'tt,c:<C' lIain in said c:ist11ict, and F'ovidjng Porth: nt of the cost of construction thereof. dt: IT CRDiUN!~D BY 'rB}::; liJ~)OE AND GIffY GUUNCIL OJ? ~'Fi;~ errv e1" GHAlTD ISV';.J\'D, i'TBBHASl\A: SECTION 1. That therE~ is flore-Thv created a Water l.a:Ln Di.strict :in the City of Grand Islard, [-)1'" a s]:a , to llo Ln OVlfi designated as Water :in D:t.strict ]\0. 97 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SEOTION 2. Sajd ''fat'J'" T'aln Dist:dct shall be laid in and consist of that part of Twelfth street from road- well AVGnue to White Avenue. I S]~CTI ON 3. 8e. J d tIl Et t er' in ins aid D j at ri c t i 8 }} C:~ 1'e ord oc'ed L\36 as I:'>y'ovidediJV law and in accordance v/itb th0 plans 2,n(' EI c:i.fications rJ:ove1'ninp: 1N8.t8I' a:1.n8 ber.tofoc'e established by t1-;e City. SLGIIION 4. '1'11.a t the en ti 1'6 cost of cons truc t ing ~'3: :i.d w ate r rr: ai n shall be a s sO s~, against the abutting rn'oporty in sald (1:i 8tr:i ct, ard a tax shall 'be }(e vied to pay fal' cost of constrlJ.ction of said dlstrict as soon as t118 cost can be asce~C'tain8d, fj~dd tax to become payable anu. d21inoUt)nt ';LDe; c'Jraw :inte::-:'8st 13.';:J follows, to-1~!jt: Onp-fifth of tI,e tota,l':lwour,t stJ::ill become de- J.ir(111ont in f:U'ty davs after s'Jch levy; ono-fjfth :in I e ons year; one-fiftb in two years; onp,-f:i.ftli in 1'213 veal'S; ono-fiftr in four:',Jarf'. Eacf] of said inntall- monts, excent tJ'18 first ,,:hall draw inter'est at tb.e rate of 7):; DI')r aDnum fron: the Lime of t'he aforesa:Ld levy until 1:;1"CY sbqll becomi" delinouent, and after the Sr-lyY1''1) necome delinquent, irF81'8st at tb('~ rate of' 9;~ per annum 81:1all be P"1id thereon untll the same be collected ano Dald; 9uch speciaJ taxes shall ue collected and enforced as ORDINANCE NO. ~Qll (CON' el') in cases of' other' specia1 taxes, anG sa:ij 2'Oecial tax 8Y"'8.11 be a li.en on 28id 1'8al estate frou and after e I the date of the levy thereof. SEcrrrON 5. 'l'::~lis ordl-nance 31u:111 rJe in force and toke effect frorr and after its passage, approval and P1Jblication as provided b:v Jaw. PaSt18C) all:) approved tl'~LiS 3rd da.'v of velobeI', 1945. ATTES'T: _~ ' ~ ~ S~ ---- vIi~'jOR -- '---V--,--, ~GJ,-c<:RK ----.---- I I e ORD INAJlTCE NO. .. An ordinance levying ~ wator main district b:lxes to pay for the construction of the water main in VVa t 81' in Dist:t'ict No. 95 of tbe City of Grand Island, e I Webr'lska, and providing for the collection the:t'oof. BE IT Ole]) AI NED BY THE MID C r~'{ C DUNC IL 01" 'II CrI'Y 01" GIL:\l\:D ISLAND, N]:'~BHASKA; SEC'l'ION 1. That a uxnn water main district tax'ge, and t;be sarre; is 'he;oby levied and assessed, to pay for the cost of construction of the water main 5n NateI' Main District 1\:0. 95 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, against thf' respective lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district in the amounts set oppo~ite the several d3 scr ipt ions as follows. OWNEH LOT AJ)THTION I 14 15 16 17 Andrew (;c Grace Christensen 18 II 1\ II 19 20 21 Harold 8; Amanda R. Horpolsheivrer H tt Il It 11 Lela It {( Fred K.l1 B1JD.O ff l~ 11 Hawthorn e Place \I It II '\1 It II II If II It II Elizabeth Yankton \I (l II II 22 II 2~5 City of Grand Island 1I " tI It 24 25 Ii II It 11 It U It II I e 26 27 28 29 ~50 31 31 32 33 34 34 35 36 Adam !~t Minnie E. Kehm 37 (l II U (i8 \I He'c'man E. Zlomlze 39 II 1'1arry Hur;o ;~r Stella Fugo-Part of Sec. 22 the east 360 feet of a tract of land 108 feet wide in Section 2~J, 1])Vp 11 North, Ra~ge 9 west of the 6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, said tract of land lying adjacent north of Lots 1-26 and 27 in Hawthorne Place, a subdivision of Grand Island, Nebraska John J. Stiffler Violet Iucile Falk II II n Ii Hoscoe Tres8ia Fulton N~ Ho se oe 2<; Tl'G s s iaF'u 1. ton s'~ 1,yd ia Be c kex' Lydia i)ocker Eli za beth Yankton N 22' ilizabeth Yankton S 18' Bzra I &: Do~i sA. II \I \1 II II II H II It II II Hill H II 11 \I II MirOD' NT $ 44.83 44.83 44.83 44.83 44.83 44.83 44 .83 4:4 .83 44.83 44 .83 44.8:5 44.83 44 .83 4Ll.83 4lj .83 44.83 <1:4.83 22 .41 22.til 44.83 44.83 24.65 20.17 44.83 44.83 44.83 44.83 44.83 242.02 Tota1---------$1407.58 OH[)IJVA.NC1~ NO. W-2.