1957 Ordinances . I I I . 1\10. 3262 An Ordinance levying soiaI -taxes to pa for t~lO cost of -tQC I slal1d., cClnstructlon of tor [1 I)i;~1tl~ict tTo. ~~O? ()J" t{lC C::1. oJl l~'ebraska, aIlC-: provi f'o:e tel8 co 110 c tior} t"tlCI"eoi"l. J 11\]:;_-;J) 1:.jT) C .l ,I .:"'}F1 _L ~~:~'~-A.. : , SE;C; III ()Jyr J.. ITLLU. t :2C: ]~cviod f..L G I'~ 8 "' 0 .J_ fJ C~L ~C~( [-':;SCf:Jf.3od, D. tax ag!:1j Xl s tc ~~)ov'c~C'al lotfj, tI~ cts Iltj lJur'COJ_El ()f' l[l:':~c (.18:(' S E) t J~ or-~ t~L-.L J' u X' f.-j 01 cas CGC 'l.~{l U Uf)PO::-:: C tilE: t",c1 tc r~ Tn in " -I E:; 1.0. E1tr'ict ~j 8. 5_ d C j , in. 21 ceor cIa G8 VII tL1. 't~rJ() 'j"' , 'i...L' sDecic1.1 D.t~tiJr t(JO C -~)1J. ~j 'L;~'C;Ll C -s t :~) Ii 0 i' p :~)'l'#CO 1 S Dr' land. s~lld~ cl1E3-cr:Lct e;l ":I Cu ,_cil cbraslm s:Ltt I,d. ot~ alizatiuj.l afteJ' due nDtlce benef'j.ts fUUDC] d.uc and assossee a n~jt the S8VG'U lcJts, tracts and Dee-t} VC)ll t.i OX)8 Ll;J :JI}()vld.Gd. 1('3.. \\: _ d. } S l(~i.r:t d~, V' ~L r, .,-, '...1 i.J. "L~ 1.1 () S -1./ C 1"J.EJ lot s, CL~ecc~Lc) ;).t' 1,:~-:. d. 1s u~ SOE3S0 2lE3 J-'o110vvs: tl'a~cts, D.tJ George L. and Priscilla . YDunt LUrI' T)T -!/' U..U_I.l.. 6 ,1,0 6 40 ? /10 ? 40 ,.j /10 0 c') I.LO l.) ~) L~O 0 40 ,...I 10 40 10 40 Anna D(~nl(e r ~,_.,,;.[t:eie Stc1J_'~{ :UUe;orl Jtto ;:.telJ:( ~., c...... ~.., 1 J_~!. ;.(J. Cj'~Ol") ~G F]cll'lcl. o ZI io~L[l W 6;2 I of c,~J,. or" "--'2 ~,',1_ :~-.t :L" J () r) ~L c . 1,Ii tz trld,( ~) O~-,' I 0 .1':' c' 1" r -(" '~h .~ k/~Z \).- PlLlttdeutsche VeI'con UC.ld Sterbebund ADDI'I' VJ' [1 2.:1 :C1 e 10') S b:rl d C t (J EJrnGY' Cl 2rlcl a SIn CT'I Ej 8.)."'} (1 Complement l~~ [j:LClC]~ S ~~11d_ a. sr:'lGl'" S D.T} d Co.cnp lcrnorl.t 8. ~)jJ18 r~ I:) o ~'~' S l1C)::e S D.'l-l C erne t '"JLtS) lur" s ~.?rld. ~ ,-, ., 'j'; ,'::.1.. s no I" ~-j ELL_ C_ 00'("1 1 c;rneD t a ~jrn.81~ s ~~rl(l :nk. 1~~ 1'1 c3 D 1 ph I s i . -'" lndc:51ph 's ether 1y 140 Ti't. O.I Ja 11d ~L t'tle of bDurlcJco on 0:0. tl,'lC S o-u trl. b:l nOj_~ t;1 , c.~ ~(- 10..) \.J f~. d E1rn s ti:..:,c; iJ i'-.... ".,( I.'L.\J.~~. R.R. Co. Belt line, OJ' -~tlO W8S.t Ij_n(~ of 91.87 * 11 Yl . <7 . t;~? sn. H? 105.49 2) 4;3. 6[3 El t1~D.. C t c 21-11-9 J1.J1YJU [) t. , ;:3t.,orl C)~c "L11c C.IJ. arld. ort t 1-10 VIe r:i t tL10 C ,J8C. 21-11-9, lnc1udLrii:;Y'dctio]u1 . 1:3, indo hts nddJ.tic)Yl to tile ;-\.? 'j J_ Dr ~sland. 614.03 'TI ()l<i ~~;. ~.~Cl0 tD..]{C:;fJ E;O J_GvI d E1LJal1 'iJG CU:;:_~:1.8 [)l [{rlCL c;li:ncilJ01lt . I I I . iTl tL"}C t'i.1CLl'lrlCI~ :eov~L(J8cl _\,cl\"f. J ~5 . '1'he (', .~ 'vL -r~l~- "-1- S (J . 3262__ (G r T) (l\~:j :::l i.:.~3 :'1-r'e c t~) d to CCYl-G to tie Cj E1S1J:r~erl ttlC EL'; O:.:tllt 01' E; EL'Ld tcJ.:-: [) to tLl.er V'Jj.tLl.instr~ucti()rJ.E~ to coJloct tnemc as TOJ-.o]" 4. t t";:l from and fte~ its ss I) a 1:_':1 S () d, 21 D C:L .L~ fXl: ?~c1ry~ uvidcCi 1 ~~ C) ~e c. J_ rlLlLl (; C), . o. PD"\ID..1 pcov d t,ds 2nd (j S LLD. 1 :L l' UI'ce ,~<. c\.ncl ublic l~_..Drl D.S J e~rlLJa , 1 bit'. (t:;F\ h1,J, liLh }" on t,a.t(G e J~J; c t lc1\V PI" viclcd.. {~, ("\ 'I I j {,.,-? A '" ~~.".". ,s-l . .L.......- . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 1263 An Ordinance pertaining to zoning; rezoning the north one-half of Block Sixteen (16) Kernohan and Decker's Additlon to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; changing said area from a Residenoe "B" Distriot to a Business "Bit District, and directing that the ohanging and reolassifioation thereof be shown on the offioialzoning map of the City of Grand Island. WHEREAS, Herbert V. Roeser of the City of Grand Iltsland has filed a petition of the City Council requesting that the north one- half of Block Sixteen (16) Kernohan and .Decker's Addition to the Oi ty ol"Grand Island, Nebraska now zoned and.olassified as Residence "B" District be rezoned for business purpose.s and. be reclassified an d ohanged to a Business t'B" District, and WHEREAS, said petition ror rezoning was referred to the Zoning Connnission and as by ordinance provided re.:t:erred to the Planning Commission, and WHEREAS, after public hearings heard on the 19th day of December, 195!, and the 9th day of January, 1951., the Mayor and Counoil rind and determine that the request for rezoning. should be granted and the property herein described be changed to a Business "B" Distriot. NOW THEREFORE. BE'IT ORDAINED BY 'THE,MAYORANDCOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISrA ND, NEBRASKA: SECTI.0N 1. That that part of the City of Grand Islanddesoribed as the north one-half (Nt) of BloCk Sixteen (16) KernohanandDecker's Addition to said City now zoned and olassified as a Re.sidence "B" Distriot be and the same is hereby rezoned and reolassified and. changed to a Busine ss "Bn District. SECTION 2. That the official zoning map of the City of Grand Island. be, and the same' i shereby ordered changed and amended in aocordance with the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shalLbe in force and take effect from and after i tspassage, approval and .publication as provided by 1aw. Passed and. approved this the 16th day of January, 195'7. ATTEST: (...... . l r .... -~ , \. ......ft., (} ,\ \"">'" ( . j'i.,..s:~'.A':/ , \,., ":<",,~ A.. ~ ~ /"-:f' _. . - .....- . .- ...""..-. ~ ~ MAYOR . ~(J/bf ITY CLERK ORDINANCE NO. 3~64 An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the laying of a certain service pipe and connection with the water main existing in Paving District No. 156 of the City of Grand Island, . I Nebraska, and p~oviding for the collection thereof. WHEREAS, on the 7th day of April, 1952, the City Council passed Ordinance No. 2598 creating paving District No. 156 of said City, and WHEREAS, a certain lot, tract, and parcel of land hereinafter described did not have water service connections with the water main existing in such paving district and such water services were installed and provided for by the City of Grand Island through its Water Department before the street in said Paving District No. 156 was paved, and WHEREAS,. the co s t of making such water service. mus:t be paid by the tax payers whose property is served by such water service connection, and WHEREAS, the Ci ty Council shall by ordinance levy a special tax I against the property served and benefitted by such water service in all cases where the property owner has failed to pay tb the said City of Grand Island the cost of installing and providing such water service connection. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessad a special tax against the lot, tract and parcel of land hereinafter set forth benefitted by the construction of a certain pipe line and water service connection with existing water main in Paving District No. 156, the said lot, tract and parcel of land so benefitted is assessed in the sum set opposite the descriptions as follows: I NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT I'ven E. and Elal tor E. Turner w. 38' 3 6 Parkhill 2nd . Subdivision Iven E. and Elanor E. Turner E. 57' 4 6 Parkhill 2nd Subdivision TOTAL $ 40.00 SECTION 2. The amount herein assessed shall be a lien upon the premises herein described from and after the date of the levy hereof and the same shall bear interest at the rate of six (6%) per cent per annum from the date of the passage of this ordinance. . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ~264 (CON'T) SECTION 3. The City Clerk is hereby instructed to certify to the City Treasurer said~eeial taxes together with instructions to collect the same as in the case of other special taxes. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council, this the 6th day of February, 1957. ATTEST: 7~S.~ TY CLERK (;C L L k",<>~ MAYOR . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3265 L I An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Sewer District No. 2:94 of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY Q)F GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECffON 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the purpose of paying the cost of the construction of the sewer in Sewer Main District No. 294 of the City of Grand Island, in accordance with the benefits found due and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the City vouncil of said City, sitting as a'Board of Equalization after due notice having been given thereof as provided by law, each of the several lots, tracts and parcel s of land is assessed as follows: NAME LOT BLK ADDITION AMOUNT Raymond A. ~wa t son Jr. & J. A. Proffitt 1 1 Be,l;;.Air $ 113.66 u n 2 1 fI 118.13 ", n 1I 3 1 u 118.13 " tI 4 1 tI 118.13 " " 5 1 " 118.13 " tI 6 1 tI 119.92 " tI 7 1 " 119.92 1t " 8 1 " 119.92 " tI 9 1 " 119.92 It " 10 1 " 119.92 It tI 11 1 " 119.92 " " 12 1 " 119.92 " " 13 1 tI 119.92 " " 14 1 II 118.99 " " 15 1 If 118.99 II tI 16 1 II 118.99 " " 17 1 " 150.03 " " 1 2 II 108.42 " n 2 2 " 100.24 It " 3 2 " 100.24 ORDINANCE NO. 3265' (CON t T ) NAME LOT BLK ADDITION AMOUNT Ra.ymond A. Wa.tson Jr. & J. A. PrdI'itt 4 2 Bel-Air $ 100.24 It tt 5 2 tt 100.24 " tt tt It 6 2 100.24 . tt It 7 2 It 100.24 " I tt tt 8 2 It 104.94 " It It 9 2 tt 104.94 ^' tt It It 10 2 104.94 , It tt 11 2 It 109.63 " tt 12 2 tt 95.05 , It W 13 2 tt 88.14 " It It It 14 2 111.92 -. tt tt tt 15 2 108.98 " tt tt tt 16 2 162.45 It tt 17 2 II 100.$4 " It It tt 18 2 100.24 " ~' II It II 19 100.24 I '. It tt It 20 2 100.24 " It tt II 21 2 100.24 tI tt 22 2 tI 100.24 " tt tI tI 23 2 104.54 It tt I ;3 tt 118.04 It tt 2 3 n 119.03 II II 3 3 II 119.03 tt tt 4 3 tt 118.21 "' tt II It 5 3 106.46 tt It 6 3 n 155.28 n It 7 3 It 129.31 It It 8 3 n 129.99 I It It 9 3 tt 1'08.66 " tt tt It 10 3 109.63 . tt tt 11 3 It 109.63 It II 12 3 tt 115.68 II tt 1 4 tt 109.36 n It 2 4 It 129.13 It 3 4 It 200.62 It . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. --3122- (CONIT) NAME LOT BLK ADD ITI ON AMOUNT 4 4 Bel-Air $ 132.53 5 4 " 108.16 1 5 " 114.40 2 5 " 114.40 3 5 " 114.40 4 5 It 131.16 5 5 It 207.57 6 5 It 140.71 7 5 " 137.91 8 5 " 100.08 9 5 " 113.24 10 5 " 110.86 11 5 " 120.91 12 5 " 143.23 13 5 II 119.03 14 5 II 119.00 15 5 It 133.13 16 5 II 133.13 17 5 It 133.13 18 5 II 167.86 19 5 " 163.81 20 5 II 131.25 1 6 ft 117.47 2 6 " 109.63 3 6 n 109.63 4 6 It -109.63 5 6 It 109.63 6 6 " 109.63 7 6 " 109.63 8 6 " 109.63 9 6 " 109.63 10 6 " 109.63 11 6 " 109.63 12 6 " 150.46 Raymond A. Watson Jr. & J. A. Proffitt " It " " -, " " " " " " " - " " "' " " " " " II " "- " II , II " " " " " " , " " " " "- " " " II " " '- II " Ii " II " It " " It II " It " " " II II " It " " tI " If " " " " " SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and delinquent in the manner provided by law. . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3265 (CON'T) SECTION 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the Ci ty 'rreasurer the amount of said taxes together with instructions to collect the same as provided by law. SECTION 4. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council this the 20th day of February, 1957. ATTEST: 0tr:~f.~ -v~ ~ ~. ~Y-~ IV~~~_ MAYOR . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ~266 An Ordinance authorizing J. Wallace Detweiler and John W. Detweiler Jr. to operate a children's amusement park on the premises described as the southerly 180 feet of Block Eight (8), Pleasant Homes Addition to the City of Grand Island, also known as 1300 South Locust Street, and fLdng the amount of the occupation tax to be paid on such business. WHEREAS, J. Wallace Detweiler and John W. Detweiler Jr. have applied to the Ci ty Council for permission to operate an amusement park for children in the City of Grand Island and have ask for permisswn to erect, operate and maintain in said park such rides, machines, devices and apparatus used in providing rides and entertainment for children. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISL1\ND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That J. Wallace Detweiler and JohnW. Detweiler Jr. be and they are hereby granted permission to oper~ and maintain a park for the entertainment of children on the premises described as the southerly 180 feet of Block Eight (8), Pleasant Homes Addition to the City of Grand Island, also known as 1300 South Locust Street. That said J-. vVallace Detweiler and John W. Detweiler Jr. be and they are hereby authorized to erect and thereafter maintain on said premises rides, machines, devices and apparatus for the entertainment and amusement of children and that said amusement park be permitted to operate on all days of the week between the hours of 9:00 A. M. and 10:30 P. M. SECTION 2. That for the purpose of raising revenue, there is herepy levied an occupation tax upon such amusement park business in the sum of $50.00 per year, said tax to be paid to the City Treasurer on or before the 1st day of May, 1957, in advance of the opening of said park and a like amount on the 1st day of May, each year thereafter while such amusement park is open for business. SECTION 3. If in the event said J. Wallace Detweiler and John w. Detweiler Jr. should sell and dispose of said business, the party to whom such rides, machines, devices and apparatus are sold shall be required to apply to the City Council for permission to operate said park and pay the occupation tax to the City Treasurer of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska as herein provided. . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3266 ( CON' T ) SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved thi s the :<...(?~ day of ;?~ ' 1957. ATTEST: ~ ~ , S~ CITY CLERK cuL~- MAYOR~ . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3267 An Ordinance directing and authorizing the sale of certain real estate belonging to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to Ralph Henry Bady and Frieda Bady, his wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, being that part of vacated Custer Street as platted in that part of Meth's Addition which was subsequently vacated, and is now platted as Norwood Subdivision and which part is more particularly described as follows all tha t part of Custer Street as platted under date of February 18, 1890 by Charles F. Meth, which plat is recorded in Book 13, at Page 481 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska lying within the following described tract: commencing at the northeast corner of Lot Seven (7) in Norwood Sub- division, an addition to the City of Grand Island, In Hall County, Nebraska, as now platted, running thence west along and upon the north line of said Lot Seven (7) a distance of 151.05 feet, running thence south and parallel to the east boundary line of said Lot Seven (7) a distance of 280.85 feet to the south boundary line of said Lot Seven {?), running thence east along and upon the south boundary line of said Lot Seven (7) a distance of 152.7 feet to the east boundary line of said Lot Seven (7), running thence north along and upon the east boundary line of said Lot Seven (7) to the point of beginning; providing for the giving of notice of said sale and giving the terms .thereof; and providing for the right to file a remonstrance against such sale. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE. MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE 01 TY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That the sale of the real estate described as being that part of vacated Custer street as platted in that part of Meth's Addition which was subsequently vacated, and is now platted as Norwood Subdivision and which part is more particularly descr.ibed as follows: All that part of Custer Street as platted under date of February 18, 1890 by Charles F. Meth, whidh plat is recorded in Book 13, at Page 481 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska lying within the following described tract: commencing at the northeast corner of Lot Seven (7) in Norwood Subdivision, an addition to the City of Grand Island, in Hall County, Nebraska, as now platted, running thence west along and upon the north line of said Lot Seven (7) a . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. j267 (CONtT) distance of 151.05 feet, running thence south and parallel to the east boundary line of said Lot Seven (7) a dis tance of 280.85 feet to the south boundary line of said Lot Seven (7), running thence east along and upon the south boundary line of said Lot Seven (7) a distance of 152.7 feet to the east boundary line of said Lot Seven (7), running thence north along and upon the eas t boundary line of said Lot Seven (7) to the point of beginning to Ralph Hffiry Bady and Frieda Bady, his wife, as joint te.nants and not as tenants in c.ommon, be, and the same is hereby directed, authorized and confirmed. SECTION 2. The manner and terms of said sale of such real estate are as follows: The purchaser, Ralph Henry Bady and Frieda Bady, his costs of publishing this ordinance and the notice required by law per- taining to the sale of the within described real estate and the City of Grand Island shall not be required to furnish an abstract of title. SECTION 3. As provided by law, notice of such sale and the terms thereof shall be published for three consecutive weeks in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper published in and of general circulation in said City of Grand Island, immediately after the passage and publication of this ordinance, and the City Clerk is hereby directed and instructed to prepare and publish said notice. SECTION 4. Authority is hereby granted to the electors of the City of Grand Island, to file a remonstrance against the sale of the within described real estate; and if a remonstrance again.st the sale signed by legal electors of said City equal in number to thirty per cent (30%) of the electors of the City of Grand Island, voting at the last regular election held in said City be filed with the City ern ncil wi. thin 30 days after the passage and publication of this ordinance, such proper~ shall not then, nor within one year thereafter be sold. SECTION 5. The sale of said real e sta te is hereby dire cted, authorized and confirmed; and if no remonstrance be filed against such sale, the Mayor and City Clerk shall make, execute and deliver to Ralph Henry Bady and Frieda Bady, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, a Quit Claim Deed for said property, and the execution of said deed is hereby authorized without further action on behalf of . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3267 .,.,. (CON'T) the City Council. SECTION 6. That this ordinance shall be inforce and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this the 6th day of March, 1957. ATTEST: ~<t/~ CITY CLERK 2 kLL~ MAYOR . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 1268 An Ordinance directing the release of easements, which easements are not used in the operation of any public utility, and prescribing the manner and terms of said release of easements. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That for and in consideration of the sum of One and nO/lOO Dollar in cash to be paid by Westland Building Company, a cor- poration, to the City of Grand l.sland, Nebraska, upon delivery of release of easements, the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, are hereby empowered and directed to execute release of easements as to the following described real estate, to-wit: Lots One (1) and Two (2), Block Eight (8), except the North Five (5) feet of said lots; Lot One (1), Block Nine (9), except the North Five (5) feet of said lot; , Lots One (1) and Two (2), Block Fourteen (14); Lot One (1), Block Fifteen (15), and also a tract of land Twenty-five (25) feet by Eighty-five (85) feet being the West Twenty-five (25) feet of a tract formerly known as Sunset Avenue adjoining the above Lot 1, Block 15; All in Claussen's Country View Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. said easements on said above described real estate owned by the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and not used in the operation of any public utility. SECTION 2. That notice of said release of easements and the terms thereof be published for three consecutive weeks immediately after the passage, approval and publication of this ordinance, setting forth the terms and conditions of said release of easements, all in accordance with the laws of the State of Nebraska, in such case made and provided. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and, publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by the Mayor and Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, this the 20th day of March, 1957. ATTEST: ./ / =s: /~ CIT CLERK C L Lk~~'t~-' MAYOR . I I I . :3 "'y (. <;' ORDINANCE NO. 3269 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3245 of the ordinances of the City of Grand .....sland, Nebraska; regulating the traffic upon Eleventh (11th) Avenue and Twelfth (12th) Street between Broadwell Avenue and Ruby Avenue; providing that said streets shall be known as "through streets" with two-way travel thereon, fixing speed limits on said streets; repealing said original Ordinance No. 3245, and providing for penalties. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF' rrEE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: That Ordinance No. 3245 of the ordinances of the city of Grand Island, Nebraska be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 1. From and after the taking effect of this ordinance that that part of Eleventh (11th) Avenue from Broadwell Avenue to Ruby Avenue and that part of Twifth (12th) Street from Broadwell Avenue to Ruby Avenue shall be through streets and vehicular traffic thereon shall move in both directions. SECTION 2. That the maximum rate of speed for motor vehicular travel upon said streets shall be 15 miles per hour. SEcrnON 3. That the Street Commissioner be and he is hereby ordered and directed to pace all signs, signals and devices as shall be required designating said thoroughfares as through and two-way streets and regulating the traffic thereon as herein provided. SECTION 4. After the taking effect of this ordinance and after the erection of all necessary signs and signals regulating the traffic on said streets, traffic regulations herein provided shall be inforced and any person violating any of the provisions hereof shall upon conviction be fined in any sum not exceeding One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars and shall stand committed to the City Jail until such fine and costs are paid. SECTION 5. That the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to forward to the City Engineer, the Chief of Police, the vhief of the Fire Department and the Street Commissioner a certified copy of this ordinance. SECTION 6. That said original Ordinance No. 3245 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island be and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3269 (CON'T) Passed and approved this the 20th day of March, 1957. ATTEST: ~v0S~ CIT~ CLERK 0>L; ,(\ ( " U-~~ IVrAYOR - . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3270 An Ordinance abolishing the office of Assistant Chief of Police for the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and repealing Ordinance No. 3197 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island. BE IT OHDAINED BY THE lYIAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That the office of Assistant Chief of Police for the City of Grand Island, Nebraska be and the same is hereby abolished. SECTION 2. That Ordinance No. 3197 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island creating said office be and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Passed and approved this the ~~ day of April, 1957. ATTEST: ~.f./~ CITY CLERK ~ q, ORDINANCE NO. 3271 . I An Ordinance amending that part of Ordinance No. 3136 fixing the salary of' the Superintendent of the Sewage Disposal Plant of the City of Grand Island; providing for the salary of sueh Superintendent; fixing the effective date when such salary shall be paid, and repealing that part of Ordinance No. 3136 and all other ordinances and.partBof' ordinances in conflict herewith. BE IT ORDAINED BY TEE MAYOR. .AND eOUNC IL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: That that part of Ordinance No. 3136 pertaining to the salary of the Superintendent of the Sewage Disposal Plant be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: I SECTION 1. From and after the first day of May, 1957 the salary of the Superintendent of the Sewage Disposal Plant shall be the sum of $400.00 per month payable by-monthly. SECTION 2. That that part of Ordinance No. 3136 per- taining to the salary of such Superintendent and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION. 3. The provisions of this ordinance shall be in force and effect on the first day of May, 1957 as herein set forth and from and after the passage, approval and publication of this ordinance as provided by law. Passed and approved this 17th day of April, 1957. ~~~ CrTY CLERK /7~ ~;Jy : u/ Attest: I . ORDINANCE NO. 3Z?~ .~ I An Ordinance declaring that ahsystem of one way streets in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is not necessary at this time, and that the same is not in the interest of the public, and repealing Ordinance No. 3246 of the Ordinances of said City which established such a one way street system. WHEREAS~ THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND IS- LAND, NEBRASKA hereby find and determine that a one way sys- tem of streets for the motoring public is not necessary at repealed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. 3246 of the Ordinances of I the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, establish~ng a one way system of streets for said City be, and the same is hereby re- pealed. