1958 Ordinances . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. -D.:?2 An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Paving District No. 257 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY 1'HE IVLAYDR AND COUNCIL OP '.eHE C rrry OP GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of Paving District No. 257 of said Clty, in accordance with the benefits found due and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the City Council, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUN'T ~ Troy W. & Lorene G. 1 25 College Addition to ~)359. 54 Keller West Lawn Elmer A. & Rose Ann 3 It n II If 359.54 Jacobsen Howard N. & Lois G. 5 If rr " " 359.54 Kelley Howard N. & Lois G. 7 II It If II 359.54 Kelley Howard N. & Lois G. 9 II It It II 359.54 Kelley Howard N. & Lois " 11 n If " " 359.54 \.T. Kelley JOM H. Gies 13 If It " " 359.54 John H. Gies 15 II " II ff 359.54 Everett L. & Emma E. Wright W.561 17 " II It II 91.65 Clara Olzolfka,except W.561 17 It II n " 267.,89 Everett L. & Emma E. Wright Vii. 56 I 19 II It If II 91.65 Clara Olzolfka,except W. 56 I 19 " " It " 267.89 United S ta te s of America 1 Home Sub-Divislon United S ta t e s of America 2 If II " ORDINANCE NO.-33'2~ (Con t I d. ) NAlVIE LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT United States of America, 3 Home Sub-Division except that part of Lot 3 . beginning at the S.E. cor- ner of said lot; thence w. 281' along S. line of said I lot; thence N. at right an- gles. 286'; thence E. at right angles 124' ; thence S.E. 328' to the place of beginning. United States of America - 4 " " " $ ~1822.63 Special tax to be paid by the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebra.ska Nick Jamson - to be paid according to contract N.257.5' 5 It II II 2085.16 Ernest D. & Ingeborg 1 1 College Addition to 570.89 Bauman, and F'red Ernest West tawn lVIettenbrink Ernest D. & Ingeborg 3 " " " " 364.40 Bauman, and Fred Ernest lVIettenbrink G. Nick/Jamson 5 II. It " " 364.40 I G. Nick /Jamson 7 It " " It 364.40 G. Ni ck IJamson 9 It II " II 364.40 Alfred C. & Dorothy or') 11 It II " " 364.40 D. Bangert Alfred C & Dorothy B. 13 " It II 11 364.40 . Bangert Dora thy Smith E.80' 15 11 " n It 302.08 Alfred C. & Dorothy :B. Banger t, except E.80' 15 11 " II 11 62.32 Ernest w. & Lizzie 1 14 It 11 11 368.44 Nunnenk'amp Erne s t W. & Lizzie 3 11 II " 11 368.44 Nunnenlcamp Ernest W. & Lizzie Nunnenltamp 5 It II 11 11 368.44 I Ernest W. & Lizzie 7 II It It II 368.44 Nunnenkamp . Fred Mehring, Nick Jamson 9 " II II II 368.44 & Bill Peterson Fred lVIehring, Nick Jams on 11 It II 11 11 368.44 & Bill Peterson Grand Island Production 13 II II II II 368.44 Credit As socia tion . I I I . ORDINANCE NO.-JJQ2___(Gontinued) NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT Grand Island Production Credit Association 15 College Addition to $ 368.44 West Lawn 14 John F. & Clara A. Hoeft u If 380.59 If 1 15 John P. & Clara A. Hoeft N.131 If II 1\ II 105.27 3 Frank D. & C. Elaine Greene, except N.131 II II If II 3 275.32 Frank D. & C. Elaine Greene II II 1\ II 5 7; 380.59 II 1\ 1\ II Frank D. & C. Elaine Greene 380.59 Frank D. & C. Elaine Greene 1\ II 333.14 If II 9 Anna E. Koborg If 347.45 II II II 11 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable, delin- quent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent in fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two-years; one tenth in three years; one-tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years; and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy. Each of said installments, except the first, shall bear interest at the rate of four percent (4%) per annum until the same becomes delinquent, and each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum from mId after such installment becomes delinquent until paid; provided, however, tha t the en tire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid within fifty days from the da te of thi s levy wi thou t in tere s t; and in that even t, su ch 10 t s , tracts and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. SEcrrION 3. 'The Ci ty Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby authorized to forthwith certify to the City Treasurer of said Ci ty the amounf of said taxes herein set forth, together wi th 'I >.,1 instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ---3J{22--_ ( Con t ' d. ) SECTION 4. Tnis ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by la w . Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council of said Ci ty this the ..2.hd.~~_ day of January , 19 513 . A'.['TEs'r: ~~~ WAY OR .!~;~ OHDINI:..l'iC:cS 1m. 33?3 \ An ordinance leyying special taxes to pay for tne cost of t;-rJ.O COJ.'J~.i-L:e1).ctlun oi) \N-dteY~ x'/1aix1 st:C':Lct No. ;209 of the Gity of . I Grarld Island, N'e'braska, ~J r1 o~ providini; t>or~ "L~Lle col1octioll tLLereof. TILi,,; 11.-].1 )I?j)j~II~]~D AND l~ O-~::; C I iT-Y~' Dri' GHAYiD ..L D, J, SECTION 1. That there is here levied and a:1sessed again~;t tile seven, 1 lot s, trae ts and parce'ls of land ilero inafter se t forth for he purpose of pay the cost of Water l)istr'ict No. ~~()9 of saId City, 1n accordance witn tho benefits nd due and aSS8SS- ed ir1S"L eacL1. of' t't.l9 seveT)~;.l lots, t:e8.cts arlcl par1ccls 01' land~ ill said d"i.strict by ,lle City Council of G'rand 1s1an6., N b,'a~jLa, sitt El ~1 <1 .00 ;-.(j, o~C alizat5,_oLl Et~Cte~C' o4ue rlotice 2;:Lverl -Gtleroof', a~;i l"~e- quired by law, a special tax; each of the seveI'll lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NIJ'ilE LO'l' BLOCK t.DDI'l' ION ANI OUWL' -- 1 78 Wheeler 0/' :") <1:'119 "'9 '" Den- lfP ......:.> nett' s 'l'hIrd 2 II !l Ii 119.39 3 11 H II IH).39 4 tl it II 119.39 5 Il II II 11~J . 39 6 81 \iv1'le e leI' & Beb- 119.39 nett I s Fourth 7 !l !I !l 119.39 8 n 1I it 119.39 9 It II It 119.39 10 It II 1i lUl.39 I Claronce ~ Viola SuponBi~ck Clarence & Mary M. Urwiller Walter L. & ~izzi.e Michalski V' C1Jila r'li. "'1.' s Edwm:-d H. & Lela M. Miller Otto .[:;. Wl'ohe Dt to L~. VJrehe 'otto L;. one ot to .D. Wrene otto E. W:C'ehe SEC'J'ION 2. taxes so levied shall became payable and do- I . linquen t in the manner' provided by la w. SECT1 .()1~ 3. VL Ulerk is hereby directed to certify to ttw U1 ty 'I'rea~:urer ttle a:mount of said taxes toge tiler wi th S tl"ll c- t:1.on s to collect tt18 SLune ;).s provided lYiT .J laIN. SEe Tl ()]\J ;]. s cn'dinan ce shall be in for ce anCi. tClke effo c t OHDII\JANCE NO. 332i (LJont' d. ) from and a:C LeI' :t. -G S })o..8 SE1[~e , . I provIded. passed 8.n~1 approved l;hJ.EJ 15ti1 .L~ ~LlrIlli~ ]~:~ III: ~s_~__ {) I rII.Y~ C Ij}~~ f{l( I I . proval ,-:' V-) r v,,l.i.......L publication as by law of January, 1958. ,-'<";/ ~ ,~~~- - ---~------------ lVlA YD ',- Oll.DINi\.l;'C]~ NO. 33?4 An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for tho cost of the construction of Water Main District No. 210 oftne City of Grend . I .1-s1a:nd, L'JobrafJka, uncI providing for tile collection ther'eof. Bl~ rr OHDI\.:UTED BY AND COUi\JCIL OF Cr.CY OF' GHAND j: SIJj~ND , SEc'nON 1. c. there is L18reby levied ar.ld assessed against the sover~J.l lots, -era c ts and pur eels of lund he reinafter ;::;e t forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of Water Ii1ain District :No. 210 of saJ.d Lity, in accordance th the benefits found due and assessed again~lt eacn of the several 10 s, tr'acts and parcels of said cListr:'Lct by the Lit:; Councll of Gr'dlld Island, Ncb:easka, sitt as a ard of Lqualization after due notice given thereof, a required by law, a spec1ul tax; each of tho several lots, tracts and parcels of lund 18 assessed as follows: NAI:iIE LOT 13LOCK ADDITION AMOUl\'rL1 I Clem D. & Evelyn L. Medley 5 8 J'oelmckl s Addl tion " (Ii"- ~m " IJA.?l (ji of '--'rand IfJI::md Llectric Department 6 !I 11 1111:. '71 C:ity of GJ'and Island ~lectric Department ? l! !l 11.L 71 City ,)1' Grand Island ectr<Lc Department 8 11 Ii 114.'71 D. H. ~eves & Gvclyn G. Meves r:' ;:) 9 f! 114.'71 D. H. ~eves & Evelyn G. Meves 6 II II 11.1. 71 D. ves & ~velyn G. Meves '7 II II 11Ll.71 Donald J. & Lrva L. Sharp 8 II II 114.'71 If and wneD any of the tracts or parcels oj:' land, wnlc(l are not cludod in this' ordir18n ce, lying adjacent to saJ.d Water' L1aln I . D1. s t1'1c t[\]o. 210 a~('e furnisnod \NateI' servic 0 cunnoc t:JOrlS, the owner of sLlch tract or parcol of land shaJ.l oe reqldl;'ed to pay Gne Water Department for suc service connection, the sum of $1.74 for each lineal foot of such main ly adjacent to the tract or parcel of land so sorved. ORDINA.NCE NO._3J..gL__ (Cont1d.) 81:; C ~L' 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable and de- linquont in lJlO manner' pI'ovided. oy law. . I SICC rl1IOl~' 3. ~ho City Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the Oi t,y 'l'y'easurer the amount ai' said taxosLogetJJer lid tll. instruc- tlons to collect the same as provided by law. 8EC'lilON /1. Thl::; ol'dinance shall be in force and take effect f'rm/; and after i Ls passage, approval and publication as by law prov:Lded. p[.l.i3sed. s.nd appI'oved this 15tn day of' Januaey, 1958. A '1''1'i':8'1' : -~",.."p mi-. \..Ll. ~J~h ("-'--1;'-':(' '''-'-', '-,',--,... ,-,.L J' ~', (; l.Ji~;l1:.h.. I I . . / ,r I I 1 (I ' ,1 i 1t,. ._ ,I ~l / ( , i'; </),) ,I,'" /' . i (y-r " '. /.f I'Ji /tj(ll V'. ( ,f 'f .~ ( . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 332~ An ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; defining the boundaries thereof, providing .for the paving of the street in said district, and providing for the assessment and collection of the costs thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE crry OF GRAND ISIJ\.ND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska to be known as Paving District No. 279. SECTION 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part of South Plum Street from the North Line of Koenig Street to the North Line of Ashton Avenue. SECTION 3. The street in said paving district is hereby order- ed paved as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be 36 feet in width. SECTION 4. That authority is h~reby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said di~trict, at the time of the enactment of this ordi- nance, to file with the City Clerk within twenty days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as provided by law, written objection to paving of said district. SECTION 5. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners, within said district, to file with the ~ity Clerk, within the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in the paving of said street. If such owners shall fail to designate the material they desire to be used in said paving district, as provided for above, and within the time provided by law, the City Council shall determine the material to be used. SECTION 6. That the cost of paving in said district shall be assessed against the lots, tracts and parcels of land especially benefitted thereby, in propnrtion to such benefits to be determined by the City Council as provided by law. . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ~125 (Conttd.) SECTION 7. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of the City Council, this the 5th day of February, 1958. ATTEST: ~.f~ CITY CLERK ~ . I I I . 3-::2 \" ORDINANCE NO. i)26 An ordinance vacating that part of East Tryon Street, lying between the easterly line of South Cherry Street and the wester- ly line of South Poplar Street, and all that part of South Poplar street lying between the north line of the Southeast Quarter (SEt) of Section Fifteen (15), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, and the norther- ly line of East Groff Street, all in Joehnck's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and vacating the alley in Block Four (4), in said Joehnck' s Addition to the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska. BE IT ORDAINED BY ~:niE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF rrIlli CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That that part of East Tryon Street, lying between the easterly line of South Cherry Street and the westerly line of South Poplar Street, and all that part of South Poplar Street ly- ing between the North line of the Southeast Quarter (SEt) of Sec- tion Fifteen (15), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, and the northerly line of East Groff Street, all in Joehnckfs Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be, and the same are hereby vacated. SECTION 2. The title to said streets so vacated shall remain vested in the City of Grand Island. SECTION 3. That the alley in Block Four (4) in said Joehnck's Addition to the City of Grand Island be, and the same is hereby vacate! SECTION 4. That the alley so vacated shall revert to the own- ers of the adjacent real estate one-half on each side thereof; pro- vided, however, the said City of Grand Island hereby reserves unto itself an easement over, along and across said alley so vacated on which to construct, operate and maintain utilities. SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of the City Council, this the 5th day of February, 1958. ATTEST: 2 s~ ~y CLERK ~~~w' . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3327 An ordinance creating Sewer District No. 299 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the laying of a sewer in said district, and providing for the payment and collection of the cost of the construction thereof. BE I'l' ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNC IL OF' THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASI\A: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a sewer district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Sewer District No. 299. SECTION 2. The sewer in said district shall be laid in an ease- ment lying adjacent and immediately west of Lots 217, 218, 219, 220, 221 and 222 in Belmont, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. SECTION 3. The sewer in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing sewer districts as heretofore established by the City. SECTION 4. That 50% of the assessable cost of the construction of said sewer district shall be levied and assessed against Lots 217, 218, 219, 220, 221 and 222 in Belmont, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and any and all lots, tracts and parcels of land now lying adjacent to and beyon4 the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska which may hereaft0Jr be connected with and served by said sewer main shall pay to the City of Grand Island the sum or sums hereafter fixed by the Mayor and City Council, sitting as a Board of Equalization, as an assessment for the right of connecting with said sewer main. SECTION 5. 'l'ha t this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 5th day of February, 1958. ATTEST: ~ MAYO J~j~ ~ . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ~328 An Ordinance changing the name of' South Calif'ornia Avenue and Eureka Street to South Eddy Street; st. Mary's Street to S<;mth Lincoln Avenue; Alter Avenue to West South Street, and Manderson Street to Faidley Avenue. BE IT ORDAINED BY TnE .MAYOR {\ND COUNCIL OP r>en.E CITY OF GHAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. rrhe Mayor and Council of the City of Grand Island find and determine that it is to the best interest of the public that the names of' Calif'ornia Avenue and Eureka Street be changed to South Eddy street; tb.at St. Mary's Street be changed to South Lincoln Avenue; that Alter Avenue be changed to West South Street, and that Manderson Street be changed to F'aidley Avenue, and the names of suid streets be, and they are hereby changed as herein provided. SECTION 2. That the City Engineer be, and he is hereby author- ized and directed to show the change of the names of said streets on the of'ficial map of the City of Grand Island, and erect such street signs and markc:ICs as may be required to properly identify said streets. SECTION 3. That the City Clerk be, .and he is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of' this ordinance to the Chief' of' Police, the Chief oi' the Pire Department, the Commissioner of util- ities, the City Engineer, and the Postmaster, and that a copy of the same be filed f'or record in the office of the Hegister of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska. This ordinance shall be in f'orce and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the ~ity Council, this 19th day of February, 1958. ~k+ ~ MAYOR A'I'TEST: ~s~ c rFY CLEEK ORDINANCE NO. -3}29 An ordinance pertaining to zoning; amending Ordinance No. 3139 of the City of Grand Island; providing rules and reg~lations for the . I rezoning of lots, tracts and parcels of land in said City; providing for public hearings by the City Council on all applicat10ns to re- zone any such lot, tract or parcel of land, and providing for the giving of notice of the time and place of such hearing; providing for the payment of the costs of suctl rezoning; providing tha tall applications to rezone any such lots or tracts of land be referred to the Planning Commission of said City, repealing said original Ordinance No. 3139, and providing penalties. BE I'r ORDAINED BY THE rVT.AYOR AND COUNCIL OF 'l'HE CITY OP GR.i\.l-JD ISLliND, NEBRASI\"A: That Ordinance No. 3139 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as fol- lows: SECTION 1. . The City Council may, on its own motion or OD: peti- I tion, amend, supplement or change the regula tions, restrictions and boundaries of districts as set forth on the official zoning map of trle City of Grand Island; providing no such regulation, restriction or boundary shall become effective until after a public hearing in relation thereto, at which parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard. Notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be given by publication thereof in a paper of gen- eral circulation in the City of Grand Island at least one time ten days prior to such hearing. The provisions relative to public hear- ings and official notice shall apply equally to all changes or amend- ments. In addition to the publication of the notice prescribed in I . this section, a notice shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the property on which action is pending. Such notice shall not be less than eighteen inches in height and twenty-four inches in width with a white or yellow background and black letters not less than one and one half inches in height. Such posted notice shall be so placed upon such premises that it is easily visible from the street nearest the same and shall be so posted at least ten days prior to the date . I I I . '" ORDINANCE NO. j329 (Conttd. ) of such hearing. It shall be unlawful for anyone to remove, muti- late, destroy or change such posted notice prior to such hearing. Any perron so doing shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum no t exceeding ~plOO and shall stand committed to the City Jail until such fine and costs are paid. If the record title owners of any lots included in such pro- posed change be nonresidents of the City of Grand Island, then a written notice of such hearing shall be mailed by certified mail to them addressed to their last-known addresses at least ten days prior to such hearing. SECTION 2. The provisions requiring that notice be posted on the premises to be rezoned shall not apply in the event of a pro- posed change in such regulations, restrictions and b9undaries through- out the entire City, but the only requirement then shall be the pub- lication of the notice in the newspaper as provided in Section 1 hereof. SECTION 3. In case of a protest against such change, signed by the owners of twenty per cent or more either of the area of the lots included in such proposed change, or of those in~ediately ad- jacent on the sides and in the rear thereof extending one hundred feet therefrom, and of those directly opposite thereto extending one hundred feet from the street frontage of such opposite lots, such amendment shall not become effective except by the favorable vote of three-fourths of all the members of the City Council. SECTION 4. Irhe Ci ty Clerk is hereby charged with the du ty 01' preparing, publishing and posting of all notices, signs and placards required in the preceding sections relative to the rezoning of such lots, tracts and parcels of land, and of the public hearings requir- ed on the same. SECTION 5. All petitions for rezoning shall be referred to the Planning Commission for its approval, rejection and recoIDnlendation, and no hearings shall be had by the City Council upon any such pe- titian until said Planning Commission has considered the same and made report. SECTION 6. Whenever the owner or owners of lots in any dis- trict, or part thereof, desire any amendment, supplement or change, ORDINANCE NO. '3329 ' (C~mt'd. ) or to have the classification of a particular area changed to an- other existing classification, their petition therefor shall be accompanied by a map or drawing, showing the area affected by the . I proposed change, together with the names and addresses of all own- ers of record title to lots therein, the Council shall proceed to hold the public hearing required and,entertain protests as outlined herein. SECTION 7. All persons, firIlls, associations or corporations, who shall petition the City Council to amend, supplement or change the regulations, restrictions and boundaries of districts as set forth on the official zoning map of the City of Grand Island, shall deposit with the City Clerk the sum of $50.00, which sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be used for the purpose of paying the cost of the service and publication of notices and ordi- nances made necessary by the request for rezoning. '1'he Ci ty Clerk, as soon as. SUCLl cost can be ascertained, shall notify the peti tioner I or petitioners of the cost thereof, who shall pay to the City Clerk any sum or sums in addition to the amount of said deposit that may be required to fully pay such costs. ffhe City Clerk shall, if the cost thereof be less than the amount deposited, refund to such pe- titioner or petitioners any sum or sums of money not expended for said purpose. SECTION 8. Thut Ordinance No~ 3139 of the Ordinances of the City 01' Grand Island, Nebraska, be, and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 9. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. I . Passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of the City Council this the 19th day of F'ebruary, 1958. A~_lTEST: M~ f MA- o~~f~~ . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3'3'30__ An Ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the paving of the street in said district, and providing for the assessment and collection of the costs thereof. BE Ir:L1 ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND C OUNC IL OF THE CITY OP GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving District No. 279. SECTION 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part of Sunset Avenue from Vine Street to east line of Blocks Nine (9) and Ten (10) in Claussen's Country View Addition, and Plum Street from Sunset Avenue to Dodge Street. SECTION 3. The street in said paving district is hereby order- ed paved a provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be 36 feet in width. SECTION 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district, at the time of the enactment of this 01'- dinance, to file with the City Clerk, within twenty (20) days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as pro- vided by law, written objection to the paving of said district. SECTION 5. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners, within said district, to file with the City Clerk, within the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in the paving of said street. If such owners shall fail to designate the material they desire to be used in said paving district, as provided for above, and within the time provided for by law, the City Council shall determine the material to be used. SECTION 6. That the cost of said paving in said district shall be assessed against the lots and tracts of land especially benefit- ted thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3330 City Council as provided by law. (Cont'd.) SEC'l'ION 7. That tui s ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of the City Council, this the 19th day of February, 1958. A ~:TESlr: ~d''(~ CITY CLERK ,~~ . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3331 An Ordinill1ce fixing the complement, salaries and wages of cer- tain city officers and employees of the Department of Public Works of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska~ Amending that part of Or- dinance No~ 3226, entitled DepaI'tment of Public Works, fixing the hours of working time certain officers and employees shall work each week; providing for vacations and sick leave and sick benefits; providing for payment of salaries for overtime labor (and providing a uniform method to be used in calculating such overtime), fixing the date such salaries and wages shall become effective" Providing for quarterly payments to Policemen and Airport arm Policemen and Ci ty Firemen for clothing a110wance,\ Providing 1'01' the publication of this Ordinance in pamphlet form and repealing said original Or- dinance No~ 3226 pertaining to Department of Public Works, and Or- dinances 3136, 3208 and 3221, and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith~ BE IT ORDAI:N~D BY 'rHE NlAYOR AND COUNCIL OF TIlE Crry OF GRAND ISLAND, lillBRASKA: Tha t that part of Ordinance No~ 3226 of the Ordinances of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, enti tled Department of Public Works, be, and the Sffine is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION I,. That the complement, and the number of hours ce1'- tain officials and employees of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska shall work each week and the salaries and wages to be paid to such officers and employees are as follows: COMPLI- MENT WaRK W'EEK SALARY OVER'rIlVlE TO BE PAIl AS SET OU' BELOW Department of Public Works City Engineer As si stan t City Engineer s 1 1 500...600 per mo~ 40 hr~ 300-400 per mo~ (A) Survey, Plans, and Designs Division li Draftsman / 2. Building Inspector 3", Surveyor 4~ Assistant Inspector 5~ Assistant Surveyor 6.. Co-Ordinator 7. Surveyor helper 1 40 hr.. 300-350 per mo. 1 40 hr., 250-290 per mo~ 1 40 hr~ 250-275 per mo. 1 40 hr. 225-250 per mo. 1 40 hr. 225-235 per mo", 1 40 hr" 245 per mo.. 1 40 hr.. 225 per mo.. ) ORDINANCE NO. 3331 ( Con t ' d ) COMPLI- WORK SALARY OVERTIME TO lViENT l!t1EEK BE PAID AS SE TOUT BELOW (B) street and Alley Division . 1. Poreman 1 40 hr.. 260-275 per mo", 2... Grade Operators 2 40 hri.' 245 per mo.. 3tiJ Power Sweeper Operator 1 40 hrg 245 per mo. I 4~ Loader Opera tor 1 40 hr.. 240 per mat! 5. I):'ru ck Drivers 2 40 hr~ 235 per mo. 6. Stree t Sweepers 3 40 hr", 225 per mo~ (C) Paving and Storm Se we r s Division III Poreman 1 40 hr., 260...275 per mo.. 2~ Sign Work 1 40 hrt! 245 per mO<il 3, Cemen t Finisher 1 40 hr,~ 245 per mo~ 4<<, Heavy Equipment Opera tor 2 40 hr. 240 per mo* 5,t I):lru ck Driver & Mower Operator 1 40 hI'" 240 per mo" 6.. Laborers 4 40 hr~ 225 per mo. (D) City Shop and Garage Division 1.. Chief Mechanic & Shop Foreman ( comb" ) 1 40 hI'" 275...300 per mo. 2~ Mechanic & Assistant Foreman (comb.) i. 40 hr~ 250-285 per mOfj 3., Mechanic 1 40 hI'" 240-255 per mo., 4.: Garage Clerk 1 40 hr~ 240 per mo'4i (E) City Hall Maintenance I Division 1. Custodian ( Quarters & 1 43 hr" 155 per mo" utilities as ~~50.. 00 per mat (F) parks & Ground Division Operations Ii Park Superintendent 2~ Park Foreman 3i' Laborers 4s Laborers - Part Time ( sea sonal ) 5~ Wa tchman - part I):'ime (seasonal) 5:00 - 9:00 (G) Recreation Municipal Pool Ii Manager (Seasonal) 1 2~ Assistant Manager (Sea- 2 sonal ) 3. Lifeguards (Seasonal) 10 4. Swimming Instructor 2 I . Sports 1., Director 2~ General Supervisor 3~ Playground Supervisor (Lincoln Parle) 4$ Playground Supervisor (Buechler Park) 5~ Playground Supervisor (Pier Park) 6~ Playground Supervisor (Grace Abbott park) 7~ Playground Supervisor (Broadwell park) 1 1 4 12 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 250...325 per mo.. 40 ~r~ 225-240 per mo. 40 hr~ 225 per mo~ 40 hr~,lt05 per hr~ 28 hr,~ .~ 60 per hr. 3 mos'i' 270 per mOil. 3 mas" 165 per mo" 3 mOS>i 120-140 per mo.. 3 mos~ 50 per mo~ 3i mas", 2'70 per mo~ 3 l}1o S .'t 150 per mo", 10 wks.~ 135 per mo" 10 wIts", 135 per mo", 10 wks~ 135 per mo., 10 wks.. 135 per mo.. 10 wks,. 135 per mo.. ORDINANCE WO" ~~il Contfd) OOMPLI- WORK SALARY OVERTIME TO MENT WEEK BE PAID AS SET our BELOW 8~ Little Ieague Supervisor 1 3 mos~ 75 per 10.0., (Baseball) . 9. Little League Supervisor 1 3 mosll' 60 per1l10llJ (Baseball) 10. Little League Supervisor 1 3 mas.. 90 per mOii I (Baseball) 11.. Little Bigger League Super- 1 3 1I10S ,~ 90 per JaO~ visor (Baseball) 12. Little Bigger League Super.... 1 3 mos~ 90 per mo. visor (Baseball) 13. Minor League, Supervisor 1 per 100 per season (Baseball) season 14. Minor League, Supervisor 1 per 100 per season (Baseball) season 15. Minor League, Supervisor 1 per 90 per season (Baseball) season 16", Minor League, Supervisor 1 per 90 per season (Baseball) season MUnicipal Baseball Park 1., Marking & cleaning Recrea- tion field 2 ~ Supervisor during Baseball games 4 1 (H) l~ 2. Police Deparbnent Chief of Police 1 Captains (Title & Number 4 optional by Mayor and Council) Identification Offioers Lt. 2 Sergeant in charge of I Reoords Traffic Bureau Desk Sergeants 3 Patrolmen 18 Motorcycle Patro~aan 2 Parking Meter Checker 1 Parking meter Maintenance Man 1 Pound Master 1 Merchant Policeman 1 Parking Lot Attendant 1 Matron (part time) to be 1 paid at the rate of $2.00 per call I 3<1 4.. 5. 6. 7il 8~ 9$ 10. 11. 12" 13. 48 hI'", 48 hrt< 48 hrs 48 hr., 48 hril> 48 hr~ 48 Ilrijj 48 hr" 48 hr., 48 hrt 48 hI'., 48 hr.. ~80 per hI'(\! ",60 per hr. 400/500 per mo~ 300/375 per mo~ 285/350 per mo~ 285/340 per mo,. 2851340 per ro.o~ 250/330 per moO) 250/330 per mo. 250/.330 per moiOl 285/340 per mo" 250/330 per mo. 45 per mo" 200 per mo~ 100 per yr" Patrolmen of said department when entering upon such duties shall be paid $250 per month for the first six months of service, and the surri of $260 per month for the next six months. After one year of satisfactory service, such patrol- man shall then receive $275 per month'i I . All full time regular policemen shall be' paid the sura of $15 per month, to be paid quarterly, f or clothing and uniform allowance, "Which shall be in addition to the regular salary to which such policeman is anti tIed.. If any such policeman shall resign, or his employment be terrainated for any reason Whatsoever, he shall be paid clothing allowance on a pro rata basis, but no allowance shall be made for the smae for a fraction of a month. ,) _ (ContI d. ) ORDINANCE NO. 333] COMPLI- MENT WORK WEEK . I (1) F'ire Department 1., F'ire Ch:Lef 2~ Assistant Chiefs 3~ Cap tains 4<t> Drivers 5e Fireman .6., Ins true tors 1 2 4 14 18 72 hrs~ 72 hI's., 72 hrs\f 72 hrs~ 72 hrs~ addi- tional SALARY OVER T IlVJE TO BE PAL AS SET oU' BELOW 400 per mo. 300 per mo" 275 per mo. 255-265 per mo. 235-250 per mo~ 15 per month All full time regular firemen shall be paid the sum of ~~10 per month, to be paid quarterly, for clothing and uniform allowance, which shall be in addition to the regular salary to which suc.h fireman is entitledt; If any such fireman should resign or his employment be terminated for any reason whatsoever, he shall be paid clothing al- lowance on a pro rata basis, but no allowance shall be made for the same for a fraction of a monthl (J) Airport Departmen t 1.. Airport Manager 1 350-450 per mo", 2. Foreman 1 40 hr~ 225...250 per mo,. 3. Carpen tel' 1 40 hI'" 225-235 per mo.. 4" Truck Driver - Laborer 3 40 hI'., 225-235 per mo. 5.. Cu s todian 1 40 hr~ 225-235 per mo", 6~ Janitor - Laborer 1 40 hI' \0 225 per mo.. I 7" Area F'ireman 4 72 hr1i 225-235 per mo. 8" Area Poli ce Officers 2 48 hI'.. 225-235 per mo. 9", Laborers (Part time) 1 40 hI'.. 1~05 per hr.. All full time airport area policemen shall be paid the sum of ~i15 per man th, to be paid quarterly, for clothing and uniform allowance, which shall be in addition to the regular salary to which such po- liceman is entitled* If any such policeman shall resign or his employment be terminated for any rea- son whatsoever, he shall be paid clothing allowance on a pro rata basis, but no allowance shall be made for the same for a fraction of a month~ (K) Cemetery Department 1. Sexton (Quarters & utilities (furnished) as $45.00 per month) 2. Truck Driver - Laborer 3. Laborers 4. Laborers - (Part time) 1 1 3 2 40 hr~ 40 hr~ 40 hrft I . (L) Health & Sanitation De- partmen t Health 1.. City Physician 1 2~ Nurses 1 3~ Laboratory Technician 1 4. Assistant Lab Technician 1 5. Secretary 1 6ft Senior Sanitarian 1 7~ Sanitarian 1 8. Sanitary Inspector 1 40 hI'.. 44 hrt' 44 hI'.. 40 hrtt 44 hr. 44 hr. Part time 245 per mo. 235 per mo. 225 per mo" 1.05 per hI'", 170 per mo,. 185 per mo.. 200 per mo,. 50-65 per mo,. 150-2' 10 per mo,. 25 per mo" 225-260 per mo~ 75 per mo.. ,'} ORDINANCE NO~ 3331 (Contld,,) eOMPLI- MENT WORK VVEEK SALARY OVEWP UTE TO BE PAID AS SE'J.1 OUT BELOW Sanitation . 1.. Garbage Collector 20reman 1 40 hr~ 235-250 per mo.. 2(1 Truck Driver ... Laborers 8 40 hr 235 per mo~ 319 City Dump Operator 1 48 hr~ 225 per mOil I 4.. Junior & Senior Clerlrs 1 40 hrr$ 150...210 per mo.. 5. Laborer (Part time) 2 40 hril' 1,,05 per hr~ Sewage Disposal Department 1~ Superintendent 1 2~ Operators 6 3i Truck Driver - Laborers 1 4$ Laborers 2 5~ Laborers - Part time 1 6~ Laboratory Technician 1 (Part 'l'ime) 40 hr~ 40 hri< 40 hr'i? 40 hr~ 400 per mo~ 250 per mo., 235 per mo. 225 per mo", 1,,05 per hr", 25 per mo~ (M) Admini s tra tive ao: Office of City Treasurer It Senior & Junior Clerks 2 40 hrlt 150-210 per mo., bi Office of' City Clerk I.. Senior & J un i or Clerks 1 40 hr., 150-210 per mo", 2~ Stenographer - Part 1 24 hr",. 115 per mo~ time C1; Ci ty Attorney 1 300 per morro J.'" Assistant Ci ty 1 200 per mo~ I Attorney 2. Stenographer - Part 1 24 hri! 115 per mo,. time d~ Administrative Assistant 1 350....450 per mo.. I. Secretary to Mayor's 1 40 hr., 170...210 per mo.. Office 2. Secretary - Part 'llime 1 20 hr~ 150-200 per mo", SEcrrION II", The salarie s herein provided for shall be come ef1'ec- tive and include all salaries due after March 1, 1958. SECTION III~ (Vacations). Officers and employees, whose salary or wage is paid on a mpnthly basis, shall be entitled to a vacation of one scheduled work week after one ye8r of continuous service and such officer or employee shall be entitled to two scheduled work weeks of vacation after two or more years of continuous service.. Employees receiving a salary or wage computed on an hourly basis, shall I . be entitled to forty-eight scheduled hours of vacation after one year of continuous service and ninety-six scheduled hours of vacation after two or more years of continuous service. SECTION IV. (Sick Leave). All full time regular employees shall be entitled to one day per month for sick le~ with pay and all part time employees, working one-half day, 6 days pel' week, shall be entit- led to one-half day per month for such sick leave with pay~ . I I I . '" 3331 ORDINANCE NO~n~l (Conttd,,) It is expressly prov~ded that such sick leave may be accumula- tive and shall not exceed more than thirty-six (36) days during a three (3) year period for a full time employee and 18 days during such three (3) year period for an employee who works only half days. It is further provided that sick leave shall be allowed only in case of actual illness or injury and shall not be allowed any em- ployee for any other purpose" with the exception that an employee may be allowed not more than three (3) consecutive calendar days where it is requested by an attending physician that such employee's ser- vices are required to be in attendance of the sick of his nearest of kin (parents, wife, or husband, chlld (adopted or step), brothers or sisters.), or be in attendance of a funeral of the nearest of kin (parents, wife or husband, child, (adopted or step), brothers or sis- ters) or be granted 1/2 day when requested to act as pall-bearer at a funeral, and that such attendance from work be recorded as emergency leave~ The provisions of this section shall apply to the employees of all departments of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTIGN V. All office employees, shop employees, common laborers, machine operators and truck driver laborers, who are paid monthly salaries, shall pe required to work the number of hours per week here- in provided and shall when required to work more than the number of hours herein set forth, be paid for such overtime at the same ra te per hour that su ch employee's monthly salary produces when compu ted on an hourly basis~ When such employees are required to work on any of the prescribed holidays, he shall be paid at a rate of 1 1/2 times his regular rate of pay~ 'fha t the formula u sed to compu te the hourly rate for overtime paid to an employee on a monthly salary shall be as follows: The monthly salary times twelve (12), divided by the result of fifty-two (52) times the number of hours of work required per week. SECTION VI.. 'fha t Urdinance No", 3136, 3208, 3221 and 3226 and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are repeale d., . I I I . '7 ORDINANCE NOw 3331 (Cont'dw) SEC'l'ION VII. That this ordinan ce shall be :tn force and take effect from and after the passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as by law provided~ Passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of the C:tty Council this 5th day of March, 1958. a ATTE:ST: J~S>~ I' CITY CLERK ct ... r-4:i..-- MAYOR . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 33i2 An ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; defining the boundaries thereof; providing for the pavl.ng of the street in saId district, and providing for the assessment and collection of the costs thereof. BE re ORDAINED 'T' YOR AND GOlHWIL C I 'Y (Hi' GHAND 13101\ 1m , 11JE BRA L{](A : SEC'l'ION 1. 'rhat there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as paving District No. 280. SECTION 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part of Grant Street frolll Oklahoma Avenue to Phoenix Avenue, and Phoenix Avenue fI'om Gr'ant Street to Arthur Stree t. SEC'I'HJN 3. The street in said paving district is hereby order- ed paved as provided by law and in accordance wi tLl the plans and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be 36 feet in width. SECTION 4. 'I'llu, t au thari ty is hereby gran ted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners In said district, at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file with the City Clerk within twenty (20) days from the first publication of ttill notice creating said district, as pro- vided by law, written objection to paving of said district. SECTION 5. 'l'h"t authoI'ity is hereby granted to the owneI'S of the record title, I'epI'esenting a majority of the abutting property owners, within said district, to file with the City Clerk, withIn the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in the paving of said street. If sucn owners shall fail to designate the materlal they desire to be used ii! saia paving district, as provldeo for above, an~ within the time provided by law, the City Council shall deteI'mine the mater- 1al to be used. SEC~CION 6. fnmt tho cost of pavIng in said district shall be assessed against the lots, tracts and parcels oi' land especially OHDINAlJCE NU. 3332 ( Con tI d. ) bene.fi tted there by, in proportion to such bene1'i ts to be determin- ed by the City Council as provided by law. . I SECTION 7. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as pro- vidcd by law. Passed and approved by a major! ty vo te of all the member's of the C1 ty Council this the 19th day 01' Marcll, 1958. A TTEsrr: . 5~I~~ _ _ _.L _J.i1. I I . . I I I . (1)flDINANCE NO...3333 An ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; defining the boundaries thereof; providing for the paving of the streot in said district, and providing for the assessment and collection of the costs thereof. BE I 'I' () HD<~ I NED BY MAYOR AND CO;UNCIL OF' THI~ Crl'Y OF G1i.AND ISLi\ND, NbBRASIU\.: SEC '1'1 ON 1. t there is nereby created a paving district in the Cit~ of Grarld Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving District No. 281. SECTION 2. '1'1:1e street in said district to be paved shall be tha t part .0 0.1- Cleburn Street from Eighteenth (18th) Street to State Stre()t. SECTION 3. 'rhe street in said paving district is hereby 01'- dered paved as provided by law and in accordance wi til the plans and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be 36 feet in width. SEC'I'I 4. '.L'nat autlwri ty is hereby granted toche owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district, at the time of the enactment of this ordi- nance, to file witn the City Clerk withIn twenty days fruT11 the first publication of the notice creating said district, as provided by law, written objection to paving of said district. SEC'1'1 5. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of tho abutting property owners, within sa:i_d district, to file with the Cit;;r CleI'k, within the time pI'ovlded by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of ma terial to beu sed in the po. vine; of said street. If such owners shall fail to designate the material they desire to be used in said paving district, as provided for above, and within the time provided by law, the Ci Council shall determine the material to be used. SEC'J'IC!~ 6. nl.,t the cost:; of pav1ng in said district shall be as se EJ sed agains tl~ne lots, tracts and parcels ai' land e speciall:yr benefitted thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the City Council as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 1111 (Cant 'd. ) SECTION 7. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effo ct from and after its pa,ssage, approval and publica tiOD as . I provided by law. passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of the City Council, this 2nd day of April, 1958. A"J'::,;S~' : ~ 0./ / / /~'ii//; i~~w __ . ..~. .L..9/[;;;__________ , ( lv[AYOH~ s~ CLERK I I . ORDINANCE NO.__3334 An ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, defining the boundal~ies thereof, providing for tl.le paving of the street in said district, and pr'ov:'i_ding 1'01: the . I assessment and collection of the costs thereof. BE If]' ORDAINED BY MAYOn AND COUNCIL O1i' CI fIX OF GHl'ilm I SLPdW, lifE BHlii::KA : SEC'['ION 1. 'l'hat theI'e is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nobraska, to be known as Paving District No. 282. SECTION 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part of Garfield Street from Second Street North to the North line of Blocks Two (2) and Three (3) Baker'S Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 3. The street in said paving district is hereby order- eO. paved as p:C'ovided by law and in accordan ce wi tll the plans and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore establish- I ed by the City, said paving district to be 36 feet in width. SEC'l'ION 4. flhat authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district, a t the time 0:1:.' the enactment of this 01'0.1- nance, to file with the City Clerk, within twenty (20) days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as pro- videO. by law, written objections to the paving of said district. SEC'I'ION 5. f]~hat authority is hereby granted to the o\'vners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting propel~ty owners, within said district, to file with the City Clerk, within the time provided by law, a petition for the use of' a particular kind of material to be used in the paving of said street. 1-'" _L such I . ownerf3 shall fail to designate the material they desire to oe used in said paving district, as provided for above, and within the time pI'ovided for by 10. w, the Gi ty C(mncil shall determine the ma terial to be used. SECTION 6. That tho cost of' paving in said district shall be assessed against the lots and tracts of land especially benefitted . I I I . OHDINANCE NO. ~334 (Contld. ) the 1'e by, in proportion to su ch beDef.L tEl to be de termined by the City CouDcil as provided by law. SECTION 7. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of the City Louncil, this the 2nd day of April, 195(3. ATTES'J': 3'~~~ . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3335 An ordinance creating special water main district No. 211, in the C1 ty 01' Grand I~lland, NebI'afska, defining the boundarios tbereof, prov:Lding for the payment of the cost of constructiclD thereof. n.' OHDAINl.W 131. rrlIf:~ IIIA1.OR AND Crry COUNCIL T1n~ C I'I'Y 01:' GHALJD ISLAND, liD~BHA~:I<;:A. SEC<l'ION 1. 'rho. t there is hereby crea tod a special wa tel' main district in the City 01' Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated ~s Water Main District No. 211, of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SEC'1'I 2. The water main in said district shall be construct- ed in Oklahoma Avenue between Locust Stroet and Oleburn stroet, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SBC':l'I 3. Said water main district is here ordered lald as provided by law, and ~n accordance with the plans and specifications governing water mains, as heretofore established by the City. SECTION 4. That the entire assessable cost of construction of said water ma:Ln district sha:;.l be asse~:sed nst the abutting pl'O- perty in said district and a tax shall be levied to pay for the as- sessable cost of construction of said water main district, as soon as said cost can be ascertained, said special water main district tax snaIl be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law and shall be collected in the manner provided by law; provided, J:lOwever, the City Treasurer shall not collect, or cer- tify, l;h.e amount of said taxes to the County Treasurer of said Hall County, Nebraska, on any of the propcrt.,y in said distl~ict, until or- dered so 'CO do 'OJ a. resolu tIon 0 f tele Cl ty Ccunc5_l. S[!~;_,:m shall be branted to the owners of' any of the property in said d:Lstrict to pay the taxes to be levied and assessed against any of said property, as shall be determined by the wa tel' commissioner of s8.:Ld Ci ty, when- . ever such person .shall desire to tap or connect with said water main, without interest, provided, however, '-...... such permission shall have ~n granted before the City Treasurer has been ordered by the Council to collect the same. It shall be made the duty of the water commissioner OHDINAT:fCE }\IO. "1 ~"15 (C on t t (1. ) to collect tho special taxes to bo 10v:Led and a~lsessed as a tap- ping charge against the property in said district until the City ~~roa surer shall be ordered to col1ec t tb.e same. '.L'he water main in . I said district shall not be tapped and no connection shall be made theI'ewith for the purpose of serving any of the property in said district wIthout a peI'mit therefor, as provided by the ordinances of said Ci ty, and un til the wa tel' connni s sioner shall have been paid tho special tax to be lev:led and assessed as a tapping charge and the person, firm, associa on OJ~ cOI'poration, tapping 0:[' connecting wi th said main, wlthout fil:'st having obtained a pcrmi t the:refor and with- out having paid the tax to be levied and assesspd, shall immediately be come liable to said City to pay the s c\.me and the spe cla1 tax shall immediately become a lien upon the ppopeI'ty served and shall draw' interest at the pate of six (6%) per cent per annum and shall be collected and enforced by the Ci ty 1'reasurer of saj_d City aCl :1.n cases of other special taxes. I SEC'I'ION 5. Ted.s ordinance shaLL be in for ce and take ef1'e c t from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a three-fourths vote of all the members 01 tLl8 City Council this 2nd day of April, 1958. ,CO..- /,f;/" A'J"j'lr;S 'T: :'--->" ~~'il 157 ~("'~irnfC.~I" '. ,,-_. J _1_ .. ,1. ...J".L L \. I . OHDLNANCE HO .-3-33() An ordinance creating special water main district No. 212, in the City of Grand Islund, Nebraska, defining the boundaries . I thereof, providing for the payment of the cost of construction thore oi'. B.l~ rc ORDAINED BY 'TIlE lVIAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL 01;1 C I ~.'