--{ CONI T) SECTION 2. 'l'he specl al t axe S fJeI'e in le vied shall become uaya~le and delinouent as follows; One-fifth of e II the totQ) a~ount shall becon~ delinouent in fifty days after the levy herein made; one-fifth in one year; one- fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one~ fiftb in four years; each of said jnstallments except the first shall draw interest at the rate of not ex- cesding seven psr cent (7;b) per annum from the time of the aforesaid. levy until they shall become c1elinnuent; and after the sarne ellall become delinCluent, inter'est at the rate of nine pAr cent (9%) per annum shall be paid t"herAon until tY'8 same ehal1he col1Acted and enforced as in the case of other 2uGcial teXAs, and said special tax shall be 8.. lien on said I'8al estate from and after the date of the levV' thereof. SECTION 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand I Island, Net,ras}/a, is :hereby inst:PLlcted and d1rected to certify to the C1ty Treasurer of the City of Grand Island, rie br aska, tbc'-) amount of sa id taxe s here in Ie viEtl, tagetter with instructions to collect the same, as D1'ovided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and pu blic ation as provicJ ed by law. Passed an(': approved this 3rd day /J er, 1945. ATrrI~ST: ~S~ -."-<.-..._-~--- City Clerk T.::, "IT 0 I' I e OElD IHANCE }\] 0" gQ3.3..___ An ordinance pertaining to zoninp; rO-7oning Fractional Lot Six (6) of Blockf1'ifty-two (5~n Packer and BarrIs See- e I ond Addition and its Cor:lplirnent the Westerly Sixty-six (6(') feet off:i':ract:tonal J.Jot One (1) of Block rrhirteen (it3), Ba)wrs Adlltion am] Fractional J~ot Fiv8 (5) of Block Fifty-two (52) of Packer and Barr's Second Ad ition and its Compliment, Fr;::l.ctiol1D.l Lot two (2) of Block T[jjrteEn (13), Baker's Addi- tion all in tbe City of Grano. Island, IIall County, JlJebr:1ska, authorizing tbe 8.'YJending and cnanging of the zoning map attached to amd made a part.6f Ord inance No. 1585, 8.nd dec}a:ring that said Fractiona11ot Six (6) of Hlock Fifty- two (52) Packer and Barr' 8 Second Addition and its 00111- plirnent the Westerly Sixty-six (66) feet of Fractional Lot One (1) of Block rrhirteen (1~3), 13ake:t"s Addition and '[I'rac- tional Lot Five (5) of BlOCk Fifty-two (52) of PaCker and I Barr's Second Addition and its GOIl'plim2nt, .t,lract.ional Lot Two (2) of P,'jock Thirteen (13) , Flaker" s Addition all in the City of Grand Island, Hall GOtll1ty, Nebraska, to be and become a part of the Comrnercial District of said City. Wr.l8 reas, an applicH t ion has herr, tofore been made to tbe Mavor and Citv Counqil of the City of Grand Island to re-;"one8':ractional Lot Six (6) of Block i"ifty-two (52), Packer and Barr's .second Af1cHtion and its Com'pliment the Westerly Sixty-six (66) feet 6f Fractional Lot One (1) of Block 'Ildrteen (13), Jakel" s Add iti on and Fract lonal Lot Five (5) of Block Fifty-two (52) of Packer and Barr's Second Adc3.:lt:lon and its Compliment, Fractional IJot Two (2) I e of i31ockTl:drteen (13), daker's .<i.dditj.on all in tbe City of Grand Island, IT'lll Count-v, ]\febr"ska, and bave the said described fi'ractional Lot Six (6) of Tnoek Fifty-two (52) :PaC )(.:31' and Bar 1" s Se eon 0. Adc.H t i aD and its C omplimen t the lJiosterly Sixty-six (66) feet of2'ractional IJot One (1) of j310ck 'I'birteen (13), Baker's Addition and Fr'actiona1 Lot Pi ve (5) of'Uock Fifty-two (52) of Faclrer and Barr's Second Addi tlon and its Compliment'Pract:tonal Lot Two (2) of Block ThiI'teen (13), Bakel,l s Addition all in tbe City ORDINANCE NO. 20~1 (CON' rr) of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, placed in a e I Commercial District of said city, and Where as, r 0 tice of said appli cat ion as provided by law and notice of a public hearj_ng to IJe had on said application was given to all persons interested, and Whereas, said nubIic hearinG on said 8nplication was held on tbA 19th day of Septembor, 1945, at 8:00 n.m., in the Gouncil Room of the City Hall of said city, and all persons protesting the re-zoning thereof, h::tve been :h.eard. NOW, 1'I[EHEFOi1E, BE IT ORDAU1ED BY 'eIfF;; LJ;.'WH AND CIT'{ COUNCIL OF 'I1}m Cn'Y OF' GRAND ISLAND, NEBHASEA: SEC']' ION 1. 