1947 Ordinances OHDINANCE H01, 2103 , I An ordinance vacatinG that part of Jefferson Street lying north of the north property line of Division Street, running thence north one hundred thirty-tyiO (132) feet to the alley, also known as the East One-half (.&~.) of Lo t C, fam rlace iI.ddi tion to the Ci ty of Grand Island, hall County, Nebraska; authorizing the sale of that part of said street so vacated to Halph B. Murphy and Earle G. Johnson, and stating the terms of said sale; providing for the giving of notice to the electors of the City of Grand Island rela- tive to the sale thereof and providing for the filing of a remon- strance against said sale. \iVHEHEM3, that part of Jefferson Street extending north oi' the north property line of Division Street, is known as a stub street and extends only a distance of one hundred thirty-two (132) feet nort~l of said Division Street, and because of the fact tha t said street does not extend all the 'vvay throur;h the block to First Street, the same is not used for public travel, and, WHERJ~!'\.S, Halph E. Murphy and Earle G. Jobnson of the Ci ty of Grand Island, who own real estate on either slde of said stub street, desire to purchase that part of Jefferson Street and incoI'pora te the S8JUe as a part of their residence properties, beautify the same and thereby make some use of said street, and, ViE8Ri;;AS, that part of said J"efferson StI'eet herein described serves no useful purpose to the public and is not used as a travel thoroughfare and the same can, wi thou t injuring the rights of ci tizeDj! be sold. IiVliliHEAS, the said Halph E. l\lurphy and Earle G. Johnson have I e offered to pay the City of Grand Island the sum of Five Hundred (ili;500.00) Dollars for that part of said Jefferson Street so vacated. NOW, 'I'HEHLjI'OHE, B.~ IT OHDAINED BY THE IvIAYOH AND CI'l'Y COUNCIL OF 'l'HE CIS:Y OF GHAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That lilat part of Jefferson Street lying north of the north property line of Division Str>eet, running thence nor>th for> a distance of one hundred thirty-two (132) feet to the alley, also known as the east one-half (Eit) of Lot C, Elm Place Adeli tion I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2103 (CON I rr) to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, (being 132' in length by 40' in width) be and the same is hereby vacated. SEC'rrON 2. That the sale of that part of said Jefferson Street described in ,Section 1 of this ordinance be and the same is I:ereby authorized, directed, and confirmed to Halph E. I;lurphy and Earle G. Johnson of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 3. The terms of the sale of that part of said street so vacated are as follows: 'fhe purchasers, Balph E. Nlurphy and Earle G. J'ohnson have agreed to pay therefore the total sum of Pi ve Hundred (;;~500. 00) Dollars, and have fur'ther agreed to pay all c6sts in connection with the publication of this ordinance and any and all other costs in connection wi th t he sale and con- veyance of said real estate. TI~ City shall not be reauired to furnish an Abstract of Title. SECTION 4. As provided by law, notice of such sale and the terms thereof shall be published for three consecutive weeks in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper pub- lished in and of general circulation in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, imnediately after the passage and publication of this ordinance; and the City Clerk is hereby directed and instructed to prepaJ:,e and publish said notice. SECTION 5. Authority is hereby granted to the electors of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebl"aska, to f'ile a remonstrance against the sale of the within described real estate; and if a remonstrance against such sale signed by legal electcDs of said Ci ty equal in number to thirty per cent (30?S) of the electors of the City of Grand Island, voting at the last regular election held in said Ci ty be filed wi th the lVlayor m. d Ci ty Council within thirty days after the passage and publication of this ordinance, such property shall not then, nor wi thin one ~{ear thereafter, be sold. SECTION 6. The sale of said real estate is hereby directed, atl. thori zed and confirmed; and if no remonstrance be fi led auains t '-' sucb sale, the Niayor and Ci ty Clerk ob.all malee, execute and deliver to Halph E. Murphy and Larle G. J'ohnson, a QuitClaim Deed for said ppoperty and the execution of said Deed is hereby authoriz~d wi thou t i'upther action on behalf of the Ci ty Council. ORDINM{CE NO. 2101____(CON1T) SECTION 7. irhis ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Pas sed and approved tbJ. s 15th day of J-anuary, 1947. \. c:-~(} L- I..---~ ATTJi~ST: '/' / P' ~,~ ity 'lerk / I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2104 An ordinan ce levying spe cial taxe s to pa-g- for the co sts of construction of Paving District No. 103 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. Im IT OHDAINED BY THE lVIAYOH AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. 'Jihat there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for t.be purpose of paying the cost of Paving District No. 103 of tlill City of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordance with the benefi ts found and assessed against each of the sever[Q. lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after due notice having been given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: I AIiiOUNT OVVNER LOT BLOCK ADDITION A. Lee Goodrich & Ellinore D. Goodrich 1 Max F. & Louise R. Collins Western ~lilders, Inc. Charles A. & Josephine E. .t;;ndicott Chri stine lilorri s E-132' 1 Leo L. & Mina l'flyers E-132' 2 Leo L. & Mina Myers E-132' 3 Thomas J. & Vera A. Connole 1 Nina & Gail B. Kfioll Bernard A. & Juanita J. Knoll 3 I e ~dna Viola Bell 4 T. Neil & Jerre L. V~ithrow 5 Sylvester B. t. Viva D. Whet- s tine 6 TvIyr tIe 11'. Ze leV/ski Guy B. 8::, Hutp A. Hendrickson 8 Ivan .t;;. & Alice B. Seley 9 J. Verne Brewer ~ Blanch A. Brewer 10 2 Better Homes $182.50 2 2 II II 182.50 3 2 II II 182.50 4 2 II II 182.50 1 William Prank's 365.00 1 Il II 365.00 1 11 II 365.00 1 Better Homes 159.87 2 1 II II 159.87 1 II II 159.87 1 II II 159.87 1 1I II 159.87 1 !I II 159.87 7 1 1 11 11 159.87 159.87 II II 1 Ii II 159.87 1 II 11 159.87 T ORDINANCE NO. 2104 (COl\!"' 'I' ) NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT Etta Linnemann '\N-132 t 1 Vantines Sub $371.57 Wm. A. & Serena E Lepuin · N'~ of w'~ 2 II " 185.aB Herman &: Minnie Kroeger Si - Wi 2 II tI 185.78 Julius Frederick &: Nora Myrtle Splinter N 58.3' v~~ 3 II 1I 212.79 Francis E. &: Lorene E. S 43. 6 1 W.~ lVlcElory 3 1I II 158.77 Ci ty of Grand Island "1~ 4 V"2' Harvey &: Edith Yockey N 51.3' Wi 5 ]':';dward &: Minnie Boltz S 50.5' .Vl 5 V-z It tl 371.57 II " 18'7.24 II n 184.32 Clinton G. 8:; ElvaE. Underwood N1s- W-148:Js.I 11 "" N Ii n 240.90 Leslie R. &: Addie E. Boroff oJ. Fv'-148-z1., '-)';;~f ' ~, 11 If II 240.90 I David U. &: Ruth E. Roush W-148!& 12 1I II 481.80 Ellis A. &: B. Ila Anderson N'~ W-148i T 13 11 II 240.90 Mary Fredrickson S~ W-148*' ~ N 13 If II 240.90 481.80 Paul Kosack w.~ r, 14 n II Lawrence B. &: Leona Luth A tract of land 50' x 148' lying along the south side of Anderson Ave. and on the West side of Locust Street, being a part of SEt N.E.i Sec. 21-11-9 182.50 Bart E. &: Jessica M. Hickey 148', lying 50' and on the west being a part of 21-11-9 A tract of land 50' x south of Anderson Ave. siae of Locust Street, t' Q E'~ 1 M l~ 1 0 he v. .1;' -.L\!.J..:J.'4; vec. 182.50 I e Issac R. Alter A tract of land 100' x 148' on the north side of Alter Ave. and on the west side of Locust Street, being a part of the SEt -F~t Sec. 21-11-9 365.00 Lester M. &: Hester S. Kunz A tract of +and 99' x 132' on the North side of NebraskaAVe. and on the east side of Locust Street, being a part of sw-i -l\JVif-i Sec. 22-11-9 361.35 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable, delinquent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent fifty days from the date OHDINAi,WE NO. 2104 (CON'T) of' thIs levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one-tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one-tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years; and one-tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years; and one-tenth in nine years from the date of thj_s levy; each of said installments except the first shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum until the same become delinquent, and each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of nine per cent from and after each such installment becomes delinquent until paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed agalrlst any of the aofresaid lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid within fifty days from the date of such levy WitllOUt interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts and par- I cels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. SEC~CION 3. '11he Ci ty Clerk of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebr- aska, is hereby authorized to forthwith certify to the City 1'reas- urer of' said City the amount of said taxes herein set forth, to- c;ether with instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SEC~crON 4. '.1.'his ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this l;th~daY of /January, ~947., '7 / . ~---7-.-'/ l'layor C1 I e AT~~EST : ~lf~ ORDINANCE NO. 2105 _._ An ordinance creating Water Main District No. 102 of " - Nebr.8L.sk~ L' ., the City of Grand ~sland, deLlnlng Will boundarles tnereof, providing for the laying of a water main in said district, and providing for the payment of the cost of construction thereof. BE I ~r ORD1\.I NED BY TIlE IdA AND CIT'Y COlJI,TCIL OF' C I'l'Y OF' GHAND I SLAITD, NF~BRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a water main district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Water Main District No. 102 of said City. SECTION 2. The water main in said district shall be laid in and consist of that part of Lafayette Avenue from St1:1te Street south to Eighteenth Street. SECTION 3. Said water main in sald district is hereby orde:red laid as provided by lavv and in accordance wi tll the I plans and specifications governing water mains he2etofore established by the C:i.ty. SECTION 4. '1'ha t the entire co s t of cOl1structinc; . ., SLllQ water main shall be assessed against the abutting p:r>operty in said district, and a tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of construction of said c35strict as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to becoma payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows, to-wit: One-fifth of t he to tal amount shall become delinquent in fifty days after such l.evy; one- fifth :i.n one year; one-fifth in two years; one-i'ifth in three years; one-fifth in four years. Each of said installments except the first shall draw interest at tlJe rate of seven per I e cent per annum from the time of the aforesaid levy until they ~lhal1 become delinquent, and after the same become delinqu.ent, interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum shall be paid theY'eonLm.til the same be collected and paid; such special. taxes shall be collected and ...(i ~ I' eniorcea as In cases of other special taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on said real estate from cmd after tile date of t.he levy thereof. ORDINANCE NO. 2105 (CON'T) SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 19th day of 1947. ATrr.'E~Y:e : ~~~~ ~~- -.----- City Clerk I I e ORDINAI'JCE NO. 2:1.06 An ordinance creating Water Main District No. 103 of the City of Grai1d Island, Nebraska, defin1ng the boundarie s the:1:'eof, providing for the laying of a water main in said cUstr:Lct, and providing 1")1' the payment of the cost of' con- struction thereof. B-t:> b IT OHDAINED BY r[,HE MAYOR AND CITY 01JN'C 1L OF ~[1IIJ~ CI'l'Y OF GHAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SEC'I'ION 1. 'l'hat thepe Is hereby created a water main district in the City of Grartd Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Water Main District No. 103 of said City. SEC'UON 2. '1'he water main in said district shall be laid in and consist of that part 01' Seventrl Street f'rom lilarket Street to 'raft Avenue. SECTION 3. Said water main in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance vii tll the I plans and specifications Loverning water mains heretof'ore established by the City. SECTION 4. 'I'hat the entire cost of constructing said water main shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax s:hall be levied to pay for the cost of construction of' said cUstrict as soon as the cost can be ascel"tained, said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows, to-wit: One-fifth of the total amount snaIl become delinquent in fifty da:';Ts after such levy; one- fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; ono-fifth in threo years; one-fifth in four yoars~ Each of said installments except the first shall draw interest at the rate of seven per I e cent per annum from the time of the afores.su d levy until they shall become delincruent, and after the same become del::l_nquent, interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum shall be paid thereon until the sarno be collected and paid; such special taxes shall be collected and enJ'orced as in cases of other special taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy thereof. OlWINANCE I'TO. 2106 (cmp T) SEC'l'IOH 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passaGe, 8;.aproval and publication as provided by law. Passed and ap:proved this ATTF~~)~[1 : ~f{~ I I e 19th day of l"ebruary, 1947. 21~~ :./~ I I e OHDINANCE NO. 2107 An oI'dinance creatingliJater LIain District No. 104 of' the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, def'ining the bOll.ndaries thereof, providing for the laying of a water main in said disCl"ict, and providing 1'01' the payment of the cost of' con- struction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY CaUtTCIL OF rr'IIE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, l'TEBRASKA: SEC~L'ION 1. That there Ls ri.ereby created a wateI' main district in the city of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be Imovm and designated as water Main District No. 104 of said City. SEClI'ION 2. The water main in said district shall be laid in and consist of that part of' Lafayette Avenue 1'1"0111 }i'ifteenth Street to Sixteenth Street. SEcrrION 3. Said ViTater main in said distl"ict is .hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and spe cifica tions governing 'eva tel: mains heretofore established by the City. SEC'IIION 4. '1lha t the entire co st of constructing said water main shall be assessed against the a butting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of construction of said district as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows, to-wit: One-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days after such levy; one- fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth :in three years; and one-f:1..fth in four years. Each of said installments except the first shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the time of the aforesaid levy until they shall beCOlT16 delinquent, and after the same become delinquent, interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum shall be paid thereon until the same be collected and paid; such special taxes sha11 bo collected and enforced as in cases of other special taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy tilereof. ( (' l" II!'! m ) v I. J. OEDINANCE NO. 2107 SEC'I'IOlJ 5. Tllis ordinance shall be j.n force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 19th day of February, 194.? AT'rEST: fl~ s/4 ~ ty Clerk /'(~r / Mayor I I e OHDINAI'TCE: NO. 2108 An ordinance creating Water Main District No. 105 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a water main in said district, and providing for the payment of the cost of con- struction thereof. BE IT OTIDAINED BY LIAYOli AND C I'J::{ C OUHC IL 01" rnIE CIrl'Y 01" GHAIm IS1J\ND, NEBRASICA: SECTION 1. 1'hat ther'e is her'eby created a water' main district in the Ci t:l of Grand Island, }\;ebraska, to be knovm and designated as Water n District No. 105 of said City. SECTION 2. The water main in said district shall be laid in and consist of that part of Ruby Street from Pront Street to George Street. SECrTIOH 3. Said water main in s&id district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the I plans and specifications governing water mains heretofore establis.h.ed by the City. SECIJ:'ION 4. That the entire cost of constructing said water main shall be assessed agdnst the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of constructiorl of said district as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to becoIne payable and delinquent and dra'w interest as follows, to-wit: One-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days after Slld.1. levy; one- I e fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four years. Each of said installments except the first shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the time of the aforesaid levy until they shall become delinquent, and after the sarne become delinquent, interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum shall be paid thereon until the same be collected and paid; such special taxes shall be collected and enforced as in cases of other special taxes, and s~d special tax shall be a lien on said real estate from Emd after the date of the levy theceof. ORDINANCE NO. ~~Q~(CON1T) ,SECTION 5. This orOlnance shall be in force and take effect from and after its P.assago, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved tl'Li.s 19th day of Ii'ebruary, 194'7. A'l'rmsrr: ~~~{:~----_.- ;;tfrty 0lerk ~ I I e I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2109 An ordinance authorizing and directing the sale of certain real estate belonging to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, providing the manner in which the same shall be -(; sold and. the t arms of said sale; providJ.ng for the giving of not ice 0 f the sale of said real e s tate and the terms the reof; and, providing for the right to file a remonstrance aga.inst the sale thereof signed by legal electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, equal in number to thirty Der cent. (30%) of the electors of said city, voting at the l.s.st regular municipal election held in ae.id city. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE ]I'IAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the Oi ty of Grand I sland, Nebraska.. Sectionl.The sale and conveyance of the real estate herein- after described is hereby directed and authorized to Louis E. Tagge and Eda H. Tagge, husband and wife, as joint tenants, of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. The property directed and authorized to be conveyed is described as follm.rs: Lots Seven (7), Eight (8), and Nine (9)in Block Seven- teen (17), Schimmer's Addition to the city of Grand Island, in Hall County, state of Nebraska. Section 2. The terms of such sale of such real estate are as folloViTs: The purchasers abo~re named agree to and have hereto- fore paid to the City of Granel Island the sum of Nine Hundred Dollars ($900.00) in full of the purchase price of such real property; the Oi ty of Grand Islancl, as vendor, shall not be required to fUl~ish an abstract of title. Section 3. As provided by lm'l,notice of such sale and the terms thereof shall be published for three consecutive Weeks weeks in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper pub- lished in and of general circulation in the Oi ty of Grand ISland, Nebraska, immediately after the passage and publication of this ordinance, l:lncl the City Cler1c is hereby directed and instructed to prepare and publish said notice. I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2109 Con't. Bectlon 4. Authority is hereby granted to the electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to file a remonstrance against the sale of said real estate; and if a remonstrance against the said sale signed by legal electors of said City equal in number to thirty per cent. (30%) of the electors of said City voting at the last regular election held in said City be filed with the Mayor and Council of said City within thirty days from the passage and publication of this ordinance, said property shall not then, nor, within one year, thereafter be sold. Section 5. The sale of said real estate is hereby directed, authol"'ized and confirmed, ancl if no remonstrance be filed against 8uch sale, the Mayor and City Clar1:. shall make, execute, and deliver to such Louis E. Tagge and Eda H. Tagge, husband and wife, as joint tenants, with right of sur- vivorship and not as tenants in common, a quit-claim deed for said property an d the execution of said deed is hereby authorized 1rui thout further action on behalf of the City Council. Section 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from ffi1d after its passage, approval, and publication, as provided by law. Passed and e,pproved this ;~h' 1947". Har mmin era vIayor r ATTEST: ~.[~ City lerk ,'}J \ An ordinance vacating that part of JoehnCkfs~ddition, described as Fractional Lots Three and Four, a~ all of Lots Five and Six, Block Twelve, and Lot "K'f; that part f Lot "B" in Koehler ORDINANCE NO. 2110 Place Addition lying South of the South lin Street in Grand Island, and that part of Koehler Sub ivision described as Lot Three, except the South 130.4 feet tJ;1er 327.3 feet of Lot One; replatting all of the North so vacated as a part of Meves First Addition to ity of Grand Island in Hall County, Nebraska, and approving replatting thereof; vacating that part of Ashton Avenue ly track, and all of Henry Stre B. & Q. Belt Line Nebraska, and re- I platting said streets so ~c ted, and designating the same as Ashton Avenue, m1d approving the e atting of said street. WHEREAS, D. H. Me es and Evelyn G. Meves, husband and wife, of the City of Grand Nebr~1a, have filed a Petition with the Mayor and Ci t uncil in th~ -(Ji ty of Grand Island, which Petition certifies said pe~itioners are the owners of real of F~dtional Lots Three and Four, and all Twelve, and Lot tlK" all in Joehnck's Island; all of that part of Lot "Bu I in K ace, 'AJ to the City of Grand Island lying south 0 the outhULi e of Bischeld Street in the city of Grand ISl~n~ and tbat part Koehler Subdivision described as Lot Three, exce~ the south 130.4 feet thereof, and all of the north 327.3 feet of Lot One in said Koehler Subdivision to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; that said petitioners desire that said properties I e as now platted, be vacated, and that the same be replatted as a part of Meves First Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and, WHEREAS, said petitioners have requested that the part of Ashton Avenue lying east of the C. B. & Q. Belt Line,and Henry Street be vacated, and that said streets be replatted and designated as Ashton Avenue, and, ORDINANCE NO. 2110 (CON'T) VlliEREAS, Edwin T. Hardenbrook and Mrs. Edwin T. Harden- brook, the owners of Lot Two in Block Twelve, and Ira Campbell and Dolene Campbell, the owners of Lots Seven and Eight in Block Twelve e I of Joehnck's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, have joined in said petition consenting to the replatting of said pre- mises, and said streets, and, WHEREAS, said petitioners have attached to their petition a plat known as Exhibit nAif which shows said premises, together with the streets and alleys as they now exist, and that they haveJfurther attached to said petition a plat known as Exhibit "B" showif'f the replatting of said premises, and of the streets and alley~n the proposed Meves First Addition to the City of Grand ISla~AdfONebraska. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE r~:YOR AND CITY l~~IqCIL OF' I THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: / / SECTION 1. That that part ~oehnck~ ~dditiO described as Fractional Lots Three and FO~, all o~ots F'ive and Six in Block Twelve, and all of Lot ltKIl~. th t part of) Lot "B" . Place Addi tion lying south of th ',s th li~ ~f Bische " Street, and that part of Koehler Subdivision \ 0 the ci~ 'of Island described as Lot Three (3), except t~ south 0.4 the north 327.3 feet of tJt one!. the said City of Gra d ISlanf'r f, braska, ed to said Petition l11f' d E~' "An, be and the same are hereby vaca ted. er Subdivision, all in SECTION shovm on the plat attach part of Ashton Avenue lying east of the C. B. & 'I rine Track, and bounded on the east by Henry nry Street be and the same are hereby vacated, Street and that part 0 streets so vacated which is not included I e within of the proposed Ashton Avenue, shall revert to the owners of the real estate abutting thereon, and adjacent tilereto as provided by law. The said tracts so reverting to the abutting owners, by reason of the vacation of that part of Ashton Avenue and Henry Street above described, being more particularly described as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2110 (CON'T) I "Beginning at the intersection of the North line of Ashton Avenue and the East right-of-way line of the C. B. & Q. R. R. Belt line. Thence East along the North line of Ashton Avenue a distance of 105.0 feet. Thence northeasterly along the NorUl line of Henry Street extended, a distance of 94.5 feet. Thence in a southerly direction a distance of 7.05 feet. Thence southwesterly a distan~e f 128.3 feet to a point on the south line of Ashton . ue. Thence westerly along the south line of Ashton Ave~e distance of 102.7 feet. Thence northwesterly a dist ce of 49.0 feet to a point on the East right-<f-way lin,e of the C. B. & q. R. R. Belt line. Thence northeasterly\along said right- of-way line a distance of 47.8 feet to t~e\point of beginning; ~d r. in Section 15, Township 11, North, Ra g 9, West of the~th P.M. and the north line of Henry Street Thence south \long the said 1/4 section line a distance ofJ 7.05 feet. T~e northeasterly, a distance of 14.2 f etr. Thence southv~sterly along the north line of Henry Streeu distance of 9 45 feet to the point of beginning; and, if: "Beginning at :h point on the sout{'\,)r of Ashto/~ venue extended said point being 22.4 fe~E~ t of the/in ersection of the south line of Ashton Avenue and the North outh quarter section line in Section 15, Township 11, Nort4, ange 9, West of the 6th P.M. Thence East alo said South 1 e of Ashton Avenue extended, a distance of 5 .7 feet. The ce northwesterly a distance of 46.9 feet. The 'e southwesterly: a distance of 48.8 feet to the point of begi ning; and "Beginning at the northwes~\ e ner of Lot" Joehnck t s Sub- division, said point being . e intersectio of the south line of Henry Street and th east line of oehnck Road; Thence southwesterly along the sout line of Hen y Street extended a distance of 52.3 feet. The ce southea terly a distance of 43.0 feet. Thence northe terly a dis ce of 68.2 feet to the point of beginning." e I SECTION 3. Addition, Koehler Place and Koehl Grand Island, Hall 1 hereof and so vacated shall land in Hall First Addition to the City of Grand Is- Nebraska, in accordance with the plat thereof hereafter be attached to of the said D. H. Meves and Evelyn G. Meves, husband and and blocks in said additions so I e vacated shall be laid out in lots and blocks as provided in the plat attached to said Petition known as Exhibit "B"; that said plat, known as Exhibit "B", be and the same is hereby in all respects adopted and approved. SECTION 4. That the replatting of Ashton Avenue and the a1- leys in said Meves First Addition as shown in said plat marked Exhibit nBtt be and the same is hereby approved. I ORDINANCE NO. 2110 (CmT'T) e I SECTION 5. That said petition together with the said plats marked Exhibit "A" and liB!" be filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska; that all costs in connection with said vacation and the replatting of said premises be paid by D. H. Meves and Evelyn G. Meves, husband and wife, as by law provided. I from and after its passage, approml SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be by law. 1947. I e e I I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2111 An ordinance creating a Department of Sanitation and establish- ing rules and regulations for its operation and management; providing for the appointment of a superintendent for said department and such other agents, servants and employees as may be necessary to operate said department; providing for salaries; providing rules and regu- lations relative to the collection, transportation and disposal of garbage, refuse and other waste materials by said department; regulating the collection and transportation of garbage, and refuse within the corporate limits by individuals, firms, and associations for hire, and providing permits therefore; providing for the col- lection, transportation and disposition of commercial waste; provid- ing that the City shall be the oVJner of all garbage, refuse and waste materials collected; regulating incineration of garbage, trash and refuse; providing for collection of fees; and providing penalties and repealing ordinances No. 1053 and 1500 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CI'l'Y COmWIL OF THE CI'IT OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. Definitions.--The term Ilgarbagell wherever used in this ordinance shall be held to include every accumulation of animal, fruit or vegetable food waste generated by or resulting from the decay, deterioration, storage, preparation or handling of any animal and vegetable matter in any place or at any point where food is pre- pared for human consumption, including all kitchen and dining room refuse produced by households, hotels, restaurants, lunch rooms, clubs, hospitals, schools, stores, warehouses, cold storage plants, creameries, bakeries, or any other source whatsoever existing in the City of Grand Island. The ter'm "refuse" wherever used in this ordinance shall be held to include tile waste material from normal households or living condi- tions and business operations other than garbage; but the term shall not include waste materials from building construction or repair, ORDINANCE NO. 2111 (COl'JlT) faotory wastes, or refuse from industrial plants of any character. In general, the kirlds of materials classed as refuse are paper, rags, bottles, tin cans, bottle caps, cardboard, worn out clothing or fur- ni ture, excelsior, garden, lawn or tree trinun.ings, leave s and similar materials. The term lIdead animalsif wherever used in this ordinance shall mean all small animals such as cats, dogs, and rabbits, which die from any cause. It shall in no way mean large animals such as goats, horses, mules and cows which shall die from any cause. SECTION 2. 'I'here is hereby created a Department of ~3anitation 1'01' the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, which Department shall be under the management of a superintendent vvho shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. The superintendent of said Department, 1tvi tll the consent of the Council, shall have the au thori ty to hire such agents, servants and employees as may be necessary to carry on the operations of said department and all sal- I aries for such superintendent and other employee s shall be fixed by the Mayor andCouncil by ordinance as by law provided. Dismissal of I e any employees of said Department shall first be approved by the Mayor and City Council. The superintendent of sm d Department of Sanitation shall on the first day of each month, make a detailed report to the L'Iayor and Council relating to the business of said department, showing the fees collected and all expenses incurred by said department, and such other information as the Mayor and Council 111ay require. SECTION 3. The said Department of Sanitation is hereby charged with the duty of collecting, transporting and disposing of all gar- bage, refuse and waste materials viL thin the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, except such waste materials as are hereinafter excepted. All dead animals such as horses, cows, mules and goats, shall be the property of the owner or owners and shall be promptly hauled away and disposed of by SUCh owner or ovmers and ~t no cost to the City of Grand Island. I I e ORDINANCE NO. ZllJ. (CON'T) All accumulation of waste occasioned by the construction, alter- ation, remodeling, rebuilding, and repairing of residence properties, churches, schools, and buildings used for business, shall be removed and disposed of by the owner or contractor at no expense to the City and shall not be considered as garbage, refuse or waste material within the meaning of this ordinance. SECTION 4. Au thori ty is hereb:y granted to any person, firm, association or corporation engaged in business to collect, transport, and dispose of its own garbage, refuse and waste, provided that the wagon, automobile or other vehicle used in the transportation of such garbage and waste materials shall have a water-tight metal box or body so as to prevent seepage or leakage on the streets and alleys, and provided further that said vehicle shall be completely covered so as to prevent the garbage and waste materials thereon from being blown away from or jarred off said veld cle, and provided furtb.er that the vehicle used for such private use has boen approved by tho Superintendent of the Department of Sanitation. SECTION 5. Any person, firm, association a' corporation collecting, transporting and disposing of its own garbage and waste materials and all persons, firms, associations, or corporations collecting, transportin& and disposing of waste materials for hire as herein provided, shall first se cure from the Department of Sani ta tion, a permi t therefore wll.i ch permit shall expire on the 1st day of May of eacl1 year. The cos.t of such p'ermi t shall be the sum of Five (~p5.00) Dollars per year for the handling of garbage and the sum of Five ($5.00) Dollars per year for the handling of refuse and waste, and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, associ- ation or corporation to dispose of its ovvn waste materials and garbage or to collect, transport and dispose of waste materials and garbage for hire within tho meaning of this ordinance without first obtaining the permit or permits herein provided for and paying the costs thereof. An;l person, firm, association or corporation engaged in the business of collecting and disposing of both garbage and refuse shall be reqaired to obtain the two permits as herein provided. I I e OHDIHANCE NO. 2111 (cmprr) Any person, firm, or association may engage in tie business of collecting and disposing of garbage and refuse upon securing the license so to do and paying fees due therefor, providing that the equipment such licensee uses in said business meets all of oRle specifications required by the City of Grand Island for such equipment and provided further that such equipment has been approved by the Superintendent of the Sanitation Department, the vehicle used by said licensee shall have a water-tight metal box or body so as to prevent leakage upon the streets and alleys and shall be equipped with a cover so as to prevent waste materials from being blown away from or jarred off said vehicle. 