~{ OF GHAND ISLAlm, NEBl1.ASl';:A. SE Vi: 1. t there is hereby created a special water main district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designat8d a~J Water Main District lJo. 212, of the City of Grand Island, ~obraska. SECTION 2. '.rho water main in said district srmll be constr'uct- ed in Olclahoma Avenue between Greenwich Avenue and Lincoln Avenue, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SEc'rION 3. Said water main district is LlOreby ordered laid as provided by law, and in accordance with the plans and specifications gov8:ming water ma:ins, as heretofore established by the City. I SECTiON 4. That the entire assessable cost of construction of said water main district shall be asseiJsed aga:Lnst the abutting pro- perty in sald distr ct and a tax shall be levied to pay for tile as- sessable cost of construct:ion of said water main distr:ict, as soon as said cost can be ascertained, said special wator main district tax sha11 bo clue and become delinquent ]_n the manner and a t the tlnB prov'i_dod by law and shall bo collocted in the manner provided by law; provided, nowever, the City Treasurer shall not collect, or cor- tify, tre amount of said taxes to the County Treasurer of said Hall County, Nebra~j]a, on any of tho property in said district, unt~jl 01'- dered so to do by a resolution of the City Council. permission shall I . be granted to the owners of any of the property in said district to pay tile taxes to bo levied and assessed against any of said property, as shall be de termined by the water commis ~~J1oner of' sa ld Ci ty, when- ever such person shall desire to tap or connect with said water main, without interest, provided, however, such permission shall have been granted bofore the Clt;y 'rreasurer has been ordered by the Council to colloct the same. It shall be made the duty of the water comm:Lssionor ORDInANCE NO · ".J...3..1L__ (ContI dl) to collect tt18 special taxes to be levied and assessed as a tap- ping charge against the property in said district until the City 'l'reasurer shall be ordered to collect the same. '1\1e 'Na tel" maln in e I sald district shall not be tapped and no connectinn shall be made therewith for the purpose of serving any of the property in said di s tric t wi thou t a permi t theref'or, as provided by tt1e ordInance s of sa~Ld City, and until the water cmnrnissioner shall have been paid the special tax to be levied and assessed as a tapping chaI'ge and the person, J'irm, associa Uon or corporation, tapping or connecting wi th said main, wi thou t first having obtained a permi t therefor and wi th- out having paid the tax to be levied and assessed, shall immodiately become Liable to said City to pay the same and the special tax shall immediately become a lien upon the property served and shall draw interest at the rate of six (61&) per cent per annum and shall be collected and enforced by tho City Treasurer of said City as in cases of other special taxes. I SECTION 5. 'rhis ordinance shall be in. force and tah:e effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a three-fourths vote of all the members of the City Council this 2nd day of April, 1958. A'll'I'ES'r: ~<~~...;:<ttt ... ~I"'- "'YOIl ~~<~--<- erry CLEHE: I e r . I ORDINANCE NO. 3337 AN ORDINANCE limiting the number of package liquor licenses , . and beer licenses to be issued within the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island; providing the method of determining the population of the City of Grand Island upon which such limitations shall be based; providing the effective date hereof and declaring an emergency. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE Ml-\.YOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Gl~AND ISLAND, NEBRASKi-\. : Section 1. On and after the effective date of this ordinance the maximum number of package liquor licenses to be issued within the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island shall be, and hereby is, limited to one (1) "package liquor license" for each " fifteen hundred (1500) inhabitants of the City of Grand Island and one (1) of all other classifications of beer licenses for I each one thousand (1000) inhabitants of said City based on and as determined by the official United States Census taken every ten I . years PROVIDED THAT if a greater number of package liquor licenses or beer licenses shall be in force in said City at the time this ordinance takes effect than would be permissible under the limitations provided herein, such greater n~ber shall be the maximuul n~mber of such licenses to be issued in said City except as hereinafter provided. Section 2. Whenever, after the effective date of this ordinance, a retail package liquor license or beer license shall be revoked, surrendered or not renewed, the maximum nwnber of licenses permitted under this ordinance shall be reduced by the nwnber of such licenses revoked, surrendered or not renewed until such maximum shall be equal to one (1) package liquor license for each fifteen hundred (1500) inhabitants of said City and one (1) of all other classifications of retail beer licenses for each one thousand (l000) inhabitants of said City and no additional retail package liquor licenses and beer licenses shall ~' ,. . I I I . ORDINANCE ~~3Z_ be granted or recOIrunended until the number of licenses is less than one (1) package liquor license for each fifteen hundred (1500) inhabitants of said City and one (1) of all other classifications of retail beer licenses for each one thousand (1000) inhabitants of said City. Section 3. Nothing contained in this ordinance, however, shall be construed to prevent the City Council from granting or recownending a package liquor license or a beer license to a bonafide purchaser of a business belonging to a person now or hereafter holding a license, or from permitting a person holding a license who has operated in one location to transfer such license to another location within the said City. Section 4. The City Council does hereby declar~ that an emergency does exist, and this ordinance therefore shall be in full force and take effect upon its passage and publication. Passed and approved this ~nd _ day of April, 1958. ArrTES'I1: y~ ~/zf >_~;",t. . . ," OR ' q~~~~ OHDINANCE NO. ~~18 An ordinance calling a special election of the qualified electors of tr,e Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose . I of submitting to said electors tho proposItion whetrJCr or not Sect:lon 15, Article 3 of the Home Hule Charter, pertainlng to the payor compensation of the IfiayoI' and Gounc lImen of th.e Gi t;y of Grand I sl~",.nd s Id be amended; providing for the correction and revision of the registration records of the legal voters of said City, and providing for the canvass of ttill returns of said eIec- tion by t~e Council. WIIEHEA~;.. on the 19th day of Maretl, 1~)58, tLJ.G :lilayoI' and Council approved a resolution providing for the calling of a special elec- tion to be held on the 13th day of '1958, for the purpose of submitting to the elector::) of the City of GI'and Island the pI'oposi- tion of amend:Lng the Horne Hule Ct1a:.eter concerning the payor cornpen- sa tion to be pa :Ld the Mayor and Councilmen and provided tha t sucn proposed amendment fix tnc liiayorl s salary at 500 per year, and I that ttie councilmen be paid the surn of' ~i;600 annually. NOW, rll:t.Lli~rl}~Il"lQFiI~, J3E; l'rfl .J. BY C ()T,}"J>JC) ITJ ~eI{~ C C)Ii'l I.SI.J\.T'Tj) , SEGC'I.'lON 1. t 8. special election -:'~ 01 tho e Ie c tOI' [3 of' the City of' Gr,,:nd 1;;1.and, tlebJ'.'aska, be, and tl18 sn.rile is l:1ereoj called to be held on iJ.'ue sday , tho VStn day of' May, 19f.S8 ,:['0:(' tl:Je purpose of' sub- mitting to tho electors or said City tho P:l'oposition, to-wit: IlSrw.l1 Section 15, Article 3 of the Home Hule CnaI'tcn: of' tLe City of Grand Island, lJeb:r'8 ;::;ka, approved bY' the electors of said City on the 2nd day of April, 1929, be amencied to read as i'ollows: I . rl\w payor compeDsa tion of tho Mayor and Councilmen aha 11 be as follolfls: yor f:l!1f.SOO. 00 per annum, Councilmen ~ii;600.00 each pel' annum - and tue l'ilayoJ:' and Council shall have the power by ordinance to fix trlO pe,y OJ:' compensation of a 11 \.) t.her o1'1'i cors, and cbange the sanlO at. pleasure by a three-fourt.hs vote of all members of til0 Gouncil; PHOV:LDED, that the payor com- pensation of any officer so fixed by ordinance 81:1all not be increased or diminished during tIle term of of- fice to which he was so olected or appointed. SEC'l'ION 2. '.tho special election ne1'010 called to bo held on said date shall be held at the usual voting places in said City, OHDIHJ\NCJi: NO... ~':n8 (Cont1cL) which polling places have been used for many years. SEC~"ION 3. 'I'nut; said special election be held in conjunc- . I tion wiU' the primary election on the 13th day of May, 1958, and Uld t trle polls in the several voting precincts bo therefore open from 8 o'clock in , , ene forenoon of said day, and be closed at 8 o'clock in DB afternoon of said day. SEC'j1j{)N 4. TLL.t tho City Clerk shall cause to be prepared ballets for use in said election; said ballots to be printed on wrlite paper and to be designated as "Officiali3allot," and upon said ballots shall be printed the proposition embodied in Section One of thi s ordlm.LDce, followed by the wOI'ds lIYe Sil and !l NOll, and a blanI;:: square under' each of said words, and in accordance wl th the form pres c:eibed in tho general laws re 10. ti ve to elec "Lions in ttle State of Nebraska. All elector;:; who favor the affirmative of said proposition silD 11 make a cro s s in the blank square oppo:::d te the said propo s i tion I and under the word "Yesll, and all electors W(;O are opposed to sa:Ld proposition shall make a cross in trlO blank square opposite said proposi tlon and under tho word lINoll. 'The proposition wtlieh shall appear on the oLf cial ballot for the special election herein callod shall also be designated as Proposition No. I. SJi:CTION 5. Tho registration books for the revision and cor- roct10n of tho registration records of sald G:Lty of Grand Island, l~obra3ka, sCJalI bc opened at the office of the C:Lt~7 ClerIc during the time pr>ovided by law pr'e ceding such election. SB:C 'I' I 6. 'l'he S~UJle number of judge [J and c lerlG3 oi' election I . shall qualify and serve in this election as qualify and serve in a gEmeral election and their duties shall like~vise be the same. '['he returns of said election shall be made to the Council of said C1 ty and by them canvassed upon the first Monday after said election and the result then be declared by said Council. S1~crrIClN 7. 'l'he Ci ty Cler'k shall publish vvith. his official . I I I . OHDDJANCE NO. ~ ~ ~8 (Cont1d.) certification, for three times, a week apart in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper published and of general circulation in said City, the full text of the charter amendment herein pro- posed. SEC'I'10N 8. '1'he charter amendment herein proposed shall be deemed adopted and ratified if a majority of the electors voting shall vote in favor of its adoption; and if ratified the same shall become a part of the Cbarter of the Ci ty. The Ci ty Clerk shall, 1f tiLe saC18 is ratified and adopted, certify to the Secre tary of tho State a copy of said amendment togetner with a statement of tho vote cast in favor of and against said amendment, and shall cause one copy thereof to be placed and deposited in the archives of the City. SECTION 9. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by la IN . passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council, this the 2nd day of April, 1958. l~r~[1TES'T : $ ~>/ ,~ > > >>> _'I-. _ __ >-/ "'~U'~kl ~". G. IVll~YOW --.--------- ~~s; /~ t7c r '-'1'" C I Ti'pF _ J..L ~._.j_tl\. Cj:i; NO. lli9 An ordinance levying special water main district taxes to puy :Cor tne construction of tLl.e maj:.n in Water n District No. . I 210, of the CJ. ty of Grand Islund, eb]~a~;]:::a, nd pr'oviding for t,.,e colloct:Lc)~l tilC:ccof, and repealing Ord:Lnance lio. 3;324, of the vl~dinances of ti.e City of Gr3.nd L; Tirl .L .L liEU Br '.~UL~ Y'{xIi C \J:..L;l CI'J'Y O.F' !} :N1~:BFli1 SECTION 1. That ~nore is horeby levied and assessed a special water main district tax against tho lots, tracts and parcels of landrler'einafter set forth :Cur the purpose of paying the assessable cost of construction of tLe main in Water in District No. 210, of ~)[J.iCl (.;1 ty, in accordance wltJ:J tne benefits :found and asses:::ied aga at the several lots, tracts and parcels of land ln sa d dis- t:['i c t tbe May~r and City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after notice given tncroof as provided by I law; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assess- ed a:::; follows: NAlvIE Lori' BLOCK -- 5 8 5 9 6 If 7 tl 8 It ADDI '1'1 ON --~-- AhiUTJN~~ Clem D. & Bvolyn L. Medley Joehnck's ;[:;114.71 D. II. l'ilOve s & bvelyn G. Meves D. H. lVIevo s 0 Bvol;yn I Move C'C v. S II IILl:.71 It 114.71 D. H. Moves & Evelyn G. Moves !! 114.71 Donald J. & Erva L. Sharp II 114.71 SEC'l'ION 2. Said special wD.tel~ main district t;lX shall be due and beC01DO delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law and snall be collected in tho manner provided by law; provided, however, that; the Ci ty 'j:reasurer shall no t colle c t the amount of I . saId taxes and shall not certif~ the amount of said taxes to the I' O.Ull.I-"lt 'I~l...'["e a= ~...)' UI' er' 0 f' 1.~.lTa 11 (' Ol"ll.'l.I-"lT, 1.\)' e~ "0' I'c'.l,C.::.!,.'.,'-..', 01T '11 II 0 L J.~ '"' P ~(' u' e [' 1 ~ n V, U<l . .L V c-, ""<l . - " .:.l d' J :" t'.J.\::,i.J: -:- :';j hOl'ein deSCI'ibed untJ.l ordered to do so by a resolut:l.on of the L:Lty CouncIl, or as provided in Section 5. SEC'IrON 3. pe ssion is herob grantod to the owners or any of tho pI'operty hOI'einbel'ore set forth to pay si"jd taxes cwrc- OHDINAJ\!CE 1-.fO. 333<1 (COY}.C I d. ) by levied and assessed against any of the property torein describ- ed as shall be determined by the Water Conrnissioner of the City . I of' Grand Island, Nebl'ac:ka, whenever SUc1:1 pcrcJOn shall desire to tap said wate~ main for water purposes without interost; provided, tnat said permission sha 1 have bean granted before tho City Treasurer shall have been ordered to collect said taxes or before triG same sb.all have been ce:et~d'ied to the ~ 'freasurer of Hetll County, NebI'acjka. S.i~C'1' 4. It is hereby made the du of tele Water Com.wis s~Lon- or to collect the taxes hereinbefore levied and assessed a (.~ ~, a tap- ping c18rgo against tho property hereinbefore taxod, and to pay the sumo to t1ill City Treasurer until the taxes hereinbefore levied and assessed shall have been ordered to be collected by tne City Trea- surer or shall have been certified' to the Cuunty Tr>eusurer. SLcrI' 5. ~o person or persons, corporation or association shall tapl~he \:vater main in Water lvlain District ]\ro. 210 for the I purpose of serving any of the property hereinbefore described with- au t flr'8t having obt8.ined a per'mit tt18refor as provided by the compilod ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and withou t first tJ.av paid to the Wuter Corrmlissioner for said panni t the tax nereinbefore levied and. assessed as a tapping charge, and in tb.e event any person, corporation or association shall tap said \ivater ma in wi thou t fi:[' s t hEwing obtained sald permi t or wi thuu t first having paid tho tax so levied and assessed, the said parson, corpor'ation, or associatLm shall become liable under tLe compiled ordinances of the City of Gr>c.nd Island, Nebra~;lm, and in addition ther>eto, it is hereby made the duty of the City 'l'reasurer of tho I . G:L ty of Grand I slu.nc) to colle c t the amount of the taxe s lev:Led and assessed against the premises and to certify the same to the County 'I':C'easurer' of Hall Count.y, }.!ebraska, toget.her wi instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. Section 6. That Ordinance No. 3324 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be, and the same is nereby repealed. OHDINANCE NO. ~~i9 ( Con t I d) SEerL' 7. If and when any of the tx'acts or pax'cels of lund, I'vhicL are not included in tilts oI'cU.nance, lying adjacent . I to said Water Main District No. 210 are furnished water service connectiocls, tl1G OIiVYler of such tract or parcel of land shall be required to pay the Water Department for SUCD service connection the sum of $1.74 for eae lineal foot of such main lying adjacent Q to the tract or parcel of land so served. SEcr[' 8. s ordinance shall be in force and take ef- feet from and aftor its passage, approval and publication, as provided uy la w. p<'3.ssed and approved this l6tl1 day of April, 1958. 1\. ~C TJ1E IS Ill: ~ ~ / ~/ , fAd '_'W ,. . Ii' YOH c7~--- cJ.- [ ~ /.- Ci'l'}' cillln\: .---- I I . . I I I . OHDINJU\!CE NO. 3340 An ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; defining the boundaries thereof; providing for the paving of tl:lC street in said district, and providing for the assessment and collection of tho costs l'e of. BE 1'1' GHDAINED BY' 'JllLi..'; j\;LAYOR JU~D COUNCIL OF' 'rUE CI'I'Y Oil' GHAND I E~LAND, N,~BHA::Ylli; SECIIIION 1. That tnore is hereby created a pavi distr1ct in the Oi ty of Gl'and Is lEmd, Nobra aka, to bo kno wn as Paving D:Ls tr:Lc t No. 283. SECrllION ~;. Said pavi,ng district shall. consist of tb,at part of Arthur street :Crom Louise street to John street. SECI,I'lJ.L-T 3. 'l'ne s tre e t , , " cJ :i,n sal_ paving district is he:reby orde:e- ed paved as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing paving distl'icts as heretofol~e established by the City, said paving to be 36 f'eet in width. SEC'l'ICJN -'1. 'l'hat authori ty is here by gI'antod to t1le owners of' the re cord t1 tIe, representing a majori ty of the a bu tting property owners in said district, a t the time of the enactment oJ' this o:edinance, Lo 1'ile wi til the City ClerI:\: v"d twenty (20) days from tue firs t publica tlon of the no tice crca tJ said district, as pro- vided by law, written objection to pav or said district. SL;C'I'I 5. Thu,t autho:t'ity is hereby ted to tho olrvners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners, witllin said district, to file with the City Clerk, within the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of' ma terial to be u sed in trlO paving of' said s tree t. Ii' SUCh owners shall fail to designate the ma terial the:'T desire to be used in said paving district as provided for above, and within the time provided by law, the Ci ty Council shall deter'mine the material. to be used. SEC'['IUN 6. 'nwt tb,e cost of paving in ~Jald dIstrIct shall be assessed against the lots, tracts and pracels of land especially benefitted thereby, in proportion to su beneri ts tZ) be de ter'min- ed by tho CitS Council as provided by law. . I I I . OHDIlrAl<iCl~ NO. (('0-"t-1d- ) v II ... 3J4Q SEe'.nUl! '7. 'I'hEct tLLie; cH'dinaDcc shall be in topce and -I:;a1:8 eLCect frorn and af'ter its passage, apPI'oval and publication as provided by law. pn.ssed and approved by a majority vote of all tho members of tho City Council this tb.e l6tn di:l'Y of April, 1958. ATTt:S'I' : ,./ ~./ ~bf1..~>)r ~.. ~t/ /It/ - . - ---.----.--..-.---- MAYOH / #~~(.{:,~~----- :::~()._ C..L L..1JLJ< OHDINANCE NO. --3J.11-..___. An O:C'dinance cres ting a gr'avel di s trlc t in tiLE: C:l. of Grt1nd l;,lcHld, Nebr8.3ka, defini the boundaries thereof, providing for tie gra vo I ill!}; o:f tLe stree ts in said dl s tri ct, and providing . I i'orthe levying of spa c1al as so s sments to pay for tho cost of the grave ling 1n said dl s trl c t an d the col:le c ti 0" the costs thereof. BE I'I OHDAIJ'nm LJY rl'lIl~ IVIJ\.YOH C {lUNe IL Oli"! C., .. rrn,- 1..1. .L GRAND ISLAT\fD, NE BllA. Sr;A : SECTION 1. That thore is hereby created a gravel district in tlJO City of GrarJd Island, Nebra,':ka, to be ]nlovvn and deslgnated as Gravel District No. 26. SEC']:IJN 2,. Said gravel distI':l.ct shall consist or that paI't of West North Front Stroot from the west line of West Heights Add:i.tion, to the east line of \Nest Heigrlts Addi tlon; West J:"OUI'ttl (4th) Street from the west line of West Heights Addition to the east lino of West Heights Addition; Sheridan Avenue from Fourth (4th) Street to Fifth (5th) Street; Sherman Avonue from West North I Front Street to Fifth (5th) Street, and We s t Avenue i'rom Fourth ( 4: th) StI'oet to Fifth ( 5th) Street. SECTIOl\f 3. Said streets :Ln sald gT'avcl d:Lstrict are hereby oI'dered graveled 0.:3 provlded by law aYJ.d in accordance wi tL~ the plans and speclf:tcatJ.::ms governing gravel distl~icts as here tof'ore esticJ.blisbed b;y the Gity, said graveling shall be thirty-sIx (36) fee t irl width. SEC'J'ION 4. "rt1at author:l.ty is heI'eby granted to the owners o:c Lice I'ecord ti tIe, l'epresen tJ.ng a majority of the abutting pr'o- perty owners in :3aid d:Lstrict, at the t:Lme o:C tne enactment 01' this ordinance to 1'ile with the City Clork within twenty (20) days from the fir,1t publication of the notice cT'eating said distr'lct, as I . provided by law, written objections to the graveling of said stI'eets in said district. SECTION Ey. That the entire cost of' graveling SiUet streets in said distT'ict shall be assessed against the lots, tracts and par- cals of' land especially benefi tted thereby, in propoI'tion to such benefits to be deteT'fairled by the City Counoil a[3 bS law prov:Lded. " OHDDJAnCE NO. 334.1 (Gont1d.) SEC'I'I 6. 'I'h:l.s ordinance sf.iBll be In Loree D.ndtake e1'1'oet 1'rom and aftor Its passage, approval and publication as provided . I by law. Passed and approved by a majority voto of all the members of tLO City Council this the 16th day of April, 1958. .A..1II~rES[J; : ~0~,~ \./..L __ .L.., cl\. I I . CE 1" l ") ") II ') ..iIC. _~____.___ An OJ:,dlncl.rlce exteIlding the cOr'pOI'D te liwl L 8 of the C1 ty of I land, ebI'u lcD., by annexing t,J:i.eI'otu unCi incl ther'oin, . I an uddltlon to be known and desi tod ac] Kn1c1;:rehmI8 Second Ad- dition to Lne City of Grand Is12nd, Nebraska, approvi tJ...c pl::.. t of :,aid D.ddl tlon, [cnd all proc oed s had and done conCO~1 tho ~3.rl rl UJ'~;~L ~i~ C) Xl tll c:: IJC 0 L' . s, }irioda c1(rohm haE: {Hade application to theCiLy of Grn.nd I;:;land roquost the anuc)xa on of an add_5_tion i~o be kncnJT) and desigyw. tod as Knickrelun IS Socond .1~dd:L tion to telO Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, by said City; that tho corporate limits of saId City be extended to include said addition, and has submitted there W:} Vi a pIn t showing the lOGS compI'Ising ::m:id addition, tOf!Atner with streots, alleys, avenues and public ways, and , the Mayor and City Council nave examined said appli- cation and plat dYE! have found ~ the sarno should in all rospects I be approved, and vnJEIU~11...S, t[le plat and the mme.xatJ_on of said adcUtLcm to the Vi t;y of Grand I ~(!Ci.ndLlacl been app:eoved ,y the Planning Couu:: s cJ ~,on oi~ G'r~n.rld_ I s ~LEl I'lci, +,' rp .L .L QiIiI)i~Il.:rlGD rr'{ i, E ~(OT~ C Q.-LT.N- C: I IJ (J:L;l li 1'L"( U 1:' Cj-{AIJD J_ 0 , SEC'l' 1. t tho 8 licdtion e ~-::c.lid ccJEL I<rllcJceulrrn to Wive I'Cnic1n'8LLl1lIs L3eco d l\.ddi.t.Lo:n to tho L1 u1' Is land, c-orasJzs, unYlcxed -bo said City of G-rand lslnnd be, un ~rlC same is 1101'0 ted; tu t -[,he pIa t of said. acldi ti on be, and tho samo 1 s LtC I~C:; l nJ..J_ r8SpeC"ts al)p~oved. C'1' C) CJ. t tl10 appeoval of tho P IEl t r. Ol ~:.:~l acl.cJLti tJ8 I . orlcl()r~;ect upon ti:L() ~~: r.;t :~l e Et.:n d s i grt 0 (1 the or' and Ci C lor' k , an d tLLa t ttle [Jeal or ,.,e C of Grand 1:;1:::'11d be thereunto Eli't' 0_.. (:'1'1 3. 'l'h t tt18 pla t; of Kn.LckrcrUll I s Second ~L l~ url -be, 2nd thc; s ~m8 lS uoro orclc'J'ed i'iled the ufi'ice }'~ e L~~ i ~) t e ]:" o i' Do U dM ~3 oJ.' l"LLll. J_ C QU. J1 t;;. , 8 tJ 1121 ~JI~~ D~, US law prcJvJ_ded. OI1DIHA:~CE l'JO.~____..__( Gunt' d.) SL; C 'i'l m;; 1. s urdinancB shall 0e in force and take effect from anCi 8f~'L0r its (."'1 C1 w.....l itp pr'ov a.l ax} VU b :Lcat;Lr:Hl n s pl~ovidecl . I b~i- la Ij\I. Pas30d !ClJJprovec.L [1 nJQJc)J.~lty vote ':> ,., 01 1:: L'1c; menlber s o~c tne C:i C OU :(1 C i 1 tLl.:L s tl10 J6tn day of April, 1958. It ir Tl~!,:~:3 r11 : ~. t6Z -. "', .... ~----- . J\'i!U~ OH !l -_..:?~ -.._.._~--~~~---_....._._.- ~~~-~CIJ,';llE I I . I~ ? ORDINANCE NO. 3343 An ordinance providing for the number of persons to be em- ployed at the Grand Island, City Cemetery; fixing the hours they . I shall work per week and fixing salaries; amending Paragraph (K) of Section 1 of Ordinance No. 3331 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, pertaining to the salaries of such employees, and repealing said original ParagrapJ/(K). BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That Paragraph (K) of Section 1 of Ordinance No. 3331 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, pertaining to the salaries of the sexton and other employees of the Cemetery Department, and the hours they shall work per week, be, and the same is hereby amended, and the salaries for such em- ployees be fixed as follows: CQMPIJI- lVDj;NT WORK WEEK SALARY I Cemetery Department 1. Sexton (Quarters & utilities (furnished) as $45~00 per month 2. Truck Driver - Laborer 3. Laborers 4. Laborers - (part time) 1 $245-295 per mo. 1 3 8 40 hr.. 40 hr. 40 hr. 235-250 per mo. 225-235 per mo. 1.05 per hr. SECTION 2. That said original Paragraph (K) of Section 1 of Ordinance No. 3331 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be, arid the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 3. 'lhis ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law.. Passed and approved this 7th day of May, 1958. I . ATTEST: ~:>.~ - CITY CLERK- ~ ORDINANCE NO. 3344 An Ordinance creating a gravel district in the City of Grffild Island, Nebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing . I for the graveling of the streets in said district, and providing for the levying of special assessments to pay for the cost of the graveling in said district and the collection of the costs thereof. BE I'r ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a gravel district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Gravel District No. 27. SEcrrION 2. Said gravel di strict shall consis t of that part of oak Street from Delaware Street to Oklahoma Avenue, and phoenix Avenue from Oak Street to the east line of the Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, known as Hawthorne place. SECTION 3. Said streets in said gravel district are hereby ordered graveled as provided by law and in accordance with the I plans and specifications governing gravel districts as heretofore established by the City, said graveling shall be thirty-six (36) feet in width. SECTION 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of tile record title, representing a majority of the abutting pro- perty owners in said district, at the time of the enactment of this ordinance to file with the City Clerk within twenty (20) days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as provided by law, written objections to the graveling of said streets in said district. SECTION 5. That the entire cost of graveling said streets in said district shall be assessed against the lots, tracts and parcels I . of land especially benefitted thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the City Council as by law provided_ SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3344 ( Con t 1 d. ) passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of' the City Council this the 7th day of May, 1958. ATTEs~r: ~J.~~ CITY CLERK d-'~~MA~~ .. . I I I . I...LiDII,jjUTCE Ni' '..)3',11 r:: v . __.,~, .::r..:)._____ An ordinance creating a paving district in the City of G'y)and 18].a!}~l, Nebr)Qslra, def boundaries thereof, provid- i for> the pu..v g of the street in ~J jd district, and providing for U,e assessment and collection of co s t thor'eo:C. B.L~ I Ii:' lj"y~' l\i/::. "'i{j} ( /: 1,j ('! -r-nl,T -,1..,L J, (jEi' 1:~TJ\,NJ), sJ.c:c'n:CHl 1. t tiLO ro is he:eo by crecd;od a pit,vine; eli s "(;l'i ct ill t City of Grand ~s nd, obraska, to bo known as Pay Distl~ict No. 204. fSI~C rI I OJ>f 2. Sfl i d IJCL V eLLstrict shall consist of th:':L paJ:'t of ..L"ourtocnth (14ctn) Streot extend! from Grand Island Avenue +;0 P a:e k enue, and P::u'k Avenue from rteenth (13th) street to 'I,' J",l.."'''l't.'t'" (1"" ".",.,) l'lJ. Gc;e,!.., j.. 0 Gr... ~) t~r~() e t. SJ;CrCI 3. stI'CH::Jt in sr:dd ,pavL;g distrJ.ct is hex'c or- dered paved as provided by law anci in accordance witn the pIac,s d specifications PEl"V districts as heretofore estab- eI'n 11 [jhed the 01 , said pav5 tC) oe ~5G 1'88 t in Fvid_ tl1. SEO'I'I01: 4. t authority is hereby granted to the owners oi' t-ilC :cecorcl tit].o, J~epI)eSeDt L=t JUEljuI)i t-:I or' t1:L6 8.b-u pro- perty owners in said district, at time of the snac t of '" ~) ordinance, to file with the City Clerk, wi twenty (20) days fY'OJrl tL'C 1'lr::t publication of tc,c notice cI'eat E1uid. (li[+t~eict, as provided by law, written objections to paving of said district. SBC'lIIOl:\1 5. t uut is he:['s granted to the owners oJ tlJcI'e cO.rd ti 1e, rcp:ee sen a majority of the abutting pro- p8~-:,ty owners witnin said distrLct, to f11e wlth tile City Clerh~ w:! th1n till' provIded by w, a peti on for the use 01 a p~r- ticu~l_ar) lej.nd oil ma.t~oriaJ_ oe usecI -i il tt-,te EJ [~J. at' SEl (.\. str1oe-L. If such owners shall fail to d~e s '~e the material tI10Y' desire to 'U:3e(t Ix} said. vi d:L ,S tr1 ct, as provided l;or above, and W..:.. ttJ.. io o tll'nc r)I}o-vid.od~ f' or lJ:Y :La Vv , t~'Lle C =L Gouncil sna]]. detor- ynir18 tlle rna te:c-ia.l to bu t1S8CL. NO. 3345._(Cont'c,-.) SI~C fJ.:J." G. T; e co t ui' tile v ifl saicI ctist:cict ,s!:lal1 be assessed a u t tllC: J ' __,OT~S L{T:lC.:t t~eaets oJ' e;3pecial:Ly . I bOllei'j.tted -tllGreby, ill proportion to such benefits to bo detoI'min- cd by the Ci Council as provided by :Law. SEC'Cl; ? . L s ordinance shall De in force and take effect from and tor itspaS~l2:1.ljO, a:CJI)ro,,TuJ DJ~1d_ I)U CEJ.t. or} as provided by law. 1:> t)~ r3 3 () (1 ell1 c:;~ pJ:.oved by a majc)]:1ty vote 01' all oJ:" tIle members 01' tL18 C; J CouncIl th:Ls the 2.#4._ 01' -0..7 , 195D. A 'II 'I~l'~ST: ~s" _//( _,. __~_--=~tt~.__ c., lil"\.I" ('-J-""["v _L.L J. oJ ...JLL Ll.\. I I . . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3~46 An ordinance creating a paving district in the City or Grand Island, Nebraska; defining the boundaries thereof; providing for the paving of the street in said district, and providing for the assessment and collection of the costs thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF 1J1HE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be kriown as Paving District No. 285. SECTION 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part of Walnut Street extended from State Street to the North line of Eighteenth (18th) Street extended. SECTION 3. The street in said paving district is hereby order- ed paved as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be 43 feet in width. SECTION 4. 1hat authority is hereby granted to the owners or the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district, at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file with the City Clerk within twenty (20) days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as pI'O- vided by law, written objection to paving of said district. SECTION 5. That authoI'ity is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, repI'esenting a majority of the abutting property owners, within said district, to file with the City Clerk, within the time pI'ovided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in the pavin~ of said street. If such owners shall fail to designate the material they desire to be used in said paving district, as provided for above, and within the time provided by law, the City Council shall determine the material to be used. SECTION 6. That the cost of paving in said district shall be assessed against the lots, tracts and parcels of land especially . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 1346 (Contfd.) benefitted thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determin- ed by the City Council as provided by law. SECTION 7. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as pro- vided by law. passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of the City Council this the 7th day of May, 1958. ATTEST: ~s~ crrr'Y CLERK ;L~R ORDINANCE NO. 1-:S47 An ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; defining the boundaries thereof; providing tor . I the paving of the street in said district, and providing for the assessment and collection of the costs thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF rrHE Crry OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving Dis- trict No. 286. SECTION 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part of Eleventh (11th) Streem from Eddy Street to Cleburn Street. SECTION 3. The street in said paving district i~ hereby order- ed paved as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore established I by the Ci t;y, said paving to be 36 feet in width. SECTION 4. rr1ha t au thori ty is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district, at the time of the enactment of this or- dinance, to file with the Cit;y Clerk within twenty (20) days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as pro- vided by law, written objection to paving of said district. SECTION 5. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record,title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners, within said district, to file with the City Clerk, within the time provided b;y law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in the paving of said street~ If such owners shall fail to designate the material they desire to be used I . in said paving district, as provided for above,and within the time provided by law, the City Council shall determine the material to be used. SECTION 6. That the cost of paving in said district shall be assessed against the lots, tracts and parcels of land especially ORDINANCE NO. -3347 ~__ (Cont1d.) benefitted thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determin- . I ed by the City Council as provided by law. SECTION 7. rIha t this ordinance shall be in for ce and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of the City Council this the 7th day of May, 1958. ATTEsrr: ~~ r\ I'lY C1-ERIr------- ;.,~-- IvIAYOR I I . . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3348 An ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; defining the boundaries thereof; providing for the paving of the street in said district, and providing for the assessment and collection of the costs thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISL1ND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving District No. 287. SECTION 2. The street to be paved in said district shall be that part of North park Avenue from Sixteenth (16th) Street to State Street. SECTION 3. The street in said paving district is hereby order- ad paved as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be 36 feet in width. SECTION 4. That authority is r~reby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting propertJ7" 01JlJDers in said dis trict, at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file with the City Clerk within twenty (20) days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as pro- vided by law, written objection to paving of said district. SECTION 5. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners within said district, to file with the City Clerk within the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in the paving of said street. If such owners shall fail to designate the material they desire to be used in said paving district as provided for above, and within the time provided by law, the Ci ty Council shall determine the material to be used. SECTION 6. That the cost of paving in said district shall be , assessed against the lots, tracts and parcels of land especially . I I I . ORDINM~CE NO. 3348 (CantICl.) benefitted thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the City Council as provided by law. SECTION 7. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as pro- vided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of the City Council this the 21st day of May, 1958. ATr:eEST: ~ ~d ~~K . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 1349 An ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; defining the boundaries thereof; providing for the paving of the street in said district, and providing for the assessment and collection of the costs thereo.f. BE IT OHDAINED BY 'rEE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GHAND ISIJl..ND, NEBHASKA: SEC1'ION 1. 1'hat there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving District No. 288. SECTION 2. Said paving district shall consist of that part of Monroe Street from Second (2nd) Street to John street. SEC~.lION 3. The street in said paving district is hereb~y order- ed paved as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be 36 feet in width. SEcrrION 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district, a t the time o:f the enactment of this ordinance, to file with the City Clerk within twenty (20) days from the first publication of th.e notice creating said district, as pro- vided by law, written objection to paving of said district. SEc>:nON 5. Tho. t au thori ty is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property .. tl . "d d" t " t t "" "1 .. tb tI, C.. t Cl k .. t' .. owne rs, Wl - nn sal J.S rlc, 0 .1. l_e Wl . ue ), y er, Wl run the time provided by law, a petition for the use o.f a particular kind of material to be used in the paving of said street. If such owners shall fail to designate the material they desir'8 to be used in said paving district as provided for above, and within the time provided by law, the City Council shall determine the matel'ial to be used. SECTION 6. 'fhat the cost of' paving in said distr:Lct shall be assessed against the lots, tracts and parcels of land especially benefitted thereby, in proportion to such bene.fits to be determined . I I I . OHDINANCE NO.-33.1.2_____( Cont t d. ) by the Ci. ty Council as provi.ded by law. SECTION 7. 'l'ha t this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of the City Council this the 21st day of May, 1958. A'.rTEST: c:I"'4~ - _ __" MA YOR ffircfTd1: ORDINANCE NO. -3.3..29-___ An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Sewer District No. 299 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska and providing for the collection tilereof. . I BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CI'1~{ OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the purpose of paying the cost of the construction of the sewer in Sewer District No. 299 of the Ci ty of Grand Island, in accordance with the benefits found due and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the City Council of saj.d City, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after due notice having been given thereof as pro- vided by law; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME LOT BLOCK ADDI~:ION AMOUNT I William Lechner 217 Belmont Addition $ 58.00 Augus ta Le clmer 218 II If 60.90 Augusta Lechner 219 II If 60.90 AUCfusta Lechner 220 " II 60.90 b Teddy & Imogene Lechner 221 II II 60.90 Teddy & Imogene Lechner 222 " II 60.90 SEC'l'ION 2. That should the owners of any lots, tracts or par- eels of land lying beyond the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island,and adjacent to the sewer constructed in this district, de- sire to connect said lands with said sewer, that the owners of such lands pay to the City of Grand Island the sum of ft!a.45 per foot for such sewer connection, and that the same be paid in advance in full I . as a tapping charge. SECTION 3. The taxes so levied shall become payable and de- linquent in the manner provided by law. SEC'TION 4. '1'he Ci ty Clerk is hereb-y directed to certify to the City Treasurer the amount of said taxes together with instructions . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. --3J~___ (Cont1d.) to collect the same as provided by law. SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council this the 4th day of June, 1958. AT~:EST : Jg;~1_~.~._ ::=:::.::r==:-~ CITY CLERK ~ / . , ' 'OR' OHDINAN CE 1m. ...33.2L-_____ AN Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 369 and Ordinance No. 708 of the City of Grand Island providing for the cutting of weeds . I and ranI: and noxious vegetation growing between the curb line and the alley on all vacant and inproved lots, trac ts and parcels of l~nd in the City of Grand Island; defining the duty of the Street Commissioner relative to the cutting of said weeds; providing for th() giving of notice to cut such weeds; prov;~ding that the Ci ty may cut weeds and assess the cost thereof to the owner or owners of such lots and tracts of land; providing penalties, and repealing said original Ordinance No. 369 and Ordinance No. 708. BE :cr ORDAIN1:;;D BY TBE MAYOn AND COUNCIL OP T C ::crr'Y OF GRA]\!D ISL.tJ.:ND, NEBRASTCA: That Ordinance No. 369 and Ordinance No. 708 of the Ordinances of tUe City of Grand L::land, l~ebraska, be, and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: I SECTION" 1. It shall be the duty of the owner of any vacan t or improved lots, tra'cts and parcels of land in the C1 ty of Grand Island, to keep the weeds and other rank and noxious vegetation growing thereon betweon the curb line and the alley line cut or otherwise destroyed and to remove the same therefrom as often as the same shall be required during the growing season, and that such owner failing to cut or' otherwise destroy and remove such weods, rank or noxious vegetation, when required, shall upon conviction be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and be fined in any sum not ex- ceeding ~lplOO, and shall stand committed to the C1 ty Jail until such fine and costs are paid. SECTION 2. It is hex'eby made the duty of the Street COltul1ission- I . ep of the Ci t'\T of Grand Island to persc)nally view and insnect any . ~ ~ v and all lots, tracts and parcels of land wi thin the Ci ty for grovr- ing weeds theroon at least once in each month during the growing season. SECTION 3. If weeds and I'ank and noxious vegetaticm be found gpowing thereon be tween the curb line and the alley, he shall for.th- 'Nith notify the owner thereof in wI'iting immediately to cut down saId weeds as close to the ground as can be practicably done, and OHDINANCE NO. 3351 (Cantld.) to remove or destroy the same, and keep the weeds cut thereon in like manner during the growing season for weeds. In the event that tlIe ollmer of any lots, tracts or parcels of land wi thhl the C1 ty . I is a non-resident of the City or cannot be found thorein, the notlce may be given to any person having the care, custody or con- trol thereof, or to any agent, factor or rent collector of the owner thereof. In case there can be no one found within the City to whom the notice can be given, as aforesaid, it shall be the duty o:C the said ~)tpeet Commissioner to post a copy of said notice on the premises and then immediately to cut 01' cause said weeds to be cut and removed or destroyed as herein provided, and to report tho cos t thereof In Itvri ting to t1:1e CounCil, and the said bill shall be audi ted and paid by the Ci ty u.nd the amount thereof shall by ordinance be assessed against said lots, tracts and parcels of land as a special tax thereon and be levied and collected as other taxes of the City. I SECTION 4. 'i'he notice to be served upon the property owner by the Street Commissioner as provided for in Section 3 of this ordinance, may be served personally upon the owner by the Street Commissioner, or by any person designated by him to serve the same. 'Ihe person making service of such notice shall in wri ting certify upon a copy thereof, to be retained by tile Street Conrrnissioner, the day such notice was served and on whom served. SECTION 5. That Ordinance No. 369 and Ordinance No. 708 of ttle OrdlnancG s of the C1 ty of Grand Is land be, and the same are here- by repealed. SECTIOIT 6. fChis ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided I . by la w. Passed. and approved this 4th day of June, 1958. A'l'TES~C: <~~~~~~- Or:lDINAJTCE NO. ~ ~22 An Ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; defining the boundaries thereof; provid- . I ing for the paving of the street in said district, and providing for the assessment and collection of the costs thereof. Hl~ 1'1' mWAINED BY 'rEE IVIIiYOH COUNCIL OF' C I'1'Y OF GHAI-J]) ISLAND, HEBHASI\:A: SECrI'ICJN 1. 'l'hat there is hereby created a pavi.ng distr:'Lct in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving Dis- tr:Lct No. 289. SEC~CI()N 2. Said paving dis tric t shall consi 3 t of tl"18. t part of Sixteenth (16th) Street from Elm Street to Walnut Street. SECTION 3. The street in said paving district is hereby 01'- dered paved as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore estab- lished by the City, said pav to be 36 feet in width. I SECTION 4. '1'ha t authori ty is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting pro- perty owners in said district, at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file with the City Clerk within twenty (20) days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as pro- vided by law, written objection to paving of said district. SEC'L'I)];r 5. '1'ha t authori ty 1 s here by granted to the owners or the record title, 1~(1)rOEj8rltirlg D. f.1D j ., U1 tl."LC; ": " <> u~ U 1J "L. "l)~:. j'-~ L.: , ~() ():p C J) -L~; J JVlJ10rs, vd clJ..n said distr:ic:';, to fD.o wi Git~ Clerk, within the time provided hy law, a pe t1 tion for the use of a parti culc,r kind of material to be used in tho paving of said street. If such ownel's shal.l fail to de signa .te the ma te1'1al they des :Lre to be I . used in sald paving district as provided for above, and Ifrl thin th.e time provided by law, the City Council shall. determine thB material to be used. SECTION 6. feha t tho GO s t of paving in said di s tric t shall be assessed against the lots, tracts and parcels of land especially benefitted tbBreby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined . I I I . ORDINAF!CE NO. 3352 ____(Cont'd.) by the City Council as provided by law. SECTION 7. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majorit~T vote of all the members of the City Council this the 4th day of June, 1958. Arrr:eL:S':p: ~ / ~ ... . lvUWl ~g~Lsdh ~-r-~[TY CLERK . I I I . OHDINAN'CE NO.-3253____ An OI'dinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; defining thB boundaries thBreof; providing for the pav~i.ng of tho street in said district, and providing f'or the asc,e~]sment and collection of the costs thereof. BE T'l' OHDAINED BY 'I'FCii; MAYOE AND C OTJNCIL OF THE GI'fY 01" GHAl\D IE;LAND, ]iTEBHASKA: SEC~:ION 1. That there is hereb'y created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving Dis- trict No. 290. SEc'r 2. Said pEl ving dis trl c t shall consi s t of tha t part of Third Street from Grant Street to Garfield Avenue, and that part of Grant Street from 'l'hird Str'oet to Second Street. SECTION 3. The street in said paving district is hereby 01'- dered paved as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be 36 feet in width. SEC'.[1ICm 4. Tho. t authority is hereby granted to the ovvners of the rEc.::lrd ti tIe, representing a majority of tb.e abutting property owners in said district, at the time of the enactment of this 01'- dinance, to file wi th the Ci ty Clerk wi ttdn twenty (20) days from the first publication of the notice treating said district, as pro- vided by law, written objection to paving of said d:'Ud:;r:Lct. SECTION 5. lJ.'hat authority' is hereby granted to tb.e owners of the record title, represent:lng a majority of the abutting property OWnEJrS, wi thin sa:l.d district, to file with the City Clerk, wi. thin the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in the paving of said street. If such owners shall fail to designa te the material they desire to be used in said paving district as provided for above, and within the time provided by law, the City Council shall determine the material to be used. SECTION 6. That the cost of paving in said district shall be assessed against the lots, tracts and parcels of land especially benefitted thereby, inproportion to such benefits to be determined . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 33~3 _(Cant 'd.) by the City Council as provided by law. SEc'rION 7. lJ1ll.at this ordinance shall be in force an d take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as pro- vided by law. J'a~lsed and approved by a majori ty vote of all the members of the Ci ty Council this the 4th day of June, 1958. ATTEsrr: ~ -~~ S ~~______ ~~c1rrY CLERK ORDINAiTCE NO .-3..354----._ An Ordinance creating a gravel district in the City of Gr::md Islnnd, Nebraska, defining the boundariesthoreof, pro- viding for the graveling of tLe streets in said district, and . I providing f6r the levying of special assessments to pay for the cost of the graveling in said district, and tho collection of the costs thereof. BE I'l' on. DAI NED BY lVJAYOH AlW C OUNeIL OF C I'l'Y OF GHAND ISLAND, NEBHASKA: SECTION 1. 'l'hat thero is hereby created a gravel distrIct in tho City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Gravel District No. 28. SECTION 2. 'ehe streets to be graveled in said district are as follows: 'I'hat part of Eddy Stree t from l~ebraska Avenue to the South line of Pleasant Home Addi tion; tha t part of Lincoln Avenue from Nebraska Avenue to the Sou th line of Pleasant Home Add1 tion; tha t par't of Sylvan Street from Nebraska Avenue to the Sou th line I of Pleas::m t Home Addition; tha t part of Nebraska Avenue fro:m Lo- cust Street to Sylvan Street; that part of Oxnard Avenue from L6- cust Street to Sylvan Stree t; tha t p;:irt of Windolph Avenue from Locus t Stree t to Sylvan Stree t, and tha t part of Hedde Street from Locust Street to Sylvan Street. SEC'l'10N 3. Said streets in said gravel district are hereby ordered graveled as provided by law and in accordance with the plans an~ specifications governing gravel districts as heretofore established by the City, said graveling shall be thirty-six (361) feet in w1d the SECTION 4. Tha t authori ty is hereby gr'anted to the olimer's of the record title, reprosenting a majority of the abutting pro- I . perty owners In said distr'ict, at the time of the enactment of tilis orcHnance to file with the City Clerk wi thin twen ty (20) days from the first publication of tbe not L~e creating said dlstrict, as provIded by law, written objections to the graveling of said streets in said district. . I I I . ORDINANCE NO'-J354 ( Con t I d. ) SECTION 5. That the entire cost of graveling said streets in said district shall be assessed against the lots, tracts and parcels of land especially benefitted thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the City Council as by law pro- vided. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by 1 aw . Passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of the Ci ty Council this tCle 4th day of J'une, 1958. AfJ'TEsrr: ~c~~ . I I I . ORDlliANCg NO. ~ ~55 An Ordinance directing and allthorizing the sale of excess water from The Bischeld Street EJ..ectric G'8nerating Plant belonging to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; providing for the giving of notice of the sale of s1.1ch excess ~vater and giving the terms of such sale; BE: IT OIlDAINED BY 'IRE JVJAYOR At'TD COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GR.AND ISLAND, NI!J3RASKA: SECTION 1. That the sale of excess water from the Bischeld Street Electric Generating Plant belonging to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska for a period of forty years from the date of passaGe of this Ordinance, to Hudolph N. KU3ster, his heirs and assigns, be and the same is hereby direct- ed, al1thorized, and confirmed. SECTION 2. The manner and terms of said sale of sl1ch excess water are as follows: Rudolph N. Kuester has agreed to pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars (:1r,lOO.OO) per year for snch excess water, and has paid the SUIIl of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) as a do-vm-pqvmmt on the fil'st year's payment therefor; an additional $50.00 will be paid for the first year's water rental upon the passaue, app 'oval and publication of this Ordinance; thirty-nine (39) addi- tional payments of $100.00 each will be paid by Rudolph N.Kuester as follows: $100.00 on July 1, 1959 and a like amonnt of $100.00 on the first day of July for each year th(~rc)after until a total of ;ij;4,OOO.OO has been paid under terms of this Ordinance. The City of Grand Island -vTill furnish by means of a pipe line, which pipe line is to be installed by purchaser, such excess wa-i~er as the City may have available for discharge from time to time from its Bischeld Street Electr:Lc FOHer Generating Plant. 'J.'he City shall not be responsible for any damage to Hudolph N. Kn:'~ster because of the maintenance and operation of its sewer drainage system. If said drainage pipe line is not installed by June 30, 1960, Rudolph N. Kt1'3ster's a.nd the City. s rights and obligations und.er this Ordinance shall automatically terminate and no further rights to water nor obliLations for payment nor the fUl~nishing thereof shall exist. 'l'he City shall be under no obligation to furnish "toTa ter hereunder if the same is not available because of a chance in the Generating Plant, which change institutes a dL'ferent for-m of op3ration or thereby affects the avail- ability of "to/ater. If, for any reason, the City shollld have no excess water available for delivery to Hudolph N. Kuester, his heirs and assigns, ORDINANCE NO._3355_ Cont. -2.. under this agreement for a perio'd of six months, the purchaser shall, at his election, not be required to make any further annual payments for water. SEC'l'ION 3. As provided for by law, notice of such sale and the terms . I thereof shall be published for three consecutive ,veeks in the Grand Island Daily Ind.ependent, a newspaper published in and of general circl11ation in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, immediately after the passage ~ ~ of this Ordinance; and the City Clerk is hereby directed and J instructed to prepare and publish said notice. SEC'I'IC1N 4.. }'ill. agreement for the sale of such excess water in conform- ity with the terms of this Ordinance and the execution and delivery of , such agreement is hereby authorized without further action on behalf of the Hayor and City C01mcil. SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed this _1th_day of June , 1958 by a majority vote of all of the members o.t: this City Council. I // ",:;-,/.7' ~ ~ ' ~HaYor A'l'TES11: --Z1 . ~,,/ /' J~~:.. (;~-- I-S:.k~ ... - '~""""-"-~'~-~""--'-~ Ci ty Clerk I . ORDINANCE NO. 3356 -2- Cont. SECTION 2. The manner and terms of sl1ch grant of easement are as follows: Said Rudolph N. Kuester has agreed to pay the sum of Two Hundred Dollars (;~200.00) for the said easement and has paid the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) as a d01om-payment thereon; :iJl1S0.00 will be paid in full npon deliv- . I ery of a Grant of Easement by the City to the said RtF10lph N. Kuester. Rudolph N. Kuester shall witbin two years from the date of passage of this Ordinance have installed at his mom expense such draina e pipe line along, under or 1JpOn the South bank of said sewer out-fall ditch according to spec- ifications approved by the City and located along, tmder or upon the S01,th bank of said out-fall ditch in such locations as may be approved by the City, and Rudolph N. Kuester shall promptly make repair at his ovm expense of any damare to said Ollt-fall ditch arising from the installation of such drainage pipe line and Rudolph N. Kuester shall maintain at his ovn.1 e:Kpense during the existence of this Easement snch drainage pipe line and shall save the City harmless and pay for any damage caused by leakage :from this drainage pipe line C:~l1sed to the City's said out-fall ditch or to the adjacent property owners, and Hudolph N. Kuester shall pay for the cost of moving said pipe line during I the life of this Easement to a different location on said sewer out-fall ditch at any time the Cit;y sh01'ld req1E'st snch change of location, and the City shall not be liable for any damage to such drainage pipe line arising from maintenance and operation by the City of its sewer system; and if such drainage pipe line is not installed by Rudolph N. Kuester within tuo years of date of passage of this Ordinance that the Easement herein granted shall cease and the City and Rudolph N. Kuester shall have no further rights nor obligations hereunder. The pipe line shall remain personal property and may be removed by Rudolph N. Kuester at any time during the life of this l~asement, but, if removed, the seHer out-fall drainage ditch shall be restored by Rudolph N. Kuester to snbstantia~ly the same condition as it was prior to the installation of the pipe line. I . SECTION 3. As provided by law notice of this Grant of Easrament and the terms thereof shall he published for three consecutive weeks in the Grand Island Daily Indep9na.ent, a nevmpaper published in and of general circulation in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, irrnuediatelyafter the passage and publication of this Ordinance; and the City Clerk is hereby directed and instructed to prepare snch notice. SECTION 4. Authority is hereby grant3d to the electors of the City . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ') ~ 56 An Ordinance directing and a uthoriz mg the granting of an easement for water drainage pipe line purposes in, under or upon the south bank of the sewer out-fall ditch which ont-fall ditch is a tract of land sixty-six (66) feet wide across the Northeast ~larter (NE~) of Section Fifteen (15), TOi~- ship }~leven (11) North, Range Nine (9),~Jest of the 6th P.H., and the North Half of 'section FOl1rteen (14), TO'trmship Jneven (11) North, Range Nine (9), ilTest of the 6th P .:H., and the Northwest Quarter (Nt~I~) of Section Thirteen (13), To"ltmshipS1even (11) North, Hange Nine (9), \~-est of the 6th P.H., said tract extending 66 feet north of the fol101Ving line: Commencing at the center of said Section 15 and running thence due East along the half section line of said Section 15, Section 14, and Section 13 to the Easterly branch of the North channel of the Platte River in the SOl1tmJest qnarter of the Northwest Quarter (SH%j\j1jvl) of said Section 13, all in Hall County, Nebraska which out- fall ditch belongs to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to Rudolph N. Kuester, his heirs end assigns, of Hall County, Nebraska; providing for the givi.'1g of notice of the granting of said easement and givL'1g the terms of S11Ch grant of easement; and providing for the right to file a remonstrance against the granting of ,such easement. BE IT ORDAI'\LSD BY rem: HAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OJ" GRJUm I's'LAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That the granting of an easement for a term of 40 years commencing ,dt.h the date of passage of this Ordinance for the right to in- stall a draina~ e pipe line in, under or npon the south bank of the sewer out-fall ditch, 1;vhich ditch is located upon a tract of land siA-ty-six (66) feet wide across the N~ of Section 15, Township 11 North, Range 9, West of the 6th P .1'1., and the North Half of Section 1L~, Township 11 North, Range 9, ItJest of the 6th P.}f., and the Nlft of Section 13, T01~ship 11 North, Range 9, lflest of the 6th F.M., said tract extendi.l1g 66 feet North of the follO'tving line: Commencing at the center of said Section 15 and running thence due East a1mig the half section line of said Section 15, Section lL!, and S'3ction 1.3 to the :J:i.:aster1y branch of the North channel of the Platte River in the SH~ of the N'vJi of said Section 13, all in Hall County, Nebraska, wrtich out- fall ditch belongs to the City of Grand Island, to Rudolph N. Kuester, his heirs and assigns, be and the same is hereby directed, a11thorized, and con- firmed. . I I I . ORDINANCE NO.-3J22---Cont. -3- of Grand Island, Nebraska, to file a remonstrance against the Grant of Easement herein described; and if a remonstranc:e 'against the Grant of "~se- ment signed by lecal electors of said City equal i.n number to thirty percent (30%) of the electors of the City of Grand Island, voting at the last regular 81- ection held in said City be filed with the City Council within thirty days after the passage and publication of this Ordinance, such Grant of Easement shall not then, nor within one year thereafter, be granted. SEC1'ION 5. The grant of snch easement is hereby directed, authorized, and confirmed; and if no remonstrance be filed against such Grant of Base- ment, the Hayor and City Clerk shall make, execute and deliver to Rudolph N. Kuester, his heirs and assigns, a Grant of Easement on said property and the execution of said Grant of Easement is hereby aU.thorized without further action of the Mayor and City Council. SECTION 6. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed by a majority vote of all of the members of this City Council, this 4th.~ ,day of June . " 1958. ~- ATTEST: ~c~~- ORDINANCE NO., 3317 An Ordinance providing for the number of persons to be employed on the Grand Island, Nebraska, City Fire Department; fixing the hours they shall work per week and fixing salaries; amending Paragraph (I) . I of Section 1 of Ordinance No. 3331 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island pertaining to the salaries of such employees and repealing said original Paragraph (I). BE IT OPJJAINED BY T:FIE: MAYOR AND COUNCIJ~ OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISIJI.ND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That Paragraph (I) of Section 1 of Ordinance No. 3331 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, pertaining to the salaries of the members of the Grand Island Fire Department, and the hours they shall work per week, be, and the saJne is hereby amended, and the salaries for such ffinployees be fixed as follows: Fire Department. Compliment Work Week SalaIjT 1. F:i.. r e Chief 1 72 hrs. $400-450 per mo. (Fi re Chi ef to be paid minimum salary as provided herein until the expira- I tion date of his present appointment.) 2. Ass't Fire Chief 2 72 hrs. 300-335 per mo. 3. Captains 4 72 hrs. 275-310 per mo. 4. Drivers 14 72 hrs. 260-295 per mo. 5. Firemen 18 72 hrs. 240-285 per mo. 6. Instructors 2 Additional 15 per mo. All full time regular firemen shall be paid the sum of ~~lO.OO per !llonth, to be paid quarterly, for clothing and ulliform allow'ance, which shall be in addi tion to the regula,r salary to which such fireman is entitled. If any such fireman should resign or his ffillployment be terminated for any reason whatsoever, he shall be paid clothing allowance on a pro-rata basis, but no allowance shall be made for the same for a fraction of a month. s}~CTION 2. That said original Paragraph (I) of Section 1 of Ordinance No. 3331 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be, and the Sffine is hereby repealed. I . SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 4th day of June , 1958. Attest: ~~/ ~~y::>-, '/? ,--- , /,// /: 7- ~ ---t..-, \ / -" / _J'r' _ /V ~- ,~(/ r-~-(./ .~ . CITY CLERK . I I ORDINANCE NO.--3..l2~____.._ An Ordinance authorizing the issuance of Intersection Paving Bonds of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, of the principal amount of One Hundred Eighteen 'l'housand Nine Hundred Twenty-one Dollars and Fifty-two Cents (;rpl18,921.52) to pay the cost of im- proving the i.nteI'sections and areas formed by the crossing of stroets, avenues and alleys, and one-half the cost of paving and improvement of the stroets, avenues and public ways adjacent to real estate owned by the Cit;)T of Grand Island in Paving Distrlcts Nos. 251, 252, 253, 255, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270 and 271 in said City; prescribing the form of said bonds, and provlding for the levy of taxes to pay the same. 13'.1-;' .w l'r OHDAINED BY ']lEE NU\.YOH AND COUNCIL OP 'I'HE Cl'I'Y Oi? GHAND ISLAND, }.JEBI1ASI\1~ : SECTION 1. The Mayor and Council of tho City of Grand Island, ~obraska, hereby find and determine: that pursuant to ordinances heretofore duly enacted Pavlng Distl'icts Nos. 251, 252, 253, 255, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270 and 2'71 wel'e created in said C1 t-:{ and paving and other street im- provements have been completed and have been accepted by the City; tb.a t the cos t of pavlng and improving the intersect:Lons and areas i'oI'l1led by LtJG cros sing of streets, avenue s and alleys and publi c ways adjacent to real estate owned by said City in said districts was as follows: paving District No. 251 ~l. 1,277.55 .p Paving D1strict No. 252 - - )I. 11,689.05 tlD PavinG' Distr:ict No. 253 - - - - di. 514.38 Ll ~l' Paving Dtstrict No. 255 - - - - cI, 17,067.48 1P Paving District No. 257 - - eli. 18, 637.79 jt pav:Lng 1)i f.l triot No. 258 - - - - - - 1? 26,694.42 Paving DistrIct No. 259 - - - - - - <II. 5,714.24 11' Pav:l.ng D:ls tric t No. 260 - - eli. 461.67 t-!p l)uvIng D:L8trict No. 261 t' 534.93 I (fl~ ~D District 262 .1 Pav:Lng No. - - - - CiJ' 798.'70 'fP Paving D:tstrict l~o . 263 - - - - - - - - 00' 23,059.34 tiP Pav:'Lng Di s tr i c t No. 264 - - - - - - di. 1,841.13 . Paving District No. 265 - - ,~ 502. 8~2 paving Dis tr'i ct No. 266 - - - - ~~ 543..36 Paving Distr1ct No. 267 - - - - ~~ 1,995.49 Pav:Lng D1strict No. 268 - - - - d;-' 638.52 dp Paving District No. 269 - - - - - - - - J+. 314.70 ~p Pav:Lng Distr ct No. 270 - - - - - - - - _~_.,._~ 6:_~~~; ~~ PiJ.ving District No. 271 - - - - . I I I . Ofi.DINAlrCE NCJ. -3J.2lL__ ( Con t I d. ) ~hat warrants were issued during the progress of the work and upon said warran l~S interestr.Las accumulated, wh:Lch together with legal expenses and other incidentals, is the sum of $118,921.52; that the reasonable value of the labor and material furnished in making said improvements is the sum he:r.einabove set out as the cost thereof; t11a tall condl t.Lons, ac ts and tL.irl[;S requ ired by law to exi st or to be done precedent to and in issuance of Intersection Paving Bonds of tbe C1 ty to pay for pav ing and improving the in terse c t:Lons and areas afore said do exis t D.Dd have be 8n done as requ:Lred by law. SEcrnON 2. To pay the cas t of paving and :improving as a:Co1'e- said the intersections and areas formed by the crossing of streets, avenues and alleys and public ways adjacent to real estate owned by said Ci ty tn said Distri.cts, t1181'e shall be and there are llE)reby 01'- dered issued Intersection Paving Donds of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, of the principal amount of One lfundred Eighteen ~lousand Nine Hundred 'I'wenty-one Do11Llrs and Pifty-two Cents (;![;118,921.52) c0l1s5st:l:ng of one hundred nineteen (119) bonds numbered 1 to 119, in- clusive, Demel No.1 to be in Ll1e principal sum of ~i;921.52, and Bonds numbered 2 to 119, inclusive, to be in the sum of $1,000.00 each, dated August 1, J.958, bearinG interest at the rate of two and one- fourth per centum (2~1~) per annmn, payable semi-annually on the first day of Febr'ua1'YStnd on tho first d:JY of August in each yoar, and t.he principal of said bonds shall become clue and payable as follows: Bonds numbered 1 11, . 1 . <1:'10 9nJ J:;() due August 1, 1959 - Hle .usJ..ve , 'ii' .' ?-.. o?- Bonds numbered 1" 23, inclusive, "'l() 000 00 due liugus t 1, ID60 - ;::; - 'IP 0" . Bonds numbered ~34 -, 35, :LnclusLve, "'1 () 000 00 due Au gu s t 1, 1961 '(i"--"- , · Bone1s numbe1'ed 36 - 47, inclusive, ;ii~12, 000.00 due Augus "I.'; 1, 1962 1)011(18 Dl.:nnbored 48 - 59, inclusive, (f"10 000 00 due Au gu s t 1, 1963 t.lP.,-t:.I, . Bon ds numbered. 60 - 71, incluslve, ~11l2 , 000.00 due Augu,:Jt 1, 1964 Bonds numbered 72 - 83, :Lncluslvo, (:1'1 <) 000 00 due Augus t 1, 1965 ,W._-t..", . BOXlds numbered 84 - 95, inclus:l.vo, f:l~12 000.00 due Augu ~1 t 1, 1966 1/ , Bonds numbered 96 - 107, 1nc1u 8i vo, ~i)] 2 , 000.00 dl.1.e A.uEs.L1S t 1, 1967 II - Dond.s numbe:red 10~3 - 119, Inclusive, j,:,12 000.00 due .l~Ugl1 s t 1, 1968 rC , but redeemable at tb~ option ~ 01 the City at any time on an interest paying date after their date of issue. If any bonds are redeemed before tilO timo herein providod, Ule :38.1110 shall be redeemed in their invel" se o1'de:r.. SECrJ'ION 3. All said bonds shall be executed on behalf' of the OHDLi'TA.ITCE rro. __...33..2]___ (Con t I d. ) City by being slgned by the Mayor and attested by th.e City Clerk and shall havo tho City seul impressed on each bond. Attached to . I ead! bond srlaLL be negotiable coupons for tllO intorest to become duo thOJ:'oorl. '1'L1O in tore s t coupons shall be exe cuted on beflull' of tho City by betne; signed by tho 1/1ayor and City Clerk eIther by af- fl::dng theil' olem proper sj gnature to eD.C coupon or by cau sing the ir DO' l " 1 aCSTHIL-<C; ::n turos to be affixed thereto; and tho Mayor and City CJerk shall, by the execution of each bond be doomed to have adopt- ed as ,n t"' anCI 1. or -.-llf:;11' own proper signatures their facsimile signatures affixed to the coupons attached thereto. SEC'T']()N 4. 'I'ho bondsijercin authorized to be issued shall be in substantially thB following form: UN l'l'lm S ~~ A 'I'E: S S~Cl'i TE OJ? T<rI~.~r)I\l~~)}-Ci\.. C OF' IL.{\..LL I ClTY OF' GHALm I~~LAJiJD l\To. ,000.00 Il\T:r~~J][)I~crTI O.l'l Pi\. V II:j- G- 130IJD ICNOVJ ALL IdEN JTt PHESEN'I'S: That ttlO (~l_ty of Grand Island, -ill the Co"nt:',i" c,f' -ri.-al ] Sta1-e of' 1~ebr8 ,,'ka 'ne-t~e1--rv ac.l\~nOlrrl{-'du"c,r< -its""lp ..L Vi. '- J.,1....... ..1- _, V-.J _ ..j.J..,.,. f.U _".).,J. ~ "'oJ 'bV~:;J ..1- ,,-'-"..J.. to owe and for value received promises to pay to bearer the sum of One 'j'housand Dollars (;Ii:l,OOO.OO) in lawful mon.ey of tho United States of Arilerica on the 1st day of Au st, 1959, with l.nterc;st th.ereon frrnn the date horoof until maturity at the rate of two and one-fourth r centum (;:~~~~) per alHmm, paYD.blc semi-annually on e Ld: day of February and on the 1st day of August in each yoar upon presentation and sUI'I'cnder of the :intere s t coupons 11ere to attached a;Ci th_ey sev.- orally become due, but redeomable at the option of the City at any t:Lme on an Intere s t paying date after' tho:l r dato of i s ~JUc. If any nds are redeemed bofoI'e the time herein provided, tho same shall be rcclcclllOd in tL1.cir' inver[w or'der. Botb the pJ:-,:incipal oJ' and the .~ ....l"~ -, -I"e- ".J~ >1('" r a (j. '.1 .-, -.., e 'J <::1 T'a.. I-I n. () ,- +'1'1('< 0- p.p -j C' '-" ('f t'~ c. fprc, a: en 'r-' "'r' 0 -t" -'-":; -II -:.-lwU,_".'::Ju L_~.._\.., J. (,)...L.I J:C-<.J-U oJ Clu v '.j ..I-.L~ v J .J{.LL' .L..'J tJU v ._ l.lUo->-- COUIJty :in Uru.nc1 Islund, Nebra<il:u. POI' the profilpt payment of th~i.3 bond, pl'lncl,pal and Intorost as the sarno bocome duo, the full l'f.lith, crodi t 11[1(1 rOSOUI'ces of f3a1.d Ci.ty are hereby :Lrrevocably pledged. I . Thi s bond :1. s one of an 1. s suo of one hundred nine toen bonds, numbox'ed from 1 to 119, inclus ive, Bond No. 1 be in the principal sum of 21.52, and Bonds numbored 2 to 119, inclusive, being in tll.G sum of~ 01,000.00 each, of even dute and lilc8 tenor i.i.ore th EIX- cep t as to date of nl<\ turf ty, wh:1. ch are issued by said C:J_ ty for tL.e purpos 0 of paying the co s t of pav and improving the in tc)]:-,sec tions and areas formed by the crossing of streets, avenues and alleys ~nd public ways adjacont to real estate owned by tho Ci-l~y of GI'ond I~:land in Paving Districts Nos. 251, 252, 253, 255, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270 and 271, in strict . I I I . QlmIlifAHCE NO. '3158 (Cantlcl.) compliance witil Section 16-626, Hevised Statutes of Nebr'aska, 1943, R81f,sue of 195,t, and Sections 'fen (10) and Eleven (11), Article Seven (7), of the Home le Charter of the City of Grand Island, Nebr'aska, and has been authorized by an ordinance legally pa s sed, approved and publi sh8d and by pro ceedinc;s du ly had by the Connell or said City. J-'lil" 1i:ITrl'ni',;1(~C')' WiTr;TiTi'(!J-:,l the C,'">UY1C-J: J orlhe C1... 'Iv of G-r<.o'"lO; T ],c'l ~..; i. ~ ...L .L ~ 1..;J t..J /.-. V ~ .L..l...LJ .1. l,..J~ v", .\..... .....1 . .. _ _. ....._ ~.1 .. A. V,j 4 ~ C.l.l .. -!......".. _ ~> .' , J0eUI'n.,';Jw, b.as Cf.HlJOC. :; 01ll.1. be executed on belialI' of tho C~1 b;y being signed by the :r and' a tter}ted by the Ci Clerk, and b> cau;d the uffic:1al seal of said City to be hereto affix- ed, ,).nd has caused interest coupon;} hereto attached be executed on behalf of said City by !.lavjng affixed thereto the fac- sir(jile signa tUl'es of the MD.-yor and City Clel'k. SaId officers do, by the execution of this bond, adopt as and for their own proper signatures their respective facsimile signatures on said coupons. Dated Leis 1st dS1.Y of August, 1958 ( C'.";'A r ) fJJ..~.L"i..J..j CITY OF' GHA;iD ISLAND /' / ~. ~'// _.~ "... . BY: --5.2j~~;Lp--. ..:.~._.._ Mayor A'llfl'EST: City C lel>k" Ii' OF' C()UJ?ON No. (!'C)<) 50 'Ip?....(..J. ." On the of ,19 .' tho City of Gr2md Islcmd, Nebx>f.i::ka, will pay to 1)"08.r"or 'I'wenty::'two DaDa rs D.nd . Flfty Centro (;1~22.50) at the office of tllO Treasurer of H1'111 Cou.nty, in Grand Island, Nebras];:D., for the hl"l:;erest due on this date on its Intersect:lon Paving Bond dated gu,st 1, 1958. Bond No. . --7 .," (~~-z:e~ , . ..-..1-.... '"- -:::J:;t::-..---... IV dYo1' 1/ City Clel'k-- SECTION 5. After being executed by the Mayor and City Clerk, said bonds shall be delivered to tho City Treasurer who shall be responsible therefor under his official bond. The City Treasurer Sllu}.l'cause saJ.d bOllds to be registored 1r-1 the offj~ce of .Audl- tor of Public Accounts of the State of Nebraska and in the ofrice o:f the Coun ty Clerk in Hllll Coun ty in said State. 'The C:i ty CleI'k is directed to make and certIfy :Ln duplIcate transcripts of the proceed s of the C:1 ty pr'e ceden t; to tie issuance of said bonds, one of wicc_ transcript.:! shall b8 filed wi tb the Audi tor of Pl..lblic Accounts of L1JO State of I~ebraska and tie other shall be deliverod to thB purchaser of said bonds. . I I I . OHDINANCE NO. -.l358_~__(Contld.) SECTION 6. The Council shall cause to be levied and collect- ed annually a tax on all the taxable property in said City, in ad- dition to all other taxes, sufficient in amount to pay the interest on said bonds as and wtlen the same become due, and to cr-eate a sinking fund to pay the pr:tncipal thereof as the same become s due. SEC'I'ION ? Whereas, the Bonds herein au thori zed to be :t s sued, have boen sold to the Overland National Bank, the Conwercial Nation- a1 Banl::: iJY10 the Pirst National Bank, all of Grand IsLmd, ]\febrafJka, and tho City 'Treasurer is hereby authorized to deliver said bonds to said banks upon the receipt of full payment for the same at not 1'8 S s trla n pa.1-,t. SEC'LiON 8. Tha t this Ordinance shall be in force tJ.nd take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as pro- vided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City CounCil, this the l8tL day of June, 1958. '7 . ~ ~~{A/~ __..~-:..__._ Mayor A~P~CEST : ~C~tJ~ ORDLiA1FCE NO. 3li)9.~. An Ordinance creating a pav).rlg d:'lstrict iL tho City of Ch:-and Island, Nebrask:a; deflning the boundaries thereof; prov:Lding for . I the paving of tho streot in said. district, and providc;.ng for the assessment and col10ction of the COEJts thereof. IT OrmATNED BY Tm~ J.![/I.YOH (-i \J III Olli G 1'1'1.. VIo' G- HAN D I,SII {\.I\fD, lrL~~Br~f~3I\1~: SGCTTCl,j 1. rrhat thore is hereby created a pav district in tiLo City of Grand Island, :l\Tebro.ska, to bo icnown as rav Dist:eJ.ct Ii ~~DJ. Ii ~)b C IJ: 2. Said pavine; district sflall consist of that part of Oklahoma Avenue betvloen Locust Stroot and IJjYlo Street. SECTIUN 3. The stroot in sald pav dl s trlc t; is hereby order- eO. paved aE; prov:i.ded by law and in accorclance wlth [;110 plans and specifj_catj.ons goverrllrlg pav districts as herotofore established by the City, said pav to be 36 foet in width. I SECr1}].OJ\ 4. That authority is hereby gr>anted to tbe owners of the record t1 tIe, repre [j en ting a rna jor:L t;y of tho aou tttng property OW]101"S in said district, at the time of ~.b.e enact1]10nt of this ordinanco, to f1J.o with the C'., .ty. li'lo.r'.lr \"'l. t."ll.n tl!.;.o. .1.[;V (r)n '10\70 J.. Y --' x~,,;, L_ J \i~ .t. v (.,./\)) l-!.l+J.'J U from the first publication of the notice croa sat.Q dis tX)l.ct, as p:eo- videO. by law, writton objection to paving of said district. SEC'~[1I 5. ThHt authcH'ity is horoh;y granted to tll0 ol'mers of tho I>ccord title, representing a majoI'J.ty oJ' the abutting property owners, within said d:Lstrict, to filo with the Cit~/ Clerk, within tte t'LE18 prev.LdecI by 1aw., a petition f'ol' the 1).;.:18 of a part1cular' kind of materiaJ. to be used }n tho paving of said streot. If su ciL o Wll.er' :3 shall fai 1 to des :1.gna te the mate rial they do sire to be I . usod in said paving district as provided for above, and within tho time pr'ovidod by law, the C:i.. t-;:; Council shall determine the ma tor 10.1 to bo u fwd. SECTIUl! 6. That the cost of paving in said district shall be assessed agaInst the lots, tracts and paI'cel~i of land espocially be:r~ef:L tted thereby, In pI'oport:'Lon to such bonof:L ts to bo dctormin- od by tho City CouncIl as provided by law. OHDINAIJCE NO.-3359 _'__'_ ( Cant I d. ) SEC1'TON 7. 'lr.li.l t this ordinance shall be in forco and tal{e effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as . I provided by law. raGsed and approved by a majority vote of all the membor's of the CItS Council this the 18th d of June, 1958. i\J"~rES'l' : /'''// ~/ , E..> ~~'?~..#~""..' ....~~ c; I'.fri\yrID \UJ.-._\...:..l\. +(_~A,'''-cl~~C'':'(- .I1.1Y Li',hh I I . ORDINANCE NO. ~360 An Ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; defining the boundaries thereof; provid- . I ing for the paving of the street in said district, and providing for the assessment and collection of the costs thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF Trill CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASEA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, ~ebraska, to be known as Paving Dis- trict No. 292. SECTION 2. The streets to be paved in said district are as follows: Tilden Street from Anna Street to Oklahoma Avenue, and Oklahoma Avenue from Tilden Street to the east property line of Blocks Four (4) and Five (5), Park Hill Second Subdivision, an addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 3. The street in said paving district is hereby or- dered paved as provided by law and in accordance with the plans I and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore estab- lished by the City, said paving to be 37 feet in width. SECTION 4. That authority is rereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting pro- perty owners in said district, at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file with the City Clerk within twenty (20) days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as pro- videO. by law, written objection to paving of said district. SECTION 5. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners within said district, to file with the City Clerk within I . the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in the paving of said street. If such owners shall fail to designate the material they desire to be used in said paving district as provided for above, and within the time provided by law, the City Council shall determine the material to be used. ORDINANCE NO. 33hO (Contld) SECTION 6. That the cost of paving in said district shall be assessed against the lots, tracts and parcels of land especially . I benefitted thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the City Council as provided by law. SECTION 7. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as pro- vided by law. passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of the City Council this the 16th day of July, 1958. ATTEST: /~ f~fr~ I I . . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ~~61 An Ordinance vacating the alley in Block Twenty-seven (27), Shimmers Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, which alley lies north of Eighteenth (18th) Street and extends from Eddy Street to Cleburn Street, and reserving an easement over, along and across said alley for utility purposes and for telephone lines. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That the alley in Block Twenty-seven (27) of Shimmers Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, sixteen (16) feet in width, according to the original plat thereof, which said alley lies north of Eighteenth (18th) Street and extends from Eddy Street to Cleburn Street be, and the same is hereby vacated. SECTION 2. That the alley so vacated shall revert to the owners of the adjacent real estate one-half on each side thereof; provided, however, the said City of Grand Island hereby reserves unto itself an easement over, along and across said alley for sewer mains, water mains, power and light lines, and for telephone lines. SECTION 3. That this alley is vacated with the express un- derstanding that no building or buildings shall be constructed over said alley which might interfere with the operation or the mainten- ance,repair or renewal of the utilities by the City of Grand Island, or of the telephone lines by the owner or operator thereof, and fur- ther that no trees or shrubs. shall be planted in said alley which will interfere with the maintenance, operation, repair, renewal or extension of such utilities or telephone lines. SECTION 4. That this a.lley is vacated with the express under- standing that should any of its owners hereafter pave the same and should it become necessary to distrub said paving in order to oper- ate, repair, extend, or renew such utilities or telephone lines, that such paving shall be restored and replaced at the expense of the owners of said alley. . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. l~61 (Contfd.) SECTION 5. That the City Clerk be, and he is hereby ordered to file a certified copy of this Ordinance with the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska. SECTION 6. ~his Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law pro- vided. Passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of the City Council this 16th day of July, 1958. ATTEST: ~sd-4 CITY CLERK -/ ~ ~U'W <.. ~ MA 0 . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ~~62 An Ordinance dedicating certaintracts or land situated in Lots Ten (10) and Eleven (11) of Home Subdivision, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska ror street and alley pur- poses; naming that part dedicated for street purposes Eighteenth (18th) Street, and providing that such street and alley be shown on the official map of the City of Grand Island. WHEREAS, on the 21st day of July, 1954, Paul W. K. Ruff and Minnie C. Ruff, husband and wire, grantors, conveyed to the City of Grand Island, a municipal corporation, for alley purposes, a tract of land described, as: Beginning at a point on the Westerly line of Wheeler Avenue 132.0 feet Northwesterly of the point of intersection of the Northerly line of 17th Street and the Westerly line of Wheeler Avenue; running thence Southwesterly parallel to the Northerly line or 17th Street 282.7 feet; running thence West parallel to the North line of State Street, 105.0 feet, to a point which is 52.0 feet East and 132.0 feet North or the Southwest cor- ner or Lot 11, Home Subdivision; running thence North pa~allel to the West line of Lot 11, Home Subdivision 16.0 feet; running thence East parallel to the North line of State Street, 100.2 feet; running thence Northeasterly parallel to the Northerly line of 17th Street, 279.6 feet to a point on the Westerly line of Wheeler Avenue; running thence Southeasterly, 16.0 feet, along the Westerly line of Wheeler Avenue to the point of beginning, and WHEREAS, the said grantors in said deed also conveyed to the City of Grand Island a tract of land for street purposes described as follows: Beginning at the point on the Easterly Lot line of Lot 10, Home Subdivision which is 50.7 feet Southeasterly from the ~ortheastern corner of Lot Ten, Home Subdivision; running thence Southwesterly on a line parallel to the north line or 17th Street, 229 feet, running thence West on a line which is parallel to the North line of State Street, 51.8 feet to a point which is 52 feet east and 340 feet north from the Southwest corner of Lot 11, Home Subdivision running thence South parallel to the West line of Lot 11, 60 feet, running thence East on a line parallel to the North line or State Street, 66.3 feet; running thence Northeasterly on a line parallel to the Northerly line of 17th Street 244.4 feet to a point on the easterly line of Lot 10, running thence Northwesterly 60 feet to the point of beginning, and .~ WHEREAS, the City of Grand Island has constructed a sanitary sewer in that tract of land conveyed to the City ror alley purposes, and said City has constructed a road on that part conveyed for street purposes. WEffiREAS, the grantors in said deed expressly provided that the lands described in said deed were conveyed to the City of Grand Island "subject to the said City of Grand Island constructing a road and an alleyway upon said land, within a reasonable length of ORDINANCE NO. 3362 (Cont'd.) time, and if said road and alleyway are not constructed within a reasonable length of time, said property shall revert to the . I gran tor. II WHEREAS, the deed conveying such lands to the City of Grand Island is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County in Book III of Deeds on page 331. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That the tract of land described in said deed be, and the same is hereby dedicated to the use of the public as an alley, and that the tract of land also described in said deed be, and the same is hereby dedicated to the public for street purposes, all in accordance with the provisions of said deed. I SECTION 2. 1ha~ that certain tract of land dedicated for street purposes be an extension of and named Eighteenth (18th) Street, and that the City Engipeer be, and he is hereby directed and authorized to erect suitable and proper signs and street mark- ings designating the same as such street. SECTION 3. That the City Engineer be, and he is hereby di- rected and authorized to show the dedication of said tracts of land as an alley and as a part of Eighteenth (18th) Street on the offi- cial map of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION 4. That the City Clerk be, and he is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this ordinance with the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska. SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law pro- I . vided. Passed and approved the 16th day of July, 1958. A tte st: -::;/ ~/ o~s:~ CITY CLERK ORDINANCE NO. ,3cJ"6,J An Ordinance dedicating a portion of Lots Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) of Home Subdivision to the City of Grand Island, ~ebraska, to the public for street purposes; providing that said street shall be named Walnut Street, and providing that the same be shown on the official map of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. WHEREAS, on the 21st day of July, 1954, blessed Sacrament Church of Grand Island, Nebraska, a Corporation, conveyed to the City of Grand Island, a municipal corporation in Hall County, Nebraska, a tract of land described as follows: I A part of Lots ~leven (11) and Twelve (12) of Home Sub- division to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Ne- braska, and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point Eight (8) feet west of the South- east corner of Lot Twelve (12) Home Sub-division, on the South Boundary line of Lot Twelve (12) Home Sub-division, running thence North parallel to the West line of said Lot Twelve (12) Home Sub-division, a distance of Four Hundred Ninety Five (495) Feet to the North line of Lot Twelve (12) Home Sub-division, running thence due east along upon the North line of said Lots Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) Home Sub-division, a distance of Sixty (60) feet, running thence South and parallel to the West line of said Lot Eleven (11), Home Sub-division, a distance of Four Hundred Ninety Five (495) feet to the South line of said Lot Eleven (11) Home Sub-division, running thence due West along and upon the South line of said Lots Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) Home Subdivision, a distance of Six- ty (60) feet to the point of beginning, being the Wester- ly Fifty-two (52) feet of Lot Eleven (11) Home Sub-divi- sion, and the Easterly Eight (8) feet of Lot Twelve (12) Home Sub-division, Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, and WHEREAS, the deed conveying said premises provided as follows: ThiS conveyance is made upon the condition that said tract shall, within a reasonable time, be set aside, dedicated and used as a City Street of said City of Grand Island, Nebraska; that in the event condition is not fulfilled within a reasonable time by the grantee herein, then and in that event, said tract shall revert to the grantor, and WHEHEAS, the City of Grand Island through its Mayor and I . Council regularly passed Ordinance No. 3346 creating Paving District No. 285 of said City, which paving district provides that a por- tion of the land above described be paved, in particular that part lying between State Street and the north line of Eighteenth (18th) Street, and WHEREAS, the deed conveying said premises above described to ORDINANCE NO. rir:J &..:1 (Contfd.) the City of Grand Island is recorded in the office of the Regis- ter of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, in Book III of Deeds at ., I Page 327. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That the land described in this ordinance con- veJied to the City of Grand Island by the Blessed Sacrament Church of Grand Island, ~ebraska, be, and the same is hereby dedicated to the use of the public as a street. SECTION 2. That said tract of land be, and the same is here- by made a part of and named Walnut Street. SECTION 3. That the City Engineer be, and he is hereby di- rected to erect suitable signs and street markings designating said tract of land as Walnut Street, and that said street be shown I on the official map of the City of Grand Island. SECTION 4. 1hat the City Clerk be, and he is hereby ordered to file a certified copy of this ordinance in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ball County, Nebraska. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. passed and approved this the /6 '1 day of )/4 ,/ ,,',J , 1958. ATTEST: ~~~ ,;.. I . ORDINANCE NO. ~~64 An Ordinance levying and assessing an occupation tax on every person, firm, association or corporation engaged in the business . I of selling, distributing and furnishing natural or manufactured or mixed gas in the City of Grand Island, Mebraska; fixing the amount of said tax; fixing the time this ordinance shall take ef- feet; fixing the penalty interest to be paid on delinquent payments of said tax; providing for the filing of reports by said company, or companies, and providing for inspection of books and records by officers and agents of the City of Grand Island, and providing that said tax shall be credited to the General Fund of said City. BE IT ORDAINED BY TEE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. All persons, firms, associations or corporations distributing, manufacturing or furnishing gas, either natural, manu- factured or mixed gas, to the inhabitants of the City of Grand Is- land are hereby required to pay an occupation tax, and the amount I thereof as hereinafter specified is hereby assessed against said company or companies commencing on the 1st day of September, 1958. SECTION 2. Any person, firm, association or corporation en- gaged in the business of distributing, manufacturing or furnishing gas, either natural, manufactured or mixed gas in said City of Grand Island shall be required to pay the City of Grand Island an occupa- tion tax in the sum and amount of Three (3%) per cent on the gross receipts of said company or companies derived from its business of distributing, manufacturing or furnishing gas to the inhabitants I . of the City of Grand Island. Payment of such occupation tax shall be made as follows: Such occupation tax shall be paid each month and on the 15th day of October, 1958, the first monthly payment equal to three (3%) per cent of the gross business of such company or companies shall be- come due and payable for the month preceding, said date and each and every payment thereafter shall be made on the 15th day of each month thereafter, and all deferred payments shall draw interest at the . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ]~64 (Con t' d. ) rate of one (1%) per cent per month, and after payment has been in default six months, a penalty of five (5%) per cent shall be add- ed thereto in addition to the interest charge and shall be paid by such person, firm, association or corporation engaged in such business. SECTION 3. Any person, firm, association or corporation en- gaged in such business shall on or before the loth day of each month, as hereinabove provided, file with the City Clerk of the City of Grand Island a full, complete and detailed statement of the gross income derived by' sai d company or companies from the sale of gas to the inhabitants of the City for the preceding month, which statement shall be duly verified and sworn to by the managing officer of any such gas company or companies, and the City of Grand Island shall have the right at any and all times during business hours, to inspect through its officers, agents, or representatives, the books and records of any such gas company or companies for the purpose of verifying such report or reports; provided, however, that in case any such gas company or companies shall refuse or fail or neglect to furnish or file such report at the time or times speci- fied or shall refusa to permit the City of Grand Island, through it officers, agents, or representatives to inspect the books and records of such company or companies for the purpose of verifying such report or reports, then and in that event the occupation tax for trill preceding month shall be and is hereby fixed and determined to be the sum and amount of Three 'l'housand ]live Hundred ($3500.00) Dollars which said amount shall draw interest at the rate of one (1%) per cent per month after due and payable and in addition there- to a penalty of five (5%) per cent for failure to pay within six mon ths. SECTION 4. If any person, firm, association or corporation engaged in such business shall fail to make paYment of the occupa- tion tax as hereinabove provided, and at the time or times herein- above specified, the City of Grand Island shall have the right and ORDINANCE NO. ~~64 (Cont'd.) may sue any such gas company or companies in any court of compe- tent jurisdiction for the amount of occupation tax due and pay- able under the terms and provisions of this ordinance, and may re- . I cover therein a judgment against any such gas company or companies for the amountID due, together with interest and penalties, and may have execution thereon. SECTION 5. All occupation taxes collected in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance shall be paid to the City Trea- surer of the City of Grand Island at the time specified in this ordinance, and he shall issue and deliver a receipt therefor upon payment thereof, and the amount so paid shall be credited by the City Treasurer to the General Fund of the City, unless otherwise directed by the City Council. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. I Passed and approved this the 2Is:h day of July, 1958. ~IT?~ ~~ ATTEST: I . . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ~~65 An Ordinance levying and assessing an occupation tax on all telephone companies operating in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, fixing the amount of said tax; fixing the time this Ordinance shall tare effect; fixing the penalty and interest to be paid on delin- quent amounts of said tax; providing for the filing of reports by said company or companies, and providing for inspection of books and records by officers and agents of the City of Grand Island, and providing that said tax shall be credited to the general fund of.said City. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. All telephone companies doing business in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, are required to pay an occupation tax to the Ci ty of Grand Island in an amount equal to three (3%) per monthly cent of ~~e gross receipts from the legally-established basic/charges collected for local exchange telephone service to subscribers with- in the City of Grand Island. There shall be excepted from the pro- visions of this Ordinance all receipts for telephone service to the United States Government or any of its departments and all receipts from the State of ~ebraska or any of its departments, and no part or portion of the tax provided for in this Ordinance shall be levied upon or assessed against or taken from the United States Government, the government of the State of Nebraska, or either of their depart- ments. SECTION 2. The payment of the occupation tax herein levied shall be in quarterly payments, using the calendar quarter' year as a basis for determining and computing the amount of tax payable. Each quarterly payment shall be due forty-five (45) days after the termination of each calendar quarter year. All payments of tax made after the due date shall draw interest at the rate of One (1%) per cent per month and, after payment has been in default for six (6) months, a penalty of Five (5%) per cent shall be added thereto in addition to the interest charges and shall be paid by the company . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3365 (Cont'd.) or companies subject to this occupation tax. Each succeeding pay- ment may make such adjustment to be shown on the report hereinaf- ter provided for as may be necessary for uncollectibles or any other matters which may gave resulted in either an excess or de- ficiency in the amount of tax paid in any previous quarter. The occupation tax herein levied shall become effective on the 1st day of September, 1958, and the taxes due for the said month of September shall be remitted for and included in the fourth (4th) quarterly tax payment due for the calendar year of 1958. SECTION 3. All such companies at the s ame time as they make such quarterly payments of tax shall file with the City Clerk a full, complete and detailed statement of the gross receipts subject to the occupation tax provided for in Section 1 hereof, and sl:\lid statement shall be duly verified and sworn to by the Manager in charge of the business of the particular company in the City of Grand Island or by a higher managerial employee of such company, and the City of Grand Island shall have the right at any time to inspect through its officers, agents or representatives the books and records of such company for the purpose of verifying such report or reports; provided, however, that in case any company shall re- fuse, fail or neglect to furnish or file such report or reports at the time required by this Ordinance or shall fail or refuse to per- mit the City of Grand Island to inspect the books and records of such company for the purpose of verifying such report or reports, then and in that event, the occupation tax for the preceding quar- ter shall be and is hereby fixed and determined to be the sum and amount of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars, and said amount shall be paid within Forty-five (45) days following the end of the cal- endar quarter as required by Section 2 hereof, and said amount shall draw interest and penalties as furtber provided in said Sec- tion 2. SECTION 4. In case any such company or companies shall fail to make payment of this occupation tax as herein provided at the . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ~~65 (Cont'd.) time or times hereinabove specified, the City of Grand Island shall have the right and may sue any such company or companies in any court of competent jurisdiction for the amount of the occupation tax due and payable under the terms and provisions of this Ordi- nance and may recover judgment against any such company or companies for the amount so due, together with interest and penalties, and may have execution thereon. SECTION 5. The occupation tax hereby levied shall be paid the City Treasurer at the time provided in this Ordinance and he shall is sue and deliver his receipt therefor on the payment thereon, and the amount of payment shall be credited by the City Treasurer to the general fund. SECTION 6. The tax herein provided for shall be in lieu of any and all other occupation, license, permit or franchise fee or tax assessed against telephone companies under the laws of the City of Grand Island. SECTION 7. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect commencing wi tr.l the first regular calendar quarter following its pas sage, approval and publication as by law provj.ded. Passed and approved this 21st day of July, 1958. ATTEST: ~~7~ ""',,", ORDINANCE NO. ~~66 An Ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; defining the boundaries thereof; providing for . I the paving of the street in said district, and providing for the assessment and collection of the costs thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving District No. 293. SECTION 2. 1ne streets to be paved in said paving district are as follows: Eddy Street from the North line of Anderson Avenue to the South line of South Street, and that part of Clark Street from the North line of Lot ~lree (3) Concannon Sub-Division, an addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to its intersection with Eddy Street. SECTION 3. The Street in said paving district is hereby or- I dered paved as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore establish- ed by the City, said paving to be 36 feet in width. SECTION 4. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in said district, at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file with the City Clerk within twentJ1' (20) days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as pro- vided by law, written objection to paving of said district. I . SECTION 5. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title representing a majority of the abutting property owners within said district, to file with the City Clerk within the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in the paving of said street. If such owners shall fail to designate the material they desire to be used in said paving district as provided for above, and within the time provided by law, the City Council shall determine the material to be used. ORDINANCE NO. 1166 (Cont1d.) SECTION 6. That the cost of paving in said district'shall . I be assessed against the lots, tracts and parcels of land espec- ially benefitted trereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determined by the City Council as provided by law. SECTION 7. That this Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of the City Council this the/~th day of August, 1958. ATTEST: ~~J:~ CIffY CLERK ~ I I . ORDINANCE NO. ?3~ Being the Annual Appropriation Ordinance of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the ensuing fiscal year commencing on the . I second Monday in August, 1958, and ending on the second Monday in August, 1959. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COU1iJCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That the total sum of $56,860.00 is hereby appro- priated for the Bond and Interest Fund of the City of Grand Island, to pay principal and interest on Intersection Paving Bonds as fol- lows: 17,600.00 To pay principal and interest on bonds dated March 1, 1954, at 2% per annum. To pay principal and interest on bonds dated April 1, 1956, at 2!% per annum. To pay principal and interest on bonds dated June 1, 1955, at 2% per annum. The sum of $34,124.00 being the unexpended balance in said Bond 26,' 260.00 13,000.00 and Interest Fund is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal I year. SECTION 2. That the total sum of $87,872.46 is hereby appropri- ated for the ensuing fiscal year for the General Fund as follows: (a) Administrative To pay the salaries of the Mayor, 8 Councilmen, Administrative Assistant, Clerk, Treasurer, Attorneys, Office Assistants, and office supplies and services. ~f47,705.00 (b) Engineering Division To pay the salaries of Engineer, Assistant Engineer, Building Inspector, other assistants, office supplies, equipment and operat- ing expenses. .$34,070.00 I . (c) Storm Sewers and Miscellaneous Service To pay for the construction, extension, maintenance and repair of storm sewers, and other services incidental thereto. j24,585.00 (d) Health Department To pay salaries of physician, assistants, office supplies and . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 336~ (Cont1d.) operating expenses. j16,782.00 (e) City Hall Maintenance To pay salaries of custodian, extra helpers, supplies, repairs, al tera tions, and maintenance. $11,725.00 (f) Incidentals and Miscellaneous To pay County Treasurer for tax collection fees, election ex- penses, and all other incidental and miscellaneous expenses not otherwise classified or provided for, and to provide a reasonable reserve for emergencies. $16,160.00 (g) Civil Service To pay the salaries for Secretary and Stenographer and for of- fice supplies and operating equipment. j 3,325.00 That the sum of $2,000 being the unexpended balance in said General (Engineering Dept.) Fund is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. That the estimated receipts in the sum of $64,479.54 from the engineering surveys and building inspection fees; Health Department fees for food, trailer camps and ottler inspections; amount received from Light Department in lieu of taxes; sale of lots and tracts of land; street and curb occupation rentals; retail beer and liquor occupation taxes; wholesale beer and liquor occupation taxes; office rentals; and all other receipts not classified are hereby appropri- ated for the ensuing fisca~ year for the use and benefit of said General Fund. SECTION 3. ~hat the sum of $53,040.00 is hereby appropriated for the ensuing year for the Street and Alley Fund for the purpose of paying for the upkeep and maintenance of streets and alleys, in- eluding salaries, wages, grading, flushing, repairing, purchase of tools, materials, supplies and equipment, rentals, snow removal, street lighting, and other expenses incidental thereto. That the sum of $2,400.00 being the unexpended balance in said Street and Alley Fund, is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing .? . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 336't.__ ( Cont' d. ) fiscal year. That the estimated receipts in the sum of $3,000.00 for con- tract services and sale of scrap materials and weed cutting, are hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year, for the use and benefit of said Street and Alley Fund. 'lhat the estimated receipts from Gasoline Taxes in the sum of ~39,OOO.00 are hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the use and benefit of the Street and Alley :F'und as additional funds for the repair and maintenance of streets and alleys. SECTION 4. That the sum of $65,612.50 is hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the Sewer Plant Fund for the purpose of paying salaries, telephone, office expense, gasoline and oil, truck repair and service and tires, tubes, batteries, truck licenses, truck and property insurance, electrical energy, fuel, plant main- tenance and repair and supplies. That the estimated receipts in the sum of $275.00 received as laboratory fees to the Sewer Plant Fund are hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year, for the use and benefit of the Sewer Plant Fund. That the sum of $3,000.00 being the uneXpended balance in said Sewer Plant Fund, is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 5. That the sum of $7,455.00 is hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the Sewer Collection System Fund for the purpose of paying salaries, gasoline and oil, electrical energy for tl:J.e lift stations, water for the flu sh tanks, truck and equip- ment repair, tires, tubes and batteries, cleaning ditch and equip- ment and property insurance. Tha t the sum of ~;1, 750. 00 be ing the unexpended balance in said Sewer Collection Fund is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 6. That the estimated receipts in the sum of $96,388.00 received from the operation of the Grand Island Municipal Airport and rentals received from the use of buildings and landing field, :/ . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 336~ (Contld.) and farming of land in said airport, and sale of salvaged materials, are hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the use and benefit of the Airport Fund. Th~t the sum of $49,000.00 being the unexpended balance in said Airport F~nd, is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 7. That the estimated receipts in the sum of $45,000.00 from the collection and disposal of garbage are hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year, for the use and benefit of the Sanita- tion Pund, to pay salaries and wages, and for the cost of repairs, equipment, supplies and service, and to maintain reserve for depre- ciation of equipment. That the sum of $9,055.00 is hereby appropriated for the Sani- tation Fund for the use and benefit of the Sanitation Fund to pay salaries and wages, and for the cost of repairs, equipment, supplies and services and to maintain reserve for depreciation of equipment. SECTION 8. That the sum of $50,248.00 is hereby appropriated for the Park Fund for the purpose of paying for the care, improvement and extension of public parks and the Baseball Park, opera ti. on and maintenance of the Municipal Swimming Pool, including salaries and wages, supplies, repairs, materials and equipment. That the estimated receipts in the sum of $24,000.00 from the operations of the Baseball park and rentals of park lands leased for agricultural purposes, and the operation of the Municipal Swimming Pool, are hereby appropriated for the ensuing fisca.l year for the use and benefit of said Park Fund. That the sum of $6,100.00 being the unexpended balance in said Park Fund, is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 9. That the sum of $106,743.80 is hereby appropriated for the Police Fund for the purpose of paying salaries and wages of officers, policemen, and police judge, cost of equipment repairs and operations, parking meter service and repairs, feeding prisoners, and maintaining and providing traffic control devices. That the sum of $8,000.00 being the unexpended balance in said Police Fund, is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. ,5 . I I I . ORDINANCE NQ. ~16~ (Conttd.) That the estimated receipts in the sum of $53,000.00 from curb parking meters, licenses, permits, and registration fees, court and office fees, are hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the use and benefi t of the Police F'und. SECTION 10. That the sum of $162,460.00 is hereby appropri- ated for the Fire Fund for the purpose of paying salaries and wages of officers, firemen and extra employees, operating expenses, re- pairs, supplies and services, and new equipment and accessories. That the estimated receipts in the sum of $8,000.00 for chem- ical recharging service, ambulance fees, and contracts for fire protection are hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the use and benefit of said Fire F'und. SECTION 11. That the sum of $35,710.00 is hereby appropriated for the Cemetery Fund for the purpose of paying costs of main ten- ance and upkeep of cemetery, including salaries, wages, materials, supplies, repairs, service, equipment, improvements, buildings, landscaping, and levelling. That the sum of $2,230.00 being the unexpended balance in said Cemetery Fund is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. That the estimated receipts in the sum of $9,100.00 from the . sale of lots, opening graves and other charges at the cemetery, are hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the use and benefit of said Cemetery Fund. SECTION 12. That the sum of $22,600.00 is hereby appropriated for the Firemen's Pension Fund for the purpose of paying pensions to retired firemen and firemen's widows. That the sum of $3,400.00 being the unexpended balance in said F'iremen's Pension Fund, is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 13. That the sum of $112,263.28 being the unexpended balance of the Permanent Care Fund in the form of receipts invested in U. S. Government securities of $111,042.23 and $1,221.05 cash is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 14. That the sum of $41,350.00 is hereby appropriated for the Library Fund for the purpose of paying expenses of the ORDINANCE NO. 336' (ContTd.) Library Board in the operation of the City Library, including salaries, wages, repairs, service, books and periodicals, and . I other incidental expenses for the ensuing fiscal year. That the estimated'receipts in the sum of $1,550.00 for the ensuing fiscal ;}7'ear are hereby appropriated for the use and benefit of said Library Fund. SECTION 15. That the sum of $5,500.00 is hereby appropriated for the Music Fund for the purpose of paying expenses of vocal, instrumental and amusement organizations for free concerts and par- ades, for the ensuing fiscal year. SECTION 16. That the sum of $9,520.00 being the unexpended balance in said Paving Fund is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year. ':LTha t the e stima ted re ceipts in the sum of $61,000.00 from motor vehicle regristration fees, from the sale of materia:s and from the fees for paving cuts are hereby appropriated for the en- I suing fiscal year for the use artd benefit of the Paving Fund. SECTION 1"1. That the sum of $3,050.00 being the unexpended balance in the City Shop Garage Fund, is hereby reappropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the purpose of paying costs of equip- ment and operation of the City Shop Garage. That tile estimated receipts in the sum of $3"1,420.00 from the operation of the City Shop Garage are hereby approprili),ted for the use and benefit of the City Shop Garage Fund. SECTION 18. That the unexpended balance in the Civil Defense Fund in the sum of $150.00 is hereby reappropriated to pay for sa1- aries, supplies, and operating costs incidental to civil defense. I . That the sum of $480.00 is hereby appropriated for the Civil Defense Fund to pay for supplies and equipment incidental~ Civil Defense. SECTION 19. That the sum of ~~11,000.00 is hereby appropriated for the Social Security Fund for the purpose of making the requir- ed payments to the J?ederal tjovernment for Old Age and Survivors 1n- surance for the ensuing fiscal year. . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3361 . (Contlcl.) That the sum of $25,000.00 being the estimated amount to be received from payroll deductions, is hereby appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for the use and benefit of said Social Secur- i ty F'und. That the sum of $1,000.00 being tue unexpended balance in said Cemetery G.A.R. Fund is hereby reappropriated for improvement and general care of the G.A.R. Section of the Cemetery. SECTION 20. That the unexpended balance in the Sewer Con- struction Fund in the sum of $26,243.00 is hereby reappropriated for ttle ensuing fiscal year to pay costs of construction of sani- tary sewer extensions, enlargements, improvements, lift stations and incidentals thereto. SECTION 21. That the unexpended balance in the Elks Parking Lot in the sum of $3,200.00 is hereby reappropriated for the en- suing fiscal year to pay for the maintenance and repairs to such lot and meters. SECTION 22. That the estimated receipts in the sum of $2,735.00 for the operation of such parking lots are hereby appro- priated for the use and benefits of the parking lots. SECTION 23. That the revenues received from the operation of the Water and Light Department of tne City of Grand Island, Nebraska are hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying the expenses of the operation of tbe said departments, including salaries and all incidental expenses in connection with the operation, maintenance, repair and enlargement of said department plants. SEC'J:IO:N 24. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from Bnd after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law._ Passed and approved by a majority vote of all members of the City Council this/4th day of August, 1958. ATTEST: ~CI~~ &l-/~ .r . . (~---- . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 336i An Ordinance levying taxes in the City of Grand Island, Ne- braska, for the fiscal year commencing on the second Monday in August, 1958, and ending on the second Monday in August, 1959, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBHASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied, and the same shall be collected in the manner provided by law, upon all property, real, personal and mixed of every kind and character, within the corpor- ate limits of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the fiscal year commencing on the second Monday in August, 1958, and ending on the second Monday in August, 1959, on each dollar of the actual valuation of said property, taxes as follows and for the following purpos e s: 'l'he sum of 17.7 mills for all general and all other mun1.cipal expenses. The sum of Three Dollars ($3.00) on each and every male resi- dent of the City of Grand Island, between the ages of twenty-one (21) and fifty (50) years, except such as are by law exempt, as a Poll tax. SECTION 2. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska is hereby instructed and di.rected to certify to the County Clerk of Hall County, Nebraska, the amount of sai.d taxes, and the same shall be collected in the manner provided by law. SECTION 3. Thi.s ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. passed and approved by a majority vote of all of the members of the City Council, this the/Ath day of August, 1958. ATTEST: ?7~I1f ~ dl~ . I I I . ... ORDINANCE NO. 1169 AN ORDINANCE levying and assessing an occupation tax on all telegraph companies operating in the City of Grand Island, ~ebraska, fixing the amount of said tax, fixing the time this Ordinance shall take effect, fixing the penalty and interest to be paid on delin- queh.,.,t amounts of said tax, providing for the filing of reports by said company or companies, and providing for inspection of books and records by officers and agents of the City of Grand Island and \, providing that said tax shall be credited to the general fund of' said City. BE 1':[1 ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. 'llelegraph companies maintaining and operating stations and offices in the City of Grand Island are required to pay to the City of Grand Island, as an occupation tax, the sum and amount of three per cent (3%) of the gross receipts collected in Grand Island, resulting from the business and occupation of receiv- ing messages in this City from persons in the City and transmitting the same by telegraph from this City to persons and places within this State; and receiving in this City messages by telegraph, trans- mitted from persons and places in this State to persons within this City. There shall be excepted from the provisions of this Ordinance all receipts for telegraph service to the United States Government or any of its departments and all receipts from the State of Nebraska or any of its departments, and no part or portion of the tax provid- ed for in this Ordinance shall be levied upon or assessed against or taken from the United States Government, the Government of the State of Nebraska, or either of their departments. SECTION 2. The payment of the occupation tax herein levied shall be in semi-annual payments. iThis Ordinance shall take effect on the first day of October, 1958 and the first payment shall be for the succeeding six (6) months period, and the same shall be paid within 45 days after the first day of April, 1959. The next payment of said tax shall be made within 45 days after the first day of October, 1959. The payment of said tax in the years following shall \ ORDINANCE NO. 3369 (Cont'd.) likewise be made as herein set forth. All payments of said tax made after the due date shall draw interest at the rate of one . I per cent (1%) per month and, after payment has been in default for six (6) months, a penalty of five per cent (5%) shall be added thereto in addition to the interest charges and shall be paid by the company or companies subject to this occupation tax. Each succeeding paYment may make such adjustment to be shown on the report hereinafter provided for as may be necessary for uncollect- ibles or any other matters which may have resulted in either an excess or deficiency in the amount of tax paid in any previous semi-annual payment. SECTION 3. All such companies at the same time as they make such semi-annual payments of tax shall file with the City Clerk a full, complete and detailed statement of the gross receipts subject I to the occupation tax provided for in Section 1 hereof, and said statement shall be duly verified and sworn to by the Manager in charge of the business of the particular company in the City of Grand Island or by a higher managerial employee of such company, and the City of Grand Island shall have the right at any time to inspect through its officers, agents or representatives the books and records of such company for the purpose of verifying such re- port or reports; provided, however, that in case any company shall refuse, fail or neglect to furnish or file such report or reports at the time required by this Ordinance, or shall fail or refuse to permit the City of Grand Island to inspect the books and records of such company for the purpose of verifying such report or reports, then and in that event the occupation tax for the preceding six I . months shall be and is hereby fixed and determined to be the sum and amount of $ 100.00 , and said amount shall be paid within 45 days following the end of the six months period as required by Section 2 her~of, and said amount shall draw interest and penalties as further provided in said Section 2. ORDINANCE NO. 3369 (Cont1d.) SECTION 4. In case any such company or companies shall fail to make payment of this occupation tax as herein provided at the . I time or times hereinabove specified, the City of Grand Island shall have the right and may sue any such company or companies in any court of competent jurisdiction for the amount of the occupation tax due and payable under the terms and provisions of this Ordinance and may recover judgment against any such company or companies for the amount so due, together with interest and penalties, and may have execution thereon. SECTION 5. ~he occupation tax hereby levied shall be paid the City Treasurer at the time provided in th~s Ordinance and he shall issue and deliver his receipt therefor on the payment thereon, and the amount of payment shall be credited by the City Treasurer to the general fund. SECTION 6. 'Ihe tax herein provided for shall be in lieu of any and all other occupation, license, permit or franchise fee or I tax assessed against telegraph companies under the laws of the City of Grand Island. SECTION 7. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to in- clude Hailroad Companies sending messages by telegraph in connection with the operation of such Railroad. SECTION 8. 'I'his Ordinance shall be in force and take effect as hereip provided and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Passed and approved this lAJ:,h day of Augu st , 1958. A'rTES~'+IS~ CITY CLERK #~A/ I . . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3370 An Ordinance naming Grand Island's Municipal Baseball Park Ryder Park in memory of Dellos E. Ryder. WHEREAS, Dellos E. Ryder was a lifelong resident of Grand Island, a loyal and trusted official and employee of the Union Pacific Hailroad Company, and a civic minded citizen who took'much pride in helping Grand Island grow, and WRERFAS, Mr. Ryder served the City well as a member of its School Board from 1925 to 1937, and during the many years as such he zealously guarded the public's interests by constantly watching the building and repairing of school buildings and the upkeep of school district properties, and WHEREAS, on the 5th day of October, 1936 at a regular meeting the School Board named an athletic field located on South Pine Street on parts of Lots Fourteen (14) and Eighteen (18) of County Sub-Div- ision of Section Fifteen (15), 'l'ownship Eleven (11) North, Hange Nine (9), Ryder Park in his honor, and WlIEREAS, after the Ci ty purchased the Ryder Park land in order to make it a part of pier Park, Ryder Park lost its identity and athletic contests were thereafter held at the stadium constructed on the present High School location, and WbEREAS, the members of the City Council and citizens who knew him, desire that the memory of Dellos E. Ryder should be kept alive by naming the present Municipal Baseball Park in his memory. NOW, THEREFOHE, BE IT ORDAINED BY 'IRE COUNCIL OF THE CI'TY OF GRAND ISU~ND, NEBRASKA: SEC'I'ION 1. That the Municipal Baseball Park located on the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SEiSWi) of Section Seven- teen (17), Township Eleven (11), North Range Nine (9) in the City of Grand Islund be, and the same is hereby named Ryder Park in mem- ory of Dellos E. Ryder. SECTION 2. That the Park Committee take such steps as may be necessary to appropriately have said Municipal Baseball Park identi- fied as Ryder Park. . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. (Cont'd.) 3370 SECTION 3. That ttlli City Clerk be, and he is hereby directed to furnish a certified copy of this Ordinance to Dr. Frank D. Ryder, Mayor of the City of Grand Island, and to Mrs. Burdy Cady of Ocean Park, California, surviving son and daughter of Mr. Ryder. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law required. Passed and approved this the/4th day of August, 1958. A f):lTEST: ~~/~ Q . Ci ty Clerk . I I I . ORDINANCE _ J.. ~ 71 AN OHDINANCI~ to enact as law certain rules and regulations pertaining to the Grand Island Municipal Airport; to provide for its control and the general rules vrith reference to conduct on ,i\irport property, and the liability and respol1sibili t~T for actions upon Airport Property; to provide for rules porte,ining to ta:xiing, landings, take-offs, parldng, and opere.t..i.on of both corml1ercial and private In.otor vehicles; to provide special fire regulations pertaining to the Airport; to approve and fix by ordinance certain use fees and public aroa charges hereafter adopted by the govern- ing body; to repeal ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict her01v.i th;; and to provide a penalty for violation of this ordinance. Section 1. BE IT OIWAINED BY TIm CITY COUNCIl, OF TID::: CITY OF GWI..ND ISIAtm, IlfEBl1A:3K1'.". Section 2. GO\i'J~rnUNG BODY: As used herein the term llGOVmUUJ\fG BODYll shall rofer to the duly elected MAYOn AN]) OI1'Y COUNCILMEN which body. is charged by the HOM]/: RULE: CH,t-\11TEH and by the ST[\:rUl'1~~) of l'fEBI1ASKi\. vu th the construc- tion, enlargement, maintenanco, equip!i1ent, operation, and reGulation of tho (frand Island J\Jlunic:Lpal Airport. Al1!(;PI\Fl': The lfJOrd IIAIRCnAF'I'lI any contri vanco u.:Jecl or deSiGned for navigation of or flight in the air, except a parD.chute or other contrivance desiGned for such l1D-vlgation but used primarily as safety equIpment. TID\T THEE,];; BE, AND TlmEE HEfU:my IS, ADOPTED TIEl: POLLOVrDJG AHTIC1ES AND SECrnONS. GEl'm:F!.AL WJl,II~S. That the follQl;1ung rules and regulations are hereby pr0111Ulgated and adopted for the Glif,.lm ISLAND NfLJNICIPhJJ AIHPOHT:: (a) Tho privilege of using tho airport and its facilities shall be conditioned on the assLUaption of full respol1sibili ty or risk by tho usor thereo:f; and he shall reloase, hold ha:r:Elless, and indemnify the GOVEE]\JING BODY, its officers and employees frO);1 ar!'iJ liability or loss remIlting from such use as well as against clah1S of thJrc1 persons as against those of the person so using the AIEPORT. (b) No person ~jhall cOElmit any disorderly, Obscene, indeccmt, or unlawful act or corma_t t any nuisance on the airport. (c) No person shall: (1) Destroy, injure, deface, or disturb in any way, any bUilding, sign, equipment, ),larker, or other structure, tree, flolr'ror, turf or other public property on the airport. (2) Trespass on turf and seeded areas on the airpor-G. (J) Abandon any personal property on the airport. (d) It, shall be Lmlawful for any person to fl,y any aircraft or to wove any aircraft upon the ground at tho Grand Island l'{[unlcipal .Airport except. in accordance with the ru_lo,g 2'.-l1d regul<:,Uons sot forth in this 0-.cdinanco, or for arw person to use any part of the airport area for tho builcEngs therein in violation of the provisions of these regulations. (c) Dawages to field lighting or othor airport facilities shall be paid by the operator, pilot, or other person, firm, or corporation responsible thore for. -2- ORDINANCE NO.3371,cont. . I (f) When, in the operation of civil aircraft vii thin the limits of the airport, death or inju~7 to person or dmaage to aircraft or other private property results, a report shall be made imnediately by the pilot and the registered owner to the nearest Civil Aeronautics Administration Corml1umcations Station or Aviation Safety Agent, the Nebraska State Departmont of Aeronautics, and the Airport Superintendent, stating the registration nutilber of tho aircraft, the tirl1e and place of accident. (g) Upon release by the CAB or CAll, the aircraft owner, his pilot or agent, shall be responsible for the prompt disposal of wrecked aircraft and the parts thereof to avoid all interference ,vi th field operation. (h) Participants in aircraft accidents on or near the airport shall report to the Airport Superintendent I s office as soon after the acci- dent as possible, leaving their nm,les and addresses and rendering such reports as may bo required. (i) Only aircraft hearing a currentl;r valid aiI'li'V"orthiness certifi ca te and airmen holding a valid certificat 0 of competency for the type of ai.rcraft beiI1..g flown, as issued by the Civil Aeronautics Administration of the United States Department of Coramerce, shall oporate on, from, or over the airport; prov-ided, however, that this restriction shall not apply to public aircraft of the foderal government or of a state, tOl~itory, or possession, or of a political subdivision thereof, or to aircraft licensed by a foreign country vd. th which the United Stattes has a reciprocal agreement coveri.ng the operation of such licensed aircraft. I (j) No person shall navigate any ai.rcraft over, land upon, or fly the smile, fraIn, or service, maintain, or repair any aircraft on the airport othervvise than in conforldty with the requirements of the regulations established by the Civil Aeronautics Board of the United States DepartlI1ent of Cmarn.eree as maend8c1, and such rules and regula- tions as !ilay be enacted and/or amended by the Aeronautics Commission of the State of Nebraska and the airpo:2t Governing Body. (1\:) All persons instructing student pilots shall fully acquaint such student 'I'd th the rules and regulations in effect on the airport m d shall be responsible for the conduct of such students while under their instruction. (1) The Airport Superintendent shall at all ti.mes have authority to take such action as may be necessar,y to safeguard propt:;rty and persons in attendance at the airport. (m) No person shaJ.l use the airport as a base or terminal for the carrying on of Colt1T'lcrcial aviation, or the carrying of passengers, freight, express, or ntail.. or for student flying, communications or other cow!t1orcial or private purpose or transportation without first securing a pOrlHi t or contract from the Governing Body and paying the fees and chaI'<'';os prescri.bed for such privileges, the use of the airport, its facilities, and for services rendered. I . (n) No person shall engage in the sale to the general public of refreshments or any other cOlm11odity or service wi thin the confines of the ai.rport vvi thout previously having secured a perlI1i t from the Govorrri.ng Body and having paid or made satisfactory arrangel11ents to pay such fees or other sums: of money as said Governing Body may determine for such privilege. JL-2.3. PENALTIES. Any person operating or handling any aircraft in violat.ion of these rules or refusing to comply therO'wi th may be pror,lptly rOIilOved or ejected from the airport by or under the authority of the Airport Superintendent and, under the order of tho Airport rSection 3. I Section 4. I . -3- ORDINANCE NO.3371, cont. superintendent, may be deprived of the further use of the ai.rport and its facilities for such leng'th of time as may be required to insure tho safeguarding of tho same and the public and its interests therein, and in addition thereto li1"'J.y be fined or hlprisoned a s provided elso"vv'here herein for violations of the provisions of this ordinance. Any person so removed or ejected by the Superintendent may appeal said action to the Goverlnng Body. TAXIING. Ca) No person shall taxi any aircraft until he hac; ascertained that there vvill be no danger of collisciion vvi th any person or object in the il~aediate area, or at an excessive speed. Cb) Aircraft shall utilize the east portion of the ramp or apron area and the taxi strip to taxi to and from the rummy in use. Taxiing on ruml\[ays is forbidden, except when necessary to reach takdoff point or taxi strip. (c) Aircraft shall not be permitted to hold on the end of the runway in use whenever another aircraft is effecting a landing. Such air- craft shall hold on the taxi strip at 100 feet froli1 the edge of the runway in mie. Engines shall be run up and cockpit checked in this posi tion, when compJe ted and the approach in clear then taxi on to the runway at 45 degrees into traffic, if clear, 111ake a right turn and take off inl.il1ediately. (d) Aircraft crossing any runway or using cut-off taxi. strip to or from centers of runways shall s top and clear the a pproach of other aircraft taki.ng off or landing before taxiing on to rummy. (e) Aircraft shall not be taxied into or out of hangers. TA.KE-OFFS. (a) No taxi, strips shall be used for take-offs or landings unless approved b3T the Ai.rport Superintendent. (b) Ai.rcraft shall not take off over hangers, buildings, obstructions, automobile parIdng areas, or groups of spectators, unless strictly unavoidable . (c) Aircraft SI13,ll use runway most nearly aligned into the wind as indicated by the tetrahedran (-vo..nd-T), except when -[:,he wind velocity is less than 6 miles per hour aircraft may use NOHTU-80UTH runway wInch hasbeen designated as the IlCAL!Vl wnmll rumray. UncleI' "CALM VilIND"i condition, when there is no steady visual indication of wind direction, take-off shall be to the south. (d) JI.ircraft taIdng off to the NOI\.TH, rummy 35, may take off fraIl} south end of runway or at access strip. Aircraft taking off to the SOU'l'I"I" runway 17, may take off from north end of rummy or at access strip. (0) Aircraft taIdng off to the NOR'l'H1NEST" runway 30, ta..-u.. dovm run- way 3, or Iilay taxi along right edge of activo rumva3T to -c,alee-off position, except when other aircraft are landing or taking off, then taxiing aircraft shall c~r the rumvay. Aircraft taldng off to the SOUTHEAS'l', runway l2, shall take off fron northwest end of rumvay. -4- ORDINANCE N0.33'11,cont. (f) m.rcraft taking off to the SOUTHVmST, rurJvvay 21, taxi dovm rummy 12, or may taxi along right edge of active rummy' to take-off posi tion, except vvhen other aircraft are landing or taldng off, then taxiing aircraft shall clear the runway. ilircraft taki.ng off to the NOR'l'ITC:AS/.r, runway 3, shall take off from tho E:outllwest end of rlillway. . I (g) Light aircraft taking off shall proceed straight ahead until reaching the end of the runway, and an 2J.titude of hOO feet above the field, then turn left 90 degrees, climb to 800 feGt altitude, and take 45 degree angle to the :dght, holding 800 feet altitude until clear of heavy aircraft pattern. Heavy and Fast mrcraft taki.ng off, shall proceed straight ahead to an altitude not to exceed 800 feet above the field, uhtil out of the light aircraft pattern. Section 5. LANDINGS. (a) Light a:Lrcraft approaching the field for a landing, shall confon,1 to a standard rectangular pattern. Entrance to this pattern shall be at L~5 degrees on down wind leg at 800 feet above the field, and shall maintain a straight course for at least 1000 feet on final approach to runway, then proceed to a normal lcu1ding. After landing, aircraft shall clear the runwaY to use as soon as safely possible using taxi strips ava.ilable. I (b) lU.rcraf't approaching the Jtirport area for the purpose of landing shall use the rummy most nearly aligned into the wind as indicated by the l'etrahedran (Wind Tee), except 1"[hen t. he surface velocity is less than 6 miles per hour, aircraft ma;;r use North-South runway vIhieh has been designated as the "Calm Windl! runway. Under I!Calm Wind1t condit,ions the 1'etrahedran (INlnd-Teo) 'will indicate a South larr:ling, then land.ings shall be made to the South. Incoming aircraft shall not, land until the proceeding aircraft has cleared the runway. (0) No l&'1ding shall be made on the ramp or apron area or the tarl strips, except in very" high wind when aircraft landing Ii1ay need help on t he ground. (d) Aircraft landing to the South, mmray 17" continue roll to access strip turn right to clear runway. Aircraft 18Jlding to the North, runwa;y 35, continue roll to the access strip turn left to clear rummy. (e) Aircraft landing to the Southeast, rumvay 12, pull to the right and cont.Lnne to the end of rumva.;y, or may turn left and taxi back along' right edge of rumvay, except when other aircraft are lanchng or takLng off, the taxiing aircraft shall clear the mnvmy. lurcra.ft landinG to the Northwest, l' unl'ray 30, shall pull to thG :dght and continue to the end of the runway. (f) f.ircraft 1:1.nding to the Northeast, rl..ll1Way 3, pull to the right and continue to theend of the rumvay, or ma;y turn left and taxi back 0.1011[; right edge of rummy, except when other aircraft, are landing or taking off, tho taxiing aircraft shall clear the rummy. Aircraft landing to the Southwest, runway 21, shall pull to the right and continue: to the end of runway. I Sedi on 6. . pHlL.:;nCE TAKI';-oFF AND LANDINGS. (a) .Aircraft taking off shall proceed straight ahead until rea clung the end of the runway and an altitude of LfOO feet above the field, -5- ORDINANCE NO.3371,cont. then turn 10ft 90 degrees Clil11b to 600 feet, turn left 90 degrees clj.rnb to GOO feot and proceed va t11 regular landing regulation, raaintaining a straight course for at lOD.st 1000 fcc:,.t on final approach to runway. After landing aj.rcraft shall take off i1J1l<10diately or clear tho runway in use as soon as safely posc5ible using taxi strips available. .ection 7. I TRAFFI G PJ\ TTERN. (a) Hoavy and fast aircraft pat,torn shall be a circle to the loft, la.rc;e enough to permit safe L}aneuvcrabilit;y" and a straight approach to the nmway being used, yet SL19.11 enough to expecJi te the generD.l flm" of traffic. HeaV'J and fast aircraft pattern shall be at an altitude of 1200 feet. (b) light and slow aircraft pattern shall be a small rectangle to the :Jo ft, largo enough to perrili. t safe 1,1aneuverabili ty and a straight approach to the ruywray being used, yet 81110.11 enough to expedite the general f10T[ of traffic. light and slow' aircraft patt.ern shall be inside the heavy and fast aircraft pattern at an al ti tude of SOO feet. 1-3.3. GIWOND RULES (a) Aircraft. engines shall be started or Tvarmed up only in tho places dosignated for such purpose by the idrport. Superintendent or governing body. At no ti!lle shall engines bo tunm up when hangars, shops, other builcJj_ngs, or persons in the observation aroa are in the propeller stream. I (b) Aircraft shall not be parked except in areas and in the manner designated and prescribed by the Airports Superintendent or Gover~ing Body and in any event shall not be parked any closer than one hundred and seventy-five feet (1751) to any ta:xiway and two hundred and fifty i'oet (2501) to any runway. (0) All repairs to ,g5.rcraft or engines, except emergency repairs, shall be l<lade in the space designated for t,l-,j_s pl.u'pose by the Airport Super- intondent or governing body' and not on the area designated for landing and tal<:e -off or on terminal building parking apron. (d) Onl;;r aircraft equipped wi th adequate brakes shall be taxied near builcLi.ngs or parked aircraft lJ.n1es3 an attonda.nt is at the wing of the aircraft to 8,ssist the pilot. (0) No aircraft engine shall be started or run, lJ.nless competent personnel j.s in the aircraft to attond to controls. (f) No pilot 01' other meuiber of t.he crew. of an aircraft in operation on the airport or any persons attending or aseJisting in sDid operation on the airport shall be under the influence of intoxicating liquor or habit-forming drugs, nor shall any porson obviously under the influence of intoxicating liquor or habit-fonling drugs be permitted to board aJ1lJ aircraft except a medical patient under proper care or in case of el:1ergoncy. I . (g) Passengers shall be safely conducted, by the operator or m.s authorized aGent, frow the nearest gate in the landing area fence to tho plane but not until departing passengers have been so conducted from the plane to the nearest gate. Tho plane shall not proceed until the pilot has received a proper signal from said agent. (h) All equipment, stationar,jT or vehicular, opera ted on or 1'a thin airport boundaries shall be properly equipped and adjusted so as to cause no radio interference with radio equipment used in conjunction vvi t11 air navigation facilities. -6- ORDINANCE NO.3371,cont. 1-3.b Ivl0'l'OH VEHICLE HEGULATIONS. . I (a) l'arld.ng spaces and drives are provided and a utomobiles and other vehicles shall stay liv:l thin these liJ[]i ts. Orfry- cars, trucks, and equipIllent of the Grand Island Municipal A:i..rport, airlines, Civil Aeronau.tics AclJilinistration, and contractors doing construction yrork 'will bo allowed to drive on ramps, runvrays, taxi-strips, and the flying field proper, and then only 'VJ~L th the consent of the Airport Superintendent ,end CM. (b) No automobile, truck, or other vehicle shall park in any area othor thm the parking areas de;::ign.ated by the Airport Superintendent or governing body. The]a ws governing illegal peU' king in the Oi ty of GrDJld Island shall apply. (c) Fees for parldng at such placo as approved by the Airport Supor-. intcmcl.ent shall be set by the Governing Body. 1-3.5. GlWU1~D Tl1ANSPOIi.TATION. (a) Concessions for parkLng; in such space at the Airport as designated by the Airport }/[anager Inay be grantod to various ground transportation companies. No ground transportation cowpany-owned vehicle shall be permi ttod to park in any space adjacent to the terminal building. No ground transportation company-owned or controlled vebicle shall be por1l1itted in any area except in the desiGnated parking spaces vrhich are as,signod pursuant to these regulations; provided, hOVH)VU:C, that grOl.md transporto:t,ion comparies whiGll hav8 IlarklnG space] or spaces 1,lay :Lnter- chance tho right to use such space 'with other cOllpanies .which Ij.lwvd.0e have parldng space, and such spaco pursuant to the provisions of this section. I (b) TIle foes for ground transportation parldng and other privileges, at such place as approved by the llirport Superintendent, shall be set by the Governing Body. (c) Contracts embodying the provisions of the foregoinG regulations and such other as deemed proper by the GoverninG Body Illay be offered to the various ground transportation companies. HOlI/ever, in the event contracts are not actually signed, charges for parking space at the rates provided for by the Govern.ine; Body shall be due from ground transportation compal1ies which actuaJJ.3T use designated vehicular parld.ne spaces. (d) The contracts to be executed shall provide for forfeiture and loss of pri viloges by reason of failure to comply lNi th the contract or regula- tion. In the event a written contract is not executed or in exis- tence at any particular time, failure to comply. herevd ths-hall be deorl1ed. suff:Lc:i.ent roason for denying such violatinp; ground t,ransportcl.tion colt1pany the privilege of parldng in the designated area, stopping by the door or use of the island or turn-around. 1-3.6. FIRE m~GU:ai.T IONS (a) All persons using in any way the ai"rport area or the facilities of the airport. shall excercise the utmost care to guard against fire and. injury to persons or property. I . (b) No person shall Sllloke in any hangar or in an;y room or building on tho airport, except in offices, waiting rooms, or buildings in lNhich SlllokLng is specifically authorized. (c) No 2irplanc shall be fueled or drained while tho engine is running, or wInIe in hangar or other enclosed area. Fueling equipment shall bo such as to afford a continuous metalic contact betwoen the discharge noz:;loj ]l1otal lining, or other metal conductol's of fueling hose, 111ain Puol tanle or fuel line, and the grouJld, and the discharge noz,zle shall have securely attached thereto an adequate bonding cable tel'l11:inating in -7- ORDINANCE NO.3371,cont. sui table metal clip. Before removing the fill cap froIll the air- plane fuel tank, the clip on the boncLi.ng cable shall be connected to some uninsulatcd and unpainted lwtal part of the airplane in continuous l,letalic contact with the tank, but not adjacent to the tank-filling opening, and this connection shall not be broken until after the tank has 'boen fueled and cap of the tank has boen replaced. . I (d) The heating of oil shall be restricted to steam, hot water, hot air, or approved electric heaters. (e) The cleaning of lilotor parts or other part,s of the airplane shall preferably be I'd th non-inflaufllable liquids. If volatile flawIilable liquids 8.1\; Employed for this purpose, cleaning operations shall be carried on in the open air or in a separa to rOOLl located in the repair shop secti on and separa tod therefrorll by fire resi sti ve parti ti ons and corllplying with the req1..1.:lrelilonts of the National Board of li:Ll'e 1;rl(LClr;'-rr:L-!:'c:.:f~1S . (f) Eepairs 0,11 storage floors of hangars shall be United to inspec- tiorw an,d replacement[-J of parts and repairs incident t.hereto, provided cuch repairs do not involve appliances using open flal110s or hiShly heated parts. (g) '1 'he procoss of IIdopingll, excc:lPJt Hinor patching, shall preferably be carried on in a separate, detached, incombustible building which may also include the paint shop. 'Where a separate building is not, feasible, the process li1ay be carried on in a rOOI,l located in tho repair shop section of the hangar. Such building or room shall be constructed L1. accordance with the requiroments of the National Board of }'ire Underv,JTi tel'S and shall be protected '/lith either a sy'steh1 of autm1atic sprinlder~3 or a system 8lilploying a fire retardant cheHical Or gas, 'which SystOlll shall meet tho requirerilE.mts of said Board. I (h) No autOJwbilos, r,10tor trucks, or tractors shall enter hangars except in conl'1.ocUon wi. th operations on the airport, unless authorized by the Airport Superint.endent, and hangar entrances shall be kept clear at aJJ. tirn.os. (i) Floors shall be kept clean and free frolll oil. The use of volatile flrui1lilablo solvents for cleaning fIoors is prom bi ted. (;j) Drip pans shall be placed under engines whenever necessary to provont an aCGumulation of oil. (ld Suitable metal receptacles with self-clOSing covers shall be provided for tho storage of oily .wast.e, rags, and other rubbish. The contents of these receptacles shall be removed as oftGn as nocossary to provent ovor-loading. OJ All Oillpty oil, paint, and varnish cam" bottles, or other containffiTS shall be irm,lediately removed from all buildings and not allovrcd to rerlla:Ln on floor or wall stringers. (1,1) AI,1 clothes lockers shall be constructed of "letal or other sui table fire-resistive material. No clothes lockers shall be pen,litted in that portion of the hangar used for the storage of ai.rplanes. I . (n) No boxes, crates, rubbish, paper, or litter of any kind shall be permitted to be stored in or about hangars. (0) Gasoline, kerosene, et~rl, ether, or other flruillilable liquids, inclucii.ng those used in connection 1vi tll the process of "dopingll shall not be stored in hangars. The storage of such liqnids shall be in complianco v6 th t.he regulations of the National Board of Fire Under- writers for the construction and installation of contm.ners for flamw:J.ble liquids. -8- ORDINANCE NO.33?1, comt. 1ubri eating olls may be kept wi thin hangars when stored in containers and provided '.'lith drcnv off devices, both approved for thiH purpose b;:r said Board. (p) Cylinders or flasks of cOElpressod f18.li1l11ablG gases shall be stored only in Class A fire resistive storage 1'001;18. . I (q) JUl heating equipment and fuel-burning appliances installed on the airport shall be in accordance with the requir0111ents of tho National Doard of }lre Underwritters. (r) The operator of any hangar or building on the airport shall be res- ponsible for the i'urnishing and maintaining of adequate first aid fire appliances 111eoting the lainilm:m requirements of the National Board of Fire Undor~Titters. (s) All fire doors and othor fire prevention apparatus shall be accessible and kept unobstructed at all times. (t) The operator of any haYJ.gar or occupant of any space in tho airport buildings shall be responsible for the prOlllpt disposal or reLloval of an;y- trash, rubbish, garbage, or debris from the airport premises at all times. If not cornpli(:.;d w:L th after due notice to do the same, the J\:Lrport Superintendent may order the removal and any costs shall be due and payable to the City. (u) No oil, grease, gasoline, or similar Dubstanco shall be emptied into any opening connected to any storm or sani. tary drain. I (v) Except wi_th respect to leased prm,uses, gasoline trucks shall be par1<::ed a Ii'J.DlIl1UIi1 of seventy-five (75) feet froIil any taxi-strip or runway, and all other motor vehicles shall park a IiLim.1;,-Ull1 o..l:' one hundred (100) foet 1'1'0111 any taxi-strip or rUD:\rray. (VI") Gasoline trucks shall not approach VIIi thin one hlU1drcd (100) feet of any aircraft to be serviced until aircraft engines are shut off and pro- polloI'S Il1otionless and the pilot or authorized roprosentati vo has specified truc1\: to service the plane. (x) l:1axill11.u.1 speed of gasoline trucks shall be ton (10) l.ulos pOl' hou:J:'.. ur.s.xim.llt1 [;pend of all vehicles on sorvice ramps shall be (10) 1,ulos pOl' hour. (y) Gasoline trucks shall not be parkod or driven Vii thin seventy-fi vo (75) feet of the ten,unal building. I-h.l. LANDING f.....'1EA FEES. Landing area fees for the USe of the rUl1Vv-ays, taxiways, and ramps shall be prerJcribod by the governing body, SUbject only to the rights of lessee under any e.xisting lease, and shall be payable to such Governing Body. I . l-Lf.2. TAKE-OFF VmIGHT DEFINlm. Ma,UL1Wl1 gross 'weight for take-off shall 1110an maxirmUl1 gross weight 1'111ich an aircraft may lawfully have at the tili1e of leavlng the ground at any airport in tho Uni tod States under the most f't\vorablo conditions which Ii1ay e:zist at such airport and '.,;7 -chout regard to special Umiting factors arising out of the particular Ulile, place, or circtUi1stancGs of tho take-Off, such as rUnYfay length, air temperature, or tho liko. If such Il1axLl11l1111 gross weight is not fi.xed by or pursuant, to Im'r, then said phrase shall lilean tho actual gross weight at take-off of the particular aircraft. 