05/17/2005 Minutes
May 17,2005
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a Study Session of the City Council of the City of Grand
Island, Nebraska was conducted in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 100 East First Street, on
May 17, 2005. Notice of the meeting was given in the Grand Island Independent on May 11,
Mayor Jay Vavricek called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following members were
present: Councilmember's Meyer, Whitesides, Pielstick, Gilbert, Nickerson, Pauly, Hornady,
Walker, and Haase. Councilmember Cornelius was absent. The following City Officials were
present: City Administrator Gary Greer, City Clerk RaNae Edwards, Finance Director David
Springer, Public Works Director Steve Riehle, and City Attorney Doug Walker
Mayor Communication: Mayor Vavricek commented on the following:
. We were under a severe thunderstorm and flood watch
. FEMA will be here tomorrow (May 18, 2005) to assess the damage of the May 11, 2005
. Meeting May 18, 2005 at College Park with the Environmental Protection Agency (EP A)
regarding superfund site
. Reminder that all Red Cross Disaster Assistance was free
. Commented on stress associated with the flood
. National Guard looking at closing armory's across Nebraska
. Heartland Events Center moving forward, County approved a lodging tax
. Paul Briseno, Assistant to the City Administrator reported on the 2005 Wood River Flood
Diversion Project and the May 11, 2005 Flood
Discussion Concerning 12-Hour Shifts for Police Department. Police Chief Kyle Hetrick
reported that the Police Department was always examining ways to provide better service to the
citizens, make better use of human resources, reduce overtime, and provide for a
healthier/family-friendly and more productive work-force. Also present were Captain Pete
Kortum, Sgt. Dean Elliott, and Sgt. Steve Rathman.
As the nature of policing demands twenty-four hour, 7-day-a-week, 365 days a year coverage,
work schedules vary across the nation. The Grand Island Police Department had been on a 3-
shift, 8-hour day schedule for the better part of forty years. Chief Hetrick stated there were
distinct advantages to modifying the traditional 8-hour work-day for the Patrol Officers to a 12-
hour schedule.
Presented was a PowerPoint explaining the advantages of a 12-hour shift including a safer
community, better use of human resources, to better serve the citizens, provide for a healthier
more family-friendly environment for the officers, and reduce overtime.
Page 2, City Council Study Session, May 17, 2005
The following research by Arturo Vega and Michael J. Gilbert were reported as advantages:
. Reported positive impacts on both productivity and attitudes
. Improved output, morale, customer relations, recruitment
. Reduced absenteeism, turnover, overtime, operation expenses
. Fatigue not the issue, communication lapses were
The following Police agencies contacted currently work 12-hour shifts:
. Bellevue Police Department
. La Vista Police Department
. Hastings Police Department
. North Platte Police Department
. Papillion Police Department
. Norfolk Police Department
. Beatrice Police Department
. Cedar Rapids, Iowa Police Department
Chief Hetrick recommended a 12-Hour shift with 4 teams working two days on, two off, three
on, two off, two on, and three off every two weeks for a total of 84 hours at straight time. Budget
considerations were presented with cost savings to the department. 77% of 71 Police Officers
polled were in favor with 23% opposed. Chief Hetrick stated an addendum to the existing FOP
contract and six month notification was required when changing the work-week. The goal was to
implement the shift change in January 2006.
Discussion was held with regards to power shifts, which were officers corning in early to bridge
the change in shifts. Also discussed was the number of officers on the street during busy times.
Councilmember Haase recommended a survey of overtime hours and the reasons for them. City
Administrator Gary Greer questioned how involved the Council wanted to get involved in this
Councilmember Hornady commented on the 12-hour shifts at Hornady Manufacturing and that it
worked well.
Chief Hetrick presented the following challenges:
. Resistance to organizational change
. Fatigue - manage work day (minimal factor)
. Communication - need for getting officers up-to-speed after days off
. Electronic briefing - Spillman "Involvements"
Chief Hetrick recommended a 12-hour shift from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. to 6:00
a.m. with a power shift. Captain Pete Kortum commented on the power shift, using K -9 unit on
evening shifts and Motor unit/cars on the day shifts. This change would only affect the Patrol
Division and would not affect the Criminal Investigation Division (CID), Drug Unit, or the
Administration Division. It would affect 46 of the 77 Police Officers.
Page 3, City Council Study Session, May 17, 2005
Police Sgt. Steve Rathman commented on the benefits of recruiting with a 12-hour shift.
Councilmember Pielstick invited the Council to the Project Extra Mile meeting this Thursday,
May 19,2005 at 10:00 a.m. at College Park regarding liquor licenses.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
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RaNae Edwards
City Clerk