1956 Ordinances . I I I . ORDINANCE NO.3160 REPEALED BY ORDINANCE NO.3163 JANUARY 18TH,1956. REPASSED UNDER NO.3164. JANUARY 18,1956 ACCOUNT NO QUORUM AS PROVIDED BY STATUTES AND ALSO CHARTER. ORDINANCE NO. i161 An ordinanoe of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, appropriating . I an easement and right-of-way across oertain property described in the ordinance and which is wi thin ten miles of the corporate lirl1i ts of said City of Grand Island, to the u.se of the City of Grand Island, Hall County, \ Nebraska, as a .right-of-way for the construction, operation and maintenance of water mains, telephone and power lines and other public utilities, and for egress and ingress and the fee for sites for water wells. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE President and City Cwncil of the City $f Grand Island, Nebraska: WHEREAS, the City of Grand, Island requires a right-of-way for water mains, telephone and power lines and other }}ublic utilities, and also three tracts for the location of water wells, and the right of ingress and egress over the property hereinafter described, which property is within ten miles from the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, I Nebraska; and WHERE.A.S, the City of Grand. Island has failed to agree with the owners of said real estate, to-wit, Silda Stelk, Elmer Stelk, Evelyn Dielanan, Elaine Collier and Dorothy Sievers, for the purchase thereof; NON, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City of Grand Island does hereby declare that it is necessary for the proper constru.ction of its electric light plants and water works, including wells, pumps, mains and pipe lines therefor, I . to appropriate for said purposes the following described property, to-wit: The fee title to a tract of land in the Northwest Quarter of ' the Northwest Quarter (NWtNW~) of Section Twenty-three (23), Township Eleven (11), North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as f011ows: Beginning at a point on the west section line of said Section Twenty-three (23) 3,0 feet south 0f the northwest eorner of said Section Twenty-three (23); running thence east at right angles from said section line, 133 feet; running thence South at right angles 100 feet; running thence West at rightangles 133 feet to the said west section line of Section 23; running thence North on said section line 100 feet to the point of beginning; containing 0.305 acres, more or less. ORDINANCE NO. '1161 (con.) . I The fee title to a tract of land in the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (swiNW*) of Section Twenty-three (23), Township Eleven (11), North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly aescribed as follows: Cormnencing at a point on the west section line of said Seoticm Twenty-three (23), 1800 feet south of the nGrthwest corner of said Section 23; running thence east at right angles from said section line, 133 feet; running thence south at right angles 100 feet; running thence west at right angles 133 feet to the said west section line of Section 23; running thence North on said section line 100 feet to the point of beginning; containing 0.30, acres, more or less. I A fee to a tract of land in the Southwest Quarter of the South- west Quarter (SWiswi) of Section 'Fourteen (14), Township Eleven (n), North,:Ringe Nine (9), West 9f the 6th P.M., in Hall County, NebraSka, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point which is the intersection of the north line of said Southwest Quarter .of the Southwest Quarter (SWiswi) with the; southerly right-of-way line of the Chica.go, Burlingtltm and Quincy Railroad Company; rt1lU'I1ng thence southeasterly along and upon the said railrQad southerly right-of-way line, ,0 feet; running thence southwesterly at right angles fran the said rail- road southerly right-of-way line ,0 feet; running thence north- westerly at right angles along and upon a line whioh is parallel to and $0 feet southwesterly frem the said railroad southerly right-of-way line, 146"3 feet to the north line of said South- west Quarter of the Southwe.st Quarter (swi5Wi>; running thence east 108.71 feet to the point ef beginning, containing 0.113 aores, more Gr less; also an easement or right-Gf-way over and across a tract of land in the aforesaid Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (swisWi), m0re particularly described as follows: Beginning at a pGint on ihe southerly right-of-way line of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company ,0 feet southeasterly from the intersection of the north line of the said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW;SWt) with the Southerly right-of-way line of said railroad, such point also being the northeasterly comer of the above described tract of lam; running thence southeasterly along ani upon the said railroad right-of-way line 283.1, feet to the intersection of said railroad southerly rlght-of-way line with the east line of the said Southllest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (swlsWi); running thence south along and upon the said east line 4,.24 feet; running thence northwesterly- along and upon a line which is parallel to and 40 feet seuthwesterly from said railroad southerly right-of-way line, 304.28 feet; running thenoe north- easterly at right angles 40 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.270 aores,more or less; such easement or right-of- way to be used for the construetien, operation and maintenance of water mains, telephone lines, power lines, a.nd ingress and egress. Section 2. The City of Grand Island does hereby appropriate I . said property for said public use. Section 3. The President of the Council be and he is hereby authori zed and directed to cause a petition to be filed by the City ef Grand Isla.nd in the County Court of Hall County, NebraSka, being the County- where the property is situated, to Clendemn said right-of-way for the use of the City of Grand Islani. ORDINANCE NO. ~161 ( cem. ) Section 4. The President of the City Council is hereby authorized and directed to sign such petitions, papers and instruments . I as may be necessary to condemn said right-of-way. Passed and approved this 9th day of January, 1956. ATTEST: ",,;',jr /i / j (, ( i' ,.", <, t' ' . ,.tt"." 1>resident of City Gouncil ~cft~ I I . \ ORDINANOE NO. :p h2 . I An Ordinance.levying...sp.e.c.i.al.,taxes .to.p.ay .f'Qrthe.cost of laying . certain.. se.rvi e.ep.1.p.EuL.and . e.0nne.c.tionswi.th.the . water mains existing .inPaving..Dl.at.r.i,cx.s..No.s.,2c40".242." ,245, ....and.252.or. the Oi ty of Gr.and.IsI.and,.Nehra.ska.,..and..pro,vicdin.g..f.or .the. col.1.ction ther.eof. WHEREAS, on ..tha. 22nd.aay.of.Sep.t.e.mb.er,..19.54, the..City COUDeil pa S sed. .Ordinance. No.. .301.El. .cr.ea.ting. .Paving. .D1.s.trie.t.No. . 240.. of said city; that said.e.Qun.c.iL.on.. :the...2.0t.h.d.ay.o.f Oa..tober, ..1954, pass.d Ordinane.e..No ... ;3.022. area.tag.. Pa.v1ng..Dis.:tr.1.et. ...No.. .2.42;.. .that.. .0.1'1. the IS.th. day .ofl4arah,..191iS,Ordinan.o.e..No..:5Q.5EL was pa.ssedcreat1n.g Paving..D.1..s.tri.e.t...li.o..245.andon.the . 1st. day o.f'.Jl.ll1e,...19.5.5,s.aid 01 ty: Co.un.c.i1...pas.sed. and..appr.o.v.e.dOrd.inanc.e.1io .30.8.'7. . creating Pa v- ing ..Di.strict .No.252, .and WHEREAS, certain.. lots, n trac.t.sand...par.ce.l.s.. .of..landher.einafter de scribed ..di.d. ,no..t..hav.e. . water. . .serv.ie.e. .eoD.rule.ti.ons...with. .the .. .wa ter I main.s...exi.sting ..in...Bueh. .pa:v:1ng..dLs.tr.1..c..t.s...an.d...s:u.ah.. wa ter...ser.v:iees were .ina.t.alledanci.pro.vicded.. ror.by...the..G.1.ty.ot.'. Grand. ..ral.an.d thrQugh its Water. Department...b.efora. ,the.s.tr,e.et.s".in .s.ai.d.ps.v.ing .diatric.ts were pave.d.,.. and WHEREAS, the CQ.sto.f. making.. .suea.wa. teraervi.eea..mn.s t ..bepai d by the... tax payers. whQ.s.,.,p.rQP.er.ty....is..s.Elry,8.d. .b.y,. .au.en,water s.ervioe connec.tions, . ana. WHEREAS,. the .Ci.t.yCo:u.nel1.shallb:y.ordl.nanc.e.le:v.y.a..speeial tax. against the .prop,e.rty... aerve.d..and. .b,ene.f1.ted. b.:y s.u.eh, .wate.rservi oe in. .aIL.o.a.se.s,.. whe.re. .the...prop,erty .owner"ha.s... fai~e.d.. to..pay...to... .th.e. sal d c1tyo.fGrandIsland. .thEL.c.ost . o.f..1.natalllng....ana.p.rQ.v..iding. .B.ueh wa ters.erv1eeeo.nnec.tion. I . NOW, THEREFORE,.. BE. IT. .ORDAINED.,BY.TIiECOIlN,QILOFTHE,CITY OF GRAND. I.SLAND,.. NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. Tha.t.,.th.e.re... l.lL hereb.y: .1,ev.1e<iLand.assElssecL a. . special tax again.s t. ,t.he...~Q t.s. ,..tra.c,t,s...an.d. p.a..rc.e.~SQ.i'....1and.. he.reinaf.te.r se t f'o.rth,'be:r:uu~it.ed. .by....the..o.Qnat.rlle.t1otl. ..of....c.e.r.t.ai.n.. p.ipELllne.s...and.. wa- ter .se rvi c.ec.onne,c.tion.s.~wi,th.e.x1 s.ting. ,w.a.t,.e.r.maina...in.P.a.ving . JU.s:tr1.e t S 240, 242,. 245.,and..2Sfil,..,.e.a.chor..said..lo.ts".tract.s". and..p.aroelsof ORDINANCE NO. ~162 (con't) land so bene.fitedisasaes.s.edintne.. sum .se.t. opp.osite .the.se:v:eral de serip.tions.a.s.f.Ql1.o.ws: Paving . Di.stri.at. .Ii.a.. 240 .~ .~LOCK . I NAME - /J'. B.&-."Ard.ta. Be 1 tz~r E 12' af J. B. &; Ani.ta Be.lt.zerW.45' E.30' J. B.. &. .Ani.ta Be1.tze.r..W. 36.' E.39' J. B. &: Ani ta. .Bel.tzer .W27 ' E.48' J. B.&Anita Be.1.tzer.W.Hl' E.57' I T. L. West R. C. Hil1.ebrandt N.22' Jennie... Jane s. Jenn::t..e. . Jane s. I . AndrewG. & Minnie. B-ar.ton Hi of Ei Andrew.. G. &. MinnuLBar.ton si .of...Ei Ri char.d.D. &;Eleanor. I..Gilli- land, Nlof Ei. Richard.D.. & EleanQr..I. Gilliland,. .SlofE. 2& 3 10. 4 &; i 5.& 6 6 &: 7 'J &: 8 28 ADDITION AMOUNT ParkhUlp.3rd$ 40.00 10 ParkhilL.3rd. .40.00 10. ParkM.1.1. .3rd.. 40.00 1.0 Parkhi.113rd. 40.00 l(L Parkbi.l.l 3ra. 40.00 33.00 . AMOUNT 33.00 Hawthorne.. Place 33.00 33 &; 34 Hawthorne Place 17 14 6. 6 7 7 33.00 HawthornePlac.e 33.00 Hawthorne.Plaoe. 33.00 Vantine.s.Subdiv. . 33.00 Vantines. Subdiv. 33.00 Van tine.s.Subdiv. 33.00 Vantine.sS.ubdi.V: . 33.00 ORDINANCE NO. ~162 (can't) Paving~D.Ls:tr.Lc.t... 10.245 AMOUNT . I :aarQ1duStra,ss$:l.I''ioi~A tract 01'.. land.in.aej1;ion 21, Township..ll,...N.orth,. RangEL~, 7,~9J3.,6' in.width.alorag .the,SollthSide..o.f. Anna St. and. 140'. ..,in, dep.th.".a10ng.t~e. J~ast side 01' .,Eddy. .St. Harold, St.r,as.se.r~~A., traa.t,,01'.1.an.d.in. Se.etion 21, Township .,.1.1 "."N.orth.,...Rallge,...9.". 274 ' in width,a1.Qngu..,the.south..ai_de"oi'..,A~na' St. and, 14Q'..in..d.ep.th.bo.un..daq~Qy..,Edd'Y St. on...the.Eaa.t.,anci- .tllar.k..S:t... on. the we s,t. 108.00 108.00 Paving,. Di.stri,c.t". No. 252 Emma,M. D.earing Nj-ot:Ei o.t:.Lot..l., ,. VantinesSubdivi.sion 33. eo SECTION, 2. The.severaL,amountliLher.ein,.ass.essedsha11. be a 1ie,n.up,on .,thEL ,prami,se,s. .b.erein...de.seril:uuL,1'rom., and.,a;t:,ter .,the",.date ot: the, ,levy here,o,:r ,and.the,samfLshalL.bear..interes,t.. a,t ,the rate 01' six .pe.reen,t. (6%) per,annumd.trOllL..thEL.,dat.e, of the..pa.s,s.age of I thi.s.o.rdinan.ee. SECTION 3. The.Ci.t:y Clerk.is.here.by,.in.s.tructe.d to,.certify said. spe.ei.al taxes"to thEL,CityTre.a.s,UI!.e,r,to,ge. ther 'uwi,th,instr,u,eti,ons to co11.ect ,the."sameuaa..,in."theeas.es o.i'. ,other,sp,e.ci,a1.,taxes. SEG TION . ,4 .,Thiao,rdinanee. , .sha1L,be".in.:r..or.ce,and.t,ake, ., effe e t from, and,arte"r, ,its..pass,age..,. .a.ppr0va1,. .and.,..publl.eati.Qn .a8.by..1a" prQv1ded. Pas.sed .ancLapp.ro.v.ed.b.y.a.major.Lt.yv.o.te 01'. the membe.r.s ..of the.Ci.tyCQU1':lciJ.." this. ..the... ,9th <la.y, ot:.. Janu&.r:y, 1956. ('/ r{J f..l/. / I. . . {~ A "' " ' . v-VC,(. (/, , Pre ai.dent ,of, the .Oity Oounci1 I . ATTES,T: .{~s.~ o it'1Clerk " i ( ORDINANCE NO. 3163 . I An Ordinance to repe.a1 Ordinance No. 31&0. BE IT ORDAINED BY the Mayor and. City Council o:f the C1 ty o:f Grand Island, . Nebraska, .thatOrdinance No. 31&0, hereto:fore.enacted, be and hereby is repealed. PASSED AND APPROVED by a majority vote o:f the members o:f the Council o:fthe City o:f Grand Island, Nebraska,thi.s 18th dayo:fJanuary, 195&. CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA I cJ (P, #(~ Mayor ATTEST: l~~~ I . . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 37 '1/ AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF MORTGAGE BONDS OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND TO BE CALLED SANITARY SEWERAGE MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS, SERIES OF 1956, OF THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000) FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXTENDING, IMPROVING AND EQUIPPING THE SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM AND DISPOSAL PLANT OF SAID CITY TO BE SECURED BY A FIRST LIEN ON SUCH SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM AND DISPOSAL PLANT, TOGETHER WITH THE IMPROVEMENTS AND EXTENSIONS THERETO, AND ANY AND ALL REAL ESTATE, RIGHTS AND EASEMENTS THEREIN OWNED OR ACQUIRED IN CONNECTION THEREWITH AND BY THE REVENUE THEREFROM, AUTHORIZING A MORTGAGE THEREON, PROVIDING FOR THE FORECLOSURE THEREOF IN CASE OF DEFAULT, AND GRANTING A FRANCHISE TO THE PURCHASER IN CASE OF FORECLOSURE FOR A PERIOD OF TWENTY YEARS TO OWN, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE SUCH SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM, DISPOSAL PLANT, IMPROVEMENTS AND EXTENSIONS AND TO USE THE STREETS AND ALLEYS OF SAID CITY SO FAR AS MAY BE NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT IN THE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION THEREOF OR IN THE CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS AND EXTENSIONS THERETO AND PROVIDIID FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT, MAINTENANCE AND COLLECTION OF FEES AND CHARGES FOR CONNECTION WITH SAID SEWERAGE SYSTEM AND SERVICE THEREBY AND PROVIDING FOR THE APPLICATION OF THE MONEY COLLECTED FROM SAID FEES AND CHARGES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: Section 1. The Council of the City of Grand ISland, Nebraska hereby finds and determines: That this City has constructed and owns and operates a sewerage system and plant for the treatment, purification and disposal in a sanitary manner of the liquid and solid wastes, sewage and night soil of such community and it is necessary, in order to protect the health of the inhabitants of the City and to comply with the law of the State and the requirements of the Department of Health of the State of Nebraska, that the sewerage system and disposal plant of the City be extended and improved; that plans, specifications and estimate of the cost of such extensions and improvements have been made by the City Engineer and approved by the Council; that for the purpose of extending, improving and equipping the sewerage system and disposal plant the Council has authorized and the City will issue the mortgage bonds of the City of Grand Island which shall 1 ~ , ~ not impose any general liability upon the City but will be secured only on the " ~ , "" property constituting the sewerage system and disposal plant of the City and the "" \ revenues therefrom, including a franchise stating the terms upon "\hich the purchaser in case of foreclosure may operate the same; that to provide the revenues with J which to pay the principal and interest of said bonds and to pay the cost of , operating and maintaining said system and plant, the City has established and will maintain just and equitable rates and charges to be paid to the City for the use of Such disposal plant and sewerage system by each person, firm or corporation whose premises are served thereby; and that the cost of extending, improving and equipping said sewerage system and disposal plant as provided in said plans adopted by the Council will exceed $100,000.00. . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 316~ provided, however, any or all of said bonds shall be redeemable in their inverse numerical order at the option of the City at any time on or after five years from their date. Said bonds shall be sold for not less than par and bear interest at the following,rate, to-wit: Bonds numbered 1 to 100, inclusive, shall bear interest at th~ rate of Two and One-half per centum (2~) per annum. The interest on said bonds shall be payable semi-annually on the first day of February and August of each year. Said bonds are not general obligations of the City but are eq~ally a~d ratably secured by a first mortgage lien on the entire sanitary sewerage system and disposal plant heretofore constructed and now existing and on all extensions and additions thereto and all improvements thereof inclUding the extensions, additions, improvements and equipment con- structed out of the proceeds of said bonds and by franchise to operate said system as provided in this ordinance and are payable only out of revenues received from service charges established and to ,be collected for the use of said sewerage system, including ~ll extensions and additions thereto and improvements ~hereof and from the sale of said property and the franchise to operate the sa~e under a foreclosure of said mortgage lien as ~rovided by law. Section 3. The bonds issued under this ordinance shall be dated February 1, 1956, and shall be of equal priority as to lien and claim with the bonds issued under Ordinance No. 2815 dated May 20, 1953, and the bonds issued under Ordinance No. 2942 dated April 21, 1954. Section 4. Said bonds shall be ex~cuted on behalf of the City by being signed by the President ofth~ City Council and City Clerk and shall have the City seal impressed on each bond. The interest coupons shall be executed on behalf of the City by being signed by the president of the City Council and Clerk either by affixing their own proper signatures to each coupon or by causing their facsimil& signatures to be affixed thereto and by executing a bond th~ President of the City Council and Clerk shall be deemed to have adopted as and for their own proper signatures their facsimile signatures affixed to the coupons pertaining to Siaid bonds. Section 5. Said bonds and coupons shall be in substantially the fOllowing form: . I I I . ORDIN~NCE NO. 3l6J1 and disposal plant including all ~xt~nsions an~ additions th~r~to and improv~m~nts th~r~of and from th~ sal~ of said prop~rty and from th~ franchi~~ to operate the same under a foreclosure of said mortgage lien as provided by law. All money coll~cted from said service charges is set aside in a special sewerage rev~nue bond fund. This bond is not a general obligation of the CitYL The City agrees that it will establish, maintain and collect just and equitable rates and charges to be paid to it for the facilities and services afforded by said sew~rage system and disposal plant which ~ill provid~ revenUe at all times sufficient to pay the interest and principal of said bonds as such interest and prinCipal become due. This bond is a negotiable instrument and the holder hereof shall be entitle4 to all the rights of a holder in due course of a nego- tiable, instrument. All the moneys collected by itleCity from said service -J' --.J charges are pledged fo~ the payment of said bonds and the ordinance under which said bonds are issued constitute a contract between the City and the holders of said bonds. Additi~al bonQs may be issued only on the terms and cond} tions set out in said ordin.ance. -L IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIEP AND WARRANTED that all conditions, acts and thi~s required by law to exist or to be done precedent to an& in the issuance of this bond did exist, did happen and were done and performed in regular and due form and time as required by law__ IN WITNESS WHEREOf theLCitY'Council has caused this bond to be executed on behalf of the City of Grand Island by being signed~~by its President of the Council and by causingJ:the official seal of the City to be affixe~ hereto and attested by its Clerk and has caused the interest coupons heretorattached to be executed on behalf of the City by having affixed thereto the facsimile signatures of its President ahd Olerk and the President and Cle~~k Q,o, by the execution of this bond, adopt as and for t~eir own proper signatures their respective facsimile signatures affixed to said coupons. DATED this first day of February, 1956. ATTEST: CITY OF GRAND -ISLAND, NEBRASKA Ii ~ Ci ty' ,Clerk, (SEAL) . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3l6~ due on the bonds deposit with the County Treasurer of Hall County moneys sufficient to meet payment of interest and principal becoming due on said payment ~te. All the moneys in said Fund in excess of an amount equal to the principal and interest which will become due during the next ensuing twelve month period on ~ll of the bonds then outstanding shall be used and applied by the City to the redemption of bonds prior to their maturity under the option provio.ed in this ordinance. Pending its use for payment of bonds as herein provided,maney in this Funq may be invested in short term United states Government Bonds. Section 8. The City will cause proper books and records and accounts to be kept separate from all other records and accounts in which complete and cprrect entries will be made of all transactions relating to the collection of the rates and charges. for the use of said sewerage system and of the application of the same to the payment of the interest and principli3.lof the bonds. For at least two' y,ears after the issuance ~of the bonds the City will furnish promptly to the purchaser of said bonds, at least every three months a statement of the receipts and disbursements of the money in said Fund for the preceding quarter.of the City's fiscal year and annually while any of the bonds remain outstanding.' The ,City will within sixty days of the end of each fiscal year furnish to said purchaserj a certified .public. accountant 'sandit of the mortgaged property showing in reasonablecietailthe money. collected for service charges and the amount, if any, remaining uncollected, and also a statement in reasonable detail of the expenditures of the City for the operation of the 'sew'flrage disposal plant. A copy of said audit shall be filed with the City Clerk and be 'open for public inspection and ,a .copy of the same will be furnished by the City on request of the holder or holders of ten per centum (lO~) or more of the outstanding bonds. Section 9. The City Treasurer and the Commissioner of Utilities shall be bonded in. addition t~ their official bonds by an insurance company licensed to do business in Nebraska in amounts sufficient to cover at all times all the money in said Fund in their hands. Any other person employed by the City in the collection and handling of money derived from the opera- tion of said property or collecting said service Charges shall also be ~ . I I I . ", ORDIN!NCE NO. 31601 add;itiopal bonds and (2) when. the aggregat~'amount of service charges collected during the preceding 12 months shall have been equal to either three times the maximum amount of interest for any succeeding 12 months period on all the bonds outstanding and on 'the bonds then, to be issued or one and one-half times the~highest amount of principal and interest which w;llbecome due in any succeed~ng 12 monthsperibd on all the bonds outstanding and bonds then to be issued, whichever amount is greater. Section 13. The principal and interest of the bonds issued hereunder shall be~cured by a first mortgage lien 'upon the' sewerage system and:.,disposal plant of the City~nowowned,togetherwith all improvements and extensions thereto hereafter,acquired including the improvements, extensions and equipment constructed with the proceeds of the~bonds issued hereunder and includi~g a~l fixtures, chattels and real estate, rights or easements therein owned or acquired in connection therewith and a franchise ,to operate the same in case of foreclosure as herein provided; if the City shall fail to pay either the principal or interest upon any bond or bonds issued hereunder when th~ same shall become due or shall fail.to.maintainandoperatesuch system and plant and property, including improvements<and extensions, as herein provided, or shall fail to 'fix, maintain and collect sufficient rates and charges ~for collections with El.nd fOr the use of said system and property as provided herein, or shall otheJ;'WisfLf'El.iltocomply ~ th the terms hereof in such manner as to imperil the security or the prompt payment of the'out- stan.ding bonds either as to int~rest or, principals,s they become due and ~uch default shall continue for thirty days 'after the maturity :of such principal or interest or any part thereof, or for ninety days after notice andd.emand to maintain.and operate such system or to fix, maintain and collect such rates and Charges, or to otherwise comply with the~.terms hereof', then and in such case the owner or owners of sixty per ce,ntum (60~) in principal amount of the outstanding bonds issued hereunder shall have ,the option without further notice or demand to declare his or their bond or bonds due, both'asjtoprincipal and interest, and shall have the right to proce~d on behalf of himself or them- selves and of the owner or owners of all of the outstanding'bonds issued hereunder to foreclose such lien ;in equity in the manner provided by the laws of Nebraska for the foreclosure of real estate mortgages, and a decree of ORDI~NCE ;No. 3l6~ (a) Said franchise shall be subject to such reasonable rules and regulations for th~ protection of the health~of the . I inhabitants of said City pertaining to the maintenance and operation of sanitary sewers, and. the construction of any improvements, exte~6ions or alterations thereof~ as shall be adopted by the Council of the City of Grand Island, NebraSka, or such other governmental body' as shall have jurisdiction. under the laws of the State of N~braska. (b) Such franchise shall be $ubject to. such. reasonable rules and regulations as may be adopted by the.Council of the City of y.randIs+and pertaining.to the use Qfthe streets, alleys and pri vat.e property in said City, for the use , con- .' venience and safety of the public. (c) The owner of such fr~ncb:ise shall. exercise its rights to use the streets and alleyS of said City hereunder ~n such a manner as toavqid.en,d,angering.or unnecessarily I inconveniencing the traveling ~ublic and in case of constrUc- tion or repair of any street or alley shall replace the same in as good condition as i,t was prior to such ~~pair or con- ~.'" ' struction and shall give such security as may be reasonably required by the Council of said City to secure performance of this condition. (d) The owner of such franchise shall maintain a uniform schedule of rates and charges.for connection therewith and use thereof and shall afford the facilities thereof to the owner or occupant of any property abutting upon any lateral, upon request and upon payment of the reasonable charges there- for under such SChedule, which rates shall be sufficient to pay I . the cost of operating and maintaining said system and to pay the principal and interest of the unpaid indebtedness before the expiration of the franchise. (e) Such franchise shall be terminated by the failure of the owner or owners to exercise promptly the same from and after the date of acquiring title to said system, improvements ORDINANOE NO. ~16? . An Ordinance levying sp.ecial. taxes to pay for the cost of the construct.:t.on 01' Sewer Distri,c,t No. 286 ef the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, and ,proY.iaing, for the collectiQn. thereof. . I BE IT ORDAINED BY, THEOOlJNOILOF THE. OITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a spe- cial tax, against, the s,ev,erallots, tracts and parcels. of land hereinafter set forth for the purp 0 lllEa of paying the cost of the construction of thes,eward in Se,wer District No. 2.8S 0fsaid City, in I"ccordance with the, bene,fits, found ,due,anllLassessed, against the several 10ts,tracts and parcels of land in said. district by the City CauBcil at.' sai.d Oity, sl tting as a, Board ,or Equalization after due notice having been., given, thereof, as provided bylaw. Each of the several lot.s,tracts,and"p,al"cels of land is, assessed as follows: NAME I WilliamE. Frank WilliamE.Frank William E. Frank William E. Frank WilliamE. Frank WilllamE. Frank Willi,am E. Frank WilliamE. Frank William E. Frank WilliamE. Frank WilliamE. Frank I . J. W. Grubham N75' Everette E~ & Adoline E. Hill N50'8249' Marie Jensen N33' S199' 25 Charles R. & Marian Healy N66' 8166'25 Charles 0 & Cora C.BradleyN5e' SlOO'25 Alma Martha Jensen S56'N67'SlOO' 25 ~ ADDITION 1 D"elling Place AMOUNT $ 28.99 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 24 .. 34.63 " fI' 34.63 fI 34.63 " 35.44 If 35.44 '" tI 35.44 , tt 35.44 tt 35.44 35.44 " n Co. Sub. wi swi' Sec.lO, Twp.1lt'JR9 172.75 25 n 120.80 25 II 80.54 ., 53.15 " 106.31 " 80.54 , II 80.54 ORDINANCE NO. 3165 (eon't) . I SECTION 2. The taxes so levied ahalLbecome p.ayable and delinquent. in the manner .prov.ide.d.by law. SECTION 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cert11'y to the Oi ty Treasurer the. amount of' sai.d t.axe..s.to.ge:ilhuer with instructioms .. t.o. .eoll.eetthEL samet, as. pr.G.vided by law. SECTION 4. Tbatthis or.dinaJlce.shall .be in 1'orce and take e1'1'ect 1'rom and a1'ter i.tspas.sage ,approval and publica.tion as by law provided. Pass.ed and approved by a maj,ori.tyvote of' the members of the City Council this..the 18.thday.of. January,19SE). I ATTEST: ~ w6tr City". erk " Oity Council I . . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ~lQ6 An Ordinance levying special taxes to. pay for the cost of the eonstruetionof.Sewer District No. 290 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the .e.ollectionthereof . BE IT ORDAINEB BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there 1s hereby levied and assessed a speciat tax against the s.everal lots,tracts.a.nd"arcels .of land hereinafter set forth for the purpo.seQfpaying the.cos,tof the eonst.ruction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 290. o.f a.aid .City, in accordance wi th the 'benefits found due and.as.aes,seci against. the several .lots,.. tracts, aped p~reels oflanELin s.aid..dist.r,iet.by the City CO.uneil .elf. said.Ci ty, sitting as a BOAlPd. of Equaliza.tion aft.erdue noticehaving 'been given thereof, as provided by law, Each of the several lots, tracts, and parcels o.fland. is ass.es.sed as fO.llows: NAME - LOT ~. - 1 :5 2 3 3 3 a 3 9 3 10. 3 92.66 ADDI.TION AMo.UNT :II> 92.66 92.66 61.39 Orville K. & Gladys F. Duff West Subdiy. " Francis. E.& L0rene McElroy FrancisE. McElroy tt It 81.39 Lelia F. McLane Taylor Lelia F. McLane Taylor Lelia F. McLane Tay.lor tt 92.66 " n Leli.a. F. McLane. Taylor Vacated Thorne St. lying be..tween Lt.10, Blk3, and Lt. 6, Blk.4, W.e.st Sulil.iv. 99.28 Vacated ThQrne st. lying between Lt.l, Blk3, and Lot 5, Blk4, .WestSulidiv. 99.28 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied saal! become payable and delin- .orville K. & Gladys F. Duf'f quent in .themarmer.pro.vide.cLby .law. SECTIo.N.3. The Cit.y Clerk is hereby di.reeted to certif'y. to the City Treasurer the amountof.sai.d..taxes. toge:tlherwi.th instructions to. ooll.ec.t the. same,.a.s,provided..by. law. SECTION 4. That thi.s ordina1'lc.e.shall be in force and .take ef'fect from and after its p.a.ssage,. appro:v:al .and...publication..a.s..pI!ovi.dedby law. Passed .an.d approved by-a majority vote of. the .membeI!.s of theCi ty Coune.!l thi.s the 18th. day .0f'.January,1'56. Attestl--J J . dt-y-~,tf~ . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ~167 An Ordinance levying speei.al taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Water Main District No. 201 of the Ci ty of GrEll d Island, Nebraska, and providingf0r the cGllection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED nTHE .COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND. NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereDY levied and assessed. a special tax against the severaLIGt.s, tracts and parc.els of. land. hereinafter set forth for the .purposeof. paying'ihe eos:t;of the construc'iion of the water main in a.ai.d di..stric'iof said Ci.ty,inaecordanee wi'ih 'ihe benefits found. du.e anda.ssesse.dagainst., the .senr.erallot.s,tracts and. parcels of l.and insaid.distrie'i by 'iheCi.ty Cou.ncil of sa! d City, sitting.as a Board of Equaliza'ilonafter due notice having been given tm.ereof, as provlded.byla'll, EaehQf the several lots, tracts and parcels of l.and .is assessedasfQl1owllI: NAME - bQ! ~. 8 2 9 2 10 2 1 3 2 3 3 3 ADDITION AMOUNT Marie Brabander West Subdi.vision 66.70 Marie Brabander " " 1@0. 69 .. 1t " 100. 69 " " 100. 69 " " 100. 69 " " 66. 70 Marie Baabander Orville K. & Gladys. l'J' Duff " . Francis E. & Lorene McElroy Fra.neis E. McElroy Orville K. & Glad.ys F. nutf Vaca.ted Thorne St. lying between Lot 1, Black 3, and Lot. 5, Block. 4, Wes'i Subdivision. 107.88 SECTION 2. The 'iaxes .so levied shall beeo.me. .payabledand delin- quent. in.'ihe mannerprovided.by law. SECTION 3. TheCi.ty Clerk i. .m.ereby directed to certl.fy 'io the City 'Dreasurer 'ihe amount0f sa.id. taxea.t.ogetherwi.thinstructions to collee'i the same., asprovi.decL1l>:y law. SECTION 4. Taat this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from anda.fter.. i tspassage, ap~roV,'.al..and.publllea.tion a.sD.y la.. provided Passed and approved.by a majority vote of the members afthe City CQuncil this the 18th day of January-,196B. ATTEST: 1l~;;S.~ ity Cemnail ., . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ~168 An Ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries there6f~ providing for the paving of the streets in said district, and providing for the assessment and collection of the costs thereof, and repealing ordinance No. 3114 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to "be known as Paving District No. 258. SECTION 2-. Said paving district shall consist of that part of . 17th Street extending from the west line of Wheeler Avenue to State Street, and in State Street from 17th Street to its intersection with Broadwell Avenue and Eddy Streets, commonly known as Five Points. The width of the paving to be constructed in 17th Street ex- tending from Wheeler Avenue to State Street shall "be 36 feet; that portion of State street lying north of the center line of said street extending from 17th Street to Walnut, the face of the curb shall be 18 feet north of the center line of said street, and that part of State Street north of the center line from Walnut Street to Five Points, the face of the curb shall be 24 feet north of the centerline; on the south side of State Street from 17th to Five Points, the face of the curb shall be 24 fee.t so'Uth of the center line of the project. SECTION i. That:;:;8.nthQrity is:hepeby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district, at the time of the enactment of this ord- inance, to file with the City Clerk, within twenty days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as provided by law, written objections to paving of said district. . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. i168 (contt) SECTION 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting ~operty owners, within said district, to file with the City Clerk, within the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used .in the paving of said streets. If such owners shall fail to designate the tna.terial they desire to be used in said pavi:J;l;g district, Eus.provided for above, and within the time provided for by law, the City Council shall determine the material to be used. SECTION 5. That the cost of paving in. said district shall be assessed against the lots and tracts of land especially benefitted thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the City Council as provided by law. SECTION 6. That ordinance No. 3114 of the ordinance of the City of Grand Island, be and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 7. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage., approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of all of the members of the City Council, this the 1st day of February, 1956. ATTEST: ~S~ City Clerk City Council . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3169 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE OF ELECTRIC REVENUE BONDS OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, IN THE PRIN- CIPAL AMOUNT OF $2,500,000, FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING EXTENSIONS AND ENLARGEMENTS OF THE ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANT AND DISTRI- BUTION SYSTEM OWNED BY SAID CITY, PRESCRIBING THE FORM AND DETAILS OF SAID REVENUE BONDS, PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION, SEGREGATION AND APPLICATION OF THE REVENUES OF SAID ELECTRIC SYSTEM FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING THE COST OF OPERATING AND MAINTAINING SAID SYSTEM, PAYING THE INTEREST ON AND PRINCIPAL OF THE ELECTRIC REVENUE BONDS OF SAID CITY AND OTHER PURPOSES AUTHORIZED BY LAW, CREATING CERTAIN RESERVE FUNDS, AND MAKING CERTAIN COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS WITH RESPECT THERETO. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: Section 1. The Mayor and Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, a municipal corporation (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "City"), hereby find and determine that said City has owned for many years and now owns and operates an electric light and power plant and distribution system; that it is necessary and in the interest of said City and its inhabitants that said electric system be extended and enlarged; that the City's engineers have prepared and filed in the office of the City Clerk preliminary plans and specifications covering said proposed extensions and en- largements together with an estimate of the cost thereof, such estimated cost being $2,965,552.11; that the City has on hand from the earnings of said system and available to pay on the cost of said extensions and enlargements the amount of said cost in excess of the sum of $2,500,000; that it is necessary that said City pro- ceed forthwi~h to authorize and issue its Electric Revenue Bonds in the principal amount of $2,500,000 and that the proceedS of said bonds be used exclusively for making said extensions and enlarge- ments, including the acquisition of any real and personal property needed or useful in connection therewith; that said extensions and enlargements shall be made in accordance with said plans and speci- fications heretofore and hereby approved by the Mayor and Council of said City, including the detailed plans and specifications yet to be filed and approved and any alterations in or amendments to said plans and specifications deemed advisable by the City's engineers and approved by the Mayor and Council. Section 2. For the purpose of providing funds to make extensions and enlargements of the electric light and power plant and distribution system owned by the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, including the acquisition of any real and personal property needed or useful in connection therewith, all in accordance with the plans and specifications of the City1s engineers hereinbefore referred to, there is hereby authorized and directed to be issued an issue of Electric Revenue Bonds of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the llbondsll or the Itrevenue bonds"), in the principal amount of $2,500,000. Said bonds shall be payable solely from the revenues and earnings of the City1s J /, 9 . I electric light and power plant and distribution system, including all improvements, extensions and betterments thereof, as hereinafter provided. Said electric light and power plant and distribution system, including all improvements, extensions and betterments thereof hereafter constructed or acquired, is sometimes in this ordinance referred to as the City's llelectric system.1I Section 3. Said issue of Electric Revenue Bonds of the City shall consist of 2,500 bonds, numbered from 1 to 2,500, inclu- sive, each in the denomination of $1,000. All of said bonds shall be dated February 1, 1956, and shall become due serially on February 1 in each year as follows: Maturity Numbers Total February 1 1- 100 $100,000 1958 101- 200 100,000 1959 201- 300 100,000 1960 301- 400 100,000 1961 401- 550 150,000 1962 551- 700 150,000 1963 701- 850 150,000 1964 851-1000 150,000 1965 1001-1150 150,000 1966 1151-1300 150,000 1967 1301-1450 150,000 1968 I 1451-1625 175,000 1969 1626-1800 175,000 1970 1801-1975 175,000 1971 1976-2150 175,000 1972 2151-2325 175,000 1973 2326-2500 175,000 1974 Bonds numbered 1 to 400, inclusive, shall become due with- out option of prior payment. Bonds numbered 401 to 2,500, inclu- sive, and each of them, may be called for redemption and payment at the option of the City on February 1, 1961, or any time thereafter at a price equal to the principal amount of the bonds so redeemed, together with accrued interest thereon to date of redemption, to- gether with a premium on such principal amount which shall be as follows: I . 2 1/2% 2% 1 1/2% 1% 1/2% if redeemed February 1, 1961, or any time thereafter prior to February 1, 1963; if redeemed February 1, 1963, or any time thereafter prior to February 1, 1965; if redeemed February 1, 1965, or any time thereafter prior to February 1, 1967; if redeemed February 1, 1967, or any time thereafter prior to February 1, 1970; and if redeemed February 1, 1970, or any time thereafter prior to maturity. If said ment as aforesaid elusive, prior to redeemed and paid City shall elect to call for redemption and pay- any of said bonds numbered from 401 to 2500, in- the maturity thereof, then said bonds shall be prior to their ultimate maturity only in the in- -2- . I I I . 3/t.f1 verse numerical order of said bonds, the outstanding bond having the highest number being the first bond called for payment. In the event of any such redemption, said City shall publish once in a newspaper or financial journal published in the City of Chicago, Illinois, a notice of the intention of said City to call and pay said bonds, the same being described by number, said notice to be published not less than thirty days prior to the date on which said bonds are called for payment. Said City shall also give at least thirty days' written notice of the intention of the City to redeem and pay said bonds, such notice to be given by United States registered mail addressed to the manager of the underwriting group purchasing the bonds herein authorized. If any bond be called for redemption and payment as aforesaid, interest on such bond shall cease from and after the date for which such call is made, provided funds are available for its payment at the price hereinbefore specified. Said bonds shall bear interest as follows: Bonds numbered 1 to 400, inclusive, 3 1/2% per annum; Bonds numbered 401 to 700, inclusive, 2 3/8% per annum; Bonds numbered 701 to 2500, inclusive, 2 1/4% per annum. All of said interest shall be payable semiannually on February 1 and August 1 in each year, beginning August 1, 1956. Section 4. Both principal of and interest on said bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Said bonds shall be executed on behalf of said City by being signed by the Mayor and by the City Clerk and shall have the seal of the City affixed thereto. Interest coupons shall be attached to said bonds bearing the facsimile signa- tures of said Mayor and City Clerk. Section 5. Said bonds and the interest coupons to be attached thereto shall be in substantially the following form: No. $1,000 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NEBRASKA COUNTY OF HALL CITY OF GRAND ISLAND ELECTRIC REVENUE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the City of Grand Island, in the County of Hall, State of Nebraska, for value received hereby promises to pay to the bearer hereof, solely out of the revenues and earnings of the City's electric light and power plant and distribution system as hereinafter specified, the sum of -3- . I I I . .)/&.Cr ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS on the First day of February, 19 , with interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of per cent ( %) per annum (likewise payable out of said revenues and earn- ings), payable semiannually on August 1 and February 1 in each year after the date hereof, beginning August 1, 1956, until the said principal sum shall have been paid, upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached bearing the facsimile sig- natures of the Mayor and City Clerk of said City as said coupons severally become due. Both principal of and interest on this bond are hereby made payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. [Insert here in bonds 401 to 2500, inclusive, the following:} THIS BOND may be called for redemption and payment at the option of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, on February 1,1961, or at any time thereafter, at a price equal to the principal amount of this bond, together with accrued interest thereon to date of redemption, together with a premium on such principal amount, which premium shall be as follows: 2 1/2% if redeemed February 1, 1961, or any time thereafter prior to February 1, 1963; 2% if redeemed February 1, 1963, or any time thereafter prior to February 1, 1965; 1 1/2% if redeemed February 1, 1965, or any time thereafter prior to February 1, 1967; 1% if redeemed February 1, 1967, or any time thereafter prior to February 1, 1970; 1/2 of 1% if redeemed February 1, 1970, or any time thereafter prior to maturity. All of the bonds of the issue of which this bond is one which are subject to redemption and payment prior to their ultimate maturity, being bonds numbered 401 to 2500, inclusive, shall be redeemed and paid prior to maturity only in inverse numerical order, the outstanding bond having the highest number being the first bond called for payment. Notice of the intention of the City to call and pay any or all of said bonds, said notice specify- ing the numbers of the bonds to be redeemed and the date of redemption, shall be published once in a newspaper or financial journal published in the City of Chicago, Illinois, said notice to be published not less than thirty days prior to the redemp- tion date. If this bond be called for redemption and payment as aforesaid, interest on this bond shall cease from and after the date for which such call is made, provided funds are available for the payment of this bond at the price herein- before specified. THIS BOND is one of a series of 2500 bonds of like date, denomination and tenor, excepting number, interest rate, privilege of redemption, and maturity, numbered from 1 to 2500, inclusive, ag- gregating the principal amount of $2,500,000, issued by the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of providing funds to make extensions and enlargements of the electric light and power plant and distribution system owned by the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, including the acquisition of any real and personal property heeded or useful in connection therewith, under the authority of and in compliance with the statutes of the State of Nebraska, including Sections 18-412 and 70-503 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska, 1943, as amended, and all other laws applicable thereto, and pursuant to the Charter of said City and an ordinance duly passed and approved and proceedings duly had by the Mayor and Council of said City. -4- --------- - JJ(pCf , n n are payable solelY from THIS BOND and tne intere~t t~~~Olignt and po~er plant and tne re~en~es and earn~~~ o~.t~eo~ ~~and Island, NebraS~a~ and not distribut~on System 0 e ~ under tne ordinance of sa~d City from anY otner fund or source. . of ~nicn it is one, tne re~enues autnorizing tniS bond.an~ ~~~ms~~e~peratiOn of the City'S electriC deri~ed and to beder~~e f all impro~ements, e:<tensions and System, :\nduding tne re~enues 0 de osited in a separate fund bettermentS of sai~ SysteI:" f.;;~n~~ ~d" of said City, ~nicn said designated as tne Elect~~C . tne reasonable e:<penses of oP- fund snall be used onlY d~n pa:f~~g tne city' s electriC System, pay- erating, m~intainin~ and ~e~~~est on tne bOnds of said City tnat ing tne pr~ncipal 0 an ~n. f tne statutes of tne state of are isSued under tne autnor~ty o. anceS of said City and ~nicn are Nebras~a and tne cnarte~ a~dt~d~~~enues of Baid electriC System, payable bY tneir termS ro . ~ements enlargements, e:<ten- ma~ing repairs, re~lac~~~'e~~~iC Syst~m, including tne pur- sions or bette~en.s 0 e ui ment or otner property necessarY cnase and aCQu~s~t~~n of anY %lePreserves for tne purposes afore- tnerefor, establ~sn~ng reas~~~ed in said ordinance. Tnis bond doeS said, and otne~~se as ~pe~t'gatiOn of said City nor an indebted- not constitute a genera 0 ~ stitutiOnal statutory or charter ness of said City ~itnin anY con ' limita.tion. Tne City of orand Island, N~~~~~~e~~~~n~~~n~~ ;"~~- tne nolder of tniS bond to.