1946 Ordinances ~(;/ <J"() ORDINANCE NO. 2042. An ordinance levying special tax8S to pay for the e I cost of construction of Sewer District No. 195 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providlng for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINIID BY rrFlE lViAYOH AN]) CITY COUNCIL OF' THE CITY OF' GRAJ\D ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECrrrON 1. That there is hereby levled and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and par- cels of land hereinafter set forth for the rurnose of paying the cost of construction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 195 of said City, in accordance with the benefi ts found and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land :in said district by the Mayor and City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice having been given I thereof, as provided by law; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows; NAME: LOT B IJK . ADD. AMOUNT Roscoe & Tressia 1<1.1 lton 30 Hawthorne ~1; 29.07 'll Hoseoe 1/" Tressia Fu lton 31 II 14.54 ~, N 1 Lyd i a Be eke r S j:" 31 Il 14.54 "2 Lyd i a Beelmr 32 tl 29.07 Elizabeth Yankton 33 It 29.07 Elizabeth Yankton 34 II 15 .98 N 22' Ezra ~c Doris A. Hill 34 II 13.09 S 18' Ezra &c Doria A. Hill 35 II 29.07 Ezra & Doris A. Bill 36 II 29.07 I Adam & Mtnnie r"; . Kehm 37 n 29.07 Ad am 8c IV"i nni e I~ . Ke li..m 38 II 29.07 e Herman E. :G1omke 39 11 29.07 I . K. Me Fa r land 40 II 29.07 I. K. N~c I~'ar land 41 11 29.07 JK. K. McFarland 42 11 29.07 I . K. McParland 43 II 29.07 J-ose A. & Se ve r a G. 44 It 29.07 Ramirez OH.DI N~1.1~C:t; :NO. 2042 \ G V .l.~ I 'I' ) e I :N AME LOT BLK. ADD. AMOUNT Nora Ki t tr id ge 45 Hawthorne * 29.07 Jose A. & Severa G. Rami r6 Z 46 II 29.07 Jose A. << Se vera G. Ramirez 47 II 29.07 Max Sc hee 1 48 II 29.07 Max Scheel 49 It 29.07 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and delinquent in tbe manner provided by law. SECTION 3. The City Clerk is her~by diFeeted to certify to the City r~easurer the amount of said taxes together with instructions to colle.ct the same, as pro- videO. by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in f'orce and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. I Passed and approved! this 2nd day of January, ~/~ ~~ 1946. ATrrEST: ctf~,,( ~ H_(l/-C( I e ~ ORDINANCE NO. .2.0..43-- e I An ordinan ce le vying special taxes to pay for the cost of construction of Sewer District No. 190 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and pnoviding for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAIJ.\JED BY THE MAYOR AND CI(l1Y QIDUNCIL OF THE CITY 0 F GRAN D ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 190 of s~dd 0 i ty, in accordance wi th the ben efi ts found and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the May01' and City Gouncil of said I City, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice having been given thereof, as provided by law; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME Lorr.. BLK. ADD. AMOUNT Carl Ie Pear 1 Brown 1 6 Bo ggs &c Hills ~~51.98 Carl g,,; Pe ar 1 Brown 2 II II 51.98 Walter L. &; Estella May Hanley 3 \1 fl 51.98 Grand Loa ge Independent Order of 4 It II 51.98 Odd l!'ellows Walter L. ~ Est el1a IVI ae Hanley 5 II II 51.98 Walter L. & Est ella Mae Han le y 6 tI II 51.98 F. Ha rr y &: F..dn a C . W'i lli ams 7 II U 51.98 F. Harry & Edna C . Williams 8 II II 51.98 Charles O. ~ v. Pe arl Seu fert 9 II II 51.98 I William F. &, Ruth A. H8wkins 10 II II 51.98 e Hudolph Faller 11 II II 51.98 Rudolph F'aller 12 II II 51.98 Bernard H. ~ Est her Da :ven~l po r1t 13 II II 51.98 ORDINANCE NO. .2..~ ('CO~p T) LOT. BLK. ADDI. AMOUNT NAli/lE J oseph & Anna WaJ.ahoski 14 15 16 e I Lawre nce B. k Gwendolyn F. J'olls IJawrence B. & Gwendolyn F. Jolls August ~ Hazel Pollock Grand Island Land Co. T Grand Island .wand Co. Grand Island Land Co. Grand Island Land Co. Grand Island Land Co. Max &: Marie Gruber Max &: Marie Gruber John H. & Pearl Holden Pearl Holden 10 Clarice R. & William B, Miller 11 u Mildred F. Thompson &: Miriam 12 , V. Byre.ill J. D. &: .May Han ey 13 I Harry F. ck Gertrude M. Mc- ~ire City of Grand Island 14 15 Claud W. k A. Genevieve Butts 16 Joseph D. & ~ay Haney Joseph D. & May Haney Carl A. &:: Pauline P. Hoffer May D. Lamb Russell F. & Edna A. Roenfeldt 5 Jose ph D. & IVlay Haney Joseph D. & May Haney J. D. Haney ~ May Haney David E. Magnuson I e J'ohn &; l~ucille Harper 6 Boggs & Hills $51.98 It II 51.98 51.98 51.98 51.98 51.98 51 .98 II II 1 2 II 5 II II ~ u It 4 5 6 " It It II 11.98 51.98 51.98 II II 7 tt II 8 9 II 51.98 II II It 51.98 51.98 51.98 51.98 51.98 51.98 51.98 51.98 51.98 51.98 51.98 II II II It II II II II II It l,l, u It 1 2 4 II II II 3 It II 4 II II 5l.9S 51.98 51.98 51.98 51.98 51.98 51.98 It It 12 II II 13 14 15 It II " II It II 16 11 II SECTION 2. The taxes so levied snall become payable and delinauent in the manner provided by law. SECTION 3. The eit y Clerk is hereby dir'ected to, certify to the City Treasurer the a.lTlount of said taxes together with the instructions to col'Bct the sa88, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 2043 (CON'T) SECTION 4. Thi s orC!. inan ce shall be in for ce and take effect from and after its passage, approval and e I publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 6th day ATT1ifST: ~L~ 5 I I e v\J- -y<J CR DINANCE NO. 2041-- e I An ordbnce creating Sewer District No. 200 of the City of Grand Island, ~ebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a sewer in said dis- trict, and providing for the payment of the cost of the construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCITJ OF THE CI'IT OF GRAND ISLA11D, NB:BRASKA: SEC'I'ION 1. 'I'hat there is hereby created a Sewer Distr'ict of the City of Grand Island, ~ebraska, to be known as Sewer D:lstrj ct No. 200 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said sewer shall be laid in the alley between Boggs Avenue and Darr Avenue from the north property line of George St reet to the North property line of Front street. I SECTION 3. Said sewer in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing sewer districts, as here- tofore established by the City. SECTION 4. That the entire cost of co~ruction of said sewer shall be assessed against the aiblutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied against the abutting pro- perty in said district to pay for the cost of constructing said sewer, as soon as the cos~ can be ascertained said tax to become payable and delinauent and draw interest as follows; One fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days from date of the levy thereof; one-fifth in one year; I e one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four years. Each of said installments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the da.te of the levy until they become delinquent; and after the same becomes deli~quentJ,: interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum shall be paid thereon unt il the same is colle cted a.nd paid; said speci al taxes ahall be a lien on said real estate from and after' the date of the levy. ORDINANCE"2044'" (C~Nt IT) SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. e I Passed and approved by three-fourths vote of all mem- bers of the City Council of the City of Grand Island, .l'ebr- aska, this day 0 f , 1946. AT TEST: ~{~ Mayor I I e ORDINANCE NO. ~~ An ordinance creating Water Main District No. 99 of theei ty of Grand Island, Ne braska, dlefin:ttrg the roundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a Water Main in said District, and providing for the Pfment of the cost of construction thereof. REI'T ORDAINED BY TH}<~ ~U\,YOR AND CITY" 6rotr~IL OF f]'HE CI'PY 0'8' GRAND IS1,A1"D, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a Water Main District in the City of Grand Island, )\Te'bras1-m, to beknown and designated as Water Main District No. 99 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said Water Main District shall be laid I in and cons ist of that part of Krus e Str':3et from State street to Ei ghteenth (18t h) Str'eet. SECTION 3. Said Water Main in said district is hereby ordered la1el as provided by law and in accol'dance with the plans and specifications p'ovem ing water mains heretofore established by the City. SECTION 4. That the entire cost of constructtng said water mai n shall be assessed again st the abutt ing property -: n said 0. istrict, and a tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of construction of said district as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to become I e paYable and delinauent and draw interest as follows, to-VIi t: One-fifth of tbe ttotal amount shall become de- linauent in fifty days <<~ter such levy; one-fifth in one year; o.ne-fj fth in two years; one-fifth in three years; one-fifth in fouI" years. EaCh of said install- ments, except the first shall draw interest at the rate of 7% per annum from the time of the aforesaid levy until tbey shall become delinQuent, and after the: same become delinquent, interest at the rate of 9% per annum shall be paid tbereon until the same be collected and paid; such special taxes shall be collected and enforced as OHDnrAFCE NO. 204') ( C ONt T) in cases of other epecial taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of tbe levy thereof. SECTION 5. This ordinaY:tce shall be in force and take effect frorn and after its P8ssap-e, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 20th day of Iter cll, 1946. AT'rl~ST% ~ ~~ ~y ~rk------- p I I e 2046 ORDINANCE NO. 2~4~~ An ordinance creating Sewer DistrJ.ct No. 198 of the e I City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a sewer in said dis- trict and "prov:i.d ing for the payrnent of the costeof the construction thereof. BE I'r OEDAINlm Iff TEE: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL O.F TEE CITY OF' GRAND ISLiiliD, NEBRASKA~ SECTION 1. That there is :hereby created a Sewer Dis- tric t of t})O Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Sewer District No. 19B in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said sewer shall be laid in the alley p'etweea 'filelftb Street and 'Ihirteenth Street and shall extend from "-BOGGS "Avenue west to the east property line of Lot Seven,Block Three, Bogg's and Hill's Addition I to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 3. Said sewer in said district is hereby ordered lai d as provided by law and in ac cordance wi th the plans and specifications governing sewer districts, as heretofore established by the City. SECTION 4. That the entire cost of construction of said sewer shall be assessed against tbe abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied against the abutting property in said district to pay for tho cost of constructing se.ld sewer, as soon as the cost can be ascer- tained said tax to become payable and delinouent and draw interest as follows: One-fiftb of the total amount shall I e become delinquent in fifty days from date of t}le levy the:-:>eof; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fiftb in three years; and one -fifth in four years. Eacb of said in- stallments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of seven' per cent per annum from the date of the levy until they become delinquent; and after the same becomes delinauent, interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum shall be "paid thereon until the same is collected and paid; ORDINANCE NO,. 2046 (CON' T) siti:d spec ial taxe s shall be a lien on said r eal estate e I from and after the date of the levy. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by three-fourths vote of all members of the City Council of the City of Grand Is1and, Nebraska, this 20th day of March, 1946. 5- \ ATTEST; ~ ~ / $~/~ raTty Clerk Mayor I I e ORDINANCE NO. .2.Q.47 An ordinance creating Sewer District No. 201 of the e I City of Grand Island, Np braska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a sewer in said dis- trict and pl"oviding for the paympnt of the cost of the construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR .,\j'dD CITY COUNCIL OF THE C I'l'Y O"F' GRAND ISLAND, NEBEASKA; SEC1' ION 1. That tbere is bereby created a Sewer Dis- tri ct of the 01 ty of Grand Is land, Nebraska, to be known as Sewer District No. 201 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said sewer shall be laid in the alley between John Street and Anna Street and shall extend from the.west property line of Jackson Street to the west pro- pert y Ii ne 0 f Lot Fi ve, 1310 ck Seven, Ashton Place , an I Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, SECTION 3. Said sewer in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in ac cordan ce wi tlj tbe plans and speci ficat ions r:ove rni 11g sewer dj s tr :Let s, as heretofore established by the City. SECT IO!'J 4. That the entire cost of construction of said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in said di.s trict, at"d a tax shall be levied against the abutting property in said district to pay for the cost of constru cting said sewer, as soon as the cost can be acer- tained said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows; One-fiftb of the total amount s:hall I e become dCllinauent in fifty days (from date of the levy thereof; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four Years. Each of said in- stallments, except the first, shall draw interest at :the rate of seven per cent per annum from the date of the levy until they become delinauent; and after the same becomes delinauent, interest lit rate of nine per cent per annum shall be pa.id thereon until tbe same is collected and paid; ORIDINAWCE NO. 2.Q.42_ (COIH if) said soecial taxes shall be a li~n on said real estate e I from and after the date of the levy. SECTION 5. ThIs orcUnarce shall be in force and 1{ake effect fr om and aft er it s pass age, approval rl.nd pub liea tion as provided by law. Passed and approved by three-fourths vote of all members of the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, this 20th day of 1V1a:5en, 194i. Layor ATTEST: ~~v4 I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2048 An ordinance creating Sewer District No. 202 of the e I City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a sewer in said dis- trict and pl'ovidlng for the nayment of the cost of tbe construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE l'ilAYOH Ai D C I'J'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GHAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA; SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a Sewer Dis- trict of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Sewer District No. 202 in the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said sewer shall be la,idl in the alley between Carey Avenue and Grace Avenue and shall extend from Sixt h 'Street to the south property line of Block Forty-five, Packer and Barr's Addition to the City of I Grand Is land, We braska. SECTION 3>. Said sewe r in said district is b ereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance 'with the plans and specifications governing sewer districts, as heretofore established by the City. SECTION 4. That the entire cost of construction of said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in said dist.rict, and a tax snall be levied against the abutting property in said district to pay for the cost of constructing said sewer, as soon as the cost can he 9.scer- tained said tax to become payable and delinclUent and draw interest as follows: One-fifth of the total a~mount shall I e become delinquent in fifty days from date of the levy thereof; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in fOm'r years. Eacltn of said in- stal1ments, except the first, shall draw interest at the \ rate of seven 'Oar cent Del' annum from the date of the levy until they become delinouent; and after the same becomes delinauent, interest at :tJhe rate of nine per cent per annum shall be paid thereon until the same is collected and paid; ORDINANCE NO. 2048 (CON'T) said special taxes shall be a lien on sald real estate from and after the date of the levy. SECTION 51 This ordinan,ce shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by three-fourths vote of all members of the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, this 20tmay of March, 1946. ATTEST; ~~- ~ I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2049 An ord in ance creat ing Sewe r Distri ct No. 203 of the City of Grand Island, Nebrasl;a, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a sewer in saL d dis- trict and providing for the payment of the cost of the constrwction thereof. BE 11' ORDAINED BY THE; MAYOR AND CITY COUNC IL lDF THE CITY OF GHAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a Sewer Dis- trict of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Sewer District No. 203 in theCity Of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said sewer shall be laid in the alley I between Thirteenth street and Fourteenth Street from a point sixty feet east of the east property line of Oak Street to the east property line of Block Sixty-six, Wheeler & Bennett's Second Adc:1ition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION :3. Said sewer in said district is hereby ordered laid as proviaed by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing sewer districts, as here- tofore established by the City. SECTION 4. rrhat the en tire cost of cons tru ction of said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting prO}Brty in said di str 1c t, and a tax shall be levied again st the abutting nroperty in said district to pay for the cost of I e constructing said sewer, as soon as the cost can be ascer- tained said tax to become payable and del1rttuent and draw interest as follow s: One-fifth of the total amou nt shall become delinauent. in fifty days from date of the levy thereof; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in twoyears; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four years. Each of said in- stallments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of seven ner cent per annum from the date of the levy until they become delinauent; and after the same becomes de1iftquent, interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum ORDINANCE NO.. 2049 _(C'{) NtT) shall be paid thereon until tl1e same is collected 0nd paid; said f1 recial taxes shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take ettect from and after ji:B passage, approval am. publicat ion as provided by law. Passed and approved by three-fourths vote of all members of the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Ne braska, this 20th day of March, 1940. AT'~' . J:~ ~lerk I I e ORDINANCE NO. ' 2050 _ An ordinance creating Sewer Distr:i.ct No. 204 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries trlereof', provid ing for the layi np; of a sewer :i. n sal d d i8- trict and providing for the payment of the cas t of the construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY 'I'HE MAYOR A~TD CITY COUNC IL OF TBE CI TY OF' GRAND ISLA1-..1D, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a Sewer Dis- trict of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Sewer Distr ict :No. 204 ltn the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said sewer shall be laid in the alley between Darr Avenue and Hub;!" Avenue and shall extend from Sixth Street south to the south property line of Block Thirty-'Six, Packer &: Barr's Second Addition to the City I of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 3. Said sewer in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications p:overning sewer districts, as heretofore established by the City. SECTION 4. That :the entire cost of construction of said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied against the abutting 'proTBrty in s aid district to pay for t'he cost of constructing said sewer, as soon as the cost can be ascer- tained said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows; One-fifth of the total amount shall I e become delinalJent in fifty days from date of the levy thereof; one~fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in t'hree years; and one-fifth in four years. Each of said in- stallments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the date of the levy . until they become delinauent; and after the same becomes d~linqufnllt, interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum shall be paid thereon u nti 1 the same is collected and paid; ORD ThI ANCE NO. 2050 ( CON f T) said special taxAS sThall be a lien on said real estate from and afte l' tbe date of the levy. SECTION 5. This ord inanee shall be in force and take effect from and after its Dassage, approval and pub 11 en tion as provided by law. Passed and approved bv three-fourths vote of all member's of the City OOU110:U."o:f the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, this 20th day of March, 1946. ATTEST' ~ Y~{~rk I I e I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2011 An ordinance vacat ing the north one hundred thirty-two (132) feet of that part of Evans street lying between Seventh (7th) Street and Eighth (8th) Street in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing that that portion of said st1"'eet so vacated be used for park purposes. vfilereas, the City owns and maintains a playground or park situated on the north one-half (i) of Blocks Five (5), and Fractional Six (6), of Lambert's Addition and its Com- plement, Fractional BloCk Eleven (11), of 'loitles Addition to the City of Grand Island, and said park exuends east and west of Evans Street. Whereas, the north one bu ndred thirty-two (132) feet of that part of Evans Street lying between Seventh (7th) street ard Eighth (8th) Street, sbould be vacated and made a part of said playground or park so as to provide a more beautiful, useful and larger park. THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY TH.E MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY 0:8' GRAND ISLAND~ NEBRASKA; SECTION 1. That the north one hundred thirty-two (132) feet of that part of Evans Street lying between Seventh (7th) street and Eighth (8th) StJeeet, in the City of Grand Island, be and the same is herebyvacated and is hereby ordered made a Dart of the playground or park situ ated on the north one- half (-~) of Blocks Five (5) and Bractional Six (6), of Iiambert's Addition to the Cityof Grand Island. This ordinance shall be in force an d take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 20th day of March, 194~. ", A'PI'EST: ~J.>vb ty Clerk ORDINANOE NO.. 2052 An ordinance pertaining to tb€ removal of garbage, trash and refuse; p~oviding that the owner or owners of re al estate shall be charged with t he duty of removing such waste matter; providing for the giving of notice to. remove such waste; providing that upon failure to remove such garbage, trash, and refuse, tbe city may enter upon the premises and remove the samei providing that the cost of the removal thereof shall be certified to the City Treasurer and be made a lien on real estate an d collected as in tbe case of other taxes. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA; SECTION 1. That the owner or owners of real estate I lying within the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, are hereby Charged with the duty.of removing all garbage, trash and refuse which gather or are allowed to remain on the premises, belonging to such owner or owners. SECTION 2. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police of said City tonotify the owner or owners of real estate in any case where gartRge, trash or refuse have been permitted or allowed to gather or to be thrown or remain upon any such premises belonging to said owner or owners, said notice to be in writing, and the same shall order said owner or o\flmers to remove said garbage, trash or refuse within three (3) days from the date of said I e notice. Said notice may be served upon the owner of said premises personally or bW leaving tbe same at his usual place of residence. In all cases where the owner of any such real estate is a non-l~esident, the notice shall be sent by registered mail to the last known address 03.ftl au ch owner and then and in that even t the owner of said pre- mises shall have ten (IO) days time in which to comply with the order of said Ch1.