'Ihe fees to be charged by such licensees engaged in the collection of garbage and refuse shall be the same as the fees charged by the City of Grand Island and such licensees shall in all respects observe any and all rules and regulations provided for in this ordi- nance or which shall hereafter be adopted and approved by the Ci t:y of Grand Island. All garbage and waste materials which shall 'be collected by said Sanitation Department and whicll sllall be collected by persons licensed under this ordinance shall become the propert-;s' of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 6. It shall be the duty of every tenant, leasee or occupant of any dwelling house, the keeper of a hotel, restaurant, eating house, boarding house, or other building where meals are served; tIle owner, leasee or occupant of every flat or apartment house and every other person having garbage or refuse to provide and keep on the lot in which the building is situated suitable and sufficient water-tight, rat-and-fly tight metal receptacles which v~~en filled to capacity shall not exceed one hundred pounds in weight and be equipped with a tight fitting lid and handles or a bail for easy handling. All wet garbage in the residence districts shall be securely wrapped in waste paper or put in paper sacks or containers before placing the same in cans or receptacles. It shall be the duty of every person to keep such receptacles or was te cans reasonably clean and free from ofi'ensi ve odors. It shall be the duty of the employees of the Department of I I e ORDINANCE NO. 21~1..~_J CON fir) Sanitation when and if the garbage cans are in a bad state of repair, or do not meet the requirements of this ordinance, to leave notice with the owner thereof directing such repair or replacement as may be necessary; and if such cans are not repaired or replaced within a reasonable time, the superintendent shall be empowered to see that such repair or replacement is made and the cost thereof assessed to the owner of such can or receptacle. All receptacles and cans used for the collection of garbage and refuse shall be kept on the rear end of the lot or at convenient places upon the premises to facilitate the collection thereof. SECTION 7. All garbage, refuse and waste materials shall be collected and transported to the City Dump or such other place or places as the Mayor and Council shall direct and order. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, association or corporation to dispose of such garbage, refuse and waste materials within the corporate limits of said City of Grand Island, by incineration, pro- vided, however, that apartment houses and hotels or business establish- ments having built-in incinerators which are not out in open courts or yards, may continue to use such incinerators, and in all such cases said incinerators shall first be approved by the Superintendent of the Department of Sanitation. The fees to be charged by the Department of Sanitation for the I collection of such garbage, refuse md waste materials, shall be fixed by resolution of the Mayor and Council and the Department of Sanitation is hereby charged with the collection of such fees. SECTION 8. ~"he department shall mail to the person, firm, association or corporation charged with the payment of such fee, a quarterly statement of the amount due flor such service payable in advance and such quarterly statement shall be paid at the office of the Department of Sanitation, or at such place or places as the Council may direct. All unpaid fees for services rendered together with all charges for the repairing and replacement of receptacles and cans, furnished I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2111 (CON'T) " by the Department of Sanitation shall be referred by the Superintendent of the Department of Sanitation to the Mayor and Council who shall by resolution certify the same to the city treasurer who shall place the amount of such fees and charges upon the tax records and the amount thereof shall be a lien upon the real estate served from and after the date o:f such resolution and the amount thereof shall bear ::interest d at the rate of 6~ per annum from the date of said lien. SECTION 9. Any person, firm, association or corporation vio- lating the provisions of this ordinance, shall upon conviction be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fIned in any sum not exceeding One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars and shall stand committed to the City Jail until such fine and costs are paid. Ordinances No. 1053 and 1500 of tile City of Grand Island, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 10. 'rllis ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved tilis 21st day of ATTEST: /L~/J.~ ~i- Clerk I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2112 An or'dinance vacating tha t part of Joehnck' s Addi tion de s cri bed as Fractional Lots 'l'hree and Pour, and all of Lots l-i'ive and Six in Fractional Block 'rwelve; Lot "Kif in Joehnck's Subdivision, and all that part of Lot Hl~.n Joehnck's Subdivision lying North of the produced North line of the Alley in 1310 ck 'l'wel ve, J oehnck' s Addi tion, if said line were extended Basterly to Cherry Street, containing appI' oxirila tely One acre, more or less; All that part of Lot "1311 in Koehler Place Addition lying South of the South line of Bischeld Street in Grand Island, Nebraska; All of the North 327.3 feet of Lot One and all of Lot T'hree, except the Sou tll 100.0 feet thereof, all in Koehler Subdi- vision; replatting said premises so vacated as a part of Meves First Addition to the City of Grand Island" in Hall County, Nebraska, and approving the replatting thereof; vacating that part of Ashton Avenue lying East of the C. B. & Q. Belt line track, and all of Henry StI'eet in Grand Island, Nebraska, and re-platting said streets so vacated, and designating the same as Ashton Avenue, and approving the replatting of said street, and repealing ordinance.No. 2110 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. VilliEHEAS, D. H. Meves, and Evelyn G. lvleves, husband and wife, of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, have filed a Petition wi th the I.layor and City Council in the City of Grand Island which Petition certifies that said petitioners are the ovmers of real estate described as that part of Joehnck's Addition described as: Fractional Lots Three and Fourj mid all of Lots Pive and Six in B'ractional Block 'l'welve; Lot ilKll in Joehnck's Subdivision, and all that part of Lot !tAli Joehnck's Subdivision lying North of the produced North line of the alley in Block 'I'welve, Joehnck's Addition, if said line were extended Easterly to Cherry Street, containing approximately one acre, more or less; all that part of Lot HBlI in Koehler Place Addition lying South of the South lino of Bischeld Street in Grand Island, Nebraska; all of the north 327.3 feet of Lot One and all of Lot ~L'hree, except the South 100.0 feet thereof, all in Koehler Subdivision; that said petitioners desire that said properties as now platted, be vacated, and that the same be replatted as a part of l!ieves First Adeli tion to the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, and vVHERJi:AS, said petitioners have requested that that part of Ashton Avenue lying east of the C. B. &: l~. Belt Line and Henry Street be I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2112 (CON"I') vacated, and that said streets be replatted and designated as Ashton Avenue, and WH:/i;REAS, Edwin T. Hardenbrook and Mrs. Edwin T. Hardenbrook, the owners of Lot 'l'wo in Block 'l'welve, and Ira Campbell and Dolene Campbell, the owners of Lots Seven and Eight in Block Twelve of Joehnck's Addi- tion to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, have joined in said petition consenting to the replatting of said premises, and said streets, and WIIEHEAS, said petitioners have attached to their peti tion a plat known as Exhibit HA" which shows said premises, together vJith the streets and alleys as they now exist, and that they have furtlBr attached to said petition a plat known as Exhibit liB" showing the replatting of said premises, and of the streets and alleys in the proposed Meves J?irst Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. THEHEF'ORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOn AND CI'TY COUNCIL OF' THE CITY OlP GRAND ISk'\.ND, NEBHASKA: SECTION 1. That that part of Joehnck's Addition described as: Practional Lots' 'l'hree andF'our, and all of Lots 1,1ive and Six in Fractional ']1 L H'K' II Block ~welve; at ~ in Joehnck's Subdivision, and all that part of La t II All J'oehnck' s Subdi vi sian lying North of the produced North line of the alley in Block '1'welve, Joehnck IS Addi tion, if said line were extended Easterly to Cherry Street, containing approximately One acre, more or Ie 13 13; All that part of Lot Ii Bll in Koehler :Place Addi tion lying south of the South line of bischeld Street in Grand Island, Nebrasl{a; all of the North 327.3 fee t of Lo t One and all of La t 'l111ree, except the south 100.0 feet thereof, all in Koehler Subdivision; all in the said City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and shown on the plat attached to said Petition marked Exhibit "A", be and the same are hereby vacated. SECTION 2. That that part of Ashton Avenue lying east of the C. B. & Q. Bel t Line '1'rack, and bocmded on the east by Henry Street ,and all of Henry Street be and the same are hereby vacated, and that part of said streets so vacated "Jhich is not included wi thin the boundaries of the proposed Ashton Avenue, shall revert to the ovmers of the real estate abutting thereon, and adjacent thereto as provided by law. The said tracts so reverting to the abutting owners, by reason of tlw I I e ORDINANCE NO. (CONtT) 23.12 vacation of that part of Ashton Avenue and Henry Street above described, being more particularly described as follows: "Beginning at the intersection of the North line of Ashton Avenue and the East right-of-way line of the C. B. & Q. H.H. Belt Line. Thence East along the north line of Ashton Avenue a distance of 105.0 feet. Thence northeasterly along the north line of Henry Street extended, a distance of 94.5 feet. 'l'hence in a southerly direction a cUstance of 7.05 feet, thence south- westerly a distance of 128.3 feet to a point on trle south line of/l..shton Avenue. 'rhence westerly along the south line of ,Ashton Avenue a distance of 102.7 feet. Thence northwesterly a distance of 49.0 feet to a point on the East right-of-way line of the C. B. & Q. H. R. Belt Line. "l'hence northeasterly along said right-of-way line a distance of 47.8 feet to the point of beginning;11 and flBeginning at the intersection of the north-south 1/4 section line in Section 15, Township 11, North, Hange 9 ,~Vest of the 6th P.M., and the north line of Henry Street. 'l'hence south along the said 1/4 section line a distance of 7.05 feet. '1'hence northeasterly, a distance of 14.2 feet. 'l'honce southwesterly along the north line of Henry Street a distance of' 9.45 feet to t' "t ~ b " " II d ne pOln' 01 eglnnlng; an t;liBeginning at a point on the south line of Ash ton Avenue extended, said point being 22.4 feet East of the intersection ill the south line of Ashton Lvr-mue and the north-south quarter section line in Section 15, Township 11"North, Hange 9, West of the 6th P.M. Thence East along said south line of Ashton.Avenue extended, a distance of 52.7 feet. Thence northwesterly a distance of 46.9 feet. Thence southwesterly a distance of 48.8 feet to the point i' b 0'-" " . II a d o eblnnlng, n llBegi-nning at the northwest corner of Lot "A" Joehnck's Sub- division, said point being the intersection of the south line of Henry Street and the east line' of Joehnck Road; ~rhence southwesterly along the south line of Henry Street extended a distance of 52.3 feet. Thence southeasterly a distance of 43.0 feet. Thence northeasterly a distance of' 68.2 feet to the point of beginning." SECTION 3. That that part of Joehnck's Addition, Joehnck's Subdi- vision, Koehler Place and Koehler Subdivision to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, described in Section 1 hereof and so vacated shall hereafter be known as Nieves First Addition to the City of Grand Island, in Hall County, Nebraska, in accordance wi th the plat thereof attached to the petition of the said D. H. Meves and Evelyn G. Meves, husband and wife; that the lots and blocks in said additions so vacated shallbe laid out in lots and blocks as provided in the plat~tached to said Petition known as Exhibit lIBIl; that said plat, known as Exhibit liB", be and the same is hereby in all respects adopted and approved. SEcrnON 4. That the replatting of Ashton Avenue and the alleys in said Meve s Fir s t AdeU tion as shown in said plat marked ExLd bi t fiB" be and the same is hereby approved. I I e ORDINANCE NO. -2112 (CONtT) SECTION 5. i'hat said petition together with the said plats marked ExhIbits "Alt and IIB", be filed in the office of the Hegister of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska; that all costs in connection vd th said vacation and the replatting of said premises be paid by D. H. Maves and Evelyn G. Meve s, husband an d wife, as by law provided. SECTION 6. 'Llha t ordinance No. 2110 of the ordinance s of the Ci ty of Grand 1 sland, Nebraska, be and the same is hereby repealerd. SElCTION 7. 11'his ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 2nd ~'r: tS'~ .~ Clerk I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2113 An ordinance creating Water Main District No. 106 of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the bou.ndaries thereof, providing for the laying of a water main in said district, and providing for the payment of the cost of construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY 'rHE l\iAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF 'I'EE CI'I'Y OP GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASl{A: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a water main district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and'designated as Water Main District No. 106 of said City. SECTION 2. The water main in said district shall be laid in and consist of that part of Ashton Avenue from P'1U1fl: Street to Cherry Street; Memorial Drive from Ashton Avenue to Cherry Street; J oehnck Road from Memorial Drive to 1V1cArtliur Avenue; Mev~s.Avenue. from Joehnck Hoad to Cherry Street; and McArthur Avenue from Joehnck Road to Cherry Street. SECTION 3. Said water main in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing water mains heretofore established by the City. SEC'I'ION 4. That the entire cost of' constructing said water main shall be assessed against the abutting property in said di s tri ct, and a tax shall be levied to pay for the co st of construction of sai d district as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as fo+lows, to-wi t: One-fifth of the total amount shall become deliqquent in fifty days after such levy; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in ulree years; and one-fifth in four years. Each of said installments except the first shall draw interest at t he rate of Cleven per cent per annum from the time of the aforesai d levy until they shall become de- linquent, and aLoeI' the same become delinquent, interest at the ORDINANCE NO. 2113 (coNl'r) rate of nine per cent per annum shall be paid thereon until the same be collected and paid; such special taxes shall be collected and enforced as in cases of other special taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on said 'real estate from and after the date of the levy thereof. SEc'rrON 5. 'l'hi s ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by ]a w. Passed and approved this AT1'EST: J /. A ;?~~~~-- ~~ierk I I e I I e j.. (( rj ORDINANCE NO. 2114 An ordinance pertaining to zoning; re-zoning Lot Four (4), 1310 ck J~leven (11), Lambert's Addi tion, and Prac tional Lo t I"i ve (5), Block Fifteen (15), Arnold & Abbott's Addition; Ij1ractional Lot li'ive (5), Block Tvventy-one ua), Bon:n.ie Brae Addition; Practional Lot Five (5), Block Nine (9), KeI'nohan & Decker's Addition; and Practional Lot Pive (5), Block One (1), Spaulding & Gregg Addition, all in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska; authorizing the amending and changing of the zoning map attached to and made a part of Ordinance No. 1585, and declaring that said described lots, tracts and parcels of land be and become COl11raercial Districts of said City. Whereas, applications have heretofore been made to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island to re-zone Lot l~lour (4), Block Eleven (11), Lambert's Addition, and Fractional Lot Ii'ive (5), Block Fifteen (15), Arnold & Abbott's AdcUtion; Frac- tional Lot Five (5), Block T.wenty-one (21), Bonnie Brae Addition; Fractional Lot Five (5), Block Nine (9), Kernohan & Decker's AdJition; and Fractional Lot Five (5), Block One (1), Spaulding & Gregg A.ddition, all in the City of' Grand Island, Nebraska, and have the said described lots, tracts and parcels of land declared to be COITmBrcial Districts of said city, and Whereas, notice of said applications as provided by law and notice of public hearings to be had on said aIJplica tions were given to all persons interested, and Wbereas, said public hearings on said applications were held on the '7th day of May, 194'7, at 8:00 P.M., in the Council Rooms, of the City Hall of said City, and no pr'otests of wb.atsoever nature were filed or made against said applications. NOW, 'nCSREFOHE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE C rElY OF GRAND I SIJUm, NEBRASKA: SEC'TION 1. 'rha t Lot Four (4), 1310 ck Lleven (11), Lan bert's A.ddition, and Fractional Lot Five (5), Block Fifteen (15), Arnold & Abbott's Addition; Fractional Lot Five (5), Block Twenty-One (21), Bonnie Braw Addition; [i'ractional Lot Five (5), Blocl~ Nine (9), Kernahan & Decker's Addition; and Fractional Lot Five (5), Block One (1), Spaulding 8c Gregg Addition all in the City of GI'and ORDINANCE: NO. 2114 (CON'T) I sland, Hall County, Nebraska, be and the sarre are hereby re-zoned, and the ::w.id wi thin described premises are and the same shall become COmL1ercial Districts of said City. C 'I'].' SE ~['lON 2. .:lat the zom.ng map which is attached to and which is a part of Ordinance No. 1585 be En d the same is hereby ordered changed tJ.nd a.mended in accordance wi th the provisions of this ordinance, and that the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed, authorized and instructed to amend and change said z,oning map. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, E.PPl>oval and publication as provided by law. ~ Passed and approved I NI' TEST : ~J~ -:----e:n~ti-elerk-----.---------- I e ORDINANCE NO. ~1]5 An ordinance authorizing and directing the sale of certain real estate belonging to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; providing the manner in which the same shall be sold and the terms of said sale; providing for the giving of notice of the sale of said real estait:e and the terms thereof; and, providing for the l'ight to file a pemonstrance against the sale thereof signed b7)r legal electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, equal in number to t.tlirty per cent (307r~) of the electors of said City, voting at the last regular municipal election held in said City. BE IT ORDAnrBD BY 'I'lIE MAYOn AND CI'l'Y COUNCIL OF' S:HE CITY aT' GT~AND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SEC'TION 1. The sale and conveyance of the real estate hereinafter described is hereby directed and author:tzed to Emil R. Guendel and Helen Guendel, husband and wife, of the I Ci ty of Grand Island, N"ebraska. ']:he property directed and authorized. to be conveyed :ts described as follows: Lot Nineteen (19), Block Nine (9); Lot Twenty-four (24), Block Nine (9); Lot Sevent~en (17), Block Six (6); all in Ashton Place, an Add:ttion to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. SECTION 2. 'I'he manner an(1 terEW of said sale of such real estate are as follows: '1'he purchasers, l~mil H. Guendel D.nc1 Helen Guendel, husband and wife, agree to pay Pive Hundred P:tfty (4P550.00) Dollars for the within described real estate and have paid to the City Clerk of the City of Grand Island the sum of Twenty Seven and F':tfty One-Hundredths Dollars (~;27. 50) as a d01ivYl payment I e therefore, and the balance of Five Hundred 'rvventy-Two and H'ifty One-Hundredths Dollars ($522.50), vvill be paid in 1'1..1.11 upon the execution Emd delivoey of a Quit Claim Deed by the City to the purchasers. The City ~"hall not be recpired to furnish an Abstract of 'ri tIe. SECTION 3. As provided by law, notice of such sale and the terms thereof shall be published for three consecutive weeks in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspapor published in and ORDINANCE NO. ~~Z-____(CON'T) of general circulation in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, il1IDledia tely after the passage and publication of this OrcUnance; and the City Clerk is hereby directed and instructed to prepare and publish said nilitice. SECTION 4. Authority is hereby granted to the electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to file a remonstrance against the sale of the vIithin described real estate; and if a remonstrance against such sale signed by legal electors of said City equal in number to thirty per cent (30%) of the electors of the City of Grand Island, voting at the last regular election held in said Ci ty be filed vii th the Mayor and City Council wi thin thirty (30) days after the passage and publication of this ordinance, such proporty shall not then, nor va thin one year thereafter be sold. SECTION 5. The sale of said real estate is herebJ directed, authorized and confirmed; and if no>remonstzrance be filed against such sale, the Mayor and City Clerk shall make, execute and deliver I to Em.il H. c..'uendel and Helen Guendel, husband and vvife, a Quit Claim Deed for said property and the execution of said Deed is hereby authorized without further action on behalf of the City Council. SECTION 6~ This ordinance shall be in force and take effect fr0111 and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 7th 1947. I e A~T: S ~ -~ Clerk I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2116__._ An ordinance creating Water Main District No. 107 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a water main in said district, and providing for the payment of the cost of construction thereof. BE I'l' OHDAI]\Um BY THE MAYOn AND CIT'}'. COUNCIL OF' TIm CrEY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASEJ-\.: SEc'rION 1. rl'hat there is hereby created a water main dis- trict in the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known. and de- signated as Water Main District No. 107 of said City. SEC'l'ION 2. 'Ehe water main in said district shall be laid in and consist of that part of St. Mary I s Street from NebI'aska Avenue to IIedde Street. SEC'EION 3. Said water main in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing water mains heretofore established by the City. SEC~l'IOFJ 4. rEhat the entire co s t of cons tructing said water main shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of constJ.'uction of said district as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to be come payable s.nd delir.q:u ent and draw interest as follows, to-wit: One-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fift:r days after' .such levy; one-fifth in oneyear; one-fifth in two years; one-fiftll in three years; and one-fifth in four years. ~ach of said installments except the first shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the time of the aforesaid levy until they shall become delinquent, and after the same become delinquent, interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum shall be paid thel'eon until the same be collected 'and paid; such special taxes shall be collected and enforced as in cases of othor special taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy the:reof. e I I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2116 _______ (CON IT) SJ!;CTION 5. '11his ordinance shall be in for ce and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 7th day of May 1947. A'l'rrIE::i'l': J ~ ~y Clerk" OHDINANCB NO. 2112..._ An ordinance creating Water Main District No. 108 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries ther>eof, e I providing for the laying of a water main in said district, and providing for the payment of the cost of construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE N~YOR AND CITY COID1CIL OF TID~ CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASYill: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a 'livater main dis- trict in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and de- signated as Water Main District No. 108 of said City. SECTION 2. TIle water main in said district shallbe laid in and consist of that part of Ii'ront Street from Carey A.venue to \iValdo Avenue, and in Waldo Avenue from8'ront Street to West Lincoln Highway. SEC'EION 3. Said water main in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided b:)T law and in accordance wi th the I plans and specifications governing livater mains her'etofore established by the City. SECTION 4. That the entire cost of constructing said water main shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied to pay forthe cost of construction of said district as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows; to-wit: One-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days after such levy; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four years. Each of said installments except the first shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum I e from the time of the aforesai d levy until they shall become delinquent, and after the same become delinquent, interest at the rate of nJne per cent per annura shall be paid thereon until the same be collected and paid; such special taxes shall be collected and enforced as in cases of other special taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy thereof. ORDINANCE NO. 2117 SECTION 5. 'l'his ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. r Passed and approved this 7th of May 1947. AT'l'EST: -~-",~jJ ~~ ~:: Ci ty Clerk- I I e I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2118 An ordinance authorizing and directing the sale of certain real estate belonging to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; providing the manner in which the same shall be sold and the terms of said sale; providing for the giving of notice of the sale of said real estate and the terms tilereof; and, providing for the right to file a remonstrance against the sale thereof signed by legal electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, equal in number to thirty per' cent (30%) of the electors of said City, voting at the last regular municipal election held in said City. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE bffiYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND,ISLAND, NEBRASI\A: SECTION 1. The sale and conveyance of the real estate hereinafter described is hereby directed and authorized to David Kaufmann of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. The property directed and authorized to be conveyed is described as follows: The Westerly T,hirty-three (33) feet of Lot Two (2), and all of Lot ffhree (3), Block Eighteen (18), l~..linsRofL!lv.s' Addition to the City of Grand Island Hall County, Nebraska. SECTION 2. The manner and terms of said sale of such real estate are as follows: The purchaser, David Kaufmann, agrees to pay Twenty- Two Hundred and Fifty (4p2250. 00) Dollars for tile wi thin described real estate and has paid to the City Clerk of the City of Grand Island the sum of One Hundred Twelve and 50/100 ($112.50) Dollars as a down pay- ment therefore, and the balance of Twenty-One Hundred Thirty-Seven and 50/100 ($2137.50) Dollars will be paid in full upon the execution and delivery of a (~it Claim Deed by the City to the purchaser. The City shall not be required to furnish an Abstract of Title. SECTION 3. As provided by law, notice of such sale and tile terms n thereof shall be published for three consecutive weeks in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper published in and of general circulation in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, imraediately after the passage and publication of this Ordinance; and the City Clerk is hereby directed and instructed to prepare and publish said nttice. SECTION 4. Aunority is hereby granted to the electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to file a remonstrance against the I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2118 (cmp T ) sale of the within described real estate; and if a remonstrance against tion of this ordinance, such property shall not then, nor vdthti::n one year thereafter be sold. SECTION 5. 'rhe sale of said real estate isrereby directed, authorized and confirmed; and if no remonstnance be filed against such sale, the Mayor and City Clerk shall make, execute and deliver to David Kaufmann, a Quit Claim Deed for said property and the execution of said Deed is hereby authorized without further action on behalf of the City Council. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this AT/rEST: ~fr~ ORDINANCE NO. 2119 An ordinance creating a Paving District in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries the:C'eof, providing for the paving of the streets in said district and the assessment and collection of the costs thereof. BE: IT ORDAINED BY THE IVU~YOR AND CITY COUNCIL 01" THE CITY OF' GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SEC'I'ION 1. That t here is hereby created a Paving District in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be knovm as Paving District No. 105 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part of Oak Street extending from Second Street to Ashton Avenue. I SECTION 3. Said streots in said paving district are hereby ordered paved as provided by law, and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be 36 feet in width. SEC1:nON 4. That au thori ty is hereby granted to the Oi,'Vl1ers of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district, at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file Witil the City Clerk, within twenty days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as provided by law, written objections to paving of said district. I e SECTION 5. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property ovmers, within said district, to file with the City Clerk, wi thin the time provided by 1 aw, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in the paving of said streets. If such owners shall fail to designate the material they desire to be used in said paving district, as provided for above, and within the time provided for by law, the Mayor and City Council shall determine the material to be used. SECTION 6. That the costs of paving in said district shall be assessed against the lots, and tracts of land especia~ly bene- ORDINANCE NO. 2119 ~JCON'T) fitted hereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the Mayor and City Council as provided by law. SECTION 7. This ordinance shall be in force and ta~e effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved day of June , 1947. ATTEs'r: ~~-! S~ ~~t~ Clerk I I e I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2120 An ordinance creating Water Main District No. 109 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a water main in said district, and providing for the payment of the cost of construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CI'l'Y COUNCIL OF TIL:I: CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a water main dis- trict in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and de- signated as Water Main District No. 109 of said City. SEcrrION 2. The water main in said district shall be laid in and consist of that part of Oklahoma Avenue from Cleburn Street to Clark Street. SECTION 3. Said water main in said district is he~eby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing water mains heretofore established by the City. SECTION 4. That the entire cost of constructing said water main shall be assessed against the abutting property in said d~trict, and a tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of construction of said district as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to becooo payable and deliqquent and draw interest as follows, to-wit: One-fifth of the totalamount shall become deliqquent in fifty days after such levy; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four years. Each of said installments except the first shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent perannum from the time of the aforesaid levy until they shall become delinquent, and after the same become delinquent, interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum shall be paid tllereon until the same be collected and paid; such special taxes shall be collected and enforced as in cases of other special taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy thereof. SECTION 5. ~lis ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this AlPTEST ~v4-./Af. :{,?~ /... Ci ty Clerk. I I e --;:<! ') I ORDINANCE NO. _..?121 An ordinance creating Water Main District No. 110 of the Oity of GrandIIsland, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a water main in said district, and providing for the payment of the cost of construction trlGreof. BE IT ORDAINED BY ~mE MAYOn AND c:rry COUNCIL Ol" C I 1'"'1: OP GRAND ISLAND, NEBHASKA: SEC'I'ION 1. 'I'hat there is hereby created a w"ater main dis- trict in tlIe City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and de- signated as Water Main District No. 110 of said City. mGC'I'ION 2. 