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this the 1st day of May, 1957. ATTEST: ~7c':;/c~ I . ORDINM~CE NO. 3271 An Ordinance pertaining to the operation, parking and . I stopping of motor vehicles on the streets of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska;ordering the erection of stop signs on Col- lege Street at its intersection with Grand Island Avenue; or- dering the erection of stop signs on Pine Street at its inter- section with South Street; fixing the speed limit at 20 miles per hour on that part oi' Pleasant View Drive from the South line of Bismark Road to the North property line of Fonner Park, and providing that there shall be diagonal parking on that part of Third Street from the West line of Walnut Street to the East line of Cleburn Street, and providing penalties. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF' THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: Section 1. That all motor vehicles traveling upon College Street be required to come to a complete stop before entering I upon Grand Island Avenue. Section 2. That all motor vehicles traveling upon Pine Street be required to come to a complete stop before entering upon South street. Section 3. That the maximum speed limit be, and the same is here- by fixed at 20 wiles per hour on that part of Pleasant View Drive from Bismark Road to the North line of Fonner Park. Section 4. That there shall be diagonal parking on Third Street from the West line of Walnut Street to the East line of Cleburn Street. Section 5. That the City Engineer be, and he is hereby ordered and directed to install and erect upon the streets herein named I . such street markings and signs as may be required to regulate the operation, parking and stopping of motor vehicles upon said streets as herein set forth. Section 6. That from and after the erection and installation of such street markings and signs as herein ordered, the traffic regulations herein set forth shall be enforced. Any person violating the provision of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined in any sum, not exceeding $100, and ORDINANCE NO. ~271 (Contfd) and shall stand coromi tted to the City J-ail until such fine and costs are paid. . I Section 7. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as by law provided. Passed and approved this 15th day of May, 1957. ATTEST: ~.- ......... :..J'- 'L"-' ,~~/v..i}"~ - MAYOR {f" ~s/~ CITY CLERK I I . . I I I . ORDINANCE No. 3274 An Ordinm ce pertaining to the Auditorium C011lluission of the City of Grand Island; providing that the duties of said Commission be assumed by the Planning Commi.ssion, and repealing Ordinance No. 3217 of tL:le Ordinances of the City of' Grand Island. WEEREAS, on the 20th day of June, 1956, the 111ayor and Council of the City of Grand Island passed and approved Ordinm ce No 3217 creating an Auditorium Commission for the purpose of' locating, de- signing and suggesting how and in what manner the same should be financed, and WB~REAS, the members of said Oommission have suggested that the duties of said Cormnission be assumed by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand Island, and WIlliREAS, the City Council finds that the laws of the State of Nebraska, and the Ordinance providing for the creation of the Plan- ning Con~ission specifically state that it shall be the duty of the Planning Con~ission to assist the Council in planning, locating and financing public buildings, and that the duties of said Auditorium Commission should be assumed by the Planning Co~nission. NOW, TliEREPORE, BE IT ORDAINED BT '1'EE MAYOH AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0Ii' GHAI'm ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SEOTION 1. 111hat the Blanning Commission of the City of Grand Island be requested to assume the duty of assisting the Mayor and Council in planning, locating and financing a municipal auditorium for the City of Grand Island. SEeII'ION 2. 'I'hat Ordinance No. 3217 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, creating said Auditorium Commission, be, and the same is hereby repealed. SEC'I'ION 3. llihat all records of the proceedings of said Audi- torium Conwission, and all other records, building plans and corres- pondence of said Commission be, and the same are hereby ordered delivered to the City Clerk. SECTION 4. '1'his Ordinance shall be in force and take effect ORDINANCE NO. 3274__ (cont'd) from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Passed and approved this 5th day of June, 1957. . I ~..'/. ~ ,-.. .. ~ -'-- I:ilA~ A TI'llE S 'r : ~J7~__ Clr:L'Y CLERK I I . ....,,-. ORDINM1CE NO. 3~7~ . I An Ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, provid- ing for the paving of the street in said distnict, and providing for the as'sesement and collection of the cost thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving District No. 272. SECTION 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part of Arthur street extending from Oklahoma Avenue to Phoenix Ave- nue. SECTION 3. The street in said paving district is hereby ordered paved as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore es- tablished by the City, said paving to be 36 feet in width. I SECTION 4. 'I'ha t au thori ty is hereby gran ted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in saj_d district, at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file with the City Clerk, within twenty days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as provided by law, written objections to paving of said district. SECTION 5. 'I'hat authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority oi' the abutting property owner~ within said district, to file with the City Clerk within the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a par- ticular kind of material to be used in the paving of said street. If such owners shall fail to designate the material they desire to be used in said paving district, as provided for above, and within the time provided for by law, the City Council shall deter- mine the material to be used. SEc~rrON 6. 'l'hat the cost of paving in sai d district shall be assessed against the lots and tracts of land especially bene- fitted tlllireby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the City Council as provided by law. SEC'I'ION 7. ':eha t this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of all of the members of the City Council, this the 5th day of June, 1957. ~~. I . A ~PT8ST: ~i~ ORDINANCE NO. 327~ An Ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundarie s the reof, provid- . 1 ing for the paving of the street in said district, and providing for the assessment and collection of the cost thereof. BE 1'1' ORDAINED BY 1'hE MAYOn AND COUNCIL OFI'lfB CrllY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASEA: SEC'l.'ION 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving District No. 274. SECTION 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part ol ~lah~Street extending from Elm Street to Lincoln Avenue. SECTION 3. The street in said paving district is hereby ordered paved as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore es- tablished by the City, said paving to be 50 feet in width. "I SECTION 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owneI's in said district, at time of the enactment of this ordi- nance, to file with the City Clerk, within twenty days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as provided by law, written objections to paving of said district. SEC~'ION 5. 11ha t authori ty is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners vvi thin said district, to file with the Ci ty Clerk within the time provided by law, a petition Bor the use of a par- ticular kind of material to be used in the paving of said street. If such owners shall fail to designate the material they desire -I . to be used in said paving district, as pI'ovided foI' above, and within the time provided for by law, the City Council shall deter- mine the material to be used. SECTION 6. That the cost of the paving in said district shall be assessed against the lots and tracts of land especially bene- fitted tl~reby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined by ORDINANCE NO. 327~ (Cont'd) the City Council as provided by law. SECTION 7. 'fhat thi s ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as . I provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of all of the members of the City Council, this the 5th day of June, 1957. ATTEST: Z~l~~ ~~ ~~ . ~4/ J:iIAYOR I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3277 An Ordinance pertaining to zoning; rezoning Lot Seven (7), Block F'ifty-two (52) Packer and Barr.1 s Second Add:L tion to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; changing said area from Residence "B" District to a Business "Aft District, and directing that tne . I changing and reclassification thereof be shown on the official zoning map of' the City of Grand Island, WHEHEAS, William M. Williams and Glen M. Stewart of the City of Grand Island have filed a petition with the City Council re- questing that Lot Seven (7), Block Fifty-two (52) Packer and BarrIs Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, now zoned and classified as Hesidence lIBn District be rezoned for business purposes and be reclassified and changed to a Business "A" District, and WLEHEAS, said petition for rezoning was referred to the Plan- ning Commission, and by said corrmlission approved, and WHEREAS, after public hearing held on tne 5th day of June, 1957, the }.1ayor and liouncil found and determined that the request for I rezoning should be granted and the property herein described be changed to a Business "A" District. NOW, r~[Il1EREFORE, BE IT' OH.DAINED BY IVI.fl..YOR AND COUNCIL OF' TF..E C1'17 CJF' GElAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SEc'rrON 1. 'rhat that part of the City of Grand ISland describ- ed as Lot Seven (7), Block Fifty-two (52) Packer and BarrIs S~cond Addition to said City now zoned and classified as a Residence "B" District, be, and the same is hereby rezoned and reclassifled and changed to a Business "AU District. SEC'llION 2. That the off:i.cial zoning map of the City of Grand Island, be, and the same is hereby ordered changed and amended in accordance wi th the provisions of this ordinance. I . SJi:CrrION 3. '.Chat this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as pro- vided by law. Passed and approved this the ~h day of June, 1957. ATTE.S~r: fl~t7( s /Lh V' C-ITY CLERK ORDINANCE NO. 3277 :\~;. An Ordinance pertaining to zoning; rezoning Lot Seven (7), Block }'ifty-two (52) Packer and Barr.' s Second Addition .to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; changing said area from Residence .tfBtf District to a business IlAII District, and directing that ttIe . I changing and reclassification thereof be shown on the official zoning map of the City of Grand Island, W:t-lEHEAS, William M. VJilliams and Glen M. Stewart of the City of Grand Island have filed a petition with the City Council re- questing that Lot Seven (7), Block .B'ifty-two (52) Packer and Barr's Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, now zoned and classified as Residence IIBII District be rezoned for business purposes and be reclassified and changed to a Business "All District, and WLEREAS, said petition for rezoning was referred to the Plan- ning Commission, and by said commission approved, and WHEREAS, after public hearing held on tne 5th day of June, 1957, the Mayor and Council found and determined tb.at the request for I rezoning should be granted and the property herein described be changed to a Business "All District. NOW, 'FHli:.R.EFORE.:, BE 1'1' OHDAINED BY IVIAYOH AND COUNCIL OF' TFili crey eiF' GHAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SEc'rION 1. 'Ihat that part of the City of Grand ISland describ- ed as Lot Seven (7), Block Fifty-two (52) Packer and Barr's S~cond Addition to said City now zoned and classified as a Residence ll~' District, be, and the same is her-eby rezoned and reclassiffed and changed to a Business "All District. S8C'I'ION 2. '.that the official zoning map of the Ci ty of Grand Island, be, and the same is hereby ordered changed and amended in accordance wi th the provisions of' this ordinance. I . S:U:C'J'ION 3. '1'hat this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as pro- vided by law. Passed and approved this the ~h day of June, 1957. ATTEST: ft'-7~C s: /dh V' CITY. CLERK ~ I .v o:W ORDINANCE NO. 3277 ,. An Ordinance pertaining to zoriing; rezoning Lot Seven (7), Block Pifty-two (52) Packer and Barr~s Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; changing said area from Residence "B" District to a business "At! District, and directing that tCle . I changing and reclassification thereof be shown on the official zoning map of the City of Grand Island, W:HEHEAS, William Tvr. Williams and Glen M. Stewart of the Ci ty of Grand Island have filed a petition with the City Council re- questing that Lot Seven (7), Block Fifty-two (52) Packer and Barr's Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, now zoned and classified as Residence "B" District be rezoned for business purposes and be reclassified and changed to a Business "A" District, and WLEHEAS, said petition for rezoning was referred to the Plan- ning Commission, and by said commission approved, and WIlJi;REAS, after public hearing held on the 5th day of' June, 1957, the M.ayor and 00uncil found an d determined tha t the request for I rezoning should be granted and the property herein described be changed to a Business "A" District. NOW, '_nillREFORE, BE 1'1' ORDAINED BY 'I'HL''; lVU\.YOH AND COUNCIL 01'1 TF~ CI'I'Y e)F' GHAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SEc'rION 1. 'Iha t tha t part of the Oi ty of Grand ISland describ- ed as Lot Seven (7), Block FiftN"-two (52) Packer and Barr's S:econd Addition to said City now zoned and classified as a Residence "B" District, be, and the same is hereby rezoned and reclassif:ted and changed to a Business "A" District. S8C~L'ION 2. 'i'hat the official zoning map of ttJe Ci ty of Grand Island, be, and the same is hereby ordered changed and amended in accordance wi th the provisions of this ordinance. I . S.H;C'I'ION 3. '1'ha t thi s ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as pro- vided by law. Passed and approved this the JJth day of June, 1957. AT TE.S1': fl'-7t?C s: /~ F CITY CLE:RK ~ ' W .. \ OR ORDINANCE NO. 3277 t. ., An Ordinance pertaining to zoriing; rezoning Lot Seven (7), Block Fiifty-two (52) Packer and Barr.' s Second Add! tion :1::0 the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; changing said area from Residence liB" District to a Business "A" District, and directing that the . I changing and reclassification thereof be shown on the official zoning map of the City of Grand Island, WHEHEAS, William Ii/I. Williams and Glen IVI. Stewart of the City of Grand Island have filed a peti tion vvi th the C1 ty Council re- questing that Lot Seven (7), Block F'ifty-two (52) Packer and Barr's Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, now zoned and classified as Hesidence "BII District be rezoned for business purposes and be reclassified and changed to a Business !tA" District, and Wl,EHEAS, said petition for rezoning was referred to the Plan- ning Commission, and by said commission approved, and W}If.!;HEAS, after public hearing held on the 5th day of June, 1957, the MayoI" and Council found an 0. determined tha t the request for I rezoning should be granted and the property herein described be changed to a Business "A" District. NOW, 'I'1:iEREFORE, BE IT OHDAINED BY 'l'R3:>': IVIA.YOH AND COUNCIL OF' 'I'FLE crL'Y CiF' GRAtm ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SEc'rION 1. That tha t part of the Oi ty of Grand ISland describ- eO. as Lot Seven (7), Block Fiftu-two (52) Packer and Barr's S~cond Addition to said City now zoned and classified as a Residence "B" District, be, and the sarne is hereby rezoned and reclassified and changed to a Business "All District. SEcrnON 2. 1'hat the off:Lcial zoning map of the Ci ty of Grand Island, be, and the same is hereby ordered changed and amended in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. I . SJi:C'I'ION 3. 'I'hat thi s ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as pro- videO. by law. Passed and approved tl::lis the JJth day of June, 1957. ArrTEsr:e: ft~t?( S /~ V' CITY CLERK ~ ce- .' - -l----Jv' . ORDINJU~CE NO._327~____ An Ordinance creating Water Main District No. 208 of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebrasl{a, defining the boundaries there- of, providing for tne laying of a water main in said district, and providing for tho payment of tho cost of tho construction ttleroof. BE 1,]' ORDAINED BY 'llHE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF T'HE CITY OF' GHAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a water main district in the City of Grand Island, to be known and designat- ed as Water Main District No. 208. SEC':UON 2. The water main in said district shall be laid in that part of Evans Street from 11th Street to the North line of Block 1, Pleasant Hill AddItion of saId City of Grand Is- land. SEC'fION 3. II'he main in said district iEi hereby ordered laid in said street as provided by law and in accordance ~ th the plans and specifications governing water mains heretofore estab- lished by the City. SEC'I'ION 4. fI'hat the entire cost of constructing said water main shall be assessed against the abutting property in said district, and a tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of construction of said district as soon as the cost can be ascer- tained, said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw in- terest as follows: One-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty da'JTs after such levy; one-fifth in one year; one-fifth in two years; one-fifth in three years; one-fifth in four years. Each of said installments,except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of four per cent (4%) per annum from the time of the aforesaid levy until they shall become delin- quent, and after such installments become delinquent interest at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum shall be paid there- on until collected and paid, and the same shall be collected and enforced as in the case of other special taxes, and said special taxes shall be a lien on said real estate from ~ld after the da te of the levy thereof. ORDINANCE NO. 3)78 (CONT'D) SECTION 5. That this Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publi- . I cation as provided by law. Passed and approved by a three-fourth vote of all the members of the City Council this /~day of ~ , 1957. t:7 ATTEST: ...:?~,,( S.~ IllY CLERK ct4/1io~ I I . ORDINANCE NO.-.l~2 An Ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for . I the paving of the street in said district, and providing for the assessment and collection of the cost thereof. BE D: OHDAINED BY THE MAYOH AND C OUNC IL OF' '1'11E CITY OF' GRAI~D ISlJl...ND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. ~lat there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving District No. 275. SEClL'ION 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part of North .sycamore Street from Nineteenth (19th) Street to Twentieth (20th) street, and 'l'wentieth (20th) Street from Sycamore Street to 'Wheeler Avonue. SECTION 3. ~he street in said paving district is hereby order- ed paved .as provided by law md in accordance with the plans and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore established I by the Ci ty, said paving to be 36 fee t in width. SBC'l'ION 4. That authori ty is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district, at the time of the enactment of ttlis or- dinance, to file with the City Clerl~, within twenty (20) days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as pro- vided by law, written objections to paving of said district. ,:m;CTION 5. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners, within said district, to file with the City Clerk, ~thin the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in the paving of said street. If such I . owners shall fail to designate the material they desire to be used in said paving district, as provided for above, and within the time provided for by law, tile City Council shall determine the material to be used. SEC'TION 6. That the cost of said paving in said district shall be assessed against the lots and tracts of land especially benefitted OHDIHANCE ]\]0,3229-__ (Cant I d) thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the City Council as provided by law. . I SEC'J'ION? 'i'ha t this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided b:'l law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of all of the members of the City Council, this 15th day of June, 1957. A TTESr:e: ~4 ~A~~ I I . ORDINANCE NO.......3..f..~_ An Ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand . I Island, Nebraslca, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the the paving of the street in said district, and providing for the assessment and collection of the cost thereof. BE D' OHDAIliED BY l'fE MAYOn AliD C OUNG IL OF 'HIE CI'I'Y 01" GRAND ISLAND, NEBHASKA: SECfIION 1. rrhat there is bereby created a pavine; district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving Dis- trict No. 276. SEC'IION' 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part of J.~orth Cedar Street from the norttlerly line of Third (31'0.) Street to the southerly line of the Union Pacific Hailroad Gom- pany flight of Way. SEC.TION 3. 'l'he street in said paving district is hereby ordered paved as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore estab- I lished by tne City, said paving to be 36 feet in width. SECL'ION 4. 'l'nat authority is clerebs granted to the oW"ners of tte record title, representing a majority of the abutting pro- perty owners in said district, at trie tj.me of the enactrl1ent of this ordinance, to file with the City Clerk, within twenty (20) days from Ghe ~irst publication of the notice creating said di8- trict, as provided by law, written objections to paving of said district. SEC'J.'ION 5. Ihat authority is hereby granted to the owrers of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting pro- perty owners, within s~d district, to file with the City Clerk, I . within the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a par- ticular kind of material to be used in the paving of said street. If such o~ners shall fail to designate the material they desire to be used in said paving district, as provided for above, and with- in the time pI'ovided for b:'l law, the Ci ty Council shall de termine the material to be used. SEcrcrON 6. -hat tbe cost of' paving in said district shall be assessed against the lots and tracts of land especially bene- ORDINANCE NO. 3280 (ContTd) fitted thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be deter- mined by tt16 City Council as provided by law. . I SEC~rION 7. ~.el:1a t thl s ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. passed and approved by a majority vote of all of the members of tl!e Ci ty Council, this the lzW1 day of June, 1957. A rpI'ES'I' : ~ : . MA V"R -~~ii.~ I I . OHDIlIJANCE NO~~~1t ~ An Ordinance pertaining to the office of Administrative Assistant of ttle Oi ty of Grand Island; amending Ordinance No. 3201 of tne Ordinances of said City; providing for the ap- . I pointment of an Administrative Assistant, and by whom appointed and removed from office; defining his duties; fixing the amount of his official bond; amending that pfi\rt of Ordinance No. 3226 fixing the salary of such Administrative Assistant, and repeal- ing sai d original OrcUnance No. 3201 and tha t part of Ordinance No 3226 enti tled IIAdmJ_nistra ti ven pertaining to the salary of such Administrative Co-ordlnator, and all other ordinances, parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith. BE 1'1' QHDAH,rED BY , MAYOn. AND COU1~GIL ()f.i' C I'I'Y OF' GHAHD I S:LA.ND, NEBHASKA: That Ordinance No. 3201 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: I SEe'I'ION 1. that tnere shall be employed by the Ci tv of Grand Island, Hebraska, an officer known as Administrative Assistant who shall be appointed to and removed from office by the ~ayor, by and with the consent of the City Council. SEC'I'ION 2. Such Administrative Assistant shall Ii\ork 11'orty- four (44) hOUl~S per week &md shall be paid from ;;~350 to $450 per month, payable semi-monthly; said amount to be determined by the Cj ty Councl1. SEC'I'J:(}N 3. 'line duties to be pepfonned by such Assistant shall be as follows: To keep the Mayor and Council informed of all work being done b'\" the s 0it;y, and of tne progress of the same; to inform the Coun- I . cil of tDe financial condition of the City; to prepare and keep personnel records; to interview applicants seeking employment ~ th the City; provide the ~ilayor and Council un d other City officers with an agenda for council meetings; upon request to assist in the preparation of councJ_l cOI!1mittee reports; to receive complaints fruIn persons calling aG his office in person, or b:j telephone or letter, and to see that SUCh complaints receive the proper attention; ORDINANCE NO. 32~~ (ContJd) to provide the Mayor and Council with general information as they may direct; to assist the finance comrni ttee and G:Lt:y officials . I ln U18 preparation of the annual budge t, and to do and perform SUCLl 0 ther duties as the Mayor and Council shall order and direct. SEC'l'ION 4. 