&t of' Police. \ "'~~ ~A, . ORDINANCE NOA ~;'205a (CON'T) SECTION :3. If any such owner or owners as provided for in Section Two of this ordinance, shall, after notice given, fail, neglect or refuse to remove any such garbage, trash or refuse from any such premises within the time her'ein provided, then and in that event it shall be the duty of the Chi af of Poli ce to cause sajd garbage, trash or refuse to be removed from said premises and to certify to the City Treasurer the cost thereof which amount shall be placed upon the tax records by said City Treasurer and assessed against the premises from which said waste was removed, a.nd collected and enforced as in the case of other taxes and the cost tbereof shall be alien on sa id premises from and after the date the same is certified to said City Treasurer and the same shall bear interest at the rate of I Six per cent per annum from said date. In computing the cost of the removal of said waste as herein provided, the Chief of Police shall take into account the actual cost paid for the removal of said waste matter, together with the sum of Three ($3.00) Dollars for the giving of the notice provided for in Section Two hereof. SECTION 4. This ord:lnance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and appro ved this 3d 5 1946 . , I e A TT$S!': '. ft /7 ~S~ ty Clerk ORDINANCE NO, 20?~ An ordinance creming Water Main D~strict No. 100 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a water main in said district, and providing for the payment of the cost of con stru ct ion thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THg MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a water main district in the City of Grand Island,Nebraska, to be known and desgnated as Water Main District No. 100 of said City. SECT ION 2. The water main in said district shallbe laid in and consist of that part of Park Avenue from Sixteenth (16th) Street to Eighteenth (18th) Street. SECTION 3. Said water main in said distr:I.ct is I hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing water mains heretofore established by the City. SECTION 4. That the entire cost of constructing said water main shall be assessed against theabutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of construction of said dis~ract as soon as the cost can be ascertained, sald tax to become payable and delinauent and draw interest as fOllows, to-wit$ One-fifth of the total amount shall become de- linquent in fifty days after such levy; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; one-fifth in four years. Each of said installments except the first shall draw in terest at the rate of seven per cent per an num from the time of the aforesaid levy until they shall become delinquent, and after the same become delirl quent, interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum shall be paid thel'eo:ll until the same be col- lectedr'and paid; such special ta.xes shall be collected and '~~ I e o Fill IN AN CE NO. 2.Q.2.3._ ( CON t T) enforced as in cases of other special taxAs, and said spec ia1 tax shall be a lien on sai.d real estat e from and after the date of the levy thereof. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be fn force and take effect from and after its passage, approval a.nd publication as provided b;r law. ATTEST: ~J.~ Cit Clerk Passed and approved this 3d 946. , I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2054_ An ordinance levying water main district taxes to pay fOr the construction of the water main in Water Main District No. 96 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAll\ib:D EiY THE MAyon AND CITY CaUNCIJ.J OF THE CITY OF GRAJID ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That a water main district tax be, and the same is hereby levied and assessed, to pay for the cost of construction of th~ water main in Water Main District No. 96 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land in said dis trict in the amounts set opposite the several descriptions as follows: o WJlTER LOT ELK.. ADD.. AMOUNT John Kallas 21 Belmont 4P48 .00 John Kallas 22 It 50 .40 I John Kallas 23 II 50.00 Archie O. & Gladys Wood- 24 II 50 .40 ward A. O. Woodward & Gladys 25 It 50.40 Woo dward A. o. Woodward 26 tl 50 .40 Goehring Sothman Co. 27 It 48 .00 Ever et t & Elsie Halstedd 6 13 Packer & 67.20 Norman H. & Kerstina E. 7 tI Bftrr's 67.20 Blanco Anto n M. & JIll ar y K. Brester 8 It II 67.20 Fern L. Man n 9 II II 67 .20 Cecil Ray Mann 10 II u 67.20 SECTION 2. The speb~al taxes herein levied shall I e become payable and de linquent as follows; One-fifth of the total amount shall become delinqu ent in fifty days after the levy herein made; one-fifth in one year; one- fifth 1. n two years; one -fifth in three years; and one- fifth in four years; each of sajd in stallments except the first shall draw interest at the rate of not ex- ceeding sevem per cent (7;;6) per annum from the time of the aforesaid levy until they araal1 become delinauent; ORDIl'TANCE NO. ?054 (CON' T) and efter the aame sball become delinquent~ interest at the rate of nine per cent (9%) per annum shall be paid thereon until the same thall be collected and enforced as in the case of other special taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy thereof. SECTION 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the City Treasurer of theGi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes herein levied, together with instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 1st I ATI'EST: ~A S t'L4 ~;;ihy Cler~-----._- I e ORDINANCE NO. 2022-- An ordinance levying water main district taxes to pay for the construction of the water main in Water Main District No. 97 of the City of Grand Island" Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE N'AYOR AND CITY C OUNC IL OF TI-lli: G ITY OF GI=-{A'ND ISLAND" NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That a water main district tax be" and the same is hereby levied and assessed" to pay for the cost of construction of' the water main in Water Niein District No. 97 of the City of Grand Island" Nebraska, against the Eespective lots, tracts and parcels of several descriptions as follows: land in said distrlct in the amounts set opposite the OWNE R LOT BLK. ADD. AM OU NT Carl & Pearl Brown 1 I Gar 1 & Pearl Brown 2 Walter L. & Estella Mae 3 Hanley Grand Lodge Ind ependent Order 4 of Odd Fe llow s Walter L. & Estella Mae 5 He.nley Ferdinand F. & Sophia 6 Ghrapkowski F. Harry & Edna C. Willia.ms 7 F. Harry & Edn a G. Williams 8 Helen G. & Victor Phi1~ips 9 He1ftn G. & Victor Phillips 10 William Sie vel'S 11 William Sievers 12 William Sievers 13 I e William Sievers 14 15 16 Walter Hanley Walter Han ley It 6 Bogg's & $50.00 Hi 11 ' s II It II 50 .00 50 .00 50 .00 50 .00 50 .00 50 .00 50.00 50 .00 50 .00 50 .00 50 .00 50 .00 50 .00 50 .00 50 .00 SECTION 2. The special taxes herein levied shall becoJllllle payable and delinquent as follows; One-fifth of the total amounts'ha11 become delinouent in f1:ftv days It II after the levy her'ein made; one-fiftb i.n oneyearj one- iI II fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one- It II 1\ II 1/ II 1 u II II II II II \I 11 \I II 11 If 11 II II ORDINANCE NO. 20'5'7 (CON' T) fifth in four years; each of said installments except the first shR.ll draw interest at the rate of not ex- lJeeding seven per cent ('7%;} per annum from the time of the aforesaid levy until they shall become de1inauent; and after the same shall become delinquent, interest at tbe rate of nine per cent (9(~) per annum shall be paid thereon unt il t he same shall be collect ed and enforced as in the case of other special taxesj and said special tax shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy thereof. SEC'I'ION 3. 'llie City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby instru cted 'and directedto cert ify to the Ci ty Treasurer of the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, tl1 e amount of said taxe s here in Ie vied, togethe r with~irutructions to collect the same, as provided by law. I SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after it s passage, approval and pub 1ication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 1st day 1946 . ATTEST: ~ ~dirk ----- ---r I e ORDINANCE NO. 2056 An ordinance appropriating and condemning pri- vate property in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the use of said city for enlargement of the muni- cipal light and power plant as follows, to-wit~ The South Sixty-six (66) feet of Lot One (1), and the, South Sixty-six (66) feet of the East twenty-two (22) feet of Lot Two (2), all in Block Forty-two (42), Original Town, now the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebr- aska, and providing for the procedure in appropri ating such private property. vv'HEHEAS, tl'e Mayor and Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, find that it is necessary that pri vate property all within the said City, be appropriated and con- demned for enlargement of the municipal light and power I plant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAI1\D~D BY THB MAYOR AND CI'rY COUNCIIJ OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. 'rhat the real ppoperty described as: The South sixty-six (66) feet of Lot One (1), and the South sixty-six (66) feet of the East twen ty-tw'O (22) feet of Lot Two (2), all in Block Fort'y-two (42), Original Town, now the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, be and the same is hereby appropriated for the use of the City of Grand Island for the purpose of exrending and en- lar ging it s mu ni c:l pal Ii ght and powe 1" plant under and by virtue of Sections 16-601, 16-602 and 16-603 of the Re- vised Statutes of Nebraska. for theyear of 1943, and I e Section Nine (9), of Article Two (2) of the Home Rule Charter of the City of Grand Island. SECTION 2. That the following disinterested ft'eeholders in the City of Grand Is land, Nebraska, are hereby a.ppointed to asBe S8 the damages accruing to the own er or owners of the real estate ar,d rights appropriated: ORDINANCE NO.2056 Cant. Carl Fnlckrehm Name 422 West Eighth Street Addre ss C.l:J:.GT'llndy.: Name 1.Z.li Wes...t..Koenig street Addre sS H.T.Brown Name ~16 South Locust street --Address------ who shall receive as compensation for their services the sum of Five ($5.00) Dollars per day for the time necessarily occupied in assessing said damages. Said assessors shall meet in the Council Chamber of theCitv Fall in said City 12~ "' of Grand IsJa nd" on the ;~ day ofJ"une, 1946, at the hour of 2 o'clOCk P. M., and after taking oath to discharge the ir duti es faithfully and impart ially shall on the same day" or as soon thereafter as practical, make" sign and return to the City Clerk in writing a just and fair apDraisement of the damages for the lots and pieces of property, the whole or part ofwhich or rights in which I are to be appropriated. SECTION :3. IJayment of the damage s for t he appro- priation of said private property shall be paid out of the surplus funds belonging to the light department. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and talre effect from and after its passage" approval and publica.ti.on as provided by law. Passed and approved this 1st " 1946. A 'IT ES'r : ~J?~ ~~y Clerk I e ORDI NANCE NO. 2057_ An ordinance levying water main district taxes to r:a.y for the constl'uction of the water main in Water Wiain District No. 98 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE IVlAYOH AND CITY COUNCIL 01" TITE CI TY OF' GHAFD IRLAlm, NEBRAflKA: SECTION 1. That a water main district tax be, and the same is her ,by levied and asse ssed, to pay for the cost of con- struction of t'ne vvater main in Viater Main District No. 98 of t'he r,ity of Grard Island, Febrasvq, against the respective lots, tracts and parcPls of land in sajd oj strict in the amount set opnosite the several descriptions as follows: OWNER LOT BLK. ADDITION AMOUNT Be len, C'he ate r C . & ]V' ar i e lY1. 6 30 Wasmers ~;58 .32 Windo1ph He 1en , C'h e s te r C . & Mar i e N . 7 30 II 56 .58 Windo1ph I He len, Cheste r C . & Marie M. 8 30 tI 56 . '58 Windo1ph H.u t h Woe 11e rman 9" 30 11 56.~8 Ruth Woe llerman 10 30 II 58.:32 Di edr icl:> S pe thman 6 31 II 58.32 Alma Ke 11 er 7 31'1 tI 56.58 Henr ie tta Vie~g 8 31 II 56.58 Alma Ke 11 e r 9 31 II 56 .58 ADna Cabe11ero 10 31 II 58 .32 Webster P. Augu at in e 6 32 Wasfuer's 58 .32 2nd Webste r P. Aur;usti ne 7 32 II 56 . 58 lJIlaJlace H. & Marguerite A. Wiig 8 32 II 56.58 Wa 11ace H. & IVlargueri te A. Wiig 1 9 32 II 28.29 V'l I~ I Stanley 1" & Vi viE' n ryf; . ThorIh.ton .,-,,1 9 32 II 28.29 '1. ~~2 Stanley M. & Vi v ie n M. Thornton 10 32 II 58.32 e Ernest V'I.. Augrus tine 6 3~ VVasmer IS 58.32 3rd Ernest w. Augu sti ne 7 3$ \I 56.58 Ernest pIt Augu st ine 8 33 II 56.58 ill . ORDINANCE NO. -2057 OW.t-i1'..H lCON'T) LOT 13L.K lWlJl'rI01~ _'JhOUNT Ern est 'tJ. Au @J s tin e Ernest ','.'. AUg'18t:1r:e 10 Lpla~ F. AAhley 1 }~dward E. & Muriel E. Carstens 2 Paul A. & Lillie Hermsmeyer 3 Pa ul A. &; 1.,i 11ie Her'TIsmeyer 4 Mary H. Denman 5 M tIdr en P. Thompson & )'ariamm V. Byram 1 Louis Don Moore &; hose E. fuoore 2 .Tames Webb, Sr. Pa\~l Jones, Jr. Allan B. & 1V[8.r,gsret .T. Eversol1 5 L. IN. Jo hn s on L. W. Johnson I L. ltJ. .Johnson IJ. W. Jornson E 46' 4 E. I,oreen Zu span W 6' 4 E. Loreen Zuspan 5 Ernest J. & May D. Meyer 1 Ernest J. & May D. Meyer E 12' 2 Ernest VI. Augastine VI 40' 2 Erne at W. Au gu st ine E 26' 3 Wallis H. & Abigail 1\;. Olp W26' 3 Wallis H. & Abigail A. alp E40' 4 Gilbert & Blenda O. R0ynolds \1'/12'4 Gl1bert & BIE"nda o. Heynolds 33 33 Wasmers 3rd $56.58 \I 58.32 9 35 35 35 35 35 34 34 3 34 Wasmers 58 .32 4 34 It 56 .58 34 1 53 II 56.58 2 53 II 56.58 3 53 53 II 58.32 53 53 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 5 52 WasrrBr s 2nd 58 .32 II 56.58 II 56.58 11 56.58 " 58.32 Wasmers 2nd 58.32 11 56.58 " 56.58 II. 50.04 II 6.54 11 58 .32 Wasme 1'8 3rd 58.32 " 13.08 43.50 28.29 28.29 II. II fl II 43.50 II 13 .08 " 58.32 SECTION 2. 1"oe specia] taxes herein levied sn8.1l becoll1e I e payable and delinouent as followfl: One-fiftn of tne total amount shall become delinquent in fj fty days after the levy herein made; one-f:iftr in one year; one-fifth it! two ynars; one-fifth in tnree years; and one-fifth in four years; each of saId inf'ltal1nrnts except the first chall draw interest at tne rate of not d3.xceeding seven per cent ('710) per annum from the time of Ule aforesaid levy until they shall become delinouent; and after tDe same shall be- Come d81i~auent, interest at tne rate of nine per cent (9%) per annum shall be paid t'bereon 'unt 11 tne same Bral] be collected ORDINANC~ NO. 2057 (CON'T) and enforced as in the case of other ppeelal taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien OD sai d 1'813.1 estate from ard after tf1e date of thA }AVY trereof. SEC'l'ION 3. 'I'he City Clerk of t}le City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is nel'eby inptrjJctpd and directed to cprtify to the City T11"easurer of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, th~. a,rnount of said tax,"s }v"rej.D levied, topether 1j'ith instructions to c01- lect tre same, as provided ty Jaw. SECT ION <1. This ord inance shall be in force and take effect f'rom and aft0r :its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Pas8ed and 8.nprovAd this cay ----:#_L-_ AT'l'EST: ~G~:~ I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2058 An orcLLnance levying water ,nain district taxes to pay for the construction of the watpr main tn water 1I1ain District No. 99 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection th01'00f. BE IT OHDAINID BY TET!; MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0 F GRAND ISJ~AND, NEBRASKA ~ SECTION 1. That a water main district tax be, and the same is herpby l.evied and assessed, to pay for the cost of construction of the water main in Water Main Dls- trict No. 99 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, against the:.~espective lots, tracts and parcels o.f land in said district in the amounts set opposite the several des- criptions as follows: OWNER IJOT BLK. ADDI. AMOUNT H. L. & Laura .J. Foreman 2 15 Scarff's $51.32 Addi. to West I!awn I H. L. & Laura j . F'ore man 4 15 11 51.32 Edmu nd D. & Mary 2iola 6 15 11 51.32 Edmu nd D. & :M ar y 2iola 8 15 It 51.32 William C.. & B11da E. Tagge 10 15 II 51.32 William C . & Hilda r Tagge 12 15 II 51.32 ~ . William C. & Hilda Ti' Tag ge 14 15 II 51..32 ~J . Wi l1:i. am C . & Hilda E. T agg e 16 15 II 51.32 William C. & Hilda T? Tagge 18 15 II 51.32 .l..J . Vl:i:.11iam F. & Geo rge M. Ti lIe y 1 14 11 51.32 Roy V. & Verna Hanchett 3 14 II 51.32 Vel' na & Roy V. Hanchett 5 14 II 51 .32 Emil A. & Ag ne s F'enster 7 14 II 51.32 Emil A. & Agp es Fe n steI' 9 14 II 51.32 Emil A. & Agnes Fenster 11 14 It 51..32 :\Tu il A. & Donna M. Pinkston 13 14 \I 51.32 Ne il A. & Donn a IVl. Pinkston 15 14 II 51.32 pe ople s State Bank 17 14 II 51.32 SECTION 2. The spec ial tax"1s her e1 n levied shall I e become payable and delincment 8!$"fo11ows; One-fifth of OHDINANCE NO. 2058 ( CONI T) the total amount shall become delinouent in fifty days after the levy herein made; one-fifth in one year; one- fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one- fifth in four years; each of said installments except the first shall draw interest at the rate of not ex- ceeding seven per cent (7%') per annum from the time of the aforesaid levy until they shall become dE-~linauent; and after the same shall becoJ1l8 delinQuent, interest at the rate of nine per cent (9%) per annum shall be paid tl1er'eon until the Bame shall be collected and enforced as in the case of other special taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on sa id real estat e from an d af ter the dat 0 of the levy thereof. SECTION 3 __ The City Clerk of the Git y of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby instructed and directed to I certify to the Ci ty Treasurer of the City of Grand Island, ~ebraska, the amount of said taxes her~in levied, together wi th instru ctions to collect the sane, as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, anproval and publi cat ion as provided by law. Passed and approved this day of May, l~46. , /' \. 1// (",- J&'~" ,//'" \ /~ -'\~ ;~,"j ,/ r ~ // ~-~. -. ---_../-:,-~->/ '-~- -.... I 1\ ayor , \- J ':-/', (~/ A'I"l'EST : ?~~~~ I e ORDINANCE NO. ..2059 An ordinance pertaining to the inspection of meat and the inspection~ animals slaughtered for food pro- ducts and sold within the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, providing for fees to be charged for inspection of au ch animals and amending Section 14 of Ordinance 1808 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and repealing said ori- ginal Section 14 of said Ordinance 1808. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CI'l'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That Section 14 of Ordinance 1808 of I the Ordinances of theCity ofGrand Island, Nebraska, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 14. The City of Grand Island shall collect from all persons for whom an inspec- tion or examination of meats is made, the following fees: For inspection of beeves- - - 25i each For inspection of veal - 20i each For insPection of hogs ... - - 20i each For in spection of sheep - 20?! each provided, further, however, that the minimum fee to be collected for such inspections shall be the sum of $1.00 and provided, fur- ther, that should it be necessary for the inspector to make more than one trip to the place of inspection ,in making said examin... ation, a charge of $1.00 shall be made for all trips in excess of the first, said charge to be ~n addition tothe inspections fees hereinbefore provided. Said fees shall be paid in advance to the Superintendent of the Health Department, or the inspector making such inspection or examination, and such fees so collected shall be deposited with the City Treasurer, and by him placed to the credit of the Meat Inspection FUnd. The money so deposited shall be used only to defray the expenses of the Health Department in making inspec- tions of meat and meat food products as in this ordinance provided. The Superintendent of the Health Department shall keep a re- cord of all inspections made, and all pro- ceed ings, including the nane of the party for whom inspection is made, the date, and d i a po sit ion 0 f 8 am e . II I e SECTION 2. That said original Section 14 of Ordinance 1808 be and the same is hereby repealed. ORDINANCE NO. 2059 {CON'T} SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 'j 15th 1ay of Mty~~946. <. ")Jar'I,) /( i-J . ..' , / , .,-\,,,,.,.,j,, '}iuo / . ~,.._..., <-'" // 'J ,':" / C/,./f -: _ -, I Mayor ( ~ - "'/ ATTEST: ~ ~ J ~ .s t''/;;::..h C 'ty Clerk I I e ,",'- ."." , j;" <,if ?'ti ~ ORDINANCE NO. 2060 An ordinance levying water main district taxes to pay for the construction of the water main in Water Main Dis- tr le t No. 100 of the City of Grand Is land, }'ebraska, and providing fort11e collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY 'l'RE lVIAYORJ,\.ND CI'l'Y COUNCIL OF ':I'RE CI'l'Y OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKiU SECTION 1. Tha t a wat er main d istr let t ax be, and the same is hereby levied and asse saed, to pay for the cost of construct ion of the water main in Water Ma:in Diatrict No. 100 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land in said dis- tr let in the amount seit oppos i te the se veral descr iptions as follows: I I e \ ORnHNANCE YO. 2060 ~ (CONtT) NAME LOT BLK. ADD. AMOUNT Freder:i ck w. & Lillian A. ;fe sse n 140 \Ille s t IJawn$49.43 :f;'rederick w. & Lillian A. Je s sen 141 II 49.43 Frederick w. & Lillian A. Jessen 142 " 49 .43 Ruth 0 Max J. Corne liu s 143 II 49 .43 CG Grand Island Land Co. 144 II 49 .43 SECTION 2. The special taxes herein levied shall become payable and delinquent as follows: One-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days after the levy herein made; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four years; each of said installments except the first shall draw interest at tl' e rate of not exceed in g seven (7%) per cent per annum from the time of the lfforesaid levy until they shall be- I come delinquent; and after the same shall become delinquent interest at the rate of nine per cent (9%) per annum shall be paid thereon until the sam6 Shall be collected and en- forced as in the case of other special taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy thereof. SECTION 3. The City Clel'k of the City of Grand Island" Nebraska, is her0by instructed and directed to certify to the City Treasurer of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes herein Ie vied, togetb.er wi th in- structions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECT ION 4. Thi S ord inan ce shall be in force and take I e effect f:r'om and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 5tliday of June" 1946. ATTEST: c7~p ~~- ~ ORDINANCE NO,. ?Ofil An ordinance creating a paving district in the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraskal derining the boundaries thereofl providing for the paving of the streets in said district and the assessment and collection of the costs thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE G TIY OF GRAl~D ISLAND I NEBRASl'A: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving District No. 99, of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. I SECTION 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part of Sycamore Street from Division Street to Ashton Avenue, Koenig Street from Pine Street to Syca- more Street, and Charles Street from Fine Street to Sycamore street. SECTION 3. Said streets in said paving district are hereby ordered paved as provided by law, and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing paving dis- tricts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be 36 ,eeet in width. SECTION 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a madority o~ the abutting p~operty owners in said district, at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file with I e the City Clerk, within twenty days from the first pub- lication of the notice creating said district, as pro- vided by l~wl written objections to paving of said dis- tr i~t . SECTION 5. That au~ority is hereby granted to the owners of tb~ record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners, within said district, to file wi th the City Clerk, wi thin the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kknd of material to be used in tb~ paving of said streets. If ORDINANCE NO. 2.Q~_( CON' T) such owners shall fail to des~gnate the material they desire to be used in said paving district, as provided for above, and within the time provided for by law, the Mayor and City Council shall determine the materia~ to be used. SECTION 6. That the costs of paving in sa:i.d dis- trict shall be assessed against the lots and tracts of land especially benetitted hereby,in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the Mayor and City Council as provided by law. SECTION 7. This ordinance s:r1J~ll be in force a.nd take effect from and after its passage, aPPDoval and publi- cation as provided by law. Passed and approved this 1946. I ATTEST: ~frk~ I e \ ORDINANCE NO. 2062 __ An ordinance providing for and regulatlng the bu rial of d ismerribered hands, feet;, legs, arms and other parts of the human body, oco.asioned by aa::i.dent or surgical amputation; providing for the collection of fees therefore; and pr'oviding penalties. Whereas, the City of Grand Island does not have facilities to incinerate dismembered parts of the human body occasioned by acctdent or necessary am- putation and no space in the cemetery has been set aside for that purpose, and Whereas, an area wi thin the Gx'and Island ceme- tory should be set aside for the burial of such dis- membered portions of the body. TBEREFORT!