'The water m,ain in said district shall be laid in and consist of that part of Tenth Street from Broadwell Avenue to Boggs Avenue. SECTION 3. Said water main in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing water mains heretofore established by the City. SI,UCTION 4. l'hat the entire cost of constructing said water main shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of construction of said district as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw inteT'est as follows, to-wit: One-fiftLJ of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days after such levy; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in 'four years. Each of said installments except the ..-- first shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the time of the aforesaid levy until they shall become delinquent, and after the sane become delinquent, interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum shall be paid thereon until the same be collected and paid; such special taxes shall be collected and enforced as in cases of other special taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the, date of the levy thereof. SEC1'ION5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided \. , - ,. >\ ,\ _~-...'';.;...~ ':.~Ai......:\~~;k~"k~\.~~.:'~,~ law. >.. ~- , fass6d and OrrDINlS~CE 'NO. 2121 June, A.rT'TEsrr : ~ , e ,~I,"k~ -:::\ ,r I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2122 An ordinance pertaining to zoning; re-zoning Lot Three (3), Block Eighteen (18), Rollins Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska; authorizing the amending and changing of the zoning map attached to and made a part of Ordinance No. 1585, and declaring that said described lot, tract and parcel of land be and become a Commercial District of said City. ~Vhereas, an application has heretofore been made to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island to rezone Lot Tl~ee (3), Block Eighteen (18), Rollins Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, and have the said described lot, tract and parcel of land declared to be a Commercial District of said City, and Whereas, notice of said application as provided by law and notice of public hearing to be had on said application was given to all persons interested, and vJhereas, said public hearing on said application was held on the 18th day of June, 1947, at 7:30 P.M., in the Council Hooms, of the City Hall of said City, and no protests of whatsoever nature were filed or made against said application. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE NillYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE Crey OF' GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That Lot Three (3), Block Eighteen (18), Rollins Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, be and the same is hereby Fe-zoned, and the said vd thin described premises be and the same shall become a Commercial District of said City. SEC'llION 2. lfhat the zoning map which is attached to and which is a part of Ordinance No. 1585 be and the same is hereby ordered changed and amended in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, and that the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed, authorized and instructed to amend and change said ~oning map. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. I I e ORDINANCE NO.2122 Fa.ssed and approved this ATTEST: ~~t~~ 18thd,y~of J'une, 1947. J'/ / ,.//r).i;/"..' r/... '7 c'/./. ,..;/......;:.;!/ //...~... W~ f.... "" v.,....///."f.%.........f/ l '. i '/' ,...:/t.i'~ /<:/" r:>/ 'j I.) ORDINANCE NO. ?1/3 I An ordinance appropriating and dondenming private property in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the use of said City for street purposes, being a tract of land containing .036 acre more or less more particularl-y. described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of Vine Street said point being 19.1 feet south of the intersection of the east line of Vine Street and the south right-of-way line of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Belt Line, thence east parallel to the south line of Lot 1'hree (3), Koehler Subdivision a distance of 104.9 feet, thence southwest a distance of 108.7 feet to a point on the east line of Vine Street, thence north along the east line of Vine Street a distance of 30.0 feet to the point of beginning, all in theCity of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, and providing for the procedure in appropriating such private property. WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, find that it is necessary that private property all wi tb.in the said Ci ty, be appropriated and condenmed for street pUI'pO se s. I e NO\IV, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY .a;'HE l\ILAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' GRAND ISLAND, 1'EBRASKA: SEe'I'ION 1. 'l'hat the real property described as: a tract of land containing .036 acre more or less more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the EaEt line of Vine Street said point being 19.1 feet south of the inter- section of the east line of Vine Street and the south right-of- way line of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Belt Line, thence east parallel to the south line of Lot Three (3), Koehler Sub- division a distance of 104.9 feet, thence southwest a distance of 108.7 feet to a point on the east line of Vine Street, thence nortll along the east line of Vine Street a distance of 30.0 feet to the point of beginning, all in the City of Grand ~land, Hall County, Nebraska, be and the same is hereby appropriated for the use of the City of Grand Island for street purposes, under and by virtue of Sections 16-601, 16-602 and 16-603 of the Revised Sta- tutes of Nebraska, for the year of :943, and Section Nine (9), of Article Two (2) of the Home Rule Charter of the City of Grand Island. OHDINANCE NO. 2123 ( C Ori' T ) SECTION 2. That the following disinterested freeholders in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, are hereby appointed to assess the damages accruing to tho ownor or ovmers of the real estate and rights appropriated: Carl }\:nickrebm N 8111 e 4?2 West Eigh~h Street Addl'e s s C. E. Grundy Nane 1215 West Koenig Street Address Bert Phillips Name 507 West Tenth Street Address who shall receive as compensation for their services the sum of Five (41;5.00) Dollars per day for the time necessarily occupied in assessing said damages. Said assessors shall meet in the Council Chamber of the City Hall in said City of Grand Island, on the 24th day of July, 1947, at the hour of 2 o'clock P.rIl., and a fter taking oath to discharge their duties fai thfully and impartially ~hall on the same day, or as soon thereafter as practical make, sign and return to the City Clerk in writing a I just and fair appraisernent of the damages for tho lots and pieces of property, the whole or part of which or rights in which are to be appropriated. SEc'rION 3. Pay ment of the damage s for the appropriation of said pri va to pI'operty slJ.all be paid out of the Incidental fund of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 4. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this //1 ) 18th ~ay! of June, 1947. /../ / ./1 /' ... ../c ])Wd</.11~?f):~ li/.. ........;,.r/>//*~~~~~i./ /t. V/ I e 11.fr11EST: ~~J'~ ~ty Clerk I I e I '.) ,;J ",! ORDINANCE NO. 2124 An ordinance authorizing and directing the sale of certain real estate belonging to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; providing the manner in which the same shall be sold and the terms of said sale; provlding for the giving of notice of the sale of said real estate and the terms thereof; and, providing for the right to file a remonstrance against the sale thereof signed by legal electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, equal in number to thirty per cent (30%) of the electors of said City, voting at the last regular lnunicipal election held in said City. BE IT ORBAINED BY TEl!: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECr:L'ION 1. The sale and conveyance of the real estate hereinafter described is hereby directed and authorizedc::to Frederik N. Rask, of theCity of Grand Island, Nebraska. The property directed and authorized to be conveyed is described as follows: Lot Six (6) and the Westerly Fourteen (14) feet of Lot Seven (7), Block Fourteen (14) Evans Addition to the City of Grand Island, Mall County, Nebraska. SECTION 2. The manner and terms of said sale of such real estate are aSc'follows: The purchaser, J:i'rederik N. Rask, agrees to pay Two Hundred Tnirty F'i ve (~j;235. 00) Dollars for t he ,"vi thin described real estate and has paid to the City Clerk of the City of Grand Island the sum of 'I'hirty Five (~r35.00) Dollars as a down payment therefore, and the balance of 'I'wo Hundred (~p200. 00) Dollars, will be paid in full upon the execution and delivery of a Quit Claim Deed by the City to the purchaser. 'rhe Ci tv shall " not be required to furnish an Abstract of Title. SECTION 3. As provided by law, notice of such sale and the terms thereof shall be published for three consecutive weeks in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper published in and of general circulation in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, immediately after the passage and publication of this Ordinance; and the City Clerk is hereby directed and instructed to prepare and publish said notice. ORDINANCE NO. 2124 _(CON'T) SECTION 4. Authority is hereby granted to the electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to file a remonstrance against the sale of the within described real estate; and if a remonstrance r against such sale signed by legal electors of said City equal in nuJiber to thirty per cent (30?s) of the electors of the Ci ty of Grand Island, voting at the 19. st regular election heJd in said City be filed with the Mayor and City Council within thirty (30) days after the passage and publication of tilis ordinance, such property shall not then, nor within one year thereafter be sold. SECTION 5. The sale of said real estate is hereby directed, authorized and confirmed; and if no remonstrance be filed against such sale, the Mayor and City Clerk shall make, execute and deliver to Frederik N. Rask, a liui t Claim Deed for said property and the execution of said Deed is hereby authorized without further action on behalf of the City Council. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and taJ~e effect I from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this ATTEST: 2f:#e!:~ I e ORDINANCE NO. --2l~2--___ An ordinance authorizing and directingtthe sale of certain real estate belonging to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Hailroad Company and giving the terms of such sale; providing for the giving of notice of the sale of said real estate; and providing for the filing of a remonstrance against the sale thereof. BE I'l' ORDAINED BY TI-LH: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL 0Ii' THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SEc'rION 1. The sale and conveyance of the real estate hereinafter described is hereby directed and authorized to the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company. ~r.he property directed and authorized to be conveyed is described as follows: I A tract of land Vlllich is that part of Cleburn Street on the south side of Oklahome Avenue, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of Fractional Blook Fourteen (14), South Park Addition to the City of Grand Island, going thence a distance of 51.5 feet south along the east line of said Block Fourteen (14), to the north line of the Chicago, Bur- lington and Quincy Railroad Belt line, thence north easterly 66.65 feet along the north line of the Belt line to the east line of Cleburn Street, thence north a distance of 22.65 feet along the east side of Cleburn Street to the south line of Oklahoma Avenue, thence west along the south line of Oklahoma Avenue, a distance of 60.0 feet to the place of beginning. SECTION 2. The terms of the sale of such real estate are as follows: The said purchaser agrees to pay the City of Grand Island, the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars for said parcel of land and said City shall not be required to furnish the pur- chaser an Abstract of Title. SECTION 3. As provided by law, notice of such sale and the I e terms thereof shall be published for three consecutive weeks :Ln the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper published in and of general circulation in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, inlli1ediately after the passage and publication of this Ordinance; and the City Clerk is hereby directed and instructed to prepare and publish said notice. ORDINANCE NO.212~ __ (CON IT) SECTION 4. Authority is hereby granted to the electors e I of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to file a remonstrance against the sale of the within described real estate; and if a remonstrance against such sale signed by leg~ electors of said City equal in number to thirty per cent (3070) of the electors of the City of Grand Island, voting at the last regular election held in said City be filed with the Mayor and City Council within thirty (30) days after the passage and publication of this ordinance, such property shall not then, nor vnthin one year thereafter be sold. SECTION 5. The sale of said real estate is hereby directed, authorized and confirmed; and if no remonstrance be filed against such sale, the Mayor and Ci ty Clerk shall make, execute a nd deliver to the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company, a ~Jit I Claim Deed for said property and the execution of said Deed is hereby authorized without further action on behalf of the City Council. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. / ( 18th ct,:;r/-Qf June, 1947. 2 I /l 1"71 / (y,', ~ /{4jt1tJ.rt4/'! ,/ ~/"'~~~- ~7' '1/', Iv or 1// / (/ ( Passed and approved this ATTEST: ;7~~ Jd~ City erk I e "- ORDINANCE NO. ?J 2p An ordinance levying water main district taxes to pay for the construction of the water main in Water Main District No. 101 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the col- lection thereof. BE IT OHDAINED BY 'rHE MAYOH AND CI'r:~{ COUNCIL OF nm Cr~Y OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBHASKA: SECTION 1. ~:hat a water main district tax be, and the same is hereby levied and assessed, to pay for t he cost of construction of the water main in \Vater Main District No. 101 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district in the amount set opposite the several descriptions as follows: I OWNER LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT Estate of Oscar Eoehler 1 3 South Grand il'67 rz 0 'ii' .0(;;, Island Amanda and Richard Schmidt 2 3 II 67.32 Earl H. 6~ Lvelyn H. Gulzow 3 3 II 67.32 George 0 Anna 'l'homas 4 3 11 67.32 (j~ Bmma Koehler 5 2 II 67.32 Ell1..ma ICoehler 6 2 tl 67.32 Emma Koehler 7 2 II 67.32 Emma Koehler 8 2 11 67.32 SECTION 2~ The special taxes herein levied shall become pay- able and delinquent as follows: One-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days after the levy herein made; one- fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four years; eac~ of said installments except the first shall draw interest at the rate of not exceeding seven (7%) I e per cent per annum from the time of the aforesaid levy until they shall become delinquent; and after the sarre shall become delinquent interest at the rate of nine per cent (9)~) per annum shall be paid thereon until the same shall be collected and enforced as in the case of otlier special taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy thereof. SEc~eION 3. The Ci ty Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebr- aska, is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the City ORDINANCE NO. 2126 (COllflT) 'llreasurer of theCi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes herein levied, together with instructioI1S to collect the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. TIlis ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 2nd ~ST: sA ~y Clerk I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2127 An ordinance levying water main district taxes to pay for the construction of the water main in Water Ivlain District No. 102 e I of the City of Grand Island, l~ebraska, and providing for the col- lection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF' 1'HE CI'l'Y 01" GRAND ISLAND, ]\JI!.:BRASE..A: SEC'l'ION 1. That a water main district tax be, and the same is hereby levied and a~3sessed, to pay for the cost of construction of tile water main in Water Main District No. 102 of the Cibr of u Grand Island, Nebraska, against the respe ctive lots, tracts and parcels of land in said distr.ict in the amount set opposite the several descriptions as follows: I OWNER LOT BLOCK ADDITION AlVlOUNT Hoy A.. & Bertha J'ohnson 1 15 Scarff's ~p52 . 52 Roy A. 8c Bertha Johnson 3 15 II 52 . 52 Robert J- GS Alj.ce n Klinginsmith . u. 5 15 II 52 . 52 Hobert J. & Alice r< Klinginsmith v.A< . 7 15 II 52 . 52 Hoy Johnson, Jr. 9 15 11 52.52 Hoy Johnson, Jr. 11 15 It 52.52 Eldon A. & Dee A. Merritt 13 15 It 52 . 52 Eldon A. & Dee A. Merritt 15 15 II 52.52 :Eldon A. & Dee A. Merritt 17 15 If 52 . 52 Charles A. I)inkston E 43' 2 16 II 19~95 William J. & Minnie B. Bacon W 69' 2 16 II 32. 57 Charles A. Pinkston E 43' 4 16 " 19.95 Ralph J. & Ellen Irene Bishop S 46' of 'iN 69' 4 16 II 28 .82 -William J. [.~ Minnie B. Bacon N 6' ofW69 ' 4 16 " 3.75 Marv V.i. Peirce 6 16 II 52.52 " Mary W. Peirce 8 16 II 52.52 liIary W. Peirce 10 16 II 52 . 52 IVlar;)T W. Peirce 12 16 It 52.52 Mary Wilkie Peirce 14 16 " 52.52 Iiiary Wilkie Peirce 16 16 II 52 . 52 Mary Wilkie Peirce 18 16 II 52. 52 I e ORDINANCE NO. 2127 (CON'T) SEC':eION 2. 'rIle special taxes herein levied shall becoYl1e pay- able and delinquent as follows: One-fifth of the total amru nt shall e I become delinquent in fift'Y" days after the levy herein made; one- fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four years; each of said installments except the first shall draw interest at the rate of not exceeding seven (7%) per cent per annum from the time of the aforesaid levy until the'Y" shall become delinquent; and after the same shall become delinquent interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum (9%) shall be paid thereon until the same shnl be collected and enforced as in the case of other special taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy thereof. SECTION 3. '11he City Clerk of the Ci t'Y" of Grand Island, Nebr- aska, is hereby instructed and directed to certif:y to the Ci ty I Treasmrer of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes herein levied, together with instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 2nd d~" 0 A~S~ ~City Clerk I e ORDINANCE NO. 2128 An ordinance levying water main district taxes to pay for the construction of the \vater main in Water l.'lain District No. 103 of the City of Grand Island',~ Nebraska, and providing for the col- e I lection thereof. BE I'l' ORDAINED BY 'rEE IVUlYOR ANDCl'I'Y COUNCIL 01" 'rHE CI'IY OF GHAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1.That a water main district tax be, and the same is hereby levied and a'Ssessed, to pay for the cost of constrlJction of the water main in 'INaterMain District No. 103 of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district in the amount set opposite the several descriptions as follows: OWNJ..<;R LOT BLOCK Lictor & Julia A. Campas 1 10 VJal tel' iViason 2 3 10 10 10 I Charles L. & Sarah L. Fyre Bessie May Jackson 4 Homer Mi 11 spaugh 1 11 Homer Millspaugh 2 11 Grace Christman 3 11 Walter A. ~ Mildred Grace Dairs 4 11 Hobert E ('A. J.'.ili za J. Henderson . Hobert ",.., /j: Eliza J- Henderson J!.. . . Hobert ;'.'1 (~ Eliza J- Jjenderson ..tll. . Hobert E. .., Eliza J Henderson 0.; . Mildred '('I 'rhompson and Marian .L~ . 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 2 ADDITION AMOUNT ------ Lambert's ""79 86 ~p ... " 79.86 II 79.86 11 79.86 II 79.86 11 79.86 II 79.86 . It 7~). 86 11 79.86 It 79.86 II 79.86 11 79.86 11 11 II Caroline M. Grotzky II II V. Byram 5 3 II 6 3 11 7 3 II 79.86 79.86 79.86 I e Mildred l". fI'hompson and Marian V. Byram 8 3 II 79.86 SECTION 2. The special taxes herein levied shall become pay- able and delinquent as follows: One-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days after the levy herein made; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four years; each of said installments except the f'ircJt; shall draw intel'e st at the pate of not exceeding onDINANCE NO. 2128 ( C ON IT) seven ('7;;S) per cent per ar'num from the ti.me of the aforesaid e I levy until they .shall become delinq1.1ent; and after the same shall become delinquent interest at the rate of n:LYle per cent (9;;) per annum shall be paid the:r'eon until the same shall be collected and enforced as in the case of other special taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy thereof. SEC'I'ION 3. rrhe Ci ty Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebr- aska, is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the City 'l'reasurer of the C1 ty of Grand Island, l<icbraska, the amount of said taxes here:Ln levied, together with instructions tocollect the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, aqproval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 2nd day 1947. I AT'I'EST: ~~J~ I e "-,. ORDINANCE NO. 2129 An ordlnance levying water ma:Ln dlstr'ict taxes to pay for the construction of the water maln ln Water NIain Dlstrict No. 104 e I of the Clty of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the col- lection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY ~J.1J:IE MAYOR AND C ITY COUl~C IL OF rrHE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SEC'llION 1. That a water main district tax be, and the same is hereby levied and assessed, to pay for the cost of construction of the water main in Water Main District No. 104 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district in the amount set opposite the several descriptions as follows: I mVNER LOT T3LOCK ADDITION AMOUNT Ethel C. Vaughn 1 2 Harrison Sub ;!l;59.40 " Ethe 1 C Vaughn 2 2 II 59.40 . Christina Harriott 3 2 II 59.40 Christina Ifarriott 4 2 It 59.40 Marvin A. &~ Huby A. Beekman 5 2 n 59.40 Marvin A. & Ruby A. Beekman 6 2 II 59 . 40 Marvin A. & Ruby A. Beekman 7 2 11 59.40 Elizabeth Hurley 8 1 It 59.40 Josephine Bates 9 1 II 59 . 40 LeI'oy A. Lillianthal 10 1 II 59.40 Leroy A. Lillianthal 11 1 11 59 . 40 Ralph & Ethel Sutton 12 1 It 59.40 Ralph n Ethel Sutton 13 1 II 59.40 1"." Ralph & Ethel Sutton 14 1 II 59.40 I e SECTION 2. The special taxes herein levied shall become pay- able and delinquent as follows: One-fifth of the total amount shall become, delinquent in fifty da;y.s after the levy herein made; one- fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four years; each of sald installments except ~he first shall draw interest at the rate of not exceeding seven (7C;S) per cent per annum from the time of the aforesaid levy until they shall become delinquent; and after the same shall become delinquent in tere st at the rate of nine pel" cent (9%) per annum shall be paid ...;;, 'it ORDINANCE NO. 2129 (CON'T) thereon until the same shall be collected and enforced as in the case of other special taxes, and said special tax shall be e I a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy thereof. SECTION 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the Ci ty 'llreasurer of the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes herein levied, together with instructions to col- lect the same, as provided by law. SEc'rION 4. 1'his ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved I ATTEST: ~[~ I e ORDINANCE NO. 2130 An ordinance levying water main district taxes to pay for the construction of trB water main in Water Main District No. 105 e I of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the col- lection thereof. BE IT OHDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL 0I,1 THE CrI'Y OF' GRAND J:,:-J LAND, NEBRASKA: S1~C~~ION 1. That a water main district tax be, and the same is hereby levied and assessed, to pay for the cost of construction of the water main in Water Main District NQl05 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, against the respective lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district in the amount set opposite the several descriptions as follows: I OWNER LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOTJNrI' May Dumont 1 21 Packer & Barr's 2nd ~~67 . 76 May Dumont 2 21 II 67.76 Niay Dumont 3 21 " 67.76 Richard L. & Myrtie y. Niemann 4 21 11 67.76 Bernard L Doan 5 21 II 67.76 . H. C' Wenger 1 30 " 67.76 IJ. Elo -,'-1 8.:~ Edith I'll. Hansen 2 30 II 67.76 ..i:!J. Carl V. Lohrnann 3 3Q II 67.76 lVlarvin ~ I; <. Irene V Schu t t 4 30 II 67.76 J.:J. (:C . Marvin .i.3J CC Irene V. Schutt 5 30 Il 67.76 . Ansel B Pearl 'I'u ttle W-?t 6 20 If 33.88 .- (:~ lVl. . Glenwood R. &:, Dora A Koch 'r:"ll 6 20 11 33.88 J2.l"-n . "- Max J. Cornelius 7 20 II 67.76 Irwin E 0~ Hattie ~l Crane 8 20 II 67.76 . .- . William n,""1 Cook 9 20 " 67.76 J:' ". Mabel O'Nele 10 20 II 67.76 Will ter Celmer 6 31 II 67.76 Walter J. & Rosie Celmer rz 31 11 67.76 Estate of Perry Carlton 8 31 II 67.76 Estate of Henry J. Bartenbach 9 31 II 67.76 Estate of Henry J. Bartenbach 10 31 II 67.76 I e ORDINANCE NO. 2130 _ ( CON.' T ) SECTION 2. '1'he special taxes herein levied. shall become pay- able and delinquent as follows: One-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fift;y' days after the levy herein made; one-fifth e I in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four years; each of said instal.lments except the first stlall draw interest at the rate of not exceeding seven (7~~) per cent per annum from the time of the afore said levy until they shall become delinquent; and after the same shall become delinquent interest at the rate of nine per cent (9%) per annum shall be paid thereon until the same shall oe collected and enforced as in the case of other special taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy thereof. SECTION 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Hebr- aska, is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the City Treasurer of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes herein levied, together with instructions to collect the same, I as provided by law. SEc'rION 4,. 'rllis ordinance shall.be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed Jul-;l, 1947. A 'I'TEST: ~[~ I e e I I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2131 An ordinance creating Sewer District No. 221 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries tllereof, providing for the lay:Lng of a sewer in said district D.nd providing for the payment of the cost of the const:euction thereof. BE IT ORDAIJ:TED BY 'I'E]]; IViAYOH AHD CITY Cm.JNCIIJ OF 'nm CI'I'Y OP GRAND ISLAND, 1\TEBH1LSICA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a Sewer District of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Sewep District No. 221 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SEC~:ION 2. Said sewer shall be laid in the alley between Fifth Stpeet and Sixth Street and shall extend from Beal Street to Lambert Stpeet in the Ci ty of Grand Island, 1~ebra8ka. SECTION 3. Said sewer in said district is hereby opdered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and speci- fications governing sewer districts, as heretofore established by the City. SECTION 4. 'I'hat the entire cost of construction of said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied against t11e abutting property in said district to pay for the cost of constructing said sewer, as soon as the cost can be ascertained said tax to become payable and delinqllent and draw interest as follows: One-fifth of the total amount shall become 'delinquent in fifty days from date of the levy thereof; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three 'years; and one- fi fth in four years. .Gach of said installments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of seven pel' cent per annum from the date of the levy until they become delinquent; and after the sarrB becomes de- linquent , interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum shallr)e paid thereon until the same is collected and paid; said special taxes shall be a lien on said x-eal e sta te from and after the date of the levy. Si~CTION 5.'rh:Ls ordinance shall be in force and take effect f:rom and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by three-fourths vote of all mernbers of the City Council of the City of July, 1947. of A'rTgS~':~,-( /b citv c e1" I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2132 An ordinance creating Sewer District No. 222 of tile City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the' laying of a sewer in said district and providing for the pa-y-ment of th0 co st of the construction thereof. BE IT' ORDAINBD BY T'EE MAYOE AND CITY COUlTCIL OF' 'nnE CITY OF GRAND ISI,fl.lITD, NEBRASYJI.: SECTION 1. 'rha t there is hereby created a Sewor District of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Sewer District No. 222 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said sewer shall be laid in the alley between Lafayette l\venue and Earrison Avenue and shall extend from 'rhirteenth Street to Sixteenth Street in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 3.Said sewer in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing sewer districts, as Leretofore established by the City. SEC~:ION 4. That the entire co st of construction of said se'wer shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied against the abutting property in said district to pay for the cost of constructing said sewer, as soon as the cost can be ascertained said tax to becoyae payable and delinquent and draw intex'est as follows: One-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days from date of the levy thereof; one-fif.:th in one YBar; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one- fifth in four years. Each of said installments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the date of the levy until they become delinquent; and after the same becomes de- linquent, interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum shall be paid thereon until the same is collected and paid; said special taxes shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by three-fourths vote of all members of the OJ. ty Council of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, this 2nd day of J'ul;y, 1947. ATTEST: ~ ~fk ORDINANCE NO. 2133 An ordinance creating a Paving District in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, pro- viding for the paving of the streets in said district and the assessment and collection of the costs thereof. e I BE IT ORDAINED BY THE 1~YOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a Paving District in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving District No. 106 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part of Cleburn Street from the North property line of 'l'hird Street extending North to the Clearance line of the Southern most track of the Union Pacific Railroad Company crossing said Cleburn Street. SECTION 3. Said street in said paving district is hereby ordered paved as provided by law, and in accordance I with the plans and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be :50 feet in width. SECTION 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abu tting propert;.'- owners in said di stri ct , at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file with the City Cler~, within twenty days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as provided by law, written objections to paving of said district. SECTION 5. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners, within said district, to file with the City I e Clerk, within the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be uS(id in the paving of said streets. If such owners shall fail to designate the material they desire to be used in said paving district, as provided for above, and within the time provided for by law, the Mayor and City Council shall determine the material to be used. ORDINANCE NO 21jj Con f t SECTION 6. That the costs of the paving i~ said district shall be assessed against the lots, and tracts e I of land especially benefitted thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the Mayor and City Council as provided by law. SECTION 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passes and approved ATTEST: ~S/~ ity Clerk I I e ORDINANCE N021~4 An ordinance creating an ornamental lighting district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for instal11ng ornamental lights therein e I and the collection of the costs thereof. WHEREAS, J. W. Detweiler the owner of Block 8, Pleasant Home Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, has filed a petition with the Mayor and City Council, asking that an ornamental lighting district be created and that ornamental lights be installed on all 4 corners of said Block 8, together with one in Middle on the east side of said Block, and that the entire costs of the construction thereof, be assessed against said Block 8. NOW THEHE:F'ORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created an ornamental lighting district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as ornamental lighting District No. 5 of the City I of Grand Isla:t).d, Nebraska. SEC~nON 2. Said district shall consist of the 4 streets bounding Block 8, Pleasant Home Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and shall include and be assessed against Block 8, of said Pleasant Home Addition. SECTION 3. There shall be installed 5 ornamental lighting standards, with underground cables, fixtures, wiring and accessories, necessary for a complete system and are hereby ordered installed, one in each corner of said Block 8, Pleasant Home Addition to the City of Grand Is~and, Nebraska and one in the Middle on the east I e side of said Block 8, in said ornamental lighting distr'ict, in accordance with the plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk, heretofore adopted by the City. SECTION 4. Owners of the record title, representing a majori ty of the abutting property owners in said D:Lstrict, a t the time of the enactment of this ordinance, may f'ile with ORDINANCE NO 2134 Can't the City Clerk, within twenty days from the first publication of this ordinance, written objections thereto and than this ordinance shall be repealed. SECTION 5. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby auth- e I orized and directed to publish, after the passage, approval and publication of this ordinance, in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a legal newspaper published in Grand Island, Nebraska, a notice of the creation of said district, once each week for not less than twenty days. SECTION 6. The entire cost of the construction of said ornamental lighting district shall be taxed against said Block 8, Pleasant Home Addition, to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, the property especially benefitted, said cost to be determined by the Mayor and City Council, sitting as a Board of Equalization as soon as said costs can be ascertained, said tax to become payable and delin- quent and draw interest as follows: one-fifth of the total I amount shall become delinquent in fifty days from the date of the levy and one-fifth annually after the date of the levy for four years. Each of said installments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of six per cent from the date of the levy, payable annually until due and one per cent per month after due until paid; such special taxes shall be collected and enforced as in cases of other special taxes and shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy. SECTION 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. I e Passed and approved by a three-fourths vote of all members of the City Council 1947 ATTEST: ~ ~r&. ORDINANCE NO. 2135 An ordinance creating an ornamental lighting district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for installing ornamental lights therein and the collection of the costs thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 1. That there is hereby created an ornamental lighting district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as ornamental lighting District No.6 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said district shall consist of that part of West Fourth street from the West line of Locust Street to the East line of Walnut Street and from the West line of Cedar Street to the East line of Elm Street. SECTION 3. Approximately 16 lights with standards, spaced approximately 150 feet apart, with underground cables, I fixtures, wiring and accessories, necessary for a complete I e system, are hereby ordered installed on said Fourth Street, in said ornamental lighting d,istrict. Old standards and cables shall be used in said district where already in- stalled. The same shall be installed in accordance with the plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk heretofore adopted by the City Council. SECTION 4. Owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district, at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, may file with the City Clerk, within twenty days from the first publication of this ordinance, written objections thereto and than this ordinance shall be repealed. SECTION 5. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby auth- orized and directed to publish, after the passage, approval and publication of this ordinance, in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a legal newspaper published in Grand Island, Nebraska, a notice of the creation of said district, once each week for not less than twenty days. ORDINANCE NO.::~2l35 SECTION 6. That the entire cost of installing said 01"- namental lighting district shall be assessed against the lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district especially benefitted thereby, in proportion to such benefits, to be determined by the Mayor and City Council, sitting as a Board of Equalization and a tax shall be levied against the abutting property in said district to pay such costs, as soon as the same can be ascertained, said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows: one-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days from the date of the levy and one-fifth annually after the date of the levy for four years. Each of said installments except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of six per cent from the date of the levy, payable annually until due and one per cent per month after due until paid; such special taxes shall be collected and enforced as in cases of other special taxes and shall be a lien on said real estate from I and after the date of the levy. SECTION 7. This ordinance shall be in force and .take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a three-fourths vote of all members of the City Council , 1947 A'rTEST: ~~& I e I I e >') t ,~ ),t',,", _.' i t li' / \ //J'" I\:I / '-' i'_ f I ' '. - i I,.i , ( \~ \ / :', \ I /(.{ i; t \,\ ~ Ii " O"I')D" I l\j' 1\ NC li' "Ie) ,,") t:: 1. _l.,t1._" .l.:J 1',. -21~__ An ordinance creating a Pav:i.np; Distl'ict in the City of GI'and IsIHnd... Nebraska... dE)finlng tho boundal'ies th,n'Gof, prov:i.ding for the paving of the streets in said district and t }le 8.8S es f'fnen t and colle ction of t costs thm"eof. BE rr OHDAnrfljD BY TiAYOH AJ'D C rry COUNCIL OF THE crJ1"Y OP GHA)','D ISLAND, NEBHAS1\A; SJEC '1'1 O]\f 1. 'fllat the}'," :i.s b01'2by cl'Gated a paving di8- t1'1ct in t City of Grand Island, li'ebraska, to be }<nown as Paving Dist~('ict lJo. 104 of t}]e City of Granc"l Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said paving dj strict s'hall consist of that part of Gl'Genwi ell, Avenue :r1:'om trJo snutrJ property line of Third 8tl'E"ot to tbe south property line of JOhnl ;;)treet. SJ~C1'I()}\r 3. Said streets in sa:i.d pav:inp; cU.8 trict are he~eby ordered paved as nrovidedby law, and in accordance w:lth thp plans and Sp(~'cjficat:i.ons governing rJavinp; cHstricts as tmeJ1"etofore esta'!J11fflh@t:1 'by tKl@ City, sald paving to be 36 feet in width. ST~crl1ION 4. That authol'ity is bereby granted to the owners of t}:lO record tit1e, ]:'ep:r'esent:l.ng a rna.iori.ty of tbe al:mtting proporty ovme}"s in sajd jstr:tct, at t}'le time of tbe enactment of tbis ol'dinance, to fjle vdth the City G1e{J:tk, 'within twenty days f'''oDJ tIle first pUblication of tbA notice creat:i.n r~ said cJ i stri ct, as provicJ ed by law, written ob je c- tions to paVing of said district. EH';C'I'ION 5. 'That alJ.tb<:)}~ity is hereby granted to the oViner s of' e record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners, within said district, to file ith tlH~ G1 ty Clerk, Vii thirl the ti me provided [lY law, a pet:l tion for tl1(' l1 se of a pal'tlc'ular kind of' lYiaterial to be used in the paving of paid streets. If such owners shall fail to desigrlate the materialtbey desire to be US0d in soJc1 p9,ving distri ct, as pJ:'ovided for above, and w:lthin th("l time provided for by law, the YOI' and Ci ty Council shall determine the mate'"J a1 to be used. ORDINA1"CE NO. 2130 (CON'T) SEcr~I01'r 6. 'l'hat t:he costs of pavlnp; :1n s[;j/J.district shall he assessed aga:1nst the lots and tracts of land especially bonsf'ittcd bc::r'eby, i:n proportion to stlcb T)e):"',cf'its to be'; dotorrnJned by tb.8 ]\'u"lyor and Cat v Gcmn ell as prov:Ld.ec1 by If3.w. SECTIUN 7. ~hi8 ordinance shall be in forco and take o ff e c t f:"o FI after its passa , approval and pub15cation as provided by law. Passed and approved this August,1947. AT'Jr'EST: ~ ~S___ ~~-m~f;:r"k I I e ORDINANCE :NO. -2l37 An ordinffi,ce creating Water Main District No. 111 of the City of 'Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a water main in said district, and providing for the payment of the cost of construction thereof. BE IT OHDAINED BY ':eHE IVLAYOH AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GHAND ISLAND, NEBHASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereb'Y created a water main dis- trict in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be kno~m and designated as Water Main District No. 111 of said CiW. SECTION 2. The water main in said district shall be laid in and consist of that part of East Fourth Street from Evans Street to Taft Street. I SECTION 3. Said water main in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing water mains heretofore established by the City. SECTION 4. That the entire cost of constructing said I e water main shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of construction of said district as soon as tile cost can be ascertained, said tax to become payable and delinquent and dr~w interest as follows, to-wit: One-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days after such levy; one-fiftil in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four 'Y'ears. Each of said installments except the first shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the time of the aforesaid levy until they shall become delinquent, and after the same become delinquent, interest at the rate of nine per cent per annura shall be paid thereon until the same be collected and paid; such special taxes shall be collected and enforced as in cases of other special taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy thereof. ORDINANCE NO. 2137. (COlJlT) SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and pubillication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 6th day of August, 1947. ATTEST: ~.r.~ ty Clerk I I e I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2138 An ordinance creating Water Main District No. 112 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a waternain in said district, and providing for the payment of the cat of construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE NlliYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GHAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That ther'e is her'eby created a Water Main dis- trict in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and de- signated as Water Main District No. 112 of said City. SECrfION 2. The water main in said di s tric t shall be laid in and consist of that part of Vlfest Pirst Street from the west property line of Lot Twenty-One (21), Block Fourteen (14), Ashton Place Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to the west property line of said Block li'ourteen (14), Ashton Place Addition. SECTION 3. Said water main in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing water mains heretofore established by the City. SECTION 4. rfha t the entire cost of constrl,icting said water main shall be assessed against the abutting pDoperty in saicldistrict, and a tax shall be levied to pay f'or the cost of construction of said district as soon as tile cost can be ascertained, said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows, to-wit: One-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days after such levy; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in tln~ee years; and one-fifth in four years. Each of said installments except the first shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from me time of the aforesaid levy until the;y- shall become delinquent, and after the same become delinquent, interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum shall be paid thereon until the same be collected and paid; such special taxes shall be collected and enforced as in cases of other special taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy thereof. ORDINANCE NO. 2138 SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 6th " August, 1947. AT'rEST: ~/!" s:: w'PC_ Clt-y Clerk I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2132 Seing the annual appropriation ordinance of the City of Grand e I Island, Nebraska, for the ensuing fiscal year, commencing on the second lVionday in August, 1947, and ending on the second Monday in August, 1948. BE IT OHDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF 'lIHE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBHASKA: SECTION 1. That the sum of $ 36250.00 is hereby appro- priated for the Bond Fund for the following purposes; To pay interest on Refunding Bonds in the principal sum of $ 115000.00 , bearing interest at the rate of It% per annwn in the sum of $ 1437.50 . To pay interest on Hefunding Bonds in the principal sum of ~$ 2 5000. 00 , bearing interest at the rate of I 3/47G per annum in the sum of ~~ 437. 50 . , To pay interest on City Ball Bonds in the principal sum of I &p 50000.00 bearing in tere s tat the ra te of 17~ per annum in the sum of $ 375.00 . , To retire tvventy-five City Hall Bonds each in the principal sum of ~i~ 1000.00 the sum of ~i~ 25000.00 , and to retire nine Hefunding Bonds each in the principal sum of ~fP.OOO. 00 sum of ~i;9000.00 , the . SECTION 2. That the sum of $ 3352.36 or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the general Fund for the purpose of paying the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebr- aska, for collecting and remitting taxes to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. That the sura of $ 147.64 , being the unexpended balance I e in the County 'l'reasurer Fund, is hereby re-ap-propria ted for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 3. That the sum of ~~ 14455.00 , or so much thereof as ma~f be necessary, is heI'eby appropriated out of the GenernL Fund for the purpose of paying the salaries of the City Officers including the Mayor, eight Councilmen, Clerk, Treasurer, Physician, Attorneys, Janitor, Weighmaster, and Bacteriologist for the ensuing fiscal year. Tha t the unexpended balance in seil fund in the sum of ~U; 2545.00 ORDINANCE NO.2139 is hereby re-appropriated for the ensuing fis~_ year. SEC ~CI ON 4. Tha t the sum of ~j~ 17164.91 is hereby appro- priated out of the General Fund to pay the salary of the City e I Engineer, Assistant City Bngineer, Building Inspector and all otl10r assistants of said Department, and all expenses of operating his office. That the unexpended balance in said fund in the sum of dh ~p 293.09 is hereby re-appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 5. ~eha t tc~e sum of :it 44768.01 , or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Pund for the purpose of paying the incidental expenses of tile City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the ensuing fiscal year, including milk testing, election expenses, building and equipment, and for such other purposes as the Iv1ayor and City Council may deem necessary for the benefit and welfare of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. I That the unexpended balance in s~id fund in the sum of ~~ 241.99 is hereby re-appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 6. That the sum of $ 23192.63 , or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the Gneral Fund for the purpose of paying the expenses of the Street and Alley Departments, including care, cleaning, mending, flushing, sprillicling, repairs, laying sidewalks, opening streets and alleys, purchase of tools and implements and machinery, salary of Street Commissioner, labor and all other expenses incidental to and per- taining to the upkeep of the care of the Streets and alleys. That the sum of ip 1007.3'7 being the unexpended balance I e in the Streets and Alley Fund, is hereby re-appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. 'rhat all money received by the City from the Gasoline Tax Pund, estimated to be the sum of $ 9500.00 , is hereby a'Jpropriated for the use of the Street and Alley Department to pay for repairs and maintenance of the Streets and Alleys. ORDINANCE.NO.2139 ~4;-;l;;.~ .t:. ,'h . .A.k~ 1 n~,Q~_ ,--=:::::::::::::::--::::___.~=:::;.~ ~ .t2.u~~.D ..;Q~J?.iVby ~-app~op~i~xe~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~H-e~~B~a~~Hg-e~- .,ljl.~~ t ~ anQ....~~~fl f g.;p-;l;~-,,"~H:J:e-4J:.e.e.a;b41'~. e I That the cash on hand in the Treasurer's Account to the credit of said gas tax fund is hereby appropriated for said .fund, said " sum being ~ 2500.00 . fJ:'hat in addi tion to the amount tJ.ereinbe.fore appropriated for the Street and Alley Pund, an addi tional sum of i~6250.00 is hereby appropriated for the purpose of constructing, repairing, and maintaining streets and alleys, said sum to be expended as the Council may hereafter direct vihen labor and materials for such construction and repairs are available. SECTION 7. That the sum of $27243.87 is hereby appro- priated out of the General Pund for the Airport Pund for the purpose of paying the expense of maintaIning, equiping, and operating the Municipal Airport, and paying all expense in connection with said Airport, including salaries and labor. I II' '~ ill t the sum of ~; 654.13 , being the unexpended balance in the Airport Pund is herebtyr re-appropriated for the ensu.ing fiscal year. -- 'I'll.at the revenues received from the operation of the Municipal Airport of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, are hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying the expenses of operation of said Municipal Airport, including salaI'ies and all incidental expenses in connection with the operation, maintenance and enlargement of said Municipal Airport. SECTION 8. ~eha t the sum of ~Jf 49088.65 or so much thereof as may be necessary, is heI'eby appropriated out of the General Pund I e .for the purpose of paying for the extension of sewers and drains other than those elsewhere herein provided :Cor, and for the operation of the Disposal Plant, salary of the superintendent and all other labor and repairs, incidental to flushing sewers and repairing sewers and expenses incidental to the operation of the Disposal Plant of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. That the sum of $ 311.35 , being the unexpended balance in the sewer fund is hereby re-appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. ORDINANCE.NO.2139 SECTION 9. That the sum of ~~ 10000.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary, is l1ereby appropriated out of the General Fund for the paYment of the expenses of lighting streets, alleys, public grounds and buildings of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, including e I the erection of new lights and repairs. ~t th~ .1k1o~.\ilJ.lil~ iu.- 9i'lj d ;CJ1rld in i-J'1A $1]);1;) o-f' ~n; -.i~ b~y );'$ 9Pln>op.l;lii'ltE'd for' Ul.a.~ Pj sc.al-.;y;:e.a;u.. SEC'ITON 10. 'fhat the sum of $ 4000.00 , or so much therBof, as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund for the purpose of paying the hydrant service for the ensuing year. fT'Jr[ ~- '~]p Q ~e-:.:ar: '}~ h;l J "j~'~~~- igJ~~~^'hJ P^ nI.~Of'=.in_to~ T~ ~--\<^ ~~~~- SECTION lOA. 'l'hat the sum of :~384l1.06 , is hereby appro- priated for the Storm Sewer Pund for the purpose of maintaining, repairing, constructing and extending storm sewers of the City of Grand Island. Nebraska. I That the unexpended balance in said fund in the sum of 4~ 28229.65 is hereby re-appropriated for the ensuing fiscal -y-ear. SEcrrION 11. That the sum of ~; 503~. 85 or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appI'opriated out of the General Fund foI' the pUI'pose of paying the salary of the superintendent and all necessaI'Y help and all labor, and all necessary expense for the operation, maintenance of the IvIunicipal Svdmrning Pool. Tha t the unexpended balance in said fund in the sum of ~l) 1469.15 is hereby re-apPI'opriated. TI~at the revenues received from the operation of the ~~nicipal Swin@ing Pool are hereby appI'opriated for the purpose of paying I e the expense of opeI'a tion of said lVIuni cipal Swirnming Pool, including salaries and all incidental expenses, and labor in connection with the operation, maintenance and repairing of said Municipal Swimm:Lng Pool. SECTION 12. That the sum of ~~ 36648.08 or so much t heI'eof as may be necessaI'Y, is hereby appI'opI'iated for the purpose of maintaining, extending, improving and beautifying the parks and play gI'ounds of the City of Grand Island, NebI'aska, for the purpose of e I I I e ORNINANCE NO.2139 purchasing such real es tate as the IVIayor and Ci ty Council may deem necessary or advantageous, and for the purpose of paying salaries, labor and repairs. 'rnat the sum of ~~35l.92 , ~ being the unexpended balance in the 1)ar1l: Fund, is hereby re-appropriated 1'01' the ensuing fiscal year. SEC'rION 13. rr'ha t the sum of ~}; 22548.88 , or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the Police F'und of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying salaries of the Police Department and Police Judge and all expenses of the Police Department, including care .and expenses of the Department, Board of Health and Secretal"Y of the Board, and all expenses of said Board of Health for the ensuing fiscal year. That the unexpended balance in said fund in the sum of f~ 1226.12 is hereby re-appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. That the estimated miscellaneous receipts of ;'~5025.00 is hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. That the estimated receipts of ;~ 28000.00 in the Parking Meter Fund, being the revenue received from parking meters is herc;by appropriated for the use and benefit of the Police Fund. Tha t the cash on hand in the Tpeasurer' s Ac coun t to the credi t of said Police Fund is hereby appropriated for said fund, said sum " being ~l) 18000.00 . SEcrr1ION 14. 'rha t the sum of ;j~ 72430.89 or so much iWreof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the .i."ire Fund for the purpose of paying the salaries of the City Firemen, Cb.ief, and Assistant Chief of the Fire Departnwnt, purchase of such new equipmat and all other expenses and repairs necessary in the operation of the Fire Department. 'l'ha t the unexpended balance in said F'und in the sum of ~~ 569.11 is hereby re-appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. Estimated receipts received from ambulance service in the sum of~i) 1500.00 are hereby appropriated for the use of the i~~.special Ambulance Fund. ~:')(:.1tKX:~ .~ ,~~ >~~~~.... ~Xi... . SECTION 15. That the sum of $ 1418.88 , or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the Cemetery e I F'und for the purpose of paying the sa1anies of the Ca.retaker and all help needed, labor, improvements, expansions, beau tifi cations, and maintenance of the Grand Island CemeterJl" and to purchase more ground, if needed. r:eha t the sum of $16981.12 , being the unexpended balill~ce in the Cemetery F~nd, is hereby re-appropriated, for the ensuing fiscal year. 1nat the estimated receipts for the year 1947-1948 in the sum of $10000.00 received from the sale of lots, opening graves, and other charges at the cemetery are hereby appropriated for the use of said cemetery fund. SECTION 16. 'I'ha t the sum of 4p12700.84 is hereby appro- priated for the Paving Fund for the purpose of paving streets and I alleys, intersections, spaces opposite public buildings and grounds, and for the repairing of streets and alley pavements. Tha t the 1).nexpended balance in said F'und in the sum of It., , 4P 1299.1b is hereby re-appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SEC'fION 17. 'nIa t the sum of :hi 4520.00 ,or so much'thereof, as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the IiLusic Fund d!C:(' the City of Grand Island, Nebeaska, for the purpose of paying for the expenses of vocal, instrumental and amusement organizations fm' the free, public concerts, festivals, parades and entertainnlent. 'fhat the lJ.:nexpended balance in said Fund in the sum of ~p 480.00 is hereby re-appropriated for the enuing fiscal I e year~ SECTION 18. That the sum of ~~ 16410.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the Library F'und for the purpose of paying the expenses of the Public Library, in- eluding salaries, repairs, purchase 'of books and periodicals, and all other expenses. That the estimated receipts for the ensuing fiscal year in the sum of ~~ 1090.00 is hereby appropriated for ensuing fiscal :'JTear. e I I I e ORDINANCE NO.2139 SECTION 19. ~~nx~ ~XIl~1X ~n:xBp]oo(iK~i\~P;};l(X~~~~1{BKM~X~~~ B~~i'aOC~./..~~.nxroaoc~~~OCOCKXOCOCQtXli1li.:tXOOXOCxnxx~oc XiXOCOCOC~JX:mxXOCOCX~~KX~Xm{X~ftUX:OCKa{OCOCKXOCKX.~~KOC~. Tha t the sum of $ 12102.37. , being the unexpended balance Sabitation ~ now in saidAfund is hereby re-~propriated. Thatthe revenue received by said department of Sanitation for the collection and disposal of refuse and garbage estimated in the sum of ~~ 20897.63 is hereby especially appropriated for the maintenance and operation of said department. SECTION 20. That the sum of $ 9084. 90 is hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying pensions to retired City Firemen as b'Y. law provided. SEC'l'ION 21. 'rha t the revenue re cei ved from the operation of the Ice Department of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying expenses of the operation of the said Ice Department, including salaries, and all incidental expenses in connection with the operation, maintenance, rep~iring, and enlargement of said Ice Department. SECTION 22. That the revenue recieved from the operation of the Water and Light Department of the City of Grand Island, Nebr- aska, is hereby especially appropriated by thelaws of the State of Nebraska, for the use and benefit of said Department, and flo appro- priation for said Department is made herein. SECTION 23. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 7th ATTEST; ~ -f /~ -. ~ j7 - Ci ty Clerk. " ORDINANCE NO.2l40 ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance levying taxes in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the fiscal year commencing wi th the second Iilonday in August, 1947, and ending the second Monday in August, 1948, and providing for tl1e collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied, and the same shall be collected in the manner provided by law, upon all property, tile fiscal year co~nencing on the second Monday in August, 1947, and ending on the second Monday in August, 1948, on each dollar of the actual valuation of said property, taxes as follows, and for the following purposes; The sum of 'twenty (20) mills for all general and all other I municipal expenses. The sum of three ($3;OO) Dollars on each and every male resident of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, between the ages of twenty-one (21) and fifty (50) years, except such as are by law exempt as a poll tax. SBCTION 2. [rhe City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby instrl!-cted and directed to certify to the County Clerk of Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes, and the same shall be collected in the manner provided by law. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. I e Passed and approved this August, 1947. AT[I'EST: ~S~ ty Clerk ' DHDINAHCE NO. 2141___ An oruinance creating a Paving District in .the Ci tv t, of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the pavin[~ of the streets in said district and the a~3sessment and collection or the costs thereof. e I }3E I~r 011.DI1.I]>JJ~J) T3"~{ 'TIII:~ lViAyan AND CITY C DUNC IL OF' TIlE C OI" GHA1~D I ;::';LAND, ImBn.Ai3KA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a Paving District in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving District No. 106 of the City of Grand Island, Hebraska. SE: frIDN 2. Said pavinG district shall consist of that part of Clay Street from Koenig Str~et~to Louise Street. SECTION 3. Said street in said pav district is hereby ordered paved as provided by law, and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing paving districts as here- tofore establis.tled by tbe Ci ty, said paving to be 36 feet :Ln width. SECTION 4. That authority is hereby antod to the owner's I of the record ti tIe, represent:i.ng a majority of the abutting propert.y owner's in said district, at tho time of the enactment of this ordinance, to filo with the City Clerk, within twenty days from the first publication of the notice croating said district, as provided by law, written objections to paving of saie! district. 5Ec'rIOil 5. That autlJ.ori ty is he:eeby [::panted to the owners of the record tltlo, reprcsentine.: a :rnajority of the abutting property oVlfners, wJ_tLdn sa:Ld district, to file with the City Clerk, witnin the timo provIded law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in the paVlng of said street. If such owners shall fail to designate the I e mate:cial t.hey de sire to be used in said pavinc d1 stric t, as provided for above, and witni the time orovide for by law, the 'or and City Council shall determine the material -l-. " va De 'UE10d. SECTION 6. That the costs of paving in said strict shall be assessed against the lots, and tracts of land especially bene- fitted hereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined bv the Mavor and Citv Council as provided bv law. v tI tJ ti OJ),C'~lT'C\ c;,c'C"c,' 7T() 2141 (C I') J.uJ.L.'J.t:i.;:; JL 1\ ._____ on 'G SBCTION 7. TLis ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 20th r AT11T~srr : ~yJd&- I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2141.- An ol'uinance levying special taxes to pay 1'01' the cost of constl'uction of Se1lver District No. 205 of the Ci ty of Grand Island, e I Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT OHDAINED BY THE MAYOE AND CI'I'Y COUNCIL OF 'rEE CITY OF GHAND I::;LAND, NEBRASK.A.: SEc'rION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the purpose of pRying the cost of construction. of the sewer in Sewer District No. 205 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of said City, sitting as a BoaT'd offEqualization after' due notice J'laving been given thereof, as provided by law; eac! of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land 1s a sessen as follows: I 'l'roy o 0 1..J. Cy: Lucille R. Penny LOT BLOCK ADDJ'I'ION Al\IOUNrr --..~--- 1 145 U. P. R'!( ('78 '74 - . tH' .0 Co. 2nd Add:i.tion 2 II II 78.34 3 II " 78.34 4 II If 78.34 5 11 II 7D.34 6 11 n 78.34 ? fl II 78.34 8 II " 78.34 NAME J'ohn ICehm John ?; Elizabeth Kellin Jacob F'rederi (:k Kehm & Mary 1\ehm cTohn & Elizabeth Kehm John Kehm Clarence J. & Lydia Speck cTosepJ:l L. Forst SEC'i.'ION 2. Tho taxes so levied shall become payable and do- linquent in tho manner provided by law. SECTION 3. The City Clerk is rlerebv (./ directed to certify to the City 'I'reasurer the amount of said taxes together wj.th lnstruc- I e tions to colle ct the sa:me, as provided by law. SEC'l'ION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by'law. Passed and approved this A'I"rESfl': ~~l~ / OHDINANCJi: NO ._2..::1..43 An ord,inance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of construction of ,sevvcr District No. 206 of the City of Grand Island, e I l~ebl'l8.s]{(;1., cCCtcl pl"lovi.d.ir1[j ~eOl.') tl1e co]~loctioIl tllel~eof. BE 1'1' c.mDA nr2;D I3Y ':C klAYOH AND CITY COUNCIL OF C I'l'Y OF Gi:1.AED ISLAND, NEBHA,::;EA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax aeajnst the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of the sewer in ,sevvor District Ho. 206 of said City, in accordance witlJ the benefits found and assessed against tho several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of said Ci ty, s1 tting 'as a Board of Equalization after due notice having been given thereof, as pI'ovided law; OaCJl of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: I\fAT/iE L01' BLOCK ADDI'I'ION AI,IOUN'l' -- --------..... -_.~.. . Charles Nora WIartin 1 2 College ;::,94. In. I Addition Lewellyn L. co: Eli sa 1/Ii t ton 2 II II 9() . 63 Charles " Nora Wlartin 3 II II 55.35 C/~ Lewellyn L. (' Elisa tton 4 II II 55.35 ,J.; Charles (, Nora Ivlartin 5 It It 55.35 c: Lewellyn L. (, J~J_i SB. Mitton 6 11 II f.S5.3tj c: Laura Savvyer Mattingly 7 tl II 55.ZS5 Lewellyn L. (" Elisa h'li t ton 8 II 11 55.35 LauI'a [:')avryer J\Ia t tingly n II II 55. :3b LI Elias P. n Hosa L. StaI'r 10 tI II 55. 3f) c'~ L[;l.ura .sawyor liIa t tingly 11 II II 55. 35 Elias Ii'. [..,. Hosa L. Starr ]0 11 11 55. 35 .CJ Laura n () tephan I. Sawyer 1() tl 11 55.3f) l.\, li:lias T71 x" Easa L. .s tarr' 14 II 11 r:- r:: N r-' I' . I.j.J Oi). ,:)0 Laura r: :3 tophan I. Sawyer 15 II 11 ~' r=- 35 c/: -.)0. Elias Ii"1 0 110 sa L. ,starr 16 II II 17 c' '/ (.:" . CG ,JO. Du Benjamin F. Sharp 1 1"' College [:i5. 96 D Addition 'p .... III c'" 0 li II 55. 96 ".JenJ allun . ,,)nar1) {..J Benjamin }il Sharp ~=s II It 55.96 . Benjamin Tjl Sllclrp 4 tl 11 55.96 J. . Benjamin ').j' SJ[larp 5 tl II 55.96 J. . Benjamin T",l C'l 6 tl II 55.96 L' . ,,)~larp Benjamin :F: ()harp '7 Il II :55.96 . I Benjamin P. Sharp 8 11 tl 55.96 Benjamin l~-' . Sharp 9 It II 5E). '06 Benjamin p. Sharp 10 11 11 55.96 e Benjamin F. Sharp 11 tl II 55.96 Benjamin F. Sharp 12 II 11 55. 96 Carl Everett D. Sharp 13 II 11 55. 96 Benjamin il' el. 14 II II 55.96 .c . 0",larp Carl Everett D. Sharp 15 11 II 55. 96 Benjamin 1". [',)harp 16 11 II 55.96 OHDINAHCE NO. 2113_ ( C on It) SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and de- linquent in the manner provided by law. e I SECTION 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the City Treasurer the amount of' said taxe s togecl1er w~l_ t11 ins truc- tions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 20th ATTIi;S1: : ~~~~ I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2] 41/:. . An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of construction of Sewer District No. 207 of the City of Grand Island, e I Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY r:eHE MAYOH AND CITY COUNCIL OF rrIlE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBHASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set for th for the purpose of paying the cost of' construction of the sewer in Sevfer District No. 207 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in smd district by the Mayor and City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of' ].!;qualization af'ter due notice having been given thereof, as provided by law; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: I NAlvIE LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT ~-- N1. IN. Brown 1 78 Wheeler & $64.41 Bennett's 3rd Addition William Middagh 2 II II 64.41 Clyde L. J- . & Caroline Middagh 3 II " 64.41 :lVlil ton H. Juett 4 l' II 64.41 Milton H. JOuett 5 II " 64.41 Jaciuto Aguilar & Lupe H. Aguilar 6 " II 64.41 Charles B. & Marian HealY 7 iI II 64.41 tI J-ohn H. Lm gerlile der 8 " II 64.41 Charles r' (~ rrillie iNetzel 9 II II 64.41 \J. Albert & Nlary Drexel 10 " II 64.41 ~~CTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and de- linquent in the manner provided by law. I e SECTION 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the City Treasurer the amount of said taxes together with instruc- tions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shallbe in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Pas sed ~~ ,..lA",u- e I I I e ORDINANCE NO. 2l~__~ An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of construction of Sewer District No. 208 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and provIding for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY TEE MJ1.YOH AND CITY COUNCIL OP 1'HE CI'l'Y OF' GHAND ISLAND, NEBHASKA: SECTION 1. 