1-1j..3. LANDING Vm:CGIIT DEFINED. The term "lancUng weight,1I as usod herein, shall be the maximum weight approved by the Civil Aeronautics AdliUDj.S- tration for landing such aircraft at any airport in the Um. tad States excopt that the definition of any IIlc:mding weichtll in any ox.isting lease Ghall be controlling as far as tho lessee is concerned 1'01' the duration of the existing lease. . I I Section )/. Section 5. I . -9- ORDINANCE NO. 3371 (Con-c.) I-t..L~. IiEPORTS OF ACTIVITn.:S. FollowiD..g the end of each rl1onth, state- li1unts of the nwaber of aircraft employed in revenuo operation during the preceding 1110nth together vrith the landing weiGht of saLd aircraft, as herein defined, and the Dwaber and typo of aircraft shall be made and delivered to the .lurport Superintendent before the 15th day oi' the succeeding rnonth. l-Ll.5. PAYIvJl:NT OF FI;;}I;S. Landing area fees shaH be payable raonthly, and payjilont thereof Shall be made to the Airport Superintendent on or before the 10th day' of the lilonth succeeding that for v,hich the payrilent is due. Accrued fees unpaid when dUG shall draw interest at the rate of six per cent per annum. l-h.6. El~FECT OF NON-PAY1iG;rrr. flJ1Y person, firm or corporation, includ- ing scheduled and non-scheduled airlines and other aircraft opera,tors, which faLls, neglects, or refusos to pay the foes when duo, may, upon Llajod.ty vote of the governing body be denied and refused the use of tho rUl1\-\Tays, taxiwc:ws, ramps, and public area[) in the Grsnd Island, Nebraska lilun:Lcipal Airport. 1-5.1. PENAI/rIES. Any p(~I'son violating any of the provisions of thi.s chaptor or any regulation, rule, or orcle:c of tho Goverm.ng Body, adoptod or issued in pursuance hereof, except provisions regarding the colloc-i.:-ion of cf;,lo1mts due, shall, whore no specific penalty j.G provided, or'Vlhere no fine or i1,lprisomnent penalty is specificall.y provided, bc doomed guilty of a wisdOlnoanor and UIJon conviction bo finod not 1,lOre than one 111Jnclred dollars ($100.00) or imprisoned for a period not oxceeding lunety (90) days, or both such fine and ililprisoDll1errt. Each separate act contra:t:"J to the provisions hereof shall be doeHed. a separat-,e act of vi ola.tion cmd lilay be prosecuted as such. If any section, subsection, sentence, pb.rase, or clause of' this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circuHstancc is found or held to bo unaut:lorized, invalid, or unconstitutional by a court of COlapotcnt ;jurisdiction, it is hereby declared that each such section, ~mbsect:Lon, 88ntonce, phrase or clause vms separately considered, and that the passage of an;7 section or part thoreof did not constitute an induce1,lont :for passage of othor sections or parts thereof of this ord:l.nance, and the lack of authority, invalidity, or unconstitutionality of any section or part thereof shall not affect the validity, effocti veness, and application of othc~r sect:Lons or parts thereof of this act. This Orclinanco shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet fOrIl1 as by lavi' provided. ..:2o~ Passed and approved this the day of ~~ -'/~-' 19 S~. Arl'TEsrl' : ZI~_A, .~~ ~CLH;ItK . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3372 An Ordinance requiring the construction of sidewalks by the owner or owners of the lots, tracts and parcels of land described as Lot One (1), Block Three (3), Lambert's Second Addition, and Lot One (1), Block Eleven (11) of Wallich's Addition in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; providing for the construction of side- walks by the City should the owner or owners fail to construct the same, and providing for the levy and collection of the cost thereof. WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that certain sidewalks for the accommodation of the public should be construct- ed. NOW, THEI1EFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY Tfili COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GHAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That the owner or owners of the lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth be and they are hereby order- ed to construct a public sidewalk over, along and across the lots, tracts and parcels of land set opposite their names wi thin thirty (30) days from the date of the publication of this ordinance. ~he names of such owners and the description of said lots, tracts and parcels of land are as follows: NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION Edna Mae Stewart ) Jerry C. Stewart ) Frances Mae Stewart) Grand Island Land Company Across the Front of 1 On the North Side of 1 3 Lambert's Second Addi tion 11 Wallich's Addition SECTION 2. If any such owner or owners shall fail to con- struct such sidewalks according to specifications and as required by law, and within the time as herein provided, the City Council , shall then order such sidewalks constructed by City employees or by contract. SECTION 3. After the construction of any sidewalk by the City, the City Engineer shall furnish to the City Council a com- pletion report of the same, showing amounts, locations, legal de- scriptions of the lots or tracts, owners of record title, and all ORDINANCE NO. 3372 ( Con t td. ) costs incurred on each lot or tract, and after the approval of such report, the City Council, shall by ordinance, levy and as- . I sess the cost thereof against the lots, tracts and parcels of land on which such sidewalk or sidewalks have been constructed and such assessments shall become due and delinquent and bear interest as follows: One-seventh of the total cost shall become delinquent in ten days after such levy; one-seventh in one year; one-seventh in two years; one-seventh in three years; one-seventh in four years; one-seventh in five. years and one-seventh in six years. Each of such installments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent (7%) per annum from the time of the levy aforesaid, until the SMle shall become delinquent; and after the same shall be- come delinquent interest at the rate of three-fourths of ten per cent (10%) per annum shall be paid thereon. Such special assess- ments shall be collected and enforced as in the case of other spec- ial assessments and the amount due shall be a lien upon the lot, I tract or parcel of land benefitted by the construction of such side- walk fromthe date of the levy of the same. SECTION 4. The publication of this ordinance in a legal news- paper as by law provided, shall constitute sufficient notice to all resident and non-resident owners of real estate that the construc- tioD of such sidewalks has been ordered by the City Council. SECTION 5. TIlis ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law pro- vided. passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council, this the/~h day of August, 1958. I . ATTEST: ~ Ph S'~ CITY CLERK ~ ORDINANCE NO. ~~73 An Ordinance submitting to the qualified voters of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, the question of licensing the sale of . I alcoholic liquors, except beer, by the drink, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. WHEREAS, a petition signed by legal electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, has been filed with the City Clerk of said City, requesting that the question of licensing the sale of alcoholic liquors, except beer, by the drink, in the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, be submitted to the electors of said City at a special election. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CI'l1Y COUNCIL OF THE Cl11'y OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That the question of licensing the sale of alcohol- I ic liquors, except beer, by the drink, in the City of Grand Island, ~ebraska, is hereby ordered submitted to the legal voters of said City at a special election to be held on the/Dth day of September, 1958. SECTION 2. The proposition which shall appear on the official ballot, and which shall be submitted to the qualified voters and electors of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, shall be as follows: II Shall the Sale of alcoholic liquors, except beer, by the drink, be licens- ed in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska?" SECTION 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, shall cause to be prepared ballots for use in said election; said ballots to be printed on white paper and to be designated as "Official Ballots", and upon said ballots shall be printed the pro- I . position embodied in Section 2 of this ordinance, followed by the words "For License to Sell by Drink", and "Against License to Sell by Drink", and a blank square opposite each, in accordance wi th the form described in the general laws relative to elections in the State of Nebraska. All electors who favor licensing the sale of alcoholic liquors, except beer, by the drink, shall make a cross in the blank square opposite said proposition and under the words "For License to Sell by Drink", and all electors who are opposed to licensing the sale ORDINANCE NO. ~~73 ( Con t I d. ) of alcoholic liquors, except beer, by the drink, shall make a cross in the blank square opposite said proposition and under . I the words "Against License to sell by Drink". SECTION 4. lne City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Ne- braska, shall cause notice of said election to be given in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper published in the City of Grand Island, at least ten (10) days and not more than twenty (20) days prior to the date of said election, as required by law. SECrTrON 5. The sale of alcoholic liquors, except beer, by the drink, shall be deemed authorized and permitted in the City of' Grand Island, Nebraska, if a majori ty of tt16 elee tors voting at said election shall vote in favor thereof. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this/~h day of August, 1958. I Attest: ~~1{~ ~ I . . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ':)':)74 An Ordinance requiring the construction of sidewalks by the owner or owners of the lots, tracts and parcels of land lying on the north side of State Street along and across Lots Fifteen (15), Six- teen (16) and Seventeen (17) of Home Subdivision, an Addition to the City of Grand Island; providing for the construction of side- walks by the City should the owner or owners fail to construct the same, and providing for the levy and collection of the cost thereof. WP~REAS, tho City Council finds and determines that certain sidewalks on the north side of State Street along and across Lots Fifteen (15), Sixteen (16) and Seventeen (17) of Home Subdivision, an Addition to the City of Grand Island for the accommodation of the public should be constructed. NOW, TI!EREFORE, BE 1'1' :)RDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL 01" THE crey OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. 'I'ha t the owner or owners. of the lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth be, and they are hereby noti- fied to construct public sidewalks along the front of their respec- tive pieces of land within thirty (30) days from the date of the publica tj.o n of thi s ordinance. 'rhe name s of su eh owners and the de~criptions of said lots, tracts and parcels of land are as follows: NAME DESCRIPTTON Five Points Development Company Lot Fifteen (15) Home Subdivision Five Points Development Company East One Hundred Eighty-Four Feet (E184) Lot Sixteen (16) Home Sub- division Bankers Life Insurance Company of Nebraska West Thirty-six Feet (W36) of the South One Hundred F'ifty-Eight Feet (8158), Lot Sixteen (16), Home Subdivision Bankers Life Insurance Company of Nebraska East One Hundred Twenty Feet (E120) of the South One Hundred Fifty-Eight Feet (S158), Lot Seventeen (17), Home Subdivision Harry Preisendorf West One Hundred Feet (W100) of South One Hundred Fifty-Eight Feet (S158), Lot Seventeen (17), Home Subdivision. . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3374 ____(Cont1d.) SECTION 2. IE any such O~ler or owners shall Eail to con- struct such sidewalks according to speciEications and as required by law, and wi thin the time as herein provided, the Ci ty Council shall then order such sidewalks constructed by City employees or by contract. SECTION 3. After the construction oE any sidewalk by the Ci.ty, the City ~ngineer shall Eurnish to the City Council a completion report of' the same, showing amounts, locations, legal descriptions of the lots or tl~acts, owners of re cord ti tIe, and all costs in- curred on each lot or tracts, and after the approval of such report, the City Council, shall by ordinance, levy and assess the cost there- oE against the lots, tracts and parcels of land on which such side- walk or sidewalks have been constructed and such assessments shall become due and delinquent and bear interest as follows: One-seventh of the total cost shall become delinquent in ten days aEter such levy; one-seventh in one yeal"; one-seventh in two years; one-seventh in three years; one-seventh in four years; one-seventh in five years, and one-seventh in six years. Each oE such installments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent (7%) per annum from the time of the levy aEoresaid, until the same shall be- come delinquent; and after the same shall become delinquent, interest at the rate of three-fourths of ten per cent (10%) per annum shall be paid thereon. Such special assessments shall be collected and en- forced as in the case of other special assessments and the amount due shall be a lien upon the tract, lots or parcel of land benefitted by the construction oE such sidewalks from the date of the levy of the same. SECTION 4. The publication oE this ordinance in a legal news- paper, as by law provided, shall constitute sufficient notice to all resident and non-resident owners of real estate that the construction of such sidewalks has been ordered. SECTION 5. Tb.is ordinance shall be in force and take efEect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law pro- vided. . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 33 '74 (Cantlcl.) Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council this the 12th day af August, 1958. ATTEST: +c{;~ e/~ ORDINANCE NO 3371) An Ordinance pertaining to the issuance of Intersection . I Paving Bonds dated August 1, 1958, of tho City of Grand Island, Nebraska, amending that part of Section 4 of Ordinance No. 3358 providing for the intere st coupons on said bonds, and repealing that part of said original Section 4 of said Ordinance No. 3358 relating to said coupons. vVHEHF.::A.S, on the 18th day of J-une, 1958, the Mayor and Coun- cil or the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, passed and approved Ordinance No. 3358 which authorized the issuance of Intersection Paving Bonds in tho principal sum of ~!J1lfJ, 921. 52, said bonds to be dated August 1, 1958 and to bear interest at the rate of 2i per cent per annum payable semi-annually. WHEHE1:1..S, Section 4 of said OrcHnance No. 3358 provided for the form of said Intersection Paving Bonds and the interest coupons to be thereto attached, and in said Section 4 in the coupon form I the amount of the semi-annual interest to be paid was erroneously given as ~1~22.50 when the semi-annual interest should have been shown aC' u di'll 25 ~p.. .. NOW, TLJGHEli'ORE, BE IT OHDAINED BY THEi.: lVLA.YOR AND COUNC IL OF 'J.'lIE CITY OF GHAiiiD ISLAND, NEBHASKA: SEc'rION 1. Tha t tba t part of Section 4 providing for the form of interest coupons to be attached to the Intersection paving Bonds of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be dated August 1, 1958 in the principal sum of $118,921.52 and bearing interest at the rate of 2~- per cent per annum be, and the sarne is hereby amend- ed to read as follows: FOEM OF COUPON No. ~~ll. 2 5 I . On the day of _, 19 ,the City of Grand Island, Nebra~ka, will pay to the bearer Eleven Dollars and 'Twenty-dive Cents (~H;ll. 25) at the o1'1'i ce of the 'Ilreasurer of Hall County, 1n Grand Island, Nebraska, for the interest due on this date on its Intersection paving Bond dated August 1, 1958. Bond No. r#l-<<~ Mayor City Clerk .. I I I . OHDINANCE NO. ~~7~ ( (; on t I d. ) SEC'l'ION 2. 'l'hat the City Clerk be, and he is hereby directed to furnish a certified copy of this ordinance to the State Aud- itor of the state of Nebraska and to the purchaser or purrihasers of said Intersection Paving Bonds and to attach thereto the min- utes of all Council meetings pertaining to the passage of this ordinance and to provide any and all certificates relating to the passage, approval and publication of this ordin~nce and the issu- ance of the bonds herein referred to as may be required by law. SECTION 3. That that part of said Section 4 of Ordinance No. 3358 relating to the form of the interest coupons to be attach- ed to said Intersection paving Bonds and any and all other ordi- nances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. fehis ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publIcation as provided by law. Passed and approved this the 20th day of August, 1958. ATTES~I': g dS.~ ::-~City Clerk ~-1 ~ ~~-_.- --- May- . . ';:) OHDINANCE NO. 3376 An Ordinance pertaining to the occupation tax levied and as- sessed upon persons, firms, associations and corporations engaged . I in the business of selling, distributing and furnishing natural, or manufactured, or mixed gas in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; providing wha t receipts shall be exempt from the paymen t of su ch oc cupa tion tax, and providing for the adju stment in the payment of such tax. WHEHEAS, on the 21st day of July, 1958, the Mayor and Council of the Ci ty of Grand Island pas sed and approved Ordinan ce No. 3364 levying an occupation tax in the sum and amount of Three (3%) per' cent on the gross receipts of all persons, firms, associations and corpora tions enga,!;ed in the bu siness of selling, di stribu ting and furnishing natural, or manufactured, or mixed gas, and W}JEH~C;, said ordinance did not provide that the rece:Lpts re- cE;(lved from gas sold to tho United states Government, or any of its departmen ts, and all receip ts from the State of Nebraska, or any of I tlJe departrnents and poli tical subdivisions thereof should not be subject to the said tax. NOW, rr.1lJEHEFOHE, BE IT ORDAINED BY rr.1HE MAYOn AND COUNCIL OF ~I'HE CI'rY OF GRAl\jl) ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECrl1ION 1. Any pe1"son, fi1"m, as socia tion or c01"pora tion engag- ed in the business of selling, distributing and furnishing natural, 01" manufactu1"ed, or mixed gas in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, shall not be required to pay the occupation tax provided for in Or- dinance No. 3364 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, on any of the receipts received from the sale of such gas to the United States Goyermnent, or any of its departments, or any receipts from the I . state of Nebraska, or any of :t ts departments or any of the poli tical subdivisions thereof, and no part or portion of the tax provided for in said ordinance shall be levied upon or assessed against or taken from ttLe Uni ted States Government, the Government of the Sta tEl of' Nebraska, or either of their departments or political subdivisions. .. ORDINANCE NO. 3376 (Contld.) SECTION 2. Any person, firm.association or corporation when paying the occupation tax provided for in said Ordinance No. 3364 . I may show on the reports accompanying sucrl tax payments an adjust- ment in the payment of its tax made necessary by uncollectible accoun ts, or any other matters whlch ms:y have resulted in e1 ther an excess or deficiency in the amount of tax paid in any previous remi t tan ce . SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publica tion as by law provided. passed and approved this 20th day of August, 1958. ATTEST: +cli:1~ I I . . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3377 An Ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; defining the boundaries thereof; providing for the paving of the street in said district, and providing for the assessment and collection of the costs thereof. BE re ORDAINED BY 'I'EE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF' rnJE CITY Oll' GRAND ISIJUTD, NEBRA~)KA: SECTION 1. That there is heroby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving District No. 294. SECrTION 2. The street to be paved in said district is as fol- lows: South Greenwich Avenue from First (1st) Street to Division Street. SECTION 3. The street in said paving district is hereby order- ed paved as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be 36 feet in width. SEC~rION 4. That authorit;y- is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners in sai d di stri ct, at the ti.me of the enactment ai' this ordi- nance, to file with the City Clerk within twenty (20) days from the first publication of the notice creating said district, as provided by law, written objection to paving of said district. SECTION 5. That authority is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, representing a majority of the abutting property owners within said district, to file with the City CleI'k within the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in the paving of saId street. If such owners shall fail to designate the material they desire to be used in said paving distri6t as provided for above, and within the time provided by law, the City Council shall determine the material to be used. SECTION 6. 'That the cost of paving in said district shall be assessed against the lots, tracts and parcels of land especially benefi tted thereby, in proportj.on to such benefi ts to be determined . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3377 (Cont1d. ) by the City Council as provided by law. SECTION 7. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect frolil and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of the City Council this the 20th day of August, 1958. A 1'1'ESll": ~~ ~,;f/r;;;~~4 . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3178 An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of construction Df Gravel District No. 26 of the City of Grand Is- land, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE rr ORDAINED BY 'I'I1E lVLltYOR AND COUNCIIJ OF 'l'HE GI'fY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASEA: SEcrrION 1. 'l'hat there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for' the purpose of paying the cost of Gravel District No. 26 of said 01 ty, in accordance with the benefi ts found due and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the City Council, sitting as a Board of Equaliza- tion after due notice given thereof, as requIred by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assess- ed as follows: NAME ADDITION AMOUNT $ 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 {b . 18 4.18 4.18 4.18 Gerald Virgil & Evelyn DeLoris May Little West Heights Ray H. & ~rene L. Miller It It John E. & Althea M. Thorpe It If Ralph E. Jr. & Nadine B. Hartley Arthur James & Anna Louise Canfield " II It II Gerald E. & Inez P. Burmood It It Watson Construction Co. If It Watson Construction Co. II II Donovan Darrell & Joyce Lee Hanna If If Watson Construction Co. II II Warren L & June E. Powell II II Loyal E. & Helen D. Se le"Jr II " Gary D. & Jacqueline Martin 11 It James W. & Nellie 1" Nelson " II Norman P. lVla son II II OHDINANCE NO. 3378 NAME Harvey A. & Lucille Leamons . I Anthony W. & I. Inez Racicky Norman P. Mason Keith LeRoy & Katherine Schuyler Walter L. & Maxine L. Farris Watson Construction Co. Harold F. & Ei.:;hel J. Workman Raymond M. & Betty L. Rehder Hic1.mrd A. & Barbara M. Mortensen James C. & Maxine D. Fletcher 'I'homas L. & Phylli s L. Jordan Norman P. Mason I Herbert G. & Betty E. Withrow Walter F. & Dorothy P. Blake Walter F. & Dorothy P. Blake Leon O. & Alice M. Wilsey Norman P. Mason Watson Construction Co. Paul H. & Virginia E. Schneider Ronald W. & Bonnie L. Pauly Watson Construction Co. I . Guy P. & Hu th A. Poppingo Lloyd H. & ~helma L. Smi th Howell G. & Mary A. Oldham Watson Construction Co. Watson Construction Co. Warren R. & Margaret Crawford LOT BLOCK 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 (Contld. ) ADDITION West Heights " II " " II II " II " " " " II II II " II II " " II 11 11 " " II II II II " II II " II II " " " II II " II II " " II II " 11 " " " AMOUNT $ 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.lEl 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 OHDINANCE NO. 3378 (Cont' d. ) NAME LOT BLOCK ADDI'rION AMOUNT John A. & Lucille E. Weil 43 West Heights $ 4.18 Donald 'I' . & 'I'wi la Hartley 44 II " 4.18 . IJowell G & Mary A. Oldham 45 II II 4.18 . I Arno H. & Shirley M Ahrens 46 II 11 4.18 James J. & Bernardine M. DeNoyer 47 II II 4.18 Donald J. & Helen Brown 48 II " 4.18 Jam e s E. & Wanda E. Yost 49 11 II 4.18 John & Camilla Pokorney 50 " II 4.18 Dale E. & Rosella M. Wetzel 51 1\ II 4.18 Daniel H. & Effie L. Jane 52 II II 4.18 Norman P. Mason 53 II 11 4.18 Myrl L. & Ellen G. Sallinger 54 II II 4.18 Marvin L. & Geraldine Lambertus 55 " If 4.18 I Willie A. & lone Hood 56 It " 4.18 William D. & Helen I. Chism 57 II II 4.18 James l\..enne th & Helen A. Clark 58 II " 4.18 Aden F. & Leti tia N. Schuyler 59 " II 4.18 Richard L. & Darlene L. Lehms 60 It It 4.18 William E. & Norma J. Lawrey 61 1I " 4.18 Clifford Franklin & Irene L. Kelley 62 II " 4.18 Roland L. & Leola D. Carlson 63 II " 4.18 I ~rhoma s L. & Mary L. Talbot 64 II II 4.18 Vedor E. & Donna P. . Bloomquist 65 1I If 4.18 Lila Butrick 66 II II IVan & 4.18 rrhe odore B & Pearl M. Gibson 67 II II 4.18 Lyman E. & Margaret M. Sigler 68 II It 4.18 ORDINANCE NO. ii78 (Cont'd.) NAME LOT BLOCK ADDI'fION AMOUN~r Everett L. & Eleanor T. fl'ooley 69 West Heights $ 4.18 . I Claude W. & Mable M. Phelps Max K. & Shirley A. Fogg 70 It " 4.18 71 It II 4.18 George J. & Rita A. Venhaus 72 II It 4.18 City of Grand Island .1bat part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE*.SWt) Section Seventeen (17), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., lying South of North Front Street directly op- posite West Heights Addition. SECTION 2. 'lne taxes so levied shall become payable, delin- 109.29 quent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent in fifty (50) days from the date of this I levy; one-tenth in one (1) year; one-tentb in two (2) years; one- ten th in three (3) years; one-tenth in four (4) years; one-tehth in five (5) years; one-tenth in six (6) years; one-tenth in seven (7) years; one-tenth in eight (8) years, and one-tenth in nine (9) years from the date of thi s levy. Each of said in stallmen ts, ex- cept the first, shall bear interest at the rate of four (4%) per cent per annum until the same become delinquent, and each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of six (6%) per cent per annum from and after such installment becomes delin- quent until paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid within fifty (50) days from the date of this levy without interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts and I . parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien.or charge for interest. SECTION 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Ne- braska, is hereby authorized to forthwith certify to the City Trea- surer of said City the amount of said taxes herein set forth, to- gether with instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. 3378 ( Con t I d. ) OHDINANCE NO. SECTION 4. ~his Ordinance shall be in force and take ef- fect from aId after its passage, approval and publication as pro- . I vided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council of said City this the 3rd day of September, 195tl. A ~:'~eEs~': ~i~ ~'L-~9prJ - NfJt. I I . . I I I . ORD INANCE NO. 33"': An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Gravel District No. 27 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE I~' ORDAINED BY nm 1\iIAYOR AND COUNCIL 01" THE Crry OF' Gl~AND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. Tha t there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of Gravel District No. 27 of said City, in ac cordance wi th the benefits found due and as ses sed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the City Council, sitting as a Board of Equaliza- tion after due notice given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; Each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assess- ed as follows: ~ LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUN~: Herbert H. & Goldie E. La clcwood 96 Hall'Jthorne Place $ 2.75 Herbert H. & Goldie E. Lockwood 97 It It 2.75 Pred J. & Alyce H. Schlei chard t 98 It II 2.75 Pred J. & Alyce H. Schleichardt 99 II II 2.75 Theodore J. & Myrtle A. Ellsberry 100 It II 2.75 1'heodore J. & Myrtle A. Ellsberry 101 It It 2.75 Theodore J. & Myrtle A. Ellsberry 102 " II 2.75 Maxine & Melvin H. Westphal 103 " II 2.75 Thomas L. & Doris S. West 104 It It 2.75 Thomas L. & Doris S. West 105 It " 2.75 'l'homas L. & Doris S. West 106 II " 2.75 Jack & Edna Clampitt 107 " II 2.75 Jack & Edna Clampitt 108 It It 2.23 William P. &, Vineta M. Scroggin 109 It It 2.23 William P. & Vineta M. Scroggin 110 II " 2.75 . I I I . NAME ORDINANCE NO.-3.3.2~9"_( Cont 1 d. ) Lo':e BLOCK ADDITION William P. & Vineta M. Scroggin Hawthorne Place II II II II II II II II II II II If III E. 451 112 W. 631 112 E. 45' 115 W. 631 113 E. 45' IJA W. 63' 114 W. 63' 115 W. 63' 116 E. 45' 115 E. 45' 116 117 118 119 120 121 II If 'l'heodora Kirk 'l'heodora Kirk Theodora Kirk '1'heodora Kirk Theodora Kirk Theodora Kirk Leo B & Eileen L. . B.ckford "I Leo B. & Eileen L. Bickford Prank W. Anderson Prank W. Anderson Leo Bickford II II II " " II II II II II Theodora Kirk II It William H. & Mable A. Dudey II II William H. & Mable A. Dudey William H. & Mable A. Dudey II " AMOlJNT $ 2.75 1.42 2.52 1.57 2.74 2.15 3.54 3.54 2.74 2.15 1.57 3.94 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 SECTION 2. '1'he taxes so levied shall become payable, delin- quent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent in fifty (50) days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one (1) year; one-tenth in two (2) years; one- tenth in three (3) years; one-tenth in four (4) years; one-tenth in five (5) years; one-tenth in six (6) years; one-tenth in seven (7) years; one-tenth in eight (8) years, and one-tenth in nine (9) years from the date of this levy. Each of said installments, except the first, shall bear interest at the rate of four (4%) per cent per an- num until the same become delinquent, and each of the delinquent in- stallments shall draw interest at the rate of six (6%) per cent per annum from and after such installment becomes delinquent until paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed . I I I . OHDINAITCE NO. 33~ (Cont1d.) against any of the aforesaid lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid within fifty (50) days from the date of this levy without interest; D.nd in that event, such lots, tracts and parcels oJ' land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. SE;CT'10N ~3. 'l'he Cj.ty Clerk of tbe C:L ty of Grand Island, Ne- braska, is hereby authorized to forthwith certify to thD City Treasurer of said City the amount of said taxes herein set forth, togetb.er wi th instructLms to collect the same, as provided by law. SEc'nON 4. 'I'lli s ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. passed and approved by a majority vote of.the members of the City Council of said Ci ty tbis the 3rd <lay of September, 1958. A'l\TEST: ~.fd~R7 1..1. J V..L-'J h . I I I . OHDINANCE NO.~O An ordinance levying special ,taxe s to pay for the co s t of the la ying of a certain servic e pipe an(1 conne ction wi th the Wa ter' main existing in Paving District No. 276 of the City of Grand Island, Ke- braska, and providing for the collection thereof. WHERli;AS, on the 19tb. day of J\me, 1957, the City Council passed Ordinance No. 3279 creating Paving District No. 276 of said City, and WUEREAS, a certain lot, tract and parcel of land hereinafter described did not have water service connections with the water main existing in such paving district and such water services were insta11- ed Emd provi.deel for by the City of Grand IsID.nel through i ts ~Vater De- partment before the street in said Paving District No. 276 was paved, and WHEREAS, the cost of making such water wervice must be paid by the tax payers whose property is served by such water service connec- tions, and 1NI:EHEAS, the Ci ty Council shall by ordinance levy a special tax against the property served and benefitted by such water service in all cases where the property owner has failed to pay to the said City of Grand Island the cost of installing and providing such water service conne c ti on. NOW, 'II}JERi~Fl0HE BE IT ORDArl\iED BY TIBE MAYOR AND COUNCIL 01:<' T'HE CrJIY OF GRAND ISTJ.li.ND, NEBHASE:A: S.EC'I'ION 1. 'tnat there is hereby levi.ed and assessed a special tax against the lot, tract and parcel of land hereinafter set forth benefitted by the construction of a certain pipe line and water service connection with existing water main in PGving District No. 276, the said lot, tract and parcel of land so benefitted is assessed in the sum set opposite the descriptions as follows: NAMB~ LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT Verne Hainline 1 59 Original 'rown $ 4,1.00 SECTION 2. 'Ine amou n t herein assessed shall be a lien upon the premises bBrein described from and after the date of the levy hereof and the sarne shall bear interest at the rate of six (6~S) per cent per annum from the date of the passage of this ordinance. . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3380 (Contld.) SEcrrION 3. rIhe Ci ty Clerk is hereby instructed to certify to the Ci ty '.rreasurer said special taxes together wi tit instructions to collect the same as in the case of other special taxes. SEC~[,I01'if 4. rl'his ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council, this the 3rd day of September, 1958. AT'rEST: ~c~F ~~\ ...... /.. - . .~;'-- -dV1 'Y MA~ ORDINANCE~ NO. 3381 An ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the layjng of a certain servtce pipe and connectJ.ol1 w:l th the water main . I existing in Paving District No. 278 of the City of Grand Island, ~ebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. WI1EREAS, on the ]Ji.th day of December, 1957, the Ci ty Council passed Ordinance No. 3313 creating paving District No. 278 of said City, and WLEREAS, a certain lot, tract and parcel of land heroinafter described did not have water service connect:Lons with the water main existing in sucn. paving district and such w8.ter services were installed and provided for by the City of Grand Island through its Water Department before the street in said Paving District No. 278 was paved, and WHEHEAS, the cost of making such water service must be paid by the tax payers whose property is served by such water service I connection, and WI1EREAS, the Ci ty Council shall by ordinance levy a special tax against the property served and benefitted by such water service in aLL cases where the property owner has failed to pay to the said City of Grand Island the cost of installing and providing such water service connection. NOW, fJlliEHEFORE, BE 1'1' ORDAINED BY rrt-IE IVIA YOH Alm COUNCIL OEi' THE CI'J'Y OF' GHAND ISlAI\!D, NEBHA~3KA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the lot, tract and parcel of land hereinafter set forth benefitted by the construction of a certain pipe line and water ser- vice connection with existing water main in Paving District No. 278, I . the said lot, tract and parcel of land so benefitted is assessed in the sum set opposite the description as follows: NAME LO~~I BLOCK ADDITION f\JvIOTTNT Earl J. & Anita Scheel Part of the Nortn Half (N~) of the Northeast Quarter. (NE-:l.) of Section 'l'wen ty-one (21), fl'ownsbip bleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West; Commencing where the westerly line of Greenwich Avenue intersects the ftB36.00 I, . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3181 _.(Cont'd. ) NAME LOT BLOCK ADDI'rrON AMOUNT southerly line of Oklahoma Avenue; thence southwesterly on the south- erly line of Oklahoma Avenue, 52.8 feet; thence southeaste.rly parallel to the westerly line of Greenwich Avenue, 132 feet to the northerly line of the C. B.& G~ Hailroa d Com- pany Belt Line, right-of-way; tr-lence northeasterly along sal d right-of-way 52.8 feet to westerly line of Greenwich Avenue, thence northwesterly on the westerly line of Greenwich Avenue, 132 feet to the point of beginning. The Kelly Supply Company, a Corporation Part of' the :North Half (N.ili-) of the 1~57. 00 Northeast (~uarter (NE-~) of Section 'I'wen ty-one (21), 'I'ownship bleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West; Beginning at the nortbsrly line of Oklahoma Avenue at the intersection of the westerly line of Greenwich Avenue, thence northwesterly on the westerly line of Greenwich Avonue, 144.85 feet, thence southwesterly at right angles, 264 feet, thence southeasterly parallel to the west- erly line of Greenwich Avenue, 145.4 feet to the northerly line of Okla- homa Avenue, thence northeasterly on the northerly of Oklahoma Avenue, 264 feet to the poi.nt of beginning.. SECTION 2. The amount herein assessed shall be a licm upon the pre- nlises herein described from and after the date 0'1' the levy heroof and the same shall bear interest at the rate of six (6JS) per cent per annum from the date of the passage of this ordinance. SEC'J.'ION 3. The City Clel'k is hereby instructed to certify to the City Treasurer said special taxes together with instructions to collect the same as in the case of other special taxes. l'i sJ,:CrrION 4:. .Lh:L s or'dinance shall be in force 1:md take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law pro- vidod. Passed and. approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council, this the 3rd day of September, 1958. Nl'f['EST: J'~~J S.~ -~1:: ]'C'{ CLERK ~~Qm ;j2/ lyrA Y') / . I I I . ORIJINANCE NO "_3382 An ordInance 10vy~ng special taxe s to pay f'or' the celS t of' the layIng or a certain service pipe and connection with the water main existing in P ving IHstrict No. 287 of tne C1 ty of Grand Island, i\fe- braska, ar1d providing for tne colle ction thereof" w!}mLAS, on the 21st da.y of May, 1958, the C1 ty Counc:U pass- ed OrdinwJce No. 3348 creating paving District No. 287 of said City, and WHEEE!':.S, a certain lot, tract and parcel of land hereinafter describocJ did not have water .service connections with the water main existing in such paving district and such water services were in- stalled ElYlci pl'ov:tded fo.t' b;y. t1:1(:; City of Grand Island through its VlJator Depa rtmen t befo re tho street in said Paving District No. 287 ,.. was paved, and WUEHEAS, the cost of inaking sue water service must bo paid by the tax payers whose property is served by such water service corine c tion, and WIIEHEAS; the City Council shall by ordinance levy a spoclal tax agaiIlst the property served and benefitted by such water service in all cases where the property oINner has fa:i.led to pU.y to the said City of Grand Island the cost of installing and providing SUCLl water service connection. , , BE 1'1' DHDAD\!ED COUNCIL OF 1', ,re; MAYOn A C1 rcY~ OF GRANI) I;~,L.ANr)" NEI3Ri\SKA: ~)EC'l'ION 1. 'l'hat tbere is l'lereby levied and assessed a spec- ial tax against the lot, tract and parcel of land hereinafter set fortn benefitted by the construction of a certain pipe line and water service connection with existing water main in Paving District No. 287, the said lot, tract and parcel of land so benyj'efi tted is assessed Ut the sum set opposite the descr':Lptions as follows: l'J.All;lE~ LOT BJ.JOCK ADDT'I'I Elias F. Starr Except South 111 52 WE S r['Lil WN ~1:)3 6. 00 Ii . Elias F. Starr E 1/2 53 54 36.00 If If . I I I . OHDINANCE NQ. 33B2 (Conb'd.) NAlVIE LorI' BLOCK ADDI'I'ION AIVIOUNre Wj_lllam Ii. 130 sworth 4[3 We s t i..Javm " in;36 . 00 William II. Boswortn If 36.00 11 49 SEC'I'ION 2. rr'he amount heC'ein assessed shall be a lien upon the pr'emises he1'e:Ln descl~ibed frolll and after the datE} of the levy' hereof and the same shall bear interest at the rate of six (6%) per cent per annum from the date of the passage of this o0dlnance. SlEC~'Io-N 3. ~:'he Ci ty Clerk i~3 hereby instructed to certify to the City, Treasurer said special taxes together with instructions to collect the same as in the case of ottLer special taxoEi. S:C;C'I'IO,N 4. 1'tJis ordinanco shaLL be :In fOJ:'ce and take effect from and aftor its passage, approval and publication as by law'pro- vided. Passed anci appr'oved a majol'ity vote of trIe members of the Ci ty Council, thi s the ~5rd day of September, 195f3. .ATlr_8~~~11 : '~~Sd~ ..z!:.. .,_~_,____......-,.,__-. _________ crey CLEEK /~i'~~,~ '.#,:h.::;;::;'" , -,-",' '- ~---- 7<1' " IVU,,' \h . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3383 Ordinance creating a gravel d. , . t . .J. STir J. C :l.n t., n" 1 . ne \.J J.L~y of Grand Islu.nd, Nebraska, del.' :ine; the bounda:eiesl.:Jloreof, pro- vldlng fox' the graveling 01' the street :in said. di.strict, and P:L'O- vidin(j for the levyLng of special a;cJsessments to pay fOT' tr18 cost of Clie gravolin in said district, and the collection tl:18 co ;3 t; s .0 0.1 V'lCI'cof. m,; liT I) BY ']'dl'; j\/JAYOH CT'rY OF GHA:i\D c.: lTJ'TC IL OIl' I~;I_J\.lJr), SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a gravel district in t118 City 01' GrHt:Jd Isli'ind, a- Cl !-.J Nobra , to be known and designated Gravel District No. 29. S};C'I' ON 2. '1'b.e.s treo t [;0 be grave led :' on said dL s tr:1 ct is as follows: t pEJI't of Sher:man Avenue from }'ifth (5tJ:1) ,C;tI'eot to the north line of West Heights Second .A.d tion to C1 ty of GruYld IsJ.and, Nebrask~l. ~)}jCfJ1I 3. Said stroet in said gravol district is hereby 01'- dered gravoled as prov:Lded by law and :Ln accQj'dance wi tb the plans and specifications governing gravel districts as heretofore estab- 11 shod by the City, said graveling shall be th:i rty- six (36) :Co 8 t in WJ.dth. SEC 'IIJ 01\) 4. 'fl1at authority is hereby gl'anted to the O\JITf.18rs of the re co:edL.i t1e, repI'o sen t a majority of tho abuttJ pI'ope:r>ty O\NnerS in :: ejd d'istrlct, at the t:lme of [;Jte enactment of thi~) 01"- dinance to file with the City CleI'k wittin twenty (no) do'."" c.; ._Ll...} w from tho first publication of the notice creating said district, as p~o- vidod by JBW, wI'ltton objections to tho graveling of said street in said distrIct. SECTION 5. That the entire cost of graveling said street in said cUstT';ct Si:18.11 be aS~lossed against tho lots, trC:lcts and parc:;ls o:C land ospecie.l1y ben*,)fitted thereb:;r, in proporticm. to such ben'3- fits to bO determined by the City Council as by law provided. ISJ~~ C rr 6. s ordinance Elha11 be in force and take effect from illId after its passage, approval and publication as provided n]Yf)T'\i^ -(\if'Ti' "l"T,) 3381 \-' .-L.,. -,,-~hL1..\I ...J,_:J 'IJ '.. .:. -- 3383 j Gont rd. ) by law. . I Passon and aI,proved by a majority vote of all the TIlsmbers of the OJ ty Council this the 17_"'- day oJ: ~, 19!J8. 'd~~.-;(_ S.{~ .~ ~. -::-:- /GifFY C LU; HK it r.r fJ.J I.i~ ~) rr : I I . . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3386 3384 An Ordinance creating a paving district in bhe City of Grand Island ,i\Jebra ~lka; dof:Lning the boundaries thereof'; prov:Ldin[~ for the pavinG of tho street in said district, and providing for the afJsessment and collect:Lon oi' the costs thEen'eof. HE }'I' OHDATITJ,:D yon C1 fry OI" GHA'TD C O1T1\fC II, OF T , N}mHASJ\~i: SEC'I'Lll\) 1. rrha t tilere is here by created a pavlng 0.1 s t1"1 ct in the Ci t:V ~)f Grand lE1L.:i.nd, Nebraska, to be known aEl Paving strict N,:J. 2gb. SEC'T'])jT 2. ~Crlo street to be paved in saId distI'let shall be that part of Duston Avenue from State Street to Waugh Street. SEC ON 3. Tho street in said pavin district is hereby order- eO. paved as provided law and in aecordance with the plans and specifications governing paving distrJcts as heretofore established by the City, said paving to be 1hirty-six (36) feet in width. SEC'I'IO]:if 4. ~lhat authority is hereby granted to the owneI'S of the record title, repr'e~3(:mtJ.ng a majority 0:[' the abutting property owners in said district, at the time of the enactment of this 01'- dinance, to .file wi th the Ci ty C:ler]{ wi thin twenty (20) day s from the first publication of the notice creating said distI'1ct, as provid- eO. by law, written objection to paving of said district. SECT:rON 6. 'Iha t au tho J:' i. ty isheI'e by granted to the 0 wn.ers of tne record t1 tle, l'epresent:.Lng a majority of tne abutting property owners w:l.tnin said district, to file witt. the City Clerk within the time provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to bo used in the paving of said stroet. If such owners shall fail to designate the material they desire to be used in said paving district as provided for above, and within The time provided by law, tn.e City Council shall determine the material to be used. SECTION 6. That the cost of paving,in Gaid district shall be assessed agalnst the lots, tracts and parcels of landffipecially benefitted thereby, in proportion to sucn benefits to be determined the C1 ty Council as provided by law. . I I I . OHDINANCE NO. 3384_(Gont,'d.) SE:c'rICi}\j 7. T'hat thLs orclinanee ;:11'1al1 be in :Coree and take effect from and after :Lts passage, approval and publication as prov:Lded by law. Pas see!. and approved bv 3.majori ty va te of' all the members ai' th.e CIty CouncIl t,"is the '/?d day of ~_,' 1958. ..;'\/1: ,]'Ii.; S T : ~ 6f.,;[~ ~ ORDINANCE NO. 3385 An Ordinance creating a pav district in the eits of Grand Island, l~cbra :'J];a; deflning the boundar:l.e s thereof; pl>ovl ding for' the . I paving of the streets in said district, and providing for the assessment and. collection of ttJe cost~J tt1oreof. BE I'T' UHDAINF:D BY 'I'L:E NJAYOH COUNC IL 01" CITY OP ISLAl'JD, SECTInN 1. That there is hereby created a paving district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to bo known as Pav D18- trlct No. 296. SECTION 2. The streets to be paved in said district shall be that paI't of '['wentieth St:r>eet from Sycamore Street to Oak Streot. ('i ll('I[' J r II 3 '1..11- a s t--"ee i" n .2.,.. '-"'l ~.. (::J (' .~Tl' I') 'l' ::J.'" <:'1 i-';l. t ~. CI -r' C~ ~ ~- ~t''''''"'. "'~~'J.. ~:,L\ "'. . the, , ,1 -,.0 .LJl ..,aL) pctv ..G Cll." ,IJ.C l..) lvI','; JY 01'- dered paved as r0Jrovided by laltv and ln accordarlce with the pli1ns and specifications governing paving districts as hBretofore estab- Iished by tho City, said paving to be thjrty-six (~6) fopt ~Ln w~(1tll \ t....I . _ ~ J _... --L _. J. . I SEC ON 4. rPha t autnori ty is her'oby granted to the owneps of the record title, ropI'esenting a majodty of tbe abutting property owners in ~)aid dJ.str:Ict, at tho time of tho onactment o:f this or'- d:inance, to filf3 Witrl l~he CIty Clerk withln twent~y (~:;O) days from toe first publlcatj.o]j of' the notlco ereat:Lng said district, as provided by law, written objection to paving of said district. SEC'L'JGN 5. 'I'hat aut1:wri :i shere granted to the owners of tne reco.:cd t1 tIe, representing a m8.jor:1. ty of thE) a.butting propert;:l owners within said district, to file with thB City Clerk within the tiine p:covided by law, a petitio:l for t use of a particular kind of ma ter:Lal to be used in [.,he pavIng of said streets. If such owner s sh.al! fai 1 to de slc;nate tbe t11Ed:;eJ:ial they de sire to be u sod I . in said paving district, as provided for above, and within the time provided by law, the City Council shall detoywine the material to bo used. SECTION 6. 'Chat the cost of pav:Lng In said dlstriet shall be assessed against the lots, tracts and parcels of land especially E NC .