~ BE I'r rmsOJJVED BY 'l'}iE EAYOR it'i. D CITY I COUNCIL OF' THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, m~:BRASJUU SECTION 1. 'rhat for the purpose of providing a burial place for dismembered hands, feet, legs, arms and other parts of the human body occasioned by accident or by amputation, lot 36-A of the City Cemeter;"! belonging to t1--e C5.ty of' Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby set aside and reserved, and all Bucll dismembered limbs presflnted for burial shall be buried on said lot. SECTION 2. Before any such dismerabe17ed limbs are buried in said City cemetery, an application shall be made to the City Clerk of the City of Grand I e Island, requesting such burial, said application to be in writing and contain the narr~ of the person loosing such dismembered limb, the name of the hospital in which said person is a patient, the date of such am- putation, the Dame of the attending physician, the de s or ipti on of au c h dismember ed limb, and the name of the mortician or undel'taker engaged in the burial thereof. OlIDIN.~!CE NO. 2062 (CONI T) SEC'EION 3. A fue or charge in the sum of FIVE DOL- LARS ($5'.00) covering the cost of the burial of such di smembered limb, mu at be paid to the City C lerl" at the tl:me of waking the application provided 1'011 in Section 2 herECf and upon completing said application f.lY1C1 the pa:tlnont o.T the fee, t110 City Clel1l{ s~(J.all iSS'L16 a bur ia1 certi fi cate and de li Vel' trle same to tIle sexton of the c5t;, cemetery uDd~r whose ~mpnrvision such di8- fl1€;HDbe11ed limbs shall be buried. SECTION 4. Any OOrson, firm or association who shall dispose of any dismembered limbs in the City cemetery by burying without fi".:,t Tnaldng the application provided for herein and paying thc,; foe the:cefore, s[1all bE' deemed Guilty of a misdemeanor and upon c onvictiol1 shall 118 fined in an y sum not exceed ing One Eu nd11 r,d I (~!:'lOO.OO) DollJ'l.rs and shall s tard committed to the City Jail until such fino and costs are paid. S8CTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take e\ffect from and after its passage, approval and publication as pJ10vided by law. Passed and appl'ovGCi. this 'Jrd:" day ?J of' Ji).y, 1946. f C.... ,-A---t.. '---"---7 -{) ... -- . - NlaVor _J ( A~/:p P J~ ~~:;7 I e o\~~ ?,-u ORDINANCE NO. 2063 An ordinance amending Section Four (4) of Ordinance No. 1275 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, fixing the sale price of the burial lots in the cemetery of said City; providing rules and regulations relative to perma- nent care of said burial lots and the charges to be made for said care; prohibitil!'; funeral services to be held on the first day of the week commonly called Sunday, and legal holi- days; providing for a charge for the stcr age, transportation, erection and removal of the equipment and apparatus used at funerals; amending Section Three (3) of Ordinance No .1275 fixing charges for grave openings~ providing penalties for I the violation of the provisions of this ordinance; and repealing said original Section Four (4) of said Ordinance No. 1275 and Section Three (3), of Ordinance No. 1275 of the ordinances of the City of G~and Island, Nebraska. BE IT ORDAI1TED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That Section Four (4), of Ordinance No. 1275 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be and the same is hereby amended to read as :to llows: ItFrom and after the taking effect of this ordinance the sale price for burial lots in the cemetery belonging to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, which sale prices shall include the cost of pe rmanent care, shall be a9'hereinafter set forth and the City Clerk is hereby ordered to collect said charges for said burial spaces, to-wit: ( a) Full lot - - - - - - - - - - $250 .00 I (b) Half lot - - - - - - - - 140.00 (c) Quarter lot- - - - - - - - - - - 75 .00 (d) Single burial space for persons e over the age of 12 - - - - - - - 37 .50 (e) Single burial space for per sons aged 6-12 years - - - - - - - - 30.00 ( f) Single burial space for persons under the age of 6 years - - - - 12 .00 tl:at there is hereby established the following uniform prices for the perpetual care of lot s in saiid cemetery: all full-sized lots all half lots, the sum of all quarter lots, the sum of $175.00 90.00 45.00 ORDINANCE NO~ 206~ (CON~T) all single adult burial spaces, $22.00 all single burial spaces for burial of persons aged 6 to 12 17.50 all burial spaces for persons under the age of 6 years 6.00 said perpetual care shall include the care of said lots for all time to come; keeping the same free from weeds, undesirable vegetation and other ob.jectionabIle matter, cutting the grass, and other work found necessary in the judgrrent of the cemetery superintendent; and in general to keep and maintain the same in a neat, presentable condition which, in consideration of the payment of the sums as herein provided, the City of Grand Island agrees to do.1t SECTION 2. It is hereby ordered that all lots within the city cemetery shall be provided with permanent care within six months from the date of the passage of this ordinance and I all lots not provided with such permanent care within the time herein provided, shallbe subject to resale and the unoccupied spaces within such burial lots shall be resold and the money received for the spaces so sold, shall be placed in a permanent care fund and the money in said fund shall be used to provide permanent care for the occupied spaces on such lots. It is hereby prOVided that any person desiring to provide permanent care for any lot not now thus cared for, may purChase such permanent care at rates prevailing ioonediately prior to the passage of this ordinance at any time within six months from the date of the passage of this ordinance and upon failure to provide such care within the said period of six months, that the costs for permanent care shall then be as I e prOVided for in Section 1 of this ordinance. SECTION 3. It shall be hereafter unlawful to hold any funeral services on the first day of the week commonly called Sunday, or on the holidays kno\m as: New Year's Day, January 1; Memorial Day, W~y 30; Independence Day, July 4; Christmas Day, December 25; or on the day designated as Thanksgiving day, prOVided, however, should an emergency exist, funeral ser- vices may be held on any Sunday or legal holiday if authorized and directed by the City Physician. ORDINANCE NO. 2063 (CONtT) SECTION 4. The Oi ty of Grand Island is hereby pro- hibited from engaging in the storing, setting up or taking down of any tents, devices or other burial equipment for any persons, firm, or corporation whatsoever, unless any Mortician or Undertaker, firm or partnership thereof desiring to store his equipment en the premises of the Grand Island Cemetery and desiring the services of the City in setting up and taking down of said equipment, shallenter into an agreement with the City of Grand Island whereby said persons, firm, or corporation undertakes to pay the City of Grand Island for such service the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars for each and every funeral other than for persons up to 6 years of age provided this equipment is not used in the burial of said persDns up to 6 years of age. Other than for the inter- ment of pe rsons up to 6 years of a ge the charge of Ten ($io .00) I Dollars shall be made for each and every funeral and said con- tract shall provide the time of payment of said sum. Said contract sha1l include au ch other provisions as m.ay be nec- essary to adequately protect the City of G~atld Island from any liability or ref(lDnsibili ty whateve I' in connection with the storage and use of said equipment. The contract shall be subject to the approval of the W~yor and City council. SECTION 5. Any person, firm or association violating I e the prOVisions of Section 3 of this ordinance, or who shall fail to pay the charge provided for in Section 4 hereof, shall upon conviction be deen:ed guilty of a misdemeanor and be fined in any sum not exceeding One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars and shall stand committed to the City Jail until lJuoh tine and cost s are paid. SECTION 6. The charges for grave openings to be paid to City of Grand Island from and after the passage of this ordinance shall be as follows: ;for adults' , $17. 50 ; ~ for persons aged 6 to 12, $10.00; 1. for persons ~~~er 6 years, $3.00 and the City Clerk is hereby d:i.rected to collect such charges. ORDINANCE NO. 2063 (OONT) SECTION 7. Said original Section 4 of Ordinance No. 1275 and said original Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1275 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island# Nebraska# be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 8. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage# approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 2:r;'vz!L, day of }~7 1946 . ~ ATTEST: ~~ I I e /'" <..,( ::1>0 (. . ORDIN~fCE N04 Z064 An ordinance creating Water Main District No. 101 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundarie s thereof, providing for the laying of a water main in said district, and providing for the payment of the cost of construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLMJD, NEBRASKA~ a SECTION 1. That there is hereby created water main distr:i.ct in the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Water Main District No. 101 of said Oity. SECTION 2. The water main in said district shall be laid in and consist of that part of Kirooall Avenue from Oklahoma Avenue to Bismark Road. SECTION 3. Said water main in ~aid district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing water mains heretofore I established by the City. SECrrION 4. That the entire cost of constructing said water main shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of construction of said district as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows, to-wit: One-fifth of the tot al amount shall become delinquent in fifty days after such Thvy; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; one-fifth in four years. EaCh of said install- ments except the first shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the time of the aforesaid I e levy until they shall become delinquent, and after the same becone delinquent, interest at the rateof nine per cent per annum shall be paid thereon until the same be collected and paid; such special taxes shall be collected and enforced as in cases of other special taxes~ and said special tax shall be a lien on sa:i.d real este:lia from and after the date of the levy thereof. OHDINANCE NO" 2064 (CON' T) SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by la.w. Passed an d approved this 7th day of August, 1946. ?I~~~ a,or ATJiT' S~ ~ Clerk I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2065 An ordinance vacating a small irregular tract of land lying in Evans Street; authorizing the sale of that part of said street so vacated to Frank S. Kosmiski, and stat ing the terms of said sale; provi ding for the giving of notice to the electors of the City of Grand Island relati ve to the sale thereof and providing for the filing of a remonstrance against said sale. WPEREAS, in order to square up and provide for a full lot, Frank S. Kosmiski of the City of Grand Island, Nebr- aska, has requested the City of Grand Island to vacate a small piece of ground now lying in Evans Street and the. said Frank S. Kosmiski has offered to purChase said land in oroer to have and provide a full lot, and I WBI<:HEAS, the vacating of that part of Evans Street will in no way interfere with Evans Street as established or the use, main tenan ce and ope rat i on ther eo f. NOW, THEREFOHE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE NIAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That that part of Evans Street hereinafter described be and the sarre is hereby vaca'b:ed: A tract of land lying east and adjacent to Fractional Lot One (1), Block Two (2), Evans Addition to the City of G~and Island, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 117 feet south of the northeast corner of Fractional Lot One I e (1), Block Seven (7), Lambert's Addition to the City of Grand Island, going southeasterly along the east line of Fractional Lot One (1), projected a distance of 15 feet, thence southwesterly at right angles a distance of 18 feet, t hen northeaster ly along the east line of Fracti onal Lot One (1), Block Two (2), Evans Addition to the City of Grand Is- land, a distance of 21.3 feet thence easterly along the line between Lambert's and Evans Additions a distance of 19.1 feet to the place of beginning. ORDINANCE NO. 2065 (CaN'T) SECTION 2. That that part of said street so vacated and descl'ibed in Sect ion 1 of this Ordinance be and the same is hereby authorized:, ordered and dir- ected sold to Frank S. Kosmiski. SECrrrON 3. The terms of the sale of that part of said street so vacated are as follows: The P'U?=,chaser, Frank S. Kosrniski has agreed to pay therefore the total sum of $10.00 and has further agreed to pay all costs in connection with the publication of this ordinance and any and all other costs in connection with the sale and conveyance thereof. The City shall not be required to furnish an Abstract of Title. SECTION 4. As provided by law, notice of such sale and the terms thereof shall be published for three I consecutive weeks in the Grand Island DailY Independent, a newspaper published in and of general circulation in the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, immediately after the passage and publication of thiJ ordinance; and the City Clerk is her eby directed and instru cted to prepare and publish said notice. SECTION 5. Authority 1s hereby granted to the electa's of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to fi 1e a remonstrance against the sale of the within described real estate; and if a remonstrance against such sale signed by legal electors of said City equal in number to thirty per cent (30%> of the electors of the City of Grand ISland, I e voting at t he last regular election held in sat d Oi ty be filed with the Mayor and City Council within thirty days after the passage and publication of this ordinance, such property shall not then, nor within one year thereafter be sold. SECTION 6. The s ale of said real estate is hereby directed, authorized and confirmed; and if no remonstrance be filed against such sale, the Mayor and City Olerk shall ORDINANCE NO.. 2062 .__( CONI T) make, ex~cute and deliver to Frank S. Kosmiski, a Qui t Claim Deed for sai d property and the execution of said Deed is hereby authorized without further action on behalf of the City Council. SECTION 7. This ord:i.nance shall be in force and take effect from and after ita passage approval and publication as provided by law. Pas sed and approved thi a 7th day of August .1 1946. ATTEST: a?~c~~- I I e I I e e;: (" t) ", t " ORDINANCE NO. 2066 An ordinance levying taxes in the City of Grand Islandl Nebraska, for the fiscal year commencing with the Second N~n- day in August, 1946, and ending the Second Monday in August, 1947, and providing for the coilil~ction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRA:'KA: SECTION 1. l]:lhat there is hereby levied, and thesane shall be collected in the manner provided by law, upon all property, real, personal and mixed of every kind and char- acter, within the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the fiscal year cowrencing on the second N~nday in August, 1946, and ending on the second Monday in Augustl 1947, on each dollar of the actual valuation of said property, taxes as follows, and for the following purposes. The sum of nineteen mills for all general and all other municipal expenses. The sum of Three ($3~O) Dollars on each and every ma1e resident of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, between the ages of twenty-one (21) and fifty (50) years, ezoopt such as are by law exempt as a poll tax. SECTION 2. The City Clerk of t he Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the Cou nty Clerk of Hall County, Nebraska, t;he amount of said taxes, and the same shall be collected in the manner J provided by law. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this ~th day of A:2' S~ ~ Clerk 46. , ,!,i i,A",/ /-;/'~,L ORDINANCE NO!.. 2067 Being the annual appropriation ordinance of the City of Grand Island, N@braska, for the ensuing fiscal year, commencing on the second Monday in August, 1946, and ending on the second IVionday in August, 194'7. BE IT ORDAINED BY fl'Im: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CrEY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRA~ SECTION 1. That the sum of $36,65'7.50 is her'('>by appro- priated for the Bond Fund for the following purposes: To pay tnterest on Refunding Bonds in the principal sum of $115,000.00, bearing interest at the rate of 1 1/4% per annum in the sum of $1,43'7.50. I To pay interest on Refunding Bonds in the principal sum of $34,000.00, bearing interest at the rate of 1 3/4% per annum in the sum of ~~595.00; To pay interest on City Hall Bonds in the principal sum of $'75,000 bearing interest at the rate of 1% per annum in the sum of $625.00; To retire twenty-five City Hall Bonds each in the prin- cipal sum of r~l,OOO.OO the sum of $25,000.00, and to retire nine Refunding Bonds each in the principal sum of $1,000.00, the sum of $9,000.00. SECTION 2. That the sum of $3,366.12 or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund for the purpose of paying the County T",easurer of Hall County, Nebraska, for collecting and remitting taxes to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. That the sum of $133.88, being the unexpended balance I e in the County Treasurer Fund, is hereby l~e-appropriated for the en suing fi scal ye ar. SECTION 3. That the sum of $15,161.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund for the purpose of paying the salari~s of the City Officer s including the Mayor, eight Councilmen, Clerk, Treasurer, Phy- si cian, Att orneys, Jani tor, Weighmaster, and Bacteriologi st for the ensuin,g fiscal year. ORDINANCE NO.. 2067 rJ CON' T) That the unexpended balance in said fund in the sum of $1,839.00 is hereby re-appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SECrrrON 4. That the sum of $15,939.63 is hereby appro- priated out of the GenAral J:tunc1 to pay the salary of the Ci ty Engineer, Assistant City Engineer, Building inspector and all other assistants of said Department, and all expenses of operating his office. That the unexpended balance in said fund in the sum at' $60.37 is hereby re-appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 5. rrhat the sum of $43,023.05, or so rwch thel'eof as may be nece s sary, is hereby a ppropria ted ou t of the General Fund for the purpose of paying the incidental expenses of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the ensuing fiscal year, including milk testing, election expenses, building and equip- ment, and for such other purposes as the N~yor and City Council I may deem necessary for the benefit and welfare of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. That the unexpended balance in said fund in the sum of $1,976.95 is hereby re-appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year · SECTION 6. That the sum of $13,192,.94, or so rwch thereof as may be necessary, is herAby appropriated out of the General l~nc1 for the purpose of paying the expenses of the Street and Alley Department s, including care, cleaning, mending, flu slling, s prinklin g, repairs, laying sidewalks, opening street sand alleys, purchase of tools and implements and machinery, s:iLary of Street Comr~ssioner, labor, and all other expenses incidental to and pertaining to the upkeep of the care of the streets and I e alleys. That the sum of $7,557.06, being the unexpended balance in the Streets and alleys fund, is hEU'l~by n~.""a;plpropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. That all money received by the City from the Gasoline Tax Fund, estimated to be the sum of $6,371.40 is hereby appropriated for the use of the Street and ~lley Department to pay for repairs and maintenance of the Streets and Alleys. ORDINANCE NO~ & 20Q.2..._( CON1 T) That the sum of $1,928.60 in the gas tax fund is hereby re-appropriated for the maintenance, construction or rep~ing of streets and alleys for the ensuing fiscal year. That the cash on hand in the Treasurer1s Account to the credi t of said gas tax fund is hereby appropriated for said fund, said sum being $4,9'50 .00. That in addition to the amount hereinbefore appropriated for the Street and alley Fund, an addi tional sum of ~p25,000 .00 is her:by appropriated for the purpose of constructing, 1"e- pairing, and maintaining streets and alleys, said sum to be expended as the Council fMY hereafter direct when labor and materials for such construction and repairs are available. SECTION 7. rrhat the sum of ~i;lO ,968.13 is hereby appro- priated out of the General Bund for the Airport Fund for the I purpose of paying the expense of maintaining, equiping and operating the N.lunicipal Airport, and paying all expense in connection with said Airport, including salaries and labor. That the sum of i~3l.87 , be:i.ng the unexpended balance in the Airport Fund is hereby re-appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. That the r6yenUeS r ecei ved from the ope:rait;ion of the C 'd ~ d ~ Municipal Airpol't of the ity of Crran slan, ebraska,are here1?Y appropriated for the purpose of paying the expenses of operation of said l'i.ftmicipal Airport, j.ncluding salaries and all incidental expenses in connection with the operation, main- tenance and enlargem9n t of said IVlu nicipal A:Lrport. SECTION 8. That the sum of $40,652.91 or so much thereof I e as 111-'1Y be necessary, :i.s hereby appropriated out of the General Fund for the purpose of paying for the extension of sewers and drains other than those elsewhere herein provIded for, and fo:r the operation of the Disposal Plant, salary of the Superintendant and all other labor and reap,irs, incidental to flu sihi g sewer's and repairing sewe rs and expenses incidental to t[le operation of the Di spo~s~l Plant of the City of Grand ISland, Nebraska. OB.DINANCE NO. 2067 (CON'T) 'rhat the sum of ~~1,,347 .09, being the unexpended balance in the sewer fund is hereby re-appr'opriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SEC'l'ION 9. 'rhat the sum of t~lO ,,529.94 or so lYl.L1ch thereof as may be necessary" is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund for the payment of the expenses of lighting streets,a11eys public grounds and bui Idings of the City of Grand Island ,Nebr- aska, including the erection of new lights and repairs. That .the unexpended balance in said fund :i.n the sum of $470.06 :is :hereby re-appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 10. That the sum of $5,295.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is herallY appropriated out of the General Fund for the purpose of paying the hydrant Service for the ensuing year. That the unexpended bala1ce in said fund in the sum of I $5.00 is hereby re-appropria ted for the ensu ing fi scal year'. SECTION lOA. 