'l'hat there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of the sewer' in Sewer District No. 208 oi' said City, in accordance wi th the benefits found and assessed against tho several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice having been given thereof, as provided by law; each'of tlle several lots, NANIE tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: Clara A. (: Hobert 11. Stauss S 74' -N-?5-E-~- o:~ .... '" Clara A. & Hobert Il. S~au.ss N 70' -Stt-}~.! Clara I' ce Robert H. Stauss S 70' Ct 1 ';-"'j 1 ~-l. -0-Z"'--.r1.rtJ Stanloy c' (' Evelyn fJ:yma 0. 6G Stanley S. & Evelyn Tyma Stanley S &, Evelyn Tyma . Stanley S & Evelyn rn . .Lyma Rudolph ~ Cassie vVetzen <h , Hudo Iph 8G Cassie WfJtzen Hudolph C~ Cassie Vve tzon Rudolph 6: Cas ,:de Wetzen J ohriW & Lyd.ia' G.1:rammone. Worley & Violet YJilliams Leo "I"," D' bary J- Mulligan n. '" . Leo TT CC lIlary J. Iv1ulligan n. Estate of Johannes Grotzky Estate of Johannes Grotzky J. D. Kirh:pa trick J. D. Kirkpatrick IT 70 I_N-~'--W.J; I~ ,..... BLOCK ADDITION AMOUN'r 2. Pleasant ~p88. 90 Home Addi. 2 II 88.90 2 II 88.90 2 II 88.90 3 It 88.90 3 11 88.90 3 11 88.90 3 II 88.90 s 70'-N-lz-wt N 70 '-S'lz-1JVlt S 70' SJ '''J - tj-vV-z ,~ f J E:']. 1'1 70 -N"2-'~2 ~ 70' _F1__E]~ "-' ~ i.3 2 H 70' -S:;--E'}.;- '" ..., S 70 f -S-l;--L1;:; N N J':; 80'-N 66'-Ni :8)0 6 2 II 51.20 W 52'-N 66' E.:t 2 Hl j\J'2 11 6 6 32.62 Jl 93.98 6 6 II 88.90 II 88.90 N 70'-H~-Wl hJ r.J II 7 88.90 S 70 I -N.;1;--W~5- I::.J h.I H 7 7 88.90 II 70' s-~~_ VVJ;- '" N II 88.90 S 70' S~~_VJ}~- '" N 88.90 II 7 N 70' -N.~--Wi S r70 f T'f]' VP=- - -' -2"- :e if 10 88.90 II 1,0 88.90 ORDINANCE NO. 21~ (CON'T) IIJ AIIIE BLOCK ADDI'I'IOH AlffOUITT --...- <i(,)O() 90 tHuu. - J. D. K1rkpatrick N 70' _Sc1_W?,;. "" '" 10 J. D. Kirkpatrick S 70 I -S-S~-W1,~ '" N 10 e Vlilliam L. & Lorraine Behrens N 70 I -l\f.];--E-);- 11 N N I William L. C(', LOl'raine Behrens _(1 70' NL_r-<:;_:L- 11 .:.:> -';3 .I. ~~ Irene c. (1_: Henry c. Becker N 70' - 31;-- E';r 11 Fo.I ...... Irene c. & Henry C. Becker C'7 r sJ- -'-'1 11 u 0 - -2-1J-2 Irene C. TT C. Becker H 70' _S}-W.} 11 8' !lenry 'v N N Irene C. &: Henry C. Becker S '10 I -S1s--VV1s- 11 N '" LeHoy V. & Marian Paus tian N 70 I _lirJ~_WJ.- 11 .t;.1 2 LeHoy V s. Marian Paustian S 70 1 -N-?3-VV'-~;- 11 . ~<-" "- John P. &: Nellie 1(. Harder N 66' -N13--B} 12 '" N Hi char d B. (<, Ella Wegner C' 1 r1 T'l 12 ,;:) 74 - ~-2-.r"2 Jurgen Kr~er N I (' 1 ",,' J 12 70 -,;:)-2--l:!J-2 Jurgen Kroeger c< 70'_S~_El 12 ,;:) N '" Pleasant Home Addi. 11 88.90 II 88.90 It 88.90 If 88.90 II 88.90 II 88.90 II 88.90 1r 88.90 tilt 88.90 II 83.82 Il 93.98 II 88.90 II 88.90 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and de- I linquent in the manner provided by law. SECTION 3. 'rhe Ci ty Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the City 'l'reasurer the amount of' said taxes together wi th instruc- tions to collect the same, as provided by law. SEc'rrON 4. 'l'his ordinance shall be in force and take effect by law. from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided Passed and appnyed I e :is'r: s. ~ ~C:Lerk OHDINANCE NO. 21.11.-._ An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of construction of Sewer District No. 209 of the City of Grand Island, e I Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT OHDAINED BY TIm MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF ffEE CrfY OF GHAND ISLAND, K':';BHASlc~A: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax a[;ainst the several lots, tracts and parcels of land 110reirlafter set fort.h for the purpose of paying tbe cost of construction of the sewer ~LYl Sewer DIstrict No. 20:0 of said City, in accordance vlith the benefits found and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said d:Lstrict by th.e Mayor and City Council of said CIty, sitting as a Board of Equalization after du.o notice hav:Lng boon given thereof, as provided by law; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME LO~C I3IJOCK ADDITION ANIOUNT ------.- ..._~.~ Ethel C Va u[':han 1 2 Harrison c:''-' r7 10 I . )-r)Ot.,.) . u Sub. J::.;the 1 " Vaughan 2 If II 63.18 v . Chrj. s tina Harr'iott 3 11 \I 64. 35 Christina Harriott 4 11 II 6.1- 35 ~ . I"Iarvin E. 8: Ruby A. Beekman 5 II II 64. 35 Marvin E. Q Ruby A. Beekman 6 II II 64. 35 c"- Marvin F~ . D: Huby A. Beekman 7 11 11 64. 35 Chl'istina Harriott 8 II II 6Ll 35 ~ . Christina HaI'r:Lott 9 II II 64. 35 Christina Larr:Lott 10 \I II 64. 35 Christina Harriott 11 If If 64. n r.- <}o Christina Harriott 12 it " eLl 35 Ox. Ethel C Vaughan l~') II II 64. 35 . Ethel C Vaughan 14 II il 64. 35 . Willis J. Beekman 1 0 Harrison 60. 84 u Sub. Willi C' J. Beekman ,~) II II 60. 84 c, {:- VJilli s J. Beekman 3 II 11 60. 84 Roy 8'; 'Wanda Ii . Hofrichter 8 II II 60.8<:: Hoy 8'~ Wanda .~:v . Hofrichter 9 II II 60. 84 Roy c; Wanda ';.f Hofrichter 10 \I if 60. 84 vv . Hay (> vVanda vJ Hofrichter 11 tI II 60. 84 c: . Hoy s~ Wanda vJ . Hofrichter 12 " 11 60. E34 I Roy ( V'fanda vv . Hofri eh ter' 13 II 11 60. E:~4 Roy Wanda Vi . Hofrichter lLI 11 11 60.84 '-,_'.J Hoy '\'f' Wanda 1 .~ .' Hofrichter 8 11 IlarI'i son 60. 811 c... w. e Sub. Hoy Wanda V~: HofrIchter 9 II 11 60. 84 . Roy Wanlia -~V bcfrichter 10 II 11 60.84 . Hoy E.,: Wanda '''^ Hofrichter 11 II II 60. Wl/ . 84 Roy (> Wanda L'/ HofI'ich tor 12 11 II 60. 84 C:~ .. . Hoy & Wanda Vi Iiofrichter 13 If II 60. 84 . Hay S. Wanda '~"v . Iofrichter 14 II II 60. 84 OHDINA1:WE NO. 214.4, NAME LOT Estate of Mary Frauz e I Estate of Mary Frauz Estate of Mary Frauz Estate of l.Iary Ii'rauz Dolly A. Campbell Dolly A. Campbell Dolly A. Campbell . Harold D. D;Elsie l-) Viilliams Harold D. & Elsie D. Williams Harold D. D' Elsie D. "#illiams Harold D. & Elsie D. Williams 4 (ConI t) BLOOI\: ADDITION AM OUN f.r E3 Sheridan '. ~]?60. 134 Place \I II 60.84 II 11 60.84 II 11 60.84 11 Sheridan 60.0LL v~ Place " 11 60.8"1 " II 60.84 " 11 60.84 " " 60.84 II 11 60.84 " II 60.81 5 6 7 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and de- linquent in the manner provided by law. SEcrI~I-l)l<f 3. Tile Cl ty Cler~J( is h01~el)~y clirected to certify to the City Treasurer the amount of said taxes togetheI' v1ith instruc- tions to collect the sarne, as provided by law. S~CTION 4. This ordinance shall be j.n force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided hy law. I Passed and appl"oved this 21 th ATTEST: ~~ ~ity 'Clerk I e r I I e ORDINANCE NO. 214' An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of construction of Sewer District No. 210 of the City of Grand Island, NebI'aska, and provicUng for the collection thereof. BE rr OHDliINED BY 'I'BE l\1.AYOI1 AITD Crl'Y COUNCIL 0:8' 'I'Ll}; CITY 01" GRAND I SLhND, NEBjiASKA: SEc'rION 1. '1'hat there is hereby levied anCl assessed a fJpecial tax agaInst the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the purpose of paying the cost of constJ'uction of the sevmr in Sewer District No. 2IT:0 of said City, in accordi-:m.ce vdth the benefits found and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of said City, slt~lns as a Board of Equalizat~on after due notice having bee:n c;].ven thereof, as pr'ovided by la1][; eaCLl of the sever'al lots, NAME tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: Wilbur ~ Jessie McReynolds HaT'old Vi. 8:. F'lorence L. Brooks Vif.~ ~. . ~ Albert C: 2 Goldie F. Paulick E~ Wilbur &: Jessie McReynolds Harold ~i. 8:. Florence L. Brooks of the lif 3'/' John W. & Susio\Nilliams of the ;3 (3' Albert C. & Goldie ~. Paulick E} Arthur .LJ. &: Ethel 1\1. Cone JoLn ~i. 8:. Susie VJilliams Vfs- Albert C. & Goldie Ii'. Pauli ck :E:i; Max J. & Ann Florine Loibl Gladys M. c~ A.lvin L. Juett Vrft Albert C. C~ Goldie 1,1. paulick Ef: Edward J. & Veronica M. Cain Gladys M. 2\, Alvin L. Juett P41bort C. (]-olclie Ill. l)aullclr l~~~,. c. Gertrude Lesher &: Rosa Starr & Carl Lesher Gort1ll1l2do La shar D:: He sa Starr & Carl Les118r Gertrude Lesher & Rosa starr & CaT'l Lo 811.01' Gertrude Lesber & H08a starr & Carl. Lesher Mary Doll Mattingly Gertrude Lesher & Rosa starr & Carl Lesher Mary Bell Mattingly Gertrude .Lesher & Rosa Starr & Carl Lesher LDT BLUCK ADDlrJ~ICYf AI:TOLTNrr -- ------- 1 ? Colleg1;3: it- 6 '7 00 IOjf ,. '-J Add. to VJest Law)). 2 11 II 36.40 2 11 II 36.40 Z) II II 50. L1:O 4 II II 16.24 4 n 11 B.96 4 II ii 25.20 5 II 11 50.40 6 II 11 25. ::?O 6 II 11 ~~5. 20 7 II 11 50.40 Q II II 25.20 u 8 II i 111 25.20 9 II II 50.4:0 10 11 If 25.20 10 It 11 25.20 11 II n 50.40 12 II 11 50.40 12-) II 11 50.40 14 II 11 50.40 15 II II 50. 4,0 16 II II 50.40 17 II II 50.40 18 II II LiO.40 or\J)IF[j\.lTCI~ :NO. ?14f (Con'tv) SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall b come payable and de- llnquon t in the I;tanner fJI'ovided DY law. r SECTION 3. The City CleI'k is hereby directed to certify to the City 'l'reasurer tho amou.ut oi' said taxeE; to[;ethe:e VJitil instruc- tions to colloct the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4~ This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and atter its passago, appI'ovul and publication as provided by law. IJasscci U11Ci (JI)PJ~)ovcd tllls 20th 194'? C. nllT]TilCl fro "L,. .LJCon) ~ . :up f~rk I I e e I I I e / OHDINANCi~ NO. 2148 An ordinance authorizing and directing the sale of certain real 6state belonging to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to Guy H. stevens and Pern E. Stevens, ]msbanc5~ and wit'e, of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska and givi tlw torms of suCLl sale; providing for the giving of notice of the sale of said real estate; and providing for the filing of a remonstrance against the sale thereof. BE IT OHDAINED BY 'TilLE; I;IAYOH JLUD CI'fY COUNCIL OI,l 'rILL:; CITY OF GHAND ISLAND, Ni'~}3HA~~;,I\A: S''';C'l'ION 1. The sale and conveyance of the real e s tate hereinafter desccibcd is hereby directed and authorized to Guy H. Stevens and Fern ~. Stevens, husband and wife, of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. ~[,he property directed and authorized to be conveyed is described as follows: L t '111 ( r) T:J 1 k c< ( '7 ) I' 1 -, n I Q,. ~.iree (5, LJ. 0 C ,-,even ,. ac cor ano Darr s Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. ~rhe purchasers agree to pay tho Ci ty of Grand Island the ffum of One Hundred-Twenty-Five Dollars ($125) for said real estate and have paid to the City Clerk the sum of Tvventy-I"ive (;;;;2ti) as a down payment thereon. '1'he balance of Qne Hundred (~j?I()O) vvill be paid in full upon c'1elivery of a Quit Clairn Deed for said real estate and the City of Grand Island shall notbe required to furnish an Abstract of Title. ~)0C'I'ION ~). provided by law, notice of such sale and A- C'1 ,-, the terms thereof shall be published 1'0r' three consecn, tive weeks in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper published in and of general circulation in the City of Grand Island, Nebr- aska, i:mmeclia tely a:Cter the pas sage and publication of' thi s Ordinance; and the City Clerk is hereby directed and instructed to prepare and publish said notice. ~mCTION 4. A ttwrity is hereby granted to the elector'S of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Ffebraska, to file a remonstrance against the sale of the within described real estate; and if a remonstrance against such sale signed by legal electors of said City equal in number to thirty peI' cent (30;S) of the electors of the City of Grand Island, voting at the last regular election OHDINANCE NO. 214ELJ COIf PI') held in said City be filed with the Mayor and City Council with- in thirty (30) days after' the passage and publication of this e I ordinance, SUer) property shall not then, nor v1i th:Ln one year thereafter be sold. SECTION 5. The sale of said real estate is hereby directed, authorized and confirmed; and if no renlOnstrance be filed aga:Lnst such sale, the Mayor and City Clerk shall make, execute and deliver to Guy H. Stevens and Fern .G. Stovens, husband and wife, a Quit Claim Deed for said property and the execution of said Deed is hereby autlJorized vJ5.thoutfuether action on behalf of tI,e City Council. S~CTION 6. Tnis ordinance shall be in force and take effect f1'01(1 and aftor its passage, approval and publicaticm as provided by law. Passed and approved I ArCfl'EST: ?~t~ I e I I e ORDINA1WE NO 2149 An ordinance correcting the Illistrict :No. of Paving District No. 107 and repealing Section~f Ordinance No. 2141 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. WHEHEAS, on the 20th day of Augu st, 1947 the Mayor and City Council l~egularly passed and approved Ox'dinance No. 2141 creating a Paving District to pave that part of Clay St:r'eet fl'om Koenig street to Louise street and erroneously described said Paving District as No. lO 6, an d WHEIO-l;AS, said ~aving Distr1 at should have been designated as No. 107. rrherefore be it ol'dained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. 'T'hat section No. 1 of Ordinance No. 2141 of the Ordinances of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska be amended to read as follows; SECTION 1. I:Phat there is her'eby created a Paving District in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving District No. 107 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. That said original Section No.1 of Ordinance No 2141 be and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 4th' 1947>> .' / ;;;// ATT }~S'r : Y~ct~ O'Y;' II" f IT(i'''' '\T(\ .. '11. 0 1u) . ~A"~ ,~.L:'., L" 21 An ordinance levying special Sewer District taxes to pay for the construction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 208 of the Ci ty of Grand I sland, Nebraska; providing for the collo c t~Lon tllOl'O- of and I'epoaling Ordinance Ho. ~3145 of the 01'dinances of the Ci ty of Gl'and Island, Nebraska. BB IT OHDAn(l~D 'rEG I,IAYOIl AND C Ier'Y COUNtt'IL O:F' CIry~[ OF' CHAITD I :3LAITD, NImHASlCA : S:8CJIrO},J 1. frllat there is 1"lorelJ'JT loviec1 and assessed. a s~peci[tl Sewer District tax against the tracts and parcels of land herein- after set fOI'th, for' the purpose of paying the assessable cost of construction of the sewer in Sewer Distl'ict No. 208, of said City in accol'dance with the benefits found and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said District by the Uayor and City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of I~quali za tion, after notice given thereof as prov:lded by law; each I of the several lots, tracts, and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NANiE Stanley I;) c iC;velyn 'l'yma ';.T 70 , -N,~'-W~ . c J~ Stanley ('-, " Evelyn 'l'yma ('"1 '70 I -1\rii.f;:VV-Q" I:) . ,"' >-.) ~) tanley ;.) " Evelyn Tyma N 70 I C'!L WL . c.: -02- ;:z ~--; tanley c' c Evelyn ~C 'J'Yila n '70 , -s-i~--~v.i!t ..,) . (:-,1~: 0 Rudolph c Cassie Wetzen N '701-Nk-Ei HudolpL; /:.1' Cassie 'Netzen S 70'_V}-,}-E~' Hudolpc ~ Cassie Wetzen N 701_S~-E} HudolpL (. Cassie FJetzen S ?O'-S;~-E~' I e John ~. & Lydia G. Hamm.ond J~ 80' -N 66' -N:;' '" "]""11 1!J'~J" WOI'ley c; Violet Williams Vi 52' -N 66' .I~t3 Clara I\.. (; Hobert E. ;:;tauss S "'14' Clara A. & Robert H. Stauss ~ 701-31- C 1 a1.') a J.-!.. D': "70 ' co'."" -Ui;, ,- 'I 1 l![r~- J.1.obcrt 11. ~3taL1SS S Lc 0 H. c!; 1\1" l () I m l Ii !,y -U'~- Viji; J". l\lulli;;an BLOCK ADDI'llIOlJ AMOUNT 2 el': 0) q 00 tj{CLJ. ;;; , Pleasant LLOlno Add.i. II 2 8tl.90 ~ ~ II B13.90 II 8D.90 t) II 88.90 t) II B8.90 3 II DB. 90 3 II 88.90 6 II 51. 20 6 II 2)~~ . Ci~ 6 II 93.9[3 () 11 8[3.90 6 11 8D.90 "'I II 813.90 OH])INL~rC; 2150 (Con't) t.rJ\IVII~ Leo II. ,. J. ],Iu11in:an S '/0' -N,\9\I,,> c';: lilary ,~ - ~ Estate of Johannes Grotzky ft 70' S Estate of Johannes Grotzky S 70' n :' h...)" - T <.J . Eir'l(patricl( N 70' J. D. Kirkpatrick S '/0' J. v. Kirkpatrick N '/01_ 10 J. D. Kirkpatrick s ?C)'-s';i~-vv'i- l() YJi11iarn L. (; Lorraine BehrenS lJ ?Of-l:r-~'-I~-:~' 'J'Iil1iam L. i< Lorraine Behrens S 70 I _N~-_E-;l;.__ 1,1 N ,~ Irene C c' Henry C Babker W '70 , -S;:.-l~-'ili' . L_: . Irqne C 8: lIenry C Be cker ("t 70 , -S-~-'>-E)~' . . 0 t...J ,~ Leene C & honry C Bo c1(e r N 70 , - Si~'-Vi -1-- . . Ir'one (' c': J.lf~llr:r C .Bo cke1' (> 70 , C~)" 1M):._ v . . ...:) -U;2-~jj2 I LeEoy V 8:,~ I!iarian Paus tian TJ 70 , -l\r~.-VJ-~~ . .L\ LoHoy V Lla1'iarl Paustian " 70 , -1\r1~ - vV -i~' . (;; 0 John P ;~:::, Nellie y~ Hanie :C' ":\i' 66 I -N- . . .L-, '" Ricllarcl B. & Ella 0egncr S 74' J ur':;on K1' 00J; 0 I' 1>] 70'- Ju1'gon Kroec;er s. r/O T -S.j1~-E-~~- BIJDC1C i\DDlrrlorr AJIOUlf'l' '7 Pleai3ant 1101118 liClcli. .90 7 II fJ[~.80 7 II 88.90 10 " 00.90 10 it OC.DO It DO.90 II 08.90 11 11 88.90 11 88.90 11 11 88.90 11 II 8e.90 11 11 eO.90 11 " OU.90 11 II 80.90 11 " 88.90 12 it o ';~ O() Uv.Oi-..J 12 11 9().9D 12 II fJ8.90 12 tl 88.DO S}:;C~CIm<r 2. Said special SeVior District "sax sb.all be due and bo come clelinquent in th8 manner and at the t:Lme provided bylaw and 8]lal1 be collected in tho filannOl' provided by lay!; provided, however, that th8 City TI'easurer shall not collect amount 01' said taxes and shall not certify tho amount of said taxes to the County rrI'ea~rlLI'er, of IIal1 County, NebI'aska, on. any of tho pl'operty I e heI'oin doscribed until ol'e.1orod to do so by l'esolution of the Ci ty Councilor as provided in Section No.5. SECTION 3. Permission is heI'eby granted to the owners of any of tho proporty hereinbefoI'o set forth levied and assessed against any of the property herein describod to -oa.v J: v said taxes horeby as 8118.11 be determined by the City 'l'reasurelYof the City of Gra:n.d I~Jland, TTebraska, whenever ~rucL person f3lIa1l de siro to tap or connect witD said sower 1'01' sewer purposes without intorest; OHDllTANCE NO 21.5.:..Q_( con' t) provided that said perm.i s sion ~3hall have been granted bei'ol'O the City rCr'oa.suI'or shall have been ordered to collect said taz~es or befol'c thc sane have oeon. cort:1.fiod to tho County I'reasureI' of Hall County, Nebraska. SE~C rT! J~ 4. It is hereby made the duty of the City Treasurer to collect ., 'GJ.le taxes hereinbefore levi"d and assessed as a tapping charge against the proper hereinbefore taxed; provided, however, the said tax has not been ordered certified to the County Treasurer of Hall County, by tho Ci ty Council of the C1 ty of Grand .l[iland, Nebraska. SECTION 5. No person or persons, firm, corporation, or association shall tap the sewer> in Sewer' District No. 20Cl for the purpose of serving any of the property hereinbefore described without f'h~s t JldVin{; 0 bta:Lned a permi t therefore, as provided' b;y' the Compiled Orcl:Lnances of the City of Grand ISland, IJebl~aska, and I wi t :J.out i'iI's t having paid to the City l~ng:i.neer :Cor salci. permi t for the tapping thereof, and without L.LaV first paid to tho City Treasurer tl~e tax hereinbefore levied and assessed; and in the event any parson, firm, corporation or association shall tap said sewer~ wi tilOUt l'irc:lt hav obtaIned the said peI'lnit and without having fIrst paId. tho tax so levied and assessed, the said person, firm, corporation or association shaLL become liable under the Cm:lp1lcd Ordinances of theCity of Grand Island, Nebraska. And in addition thereto, :l.t is hereby made the duty of the Ci ty TreasL.lre~c of' GI'and Island to collect the amount of the tax levied and assessed against sa]J), pre;rdses, and to cer>tify the same to the County '.[11~ea~j- 11re I' oi~ LeI'L11 Count-v Hebrac<va tor;et'-,c'T' w:i th the instl"lctioll.C1 .t'o '-' <. .... 'v , - u "-, ) 0 .......1.'-". ~1I. ......... ... L-_ '-' I e . collect the same as provided by 18.'1'/ when ordered to do so by the I,iayor and City Council of tho C:Lty of Grand island, Nebraska. SEe '1'1 (). '1'118. t Ord:l.nance No. 21/10 of trw Ordinance s of the City of Grand Island, Nebrac~ka be and the sarlIe is hereby repealed. SEC~ION 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by Passed and approved '1 . L;Dl S /" / law. A~efrJ~srll : ~J7h City Clerk OHDIl{A::\rC-,~ NO. 21 '5'1 An ordinance authorizing and recting the sale of ce~tain real ostatebelcnging to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to ,'ran D. Greene, of G'rand Island, Nebraska, and giving tLe terms of SDcJi sale; p:C'ovidin:;~ for the g1vjng of notj.ce of tJ:le sa.Ie of s1:1.Ld e I real e8~ate; and providing for the f Ii of a r~mDnstrance aga1nst T~r:t e sale T;lJe, eof. BE r[' O:mAIN~D i.-C I JJi; AND CI'ry. COUNCIL OF 'TLE CIfF'{ Oi" GTUijiD I~)LAi';D, f~~'ION 1. sa~e and conveyance 0 the real estate nerein- after described is heI'sby directed and authorized to Frank D.Greene of Grand Island, Neb~aska. ~L'he propcj}:ty dir'ected ann aU.thorized to be conveyed is des- cl'ibed a~: Lot l~ ({3), [Hock Twenty-four (:24), C ollef:je liddl tion to West Lawn an Addition to th0 City of Grand Island, naIl County, Nebraska. S~C7ION 2. The terms of the sale of such real estate are as follows: ri"he purchaser ,F'r'ank :0 . Greene, agreo s to pa,y tho C:1 ty of I Grand Island, therefore the sum of One Hundred Seventv-f'ive (~;;l?b.OO) v " Dollars and has paid tile City Clerk of said City, the sum of Twonty- five ( b.OO) Dollars as a dovm payment and the Ellance of' One Bunclced }.':lfty 50.00) Dollars will be paid upon delivery of a Qui t ClaIm Deed foT' said pl'emL3GS ane the Oi ty of (}rand Island shall not be required to furnish an Abstract of Title. Si.:':Cf'ION 3. As provided;y law, notice of such sale ane:!. tho terms thereof shall )e lished foT' thc'oe consee l:uv:te week::; in the Grand Island Dail:y Independent, a newspapoq~ublisr,od in and of geno.caI c:trcul:.1tion in the City of Grand 1. sland, Ne braE.ilea, immediate l.y v after the pas ~JaS(3 and. lication of this Or inance; and the City Clerk is hereby directod and instructed to prepare and publish said I e notico. SECTION 4. Authority is hereby :ranted to the electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to file a remonstrace against the sale of tho with:tn described real estate; and if a remonstrance against sncL sale ~d.gned by legal olectors of coald City equal in numbCH' ofi,l1irty per cent (~)O~;~ of the e1e b tor s of the i ty of G}:and Island, voting at the last roe;ular olectio:n held. in said City be filed with the Mayor and City Council within e I I I e OHDIlTAHCE NO. 2151 ((' \ -> PI' ) tllirt~/ (;30) (la~Ts ai.lJc.~OI) t:tJ.e ~pass and b l:L ca ti em o.t' -c.n:'L s ord:Lnanco, su.cl.l crty EJhall not tLen, naY' vd. thin (me year tllOreafteX'!JO ~301d. Sl~ClllIC)iT tj. ~he sale of said real estate isereby directed, t ' . ., aU;rWI':L zeo [t11 d. confirmed; and if no remonstrance 0 filed nst S11C.t1 E~a_Le, the Mayor and City Clerk shall , ex~cu-te arld deliver to 2rank D. Green, a t Claim Deed for said property and the execution of said need is hereby authorized w5thout f\.1rtl18r action on. belHllf t.i'e ():Lt~r COl.l}.1cil. C1 01 SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be In force and take effect from ana after its passage, approval and publication as prov:Lded by law. Pas sod and approved this SeDtemherl~;)4? . 11. il'l~e J:i;~; [II : ~rC/~ OHDINANCE 2152 An ordinance creating a Pavi Di Ei tr ~L e t jc1:1 t}1e C I t;yr 01'\ Is1(.J.. :.(1:: Yfeb".(I[:;1_s:>':=a, def'il1~i.f1G tIle lJOllrlcia:2J.es tj::L8Y~Gof, J)J~ovl.ding J'OI"1 tl:L8 }JD.'l t118 streets ir1 sD.Icl st~e ct e I E111C1 tl}_8 ass (-) s ~ and collection of tne costs t1 ereof. :!3.b IfJl I3Y jJiIII~.~ L'-:/;,:y ._:'T~ iif:-I) C Ii11~:~[ C (YlJI<C IJ 1}1_; J~ C J C-HA1;D I , I~)I~C ~I~ I 1. f1J11& t tlwre l' C' ..) lleJ~eby created a Pa'v Dj s l:,ri ct; in the City of Grand Island, el')rLlsL,~~1, to "be .1C}10\~11 C1S l'a\l :Jtr ct No. IU t tce Ci of Grand Island, Nebraska. iSJ.i;C I.C I C}I~r 2. Said Pav:Lng strict shall consist of at 'OUJ:lt of Jackson Street i'rom the nor"th line 01' Third Streo't Lo tho north LiJ\.e of ProntStreet and Broadwell Avenue :L'com tlJ8 nortt~ lirLG ()~C Ti1roIlt, StJ~eet to t):-:o ~P()11-1t vitcor'0 ;3-CcLte :3treet t1}],cl l~(l(I'S ;3t.:reet Irlt()rlf~e(~t at VI1:-:Lat is J,c:nUViI11 af3 l~'i-v~e- })oInts. SEe '1'1 rL O. Sa3_d street J.n saj.d. Pav'inz str'ict s I ..<er'eby c:c'dered paved as fJl.')vided la'vv, ana ~ accordance \vitl.;_ t118 :plarls ancl SI)8cii)ica iOl1S c;uve ]J a v ~~ ng :' ~ '. , Co-} s ~~e ~i_ c, ""G S c1s e:eeto~i.o:pe o~1-l~D~1)1 ~i{~LC(i fJY "tl18 C5_ty, ~jaid_ rJ~l'v:Ll1.C: to be ~-~tj, foe t J.n wid tL. i:3ECf.rrOJl 4t. Tl}[-3..t a1..~tJl():eitJT 18 .-Loro granted:) the owners of t}~G record ti"tlo, represGu't a. ina j o:ci OJ abutt p:cciJer 'y owners in said u:,s.Grict, at t)j\e; '::JJne OJ the enactm.cnt olLcJ s onlina:oco, to filo V! th t.ile City Clerk, w:L.Ghin twenty clays frain tL.e fir'E)c }JJ.bl cdtion of 'cee nc)tice crGel. ['3c1.1-(t ., t. , C._!" S '"rJ_ C -c, " C"t ~..\. ~.) iJ:C OVJ. cie d r}\T ,) law, wr:Ltt()n jcet1011S to ')E!.V rlf; 0.1) s;~_.LJ.d cI5.stJ.:lct. Sl~cr~~iIOI'~r ;J. t~ a-u~ tlJ,o~ci t:l ~L S ,(;_OI'U -GO , U 'Ce..Le I e ~JYiI10I'S 01' she record title, represent a J-l~ljority of tXle a-DLL t tiYl~~; propertJ! owner:::;, Vi said dJstrict, to file \V 1 t~Ll '011 C Cit;/" Clerk within the t:Jme peovided - . .LD.. \V, fl ~potitlorl 0.' ,;ne L:se" a partIcular' inc'i o.! mateJ':I.al to be used in cl'V :: of' sE';.:~_cl s .t~l')ee ts. If' SLl ct~ OiJVJJCJ:" S stJ.all 1"(:Li1 to cleslE~:nate t:i:::,G rUcLtel':Lal tIle",:}" d,e~j=Lr~0 be used in said pavinG dJstrlct, as provided for above, and withln tLo tine urovJded for by law, the EtY1Cl CIty CounCil shall de~ormlne material to be used. OHDI',ANCE IW. 211)'2 ( C' (-'ill I 'I' ) \J,.L.\; "". SECTION 6. ~bat the costs of the pavJ.ns in said district shall be assessed agalns~ the I ' -, ." 0 G s, arlc.1 tracts of lann e ec ally benefitted tile }~~81J>-, :.n , " , I)roport~on 'CO Sl.:LCh e I l)(-;rlC~~ J. "GS to bc c~e tey':n.LJ.'r18cl T~IJ.e and City Council as :pJ~()\11Ctod la\! . IS I~~ C i,i.-i I ~~) 1~- r;. opct:Lnance 311&1]. bo in l"orce and talce effect from and after ]ts passage, approval and pu licatjon as lJrovided b~ :Law. s ;:~O~P to l'11l) e 1") , 1 D 4.'? . Passed a'~lC) apIJrov8a A~_' ~~~ I I e OH.DHLI.NCiE NO. 215'3 An ordinance :Levying special taxes to pay for tbe costs of constructlon of PavinG District ',-T 101 of the City of Grand island, .L\!O. Nebra;Jlw, and providing for the collection thereof. BE 1'1' mWAINED BY l!,AYOn CITY COUNCIL OF' 'I'E:;; CI'l'Y OTi' GHAND I:3Li\.ND, ;{A lS}<A : TION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against tne several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, fori.;he purpose of paying the cost of Paving District No. 101 of the City of Grand Island, J\iebraska, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against eaCIl of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the fuayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, sitting as a Board of EquaIi- zation, aftor due notice b_ELving been given t_lJ.ereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and. parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAlvI2; I Francis Dunn Erbe st &; Julia ;.Jchinkel Charles Rex Parks & IiJerle D. Parks Henry H. Hattie I. Schricker Thomas A. & Avis O.Thomsen Taomas A. Avis O. Thomsen Alma 3aehl So. 41~' c~ Lucy Walker No. 90k-' Amma L. <Tohansen Henry Esther L. Klostemeyer Theodore J. ~ Alma V. Rubene Clarence L. & Minnie M. Sweet Homer C. & Lillian A. Goethe Ilarrey ~-~-. E:~ l;ila~ctl-lct T:~. l1.(ien f3o. Benj amin J. Cllml1n;:;ha~n ITa. Ida Glock Anna 210ck E. F. & Alice Terry .L::11a Martin John ". Lindsay Johu,;. Lindsa.y Jack [. Kathleen A. Beachler Alma l<.:eller Olive I\1.lI11sen ~state of Homer Bowen Dick D. Marjorie E. Pulliam George Cowton Plorence V. [;: Robert E. IVlf'yers Jarrett J. & Mary B. Hare 'WilbUr J. 6 Viola Helen Bachman I e J\T8 -!l.t"l(;l 've s Howard J. ~ Jean B. Finley Lamer J-. l!laybelle -,j .t{i chards Vincent J. Leine li.ussell L. Georl ] ~ .-, .Q}:,en 1!J. ,~state of A. L. Estate of A. L. Cav111a MaI,tin Cavilla LIartin t11 Dunn Dunn LOT Fr. 3 lj}:s 111 r . 4 Iii 11 . Ll 6 ? o U Ii"l r . J_ 1,1r. 1 2 '7- c) 8 Ii1r. 9 Ii-ll.... llJ 55' 1 '/'1' 1 <) ""' Ij'r.. 3 8 9 10 r2 ,) 4: 5 6 ? 8 3 4 5 6 ? 8 1 () 'J 3 E-~ 8 tv 40' 9 j~ 12' 9 10 BLOCK ADD1'l'I01\.] 15 lEi 15 2 2 14 14 14 14 14 14 4 14 14 14 14 1/:1 ILl 15 15 15 15 15 ., ,0- ..Le) 15 y D: D ~'- . . K ('/: Ii . .u . ,) r.-- 1(. (:::.D. Wasmer's V'Jasmer's V\fasrne~c' s Baker's Baker's Baker" s ~) J3al-ce r' ,f s 13a](er's ~BaJ-ceI"Jt s \'\]a Sn1(~ r t s vV' F-1 31118 r' t s n 11 II II \I II if II II 11 " 11 it II n II tl II II \I II II 1I If if 4 4 4 4 4 4 fS 5 5 5 h v 5 A ,I OUlT '1' ~'\') () 6-' 6.0 'il" (...I ..J . 263.68 L.128.40 602.10 26D.90 116.66 109.04 410.06 ~36~J.90 116.66 116.6y 2C39.90 602.10 250. 6 3i51.24 269.90 116.66 9'7.19 224. E36 501. G~3 116.66 269.90 602.10 602.10 26~-1. 90 116.66 ;I;J;9,98 ~369.90 602.10 602.10 269.90 116.66 602.10 269.90 116.66 9'7.19 ItJ:9 . 86 '75.00 501.62 OHDINAHCE NO 2153 JCon't) SECTION 2. The taxos so levied shall become payable, delinquent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth in one year; ono-tenth in two year's; one-tonth J.n three years; one- tenth in four yoars; ono-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one-tenth in ~)even years; one-tenth in eight years; and one-tenth in nine yea:cs from tl10 date of this lovy; each of said lnstallmentcJ except the first shall bear interest at tho rate of seven pOl' cent per anmxm until the sarne boconles delinqeunt, and each of the clolinquent installmont-;s ~lhall draw interest at the rato of nine per cent from and after each such installment becomes dolinciuent until paid; provided however, that the ontire amount so leviod and assessed against any of tho aforesaid lots, tracts and parcol;3 of land lllay be paid wI thin fifty days froTn the date of such lovy without interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts and p::,rcels of land shall be exempt :Crom any lien or charc;o Cor interest. I SEelIIION 3. The City Clerk of the Oi ty of Grand Island, hebr- aska, is horeby authorizud to forthwi th certify to the City Ifreas- urel' of said City the Amount of said taxes herein set forth to- c;ethor wi th instructions to collect the same, a::; pl'ovLded by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. PaE3sed and approved thi ~j 17th A~d~ ~ Clerk I e OHDINANCE NO 21'24 An ordinance levying special taxos to pay for the costs of construction of Paving District No. 102 of the City of errand J..'sland, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE: 1'1' OHDAINED BY 'I'II1~ IiIAYOH AND C1'ry COUNCIL 01" TH!~ CITY OF' CrEAN]) ISLJUW, NEBHASKA. ~)EC'I'ION 1. rrha t there is hereby levied and asse ssed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land here:1nafter set forth, for the purpose of paying tbB cost of Paving District No. 102 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of ttLe City of Grand Island, :Nebraska, sitting as a Board ai' Equali- zation, after due notico l1aving beer: givGn thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, of land is assessed as follows: tracts and uarcels J. LOrI' BLOCE NALiE I Merl C. & Mary A. Fisher Wilma 2 Anna Anderson John lJ. 2,.; hazel H. Schneider 3 James j). I-'utman Edward William Parris c; Helen Opal Farris E. J. McConaughey Clara'diegert 7 Robert N. Dori s 1., Hart 8 Albert G. S', IvIaT'Y Bockhalm All of fl'. 6 except N. 25' 0 E. 30' 6 I e Northwestern Public Service Co. No. 25' of J 30' PI' 6 Alicellen Huby Eapl J. 7 Sctoel 8 Anna .L\'~ar\T " li'panJelin LJ. LL~.dd 9 FI'anklin E. Ladd 10 ADDITION AI,iiOUN'11 1 4~~ Wasrner's ~2nd 11 :in15.40 n Abrahamson's C' 1 >.Juo tl 2 153.8-4 It It 307.'70 4 11 259. 94 II 5 II ~259. 94 II 6 n n 30'7.70 I' II 1525.84 " " 115.4,0 3~' Wasmep' s 31'7.64 ,,) II 11 24.72 11 " 2529.68 If I' 32~). 68 11 If ~329. 68 II II ~)42 . ;36 OF1'DINANCE NO ~124 (Con't) ~)ECTIOlif 2. 'The taxe c~ so levied shall be come payable, de linquent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall - I becoH18 deliLlquent fii'ty days fre,m the date of thi.s levy; one-tenth in one years; one-tenth in twu years; one-tentn lD three years; one-tenth in four years; one-tenth i five years; one-tenth in six years; one-tenth in seven years; one-tenth in ei ~ years; anci one-tenth :in nine years from the date of this levy; each of said installments except the first shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum until the same becomes delinquent, and each of the cJelinquent installments shaLL draw interest at the rate of nine per cent from and after each such installment becomes delinquent until paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid within fifty days from the date of such levy without interest; and in the event, such lots, tr'acts and parcels of land ~)hall be exempt i'rom any lien or cr.large for I interest. S.F2;C'I'IO}[ 3. 'l'he City Clori~ of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby authorized to forthwitiJ certify to the City 'l'reasurer of said City the amount of said taxes hel'ein se~~ :Corth, to[,;O thel' wi tLL ins tructi )ns to collect the same, as prov:1.ded law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its pass , approval and publication as provided by lai~r;..r . Pas ,sed anG app:eoved thi s 17th A r~C' fl: }.~ S rll : I e ~f~ e I I I e J', 21;5" o:e irJ.D.Y1CC L; ]~ () :L' , ',' '-'" .,. -' '-" ~) (} (J. 'L..cl(; () ::_< c,-' 'C~C l C. T~ 'i'I'] fL}} ~___'_ 1 ~d_l(I, ~p:)C)'V~L I) ':),- ;2' .l.:~ (1 , LL:rl C. Lt ~(I :i.. ,._ :':' ,; CJi', OLe; ~L.' 0 I-~ J'OI) ,., , <. j - C.l iJ T r~ :L C ':~~ CU-} c~ -e () 'v" ~L () ~. U. [.1 '(fj\i~IC J:~ ~LIl p Oi tllC:; co i~:~ .t.~ OJ. ~~~l1C CO~~}~~i -LI'U,C ti()~:_1 tl_:~JTJcot.. =r:_L' r, --- ".j ..L (' \j C .1. 1J '". ~~: Ii -;'\1 (\":1 -'-\'/i...' d, I ;:~_: L.h .'.). ',' J.j :{ i\ ;.~;. ~_")j"i. : ..' i-.J_ 'l'lJ,: 1. -1- '-' C;L3C ~:L tc c1 c~ [,I' c of , ~-~~ [: ~ ,.\...'. -Ll1C !",. \J .' I ~; 1 rLf1c.1, <:< I.,' .;.)1 i~~ -~l' i c tOil ';- .10 ,-; :::'<::<::~:.:., ~..U () "(I .l ~ _~ t.:i. ~. l...; i_--, d_ U_i. "-'i-I~U.~:',J.C~ 1. ~,~-.L _L}j.C~, ','J I} L~:~ rj /~ (.1 . ,1-, .\ ,> ~_ J. \.J .:,-. (_.J., ;j C; ",', (:; 1'} E~L!_(.:~ 11 Iu.1, " ! I, Gl,LJ.'-' ':;}.'J LL ~~.; t () j::, !. i\} - IEjl~':Lrl(1 i'..j,'vc;rr:..l(; r:..:'~1(,~ L..' ;"[.~11 ~:,_tur.l( U .()....... '1- {",.; Cl.}.-C .f- lJU ~) >- to Ctl 'Gil ;~, l~ (>0 l~ ','j, . -(:',~,.L lj );:J,:(~.(1 I E11d.:~J.(:; J. u t'.:' ~ .., r~ f~ .1......{..~ . '" ,',' " '_/"..1 '-, _~_ .'.. '_.I.L J J'le ',.';<,,: CL~ .:.\ ,j .:.)'e C' \j' ~L 1__,:. lo-.-; '..I '-, " _,,._ ~i.. \...-' l Ie' 'J E:: L:.. C'- i.LC ceo:c' _:_ t..:..,~ 'C:.LO{J. c,;,j :Ci.'l L:T~:l. c t i~'i, C'--~:~ ",..1 .L 'l'O C)T~C) \...; ~~~ -L~~l 15_1:."j.;.., ~.J e Vlc,:e i'~C: _,,:~L ;' , -t~ ~ :~:-j_ J~ '_j C 0 ,03 '\~, () ..1- , , ' Cl c- un. D 't~ J~'lJ C 'L-~:L 011 0 ~L ::..). ~.- ~, t:'i f..,'-.J ..; ~. ,(::.b.2~~11 ,LJ.J, t Co. t)11-t~ t; j_ ~L \...,.1 ,', ," ..! "'.,~ " I,"; '.-' ,),,) I)T'C)L") l.J (:J...,\.. 1._'. 1 \ ~J. J_ ..1- '-/ ~.. 18 tt1 ;'"1~ J.11 ;.:: 'l~ -C1.1C) (' ~I- ..;.. l_~ ,,J t) (~~ ~\' CO .,3 t oJ. , ..c '11r:: l~=:~l'l.lC lJ rJ (~ r:c' l__-J.1:.',; C CJ ~:1l~ :::; .,:.'