'llle person appointed as sucrl Administr:ative Assistant shall be required to give bond and security for the faithful performance of his duties in the principal sum of :ltLo 00 '?E , which bond shall be approved by tb.e Mayor and City Council. SECTION 5. That Ordinance No. 3201 pertaining to the ap- pointment and removal of the Administrative Co-ordInator, and that part of Ordinance No. 3226 pertaining to the salary of SUCh of- ficer, and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict (j.erewi th, be, and tne same are hereby' repealed. SECTION 6. The provisions of this Ordinance shall take I effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law required. Passed and approved this Iftl day of jJ~ , 1957. (l ~l;~ . ~,./. &J/i~' 'dt~,. ~ /f:--~ ' ~/~J). __~___ MAY,',. AITTJi;Sfr: ~J-c ~# ,J. -L _ I ,i:'~J. \.h. I . ORDINANCE NO. 3282 An Ordinance creating Water Main District No. 209 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a water main in said district, and . I provJ.dine; 1'01' trIe payment of the cost of tne construction thereof. BE I'l' ORUAJJTGD BY Tim l!lAYOH AND COUNCIL 'I'I.,.L CITY OF GHAND I~~LAl'iD, JEBHASKll.: 3EC'I'ION 1. flhat tt.Lere is Llereby crea tod a vvater main di stric t in the City of Grand Island, to be known and designated as Water Main District No. 209. S~CTION 2. The water main in said district shall be laid in tClat part of Fifteenth (15th) Street from Oak Street to Vine Street. SECTION 3. The main in said district is hereby ordered laid in said street as provided by law and in accordance witn the plans and specifications governing water mains heretofore established by the City. S}:::CTION 4. That the entire cost of construction of said I water main shall be assessed against the abutting property in said dIstrict, and a tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of construc- tion of said district as soon as the cost can be ascertained, said tax to become payable and delinquent and draw interest as follows: One-f:Lfth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days after such levy; one-fifth in one year; one-fiftll in two years; one- fifth in three years; one-fifth in four years. EaCh of said in- stallments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of four (11) percent per annum from the tirile of the aforesaid levy until they shall become delinquent, and after tne same become delinquent intere s tat the rate of six (69;) per cent per annum shall be paid thereon until the same are collected and paid. Such special taxes I . shall be collected and enforced as in the caso of other special taxes, and said taxes shall be a lien on the real estate in said dis- trict from and after the date of the aforesaid levy. sEcrrrcm 5. '11ha t thi s Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, aDoroval and publication as pro- vided by law. OHDINANCE NO. 3282 (Con t I d. ) . I Passed and approved by a majocity vote of all the members of the Cj.ty Counell this ti:18 3rd day of July, 1957. A TTES'I1: d.~ ~, " V #r ~J~ I I . ORDINANOE NO. 3~~3 . I An Ordinance pertaining to fishing in Koehler Lake in the Oity of Grana Island, fixing the ages of persons permitted to catch and take fish from said lake, and fixing penalties. BE IT ORDAINED BY TW MAYOR AND COUNOIL OF THE OITY OF . GRAND ISLAND; NEBRASKA# SEOTION 1. From and after the taking effect of this Ordinance only persons l1nder the age of 16 years and. persons over the age of 65 years shall be permitted tocatch<and take fish from Koehler Lake in the 01 t'1 of GlIand Island, Nebraska. SEOTION 2. All persons permitted to catch and take fish from said Koehler Lake shall comply with all rules and re~la- tions concerning the fishing in said lake as provided. by Or- dinance No. 2019 or the Ordinances of the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska. I SEOTION 3. Any person.. violating the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction,be fined in any sum not exceed- ing One Hundred ($lOO.OO) Dollars,.. and shall stand committed to the City Jail ~ntil such fine.. and costs are paid. SECTION 4. '!'his ordinance shall be in force and take ef- fect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Passed and approved this the 3rd day of July, 1957. L~ ATTEST: ~-Lii~ / 0 Y OLERK I . ORDINANCE No.~84 . I An ordinance pertaining to vehicular traffic; fixing the speed limit for vehicular travel on Fifth (5th) street from white street to R~by Avenue, on Sixth (6th) Street from White Street to Ruby Avenue, and on Locust street from Hedde Street to Phoenix Avenue; regulating the parking of motor vehicles on Wheeler street from Tenth (loth) street to Seventeenth (17th) Street, on Eddy Street from Second (2nd) Street to State Street, (Five Points), on Locust Street from First (1st) street south to the City limits, Seventeenth (17th) Street frcra Cleburn street to Cedar Street; fixing penalties and repealing all ordinances, parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CrIT OF GRAND ISL~ID, NEBRASKA: I SEC'rION I. From and after the taking effect of this ordi- nance the regulations hereinafter set forth pertaining to the ap- eration of motor vehicles on the s~reets and highways of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, shall be in full force and effect. A. No motor vehicle shall be driven at a rate of speed in excess of fifteen (15) miles per hour on that part of West Fifth (5th) Street lying between White Street and Ruby Avenue. B. No motor vehicle shall be driven at a rate of speed in excess of fifteen (15) miles per hour on that part of West Sixth (6th) Street lying between i~ite street and Ruby Avenue. I . C. No motor vehicle shall be driven at a rate of speed in excess of thirty (30) miles per hour on that part of South Locust Street lying between Hedde Street and Phoenix Ave- nue. D. That the parking of motor vehicles on ~~eeler Avenue be- tween Tenth (10th) Street and Seventeenth (17th) Street be prohibited between the hours of 7 A.M. and 6 P.M. E. That the parking of motor vehicles on NorthEtldy Street from Second (2nd) Street to state street (Five Points), ORDINANCE NO.-3~~_Cont. . I be and the same is hereby prohibited. F. That the parking of motor vehicles on South Locust from First (1st) Street to the City Limits lying on the South, be and the same is hereby prohibited. G. That the parking of motor vehicles on the North side of that part of West Seventeenth (17th) street lying between Cedar street and Cleburn street, be and the same is hereby prohibited. SECTION II. That the City Engineer be and he is hereby direct- ed to install the necessary signs, signals and street markings re- quired to inform the public of the regulations herein set forth. SECTION III. That all ordinances, parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repeal- ed. I SECTION IV. Any person violating the provisions of this or- dinance shall, upon conviction, be fined in any sum not exceeding One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars and shall stand committed to the City Jail until such fine and costs are paid. SECTION V. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after the erection of the necessary signs, signals and street markings have been installed, and from rod after the pass- age, approval and publication of this ordinance as by law provided. Passed and approved this 17th day of July, 1957. ~~ ATTEST: 3hrCI~ I . ORDINANCE NO. ~285 An ordinance pertaining to the disposal of garbage, refuse and waste material; amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2540 and Ordinance No. 1426 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, ~ebraska; authorizing the burning of certain waste materials; fixing the days and hours the same can be burned, and providing regulations therefor; providing for the issuance of permits for the construction of incinerators and fixing a fee to be charged for the issuance thereof; providing for the annual inspection and licensing of incinerators and fixing the amount of the license fee to be charged; defining and designating "Fire Limits"; providing penalties, and repealing said original Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2540, paragraph 29 of Section 6 of Ordinance No. 2162, Ordi- nance No. 1426, and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. . I Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2540 be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION I. A. B. I I . SECTION II.A. It shall be unlawful to conduct open or un- confined burning within the limits of the area known as the "Fire Limits," of the City of Grand Island either on public or private property. Open or unconfined refuse and waste materials, as defined in Ordinance No 2111, may be burn- ed within the City of Grand Island, except wi thin the area known as lIIi'ire Limi ts" but , only under the following conditions: (1) All fires shall be constantly attended by persons eighteen (18) years of age or older. (2) No fire for burning such refuse and waste materials shall be started or kept burning at any time when the velocity of the wind is such that sparks and burning embers will be blown about, endangering the life and property of another. (3). No such burning shall be allowed except between the hours of 1 P.M. and 7 P.M. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and between the hours of 1 P.M. and 9 P.M. on Saturdays and between the hours of 1 P.M. and 5 P.M. on Sundays. (4) No person shall be allowed to burn such re- fuse or waste materials on any public ground, parkway, paved street or paved alley. (5) It shall be unlawful for any person to leave or abandon any fire without first seeing that such fire has been completely extinguished by thoroughly drenching the same with water. (6) Such burning shall not be carried on closer than Fifteen (15) feet from any permanent struc- ture . Except as provided in Section 1 above, all reg- ular burning of waste material and combustibles of every type, including wood, paper, card- board, rakings, leaves, grass, weeds~ litter, ORDINANCE NO. '~282___CONT. -2- B. sweepings, and all waste within the confines or the City of Grand Island must be conducted within a properly designedl constructed and licensed in- cinerator and closure which is up to the mini- mum safety standard specified in this ordinance and conforming further with the ordinances of the City with respect to the structural standards and smoke emission. Provided, howeverl that un- der no circumstances may any burning of animal products, or any other product which will emit an obnoxious odor when burning, be permitted within tl City Limits of Grand Island, Nebraska. It shall be unlawful to keep, store, or maintain, in any building or on any premises any wastel re- fuse, debris, rubbish, garbage, or other loose combustible materials, except recognized fuelsl in such manner as will enhance the danger of fire on said premisesl when located within the City Limits of Grand Island. . I C. Materials which accumulate within the said City Limi ts which are not to be disposed of in an ac- ceptable incinerator as defined in this ordinance or in any other manner permitted hereinl shall otherwise be disposed of by regular haulage by carriers to an authorized central disposal area as provided by the ordinances of the City of Grand Island. I D. Burning in incinerators which are not an integral part of a building or structure or attached to and fed from within a building or structure, shall be conducted only between the hours of 7 A.M. and 7 P. M. E. The types of incinerators and their permissible locations for use within the City Limits of Grand Island are as follows: (1) P&Tmissible types of incinerators. Type A - Enclosed within the building or structure. Type B - Separate Structure Type C - Separate structure attached to and fed from within the building or structure to which it is attached. Type D - Portable unit, as for instance ap- proved wire basket, light metal, and light refractory. (2) Permissible zone locations for the various types of incinerators: I . ~ A, Band C A, B and C A, B, C and D Zone Fire Limits Commercial, Industrial and Conjested areas Residential or outlying areas. F. General Mechanical Specifications. All inciner- ators, including types A, B, 0, and D shall be constructed to conform with the following mini- mum requirements: (1) All incinerators, except type D units shall be provided with approved feed and draft doors. (2) All stacks, vents, ports, and other openings on all type incinerators shall be provided with steel mesh covers to retain burning em- ORDINANCE NO.jg~2-___CONT. -3- (3) bers and ~ly ash. Where steel mesh is required to protect op- enings, to enclose a combustion space or to provide a bonnett ~or the top o~ a stack, the openings in the screen shall not be greater than 6.50 square inches. The wire or metal used in the ~abrication o~ screens and mesh shall be o~ su~~icient diameter to provide suitable strength and durability ~or the particular service required. . I (4) Ash space, properly confined, to prevent scattering o~ hot ashes shall be provided on type A, B, and C incinerators in amount equal to or more than one ~ourth (1/4) the combustion volume o~ the devise and adequate provisions ~or removal of ashes shall be provided. (5) Type A, Band C incinerators shall be provided ~th approved type draft diverter and draft doors and protected openings of sufficient area to insure proper combustion in the device Air shall be admitted to the fuel bed in all type incinerators in proper amount and further provision made that a minimum of twenty-five (25) per cent of the total air of combustion be admitted above the ~ire bed to insure com- plete burning of gasses and to destroy noxious odors arising from such combustion. I (6) Grates, when used, shall be provided with a minimum of fifty (50) per cent openings and shall be so constructed to retain all burning embers. Air openings around or above fuel bed shall have an area of not less than twen- ty-five (25) per cent at the effective grate opening. '" (7) Construction and fire safety provisions of in- cfnerators 'which are an integral part of a building or structure or attached to and fed from within a building or structure shall conform to the standards perscribed by the National Board of Fire Underwriters. At least three (3) copies of said standards of the National Board of Fire Underwriters shall be on file at the office of the City Clerk of Grand Island, Nebraska, at all times. I . (8) Incinerators shall be sized in such manner as to be adequate to handle the disposal prob- lem to which they are applied. Grossly un- dersized incinerators which are a nuisance in operation shall be condemned and removed. (9) Incinerators used for burning garbage or other material which emits obnoxious odors shall have ignition services, checker work or after burners or be specifically designed for the purpose of eliminating odors and toxic gasse~. (10) Portable or Type D incinerators when they are in use, shall be placed at least Fifteen (15) feet away from any structure unless otherwise approved by the fire department. ORDINANCE NO. 1282 -4- CaNT. . I (11) Type D incinerators shall be so constructed as to provide su~~icient air ~or complete combustion and all openings including draft, stack and vents shall be covered with wire mesh or have other type openings not to ex- ceed onehalf (1/2) square inch. Charging lids made from wire mesh or other acceptable screening shall fit tightly and have openings not to exceed one half (1/2) square inch. (12) All incinerators of type Band C must be ad- equately protected by posts, fencing, or ap- propriate shielding to prevent its damage or destruction by motor vehicles or other traf- fic. SECTION III. Permit required. Any person, firm, association or corporation desiring to install or remodel any in- cinerator of type A, B, or C shall first submit a detail plan to the Building Inspector and secure from said Building Inspector a permit for install- ation or remodeling of said incinerator, which per- mit shall cost five dollars ($5.00), pa-yable to the Building Inspector. I SECTION IV. Annual inspection and license. Any person, firm, association or corporation d~siring to use any in- cinerator of Type A, B or C shall first secure a license from the City of Grand Island for the use of said incinerator. The application for said an- nual license shall be made annually after date here of, on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of Jan- uary of. each year, on an application form provided by theC:i.:ty Buildiilg.,.'Inspector and a<?companied by an inspection fee of three dollara ($3.00). The City Building Inspector and the F~re Chief shall inspect said incinerators on or before January 31 of each year, and said Building Inspector shall issue to the applicant a license for use of said incinerator providing said incinerator meets the requirements of this ordinance and all regulations promulgated pursuant thereto. The operation of any incinerator of Type A, B, or C within the City limits of Grand Island, Nebraska without a current and valid license issued pursuant hereto after January 31, 1957 is expressly prohibited. That Ordinance No. 1426 pertaining to uFire Limits" be and the same is hereby amended to read as fol- lows: SECTION V. \fl- "Fire LimitsU defined and designated. The several parts of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, lying within the areas which now are, or may hereafter be zoned as Business A, Business B and Industrial are hereby defined and designated as the Fire Limits. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2540, paragraph 29 of Section VI of Ordinance No. 2162, and Ordinance No. 1426 of the Ordinances o~ the City of Grand Island, and all other ordinances and parts of or- dinances in conflict hereto be, and the s'ame are hereby repealed. I . SID TION VI. SECr:PION VII. Any person violating the provisions of this or- dinance shall upon conviction, be fined in any sum not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) and not exceeding One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) and shall stand committed to the city jail until such fine and costs are paid. ORIDNANCE NO.-l2~__CONT. -5- . I SECTION VIII. All new incinerators built after the passage of this ordinance shall be constructed as provided herein, and all persons using and operating ex- isting incinerators in hotels, apartment houses and commercial buildings shall change and re- build said incinerators as herein provided on or before the first day of January, 1958. SECTION IX. This ordinance shall be enforced as berein pro- vided and shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law required. Passed and approveQ by majOrlt~~of the members of the City Council this /1#c. day of , 1957. ~ /, /, r;jJv . YOR ATTEST: ~ 'fr~K I I . ORDINANCE NO. ~28L- . I An ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the paving of the street in said district, and providing for the assess- ment and collection of the costs thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY 'THE 1VJAYOR AND COUNC'ILOF THE CrCYOF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving District No. 277. S~~TION 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part of Sixteenth Street from Wheeler Avenue to Eddy Street. SECTION 3. The street in said paving district is hereby order- ed paved as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore established I by the City, said paving to be 36 feet in width. SECTION 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district, at the time of the enactment of this 01"- dinance, to file with the City Clerk, within twenty days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as provid- ed by law, written objection to the paving of said district. SECTION 5. ':!:hat authority is hereby granted to the owners of , the record title, repreSElnting a majority of the abutting property owners, within said district, to file with the City Clerk, within the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in the paving of said street. Ifsuch owners shall fail to designate the material they desire to be used I . in said paving district, as provided for above, and within the time provided for by law, the City Council shall determine the material to be used. SECTION 6. That the cost of said paving in said district shall be assessed against the lots and tracts of land especially benefit- ted thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the ORDINANCE NO. ..3...286 City Council as provided by law. SECTION 7. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided . by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of allthe members of I the City Council, this the 7th day of August, 1957. ATrrEST: ~/7 ~~<- ~../ ~ ~I OR ~c~/~ I I . ORDINANCE NO. i287 An Ordinance establishing truck routes' in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska designating the streets to be used as such routes, . I providing for the erection of the necessary signs, signals and street markings, and providing penalties. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION I. From and after the taking effect of this ordi- nance all persons driving and operating motor vehicles co~nonly known and classified as trucks, shall upon entering, leaving, driving through, in and about the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, drive the same only on the streets, avenues and highways of said City hereinafter set forth and designated as truck routes. SECTION II. The streets, avenues and highways designated as truck routes within the City of Grand Island are as follows: I A. All that part of Second Street designated as U. S. Highway No. 30 extending from the east line of the City Limits to the City Limits on the west, includ- ing the overpass, and also all that part of West Second street extending from Garfield Avenue west to the Ci ty Limits; B. That part of Locust Street from the City Limits on the south running thence north to where said street intersects with VVheeler Avenue, and Wheeler Avenue from South Locust Street to Second Street now desig- nated as U. S. Highway No. 281':and State Highway No. 2; C. Eddy Street from Second Street running north to a point where the same intersects with Broadwell Ave- nue, commonly known as Five Points, now designated as State Highway No.2 and U. S. Highway No. 281; D. Broadwell Avenue from the City Limits on the north to a point where Broadwell Avenue intersects with North Front Street and Jackson Street; and Jackson Street from its intersection with North Front Street and Broadwell Avenue to ~ point where the same in- tersects with Second Street. I . SECTION III. It shall be unlawful to use any of the other streets or avenues in the City of Grand Island for truck routes or truck travel except for the purpose of picking up or delivering merchandise in the ordinary course of business, or for the purpose of driving said trucks to their terminals or usual place of business. SECTION IV. That the City Engineer be and he is hereby direct- ed to cause the necessary signs, signals and street markings to be ORDINANCE N0-1?-87 prepared and installed designating the truck routes herein des- eribed. . I SECTION V. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined in any sum not exceeding $100, and shall stand cOlnmitted to the City Jail until such fine and cQsts are paid. SECTION VI. That all ordinances, parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby re- pealed. SECTION VII. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. passed and approved this 7th day of August, 1957. I AT'rEST: <"'/:// /J ~' . ~ ~' .d/. ~ 1dt/ V. \, [AYOR ~s;~ CITY CLERK I . ORDINANCE NO. 3288 An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Water Main District No. 208 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. . I BE I'l' ORDAINED BY TEE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND IS4~NDJ NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land herein- after set forth for the purpose of paying the cost of the con- struction of the Water Main in said district of said City, in ac- cordance with the benefits found due and assessed against the sev- eral lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice having been given thereof as provided by law. Each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME Melvin R. & Mary E. Friedrichsen I Melvin R. & Mary .t: . Friedrichsen Delmar & Betty Hopkins Delmar & Betty Hopkins Melvin R. & Mary E. Friedrichsen Melvin R. & Mary E. Friedrichsen Melvin R. & Mary E. F'riedrichsen 33' AMOUNT LOT I3LK ADDITION 38.7' 1 Pleasant Hill $ 55.10 1 33' 2 3 It 47.00 It 1 1 " " 47.00 4 It 47.00 It 1 E~ 47.0~; 5 1 If It El 2 If II: 6 1 47.00 E~ It " 7 1 47.00 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and de- linquent in the manner provided by law. SECTION e. The City Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the Oi ty 'l'reasurer the amount of said taxes together wi th instruc- I . tions to collect the same as provided by law. SECTION 4. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval ~nd publication as ORDINANCE NO. 3288 ( con' t) by law provided. . I Passed and a pproved this 21st day of' August, 1957. ~.s.