'l'hat the sum of ~i)5,106.37 is hereby e.PPl'O- priated for the Sto:om 8ewer Fund for the purpose of maintaining, repairing, constructing, and extending storm sewers of the City of Gr and Is]. an d, Neb I' a s 1m . That the unexpended balance in said fund :i.n the sum of $34,893.63 is hereby re-appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SEC'TION 11. '1'hat the sum of ~p5,502.l3 or so lYl.L1ch thereof as may be nece ssary, is hereby appropriat eOt out 0 f the General Ei'und for the purpose of payj_ng tbe salary of the superintendant and all necessary help and all Jabor, and all necessary expense for' the operat:i.on and maintenan ce of the Municipal Swimming I e Pool. That the unexpended balance in said fund in the sum of ~;997 .87 is her eby re-arJpropriated. rrha t t.he reven'Ll es 1'e cei ved from the operati on of t. he Municipal Swimming fool are :bereby appror)J~iated for trle purpose of paying the expense of operation of said IV1unicipal SWimming Pool, including -salaries and all inc1dental expenses, and labor in connection wi ththe operation I maintenance and repairing of sai.d Municipal Swimming fool. ORDINANCE NO. 2067 (CONlT) SEC'l'ION 12. That the sum of ~1;28,422 .49 or so :tm.:lch thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appI'opriated for the purpose of maintaining, extending, improving and beautifying the parks and play grounds of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of pure'hasing such real estate as the Mayor and Gi ty Council may deem necessary or advantageous, and for the purpose of paying salaries, labor and repairs. rrhat the sum of ~t1577 .51, being the unexpended balance in the Park l<\md, is hereby re-appropriated for the ensuing fi seal year. SEC1'ION 13. rrhat the sum of ~~15,6l1.l5, or so much tbereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the police rund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying salaries of the Police Departnent and Police J"udge and all expenses of the Police Department, inclucll.ing care and expenses of the Department, Board of Health and Secretary I of the Board, and all expenses of said Board of Health for the ensuing year. Tha t the unexpended balan ce in saiG!: fund in the sum of ;!pl,095.43 is her3by re-appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. That the estimated miscellaneous receipts of $3,993.42 is hereby appro prim ted for the en suin 0" fi scal year. 'l'"hat the estimated receipts 01'$21,000.00 in the Parking Nete I' Bund, being tbe revenue received from parking l1l.lSters is hereby appropriated for the use and benefit of the Police FUnd. That the cash on hand in the Treasurerl s acc au nt to t:he credit of said policeF'und is hereby appropriatEld for said I e fund, said sum being *p2G,300 .00. SECTION 14. That the sum of ~;52,248.02, or so :tm.:lch thereOf as maybe ne ce ss ary, is hereby appropriated for the Fire Fund for the purpose 0 l' payin g the salarie s of the City Fireman,Chief and Assistant Chief of the Fire Departrrent, pllrchase of such new equipment and all other expenses and rep~lrsnecessary in the operation of the Fire Departnent. ORDINANCE NO. 2067 (C(lN'T) That the unexpended balance in said~\:md in the sum of $6,456.98 is hereby re-appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. Estimated receipts :t"eoeU.ved from ambulance service in the sum of $1,675.00 are hereby appropri.ated for the use of the Fi re De par tment . rl'hat the cash on hand in the 'rreasurerl s account to the credit of said Fire Fund j.s her {:'by appropriated for said fund, said sum being $13,500.00. SECTION 15. That the sum of ~~13,808.24, or so much ther80f as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the Cenetery ltund for the PUl'pose of paying the salaries of too Caretaker and all help needed, labor, improvements, expansions, beautification, and maintenance of the Grand Island cemetery, and to purchase more ground if needed. I '0 That the sum of ~)20,173.76, being the unexpended balance in the CemeteryFund, is hereby re-appropriated, for t he ensuing fi seal year. Ihat the estimated receipts for the year 1946-1947 inthe sum of ~~6,718.00 received from the sale of lots, opening graves, and other charges at the cemetery are hereby appropriated for the use of said cerretery fund. SECTION 16. r~at the sum of ~pll,435.73 is hereby appro- priated for the Paving Fund for the purpose of paving streets and alleys, intersections, spaces opposite publiC buildings and grounds, and for the repairing of streets, and alley pavement s. I e That the unexpended balance in said J:lund in the sum of ;1>3,564.27 is hereby re-appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 17. That the SJm of $3400.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the Music Fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying for tbe expenses of vocal, instrumental, and amusement organ- izatjons for the free, public concer.ts, festivals, parades and entertainments. That the unexpended balance in said Fund in the sum of ~~1250 .00 is hereby re -appropriated for the en auin g fi scal year. ORDINANCE N04 2067 (C~Nt T) SECTION 18. That the sum of $11,,767.48 or so nD.;lch thereof as may be necessary" is hereby appropriated for the Library Fund for the purpose of paying the expenses of the Public Library, including salaries, repairs, purchase of books and fariodicals" and all other expenses, incidental to and in connection with the Library for the ensuing year. That the estimated receipts for the ensuing fiscal year in the sum of $982.52 is hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. That th e cash on hand in the Treasurer's ac cou nt to the credit of said Library Fund is hereby appropriated for said fund, said sum being $3,,250.00. SECTION 19. 'I'hat the sum of $8 ,,262 .24 is hereby appro- priated for the purpose of paying pensions to retired City Fi :remen as by law provided. I SECTION 20. That the revenue received from the operation' of the Ice Department of the City of Grand Isl and, Nebraska, is hereby appropriated for the ~lrpose of paying expenses of the ope ration of the said Ice. Department, including salaries" and all incidental expenses in connection wi.ththe operation" main- tenance, repairing and enlargement of said Ice Department. SECTION 21. That the revenue received from the operation of the Water and Light Departrrent of the City of Grand Island, NebraSka, is hereby especially appropriated by the laws of the State of Nebraska, for the use and benefit of said Department, and no appropriation for said Department is made her ein. SEcrrION 22. This ordinance shall be in force and take I e effect from and after its pass age, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved' this 8th day of Augu st" H) 46 . ATTEST: , . ;; / ~.r~ C1 ty lerk . ORDINANCE NO. 2068 An ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for tile paving of the streets in said district and the assessment and collection of the costs thereof. i3l<; 1'1' OHDAINJi:D i:3Y 'Ii BE MAyon AND CITY COUNCIL OF' rnm CIT'Y OF' GnAND ISLAND, NEBHASKA: SEGT'ION 1. T'hat there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Pavj.ng District No. 100, of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. The paving 1n said district shall be laid in the all~ and shall consist of that part of said alfy lying between 1st Street and 2nd Street, and shall extend from Pine street to Sycamore Street. SECrn:ON 3. Said all1r in said paving district is I hereby o:rc1ered paved as provided by law, and in accol'dance with the plans and specifications governing paving dis- trict s as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be 16 feet in width. SECTION 4. That authority is hel'eby granted to the owners of the record title, repJ'0senting a ma,iority of the ahutting property owners in said district, at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file 1/vitb the City Clerk, within twenty days from the first publicr:l.tion of the notice c:r.'eating sai.d District, a8 provided by law, written objections to paving of said district. SBC'I'ION 5. 'l'hat authori ty is ber'eby granted to the I e owners of the record title, representing a ma.io:t'ity of the abutting property owners, within said district, to file with the City Clerk, within the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in the paving of said all1r. If such owners shall fail to designate the material they desire to be used in said paving district, as provided for ahove, and within tbe time provided for by law, the Mayor and City council shall determine the ma teria1 to be used. o l <I> IN AN C E }II o. .206.8_________ (C ON ' 'I' ) SECTION 6. That the costs of paving in said d1s- trict shall be assessed against the lots and tracts of land es peci ally bene fi t ted hereby, in propol~t j on to 8U ch fjenefits to be determined by the Mayor and City Council as provided by law. SECTION 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect f:r'om and after' its passage, apDroval and publication as provided by law. Pas s ed and approved t hi s 21st..__ day of Augu 8t, 1946. Nr T EST1 : ~~~ I I e OHDlJU-i.NCB NO. 2069 An ordinBnce creating a paving district in the City of GrBnd Island, Nebraska, definina the boundaries thereof, providing for the paving of the streets in said district and the assessment and collection of the costs thereof. BE I'l' 0.JJAH:I<.:D BY 'rBE V:AYOR ArD CI'rY COUNCIL, OF 'rBE CD"Y Ob' GHAND ISLAND, NEBHASKA: SEC'I'ION 1. '1'hat there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving District No. 102, of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. ~he paving in said district shall be laid in JOf1D street and shall extend fr'om the vwst property line of Jackson street to the east property line of Monroe Street. SECTION 3. Said streets in said paving district are herebv ordered paved as prOVided by law, and in accordance I with the plans and specifications governing paving dis- tricts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be 36 feet in width. Si;;C'I'ION 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record ti tIe, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district, at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file with the City C Ie rk, 'Ni thin twent y days from the first publicat ion of the notice creating said District, as provided by law, written objections to paving of said district. SEC'I'ION 5. 'l'hat authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, repr'esenting a ma."iori.ty of the I e abutting property owners, within said district, to file with the City Clerk, within the time provided by law, a petition for t fJ e use 0 f a par tic 1..1 1 a I' ki n d 0 f mate r l a 1 t 0 b e use din the pavin~ of said streets. If such owners shall fail to desirmate the material they desi.re to be used in said paving district, as provided for above, and within the ti.me pro- vided fOl' by law, the Ivlayor and City council shall determine the mate rial to be used. onDINANCt~: NO,. 2069 (CONIT) SECTION 6. That the costs of paving in said district shall be assessed against the lots and tracts of land especially oenefitted hereby, in prop01't;ion to such bene- fits to be determined by the Mavor and City Council as provided by law. SEcrrION 7. 'Ihis ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved thiS2~# 1946. -:;rv AT'TES'l' : ~{~ I I e I I e 7/ () (:, '} ORDINANCE NO. 2070 An ordinance creating Sewer District No. 205 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a sewer in ;s;~id dis- trict and providing for the payment of the cost of the construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a Sewer District of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Sewer District No. 205 tin the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said sewer shall be laid in the alley between Division Street and Yund Street and shall extend from Plum Street to Cherry Street in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 3. Said sewer in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing sewer districts, as heretofore established by the City. SECTION 4. That the entire cost of construction of said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied against the abutting property in said district to pay for the cost of constructing said sewer, as soon as the cost can be as- certained said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows: One-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days from date of the levy thereof; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four years. EaCh of said installments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the date of the levy until they become delinquent; and after the same becomes delinquent, interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum shall be paid thereon until the same is collectedand paid; said special taxes shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy. ORDINANCE NO. 2070 ~ (CONtT) SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by three-fourths vote of all members of the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, this 21st day of August , 1946. ,;y cVJ~ y:f;;(~~,~~~~ ATTEST~ ~h 01 ty Clerk I I e /' t~~ \ 1~ /) .,)/'t> " ORDINANCE NO. 2071 An ordinance creating Sewer District No. 206 of the Oi ty of Grand Island, NAbraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a sewer in said dis- trict and providing for the payment of the cost of the construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY TEE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF TBE OrI'Y OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is, hereby created a Sewer Dis- trict of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Sewer District No. 206 in the City of' Grand Island, Nebraska. I SECTION 2. Said sewer shall be laid in the alley between HUston Avenue and Grand Island Avenue and shall extend from Forrest Street to Capital Avenue in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 3. Said sewer in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law an~ in accordance with the plans and specifioations governing sewer dimricta, as heretofore established by the City. SECTION 4. That the entire cost of construction of said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in said distriot, and a tax shall be levied against the abutting property in said district to pay for the cost of constructing said sewer, as soon as the cost can be as- certained said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows: One-fifth of the total amount I It shall become delinquent in fifty days from date of the levy thereof; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four years. EaCh of said installments, exoept the first, shall draw interest at the r ate of seven per cent per annum from the date of the levy until they become delinquent; and after the same becomes delinquent, interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum shall be paid thereon until the same is colleoted and paid; said special taxes shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy. ORDINANCE NO,. 2Q71 . (CONI T) SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by three-fourths vote of all members of the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, this 21st day of August , 1946. ATTEST: ;7~ S ~ i ty Clerk I I e I I e ~ (;. <f 7"~' ORDINANCE NO~2072 An ordinance creating Sewer jl istrict No. 207 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a sewer in said dis- trict and providing for the payment of the cost of the construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a Sewer Dis- trictof the City of. Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Sewer District No. 207 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said sewer shall be laid in th~ alley between Fourt~enth Street and Fifteenth Street and shall extend from Oak Street to Vine Street in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 3. Said sewer in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing sewer districts, as heretofore established by the City. S~CTION 4. That the entire cost of construction of said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in said d~trict, and a tax shall be levied ~gainst the abutting property in said district to pay for th~ cost of constructing said sewer, as soon as the cost can be as- certained said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows; One-fifth ~f the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days from date of the levy thereof; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two wears; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four years. Each of said tnstallments, except ~be first, shall draw interest at the rate 0& seven per cent per ahnum from the date of the levy until they become delinquent; and after the same becoroos delin.quent, interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum shall be paid thereon until the same is collected and paid; said special taxes shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy. ORDINANCE NO.. 2072~J CON' T) SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force a nd take effect from and after its pa.ssage, ap proval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by three -fourths vote of all members of the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, thi s 21st day of . , ;1.946. ATI'EST: ?~S~ Oi ty Clerk I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2073 An ordinance creating special sewer district No. 208 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boo ndaries thereof, providing for the laying of a sewer in said distr:tct, deacribing the manner in wh:tch the same shall be la:td, and providing for the payment of the cost of the construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OVrFJE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a special sewer district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Sewer District No. 208 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. That sa:td sewer shall be laid in St. Mary's I Street extending from Nebraska Avenue south to W:tndolph Avenue; thence west in Windolph Avenue from St. Mary's Stl'eet to Sylvan street; thence south in Sylvan Street from Windolph Avenue to Hedde S~et, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,and shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land directly adjacent ther eto, bounded as aforesaid, and within said district. SECTION 3. Said sewer in said sewer district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law, and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing the construction of sewers as her,etofore established by the City of Grand Island, ~ebraska. SECTION 4. That the entire assessable cost of construction of said sewer in said district shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied to pay for the assessable cost of construction of said sewer in said district, as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said I e special sewer district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law, and shall be collected in the manner provided by law; provided, however, the City Treasurer shall not collect or certify the amount of said taxes to the County Treasurer of said Hall County, Nebraska, on any of the property in said district until ordered to do so by a resolution of the City Council. Permission shall be granted however, to the owners of any of the property in said district ORDINANCE NO. 20?3 (CONtT) to pay the taxes to be levied and assessed against any of said property, as shall be determined by the Oi ty Engineer of said City, whenever such person shall desire to tap or con- nect with said sewer main, without interest, provided, however, such permission shall have been granted before the City Treas- urer has been ordered by the City Council to collect the same. It shall be made the duty of the Ci ty Engineer to collect the special taxes to be levied and assessed as a tapping charge against the property in said di strict, until the City'l'reasurer shall be ordered to collect the same. The sewer in said dis- tri ct shall not be tapped and no connection shall be made there- wi th for the purpose of serving any of the property in said di stri ct wi thout a permit therefore, as provided by the ordin- ances of said City, and until the City Engineer shall have been paid the special tax to be levied and assessed as tapping I charge, and the person, firm, association or corporation, tap- ping or connecting with said sewer without first having obtained a permit therefor, and without having first paid the tax to be levied and assessed, shall i~mediately become liable to the City to pay the samB, and the special tax shall immediately become a lien on the property served and shall draw interest at the rate .of seven per cent per annum, and shall be collected and enforced by the Oi ty Il'r easurer of the Ci ty of Grand Island, as in the case of other special taxes. SEOTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by !haw. I e Passed and approved by a three-fourths vote of all the members of the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebr- aska, this 21st day 0 f Au gu st, 1946. ATTEST: ~c~~ . . ~~ Mayor ~= ORDINANCE NO. -.aQ21:.~__.___"...__ An ordinance creating Sewer' Distr:tct No. 209 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thepeof, providing for tbe laying of a sewer in said ell st:t':lct and prov:ldinp; fop the paYJ118nt of the co st of the construc tioD ther"eof. Bl~ n' ORDAIVED J3"Y 'l'EE NJAYOH. AND 01'1"Y COUNCIL 01:" 'rEE CI'I'Y OF' GHAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA; SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a Sewer Distri~ of tbe City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to rJe known as Sewer Di8t3:'1ct l'~o. 209 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SEC'I'ION 2. Said sower shall be 1 [ud in the alley betweEn! Lafaye tte Avenue and l\ru se Avenue, and shall extend from 'l'hiI'- teenth Street to Sixteenth Street, in the City of Grand Island, I NebrasJm. ~ECTION 3. Sqid sewer in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with~the plans and specifications govern:ing sewer districts, as he:('etofore estab- lished by the City. SECTION 4. 'Chat the entire cost of constru:ction of said sewer' sr'al1 be assessed against the abutting property in said. district, and a tax shall be levied against the abutting pro- perty in said dlstl'ict to pay for the cost of constructing saJd sewer, as soon as the cost can be ascertained aatd tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows: One-fifth of trle total amount shall beCalm delinquent in fifty days from date of the levy thereof; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two "years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four I e year's. EaCh of said installments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from tbe date of the levy until they become delinq"uent; and after the sarne becomes delinnuent, interest at the rate of nine per' cent per annum shall be paid thereon until the same is collected and paid; said special taxes shall he a lien on said real estate fr"om and after the date of thelevy. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take ORDINANCE NO. -2.024.___( CONI 'r) effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved "by three-fourths vote of all merrJbel's of t)'lEi Oi ty Counci 1 of the City of Grand Is 1 and, Nebraska, tl'i s 21st day of August , 1946. A'L"I'EST: ~. S~ ~ ./. - City Clerk I I e ORDINAJ\OE NO. 207'5__.,____ An ordinance cl'cating Sewell Distl'lct No. 210 of the Cit, of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a sewer in said district and provloing for the payment of the cost of the construction tbor'Gof. BE I'l' ORDAINED BY THE JVIAYOH AND CITY COUl:CIL Of,1 'I'HE CITY OF' GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a Sewer District of the City of G:rand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Sewer DistI'ict No. 210 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SEC'l'ION 2. Said sewer shall be laid in the a11ey between Taylor Avenue and Custer Avenue, and shall extend from Cottage Street to Capital Avenue in the City of G-r>and Island, I!ebraska. SEC'l'ION 3. Said sewer in said di strict is flereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance withthe plans and I speci fi cations governing sewer districts, as heretofore es- tablishBd by the City. SECT'ION 4. '['hat the entire cost of construction of said 8e\l1'01" shall be assessed against the abutting property in said di strict, and a tax shall be levi ed against the abutting pro- perty in said district to pay for the cost of constructing said sewer, as soon as the cost can be ascel~tained said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interestas follows: One-fifth of tIle total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days from date of the levy thereof; one-fifth in one year; one-fi fth in two"'''' years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four years. Each of said insta11ments, except the first, s11all draw I e interest at the l~ate of seven per cent per annum from the date of thelevy until tlJey become delinquent; and after the same becomes delinquent, interest at the rate of nine Pel' cent per annum shall be paid trler80n until the same is collected and paid; said special taxes shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as pr ovided by law. OHDINAN CJ:!: NO. 2022__.___( CONtrI') Passed and approved b v t nree -fourths vote (1))f all me rrbe rs of the City Council of t:be City of Grand Island, Nebraska, tYds 21st day of August , 1946. ?~d;[ ~__,_~. ~-z<frt yv Ie r k \ KL"I' J~ .s 'I' : I I e o HD I Ii! Ah: G 1': ]\1 (). __2Q79._ __.._ an ordinance creating Sewer strict No. 211 of the Oity of' Gr8.nd Island, NAbraska, eJAfj.ning tbe b01H,df:l.:rios tllor'oof, pro vi eiirw; for the laying of a sowe:e in said district and pI'O- vioj foI' the payment of the cost of the constr'uction tC'eof'. rrl' Uh.D AIJ.