__33.85 ___( Cant I d. ) benefitted thereby, in proportion to such benefits to be determin- .' I ed by the City Counci] as provided by law. s.r!~cr_CIC).t'.-f 7. [.Cb,at s o~ecl:LrlGL()CO 311t111 tJO ill l~o:pco BT1cl t~3.jce effect from and after its pa3sage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed anCl apPI'oved a maj:,H':Lty vote of all the members of tbo G'; Council this the _!...!~ day of .~_, 19513. ,fl'11 rr~E_: S rJ1 : ~~?/~ ...~--_.....- --~,--_.<----- (', T 'TrV (' C' 'I:" n"- '..... .._, J.J.I.-.rl 1'\. ~,., /. /0 /-//", '?.1d/idJ:;fi~j-----_._--,- \AYOh I I . OFi.DTNAlfCE NO'. 3386 An Lnan co creat.:tne; a pay distrJ_ct J_n tile Ci O~e C}I-arJCJ Is].and~ 1cbraska; d.of5.ning tile bOLlndarics e()of~; }~rovj. L~ :f or~ . I ti',e pav of t e streets n said district, ana provlding 'Cor tL.e assessment 8Xld collectioD of tbe costs thereof. lIF~ 1'1' urm/\) i--S-\T 1':((\ 'YOH (, ,J IIi r"i1 L'.A C}1ry: ()Ti1 (} ?J:J<JIJ J'STAi,iD, NE ~~' I:,:,: C 1'-1.'.1 1 () J\! J. . t tl101~8 iE3 t101)Sl'.)'S' c.roatcd. a pa:v di fJ t:C':L c t :l.n tr'G (; i ():( -" l.xr d l~j lrmd, e"bl'"[lSJ<:D, to b ei/;:no vvn a ~i J? Ll\ll Jjj ~.3 - t,J;aJ.ct l\fo. 207'. ~)-E~ C IJ.l I 2. The stroets to be paved in said district shall be that part of Faidley Avonue from Carey Avenue to to e, Wh:ite _Avenue froBl idley Avenue to Seventh Street, and in Soventh Streot from White Avomle to Broadwell Avenue. SI:~crll.-,)~~)FJ 3. stJ:>eots 1:0 Dft1ct pCL\T5-. "' f. . l Cl~~> Ej \~]~=L e ~~ f1re hereby opdeY'ccl peeved a~3 pr()v'idod by la VI and :In accoI'c"Wn. ce wi tb the play) f:l I and . f'" l" . . specl:lca;JOns govornlng !)8vi,[lg distri.cts as r:!Cl'oto.fore esto.'b- J,ls ed tb.e CIty, ~3a:Lcl pav to be thlrty-s ( ~ ". ) t'jb i"lc c: t :!,r,\ ~vi (1 ttl. S:,i.!; C I~C T (~N LJ. t &11thorJ,ty is lJ.ers granted to thO owners of the cco:ed tJ. t:1 0, repre :'30n i;i a 1nL1 J (1)1 t,'J 01 l.'-!.e D."bll. t p: ~()rJO~rtJT O\]Vrle~eE:-; 3.:n SLlj_(l ctJstl:j ct, at t~}I.e tirn_e ut' tOne e:n.e.ctIil0l'lt 0) '" ,) ())'J c.1 i rlD.-(} C C , t;u f:Llc witt! "", ,"" 1 ' ,"" . . (n ) , "r'''' " 1131' /' \",'''1 1..t"., "1 """'8'" ....\' .J. '.) _l. / ~Y ~j _" ~ ,J'_\. '; ."~ u l_~_J. l.J\i~ ::d_J U~./ t-:'" ',-) d.8-;1 s .fr'~).lTl [;j,e I'L:e t ].'1 catio.n OJ' the :([:)\:.1C8 crea t:111.g said d5 c]t:e ct, !OJ,S pro\! 1,dod la IN , tton objection to pav:L ()~C 2: tl J.. (i s t:r"4 :3_ ct. s}.~~cr.e~.LC)l>:r E). ~Cr1tlt CllJ.tllOl'llty is 11(31'18 c;r'(1"ted to t c)~VnGl'S oJ' t,'LJO :r8c.C)I~cJ tItle, J~eIJ1~e~:jerl a majority. t) tlJ.8 ab-lltt pJ'.";IOr)ert:1 owners wlttdn ~J:dd cUstrict, [;0 f:Llc W:Lt}l tho C:Lty Clerk with the tSmc pI'ovLdocJ by law, a petition for the use of a par.tJcular lcLnd I . of HJ,). topIa 1 tel 1) 2;8(1 j.n tJ}E; po."\7 at' sald streets.. 311 el], owners sbaJl fail to designate tew rllatorLal they CLC)sil:>8 to 08 used ~l_n. se~ld. lJU.\I~i. d.l.strJc"t as pr)ovj~dGd for above, and with.in tb.8 -tiUIG peovido d by l,)w. the C:L ty C(1) ell shaLL de te:cmLne the ma tOI':Lal to be used", OED . _--3..3.~___ ( C ())J t I d. ) r.1.'1 (iN" 6. ~ e00 cost of paving ~n said district shall lJC C1.[)SC;Jsc(:. 8..t;UllJ.St tt.lC lo'-tEl, tJ:'8.CtO D~:r.1(i _parecls o~e ]_a.}]c1 Sr)GelD~1- . I J.y bcne:['lttod ttJ.creby, in proport~iorl to such benefits to bo d.o- tormined tho City neil as provided by law. ~)Llicr.L\T ?.. i1'11El t t}-lJ.S or~(iin,{-lI1G8 stJ.tlJ 1 lJe ill i.'orJce arl(~: t2d{G e:ff'ect t'I~;).rLl fi..LlCi. a,f-te:e J_T~S lla,3::-'~ , pro val and publication 8S provided law. p s ~lod und app:c'oved C)y a ma jor i ty vote of ~:\ll the membe:r's of tho Gj ty Coune:Ll this tn_o 17th day of September ____, H:JbD. A. ~c 'T}~ .E~~ rr: C I lT~{- C IJ:i.~'~I1I~ ,',:;;/ _..//? ./"V . /"...fL--- .' /~ -L;i1!~~ / liLk\- !. dJ t''/~ I I . ;)HD N"C) . 3382 An lnance levying speclal taxes to pay for the cost of tl1D lLl:/~i C81'"lt8. ~:1e (~e pipes anc'L con'loctIons with the w:.Lor ma n exist in pav strict No. 279 of the City of . I U-rD.J]d Island, Nobras~a, and provjding for t col10cti~m thereof. ~3, on LtlG HJ t'ebruary, H)5E3, the C:Lty ConneLl .pa,D ;Jed.. Ordinance No~ 3330 croating Paving District No. 279 of fJD.id C1 ty, and , certain lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter described did not have water serVlce connee ons with the water nl(::l i11 O~X:J_ ~J t ~Ln, 81JCt.' l)c1.V"LIJS clii3tl'# ct [-ly}cl S"iJC ~T8te:~ SOJ~V~t.C(3S were :'inslA:ll1ccl EnId provided fOI' tL'!.E.J C i of' G-rand IslaYld. tb,rollgh its \Jd[J.tor~ i)c~pnrtn'lent be~COI'};J l~r.i_e ~it:eect,s j s [::l_:Lc1. I)lstr~ict wepo pavoeJ, and vn:ri.i~J.{::i_;j\,~~~, ttl8 co s t of lnal{ such water services must be iel thc) tax payers w se property J.B served suel.1 water servi.ce c;onnoc tLon::~, and I !::lni:[~S, the C1 Couneil shalL by or'dLnanco levy a sp8clal tax agaj.llS"t tt18 pro rty servod 8Yld. b01Jofj_tted. by suetJ. "Lor se:r)- vice in all CD os whore tho proper owner has fa led to pay to the S (.~l i d~ C ~1. t~! o:c C1 Inlr~rJd. 'L;11f) cost oJ~ :Lrlsta.1 an. (). .1;> J~ ov (1 51.Jell watf1r sorv'ico CQJ1Doctj_oDo "f:~j I':C rr~( ~rri i }); j\,;u c IT,; (; Trr-~/ G-l:'~ JJ rJ1 1. t tt'.LCY"C; J. S n.(;rc levied aod assessed a spocial t~1~X j.T1,c3t ttlfJ ].cts, t;~eflcts t3~~oci 1)ElrC81s of' J_f:1~od YJ.e~rc-)iy}aft8I") sot flortll 1)8 efJit'l~ed by tlJ.8 co strl1c.bion or carta DC l.:i.ne s (i W'[J..t';Ol) ~3c:r)'vic8 co~-:~n.oetion~:: vv~i_t';/'l e)c~l.s~G]_rJL; \PJ"r~.t8r rnEtiJ1 .Pav:l :J - tr1.ck N~). 279, oae of saJ_d J..ots, trac'ts arId parceJ~s of J_and so I . bOY1Cfi-tted J.s assossod. 'l.~tle Sl1rn IS 8 t 0 sJte t"tlC SC\7"o:eu..J (lo~JeJ*ip- t~:L ()J:l S a. ~.'~ Jlo 1 J_~) 't,pj:J : Ii()T }3IIOCT( J\DI)]feT :)TJif'l' tzel & C:ornpan:y :U;x.CG[Jt 1\1'8 ~~c}t ~3 12 Cl.a VIew ;.F; 36.. ()O " fJ-L-er IJ* 3 AndeI'so.D b-Divls on 36~OO (yo D rir tl. i\J' Ti' 'Ji[ (1 "J ") x8' Z ( ,J.Ll_. ~__~.L".'. ..,.,,\J-J~J _~\j Iil....._~ _._..~.-..._ t I d. ) J::')}.!" 2. iI"JJ,e sevc}~c1.1 8JTJ()Unts ci]J n,sseSSDcl EJLl.alJ.. 1;8 a 1 J en. upon tn.8 pre:cl11. ~j e s he 1'c:; j n do S CT' L bed 1'1' a (} Elf tor tLtO . I da to C) , t Je \/JT ('()r of J? ;::1, t 0 .i_" S ~r_ " ) p () :r c t "' _. LL1E) :Jc~U.'~le; rJtl[{J.l l)ear J.rltc:r"sst (1t tlle cJYlrll)nl tLte (=tB.to D~C t.'tlO passage of L~) o'eo.inEl:nee. :SJ~ C i.L1 :-!: 0 j:-,J ~) II Cl.ty' C18rk is ere strl.1ct d to cor"hi. t~D 'Li G C:1,t--sr Irl~eafJLtJ"8:r: s~iJ.(I sr)8cla:1. t:'-lXOS togetl}or~ 1JTL t}J. lr1stl1lJC- tiOTlS to call..Bet t}].o same as in 'the case ()f other speciaJ. taXGE:Q ~3J~~Gr.i~1 I ~')lT 4. is olldjnanc8 stl.a 1 bo in force a d. talr8 efi'ect f1roj'rl anrl after its passage, app:~()vGl and pubJ.J_catJ.orl as J.uw Pl"~)vJdcd . Pa~jscd t~.l..ll(~t D.p.p I" ()V CL 1.-1 .n18_jOy)it-;;r , 'V C) ~c 'a () t' :):-.\0 rnE;.rp 1J C 1) S o.f t118 C:L 'l-~ ..'Y. C.; 0 e i 1. , t 115. s t 1-J,O 1 Zi t (In ()f (} e tot) c J~, 19 [) r~ . /' /,/"\ [~ Il~;J: f:~ JOC : ;;;/ id~." ..// / . /;V~ ". _./ r:;;/?~ f4' '.< 0-:-:':"' ..' '---'--'-'-'-- l\,'l{~)~ Ul~. / I _:&~A' /J ~ ~-:-r':::::C~;I!~\-C'~(I~(~K'-~'--'----'.'-'" I . . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3388 An Ordinance fixing the complement, salaries and wages of certain City officers and employees of theCi. ty of Grand Island, Nebraska. Amending Ordinances No. 3331, 3343 and 3357, fixing the hours of working time certain officers and employees shall work each week; providing for vacations and sick leave and sick benefits; providing for payment of salaries for overtime labor (and providing a uniform method to be used in calculating such overtime), fixing the date such salaries and wages shall become effective. Providing for quarterly payments to Policemen and Airport area Policemen and City Firemen for clothing allowance.. Providing for the publication of this Ordinance in pamphlet form and repealing said original Ordinances No. 3331, 3343 and 3357, and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, IifEBRASKA: That Ordinances No. 3331, 3343 and 3357 pertaining to salaries and wages to be paid to certain City officers and employees of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be, and the smne are hereby ronended to read as follmvs: SECTION 1. That the complement, and the number of hours certain officers and employees of the Ci. ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, shall work each week and the salaries and wages to be paid to such officers and employees are as follows: COMPLI- MENT WORK WEEX SALARY Department of Public Works Ci. ty Engineer Assistant City Engineers 1 1 500-650 per mo. 350..4.$0 per mo. 40 hr. (A) Survey, Plans, and Designs Division 1. DraftSll1an 2. Building Inspector 3. Surveyor 4. Assistant Inspector 5. Assistant Surveyor 6. Co-Ordinator 7. Surveyor Helper 1 40 hr~ 350-400 pe r mo. 1 40 hr. 275-310 per mo. 1 40 hr. 275-325 per mo. 1 40 hr. 250-270 per mo. 1 40 hr. 235-265 per mo. 1 40 hr. 240-260 per mo. 1 40 hr. 225-250 per mo. 1 40 hr. 275-300 per mo. 2 40 hr. 245-265 per mo. 1 40 hr. 245-265 per mo. 1 40 hr. 240-260 per mo. 2 40 hr. 235-250 per mo. 3 40 hr. 225-240 per mo. 1 40 hr. 275-300 per mo. 1 40 hr. 245-265 per mo. 1 40 hr.. 245-265 per mo. 2 40 hr. 245-265 per mo. 1 40 hr. 240-260 per mo. 4 40 hr. 225-2!~0 per mo. (B) Street and Alley Division 1. Foreman 2. Grade Operators 3. Power Sweeper Operator 4. Loader Operator 5. Truck Drivers 6. Street Sweepers (C) Paving and Stona Sewers Division 1. Foreman 2. Sign Work 3. Cement Finisher 4. Heavy Equipment Operator 5. Truck Driver & Mower Operator 6. Laborers . I I I . ORDINANCE NO.3388 Cont. -2- (D) City Shop and Garage Division 1. Chief Mechanic & Shop Foreman (comb.) 2. Mechanic & Assistant Foreman (comb.) 3. Mechanic Helper 4. Garage Clerk (E) City Hall Maintenance Division 1. Custodian (Quarters & Utili ties $50 per mo.) 1 (F) Parks and Ground Division <lPeratio~ 1. Park Superintendent 2. Park Foreman 3. Lab orers 4. Laborers - Part time (Seasonal) 5-1 to 11-1 (6 mos.) 5. Watchman - Part time (Seasonal) 5 :00 - 9 :00 (May 30 to Sept. 1) (G) Recreation Municipal Pool 1. Manager (Seasonal) 2. Assistant Manager (Seasonal) 3. Lifeguards (Seasonal) 4. Swimming Instructor 5. E:x:tra help opening & closing pool (H) Sports 1. Smmner Director 2. General Playground Supervisor 3. Park Supervisors 4. Li tUe League Supervisor 5. Little League Supervisors 6. Little Bigger League Supervisor 7. Little Bigger League Supervisor 8. Minor League Supervisors 9. 1~nor League Supervisor (I) Ryder Ball Park 1. Cleaning stands and field maintenance (J) Police Department 1. Chief of Police 2. Captatns (Title & nmnber optional by Mayor and Council) 3. Identification Officers Lt. 4. Sergeant in charge of Records Traffi c Bureau 5. Desk Sergeants 6. Patrolrnen 7. Motorcycle PatrolJilen 8. Parld_ng Meter Checker 9. Parldng Meter Maintenance Man 10. Pound Master 11. Merchant Policeman 12. Matron (part time) to be paid at the rate of $2.00 per call COMPLI - MENT WORK WEEK 1 1 1 1 40 hr. 40 hr. 40 hr.. 40 hr. SALA.RY 300-325 per mo. 265-295 per mo. 255-270 per mo. 240-265 per mo. 155-175 per mo. 1 250-325 per mo. 1 40 hr. 225-240 per mo. 4 40 hr. 225-240 per mo. 13 hO hr. 1.05 per hr. 3 28 hr. .60 per hr. 1 2 9 1 1 1 6 1 2 1 1 2 1 43 hr. 3! mos. 3 mos. 3 mos. 3 mos. 3! mos. 3 1110S . 2l 2" mos.. 3 mos. 3 mos.. 3 mos. 3 mos. (Per Season) (Per Season) 270 per mo. 165 per mo. 120-140 per mo. 50 per mo. 315 per season 300 per mo. 150 per mo. 135 per mo. 90 per mo. 75 per mo. 90 per mo. 90 per mo. 125 per mo. 125 per mo. 1,400 hrs. per season .80per hr. 1 4 2 1 3 18 2 1 1 1 1 1 48 hrs. 48 hrs40 48 hrs. 48 hrs. 48 hrs40 48 hrs. 48 hrs. 48 hrs. 48 hrs. 48 hrs. 48 hrs II 400-550 per mo. 300-375 per mo. 285-350 per mo. 285-340 per mo. 285-340 per mo. 265-330 per mo. 265-330 per mo. 265-330 per mo. 285-340 per IilO. 265-330 per mo. 49.50 per mo. 300 per yr. PatrolJnen of said department when entering upon such duties shall be paid $265 per month for the first six months of service, and the sma of ~p275 per month for the next six months. After one year of satisfactory service, SUd1 patrolJimYl shall then receive $290 per month. All full time regular policelaen shall be paid the sum of $15 per month, to be paid qual'terly, for clothing and uniform allowance, .which shall be in addition to the regular salary to which such pOliCilll1an is entitled. If any such police- man shall resign, or his employment be terminated for any reason whatsoever, he shall be paid clothing allowance on a pro rata basis, but no allowance shall be made for the same for a fraction of a month. . I I I . 1. F.i.re Chief 1 72 hrs. 400-450 per mo. (F.i.re Chief to be paid minimum salary as provided herein until the expiration date of his present appointment.) 2. Assft F.i.re Chief J. Captains 4. Drivers 5. ~nbulance Helpers 6. F.i.remen 7. Instructors 8. Vacation F.i.remen ORDINANCE NO.Jjt88 Cont. COlVlPLI- MENT WORK WEEK (K) F.i.re Department 2 72 hrs. 4 72 hrs. 14 72 hrs. 2 72 hrs. 16 72 hrs. 2 Additional 4 SALA.RY 300-335 per mo. 275-310 per mo. 260-295 per mo. 260-295 per lao. 255-285 per mo. 15 per mo. 220 per mo. ~J.re:tilen of said department when entering upon such duties shall be paid 4~55 per month for the first six months of service, and the sum of $260 per month for the next six lnonths. After one year of satisfactory service, such fire- m.an shall then receive $265 per month. All full time regular firemen shall be paid the sum of $10 per month, to be paid quarterly, for clothing and uniform allOVlfance, which shall be in addition to the regular salary to which such fireman is entitled. If any such fireman should resign or his employment be term:Lnated for any reason whatsoever, he shall be paid clothing allowance on a pro rata basis, but no allowance shall be made for the same for a fraction of a month. (L) Airport Department 1. Ai.rport Manager 2. Foreman 3. Carpenter 4. Truck Driver - Laborer 5. Custodian 6. Janitor - Laborer 7. Area Fireman 8. Area Police Officers 1 1 1 5 1 1 4 2 40 hr. 40 hr. 40 hr. 40 hr. 40 hr. 72 hr. 48 hr. 350-450 per mo. 225-275 per mo. 225-260 per mo. 225-260 per mo. 225-260 per mo. 250 per mo. 225-260 per mo. 225-260 per mo. All full time airport area policemen shall be paid the sum of $15 per month, to be paid quarterly, for clothing and uniform allowance, which shall be in addi tion to the regular salary to which such policelilan is entitled. If any such policeman shall resign or his employment be terminated for any reason whatsoever, he shall be paid clothing allowance on a pro rata basis, but no allowance shall be made for the SaIne for a fraction of a month. (M) Cem~ Department 1. Sexton (Quarters & utilities furniShed) (As $45 per month) 2. Truck Driver - Laborer 3. Laborers 4. Laborers - (part time) 1 1 3 8 40 hr. 40 hr. 40 hr. (N) Health ~ Sanitation Deparunent Heal th 1. City Physician 2. Nurses 3. Director of Laboratory 4. Assistant Lab Technician 5. Secretary - (part tDae) 6. Director, Senior - Sanitarian 7. City Sanitarian 8. Assistant City Sanitarian 245-295 per mo. 235-250 per mo. 225-235 per mo. 1.05 per hr. 1 170 per mo. 1 40 hr. 185 per mo. 1 44 hr. 200 per mo. 1 44 hr. 50-75 per mo. 1 40 hr. 105 per mo. 1 44 hr. 25 per mo. 1 44 hr. 225-275 per mo. 1 40 hr. 250 per mo. 1 40 hr. 235-260 per mo.. 9 40 hr. 225-245 per mo. 1 48 hr. 225-250 per mo. 1 40 hr. 170-235 per mo. 2 40 hr. 1.05 per hr. 1 20 hr. 105 per mo. 1 75 per mo. Sanitation 1. Garbage Collector Formaan 2. Truck Driver - Laborers 3. City Dump Operator 4. Clerk -Cashier 5. Laborer (Part time) 6. Clerk (Part time) 7. Inspector . I I I . ORDINANCE NO.3388 Cont. -4- COMPLI- MENT WORK WEEK Sewage Disposa~ Deparnae~ 1. Superintendent 2. Operators & Oiler 3. Operators (Sewer Collection) 4. Operators 5. Tnlck Driver - Laborer 6. laborers 7. Laborers - Part time 1 1 1 4 1 3 1 40 hr. 40 hr. 40 hr. 40 hr. 40 hr. 40 hr. (0) Adrilinistrative a. Offi ~ of 9i tl Treasure!. 1. Senior Assistant 2. Clerk 1 1 40 hr. 40 hr. b. Office of City Clerk 1. Senior & Junior Clerks 2. Stenographer - Part tnae 1 1 40 hr. 24 hr. c. City, Attornel 1. Assistant City Attorney 2. Stenographer - Part time 1 1 1 24 hr. d. Administrative Assistant ... ~-- 1. Secretary to Mayor I s Office 2. Secretary 1 1 1 40 hr. 20 hr. e. Ci vll Service 1. Secretary 2. Stenographer 1 1 40 hr. (p) Parting Lots 1. Parking Lot Attendant 2. Relief Parting Lot Attendant 1 1 SALARY 400 per mo. 280 per mo. 275 per mo. 275 per mo. 260 per mo. 250 per mo. 1.05 per ~-1 170-220 per mo. 170-210 per mo. 170-220 per mo. 120 per mo. 325 per mo. 225 per mo. 120 per mo. 350-450 per mo. 170-220 per mo. 170-210 per mo. 25 per mo. 170-210 per mo. 175-210 per mo. 175 per mo. SECTION II. The salaries herein provided for shall become effective upon wri tten approval of the committee of the respective department and the Rlnance COIi'nni ttee. SECTION III. (Vacations). Officers and employees, whose salary or wage is paid on a monthly basis, shall be entitled to a vacation of one scheduled work week after one year of continuous service and such officer or employee shall be entitled to two scheduled work weeks of vacation after two or laore years of continuous service. J9aployees receiving a salary or wage cOlilputed on an hourly basis, shall be entitled to forty-eight scheduled hours of vacation after one year of continuous service and ninety-six scheduled hours of vacation after two or raore years of continuous service. SECTION IV. (Sick Leave). All full time regular employees shall be entitled to one day per month for sick leave with pay and all part tnne employees, working one-half day, 6 days per week, shall be entitled to one-half day per month for such sick leave with pay. It is expressly provided that such sick leave may be accumulative and shall not exceed more than thirty-six (36) days during a three (3) year period for a full time employee and 18 days during such three (3) year period for an employee who works only half days. ORDINANCE NO.3388 Cout. -5- It is further provided that sick leave shall be allowed only in case o:f actual illness or injury and shall not be allowed any employee :for any other purpose, with the exception than an employee may be allowed not more than three (3) consecutive calendar days where it is requested by an attending physician that such employee's . I services are required to be in attendance of the sick of his nearest of kin (parents, wife, or husband, child (adopted or step), brothers or sisters.), or be in attendance of a funeral of the nearest of kin (parents, wife or husband, child, (adopted or step) brothers or sisters) or be granted 1/2 day when requested to act as pall-bearer at a funeral, and that such attendance from work be recorded as emergency leave. The provisions of this section shall apply to the employees of all departments of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SECTION V. All office elaployees, shop employees, common laborers, machine operators and truck driver laborers, who are paid monthly salaries, shall be required to work the nUJilber of hours per week herein provi ded and shall when required to work more than the nUJooer of hours herein set forth, be paid for such overtime at the same rate per hour that such employee's monthly salary produced when computed on an hourly basis. When such employees are required to work on any of the prescribed holidays, he shall be paid at a rate of 1 1/2 times his regular rate of pay. I That the formula used to compute the hourly rate for overtime paid to an employee on a monthly salary shall be as follows: The monthly salary times tvrelve (12), divided by the result of fifty-two (52) times the nUJabcr of hours of work required per week. SECTION VI. That Ordinances No. 3331, 3343 and 3357 and all other ordinances arld parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be repealed. SECTION VII. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after the passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as by law provided. Passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of the City Council this First day of Oc'to'Qer , 19,2SL. I . ~ '!::~ ATTEST: . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ~~89 An Ordinance levying special water main district taxes to pay for the construction of the main in Water Main District No. 211, of the City of Grand Island, ~ebraska, and providing for the collection thereof, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISIAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special water main district tax against the lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the purpose of paying the assessable cost of construction of the main in Water Main District No. 211, of said City, in accordance with the benefits found due and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said dis- trict by the Mayor and City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equalization, after due notice given thereof as provided by law; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assess- ed as follows: NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT Owen A. Frank, William E. Frank & Mattie Frank That part of Lot 1, Block 1, on the southerly side of Oklahoma Avenue, and on the west side of Locust Street, except that part beginning at a point where the south- erly line of Oklahoma Avenue intersects the west line of Locust Street; thence south 125 feet; thence west 900, for 100 feet; thence north 900 to the sou therly line of Oklahoma Avenue; thence northeasterly to the point of beginning. Pt. 1 1 First Artistic Homes $ 191.06 Owen A. Frank, William E. Frank & Mattie Frank That part of Lot 1, Block 1, being a triangular tract of land on the west side of Elm Street, and on the north side of Oklahoma Avenue ly- ing southeast from the C.B. & Q. Railroad Company Belt Line 25.5' x 46.8'. Pt. 1 1 First Artistic Homes 7.60 ,. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company 6 2 South Park Addition 97.05 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company If If " 7 96.95 NAME Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company . Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company I Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company ORDINANCE NO. 3389 LOT 8 (Cont1d.) BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT 2 Sou th park Addition $ .96.87 It " It 96.79 9 10 It " " 72.08 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company A tract of land 25 feet in width, being 12.5 feet on both sides of the center line of the C. B.& Q. Railroad Company Belt Line lying be- tween the easterly side of vacated Cleburn Street, ex- tended southerly and the southerly side of Oklahoma Avenue . part of NEt of NEt of Section 21-11-9 24.38 I Chicago, ~lrlington & ~uincy Railroad Company A tr'iangular tract of land on the easterly side of vacated Cleburn Street, and on the southerly side of Oklahoma Avenue lying northwest from the C.B.& Q. Railroad Company Belt Line, 22.651 x 41.29'. Part of the NEt of NEt of Section 21-11-9 5.95 SECTION 2. Said special water main district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law and shall be collected in the manner provided by law; provided, however, that the City Treasurer shall not collect the amount of said taxes and shall not certify the amount of said taxes to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, on any of the property herein described until ordered to do so by a resolution of the City CounCil, or as provided in Section 5. SECTION .3. Permission is hereby granted to the owners of any of the property hereinbefore set forth to pay said taxes hereby levied and assessed against any of the property herein described as I . shall be determined by the Water Commissioner of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, whenever such person shall desire to tap said water main for water purposes without interest; provided that said permission shall have been granted before the City. Treasurer shall have been ordered to collect said taxes or before the same shall have been certified to th~~reasurer of Hall County, Nebraska. . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3389 (Cont1d. ) SECTION 4. It is hereby made the duty of the Water Commissioner to collect the taxes hereinbefore levied and assessed as a tapping charge against the property hereinbefore taxed, and to pay the same to the City Treasurer until the taxes hereinbefore levied and as- sessed shall have been ordered to be collected by the City Treasurer or shall have been certified to the County Treasurer. SECTION 5. No person or persons, corporation or association shall tap the water main in Water Main District No. 211 for the purpose of serving any of the property hereinbefore described with- out first having obtained a permit therefor as provided by the com- piled ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and without first having paid to the Water Commissioner for said permit the tax hereinbefore levied and assessed as a tapping charge, and in the event any person, corporation or association shall tap said water main without first having obtained said permit or without first having paid the tax so levied and assessed, the said person, cor- poration, or association shall become liable under the compiled ordinances of the City- of Grand Island, Nebraska, and in addition thereto, it is hereby- made the duty- of the City- Treasurer of the , City- of Grand Island to collect the amount of the taxes levied and assessed against the premises and to certify the same to the County- Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, together with instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECTION 6. If and when any of tracts or parcels of land, which are not included in this ordinance, lying adjacent to said Water Main District No. 211 are furnished water service connections, the owne!' of such tract or parcel of land shall be required to pay- the Water Department for such service connection the sum of $1.74 for each lineal foot of such main lying adjacent to the tract of land served. SECTION~. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law Passed and approved this 15th day- of October , 1958. A T'lIEST: ~~ /;:/~ ..A/ - n -- MAYOR ~ s.- ~rk ORDINANCE NO. 3390 An Ordinance levying special water main district taxes to pay for the construction of the main in Water Main District No. 212, . I of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the col- lection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed a special water main district tax against the lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth for the purpose of paying the assessable cost of construction of the main in Water Main District No. 212 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found due and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Mayor and City Council of said City, sitting as a Board of Equaliza- tion, after notice given thereof as provided by law; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT I 1he Kelly Supply Co., a Corporation An unsubdivided tra~t of land beginning on the northerly line of Oklahoma Avenue at the inter- section of the westerly line of Greenwich Avenue; thence north- westerly on the westerly line of Greenwich Avenue 144.85 feet; thence southwesterly at a right angle, 264 feet to Lincoln Ave- nue, thence southeasterly on the easterly line of Lincoln Avenue 145.4 feet to Oklahoma Avenue; thence northeasterly 264 feet on the northerly line of Oklahoma Avenue to the point of beginning. part of m* of $ 540.83 NE~ of Section 21-11-9 I . Bertha McKeone An unsubdivided tract of land beginning on the southerly line of Oklahoma Avenue at the inter- section of the easterly line of Lincoln Avenue, thence southeast- erly on the easterly line of Lin- coln Avenue, 131 feet to the C. B.& Q.. Hailroad Company Belt Line; thence easterly on the northerly right-of-way line of the C.B.& Q. Railroad Company Belt Line 211.55 feet; thence northwesterly 130.64 feet to Oklahoma Avenue; thence southwesterly 211.2 feet on the southerly line of Oklahoma Avenue, to the point of beginning. Part of the N~ of 432.66 NEt of Section 21-11-9 . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ii90 (Cont1d.) NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT Part of the Nt $ 108.16 of NEt of Section 21-11-9 Earl J. & Anita Scheel An unsubdivided tract of land beginning on the southerly line of Oklahoma Avenue at the in- tersection of the westerly line of Greenwich Avenue; thence southwesterly on the southerly line of Oklahoma Avenue, 52.8 feet; thence southeasterly parallel to the westerly line of Greenwich Avenue 132 feet to the C.B.& Q. Railroad Company Belt Line; thence northeasterly on the northerly right-of-way line of the C.B.& Q. Railroad Company Belt Line 52.8 feet to Greenwich Avenue, thence north- westerly 132 feet on the west- erly line of Greenwich Avenue to the point of beginning. SECTION 2. Said special water main district tax shall be due and become delinquent in the manner and at the time provided by law and shall be collected in the manner provided by law; provided, how- ever, that the City Treasurer shall not collect the amount of said taxes and shall not certify the amount of said taxes to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, on any of the property herein described until ordered to do so by a resolution of the City Council, or as provided in Section 5. SECTION 3. Permission is hereby granted to the owners of any of the property hereinbefore set forth to pay said taxes hereby levied and assessed against any of the property herein described as shall be determined by the Water Commissioner of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, whenever such person s11all de sire to tap said wa ter main for water purposes without interest; provided, that said permission shall have been granted before the City Treasurer shall have been ordered to collect said taxes or before the same shall have been ~ certified to the ~ Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska. SECTION 4. It is hereby made the duty of the Water Commissioner to collect the taxes hereinbefore levied and assessed as a tapping charge against the property hereinbefore taxed, and to pay the same to the City Treasurer until the taxes hereinbefore levied and assess- ed shall have been ordered to be collected by the Ci ty 'freasurer or shall have been certified to the County Treasurer. ORDINM~CE NO. 3390 (Cont'd. ) SECTION 5. No person, or persons, corporation or association / shall tap the water main in Water Main District No. 212 for the pur- pose of serving any of the property hereinbefore described without . I first having obtained a permit therefor as provided by the compiled ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and without first having paid to the Water Commissioner for said permit the tax here- inbefore levied and assessed as a tapping charge, and in the event any person, corporation or association shall tap said water main without first having obtained said permit or without first having paid the tax so levied and assessed, the said person, corporation, or association shall become liable under the compiled ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and in addition thereto, it is hereby made the duty of the Ci ty 'I1reasurer of the Ci ty of Grand Island to collect the amount of the taxes levied and assessed against the premises and to certify the same to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, together-with instructions to collect the same, as I provided by law. SECTION 6. If and when any of the tracts or parcels of land, which are not included in this ordinance, lying adjacent to said Water Main District No. 212 are furnished water service connections, the owner of such tract or parcel of land shall be required to pay the Water Department for such service connection the sum of ~pl.74 for each lineal foot of such main lying adjacent to the tract or parcel of land so served. SECTION 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved this 15..tL day of October _,1958. ?7~ {'I~K /.y ~ c/j ~ Wi----W I . ATTEsrr: . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 339J An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of con- struction of Gravel District No. 28 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE 1ffiYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. 1bat there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of Gravel District No. 28 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found due and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said di strict by the City Council, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT Wilbur & Garldine Springs- guth N 661 of W 1241 Pleasant Home $ 7.70 1 Florence Springsguth N 661 of E 1401 " " " 4.85 Louis E. & Estella D. Schomburg S 661 of E 1/2 John & Esther C. Willman Except N 661 & S 66' of S 1/2 II If u 4.55 " " It 24.77 George S. & Jeanette S. Paulsen N 801 of E 1/2 Louis D. & Alice M. Talbot N 521-8" of W 1/2 " " 2 9.18 II It " 6.70 Leland A. & Aline A. Deaver S 50'-8" of N 1031-4" of W 1/2 It " . " 4.57 Lynn & Beatrice Mae Willits S 561-8" of: N 160' of W 1/2 Duane E. & Ella M. Haag N 50'-8" of S 1201 of W 1/2 It It II 4.62 It II II 4.47 Arthur D. & Doris Wilson S 691-4" of W 1/2 " " " 7.84 Arthur & Fannie B. Searl S 1401 of E 1/2 " tt " 14.10 ORDINAl\fCE NO. 3391 (ContTd.) ~ LOT BLOCK ADDI~'ION AMOUNT Raymond L. & Phyllis Swanson N 60' of S 200' of E 1/2 2 Pleasant Home $ 4.90 . Northwestern Public Service \IV 30' of N 25' of E 132' 3 " " .56 I Rudolph & Cas sie We tgen Except W 30' of N 25' of E 132' 3 n u 55.82 Marjorie M. Pitzpatrick 4 If n 14.50 Max J. & Ruth Cornelius N 1/2 5 If If 7.25 William T & Ruby Shupp N 78' of S 1/2 " If If 4.04 Eldene E. & Margery Zamzow S 62' " " u 3.21 Adeline A. Town N 66' of E 80' 6 " " 5.28 Viole t Williams W 52' of N 66' of E 1/2 " If If 2.71 Worley Sr. & V io Ie t I Williams E '32' of N 66' of W 132' If " " 1.63 Carl & Caroline Brown W 100' of N 66' If " " 6.36 Clara & Robert Stauss S 66' of N 132' of W 132' tI " " 5.70 Arthur H. & Blanche Stange W 156' of S 148' If tI If 16.60 Robert H. & Clara A. Staus s S 68' of E 1081 of E 1/2 If " " 6.85 Stanley B. & Gladys H. Garris N 80' of S 148' of E 108' " " II 5.55 Louis & Vivian E. Rathman S 66' of N 132' of E 1/2 n If If 5.70 I Emma M. Dearing N 1/2 7 If " 28.19 . Leona M. Gregg N 60' of W 1/2 of S 1/2 " " " 4.89 Edward E. & Esther A. Goethe \IV 881 of S 80' of S lj2 n " " 6.65 ORDINANCE NO. '1'191 (Cont'd.) NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT Darre1 D. Vii at s on E 88' of W 176' of S 80' 7 Pleasant Home $ 5.12 . Carl & Martha Nauman E 88' of S 80' I of S 1/2 " " " 6.65 otis B. & Mary E. 'lhomp son N 8' of S 88' of E 1/2 " " " .72 Dora Gulzow N 52' of E 1/2 of S 1/2 " " " 4.16 Claire P. Detweiler 8 " " 41.88 James D. & N. Theodora Kirkpatrick N 1/2 9 " " 20.94 William H. Hehnke S 1/2 " " " 20.94 Marion K. Williams & Evelyn J. Desh N 56' of W 1/2 10 " " 7.06 Donald P. & LaVerne 1. Waddick S 56' of N 112' of W 1/2 " " " 4.97 I James D. & N. rl'heodora Kirkpatrick N 112' of S 168' of W 1/2 " " " 9.10 Eldon E. & Ella M. Mas ten S 56' of W 1/2 " " " 7.06 Otis B. & Mary E. rrhompson S 56' of E 1/2 " " " 7.06 Ellis R. & Minnie J. Zeller N 56' of S 112' of E 1/2 " " " 4.97 William J. & Geneva W. Stoeckinger S 56' of N 168' of E 1/2 " " " 4.13 John C. & Shirley M. Houselog S 56' of N 112' of E 1/2 " " " 4.97 I Otis B. & Mary E. 1"1 N 56' of E 1/2 If " " 7.06 .Lhompson . Harry P. & Doris M. Schaumann E 1/2 of N 1/2 11 " " 14.10 Victor W. & Maxine M. Bitterman E 1/2 of N 91' of W 1/2 of N 1/2 " " " 4.27 Luman H. & Phyllis M. Alberti W 1/2 of N 91' of W 1/2 of N 1/2 " " " 5.85 ",,' "C':;;:.i.t."p ORDINANCE NO. ~~91 (Cont'd.) Name LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT - Rolland R. & Dorothy Ann Smith S 49' of' W 1/2 of N 1/2 11 Pleasant Home $ 3.97 . Darrell D. & Janine Bayles N 1/2 of W 1/2 I of S 1/2 tI If u 5.75 Irene C. & Henry C. Becker S 70' & N 70' of S 140' of' E 1/2 It It It 22.44 Marvin E. & Margaret N. Vau travers N 66' 12 II II 3.43 Richard B. & Ella Wegner S 74' of N 1/2 12 II It 3.83 Beryl & Jean M. McCoig N 46' of' E 132' of S 1/2 It II It 2.38 Ernest p. & Bernice P. Petersen S 94' of E 132' of S 1/2 If " tt 4.86 Max A. & Marion L. Rogers N 46.68' of E 1/2 of N 1/2 13 " tt 2.42 I Clifton J. & Theodora June Stoner S 46.66' of N 93.34' of' E 1/2 of' N 1/2 " If II 2.42 Florence F'rederickson S 46.66' of E 1/2 of N 1/2 tI II u 2.42 Robert L. & Gertrude Lewandowski S 1/2 II II tt 7.24 Norman D. Brockelsby N 82' of E 1/2 14 If II 9.43 Philip J. & Dora L. Rose W 1/2 except S 55' of N. 140' If If If 16.95 .Para L. Rose,S 55' of' N 1401 of W rr./2 " II tt 4.40 Olive J. & John G. Watson S 115' of E 1/2 tI If If 5.95 I Shirley A. Bartz S 83' of' N 165' . of' E 1/2 " II tI 5.97 The Bell Corpora tion W 1/2 II " 15 21.35 Mina E. Potter, widow & Virgil A. Potter E 1/2 " It II 21.35 Mina E. Potter, widow, & Virgil A. Potter 16 II II 28.19 ORDINANCE NO. ~~91 NAME Guy B. & Ruth A. Hendrickson . I Leo B. & Joy Coonts J. Verne & Minna L. Brewer Arthur F. & Mary K. O'Neill Vernon & Florence N. Haun Wilbur & Mary B. Whartman Arthur G. & Edna A. Grabe S 22' Arthur G. & Edna A. Grabe N 28' Garold D. & Olga K. Slagel S 24' LOT BLOCK 8 9 10 11 12 13 12 13 " Garold D. & Olga K. Slagel Pt. except a tract of land in 14 the southeast corner of Lot 14 commencing at the point of intersection of the west line of Eddy Street extended south to the North line of Nebraska Avenue; thence west 50 feet; thence north 30 feet; thence east to the westerly line of Greenwich Avenue; thence southeasterly on the west- erly line of Greenwich Ave- nue to the north line of Nebraska Avenue; thence west to the point of beginning. I City of Grand Island Pt. (Sanitary Sewer Lift Station) 14 A tract of land in the southeast corner of Lot 14 commencing at the point of intersection of the west line of Eddy Street extend- ed south to the north line of Nebraska Avenue; thence west 50 feet; thence north 30 feet; thence east to the westerly line of Greenwich Avenue; thence southeasterly on the westerly line of Greenwich Avenue to the north line of Nebraska Avenue; thence west to the point of beginning. I . Frederick 3. & Betty Marie Stark Anna Belle Nelsen and Helene W. 3ohnson 15 16 2 2 2 (Cont'd.) ADDITION 1 Better Homes If " " If " " ft If If II " " " It If " 2 Sothman Sub- Division 2 " " " It It 2 If " It " 11 II If If AMOUNT $ 1.62 2.02 4.02 3.35 1.70 1.34 1.19 1.23 1.05 3.01 .89 5.34 2.03 ORDINANCE NO. ii91 (contfd.) SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable, delin- . I quent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent in fifty (50) days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one (1) year; one-tenth in two (2) years; one- tenth in three (3) years; one-tenth in four (4) years; one-tenth in five (5) years; one-tenth in six (6) years; one-tenth in seven (7) years; one-tenth in eight (8) years, and one-tenth in nine (9) years fromthe date of this levy. Each of said installments, ex- cept the first shall bear interest at the rate of four (4) percent per annum until the same become delinquent, and each of the delin- quent installments shall draw interest at the rate of six (6%) per- cent per annum from and after such installment becomes delinquent until paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid within fifty (50) days from the date of this levy without interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts and parcels I of land sball be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. SECTION 3. The City Clerk of the Cit-y of Grand Island, Ne- braska, is hereby authorized to forthwith certify to the City Trea- surer of said City the amount of said taxes herein set forth, to- gether with instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the Ci ty Council of said City this the ] 5th day of October 1958. , J7.LJ.~ CITY CLERK I . AT1'EST: ORD INANCE NO. 3.~ ~ 1.. _ An ordinance vacating the southerly prolongation or Pleasant View Drive from the South line of Pleasant view - I Addition to the City of Grand Island to the South Line of the West Half of the Northeast Quarter, Section Twenty Two (22) Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), Hall County Nebraska. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: Section One. That the Southerly prolongation of Pleasant View Drive, a street in said city, from the South line of Pleasant View Addition to the City of Grand Island, to the South Line of the West Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section Twenty Two (22), Township Eleven (11), North Range Nine (9), West or the Sixth P. M., Hall County, Nebraska, be, and the same hereby is vacated. I Section Two. That the title to said street, so vacated, shall remain vested in the City or Grand Island. Section Three. That this ordinance shall be in rorce and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 15th day of Oatober, 1958. ~.~ .;;;.; &< ~c/-_u. ATTEST: ~s.~ C] CLERK I . ;) cJ . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3393 An Ordinance pertaining to zoning, establishing boundaries for new Use and Height Districts, amending Section XIV of Ordinance No. 2162 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, directing the City Engineer to make a zoning map showing such Use and Height Districts, and repealing said original Section XIV of Ordinance No. 2162, and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. WH~REAS, the Planning and Zoning Co~nissions of the City of Grand Island submitted and recommended boundaries for new Use and Height Districts in a comprehensive plan for rezoning the entire City of Grand Island, and WHEREAS, pursuant to notice published in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper published in and of general circula- tion in said City on the 11th day of September, 1958, a public hearing was held by the City Council on the 23rd day of September, 1958, at which hearing such plans were submitted to the citizens of Grand Island, Nebraska, and WHEREAS,thelVfaYo:rr'and Council find and determine that such Use and Height Districts should be adopted and approved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF 'rHE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: That Section XIV of Ordinance No. 2162 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION I. BOUNDARIES OF DISTRICTS - The boundaries of the various Use and Height Districts shall be as follows: ..~ ORDINI\NCE 3393 Cont'd. ZONING CLASS! FI CATION . I Residonce A Residence B Business A Business B Industrial I RESIDENCE A Section! All lots, tracts and parcels of land lying in the corpo:rate limi ts of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska not otherwise zoned as Residence B, Business A, Business B, or I . Industrial ana zoned as Residence A.. page 1 . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3393 Cont'd. REStDENCE B Being<;aJ.llQts ,tracts and parcels of land bounded astollovvs: Section I ..- Beginning at a point being the intersection of' the canter line of Huston Avenue with the center line of Waugh Street; running thence north on the center line of Huston Avenue to the south line of Capitl3,l Avenue; running thence east on the south line of Capital Avenue to the center line of the ~~~ey oetween Huston Avenue and Broadwell Avenue; running thence south on the center line of' the alley between Huston Avenue and Broadwell AVenue to the center line ofvVaugh Street; running thence wes t on the center line of ,'lTaugh Street to the center line of Huston Aven:ue~ being the point of beginning. Section II . - Beginning at a point being the intersection of the center line of' the alley between Park Avenue and Lafayette Avenue with the center line (i.)f State Street; running thence west on the center line of State Street to the center line of the alley as originally platted (now vacated) in Block 10, Scarff's Add! tion to West La...vn; running thenoe north on the oenter line of the alley as originally platted (now vaoated) in Blook 10~ Scarff's Addition to West Lawn to the north line of Waugh Street as originally platted (nowvaca.ted) lying north of Block 10; Soarff's Addition to West Lawn; running thence east on the north line of said Waugh Street as originally platted (now vacated) to the center line of Lafayette Avanue; running themoe north at the center line of Lafayette Avenue to the center line of Prospect Street; running thence east on the oenter line of Prospect Street to the oenter line of' the alley between Park Avenue and Lafa~ette Avenue; running thence south on the center line of the alley-between Park Avenue and Lafayette Avenue to the center line of State Street; being the point of' beginning. Seotion III '- Beginning at a point being the intersection of the Cel'1ter line of' Vine Street with the centerline of the alley between Fourth and Fifth Streets; ~unning thence westerly on the oenter line of the Page 1 . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3393 Cant'd. Residence B (Cont.) alley be.tweenFourth .'nd Fifth Streets to the easterly line of Lot 4 i Block 27 in Original Town now City of Grand Island; rl,1nning thence northerly on the easterly line of said Lot 4, Block 27 in Original Town to the center line or Fifth Street; runnIng thence westerly on the center line of Fifth Stre~t to the center line of Oak Street; running thence southerly on the center line of Oak Street to the center line of the alley between Fourth and Fifth Street,s ; running thence westerly on the center line of the alley between Fourth and Fifth Streets to the center line of Kimball Avenue; running thence northerly on the center line' of Kimball Avenue to the center line of Fifth Street; running thence westerly on the center line .of Fifth Street to the center line of Sycamore Street; running thence northerly on the center line of Sycamore Street to the center TIne- of the alley between Sixth and Seventh Streets; running thence westerly on the center line of the alley between Sixth and Seventh Streets to the center line of Locust Street; running thence southerly on the center line of Locust Street to the center line of the alley between Fifth and Sixth Streets; running thence westerly on the center linso!' the alley between Fifth and Sixth Streets to the center line of Cedar Street; running thence souther1.y on' the center line of Cedar Street to 'the center line of the alley between Fourth and Fifth Streets; running thence westarly on the center line of the alley between Fourth and Fifth Streets to the easterly line of Lot 3, Block 17 in Rollins. Addition and its complement Lot 3, Block III in Railroad Addition, and continuing a line northerly on the easterly line of Lots 4 and 7, Block 8 in Rollins Addition, Lot 6, Block 6 in Rollins Addition and its complement Lot 7, Block 19 in H. G. Clark's Addition, Lot 4, Block 19 in H. a, Clark's Addition, Lots 7.and 4, Block 15 in H. a. Clark's Addition, Lot 7, Block 10 in H. G. Cla:rk's Addition to the center line of the alley between Eighth and Ninth Streets; running thence westerly on the center line of the alley between Eighth and Ninth Streets to the westerly line of Lot 9, Block 11 in H. G. Clark's Addition; running thence southerly.on the westerly line of Lot 9, Block 11 in H. G. Clark's Addition, and continuing a line southerly on the westerly line of Lots 2 and 9, Block l4 in H. G. Clark's Addition, Lot ~l, Block 20 Page 2 . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3393 Cant'cl. ~esidence ~ (Cant.) in H. G. CIa rk 's Addi tion and its complement Lot 2, Block 5 in Rollin's Addition, Lot 9, Block 5 in Rollins Addition, Lots 2 and 9, Block 9 in Rollins Addi tion, Lot 2,' 'Block 16 in Rollins Addi tion to the center line of the alley between Fourth and Fifth Streets; running thence westerly on the cente'r line of the alley between Fourth and Fifth Streets to the center line of Broadwell Avenue; running tb;~nce northerly on the center line of Broadwell Avenue to the center line of Tenth Street; running thence easterly on the center line of ' Tenth Street to the center line of Plum Street also known as the right-of-way center line of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company; running thence northerly on the center line of Plum Street also known as the right-of-way center line of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company to the center line of Seventeenth Street; running thence westerly on the center line of Seventeenth Street to the center line of Vine Street; running thence southerly on the center line of Vine Street to the center line of the alley between Fourth and Fifth Streets, being the point ~f beginning, excepting the lot described in Section IV. Section IV The exception to Residence B zoning in Section III and described in this section shall run from the center line of the adjoining street or streets to the center line of the adjoining alley. 1. Lot Six (6), Block Nine (9) in Rollins Addition. Section V Beginning at a point being the intersectjon of the center line of Anna Street with the center line of' Clark Street; running thence northerly on the center line of Clark Street to the center line of the alley between First and Second Streets; running thence easterly on the center line of the alley between First and Second Streets to the center l1n$of Eddy Stre~t'; ru~!lJ:1S t.nence southerly on the center 11ne of Eddy Stveet to th~ center line of First Street; running thenceeas'terly qn the center line of First Street to the eenter line of Cedar Street;, runni~g tl\ence sO,uth,erly on the center line of Cedar Street to the cente!? line of the alley pe:t;we$n First Street and Di.:visiQn Street; running thence easterly .on ~he cS,nter line of the alley between First Street and DAivis'ion Street to '\;he Page 3 . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3393 Cont'cl. Reside~ B (Cant.) line of the alley between $i~st St~eet and Division St~eet to the center line of Walnut Street; running thence southerly on the center line of Walnut Street to the center line of Charles Street; running thence westerly pn the center line of Charles Str,eet to the westerly line of Lots 6 and 7 of the C-~Zabdivision in the a'outheast, quarter of the southecast quarter of Section 3:6, Township 11, Worth, Range 9, West; running thencEFsoutherly on the westerly line of Lots 6 and, 7 of the County S-u,{)oi'tL'taion in the southeas t quarter of the of the southeast quarter of said Section 16, to the center line of Louise Street; r~nningthence_westerly on the center line of Louise Street to ,the center li:\'J€ -of Ca5ar Street; running thence southerly on the center line of Cedar Street to the center line of John Street; running thence westerly on the center line of John Street to the center line of Elm Street; running thence southerly on the center line of Elm Street to the center ljne of Anna Street; running thence westerlY on,the,center line of Anna Street to the center line of, Clark ~treet, being the point of beginning, excepting the lots, tracts and parcels of land described in Section VI. Section VI The exception to Residence B zoning in Section V and described in Section V and described in this section shall run from the center line of the adjoining street or streets to the center line of the ad joining ,alley. 1. ,Fractional Lot One' (1) in Fractional Block One Hundred Three (103) in Railroad AQdit5.on and its complement Fractional Lot One (I) in Fractional Block One Hundred Three (103) in 2. Koenig and Wiebe's Addition. That part of Lot Fifteen (15) of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter(S! S .E.t} of Section Sixteen (16), Township Eleven (11 ), North, ~ange Nine (9) West, and beginning a t a point 16 feet _southerly from the southwest corner of Lot Four (4), Block Foup(4}, in Wiebe's Addition and ona line with the westerly' bouooary line of said lot; running thence southerly on the eas terly boundary line of Eddy Street 132 fe,et; running thence easterly ooths fPrtherly boundary line of John Street 66 reet; running thence northerly and r;>arallel with the easterly boundary Page 4 ORDINANCE NO. 3393 Cont'd. Rasidence B (Cont.) , )_ine of Eddy Street 132 .1'eet; running thence westerly 66 feet to the point of beginning~ Section vr.l . B. egfnning at a point being the intersection of the center line of $ycamore Street with the center line of the alley between First and I ?econd Streets; re1.nning thence easterly on the center line of the alley between F'irst and Second Streets to the easterly line of the I ~rigin$.l Town of Grand Island; running thence southerly on the fJaster1y 11ne of said Or1ginal Town to the southerlymainllne rlght- of-way line of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company; running thence southeasterly on the southerly mainline right-of-way line of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company to its intersection with the center line of the Chicago, Burlington ~nd Quincy Railroad Company Belt Line; running thence southerly on the center line of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad qompany BeIt Line to theeast-weet quarter section line throu3h $ection 15, Township 11, Nort!i., Range 9, West; running thence west I <;>n the east-west quarter section line of said Section 15 to the ~enter_ line of Oak Street; running thence south on the center line qf Oak Street to the north line of Block One (I) in Lakeview Addition; running thence west on the north l:1ne of Lakeview Addition to the center line of Kimball Avenue; running th'eDce north on the_ center line of Kimball Avenue to the center line of Charles Street; running thence west on the center line of Charles Street to a north- south line from the east line of Lot 9, Block 2 in Lakeview Addition to the center line of the alley betwe~n Locust Street and Pine Street i ~n Campbell's Subdivi.sion; running thence north of the said-line f1.'cm the east line of Lot 9, Block 2 in Lakeview Addition to the center line of the alley between Locust street and p}ne Street, I Stre~tap.d Pine . parcell':l wi th no continuing; north on-the center line of th,e alley be.tween Locust Street and its extension through those tracts and alley to the centerline of Court Street; running thence east on the center line of Court Street ,to the center line of Bihe Street; running thence north on the cen~er line of Pine Street to the south line of Lot ~ in Westervelt's Subdivision; runflip:~ thence east on the south line of Lot 2 in Westervelt's Pag$ i5 . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3393 Cant'cl. Residence B (Cont.) Subdivision to the center ~ine of Sycamore Str~~t; runping thence northerly on the center line-of Sycamore Street to the center line of the alley between First and Second Streets, being the point of beginning ~ Section VIII Beginning 'at a point being the intersection of the center line of Curtis Street with the cen,ter line of the Chicago" BU'r'lington and Quincy Railroad Company Belt Line; running thence west on the center line of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company Belt Line to, the 'north-south quarter section line through Section 20, Township 11, North, Range 9, West; running thence north on the north-south quarter section line through said Section 20 to the center line of First Street; running thence easterly on the center line of First Street to the center line of Ingalls Street; running thence southerly on the center line of Ingalls Street to the center Chicago, Burlington and Quinoy Railroad Company Belt Line, being the point of beginning. SLection II The zoning of lots, tracts and parcels of land described in this section s~all run from the center of the adjoining street or streets to the center line of thsadjoining alley. 1. Lots Six, Eight, Nine, T'en, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen and ~ighteen (6-8...9-10-11-12-13- 14-15-16-17-18- ) , Wes t Lawn. Block Five (5) in College Addition to 2. Lots One, Two, Three; Four, Five, Six, Seven, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, and Sixteen {1-2-3-4-5-6-7-l3-14-l5-l6), Block Ten (10) in Colleg-t'l M~Hti.on to lIVest Lawn,,. 3. The east h'alf of the north half (E~ ... N~J of Block Thirty-one (31) in Highland Park Addition.. 4. Lot Four (4), Block Two (2) in Schimmer's Addition. 5. Lot Six (6), Block Twenty-one (21) in Schimmer's Addition. Page 6 . 1 ORDINANCE NO. 3393 Cant'd. Besidetice ~ (Cont.) 6. Lots'One, Two, rrhree, Eight, Nine and Ten (~...2-3-8-9-10), Block Twenty-two (22) in Schimmer's Addition. 7. Lot Six (6), Block Four (4) in Park Place~ s. Lots One Hundred Forty-five, One Hundred For'ty-six, One Hundred Forty-seven, One Hundred Forty-eight, One Hundred Forty-nine, 0."1.8 Fundred Pi fty, Two Hundred ?:,wenty... eight, Two Hundred Twenty- nine, Two Hundred Thirty; Two Hundred Thirty-one, Two Hundred Thirty-two, Two Hundred Thirty-three and Two Hundred Thirty... four (145'1.l46_147...l~8_l49_150_22S_229_230_231_232_233_234) in West Lawn. 9~ Lots Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen and Fourteen (S...9-10-11-12..13-14), Block Eight (S) in Harrison's Subdivision. 10. Lot Ten (10), Block Twenty-three (23) in Russel Wheller's Addition. 1:1. Lot Three (3), Block Forty...eight (48) in Russel Wheller's Addition. I? Lots Six, Seven and Eight (6-7-8), Block Nine (9) in Packer 113. 14. and Barr's Addition. Lots Six, Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten (6...7-8-9-10), Block Sixteen (16) in Packer and Barr's Addition. Fractional Lot Five (5), Fractional Block One Hundred Seventeen (117) in Railroad Addition and its cOill01ement Fractional Lot Five(5), Fractional Block One Hundred Seventeen (117) in Koenig and Wiebe's Addition. lS.North 66 feet of Fractional Lot Five (5) Fractional Block Nineteen (19) in Kernahan and Decker,Addition; and its complement Fractional Lot F'ive (5), Fractional Block Nineteen (19) in Palmer Subdivision. ~6. Lots Six, Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten (6-7...8-9-10), Block Three (3) :tnElm Place. 1 ".'(7 .I. .. ,;- , .13. 18. 20. Lot Two (2), Block Six (6) in Noodbine Addition.. Lots Five and Six (5..6), Block One (1) in Windolptl'e Addition. The west half of the south half (W.~ - S.-!J of Block Eleven (11) in Windol ph's Addition. Fract<ional Lot Two (2 ) and Lots Three, 'Four and Five (3-4-5) , Block One (1.) in Claussen's Country View Addition. Page 7 . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3393 Cont'd. ~esidence ~ (Cont.) 21" Lots One and Two (1..2), Block Two (2) in Soqth Grand Island. :22. Lot One (l), Block Fifteen (15) in South Grand Island. 'J0.~ The west half (iN.!) of Block One (1) in William Frank Addition. PE.g e 8 . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3393 Cont'cl. BUSINESS A Section I The ~onihg of lots, tracts and paroels of land described in this Ecdt~0~ shall run from the center 1itie of the adjoining street or S'L-c~93tS to the center line of the adjoining alley. I. Lots One, Two, Three, Four, Six and Eight (1",,2-3-4";'6-8), Block Four (4) in College Addition to West Lawn. 2.. Lots One, Two, Three, Four, Five and Seven (1-2-3-4-5-7), Block Five (5) in College Addition to West Lawn. ;5.. Lots Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven.and Twelve (8-9.,10-11...12), Block Ten (10) in College Addition to West Lawn. 4. Lots Fifteen and Sixteen (15-16) in Home Subdivision. 5. Block Twenty-seven (27) in Schimmer's Addition. 6. Lots One (I) and Two (2) of the Subdivision of Lots Tw~ Hundred Eighty, Two Hundred Eighty-one and Two Hundred Eight-two (280- 281-282) in Wes t Lawn and the east 43 feet of Lots Two (2) ana Four (4) in Block Sixteen (16) in Scarff's Addition to West Lawn. 7; Lots Nine and Ten (9-10), Block Sixteen (16) Schimmer's Addition. 8. Lot Ten (10), Block Five (5) in Gilbert's Second Addition.. 9. Lots Two and Three C2-3), Block Twenty-six (26) in Russel Wheeler's Addition. 10. Lots One and Two (1-2), Block Forty-Eight (48) in Russel Wheeler's Addition. ~1. Fractional Block Three (3) in Gi1bertts Addition. 12. Lots Fifteen and Sixteen (15-16), Block Six (6) in Bogg's and Hill's Addition. -,r.< Lo:ts One and Two (1-2l, Block Seven (7) in Bogg's and Hill's Addition. 1< c Lots Six and Seven (6...7), Block Ten (10) in H. G. Clark's AddItion. Lots Nine and Ten (9-10), Block Eleven (11) in H. G. Clark's .t6. l7. Lots Four and Five (4.,.5), Block F'ifteen (15) in H. G. Clark's Addition. Page :r . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3393 Cant'd. Business A (Cont.) - -- 18. Lot Six (6), Block Nine (9) in Rollins Add~tion. 19. Lots One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Nine and Ten (1-2-3-4-5- 9-10), Block Nine (9) in Packer and Barr's Addition. 20. Lots On~, Two, Three, Four and Five (1-2-3-4-5), Block Sixteen (16), in Packer and Barr's Addition. 21. Fractional Lot One (1) in Fractional Block One Hundred Three (103) in Railroad Addition and its complement Fractional Lot One (1) in Fractional Block One Hundred Three (103) in Koenig and Wiebe's Addition. 22. Lots One, Two, Seven and Eight (1-2-7-8), Block One Hundred Thirty-two (132) in Koenig and vViebe' s Add i tion. 23. Lot Two (2), Block Twenty-eight (28) in Wasmer's Addition. 24. That part of Lot Fifteen (15) of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter (S.-l S.E.-}) of Section Sixteen (16), Township Eleven (11), North, Range Nine (9) West, and beginning at a point 16 feet southerly from the southwest corner of Lot Four (4), Block Four (4), in Wiebe's Addition and on a line with the westerly boundary line of said lot; running thence southerly on the easterly boundary line of Eddy Street 132 feet; running thence easterly on the northerly boundary line of John Street 66 feet; running thepce northerly and parallel with the easterly boundary line of Eddy Street 132 feet; running thence westerly 66 feet to the point of beginning. 25. Lot One (1), Block One (1) in Glover Subd i vis ion. Page 2 . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3393 Cant'cl. BUSINESS B Being all lots, tracts and parcels of land bounded 'as follows: Section I , Beginning at a point being the intersection of the center line of Broadwell Avenue with the cent,er line of Waugh Street; running thence west on the center line of Waug~ Street'to the center line of the I alley between Broadwell Avenue and Huston Avenue; running thence north on the center line of the alley b~twe~n Broadwell Avenue and Huston Avenue to the south line of Capital Avenue; running thence east on. the south line of Capital Avenue to the center line of Broadwell Avenue; running thence south on the center line of Broad- well Avenue to the center line of' Waugh Street, being the point of beginning. Section II Beginning at a point being the inter~ection of the center line of Kimball Avenue with the northerly line of North Front Street; running thence westerly on the northerly line of Not'th Front Street and its extension westerly to the center line of Eddy Street~ running thence northerly on the center line of Eddy Street to the center line of the alley between North Front Street and Fourth Street; running thence westerly on the center line of the alley between North Front Street and Fourth Street to the center line of Broadwell Avenue; running thence north on the center line of Broad- well Avenue to the center line of the alley between Fourth and Fifth St~~ets lying easterly'of Broadwell Avenue; running thence easterly on the center line of said alley betvveen Fourth and Fifth Streets to the westerly line of Lot 2, Block 16 in Rollins Addition; running thence northerly on the westerly line of Lot 2, Block 16 in Rollins Addition, and continuing a line northerly on the westerly line of Lot~ 9 and 2, Block 9 in Rollins Addition, Lot 9, Block 5 in Rollins Addition, Lot 2, Block 5 in Rollins Addition and its complement Lot 2, Block 20 in H. G. Clark's Addition, and Lot 9, Block 14 in He-. G;"",.c::m rk' s Addition to the center line of the alley between Seventh and Eighth Streets; running thence easterly on the center line of the alley between Seventh and Eighth Streets to the easterly line of Lot 7, Block 15 in H. G. Clark's Addition; running thence southerly on the easterly line of Lot 7, Block 15 in H. G. Clark's P~ge I . I ORDINANCE NO. 3393 Cont~d. Business ~(Cont.) Addition, and continuing a line southerly along the eas~erly lin~ of Lot 4 I, Block 19 in H. G. Clark's Addi tion, Lot '7, Block 19 in H. G. CJa rkf s Addition and its complement Lot 6 , Blook 6 in Roll~ns Addition; Lots 4 and 7, Block 8 in Rollins-Addition, and Lot 3," Block 17 in Rollins Addition and its complement Lot 3, Block 111 in Railroad Addition to the center line of the alley between Fourth and Fifth &treets; running thence easterly on the center line of the alley between Fourth and Fifth Streets to the center line of Cedar Street; running thence northerly on the '~c;&hter line of Cedar Street to the center line of the 1:3.11ey between Fifth and Sixth Streets; running thence easterly on the center line of the alley between Fifth and Sixth Streets to the center line of street; running thence southerly on the center line of Sycamore Street to the center line of Fifth Street; running thence easterly I on the center line of Fifth Street to the center line of Kimball Avenue; running thence southerly on the centerline of Kimball Avenue to the northerly line of North Front Street, being the I . point of beginning. Section III .........-- -..- Beginning at a point being the inters ection of the center line of Sycamore street with the southerly line of South Front Street; running thence westerly on the southerly line of South Front Street and .its extension westerly to the center line of Clark Street; ru.nn.ing thence southerly on the center 11neof Clar.k Street to the center line of the alley between Third Street and South Front Street; running, thence westerly on the center line of the alley between Thi~d~treet and South Front Street and its extension throu2;h those blocks with no alley to the center line of l{arrison Street; running thence northerly on the center line of Harrison Street to the southerly line of the Union Pacific Railroad Company right-of-way; running thence westerly on the southerly right-of-way line of the Union Pacific 'Railroad Company to the Ce(1ter line of Garfield Avenue; running thence southerly on the center line of Garfield Page 2 . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3393 Cont'd. Busines a B (Cant.) , - Avenue t6 the center line of Third Street; runntng thencewesterlr on the center line of Third Str~et tp the center line of Arthur street; running thence southerly on the center line of Arthur Street to the center line of Secorid Street; running thence westerly on the center line of Second Street to art extension northerly of the easterly line of Lot 4, Blo'c'k i4 in Ashton Place; running thence southerly on said extension nort'herly of the easterly line of Lot 4, Block 14, AshtorlPlaceto the so'utheasterily corner of "Lot 4, Block 14 in Ashton Place; running thence easterly on an extension westerly of the center line of the alley b'etweeriFirst and Second Streets to Blaine Street 'then continuing Jasferlyon the center line of the alley between First and Second Streets to the center line of Eddy Street; running thence southerly on the center line of Eddy Street to the center line-of First Street; running thence easterly on the center line of Firat Street to the center line of Cedar Street; running thence socitberly on the cehtsr line of Cedar Street to the center line of the alley between First Street and Division Street; running thence easterly on the center line of the alley between First Street and Division Str~et to the center line of Walnut Street; running thence southerly on the center line of Walnut Street to the center line of Charles Street; running thence westerly on the center line of Charles Street to the westerly line of Lots 6 and 70f the County Subdivision in the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 16, Township 11, North, Range 9, West; running thence southerly on the westerly line of Lots 6 and 7 of the County Subdivision in the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 16, to the center line of Louise Street; :running thence westerly on the center line of Louise Street to the center line of Cedar Street; running thence southerly on the center line of Ced ar Street to the center line of John Street; running ,thence westerly on the center line of John Street to the center line of Elm Street; running thence southerly on the center line 'of Elm Street to the center line of Oklahoma Avenue,; running thence westerly on the center line of Oklahoma Avenue to the center line of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company Belt Line; running thence s outh,wes terly on the. center line of theOhicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company Belt Line to the center line P~g e 3 . I ORDINANCE NO. 3393 Cant'cl. Business B of Clark Street; running thence southerly on the center line of Clark Street to the center line of Phoenix Avenue; running thence easterly on the center line of Phoenix Avenue to the center line of. Locust Street; running thence north on the center line of Locust Street to the.center line of Oklahoma Avenue lying east of Locust Street; running thence east on the center line of said Oklahoma Avenue to the center line of the alley bet~een Locust Street and Pine Street; running thence north on the center line of the alley between Locust Street and Pine Street to the center line of Bismark Road; running thence eas t on the center line of Bismark Ro ad to the center line of Pine Street lying north of Bismark Road; running thence north on the center line of said Pine street to the center line of Schufi' Street; running thence west on the center line oi' Schuff Street to the east line of Lot 6, Block 3 in Lakeview Addition; running thence north on the east line of Lot 6, Block 3 in Lakeview Addition; and dontinuing a line north on the east 1inB of Lot 3, Block 3 in Lakeview Addition and Lot 9, Block 2 in Lakeview Addition to the center line of the alley between Locust Street and Pine Street I in Campbell's Subdivision continuing north on the center line of the alley between Locust Street and Pine Street, and its extension I . ,~, through those tracts and parcels with no alley to the center line of Court Street; running thence east on the center line of Court Street to the. center line of Pine Street; running thence north on the center line of Pine Street to the south line of Lot 2 in Westervelt's Subdivision; running thence east on the south line of Lot 2 in Westervelt's Subdivis:Lon to the center line of Sycamore St.reet;, running thence northerly on the c:enter line ofS.ycamore Street to the center line or the alley between First and Second Streets r running thence easterly on the center line of the alley between First B.nd Second Streets to the center line of Vine Street; runninf?; thence northerly on the center line of Vine Street to the )ent.:;rline o'f Second Street; running thence westerly on the centerl:i.ne of Second Street to the. oenter line of SyoamoreStreet; running thence northerly on the center line of Sycamore Street to the~outherly line of South Front Street, being the point of beginning. Page 4 . I I I . ~usiness B (Cant.) ORDINANCE NO. 3393 Cant'cl. Section IV The zoning of lots, tracts and parcels of land described in this section shall run froM the center line of the adjoining street or streets to the center line of the adjoining alley. 1. Lot Seventoen (17) in Rome Subdivision. Gilbert's Subdlv:J.sion of Block One (1) in Gilbert's Second 2. 3. Aqd:l tj.on. Lots Four, Five, Six and Seven (4-5-6....7), Block Twenty-two (22) in Schimmer's Addition. 4. . Fractional Block Nine (9) in Gilbert:' s Second Addition. 5. Lots One, Two and ':rhree (1-2-3), Block One (1) in Lambert's Second Addition.' S. Lot Four (4), Block Twenty-seven (27) in Original Town now the , City of Grand Island. 7. Block Nine (9) and Sixteen (16), and the south 179 feet of Block Eight (8) in Pleasant Home Subdivision. Page 5 . I I I '. ORDINANCE NO. 3393 Cont'd. INDUSTRIAL Being all lots, tracts and parcels of lend bounded as follo\llls: Section I Beginning at a point being the intersection of the right-of-way center line of the Chicago, Burlington and Q\lincy Railroad Company with the section line between Sections 4 and 5, Township 11, North, ~ge 9, West, also known as the center line of U. S. Highway No. 281; running thence north on the section line between said Sections 4 and, 5, alga known as the center line of U. S. Highway No. 281 to the north line of Roberts Street in City of Grand Island; running thence east on the 'north line of said R~berts Street to the ,'east line of.the west half of the southwest quarter of said S1ction 4; running then'ce south on the east line of the \Illest half of the southwest quarter of said Section 4 to the right-of-way center line of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company; running thence northwesterly on the right-of-way center line of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company to the section line between said Sections 4 and 5, also known as the center line of U. S. Highway No. 28.1, being tr.e point of the beginning. Section II ;. , ..,...... Beginning a~ a point be:i,.ng the inters~ction of the northerly line or North Front Strest with the center line of Kimball Avenue; running thence northerly qn the center line of Kimball Avenue to the center line of the alley between Fourth and Fifth Streets; running thence easterly on the center line o.f the alley between Fourth and F'ifth Streets to the center line of Vine StrE;let; punning thence northerly 6n the center' line o.f Vine Street to the center line of Tenth Street; running thence easterly on the c,enter line of Tenth Street to the center line of Pluin Street also known .as the right-of-way center line of the, Chicajo, 'Burlington and Q~incy Railroad Company; running thence northerly on the center line of Plum Street also known as the right-of-way center line of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy ,Railroac1 Company to the center line of Twelfth Street;, running thence easterly on the center line of''rvvelfth Street to the section line between Sectjons 9 and 10', Township 11, North~ Range 9, West, also known as the center line of the Old St. Paul Road; running thence south on the section line between said Sections 9 and ).0 also known Page 1 . I I I '. ORDINANCE NO. 3393 Cont'd. Industrial (Cont.) as the center line of the Old St. Paul Road to the north line of Dwelling Place Adqition; running thence east on the north line of Dwelling Place Addition to the east line of Dwelling Place Addition; running thence soutb on the east line of Dwelling Place Addition to the south line of Dwelling Place Addition also being the north l:lne of Lot 22 in County Subdivision of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter, Section 10, Township 11, North, Range 9" iivest; running thence east on the no.rth line of said Lot 22 in County Subdivision to the center line of Che'l..'J'Y Street; running thence south on the center line of Cherry,Stre3t to the center line of Ninth Street; running thence easterly on the center line of Ninth Street to the center line of Superior Street; running thence southerly on the center line of Superior Street to the center line of Eighth Street; running thence easterly on the center line of Eighth Street to the center line' of Congdon Avenue; running thence southerly on the center line of Congdon Avenue to the center line of' Seventh Street; running thenge easterly ano east on the center line of Seventh Street to the wes t line of the eaa t half of the northeast quart~r of Section 10, TownShip 11, Nqrth~ Range 9, West; rqnning thenge north on the west line of the east half of. the north~ e~t quarter of said Section 10 to a point which is 33 feet south of the northwest corner 'of the east half of the northeast qua,rter of said Section 10 J running thence east on a line which is. 33 feet south of" and parallel to, the north section line of s aid Section 10" ,also being the sou'th right-of-way line qf Capital AV6pue ~.xtended e~st, to the section line between Secti.on .10 and 11, Township liA-North, Range 9, West; running thence south on the sectfon line between said Sections 10 ano 11 to a point which Is 330 south of the north.. W4'st corner of the southwe'st quarterof said Section ll; rqnning thence east on a line which is parallel tq and 330 feet south from the eaat~west quarter section line through said Section 11 to the, east line of the west half of the southwest quar.ter of said. Sectiot1 11; ~unning thence south on the east line of th~ Wssthalt of th. southwest quarter of said Section lito the northerly right-or-way lin~ of The Union Pacific Railroad Company; running thence westerly on the northerly right-of..way line of the Union Pacific Railroad Comp~ny to the west line of the s'outheast quarter of the-southeast Page 2 . I ORDINANCE NO. 3393 Cont'd. Industrial (Cant.) quarter of Section 10, Township 11, North, Range 9, West; running thence south on the west line of the s'outheast quarter of the south- east quarter of said Section 10 to the south line of South Front Street extended easterly; running thence westerly on the south I1ne of said South Front Street extended to the ea~terly line of the Original Town of Grand Island; running thence southerly on the easterly line of said Original Town to the center line of the alley between First and Second Streets; running thence westerly on the center line of the alley between First and Second Streets to the center line of Vine Street; running thence northerly on the cente~ line of Vine Street to the center line of,Second Street; running thence westerly on the center line of Second Street to the center line of Sycamore Street; running thence northerly on the center line of Sycamore Street to the southerly line of South Front Street; running thence westerly on the southerly line of South Front Street and its extension weeterly to the center line of Clark Street; running thence sout.herly on the center line of Clark Stre't to the center line of the alley between ThIrd Street and South Front Street; I running thence westerly on the center Hne of the alley between Third Street and South Front Street and its extension through those blocks wi th no alley to the center Hne of Harrison Street; running, thence northerly on the center line of Harrison Street to the southerly line of the Union Pacific Railroad Company right-of-way; running thence westerly on the southerly right-of-way line of the I . Union Pacific Railroad Company to the center line of Garfield Avenue; running thence southerly on the center line of Garfield Avenue to the center line of Third Street; running thence westerly on the center line of Thjrd Street to the center line of Arthur Street; running thence southerly on the center line of Arthur Street to the center line of Second Street; running thence westerly on the center line of Second Street to an extens J,on northerly of the easterly line of Lot 4, Block 14 in Ashton Place; running thence southerly on said extension nortberly of the easterly line ot: Lot 4, Block 14 in Ashton Place to the southeasterly corner of Lot 4, Block 14 lOn A ht PlOt' t 1 th th 1 s on ace; runnIng .lence wes ery on e sauer y line of Lots 4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10 of Block 14 in Ashton Place to the north-south quarter section line through Sections 17 and 20, Page 3 . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3393 Cant'cl. Industrial (Cant.) Township 11, North, Range 9, Nest; running thence north on the said north-south quarter section line through Sections 17 and 20 to the center line of George Street; running thence east on the center line of George Street to the center line of Darr Street; running thence north on the center line 6f Darr Street to the center line of Blake - Street; running thence east on the center line of Blake Street to the center line of the alley between Boggs Avenue and Nhite Avenue; running thence north on the center line of the alley between Boggs Avenue and White Avenue to the center line of North Front Street; running 'thence east on the center line of North Front Street to the center line of Broadwell Avenue; running thence north on the center line of Broadwell Avenue to the center line of the alley between North Front Street and Fourth Street, lying easterly of Broadwell Avenue; running thence easterly on the center line of said alley between North Front Street and Fourth Street to the center line of Eddy S'treet; running thence southerly on the center line of Eddy Street to the northerly line of North Front Street; running thence ....asterly on the northerly line of North Front street' and its extenf:liJon easterly to the center line of Kimball Avenue , being the point of beginning. Section III' - Beginning at a point being the intersection of the northerly line of Bis cheld Street with tl"'.e center line of Poplar Street; running thence northerly on the center line of Poplar Street to the center line of Tryon Street; running thence westerly on the center line of Tryon Street to the center line of Cherry Street; running thence northerly on the center line of Cherry Street to the east-west quarter section line through Section 15, Township 11, North, Range 9, West; running thence west on the east-west quarter section line of said Section 15 to the center line of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad ~ompany Belt Line; running thence northerly on the center line of the Chicago, 13urlington and Quincy Railroad Company Belt Line to the southerly mainline right-of-way line of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad CompanY;,runn5.rig thence southeasterly on the south- erly mainline right-of-way line of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company to a point which is the intersection of said southerly mainline right-of-way line with the northerly line of Pt'l.g.e 4 . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3393 Cont'cl. Industri'a1 (Cont.) 71 >., ~ . EischeId Street extended easterly; mnning thence Wi8tlterly on the northerly line of said Bischeld Street extension and. the northerly line of Bischeld Street to the center line of Poplar Street being the point of beginning, together with a strip of land 66 feet wide lying along the north side of the ea~t-wegt quarter section line in ,Sections 15, 14 and 13, Township 11..,. North, Range 9~ West extending from the southerly mainline right-of...way line of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company east to the bank of the north channel of the Platte River, commonly known as Wood Rivet'. Section IV Beginning at a point being the intersection of the center line of the Chicago~ Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company Belt. Line with the center line of Lincoln Avenue; running thence northerly on the center line of Lincoln Avenue to the southerly line of Windolph's Addition; running thence easterly on the southerly line of Windo1ph's Addition to the center line of Clark Street; running thence northerly on the center line of Clark Street to the center line of Anna Street; running thence easterly on the center line of Anna Street to the ce.nter line of Elm Street,; running thence southerly O.n the ,cente:r line of Elm Street. to the center line of Oklahoma Avenue; Z'llnning thence westerly on the cent~r line of Qklcahoma Avenue toLhacenter ~ine of the Chicago, Burlington an~ Quincy Railr~ad Company Belt :tine; running thenc~ southwesterly on, th~ center 'line of the Ohicago. Burlington and Quincy Railroad COlllPany Belt Line to the centeJ;> line of Lincoln Avenue, b~ing the point of pegi~ing. P13.gB 5 . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. (Cont'd.) 3393 SECTION II. That the City l;!;ngineer be, and he is hereby di- rected to prepare a map showing the various Use and Height Districts as herein set forth. SECTION III. That said original Section XIV of Ordinance No. 2162 and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION IV. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law provided. Passed and approved this 15th day of October, 1958. ATTEST: ;/,; /...#-~ ~~U~;f;;~OR4A/ ~.fr~~ . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. '1394 An Ordinance directing and authorizing the sale of certain real estate belonging to the Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska, to the County of Hall in the State of Nebraska, being a tract of land approximately 1488.4 feet in length known as that part of Pleasant View Drive extending from the South line of Pleasant View Addition to the City of Grand Island, to the South line of the West Half (W~) of the Northeast ~uarter (NEi) of Section Twenty-two (22), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska; providing for the giving of notice of said sale, and giving the terms thereof; and providing for the right to file a remonstrance against such sale. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE lVLAYOR AND COUNCIL OF' THE CrfY 01" GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That the sale of the real estate described as being a tract of land in the West Half (W.~) of the Northeast Quarter (NEi) of Section Twenty-two (22), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of said West half (Wi) of the Northeast Quarter (NEt) of Section Twenty- two (22), rfownship Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M. which point is 130 feet east of the center of said Sec- tion 'llwenty-two (22); running thence north parallel to and 130 feet easterly from the west line of said West Half (W~) of the Northeast Quarter (NEi) of Section Twenty-two (22), approximately 1488.4 feet to a point which is the intersection of the south line of Sunset Avenue with the west line of Pleasant View Drive extended southerly, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; running thence east along the sou th line of Sunset Avenue 60 feet to the eas t line of Pleasan t View Drive; running thence south on a line which is parallel to and 190 feet from the west line of the West Half (W~) of the Northeast Quar- ter (NEi) of said Section Twenty-two (22), approximately 1488.4 feet to Ute sou th line of sai d We s t half (W~) of the Northeas t Quarter (NEi) of said Section Twenty-two (22), running thence west 60 feet . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3394 (Cont'd) to the point of beginning; it being the intention to convey a southerly prolongation of Pleasant View Drive from the south line of Pleasant View Addition to the City of Grand Island, to the south line of the West Half (W~.) of the Northeast Quarter (NE~'), Section Twenty-two (22), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska. SEC'I'ION 2. The terms of such sale are as follows: The County of hall in the State of Nebraska, the purchaser, has agreed to pay the Ci ty of Grand Island for said tract of land the sum of One (~)1.00) Dollar, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the City shall not be required to furnish an abstract of title. It is understood that this conveyance to the purchaser is made upon the express con- dition that the same shall be used only as a public road. SECTION 3. As provided by law, notice of such sale and the terms thereof shall be published for three (3) consecutive weeks in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a newspaper published in and of general circulation in sald City of Grand Island, immediately after the passage and publication of this ordinance, and the City Clerk is hereby directed and instructed to prepare and publish said notice. SECTION 4. Authority 1.s hereby granted to the electors of the City of Grand Island, to file a remonstrance against the sale of the within described real estate; and if a remonstrance against the sale signed by legal electors of said City equal in number to thirty per- cent (30%) of the electors of the City of Grand Island, voting at the last regular election held in said City, be filed with the City Council within thirty (30) days after the passage and publication of this ordinance, such property shall not then, nor within one (1) year thereafter, be sold. SECTION 5. 'I'he sale of said real e sta te is hereby directed, authorized and confirmed; and if no remonstrance be filed against such sale, the Mayor and City Clerk shall make, execute and deliver to the County of Hall in the State of Nebraska a Quit Claim Deed . I I I . QRDINANCE NO. ~~94 (Gont'd.) for said property, and the execution of said deed is hereby author- ized without further action on behalf of the City Council. SECTION 6. ':Phat this Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as pro- vided by law. Passed and approved this ~tt. day of a ~ 1958. A'I'TEST: /" //. ./} /~/ 4~ ' 5i[P~i;i~. ~r MA. DB ~~T~ ORDINANCE NO. J'~ An Ordinance establishing a park for athletic contests, games and recreation, and providing that said park shall be . I called Ashley Field. WHEREAS, the lVIayor and City Council have been requested to provide another park for junior baseball, athletic contests, games and recreation, and WHEREAS, the City owns a tract of land containing 7.01 acres which lies adjacent to and directly east of Lincoln Park, and WHEREAS, it is fitting tbat said park should be named "Ashley l"ield" in honor of Victor W. Ashley who for many years has coached athletes and directed summer recreation in Grand Island. NOW, THEREFORE, BE rr ORDAINED BY T:E-IE; MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF TI-lE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That the said tract of land containing 7.01 I acres which lies adjacent to and directly east of Lincoln Park be, and the same is hereby established as a park for the City of Grand Island. SECTION 2. That said park be, and the same is hereby order- ed improved and equipped for junior baseball, and other athletic contests, games and recreation~. SECTION 3. Tha t said park be, and the same is hereby named II Ashley Fieldtl in honor of Victor W. Ashley, Walnu t J'unior High School Coach, Instructor, and Grand Island's Director of summer re crea ti on. SECTION 4. Th:L s Ordinance shall be in force and tI'l.ke effect I e from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Passed and approved this ~ti day of /;~ , 1958. ATTEST: eo,.;/' / /'7 ~ 4 // ~~:/w " ~-rc~~ ORDINANCE NO. 339~ An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1976 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, regulating the hours when . I persons under the age of 17 years shall be allowed on the streets, highways, parks and public places; fixing the duty and responsi- bility of the parents or legal guardian of such mihorpersons; providing penalties and repealing said original Ordinance No. 1976 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. BE rr OHDAINED BY frHE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF' frHE CI'rY OF GRAND ISIJ'iND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of seventeen (17) years to loiter, idle, wander, stroll, or play in or upon the public streets, highways, roads, alleys, parks, public places and public buildings, places of amusement and enter- tainment, vacant lots or other unsupervised places, 0.1" to ride in or upon, drive, or otherwise operate, any automobile, bicycle or I other vehicle in, upon, over, or through the streets, alleys, or other public places of the City of Grand Island between the hours of 10:30 O'clock P.M. and 6:00 O'clock A.M. of the following day, on all days of the week except on Friday and Saturday when the hours shall be from 12:00 o'clock midnight to 6:00 o'clock A.M. the following day, unless such person is accompanied by a parent, guardian, or other adult person having the legal care and custody of such minor person, or unless said minor person is upon an em- ergency errand or legitimate business, directed by his or her par- ent, guardian, or legal custodian. SECTION 2. It shall be unlawful for the parent, guardian, or other adult person, having the care and custody of a minor under I . the age of seventeen (17) years, to allow or permit such minor person to do any of the tClings or acts prohibi ted by Section 1 of this Ordinance unless said minor is accompanied by his or her par- ent, guardian or other adult person, having the legal care and cus- tody of the minor, or unless said minor is upon an emergency er- rand or legitimate business directed by his or her parent, guardian, or legal custodian. ORDINANCE NO. 339t (Gon t 1 (1. ) SECTION 3. It is further ordained that no minor person, ar- rested under the provisions of this Ordinance, shall be placed in confinement until he or she has been taken home, or the parent, . I guardian or legal custodian notified, and the arresting officer has ascertained whether or not such minor person is within the control of its parent, guardian or legal custodian; and if such parent, guardian or legal custodian shall state that said minor cannot be controlled by them, then such minor shall be proceeded against, otherwise the parent, guardian or custodian shall be pro- ceeded agains t. SECTION 4. Each violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 5. Each provision of this Ordinance shall be separate and Independent of all other provisions herein; and if any provLs- ion hereof shall be declared invalid, all other provisions thereof shall remain valid and enforceable. I SEc~rION 6. Arty person viola ting the provisions of this Or- dinance shall upon conviction, be fined in a sum not less than One (~;l.OO) Dollar or more than One Hundred (~~lOO.OO) Dollars for each offense, and shall stand committed until such fine and costs are paid. SECTION 7. 'J1hat Ordinance No. 1976 of the Ordinances of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be, and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 8. ~his Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this IlJth day of November ,1958. ~~ ?/ /.... / . //-) ..~~ (j?Z;!tw / -. f/t// lVLA Y , I . A 'J1TEST.: . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. ..JB.Et.7J-- An ordinance creating Sewer District No. 300 of the CitY,of Grand Island, ~ebraska, defining the boundaries thereof, providing for the lay;ingof a sewer in said district, and providing for the payment and collection of the cost of the construction thereof. BE 1':[' ORDAINED BY 'rRE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a sewer district in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to be known and designated as Sewer District No. 300. SECTION 2. The sewer in said district shall be laid in an easement lying adjacent to Blocks Fourteen (14) and Fifteen (15), Bogg's and Hill'S Addition, and Lots One (1), ':['WO (2), Three (3) and Pour (4) in Block Seven (7) of Dill and Huston's Addition. Said sewer shall be an extension of Sewer District No. 246, and shall extend from the west line of Lot Two (2) to the west line of Lot Eight (8), all in Block Fourteen (14) of Bogg's and Hill'S Addition to bhe City of Grand Island, Nebraska. SEC'I'ION 3. The sewer in said district is hereby ordered laid as provided by law and in accordance wi th the plans and spec:Lfica tions governing sewer districts as heretofore established by the City. SECTION 4. That 50% of the assessable cost of the construction of said sewe~ district shall be levied and assessed against Lots Three (3), Four (4), Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7) and Eight (8), Block Fourteen (14), Bogg's and Hill's Addition to the ~ity of Grand Island, Nebraska, and any and all lots, tracts and parcels of land now lying adjacent to and beyond the corporate limi ts of tree Ci ty of Grand Island, Nebraska which may hereafter be connected with and served by said sewer main, shall pay to the City of Grand Island the sum or sums hereafter fixed by the Mayor and City Council, sitting f as a Board of Equalization, as an assessment for the right of connect- ing with said sewer main. SECTION 5. 'rha t this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as pro- vided by law. Passed and approved this 5th day of November 1958. ~/ ~ _~f--~,1r;/ . f/ M YORe i/ ATTEST. l:~~ . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3398 An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Paving District No. 272 of the City of Grand Island, ~ebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE 1'1' ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF' frEE CITY OF' GFUiND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of Paving District No. 272 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found due and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the City Council, sitting as a Board of Equaliza- tion after due notice given thereof, as required by law, a special tax. Each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME ADDITION AMOUNT LOT BLOCK Raymond H. & Joan Amelia Donley 7 7 Parkhill Second $172.32 Subdivision Bernard & Shirley J. Greenberger It " It 531. 72 8 Rolland E. & Lucille J. Tonkin If It If 9 466.99 Leland A. & Garth O. Heasley Harold J. & Sadye M. Alstot George H. & Ula Sextro It 151.34 If \I 10 Parkhill Third Subdivision It It 1 10 469.36 " 2 234.68 Howard G. Eakes " 244.38 " " 24 25 HOWard G. EaJ.{e s " " " 488.77 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable, delin- quent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent in fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one-tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one-tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years, and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy. Each of said installments, except the first, shall bear interest at the rate of four (4%) percent per annum until the same becomes delinquent, and . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3398 (Cont1d.) each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of six (6%) percent per annum from and after such installment becomes delinquent until paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid within fifty (50) days from the date of this levy without interest; and in trRlt .event, such lots, tracts and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. SEC1.'ION 3. The Ci ty Clerk of' the C1 ty of Grand Island, Ne- braska, is hereby authorized to forthwi th certify to the Ci ty Treasurer of said City the amount of said taxes herein set forth, together with instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council of said City this the ./r~ day of 77~----v~ , 1958. A TTES'II : ~~~ OHDINAJ\fCE NO. 3300 7..:L--__ An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Paving District No. 275 of the City 01' Grand Island, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. . I BE D.l OHDiUNED BY lVLAYOH AJ:IJD COUNCIL OF' THE; CITY OF' GRAND ISLAJiJD, NEBHASKfi..: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose 01' paying the cost of Paving District No. 275 01' said City, in accordance with the benefits found due and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the City Council, sitting as a Board 01' Equaliza- tion after due notice given thereof, as required by law, a special tax. Eac]lof the sevorallots, tracts and parcels of land is assess- ed as follows: NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION AJVI:.JUN ~' Lee E. & Gwen R. Lubeck 30 5 Morris Third ('I!; \( 71.22 I James H. & Hazel Rosella Vohland 31 " !l " 318.86 Clarence O. Jr. & Maude .c.,. WE1.lters ~52 II tI II 580.87 Gregory S. & Audrey M. O'Hourke 12 6 tl II 576.11 Delaine A. & Roselan G. Dunagan :}.3 It 1f " 30'1.94 Joseph J. & Delores Pritchard 14 " II II 97.90 John B. & Lucille 1<'. Mullin 1 5 Morris Fourth 940.34 Dean L. & Mary S. Rogers 2 II tt " 695.44 Prancis J. & Mildred 1\1 Dingwer th 3 " " II 4'17.80 I . Robert H. & Lucille M. Carlisle 4 " II tl 376.58 Harold H. 8c Doris Whitcomb 5 !l II tl 376.58 Zigmund I. 8c Margaret J. Placzok 6 t! It !I 3'76.58 LeRoy Jr. & Ruby Hickey 7 II It II 376.58 Thomas & Marcella McMinamen 8 1I " II 376.58 . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. NAME Donald D. & Hedwig S. Minnenga Kenneth H. & Alta Mae Phillips Donald D. & Dorothy M. Nielsen Fred C. (y:, Carol D. Palmgren Charles D. & Marie K. Simpson James B. & Maxine M. Baldwln Henry William & Mary Jane Kleyweg Edwin E. & Betty L. Biesecker Charles E. & Mae L. Wilson Clifford R. & Irene D. Boehnke Harold R. & Marjorie Lee Klein William B. & Florence C. Dietrich William H. & Florence C. Diotrich W 1/2 W. Wayne & G. ,Sybil Lanman IE 1/2 . Wayne & G. Sybil Lanman Edward H. & Loretta C. Arnold Edward B. & Loretta C. Arno 10. V'l 30 I :F'rieda Knickrebm E 301 Frieda KnlckreLun Donald W. & Caroline M. McDannel Virgil P. & Margarette lVi. .i-~i~j.(.LU~JU11 Eugene R. & Lois Beckler William C. & Anna M. Blauhorn Willis C. F. & Kathryn M. Unger 27 Harold A. & Regina A. Weber ~399 LOT BLOCE. 9 10 11 12 13 14: 15 16 9 10 11 17 18 !l 19 20 21 !l 22 23 24 25 26 28 5 II II II n II It II 6 11 II 1 II !l !l II it II !I II II If II II II (Contld.) ADD 1'1' ION Mor1'i s Fourth II II Ii II II tI !I II II II Knickrebm II tl II II If II n " II II II II II II II II 11 II " II " " II AIVlOUN'r ,.JL. 376.58 qp 376.58 376.58 376.58 376.58 376.58 376.58 351.47 97.90 304.94 576.11 351.47 IG8.29 108.29 376.58 376.5t5 l8U.29 222.49 444.98 444.98 376.58 376.58 376.58 376.58 ;:-576.5[3 r . I I I . OHDINAIifCE NL)o-J.J9.L ,_ (Cont! d. ) NAlVJ.E: Lorr' BLOCK ADDEL'ICN AMOUNT Donald A. & Geraldine E. Jackson 29 Knickrehm dl'31"'16 58 'iP ( . 1. Frank L. & Alma A. Scovill H 30 l! 376.58 Charles P. & Doris Mae True !l 31 II 376.58 Lacy 15i) 11dhig & Supply Company l! 32 n 415.31 SEc'crON 2. 'The taxe~) so levied shall becoine payable, delin- quent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent in fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; ono-tenth in three years; one-tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years, one-tenth in six years; one-tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years, and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy. Each of said installments, except the first, shall bear interest , at: the rate of four (4%) per cent per annum until the samo becomes delin- quent, al d each of tne delinquent .installments shall draw interest at the rate of six (6%) per cent per annum from and after such in- stallment becomes delinquent untIl paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaId lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid within fifty (50) da)Vs from the date of this levy witlwut interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. SEC'I'ION 3. The Ci ty Clerk of tne Ci ty of Gr>and I~Jland, Nebraska, lS hereby authorized to forthwith certify to the City Treasurer of said City the amount of said taxes herein set forth, together with instructions to collect the same as provided by law. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, appr>oval and publication as provided by 10. IN . Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council of said Gity this the._~12th day of November , 1958. /./. fiUil ,j',_.. .:/' #^!? p/~ Ji,/ ". . / ;Ir&i&: . -1fJ- .~-------- V MA' 0,. I A~~TEsrr: ~~~/Lh r :f"T\~;:");r------- .; I LI Cl,l.'Jhh ORDINANCE NO. ~400 An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Paving District No. 276 of the City of Grand Is- land, .L~ebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. . I BE IT ORDAINED BY 1'RE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF '-PRE CITY OF GRAND ISLiiND, NEBHASKA: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set for th, for the purpose of paying the cost of Paving District No. 276 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found due and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said dis trict by the Ci ty Council, sitting as a Board of Equaliza- tion after due notice given thereof, as required by law, a special tax. Each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME Iola Grimrl1inger N 1/2 S 1/2 N 1/2 S 1/2 I Anna Lykke Iola Grimminger Anna Lykke Merrill R. & Gertrude Impecoven, & Henry C. & Ruth I. Bach Verne D. & Marie M. Ilainline W 1/3 E 2/3 Helen A. Bradstreet Verne D. & Marie M. Hainline N 102 1/2' Rosalia & Maria Briseno S 29. 5 f II Verne D. & Marie M. Hainline I . Verne Hainline E 1/2 W 1/2 Annie Grimminger Ica Irene Darling SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable, delin- LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMOUNT 3 Original r.I'own ~~241. 47 58 If If 241.47 " " 4 II It 482.92 " tf " tf If 482.92 5 tf 965.85 It II 6 If II 178.68 If " " " If 304:.25 1 It 750.00 Il 59 It " 215.85 " 2 1I 482.93 " " 7 II .265.78 231.01 " If " " " If 8 59 " 993.57 " quent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent in fifty (50) days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in ORDINANCE NQ. 3400 (Cont'd.) three years; one-tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one-tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years, and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this . I levy. Each of said installments, except the first shall bear interest at the rate of four (4%) percent per annum until the same becomes delinquent, and each of the delinquen t installments shall draw interest at the rate of six (6%) percent per annum from and after such installment becomes delinquent until paid; pro- vided, however, that the entire amount so levied and asse s sed a- gainst any of the aforesaid lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid within fifty (50) days from the date of this levy without interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. SEcrrrON 3. The Ci ty Clerk of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Ne- braska, is hereby apthorized to forthwith certify to the City Treasurer of said City the amount of said taxes herein set forth, I together with instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. '1'hi s Ordinance shall be in force and take effec t from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by la w . _ Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the Ci ty Council of said Ci ty this the 19th day of November , 1958. ,. ,,/ /...."'..-/ A '1lfrE S '11 : /~ ~4tff~ {,/ I YOR +c;~~ I . ORDINANCE NO. 3410J An Ordinm ce levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the laying of certain service pipes and connections with the water . I main existing in Paving District No. 290 of the City of Grand Is- land, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. WflliREAS, on the 4th day of June, 1958, the City Council passed Qrdinance No. 3353 creating Paving District No. 290 of said City, ;"1nd WHEREAS, a certain lot, tract and parcel of land hereinafter described did not have water service connections with the water main existing in such paving district and such water services were installed and provided for by the City of Grand Island through its Water Department before the streets in said Paving District were paved, and WIIERl!.:AS, the cost of making such water services must be paid by the tax payers Whose property is served by such water service I connections, and vmEHEAS, tele City Council shall by ordinance levy a special tax against the property served and benefitted by such water ser- vice in all cases where the property pwner has failed to pay to the said City of Grand Island the cost of installing and providing such water service connection. NOW, TIiEHEFORE, BE IT OHDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF ~C'HE C1'YY' OF GHAND ISLAND, NEBHASKA: SEC'I'ION 1. 'l'ha t there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against the lot, tract and parcel of land hereinafter set forth benefitted by the construction,of certain pips lines and water ser- vice connections with existing water main in Faving District No. 290; I . said lot, tract and parcel of land so benefitted is assessed in the sum set opposite the description as follows: ADDITION AMOUNT NAME LOT BLOCK Willis W. Whetstone 3 10 Baker'S Addition $ 36.00 . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 3401 (Cont'd. ) SEC TION 2. 'Ehe several amoun ts here ln as se s sed shall be a llen upon the premlses hereln described from and after the date of the levy hereof and the same shall bear in tero st a t the rate of six (6%) per cent per annum from the date of the passage of th:Ls ordinance. SEc'rION 3. 'l'he City Clerk is hereby instructed to certify to the Clty Treasurer said special taxes together with instructions to collect the same as in the case of other special taxes. SEC'I'ION 4. 'Ehis ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as by law pro- vided. Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council, this the 19th day of November, 1958. A ~:' 'I'I'; S 'I' : ".- r ./}. ,../) ";/ / /:// ;t:/ ~<< Wi fYdt?1 . tdt.. . rf /~llVIAYOR tJ ff~S'~rnK ORDIN.AN CE NO. 3402 An Ordinance creating a paving district in the City of Grand ~sland, Nebraska; defining the boundaries thereof; providing for . I the paving of the street,#in said dIstrict, and providing for the- assessment and collection of the costs thereof. BE IT OHDAINED BY 'rmc lVIAYOn AND COUNCIL OF 'CHE CIlry OIl' GRAND ISLAND, N.2:J3RA;:';KA: SEC'jlIQN 1. 'Chat there is hereby created a paving district in the City of G:r'and Island, Nebraska, to be known as Paving Dist:C'J.ct No. 898. SEc'rION 2. The streets in said paving district whlch are to be paved are as follows: In Plum street from Second Street to Su therland Street; [:)u therland Street from Plum Street to Cherry Street; in Cherry Street from Sutherland Street to the south line of MacArthur Avenue, and in Bischeld Street from Cherry Street to a point One Hundred (100) feet easterly of the center line of Beal I Stree t as originally pIa tted. SEC'l'10N 'Z 0. ffhe s trie e i$ irl said paving distI':Lct 1l,zv~ereby o~- dered paved as provided by law and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing paving districts as heretofore established by the Ci 'cy-, said paving to be 36 feet in w:Ld th. SECrrICJN 4. That uu tb.ori ty is hereby granted to the owners of the record title, I'epresenting a majority of the abutting property owners In said district, at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, to file wi th the Ci ty Clerh: wi th:ln twenty (20) days from thB first publication of the notice creating said district, as pro- vlded by law, written objection to pavinG of said district. SEC'l'ION 5. Il"na t au thuri ty is hereby gran ted to the ,Jwners of I . tbe record title, representing a majo:eity of the abutting property owners, within said district, to file 'with the City Clerk, within tne time provided by law, a petition for the use of a particular kind of material to be used in the paving of said street. If such owners shall fail to designate the material they desire to be used in said paving district as pI'ovided for above, and wi thin the ORDINANCE NO.--J402 time provIded. by law, tl:1e Cl.ty Council shall determine the mater- ial .to be used. . I SECTION 6. That the cost of paving in said district shall be assessed again t the lots, tracts and parcels of land especially benefitted thereby, in proportLm to such beneL'its to be determin- ed by the City Council as provided. by law. SEC TI 7. 'That' trlis ordinan oe shall be in force and take effect from and after lts passage, approval and publication as provIded by law. passed and approved by a majority vote of all the members of the City Council this theJ9th day of Nove~ber _______.' 1958. A ~lfrES'r : ,~;~~';'. ,~? ~~ ,,;/e .' . _,: /.d.~' I' ". f') D &-/ V \L~1. -IL~_~.S~ ~TTc"\ Tr,r- -C'7L~TR-K --- ) _.L Y. .., " I.. I I . aHD INAN C E NO. -3..404____.~____ An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Paving District No. 281 of the City of Grand 1s- . I land, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE rr OHDAINED BY MAYOR AND COUNCIL OP GITY OP GRAND ISIJ\ND, NEBRASKA: SEC'T'ION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for Lhe purpose of paying the cost of Paving District No. 281 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found due and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the Cit~ Council, sitting as a Board of Equaliza- tion after due notice given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assess- eO. as follows: NAME LOT BLOCK Frac. Frac. 6 26 Fra c . 7 It Fra c . 8 II 8 TCl j;lrac. 27 ADm: 'I'l ON A.lVIOUNT I Ci ty of Grand I sl and (Park Department) Schimmer's Addition ~p52~).. 73 City of Grand Island (Park Department) " 268.13 City of Grand Island (Perk Departmen t) n 110.04 William B. & Virginia E. Hight N 661 " 63 . 02 Victor C. & lla Pearl Olson S 661 8 " If 63.02 l~l..J.ll'am ~ · V~ral'n~Ln ~ j, ::::;. CG J. c> . C\. .w. H:'Lght 9 II II 307.17 Bernhard I'. & Christine Kemper 10 " " 599.71 I . SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable, delinquent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent in fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three ye8.1:'s; one- tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one-tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years, and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy. Each of said installments, OIillINANCE NO. ':\404 ___ ( Con t ! d. ) except the firs t, shall bear in tere st a t tee ra to of four (41~) per . I cent per annum until the same becomes delinquent, and each of the ~.- delinquent installments shall draw interest at the rate of six per- cent (6%) per annum from and after such installment becomes delin- quent until paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots, tracts and parcols of land may be paid within fifty (50) days from the date of this levy without interest; and in that event, such lots, tracts and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for in- tere st. SECTION 3. The City Clerk of the City of Grand Island, ~e- braska is hereby authorized to forthwith certify to the City 'l'rea- surer of said City the amount of said taxes herein set forth, to- gether with instructions to collect tho same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. TIlis ordinance shall be in force and take effect I from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by 113. IN . Passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the City Council of said City this the .1.7.th.--- day of Decem'Qer 1958 . ~'I~y;dkC'~"'i'I.JI{ C 1. _ J.Jt, l _ A rl".rE~) rj' : I . ORDINANCE NQ,.--340.5 An Grdi.nance levy~i..ng special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Paving District No. 283 of the City of Grand Is- land, :Jobra,';ka, and providing for tile coLLection 'CLoy-oaf. . I HL'; ITl ORDAINED BY rrEE IVLAYOR AND C UUNCIL CITY' IS IJI\.J<f j) , I'J.i}~ :BFf.J\ ;-3ICA : SEe'L1ION 1. 'l'hat thore is hereby levIed and l:.1.ssessed GRAND aga:Ln,g t the sevecal lots, tracts and parcels of Lmd hereinafter set fortIl, for <,he purpose of paying tho cost of p'av:Lng District No. 283 of sa.:ld Ci ty, in ac cordance wi th the benefi t,3 found. due and as se s sed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by tilO City Council, sitting as a Board of Equaliza- tion after due notice given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assess- ed as fa llows: HAJIIE: 1JOT BLOCK ADD 1'1'1 em Will.Lam H. & Dorothy F'arrall I'T .1:J. . 10 6 Ashton place iN 38.25' I William H. &, Dorothy H. Farr-all E 25.5' 11 II II It F1 il J~; . (y~ t '0.~l I1. J.:.;11ington vV 1/2 II II II 11 .1:". E. & Be t ty L. l:alingt~lD 1I 1I 12 II Paul Sotbrilan 13 11 1I 11 Paul ,So thman 14 II If !I Edwin W. & Arlene K. IJ[:;luy-ina t 1 r' II II II ...0 Fru e . 1 8 l! II 2 II It II 3 !I II If Parkhill Sub- Division & Ash- ton Place William D. & Florence A. uernagle Jeannette C. Nagelstoclr Jeannette C. ~agelstock I . Harley G. & Agnes E. Candish A rectangular tract of ground 140 reet in depth and 70 feet in width., being the westerly 26 feet of Fractional Lot 19 and the easterly 44 feet of Fracti;)nal Lot 18, a.D. in block One (1) Parkhill Sub-division, and their complemen ts being the AlVIGUNT ~~j) 128.29 141.87 15:2.16 60:3.97 577.03 280.90 122. 55 577. 47 2E36.02 11'7.00 ~:;3;3.47 ORDINANCE NO. 340L_(Cont1cl.) Nl'dVIE LOT BLO:CK ADDI'I' I ON ----- AIfI <[nJN'T . I wosterly 26 foot of Fraction- al Lot 23 and the easterly 44 fcot of FractioQal Lot 22 all in Fractional Block 8 of Ash- ton Place. Albert B. & lVI. Elizaboth Osborn A rectangular tract of ground 52 foe t by 80 feet, the sou th- east corner of which is the southeast corner of Fractional Lot 20 inUlock One (1) Park- hill Sub-Division, said tract having a frontage of 52 feet on Arthur' Street and a front- age of 80 feot on John Street, located upon Fractional Lot 20 and the eH~Jterly 26 feet of Fractional Lot 19 in Block One (1) Parkhill Sub-Divis:'ion, and upon Lot 24 and tho Oas terly ~~6 feet of Fractional Lot 23 both in Block 8 of Ashton Place. Parkhill Sub- ~253.50 Division & Astlton Place I Irving J. & Arlene E. Hansen A part of Fractional Lots 23 and 24 in Fractional Block 8 Ashton place and a part of Frac- tional Lot 19 in Block One (1) of Parktlill Sub-Division: com- mencing at the northeast corner of Fractional Lot 24 in Frac- tion Block 8 Ashton Place; thence westerly on the northerly line of Fractional Lots 23 and 24 in Frac- ~i0nal Block 8 Ashton Place, 80 feet; thenco southerly and paral- lel to the easterly line of said Fractional Lot 24, 88 foet; thence easterly and parallel to the north- erly lines of said Fractional Lots 23 3nd 24, 80 feet to the westerly line of Arthu:C' Strt)o t, thence northerly on the westerly line of Arttmr Street, 813 feet to the place of beginning. Par~hill Sub- 428.90 Division & Ashton Place SECTION 2. 'r'he taxes so levied shall become payable, delinquent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become dol:1nquent in fifty days from the date of this levy; one-tenth I . in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in throe years; one- tenth in four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one-tenth In,seven years; one-tenth in eight years, and ono-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy. Each of said installments, except the first, shall bear irlterest at the rate of four (4%) per cont per annum until the same becomes delinquent, and each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at the pate of six (6%) OHDINANCE NO. 1405 (Cont!(L) per Gont pOl' annum frorn and after su Gh :Lns tallmen t be come 8 de- linquent until paid; prov:Lded,however, that Lno entire amount . I 80 levied and assessed against any of the aforosaid lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid within fifty (50) days from the date of this lev;y without interest; and In tiat event, such lots, tracts and parcels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for :Lnterest. SEC1'ION 3. fI'tJC Ci ty Clerk of the Ci ty of Grand Island, Ne- braska Is hereby aut~orized to forthwith certify to the City Treas- u:re of sald Ci ty Lbe arnount .c> 0.1 said taxes herein set fortn, to- gether witn instructicms to collect the same, as provldod by law. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Po. s sed und approved b;V a ma j or i ty vo te of (.he member's of the City Council of said City this the 3rd Day of December, 1958. I AfJ'TES f1': ,,/L -Y~ ~~,~__c_ I . ORDINANCE NO. ... ..... ____.3-40.6 An Ordinance pertaining to the collection and transportation of garbage, trash and refuse; fixing the rates to be charged for tne collection of garbage and trash materials by the City of Grand Island and all pri va te collec tors thereof; providing certain . I rules and regulations pertaining to the collection of the same; amending Section 1 of Ordinance NO-t 3054 pertaining to the charges to be paid to the City Of Grand Island by private collectors for the use of the city dump; fixing the tim&; that provJ_sions of this ordinance shall become effective; regulating the hour collection of garbage may start in residential districts; providing penalties and repealing Section 1 of Ordinance No~ 3054, and all othe~ ordinances, parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith~ BE rf ORDAINED BY 'l'llE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF' 'liHE CITY OF' GRAND I SLAN D, NEBHASKA: SECfl'H)}iJ 1. That from and after the 1st day of J-anuary, 1959, the monthly charges to be paid to the City of Grand Island and to all persons and firms engaged in the collection and transportation I of garbage, tx'ash an d refu:se shall be as folloWIll2 Residential (Single family dwelling) Residential (Multiple family dwelling) Residential (Multiple family dwelling) Residential (Multiple family dwelling) Hesidential (Multiple family dwelling) Besidential (Multiple family dwelling) Each additional family unit over 6 1 unit 2 units 3 units 4 uni ts 5 units 6 units 1~50 2..40 3.30 4~20 5.,10 6..00 ..60 ('l'tle rates above fixed for residence$ and apartments is based upon two (2) pickups per week). SECTION 2. ,A tlpickup~t in a residential di$trict shaLL consist of one (1) garbage can full 01' the size permitted by City Ordinance, and four(4) additional regular size basketsj boxes, sacks or bundles. SEcrrION 3.. All tree limbs and branche~ mU$t be cut so that none shall be more than five (5) feet in length and the Slame shall be I . tied in bundles not to exceed fifty (50) pounds in weight. SEC'l'ION LJ:~ Pickups 81.t cOlwnercial or buel1ness establisJ]..rnents shall be governed by the average amount of garbage or refuse pi~ked up per week and billed according to the following schedule: . I I I . OHDINANCE NO. ,.[ (Continued) 3400-- . For two (2) pi ckup s per weel<:, che charge sha 1. range from $3.00 minimum to $25.00 maximum per month. Where six (6) pickups per week 0re made the charge shall range from ~~5. 00 minimum to ~p48. 00 maximum per month. SEC~CION 5. 'I'1-1at Section No.1 of Ordinance No. 3054 of the Ordinances of tLLe City of Grand Island be, and tl-18 same is hereby amended to read as follows: Prom and after the Is t day of J-anuary, 1959, any per- son, firm, associa t:Lon or corpora ion enga[;ed in the business of collecting garbage, refuse and waste mat- erials, and all persons, firms, associations or cor- porations licensed to c61lect and dispose of their or its own garbage, refuse and waste mateT'ials in truck loads at the city dump, shall pay to City of Grand Island for such dumping privileges for each truck load as follows: 'I'ruck box witLc capacity of up to 10 cu. yds. Truck box with capacity of over 10 cu. yds. .25 pen' load .40 per load SECTION 6. Any persons hauling such items as waste materials from building construction or repair, factory waste, or refuse from industrial plants of any character, or debris as a result of wreck- lng b:dldJ. s, and suc items as concrete slE-lbs, stones, pla,c1ter, etc., shall be clw.rged a \pl.OO dumping fee for such load. SEc'nON 7. j;"or the collection of larger quanti ties of trasll and refuse materials, not in containers, from premises wherever sit- uated and not intended to be removed in the usual garbage collection servlce, a aha rge of rrCu"ee Do lJa rs and Sixty Cents (;li;3. 60) per hour shall be paid for eactl man engaged in the collection of such materials. SECTl 8. The schedule of ratesCJ.ereln provided for the col- Ie ctLm of garbage, trash and waste ma terials shall be charged by the City of Grand Island and by any and all persons and firms engaged in such business, and it shall be unlawful for any person or firm engaged in the collection and transporta on of the same to charue 1;':) rates in excess of such established rates. It shall further be un- lawful for any pe:C'son or firm so engaged to underbid another and haul such garbage and waste materials at a lower rate. SEc'rION 9. Any person or firm who shall violate the provisions of this ordinance shaLl upon conviction be fined in any sum not ex- ceedlng One Hundred (~~100. 00) Dollars, and shall stand c01mn:L tted to the City J-ail until suc fine and costs are paid. In addition thereto the City Council shall summon such violator to appear before the Ci t~T " '" OHDINANCE lIT:). __-3.4D.6. (Cont'd.) Council to show cause why his license to collect and transport garbage and trash materials should not be revoked, and the City . I Council, after holding such hearing, may revoke the license of any such person or persons to engage in such business. SECTION 10. It shall be unlawful for any collector of garbage and trash to start the collection thereof in residential districts before the hour of 6:00 O'clock A.M. SEC'I'ION 11. 'liha t See tion 1 of Ordinance rro. 3054 of the Or'- dinances of the City of Grand Island, and all other ordinances, or parts of ordinances, and resolutions in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 12. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect as herein provided and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Passed and approved this the 3rd day of December, 1958. I A 'I'TESfr: ::1L_. ~ {;j,6--- ~ __L __~JIL"_ I . CRDINAF!GE NO. _--- 3407 An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Pav:Lng District No. 2'79 of the City of Grand Island, ~ebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. '. I BE II].I () BDA INIm BY MAYOR AND CC!UJ\iCIL OT:' 'I'IIii; CITY 01:1; GRAND I SL\j\jD, NE13rU~SKA : SEcrJ:lION 1. 'filat there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set forth, for' U~e purpos e of pay:Lng the cas t of Paving D:L str c t No. 279 of sai d Ci ty, in ac co rdance with thebenefi ts found due and as se s sed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the City Council, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notice given tileI'eof, as required by law, a special tax; eacu of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME LOT BLOCK ADDlrl'ION AMOUNT I' H. & Frances ueorge Muriel Stalker 5 7 Claussen's " 244.63 {I,. ~jJ I Country View Gene H. 8c Norma R. lVIuPl'ay 6 II II II 501.82 A. E. & Shirley Ann Br'adway IN 56' 7 II II II 3,52.96 Zele E. & Ste lla L. Smi th E 23' 7 II II II 144.97 Zele E. &, Stella L. 3m i th 207.99 ./\ tract of land 331 in width and 90' in length being form- erly a part of PIUllJ Stree t, now vaca ted, lYJ.ng directly east and adjacent to Lot 7, Block 7. Steadman D. & Charlene 1VL. Cox 'iN 29' 1 8 II 11 182.78 Steadman D. & Charlene M. Cox 170.18 I A tract or- land 271 in width and 90' in length being form- erly a part of plum Stree t, . now vacated, lying directly west a d adjacent to Lot 1, block 8. Avery b;dwin & Beth Earleen Gaddie E 48.5' 1 II II II 305.69 Avery .D d wi n &, BetL Earleen GadcH e W 7.51 2 11 It 1I 47.27 ORDINANCE NO. 3407 ( Con t ' d. ) NATVIE Lore BLOCK ADDI 'l'I ON ANI OTJNT ChI':lst (' Bethyl z. (j2 Johnson VV 56' of Claussen's E 70' 2 8 Country Vlew d~35" 96 ,+p t:, . . l)aul L. & Arla Joan Hall T.~l 14' It 1I " II 88.24 .CJ I Paul L. & AI'la Joan 264;.72 Hall A tract of land 42' in width and 90' in length being form- erly a par t of Eugene Street, now vacated, lying directly east and adjacent to Lot 2, block 8. James lJ\[ . & Lilah Smith Vi! 38' 1 9 1I " 239.51 Sames W. 63 Lilah Smlth 11~5. 45 A tract of land 18' in wi,d th and 90' in lengtb beino' form;.. c,J 8rl;y [{ par't 01' Eugene Street, now vacated, lying dire ctly west and adjacent to Lot 1, Block 9. Duane L. & Eileen E . York E 53.5' 1 " " 11 33'7.20 Walter J. & Phyllis L. I Charlesworth 1 10 II II 543.74 Berna pd p & DOI'Othy A. . Jordan 2 II II II 140.20 Vauglm I~ . & Winona lVI. IHright N 66' 1 11 If 11 3fSO.86 IN. W. & Delma G. Arm- s t1'ong n 23' 1 " 11 il 67.54 ,:) W. W. " Delma G. AI'm- CL strong N 43' 2 Ii II II 107.89 Fred A. & Dorothea L. Meier S 69.1' 4 1I It " 435.fS3 Duaine & LaVerne HabourYl N 20' 4 It II tI 126.06 Duaine & LaVerne HabourYl S 46' 5 " It 1I 289.93 Leonard }Ii . D: J.:;lva (' v. I Dawson N 43' II 1I " 1I 378.91 Leonal"d F' Q Elva G. . (Y,: . Da.wson S 23' 6 1I II II 212.fSl Victor D & Margaret A. . Bruckman l\f 661 ro t! 1I " 766.85 0 P tte Valley Baptist Conference, a Corporation N 67' 1 12 " IT 778.23 . I I I . DHDINAI\iCE NO. 3407 (Cont'd.) NAME LO'.C BLOCK ADDI 'I' :1 ON A IVJ () UN'r --- -- 12 Claussen' s J:083 59 'i:)(:..., \... · Coun try View 11 Ii Ii &'392 20 th)" .-' II 11 II 27'7.33 tl It I! 144.97 II It It 493.00 II 1I II 109.1'7 II II tl 423.42 W. Robert & Virginia R. Shirey S 22' 1 W. Robert & Virginia 1\. SLJ.=L.r~ey N 451 2 Donald S. & Marcella M. Glasgow S 44' n Donald S. & Marcella M. Glasgow N 23' 3 Nitzel & Company Except N 23' 3 Dodge Development Com- pany 5 Donald A. & Mary L. Nearhood 6 Hobert BI'uce & barbara Jean Karle 2 Andel'son Sub-Division 491.62 Chester L. Hugo 3 It ll' 581. 76 Chester L. Hugo 6 II II 581.76 Louis W. & Mary Ann Scheel II II 491. 62 7 SEC'I'ION 2. The ta:xes so levied shall become payable, delin- quent and draw interest as law provide , as follows: One-tenth shaLL become delinquent :L11 fIfty da;ys fr()m the date of th:L s levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in Ulree years; one-tenth four years; one-tenth in five years; one-tenth in six years; one-tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years; and one-tenth In nine ycars frcmJ tLe datc of thLs levy. Ji:ach. of said installments, except the first, shall bear interest at the rate of foal' (Ll;-rS) per cent pel' i:Omnum until the same becomes delinquent, and eac oJ.' delinquent installments shall draw int rest at the rate of six (6%) per cent per annum from and after sue installment bccomes delinquent until paid; provided, however, that tho cntire amount so levied and assessed against any of aforesaId 10 ts, tracts, and parcels of land may bo paid within fifty (50) days from the date of tLds levy without interest; and in tnat event such lots, tracts and parccls of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge fOI' intcn"cst. OHDD\JlUCE NO.__----1~_91._._( Cant I d. ) SEc~C'rON 3. ~.'he Ci ty Clerk of' the City of Grand Island, NebrUiiL::a, is hereby auth,::rized to fortnwlth cert:Lfy to the Clty Treasurer of said City tUe amount of said taxes herein set forth, . I togetncr with instructions to collect same, as provided by law. SEC~L'J;).N 4. 'l'hJ.s Ordinance sha :1 be in :['oI'ce and take effect frcy, and after 1 ts passage, approval and publication as pI'ovided by law. Passed and approved b a majority vote of the menilieI's of the City Council of [)aid City S tl-18 -l.Z.th- of _~eceIl!P'er_._.._.__' 195L A'I'TES'l' : ~.d. S ~ ~~CI ,y.-.-CI,E:F{lC..-......-.-----. I I . . I I I . ORDI1'TANCE NQ. 3408 An Orcd.nan ce levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Paving District No. 280 of the City of Grand Island, Nebr'a;31w, ane) pf'ovidlng for tne collection thereof. BE 1'1' OHDAINED BY 'T'rL:'~ JvIAYOH AND COUNCIL OP II'HE CI1'Y OF' GHAND ISLAND, NEBB.ASY,A: SEC '1' H) i\: 1. 'I'ha t thore is hereby lev:Led and assessed against the sever 1 lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter se.t forth, for the purpose of paying for the cost of Paving District No 280 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found due and assessed against each of the several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district the City Council, sitting as a Board of Equalization after due notl ce give::! Licpe of, as requ ired by law, a spe cial tax; eacL of the sevorD.l lots, tracts parcels of land Is assessed as follows: N AIVIE LOT BLOCK ADDI'l' I ON Clarence John Jp. & IVlary N. He i tan 1 7 Parkhill Second Sub-Division Donald L. & Huth D. rzog 2 If II II Holland E. & Lucille J. 'I'onkin It II II 9 LeLan d A. 1:10 a s ley & Gapth O. heasley It II II 10 Bob j..J. & Mal'y A. Hunt II II II 11 Milan D. & Allene R. sh II !l II 12 F'pancis h. & ~velyn ~. Purdy 11 tl II 1'" ,:) Alvin E., Jp. & Donna B. Pendle ton tl H II 14 Vera E. Newman It It It IE) Edgar 1>;. & Verona Ackerman II II 16 II City of Grand Island II 11 1 8 EmeI'son IJ. & Fern E. DI'OU lIard II II \I 2 Hay G. & Fae E. Adolf II 11 II 3 Irvin P. & Huby M. Meves II II II 4 Theodore P. & Nadean A. Hoelck II II 5 II AlVI 0 UN'l' 549.06 187.79 5;34.13 575.88 575.E3E3 4E36.96 575.88 486.96 651. 89 994.81 421.69 606.19 486.96 575.88 4::36.96 ORDINANCE NO. i408 ( Con t I d. ) NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION AMCJlJNT Irvin P. & Ruby M. Nieves 6 8 Parkhtll Second $575.88 Sub-Division . I .irvin P. & Ruby IVl. Nleve s 7 lJ If II 575.88 Irvin P. & Fluby M. Meves 8 II II 1I 575.88 Irvin P. & Ruby M. Meves 9 11 If II 619.84 I Pirst Presbyterian_ Church of' Grand Island, NebI'aslm A tract of land located in the sou thwe st Quarter of the North- WG s t G~u al"'ter (SW-i-N\iV-4") and the Northwest Quarter' of the South- wast C:~parter (NW-~SW.~) of Sec- tion 21, Township 11, North, Range 9 West of the 6th P.M., 11 County, NebI'aska, bounded on the north by Anna Street, on the west by Grant Street, on the south by the northerly right-of- way line of the Chicago, Burling- ton & incy Railroad Company Belt Line, and on the east by Tilden Street and the w~sterly line of Tilden Street extended soutLer'ly. 2106.52 SECrl'lON 2. nle taxes so levied shall become payable, delin- quent and draw interest ,') Ci c..h.J b'y :lB w provided, as foLLows: One-tenth shall become delinquent in fifty (50) days frJm the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in three years; one-tenth in four years; one-tentil in fJ.ve ye,;rs; one- tenth in six years; one-tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years, GIld one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy. Each of said installments, oxcept the first, shall bear intere~t at the rate of four ( ) per cent per annum until the same becomes delin- quent, and each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest I . at the rate of six (6%) per cent per annum from and after such in- stallment becomes delinquent until paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed a inst any of the aforesaid lots, trac ts c,.d parcels of land may be paid wi thj)] fifty (50) days from the date of t s levy without interest; and in t event such lots, tracts and parcels of land sha 1 be exempt from any lien or charge for :tnterest. SEC~'ION 3. 'l'he City Clerk of the C:lt:y of Grand Islcmd, _Nebraska, is he 1'e by au tLlori zed to for thwi th certH'y to the Ci t:,/ 'J!reasurer of . I I I . OHDINA:i CE NO .__ 34Q8 (Cont1d.) said City tue amount of saId taxes herein set forth, together with instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SEcrrION 4. rI'his Urdinance shall be in force and take effect rrom ana after its passage, approval and publication as provided b'y law. Passed and approved by a majorlty vote 01' the members 01' the VL t>nmcil of saj.d City this the 12:tb_ d:\y of _DeceItl:t>,~tL___.__' 195~. A'I'Tl~SS: : ~., U/ ~~ _.,~ C -., fTi "yc" I TiL "':) T<- J. .. ." 'J.Jh", . I I I . ORDINANCE NO. 1409 An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of Paving Distrlct No. 282 of the City of Grand Island, Nobraska, and providing for tl~ collection tnereof. BE 1'1' OHDAn\j[~D BY Ml\.YOH I SIAN D, If::.iJ3HA SEA: C IL DEi' CI'YY. OF' GHAi\TD SEerI' 1. 'I'hat thece is hel'oby levied and assessed against the seveI'al lots, tI'acts and paI'cels of land hereinafteI' set fOI'th, J 1'01" the pUI'pose of paying the cost of Paving DistI'ict No. 282 of said Oi ty, in accor'dan ce with tLee bonefi ts found due and asses sed agalnst eac;ul of the seveI'al lots, tI'acts and paI'cels of land in said distI'ict the City Council, sitting as a BoaI'd of Equalization afto:e clue notice given tcjoI'eof, as I'equiI'od b;y law, a speciD.l tax; each of the sevoI'al lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAhIE Tno City of GI'and Island 'The C:1 t~) 01' Grand I sIan d 'I'be City or Grand Island Em~.l HickoI't Emil rackel't Emil Bickert GeoI'ginia Pearl KiI'kpatrick ) Liarce lla Kirkpa tI't ck ) Eugene KiI'kpatrlck ) HenI'Y & Ruth Baasch, Except a tI'iangulaI' tI'act beginning at tho southwesteI'ly COI'ner of Lot 2, Block 9; .thence northerly along the westeI'ly line of said Lot, 8.36 feet; thence sou theas terly 11.22 feet to a point on the sou therly line of said Lot, being 7.48 l' feet from the southwesterly corner of sald Lot; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Lot, to the south- westerly corner of said Lot, 7.48 feet, being the place of beglnning. The C ty of Grund Island Be a triangular tract be- ginning at the sou thwe sterly CoI'ner of Lot 2, Block 9; LOT BLOCK Fra c. 3 2 Frac. 4 If Fira c. 5 If 1 3 2 If 3 1I 1 9 2 II ADDI'1'ION AI/l GUN '1' Bakel' I s ~.i-~) 84.07 fi II 204.~1 II 412.28 11 471.98 11 23;3.78 II 96.24 II 494:.73 It 243.94 Pt. 2 II II 1.12 . I I I . OHDINAljC}~ NO. i402 (Conttd.) ADDI'}'IOIiJ AlVI{)(IN'11 NAME thence northerly along the westerly line of said Lot, 8.36 feet; thence southeaster~ ly 11.22 feet to a point on the sou therly line of said Lot being 7.48 feot from the sou~h- westerly corner of saId Lot; thence westerly along the sou th- erly line of said Lot, to the southwesterly corner of said Lot, 7.48 feet, being the place ()f begirnl.ing. Henry H. & Rutn E. Baasch, Except 3 that part beginning at the southeasterly corner of Lot 3, Block 9; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Lot, to tnc sou ttlwe sterly corner of said Lot, 52 feet; thence north- erly along the westerly line of said Lot, 66.45 feet; thence southeasterly 77.96 feet, to a point on the easterly line of said Lot, being 8.36 feet north- erly from the southeasterly cor- ner of said Lot; thence souther- ly along the easterly line of said Lot to tllO southeasterly corner of said Lot, 8.36 feet, being the place of beginning. The City of Grand Island Pt. That part beginning at the 3 southeasterly corner of Lot 3, Block 9; t'.Lence westerly along tho southerly line of said Lot, to the southwesterly corner of said Lot, 52 feet; thence north- erly along the westerly line of said Lot, 66.45 feet; thence southeasterly 77.96 feet to a point on the easterly line of said Lot being 8.36 feet north- erly from tho southeasterly cor- ner of said Lot; thence sout0er- ly alont the easterly line of said Lot to tho southeasterly corner of said Lot, 8.36 feet, being the placo of beginning. '11 he CIty of Grand Island 'l'he L.:lty of Grand IsL,nd Willis W. & Catherine M. Whetstone Hasmus Baasch Walter R. &, Jessie M. StryLcer S 70' Henry Baasch N 62' J.ohn C. & Hazel R. Schneider LOT BLOCK 10 II 9 Baker's 72.29 If If 28.59 9 II 245.06 9 If II 494.73 3 It 100.88 10 4 II 245.06 II 5 If 262.36 n If 11 232.37 6 II 494.73 II . I I I . ORDINANCE NO .--3,409 ,. __ ( Con t , d. ) NAME IJOT BLOCI\: ADDI']'IQN ANI0UN'l' John G. Be Hazel f) Schneider ~:\. . 1JV 1/2 7 10 Bakerl s J;'131 '70 t.jtl . Gatherine M. WLLetstone E 1/2 7 " II 113.36 Willis Vr Whetstone 8 " II 100.88 i . SEC'l'ION 2. The taxe s so levied shall be come payable, de lin- quent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent in fifty (50) days from the date of this lev~; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in tbree yoars; one-tenth in four years; ono-tenth in five years; one- tenth in six years; one-tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy. Each of said installments, except tho first, shall bear interest at the rate of four (41S) per cen per annum until the same become delinquent, and eacil of the delinquent installments shall draw inter8st at the rate of six (6%) per cent per annum from and after such installment becomes delinquent until paid; provided, however, that the entire amount so levied and assessed against any of tne aforesaid lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid wit0in fifty (50) days from Ule date of this levy without interest; and in that event such lots, tracts and parcels of land shall be exempt front any LLen or charge for interest. SEC'l'ION 3. 'I'he Cit'y Clerk of the City of Grand Island, Ne- br'aska, is hereby authorized to forthwi th certify tu the Ci ty 'I'reas- urer of said City the amount of said taxes herein set forth, to~ gether with instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shaJ_l be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided b;y law. passed and approved by a majority vote of the members of the C1 ty COUIIC:ll of said City this the 17th day of Decemhe..T:_.#__' 1958 . A ~rrrI':;SfII: ~~~ -.rI'IV' "'LTI"R, K L; .L.L G __L . I I I . OHDINANCE · -3,,1:1.'2. An Ordinance levying special taxes to pay 1'01' the cost of the construction of Pav Dis tric t No. 285 of the Ci ty of Grand 1 sIal. d, Nebraska, and providing for the colle ction thereof. BE IT OHDAlliJED BY 'I'IL~; IvIit:'{OR tJ\D C':Ul'rcIL OJ:;' '{1 C I'I'Y OT:' GHAND ISLA:\]), NEBHASKA: SEc'rION 1. 'Tha t there is hereby levied and as se ssed agains t tho several lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinafter set f01'tb, 1'01' the purpose of paying the cost of Paving Dist1'ict No. 285 of said City, in accordance with the benefits found due and assessed against each of t{~ several lots, tracts and parcels of land in said district by the City Council, sitting as a board of Equali~ation after due notice given thereof, as required by law, a special tax; each of tho several lots, tracts and parcels of land is assessed as follows: NAME LOT BLOCK ADDI'I'ION AIVIOUN'l' Blessed Sacrament C~)rch, a Corporation W 2121 <1;''''1'''4 41 ~pO 0 _. . 12 Pt. 11 Home Sub-Division II " Anthony E. Egging All that part of Lot 11, com- mencing at a point 242.7 feet southeasterly from the n01'th- east corner of Lot 10, Home Sub-divis on and 208 fest southwesterly on the nobth line of the alley between 17th Street and 18th street tu the actual point of beginning; tuence continuing southwester- ly on the north line of said aJley 71.6 feet to a point on the north line of said alley; thence west on the north line of said alley 100.2 feet, to a point wnich is 52 feet east of the we s t line of La t 11, Hoyne Sub-division; thence northerly 132 feet to a point on the south line of 18te, Street, which point :i.s 52 feet easter'ly of the west line of Lot 11; thence easterly on tile soutlJ line of 18th Street, 66.3 feet; thence northeasterly on the south line of 18th Street, 36.4 feet; thence southerly on a line parallel wi th vvrleeler Stree t 132 feet, to the point of begin- ning. 939.81 Vincent J. Heine Pt. A tract of lane located in Lot 11 11, home Sub-division: Begin- ning at a point on the so th line of Lot 11, which point is 136 feet easterly from the south- west corner of Lot 11; II " 193.77 OHDHTAfrCE NO.-3410 NAME LOT BLOCK . I thence north, parallel to the east line of Lot 11, 132 feet; thence east parallel to the north 1:l.ne of State Street, 21 feet; thence northeasterly par- allel to the north line of 17th Street, 71.7 feet to a point on the east line of Lot 11, thence south on the oast line of Lot 11, 150.5 feet to tho northerly line of 17tL Street; thonce southwesterly on the northerly line of 17t Street, 34 feet to a point on the south line of Lot 11, which is the junc t ion of the north line of 17th Street and the nor tberly line of State Street; thence west on the south line of Lot 11, 54.2 foet to the point of beginning. I Emil M. & Mary C. Hruza A tract of land located in Lot 11, nome Sub-division; Begin- ning at a point on the south line of Lot 11, which point is 52 feet easterly from tho southwest corner of Lot 11; tnence north parallel to the east line of Lot 11, 132 feet; thence east parallel to the north line of State Street, 84 feet; thence south parallel to the east line of Lot 11 to the south line of Lot 11, 132 feet; tLLence west on the south line of Lot 11, 84 feot to the point of beginning. Pt. 11 Pt. 10 & 11 I . Rose Ruff Beckmann, et al That part of Lots 10 and 11, borne Sub-division commencing at a point 242.7 feet south- easterly from the northeast corner of Lot 10, Home Sub- . division and 156 feet south- westerly on the north line of t.he alley between 17tn Street and 18tn Street to the actual point of beginning; thence con- tinuing southwesterly on the nortn line of said alley 52 feet; thence northwesterly parallel to the easterly line of Lot 10, 132 feet to a point on the soutnerly line of 18th street; thence northeasterly on the southerly line of 18th street, 52 feet; thence southeasterly p!:n~allel to tho oa terly line of Lot 10, 132 feet to the point of be- ginning. (Cont1d. ) Sub It ADDI'I'JON _..~....-- AlViOUNT Home -Division 639.92 II 46.55 . I I I e ORDIN NO. 3410 (Gont1d.) SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable, delin- quent and draw interest as law provided, as follows: One-tenth shall become delinquent in fifty (50) days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tentn in two ye rs; one-tenth in three yea:rs; one-tonth in four ye rs; one-tenth in five years; one~ tenth in six years; one-tenth in seven years; one tenth in eight years, and ana-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy. Each of the sa dins tallments, excep t the firs t, shaLL beal" in torri tat the rate of four (4%) per cent per annum until tho same oecomes de- linquent, and each of the delinquent installments shall draw inter- est a t tho rate of six (6%) per cent per annum fr:.::Jnl and after such Installment becomec; deLLnq1)ent until pa.ld; ploQvi.ded, however, that tne entire amount so levied and assessed against any of the aforesaid lots, tracts and parcels of land may be paid within fifty (50) days fr()[[]. the date of this levy without interest, and ~_n that event such lots, tracts and reels of land shall be exempt from any lien or charge for interest. SECTION 3. The City Clerk of the Ci of Ora.nd IsLJnd, ~~ebrasl(a, is llereby au zed tD 1'0:(' th eert:Lfy to City Treasurer of said City the amount of said taxes herein set forth, toc;etu.er with Instrueti;ms to collect the "ame, as provIded by law. SEC'I'ION 4. s Ordinane shall be ln force and take efreet frorn '--'.J:id after i tEl po. s sage, appI'oval and publi ca t1 on as pPov:Lded by law. Passed Emd a,jpl"oved by a majori ty vote of tho members of the G)_tv Council of said C:It'y- tuis the 12th Q' 01 n 'h J . .' c.:; ,'~ _...Meceml,ler.________, 1958 . 1-1. ~[1 'I'l.': sir: ~~~IT' '!----.-- lJ J. ... I ',J .LJ.Ldl. '- . I I I . OHDINANCE NO. ~411 An Qrdinance levying special taxes to pay for the cost of the construction of P ving District No. 286 of the City of Grand Isla d, Nebraska, and providing for the collection thereof. BE IT OlmAINLW IJY 'l'Ii}:: IVIAYOH lUTD COUNCIL OF' ISLAi\JD, NEBHASK[-\.: CI OF GRAND SECTION I. That there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, tracts and parcels ef land hereinafter set forth, for the purpose of paying the cost of Paving District No. 286 of said City, in accordance with the benefits feund due and assessed aga:Lnst each of tiH,e several lots, tracts and parcels c)f land in said district by the City Council, sitting as a Board ef Equaliza- tion, after due notice given theroof, as required by law, a special tax; eacc] of the several 10 ts, trac ts and parco Is of Ta nd is as s es s- ed as follows: NAI'frE Patricia A. Anderson Harold J. &: Bernice C. Parr Daniel L. &: May D. Hintz .lcerbert E. &: Nlargueri te Lysinger M. G. Orville &: Belva J. Huby Holen LeBaron Duncan N. 6'71 Rufus &: eecelia Dold S 651 Helon LeBaron Duncan N 671) E 30 I ) S 651 ) E 301 ) Rufus & Cecelia Dold Jehn A. & Fernlea M. ViJilson W 361 John A. &: :fi'ornlea IVI. Viils on ~E 16' Wayne W. hath rv' Vl' r'J'-' n" a E c.. G-L -L . W 501 and its complement Fractional Lot 3, Fractional block 1, H. G. Clarkls Addition Rudolph &: Alma Krueger N 64.21 and its complement Fractienal Lot 4, ~ractional Block I, H. G. Clarkls Addition. LOT BLOCK ADDI'I'ION AMOTJN'l' 6 HUSSEL WliEELEH IS 331.50 47 ? 1I II 331.50 11 8 if 1I 331.50 II 9 II 1I 331. 50 11 10 tl II II F'rae. I 21 II It II It II II 2 II II fl If II II II 331.50 278.5'7 135.80 126.62 61. 73 If II 226.02 II II Frae. 3 II II 1I 100.45 II It II II 313.93 Frae. 4 II It II 271.39 mmTNANCE; NQ.~1:.L-__J Cont r d. ) NAliflE LOT BLOCK ADDrrr ON AlVW!lJNT . I Henry C. J. & Anna Marie Stolle S 67.81 and its complement Fractional Lot 4, Fractional Block 1, G. Clark's Addition. Frac. 4 Frac. 21 Russel eler's " ~~Jl42.99 SECTION 2. The taxes so levied shall become payable, delin- quent and draw interest as by law provided, as follows: One-tenth sna11 become delinquent :Ln fJ.fty (50) days from the date of this levy; one-tenth in one year; one-tenth in two years; one-tenth in tnree years; one-tenth in four years; one-tenth in five drs; one- tenth in six years; one-tenth in seven years; one-tenth in eight years, and one-tenth in nine years from the date of this levy. Each of said installments, except the first, shall bear interest at the rate of four (4%) per cent per annum until the same becomes delin- quent, and each of the delinquent installments shall draw interest at tho rate of six (6%) per cent per annum 8Yld after such in- s to. Ilmen t be come s de linquent \ un til paid; provIded, however, tho. t the I entire amount so levIed and a~jsessed. against of the aforesaid lots, tracts and parcels of land ma:y be paid within fifty (50) days fro ttledate of th~Ls levy without interest, and i that event Suctl lots, tracts and reels of land shall be exempt fI'OLL any lien or charge for inte:x'est. SECTION 3. The City Clerk of the Ci of Grand Island, Ne- braska, is hereby authorized to forthwith certify to the City Treas- urer of said City the amount of said taxes herein set forth, to- gether witD instructions to collect the same, as provided by law. SECT:OIJ 4. T'hi s Ordinanc e shaLL be in force and ta]\:e eff'8 c t from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided bJ' law. I . Passed and approved by a majority ~ote of the members of the Gi t;y Council of' said Ci ty this the -1Z.th day of .De~~r.._,_.__._,._.__.___' 1958 ATrrES'T: -~~ J:~ ~":7~-::-(TfTY"'~cII~R'Y~-----'-""'--'-