~ CITY CLERK ATTEST: I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3~89 An OrdInance pertaining to the parking of motor vehicles, providing regulations for the parking of the same on East Fifth . I (E. 5th) street between Pine Street and Sycamore Street; on West Koenig Street between Pine Street and Locust Street, and provid- ing penalties. BE IT ORDAINED BY 'ITf-IE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASlffi: SECTION 1. That from and after the taking effect of this Ordinance there shall be parallel parking on the south side of Fifth. (5th) Street between Pine Street and Sycamore Street, and diagonal parking on the north side of said street. SEC'I'ION 2. There shall be parallel parking on the north side of Koenig Street from Locust Street east to the alley; and parking on said Koenig Street shall be limited to thirt-y~ (30) minutes only. SECTION 3. The City Engineer is hereby ordered and directed I to install such signs and signals and street markings as may be required to inform the public of the regulations herein provided. SECTION 4. That all ordinances, parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby re- pealed. SECTION 5. Any persons violating the traffic regulations herein provided shall upon conviction be fined in any sum not ex- ceeding One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars and shall be committed to the City Jail until such fine and costs of prosecution are paid. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided b-y' law. I . Passed and approved this 21st day of August, 1957. ~d-S~ CITY CLERK ~ ATTEST: ORDINANCE NO. 1290 ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE 1957 -1958 Being the annual appropriation ordinance of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska for the ensuing fiscal year cOlrlmencing on . I the second Monday in August, 1957, and ending on the second Mon- day in August, 1958. BE I T ORDA INED BY 'THE MAYOR AND C OUNC IL OF THE C 1'1"1 OP GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That the total sum of $70,657.65 is hereby ap- propiated for the Bond and Interest Fund of the City of Grand Is- land, to pay principal and interest on intersection paving bonds as follows: $33,000.00 to retire such bonds dated August 1, 1953, bearing interest at 3% per annum and the sum of $1,980.00 to pay interest on said issue. $28,000.00 to retire such bonds dated March 1, 1954, bearing interest at 2% per annum and the sum of $1,080.00 to pay interest I on said issue. $13,000.00 to retire such bonds dated April 1, 1956, bearing interest at 2t% per annum and the sum of ~h,170.00 to pay interest on said issue. $17,000.00 to retire such bonds dated June 1, 1955, bearing interest at 2% per annum and the sum of $940.00 to pay interest on said :tssue. The sum of $25,512.35 being the unexpended balance in said Bond and Interest Fund is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 2. That the total sum of $66,000.00 is hereby appro- priated for the ensuing fiscal year for the General F'und as follows: I . (a) Administrative To pay the salaries of the Mayor, 8 Councilmen, Administrative Assistant, Clerk, Treasurer, Attorneys, Office Assistants, and office supplies and services..................................$45,320.00. ORDINANCE NO.3290.CONT. -2- (b) Engineering Division To pay the salaries of Bngineer, Assistant Bngineers, Building Inspector, other assistants, office supplies, equipment and oper- ating expenses ....... .'.......................... .$32,350.00. . I (c) Storm Sewers and Miscellaneous Service '1'0 pay for the construction, extension, maintenance and re- pair of storm sewers, and other services incidental thereto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14, 610. 00 (d) Health Department To pay salaries of physician, assistants, office supplies and operating expenses ...........................$15,367.00 (e) City Hall Maintenance To pay salaries of custodian, extra helpers, supplies, repairs, alterations, and maintenance......................$12,045.00 (f) Incidentals and Miscellaneous To pay County Treasurer for tax collection fees, election ex- penses, and all other incidental and miscellaneous expenses not I otherwise classified or provided for, and to provide a reasonable reserve for emergencies...........................$10,308.00 That the estimated receipts in the sum of $64,000.00 from the engineering surveys and building inspection fees; Health Department fees for f'ood, trailer camps and other inspections; amount received from Light Department in lieu of taxes; sale of lots and tracts of land; street and curb occupation rentals; retail beer and liquor occupation taxes; wholesale beer and liquor occupation taxes; of- fice rentals; and all other receipts not classified are hereby ap- propriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the use and benefit of said General Fund. SECTION 3. That the sum of $36,843.02 is hereby appropriated I . for the ensuing year for the Street and Alley Fund for the purpose of paying for the upkeep and maintenance of streets and alleys, in- eluding salaries and wages, grading, flushing, cleaning, repairing, purchase of tools, materials, supplies and equipment, rentals, snow removal, street lighting, and other expenses incidental thereto. IRDINANCE NO.3290 CONT. -3- Thut the sum of $156.98 being the unexpended balance in said Street and Alley Fund, is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing . I fiscal year. That the estimated receipts in the sum of $5,000.00 for con- tract services and sale of scrap materials, weed cutting, and street c~ts, are hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year, for the use and benefit of said Street and Alley Fund. That the estimated receipts from Gasoline Taxes in the sum of $29,000.00 are hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the use and benefit of the Street and Alley Fund as additional funds for the repair and maintenance of streets and alleys. SECTION 4. 'rhat the sum of $55,980.00 is hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the Sewer Plant F'und for the pur- pose of paying salaries, telephone, office expense, gasoline and oil, truck repair and service, tires, tubes, and batteries, truck licenses, truck and property insurance, electrical energy, fuel, plant maintenance and repair, and supplies. I SECTION 5. That the sum of ~plO,136.99 is hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the Sewer Collection System Fund for the purpose of paying salaries, gasoline and oil, electrical energy for the lift stations, water for the flush tanks, truck and equipment repair, tires, tubes, and batteries, cleaning ditch and equipment and property insurance. lJ.'hat the sum of $2,388.01 being the unexpended balance in the said Sewer Collection System Fund is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 6. That the estimated receipts in the sum of $69,577.13 received from the operation of the Grand Island Municipal Airport I . and rentals received from the use of buildings and landing field, and farming of land in said airport, and sale of salvaged materials, are hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the use and benefi t of the Airport F'und. That the sum of $51,422.87 being the unexpended balance in said Airport Fund, is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. OBDINANCE NO.3290 CONT. -4- SECTION 7. That the sum of $280.66 is hereby appropriated for the Sanitation Fund for the use and benefit of the Sanitation Fund, to pay salaries and wages, and for the cost of repairs, . I equipment, supplies and service, and to maintain reserve for depreciation of equipment. That the estimated receipts in the sum of $45,000.00 from the collection and disposal of garbage are hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year, for the use and benefit of the Sanitation Fund, to pay salaries and wages, and for the cost of repairs, equipment, supplies and service, and to mairlain reserve for de- preciation of equipment. '11ha t the sum of ~p4, 119.34 being the unexpended balan ce in said Sanitation Fund, is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SEc'rrON 8. That the sum of $60,000.00 is hereby appropriated for the Park Fund for the purpose of paying for the care, improve- ment and extension of public parks and the Baseball Park, operation I and maintenance of the Municipal Swimming Pool, including salaries and wages, supplies, repairs, materials and equipment. That the estimated receipts in the sum of $12,500.00 from the operations of the Baseball Park and rental of park lands leased for agricultural purposes, and the operation of the Municipal Swimming Pool, are hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the use and benefit of said Park Fund. SECTION 9. That the sum of $105,000.00 is hereby appropriated for the police Fund for the purpose of paying salaries and wages of officers, policemen, and police judge, cost of equipment, re- pairs and operations, parking meter service and repairs, parking I . lot attendants and operations, feeding prisoners, and maintaining and providing traffic control devices. 'I That the estimated receipts in the sum of 1jp65,000.00 from curb parking meters, licens~s, permits, and registration fees, parking lot receipts and court and office fees, are hereby appro- priated for the ensuing fiscal year for the use and benefit of the Police Fund. ORDINANCE NO.3290 CONT. -5- SECTION 10. That the sum of $150.741.24 is hereby appropriated for the .J:l'ire Fund for the purpose of paying salaries and wages of . I officers, firemen and extra employees, operating expenses, repairs, supplies and services, and new equipment and accessories. Thut the estimated receipts in the sum of $22,000.00 for chem- ical recharging service, ambulance fees, and contracts for fire protection are hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the use and benefit of said Fire Fund. That the sum of ~~6606.10 being the unexpended balance in said Fire Fund, is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 11. That the sum of $32,426.89 is hereby appropriated for the Cemetery Fund for the purpose of paying costs of mainten- ance and upkeep of cemetery, including salaries, wages, materials, supplies, repairs, service, equipment, improvements, buildings, landscaping, and levelling. 'I That the estimated receipts in the sum of $8,000.00 from the sale of lots, opening graves and other charges at the cemetery, I are hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the use and benefit of said Cemetery Fund. SECTION 12. That the sum of $26,000.00 is hereby appropriated for the Firemen's Pension Fund for the purpose of paying pensions to retired firemen and firemen's widows. SEcrrION 13. 'lThat the sum of $105,902.40 being the unexpended balance of the Permanent Care Fund in the form of receipts invested in u. S. Government securities of $100,567.33 and $5,335.17 cash is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 14. That the sum of $39,700.00 is hereby appropriated for the Library Fund for the purpose of paying expenses of the Library Board in the operation of the City Library, including sal- I . aries, wages, repairs, service, books and periodicals, and other incidental expenses for the ensuing fiscal year. That the estimated receipts in the sum of ~~1,300.00 for the ensuing fiscal year are hereby appropriated for the use and benefit of said Library Fund. ORDINANCE NO.3290 CONr. -6- SECTION 15. That the sum of $5,500.00 is hereby appropriated for the Music Fund for the purpose of paying expenses of vocal, instrumental and amusement organizations for free concerts and . I parades, for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 16. That the sum of $32,652.76 beIng the unexpended balance in said paving F'und is hereby reappropriated for the ensu- ing fiscal year. That the estimated receipts in the sum of $46,217.24 from motor vehicle regristration fees, from the sale of materials and from the fees for paving cuts are hereby appropriated for the en- suing fiscal year for the use and benefi t of the Paving F'und. SECTION 17. That the sum of $7,601.99 being the unexpended balance in the City Light Garage Fund, is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the purpose of paying costs of equipping I and operation of the City Shop Garage. That the estimated receipts in the sum of $32,000.00 from the operation of the City Shop Garage are hereby appropriated for the use and benefit of the City Light Garage Fund. SECTION 18. That the unexpended balance in the Civil Defense Fund int;he sum of &H56. 08 is hereby reappropriated to pay for salaries, supplies, and operating costs incidental to civil defense. SECTION 19. That the sum of $6,376.52 is hereby appropriated for the Social Security F'und for the purpose of making the required payments to the Federal Government for Old Age and Survivors In- surance for the ensuing fiscal year. That the sum of $1,623.48 being the unexpended balance of the Social Security F'und is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. I . That the sum of $23,000.00 being the estimated amount to be received from payroll deductions, is hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the use and benefit of said Social Security F'und. SECTION 20. That the unexpended balance in the Sewer Construc- tion Fund in the sum of $37,627.70 is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year to pay costs of construction of sanitary sewer ORDINANCE NO.3290. CONT. rc' -(- extensions, enlargements, improvements, lift stations and inciden- tals thereto. SECTION 21. 1'hat the sum of $4,000.00 being the estimated . I receipts from the Elks parking Lot for the year 1957-1958 are here- by appropriated for the purpose of maintaining, operating and repairing said facilities. That the unexpended balance in the sum of $7,098.64 in said Elks Parking Lot Fund is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 22. That the revenues received from the operation of the Water " and 'Light Departments of the City of Grand ISland, Ne- braska are hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying the ex- penses of the operation of the said Departments, including salar- ies and all incidental expenses in connection with the operation, maintenance, repair and enlargement of said departmen t plan ts. SECTION 23. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided I by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of all of the members of the City Council, this 21st day of August, 1957. ~II~/ lYIA R A TTES~l': ~~CI~~~ ~ I . /;..: ~.,' ,~; ORDINANCE NO. 329~ ~. An Ordinance levying taxes in the City of Grand Island, ~ebraska, for the fiscal year commencing on the second Monday . I in August, 1957 and ending on the second Monday in August, 1958, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied, and the same shall be collected in the manner provided by law, upon all property, real, personal and mixed of every kind and character, within the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the fiscal year commencing on the second Monday in August, 1957, and ending on the second Monday in August, 1958, on each dollar of the actual valuation of said property, taxes as follows and for the following purposes: The sum of 17.8 mills for all general and all other muni- I cipal expenses. The sum of Three Dollars ($3.00) on each and every male resi- dent of the City of Grand Island, between the ages of twenty"-one (21) and fifty (50) years, except such as are by law exempt, as a Poll tax. SECTION 2. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Ne- braska, is hereby instructed and directed to certify to the County Clerk of Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of said taxes, and the same shall be collected in the manner provided by law. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. I . Passed and approved by a majority vote of all of the members of the City Council, this 21st day of Au"ust , 1957. A TTES T .f.~:'> . ,.- .J,F'-) /'" / ,,/! ';;;;4u"&A/d~fc:;U<C . . MAYO. ~~s.~ V' CITY CLERK ORDINANCE NO.--3292 An ordinance providing that that part of Eddy Street from Koenig Street to Anna street, and that part of Jackson Street . I from Koenig Street to Anna Street, shall be through streets, providing for the installation of all the necessary signs, signals, and street markings required to designate said streets as such, and repealing all ordinances, parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith. BE IT ORDAINED BY MAYOn AND COUNCIL OIi' TIlE CI'l:Y OF GHAND ISlAND, NEBRASKil..: SECTION 1. 'n1i:l.t from and after the taking effect of this ordinance that part of Eddy Street from Koenig Street to Anna Street, and that part of Jackson Street from Koenig Street to Anna street, shall be designated as through streets. SECTION 2. The City ~ngineer is hereby ordered and directed to cause to be prepared and installed the necessary signs, sig- nals and street markings that may be required to designate such I thoroughfare as through. streets. SECTION 3. All ordinances, parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. SEc'rION 4:. Any person operating a motor vehicle in violation of the traffic regulations herein provided shall, upon conviction, be fined in any sum not exceeding :1[:100, and shall stand cOI1nuitted to the City Jail until such fine and costs of prosecution are paid. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after trle installation of the ne ce s sary signs, signals and street markings required by this ordinance, and after the passage, approv- al and publication of this ordinance as by law provided. I . passed and approved this 4th day of A'PTEs'r: ~-~s:~ __._._._ :-:::::::...-::..r CI'l'Y CLERK ORDINANCE NO. 3293 An Ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 3286 of' the ordinances of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebras}:;::a. WlJEREAS, on the 7th day of August, 1957, the Council of the . I City of Grand Island regularly passed and approved Ordinance No. 3286 creating Paving District No. 277, Emu WHEHEAS, the owners of' the record title, representing a maj- ority of the abutting property owners who were owner's at the time the ordinance creating sa:Ld pav:Lng district was published, have filed with the City Clerk within the time provided by law, written objections to the paving of the street in said paving district 8.nd the ordinance creating said paving district should, therefore, be ropealed. NOW, rrllEHEFORE, BE rc OHDAINED BY 'rEE COUNCIL Ol" THE CI'Ir.'[ OF GRAHD ISL/\.ND, NEBHASKA: Soct:l.on 1. ~ehat OI'dinance No. 3286 of the ordinances of the Ci ty of Grand I sIanO., Nebrash:a, be, and the same is hereb;y repealed. I Section 2. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as pro- videO. by law. Passed and apPl'oved by a majority vote oi' all of tne members of the City Council, this 4th day of September, 1957. --' // ~......"..~- - _..~.,..,.. A1rT'1I;srl' : L ~J~~ -=---=-nfiry CLERK I . ORDlm~NGE NO. ~294 An Ordinance changing the name of Sixth Avenue of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to F'aidley Avenue. . I WHEREAS, Lloyd H. ~F'aidley, deceased, late of the City of Grand Island, in his Last Will and rl'estament bequeathed the sum of ~p200,OOO.OO for the construction of a children's hospital, and WHEREAS, the new Lutheran Memorial Hospital is now under con- struction, and one part of said hospital will be the children's wing in compliance with the request of tbe said Lloyd H. I:'aidley, and WIlEHEAS, Ernest W. Augustine, Jan18S S. Chubb and Donald H. Weaver, trustees named in the estate of the said Lloyd H. Paidley, 11ave requested the City Council to change the name of Sixth Avenue to Faidley Avenue in memory of Lloyd H. Faidley, NOW, rl'HEHEFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE l'vLAYOH AND COUNCIL OI~ I THE CFI'Y OF GHAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. 1hat from and after the taking effect of this ordinance Sixth Avenue in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, lying between White Street and Carey Street, shall be known and designated as Faidley Avenue. SECTION 2. That the City Engineer be, and he is hereby author- ized and directed to show the change of the name of said street on the official map of' the Ci ty of Grand Island, and erect such street signs and markers as may be required to properly identify said street. SEC'l'ION 3. 'that the Ci ty Clerk be, and he is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this ordinance to the Chief of I . Police, the Chief of the J:r'ire Department, the ConTIni s sioner of Utilities, the City ~ngineer, the Postmaster and the trustees of the Lloyd H. Faidley estate, and that a copy of the same be filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska. SECTION 4. 'l'his ordinance shall be in force and take effect ORDINANCE NO. 1294 (Cont1d) from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law . I provided. passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the Ci ty Council, this 4th day of September, 1957. ~~{~ -~().''1-::::::::'- A'J1TEST : I I . . I I I . -;;2 '), (.i ORDINANCE NO. 3~95 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2358 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, providing rules and regu- lations for the construction of steel or metal buildings, and pro- viding where the same may be constructed in the industrial areas of the City of Grand Island, and repealing said original Ordinance No. 2358, and providing penalties. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE IVLAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: That Ordinance No. 2358 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as fol- ows: SECTION 1. That from and after the taking effect of this ordinance, buildings having skeleton framework and composed of steel and angles or channels, walls, roof and doors constructed wholly of steel, or other approved metals, with windows constructed of wire glass with metal frames and sash may be erected in the industrial areas in the Ci t'Y" of Grand Island, except where hereinafter speci- fically prohibited. SECTION 2. All applications for building permits for the con- struction of the buildings referred to in Section 1 hereof, shall be accompanied with a detailed plot plan showing side yards and rear yard, a floor plan showing measurements and a wall section showing detail of footings, together with specifications. All buildings of this type of construction must have the approval of a registered engineer or architect endorsed upon the plot plan and the specifi- cations submitted. SECTION 3. No building of this construction shall be placed nearer than ten (10) feet to the property of another owner, or an- other building. SECTION 4. Such steel or metal buildings shall be designed to meet the following requirements: Live load 30 Ibs. per sq. ft. Wind load 20 Ibs. per sq. ft. To be applied simultaneously. . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3295 (Contfd.) SECTION 5. The type of building authorized to be constructed under the provisions of this ordinance may be constructed in all parts of the areas of the City of Grand Island zoned as "industrial", except (1). That area bounded on the north by Third (3rd) Street, on the west by Sycamore Street, on the east by Plum Street, and on the south by Second (2nd) Street; (2) . That area bounded on the north by Second Street, on the west by Vine Street, on the east by Plum Street, and on the south by the alley which lies between First (1st) Street and Second (2nd) Street; (3). That area bounded on the north by Seventeenth (17th) Street, on the east by the C.B.&Q. Rail- road Company right-of-way, on the west by Vine Street, and on the south by Tenth (loth) Street, and (4). That area bounded on the north by Second (2nd) Street, on the West by the St. Joe & Grand Is- land Railroad Company right-of-way, on the south by South Street, 'and on the east by a line lying approximately 260 feet east of the St. Joe & Grand Island Railroad Company right-of-way. SECTION 6. That Ordinance No. 2358 of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be, and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 7. Any person constructing a steel or metal building in violation of the provisions of this ordinance, or who shall erect the same in marea where such steel or metal buildings are specifi- cally prohibited, shall upon conviction be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and be fined in any sum not exceeding $100.00, and shall stand committed to the City Jail until such fine and costs are paid. SECTION 8. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law pro- vided~ Passed and approved this 2nd day of October, 1957. ATTEST: ~ ~T;:~ . I I I . ';,~ ';J-e OHDINANCE NO. ':)1)t"\L ~~-_.. An Ordinance creating Water 15.ain Distr'ict No. 208 of the G:'Lty of Urand Island, :Nebraska, defining the buundaries thereof, pI'oviding for tho laying of a water main in said district; pro- vLding for the yment of the cost of the construction thereof, and ropoali O:L'dinan co 07 ~'I-; (, c.' ~ , 0 :::1'" . n t1 r~ 0 ! Cl . U~::;IO or ~ctle 'rCllnances 01 .De VJ.FY or (~l")arl(l I slaiJ.d, lTe bra EJlca. l~J~ I IT ()I1Dti. ]]\fIX;D rTY~ ~}:ilr~;_~ }\:li\.YC~11 f~I'JI) ~~ II, CI CiT;1 C~r~j~IrD IS IJ.!\.l.;']J!J IJ}~J3I\..i-1 E.'II(l1 : ~):t:.:C 1. T11d t (3rO is hereby created a water main district IJJ City designated as Water n ::'J I d I,-,land, to be l;:nown and Mal.l ::::trLct ITo. 208. SEC'J'IOl\ 2. The wateI' main in said dist:eict ::::hall be laid in that part of Evans street from 11th street to the North Line of Block 1, Ploas::J.nt Hill Addition of said City of Gran.d Island. SJi:Cri.'IO:N 3. 'rhe maIn in said cUstr:Lct is Lloreby ordered laid in said street as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and spec ifi cations governing wa tor mains heT'o tofore e stabli shed by the City. ~)EC'I'IJ1\ 4. '.Chat the entire cost of constl'uct::.ng sald wO.ter rna'in shall be asso:::,sed again.st the abutting property in said (1i8- trict, and ~ tax shall be levied to pay for the cost of construc- tion of said district as soon as the cost caD be ascertained, said tax to become delinquent and payable and draw interest as follows: One-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days aftc)!.' suan levy; one-L~fth in one yeaT'; one-:C:Lfth in tvJO years; one-:Clfth in three years; one-fifth In 1'o,u' years. Each of sa1d iW3tc:.llments, except the fb'Gt, shall drGcw interest at the rate of fOUl' (I.1/b) peI'cent pe:c annum from tho thne uf tho aforesa1d levy un- til they shall become delinquent, and after such installments be- come (-lo1inquent interest at the rate of six pOI' cent (G7s) per annu:m shall be paid tll.ereon until collected and ps~id, and the DnlrlO snaIl be collected and enforced as in case of other special taxos, and said special taxes shall be a lien on said real estate from and after tho d8.l;o of' the lovy tho roof. . I I I . ORDHIAIWE 1[0. 