\U..:D BY 'I'fLh '[OHAND 01'1'Y OUU:N OIL OF' 'Ii CITY Ul:jl GHAND ISLAND, l\:}'~BH/\.SKA: S~GTION 1. Thatthere is hereby created a Sewer District of t'lIe City of Grand Island, l~Abraska, to be known as Sewer' District No. ~ll in the City of Grand Island, ebraska. SJ~crI'ION :2.. Sat d sewe r shall be 1!3.id in t he aLley betvieen Pirst Street and Division Street and shall extend from the west property line of BlOCK li'ifteen, Asrlton Place Addition to tbe west property line of' Lot Six in aaid Hlock b'ifteen in i-~sbton .Place A'cJttion in the City of Grand Island, l,:ebraska. SEG'rrON 3. Sold seVier i:'1 Baid dls Lrict is llerAby oI'del'ed I laid a8 provided by 1aw and in accordance wi th the plans and specifications governing sewer districts, as heretofore es- tablished by the City. SECTION 4. That the entire cost of construction of said sewer shall he aS2esped against the abutting property in said district, and a tax sha11 he levied aga:inst the abutting pro- party in s;dd district to pay fop the cost of constructing said sewer', as soon as the cost can be asceptainec.'l said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows: One-fiftb of the total amount s:hal1 becon:te dOlinquc.mt in ili'ty days from date of the levy th'I'eof; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four I e years. Each of said installIi1ents, except tbe fi rat, shall draw interest at the rate of seven pel' cent per annum from the date of the levy unti 1 they be como delinquent; and aftel'; the same becoHes delinquent, inti'Y'c'st at th8 ~('a"be of nine per cent per a'OnU1(1 eball be paid t1H1'oon until the Sf~me is collected and Ilaid; said speciaJ. taxes shall be aLien on ., SR]_CI l~e al e at at e fr'om and after the date of the levy. SEC']:ION 5. rj;his o:r'cHnance shall bE:) in force and talw effect from and after its passage, app~rova1 anci pub 1i cation as provided I I e OHDIN AN GE 1'iO.. 2076 (GONIT) :by law. Passed and approved by tllree-fourths vote of all ll1embers of the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraskal th i s 4 th A'[lC["l 'ii' ~ 'Il ~ ,,",n... . ~ ~J_i.fi.____~._.__ GlFClel"k ortIDINlU~CJEl: NO. 2077 An 011dlnance creating Sewer Distri ct No. 212 of the City of G~and l~land, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, provjd.ing for th e laying of a seiNer :In s ai d d i stri ct and pro- viding for the payment of the cost of the construction tberoof. HE 1'1' OHDAINED BY. 'L'ElE JvrAYOH il.NIl CITY COUNCIL UIi' THJ~ CITY OtJ' GHAND I ;:3 LAND , rJEBr{ASKA: SECTION 1. 'rhat th(~rn js f1Gl'eby created a Sevier 1Ji8trict of the City of Grand Island, Neb:raska, to be known 8.S :3ewer Distr5ct No. 21~2 in the City of Grand Island, j'ear-aska. SECTION 2. Said sewer shall be laid in the alley between l~uby Avenue and CareyA.venu e and 1'3[18.11 extend from North Pront Street to Ci-EJo:r'p;e ~treet in the City of Cr-r>and Island, Nebraska. SEGI'ION 3. Said sewer in saj,o. district is bercby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance wit}" the plans und I speci f1 cati ons gove"ning seW8 r district s, as h(>,retofore es- tablished by the Cit',sr. SECTION 4. T~at the entire cost of construction of said sewex' fihal1 be aspesf1ec'l agaInst the abuttj.ng property in said district, and a tax shall be levied against tho abutt1ng pro- pe:rty in saiel district to pay for tlH'l cost of constrl_1cting said sewer, as soon 8S t~e cost can be ascertained said tax to become payable and d elj.nquent and draw interest as folloN S: One-fifth of the total amount f1J1.ell becorne delinauent in fffty days from date of tho levy thereof; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four years. .u;ach of snid inst811ments, except the fi 1'8t, shall (Iraw I e interest at the 1'a te e'f seven per cont pCI' annum f' "om tbe date of t)-l(' levy until t}y;y become delinquent; and after the same becortles delinql1erlt, interest at tbe rate of nine per cent Del' annum 8]:)nll be J;)cti.d th<<c on until t:he 8;J,me 58 collected and paie'!; said special taxes shal] be a lien on said real estate from and after tlJO de, te of tbe levy. SEC'1'ION 5. 'l'hif:l ordinance 2hD11 be in force and take effoct from and aftc;l' :'Lts passilge, approval and publication as prOVided by la w . OHDINANGJ<.: NO. 2077 (GONIT) Pas sed and clr)provecl by t h:r:'8 e-fou :ct:l:lS vote of all me 0 rs of the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, this 4th day nf ;38ptenibeJ:', 19':./6. A'rfrl,;Sfr ~ J~~.S~ --cltVClork------- --<---- I I e I I e cm,DINAHms NO. ___.2QI~_._ An ordJnance orcutt ~CWAr District No. 213 of n C it ',V 0 :C ::'3-1; {i Is nd, J\ell1?,3.,C!Jw., defiDinp; tbc bour"jaries G peof, F1'0vi(1inp;f'o, the lay:i g ()f 8. sewer in said 6 j stri ct pJ'O- V:iCJj~tl{~ 'for' tlJ8 ])D.ynlcnt o:e t:t1.;.j CCjst or t}Je nC)Ilst;x1'uet:to,{1 tl}(;l.'uOf. I'r ().tUJ A.I I\f }~;JJ tj v.' '111 .1~~ YOr\. .> CI;"j.I'Y' ClL U l" Ii GIL'Y () .,' CLCU"D I~LAi\jD, Ii Hi~~~n<j.u SECT'I01'[ 1. 'T:::" t tb r'e in rby cl'ented a Se\!'/l3r stJ1ict of t;:hc G:lt-;,! of Cr,.,and lfiland, , . f.-' e"n J: (-1 S H:~?, \.10' DC ln~JO\VD' [lS i.)eVJ8:r I):tstx-liet }.:o. ~::J...;:\ irl tll(:1 CIty o( d J.sland, De'brask:a. ~)j:~GrrI()rr 2. S~ leJ fleVJ(?,~e;::1 11 'be It:J.id. :11'1 t l-1,':':: cl11ey tietvv6'EJr2 Wale-'le) AVGl1U e I'il -,tverme Z:J.n(J 11 eyc f:com 3J.xtll clt Get tJ ["110l't Stroet :in tbo Ctty 01 e~rll1 I 81t:lrld, 1<!f;1J~r' r:tf:31~_rt. S}~CT'I()l,~ ;3. Se"lcl flCVJC;:C irl s,J.:lcl istl'ict is t.:erC:.1b;{ orderclc1 10.1 c1 :~" S f/t". ()vi. d od 'b:T ]. (J. VJ ?_11 c) :t n a. c c () :C'clr.lt1 C(J \;J it :LL HC, (~~.rl D rl!l d sriOG 5-. t'li c {} ti onE) c' Tin i 11 p_~ S GVJd ,(' d. iEJ t I~i c t s, 2tS }LC' -~c'n t() fo Lie t,? f)- tahl1 nr:t':d iiY City. ~)};CTIOl 11". f~e]--i_D~ t: tJ! e en t:t ~(le co s t ().e corJ S -l~T"U C t1 01J oJ" . ., s ]~ 0. E1 e"\/Ic:e all 1)0 assessod ap nst -t})O ttjne: }:D.'O rt,'l in sn.:Ld is"tr1_ct, [inti a t~x 8'~18]_1 hp vi. c:(l (.:I.e' ;--1:1. [) Ei t [~ eJ.btJ.t'cj"r1 01'0- ])0 r~t}/ i)1 f::~ (J I_"t i Eit:e :"L ct t 0 .L~)tl:{ rOT' l~'h_n co fj t- () f cO:r1 S ct:t.rl :::i sewer, as 800n 8S tbe cost can be ascert ,~ I-j said tax .Lo bOC(JhB payabJn DLe] d nq;i (~r1t Elnd. d.11tt"l}V l11t;Oll as 1~ollow[qZ une-fif"tll of l~ total EITnCiunt :J,j~ CeOinG d :tnC:ttlellt :i.n. fIft".\'" (Ja~ls ~[:eonl (3. .! -, 0 t~ t J.'. () l c: \r )..;- .-L~ o:f; ono-:f1.r-tl1 in 0110 year; c -ri ftrl in tV!O 8.rs; one-fif~th i.n tl"~oe al~n; ttnd. ()lle-fiftJl lr.tfo.LJ1't ;}(~ rt:c1 u . }~n_ c:h 0 f J fJ" j. t1 st n.. ~!, ~L F1f; l"1 t [] , }'.', C G t }J.ct'11r.1s"!,:;, ::-~1}2111 (l:r~l\}\i Jntcl'lQst tJ.t~ .(, X'c'3.tCJ ()f ~eVAn p8:~ C81J.t J< ~J.rl h 'Ll 111 f:Ci 0 tn. t li,(~ d. t~ e or .[] ~ .'_U f! arue 'l~ll t~i]" ;l G () L1'.-) cJ C 1 i II cru (~)}::! t ; rJ~C t (: J' .':.=; "1.")(,:, C t) " , :; ,~.) (~ \.) 11!:.Llurlf~, .., (:i t Ett; 'C; I'D. tc f n:i. pel" cell t :pr.) It f,l, n 1""1 'Ll 1n n }'.i.n,l J () petie) "L; ~~ tt Inn ~!:l (:: () 11lJ n .t~:1..1 l~ 1 f"~ co1:LciC ~ln eJ. r')cll d. ; snl(l nYJc:clnl '~~:~rj ._ r-)_ :l_ 1) (; n. J_:LO'YJ orJ. Ei ,~_~,1 d~ Tl C)D, L f_' ;~, L~:i:1 (> f1n d ::).rtc:;~e (., d_ l~ C :c Jovy. ~3I~Gi.It] 1.) . s 0 ~, 'Jtl CO S 1.1.'].=L ~l 'j') C'~ 11'1 :c OJ:' C () (l.Ll {J t ,~~l.}<C; -e ,f G (~t ::.. ;'1(') riL \:1 J~ t c.; ~l:' ~1. t S I) tl n E: a , rt ':~,'J 1/1"10 "\/ ell .~:,\r:' d. :pl~'h J.~:L C [J. t i 0 J.] t1 S eel -'r .J '"tv. .~) f:' f~ (, 1;: Cl~ Fe" F E~ f3.rrd ar)rn~()veJh~r t C;C-J """ 2078 ( G ()]\P l' ) Titl"i. D c u.f<j 4th Gity Council of the City of GranO :icilb.n.d, liCb:'D d~Cl~;r cf ::Jc: -',~;_; 1~3 i or: : Yflf'~ ' .~ '-7'1"';" --'-- ':'/ (J 1e l'l{ I I e ':':;"2, J.F) " ~ ;:.~ t;:.; , 8 o RD IN AJ:J C E NO. _...2.9...72--_ An ordlnance creatinp; Sewer District No. 215 of the C1 ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, de f:Lning the bound ari es t he1'00f, providing for tr18 laying of a sewer in said district and pro- viding for the payrrent of t'he cost of the construction thereof. BE 1'1' ()}{DAINED BY IJ.'HE MAYOR l\.ND GI'rY COUNCIL OF IJ.1HE CITY OF GRAliJD ISIJAND, NBBRASI\:A; SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a Sewer District of the City of Grand Island, NelJl"'aska, to be known as Sewer District No. 215 in tlie City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said sewer shall be 1aid in the alley of BlOCKS (.'orty-nine and Seventy-two, Original IJ.'own, and shall extend from Plum Stre8t to Crlerry Street, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECT'ION 3. Said sewer in said di strict is her,:;by ordered la1d as provided by law and in accordance with t he plan sand I specifications governing sewer districts, as heretofore es- tablished by the City. SECTION 4. That the entire cost of construction of said sewer shallbe aBSe sped against the abutt ing property in said district, and a: tax shall be levied !1gainst the abutting pro- perty in BRiO. c1istrict to pay for the cost of constructing said sewer, as soon as the cost can be ascert ained said tax to be come payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows: One-fifth of the total ammmt shall become deJ5nquent i.n fi.fty days from date of tbe levy thereof; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in tVI,1O ye 8.1' s; one -fifth in tn re e ye ars; and one -fifth in four years. Each of said installments, except the fj.rst, shall draw I e interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the date of tbe levy until they become delinquent; and after the same becomes delinquent, interest at the y'ate of nine per cent per annum sball be paid thereon until tbe S8rne is collected and paid; said speCial taxes shall be a lien on said real estate from and after tb e 0. at. e of the :p-evy. SEC'I'ION 5. This ordlnance shall be in fa rce and take effect from and after its passage, a!)proval and publication as frovided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 2079 (CONtT) Passed and appro ved by three-fourths vote of all members of tbe City CcrLlDciJ. of the City of Grand Island, j'8braska, this 4th day of Septenmer, 1946. .... b"'" A rrrl'}~srJ:.1 ~ ~wli~ -- 01 Clerk - I I e ORDINANCE NO. __,~Q?:Q_,_,___ An ordinance creating a paving dIstrlct and widening LOCllst St:P8et within the corpo~('ate limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, definjng the boundax'ies th8~('(~of, providing for tll(~) pavement, assessment and collection of t:he costs thereof. BE IT OJIDAINE:D BY THE frjAYOR AT\TD cn:IY GOD1\! GIL OF 'liRE CITY CP GHAl'JD ISLAND, NEBRASK.A; SEcrrION 1. 'l'hat there is }ier eb'7 ere ated a paving dis1r.ict in the City of Grand Ishmd, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Faving District No. 103. SIW'l'ION 2. That part of Lo C\l at Stre et in said paving distri ct extending from the south line of Anderson l~venu e to the sou th line of Nebraska Avenu e shall be widened and I that portion of said street lying between the present pav- ing thereof and the existing curb and gutteI' being approx- irnately nine (9) feet on each side of said street shall be paved, and shall include all lots, tracts and parcels of land lying ei:lst and west of said Locu st Street wi thin said Dj strict and abounded as aforesaid, to a depth of one hundred thi rty two (132) feet. I e SECTION 3. Sqid parts of Locust Street in said paving district are hereby ordel'nd paved as provided by law, and in accordance 'wit}, the plans and specifications goverring pavinf", as hC:t'8tofo"e establ:tsned by the City, said paving on said parts of Locust Street to be a total of thirty- six (36) feet in width, all paved from curb to curb, and p;utteI' combined. SBC'l'ION 4. That authority is herE~by granted to the OWneJ'8 of the T'ecord title representing a :rnStjori ty of the abutting property O\Nners in said district, at the time of' the enactment of this ordinance, to file vdth tbe City Clerk, within t'.,'Venty (20) days from the fjrst publlcation of the noti ce creating said d i st 1'5. ct, as r1rovided by law, written objections to the paving of said dlstrict. ORDH.IANCE NO. 2080 (CONI'r) SEC1'ION 5. 'rhat authority 113 :hereby granted to the owners of the record title repl'esentin,g a majority of the abuttingpropel~ty ovmers, v'!ithi.n said district, to file wi th the Cit y C Jerk, wi thin t be ti rne provided by law, a petition for the use of a particulFl1' kind of material to be used :tn the paving of said sty'eet. If such o'~mers shall fail to designate the l118.tel~ial they desire used in said :Go vin r: district, as p:rovided for above, and within th(~ ti rne prOVided by law, tbe Mayor and City Council slJalldetermine upon thA material to be used. SECTION 6. 'rhat the cost of paving said district shall be assessed avainst the lots, tracts and parcels of land especially benefj tted tb.e'~eby, in proportion to 1, b fot J.. h'" r'l t"" 0 nd by '~-'\.."'_"'_' M. y nd cot 8U Cl.' "enp.1 s, lJO '"" ':'. P,c rn]l tl'J . lJJ. \e; a, or a. 1 JY Gouricil, as prOVided by law. SEc'rION 7. 'l'his ordinance shall be in fO~r'ce and I take efr'ect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provid ed by law. Pas f!ed and appr oved t hi s 4th day of September, 1946 . :J '- ATTBST ~ ~~~~ ----~~~rk I e OHDINAFGJ:;; NO. _2Q~____ An ordinance appropriating and condenming private property in tr)o Gi tv of Grand 1sJ.8.nd, Nebraska" for the use of said Cj_ty for e nlar ge rrent of trle mu nici pal light and power plant as follows; to-wit: 'r:he Sou th sixty-six (66) feet of Lot One (1)" and the South Sixty-six (66) feet of trIe East twenty-tvVD (22) feet of Lot '1\1110 (2)" all i.n Block Party-two (42)" Or1.ginal 'II own , nON the Gi ty of Gr.g.nd Island, Hall County" Nebraska" and providing for the procedu I'e :tn appropI'i at inp; 8U cl) p1"1 vat e property" and repealing ordinance No. 2056 of the ordinances of the City of Gr an (.I I s land, Ne.br Rske.. WlJEHJ.:c:AS" the Mayor and Council of thf) 01 ty of Grand Island" NebT-aska" find tr'a t :i.t is Dece ss ary tnat pri vat e prope rty all wi-thin the said City" be appropriated and. condenmed for en- larr;ement of the rmmicipal light and power plant. NOW" rrH'-i;Tf8FOH:F;" BE IT' ORD1.usJl!W BY reI.IE MAYOE /\.ND 01 TY I C01TNCIL OF fi'IT!:<:; GI'I'Y OJ? GEAND ISLAND, KEBEASI\A: SECr[110N 1. 'That the roal property described as: '111.e S01.l th slxty-s:l. x (66) feet of Lot One (:1.), and the Sou th Sixty-six (66) feet of the East Twenty-two (22) feet of Lot rrv'!O (2), all in Block Forty-two (42)" Original 'fovm now tbe City of Grand Island, Hall County" Nebraska, be and. t't:18 same is l\oreby appropriated for the u 8e 0 f tbo 01 ty of G.l'and Island for thE' purpose of extending and en- larglng its murdcipal lirr,ht and pov/ex'plant undoX' and by '\ virtue of Sections ~6-601" I6-60m, and 16-603 of the Re- vised Stat1Jte s of 1-ob1'8.8ka" for. tr'(') year of 1943, and Section }':ine (9)" of AT,ticle Two (2) of the Hnm8 hule I e CbnrtAl' of the City of errand Island. SEG'TIION 2. 'rba t the follovv:t.:ng cUsinteJ~estedfJ:'ooholc1ers :in trio Oi ty of Grand 1 sland, l~ebraska, are }lerc)by D.ppointed to aP,8e2~; the damae;es accruing to t}':1 0 owner or 01NDers of the I'eal estate a:r'c] rle;bts npp:copr:t otod: C arlKn i c krohm ______~.___._".__.~..u. _._._,_...._._,._, --..._. ._..._._ c._.._---...___._.___--.-<__-_._.~_~ 1,[ a me 4:22 West Eip'hth St:t'eet ___________._.._._.._,_.___..w_,..._._._.___.._.... "._.. Adcl Y' ess C. li:,. Gru nd y ___._ . .". . ....+_.......~____..."tL_. __._~~>._.~_''*..,,_.__.....______ Yiame 1215 West Koenig Street ____._,~....__~_._,...__n..._>....-A_'''._......".._. ~___ _....' v_................. _.,--.,X.,. __._,_....."._.. ".......... _ ......~ Adelre ss 11. f['. By, own__~___,__.____.____ ------- Name 916 South Locust Street Ad dress'-----~-_.-.---..-_.. _.- ORDINA~CE NO. 2081 wlJO ariall receive as eompensEl.tion for their services the sum of Five (~5.00) DolJars per day for the time necessarily o ceD pliCd in a,c:8EJ sElin '1, saJd dl"H'1age s . Said aSBe s SOl'S shall J:1Jset :Ln tbe GouDeD. Ghamoe:t' of the City ]Ja11 in SEd d Gjt Y of errand Island, on trle 23rd day of October , J. 946 , at the hOla' of ~~ 0' clock r.Lli., and l1.fter taking oath to dis- cba:r.p;e tbt:;l I' c1'Lltie s fai thflll1y il.Dd impa:t'tiaD..y s}1all on tbe same day, or as soontrv~1>!3after as pr:?,ctjcal rnake, sivn end rotu I'D to the (;1 ty Clerk in vfI'l.ting a jus t. and faJ.r apPI'ai.se- mont of the damages for the lots and pieces of property, the v'lh01e or }Jart of wbi.ch or rigbts in "ii/bich are to be appro- pri ated . SJw:eION 3. Payment of tlee darnages for the appro"!:n'lation of saicl private proj)ertysball 1)(') paid Otj t of the surplu s funds belonging to t1'8 lirr,bt dopartment. I SgCf['ION 4. fJ"}-IHt ordinance No. 2056 of the or'd:inances of the City of G~and Island, ~ebraska, be and the same 18 berc1by repealed. SEGrL'10N 5. 'l'his orcHnar1ce sh.8.11 be jn force and take effect f}'om and after its passage, approval and publicat:i.on as prOVided by law. Pas Red nnd approved tlJi s 18th day of September 1946. '?J .~ '1")/"'.j<: <;.! 'r- 4-. ._\J.. . j/ # J~--d J ~ ---=--rJ1~;-V le I.'}, -- .. e} - - I e STATE OF NEBRASKA ~ COUNTY OF HALD ) ss CITY OF GRAND ISLAND ) ~ I.F.S.White,duly elected,qualified ~nd acting CltyClerk of the City of Grand ISland,Nebraska hereby certify the foregoing to be a true and correct copy of. Orldinance Number 2081 as pass ed by the Mayor and City Council of Grand ISland,Nebraska on the 18th day of September,1946 and said Ondinance was published in the Grand Island Daily Independent on the 20th day of September,1946. I FURTHER CERTIFY that on the 26th Illay ofSepte~ber,1946 a copy of said Grand Island Independent dated September 20,1946 was served on Mrs....Homer (Bet'tha) Bowen,1824 West Di visio,n street, Grand Island,Nebraska and at the time of making this delivery to Mrs.Homer Bowen her attention was called to Ordinance Number 2081 wh~ch was marked so as to call attention to this Ordinance, INWITNESS WHEREOF I set my hand and affix the official seal of the City of Grand Island,Nebraska this 21st day of September,1946. ft4/~ F.S.White, City Clerk. I I e I I e '-)"-J,, ,p'.' ORDINANCE NO '" 20~_ An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of construction of laving District No. 98 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of the paving in Paving District No. 98 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice haVing been given thereof, as Provided by law; each of the several lots, tracts and pgrcels of land is assessed a.s follows: NAME - LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUN~ GILBERT P. Ignowski & Domicella Ignowskl N! 1 13 Kernohan & Decker $270.27 Arthur NJattke & Lillian Mattke sl 1 13 Walter S. Schlick & Cece1ia C. Schlick W! 2 13 It 270.27 tt 115.83 tt 115.83 It 231.66 tt 540 .54 .. 231.66 tt 540 .54 .. 540 . 54 II 231.66 u 540 . 54 u 231.66 u 275.22 II 642.18 tt 38 .61 Jessie R. Paine John C. Freeland E-~ 2 7 8 13 13 13 John C. Freeland Arthur D. & Lulu I. Roberts 3 12 Dolly Coe 4 12 Ralph V. Shaffer & Mildred E. Shaffer 5 12 12 16 16 Mart ha Lemon B 6 1 2 Agnes W. Woodin-wife V. R. & Cece1 C. Chapman Robert S. Wenger & Helen D. Wenger 7 16 Ge 0 rge Cowton 8 16 George W. & Mildred L. Jelinek E lOt 3 17 ORDINANCE NO.. 2082 ~ Clayton Moore J CON'T) W 56' LOT BLOO~ADDITIO~ AMOUNT pau 1s. Eickhoff E 33' ErVin R. &: Emma Frances Ball W 33' 4 T. o. McLaughlin 5 Ida M. Denman 6 3 17 Kernahan &: Decker $193.05 4 17 17 17 17 It 1,1 II Martha L. Lemons &: Robert Otis Nielsen N 86' 1 6 Wasners Beatty F. &: Permelia F. Douthit S 46' 1 Wm. A. Reutlinger Rudolph Baasch Fr. Wm. E. &: Edna. May White W 13' 8 Minnie M. Anderson E 13' 8 W 39' 9 Minnie M. Ande:6son 2 3 Oharles L. &: Elizabeth A,. Torpey E. VI 13 t 9 6 I Charles L. &: Elizabeth A. Torpey 10 6 Benetta K. &: Olayton J.. Moore Ei r.-:3 Herbert F. &: Linda R. !Ia~r - wi Pr: 3 Herbe rt F. &: Linda R. Mayer fr-; 4 Pauline O. Spethman Pauline O. Spethman 6 W 17' 7 Mary E. O'Connor E 35' 7 Joseph Livingston 8 James D. &: Katherine Livingston 1 I e James D. &: Katherine Livingston . E~ 2 Janes W. &: Marybella Reed ifi 2 James W. &: Marybe1le Reed E~ 3 Lu ci11e Glover Lucille Glover Lu ci11e Glover Ei 8 9 10 3- 4 School Di strict ofGl. School District of G. I. 6 6 6 6 6 6 II tt " It u tt It I. It 206.17 334.36 642.18 275.22 306.38 163.89 210 .81 91.12 54.12 54.12 157 .79 92.65 558 .70 21 Kernohan &: Decka I' 137 .61 21 21 7 7 7 7 13' 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 It tI Wasmers II It It II II It II It I. It " It 137 .61 642.18 558.70 105.~ 144.95 108 .25 470.27 116..60 94.21 91 .12 91.12 210 .81 470 ,,27 91.12 2 10 .81 ORDINANCEi NO. 2082 NAME (CON'T) LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT School District of G. I. 5 School Dia tri ct of G. I. 6 School District of G. I. 7 SChool District of G. I. 8 Wm. R. & Irene Lott 1 RudOlph W. Bock 2 Edward Thomas Edwards & Vera Mabelle Edward s 3 Fred Harrison 8 Emil H. & Vernfta B. V1eregg 9 Clifford P. & Margaret Guiou 10 Irving S. & Esther M. Ul:rich 3 Robert F. & Edith V. Lagsding 4 Robert F. & Edith V. Lagsding E 4' 5 I otto E. Wagner Hattie Sharp 6 W 50'1 5 Raymond H. & Garnette Loucks 7 Charles F. Dryer 8 12 12 12 12 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 Emil S. & Edythe Mari e Lindquist 1 31 Dent Z. & Helen Holcomb 2 H. J. Bartenbach Estate 3 8 Henrietta V1er~8g Alma Keller, Diedrich Spethman, Marie J. Houck, Chas. Spethman 9 Anna Caballero .10 3 Harry & Mabel Hallstead F. Helen Spradling 4 I e Blanche Clara Orr & Eleanor Ella 01'1' S 60' 5- Claud A. & Mary Helen Brubaker N 72' 5 Helen, Chester C. & Marie M. Windolph 6 Helen, Chester C. & Marie M. Windolph ." Helen, Chester C. & Marie M. Windolph 8 31 31 31 31 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Waslhers 1.1 It It 1.1 It It It 1.1 .. u It It It /I II II It It II n It u ,I It It It II 1.1 It $470 .27 558.70 250 .,45 108 .25 558 .70 250.45 108 .25 108.25 250 .45 558 .70 108 .25 250 .,45 33.02 525.67 558 .70 250 .45 108 .25 470 .27 210.81 91.12 108 .25 250 .45 500 !l70 91.12 210.81 213.76 256.61 558.70 250.45 108 .25 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable ORDINANCE NO. 2082 (CON'T) and delinqu ent in the manner provided by law. SECTION 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to certi fy to the Oi ty Treasurer the amount of said taxes together with the instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 2nd day of~, 1946. October, ?I(f~ .ATTEST: ,~ , .~S~ Oi ty Cierk I I . I I e c "I} " "'"~,I t. ORDINANCE NO,. 