'Tha t ~[?ract ional Lot Six (6) of ]J loclr Fifty-two (52) Pachal' and J3ay'r's Second Addition and I its Compliment 1-be ~J!ester1y Sixty-ai-x (6C) feet of Fractional Lot One (1) of Block Thirteen (13), Baker's Add Hi on andF'rac t ional .Lot 21 ve (5) 01~ Block Pi fty- two (52) of f'acker and Barr's Second Addlt:i.on and lts CompJJ.mAnt, Fract:i.ona1 Lot Two (2) of Block 'I'hirteen (13), Baker! s Addltion all in the City of Grand Islp.n d, HaIl County, Nebraska, be and tbe same is hereby re-;;wned, and tlw said within descl'i1Y)d premises be and the same 81'113.11 become a Commercial Dlstrict of the City. ST<;CTION 2. 'That the zoniTW map which :t8 attached to and which is a/l{r't of Ordinance No. 1585 be and trie same is bereby ord ered changecl, and amended in accordan ce w lth I e the provLs:ions of tbis ol'dinance, and that the City '1.\ .r~rl- gineer be and he is hereby directed, authorized and in- structed to an'cnd rnd change said zon:i:rvg map ,in accord- ance"} th the pr'ovi sions of this ordinance. SEGTICW 3. 'This ordiLance shalJ. be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and 'pub- lication ~s provided bv law. Passed and apPl'oved by a Z)/4 vote of all tbe members ORDILl1NCIi; NO. 2Q.ll_( G Cl]V' T) of the City Council of the City of Grand Island, e I ;A0 Ne I1X'aska, t}1is the 6th day ATTEST: ~~ Cj y Clerk I I e" ORDINANCE NO. 2034 ----- An ordinance pertaining to ~oning; ~e-zonlDg Frac- tional Lot Six (6), of Block Fifteen (15), of Arnold and e I A llrlot t I 2 AdJ i ti cn gno its CompJ5m?D ts, P:pact i Dna 1 Lot Six (6) , 31.ock One (1), in SDalding and Ore '8 Addition and PI' ctional .Lot Six (C), T:'-cactloru::tl 'nock Tv:cntv-ol1cj (21), in nn i e Dr a e Ad d i t 10 n, an (J u11 0 f :Lo t ~3 Se ve n (7 ) a nc1 TI'l'a1-~- (8) lOn nlc-c,,'"-'L"'.1-p'1 (IC) "f ^ [CJJ--'I nlO" "'-'.(~-t.l LI t'j-L.! G ), L.J) 1':.. .;,.1 ~ "l L<:7 X _.~,), U _. .1:1.11 J. ._U r:J.~'l. 1-\ !,) 1,)) l.} S Adc1:1tion +:0 the Cit:v of C::J~and IslanO_, liall County, Nel)r- asl~8_, Etutl}or~lzJ r..r< tlJ<J a inD' ano c}-,anFin,<T of the 2Cnunr; n:ap at tached to ~i made a l)a:rt of 0 in::ulCe 1<0.]. 5, and c1eclaring t}nt s,'olid 8'r act ion a 1. La t ( . I c., ) ...slX I.U , of BloCE Pi f- teen (15), of Ai:'1..01c1 and Ab;-wtt I s Addition and it s Com- p1inents, PractionaJ Lot Six (e), Glock One (1), in Soaldj and GrE'r'~p;' ~~ Ackiltion and FrEtctional Lot S:lx (6), }?r;?ctiongl Glock Twenty-on? (21), in 30nni8 as Addition, and all of I Lot s So ven (7) ancl. t (8), in Block F'i fteen (15), of Arnold 8.neJ Ab1:ott 's AdcHt5_on to the C:tty of Grand Island, to be ~nd beoome a t of (' Com'crciEll D:lStl'lct of s a :i d, c it Y . ~hereas, an application has heretofore been made to triG Layor City Council of 4-j;e CIty or d IsLlDd to r e .- ~; 011 e PI' act ion a 1 Lot Six (6) , of i.:llo c kfi'i f t e 8 n (15) , of A:t'nold arId Abbottl s Addition and its CompBmrcents, Frac- t ' ", l' II 1.0 r S.L' (o) , ,] 0 c k O-n t:> I .) 11 ,C.'.l -r..,. ,.n la' l' 1~j..!.7, pr..'. r..'.1. G'..I.'P..., . :' t.. :...:. .w _.~ ' ..:;~ ~ " , 2 _ , '- n: u ~:: , :1. " . ~L\. -'- ". , S Addition, snc1 Fractional Lot SIx (6) J .u'ractional lock 'rl:/8:.,ty-orc (:::~l), in BonDle ae AdditioD,<J_W"! all of Lots Sevon (7) and [i;ja:bt (8), in '"3l0Cy: Fifteen (lb) of Arnold I e and Ah';ottl s Addi.tIon to the city of GraDO TslaDd, Y'ebr- aaka, aDd have ~~2 said described Fractional Lot Six (6), of ')lock FifteE";:D (15), of krnold 2n d AI"): ott 's Ac} oi tlon and its Compliments, ?rattional Lot Six (6), ij1oC1:U'1"O(1) -~11 ---- / ~y~, .I"" , J.. ,3n-:: l:-Hng and G:r'egg'13 Add ition and F'rcict ional T)ot Six (6) I:<'r'rlctional Block 1\v8nty-orh; (21), inUonnis 13rae Addition .;.In...r1. .elll of .'