~eep a~~ ~aid City autnorizing tne iSSue mentS contained in tne ~d~~anc~d City of ~nicn tniS bond is one, of ElectriC Re~enue ~on s ~ ~~sn maintain and collect rates, feeS and said City ~ill f~:<' ~s a s~r~ices rendered bY itS electriC or cnarges for tne use.o or e tensions and bettermentS System, including all ~pro~~~~~~ges:<~ill be suffiCient to pay tne tnereof, ~nicn.rateB'i ~e~ 'ng and repairing Baid electriC System, cost of operat~ng, ma n a~n~ t on tniS bond and on tne series paY tne principal o~ and ~ntf~~e principal of and interest on anY of ~nicn thiS bon~d"~i~ne~~eafter iSSued in accordance ~itn tne otner bondS of Ba~ y d payable from said re~enues, and pro~isi6ns of said ordinance anfor In accordance ~itn tne pro- pro~ide adeQuat~ res8r4~~ t~e~~e o~neral statutes of Nebras~a, ~isions of sect~on 1 _ . 0 'cn it is one snall be a lien 1943, tniS bond and ~e ~s~ue sO~fw~te City'S electriC System and upon tne re~en~e~f~nee~~~~pal of and interest on said bondS, for tn~ paym~n d ffiCient portion of tne re~enues and includ~ng th~S POc~t' ,~ ~~ectriC System is nerebY irre~ocablY earnings of the ~ ~ D pledged. , . THlS BOND and tne interest coupon~ attacned nereto are negotiable and snall be transferable bY del~~erY. ^ND IT 15 llBRl!J3'l ceRTIFIED, llBCI'J$D )Il1D DECL!\RED tnat all ~ . 'red to e:<ist nappen and be per- acts, conditiOns and t~~gS~~Q~~suance of tn1S bond and tne iSSue rormed precedent to an n. der to ma~e tne saxne legal and of ~~icn tn~S bond iSfoneid"~i~~ according to tne termS tnereof, bind~ng obl~gatiOns 0 sa ha~e been perfOrmed in due time, form do e:<ist, na~e nappen~d ban~ ~ and tnat before tne iSSuance of tn and manner as reQuire y a, de for tne collectiOn and segre- bond, pro~ision naS beenfd~~~ ~ty's electriC System and for tne gation of tne re~enues 0 f ided applicatiOn of tne same as nereinbe ore pro~ · :Ill ',nTm'SS ;I;!E.REOF, tne City of orand Island, Ne bras~a -5- . I I I . J/(,ft by its Mayor and Council, has caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor, its corporate seal to be hereto affixed and attested by its City Clerk, and the coupons hereto attached to be signed by the facsimile signatures of said Mayor and City Clerk, which said fac- simile signatures on said interest coupons said officials by the execution of this bond do adopt as and for their own proper signa- tures, and this bond to be dated this First day of February, 1956. ATTEST: Mayor. City Clerk. (FORM OF COUPON) Coupon No. $ February, On the First day of August, 19 , the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, will pay to bearer solely from the revenues and earnings of the City's electric light and power plant and distribu- tion system the sum of Dollars and Cents in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, being six months' interest then due on its Electric Revenue Bond dated February 1, 1956, No. (facsimile) Mayor. ATTEST: (facsimile) City Clerk. ------------------------------------------------------------------ (FORM OF CERTIFICATE OF STATE AUDITOR) STATE OF NEBRASKA, l Office of the Auditor of Public Accounts. ss. I, the undersigned, Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the within bond has been presented to me, together with a duly certified transcript of all proceedings had previous to the issuance thereof, and that I have examined the within bond and said proceedings and am satisfied that said bond has been legally issued for a lawful purpose, and I hereby certify that said bond has been regularly and legally issued and has been registered in my office in accordance with the provisions of the Revised Statutes -6- . I I I . 3/fr:.Cf of Nebraska, 1943, as amended (the data filed in my office being the basis of this certificate). WITNESS my hand and seal of office this , 1956. day of Auditor of Public Accounts. Registry No. Book No. Page No. -------------------------------------------------------------------- (FORM OF COUNTY CLERK'S CERTIFICATE) STATE OF NEBRASKA, ~ ss. ) County of Hall. I, the undersigned, County Clerk of the County aforesaid, do hereby certify that the within bond has been registered in my office pursuant to the provisions of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska, 1943, as amended. WITNESS my hand and the seal of said County this , 1956. day of County Clerk. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 6. The principal of and interest on the electric revenue bonds herein authorized shall be payable solely from the revenues and earnings of the electric light and power plant and dis- tribution system of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, including all improvements, extensions and betterments thereof, and not from any other fund or source. Said bonds shall be a lien upon the reve- nues and earnings of the City's electric system and, for the payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds, a sufficient portion of the revenues and earnings of the City's electric system is here- by irrevocably pledged. Said bonds shall not constitute general obligations of said City nor indebtedness of said City within any constitutional, statutory or charter limitation. Section 7. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and execute the bonds hereinbefore described -7- . I I I . ;JJ'cr and to cause said bonds to be registered by the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Nebraska and by the County Clerk of Hall County, Nebraska, and when said bonds have been duly executed and registered, to deliver'the same to the purchasers thereof on pay- ment of the purchase price. Said purchase price, exclusive of any premium on said bonds or any accrued interest thereon, shall be deposited in a separate fund hereby created in the treasury of the City to be known as the IIElectric Plant Construction Fund of 1956,1I sometimes here- inafter referred to as the IIConstruction Fund, It and shall be used by said City for the sole purpose of paying the cost of making ex- tensions and enlargements of the City's electric system as hereinbe~ fore specified. Withdrawals from said fund shall be made on duly authorized and executed claims therefor accompanied by a certifi- cate executed by the City's engineer or consulting engineers that such payment is being made for a purpose within the scope of this ordinance and that the amount of such payment represents only the contract price or reasonable value of the property, labor, materials, service or obligation being paid for. If upon the completion of making said extensions and enlargements as certified by the City1s engineer or consulting engineers, any moneys shall remain in said lIConstruction Fund,lI said moneys shall be credited to and deposited in the lISinking Fund Accountll ordered to be established by Section 9 of this ordinance, or ift the "Reserve Account," the t1Depreciation and Emergency Reserve Account," 0r in the IISurplus Account," ordered to be established by said Section 9 of this ordinance, as the govern- ing body of the City may determine. Any premium on said bonds and any amount received by the City on account of accrued interest on said bonds shall be deposited in said IISinking Fund Account.1I Section 8. So long as any of the bonds herein authorized remain outstanding and unpaid, the City covenants and agrees that it will operate its electric system on a fiscal year basis, beginning on the first day of August, and ending on the next succeeding last day of July, and that from and after February 1, 1956, all of the revenues derived and to be derived by the City from the operation of its electric system, including the revenues of all improvements, extensions and betterments of said system, will be paid and deposited in a fund to be known and hereinafter referred to as the IIElectric Revenue Fundll and that said revenues will be segregated and kept separate and apart from all other revenues and funds of the City and will be deposited as collected in said IIElectric Revenue Fund.1I Section 9. There are hereby created and ordered to be established in the treasury of the City five separate accounts, each of which shall constitute a special trust account, for the pur- pose of handling the revenues derived and to be derived from the City's electric system, said accounts being hereby designated and to be known respectively as follows: (a) 1I0peration and Maintenance Account,lI (b) IIBond and Interest Sinking Fund Account for Electric Revenue Bonds Dated Feb- ruary 1, 1956, II sometimes hereinafter referred to as the lfSinking Fund Account, II -8- . I I I . 3/6'1 . (c) TlReserve Account fo'r Electric Revenue Bonds Dated February 1, 1956,11 some- times hereinafter referred to as the TlReserve Account,Tl (d) llElectric Plant Depreciation and Emergency Reserve Account,Tl sometimes hereinafter referred to as the "Depre- ciation and Emergency Reserve Account,Tl and (e) t1Electric Plant Surplus Account," sometimes hereinafter referred to as the "Surplus Account.1I Said five account~ shall be maint~ined and administered by the City as hereinafter provided so long as any of the bonds herein authorized remain outstanding. Section 10. The City covenants and agrees that monthly, beginning on the first day of the month following the delivery of the bonds herein authorized and continuing on the first day of each succeeding month so long'as any of the bonds herein authorized remain outstanding, the City will allocate and credit all of the revenues at the time in the TlElectric Revenue Fundll of the City hereinbefore ordered to be maintained as follows: (a) There shall first be credited to said 1l0peration and Maintenance AccountTl an amount sufficient to pay the esti- mated cost of operating and maintaining the City's electric system during the ensuing month (provided, however, that the first amount credited to and ~eposited in said account may also include any amount required to pay part or all of the then current expenses of operating and maintaining said system in so far as said expenses may remain unpaid. All amounts credited to said TlOperation and Maintenance AccountTl shall be expended and used by the City for the sole purpose of paying the reasonable and proper expenses of operating and maintaining said system, and keeping the same in good repair and working order, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, salaries, wages, costs of materials, supplies, insurance, provision for employees' retirement plan, and cost of power. No moneys in said account shall be used for the purpose of extending or enlarging said system. (b) There shall next be credited to said TlSinking Fund Accounttl the following sums: (i) On the first day of each month, be- ginning as of February 1, 1956, and continuing so long as any of the bonds herein authorized remain out- standing and unpaid, an amount not less than one sixth of the amount of interest becoming due on said bonds on the next succeeding interest payment date. -9- . I I I . ;3/ttf (ii) On the first day of each month, beginning February 1, 1957, and con- tinuing so long as any of the bonds herein authorized remain outstand- ing and unpaid, an amount not less than one twelfth of the principal amount of said bonds becoming due on the next succeeding bond maturity date. All amounts credited to said "Sinking Fund Accountll shall be ex- pended and used by the City for the sole purpose of paying when due the principal of and interest on the bonds of the City dated February 1, 1956, herein authorized. (c) The City covenants and agrees that, from its surplus funds now on hand derived from the operation of its elec- tric system and available for the purpose, the City, prior to or upon the issuance and delivery of the bonds herein authorized, will cause to be credited to and deposited in the "Reserve Ac- countll hereinbefore ordered to be established cash or bonds or other direct obligations of the United States Government in an aggregate principal amount sufficient to pay the maximum amount of principal of and interest on the bonds herein authorized which will become due in any subsequent fiscal year, said amount being sometimes hereinafter referred to as the "Maximum Reserve Amount. tl All amounts credited to and deposited in said tlReserve Account" shall be expended and used by the City solely to prevent any default in the payment of the principal of or interest on the bonds of the City herein authorized if the moneys in the "Sinking Fund Account" hereinbefore ordered to be established are insuf- ficient to pay the principal of or interest on said bonds as they become due, and if no other funds are available to pay said principal or interest, or both. No part of said IlReserve Account" shall ever be expended or used by said City to call any of said bonds for payment prior to their ultimate maturity unless there shall remain in said tlReserve Account," after such call and pay- ment, the IIMaximum Reserve Amount" of said account as hereinbefore defined. So long as said JtReserve Account" is in the llMaximum Reserve Amount" aforesaid (either in cash or in bonds or other obligations of the character aforesaid), no further payment into said tlReserve Account'l shall be made, but if at any time or from time to time the City shall be compelled to use and expend any part of said IIReserve Account" for the purpose of paying the principal of or interest on the bonds herein authorized and $uch expenditure shall reduce the amount of said "Reserve Accounttl below the IIMaximum Reserve Amount'! aforesaid, then the City', after making all payments into the "Operation and Maintenance Accountll and into the IISinking Fund Account" at the time required to be made, shall withdraw from the IIElectric Revenue Fund" and shall allocate and credit to said "Reserve Accountll all remaining moneys accruing to said "Electric Revenue Fundll until there shall have accumulated in said "Reserve Account" the "Maximum Reserve Amount" aforesaid. -10- . I I I . J/6q (d) The City covenants and agrees that, from its surplus funds now on hand derived from the operation of its electric system and available for the purpose, the City, prior to or upon the issuance and delivery of the bonds herein author- ized, will payor deposit in the "Depreciation and Emergency Reserve Accountl! hereinbefore ordered to be established, cash or bonds or other direct obligations of the United States Government in the aggregate principal amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000). Except as hereinafter provided, all amounts credited to said account shall be expended and used by the City, if no other funds are available therefor, solely for the purpose of paying the expenses of operating and maintaining the City's electric system and making replace- ments therein necessary in order to keep said system in effi- cient and successful operation. Moneys in said account shall not be used for the purpose of extending or enlarging said system. If at any time or from time to time, the City shall be compelled to use any part of said account and such use shall reduce the amount of said account below the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000), then the City will con- tinue or resume said monthly credits from the "Electric Reve- nue Fund" to said "Depreciation and Emergency Reserve Accounttl (SUbject to the obligation of the City to make all payments at the time required to be made by it under the provisions of paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) hereof) until there shall have accumulated in said account the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000). (e) After making all allocations and credits at the time required to be made by the City under the provisions of paragraphS (a), (b), (c) and (d) hereof [there being to the credit of the "Reserve Account" the "Maximum Reserve Amount" provided in subparagraph (c) hereof, and there being to the credit of the tlDepreciation and Emergency Reserve Account" the sum of not less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000)], all remaining moneys in the tl~lectric Revenue Fund" shall be allocated and credited to the IlElectric Plant Surplus Account" hereinbefore ordered to be established. The City shall have the right to withdraw monthly on the first day of each month, beginning as of March 1, 1956, from said IlSurplus Account" and to pay into the general fund of the City for the general governmental and municipal functions of the City the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000), such payments being made in lieu of taxes, provided, however, that no such withdrawal from said "Surplus Fundtl and payment into the general fund of the City for the general govern- mental and municipal functions of the City shall be made at a time when the City shall be in default in the perform- ance of any covenant or agreement contained in this ordi- nance or when such withdrawal would cause the City to be in default in the perfor.mance of any such covenant or agree- ment. -11- . I I I '. }((;. q Except as aforesaid, no moneys derived by the City from the operation of its electric system shall be diverted or applied to the general governmental or municipal functions of the City so long as any of the bonds herein authorized remain outstanding. Except as otherwise provided in this ordinance, the remaining moneys in said tlSurplus Accounttl may be expended by the City for the purpose of anticipating payments into or in- creasin~ the amounts of the accounts described in subparagraphs (a), (b), (c), and (d) aforesaid or any of them, or any sinking fund or reserve fund created by the City for the payment of any electric light works revenue bonds of the City hereafter issued under the conditions hereinafter specified and standing on a parity with the bonds herein authorized, or for the purpose of paying the cost of operation, maintenance and repair of the City's electric system, making replacements, improvements, en- largements, extensions and betterments thereof, or redeeming and paying prior to maturity the bonds herein authorized or any other electric revenue bonds of the City hereafter issued under the conditions hereinafter specified and standing on a parity with the bonds herein authorized, such redemption to be made in the manner, after the notice and in accordance with all of the conditions hereinbefore specified, or, if none of such revenue bonds be subject to redemption, then for the purpose of purchasing at the market price thereof any of said bonds. The City covenants and agrees that it will not use the moneys in said tlSurplus Account" for the purpose of making any extension, improvement or betterment of the City's electric system costing in excess of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) for any single purchase or improvement nor will it make from said account any series of related expenditures in excess of said aggregate amount for extending or improving said system without securing from the City's consulting engineer or engineers, a report and recommendation with respect to such extension or improvement nor will the City make any such improvement except in accordance with the recommendation of such engineer or engineers. If at any time the revenues derived by the City from the operation of its electric system shall be insufficient to make any payment on the date or dates hereinbefore specified, the City will make good the amount of such deficiency by making addi tional payments out of the moneys in said IISurplus Account'l if any available moneys be in such account, and if the moneys in said IISurplus Accountll be insufficient to cure such deficiency, then out of the first available revenues thereafter accruing to the City's tlElectric Revenue Fund." Nothing contained in this Section 10 or in this ordinance -12- . I I I . Jib 7 shall prohibit or restrict the right of the City to issue additional electric revenue bonds payable from the net revenues produced from the City's electric system or from using moneys in the "Electric Revenue Fund" to pay the interest on and principal of said bonds and to create reasonable reserve funds and accounts therefor, provided any such additional bonds shall be issued under the conditions and subject to the restrictions hereinafter in this ordinance specified. Moneys in the "Depreciation and Emergency Reserve Account" and in the "Surplus Account" may and shall be used by the City to prevent any default in the payment of principal of or interest on the bonds herein authorized if the moneys in the "Sinking Fund Account" and in the IIReserve Account!1 hereinbefore ordered to be established are insufficient to pay such principal or interest as they become due, and if the City shall have outstanding any other electric revenue bonds standing on a parity with the bonds herein authorized, the City may provide that moneys in said "Depreciation and Emergency Reserve Account" and in said IISurplus Account" may likewise be used, if necessary, to prevent any default in the payment of any interest on or principal of such additional revenue bonds. Section 11. Any moneys held in the "Construction Fundll may be invested by the City if permitted by law in bonds or other direct obligations of the United States Qovernment having a fixed redemption value or becoming due within eighteen (18) months from date of purchase. Any moneys in the 11Reserve Account, II the "De_ preciation and Emergency Reserve Account, II and in the llSurplus Account" may be invested by the City if permitted by law in bonds or other direct obligations of the United States Government having a fixed redemption value or becoming due within ten (10) years from the date of purchase. In no event shall any investment be made for a period longer than the time that the Mayor and Council may estimate that moneys may be needed for the purposes of such funds or accounts. All interest on any obligations held in any fund or account created or directed to be established by this ordinance shall accrue to and become a part of such fund or account. In determining the amount held in any fund or account under any of the provisions contained herein, bonds or other direct obligations of the United States Government shall be valued at their principal par value or at their then redemption value, whichever is lower. Section 12. The City of Grand Island, Nebraska, covenants with each of the purchasers and owners of the electric revenue bonds of the City herein authorized that, so long as any of said bonds re- main outstanding and unpaid: (a) The City will fix, establish, maintain and collect rates, fees or charges for the use of or services rendered by the electric system of the City, including all improvements, extensions and betterments thereof, which rates, fees or charges shall be suf- ficient to pay the cost of operating, maintaining and repairing said system, pay.the principal of and interest on the bonds herein au- thorized and any other bonds of said City hereafter issued in accord- ance with the provisions of this ordinance and payable from said revenues, and provide adequate reserves for the payment of the prin- cipal of and interest on said revenue bonds, including the payments required to be made by the City into the "Sinking Fund Account, II the IIReserve Account,1I and the "Depreciation and Replacement Emer- -13- . I I I . J/fe.r gency Account" hereinbefore ordered to be established. (b) None of the facilities or services afforded by the electric system of the City will be furnished to any user thereof without reasonable charge being made therefor. The City will pay monthly into the IIElectric Revenue Fund" at fairly .established rates for all electricity or electric service furnished by the City's electric system to the City or any of its departments. (c) The City will maintain in good repair and working order its electric system and will operate the same in an efficient manner and at reasonable cost. (d) The City will employ an independent consulting engineer or firm of consulting engineers having a national reputa- tion for skill and experience in the construction and operation of public utilities and will cause such consulting engineer or engineers to make at least once in every three years an examination and report on the condition and operations of the City's electric system, such report to include recommendations as to any changes in such opera- tion deemed desirable. Such report shall also make reference to any unusual or extraordinary items of maintenance and repair and any extensions or improvements that may be needed in the ensuing three year period. A copy of each such report will be filed in the office of the City Clerk and a copy shall be mailed promptly to the manager of the underwriting group purchasing the bonds herein authorized. (e) The City will not mortgage, pledge or otherwise en- cumber its electric system as now constituted or any part thereof or any improvement, extension or enlargement thereof, nor will it sell, lease or otherwise dispose of said system or any material part thereof; provided, however, the City, with the written approval of the City's consulting engineer or engineers, may dispose of any prop- erty which has become obsolete, nonproductive, or otherwise unusable to the advantage of the City. Any cash proceeds derived from the sale of such property shall become a part of the IIDepreciation and Emergency Reserve Account" hereinbefore created. (f) The City will carry and maintain a reasonable amount of all-risk insurance upon the properties forming a part of its electric system in so far as they are of an insurable nature, the amount of such insurance being such amount as would normally be insured by a private corporation engaged in a similar type of busi- ness. In the event of loss or damage, the City with all reasonable dispatch will use the proceeds of such insurance in reconstructing and replacing the property damaged or destroyed, or, if such recon- struction or replacement be unnecessary, then in redeeming and pay- ing outstanding revenue bonds of the City payable from the revenues of the electric system of the City, including only the bonds herein authorized or other revenue bonds hereafter issued under the pro- visions of this ordinance on a parity with the bonds herein author- ized, and if none of such bonds be subject to redemption, then for purchasing at the market price thereof any of said revenue bonds. The City in operating its electric system will carry and maintain public liability and workmen's compensation insurance in such amounts as would normally be maintained by a private corporation engaged in a similar type of business. The proceeds derived from any such policies shall be used in paying the claims on account of which such proceeds were received. The cost of all insurance referred to -14- . I I I . 3/~1 in this paragraph shall be paid as an operating cost out of the revenues of the system. (g) The City will keep and maintain proper books, records and accounts (entirely separate from all other -records and accounts of the City) in which complete and correct entries will be made of all dealings and transactions of or in relation to the properties, business and affairs of the electric system of the City. Such ac- counts shall show the amount of revenue received from such system, the application of such revenue, and all financial transactions in connection therewith. Said books shall be kept by the City accord- ing to standard accounting practices as applicable to the operation of utilities. Annually, within ninety (90) days fOllowing the close of each fiscal year, the City will cause an audit to be made by a nationally recognized firm of certified public accountants of the accounts of the City's electric system for the preceding fiscal year. Each such audit, in addition to such matters as may be thought proper by said accountants, shall, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, include the following: (i) A statement of the gross revenues received, of the expenditures for operation, maintenance and repair, of the net operating revenue, and of the amount of any capital expenditures or other expenditures made in connection with the system during such fiscal year. (ii) A balance sheet as of the end of such fiscal year, with the amount on hand at the end of such year in each of the funds and accounts created by Sections 7, 8 and 9 of this ordi- nance. (iii) A statement showing the profit or loss for such fiscal year. (iv) A statement of the number of customers served by the City's electric system and the class of customers, total KW hours per class of customers, and total revenue per class of customers. (v) The number of KW hours generated or purchased and the number of KW hours sold during the fiscal year. (vi) A statement showing the amount and character of all insurance policies carried by the City and in force at the end of the fiscal year, setting out as to each policy the amount of the policy, the risks covered, the name of the insurer, the expiration date of the policy, and the premium thereon. (vii) The comment of said accountants regarding the method by which the City has carried out the requirements of this ordinance and the recommendations of said accountants for any -15- . I I I . 3/~~ changes or improvements in the operation of the accounting system and practices of the City. Within thirty (30) days after the completion of each such audit, a copy of the same shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk where it shall be open to public inspection, and a duplicate copy of each such audit shall be mailed by said accountants to the manager of the underwriting group purchasing the bonds herein authorized. On the written request of said manager, the City shall mail monthly state- ments of the receipts and disbursements of its electric system to said manager and to such investment banking firms and statistical reporting services as said manager may reasonably designate. (h) The holder of any of the revenue bonds herein author- ized, or the representative of such holder, shall have the right at all reasonable times to inspect the City's electric system and all records, accounts and data relating thereto, and any such holder shall be furnished by the City with all such information concerning said system and the operation thereof which he may reasonably request. (i) The City will punctually perform all duties and ob- ligations with respect to the operation and maintenance of its elec- tric system now or hereafter imposed upon the City by the laws of the State of Nebraska, by the Charter of the City, and by the provi- sions of this ordinance. Section 13. The City of Grand Island, Nebraska, hereby covenants and agrees that, so long as any of the bonds herein au- thorized remain outstanding and unpaid, said City will not issue any additional bonds or other obligations payable out of the revenues of its electric system, or any part thereof, which are superior to the bonds herein authorized. Said City further covenants and agrees that it will not issue any such additional bonds or other obliga- tions on a parity or equality with the bonds herein authorized un- less all of the following conditions are met: (a) The net income derived by the City from its electric system for the last preceding fiscal year ended prior to the issuance of such additional bonds, after deduction of the reasonable expenses of operation, main- tenance and repair of such system but before depreciation, amortization and interest chargeable to income account, must have been equal to one hundred thirty-five per cent (135%) of the maximum amount required to be paid out of said income in any succeeding fiscal year on account of both principal and interest becoming due with respect to all electric system revenue bonds of the City, including the additional revenue bonds proposed to be issued. (b) There shall be no default in any of the payments required to be made into the re- spective funds and accounts created by Section 9 of this ordinance. -16- . I I I . 3/(,C, (c) The additional revenue bonds shall become due serially over a period not shorter than the remaining life of the then outstanding bonds herein authorized in such manner as to make the total amount of principal of and interest on the additional revenue bonds due in any year approximately the same in each year in which there is a maturity of principal, the first principal payment of such additional bonds to be not more than three years from the date of such bonds. Additional electric system revenue bonds of the City issued under the conditions set forth above shall stand on a parity with the bonds herein authorized and shall enjoy complete equality of lien on the revenues of the City's electric system with the bonds herein au- thorized, and the City may make equal provision for paying said bonds and the interest thereon out of the "Electric Revenue Fundll created by Section 9 of this ordinance and may likewise provide for the creation of reasonable sinking fund and reserve accounts for the payment of said additional bonds and interest thereon out of the moneys in said "Electric Revenue Fund." Section 14. The City of Grand Island, Nebraska, shall have the right, if it shall find it desirable, to refund any of the revenue bonds herein authorized then subject to redemption or be- coming due, under the provisions of any law then available. Said bonds or any part thereof may be refunded and the refunding bonds so issued shall enjoy complete equality of lien and pledge with any of the revenue bonds issued hereunder which are not refunded, if any there be, upon the revenues of the electric system of the City; pro- vided, however, that if only a portion of the issue of bonds herein authorized be refunded, and if such bonds are refunded in such manner that the refunding bonds bear a higher rate of interest or become due on a date earlier than that of the bonds being refunded, then said bonds may be refunded only by and with the written consent of all of the holders of the bonds herein authorized not refunded. Section 15. The terms "electric system" and "electric light and power plant and distribution system" as used in this ordi- nance shall include all of the properties of the City now or here- after used in providing electric service to the City and its in- habitants and adjacent territory, including all improvements, ex- tensions and betterments thereof hereafter constructed or acquired by the City. Section 16. The City covenants and agrees that in the event that default shall be made by it in the payment of interest on or principal of any of the bonds herein authorized after such interest or principal shall become due, or in the event default shall be made by it in the payment of any of the bonds herein au- thorized when such bonds shall be called for redemption and pay- ment, or in the event default shall be made by the City in the per- formance of any other covenant or agreement made by it contained herein and such default shall continue for a period of thirty (30) days, then at any time thereafter and while such default shall con- tinue, the holders of twenty-five per cent (25%) in amount of the bonds herein authorized then outstanding may, by written notice to the City filed in the office of the City Clerk, declare the principal -17- . I I I . j /' C; of all the bonds herein authorized then outstanding to be due and payable immediately, and upon any such declaration given as afore- said, all of said bonds shall become and be immediately due and pay- able, anything in this ordinance or in said bonds contained to the contrary notwithstanding. This provision, however, is subject to the condition that if at any time after the principal of said bonds shall have been so declared to be due and payable, all arrears of interest upon all of said outstanding bonds, except interest accrued but not yet due on such bonds, and all arrears of principal upon all of said bonds shall have been paid in full, and all other defaults, if any, by the City under the provisions of this ordinance and under the statutes of the St~te of Nebraska, shall have been cured, then and in every such case, the holders of a majority in amount of the bonds herein authorized then outstanding, by written notice to the City given as hereinbefore specified, may rescind and annul such declaration and its consequences, but no such rescission or annul- ment shall extend to or affect any subsequent default or impair any rights consequent ther~on. Section 17. The provisions of the bonds authorized by this ordinance and the provisions of this ordinance may be modified or amended at any time by the City with the written consent of the holders of not less than seventy-five per cent (75%) in aggregate principal amount of the bonds herein authorized at the time out- standing; provided, however, that no such modification or amendment shall permit or be construed as permitting (a) the extension of the maturity of the principal of any of the bonds issued hereunder, or the extension of the maturity of any interest on any bonds issued hereunder, or (b) a reduction in the principal amount of any bonds or the rate of interest thereon, or (c) a reduction in the aggregate principal amount of bonds the consent of the holders of which is required for any such amendment or modification. Any provision of the bonds or of this ordinance may, however, be modified or amended in any respect with the written consent of the holders of all of the bonds then outstanding. Every amendment or modification of a provision of the bonds or of this ordinance to which the written consent of the bondholders is given as above provided shall be ex- pressed in an ordinance of the City amending or supplementing the provisions of this ordinance and shall be deemed to be a part of this ordinance. It shall not be necessary to note on any of the outstanding bonds any reference to such amendment or modification, if any. A certified copy of every such amendatory or supplemental ordinance, if any, and a certified copy of this ordinance shall always be kept on file in the office of the City Clerk and shall be made available for inspection by the holder of any bond or prospec- tive purchaser or holder of any bond authorized by this ordinance, and upon payment of the reasonable cost of preparing the same, a certified copy of any such amendatory or supplemental ordinance or of this ordinance will be sent by the City Clerk to any such bond- holder or prospective bondholder. Section 18. The provisions of this ordinance, including the covenants and agreements hereinbefore contained, shall consti- tute a contract by and between the City and the holders of the bonds herein authorized and the holder of anyone or more of the bonds shall have the right, for the equal benefit and protection of all holders of bonds similarly situated: (a) By mandamus or other suit, action or pro- -18- . I I I . 31(." ceeding at law or in equity to enforce his rights against the City and its officers, agents and employees, and to require and compel the City and its officers, agents and employees to perform all duties and ob- ligations required by the provisions of said ordinance, the City's Charter, or by the Constitution and laws of the State of Nebraska. (b) By suit, action or other proceeding in equity or at law to require the City, its officers, agents and employees to account as if they were the trustees of an express trust. (c) By suit, action or other proceeding in equity or at law to enjoin any acts or things which may be unlawful or in viola- tion of the rights of the holders of the bonds. Nothing contained in this ordinance, however, shall be construed as imposing on the City any duty or obligation to levy any taxes either to meet any obligation incurred herein or to pay the principal of or interest on the bonds herein authorized. No remedy conferred hereby upon any holder of the bonds herein authorized is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy, but each such remedy is cumulative and in addition to every other remedy and may be exercised without exhausting and without regard to any other remedy conferred hereby. No waiver of any default or breach of' duty or contract by the holder of any bond shall extend to or affect any subsequent default or breach of duty or contract or shall impair any rights or remedies thereon. No delay or omis- sion of the holder to exercise any right or power accruing upon any default shall impair any such right or power or shall be construed to be a waiver of any such default or acquiescence therein. Every substantive right and every remedy conferred upon the holders of the bonds may be enforced and exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient. In case any suit, action or proceeding to enforce any right or exercise any remedy shall be brought or taken and then discontinued or abandoned, or shall be determined adversely to the holders of the bonds, then, and in every such case, the City and the holders of the bonds shall be restored to their former positions and rights and remedies as if no such suit, action or other proceeding had been brought or taken. Section 19. If any section or other part of. this ordi- nance shall for any reason be held to be invalid, the validity of -19- . I I I . s/,q the remainder hereof shall not be affected thereby. Section 20. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval as provided by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 15th day of February, 1956. e,~ Mayor. ATTEST: ~~S~ City Clerk. -20- ,~i: I :; c) ORDINANCE NO. 3170 An Ordinance pertaining to zbning; rezoning Lot 1, Block 25, College Addition to West Lawn, an addition to the City of . I Grand Island, Nebraska; authorizing the amending and changing of the official zoning map of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska and declaring that said tract of land be rezoned, reclassified and changed from a, Residence "A" District to a Business "B" Dis- tr i ct. WHEREAS, an application has heretofore been made to the Council &f the City of Grand Island to rezone Lot One (1), Block Twenty- five (25), College Addition to West Lawn, an addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, (now classified as a Residence "A" District) and have the said described tract of land declared to be in a Business rtBn District, and WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Planning Com- mission and by it approved, and I WHEREAS, notices of the filing of such application, and of the date for the hearing on the same were had by publication and by personal notice upon all persons interested as by ordinance pro- vided, and WHEREAS, such hearing was held at a regular meeting of the City Council in the Council Chambers.of the City Hall on the first day of February, 1956, and after such hearing the City Council deter- mined that such application should be approved and the lands herein described be rezoned. NOW, 'llHEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That Lot One (1), Block Twenty-five (25), College I . Addition to West Lawn, an addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be, and the same is hereby rezoned, reclassified, and changed from a Residence "Au District to a Business "B" District. ORDINANCE NO. ;170 (con't) SECTION 2. That the official JZoning"map of the City of . I Grand Island, be, and the same is hereby ordered changed and amended in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a three-fourths vote of the members of the City Council, this the 15th day of February, 1956. City Council ATTEST: I 2f:?:11'f;ir~ I . . I I I . , '} r ' ORDINANCE NO. 3171 An Ordinance pertaining to zoning; rezoning Lots 1, 3, 5, 7, 9,11, 13, and 15, Block 1,College Addition to West Lawn; Lots iL, 3, 5 and 7, Block 14, College Addition to West Lawn, Lots 5, 7, 9, and 11, Block 15, College Addition to West Lawn, Lots 5, 7, 9, and 11, Block 25, College Addition to West Lawn, Lots 3, 13, 15, 17 and 19, Block 25, College Addition to West Lawn, and Lots 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13, Block 26, Gilbert's 3rd Addi- tion; authorizing the amending and changing of the official zoning map of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and declaring that said lots, tracts and parcels of land be rezoned, reclassified, and changed to a Business "B" District. WHEREAS, an application has heretonore been made to the Council of. the City of Grand Island to rezone Lots 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15, Block 1, College Addition to West Lawn and Lots 1, 3, 5, and 7, Block 14, College Addition to West Lawn, from Business "Alf to Business If Blf ; and Lots 5, 7, 9, and 11, Block 15, College Addition to \/\Jest Lawn , and Lots 5, 7, 9 and 11, Block 25, College Addition fo West Lawn, from Residence "B" to Business If BIl . and Lots 3, 13, , 15, 17 and 19, Block 25, College Addition to West Lawn, and Lots 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13, Block 26, Gilbert's 3rd Addition from Residence Il A" to Bu sine s s "Bll, and WlillREAS, said application was referred to the Planning Com- mission and by it approved, and WHEREAS, notices of the filing of such application, and of the date of hearing on the same, were had by publication and by personal notice upon all persons interested as by ordinance provided, and WHEREAS, such hearing was held at a regular meeting of the City Cpuncil in the Council Chambers of the City Hall on the 15th day of February, 1956, and after such hearing the City Council determined that such application should be approved and the lands herein des- cribed be rezoned. ORDINANCE NO. 3'7] (con'b) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: . I SECTION 1. That Lots 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15, Block 1, College Addition to West Lawn, and Lots 1, 3, 5, and 7, Block 14, a College Addition to West Lawn, now zoned as/BuSiness "A" District, Lots 5, 'I, 9, and 11, Block 15, College Addition to West Lawn, and Lots 5, 7, 9 and 11, Block 25, College Addition to West Lawn, now zoned as a Residence ttBtt District, and Lots 3, 13, 15, 17, and 19, Block 25, College Addi tion to West Lawn, and Lots 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13, Block 26, Gilbert's 3rd Addition, now zoned as a Residence "A" District, be, and the same are hereby rezoned and declared to be in a Business "B" District. SECTION 2. 