2083 An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of construction of Sewer District No. 199 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORnAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 199 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said di strict by the Mayor and Ci ty Council of said City, sitting as a Beard of .Equalization after due notice having been given thereof, as provided by law; each of theseveral lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: l'IA ME Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT 2 2 Tucker's $ 94.41 Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Part Sec. 21-11-9 between Elm & Cleburn on south side of Anna St. 274 feet 397.05 Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Part Sec. 21-11-9 west side of G1eburn St. south side of Anna St. 85.4 feet 123.70 Harold Strasser Part Sec. 21-11-9, between C1eburn & Eddy, south side of Anna St. 188.6 feet 273.30 Harold Strasser Part Sec. 21-11-9 between Eddy St. & Clark, south aide of Anna. St. 264 feet 382.60 Carrie Momsen 1 17 Windolpht s 95.65 John & Anna C1au saen 2 17 It 95.65 John & Anna Claussen 3 17 tI 95.65 John & Anna C1au ssen 4 17 u 95.65 Hillbd & Evelyn Fisher, East 49' of E! of 16 Windolpht s 71 .00 Estate of He rtr.'y St ange West 83t of Ei of 16 Windolph' s120 .25 East it of wi of 16 Windolphts 95.65 Dan A. & Carrie D. Rasmussen West ~t of W~ of 16 Windolphts 95.65 Arthur Knuth ORDINANCE NO.. 2083 (CON'T) NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT G. I. & Wyoming Central Railroad Co., 6 2 So. Park G. I. & Wyoming Central Railroad Co., 7 2 t_ G. I. & Wyoming Central Railroad Co., 8 2 II G. I. & Wyoming Central Railroad Co., 9 2 II G. I. & Wyoming Central Railroad Co., 10 2 Rudolph N. Kuester Rudolph N. Kuester Ruaiph N. Kuester Rudolph N. Kuester Rudolph N. Kuester 6 7 8 9 10 I J. F. ~ Gladys F. Abrahamson 6 J. F. & Gladys F. Abrahamson 7 J. F. & Gladys F. Abrahamson 8 J. F. & Gladys F. Abrahamson 9 J. F. & Gladys F. Abrahamson 10 It 3 3 3 u $82.35 82.35 82.35 82.35 82.35 82.35 82.35 82.35 82.35 82.35 79.45 79.45 79.45 79.45 79.45 The Franciscan Sisterhood of Nebraska, Part of Sec. 21-11-9, 264 feet between clark & Greenwich, north side of Oklahoma Avenue 382.60 The Fran ciscan Sisterl1oodof Nebraska, Part of Sec ~ 21-11-9, 264 feet between Greenwich & Lincoln Avenue, north side of Oklahoma Avenue382.60 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and delinquent.in the manner provided by law. SECTION 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to II II 3 3 It certify to the City Treasurer the amount of said taxes II 4 4 4 4 4 II together with the instructions to collect the same, tt It II \I as provided by. law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take I e effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this ATTEST: ~tf~ , 1946. I I e -, /- ORDINANOE NO. 208Lc_ An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of construction of Sewer District No. 200 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY fEBE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THEC'ITY OF GRA1m ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the pu rpose of paying the cos t of construction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 200 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of said City, sitting as a Boa~d of Equalization after due notice having been given thereof, as provided by law; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME Paul J. & Etta Migot ~ BLOCK ADDTION AMOUNT 1 Lynn J. & Clarice Casteel Elizabeth Peterson 2 3 Cora Hiddleson Cora Hiddleson 4 5 George w. Burnet~ Gea> ge W. Burnett Fred Ke tchu m 6 LeRoy M. Wat son LeRoy M. Watson Amil J. & Sarah Belle McHugh Jack O. & Anna Chambe rs 7 8 9 10 1 2 Christen & Marianne Christensen 3 T. Cook & Edna Cook 4 T. Cook & Edna Cook Raymond & Cecilia Park Raymond & Cecilia Park John M. & Ocia G. Roach 5 6 7 8 9 FlOyd F. & Hazel Adams Secundino M, & Isabell M. Galvan 10 19 Packer & $77 .14 Barr's 2nd 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 32 32 32 It 77.14 It 77.14 77.14 77.14 tl .. It 77.14 77.14 77.14 77.14 77.14 77.14 77.14 It It II It tl II It 77.14 32 It 77.14 77.14 77.14 77.14 77.14 77.14 32 32 32 It u tI 32 II 32 It 32 II 77.14 ORDINANCE NO. 2084 (CON'T) SECTION 2. The Taxes so levied shall become payable and delinquent in the manner provided by law. SECTION 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the City Treasurer the amount of said taxes together with the instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 2ml day of October, 1946 . ATrEST: ~~~ I I e (, ~ ~.. ORDINANCE NO. ?OAn An i)f'dlnarlcif:J;evying special ta.xes to pay for the cost of construction of Sewer Dlstrict No. 201 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there ishereby levied and assessed a special tax against the se~eral lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 201 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels I of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due noticehaving been given thereof, as provided bylaw; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME LOT BLOCK ~DITION AMOUNT Lulu Bai rd 1 43 Wasmer's 2nd $74.52 Lulu Baird 2 43 tI '7!. .'76 Lulu Baird 3 43 .. '71.'76 Lulu Baird 4 43 t.1 '71.'76 Lulu Baird 5 43 II 74.52 Lulu Baird 6 43 II 74.52 Lulu Baird 7 &3 " 71.76 Lulu Baird 8 43 1.1 71.76 Lulu Baird 9 43 " 71.76 I Ci ty of Grand Island 10 43 " 74.52 Paul C. & Hazel F. Huston 1 44 II '7 4 .52 e o. A. Beltzer 2 44 I.' 71 .73 O. A. Beltzer 3 44 II '71.76 O. A. Beltzer E 46 ft. 4 44 'I 63.48 Paul C. & Hazel F. Hu ston W6' 4 44 II 8.28 Paul C. & Hazel F. flu ston 5 44 ,. 74.52 o. A. Beltzer 6 44 " 74.52 I and de linqu ent . in the manner provided by law. SECTION 3. The City Clerk :i. s hereby directed to certify to the City Treasurer the amount of said taxes together with the tistructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its.passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 2nd day of October, 1946. ~ ;/-r I e ATTEST: ~J~ Ci ty Clerk I I e ?,r) (i ORDINANCE NO~ ...llilli6y. An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of construction of Sewer District No. 202 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY T BE MAYOR AND OITY OOUNOIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NBBRASKA: SEOTION 1. lJhat there is hereby levied and ass- essed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the pur- pose of paying the cost of construction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 202 of said Oity, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against the sev- eral lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and Oity Cbuncil of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice having been given thereof, as provided by law; ea.ch of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME Harry E. Niehaus Harry E. Niehaus Harry E. Niehaus Harry E. Niehaus LOT BLOCJ[ - ADDIT!..Q! AMOUNT Belmont $55.86 57 .19 fJ7 .19 fJ7 .19 fJ7 .19 57 .19 57 .19 55.86 61 62 63 64 65 \. II \1 It Augu sta Kountz Glad ys Bowe rs '\ 66 Gladys Bowers Glad ys Bower s It 67 68 \t Elmer B. & Irene P. Tibbs 69 Elmer B. & Irene P . Tibbs 70 t1 ffl .19 It 57 .19 Arthur N. & Maline C. 71 Stall Arthur N. & Adaline a. 72 Stall u ffl .19 It 57 .19 Steve ~ Stella Wallen It 57 .19 73 Steve & Stella Wallen fI 57 .19 74 Estate of Lillie McIntosh 75 u 53 .45 ORDINANCE NO~ 2086 (CONtT) NAME - EOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT - Estate of Lillie McIntosh 76 Beitmon1: Norman & Selma C. Dahlke 77 " Hans P. Hansen 78 It It Raymond Dahlke 79 Raymond Dahlke 80 Raymond Dahlke 81 II II Raymond Dahlke 82 Raymond Dahlke 83 Mr s. Harry Ke lIe y 84 11 .1 1.1. N. P. Dodge Jr. & wife 85 I' Roy & Gladys Bowers 86 Roy & Gladys Bowers 97 Roy & Gladys Bowers 88 Stella Wallen 89 It It .1 It Stella Wallen 90 II I Char Ie s Daniels 91 92 It steve & Stella Wallen I' Steve A. & Stella Wallen 93 Steve A. & Stella Wallen 94 Steve A. & Stella Wallen 95 I' II u J. B. & Gerald John 96 Cummings J. B. & Gerald John 97 Cummings o. E. Gross 98 It u '1 Paul Eugene Goodrich 99 Bert & Consuela M. Dickey 100 .1 ~t Pearl Smith 101 102 1 It .1 I e Pearl Smith Charles E. Taylor 22Packe r & Barr's 2nd Charles E. Taylor 2 22 It Herman A. & Mildred Hardekoff 3 22 It l\fure 1 W. Kane 4 22 5 22 6 22 It It Augu at Hardekoff Harry & Matilda Norton tl $55 .86 55.86 55 .8 6 55 .86 55.86 53 .45 53 .45 55 .86 55 .86 55 .8 6 55 .86 55.8 6 53.45 57 .19 57 .19 57 .19 57 .19 57 .19 57 .19 55 .8 6 57 .19 57 .19 57 .19 57 .19 57 .19 57 .19 55.86 74.48 74.48 74.48. 74.48 74.48 74.48 ORDINANCE NO.. 2086 (CONtT) ~E Harry & Matilda Norton LOT BLOCK ADDI~IQ[ AMOUNT $74.48 7 Harry & Matilda Norton Harry & Matilda Norton Mrs. W. A. Williams 10 1 2 8 9 Ethel J. Thompson Fred & Vernie Purvis Fred & Vemie Purvis 3 Melissa Fallis Melissa Fallis 4 5 Melissa Fallis 6 Melissa Fal11a 7 Mildred F. Thompson & 8 Marian V. Byram Mildred F. Thompson"& 9 Marian V. Byram 22 22 22 22 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 Mildred F. Thompson & 10 29 Mari an V. BY!' am Charles E. & Fay L. Williams 1 38 Charles E. & Fay L. Williams sit' of 2 38 I Art Boyll Art Boyll Nit of 2 Myrtle A. & Arfie S. 4 Ellsberry Frank SChwieger 5 Ernest & Verna Wamsley 6 I e Charles Taylor 7 Charle s Taylor 8 Carol,n Darling 9 Charles Taylor 10 Edward Gowlovach 4 George & Mary Gowlovich 5 George & Mary Gowlovich 6 George & Mary Gowlovich 7 3 38 38 38 Packer & Barr' t s 2nd It. 74.48 38 38 38 38 38 38 45 45 45 45 It 74.48 74.48 74.48 74.48 74.48 74.48 u tI u II It It 74.48 It 74.48 74.48 74.48 u tl '1 74.48 u 74.48 '1 74.48 It 37 .24 37 .24 tI u 74.48 It 74.48 1.1 74.48 u 74.48 74.48 74.48 74.48 74.48 79.80 79 .80 79.80 79.80 I. It. u 1\ u It u u SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shallbecome pay- able and de ;Linquent in the manner provided by law. SECTION 3. The City Clerk is herebydirected to certify to the City Treasurer the amount of said taxes ORDINANCE NO~ 2086 (CONIT) together with the instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SEOTION 4. This ordinanoe shall be in force and take effeot from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 2nd day of October, , 1946. >J~ ~ ATTEST: ~~ I I e I I e .~! OHDnT Al'!CE }fO. _ 20€i~L______.. An ordinance creatin~ Sewer District No. 816 of the City of Grand Island, ebraska, defining the boundaries ther'Aof, rn-'oviding for tbe laying of a f38V.fCr in said dis- trict nx'c] p:r>ovidinp; fO}" tbe payment of the cost of 'che con stru cti on thC"'eo f. BE 1'1' OFD AIlED B'Y 'rl'J: Ni!~YOH G I 'I'Y C (m 'IV elL OF' CI'I'Y (ni' GltA}T]) ISh~\}\iD, I\l':BF.ASEA: SECTION 1. that there 1s hereby created a Sewer Di8- tri ct of the Gi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Sewer Dls!;rict }iO. 216 in tbH City of UX'ElDd Island, Nebraska. SBGTION 2. Said sewer shall he laid in tbe alloy between Lafayette Avenue and Kru SO Avenue extendin tf. from the south line of Lots nine (9) and ten (10), Block Fif- t,-.'en (If:>), Scarff's Addition, 8011tb to Sixteenth Street, in the City of Grand IslaYld, r'ebI'a8ka. SECTION 3. Said sewer in said disttict 18 bereby ordered la:1d as provided by law and'in accordance with the plans and specifications governing sewer districts, as her toforoestablished by the City. S}i:C'I'ION 4. 'J:hat the entire cost of constru ctton of said sewer Shej.ll be 8.ssessed against the abutting pr'opoI'ty in said district, a tax shall be levied against the abutting property in said district to pay for the cost of const:r'uctinp; sai.d sewEn', as soon as tIle cost can be ascertained said:-;.'1x to become payable and delinqlJerlt and draw 1ntf::r' est L'1.8 follow8; One-fj.ftb of ttw total amO"llllt shall heCOlYi8 d.elinnuent :in fifty days from date of the levy tbereof; on n-fifth in one 'year; one-fifth in two ye ar s; one -fifth in tru:e e year s; and one -fj.fth in f011r years .j~acb of said installments, except tbo flY'st, s}J8Jl draw inter(~f~t at the rate of soven I)er cent I' annum from the date of the levy lJntil t;[1ey become deU.nement; ano after' the same becomes delinquent, interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum shall be pai.(1 thereon lmtil tr1e SI':1.me is ORDINANcr~ NO. 2087 (CaN'T) collected and paid; said special taxes shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of thB levy. SEO'I'IOJ\T 5. 'l'h:i.s o:r.cHnance shall be jn force and 'take effect from and after its passage, apyn:oval and pub- lication 88 provided by law. Pas sed and approved by tllree -f(YL] rtbs vote of all members of UlS OJ.ty Ummcil of the City of Grand Island, Octob~ liJebr,g.8ka, this 2nd day of~ ~, 1946. ~t::~k- A'rTES'.I' : I I e "-~; OIlD I J\f C' "I@ jof2(1) 8 _-2.QB1L.____,._ An 0:('\3 inn.n ce crEta ting Sevler,Di str:L ct No. 217 of the C:tty of' G:efl.n.cJ Isl8.nd, ]o:elll'pskq, def:i:nino; the bnuncr::T'ies :'cor, pr>ov1ding for I:;'he ID..:rinr; ,'1' a sevier :'Ln said c1 i fJ!;rj et 8.Yld providing foJr' the payment 0 f tJ, p co f:i t of tho C0118t:t"11ction tbereof. B~ I'L' OHDAI H)~ l',AYOH erey GUll}! G1L 01" 'l'ITE CI'rY 01" C.HL-U-:D ISlJ.iU:ID, l'iTGBH/'l.S1<A: SEC'J'Imr 1. iJJ"lat th81'e is ',hereby cI'eatec a 08WCX' ])i8- trict of the G1ty of Grand Island, ]\[ebraska, to he known as Se1J'le:r' D1 s trjo ct No. 217 in the 01 tv of Grand Islnnd, }\1ebJ7aska. SECTION 2. Said SCWJe}' s'haJl be L1.:i.d in the) 0.11(O;y be- tween Huston Avonue aDd G)'anel Is18nd Avenue and [:;ball ex- tend fr'o:rnFourteenth >..-->truet to Sixtcnnth St:r>eet, i.n the City of Grand IsJand, Nebraska. I Sl~G'rION ~l. S.,.,id sewer in ssjd c]ir,tl'ict :Ice' },eroby ordered laid as provided by law and in aceordance with tlie plans and specifi.cations geverrn1ng sewer elis bidcts, as heretofore ostablished by the City. SEG;J110N 4.. il'bat the entLi"e cost of construction of Sr:l,ill S8~}vcr s 1 0(:' ass eS~'1cd clg~]j nst the al:n.1tting prOpC1J:,ty :in said diE:trict, and a tax s}~'all be l.evied against the abutting pro rty in said district to pay [0:(' tbc c'ost of constr1Jctinc 88.1c1 sewer, as ~1(lon as tbe cost can be 8.scey't;"lj.i'HOld saiCJ tax to become payable nnd delinquent and draw interest as follows: One-fifth of the toL~).J. amount sl'1all llCCOJTle deJJ.nquent in fifty days I e f:eorn date of tbe lev:v tbereof; one-etftb ln one year; on(~-fift'h in tV!JO aI'S, one-fifth in t}I}'E:h') 'ileal'S; and one -fif'tb in fcrur years. Ii:ach of sald irl[~ta,]lnr:rlts, except the first, ~~aI1 draw lnterest at the rate of seven per cen t annum fr'om the O[1te of tlls Je vy until tl1CY becomE''; cleJ.:lnqnc;nt; anc1 after the same becomes de- Linq11ent, :int8rpst at t}.,p r8.1';f'; of 'nine per cent '0811 annum sl;8.:Ll lie pRid tJiereon untl1 the same 18 collected i3.no pai.d; sajd special taxes shall be a lien on [30.:1 d real estate f-eorn ,s.Dd afteX' tbs date of the levy. ORDINANCE NO. _OO8~L____ (CON' 'I') SECTION 5. This ordinance s 11 be in force and take efF\c}ct from ar'd after :i ts passage, approv.f:l1 and pub- lication as provided by law. PclfF'E)(:'I 8.nd aPPI'oved by t hI'8 e-fourths vote or all frk;lnlJers eyF' t;}in City Gouneil of t}-'e Cit-.'{ of' Grand l[-Jlnnd, l'!ob:t'aska, this 2nd day of XXi1*X*~', 1~)4 October, A'T'[' FS'fl · ~~p/~ -'::'~ft1fIe.11}{------'-'--- I I e I I e (> -.; /) r) OHDINANGE NO. 2089 A,n ordinance creating Sewer District No. 218 of the Gi ty of Grand I eland, Nebraska, de fir: ing tbe 1) 01J ndo.rie s t'hereof, providing fox' the laying of a seweT' in sai d district and pro- v:Lding for tho paynBnt of tbe cost of tbe construction thereof. B:ii; rr OIWAINhD BY THE; liAYOH 1.:1[,]) GI'llY GOUNGIl) ()"/:" Tm;,; GIT'Y OP' GHA1\i]) ISLAI'W, NlmRASJ\A: SEC'I'ION 1. 'Chat there js hereby created a Sewer District of the' City of Grand Island, Nebraf1ka, to be known as Sewer ... "01. t'~ 0 t G d -..] d I' 1 District )')0. (.J 8 1n -.[18 i Y of ran...L8 Jl..n ,\eoraska. S:Eic'rION 2. Said sewer p,hall be laid in the9.11ey bet1iveen I\uby Avenue and Darr Avenue and shall extend fy'om Sixth Stl'uet to the north line of BloclrPour, Packer & Barr' 8 L1.c1cH tion to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SEOTION 3. Said sewer in said district is hereby ordered laid as pr'ovided by law aDd in accoI'dance \Nith the plans and specif:tcat:i.ons e:overniDg sewer districts, as hex'etofoT'8 es- tabli sbed l)y the Ci ty . SEOTION 4. That the entire cast of construction of said sewer shall b e assessed against the. abutting property in satd di strict, and a tax 8ball 1)8 levied against the abutting property in sajd distr:lct to pay for the cost of constructing said sewer, as soon as ths cost can be ascertained said tax to become payable and deJinquent and draw interest as follows: One-fifth of t}-:'F1 total am01..mt shall become de1i.nquent in f:ifty days from date of tbs l.evy thereof; one-fifthin one year; one- flfth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four yea:rs. Each of said Installments, except t118 first, shall draw lnterest at the rate of seven per cent por annum from tb.e date of the levy until t,}ley become delinq1l8nt; and after tlJ8 same becomes delinquent, :Lnterest at the :r>ate of nine per cent per armurn shall be paid tbel'eon l.mt:i.1 tbe saTHe li'! collected ar\d paid; said special taxes shall be a lien on s:cdd l'eal estate from 2Dd after the date of the levy. OHDINA]\iCE NO. _2.0.8.9....-_ (CON' rll) SEG'L'ION 5. Tni S ordinance shall be in force 8 nO. take effect fpom Hnd ai"ter its passage, approval and publication as provided hy law. PaS98d and approved by three-fourtrls vote of all mem- hers of the City Council of the City of Grand Island, 1ebraska, OCTOBER thj.s 2nd day of }GJf~~.xD:k, 1946. A'll/J' E S 'I' : ~Jd4 -'--<C:.ty Cler~---'----- I I e ..v,/:ya ORDINANCE NO~ 2090 An ordinance creating Sewer District No. 21' of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a sewer in said district and pro- viding for the payment of tbe cost of the construction thereof. I BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA= SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a Sewer Dis- trict of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Sewer District No. 21f in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said sewer shall be laid in the alley ~n- B1G'Ck Sixteen (16), Ashton Place, an Addition to the City of Grand Isls.nd, and 'Shall extend from the West property line of Lot Eight (8) in said Block Sixteen (16), running thence west to the east property line of Ingalls Street in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SEC'I'ION :3. Said sewer in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specit1eait1ons governing sewer districts, as heretofore es- tab Ii shed by the City. SECTION 4. 'f.hat the entire cost of construction of said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied against the abutting pro- perty in said district to pay for the cost of constructing said sewer, as soon as the cost can be ascertained said tax I e to become payable and delinquent and draw inter est as follows: One-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fit'ty days from date of the levy thereof; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four years. Each of said installrrents, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the date of the levy until they become delin- quent; and after the same becomes delinquent, interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum shall be paid thereon until the s.ame is collected and paid; said specif&jl taxes shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy. ORDINANCE NO.. 2090 (CON1T) SECTION 5. 'Ibis ordinance shallbe in force and take effect from and after its passa.ge, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and ap1l' oved by three-fourths vote of all roenibers of the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, this 2nd day of OCtCb~.' 19.46. Ma yor:l~ .~ / ATTEST: ~J~ i ty Clerk I I e OFmINANGJ:<~ 1"0. 209-1-_ An ord:tnance creating a Paving distpict :i n the Gi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the paving of the streets in said distrj.ct and tb.8 assessment and c011ect10n of the costs the:('eof. BJi; 1'1' OHD!UNBD BY r~H1;; l!IAYOH AND Crpy COUNCIL 01" 'r:HE GI'I'Y OF GH.AND ISLA1W, NEHRASK.A: SECTION 1. That t here is hereby created a paving d:is- trict in tbe Oi t:T of G-r.8.nd Island, Nebraska, to 1")8 known as 1)8.vin8 District No. 101 of the Gj..ty of Grand Island, Nebraska. SEG'nON 2. Said pavln g d:La tri ct shall con 81 s t 0 f that part of I,ogan Stl'ccet from the sCYl1tb p:C'operty line of' Second street to the north property line of Koenig Street. SECTION 3. Said stro t8 in said paving district are heroby ordered paved 88 provided by law, and in accordance I with the plans and specifications governing paving districts as 'heretofore estahlished by the City, Stclid pavi.ne; to he 36 feet in width. SIWrrION. 4. That authori ty is llereby [';118ntec1 to tl1.e owners of the I'ecord title, repl'eserd~ing a majo1'ity of the abut ting proper ty owner S 1,n saId d is t1'i ct, at the t1 me of the enactrnent of this ordi.nanc8, to f:i.le wi th tbe City Clerk" withi,n twenty days from the first public!-:1tion of the notice creating said District, as provided by law, w~~tten objec- tions to paving of said district. SI<;CTION 5. 'l'hat au thori ty j 8 hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majori ty of the I e abutt:ing property o1!'mers, within said clistriet, to file wit]; the City Olerk, 1Nithin the time provided by law, a peti tion for tbe use of a particular kind of rnateria1 to be u sed in the pavin g of said streets. If 81..1 cb owners shall fail to designate tbe mate:rial tboy des:i.I'e to be u sed in said pB.ving cHstri ct, EtS prov:tded for above, and witl1in tbe time p:rovided for 1bJy law, the M2.yor and City Council shall determine the mateF'ial to be used. OHDINAI\!CE 1W. 209L-( CONtre) S]~G'CION 6. 'Eha t t b e cost s of paving J n S 8.10 eU s tri ct shall be aS8essed against the lots and tracts of land especially benefitted hereby, in proportion to suer' enefits to be determ:tned by the: EayoX' and Gjty Council 8.8 provid0;d by law. SIWiL'ION 7. 'rhi s ordinance flhallbe in force and take effect fr'om and after its passage, approval and publication as pl'ovided by law. Passed and a.pproved tbj s October 2nd day of ~W~~I.. 194ES. Nl"n!.:srr: ~~Pt~ ~ctfV=Ole)1~-------"'-- I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2092 An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the e I cost of construction of Sewer District No. 196 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE ]l!AYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI1Y OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 196 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found and ass- essed agai nst the several lots, tracts al. d parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice llaving I been given thereof, as provided by law; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of Jand is assessed as follows: NAME - LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT Myrtie Alstot 1 3 College Addi. $51.60 to West Lawn Alexander ,', Mary IvlcNergney ,-,,, 2 3 Myrtie Alstot N 30' 3 3 LeHoy & Pauline Nunnenkamp S 151 3 3 Elzia. w. & Lucille Robar 4 3 LeRoy & P au line Nunne nk amp 5 3 Rose McGraw 6 3 Joseph Jarvey 7 3 I Ethel May Lesh 8 3 e Lloyd R 6~ Inez P. Beliel 9 3 ~ . Ethel lira:I Lesh 10 3 Lloyd H. & Inez P. Beliel 11 3 Ethel May Lesh 12 3 Lloyd H. cr. Inez p. Beliel 13 3 Ethel May Lesh 14 3 11 51.60 11 38.70 It 19.35 11 58.05 11 58.05 58.05 58.05 II 11 II 58.05 tl 58.05 II IT 58.05 58.05 58.05 li II 58.05 II 58.05 ORDINANCE NO. 2092 (CONtT) :NAME LOT BLOCK ADLHTION AMOUNT Lloyd R. a Inez p. Beliel 15 3 Colle I/e Addi. to We~t Lawn $58.05 Ethel Mav Lesh 16 3 It oj Lena Conley 17 3 It Ethel May Lesh 18 3 II 'id IIi am E. Hines 1 12 1I Esta te of Julia Cornelius 2 12 It C R 8~ Marion HEEily 3 12 11 . ~ . Ennna Detamore 4 12 II Charles R CG Marion Healy 5 12 It . 'iVilliam r.' ,",. . 6 12 II .L.:l. n~nes I Soren S. & Laurene A. Christensen 7 12 If William t'l\ Hines 8 12 11 .w. Soren S & Laurene A. Christensen . 9 12 II Alice B. Hilbert 10 12 II Soren S. & Laurene A. Christensen 11 12 n Ennna lVI. Cunningham 12 12 II . II John H. &: Alma S4lms 13 12 Clarence Andrew Smith 14 12 II Otto & Myrtle Brovm 15 12 II Clarence Andrew Smith 16 12 II James H. &: lvlyrtle L. 'l'ravis 1 17 II Myron E. Poyer 2 II 17 I e William L.8: Florence V. Coonts 3 17 If Isaac & Edward C. Smith 4 17 II Hobert L. Wall:elin & Wilma p. 5 17 It Albert E. & Ruth Jorlilson 6 17 II Carl W. & Margaret M. Demoss 7 17 1I Alta C. & Theodore J. Root 8 17 II Harley C. & Ruby Roblyer 9 II 17 58.05 58.05 58.05 58.69 58.69 58.69 58.69 58.69 58. 69 58.69 58.69 58. 69 58. 69 58.69 58.69 58.69 58.69 58.69 58.69 60.63 60.63 60.63 60.63 60.63 60.63 60.63 60.63 60.63 ORDINANCE NO. 2092 (cmJlT) NAME LOT BLOC!~ ADDrrrON AlvlOUN1' Griff S. ~ Minnie L. V~~itt 10 17 College Addi$60.63 to West Lawn Carl W. & Hargaret Ivl. Demoss 11 17 II 63.21 Griff S. & Minnie L. Vi/hi tt 12 17 If 63.21 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and delinquent in the manner provided by law. SECTION 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the City Treasurer the amount of said taxes together with instructions to collect the same, as pro- vided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and pub;" lication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 21st day of October, I 1946. ><I~' cJ==L- ATTEST: ~ d0~~ C~ Clerk" u I e ORDINAN CE NO. 2093 An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of construction of Sewer District No. 197 of the City of Grand Island, Nebrasl-ca, and providing for the collection :thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AtIJ DeITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 197 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found and assassed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor md City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice having been given thereof, as provided I by law; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: ~ LOT BLOCK ADDITION BLOCK Elsie Fulcher 7 Belmont ~~53. 76 Bert & Consuela I~iI . Dickey 8 " 55.04 Brmna Neligh 9 \I 55.04 Emma Neligh 10 II 55.04 Vern 0:; Elizabeth Skow 11 " 55.04 Vern & Elizabeth Skow 12 II 55.04 Richard Spink 13 1I 55.04 Byron B:] & Daisy r. Paxton 14 n 53.76 '. "-". Mildred p. Thompson ~ Marian V. Byram ex; I 15 1I 55.04 Byron !"', & Daisy P. Paxton 16 II 55.04 .J:.!. . e Norman & Se lma C. Dahlke 17 II 55.04 Norman & Selma C. Dahlke 18 II 55.04 Norman & Selma C.Dahlke 19 II 55.04 Norman & Selma C. Dahlke 20 II 55.04 John Kallas 21 It 51.20 John Kallas 22 II 53.76 ORDINANCE NO. 2093 (COlJtT) ~ LOT BLOCK - ADDITION AMOUNT John Kallas 23 Belmont ~~53. 76 Archie O. & Gla~ys L. Woodward 24 If 53.76 A. O. Woodward ((; Gladys Woodward 25 II 53.76 53.76 51.20 Goehring Sothman Co. 26 27 II A. O. Woodward II H. H. Paulsen 28 fI 51. 