../ CC) J. l, L -'J" _L~:_ ':'\..1:":" :J..i_() .~~)C; r~' c (.~.: i < - C ~.'.:. J_ ~.clU. () 1 CJ \ C! ~ (/ 0 i.l.l~~: 11 0_'- >.:..... _1- , 'C'j Oi l.l_< .'''; :l.~ (j 0 I' ; J_J..1. _,. J_ :2();.-,: :~ I.); Or1G -1~ i~l.' '~"_'1. ',-',; ": I.-,...~ 'J : '~\ _:._.L.l ; O~1(j ~-l.~L~i'.- l.J..-,. L'tl" d '- 1_,. }~l tCL 1 1.-: '.!.(;~I."J. . oxc LJ '(J_'_.!.':'; ~) " , () ~~ c< '-,"\"! >";',.' V .v J!'-' _:, \.._, ~ .L. 'L<.;,.'! c -0,:; ..;~. Co L.; " '> lJ~/}l'l LLj,tl >-,.~_'.' l~! -1 cc!11c.; ;~J ;>l.:L C j:) ~.';o. \1_:_ 1j _L '.L '1 11 ; :.,.., ,:',CJ '.-;'_,L..-:"-\.",,.; ",'";1--' c- ';- ,''', I,.) ;,' '-.:~ _1. 1/'-"; O.L i.) ("; ,." f.) './ ,.; C" ..<ju :~)'~1 1 In c t; :)J:1 [1 j;) I" 0 V j_ C.' ~-.; (: r:'OVU. .1:-' 1, Pas sod an.c:t approvoo tlJ.I'e G - f' 01.1:;-" tj:'~ )~5 \/0 to ().i. /.'~1 J_ rn8lil1J ~'J -l.~r.L\) (;5. Go c 1 oi'L:J~C i oil ,':}I) 83Jc]. Isle-.nd., oJ' Uc,'~ol) ~e, l~)Ll? 11 -:;'''~ .'. S~ I., Z'-" 1 . ~ ~ j .j' ,j . - "-. ....~ , e I I I e ORDINANCg NO. _~.l.i~..__..___..~..... An ordinance authorizing and directing the sale of certain real estate belonging to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, pro- viding the manner in which the same shall be sold and the terms of said sale; providing for the giving of notice of the sale ~ said real estate and the terms thereof; and, providing for the right to file a remonstrance against the sale thereof signed by legal electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, equal in nurnber to thirty per cent (30%) of the electors of sfdd city, voting at the last regular municipal election held in said city. BE IT ORDAINBD BY THE MAYOR. AND CITY COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. QgQ~ioll-~ The sale and conveyance of the real estate here- inafter described is hereby directed and authorized to the persons hereinafter named as the purchasers of the respective tracts and in manner hereinafter designated. The property directed and authorized to be conveyed is described as follows: The Westerly one-half (Wi), (approximately 26 feet), of that fractional part of Lot Nine (9)1 in fractional Block Twenty-five (25), of Charles 1JiJasmE',r' S' Add! tion to Grand Island which vd th its comDlement viz: fractional Lot Nire (9), fractional Block Ten" (10), of Wasmer's Annex to first Addition and fractional Lot Nine (9), in fractional Block Twenty-five (25), of Wiese's Addition to City of Grand Island, which together form one lot Fifty-two (52) feet by One Hundred rrhirty-two (132) feet, to L. G. Mentzer and Marie P. Mentzer, hU.sband and wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, for $250.00. The Easterly one-half (Ei), (approximately 26 feet), of that fractional part of Lot Nine (9), in fractional Block Twenty-five (25), of Charles Wasmer's Addition to Grand Island which with its comDlement viz: fractional Lot Nine (9), fractional Block Ten' (10), of VVa$ffier' s Annex to first Addition and fractional ~ot Nine (9), in fractional Block ~ Twenty-five (25), of Wiele's Addition to City of Grand Island, which together form one lot Fifty-two (52) feet by One Hundred Thirty-two (132) feet, to Harold C. Menck and Myrtle D.Menck, husband and wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, for $250.00. Lots One (1) and Two (2), Block Nine (9), Ashton Place, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Leonard J. Walklin and Gladys Walklin, hus- band. and wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, for $1,000.00. Lots Three (3),Four (4) and Five (5) Block Eleven (11) Baker's Addition to th..e City ot Grand Is1and,Ha11 County,Nebr~ska to Robert S.Wenger and Helen Wenger,husband and wife,as joint tenants and not tenants in common, for $871.26. ORDINANCE NO.2156 Cont. e I Lot Eight (8), Block Twenty-seven (27), Schimmer's Addi- tion to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Myron E. Olson and Anna L. Olson, husband and wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, for $250.00. Lot Nine (9), Block Twenty-two (22), COllege Addition to West Lawn, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to George Horton and Ivy B. Horton, husband and wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, for $85.00. Lots Four (4) and Five (5), Block Four (4), Park Place, an Addition to tho City of Grand ISland, Hall County, Nebraska, to Earl K. Larson and Ruth M. Larson, husband and wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, for $500.00. I Lot Nine (9), Block Four (4), Gilbert's Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Orin Contryman and Elsie Contryman, husband and wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, for $300.00. Lots Twenty-four (24), Twenty-five (25), a.nd Twentjr-six (26), Hawthorne's Place, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Harold R. McKnight and Gladys M. McKnight, husband and wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, for $225.00. Lot Ten (10), Block Twelve (12), Gilbert's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County~ Nebraska, and the Easterly one-half (Ei) of Lot Nine (9), Block Twelve (12), Gilbert's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Oscar E. Hild and Anna W. Hild, hU.sband and wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, for c'4~5~ 00 ip.-. . I e Lot Ten (10), Block Four (4), Park Place, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Edgar Meyers and Lula C. Meyers, husband and wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, for $330.00. Lot It'ive (5), Block Eleven (11), Sohirnmer's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Roger B. Highland and Esther M. Highland, husband and wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, for $360.00. Lot Six (6), Block Eighty-seven (87), Wheeler and Bennett's Fourth Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Harry G. Neumayer and Gladys E. Neumayer, husband and wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, for $515.00. Lots Thirteen (13) and Fourteen (14), Block Fifteen (15), Ashton Place, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Alex Kalkowski and Euphrosine Kalkowski, husband and wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, for $175.00. Lots Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (16), Block Fifteen (15), Ashton Place, an Addition to the City of Grand ISland, Hall County, Nebraska, to George Schoel and Elaine Schael, hus- band and i}\!ife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, for $175.00. Lots Nine (9), Ten (10) and Eleven (11), Block Sixteen (16), Ashton Place, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Alex Kalkowski and Euphrosine Kalkowski, husband and wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, for $603.00. e I I I e ORmINANCE NO.2156 cont. Lot Ten (10), Block Thirteen (13), Wallich's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Carl H. Willkens and Augusta S. Willkens, husband and wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, for $250.00. Lot Nineteen (19), Block Five (5), Ashton Place, an Addi- tion to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to David J. Ford and Velma Ruth Ford, husband and v\fife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, for $250.00. Lot Six (6), Block Eight (8), Scarff's Addition to w~st Lawn in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to B. G. Stearley and Dorothy E. Stearley, husband and wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, for $300.00. Lot Three (3), Block Fifty (50), Packer and Barr's Sec- ond Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to William E. Brady and Mabel E. Brady, husband and wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, for $400.00. Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8), Block Ten (10), Ashton Place, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Addison E. Cady, Jr., and Audrey H. Cady, husband and wife, as joint. tenants and not as ten- ants in cornman, for $500.00 and $506.00, respectively. Lot Fifteen (15), Block Eleven (11), Ashton Place, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Neb- raska, to Addison E. Cady, Sr., and Lucille Cady, husband and wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in con~on, for $552.50. Lot Six (6), Block Six (6), Gilbert's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Melvin A. Sohrweid and Laura B. Sohrweid, husband and wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, for $400.00. Lot Six (6), Block Thirteen (13), Wallich's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Arnold A. Wiese and Wilhelmina A. Wiese, husband and wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, for $250.00. It is the intention of all parties hereto in connection with each of the sales listed above that in the event of the death of either of the Grantees in each sale the entire fee simple title to the real estate purchased by said Grantees shall vest in the surviving Grantee. Lot Seven (7), Block Five (5), College Addition to West Lawn, an Addition to tee City of Grand ISland, Hall County, Nebraska, to August H. Abts, for $75.00. Fractional Lot Two (2), Fractional Block Six (6), Wood- bine Addition to Grand Island and its complement, Fractional Lot Two (2), Fractional Block Sixteen (16), of Wasmer's Addition and Annex to First Addition to Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Emil Schaaf and Viola Schaaf, husband and wife, for $465.00. ORDINANCE NO.21,6 Cant. I East eighty-eight (88) feet of Lots Twelve (12) and Fourteen (14), Block Twenty-eight (28), Gilberti s Third Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Melvin A. Sohrweid and Laura B. SOhrweid, husband and wife, for ~)245. 00. Lot Eight (8), Block One (1), Scarff's Addition to West. Lawn in Grand Island, Nebraska, to Joanna B. }t'irth, for $125.00. Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10), Block Seven (7), Packer and Barr's Addition to the City of Grand Isl9nd, Nebraska, to Alvah Clement, for $120.00. Lot Seven (7), Block One Hundred Twenty-two (122), Union Pacific Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Jay H. Snyder and Stella J. Snyder, husband and wife, for $600.00. Lot Nine (9), Block Twenty-six (26), Gilbert's Third Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Neb- raska, to Nathan J. Forsberg and Gladine D. Forsberg, husband and wife, for $100.00. Lot Thirteen (13), Block Four (4), Ashton Place, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Neb- raska, to ArthurM. Freeman, for $625.00. Lots Eleven (11) and Thirteen (13), Block Twenty-seven (27), Gilbert's Third Addition to the City of Grand ISland, Hall County, Nebraska, to John Pohlman and Edith A. POhlman, husband and wife, for $200.00. Fractional Lot Nine (9), in Fractional Block Three (3), of Ashton Place, and its complement Fractional Lot Nine (9), Fractional Block Eight (8', Woodbine Addition, and Fractional Lot Ten (10), in Fractional Block Three (3), of Ashton Place, and its complement, Fractional Lot Ten 0.0), in Fractional Block Eight (8), Woodbine ~4.ddi t- ion, all in the City of Gr8.nd Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to F. W. Meyer, for $1,250.00. Lot Three (3), Block Nine (9), Ashton Place, an Addition to the City of Gra~d Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to E. J. Kokrda, for $500.00. Lot Eight (8), and West One-Half (Wi) of Lot Nine (9), Block Twelve (12), Gilbert's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Paul Harvey, for $350.00. I e Lot Three (3), Block Six (6), Woodbine Addition to the, City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to M. R. Impecoven, for $650.00. I~ot 1'wo (2), Block Four (4), Park Place, an Addi.tion to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Wil- liam L. Catlett, for $260.00. Lot Seven (7), Block Eighty-seven (87), Wheeler and Ben- nett's Fourth (4th) Addition to the City of Grand ISland, Hall County, Nebraska, to Orville Duff, for $240.00. Lots Thirteen (13), F'ourteen (14), Fifteen (15) and Six- teen (16), Block Sixteen (16), Ashton Place, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Lucille M. Thorndike, for $1,400.00. ORDINANCE NO.2156 Cont. I Lot Stx (6), Block Three (3), Park Place, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to David L. Ret sen, for $552.00. Lot Three (3), Block Forty-one (41), Charles Wasmer's Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to William F. Harris, for $300.00. Lot Two (2), Block Three (3), Park Place, an Addition to the City of Grand Island; Lot Fifteen (15), Block Four (4), Ashton Place, an Addition to the City of Grana Island; Lot Thirteen (13), Block Five (5), Ashton Place, an Addition to the City of Grand Island; and Lot Twelve (12), Block Eleven (11), Ashton Place, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, all in Hall County, NebraSka, to The Nelson Lumber & Supply Company, for $1,610.00. Lot Eighteen (18), Block Twenty-three (23), College Addition to West Lawn, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to James R. Travis, for $150.00. Lot Fifteen (15), Block Five (5), Boggs & Hill Addition to the C:i. ty of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Benjamin C. Shanks, Jr., for $100.00. Lot Two (2), Block Forty-six (46), Russel Wheeler's Addi- tion to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Frank J. Coufal, Jr., for $450.00. Lot Four (4), Block Fourteen (14), Baker's Addi tion to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to F. J. Chollette, for $650.00. Lot Six (6), Block Seventeen (1';), Lots Two (2) and Three (3), Block Twenty-two (22), all in Schimmer's Addi- tion to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Marguerite M. Neil, for $900.00. Lot Three (3), Fractional Block Fifty-two (52), Packer and Barr's Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Bert Dickey, for $400.00. The East forty-four (44) feet of Fractional Lots Eleven (11) and Thirteen (13), Block Twenty-eight (28), Gilbert's Third Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Mabel B. Tomiska, for $275.00. Lot Ten (10), Block Four (4), Wallich's Addition to the Cjty of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Glenwood H. Hargens, for $350.00. Lot Five (5), Block Three (3), Bonnie Brae Addition to the City of Grand Island, HaLL County, Nebraska, to John D. Semm and Dora D. Semm, husband and wife, for $250.00. e I "j I e ~~xnunxxnxn:l~DnXX ~~XX.xn~J:}(iECnnnxnmxmnrnDCUXnJ: nx n:;xxnnn~nleJl X~~}(i:r nmoocx ~~ ~ E . e I I I e ORDINANCE NO.21,6 Cont. Lots Ten (10) and Twelve (12), Block Twenty-seven (27), Gilbert's Third Addition, for $200.00, Lot Fourteen (14), Block Twenty-seven (27), Gilbert's Third Addition, for $125.00, Lots Two (2) and Four (4), Block Twenty-eight (28), Gi.lbert's Third Addition, for $250.00, Lots Five (5), Six (6) and Eight (8), Block Twenty-eight (28), Gilbert's Third Addition, for $525.00, Lot Two (2), Block Twenty-seven (27)~ Gilbert's Third Addition, for $125'.00; Lots Four (4). and Seven (7) 1 Block Twenty-Seven (27), Gilbert's Third Addition, for ~200.00, Lot Two (2), Block Twenty-Six (26) Gilbert's Third Addition, for $225.00, Lots Four (4) and Eight (8), Block Twenty-Six (26), Gilbert's Third Addition, for $400.00, Lots Three (3) and Four (4), Block Eighty-seven (87), Wheeler & Bennett's Fourth Addition, $400.00, Lot Five (5), Block Eighty-seven (87), Wheeler & Bennett's Fourth Addition, for $350.00 Lots Three (3), Four (4) and Five (5), Block Sixteen (165, Schimmer's Addition, for $900.00, Lot Six (6), Block Sixteen 0.6)', Schimmer' s Addi tion, for $325.00, East One-half (El) of Lot Thirteen (13) of Vantine Sub- Division for $300.00, Lots Seventeen (17), Eighteen (18), Twenty (20), T~.l\fenty-one (21), and Twenty-two (22), Block Sixteen, Ashton Place, for $1,750.00, Lot One (1), Block Seventeen (17)( Ashton Place, for $425.00, Lots Three (3), Four (4), Five (5) and Seven (7) and Eight (8), Nine (9), Ten (10), Eleven (11), and Twelve (12), Block Seventeen (17), Ashton Place, for $3,150.00,' Lots Ten (10), Eleven (11), and Twelve (12), Block Nine (9), Ashton Place, for $1,200.00, Lot Eight (8), Block Five (5), Ashton Place for $600.00, Lots Twenty-two (22) and Twenty-three (235, Block Fifteen (15), Ashton Place, for $400.00, all being Additions to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Nitzel & Company. r" Lot Two (2), Block Twenty-five (25), College Addition to vVest Lawn, an Addition to the City of Grand IsL:md, Ball County, Nebraska, to Forrest J. Pollard, for $210.00. Lot One (1), Block Eighteen (18), Ashton Place, an Addi- tion to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Robert Cervantes, for $200.00. Lot Eighty-seven (87), West Lawn, an Addlt.ion to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Louis J. Caloud, for $80.00. Lot Twenty (20), Block Nine (9), Ashton Place, an Addit- ion to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to William A. Leppin, for $155.00. {[I 1(11:1 I -11I"T1I( ~ - 1 n__ -1 Lot Five (5), Block Nine (9), Schimmer's Addition to the Cjty of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to Pauline M. Michelsen, for $325.00. Lot Five (5), Block Seven (7), Gilbert's Second Addition. to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, to l\lTelvin O. Hild, for $300.00. Q~QtiQD_~ The terms of such sales of the real estate hereinabove-described are as follows: The purchasers above-named in connection with each separately described tract of real estate e I I I e ORDINANCE NO.21,6 Cont. agree to and have heretofore paid to the City of Grand Island the sum of money shown as the purchase price following each parcel of reel estate hereinabove-described in full of the purch- ase price of such real property; the City of Grand Island as vendor shall not be required to furnish abstracts of title for any of said real estate. Section ~._ As pro videO. by law, notice of such sales and. the terms thereof shall be published for three consecutive weeks in the Grand I sland Dai 1 v Indro enden:L a newspaper publi shed in and of general circulation in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, immediately after the passage and publication of this arm nance, and the City Clerk is hereby directed and instructed to prepare and publish said notice. Section 4. Authority is hereby granted to the electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to file remonstrances against the sale of any of smd tracts of real estate; and if a remonstrance against any sale or sm es signed by legal electors of said City equal in number to thirty per cent (30%) of the electors of said City voting at the last regular election held in said City be filed with the Mayor and Council of said City within thirty days from the passage and publication of this o rill nance, the property or properties on which remonstrances have been so filed shall not then, nor, within one year, thereafter be sold. Section 5 9.,. If no ran onstranc e be fil eO. againt such sal es, then the sales of said real estate are hereby ratified, approved ana. confirmed; the Mayor and City Clerk shall, upon demand, make, execute and deliver to the respective purchasers in the manner hereinabove designated Quit Claim Deeds for such property, and the execution of such deeds is hereby authorized, without furth~r action on behalf of the City Council; in the event there be no such re- monstrance, and the City of Grand Island, through its Mayor and City CounCil, shall have heretofore made, executed and delivered Quit Claim Deeds to the said respective purchasers for said prop- erties, or any of them, then and in that event, the execution and e I I I e ORDINANCE NO.21,6. Cont. delivery of said deeds, and each of them, is hereby ratified, approved and mnfirmed, with the same force and effect as though this ordinance had been passed and notices published prior to the execution and delivery of said deeds, or any ot them. Section 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 23rd day of Jle:tQb;er,'l', 1947. ATTEST: +~~ (-"Iii ." 21' ~'Z '-' ".J IT (j. __.*-2. ____ An ordinance levying special taxes to pay :e the co s ts o:C constructl~n of Paving ~istrict No. 100 of the City of ~rand Islan~ Neb:raska, aIld provi for the collection thereof. C'JUlieIL OF .. :~',~'{ ~Cl i 'f.~ , c (;IIl"Y OF' TION 1. That there is hereby levied and aS2essed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the pu:rpo so of payinc; the co s t ai' Pav J)iEJtrict La. 100 of tho City of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordance with ~ne bono:t.its found and a.:3:38SSeo. a:~ainst each of the soveral lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district b' the Mayor and City Council of the City of GTand Island, Nebraska, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after due notice having been given thero- of', a~j required b;y law, a spa cial tax; eacL of the several lot s, tracts and parcols of larld is assGssoc3 as follows: I NAME LOT Emi 1 A. Viola ;::; chaaf I;;m:ll A. E~J' Viola ~)cllaaf' !~'~,f. _;~ . C J_EL71 tOll. v{1~ Glen; Hazel C. Austin VJ49 f 3 w. E. Clayton .EJ_7' ~) i218 ~c tha Elmer Snyder S22' 4 Glen & hazel C. Austin N44'-S65f4 ~) tanclard Oil Co. NoGf 4 C la:l'ence J. t Liartha Fcei;ttan, ("'< ;.:r~3:'" Clarence J. Hoitan .i\J '~j~ I e Clal'ence a. i\ I.Iartha k. ri G i t arl Ida Poore 1 11.. \l:tola ;,::cllaa.f Undivided ,10 Int. BeI't!:Hl Kinman Undivided ;~ Int. ..... r/8 c: Y?f3 v 6 r"r r..... f(j r/ 7'[3 I 8 r/EJ El '7El c~ ,:' 2 1 BLOCL A])I)I111 ()l:; -- 78 o. 'I' . '78 if II ~j8 If If ?f3 II 11 78 If If 78 11 II 78 II II 78 11 II 11 If If 11 II fi If II II If II 11 f1.T-,'r ()lrl:-':;" III 47.50 1:23.ti5 123.75 183. '7 tj 63.'15 82.50 ;~)o. (3;5 '74.25 Tl4:.~2b 1r:1r7 (')C: f,).,;,,;,; 8-:17.50 241'/ _ 50 1~~3_t7b ]~~'~ (). ? [J I I e J. ~;lr)'? ( ('i ,- I ,'- ) \.JO.t.l. lJ ..LJ fJl1 tD.J:>,O EJ so 10\./1 c 1 c;, d,C) ~LirlCl11CJ.1 t 11 be COLle: ',,) ,~ . anG (i,rU\l irl'l~cres.t &8 laD provi(eci, as fo1lo~s: Orlc-tcl1tL.l. ~3i~_cl11 i)e cm;10 ClC lL:Jll"uent l' s :c Y' 0 ~f~: , , 0110; -l~cn G.'.1 (~, E~ ;~~. 0 i] l()v~)r; , -C:7 11'1 one LlwYJ; orlC tO~:~J.t.LJ J..l'J. cl:'~) 8; UJ.1C- a. s; OYlt)-"';}8YJ.-t.:L.L J_Il "i.~J.ll)d() t011-C.t:',. i.:-~) ~i~'Otll"} ~l~:"J Ej; 0:: !.O - t ()~'l.t:J.-1. :L :~-.L i:< i \T () (:1~C ::] ; a-.:: 2.; OJ.l8 - t:C:J. t::..'. i~~." one - t~c;n,tL: a~- ~ 8; 0 ~1(-) - te~'.~l tL. J, U [l~(" s; (.1... !.~_". o f.1. 8 - self e 11 -I "l r.~ ..L.~.l.. ,-", ars frorrl th~) (~a-to of tllis 10 8ac. OJ~ S~llQ installments C)::CGI-~)t ti.le ~CiI'st ~~;!.~all 'fJu~_~rl :l_I).t!,~;l)Ost Elt t11c T'tl'~-,C O~ se"\Te~(L ~)cr~ CG:~J.t J! C '.i~l U.r1Y1U.I..1 U.Yl .J~~ i ~L 'i-",11()- f3 {':~:,.I.l() c. or!18 s cI G 1 ij~}_ Ci.tl G Ll t , a..ilC~ Ll c~:-~. 0 ~L coliYl- ~:.}t IYl ~~ 'l~(lllEIGrl.G 8 S.,.; Etl1 (lr~E!.. v.~' j'.Il tu r~6 8 t [1 T~.CtC Ii a .j.:,C; 0 J.< () ~:: =_~ curl l~ I"10:/-:J, ClY1d :~L:r'tcr} cu~cl_-_l r~-;_.lC-,.._ staJ_lment scones 601 u.n ti 1 fJ cJ.i (1; ~::-:)]~o\<L(:ed .L ~'.r;royr.)rJ, T;.(l~L T;':':.~.a erlti~eo L~Jl1Cllnt E.~() lrJ\/ic z-lJ~lC" a.s C;::~:8C lrl s t o :C t:Xl () l'lc; 3 c.:_l c'- lot, s , tI~EI. C t;::i ~J31(:': ~p .::lI'J eel s o~C 1 ~U:lcJ 1J (j :) ai (~~. v/}. l~. .:.11'1 ~.~ ~L I G l~rOj_~l t.21G c"a'GC) O~~. SllC?l lev~' l~ J.?'} -Cb I)8 2l~; Zi~U.C tJ..:CL t ':)"\/Ut}, t, stlch lots, L)c :pD~l. tracts an~ p~~IJce18 o l' 1[l11d~ 'f~~T:.L tj.-,;_ It'!. J." i ~!.'i ::; ~L'l'"O:(.l t~u.c c:'.ctt~G oi' Stlcll lO\1~7 r,rit.in;.Otl"C j.rltO}:8~3t; DJ~).(i in thic~'~ event, fJUCCl 10tr!,L;~:oact::j anC::_:Hll"C0ls of lane: i::;lwll 8 c t .i' r~orJ aD.",' J_ i. Otl D:e C11()~~e ~,~ .;_ C):e irt t(; 1".13 E~ t . : [' -1 "1".--.... ~ . J_ ......ij." t...,). Of Ci , ", o :2a..~~J.~Gl, Clor.'; of of Z;UJd Is 'CLLO i S LJ.~01'?O a:u. t.. .LO :2J_ ~_:,e Cl t() ~C 0 :(, tl-,_\'.: i toll cor) tI I.CJ~"1()D.r::'L.J:.'~;:e Oi' to ti',LU L ~L. .-::::':\ '] L: ~j e t 0 I) t}j, O' C tll\~j I' VIi til tl).'D c~I:101.lj,1 t 01.' SCL~L(I t(..l.~CG ;~:~ l'J'8I'C> instrclctions i~o colloct .tl~O S2JO, as arOVl0.8a la rr . I~~:: ~;C r_~;]~ w o~(~nance slall bo co UI1CL ~al(8 effoct /, -'- . fro;" aile l'"O V L~ 1 EU.1Ll " ~JY blicQi~ion as )rovi~~ed . . , a.~1 T~',:':~ l'l l.C S .P (l S S , l\'.:.L i.~,>:' . J?ELEJ C~C:C~L C:_/1C.. '_-, "-~,~:'ov"f'c6~ E) (.) ,--I.~J. f~ 'J.' .c~ ~--' f. L~ : ~~0~ ~~.---,_. -- -,-.....-.-----..'---- C: i t:_"" C 1e 1-")1= r I I e NO. 21,8 . All ordinarlCe cr8~l ;::' G 1n ()-:e S tl~ i c t. (). ~:~ 2 .(~ ro" 01 t118 Cit:I oi~ Islau6, IJU'jjI)Uska, tl1(j L1J::icE> ti..::~:.<;~'"l80."i.~, -r.Jj-~OV]_ -8..L for 1;1.8 lay oi a sCI,".;ur~ ~LXl ~'~Eti.c~ (j,12 tJ~i c t clTlCi IJI~O"'\/j. ~f 02.' tile }Jo:yment of th"3 cost o' tj.u COD.c; true t10n tl~(H'eOr. I . i ',:.~'.u\ ~ i: ~~. :- :~.;~ :::.: (. " C III O~? r I'l'Y .JJ r~ ',J ;. L:" ~J:l.; 1. '_C;.l.U t tJ::'Ul}8 J_ S rlOl'" cr-.(:;c;. toei 2.1. [:;eV/CI) ct of r. ":J t_;~j_G G1ts of Island, Ncbraslc~, to tjQ lCrl0VJi:L l~;r[8Y' J)i s tr i c t ".' Cf c....>~ kl 1\0. ;.3i~4 111 tlJ.o Ci-t:I o~C C:'j~arld I~;lc~rlC~, rre1Jr'(1[~1;:8.. ,3>-~C ;~l.:I () ,-'I t::' . Saicl sewor in ~~id district shalJ_ 1)0 laid in S"tate S-trcct and sllall oxtend Stroot to Cedar 2trest, in -tilO City of , "J" 1 ., Y' [,nG " s anC!, l-Je lJl~asJ{8.. ~;>;/~; I~C I 0:, Saie sewer in sai{ s"trict is 11erebJ' oI>dorcd lai(~~ ',.j . as pi"ovido"j law and_ in accoJ~Cance vith the plans and spocifica'tions c;ov rl1i1"1C~ ,l]eVIel' d.istrict,s, as }l,etl()toflo~ed ustt11)lis_~__Gd. -t)~r tl-1G Cit~r. 1;1; 4. That tho entire cost or construction of s Ct. J~ CL S e\:~,' e J~ shall b8 aS8(;~lS\)O a: ;a~:J.st "ClIO atrtlttin.': r)rOr)C}~ strict, and Salel. a 'CHX 8nall be lovied ai~jainst the abtd;tinc proper'ty 11'1 said i~;L;rict to pay i'or 'C[~8 cost of constructinG said sGwer, as SC)on as t ~ , T~.(}o8 GO ~:1 -s s can 'b(j ascortai.Ded 2aid ta:~ oto b8COi~e bIe and delinqUGIlt and interest us [0110\13: Ono-.i:[,t( of' the to.t;al amoun.t slla11 :JCeOlilC (!e11n- qu.cr.d:; :l11 :Cifty S l'rOJ a,aOGO of tI1G levy' tllel)Cof~; onG-l'iftl~ ~.rl 0118 "\T88.r': ():(le-:CiJ't~," t/ .. two years; ono-f tll irl ti~J.l~c;8 7{Oal~S; ar.lC o2J.o-f til i:n, :C O';..l:e ~ro Ell" ;:~ . J~~;ElC." oJ' said, illstall]~18nots c](cept ! - , ,-," , T;.I_}() l)~ ~e I~,l~ , f.i~lal1 (l~earI irltc:cest fJ..t t1",i~) ~CtltO of' ~}C\/CJl .o:J}~> CGJ"Jt j~)er Ll1111tlGl ~C11()ln CUl te o~C 1e tlrl t i 1 I)C COLiC CC 1 t; (3.no aftc~r the; S:Lmc bCCOL~e:::' dcl:J.n- ()}J.t, ~L~:lt;JI}C~~oi:, clt t'i-;_~~: l"la~~,8 of' T,.lrle r)8~e ClI1J.}l..Un E~~.1LlIJ_ lJ8 .l.)[-t~LC~ .Cd.}o:eco~c.L tElt:L1 t r" ,C l2 co~llJc.~(~( an~: l)B~j~c:t; 8[l:Lci ~J-oocl 1 tEt:'~~;E) Ei.l:.._c'Lll iJa a lle:n_ 01'1 ~-:cliC:' ~.~l-:J8~1 cs ._,[::ltc :Crorn EL E.l.ft~(;l-' tllU ci,D~,.'0 ai' ~L1.8 l'-Jv~r. '. _I,. \.':.:...'; ,,-) . .L' is orc l -'- ."OI'ce anc"i l~a1=c 0 __ c t J. rOin ce c ar.1C~ [-1. ~i.' t CJ lr) its -) 8.. f~ ~:~ D... G, CL oval and p~b11cation as Ie ~:; (1 :P[J..r-:, ee1. 3..1"16. (=1 '"):r~c)\l cl "t.~.. l'"JU 8 -.f () L-ll--> ti-'J. S -vo to alJ~ :i-~J.C.ro1;J81'8 0.1 t~iO Cit~~, Co .'L:ncil of' tJ.-.'Le Ci elJI"cl SlC~l, J_ ;:~: J_c111(1, 0\-:-' Gi':1i,:' C:'; 1'1 , OJ~ 1e./ I; ,j --: I . .!-1. r.c-,..;~(~ ;:~~ 1~;~1 : -~~o~ r I I e c. 2159 liD ordil~.anCC creni~inL~ Sever Dis.t~rict ~~ ;:; Ej 011 Ci tJ of 181 c:.Y1d, IT (::"b :ea sl:El, d.c ~C i:Cli11L_~ 'l~i'le ~J 0 L1Y1Clal" i (j 8 tl.-lC l~ 0 0 .~., }) J:O'V 1 i) Ol' tile lay 01" a sewer in said c3.istrict oV~Lc1 J. () :l.' tIle i) cL :~-'-'l~l C J.1 t of' tLJ.c co ~~ t oj~; 'l_l_~!.e COll.S t~ru.c tioll tllO~eQO:C . J'~. ,.~D -;:', ,'~ f. l,'j..1:1 !\.TTj_J C J:~;L CO'TJI-,C IJ~ " \..! ,"\ :1 \..j",i.' (rLi' ~ t-i~'. L) ~c :(3 ~L_: -~l,'.:l) , .~-~ .i~~ ::Ti;.'\!. ~:-)J.(j~ : CI1 T C, 1 . :~11l[tt tL1cr'8 lS l:tU c:r8cltC)(~!_ s. ;:~-;O\.,rOl~ iJistj:->iet. oil tl10 C:l t.S of .i.ncJ I::~ lanc~, Ej 8V!::~; J~ LJJ_ lS 'l~~c:L c t ~~!n f." o. (.J?~Jd be 1.T 3~.J I'a 81:cl, to J~rlov,r-:-:l q 0 c..... L) in t.,c C:lt~~T 01' J~sland, 1'ob'-lasl(a. !.' .~(, i' I J ;,.) n {-:.J . i:;ai6. Ce\VU1~ ILL ~.::,LLicl C::.:i.EJtl'lict S.t.l[J.ll L)8 If:tid 11'1 ~~'~'-ol'}acIv'T011 11VC:;:}"~12 tJ..Ylcl 31.12.11 e~':GeYl(~; ~r'l"'Oi'~'J. Stat.e (~~tl-'eet to 2?YJOSl)Gc.t ;.~treot t}l(3 C it-\! 01." :J7 c\.rJ. (1 }: ;.J 1 Llrlcl , 1:; ~-) lJ r D.. SJ.;~C1 a ;J~ I U :;..';' 3. ~~~aiCL S8\Ve:c 111 DalC~ cIi[:~tl'"}iet l.s j.1C orCIered la:Ld ElS :,Jrov1(ecl JwDw\V cl11Ci accol'}(~19wrlCG \Vi tJ:l tl.1G l)l~lns arld. s~pecii)icELt~i-')11S :';,O"'il rrlirl~,~; :':iC1i~'C;r~ cli E': tl~i c ts, 8.S l~er~(:; toi'or-o e s t[;l';J~Li SJ.-'-Lcd tLe c, i ~)I':~C ill I IJ1-') 4: a r~ll1at tilC: orlt,11~8 cost oi."' COI1C:1tr~llct.l()J.l 01) SEticl SUF-}C)I'> 1~ii'.l211 J. l) ,~) 8. I(~ ;) U ,C:3 := () El~:[1 ill. s t tiJO f1 t t ~) J:O I) C 1"} t :~!. (~~ is tr) i c t , ~:\.n.(:l 8 8~ to...:: SJ~i.D..ll 'iJ U J_O\,:' i d. [l",J a 1118 t T:;l.lC c'L"iJU. t r)l'"} 01) c; r fJai6_ (i ~j t:.YI i (~ t to i") OI:l tl-:LC C () :] t. 0 J.. C CJr1 ~j tl~':.J.. C sai sewor, as SOO]~ 22 .tilO c s.Ls CEll1 DC , ~ _.-, 8. f3 C, G ~e l~~1~J,l1c; 0 tClJC to f)8 CCJ.TlG lJ8.;j-a lJ Ie; 0.1'16_ d.c lil1Cltl0Yl t a:n.(:~_ c-:.j:"~lVJ ~) a :L c: in.tores.t as i~ollows: Cnc-f':LftL 0:( the total anour.lt ~;J,all CCOFlC ocl c',.. ,'", .1.. =L .I. c)a:TEJ f'l~onl (~[t -;.~e oi' tlie lcv2 :In tL1.8I~eo1'; o}1u-f'ij~) n.t ~L{}. one elI-'; oJ.1o-.t'i:r~'t}J. J_:(l tr/o ~Tca:i:8; OYlo-t'iJ1tiJ. j_11 t111}Oe (::l.l~ s; CV1CL Dll.G- f Le' t., <") O:L III S "L Et 11Jl1c) D. t ~; Cl'--''-''' l ~.)l1.CI..J_ ..l- G:~cept J~' i J:~ rJ t , sai( -(~ll8 :L' OtLI' (2:~') s. c_~ C~l~larJ :LrltoI)O[~t at tI1U 1"J~lte oj~ (3,:)\T8Y1 el~ c~c:rlt '()OI' allXllJ..:;_;1 L'l~oJ.n .tIle (:::'D.-:~O of t~8 lov~ LlD_.t5wl ;/ lJCCOl.'18 (le~Lir1(1l1en.t; [ln6_ a~Ctc;r t11C S~:tJj18 L)econlC~3 (Tel ~(L t, ~~..Yl tOl"}() S t [3. t 'G~L0:.8 l~a t,G 0 fl :['.':. i:10 ~:. e ~e cell t ~) G j~-: :J.:r1111J~;1 Ibe I) e1 J_ c~ tJ18 {'0 lJ}]. 1...1.11 t i 1 I ~ ';.~i18 Sl.lL.~C collocted aDG l)aid; c; c i t.l.l "~-; a~;:~o s saie: iH 8).lU11. 'Le cl liC:::l OIl sf~i(_ 1-82.1 CD'L~cl";.~e :(l'Oi-;], aLtC T~;(j Xl t~llC C~l[l t8 tl10 lC\l~T. s ordinance sllall bo f'01-C8 8.::""l() te.l.:::o etl~C8ct :Cl"'Ol~l 1__. tj. anCt a~Ctl~r its pas ro'val and p~lblica'bion 28 providGC ]~CLYI . , P2ssed aIle u.Jprovsd tll1'"CC3 -.t'oLlr_tJ.12 -v'o to 0.,;.0 aJ.~1 :L::1elP.i)c;I'S O.i.. 'CJ."18 C 1 t~~T CotlJJej_l 01' t.i.~C vit:,r o-.f ~-;I'ed~1(11:::J~t.i..l1(l, 1;)4'/. cJ.8.~~{ 0 i1 '':'\'c''') ,-_ .1. , I:~' .11,Ll':~ ;.~~. rr : ~~.. J~ ---..-. --,,-----~-,---_.......----- Ci t~}- Clel~lc e I I I e ,"^("\ 216Q 1, u. . l\.n OJ'(:Jnance pel' tainin~c to boer; I'Gc.ulzc 8~ri.(I l)J~()}lit)i ti11C: tLL8 delivery of 011 tl'lG fiI~ [j-t ly'. " (Ii s tr l~:_)lI to I") S 2LY1C1 r~'-J,.'O J4C s ~LJ_C r [1 beer d&y oil -tilG YJcok c called Sunday arl(l provi lJ(>Ll~J.l tic:3 J'~)Ol' tlJO violL;. tiOYlD 0/' 1)ro\TlsiOX1S oJ' tl.li3 ol"61rlu.neo. _~~._J IT' D..;:-:~J)h. Iil<-I) C I C OlTT,~' C T]~ (YLil rf"1 .~~_'.~~.'~ C I r~c~~( OIll tj, ___ ~ '. ,:_J C~:. I c.~ I.JL\~ ,,-}), ~,,:;'~;::~~}.):~~(11. C)l~:'li : I~~~.; ~C ~rI OIT 1. :~;-'I")Oj'~l 3.116. elL'tel") T~rLe cIa to C8 tD~J=e s ., " -CLi.lS e t' L' e G t l T~ 11 ce J.nlawf-.ll f01' any licensed (istI'il:n:Ltor or vrllolesaler of boer to deliver such beverace to 1')ct~aileJ:8 of tl-LG S[l.~TJ.ia 5.!~! t110 Clt~T o~C r)Etnc;_ IslE-lYlc1, 'I-~cl)r[1sL=[t, ()ll tl}E) ~[,irst Cttl:jT o~c t~iJO calle d r3unejas. r-,'/.'....-.I!C- ~, '.j \.......1_ L. co;:u:;.onl~/ ,., ~. j~rl"';;7' TJ 8 y) ~=j 0 r1 , j " o 1--) CO:C';J01~a -C J.OIl. fillB, a~soclation v5..ole"tin,) , .', <. '> ,-, C;-18 })I'O-V l S =Lons or S ord:LnarlCG c::.l.nl1 U)OI.l COLlvi c tlon o c (Ie drne (1 ~_}.li 1 t7/ of') c~ :cn:~ s c:;.G~;l0 [LI10 1""> cLI16. ~31J.a ].1 1) 0 I' i118 (3.. S LtCi} I:_ 0 t o::.co c dine; On.o G (0100.00) Dollars. 1 O~L,:;- Zs. s ol"(:.iJ:J8.l1Ce ~:;}:l[lllbG lrl fOI)Ce and tal:o offoc.t frO'1 and 8.~Ctcr) its , aJ)I"> ~eov ell C-1.1.'lCJ IJ-LL-tJ Ii Go. tiUl'l Sl 0 CA./-! ~) :eo \li (~..e cl " 0- Cl C<.. J...';, I_! Iar;. r~' c1. sse (5. LllJC I.' .. 'C_{1~L S r, r-; .(~ ( . D,ClDrovoc ~ ... J.'~___ CIerI: I I e O'?'YJ-'['Jt,O"JC"I<' ,..,JO. 21~6.. _~,~""'~.l...l,.l,'-il .<..;J J.~. <, -- An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the costs of construc~ tion of Paving District No. 106 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT OHDAINED BY 'I'InJ; l\lAYOH AND CITY COUNCIL 01" 'rHE CI~:'Y OIi' GHAND ISLAND, NEBRASl\..A: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set :Corth, for the purpose of payinG the cost of Paving District No. 106 of the City of GT'and Island, Nebraska, in accordance wi tll the benefits found and assessed a0ainst ea.ch of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Layor and City Council of the City of G'rand Island, Nebraska, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after due notice having been given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NMiIE LOT ADDITIor ATiIOUNT, BLOCK James A. Michelson 3 60 ""486 41 irf) ........ ~ . ' : 0" . 1'. Goehring Sotbman Co. 60 O. 'I' . 60 II 1\ 60 II tI 109 H. H. 109 II \I 109 t'. \I 'll' 109 11 II 1134.95 4 1134.95 May p. IVleyer 5 1134.95 Clarence E. Brown 6 486.41 Parmers Educational iJ:, 1 1134.95 Co-ol:Jera ti ve Union of Grand J. sland ., 2 486.41 Jame sA. 1'!Iicholson 7 486. ':11 James A. Michelson 8 Union Pacific Hailroad Co. 77.5 foet lying be tViTeen the north line of blo cks 60 O. T. and 109 R. R. Addition and the south track of the U. P. RH. 1903.87 SEC'I'ION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable, delinquent and draw jnterest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall be- come delinquent fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one-tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one- tenth in seven years; one-tenthin eight years and une-tenth in n:tne years from the date of this levy; eaCIl of said installments except the first shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent pOI' ann1JJl1 until the same becoll1es delinquent, and each of the delinquent installments e I I I e OHDINAHCE NO 2161 ( Con f t) shall draw interest at the rate of nine per cent from and after each such installment becomes delinquent until paid; provided however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid within fifty days from the date of such levy without interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. SEc'rIOE 3. The Ci ty Clerk of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, is here by au thori zed to forthwi th certify to the City l}~reasurer of said Ci ty the amount of said taxes herein set fortrl together wi th instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECrI'ION 1. Thi s ordinance shall be in force and take effe ct from and after its passage, approval s provided by law. A1fTEST: Passed and approved this 19th day of - ~s~ \. . C 'by Clerk .. I I e anT)IHAl'C"'" ~,.o 2162 ELl _J.