34.26 ._ (Gon t I d. ) SECTION 5. That Ordinance No. 3278 of the urdinances of tue City of GJ::'~Uld Island, Nebr>a::;ka, be, and tie same is hereby repealed. L:;.i~C r~c I C)T~' 6. 'l'hat thl s UcdInELnce shall be in force and take effec t :t'I'Olll and after its pa::: sage, approval and publication as prov:i_ded by law. passed and approved by a three-fourth vote of all the mem- bors of the City Council s 2nd day of October, 1957. ArT ,]~u:slr : _~A ~~~__.._________ :"'::':A:crt{ CLEEle . I I I . /' ,(,,(' OHDINANCE NO.32~__ An Ordinance creating Water Main District No. 209 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a water main in said district; pro- vidJng fop the payment of the cost of the construction thereof, and repoaling Ordinance No. 3282. Bl; I'l' OHDIUJiED BY IEAYOH AND C ()F1 IL OP C G~I1i\.N]) I SIJj\J~lD, 1\L:i:Bl1.1L~;ICli: SEcrI':vJ.N 1. '1'h, t there is here b-;:,' croa ted a water main di s- tJ:,lct in tho Ci ty of Grand Island, to be known and designated aE: \:Va to l~ n District No. 209. SEe 'jTON 2. 'rhe water m:::dn in said eU str':T ct shall be laid in tlla L. papt of Fifteenth (lbth) Street fr'om Oak Stl~eet to Vine Street. SECTION 3. The main in said district is hereby ordered laid in sal cl s tI'E)(it [tEl provided by law and in accordance w:l th the plans and specifications governing water mains heretofore established by the City. rn1(" }Jj~ .I 4. That -t11G onti_I18 cost of constructi.()n of said w'.:te maln shan be CLsEJ08sed again::Jt the abutting property in said d:'LstrJ.ct, and a tax shall be levied tC) pa"Jr fOl' the cost of the construct:I.on of said distC'ict as soon us tile cost can be ascoI'taln- ed, said tax to become payablo and delinquent and draw interest as follows: One-fifth of the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days after such levy; one-fifth in one yeap; one-fifth in two years; one fifth in three yoars; one fifth in four years. Eacrl u:( said in::Jtallments, except the first, sball drawi.n t01'O s t at tho ra te of four (45b) percent per armum froIn the time of the aforesaid levy until they shall become delinquent, and after the samo becume delinquent interest at the rate of SlX (6%) percent per annum sr12dl be paid thereon until tLe same are eol1oeted and paid. Sueh special taxes shall be collected and enforced as in the case of other special taxes, and said taxes shall be a lien on the real ostate in said district from and after tho date of the aforesaid levy. ORDINANCE NO. 3297. (cont'c1. ) ~mcrJ'ION 5. That Ordinance :tTo. 3282 of the OI'd:LnD.J:1CeS of the City of GTund Island, Nebraska be, and the same is hereby . I I'epealed. ,3EC'i'ION 6. That this Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided 1 a Vii . Passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members np '- J. tIlO C1 ty Council this the .;z~dav of Oct;obOI', 1957. ____ u A~C ~C]~S II!: _~~_s/v:br __ C' -r- rr'I r: -r Tt ~ -;-:; Y'. ...L .~..L \.J....J.:.:..L....Ll.. I I . OPD"l'fj' "IIC""" NO' 8 .L .L .~c~L J.:J 1.-329. . An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Water in District No~ 206 of the City of . I Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE rr U HDAINlm BY IVIAYOR AND COUNCIL OIi' I D, NEBH [\ ,'3IQ\' : C 1'1'1{ OF' G11JUTD SEe'I'ION 1. 'llhat trlere is hereby levied and asse::1sed a special tax a~alnst the several lots, tracts and parcels of land herein- after set forth for the purpose of paying the cost of the constr'uc- tion of the Water Main in said district of said City, in accord- ance wi tll t1:1e benefits found due and a[~sessed against the several lots, trEtcts and parcels of land in said distI'ict by ttle City Council of said C1 ty, si. tting as a Board of Equalization after due notice having been given thereof as provided by law. Each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAIvTE LOT ADDITION BLOCK I Raymond A. Watson, J. A,Proffitt 1 1 Bel-Air Jr. and It 11 2 \I II It 11 \I n It \I II It II II II II 3 II " It 11 II \I It II 4 It II II 11 It It II \I 5 It " " It It II It " 6 It It " l! 11 It II II 7 II 11 II II It It It 8 11 II II II l! It II II II 9 11 II II It It l! II II W.35'10 II II II "Except W.351 10 II II II II I . II " II II II II " II 11 " II It 12 " II " It II It l! " 13 1I II II II tl II II It " II II II II 14 II tl It il II II II 15 tI " II II 11 11 li 11 16 II II " " " 'I " 17 tl " A1vlO UN,}' $ 127.28 1~)2 .29 132.29 13~;. 29 1~)2. 29 134.29 134.29 134.29 134.29 69.40 64.89 134.29 134.29 134.29 133.26 133.26 133.26 168.02 . I I I . NAlVlE '., ; ",.', '" .. ,.,. .. ORDINANCE NO. 8 329 ...__ Raymond A. Watson, Jr. wld J. A. Proffitt " " II It II tl II tl It II II II " \I 1'1 " II II II II 1I II II " Il II " It II It II II fl II II II It II II 11 It II II II " " " II " II II " tI " tl " II " " " " II 1I If " 1I II " II 11 11 11 It " 11 II II II II " II " II 11 11 II " 1I 1I 1I II II 11 " II 11 11 11 1I !I II " 11 II 1I II II It II II 1I 11 II II II II II 11 II It II It f! II II II II II tl II II 11 II " 11 It II It It It 11 II It II " It II 1I !l 1I II II It II II It II II 11 It 1I II II II " LOT BLOCK 11 3 12 1I 1 4 2 II 3 It 4 II 5 II 1 5 2 II 3 II 4 It 5 II 6 It 7 " 8 II 9 II 10 II 11 II 12 II 13 II 14 " 15 II 16 II 17 tI 18 II 19 II 20 !I 1 6 2 II 3 11 4 II 5 II 6 !I 7 " ~~ ( Con t I d. ) ADDITION Bel-Air If " It II " II It " It " It " !l II II 1I It tI It II " II " 1I It 1I II " II II If If It II II " It 1I It II " 1I " " II tl tI 11 tI It 1I " II It 1I It II II It It II It It It II It AMOUNT $ 122.78 129 . 55 122 .47 144.61 224.67 148.42 121.13 128.12 128.12 128.12 146.88 232.45 157.58 154.44 112.08 126.81 124.15 135.40 160.40 133.30 133.30 149.09 149.09 149.09 187.98 183.44 146.98 131.55 122.78 122.78 122.78 122.78 122.78 122.78 . I I I . NAME - ORDINANCE NO. 3298 Raymond A. Watson, Jr. and J. A. Proffitt II II II II n II II II II It II II It II n II II II It tl It 11 !l It II 11 It II II 11 It It II 11 II It It 1\ II II \I 11 II 11 11 11 II II 11 II If II " It 11 11 II II It It 11 II 1\ It II II 11 II It II 1\ It II 11 11 II II II II It II 11 It 11 !l 1\ It It 11 II 11 11 11 II II II It It II II It It 11 II 11 11 II 11 II It 11 11 It It II 1I 11 11 It tl " " II tl 11 It IT II 11 II II II 11 II Il II It It It Il It II tt II II II LOT -~,.- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 II 20 II 21 11 22 II 23 It 1 II 2 It 3 It 11 It 11 " n 11 10 (Conttd) BLOCK 2 Il It Il II II II II II Il If Il II II II II Il 11 It tI II 4 5 6 7 8 9 ADDITION ..... ---- Bel-Air It It 11 Il It It Il Il It It If It It II It II 11 Il II It Il II It It 11 II 11 II 11 II II Il It II 3 Il II It II 11 II II 11 II n II II It II II It It It II AMOUNT $ 121.42 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 117.Ei2 117.52 117.52 122.78 It 106.45 !l 98.71 It 125.2i4 It 122.04 Il 181.93 II 112.93 11 1U~. 25 It 112.25 11 112.25 It 112.25 II 112.25 II 117.07 II 132.19 1J 133.30 It 133.30 tl 132.38 tl 119.22 n 173.89 1I 144.82 It 145.[17 II 121.68 It 122.78 . I OHDINANCE NO. 3?98 (Contrd. ) NAWlE Lor BLOCK ADDITION ANIOUN'r -- Raymond A. Watson, Jr~ . and J. A. Proffitt 8 6 Bel-Air 4h 122.79 'lP lf Il If If II 9 !l If tI 122.78 fl tl II Il !t 10 1I If II 122.78 Il If If It If 11 II If I' 122.78 11 It II Il II 12 .Il If II 168.50 If and when any of the tracts or parcels of land, wh:Lch are not included in this ordinance, lying adjacent to said Water Main District No. 206 are furnished water service connections, the owner of such tract or parcel shall be required to pay the Water Depart- ment for such service connection tbB sum of $1.80 for each lineal foot of such main lying adjacent to the tract or parcel of land so served. SECT'ION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and de.- linquent in the manner provided by law. SEc'rICtN 3. 'r'he Ci ty Clerk is hereby directed to certIfy to the I City Treai::1Urer the amount of said taxes together with instructions to collect tbe same as provided by law. SECTION 4. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Passed and apprOved this 16th day of October, 1957. A TI'E:ST : ~.~ lyU~YOH flr {~K I . . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3::>99 An Qrdinance @JCtending the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, by annexing thereto and including therein, an addition to be known and designated as Lutt's First Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, approving the plat of said addition, and all proceedings had and done concerning the annexation thereof. WHEREAS, Donald W. Lutt and Phyllis L. Lutt, husband and wife, have made application to the City of Grand Island requesting the annexation of an addition to be known and designated as Lutt's I.jlirst Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, by said Ci ty; that the corporate limits of said City be extended to include said addition, and have ~ submitted therewith a plat showing the lots comprising said addition, together with streets, alleys, avenues and public ways, and 'WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have examined said applica- tion and plat and have found that the same should in all respects be approved, and WHEREAS, the plat and the annexation of said addition to the City of Grand Island has been approved by the Planning Commission of Grand J.sland. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF' THE CI'I'Y OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SEC'I'ION 1. That the appli ca tion of the said Donald W. Lu tt and Phyllis L. Lutt, husband and wife, to have Lutt's First Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, annexed to said City of Grand Island be, and the same is hereby granted; that the plat of said addition be, and the same is hereby in all respects approved. SECTION 2. ~hat the approval of the plat of said addition be endorsed upon the same and signed by the Mayor and City Clerk~ and that the seal of the Ci ty of Grand Island be thereunto affixed. SEC TION 3. Tha t the plat of Lu tt' s F'irs t Addi tion be, and the same is hereby ordered filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, as by law provided. ORDINANCE NO. i299 (Cont'd.) SEC'TION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect . I from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council this the 6th day of November, 1957. AT~J.1EST : /~ OR ~ie I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3300 An Ordinance changing and adjusting the rates to be charged by the City of Grand Island, Nebraska for the sale of . I electrical energy; fixing the date that such adjusted rates shall become effective and repealing all ordinances, parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict therewith. WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the City of Grand Island have studied and examined the rates now being charged by said Ci ty for the sale of ele ctrical energy, and the Mayor and Council find and determine that said rates should be changed and adjusted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY 'I'HE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE Crrry OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That the rates to be charged by the City of Grand Island for the sale of electrical energy be changed and ad- justed, and be as follows: RESIDENTIAL LIGHTING RATE I Applicable to energy supplied to single private dwellings for lighting, ranges, water heaters, refrigerators, domestic appliances and motors not exceeding 1 HP. Single phase - served through one meter. Mechanical Air Conditioners larger than 1 ton or accumulation thereof, will not be served under this rate. They may be served under either power or optional Air Conditioner rate schedules. Ii'irst 50 KWH at $ .037 Next 50 KWH at .026 Next 150 K1iV'H at .014 Next 250 KWH at .018 Over 500 KlfilH at .016 Service at 110/220 volt single phase only. Minimum bill $0.75 per month per meter. 10% Discount if paid within 10 days from date postmarked on statement. I . Customers living outside the city limits of Grand Island who are iramediately adjacent to the City's urban distribution system, or who live in an area which permits an urban type distribution system may, at the option of the City, be served under this rate except that no discount will be allowed for prompt payment. COMMERC IAL LIGH'PING RA'rE Applicable to energy supplied to all lighting pur- poses other than pri va te dwellings, including small appliances and motors not exceeding 1 HP. Single ORfDlNANCE NO.. 3300 (Cant'd.) phase - served through OIle meter. . I First 100 KWH at Next 400 KWH at Next 1(lX)(l) KWH at Excess over 1$00 KWH at Service at 110/220 volts, single phase. $ .0.37 .026 .02.3 .016 Min:l.Jm.m bill: 11.00 per mOl1lth, per meter. ~. Discount allowed for payment withil1l 10 days from date postmarked on statement.. Customers looated outside city limits of Grand Island may, at the option of the City, be serv- ed under this rate, except that no discount will be a.llowed .for prompt payment. POWER RATE Applicable to energy supplied for all purposes Qther than lighting, eookillg and heating. M:i.m- imum co:rm.ectiQn 1 HP. First Next Next Over 100 .KWH at 990 KWH at 900@ KWH at 10000 KWH at $ .0.37 .CU~.3 .e18 .016 Servioe at 110/220 volts, single phase. I Three phase power may be su.pplied at the option of the City at 220 volts or 440 volts in those areas where three phase prillary cirouits exist. Minimum. oonneotion 5 HP. Minimum Bill: $0.75 per month per conneoted horse power and not less than $1.00 per month. This minimum applies .for not less than 12 months for air conditioning equipment. 10% Discount allowed for payme:nt within 10 days of date postmarked on statement. CustQmers who elect to reoeive service at the near- est available primary voltage, and who cnm and main- tain all necessar.y transformation equipment and assooi- ated strustures, may receive an additional 5% discount. I . Customers looated outside the City limits o.f Grand Island, withim the territory served by the City, who desire power under this rate must contract to pa~ the ma:x:i11mm established minimum bill each month for not less than sixty eomsecutive months after the es. ta.blishment of suoh mi11inm.m. PrOVided, however, that this provision be not com- strued or applied in any way so as to reduce the minimums provided in the preoeding schedules. RURAL RAm Minimum. Charge: .3 KW Transf emer - 50 lOOI 5 KW Transformer ... 50 KWH 7.5 KW' Transformer - $0 KWH 10 KW Transformer - $0 lOOI $ k.GO Per month 6.00 Per month 7.2$ Per month 8.2$ Per month ORDINANCE NO. 3300 (Cont'd.) RURAL RATES (Cont'd.) 15 KW Transformer - 50 KWH Next 50 KWH at Next 200 KWH at Over 300 KWH at $ 9.85 Per month .04 Per KWH .025 Per KWH .02 Per KW'"rl . I Applicable to energy supplied for lighting, electric cooking, water heating, refrigerators, domestic appliances and single phase motors up to and including 7~ HP served through one meter, subject to customer meeting City's re- quirements. RURAL IRRIGATION RATES First Next Over 2,000 KWH at 38,000 KWH at 40,000 KWH at $ .027 net .025 net .019 net Minimum $5.00 per HP connected per year, payable in advance. Customer will receive credit for mini- mum in current at above rate. Above schedule is available for irrigation service from existing lines to motor installations of 5 HP or more, subject to customer meeting City's require- men ts. I OPTIONAL P01J\fER RATE Applicable to any commercial or industrial customer for energy used for all purposes. Demand Charge: First 50 KVv at Next 100 KW at Over 150 KW at $ 2.00 per month 1.50 per month 1.25 per month Energy Charge $0.009 per KWH Demand Determination: The demand shall be the maxi- mum measured 30 minute demand per month, and shall not be less than 50% of the maximum demand in the preceding 11 months, and shall be not ~ ss than 20 KW. lVIinimum Bill: The minimum bill shall be the demand charge. I . Service: At 220 volts or 440 volts, three phase. Discounts: 10% Discount from energy charge only for payment of entire bill within 10 days from date post- marked on statement. If energy is metered on the primary side of the ser- vice, an additional 5% discount will be allowed on energy charge only. If customer elects to receive service at nearest available primary voltage, and to own and maintain all necessary transformation equipment and structures, a 5% discount will be allowed on the demand charge. ORDINANCE NO.. ':\ ~ QO (Conthi. ) Customers located outside the city limits of Grand Island must contract to pay the minimum charge for not less than 30 months. . I OPTIONAL AIR CONDITIONING RATE Applicable to all customers for mechanical air conditioning equipment served through one meter. AY.. KWH $ .033 Service at 22<:> volts er kke volts, sagle phase. When three phase servioeis ava.ilable, servioe may be at 220 or 1440 volts, three phase. No miniImJ1lll bill. 10% Discount will be allowed fer payment within lE3dqs from the date postmarked on statement. Customers located outside the city limits of Grand Island may elect to receive service umder this rate except that no discount will be a.llowed for prompt payment. I WELDING SERVIOE AND X-RAY SERVICE Eleotric transformer type arc welders or X:"'ray units shall not be used Oll residential or com- mercial rate schedules.. When used on power rates, the welder or X-ray unit IV.! may be converted to horse power for determination of cOMected liP at the rate of' 746 watts per HP, minimum connection 5 HP. NOTE:' No interpretation of the discounts allowed under any of the above schedules shall be constru- ed or applied in any way so as to reduce the mini- mum bills as provided in these schedules. CITY SERVICES Applicable to departments or other subdivisions of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for electric power: I . Demand Charge: $2.00 per month KW of ma.ximum jQ minute demand. All energy $9.007 per KWH net. ORDINANCE NO. 3300 (Con t 'd. ) All of the discounts of 10% authorized under this ordinm ce shall be deducted when the customer's statement is rendered and . I the amount due thereon must be paid within ten days from the date of the postmark appearing on the same. If the amount due is not paid within such ten-day period, the 10% discount will then be added to the customer's statement and collected by the City of Grand Island. SECTION 2. The adjusted rates for the sale of such elec- trical energy shall become effective on the 15th day of January, 1958, and shall remain and continue in force thereafter until this ordinance is amended. SECTION 3. That all ordinances, parts of ordinances, and resolutions in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby re- pealed. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law pro- I vided. Passed and approved this 6th day of November, 195'7. ATTEST: ~V<0.'~ CI'rY CLERK ~ .. . MAYOR I . 3'301 . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ~~.] (1 I An ordinance amending Section (a) entitled Plant Division, under Light Department of Ordinance No. 3226 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, by adding thereto the pro- vision that all employees enumerated in said section who are re- quired to be on duty during certain holidays, shall receive time and one half pay for such holiday, computed at the employee's monthly salary rate. BE IT ORDA.INED BY 'I'RE MAYOR AND COUNCIL 01,1 THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That paragraph (a) entitled Plant Division under Light Department of Ordinance No. 3226 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be, and the same is hereby amend- ed by adding thereto the following provisions: That all employees of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, mentioned and included in said Section (a) Plant Division, under Light Department of Ordinance No. 3226, who are required to be on duty on the holidays known as New Years Day, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, 'I'hanksgi ving and Christ- mas, shall be paid time and one half for their work performed on such holiday, the same to be computed at the employee's monthly salary nate. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 6th day of November, 1957. AT'I'EST: ~ .....0J '~~ MAYO ~ .s:~ CITY CLERK . I ORDINANCE NO. 3302 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, GRANTING TO NORTHWESTERN PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSI GNS, THE NON-EXCLUSIVE PRIVILEGE TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE A GAS SYSTEM WITH ALL NECESSARY MAINS, PIPES, SERVICES, APPLIANCES AND OTHER APPURTENANCES INCIDENTAL THERETO, IN, UPON, OVER, UNDER, ACROSS AND ALONG THE STREETS, LANES, ALLEYS, BRIDGES AND PUBLIC PLACES OF THE CITY OF GRAND I SLAND, NEBRASKA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF FURNISHING GAS TO SAID CITY AND THE INHABITANTS THEREOf.FOR A PERIOD OF TWENTY-FIVE YEARS FROM THE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, 1958; AND PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDI TIONS OF SAID GRANT; PROVIDING THE GRANTING OF SAID PRIVILEGE AND TIME OF COMMENCE,MENT THEREOF IS CONTINGENT UPON ITS APPROVAL BY THE VOTERS OF SAID CITY AT A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD FOR THE RATIFICATION AND APPROVAL THEREOF; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND I SLAND, NEBRASKA: Section 1. The non-exclusive privilege is hereby granted to Northwestern Public Service Company, its successors and as~ns, to construct, maintain and operate a gas system with all necessary mains, pipes, services, appliances and other appurtenances inciden- tal the re to, in, upon, ove r, unde r, actross and along the streets, I lanes, alleys, bridges and public places of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of transmitting and furnishing gas for lighting, heating, industrial and other purposes, to the Oity of Grand Island, Nebraska, and its inhabitants and others, for a period of twenty-five (Z5) years from the first day of January, 1958, and to use and occupy the streets, lanes, alleys, bridges and public places of said City for the aforementioned purpose, subject, how- ever, to the reasonable and lawful control and regulation by the governing body of said City. I . Section Z. The grantee, its successors and assigns, shall lay its pipes, mains, services and all other equipment and apparatus, and so locate the same in the streets, lanes, alleys, bridges and public places of the said City, as not to unduly or unreasonably obstruct or interfere with any water pipes, sewers, drains, or other structures already installed or hereafter to be installed, and the grantee shall, so far as may be practical, avoid interfering with the use of any street, lane, alley, bridge or other public highway_ In case of any disturbance to pavement, sidewalk, driveway, or other surfacing, grantee shall, at its own cost and expense and in -~~~-~....-. ORDINlICE NO._~30~__Cont. a manner satisfactory to the City, and subject to the jurisdiction of said City with respect, thereto, replace and restor~ all pavin@, sidewalk, driveway, or surface of any street or alley so disturbed, . I in as @ood condition as before said work was commenced. Section 3. Grantee a@rees and hereby binds itself to indemnify and hold' the City free and harmless from liability, or claims for liability, arisin@ out of the ne@li@ent construction, reconstruction, installation, repair, extension, removal, operation and maintenance of its gas system. Section 4. Grantee shall at alltimes during the term hereof make such reasonable extension of its gas mains from time to time, and install such service connections to the curb lines in streets and to property lines in alleys, as may be reasonably required in I order to furnish gas service to applicants located within the cor- porate limits of the City and all under such reasonable rules, regu- ~ tions, and conditions, as the governing body of said City may from time to time prescribe. Grantee shall supply the City of Grand Island and the inhabi- tants thereof, in accordance wi th the accepted standard ,of the im- dustry, gas service to provide for their needs durimg the term of this franchise, unavoidable accidents and delays and other causes beyomd the control of the compamy excepted. 