20 Albert Paulsen 29 If 53.,76 53.76 Mrs. John Paulsen 30 fI John Kallas 31 fI 53.76 John Kallas 32 II 53.76 53.76 51.20 55.04 John Kallas 33 If John Kallas 34 11 Norman p. CG Se Ima C. Dahlke 35 II I Norman P. & Selma C. Dahlke 36 " 55.04 Elmer rr'ibbs 37 II 55.04 55.04 55.04 55.04 53.76 55.04 Elmer Tibbs 38 II Elmer B. & Irene Tibbs 39 II Elmer B. ~ Irene Tibbs 40 It Elmer E. & Irene Tibbs 41 II Harry R. & Louise D. McMullen 42 fI Harry R. & Louise D. McMullen 43 II 55.04 Elmer B. & Irene Tibbs 44 II 55.04 Elmer B. ~ Irene Tibbs 45 il 55.04 55.04 N. p. Dodge Jr. &. "liVife 46 II Elmer B. &. Irene p. Tibbs 47 48 If 55.04 I e Elmer B. & Irene p. Tibbs II 53.76 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and delinquent in the manner provided by law. SECTION 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to ce:t'tify to the City rrreasurer the amount of said taxes together vvith instructions to collect the same, as provided by 1 aw. SECrr'ION 4.rrhis ordinan ce shall be in force and take ORDINAN CE NO. 2093 (CON'T) effect from and after its passage, approval and publi- cation as provided by law. Passed and approved this 21st 1946 ATTEST: I t/ ~J~4:- ity Clerk I I e day of October, -_c..cc_ riIayor 7~ ORDINANCE NO. 2094 An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of construction of Sewer District No. 198 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR l\..l\llJ CITY C OU1\JC IL OF THE CIrI'Y OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts an. d parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 198 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said di strict by the Mayor aJ. d City Council of said City, mtting as a Board of Equalization after due notice having been given thereof, as provided by law; I each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME LO'I' BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT I e Morris R. &, lVIaewood .A Underhill . 1 3 Boggs c Hill $69.50 C:G Morris R. " Maewood A. Underhill 0.; 2 3 II 69.50 J" ame s lW. Wilson 3 3 II 69.50 Roy v. n Letha K. Smith 4 3 II 69.50 0.; Letha K. &, Roy v. Smith 5 3 II 69.50 Earl Ramsey 6 3 II 69.50 Walter Breakenridge 11 3 fI 69.50 Clifford Stall 12 3 fl 69.50 Clifford Stall 13. 3 If 69.50 Bernard Klebba 14 3 1I 69.50 Grand Island Land Co. 15 3 II 69.50 Grand Island Land Co. 16 3 II 69.50 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and delinquent in the manner provided by law. SECTION 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the City Treasurer the amount of said taxes ORDINANCE NO. 2094 (CON' T) together with instructions to col~ct the,same, as nro- vided by law. SEc'rION 4. This ordinance shall be in force an d take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed ,and approved this 21 day of October, 1946. ATTEST: ~S/~ - i ty Clerk I I e ORDINMJCE NO. 2095 An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of construction of Sewer District No. 203 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT OHDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND 0 I'I'Y e OUNe It OP THE C I'.PY 01<' GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for tile purpose of paying the cost of construction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 203 of said Oi tJl", in accordm ce with the bErefi ts found an d assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor md City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice having been given thereof, as provided by law; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: I NAME LOT BL9CK ADDITION AMOUNT Mary F. Huebner 1 Mary F. Huebner Mary }l. Huebner Elvie (' & Elsie P. Gilpin \.T. Elvie (" n Elsie P. Gilpin u. oc 2 67 3 67 4 67 5 67 'l'heodore H. G:, Louise Lambert 6 67 Oso M. &~ Ella (~. II"IcDonald '-' . 080 M. 0 Ella g. McDonald O~ Ross E. &: Mabel I. Fay Ross E. 0 Mabel I. Pay 6C "7 8 9 10 I e Versses H. &, Mildred M. Juett 1 Versses H. & Mildred rJI . Juett 2 Versses R. & Mildred Wi. Jue t t 3 Niels E Nielsen 4 . Niels .-Cl NIelsen 5 .c.. . Herluf 0 Anna n Bollesen 6 oc -. Herluf & Anna K. Bollesen "7 Levi & Murldine J-ackson 8 Mildred F. Thompson & Marian V. Byram 9 6~ 67 Vfueelter & Bennett's ~1;63. 36 2nd II 63.36 II 63.36 tl 63.36 II 63.36 II 63.36 II 63.36 II 63.36 II 63.36 II 63.36 It 63.36 II 63.3 6 II 63.36 II 63.36 II 63.36 II 63.36 II 63.36 II 63.36 II 63.36 67 67 67 67 66 6" 66 6' 6G 6' 66 66 ORDINANCE NO. 2095 (GOIP 'l') NANIE LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT Arthur L. &; Vera B. Kelsey 10 6' Wheeler &; $63.36 Bennett's 2nd SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and delinquent in the manner provided by law. SECTION 3. The Ci ty Clerlt is he:ceby directed to certify to the City Treasurer the amDunt of said taxes together v'lll th instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. Irhis ordina'1. ce shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 21st day of vctGber, 1946. ----.- =;7--r( -..-- -~ - I AT'llEST: f p/, ffi ~ r: r~ ity Clerk I e ORDINANCE NO. 2096 An ordinan ce levying special taxes to pay for the cost of cons:truction of Sewer District No. 204 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAIN,ED BY THE IVliiYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF' 'l'RE CITY O:F' GRl-i}J D ISLAND, FfEBRASKA: SECTION 1.That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 204 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor m d Ci ty Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice llaving been given thereof, as provided by law; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as I follows: NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT - ~~?? .10 Vernal C. Norine Lawrence M. & Mary Bowers Lawrence M. & Mary Bowers Frederick Schwieger Frederick Schwieger Josephine Teviotdale Henry & Matild.a: Rein L. M. Bowers & Mary Bowers Florence Bomark 9 10 1 Florence Bomark I e Carl L. & Nettie E. Becker Carl L. & Nettie E. Becker ~Hlhelmina Donne;t.ly Wilhelmina Donnelly Wilhelmina Donnelly Joseph H. May Lucille Stevens Hay Brakeman 1 Packer and Barr's II 77.10 7?10 77.10 77.10 77.10 77.10 ?7.l0 77.10 77.10 7?10 5 2 5 3 It 5 4 5 " 5 II 5 5 tl 6 7 " 5 8 5 5 II " 5 II 2 12 12 It II 77.10 3 4 II 77.10 12 tI 12 12 77.10 77.10 77.10 tI 5 6 7 II J-.2 12 II 77.10 8 12 II 77.10 ORDINANCE NO. 2096 (COl'PT) ~ LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT --- Clarence C. 8c Mary C. Smith 9 12 Pac1ter 0 ;~7'/ .10 (;C Barr's Clarence C. &; lvlary C. Smith 10 -12 II '/7.10 Dale F. & Alice Marie Billington 1 George & Martha E.M. Wellsant 2 J~oui s W. & Anna S. Dilla Wilbert N. Blanco Norman H. Blanco Everett & Elsie Halstedd Norman H. & Kristina E. Blanco 7 Anton M. & Mary K. Brester Fern L. Iv1ann Cecil Ray Mann Lena Hoffer Milton T. &; Viola Hettler I 13 13 3 13 4 13 5 13 6 13 8 13 13 13 13 9 10 1 " 77.10 It 7'7.10 77.10 7'7. 10 7'/.10 7'7.10 If " " II " 77.10 '77.10 77.10 7'7.10 If " II 20 Packer & Barr's 2nd If 2 20 William Leo & Louise rt. Zimmerman 3 20 Mildred F'. 'I'hompson & Marian V. Byram 4 20 Mildred F'. 'fhompson &, I'IIarian V. Byram S 5' 5 20 Oschar A. Henry N 51' Ansel B. &; Pearl M. Tuttle Wi 6 Glenwood R. & Dora A. Koch Et 6 Max J-. Cornelius Irwin E. & Hattie F. Crane William E. Cook Grover J. &; Mabel 0'Nele I e William & Bertha Kay Cora Mae Howard Cora Ivlae Howard Cora Mae Howard Dessie I. &; Bert G. Dukes David E. Magnuson Walter J. &; Rosie Celmer Estate of Perry E. Carlton Estate of Henry J. Bartenbach 9 5 20 20 20 7 20 8 20 20 9 10 1 2 20 31 31 3 31 4 31 5 6 31 31 31 '7 a 31 31 77.10 77.10 If 7'7.10 II 77.10 II 6.80 Il 70.30 38.55 " II 38.55 II 77.10 II 77.10 77.10 77.10 77.10 77.10 If II It II II 77.10 77.10 II II '77.10 II 77.10 tI 77.10 If 77.10 II 77.10 ORDINANCE NO. 2096 ( C Ol\fI T ) NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT Estate of Henry J. Bartenbach 10 31 Packer & $77.10 BarrIs ~nd George Vv. Black Fr. 3 36 If 77.10 George w. Black 4 36 II 77.10 Mildred F. Thompson & Marian V. Byram 5 36 " 77.10 State of Nebraska 6 36 II 77.10 State of Nebraska 7 36 II 77.10 State of Nebraska 8 36 n 77.10 State of Nebraska 9 36 II r77 .10 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable gnd delinquent in the manner provided by law. \ SECTION 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cer'tify to the City Treasurer the amount of said taxes together with instructions to collect the same, as provided I by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, ~proval and publication as provided by la~ Passed and approved this 21st day of October, 1946. .&':r,TEST: /~~~ City Clerk ~. try? I e ORDINANCE NO. 2097 I An ordinffilce calling a special election of the qualified voters of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of submitting to said electors the question of licensing the sale of alcoholic liquors, except beeg by the drink, in the Ci ty of Gran d Island, Nebraska. vVHEREAS, a petition signed by electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, equal in number to twenty per cent of the votes cast in the last general election held in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, has been presented to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as required by law, requesti~g that a special election be called by the Mayor and City Council for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, the question of licensing the sale of alcOholic liquors, except beer, by the drink, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. NOW, 'I'HEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE NiAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: S}j;C'I'IOl'I 1. 'rhat a special election of the qualified electors of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby called and ordered to be held in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, on Tuesday, the 5th day of November, 1946, at the following respective voting places, to-wit: First District: At the election building on Sixth Street be- tween Vine Street and Oak Street. Second District: At the Pire Departm.ent Building on Fourth Street between Pine Street ald Locust Street. Third District: At the Election building on North Elm Street between Sixth Street and Seventh Street. Fourth District: At the Election building on West sixth Street between Adams Street and J"efferson Street. Fifth District: At the ~lection building on Seventeenth Street and Broadwell Street. Sixth District: At the Chapel of the Soldiers and Sailors' I e Home. Seventh District: At the Wasmer School building in the 1600 block on VVest Division Street between Monroe Street and Jackson St. ORDI1\ff\J\JCE NO. 20~7 (CON'T) Eighth District: At the Election building in the 1200 block on West Koenig Street. Ninth District: At the basement of the City Library, corner of Walnut Street and Second Street. Tenth District: Room 114, first floor of the City Hall build- ing, corner of Second Street and Pine Street. Eleventh Diffirict: In the south side Fire Station, corner of Pine Street and Koenig Street. Said polling places so designated being the usual polling places in said City and having been used forsaid purposes for many year s. SECTION 2. That the r egi stra tioD for the revi sion and correctim of registration of the electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebr- aska, shall be open at the office of the City Clerk during the time provided by law preceding s aid election. I SECTION 3. Said election shall be open at each of said polling places in said several voting districts at 9 o'clock in the forenoon of said day and the polls shall be open until 7 o'clock in the after- noon of said day. SECTION 4. The proposition which shall appear on the official ballot, and mlich shall be submitted to the qualified voters and elector s of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, shall be as follows: "Shall the sale of alcoholic liquors, except beer, by the drink, be licensed in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska?" SECTION 5. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebr- aska, shall cause to be prepared ballots for use in said election; said ballots to be printed on white paper and to be designated as I e "Official Ballots," and upon said ballots shall be printed the proposition embodied in Section Four of this ordinance, followed by the words "For License to Sell by Drink" and i1Against License to Sell by Drink" and a blank square opposite each, in accordance with the form described in the general laws relative to elections in the State of Nebraska. All electors who favor licensing the sale of alcoholic l~quors except beer, by drink, shall make a cross in the blank square op- posi te said proposi tion a1 d under the: words "Par License to Sell ORDINANCE NO. 2097 (COlJlT) by Drink,1I and all electors who are opposed to licensing the sale of alcoholic liquors~ except beer, by the drink, shall make a cross in the blank square opposite said proposition and under the words lIAgainst License to Sell by Drink..1I SECTION 6.. The same number of judges and clerks of election shall qualify and serve in this election as qualify and serve in a general election and their duties shall likewise be the same.. The returns of the said election shall be made to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and by them canvassed upon the first Monday after said election and the 1'e- sults shall then be declared by the Mayor and City Council. SECII1ION 7. fElle Ci ty Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, shall cause no tice of said election to be given in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper publisb.ed in the Ci ty. of Grand Island, at least 10 days and not more than 20 days prior to the date of said election, as required by law.. I SECTION 8. The sale of alcoholic liquors, except beer, by the drink, shall be deemed au thorized and permitted in the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, if a majority of the electors voting at said election shall vote in favor thereof. SECTION 9. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law.. ?assed and approved this ~v-Y ATTEST: J~s~ City Clerk I e ,r{f~ /~~, -; ", I I ,e ORDINANCE NO. 2098 Ah ordinance defining restaurant, itinerant restaurant, em- ployee, utensils, health officer, etc., requiring permits for the operation of such establislllllents, prohibiting the sale of adult- erated, unwholesome or misbranded food or drink, regulating the inspection grading, regrading and placarding of such establisp.ments, the enforcement of this ordinance, and tIle fixing of penalties. BE I~: ORDAINED BY THE lVIi1..YOR AND CrrJ:Y COUNCIL OF ~:'HE CITY OF' GHAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. Defini tions. --'rhe following defini tions shall apply in the interpretation and the enforcement of this ordinance; A. Restaurant.--The term llrestaurantll shall mean. restaurant, coffee shop, cafeteria, short order cafe, lundheonette, tavern, beer tavern, club room, bar room, sandwich stand, soda fountain, dining room, and all other eating or drinldng establishments, kitchens or other places in which food or drink is prepared for sale elsewhere as well as kitchens, dining rooms, tap rooms, and bar rooms operated by fraternal societies and other establish- ments doing business as clubs whose patronage is restricted to members. B. Itinerant restaurant.--rrhe term ilItinerant restaurantli shall mean one oporating for a temporary period in connection with a fair, carnival, circus, public exbibition, or other similar ga- thering. O. Employee.--The term "Employeeil shall mean any person who handles food or drink during preparation or serving, or who comes in contact with any eating or cooking utensils, or who is employed in a room in which food or drink is prepa1"ed 01" se1"ved. D. Utensils.--llUtensilsll shall include any kitchenwa1"e, tableware, glassware, cutlery, utensils, containe1"s, or other equip- ment with which food or drink comes in contact during storage, pre- paration, or serving. E. Health officer.--The term llHealth officeI'll shall mean the Oi ty SarlJ. tarian of the Oi ty of Grand Island or his authorized re- presentative. p. Person. --The word llpersonll shall mean person, fi1"l11, cor- poration, or association. SECTION 2. Pe1"mi ts. "--It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a restaurant in the city of grand Islarld who does not pos- sess an unrevoked permit from the health officer. Such permit shall I I e ORDINANCE NO. 209~(CON1T) be posted in a conspicuous place. Only persons who comply with the requirements of this ordinance shall be entitled to receive and retain such a permit. A person conducting an itinerant restaurant shall be required to secure a permit. Any person, firm, association or corporation applying for a permit under the provisions of this ordinance shall pay annually a permit fee as hereinafter provided, to-wit: All establishments having a seating capacity of twenty five (25) or less, a minimum permit fee of Ten (~i;lO.OO) Dollars. All such establishments having a seating capacity in excess of twenty five (25), shall pay the minimum fee of Ten (~iplO. 00) Dollars for the f'irst twenty five (25) units of seating capacity and the sum of twenty (200') cents per year for each unit of seating capacity in excess of twenty five (25). All such permit fees shall be paid to the City Sanitarian. Such pormits shallbe issued on the first day of May of each year and shall be good for one year. For the period cOIDllencing with the passage of this ordinance and ending on the 30th day of April, 1947, the said City Sanitarian is hereby authorized to accept the sum of one-half of the annual fee herein established. Such a permit ma:)T be temporarily suspended b~i the health offi- cer upon the violation by the holder of any of the terms of this ordinance, or revoked after an opportunity for a hearing by the health officer upon serious or repeated violation. SECTION 3. Placarding or public display of grade notice.-- Every restaurant shall display at all times in a place designated by the health officer, a notice approved by the health officer, stating the grade of tbe establishment. SECTION 4. Examination and condemnation of unwholesome or adulterated food or drink.--Samples of food, drink and other sub- stm ces may be taken and examined by the heal th officer as often as rna'Y. be necessary for the detection of unwholesomeness or adul teration. The health officer may condemn and forbid the sale of, or cause to be removed or destroyed, any food or drink which is unwholesome or adulterated. OHDINANCE NO. 2098_.__(CONIT) SEC'l'ION 5. Inspection of restaurants. --At least once every 6 months the health officer shall inspect every restarant located wi thin the Oi t'Y of Grand Island. In case the heal tll officer dis- coyers the violation of any item of sanitation required for '~he Grade then held, lie shallmake a second inspection after the lapse of such time as he deems nece ssary for t he defect to be remedied, and the second inspection shall be used in determining compliance with the grade requirements of this ordinaYlce. Any violation of the same i tern of th:: s ordinance on such second Inspection shall call for immediate degradin,g or suspension of permit. I One copy of the inspection report shall be posted by the health officer upon an inside wall of the restaurant, and said inspection report shall not be defaced. or removed by any person except the health officer. Another copy of the inspection report shall be filed with the records of the health department. 'rhe person operating the restaurant shall upon request of the heal th officer permit access to all parts of the establishment and shall permit copying any or all records of food purchased. S~CTION 6. The grading of restaurants.--The grading of all restaurants shall be based upon the following standards. Sani tation requirements for Grade A. He stal,lrants. --All grade A restaurants shall comply with all of the following items of sanitation. Item 1. F'loors.--'l'he floors of all rooms in wId.ch food or drink is stored, prepared, or served, or in v~lich utensils are washed, shall be of such construction as to be easil;y- cleaned, shall be smooth, and shall be kept clean and in good repair. Item 2. Walls and ceilings.--Vialls and ceiline;s of all rooms shall be kept clean and in good repair. All walls and ceilings of rooms in which food or drink is stored or prepared shall be finished in light color. The walls of all rooms in which food or drink is prepared or utensils are washed shall have a smooth, washable surface up to the Ie vel reached by splash or spray. I tern 3. Doors and windows. --~,hen flie s are prevalent. all I e ORDINANCE NO. 2098 (CON'T) I openings into the outer air shall be effectively screened and doors shall be self-closing, unless other effective means are provided to prevent the entrance of flies. Item 4. Lighting. --All rooms in whi. eh food or dri.nl{ is stored or prepared or in which utensils are washed shall be livell lighted, Item 5. Ventilation.--All rooms in which food or drink is stored, prepared or served or in which utensils are washed, sllall be well ventilated. Item 6. 'lioilet facilities. --Every restaurant shall be pro- vided with adequate and conveniently located toilet facilities for its employees, conforming with the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Hebraska. In restaurants hereafter constructed toilet rooms shall not open directly into any room in which food, drink, or utensils are llandled or stored. The doors of all toilet rooms shall be self-closing. Toilet rooms shall be kept in a clean condition, in good repair, and well lighted and ventilated. Hand- washing signs shall be posted in each toilet room used by employees. Item 7. Viater Supply.--Hunning vvater under pressure shall I e be easily acc.essible to all rooms in which food is prepared or utensils are washed, and the water supply shall be adequate" and of a safe, sanitary quality. Item 8. Lavatory f'acilities.--Adequate and convenient hand- washing facilities shall be provided, includine hot and cold runnine water, soap, and appmred sanitary towels. The use of a common towel is prohibited. No employee shall resume work after using the toilet room without first washing his hands. Item 9. Construction of utensils and equipment.--All multi- use utensils and all show and display cases or windows, counters, shelves, tables, refrigerating equipment, sinlrs and other equip- ment or utensils used in connection Vii th the opera ti on of a res- taurant shall be so constructed as to be easily cleaned and shall be kept in good r~padtF'. Utensils containing or plated wi th cad- mium or lead shall not be used: Provided, that solder containing lead may be used for jointing. Item 10. Cleaning and bactericidal treatment of utensils and equipment.--All equipment, including display cases or v/indows, counters, shelves, tables, refrigerators, stoves, hoods, and sinks, ORDINANCE NO. 2098 (C01\[I T) shall be kept clean and free from dust, dirt, insects, and other contaminating material. All cloths used by waiters, chefs and other employees shall be clean. Single-service containers shall be used only once. A.ll raul ti-use eating and drinking utensils shall be thor- oughly cleaned and effectively subjected to an approved bacter- icidal process after each usage. All :muJti-use utensils used in the preparation or serving of food and drink shall be thor- oughly cleaned and effectively subjected to an approved bacter- icidal process immediately following the day's operation. Drying cloths, if used, shall be clean and shall be used for no other purpose. No article, polish, or other substance containing any cyanide preparation or other poisonous material shall be used for the cleaning or polishing of utensils. Item 11. Storace and handling of utensils and equipment.-- I After bactericidal treatment utensils shall be stored in a clean, dry place protected from flies, dust and othel" contamination, and shall be handled in such a manner as to prevent contamination as far as practicable. Single-service utensils shall be pur- chased only in sanitary containers, shall be stored therein in a clean, dry place until used, and shall be handled in a sanitary manner. Item 12. Disposal of wastes.--All wastes shall be properly disposed of, and all garbage and trash shall be kept in suitable receptacles, in EUch mam~er as not to become a nuisance. Item 13. Refrigeration.--All readily perishable food and driw{ shall be kept at or below 500 F. except vtilen being pre- I e pared or served. Waste water from refrigeration equipment shall be properly disposed of. Item 14. Wholesomeness.of food and drink.--A.ll food and drink shall be clean, whole some, free from spoilage, an.d so prepared as to be safe for human consumption. All milk, fluid milk nro- ducts, ice Creal'll, and other frozen desserts served shall be from fluid approved sources. Milk and milk products shall be served in the individual original containers in which they were received from the distributor or from a bulk container equipped with an ORDINANCE NO. 2098 .