..-yt. Q '-'<""J'''1> Ir;) qn'l ".,'-'; .~ '" .Lie.; 'k)'o ",._ \. C,",_ "_'.L (8) in Block Fifteen (15) of 1rnold a Ab',ott's AdditIon to tLe sata city O")1)I1\T~VCT" "'() 20rL.{.1 (CnF'T) iU l\:f1.!" J:.l t. ,.. .J U:t \.../J.\... -----._._---- cla.ss ified as c COJ:llwGT'cial District of said City, and J'JJ:L;rOEt:?.. notice of ;3aid :i}iDlico.tion as provided by e I law and notice of a public hearing to be had on said apo11cation was given to all rsons interssted , and l' 8. S.. S 3. i d PU') 1 i C }:J GaT' i n r; 0 n s 9.np1:i. cati on was hold on the 19th day of SeDt8m r, 1945, at 7;30 p.m., in. t}10 Council [:00111 of the City Fn.l.l of said City, and no protests of t soever' r,,,ture Vlere fj led 01~ made ao;ainst said application. rTOVV, IrJJE_~_,~J~ForU~, IT ()i:i.DAINED BV TIn;: T~. A. Nu C I G OUNO IL OFTL'E or'['Y OF' GH1Um ISLAND ~ NEBRASF/U SECTION 1. t Fractional Lot Six (6) of Block v, . "'t . ~ ( J t:: ) -,,>.\ I"! LIIo',-::n --,) , OL j:~rno_u and Abbott's Addition and its Corr:Dlin:ents, I~:r8.etional Lot Six (6) ~ (nock One (1), in Sp:11ding ELne] Gregg's AocUtlon andJ:iractional I!ot Six (6) Fractional Block 'l'wenty-oDA (21), in Bonnie bra\1'J Addi- I tion, and 811 o f La t 8 Se ve n (Y1) "'n"! ""l.0'1~t (8) ill D]OCh ( 0.. ..1\.../. _..I c:).l.L I . , ..:_ 0'-.\ LJ. 'n. Ci'-j ." t c) ,.> ( .. r-) L __.l ''-',01'1 .I.c), ofAx'DOld one Ab';ott' s Addition to tIle C:ity of Gl'and IsJar:d.. EaJl County, J\)cbrD:::(k:j, Tee and t"ho 88mo is h81'0 by :r 8 -zoned, aD d tho 8[1.10 vd_ tbin do se ri bed PI' (m}j 88 s 1;8 and the same shull beC01118 a Commercial District of tD8 C 1 t y. SECTION 2. 'l'hat the ;;;oninrt man v'11ieh i 8 attached to and whichis a p9.rt of Ordlnanco No. 1585 be and t}-,c sarno is rIG 1'0 by ordered char. ged:ln d amended in accorcLul.ce vd. th tbe Drovisions of thT 8 ordlnanc8, and trat the 01 ty gineer be and he is hereby directed, authoric"od and 11'1- structed to amend fj.nd change said zoning mED in accol'c1aneo I e with the provisions of tbJs ordirance. SIWTIOl'J 3. 'This ordinance shall DO in force and take offsct from and after its DBSSD.g8.. approval and publi- cation as provided by laW. f'assed end approved 'c tiO lxn', 19 4~. A'rTEST: _;;Z~ _~_~ _____ :'.:~-t;:r C 18 rk --...--..-.---f OHDINANCE NO. _2032_ An ordinance levying s peei al taxe:3 to pay for the cast of construction of Sewer District No. 194 of the City e I of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection t hepeo f. BE IT or?DAINhD .BY TEE l'l,AYOH A.1\L G IL'Y con NO IL OF rrr-IE CITY 01? GRA'i"D ISLAND, NEdrlASLA: S~CTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts, and oar- eels of land r>PI'c:dnafter' set forth for the purpOE'8 of 09,Ying tbe cost of constx''llction of the sewer in S31J'!er District No. 194 of s8id City, in accordancewit1:\ t.rle hene- fitsf.'ound and assessed against the several Jots, tracts, and parcels of land in said district by tJJE: li,ayol~ :,nd Oi ty Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Eoualization after due not lce gi ven tb0;reof, as w>ovlded by law; each I of tlle se veral 10t:J, tract sand pa:ece Is of land is a sse s .sed as follows; I e Name Lot Blk Add . Amou n t 011ie Buell 1 11 .bvan s ~i;48 .43 Jose Paula Pedrosa " 11 \1 48 .43 ,'.<~ ;:;; Jose Paula Pedrosa :s 11 It 48 .43 De met re La ke s 4 11 II 48 .43 C arme n Sefer1r,o Rand re z Fr 5 11 II 18.43 r/ildx'ed 14' Thompson L . I:'Jar i a n v. Byr am " 11 II 4,fJ .43 0 Je'ssle F. ~~:: De 110. ,T Springer '7 11 if 48 .43 'oJ . George [{osa ~racobs 8 11 It 48 .43 (,,", Gear 9;8 nosa J'acobs 9 11 11 48 .43 I". George Rosa ~jacobs 10 11 II 48 .43 'i'''~ Emmett ') IJocket t 1 12 tf ,18 . <t3 .D. 1~~tDrnR.t t p Lockett t) 12 \1 48 .43 -,) . t:J Btward H. raine 3 12 l\ 4[; .43 Esther , Gu nn i son 4 12 It 48 .43 1\1 . Est her 111 Gu rmi son 5 12 II 48 .43 . Alfonzo Dnrling 6 12 II 48 .43 Alfon4,;o Dar ling '7 12 It 4C .43 OHDINANCE NO. _2035____ (G OW' T) ly. a me Leslie E. Barnum Sr. ~. C lara V. Barnum Lot 8 9 10 1 2 ..