1nat the official zoning map of the City of Grand Island, be, and the same is hereby ordered changed and amended in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. I SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a three-fourths vote of the members of the City Council, this the 29th 1956. day of:Febrl1ary , of the City Council Attest; I . ~ .s.~ ty Clerk . I I I . 1.... ( ~7 ""f ORDINANCE NO. 3172 An Ordinance vacating that part of Madi s6n'\Street lying northerly " of Third Street in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, more particul- arly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest Corner of Lot Five, (5), in Block Eight (8), of Kernahan and Decker Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; running thence northwesterly along and upon the westerly line of said Lot 5 to the northwesterly corner of said Lot 5, for a distance of 132 feet; running thence southwesterly along and upon a line which is the prolongation of the northerly line of said Lot 5, for a distance of 5 feet; running thence southeasterly parallel to the west line of said Lot 5, for a distance of 132 feet; running thence northeasterly along and upon a line which is the prolongation of the southerly line of said Lot 5 for a distance of 5 feet to the point of beginning. WHEREAS, Mrs. Maude Lunney has filed a petition with the City Council requesting that a strip of land five feet in wiath,being a part of Madison Street, in the City of Grand Island lying immed- iately westerly of Lot 5, Block 8, Kernahan and Decker Addition, be vacated and sold to her for the reason that the house erected upon the westerly one half of said lot was inadvertently constructed so that the same occupies that portion of Madison street herein described, and, WHEREAS, such application was submitted to the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Island and by it approved. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND: SECTION 1. That a tract of land, being a part of Madisom.l Street in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, more particulary described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 5, Block 8, of Kernahan and Decker Addi tion to the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska; running thence northwesterly along and upon the westerly line of said Lot 5 to the northwesterly corner of said Lot 5, for a distance of 132 feet; running thence southwesterly along and upon a line which is the prolongation of the northerly line of said Lot 5 for a distance of 5 feet; running thence southeasterly parallel to the west line of said Lot 5, for a distance of 132 feet; running thence northeasterly ORDINANCE NO. 3172 (con't) along and upon a line which is the prolongation of the southerly line of said Lot 5 for a distance of 5 feet to the point of begin- ning, be, and the same is hereby vacated. . I SECTION 2. That the title to that part of Madison Street so vacated shall remain vested in the said City of Grand Island, Ne- braska. , SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and 'approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council, thi s the 29th day of February , 1956. rJibt ~i~~y Council ATTEST: I ~~~ I . ') ORDINANCE NO. 3173 An Ordinance directing and authorizing the sale of the real . I estate described as that part of Madison Street lying northerly of lhird Street in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, more part- icularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 5, in Block 8, of Kernohan and Decker Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; running thence northwesterly along and upon the westerly line of said Lot 5 to the northwesterly corner of said Lot 5, for a distance of 132 feet; running thence south- westerly along and upon a line which is the prolongation of the northerly line of said Lot 5, for a distance of 5 feet; running thence southeasterly parallel to the west line of said Lot 5, for a distance of 132 feet; running thence northeasterly along and upon a line which is the prolongation of the southerly line of said Lot 5 for a distance of 5 feet to the point of beginning; directing the sale of said real estate to Maude Lunney of the City of Grand Island, in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska; providing for I the giving of notice of such sale and giving the terms thereof, and providing for the right to file a remonstrance against the sale of said real estate. WHEREAS, Maude Lunney has filed a petition with the City Council requesting that a strip of land 5 feet in width, being a part of Madison street, in the City of Grand Island lying immediately west- erly of Lot 5, Block 8, Kernohan and Decker Addition, be vacated and sold to her for the reason that the house erected upon the west- erly one half of said lot was inadvertently constructed so that the same occupies that portion of Madison Street herein described, and, I . WHEREAS, such application was submitted to the Planning Commission af the City of Grand Island and by it approved: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. lbat the sale of a strip of land, being that part of Madison Street lying northerly of Third Street in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the wouthwest corner of Lot 5, in Block 8, of Kernohan and Decker Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; running . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3173 (con't) thence northwesterly along and upon the westerly line of said Lot 5 to the northwesterly corner of said Lot 5, for a distance of 132 feet; running thence southwesterly along and upon a line which is the prolongation of the northerly line of said Lot 5 for a distance of 5 feet; running thence southeasterly parallel to the west line of said Lot 5, for a distance of 132 feet; running thence northeast- erly along and upon a line which is the prolongation of the southerly line of said Lot 5 for a distance of 5 feet to the point of begin- ning, be, and the same is hereby directed, authorized and confirmed. SECTION 2. The manner and terms of said sale of such real estate are as follows: The purchaser agrees to pay to the Ci,ty of Grand Island, the sum of One hundred twenty five ($125.00) Dollars, upon delivery of the Quit Claim Deed therefore, and the City of Grand Island shall not be required to furnish an abstract of title. The purchaser shall further pay the costs incurred by the City in publishing ordinances and notices in connection with such sale. The City of Grand Island hereby reserves unto itself, an ease- ment for utility purposes as may be required and for such utility use as the City now has constructed on said premises. SECTION 3. As provided by law, notice of such sale and the terms thereof shall be published for three consecutive weeks in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper published in and of general circulation in said City of Grand ISland, immediately after the passage and publication of this ordinance, and the City Clerk is hereby directed and instructed to prepare and publish said notice. SECTION 4. Authority is hereby granted to the electors of the City of Grand Island, to file a remonstrance againut the sale of the within described real estate; and if a remonstrance against the sale signed by legal electors of said city equal in number to thirty percent (30%) of the electors of the City of Grand Island, voting at the last regular election held in said City be filed with the City Council within thirty days (30) after the passage, and publi- cation of this ordinance, such property shall not then, nor within one year thereafter be sold. ORDINANCE NO. 3173 _(can't) SECTION 5. The sale of said real estate is hereby directed, author- ized and confirmed; and if no remonstrance be filed against such . I sale, the President of the City Council and City Clerk shall make, execute and deliverto the said Maude Lunney of the City of Grmd Island, Nebraska, a Quit Claim Deed for said troperty and the exe- cution of said deed is hereby authorized without further action on behalf of the City Council. SECTIDON 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of all of the members of the City Council, thi s the 29th day of February , 1956. I ATTEST: '\ Council ~~ J: L4 -V- Ci ty Clerk I . . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ~174 An Ordinance submitting to the qualified.voters of the Clty of Grand Island, Nebraska, the question of licensing the sale of alcoholic liquors, except beer, by the drink, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. WHEREAS, a petition signed by legal electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, has been filed with the City Clerk of said City, requesting that the question of licensing the sale of alcoholic liquors, except beer, by the drink, in the City of Grand.Island, Nebraska, be submitted to the electors of said City at the general election to be held on the third day of April, 1956. NOW, '1'HEREPORE, BE I'l' OHDAINED BY 'l'HE lVIAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OJ? THE CITY OF' GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That the question of licensing the sale of alcoholic liquors, except beer, by the drink, in the. City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby ordered submitted to the legal voters of said City at the general election held in said City on Tuesday, April 3, 1956. SECTION 2. The proposition which shall appear on the official ballot, and which shall be submitted to the qualified voters and electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, shall be as follows: "Shall the sale of alcoholic liquors, except beer, by the drink, be licensed in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska." SECTION 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska shall cause to be prepared ballots for use in said election; . said ballots to be printed on white paper and to be designated as ~Official Ballots", and upon said ballots shall be printed the proposition em- bodied in Section 2 of this ordinance, followed by the words "Por License to Sell by Drink", and "Against License to Sell by Drink", and a blank square opposite each, in accordance with the form described in the general laws relative to elections in the State of Nebraska. All electors who favor licensing the sale of alcoholic licrruors except beer, by drink, shall make a cross in the blank square oppo- site said proposition and under the words "Por License to Sell by Drinktl, and all electors who are opposed to licensing the sale of . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 31'74_ Ocon't) alcoholic liquors, except beer, by the drink, shall make a cross in the blank square opposite said proposition and under the words "Against License to sell by Drink". SECTION 4. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska shall cause notice of said election to be given in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper published in the City of Grand Island at least 10 days and not more than 20 days prior to the date of said election, as required by law. SECTION 5. The sale of alcoholic liquors, except beer, by the drink, shall be deemed authorized and permitted in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, if a majority of the electors voting at said election shall vote in favor thereof. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 7th day of March, 1956. ~ ;;7P < ~v ATTEST: ~~:~ ORDINANCE NO. 317'5 An Ordinance creating Water Main District No. 202 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a water main in said district, and . I providing for the payment of the cost of construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a water main dis- trict in the City of Grand Island, to be known and designated as Water Main District No. 202. SECTION 2. The water main in said district shall be laid in state Street from Broadwell Avenue to Elm Street. SEc~nON 3. The main in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and spec- ifications governing water mains heretofore established by the City. SECTION 4. 'l'hat the entire cost of constructing said water main shall be assessed against the abutting property inmid dis- I trict, and a tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of construc- tion of said district as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to become p~yable and delinquent and draw interest as follows,' to-wit: One-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days after ~uch levy; one-fifth in one year; one~fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; one-fifth in four years. Each of said installments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of fourL per cent (.4~) per annum from the time of the aforesaid levy until they shall become delinquent, and after the same become delinquent, interest at the rate of six per cent (6~) per annum shall be collected and enforced as in cases of other special taxes, I . and said special tax shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy thereof. SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as pro- vided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council, this the 7th day L Attest: . _~ / ~~ S,h/~ City Clerk ouncil ORDINANCE NO. ~176 . An Ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, provid- ing for the paving of the street in said district, and providing . I for the assessment and collection of the costs thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLNND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving Dis- trict No. 259. SECTION 2. maid paving district shall consist of that part of Ingill's Street extending from First Street to LouireStreet. SECTION 3. The street in said paving district is hereby ordered paved as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and spec- ifications governing paving districts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be 36 feet in width with integral curb. SECTION 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners I of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting pro- perty owners in said district, at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file with the City Clerk, within twenty days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as provid- ed by law, written objections to paving of said district. SECTION 5. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners within said district, to file with the City Clerk, within the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a partifular kind of material to be used in the paving of said streets. If such owners shall fail to designate the material they desire to be used in said paving district, as provided for above, and within the I . time provided for by law, the City Council shall determine the mater- ial to be used. SEcrrrON 6. That the cost of paving in said district shall be assessed against the lots and tracts of land especially benefi tted thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be d~termined as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 3176 (con1t) SECTION 7. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after i~ passage, approval and publication as . I provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of all of the members of the City Council, this the 7th day of March, 1956. "::if/" L" ~-- "_~ I \ /" / , f ;' i / . .r (-I~ 0\^-~1 M~/. \,,/- President of the ~i ty Cou cil ATII'EST: ~t:L .s.~ Ci ty Clerk I I . ORDlNANOE NO. 3177 . I An Ordinance autherizing the issuance of Interseotion Paving Bonds of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, of the principal aDlQunt of Forty-four Thousand,Four Hu:m.dred Twenty-four Dellars and Seventy-four Cents ($44,424.14) te pay the cost of improving the interseetions and areas formed by the crossing of streets, avenues and alleys, and one- half the cost of paving and improvement of the streets, avenues and publio ways adjaoent to real estate owned by the Oi ty of Grand Island in Pavi'ng Districts Nos. 2.35, 2.36, 2.37, 240, 241, 242, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249 and 250 in said Oity, and Ourb and Gutter Distriot No. 10.3 in said City; and the issuance of said intersecti on paving bonds in the principal amount of TWenty Th0usand TWo HUndred Thirteen Dollars and Fifty Oents ($20,21.3.50) to pay the cost of improving the inter- sections and areas formed by the crossing of streets, avenues and alleys in Interseetion Drainage Projeets, Nos. 55-1 and 55-2 in said Oity Qf I Grand Island, Nebraska; preseribing the form of said bonds, and pro- viding for the levy Qf taxes to pay the same. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE OOUNOIL of the Oi ty of orand Island, Nebraska: SECTION 1. The Oouncil of the Oity of Gram ISland, Nebraska, hereby finds and determines, That pursuant to ordinances heretofore d111y enacted Paving Distriets NQs. 2.35, 2.36, 2.37, 240, 241, 242, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249 and 250, and Ourb and Gutter Distriot No. 10.3 were oreated in said Oity and paving and other street imprever~nts have been oompleted and have been aoeepted by the Oity; that the oost of paving and iJllproving the intersections and areas fQrmed by the erossing of streets, avenues and alleys and publie ways adjaoent to real estate i awned by said City in said districts was as follQws: Paving District No. 2.35 - - - - - - - - - $ 477.86 Paving Distriet No. 2.30 - - - - - - - - - $ 726.64 Paving District No. 2.37 - - - - - - - - - $ .342 .21 Paving Distriot No. 240 - - - - - - - - - $ 4.32.41 Paving District No. 241 - - - - - - - - - $ 2,692.62 Paving District No. 242 - - - - - - - - - $ 4,027.54 Paving Distriot No. 244 - - - - - - - - - $ 8, Paving Distriet No. 245 - - - - - - - - - $ 2, Paving Distriot No. 246 '- - - - - - - - - $ 4,510.'5 Paving District No. 247 - - - - - - - - - # 3,70.3.12 ORDINANCE NO. 3177 (con.) . I Paving Distriot No. 248 - - - - - - - - - $ 7,329.61 Paving Distriot No. 249 - - - - - - - - - $ $,186.82 Paving District No. 2$0 - - - - - - - - - $ 2,0$1.09 Curb and Gutter District No. 103 - - - - $ 1,537.31 That warrants were issued during the progress of the work and upon said warrants interest has accumulated, which together with legal expenses and other incidentals, is the sum of $44,424.74; that the reasonable value of the labor and material ;;fumished in making said improvements is the sum hereinabove set out as the oost thereof; that all conditions, acts and things required by law to exist or to be done preoedent to and in issuanoe of Intersecti0n Paving Bonis 0f the City to pay for paving and imprGving the interseotions and areas aforesaid do exist and have been done as required by law. SECTION 2. To pay the oost of paving and improving as atore- said the interseotions and areas formed by the crossing of streets, I avenues and alleys and publio wqs adjaoent to real estate ow:red by said City in said Districts, there shall be and there are hereby ordered issued Intersection PaVing Bonds of the City of ~and Island, Nebraska, of the principal amount of Forty-four Thousand Four Hundred Twenty-four Dollars and Seventy-four Cents ($44,424.74) consisting of forty-five bonds numbered 1 to 4$, inclusive, Bond No.1 to be in the principal sum of $ 424.74 and Bonds n1.Ul1bered 2 to 45, inolusive, to be in the sum of $ 1,000.00 each, dated April 1, 19$6, bearing interest at the rate of two and one-fourth per centum (21%) per annum, payable annually on the first day 0f April in each year and the principal of said bonds , shall beeOllle due and payable as follows: Bonds ntmibered 1 - " inclusive, $ 8,424.74 d'lle April 1, 19$7 Bonds numbered 10 - 18, inclusive, $9,000.00 due April 1, 1958 Bends numbered 19 - 27, inclusive, $ 9,000.00 due -April 1, 19$9 Bonds numbered 28 - 36, inclusive, $ 9,000.00 due April 1, 1960 Bonds nWl1bered 37 - It.$, inclusive, $ 9,000.00 due April 1, 1961 but redeemable at the option of the City on the 1st day of April, 1958. SECTION 3. The Council of the Oi ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, hereby finds and determines: That pursuant to the official acti0ns of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Grand Island heret0fore, the following intersections in the City of Grand Island have been imprGVeds ORDlNANO;E NO. ~177 (oan.) . I In Drainage Projeot ,.5-1, Plum and Sutherland, Plum and Hansen, Hansen and Vine, Vine and Koenig, Oak and Koenig; in Drainage Prajeot .5,-2, 14th and Haston, 14th and Grand Island Avenue, l.5th and Grand Island Avenue, 17th and Grand Island Ave1'llle, PrGspeot and Grand Island Avenue, Oottage and Grand Island Avenue; and suoh improvements have been aoceptea by the Oity; that the cost of improving the said interseotions am. areas formed by the orossing of said streets and avenues was as follR'8: Interseotion Drainage Project .5,-1 - - $ 12,755.50 Interseotion Drainage Project 55-2 - - $ 7,458.00 That warrants were issuea during the progress of the wark and upon said warrants interest has acoumulated, which together "With legal expenses and other incidentals, is the sum of $ 20,21.3050; that the reascmable valae of the labor and material furnished in making said improvements is. the SUll hereinabove set out as the oost thereof; that all oonlltitions, acts and things required by law to exi st or to be done precedent to and I in issuance of Interseotion Paving Bonds of the City to pay for improving the intersecti ons and areas aforesaid do exist and have been done as required by law. SEOTION 4. Ta pay the cost of improving the aforesaid inter- sections and areas formed by the orossi~ of streets, avenues and alleys in said Projeots, there shall be and there are hereby ordered issaed Intersection Paving Bands of the Oity of Grand Island, NebraSka, of the i principal amount of Twenty Thousand Two Hundred Thirteen Dollars and Fifty Cents ($ 20,21.3.,0) consisting of twenty-one bonds nW11bered 46 to 66, inolusive, Bond No. 46 to be in the prinoipal sum of $ 21.3.50 and Bonds numbered 47 to 66, inclasive, to be in the SWIl of $ 1,000.00 eaoh, dated April 1, 1956, bearing interest at the rate of two and one-fourth per oentum. (2t%) per annum, payable annaally on the first day of April in each year and the principal of said bonds shall become due and payable as foll<nrs: Bands numbered 46 - ,0, inclusive, Bonds numbered ,1 - .54, inclusive, Bonds numbered ,5 - ,8, incl usi ve, Bondsnumbered 59 - 62, inolusive, Bonds nunibered '.3 - 66,inolusive, $ 4,213.50 due Apri-l 1, 19,7 $ 4,000.00 due April 1, 1958 $ 4,000.00 du.e April 1, 1959 $ 4,000.00 due April 1, 1"0 $ k,ooo.oO due April 1, 1'61 but redeemable at the option of the City on the 1st day of April, 19,8. ORDINANCE NO. 3' 77 (eon.) . I become due thereon. The interest coupons shall be exeeuted on behalf of the City by being signed by the President of the Ci ty Council and Clerk either by affixing their own proper signature to each coupon or by causing their facsimile signatures to be affixed theret0; and the President of the City Council and Clerk shall, by the execution of each bond be deemed to have adopted as and for their own proper signatures their facsiJaile signatures affixed to the coupons attached thereto. SECTION 6. Bonds Nos. 1 to 4', inelusi ve, and coupons shall be in substantially the following ferms UN! TED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NEBRASKA I OOONTY OF HALL CITY OF GRAND ISLAND No. $ 1,000.00 INTERSECTION PAVING BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the City of Grand Island, in the County of Hall, State of Nebraska, hereby acknowledges itself te owe and for value received promises to pay to bearer the SllM ef One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) in lawful money of the United States of America on the 1st day of April, 19,7, with interest thereon from the date hereof until maturity at the rate of two ani (me-fourth per centum (2~) per annum, payable annually on the 1st day of April in each year upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached as they severally becoJl1e due. Both the principal hereof and the interest hereon are payable at the affieeof the Treasurer of Hall Cou.nty in Grand Island, Nebraska. For the prompt pqment of this bond, principal and interest as the same become due, the full faith, credit and resources of said City are hereby irrevocably pledged. I . This bond is one Qf an issue Qf fDrty-fi ve bonds, nunibered fram 1 tQ 4', inclusive, Bond No.1 being in the principal sum of $424.74 al'ld Bonds numbered 2 to 4" inclusive, being in the sum of $ 1,000.00 each, of even date and like tenor here~th except as to date of maturity, whioh are issued by said Cit.y for the pUrpose of p~ing the cost of paving and improving the intersecti. ons and areas fOI'll1ed by the crossing of streets, avenues and alleys and public ways adjacent to real estate owned by the City of Grand Island in Paving Districts Nos. 23" 236, 237, 240, 241, 242, 244, 24" 246, 247, 248, 249, 2,0, and Ourb and Gutter District No. 103 in said City, in strict cOJllpliance with Section 16-626, Revised Statutes of Nebraska, 1943, and Sections Ten (10) and Eleven (11), Article Seven (7), of the Home Rule Charter of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and has been authorized by an ordinance legally passed, approved and published and by pr0eeedings duly had by the Council of said City. ORDINANCE NO. 3177 (con. ) . I IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND WARRANTED that all oondi. tions, acts and things required by law to exist or to be done precedent to and in the issuanoe of this bond did exist, did happen and. were done and per- formed in regular and due form am time as required by law and that the indeb:bedness of said City, including this bond, does not exoeed any limitation imposed by law. The City agrees that it will cause to be levied and oolleoted annually a tax on all the taxable property in said Ci ty, suffioient in amount to pay the interest on this bond as the same beoomes due and to create a sinking flmd to pay the prinoipal hereof when th$ same beoomes due. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Counoil of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, has caused this bond to be exeouted on behal:t;6f the City by being signed by the President of the City Council and attested by the City Clerk and by causing the official seal of said City to be hereto affixed, &Rd has cau.sed the interest ooupons hereto attached to be executed on behalf of said City by having affixed thereto the facsimile signatures of the President of the City Council and Clerk. Said offioers dO, by the exeoution of this bond, adopt as and for their own proper signatures their respecti va faosimile signatUJes on. said ooupons. Dated this 1st day of April, 1956. (SEAL) .~ ATTEST: Ci ty Clerk I FORM OF COUPON No. $ 22.5E> On the day of , 19 , the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, will pay to bearer Twenty-two Dollars and Fifty Cents ($22.50) at the office of the Treasurer of Hall County, in Grand Island, Nebraska, fer the interest due on this dat~n its Interseotion Paving Bond daten April 1, 1956. Bond No. . V' City Clerk SECTION 7. Bonds numbered 46 to 66, inelusi ve, and ocnpons shall be in substantially the same form as set forth in Section 6, except the second paragraph thereof shall read as follows: "This bond is one of an issue of twenty-one bonds, numbered from 46 to 66, inclusive, Bond No. 46 being in the principal sum of $21.3.50, and Bonds numbered 47 to 66,inc1usive, being in the surn of $1,000.00 each, of even date and like tenor herewith except as to date of maturity, which are issued by said City for the purpose of paying the cost of improving intersections and areas fanned by the crossing of streets, avenues ani alleys in theCi.ty of Grand Island, NebraSka, to-wit: Intersection Drainage Project No. ,5-1, Plum and Sutherland, PlWll and Hansen, Hansen and Vine, Vine and Koemg,Oakand Koenig; and ORDINANCE NO. 3177 (con.) . I Intersection Drainage Project No. ,15-2, 14th and Huston, 14th and Grand Island Avenue, l15th and Grand Island Avenue, 17th and Gram Island Avenue, Prospeot and Grand Island Avenue, Cottage and Grm d Island Avenue, in strict compliance with Seotion 16-626, Revised Statutes of Nebraska, 194.3, and Seotions Ten (10) and Eleven (11), Article Seven (7), of the Home Rule Charter of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and has been authorized by an ordinance legally passed, approved and published and by proceedings duly had by theComcil of said City.1t SECTION S. After being executed by the President of the City Council and Clerk, said bonds shal]J,e cielivered to the City Treasurer who shall be responsible therefor under his officrl.al bond. The Treasurer shall cause said bonds to be registered in the office of the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Nebraska and in the office of the County Clerk in Hall County. The City Clerk is directed to make and certify in duplicate transcripts of the proceedings of the City precedent to the issuance of said bonds, one of which transcripts shall be filed with the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Nebraska I and the other shall be delivered to the purchaser of said bonds. SECTION 9. The Council shall cause to be levied and collected annually a tax on all the taxable property in said City, in addition to all other taxes, sufficient in amount to pay the interest on said bonis as and when th.e same becomes due and to create a sinking fund to pq the prinoipal thereof as the s~ne becomes due. SECTION 10. Whereas, Bonis numbered 1 to 415, inclusive, have been sold to the First National BankGf Grand Island, Nebraska, the City Treasurer is hereli>y authorized to deliver said bonds tG said bank lilpon the receipt af full payment far the same at not less than par. SECTION 11. Bonds numbered 46 ta 66, inclusive, having been saId ta the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, amd purchased with surplus cash funds at nat less than par, the City Treasurer is directed to deli ver said bands tG the Oi ty Gf Grand Island upGn receipt of fill payment for sanle. SECTION 12. That this ordinance shall be in force ud take effect from and after its passage, apprcwal and publication as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. )'77 (con.) Passed and approved by a major! ty vote of the meIll>erS of the . I Ci ty Council, this the 7th. ATTEST: ~s~ .. i ty< ..lerk I day of , 195'. M'a,.nh ,/ cC~~1L \{- President of thei tYI Council ORDINANCE NO. _1:L7JL An Ordinance creating v.ater Main District No. 203 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, provid- . I ing for the laying of a water main in sAid district, and providing for the payment of the cost of construction thereof. BE n' OHDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF TbE CIT-Y OF GHAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA. : SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a water main district in the Ci ty of Grand I sland, to be known and de signa ted as VVa ter Main District No. 203. SEC'I'ION 2. The water main in said district shall be laid in Harrison Avenue from FourteenUl Street to Fifteenth Street. SECTION 3. The main in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing water mains heretofore established by the City. SECTION 4. That the entire cost of constructing said water main I shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of construction of said district as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows, to-wit: One- fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days after such levy; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one~fifth in three years; one-fifth in four years. Each of said installments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of four per cent (4~0) per annum from the time oi' the aforesaid levy until they shall become delinquent, and after the same become delinquent, interest at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum shall be collected and enforced as in cases of other special taxes, and said special tax I . shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of' the levy thereof. SECTION 5. That this ordinance sh~l be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council, this the 21st day of March, 1956. Att~,eJ~ City Clerk Council ( OHDINANCE NO. _ 3179 _"_._ An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the con- struction of Sewer District No. 291 of the City of Grand Island, Ne- braska, and providing for the collection thereof. . I BE PI' ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF' THE CITY OF' GRAND ISLAND, N.e;BRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special 'tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the purpose of paying the cost of the construction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 291 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found due and assessed against the several lots, tracts, and parcels of land in said district by the City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice having been given thereof as provided by iaw. Each of the several lots, tracts, and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME LO'1' ADDITION AMOUNT ------ -.--""-. William P. & Vineta M. Scroggin 109 Hawthorne Place $ 56.24 William P. & Vineta M. Scroggin 110 " 70.30 I William P. & Vineta M. Scroggin 111 If 70.30 r:Ineodora Kirk 112 11 70.30 Theodora Kirk 113 It 70.30 'I'heodora Kirk 114 " 70.30 Prank w. Ander'son E45' 115 11 29.29 Leo B. & Eileen L. Bickford W63' 115 It 41.01 Prank W. Anderson E45' 116 11 29.29 Leo B & Eileen L. Bickford W63' 116 11 41.01 . Leo Bickford 117 " 70.30 Theodora Kirk 118 It 70.30 William H. & Mable A. Dudey 119 It 70.30 William H. &. Mable A. Dudey 120 It 70.30 William H. &. Mable A. Dudey 121 II 70.30 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and delinquent in the manner provided by law. SECTION 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the City Treasurer the amount of said taxes together with instructions to collect the same as provided by law. . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. _ 3179 (con't) SECTION 4. That this ordinance be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council this the 21st day of March, 1956. A TTEs'r: . e ?Uc~_,_ jPresident of the City Council ;;2L~_A~J4_.. ~-TIerk ORDINANCE NO. ..3.l.80 . I An Ordinance approving the plat of Cunningham Subdivision, ~ an addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, approving the restrictive covenants which are to pass with the title to the lots in said subdivision, and vacating a portion of Harrison's Subdiv- ision to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and certain streets and alleys in that part of said Harrison's Subdivision so vacated. VVHERbA~), William R. Cunningham and Balsa L. Cunningham, husband and wife, and Oren E. Cunningham, single, and Urah J. Cunningham, single, have filed a petition with the City Council requesting that a portion of said Harrison's Subdivision to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and certain streets and alleys therein situated be vaca- ted, and that the area to be vacated is as follows: I That part of Harrison's Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, being Lots Eight (8) to Fourteen (14) inclusive, in Block Three (3), all of Block Four (4), except the North 35 feet of the East 178.5 feet of Lot One (1) and the vVest 21.5 feet of Lots One, 'l'wo, 'l'hree, Four and Five (1,2,3,4,5); all of Block Five (5), except the West 33 feet of Lots Four (4) and F'ive (5); all of Blo ck Six (6), except the We s t 33 fee t of La ts F'our (4) and Five (5); all of Block Seven (7) and Block Twelve (12); all of Block 'l'hirteen (13) except the We st 33 fee t of Lots Four and Five (4 and 5); Fourteenth Street from Kruse Avenue to vacated Taylor Avenue (vacated by ordinance No. 3070); F'ifteenth Street from the West line of the alley in Block 'Three (3) extended south to the aforesaid vacated Taylor Avenue; and unnamed streets between Blocks Four (4) and Five (5); Blocks Five (5) and Six (6) and Blocks Six (6) and Thirteen (13) from afore said vacated 'l'aylor Avenue to east line of a tract conveyed to the City of Grand Isl- and , Nebraska for street purposes, said street being com- monly known as Custer Avenue. WHb;}{t<;AS, said petitioners have requested that a plat of the area so vacated to be known and designated as Cunningham Subdiv- ision, an addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and that i certain restrictive covenants to pass with the title to the Id s, tracts and parcels of land in said subdivision be approved, and, WIlliREAS, the Planning Commission of Grand Island, has approved the plat of said Cunningham Subdivision, the restrictive covenants submitted, and the vacation of that part of Harrison's Subdivision herein described. ORDINANCE NO. 3180 ___ (can't) NOW, 'I'HbHbFORE, BE I'l' ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CI'lY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA; . I SEC'l'ION 1. That the part of' Harrison's Subdivision and the streets and alleys therein situated be and the same is hereby vacated as follows: Tha t part of Harri son;~ s Subdi vi sian in the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, being Lots Eight (8) to Fourteen (14) inclusive, in Block Three (3), all of Block Four (4), except the North 35 feet of the East 178.5 feet of Lot One (1) and the West 21.5 feet of Lots One, Two, ':Lnree, Four and Five (1,2,3,4,5); all of Block Five (5), except the West 33 feet of Lots Four (4) and Five (5); all of Block Six (6), except the West 33 feet of Lots Four (4) and Five (5); all of Block Seven (7) and Block 'Twelve (12); all of Block Thirteen (13) except the West 33 feet of Lots Four and Five (4 and 5); Fourteenth Street from Kruse Avenue to vacated Taylor Avenue (vacated by ordinance No. 3070); Fifteenth Street from the West line of the alley in 1310 ck ':L'hree (3) extended south to the afore said vacated Taylor Avenue; and unnamed streets between Blocks Four (4) and Five (5); Blocks Five (5) and Six (6) and Blocks Six (6) and Thirteen (13) from aforesaid vacated Taylor Avenue to east line of a tract conveyed to the City of Grand Isl- and, Nebraska, for street purposes, said street being com- monly known as Custer Avenue. I SECTION 2. That the plat af that area so vacated known and designated as Cunningham Subdivision, an addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be, and the same is hereby approved, and that the President of the City Council and the City Clerk be, and they are hereby directed and authorized to approve said plat on be- half of the City of Grand Island by subscribing their names on the same, and affixing the seal of the City of Grand Island thereon. SECTION 3. That. the restrictive covenants, which are to pass with the title to the lots and tracts of land in said addition, be, and the same are hereby approved. SECrl'ION 4. That the Ci ty Clerk be, and he is hereby ordered and directed to file with the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, a plat of said Cunningham Subdivision, together with a copy of the restrictive covenants, and a certified copy of this ordinance. SEc'rION 5. That the Ci ty Engineer, be, and he is hereby ordered and directed to show on the official map of the Ci ty of Grm d Island the vacation of that part of Harrison's Subdivision herein described, the streets and alleys therein situated, and Cunningham Subdivision to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as herein approved. ORDINANCE NO. 318Q (con't) SECrl'ION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law . I provided. Passed and approved this 21st day of March, 1956. ATTEST: ~J~ Ji ty Clerk @f~ r~sident of the City Council I ORDINANCE NO. 3181 An ordinance extending the corporate limits of the City of . I Grand Island, Nebraska, by annexing thereto and including therein, an addi tion to be known and de signa ted as lVlorri s Fifth Addi t:Lon to tbe City of Grand Island, Nebraska, approving the plat of said addi- tion, accepting the gift of an area :Ln said addition for park pur- poses designating the same as "Waggener Park", and approving the protective covenants and restrictions pertaining to the lots, tracts, and parcels of land in said addition and all proceedings had and done concerning the annexation of said addition. WUEHEAS, L. G. Waggener and Mable E. Waggener, each in his or her own right and as the spouse of each other, have made appli- cation to the City of Grand Island requesting the annexation of an addition to be known and designated as Morris Fifth Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, by said City; that the corporate I limits of said City be extended to include said addition, and has submi tted therewi th a plat showing the lots and blocks compri sing said addition, together with streets, alleys, avenues and public ways, and VvHEHEAS, said peti tioners have further submi tted to sa:ild Ci ty certain protective covenants and restrictions, which conditions are to run with the title to the lots, tracts and parcels of land in said addi tion, and be binding upon all successors in ti tIe thereto, and WHEHEAS, the City Council has examined said application, plat and protective covenants and restrictions, and has found thut the same should in all respects be approved, and I . WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Island, has had the plat of said addition before it for consideration, "and has approved the annexation of s~id addition, and WIlliREAS, the said L. G. Waggener and Mable E. Waggener have set aside a portion of said addition for park purposes, and have in a certain deed of conveyance dated March 21, 1956, deeded said ORDINANCE NO. 3181 (con't) park area to the City of Grand Island, and have provided in said conveyance that such area must be known as llWaggener Park", and . I must be forever used for park purposes, and that the same should revert to the donors of such park area, or to their estates should the City of Grand Island cease to use the same for park purposes. NOW IL'HEHEFORE, BE Ill' OHDAII\JED BY 'FfiE COUNC IL OF CI'I'Y OF GRAj~D ISLA.ND, NEBRA:::.,KA: SECTION 1. That the application of L. G. Waggener and Mable E. Waggener, each in his or her own right and as the spouse of each other, to have lVIorr'is Fifth Addi tion to the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, annexed to said City of Grand Island, be, and the same is hereby granted; that tl:1e plat of said addition, laying out said land into lots, blocks, streets, alleys, avenues and public ways, be, and the same is hereby in all respects approved. SECTION 2. That the protective covenants and restrictions now I on file in the office of the City Clerk, which shall run with the title to the lots, tracts and parcels of land in said lVIorris Fifth Addition, be, and the same are hereby accepted and approved, and that the approval of the plat of said addition and of the covenants and restrictions be endorsed upon the same and signed by the Presi- dent of the City Council and by the City Clerk, and that the seal of the City of Grand Island be thereunto affixed. ~)BcrIII0l0 3. 'J:hat the plat of said Morris Fifth Addition and a certified copy of said protective covenants and restrictions, be, and the same are hereby ordered filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, as by law provided. SEC'l'ION 4. That the City of Grand Island does gratefully I . accept as a gift, that portion of said Morris Fifth Addition des- cribed as follows: All that part of a tract of land in the SoutWVest ~uarter (Swt) and the Northwe st Quarter (N\lVt) of the Northeast Quarter (NEi) of Section Nine (9), 'l'own ship Eleven (11), North, Range Nine (9), We st of the 6th p. M., Hall County, Nebraska, which lies between Seventeenth (17th) Street in the City of Grand Island, and the South line of the tract of land conveyed to J'ohn Knickrehm by deed dated April 19, 1906 and recorded in Book 34 of Deeds at Page 558 in the Office of the Register of Deeds ORDINANCE NO. _318l-.. (con It) . I of Hall County, Nebraska, and lying between Vine street in the Morris Fifth Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and the Chicago, Burlington and (~uincy Railroad right- of-way line; that the covenants and conditions contained in the deed of con- veyance for said park area dated March 21, 1956, be, and the same are hereby accepted and approved, and that said park shall be known and designated as HWaggener Parkll. SEC1'ION 5. rl'his ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council, this the 21st day of March, 1956. A '1' IJ:'E S'l' : ~"\ C "" :"1.. ----/! __ct ,,' (t. J ?