(CONtT) a.pproved dispensing device~ Provided, That this lequirerrent shall not apply to cream, which may be served from the original bottle or from a dispenser approved for such service. All oysters, clams, and mussels sp~ll be from approved sources, and if shucked shall be kept uhtil used in the containers in which they were placed at the shucking plant. ~tem 15. Storage, display, and serving of food and drink.-- All food and drink shall be so stored, displayed and served as to be protected from du st, flies, vermin, depredation and pollution by rodents, unnecessary handling, d~plet infection, overhead leakage, and other contamination. No animals or fowls shall be kept or allowed in any room in which food or drink is prepared or stored. All means necessary for the elimination of flies, roaches, a nd rod ent s shall be used. Item 16. Cleanliness of employees.--All employees shall wear clean outer garments and shall keep their hands clean at all times while engaged in handling food, drink, utensils 'or:~ eq~ipment. Employees shall not expectorate or use tobacco in any form in rooms in which food is prepared. Item 17. Miscellaneous .--The premises of all restaurants shall be kept clean and free of Ii tter or rubbish. None of the operations connected with a restaurant shall be conducted in any room used a s living or sleeping quarters. Adequate lockers or dressing rooms shall be provided for employees' clothing and shall be kept clean. Soiled linens, coats and aprons shall be kept in containers provided for this purpose. Grade B restaurants .--Grade B. restau rant s are those which I I e fail to comply with item 1,2, 4, 5, or 17, but which e~nform with all other items of sanitation required for grade A restaurants. Grade C restaurants.--Grade C restaurants are those which fail to comply with either the Grade A or the grade B requirements. Itinerant restaurants.--Itinerant restaurants shall be con- snructed and operated in an approved manner. SECTION 7. Grades of restaurants which may operate.--From and after 12 months from the date on which thisordinance takes effect no restaurant shall be operated within the City of Grand Island or ~ police jurisdiction, unless it conforms with the Grade A ORDINANCE NOI 2098 (CONIT) or grade B, or approved itinerant restaurant requirements of this ordinanoe: PrOVided" That when any restaurant fails to qualify for any of these grades the health off'ioer is authorized to suspend the permit or in lieu thereof to d'~rade the restaurant and permits its operation during a temporary period not exoeeding 30 days. SECTION 8. Reinstatement of' permit supplementary regrading.-- Any restaurant the grade of whioh has been lowe~ed and all grade displays have been ohanged aocordingly, or the permit of which has been suspended mayat any time make application for regrading or the reinstatement of t he permit. Within one week after the reoeipt of a satisfactory applica- tion, accompanied by a statement signed by the applicant to the effect that the violated provisionsor prOVisions of this ordin- ance have been conformed with, the health officer shall make a reinspeotion, B.nd thereafter as many addttional reinspections as he may deem necessary to assure himself that the applicant is again complying with the higher grade requirements, and, in case the findings indicate compliance" shall award the higher grade or reinstate the permit. SECTION 9. Disease control.--No person who is affected with any disease in a communicable form or is a carrier of such disease shall work in any restau rant, and no re stau rant shall employ any such person or any person suspected of being affected with any disease in a communioable form or of being a carrier of such disease. If the restaurant manager suepents that any employee has contracted any disease in a communicable form or has become a carrier of such d!sease he shall notify the health officer i1l11l'ediately. a placard containing this fection shall be posted in all1i:>imet rooms. SECTION 10. Procedure when infection suspeoted.--V'Jhen sus- picion arises as to the p08~1bl11ttYOf transmission of infection from any restau rant employee the health offioer is authorized to require any or all of the following measures: (1) the immed- iate exclusion of the employee from all restaurants; (2) the irnrrediate closing of the restaurant concerned until no further danger of disease outbreak exists, in the opinion of the health officer; (3) adequate medical examinations of the employee and I I e ORDINANCE NO. ?098 ~. (CON IT) of his associates, with such laboratory examinations as may be indicated. SECTION 11. Enforcement interpretation. --'I'hi s ordinan ce shall be enforced by the health officer in accordance withfue interpretations thereof contained in the 1943 edition of the U. S. Public Health Service Code Hegulating Bating and Drinking Establishments, a certified copy of which shall be on file at the City Clerk's office. SEC'TION 12. Penal tie s. --Any person, firm, association or corporation violating the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and b19 fined in any sum not exceeding One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars and shall stand corumi tted to the Ci ty Jail until such fine and costs are radd. Each and every violation of the provisions of this ordinance shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 13. Repeal and date of effect.--All ordinilllc~and I parts of ordinanc~in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed, and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. SECTION 14. Unconstitutionality clause.--Should any section, paragraph, sentence, cJ3.use, or phrase of this ordinance be de- clared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of said ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 15. All persons, fir~ associations, or corporations not engaged in the busine ss of preparing, selling and ser'ving foods and drinks at the time of the passage of this ordinance and who shall, after the adoption of this ordinance, desire to engage in such business shall only be permitted to engage in such business I e if the srule meets the Grade A requirements provided for in the provisions fuereof. l?assed and approved this 21st ,946. Nl'rrEST: ~~\S#/~ Ci lerk . : - .. 17- ORDINANCE 1W. -2Q2.9~~-- An ordinance vacating that part of Arthur Street lying be- tween the south line of First Street and the north line of Division Street and also the west one hundred six (106') feet of the alley lying in Fractional Block Twenty-three (23) of Baker's Addition to the City of Grand Island, and providing that that portion of said street and said alley so vacated be made a part of Buechler Park in said City. \fVllEREAS, rJ.1ll.e Ci ty of Grand Island owns, operates and maintains Buechler Park which lies to the west of Arthur Street and is bound- ed on the north by Pirst Street and on the south by Division Street, and I vVlIEHEAS, for the purpose of enlarging Buechler Park the Ci ty has purchased Lots Four (4) and Five (5), of Fractional Block 'I'wenty-three (23), Baker's Addition, and Fractional Lot Six (6), Fractional Block Tvvc:mty-three (23), Baker's Addition and its Com- plement Fractional Lot Six (6), Fractional Block One (1), Ashton Place, and .F'ractional Lot Seven (7), Fractional Block TVJenty-three (23), Baker's Addition and its Complement Fractional Lot Seven (7), Fractional Block One (1), Ashton Place, all in the City of Grand Island, Dall County, Nebraska, all of which said lots lie directly east of Arthur Street and are bounded on the north by said First Street and on the south by Division Street, and WHERiEAS, in order to properly use and maintain said Buechler Park as enlarged, it is to the best interest that that .oart of Arthur Street and that part of said alley herein described be vacated and be incorporated in and made a part of said buechler Park. I e ':eHEHEFOHE, BE I'l' ORDAINED BY THJJ; MAYOR l\ND CITY COU:NCIL OF 'rEE CITY OF' GHAND ISLAND, Il:GBRASKA: SEcrrION 1. That that part of Arthur Street IJdng botween the south line of First Street and the north line of Division Street be and the same is c~ereby vacated. SECTION 2. That the west one hundred six (106') feet of Fractional Block rl'wenty-three (23'), Baker IS Addi tion to the said City of Grand Island be and the same is hereby vacated. ORDINANCE NO. 2099 (GONTT) SEC'IIION 3. ~;hat that part of said Arthur Street and that part of said alley so vacated are hereby ordered incorporated in and made a part of said Buechler Park. 'rhis ordinance shall be in force and take effect from m d. after its passage, ~ proval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 6th day of November , 1946. A'IUPEST: swL4- <<erk I I e OHDINANCE lW. 2100 An ordinance vacating the Bast one hundred thirty-two (132) feet of the alley in Block Forty-two (42), of the Ori- ginal 'l'ovm, noVJ the Ci ty of Grapd Island, Hall County, l\ebl>- aska, and ~pr()viding t;ha t that Dad:; of said alley so vacated shall be the property of and belong to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Whereas, the City of Grand Island owns and operates its municipal light and power plant on the peal estate l~fing clir- ectly sout]] of the East one hundred tnirty-two (132) feet of the alley in Block Porty--two (4~;), of the Original 'l'own, now the City of Grand Island, and VJhereas,it is necessary that the City enlarge its said municipal light and power plant and :Cor that purpose the said City has condelnned and appropriated for its own use a portion " I of 10ts One (1), and Two (2), in said Block Forty-two (42), lying directly north of said alley in said block for such expansion and enlargement, and in making said improvement it vd.ll be necessary that the Ci ty occupy and build upon that Dart of the alley herein vacated. NOW, rrEEEEFOliE, :m~ IT HE30LVEDBY AND CITY COUNCIL 0'" .[, THE CITY OF GRAND I,SLlilJD, l<fE}3r{i\.S}<f~: Sji;CTIOF 1. '1'ha t the east one hundred thirty-tvvo (1;:52) feet of the alley lying in 1310 ck Porty-tvvo (42) of the Original 'l'ovm, now the Ci ty of Grand Island, Hall County, }Jebraska, be and the same is hersby vacated and tJle part so vacated shall be the pro- perty of and belong to the City of Grand Island, as by law pro- I e vided. '1'hi s orcU_ll.ance shall be in 1'orce and taJre affe ct from and after its ssage, approval and Dl.lblica tion as provided by 1mv. Passed ana approved this the 11th da~f of November f' :2-- ~ 1946. ~ Al''llEST: ~ ,- .~~/ , ~/.%.-~ ty----C 1 erk- . .--------- I I e ORDINANCE NO. _<-lQl An ordinance levy'inG cial "Laxes to pay flar tne cost of 65nstruction of Paving Distr:lct ).<fo. 99 ol~ the Ci o C>I Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection of. - ,,-;-:' :j.:'::J 'LJ.',U_}J }J/~~rC)~[-:( (-, v c "CIL (, ~r '.J J_ ;Y,' \j,.'- Si3CTION 1. T~ t110 (lC :L S X1eI'~e lovied and assessed t t2e sever 1 loi~s, tracts and parcels ID..I1Cl l"Je~ee te:r~ set f'Ol"~i::., i'Ol") tj.-1G J!'L~l'j~pose of' 1J the cost .t' ~l "'\l st:eIct 1<0. 'a~) of' tJ.1C Ci t~~.r 01 ebraska, ~~:l accordance tll J_ S , t~~:;c.e rJ .ts found and assessed against each the several lots, tr~acts EltlcL l)D..l~CGls o:t' ].8.11(1 iI"J. :3CticL (3, ~LstI~ict l):'l 'bi:-10 ,'J.n Cl C :L ty CouneJ.l t~;~18 C i t~S' 0 f' LLI1(1 Is C:) r~fl E;l:C:l, t ciS L1, aI'd oJ:.' ....~(lualization, after (".ue notJ.co lJee11 t}le~eeoi', c1S ~e8(1,~ired. 'b-;l la't~i!l, El SI)OCJ..[{l t[:;l)(; eB.crl ()1' tt;,tj se\lel~,~1J_ lots, tI~8.ct;3 ri.Y1C. ) [ll~ C 01 s J.&fld 3.s assessed as flollows: ()\VI,-;' .-- l,O'i' ELCClC r~l eJJ.:J.!')d. 11. l:-.~ lcJD.. . 1)oel11er 1 L'LLC8~S 80.96 CLUIS. J'. Ij08Sc~':},el. '-"- "" I~) O:H.U. a LoescheI' r.::n .0(J C) n '" 0 n Albel't c.: ran]{el ;5.58 Hobert C. ~gne8 L. .Lt. -LrerlO ':-1.. joint ovmorship 1i 4 244.;':;0 bert 11 1 r o ~~'1!~.30 )r2<y" cI.J_li s t.Gl~ ','j '-'jL;an ('. John 1.'. E-l~:S2 ' 3 tVe s tSl?\T8 1 t ;383.38 Jennie . ~~a:rman 1~-1,;32 f II 4 383. :38 J'011Y1:l0 s 236.913 II .L-!;- :L j;iary I. },ialdorf E-65' C ()lll" t o u se22t7. or; ~;t!i J_li e ,Licl'J.er~ -VJ'-50 r L-115' If Ii n o 75.45 Charlotte SCl'lo811ebors V'~:'_lll r 8 It II ;~6 56 . if II -227& 07 II n '(';' r: 45 i v. of 1 7')' _t)._J J.. i'alciorf 1.0-65 T 9 ,iillie Heher Vi-50' of :~~-llt;' 9 lot-to SchoonelJorg 1\'\'_117' oj~ J~~-132 I \1 fl 9 26.56 jJ,Cl.l-')ry IJ. (;:~ ,~;'nlL1JJ.(la .L'~. J'OY10 S -45' 1 1 JIo:y'de ' s 219.90 .::obert uo <.; If:: 0/"" 'I f..)- u t:J 0 1 ... " () 11 ~'~(lll I~ l:10 EtO.. Ii 1 YIG.77 I I e 1:0. 2101 (C "II) IT fil';I}~ LOT BLOCIC ADj)I~rI ~lO bOI't 1 -.'l~..'-~l l/~I ? Jl() - .en :Ljuirllead ''-' '-' ~ " ~.) . .V'UI)J:J.i s s ;3-29 1/3 I 2 .L',ir~S . J'.L8~rlJr c'\u'ni s s r:"-l[) <')/'7, I 3' >~ u .;... 3-451 '2 ,) ":obel't (,; J\.c;ne S L;rown George H.. & Frieda D. Jess 1 Annabelle ~leischer n ,~ \;[0,11io I~ Al:)igail Li. alp 3 ',Ja11io ." il.i~lic;ai1 I,T. Olp 3-181 4 Car1{;i Ison Inc. h-3GI 4 Carl ilson -Lnc. r::' o CaJ:J~ ~/JilsOll IJ-:1C. 6 Charles p. G Loretta ~. Baban 7 J. :. Clarence Baxter stees 1 Virgil C. .;:llice l-}. l?etors 2 All)crt L Isa"1Jol C. Q .., 3 Clara r:uan 1 Janet .L::::u'vey -661 5 OWGn J". G J'Oscullino Owens E-66t 5 u. homer . JaIls 0-721 & N-49~ of E-601 6 OVv811 J-. Josephine Owens 3-81 of E-60' '" n o ,:., C'ust J? \/alonis 7 Arnold d. & J"osenhine V. liarvey 8 CJ:.1I}i s I~. J.l18Z (~C:\_er}rlan ~~"J- 'r? 5. L)3 t of .J~-125~3 t 1 1"-1. 1:;. I3ro[iaI1 u.', l'ere sa jjr)OEsEl..n }~-75. 47 I 1 i"~. 1.;,1. }31"")0 E';arl r.CCl')0se. j3ro[~an N-51 of E-75.471 52 {';'I" , . \J .L~Ll~ J~ S l~. C',; IllGZ lliel"}x18.il ~;-,75.53' of j~-132T n ,:., adore c ~dna fuma 3-481 of b-75.471 2 Pau.1in,e ;,coersen 3 (:~~.e or' (~e I;. L~aJe~~ 1:;. 4: Lawrence 1811. l.'. deIcs r:: v Georgo ",ilrgaret ~Jalk8r 1~-103 1 6 1 1 1 1 2 n t~ <) t:J n "-' 2 ~3 2 <) ... 3 r' L) ~, " <~ ro;' o 2 " ,:., () ... () {~ 2 .1\.1,'1 () 1JT~'~; IIeJTd.e t S ~j;.153 .113 11 11 n Ii 11 II 11 II II Ii 11 II i1 Ii II II II il li 11 14:3.48 76.77 ~219. 90 ~.2G;3. 82 ~;63.E32 263.82 U8.14 175.98 2Cl.38 261.38 ~261. 38 I s ~2:Cld 278..46 tl 332. t76 1I 55t7 . ~34 it 849.26 11 l:J[j.Ol II [~~).Y75 II 267,89 II 10.87 1I 8.16 If 278.4,6 6 Eann I S 3rd 338. 53 6 6 f.' o 6 6 c v '" o 6 1i H .. 11 II li d II l'l n 463.99 n 32.78 II 193.99 1i ~38Y?13 It 3f3c,.79 fi ;3/-16.21 II 466.30 il 527.1%,/ I I e ~ r I r:,'1 ) l, U. . :2.1-01...._ " c - l)avl.cl I;. c~ L'u.c:r .G. ~'JaJ..lcel"') Vi-t.18' uon:ey Jlann Lillian A. Canow to :i? ,l~rllla ~). :3cllY1ar)"tz Gus (;; Aur.;us ta i',. Llb :i?T'i 8 d,tS\. ~';'l. C'L1.rtirl ,~il"clJiG c.' l,.~YI~11a ":(cnney \ri _~?~~ N CJ.-1Dw:r~ Ie s " , IJ. n . T." CA: .f'.J8 ~_J~e Dra:I-cOl1. r-,~~ L01~~ Ji:DI)lifr (.lIT P.l.LIC}(Jl:rrJ: __c.----...-__ G 6 LLanrl I S 3rd "<'1r-r' 52 'ii' " <) . '7 '7 II il <') !j~S CI 4 ,,~ . J 8 'I Ii it () 58 9 ';l ..... . 9 ? :1 H n 58 94 (~ . 10 t"~! II tl <') 5[:3 94 I f.J . 11 ? ii 11 n 58 94 ,;:, . 1 2 7 " II 19t3 18 . In 7 11 it 61 06 ,;:, . ('I J . ze-:; 1 Jja~lclc E-6'7:;.1 N 13 Co. l~;reJna nornaI'd H. 0: Evelyn K. Thomnson '", ,~r71'~ i' "1' 1'7:<)1 ~:J - () 02~ () .LJ - ~:JCJ 13 11 i.-~er:rnan :)01e1' IJ -71. L;c t lJcrrnan ::3e10r 1~-_r71. 4 t J"[une s /~. clw1son Catherine D~ J"oh.J"':l b. JJ--} Stanley c Ke1le Egelhoff s-.~ "\l er11 li. ~.U }~ S tl1el~ 1 n ,,- 11 10 10 IJ~aylor ~i-10::~. 61 5 }{icka J)uenrlerntan 48.4' Axel & ~11a Larsen Jerry Dav:Ldson Larl J. (!~ J~va,rn:1.pp1e J.-'-~st~. lil,lL;l.lsta 1elet 1;~JJ.oster i::lst. i:"ugusta Ida Ku.ester ll.. h.. I,~cNutt ,,; Hu be" '1.'. I;, c hu t t ,) Vi-54t of' ~-1891 "r., 'l) '_' <.! a..JO S 1. v.: Cocolia Larsen r:J- 5':i: t o.f Jj~-2 <t3 t IlI(lr~ tlla (::j .i.1-cnl~Y .A-ns te t t ii- ~e)4' of' ~i;-29'7' '..chnund :.:.:. 'l,erner \i-171 of .E-314, 1\.00 s t e 1'1 ['-,~ J en:,-:~li e ester Carl F. .,il1oe \;e.[;ner GeorJe ~atrous~as Sub. 15-11-9 621.43 II if t1 flA9 . 03 II <) '-' Lakevievij 300.01 n (.J II l;;~rl _ 3~2 1 H 586.34 1 11 l~:~ 5. [38 1 II 12 5 . 88 3 lTqU-n I", :>J"'Q' .l..J..allJ. u ........J. 387.93 5 3 II 1I 18;:5.17 6 3 H n 278.78 >, 3 II H ;)4.30 ( 10 6 , s 3rd 106.85 11 6 II II 2f54.04 l~~ 6 II II 54;~~. 99 13 Co. ;:..jl~l 0 . ~=:.,e c. 15-11-9 26:3.82 II II II n 82 '-' . il If li C)r~.~ 3. 82 i~t) 11 II II .26 1 d 3rc1 443. 16 ., n 11 ~~Ot7 . 36 II Ii 87.26 SEcr~~IOIJ 2. 'llhe 'tElxe s [;;0 levied s}la11 be corne payable, do- 13 li II 13 1I if 13 'll n '7 r< 0 () 0 0 9 6 ;)HDnTi\..i 01:.; -.'.-"r- .1.'--4 \). 2101 (eeL;; "I' ) l:1.nqLLent and c1r,iw 1ntere s t as by laliv provided, as follows: One-tenth ,3j:all becmne deli:n.quent i':Lft:y clays i'l'om the ('ate of' thi ~.'1 levy; one - ten in one year; one-t6nth in two years; 01"18- tGrlt~(l i1'1 tl1rJoe~;re all s; O~18 - tc:;:n.t11 irl f' C)ttl~ ~ve Etl") s; (>11C - terl tll :Ln five years; aIle-tenth :Ln six ~lears; one-tonth 1;1. seven years; one-tenth in eight years; and one-tenth in nine years froll]' the date of th:L;] lev;)/"; Gach of said :Lnstallments except t11e :C5..14St , 11 SLJ.r-L ~ lj8rtl~ irlte r;'f) s t 2" t the rate of seven per cent .oer illll1um until tho flame becoJ::le delinquent, and eacL. of tJle (Ie J.il1(~i.1J.el1t :L:n s tall}j''leIl t s slJaJ..J_ cIrfl.\v 11tC 0 s t D.. t tl,lC 1~[1 te o~C r.llr18 per C8rlt fro2 and after sa ;:'uch ir.1.;c;tallment be cmne s de lin(1,uen]; l.Ultil :paid; :provideel, ]wlvever, tJ)t.ct the entir-e EUlount [!O leviecl ane} a s E~ e ~-3 se d. a~,:~;[i~L /1 st cLYl7:r of' afores iel lots, Tracts and parcels 01'-1 lcLLLcl be paid ']::]. thin 1~ t~T clEJ.:S" s i:l~oln tIle a"[-e fJtl ell Ie v:yr \Lt tll()tlt I11t.E31'>est; [Lrld. tl1tlt ov'erlt, s"t1cl1 lots, tl~acJGS aJ1d. "()al")- I cels of land -, -, J_ ~L be t i)110El 8~:rl~r lierl C)l~ cYtftJ~fje tl()l") iTttel'o st. SJI;C f~ '7 ~) . C 1 t:r Clo ofl tl1.e Ci t~y- o1~ IsID..:'}cl, 801)- asJ<D., is J:.c:eoD>.: El'Ll'G1-lo1'i:tzed~ to :COl) tll certify to t C' J. ill1")Q ~l s- t1.I')O:~ o:f saj~(I (.~ity tJ:"i.O C~tnO'I)~11t o:f fjf.llo. Tjfl]\'.GS ::-:;8 i"l 0 1.") -tl1, to- t:l1C: r~ l.D.structions to collect tIle sarne, as orov:Lded l)y lay!. EjICC r~Ll I OI-.,r 4;_ S ol'")clill8l1 ce sJ:1Etl.1 -.,t"':,> f.j c.... force 8.:~lcl t 8J{ e efi1ect fr012 illld QJ.-Ler j.ts s s[\~;e , oval and' lication aspl'ovided by lavv. 1"', - :' EtS [{G ct 8..11.(1 approvod tlli s 20th cI El,)" 19~~~6 . I e A'.,,'J'lCS'l' : ~ ~~-rJr OHDIEAlrC.lc~ .fJ U. I)' t'\l'\ --4.....~_____ An oI'dinance pertainin[; to lnt:e8.ci ty ]Jass l:tlot{)r lJ"L.lses, motor bus ~J_nes and d vers of said. ilio'bar buses; provi for t~le is f.Hlflrlce o~e T)o:-erJi ts to d.J~i ve CL11Cl O~?el'a t.o tracity Das encer motor buses; provi Lor exarainat:Lons tJ.J.or'efore and y'evocations t.CJ.e:C'Gof; pr'ovl for the collection of' fees for ts, and providinc penalties for the violation t..... Ol l~.tlC :pro't..ji s:Lons oi' s or din.fulc e . 'rf!l C)F~Di~ 11.Ill~ C I i~[\{ C OtTl[C I~L ion' c OJ.'' , (1 "["iri OJ':" V 1. l~o I)OrSOTl shall drive a , IJ.lO l~or ~_.\.., -; G Ul.-l.....; cal~::e~'Iillg I)as- se11C~0:es :for i.1117<0 ).11 t}'1e Ci.t7l 0.1' :~+rD~nd IE"1J_EJ..Il(l, l1TLloss J:-.-~e Sl::LE.tJ_J. }~Lrl\/e appliGd. for) and ()btained a t refore froDl tho Ci"ty Clerk. ~ach person desir a I)c:elni t as cl driver of a rrLotor , .DUwS ,311.8.11 file an appll.ca'clon,ilel'cf'or TII th the Cl t-;)7 CleT<[-r. on a form provided 'b-:l 11i2U, sot'cirlC: J1ol-,tl1 tIle 11.a~rne ct(~tdl'}ess ()~C t118 ~l])~pl:tcaJ:lt, D..l1CL I tile name an d acid:cE);:; [; ti18 o "VJI1 G I") ()ll slJc"i.J. rl1otol~ J:JllS CDL1r)Elny. ell appllcant silall o.lso urlcier a .:nccHcal eXHEinatlon to be given by t_L"~.O Cit;T J:.QD,.ltl-l. DeIJcLl~t~nlel1'\~, "vvltl1ol1t C1Ial"ge to t1:1G c.1.})})1.icElrlt, ClT1Cl sllaJ..l olJtain a certificate from the exaBinin~ 3:1.c:Lan tte physical fitness of the J_iGc1Il-G to 'beco:rne [,1 lic(~nsed. Ll0t011 -b"llS (Ir~ i v 0 I) . SucJ~ apI)licant shallalso take an examination to lJ8 <311 'b~T t~}1C 81' of Police to cLete:CI;lirw whethe:r applican"~ is fam- i liar rd. 'ell the IH'ovi sions of the traffic ol'dinance s, the 1'e atiollS OI t~:_'-le Cj~ t-:T 2.1.1'1(1 ElCCll)'C3..illtC;Cl tte the location ftlJ~ stl~80t~S lic places in the . , C J_ -c-:I . ell e:KL:llnirlcltioXl sllctl1 1)8 irl Sl~~CJ:1 ~Cor}~n clrlcL as C0111I)I)OIJ.orl s 1 V8 .) c". (...l.....) -GI1C ef 1'011 ce GJ:n 116 C e s ~3 flI):)! . Sl~crI'I ;-) (4. Sri c,Ll llcan~ shall be not less cj. teen I e -:/CJ8.r)S ofl E1L:e aue,- be c1.. bona ,;,\.. .., l:Lo~e :eo s1cl.el1t of a:nd dOTn.:Lciled 1n the cit.y. upon Sll crl can.t co nro v!i tl-le I'e(~.Ll1il'eIn.erlts 01 r< ~ section and t'j_ illS llcalth certificate "[,11G ci t:I S l CJ..UD., and a ce:rtificate t 1".L8 j-laS a [3 S8(1 e 2:L1J:uirlQ t i 01"1 ven by the Chief of Police, [i 11 C"L , , ~C.L.C t of tJ-le foes hCl~einafltcr ovi<10(1, tIle Cl-'c7JT ClcJ~Jr is E~-Ll-Cj .orizocJ. t::o j~ 811e S11G. j. (tel'vcr f s POI'lili t. ~3J.~ClT I (Jl\- :3. Such driver's DC t .: c' no t EU.:;;3J. 18 8~11(1 3118.11 I I e f,U. 2102_(C 'I') .PJJlr}~or:Lze t118 (Il"~l'\lel~ to CI1-)lv"e onl:)T ~C()l~ tJ."18 O-\'"/}"-lc:e (1035. ted ih his El~p:pllcD.tio11. 111 OVOllt SD.:LcJ Cll}:I."VOT1 c' ~) lO;.Tor~s, .t:l10 Ci CIG is E.lllt~l()r)izecl to iSfn),.G a ~i~le\'1 :pe t to sueD drIver \iLL thout examination 'u.'~)Orl pa~neJ~t of the '~8rluit t'ee reiJ:lafter se"b ll()rtb.. ~3~~C11I()j~:'j 4. aYll1.1J.al ~pe t fee 11 be charged as rollows: J.'o1' eaCH dr:1.veI'1 s p01'mi t- - - - - - .00 oneil renewal of driver's pe t 1.00 E)i~GIIIO:(J Eie 1ill {)O t i' c e s J. -0 E3 CLl10 Gil1(t ~Jle t::1..'C t,le ce of -the City ~reaS'Qr~er all the fi.rst of' each . .::'~ () .L ell" cl..11cl f.111 t El s}l~l..ll :LrJ0 on TiJ.8 ~) oil ~~ ~!):L.l ~eol- 10vi:l.112: :i.::; [3uance. S,ECi.LiIe)}} 6. .;.110 Ci t;jl' :j~Y"OtlSl)..I~er} 1 issue to eaCD person grffi1 too. a 1)01':::li t to dr:'Lvo a motor bus, a badge, ell bad':;o :3110.11 bo worn only by tho 001'E30n to 8[1.5.0. ~pe1~Jnj.t VV[1..S ls~~~'uGcl ,111d sai d badgc:; s~J.all be Vi orn on the f'rOll.t of' t.ho driver' s C r.L1b.8 . rn.otox~ 1Jl18 (ll~i ver) f s 'bac1C;O sllalJ.. l)earl tl18 J:l~lln8 o:-f tJJ.6 Ci t"y of~ C'ro"J1cl Is1a11o., tL.o nUl:1ber 01' t}:le DeI'Illi t is sued and t:i.:tO VfOl'ds \I -C01") S (\'..)0.,~q ~-OI' II '~.il.'J..G....v . ;~Cl1e Cit";)r Ilr~eas'Llrel"} E!,118.11 collect '~11e cost oi~ [1[,4..5-(1 l)ud.L;e fr02n tb.o })oI'sori. to VflJ.OL1 tJJ.e t 811['1.11 be is s1J.Gcl, a=-'lC:l. cost tJ.-J.8~eoo~C t12L:,;r be ~ee(le8ro.ecl "by SCticl J.l,~.eeastlrel"1 \IJ1~~011 tl"lO j ttee shall no longoI' dosire to drivo a mo~oI' f3 , ~~~r}c. SllI~l~(jjJ,clerJ s d 1)c1(.2;8 In o~ L~;o CJ (1, se8~'blc , tion. S}~C r.LI o 1"") SOIJ., J'lr~l"n., ['1,. s ~~,C) e12~ ti011, T),~:1.1~tJ.lel'" s}J.t}J or 'l. C01"".)])OI'LttiC)]:l, o~p0r~atl:rJ~_ ~C~C)tOl-"":l iJl13 COEIT)allies irJ. ti-1G Cl o ~C ~.XI" till d I [~J~8.!:1cl, lay! 1 Ulnplo:y or I)Ol"SOT.l T~() CI1~i\fC 2. r'1.oto:2 qllS l:LY11eS8 Sl~;.C~~--J_ -,-)erS()11 Sll[lJ_l l':Lx'st }lu\re d. s rlJ. CL ~.J t to 11 OI)8I)ute Et ~L10t.O~P t-:)ll;J CJ..S -:"tr}o"'lj-id.8cl iJ1 #' S ol}cL:Lll,clI1ce. ~)I!~C ;11 I Ol~ [3 . It:J ~J~~l J...LiJ e l1.1l.1El. vrL'lll ~C 01"} aJ1-:l ~p el~ SOIl Q L.c peI'Jd. t to e~eato Li. Inctor 1)lJ.8 01"") d.l"1i-\/o sllc11 Jnotol~ lJllS Ie 1n a state of toxication and if 81.1 eL a lcllng I) e =~ SOIL pCl'ui t [lIla.1I be f'OlUld It:;y of dr:J.v -LO intox- amo top l:;u s 1catecl, tJ:J.o C}1iei' ()~f l)oJ_1ce oi) tl--=~e Clt:r oJ~ 1 s larlcl rev ol~e the pc .ted 'to Buell vj.olator. Chief of Poli6e lS 1~ .C.lC)I"cby C.ClcJ.l'}f~0(1 V/l T~J::.!_ t,llo d.llt-;;r oJl aTJ~)I~O\1 a]~ 1 T) ()r:cl~L t s ted to appl:Lcants for aYl"JT ~;)el~S:,~ 11 I'1Lli t S EL11 ci 1 fl S 11 e J-_-~ , 11 . SI1B..~, , :Lll tl1G d.l s - cT'otion 01' tho Chiof of Police, bo found to be a I'eckless (:[1'1vol' I I e 2' '0") t-, I 'Ii) . ~._<!;...._.__. \ C EL],10. tlllf>it to ()I)0]~fltO fl I.l1UtOI;l "b'L1S, -c to OI)Ol'}~t. te S [tr"l e s :nJ.El~Y' 1)0 r~ev'ol;e d_ tJY ttlC S Eli (1 C11J ef CJI' l~lo l:L ce. ~3J~C association, par'tncrsllip ~J. i-i.rl~T IJe:esorl, or corporation, violating the urovisions of , " . - I S ordlnance snal , upon conviction be deemed ilty of a sc1emeanor ano. be fined irl any sum :n.ot e::ccoedi ',;,100.00, and shall sta:nd co:nrLJittod. until S[lic3. L'1118 (~~_~Qd_ CC)sts EJ..I~e IJElic5-. SEC'J.'I 10. All permit fees paid to tlle Cit:;r 'rreasurer under' tho :provisions of this ordinance sllull be cree'LL ted to the Police OJ~ t~IJ.8 Ci t:{ 01 i ~j ...l-Q el)l')[?tsl~a. '.C'}d S orC:.inarlCe s13)111 be in J:'orco a::1('[ o1.'fe c t from 8'il d after) its paS8a[~G, approval arld. [Jublication as provided ~a~ I.) E-l S ~3e(.1 b.ncl a. d tLr.l ~3 4th clsw;1 oi1 ~De c e~~:l'L) e l' , 1 G' 46. N'~' ---~~-_._-- LYyor ==-~ -~ ~ ..:: ;;;~~_. .'-'7EI-t~y- c 1 e I' k