~, u 4 1"1' ~- ,) c' 0 7 8 c ;:J 10 J~onde 11 L. Pbi 11:i ps e I Lond811 L. PlJl11ips :3en Ti' .....1 . Kozlou sky "r,l .u. J~O ;~ Iou E' ky 138D Ben ',-1 J~ . ]:;0 ;::;lou sky Ben .E. Eozlou sky FjoD T~. l\o/:lousky BCD J:<;. Ko 710u sky Ben ~. ho~loU2ky Wi l1iam C. ahan Ben H. Smith Farry Pou Iou s Blk Add. Amou n t 12 Evans ~;; 48 .1i3 h .,~ J. Ie) ,~ 1/ 48.43 J2 II 4,9 .43 13 It 48.43 13 it 08.43 13 It 48. ,13 13 Ii 48 .13 13 H Lt8 .43 1:3 II 4J3 . "13 1"' u II 48.43 13 II 48 . 4:~) 13 II ,18 .43 13 It LJ8.43 Tntal-----------, :f' 1 Ii r:;C) 9 0 i1>-- ....:: t../t:.J . SEcrrION 2. rr)18 taX::8 80 levied shall become tHyablo I !olnd d'3linc"uont in ;(lanro1' p1'ov:Lc1ed tv 19.1N. SECTION 3. fI".ho City C1c::('}; is 1i(:re d:teoctecl to cor t i fy tot he C :! Treasurer the amount of said taxes togethor witt instructions to co vi de d by 18V:. c t t L1.'c; s alflc, fL 8 pI~O'- SSCTIOl'T 4. Trd.:3 o:cd inance shall be in force and take e ffe c t from and El."'t?7' j t:" "(In. 988 , as pcOVlcJ8C 1 ClVl . ~()pl'oVa 1 ar c1 fJub 1:1 catIon. "Y)Y)f1(JI;"'C l~1"-Ls l'7til ,>l': of OcLolxH', 1945. --7}:-~l-"~-\fC)"L~. ,.--- . -. .'._-- -- '-bL_. A'fTEST; =~ T---r- &~-:f u:- ~ _ _____ _ ~-S1 ty C18rk P 8. ;:~ ~-~' 8 o. I e ORDIN~:CE NO. ~n~'6 ~-- An ordinance creating: SeV'()r Distriet No. 197 of t 1)8 G 1 t ',V o:f (}~ert Is1n , 1Gbr''l. , d.efinir\r~ tY!.:2 t)OlJrt- e I dnr588 t rpof, providing for t laying of a sewer in p,c]jd dJstr:ict, and y:n'ovic3ing for the D,'yment of the cost of the construction thereof. BE IT Oln::'AIKED BY T'I{t~ ',1.0 n i\..KD CITY G (JDNC 1L 08' rc IrE CITY OF GIVUm 1SLU'J), TD';':STU\SYA,: 3}i;CTIO:N 1. t l~ h s' re :i 2 1 e,L' 8 created a Sewer Dk'h"ict of tl18 Ci.ty of C:rand Island, Nebrnpkg, to be }nown as Sewer District No. 197 in the City of Grand 18- land, N3brrc'l'!va. S.l,;CTIO]\' 2. Said sewe:t' stpl.J. be laid in tbc ;'illey 'he twe '')n H1.J. by A. vP nu eqnc C<:JN'\T Ave DUO, 8. e}J.9. II e xto DO. from Nbrtb Front Street to 6th Streot. SECTION 3. Said sewer in said distr5ct is hereby I o1,o.o1'ed laid as provided l':rv 19JN and in accordance 'with th3 pl,,,\1'8 and sDecificatiol1s govorninp; sower districts, as 1ler-toforo established by the C:itv. .sE C 'I' ION 4. hat the entire cost of construction of said sewer s11all he 88808800. agaJ.nst ,ne abutting pro- P;,)l'ty in said district, and a tax sh8.l1 be levied against the, ahutting nroperty in said distr ct to p,sy fa l' t Cr;st of construct:i.nrs said sovver, 8.S soon as tbp cost Can be ascertained Eid tax to become payable and delinauent l'<ilC1 ell' aw i ntere st as fa 110w s; One fifth of the total arnm:mt shall become deiinolient in fifty days fI'om da.te of t~e levy t~ereof; one-fifth 5n one year; one-fifth in I e t1JiIO yeaJ"s; one-fift}, in three ysa:r8; and one-fifth in four years. Efl.C'h of satd :!.nstccllmonts, except the first, shall draw intr-,rest at +ho rate of seven ty'r cent Del" annum from the dote of t]y' levy until t become delinouent; and after tbs same becomes delinouent, interest at tJ-:'e rate of nine per cent per annum shall be id thereon until tbe same is collected and p::cdd; said speml taxes shall be a lien on sajc:J 1'8al estate fI'om 8Dd aftor the date oft be le vy . OHDINANCE NO. _~Q.l~__._( Ce)}, I T) SECTIOK 5. This ordinance shall be in force and e I take 'affect from and after its D8.ssar;e, 9.pp:roval and 'publication, 8.8 nrovided 1.')Y law. Passed and 8.nproved by three-fourths vote of all members of trn City CouDcll of trLG Clty of Grcwc1 Islard, Nebraska, this 17tb dav of October, 1945. AT'rEST; I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2037 An ordinance creating Sewer District No. 199 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the e I boundaries trAy'eof, providing for the laying of a sewer in said district, and providing for the pay- ment of the cost of the construction thereof. BE IT ORDAIN ED BY TW.J.: MAYOR AJ\1D CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAJlTD ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a Sewer District of the City of Grand Island, Nebr- aska, to be known as Sewer District No. 199 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said sewer shall be laid in the alley between Anna Street and Oklahoma Avenue ex- tending from Locu st Street to Clark Street and along the sou th line of Block Six teen (16) and Seventeen I (17) in Windolph's Addition from the West property line of Clark Street to the East property line of Lincoln Avenue. SECTION 3. Said sewer in said district is hereby ordered la id as pro'iTided by law and in ac- cordance with tbe nIans and specifications governing sewer districts, as heretofore established by the City. SECTION 4. That the entire cost of construction of said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied against the abutting property in said district to I e pay for the cost of constructing said sewer, as soon as the cost can be ascertained said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows: One fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days from date of the levy thereof; one-fifth in one year; one -fifth in two years; one-fj fth in three years; and one-fifth in four years. Each of said OPJlINA1JC~ )\1'0,. .2.037__(CON' T) Installments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the date of the levy until they become delinauent; and e I after the same becomes delinquent, intere~t at the r8_te of nine per cent per annum shall be pai d thereon until the same is collected and paid; said special taxes shall be a lien on said real estate fron: and after the d ate of the le vy. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by three -fourths vote of all members of the City Council of the City of Grand Isla.nd, Nebra.ska, this 5th day of December, 1945. ~s~..~~- C1 y Clerk ~ I I e ORD INANC~~ NO. _2938 An ordinance creating Water Main District No. 98 e I of tbe City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a Water ltlai.n in said district, and provIding for tbe payment of the cost of construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY TIill IvIAYOR. A11]) CITY COU:NCIIJ OF Till; CI'l'Y OF GRAND ISI..I\.ND, l\T.EBRASKA: SECTION 1. That tbere is hereby created .<1. v,rater In.a.ln distr'ict in the 01 ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Wat.er Main District No. 98 of the City of Grand ~sland, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said Wa.t<er main d1strjct shall con- sist of tl,at part of and be laid in Louise Street and '3hall extend from Monroe street to Tilden Street. SECTION 3. Said Water fuain in said district is I hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in ac co rdance with the plans and speciflcatlons governlng water mains heretofore established by the City. SECTION 4. That the entire cost of constructing said water main shall be assessed against the abuttlng property ln said district, and a tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of constru6tion of said district as soon as the cost can be ascertalned, said tax to become payrnie and delinquent and draw interest as fol- lows, to-wit: One-fifth of tbe total amount shall be- come delinauent In fifty days after such levy; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three I e years; one-fifth in four years. Each of said install- menta, except the first shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the time of the afore- said levy until they shall become delinquent, and after the same beorome delinquent, interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum shall be paid thereon until the same be collected and paid; such speCial taxes shall be collected and enforced as in cases of other special taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the da te of the Ie vy thereof. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force e I and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this~.mber: 194,5. - .Ma.or-----.-.