1m the evemt that such service is not givem by the gramtee, all rights under this franchise may be termimated and be forfeited. I . Secti om 5. The rates that shall,be charged by the grantee for gas shall be fair amd reasonable and such as may from time to time hereafter be lawfully fixed by the City of Grand ISland, all im accordance with law, and the sa~City at all times shall have the right, power, and authority to establish, regulate, comtrol, direct, by ordinance concerming rates or charges for such gas in said City, subject to all provisions of law with reference thereto. The grantee havin@ paid nothin@ to the City for this franchise, in determining ORDINANCE NO. }302 Cant. rates and charges said franchise shall not be considered as having any value or bear 1 ng the re on and shall not be cons idered re levant or material for said purpose. Until such rates shall have been . I fixed and prescribed the grantee may charge such rates as are fair and reasonable. Section 6. Gas within the meaning of this ordinance is defined as gas of a BTU heating value of not less than 900 BTU per cubic foot of gas calculated according to standard measurements and in the event that the average total heating value of said gas in any billing period shall fall below said minimum, then the gas to be billedchring such billing period shall be decreased proportionately to the deficiency in such heating value. I Section 7. The grantee agrees that it will, at its expense, furnish, install, maintain, and keep in proper adjustment and re- pair, meters of modern approved type upon the property of each consumer of gas, that the same shall be read regularly at intervals of approximately thirty days, and grantee shall render monthly statements to each consumer based upon such meter readings. The I . grantee shall maintain at its office in said City accurate, complete, and detailed record$ of such meter readings, for a period of at least five years. The grantee, at its own expense, shall make careful and accurate tests of each meter at reasonable intervals, or as may otherwise be required by the governing body of the City, at specific instances, and shall keep accurate records of the result of such tests. The City, by its authorized agents and representatives, shall have the right and authority to make tests of such gas meters and other equipment and to check the grantee's tests and readings of meters at such times as it may see fit, and without charge, use grantee's e'quipment to make such tests. Section 8. Powers of taxation, eminent domain, and regulation of the metnod of doing business, by the grantee, as may from time to time be provided for by law, are hereby reserved to the City. ONDINANCE No._3302___Cont. Section 9. In the event that the governing body of said City shall deem it necessary or desirable at any time to demand the odor- izing of said gas in any practical or standard manner, then grantee . I agrees so to do at its own expense. Section 10. This grant shall expire and all rights hereby given to use or occupy the streets and other public ways and places of the City, and all other rights hereby granted or acquired here- under or claimed by reason of operation or conduct hereunder, or in connection herewith shall fully, absolutely and automatically terminate twenty-five years from and after the first day of January, 1958; and on such termination, or at any time thereafter upon the order of the governing body of the City, the grantee, its successors or assigns, shall immediately discontinue allcperation and neither the failure on the part of the City to order such discontinuance or removal, nor the failure of the grantee, its successors, or assigns, I to discontinue operation and to remove its property from the public streets, ways and places, nor the acceptance by the City of public service, nor the making of additional investment, the construction of extensions, the payment of taxes, fees, charges, nor the regula- tion of rates and service, nor any act or failure to act of the governing body or the officials of the City, shall confer any addi- tional right whatever upon the grantee. I . Section 11. The grantee may distribute gas to other persons or corporations beyond the corporate limits of the City by and through gas mains and pipes within the boundaries t,hereof, but, without the express consent of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, no trunk line carrying pressure in excess of 75 PSI shall be established through said City for such purpose, subject, however, at all times, to priority of right to continued satisfactory and adequate supply of gas to users and customers within the said City. Section 12. The governing body of the City from time to time, by ordinance, may order and require such extensions of gas mains . I ORDINANCE NO.-ll~__Cont. and service, or new mains and service, or supplemental or supplant- ing mains and service, as may be reasonably required for the con- venient, efficient, continuing and adequate supply of gas through- out the City, consideration being given to the initial cost thereof, the resul ting increased expense of operati on, the usefulness of the proposed extension in. connection with the system as a unit, and the length of 'the unexpired period of this grant. The grantee may be required by ordinance, to extend or construct its lines into or through any public park or ground. Before making such order, the governing body of the City shall give written notice to the grantee, and an opportunity to be heard. The reasonableness of such regula- tions and ordinances may be determined by the courts. All such ex- tensions shall be made, and all new mains shall be constructed in accordance m th the provisions of such ordinances, as may from time to time be passed by the City of Grand Isand, relating thereto, and said ordinances shall be reasonable and uniform in their provi- sions, and shall apply to municipal and public utilities alike. I Section 13. The grantee shall during the term of this fran- chise maintain an office and place of business in the City of Grand Island. Section 14. The grantee shatl at all times keep and maintain complete books of accounts and records of its business and operations and such books of accounts and records shall be made available to the City or its duly authorized representatives on reasonable re- quest and at reasonable times. The grantee shall keep on record in its office in Grand ISland, for the use of the public and for pub- lic inspection, complete maps of all gas mains showing the estab- I . lished location thereof and properties of the grantee therein, and same shall be extended from time to time to show the addition of new gas mains. Section 15. This Ordinance shall be in full force and e~fect from and after its passage, ~proval, publication and ratification . I I I . ORDINANCE NO._3302 Cont. by the vote of a majority of the electors of the City of Grand Is- land, Nebraska, voting thereon at a special election to be called and held in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and provided the Company files its unconditional written acceptance thereof within twenty (20) days after the official canvass of said election. Section 16. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in con- flict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Passed and approved this 6th day of November, 1957. (SEAL) ATTEST: ~f~ //~ .. ~I ~MAYOR . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. liOi AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, PROVIDING FOR THE CALLING OF A SPECIAL ELECTION FOR SUBMISSION TO THE ELECTORS OF SAID CITY, OF ORDINANCE NO. ~Q< OF SAID CITY; PROVIDING THE FORM OF THE PROPOSITION TO BE S. MITTED; PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLI- CATION OF NOTICE OF SAID ELECTION, THE CONOOCT THEREOF, FOR THE REVISION OF THE REGISTRATION RECORDS OF THE LEGAL VOTERS OF SAID CITY, FOR THE CANVASS OF THE RETURNS OF SAID ELECTION BY THE MAYOR AND CI TY OOUNCIL AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE EXPENSES OF SAID ELECTION~ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: Section 1. That a special election is hereby called to be held M thin and for the City of Grand ISland, Nebraska, in the usual voting places in the various wards thereof, on Tuesday, the 3r-d day of December, 1957, between the hours of 8 A.M. a~d 8 P.M., at which election there shall be submittedw the electors of said City, the proposition of the approval or disapproval of Ordinance No. ~i02 heretofore passed and approved by the Mayor and Council of said City of Grand Island, which said Ordinance provides for the granting of a non-exclusive privilege to the Northwestern Public Service Company, as limited and conditioned by the terms of said Ordinance No. ~~02 . Section Z. That the form in which said proposition shall be submitted shall be by ballot whereupon shaUbe printed the follow- ing proposition and provisions for voting: Shall Ordinance No. 1102 passed and approved by the Mayor and City Council of the ~ity of Grand Island, Nebraska, on the 6th day of November, 1957, granting to Northwestern Public Service Company, its successors and assigns, the non-exclusive privilegew construct, maintain and operate a gas system wi th all necessary mains, pipes, services, appliances and other appur- tenances incidental thereto, in, upon, over, under, across and along the streets, lanes, alleys, bridges and pub 11 c P I ace s of the City of Grand Is 1 and, Ne braska, for the purpose of furnishing gas to said City and the . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 1323_ inhabitants thereof for a period of twenty-five years from the first day of January, 1958, as specifically provided in said Ordinance No. 3302 , be approved, which Ordinance has been published in full in the Grand Island Oai ly Independent, a legal newspaper printed, published and of general circulation in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and is on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, the full title of which Ordinance is as foll OWS: AN ORDINANCE OF TliIE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA,. GRANTING TO NORTHWESTERN PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE NON-EXCLUSIVE PRIVILEGE TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE A GAS SYSTEM WITH ALL NECESSARY MAINS, PIPES, SERVICES, APPLIANCES AND OTHER APPURTENANCES INCIDENTAL THERETO, IN, UPON, OVER, UNDER" ACROSSAND ALONG THE STREETS, LANES, ALLEYS, BRIDGES AND PUBLI C PLACES OF THE C I TV OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF FURNISHING GAS TO SAID CITY AND THE INHABITANTS THEREOF FOR A PERIOD OF TWENTY-FIVE YEARS FROM THE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, 1958; AND PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONm TIONS OF SAID GRANT; PROVIDING THE GRANTING OF SAID PRIVILEGE AND TIME OF COMMENCEMENT THEREOF IS CONTINGENT UPON ITS APPROVAL BY THE VO'IERS OF SAID CI TY AT A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD FOR THE RATIFICATION AND APPROVAL THEREOF; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. D D For approval of Ordinance No. 3302 Against approval of Ordinance No. 3302 Section 3. Notice of said election shall be given by publi- cation once a week in the Grand Island Daily Independent, legal newspaper published and of general circulation in said Ci ty, for three successive weeks prior to the date of holding said election as provided by law. Section 4. The form of said notice, the appointment of Judges and clerks of said election, the payment of the costs thereof, and all necessary arrangements for the printing of ballots, counting and canvass thereof, shall he done and pro- vided for by resolution of the Council. . I I I . Section 5. The registration books for registration and for the revision of the registration records of the City of Grand ISland, Nebraska, shall he open at the office of the City Clerk during the time provided by law preceding such election. Section 6. The City Council shall meet as provided by law on the first Monday following said election, at 7::10P.M., in the Council Chamber, to count the ballots of disabled and absent voters, and to canvass the results of said election. Section 7. This Ordinance shallbe in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 6th day of November, 1957. ~:/ .v; . ~/ ~~~ ( SEAL) ATTEST: ~~-~~ / Ci ty Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 3304 An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Water Main District No. 208 of the City of . I Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE IVIAYOiR AND C OUNC IL OF 'l'RE C I 'l'Y OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the purpose of paying the cost of Water Main District No. 208 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found due and assess- ed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equaliza tion after due notice hav'ing been given thereof as provided by law. Each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT Melvin R. & Mar y E. I Friedrichsen 1 1 Pleasant Hill $ 55.10 Melvin R. & Mary E. Friedrichsen 2 11 If It 47.00 Delmar & Betty Hopkins 3 It If It 47.00 Delmar & Betty Hopkins 4 11 " " 47.00 Melvin R. & Mary E. Friedrichsen E l. 5 If " " 47.00 "2 Melvin R. & Mary E. E'riedrichsen E l. 6 11 " " 47.00 "2 Melvin R. & Mary E. Friedrichsen E l. 7 " " If 47.00 "2 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and de- linquent in the manner provided by law. SECTION 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to certify to I . the City Treasurer the amount of said taxes together with instruc- tions to collect the same as provided by law. SECTION 4. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as ORDINANCE NO. 3304 (Cont'd. ) by law provided. Passed and approved this 20th day of . I 1957. November , ATTEST: ~ f71ff~ I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3305 .I An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Paving District No. 265 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. . I BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of Paving District No. 265 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found due and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the City Council, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION Joe C. & Alma M. Johnson N44' 1 I Fred J. & Rose ottemoeller N44' of S88' If Fred J. & Hose ottemoeller S44' If Joe C. & Alma M. J.ohn s on N44' 2 Fred J. & Rose ottemoeller N44' of S88' II Pred J. & Rose Ottemoeller S44' It Stanley V. & Rita M. Menck 3 John Harley & Mae Harley N ~ 4 '2 Calvin E. & Bonnie L. Gregory 369' If John Harley & Mae Har>ley N 1 5 2' Calvin E. & Bonnie L. Gregory S66' If Ed ward A. & Mary T,.,. Piskac S86' 6 LaVern R. & Eleanore D. Fuller N461 II Orville Duff 7 Donald A. & Mary Ann Plambeck 8 Anna Lykke 9 I . 86 Wheeler & Bennett's 4th If If II If n II If II II II II II II II If It It II II " If II " If It It " II II It 87 If II It It tI If II If II II II II tI tI AMOUNT $209.48 106.74 84.06 209.48 106.74 84.06 400.28 225.82 112.91 225.82 112.91 263.80 74.93 338.73 338.73 400.28 . I I I . I, I ORDINANCE NO. iiO, (Gont'd.) NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT Midwestern Construction Co. W4.8' 10 87 Wheeler & Bennett's 4th $ 36.39 Henry J. & Catherine A. Price E48' rr " II rr 363.89 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable, delinquent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent in fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one- tenth in four years; one tenth in five years; one-tenth in six ye~rs; one-tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years; and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy. Each of said installments, except the first, shall bear interest at the rate of four percent (4%) per annum until the same becomes delinquent, and each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of six per- cent (6%) per annum from and after such installment becomes delinquent until paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots, tracts, and parcels of land may be paid within fifty days from the date of this levy without interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts, and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. SECTION 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby authorized to forthwith certify to the City Treasurer of said City the amount of said taxes herein set forth, together with instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the Ci ty Council of said City this the 20th day of No",,,ember , 1957. ATTEST: ~T;~ ~ . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 1106 An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Paving District No. 268 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of Paving Dlstrict No. 268 of said City, in accordance with the beneflts found due and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the City Council, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAlVIE LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT George & Olga Ehlers 6 7 W.80' 8 E.691 It 9 1 2 13 W.921 14 E.57' ,_ 14 Koehler Place $ 401.35 5 Henry Liebsack, Jr. & Frieda Liebsack u It It 802.72 Henry Stroh, Jr. & Elizabeth Stroh It It It 430.99 Howard W. Bacon, Jr. & Lorraine E. Bacon It " It 371.73 Emory J. & Linette J. Giannangelo It It " 401.35 It It 802.72 Alva S. & Bertha Hurst 6 Arthur F. Trieschman & Elaine M. Trieschman I" It II 401.35 401.35 495.64 307.08 II " " Gladys R. Skinner Thomas L. & Doris S. West II " It II II Minnie West II SECTION 2. "- The taxes so levied shall become payable, delinquent of; and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent in fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one- tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one-tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years; and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy. Each of said installments, except the first, shall l::iea~ interest at the rate of four percent . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3306 (Cant I d. ) (4%) per annum until the same becomes delinquent, and each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum from and after such installment becomes de- linquent until paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots, tracts, and parcels of land may be paid within fifty days from the date of this levy without interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts, and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. SECTION 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska is hereby authorized to forthwith certify to the City Treasurer of said City the amount of said taxes herein set forth, together with instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council of said City this the 20th day of November , 1957,. ATTEST: ~~s~ / CITY' CLERK ~ MAYOR ~.. . I I I . 1\ ORDINANCE NO. 33(l'~Z_ An ordinance creating special water main district No. 210, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the payment of the cost of construction thereof. BE 11' OHDAINED BY THE IfiliYOR AND CI'L1Y COUNCIL OF 'rEE CI'lY OF GHAND ISLAND, N8::BRASKA. SEC'L1ION 1. Jlnat there is hereby created a special water main district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraslm, to be known and designated as Water Main District No. 210, of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 2. Said water main district shall consist of that part of EischeId Street, from Cherry street to Beal Street, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 3. Said water main district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law, and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing water mains, as heretofore established by the City. SEC1'ION 4. 'rhat the entire assessable cost of construction of said water main district shall be assessed against the abutting pro- perty in said district and a tax shall be levied to pay for the as- sessable cost of construction of said water main district, as soon as said cost can be ascertained, said special water main district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law and shall be collected in the manner provided by law; provided, however, the City Treasurer shall not collect, or cer- tify, the amount of said taxes to the County Treasurer of said Hall County, Nebraska, on any of the property in said district, until or- dered so to do by a resolution of the City Council. Permission shall be granted to the owners of any of the property in said district to pay the taxes to be levied and assessed against any of said property, as shall be determined by the water cOllllTIlssioner of said City, when- ever such person shall desire to tap or connect with said water main, without interest, provided, however, such permission shall have been granted before the City Treasurer has been ordered by the Council to collect the s~ne. It shall be made the duty of the water comrnissioner . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3301._(Cont'd.) to collect the special taxes to be levied and assessed as a tap- pin, charge against the property in said district until the Oi ty Treasurer shall be ordered to collect the same. The water main in said district shall not be tapped and no connection shall be made therewith for the purpose of serving any of the property in said district wi thou t a permi t therefor, as provided by ,the ordinances of said city, and until the water commissioner shall have been paid the special tax to be levied and assessed as a tapping charge and the person, firm, association or corporation, tapping or connecting with said main, without first having obtained a permit therefor and with- out having paid the tax to be levied and assessed, shall immediately become liable to said City to pay the same and the special tax shall immediately become a lien upon the property served and shall draw interest at the rate of six per cent per annum and shall be collected and enforced by the City Treasurer of said City as in case of other special taxes. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a three-fourths vote of all the members of the City Council this 20th day of November, 1957. ATTEST: /.4 ......,.1 ~ (~.'~OR ~c~~ ORDINANCE NO. ~30i An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Paving District No. 271 of the City of Grand Island, NebraEka, and providing for the collection thereof. . I BE IT ORDAINED B"Y THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth .~.. for the purpose of paying the cost of Paving District No. 271 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found due and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the City Council, sitting as a Board of Equaliza- tion after due notice given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several 10 ts , tracts and parcels of land is as- sessed as follows: NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT Snyder Packing Company 1 38 Original Town $702.91 I Augusta Suck 2 tt It tt 351.45 Nelson Lumber & Supply Company 7 If If " 458.54 Nelson Lumber & Supply Company 8 II " tt 917.10 Herbert F. Glover, Jr. 3 39 tI II 458.54 Herbert F. Jr. & Barbara Glover 4 II It " 917.10 Union Pacific Railroad Company 5 II II II 917.10 Union Pacific Railroad Company 6 " " It 458.54 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable, delin- quent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent in fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one-tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth I . in six years; one-tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years; and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy. Each of said installments, except the first, shall bear interest at the rate of four per cent (4%) per annum until the same becomes delin- quent, and each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum from and after such ~. - ",,' . I I I e ORDINANCE NO 3 30~ (Conttd.) installment becomes delinquent until paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the afore- said lots, tracts, and parcels of land may be paid within fifty days from the date of this levy without interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts, and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. SECTION 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebras- ka is hereby authorized to forthwith certify to the City Treasurer of said City the amount of said taxes herein set forth, together with instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. " Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council of said City this the 4th~ day of December , 1957. ATTEST: ~r </-7 .7MA ...." Cj~ -'-~~Z-<-~ ;l~ ?n~. ~d' s./~ CITY CLERK . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ~~09 An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Paving District No. 263 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE 1mYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND, ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of Paving District No. 263 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found due and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the City Council, sitting as a Board of Equaliza- tion after due notice given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME Clara Gerbig (Now Clara Gregory) William H. & Mable A. Dudey Bedie Scott Stella & 'I1orval Fulsaas Walter F. & Jeanette E. Quillin Walter F. & Jeanette E. Quillin Leonard F. & Modesta Lendt Albert H. & Francis C. Conley Albert H. & Francis C. Conley Henrich C. & Christine Busch Anna Moeller Vern W. & Inez I. Niemoth Alice F. Langan George Liebsack LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT 3 Original Town $ 344.54 74 N.88' 4 S.44' 4 N.! 5 s.! 5 6 E.44' 1 W.l/3 " E.l/3 2 W.44' " E .1. 7 .2 w.-! " 8 1 " 459.y7 229.69 " " " It II It " It 344.53 It " " 344.53 " " " 344.54 It It 75 540.91 It It " 148.15 It It It 127.48 It It " 217.06 " " It 184.33 " It It 160.21 " It II 689.06 689.06 " It 94 . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3309 NA1VIE Jesse O. & Lorena A. Bostwick Eel 1 '."2 Fre d A. & ']:lina Scherkofsky w.! Lenora Maxine Rief N.64' James R. & Idella M. Morrissey S.68' Katie Kebm Conrad & Mary Fuss The Columbia Club, Grand Island, Nebraska, a Cor- poration Gerald D. & Cecilia M. Durham E.44' Leo Stuhr W.22' Leo Stuhr Fred W. & Nellie Iona Breaker Norman L. & Myrtis L. Hartman James & Dorothy M. Pokorney Frank A. & Ella M. Musbach Lloyd C. & Susie J. Kissel George & Raymond Kebm Helen K. Burt & Edna L. Kauffman John & Amelia Phief Chas. & Edith E. Christensen J'ohn Paustian Lewis B & Ethel A. Pomeroy Harry & Alice M. Fierstein Alexander & Lena C. Fuss N.38' Carl W. Lumbard S. 94' Thomas S. & Rose M. Wynn LOT BLOCK Fr. N.37.2' 1 2 94 II 5 " 6 7 8 3 95 n 4 5 6 3 146 4 5 6 1 147 2 3 4 7 8 " Fr. 150 (Cont'd. ) ADDITION AMOUNT Original Town $ 184.33 " " If It If It It n n II It If It n n " " " " " 11 " 160.21 166.47 If II 350.33 516.80 861.34 1205.86 " " II " 217.06 127.48 " It 689.06 II 689.06 II 344.54 Union Pacific Rail- 344.54 way Company's Second Addition n " " " " If II II " It " n If II If II " " It If II II It It It It " It It " " II 689.06 II 689.06 It 344.54 It 1205.86 It 861.34 tt 516.80 It 516.80 It 344.54 n 198.37 n 490.69 It 194.19 ORDINANCE NO. 1109 NAME . I F1red Burkhardt - Commenc ing 37.2 S. of N.E. corner of Frac. Lot 1, thence W.66'; S.18.17'; S.E. 75.79'; N.55.3' to point of beginning Thomas S. & Rose M. Wynn - Commencing at N.E. cor- ner of Frac. Lot 2, thence W.66'; S.18.23'; S.E.38.82t; E.32.1'; N.37.2' to point of be- ginning Fred Burkhardt - Commencing 37.2' S. of N.E. corner of Frac. Lot 2, thence W.32.1t; S.E.36.91'; N.18.17' to point of be- ginning. Mary Ditter & others Lena Paul Laura E. Briggs & Charlotte Briggs Moore I Alex & Marie Ket@ Conrad & Katherine Benner Henry & Irene M. Hansen Elenora Irene & Lawrence Anderson Nidgal. D. & Naoma Zachry ,Jacob Hei mbuch George A. & Kate Yost Arthur S. & Florence M. Dickerson Nidgal D. & Naoma Zachry Nidgal D. & Naoma zachry Helen C. & H. Ruth Lang I . Leonard E. & Pauline L. F. Snyder Joe & KathrieneM. Slabaszewski Elsie P. Schlueter Paul W. & Elizabeth Feldman LOT ~ 1 Fr. 2 Fr. 2 3 Fr. 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 BLOCK .b'r. 150 F'r. 150 Fr. 150 Pro 151 Fr. 151 2 If If It II It 3 It It " 11 If 4 If It II (Cont'd) ADDITION AMOUNT Union Pacific Rai1-$210.17 way Company's Second Addition If If If " II II It " Koehler Place If It \I " If " It If II If It It It It u It If u u II It \I \I If If \I \I " If It, It 85.58 It 12.73 It 344.54 It 689.06 516.80 516,,80 516.80 516.80 516.80 516.80 516.80 516.80 516.80 516.80 516.80 516.80 516.80 516.80 516.80 516.80 . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ~309 NAlVIE Herman G. & Katherine L. Loeffelbein sorenl& Mae L. Miller John &; Ka.te Kammerzell Henry Stroh, Jr. & Elizabeth Stroh W.80' Howard W. Bacon, Jr. & Lorraine E. Bacon E.69' Emory J. & Linette J. Giannangelo Henry Liebsack Grover & Arleen Seidler Friedrich & Frieda Hildebrand Frank J. & Glenrose Alexander Henry & Katherine Kraning Edward H. & Dorothy Pieper Oswald & Anna Petersen Hugo C. Pieper Nicholas H. Schnell Nicholas H. Schnell Gladys R. Skinner Thomas L. & Doris S. West W.92' Minnie West E. 57' Velma Willman Henry Fuss, Jr. & Ruth F'uss S. M. & Cashmere Janulewicz Henry Liebsack, Jr. & Freida Liebsack J>ohn Puss David H. & Freda Loebsack Henry F'uss, Jr. & Ruth Fuss George R. & Amelia Barth W.160' N.82.7' LOT BLOCK 6 7 8 " 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 4 II II 5 " II " II II If " 6 II II II " " " II 7 " II " " II " 2 (Cont'd.) ADDI'l'ION " II Koehler Place II II " " It II If II If II " " II " II II II II II " " " II " n II " " II If It " It " If II II If " " " It If It II II " II Koehler Sub- Division AMOUNT $ 516.80 516.80 516.80 385.09 131.71 516.80 516.80 516.80 5;16.80 516.80 516.80 516.80 516.80 516.80 516.80 516.80 516.80 418.61 98.19 516.80 516.80 516.80 439.73 439.73 439.73 439.73 587.27 ORDINANCE NO. 3'109 ( Con t ' d. ) NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT Henry & Eu th Fuss - Com- 2 Koehler Sub- $704.73 mencing 114.3' N. of S.W. Division corner of Blk 2, thence N. . 90' ; E.160' ; S. 90' ; W.160' to point of beginning. Ruth Puss Commenc.... If ft It 721.95 I Henry & - ing at S.W. corner of Blk 2, thepce N.114.3'; E.160'; S. 39.9' to northerly R/W line of' the C.B.&Q. R.R. Co. Belt Line; thence along the north- erly R/W of said Belt Line 175.31 to point of beginning. Bedie Scott S.lOO' 3 II " 657 . 03 Christ & A. Margrete Staal W.183.3' N.55' 4 II " 430.67 George A. Staal N.55' S.llO' II. ft It 430.67 Clifton E. & Lillian Fuller S.55' If If " 430.67 School District of Gr an d Island 8 It " 1099.33 School District of Grand Island 9 II " 1099.33 I School District of Grand Island 10 If u 1099.33 Henry Pu s s , Jr. & Ruth Fuss 11 If n 1531.91 City of Grand Island Hall Coun ty, Nebraska A Ross & Ashton 2584.01 Park H an s & Lola Husman 1 Husman's Sub- 729.13 Division Hans & Lola Husman 2 It If 368.40 Harry Hu sman 3 ft ft 57.55 Harry Hu sman & Minnie Schroeder 4 " II 54.26 Minnie Schroeder 5 If " 457.12 Minnie Schroeder 6 " " 454.88 I Minnie Schroeder 7 II " 388.95 Harry Husman 8 " " 486,.35 . Harry Husman 9 If " 245.73 Leo F. & Mary L. Conner 10 II " 34.13 . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ~~09 ( Con t I d. ) SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable, delinquent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent in fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one- tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one~tenth in six years; one-tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years; and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy. Each of said installments, except the first, shall bear interest at the rate of four percent(4%) per annum until the same becomes delinquent, and each of the delin- quent installments shall draw interest at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum from and after such installment becomes delinquent until paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid wi thin fifty da.ys from the date of this levy wi th- out interest; and in that event, such lots~ tracts and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. SECTION 3. The City Clerk of the City of' Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby authorized to forthwi th certify to the Ci t;y Treasurer of said City the amount of said taxes herein set forth, together with instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect froIn and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council of said Ci ty this the 4th day of December , 195 7 . A'l'TEST: #7fr:J ~ ORDINANCE NO. 1110 An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Paving District No. 266 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. . I BE IT ORDAINED BY 1'HE IvIAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the several mots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of Paving District No. 266 of , said City, in accordance with the benefits found due and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the City Council, sitting as a Board of Equaliza- tion after due notice given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAlYJE LOT BLOCK Loyd J. & Gladys Fr. Fr. I Simpson 3 1 Loyd J. & Gladys Fr.. Fr. Simpson E.6' 4 1 ADDITION AMOUNT Arnold & Abbotts $330.37 & complement Fr. Lot 3, Fr. Blk 20, Hollins Add Arnold & Abbotts 38.74 & complement Fr. Lot 4, Fr. Blk. 20, Rollins Add. Irene A. Worshen W.60l Fr. 4 Fr. 1 Arnold & Abbotts 622.00 & complement Fr. Lot 4, Fr. Blk. 20, Rollins Agd~ Kriz-Davis Co., a Corporation Fr. 5 '1 Arnold & Abbotts 660.74 W. E. & Minta Marie Vogel 6 Pre 1 2 II II It 330.37 660.74 330.37 Chris & Anna Sass 1 2 It II II I . LelandM.Alma Hansen II II II It The City of Grand Is- land-Ice Department 7 II II It It 660.74 The City of Grand Is- land - Ice Department 8 " It II II 330.37 ORDINANCE NO. iilO (ContTd.) SECTIDoN 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable, de- linquent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One- . I tenth shall become delinquent in fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one-tenth in four years; onetenth in five years; one- tenth in six years; one-tenth in seven year's; one-tenth in eight years; and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy. Each of said installments, except the first, shall bear interest at the rate of four percent (4%) per annum until the same becomes delinquent, and each of the delinquent installments shall draw in- terest at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum from and after such installment becomes delinquent until paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots, tracts, and parcels of land may be paid within fifty days from the date of this levy without interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts, and parcels of land shall be exempt from I any lien or charge for interest. SECTION 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Ne- braska, is hereby authorized to forthwith certify to the City Trea- surer of said City the amount of said taxes herein set forth, to- gether with instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the C1 ty Council of said Ci ty this the 4th day of December , 195 7 . .",.//;/...........). .....;:.~" ), /' "". ) .../~ /::-:<.....:>/ ,,' ,;.../ "" ../... .> ..',' ~"-' -'-. .-...... ,.-<' '" ~---'- . ........ /" ,/'7 \ ../ ./ ;.f~?-c~Ic;ii::.~~y~~ I . ATTEST: ~.,o.>- Jh.-rvL sdh , CITY CLERK ~ ~, ' . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ~ 33 J J An Ordinance amending Sections 2, 3 and 4 of OrdJ.nance No. 2265 of the City of Grand Island, Nebrasha, providing rules and regulations for the licensing of Master, Contracting and J.ourneyman Electricians; providing for an examining board; providing for the giving of examinations; providing for the payment and collection of license fees, the issuance, renewal and revocation of such licenses; providing for the issuance of permits for electrical work in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection of permit fees, and repealing said original Sections 2,3 and 4 of Ordinance No. 2265 of the vrdinances of the City of Grand Island. BE IT ORDAINED B): THE IV1A),COR AND COUNCIL OF THE CB.'Y OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SEC'l'ION 1. 'l'hat Section 2 of Ordinance No. 2265 be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: LICENSE CONTRAC'rING ELECTHIGIANS. No per son, firm or corpor- at ion shall engage in the business of installing, altering or repair- ing any electrical wiring, fixtures or apparatus for any purpose whatsoever in the City of Grand Island without first having ob- tained a license, and furnished a bond to the City in the amount of $1000.00 for the duration of the license to be approved by the Council, holding the City harmless against any liability caused by such person, firm, or corporation. CONTRACTING ELECTRICIAN. No person, firm, association or cor- poration shall engage in the business of electrical wiring in the OJ. ty of Grand I sland until registered in the office of the Building Inspector as a Contracting Eloctrician. INDIVIDUAL. No pel"son shall be registered as a Contl'acting blectrician unless he is licensed as a Master Electrician under the provisions of this code and has furnished the required bond.. GROUP. No firm, association or corporation shall be registered as a Contracting Electrician unless the proper officers of the con- cern shall certify to the Building Inspector that an identified Master Electrician, licensed under the provisions of this code, is ORDINANCE NO. 3311 ( Con t I d. ) employee an officer, member or regular/of said concern, and that said Master Electrician will be in direct supervision of all of the ~lectrical wiring work contracted and done by said concern, and . I unless such concern has furnished the required bond. CERTIFICATE. The Building Inspector shall issue a Certifi- cate of Hegistration to any Contracting ~lectrician applying for such and qualifying under the provisions of this code, for a per- iod beginning on the date thereof and expiring on December 31st of the same year. 'Ihe holder of the Certificate shall display same at the regular place of business of the holder. REGIS'l'RA'l'ION PEE AND HENEWAL. 'l'he fee to be collected by the Building Inspector for the registration of a Contracting Elec- trician shall be $25.00 per calendar year. If a certificate is issued after June 30th in any year, the fee shall be qp12.50 for the balance of the calendar year. Renewal of a certificate may be ob- tained upon showing of qualifications as provided for in this code I and payment of the proper fee. REVOCATION. If the qualifications for Registration Certificate shall fail at any time during the term thereof, the Certificate shall be revoked and. cancelled imrnedia tely by the Building Inspec tor, and he shall serve notice of such action by registered mail to the holder of the Certificate. It is the intent in this code that no person, firm, association or corporation shall engage :bn the busi- ness of installing, repairing or altering Electrical wiring unless the work performed in the course of such business is under the di- rect supervision of a Master~lectrician licensed under the provi- sions of this code. VALIDATION OF PRESEN'l' REGISTRA'l'IONS. Any general permi t issued I . to a contracting electrician under the provisions of'Qrdinance,Noc.; 2265, and prior to the passage of this ordinance, shall be valid until December 31, 1957, unless revoked sooner for cause. ELECTRICIANS EXAMINING BOARD. r- Any Master ~lectrician and Jour- neyman .Dlectrician employed by such a pel'S) n, firm or corporation shall before doing any wiring make application of the Chief building Inspector for examination as to his ability to perform such work. ORDINANCE NO. 3311 (Cont'd.) 'rhe applicant for such a permit must pass an examination before a Board of Examiners. Such board is appointed by the Chief Building Inspector annually with the approval of the City Council and shall . I consist of a Master Electrician, a Journeyman Electrician and the Chief B~.lilding Inspec tor acting ex-officio as chairman of said board. Accompanying such application must be a fee in the amount of $5.00 for Master Electrician examination, and $2.00 for Journey- man .Glectrician examination which shall constitute the compensation of said examining board. No part of said fee shall be paid to the Chief Building Inspector. Examination will be given within 90 days of application. RE-EXAMINATION. Any person 'Nho fails to pass an examination as prescribed by the board may apply for re-examination after the expiration of 60 days upon payment of the regular examination fee. EXAMINATION AND CER'rIFICATION. '11he board shall e s tabli 8h standards and procedures for the qualification, examination, and I licensing of Master l:!Jlectrician and Jou,rneyman Electrician and shall issue an appropriate license to each person who meets the qualifi- cations therefor and successfully passes the examination given by the board. T'he board shall keep an official record of all its trans- actions, and shall retain all examination papers for a period of one year. TEMPORARY PlmMI'I'. 1'he Chief Bu ilding Inspec tor may issue a temporary Journeyman Electrician1s license pending examination, pro- vided the applicant holds a similar license from an equivalent board. Such permit shall be valid until the next examination by the Board of Examiners. VAIJIDArrING EXISTING CONTRACTING ELECTRICII\.NS. Any person, or I . any active managing officer or supervising officer of a firm, as- sociation or corporation, operating continuously since January 1st 1956, as a contracting electrician under the provisions of Ordinance No. 2265 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, may be lic- ensed as a Master Electrician without further examination or payment of fee if application and showing as provided herein is made to the . I I I . ORDNANCE NO. _ 3311 (Gont'd. ) Electricians Examining goard within thirty (30) days following the da te of the adoption of thi s code. EXI'I1'1.A'I'ION AND RENEWAL. All Journeyman and Master licenses issued by the board shall expire on December 31st of the year in which issued, but may be renewed within thirty (30) days thereafter upon application and. payment of fees in the a:01ount of ~~5.00 per year for Master .i:!;lectrician and $2.00 per year for Journeyman Elec- trician. Any Master or Journeyman .t.:.;lectrician who does not renew his license within this 30 day grace period shall automatically forfeit his license. In the even t of forfei ture of a license in this man- ner, the holder may apply for and qualify to recover his lapsed license by passing an examination as required. Notice of the expiration date of all licenses shall be mailed to all license holders not less than fifteen days before such date. Said notice shall be sent to the last known address of the license holder. REVOCATION. The City Council by a majority vote shall have power to revoke the license of any Journeyman Electrician or Master Electrician upon the" recO.lnmendation of the Electricians Examining Board, if the license was ob*ained through error or fraud, or if the recipient thereof is shown to be grossly incompetent, or has a second time wilfully violated any of the provisions of this ordinance or the Building Code of the City. 'lhis penalty shall be cumulative and in addition to the penalties prescribed for the violation of the provisions of this ordinance. Before a license ma:'l be revoked, the licensee shall have notice in writing, enumerating the charges against him, and he shall be en- titled to a hearing before the City Council not sooner than five days from receipt of the notice. The licensee shall be given an op- portunity to present testimony, oral or written, and shall have the right of cross-examination. All testimony before said City Council shall be given under oath. The City Council shall have power to ad- minister oaths, issue subpoenas, and compel the attendance of witnesses. ORDINANCE NO. ~ill (Cont'd.) frhe decision of the Ci ty Council shall be based upon the evidence produced at the Qearing, and such decision shall be final. A person whose license has been revoked shall not be permitted to re- . I apply within one year from date of revocation. USE OF' LICENSEE'S NAME BY ANO'rr:Im. No person or concern who has obtained a contracting electrician's regristration, and no per- son who has obtained an electrician's license, shall allow his name to be used by another person or concern, either for the purpose of obtaining permits, or for doing business or work under the registra- tion or license. Every person licensed shall notify the booI'd of any change of h:1s street address. SECTION 2. That Section 3 of said Ordinance No. 2265 be, and the same is tleI'eby amended to read as follows: PERN[IT FOR ELECfl'RICAL WORK ISSUANCE .OF PEHMIT. No electrical wiring work, unless excepted in this section, shall be undertaken prior to the issuance of a per- mit therefor by the Chief Building Inspector. A permit shaLl be I issued only to a regIstered contracting electrician. No perra! t shall be required for minor repaj.r work such as re- pairing flush and snap switches, replacing fuse, changing lamp sock- ets and recepticals, taping bare wires and joints, and repairing drop cords. APPLICA'LCON l"OR PEHlVIl'I'. Applica tion for a peI'rni t for e le ctri- cal work shall be [(lade at the office of the Chief Building Inspector, and on suitable forms provided by the City of Grand Island. The ap- plic8.tion shall be accompanied by fees in accordance with this schedule of fees. SECTION 3. SCHEDULE OF FEES. ESrrIMA'fED INS'I'l'..LLATION AS POLLOWS: I . Total cost to and including $ 50.00 ~~l. 00 Total cost from ~~50. 00 to and including 100.00 1.50 To tal cost from ~~101.00 to and including 200.00 2.50 'rotal cost from ~;201. 00 to and including 400.00 3.50 Total cost from $401.00 to and including 600.00 4.50 An additional 50~ for each additional $100.00 estimated instal- lation ober $600.00. . I I I . ORDINANCE NO.-3~ll (Cont'd.) Any contracting electrician who starts any electric wiring job without first having obtained a permit for such work shall be required to pay double the fee required by this ordinance. SEC'I'ION 4. That Sections No.2, 3 and 4 of Ordinance No. 2265 . of tL18 Ordinarlces of the City of Grand Island, and all other ordi- nances [:l.nd parts 01' ordinances in conflict herewith, be, and the sAme are hereby repealed. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage.,. approval and publication in pamphlet form as by law provided. Pas sed and approved this 4th day of December., 195'(. .:~ /~,~J~~-c~ . A TTES1': MAYOR ~~~"K "'} " . I I I . ORDINANCE NO.-3Jll....__ An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 3276 of tile Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. WiJEHEAS, on the 5tlJ day of ,June, 1957, the Mayol' and Cormcil passed and approved Ordinance No. 3276 creating Paving District No. 274 of said City, and VVHEHEAS, notice of the creation of said paving district was not giverl to all persons directly interested in tho construction of the same as by law provided, and the ordinance creating said cLts- trict should, therefore, be repealed. NOW, 'I'bEHEFOHE, BE T'T ORDAINED BY '1'IIJG lVIXYOR AND COUNCIL OTi' THE' crFI UP GIUnm ISL/IJiJD, NEBHASKA: SEC'I'ION 1. 'l'hat Ordinance No. 3276 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska which created P ving District No. 274 of said City, be, and tne same isheI>eby repealed. SECTION 2. ~,'his ol"dinance shall be in force and take effect froEl and after its passage, appeoval and publ:Lcation as prov.ided by law. Pas~ed and approved this 4th day of December, 1957. 4 , .' ')// ./ ,,/::? ,,//// / / ,-- /" ",0"',,' ,--,"''',i / '-. 4'/:':, .//;/ ~// ,"Y1~/,~/ ~/7(~~'''' k-, '~./7 /7 4:/ ./ ,<,'j'Z..'i"// -_.' / L--C-/r """'~______ ,/ . IVll YOR _.' ---.--.--.-.-.,- . A'J"I'ES '[': L' ,,' - ~ _s.~____ CI~:'Y CLERK ~ 1 )'\ 'I, '1' V . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. "131"1 An ordinance creating a paving d:Ls tric t in the OJ, ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, provid- ing for the paving of the street in said district, and providing for the assessment and collection of the cost thereof. BE 1'1' OEDAlHED BY 'J:' IVU,-YOR AND COUNCIL 'I'IlE CI'I'Y Oli' GRAND ISI~ND, NEBRASlvl: SEC'l'ION 1. 'rhat there is hereby created a paving district in IJw (;i ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving District No. 278. SECTION 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part of Oklahoma Avenue extending from Elm street to Lincoln Avenue. SECTION 3. The street in said paving district is hereby ordered paved as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore es- tabli shed by the Ci ty, said paving to be 50 feet in width. SEC~L'ION 4. 'I'hat authority is hereby granted to the o\lvners of the record tit Ie, repre senting a majori ty of the abu tting pr'o- perty owners in said district, at time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file with the City Clerk, vvithin twenty days from the fir.:rt publication of tho notice creating sH.id district, as provided by law, written objections to paving of said district.. SECTION 5. That authority is hereby granted to the ovmers of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property ~ners within said district, to file with the City Clerk w~Lthin the time prov:Lded by law, a petition for the use of a par- tlcular kind of material to be used in the paving of said street. If such owners shall fail to designiC,te the material tr18Y desire to be used in said paving district, as provided for above, and within the time provided for by law, the City Council shall doter- mine the material to be used. SEC'J1ION 6. That tho cost of the paving in said district shall be assessed against the lots and tracts of land especially benefit- ted thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined by ORDINAt'CE NO. 3313 (Contrd. ) the City Council as provided by law. . I SEC'TION 7. ~-'hat this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majori ty vote o_f all of the mem- A'I"I'Esrr: bers of the City Council this the 4th day of December, 1957. '-.)" .,/ / ,/ -~ / ./ /" / ')/;.~:/:~/'~~/ .... J:~/ .... ".~ /') ,,' ../ /;/Jt--;c / Q ,_ .Y::/>--~ c::g.7~~ -/<ACT ING MAYOR \ ~Ify~~ _ 'L.c..hL I I . ORDIiiAJ\CB NO. 3314 An ordinance f~xing salaries for certain officers and em- ployees of the Utility Departments of the City of Grand Island, . I Nebraska, amending thut part of Or'cUnance No. 3226 entitled, Depax.tment of UtiLLties AdministNJ.tion; fixing the hours of work- ing time certain officer's and employees shall work each week; providing for vacations and sick leave and sick benefits; pro- v1ding for payment of salaries for overtime labor; fixing ttlO date such salaries and wages shall become effective; providing for the publication of this ordinance in pamphlet form, and repealing said original sections entitled Department of Utilities Administration of Ordinance No. 3226, and all other ordinances, parts of ordi- nances and resolutions in conflict herewith. HI:!: TfTI ..LL OHDAlNED BY 'I'LE JVIAYOFl. AND COU.NCIL OF' 'I'HE Cl'eY DF' GHAND ISLii.ND, :NEBHA,SY;:"L\.: SECTION 1. 'J'hut the number of hours certain officials and I employees of' trte Utili ty Departments of the City of Grand Islanej_, .N G braDlca shall work each week, and the salarie s and wage s to be paid to such off1cials and employees are as follows: W OHE.: WEEK I SALAHY OVEH'J"IIY1E fro BE P AID AS SE'l' OU'I' BELOW Department ai' Utillties Adminis- tration Connnissioner of Public Util.L tie s Department Assistant ~;8250 per yr. 550-600 per mo. Electric Department Superintendent of Production 550-600 per mo. (a)' Plant Division - Pine street Station I . 1. Assistant Superintendent 40 hI'S. 2. Operators - Regulars 40 br s . 