\ J.\j D l\i -. _ An ordinance pertaining to the zoning of the City of Grand Island_ Nebraslca; amending Ol"dinance No. 1585 of the ordinance s of the said City of Grand Island; reGulating and restricting the nUJl1ber of stories .(:eight, and bulk of buildings and othel" structures hereafter erected or altered; reGulating and determining the percentage of lot that may be occupied, the area of yards, courts, parking areas and other open spaces; regulating and limiting the density of population; regulating and restricting the location of trades and industries and the location and U;3e of buildings, structures, and land for trade, industry, residence, or other purpose, and for said purpose dividing the City into districts and pl'escribing uniforrl1 reculations therein; creating a Board of Adjustment; and defini~~ its powers and duties; requIrinG the filing of plats with applications faT' building permits; providing for the enforcement of this ordinance; providing penalties for the violations of the provisions of this ol"dinance, and repealIng Ordinance No. 1585 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. IT anDAnTED BY tIAYOH AND CI'l'Y COUl'iCIL OJ? 'I'Ii[!'; CI'l'Y Oll' GRAND n)LAND, l,jEf3HASICA: SEC'l'ION ONE Definitions For tile purpose of this ordinance certain terms and words are herewith defined as follows: Words used in the present tense include the future; the singular number includes the plural number, and the plural the singv.lar; the I'mI'd t110tll includes the word Itplot" and the word Itbuildj_ng" incl~}des the word If structurell; the vTord shall is mandatory and directory. Any words not herein defined shall be construed as defined in the building code. ACCESSORY BUILDING: A subordinate building, or portion of a main building, the use of which is incidental to that of the main building. ALLEY': A minor public thnroughfare 1.lpOn which the rear of building lots generally abuts and vThich is generally used for service purposes. AP1\.HTLL8{i~[i hOLJ3E: A building or portion thereof used or de signa ted as a re sidence fOl" three or more familie s or :households living independently of each other. e I I I e v ORDINANCE NO,2162 Cont. 2 BASEMr~FfT: A story partly underground, which, ii' no t occupied. for living purposes by other than a janitor or his family, shall not be included as a story for purpose of height measurements. BOAHDIITG -f'!'r"_''-"!-c.r;t rJ. v U }J.0J : A building, other than a hotel, vihere lodging and meals are provided for four (4) or more persons, not members of a family, for compensation. BUILDING, iEIC11.l'J~ OF': '11he verticle distance measured from the curb level to the highest point of the roof surface, if a flat roof, to the deck line of mansard roofs, and to the m:ien height level betvJeon eaves and ridge for gable, hip and gambrel roofs. CQUH'_C: An open space on the sa:me lot wi thin a building, un- occupied and unobstructed fr'om its 10VJe st levol upward. coun'I' INNBH: A court surrounded on all sides by walls, or vmlls and an inside lot line. COUR'r, OUTER: .fA court extending to an opening upon a street, alley or yard. ,/ CUHB LEVJ~L: Tho level of the established_ curb in front of the building. DWELLDKr, OlTE?A1IILY: A detached building designed for or occupied exclusively by one family. DV!ELLING, 'J'VVO PAl-IlLY: .fA detached or semi-detached building designed for or occupied by two families. DrfJ'~LLn!G, l\fULTIPLE: A building or par tion thereof de signed for or occupied as the home of three or more families or llOuseholds living independently of eacll other, includine:; tenement hOUSeEJ, apart- ment houses, and apartment hotels. GAHAGE: A building or portion thereof used for the housinG or care of self-propelled vehicles. GAHAGE, PRIVATE: A garaGe with capacity for not more than three motor driven vehicles for storage only. GAnAG:~, COLiI,lmUTY: A series of private gal'ages located jointly on a comlllon lot having no public shop or service in connection there- with and with a capacity 01' not more than five automobiles. COllrmuni ty garage s may exceed (5) automobile capacity provided the lot whereon such cOfillilunity Garage is located, shall contain five hundred square feet for eael) automobile stored. GAHAG.:ij;; PUBLIC: A Garage other than a private garage usod for housinG or care of more than three self-propelled vehicles, where any e I I I e ORDINANCE NO.2162 Cont. 3 such vechiclcs are equipped for operation, repaired, or kept for remuneration, hire or sale. iLO'IfEL: A building occupied as the more or Ie ss teml;oraI'Y abiding place of individuals who are lodged with or without meals, and in which there are more t.han twelve sleepi:cJ.g rooms usuallv occunied u .L singly and no provision made for cooking in any individual room or apartment. LODGING llOU:I8: A buildins, other than a 1iotel, vlhere lodginG is provided for four or more persons, not members of a far:dly, for compensation. LOT: Land occupied or to be occupied by a buildinG and its acce S 30ry buildincs, toge ther wi th such open space s a~3 are required under this ordinance, and having its principal frontage upon a public street or officially approved place. LOT, CORNER: A lot situated at the junction of two or more streets. LOT, IN~~RIOR: A lot other than a corner lot. Lorr, '['EnOUGH: An interior lot having a frontage on two streets VJhich are parallel or nearly so. LO'I' Ln.j=~,S: 'l'lle line S bounding a lot as defineci herein. Ii o:t<j-C ONli' OmUifG GSE: A building or lot occupied by a use tba t does not conform with the re[;ula-clons of the use district in which such building or lot is situated. PARKING SPACE: A parking space shall mean an area of not less than 160 square feet, located on the same lot as the building it is intended to serve, or on a lot adjacent tlwreto, accessible from the streets or alleys or from private driveways or aisles leading to streets or alleys and of such shape as to be usable for the storage of self-propelled passenger vehicles. PLACE: An open unoccupied space permanently 1'e seI'ved for pur- poses of access for abutting property. ~m'l.'BACK; 'l'be minimum horizontal distance between the street line and front line of the building or any projection thereof, excludinG steps and unenclosed porches. S~_'ABLE, ?RIVA'l'E: A stable with a capacity for not more than three horses or mules. STABLE, PUBLIC: .f',.. stable vIi tll a capaci ty fOl~ more than three horses or mules. ORDINANCE NO.2162 Cont. 4 S ':eoRY : That portion of a building included between the 3ur- face of any floor and the surface of the floor next above it, or if there be no floor above it, then the space between such floor and the ceiling next above it. e I Srl'0RY, liALF: A story under a gable, hip or ;;ambI'el roof, the vmll plates of which on at least two (2) opposite exterior walls are not more than tvlO (2) feet above the finished floor of such story. STREET: A public thoroughfare twenty-feet or more in width. s I.rI~ TJ C Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires more or less permanent location on the soil, or attached to something having a permanent location on the soil. . STRJC}'UHAL AL~i~Ea1ATIOJ:I: Any change in the supportinG meml)ers of a building, such as bearing walls, columns, beams 01' girders. YAHD: An open space on the same lot with a building unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward except as otherwise lJrovided herein. I YATW, HEAR: A yard, unoccupied except by an accessory building as hereinafter permitted, extending across the full width of the lot betv!een the rear line of the buildinc and the 1"'ear line of the lot. YAI1JJ, SIDE: A yard between the building and the side line of the lot and exte:Clding from the street line to the rear of the lot. SECTION II Use and Reight - District Regulations In order to regulate and restrict the location of trades and industries, and the location of b"Lllldings erected 01' altered .for specific 1J.ses, and to regulate and limit the 11.ei2;ht and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered, to regulate ~nd determine the area of yards, courts, parking areas and other open spaces about I e buildings, and to regulate and limit the density of population, the City of Grand Island is hereby divided into flUses and ient Districts! of which there shall be five (5) knovm as: A - Residence District B - Residence District A - Business District B - Business District Industrial District e I I I e ORDINANCE NO.2162 Cont. 5 The City of Grand Island is hereby divided into five (5) dis- tricts, aforesaid, and the boundaries of such districts are as shown upon the map at tachecl hero to and made a part of t:tli s ordinance, being designated as the llUse and Hei2:ht District Maptl and said map and all notations, :C'cferences, and other things shown the:ceon are and shall b(--) as 111llcrl a I)[ll"lt 01"'1 tl1is oI~c:lirlanCe as i,f' tIle l'nattei"s an(~ t11irl[;S set forth by said map were fully set out and described her'ein. Except as hereinafter provided; 1. No building ~lall be erected, reconstructed, or structurally altered, nor shall any building or premises be used for any purposes other than is permi tted in UJC District in which such building or prerni se s located. ~ '" J.. ~.) ~. No building shall be erected or structurally altered to exceed in height the limit herein established for any District in which such building is located. (). ITa lot area shall be so reduced aI' dimini ;Jhed tIm t the yards or other opon spaces shall be smaller than proscribed by this ordinanCE nor shall the lot area per family be reduced in any manner except in confoI'l:l1ty wi tll the area resulations 1.}ereb;y established l' aI' tile District in which such building is located. SEC 'I'l ON I II a - Residence District R02ulations Use: No building or premises shall be used and no building shall be l1eI'eafteI' ere c tod or ~; tJ:uc turally 0.1 tored u.nlo s s 0 tilorwi se provided in this ordinance, except :tor one 01' LIore of the folloY/ine: use s: 1. ;3~lrlE;le }lan1il:T clv~)"elJ~il18. [l"\vo L=tro.ily ClvlollinL.::. 2. ClmI'ch, ColleGo. COn1rH.mi ty 3ailcUng. Public Lib:L'ary. Public LLUJeUnl. ~;chool. PI'ovideCl, Lowever, that the word school as usod in tt1.ls section shall not include vocational OT' tI'ade school s; .<::chool S for abnoI'raal adnl ts or chi IdI'Em, or institutiens other than those I'equiI'ed for children to attend, that i [-! primary, se cond.8.I'Y and hi[)l schools as tb.e tOI'E: is 0:r'dinc1ril~T lJ.secL 3. Public Park, public playground, public recI'eatioil building, [1cllool or colle stadium OJ:' athlo tic field, golf C01.u~se. 4. Railway I'icht-ot-way, not including railway yards. 5. j"ar:caing, n1..U' so 1'7 , Gardenin~j. lTOl1- cOLLJeI'cial COIl [!C;:!.'VG. to 1'7 for plants and flowers. 6. ~f>]~i\Tate cl~lb e:;ccer)tlrlf~ Olle tl18 cIlief' activ"it:)T of rllJ.1cl1 Is a service cU3tomaril~- carried 011 as ~ DllSlness. ? . Philan.t~lropi c ins ti tu tlon, other than penal OI' corro C tl vo. Hospj.tal 01' sanl tarium other than fOI' contac;ious or infectious eU soase s and other than 1'01' the insane or fueblepminded. e I 10. In:L n J.nnU:l ORDINANCE NO,2162 Bont. ("' () E3. Branch telephone exchanGes, or bui12inGs for public service corpora tions or for p1.1blic utili t:i purpo i::ie S vlhicn the ci ty council de claro 3 re<::Lsorl.ably n(e; ce s sury faT' the pu.blic convenience or welfare. Accossor' buildin~'s, includincj privato 8.jlQ COlll'!i1.1nit"T ,:ara:os V~len loc;ted not ross than si~ty (60) feet from thoUf~ont~ lot line or within or attached to the dW811in~. A urivate 0'1" C01',11"'1' 11"1. +v"a' l'a' c'e )'~av e 'Y C e c' ri ", +'1'1"1."('> e (C" 'J'e:'~l. c Ie "cal) "C i tv ..i.. ..... .! L- .L IJ cJ l,J 0../ .o-l.L tJ j ~. .,. j ---..... '-I.. CL lL, j.. t..J I -'-.- ..:. (;:1.. -'- f.l provided the area of the lot whereon such Garace is located shall contain not less than two thousand square feet for each vebicle stored. ~rhe location of all private stables shall be subject to the regulations of the Board of health. lJses CllstoLlaril-:T irlcictent to an:T of tr18 8JJOve uses vil1en located on the same lot and not involving the conduct of a business, on the premises, and use as the offic9 of a physi cian, surgeon, denti s t, lCl.wyer, musi cian or aJ: ti st, Yfhen :e:i tua'l;ed in the saLle c:we lliw': ;iJI'ovi6ec:., no name plate cxcoL;ding One (1) square foot :J.n ~rca, nor signs e:.ceealll.'" , ,. " 1- (n) " J . , , .. , , " 1 ':!J,G/l'C 0 squal'e lee c In al"ea appeI'"Calnlnt~ 'co "C.i:le ease, nire, or sale of a building or premises, nor advert:J.sing C'l."'n 0'" '-"n--' oJ.l~c"r C1'-I<:1rac''-""", OTl'"ll "be ')"I""'111..:-JL'e'o .~,~ 'OV1~- Hlfll ......:; G -L. c.... y vl1 _(,A,. ,L',-".~ uJ. a. ..I:- IV Lv' ~ ..L.LJ. (.:.{.l JI ...1-1. 1"3 sicience eli s t1"1 c t; provided further no ele c tric sic;ns of any nature may be used. U U C) v . In the HAll Residence District the hei,..-;11t of buildin[";fJ, the , . . Glll'i,enSlons of yaccl and COU1"tS, an6. the minimum lot area per 'be a.s follows: " .1 'J 1 :c ann y SLla, height: No building hereafter erecteel or structurally altered shall exceed thirty-five feet in height. See Section X for height I eX.cep tions. Hear Yard: 'rliere shall be a rear yard bavinc; a minimum depth of ton (10) foet. See Section X, area exceptions. Side Yard: lJ'hcre shall be a side YaJ"d on cacrl side of any building of not less than five (5) feet. Setback: ':;.'here shall be a setback line of not less than twenty (20) fee t, provided that where forty X4,0) per cent or more of the frontage on one street in any block is built up t11 buildinc;s, the majority of while have an avera~e setback IlIith a variation of not ,,' - J-1- ," c' .. y (,c') l<lOre l> lc:.\.n .JJ..h 0 feot, no building fronts on such street in such blocl:, shall project beyond the average setback line so established; provided further that this regulation shall not be so interpreted as t,o require a ~:1Ctback line of more than fifty (;])) feet. I e Lot Area Per Family: Every building hereafter erected or structurally altered shall provide a lot area of not less than six thousand (6000) square feet per family housed, provided, nowever, in all case s vvhe1"e the lot or trac t of land in addi tions to tho City as ori:..::inall:y~)latted do not provide 6000 squal"e feet, then a'ld in th::::,t event one s10118e or dwelling un:i.t may be permitted; provided, further' that the construction of two or more fam.il7:,T dwellinGS 01" two two dwellinG houses mas be permitted o~ corner lots in all cases ORDINANCE NO.2162 Cont. 7 \'111.ere tJ:lO Doard of' Ac.1justment upon the proper applies'cion made i'oolg that justice requires that such buildings be allowed ~o be constructed on said lots. In their deliberations the Board of' Adjustment shall take into account th~ existing architecture, location and use of e I dvvellinc; hou.ses udjacent thereto, t1].e plans submitted by the applicant and any and all matteros in connection the1'e viith that might or could interfere with the proper use and enjoyment of the prcJisos and the u::;e and enjoyment of acljacent properties or promises in the neighbor- hood. ~)u.ildinG Area: All buildings ere c ted or altered In the II All He sidenco District i'or any pclrpose except one and two fm?lily dvrollinc;s, shall be so proportioned as to provide open spaces on the lot equal to fifty (50) per cent of the area of the lot. m~crrIml IV usn Residence District Regulations Use: ~o building or premises shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erectecl or structurally altered, unlesi:j other'wise providec I in this ordinance, excep t for one or more of the follo\i'!ing use s: 4. Any use permitted in IIAlI Residence District. Multiple Dwelling. Lotel, Dormitory, Sorority or ["raterni ty },o1.J.se. Boa~C'ding, Roominghouse, Tourist Court. Pr'ofe s sional office or studio, provided J.JOI'Jever, that no signs other than name plate shall exceed one (1) square foot in a:eea, unless larger signs may be permitted by the Board. of Adjy.stments. Vocational or trade school and school or institution of a similar character. 1. 2. 3. c' o. I e G. Accessory buildings and uses customarily incident to any of the above use s vrhen locateo. on the s:::une lot and not involvinc; t;:lO conciuct of C:l business, and incll..1ding also homB occupation not involving the conduct of a business 011 tJ."lO pl"JeE1i se s. 7. Use~3 customarily incident to any of the above U~les when 10caL-,ed on tho same lot ancI not involving the conduct of alYlJ. sine s s . 8. No advertising sign of any character shall be permitted in any llBll Hesiden~eUDistrict, ex.cept a sign, not exceeding; eight (8) square feet in area aypertaining to the lease hire or sale of a blJ..ilding or premises maJ. be displayed upon such premises. In the !If)tt :Fiesidence District the height of buildings, the min- imu:m dimensions of ya:cds and courts, and the minimurn lot area pel' family shall be as follo\"1s: height: No building hereafter erected or structurally altered shall exceed eighty (80) feet in height. Real' Yard: There shall be a real' 'JTard havinG a minim.um depth of ten (10) feet. See Section X area exceptions. e I I I e , ORDINANCE NO.2162 Cant. 8 ,side Yard: 'There shall be a side yard on each sieJe of' o. maIn building on not less than four (4) feet, provided, however, that on a lot havinG a width of les.f! than thirty-three (3Z5) feet and of record at the time of the passage of this ordinance, there shall be at least one side yard of not less than f'our (4) feet L1 width. Outer Court: 'The least dirQension of an outer court shall not be less than five (5) feet, nor less than two and one-half (2~) inches for each foot of height f' 0-,- such court, nor less tLan tVIO (2) inches for odch foot of length of such court from the closed end. Inner Court: The least dimension of an inner court shall be not Ie s fJ than six fee t, or Ie S f: than .,1. ." ' f..J~j,. J..ncne s each foot of heiGht for of each court, nor sllall its area be Ie ss than twice the sqw::n~e of' its required least dimension. 3etbaclr: 'J:hero shall be a setback line of not 10s:3 than ~20 feet provided that VJhel~e 40 per cent or Hlore of the frontaCie on a street in any block is built up with buildings, the majority of \'111ich havo an averaGe setbaclr wi th a variation of not more tb.an 6 feet, no builcHng hereafter erected or structurally alteI'cOld, 'It/hich buildine fronts on such street in such block, shall project beyond the average se tback line so e stabli shed; provided, 110 1/1eve1> , tha t thi s regula tio11 shall not be so interpreted as to require a setback line of more than 50 feet. Lot Area: Evory dwellins building hereafter erected or struc- turally altered shall provide a lot area of not less than 4000 square foot pOI' f'arnily housed, provided, duplex shall provide a minimum of 2200 square fee t, I)rovided, howevel', that thi s regulation 811all no t 8.jJply to hotolEl or apaI'tment hotels Wbe1'8 no cooking Is done in an~T individv.al room or apart111ent. All other builclings shall provide a lot a:C'ea of 110 t 10 S S tb.an 1000 squaro feo t; provic3.ed, fUI'tller tila t the con::d~l'uction of two or more family dvrollings OI' tvw dwellinG houses may bo pOl'mitted on cornor lots in all cases ~lere the Board of' Adjustment upon the pl'"'oper application made feols that justice require,s that suell buildings bo allowed to be constructed on said Lots. v In their del~erations tho Board of Adjustment shall take into account the ~xisting architecture, location and use of dwelllng houses adja- cent thereto, the plans submitted by the applicant and any and all matters i:o connection there vJi th that might or could interfore wi th ORDINANCE NO.2162 Cont. 9 the proper use and enjoyment of the premises and the use and enjoy- ment of acljacent propertie s or premi se s in tbe neighborhood. e I SEC~:ION V. II A" BUSIljESS DIS'J'HIC'I' HEGULA'l'IONS Use: All buildings and presises except as otherwise provited for in this ordinance, may be used for any use pernittod in the lIpt! .L.) F(csidence District 01' for any other use except the follovJinc: Bakery ( loying more than 5 persons) Blacl:srlith or horse shoein::; shop 130 ttlin[j vrorks Building l1J.aterlal storac;e yaI'd Carting, express, haulinG and storage yal'd Contractors Plant or storage yard Coal, coke or wood yard Coopercge v'lorks If,roln:( and cleaninn: vJorks (eL!-Dlovin,> mor8 than ~ ~J _ ~ d - Ice Plant or storage house of more than S tons Laundry (ornploying more than 5 persons) Livers: Stable Lunlber Yard bachine shop Milk Distributing station other than a retail conduct8d on the premises stor)~:lL;o VI,9.1""'i8110USG All use:::: excluded :Crom the llBll Business District, and Industrial District. All kind of manufacturing, processing or treatment except the manu.facturing, pro co ssinG, or trea tmcnt of proc1uc t s clearly incidental to tile conduct of an exclusive retail businoss conducted on tho premisos. Public garages and Gasoline or service stations, provided, hO\vever, that a per:cli t for the location and ]Jaintenanco of a Garage gasoline or service station shall be Granted by the DlJilding Inspector ii' there be on file vii th said Inspector tl:e VJri tten consellt of the OV'lner's of ?S per cent of the area of all the real estate within 300 feet of any part of the pI'erniE,os where such public c;arage, gasoline or service station is to be established, erected or enlarGed. Provided, nowever, that no public garage, Gasoline or service station shall be erected to a height in excess of one story and no public garage, gasoline or service station shall have an entrance or exit for motor vehicles within 200 feet of any entrance or ez:i t of a public or private school, play- ground, public library, church, hospital, children's or old people's home or o the I' sLlilar public or i3emi-public insti tutions. 20. Signs: 110 signs or billboards shall be permi tted in a Class "A" siness DifJtrict except signs on or attached to the bu slne f:: s buildin[~s located on the premi se s, whicL signs advertise only the business being conducted on tho premises. 1. 2. ~) . ,~ .(; . r::; ..... 6. ? 8. 0 .J . 10. 11. 1~3 . 13. 14. IS. IS. 1"1 I . I 1 c.' '-:..' . lD. I e r, Y)?-;,T">QOD Cl) "-"1"-,,-.0 _u capacity l]llSinc ss Heicht: No Garage 'ouildin[:: heJ~einafter erected 01' structuI'ally altered shall be erected to a height in excess of one story; no store and dwelling buildinG or nmltiple dwelling hereinafter erected or structurally alter'ed shall be erected to a height in e:?~ce s of tvve (2) stories, and no builciing of any type hereinafter 8Ioected or structurally altered shall be erected to a height in oxcess of thirty- (' . ( " /..) n t ( .., ~lve 00 lee, bee Section X Eeight exceptions.) e I I I e ORDINANCE NO.2162 Cont. 10 Hear Yard: There shall be a year yard b.av:i.ng a minimunl depth of not less than ten (10) feot. See Section X, area exceptions. Side Yard: For business buildings no side yard is required, but if provided ,shall be not less thaJ.l four (11) i\0et. For residential buildings the side yard shall be the same as required in the liB" Hesidence District. Outer Court: ~~e least dimension of an outer court shall not be less than five (5) feet, nor less than two and ono..,half ( c):L.) ~2 inches for each foot of height of such court, nor less than two (2) inch~s for each foot of length of such court from the closed end. Inner Court: The least dimension of an inner court shall be not less than six (6) feet, or less than tV"lO and one-half (2'\) inches for each foot of height of each court, nor shall j.t::3 area be le~Js than twice the square of its required least dimension. Setback: Where all the frontage on, one side of the street be- tween two intersecting streets is zoned as a Business District, no setback shall be required. ffilere the frontage on one side of a street botween two interesecting streets is zoned partly as Residence and partly as ~Jusiness the setback J>equ,irements of the Hesidence Disc,rict shall a'ryO l"'iT to the ..c.L: d entire frontage. Lot Area: i3u,:ildings or parts of builcUngshereafter erocted or structurally altered for residential purposes shall provide a lot area or not lesB than 4000 square feet per J'amily housed, except duplex, 1n '.7hicb. case a minimum of ~~200 square feet shall be pcr21itted All otller builcHngs slial1 provide a lot area of not less than 500 SClua.l~e f)eet. SECTION VI IIr,lI 'Ou "'lo"'ess 'iJ"-i "'trlO ct ,:) "ulatlOons --' .u ~..J .l_L - I ~ _u 1'L8tJ Use: Same as flAIf ~f:-j-u.siness DistI'ict Height: No building hereafter erected or structurally altered shall exceed eighty(EL!) feet in heiGht. See Section X Eeivht ,~ excep tions . Hear Yard: Same as ilAli J3u.siness District. ~)ide Yard: Same as HAll Business District. Outer Court: II A" Businoss District. ,Same ao >oJ Inner Court: "All S ~1Ele Business District. as Setback: Samo as HAil BU.sine.3s District. e I I I e ORDINANCE NO.2162 Cont. 11 Lot Area: "Buildings or part,s 01' buildings hereafter erected or structurally altered for residential purposes shall provide a lot area of not less than 4000 square feet per family housed, except in case of' duplex, in vlhich case a minimum of 2200 squa:ee feet dIall be permitted; provided, however, that this regulation shall not a Iv to .J llOtels or apartm.ent hotels vIllere no cookinL is done in an;:; individual room or apartment. All other bl..l11dinGs shall provide a lot area of not les:::: than bOO square feet. .Use: All buildinGS " . ane pl'eEllse s excep t as otJ:wrwise providod in thi s ordinance may be use c1 fOI' any peT'mitted in the 11 Bll Busine ~l s District or for any u::::e except the following: 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 1'/. l@. 19. 20. 21. I:) () 1-"" {...... . 23. ~2 0;_ 25. 26. 27. 28. 0q 1<oJ .../ . 30. 3l. 32. '? ~ 0..:). 34. 35. 36. 37' . 0'7 r) c.) . oJ. 40. 4,l. 4:2 . 'lZS. 'J L]~ . L1 r:. .L tJ . 46. II? . A " (;cu. t1t9. bOo 51. t::("') 0(..1 . r~, r;~ Ut..J . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Abattoirs Acetylene gas manufacture or storage Acid manufacture Amj)Jonia, bleaching powder or chlorine :manufacture Arsenal Asphalt lilamLCacture or refininG [Hast furnance Boiler 'Norks Brick, tile or terra cotta manufacture Candle )Jlanufac ture 13ac; cleaninG Celluloid manufacture Coke Ovens Crematory Creosote treatment or manufacture Disinfectant manufacture Distillation of bones, coal or wood Dyestuff manufacture Extorninator and insect poison manu:facture ~LGnery cloth and sand paper manufacture Pat RencL;ring Fertilizer manufacture l:'ireworli:s or e:;;:plrx~.;1 ve ma:llufac ture aI' storage :ti'i SlJ. smokinG or cTeing i3to:cae;e Dlant Gas (ill;:un5.na tin[~ or hea tine;) manufac ture Glue, size or gelatin manufacture Gunpowder, manufacture or storace Incineration or reduction of garbage, dead animals offal or refuse. Iron, steel, brass or copper foundry. Lamp black manufacture Oilclotll or linoleum :cnanufacture Oiled rubber or leather goods manufacture Ore, millinG, or smelting of Paint, oil, shellac, turpentine or varnish manufacture Paper and jJLllp,Tlanufacture PorfuEle l.lanufacture Plating vlOrks Potash works Printing irDc manufacture Pyroxlin manui' a c ture node crusheI' HollinE; mill Rubber or gutta porcha manufacture or treatment Salt VJorlcs ~)auerkrau t Ina1~ufacture SausaGe manufacture S]:,oe blacJdnc; mamH'acture Smelters ,Soap manufac ture SocIa and COlir;Jound manufacture 0-1-0 c1' "iT'- 1'(1 s - o V ..1.1.'1.. .J ct. ~_ stone mill or quarry e I I I e ORDINANCE NO.2162 Cont. 12 54. storage or bailing or scrap paper, bo tIes, iron, rags or junk ,Stove Dolish manufacture ~::;ulphuric, ni tric or J:1ydrochloric acicl J:li:mufacture Tallow grease or lard manufacture ~i.'annine;, cur-ine; 'or storage or rawhides or sJdns Tar distillation or manufacture Tar roofin~ or water proofing manufacture 'Co bacco (ciiewi'Jr;) nlan~Lf.'acture' or tr'ea tmen t Vinegar manufacture Wool pulling or scouring Yeast pla:nt All uses es\pluded from. the lndustr'ial District In ,:e;eneral those u[-;es, vv'hich m.ay have been declared a nuisance in any court of I'ecord, or Wllic1:1 JYLay be obnoxious or offensive by reason of omission of odor, dust, smoke, ~~t~S or ll.oise. c: c:: 00. 56. 57. 58. 5;:). 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. G5. GG. }leight: No building hereafter erected or structurally altered ~ which is or non-fireproof construction shall exceed 35 feet and no building of fireproof construction shall exceed a height of 150 feet. Real' Yard: For lXLsiness and connuercial buildings there shall be a l'ear yard of not less than 4 feet. .i."or l'e sidential bLl1ldings the rear yard shall be the sar;18 as required in the !lElI Residence District. Side Yard: For businoss buildings no sidoward is required but if provided. shall be not Ie ss than four (4) feet. For residential buildings the side yard shall be the same as required in the ii J311 .He sidence Di s tric t. Outer Court: The least dimension of an outer court shall not be less than five (5) feet, nor less than two and one-half (2~') inches for each foot of Lei 'C of' such court, nor Ie s s than two un incne s for each foot of lenbth of such court from the closed end. Inner 'Court: '1'he least cUmension of an inner COU1"t shall be not less than six (6) feet, or loss than two and one-half (2;:~) inches :C01' eaCLe foot 01' .L1e1sht of each court, nor shall its area be leEls than twice the fjqua1'8 of its r'equired least dimension. Lot Area: Buildinss or' parts of buildings hereafter erected or structur'ally altered for residential purposes shall provide a lot area of' not loss than 4000 square feet per family housed, except du.olex in vl.Llich case a mininru.m of ~~200 squa:ee feet shall be permitted; provid- ed, however', that t1lis l"ec;ulation shall not apply to hotel or apart- ment Jwtels v/CLOre no cooking is done in any individual room or apart- mente All othor buildings shall provide a lot area of not less than SOO square feot. e I I I e ORDINANCE NO.2162 Cont. 13 SECTION VII Industrial District Regulations Use: BuilcUnL~s and prerni se s may be uc3ed for any purl)Q so s vrhat- soover, not in conflict vvlth any ordinance of tho City of C:rand I[::land reL~ulatin[; nuisan~es; provided, llOwever, that no building or occ'upancy perndt shall b~ is:JueC: for any of tile follovd.nc u,sos tUltil and unless tho location of such use Shclll ,have been al)lJrO-"l/8 CL bv J t110 13oG~I'd of Adjustmont: 1. Cement, limo, gypSUli1 or plastor paris manufacture 2. Acid manufacture 3. Ti;~xplosivcs Inan1)..1.'actLll~O Ol~ storar:;e 4. Garba;.:;e, offal or Ciocut aninal redu.c tion or dumpinG 5. Gluo rnarmfac tUI'O, fati~endeT'inG' or eli s tllla tion of bone s. 6. Pe troleWCl roL1ning. 7. Hilling or smelting of ores 8. Stock yards or slaue;hter of aniC!1als 9. Ammonia, bleaching powder, chlorino, peroxylin or celluilioid manufacture 10. ~anning, curinG, or storage of raw hides or skins 11. Crem,atory. Height: Unrostricted. Hoar Y",-rd: POl' btu:iness, c0l1m18rcial and =industrial buildings thero shall be a rear yard of not less than 4 feot. For residential buildings thore shall be a rear yard as roqulroa in tIle !lnll HosicJence District. Side Yard: 1'1 0 I" [:5U f:nne s s, corrmJercial and Industrial buildings, no side yard shall be required, but if provided, shall not bo less than 4 Leot. For 1"8 si6ential bu:1ld~LDgs the siGe yare! shall be .~ C CLu tl1e SErine I'CCl"lUrec1 in the II Bll ne sidential Di strict. Lot Area: Ruildings or parts of buildings nereafter erected or structurally altered for residential purposes shall provide a lot area of not It'C!ss than 4000 squaI'e :C'oet per f'arllily housed, ow-copt duple~ in which case a JJlinimum of ;~200 squarc feet shall be pcrnitted, provided, however, that this ~2e0ulation shall not appl~/ to:~otels or anartnent buildings. :~;ECTIOI! VIII l~ on-Confol~minG Use s '1'he lawful use of lanel existine; at the time of the adoption of tllis ordinance ma',y be continued, rJut if such non-conforming use is abandoned, any futuro use of said premises shall be in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance. e I I I e ORDINANCE NO.2162 Cont. 14 [1'.G8 laV'lI'ul use of a building exist:1.n[; at thelJlme of the adoption of telLs ordinance may be contin.wld althouGh SUCH u:::w dou ,'] not COlE onn v.Jltil tilO j:)100\li~~!1():n~3 11\:'iJ:Gof, arlcl SlJ.cll 1)..80 2.LCL"Jr be o]-:ter.ld.c::;d_ tllrousl-lOl:Lt the buildin~')I'oviciGd no structural alterations, or additions except those required law or or) C'nill[lTl ce 8..1'0 )11Llctt3 t118 ro ill.. I~C r10 fjtr)'tJ.ctllr~al alterations or additions aI'G 111acte, a non-coni'ornllnG use of' a buildinG may be changed to another non-con.:Corriline:; U Ci C:> ~ }...l I.J oJ' t:J1G S,lJne or 21 lliC:l1or classification. The Board of adjustment may ~len it deems proper :permi t I'epair s, al tC)]::'cc tions, extensicns, expansions and the :co -m.odeling or re - builditLS of SUCll structure s in all case s 1?!hoI'e L' refusEi.l to do 80 would bring hardship to tho owner or occupants and in all cases v,liere justice require 8 the c;rant:1.ng of the same. V,~l18never a Uc,e D:Lstrict shall be lwreafter changod, any then existing non-conforminG use in such changed district may be cont:1.nued or chan(.;ed to a use pormi tted :1.n that cUtI'ict, provided, all other re(~ula tions c;ovurnins tlee neVI_l ::::e 8..re cOElJl:1.ed Vii tho Whenever a non-conforming use of a building has been chango{ to a J110re 11estrictecl ll~,8 Ol~ to 8~ corlfa use, StlCll 1..188 sj~lal:L riot heroafter be cllan~'8d to a loss restr~icted use. SEC'I'ION DC Height and Area Exceptions Height: (a) In the 35 feet he:1.ght districts, public or soai- public IJcLilcUnus, hospitals, SEl.n:1.taI'hmls or schools, may be oI'oct,ed to ane:1.ght not exce,jding GO foet '{[hen set bad\: an. add:1. tional floor on all s:1.des for each such buildings excoed 35 feet in height. (b) Pa:C'apet 1:Jalls not exceeding 4: feet in height, cLLimneys, cooling towers, elevator bulkheads, fire towers, s tElnJ<s, ~~;l'[{in elevators, penthouses, stacks, towers or sconer~ lofts, Sll[~ar . S l~ r~e l' ine l'} 1 0 s, -CaIll~:3 , 'V'Ia te 1'" towers, radio towers, oI'namental towers, monument:::: cupolals, '1 Qomes and spires and necess mechanical appurte- nances ~av be erected as to their height in accordance t11 8:;cistinG or hereafter adopted ordirlances of the City of Grand Island. li.l~e a: (a) For the purpose of area regulations of semi-detached (two :Camily) dvro 11ing and four-family dvvellinc; (double dunlex or .