~ ~EST: .rvb.. ~C1e"k I I e ORDINANCE NO~ 2039 e I An Ordinance vacating ~he streets and alleys in Blocks Five (S),SiXl (6), Seven (7), Ten (10), Eleven (11), Twelve, (12), Thi.rteen (1:.5), Fourteen (14), and Fifteen (lS), cOl1prising a part of West 'fiew, being a subdivision of the Southeast Qua~ter of the Northwest Quarter of' Section Seventeen (17), in Township Eleven (11), North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, WHEREAS, Sa~e1 A. Peterson and Sarah M. Peter- son, hi s wi fe, on t he 16th day of February, 1898, ft led in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, aninstruroent vacating 5locks I Five (5), Sill (6), Seven (7), Ten (lO), Eleven (11), Twelve (12), Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14), and Fif- teen (15), comprising a part of West View, being a subdi vision of the Southeast Quartev of the North- west Qua"ter of Section Seventeen (1'7), in Township Eleven (11), North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraaka, and WHEREAS, at the time of vacating said st1'eet8 and alleys in said blocks as herein designated, the City of G:rand Island was not consulted and said streets and alleys have not been vacated by said city, and I e WHEREAS, all of said land co~prising that part of West 'flew so vacated is entirely used fol\'! agri- cultul'a.1 purposes bJ.l the streets and alleys heretofore e1Gisting in said lands should be vacated. THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED ~y THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRA-WD ISLA1TD, NE13RAS(A: SECTION 1. That the streets a.nd alleys in Blocks Five (S), Six (6), Seven (7), Ten (10), Eleven (11), Twe 1 va (12), Thirteen {13}, Fourteen (14), and lj'ifteen {lS}, cOl1p];'l slng a pal't of West 'flew ,bed.ng a sub- division of the Southeast Quarte~ of the Northwesm -") ~ o ORDINANCE NO. .2.03.9-(CON'1') e I Quarte>> of Section Seventeen (17), in Township Eleven (11), North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., 1.n Hall County, Nebraska, be and the same are hereby vacated. sECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect ~Oll1 and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this:!g7th day of Ine\'Uemehr, 1945. c- f 7~~~:. l!a // \.-y<- -/ (,t':... /c:;...-c.---: ~ ..--,,/ . ---- . )" l. ATTEST: / ; ~ SULh i ty Clerk I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2.Q40 An oroinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of construction of Sewer Distriut No~ 191 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. e I BE IT ORDAINED BY rrEG:':: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE C I'ry OF GRAND ISLA:ND, NEBRASKA~ SECTION 1. rrhat there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts, and par- eels of land hereinafter set forth for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 191 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against the several lots, tracts, and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Eaua1isation after due notice having been given thereof, as provided by law; each of the several lots, tracts and I parcels of land is assessed as follows: ADD. NAME LO T BLK David J. & Irene Ring II It It 11 II Albert D. Ru ff II It II William G. Nau II IJ II Grand Island IJand Co. \1 II tl II Helen G. & Victor Phillips 9 tl II II II 10 11 II I e William Sievers tt II 12 II \1 13 II It 14 15 16 Walter Hanley 11 II 1:':. M. Brumley County-of Hall Ed ward -Woed is ch 1 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 1 Boggs 3c Hill II II II. 1 1 It It II 1 II II It 1 1 1 II II II tl tl It tl II 1I 1 1 U II It II It II 1 tl II It 1 \I II II 1 \.\ II 11 1 1 1 1 2 II It II " 11 II II II II II tI II II II II 2 \I It II 2 II II II AMOUNT $58.16 58 .16 58 .16 58 .16 58.16 58 .16 58 .16 58 .16 58 .16 58 .16 58 .16 58.16 58 .16 58 .16 58 .16 58.16 58.16 58 .16 58 .16 ORDINANCE NO<. 