("i I- (q (,~~,~)ident of the Ci ty Council I _?4~?s~. ~TI7t; Ie rk ORDINANCE NO. 3182 An Ordinance fixing the payor compensation of the Police Magistrate of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; fixing the date on which the payment of the . No. 2931 of the I all ordinance s, this ordinance. same shall become effective, and repealing Ordinance ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict with BE rrl' OHDAINED BY 'I'M COUNCIL OF 'I'HE CITY OF' GRAND ISLAND, NEBHASKA: SECTION 1. The annual payor compensation to be paid to the Police Magistrate of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, shall be the sum of One thou sand eight hundred dollar s (~~1800) per year, payable in twe 1 ve (12) monthly installments each in the sum of One hundred fifty dollars ($150.). SECII'ION 2. rEhe rate of payor compensation herein established shall become. payable on the 1st day of April, 1956, and the said Police Mag- istrate shall continue to receive as payor compensation for his servi- ces the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100) per month until the change I in such payor compensation herein provided for becomes effective. SEC'l'ION 3. That Ordinance No. 2931 of the ordinance s of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, and any and all ordinances, parts of ordinances, and resolutions in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. This ordinance sh~l be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a three-fourths vote of the members of the City Council, this the 21st day of March, 1956. ~(O~ 0~dent 'of the Ci ty Council A'I'~r,[!;sll': *pe- ~ ~ (;i . Clerk . I I OHDINANCE NO. 3lB3 An ordinance fixing the salaries of the City Clerk and the City Treasurer of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, fixing the date the payment thereof shall be come effective, andu:Bpealing that part of Ordinance No. 3136 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Ne- braska, pertaining to the salary of such officers and all other ord- inances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. BE IT OHDAINED BY rllBE COllllJCIL OF 'l'fJE CI~:'Y OF' GRAND ISLAim, NEBRASKA: S1!:C'l'ION 1. 'I'hat from and after the first day of April, 1956, the salary to be paid to the City Clerk and the City Treasurer shall be the sum of $400.00 per month payable at the rate of $200.00 to each of said officers by-monthly. SECr11ION 2. Each of said officers shall devote forty four hours of time each week in the performance of his duties. SEC'I'ION 3. That the part of Ordinance No. 3136 of the ordinances of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, pertaining to the salary 'TIO be paid to each of said officers, be, and the same is hereby repealed. SEC'J.1ION 4. 'rllis ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this the 21st day of March, 1~56. A rpTEST: (6< J1(~ _ e ident of the City Council -~~~- 1,( / ORDINANCE NO. .---..3184 An Ordinance pertaini.ng to zoning; rezoning Lot F'ifteen (15), :Ln Home Subdivision of a part of the Northwest Quarter of' ~)ection Nine, Township Eleven, North, Range Nine jest of the 6th P. M., in Hall County, Nebraska; authorizing the amending and changing of . I the official map of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and declar- ing that said tract of land be rezoned, reclassified, and changed from a Residence "A" Distriet to a Business YibY District. WHEH1~AS, an application has neretofore been made to the Council of the Ci ty of Grand Island to rezone Lot 1"ii'teen, in Home SubdivisiO] aI' a part of the Northwest Quarter ai' Section Nine, Township Eleven, North, Range Nine west of the 6th P. M., in Hall County, Nebraska; (now classified as a Residence HAil District) and have the said OOS- cri.bod tract of land declared to bo in a Business !tAIt District, and WlJEHLAS, said application was referred to the Planning Commission and by it approved, and WHER1~AS, notices of the filing of such application and of the da te for the hearing on the same \l\Jere had by publication and by per- I sonal notice upon all persons interested as by ordinance provided, and vvHERl~AS, such hearing VlTas he ld at a re gular mee ting of the City Council :in the Council Chambers of the City Hall on the 21st day of March, 1956, and after such hearing the City Council determined that such application should be approved and the lands herein described be rezoned. NOW, 'rHB;REF'OHJi:, BE IT ORDAINED BY 'rHE C01JIIJCIL OF' 'THE CITY 01" GHAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That Lot Fifteen, in Home Subdivision of a part of the Northwest Quarter of Section Nine (9), Township Eleven (11), North, Range line (9), west of the 6th P. M., in Hall County, ~ebraska, be, and the same is hereby rezoned, reclassified, and changed from a I . Residence !fAll District to a Business itA" District. SECTION 2. That the official zoning map of the City of Grand Island, be, and the same is hereby ordered changed and amended in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. OHDINANCE NO. _. 3184 (can't) SEe'I'ION 3. 'ilia t thi s ord1nance shall be in for ce and take . I effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a three fourths vote of the members of the City Council, this the 28th day oi'lIlarch,_, 1956. A'rTEs'r: (!, ~ ------- of the City Council ~~---~ S~~~ o!:::!-7~' Ci ty-Clerk-~-- I 4i, r ' . I I i ORDINANCE NO. 3185 . An Ordinance creatingVVater Main District No. 204 of the City of Gr,md Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a water main in said district, and pro- viding for the payment of' the cost of construction thereof. BE; IT ORDAINED BY 'I'RE COUNCIL OF' THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NJ'::BRASKA: SECTION 1. 1nat there is hereby created a water main dis- trict in the City of Grand Island, to be known and designated as Water Main District No. 204. SECTION 2. The water main in said district shall be laid in 20th Street from Oak Street to Vine street, and in 19th Street from Oak Street to Vine Street. sr,~CfrrON 3. 1'he main in said district is hereb;7" ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing water mains heretofore established by the city. SECTION 4. ~lat the entire cost of constructing said water main shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of construction of said dis- trict as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to become pay- able and delinquent ~nddfaw intere~t as follows, to-wit: One-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days after such levy; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; one-fifth in four years. Each of said installments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of four percent (4%) per annum from the time of the aforesaid levy until they shall become delinquent and after the same become delinquent, interest at the rate of six per- cent (6%) per annum shall be collected and enforced as in cases of other special taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy thereof. SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council, th:L s the .2..8.tL_ day of March, 1956. -:p~ p, ~~ V~dent of the Cfty'Council A TTES'I': ~t{~, 1 Y lerk . I I c~, 7, ,j OlmINANCE NO. -31~L.._--<-_. An Ordinance . 'exte:hding the corporate limi ts of the City of Grand Island, by annexing thereto and including therein, certain pieces of land purchased for street purposes. WHEHi:2;AS, it has been deemed advisable to purchase for street purposes, the several tracts and pa~cels of land described as follows: 'rhe East thirty three feet of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section Eight in ~:'ownship :Dleven, North, Hange Nine, West of the Sixth P. M. The \iVe st thirty three fee t of the We st Half of the North Half of the Northwest (..~,uarter of the Northeast Quarter of Se ction 17, 'l'ownship 11, North, Hange 9, West of' the 6th P. M. in Hall County, Nebraska. A tract of land which is that part of the South half of the Northeast quarter of Section 17, 'I'oWYlship 11, North, Range 9, ITall County, Nebraska, which lies west of the west line of Carey Street in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, if said Carey Street were extended north through the South one half of the Northeast quarter of said Section 17; more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the South half of the Northeast ~]arter of said Section 17, running thence East 33 feet running thence south parallel to and 33 feet east from the west line of said South half of Northeast GLuarter, 1019.5 feet to a point which is on the easterly prolongation of the south line of Seventh Street in West View Addition to the Ci ty of Grand Island; running thence to the Ie ft on a curved line having a radius of 209.7 feet and sub tending a central angle of 47052; a distance of 175.2 feet; run~ing thence to the right on a curved line having a radius of 209.7 feet and subtending a central angle of 47052, a dis- tance of 175.2 feet to a point which is the northwest cor- ner of Lot 216, Belmont Addition to the City of Grand Island; running thence west on the south line of the South half of the Northeast quarter of Section 17, 171 feet to the southwest corner of said South half of Northeast quarter of Section 17; running thence north 1330.5 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.5 acres, more or less. The Bast sixty feet of the East half oi' the Northeast Quarter of the NOI,thwe s t Q,uarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 17, 'I'ownship 11, North, Range 9, West of the 6th P. M. in Hall County, Nebraska. A tract of land in the West half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 22, r:L'ownship 11, North, Range 9, west of the 6th P. M. Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of said West half oi' the Northeast q.ual'ter of Section 22, Township 11, North, Range 9, west of the 6th P. M. which point is 130 feet east of the center of said section 22; running thence north parallel to and 130 feet easterly from the west line of said vilest half of the Northeast qua:rter of said Section 22, approx- imately 1488.4 feet to a point which is the intersection of the south line of Sunset Avenue with the west iliine of Pleasant View Drive extended southerly, in the Ci ty oi' Grand Island, Nebraska; running thence east along the south line of SunBet Avenue 60 feet to the east line of Pleasant View Drive; run- OHDINANCE IW. ...1!86 (con't) . I ning thence south on a line which js parallel to and 190 feet from the west line of the West Half of the Northeast (--4~J.arter of said Section 22, approximately 1480.4 feet to the south line of said vvest Half oi' the Northeast Quarter of said Section 22, running thence west 60 feet to the point of beginning; it being the intention to convey a southerly prolongation of Pleasant View Drive from the south line of Pleasant View Addition to the City of Grand Island, to the south line of the West Half of the North- eas t Q,uarter, Se ction 22, 'l'ownship 11, North, Range 9, Hall County, Nebraska., and WJJERGAS, the trants and parcels of land herein described should be annexed to and included within the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. NOW, 1'Hl';riEPOH.G, BE 1'1' ORDAINED BY 'rBE; COUNCIL OF 'rEE CITY OF' GHA1\Jl) I SLA,'jD, NEBJMSK.b..: srGC'l'lON 1. 'I'ha t the several lots" tract s and parcels of land herein described, be, and they are hereby annexed to, and included within the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island. SI<;C'l'ION 2. '.l'ha t the C1 ty Engineer, be, and he is hereby I ordered and diredtEjd to"'show said parcels and tracts of land on the official map of said City. SEe'I'ION 3. 'l'hat the City Clerk forward to the City Engineer and to the Utilities Commissioner a certified copy of this ordinance, and that a certified copy thereof be filed in the office of the Reg- ister of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska. SEC'l'ION 40. 'l'his ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Passed and approved this 28th day of March, 1956. C, ~.t~ p'- e' i den t'ot-Efle'-C i ty C ounc i 1 I A'I"I'ES 'X': ~cfe~ /, '3 h ,) -1") \ . " OHDINANCJ~ NO. ..31J?J____ . I An Ordinance pertaining to streets; changing the name of Hart Avenue to Custer Avenue; changing the name of that part of Harrison Avenue lying between Sixteenth Street and Thirteenth Street to Ruby Avenue, and naming a strip of land acquired for street purposes lying between Bleventh Street and 'lhirteenth Street, which would be a Pl'O- longation of Harrison Avenue if extended south of Thirteenth Street, . to Ruby Avenue. WHIm.8AS, the City of Grand I sland deems it advi sable and con- venient for the public to change the name of Hart Avenue to Custer Avenue, and to change the name of that part of Harrison Avenue ly- ing between Sixteenth Street and Thirteenth Street to Ruby Avenue, and VflI~REA~, the City Council acquired Lot 16, Block 1, Dill and I Huston Addition, and the East fifty feet of an unplatted tract of land lying directly north thereof from Joseph L. Forst for street purposes, and w}n~RJ:;AS, the Ci ty of Grand Island purchased from the Central Catholic High School a strip of land for street purposes described as The East sixty feet of the East half of the Northeast ~larter of the Northwest ~luarte:e of the Northeast Quarter, of Section 17, reownship 11, North, Range 9, West of the 6th P. M. in Hall County, Nebraska, which said strip of land connects with the property pur- chased from Joseph L. Forst, and the same should be named Ruby Avenue. NOW TH:~HEFORE BE n.' ORUAll\fKD BY 'lEI:!: COUNCIL UF' TBE OI 'Y.'{ OF' GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1: That from and after the taking affect of this ord- inance, Hart Avenue shall be known and designated as Custer Avenue. OHDINANCE NO. .J.1:&L____ ( con t t) SECTION 2: That that part of Harrison Avenue lying between Sixteenth Street and Thirteenth Street be known and designated as . I Ruby Avenue. SECTION 3: That the connecting strips of land purchased from Joseph L. Forst and from the Central Catholic High School, herein- before described, extending fY.'om Eleventh Street to ~~hirteenth street be known and designated as Ruby Avenue. SEC~~ION 4: That the City Engineer be, and he is hereby author- ized, ordered and directed to change the names of said avenues as herein prov.ided, on the official map of' the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and further, that said City Engineer identify said streets by erecting thereon street signs in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. SJ:;;CTION 5: ~r.hat the City Clerk be, and he is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this ordinance to the Chief of Police, I the Chief of the Fire Department, the Commissioner of Utilities, the City Engineer, the Postmaster, and the Central Catholic High School, a corporation, and that a copy of the same be filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska. SECTION 6: This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law pro- vided. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City. Council, this the 28th day of March, 1956. i A Trr.ESfr: ~.~~_..- Ci t;y Clerk ~.."~ ~_.. ". " ' , ",' , Be/ident of the CitY'Oaimcn \.../' :)1 r.HmDTAi~C]:;; 1m. 3llB_~__ . I An Ordinance extending the corporate limi t s of the Ci ty or Gran d Island, Nebraska, by annexing th~reto and including therein, an addition to be known and designated as Knickrehm Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; approving the plat of said addition and approving the protective covenants t1lnd restrictions pertaining to the lots, tracts and parcels of land in said addition, and all proceedings had and done concerning the annexation thereof. VVEE.tU;~A:3, Frieda KnlcJ{renm, a widow, has made application to the (;j ty of Grand Island requesti.ng t,he annexation of an addJ..tlon to be knOW1) and clesi0;nated as Knickrehm Addition to the Cit;y of' Grano I Island, Nebraska, by said City; that the corporate limits of said C1 ty be ex.tonded to include said addi tion, and has submi tted the re- with a plat showing the lobi and blocks compri sing said addi tion, together with streets, alleys, avenues and public ways, and Wll.I.<.:RJ-1.~iLS, said petitioner has further submi tted to said Ci ty certain protectIve covenants and restrictions, which concHtions are to run with the title to the lots, tracts and parcels of land in said addi- tion, and shall be binding upon all successors in title thereto, and VVHERKI\S, tbe C1 ty Council has examined said app1:L ea tion, pIa t and prote c tivo covenan ts and re s tr1 et1ons, and has found tha t th e sa:l1e should in all respects be approved. NOW, 'I'Jli';l.{lDPOIlE, BE 1'1' ORDAINED HY ~lIIT;; COUNCIL of tr18 City or Grand Island, Nebraska: SI~crnOJ\J 1. ~lhat the a"QDJ5cation of the said F'rieda I-\:nickrer1rn, a Illddow, tot-lave Knlekrehrn Addition to the City of Grand I~:land, Ne- braska, annexed to said City, be, and the sarno is hereby granted; that the plat of said addition, laying out said land into lots, blocks, streets, alloys, avenuesand public ways, be, and tbe same is hereby in all respects approved. ,~)}i~C'rION 2. That the pr'otective covenants and restJ'ictions now on file 1:n the office of the C1 ty CleI"k, vVh 1eh run with the ti tIe to the lots, tracts and parcels of land in said Kn1ckrehm Addition,be, and the same are her>eby accepted and approved, and that the approval of the plat of said addition and of the covenants and restrictions OHDINANCf~ NO. _J.188 .___ (con It) be endorsed upon the same and signed by the President of the City . I Council and by the City Clerk, and that the seal of the city of Grand Island be thereunto affixed. SI':CTION 3. r[,ha t the pat of said Knickrehm Addition and a certi- fied copy of said protective covenants and restrictions be, and the same are hereby ordered filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, as by law provided. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, aoproval and publication as provided by law. PaRseS. and approved by a majority vote of all of the members of the City Council, this the 4th day of April, 19b6. 7~e~~CT1;Y-Co\JnoD. ( . ' . A'J,rrES'l' : \._-,<' I ~.t c~-------_. , l' ORDHJA.NCE: NO. .31~9_________ An Ordinance CT'8a ting; vva tel' JVlall1 D1 stri c t No. 2()b of ttle Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing . I for the laying of a water main in said district, and providing for the nayment of the cost of construction thereof. BE ~crr ORDAINED BY COUNCIL OF 'l'Irl~ eI'J'Y Of' GH!u\lD ISLAND, NE,..,. BRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a water main district in the City of Grand Island, to be known and designated as Water Main District No. 205. SECTION 2. The water main in said distrlct shall De laid in Custer Avenue from West North Front street to George Street. SJ~(Jf.rIO,I~- ?5. T.he main in st3-.id" district ts -hereb~f ordered. lald_ irl Custer Avenue as provided by law and in accordance wi tb the plans and spe cif]. ca tions governing water mains he re tofore e stabli shed by the City. I Sl,~crl1J ON 4. 'l'ha t tile entire co s t of constructing said water main shall be assessed agalnst the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of construction of sa5d district as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows, to-wit: One- fifth of tne total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days after such levy; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; one-fifth ln four years. Each of said installments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of four p; I' cent (4~%') per annum from the time of the afore said levy until they shall become deliqquent, andaft~r the samebec6me de- linquent, interest at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum shall i be collected and enforced as in cases of other special taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy thereof. SEcrrrON 5. r~hat this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication. Passed and aoproved by a majority vote of the members of' the City Counci 1 thi s trle 4th day of April, 1.956. f'Frf~or(V-t1i~"1;OiillClr..-- ! ",-"./ A 1:'~"Esrr: #' / ~~~~~_...._--~----- \J J. I~y \/..L8 ra . I I ~~ l; OHDJNANCE 11m. ....3lj~______. An Ordinance creating Sewer Dis trict No. 293 of' the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a sewer in sa~Ld d:1strlct, and providing for the payment and collection of the cost of the construction thereof. BE I'L' OHDAINED BY 'IRE COiJNCIL OF' 'I'HE CI'I'Y OF (JHAlm ISLAND, NbBRASKA: SECTION I. That there is hereby created a sewer district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Sewer District No. 293. SECTION 2. The sewer in said district shall be laid in an easement granted for utili ty purposes and shall extend from the West line of Lot 15, Block 1, to thB West Line of Lot 9, Block 3, all in Dill and Huston Addition to trIe City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 3. The sewer in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing sewer districts as heretofore established by the City. Sl~crl'ION 4. That the entire cost of constructing said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of construction of said dis- trict as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to become pay- able and delinquent and draw interest as follows: One-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in flfty days from the date of the levy thereof; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one- 1'ifth in three years and one-fifth in four years. Each of said in- stallments except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of four per'cen t (41~) per annum from the date of the levy until tll.ey become delinquentl and after the same become delinquent, interest at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum shall be paid thereon until the same j.s collected and paid, and said special taxes shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy. ;~)EcrnOJil 5. 'I'hat this ordJ.nance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by la~v . Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council, this the 4th day of April, 1956. A rI'TEr; rr: .. /7P; l I F \....,/. -~~'k~--- .-:' i/ ORIHNANCE NO. _>3..!!4__~_...__. An Ordinance extending the corporate limits of the City of . I Grand I~Jland, Nebraska, by annexing thereto and including tberein, an addi tion to be known and de signa ted as Bel-Air AdeH tion to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska;' approving the plat of said addition and approving the protective covenants and restrictions pertaining to the lots, tracts and parcels of land in said addition, and all proceedings had and aone concernl the annexation thereof. WHEREAS, Raymond A. Watson and J. Alfred Proffitt have made application to the City of Grand Island requesting the annexation of an addition to be known and designated as Bel-Air Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, by said City; that the corporate l:i,cits oi' said CIty be extended to lnclude said a deLi tion, and have submi tted therewith a plat sbowing the lots and blocks compri sing said addi tion, toge ti:1er wi th stree ts, alleys, avenue s and public wa'.'fs, and vviiF:Rl';AS, said p eti tJ, oners have l.'urther submi tted to said Ci ty I certain proteetive covenantC) and restrictions, whici:1 conditions are to run wi th the ti tIe to the lot s, tracts and parcels of land in said addi tion, and shall be binding upon all successors in ti tIe thereto, and WtiER~AS, the plat of said addition together with the restric- ti ve covenants subrni tted for the same have been app:rovec3. by the Planning Commi s sion, and Wffi~REAS, the City Council has examined said application, plat and p:eotective covenants and restrictions, and bas found that tlJe same should in all respects be approved. NOW, r['tJ}~Hb'F'0RJ, Bi:'; 11' OHDAINbD BY 'l'HE COUNCIL OF THE CI'j'y OF' GHAND I S:LAND, N EBHA ~~.KA : sr'~C[rIOJIJ 1. ']'ha t the application of the said Hf.>I:ymond A. Vtfa t20n and J. .6, Ifred. PI'offi tt to have Bel-fUr AdeU tion to the Ci ty of ('.rand Island, Nebraska, annexed to said City of' Grand Island, be, and tlle same is hereby granted; that the plat of sald addition, laying out said land into lots, blocks, streets, alleys, avenues and nublic ways be, and the same is hereby in all respects approved. . I I OHDJNANCE NO. 3~-91_.__.~._j con It) SECTION 2. That the protective covenants and restrictions now on Lilo in the of'f1ce 01' the City Clerk, which run with the tItle to the lots, tracts and parcels of land in said Bel-Air Addition, be, and the same are hereby accepted and approved, and that tho approval of the plat of said addition and of the covenants and restrictions be endorsed upon the same and signed by the President of the City Council and by the City Clerk, and that the seal of the City of Grand Island be thereunto affixed. S~CTION 3. That the plat 01' said Bel-Air Addition and a centi~ fied copy of said protective covenants and restrictions, be, and the same are hereby ordered filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall Coun ty, Nebr:H:ka, as by law pr'ovided. 0F;C~II'IO.L~ 4. 'Fni S ordlnan ce shall be in i'orce and take ef'fe c:t from and after its passage, approval and Iblication as providod by law. Passed and approved lliy a majorlty vote 01' all of ttle l11embers of the City Council, this the rHh day of April, 1956. A TTgS']': ~~...~~ --,'.'."'- --- ..._....~~,.- .,-~. .. .~._- ..~~._.. .~,- '-'-",' ."-.-- --- -J~-~'~-'-"' .-- '_'N___.._'T~".""" .;'''-_...........~".~- -_.- ~-,.,.,~.-'l'--:-~~-.-.. E e~lQent of the Clty Counell -~.{:.~ ....,,---_..... C1ty Clerk . I I ORDINANCE HO. ':\lQ2 . AN Ordinance lev.ying speei.a1...taxesto.. pay .tor the cost of the construction a.f WaterMainDiatrietdNa.19ELof . the. caty af.G.rand Islan<il Nebraska, and providing :for. .the.c.all.eetlon ,thereo:f. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE Cln COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBijASKA: SEC~ION1. Tha.ttaerel.lI:herehylev:ie.dand&ssessed a special tax. agains.t... the . severaL l.o.ta,trAc;us.;41l'lGi.preels ...ofland.he.relnafter 8e.t forth. f.orthe.pllrp.o:s;e.o.f, ,p,.:y:ing,..the.eo.sto.:fth.e.. eon.s.truetion af .the water main .insaid.di.strict..o.~;sa1.d..C.i,ty, ,.in. ..&c,e.ordanc.e. with the benefit.s found. .d.lulaniL.a.s.s.e-s.s&d"again.s.t..the. ,se.veral. l!lts,. .tr.ac.ts and parcels of land in . aald.d.is.tri.c,t,....bJ:. ,the.Oit.yo Counci.Lof..s.u.d..City, si.t tingas.a. .Bo.U".d.a..:fEqiQd1.za.t.1.on...af~te.r. ciue. Iloti.e.e having.. 'b.eJ:tn given thereof .as provi.d:e,d. lilY.. law. . Ea.chof..th.e..seyeraLlots., ..tra.ct.s and parcels of landie .aeses.se.d.as:fo1lows: NAME DESCRIPTION ADDITION AMOUNT Jam.s R.& Betty Weesner B.eginning.a.t..theN.E. corn.er o.f.Lt .10, . run- ning .thene.e .W.78....; the.nc. S. p.arall.eL..t.o.. ..the... .lot . line.be.tween.LtJJ10 ,and ll'h .to the.N..line.~o:f',18th st. runnlng_..thanne...N.E. al.ong. ...the ..N.llne ._o.f.. .18 th St. .to.the.W .hlineo:f' Wb.e.le,r...Ave. ...runnl:p.g theDe.e..N. .50. .7.' to, the point .o:f'..b.eginning..HQme. Suh. $122.16 :ae.ginning..a.t.~a- . point .19.4 f W. of ..the....W.E.....co.rner....of . Lt. l~, _running.. thence W. 70.' ,thence. S.p..ara.l.le 1 to _ theW. J.o.t .li.n.e.. o.f.18th St. running.. ,thenc.a. l'J. E. along .. .the.. N . .linehof .1.8.th St.toa.po.int 19..4' W. o:f'theE .11ne. Q.f'.Le.t..ll, running...then.<HIL. N. to..the poin.t......ot .heginning._.........Home. Suh. RlchardM. &. Mary Ann..Ely. $148.92 .William..Fr.anei I.Fagan TlleWest..r1y..8.O'...Qf that . part. of Lt. ll,.ly.ing.. N. o:f'., ..l.8thSt... .and..Eaat.,0 :f' Walnut St.. . .. . Rom. Sub. $2l5.84 Pa.u1 W. K.. Ruf:f' AlL tha.tp.ar.t. .of ^ Lt.lI. 10 andll,. lying..southerly from.lS.th..St.. J!UiS.tOt' Walnu.t .S.t., we,at.of.Wh.,e- leI'. Ave.. .and... nor.th .ot' thealley..se t.fte.en .17th and.l8.thStr.eets. . Home Sub .$812.87 . I I ORDINANCE NO.. .~1<?2 (con' t) SECTION 2. The taxes dSO .1.e.vi.ed.sh.al.L become payable and. delin- quent in the .mannerprovj,ded dOY' .law. SECTION 3. The Oi.ty Cle.rk. .i.s. h.e.r.eby. dire..cted..t.o. eertj,.fy to the City Treasurer theamount..of..said.t.axes. to.ge.the.!." ..wi.thinstructiona to colle.ct .the sam.....s..provide.ddby law. SECTION 4. That th1.s..or.diD.&nc"'dshall.be .1.n...t.orc.eandd.take effect fromandatter .i.t.s. .passage,..a.p.pI'".oYaL.anapubl.i.c.ation .a.s by law. provided. Passed and approve.d... this. ...18th. . ". day .0..1'. Ap.ri.l, .19.56. /7)~-I/?/;{ ;7;~~- Mayor . ATTEST: ~tf{~ O,WINANCE NO. _3~21__.___..__.' An Ordinance levying spec5al taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Water Main District ~o. 199 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof'. . I B1'; I 'I' ORUiLi. NEDHY MhY 0 H Aim TIm C I '['1'. CO UIil" elL OI,l 'L'dE C 1']'1' OJi' GHAI\ilJ ISLAND, ITEBRHSrCA: SEe TION 1.'I'ha t the:C'e is hel"e by levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the purpose of paying the cost of the construction of the water main in said d~strict of said City, in accordance with the benefi tEl found due and assesi':ed agai"!st the several lot,), tracts and parcels of land in said district, by the City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice having been given thereof as provided by law, Each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME LOT BLOCI( ADDITION AMOUNT John H. Bowers 8 2 Harr:'Lson Subdiv. $ 95.90 'Ii I John H. bowers 9 2 11 9E,.90 Jolm f-l Bo we r s 10 C) II 95.90 . ~ . r~ John H. Bower s 11 2 II 95.90 ,John H. Bowers 12 2 II 95.90 William C. &, J!.:lva J:~ . Ferguson 13 2 II 95.90 Wi11iaJTl C. & .DIva fl' Perguson 14 2 \I 93.29 ,-'J . ,Tohn B. Bo we r s I 3 it 92.41 John H. Bower s 2 3 t! 95.90 ,J 0 hn H. Bowers 3 3 tl 9fS.90 J'ohn H. Bowers 4 3 II 95.90 J'ohn H. Bowers 5 3 II 95.90 John H. Bowel>s 6 3 It 95.90 Mary Bowers 7 3 II 95.90 Verner H. 0 l~ Ima M. Benton 8 8 II 90.67 C' u Verner H. Bi: Alma M. Ben ton 9 E3 II 90.67 Robert C. & Kathryn A~Chipps 10 El II 90.67 Robert C~ &:, Kathryn A. Chipps 11 8 II 90.67 Robert C. & Kathryn A. Chipps 12 8 II 90.67 Robert C. &,: Kathryn A. Chipps 13 8 II 90.67 Oi\DINANCE NO. ..3111_.._J con It) NANLE LOT BLOCK ADDI'l' lOr! AMOUN'll . Leslie Vv. Gladys N. Reutl1nger14 8 Harrls~n Subdjv 3D 90.67 f~ ~. ",; I Eo bel' t c. & Kathryn A. Chipps 8 11 II 90.67 Hobert c. ::'\1 Kathryn A. Chipps 9 11 11 90.67 Hobel't c. Ef' Ka thI'yn A. Chipps 10 11 II 90.67 Hobert C. & Kathryn A. Chipps 11 11 11 90.67 Hobert c. & Kathryn 11... Chipps 12 11 \I 90.67 flob ert (' <"c Ka thryn A. Chipps 13 IJ II 90.67 J. Hobert C. & Kathryn A. Chipps 14 11 11 90.67 SEe fIT 01\ 2. 'The taxes so levied shall become payable and delin- quent in the manner provided by law. SEC'l'ION ~-). The City Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the Ci ty rCreasurer the amount of said taxes together wi th instructions tocollect the same as provided by law. I SEC'L1ION 4. r:I'hat this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law pro- vided. Passed and approved ttrls ..-1S.ta...._ day of April, 1956. __t!-?/'2~L~jf~~~:~'~_ Mayol' A T~rEST: ~~-.[6~r-k------- . I I ORDINANCE NO . ,1 g~ . An Ordinance creating.Sewer District No.. 2940.1' the City of Grand. Island_ Nebraska_ defining ,tJae,boundariesther.eaf.,.. providing far the laying 0.1' a sewer in said.dl.strLct,.and .pr.o.v.iding... 1'.0.1' ..the.payment and cO.llection. .af.. the. . cost 0.1' . ,the Oan.s tnu..c.ti an. . thereof' . BE IT ORDAINED.BY.THE MAItORLANDFClIiX.COIDWZL OR\THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. Tlaa.t . there islaere.by.createda.sewerdistrict in the Oi ty 0.1' G.rand Is1.and._Nebraska.",tobe Jmo^wn,..andd.e.signa.ted.as Sewer District No. 294. SEC TrON 2. The sewer . insal.ddi.s.tr.:Lct..shalLbetoorls:era:ete:a.ef'ar ~h.et.pillr.posecolkpraviding sewer... .s.ervic.e. ..fo.r.all.the lots, tracts and parcels 0.1' land in Bel-Air Additian, ,and shall :be. .cons.tructed in the fallowings tree ts , and.over,along,an.d,.across..easements pravided for utility. purpose.s.a.s .fo.llows: ..In..LaMar .Avenue..fram...Blaine. .Street to Arthur Stree'J;; in. the. fHts.eman.t.s..in,Bloelc.ffi.wo,...be,tw.een..BlaineStreet and Idle.waod Lane fram LaMar AvenuesQuth to. serve all lots in Black Two.; in the easement in. Bl.ock.Three.,betweenldlewaad Lane and Hanaver L.ne sauth fram LaMarAvenueta..serve...alllo.tsin. Bla.ck Thr.ee; in the easement in Block. FaurbetweenIianaver.Lane.and.DelMante AV.enue sauth fram LaMar Avenue to. serve .all.,.la.t.fLin..Bla.ak ..F.aur.;in ..the. . easements in El.ack Five to. se.rvealllet.s. i.nBlock.Fiv.e."and .in the. .easement at the rearaf Black..Six fr.am. Arthur.Street.te D.e.lmar. Avenue.. to. serve all. Lats in. Blo.ck Six. SECTION 3. The sewer in .said.di.stric.ti.s hereby ardered laid as provided by law andinca.c.cerdance;..with.the..,plia:as:'and:speeificatians gaverning .s.ewer districts. asner..et.e.f'ore,es,tali:>lishe.dby the City. SECTION 4. That theent1r.ecost a.f.constructing ..s.aid .sewer shall be assessed again.st the,abutt.1ng..property .in. s,aiddistrict,and.a tax shall be levied to. pay far the cest af.c.ans.tructio.D.af'said.district as saon as the e.o.st .eanbeascert.ained,. said ..tax,..to. .be.c.ame.p..yali:>le and delinquent and drawint.res t.. .asfoll(uv:s:..Qne.~f'it'th .dst'. .the. tot~l amaun t shall .be.c.ama. delinquent. .in t'it'.ty days.. fram,the.da.te .ofthe..le.vy . thereaf ~ ane-fifth in. aneyear.; .ane-fifth intw.a.ye.ars;. ane-fifth. in three years; . I I , ORDINANCE NO. 3191// (con't) and one-fi.fth in.fourye.ars., Each of . s.aid. installments. except the .first, shall.drawin t"1'est. .at .the:pate.. o..f.foul" percent. (4% ) per annum f'romthe dateo.f thele.vy un.ti.l theybec.ome. delinquent; and after the same becomedeJ.inquent.,.in.terest. at.. the .rate o.f s.ix (6%) percent per annum. shal.l. .b.e. pa.i.d.....thereGn., untiL.thesamet i.s ..c.ollected and paid, and said sp.ecia.ltaxe.B.Bhall..be.a lie.non.saidreal estate from. and .after.. the. date. .o.f the. .1.e:Vy. SECTIONS. That. thi,s. ardiaanee .s-ulL.be.in.forcle . and. take effec tfrom and. af.te.r i t.s..pas.B.age.,...appro.v:aT. and...p.ubll.cat1onas pro.vided by law. Pa s sed andappl"o.v.e.dthis. 18 thday. of. April, ..1956. c-t'h ' ./ ') C, --- ( / . '/1~ ./1 L /.... . <x. "'~_ ~,c O-J'"~ 'I Mayor / AT.TEST: d4~';f5.~~ ORDINANCE NO. ... 3l,.r . I An ordinance. creating sewer,distrietNo.. 2.9.5 of the City af Grand Island, Nebr.aska, .defini.ng.the..hau:ndaria.s..thereof, providing for. the laying .af a..,werinsai.ddistr..:let.,". and .provi.di:ng..for the payment andeollee.tio.n..Qf the eO.a.to.ruthe. cClnstru.e.tlo.n..thereof. BE rl' ORDAINED BY THE. MAYOR.AND.THE .c.ITY.C.OUNC.IL. OF.. THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION. 1.. .That.there .i..sher.eby..ore.ate.d. a sewer ..distr:Let. in the City of Grand IslaIld., Nebraska,..t.o....hekrlo.wn.and,de.sisnate.das Sewer District No. 295. SECTION 2. The. s.ewerinsai.d .a.istric.t .. shall.b.e laiti.inthe alley in 'il.oeks enemd. !woo.fKnickrehm..Additi.on..t.ethec.it.y.of Grand Islano.,N.ebraska, and. .shall .ex.t.emdf'.romWhEte~erAveIlue to Oak .street. I SECTION 3. The sewer in. said. dlstrieti.s...herebyorder.ed .laio.a8 pro.videdbylaw and .in.ae.corduu~.e.wi th..theplans and..specifiea tions governing Sewer . cilistrlet.s. .ashere.tofor.e..e.s.tablishe.a... by ptb.e C.1.ty. SECTION 4. . Tba.t ,theeIltire.cQ.st.ofcon.s.truetlng.sai.dsewer shall be as sesseaagains t...tne. abllt.t1.ng..pro.p.arty.i.n.aa1.c:Ldistr.ict,.and a tax sha.lLbelevied to.. pay .fa.I' thELCO.S.tC1>r eonatruc tian ..of..said di s- triot as soon .as the eos.tcanbEtallto.ert"ained, ..sal.d..tax..to. be.eomepay able and delin~uent.and.draw ,1n.te.r,est..a.s..1'ollows:. .One-:r.ifth .01' the total &.mount s.h.allbe.come. delinqu.ent..1.:n..t.if.ty<:iays l'rom.thedate of the. levy thereof;.. one-f.lfth..1.n..one. ..y.ear.l.Qn.e~flfth intwa. :y.ears; one-fifth. in thre.e.. years and. .one~.fl.fth .i.n. ..tQur .ye.ar.s. Ea.cn.. of sal d ins tallmentsexeept.. the.f.1r.st.,.shall..dr.aw.lnt.e.re.st. at . the .rate of four percent (4%) per.,annum..1'rom..the...d.a.t.e.of.. the..l.ev.y. until they become. delinquent.; . and...arter.the.... s.ame. .be.come....d.e.linquemt., .intere st at the rate of six (6%) p.e.roent..per...annum_shall.bepald.ther.eon until.. the sam.. is .colle.c.tac:L..a.nd..:p.a.i.d,...ancL.s.aicL.a:pIuli.a.l.taxesshall be a llen. on.said .reaL e.state. ,f'ro,m.andaf.ter..the..da.te.o.f..the levy. SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall be in force and take ef1'eot from and after its passage,ap.praval.and..publlcation as provided by law. Passed and approved thi.s. .18th day of April, 1956. f/r;c->{-Q./,-e~ {r0~~~~~J'~- Mayor ATTEST: ~1{~ . I I ORDINANOE NO. '196 . An Ordinance creating_Water Main..D1.strict NO..2Go Q~ the Oi ty of Grand I.sl"nd, Ne_br.aska_detiningthe. boundaries,thereo~, providing for the laying of.a . water main. in,aaid".d;1.atriet, .and providing for the payment of the cost of..construriticm_ther.eof. BE IT ORDAINED BYTRE_.MAYOR AND CITY COUNOIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND.. ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. Tlla t there is..hereb.y .crea.te.d_a wat.er.main. .district in the Oity of Grand Island,n.to.be.lmo.wn.. and. de, signat.edas .Wa:ter Main District No. 206. SECTION 2.'.L'.ha.... w-a.termain,in..said .di,strlet. shall.be constructed f'or the purpQse .0f'pro.viding.cwate.r..s.er.v.ice..roralL the lo..t.s,. tracts, and parcels. o.f.landinBel_~Air.Addit.ion, ..and. ..shall.hec.ons.tructed in the f'ollowing .streets: .Da..J~<la1.ne._ Str..,..t...trom..Del Mont.e.A.venue...to the North line of Bel~Air Addition, ..1n.ldle.wood.Lane .fr.,om. D.elMonte ,Avenue to. LalVIar. A venue, . ,in, .Hanover:Lane :t'r,am .Del. ..Mont,tlt . Avenue.t.o. LaMar. Avenue, in Arthur Street, f'romDelmar"Avenu.eLto,.LaMar.,A.venue.",.in,LaMar ,Avenue framBlaine streett.o Arthur, S,tre,et, ,in, DeL M.onte, ,Avenue .framBlaine Street to ,LaMar Avenueand,.in,Delmar"Av,enue. .from"Ar,tb:ur.Str,e,et,..West to the West. lin., o.f B,el~,Air._Addi.ti.on. SEOTION 3.. Themain.insald_di,strict is hereby .ordered laid as provided,by.la,w .,and_in"a.e,Q,.o,r.dance.w.i.th"the, .plana .and,.specifications governing .water.mainshe.rce.t.of'Dre establi~she.d by: ..th.e ..Ci ty. SECTION 4.. That the en.tire.. co.s.to~.o.ons.tructing.said.water main shall beasse.ssed .agains.t. the..abutt.1.ng.. pr.,ope.r.t.,....in..s.ai.d,di,at.r.ict" and a tax shalL be.lev1.ed to.pay..forth.ec.ost..atconatruc,tion o.f' ..saiddis- trlct as SOQn. as the .c.ost,.can..be, _asc,e.r.t.a1.ned,....sai.d .taxt.o. become, pay- able and de~inqu..nt and....draw"inte.r..es,t. as..fo.llo_ws".,ta..wLt.:. One-fifth of' the totalam.ount shall,.b,eeome..de.linquent ..1n..f'i.f.ty.days .af.te.r. such levy; one-:fftth inane ye.ar; one-fifth in two years; one-fffth"in three years; one-fi.fth in.f.ourye.a.r.s.., Each..o.f said installments, ex- cept the. first, shalLdr.lLwin.terels.t.at, .thera.te .off .our .percent (4%) per annum .from the . time. o.f'the. .afare.sai.d.le,v.y until. they shall become delinquent and. af.ter.. the.. same.become..,delinque.nt,.inte..rest at. .the rate . I I ORDINANCE NO. 1196 (con't) of' six (6% ) percent per .annum.shallbe.eo1bl~ted:4iln.denfo.rced. as in cases of other spe.cia1 taxes,.and.said sp.ecd.aL tax. shalL .btL.a lien on sald.real estatefrom.anGLafter. the date .oi'.the. levy thereof . SECTION 5. Ifhatthi.s.._ ord1n.ancesha~l.Joe.in..fo.rcf!Land.takeef'f'ect from and after itspassage,approv:aLand.pub.ll.ca.tion..as .provided .by law. Passed andapproved.thl.s.. 18th day.oi' Apr1.1, 1.956. ~;t~' /1 Jc; I tJ. , I. I :; . ,<~/./ . , ( / / {{tc)..', Q-H<--'L/' P.~.(,---t.~r-~ . I ayor ATTEST: ~~fc~ \ q '1 ~! . I I ORDINANCE NO. 3'97 An Ordinance creating the orfice or Assistant Chief or Police ror the City or Grand Island, providing for the appointment of such officer, defining his duties, and fixing the salary to be paid such officer. BE IT ORDAINED BY TEE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. There is hereby created the office of Assistant Chief or Police for the City of Grand Island and such officer shall be appointed by the Mayor. SEOTION 2. Such Assistant Chief of Police shall act as Chief of Police in the absence of the Chief of said department, and shall assist in the management of said department and perform such other duties as shall be assigned. to him. SECTION 3. The salary to be paid. to such Assistant Chief of Police shall be the sum of Four Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars per year, payable at the rate of $~00. per month, the same to become effective at the time such officer assumes his duties. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 30th day of April , 1956. t):-t' ) ) ( ) ( : . . /J--.v-~~/ /~Z'.t;~?-~~v'~~ Mayor ATTEST: ~~ ~ /V:Lh . 01 ty Clerk . I ORDINANCE NO. 3198 An Ordinance pertaining to z0ning; rezoning Lot Seventeen (17), in Home Subdivision, of a part of the Northeast quarter of Section Nine, Township Elev.en., North., Range Nine, west. of the 6th P. M. in Hall County, Neeraska; authorizimg the amendingandehanging of the official map of the City of Grand. :rsland, Nebraska, and. declar- ing that said .tract of landb.EL rezoned, reclass.ifiedand ohanged from a Business fA) Distri.ct to a Business. (B) District. WHEREAS ,an .application hasheret.QrQre . .he en made to the Council of the City o.f Grand Islana . to. .re.zone. .Lot. Seventeen, . in HQme Su19- cUvision of apart aftne Northwest Quarter. of Section Nine,. TOWIl- ship. Eleven, north, Range Nine west. of the 6'bh P. M. iaHall County, Nebraska; (n0w clas.sifted asa BuaiIleflUl ."A" Distri.ct) ana have the said des.c.rib.ed tract. .of l.and declared. to. be in. a Bu.siness. "13'.' Dis- I and, WHEREAS, such hearing was held at a regular meeting of the City Council in the Counc.il Cham:be.rsof.theCityHall on the 18th day of April, 1956, and after sU.chhearing .the City .Council determined that suchappl1.catian sh0uld.....beapproved. ..and.. . the. . lands herein described. be re zon ed.. NOW, THEREFORE. BE .IT ORDAINED. BY. THE .COUNCIL . OF THE. CITY OF GRA.ND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That Lot. Seven.teen, in Home.Subdi.:v:isiom, .o.f. a part af the Northwest QtUilrter or..Section Jiine,..ToWIlshipEleven, North, Range Nine west of the 6thP. M. in Hall. COUB.ty, Nebraska, be'H and the same is hereby r.ezoned,.rec~a.ssi.fied, .and.e.hanged..frGma ,Bull!ness "A" District to a Business. "B" District. ORDINANCE NO. 3198 (contt) SECTION 2. That the. official z.oning map af the. City of Grand . I Island, "be, and the same i.8 .herehyorde.r.e.d.changed.and. amended in aeeo.rdance with the .provis.ions of.. this ardinamce. SECTION 3. That 'thi.s orEiinanc.eshall be.. in force and take. effect from anEi af'ter its pa.s.s.age, a:ppr.Qv.al andpublicatiGll as provided by law. Passed and approved t11i.s ~Oth day 01: April , 19156. ...----r, / '1 ( (i / i t C."l J ... // . -.-... (' / ~ oJ L~^ . C79,,'<.-~.,-./0~' ayor ATTEST: ~;;:;~ I ORDINANCE NO. 3199 . I An Ordinance creating Sewer District No. 296 of the Oity of GraBd. Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a sewer in said district, and providing for the pay- ment and collection of the cost of the construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR ANILCOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND. NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a sewer district in the City of Grand Island, to be known and designated. as Sewer District No. 296. SECTION 2. The sewer in said aistrict shall be laid in the alley between Guster Avenue and Howard 8.treet from Eleventh Avenue to Twelfth Street. SECTION 3. TlIle sewer in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specific- ations governing sewer districts as heretofore established by the I City. SECTION 4. That the entire cost of constructing said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of constrl.lcticmof said o.is- trict as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to become payable and delinquent and. draw interest as f0110ws:One-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days from the aate of the levy thereof; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years ami one-fifth in four years. Each of said installments exoept the first, shal.l draw interest at the rate 0f four pere.ent (4%) per annum. from the date of the levy until they beoome delinquent, and after the same become delinquent, interest at, the rate of six percent (i%) per annum shall be paid thereon u:atil the same is collected and paid,. and said speeial taxes shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy. SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect fr$m and after its passage, apprev.aland publication as provided by law. Passed and appreved this. iOth day of Ap~i' , 1956. .~///, ~-~ _ c A~~s:/~ ('. Z''''A(/ka~~;l/~{~~J~'\~; RCi ty Clerk . I I I. ?J'I ORDINANCE NO. i2QO An Ordinance pertaining to the Legal Department of the City of Grand Island, providing for the appointment o.f an Assi stan.t City Attorney; f'ixing salarie.s; rep".lingOrdinance No. 2939 and that part of' Ordinance No. 3136 pertaining to the salary of' City Attorney, and all other atLinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created the of'fice of' Assist- ant City Attorney, who shall perform such duties as shall be assigned to him by the Mayor and Council. SECTION 2. The City Attorney shall receive f'or his services the sum of' $]on,v{) per month, and the Assistant City Attorney shall re cei ve the sum of $.2.6 {} I q 0' per mon th, payable b;t:-mon thly as other City employees. SECTION 3. That Ordinance No. 2939 and that portion of Ord- inance No. 3136 pertaining to the salary of the City Attorney and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be, and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take ef'f'ect f'rom and af'ter its pass.age, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 30th day of' Aprilb, 1956. 5()h' " rJ ( .1r-P_<-'(, Mayor l ~ , ,,C,j;:'. ,~ y-='\"....-----c.~ ATTEST: ~c~~ ORDINANOE NO. '201 . I An Ordinance creating the office of Administrative Oo-ordin- ator ~.dr the Oi ty of Grand Island; providing for the appointment and removal of such offiee~J defining his duties; fixing his salary, and repealing that part of Section 4 entitled Administratmve of Ordinanoe No. 2999 having reference to the office of Purchasing Agent and Oomptroller, and all ordinances, and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. There is hereby established the office of Adminis- trative Co-ordinator for the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, and sueh officer may be appointed by the Mayor by and with the consent of the Oouneil. He may be removed at the pleasure of the Mayor. SECTION 2. The Administra~Tego-ordinator shall assist the I Mayor in co-ordinating all departments of the City, and shall work under the direction of the Mayor. He shall also keep the Mayor and City Couneil informed o:e the needs of the City, and its fin- ancial condition, prepare and present the annual budget and perform such other duties as the Mayor shall order and direct. SECTION 3. The salary of the Administrative Co-ordinator shall be the sum of $400. per month, payable bi-monthly as other City employees. SECTION 4. That that part Qf Section 4 entitled"Administrative" of Ordinance No. 2999 having reference tQ the office of Purchasing Agent and Comptroller, be, and the same. is hereby repealed. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Passed and approved this 2nd day of May, 1956. f() h, ~ c :)~2;:c,--N M .