<. . double flats) having a COEmlon paI'ty VIall shall be considered as one build:1.ng occuping one lot. e I I I e ORDINANCE NO.2162 Cont. 15 f, ) \ i) Eni1dings on tilrough lots and running from ~;trecd.; to ,s'l';I'eot may vraiwe the reql1ireli1ents of a rei:U' yard by furni~jhing an eqi.dvalent open space in lieu of such required rear yard. ( cC) In compu. tins the dep th of a 1"'e,:;1.T yard for any building IHhore such rear yard opens into an alley or street one-half of such alley or stroet may be assumed to be a portion of the yard. (d) Every part of a required yard or court shall be open from its lowest point to the sky unobstructed, except for the ordinary pro- je ctioDs - sills, bel t course s, c01"'nice s, ornamental feaL.;ure s and cave s nrovided however, that none of the above projections shall project into a corHotm.ore than 6 inches nor into a minlmuliL side yard 11101'0 tham 24 inches. (e) No cornice shall project over tho street line more than 5 pOI' cent of tho width of such street, and shall in no case project more Uwn I] fee t. (f) Open or enclosed fire eicapes, fireproof outside stairways and balconies opening upon fire towers, shall not project into a yard 11101'e than 5 feet or onto a court more than 31 foet, and the o:C'cJinary projections of chimneys and :Clues may be p8r~:li tted by the building inspector INhere the same are so placed as not to obstruct the liCht and ventilation. (g) 1\0 yaJ-:d, COU1,t, or other open space s provided about any buildinc; for tlle purpo;:::e of cor:rplyins vIi th the provisions of these rei.;ulations shall i)e used as a ~rard, court 01' open ,;pace foT' a.nother builcLin2~ . SECTIOE X: Board of Adjustment A Board of Adjustment composed of the City Council, 1181')0 b\! </ l. c< u established. 'II]L8 vJord lIBoardl1 vrl:len used Ln thi.s section, shall be construed to moan the board of Adjustment. ~L'ho T.Tayor shall preside as Chairman and the City Clel"Jr shall act as the Clerk of said Board. ]\-'18 e t in[~~ s : IhLG {llee tines of the30arc1 shall bo held at the call of the Chairman, and at SllCh o they' times as thel)oar'd may cS.eter.mine. nlO I30ard sLall seiop tit:::; OVIn rule; s of pro Ce6.U1'0 and Jwep a re cord of its proceedings showing the action of the Board an(; the vote of Gach nember upon eac.c.;. '_ruestion considered. Ihe prosence of Six (6) ilembers of saie!. Ci ty Council shall be necessars to constitute a cl'LJ.orUll1. e I I I e ORDINANCE Nm.2162 Cont. 16 Appeal: Appeals to the Board of Adjustment may be taken by any person a~Grievcd, or any o1'fi cer, department, board or bureau of the municipali ty aff'ect8d by any decision of the "i.dministrative of:Cicer provided, such~peal shall be taken within ten days after the decision of the administrative officer, by filinG vfith tile officer i'rom whom the appeal is talcen, and wi th the Clerk of tho Board of ,,'~dju[)tment vJritten notice of appeal specifying the grounds tJ:wreof. [The officer from whom the appeal is taken shall forthwi thGl~ansmi t to the :board all'the papers con.sti tu ting the record upon vrhich the action a:Jpealed from was taken. The Board of Adjustment shall fix a reasonable time for the 1 . ~ t' l.earlng 01 ne appeal, give public notice thereof as well as due notice to the parties in interest and decide the same within a reasonable tinTs. 'rile hearing shall be public and any party may' appear in person or by agent or attorney. '1'L'e Board of Adjustment may, in specific cases, after public hearing, find and determine whether the grantin2,; of such application, subject to any conditions specified by the board, will be consistent with the purpose, objoct and spirit of this ordinance. In passing upon such applications, the Board of Adjustment shall take into consideru. tion any pc culiar 01' unu sual circumf~tanco s in tJlO charac tel' of the proposed builcUnC, the [;round upon WIdell it is to be e:C'octed, and tho surroundings of said buildinG, and shall givo consideration to the fact that the letter of the ordinance does not always apply equally due to the fact that concH tiens have beon largoly determined prior to the onactment 01' Zoning Ord:Lnances. No application shall be approved until and ftnless the Board of Adjustmont shall l)'~r a vote of not lOSE: than si:;;:: of its xnembers fo:emally fi:CJ,d that ti.le granting thereof 'will not be in violation of the pU.l'poses objects and spfl?it of this o:t>dinance, but will pl'ol'note the same and relieve unnecessar:r hardship and accofnplis.t1 substantial justice. In specific cases the Board of i\.djustment sIlall have the povver ano may authorize by permit a vaI'iation of tho application of the DEle, Height and Area District regulations herein established in harmony vlith thoi]:, Goneral purpose and intent in the following cases: (1) Grant a perini t i'or i=~ -i:;e.:.;poj:,ary builcllns foI' corm::lerce or inclustI'Y in a residence cilstrict which is incidental to a l'osidential development, such permit to be issued for a period of not more than one year and not to be renewable. e I ORDINANCE NO.2162 Cont. 17 (~~) .Grant a permi t for the reconstruction, wi thin twelve months of' a building located in a district restricted against its uoe, which has bee destroyed by fire, explosion or other calalTli ty to tile extent of not more than fifty p()r cent of its value. It beine; understood that if dalilaSGd or destroyed more than 50;'; of its value, the Salne cannot be rebuilt or s truc turally 0.1 teI'od and no perl":d t therefore shall be granted and provided further that such application has been made vJithin the tV/Glve months as hereinbefore provided, (3) Grant a permit for the erection and use of a building, or the us of a premises, in any location to a public service corporation or for public utility pU.rposes which the Board deem.s necessary for the public convenience or welfare. (4) To hear and decide special exen~tions to the torms of the ordinance upon which the Board is required to pass. (5) '1'0 authorize upon appeal in specific cases and to grant a permi t fOI' such variance from the tenns of the o1'dinance s as will not be contrary to the public inte1'est, where owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of the ordinance will result in I unnecessary hardship and so that tho spil'it of the ordinance shall be observed and substantial justice done. I e 16) The Board of Adjustment shall have the further power' to inter- pret the provisions of this ordinance to carry out its intents and purpose (7) The 130ard of AdjufJtment shall have the pOYJer to adopt, from. time to time, such rule sand. 1'egula tions as :may be deemed ne ce s sary to carry into effect the provisions of this ordinance. !ri: the exerci sing of its powers the BoaI'd may, in confo1'mi ty, vii th the :provisions of the ordinance, reverse or affirm, 'livholly or partly, or may modify the oI'der, requirement, decision, or determination appealed from and may make such order, requirement, determination or decision as ought to be made, and to that end shall have all the powers of the officeI' from whom the appeal is taken. SECTION XL Certificate of Occupancy No vacant land shall be occupied and used and no buildinss here- after erected OI' st1'ucturally 0.1 tered, shall be occupied or used until a certificate of o~cupancy has been issued by the Building Inspector. e I I I e ORDINANCE NO.2162 Cont. 18 CEIiTIFICATE 02 OCCUPANCY OIi' A. ILDING: Certificate of occupancy of a new building or the alteration of an existing building, shall be applied for coincidcm t wi th the application for a bl..dlc1ing permi t and shall be issued within ten days after the erection or alteration of such building shall have been completed in conformity vlith the provisions of tr.lese regulations. C.,~H'llIF'ICA'I'E OF' OCCUPANCY FOR LANDS: Certificate of occupancy for tho use of vacant or tile change in the use of land as herein provided, shall be applied for before any such land shall be occupied or used and a certificate of occupancy shall be issued within ten days after the appli- ca tion has been made, provided, such use is in con1'o1'111i ty wi tll the pr'ovi- sions of these regulations. A record of all certificates shall be kept on file in the office of the Building Inspector, and copies shall be furnished on request to any person having a proprietary or tenancy interos1 in the building or property affected. No fee shall be charged for an original certificate applied for coincident with the application for a building permit, for all other certificates or for copies of the original certificate there ~~all be a fee of One Dollar ($1.00) charged for each. No permit for excavation for any building shall be issued before application has been made for certificate of occupancy. CJ~nfrni'ICA'I':LG ore OCCUPANCY TIOE NON-C ORfuING USE: Certificate. of occupancy for non-conforming use existin:_: at the time of the passaGe of tb.is ordinance, shall be issued by trle BuilcUng Inspector and the certi- ficate shall state that the use is a non-conforndng use and does not con- form wi th tlle provisions of this ordinance. 'l'he Bulldinc; Inspector shall notify all occupants of property being used as non-conforning uses and said occupants shall, within 30 days after receipt of such notice, apply to the office of the Building Inspector for a certificate of occuoancv. .!.. tJ / SBc'rION XII Plats All apllications for building permits shall be filed with the City Building Inspector, and be accompanied by a plat in duplicate dravm to scale, sllOvdng the ac tual dililensions, radius and angle s of the lot to be built upon, wlti~ the exact size, dimensions and locations of the buildings and accessor',,/ buildings to be erected, and t.he use for which designed, and sLall be i:n the residence district also show the location of dwelling e I ORDNIANCE NO.2162 Cont. 10 houses on abutting lots, and such other information as shall be necessary for the enforcement of this ordinance. A careful record of suc!.! appli- cations and plats shall be kept in the office of the Building Inspector. One copy of such Dlat shall be 1'oturned to the owner when the appli- cation has been acted upon. S,;CTI XIII Interpretations In the interpretation and application 0 the provisions of this ordinance, they snaIl be held to be the miniTIwlli requirements adopted for the procllotion of the p'lblic .1:1ealth, safe ty and ;:.;ene1'al V'JOlfa1'e. '1'his ordinance shall not apply to existing structures nor to the existing use of any building, but .shall a:c.:ply to any alterations of a buildinc; to );H'ovide :Cor i ts ~use 1.'01' a purpo se, or in a manner dilferen t froll.l the use to which it vms put bo:Core alteration. It is not intended this ordinance to repeal, abr03ate, annul or in any VIa:] impair or i11.ter:['ere wi tb any e::d sting 1"e s:_ric tion", of law or ordinance, or with any rule, regulation or permit previously adopted or liS sue d. pur suan t to law, H,', i tin,,; tlJ e use 0 r a bull dInG or remu,c s; no r is it intended by this ordinar:.ce to lntel"feI'e with or abrogate or annul I e with any restrictive easements or covenants between parties; provided, however, that \:;118I'O this oI'cUnance imposes a createI' l~estriction upon the use of buildings or promises or requires largeI' yards or open , . slJace S .C.Llan are inlposed or l"equired by SUC.L e.xlsting provisions of' law or orcHnance, or by such 1'ules, resulations, or permits, or suc];. easements 01" cove- nants, tho p}."ovisionEl of tllj_s ordinance shall control. SEcrrION XIV Boundaries of Districts 1~e boundaries of the various districts shall be as shown upon the map attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance, and designated .as the "Use and heignt District Llap.ll Where uncertainty e_xi s ts wi th re spe ct to the boundarie s of the various districts, the following rules shall apply: (a) '1'he district b01.1n0.m"ies are ei-;~h(::;l" streets or alleys unless otllel"wi se f:hovm, and there tho de sic;na tion on tne m.ap accompanyinz and made a PLu't of this ordinance indicated that tho various cUcJtrict::'i are approximately bounded by street or-alley lines, said streot or alley shall be construed to be ~he boundary of such district. e I I I e ORDINANCE NO.2162 Cont. 2-0l (b) VJhoI'o tho (Listrict bOLmclaI'ios aro :not otLerwi~)e LncUca:_ecl and whero the prop rty l-,-a~) beon cUvided into blocks anei lots, tho d]~;tr:ict boundaries E\l.all be c:onstrLlOd to be lot line~); and_ y:hc:ro the designation on tI1o;iap ac cOIrlpanying <:111 d. ,(:1 c:t (1 e a 1) a~~-1 t co ,'" " or .l~lJ.l s ordinance indicates that the various clic::d;ricts are approximately boundod by lot linos, said lot IH1C s ccLall be cons tru,od to be the boundary of such eE strict. ( c ) In un- subdivided propeI'ty, tJ.1e district boundary lines on " TLe :map accompan,y ing and made a part of tiLL ~j orci.J.nance :::1:1a.ll be 6e termined use of the scale contained on such map. SJ~C 'r I Cl:L:~. )CV- Arn.endments and changes The Cj. ty Coulcil ':ClaY, ~;'rom time to t:L e, on its ovvn. jEO tJ.on or on. , . t" d 1 ' pe"Gl lon, aLler:: '., [:i,~,)jJ_ emern:; or tb.e regulations, restrictions and C J..,)J..ll[; e boundaries of districts as set forth in tJ1S oralnance, rovided, that . " J 1 no SUCLL cl!.ange sna__ become effective 'L~ntil a:l.'ter a 1 i c l}(; f;lr irlL'~ in rel~tion thereto, at ell ~pE-lrtlo>~:; i:n lr.lt()Y~cst anc1 citi~jel1.S st1.D..ll.LlEt'I8 an Ol)portunity tOGe llOarC:L. l;otice of t':10 tiille and place of Budl nearing and the proposed amcndoli1ent snall be ::jiven by publication thereof in a paper 01 goneral circulation in Grand Island at least one tiDw, ten days prior to such hearing. In case of the filing of a protest against ,3UCJl change, si:;ned b'J the owner's of ~:O per cent or more either oi' tIle aro8. of G.nG lots included in such proposed change, or of those irmnediately adjacent in the rear there- of, oxtend:Ln[; 100 feet there from, or of those directly opposi to thereto extendins 100 feet from the street frontage of such opposite lots, such 8..luendments shall not become effective except by a favorable vote of three-fourths of c,ll the members of t.b.e City Council. VJbenever the owners of fifty per cent or moy'e of the aJ:,oa of the lots in any district, or part theroof, desire any amendment, StljJplement or change in any of the p~covisions of tllis ordinance applicable to such areas. or to have the clasE:lfice.tion of that particula.r area changed to another existing classification, they may file a petition with the City Clerk roque sting the Ci ty Council to make sl..lch amendment, [:~upploment or change. Suci: petition ,;hall be aCCOElIJanicd by a map or drawIng showin.g the area af'l~ectGcl b~T t118 l)r)O~pos8d~ Cll2:U:1C;O, to tl181'? vrit11 tlls nELCIOS &11(1 actd_l~8[)ses of all owners of record title to lots 1 l .. 'Cns 1"'0 :I.n. r: i thin thirty day s f'I'Ol1J. the filing of the petition the Council shall vote thereon and if a three- e I I I e ORDINANCE NO.2162 21 fourtlls majority are favorable to the request, shall proceed to initiate such chanSe, hold the public 11earill.~~ required and entertain Dl"otestE1 ~ as outlined heroin. ~3Ti~ C IJ: I Q }~- ~C~V I ~. Enforcement 'rhe City Building Inspector wi:..o r::hall be tho admini r,tra tive officer, is charged with tho enforcement of this ordinance. No building pormit shall be issued by hiLl for tho erection or structural alteration of any building unless tho plans conform to tho provisions of this ordinance. Ap:~)eal from the decision of the'juildinc; Inspector may be mao.e to the n'O,).l)C~ of Lc1ju s tnlont a s provided in Se c tion XI. S.'.sC/ITJH XVI] w 'lalidity Should tho COlu"ts declare any section or any pi:Let of a [jection or any 8.1" ti cle or any pac t of an arti cle, or any ti tle or any par>t 01. t. ti tIe of this ordinance unconstitutional or unauthorized by law, or in conflict with any article or title of this ordinance, then such decision shall affect only the section or part or sub-division of a section or article or title of this act. SEC'I'I01'T Xll:III Violation and Penalty All'S person, firm, or corporatiol viola tine; any of tho provisions of this oi'cUnanco shall be deemed guilty of amisdom.eanor and upon conviction thereof, [jhall be finecj in any SULl not exceecling ;::aoo for anyone offeYlSe, recoverable wi th CO[;ts together with judgment or imprisonment until the amount of said fine and costs shall be paid. Bach day that a violation is nermitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. ;3~S~C rIll OI-I YJ.)C Ordinance No. lE<~5 of the ordinance s of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. S;.;G T I XX-- This or-ciinance shall be in force and t:;ake effect from and after its 1 " bl. 1-. . " passage, approva ane. pu lca'vlon as,; requlI'eO Pas [:;ecl. and approved this 17th A~"I':E~;srl' p / -:z~S ~ -_."~- city Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 2163 An OI'C) inanca lcv-yinc; spe cial taxa s to pay :(01" the co s t of cons truc- tion of Sewer District No. 211 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, e I and prOVlQlng for the collection thereof. I'I' 01\.DA B'Y~ TITT!.~ T\'~:J~,:[OIl /AITD C I~I:S~ C en.! OF' C 1'I'Y OF ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SL~CTIOj\ 1. rChat there is hereby levied and as se;~ sed a spe eial tax a;..;ainst the ,several lots, tracts and :parcels of land hereinafter :c:et forth for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of the sewer in 3eVJcr District ITo. 211 of said City, in accoro.ance yvith tLie benefits found and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by tile Liayor and Ci ty Council of said City, sittinc as a Board of ~qualization after due notice having been given thereof, as provided by law; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land lS assessed as follows: NAND}; LOT BLOCK ADDITIOIT ALiO1JlT'I' -- I France E: Olsen 8 15 Ashton :)61. 59 Place otto '~~ . McKinney-Husband 9 \I II 61. 59 Duane Kersey 10 II \I 61. 59 '-". Duane 1_,' Kersey 11 II II 6l. 59 ,L'J. DU.ane ,':1 Kersey 12 I' II 63.97 _:~'..J . Alex and Buphrosine E:alkowsld l~) II II 63.97 Alex and "'-1 .. KalkoVJski 14 II II 61. j!Jl.lpnrOSlne 59 GeorGe ,- zaine ~)choel 15 II II 61. 59 c~ George L: :Glaime Schoel 16 \I \I 6l. 59 BanI.;: j,'~o tor Co. 1]7 II 11 6l. 59 ;:;!i;C'l'ION 2. rrhe taxa s so levied shall become payable and delin- quent in the manner provided by law. I e S~CTION 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the Cit'uT 1:reasurer t;he aElOunt of sal'.d 'Iv-,clxe's '0"et1'e"" T"fl-l-l' lY1 tl" l- I ~__ 'C G~"~,~ J. v,' l/1 . uS uc -vions 'co collect the same, as provided by law. SECTIOlf 4. 1~is ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as Passed and approved this /7t1z.. day of _.~c~~ la \\' . l~ rIII~Ll It S ~[l : e I I I e onDL,ANCE TiO. .....2l64 An ordinance levyin~ special taxes to pay for , , '[D.e con- co st OJ. struc.tioJ~ of SeD3r 01stric-t IIa. 212 of -tIle City of Grarld Island, Nebl)- aska, and prOvi for Lie collection reof. 3:~ IT (JFlL''!!'';:]) AnD I'D' C elli-I rj~ln.i~ C I ilr~{ OTl' I ;3 Ll~ITT) , IT::j~"r :::;T:C'i.'IOTi 1. rrlJ.at tJ:lel~e is r181"e1J:r levlcc1 and. aSS8S[3Gc1 a special ta:z against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter sot :CortJ:J f01' the p,-,lrJ)()Se of payin:., tbe cost of con,C)tJ:>l~ction of the i:30Vler in Sewer District No. 212 of said City, in accordance wi the benefits fotlnd and as se s sed a[;ains t the i:1everal lot s, tract s anel parce 1;3 of land in Sel dis'~rict by' tlle Llayor and City COD.Dell of said City, sittinG as A Board of allzation after due notice havin['; been ;::;iven thereof, as provided by law; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of lane] J.S assosseei. as follows: Yfij.j\I,j ~ LO'l' BLOCE ADDI'I'IOIJ A,...OUl'T~L' ----...... 21 "1.") ,",c" n ;.':;77. 00 l . <... .~. :..-) . 2nd II 11 '77. 00 11 tl 77.00 II 11 77.00 fl 11 7'7.00 it II 7'7.00 \I IT '77. 00 if II l~JrJ 00 I ( . \l 1l r'.' (';' 00 ( ( . II Ii 77. 00 ;30 II 7? 00 It 11 \"/ \-j 00 I I . If It i~/7' . 00 Ii Ii 7'7.00 n 11 ?? 00 If 11 ?? 00 II II 77. 00 11 IT ?? 00 11 II 77. 00 fl It 7 r;'~ . 00 tia}' Durrlon t 1 J\'lay DUGont 2 I>.lElon t Hi ch:::u'd L. t 18 :t. J\ i GIllaYln II F;c}'Ylard L. Doan ~ u T)ernard L 1"\ A :>0 an . .: _~J . . r-nar-d L . l.'lar:l ~ .' J . Ii . Joan c u r.' ( Jje r11a~ecl I~. l..~ l'.'j.alr~T J.G. l~. Do 8wD n () City of '::I'and Island 9 City of GraYl~ Island 10 Gstate of nobcrt . \;on:~or 1 1:J 1 0 _~_:J. () "" i. -[;1.1. . L.ani:)en C;u'l V. LOL'D.anJl ~:) e fi 8 i e _.r . J i e t ~: ell 4. '~'<j 3 sic ;-i-. :U i e t s CJ"l 5 arC! ).1. L Anna Leo Youne; r> o Ju.lius:\. c: iJar;y Gl"ace Pierpont \~I J11 J_ i u~ ~3 ['"'L. ,(" Liar:'T (} 1'--' a ee 1--> i e l~lJ all t o u J. ~. Piorpont ~ Gracs U. Pierpont 9 J)e all J). 8i~ i~l") 1 8Tle 'nJ. IJ II ca. S 10 TOI'I 2. f11118 tc1.:J-cG [~ so L;VlSd "Cl"ll Jeco.']0 .-'aynl)le ,.,: ,--,- 1 1l.0 1-''-- Cl. and delln- quent in the manner provided by law. e I I I e 0'.'.')1'.: ':. -,(",.,., ,TO 2164 ( I .~ ) .eu J.,;.L-~.L,~ ..iJ~IJ .LI.: . ___ con. v S:ECT10IT 3. '1'he Ci ty Clerk is hereo-y cUrected to certify to the City '1'2easurer the amount of said taxes togetb.er vdth instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. Si~crrI 4. Tnis ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passaGe, approval and publication as provided laD. Passed aIle) ~lDl)rOved this /1 d ~ .L l'1ITfJ1Esrl11> i3 s~ Clerk ---- e I I I e onDIlTANCE 1;0 2165 An o):,cl:'Lnance J_cv~/ special ta:ces to o lOT' the cost ofl COD- ~pa~T structlon of ,c~;ewor j)istrict Ho. 213 of tho C1ty of Grano Island, 1'iebr- aska, an.d prov1ciirli_: :COT' tL:e colle ction thereof. :3L. I'l' On.'-.JA .C),r T,....U\-Y()~R f\.l:.:-t) Clr~L)Y COTTI,TelL r~c~::}:; CITY Olj'l ~::HAND IS D, SI(f~ : 'rIOL 1. '},ha t tr18I'C is hereby lcv:tcc:l and assessed a sDccial tax '- a[~ain~Jt the sevcr.s.l lot:,,], tracts and iw.:roeels o:C land .!18I'einaftor set fort]} for the plrpo se of )aying the co s t of corw true tion of tl:8 sowel' in !30ViCI' lJistriet ho. ~313 of said City, in acco:cdanco vlith tho bc::ofits Bound and assessed against the several lots, tracts .s.nd paI'cels of land . <> -I l.n saJ..o district ,- i..) ,<,> LJ.l....v 1-.1f]. 7)-0 l~ [;'1..11.d r' ." .,J J_ CO:E1Cil of said City, sittinG as a :50aTcI of ,;~qualization after oue notice tl&V t)80Y1 r~5.verl tl.l8r(--)oj~, ~J.S providod law; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assossed as follows: Nm:le LOfT ADDI'rIOYJ AbOUN'r BLOCK Etta Nelson 169 Belrnont "': 50 Ie) 'jj't ?J. /-J :lEt ta No lson 170 II 54.18 Adelia .L~ddy 171 II 54.18 Adelia J~~(ld.\T u 172 It 54.18 Adelia .Gddy 173 1 oil.18 JOrln Bertha i.i. Lawre~/ 174 It 54.18 Jolm 2:3ertha H. Lawrey 175 II 54.18 Grace ~. Nearhood-widow ~ )' Doan L. Nearhood-son ) II 52 . 12 176 11 177 54.18 l/iubel CalveY'S 178 !I f34.18 I\i~a.l)el Calvers 179 1I 54.18 C lara '3. [Iayno s IdO II 54.18 C lC:L11a F}. Jla~Ille s 181 1I 5,1,.18 Clara T3. Hl;ryne s 182 11 54.18 J. J. KlinGe 183 II 50.40 J. tT. YCling6 18~l: 11 52.12 I!1orence D: 1:.1i Idren HOGors II 52.12 185 Floyd A. Linn 186 II 52.12 f_:~ldOl)a II. ;-31) () cl~ 1<3'7 II 5~2 . 12 i:lc::o:eD. L. :~pock 18[3 II 52.12 LGdor!::l. L. 3pe ck 11 50.40 189 1:111,3. 1\. D. J.~a~Tn8 s II 190 50.40 e I I I e ORDIK1\J'TC:C NO. .z.lQ.l__ (Con' t) rrAIl,iE J\1ary Layne s s. Clara L'. Hayne s Mrs. Cla~a . Haynes Clara .r:. Haynes Grace L. '["homas Grace L. rL'..lomas Shelby V. ~ Alto. A. 1101'" Shelby V. c:; Alto. A. 1:1illor Inez :_I~. j:~clvlcLrcis Ine Z LIJ. :r~(lVla11c~s Leonard Crouch 1.-11'8. Clal4a . }lL1~ynes Mr8. Clara B. Haynes Mrs. Louise Kipp Louise lCipp Louise Kipp J~t ta ITe 1 801:1 Syrle L. Sallincer 1':tta Nelson I~tta 1\81son LOT BLOCK ADDITION AIO'JN'1' -- --- 191 BelmBnt (::;52. 12 192 if 52.12 193 II 52.12 lC]Lt II 52. 12 >/ ~ 195 II 52.12 19 () II 50. 40 197 II 54 . 18 1913 II [;4.113 199 II 51, lq J. . c,., 200 1I 5Ll. 10 u 201 if GL~ . I" u 202 11 54. 113 ~203 11 rm ,....., 12 ~);.:.; . 204 11 r: 4 10 d:t . u 205 II 54. In ~. 0 206 II 54,. 18 207 it 54. 18 ~. . 208 II 54. 10 ~U 209 1I ;'54. IE" ~210 11 52. 12 SL~C'I'IOTr 2. IJ'he taxe 8 SO levied sJlal1 be come paya'ble ane. elincruont in the manner provided by law. ;:j:.,C'I'IQF 3. The Ci ty Clerk is horo'()y eUroctoeI to cortify to the City ':.'1'ea8U1'Or tILe amount of said. taxe::; tocethol" vii collect the same, as provided by law. ins truc tions to S~C'I'ImI"1. 'l'his ordinance sLall be in i'or'co and take effoct :Crom and after its pass , approval and publication as provided ~y law. 'o"'ss""c' arle' '''opY'ovoo' .'--1---J' c< /7 t::I:.- J_C),4"-'7. .L 0_ 0 L .. ,L Uw 1 _ . ~ uJ.l ~ u ....... A i? rl1~i~ 3 rll : ~c~~ e I I I e (,T)'j"'1"'^ ~Tc'r" ','r )1 h6~6 uE"L.._.i.i:.L'-;1-1.1': ~ 1!"...)._~_____~ An ordinance levying special taxes to D ior the cost of construc- t10:i:l ()f' ;.._',eVJc;~e jji:::;tr:Lct 0.216 o:f tl18 C=1.t-:I oi~ :~J11arlcl Islancl, C~Jr'El~J}~a, [1:(16_ .. ."1 1~) J~ 0 Y/:1 C! t...1.O colle c tion t:(lf; y.c oil. ~L 01: L-,j_'J I~.1 "'-:],1' l.'~.1~'~{O'(.~ Ii.- .1-\ C..li:C~,~' C'-JrrL'.CIII O_~'i; '-,1' ",,;. -'-';'.:...'-.:..) . I TY Uti' ~--'~I~l'TJ) I ~).: ~~ C I:.~ I iJ :i.\1' 1. rI~1:~a t tl181")'8 levied ant' Et r) I) :-~:) c i ~ll tEl:{ i Ej 110 ~e8 ':" CI ('( cl ~-) I) ;::::Jec Elc;owinst "011(; .('::~everal lotc~, tl~cl.ct::; ct 1'1 (' lJ,c-LL)cels of' 1 a 1"J.ci j:1e:r."(~ t8IJ .so t i'ort~l} j~'OIJ trJ.c })11~e~po i3e oJl 1)8~~yil1~ tI10 co S -l~ COYln tY'1.lC t10J:1 o~C tIle C' C-, 1.~" '::'. -,,# uV \-~ l:.i.L =~_rl ~) c ']'Ie) r~ stl)ict 1,;0. ~-21G ai' sElic3.. Ci , llJ aCC()I~c3.2~llce \Vit~L'l tJ_~';.8 [1(; j. J. '[~ S found anc:i aSS88soa a~alns~ the s8v'eral lots, tracts arld aI)c81[=:~ " 01 land in ... ", '1" , II I [1 [1 :,L C, C."L ~L {"_" ':__~ 1'"1 :.L C 'c, the r D.Yle). C 1- . , :?j:L. T~ COtl;:.1.cil oil fjDicl C1 as '.--\,. c:ll""1(l. o~C !:.:.;cl-i,lalizatioY1 al'tCJl" c-:~ue I10ti.C8 l"lcl..V' been ~~j_vorl i~118r8of, C', (..., Cl ,~) idc:d l[lrI; 88.C.l.., at' t118 several J_ots, tJ~Elcts at1.c:; ~paJ.'"1cels o.f lanc~ is assossod as follows: liALl;~ L''.'''' \., .L AI'iO'Jl<'r :LOClC ADDITIOF I~oy Jo}ulson Jr. 11 lEi 11 ? 5. s_:o r3 cal-X'i' t EJ ". J l' ," I~'j l__ =L aIrl l). , lJ.ilclt:l .'-~. ~l.laC;e~e Ii Y75.40 It 1') I~ _;~lcIorl i\. [JeG A. l,crritt 12'; II \I '/5. 11,0 ~~',)rilJ_:t8_-[n C. (: l.iilcIt:l ~_~. IT~1.~ge 14 II ? [s . ~: 0 it Eldon A. Dee A. Merritt 1,' u 11 7b.40 It 1/J"ilJ_isx:l t\. C:. IJois }~. (~i:18~.=.~c;e 16 Ii '1b.40 if Eldon A. ~ Dee A. Merritt 11 75.40 1I 17 ~"';.o'bo ~e t :t~. c.:, l~)or is 1:1:. C OYl tl"~Tlllan II 7b.40 II 1(, c,) OscaJ:' L. I:attie Kent 1I 'Ii' [_). 4:0 1 1(3 11is L. th (~ II 75.40 II Ljaro t Oscar & Lattie Kent II ?~).~lO \l .:) J{811~i.s L. (:'.: tro.rc;aJ_:ot it '7 ['). 40 II tll 0: Loralrt8 '\!. r~El S}nU~fJ sen 11 \I ? ~S. 40 ,.. u I. Irene Darline II 75.40 II ,.. o Loraine V. II 75.40 11 '7 ~", .CtElSj.Dllf3 seD.. I. Irene it 75.0:0 II l:i,n~~ 8 N-o 1J.1 0 I".'lcl t tlY1{~lJT Ii 'fl' [). ~:O II 9 I. Irene Darlin~ 11 ? 5 . ~1:0 II 10 C lifl'OI'd I. 11 ?t).~:o .. " 1: oI'a:ale s 11 I. I:eenc D,lI'lLnc; II '15. 40 Il 10 ,~ Cllf~ford I. &: ~'OJ~a }Jales d 75.~W 11 lZS I. Irene ]Jarlinc Il Y/ c'. 4:0 II 14 r I I e CE FO. 21~66__( conI t) ITAJ\E LO'I' 1\D1)1 ~~1OIJ BLOCK ;']ona i;Ien Pronske l c; _'J 18 ;3cal')=f=C's l=enne th IT:Lelilo trl 1r:' o II 11 Andrew Clad.::- s u . E1 tt1e Andrew \.;lac"';;T s .,. . ld. t t1e Andrew ...;~ C:1adys fi . Kittle f\:rldI~eiJV ~ (}lad,ys 1\'.i. . Kit tle 1 23 II 1I II n ~ '2 c.) II Ii 4 II II Andrew Gladys ill. Kittle r: ...; II II Anclrew 2 C:-ladys D. ICittle r' o II !I Ai.IomTT 75. 40 ? E). 40 r~ () . U(J 86.58 8 C:,. t~C3 0(' r:o L;lJ. t,.)CJ 86 . E~}8 . b[3 ;~.:,;crn:OlT ~~. nle taze s so leVlod shall be como payable and de linqu.en t in the ':lanner provided b:/. law. III tJ . fJ~l":!_G C i Clerk ic< hero directed to certify to the Clt~/ fj-.ll-oas11rer the 8.11l0UJ.'J.t of salcl ta:zes to(.';etl:1er v/ltl1 lrlstI~1)..cti()ns to collect the same, as provided by law. SI';C'II1 Lt j'hi s orcUnance cJiwll iJe in for ce and take eff e c t ~:'rom and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Pas sed and approve d thi s /1-a ciay 11. ~Ll ~C]_~~ ~j II: : s~ Cler]r Ol1DIITJirrCE l\TO. 2162 An ordinance levyins special taxes to pay for the cost of construc- tion of Sewor District . 217 of the City of Grand Island, "',";-., , l'~ 0 0 1'l[1 S.:_=a, ana providing for the collection thereof. BE Ire OHDf\.n;.m EY 'I'll.'; LIAYOF: Ai.JD CI~C~{ COlEJCIL Or' CITY 011" C.T{lil<rD I SL.P~l<rD, ;.-)J:';;CI'IOiJ 1. 'l'lla t there is hereb:-{ levied and as se s sed a spe cial tax against the fJeveral lots, tracts and parcels of land I.lOreinafter se t fo:C'th fo:(' the ptlrpo se of paying the cos t of cons true tion of the sewer in Sewer District No. 217 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed asainst tho several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the bayor and City Council of said City, sittinc as a Board of ~qualization after due notice havinc been en thereof, as provided IJY law; each of the several lots, tractEJ and parcels of land is assessed as follows: I\J j~I,JIC LO~r ADDlrnON ALlOUW:e Ea Ulle en r' Arthur 163 Vle st Larm l' 62 20 1..-.; . ,... . F ,., 1 IirtllUr H:iLJ: 11 tt G~~ 20 1:\ a -eil e en ~~r . . I Kathleen n I.. r thur 165 II it 62 20 \..:r . . Kathleen ! . Arthur 166 11 n 6~2 20 \....j . . Ka tt.Lle en ('; Arthur 167 It II C0 20 1...-, . Ut--J . E.8.thleen / ' Ar'thur 168 tt 11 62 ~~O ,x . . I~lias T:I ['{osa L. Star'r Ib9 11 1i (' C) 20 .. . v,::, . }~liEL S -0] i-:':) SEl L. starr rlo II II (J ~2 ~~O . c._, .,,0 . \'ii llie Lolen 0 [JremeI' 171 It 11 20 '0'; . c . . l<;uzene ,. Alma ,:, talnalwr 172 11 11 62 20 LJ . . j!~UtiOlle r:' Alma btalnaker 1725 11 Ii 62 20 I.... . . ~~.~UE'; (:3 Y10 r , . Alma ;:3 talna]:eGl") 1'74 n Ii c.,) 20 w . ~'..I O?:. . S.EC~.'IOl-J 2. 'I'he taxe 8 80 levied shall become ihayable anci (5.eli:6.quent I e in the manner provided by law. SECTION 3. The City CleI'k 113 hereby directed to ceI'tify to the City TI'G8.8Urer the amount of said taxed together with instructions to colle ct tl1e same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall De in force and take effect fI'om and after its passage, approval and publication as p~ovided by law. P - 1 1 ! l' /7 tl{, '" aS8ed ana approvea ~lllS /. nay or De ~ cfe~ ,/ Ii. [11 ~r}~ S r~~ : e I I I e Oj~;)IITAITCE . 216$ An or(,:Lnanco lovyLl2; spe c;ial -caxe EJ to pas :(0:(' tl.Le co CJ t o:C COyu: tnlc- t:Lon of ,:)C'i:O:e "J:L.c3trict liD. 21E; of the CitJ of C"ranc') Isli:cdl.d, i,e and lJI'ovid f' 0 ~(~ the collection t ":. r~ TdlereoI. I'T IT:' Th)i: l:J.\'IOn j~J\: J) C I /-'j V 1-L Q.}:] C L."{ UL' Gl1JUTD I~;LlU:D, F~2,RA;:)KA: ~).:~i~C rJ~ I ()l-r 1. !~C}1a t tilO l'}Q is 1'e lovj_e(: llnd asseSS8a ~ spoci&l tax [li_~D.ll1 stIle S G ,TO r~a~ 1 lot s , t]~~:l c t S [LY1CJ ~p ar C G lIs ai' J_arld JJ.e y~O =L:n.[l~L; tC}" ~3 e t tort.. forUw pur,oso of) the cost of construct:Lon of' the seriel' 11'1 ;'~_'~ev,!(;~e l)j.~jtl~ict 1.':;"0. ~:~J_:3 ai' sE;.icl Cit"-;l, i11 a(.col')cIE~rlco vlit.;11 tlJ.8 erlc~Cits fO-'~!.ncl ~lD.d. ar1SG[3~;GCL cl,~-~;:illl.st t:~le ~38vel~B.l lot[j, tl'ld.Cts D.j1(~~ -'.:-;E'tl'1ce11'J aI" 1arlcl J.n . , s a J. Ct ;::;i t~ t cjtr~lct the l.:ayor ~md (1 CotuJeil of' ;:~[.li(i C J.. t"Jr, C~0 a ,--,U,l'Cl. oil l~,~~,ation B,i't()I'J (1118 fJ.otice l.l.e.~v :J8 eTL [;1 v'ell IJ() O~l , n ("'. C)_).... v.Lc)ed OJ~ tl".;.c s eve I~D~l 10 t E; , trJa c t S ul1C} ljU1"J eel S 0 ~C 1 LtVI ; Gel. larld is assossed a2 Ec)llows: Glor' ...J.. :,:31aiI~ LO'T 13L(JC]{ _0- 1 Ll ('-) 11 t:- t.) il 4 11 r-:. 11 u G 1I ? \l n 11 0 Jl 69 03 . II '/0. ~20 11 ?0.~20 if (~ r' 03 u.:.J . If (.. '" 0" 0;) . ,:) If '/0. ~20 .Pl.}J J) I ~~; I () J."~ i\.U 0.1. rJ~ " '" '70.;:;0 Paclc()}:, Co JJa:er t ~~ II Wiwcl r . ElEdr 69.03 eLn~ Il. L:1air 'vihoe 1e:(' hi. Blair Op 1an.clo'{ . J.-1l...l o.~:" f\. J' anlO S Or~lELn.d.o :~. ~. 1-1. . J- Elrne s oloI',J113_1r ',','ho (; lor-;;lai):, ;:';C'CI ~2. ~Che taxe f3 so lov:iJ;d shall be como pa'~T(tble an.o delinquent lP tho manner provided b~ law. SECTION 3. Tho City Clerk 13 hereby directed to certify to the C 5- t:S- 11I'eaS-~LIle~e 1::.118 aJeLO'Ullt 01 saJ_ ta~c8 s to t~(1.8J.'4 'N:L tLL ins tI'lLLC tl011S to collcctU1C sarno, as prov16e6 by la\v. ';'101. 4. 'Lis .;r(inance ~:.;hall be in :C'orce and tEl.ke ctfcet l'rorJ alJ.C',~ .after) its pass , apI)roval and publication as pJ~ovi0Gd D '" J .',,_.,"/~-d ':,"- '''T'. "'i,,. 1(1.~' .. a':::~je(:L anc s.p)roveo. l,~ll..c / CcG\Y CH ~ JILL l:-r, J" (. 1 Ct Vi . i~IJ.;i.Ll ~s~ ---.-.----;T=r:,':",-;-;:-r;:-l.:, IT' .--,----,-.-- , " -'- l..! ,. __ c.. .., / e I I I e o;mniAI'TC;.:; r,o. 2169 A . 1 .. "l 'avr '" t. --,nT- 'JO", ,1.. 'r', ,'le, co 0)":- 0':,:" con~,':-)l',.~,,',..J.c- n oI'ClJ.nance ev;yinc: spc: CiLL 'G' ,~c:J.::, 0 l)e,) :C\ J. u. .. v - ..'.. t+ f ""J" 'J ~.I'r' c.l- I,TO 210 of +'.'-"',le- (',.-.Lt~J-' 0.1.,0 (~"~OVld 101,)".-,r1,- :Lon 0" ,:)CV'i:Jr j'iov i ,u :1. J' vC ..' u.'.u.l, '-'..c.C.CdV., rr 8.bI~a s].tQ, and provid fop the collection thereof. IT "iY,? J.:_',__ CI COU.i.CIL OF CI'~ry OF T s;_.:~c ID;; 1. rIl~i.}a t tl1G I'} 8 i ~i hereby levied and 1 ,," 1 aSSGSSGO a spccla tax a~ainst tile several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the p1.u'pose of pa~?inc: the cost of construction of tJJe sower in Sewor District No. 219 of said City, in accordance Witil the benefits found and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the 1iayor and City Council of said City, sit tlrl~~; a Board of gqualization after due notice nav lJ88:t1 c~;i.ven <:) ('( '..-\,f=-> thereof, af::()rovided by law; each of tbe several lots, tracts [.We). parcels of land is assessed as follows: HAl',m LOT BLOCK ADDITIO:) 1.1...1:1. \2:CTL~-lr 1\ 1 e 2: ,',~'.Jpbro sine I(:3.11co1;V c:~Jci 9 1" Ashto:n Place "'7" 00 \.) 1;1) ::.,. t-JC) II " 72.28 1I 1I '7;2.28 II 11 '7 E). 06 II 11 f/ b. 06 11 II ~l2.:2E3 II il 4.1'7 II 1I 6C~ . 11 II 11 )7~:~. 28 Alex c, Euphrosine 11WW ski 10 hlex c; }i;uphro sine 1\~alkoVJs]d 11 Estate of 11. Ii. ~31ake 12 Lucille ill. Thorndike 17 .J Luclllo 1.1. rrLorndike 14 Lucille ~. ~horndike i,1 ,,;..., Ii ~. L) 15 Abraha~son 3ullding SQoolv Co. E. 49115 ........ OJ A')raL.:m,mson !3.Jildin.[; ly Co. 1f3 rrIOIT 2. rrl1e ta:x~e s so le'liccJ 11 bocome payable and delinquent in tilO lnanner provided b~ law. !,.IO:~ o. ;~C_c~e Ci t;T C18rl-~ iEj lJ.or81J~Y (1il-;cct~~J(1 to ce~etiJ.':/' to tllG City a[3UrCr tho amount of said taxes to thc;r 1:dth instructions to collect tr18 S0.L1C, as:n'ovidcd by law. SI~C ~l I 4. 1.1.'1::1.s orcUnance slla11 be ieL force and take e:ffect from and af~tor .its passaGo, approval and .[JublicatJ.oD as provided. oy law. I)a~''''''o' Cliln' o'oprC)TTr-cc )--'li,.., /1vt.. 19 A. ,J ,)C,. 'd..~_ C'.~ . , 'cj J.. L.,I.~_. '" or, t ":.C 7 . llT' rr:~~ST: ~:~~ /