2040__< CON' T) NAME LOT BLK ADDI. AMOUNT County of Hall Geo. H. Holder e I iJame sA. ~ Emma E. Holder 6 Bruce Donald. dk: Edna Basten? Donald Ellis & Leona B. Noble 8 N 84.45' Lillie B. Bright S 50' 8 Li llie B. Brigbt 9 10 11 12 Hans & Edna Jessen It II " It County of Hall Edward L. ~ Kathleen S. Koehler It II II II It 13 14 Paul H. ~ B1anhhe I. Ohl-15 son I~ 16 ~I It II II \I 4 5 2 Boggs & $58.16 Hill 2 II tt. 58.16 2 1.\ II 68 .16 2 1.1 It 58.16 35.54 21.62 2 " II 2 II II 2 II 58.16 II ~ It It 58 .16 2 II 58.16 II 2 II 58.16 58.16 It 2 II It 2 II II 68 .16 2 II 58 .16 58 .16 I, 2 u ll. SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become pay- able and delinquent in the manner provided by law. I SECTION :3. The Gi ty Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the City Treasurer the amount of said taxes together with the instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force a.ndl: take effect from and after its pass age, approval an d publicafion as provided by law. Passed and approved this JJ9th day of December, 1945. ATrEST: ~~ I e c,/ //:-~ ' " -j- ( <. { -V /11 ). " k.. ,J /~ ~. '-/ ayor ORD INANCE NO. ::>041 An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for tre C08t of construction of Paving D:lstrict No. 97 of the e I Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebrasl:ca, and providing for the collee tion tb 8t'eof. BE IT ORDAINED BY 'fEE lVlAYOH AND GI'l'Y COUNC IL OF THE CITY OF GRA]\v ISLA1TD, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is nereby levied and assessed against the several Iots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of Paving District No. 97 of the City of Grand Island, Nebras'k:a, in accordance with the 'lenefits found and as- sessed against ~ach of tbe several lots, tracts and par- cels of land in said district by the lV1ayor and City Cou- neil of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, si:tting as a Board of ]:oualization, after due notice having been given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each I of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land iB ass- essed as follows: OWNER Elies Kniekrehm Edward Bader Otto Klarr & Lillie K. .Klarr Rena Spangenberg I\ll. Huth 1V1itchell VI 2/3 John W. & Vesta R. Nicholson E 1/3 8'red 8c Hena Spangenberg W 1/3 Wal tel' Pe tel' sen E 2/3 I e Fred & Rena Spangenberg George ~1od sen SECT ION 2. '1'he taxe s sole vi ed sha JIbe come payab Ie, LOT ELK.. ADDI.. AMOUNT 1 32 Or igi nal $199.27 Town 2 32 It 199.27 3 32 \I 199 .27 4 32 II 199.27 5 32 It 132 .84 5 32 tl 66 .43 6 32 II 66.43 6 32 II 132.84 7 32 II 199.27 8 32 It 199 .27 deliquent and draw interest, as by law provided, as fol- lows; One-tenth shall become d ,linquent fifty days frCll} t.ne dqte of this levy; one tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tent:h in three years; one-tenth in four 'vpars; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; ORD INAIICE NO. _2041 ( C ON I T) one-tenth in sevennyears; one-tenth in eight years; and one-t enth in nine year s from tbe date of tb is e I levy; each of said installment s except tho fjrst shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent per 'annum unt i 1 the same becomede linauen t, and each of the delinauent installments shall draw interest at the rate of nine per cent fl'lmn and after each such in- stallment becomes delinquent until paid; provided, rowever, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the af'o.~esaid Itts, tracts and pa:ccols of land may be paid 1Jlrithin fifty days from ttbe date ofsuc,h levy INithout interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interc'st. SECTION 3. 'rhe City Clerh: of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby authorized to forethwi.th I certify to the City Treasurer of said City the amount of said taxes h,,)rein set forth, together with instructions to collecct the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. Thi s ordir:ance shall be in fo rce and take effect from and after its passage, apnroval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 19th day 0 f Dee.mb~r, 1945. . (1/ )~k~\' /~<~_~. . _ ' ." ---7 M~yor-------'---;T! j ATTEST: ~~ J: I~_____---- Ci WClerk I e