- ayor ATTEST: 7~S~ Oity Clerk . I I ORDINANCE NO. 3202 An Ordinance creating Sewer District No. 297 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a sewer in said district, and providing for the payment and collection of' the cost of' the construction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a sewer district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Sewer District No. 297. SECTI'ON 2. The sewer in said district shall be laid along the ,East side of an unnamed street which lies along the West line of ,<,/," . Block 26, of Packer and Barr's Se cond Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and such sewer shall extend from Blake Street to George Street. SECTION 3. The sewer in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifica- tions governing sewer districts as heretofore established by the City. SECTION 4. That the entire cost of constructing said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in s aid district, and a tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of construction of said district as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows: One- fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days from the date of the levy thereof; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in four years. Each of said installments except the first shall draw interest at the rate of four p.ercent (4%) per annum from the date of the levy until they become delinquent; and after the same become dellnquemt, interest at the. rate of six (6%) percent per annum shall be paid thereon until the same is collected and paid, and said special taxes shall be a lien on said real estate from and after the date of the levy. ORDINANCE NO. 3'01 (conrt) SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall be in foroe and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publioation as . I provided by law. Passed and approved this 2nd day of May, 1956. <---rA ,j / 1 ! 'rZ'CGtc Mayor [0 ~-,"."t-'"-"_.< , . .-'..,.- J" '.-.,- -, . 'l.- /c::; ._'" ~.,..- - -".- ,/ ATTEST: ~Sw.t:h- C1 ty Clerk I i "J 1",,(J ORDTNANCENO. 3203 . An Orq.inamc9 levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Water Main District No. 200 of the City of Granci . I Island, Nebraska, and. prervid.ing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OFTHECTTY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is 1'il.e.reby 1eviedamd assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land mereinafter set forth. for the purpose of paying the cost of the CORstruetion of the water main in 11&d district of saidi Oi ty, in accordance wi th the lDenefits f()und due and. assessed against the several. lots, tract" and. parcels of land in said district by th.e City Council of s~id. City, sitting as a Board of Equ.alization after due notice having been given thereof', as providled bylaw. Each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of' land is assessed as fellows: I ~ Westland Building Co. ~~ ADDITION AMOUNT 2 10 Claussen's Country View $161.15 Westland Building Co. Vacated Claussen Ave. South from Sunset Ave. 107.43 We stland. Building Co. E65.5' 1 14 Claussen's Country View 117.28 Robert L. & Kay E. StearJ:lS W24.5t E45.3' 1 I 14 14 " " and 124.98 A. Lewis & Donna Cole W09.S' 2 14 E30' of vacated Sunset Ave. between Blks 14 and 15 II and - II 124.98 Irvin G. & Darlene G. Fuerstenau WoO' of vacated Sunset Ave. betweBn Blks 14 and 15, and. the E22.7' S85' of 1 15 It 94.36 Robert D. & Geraldine L. Fersman W52.675' 885' 1 15 " 94.52 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become pa:yab1e and. de1im- quent in the manner provided by law. SECTION 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to certif'y to the City Treasurer the amount of s.a,i.d. .taxes. together with instructions to collect th.e samaas. p.rovided by. law. ORDINANCE NO. 3203 (con1i;) SECTION 4. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect trom and after its passage, approval and publication as by . I law provided. Passed. azul approv.ed this the 2nd. day of' lfilY, 1956. l~ l ,~- ''>- "../'/ ....MAJJl.... ~,.xCJ_,'~~9-/<..( ayor ATTEST: ~,).~ ty Clerk I . I I I . ;<., ORDINANCE NO. 3204 An Ordinance vacating a certain part of Waugh Street in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as now platted, consisting of a strip or parcel of land 20 feet wide and 140 feet long, more part- icularly described and bounded as: Beginning at the Southeast cor- ner of Lot Thirteen (13), Block Twenty Nine (29), Highland Park, an addition to the City of Grand Island, running thence south on the prolongation of the east line of said Lot 13, 20 feet; running thence west parallel to the south line of said Lot 13, 140 feet; running thence north on the prolongation of the west line of said Lot 13, 20 feet; to the southwest corner of said Lot 13, running thence east aloDg the south line of said Lot 13, 140 feet to the point of beginning, said tract being the northerly 20 feet of Waugh Street lying adjacent to the south line of Lot 13, Block 29, Highland Park, an addition to the City of Grand Island. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That that certain part of Waugh Street in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as now platted, consisting of a strip or parcel 20 feet wide and 140 feet long, more particularly described and bounded as: Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 13, Block 29, Highland Park, an addition to the City of Grand Island, run- ning thence south on the prolongation of the east line of said Lot 13, 20 feet; running thence west parallel to the south line of said Lot 13, 140 feet; running thence north on the prolongation of the west line of said Lot 13, 20 feet to the southwest corner of said Lot 13, 140 feet to the point of beginning, said tract being the northerly 20 feet of Waugh Street, lying adjacent to the south line of Lot 13, Block 29, Highland Park, an addition to the City of Grand Island, be, and the same is hereby vacated. Title to that part of said street so vacated shall remain in the said City of Grand Island. SECTION 2. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Passed and approved this 16th da}-~; May, 195~\ C. L'i.J.. (.~ ayor .... A TTES'f: ~{~ ,.. J ORDINANCE NO. 320, . An Ordinance directing and authorizing the sale of certain real estate belonging to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to Bertha Pankratz of said City, being a strip of land twenty feet . I in width, formerly a part of Waugh Street, now vacated, more part- icularly described as: Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 13, Block 29, Highland Park, an addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, running thence south on the prolongation of the east line of said Lot 13, 20 feet; running thence west parallel to the south line of said Lot 13, 140 feet; running thence north on the prolong- ation of the west line of said Lot 13, 20 feet to the southwest corner of said Lot 13, running thence east along the south line of said Lot 13, 140 feet to the point of beginning, said tract being the northerly 20 feet of Waugh Street lying adjacent to the south line of Lot 13, Block 29, Highland Park, an addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; providing for the giving of notice of said sale and giving the terms thereof; and providing for the right to file a remonstrance against such sale. I BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAl-qn ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That the sale of the real estate described as being a strip of land twenty feet in width, formerly a part of Waugh Street, now vacated, more particularly described as: Begin- ning at the southeast corner of Lot 13, Block 29, Highland Park, an addition to the City of Grand Island, running thence south on the prolongation of the east line of said Lot 13, 20 feet; running thence west parallel to the south line of said Lot 13, 140 feet; running thence north on the prolongation of the west line of said I . Lot 13, 20 feet to the southwest corner of said Lot 13, running thence east along the south line of said Lot 13, 140 feet to the point of beginning, said tract being the northerly 20 feet of Waugh Street, lying adjacent to the south line of Lot 13, Block 29, High- land Park, an addition to the City of Grand Island, to Bertha Pan- kratz, be, and the same is hereby directed, authorized, and confirmed ORDINANCE NO. 3205 ( con t t) SECTION 2. The manner and terms of said sale of such real estate are as follows: The purchaser, Bertha Pankrat~, has agreed . I to pay the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250) for said des- cribed land and the entire amount thereof has been paid. The City agrees to convey title to said land by Quit Claim Deed, and the City shall not be required to furnish an abstract of title. SECTION 3. As provided by law, notice of such sale and the terms thereof shall be published for three consecutive weeks in the ~rand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper published in and of gen- eral circulation in said City of Grand Island, immediately after the passage and publication of this crdinance, and the City Clerk is hereby directed and instructed to pr,pare and publish said notice. SECTION 4. Authority is hereby granted to the electors of the City of Grand Island, to file a remonstrance against the sale of the within described real estate; and if a remonstrance against I the sale signed by legal electors of said City equal in number to thirty percent (30%) of the electors of the City of Grand Island, voting at the last regular election held in said City be filed with the City Council within 30 days ai'ter the passage and publication of this ordinance, such property shall not then, nor within one year thereafter be sold. SECTION 5. The sale of said real estate is hereby directed, authorized and confirmed; and if no remonstrance be filed against such sale, the Mayor and City Clerk shall make, execute and deliver to Bertha Pankratz a Quit Claim Deed for said property, and the i execution of said deed is hereby authorized without further action on behalf of the City Council. SECTION 6. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 16th day of May, 1956. ATTEST: ?~S~ i ty Clerk ;-0 ) rJ t ~ .....~....-"....'- .. /tl ".. .~.~ '1- e.l "'?C>.' . _ ~~--L_'~Y _ _ f1ro.::::~~_. -... >--1: Mayor ORDINANCE NO. ::3aQ~ An ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the paving of the alley in said district, and providing for the assessment and collection of the costs thereof. . I BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AL'JD CITY COUNCIL of the Ci ty of Grm d Island, Nebraska: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving District No. 260. SECTION 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part of the alley between First Street and Second Street from Sycamore Street to Kimball Avenue. SECTION 3. The alley in said paving district is hereby ordered paved as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be 16 feet in width. SECTION 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district, at the time or the enactment or this or- dinance, to file with the City Clerk, within twenty days from the first publication of the ntoice creating said district, as provided by law, written objections to paving of said district. I SECTION 5. That authority is hereby granted tothe owners of the record title, representing a I,liajority of the abutting property owners, within said district, to file with the City Cler1!, within the time provided bylaw, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in the paving of said alley. If such owners shall fail to designate the material they desire to ~e used in said paving district, as provided for above, and within the time provided for by law, the City Council shall determine the material to be used. ATTEST: ~~"L S ~ ITY CLERK /s/ [D L-...L.~r~ MAYOR ORDINANCE NO. 32Q2 An ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the paving of the street in said district, and providing for the assessment and collection of the costs thereof. . I BE IT ORDAINED BY 'rHE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving District No. 261. SECTION 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part of I.incoln Avenue from Louise Street to Anna Street. SECTION 3. The street in said paving district is hereby ordered paved as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be 36 feet in width. SECTION 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district, at the time of the enactment of this ordinanc~J to file with the City Clerk, within~enty days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as provided by law, written objections to paving of said district. I SECTION 5~ That au thori ty is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners, wi thin said dj.strict, to file wi th the Ci ty Clerk, within the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in the paving of said street. If such owners shall fail to de signa te the material they de sire to be used in said paving district, as provided for above, and wi. thin the time provided for by law, the Oity Oouncil shall determine the material to be used. SEOTION 6. That the cost of the paving in said district shall be assessed against the lots and tracts of land especially bene- fitted thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the Oity Oouncil as provided by law. SECTION 7. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vata of all the members of the Oity Oouncll, this the 6th day of J"une, 1956. ATTEST: ~J~A OITY LERK /sLrt..J. (..z~ MAYOR I . . I I ORDINANCE NO.':l208 An ordinance pertaining to salaries; amending that part of Ordinance No. 3136 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, entitled Fire Department; fixing salaries for the mem- bers of the Fire Department of the City of Grand Island and re- pealing that portion of Ordinance No. 3136 entitled "Fire Depart- mentn pertaining to salaries of said department and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITYOF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That that part of Ordinance No. 3136 entitled "Fire Department" fixing salaries for the members of the Fire Department of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 1. Fire Chief 2. Assistant Chiefs 3. Captains 4. Drivers 5. Firemen 6. Instructor 72 hours 72 hours 72 hours 72 hours 72 hours Addi tional 400 per month 300 per month 275 per month 255-265 per mo. 235-250 per mo. 15 per month Extra men hired during the summer months to relieve regular firemen on vacation shall be paid the sum of $210 per month. All full time regular firemen shall be paid the sum of $10 per month, tore paid quarterly, for clothing and uniform allowance, which shall be in addition to the regular salary such fireman is entitled. If any such, fireman should resign, or his employment be terminated for any reason whatsoever, he shall be paid clothing allowance on a prorata basis, but no allowance shall be made for the same for a fraction of a month. SECTION 2. That the increase in salaries provided for in Section 1 of this ordinance shall become payable to the members of the said Fire Department as of June 1, 1956. SECTION 3. That said original section entitled HFire Depart- ment" of ordinance No. 3136 and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 4. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 6th day of June,l956. AlrTEST ~;iS./~ -.? ~.~. amoR ORDINANCE NO. ,.~ 3209 , An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the c~st of the constru otion of Wa~e I' Main . District No. 196 of the eit y of Grand Island,Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. . I BE IT ORDAINEDBY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND'~ NEB RASKJU SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied andassesse4 apapee- ia1 tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land here- inafter set forth for the purpose of paying the cost of the con- struction of the water main in said district of said City, in accordance with the benefits found due and assessed against the . - several lots, tracts and };?aJ:'cels of land in said district, by the Ci ty Council of said Oi ty" sitting as aBoard of Equalization afte due notice ha~il1~ b~e1?given thereof. as provided by law. Each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows NAME LOT BLK.. ADDITION AMOUNT Harry Hu sman and MUiriie sch:roeder 4 10 11 12 13 Husman's Sub $98.45 I Leo F. & Mary L. Conner Minnie Schroeder' Hu smaD' s Sub 98.45 Hu sman 's Sub 98.45 Harry ~ ~~~n Harry flu sman Husman's Sub. 98.45 Husman t s Sub. 98.45 Jack M. and Velma L. LingemanEast half 6 Koehler Sub. 295.~,. SECTION 2. The taxes ,so levied sh~11 become payable and delinquent in th~ manner provided by law. SECTION 3. The City C1er'k is hereby directed to certify to the City Tr~as~~er_of sait1i. Cit~ the amount, of said taxes to- getmr with Instructions to collect the same as provided by law. SECTION 4. Tgat this ordinance shEiL 1 be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as proviEled by law. Pas.ed and approved this the 6th day of June, 1956. ATTESTS ?~.s/~ c ty Clerk 2~~a '~ '" ' ) , '7:::--" \.i .......... " u( I <".;;;.,n/I,.....J~~ , ayo1' .....- . I I ORDINANCE NO. 3210 An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Water Main District No. 197 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land herein- after set forth for the purpose of paying the cost of the construc- tion of the water main in said district of said City, in accordance with the benefits found due and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district, by the City Council, of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice having been given thereof as provided by law. Each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed asfo110ws: NAME LOT BLK. ADDITION AlVIOUNT Diversified Development Co. 1 1 Pleasant View $144.19 Diversified Development Co. 2 Pleasant View 135.03 Diversified Development Co. 3 Pleasant View 135.03 Diversified Development Co. 4 Pleasant View 135.03 Diversified Development Co. 5 Pleasant View 135.03 Diversified Development Co. 6 Pleasant View 135.03 Diversified Development Co. 7 Pleasant View 135.03 Diversified Development Co. 8 P1e asant View 135.03 Diversified Development Co. 9 Pleasant View 135.03 Diversified Development Co. 10 Pleasant View 135.03 Diversified Development Co. 11 Pleasant View 135.21 Diversified Development Co. 12 Pleasant View 136.85 Diversified Development Co. 13 Pleasant View 136.85 ORDIl\TANCE NO. 3210 ( co n ' t ) NAME LOT BLK. AEDITION AMOUNT Diversified Development Co. 14 1 Pleasant View 143.42 . The Midland Company 1 2 Pleasant View 145.97 The Midland Company 2 pleasan t I View 127.73 The Midland Company' 3 Pleasant View 127.73 The Midland Company 4 Pleasant View 127.73 The Midland Company 5 Pleasant View 127.73 The Midland Company 6 p1easan t View 127.73 The Midland Company 7 Pleasant View 145.97 Jan e s L. and Rose Marie McElroy 8 PleasS'l t View 145.97 The Midland Compan y 9 Pleasant View 127.73 I The Midland Company 10 Pleasant View 127.73 The Midland Company 11 Pleasant View 127.75; The Midland Company 12 Pleasant View 127.73 The Midland Company 13 pleasna t View 127.73 Donald B. and Dorothy M. Tyndall 14 Pleasant View 145.97 The Midland Company 1 3 Pleasant Vmew 143.87. The Midland Company 2 Pleasant View 127.73 The Midland CO!llpany 9 Pleasant View 127.73 The Midland Company 10 Pleasant View 143.87 The Midland Company 1 4 Pleasant View 145.97 The Midland Company fa Pleasant View 12 7.73 The Midland Company 3 Pleasant View 127.73 The Midland Company 4 Pleasant View 127.73 ORDINANCE NO. 3210 (con't) NAME LOT BLK. ADDITION AMOUNT The Midland Comp any 5 4 Pleasant View $ 127.73 . The Midland Company 6 Pleasant View 129.28 I The Midland Company 7 Pleasan t View 129.55 The Midland Company 8 Pleasant View 129.55 The Midland CO:rnpany 9 Pleasant View 129.55 The Midland Company 10 Pleasant View 129.55 SECTION 2. The Taxes so levied shall become payable and delinquent in the manner provided by law. SEOTION 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the Ci ty Treasurer the amount of said taxes togethe'r with instructions to collect the same as provided by law. I SECTION 4. That this ordinance shall be in force and take' effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Passed and approved this 6th day of June, 1956. A TTES'r ::/~~Swa CUy Olerk f!5 i~ L;J-;;~'q-- Mayor ORDINANCE NO. -3;;.?11' An Ordinance pertaining to house moving, prohibiting the moving of a house or structure if the condition of the same is . I worth less than fifty percent of the cost of a similar new one, and fixing the maximum width and height of houses and structures that can be moved in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. From and after the taking effect of this ordinance, it shall be unlawful to move any house or structure if the condi- tion of the same is worth less than fifty percent of the cost of a similar new one~ SECTION 2. It shall be unlawful to move any house or struc- ture if the same after being placed upon the moving equipment is greater than 26 feet in height. SECTION 3. It shall be unlawful to move any house or struc- ture if the same at its widest part is more than thirty four feet I in width. Any person, Yiolating the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and be fined in any sum not exceeding One Hundred Dollars, and shall stand committed to the City Jail until such fine and costs are paid. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. 6th June Passed and approved this _..:;..jL;l day of _}i:?::;I , 1956. C LL/G w LY1~~--~~~~~- Mayor ATTEST: . / / ~S~ Ci ty Clerk ORDINANCE NO..J 1/2- An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Sewer District No. 292 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska and providing for the collection thereof. . I BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR fiLm COU1'iJC IL OF 'rHE C I'I'Y OF GRAND ISLM'iJD, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That t~ere is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land herein- after set forth for the puprose of p~ing the cost of the con- struction of the sewer 5n Sewer District No. 292 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found due and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district byfue City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice having been given thereof as provided by law, each of the several IdE, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME LOT BLK ADDITION AMOUNT Joseph L. Forst 7 9 Boggs and Hill $117.04 Joseph L. Forst 8 9 Boggs and Hill 87.36 Joseph L. Forst 9 9 Boggs and Hill 87.36 Joseph L. Forst 10 9 Boggs and Hill 117.04 I Walton p. and Margaret L. Brown 15 1 Dill and Huston 117.04 Joseph L. Forst, S.1. NW 1. NE].. w. 50' of E. 100' of all that part of 2 4 4' Sec. 17 Twp. 11, Range 9, lying north of the north line of Blo cks 1, 2, and 3 of Dill and Huston. 117.04 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and delinquent in the manner provided by law. SECTION 3. The Ci ty Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the City Treasurer the amount of said taxes together with instruc- tions to collect the same as provided by law. SECTION 4. That this ordinance be in force and take affect from and after its passage, approval and publicat:i.on as by law provided. passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council this the 20th day of June, 1956. Ii. TrrEST: ~~ C!~.~ MAYOR ORDINANCE NO. 3,;:./3 An Ordinance levying special ~axes to pay for the cost of the construction of Sewer District No. 293 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska and providing for the collection thereof. . I BE'IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land herein- after set forth for the purpose of paying the cost of the construction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 293 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found due and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the City Council of said City, sitting a s a Board of Equalization after due notice having been given thereof as provided by law, each of the sever~ lots, tnacts, and parcels of land is assessed as follmws: NAME LOrr BLK ADDITION AMOUNT Balsa L. Cunningham 9 1 Dill and Huston $ 60.32 Daniel H. Fishburn 10 1 Dill and H us to n 60.32 Balsa L. Cunningham 11 1 Dill and Hu s to n 60.32 Balsa L. Cunningham 12 1 Dill and Huston 60.32 Balsa L. Cunningham 13 1 Dill and I Huston 60.32 Fred Walker 14 1 Dill and Hu s to n 60.32 Balsa L. Cunningham 9 2 Dill and Huston 60.32 Balsa L. Cunningham 10 2 Dill and Huston. 60.32 Ray and Edna Bra wn 11 2 Dill and Huston 60.32 Ray Brown 12 2 Dill and Huston 60.32 Ray Brown 13 2 Dill and Hu s to n 60.32 Robert H. and ClaraS. Balcom 14 2 Dill and Huston 60.32 Robert and Clara Balcom 15 2 Dill and Huston 60.32 Clara Balcom 16 2 13ill and Huston 60.32 Urah J. Cunningham 9 3 Dill and Hus to n 47.47 Urah J. Cunningham 10 3 Dill and Hu stan 60.32 Urah J. Cunningham 11 3 Dill and Hu s tom 60.32 Harry and Hattie Vocke 12 3 Dill and Huston 60.32 . I I i ORDINANCE 3213 NAME LOT BLK ADDITION AlVIOUNT 3 Dill and Huston $60.32 3 Dill and Huston 60.32 3 Dill and Ruston 60.32 3 Dill and Huston 60.32 Harry and Hattie Vocke 13 I. F. Brown 14 Iroen F. and Erma M. Brown 15 Erma M. And Eroen F. Brown 16 Oentral Catholic High School, all that part of the si NW ~ NE t Sec 17, Twp 11, Range 9, Lying north of Blks 1, 2, and 3 Dill and Huston addition, except the east 100 feet and the Wesst 33 feet thereof. ;4.3_"- 1</ SECTION 2. The taEes so levied shall become payable and delinquent in the manner providod by law. SECTION 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the City Treasurer the amount of said taxes together ~ th in- structions to collect the same as provided by law. SECTION 4. That this ordinance sh~l be in force and take affect from and after its passage, approval! and publication as by law provided. Passed and apiroved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council this the 20th day of June, 1956. ATTEST: Z/'LJI> C'~ MAYOR . I ORDINANCE No.3 2 / t/-. An Oridnance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Water Main District No. 203 of the City of Grand Islan~Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE IVIAYOR AND COUNCIL OP 'THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the sevoral lots, tracts and parcels of land herein- after set forth for the purpose of paying the cost of the con- struction of the water main in said district of said City, in accordance with the benefits found due and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district, by the City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice having been given thereof as providad by law. Each of the several lots, tracts, and parcels of land is assessed as fbllows: SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and delinquent in the manner provided by law. SEC':PION 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the City Treasurer the amount of said taxes together with instructions to collect the same as provided by law. SEC'I'ION 4. That this ordianance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publi~ation as by law provided. Passed and ap roved this 20th day of June, 1956. ;;~ C~o/\~ . I I ORDINANCE NO. J.2/ \if" An Ordinance creating Sewer District No. 298 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defingir.g the boundaries. thereof , providing for the laying of a sewer in said district, and providing for the payment and collection of the cost of the cr:mstruction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a sewer district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Sewer District No... 298. SECTION 2. The sewer in said dist.rict sha.ll be laid in the Alley which extends from East to West and wh!eh lies between West North Front Street and Blake Street and an unnamed Street along the North Right of Way Line of the Union Pacific Railroad and the same shall extend from an alley which extends from North to South between White Street and Jackson street to Jackson street. SECTION 3. The sewer in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with theplans and specifi- cations goverrutmg sewer districts as heretofore established by the City. SECTION 4. That the entire cost of constructing said sewer shall be assessed against the abutting property in. said district, and a tax shall be levied to pay f or the cost of construction of said district as soon.asthe cost can be ascertained, said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as :follows: One- i'ifth of the total amount shall become delinquent 1.n fifty days :t1rom the date of the levy thereof; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; and one-fifth in ~our years. Each of said installments except the first shall draw interest at the rate of four percent (4%) per annumf.romthe date of the levy until they become delinquent;. and after the same become delinquents, interest at the rate of six (6%) per cen.t per annum shall be paid thereon until the same is collected and paid, and said special taxes shall be a lien on said real estate :from and after the date of the levy. SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall be in.force and take e:ffect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 20th day of' June, 1956. ATTE~ ~ .CITY CLERK (iLJ.--- Lz~ . MAYDR . I I ORIDINANCE NO. 32/~ An Ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the paving of the street in said district, and providing for the assessment and collection of the costs thereof. BE I T ORDAINED BY THE MAYOn AND COUNCIL OF 'lIHE CI IJ.'Y OF' GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving District No. 262. SECTION 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part of Clark Street from Third Street to South Front Street. SECTION 3. The street in said paving district is hereby ordered paved as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be 50 feet in width. SECTION 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in s aid district, at the time of the enactment of thi s ordinance, to file wi th the City Clerk, wi thin twenty days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as provided by law, written objections to paving of said di strict. SECTION 5. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners, wi thin said district, to file wi th the City Clerk, within the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in the paving of said street. If such owners shall fail to designate the ma terial they desire to be used in said paving district, as provided for above, and within the time provided for by law, tile City Council shall determine the material to be used. SECTION 6. That the cost of paving in said district shall be assessed against the lots and tracts of land especially bene- fitted thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the City Council as provided by law. SECTION 7. Tha t thi s ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of all of the members of the Ci ty Council, this the 20th day of June, 1956. ATTEST: ~ !!://Jv~~~ MA YOR . I I ORDINANGENO. 3;2./ 7 AIl ordinance cres. ting an Audi torium Gormnis.sion for the City of Grand Island, fixing the number to be appointed. to said Commission, and by whom appointed, providing for the appointment of the first chairman of said commission and the elec.tion of other officers; providing for meetings of said commission; defin~mg the duties of said commission, and providing funds to defray expenses. WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council deem. it advisable and to the best interest of the City of Grand Island, that an Auditorium Com- mission be appointed for the purpose of recommending and aiding in the selection of a suitable location for a City Auditorium, and to reconunend and submit plans and specifications for the construction of such a building, and the method of providing. funds to pay for the co s t thereof. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBR.ASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created anAuditori~m Com- mission for the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be compo~sed of seven members who shall be app0inted by the Mayor and confirmed by the City C'ouncil. SECTION 2. That two of said members shall be appointed for one year, two for two years, amid three for three years.. Any member of said commission whose term has expired may be eligi.i:>le for re- appointment. Vacancies appearing on said commis.s.ioILshall be filled by appomntment of the Mayor and be confirmed by the City Council. . SECTION 3. For the purpose of expe.diting the organization of such commission, the Mayor aad Council shall l'lame.the first chairman.ofsa1d conunission waolllhall..serve.assuchf0rone year. At the first meeting of th~ commission the members, shall elect one of its members to be viee-pretd.dent and one to act as secretary, and elect such other officers as it may deem necessary. The com- mission shall adopt rules and regulations concerning the holding of meetings and the conducting of its bUfliness. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings, and, a11.:eeco:rds of. said c0mmission shall be considered public records. The commission shall hold its first meeting within 30 days after the appointment of the members to the same, and shall hold at least one meeting during each calendar month. thereafter. The members of said commission shall have authority to ho1.d as many other meetinls each month as it may deem necessary and ita meetings maybe held at such places as the commis.sion . may choose. The commission sha11annua.11y reorganize and elect officers and all officers elected .",be re-e1ectecl. SECTION 4. Such Auditorium Commissi.onshal1 assist the Mayor and City Council in selecting a suitable sltefor a City Auditorium, assist in the preparation of plans and specifications for such bu:D.ding, .and recommend how, and in what manner, funds ahall be secured to pay for the cost of the same. Such commission shall act in an advisory capacity only, and none of its members shall be paid for any services rendered. SECTION 5. It is expressly provided that no member of the City Council shall serve in said'commissiom.. SECTION 6. Any funds required to pay for expenses of said commiillj1on shall be paid out of the gene:ralfund of said City 0f Grand Island, and all expenditures shall be allowed by claim duly presented to the City Council. The City Clerk shall keep an. accurate aocount of all money expended for said commission,ans slIch ex- penditures shall 'be shown in the monthly reports made to the Mayor and Council concerning the financial condition of said City. . I I i ORDIN.DCE NO. 3217 (con r t) SECTION 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from ahd after its ,~ssage, approval, and publication as by law provided. Passed and approved this;i~ day , 1956. ATTEST: d~- ~ CITY CLlffiK 2D I~l L~~.~~ ~ MAYOR . ->- . I I ORDINANCE NO. 3218 An ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defin~ng the boundaries thereof, providing for the paving of the street in said district, and providing for the assessment and collection of the costs thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY TEE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Islmd, Nebraska, to be known as Paving Distris~ No. 263. SECTION 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part of Vine Street from Second Street to Bismarck Road and Division Street from Oak street to Vine Street. SECTION 3. The street in said paving district is hereby ordered paved as provided by law and in accordance with the pans and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be 36 feet in width. SECTION 4. That authority ~s hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting pro- perty owners in said district, at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file with the City Clerk, within twenty days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as provided by law, written objection to paving of said district. SECTION 5. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners, within said district, to file with the City Clerk, within the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in the paving fe.' ~ of said s~reet. If such owners shall fail to designate the material they desire to be used in said paving district, as provided for above, and within the time provided for by law, the City Council shall deter;mine the material to be used. SECTION 6. That the cost of paving in said district shall be assessed against the lots and tracts of land especially benefitted thereby, In proportion to such benefits to be determined by the City Coundil as provided by law. SECTION 7. That t his ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of the City Council, this the 5th day of July, 1956. ATTEST: ~S./~ C Y CLERK ~ k~S~A-. MAYOR ~ . I I ORDINANCE NO. 3219 An ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the paving of the street in said district, and providing for the assessment and collection of the costs thereof. BECI''l'\lORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISIA ND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the street of Grand Island, l'Jebraka, to be known as Paving District No. 261. SECTION 2. Said paving district is crea~ed for the purpose of widening the paving in Lafayette Avenue nine feet on the west side thereof from College Street to Forrest Street. SECTION 3. The street in said paving district is hereby ordered paved as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifi- cations governing paving districts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be 9 feet in width. SECTION 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting pro- perty owners in said district, at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file with the City Clerk, within twenty days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as provided by law, wntten objection to paving of said district. SECTION 5. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a mfjority of the abutting pro- party owners, within said district, to file with the City Clerk, within the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in the paving tistll.t'&t of said Street. If such owners shall fail to designate the material they desire to be used in said paving district, as provided for above, and within the time provided for by law, the City Couneil shall determine the material to be used. SECTION 6. That the cost of paving in s&id district shall be assessed against the lots and tracts of land especially benefitted thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the City Council as provided by law. SECTION 7. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and .publieation as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of the City Council, this the 5th day of Ju~~, 1956. ATTEST: ~sdh CITY CIJ!."'RK )"~ ) 9- Gk( ~=d~. MAYOR . I I ORDINANCE NO. ':\ 220 An ordinanoe creating a Zoning Commission for the City of Grand Island, fixing the number to be appointed to said Gommission, and by whom appointed, providing for the appointment of the first ohairman of said Commission and the election of other officers; providing for meetings of said Commission; defining the duties of said Commission; providing funds to defray expenses, and repealing Ordinanoe No. 1320 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska and all other ordinanoes and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the City of Grand Island deem it advisable and to the best interest of the public that a Zoning Commission be established for said City for the purpose of recommending regulations governing the height, number of stories, and size of buildings and other structures, the percentage of lot that may be occupied, the size of yards, courts and other open spaces, the density of population, and the locution and use of buildings, structures and land for trade, industry, residence or other purposes, and the set- back building lines in residential districts. THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a Zoning Commission for the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be composed of seven members , who shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. SECTION 2. Membership. Those appointed to said Commission shall represent, in so far as possible, different professions or occupations in said City. All members of said Commission shall serve without compensation and shall hold no other municipal office. SECTION 3. That two of the members of said Commission shall be appointed for one year, two for two years, and three for three years. Any member of said Commission whose term has expired shall be eligible for reappointment. Vacancies appearing on said Commission shall be filled by appointment of the Mayor and be confirmed by the City Council. SECTION 4. For the purpose of expediting the organi~ation of such Commission, the Mayor with the consent of the Council shall name the first chairman of said Oommission who shall serve as such for one year. At the first meeting of the Commission the members shall elect one of its members to be vice-president and one to act as secretary, . I I ORDINANCE NO.~220 . (CONtT) and elect such other officers as it may deem necessary. The Commission shall gdopt rules and regulations concerning the holding of meetings and conducting of its business. The secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings, and all records of said Commission shall be considered public records. The Commission shall hold its first meeting within 30 days after the appointment of the members to the same, and shall hold at least one meeting during each calendar month thereafter. The members of said Commission shall have authority to hold as many other meetings each month as it may deem nece:ssary and its meetings may be held at such places as the Commission may choose. The Commission shall annually reorganize and elect officers and all officers elected may be re-elected. SECTION 5. The Zoning Commission shall act in an advisory capacity only and shall recommend the boundaries of the various original districts and appropriate regulations to be enforced therein, and in accordance with the laws of the State of Nebraska and rules and regula- tions generally accepted as good zoning and for the best interest and welfare of the public generally. Such Commission shall make a pre- liminary report and hold public hearings thereon before submitting its final report to the City Council. The City Council shall not take action until it has received the :final report of such Commission. SECTION 6. Any funds required to pay for expenses of said Comm- ission shall be paid out of the general fund of the said City, and all expenditures shall be allowed by claim duly presented to the City Council. The City Clerk shall keep an accurate account of all money expended for said Commi ssion, and such e xpendi ture s shall be shown in the monthly reports made to the Mayor and Council concerning the financia condition of the said City. SECTION 7. That Ordinance No. 1320 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska and all other ordinances and parts of ordin- ances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 8. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. passed and approved this / yd. day of J- - /.~ t/~ ? l.d. LJ-~o)t- MAYOR , 1956. ATrCEST: ~f~ . I I ORDINANCE NO. 3221 An ordinance pertaining to salaries; amending that part of Ordinance No. 2999 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, entitled police Department; fixing salaries for the members of the police Department of the City of Grand Island and repealing that por- tion of Ordinance No. 2999 entitled "pdlice Department" pertaining to salaries of said department and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That that part of Ordinance No. 2999 entitled "Police Department" fixing salaries for the members of the Police Department of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 1. Chief of Police 48 hours $400-500 per month 2. Asst. Chief of police 48 hours 400 per month 3. Captains 48 hours 300-315 per month 4. Lieutenants 48 hour s 275-295 per month 5. Sergeants 48 hours 260-285 per month 6. Patrolmen 48 hour s 250-275 per month patrolmen of said department when entering upon such duties shall be paid $250 per month for the first six months, and the sum of $260 per month for the next six months of service. After one year of satisfactory service, such patrolmen shall then receive $275 per month. 7. Dog Catcher and Poundmaster 48 hours 250-260 per month 8. Parking Meter Serviceman 48 hours 225-285 per month 9. Parking Lot Attendant 48 hours 175-200 per month 10. Night Roundsman (paid only in part by City) 48 hours 45 per month All full time regular policemen shall be paid the sum of $15 pel'> month, to be paid quarterly, for clothing and uniform allowance, which shall be in addition to the regular salary such policeman is entitled. If any such policeman shall resign or his employment be terminated for any reason whatsoever, he shall be paid clothing allowance on a pro rata basis, but no allowance shall be made for the same for a fraction of a month. SECTION 2. That the increase in salaries provided for in Section 1 of this ordinance shall become payable to the members of the said police Department as of August 1, 1956. SECTION 3. That said original section entitled "Police Department" of Ordinance No. 2999 and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 18th day of JU1y,1956. Attest.. _ . ~ / ~~ ~ ~ &~~ =- . I I ORDINANCE NO. 3222 An ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the paving of the street in said district, and providing for the asses- sment and collection of the costs thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving District No. 265. SECTION 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part of Sixteenth Street from Wheeler Avenue to Locust Street. SECTION 3. The street in said paving district is hereby ordered paved as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specif- ications governing paving districts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be 36 feet in width. SECTION 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district, at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file with the City Clerk, within twenty days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as provided by law, written objection to paving of said district. SECTION 5. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners, wi thin said district, to file wi th the Ci ty Clerk, within the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in the paving of said street. If such owners shall fail to designate the material they desire to be used in said paving district, as provided for above, and within the time provided for by law, the City Council shall determine the material to be used. SECTION 6. That the cost of paving in said district shall be assessed against the lots and tracts of land especially benefitted thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the City Council as provided by law. SECTION 7. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. . I I ..;. ORDINANCE No.3222 (con't) Passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of the City Counc~l, this the 1st day of August, 1956. ATTEST: ~S,~ CITY CLERK Z 1-.. ~ t(~<--<\~ :lOR - . I ORDINANCE NO.322~ An ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the paving of the street in said district, and providing for the asses- sment and collection of the costs thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OP frHE CITY OF GRAND ISlA ND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving District No. 266. SECTION 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part of Lincoln Avenue from North F'ront Street To Fourth Street. SECTION 3. The street in said paving district is hereby ordered paved as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specif- ications governing paving districts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be 36 feet in width. SECTION 4. 'l'hat authority is hereby granted to the owners of the II record title, representing a majority o~ the abutting property owner, in said district, at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file with the City Clerk, within twenty days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as provided by law, written objection to paving of said district. SECTION 5. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners, within said district, to file with the City Clerk, within the time provided by ]a w, a peti tion for the use of a par ticular kind of material to be used in the paving of said street. If such owners shall fail to designate the material they desire to be used in said paving district, as provided for above, and within the time provided for by law, the City Council shall determine the material to be used. SECTION 6. That t he cost of paving in said district shall be assessed against the lots and tracts of land especially benefitted thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the City Council as provided by law. SECTION 7. Tha t this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. . I I ORDINANCE NO. ~(conlt) Passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of the City Council, t~is the 1st day of August, 1956. ATTEST: 7~I~~ Z::~ ~S/; ..... . ..~. . / e.,go ~~ , - lV YOR . I ORDINANCE NO. 322~ An ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the paving of the street in said district, and providing for the asses- sment and collection of the costs thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY 'l'HE MAYOR AND COUNC IL OP THE CI'I'Y OF GRAND , ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving District No. 267. SECTION 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part of Eddy Street from Koenig Street to Anna Street. SECTION 3. The street in said paving district is hereby ordered paved as provided by law and in accordance wi th the plans and specif- ications governing paving districts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be 36 feet in width. SECTION 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the II record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district, at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file with the City Clerk, within twenty days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as provided by law, written objection to paving of said district. SECTION 5. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of. the abutting property owners, within said district, to file with the City Clerk, within the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in the paving of said street. If such owners shall fail to designate the material they desire to be used in said paving district, as provided for above, and within the time provided for by law, the City Council shall determine the material to be used. SECTION 6. That the cost of paving in said district shall be assessed against the lots and tracts of land especially benefitted thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the City Council as provided by law. SEC'rION 7. 1'hat this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. . I I ORDINANCE NO. 322~ (con It) Passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of the City Council, this the 1st day of August, 1956. ATTEST: ~/c~ c;n ~ / ~ C -"" ~A/~ L-v~ ^' _~_ , MAYOR - ORDINANCE NO. 3225 An Ordinance levying special water district taxes to pay for the construction of the water main in Water Main District No. 202, of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection . , thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY 'fHE MAYOR AND COUNCIL of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special water main district tax against the lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the assessable cost of construction of the water main in Water Main District No. 202, of said City, in accordance with the benefits found and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after notice given thereof as provided by law; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT William B. and Virginia E. High t 1 27 Schimmer's ~~ 13.17 I William B. and Virginia E Higb. t 2 27 Schimmer's 37.82 . William B. and Virginia E. Hight 3 27 Schimmer's 62.47 William B. and Virginia E. Hight 4 27 Schimmer's 87.08 William B. and Virginia E. Hight 5 27 Schimmer's 108.48 B1e s sed Sacrament Church 14 Home Sub. 147.73 Five Points Development Corp. 15 Home Sub. 464.29 Five Points Development Corp. E .184' 16 Home Sub. 388.31 Bankers Life Ins. Co. of Nebr. W 36' S 158' 16 Home Sub. 75.97 Bankers Life Ins. Co. of Nebr. E 120' S 158' 17 Home Sub. 253.25 Harry Preisendorf W 100' S158' 17 Home Sub. 211.04 TOTAL $1,849.61 SECTION 2. Said special water main district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law and shall be collected in the manner provided by law; provided, however, that the City Treasurer shall not collect the amount of said taxes and shall not certify the amount of said taxes to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, on any of the property herein described until ordered to do so by a resolution of the City Council, or as pro- vided in Section 5. SECTION 3. Permission is hereby granted to the owners of any of the property hereinbefore set forth to pay said taxes hereby levied and assessed against any of the property herein described as shall be determined by the Water Commissioner of the City of Grand Island, . I I ORDINANCE NO. ~22'~ (conlt) Nebraska, whenever such person shall desire to tap said water main for water purposes, without interest; provided, that said permission shall have been granted before the City Treasurer shall have been ordered to collect said taxes or before the same shall have been certified to the County 'rreasurer of Hall County, Nebraska. SECTION 4. It is hereby made the duty of the Water Commissioner to collect the taxes hereinbefore levied and assessed as a tapping charge against the property hereinbefore taxed, and to pay the same to the City ~reasurer, until the taxes hereinbefore levied and assessed shall have been ordered to be collected by the Ci ty TreaSl;trer or shall have been certified to the County Treasurer. SECTION 5. No person or persons, corporation or association shall tap the water main in Water Main District No. 202 for the purpose of serving any of the property hereinbefore described without first having obtained a permit therefor as provided by the complied ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and without first having paid to the Water Commissioner for said permit the tax hereinbefore levied and assessed as a tapping charge, and in the event any werson, corporation or association shall tap said water main without first having obtained said permit or without first having paid the tax so levied and assessed, the said person, corporation, or association shall become liable under the compiled ordinances of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, and in addition thereto, it is hereby made the duty of the City Treasurer of the City of Grand Island to collect the amount of the taxes levied and assessed against the premises and to certify the same to the County Trea surer of Hall County, Nebraska, toge ther with ins tructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved this 15th day of August, 1956. ATTEST: ~#S~ tf' CITY CLERK Cb~k~ lYIA YOR . I I \ ..: {\ ORDINANCE NO. "\ <2 6 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3136, 3201, 3208, and 3221 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; fixing the salaries and wages of certain city officers and employees; fixing the hours of working time certain officers and employees shall work each week; providing for vacaticms and sick leave and sick benefits; providing for quarterly payments to policemen; and air port area policemen and city firemen for clothing allowances; providing for payment of salaries for overtime labor; fixing the date such salaries and wages shall become effective; providing for the publication of this ordinance in pan~hlet form, and repealing said original Ordinance N03 3136; repealing Ordinance No~ 3208, 3221 and amending that portion of Ordinance No. 3201, Section 3 pertaining to salary ordinances in conflict herewith. of Administrative Co-ordinator; and all other ordinances and parts of BE IT ORDAINED BY THE NAYOR AND COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: SEXJTION 1. That the number of hours certain officials and employees of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, shall work each week and the salaries and wages to be paid to such officers and employees are as follows: Department of Utilities Administration Ccmmissioner of Utilities Department of Assistant Light Department (a) Plant Division ~ Pine Street Station 10 Superintendent 20 Operator, Control & Maintenance 3. Operators, Regular 4~ Firemen, Regular 5. Firemen, Relief 6 i Plant Nechanic 7~ Boiler Maintainer & Feed Water 8. Helpers (starting at) WORK WEEK 44 brs. 40 hI'S 9 40 hra. 40 hrs. 40 hrs. 40 brs" 40 hrs. 40 brs. Plant Division - Bischeld Street Station 1. Superintendent of Production 2. Assistant Superintendent 3. Operators, Regular 4. Operators, Relief 5. Janitor (b) Line Division 1. Superintendent 2. Assistant Superintendent 3. Draftsman 4. Foremen 44 brs. 40 brs. 40 hrs. 40 hrs. 40 brs. 44 hrs. 40 brs. 40 brs. 40 hra. SALARY OVERTIME TO BE PAID AS SET OUT BELOW $8250 per yr. 550-600 per mo. 500 per mo. 340 per mo. 330 per 1009 310 per mo~ 295 per mo. 350 per mo. 305 per mo. 235-255 per mo. 600 per mo. 425-475 per mo. 335 per mo. 335 per mo. 250 per mo. 475-500 per mo. 400 per mo. 340 per mo. 365 per mo. $2.10 per hr. . I I , OEDINANCE NO.3226 Cant. -2- WORK WEEK 5" Crew Supervisors 40 brs. 6Q First Class Linemen 40 brs. 7 ~ Second Class Linemen 40 hI'S. 80 Line Truck Operators &'Groundmen 40 hI'S. (comb) 90 Ground Men (only) 100 Tree Trimmer Supervisor 110 Substation Supervisor 12" Helpers 136 Apprentice Linemen '40 hrs, 40 brs. 40 brs 0 40 brso 40 hI'S" SALARY $ 350 per mo. 340 per mo, 300 per mo. 250 per mo. OVERTIME $2.02 per hr. 1.96 per hr. 1.73 per hr. 1.44 per hr. 235 per mo,. lQ.35 per hr. 250 per mo. 1044 per hr. 250 per mo. 2000 per hr, 205-215 per mo.. 1020-1,,24 ~ m. 250 per mo, lQ44 per hr, Al~ employees in division (b) shall be paid at tho prescribed rate per month with paid holidays included.., :(c) Electric Meter and Service Divi~on 10 Foreman and Meter Supervisor 2 c Metor Testman 3" Storekeeper 4... Wiremen 5 & Lineman - serviceman 6. Servicemen 7. Appliance Repairman 8. Troubleman 40 hI'S" 40 hI'S.. 40 hrfil) 40hr.s,. 40 hN. ' 40, hrs., , . 40 hr.,:;:. . 40 hrs. 350 per mo. 215 per mo,) 235 per mo.. 3hO per:moo 340 pOl' mo ~ 275 per mo. ' .310 'per mo ~ . ~O' per md.' 1.96 per hr.', 1.96 per hr. 1.60 per }U:o. 1..19 per hr. 1950 per hr. All employees in division (c) shall be paid at the prescribed rate p'er month with paid holidays included. Water Department (d) Service and Maintenance Division l~ Foreman... Distribution 2 ~ Service & Meter Hepairman 30 Servicemen (only) 4. Helpers : 40 hrs~ 40 brs, 40 hI'S. 40 hrs. 300 per mo. 1.73 per br. 250 per mo~ 1.44 per hr. 240 per mo~ 1.38 per br. 205..215 per mo.420-l.~ We!' bra All employees in divisions (b), (c) and Cd), whose rates of 'pay are 'hereb,y changed fr.om an hourly rate to a monthly rate shall be entitled to the presc'ribed holidays. Light and Water Office 14J Office Manager 2~ Assistant Office Manager 300 Junior and Senior Clerks 4/1 Stenographer 5. Meter Beaders (electri~) Ice DepA.rtment 10 Chief Operator 20 Operators, Regular 3~ Relief Operator & Ice Puller 4~ Ice Pullers :De:paY.'tmellt of Public Works City Engineer Assistant City Engin~ers 40 hI'S. 40 brs. 40 hI'S. 40 hrs. 40 hra. 40 hI'S. 40 hrs. 40 brs. 40 hI'S. 40 hI'S. (a) Survey, Plans and Designs Division 1. Draftsman 4,0 hI'S. 2. Co-ordinator 40'prs. 3. Rodman 40" brs. 4~ General Inspector 40: Frs. 5. Laborer 40 bra. (b) Streets and Alleys Division 1. Street Superintendent 2. Foreman 3. Machine Opel'ators 40 Truck Driver-Laborer (0) Parks and Grounds DiV"tsion Operations 40 hI'S. 40 hI'S. 40 brs... 390 per' 00. 21$. pbl' mO. 150-200 per mo. 150...200 per mo. 235-255 per 'mo. 290 per m\o. 265-275 per mo.. 270 per me. 225 per mo. 500...600 per mo, 300-400 per mo. 250-325 per mo. 225 per*'mo. 210-235 per mo, 225-275 per mo. 225 per mo. 400-500 per mo. 260-275 per mo. 245 per mo. 235 p:lr mo. . I I , ORDINANCE NO.3229 Cont. -3- 1", Park Superintendent 2(J !..F.b J1"e1'8 3~ Waterman. (pa~t time, seasonal) Rec:..." '3 a t~.on __ _ 7 '''~'........_ ~,11~5"~::.1-'~t:... Pool 1:) ~'18,r.. ~:fIe.:' (JE:a80nal) 2~ A~~i8tdn: ~~~age~ (seasonal) )0 1:,.fbgual.'ds (3oasonal) 4t. HT,dmrd,ng Inst:ructor S1JOl't.s .!:Re"crea,t.JO;1 D ':"1"eo tel' 20 General p1rY6round supervisor 30 F'i.c-st Yf.ar playground supervisor 4" Secnl1d J ear playground 50 Ona 1ittl~ Leagu3 Supervisor 6;;J One I.i -:.tle leag".19 St-pervi:3or 70 Milwr J:6.tt1 e League Supervisor 8Q Service League baseball supervisor 90 Haintenance man for recreation. faci:'ities WORm; WEEK 40 hrsll 40 hrs~ 3 mos" 3 moso 3 mei3" 3 mos~ 3~ moB" 3 moso 450 hrs~ ~!nicipal Baseball Park lQ~' Marking and cleaning recrcatiop field 2\) Supervisor during baseball games SALARY QVER'J;'IME $250".300 per mo. 225 per mo. .,60 per hro 270 per roo. 165 pe::.' mo.o 120..135 per mo. 50 per mo. 270 per mo. 135-150 per mQ. 125 per moo 135 per moO. 90 per moo 75 r)er JI10 ~ 100 p8:.;' mOe 100 po:c ~no i:l Q80 per hro ~,80 per hr. ",60 per hro (d) Storm Sewers and Miscellaneous Service Division Ii) Foreman 40 hrs. 260-275 per mo. 2", Truck lDrivers-Laborers 40 hrs. 235 per mo. (e) Building Permits and Inspection Division 1. Building Inspector 40 hrs. 20 Assistant Inspector 40 hrs. (f) City Hall Maintenance Division Iv Custodian (Quarters and Utilities furnished as $50000 per mo~) 43 hrs. (g) City Shop and Garage Divis:i.on :;'0 Garage Clerk 20 Chief Mechanic and Shop Foreman (C.OII10) '3" Mechanic and Assistant Foreman (comb) 4(; Mechanics Pclice Depa~tment 10 Chief of Police 2 Q Asstre> Chief of Police 30 Captains 4<:> TJieutemints !>v Sergeants I") a, Patrolmen 40 hrs ~ 40 hra" 40 hrso 40 hI's. 48 hrs. 48 hrs. 48 hra. 48 hrs ~ 48 hrs.. 48 hrs. 290 per mo. 235..250 per moo 155 per mo. 225 per mo. 275.Joo per mo. 250....285 per mo.. 240-255 per mo. 400-500 per mo. 400 per mo. ' 300-315 per mo.. 275-295 per mo. 260-285 per mo. 250-275 per mo. Patrolmen of said department when entering upon such duties shall be paid $250 per month for the first six months of service, and the sum of $260 per month for the next six months. After one year of satisfactory service, such patrolmen shall then receive $275 per month. 7. Dog Catcher and Poundmaater 8 e Parking Meter Servic eman 9. Parking Lot Attendant lOCI Night Roundsrnan (paid only in part by City) 48hr~. h8 ht's. 48 bra. 48 hrs. 250-260 per mo, 225-285 per mo.a 275-300 per mo. 45 per mo" 1.:.11 full time regular policemen shall be paid the sum of :,;;15 per month, to be paid .:,1J..:...::'t~rly,j for clothing and uniform allowance, which shall Ce in addition to the i~'l:tE'.:':' ~alR:""Y ouch policeman is entitled. If any such policeman shall resign or ) ,; Cffi?JJ.c.yrriont be terminated for 8IJY reason whatsoever, he shall be paid clothing ::o'Vance on a pro rata basis, but no allowance shall be made for the same for a ')',',;:-(,10n of a month. ORDINANCE NO.3226 Cont. -4- WORK WEEK SALARY Fire Department . I 1. Fire Chief Z. Assistant Chi~fs 3. Cap1;ains 4. Drivers 5. Firemen 6. Instructor 72 hrs. 72 hrs, 72 hrs. 72 brs. 72 hrs. Additional OWERTIIMlE $400 per mo. ,300 per mo. 275 per mo. 255-265 per mo. 235-250 per zoo. 15 per mo. A~l full time regular firemen shall be paid the sum of $10 per month, to be paid quarterly, for clothing and \lniform allowance, which shall be in addition to the re~ular salary such fireman is onti tIed. If an;y such fireman shl:)uld resign or his employment be terminated for any reason whatsoever, he shall be paid clothing allowance on a pro rata basis, but no allowance shall be made for the same for a fraction of a month. Airport Department 1. Superintendent 2. Area Firemen 3. Area Police Officers 4. Foreman 5. Truck Driver-Laborer I '. 114 hrs. 48 hra. 40 brs. 40 brs. 365-400 per mo. 225-235 per mo. 225-235 per zoo. 225-250 per mo. 235 per mo. All full time air port area.- policemen shall be paid the sum of $15 per month,. on' paid quarterly, for clothing and uniform allowance, which shall be in addition to the regular salary such policeman is entitled. If any such policeman shall resign or his employment be terminated for an;y reason whatsoeve+""he shi.ll be paid clothing allowance on a pro rata basis, but no allowance shall be made fot tqe same for a fraction of a month. I ~metery Department 1. Sexton (Quarters and Utilities furnished as $45 per month) 2. Truck :IDtr'iver-Laberor 3. Laborer Health and Sanitation Department Health i. City Physician 2. Nurses 3. Laboratory Technicians 4. Secretary 5. Senior Sanitarian 6. Sanitarian 4r hrs. 44 hrs. 40 hrs. 44 1ms. 44 hrs. Sanitation ~ Garbage Collector Foreman 2. Truck Drivers-Laborers 3. City Dump Operator 4. Junior and Senior Clerks 5. Junior and Senior Clerks (part time) 40 hrs. 40 hrs. 48 hrs. 40 brs. 24 brs. Sewage Disposal Department 1. Commissioner of Sanitation 2. Superintendent .3. Operators 4. Truck Driver-Laborer 5. Laborer 40 brs. 40 hr? 40 hrs~ Administrative 245 per mo. 235 per me. 225 per mo. (Paid as per terms of State- (City...county He~lth Dept. (Agreement. 150-200 per mOt 75-300 per 1'110, 225-250 per mo. 235-250 per mo. 235 per mo. 225 per mo. 150-200 P6rmo. .80 per hr. 400...$00 per mo. 100 per mo. 2$0 per mo, ~35 per mo. 225 per mo. 1. Office of City Treasurer (a) Senior and Junior Clerktt 40 hrs. 150-200 per mo. 2. Office of City Clerk (a) Benior and Junior Clerks 4m brs. 150-200 per mo. (b) Stenographer (part time) 24 bra. 105 ~r mo. 3.. City Attorney 300 . r mo. (a~ Asst. City Attorney . 200 per mo. ... (b Stenographer (part tiroo) 24 hrs_ 105 per mo, . I I , ORDINANCE NO.3226 Cant. ..5- 4.. Administrative Co-ordinator 5. SeCPEltary to Mayor Office 6. Secretary Departmental." 7. Common laborers in all govet'nmental departments 8. Part time common laborers in all governmental departments WORK WKEK ' 40 hrs.,., 40 brs. 40 brs. SALARY $400-;00 per mo. 150-200 per mo. 150-200 per mo. 225 per mo". ,80-l..Q5, per)'_. ~ ' SECTION 2t, The salaries herein provided for shall become effeotive and include all salaries due August 1, 1956. SECTION 3. Officers and employees, whose salary or wage is paid on a monthly basis, shall be entitled to a 'tacation of one scheduled work week after one year of continuous service and such otficer or employee shall be entitled to two scheduled work weeks ot vacation after two'or more years of continuous service. Employees receiving a. salary or wage computed on an hourly basis, shall be entitled to forty-eight scheduled hours of vacation after,one year of continuous service and ninety-eix scheduled hours of vacationa.f'tertwo or more years of continuous service. ,. SECTION 4.. All full time regular employees shall b.e entitled t,o one day per month fe>:l" sick leave with pay and all part time employees, working one-half day, 6 days per week, shall be entitled to one-half day per month for such sick leave with pay. It is expressly provided that such sick leave may be accumulative and shall not exceed more. than thirty-s:ix days during a three yea:e. period for a full time employee and eighteen days durimg such three year periQQ for an employee who works only half days. It is further expressly provided that sick leave shall be allowed only in case of actual illness or injury and shall not be allowed any employee for. any other purposes. SECTION 5. All common laberers, machine operators and truck driver-labore:rs (except those employed by the Department of Utilities Administration), who are paid monthly salaries, shall be required to work the number of hours per week herein provided, and shall, when required to work more than the number of hours herein set forth, be paid for such overtime at the same rate per hour that such employee 'smonthly salary produces when computed on an hourly basis.. ' SECTION 6., That Ordinance No. 31)6, 3208 and 3221 and all other ordinances and parts, of ordinances in conflicthe:r~itb are hereby repealed; and amending Section 3 of Ordinance No. 3201 pertaining to the salary of the Administrative Co-ordinator. SECTION 7.. That this ordinance shall be i~ ,force and take effect:trom and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as by law provided. . I I , ORIDINA~E NO.3226 Cont. .-6-- Passed and approved by a majority vote ot all the members ot the City Council, this the 15th day of August., 1956. ATTEST: ~s~ CLERK ?p;~~~ OR . I I , ORDINANCE NO. i227 An ordinance levying taxes in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the fiscal year commencing on the second Monday in August, 1956, and ending on the second Monday in August, 1957, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied, and the same shall be collected in the manner provided by law, upon all property, real, personal and mixed of every kind and character, within the corporate limi ts of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the fiscal year commencing on the second Monday in August, 1956, and ending on the ~econd Monday in August, 1957, on each dollar of the actual valuation of said property, taxes as follows and for the following ~urposes. The sum of J3. '1 mills for all general and all other municipa;.L expenses. The sum of Three Dollars ($3.00) on each and every male resident of the City of Grand Island, between the ages of twenty-one (21) and fifty (50) years, except such as are by law exempt, as a Poll tax. SECTION 2. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Clerk of Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes, and the same shall be collected in the manner provided by law. SEe TION 3. rrhi s ordinance shall be in force and take effec t from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of all of the members of the City Council, this the L-JI ~- day of August, 1956. ATTEST: ~~p . c::- ~ . 10Ft i. L~~ . I I , <:: ?,J) fl .J lOr; I ORDINANCE NO. 3228 E..V:."" ~.". ruff.....; 1.Y".H;,o}. j" \.1' "~I . , ',1'4""f ;\f'PQrtsr Being the annual appropriation ordinance of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the ensuing fiscal year commencing on the second Monday in August, 1956, and ending on the second Monday in August, 1957. BE Irr ORDAINED BY 'lIHE lVIAYOR AND COUNCIL OF' THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That the total sum of $96,304.38 is hereby appropriated for the Bond and Interest Fund of the City of Grand Island, to pay principal and interest on intersection paving bonds as follows: $33,000.00 to retire such bonds dated August 1, 1953 bearing interest at 3% per annum and the sum of $2,970.00 to pay interest on said issue. $28,000.00 to retire such bonds dated March 1, 1954 bearing interest at 2% per annum and the sum of $1,900.00 to pay interest on said issue. $16,000.00 to retire such bonds dated June 1, 1955 bearing interest at 2% per annum and the sum of $1,260.00 to pay interest on said issue. $12,638.24 to retire such bonds dated April 1, 1956 bearing interest at 2~% per annum and the sum of $1,454.36 to pay interest on said issue. That the sum of $918.22 being the unexpended balance in s aid Bond and Interest Fund is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 2. That the total sum of $65,764.11 is hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the General Fund as follows: (a) Administrative To pay the salaries of the Mayor, 8 councilmen, Administrative Co-ordinator, Clerk, Treasurer, Attorneys, office assistants and office supplies and services $44,625.00 (b) Engineering Division To pay the salaries of Engineer, Assistant Engineers, Building Inspector, other assistants, office supplies, equipment and operating expenses $39,755.00 (c) Storm Sewers and Misc. Service To pay for the construction, extension, maintenance and repair of storm sewers, and other services incidental thereto $12,425.00 (d) Health Department To pay salaries of Physician, assistants, office supplies and operating expenses $15,692.00 (e) City Hall Maintenance To pay salaries of custodian, extra helpers, supplies, repairs, alterations and maintenance $12,272.00 (f) Incidentals and Miscellaneous To pay County Treasurer for tax collection fees, election expenses, and all other incidental and miscellaneous expenses . I I ORDINANCE NO. 322R (CON'T) not otherwise classified or provided for, and to provide a reasonable reserve for emergencies $25,625.00 Tha t the sum of $21,444.89 being the unexpended balance in said General Fund is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. That the estimated receipts in the sum of $63,185.00 from the engineering surveys and building inspection fees; Health Department fees for food, trailer camps and other inspection$; amount received from Light Department in lieu of taxes; sale of lots and tracts of land; street and curb occupation rentals; retail beer and liquor occupation taxes; wholesale beer and liquor occupation taxes; office rentals; and all other receipts not classified are hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the use and benefit of said General Fund. SECTION 3. That the sum of $11,104.10 is hereby appropriated for the ensuing year for the Street and Alley Fund for the purpose of paying for the upkeep and maintenance of streets and alleys, including salaries and wages, grading, flushing, clearing, repairing, purchase of tools, materials, supplies and equipment, rentals, snow removal, street lighting, and other expenses incidental thereto. That the sum of $8,265.23 being the unexpended balance in said street and Alley Fund, is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. That the estimated receipts in the sum of ~$6,357.07 for contract services and sale of scrap materials, weed cutting, and street cuts, are hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year, for the use and benefit of said Street and Alley Fund. That the estimated receipts from Gasoline 'l'axes in the sum of $40,827.60 are hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the use and benefit of the Street and Alley Fund as additional funds for the repair and maintenance of streets and alleys. That the sum of $71.25 is hereby reappropriated for the repair and maintenance of streets, this being the unexpended balance of Gasoline Taxes. SECTION 4. That the sum of $51,052.00 is hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the Sewer Plant Fund for the purpose of pay- ing salaries, telephone, office expense, gasoline and oil, truck repair and service, tires, tubes and batteries, truck licenses, truck and pr>op- . I I ORDINANCE NO. ~228 (CONIT) erty insurance, electrical energy, fuel, plant maintenance and repair, and supplies. SECTION 5. That the sum of $12,025.00 is hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the Sewer Collection System Fu.nd for the purpose of paying salaries, gasoline and oil, electrical energy for the lift stations, water for the flush tanks, truck and equipment repair, tires, tubes and batteries, cleaning ditch and equipment and property insurance. SEC'I'ION 6. That the estimated receipts in the sum of $64,166.98 received from the operation of the Grand Island Municipal Airport and rentals received from the use of buildings and landing field, and farming of land in said airport, and sale of salvaged materials, are hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the use and benefit of the Airport Fund. Tha t the sum of ~~41, 833.02 being the unexpended balance in said Airport Fund, is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SECrrrON 7. That the estimated receipts in the sum of ~~43,922.04 from the collection and disposal of garbage are hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year, for the use and benefit of the Sanitation Fund, to pay salaries and wages, and for cost of repairs, equipment, supplies and service, and to maintain reserve for depreciation of equipment. That the sum of $5,557.96 being the unexpended balance in said Sanitation Fund, is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 8. rrha t the sum of ~~53, 879.95 is hereby appropria ted for the Park Fund for the purpose of paying for the care, improvement and extensions of public parks and the Baseball Park, operation and main- tneance of the Municipal Swimming Pool, including salaries and wages, supplies, repairs, materials and equipment. That the estimated receipts in the sum of $12,500.00 from the opera tion of the Baseball Park and rentals of park lands leased i'or agricultural purposes, and the operation of the Municipal Swimming Pool, are hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the use and benefit of said Park Fund. That the sum ai' $6,098.05 being the unexpended balance insaid Park Fund, is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 9. That the sum of $67,283.00 is hereby appropriated for . I I , ORDINANCE NO. 3"8 (CON'T) the police Fund for the purpose of paying salaries and wages of officers, policemen and police judge, cost of equipment, repairs and operations, parking meter service and repairs, parking lot attendants and operations, feeding prisoners, and maintaining and providing traffic control devices. 'rha t the 81111 of $4,144.00 being the unexpe.nded balance in s aid Police Fund, is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. That the estimated receipts in the sum of $81,500.00 from curb parking meters, licenses, permits and registration fees, parking lot receipts and court and office fees, are hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the use and benefi t of the Police }f'und. SEC'rION 10. That the sum of ~~il16,215.93.is hereby appropriated for the Fire Fund for the purpose of paying salar'ies and wages of officers, firemen and extra employees, operating expenses, repairs, supplies and services, and new equipment and ~ccessories. That the estimated receipts in the sum of $5,000.00 for chemical recharging service, ambulance fees, and contracts for fire protection are hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the use and bene- fit of said Fire Fund. Tha t the sum of $17,964.07 being the unexpended balance in said Fire Fund, is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 11. That the sum of $21,117.20 is hereby appropriated for the Firemen's pension Fund for the purpose of paying pensions to retired firemen and firemen's widows. Tha t the sum of ~~882. 80 be ing the unexpended balance in ::said Firemen's pension Fund, is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 12. That the sum of $20,822.67 is hereby appropriated for the Cemetery Fund for the purpose of paying costs of maintenance and upkeep of cemetery, including salaries, wages, materials, supp~ies, repairs, service, equipment, improvements, bUJ1dings, landscaping and levelling. That the sum of $3,387.33 being the unexpended balance in said Cemetery Fund is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. That the estimated receipts in the sum of $15,000.00 from the sale of lots, opening graves and other charges at the cemetery" are hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the use and benefit of said Cemetery Fund. . I ORDINANCE NO. 3228 (CON'T) SECTION 13, filat the sum of $100,000.00 being the unexpended balance of the permanent Care Fund in the form of receipts invested in u. S. Government securities of $95,028.76 and $4,971.24 cash is hereby feappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SEcrrION 14. That the sum of $35,985.00 is hereby appropriated for the Library Fund fbr the purpose of paying expenses of the Library Board in the operation of the City Library, including salaries, wages, repairs, service, books and periodicals, and other incidental expenses for the ensuing fiscal year. That the estimated receipts in the sum of $2,000~00 for the ensuing fiscal year are hereby appropriated for the use and benefit of said Library Fund. SECTION 15. That the sum of $5,000.00 is hereby appropriated for the Music Fund for the purpose of paying expenses of vocal, instrumental and amusement organizations for free concerts and parades, for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 16. That the sum of $35,394.37 being the unexpended I balance in said Paving Fund, is hereby reappropria ted for the ensuing fiscal year. That the estimated recej.pts in the sum of $55,435.63 from motor , vehicle registration fees, from the sale of materials and from the fees for paving cuts are hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the use andbenefit of the Paving Fund. SECTION 17. ~hat the sum of $9,933.20 being the unexpended balance in the City Light Garage Fund, is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the purpose of paying costs of equipping and operation of the City Shop-Garage. That the estimated receipts in the sum of $27,032.80 from the operation of the City Shop-Garage are hereby appropriated for the use and benefit of the City Light Garage Fund. SECTION 18. That the unexpended balance in the Civil Defense Fund in the sum of ~;462.00 is hereby reappropriated to pay for salaries, supplices and operating costs incidental to civil defense. SECTION 19. That the sum of $10,184.00 is hereby appropriated for the Social Security Fund for the purpose of making the required payments to the Federal Government for Old Age and Survivors Insurance for the . I ORDINANCE NO.3228 (CON'T) ensuing fiscal year. That the sum of $17,816.00 being the estimated amount to be received from payroll deductions, is hereby appropriated for the ensuing, fiscal year for the use and benefit of said Social security Fund. SECTION 20. That the unexpended balance in the Sewer Construction Fund' in the sum of $85,964.86 is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year to pay costs of construction of sanitary sewer extensions, enlargements, improvements, lift stations and incidentals thereto. SECTION 21. That the revenues received from the operation of the Water, Light and Ice Departments of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, are hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying the expenses of the operation of the said Departments, including salaries and all incidental expenses in connection with the operation, maintenance repair and enlarge- ment of said department plants. SEcrrION 22. 'l'his ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. passed and approved by a majority vote of all of the members of II the City Council, this the 2lst day of August, 1956. , ATTEST: ~.s;~ E uLJ~,,-~ :MAYOR ORDINANCE NO. ~229 I An Ordinance calling a special election of the qualified voters of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be held on the 6th day of November, 1956 for the purpose of submitting to said electors the proposition of "Shall the City of Grand Island, Nebraska cease operating the Ice Plant belonging to said City, and shall the Mayor and Council sell and dispose of said Ice Plant together with all appliances, machinery and land described as the st of Block 2, Arnold & Abbott's Addition used in connect- ion therewith and use the funds received from such sale together with the surplus money now in the Ice Fund in the sum of $47,633.18 for the purpose of aiding in the payment of the cost of the construction of a new building for the Fire Department on the North side of said City"; providing for the cost and re- vision of the registration records of the legal voters of said City; providing for the canvass of the returns of said election by the Mayor and C'ouncil; and providing for the giving of notice of said special election. WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council find and determine that because of the wide spread use of mechanical refrigeration for domestic, cooorrercial, and industrial purposes, the demand for manufactured ice becomes increasingly less and less day after day, and because of the use of such mechanical refrigeration, the Ice Plant owned by the City of Grand Island, is being operated at a loss, and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council find and determine that it would be to the best interests of the electors of said City that the City of Grand Island cease operating said Ice Plant; that said ice plant and the appliances, machinery and land des- cribed as the sl of Block 2, Arnold & Abbott's Addition used in connection therewith be sold and that the surplus now in the Ice Fund in the sum of $j7,633.18 and the money received from the sale of said Ice Plant be us'ed for the purpose of aiding in the payment of the cost of the construction of a new building to house the Fire Department on the North side of said City. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there be and there is hereby called a special . I , . I I , ORDINANCE NO.3229 (con't) election of the qualified electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska to be held on the 6th day of November, 1956, for the purpose of submitting to said electors the proposition of "Shall the City of Grand Island cease operating the Ice Plant belonging to said City and shall the Mayor and City Council sell and dis- pose of said Ice Plant together with all appliances, machinery and land as described above, used in connection therewith and use the funds received from such sale together with the surplus money now in the Ice Fund in the sum of $47,633.18 for the purpose of aiding in the payment of the cost of the construction of a nmv building for the Fire Department on the North side of said City." SECTION 2. The special election herein called to be held on the 6th day of November, 1956 shall be held at the usual polling places in said City. SECTION 3. The City Clerk of Grand Island, Nebraska shall cause to be prepared, ballots for the use in said election, said ballots to be printed on white paper and to be designated as "Official Ballots," and upon said ballots shall be printed the proposition embodied in Section I of this ordinance and at the left side of said proposition the words "YES" and "NO", and a blank square under each of said words all in accordance vd th the form prescribed by the general laws of the State of Nebraska, re- lative to elections in cities of the first class. All electors who favor the affirmative of said proposition shall make a cross in the blank square opposite said proposition and under the word "YES" and all electors who are opposed to said proposition shall make a cross in the blank square opposite said proposition and under the word "NO". SECTION 4. The registration books for the revision and correction of the registration records of said City of Grand Island, Nebraska shall be open at the office of the City Clerk during the time provided by law preceeding such election. SECTION 5. Said election shall be open at each of the usual polling places in the City at eight o'clock in the forenoon of said day and the polls shall close at eight o'clock in the afternoon of said day. SECTION 6. The same number of judges and clerks of election shall qualify and serve in said election as qualify and serve in . I I , ORDINANCE NO. 3229 (con't) general elections and their duties shall likewise be the same. The returns of said election shall be made to the Mayor and Council of said City and by them canvassed on the first Monday after said election and the results shall be then declared by said Mayor and Council. If a majority of the electors voting at said election shall vote in favor of said proposition the same shall be declared to have been carried and the Mayor and Council shall be authorized to cease and discontinue the operation of the Ice Plant and the appliances and machinery used in connection therewith and use the money received from such sale together with the surplus money in the Ice Fund in the sum of $47,633.18 for the purpose of aiding in the payment of the cost of the construct- ion of a new building for the Fire Department on the North side of said City. SECTION 7. That this ordinance shall be published in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper published in and of general circulation in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, one time each week for three consecutive weeks preceeding said election. SECTION 8. That the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to give notice of the calling of the special election herein provided for as by law provided. This ordinance shall be,in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 29th day of August, 1956. ATTEST: ~S~ CITY CLERK ~h .gL.~~. MAY ~- ' ~~ . . I I , ORDINANCE NO. ~2~O An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the laying of certain service pipes and connections with the water main existing in Paving District No. 255 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and p:eoviding for the collec tion thereof. WHEREAS, on the 5th day of October, 1955, the City Council passed Ordinance No. 313LJ; creat1.ng Paving District No. 255 of said City, and WHEREAS, certain lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter described did not have water service connections wit;h the water main existing in such paving district and such water services were installed and provided for by the City of Grand Island through its Water Department before the streets in said paving district wer'e paved, and WHEREAS, the cost of making such water services must be paid by the tax payers whose property is served by such water service connections, and WHEREAS, the Ci ty Gouncil shall by ordinance levy a specHd tax against the property served and benefited by such water service in all cases where the property owner has failed to pay to the said City of Grand Island the cost of installing and providing such water service connection. NOW, THEEEFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF' 'l'HE cra OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SEC':PION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth benefj. tted by the co ns truct:Lon of certain pipe line sand water service connections with existing water main in Paving District No. 255, each of said lots, tracts and parcels, of land so benefited is assessed in the sum set opposite the several descriptions as follows: NAME LOT BLK. ADDITION AMOUN'l' Midland Construction Company Pleasant View pleasan t View Pleasan t View Pleasan t View Pleasant View $ 36.00 I 4 Midland Construction Company 2 4 36.00 Midland Construction Company 4 36.00 3 Midland Construction COJiipany 4 4 36.00 Midland Construction Company 5 4 36.00 . I I , OHDINANCE NO. 3230 (CONtT) NAME LOT BLK ADDITION AMOUNT Midland Con struc tion Company 6 4 Pleasant 'j, 36.00 ~p View Midland Construction Company 7 4 Pleasant 36.00 View Midland Construction Cornpany 8 4 Pleasant 36.00 View Midland Construction Company 9 4 Pleasan t 36.00 View Midland Construction Company 10 4 Pleasan t 36.00 View Si!;CTION 2. The several amounts herein assessed shall be a lien upon the prem:tses herein described from and after the date of the levy hereof and the same shall beaI' interest at the rate of (6%) six per cent per annum from the d.ate of the passage of this ordinance. SECTION 3. The City Clerk is hereby instructed to certify said special taxes to the City Treasurer together with instructions to collect the same as in the case of other special taxes. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in f01'ce and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council, this the 5th day of September, 1956. A TTES'r : C ~~.L "~--_._-"_..:~- ,....,..J....~-l)'~ lVIA YOR ~S~t CI'I'Y CLERK /, ( 3;t, " . I ORDINANCE NO. 3231 An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Water Main District No. 205 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE C D'Y OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the purpose of paying the cos t of the CD nstructidm of the Water Maln in said district of said Ci ty, in accordance wi th the benefits found due and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Gity 00uncil of Grand Island, Nebraska sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice having been given thereof as provided by law. Each of the several lots, tracts, and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME LOT BLK ADDITION AMOUNT Kathryn O'Malley 6 24 Packer and $ 99.72 I Barr's Sec- ond Add. Kathryn O'Malley 7 24 It 99.72 Rosalio Briseno 8 24 It 99.72 Rosalio Briseno 9 24 It 99.72 Rosalio Briseno 10 24 It 99.72 William F. Tilley 1 25 It 99.72 William F. Tilley 2 25 It 99.72 William 1~1. Tilley 3 25 It 99.72 Margaret Jane Falmlen and Arch S. Ennis 4 25 It 99.72 ~'he City of Grand Island 5 25 It 99.72 D. Laurence and Elsie P. Halstead 1 26 It 99.72 James L. Hendrix 2 26 It 99.72 LeRoy C .and Ri ta Marie Kraft 3 26 tt 99.72 Roy F. and Inez Mae Ju e t t 4 26 It 99.72 Roy F. ano, Inez Mae Juett 5 26 It 99.72 Charles E. ':['aylor 6 27 It 99.72 Lelia McLane Taylor 7 27 It 99.72 Lelia McLane Taylor 8 '27 " 99.72 Lelia McLane Taylor 9 27 11 99.72 Lelia McLane Taylor 10 27 It 99.72 To tal $1994.40 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and delinquent in the manner provi.de:d by law. SECTION 3. The Ci ty Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the City 'l'reasurer the amount of said taxes together with :Lnstructions to collect the same as provided by law. SECTION 4. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publica tioD as by law provided . I I ORDINANCE NO. 32il (CON'T) September Passed and approved tb5s 5th day of u, 1956. A TtI'EST: ~s:~ CITY CLERK ~ ~.~.