3. Fireman - Hegulars 40 hI'S. 4. Fireman - li.e IJ_ef 40 hI'S. 5. PIa n t lvlectlanic 40 hI'S. G. Boiler Main -cenan ce &~ Feed Water 40 hI'S. 7. Helper'S 40 hI'S. 400-475 per mo. 345 per mo. 325 per mo. 310 per mo. 365 per mo. 330 pel' mo. 245-270 per lTIO. ORDINAITCE NO. 3314 plan t Division - Bischeld street Station . I 1. Assistant Superinten- dent 2. Opera tors - Hegula I' 3. Operators - nelief 4. Janitor 5. Helpers (b) Line Division 1. Superintendent 2. Assist~nt Superinten- dent 3. Draftsman 4. Line Foreman 5. Crew 0upervisors 6. First Class Lineman 7. Second Class Lineman 8. Combination Truck & Groundmen 9. Groundmen (only) 10. Tree T:ci:rmner Super- visor 11. Substation Super- visor 12. Apprentice Lineman 13.delpers (c) Electirc Meter and Service Division I 1. Foreman & NIeteI' Sup- ervisor 2. Meter Testman 3. Storekeeper 4. Wiremen 5. Linemen - Service Man 6. Service lVlan 7. Appliance Repairman u. /t1roubleman Water Department (d) Service and Maintenance Division WORK VfEEK 40 hrs. 40 h1"S. 40 hI'S. 40 hI" S . 40 hrs. 40hrs. 40 hI's. 40 hI'S. 40 nrs. 40 nrs. 40 hI' S . 40 hI's. 40 hI's. 40 hI'S. 40 hI's. 40 hI's. 40 hI'S. 40 tlrs. 40 hrs. 40 hI'S. 40 hI's. 40 hrs. 40 hI'S. 40 hI'S. 40 hI'S. 40 hI'S. 1. Foreman - Distribution 40 hI'S. 2. Service & Meter Re- pairman;, 3. Servicemen (only) 4. Helpers Light & Water Office I . 1. Office Manager 2. Assistant Office 1'/ianager 3. Junior & Senior 4. Stenographers 5. Meter Readers (Electric) 40 hI'S. 40 hI'S. 40 hI's. 40 hI's. 40 hI'S. Clerks 40 hI's. 40 hI'S. 40 nrs. ( G on t I d. ) SALARY 400-475 per mo. 345 per' mo. 345 per mo. 255 per mo. 2L15-270 per mo. 450-500 per mo. 400 per mo. 340 per mo. 400 per mo. 375 per mo. 360 per mo. 320 per mo. 265 per mo. 245 per mo. 265 per mo. 375 per mo. 250 per mo. 230 per mo. 370 per mo. 275 per mo. 250 per mo. 360 per mo. 360 per mo. 295 per mo. 325 per mo. 275 per mo. 325 per mo. 270 per mo. 240-255 per mo. 225 per [(10. 400 per mo. 225-285 per mo. 160-210 per mo. 160-210 per mo. 245-265 per mo. OVERT Il\{B; TO BE PAID AS SET OUT BELOW 2.31 2.17- 2.08 1.84 1.53 1.41 1.53 2.17 1.44 1.33 2.00 2.08 1.70 1.81 1.53 1.81 1.56 1.38-1.47 1.30 All employees in divisions (b), (c) and (d) shall be paid at the prescribed rate per month with paid holidays included. OHDINANCE NO. 3314 (Gon t t d. ) SECfl'ION 2. The salaI'ies herein provided for shall become ef- fective and include all salaries due J-anuary 1, 1958. . I SECTION 3. Officers and employees, whose salary or wage is paid on a monthly basis, shall be entitled to a vacation of one scheduled work week after one year of continuous service and such officer or' employee shall be enti tIed to two scheduled work weeks of vacation after two or more years of continuous service. Employ- ees receiving a salary or wage computed on an hourly basis, shall be entitled to forty scheduled hours of vacation after' one year of con tinuou s service and eighty scheduled hours of vacation after two or more years of continuous service. SECTION 4. All full time regular employees shall be entitled to one day per month for sick leave with pay and all part time em- ployees, working one-half day, 5 days per week, shall be entitled to one-half day per month for such sick leave with pay. It is ex- pressly provided that such sick leave may be accumulative and sLtall I not exceed more than thirty-six days during a three year pel'iod for a full time employee and eighteen days during such three year period for an employee V1iho works only half days. It is further expressly provided thd. t sid~ leave ;:;hall be al- lowed onl.y in case of actual illness or injury and shall not be al- lowed any employee for any other pUT'pO se s. Sl~Cfl'10N 5. 'l'hc"t said original sections entitled De}Rrtment of Utilities Administration of ;Jr'dinance No. 3226, and all other ordinances, parts of ordinances, and resolutions in conflict here- with be, and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 7. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in I . pamphlet form as by law provided. Passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of tho City Council, this the 18th day of December, 1957. A~~TES~i:' : ~ ~~~lRK ORDINANCE NO -___3.3..12..,___ An ordinaGce extending Carey A~enue from Faidley Avenue to 'I1enth (loth) Street, anci dirocting and tlUthurizing the construc- . I -Cion t(le1'eof. WJ.:EREAS, the Hall County IJousing Authority, Lutheran Ilos- pitals and Homes Society of America, and Forrest A. Ritchie and Genevieve I. Litchie, husband and wife, have deeded to the City of Grand ISl.and certain lots, tracts and. parcels of land for street purposes so thi.\t Carey Avenue may be extended from Faidley Avenue to Tenth (lOth) Street. NOW, ':CEEHEFORE, BE: I~' ORDAINED BY 'rIlE MAYOR AND C OUJ\iCII, OF 'J'jt'; CI'I'Y OF' GHAtm ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SEC'l'ION 1. 'Fhat the lots, tracts and parcels of land conveyed to the Ci ty of Grand Island by the said Hall Coun ty Ii,ousing Au thor- ity, Lutneran Hospi tals and H,)mos Society of America;, and Forrest 1".. Hi tCLde c~nd Genevieve I. :{, t ',,' h "bo"d' -'- l cLU.e, u'" ",11 . and wife, be, and the same aro hereby ordered to be used for street purposes so thut I Curey Avenue may be extonded from Faidley Avenue to Tenth (lOth) Street. SEC~IQN 2. That the City ~ngineer be, and he is hereby order- eO. and directed to cause said street to be opened and constructed, and thdt after tL~e c::)Dstruction of the same, t11CLl; appl'opriate street signs and markers be erected and installed naming the same Carey Avenue. SEC'I'ION 3. That ~he C:Lty l!Jnglneer be, and he 1s heI'oby order- ed and directed to cause the new street herein provided for to be shown on the official city map of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 4. That the City Clerk be, and he is hereby directed I . to file a certified copy of this ordinance in the offico of the riegisteI' of Deeds of l:Iall Count;y, l~ebraska, and also prov:Lde the Police Chief, F'iT'e Chief and theCo:alluissioner of Utilities wi tLt a ------ copy of the same. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided ORDINANCE NO._3..3.1i._._(Con1~'d.) by law. Passed and app:eoved this -18th day of ---D.ecember ____, . I 195..1... A 'l'rl'r~ ST : ;~- MAYO J~-d:~ /~ ~ CITY CLEEK I I . ORDIN.I~NGE NO. 3316 An ordinance amending Section 10 en.ti tIed Construction Regulations of Ordinance No. 2265, (being the electrical code . I of the C i tJl of Grai1d I s land), by adding the re to a ru Ie Imown as No. 10 regulating the use of electric welders in the residence district of the City of Grand Island, and providing penalties. BE 1'1' OHDAINEDUY 'rEE MAYOR AND c.OU]\]CIL mi' TflE crry oI" GllAND ISLAIID, NEBRASE}I.: SEC'J'ION 1.. 'l'tkct Section No. 10 enti tIed Construction Regulations of Ordinance No. 2265 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebras~a, (the sa:me being the elect:C'ical code), be amended bS adding thereto a rule and r'egula tion to be known as Rule No. 10, which reads as follows: I ELEC rpRIC WI~LDEHS, USE OP IN HESIDENCt,: DIS'l'RICT. It shall be unlawful to install any wir:Lng in any residence, garage, barn.or other building in residence areas in the City of Grand Is nd for the purpose of using or operating electric welders, and it shall be unlawful to use electric welders in such residence districts except that portable electric welders may be used for emergency on con- struction or repair work when such welding job can not be taken to regular welding shop. SECTION 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined in any sum not exceeding ~Pl()O, and shall stand cOfl1l111tted to tt}e C:Lty J'ail until SUCLl fine andl costs are paid. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Passed and approved this the H3th day of' December, 195'7. A TTES 'I' : ~---- Jl\.YOH I . ~71;CI'!]";' ~IT;F)K' _ ..J. V..J.ult ORDINANCE NO. 3312 An ordinance extending the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, by annexing thereto and including therein, . I an addition to be known and designated as Alcorn'S First Addition to the City of Grand island, Nebraska, approving the plat of said addition, and all proceedings had and done concerning the annexation thereof. WHEREAS, Estel C. Alcorn and Bula Jean Alcorn, husband and wife, have made application to the City of Grand Island requesting the annexation of an addition to be known and designated as Alcorn's First Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, by ~aid City; tha t the corporate limi ts of said City be extended to include said addition, and have submitted therewith a plat showing the lots com- prising said addition, together with streets, alleys, avenues, pub- lic ways and easement for utility purposes, and WH8;I{EAi3, the Mayor and Ci ty Council have examined said appli- cation and plat and have found that the same should in all respects I be approved, and VvHKF?EAS, the plat and the annexa tion of said addition to the Ci ty of Grar:d Island has been approved by the Planning Commission of Grand Island, NOW, 'J1flliREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY 'I'HE rvLAYOR /'I..ND CrDUNCIL DE' 'l'HE CI'TY OF' GRAND ISLAI\fD, NEBRA3Y\.A: SEC'I'ION 1. That the applicat:Lon at the said Estel C. Alcorn and Bula Jean Alcorn, husband and wife, to have Alcorn's First Ad- dition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, annexed to sald City of Grand Island be, and the same is hereby granted; that the plat of said addition be, and the same is her~~in all respects approved. I . SECTION 2. That the approval of the plat of said addition be endorsed upon the same and signed by the Mayor and City Clerk, and that the seal of the City of Grand Island be thereunto affixed. SEC~rION 3. 'I'hat the plat of Alcorn's First Addition be, and the same is hereb~ ordered filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, as by law provided. ORDINANCE: NO. 3317 (Cont1d) SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided . I by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the Ci ty Council this 18th day of December , 195 7 . A T~:'}i:srll : -~~ ~E~ I I . . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3318 An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the cons tru cti on of Pa vine; Di s tric t .L~o. 267 of the Ci ty of Grand I s land, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED HY" TillE IVIAYOR iUnJ COUNCIL OF' 'THE CI'I'Y Of' GRM:D ISLAND, NJ!;BHASKA: SEC~"IION 1. 'llhat there is hereby levied and assessed again~)t the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of Paving District No. 267 of said (ji ty, in accordance vd th the benefi ts found due and as se ssed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by Ule Clty Council, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as l'ollows: NAME LOT BLOCK ADDI'l' I ON AMOUNT Benjamin E. & Helen TI. Wolf E.60' 3 129 Koenig & Wiebes $ 293.57 Emil p. & l?rieda 110eser W.6' II It 3 If 32.95 Emil F. & l,'rieda ltoe ser II II 4 II 653.05 Charles A. & Alberta 1;'. Kaufmann 11 5 11 II 653.05 Charles A. & Alberta p. Kaufmann W.16' II 6 II It 87.86 Ka tie v'Hchmann & Others E. 50' II 6 II !I 238.66 Adolph T. & Minnie Kroeger 1 If 130 If [556.96 Oscar Reimers II 2 II II 278.47 Martin J & Catherine Caffrey W.3lt' II II II II II II II II II 1 Wiebe's II If II II II II 7 123.24 Edward P. & Irene M. i~an E.34.5' 7 155.23 Gottlieb & Susanna Meyer 8 556.96 Mable Ekberg 3 326.52 Adam M. Dubas 4 653.05 Thresia Behnke 5 653.05 Maynard & Lila boltz 6 326.52 J"oseph S. & Venus L. Krzycki N.721 1 2 II 356.21 John C. & Margaret Kesel 3.60' II II II 296.84 Isidor & F'eodora Kahn fI 2 II 326.52 OHDINANCE NO. ~ ~18 IITAME August.C. & Florence Hohweder Haze 1 M.' Niehau sOmer N.l/2 S.1/2 . I John C. Kesel Omar R. & Lillian M. Henderson Stanley Lumbard Robert Joseph & Delores E. Burrlman Adolph & ~lsie Schlaman Donald p. & Doris Gene Snyder Commencing 16' S. and 66'E. from the S.W. cor- ner of Lot 4, Block 4, Wiebe's Add., thence S. 132'; E.66'; N.132'; W. 66' to point of beginning. I J'ohn Cecil &lviary Jane Seery COifJJ8ncing 16' S. from the S.W. corner of Lot 4, Block 4, Wiebe's Add., thence S.6{'; E.66'; N.64'; W.66' to point of beginning. John Dee Co., a Co-partnership Cmwnenc 80' S. froin tne S.W. corner of Lot 4, ~lock 4, Wiebe's Add., tnence S. 68'; B.66'; N.68'; W.6S' to point of beginning. J'olm Hehnke CODMencing IS'S. from the S.E. corner of Lot 1, Bloek 3, Wiebe's Add., tnence S. 60'; W.66'; N.60'; E.66' to point of beginning. Susie A. Woolverton CODnnencing 76' S. from the S.E. corner of Lot 1, Block 3, Wiebe's Add., thence W. 66'; 8.72'; E.6S'; N.72' to point of beginning. I . Charlotte M. Pr:telan Commencing 16'S. from the S.l';. COl'ner of Lot 2, Block 3, Wiebe's Add., t~ence S. 132'; W.66'; N. 132'; E.66' to point of beginning. Lea :G. Paine Ellery C. & Donna J. Lenz (Cont'd.) LOT BLOCK ADD I 'I'TON 7 2 Vifiebe's 8 II II 8 II If 1 II 3 2 1I Ii 3 II 4 4 tl II 15 Co. Sub. in ,.....lo--ll ;::;'2 0.1::..'4 Sec. 16-11-9 " " II II tl n " II II " " II " A1VIOUN'r 1'>726 53 ~p0 . 326.53 326.53 653.05 326. 52 326.52 653.05 278.48 270.04 2U6.91 2J6.84 Co. Sub. in 356.21 S .'~ S. E . .~. Se c . 16-11-9, and part of Sec. 21-11-9 II " 11 11 326.52 r,? 1 Bartling' s 101.77 ,J Sub-Division 4 II If II 247.22 ORDINANCE NO. 3318 (00nt'd. NA1lfJE LOT BLOCK ADDI'rION George V. & Hazel Pedersen AIVIOUNT 5 1 Bartling's 3ub- $ 499.09 Division . I MUI'lin L. & Lelia I. Fernbaugh N.?O' n If If If 6 It II II It II Cecil & Vivian I. Owen 3.64' Mu rlin L. & Lelia I. Pernbaup'h N.70' 7 11 If if II 0 Cecil O~ Vivian I. Owen S.64' II II " II fl otto & Lena 8 II II Ii II Springsguth Prank J. & l\1ildred E. Pedersen N .85' 1 2 It II II Frank' Pedersen 3.49' If II II It II Frank J. & 1V1i Idre 0. E. Pedersen N.85' 2 II II It II Frank J. & Mildred E. l)edersen 3.49 ' II II " II fl Henry & Katherine Ehlers 3 II II l! It I lnmer E. & Evadna lVI. McIntosh 8 II II " II }i'rank cT. & Mildred E. Peder'sen 9 II II II II l~'lr an1-~ J. & Mildred E.. Pedersen 10 II II II \I 260.?2 238.37 129.14 118.08 101.?? 295.55 1?0.36 141.27 81.45 159.45 101.?? 24?22 499.09 SECTION. 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable, delin- quent and draw interest by law provided, fa llows: a,'.' u as One-tenth shall become delinquent in fifty days from the date of this levy; one-ten th in one year; one- ten th in tV'iO years; one- tenth in three years; one-tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one-ten th in seven yeaJ_~s; one- tenth in eight years, and one-tenth in nine years from thG datG of this levy. Eacb of I . said installments, except the first, shall bear interest at the rate of four percent (4;0) per annum until the same becomes delinquent, and eadl of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate ai' six percent (6%) per annum from and after such installment becomes delinquent until paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid within fifty days from the ORDINANCE NO. i318 (Contld. ) date of this levy without interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for intere s t. . I SECTION 3. The City Clerl( of the lJity of Grand Island, Ne- braska, is hereby authorized to forthwith certify to the City Trea- surer of said lii ty the amount of said. taxes hel~ein set :forth, to- ge ther wi th instructions tocolle ct the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. 'l'his ordinance shall be in :force and take e:ffect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provid.ed by la w. Passed and appI'oved by a majol'i ty vote of the members of the City Council of said. City this the 18th d.ay of December , 195 7. A T~rESI]:: ~/~ I ~C{'(~ 1. ... .1- .J l.J.i. I . GRDINAYiCE NO.---3.119 An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for tlill cost of the construction of Paving District No. 269 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing forehe collection thereof. . I BE 1'1' OHDAITmD BY MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF TlJ]'; CI'I'Y OF GRAND ISL.A1'JD, NEBRA!~)K)'l.1.\ SECTION 1. 'rho. t tClere is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of Paving District No. 269 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found due and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Clty Council, sitting as a BoaI'd of Equalizatlon after due notice givon thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT Myrtle L. Travis 2 1 Scarff's Addition 272.77 to West Lawn I Myrtle L. Tpavis N . 22 . 51 4 II II " 110.58 Irvin P. & Patricia A. SchwIeger 3.331 4 II " II 162.19 Irvin P. & Patricia A. Schwieger N.l/2 6 II " " 136.38 William C. & Hilda E. Tagge S.1/2 6 II II " 120.06 William C. & Hilda E. 'Tagge 8 II II II ~~Ol. 98 John & "':"lizabeth Keller 10 11 II II 201.98 Earl c. ~. Myrtle Grimminger c\. Earl C. & Myrtle Grimminger Earl C. & Myrtle Grimminger 12 " II II 201.98 14 It " II ~;01.98 16 II II II 201.98 I . SECr:I:'ION 2. 'The taxes so levied shall beCOlne payable, delinquent and draw interest a:J by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall b~come delinquent in fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two yedrs; one-tenth in three years;' one- tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one-tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years, and one-tenth in !-l'i . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3i19__CCont1d.) nine years from the date of this levy. Each of said installments, except the first, shall bear interest at the rate of four percent (4~G) per 8.nnum until the same becomes delinquent, and each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest a t the rate ai' six per- cent (6%) per annum from and after such installment becomes delin- quent until paid; provided, however, that. the entire amount so levied and a3se ssed agaLlls,t anycfthe aforesaid lots, tracts and par- eels of land may be paid wi thin fifty days from the da te oJ' this levy without interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. SEcrr'ION 3. 'lhe City Cler};: of the City of Grand Island, Ne- braska, is hereby authorized to forthwith certify to the City Trea- surer of saId City tue amount of said taxes herein set forth, to- gether wi th instructions to collecti;he same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. ~his ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by la IN . Passed and approved by a majority vote of t]].e members of the C1 ty COLl.neil of said City this the 18tl,1 day of . December , 195 7 . ATTEST: ~1l' ~cef {~k . I I I . ORDINAIWE NO. 3320 An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Paving District No. 270 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT OEDAINED BY 'rHE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF' 'I'EB cryy OJ<" GRAND I ,SLAN D, NEBRA'st<.A : SEc'rION 1. rl'hat there is hereby levied and assessed against ! the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of Paving Di3t1':1.ct No. 270 of said City, in accordance w:I.th the benefits found due and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the City Council, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as foJlows: NAIVIE ADDrrrON AMOUN'l' Jesse E. & Zita M. Gayer Wade'S Sub-div- $141.81 ision Robert H. " BeH th L. Hoppes CJ:, Hobert H. c~ Edith L. Hoppes Everett W. & Nli Idred L. Gross Everett W. & Mildred L. Gross Arthur "']If & Norah A. Neuharth v~ . " It " II II II II II " tt II II II II II West 1.. awn II II II II II II II " II !l II II " II !l II 499.21 321.31 62"1.74 538.91 275.85 121.74 Weylent O. & Henrietta A. Peyerherm 112.77 :rIo ward & Marjorie II. Gore 255.53 Charles B. & Byrdie Meyer 499.21 Frank & Viola Parker 581.49 Theo. J. & Mildred I. Bowen 297.64 Nick Jamson 131.36 Clara E. Yankten Except N.l' 112.77 Walter L. & Evelyn M. puckett 255.53 Alice Yankten Flynn George William & Eoberta B. Graf II !l 49\).21 Martin J. & Rose E. Bartling " It 255.53 . I I I . OHDINANCE NO. 3320 NAME Frank J. & Florence A. Kiolbasa Harold H. & Huby M. Mendenhall Harold A. & MaI'ie J. Freeze Anna Belle Martin Casper Meyer Casper Meyer Casper Meyer Casper Meyer Casper Meyer Leland & Mary D. Heasley and Garth O. & Evelyn G. Heasley Everett Fl. & Edith J. Morris Casper Meyer Marvin J. & Grace D. Rader Charles & Emma Lanka Kathleen G. Arthur Kathleen G. Arthur Howard B. & Davine Ho~liday James H. & Avis Forbes Robert D. Sr. & Lavena D. Shanks Robert E. & Florence I. Goetsch Charles C. & Leafy B. l"oreman VV.l/2 Lester H. & Joyce H. Kindig E.l/2 Charles C. & Leafy B. Fo~eman W.l/2 Lester H. & Joyce H. Kindig E.l/2 I Au.gust & .t~lizabeth Muller Joe E. & Evelyn M. Except Leonard & Della J. Luth S.21 Wolfe S.2' Wolfe N.481 Leonard & Della J. (Cont1d.) LQ:T BLOCK 137 142 143 144 145 146 147 154 155 156 157 158 159 166 167 16(=3 169 170 171 178 179 179 180 180 181 182 182 183 ADDI TION Vie s t Lawn 'If II II II II 11 II II II II II 11 II It II 11 If tl tl II II II tl 11 II II II II If II II II II fl II II II It If If 11 II II tl II II II II II II II II II II A1\1O UN'11 ;~~112. 77 119.61 271.00 529.45 616.72 315.67 139.32 112.77 255.53 499.21 499.21 255.53 112.77 131.36 297.64 5(=31.49 499.21 255.53 112.77 141.81 160.65 160.65 31;'5.87 313.87 627.74 310.40 1: 0.9'1 141.81 ORDINANCE NO. 33?O ( Con t I d. ) NAME LOT BLOCK ADDrrION AJi:IOUNT 1 1 Harrison $ 751.89 Sub-Division 2 II " It 317.76 The ~ebraska Conference of the Wesleyan Methodist Church of America, a Corporation . I 'Ihe :Nebraska Conf'erence of the Wesleyan Methodist Church of America, a Corporatiob 'llhe Nebraska ConfeJ:'ence of the Wesleyan Methodist Church of America, a Corporation 3 " II It [)2.66 Orin E. & Bernice J. BeedeI' 4 24 Scarff's Add- 132.35 i tion to West liavm Delbert E. & Enid M. Force 6 " II. It II 563.20 Orin E. & Bernice J. BeedeI' 19 Sub-Division of Lots 2[-)0- 281-282 in West Lawn 30.93 Joseph Wh:L te 20 " " II 137.26 SEC'l'TON 2. 'Ilhe taxes so levied shall becoIne payable, delinquent and draw interest as bJ law provided~ as follows: One-tenth shall I become delinquent in fifty days from the date of tl1is levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one- tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one-tenth in seven years; one-tenth in 8lgLt years, and one-tenth in nine years from the date OJ'::' this levy. Eacn of said installments, except the first, shall bear interest at the rate of four percent (4)iG) per annum until the same becomes delinquent, and each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of six per- cent (67's) pel' annum fI'orn and afteI' such inc:tallment becomes delin- quent until paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots, tracts and paI'- cels of land may be paid within fifty days from the date of this I . levy without interest; and in that event, such lots, tI'acts and parcels of land snaIl be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. SEe'.DON 3. 'l'he Ci ty CleI'k of the City of GI'and Island, Ne- braska is hereby authorized to forthwith ceI'tify to the City Trea- surer of said City the amount of said taxes herein set forth, to- gether with instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. . I I I . ORDIIIJANCE NO. 3 i20 ( Cord; I d. ) SEC'l'ION 4. 'l'his ordinance shall be in foy'ce and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publi cation as pr'ovided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the Ci ty Council of said C:'Lty this the 18th_day of December ..--' 195 7. ATTEST: ~~ ~ MA YOn ~lf:~ ~__ L.ul . I I I . ORDINIU~CE NO. 3321 ._ An ordinance levying special taxes to pay l~or the cost of the construction of Paving District No. 273 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE ~lr1' OHDAINED BY 'l'1IE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF' 'I'IIE CI'I'Y OF GRAND ISlAND, NEBHASKA: SEcrrION 1. 'I'hat there .is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hepein after set fopth, for the purpose of paying the C6st of Pav D1stpidt No. 273 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found due and assessed against each of the sevel'al lots, tracts and parcels of land in said dis- trict by tne City CounCil, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notJ.ce given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: J'TAME 1,01' BLOCK ADD I 'n: OI\J AMOUNT The Firestone Tire & Rubber Company Original ,Town ~t 325.51 J. I 82 Frank J.Cleary II If 2 ff 325.51 Jane C. Cronin II II 3 II 325.51 Continental Oil Company (Dela ware) II \I 4 II 325.51 'l'he Grand Island Building Company II II 5 1I 325.51 The Grand Island Bltilding Company The Grand Island Building Company II 6 II It 325.51 II II 7 II 325.51 August & Cathepine Bredemeier N.44' fI If 8 " 170.34 Anna M. & Milton C. Dahms Center 44' It It 8 It 86.78 Albert C. & Victoria Meyer 3.44' It II II 8 68.36 SECTION 2. The taxes so 'levied shall become payable, delinquent and dpaw intepest as by law provide~ as follows: One-tenth shall be- come delinquent in fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one yeap; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in thpee years; one- tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one-tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years, and one-tenth in . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. i121 (Cant I d. ) nine years from the date of this levy. Each of said installments, except the fj_rst, shall bear interest at the rate of four percent (4%) per annum until the same becomes delinquent, and each of the delinquent installmetits shall draw interest at the rate of six per- cent (6%) per annum from and after such installment becomes de- linquent until paid; prov:l.ded, howevor, tha t the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid within fifty days from the date of this levy without interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge 1'01' interest. SECTION 3. 'fhe Ci ty Clerk of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Ne- braska, is hereby authorized to forthwith certify to the City Trea- [JUreI' of said Ci ty the amount of said taxes herein set forth, to- gether with instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the 01 t;y Council of said Ci ty trLis the 18th day of December , 195..1... A,]:rr.EST: --eL~~ VIAYOR ~ {I~Rk