~ lVIAY R, . I I ORDINANCE NO. 12~2 An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Sewer District No. 296 of the City of Grand Islmd, Nebraska and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF If HE CI'1'Y OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: S:8;C'l'ION 1. That there is he re by levi ed and as se s sed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the purpose of paying the CO::1 t of the construction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 296 of said City, in accordance ~th the benefits found due and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equali~ation after due notice having been given thereof as provided by law, each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land are assessed as follows: NAME LOT BLK ADDITION AMOUNT 1 8 West Park $66.34 2 8 Vilest Park 66.34 3 8 West Park 66.34 4 8 West Park 66.34 5 8 West Park 66.34 6 8 West Park 66.34 7 8 West Park 66. ;:S4 8 8 West Park 66.34 9 8 West Park 66.34 10 8 West Park 66.34 Urah Cunningham Ul"ah Cunningham Urah Cunningham Urah Cunningham Drah Cunningham Mae Hein OINele Mae Hein OINele John and Anna Lilienthal John and Anna Lilienthal John and Anna Lilienthal SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and dellnquent in the manner provided by law. SEC rerON 3. The Ci ty Clerk is here by dire cted to cer tify to the City Treasurer the amount of said taxes together with instructions to collect the same as provided by law. SECTION 4. 'I'll.at this ordinance be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council this the 5th day of September, 1956. ATTEST: ~/S~ o CITY CLERK ro &. / 9--_-~ C; ~.~/ o~~ MAYOR -- . I I , ORDINANCE NO. 3233 An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Sewer District No. 297 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT OHDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF 'l'HE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the purpose of paying the cost of the construction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 297 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found due and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice having been given thereof as provided by law, each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land are assessed as follows: NAME LOT BLK ADDI'TION AMOUNT 26 packer and $ Bar'r I s sec- ond Add. 71.48 26 It 71.48 26 It 71.48 26 It 71.48 26 It 71.48 357.42 D. Lawrence and Elsie P. Halstead 1 James L. Hendrix LeRoy C. and Rita Mae Craft Roy F. and Inez Mae Juett Roy F. and Ine~ Mae Juett City of Grand Island, Nebraska SE* Sec. 7-11-9 2 3 4 5 SEc'rrON 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and delinquent in the manner provided by law. SEcrrrON 3. 'l'he City Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the City TreaSlJrer the amount of said taxes together with instruct.ions to collect the same as provided by law. SEC'l'ION 4. That thi s ordinance be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Counc:il this the 5th day of September, 1956. ATTEST: ~~~ c: iw~~i~~~~- , MAYOR . I I , ORDINANCE NO. ~~4 An Ordinance extending the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, by annexing thereto an unnamed and unplatted tract of land belonging to Carl Joehnck of said City. WHEREAS, Homer Bruhn, the duly appointed, qualified and acting guardian of the estate of Carl Joehnck, an Incompetent person, has filed a petition with the Mayor and City Council asking that an un- named and unplatted tract of land be annexed to and included within the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and has filed with the City Clerk a plat of said tract of land, and WI-rE:Rf-i~AS, the :Planning Commission of the City of Grand Island and the Mayor and City Councilhave approved the plat of said tract of land and tbe annexation of the same to the City of Grand Island. NOW nIEHEFOiRE, BE rr ORDAINED BY 'I'HE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CI'IT O!F GRAND ISLAND, NEBFU'>.SKA: SEC'I'ION 1. That an unnamed and unplatted trac t of land be long- ing to the said Carl Joehnck, an Incompetent person, be and the same is hereby annexed to and included within the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, which s aid tract of land is described as follows: !Ii\. tract of ,,'round in Lot nH" of Joehnck f s Sub- division of the Southeast Quarter (SE-t}) of Section Fifteen (15) in Township Eleven (11), Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the easterly line of Joehnck Road and the Section Line between said Sectibn 15 and Sec tion 22 of said To \1m ship and Range, rurming thence ln a northwesterly diI'ection along the easterly side of Joehnck Road a distance of 328.5 feet, thence easterly at right angles 152 feet, thence southerly at right angles narallel to the easterly side of Joehnck Road a distance 414.6 feet to a point on the saId Section Line, thence West along said Section Line to the place of beginning, containing 1.29 acres, be the same a trifle more or less. Subject, however, to a right- of-way across the northerly 33 feet of the tract hereinbefore described in favor of the owners, their heirs, successors and assigns o.r Lot "H" and "E" of sa] d Joehnck I s Subdivision, or any part thereof, or ,of the public, and subject to a County Road as now laid out in, across and upon the tract hereinbefore described.1t SECTION 2. That the plat of said tract of land submitted with said application be, and the same is hereby approved, and that the approval thereof be endorsed upon the same and signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and the seal of the City of Grand Island be thereunto affixed. . I I , ORDINANCE NO. i2i4 ( CONt1') SECTION 3. rrhat said plat with all endorsements thereon, toge.ther with a certlfied copy of t his ordinance be, and the same are hereby ordered filed in the office of the Registerer of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska. SEC1"ION 4. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the Clty Council, this the 5th day of September, 1956. ATTEST: ~E~ [j~JP/1&~f4 MAYOR . I I , OHDINANCE NO. 323~ An OrcUnance pertaining to the construction and location of curb sidewalks; amending Section 4 of Ordinance No. 2883 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska and repealing said original section. BE I'T OFl.D!\ I HIm BY '1'IJE lVIAYOH AND C OUNC IL OF' C I'IY OF GHAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: rrha t See tion 4 of Ordinan ce No. 2883 of the ordinance s of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SEcrJ~ION 1. That sidewalks proposed to be laid and con structed along, and immediately adJacent to any curb and gutter shall bo term- ed and knuwn as II curb sidewalks.1I Such curb sidewalks shall not be permitted to be constructed in lieu of' other public sidewal1{s wt-lepe sidewall,;::,,: now eXJ,Clt unloCls the EJWl1e b requo;:;ted by all owners of abuti:;Log pr'ope:rty betweon an;y two succossive streets OP alleys, and upon their agreement to build and construct all sucll curb sidewalks ::1imultaneou:"Jly. I:C no sidewalks axis t in an area be tween two suc ce s s Ive s tree ts or alleys, curb sidewa],ks or the conventional type of sidewalk construct- ed apart from the curb sball be permi tted and ordered constructed upon petJtLon ot a maJority of the property owners in said a:ec[l, and all ~rucn petit]oner:'! ;jhal1 construct their sldowalks simultaneously. In C j ty subdiv 1-:3ion 01' addit :l'on s where [:1pproved prote cti ve or restrictive covenants require curb sidewalks, such may be built contiguous to any t:ract 01' parcel without I'Gstr'Lction aEl to continuity. SEC'I'ION 2. That said original Section 4 of Ordinance No. 2B82i of the or:'d:Lnances of the City of Grand Island, NelJraska be and the same i;o: hereby repealed. SEC'['ION 3. 'J'Llis oI'dlnance shall be in force and take effect tran and after its passage, appI'oval and publication as provided by law. Pa.s sod and approved this 19th of Septe~ber, 1956. A 'I"}J;;~:; rL' : ~S/~ CI'l'Y .CJJT~HK 2=~l7 k ~,J~ MAYOH . I I , ORDINANCE NO. ~2~6 An 01'd1nance levying special taxe s to pay for the cos t of' the construction of Paving District No. 251 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE D: ORDAINED BY TIlE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF 'rEE CI'YY OF GRAND ISJ.j~ND, NEBRASKA: SEc'nON 1. 'l'hat there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of Paving District No. 251 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordance with the beneflts found due and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the C1 ty Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, sittini2; as a Board of Equalization after due notice given tbereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land Is assessed as follows: NAIVIE Johnson Cashway Lumber Company Johnson Cashway Lumber Company Harold G. strasser Chicaf.:;o Burl:Lnc;ton and Qu1r cy Railroad Coxnpany Chicago Burlington and Q,uincy Fi'ailroad Company Chi cago Burlington and Cluin cy Railroad Company Rudolph N. Kuester Hudotlph N. Kuester Rudolph N. Kuester DESCHIP1'ION AlVIOUN'l' A trac t of land in the q~ 970.50 1'-ml NK~ 21-11-9 bounded on the north by Anna St. on the east by Elm St., on the west by Cleburn st. and on the south by an alley on the northerly side of B1k 2, So. Park Addition. A tract of land in the NIC.+ 752. [:iEi l\rE.~ 21-11-9, 8Ei.4' in width along the south side of Anna St. and 140' in depth, along the west side of Cleburn St. A tract of land in the NEl 217.95 NE! 21-11-9, 198.6' in wi~th along the sou th side of Anna St. and 140' in depth along the west line of Eddy st. Lot 6 Blk 2 South Park 474.EiO Lot 7 Blk 2 South Park ~242.96 Lot F:J Blk 2 Sou th Park 99.69 Lot 8 B1k 3 South Park 84.11 Lot 9 J31k 3 Sou th park 204.99 Lot 10 B1k 3 South Park 400.33 S.E:C'I'ION 2. ~'he taxes so levied "hall become payable, delinquent . I I , OHD.INANCE NO. 32i6 (CON'T) and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent in fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one- tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one-tenttJ :in seven years; and one-tenth in eight years; and one-tenth in nine years, from the date of' this levy. Each of said installments, except the first, shall bear interest at the rate of four per cent (410) per annum until the same become delinquent, and each of the delinquent installments mall draw interest at the rate ai' six per cent (6%) per annum from and after such installment becmes dellnquent until pa1d; prov:Lded, however, that the entir>e amoll.nt so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots, tracts and par>cels of land may be paid wl thin fifty days from the date of this levy wi thou t inter>est; and in tha~ event, such lots, tr>acts and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. SEC'I'ION 3. ~lhe Ci ty Clerk of the Ci ty of Grand Island, l':jebr~ska is hereby all thor>i zed to forthwi th cer>tify to the City 'Treasurer of saicl Clty the amcmnt of said taxe:] herein set forth, togettJer wi th instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. Tnis ordinance shall be infor>ce and take effect from and after its pas ~)8.ge, approval and pv.bli Cd tion a s provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the mBmbers of the City Council tids the 19th _day of September, 1956. Arl~'rES~C : y~~. //?h- "-1. T''-' c. u IY C u..J1i,dK {~ 1 <; l) c.. // .~~ ~. ~~ ~ -",,-,,\.AI. ......... MAYOH . I I .. OHDINANCE NO. ~?37 An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the con[jtruction of Paving District No. 253 of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY TIlE 11.11I.YOR AND COmJCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBFU\S:KA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levi.ed and assessed against the [leveral lots, tracts and parcels of 1an.dtlereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of Paving District No. 253 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordance with the benefits found due and assessed ai;ainst each of the several lots, tracts, and parcels of land in said district by the City Council of the City of Grand ISland, Nebraska sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME DT:;SCHIPTION AMOUNT Vliill:i.am C., Charles E. and George R. Ferguson - rz . r;-,l - 1 f-li Lot 10 and W~ Lot 4, ~ Subdivision of Lots 11, 12, 13, 14 and 16 of Co Sub of set swt 16-11-9. 201.62 Fred E. and Leta L. Jif 76 1 n I;,J,. I .t 1 Ll d N.. . 01 ..J 2 JO __:r; an. . 761 Lot 15 Subdivision of Lots 11, 12, 13, 14 and 16 of Co Sub of SE l swl 4 <'" 16-11-9 331.54 Hatten 'P.heck1a Goehring S~ 56' t~ ~l ~ L '14 d 244 ~O , 0 . J.~ 2 0 .L 0 "C _ _. an. .' . 8 0 S 56l Lot 15 Subdivision of Lots 11, 12, 13, 14 and 16 l' C (' b :1,.0 0""'; 0Q1/1 16 11 9 o 0 ,.) u o. ))12"4,' ~)r.Y<i.' - - Freder5ck M. Glade Lot 16 of Subdivision of 518.31 Lots 11, 12, 13, 14 and 16 ",,0 C" S' b 1-' c,}.,J <::,1,,1 16 11 9 oJ. ,0 U 0 >..) .;q~ ~)vhl - - John c. Cornelius Lot 17 of Subdivision of 259.16 Lots 11, 12, 13, 14 and 16 f' (" (:c b .n oT":L orr 1 16 11 0 0.. /0 uU O.L u.i:'J..a;- uN;;); _ - .-., and Complement Lot 3 Blk 124:, Koenig and Wiebe Dean A. and Eleanor W. Gimple Lot 22 of Subdivision of 518031 Lots 11, 12, 13, 1..1: and 16 of Co Sub of SF;} mil+,. 16-11-9 and Complemer;ts, "Lot 5 Blk 124, Koenig and Wiebes and that part of Lot 17 of Co Sub of SEi swi 16-11-9, Lying North of Koenig Street and East of Washington st. Joseph A. and Norma E. Emery Lot 23 of Subdivision of Lots 11, 12, 13, 14 and 16 of Co Sub of SE}. SW} 16-11"';9, arid Comp1emen~t Lo~t 6 Blk 124 25D .16 Koenig and shington street . I I , ORDINANCE NO. 32':\7 (CON'T) NAME DE~)CT1IT'1'I ON AIVIOUJ'ijrr City of Grand Island, Nebraska That part of Lot 17, 233.74 Co Sub of SKLi. swt, 16-11-9 lying north of Koenig Street and West of Washington Street. Everett B. and Katbr-;yn H. Wilson Lot 8 Cedar Park 94. m) Madeline uJochler Lot 9 CedarPa" k 231.17 Dortha Brandt Hall Lot 10 Cedar Park 217.72 SEOTION 2. rrhe taxes so lev:Led shall become payable, delinquent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent in :n.fty days fl'om the date of this levy; one- tenth in one yeal"; one-tenth 1n two year s; aIle -ten th in three yea:'C's; one-tenth 1n four years; one-tenth in fiye years; one-tenth in sLx years; one-tenth in seven yeL-l.rs; one-tenth in eight Yf)arS; and ono- tenth in nine years from the date of this levy; Each of said installments, except the first, shall bear interest at the rate of four per cent (41{,) per annum until the same becomes delinquent, and each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of six per cord:; (6%) per annum from and after such installment be come s delinquent unti 1 paid; provided,bowever , that the en tIre amonn t so levied and as se s sed against any of the afor'e ~)aid 10 ts, traets and p[cn'cels of 'land may bo paiel within fifty days i'rom the date of this lovy without interest; and in that event, sueh lots, tracts and parcols of land sh.all bo exempt from any l:i.en or charge for :i.ntero s t. SECTION 3. rIhr~ C:i.ty CIerI',: of the (;1. ty of Grand Island, Nebraska is heI'eby au tbori zed to forthwith certify to the C1 ty ~:I'easurer of' said City the amount 010 said_ taxes herein set forth, together with instruct:i.ons to colleet the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. 1'his ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. pas sed and apPI'oved by a maJ ori ty va to ai' the members of the C1 ty Council this tile 19th _day of September, 1956. A ~"]:Esrr: -~Ls.d~ Zr4l Q.. ... --Q~~~ MAYOR ~ -z .' -- ..... . C 16- T CLJ<:RK ORDINANCE NO. w238 An ordinance cre!Jting a pavin:2; district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the paving of the street in said district, and providing for the assessment . I and co 11e c tion of the co s ts thereof. BE I rr ORDAIN~;D BY TIlli If/AYORAND COUNCIL OJ? 'T'BE Cr~Y OF' GRAND ISLAND, NImRA3KA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as paving District No. 268. SECTION 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part of Koenig Street from Vine street to Plum Street. SEC?rION 3. 'rhe street in said paving district is hereby ordered paved as provided by law and J.n accordance w:L th the plans and ;:~pecif- ications governing paving districts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be 36 feet in width. SECTION 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners I in sa:l d d:l s tr:l c t, at the time oj' the enac tmen t of' th:l s arM nan ce, to fl1e wlth the City Clerk within twenty days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as provided by law, written objection to paving of said district. S}";CTIClN b. 'J1ha t authori ty ls hereby granted to the owners of tlJe record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners, wi thin said dis trict, to file with the Ci ty Clerk" wi thin the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in the paving of said street. If such owners shall fail to designate the material they desire to be used in said paving di stI'ic t, as provided for above, and wi thin the tlme provided for by law, the City Council shall dtermine the material to be used. , 3EC~.'ION 6. That the cost of paving in said district shall be assess d against the lots and tracts of land especially benefitted thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the City Couneil as provlded by law. SECTION 7. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. . I I , OHDINAf\fCE NO. 3238 Passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of the day of september, 1956. c:t ty Council, this the __l9..~p A TTES']': ~~~ -~.~~)~ MAYOH . I I , ORDINANCE NO. i2i9 An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Water Main District No. 2Q4 of the City of Gra.nd Island, Nebraska, and providing for the 'collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CIi'Y OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA : SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the purpose of paying the cost of the construction of the Water Main in said district of said City, in accordance with the benEfi.ts found due and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice having been given thereof as provided by law. Each of the several lots, tra.cts, and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME LOT BLK ADDITION AMOUNT 1 7 Morris 5th $ 80.98 2 7 Morris 5th 80.98 3 7 Morris 5th 80.98 4 7 Morris 5th 80.98 5 7 Morris 5th 80.98 6 7 Morris 5th 80.98 1 8 Morris 5th 80.98 2 8 Morris 5th 80.98 3 8 Morris 5th 80.98 4 8 Morris 5th 80.98 5 8 Morris 5th 80.98 6 8 Morris 5th 80.98 7 8 Morris 5th 80.98 8 8 Morris 5th 80.98 9 8 Morris 5th 80.98 10 8 Morris 5~h 80.98 11 8 Morris 5th 80.98 12 8 Morris 5th 80.98 Harold R. Johnson Harold R. Johnson Harold R. Johnson Harold R. Johnson Harold R. Johnson Harold R. Johnson Harold R. Johnson Harold R. Johnson Harold R. Johnson Harold R. Johnson Harold R. Johns on Harold R. Johnson Harold R. Johnson Harold R. Johnson Harold R. Johnson Harold R. Johnson Harold R. Johnson Harold R. Johnson SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and delinquent in the manner provided by law. SECTION 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the City Treasurer the amount of said taxes together with instructions to collect the same as pro- vided by law. SECTION 4. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Passed and approved this the 1rd day of Ootober:L', 1956. AT'1EST: ~/S".~~ CITY CLERK ;~.[~ MA YOR ( . I I , ORDINANCE NO. :i240 An Ordinance requiring the construction of sidewalks by the owner or owners of the lots, tracts and parcels of land lying on Sixteenth Street between Pine Street and Oak Street; providing for the constrUction of sidewalks by the City should the owner or owners fail to construct the same" and providing for the levy and collection of the cost thereof. WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that certain sidewalks on Sixteenth Street between Pine street and Oak Streetefor the accommodation of the public should be constructed. NOW, 'IHEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLP..ND, NEBRASKA; SECTION 1. That the owner or owners 0f the lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth be and they are hereby ordered to construct a public sidewalk over, along and across the tracts, lots, and parcels of land set opposite their names within thirty (30) days from the date of the publication of this ordinance, The names of such owners and the descriptions of said lots, tracts and parcels of land are as follows: NAME LOT BLOCK ADDI TION Frank J. Carlyle Frank J. Carlyle Herbert W. Winfrey Ralph V. and Mildred E. Shaffer Ralph V. and Mildred E. Shaffer Harold P. and Mattie C. McDermott Frank H. Richardson Earl A. Mecham Harold L. and Mary E. Lenz William H. and Marian Ehrsam Ellen E. and Frank J. Meyers Joseph A. and Vista Hayward Joseph It. and Vista Hayward 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10 83 Wheeler and Bennett's 4th 83 Wheeler and Bennett!1s 4th 83 Wheeler and Bennett's 4th 89 Wheeler and Bennett's 4th 89 Wheeler and Bennett's 4th 89 Wheeler and Bennett's 4th 89 Wheeler and Bennett's 4th 89 Wheeler and Bennett's 4th 90 Wheeler and Bennett's 4th 90 Wheeler ~nd Bennett's 4th 90 Wheeler and Bennett's 4th 90 Wheeler and Bennettts 4th 90 Wheeler and Bennett's 4th SECTION 2. If any such owner or owners shall fail to construct such sidewalks according to specifications and as required by law, and within the time as herein provided, the City Council shall then order such sidewalks constructed by City employees or by contract. SECTION 3. After the construction of any sidewalk by the City, the Cit;y Engineer shall furnish to the City CouhCU a completion report of the same" showing amounts" locations" legal descriptions of the lots or tracts, owners of record title, and all costs incurred on each lot or tract, and after the approval of such report, the City Council, shall by Ordinance, levy and assess the cost thereof against the lots, tracts and parcels of land on which such sidewalk or sidewalks have been constnucted and such assessments shall become due and delinquent and bear interest as follows: One-seventh of the total cost shall be cone delinquent . I I , ORDINA.NCE NO.3 240 (CONt T) in ten days after such levy; one-seventh in one year; one-seventh in two years; one-seventh in three years; one-seventh in four years; one-seventh in five years; and one-seventh in six years. Each of such installments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent (7%) per armum from the time of the levy aforesaid, until the same shall become delinquent; and after the same shall become delinquent, interest at the rate of three-fourths of ten per cent (10%) per annum shall be paid thereon. Such special assessments shall be collected and enforced as in the case of <ther special asse'tml.ents and the amount due shall be a lien upon the lot, tract, or parcel of land benefitted by the construction of such sidewalks from the date of the levy of the same. SECTION 4. The publication of this ordinance in a legal newspaper, as by law provided, shall constitute sufficient notice to all resident and non-resident owners of real estate that the construction of such sidewalks has been ordered by the City Council. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council this the 3rd day of October, 1956. A TrEST = ~ ~/LL.- LERK (t~~/l~ YOR . I I , ORDINANCE NO. 3241 An Ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Islam.d, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the Paving of the street in said district, and providing for the assessment and collection of the costs thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCILOF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA : SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a panng district in the street of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving District No. 269. SECTION 2. Said paving district is created for the purpose of widening the paving in Lafayette Avenue ten feet on the east side thereof from College Street to Prospect Street. SECTION 3. The sti1eet in said paving district is hereby ordered paved as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be ten feet in width. SECTION 4. '!hat authority iEi hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district, at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file with the City Clerk, with- in twenty days from the first publi.cation of the notice creating said district, as provided by law, written objection to paving of said district. SECTION 5. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners, within said district, to file with the City Clerk, within the tiIne provided by law, a pet- ition for theuse of a particular tind of material to be used in the paving of said street~ If such owners shall fail to designate the material they desire to be used in said paving district, as provided for above, and within the time provided for by law, the City Council shall determine the material to be used. SECTION 6. Tha. t the cost of the paving in said district shall be assessed against the lots and tracts of land especially benefitted thereby, in propor- tion to such benefits to be determin~d by the City Conncil as provided by law. SECTION 7. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of the City CounCil, this the 3rd day of October, 1956. AT~[,EST : ~S/vL/2- CLERK ~?'/ - I ()..~. ~-~....- MArUi{ ORDINANCE NO. 3242 An Ordinance creating Water Main District No. 207 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a water main in said district, and providing for the payment of the cost of con- . I strUction thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY'I'HE MAYOR AND COUNCIt OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLkND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a water main district in the City of Grand Island, to be known and designated as Water Main District No. 207. SECTION 2. The water main in said district shall be laid in that part of Anna Street from Adams Street to Madison Sti7eet. SECTION 3. The main in said district is hereby ordered laid in Anna Street as provided by law and in a.'ccordance with the plans and specifications governing water mains heretofore established by the City. SECTION 4. That the entire cost of constructing said water main shall be assessed against the abutting property in said dfustrict, and a tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of construction of said district as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows: One-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days after such levy; I one-fifth in one year; one -fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; one-fifth in four years. Each of said installments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of four per cent (4%) per annum from the time of the aforesaid levy until they shall become delinquent, and after the same become delinquent, int,erest at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum shall be collected and enforced as in cases of other special taxes, and said special tax shall be a lien on saiel real estate from and after the date of the levy thereof. SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication. Passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of the City Council this the 3rd day of October, 1956. , ATTEST: ~s./~ .. CITY CLERK c:;D / ~) /~~ .~. ~~~,., MAYOR . I I ORDINANCE NO. i243 ~_ An Ordinance requiring the vaccination of cats and dogs and certain other animals kept and harbored as pets in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; providing for the observation of such animals at the owner I s expense; providing t'or penal tie s for the violation of the provisions hereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY 'l'HE MAYOn AND COUNCIL 01l' 'I'HE C T'I'Y OF' GHAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECrl1ION 1. It is hereby declared to be the duty of any person, firm, association or corporation owning or harboring any cat or dog in the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska to cause the same to be vaccinated against rabies by a duly licensed veterinarian in accordance with rules and regulations as the Board oi' Health of ' the City of Grand Island shall adopt and propose. SECTION 2. It is her'eby declared to be the duty of any owner of such cat or dog to see that such animal or animals be continuously vaccinated against such disease. SECTION 3. It shall be the duty of the veterinarian to provide the owner of such cat or dog a certificate showing current vaccination against such disease, which certificate shall be exhibited by such owner to any member of the Police Department, or to any member of the Board of Health upon demand. SECTION 4. '11he provisions of Section 1 to 3 inclusive of tilis ordinance shall apply with equal force and effect to any owner of monkeys, foxes, minks, racoons or skunks kept or harbored as pets. SECrJ:ION 5. An cat or dog or other animal mentioned in this ordinance which shall bite any person or which shall be suspected of biting any person shall be confined for observation for a period of 14 days when so ordered by the City Physician. All expenses incurred in connection with such confinment and observation shall be at the expense of the owner of such animal. SECTION 6. Any person, firm, association or corporation who shall .' -..,...'''''.....-- . violate the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction be fined in any sum not exceeding ~~lOO and shall stand committed to the Ci ty Jail until such fine and costs are paid. . I I , ORDINANCE NO. lli3.-_ (CON "II) Each day the violation of any provision of this ordinance is permitted to continue, the same shall constitue a separate offense and such violator shall be punished accordingly. SECTION 7. 'l'his ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this the 17th day of October, 1956. ATTES'I': ~:i f~x I: 4r~_LtY,,~o=~ MAYOR - . I I , OEDIl\JANCE lifO. .32LILI _____,_,.-.____-_,,_.......___.c_.~,_ An ordinance establish-Lng a system of one"""vvay fitreets for the Git;:v of Grand Island, Nebraska, and regulating the traffic lJpOn streets herein desi.gnatoc1; providing for the administration and enforcement of regulations i.;overn:ine traffic; provic1in2; penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewitb. BF: TT OITIJAINi<D BY THE MAYOn AND CITY COUNCIL OF rrm~ CITY OF CIUU\JD T~)LA!'\lD, NEHflASKA: SJ!~c'rION 1. The streets hereinafter design.ated are to be used for one-way traffic only, and the manner and directions of traffic thereon is as follows: On pjne St. frow Court St. to 3rcJ St.--Southbound. On Locust ~3t. from Koenig St. to South Front St.--Nor'~hlJound. On Wheeler Ave. from Koenig to C)OLlth Front--Sovthbound. On Walnut E3t. from Koenig to 3rd--liJorthbouncJ. On Gourt St. frolil Pine to Locust-"':Wentbound. On F:irst St. fromvJalnut -co Syca.ll1ore--Eastbound. On Th:ird St. frOlil VValnut to :.H:ne--Eastbound. On South '-"ront St. fro),1 Vialmlt to Syca:rnore--vJestbound. On Fourth Street from Ji:dcly to Sycauore--1!:astbound. On Fifth St. f:l"omL';ddy to Sycamore--VJest.bound. Tb.e upper drives on Sycamore froE 3rd St. to ~)outh Front--Northbound Si;:C1'ION 2. 'l'heMayor and Cj_ty Council shall have the power by r()solution to provide for the nlacing of signs, sj_cnals, and other such devices desic;nating the aforesaid streets and direction of travel thereon as herc"in provided. SECTION 3. a motor vehicle contrar;v to the It shall. be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporati on to operate or other means or mode of conveyance upon the herein descrH)ed stn:;ets directions and desig;nations hereintofore set forth. SE:CTIOJlJ 11. Any person upon whom a duty j_s ;placed the provisioDf3 of this ordin,"\D.ce who shcl,ll fail., neglect, or refuse to perforlfl such duty, or who shall violate any of tho p:r'ovisiom; of this ordinance, :,;ha11 OR de81ned gu.:iJ.ty of a nL"derneanor, and upon cO:r1vic:tion thereof shi~J.I be fined in any StU,l not to exceed One) JJundred (~HOO.OO) Dol1~1.rs a.nel shall stand COli111itted to the city jail until SUdl fine:; and costs of prosecut:ion are paid. Sli:CTION~. All orc'j nances and portions of ordinances in conf'lict with thi" ordinance;, shal.l be and the saEe are herecJY repealed. SECTION 6. Thj s ordinance shall be in force and takE; effect from and after :Lts passatr,e, approval and publicatton, !lS required by law. Pa~3sed and approved this 27th o_ay of October, 1956. e !!!cDeb~ ATTEST: ::?.L--/s~ -~==~_:_(~{ty-c:roJiZ-------'-- .__,_..m . I I , ORDINANCE NO. 3245 An Ordinance providing that Eleventh (11th) Avenue and Twelfth (12th) Street of the City of Grand Island, N~braska be established as through sl:;reet,: and tha t the direction of the traffic traveling thereon be in one direction only; providing for the erection of all signs and signals designating said streets as such and providing for penalties and repealing all ordinances, parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith. BE re ORDAINED BY f):HE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF 'l'RE CI'lY OF GRAND ISLAND, NI::BRASKA: SECTION 1. That ~leventh (11th) Avenue from Broadwell Avenue to Ruby Avenue be and the same is hereby declared to be a through street artd that the traffic thereon travel in one direction only from east to west. SEC'l'ION 2. That 'l'welfth (12th) Street from Huby Avenue to Broadwell Avenue be and the same is hereby dECLared to be a through street and that the traffic thereon travel in one direction only from west to east. SEcrnON 3. 'l'ha t the Street CommissLoner be and he is hereby ordered and directed to place all signs, signals and devices as shall be required designating said thoroughfares as through and one-way streets and regulating the traffic thereon as herein provided. SEC'I'ION 4. 'Ihat after the erection of all necessary signs and signal devices, parking lines and painted curb areas, motor vehicles must travel upon said streets as herein prov:Lded and any person, firm, association or corporation violati~g the provisions of this ordinance shall upon convi.ction be fined in an;y sum not exceeding One Fiundred Uf;lOO) Dollars and shall stand cOilli!litted to the City Jail untIl such fine and costs are paid. SEC'I'ION 5. 'l'hat all ordinances, parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage approval and publication as by law provided. Passed and approved this the 1st day of November, 1956. A ~:TEsrIl: ~., (^ 2 "' \'"''' __.,1"":"'",,,.. _ ..ft~~ - - "- ~AL c.- ,..~-,~ ,'- IVIA YOH . sdk . I I , ORDINAUCIC NO. ~-L An Ordinance establishing certain streets in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska as one-way streets and providing for the direction in which vehicles scalI travel on said stre ts; providing for erection of signs, signals and other devices required for the direction of the public; providing how and in what manner motor vehicles shall be parked upon said streets; and repealing all ordinances, parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith. BE I'l' ORDAIN,m BY 'TillE IVIAYOr{ AND COUI'TCIL '.L'hft CI'I'Y OF' GHAnD ISLAND, NEBRASE:.A: SECTION 1. That tnat part of the streets of the City of Urand Island, Nebraska hereinafter named and described be and the same is hereby establIshed as one-way streets and vehicular.' travel upon said streets shall be in the direction upon the same as hereinafter set forth. On Pine St. from Court St. to 3rd St.--Southbound. On Locust St. from Koenig ,St. to So.uth l~iront St.--Northbound. On Wheelor Ave. from Koenig to So~th Front--Southbound. On Walnu t St. :Crorn Koenig to 3rd--Northbound. On Court St. from Pine to Locust--Westbound. On First st. from Walnut to Sycamore--Eastbound. On 'I'hird St. frofn 'vJalnu.t to Pine--Eastbound. On South F'ront St. :from Walnut to Sycamore--Westbound. On Fourth St. from Eddy to Sycamore--Eastbound. On Fifth st. from Eddy to Sycamore--Westbound. The upper drives on Sycan;ore from 3rd St. t() South F'ront--Nbrthbound. SEC1'ION 2. 'l'hat the Street Commissloner be and he :Ls twreby ordered and d:Lrected to place all signs, signals and devices as shall be required designating said thoroughfares as through and one-way streets and regulating the traffic thereon as herein provided. SECTION 3. That the parking of motor vehicles upon the streets herein established as one-way thoroughfares shall be as follows: a. That on 'I'Ydrd Street between Walnut Street and Cleburn Street all diagonal parking be prohi bi ted and ttla t there be parallel parking on both sides. b. 'That on VJalnut Street between Second Street and the alley which lies to the North that diagonal purldng be continued on the west side and that fuere be only parallel parking on the east side. c. rrhat on Walnut Street between 'Iinird Street and the alley wnicb lies to the South that diagonal parking be continued on trLJ west side and that all parking be prohibited on the ~ast side. d. On Walnut Street from Third Street to the alley which lies to the North that parallel parking be continued on the east side and that all parldng of motor vehicles be proui ti ted on the !'vest side. e. That on Walrrut Street from South Front Street to the alley vb ich lies to the Sou. th that tbere be only parallel parking on both side s thereof. f. That on Wheeler Avenue from Second Street to Division Street . I I , ORDINANCE: NO. ~246 (CONIT) that parallel parking be continued on the west side and that on the east side there be diagonal parking. g. On South Front ~treet between Locust Streot and ~~heeler Avenue that all parking be prohibi ted on the north and tho. t there be only diagonal parking on the south side. h. That on South Front Street between Locust Street and Wheeler Avenue that all parking be prohibited on the north side and that there be only diagonal parking on the south side. SECTION 4. That after the erection of all necessary signs and signal devices, parking lines and painted curb areas, motor vehicles must travel upon said streets and the same snaIl be parked as herein provided and rJ.ny person, firm, assocla tion, or corporation violating the provisions of tills ordinance shall upon conviction be fined in any sum not exceeding One Hundred ($100) Dollars and shall stand committed to the City Jail until suen. fine and cos ts are paid. SEe'T-'ION 5. 'l'ha t all ordinance s and parts of ordinance sand resolutions in conflict herewith be and the same are nereby repealed. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage approval a,nd publication as by law provided. ..1../...4'" Passed and approved this the 1st day of November, 1956. C?: ~Mg !~'J~~ MAYOH A TTES T: :7~~IT~~ . I I , ORDINANCE NO. 3247 An ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; defining the boundaries thereof~ providing for the paving of the street in said district, and provid~mg for the assessment and collection of the costs thereof. BE I'r OHDAINED BY~. lVL,YOH AND C OUNC 1L OF' CI'eY GRAND ISL/\J\iD, N:2~BHASKA.: SEC'I'ION 1. '1'ha t tl"lere is hereby crea ted a paving di s tric t in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving District No. 270. SECTION 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part ct' Sixteenth (16th) Street extending from Broadwell Avenue to that part of Lafayette i\.venue wlLich extends nortn from i ts int8r~jection with Sixteenth (16th) Street running along the west side of Block 24, Scarffb Addition to West Lawn. SECTION 3. 'I'he street in said paving district is hereby ordered paved as provIded by law and in accordE\D ce wi tn the plans and specific- ations governing paving districts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be 36 feet in width. SEG'.CION 4. Rwt authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in sald distrlct, at the time of' the enactment of tb.is ordinance, to file with the City Clerk within twenty days from the first publication of trlGcotice creat:Lng sald district, as provided by law, vvritten objection to paving of sald district. SEe ']11 ON 5. '1'ha t au tior i is [!ere granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abut property owners, within said district, to file with the City Clerk, within the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in the paving of said street, If such owners sl,a11 fail to designate tae material they desire to be used in said paving district, as provided for above, and within the time provided by law, the City CouncIl ,]Lall determine the :rnaterial to be used. SED 'flI 6. 'lllla t tL18 cos t of pav in said district shall be assessed against the lot, tracts and parcels of land especially benefitted thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the City Council as provided by law. . I I , OHDINANCE NO.3..247 ( C ON ' 'I' ) SECTION 7. 'That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Pas sed and approved by a majori ty vote of all the members of the City Council, tLli s the 7th ('ray of :November, 1956. ATTEST: ~."c~ . I I , ORDINANCE NO. 3248 An ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; defining the boundaries thereof; providi for tne pavi of the street in said district, and provid for the assessment and collection of the costs thereof. 1:1.1' .L).!-~,J 1'1' QIrDi\ r~Js~ II }-iI:~; i\ND C OUNC Ot,l 'I'HE CI'L'Y GFi.AND J SLA1,!D , ,',)KA: SEC'I'ION 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Debrask , to be known as Paving District No. 271 S13::C'rI 2. ("'l ~. ~l ,,)alCl pav district shall consist 01 that part of Cedar Stree t from 4t1:1 Street sou tn to t11e south. li)\8 01' EUo ck s 38 and 39, Original town, now the City of Grand Islano. SJLG'I'IIN 3. ~.Ihe street in SEtid pav strict is hereby ordered paved as provided by law and in accordance w tb ~ne plans and specific- ations governing paving distrj.cts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be 50 feet in width. SECTION 4. nlat authority 1S hereby granted to tne owners of the record ti tIe, I'opre sent Lng a ,nil jor' tS' of the abu tting property o~mer~) in said district, at the time of tt18 enactment of tbis ordinance, to l' Ie with the City Clerk within twenty days from the first publica- tion of the no tl ce crea t said district, as provided by law, written objection to paving of sa d district. SEe'IIION 5. 'fhat a,J.thori is hereby granted to Lte O\l'vTler's c)f the record 'title, representing a JnaJority of tho ab,xttirJi'; property owners, within said district, to iil w th the Ci Clerk, within tne time provided by law, a petition for tne use of a particular kind of material to be used in the paving of said street. If SUCh owners shall fail to eS1gnate the material they desire to be used in said paving district, as provided for above, and within the time provided by law, the City Council shall determine the material to be used. SEC'I'ION 6. ~'hat the cost ot' paving in said distrIct shall be assefJE18d agairlst the lots, tracts anCi parcels of land E-)specially benefitted thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined b;y Lhe City Council as pr'ov:'Lded by law. . I I , ORDINANCE NO. ~lL (COl'PT) SECTION 7. rrhat this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a rnajori ty vote of all the members of the City Council, this the 7th day of November, 1956. A':rrrEST: co/ 12 C-AecA(t:_L.~.~c:~~- MAYOR ~~ ;t/ " p ,/ ST . CITY CLEFf'K-- l-J ""I . I I , ORIn I'; NO. ~ An ord1nance creating a pav1ng district in the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska definl the boundaries thereof, providing for the pav:: of' the alley jn ;;ald (UstrIct, ancL provid for tt1,e assessment and colIc c t10Y1 of the cos ts t D.C r~e of' . BE: I'L' OHDI\INLm BY I\. i'l D C L OJi' CITY 0.[<' I fm , SI(A : SECTION 1. ~hat there 1s hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraslm, to be knolivn 13.,3 Pavlng Disl~rict 1'io. 273. SECTION 2. Said paving district shall consiat of that part of the alley in BlocI\: 82, Original rPown, now the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, lyingbotweenF'irst Street and Second Streot and shall extend from Vialnut Street to Cedar Street. SECTION 3. Tho alloy in said paving district is hereby ordered pavod as provided by law and in accordan ce with the plans and specificJtions governing pav districts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be 16 feet in width. "CION '1:. 'That aUTIllority is to the t8ci o \n~ITl e I) S oJ' I~C the record title, representing a majority of !::!.butt propol"ty owners in s id district, at the time of the enactment 0 tels ordinance, to file with the City Clerk, within twenty days from tho first publication of the notice creati said distI'ict, as pI'ovided b,y law, written objection to paving of suid district. SgC.;'i'IOl'~ 5. '1'1:113. t authori ty is I:lereby granted to the owners of tho record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners,witnin said district, to filo witn the City Clerk, within the t provided by law, a petition foI' the use of a particular kind of material to be u:3ed in the paving of said Alley. If' such owner's shall fail to de signa to the material they desir'e to be used in sai6 paving district, as provided for above, and within the time provided for by law, the City CDuncil SUEll1 detoI'yn:Lne the material to DO used. SEG '['I ()1~ 6. 'l'ha t tue cO::3 t of pa vi in said dis tric t s naIl be as se s sed again;:; t tho 10 ts and trae ts of la1'([ e ape ciaIly benefl. teed thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determin d by the City Council as provided by law. SEC 'J'I ON 7. 'l'i::w. t t1 s ()l"dinance siJall be in force and take effec t . I I , OllDII'iANCE .NO. 3249 ( C ON I re ) from and after its passage, approval and public tion as provided by law. l)asi::wd and approved by a majority vote of all the members of the City Council, t is the 21st day of November, 1956. NF~CES'I': ~~B;~-- CL,,~ '" . . L L~.v-o-.,"~_ MAYOR . 1\., r'y , . I I , OHDE\t:l.NCE no. ..325~ An Ordinance levying special ta~cs to pay for cost of tne construction of Pavi District No. 255 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE I'r OHDi\..IJ\iED BY IvLAYOH ISI,I'cl\~D , BHASKA: C OUNC II., OFi XL', C :[L'Y OJ? GHAN D S1~C~rION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of payi the cost of Paving District No. 255 of the City of Grand sland, Nebraska, in accordance with the benefits found due and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts, and parcels of land in said district b;y the C.Lty Council of the C:Lty of Grand Island, Nebraska sitting as a Board of 8qualization after due no ice given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; eaCl] of the several lots, tracts aCid parcels of land is aSf;es~)ed as follows: NAME Diversified Development Company Diversified Development Company Robert W. and Marilyn J. Bell Ronald C. and J'oyanne Bnck Diversified Development Company Diversified Development Company Diversified Development Company Diversified Development Company Diversified Development Company Diversified Development Company Diversified Development Company Diversified Development Company Diversified Development Company Diversified Development Company The Midland Company 'rhe Midland Cornpany 'I'heMidland Company 'rhe Nltdland Cmnpany James L. and Rose Marie McElroy Th~ Midland Comp~ny 'Pho Midland Company Be rnard Leo and Errrrna lVicGahan 'rhe Midland Company The l'/i:Ldland Cornuanv Donald G. and D~rothy lL 'I'yndall Robert Michael and Eileen ~. Karls 'I'he lilJ.dl.'.:md Company The MidlandVompany Clifford B. and Dorothy D. Hurd frhe Midland Company The Midland Company The Midland Company 'rho I,Iidland Company The Midland Company '1'1:10 l'iIidland Company 'rhe IiIidland Conpany The Midland Cornpany The Midland Company The J1d.dland Company Diversified Development Company 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 6 '7 8 ~) 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 10 1 2 3 4 h <" 10 3'7 LO'I' BLK ADD I 'J'I ON 1 1 Pleasant View 1 Pleasant View 1 Pleasant View 1 Pleasant View 1 Pleasant View 1 Pleasant View 1 Pleasant View 1 Pleasant View 1 1'10 asant Vie IN 1 Pleasant View 1 Pleasan t View 1 Pleasant View 1 Pleasant Vie\N 1 Pleasan t Vie w 2 Pleasant View 2 Ple asan t View 2 Pleasant View 2 Ple asant View 2 Pleasant View 2 Pleasant View 2 PIe a s an t Vie w 2 P Ie a s an t Vie w 2 Pleasant Vie'l! 2 Pleasan t View 2 Pleasant View 3 Pleasant View 3 Pleasant View 3 Pleasant View 3 Pleasant VielN 4: Pleasant View 4 Pleasant View 4 Pleasant View 4 Pleasant ww 4 Pleasant View 4 Pleasant View 4 PIe asan t Vie w 4 Pleasant View 4 Pleasant View 4 Pleasant View 4 Pleasant View 2 o d 6 '7 f: 9 AMOUNT 56:3.22 b27.45 448.99 448.99 527.45 527.4:5 527 .45 527.45 52'7.45 527.45 528.12 534.57 534.57 560.23 592.63 202.68 196.73 575.22 1,046.00 616.46 424.72 424.72 424.72 616.46 1, OL16. 00 568.18 200.98 621.31 1,034.17 1,046.00 6lE; .46 424. 72 424.72 424.72 429.87 430.78 430.7.8 430.18 430.78 2 0[3 . 1:3 9 ORDINANCE NO. ~250 (CONI~J:1) . I NAME Lorp BLK ADDrJ:1ION AMOUN1]: Diversified Deve lopmen t Company 38 4 Pleasant View $ 610.79 Diversified Develmpment Company 1 5 Pleasant View 690.45 Diversified Development Company 2 5 Pleasan t View 236.14 Divers:'Lfied Developmen t Company 17 5 Ploasant Viow 236.14 Divers:'Lfied Development Company 18 ,-- Pleasant View 690.45 0 Diversified Development Company 1 6 Pleasant View 601.11 Diversified Development Compan;y 2 6 Pleasant View 205.59 SECTION 2. 'rhe taxes so levied shall become payable, delinquent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent in fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth shall become delinquent in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one-tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one-tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years and one- tenth in nine years from the date of this levy; each of said installments except the first, shall bear interest at the rate of four per cent ('~WO per annum unti 1 the same becomes de:U.nqllen t and. e"t ch of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of six per cent (69;) per annum from and after sucn :installment beCOmes delinquent until paid; provided, however, that tllli entire amount so levied and I as S0 0 sed agains t any or bee ararosai d lots, trac to and parcels of land may be paid wl thin fifty days front tile date of this levy wi thou t intereEit; a d in that event, such lots, tracts andparcelEJ of land shall be exempt from any lien or ch~rge for interest. SECT'ION 3. 'rhe City Clerk of the 0i ty of Grand Island, Nebraska is here by au tnori zed to forthw:i th cert :tfy to the C1 t; 'I'I'easurer of said (;i the amount of said taxes herein set forth, together with instruction~ to collect the same, B.i:~ provided by lalrv. Sli;CTIOIJ 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. PasilOd and approved by a majori ty vote of tbe members ai' tbe (;i ty , Council this the ;J.../~ da:v of l\ovember, 1956. -- < A'rTES'l' : ~~E~ A/L/~ ~1)2:;~J~~ lilAi'vE I /. I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 325l An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Paving District No. 260 of the City of Gnand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the coLlection ther'eof. B:E J'e OIlDf\.INJm BY 'l']'L;:; OH /\,',\D COUNCIL GI'lY OF' ClELAND I SIJii}\ D, N-J.~IiIlI~ SKf.~ : SEe'I'ION 1. 'l'hat there is hereby levJ.ed and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for :;"110 the purpo se of paying the co st Paving Di strj.ct No. ~ of the Ci ty of Grand I~:11and, Nebraska, in accordance wi tl} the benefits found due and assessed against each of the severa lots, tracts, and parcels of land in said district by the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska sitting as a Board of Equ~lization after due notice given thereof, as required by laW, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as fellows: NAlVIE LorI' 13 LI\: ADDI 'I'l O:N A1VIOUN'I' 1 ?? Orig1nal ~ro V/D ..f. 243 . 9 4 ~i/ 2 77 01'1 inal '.J'own 243.94 3 77 Or nal 'l'own 24:3.94 4 77 Ori nal '['own 243.94 5 77 Original 'l'own 2~'J.~~7' 5 ?? Orir';:Lnal 'l'own 3') 89 "'. 5 77 Orig:Lnal ':[Iown 38.22 5 77 Original frOWn 143.55 6 77 Original 'l'oll'm 2 43 . 94 ? 77 Original 'rown 243.94 8 77 Original Town 243.94 Champlin Hefining C Glenn H. Geddes Glenn H. Geddes Glenn H. Geddes Matilda Langenheder Flora Scheffel Matilda Langenheder Matilda Langenheder N 5'1' o Valliarn A. and Hattie Fischer l)lea~18.nt v~. and Gladys H. Smith Florence A. Kelso any S26' N26' S52' N26' S78' and Flora Scheffel SEC'I'ION 2. 'The taxe s so levied s}lall become payable, delinquent and draw interest as b'y law provided, asfollows: One-tenth shall becorre delinquent in fifty days from tho date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth thro years; one-tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one-tenth in seven yoars; one-tenth in eight years anci one-tenth in name year's from the date of this levy; oach of said :Lnstallments, except the f:'irst, shall bear' interest at tfJe rate 01' four per cent (4~S) per annUlU until the same becomes delinquent and each of the dol nquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum from and after such installments became delinquent until paid; provided, however, that the enUre amou:nt so levied nd assessed against any of the afore- said lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid wi fifty ciays from the date of this levy withcH..1t interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts and parcels of land shall be exempt froniany li~n or charge . I I I . for interest. SL'('nlI')lT '4 J:LJJ. \. ~ ,.".. OHDINANCE NO. 3..25l. (CO.l:! I'r) '1'ho C j Clerk of the City of Grand Iu18l1:nd, Nebraslm. is hereby authorized to forthwith certify to the Cltyl.reasurer of ~1aid C1 ty t1:1e amuunt of said taxes here:Ln set forth, together wi th instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its ssage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote 0 the members of the City Council th;s the :1J~ day of November, 1956. A'J:TEST: ~OK~.~ ,/ _ . _ ..I "J,l:Jl \. _, CD) ICl ~/ ~~;::;'~{~r-- MAYOH ~/ . I I I . OHDINANCE iTO. 321)2 An Ordinance levv oJ special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Sewer District No. 298 of tho Ci of Grand Island, Nebraska and providi for the collection thereof. T 'r ()H Dl\. i',y ij!Jj.t~; S~'(}_'L .{~:L'rD C II, C:ITY levied un ~tSSOSE30d. tl fipecial 'I'hat t-(.~er~e l S (ier)8b.,Y' ()~N 1. tax against the ~3evcra.l lots,!~:C'acts a::d pr'crcelEJ OJ. lanCLiLc:ce: rtdftor set forth for tne purpose of tile c () s t:)f en:) co s tI'U C tJ. 0 of the sewer in Sewer District No. 298 of the said City, in accordance v;lth tlL8 b0118fits found due and. assesse against ce several lots, tracts and parcels 0 land i said district by the City Oouncil of said City, sittins as a Board of ~qualization after due notice having been ven j,liereof as )r-ovided by law, each of tne sever-al ots, tracts and oarcols of land is asses od as fallows: NldvIE Lo'r ELK ADDI 'eION AlJI OUN 'I' 1 3 Y.ernohan and 1J8 C1(8 r 97 . e'l 2 3 Kernol:<.an and Deckur le. 73 6 3 teor-nohan and De c>::e I' 2B . 61 7 ;:) i{ernob.an and De ctcer ~j3 . 55 f3 3 l'no [}an and Floyd . ana Gerty JUe 1 Floyd E. and Gerty Hie 1 w. Earl and henrietta ue VJ. :U.;ar) 1 D. :C,I. O. r-:I.etta DePue Boy 0rvj"lJ_8 JUll13S lJe Cl:(e r D3.?3 1"10 . and Gerty c 1 i:rb.8. t pa I~t oj~~ V\i''L:L[~ t vva s :rormerly~ Broad.well Ave. wLJ.i en 15. e s n oe th 0 f t Ll 0 east-west alley between Blk. 3, nohan and Docker, and Elk. 17, Packor and barrls 2nd. 59.16 That part of what was formerly Broadwell Ave. VV11icCl licE3 EjOLltt'.l ai' tL18 east-west alley between :Ol]z. 3, rnohan ana Decker, and lk. 17, Packer and BarrIs 2nd. 55.71 ... i',a:r1 anoUenrietta DePue TIO~ 2. The taxes so 1evi d shall become payable and delinquent in tbe manner provided by law. TI 3. The City Clerk is nereby directed to certifty to the City '.L'r'oasur'or the anwunt of saId taxes to tbel' wi th instrl~ctioY.1S to collect trle same as provided by law. IO~ 4. That this ardinanco shall bo in force and take e feet fraIn and after j.ts pass proval ano publica ion as laVe prov:LeJed. c\ ,~ , . I I I . . 3252- ( I 'I' ) Passed and approved by a majority vote of tne members of the City Council this the 5th day of December, 1956. A IIl~r]~S~e: L~~'.. n d' s:-~ _._~..... "."":'-, rrT\i'" f". 'ii ;"C 1{ -- ~. :L,.~. .j L,.Jl L.. Lei.. ~ ~~LcC\----"---"" ~ ....... - J~ .... -.~-~-. ".' -- . ~ .-,' -~...,,-.....~_.._''"''....'''~_.---'''''._--._...,.''''-, . Jr yon . I I I . ~J . -J? 53 An Ordinance levyin special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Paving District No. 252 of the City of Grand ~sland, Nobraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE 1'1' O){D/i I3"Y- r.c IJE 1\'11\. AITDGOUNCIL m,' TELl'; CI'I'Y OF' GRAND IS LA!\)D , In,:: RAmffi : S:U;C'I'ION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, i;racts and parcel::1 of land hereinafter set fort!:1, for the purpose of paying the costsof Pav District No. 252 of the City of Grand ISland, ~ebraska, in accordance ~.th the benefits found due and assesse a inst each of the several lots, tracts and parcels Nebraslw, 8:ltt1 a s a DOc1I'O. ai' the City Council of the City of GTand Island, of land in said district al1zat10n after due notice v(:,n tllsrcof, as require law, a st)8ciaJ. tax; sac 0he several lots, trac.ts and pUllcels ~)f lUI1d. is assesse as f1ollows: NAT/IE N'-~d~ .~~ ,-, . t ~ ~S 1 --, , ):"0.(; er;.;-Je,;;- Ti,JVL LI-;51'J"2- ~ S;( l\T.LE.,I~ l.~ 2 2 "f?aT1ri s S-~~-E;-~~ ~~-~~~ Emma WI. Dearing Robert E. and Kathleen K. Maurice and OllvG Horton Herman Kroeger Alvin and Jane White Edward W. and helen Opal Carl and ~dith Galvin Donald A. and Mary Nearhood Ann 'I'herese Hothwe:)ll and l!;cU.th :Lorkey Donald A. and Donna L. Bolst John C. and tll M. Anderson Harold G. and Patricia Christensen Sarah J. Johnson and Grace L. Parkin Walter and Ida Windolph Louis W. and Mary Ann Scheel Raymond and F~ancis R. McComb Margaret . Udey Nettle A. czmarck Phj_llp P. and '['here sa Goc 1!~ .~}j~I\J -;~:. C1,~r'"[:' (1 .,:) ':;-.L~'~~ "wJ. 1Ii1 .) 1;'- t' ~ V "~~~ Ph11ip P. and Theresa Goc [.J .L', Leo iJ. Mull:tU;an Leo H. Mulligan Vernon W. and Arlene M. Meyer Vernon W. and Arlene M. Meyer Elmer Stuart Meth and Carrie K. th ELner Stuart Meth and Carrie K. Meth' Lena and Artnur Stueben VJilliarn yer Anna Hanjos n Halph H. and Fr1eda Bady LOfI' I3LK 1-I.DD1'['1 A 1\: 0 UJ\ '1' 1 Vantine 1 Van tine 2 Vantine 2 Vantine 3 Vant:Lne 3 Vant1ne 4 Vantine 4 Vantine ,. Vant:Lne 0 5 Vantlrle 6 Vantine 7 Vantine n Van ti ne 0 8 Vant1ne 9 Vantine 9 Vant1ne 10 Van tine 10 Vantine 1 TJawthorne Place n IIa wthorne ,~ Place () Lta ~vt}1o:r:~ne {:." Pla co 3 thorne Place 4 Eawthrone Place 5 Hawthrone Place 6 Hawthrone Place 7 Hawthorne Place 8 Hawthorne PIa ce 9 Hawthorne Place 10 Hawthorne Place 11 Hawthorne Place " (fI' l!I) ,. 2SJ7.24 297.24 297.24 297.24 297.24 297.24 297.24 297.24 297.24 ~297.24 593.31 593.31 296.66 ;:-~96. 66 296.66 296.66 296.66 296.66 276.58 138.2\"3 13(3.2~J 276.58 234.97 234.97 234.97 ~~34.97 234.9'7 234:0 9'7 234.9'7 234:. :J'7 . I I I . ORDIl\iANCE NO. 3253 ( C OilT t 'I' ) HAlViE LOT BLK ADDITION Llllian Bick 12 Hawthorne Place 13 Ha Vlthorne l')lace 5 4 Sou th Grand Island 5 4 Sou th Grand Is 1 an d 6 4 South G.l~D_nd Island 7 4 Sou. th 0.1' an d Islm d 8 4, South Grand Island 1 5 Sou. th Grand .Lsland 2 5 (lOU tll Grand lsland r/~ ~. ~)ou th v v Grand Island 4 5 Scm th Grand Isla nO. 4 5 Sou th Grand Island 5 7 Sou th Grand .1.. sIan 0. 6 7 Sou th Grand Island 7 7 South Gl'and Island 8 7 South Grand I s land. 1 15 South (J-rand Is 1 an d 2 15 South Grand Island 3 15 South Grand .Lsland 4 15 South G-rand Island 1 16 South Grand Island 2 IG Sou th Grand Is 1 an d 3 IG Soutn Grand 1 ~Jl and 4 16 11 tl1 Grand Island DESCH IP '1'1 Irvln c. ck August and Gwendolyn Seier EGGt Adele Wicker WGGI Arthur and Helen I. Haul' Elmer F. and Mildred Dibber E:ve lyn 'llown send Pauline Augusta Koehler Vernon J. Larson Orel and Martha Hiay Jones Anna E. and Otto Mathiesen Paul L. and Lois A. Scofield Arnhold Koeh.ler Arnhold Koehle I' Halph E. and Evelyn E. Murphy Harry and Violet C. Lindsey Lydia Becker Lydia Bee.ker Marie Glass Stauss Lydia Be cl;;:er Theodore J-. and VJln:Lfred IN. Bielfeldt Rubin D. and Ina Vangorden Edward F. and Helen . Bohl Kenneth H. and Lydia Armstrong NAIilE AM GUN r[' ai- 234. f37 tlJ 2;34.97 152.12 304.25 456.37 456.37 11056.37 456.37 456.37 456.3'7 304.25 152.12 387.71 38'7.'71 387.'71 387.'71 38'7.71 38'7.'71 38'7.'7l 387.7l 387.7l 387.'71 387.71 387.71 Al.LOUI"T'T Minnie Keuscher N. 66 Ft. of E. 132 Ft. of that part ofN.W. i N.W.i Sec. 22-11-9 fOI'll1erly knovvn as Blk. 6, South Grand Island 456.37 Gilbert E. Ohlund S. 80 Ft. of N. 146 Ft. of E. 13~ Ft. of that part oil N.W. t Sec. 22-11-9 formerly known as Blk. 6, South G:r>and I~lland 469.95 Ly1eburn ~. and Caroline M. Wells N. 52 Ft. of S. 1~8 Ft. of E. 132 Ft. of that part of N. W. N.VI. t Sec. 22-11-9 for-merly known ElS Sou th Grand Island, Blk, 6. 3G5.47 . I O"})-["""'" Fe"'" 1ITO ') '')c:'') _ n ' ,. J'Hu\: J.b h J . ...22...L..l........ ( C (1'\; , rr) juJ, . l:JAME DIi;SCHIP 'I' Loul s Ghar Ie sand ;!;lnora Bremer S. 66 Ft. of E. 132 Ft. of that .,' 'Y> +, .\' '.i J. .,;" .:;. (' " C) 2 ] 1 () l.J8..~L l... \j . h' . ~f l'J. ..4; ",)f.J C . (~-.J ...'~. - ~ fOr'merly j;:nown a sHlk. 6 , ,south Grand Island 456.37 Edmund P. and Lillian D. Sondergaard E. 36 Ft. of the W. 125 Ft. of a rectangular tract of land 108 '<-- 4L19 '--It . i'" '[" 1" 1 ,.Ie :I: ,I:< . ]J1 ~ne .',. v'i .~.t 't\r i~i .~L. Se'" Q,0...1 '1 - C l\ri 'J1 (:' Y10 'c' .1- '1' 0 f' '~.~'.i.M .\(J. ~....Jf..J. _, v ...J-'*' {~::: ... _ Vi. ..L. Lots 1, 26 and 27, Hawthorne P1a ce 134.48 Soncle:C'gaa:ed The N. 54 Ft. of the W. 89 Ft. of a rectangular tract of land 108 X 449 Ft. in the N.W.~ N.W.! Sec. 22-11-9 lying ~orth of Lots 1, 26, and 27, Hawthorne Place 306.16 'Iho S. 54 Fit . of the \V. E39 Jilt. of a rectangular tract of land 108 X 449 Ft. in the N. i N.W.! of Lots 1, 26 and 27 tlawthorne Place 306.16 nd P. and Lillian D. Philip P. and Theresa Goc '-T"Cle taxe s so levi()d shall DC come pa:yable, delinquen t .OJ\J 2. and draw interest law provided., as 1'0 llows ~ One-ten s [1[111 (~ C (--,>>-) become de linquen t in fifty day,; fr,)rn ti..LO do. to of tl' is lev;!; Dne - ten in one year; Dno-tentn in tWD years; one-tenth i three years; one- I tenth In fOUl' yea,'s, oDe-tenth jn five years; one-tenth i.n 81x years; one-te th in seven years; one-tenth in eight years; and one-tenth in I . nine years from the date of this levy. Sactl of the said installments, except the first, s 11 bear interest at the rate of four per cent (4;{;) per acmunl until the same becDY([e: delinquent, and each of the delin- quent installments sLlall draw interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from and aft~r such installment becomes delinquent until paid; prclvided, L,owever, that the ontiro aiTJDUnt so levied and f:ulsessed ir.l s t ai' tric afore said lots, tracts and pStrCOlf-l of land l)8 idwit rift;y days .LI'OiJ; the cIa te of thls Ie wlthout interest; and in that event, such 10~s, tracts cels of land shall be exempt from any lion or char ~L'or} intorest. SECrJ'ION 3. 'jhe C 0.1. tr18 CJ Dr d ~sland, Nebra~ka c is herebs autnorLz:ed tD forthwith certify to ttle ty rfJreasurer of sa id C'J. ,i-V t:~l'e" n((lO"-j'lt 0'1" c<a'.J d ,~ v u ~ , o...c., lA. ~ - 0 . - - taxes herain set forth, together vd th instruction: to coll()ct the same, as provided la\rl. i3EC'I'I :jj\j 4. s ordinance shall be in force and ~ake effect from and aLter its pas sage apIn~ova1 and publication as provided by 1a w. . I I I . OHDI1TANC; NO. 3253- :(TCON '1') Passod arId approved a majority vote of the members of the City Council tbjs tho 5th day of December, 1956. A ']'rJ:EST : ~~~ . C I '1'1. C LF:rm: _~: 1 gJLl~.~~~~. I\,Ift Y 011 . I I I . " ; p. O'iDI . 325A---- An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the bost of the con~Jtruct:Lon of Pav:ing District No. 2f)9 of the Cit~'i/ of Grand Island, Nebraska, arld nrovidi for the collection thereof. bnASI\:A: 1'1' BY T/LLYYOH D C CTr]; eel II'Y OF C} SECT'I01: 1. 'J'hat [;here is r182e levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set for for p1.1Y~,pO~jC ot~ lJD.~~:i the cost of Paving Di~Jtl'ict No. 259 of the City of Grand Island, ~ebraska, in accordance with the benefits found of land in said dis"Lrict due and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels the City Council of tho City of Grand Island, Nebraska, sitt as fl u.:C'd thereof, as required lization after due ndtice ven law, a special tax:; each of the s8veral l.o-i~s, NAIV!E tracts, a'd parcels of luna 18 assessed as follows: Daryl . and ,Joyce A. te George L. and Althea Faye Ripley 1':arl Grimmine;er Prancis Ii'. and Fjo1'nlce A. F'1shle1' Cha1'les C. and Hilda Lien Robert E. and Darleen L. Day Gus and Marr;aret Puerstenau Donald L. and Sylvia Ki1'stine Peter S. and Edna sen Lucille M. Thorndike Lucille . Thorndike Lu c1 lIe IVi:. 'I'h()rndiIcee Laverno d. and Mary P. Voss Verna S. Han!{jn Verna S. Rankin Pranc:ls ,H. and li;velyn S. Purdy W501 Francis . and Evelyn S. Purdy E41 F. C. and Dorothy 0. Scnilling W501 Hay Van Leer Loon IT. and Viinn:LCred l:!. ':0rn Donald i~;. and Ii,. Troudt Gladys D. Long Gladys D. Long Gladys D. Long Gladys D. Ilong E1'nest T. and Eloise B. Lindgren ~rnest T. and Eloise Lindgren 3rnest T. and Eloise B. Lindgren Cha1'les A. a11d Betty Greamba Charles A. and Betty Greamba Charle~] A. and ::otty G1'eamba ~rnost T. and Eloise E. Lindgren Ernest T. and Eloise . Lindgren E1'nest T. and Eloise B. Lindgren Ernest T. and Eloise B. Lindgren Ernest T. and Eloise b. Lingren Ernest T. and Eloise B. Lindgren Division St1'oet which lies west of I {"'T' _JU-.L BLK ADDI fIll Or[ Al\IOUN'I' ,. 01" tW 115.91 261.95 10 15 Ashton Place 11 15 Ashton Place 12 15 Ashton Place 13 If) Ashton Place 14 15 Ashton Place 15 15 Ashton Place 10 16 Ashton Place 11 16 Ashton Place 12 16 Ashton Place 13 16 Ashton Place 14 16 Ashton Place 15 16 Ashton Place 15 16 Ashton Place 10 17 Ashton Place 11 17 Ashton Place 11 17 Ashton Place 12 17 Ashton Place 12 17 Ashton Place 13 17 Ashton Place 14 17 Ashton Place 15 17 Ashton _ ace 1 19 Ashton Place 2 19 Ashton Flace ~s 19 .lislltorl }'la C8 24 l~j Ashton Place 1 20 Asnton Place 2 20 Ashton Place 3 20 Ashton Place 22 20 Ashton Place 23 20 Ashton Place 24 20 Ashton Place 1 21 Ashton Place 2 21 Ashton Place 22 21 Ashton Place 23 21 Ashton Place 24 21 Ashton Place That part of vacated Ingalls Street VV.~5 T E491 I~2 r L2:8~:~ _ 0;:5 516.46 2EJO.66 124.19 124.19 280.66 516.46 4e~~ . 03 261.95 14.00 101.92 114.26 9.20 249.01 22.18 4f)2.97 237 . ~2;3 12e. \j~~ f),? . Of) 575.;~9 ;301. 27 114.0f) 142.6D f)67.09 30[3.1"1 1~36. 36 115.91 261. 95 4E32 . 03 4:17. U5 h;.58 42.97 233.51 516. /16 368.52 ~)EcrJ'I01J 2. '1'he taxe s so levied shall become raya ble, delinquen t and dr!JvJ l.ntel'est as by laIN p1'ov:Lded, as follows: One-tenth shall . I OHDINAHCE NO. -3-25-4. ( C "T'T I 'I' ) -,,1-, __ become delinquent in fifty days from the date of t s levy; ODe-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-ten in tllree years; ons- tenth in four yearsf one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one-tenth in seven years; one-tenth J.n ei t years; and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy. 1';ach of' sald installments, except the first, snaIl bear interest at the rate of four Del' cent (4;S) per annum until the same bc)comes delinquent, and each of the delinquent instaJ.lments shall draw interest at the rate of six per , t (e 01) . " -" - '" .'.> "y '0 y, 1 "f" t " con % Pt,J a.l1nUJ1) .1 rOJ.d d.ue. u. ,er such installment becomes delinquent unt:i..l paJ.d;provided, hmvever, that the entire amount so levied and a.<::;sessed against any 0:1." the afo1'08a10. 100" tracts and par'cels of land may be id wj.t~in fifty days i'rom -LllG date of this levy Wj.t~lOU.t interest; and jn tba t event, 8elCh lot,s, tC'act~) and pa:r'cols of larld shall be exempt from any lien or c 8 J' C)r l::J -Cere ~:~ t. SEC'J1rO]} 3. 'rhe C i Clerk of the City of Grand Island, I<Jebraska is CJere authorized to forthwith certify to City Treasurer of said Ci ty the a;jlOUn t oJ' ['laid taxe s here in se t forth, to tl1er wi tll irEtru c tion s I to collect the same, as provi.ded by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from I . and after its pass e, approval and publication as provided by law. Passod and approved by a majority vote of the n mem ers 01 the Ci ty C" . ] t'. 'uunCl _ -(no S 5th day of December, 1956. A T'fES'r : ~s:~- !!--~~~,.,,~ .. M!\.YOR . I I I . ORDIITANCE NO. 325~ An Ordinance levying sp cial taxe to pay for the dostoof the construction of Paving District ^o. 261 of the Ci o:C C;rand Island, ebraska, and providing for ehe collection thereof. Irt' \!I,:D LIAYOH COut;Cl L OJ TY\/- ,)..L I StAND, I3fZ,ASI(,1\ : ri'lON 1. 'l'ha t C 1'I'Y' ori' there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set furth, for the purpose of paying the cost of Fav District No. 261 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, in accordance with the benefits found due and assos~Jed, u ins t ead1 ,,", en "C'h,e sevGrD.l lots, [JI',lC t sand parcels of land i s iei dJstrlct b:y U1e City Cou.ncil of the G1ty of Grand Island, TTeoI'Bs!;:a, si tt as a Board of Equalization after due notice given .tnereof, ac: I'equired law, a special tax; each of tne several Jots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: lJ-l~lv:l 18 LOT BLK ADDITI lilV! mn< 'I' o~ B. and Mary E. Thompson Leonard C. and darie A. Yount Ralph and Anna Heyde Benr:y L1usen Ella Blunk George F. Schafer, widower, and Patricia Schafer, single ll.lbort N. and l~Inma HohvTodor N52' Adolph P. and i/lactha N1. Schmidt Caroline U. ekeI' Dora Lilienthal N132t Ei wi Duane O. and Marjorie A. Curtin N132' Cal" 1 H. and Illabe 1 II.. Oberme :LeI' S?6 'W1tS'~- John Jr and Marie chultz S56' N64' wis! :i3ruco G. and Peggy I~. McClellan S132'E-~W1tSJ Barry J'. and Lena ii. Voss N6?' E66' Adolph P. Sc~nidt 881' N148' E66' Helerl . Jame.s.. VV'~.;-T~tN~} . J S' 1 .",'1 I' JT\TJ~ ,~ Augus ca uc -;: \V;t~2-l~'2 Augusta Suck S132' E66t E~si 1 2 7 f3 3 4 380' c:' v ~. <:) 6 s:t~,C 1111 ON~ 2. taxes so levied snaIl become rrhe [- <:) 5 " (i' ~i) 476.29 (:-258. JA 23f-3.14 476.29 238.14 Windo lph' S /Hndolph's Vilndo Iph I s I'J:Lnd()lph 's \j,jindolph's i:"" V 5 6 6 6 WIncblph t s \"i':Lndol p1:"l' s ,j'Jindolph's F'Jindolph's VHndolph's vu'lndolph t s 0/1ndo1ph's Windolph I,] Windo lph ' s V'iindolph's Windolph's ndolphts Windo Iph' s Windolph's 476.29 IE37.63 288.66 23(3.14 27,8.86 557.'13 321.11 236.61 278.86 241. 75 291~3. 4.3 6 6 9 ~J 9 9 ~) 10 10 10 10 10 253.20 295.76 557.73 pa"iable - ,j , delInquent and draw interest as laiN provided, as j:'o110ws: Cne-tenth sLlBll become delinquent in fifty days :t.'rom the dat:e oJ' tilis 1 ; e)De-tenth in OlG year; one-tenth in two drs; one-tentrJ. i Urree aI's; one- tenth in four yeEu';); one-tent:, in five years; ();le-tenth ill s:Lx yoars; one-tenth In seven yoars; one-tenth in G1p;nt years; and onu-tentn in nino years, /:com the date of tLU:J lev:y'. Each of' said installments, except the first, shall bear interest at the rate of' four per cent (4%) per annum until the same beconles delinquent, and each of tr1E3 delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of six per . I I I . ORDINAHCE O. 3~55 (C I ill) cent ) per mmum from and after such instaLLment becomes delinquent until paid; provic1ed ,llOwever , that the entire 8'luunt so levi ecJ and asse~~ised< anainst (".I any of the aforesaid lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid within fifty days from the date of this levy without intorest; and in that event, such lots, tracts and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. SEC'I.'lO:N 3. '1.'he Ci ty Clerk of the City of Grand ISL.end, Nebraslra is hereh.y 8.utiwrj.zed to forthwith certify to th.e City 'l'reasurer of said city tL.o amount of EJ8.id taxes hoy'ein set forth, together wl tn i.nstructions to collect tho same, as provided law. SEG'i'IOl') 4. '1'his o:edinance shall be in fOI'ce an aka effect from and after its pass oval and publication as pI'ovided by law. Passed alld approved by a Hla1jori ty VC)tc of t e members of the Oi ty Council this tr,e ~th day of December, 1956. A rl1 f~[11~~ S rr : ~~CL~I1(-Lh .L .,.J u\ :;: ~~~._.- MAYOR . I I I . '3 \1 onD [:;0. -3..~ An Ordinance providing that that part of College Stroet from Broadwell Avenue to Lafayette Avenue be a through street; provi~i for the erection of necessary s s and signals and providing for ponal tie ~i. I')' OllDA NIAYOn 1\.1]) COUNCIL OI" 'L'LL; CI'I'Y OF' GcU\.I\rD BY IS 1J .L\.1',;' D , 1. 'Ihat tha t part of Colle Streot from Broadwe'Il Avenue to Lafayette Avenue be and the same is hereby declared to be a through street and all motor vehicles shaLL come to a co ote stop before enteri uporl said street. SIi.:C~:'IOrj 2. '['hat the Street Cornmissicmer of the C1 of Grand Island be and us i~Jhereby ordered and u.utnoI'izod to in~jtal1 SLJ.dl signs and signals as may be necess to d,esj_gnate said s'breet as a through street and to regulate the traffic thereon. SE>C'L'ICIT 2S. 'That the City Clerk forward to the Street Commissioner a cort:Lfied copy of ttds ordinmlce to tiler' with instl'uctions to erect saj~ (1 S s acd .signal sand tha t cortif:io d copie s of the sarno be furnishod to the City lneer, tho Chief of Pol ce and the Fire Chief. SEC'I'I()I~ 4. Any persoi: operat cle contrary to tho a motor regulations ilerein provided shall upOJr conviction be :Cjnoc3 in any sum not exceeding One undred Dollars ( 100) as provided tho oJ:'dinan ce s of the C1. ty of eirand Island and shall stand commi t teo. to the City Jail untL! such fIne and costs are paid. SE:C'I'IOI,r 5. The regulations heroin provided shall become effective upon the eroction of the 110C ss signs &Tld s1 als des t:1. said street as a throu street and after the ",', ") c; c< <.I lJ(~W UCA. proval and blicD.- tion of this ordinance as by law provided. Passed arrd approved by a majority vote ()f' the members of the Ci ty Council thls tne 5th day of December, ID56. l~ ~Ll rL~S~ S I]: : ;73/ s~ 2~~~ ]vJA YOn . I I I . ')' j ';./ OHDI1'ifANCE NO. 3.2.itl- An Ordinance pertaining to C:'Lty owned parking lots; amending Section 3 of Ordinance No. 2893 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; defining some of the duties of the Parking \[01 a tions Bureau of the Oi ty of Grand Island in the opera tion of Ci ty owmed parking lots; fixing penalties for overtime pa:rldng on such parking lots and providing ~ules and regulations for the collection and enforcement for such fines and penalties. BE I'l' on DA IJ.L'J) BY M.AYOH AND COmTCIL OF' (HE C I'L'Y OF' CHU\lW ISLP,ND, 1'1 !1;BI1ASE:A.: SECreIiJN 1. 'I'hat Section 3 of Ordinance Ho. 2893 of the Ordlnances of the Ol t-:/ of Grand Island be and the SElme 1 ~1 bereb:)? amended to reed as follows: It shall be the duty of the Parking Violations !3ureau to accept the penalties and fees here1n designated and to generally enforce the rules and regulations concerning parking upon such City owned or operated parkJkng lots. Every violator of any rule or regulation adopted relative to the operation of parkin lots and the parking of motor vehicles :)n the same shall be given noti ce indica ting the ml ture of the v:Lolation in the form of an official police tag to be a ttached to the offend1ng rnotol' veLdcle, wLdch notice shall require ~;uch violator to appear fOl"th- with at the police Department. For Bach violation of overtime parking the violator shall pay a fine or penalty of 251. All fines for overtime parking as provided in s section shall be used for the purpose of aiding in the payment of the operation and maintenance of all City owned or operated parking lots. For all other violations the offender shall be fined in sum not exee d ;;::100.00 and shall stand conImltted to the City J[dl until such fine and costs are paid. Such fines and penalties sn~ll be handled tho parki Viola- tions Bureau 1:0 the same raaJHlsr EtS violations of tel(; oY'cUnances pertalning to tI'ai'fic rec:tilR tions and 111e 1 on the str'ee ts. It is expressly prov1ded that the T c Division of the Police Department shall cause to be erected on any such City owned or operated parking lot receptacles into which a violalDr for overtime parkIng may deposit the traffic ticket attached to the offendIng automobile together with penalty of 251. The payment of tne penalty in such manner shall be accepted 1n lieu of earance before the Police Department. SECTION 2. That said original Section 3 of Ordinance No. 2893 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, l~ecraska be and the same is hereby repealed. ~)EC'L'I()ji 3. rI'his ordinance shall be in :Co1" ce and take e.ffe c t ~rom and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Passed and approved this the 5th day of' December; 195Ci. I... rI'~r E S 'I' : ?~C{E~-- <? ~1.Y&- ~.~<~ I. _ . I I I . OHDINAN o. 32S8 An Ordinance levyi special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Paving District No. 258 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providi for the collect on tnereof. TIT' BY 'I":', lvL\.YOH AND C OlTt\jCIL ~JI" 'I'Ii..!:'; CI~:'Y I ~3 Ij.~J_ :N- I) , S leA. : SljC I_CI01<! 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the several 10 ts, tract 3 an (1 1lr ce Is or land he oinaftcn" ,Jet fOl.tll, for ttLO 088 oJ' the cost of Paving District No. 258 of SElic1. Ci , in accc)rcJance \"1'1 ti.~'- t118 b8rle~ri t~1 i'o'urld~ d.L18 aj-."'.ld. as.so ~3 ~:cd~ a inst each ()f tho sov ral lo"Ls, trtlcts and pClrcels at Ian ill said district by tho C1 -- ., ,- .' J:Jqua.L J. zu. .;.~ C)"(1 COD.rlell, ~3i ttI a f:1 a :i._-~o;~.lJ'd Iven tnereof, as required J '" {"" __(:.t IIi , D. ;~')p C) cis.]. tax; after due notlce each of tho several lots, tracts an parcels of Ian is assessed as fl()110\vs: City of Grand Island J31essed. Sacramont Chur William B. and Virginia LC . C;11 t .L"'\. :E. C.ai rl S Lewis S. and Alice J. Ander ,:;on 1\/1 . J.~ . (} r~ ~i., rl S IJe ~vi 8 ~3. Ll;:'1 d ice {J. J.~noec,c;on ocese of Grand Island ])j.ocose ofl Grand Island JOS8f)h A. Sedlacek Joseph A. Sedlacek Trirdty Lutheran CLLUrch ill (} 1.~ DJ1 (1 :.L ~3 1. L1. lJ (1 DESGI\.IP'j'IOH Alii ':~ Blks 24 and 26 and part of 18th st. and Elm St. " (Ij' ~1' S c11i 1i11:nCI"} r s l~ ctd,. 72~j2.56 47;').56 J31k 26 of) ,Sc115.:cnn.lc:r' s lid.d.. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Blk 27,--Schimmer's Add. 65.45 lf37.D5 :'510. 432.75 53U.12 ~ 66 Ft. of Lot 1 of I{uff's A (359 .33 S. 66 Ft. 01 Lot 1 of Ruff's Add. an CQrnploment . 66 Bit. of Lot 1 ].7,-- SC}lir<i~118:e r s ./\.cl(l. . b Fit. oil Lot 2, ]{~lfl~rts and CODlplo!ITent . 66 0. of Lot 2 11r. 17' -- ~3c11inrnlcl" t s c.. 1~3Lj:. [35 OJ r~' C') "7? 00,_/. ut..J s. 66 Ft. of Lot 2, Ruff's Add,. and Com nt S. 66 Ft. of t 2 Elk 17, --Schimmel" ~j l\dd. 12)4.85 r.Jot :3 o.f l::~uf}:e t S D.nd C ()i_n);Jle:cnor1 t Lot 3 17,--Schimrnor's Add. 394.18 E. 44.6 Ft. of Lot 4 f's and Complement E. 44.6 t. of Lot 4 Blk 17,--ScGinlmer's Add. 332.96 W. 8.2 Ft. of t 4 Ruff's and Complemerlt . 8.2 Ft. t 4 l? , - - S cl:L i J.n:~- -: e r~ t s 61 . i~ 2 Lot 5, 's Add. and Complement Lo t b Blk 17 - -.s c !.LilnT!10I' 's Add. 3D /1.18 Part of t 10, Sub. described as folJ..ows: Be~in!lirlg at a point on L. line t 10 2bU.2 t. f.:; Llt-;:-l 01' tn.e" J~'.T. . corrler~ t't:::..UIl ,r~-Ql11"li t}'lO rl co :3 () tl t(l tt-l(;r1 C C :;JOY' t!..l. ;J 0 i :nll:L 1'1 ,::; _ rl ce vve s -0 ~)~~~ 11 t . 6 d S t E) ~~ li\ t . :331.48 . I I I . C 1~ l\ o. -3.2SB. ( (' iY,,:' I "1 ) Uu.C', J ]J :.U.; ~_) () T1 I.CI 0 J.<r Ernest D. and Viola Ruff Part of Lot 10, . described as follows: be~inn at a point 391.2 Ft. south and 52 Ft. west of the N.Ji;. cornor, Lot 10, running thence west 70.66 Ft., thence orth 133.15 Ft., thence east 53.16 t. to a point 52 Ft. west of eler Avenue; thence south 13;:~.Ft. to point of 1) ginning. '107.17 Alfred . and ~velyn T. Reher Part of Lot 10, Sub. described as follows: beginning at a point 381.2 Ft. south and 122.66 Ft. west 6f the N.E. corner Lot 10, running thonce west 57.2 Ft., thence running at 1" J Llrlglc s 13~3 ~F!t., tLl.ence east 74.7 ~. thence south 133.15 Ft. to point of beginning. 470.31 John and [',mma Langenheder Part of Lot 10, IJome Sub. descr ed as follows: beginning at a int 391.~~G. soutn and 1?'D.86 :Lilt. FIest Of1 rr.J.~. C01~ner Lot, 10, I~U.rl:(l t11erlce V'IO~3t a pOj.Yl"t 1G.3 F1t. cast eJi' ~'es-t IJ_t18 of L (l t 10, I'Ll n T.';i ,c: n ceo C' t n ~; D . 7 [] t<~, .(~)' a]L 'v7Ci S t ., 'C{1C3rl Cd C) {ltC.-' 1J.1:18 Uf" Lot 10,116.<1.- t., I't1:n~;'-"~i co east 2Y7.95 t. .theDc S()uttl 132 lilt~. tu i;>c)i'r.1G oJ' be ].1111'~Lnr_:;. rj~}" C. ILruza Part oi' IJot 1, 'b. descJ:"icJ':3d_ as follows: De nning at a point 52 t. east from S.W. corner, Lot 11 running thence north 132 Ft., thence oast 105 Ft., thence H.E. 71.7 Ft. thence suath 8J_ ong tcw oast line of Lot 11, lbO.5 lilt., tel() co ,S.\/. 34 t., tllonce \VG~~;t 1 .~~ }lIt. to p()Lnt of be Blessed Sacramect, Church vi. 212 Pt. o.f' Lot Blessed Sacrament Church Lot 13, Sub. blessed Sacr'amerd; CCnu'ch Lot 14, Home Sub. Five Points Development Co. Lot 15, Dome Sub. Add. t)(s o. (~j3 ,;;mi 1d . CtY1C1 1296.78 12, l\.dd. Add. ~3u b . 2223. EJ2 2307.43 2307.43 2;307.43 va POJ.lltS Developmerlt Co. East 184 t. of Lot 16, Lome Su"b_. i~cid. 19~29. 85 T3arlker sLife Inm.n'anco Co. ai' NobrasJw ti:] 8 S t 36 Ii'i t . so lJ t-i:l 15 [3 t . 0 f' ~Lo t 16, .lLOi-ne ~)ub. l~dd". 37'7 . 58 Bankers Life Insur'anco Co. of e bra "ka >:,,1. s t 120 [i't. SeJa th 15Di" t. of Lot 17, 30me b. st 100 Ft. South 158 t. of Lo"t 17, Sub. 104D.e3 1258.60 Harry Preisondorf SI';C'I'IOH 2. ~CtlO ttl)CeS so lcvJ.8cl sL1~llJ_ -bDCOlnc ubI?, delinquent anci draw inter8(][; as by law provlded, ael follows: One-tenth 3h8J 1 become delinquent in fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; ()ne - ten th ln t~vCl year s; one-tenth in three years; onc- tenth JJl four yoars ;ono-tc:mth in five years; one-tenth in six year's; one- ten th in ["even yea:\:' s; ono-tenth. In eight year's; one-ton tL in :nine year's from tho date of this levy. ell of SEnd :Lnsta11meilts, except tho first, shall boar interest at the rate of four per CGnt ( per an num untIl tL18 (w.me becomes delinquent, and uch of the . I I I . ()J::JJI ( 3258 ( (. ',./ I 'J' ) cJe linqueD t 1ns tal b1e t ,3 Eih:J.ll dI'Cl. \TV terest at -tlle rate of) SlX l' . -'- (CO?) . c\" ,',", .-. .e''"V)/'" . >~~.::1 ('-' .'::-'J_Q_ cell v U/" p",r CAnnum .1.L ,,1m ado. eLL lA:;.f' such installment becomes delinquent until Ld; providC:Jd, hovICvc;r, that the entire amount so levi,;d and asseS~~i(-.;d. a :L ,: t any of afaresa d lots, tracts clJ] (1 PC?iY1cclE1 o:C -1- v'" '.) u L.ltJ li1 n dcHa ;y b d. vv-J.. Llrl J'~ij~' s i'~eoJ:n tLtO d.D.to , ' T~LL ~i;(L tll0U t s Ie =Lntc:rost; unri :tn l; S Li. erl J. 0 T~ ~l , t:e ;:~~J. G t; EJ Is u:C 1 d t~ ev (;rl Tj, p~l:rc shall DO xempt from aD~ lien or coal' 8 for interest. 1'1 r/ c) . Ci Cleric of the C:L ai' G'I~and ~sluj~d, ~Gbraska ls [lC:;"C au L L.D r i ze (J to J'o:.e tCl VIi ttl co r t i to t;118 L:1. fL1rea Utll~el'} ai' i:luid City tho E.u(wunt 01' said taxostlO.C'e:Ln set forth, togetheI' V'li th instI~ctions to colloct too sarno, as provided by law. '['I 11 CL. Tnis oI'dinance shall be 1 f01'ce tal(c 8:Ci~cct t' ro 111 f1 IJ uft I' itsspassdGo, I'oval a "1" " pu.o J.. e~~J 'CJ. un pI'ovidod ~:'; ,\ '-""- ~.I , as law. Passed ant app:c'ov d b',y a majoI'ity vote of tho JJlembers ()f the .Ci Council of said Ci tcd S the H:l ttl day of Dc;cember, 1956. A f"!1. .J. . ~s/~ -::r"n-7.~:;)-'l'." .IJJJ.. _J.LlL.JJ.lli Z:u~~?:{=- IIAY03 . I I I . OHD NO. .3.?~_ cons ctl.c):cJ ()f Pi~V strict No. ~362 An JrcUnan.co lovyin,,; EJ}Jecial taxos to pay for ttl8 COEd; uf tho t:;ha C i of Grand Island, T.:r 0 "br [1 S l(~:~, a:o(; orovi L for tue colloction tuareDf. T3}i~ I IT ~L<L::_~:D }-:j"~/~~ i~C l\i[l, )~'O'}~ J~'\.1-_J) C~I I SL.;'!.ND , :;lCA: ~L_.: ()F1 C I Try c)l" GiUJ:JD SL';CTIGN 1. fI'ha t t i. S (101l8 J_Gvl.ed tlnd assessed a in~Jt the o~eo sever~l lots, tracts and eols at land. hero5_Xluf1ter fJO"t fo' th, . , SE1J_O~ f'OI' t oso of tt18 (~ost ofl PElvirlg Dis":.:rict No. 262 of tile 1)8Y1CJ' tEl ~COt1:Cld. cJuo arld US~jcE:1sed_ a C it.,>" ~Lrl a c co~ed_arl co ViI J OEtell of' tb.G several ' t s , t:rac ts and :e c, elf; tho C:L .', c. C:.~CCJ 01 Ejit C' o nCJ1, a c1. Cl 01 larI d ~;_ IJ JJst sa (1 (iistr~j_ct 0:1 uf-t0r duo notice l~.\~, a special tax;. eae of t(lC 8voral v n oil, E~ ~,~~ :CC U l-')ec land j_s aSS88S8 as fJoJ_lows: lots, tracts Elllc 0 reels I,D : '3LK l\ietropoli tan Metropolitan I,Tetropo1i tarl tropo1i tan Life Life Insuran CEl Insurance:; 4 r, () 113 113 113 113 11~) 11 119 11 11 11 119 119 11 Co. Co. ,Ce :in surance Co. Life Insdrancc Co. v.". Lex an b thcr 'I'. Fc).ttei1 ;:;60' ComplenlOrd; S60' Viv:l and .\}v:tlliam Nielsen n'72' Complement N72' Clarence L. and Gladys E. Clark Walter L. and Elenora Maciejewski Complcrnent Earl E. and Pole a . B100mcnrador 5 6 1 1 1 1 2 7 7 o C) Complement p ,~ al J. zu. t~ .IiI) :DIE r~rJ () 1\] () TJl".J r~[1 j\d_cl. Add. & Abbott 'I Qi; 3~90. 48 7(30.95 '/130.95 390.48 Hai1road Add. Hallroad J\,dd. .l,al1road Add. c; 01 .Glds 1 llai 11~oa C1. }-tEt ~L lr 0 [{ cl ./'~ T~ n 0 J_ 0_ 8(, HailroaCi Arnold Ar'no 1 d A rno 1 0. Hailroad lroad Arnold 400.15 CR." . .v Abbott J\bbott Abbott 8,0 480.19 440.1'7 (saO.4[3 }\.dd. & [cbbo tt 7130.95 ;)l,:C Ol'T 2. 'The taxe~c EjU lcvJed siLall beCO\(le pa b1, dol ont bocome (1 e :L :'i, 1"1 CiLlo 0 1] t c i'1" () :~';'l tLL8 t::1.tJd. c).r1U,T,IIT ~_~nt;.:;rc;st (13 US. lclV," pr'()\Jid_cd_, D. t"'ollolr;s: Ul.le-t~.:)rltL.L sb.al1 J.} ,~ 1. .1. Ln in one year; ono-ten , ~)rl -tcr1tl1. in four' ars; ono-tenth in five i 1."1 t \'\/0 7/' e ar~ s; cr.l e - terl t:['} :L (1 ti,lre 8 ';yc ~~lI' El; ()1'1z-3 - to Ii t "tl ars; oDe-tenth irl six years; one-tentll in seven years; ono-tenth in eight year's; and nne-tenth in nine years fCDrn t}J8 d.a to ()J' fi lov~T. ~c;ach ot} SLlici :L>iE3tclll:nle:nt~~, E.;](cept ttlU f}ll~st, sriall bear jJltOJ'est at tho rate of J'our per cent ( ) pOl' annum unti1 sL"all ClI~(J..V,T _1. t;~_,_:..)8 st E,-t ti:1C YJ(J.te tbo ;:WJ:1e CCDenCE1 dolincpent, and oach of the doLLnqJent :Lnstal1monts six per cont (C%) per annum from and after such installment bocomes linquent u t11 paid; provided, however, tl1l1t tL~O cIltirc c:JJ1~)~L1nt so le;vi:.=-)c1 ,~::_],)(I uSE] s~3ed SOld lc)ts, tracts and land e paid wit "I.n i'if d pc Is aLn t any of tho aforo- from tL1C d. to C)~e t111 r; wi tlwu t J.n ere s t; anci in tiT t even t, su ell 1~) t ~3, truet[3 E1JJd 'PLi.x'lccls ot' lLltld srLaJ.J. 88]( t fro any lien or C Ior intcro~3t. . I I I . JIO. 3259_ (G f 'II) 8-!:;C fI1IU,',l'T ~3. 1J1110 C 1 (;lDr'lc ot~ 'L'(}(-) {)1 (J.t i:) 2.Yl cJ, J. s ID_~(-i d, .d 0 1) 1",:.:1.. S.ICEl J_ S t1CJ~() to t~;:1e C t:/ C; ~~itl]~81' O~C authorized to!' oI'tn wi ttl corti said City tiLe amount of said tax.'~; hOI'cln set forth, togeth'3r witr] instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECrj'rON 4. 'l'b.i s ordinance shall be in force and talc e effect from and after its pass , approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and a oroved by a majority vote of tue members of the ( I ~ \1 V ")n n C I l ,")1 ~.)! ~:~ -,..1. o~. C.-I. ~ :". 'vJ "~ ,~J, :...... - . ~ , ti1:1 s trIG 19 t1:1 of December, 1956. A~cr]:Esrr : 0Lw C...... .- - . ~~~.---.- JViAYOR --J~ ~~.~~ ----.~iT..'{ CrE HK . I I I . An u1'dLn.anco lev NO. 3..?60._ ~3p()ci[~1 tLt~,":,~ lej tu i'o:r~ T~(je C 0::1 oJ' tLl.e construction of Paving District ~o. 264 of Nebraska, and providi 1'1' _L1\; '~:D }JY. IS lJ , ;.-~;l(A : ,.' GL'.Lt:; Oi () il G. :r~D.l~l cJ I ::i 1 u. rl (1, for the collection LiJerc'3of. Jl iiI<; 1) IL CrFUiND C I res SEG '1'1 ON 1. That tbor'o is noroiJY levied and asse~Jsed aga:'Lnst tl18 s8vel~El.l lots, tracts and parcels of land hereina:fter set i'ort,: District No. 261 of said for 'Li,e purpose of paying the cost of Pavi Cj , in accordance v:i tb the benefits found due and assoC:ised a lnst each of he sevoral lots, tracts and parcels of lana ln said district Equalization after due notice by the City Council, sitting as a Board g;j.vorl t-i:~~8r8ot., a.s roqlJired. b:llt-l!A', a Sf)ccic11 tL~X; (3,1clJ oJl tLt8 SeV(;I~aJ_ Ibts, "tracts and parceJ_s of land issassessed as follows: 1~.AJ/LE School 11 II It District 11 of II iI 11 fI II 11 II tI It It II If Ii it 11 It 11 rJOiT }3~LI( ADDI'L'I Ak.ou:u'r tl1e II it II II 1I Git\l It ,~ 11 \I 11 H !l ISllmd II 1l 11 II II II 2 {, 111 Li r) "7 L~ 'lfp -J..:- xc). v Grand 1\ 19 -SCE1Ilfl.rs d.. C()~L]_e (~cld. to 'i~'-i/ est 1.Ja \vn n II " n Ii II l! il II II lEj3.3G 153.36 153.36 153.36 15().:36 lE)3.36 1 li !t \I Il ID II 3 [~: v '7 il Ii II l! II if 9 il II n 11 f.rhat l't of vacutcd Prospect S.t. lyinf~ west of Laf t~o Avenue and east o~tl -~he vacated alley Blk 19 College ndd. l~O :~'-Je ~3 t IJH v~rll 261. 04 able, delinquent f3J::Gcrlllorr 2. i,rlfld l;a~;:CE; so 18vic:6 s"L-.:.Etl1 "rJCco:rne One-tenth shall and dr}aw j.n-t~cros-t as () e o:me de l':_nqu.03n t 1.n :C law provided, as follows: s ~L':eoL1 dc1 te of tl1i s ~L8 ; one-tenth +- ,_:,! u ~ in one ar'; Ullc-torlt'c1 in t'vVD yc::-a.J:'s; orlo-t.orltlJ. 111 tL1T}Oe c:;t:r> s; ODe - tC;;D t"Cl lD ur years; ono-to th i fi.V8 year; one-ton"th in six years; ODe-tenth in one-ton sevcm ye(Jl~ s; J'ronl tL~!.U (:-tn. te ~) ~C tL-l.i s lc)"v'y'. ~)f n J U I'j v anl1LUll :LD 1.gLlt, c1flQ onu - t8D th ~Tears o . -LYl 11~L11C &1' s; en C)l S icl E;tallrj18~'lts, except tllG flil~st, shalJ_ bear ~.n.~()res.t [tt -~L__8 r ,Jer c (} C;~1 0 ,~f toe delinquent installment: u,:ntil tl1c sa.flle 'bSC():,'.1er; d.clJr](llJar.lt, u'.ncl or eOll t (6%) per annum.from and sball dI'aw interest at tete rate of SJ.X after' sucn in,'Jtallmc:nt boc::.)cne:.J delinquent until pa::Ld; pr'ov:idcd, c,uwever, i rl;:j t tr':t.e [;1.. ~C 0]:) Ei 8. i ( ttlUt -Lho on-Lj_r~8 amoun so lovi d. and as essed S f)1~()J1 ti:18 lot:J, lr'lets, and pcu'cols of 10- d 00 :Ie::' w:Lthin Jjf'ty de. te oj' t s 10 Wj.thOl;-b lD'~~ rcs'b; and i.n that OV811t, SllCh lots, .trac-ts, and pi_crcc)ls OJ land shall i)e l~ f:CDl11 t:l.n~T Ii (_;{.l o:r CllL1..r f ., t -01'"1 =LrlT~3re:J .-. . I I I . II .Jc.......",...., ORDINANCE NO. .1260 ( CON' T ) :3 . rrhe C:L Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska i s I~lel' e au \'hor1 zed to fox'tn tn oert to the City Treasurer of said City tuo amcunc of said taxos herein set forth, to ther with instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SEcrnON 4. 'j'hls ox'dinance shall be in f01-"ce and tah:e effect from and after its passage, approval and publicationas provided by law. Passed and ap0roved a majority voto of tho members of the City Council of said City tnis the 19th of December, 1956. fA 'Il'.['E S : ~Cf,iT ~.n'~C"'J 1:f!v/, -l-.. J. Y. . ~~J_tJrU\_, I --~~- l'iU,~ .:L ;Jh.-' . I I I . OHDINANCE NO. 3261 An Ordinance levying ecial taxes -to pay for i;he cost of the contruction of Sewer District No. 295 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT QHD/:.. IT{ 'THE M!1. YOn ALiI) C I II ()1~1 C I :Ir~l GlllU\J D ISLI\.ND, NL':'{nA'::"}c[~: m::;crj'ION 1. 'I'hat there is hel'e levied and assessed a special tax against the sevel'al lots, tl'acts and parceJ.s 0 d nel' in,c._:!:' te r set forttJ fo:e tb.CJ PUl')Of,e of pRying the cost the construction of the sewer in Sewer Main District No. 295 of the City of Grand Island, in accordance with the benefits found du and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district the Ci ty Council of said City, sitt! ~_) r: U ,:; a'ioard of Ii;quali zat'Lon after due not:\. ce hi:I.V be en g1.\len thereof as [JY'ovided by la vv, ea en the several Its, tracts Hnu eels of land is assessed as follows: }~.J.\.I\/lE~ J-J~) I."e J3 I.II\: ADDlrI'ION A 1VI OlTN rl' William H. and Florence II II 11 Frieda Kni ckrehf.ll n 11 ~1!', 7 E.3. 54 42 . 0 E3 42 . OE3 U4.l5 8L[.1;5 42.08 C. Dietrich 1I 11 VJ~i~- 17 1 Kn:Lckrehm Add. 18 1 t! 1I 10 1 1I iI 19 1 II II ~~O 1 fl II 21 1 t! n 21 1 II 11 ~:;2 :I II n C) '7 1 11 n w tJ ~~ ,:t 1 Ii II i'::; ~J 1 II 11 2(-) 1 II 11 9r) 1 11 if ~- , 2(3 1 It 11 2D 1 If II 30 1 tf Ii Z;l 1 fI tI 32 1 n II 12 2 'II 11 13 2 II II 14. 2 i't It 15 () II 1t '-- 16 2 !1 11 17 C) 11 !t ,~ l~) 2 It II ........~.J 19 n \I II G 20 2 II II 21 n II II G 22 <) It 11 ::.- (-34.1[j r3~t.15 [34.15 [34.15 04.15 04.15 84.15 78.54 67.23 7[3.54; 81.34 81. 34: 78.54 78.54 75.73 75.73 75.73 7~5.73 75.73 . and Loretta !1 11 l(nickrehm II \I n [34.15 04.15 E34. J_5 ,; . Arno Id II !1 VJ30 I 01 LJ2. OfJ F'rieda II 11 !l Virgil H. aDd dar[aretto M. 8i~lsen Daberkow and Stalnaker, a corp. Frieda Knickrohm Hlehard j1. and June A. zen r"rieda Kn:LekrcruTI !1 \I II It tl n It 11 II Ii 11 Ii II il !l 1\ It II II n \I n Y1 II II II II II SIi:C 'I'l ON <) '--. except N25' of W321 ta;;:e i3 ,:;0 levied shall become payable and delinquent in the manner provided by law. ~)E;C rrI 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the CIt:y' IIlr(;8.;:J'ur~Gj~ tL1C D.:G10'U.llt ()f; ~~)c.id ta:xcs to t()eI~ vlittt lrl~3tl"}llct:L()n to co llee t the ,: awe a s PI' OV.loeci la Vi . rJ'IJN 4. ~hat this ordinance shall be in force and take effect . I I I . from a~d after its pass provided. mWINAECE NO. 32.61 ( l'i)T:1 f f'1) \....1 \. .I.J ). , a proval and publicat on as law Passed and ap roved by a majori 19th day of December, 1956. City Council this the A~ff1: .;RS:-~ -~I-fll-y,c---C;-----I !,PV- -,J _.. .-1-L:..J..l.L\.. .vote the members of the 2-~It~~~~~~_.._-" IVU\. YO H